#i am not taking someone else's child with me to my morning run that I'm doing to keep myself from ending everything
beykhabarr · 2 years
I love her but I almost hate her kids they drive me insane
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bunnyhugs77 · 9 months
Daddy Daycare
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Pairing: Technician! Jungkook x Teacher's Assistant! Reader
Word Count: 6.7k
Part: 1, 2, 3
Series Content: daycare au, suggestive themes, love at first sight? dilf jk, mentions of antidepressants, mint jk and blonde jk, jk cant sleep, sexual themes, he's so whipped, toxic ex, minor baby mama drama, gold diggers, mentions of death, complicated family history, cute kid cameos, reader can't drive, jk is good with his hands, mentions of abusive relationships, so much fluff.
Other Series Content: soft dom! jk, muscle kink, pussy puts his ass to sleep, unprotected sex (just don't), oral sex (f! and m! receiving), brief choking, minor breeding kink, hickeys, brief dom! reader, reader makes him wait, intimate cuddling, praise.
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"And the kiss. Oh, Vanessa, the kiss was something else!" You exclaim, helping to set up the Christmas decorations around the class.
It was only the day after Thanksgiving which means the Christmas season was now in full swing. Stepping up on the small stepping stool to hang the green tinsel over the whiteboard.
"It sounds like you had a good night. What's the problem then?" Vanessa sets up the miniature Christmas tree in the corner.
"I did. Everything was going so well. Dare I say perfectly, until his phone was going off non stop from someone named Hanna saying things like 'when am I gonna see you again' and 'I can't stop thinking about our night together'"
Vanessa gasps. "So what did Jungkook say?" You chew on our bottom lip, "He was putting Ryan to bed in the other room, so he wasn't there when I saw those messages pop up." She tsks.
"I tried to tell you. Nothing good comes from dealing with a parent." You sighed heavily, looking out the window at the playground that was covered in a thick white blanket of snow.
"I know, but I couldn't help it. Him and his stupid smile and his pretty eyes." Vanessa hums smugly. "I'm sure Hanna thinks the same thing." You groan. She's right.
"You're right, I shouldn't get involved. She could be the mother of his child for all I know."
"For your own sake. You better pray she's not. Ex's are a royal pain in the-"
"Good Morning." Vanessa interrupts her own words as she greets the parents that walked in.
Crouching near the bookshelf while you organized the fallen books, from the corner of your eye you were able to pick up on the entrance of your minor headache. Not Ryan, of course, his father.
Ryan was just a sweetheart who greeted you with a hug so tight that he'd knocked you out of your crouched position onto your bum. "Ryan! Be careful." You'd never heard Jungkook's voice so stern. You make sure the boy is okay and help him back to his feet before moving your hair back to where it should be.
"Sorry, Ms. Hill." He apologizes with those big brown eyes that he clearly gets from his dad. "It's okay, I'm fine." You reassure with a smile and he runs off.
Jungkook offers you his hand to help you up but you stand on your own, dusting off your jeans with a clearing of your throat. "Are you okay?" He asks.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I promise. I landed on the carpet."
"That's not what I meant." He says.
Taking a quick glance around the classroom, noticing some parents still making their way in and out of the classroom and the kids making their way to their seats. "You know, now really isn't a good time-" About to move out of his way, he steps in front of you.
Instinctively your eyes rolled, trying to remember what Vanessa told you. Not to get involved. "I know you saw the texts. Let me explain." You shake your head, "It's none of my business, there's nothing to explain. You should get going. I wouldn't want you to be late for work."
With that said, you walk away, heading towards the desks where your students waited patiently for instruction.
Jungkook walked out of the daycare that day deflated and unable to think about anything aside from you, and that look in your eyes. Like you were disappointed, as if you had high hopes for him and he let you down.
He thought he could just move past it, maybe even accept that things wouldn't work out between the two of you, but seeing you everyday, smiling with all the other parents and giving him nothing more than a simple head acknowledgement was killing him.
As much as he wanted to explain himself, he didn't want to force himself into your life. He wanted you to want to hear him out, even if that meant the two of you not talking much or at all for a few weeks then he was going to have to be okay with that.
But there were some days he had to physically restrain himself from breaking the no-contact. He remembers the day vividly. It was the first week back from winter break, maybe he was so pent up because he hadn't been able to see you for two weeks or if it was how good you looked in your leggings.
All he knows is that somewhere between that mix and you squatting to pick something from off the ground, for the briefest of seconds he'd caught sight of the strappy black thong that rose over your hips before they were hidden once again under your bottoms.
No one would've noticed it. No one that wasn't mildly obsessed with you that is. He quickly sent Ryan off and left for work. Managing to somehow squeeze in 13 hours of work into an 8 hour shift, he'd overcompensated as a means to distract himself.
"So you guys just haven't talked since you shooed him?" Vanessa asks for clarification, wrapping her scarf securely around her neck, getting ready to head out after offering you a ride which you couldn't object to, weather conditions were worsening as you were entering the heart of winter in the middle of January.
"I didn't shoo him, but I definitely would've handled things differently if I knew he would start avoiding me. I didn't want things to end like this." You explain, digging your hands deep into your pockets the moment the two of you stepped outside. The chilling air blew in your hair and around your earmuffs with determination.
You strapped yourself in passenger seat, "So you didn't actually want things to end?" With your head laying back on the headrest you puffed out a stressed breath, unintentionally making a small circle of condensation on your window. Like a child you drew a little heart in the middle.
"I thought I did, y'know? Wanted to do what you said and stay away, but maybe I got hasty." She hums oddly, making a ominous "Mhm" sound. "What does that mean?" She pulls out of the parking lot slowly, the snow was really falling tonight, laying on the ground in thick increments.
"Nothing." Turning to face her with your body, "No, no. Say it."
"I've been here. You know I've been here, I've been in a very similar position, but I did somehow manage to get a decent outcome, but things could've gotten much worse, not just for the relationship but for his kid at the time. So, I guess what I'm saying is, take this little break to really think about if this is the kind of thing you want to get yourself involved in."
You nodded, sitting with your hands in your lap like an obedient child. Really taking what Vanessa was saying into deep consideration. Deciding to reflect on it for the rest of the car ride to your building.
"What a day." You sigh, as you drop your keys onto the small counter you kept near the door.
The first thing you noticed was how cold it was inside your apartment, as if trying to compete with the flurrying outdoors. "Why is it so cold in here?" You whisper to yourself.
Flicking on the lights, or at least that's what you wanted. "What the--" the switch flies up then down then up again with the tip of your finger as you restlessly try to turn the lights on. "You've got to be joking."
Wrapping yourself tighter into your jacket as you walk through your dark apartment, relying on the sheer memorization of the layout to get you to the bathroom where you tried turning on the tap. Nothing.
The pipes must've frozen. and the snowstorm blew out your power.
This was great news for you, you'd always loved the movie Frozen and now you get to experience it first hand!!
"You've reached the voicemail box of--"
"Fuck you!" You shout at your phone after 5 hours and the twelfth attempt you'd made at calling your landlord. He's always been an asshole but ignoring his tenants when they were freezing to death is an all new low even for him.
You'd managed to wrap yourself in a blanket burrito surrounded by the 4 candles you were able to light before your hands began to freeze. Your body was barely managing to keep warm until you remembered the small cheap space heater you'd bought from a thrift store a few years back.
But it was buried deep in your closet. However, it took you no time to find it as you dug through the mountains of miscellaneous objects and finally pulled it out from the bottom.
Rushing to plug it in with desperation. Then you remembered. There was no power. As badly as you wanted to scream and toss the heater across your dimly lit room, you didn't. Instead you sat quietly in your burrito and began to cry.
What if this was it?
Tomorrow your students would find out their teacher had frozen to death. Were you being dramatic? You weren't even sure. You're not even sure how they would react, but you're sure the parents would be shocked- and Jungkook.
"Jungkook!" You gasp. Your freezing hands reaching for your phone, trying to type in his number as fast as you could but your joints felt like they were dead locked in place and moved 1 key per minute.
The phone began to ring, and ring,,,
On the other end of the line, Jungkook was also having a pretty rough night. Laying on his bed with his bare stomach facing the ceiling eyes wide open and his brain a never ending circus.
He tried to focus on his breathing, but he couldn't sleep.
He hasn't been able to get a good sleep for a few months now.
Turning on his side he looked at the picture of him and Ryan at his third birthday party. He was so much smaller then. 'I looked so happy' he thinks to himself with a sad smile on his face.
Beginning to wish that Ryan was with him in that moment but he knew it was for the best that he'd dropped him at his parents' for the weekend. He was beginning to enter one of those episodes and he couldn't stop it, no matter how badly he wanted to, no matter how hard he tries to.
Ryan deserved a father who could be happy all the time-- He sits up. Holding his head in his hands, taking deep breaths. Erasing those thoughts- trying to. Slowly letting his vision roam back to his night stand drawer where he kept his pills.
God, was it always going to be like this?
Lifelessly he reached for the handle and pulled it open, his hands blindly reaching for the cylindrical bottle and unscrewing the cap taking the recommended dose before putting it away.
He lays back down with a soft grunt, staring up at the ceiling tumultuously. Resting his hands on his firm core, focusing on the way it rises and falls with every breath, thinking about the day it stops. The day he's no longer sentenced to the time he's currently serving in his own mind-
"I should try to get some sleep" He mumbles to no one in particular.
His eyes shoot open after a mere 3 seconds of being closed. He listens to it ring, ring and ring, not sure he's in the mood to be taking any calls right now.
Though, it may be his parents with an emergency. He finds himself rolling onto his stomach, more than shocked to see your name pop up on his phone.
"H-Hi! It's me. I'm sorry if I woke you up," Your voice was refreshing, like the first ray of sunshine after a dark and stormy night or the smell of fresh coffee in the morning.
"No, you didn't wake me. What's up?" You weren't sure if you were looking too deep into things but he sounded different. His voice was flatter, none of that familiar bubbly hint to be found in it, then again, It was nearly one in the morning.
"You probably don't remember but you gave me your card, and said if I ever had any technical issues I could give you a call," your teeth were chattering, prompting you to wrap yourself even tighter.
"I remember." How could he forget.
"Yea! Well, my apartment has no power or running water, so its pretty cold over here, and I was wondering if you had any tips or tricks on how to get something to work."
He sits up abruptly. "What?"
"Yeah, my landlord is pretty shitty and hasn't answered my calls, I'm not even sure if maintenance is available or even knows about the situation themselves." You hear some muffling on the other end assuming he'd dropped his phone but it was actually Jungkook rushing to put on a shirt.
"Hello?" you say blankly, wondering if you'd lost connection.
"It's a fucking snowstorm outside. You'll freeze." You laugh, and that stops him in his tracks for a moment, "Oh I know, I'm getting a little taste of that right now actually. Do you by any chance know what the first signs of frostbite are?"
"Send me your address, I'm coming to get you."
"No, Jungkook. I wont let you do that, the roads are terrible." He doesn't respond, or maybe he does, you couldn't hear over the sound of keys jingling.
Clearly it was useless trying to change his mind, and the last thing you'd want is for him to go out of his way for nothing so you sent him your address.
What would usually be 15 minute drive had turned into 40 with the poor weather conditions but it wasn't any more than an hour before you heard knocking on your door.
Still wrapped in your thick blankets you opened it.
"Are you alright? How do you feel?" Jungkook inspects you, taking your hands in his, "You're ice cold." He says, reaching into his jacket pocket and placing his hand warmers in yours. "Keep those, they'll help you warm up." He insists.
"Do you have everything?" You nod while briefly raising your overnight bag. "Okay, let's go."
The drive over was silent, you somehow managed to fit your seatbelt over your jacket and blanket that you couldn't part with. Jungkook periodically looked over to se if you were okay, never actually saying anything but the concern in his eyes was evident with every glance.
The first step inside his place gave you chills, the good kind, finally. Not the ones that left you shaking for warmth. It was so warm, Jungkook took your bag while walking you towards the living room as he turned on the fireplace, suggesting you warm up before doing anything else.
"Here," He hands you a warm mug of hot chamomile with a bit of honey for sweetness. "Thank you, Jungkook. For everything." You say sincerely, afraid you'd be repaying him for all the times he'd saved your ass in this life and the next.
"Don't mention it." Unwilling to accept such a humble response, "No. I'm serious. I disturbed your night, and you dropped everything to help me." He smiles for the first time all night, it was a small one but it was still a smile.
"I told you, already. I wasn't doing anything. I'm actually glad you called, it was nice to get out of my head for a bit." your head tilts unconsciously at that last part. "Nevermind." Checking his watch, it was nearly three in the morning.
"I set up your stuff in my room. It's getting pretty late, you should get some rest." Your eyes were feeling pretty heavy now that he mentioned it, you didn't fight it. Slowly standing from the pile of throw overs you'd buried yourself underneath making your way upstairs.
"Wait." You pause at the first step.
"Where's Ryan?" You should've realized sooner, but what could you say, you were a bit wrapped up earlier. Literally. "He's at his grandparents, probably snoring right now as we speak." You smile.
You'd gotten ready, taking a much needed shower and tying your hair back into two braids so that they would have some soft waves for tomorrow.
You sat cross legged on Jungkook's bed with your MacBook on your lap as you went through some of the classroom picture's you were yet to send to parents from the Winter Wonderland Concert the daycare had put on last week.
"Hey," Your head snaps up to see Jungkook peeking his head through the door, "I just wanted to say Goodnight." He says and you smile, but you'd just come across something you're sure he would love to see.
"Come look at this video of Ryan singing his interpretation of the opera singer we had perform last week." Jungkook sits beside you on the bed with his legs stretched out in front of him.
He paused when he turned to look at you, "What?" Your face is puzzled at his concentrated expression. "I didn't know you wore glasses?" He says and it reminds you that this was the first time he'd seen you with lenses on, or anyone for that matter.
"Yeah, I usually wear contacts-- Look! This is the part," You get distracted as the video begins to play. And somehow one video turns into five and the computer slides off your lap into the gap between the both of you as your head laid against his padded shoulder.
You'd fallen asleep. Slowly Jungkook closes the laptop and places it on the nightstand, even more carefully removing your glasses and placing them on top of the stowed away device.
Letting you down gently until your head hits the pillow, he sneakily begins to slip out of your grasp. "Stay." You say, your eyes closed and body still. Maybe he was hearing things. He shakes it off and begins to step away.
"Please, m'Cold." You mumble into the pillow with your eyes still shut.
"Do you want me to turn up the heat?" He offers like the gentleman he is, for the first time he saw a sign of consciousness as you slightly shake your head. "I want you to stay, please?"
He was nervous. Settling himself under the convers with you, remaining as far as possible and turning off the bedside lamp. Within two minutes his body froze as you'd rolled over from your side until your head was on his chest.
He wonders if you could feel the way his heart was racing.
you could.
"Relax," you quip, half-awake. Oddly enough, that actually does help him to relax, his arm instinctively wrapping around your waist for comfort. Feeling your body against his didn't trigger his perversions as he once thought it would.
It felt so much better than that. He felt, comfortable. The way your body radiated a calming heat onto him and reassured him that someone was both physically and emotionally present was just enough to lull him to sleep.
As the night morphed into a radiant sunrise you began to stir in your sleep. Your limbs stretching across the the grey sheets and soft blankets while the tips of your fingers roamed the surface.
Slowly remembering where you were and realizing you were in the bed alone. Though you specifically remember going to sleep with him. When did he get up?
Tugging down the leg of your sweatpants that had rolled up at the ankle at some point during your blissful sleep. Rubbing your eyes as you stepped into the bathroom to brush your teeth before finally following that pleasant scent that was wafting around the house.
"Still avoiding me?" You joke as you laid your eyes on Jungkook's broad back that was facing you as he flipped pancakes. He turns to you with a lopsided smile.
"Avoiding you?" Nodding, letting your hands trace the back of the chair before taking a seat at the island, watching him.
"Yeah, you've been avoiding me since thanksgiving." His brows furrow then raise in a mix of confusion and astonishment. "Me? I have not been avoiding you. I was giving you space."
Bracing your hands down on the countertop you shake your head. "Yes you have. Every day you see me and just leave, not a good morning or anything."
Jungkook flips this battered treat a little harder than he should. "Yeah, because the last time I had tried to talk to you, you made it pretty clear you didn't want to talk, so why would I force it?"
You sigh. Vanessa was right, maybe you did shoo him. "I didn't mean to disregard you so inconsiderately, I was just-- I don't know what I was feeling in that moment, honestly." He turns to face you once again, leaning back on the counter.
"I know, that's why I wanted to explain myself." Your eyes watch his buff chest raise and fall as he takes a deep breath, "My eyes are up here." He points between the two of you, and you felt like you could just fall over and die.
You clear your throat, deciding that you simply couldn't make eye contact with him at all after that!
He notices your embarrassed body language, "Hey, I was just joking, I don't mind your eyes wandering a little." He teases and it somehow made your face even hotter, you were afraid you would burst into flames.
"Just-Just go back to what you were saying." You almost plead as you run a hand through your wavy hair.
Jungkook plates the last pancake on to your elegantly presented plate, before sliding it in front of you. Making a plate for himself he decides to eat standing up in front of you with his plate on the counter you could maintain direct eye contact.
"I met Hana about a year ago at Ryan's old school before we switched here. She's another parent I'd met at one of their events. I was going through a lot of shit back then, so relationships were the furthest thing from my mind but one night about 6 months ago, our kids were away at a summer camp for 2 days; and after a few play dates over the prior months, she'd called me to let me know that Ryan had left one of his toys at her place. So I went to pick it up, but we ended up talking, had a few drinks and one thing led to another and then shit hit the roof." He sighs before taking a bite of his breakfast, which is delicious by the way.
Your head tilted to the side ever so slightly, subconsciously of course but Jungkook took it as an indication to explain. "I made sure it was clear to her it was just a one time thing and she agreed. For the first few weeks I thought we were on the same page, but then she started calling me and leaving these... desperate voicemails. After that I already knew I wouldn't be be bringing Ryan back to that preschool, besides their teachers were terrible." You nod, no longer eating as the story kept you fed and engaged.
"At first I thought she would stop over time, but she didn't. It only got worse, so I finally called her back to let her know she needed to stop but she wanted to have the conversation in person, which sounded reasonable to me at the time, but I should've seen right through it because low and behold, the same mistake was made, once again."
"Wait," You pause him, "So when did you guys hook up the second time?" His eyes look up to the ceiling as though the answer was written on it, "Sometime around the end of August, just a few weeks before school started." The twinge of jealousy that bubbled in your stomach was undeniable but you had no right to be jealous. He literally had no idea you existed at the time.
"And she kept calling your phone all the way until Thanksgiving?" you say with a weird tone, unsure how Jungkook would've let her continue to bother him for so long. Almost with shame he nods,
"I kept saying I would get around to cutting her off once and for all, but I went to a pretty dark place, y'know how life can get sometimes. I didn't care much for anything at all, but when I saw what it had done to us," he gestures between the two of you, "I realized my negligence was driving away people that were important to me, and I didn't want to lose you. So I had ended things with her once and for all shortly after new years. Y'know, wanting to start off the year fresh and shit like that."
You swallow, "I had no idea, you were going through such a hard time." You say almost sadly but maintain the soft smile on your face. A similar one creeping onto his face, "Well then that's good. Means the antidepressants are doing their job." He chuckles and you didn't know whether to laugh along or be concerned.
"It's okay Y/n, you can laugh." You smile, "I-I just don't know what to say. All this time I was thinking I was some kind of home-wrecker or that you were seeing someone else, but to hear you explain what was actually going on makes me feel like such an idiot."
Jungkook scoffs jokingly, "Homewrecker? If Ryan's mother was still in the picture, a 'homewrecker' would be exactly what I would need, and a bullet to the head if I'm being honest." he shakes his head, remembering what he describes as the worst time in his life. Your hand boldly clasps over your mouth stifling a laugh at his dramatic expression.
He laughs, "I'm serious, though." His smile fades, "Those are seven years I can never get back." You flinch at the number, that's almost a decade. Calculations begin to roll around your head autonomously. "So-" You begin to say but he already knew where you were going with this.
"We met at 15, had Ryan at 21 unexpectedly, but no regrets of course, and broke up at 22, thank god." Releasing a calming breath of air as he says that last part, clearly they didn't end on good terms if he feels so at peace every time he mentions her absence.
"But that's enough about me for the day. How's your apartment? Any updates on the power?" You shake your head, digging back into your food, "Hopefully it should be fixed by tonight, I'd hate to over stay my welcome." Jungkook rolls his eyes, "You know I want you here more than anything, and I'm not letting you go back to your place until things are up and running again."
You didn't bother fighting him on it, you knew it would be you fighting a losing battle so you let him have it.
It would be a lie to say that you didn't enjoy your lazy Saturday with Jungkook, the two of you lounged around the house talking the day away. You watched breaking bad and kept saying that you had to stop to do some schedule planning for the kids but you couldn't seem to leave the couch, or his arms. "Just one more episode" becoming a meaningless statement.
He was seriously invested in your stories from your travels in Europe over the summer, expressing how he dreams to visit one day.
Time seemed to have zoomed for the next 3 hours, now bringing you to a dark sky and the crackling fireplace keeping you warm as you played a childish round of truth or drink.
The two of you sat comfortably on the carpet with the game cards stacked neatly on the coffee table which was also responsible for holding your shot glasses.
Your chest was already warm from the consequences of three passed questions while Jungkook only had passed two.
"Your turn," your voice bubbly and excited as you pick up the card for Jungkook, flipping it over to ask him. "What's something you've never told anyone?" He sits there, and you can see he really thinks about it. Glancing back and forth between the shot glass and the card in your hand.
"I'm a millionaire." He says it so casually, with a bit of booze in your brain you begin to die of laughter. "Yeah, me too." You snicker, slwoly beginning to quiet down as you realize he wasn't laughing with you.
"Oh my god, are you being serious?" He shrugs, "I guess so. Remember when I said I was going through a lot of shit a year ago? Well part of that stems from me getting some cryptic ass letter that basically announced the death of some rich guy who claimed to be my biological father and left me his inheritance."
You sit there quietly, "I showed my parents the letter as a gag, expecting to get a good laugh out of it and that turned out to be one of the most depressing conversations I'd ever endured." Jungkook honestly wasn't sure why he was telling you all this, he'd told you things today he never thought he'd share with anyone but there was something that let him feel like he could be open with you.
"So you're telling me, you found out you were adopted and suddenly a millionaire on the same day." A slow nodding of his head was all it took for you to see he clearly wasn't thrilled about it. "I still haven't touched the money, really. Although I did use it to cover my parents' mortgage for the next few years. I don't really know what to do with the rest of it."
A small hum escapes your throat as you ponder, "If you ever feel like it's a burden to you, don't hesitate to just pass it on to me. It'll be hard but I'm sure I could think of something to do with it." His head falls back as his body shakes slightly with his laughter, "I'll keep that in mind."
"Your turn," He says, hands reaching to flip over a card as he reads it out to you. "How many people have you slept with?" He makes a certain face at the card as if he was displeased. "This is a bit invasive, do you want me to pick up another one?" You shrug, "I don't mind answering. It's one."
"Like one this year?" It slips out before he can catch it, and he regrets it, you can tell. "No. Just one person, ever. My ex. I'm not really one to have any sexcapades. I have a rule." You're sure if he had bunny ears, one would flop up in curiosity. "Oh?"
"I never go all the way with someone until at least six months of dating them so I can see that they're all in for the right reasons. hence why only one has made it so far. Everyone else usually thinks they can like persuade me three months in." Suddenly your throat felt like it was lined with sandpaper. "Is that a deal breaker for you?" Intently you watched the way he played with the ring hooped in his bottom lip with a serious expression.
"Are you saying we're dating, Y/n?" A teasing smirk spreads across his lips. You look away, unable to handle the intensity of his gaze on your from a mere foot away. "If that's okay with you-" A gentle hand cups your jaw as he turns you to face him, taking your breath away with a sweet kiss. His lips were as soft as you remembered them to be.
You could feel a certain shift in the kiss, turning from gentle and sweet to something a little deeper. It were as though there were magnets between your bodies, you found yourselves impossibly close to the point Jungkook forced himself to pull away from you, only to welcome you to straddle his hips.
"I'm okay with that." he grins before resuming his passionate attack on your lips.
Your glasses were on and your hair was up, that was a sign that it was time for you to finally go to sleep yet here you were. Sitting up at the table with a stack of files you'd brought from your place that you needed to go through.
The border around your eyes were tinted red as you strained to stay up and finish, but you weren't even close.
"You're still up?" Jungkook says softly as he comes down in nothing but his black sweatpants. "I could ask you the same thing." Hardly sparing him a glance as you write down numbers onto the papers.
"You know I don't sleep much ever since I got my prescription. I can get 3-4 hours at night if I'm lucky." You frown, finally looking up at him, proud of yourself for not letting your jaw hit the floor as you patrolled him as he went to fill a glass of water from the fridge.
You knew he had a sleeve of tattoos, it was one of the first things you'd noticed about him, but you had no idea his back had its own art as well. The sleeve of tattoos that creeped over the back of his shoulder as it morphed into the most beautiful pair of inked angel wings that spread out across the expanse of his upper back.
You swallowed, shaking away your filthy thoughts. "What's got you up so late?" He leans over you to get a glimpse at the papers. "Regulatory compliances." It was so cute when he was confused. "Basically I have to cross reference the curriculum with our lesson plans and report that everything we're doing is aligned with the boards' outline." It dawns on him in the form of a soft 'ah'.
"When does this have to be done by?"
"Wednesday," It comes out with a rough tone and exhausted groan, you were clearly stressed. "Okay, Y/n, it's only Sunday. How about you put a pin in it and get some rest, hm?" Warm hands are placed on your shoulders and you nearly fall asleep right there but you shake your head, "I'm fine, I can keep going-" You yawn for what must be the 4th time since Jungkook came down.
"Okay, That's it. Come on, we're going to bed." He closes your files and takes your hand, letting you hop out of the chair and follow him up the steps debatably against your will as you're sure you would've given up no longer than 15 minutes later.
The moment your head hit the pillow, you were out like a light. Jungkook chuckles to himself softly at the thought that you truly tried to argue that you weren't tired.
He slips in beside you, loving the way your body naturally detected him and began to roll over towards him just like you did the night before, slotting yourself into his side. Once again, your warmth and the soft feeling of your heartbeat on his ribcage mixing together, prompting his brain to release enough melatonin until his eyes closed.
"Good news." Is the first thing you say as you walk into the living room at 2pm after your well needed shower. "The power is working again at my place," Jungkook pouts at what he took as bad news, he was not-so-secretly hoping you would be staying a little longer.
"Don't look so sad, you see me literally every day." the dimple in your right cheek making a brief appearance as you smiled, making your way over to him on the couch.
"I know, but I really like having you here." You poke his cheeks that puffed up with his sad expression. "If you want to see me a little longer, then would you be okay with giving me a ride back to my place?"
He scoffs, "It's funny you thought I wasn't going to drop you off in the first place." he leans forward to drop a quick peck to your lips catching you off guard before bouncing up out of his spot, hardly giving you a chance to process.
The two of you making comfortable conversation with small giggles as you begin to put your jackets on, preparing to return you back to your apartment. Tugging your hat on with a firm pull before you picked up your bag and declared that you were ready to go.
Jungkook opened the door, stepping out with you closely behind him. Not sure if your eyes were blinded by the gleaming light that was reflected off the snow or the bright flashes of light emitted from the dozens of paparazzi camped outside the driveway.
Jungkook's name was shouted from various different people as they waved to get his attention as if being outside his front door wasn't alarming enough. Jungkook's face had been covered in disbelief just like yours, but differently he was able to shake it off and maintain his composure.
Taking your hand in a reassuring manner, he continued his path down the steps, whispering to you to keep your head down as you followed behind him. "Is it true that you're the secret son of the late business tycoon Jeon Jaehoon?" The woman holds a microphone to Jungkook, looking for an answer, and she most certainly got one.
"How about you ask me again when I make sure you're all behind bars for trespassing and harassment hm? How does that sound?" The flashes finally stop and some photographers begin to leave, Jungkook doesn't even wait for them all to leave, trusting that he got his point across clearly and makes his way to the drivers seat.
Once the doors closed it was as though you'd trapped in a foot deep layer or tension within it. Jungkook's chest rises slowly, flared nostrils and tensed brows before a slow and agitated exhaled. "It wasn't you right?" He asks.
Your posture straightens as you face him.
"Tell me that it's all just a coincidence, Y/n. I tell you about the inheritance last night and suddenly there's paparazzi buzzing outside my house today?" Your head juts back, offended. "Are you implying that I told someone what you told me in confidence last night? Are you being serious right now?"
"I'm paranoid, okay? I'm sorry."
You sigh. As pissed as you wanted to be, you had to see it from his perspective. A swarm of paparazzi showing up less than than 24 hours after he shares the information with the first person outside his family doesn't exactly work in your favour.
"It's fine, I get it. I'd be paranoid too." He starts the car, leaving his now vacated lot behind. "Then who would do this?"
"Your guess is as good as mine."
The following day was as hectic as any other day but you loved your job. Working with such big personalities that were bursting out their small bodies.
But you did love the end of the day too, sayin goodbye and mentally preparing for some relaxation when you finally got home. All day you'd be fantasizing about drawing a nice warm bath with eucalyptus and lavender oils.
You thought of it as the perfect way to wind down after a long day. Although seeing Jungkook's face for a few minutes while he picked up Ryan.
"I'm here to pick up my son." You turn around with a smile, to the new and unfamiliar face. She was tall with dark long locks that were curled at the ends, her heels were high and her face was looked like it belonged billboards and magazines.
You were a bit confused, you'd never seen her before, and you're sure you'd remember someone that brought in such a domineering aura the way she did.
"Sure, if you don't mind me asking who you are." You wanted to remain as polite as possible not wanting to offend her.
"I'm Ryan's mother."
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Tags; @talyaaas-blog, @chaconnelatte, @tokkiggukie, @skzthinker, @fangirls94, @xumyboo, @sugakookie132, @katsels, @appleh4ad, @cassies-cookies, @cassies-cookies, @bangtans-momma, @kissyfacekoo, @coralmusicblaze, @busanbby-jjk, @hrndez2008, @looneybleus, @gimeow, @jungkookslittlecarrothoe, @aiselle90210, @jungkookieeee97, @aloverga, @lovelytaes-blog. @itstiredteenager0207, @keiarajm, @junecat18, @nellyboosworld, @imaginethatblog, @gyukookswhore, @chxnb97, @jeodoll, @parkinglot-nights, @jjk97091, @rahullhere, @chaewonsrealgf, @thehxoe, @lpgirl2324, @coconchanel, @minaamhh .
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klausysworld · 6 months
A prompt I had for a while: reader is a single widowed mother. Klaus and her become close but she’s reluctant as she’s scared to start anything with Klaus as she’s worried her daughter may get attached. Klaus is adamant he loves reader and her daughter.
Just fluff and stuff!
Bonus: smut? And even a lil addition to the family that’s a mix of Klaus and reader 👶
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Life goes on
I had only dated a couple of guys since losing my husband.
It had taken a while to allow myself to feel okay with being someone else, especially because of Luna; my daughter. She's only young, barely 6 and I didn't want her to think I was replacing her father, not that she really remembers him much now. Years had passed now and sometimes she would ask where her daddy was and why he couldn't visit.
I had only let her meet one other guy before and she was more heartbroken than I was when it didn't work out so I knew I needed to keep her away from that aspect of my life, especially while she was so young.
But that didn't mean that I didn't date.
It wasn't a frequent thing, just when I found someone I really liked and well, I really liked Nik.
We met at Luna's school actually. He also has a daughter who's a few years older and we had just dropped them off. I accidentally caught his eye when I took a glance round the playground and we smiled at each other politely.
He was a sight for sore eyes: good hair, nice eyes, charming smile, lean body and a nice sense of fashion. An annoying sense of guilt always filled me when I found another man attractive so I looked away and headed to work.
Still though, I couldn't help look for him and his smile every morning when I dropped Luna off and every afternoon when I picked her back up. He would always be looking back at me as his own daughter would run on over to him and he would take her backpack from her and give me a look as if to say "Kids, am I right?" and I would always smile a little wider and gesture to my own who would always be pulling on my sleeve telling me she wanted to go home or to a friends house.
It made me jump a little the first time he actually spoke to me, he had appeared behind me as though out of thin air and quickly apologised when I flinched away at the sound of his voice and placed my hand over my chest.
He chuckled as he spoke, "Forgive me, I didn't mean to frighten you"
His voice had a beautiful accent that made my cheeks blush pink and my attention to focus on him completely.
"That's okay, I just wasn't paying attention" I dismissed and he smiled
"I'm Nik" he introduced and I felt my heart flutter a little bit in a way that I knew I would feel bad about later.
"Y/n" I whispered and he hummed as he took my hand and kissed that back of it, I couldn't help but laugh at the outdated gesture and he rolled his eyes playfully.
I glanced over to the doors where I was waiting for Luna to come out briefly before turning back to him. He had a curious sort of look in his eye that made me ask if something was wrong but he shook his head.
"I just don't understand why you're single" he murmured and I felt my eyes go to the floor as I hesitated because there was no right way to every tell somebody that my husband had died and since then my life was a mess. So I turned away from him and tried to swallow the memory of my husbands death away but then I felt his Nik's on my arm and the gentle act reminded me of him. "I don't mean to offend you" he told me, his tone soft and it made me feel worse.
"You didn't, I'm sorry my daughters here now so I have to go" I whispered, walking forward to meet Luna as she already had her hand outstretched to hold onto mine.
I tried not to look at him the next day.
Dating was complicated enough, dating a man who's child went to the same school as mine was too much.
However, for better or worse, no matter how much I tried to ignore him, our eyes always seemed to meet and as the days passed we ended up stood closer and closer together. Once we were so close, it felt rude to ignore him so we would talk. Not really about anything important or deep, mostly parent things and what sorts of things the girls were up to. It was a conversation topic that was easy and didn't open up too many personal questions.
I started to like him, more than I wanted to. But so did other moms and teachers for that matter even though most of them were married. Woman were cruel sometimes, often I wondered if they just never evolved from highschool.
For whatever reason, they didn't like that I was a single mother, despite it not being my fault or choice. Luna and I had moved here after my husband died but I only had to tell one person for the whole town to know that I was widowed and struggling.
Klaus wasn't aware for a while, not until one of the other moms filled him in.
I had gotten to school a little late because work and ran over, I was never late but unfortunately I had been that day but I rang the school to let them know even though it was only a few minutes so that Luna wasn't stood waiting.
When I got there Luna was running toward me crying and I quickly lifted her up asking what was wrong.
"They're talking about Daddy" she whimpered and I quickly looked over. Two woman were talking to eachother, loudly. Nik was looking right at me and I felt my face heating up as the moms spoke about how felt for someone like me and they wondered how I managed to even get out of bed each morning let alone flirt with other men after losing my husband.
I kissed Luna's head gently and whispered for her to ignore it before walking briskly to my car and strapping her in. I wiped away the tears that threatened to spill and went round to my side of the car.
Fast paced footsteps approached me before I heard his voice. "Y/n, love, are you alright?" he asked, his hand going to my upper back in an act of comfort and it made my eyes water again.
"I'm fine" I whispered but it came out as weak and unconvincing as I felt.
I didn't have it in me to push myself away from him when he pulled me into a hug, his hand stroked the back of my hair and I cried into his shoulder. I knew Luna could see me hugging a man from her carseat and it made me cry harder at the thought.
"It's alright" he mumbled while his arms seemed to circle me tighter. I tried to apologise but he shushed my sorrys away and helped wipe my tears away. I glanced over to where his daughter, Hope, was stood. She gave me a sympathetic smile and waved a little, Klaus handed Hope the keys to his car and asked he to wait for a moment before turning back to me. "Hope lost her mother due to childbirth" he told me and I softened all that more.
"I'd say I'm sorry but... I know that's not really something you want to hear again" I whispered and he smiled a little.
"You'd be correct" he muttered and I glanced back at Luna who held a worried but curious expression. I looked back at him and nodded before letting go of me and opening my car door for me. I sniffed and thanked him before getting into my seat and watching him walk over to his own car before driving home.
Luna asked who he was and I told her he was just another dad from school, but I knew she wasn't as clueless as she acted.
Thankfully it was a Friday so I didn't have to see Nik for a couple of days, or any of the moms. Just Luna and I.
Once Monday came back around I didn't feel like facing the stuck up bitches of the community so watched Luna go in from my car and waved to her teacher at the door so they knew how Luna got there. I went to get back into my car when Nik's voice called out for me and captured my attention once more.
"I do hope you aren't avoiding me, love" he called as he grew nearer and I quickly shook my head.
"No, not you" I replied and his brows pulled together briefly before a look of realisation and sympathy washed over his face.
"They don't know what they're saying. Nobody knows how it feels until they've gone through it, not that I want any of them to but it would help a little if they understood at least a fraction of the pain" he expressed and I couldn't have worded it better myself.
"I just don't know how people can be so unempathetic" I mumbled and he nodded solemnly.
"The world" he muttered "is a cruel place. It always has been." somehow he sounded as if he truly knew that and I found myself questioning it.
"Will it always be?" I whispered and he shook his head.
"Not for everyone. Not for you, I won't allow it." he told me, honesty shining in his eyes that made a blush spread to my ears and a smile to creep across my face.
"I won't hold you to it" I breathed but he shook his head and took my hand, kissing the back of it making my eyes roll.
"I don't tend to break promises" he uttered before squeezing my hand and letting me go to work for the day.
Later we both got to school early to see the other though neither of us outwardly confirmed it, we both knew. That was when he asked if I was ever free to go out for lunch or dinner or anything. I was reluctant and he could see that,
"It doesn't have to be a date" he offered, "just friends getting something to eat or drink or going on a walk..."
After a moment I agreed and told him that one of my neighbours would be happy to babysit Luna for a couple hours after work or on the weekend. The elderly lady next door was lovely and welcoming, she gave sympathy immediately and loved Luna from day one and had watched over her a couple times throughout the last couple years.
We just went and got some coffee and went for a walk to begin with. It was nice to ease into it. The last guy I went out with expected way too much on the first date while Nik kissed my cheek and knew that was enough for that day. Somehow he seemed to know everything, when to make a move and when to slow down. He could read me like a book and under different circumstanced that would scare me but I didn't feel afraid with him.
So I started to see him more frequently, more romantically.
He would take me to fancy restaurants and refuse to let me even see the check which to begin with was cute but started to make me feel guilty which he picked up on and explained that he didn't want me to ever think about money when I was with him. He said that he had more than he knew what to do with and spoiling me made him happy. I wasn't completely settled with this answer but I accepted it a bit.
We ended up making it into a little game. We would see which one of us could grab the check the fastest, he almost always won but every now and then I would manage to snatch it up, he would be trying to get it off of me but I would threaten to scream so he had to stop tickling. On occasion, if he had to go to the bathroom, I would manage to pay the bill before he was able to intervene and he would strop over it and end up buying me something worth much more that the date.
Everything about it was heavenly, accept for the comments and opinions of others. However it seemed that people only seemed to step out of line once before they never spoke ill of me again, it was strange but somehow I knew that Klaus had something to do with it.
This was confirmed when he dropped be home and my neighbour: Dorothy, or Dot was stood outside with a hard expression on her face as she held a sleeping Luna. I approached with a confused frown.
"What's wrong?" I asked worried and her eyes snapped to mine.
"That's the man you're seeing?" she asked, her tone judgemental and I didn't understand the switch up. I nodded, confused and she tightened her hold on Luna making my eyes narrow in concern. "You stop talking to that man right now. He is no good and never will be. A monster is that man and I will not allow him to be in Luna's life nor yours." she argued and I frowned.
"Dot- what on earth are you on about?" I asked, alarmed.
"He is the devil reincarnated. You stay away." she warned as she handed me Luna. "You don't understand now but you will if you stay near him. He'll ruin whatever good you have."
I didn't know what she was on about, or why or how she knew Nik but Dorothy was not a liar and she was not a hateful person so to see her voice such a harsh opinion spoke volumes.
I was a little more skeptical around Nik, but I also didn't really know what I was looking for. He just seemed upset and stressed when I turned down the third date in a row.
It made me feel awful so I went to Dot and started to demand answers.
Now, I'll be honest, I thought she was losing it when she started talking about vampires and werewolves and witches. But when I tried to leave the door slammed shut without her touching it and the fireplace flames roared.
"You have to listen to me dear, and you have to really hear me to be able to understand" she whispered, leading me back to the sitting room where she went into depth regarding her own witch heritage and then the originals and Nik or rather Niklaus.
Luna knew something was wrong when I let her have a couple days off school and she asked if it was because of Nik. She wasn't naive and she knew that I liked him more than others.
Eventually she asked to go back to school, being at home for so many days was boring so I took her in.
There was no way of avoiding Niklaus when he was waiting beside my car with a look of hurt throughout him. I tried to ignore him and just open the door but his hand touched my arm and I pulled away quickly. He caged me against the car and I could feel fear consuming me.
"Y/n" he murmured, his tone so soft that it confused me again. "Love, if I've done something to upset to upset you or scare you..." He trailed, his hands cupping both sides of my face and I couldn't help but enjoy the warmth he always had. I didn't want to look at him, I didn't know how to get out of the situation I was in and it was making me panic further.
"I need to go to work" I whispered quietly, weakly.
"I know..." he mumbled, "but...I need you and... you won't even look at me"
"You don't need me Nik" I told him, "It was only a few dates-"
"It's not" he argued
"We haven't slept together so it's not a big deal-"
"That's a lie and you know it" he whispered, exasperated.
I glanced up at him, and then I wasn't able to look away. He was right, it was a much bigger deal than I wanted to admit. We had connected on a much more emotional level than anyone I had before, other than my husband those years ago.
"We can't be together" I whispered and his frown deepened
"Did I kiss you too soon? I never meant to rush you" he muttered, concern displayed across his face
"It's not that-"
"Then what-"
"You're a vampire!" I whisper-yelled and his mouth snapped shut. "Or a hybrid or something...I don't...I can't..."
He stayed silent and stepped back, allowing me to open my car door and get in. I didn't hesitate in driving away.
I didn't see him when I picked up Luna however I did receive a message later that evening.
Hello, my love I do hope you'll one day forgive me for keeping my true identity a secret. I never meant to frighten you or make you feel uncomfortable, however I suppose that's why I didn't tell you. I like you very much, more than I have liked someone in many years and I love that you're such a lovely mother. I've thoroughly enjoyed our dates and I had hoped that we would progress our relationship however I understand that you are afraid for yourself and for Luna. Know that I would never, ever harm your daughter. I have one of my own and I know what it's like to love and worry for a child. I would never hurt either of you. Still, I know you will probably feel alarmed by my presence so I'll leave you be is that's would you want, all I ask is that you please don't tell others of my species as it puts Hope's life endanger and all I want is for her and you to be safe. I don't expect a reply but know that I will always have a space for you in my heart.
I could feel my heart aching as I read down to the bottom line.
I didn't see him anywhere for the next too weeks and I found myself missing him terribly.
Eventually I couldn't take it. I found that I didn't see him as anything other than a man. Not a monster or a threat. Just someone I cared for deeply and knowing that I had hurt him made me feel terribly guilty.
So I ended up messaging for him to meet me outside a little cafe. I had already ordered and paid for our drinks and was sat at a table waiting for him to arrive anxiously.
He got there exactly on time like always and sat opposite me with a singular flower for in his hand which he held out for me and I accepted with a small smile.
"Thank you" I whispered and his lips curled up as his hand moved to hold my hand and I let him, holding his back.
We spoke for a while, discussed who he was and how he got here, his intentions and any of my other questions before talking about our relationship again. I told him about my neighbour and he said he knew her last name and that decades ago her family had been involved with his brother, Kol, which resulted in a rather brutal and tragic even.
He admitted to being apart of the massacre and didn't attempt to justify his actions but just apologised for them and offered to formally apologise to Dorothy.
So, I brought him to her home and she instantly attacked him. It was only when I got in the way and she accidentally hurt me instead that she stopped. I was holding onto my head and crying while Klaus held me to his chest and tried to have me drink his blood which I now knew would heal me but the idea of it made me gag. Eventually I let the metallic taste fill my mouth and swallowed it down, the pain went away in a matter of seconds and Dot was hysterically sorry.
Klaus wouldn't let her near me and instead lifted me up and took me home. Dot begged me not to invite him in but I did so anyway.
He sat me down on the couch and kept asking if I was still hurt no matter how many times I told him that I was okay. He seemed more sorry than Dorothy and wouldn't stop checking me over.
It made me see just how much he cared and how honest he was being when he said he didn't want any harm to come to me. I could also see him resisting the urge to go back over to Dot after her causing me pain.
Eventually we had to go get Hope and Luna. No other parents so much as glanced our way when we both arrived in my car and I glanced to Klaus with the sneaking suspicion that he had compelled some of the women there but I didn't ask.
I let him officially meet Luna and although she was shy, she told me that she liked him once we got home.
Hope and Luna had a couple of play dates and everyone was getting along.
Luna started to ask for Nik sometimes, and once or twice she had accidentally called him 'dad' or 'daddy' though she would deny it afterwards and cry because she didn't want her father to think she was replacing him which would break my heart without fail.
Hope was a little older than Luna so more mature, Klaus didn't have the same issues I was having.
It had been months, over a year since our first date and Klaus told me that he loved me. It was a reality check of sorts. It scared me a little.
I had to start really thinking. Klaus was immortal and hope had powers. Luna and I would never be anything more than human. We would never be powerful and one day I would get old and Klaus wouldn't love me the way he does now, for all I know another woman could catch his eye and he would leave Luna and I right back where we were. Alone.
It worried me more when Luna asked if Nik and Hope could live with us. It was something I know Nik had considered, he had spoken about it a couple times but we never really came to a final decision. However I had to think about that now.
Klaus was already adamant that I shouldn't have to work so much but the fear of him leaving, or worse...dying, made me cling onto my job for stability. I couldn't ever risk not having a roof over Luna's head and that meant never relying on anybody. I know Nik doesn't really understand that fear. He promises that, even though it won't ever happen, if we did break up then he would never let myself or Luna to be struggling.
"I could never do that to you" he promised after I told him of the thoughts that haunted my head.
"Not now maybe...but I don't know...what if something really bad happened?" I asked quietly and he frowned, cupping my jaw and kissing my forehead as we lay in my bed for the third night in a row while Luna and Hope had another sleepover a couple doors over.
"Nothing could ever be bad enough for me to do that" he whispered and I looked down as i traced meaningless shapes onto his bare chest.
"What if...what if you were killed or something?" I mumbled, wincing at the thought and memories.
"Then I would leave everything to you and you and Luna and Hope would be living like royalty" he murmured and I game him an unconvincing half-smile.
"Well...what if something happened to me?" I questioned and he went quiet, just looking at me for a moment before replying.
"Then I would raise Luna as well as I could, and we would think of you and love you always" he finally answered and I lay my head down against his shoulder, staring at nothing in particular.
“You have to promise…that even if you hate me, you can’t ever hate Luna” I whisper. His hold tightened on me and I was pulled as close as physically possible.
“I promise” he agreed as I closed my eyes as I tried to relax as much as I could.
I won’t lie, I had to be reassured more than I thought. I just couldn’t stop the worries.
But Klaus always had the perfect thing to say, he always made me feel safe and comfortable. He made Luna happy and he was a new beginning for both of us. Him and Hope were our family now, Always and Forever.
(I’m so sorry I didn’t add any smut or another addition…maybe I could make a part two and involve their family growing?? I think I got too invested in the emotional side when writing)
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
MC: Someone accidentally broke Azul's octopus pot this morning.
Azul's child self: *sniffles*
Jade's, Floyd's and Leona's: ...
MC: Floyd.
Floyd's child self: *pouts* Why are you accusing me? Is it because you think I'm naughty?
Leona's child self: *mutters* Obviously.
MC: I'm not accusing you. But walking around with a bleeding hand...
MC: That's gross.
Floyd's child self: ...
Floyd's child self: Hehe.
Jade's child self: I'll treat Floyd's wound.
MC: Oh. Will you do that? Thanks, Jade.
Azul's child self: What will happen to my pot? *sniffles*
MC: We'll just have to buy you a new one. If that's okay with you, of course. Then we're going to the amusement park to have fun.
Leona's child self: Hey. I'm going too, right?
Floyd's child self: Me too! Me too!
Jade's child self: I'm fine staying here.
MC: No. You're going too, Jade.
Grim: *flying towards them* Waaaaaaaait!!! How about me?!
MC: I want to include you, but you have to attend Professor Crewel's class.
Grim: Nooo! Why can they go and not me?!
MC: I'll buy you some food and some souvenirs too. I promise to bring you next time.
Grim: Hmph! You've become busy with those kids! *leaves*
MC: ...
MC: Anyway, wear your best outfit.
Azul's, Jade's, and Floyd's: Yay!
Leona's child self: It's just an amusement park. Geez.
Crowley: I am not giving you allowance.
MC: I won't hesitate to tell Little Floyd to have fun in your office.
Crowley: I'm just kidding. How much do you need?
MC: Play all you want until the timeout. And no bullying the staff, Floyd.
Floyd's child self: Aww...
Leona's child self: Can we bully other kids?
MC: No-
MC: ...
MC: If someone teases you, maybe.
Azul's child self: What if their parents get mad?
MC: I can take them. Now enjoy yourselves.
Jade's child self: Can I stay here with you?
MC: ...Why?
Jade's child self: *smiles* Nothing.
MC: ...
MC: No, really. What is it?
Jade's child self: I've heard the staff and they were talking about you.
Jade's child self: They think you are young, single parent raising four children on your own.
MC: ...
MC: I see. Thanks for telling me that, Jade. But I'll be fine here by myself. Just enjoy the indoor playground like everyone else.
Jade's child self: Okay~.
MC: *sigh*
Leona, Azul, Jade, and Floyd: *have been called by MC to go to the mall they're in*
Jade: I wonder what happened.
Floyd: I'm guessing our child-selves have caused some trouble.
Leona: I'm guessing it's yours.
Azul: Wait. I think that's the Prefect.
MC: *discussing something with the staff*
MC: No. I don't think they are able to do that.
The staff: Your kids plastered our worker to the wall.
MC: You have a video?
The staff: No. But we have witnesses. The parents of other children.
MC: Yeah, no. Provide me a video evidence and we'll talk.
Azul's, Leona's, Jade's, and Floyd's: *acting innocently* *except Little Azul who was really innocent*
Leona, Azul, Jade, and Floyd: ...
Jade: It seems they have called us because the staff are stopping them from leaving.
Leona: I don't want to be part of this.
Azul: I'll help mine. You can leave yours, Leona.
Leona: Tch.
Floyd: *runs to them* Hey, Shrimpy~! Your husbands here~!
MC: Dude, WHAT?
The staff: ...
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lonefloric · 2 months
To warm the soul ✿
An installment of the intertwined souls mini series
Sanemi x female!reader
sanemi was used to feeling icy cold, it was a normal feeling ever since he was a child. Now he has to deal with being scorching hot after saving a mere village girl.
There's still 10 hours on the poll but Mr. Nemi is winning and I just had to finalize this before posting it so I'll post the second most popular vote next. This is also the first time I've written only sanemi by himself so be easy on me 😭🙏
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Sanemi was used to being deathly cold since he was a child. It started one morning after he woke up, he went from being cozy and warm to ice cold and freezing.
Fearing he might be sick he went to tell his mother, who only smiled and patted his head. "My dear, that is your soulmate connection. The closer you are to them the warmer you will feel, but the farther you go the colder you will be."
The comfort didn't last long before it turned into a nuisance. As he aged he cared less and less about finding his soulmate, more focused on eradicating demons. Winter quickly began his least favorite time of year, the cold of the snow and the cold of his body hindered him slightly which pissed him off to no end.
Sanemi's feet pounded on the snow as he ran through the thick forest. The demon he had been chasing somehow kept evading him everytime he got close. The snow flurries caused by the wind and the thick layers of snow building up did not help the situation at all, instead angering him even more.
A scream in the distance caught his attention. God dammit. He turned in the direction of the scream and pushed himself to run faster, the possibility of the demon attacking a civilian fueled his rage as he tightened his grip on his sword. Breaking through the tree line he now was in a large clearing.
A few feet ahead of him the demon he had been tracking had a young woman pinned in the snow. You tried kicking and shoving the demon off of you but the immense strength of it you were able to move at all. Sanemi readied his blade in his hand and lunged. The demon above you was flung away by the sheer strength of the blow. You hadn't even realized someone else was there.
Sanemi glared at the body of the demon as it disintegrated, it's hands wildly waving at where it's head once was. Once the body was entirely gone he turned his gaze to you, who he now was looming over. You still laid in the snow shocked and looking at the man. He was beautiful in a unique way, you though. You had never seen someone with so many scars.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" his low voice broke you out of your thoughts. "Why are you in a forest in the middle of a snow storm?"
you glared back at him. "Why are you in a forest in the middle of a snow storm?"
"I have a reason to be."
"So do I!"
"Playing in the snow like a child is not a reason." you gasped taking a handful of snow and throwing it at him.
"I am not a child! And I'm not playing in the snow!" you both glared at each other for a few moments before he sighed and his shoulders dropped.
"Give me your hand."
"What?" he glared at you with a I'm not repeating myself look.
"I know you can feel it too," he held out his hand, "now give me your hand." now that you thought about it, you did feel boiling hot. Neither of you had felt it in the heat of the moment but now that it was all done, your skin felt like it was boiling off, the snow actually felt nice.
"And if I don't want to?" you crossed your arms.
"Then I'll leave you here."
"No you won't." his eyes narrowed, turning on his heel he began to walk away.
"Wha- wait-! Don't leave me here!" you sprung up from the snow attempting to chase after him but your foot got lodged in the snow tripping you. Arms looped your wait effectively catching you, but now you were chest to chest with Sanemi. Your face warmed at the proximity.
"You live in the village near by, don't you?" you shyly nodded at his question. "Then let's go. I'll take you home."
"Will you tell me your name?" you asked.
"Only if you earn it, so be good."
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
I haven’t stopped thinking about that Hobie baby fever fic ever since you posted it. Many thoughts. Many thoughts many many thoughts and ideas many many little ideas.
You have people saying ‘Oh good luck lol kids are SO hard!’ ��He’s definitely gonna regret it you’re gonna be a single parent’. But Hobie’s probably been WISHING from a young age he could be a parent, the only thing he didn’t prep for is your little one grabbing his wicks and him nervously calling out “Luv, luv help me LUV-”. He learnt very quickly to tie his hair back when he’s holding them. If you have a little girl, everyone always thinks it’s you who’s done her hair for the day or for school. NOPE. Hobie’s been with her in the bathroom since 6 in the morning putting her in braids and buns. Your baby is his whole world and he’ll be DAMNED if he won’t be the absolute best dad EVER ‼️
Oh my godddddddddd my ovaries went 💥💥
The Pitter Patter of Little Feet Pt. 2
Dad!Hobie x Wife!Reader
TW/CW: A lil angst at the start, Fluff. So much fluff.
A/N: I'm basing all my baby prep off of the things I had to do for my nephew. I am unsure the proper care that goes into textured hair but I hope I can do it justice!
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You remember what people told you, how "someone like him" wouldn't be able to handle being a dad, how he'd leave you. The words said by your mother hurt the worst, the things she said about Hobie. Your father was no better, especially when they found out you two agreed to get pregnant before anything else.
Especially after you put the positive pregnancy tests, the test results from blood work with your doctor, and some baby booties on the table as a surprise.
It was supposed to go like you imagined, right? Happy jubilant crying, hugs, congratulations...
You got the exact opposite, with your parents criticizing everything about your boyfriend, the father of your unborn baby. The man you loved.
"What kind of father would he be? A bad one, just look at how he's dressed! You think he can help dress your child?" Your mother scoffed. "And those awful piercings! I bet your baby will be running around with holes in their face by the time they're six!"
"And what about a job? You can't be the only one to support your family. He's a man, he needs to step up and quit it with that "punk lifestyle". It's not suitable to raise my grandchild in!" Your father grunted.
After your baby was born, you cut them off and had a courthouse wedding, and a little get-together with his friends from the Spider Society. A mix of a reception and baby shower.
Joke's on them! Hobie was an amazing father, and an amazing husband. The moment he found out you two were having a little girl?
Pink. And. Purple. Her style would be all punkish of course.
He got stuffed instruments that crinkled for when she would teethe, some guitar-shaped rattles...
And he would never admit it, but Hobie actually cried, when he got to hold your baby girl for the first time. You guys named her Selena. Selena Brown.
She came out angry, wailing, as if she was pissed off at the world she had only been in for a few moments.
"Already got the spirit! Make a big noise, a big statement. That's my girl!" Hobie laughed, playing with her tiny feet.
After that, Hobie was very attentive. From you working from home, he would help. He'd fetch the breast pump when you needed it, would prep the bottles, and keep Selena occupied while you worked. He would even take the late shifts at night to make sure you got your rest.
As Selena got bigger, her hair became a bit unruly, and at times you had no idea what to do with it. Hobie? He came in clutch. The proper ties, hair masks, grease (if needed), oils, brushes...
The trick was getting the rambunctious one year old to hold still while her father attempted to tame the poofy mass.
It was one day, you got up from your computer only to hear Hobie shout your name.
"Babe! Babe!" He cried out, grunting.
Of course, you made a dash for the living room, only to see your husband with your toddler. Apparently she had moved behind him, her hands clinging to his shirt to help keep her balanced as she bounced on her little chubby feet.
Her big brown eyes gleamed as she giggled, her bottom teeth poking out in the most adorable way.
Well... it wasn't from where Hobie sat.
Selena's little fist had a tight hold over one of his wicks, tugging his head back sharp.
"A lil' help, luv?!" He winced, hissing at you as you covered your face to try and keep from laughing.
"Come on, Bug, give daddy's poor head a rest. He's got enough problems with that mess he calls hair." You tease, scooping up your little girl.
But... even though her grip loosened, Hobie's wick stayed attached to her hand.
"Oh... ohhhhh..." You said, clicking your tongue.
"What! What!" Hobie groaned, trying to tug his head free.
"You made me have a spider baby."
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maliciousblog · 4 months
Bodyguard (Mingi)
It all started the night you made the irresponsible decision of coming back home drunk from a party.
Your father's peaceful slumber was disturbed by the sound of you staggering and stumbling into your home.
It wasn't the first time you had pulled one of your immature stunts.
But he couldn't really blame you.
It was your age to explore and make bad decisions.
He just couldn't let that happen if it was preventable. You were his little girl after all.
He watched as a distance as your wobbly legs brought you to your room.
Once he was sure you were out.
He tucked you in laying a tender kiss on your forehead as he lovingly gazed at you.
You looked so much like your mother it made his heart warm.
That was exactly why he could never say no to you.
Anything you wanted he gave you.
He could barely even get himself to raise his voice at you.
Maybe he'd have to outsource the task to someone else.
You needed structure and discipline in your life and if he couldn't give that to you he had to find someone who could.
He had been contemplating the topic for a while now.
He needed a pair of eyes on you at all times.
His secretary had suggested the idea of hiring a bodyguard.
He would keep you safe from others as well as yourself.
Your father spent the next couple of weeks looking through resumes sent by security firms all trying to get his attention given that he was a wealthy man that would need the extra security and obviously he wouldn't hold back any expense when it came to you.
After weeks of searching for the perfect fit he settled on Song Mingi going by his professional name Ghost.
He was ex-military with a stellar record and high recommendations.
Given his expertise this job would just be quick and easy money for him.
He had already settled in his quarters when he was called into your father's office for a debriefing of his responsibilities which was to be your shadow.
You couldn't help but eves drop on the conversation.
Blood boiling you weren't a child and you surely didn't need this big oaf of a man constantly tailing you wherever you went.
It was frustrating trying to convince your father that you didn't need supervision it was like talking to a brick wall so you just decided to give up.
How bad could this man possibly be.
He wasn't the worst companion to have he took you to and from work.
Took you shopping
Took you to meet your friends complied to most of your requests as long as he deemed them reasonable.
Never speaking more than a couple of sentences at a time to you.
You tried to pry out personal information from him the best you could but at most all you out of him was an annoyed grunt.
The constant surveillance made you feel uneasy.
It was like you couldn't breathe freely in your own home.
The one place you are meant to feel at ease.
Tonight was one of those particular nights you woke up around midnight craving chocolate chip cookies a quick inspection of the pantry proved fruitless as you lacked the ingredients to make them.
The store was only a couple of blocks away a quick drive could easily fix your stubborn cravings.
As you were about to turn the door knob towards freedom you could feel a familiar presence engulfing you.
His muscular arms close the slightly ajar door.
Yanking you back inside.
"Where do you think you're going "
I want cookies.
"It's 1 am. Go back to your room."
Please. I'm craving them so bad.
"Well that's not really my problem. Go back to bed I'll take you in the morning. I don't want you pulling one of your stunts on me and trying to run away"
I wont. I'll be good I promise. You can cuff me to you if you want. It would be impossible to run off with Goliath attached onto my arm now wouldn't it.
"Very funny. I'd appreciate it if you kept your jokes to yourself. I'll take you if you promise to behave try to pull something and I'm locking you up for a week and before you start whining like a bitch and going to cry to daddy about how much of a big bully I am. He left for a business trip earlier in the evening so you'll be under my care for the next month or so.
So make it easier on the both of us and try not to be too much of a pain in the ass. I would hate to have you force my hand and with your daddy not here who knows what I would do to you."
Muttering under your breath would get you anywhere neither will trying to reason with him.
So you just shook your head and followed him into the car as he held open the door for you.
The trip to the store went smoothly as now you were putting in the balls of cookie dough into the oven laying down on the couch waiting for them to bake.
As he came in to check on you he found your form curled up on the couch.
He had to admit you did look cute like this when you weren't running your mouth to him.
He did understand your side as well it isn't exactly pleasant to have someone constantly hover over you and micro manage your every move but that was his job and he did gain some sick pleasure in having so much control over you.
He could dictate anything he wanted and you had to do it.
He managed to manipulate your father into letting him have full control over you feeding him lies about your behaviour and giving him empty threats of quitting.
This is where his obsession of control started,  it was never really innocent.
All his life he got orders when he was in the military no matter how humiliating they were he had to follow them.
As a soldier he had to do whatever his superiors asked of him. No questions or negotiation ever available to him.
It often hurt his ego and left him bitter.
For the first time in his life he had complete and absolute control over something.
He could ask anything of you and you would have to comply out of fear of him limiting your freedom and with your father out of the picture he would only indulge into it more.
He would control everything from where you went to what you wore to whom you met.
All under the guise of keeping you safe. Your father was a wealthy man he had his fair share of enemies.
In his eyes he was only protecting you doing what was best for you.
The pleasure he got out of turning you into his obedient pet was just a bonus.
He picked up your sleeping form with ease laying you down on your bed.
Before turning off the over leaving the freshly baked cookies to cool grabbing a few with him.
That he ate while watching your sleeping form through the cameras he has installed throughout the house.
It was like his own personal television show starring you, his favourite doll.
Just a quick drabble. Might do a part 2
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reidfucker · 5 months
mitski songs that make me think of reid + a specific lyric
spencer reid is very mitski. but these were the first to come to mind. i do not take criticism.
- working for the knife
honestly, the entire song reminds me of reid, but this in particular:
I always thought the choice was mine
And I was right, but I just chose wrong
I start the day lying and end with the truth
That I'm dying for the knife
- liquid smooth
I'm liquid smooth, come touch me, too
I'm at my highest peak, I'm ripe
About to fall
How I feel this river rushing through my veins
With nowhere else to go, it circles 'round
- class of 2013
Mom, would you wash my back?
This once, and then we can forget
And I'll leave what I'm chasing
For the other girls to pursue
Mom, am I still young?
Can I dream for a few months more?
- i don't smoke
Just don't leave me alone
Wondering where you are
I am stronger than you give me
Credit for
If your hands need to break
More than trinkets in your room
You can lean on my arm
As you break my heart
- abbey
again, the entire song is very reid, but:
I am something
I have been something
I was born something
What could I be?
There is a light that I can see
But only, it seems, when there's darkness in me
There is a dream that I sometimes see
That only appears in the dark of sleep
- i bet on losing dogs
Will you let me, baby, lose
On losing dogs
I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place
By the ring
Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down
I wanna feel it
I bet on losing dogs
I always want you when I'm finally fine
- the deal
Then of course, nothing replied, nothing speaks to you in the night
And I walked my way home, there was no one in sight
Save a bird perched upon a streetlight, watchin' me
So, I stopped and let it watch 'til I found that it said
"Now I'm taken, the night has me
You won't hear me singin'
You're a cage without me
Your pain is eased, but you'll never be free for
Now I'm taken, the night has me"
- fireworks
this is perhaps one of the reid-est. here's the particular lyric:
One morning this sadness will fossilize
And I will forget how to cry
I'll keep going to work and you won't see a change
Save perhaps a slight gray in my eye
I will go jogging routinely
Calmly and rhythmically run
And when I find that a knife's sticking out of my side
I'll pull it out without questioning why
- i don't like my mind
again, the entire song is reid, but this is my pick:
I don't like my mind, I don't like being left alone in a room
With all its opinions about the things that I've done
So, yeah, I blast music loud, and I work myself to the bone
And on an inconvenient Christmas, I eat a cake
- first love / late spring
very cliché, but i HAD to include it! here:
And I was so young when I behaved 25
Yet now, I find I've grown into a tall child
And I don't wanna go home
Let me walk to the top of the big night sky
- there's nothing left for you
You could touch fire
You could fly
It was your right
It was your life
And then it passed
To someone new
It'll keep passin' on
Long after you
- nobody
And I don't want your pity
I just want somebody near me
Guess I'm a coward
I just want to feel alright
- because dreaming costs money, my dear
I once lived in the sea
Bring me to your ear, you can hear
The tide where I used to be
Though now I'm but a shell
- a pearl
Sorry, I don't want your touch
It's not that I don't want you
Sorry, I can't take your touch
It's just that I fell in love with a war
Nobody told me it ended
And it left a pearl in my head
And I roll it around every night
Just to watch it glow
Every night, baby, that's where I go
- real men
Real men keep cool in the face of a fire
Go down with the ship
And real men don't eat
'Cause they're above that, damn it
Oh, I'm gonna be a real man
- crack baby
It's been a long, hard 20 year summer vacation
Both these 20 years tryna fill the void
Crack baby, you don't know what you want
But you know that you had it once
And you know that you want it back
Crack baby, you don't know what you want
But you know that you're needing it
And you know that you need it bad
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makeitmingi · 8 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 12]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
In the middle of the morning shift, the door opened and a much smaller body entered the store alone. He walked up to the counter, eyes able to peer over the top.
"Excuse me." He said.
"Yes, can I help-" Mingi blinked in confusion, looking at a blank space in front of him. He was sure he heard someone. That was when he looked down and saw the child standing there, looking back up at him with a tilted head.
"One hot chocolate, please." The child ordered. Mingi, stunned to the point where he couldn't speak, merely nodded in reply and keyed in the order.
"₩6,500..." Mingi said with uncertainty. The child took his wallet out, putting the money on the tray and Mingi handed him his change.
"Counter at the end." He instructed.
"Thank you. Have a nice day." The child walked over to the end to wait. Mingi looked around the cafe, who did this child belong to? Where did he come from?
"What's with you?" Hongjoong asked, noticing how Mingi was standing there, scratching his head.
"You see the child too, right hyung?" Mingi leaned over to whisper. Hongjoong looked over at the child that was waiting for San to make his hot chocolate for him. Hongjoong nodded his head in confirmation. Mingi let out a sigh of relief, at least he wasn't hallucinating or anything.
"It's just a kid, Mingi. Are you afraid of kids or something?" Hongjoong raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not. Just stunned that the kid seems to be on his own. He looks young but speaks like an adult." Mingi said. Hongjoong shrugged, going to carry on with his tasks.
"Do you need help bringing this to your table?" San asked as he handed the kid his cup of hot chocolate.
"No, thanks. I can handle it." He replied, carrying the cup carefully with two hands and finding a booth to sit down to enjoy his drink.
"That kid is cute and cool." San chuckled. He watched the kid sit at the booth, sipping his drink like an adult. He unzipped his backpack, taking his book and pencil out.
"What are you all staring at?" Yunho and Yeosang came.
"They enamoured by some kid." Hongjoong scoffed as he passed by, going to the back kitchen. Yeosang let out an amused laugh while Yunho was curious, what was a kid doing here alone? There wasn't any schools nearby.
"Hey there." Yunho approached the kid with a friendly smile and a cookie that he had on a plate. The kid stopped writing in his workbook and looked up at Yunho.
"You can have this." Yunho placed the plate with the cookie on the table. The kid stared at the treat for a while.
"No, thanks. I'm not supposed to accept things from strangers." He shook his head.
"Oh! I, uh, own this cafe. It's completely safe, don't worry." Yunho assured. He thought the kid would just take the cookie. Noticing the hesitation, Yunho broke off a bit and took a bite.
"See? Clean." Yunho said as he chewed. The kid stared at him oddly. Now reviewing his actions, Yunho admits he shouldn't have done that.
"Anyway, so are you here alone?" Yunho asked.
"There's no one else at this table here besides you and me so yes, I am on my own. For now. I am actually waiting for someone." The kid replied, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Yunho nodded his head, this kid was fiesty but the way he spoke kind of reminded him of someone familiar.
"Who are you waiting for? Is it your parents?" Yunho continued to ask the kid questions in the kindest, sweetest voice he could muster. This kid was mighty cute.
"No, my parents were the ones that dropped me off. I'm actually here for my girlfriend." The kid spoke.
"G-Girlfriend?" Yunho's eyes widened. This kid looked to only be about 10 years old, how can he have a girlfriend?
"Noona!" The kid beamed, sliding off the booth and running away.
"Noona?" Yunho frowned, confused. He turned around to see the kid attached to you, hugging you tightly. You looked surprise for a moment before a small smile appeared on your face.
"Kyungmin ah. What are you doing here?" You asked, bending down to hug the child.
"I'm here to see you!" The kid, or Kyungmin, replied with a grin.
"Does your brother know you're here?" You raised an eyebrow. Kyungmin shook his head. You let out a sigh, reaching out to hold Kyungmin's hand and leading him into the kitchen. Yunho got up, going over to the serving window to peek.
"Yah, did omma and appa just drop you off here? They didn't even tell me anything." Wooyoung rolled his eyes, going to retrieve his phone while Kyungmin was attached to you at the hip.
"Are you hungry? Shall I make you something to eat?" You offered, looking down at him.
"Yeah. The strange ahjusshi outside offered a cookie but I didn't take it." Kyungmin said. You frowned slightly.
"That's good, Kyungie. You should never take food from strangers. But what strange ahjusshi?" You bent down, holding his shoulders. Yunho choked and let out a yelp.
"That strange ahjusshi." Kyungmin pointed to Yunho.
"W-Wait! I am not strange nor am I an ahjusshi!" Yunho said, stumbling into the kitchen.
"Kyungie, he owns the place. He's our boss." You explained. Kyungmin looked over at Yunho, eyeing him up and down. Yunho gulped, feeling the scrutiny of the small child.
"I made quiche lorraine. Shall I get you a slice?" You asked. Kyungmin nodded excitedly and you both walked out of the kitchen. You grabbed one of the last slices of quiche from the display cabinet, putting it on a plate and going to sit with Kyungmin at the booth he was at previously.
"Sorry about that, Yunho. That's my little brother, Kyungmin. I hope he wasn't too much trouble, I had no idea my parents were going to drop him off." Wooyoung bowed.
"No need to apologise. He's cute with a sharp tongue." Yunho chuckled.
"I have no idea who he gets it from. He doesn't even speak like a kid his age, way too sassy." Wooyoung shook his head.
"Really? You have no idea where he gets it from?" Seonghwa asked in disbelief with raised eyebrows. Jongho snickered while Wooyoung glared at the two.
"He told me he's here to meet his girlfriend?" Yunho scratched the back of his neck.
"About that. He's in love with (y/n), always calls her his girlfriend. Always saying he's going to marry her. But ignore him, he's just a kid." Wooyoung said. Yunho laughed but looked out to see you smiling at the kid eating in adoration.
"She'll never look at anyone else like that except Kyungmin. She doesn't even look at Seonghwa hyung like that." Jongho laughed, making Seonghwa jab him.
"Okay, buddy. Let (y/n) go pack up her things." Wooyoung said when he was done cleaning up.
"I'll be back." You patted Kyungmin's head and went to the kitchen.
"Sorry. You guys start on the dinner prep first, I'll be quick." You apologised to Seonghwa and Jongho, going to clear your station and wash your utensils.
"I didn't know you're a fan of kids." Yunho cleared his throat. You dried your tongs, putting them into your wrap.
"I'm not. I don't like kids." You replied.
"Kyungmin is an exception. You've heard the way he talks and seen the way he acts. He's a great kid and I think compared to other kids, he's way cuter." You said, clearing your throat in slight embarrassment, realising that you might be overly gushing over a kid that isn't even related to you.
"He seems to adore you and look up to you, that's cute." Yunho giggled.
"Do you not think I'm someone worthy of being looked up to?" You questioned, turning to him. Yunho's eyes widened, immediately shaking his hands.
"N-No! I mean, yes! Wait, no. W-What I meant was, there's no better person to look up to! I-I think it's cute that he does." He stuttered.
"I'm kidding, Yunho. Chill." You patted his shoulders.
"Don't do that." He let out a sigh of relief. You let out a small laugh, going to help Seonghwa and Jongho with the prep for dinner tonight. Yunho went out to help his friends.
"So he's Wooyoung's brother. They're both fiesty I guess." San laughed as he wiped the coffee mugs.
"He apparently doesn't see where Kyungmin gets it from. I knew his attitude reminded me of someone. But he seems very close with (y/n). She also seems so taken by him." Yunho said, leaning against the counter.
"Are you jealous of a kid?" Yeosang asked.
"Jealous? What's there to be jealous about?" Yunho turned to him. Yeosang shrugged while Yunho tilted his head in confusion. Mingi laughed, patting Yunho's shoulder.
"Who knows, (y/n) might be taken to you because of your kid-like nature too." Mingi teased.
"I'm not a kid! And (y/n) isn't 'taken to me'." Yunho frowned.
"He's right. He's not a kid. He's an overgrown puppy." Hongjoong laughed. Yunho had a flat look on his face as all his friends laughed at him. He sighed and went to clear one of the tables.
"I'm done." You poked your head out. Kyungmin jumped down excitedly, running to you.
"Yah! You didn't even pack your bag yet. Aish, this kid." Wooyoung helped Kyungmin pick up his things, stuffing it into his backpack and getting up. He brought Kyungmin's plate and cup to the back to be washed before bowing the the others to take his leave. San, Yeosang and Mingi bid him goodbye.
"(y/n) needs to rest before the busy dinner shift, Kyungmin. Let's go." Wooyoung said. Kyungmin pouted, holding your hand tightly, not wanting to part ways with you.
"I'll see you tonight, Kyungmin." You stroked his head. He looked up at you with his puppy eyes.
"Please can I go with you, noona?" He shook your hand.
"But I'm just going home to sleep, Kyungie. There's not much playing to do now. I think you can do much more fun things with your brother." You laughed.
"Uh, honestly, my plan was to sleep too..." Wooyoung scratched his head. You sighed.
"Why don't you and Kyungmin come back to mine then? There's a guestroom to sleep in. We can come back to the restaurant together." You suggested. Kyungmin's eyes brightened as he turned to Wooyoung and jumped excitedly.
"Yes! Yes!" Kyungmin cheered. Wooyoung sent you a sorry look but you smiled with a slight shake of your head, you didn't mind as long as Kyungmin was happy.
"Alright, we'll see you guys tonight then." Seonghwa and Jongho took Seonghwa's car while Wooyoung and Kyungmin sat in your car.
"So, Kyungie, how is school?" You asked as you drove. The boy sat in the back, swinging his legs back and forth.
"It's okay. I have a lot of friends there. The school food isn't too good though so I asked omma to pack me a lunch box." Kyungmin scrunched his nose, making you and Wooyoung laugh.
"Your hyung spoils you too much." You said.
"Me? Who is the one that made him a tasting plate of caviar blinis?" Wooyoung shot you a look.
"He has a good palate. Plus, I'll never forget his face when he first tried it. You could tell, he appreciates the flavours of the different toppings." You shrugged.
"Right..." Wooyoung scoffed. You drove home and immediately hopped into a shower. While waiting for your hair to dry, Kyungmin sat with you, doing his homework. You had an arm around him, leaning down to look at his work. You only helped him when he asked you for help.
"Oh, yeah. Kyungie, now that you're here." You stood up and went to the freezer. You put stuff in a small bowl and came back to the couch, handing him the bowl. Kyungmin put his workbook aside.
"Ice cream?" Kyungmin looked at you. You nodded your head, encouraging him to try the treat.
"I was just playing around with flavours and textures that you can put in ice cream." You said.
"It's nice." Kyungmin hummed happily, eating another bite. He scooped up a bite, holding up the spoon to offer you a bite. You leaned down to eat it.
"What do you taste, Kyungie?" You asked.
"It tastes like apple pie...?" He said, unsure of what he was tasting. He tasted it again to be sure.
"That's right, Kyungie." You patted his head. It was a vanilla ice cream base, which would usually be served on top of apple pie. There were bits of cooked apple and graham cracker pieces stirred throughout the ice cream. And it was topped with a salted caramel sauce.
"(y/n), are you giving him ice cream?" Wooyoung walked over, fresh out of the shower.
"I wanted to test his palate." You defended.
"That's what you always say whenever you give him sweets." Wooyoung squinted his eyes at you. Both you and Kyungmin laughed, knowing you've been caught.
"I can't resist him." You pinched Kyungmin's cheek. Wooyoung scoffed, taking the space on the other side of Kyungmin.
"Go sleep." Wooyoung urged you. You looked at the clock and realised there wasn't much time left.
"I'll see you later, Kyungie." You stood up and went to your room.
You didn't really sleep, you just laid in bed, scrolling on your iPad and reading your cooking notes. Suddenly, your bedroom door opened and Kyungmin teetered in. You guessed that he must have snuck away from Wooyoung. You lifted your head slightly, patting the space beside you.
"Can I sleep here? Wooyoung hyung is hogging the entire bed." He mumbled, rounding the bed and climbing under the covers beside you. You laughed and nodded.
"He always spreads his limbs out." You said and continued to read, feeling him snuggle against your side.
"Is he here?" You hadn't realised how much time had passed until Wooyoung poked his head in, looking for Kyungmin.
"Yeah." You whispered, pointing to the small lump beside you.
"Go wash up. I'll wake him up." He came in. You nodded and Wooyoung came over to help you up, careful to not disturb Kyungmin yet. He patted your hip as you went to the bathroom.
"My parents will come to the restaurant for dinner and take Kyungmin home with then after." Wooyoung said as you came out.
"Okay." You tied your hair up. Kyungmin rubbed his eyes and yawned, perched on the bed beside Wooyoung. You used your fingers to comb his messy hair, going back to the bathroom and grabbing a wet cloth to wipe his face for him.
"Good nap?" You laughed. Kyungmin nodded, reaching up to hug you. He was just like Wooyoung, he likes hugs.
"Is your older brother coming tonight too?" You turned to Wooyoung.
"No, he's working late at his internship." He replied. You went to your closet to get clothes to change into while Wooyoung and Kyungmin gathered their things.
"Ready?" You grabbed your keys as the boys were waiting for you in the living room.
Just as your car pulled up, Seonghwa and Jongho's cars arrived too. You and Jongho put your arms around each other.
"Hi Kyungmin." Seonghwa patted the younger boys head with a small smile. Since Seonghwa, Wooyoung, Jongho and you worked closely together, you were all familiar with each other's families. Mostly.
Also, coincidentally, all the families had boys only so you were the darling daughter to the three boys' parents.
"Seonghwa hyung!" Kyungmin smiled, reaching to hold Seonghwa's hand as they headed into the restaurant together. Wooyoung set up a small table and chair for Kyungmin in the locker room to wait until dinner service, not wanting him to be in the way while the team prepared the food.
"No giving Kyungmin any sweets. He's having dinner with my parents later and I don't want them nagging me." Wooyoung announced, giving you a pointed look.
"What?" You snapped back with a growl. Seonghwa chuckled, shaking his head.
"Please, your parents love (y/n) more than you. You could just use her as your defense." Jongho shrugged.
"Wow. Thanks, Jong." You rolled your eyes.
"But we know they'll never blame her. Mrs Jung will still somehow pin the blame on Wooyoung." Seonghwa said, going into the walk in to grab his ingredients.
"Hello!" Yunho entered with a smile. As he entered the locker room, he almost yelled as he was shocked by Kyungmin inside.
"Oh, it's the weird ahjusshi." Kyungmin blinked.
"I-I'm not a weird ahjusshi! I'm the same age as your brother!" Yunho exclaimed. Kyungmin laughed, obviously having fun teasing a very reactive Yunho. Clearing his throat, Yunho put his bag and coat down before heading back out.
"Yah, Kyungmin ah. He's a hyung." Wooyoung poked his head in. Kyungmin nodded, giving Wooyoung a thumbs up before going back to the game he was playing on Wooyoung's iPad.
"This kid..." Wooyoung sighed and went back to prep work. Yunho flocked to your side, 'offering assistance' with his puppy like enthusiasm and grin.
"There's really not much to do now since we did prep earlier, Yunho." You spoke.
"Aww, really?" Yunho pouted.
"Would you rather us be scrambling around in a state of chaos now then?" You cast him a side glance. Yunho was shocked, stuttering and shaking his head.
"T-That's not what I meant, of course! I would never want you to be in that state! Or the whole kitchen. What I meant was-"
"Relax, I was just teasing you." You chuckled. Yunho huffed but deep down, he was glad that you felt more relaxed around him to be able to joke with him freely now. He could sense that you were less guarded around him, which he was glad for. Not wanting to assume, Yunho still hadn't asked to be your friend yet.
"Hey, Yunho. My parents are coming for dinner tonight. There's still a table available for them, right?" Wooyoung asked.
"Of course. I'll give them a booth so they can sit comfortable with Kyungmin." Yunho nodded, not even needing to check the reservations in the store system.
"Thanks." Wooyoung smiled. Yunho went out, taking Hongjoong's store iPad and adding the reservation in.
"Hello~" Yunho heard the other boys arrive.
"Hey, it's the little man." Mingi grinned, waving to Kyungmin when they saw him sitting in the locker room. Kyungmin looked up at Mingi, Yeosang, San and Hongjoong.
"I'm not little. I'm the average height for my age. You're just overgrown and if anything, he's the little man along with my brother." Kyungmin said.
"Hey!" Hongjoong frowned. Mingi just stood there, wide eyed at this kid's words.
"He got you there, hyung!" Yeosang and San burst out laughing. Wooyoung, who had heard all the commotion and laughing came over, wondering what was going on. He looked at an annoyed Hongjoong and a stunned Mingi.
"Your little brother just called you and Hongjoong hyung short. And Mingi, overgrown. He's so funny." San said in between laughs. Yeosang couldn't even speak.
"Yah, Jung Kyungmin." Wooyoung glared at the boy.
"Need you guys out to set up for dinner service." Yunho called out. San patted Kyungmin's head as he walked past.
"I guess he's definitely Wooyoung's brother." Yeosang said, still chuckling. Hongjoong shot him a flat look, going over to take his reservation iPad out.
"Alright, let's do this." Yunho smiled.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
I'm having a really terrible day. Just all round horrendous, so can I request some lovie and jack softness?
i’m so sorry you’re having a bad day :( i really hope it turns around soon! i’m gonna make an exception to my current blurb break just for you <3
it wasn’t often that Jack and i had an El free morning. but, Luke had asked last night if he could take our one year old out for breakfast and then to the park this morning, and of course we said yes, jumping at the chance to sleep in. i didn’t even care that Luke was probably just using our baby to hit on girls.
of course, the universe had other plans for Jack and i rather than sleep. our internal alarms still woke us up at eight in the morning, but without a child to take care of, we fell back to our pre-parent roots of cuddling up and doing nothing.
“what are you thinking about?” i’m not entirely sure why i whisper, but it feels wrong to break the peace of the quiet bedroom this morning.
wrapped up in my husbands arms, my head lays buried in the crook of his neck, his hand running lightly up and down my back as he presses kisses to the top of my head every few minutes.
“just thinkin’ about how lucky i am.” he tells me. he squeezes me just a tad tighter to his chest and i pull my head back a little to look at his face.
“what do you mean?” his eyes leave the ceiling, flickering over my face before looking deep into mine.
“i don’t know, i just never would’ve imagined at fourteen that in a matter of years, i would be married to my beautiful best friend, getting to spend the rest of my life with her and our gorgeous daughter, playing in the NHL. it seems surreal. like maybe the universe screwed up and gave me someone else’s life.”
i can’t stop the smile that breaks out upon my face, leaning forward to crash my lips onto his. morning breath long forgotten, the kiss is filled with love and contentment. happiness and bliss.
pulling away, i grin down at him, my heart racing just like it has since we were teenagers. butterflies dancing in my stomach.
“well, i’d kindly request that if that’s true, the universe doesn’t correct itself, because i rather love this life we have together.”
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eldritchdiplomacy · 10 months
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Bottom Table OT3: The Playlist
We, like Jinnah, will mourn our lads forever
(click for song explanations!)
Take Me Out To The Ball Game - Ed Meeker
"Eldritch Harrahs," He says, fingering the bright red laces on a baseball like a rosary
Team - Lorde
Classic poly theme, living in ruins.
"And everyone's competing For a love they won't receive 'Cause what this palace wants is release."
Ravenous - Autumn Orange
Impeccible vibes.
Eat Your Young - Hozier
Post-war heroes left in slums with their ghosts
"Come and get some Skinnin' the children for a war drum Puttin' food on the table, sellin' bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young"
Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
A shiny jade jewel in said slums
"She rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? She rules her life like a bird in flight And who will be her lover?"
Boats & Birds - Gregory & The Hawk
Children without souls
"If you'll be my boat, I'll be your sea A depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity Ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze I live to make you free, I live to make you free…"
Hearts a Mess - Gotye
Sean Fucking Finnerty
"You have lost too much love To fear, doubt and distrust, it's not enough You just threw away the key to your heart Don't get burned 'cause nothing gets through It makes it easier, easier on you That much more difficult for me To make you see."
Love In The Time Of Socialism - Yellow House
Teenagers all in love with each other
"But I am home wherever you are near There's no life in anything When you're not here."
Whatever Fits Together - Skullcrusher
I mean…
"Do you ever look back? Does it all fit together? If we're here, does it matter? (If we're here, does it matter?)"
Marked For Death - Emma Ruth Rundle
Marion & Jean
"Who else is going to love someone like me that’s marked for death? Who else is going to be with me when I breathe it all?"
Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect - The Decemberists
Marion & Sean
"And here I dreamt I was a soldier And I marched the streets of Birkenau And I recall in spring The perfume that the air would bring To the indolent town Where the barkers call the moon down The carnival was ringing loudly now And just to lay with you There's nothing that I wouldn't do Save lay my rifle down"
Hard Times - Ethel Cain
The Exorcists' Daughter
"Tell me a story About how it ends Where you're still the good guy I'll make pretend 'Cause I hate this story Where happiness ends And dies with you."
Edith's Theme - Crimson Peak
The Lighthouse
Say Yes To Heaven - Lana Del Rey
Sean & Jean
"If you go, I'll stay You come back, I'll be right here Like a barge at sea In the storm, I stay clear 'Cause I've got my mind on you I've got my mind on you…"
Sunlight - Hozier
Sean & Jean & Marion
"All the tales the same Told before and told again A soul that’s born in cold and rain Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight And, at last, can grant a name To a buried and a burning flame As love and its decisive pain Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight."
Your Protector - Fleet Foxes
The Circle of Needle & Thread
"As you lay to die beside me, baby On the morning that you came Would you wait for me? The other one would wait for me."
The Mother Road - Chelsea Wolfe
The doc who knows she'll never lead a normal life, have a normal love.
"I do not have a child But I'm old enough to know some pain And I'm hell-bent on loving you Women know what it is to endure."
Running Up That Hill - Placebo
All too stubborn to let each other die.
"Oh, come on, baby Oh, come on, darlin' Let me steal this moment from you now Oh, come on, angel Come on, come on, darlin' Let's exchange the experience…"
A Vampire's Heart - Peter Gundry
Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine
Jean, Sean, & Marion
"I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map And knew that somehow I could find my way back Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too So I stayed in the darkness with you…"
Oh, To Dream Of Such Eldritch Things - Autumn Orange
The Compromised Lightkeeper
A Shot Rang Out - Emily Jane White
Sean FUCKING Finnerty, Marion, Jean
"Dreamers we aren't few But I don’t want to bury my dreams with you."
The Ghost On The Shore - Lord Huron
Man down
"Die if I must, let my bones turn to dust I'm the lord of the lake and I don't want to leave it…"
Call Your Mom - Noah Kahan
You can't do this to Peggy, bud.
"Medicate, meditate, save your soul for Jesus Throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason Don't wanna drive another mile without knowin' you're breathin' So won't you stay, won't you stay, won't you stay with me?"
Funeral - Phoebe Bridgers
War boys wearing the same face, so many hearts.
"And last night, I blacked out in my car And I woke up in my childhood bed Wishing I was someone else, feeling sorry for myself When I remembered someone's kid is dead…"
Francesca - Hozier
Jean & Marion re: Sean
"Now that it's done There's not one thing that I would change My life was a storm since I was born How could I fear any hurricane?"
Is Your Love Strong Enough? - GWTDT
"Just one beat of your heart And stranger than fantasy I knew from the start It had to be the place for me Someone that I would die for There's no way I could ever leave."
Death With Dignity - Sufjan Stevens
The Survivor
"Spirit of my silence I can hear you, but I'm afraid to be near you And I don't know where to begin And I don't know where to begin…"
My Love - Florence + The Machine
The Next Step
"My arms emptied, the skies emptied The buildings emptied…"
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detachedminxsfics · 2 years
Spit Pt. V
Characters: Negan x Alexandrian F!Reader, Maggie, Gabriel, Aaron, Daryl, Hershel, The Commonwealth
Summary: You couldn't wait around any longer, knowing it could be days before Maggie and the group would return. You were ready to take matters into your own hands, but Negan was too. Set in the events of S11 E17.
Word count: 5.5K+
Warnings: NSFW - Vaginal sex, groping, fingering, bruising, public sex, dom negan, mortal enemies, xtra DILFy S11 Negan, a continuum of the filthiest shit I've ever written tbh
A/N: Finally stopped procrastinating and managed to finish this, even though I'm not totally satisfied with the outcome. I watched the TWD finale yesterday, and I'm still heartbroken, but it also gave me massive inspo to write for this fic. I'm excited to write the next few parts, and get ready for some power duo action in the next one. 😉
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In the morning you woke alone, the ground beside you empty and cold with the implication that he had left you at least an hour or two ago. It was understandable, given the secrecy of your arrangement, but it didn't stop you from feeling so isolated when you realised that you were by yourself. God, did you miss him already? You shook your head free of the idea that you could possibly be that attached to Negan and leaned up, pressing your back up against the wall. You took a moment just to allow yourself to somewhat fully wake, blinking the haze of sleep from your eyes to stand to your feet and make your way over to Hershel. He was sitting upright with knees bent towards his chest, and for better or worse, the kid looked well-rested. You knelt on the ground to be at eye level with him, and he stared back at you.
"Hey kiddo, how you doing?"
He smiled a little, a look of relief that he at least knew somebody here. Especially you, his favourite auntie.
"I'm okay. I'm a little hungry, and I miss mom."
Your eyes lowered to the ground briefly thinking of Maggie and the others. She could handle herself, and she was determined as hell, so you knew she'd be just fine. Nevertheless, you wished you could see that for yourself.
"I miss her too, but she'll be back soon. I promise."
You extended your hand to fold every finger but the smallest one against your palm, offering him a pinky promise on the basis that Maggie would return. His hand reached out and he curled his much smaller pinky around yours, completing your childish way of a promise. After all, through the chaos and devastation of the world, there was one thing Hershel still was, a kid. He was a lone child standing just outside the boundaries of a community war, and all he wanted was his mom. You pulled your hand back and let out a small sigh, there was something in the air today, and the day had barely begun.
"Well, I'm gonna go back to my spot. You need anything you know where I am, okay?"
Hershel gave you an understanding nod which prompted you to stand to your feet and return to your area. When you sat back down, your back slumped against the rock, your mind began to run wild with scenario after scenario. Your paranoia had gotten the better of you, and the same way you had reassured Hershel that Maggie is safe seemed to be not so easily redirected towards yourself. After a few minutes of torturing yourself with the most catastrophic outcomes avoiding it was hopeless, you were indefinitely restless. Your people were out there, your family out there fighting without you. It was killing you, the lack of productivity from just sitting on your ass and waiting for someone else to fight your battles for you. The truth was, how long would this go on for? It could take days for the group to return, taking down Hornsby was no easy task. The commonwealth was not to be trifled with, and yet we were antagonising them alright, like poking a bear with a stick. You couldn't take it any longer, and you needed space. A breath of fresh air rather than the dirt you were buried beneath. With considerable haste you hurried to the ladder and made your way up, standing to your feet once you'd clambered to the top. It was quieter up here besides the sounds of the wind blowing through the trees, and if you were lucky, the chirp of a bird. The nature of your surroundings gave you a moment to think, but the sound of a familiar voice rudely interrupted your train of thought.
"You too, huh?" Negan pressed, his arms crossed over his chest as he leant his back against a nearby tree.
To say your peace was now disturbed would be an understatement.
"What are you talking about?" You replied, and the slight raise of his brows patronised you for thinking so little of his ability to read you like an open book.
"You want to help the others. I can see it in your eyes, and the way you're fidgeting. Hell, I'm thinking about it too."
The idea of Negan possessing a similar care or desire to assist the others in the fight against Hornsby intrigued you. You took slow, small steps towards him, speaking low and with caution. You didn't want any of the others to overhear the possibility of your departure, but most importantly, Hershel. The thought of leaving him alone here with these people wasn't ideal, but if either of you were to leave the other would surely follow, which left Hershel alone no matter what you two would decide.
"I can't wait around like this, I feel like I'm losing my mind. If you're serious, we can leave right now. It may take a few hours to track down the others, but we could do this." You spoke so quickly, the impatience evident within your tone.
Fortunately, Negan was one of the few assholes you knew who would be crazy enough to always follow you into a fight, and for the most part, he had your back too. It was a little too perfect, your motives only feeding one another's as his eyes seemed to glint with a response before he vocalised it.
"You know I'm down. I meant what I said, every word. I've got her back, and I've got yours." His gaze seemed to soften towards the end of his vow to help, and your collective agreement to depart was made unspoken.
"I'll go talk with Hershel, just stay here."
As you turned around to make your way back towards the open hatch the sight of Hershel climbing the ladder startled you, and you found yourself wishing he didn't hear a single word of what you and Negan just said. Judging by the blank expression on his face he was blissfully unaware, and you repressed the urge to breathe a sigh of relief.
"Ah, just the munchkin I was looking for." You announced playfully, your usual sillier and softer side taking over when it came to how you interacted with kids.
Hershel finally made his way to the top and turned to look at you. As much as you loved Hershel you were wary of your choice of words. He was a smart kid, too smart for his own good, and a singular slip-up about anything to do with you and Negan would surely get back to Maggie. You lowered to the ground, crouching to be eye level with him in the way that Maggie usually would when she needed to explain to him that she was leaving.
"I know you're not gonna like this, but I have to go help your mom. I need to help the others, and you have to stay here. They'll look after you, I'm sure of it."
Hershel's eyes flickered with uncertainty, and he looked over your shoulder, right at Negan.
"With him?" It seemed more like a curiosity than an interrogation, but you could never be too careful.
Thanks to Negan spending a moment too long with Hershel back at Riverbend the kind of man that he was, the man who delivered his father's untimely fate, was revealed to him. You'd all tried to keep it from him, but he was too good at recognising people and their true intentions. It was a blessing and a curse, a trait he no doubt had passed down to him by Maggie herself.
"Yes. Negan wants to help your mom too, just like I do. So you need to promise to stay here and to stay close to them. They're good people, Hershel."
For a child, he was rather fearless, often brave, and frightened of very little. He understood your reasoning, and your desire to assist the others. Reluctantly he nodded his head, and you wrapped your arms around him for a long hug. After the tender moment you pulled back, standing straight and smiling wide.
"I'll see you soon, now go on."
You gestured back to the makeshift hatch with a tilt of your head, and he made his way back down. It was now that he was out of earshot that you realised just how tense you were, just how unsettled the idea of screwing up and revealing the two of your's apparent difference in feelings towards one another made you. You'd gone from wanting to murder him to despising him, a stark contrast between the two. Amidst your pensive state you'd barely acknowledged Negan's sudden approach, his warm breath fanning against the nape of your neck as he placed his hands on your hips, lightly gripping them. Thankfully, having your back to him allowed the humbling sight of you biting down on your lip to stifle your shaky breaths to remain unknown, and you composed yourself as he whispered into your ear.
"Your real tense when you talk about me, baby. Is there something that you need?" The confidence in his tone had you rolling your eyes, and you reached down to close your hands around his wrists and rip them from your body, bruising his supposed ego.
"Fuck off, Negan. You coming or not?"
You turned and began to walk in the direction you watched the group head yesterday morning, and Negan's drawled and throaty chuckle in response to your fiery attitude had you dreading the journey already. Walking alongside you Negan would glance over every now and then, and you'd catch him staring you over in your peripheral, then he'd return to looking straight ahead. Eventually, he broke the silence.
"You're real good with kids y'know, almost like you got one of your own." His suggestion earned a look of surprise etched across your features, and you parted your lips to speak.
"Really? That's funny, I absolutely hated those little shits before all of this."
Your brusque honesty earned a chuckle from Negan and a partially suppressed giggle from you.
"God, amen to that. I was a damn high school gym teacher before all of this."
You couldn't help but completely halt your movement, your eyes slowly meeting Negan's. Your sudden stop had him engrossed in what shocked you so much to the point of total pause, and a sickening smile spread across your face, like a kid on Christmas morning.
"You were...a gym teacher?"
The laughter that spewed from your mouth was so abrupt, so unrestrained, and the visuals only worsened the span of your giggles. To think that the once ruthless leader who dominated several communities and punished people with branding from a hot iron was barking orders at scrawny little kids who would rather do anything other than exercise, was priceless. You felt as though you'd been armed with far more ammo to insult him than you knew what to do with, and he just stared at you, bewildered by your reaction. It only made it that much funnier.
"I am never ever letting that go, it's just too good." You forced your words between your laughter, managing to compose yourself just enough to continue walking forward.
Negan took a little longer than you to begin walking again, surely somewhat offended by your reaction to his previous profession.
"So what happened with your job, y'know in the early days? Did you see the kids you taught?" You levelled your tone with a more earnest curiosity, approaching a profound peer into his pre-apocalypse life that you feared may be as sensitive a topic as you thought.
The slight smile that tugged at his lips instead stupefied you, a soft one in which you could tell he was reliving something of great importance to him.
"No, I uh, I got fired a little before the shit hit the fan. But it was worth it. I ended up wailing on this obnoxious asshole that disrespected my wife at a bar one time, and he just so happened to be the father of one of the kids that went to the school I worked at. It was one hell of a coincidence, and they dropped me."
You glanced over at him wistfully, the love he held for his past wife becoming increasingly apparent, and the protective way in which he spoke of her. It was sweet.
"I never took you for the romantic type."
Your eyes were still locked with his, even as his began to inappropriately wander. From your eyes to your slightly parted lips, your bare neck, catching himself just before his gaze reached your breasts. You feigned oblivion to his pointedly palpable stare, not giving him the reaction he may have wanted.
"Oh? Was fucking each other in a house just before all your friends arrived and in a shack in the woods not romantic enough for you? Because I'd say that's pretty damn romantic." His mock of the rather vulgar moments the two of you had shared with one another had you scoffing.
"I'm talking about with your wife, you asshole. I don't expect you to bring me flowers and tell me I look beautiful, we're not in love." The mere verbalisation of that four letter word sent a chill down your spine, and Negan's subsequent cocky grin did little to ease your apprehension.
"Could be, if you wanted." He uttered his words with such nonchalance, the heavy words finally processing as you stopped immediately, again.
Even subconsciously your fists clenched at your sides, squeezing your eyes shut and trying to find your sanity, an ounce of composure. The boil of your blood from his casual impertinence of implying that the two of you could love one another, could put all history behind you, it was just plain insulting. You heard his footsteps come to a slow stop just beside you, the crunching of leaves falling silent as he stood in place, only rustling again once he shifted his weight to move closer to you.
"Don't say things like that to me, Negan. Just, don't."
Fortunately, you'd been able to somewhat alleviate your rage, your focus shifting to the sound of his breathing as he mulled over what was best to say to you.
"Look at me." It was a simple enough request, but not for you.
You feared that looking at him may pervert your mind again, might result in something similar to what had happened all the times before. Reluctantly, you opened them. He was standing directly in front of you, his hands slowly creeping towards yours, and your silence only permitting him further. His fingers wrapped around your hands to clutch your palms, his thumbs subconsciously smoothing over the backs of your hands like a peace offering.
"Do you trust me?"
That was a loaded question.
"Depends what with." Your blunt response served as the only fair answer to such a broad question, and he lowered his eyes briefly.
All you felt was the feel of his lips pressed against yours, and the way your hands immediately pried from his grip to wrap your arms around his neck, drawing him in. Whilst you exchanged air and spit into one another's mouths all you could think about was how good he felt, and how he tasted like home. Home to your soul, your mind, and your body. It was gut-wrenching, but so divinely intoxicating. His hands caressed the curvature of your body before decidedly settling on your hips, digging his fingers into your skin. The bruising grip made you whimper into his mouth, and you managed to spare a moment to part your lips from his eager mouth to whisper your pleas.
"Please." You beckoned simply, and Negan looked at you with teasingly furrowed brows.
"Please what, baby? Tell me what you need."
The teeth you dug into your bottom lip stifled the oncoming urge to whine from impatience alone, your thighs already clenching together just to create some sort of pressure and satiate some of the need for him.
"Fuck me like you love me."
He used his bruising grip on your hips to drive you into the tree behind you, backing you up against it until you felt the harsh texture of wood grind against the back of his blue shirt you still wore. He removed one hand from your hips to weave his fingers into your hair and grip, tilting your head to the side and forcing you to bare your neck to him. His mouth began roughly sucking marks into your tender skin, and his fingers sifted through your strands a few times before slipping out from your hair and working at the button on your jeans. The moment they were undone he slipped his hand beneath the denim, his fingers lifting the material at the top of your panties to make space for his fingers, which he pushed beneath your underwear too. You gasped from the feeling of two of his fingers delving through your wet slit, brushing up towards your clit and then beginning to rub it in small, teasing circles with his index finger. Your hands slammed down onto his shoulders, your clutch creasing the denim fabric clothing them.
"Holy shit, Negan." You managed to choke out through laboured breaths.
A desperate, shrill cry rips from you as he pushes both digits into your opening, a rather haughty grin spreading across Negan's lips. He leaned in so that his lips lightly brush across your ear, planting a brief kiss on your jaw before he spoke.
"I've missed the sound of those pretty moans coming right outta that pretty mouth." Negan whispered throatily, flattering you as he pumped his fingers.
The intrusion of his fingers somewhat relieved the pressure, but it wasn't enough. As though he read your mind Negan slipped his fingers out from inside you and removed them from your panties, pushing his now slick fingers into his mouth. He tasted you with an approving groan, his eyes faintly half-lidded with lust. You watched him attentively, and the moment his fingertips slipped from his lips your mouth was on him, tasting your fluids on his tongue. Greedily, you felt the fingers of his free hand hook in the waistband of your jeans and start to yank them down your legs, your skin stinging as it was harshly exposed to the unforgivingly bitter air. His lips parted from yours, and he knelt down to help remove the material that had gathered at your calves, your palms rested on his shoulders to support yourself. When he finally got them off he offhandedly tossed them to the side, slinging your jeans into a pile of leaves. You threw your head back a little when your body began to be smothered with a trail of small, intent pecks. They worked their way up your thighs, to your inner thigh, outlining the skin just below your panties, and then directly on your groin. The affection hazed your mind, his touch hitching your faltering breaths and leaving you anticipating the moment he'd finally please you. When he'd finally relieve you. After paying careful attention to your thighs his fingers swiftly discarded your underwear, and you were utterly helpless to him. He stood to his feet, pressing his body against yours to keep you backed against the tree while his fingers worked at his own clothing, freeing himself through the fly of his jeans.
"Turn around, baby."
Negan barely had to ask, and you were already on it. You spun to face the tree, leaning against it with an arched back and your palms flattened against the bark. It was rough against your palms, but the feeling of Negan's fingers gripping your hips was far more distracting. You knew your hips would be a myriad of blues, greens, and purples an hour or so from now, shades to remind you of one of your many betrayals.
"Try to keep it down, alright? Don't need to be dealing with a rotter whilst I'm elbow deep in the cookie jar, if ya know what I mean?" Negan's crass analogy earned a soft giggle, a sound met with his own earnest chuckle.
Then you felt him, and your legs threatened to give way then and there. His careful affections, how he kissed reminders of him into your skin and took his time with you and your body, your heart was so full. He started at a slow pace, and it had you realising how much he was just drinking you in. Negan was enamoured with you. He leant in to rest the side of his face against yours, the angle only maneuvering him deeper.
"You're so beautiful." A gravelly hoarse whisper, his stubble scratching the line of your jaw.
It was enough to almost break you, the way he ardently articulated his affinity for you. You parted your lips to express your response when you were interrupted by a bottomless, hard thrust, the warning of an impending change in pace. Unsurprisingly he picked up his rhythm, every thrust matched with heated, honest whines, and sobs that had Negan smiling against your skin. He was groaning too, with low rumbles that sounded like music to your ears. Although he was most certainly fucking you senseless, engaging in filthy, salacious acts for another time, there was an air of passion. His hands were caressing your hips even as he afflicted them, and the occasional sensation of his lips planting kisses into the mess he'd already made of the crook of your neck. The juxtaposition of his actions wholly ruined you, and the satisfied cry that came from the pit of your stomach was more than enough to prove it. Your clenching had him sighing into your ear, delaying his own release just to grant you a few more moments of the continuation of his thrusts, even despite your intense orgasm. When he couldn't compose himself any longer Negan removed himself from you and spilled onto your bare ass, hot wet spurts that you barely took notice of as you attempted to steady your breathing. The tree bark was digging into your palms, and your mind was unfathomably fuzzy. You squeezed your eyes shut as you worked towards your recovery, and Negan rolled back the sleeve of his denim jacket to use the sleeve of the top below to tenderly wipe your skin, cleaning you. When he'd wiped you clean he went and retrieved your discarded clothing, and you instinctively turned to face him, flattening your palms against the ridges behind you whilst you leant against the tree that you were so sure was the only reason that you were still standing. After he'd helped you back to being fully clothed your legs were far more reliable, and you gazed at him as he buttoned your jeans back up for you.
His attention was still momentarily on your jeans before he glanced up to lock eyes with you, strands of hair having fallen from his usual slick making him look that much more handsomely unkempt, not that you looked any better.
"We're screwed, right? What you do to me, and the way you make me feel, that's never going away. Is it?"
His stare softened as your eyes filled with despair, your internal battle still not totally lost on you. The sympathy in his gaze was answer enough, and yet he avoided your question with one of his own.
"I asked you if you trusted me, and you did. With you, again. So, what about a game?"
Whatever idea Negan could possibly have come up with was totally lost on you, your narrowed eyes filling with acute doubt.
"A game?"
"Yeah. The games this, for one day, just today, we don't hate each other's guts. Can't hurt each other, no hurling insults, no looking at me like I just shit in your cereal, nothing. Hell, pretend you never even knew me until Alexandria."
Naturally, your internal initial response was to be outraged. The idea of everything he had ever done to you melting away for the sake of a game, further tarnishing the respect you had for those that Negan had killed, was infuriating. But on the other hand, much to your dismay, you were intrigued. What would that look like? Was there a version of yourself where you didn't have to feel such guilt for letting him touch you, to not be so disgusted with yourself? You exhaled a long sigh, letting some of your frustration disperse through your breath.
Your curiosity had gotten the better of you.
"Fine. But what about in front of the others?"
"That's an exception."
Thank god.
It fell silent, nothing but the sounds of the wind blowing through the trees, and your quiet calm breaths. You found yourself tapping into something you rarely felt, or even acknowledged, a draw to him. It was an aspect of your view on Negan you often denied, his undeniable magnetism, a notion that you quelled time and time again.
"Wanna get going then?"
You nodded, still adjusting to the vulnerability of being completely outside of your comfort zone. The walk the rest of the way was relatively calm, and you hadn't come across any walkers on the way there. The sound of a gunshot ringing out in the distance was enough to force you out of your train of thought, an indicator that Maggie and the others were nearby. You were just about to head in the direction of the ruckus when you felt Negan's fingers interlink with yours, the touch resulting in a momentary pause.
"I got no idea what we're walking into, so just stay close." He disclosed his reason for the abrupt hand-holding, elements of concern tinging his reasoning.
The two of you continued onwards, headed directly towards copious amounts of trouble. The culprit for where the fight had broken out appeared to be a desolate small town filled with various decrepit buildings and structures, piles of rubble scattered across the streets like just about anywhere else in the world. Hand in hand you cautiously crept your way into the battlefield, making your way into a fairly narrow alley that led right out to several other passages. You stuck close to the occasionally jagged brick walls, your back pressed to them as you made your way along, only stopping once you reached a protruding corner that if turned would lead right out into another intersecting alleyway. With great attention, you listened for noise, footsteps, chatter, and anything that would indicate someone was nearby. When you heard nothing you put one foot past the wall ready to cross to the other side, but Negan snatched you back. Your back slammed against his chest, and you were just about to tell him exactly how much you'd like to break his fingers for putting his hands on you when you realised two things. The first thing was this ridiculous game that you were determined not to chicken out and lose, and the second? The now more audible sound of a group of commonwealth troopers approaching, their weighted footsteps grinding with the concrete beneath their feet. Negan just saved both of your asses. His arm was wrapped across your front, pulling you against him with his hand gripping the space between your waist and the side of your chest. It was only when the troopers began to pass you that you realised the worst was yet to come, that you could be spotted right here. There was a point of the wall that would allow you the slightest of cover, and you buried yourselves in it. Your breath picked up, becoming a slow frantic pant, and you pressed your lips together to constrain the sounds of your irregular breath. Eventually, the soldiers passed, and both you and Negan exhaled a deep sigh of relief. His hold loosened on you, and you turned to face him.
"Thanks." You muttered, hoping that the gratitude your eyes gleamed with was convincing enough.
"No problem, now c'mon."
Negan stepped out just past the wall and you followed alongside him. Simultaneously, the sight in the periphery of your vision startled both of you, drawing your weapons in your fright. Synchronously, everybody lowered them once we came to realise who one another was, we'd bumped into Aaron and Gabriel.
"What are you guys doing here?" Aaron whispered, whilst Gabriel kept a lookout for any other not-so-pleasant surprises.
"We wanted to help." You replied, ignoring the unconvinced scowl that that earned when Aaron's eyes flickered over to glare at Negan.
"We haven't got time for this, we need to move." Gabriel suggested, and we were all happy to heed that rather wise warning.
You moved as a group, navigating your way through the street until eventually stumbling across an overgrown and dormant building. With weapons readied you made your way inside, mindful of any walkers or people that may be in there. When you saw nothing you continued, flinching a little when both Gabriel and Aaron turned the corner to make their way into a room up ahead and were momentarily alarmed by whatever or whoever was inside. Negan and you were a little further behind, and by time you caught up, they were talking. It was Daryl's voice, which meant-
"Maggie?" You busted into the room, almost tripping over your own feet in your disbelief.
She came into view, injured, but alive. That was all that mattered. Her eyes lit up when she caught sight of you, and you scurried towards her, latching onto one another with the biggest embrace you'd ever felt. She was the first to pull back, her hands now rested on either side of your forearms. Maggie glanced over your shoulder, some of the light in her eyes fading when she realised you'd brought Negan, and that Hershel wasn't with you.
"Where's Hershel?" She pressed you, her voice moderately raised with motherly concern.
"He's with those people, Maggie. He's in good hands." The fact that he was still sheltered and hidden appeared to soothe her, and some of the tension in her shoulders dissipated.
"We're here to take out shithead and the dickless brigade." Negan added, as charming and sophisticated a mouth as ever.
Whilst everybody hatched a plan you stood at her side, holding each other's nearest hand. Though you could feel Negan's eyes on you, burning holes into the side of your head, you did not meet his gaze. Being with Maggie allowed you to be so overcome with that same guilt again, familiar wounds reopening that you thought had long healed.
"Wait, wait, hold up. Hold up. We can do all of this. They've never seen your face before." Daryl elaborated upon his plan by pointing right at Negan, and the surprised look on his face was priceless.
"Right, are you saying I just walk right on in there?" Judging by the slight narrow of his eyes Negan was trying to gauge whether this was a setup or not, a sacrificial lamb kind of situation.
It wasn't.
"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying."
Daryl had a point, but there was something he failed to mention too.
"I'm going too then." Your abrupt vocal participation had everybody's heads turned to look at you, and Maggie's hand slightly tugged yours.
Somehow you had gone this long without ever coming directly face to face with Lance or the commonwealth, enough for Pamela not to possess enough knowledge of you. Whenever they'd make a surprise visit you'd either leave for supplies or steer clear, and you'd made it this far.
"No." Maggie muttered curtly from beside you, causing you to turn and face her.
Maggie was rattled by the idea of you being alone with him, again. You just got each other back, and you were splitting again. The worst part? Putting your neck on the line for not just them, but Negan. Going with him meant helping him, she knew that.
"Maggie, it's not your call to make." It was a little blunt, but her dark eyes flickered with understanding, as much as she'd rather put up a fight over the decision of you going.
You gradually part your hand from hers as you started to walk, your hand sliding down hers with the adjoined hesitance to let one another go, before your own fingertips finally parted from hers. Your eyes locked with Negan's for the first time since you'd clambered in here, and his vague expression left you conflicted. He was trying to disguise his joy from getting to spend such intimate time with you again, and from your eager offer to help him. His jaw jaws clenched as he fought the urge to smile, but the light in his eyes was not so easily dampened. After crossing the room you made your way to his side, your eyes wavering over to meet Daryl's.
"Alright. So what's the plan?" Negan asked, and you glanced at each other briefly.
No turning back now.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
come and trim my christmas tree
summary: it's christmas time at graceland and mrs. claus deserves a reward in front of the fireplace after being such a gracious hostess while santa was busy. fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: m pairing: elvis presley ( big daddy variation ) x female reader word count: 1739 warnings: elvis as santa. reader as mrs. claus. pregnant sex. talk about elvis's health. basically the reader kind of taking the place of ginger alden if you're curious the time frame my mind went to. fingering. p in v sex ( unprotected ). public ish sex ( they're at home, but there is a possibility of someone catching them ). sex in front of a fireplace. author’s note: merry christmas to those who celebrate and happy holidays to those who don't and happy sunday to those who neither of those apply to. also happy hanukkah. anyway! so. this was originally supposed to be a tame piece but then some people ( @aconflagrationofmyown, @butlersxbirdy, and @ab4eva, cough cough ) were like tame elvis, that's silly, write him railing the reader. so. i did. i am however still finishing up the tame piece that should be up soon-ish, possibly tomorrow morning that has the same beginning as this only to be far more family friendly. so thankful to anyone who reads this and enjoys! you know the drill, imagine austin or real elvis, i'm not picky because i know who i imagined. also if you want a tag for my later fics, or any of my fics in general just give me a heads up, i'm actually gonna try and start using one.
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Christmastime at Graceland is always a bit of a packed house and one that is a- in your own opinion, bit of organized chaos. Between Priscilla bringing Lisa Marie, between every member of the Memphis Mafia- former and current- bringing their basic families and Elvis's own family it was a bit much to handle. Not for the first time you are so deliriously thankful for your fiance still having a relatively cordial at least nowadays relationship with Priscilla. You're pretty sure you would have been lost for the first two Christmases you had hosted and even for this one had you not had her to fall back on.
You're able to handle it though, flitting through rooms like a hummingbird, the swell of your stomach rounding out the red dress lined with white fur causing you to bump once or twice into the children running around and twice into Santa himself, causing him to run his hand across it, murmuring apologies to you and to your little one who gives him an answering kick that has him grinning even more than he already was under his fake beard. Your pregnancy, while giving you more energy than you thought was possible, sometimes also drains you more than you'd like during social engagements. Elvis warns all the adults ahead of time, tells them that things might be cut short if you're looking like you need to relax. You manage to make it a respectable three hours, even if by the end you find yourself sitting on one of the couches, rubbing at your belly enough that despite you moving to stand up shakily in your heels he's showing everyone out in record time.
Lisa and Priscilla are sound asleep upstairs as you find yourself curled up under a blanket on the rug in front of the fireplace with Elvis behind you supporting your back. One of his hands is rubbing small circles against your skin, watching as your child occasionally reacts with a kick that has him huffing a laugh against your neck and has you rolling your eyes. This is all you've really wanted today, for honestly the entire week as preparation for this soiree truly went into overdrive. Elvis might be taking a break from touring and from everything else to focus on his health a little and to focus on you and the child growing in you but he's a bit of a workhorse who doesn't know proper sleeping hours even on his best behavior. You're used to it and it makes times like this, makes these simple moments special. 
The thing about the two of you not having much time for each other this week is now that you do, Elvis can't help the way he had asked if you could keep his cock warm. "Don't gotta do anythin', just wanna feel ya 'round me like a vice grip." He had said, shifting a little as he did. He was soft, but it didn't matter, you had his cock in you like this before and for right now it’s less about having sex and more about being near each other, being close in a way that you haven’t been able to enjoy lately. 
The two of you would normally be talking to each other, normally just enjoying each other’s company but there’s something to be said about how blissful the silence feels after the chaos of the day. Elvis and you decide it’s not the worst idea to just enjoy the silence and read your respective books. Elvis is something spiritual that you find a bit dense and yours is just a classic novel, one you’ve read a million times but it still delights you every time you do. The only noise that breaks the silence is Elvis’s or your occasional hums and his body shifts under you, his thighs tightening just a bit as he does every so often. You think you’ll be fine, that you’re so tired after today that there’s no worry about either one of you becoming aroused but the more you hear Elvis’s hums and feel his cock slowly starting to harden the more you can’t ignore the slowly growing ache between your legs. The more you can’t ignore how you feel your arousal pooling in between your legs, how it’s likely starting to cover your fiance's cock as you inadvertently clench around it. You try to resist the urge to react to what’s happening but you find that the tiredness you feel lends itself well to you falling prey to your own base desires.
"Daddy." You whine, grinding your ass back against him. His cock is already in you but he isn't moving and it isn't as hard as you'd like. Normally you're not like this, not nearly as needy, something about how for some reason your hormones haven't affected you the way he swears other women are. You've still got several months left but this is the most aroused you've been in a while. 
A hand moves to grasp at your hip while the other moves between your legs, that hand moving to cup your mound, a finger moving to brush against your clit in a way that has you hissing softly. 
"Christ, Mama, all that just from keeping jolly ole Saint Elvis warm?" He pulls his hand up and moves to taste the juices you've left on his finger. "Tastes like you need me pretty bad. Tastes like my Missus needs her present early from lil Elvis."
A short keen escapes your lips as you nod quickly, embarrassingly eager for him to move, for you to get more than just warming his cock. You need it, you want it, your cunt clenches around him, trying to be greedy and already get more of him despite his now fully hard cock already being in you. 
“Goddamn.” He whispers against your neck, kissing at it and moving the hand that had already been playing with your clit back to its rightful place, sliding in so easily to rub a tight pattern against it, pressing just so in a way that had you biting your lips to try and avoid making noise. “Should have waited ‘till we got to the room, make it so you could make all those pretty little noises for me. You gonna be able to stay quiet, Mrs. Claus?”
Focusing on words long enough to answer is a feat as you rock against him, meeting his small thrusts into you with as much fervor as you can which isn’t much all things considered but truthfully tonight wasn’t about how quick or how hard the two of you could have sex, no it was just about being together as one entity. “I’ll stay quiet, Elvis. Might be the night of Christmas, but not a creature should be stirring.”
He huffs out a laugh against your neck, nipping at it softly as he thrusts particularly hard and deep into you. “Not even an us?”
Your own laugh comes out a little stilted as you feel his fingers rub in time with that thrust, the sensation causing your toes to curl just a bit. “Only an us. God, Elvis, right-” You grind a little harder in his lap, chasing after the feeling of the thrust he just did. “Right there, just keep touching right there.” 
His answering hum is punctuated with another thrust, this time angled a little more to the front, using his hand that still hasn’t left your hip to move you back just a hair. That same hand moves to your breasts, cupping one of them in his hand as his thumb plays with your nipple. He can feel you fluttering, feel that you’re starting to reach the edge. Your whole body always tightens in a certain way when you’re almost there, and he can feel it, can feel how you want to let go. Your breath quickens as your chest starts to heave a little under his ministrations. His movements quicken as he thrusts up into you, body trying to give you exactly what you need. 
Normally you can warn him, tell him you’re about to cum but right now your eyes are shut as your body focuses on the roughness of the calluses of his fingers on your nipple and on your clit. Everything narrows in on you and Elvis and the fireplace. The warmth of your love and of the heat of the blanket and of the fire coming together to have you clenching around him, cumming with a choked off moan as you feel him following suit for once cumming just a bit after you, the warmth of his cum adding to the overwhelming feeling of toastiness you feel.
It takes longer than either of you would like to admit to catch your breath, you because of the baby and him because he wasn’t necessarily prepared to be fucking you like that. When you do though, you slip out of him, both of you whining just a little before looking at each other and grinning. You turn to face him, noting how both of your robes are in a state of disarray and if his face is anything to go by you both look fucked out and exhausted, sweat sticking to both of you. As if he reads your mind, Elvis moves to get up, grunting a bit with the effort and making a face at how his body makes some cracking noise somewhere before holding out his hand to pull you up. Once you’re up, he wraps his arm around your shoulder and starts to lead you out of the room, the blanket forgotten but far far away from the fire that’s starting to burn itself out. He places a kiss to your temple as he walks with you up the stairs.”We’re gonna be married by next Christmas, gonna have this baby bouncin’ around everywhere and gonna have you be my wife, Mama. Promise, second you wanna have that wedding, I’ll be right there.”
A smile crosses your lips as you nuzzle into his chest. “Careful and I’ll ask for a courthouse wedding when they’re open next.” 
He just laughs softly pulling you even tighter against him. “I’ll get to callin’ tomorrow mornin’ and makin’ the arrangements. After we sleep.”
There’s a retort on your lips that you swallow in favor of nodding. “After we sleep.”
He wasn’t kidding about calling that next morning.
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just-wrting · 1 year
The Babysitter (Part 4)
Title: The Babysitter (Part 4)
Summary: You do your best to get a little closer to Aaron, while still keeping enough distance that you don't catch feelings. The only problem? It doesn't seem like it's working.
Word Count: 2687
Master List Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
A/N: I promised that Part 4 would be what I posted next and here it is!!!! It only took me longer than expected. I also think that despite the migraines and my terrible work schedule I'll be doing my best to post 3x a week. Also yes I know, I didn't post this at 3 AM my time for once.
You stretch and lean back on the couch. Aaron had texted you that plane had landed and that he’d be on his way soon. It's already much later than you want it to be. Jack has been asleep for a while, leaning against you while the TV plays whatever movie is on.
You know you shouldn’t go to sleep now, not when Aaron is so close to being back home, but you can’t fight it anymore. You shuffle Jack into your arms, it's much harder to move a sleeping child than an awake one, and go to the bedroom.
You're too tired to take Jack to his bed, so you take him to Aaron’s room. You push the covers to Aaron’s bed back and climb in. You shuffle the blanket around you and Jack, tucking it under his chin. Within seconds, you feel your eyes flutter shut. You wish you could stay up until toron gets here. That thought doesn't stop you from falling asleep.
You wake up well rested to an empty bed. A slightly burnt smell wafts through the house. You race to the kitchen in a panic, worried that Jack has decided to mess with stuff. Instead Jack is standing next to the toaster, with Aaron.
"You should’ve woken me up,” you say as you lean against the doorway. "You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“I didn't want to wake you. Jack said you had a long week so I thought it was best to let you sleep."
Aaron sets a plate on the table and Jack rushes over to you. He eagerly grabs your arm, and guides you towards the table.
"I helped make you breakfast!"
The way he smiles makes your heart melt, and you sink into a chair.
"Yeah I can see that But is it really okay to eat without you? Maybe I’ll wait a bit.”
Aaron sets two pieces of toast on your plate. The edges are darker than you prefer but you know better than to make a face about it in front of Jack.
"It’s fine. Better to eat it while it's still hot," Aaron says with a gentle smile. "Besides, Jack ate first.”
“That doesn't stop me from feeling a bit bad. How much sleep did you get Aaron?”
His silence is the answer. He got less sleep than you wish he would as is, not to mention how strenuous his job is. You make note to talk to about that habit as soon as you can.
As you pack up your things you hear a knock at the door. You hear Aaron get the door and a voice talking about Jack. Walking to the front door leads to you seeing a mom and son duo.
“He's been talking about this all day," the mom giggles, "I'm so grateful that you’re willing to let Jack come over for a little bit."
You slide up to Aaron and take a look. The kid is Jack’s age, so you guess he's a friend from school. The guess is correct as Jack shoves his shoes on and runs between you and Aaron to go outside.
"I had some stuff to do so it made sense for him to go with a friend.”
"Alright. Just text me when you want me to bring him back. He's always welcome."
With that, the three of them left. You take your time watching Jack get into the car and leave, choosing to stay silent for a minute.
"When did you set that up," you ask, turning to Aaron. "Cause I didn't.”
"This morning. I figured it would give us time to talk about things.”
You nod, "There's still coffee left so we best get to it. I just want a few things to clear up."
A sigh leaves his lips. “I can imagine there's a lot to clear up.
You make both coffees. "I'm not upset with you, if that makes you feel better.
"I suppose it does. I don't know what I'd do if you decided to leave."
"'Probably hire someone else."
"'I don't-" he sighs, “Jack doesn't want someone else."
Your eyes soften as you look at Aaron. He looks exhausted. You want to push him into bed and force him to sleep. You feel yourself thinking about how much you'd like to help him .
“Good thing I love you guys.”
Aaron chuckles. “That’s good. He’d be heartbroken if you left.”
“I can tell. He looks so sad when I have to leave for the night.”
“He does, doesn’t he? What was it you wanted to know?”
You hold the coffee mug in both hands, staring at the surface. There’s only a few topics you want to ask about, you just aren’t sure where to start. There’s stuff about his job, not to mention a topic that you’re positive will be awkward, Jack’s mom.
“Let’s start with an obvious one. Why didn’t you want to tell me about your job? I’m sure that not wanting me to run far away was part of it.”
There’s a pained look on his face. He probably has lots of stories of things happening to people he knows that aren’t agents. You want to give him some sort of comfort, but you aren’t sure what you’d even say.
“You’re right. I also just don’t want you to get hurt. I’ve seen what people will do to people around me and everyone on my team and I was hoping that if you didn’t find out you’d be safer,” he explains, the expression on his face unwavering.
“I’m sorry. I hate to ask it then, but does that choice have anything to do with Jack’s mother? You don’t have to give me details, I just am unsure if I’ll meet her.”
This time, Aaron takes a while to answer. You worry that you’ve asked too much. Clearly something bad happened, and it still weighs heavy on his mind. You choose to focus on your coffee as you try to figure out how to backtrack.
“Forget I asked about it, Aaron. I’m sure I understand enough without you explaining it.”
He shakes his head. “It’s okay. You’re right. My job got in the way and she passed.”
You reach across the table and give his hand a quick squeeze. “You don’t have to say anything else. I’m not entitled to information like that. How about you tell me about this team of yours?”
“I think you’d like them. They do tend to profile everyone however, which can be an issue.”
You give Aaron a smile. “Does that mean you’ve been profiling me since the beginning? And why you didn’t need a background check?”
“Our tech analyst is amazing. She’d find any sort of dirt on you I’d need. Not that I need any.”
“That is a bit terrifying. I’ll make sure to behave I guess. Is she super nosey?”
A small smile breaks across his face. “For sure. Penelope Garcia knows everything I could ever need about you.”
“So do you know everything from my star sign to where I live? Or is that just her?”
“I don’t know any of that. I just made sure you don’t have a criminal background.”
“That’s good. If there’s anything you want to know just ask me. Besides that I don’t have any other questions.”
You down the rest of your coffee and move to the sink.
“Then I’ll get to work. I have some paperwork to get done.”
You turn and look at him. A hand rests on your hip and you frown.
“You’ll do the paperwork after you rest, right? I know for a fact you didn’t get a lot of sleep.”
Aaron looks a bit startled at your question. “I’ll be okay.”
“What time did you get home? When did you go to bed? You slept on the couch, right? When did Jack wake you up?”
“I got home around midnight and went to sleep shortly after. I promise I’m fine.”
You cross your arms and frown. “That doesn’t mean much, Aaron.”
“I’m used to it at this point. Long nights are a part of my job.”
“Aaron, I work with kids. I know how to make you take a nap," you say, Your voice is calm, but you hope he knows you’re serious. "You worry about Jack all the time. Someone has to worry about you.”
“I'll be fine, You don't need to worry about me.”
"Too late. I’m already worried."
Despite the frown, Aaron isn't taking you seriously. His eyes are crinkled and you're sure there's a small hidden behind the coffee mug.
"Since you insist, I'll try to rest. I can’t promise anything."
“I'm sure you'll find the bedroom is nap ready. I swapped out the curtains so it was easier to sleep and brought a fan over.”
Aaron sets his coffee mug next to the sink. You were right about the smile. The corners of his lips are still upturned. You know he’s probably doing this to make you feel better.
Thankfully, you’re able to do everything you need around the house. The dishes, sweeping, dusting and various other chores are a breeze without anything or anyone in your way. Things you have been putting off due to a lack of time are officially done. The only place you haven’t cleaned is the master bedroom.
After a few hours, you hear Aaron begin his paperwork. You do your best to not check in on him again, but you can’t help yourself from peering through the crack of the door. His face is set in a frown, and his eyebrows are furrowed. The way he meticulously goes through each page is impressive.
You aren’t sure if he’s eaten, and you can feel the lack of food start to catch up to you. After setting your resolve, you push the door open and lean against the doorframe. Aaron looks up at you almost immediately.
“I know there’s not much in the fridge since I’ve got to go to the store, but did you want lunch? I may not be able to make something that’ll impress you, but I could probably impress a kid,” you joke with a light smile.
While Aaron doesn’t say anything, he gives you more of his attention. You take that as a good sign, and keep rambling.
“Does a PB&J with an apple and milk sound okay? There’s even some leftover brownies that I’ll throw in. That’s something a kid may like, but maybe not something you’d like.”
“Sure. That does sound like something that a kid would like and be impressed by.”
“Of course it is. I cut the apple up which is a superior way of eating it, and they get sugar. Not to mention, sometimes I let them have some chips."
Aaron's smile is less tense, and you feel satisfied. Nothing makes you feel better than knowing you can make someone important to you happier.
“I'll get started on that. Will Jack be joining us for dinner?"
"I thought that it would be a good idea for him to spend as much time as he wants with his friend. It gives me time to get you a contact list for his friends’ parents and that way you can have some free time.”
“If you insist. I already have free time. It's usually a few hours after he's in bed that you’re home. Plus he has stuff he likes to keep "secret" like things for you.”
The frown is back. "What about your dating life? I'm sure that whoever you're seeing wants to see you more."
“Yeah I'm sure that's what my ex would want. I'll make lunch real fast."
You make your escape to the kitchen as quick as you can. Talking about your ex unisn't something you're keen on doing. It was a messy ending.
You push all relationship thoughts out of your head. This is not the time or place to be thinking like that. It's lunch time, which means focusing on making food. Not that making a PB and J is hard.
The whole thing only takes you about ten minutes; you really should just buy an apple slicer. It would save you so much effort. In fact, Aaron's house was missing some of that stuff that would make housework easier.
You do your best to arrange the food on the plate, hoping it all fits. Balancing more than two plates is a struggle, so you choose to grab the drinks separately. Milk is hard to get out carpets if you don’t have the right materials. The smell will attract a pet and that's a hassle. At least it doesn't stain.
"Where do you want me to set this?"
Aaron shuffles the papers into neat piles, creating a space in the middle of the desk. You avert your eyes, not wanting to read the files. Even if they weren’t confidential, it isn't something that you’d want to read. After setting down the plates, you go to get the drinks.
The first few minutes of eating are done in silence. You’d like to get to know Aaron better, you just don’t want to come off as weird. It would suck if he misunderstood your intentions. Not that you wouldn’t date him.
"Something’s on your mind. Did you want to talk about it?”
"No. I think I’ll be okay in regards to what I was thinking about. On a different topic, what do you and Jack do together?”
Aaron looks a little ashamed at the question. You can sense he has a lot of guilt about how things have turned out. The look in his eyes makes you want to comfort him, but you don’t know what to say.
“If you ever want to talk about something, you can talk to me,” you offer. "I won't understand everything, but it's still good to get it out.”
“Maybe at a time when I don’t have so much paperwork,” he says with a sad smile. "I almost feel like-“
"Work has taken over your life? Tell me about it. I love kids, but there are times I wish I choose different job. Like the time all three kids had the flu, so I was cleaning up so much vomit.”
The rest of the meal is spent telling each other embarrassing work stories. Aaron shares things from all his team members, while you tell him the ridiculous things some kids have done. As the stories go on, you find yourself entranced by his laugh. The way his eyes crinkle and the corner of his lips turn up have your heart almost skipping a beat. For some reason, you start to feel self-conscience. Thankfully, the doorbell rings.
"I’ll get it. You probably need to get back to work," you say as you collect the dishes.
You stack the dishes, and carefully close the door behind you. You don't even bother going to the kitchen, opting to just set the dishes on a table nearby. Thankfully, the doorbell rings only the one time. You see the mom from earlier standing there, and swing open the door. Jack rushes in to hug you. You ruffle his hair as the mom starts to speak.
“I’m so glad that Aaron’s finally dating again. Poor man has been alone for too long,” she laments. “How long has it been?”
“I'm not sure. I didn't even know Aaron was dating," you reply with a shrug.
“Wait, you aren’t dating Aaron?” Her face is
turning red. "With how Jack talks about you, I thought maybe. He doesn’t talk about anyone but his dad like that.”
"It's Fine. Can’t blame you for what kids say," you offer with a smile. "No harm done.”
She doesn't say more, instead rushing back to her car. You don’t stop her, figuring that would make it worse.
You'll mention it to Aaron, hoping that he’ll be able to handle it.
For now, you'll be content to make Jack happy by pretending to be whoever he wants. After all, Aaron will have fixed it by tomorrow and there won’t be any more problems.
@rousethemouse @ash-whimsicalfanfic If anyone wants to be added to a tag list let me know!
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writerman · 11 months
Are you still taking fic prompts? Because if you are then omg, Barduil first meeting for that 'stuck overnight in an IKEA' post... 'I was just there for a table, he was only there for the meatballs and... well... by the time we were all allowed to go the next morning I had my table, he'd had his meatballs and we both had a boyfriend... It was love at first Ypperlig...'
Hi, anon, did you know you sent me this request in 2021??
If you still follow me or ever followed me to begin with, I am so sorry.
Here is your IKEA Barduil prompt.
Happy NaNo!
Fandom: The Hobbit
Ship: Bard x Thranduil (Barduil)
Word Count: 5,541
Anyone travelling out there stay safe, the storm is supposed to be coming in thick and fast by this afternoon. Local authorities and the MET office have asked that if you can stay home please do! 
On that note here is a little song for anyone taking on the blizzard today. Snow Bird by Ann- 
Bard smacked the radio as fast as he could, numb fingers fumbling with the off switch while he kept his eyes on the road. The snow hadn’t hit blizzard levels yet but the sky above him hinted that it wouldn’t be long.
The snowfall the night before had blanketed the world in white that was already about a foot deep, but it hadn’t deterred many from leaving their homes. There were a few brave souls battling through the snow-covered sidewalks- no one had come to clear a path but no one appeared to care that much. 
It was fine, it would be fine, he only had to run into IKEA for a replacement coffee table as Bain had body-slammed the other one and left it in two halves in the living room. Of course, it had been an accident and that was what Bard got for letting him watch the pro wrestling stuff on TV unattended. 
Of course. An accident. 
So, a replacement was needed and somehow the exact replica of it existed (imagine that!) within the blue and yellow labyrinth of IKEA, patiently waiting for the myriad of other shoppers to swoop in and collect it only to have their Christmas visitors exclaim that they too had the same table at home! 
Thankfully, parking was easy. The place was practically deserted because everyone else had more sense than to drive out into an impending snowstorm to buy furniture! 
Then again, everyone probably didn’t have a child like Bain to contend with. He was a good kid, just energetic and very impressionable at his age. It wasn’t as though something like this hadn’t happened before. 
Why am I even out buying a table? The kids are with their mum this year. All I need is to rest a cup on it… Shaking the snow off himself at the entrance, Bard tried not to let his entire being sag at the thought of Christmas on his own and then he recalled why he had gotten out of the house in the first place.
It had been too quiet. 
Amid his thoughts, someone brushed past him hurriedly sending him crashing into a metal basket of stuffed sharks. Before he can topple over into the pile of plush toys a strong hand wraps around his wrist and pulls him back to his feet. 
“Sorry, so sorry, I didn’t mean to knock you over like that!” Apologies flew fast from the stranger’s mouth and Bard cleared his throat before smiling awkwardly trying to brush it off. 
“It’s all right, I was in the way.” He mumbled this as he checked himself over, and as he glanced up to his would-be attacker and rescuer he felt his heart do an odd sort of little skip before resuming the staccato rhythm it had taken up in the moment of surprise. 
“No, not at all.” The stranger’s voice seemed to have dropped an octave now his apologies had been done and dusted and he promptly released Bard’s wrist from his grip upon realising that he still held on to him. “I was not paying attention; you know this time of year leaves everyone… harried.” He trailed off as he said the last word and it looked as though he was unsure if he meant what he was saying. 
“Honestly, I'm alright. Don’t worry about it.” Bard urged again, really he wanted some space between himself and the stranger because he was experiencing what could only be described as a sexual awakening but incredibly bisexually. 
“If you’re sure you’re fine.” The stranger continued but when Bard nodded again they merely nodded back and turned neatly on their heel and hurried away with the same speed they had entered the store. 
After that encounter Bard didn’t see them again, in fact, he saw very few people that didn’t work there. Most of them stood huddled around a work computer whispering urgently about the oncoming storm. 
Likely wishing idiots like him would piss off home so they could head home too.
Yes, he felt awful that they had to be there, and he did honestly feel bad for going in but he really wanted to replace his table- he had time and nowhere else to be. Though, the employees didn’t seem to harbour any ill will towards him when he asked for help finding the section he needed. 
Bard had spent a grand total of 20 minutes in the store by the time he reached the checkouts and as he approached one he realised there were no members of staff to be seen. Scratching his head in confusion, he looked about for any sign of the employees who assisted him earlier. 
No one.
Someone at his side groaned. 
“Just wonderful,” They griped shifting from one foot to another jostling whatever it was in their hands. “The snow has blocked the door; the employees are trying to figure out what they should do.” 
Turning to look at the stranger, Bard comes face to face with the very man that had bowled him over in the entrance. 
“Hello, again.” He shared the grim expression held by the stranger as he greeted him. His attention is then focused on the now shut off automatic doors. A few members of the staff were stood looking at the heavily falling snow, one of them jumping backwards as a sudden gust of wind rattled the doors and the lights flickered around them.
“You don’t suppose the restaurant is open, do you?” The stranger spoke again, and Bard glanced down at his flat pack table at his feet for a second before picking it up and turning to look up at the signposts that hung above them both.
“Let’s find out.” He tried for cheerful, it came out quiet and he cursed inwardly at how nervous he was around the man. The same man that had been so very sorry for knocking into a bunch of stuffed sharks not 20 minutes earlier.
“Yes, let’s. I’m Thranduil, by the way. And again, I am so very sorry for knocking you off your feet. Not how I like to introduce myself to people, hopefully you sustained no injury.” There was a hint of amusement in his voice and Bard felt the slightest blush warm his cheeks.
“No injury, fighting off sharks stuffed or otherwise is just days’ work for a dad with 3 rambunctious kids.” They head toward the restaurant and Thranduil offers a knowing nod, they had found some common ground.
“Oh, uh, I’m Bard. Nice to meet you… Thranduil, was it?” It was an unusual name, but honestly, so was Bard. Though, people didn’t tend to comment on it as much as he assumed people might about Thranduil’s.
“So, do you play music?” The question came right out of the left field and left Bard silent for a moment until he caught on and let out a loud laugh.
“Funny, not musically inclined at all, played the odd bit of guitar in university, you know how it goes.” He tried not to think about the cringe-worthy image of him sitting beneath a tree strumming the whole three cords he knew just humming songs uncaring that they didn’t match the chords.
“Yes, yes, we’ve all been there. The mortifying act of trying to reinvent yourself only to discover you don’t know how to begin remodelling your life aside from drastically changing your wardrobe only to never wear any of the ridiculous items ever again.” Thranduil gave a flourish of the hand before grimacing at the memory of it.
“Ah, the hubris of youth.” Bard sighed.
In a surprising turn of events, the restaurant was open and the few customers who still lingered, rather against their will, had made their own way over to buy coffee and pastries to wait out the storm until eventually, like animals, they could be released back into the wild again.
“Coffee?” Thranduil set his unpurchased item on the chair next to him before shrugging off his long coat from his incredibly tall form. He dressed any dad might, jeans, boots and a jumper and yet the clothes seemed to fit him better than they had any person Bard had ever encountered before.
Not that he was staring.
IKEA was certainly not the place to consider his wavering sexuality, no that was better suited to a queer coffee shop or whatever, he wasn’t sure. He had really had to think about this kind of thing before.
Not that he was expecting a full-blown love affair to come from their meeting. After they were set free they likely wouldn’t see one another ever again.
“I’m sorry that I asked such a complex question when I offered to buy you coffee, shall I rephrase it?” Once again, there was a touch of amusement in his voice as he spoke.
It took an embarrassing amount of time for Bard to realise he had just been standing silently looking at Thranduil for at least 2 minutes. No words uttered he had just stood there like an idiot letting his mind wander while Thranduil waited patiently for a response.
“Aha, sorry, yes coffee is fine.” He shoved his hand into his jeans pocket to fish for change, but Thranduil chided him with the click of his tongue and walked off without taking any of the money he had attempted to offer.
Bard took this chance to take off his own coat after sliding his unpaid for table down by the table and the restaurant wall.
How badly he wanted to put his hands over his face and scream into them. This had never happened to him before. He had never found another man attractive before. However, by the look of it, Thranduil was used to it as many of the other occupants actively and openly stared at him as he passed them by before their eyes snapped over to Bard with questions burning on the tips of their tongues.
Mortifying, mortifying, awful, terrible.
When Thranduil returned he placed both cups on the table before digging into his own pocket for the sugar packets and little pots of milk he had acquired on his way back to their table.
“Does that happen everywhere you go?” Bard motioned to the people still watching him though trying to pull it off that they were merely having a good old gander at the restaurant and out of the windows.
“Oh, I suppose. I think it’s my hair.” Thranduil seemed disinterested and concentrated on peeling back the foil from the tiny milk pots.
Yeah sure, not the fact you’re the most beautiful person to grace the earth.
Nope, he wasn’t going there, after all this, he was going to have to sit down with his brain and talk to it about inappropriate thoughts.
Should go well.
“You do have nice hair, I suppose it makes sense people will stare at you, and you’re b- big… uh, tall!” Bard pulled his own coffee cup towards him and tore open two of the sugar packets dumping them into his coffee without looking at Thranduil.
His face felt hot.
“I am very big, you’re correct.” No further context was given and Bard near choked on his first sip of coffee upon hearing the words uttered.
Is he flirting with me? Surely not.
Bard cannot even begin to formulate a response and as if the Gods smiled up on him, the squeal and hiss of the tannoy above interrupted their conversation.
Dear customers of the store, unfortunately, due to the weather conditions we have been required to close the store for the rest of the day. Due to the ongoing storm and its severity, for your safety we have been advised to have anyone in store remain until the worst has passed.
We understand that this is inconvenient and may cause some upset, if you have any questions our staff are on hand to assist.
We strongly suggest that you remain indoors and do not attempt to leave the store. IKEA are offering free food and hot beverages to all customers affected for the duration of your stay.
Again, we apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you.
When the announcement ended Bard could hear the throng of people gathered in the restaurant begin to grumble, muttering under their breath that they had places to be. He had no sympathy for them coming out in a storm with the intention of running errands.
Sure, he had done the same and maybe Thranduil had done, too. But he had nowhere to be. When he looked back at Thranduil he noticed the man was simply continuing to drink his coffee with not a single worry plastered across his face.
“Nothing waiting for you back at home either, ay?” Bard gave an empathetic smile when Thranduil nodded and set down his cup, leaning back in his seat he gave a cursory look around the room before he spoke.
“I have two adult children, well, university age, they are with their respective partners this Christmas, and I pretended I had made plans so that they didn’t feel sorry for their dear old dad being alone on Christmas.” As casually as he had tried to make it sound, Thranduil did come across as sad as he explained himself.
“I only ventured out for something to do. I had already promised I wouldn’t work over Christmas so IKEA it is. You know the hub of all social interaction. Joking aside, some good has come of it, well, the snowed in part of my day isn’t the highlight but I do have good company at least.” Thranduil lets the silence linger, and Bard swallowed hard, it was hard to know if this man was in fact flirting with him even if he wasn’t the way he spoke was just so fucking…
“We’re in the same boat, I only came out to replace a coffee table and only because I’m home alone for Christmas too,” It was a stupid thing to do, his brain was already telling him he was going to crash and burn but still his mouth disregarded the warning.
“I know you probably have a ton of friends you could hang out with, but you know my door is open to you if you want to spend the day. I know we are practical strangers- ah, I don’t know why I’m doing this. Sorry.” Bard fumbled at the last moment and decided it was better to rescind the invitation to save his already shaky ego.
“Strangely, I have very few friends. Something about being intimidating and having a- now what did Tauriel call it, ah yes! I have a resting bitch face that seems to put people off from talking to me.” The delivery was dry and still Bard let out a surprised laugh which he quickly smothered by taking a long sip of his drink hyper aware that others were now looking over at him.
“Now that is a nice sound.” Thranduil was resting his chin in his hand, elbow planted firmly on the tabletop looking across at Bard with a gentle and sincere smile. “So, is my invitation still valid or are you going shy on me?” He arches a brow and Bard can’t look away from him, and he knows he’s beet red.
“A-are you really flirting with me?”
“I have been this entire time, thank you for noticing,” The confidence that oozed from Thranduil was almost unbearable in how damn hot it was. No hint of arrogance just sheer and open boldness.
“You left me quite lost for words when I first set eyes on you, or rather… when I full body smashed you into a cart of BLÅHAJ, butchering the pronunciation but you get the idea. Could scarcely even look at you, with your beautiful brown eyes and dark wavy hair. That and you said I had pretty hair and I was big- ah, tall.” The corners of his mouth quirked up in a smirk and Bard felt like sliding out of his seat onto the floor hoping it would open up and swallow him whole.
“W-well, my invitation still stands if you’re interested.” How he had managed to even get words out in a coherent manner was beyond his comprehension seeing as his brain was on fire and there didn’t appear to be any extinguishers wedged into the grey matter.
The lights above them began to flicker before going out, the power had cut out and the wind and snow battered the side of the building brutally the sound of metal creaking faintly around them.
“Fuck- it’s getting worse.” Bard was thankful for the distraction and directed his attention to the windows, the snow was swirling through the wild gales. It came down fast and heavy blotting out the world beyond the glass.
“Let’s move on, I want to sit on something more comfortable.” Thranduil didn’t wait for a response as he stood grabbing his coat and scarf and leaving behind the tiny pack of scented tea lights.
It wouldn’t make any sense for him to carry them around until he could actually purchase them, so Bard followed suit, picking up his coat and leaving the flatpack box still resting between the table and wall.
Like a lost puppy he followed Thranduil until he was at his side struggling to keep up with the long strides the blond made until he came to a stop in the department he had sought out. Bard watched as he wandered through the sofas until he found one that looked comfortable enough, he gently laid his coat over the back of it before flopping down onto the cushions and patting the space next to him.
With as much grace as he could manage, Bard wove between the other sofas and proceeded to sit next to Thranduil, taking care not to have any part of him against the other. However, this didn’t seem to be how things were supposed to go because Thranduil shuffled himself closer so their legs touched from thigh to calf.
“Oh, now this is nice. Do you suppose we will be stuck here all night?” Thranduil had no qualms about being pressed up beside Bard, meanwhile, Bard was trying to as covertly as possible hide his heart attack whilst wondering if he needed to have a conversation with himself about the sudden attraction he had to men.
Because it was sudden like he was smacked with a bisexual stick as soon as he entered the IKEA.
Was it a requirement to be in IKEA?
“I- hope not. I don’t think a big metal building with no power will be a very comfortable place to sleep.” The idea was unappealing, and Bard shuddered though it turned into a shiver as the cold air began to seep in, whatever warmth there had been, it seemed was no longer apparent and he could feel a headache coming on.
“I’ll keep you warm, don’t worry.” The words were whispered into his ear, he could feel Thranduil’s hot breath ghosting over the shell of his ear and the vibrations of his words jostled Bard’s already frayed nerves to near breaking point.
As luck would have it, a store employee was hunting down customers and handing out blankets still in their packaging.
“You two look cosy, but this should help, too.” She was young, early twenties if that. Her cheery demeanour didn’t quite fit the predicament they were in, but it was nice to see that a snowstorm wasn’t dampening her smile.
She didn’t stick around, she had a cart full of blankets she had to distribute, all the while wearing one as a cape as she went.
Bard wasted no time in pulling the soft grey blanket out of its packaging wrapping it around him to ward off the chill, he watched as Thranduil did the same and was genuinely grateful when Thranduil plastered himself against Bard’s side again.
Heat was heat, even if it was the body heat of a particularly amorous man who looked like an angel. When he thought about it, knowing someone harboured obvious affection for him was nice.
New, but nice.
Before he knew it, the girl from earlier was shaking them both awake holding a torch, the bright beam blasting against the floor so as to not blind the both of them in the now pitch-dark sofa department.
“If you’d both rather sleep in a bed I can take you over there now, come on. Everyone else is already over there and the more people in one space the warmer it will be. There’s a small generator nearby too, we have a kettle if you want tea or coffee.” The idea of a bed was delightful and both Thranduil both murmured their sleep thanks as they stood up from the sofa.
“I don’t know about you, but at my age sleeping on a sofa in the cold is not a kind way to treat the body. I ache in the most atrocious way.” Thranduil griped as he collected his coat and scarf, Bard gave him a consolatory pat on the arm hoping it came across as sympathetic in the dark.
“Right there with you,” Bard responded, his hand dropped to his side, fingers accidentally brushing Thranduil’s, who saw the chance to grasp his hand in his. The lack of light other than a torch beam a few steps ahead of them a perfect cover to hide any embarrassment at the gentle touch.
It was such a soft gesture, endearing and sincere. More than Bard had experienced since his divorce, while amicable, it didn’t hurt any less.
But this man was actively pursuing him, in his heart he knew this was moving fast but it didn’t mean he would wish for it to slow down. Of course, he was confused but the excitement was overriding his common sense a little bit, whatever would come of this he couldn’t tell but it was thrilling.
There were several people already bundled up in the show beds, shoes and boots neatly set on the floor beside their coats, some giggling at the absurdity of it all while others looked worried, if not a little scared.
The young girl led Bard and Thranduil to a king-size bed mentioning under her breath that ‘Blondie needed room for his legs’ before smiling at them both and wandering off to assist others with their queries.
Of course, she had assumed they were together. She’d found them bundled up asleep under blankets almost glued at the hip and he really didn’t want the ordeal of having to ask her for his own bed.
It was one night, one night, fully clothed and in a room full of other people, nothing would happen and they couldn’t talk privately with beds set out barely a metre apart. It wasn’t that he felt unsafe or that he thought Thranduil might do something untoward but sharing a bed with him even unromantically… platonically, was fast fast.
Speed of light fast, he didn’t know this man’s last name, where he lived, what kind of car he drove, his favourite food… all he knew was that they were similar in age and were basically alone.
I’m overthinking this. We’re just going to sleep; I was fine sleeping on a sofa right next to him. I was happy to have him hold my hand…
It wasn’t until Thranduil reached out and nudged him that he realised he was being spoken to and wasn’t listening to a word that was said. Sheepishly he looked to Thranduil in the meagre light of one singular lamp that was situated at the edge of the display beds and offered an apologetic smile.
“Would you like me to find somewhere else to sleep?” Serious tone, his face set with determination, but Bard wasn’t sure what it was Thranduil was hoping to achieve. If he was trying to make him feel more comfortable it was working but the idea of sleeping alone when he had the chance not to was what forced him to respond.
“No, you don’t need to do that.” Bard turns away from him to sit on the bed and slip off his boots, placing them under the bed along with his coat. He feels the bed behind him dip as Thranduil moves to do the same.
“Sleeping together and we haven’t even had a first date, how scandalous.” Thranduil teased, though he still had his back to Bard as he spoke. An older lady in the bed next to them let out a chuckle and it managed to put Bard at ease, he locked eyes with her, and she gave him a wink.
Standing up he threw the covers back on his side of the bed and climbed in, but he didn’t lie down, he didn’t want to really commit to sleep until Thranduil was also beside him and comfortable.
It didn’t make any difference if Thranduil slept before him or not and he couldn’t explain to himself mentally why he was waiting for the blond and yet he did.
Thranduil was having a whispered conversation with someone in the bed across from him, but the conversation ended when Bard put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently to get his attention.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you waiting, you cannot sleep without me already, hmm?” Another tease from him and even in the limited light Bard could see his triumphant smile.
When they both settled in bed, Bard was surprised to notice that Thranduil had not plastered himself against him but did welcome the space. Still, he wanted to speak to Thranduil before they tried to get some sleep.
Rolling onto his side he came face to face with him and he sighed before actively readying himself for what he was about to ask.
“Thran, can I call you Thran?” Stalling but when Thranduil nodded he continued, as his eyes adjusted to the dark he could see he held the other’s rapt attention. “How long have you been single?” He tried to whisper the question as quietly as he could and he knew Thranduil had heard it because he stiffened before rolling onto his back remaining silent for some time.
Eventually, he rolled back onto his side, his hand sliding over the space between them reaching for Bard’s hand.
“I know you’re worried about my intense interest in you, I understand it. You are right to be cautious, we know virtually nothing about one another.” His voice sounded so inviting even in a whisper, but his voice was so deep Bard had to move in closer just to hear him properly.
“This is a unique situation, I don’t think I’ve ever been snowed in in an IKEA before and I doubt I will again for the rest of my life, but this is advantageous a blessing in disguise. Would we have met if not for the snowstorm?”
We wouldn’t have met if Bain hadn’t decided to People’s Elbow the damn coffee table. But Bard didn’t say that Thranduil didn’t need to know that ancient re-runs of WWE were the cause of their meeting.
“The moment I realised I was interested in you I knew I couldn’t let you slip away. I was already so annoyed when I thought you’d already left. When you showed up at my side at the empty checkout I was beside myself. I wanted to make the time count, I made sure that we had a chance to talk again and when you so easily went along with it… I knew I had to trust my attraction to lead the way.” How earnest he was in admitting all of this, knowing how strange it was to feel as he did with so little provocation.
They both understood there needed to be far more put into whatever it was they were doing, this wasn’t going to be a fated lovers thing, even if that was how it felt right at that moment. In the morning they would part ways and it was up to them to work out how to deal with their strange evening and how far they were willing to go to make things work.
Even if Bard felt somewhat like a defeatist in thinking it would die out as soon as they stepped out of the store, he was willing to try. He was willing if Thranduil was, and it was apparent to him that Thranduil would put the effort in.
At least, he hoped he would. This gave Bard pause because he was just as eager to continue seeing Thranduil in any capacity. Would he regret it if he never spoke to him again?
This time he did not allow his brain to offer up an answer.
“Let’s talk about this in the morning, I don’t think I can keep whispering like this.” Bard gave Thranduil’s hand a squeeze and he smiled when it was returned.
Nothing else was said between them and it wasn’t long before Bard could hear Thranduil’s breathing slow signalling the man was already asleep.
In the morning, Bard woke with a start trying to work out where he was and who was lying in the bed next to him. The memories of the day before came flooding back and he covered his face with both hands sighing heavily.
Yesterday had been a lot.
Today would be more so.
It was then he realised the lights were now on. Power had been restored and people were getting out of their beds cheerily chattering away pulling on shoes and scouting the area for staff.
It wasn’t until they were alone that Thranduil opened his eyes, his hair was tousled from sleep, and when he mumbled a ‘good morning’ it was so deep it came out more like a rumble of thunder leaving Bard to scramble mentally to gather up his senses once again to return the greeting.
“You’re the last one up, sleepyhead.” Bard joked as he grabbed the blanket and threw back exposing Thranduil to the cold. In response to such callous behaviour, Thranduil groaned like he’d been stabbed before grabbing Bard by the front of his t-shirt pulling him down on top of him and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I consider this repayment for such hideous behaviour after I kept you warm all night.”
“Excuse you, but I was the one that kept you warm all night, not the other way around.” In a bid to keep himself from short circuiting, he had to volley right off Thranduil’s words because if he allowed himself to think of the kiss for a mere second he would probably explode.
I cannot believe I was about to lose my mind over a peck on the cheek. Get yourself together, Bard, mate.
“Let’s not start discourse of who kept who warm, instead let’s get coffee and breakfast and get the fuck out of this place. I’ve had no phone service all this time and I am sure someone is going to report me missing if I do not get in touch with the outside world.
My company are going to assume I’ve died.” Business like but he was smiling, thoroughly pleased with himself for the cheek kiss, probably.
They were not released from the yellow and blue prison until lunchtime and by that time Bard was willing to dig the place out himself. He wanted a shower, clean clothes and his own comfortable sofa and TV.
The time to decompress was a necessity, he needed time to overthink every single interaction he’d had with Thranduil, from the moment they met to the very moment he handed over his contact number before rushing off to his own car while on a conference call with his children and vice president of his company all who sounded as though they were wailing into his ear with relief.
With his replacement table securely in the back seat, and after having the car running with the heat blasting for 15 minutes, Bard made his own way home.
His house was blessedly empty, upon his return home. It was the first time in years he was pleased to have only the sound of silence in every corner. In a matter of minutes, Bard had the thermostat cranked up, his coat off and boots kicked into the hallway.
He had an important meeting with the sofa he couldn’t miss and probably a fair few calls to make to confirm he was not dead, he was ok and ‘You wouldn’t believe what happened last night’.
As he unlocked his phone, the first message to come through was an unsaved number, opening it up he realised who it was from almost immediately.
I wanted so badly to kiss you properly this morning, but we have time for that. See you at Christmas. T x
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Hey Frankie, do you mind giving me a few writing prompts? I’m having writers block and would love some ideas.
Thanks in advance for the prompts you come up with (:
I'm going to post two of them here, for now
1. An old woman named Jane wakes up one morning in a house that does not feel like her own. She is the only occupant, and the walls move and sigh and turn opaque when she is not looking, like someone had a key and was trying to make sure nobody else was looking. The house is surrounded by a dark garden with spiky, misshapen trees, and the whole thing is surrounded by a long stone wall, which is topped by a roof of stone slates so that it looks like a medieval castle.
The house is cold and silent as an empty tomb, and it terrifies her.
But it is the house she lives in. The garden is her garden, the wall her wall. The house is the best place for her. But if she ever admits this, all the terrible things will happen.
"Where are my children?"
"My house, as a woman."
"Where are the children?"
"The house, as a house."
2. A little girl with red hair walks through a field of wildflowers. In the distance, she hears a voice.
"What are you going to do when you get to the edge of the field?"
"Run home."
"A girl like you should be walking along the path, not running."
"I'm not safe at home."
"Then why are you here?"
"Because the sky is blue. Because the flowers are bright."
"You are running home to someone who does not love you. Do you really believe you will be safe there?"
"Why not?"
"Because home is a place you have been exiled from, because they can never make you happy. They can never understand you. They will never, never accept you."
The girl reaches the edge of the field, and runs home.
"My friend is back," the voice says. "Go home and find peace there."
"Home is the place I cannot go. I have been running home my entire life. I ran away when I was three, from this very place, and I ran away again when I was ten, and again when I was sixteen, and I run away every day."
"I see you in your garden, and the flowers in your hair are so red. You are running home because you cannot run away."
"If you see me again, then you will kill me."
"I do not see you. Only a reflection. My house is dark, and so are your eyes."
"Then I will kill you in my garden, then."
3. Two figures stand in a garden. The man asks the woman,
"Who is this child?"
"You don't remember me," she says. "It's me. I used to live here. But I never came back."
"I remember," the man says. "I never forgot. You have been here every day of my life."
The woman has grown, now, and it is as if she has put on a pair of glasses.
She walks through the garden and back to the house, and the door opens to a warm and inviting home.
"I have been here every day of your life, and I remember you when you don't remember me. You are all that matters to me. I will bring you to the very centre of me. I will give you everything you ever wanted."
The woman takes the man in her arms, and he feels himself being swallowed up.
"I have been with you in the garden all along," he says. "Everything you have ever wanted, I have given you, and more. We are complete.
"That is why I am here," the woman replies. "It will be enough."
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