#i am once again asking to party w Bob
mangowillow · 2 years
maybe if
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
summary: jeongguk, a free spirit, an adventurer, sees you a year later still picking up the pieces he left behind.
genre/tags: exes, angst, post-break-up, hurt & comfort, some fluff here and there
word count: 4k
a/n: i play favorites with my stories and i will say that this one sits on the throne— at least for now. there will be a mini-sequel for release soon (fingers crossed)
Walking into the club, Jeongguk feels his throat tighten. After being away for a year to figure out what he wanted to do in life, it wasn’t easy to just slide his way back into the lives of the people he once knew—
—into the lives of the people he once left behind.
The welcome back party his friends have thrown for him was nice. He hasn’t felt the company of familiarity in a while now. It was good to see them again— like nothing ever happened. Like he never left.
Backpacking across Europe, Jeongguk felt free and light. He has always wanted to see beyond the confines of his home, to see what’s out there, what’s waiting for him.
Yet in doing so, he also had to make sacrifices— ones he didn’t want.
Stepping out of the club, Jeongguk needed to breathe. He might have been in and out of festivals and parties during his stay abroad, but the stuffiness of a crowded club will always make him uncomfortable. As soon as he is out, he hears a pair of heels tap against the pavement.
To his right, he sees a man trying to support a woman by her waist, her heels making dull noises as they hit the cold pavement.
“Come on, beautiful, let me take you home.”
Jeongguk hears the woman groan and slur at her words seemingly drunk, “I don’t know you, can you just please let me go.”
He recognizes that voice.
“My place is just a few blocks away, we’ll be there in no—”
“She told you to let her go.”
The man whirs behind him, only to see Jeongguk standing too close to where he is.
“Let her go,” Jeongguk says as his jaw slacks.
“And who are you?” the man sneers.
“Her boyfriend. Do you have a problem with that?”
The man chuckles and huffs, “You have got to be kidding me.”
“I’m not going to ask you again,” Jeongguk’s voice is now lower than it’s supposed to be. “Let her go.”
The man raises his arms in surrender, causing the woman to stumble all on her own. Jeongguk is quick to not let her fall on her own feet.
“Walk away.”
Jeongguk is honestly ready to fight if he has to, seeing that the man tensed and looked like he was about to pounce. Luckily, he didn’t. Jeongguk watches him stride back inside the club before looking at the woman.
He would recognize you anywhere.
Your hair is longer and you dyed it a light brown. Your eyes still shine, even though they look tired. You are still beautiful.
And very much drunk.
When you finally had enough strength to look into the eyes of the stranger who seems to have saved your ass, recognition dawns on you.
“Shit, I need to stop taking sleeping pills. For a second there, I thought you were my ex.”
Jeongguk swallows the lump forming in his throat, “____, it’s me.”
As soon as you hear his voice, your will to become more lucid has never been stronger.
“W-ait wha—? J-jeongguk?”
“Are you with anyone? They should know that you’re out here,” When you don’t respond, Jeongguk continues, “You’re drunk, ____. If you’re with someone inside—-”
You pull your arm away from him, slightly stumbling backward.
“I a-am not with… anyone. No—” You started to stumble once more, causing Jeongguk to hold onto your waist.
“Okay, come on, let’s get you home.”
“I am not going home with you,” you mumble.
“You’ve had enough to drink.”
“That— that is true,” you sloppily agreed, your head bobbing to the side, resting on Jeongguk’s shoulder.
“Okay then, the night’s over for you, let’s go.”
Surprisingly, you do not put up much of a fight. Jeongguk ushers you to his car and gently placed his palm on top of your head to prevent you from hitting your head on the car door frame. Getting into the car himself, he reaches across you to fasten your seatbelt. He can smell the alcohol on you, yet once the honey and lavender notes of your shampoo invade his senses, he has to keep himself from pulling you into a tight embrace.
Fuck, he misses you.
You shifted in the passenger seat as Jeongguk started the engine. “I need to know where you live, ____”
You lay your head back onto the headrest and mumble, “You know where I live.”
For a while, Jeongguk couldn’t move. He didn’t want to believe it. You must have sensed his body grow tense because you turn to look at him, eyes half-lidded but enough to tell Jeongguk about the sadness lingering.
“I still live there.”
The car ride back to your place was a quiet one. You seem to have fallen into a light sleep, occasionally stirring when Jeongguk stopped at a light or when he took a turn. He still knows the way to the apartment—- almost like muscle memory, like the back of his hand. As he listens to the sound of your breathing, his thoughts are all over the place.
What were you doing in a club all alone?
Why do you still live in our old apartment?
Why do you look like you’re still hurting?
Jeongguk tries his best to help you get into the apartment in one piece. You being drunk isn’t something new to him, not really. When you were still together, there were nights when he had to do the same thing—- take you back home safely.
Jeongguk wanted to chuckle at the irony but quickly realize that the only difference now is that you’re no longer his.
Not only does Jeongguk know what kind of drunk you are—- the quiet one—- he also knows that you require, at all costs, a shower before lying on the bed because you hate the idea of alcohol and smoke touching your sheets. He knew you’d throw a fit when you didn’t get your shower.
He watches you stumble your way through the dark surroundings of the apartment, trying to find the light switch. When you finally find it and light helped illuminate the room, Jeongguk feels his chest ache. A quick look around the apartment tells him everything and nothing has changed since he left. He is quickly pulled out of his thoughts when he hears a dull thump.
He sees you rub on your leg right after it hit the kitchen counter and he quickly rushes to your side. As he was about to lead you into the master bedroom, he feels you resist.
“That’s not where I sleep.” Jeongguk looks at you, all puzzled until you try to redirect him to the other side of the hallway.
Jeongguk’s heart drops upon realizing one of the changes in the apartment since he left—- you now sleep in the room that was once his own small photography and video-editing room.
“M— I’m going to take a s-show—er,” you tried to say coherently, but your tongue still felt like lead.
“Do you need any help?”
You shake your head and stumble, “M’ fine…”
“I’ll be here if you need me.”
You seem to nod your head, at least that’s what Jeongguk likes to think. As soon as the bathroom door closed, Jeongguk allows his eyes to wander around the room.
The walls still hold the same hue, there was now a small bonsai sitting on the window sill. The bed you sleep on holds the same familiarity and it grips at his heart—- it’s the same bed where you both whispered promises of love to one another in the middle of the night, the same bed where you both made love as two souls intertwined, the same bed where you held each other through good and bad. Tears threaten to prick at Jeongguk’s eyes. He didn’t expect his first night back to turn out this way, didn’t anticipate he’d run into you and see you moving on yet also holding on to everything you both once shared.
The whole time, Jeongguk listens intently for any sign of you on the other side of the door, ready to help you if you need it. When he heard a loud clank, he jumped to the door but hesitated last minute. He heard you curse.
With one hand on the doorknob, he knocked, “_____? Are you okay?” When no response came, he tried again, “I’m coming in, okay?”
When he opens the bathroom, he finds you sitting on the floor, a green bottle with its contents spilled out onto the floor. Jeongguk immediately kneels before you, holding your face in his hands.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Your eyes start to droop, the effects of alcohol still kicking in. “M’fine, I just—- I think I wasted a whole bottle of toner because I’m stupid.”
“You’re not stupid, ____. It was an accident.”
His words made the corner of your lip twitch and you hummed. Jeongguk helped you up and carried you to the bathroom counter.
This was another familiar setting between you and Jeongguk—- him helping you with your skincare after taking a shower, especially when you’re too inebriated to do it yourself. Picking up the bottle of your toner, he smiled, “There’s still some left.” He grabbed a piece of face pad and dabbled the toner onto your skin. Your eyes fall close and sigh as soon as his fingers did their work.
Jeongguk misses seeing your facial features relax under his touch. In the past, he used to see you smile even just a little bit as he ran the tips of his fingers, trying to get all that serum in. He misses this quiet intimacy you both shared.
He opens the medicine cabinet and found your moisturizer. He squeezed a bit of it onto the back of his hand before gently rubbing circles across your cheeks, forehead, and neck.
“Jeongguk I’m so sleepy…”
��We’re almost done, love.”
The term of endearment naturally slips and Jeongguk immediately looks at you to see if you picked it up. His heart swells at the sight of you—- glowing, whispering a soft agreement, almost like you’re giving him your full trust. If you had heard what he just addressed you with, you were good at hiding your reaction.
Jeongguk helps you settle in for bed, tucking you in under the soft blankets. As he smoothens out the creases in different places, he hears you whisper his name.
He didn’t expect tears to stream down your face as you look at him through half-lidded eyes.
“Hey, hey… _____ what’s wrong, why are you crying?”
He knows how you tend to get emotional during those rare moments you get really drunk—- that was another thing that bothered him since he saw you back at the club. You only get drunk when you’re really, really trying to escape from something.
He wipes your tears using his knuckles, “_____ please don’t cry.”
“Did you… did you find what you were looking for?”
Jeongguk knows what you were trying to ask and his heart aches because you haven’t forgotten, “What do you mean?”
“Did you get to experience a good life, Jeongguk? Because—- because it’s all I ever wanted for you…”
Your eyes were starting to close, almost fully succumbing to sleep. Jeongguk allowed his own tears to fall.
“Why aren’t you answering?”
Jeongguk tried his best not to sob right there and then, “Hmm. I did experience good things.”
It took you a while to respond and for a minute, Jeongguk thought you had already fallen asleep. “Was I ever enough?”
Jeongguk feels his whole body tense and freeze, his fingers stopping in the middle of caressing your cheek.
“Was I ever enough for you?”
There have been a lot of things you had wanted to ask Jeongguk in the past but didn’t get to. Jeongguk knew now that he could have done a lot of things differently—- that he could have chased his dreams without letting you go.
“You have always been more than enough for me, ____.”
You smiled, but it didn’t reach your eyes, “I’m glad—- I’m glad life has been kind to you.” You try to fight off the sleep because even in the state you are in, you still manage to see how Jeongguk tries his best to fight off his tears. You slowly lifted your hand to reach out and touch his face. “You deserve to be happy, Jeongguk.”
Jeongguk holds your hand in his, kissing your palm as he cries. There are a lot of things he could have done differently in the past—- and that includes not losing you and making you sad as you have been since he left. He cried for you— the only person who made life worth living. He cried for the both of you— the only good thing in his life that he ruined.
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You wake up with the sunlight peeking through the blinds. The first thing you felt was your throbbing headache. You couldn’t remember how you even managed to come home last night. You went into the club to have some fun, maybe look for a good time, all because you wanted to do anything except wallow. You tried sitting up, realizing there is already a glass of water and aspirin on the bedside table— you definitely do not recall putting both of those there. You were almost finished drinking the whole glass when you heard the sound of plates and cutlery outside your room. You don’t remember bringing anyone home last night, no no no.
The moment you step into your kitchen, you see someone with their back to you finding their way around the pots and stove.
You recognize those broad shoulders.
“Uh… hello?”
Jeongguk slightly jumps at the sound of your voice. His features relax when he realizes you’ve woken up.
“Good morning, ____”
“Y-you’re here.”
“I’m here,” Jeongguk whispered, holding his breath.
“H-how did you—” Goddamn, you really need to stop drinking so much.
“I ran into you last night at the club. You were trying to get away from someone and I told them to fuck off.”
Jeongguk placed the cutlery on either side of the bowl, “Come, I made you some hangover soup.”
You timidly made your way to the kitchen counter, trying to wrack your brain as to what happened last night.
“I can hear you thinking, ____.”
“Did I— Did I say anything… last night?” You weren’t one for dilly-dallying, you have always been straightforward with Jeongguk. You were also like that the night he left.
Jeongguk didn’t respond right away and proceeded to pour another serving of soup onto a bowl. “No, not anything significant. Although, you did drop your new bottle of toner onto the bathroom floor.”
He hears you groan almost immediately. When he turns around, you had your head in your hands. “That was a new bottle of toner.”
“I know, you said so last night.” Biting your lip, he added, “I can swing by the store and buy you a new one.”
You continue to just look at Jeongguk, eyes turning glassy. You don’t remember everything you said last night, but you do recall Jeongguk crying.
“It wasn’t insignificant.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“What did we talk about last night, Jeongguk?”
“____, you need to eat first. You haven’t eaten anything since last night, I think.”
“No, Jeongguk. I asked you a question.”
Jeongguk knows this isn’t a battle he could win. Since last night, everything about you and him has been unconventional and this isn’t how he planned on meeting you again.
“You asked me if I found what I was looking for. I said I did, I had a good time… you also asked me if you were ever enough for me. I answered yes, _____. I will never stop saying it until you believe it. You have always been more than enough for me.”
Your hands were on the counter's edge, ready to stand and leave, “That’s unfair, Jeongguk. You do not mean that.”
“Why? Why is it so hard to believe?” Jeongguk briefly closed his eyes, reminding himself to not lose his cool because that stubbornness was one of the things that tore you both apart. “Look, _____. When I saw you last night, you were almost taken advantage of by some sleazeball. You never drink that much unless there’s a reason, but when I tried asking you if you were with anybody else, you told me there wasn’t. Since when did you start drinking alone at clubs? You could have gotten hurt—-”
“You don’t have any right to care about me, Jeongguk. You should have just left me there.”
“I know I lost that right a long time ago, but I can’t help it. You were once my girlfriend, _____, I cannot just leave you.”
The scoff you let out tore at Jeongguk. “You already left me once, Jeongguk. Surely it isn’t hard to do it the second time around.”
Jeongguk stands up to come near you, but you flinch. His heart aches once again.
“Now that’s unfair, _____,” Jeongguk closes his eyes for a fleeting moment, trying to temper the pain in his own heart, “You have every right to be angry with me—-”
“I am not angry, Jeongguk, I am in pain,” you try to level your voice despite wanting to scream, “I am still hurting so much and you put me here.” Your tears were now uncontrollable. “You were supposed to be the one person I could turn to when things became hard. Since you left, I tried to understand what I did wrong, what I did so bad enough for you to just up and leave.”
You turn your back on Jeongguk because looking at him is becoming too painful for you to bear. Your tongue is faster than your thoughts, threatening to spill every single ounce of pain you have kept in for far too long. You bite your lip in an attempt to stop talking, but then a small sob comes out instead.
“Shit, this isn’t supposed to be happening, I was already trying to move on from everything and I just—-” you bite on your bottom lip again before turning back to face him, “Did you know that it was supposed to be our third year anniversary yesterday?”
The gears in Jeongguk’s head started to turn; once more, he failed to remember. He failed you.
“I loved you so much, Jeongguk. But you broke my heart so much I can’t even bear to see you—” Jeongguk runs and catches you just before your knees gave in.
None of your fights with Jeongguk were this emotionally driven before. This is completely new territory to both of you and now you’re drowning in it. Jeongguk held you in his arms as you continue to sob, still too exhausted to push him away this time.
“I’m sorry, ____, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I was wrong to leave you behind. I should have just asked you to come with me, but I didn’t. I was selfish and I didn’t want to drag you down with me just because I didn’t know what I want. I’m sorry, ____, I know it isn’t enough to fix anything, but I really am sorry for hurting you like this.”
Both of you stay like that on the floor for a while, holding each other, not knowing what is going to happen next. Jeongguk cradles your head as close as you allow him as he cries tears of his own. He used to know how to comfort you, how to take care of you when you were upset.
This time around he doesn’t know how to do any of that because he knows he is the cause of your misery.
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You open your eyes to a dim room. As you slowly come to, the argument with Jeongguk at breakfast came rushing back. With rain making itself known through the sounds of its downfall on your bedroom window, you realize Jeongguk was beside you— head laid on the edge of the bed, sleeping. You bring a hand up to remove the stray hairs that clouded his tired features. It’s been a year, you thought. Yet Jeongguk still looks peaceful despite the more evident circles under his eyes.
It’s been a year and Jeongguk found you again.
Tracing his cheek with your fingers didn’t last long because Jeongguk’s eyes slowly opened. Despite the tension from earlier, you didn’t feel the need to pull your hand away. Jeongguk turned his head to face you, chin resting on his hand.
“Hi,” Jeongguk whispered.
“Hey,” you replied, “It’s uncomfortable down there.”
Jeongguk carefully shook his head. “I only closed my eyes for a while, trying to listen to the rain.”
“It calms you.” You supplied.
“And you remember,” Jeongguk murmured with silent glee in his heart.
“Of course I do,” you said, giving him a small smile.
“I’m sorry, ____.”
“I know you are. I know. It’s not wrong to want things for yourself… to find yourself.”
“But it doesn’t change the fact that I left you for wanting those things. I could have handled it better,” Jeongguk defended.
You find yourself nodding, “I understand why you had to leave, Jeongguk. I didn’t want to be the one to hold you back from experiencing the good things in life,” you take a deep breath, “Even if that does not include me.”
Jeongguk moved to sit on the bed with you and gently held your hands. Looking up at you, he finally sees the stars in your eyes once more. They’re barely there— they have lost their light, but maybe he can still fix it.
“There are so many things I wasn’t able to tell you… not after we left things the way we did. I walked out on you, ____. You can’t let me off so easily for that… But I do want to make things right, somehow. If you will let me.”
You keep your eyes trained on your hands, the one being held the love of your life. If you really have to ask yourself, nothing has really changed about your feelings for Jeongguk. You still love him, deep down you know that.
“Hey, ____?” Jeongguk asked tentatively. You hum in response as you finally look at him.
“Why didn’t you move out? I mean—- the lease was up days before… before I left, and I just—”
“It was a hard decision at first,” you supplied, gripping Jeongguk’s hands just a bit tighter, “But I realized I didn’t want to move out. Honestly, I just really missed you and I’m reminded of it every single day when I’m here. But somehow, it also helped keep me going. Even though we didn’t end things well, I still wanted to hold on to what was left. I moved into your old studio because I wanted to feel close to you even though you’re no longer here. Deep down, I knew I didn’t resent you for leaving. It hurt like hell, I’m not denying that. But It also made me feel proud of you because you were finally achieving your dreams.”
Jeongguk reached out to cradle your face in his hand, “Why are you still so kind to me, _____? After all I’ve done to you?”
“You’re the only person who has ever made me feel happy,” you held his hand in yours as a tear trickled down your cheek, “I never stopped wishing for your happiness, Jeongguk. I want you to know that.”
“Can I— can we still work things out between us, ____? Will you let me make it up to you? I know it won’t be easy, but I am willing to do everything I can to mend us. Will you let me, ____?”
You reached out to wipe the tears that stained Jeongguk’s cheeks once more, “I would love that, Jeongguk.”
“I love you, _____. You— you don’t have to say it back, I just really want you to know that I love you so much… and I will wait for you for as long as you’ll have me…”
You lean forward to plant a soft kiss on Jeongguk’s forehead. With all the love in the world, you hope that for now, this will help him feel that you’re just as willing to wait for him, too.
“I love you too, Jeongguk. I always have.”
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Don't act like this isn't the Democrats fault. They didn't codify Roe when they had the chance, and now they're paying the price.
Hooweeeee. Normally, I just block these kinds of asks out of hand and go on with my day, but you've caught me at the end of two solid days of Rage, and unfortunately for you, I'm not gonna do that. Instead, just to start, I would like to politely ask the following question:
Hello! Have you ever considered the possibility that you may be A Total Fucking Idiot?
Since there are many of us, present company regretfully included, who struggle with history, let's start out with a quick lesson. Roe was handed down in 1973. It took a while to really get evangelicals hot under the collar, but by 1987, in Ronald Reagan's second term, it had definitely happened. To further the Republicans' cherished goal of overturning it, Reagan nominated far-right whackjob Robert Bork to the Supreme Court. The Democrats, led by then-Senator Joe Biden, fought back on a massive scale and defeated the nomination, leading to Anthony Kennedy joining the SC instead of Bork.
In 1992, another abortion-related case reached the Supreme Court: Planned Parenthood v. Casey, wherein Roe was pretty much reaffirmed in its entirety. By 1992, George H.W. Bush had finished one term, generally underwhelmed the public, and was voted out, thus to be replaced by Bill Clinton. In 1994, in Clinton's first midterm election, the Newt Gingrich Republicans took the House and the Strom Thurmond and Bob Dole Republicans took the Senate. This GOP control of at least one branch of Congress remained the case until 2001, when George W. Bush became president. (Also, the GOP Clinton-era Republicans had other things to do, such as the Lewinsky scandal in 1998, back when they still pretended to have moral values and impeached Clinton accordingly). Considering the fact that any attempt to pass a national law to codify Roe was obviously doomed with Dubya in the White House, since he would have vetoed it, and that the Democrats didn't fully control the House, Senate, and Presidency again until 2009, one might feel that formalizing a twice-affirmed decision by the Supreme Court maybe wasn't the top priority. Abortion rights were and are popular (in fact, that's why the three Trumpists on the SC had to lie to the Judiciary Committee about their plans to repeal it), and Obama had other things on his plate. Like, you know, saving the national and global economy from total meltdown after the crisis of 2008, and trying to jam through the Affordable Care Act in the short time he had before 2010, and once more losing the House to the Tea Party. The loss of the Senate followed in 2014. Once again, we didn't get it back until 2021, when the three wingnut justices were already seated on the Court and Trump had run his reign of terror.
Considering those empirical circumstances, the fact that the Democrats have only had control of all three branches of the federal government for two-year periods at MOST and were busy fixing all the other most pressing messes, and that the Republicans have said for decades that this is exactly what they want to do, I am truly gobsmacked (if not surprised) at the sheer number of morons who want to make this, yet again, the Democrats' fault. Apparently the Republicans are just a force of nature who can't really be blamed or actually considered to have agency; it's only ever on the Democrats for Not Doing Enough To Stop Them. Instead, we now have hordes of told-you-so-ers swarming out of the woodwork and acting like this was a five-alarm fire that the Democrats willfully ignored and/or fanned on. That is incredibly moronic on multiple levels, but hey, that kind of seems to be your Brand. That is, when you're not labeling smug inactivity and self-professed moral superiority as the most pure and correct course of action, but again, we all have our talents.
There was no way for the Republicans to overturn Roe without the exact kind of judicial skulduggery, right-wing extremism, and scads of dark money that finally came together in the perfect storm. (Ever hear of Citizens United in 2010, and the way in which hard-right interest groups have been funding this planned takeover of the judiciary for years? Or does that conflict with your predetermined hypothesis?) Apparently Democrats should have Done More to stop Trump from choosing Supreme Court justices (a Very Smart White Man on twitter made the argument that it was actually Senate Democrats' fault for not stopping McConnell on procedural grounds, or.... something). This was after actual Democrats begged the Holier Than Thous to vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016, explicitly because we pointed out that the Supreme Court was in a precarious position with elderly justices and open seats, and the next president would be poised to reshape it for the next generation. You all laughed at us, more or less openly called us a bunch of bootlicking neoliberal traitors, and told us that the Supreme Court didn't matter and we were all delusional. Then you didn't vote. Then Trump won the election by squeaking out wins in a handful of key states. Then.... well, we all know what happened next.
So tell me, Oh Wise Internet Sage. Where, in what Congress, and according to what actual rules of reality, procedure, and priority, should the Democrats have passed a law to codify a popular twice-affirmed Supreme Court decision that was not under serious threat precisely until this confluence of circumstances took place under the Trump presidency? Be specific, and point out exactly how it would have happened. Otherwise, your argument is bad and you should feel bad.
Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Obama, and all the other prominent Democratic leadership and/or congresspeople have already made strong statements within hours of the draft opinion being leaked. Republicans are screaming in unison that whoever leaked it is the actual story, not the content or impact of the decision (literally what McConnell said today on CNN). The DEMOCRATS DO SOMETHING!!! crowd need to, uh, actually say what they're fucking supposed to do now. Instead you blame RBG, you blame HRC, you blame the Democrats, and absolutely everyone and anyone except the actual people responsible for doing this. You may think it's an enlightened and complex stance that reflects the Realities of the World, or whatever. You may think that Joe Manchin doesn't exist (believe me, I wish he fucking didn't) and that Biden can wave a magic wand and overturn SCOTUS. Do they need to do more? YES! MANY OF THEM HAVE EXPLICITLY SAID THEY WILL BE EXPLORING ALL OPTIONS! BUT WE STILL LIVE (FOR THE NEXT FEW MONTHS) IN A DEMOCRACY AND THAT REQUIRES US DOING OUR JOB AND VOTING IN NEW AND BETTER PEOPLE TO HELP THEM!
I'm sick and fucking tired of this pissbaby whining from the exact same people who make us beg and plead for their vote every single election, feel morally justified in withholding it, and have done literally nothing to advance any of the causes they claim to care about. "Hindsight is 20/20" some of you like to point out, but with the expected irony, you miss it completely when it comes to reviewing any of your own (non) actions and any hint of genuine acknowledgment that your apathy and nihilism helped this happen. So. Suck on that, then go step on a rake. If this should knock some sense into you, we can then talk again.
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steveluvr · 3 years
so pretty ♡
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summary meeting college!baseball player!steve rogers at a party and fucking him :) 
college!steve rogers x reader (reader has no pronouns but has a vag)
warnings smut, p in v 
word count 1k
an / just getting back into writing and i want this blog to become a sort of ask blog where we talk abt aus and stuff. i’m rlly into college aus rn w steve/bucky/johnny storm so :) 
“You’re so pretty,” Steve’s lips ghost over yours as his arms cage you up against the wall. The room is humid and sweaty. You can feel his hot breath on your face, he smells like beer and spearmint gum. Not the chewy kind, the kind that crackles when you start chewing it. 
“Just pretty? Is that all I am Steven?” You feign innocence before biting his lips between your teeth and gently pulling him closer. You place your palm over the front of his jeans to feel his hardened cock pushing against the zipper and caging fabric. “You’re pretty too.” 
You pull your lips away from him and he gently rests his forehead on yours. You can feel how sweaty and flushed his face is from the alcohol and you blink your eyes up at him sweetly. He looks down the hallway to see the party getting louder by the hour and shyly suggests you go into the bathroom. 
“I have a condom,” he pulls his brown faux leather wallet from his back pocket to find the small gold package. He struggles with it for a bit, his hands full with his fumbling and his wallet still out and you gently take it from him and sit comfortably on the counter, not really caring about the random gel bottles and brushing the toothbrushes into the sink.
Once the condom is open and in your hands Steve is unbuckling the belt of his jeans and letting them and his underwear fall to the ground.
You notice how long his cock is immediately. It’s hard to miss, the way it’s slightly bobbing and you hand him the condom. He takes a moment to roll it up his cock and looks at you expectantly.
His lips find yours again as he kisses you, harshly this time. Saliva and tongue everywhere, his lips crashing into yours, sucking on your tongue and mouths moving both together and against each other. It was harsh and it was messy as you wrapped your arms around his neck to hopefully bring him closer to you.
You could feel his cock hard on your thigh. He looks up at you before hiking up your dress and you giggle as he pulls your panties harshly down and off your legs.
“It’s not fair ‘m almost naked and you’re not,” he says while nearly ripping the flimsy article off and tossing on the floor near his feet. He goes in to kiss you again and your chests move up and down quickly together.
“Please,” you whine, immediately scolding yourself in your mind for sounding desperate and he flashes you a shy smile. You purse your lips at him as he lifts your legs above your shoulders and leans you back gently on the mirror behind the sink.
The lighting in the room is harsh and wall seems to be vibrating from the loud party music making its way through the house. You felt the tip of Steve’s cock poke your dripping cunt and you shivered a little bit. It was warm on your cold, exposed pussy and you wanted him inside you.
With a groan he pushed in and you heard him let out what sounded like a whimper. He pushed deeper, desperate to feel your cunt around his cock. He hummed, “‘re so warm.” He was slurring slightly, not out of drunkenness but because he was not expecting to feel this good.
“You’re so hot,” you whispered, hotly on his ear as he pushed deeper into you, deep enough that you could feel his balls on your pussy. You turned his head to make him look at you. “You’re so hot,” you kissed him again and he started moving his hips backwards and forwards.
His movements were jerky, messy, not inexperienced but desperate. One of his hands went down between your legs to rub at your clit in gentle circles. You breathed out a moan and pulled away from his lips when you felt him tug at your clit. You threw your head back and panted as he thrusted, closing your eyes and panting.
He could feel you clenching around him as he thrusted, “You’re so…good,” he whispered as you moaned.
“So good, Steve,” you felt him thrust harder and take his hand off your clit to lean up against the wall behind you. You began rubbing at your own clit and breathed heavily.
“‘M gonna cum, okay?” You warned and he nodded as you closed your eyes rubbing faster at your clit and breathing out sighs as you clench around him hard. The endorphins rushed to your brain and down your back, easing any of the tension you had been holding in your muscles. You continued to clench around his cock, giggling when you saw his eyebrows furrow every time until he came with a moan.
When you felt his cock soften he pulled out of you and put your legs back down on the counter as gently as he could.
He really was so sweet. He spoke so softly to you, not in a whispery way, just in gentle way, like he was so happy to talk to you.
He fumbled while taking his condom off and tying it before throwing it in the trash. As he pulled his pants up he handed you your panties and while he was buckling his belt you tugged on his shirt gently so he would look at you. Quickly you pressed your lips to his and he quickly melted into your kiss.
“Thank you,” you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips and he smiled. You put your panties back on and hopped down from the counter. He laughed when you had to shake your legs a bit. “I’m going to piss,” you said bluntly and he nodded. He grabbed his wallet that was on the floor and left the room swiftly.
You hopped he wasn’t going to be gone by the time you were done. You quickly went pee and cleaned yourself up as much as you could before stepped out of the room. Just as you turned to walk down the hall you noticed Steve standing there looking at his phone leaning against the wall.
“Hi,” you smiled brightly.
“Hi!” He returned your toothy grin.
“You waited for me.”
“Of course,” he stuck his phone in his jeans pocket. “Do you want me to get you a drink?”
“I would like that very much, Steve,” you grinned. 
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angellesword · 4 years
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Summary: You live in a world where people see in black and white. The solution to finally see the colors? It’s simple. You need to meet your soulmate and look at him in the eyes, but what if the person bound to you is already contented with the monochromatic world? What if…Jeongguk, your soulmate, is already in love with someone else?
“A future without you is a world without color.”
Genre: soulmate au, e2l, slow burn, angst, fluff, roommate au
Pairing: Artist!Jungkook x Lawyer!Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: discussion of injuries which i know nothing about, effects of drunk driving.
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Jeon Jeongguk missed you.
He missed you so much he felt like he was going crazy.
He didn't realize that a big part of you was occupying his whole being to the point that when the two of you separated ways, he felt like everything he had meant nothing if you weren't in his life.
He had been dreaming of buying his own apartment ever since he was young, but now that he finally had a house that he could call his own, Jeongguk came to know that this wasn't what he wanted.
What he desired was not a house—he wanted a home and home was wherever you were.
The walls surrounding him weren't going to protect him. It actually hurt him. The deafening silence kept on bouncing that he felt like he was gonna lose his sense of hearing.
Jeongguk decided he hated silence.
He wanted his house to be filled with your laughter.
"Seriously, Guk. Why am I here?"
Jeongguk couldn't speak as Red continued to glare at him.
Ji-eun and her father couldn't visit today because Namjoon had work to do. This left Jeongguk with no choice but to invite his ex-girlfriend in his abode. He hated being alone since it reminded him of how fucked up he was.
He needed a distraction.
"So now you're giving me the silent treatment?" Red rolled her eyes. This was one of her ex lover's habits that she hated. Jeongguk was so bad when it came to communicating.
"You need to tell me the truth if this is about her." Red sighed and Jeongguk froze. The former hadn't mentioned your name, yet Jeongguk was already affected. He knew Red was referring to you.
"I like her a lot and as much as I enjoy doing you a favor, I can't do this forever."
"Msorry..." Jeongguk avoided Red's eyes as he bit his lower lip. His heart hurt a lot.
"No." She shook her head as if her ex's apology was pure bullshit. This was truly unacceptable. "This isn't just about you, Jeongguk. Did you know that the whole office is either questioning my sexuality or thinking I'm a kiss-ass?"
"What?" The confused boy flicked his gaze at Red.
She snorted and then rolled her eyes once more.
"People think I'm in love with your soulmate because I basically cook her three meals a day. I also remind her to drink water, take her vitamins, leave her sweet notes, and change the flowers in her vase just because you are too much of a pussy to do it on your own!"
Jeongguk averted Red's glare again. She was right. He was a fucking coward—too scared to do all these good things on his own.
He was the one who left you, but he felt like you didn't want to do anything with him anymore. Jeongguk had accepted his sad fate, but it didn't mean he would stop taking care of you.
The truth was he was the one who cooked the food you eat every day. He was the one writing you sweet notes, he was the one bombarding Red text messages to kindly remind you to do the simple things you usually forgot because of your busy schedule.
Jeongguk was doing all of this without your knowledge.
How could he tell you when he knew he was unnecessarily mean to you?
"I mean it's about right. I told you I'm gonna stay here for a few months. It's over now. I don't want to be your tenant anymore."
What he said to you six months ago was deeply engraved in his head. This lie was what kept him awake at night.
Jeongguk was lying. Yes. It was true that he didn't want to be your tenant, but it didn't mean that he didn't want to live with you anymore.
But he was so confused—so fucked up in the head that the only solution was to push you away.
He stood by his belief. You did not understand anything and you did not love him.
But Jeongguk was sure of one thing—or at least he thought so.
"I-I," his adam's apple bobbed up and down. He was nervous.  "I think I like her..."
The girl's scoff indicated that she didn't like what he just said.
"You think?" She crossed her arms, making Jeongguk flinch. Her reaction reminded him of the time he met Red at Seokjin's birthday party.
"Why did you follow me, Jeongguk?" Red looked like she had seen a ghost, but she still folded her arms over her chest to intimidate Jeongguk.
It was easy to frighten him. All she had to do was to raise her brow and cross her arms.
"Wow," your soulmate gritted his teeth. "You haven't seen me in so long and this is how you greet me?"
Jeongguk wasn't expecting to see Red at this party. He was here because he wanted to be your date. The thought of you bringing Hoseok to this party made him so angry.
"How do you expect me to react, Guk? I don't want you here!" She was panicking. Jeongguk called her a bitch the last time they had seen each other.
Right now, Red couldn't help but think that Jeongguk would cause ruckus again.
This couldn't happen. Not right now. Not when people were watching Seokjin, and definitely not when you were here.
Red went to the veranda to get some air. She couldn't face you, couldn't face Jeongguk, and couldn’t face Seokjin. The latter had no idea that Jeongguk was the ex she was talking about. They hadn't had the chance to talk about your soulmate because Seokjin was too caught up with the divorce trial.
"So that's it, huh?" Jeongguk clenched his fist. "You'll just decide you don't want me anymore just because you found your soulmate!?"
"Yes!" Red did not even hesitate. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. She was so scared. All she could think about was the fact that Jeongguk could destroy this evening.
"I found my soulmate and I'm okay now. You should be happy too, JK. You have met the person destined for you."
Jeongguk looked away. How could he be happy? He found you, but he liked Red.
Red knew what was running inside his mind, so she shook her head and looked at Jeongguk straight in the eyes.
"Do not hurt her, Jeon. She's a one of a kind girl. You can't find another person as sweet and smart as her."
'But you're sweet and smart too!' Jeongguk wanted to argue.
"She saved my life. I owe her everything I have. I wouldn't even be able to meet my soulmate if it wasn't for her." She sobbed.
"So don't. Please. Don't hurt her."
Jeongguk blinked back to reality upon realizing that he broke Red's request.
He hurt you. Bad.
"You have to be one hundred percent sure about what you feel for her, Jeongguk. She deserves better than this."
He remained quiet, still pondering on what he felt.
Six months passed, but he felt like it wasn't enough to ease his doubts.
"No." He blurted out. "I-I like her,"
Red's expression softened, but she wasn't convinced yet. Jeongguk was stammering as if he wasn't certain.
"Are you really sure? I know I'm always pressuring you, but I want you to be real." She said carefully.
Jeongguk's heart was hammering. It felt like it wanted to be free from the cold cage he built.
"I don't know!" He looked like he was in a lot of pain. Tears were actually threatening to fall down his cheeks.
Jeongguk hated feelings. Why were they so complicated?
"Okay, Gukkie. Calm down."
Gukkie. You called him this. Jeongguk had another realization. That nickname was only cute when it came out of your pretty mouth.
He wanted to kiss you.
"I think you're just guilty and confused right now," Red started.
He could only listen.
"Guilty because you are being held back by the amount of time we spent together. You drilled it in your head that I am the one for you. You ignored the fact that soulmates exist and now that you're experiencing how the soulmate bond works, you became confused."
Red could feel that Jeongguk was skeptical of his own feelings. He was probably thinking that it was impossible for him to fall in love with you with just a few months.
But you see, that was how the soulmate bond worked. It made the impossible possible.
"I know it's hard to suddenly believe into something especially when all your life, you ignored and denied the existence of it."
Jeongguk only pursed his lips into a thin line.
Red continued.
"You feel guilty for trying to unlearn what you believe is a myth, but it's okay, Jeongguk. It's okay to let me go. You aren't cheating. Your feelings simply changed. Don't let our memories together ruin what your heart truly wants."
Confusion was eating him alive again.
"H-How do you know all of this?" He asked softly, making Red chuckle.
"Why do you think it took me so long to tell you that I found my soulmate, huh?"
Jeongguk shook his head. He honestly had no idea.
"It’s because I also went through this, Guk. It took me months to finally admit the truth to you since I was so guilty. We have been together for almost a decade and I feel like it would be such a waste to just let you go, but the heart wants what it wants. It's so much easier to just let things go."
Jeongguk grimaced. He regretted being an ass to Red when they broke up. If he only knew that it was this hard to be in denial...
"But don't get me wrong, okay? Letting go doesn't mean that you have to completely erase your memories with people. I still treasure the moments we spent together and I love you, Jeongguk—not in a romantic way, but I will always love you."
He was his first love, his first friend. Jeongguk had always been there for her. She knew he truly loved her.
As Red talked about their memories together, Jeongguk then started to reminisce the moments he had with you.
It was weird.
Weird that your memories together were not even half as many as the moments he spent with Red, yet all that's on his mind was you.
This was what terrified Jeongguk. You barely spent time together, but what he felt for you was strong—too strong that it defeated his ten years with Red.
"I don't know what to do," Jeongguk choked out a sob. It's annoying because Red was laughing.
"You poor bunny. I wish I could tell you how I did it, but you have to figure this on your own." This was the last thing she said before leaving Jeongguk alone.
Alone with his treacherous thoughts.
He kept playing the conversation he had with Red, making him realize that his own thoughts was the one making this hard for him.
Red was wrong.
Jeongguk wasn't confused.
He knew exactly what he felt for you.
He was just too much of a coward to admit it.
He never learned.
The six months he spent away from you should have served as a lesson by now, but no. Here he was, still ignoring the ache in his chest.
Jeongguk regretted leaving you months ago. He had to admit that it wasn't instant though.
That's the thing about regret. It came into a beautiful form—a disguise telling him that this was what he wanted even though he knew deep down that it was not.
He hated himself because of this. There were many warning signs from other people. He had heard so many times that regret was a two-faced bitch. It felt good at first, making him feel like he was floating because he was finally free.
But then it would come back to haunt him—to drown him with what ifs and I should have—to suffocate him until he couldn't breathe anymore.
Jeongguk hated himself because of this. Why couldn't he be like others? He envied those people who could express their feelings in the right way. Those people who knew how to dodge regret.
He wasn't like them. He got overwhelmed too quickly—causing him to panic and do stupid things.
But really. What was his way of expressing himself? How could he ease the doubts in his head?
What kind of outlet would serve as his way to be able to express the heaviness in his chest?
Jeongguk could only think about one thing.
He went to his art room. There was too much space in this house, but his loneliness still couldn't fit.
Everything in this room was sad. The easel looked sad, the palette looked sad, his blank canvas looked sad.
It was sad that he couldn't find the will to paint anymore.
What was the use of seeing colors when he couldn't do what he loved? What was the used of seeing colors when he couldn't see the color in your eyes?
Jeongguk's lips trembled as he gripped the brush in his hand.
He really couldn't do it.
Maybe he should look at his previous works to get inspiration?
Yeah. That's probably the best thing to do...
Jeongguk brought out the box full of the things you had bought for him.
It had been half a year since he touched these materials. He couldn't bring himself to even look at this before. It reminded him so much of you.
Jeongguk let out a shaky breath.
The box was overloading with art. The months he spent with you caused him to produce these lovely sketches.
He smiled while looking at the pile of sticky notes on the floor. These were the ones he drew when he was overwhelmed with colors.
Sketching was much simpler. It calmed his raging emotions.
Jeongguk started to absentmindedly piece together the pictures in the sticky notes drawn by him.
"Holy shit," his eyes suddenly dilated upon realizing that these tiny sketches made up a larger picture of your eyes when they were put together—similar to a puzzle.
Jeongguk's blood was rushing. It was as if he was slapped by reality.
The larger picture was your eyes, the small ones that were drawn in each sticky notes were every tiny detail about you: your mouth, your neck, your fingers, and everything in between.
This was it.
This was his way of expressing feelings.
His lips lie, but his artworks tell.
Jeongguk understood now what Red was implying. She was right. No one could help him, not even the love you claimed you felt for him.
This was all on Jeongguk. He realized that he had to admit it himself that he loved you, that he wanted to be with you, and that he believed in soulmates because he wanted to and not because other people force him to do so.
Realization was the complete opposite of regret. The latter was slow, the former was instant. It would hit you when you least expected it.
Jeongguk was certain.
His doubts were cleared because he knew you could see colors now.
You should be able to see with flashing colors and light, so why weren't you?
"J-Jimin?" You whispered, uncertain, unstable, and unhappy.
You were surrounded by negative prefix that was making him feel sick.
When Jeongguk found out that he loved you, he imagined begging for forgiveness at your feet— telling you how much of an idiot he was and that he was willing to take whatever you could give—no, scratch that. You didn't have to give anything at all.
It was his time to show you how much you meant to him.
This was why Jeongguk texted you, asking you to meet him. When you didn't answer, he was forced to call you.
Unfamiliar voice welcomed him to bring the terrible news.
The person on the other line told him that you were in a hospital. Your car crashed because you were driving under the influence of alcohol.
Jeongguk didn't know what to do after knowing this information. He was out of his mind. It was a miracle that he was able to reach the hospital in one piece.
He remembered running like crazy, he was crossing the street even though cars were approaching. He ignored the profanities leaving their mouths.
He just didn't care about anything. He just needed to get to you.
He couldn't get to you—at least not now. The doctors were still treating you. Luckily they told Jeongguk everything. He didn't even need to show his I.D to prove that the two of were related. He only needed to tell them that he was your soulmate.
It's funny how he refused to believe in the idea of soulmate before, but right now, he was using it to beg other people to believe that you were destined to be together.
Jeongguk waited in vain, staring into the space and praying to God he didn't believe in.
Desperation always led people into doing things they never thought they'd ever do.
"You're Jimin, right?" You continued to ask, still unsure.
Jeongguk didn't know how to answer. You were acting strange. Couldn't you tell that it was him who was in front of you now? Was this one of effects of the accident?
"I'm sorry I keep asking," you bit the inside of your cheeks as tears filled your eyes.
Jeongguk was quick to wipe your tears away. His touch was gentle, but you still winced.
Everything about you hurt.
"I can't see you. I-I can't see anything. It's all black..."
Jeongguk's heart sank, his blood running cold.
What did you just say?
"I'm so scared, Jimin-ah. This is different from the colorless world." Your tears were flowing non-stop, similar to the painful sound that kept on hammering your soulmate's chest.
"I feel like I'm going crazy. There's nothing here, it's just darkness sucking me in."
You were quivering in agitation. You felt helpless. It was as though everyone was fully geared up and you're here, naked—just waiting to be taken advantage of.
Being blind made you more vulnerable. You just wished this wasn't forever. The doctors said that there were two probable reasons why you couldn't see.
The first one was because of the accident. They already treated your injuries, but they said you still needed an eye surgery. Apparently, you hit your head when your car crashed. They said you didn't need to worry since this was the most common type of treatment for people experiencing temporary blindness.
You hoped this was temporary. Your heart couldn't take it if the reason why you were blind was because of your tragic fate.
The doctors told you that your blindness might be because of the existence of soulmate. It had come to your learning that the medical world was now considering this myth as a reality.
If this was the case, you were really damned.
"I'm sorry..." Jeongguk blurted out. He couldn't stop crying after knowing what happened to you.
This was not how it was supposed to go. Why was the universe being so cruel to him? Was he wrong? Was breaking from the phase of denial not enough? Was he really your soulmate? But why...why did you turn blind after he finally accepted the love he felt for you? Was it not enough?
Was Jeongguk not enough? Did he hurt you to the point that nothing, not even his love, could bring you back to light?
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry!" Jeongguk wailed, he was aching to touch you, but he was scared to cause you pain.
He caused you pain.
He would always cause you pain.
This was evident when you felt a sharp pang in your chest upon recognizing his voice.
He wasn't Jimin.
You did not pour your heart to Park Jimin.
You told everything to the wrong person.
You made yourself vulnerable in front of Jeon Jeongguk. Again.
"J-Jeongguk?" Your voice was loaded with disappointment and sadness.
He sobbed even harder.
"I-It's me," his voice cracked. "I'm here."
It's me. I'm here. If you were the person you were before, you would probably be rejoicing now.
Jeon Jeongguk was here. You didn't know if he was here because of you or not. In the end, it didn't matter since:  "I'm glad," you said." I'm glad you're here."
You did not sound like you were glad. Not at all. Jeongguk couldn't be mistaken. Your voice was too monotonous to be considered happy. Your expression was impassive it made you look like you had no life.
But you were glad. You're sure of this because at least you didn't have to beg Jimin or any other people to ask Jeongguk to come see you.
He was here so you could already tell him what you had been meaning to.
"I'm sorry, Jeongguk," this was what you meant.
He did not understand.
Why were you saying sorry when he should be the one begging you to take him back?
"I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable so many times. I didn't mean to—"
"Don't say that," he cut you off, but you continued.
This time you were smiling.
"Allow me to," you gulped. "Allow me to so that I could understand why."
What were you saying now?
"I have to apologize and you have to tell me what I did wrong, Jeongguk. You have to tell me what I did to make you hate me this much."
You were crying. The pain was unbearable. It was making you think of the worst case scenario. It was making you imagine things that weren't true. It was making you feel like his hatred towards you was the reason why you couldn't see.
You were blaming him.
You had the right to.
He hurt you so much.
"What did I do to deserve this?" You had been a good person. You weren't hurting anyone consciously. You had been giving everything you had, so why? Why was your soul still bleeding?
"I let you go, Jeongguk. I am letting you go. Can't you do the same? Can't you really let go of the hatred in your heart and just let me live?"
Jeongguk couldn't speak. You were feeding your head with lies.
Jeon Jeongguk did not hate you because Jeon Jeongguk loved you.
He loved you with all of his heart.
"Let me go, Jeongguk."
With his body.
"I don't want to be your soulmate anymore."
And soul.
You did not want to love Jeon Jeongguk.
You loved him. Once. But not this time.
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
girl you’re probably gonna hate me for this but can I get some steamy hcs with gojo in a skirt or in women’s clothing in general?? pls bby 🤲🏻
A/N: … (ಠ_ಠ)
Tags: Gojo x reader ✅  smut (18+) ✅  cross-dressing ✅  slight edging ✅ ❚ femdom ✅
image/art source: Pixiv (by bobobong)
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so, thanks to Jujutsu Tech which decided to host some kind of special event for its students and staff you were stuck with organizing the venue for this past few weeks
you were quite stressed out and had good to no time to talk, let alone meet, with your boyfriend Gojo who was one of the main stars of this event (or at least that is what Ijichi told you)
as the days to the event came closer you couldn’t help but be excited about seeing just what that white-haired man had come up with…
you sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of your nose as you refused to look at the center of the venue’s room
there stood your tall boyfriend who had been dolled up in such a way that you almost didn’t recognize him as he came to greet you some moments ago
his hair had been ironed so that it resembled a bob, a black headband successfully removing the smaller strands of white hair from his face
the man’s lips were glossy and had a pinker color than what you were usually used to, whoever did his makeup had applied just the right amount of rouge to his cheeks that it seemed as if he was constantly blushing
the outfit with which he was so proudly walking around consisted of a baby blue shirt, which seemed to be a few numbers too small for him since it emphasized his taut body features; a tight and black pencil skirt that stopped a few inches before the middle of his thighs, covering almost nothing in the process; some dull black stockings that began right where his skirt ended, and of course a pair of red heels in which he surprisingly could walk almost effortlessly (emphasis on almost)
you couldn’t deny the fact that he looked good in that getup, but more importantly, you were more upset than anything right now
tonight the two of you were supposed to finally spent time by each other’s sides after such a busy week and yet your boyfriend had decided to play the clown once more
“Hey hey, cutie, why the upset face? Should big sis Satoru bring you something to eat or drink?” he asked in a slightly higher pitched voice
you simply glared at him before turning your back and joining Nanami and Ijichi who were standing in the corner of the room
some time passed and after greeting each visitor of today’s party you once again found yourself standing in a corner, sipping on your drink
“(Y/N), come with me for a sec”
your boyfriend came up to you, grabbed your hand, and was now dragging you off to god knows where without giving you even the slightest hint or time to protest
after literally throwing you in one of the empty rooms, the tall man slammed the door shut and glanced back at you, his normally beautiful eyes now harboring an enormous amount of menace within them
“What the hell was that Satoru?! I almost choked on my drink!”
without answering you, he turned to face you and kneeled, leaning his chin on the palm of his hand; “Ah yeah…? What a shame, but don’t worry, I’ll let you choke on something else instead”
you wordlessly looked up at him and watched as he raised his skirt, exposing the black lace thong he’d apparently been wearing for this entire evening, and you couldn’t help but swallow audibly at the sight of his slightly erect cock, straining the delicate fabric
he was quick to make you go along with what he wanted and didn’t waste any unnecessary time in stuffing your mouth before you could utter even a single word
as he slowly grew larger inside of your mouth you had to slow down his hips’ movement by either tugging on the hem of his skirt or pinching the soft flesh of his thighs
Gojo giggled at your pouting expression and finally decided to let go of the strands of hair he’d fisted, so that he could help you out with deep-throating him, finally allowing you to breathe for a couple of seconds
between your coughs, you tried to ask him just what the hell has gotten him so agitated, but he remained silent, pulled you up on your feet, and trapped you between himself and the table a few meters behind you
he let his finger run across your bottom lip, then proceeded to kiss your neck, going down to your collarbone while he slowly unbuttoned your shirt
luckily for him, your bra’s hooks were at the front so he happily undid them and started kissing your breasts
he played with your nipples for a short while before continuing his journey down to your trousers
the man didn’t lose any time in quickly removing the last few pieces of fabric which were stopping him from enjoying the view and pleasant smell of your most precious body part
as quickly as he’d freed you, his mouth and tongue were equally as fast to begin exploring your already wet insides, while his fingers probed around for your weak spot
the moment his eyes picked up the slight tremble of your thighs he knew he’d been successful, so he continued targeting that one spongy spot within you as his blue eyes looked up at you in curiosity
“W-Wait, Satoru! I’m going t-to–“
and just before you were about to cum he slowly licked your labia one last time before cheekily grinning up at you
This little…!
you took a tight grip on his collar, pulled him up on his feet, and looked him directly in his eyes
words were useless at this point, because not short after he aligned his precum covered tip with your entrance and slowly slid it in
Gojo wasn’t particularly thick, but the way his shaft stretched your walls never failed to make you mewl in pleasure 
you couldn’t deny the fact that the way he was dressed up tonight made you feel hotter than usual and you weren’t the only one
seconds after he’d bottomed out inside of you, he hissed out a silent god, yes, and swiftly removed his headband while you helped him undo the buttons on his shirt
now that the two of you were raring to finally let loose and let your accumulated desires free, you kissed each other passionately 
the rhythm your lover set for his thrusts was neither too slow nor too quick, but just perfect
you wrapped your legs around his hips, allowing him to penetrate you deeper and to continuously caress that one special spot of yours
since neither of you had reached a proper orgasm yet it didn’t take you long to find yourself in the same situation as before
“Just a little bit longer” he stammered as he wrapped his arms around your body, pressing your chest towards his own
the way your nipples rubbed against his own added to the friction and caused your walls to tighten up around Gojo’s shaft
he groaned and leaned his forehead on yours as he tried to keep his fast thrusts up, despite your tightness that refused to let him go
after a few precise thrusts, he pushed his entire body weight on you and halted as soon as he’d reached orgasm
the way his warm seed splattered against your walls made you cum not short after and you wrapped your trembling arms around his neck as you kissed him
while your tongues clashed against each other, the white-haired man continued thrusting at a slow pace, helping you ride out your orgasm
you looked at his face and noticed how all the sweat had ruined his makeup and smiled to yourself, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to return to the others in that state
“Are you still mad?“ he then asked softly, big and beautiful blue eyes looking directly at you 
you giggled and shook your head slightly as you gave his cheek a soft kiss
the way he smiled at you warmed your heart and you couldn’t help but engulf him in yet another tight hug 
Having him play the clown once in a while isn’t so bad after all...
· · ─────── · ❀ · ─────── · ·
.alternative ending for my dom moots out there (or those who simply wish to see this man get ruined):
Gojo slumped forward, leaning his forehead on your shoulder as he relished in the afterglow of his orgasm while you did the same
you came down from your high rather quickly, unlike the tall man in front of you, whose body was still lightly twitching from all the stimulation
a grin spread across your lips as you slowly let your hands wander down his lower back, way down to his buttocks
it didn’t take him long to realize what you were up to, so he mustered all the strength he had to stop you mid-movement and shook his head
“What’s wrong baby, got something to say?” you asked cheekily, knowing fully well that he wasn’t in the state to formulate a proper answer and only whine pathetically as some sort of retort
his weak grip on your wrists wasn’t nearly strong enough to stop you from lifting the slightly tattered fabric of his skirt up the curve of his rosy asscheeks and start massaging and spreading them apart
after a couple of seconds, you took a tight grip of his soft flesh and began moving his hips back and forth
“N-Ngh! No (Y/N), d-don’t! I- ah, a-am too sens-…sensitive!”
his pleading moans just turned you on even more and only motivated you to strengthen your grip
you took a glance at the man’s face and observed the way his eyes widened ever so slightly with every thrust you forced him to make, the way his beautiful white hair stuck to his sweaty forehead, and those beautiful glossy and parted lips
That’s not enough…I want to ruin him even more
with that thought in mind, you started meeting his thrusts at a quick pace
you could feel how his big hands gripped at your shirt and slightly pulled at it, teeth piercing your exposed shoulder as silent whimpers escaped his mouth
“You’re close, aren’t you? …So why are you holding it back?” you asked with a slightly annoyed voice as you took a fistful of his hair and yanked his head back, exposing his neck and the absentminded expression on his face
with a wide grin, you spread his buttocks apart and slowly slid your finger in until you found that one spot that was bound to make him cum whether he wanted to or not
not short after, he emptied his second load once again inside of you with a grunt, and unexpectedly for you his orgasm was way harder than before and caused his knees to buckle, almost making him fall over
out of instinct, you held onto him and if it weren’t for his quick reflexes the two of you would’ve fallen over
“I’m ok…don’t worry, j-just….give me a minute” he whispered as he tightened his grip onto the table‘s edges
with a warm smile, you simply nodded and gently caressed his hair, “Mhm, take all the time you need.”
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vosiro · 4 years
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⇾ Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurō x F!reader
⇾ Warnings: this shit nasty fr 18+, also CEO!Kuroo bc that’s sexy,
⇾ Authors note: In honor of my husbands birthday, I decided to write this nasty ass shit😜. See, ion know what demon POSSESSED me to write this but...🧍🏾‍♀️anyway, Y/n is implied black, but if you’re not black it’s ite!! There will be some use of AAVE on Y/n’s part tho, and she not finna be one of them “I-I-...b-but k-kuroo!” Shy bitches NONE OF DHET. She a bad bitch and that’s on prd. (Shy bitches still bad doe!!) is this self indulgent? Yea idc 💃🏾
≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣ ≣
It was officially November 17, your husband’s birthday. When you had woken up, kuroo had already left for work, so the bed was empty. For the past week and a half you’ve been contemplating what to get him. You see, for your birthday, kuroo always showered you in gifts, money, clothes, anything you wanted. That was exactly the problem. Kuroo had the money, the expenses and the power to get anything either you or him wanted, what could you possible get him that he couldn’t already afford himself. For the past couple years y’all were married, you two always went to some fancy restaurant to eat, then went to a hotel to have some casual birthday sex. This year, you wanted it to be different, you wanted it to be special.
You walked into your local bar in a thin, golden bodycon dress, with a black, expensive fluffy jacket, that just made your skin pop. You just looked like walking money. And ofcourse kuroo had to have his girl walking around with that Hermes Birkin 30cm Himalayan with diamond hardware. You looked around the bar before you saw kiyoko waiting at a table. “Heyy shimizu” you gleamed, sitting down at the empty seat across from kiyoko. “Hey, Y/n-Chan” she replied, passing you the drink that was preordered.
“So.” You sigh.
“So? What’s wrong?” Kiyoko questioned.
“I don’t know what to get tetsu for his birthday...” you replied, taking a sip of your drink.
“I’m sure he’ll like anything you get him.” She reassured.
“Girl, but listen...This man got 4 cars, 3 houses, a visa black card, and a bad ass bitch. What more does he need...wtf do you be getting ryōsuke for his birthday??” You questioned
“Well, he usually likes anything I get him. It’s all about the thought y/n. You love him right? Any gift from your heart, he’ll like.” Kiyoko answered.
“Girrrr....you right, you right. Matter ah fact, I have an idea.” You grabbed your lil birkin bag and started to get out the chair “thank you shimizu! Make sure you get to the party at 7:30, tetsu’ll be back at 8!” You said as you rushed out the bar.
You made your way to the expensive lingerie store that was right next to the penthouse you live in with your husband. You quickly entered the store, looking around for something sexy, but cute, but nasty. Kuroo would never admit it, but he gets flustered easily. When you bend over, when you lean down infront of him and he gets a nice view of your tits, when your skirt’s a little too short, when you call him in the middle of a business meeting, and he has to excuse himself so he can fuck his fist to your moans and cries over the phone. You knew exactly how to rile him up, and that’s one of the things he loved about you.
You’ve been browsing the lingere sets at the store for a while, before you see it. A perfect thin, red, sexy, lingerie with garter belts. Not to toot your own horn or anything, but this would just make your skin pop. You quickly grab the set and pay for it, making your way back to the penthouse after.
It was currently 7:58. Kuroo was expected to arrive at 8. Guests were under the table, hiding behind chairs, any possible place a person could squeeze themselves into. You were hiding under behind the kitchen counter with kiyoko. “Psst. Shimu,” you whispered.
“I’m right here y/n..” she replied.
“Right... anyway, guess what I got tetsu for his birthday.” You asked eagerly.
“Your love and affection??” She answered.
“Girl no...well yes...but no.” You said.
“Then what?” Kiyoko questioned.
“I got 𝐿𝒾𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒.” You replied
“You’re making him wear lingerie??” She said.
“...😏” You smirked
“I’m kiddi-”
The door to the penthouse opened slowly and everyone let out a big
Bokuto ran up to kuroo and gave him a big bear hug “HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO!” he exclaimed. Kuroo went around greeting everyone, and thanking them for showing up. You were still talking with kiyoko before he started to approach you. “I should leave you two alone.” She she said before walking away to talk with her own husband.
“You planned all of this for me, baby?” He cooed as he took you into his arms for a hug, “yessuh, anything for you.” You said nuzzling your face into his chest. He started to place small kisses down your neck “fuck...I missed you...” His breath was hot against your skin “not here...let’s wait till the party’s over okay, babe?” You wanted to, you wanted to so bad... but one thing about kuroo is he goes feral when you make him wait
11:00. The last few guests had left a while ago, and kuroo had just got done finishing his shower after you had yours. He walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, his chiseled chest on full display. This man was always so damn fine, like whew fuck it’s getting hot in hea fr. He sat next to you and started kissing ur collar bone, slowly removing your robe from your skin.
“You don’t understand how bad I wanted to fuck you,” He whispered into your skin. “I was hard the entire night...”
He completely removed the robe from your skin. “Oya? What’s this, baby?”
“Surprise.” You moaned slightly as he slid his hands to grip your ass “tonight, I’ll let you do anything you want to me..”
He halted in his movements “anything?”
“Mhm~” you reassured
You reach down to palm him through the towel, “someone’s really excited.” You say as you stroke him slowly. “That’s because my girl looks so damn sexy right now...and she’s letting me do whatever I want tonight.” Kuroo reaches down to rub circles on your clit.
“Mm~” he stick his tongue down your mouth as you let out your moan. “You’re so wet...it’s seeping through your panties and spilling onto my fingers..” he grins “only for you, daddy..” you say.”
“Fuck..the whole day I was thinking about coming home and fucking you... I even jerked off to the thought of you at work today,” He flipped you over onto your hands and knees, “Now you’re here...all sexy for me.” The towel slid off, and so did your panties as well. “I’m gonna fuck you so good baby, you won’t be able to walk or talk after..” he cooed, rubbing his tip along your folds
“W-wait tetsu, you just not gon prep me or n-fuck!!” He slammed his cock into you with a deep groan.
“Just Shutup and t-take it... fuckk...you’re tight.” He moved in and out of your cunt at an agonizingly slow pace.
“Faster daddy..” you moaned out
“Yea? My baby’s feeling good?” He picked up his pace and started jamming into you harder. You lifted your body up slightly. “Stay the fuck down.” He growled as he grabbed your neck, not wanting to mess up your hair. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good baby.” He was picking up the paste and hitting that one spot he knew you liked. You were moaning loudly into the pillow before he flipped you over onto your back.
“I wanna see that pretty face when I fuck you.” He started fucking you slowly in mission watching his dick get covered in your cream as went in and out. He then took your hand and put it on your lower stomach. “You feel that baby?” He picked up his pace slightly. “You feel how deep I am? Fuck.” His eyes were tainted with lust, and cheeks painted with blush. Your hand felt each and every thrust he was putting into you.
“F-fuck tetsu, you’re so big..” you whimpered. Kuroo was always a sucker for praise. “Yea? Look at you, you’re such a good girl taking all of it.” He groaned out.
“Open your mouth baby.” He stuck two fingers in your mouth coating them in saliva, then slowly sheathing them into your other right hole. You whine out at the stretch. “I want both of my kitten’s holes to be filled tonight.” He let out as he stretched your ass.
“Shit, relax baby, you’re so tight you’re gonna cut off my circulation.”
“F-feels s’good” you moaned as he continued to satisfy both your holes. “C’mere baby.” He pulled you into the reverse cowgirl position. “You knew what you were doing naughty girl” he groaned as you bounced on his dick “shit...dressing up...fuck...like that.” You were squeezing him so tightly and it just felt so good.
“Yes, I knew..mm~” there was no point in lying, you knew exactly how kuroo would react. He landed a smack on your ass “I’ll have to punish you princess,” you heard a spit noise come from behind you, then felt a warm trail of saliva roll down onto you right puckered ass hole. Kuroo massaged the liquid around the hole “fuck, you think my dick would fit in here? My cum dripping out of you pussy and you ass? That’s so sexy..” you winced as he stuck his thumb inside. “Shi.. does it feel that good? You like that? You’re squeezing so tight, fuck.” He groped your ass, letting out a low moan.
“Suck your cream off my dick baby.”
“Yes daddy.” You replied getting off of him and on your knees. You take his girth cock into your mouth. You started bobbing your head quickly, tasting yourself on his dick. He place a firm grip on the top of your head. “Y-yes, just like tha...mm.. fuck.. your so good to me baby.” His hips started bucking into your mouth roughly, you could tell he was close “fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.”
He grabbed your head halting you to stop. “I wanna cum inside you..”
“Then do it daddy, cum inside me...”
“Fuck. Get on your hands and knees.”
He slid back into you once again letting out a deep moaning after regaining stimulation “how are you still this fucking t-tight...no matter how hard I fuck you...fuck.” He leaned forward and stuck his fingers in your mouth while pounding you into the mattress.
“Mm~ tetsu I’m close~” you whined out
“Yeah? Cum for me baby, milk my cock, I’m gonna stuff you so good.” Ah yes, an even more feral kuroo...truly delicous. “I’m gonna fill you up with my kids...fuck what if you get pregnant.” He groaned. “You’d look so cute with your tummy swollen.” He started picking up his paste, pounding into your sweet spot even harder. “Tetsu, I’m- nngh~ fuck.” Your orgasm washed over you, you were completely fucked out, but he still kept pounding into you.
“Fuck. That’s right, cum on my dick.” One of his arms were on the headboard while the other was wrapped so comfortably around your neck. “C’mon baby. Cum for me one more time. I know you can do it.” He grunted
“I c-cant tetsu.” Your body was still shaking in ecstasy. “Yes you can, c’mon” The hand around your neck reached down to rub your wet clit rough and fast. Needless to say he had you cumming in no time. “Fuck fuck fuck tetsu-”
“Shit, I’m almost there baby, just hold on for a littl- fuck.. bit more.” His thrust started to grow sloppy. “Fuck, I’m cu-uh..nngh.” He let out the most deep and beautiful moan as he spilled his seed into you with one last thrust. You fell onto your back and kuroo right on to of you.
“Fuck baby, that was the best birthday present ever.” He huffed, still out of breath
“Mm~ tetsu! You went too rough..now I’m finna be aching all day. My entire body hurts.” Yo complained.
“Atleast your sexy and in pain.” He said, placing a kiss on your forehead.
Did I proof read this? No🧜🏽‍♀️ anyways I wish kuroo a happy birthday mwah 🥰
Me writing plot: 🤮👺🤢👹
Me writing sex scenes: 😏🌝😜🥰
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Two Shorten the Road
part 1
joel dawson x reader
warnings: cussing? idk, bad writing.....fluff, cuteness, monsters(is this a warning), mentions of death, SPOILERS
word count: 2154
prompt: when your best friend decides to leave your colony to go find the love of his life, you decide to join him on his journey even if you aren’t so happy about where this journey is going
Welp I did it, I took it into my own hands. I am writing a joel dawson series. Because we👏need 👏more👏joel👏fics👏 it’s basically the movie, almost the same script but obviously slightly different…ENJOY! <3
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No one in my generation or later had a typical upbringing, I mean some of us did but then the world ended. This type of thing sounds straight out of some apocalyptic movie, but we basically live in one now. Agatha 616, an asteroid heading straight for earth, I know, so original. So we all came together and did what we do best, blow things up. Yup, we blew up teh asteroid, and humanity was saved! We thought. But here’s the thing about rockets, they are made of a bunch of chemical compounds which eventually rained back down on earth. Suddenly there were these Aileen creatures that mutated and started eating us. Ants, lizards, roaches, crocodiles, you name it. Our president was even killed by a giant moth. Ya….not so original now huh? We suddenly need tanks to kill ants, oh man I remember the good old days when a shoe would do just fine. Sometimes even the tanks didn’t work. Eventually the really big ones and our military took each other out and we lost 95% of the human population in a year! Those of us who survived hid, bunkers, caves, panic rooms, all around the world. So for the last seven years I’ve been hiding in an underground bunker. It’s really not as bad as it sounds, and it’s better than getting eaten alive. It’s a great group of people and we all love each other.
“Are you sure they’re asleep?”
“Y/N and joel!”
“Oh ya I’m sure”
“Joel? Y/n?”
“He’s asleep”
Actually we are both awake. Me and my best friend joel have kinda mastered faking being asleep. Our beds are right across from each other so we normally just lie there and make stupid faces at each other. We are the only two single people in our bunker. Nice huh? Joel is my best friend. I met him when I joined the colony. He’s the sweetest. It’s funny cause everyone thinks we should just have sex already because that’s literally all everyone else does. But we are way above that. Anyway, joel is in love with his girlfriend from before the colony, her name is Aimee. With one “I” and two “e”s. He loves to talk about her, he writes her letters. So in reality, I am the only one who is not in love in this bunker. I’ve never had a boyfriend, ever, even before the world ended.
We don’t really get any sleep. The moaning kinda keeps us awake. I got up and out of my bed and headed for the kitchen. I heard Joel’s bed creak and then his footsteps as he followed behind me. Another annoying thing about being down here is that to get to the kitchen from my room, you have to walk though other people’s bedrooms. Oh shit, they are busy, why would they leave their door open. Me and Joel stopped.
“Oh” joel and I said in unison
“Hey Y/N! Hey Joel!” Ava said
“Oh hey Ava” Joel said, we didn’t dare look over to our left.
“Y/N how’s it going?” Tim asked
“T-totally good tim, h-how are you doing” I asked
“Yeah, good” he responded
“I uh we couldn’t sleep” said Joel looking at the ceiling
“Ya we know the feeling” Ava said with a laugh
“Yeah probably not for the…..same reasons” joel said looking straight ahead
“Your guyses door was open, did you…did you know that?” I asked
“Yeah we know” they said
I shook my head and knitted my eyebrows together
“Okay” joel trailed off
Ever since Tim’s parents were eaten by a swarm of termites he and Ava have gotten really close, in every way.
“Okay, goodnight” joel said as we walked
Basically everyone is coupled up down here, a baby was born last winter! Welcome to the apocalypse kid. Ok if we ever get out of this, that would be an awesome story to tell your kids. “Oh ya I was born in an underground bunker doing a monster apocalypse” “yes exactly like World War Z but with bugs bigger than a 5 story building”. I mean come on.
So your probably wonder how the hell we get food, we’ll we have a cow. Gurdy. Gurdy is great. We also have a hunting party that brings back whatever they can from the surface. It’s gotten harder and harder, cause we ran out of bullets. And facing one of those things with a handmade weapon is just as hard as it sounds. It’s very very difficult. I go with them….sometimes. I still get scared. But I’ve been out quite a lot, especially compared to my man joel over here. I’ve been out maybe 30 times, he’s been out…maybe once, or not even. He’s the chef of the bunker. He makes super good Minestrone.
Me and joel like to hang out with Mavis. A robot. Yup. Not much for conversation, her batter is shot. Just like every other mavis I would imagine. When I’m not hunting we hang out with her. But sometimes I just go read. Reading and joel keep me sane. I mean sometimes joel drives me insane but I still love him. I have quite the collection of books too! I’ve got Emma by Jane Austen, a couple random ones that we found, all the hunger games and Harry Potter books, some mysteries that stopped being mysteries after a while, and then of course some smutty romance books for personal entertainment.
Joel likes to say that his thing is target practice. He has never hit the target but ya know, gotta entertain yourself. I think his thing is drawing though, he has this book that he draws in from Aimee. It’s really cool actually. He’s really good.
I sat watching Joel as he tried to hit the target, laughing a little every time he missed. It was cute how hard he tried.
“Shut up” he said shaking his laugh away
I laughed again, but then suddenly the lights started flickering. You could hear screeches and creeks echoing through the bunker. Joel turned to look at me. Worry and determination in his eyes. We both scrambled out of the room and into the kitchen where everyone was preparing.
“Hustle, hustle people we’ve gotta move”
I turned to look at Joel but then realized that he wasn’t next to me. Where did he go? Worry flooded through me. Suddenly the clanking of our weapon started behind me.
“Hey guys!” Joel said as he rammed into the railing, I shook my head. “Guys! I’ve got the weapons” he smiled at me
A few people walked over to him taking them out of his hands
“Stay” said Tim
“W-what?” Joel asked looking around in confusion
Everyone was talking and barking orders “grab what you need and let’s go! Y/N you coming?”
My eyes shot open “yes! Yup!” I jumped up and grabbed the bow and arrow from Joel.
“W-what's happening?” He asked innocently “what’s going on?”
“There’s a breach” said Tim
“What do you mean? Like inside the bunker breach?!” He asked
“Yes joel! Now come on!” I told him, patting him on the pack as I followed the others
He followed me and watched the plan get arranged
“Anna, Y/N and I will engage. Anderson and Tom plank him”
“Plank him, ya ok where do you guys need me? You want me to uh come through the rear or..?” Joel asked eagerly
“I don’t think your going to pass this joel” I told him
“Pass what? You guys need help, let me help” said clutching his crossbow
“You gonna make me say it?” said Sam
“Say what?!” God he was so adorably clueless
“You can’t handle it joel, your shook” said Sam, we all began getting into positions
“Ya ok, yes so you guys don’t get scared..ever?” He asked still getting ready to fight
“We get scared, we all get scared joel, but you get really scared” said Sam
“They are trying to make you feel bad joel” I said sweetly, trying to calm him down
“We love you joel”
“But your a liability”
“Ok why did that speech feel so rehearsed? And what about Y/N? She’s like…ya know?” He said bobbing his head
“Joel-“ suddenly the bunker shook and the lights flicked again
“Ok 30 meters out! Let’s move!” And we were off
Leaving joel and some others behind. You could hear the growling of whatever we were up against
I followed the others and listened carefully. I was freaking shaking. Don’t ask how I got sucked into becoming one the the hunters. Kinda just happened and I was just-
“OH SHIT!” I heard someone yell, it was too dark to see. Someone was gone, that thing took them. I couldn’t even see it. Oh fuck my life. Everyone began scattering, running away from the monster. I stopped running to take a breath, when I realized I was alone. Nicely done Y/N. The lights kept flickering. I heard something blow up in the distance.
“Conned? Conner?” I heard a whisper, one I knew all too well. Shit, joel. I ran toward the sound, and had no idea I was also running toward certain death. I stopped running. There it was, that thing. I’d never seen this before. I didn’t recognize it. I stayed silent, not moving at all. It slowly crawled over a shower curtain. Oh fuck. He was going toward joel! I quickly grabbed my bow and arrow and shot it. Right though the face. Next to its….eye I guess you could call it. Joel stood there, frozen.
I slowly walked over to him “Joel, hey are you ok?” I asked as I slipped my hand into his. He was trembling. Tears ran down his cheeks. He has a bad freezing problem, so I've been helping him work on it.
About an hour later I sat with Joel, still holding his hand as he stared out into space. We could hear everyone talking. How could this have happened?
“It ripped through steal”
“Anderson and I resealed the Breach point, nothings getting in that way again”
“But why did it happen?”
I tried to toon it out, and I hoped Joel did too.
“Joel, do you wanna talk about it?” I asked squeezing his hand, he looked so sad, which just crushed me
He shook his head
“Ok….” I nodded, I leaned into hug him but was interrupted by his voice
“How far away is Aimee's colony?” He asked
I pulled back, looking at him confused. The talking stopped and everyone look at him
“What?” Tim asked
“Aimee’s colony, how far away is it?” He repeated
“About 85 miles” he said as he furrowed his brows
“How long will it take to get there?”
“What do you mean joel?” I asked leaning closer to him
“Just humor me, how long?” He insisted
“7 days” said Tim
“Someone who’s armed and trained would hardly last 50miles, but you…joel” Ava said, I felt bad for him, he really didn’t deserve any of this
“Alright” Tim continued “now I need volunteers”
“I’m gonna go” joel said
No one said anything, they just stared
“It’s an impossible journey joel” said Tim, crossing his arms
Joel stood up, moving around my chair. “No im serious…I love you guys but there’s only one person in this world who ever truly made me happy and she’s only 85 miles away” he said strongly “I’m gonna go see her” I could see his mind was made up
God he was such a romantic, how could you not love this guy? Sure it hurts when your best friend tells you that you didn’t make him truly happy. Especially when you maybe sorta kinda have a crush on him.
He let out a breath “woah, that felt awesome” he said as he walked off to start packing
I stood there for a second processing and thinking, but then suddenly my mouth took over and well….
“I’m coming with you!” I said, he froze “I mean you can’t leave me here with these middle aged people, and your my best friend so” I shrugged
“I’ll come back for you I promise” he walked over to me “I can’t let you put yourself in even more danger” he said grabbing my arms
“I can’t let you put yourself in danger knowing that I could have helped protect you” I said, he stared blankly at me
I smiled “o-ohK…then I guess…” he trailed off
“Cool I’ll go pack” I skipped past him. Was I scared? Hell yes. But like I said, I needed to help joel and protect him in every way I can. And sure I wasn’t so happy that he was returning to his long lost love but if it made him happy then I would live. And anyway, two do shorten the road.
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sinnaminsuga · 4 years
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(gif credit: @littlefreya )
Title: Hatefuck
Summary: mike and the reader hate each other and end up fucking it out.
Word Count: 1,868
A/N: yes this a high school setting but mike and the reader are intended to be seniors so they ARE of legal age!!!
Tags: @littlefreya @wendimydarling @october505 @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @infinite-shite @inlovewithhisblueeyes @hope-to-hell @viking-raider @the-soot-sprite @raspberrydreamclouds @thelastsock @connieisland @nuggsmum @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @foodieforthoughts @geek-eat-repeat @oddsnendsfanfics @oddduckthatgirl @feralrunaway @its--fandom--darling @madbaddic7ed
There was no denying that Mike was hot as fuck. He was one of the most beautiful men I had ever seen. But unfortunately, Mike was also a giant fucking douchebag.
I dropped my cigarette on the ground right in front of the school and crushed it with my boot. “Here we go again.” I thought to myself as I pulled the heavy door open. I started my trek through the main hallway while shoving my pack of Marlboro Reds in my pocket. And that’s when it started. Thats when Mike opened his fucking mouth.
“Hey Y/N! Smoking kills!” He shouted from across the hall. Surrounded by his usual gaggle of football playing idiots, he stood there smack dab in the middle, leaning against his locker, shit eating grin plastered across his face.
But little did that neanderthal know that today, was the day I had had enough. Every fucking day we engaged in the same back and forth, venom laced banter. Mike and I never liked each other. I can’t remember a time when he was even remotely nice to me. We just didn’t mix well. We ran in different circles and did different things so it never made sense to even try being friends. But somewhere along the lines, a general dislike for each other turned into full blown hatred.
I put on my most wicked smirk and sauntered over to him. “I didn’t quite hear you babe. Can you repeat that?” I said sweetly. “I said, smoking kills. I saw you shoving your box of cancer sticks in your pocket.” He replied with a smirk, his gang of numbskulls laughing right along with him. My grin widened as the gears in my brain turned. I laid my hand over my heart in mock surprise.
“My my my! I didn’t know you kept such a close eye on my every move! How sweet of you!” I said. “I-I don’t watch you. I glanced in your direction and made an observation that's all. I mean I-I don’t even like you. I hate you actually. Yeah. Um. so.” He stuttered, clearly surprised that I was responding to his usually ignored behavior.
I looked at him for a long few seconds before speaking again. I leaned closer to him and grabbed his face to pull him close to me, his lips hovering in front of mine. “Ya know Mikey, you’re so fucking hot that it really is a damn shame that you ruin it by opening your mouth.” I whispered, the corners of my mouth twisting up into a wicked smirk. Mike’s breathing was uneven and I watched him gulp before shoving him back to his original spot. His group of friends were equally stunned. I turned my back to him and began to walk away.
“Yeah w-well fuck you Y/N!” He shouted at me. I stopped walking and turned my head, smirk still in full effect. “Oh baby, if you wanna fuck me, all you gotta do is ask.” I winked and made my way to class.
Later that night, I made my way to a party on the other side of town that Jenny Bosley was having. About an hour into the party, I had had a few drinks and had successfully avoided Mike. I knew in my slightly inebriated state, anything could happen and I didn’t need to have yet another confrontation with that prick.
“Y/N! Come on! We’re playing spin the bottle in the living room!” Jenny waved for me to follow her. I made my way through the crowd and into the living room. Everyone was in a circle getting ready to play and I sat down beside Jenny. Mike made his way into the room and joined the circle, much to my dismay. Jenny explained the rules and the game began. Kisses were traded and laughs were had, until it was Mike’s turn. He spun the bottle and it landed on Jenny so he leaned across the circle to collect his kiss. Jenny leaned forward and Mike slid his hand into her hair, capturing her lips with his. I watched as his tongue swept into her mouth and her eyes fluttered closed. Their mouths moved in tandem and I was mesmerized at the sight. I found myself wishing I was in Jenny’s spot and I hated myself for it. “I hate him! WHY do I want to kiss him?!” I thought to myself.
Jenny and Mike separated after what felt like hours and returned to their seats. His gaze flickered to me and I rolled my eyes to let him know how COMPLETELY unbothered I was. The game continued until it came to me. I took a deep breath before spinning the bottle. It spun for a while before landing…on Jenny. I took a quick look at Mike and he was staring directly at me like he was a kid on Christmas, waiting to open his gifts.
I turned to look at Jenny. She was gorgeous and I had no qualms about kissing her. My main mission now was to kiss her better than Mike ever could. I cupped her face with my right hand and ran my thumb over her cheek before grazing her bottom lip. I looked into her eyes and she let out a shaky breath. That's when I knew I had her. I leaned in, slowly letting my eyes flick back and forth a few times from her lips to her eyes. When she was close enough, I pressed my lips to hers. My hand slid down to graze her neck as I licked her bottom lip. Jenny’s soft lips parted and I slipped my tongue into her mouth. We continued kissing for another minute or so before pulling apart.
Jenny settled back into her spot before shouting “Either I’m really drunk, or I’m REALLY bisexual. Sorry Mike, Y/N was better.” Everyone started laughing, even Mike himself let out a small chuckle. “Lets step this up! Whoever the bottle lands on when you spin, you have to take them into the hall closet for 15 minutes!” Kara, another girl in the circle, suggested. Everyone decided this was a good idea and the game continued.
Mike’s turn inevitably came and he grinned before spinning the bottle. My heart flew into my throat when it landed on me but I put on my signature smirk and stood up to make my way out of the circle. Without turning around I shouted “You comin’ Mikey boy? Or am I gonna have to get off all by my lonesome?” Seconds later I heard his heavy footsteps behind me.
Once we were in the closet I grabbed him by the shirt and slammed our lips together. It was all teeth and tongues and heat. I started pulling his jacket down his arms and he stopped me. “Wait I thought you hated me?!” He questioned. “Oh sweetie, I do. I absolutely do. But you’re also extremely attractive especially when you AREN’T talking. And haven’t you ever heard of “hatefucking”? It’s hot. So here’s how this is going to work. We have 15 minutes and I am horny as hell. So you are going to fuck me and we are never going to speak of it again. Got it?” I whisper-shouted. Mike furiously nodded and we resumed kissing.
Clothes went flying and our breathing was heavy and all I could think of was getting his dick inside me. He started kissing down my neck and I gasped as he bit into my shoulder. “Fuck I-I can’t wait anymore.” He grunted against my neck. Mike flipped me around and pressed my face into the wall as he lined up behind me. A litany of filth spilled from my lips as he pushed into me, my walls squeezing and attempting to force him out. Never in my life did I EVER think I’d be begging for Mike to fuck me in a closet.
He began slamming in and out of me, snapping his hips at a steady pace. He was hitting my g-spot on every thrust, rendering me speechless. At this point I was a writhing mess. “Please please please!” I whimpered. Mike tapped his fingers on my lips and I opened them to suck on the digits. “Oh fuck Y/N! Your pussy is so fucking tight. Yeah thats right you little slut. You're squeezing my cock so nice. Fuck! I could do this for hours babe.” He grunted into my shoulder. His fingers were still hooked into my mouth and he was prying my jaw open so I was slobbering all over his hand and panting into the humid air.
“Mike please! I need to cum!” I cried as best as I could with his fingers still in my gaping maw, my heated face pressed to the cool wall. “Yeah I know you do baby. I’m gonna make you cum don’t worry. Just hold on a little longer.” He said, punctuating his words with his thrusts. Mike’s hand left my mouth and slid down to rub tight circles on my clit with my own spit until my legs were shaking. His hand came back up to clamp around my throat. “Come on babe. Cum for me. I know you can. I know you want to.” He ground out, driving into my g-spot one last time. An inhumane sound ripped from my throat as I came around his cock, my internal muscles spasm king around him.
I could feel him throbbing inside me, close to his own orgasm. “Wait Mikey, not inside me.” I panted. He pulled out of me and I sank to my knees. I gripped his cock with my left hand and sucked him into my mouth. I started bobbing my head and hollowing my cheeks as I felt his hands pull my hair into a makeshift ponytail that he used to guide my mouth up and down his shaft. “Fuuuuck yeah. Thats so good. You look so damn hot with my cock in your mouth sweetheart. If I knew you were this good I would have fucked you a long time ago.” Mike groaned above me. I sank my mouth down as far as I could until I gagged around him. He was moaning and his eyes were screwed shut so I knew he was close. I jerked the portion of his dick that wasn’t in my mouth and sucked hard on the tip. He bucked his hips and came, hot and thick, down my throat. I looked up at him through my lashes and swallowed. He looked down at me with glassy eyes and flushed cheeks.
I stood up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and started gathering up my discarded clothes. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had.” Mike sighed, a small grin on his face.
I patted his cheek and before reaching for the door. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet sweetheart. Call me and I’ll hatefuck you within an inch of your life.” I winked at him and he let out a deep breath. “I might take you up on that. And I think it’ll be sooner rather than later.” He said, winking right back.
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Title: Hibiscus Kisses {1}
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Chris Evans x OFC Ajali Rambaue AU {Ah-Jah-Lee, Ram-Bow}
Warning: Plot Heavy, Cursing, 
Words: 6.1k
Summary: Ajali decides on a rash decision to go on a Disney cruise, not for her love of Disney, but because she needs time to figure things out after things get even more complicated in her complicated life. She only expected peace, quiet, tropical drinks, and an overabundance of Disney songs. What she got was more than she bargained for when the cruise of a lifetime on the brand new ship Enchantment turned into a nightmare. The only saving grace is that she’s not the only one living through the nightmare. Can Ajali survive the test of a lifetime and the dangers ahead of her, and better yet, will she finally be able to live a little?
Note: Hey, hey, hey, guys! So here we are trying something different/new. I hope you enjoy this. 🤞🏽 Please feel free to tell me what you think. I’m super excited to explore this one with you all. 🤗 Also, what do you guys think of the title? What does it make you think of?
As always, thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this, please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG! ❤️❤️
I appreciate each and every one of your guys’ support and love!
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
**Very Interactive**
***French Language Incorporated w/translations according to Google***
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“Yes, mom, I packed my charger and my vitamins. Oh my god, of course, I have my scarf. Mom!”
 Your mother continued to press you about things any woman would never forget packing. This was how she was normally. Almost morning, she would make her routine calls. First to your sister Atali, then to you. When she made it to you, she’d ask if you ate, and of course, by the time she called you, you were usually at work or on your way to it, and you wouldn’t have eaten. Then she’d ask you why you hadn’t eaten, to which she’d go back and forth with you about the importance of eating a well-balanced meal. Somehow that would lead to her asking how you expected to find the one when you didn’t eat enough. It was a never-ending thing with her. She was obsessed with you and your sister finding the one.
You understood. Your parents had been married for well over two decades, and they were still disgustingly in love. There was also no one like your dad, so you understood. They both saw what a catch they both were. After she told you the story of how she finessed your dad and got married in record time, it always turned into focus on you finding someone to marry. No matter how many times you told her that even though marriage was great and all, you weren’t in any hurry, it never registered.
 “Mom, I have everything I need. It is just supposed to be a two-week cruise.”
 “You’d be surprised the things you realize you left once you’re at sea. Then it will be too late,” Cynthia, your mother warned.
 “Then I’ll just buy it. Mom, I’m not going to the middle of nowhere. I am going on a huge ship from one of the world’s most reputable companies. I am positive they have every possible thing I could want to buy onboard. Plus, when we dock at ports, I’ll be able to buy much more.”
 “You’re always buying. Gah, I blame your father. He spoiled you and your sister rotten.”
 “I am not spoiled. It’s not like I haven’t worked for my money. Yes, daddy helped me set up my company, but I got where I am today because of me,” you professed.
 “I know, sweetheart, you don’t have to preach to the choir. All I’m saying is your daddy’s wealth only helped spoil you and Lali more. I saw it in you at the playground the most. You always wanted what the other kids were playing with. If it was a ball, you tried to take it. If it were the swings, you’d overtake it, toys in the sandbox my goodness those kids would end up with sand in their eyes and you alone with the toys.”
 “Some would call that persistence, hardworking, and assertive.”
 Your mother laughed then tsked.
 “I’m surprised that when you were in high school, I never got a call about you getting into a fight because you stole some girl’s boyfriend.”
 You pursed your lips, but as you were going to open your mouth to respond, your phone vibrated, signaling a notification.
 “Hang on, mom.”
 You thanked the Lyft driver for helping with your bags then checked your phone.
 MSG Javii: I’ve been calling you all night. Come on, Chaton (kitten). You have to talk to me at some point. Tu me manques (I miss you).
 You sighed and rolled your eyes. He had some nerve, you thought.
 “Ajali, hello!”
 “Yes, mom, I’m here. Sorry. I was getting my bags together.”
 “So, you’re really doing this?”
 “Yes, mom. Why wouldn’t I?”
 “Who goes on a cruise alone? What about the man I heard in the background of our call a few weeks ago? Why not go with him?”
 You rolled your eyes again, thinking about that man in the background a few weeks ago who was on your shit list.
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It was the tv,” you lied.
 “Ajali--,” your mother began before you cut her off.
 “—Plus, mom, it’s a Disney cruise,” you stressed.
 “Exactly. The people who go on Disney cruises are families, wives, husbands, kids. You are neither of them and have nether of them.”
 You balanced your phone on your shoulder and rolled your luggage toward the designated pier.
 “I just need some time to myself to clear my head and destress. Two weeks.”
 “Ignore your mother, my petal. You take the time you need. I’ve told you, and your sister working is important, but living is just as important. You don’t live to work; you work to live,” your father said.
 “Thank you, daddy.”
 “Plus, maybe you will find a worthy man on this cruise while you’re living,” your father slid in.
 “Oh god, not you too, daddy.”
 “We are unified in this, Lulu. He may wear the pants, but I control the buttons and the zipper if you know what I mean.”
 You tasted vomit in your mouth.
 “Eck! That is disgusting, mother. On that note, I gotta go.”
 “Wait, wait, enjoy yourself, my petal. We love you.”
 “Love you too, daddy, love you, mom.”
 With that, you ended the call and continued to walk toward Pier eighty-one. You passed families with rowdy children who looked like they couldn’t wait to get ice cream wasted, couples who looked as if they couldn’t wait to get to their suites and even elderly couples who were dressed to the nines for vacation, including already applied sunscreen and sunhats. Despite what your mother thought, Disney cruises were for everyone.
 You’d purposely chosen Disney because you didn’t want to be around other couples who were loved up and nauseatingly adorable, spewing love in the air. You wanted to be as far from that as possible. Love was the last thing on your mind. You were going on this cruise to get away from it. Your phone vibrated and went off twice.
 MSG Atali: Have you made your getaway yet?
 You stopped rolling and went to reply.
 MSG: Almost. I’m walking to the boarding line now.
MSG Atali: I think you’re doing the right thing. Space and time. In two weeks you’ll know what you want to do. I hope it’s what we talked about.
MSG: I know, Lali, I know.
MSG Atali: Have some fun too. It’s Disney.
 You could picture her face as you read it. She was probably cheesing at this very minute.
 MSG: Thank you for looking after the company while I’m gone.
MSG Atali: Boo, you know it’s my company too, right. Don’t worry; our clients will be taken care of. I’ve got it covered.
 You knew she did. Atali was the older one and had always acted like it, even though she was only nine months older. You knew she could take care of things on her own while you were away.
 MSG: I know, still. Thank you.
MSG Atali: You’re welcome, Lulu. Call me later. Margaret Bailey’s appointment is next. Apparently, she’s throwing some party, and she wants to be the envy of everyone.
MSG: Eck, you have your work cut out for you. Bye.
 As you were putting your phone away, another message came in.
 MSG Javii: Chaton (kitten), call me, please. Don’t you think you’re dragging this out a little?
 You almost said, “are you stupid” out loud. The man had some nerve. Dragging it out? You rolled your eyes as another message came in.
 MSG Javii: Je t’aime (I love you).
 Just like that, you melted. He was playing on the fact that your father was French, and the language itself was a favorite of yours. He was not a stupid man; he was a smart businessman.
 MSG Javii: I’m sorry. I know we’ve talked about it, but you have to give me more time. Please.
Unbelievable, you thought as you exited your messages and stuck your phone into your back pocket. You turned and ran smack dab into someone’s hard body.
 “Shit. I’m so sorry,” you rushed out even as you were falling back.
 A pair of strong arms grabbed you and firmly held you, preventing your fall.
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“It’s okay, you’re lucky I don’t mind beautiful women bumping into me,” a deep masculine voice said. You knew it was a man, but you couldn’t see his face even though he looked to be well over six feet. His head was dipped low, and the hat he wore over hair that fell to his neck was so low you couldn’t see anything but the full beard that showed off a chiseled jawline.
 He set you right side up and slowly brought his hands from your arms back to his side. “Stay safe out there,” he said before he walked off.
 You stood there for a few moments, then looked back to where he’d walked and watched him saunter away. He had a slight dip to the way he walked that could either be seen as a happy go lucky type of thing or something that said he had some sort of swagger. Before you stared any longer, you sprang into motion with wheeling your luggage to the growing line to board the ship. Thankfully the line went quickly thanks to the ten different lanes that had ship staffers ready and eager to help guests.
 When it was your turn, a friendly-looking woman with a trendy bob cut explained what to do. While she talked, her smile never fell, but you didn’t really pay attention because her uniform was so distracting. She had on a purple and green hat that had mermaid scales and Ariel printed all over it. This hat matched the shirt and skirt combo she wore. Her shirt was two-toned, on one side was Ariel’s face, and on the other was mermaid scales while her skirt was plain white. It looked like The Little Mermaid threw up all over her. You didn’t expect anything else; it was a Disney cruise after all.
 After doing all the check-in steps, such as handing off your rolling luggage to the ship porters and taking a photo for your provided identification wrist band that the crew will use to identify you and your indicated needs, you boarded the ship. All the friendly faces you passed all looked happy to welcome you to Disney Cruises and to direct you to where you wanted to go. The noise inside was much louder inside than it was out. The kids that looked excited outside looked downright jubilant inside as they posed for pictures with life-sized Disney characters and got welcome ice cream treats.
 You were even tempted to take a picture or two, but you decided against it. What you did not decide against was ice cream. You took an offered vanilla cone and kept on your way, looking around the ship as the other guests did. From your research, this was the best-rated cruise this year. It was a newer Disney ship and one that cost over ten million dollars to design and build. Everyone said it was the Rolls Royce of Disney cruises.
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From what you saw with the décor looked to have cost a fortune. There was glass, fancy lights, and marble everywhere. It was clear they didn’t skimp on funding and clear that they had the comfort and luxury in mind. There were plants around the central atrium that gave off that tropical vacation vibe and even paintings and pictures hanging on the walls that further pushed the agenda that this was supposed to be a fun time for all.
 The more you walked around looking at different areas, the more you were impressed. If the gathering areas looked this upscale, you were even more excited to see your suite.
 “Can I help you with anything, ma’am?”
 You shook your head and smiled at the man wearing Hans all over him. “I’m all right, thank you.”
 The next thirty minutes or so were spent walking around while following the map in your hand. You found and noted where the spa, library, on-ship garden, movie theater, bowling alley, tropical setting wave pool, and best restaurants and bars were. You had every intention of soaking up all the luxury that you’d paid top dollar for. When you saw a few amenities that you hadn’t expected, your jaw dropped. You had no idea why there was an ice skating rink or an indoor sky flying dome that had the tallest clear tube you’d ever seen. You didn’t know who’d designed this cruise, but you knew it must have cost millions. You were sure you wouldn’t be getting in that sky flying dome.
 When you finally got the alert that your suite was ready, it was well after one in the afternoon. The walk among the crowds was noisy. Everyone was either talking about what they wanted to do first, how enormous and beautiful the ship was, or making a plan for the cruise duration. In between all the chatter, there of course, were the screams and cries of babies and toddlers who were already losing their shit.
 This is what you’d expected when you decided on this Disney cruise over another like Carnival or Norwegian. You knew that the other passengers would be of a specific age range leaning on the younger and family-oriented side, which meant you wouldn’t have to fight off unwanted suitors who tried to shoot their shot. It also meant that you wouldn’t have to deal with any sort of drama that usually happened on a cruise with young adults all looking to hook up. That was not what you needed right now. You wanted to stay as far away from hooking up or eligible men that had blue eyes or a perfect head of hair, or abs that were chiseled by Michelangelo himself, or an ass that would make a mannequin jealous.
 On the elevator ride to your floor, you caught the eye of an adorable little boy with a complete head of luscious dark locks and doe eyes with an unmeasurable depth. His smile was innocent. Every time your eyes met his, he hid behind his mother. When you looked away, he looked back at you. After two or three playful back and forth glances, which had him becoming more adorable, you surprised him by not looking away. When he realized it, his squeal was so childlike and filled with so much glee that everyone on the elevator had to giggle. Over the next several minutes, the passengers on the elevator got off group by group until it was just a few people remaining.
 “Sixth floor,” the elevator attendant announced.
 You made your way through the door but gave the adorable boy a look. “Have a fun cruise, cutie,” you said with a wink before the doors closed with the sound of his giggles. You looked at your phone to remind yourself which room was yours, then glanced at the numbers on the wall that directed you where to go. The dinging sound of an elevator brought your attention down the hall to your right to see one man walk off. His hat was dipped down low, but you noticed his face was buried in his phone before he turned and walked in the opposite direction of you.
 Focusing on the signs on the door, you walked down the left side of the aisle. It didn’t take you long to realize your room was at the end of the hall. Once you reached it, you glanced back to see the same man with his tipped low hat. It looked like the same man from before outside the ship. It couldn’t be, you thought. The odds were not that small. As you opened your door, you saw him disappear into the room at the opposite end of the hall.
 Once you walked inside, you immediately thought that this was what you got when you had Atali handle the arrangements. The theme of the room was clearly sky blue. The couch in the living area was a satin, silky sky blue that looked as if it was plush and comfortable. It matched the blue and grain colored carpet before it perfectly, and the abstract blown glass art on the wall. The colors all worked together to give you a sense of peace. It wouldn't have been something you’d chosen because, unlike Atali, you liked to keep things as low maintenance as possible. Just because your family had money doesn’t mean you had to look or behave as if you did.
 When you walked into the bedroom portion of the stateroom, you saw your suitcases waiting for you in the far left corner of the room. The sunlight pouring in from the screened balcony bathed the room in a beautiful, cheerful yellow that was so inviting that once you kicked off your shoes, you had to step out into it. The temperature was not blazing hot because it was just the middle of April in New York, and that meant a mix of chilly and warm days with the occasional possible snow shower. The salty air of the sea was one of your favorite smells. You remembered when your father took your family to France on your yearly family vacation. As a child, you loved the beach and the salt of the sea. When you became an adult, nothing had changed.
 Not realizing how long you remained on the balcony, an intercom announcement came on.
 “Attention passengers, this is Lucas Albright, one of your captains. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you aboard this Disney Enchantment Cruise.”
 He paused, and you could hear the uproar of cheers and claps from over the intercom as well as in the halls and neighboring staterooms.
 “We are all excited to host you on this two and a half week christening journey from New York. I say christening because you lot are the first to travel on this brand new ship. This is her maiden voyage.”
 More cheers and applause came for what felt like forever.
 “We will be on this beautiful vessel for two days, at which time we dock in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic at approximately eleven o’clock in the morning, where you can enjoy plenty of the excursions and activities for the day.”
 Again applause followed. Everyone was undoubtedly excited about this cruise. You tried to get out of your funk and onboard the excitement train.
 “We will then set sail again, leaving port at ten o’clock that evening and moving on to two days at sea until we reach our second destination of Port of Grand Turk in beautiful Turks & Caicos. At that time, we dock at eleven 0’clock and lift anchors at ten o’clock. From the beautiful Turks & Caicos, we will be at sea for two days until we reach the tropical breezes of the British Virgin Islands!”
 You were already making some mental plans for everything you wanted to do at each port.
 “After spending out eleven o’clock to ten o’clock time there. We set sail to the glorious white sandy beaches of—Arrrruuuba!”
 At that time, the classic Beach Boys song Kokomo came on at the Aruba part. It was so corny, but everyone seemed to love it. You shook your head as the short clip of the song played loudly until it was lowered to play in the background.
 “Again, we’re docking at eleven o’clock to set sail again at ten o’clock. We are then at sea for three more days until we get to Ocho Rios, Jamaaaaica!”
 As he spoke, you went around the room, placing things you’d need and freshening yourself up. When he finally finished giving the itinerary, you were situated and checking the schedule of events for the day. All in all, it was set to be an action packed seventeen days at sea. Atali must have chosen this length because she knew seven or ten days would not be enough time.
 “All right, ladies, gentlemen, kids, and big kids, I hope to see you all at the welcome mingle we’ve scheduled to begin within the next twenty minutes or so, at which time we will lift anchors and say sayonara to New York and aloha to the seven seas.”
 He had a voice for radio or a game show. It was velvety deep, just what many women seemed to like these days. You grabbed your phone and crossbody bag and walked out of your room. You had a mission before you lifted anchor. Everyone was still abuzz with talk of the itinerary as more of the beach boys played over the ship speaker system. Vacation vibes were in full effect. Once you got to the media area, you promptly purchased your airtime so your cell would be able to work while at sea. You knew your mother would have a heart attack if you went two days without checking in with her. You didn’t think it was because she was that attached to her children though, you knew it was her motherly duty to remain up in the tea, so she felt continuously connected. As she got older and older, you realized it more and more.
 As soon as that mission was completed, you made your way to the top deck where the mingle was being held. As you stepped out into the sun, you marveled at just how extravagant Disney had chosen to go with this ship. Several feet before you stretching obscenely high into the air, you saw something that looked like a rollercoaster. There were plenty of other passengers pointing to it and excitedly chattering about it. You made a mental note to stay as far away from it as possible. Who would think to ride an insanely high rollercoaster on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean?
 Slowly you walked around the deck, cordially smiling at those you passed. You passed a bar area and took one of the prepared cocktails, and proceeded to find a good spot at the side of the ship to watch them lift anchor. After several minutes of searching and bumping into all the excited kids and passengers who were posing for pictures with friends, family, and Disney staff, you found an excellent spot to press your back against.
 Across the way, a familiar hat caught your eye. It was him, you thought. He always kept his head low and tried to steer away from big crowds. It was strange to you considering he’d chosen to get on a cruise ship filled with hundreds of people. He wouldn’t be able to escape the crowds. Your eyes followed him as he walked to another bar to grab one of the drinks there. As he did, he joked with the bartender, and it was then you saw a flash of his pearly smile. You couldn’t tell if he was attractive or not, mostly since all you’d gotten were glimpses of pieces of his face. Part of you wanted him to take off the stupid hat so you could be sure, but the other part—the sensible part that remembered why you’d chosen a Disney cruise slapped your ass back into focus.
 “Welcome, Disney guests!”
 In response, everyone around you screamed, clapped, cheered, and stomped so loudly the sound could have rivaled that of a rave.
 “We are pleased to welcome you once again!”
 As one of the staff members continued to speak about the ship procedures, expectations, highlights, amenities, and more, you continued to look around the deck, taking in all the grandeur before you. It didn’t take long to get lost in the directory you held. Again you took note of where everything was that you wanted to experience and even went as far as to make a plan of what you wanted to eat each night. Between you and Atali, you were the planner. You liked things to make sense and liked them to be stable and constantly reliable. You hated the erraticness of people and impulsivity. You always tried to steer as far from it as possible.
 By the time the speeches were finished, you’d had three drinks and were working on your fourth. The vibration of your phone brought your attention to it.
 MSG Javii: Chaton?
 You rolled your eyes and sighed out a little louder than you intended. What attracted you to him in the first place was what was annoying you right now. His persistence. You sat in a nearby seat and stared at the text exchange and thought of what you wanted to reply. Five minutes passed with you not typing one word. The truth was you didn’t know what to say. You were that jumbled up. The stress of it all was making your head hurt. You rubbed your brow and began your message.
 MSG: I need some time away.
 Instantly a message came back.
 MSG Javii: From me?
 Bobbing your head from side to side, you tried to make a quick decision.
 MSG: From this—us.
 MSG Javii: Chaton, say what you mean. You know I prefer directness. Do you mean from me?
 MSG: Yes.
 A few minutes passed before he sent another message. You wondered if you’d hurt him. Part of you didn’t want to hurt him, but the other part wanted him to suffer and see what it was like to be without you. Maybe then he’d start appreciating what he had.
 MSG: I just need to figure some things out.
MSG Javii: Are you breaking up with me, Chaton?
 The name was killing you, and you were sure he knew it. Every time he called you “chaton,” it made your belly flutter.
 MSG: I just need time and space, Javii.
MSG Javii: I love you. You know that, right? I love you more than anything.
MSG: If that were true, I’d be there right now instead of where I am. I have to go.
 You closed your messages and sighed out again.
 “Mm, I can easily read that expression, and if any man causes brow or forehead wrinkles, he isn’t the one.”
 Your head snapped to your right to see an older woman sitting there. She wore a straw hat atop her long red hair that looked close to that of Lucille Ball’s. The hue of her hair complimented her bronze and gold complexion. Her makeup was expertly done, as was her purple painted nails that pinched the straw that was at the corner of her mouth, a mouth that was painted perfectly accentuating her cupid’s bow lips. She was gorgeous.
 “Uh--,” you began as she continued.
 “The only one who is worth it is the one who gives you cheek wrinkles and smile creases.”
You grinned to yourself and took a sip from your glass that was resting on the table between you.
 “Trust me. I’ve dated plenty of men, ones who cause both, ones who cause one more than the other and ones who only cause one—the bad ones.” She motioned to the space between her eyebrows, symbolizing stress wrinkles from furrowing your brows.
 “I have yet to meet one who only causes smile creases,” she finished.
 You shrugged and looked glanced back to your phone before you put it on the table face down.
 “Maybe that one doesn’t exist on this Earth,” you countered.
 “A skeptic, I see. You’re one of those women who don’t believe in the one, right?”
 After scoffing, you looked at her. “I don’t know what I believe. Once upon a time, I did then---things got complicated.”
 The woman placed her drink down and nudged her fist underneath her chin, giving you her complete attention.
 “Oh, complications are the joys of life, darling. Nothing is ever cut and dry or so simple and steady. I say go for the ride but make sure you hand on for the bumps.”
 You contemplated her words. There was some logic there, but once she said nothing was simple or steady, you had to admit your heart skipped a beat. You hated when things weren’t simple. You took your glass again and finished its contents. At the same time, your eye found the man who’d caught you maybe an hour ago. You watched as he walked closer to where you were seated and caught another glimpse of his face before he passed you.
 From beside you, you heard the woman whistle.
 “I wouldn’t mind going for a ride with that one.”
 Your laugh was loud and couldn’t be stopped. You shook your head at her, but she didn’t look one bit embarrassed or remorseful.
 “It’s a cruse darling, a vacation. Now’s the time to live a little—or a lot,” she said, finishing with an exaggerated wink.
 This woman was inadvertently suggesting you let your hoe flag fly for the duration of the cruise. She reminded you of your aunt Josephine from your father’s side. As a French woman, she definitely embodied the French lifestyle of only living once and to live life right the first time. You’d spent countless hours with her listening to her stories of her travels, boyfriends, escapades. You and Atali always loved to live vicariously through her. That was until Atali came of age and decided to live just like her.
 You sat with this woman who introduced herself as Genevieve and listened to her stories of life and love. Usually, you hated speaking to strangers, but she didn’t feel like one. She felt like a kindred spirit, a much more carefree spirit but still kindred the same. You didn’t realize that two hours had almost passed with the two of you sipping cocktails and giggling. When you said your goodbyes, you wandered around the ship, taking in all it had to offer. You peeked in on activities that were already underway and scoped out other places you could disappear in.
 You made it back to your room in time to shower, change, and put on a lite layer of makeup before you made it to dinner at one of the forty restaurants. Once you walked into the restaurant, the atmosphere screamed luxury though it was not opulently done. It still looked family-friendly, but it was done in a way that let you know that you were meant to feel important by the décor alone.
 At the bottom of the long stairs, you quickly looked around, trying to find an empty table. When you’d zeroed in on one, you saw a hand waving you down—the hand of the same woman from before, Genevieve. Why not, you thought to yourself before you began to cross the dining area toward her. Within a few steps, you ran right into a body that felt like a brick wall. You could feel your body falling backward, but in the nick of time, a pair of strong, muscular arms wrapped around your back, holding you in place.
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If his face had been eluding you all day, it was not anymore. The eyes you stared into were blue enough that the sea you sailed would be envious. His lips were so red that an apple would want a rematch for bragging rights and his face so symmetrical that even the perfect line of symmetry didn’t seem perfect enough when next to him. The man was gorgeous. You watched his eyes roam your face as if he was in no rush, wanting to take in every detail. What felt like minutes was probably only seconds before he set you upright. As you were prepared to speak, he smiled, and the action had you feeling like you’d been hit in the head at the same time as your gut.
 “Twice in one day. What’re the odds? Are you okay?”
 Rather than speaking, you nodded.
 “Are you sure?”
 “Yes, thank you. I’m—I’m sorry,” you stuttered.
 “Nah, forget about it. No harm, no foul.”
 From behind him, you could see Genevie giving you a look that said she wanted to know what was being said and who he was.
 “I uh—I was going that way,” you said, nodding your head to behind him.
 “And me that way.” He nodded behind you. “Stay safe out there,” he uttered before he walked off in the direction you’d just come from, giving you the opportunity to walk to Genevieve.
 The look on her face needed no words to along with it, but she still spoke.
 “Is that the same snack from before?”
 You nodded and nearly snorted out, hearing her use the word.
 “What’s his name?”
 “No idea, but I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before. I just—can’t place it.”
 “I don’t know how. I’d never forget a face like that.”
 She had a point; he had an unforgettable face, one that stayed with you and possibly could haunt your nights. You bet he got whatever he wanted and whoever he wanted. As dinner progressed, you had your choice of different appetizers, entrees, drinks, and desserts. If one wanted Scandinavian food, they could get it, or southern food it was within reach. As you ate, you listened to more of Genevieve’s stories. She told you about the men she’d dated, the things she’d seen in her years, and lessons she’d learned from those men. The moral you learned from her stories was love often, love hard, and love entirely because while you’d remember the pain, you’d remember the love more.
 As you ate and listened to her, you couldn’t help but think of the reason you were on this cruise in the first place. You were not running to love but from it. If you were to listen to Genevieve, you should have stayed your ass in New York and gone to Javii. If you listened to her, you’d probably spend another year living in sin. By the end of dinner, you’d met three other women all within the same age range as you, but they all were in different times of their lives. One was newlywed, and on her honeymoon, the second married a year and expecting her first child and the third long married with three children.
 It was an interesting look at alternate timelines for you. Any of them could have ended up being you if you’d only made different choices. Part of you wondered which one you wanted to be more, your natural self, or one of the three possibilities.
 After dinner, you made your way to one of the theaters to watch the planned show for the night. It was a re-enactment of The Little Mermaid, and the audience was filled with little ones who clapped and cheered throughout. You were surprised at how well the staff performed. They could have easily been true broadway stars. A little more than halfway through the show, you found the stranger with the deep eyes across the room. He was sitting alone, just watching the show with a relaxed look on his face. He looked as if he were genuinely enjoying it. Your curiosity was piqued as to why he was sitting alone watching The Little Mermaid on a ship full of people and why he didn’t seem to be bothered to make acquaintances. Who came on a cruise alone? Once you thought it, you wanted to laugh at yourself. You were the one to come on a cruise alone.
 As you were about to look away, his eyes found yours. At first, they looked empty as if he were looking right through you. Then after a few moments, there was a spark in them. You watched him raise his glass to you with a soft smile teasing his lips. Realizing you’d been caught looking, you curtly nodded back then looked to the stage to focus on the show.
 Two in the morning. That was the time when you finally made it back to your room. Festivities were going on all around the ship. No one seemed as if they wanted to go back to their rooms. There was something for everyone. The little ones had endless activities, including a sleepover with their favorite Disney characters, where they were set to have plenty of fun for the night. There was a mixer set up like a rave on the opposite side of the ship for the adults. From the things you saw when you scoped it out, you were sure a few siblings were going to be conceived tonight.
 As you scanned your bracelet and opened your door, you looked back to see the stranger again. He was looking directly down at you. You gave him a head salute and disappeared inside your room. After a quick shower, you found your way to your balcony to watch the waves roll by with a glass of wine. It was the perfect end to the night.
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spicyhokage · 4 years
Bill denbrough x reader // choking kink
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Note: this is my first smut 😅 and it literally took me like two months to write. plus I forgot half of the story and I’m too lazy to read it over, so if it’s not matching up then 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways enjoy.
Warnings: Smut, Choking kink, Big dick bill energy, Teasing, and Dick riding.
Word count: 2111 (I think it’s somewhere around that so 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Bill’s parents left on a two-week vacation to celebrate their 21st anniversary of being together. Leaving bill alone by himself and in charge of the house. They knew bill is a good boy he’s never did anything bad. he’s a loyal kid and listens. they don’t have to give him rules like ‘don’t have a party' or whatever because they trust him. So that’s why they left the boy. He’s 17 They know he’s not dumb enough to trash their home and he’s old enough to be on his own for just two weeks.
And bill is taking his alone time to his vantage. He finally relaxed and gotten the most sleep he had in weeks. He enjoyed
His time by himself. nothing, but him and his thoughts.
Before bill’s parents left they worked him to death by making him clean the whole entire house from top to bottom while they packed. by the time bill was done the house practically looked like Disney on ice. not only did that ware billy boy out, but he also had shit loads of homework to do. Making Bill the most miserable he has ever felt that day.
Y/n bill’s girlfriend of two years and best friend of four. had known all of this since bill called her last night at 4 am crying about how stressed he felt from school and wore out from cleaning. he literally can’t wait for his parents to leave. which they did just a few hours ago.
Bill and y/n have never spent as much time together now these days. all they do is pass each other in the school halls seeing as they have totally different schedules and are always busy while the other is not. The most they been doing for the past three months now is late-night phone calls and even that is once in a while since they always fall asleep due to the lack of energy from their day.
That’s why y/n seen this as the perfect opportunity to come over and surprise bill. They can have a movie night and cuddle. And boy does y/n miss bill’s cuddles. She was practically squealing to herself while walking to his house.
As soon as she got there she checked the door to see if it was open before knocking. And of course it was open.
'That’s a stupid move but you’re lucky I love you denbrough' y/n thought as she walked in the house closing the door and locking it quietly as possible. not wanting to disturb her boyfriend if he was asleep. Which he wasn’t he was actually laying down on the couch listening to music with his walkman.
Sneaking on the boy she jumps on top of him. Causing his eyes to shoot open in fear, but he quickly becomes relieved that it’s just his girlfriend. he wraps his arms around her closing his eyes once more. It takes a minute before it clicks to him that ITS HIS GIRLFRIEND WHO HE HASNT SEEN IN MONTHS. And then his eyes shoot back up and he takes his earphones out pulling her closer to him and kissing her all over her face causing her to giggle. "I missed you too." She says between laughs. "What you doing here?" He pulls himself up a bit so now he’s sitting with her in his lap. "I wanted to see you since we haven’t really had time for ourselves, also I really missed your cuddles." Y/n says wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. "I missed your kisses," Bill mumbles against her lips. "Hm" she hums in response.
What started out as soft kisses soon turned into a make-out session yet to bill and y/n it was no surprise. Bill was now hovering over her while making out instead of her being in his lap like before. As bill goes to cup her cheek his hand goes around her neck and squeezes a bit on accident. Taking y/n by shock and causing her to moan into his mouth. Knowing what he did bill quickly pulls away. "I- I’m sorry y/n I didn’t m- m- mean it. I was-" bill’s apologize gets cut off by y/n’s lips back on his. Pulling away. she whispers in his ear "do it again." Bill looks at her with wide eyes. a bit confused then looks back down to his hand that was wrapped around her throat earlier as if he’s debating if he should do it again. He looks back at her only now realizing the lust that fills her eyes that’s staring back up at him and his confusion clears as it’s very obvious now. he smirks and wraps his hands around her throat again. "You like this don’t you?" He questions. All she does is nod while biting back on her lip as she watches Bill’s next move. "I never knew you were into choking" Bill says, squeezing her neck causing a loud moan to leave her mouth. She looks at his hand that’s around her throat as the veins pop out of his arm while he chokes her. And she presses her legs together. as she feels herself aching just at the sight. Bill still smirking from the fact that he found her horny weakness pays close attention to her movements. "is it the choking that turns you on or my hands?" He asks, "both." Y/n manages to get out as he still chokes her. "Choking kink and hand fetish. Who would have known." He chuckles softly. "So tell me, what is it exactly that you find so attractive about my hands?" Not getting a response right away he squeezes tighter. "Use your words, princess"
"veins" she gasps out while he keeps his tight hold around her neck. He chuckles "you’re so hot when your helpless and needy" going down to kiss her. She whimpers into the kiss giving Bill the advantage to slide his tongue in her mouth. While his mouth worked wonders against hers his hand that was around her neck starts traveling down her body making it’s way to her pants slipping his hand in he pulls back the waistband of her panties causing it to slap back into her skin making her whimper again. "Quit being such a tease" she mumbles against his lips. "Someone can’t wait" he mumbled back as he toys with her panties. Getting impatient she was about to beg him to do something when he pushes two fingers in her making her gasp in shock. He slowly pumps his fingers while his lips find it’s way to her neck sucking and biting.
"Hm, so wet for me already?" He teases. "Can you shut up." She moans out. His lips travel to her ear ” Where’s the fun in that?" he questions his hot breath blowing into her ear making her shiver in pleasure. finally having enough of his games she quickly flips them over causing bill’s fingers to flea out of her as she was now on top of him her hands go to his pants pulling them down in seconds. He chuckles ” Not a fan of my slow and steady pace. Are we?"
"Just shut up and let me suck your dick." She shots back making him groan in response. she softly kisses him on the lips before making her way down his body. Once she gets to where he needs her most she slowly pulls his boxers down. Taking her time with him as he did with her. His erection is practically at his stomach. which makes her eyes go wide for a second. it seems like y/n forgets how big bill’s dick actually is judging by the fact that every time she sees him it’s like it’s the first time she saw him. she lowers her face blowing hot air on his cock making his hips buck up trying to get a little friction. "Please." He begs. "See, it’s not fun being the one getting teased now is it?" She smirks. "Just do something." He begs her once more. She takes his cock and slowly licks from the base to the head then licks the tip making his eyes roll back in pleasure before she takes him fully until his cock hits the back of her throat. His breath hitches as she starts bobbing her head at a fast past, but not too much that she can’t handle. Bill’s hand finds it’s way to her head tangling his hand in her hair as he guides her mouth up and down his member. he rolled his hips while he thrust into her as she pumps the rest that couldn’t fit. She hollows her checks trying to create a better friction. He was getting closer to cumming she could tell by his quick breaths and the way his dick started twitching in her mouth ‘that was fast.' She thought to herself. She picked up her speed causing him to gasp loudly. He was so close.
"Just like that y/n, you’re such a good girl." He moans out. He could feel himself on the very edge of cumming. Just when he was about to release she pulls her mouth from his member with a little pop sound. Wiping the drool off her chin. He whines in frustration. "W-why did you sto-" "I’ll rather have you finish inside me." She cuts him off and climbs back on top of him. grinding on his cock. desperate for any friction to help relieve her throbbing clit. Bill groans in response while throwing his head back on the armrest of the couch. she knows Bill isn’t gonna last very long so she pulls her panties down completely. And guides his cock to her wet entrance. with this bill lets out a shaky moan at the contact. They both softly moan as she slowly sinks down on his length. A dull ache fills her as she steadies herself and feels Bill’s hand come up around her neck. She looks at him startled, placing her hand on his and moving it to be right where she needs him. until he’s fully inside of her.
Not wanting to wait she places her hands on his chest as she rides out her pain until it becomes pleasure. His hips snap up as he looks at her tensely. She can feel his fingers curl around her throat, placing pressure, not on her windpipe but pausing the airflow and the pleasure makes her headspin. Moans spill from her lips with soft ease, and Bill keens at the way she seems to take him so much better like this. He releases his hand to be safe but leaves it there and she whines at the loss. he bucks his hips up into hers again as she rocks down onto him. he wasn't going to last long, they both knew that. the base of him grinds against her clit as he thrusts up into her. with every thrust, he hits that spot inside of her, making her eyes roll back from the amount of pleasure over looting her. she bounces on him speed picking up. he can tell she’s getting closer. The only sounds in the empty house are their hips slapping together and her soft moans mixed with his low groans. Her walls clenching on him tighter makes his hand that was holding her neck pulling her down to connect their lips. "I’m not gonna last long so you better cum now," Bill says against her lips, his words alone were enough to make her a moaning mess. Her walls clench harder as he whispers dirty things to her knowing very well that it’s a weakness of hers. "Bill i- I’m." she cuts her own self off with a loud moan. And bill can’t help but chuckle. "I know baby, go ahead." with his permission her eyes roll back as she cums on top of him. the sight of her orgasming on top of him was enough for him to cum as well. She rides out both of their highs. she whines as she pulls him out of her, both of their cum covered the inside of her thighs. She collapses on top of him staying like that as they catch both their breath.
"We should do this more often."
"Yeah, if I knew you had a choking kink before then I probably would have fucked you every chance I got."
"Would it matter? choking kink or not you’ll still fuck me every chance you get."
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
im still confused as to why the C*W thought they made good decisions? did they not expect the negative outpouring they got? did they think the most popular and well-known couple in modern pop culture would not be celebrated if it went canon and mourned if it did not. I just cannot make sense how they didn't see any of it coming. Cas' confession alone trended above an election, could have been absolutely amazing press for the network, would have made history frankly, if they'd allowed dean to reciprocate on air and yet they thought all that paled in comparison to a cowboy cop reboot in the wake of massive socio-political current events?
it's pretty simple: even though we cannot begin to wrap our heads around this, it's a fact that the majority of the viewers (general audience) were not destiel shippers (to put it mildly) and they were always afraid to scare off that part of the audience, which is why the market research went the way it went, and why the finale went the way it went. and that general audience? is the reason they made w*lker in the first place.
some more asks after the cut
honestly i am so bitter that fandoms are the ones who give the network the money, devotion and love that keeps shows on the air and get spat on, yet everything they do is for "the general public" who causally tune in for an ep or two, maybe finish the show but have no feelings about it either way. i know money makes the world go round but it's just so unfair that dedicated spn fans found so much heart in the show, saw so much of themselves in these characters for 15 years and were basically told they didn't matter all because of a straight conservative demographic that has not mattered to this show since season three.
agreed, but i think you underestimate the general audience and how many people watched the show who weren't actively shipping destiel. i saw a research about this once and it shocked me too but it definitely showed that a large part of the people watching are, in fact, the general audience. unfortunately.
A lot of the times I feel like the writers treat Cas like a punching bag: first he’s Heaven’s instrument who must do what he’s told, he rebels and then is blacklisted by the leaders, he tries to save his people from Raphael and the power corrupts him, which gets him dead but then he just loses his memory. He tries to redeem himself by helping Sam and goes insane and gets sent to Purgatory where is hunted, comes back and Naomi uses him as a puppet by effectively lobotomising him, he rebels and is back living in hiding. Metatron uses his grace to throw the angels from Heaven and he is public enemy #1 AGAIN, but now human and HOMELESS. His best friend kicks him out, he gets another army but dumps it all for one human who takes him for granted. But Cas CONTINUALLY puts his life on the line for Sam and Dean but he loses something else to show for it. Even when he gets his grace back, his wings are broken. And when he finally feels like part of the family, says “I love you” to the human he’s repeatedly sacrificed for, he’s erased from the narrative!?!?!
WTF? Can the poor multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent get a break?
*hugs Cas with tears in eyes*
- 🎓
im hugging him right there with you <3
its been so long and i am still infuriated by the finale. i wish the people who had the final say in all that shit would never be able to do anything in tv again if they think any of that slop was alright by any means. (actually i wish i could look them in the eye and call them out for the cowardly money-grubbing fucks they are.) i almost wish i had gotten a ticket for that bob singer panel just so i could blast him since im sure he had something to do with it somewhere. im already prepared to hear "we go where the story takes us," his favorite party line.
you and me both
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Iida x Reader Mha Scenario
Iida with a partying s/o
It was Friday night, Mina’s birthday, and she was insisting on having a good time. “Come on! It’ll be fun! My mom is out of town for work so we’ll have the entire place to ourselves! We can invite 1-B too, it’ll be awesome!” She exclaimed as everyone nodded back in response. “Awesome! There’s like a pool and we have a large front yard. I can totally get the led lights and put them out! It’ll be awesome!”
Denki high fived her as he turned to Y/n. “I’ll bring my speakers. The entire house will be shaking once I plug them in.” He explained as Mina smiled. “Sounds great! We just have to tell everyone to come around sixish, and then give them my address!” 
Y/n, Denki, and Mina went around the dorms that day handing out slips of paper with the address and time to everyone they saw. Even Monoma and the other people from 1-B that they didn’t know, except for Mineta. Mina didn’t want him anywhere near her house.
When the afternoon came, Denki and Mina left to go set up, leaving Y/n on the couch. She didn’t want to come, and honestly, she had overworked herself at training and needed an hour to herself. That’s when Iida came around the corner, flailing his arms and all. “L/n! As the class representative, I must ask you why you dear friend Mina is throwing a party at her home.” 
You sat there, eyes wide with confusion as you began to explain to him. “Um, it’s her 17th birthday so she wants to go crazy, you know? Haven’t you ever been to one? She wants to have fun with everyone else.” He sighed, putting his fingers to his forehead as if he had a headache. “And what do you mean by crazy? If I go to this party which I will, I will act like the parental guardian in this situation whether you’d like me to or not.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled, standing up to walk over to him. “You do whatever your little heart desires. All I ask is that you have fun yourself. If you’re having fun, I’ll be able to have fun.” You patted his shoulder before going to the kitchen to get a snack. “You’ll have fun... if I have fun?” Iida asked himself quietly, unable to understand why his enjoyment meant anything to you. He was just a classmate to you, right? You two had never gotten close before.
The night of the party came, and quickly it turned South. Iida was the first to arrive, followed by all the boys from the class, and then eventually everyone came except for you. Iida began to get worried, until he saw an Uber drive up and your h/c hair pop out of it. Iida stood off the side as you walked in, watching how everyone around you erupted into smiles and yells as they went to go talk to you. Even the 1-B kids who you had never talked to before wanted to conversate with you.
You did look really pretty in that dress after all, and you had braided your hair back into two French braids. It looked as if you had done them yourself, which was really impressive. That’s when he saw something in Mina’s hand that made him totally lose control. It was a beer. Iida walked up to her and swiped it from her hand angrily. “Ashido! You are underage and I forbid you from ruining your life.” She rolled her eyes and snatched it back from him, sticking her tongue out.
“Are you going to report me? Look around four eyes, everyone has one! Are you going to ruin all of these people’s hero careers because you can’t let lose. Y/n, here you go!” She tossed you an unopened one, which you caught immediately. Had you done this before?? You didn’t look the bit shocked. “Think about it Iida.” Mina whispered, before walking towards you with open arms for a hug.
Iida stormed off angrily, walking around the house multiple times to check everything out. But slowly everyone was drinking, and then more and more people kept going upstairs. Iida felt as if he was losing control of the situation, and was trying his hardest to fix everything. But nothing was working. He was out of control, and he didn’t know what to do.
That’s when he saw Monoma leading you upstairs, and before he could control what his heart was doing, he used his quirk to run and grab you from him. “Hey, dude! What do you think you’re doing?!” Monoma yelled at him as Iida looked at you. You looked pretty, but it was obvious you were wasted as you found it hard to keep your balance and kept bobbing your head back and fourth. “I refuse to let you take my dear classmate upstairs when she isn’t control of her body.”
You began to push away from Iida, fighting him before he threw you over his shoulder and walked out side, holding you still. “You have had too much L/n. I’m calling an Uber, and I’m taking you back to the dorms. You have no business being out and about in such a vulnerable and unaware state of mind.” He lectured you as you groaned in annoyance. “Iidaaaa why can’t you just be fun?” You asked, still drowsy as he scheduled for a car to pick you up.
“I cannot have fun if I’m constantly worried about your safety. Surely you know that Monoma didn’t have good intentions. I must keep you safe.” Iida explained, watching a car pull up. “Andddd to thinkkk I thought you were hotttt.” You murmured, falling asleep in his arms as you fell asleep. Iida froze as the car pulled up, trying to respond but seeing that you were asleep. 
Blushing, he picked you up from his shoulder and put you inside the car, before getting in with you. What had you meant? Did you mean it? No, you were just drunk. Right? Of course... God he was going to overthink this. The car ride was short and sweet, Iida letting you lay down as your head was on his lap. He happily undid the tight braids in your hair and gave you a scalp massage, knowing that alcohol gave people headaches.
When they arrived at UA, Iida graciously thanked the driver and picked you up bridal style, carrying you to the dorm as you slowly woke up. “Iida? What happened?” You groaned tiredly, feeling the effects of the beer kick in to your head. “You got drunk at Mina’s party. I am taking you home.” He looked down, seeing you smile with your eyes closed. He couldn’t help but blush, walking faster. 
He entered the dormitory to find it entirely empty. Nobody would be there for hours, except you and Iida. The very thought made him blush, and want to run to his room and hide from you. Dirty thoughts filled his mind, and they needed to be shut out by sleeping. He rested you on the couch and went to grab you a glass of water.
“Why are you being so nice to me Iida? You hate me...” You whispered, your voice raspy and tired. “I could never hate you Y/n. You’re too kind of a person and too good of a student for me not to respect you. Forgive me if I made you think that.” You smiled, grabbing his hand as he put the glass next to you. “You should be sweet more often Iida. I like you like this.” 
He couldn’t help but smile as he sat next to you, letting you hold his hand. You looked pretty, sleeping peacefully with your hair wavy from the undone braids. As you fell asleep, he couldn’t help but stare at you until you were quietly snoring. Refusing to leave you there, he picked you up again and carried you to his room. It was before curfew, so your door wasn’t locked. He walked into the dark room and laid you on the bed, putting the light blanket off of you. 
“Iida! Wait.” As he looked at you, you pressed your lips to his. You two stayed there for a minute before you pulled away, looking into his eyes. “W-what was that L/n?” He asked, his eyes wide and his face very red. “Go out with me Tenya. Tomorrow, let’s go downtown and have some fun. You won’t have to worry about me.” You explained as he couldn’t help but smile.
“I’d like that L/n. I’d be honored to take you out. But for now...” He pushed you back on the bed and fixed the blanket on top of you. “Goodnight... Y/n.” He walked out and closed the door, closing his eyes and smiling happily. He walked back to his room in a daze of happiness and overwhelming lust. His heart felt warm, and fuzzy, something he had never felt before.
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bangcrizpychan · 4 years
Love Is Sweeter The Second Time Around
☆Pairing: gang member!Jeon Wonwoo x wife!Reader
☆Genre: Fluff, slight angst, gang!au
☆Requested: Yes, by: ✨anon
☆Word count: 2.1k
⚠WARNINGS: mentions of accident, swear words
☆Summary: When your husband momentarily lost his memories due to an injury, you will do everything in your power to restore the love you once had and save your family.
☞Note: y/d/n = your daughter’s name, y/s/n = your sister’s name (wonwoo is so cute ilhsm~♥~) Happy reading (˘³˘)♥
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You smiled to yourself after putting your daughter to sleep, you brushed the hair out of her face and you could see her strong resemblance to her father, Jeon Wonwoo, your loving husband who never missed a day without telling you how much you mean to him and how much he loves you.
You walked back to your bedroom and continued planning for y/d/n’s 3rd birthday. Recently, she became really interested in fairies so you and your husband decided to throw a fairytale-themed birthday party. You were scrolling through pinterest to find a nice backdrop when your phone suddenly rang, you looked at the caller ID, ‘Vernon’, why would he call you at this time of night? Knowing it has to do with your husband, you quickly answered it.
“Hello?” “Y/n! Thank God you answered-” in the background, you could hear multiple gunshots, “Vernon! What’s going on?! Is Wonwoo okay?!” “-H-he got shot! This fucking gang came out of nowhere and they fucking outnumbered us,” you shut your eyes and rubbed your temples, this was what you and your husband fought about all throughout your entire relationship. You’ve always told him to leave this stupid gang of his, but he never listened.
“Vern, get him out of there, please, just go to the hospital before anything worse happens.” Vernon dropped the call and you prayed that they get to the hospital in time. You called your sister who lived not far from you and asked her to watch Y/d/n to which she happily agreed.
Vernon texted you to which hospital they were at and you quickly jumped in your car and drove as fast as you could. On the way there, you couldn’t help but let out a few tears. You knew that this would happen one day, but Wonwoo just had to be so stubborn and wouldn’t listen to you.
“It’s not just some cheap gang, Y/n! We formed a pact!” He would defend, “Well, that pact of yours is going to be the death of you!”
You let out a frustrated grunt and gripped the stirring wheel tighter. Tears stinging your eyes, you hoped to every god out there that this wouldn’t be the death of him. He was strong, he will make it.
When you got inside the emergency room, you saw Vernon, Minghao, and Mingyu wrapped in bandages. “Where’s my husband?!” you demanded as you approached them, you didn’t hate them, they were nice people, but the thought of them being the reason why Wonwoo got shot angered you.
“Y/n calm down-” “I can’t calm down Mingyu! My husband got shot! Do you just expect me to go gather flowers and throw them around while singing merry-go-round?!” you eye twitched and you felt the nurses pulling you and telling you to relax.
Before you could beat the boys up, who were already in a bloodied state, the doctor appeared, “Are you the patient’s guardian?” “Yes, I’m his wife.” “He’s finally stable,” you and the boys released a sigh of relief and you felt a weight lifted off your shoulders. “thankfully, he was rushed here fast enough, and we were able to get the bullet out of him.” “Thank you, doctor. May I ask where my husband is?”
“He’s still inside the ICU, he still hasn’t woken up but he will, sooner than expected” all of you thanked the doctor and you leaned over Vernon’s bed, you looked at them and gave them a small smile.
“thank you, if it weren’t for you, he wouldn’t have made it.” they all just nodded and lowered their heads, “Look, I’m sorry I lost my cool earlier, I-I was just scared,” “We understand, Y/n, I would’ve felt the same if I were to stand in your shoes.
When Wonwoo finally woke up, you were sleeping at his bedside. You jolted awake when he suddenly pulled his hand away, "Honey! You’re awake, thank God!” you went to hug him but he swatted you away. You looked at him confusedly, is he blaming you for what had happened to him?
“W-who are you?” he abruptly sat up and groaned in pain, “Honey, it’s best if you just lie down-” “No, don’t touch me,” he grabbed his bandaged head and hissed. You felt offended but you let it slide because you understood his situation. However, the next three words that left his mouth made your heart stop.
“W-who am I?”
You watched Wonwoo’s sleeping figure with a sullen look, they had to put him down because he thrashed around and even threatened to kill you earlier. You turned to the doctor who was looking at your husband with interest.
“Doctor, can you explain to me what’s happening to my husband?” the doctor sighed and turned to look at you, “we really hoped it won’t turn out this way, but it’s best to tell you,” you nodded and urged him to continue.
“Your husband was shot in the head, the bullet didn’t go in that far but it unfortunately hit his prefrontal cortex, which is one of the parts in our brain that is in charge with our cognitive behavior. However damaging it could result to a momentary memory loss and sudden changes in behavior such as aggression, to which your husband had shown earlier.” You felt as if your soul left your body after the doctor finished explaining.
You felt tears stream down your face as you looked at your sleeping husband, what were you going to do now? How will you move forward as a family when something as cruel as this happened to Wonwoo? He didn’t deserve this.
“What should we do, Doctor Choi?” “Thankfully, after running some tests, we have come up to the conclusion that your husband is suffering from Post-traumatic Amnesia, it usually happens when the victim experienced a traumatic event and in your husband’s case, a bullet in the head.”
“So what can we do to help him?” “He will be given certain medicines to quicken his recovery, but there’s no saying when he is going to restore all of his memory, PTA may last for a few minutes, hours, days, or weeks, but there are rare cases that it will last for months. Let’s just hope it’s not the last one.”
The doctor advised you to stay at the hospital for awhile so they can monitor your husband, you brushed the hair out of Wonwoo’s sleeping figure and felt your chest tighten when you remembered the rest of Doctor Choi’s advice.
“The behavior he will exhibit during the healing process can and will be distressing for those around him, he may ask things repeatedly, which will be wearing and there will be times that he will just wander around asleep or even when he’s awake. Make sure he always stays in quiet and peaceful places, and lastly, medicine will help him but the best medicine of all is to be patient with him.”
You didn’t know what to do, how do you expect yourself to take care of a three-year old and an ill husband at the same time? Everything was stressing you out but when you looked at your wedding ring, you were reminded by your vows 'in sickness and in health’, now is not the time to leave him. You stared at your husband as you choked out a sob.
“We’ll get through this together, Wonwoo, as a family.” you said and fell asleep beside him. Few days have passed and the doctor was right, he did exhibit strange behaviors, such as; yelling and hiding as if he was being targeted, it pained you to see him this anxious and distressed. But thankfully, his friends came and helped you out, they came in twos or threes and told Wonwoo stories, excluding him being a part of a gang and the cause of his injury because the doctor said it would be better to leave out that information as of the moment.
After two weeks, you were free to go home, Wonwoo didn’t ask questions as much as before so that means he was getting better. You thanked God for your darling of a sister who helped take care of Y/d/n when you were away.
When your daughter saw you at your doorstep, she quickly ran towards you, her little legs causing her to stumble here and there. You picked her up and showered her with kisses, “Who’s mommy’s baby girl?” “I am!!” she giggled when you repeatedly kissed her neck, yelling 'it tickles mommy, stop’.
“Daddy!!” she reached out towards Wonwoo who looked at you and waited for approval, you nodded your head and handed Y/d/n to him. “I missed you, Daddy. Where have you been?”
“Daddy and I were busy that’s why Aunt Y/s/n took good care of you, did you have fun?” she bobbed her head up and down, grinning widely which showed her missing tooth. You thanked your sister who said it was okay and was always ready to help, and then went on her merry way. Night came and you put Y/d/n to sleep, you showed Wonwoo to your bedroom after you helped him clean himself.
“I could sleep on the sofa, you can have the bed,” you offered, you were still unsure if he was okay with sleeping next to you. “Can you sleep with me? I’m scared to be left alone,” you could see fear in his eyes and it broke you, Wonwoo was the type of man that barely showed any signs of fear, but right now, you could see how vulnerable he actually is. You agreed and went to bed with him, you put a pillow between you and him so he won’t feel uncomfortable.
“You’re my wife, right?” you were quite surprised at his question, is he starting to forget information again? “Yes, I am,” “then there’s no need for this pillow, you can sleep next to me.” his current state warmed your heart, it reminded you of a child that was seeking for comfort. You lied down next to him and he wrapped his arms around you, clinging onto you like a child would to his mother.
You were awoken by the empty space next to you, you rubbed your eyes and looked at the time: 2:39 AM. You shot up out of bed and looked around the room, did Wonwoo have another episode? You went out of your room and called out for his name, you became terrified when he didn’t answer, what if he wandered outside?! What if he got hit? what if- your thoughts were interrupted when you saw a light in the kitchen. You carefully tiptoed and saw Wonwoo’s back staring at the lit up stove, you quickly turned on the lights and ran towards him to turn off the stove.
���Wonwoo! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?” you frantically asked and searched his body for any burns. “Y/n,” you looked at him, it was the first time he called you by your name, usually he would just call you ’wife’ like he was labeling you, but hearing your name roll off his tongue shocked you.
He stared at the stove for awhile and turned to look at you, “I remember that I cooked in this place,” he remembered? you felt tears trickle down your face and you chuckled as you cupped his face. “Yes you did cook here, you were an amazing cook, Wonwoo.”
He looked at you as his own tears filled his eyes, “I-I remember you and Y/d/n sitting there,” he pointed towards the kitchen table, “And I was serving you pancakes, Y/n! I remember something!” he laughed and twirled you around which caused you to yelp. He held your face as a soft smile formed on his face.
“You’re so beautiful, I want to remember more of you.” you rested your face against the palm of his hand and reached out your own to cradle his face.
“You will, my love, you will remember everything and Y/d/n and I will be here to help you every step of the way, as a family.”
He hesitantly leaned towards you until his lips hovered yours, you could feel his breath and it tickled you, sending electricity to the soles of your feet. You locked your lips together and it felt like the first time you two shared a kiss.
He may not remember all of your memories now, but slowly, it will all be restored as you make new ones for days to come, because love is sweeter the second time around.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Someone Left to Save (4)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Requested by Anon
Summary: The Mantis crew arrives to the capital of Ulfin, in the planet of Pevera, under siege. They meet the local rebel cell spearheaded by the former Republic admiral, Jax Beneb, who seeks to destroy the Empire’s occupation that was aggressively imposed upon while exploiting the planet of its natural resources. A plan is devised to destroy the Imperial’s main base of operations—as well as their influence—in the planet; however, it was a do-or-die mission that you and Cal had gotten yourselves caught in.
A/N: I was actually a bit afraid that this chapter won’t exactly have the oomph that I was going for ;;w;; Let me know what you think of this chapter and sorry for the delay! My compulsive self had the need to make it perfect and emotional the way I imagined it to be.
Also in AO3
Chapters: 1 – 2 | Previous: Part 3 | Next: Part 5 | Masterlist
4 of ?
The inferno had died down, sated of the metal and flesh that it had devoured upon its blistering wake.
In the rubble, you lay there half-dead, perhaps half-awake. Though in this case, did it even matter which half is which?
Your eyelids slowly opened, particles of dirt that seated along the lining of your eyes made it hard for you to open them. You can’t make of your current location, though the last thing you remember is the heat boiling under your feet while the fire catches up to the elevator while you recovered your strength, the speed of the turbolift cell in a nerve-racking race against the cascading flame, and throwing yourself out of the elevator the very split second the door opened.
“Am I dead…?” your voice was dead quiet that it’s almost as if your subconscious was the one speaking. You asked yourself, still as a stone in where you lie. “Is there something broken?”
The former’s answer was no. Air still entered your lungs.
A few more blinks and the dust had cleared off of your lashes; your field of vision is filled with the monotonous shade of brown, gray, and black mingling together, with specs of glowing red embers floating about the clouds of smoke wafting over you. No heavy debris fell on you, but bodily movement is limited, the only thing you can move is your head. The dust and smoke constantly pricked your eyes that you couldn’t keep them open for long.
You hear footsteps, heavy and slow, you search the person only to find a silhouette closing in on you. When it got close enough, he bent down but you still couldn’t recognize whoever this was.
The shadow didn’t speak, except a baritone growl rumbled out of him. He stands back up and vanished from your line of sight. The next thing you know, you feel two arms hooking under your shoulders, dragging you out of the debris, bumping into a slab of concrete or metal here and there. He didn’t notice that the bracelet you wore, now scorched to the point that the thread has split and fell to the ground as he towed you.
A few inches of being dragged across the floor later, the hulking figure adjusted himself and lifted you up to his shoulder, carrying you like a sack. It didn’t last long though, the stranger had settled you in a hovering gurney, you felt it sink as it accepted your weight and then rise again to its default level; while you’re still clinging onto the last string of consciousness, a pair of voices—distinguishably female and male, the latter being the one who pulled you out of the rubble. You didn’t know that these were the other Inquisitors who were sent to the scene.
As they conversed, their words faintly trailed in your head to the walls of your skull. You could only hear and listen, but you’re too weak to bob your head slightly to the side to look at them. Their words echoed as you stare into the charred ceiling of the stronghold.
“…Sure she’s alive? The… will have to… about…” the female voice echoed.
“Found her… utility lobby… Can’t find him…” the male replied.
“Alive too… from the fire…”
Their butchered conversation—at least in your own perspective—eventually blocked off as you slowly lose consciousness. The gurney hovers and then pushes forward, following the trail of the female and male Inquisitors—namely the Seventh Sister, a skinny Mirialan—and the Fifth Brother who’s a tall humanoid with gray skin.
They escort you, along with the Second Brother who barely escaped the fire but still managed to maintain a pulse, out of the site and into the transport waiting for them in the far southern side of the stronghold.
The Mirialan examined your comatose-like state. Past through the soot and grime smeared across your cheeks, the streak of dried blood from your forehead to your temples, the reddening of your face due to the extreme heat—she thought it’s actually a miracle that you even survived.
“You sure look though,” the Mirialan female commented.
“Let’s see if the Master is just as impressed as we are,” the Fifth Brother added.
Cal, Larki, and Morzen arrived to the site. Unbeknownst to the boys, the Inquisitors have beat them to it in their endeavor. The fires have lessened in size, not as bad as the initial blast. Some areas of the stronghold were accessible and can be safely traversed. Cal hopped off of his speeder, followed by Larki and Morzen, and the boys hindered the reckless, eager ginger by calling out his name—stopping him in his tracks to give him his own set of protective gear: a breathing mask with a filter tube and a complementary pair of goggles.
“Ready?” Larki confirms the other two as they all donned the gear.
They enter the stronghold through a gaping hole created by the explosion. Prior to going any further, Cal divided the areas per person—taking into consideration your last known location, according to his radar, the path that you took in and apparently out. But since the building has been partially obliterated, the three boys had to think of another way in certain areas.
“Larki, see if you can find your way to the reactor chamber. Morzen, check if there are any other paths created by the blast for survivors to pass through,” Cal instructed. “I’ll head to the annex, or whatever’s left of it.”
The trio split, Cal had masterfully distributed the areas per man; Larki was a tad bit leaner and smaller—give that he’s the youngest among them—so it gives him an advantage to slip through gaps and crawlspaces, on the other hand, Morzen was heavily-built young man. Whether or not it was by coincidence or by pure observation, Cal had tact in dividing the party.
Cal trekked through the remains of the annex, the floor and a good portion of the walls remained intact—although charred and torn open by the impact of the bomb—and the heat from the nearby fires was enough to make him sweat. Fortunately for him, the mask protected his lungs from the dangerously-thick smoke.
“Mind your head, BD-1,” Cal warned.
Cal squeezed his way through the gap between a wall and a fallen metal ceiling beam leaning against it. He ducked and crawled, then landed on fours for a safe landing. He was feeling goof, albeit a little out of place to be so, because he’s hopeful that you’re still alive; rather, he convinced himself that you were, for he could still feel a trace of your presence even though it was gradually getting fainter by the minute.
“Bee-woo…” BD-1 suddenly hopped down from Cal’s shoulder and skittered towards the debris, flashing his light and peeking over small to see if you were in the other side.
There was nothing much Cal could find, so he decided to further investigate in another spot. He navigated the ruins, he followed his instincts to go to the reactor chamber where Larki ought to be; as he ran along the way, his comm rang.
“Cal, do you copy? It’s Larki,”
“I copy, Larki. Did you find anything?”
Cal detected the hesitation in Larki’s voice. He demanded Larki to respond.
“I’m gonna send you my coordinates, meet me there,”
“Where are you right now?”
“I don’t know. Some kind of utility lobby. Just come through, I’ve already radioed Morzen. He’s on his way too,”
Cal had a bad feeling about this. BD-1 received Larki’s coordinates after popping out his little satellite dish, promptly, he flashed the holomap in front of Cal. The young Jedi’s eyes trailed from his current location to a portion of the map colored in yellow, there was a significant, vertical gap between him and his destination—he would have to find a way down.
“Not too far away,” he mumbled under his breath.
Without a moment’s hesitation he sprinted through the corridor, navigating through the ruins to find the quickest way down. At the end of the corridor, the edge of it had been bombed off and torn apart, but Cal looked around to see if he can use anything to his advantage. Hanging on another set of beams over his head is a cable coiled around it, he pulled it out using the Force and rappelled down.
He checked the map again and saw that the distance had shrunk. He struggled to remain optimistic, he could still feel your trace, but it’s becoming nothing more than a wafting swirl of smoke. Cal and Morzen arrived nearly at the same time, but the latter came from the eastern side and circled his way to Larki’s meeting point.
“Look at this place,” Larki gasped in full disbelief of the sheer damage that their bombs have wrought. He gestured at his surroundings with open arms.
The three of them investigated the entire area. Morzen climbed a mountain of rock and metal only to find the chunky remains of the structure. Had there been more bombs planted here, then this structure wouldn’t last for a search party to even go through—that’s what the young man thought. Larki, on the other hand, surveyed the fallen columns that once were the great energy reactors; he dared to step closer to the banister and peek over it, he saw the ground level of the chamber—he couldn’t see anything that would resemble life.
“Looks like we’re not finding anything down there,” Larki commented.
“I sense something, though I can’t explain it,” Cal said to no one in particular.
“You think [Y/N] could still be here?”
“Like I said, Larki, it’s difficult to explain. It’s like… she’s here but she’s not… I know I felt her…”
As Cal continued to ponder and muse about your faint trail that he’s picked up ever since he got here, Morzen continued to search in the rubble; nothing caught his eye—save for a single bracelet lying around. The silvery finish had been dirtied by the grime, the cord had been charred in the middle for it to tear—leaving the torn ends of it as black as coal, contrast to its original beige.
Morzen couldn’t make of the bracelet, but he still considered it a clue.
“Look,” he uttered, catching the two’s attention. He nestled the bracelet gently on the flat of his palm as he approached the two standing by the banister that overlooks the pillars.
Cal almost didn’t want to see what was in Morzen’s hand, because a part of him already knew what it was—he just didn’t make peace with it yet—and when the boy’s hand angled to show the trinket resting on his palm, Cal’s eyes widened.
“Oh Cal… Isn’t that…?” Larki sighed, he felt his heart sink when the only clean spot of the silver pendant shone against the firelight.
He hovered his hand towards the bracelet, Morzen patiently waited for Cal to take it—what neither of these two boys understand is Cal’s Psychometry: if he touches that bracelet of yours, he will never be ready to accept what he will see, hear, and feel.
“Beee…” BD cooed sadly, worried of Cal’s anxiety.
Cal sucked it in, then snatched the bracelet off of Morzen’s hand—a tad bit harshly rather—and the wave of the Force Echo was overwhelming, coming from a tiny trinket such as this.
The blazing inferno roared in his eardrums, he could almost feel the searing heat burning through his sleeves. The sounds of your labored breathing as you struggled to haul yourself out of harm’s way—while being severely injured at that—matched with Cal’s breathing, his body has mimicked the exhaustion taking its toll on your body. His ankles buckled and then failed, he submits to the floor while trapping your bracelet in his fist—this reaction startled Larki and Morzen, they took a step closer but stopped by Cal himself as he continues to absorb the Force Echo—and the last thing he saw was the debris falling over you as the fire caught on. He saw the last few images in your eyes—he felt you lying flat on your back as the rubble shrouded your vision in pure darkness and the bracelet slipping off of your hand.
The singular twanging of the silver pendant against the metal floor was the stimulus that snapped Cal back to reality. The exact same trace of you that he’s been desperately holding on had suddenly disappeared. When he opened his eyes, he saw Larki and Morzen gawking at him, both confused and expecting an answer from the Jedi.
“Cal…?” Morzen softly murmured, sensing the overwhelming stress within his companion.
Cal’s next action further confused the two: he frantically searched the utility lobby, past Larki and Morzen’s shoulders, and took big breaths in a rapid pace that his breathing mask fogged in between sobs. The embers twinkled red against the tears appearing along the rim of his eyes.
“No, she… SHE WAS ALIVE!! I FELT IT!” Cal growled ferociously.
He stared back at the little bracelet resting on his tremoring hand, the tears that had been welling up in his eyes while being stuck in his Psychometry trance eventually wetted the bracelet and his open palm. They continuously fell like rain. He couldn’t believe it. He refused to.
The final thing this structure heard was the roaring “No” of the Jedi ultimately destroyed by his discovery—echoing across its burnt walls, the wind that caught it flew over the fires and disturbed its flares.
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It’s no secret that Republicans are anti-intellectual, but it makes you wonder what their end goal is?  Why do they keep electing dumber and dumber presidents?  Is it just to own the libs?  Do they just not care?  They’ll get what they want regardless of how smart their presidents are, so why always pick the low hanging fruit?
The only smart Republican of the last 60 years was Bush Sr, and he was a one-term wonder who rode Reagan’s coattails into office.
Nixon was notoriously incompetent as VP, almost beat Kennedy in 1960, threw what should have been a career ending shit fit in 1962 after losing the California governor’s race, but not only came back in 68 and win because Goldwater was so unpopular in 64, but won 72 in the greatest landslide in history up to that point.  Corrupt to the bone, he resigned before he could be impeached for hiring burglars to steal dirt on a political opponent, covering it up, and lying about it.
Ford was appointed VP to replace scandal stricken Spiro Agnew, specifically chosen because he was known as an honest politician.  His reputation evaporated the second he became president because his first act was to pardon the guiltiest man in the country; he lost handily in 76.
Reagan was an actor who wanted to play politician so he could hurt the people he didn’t like; blacks people, poor people, gay people, women.  It was a power trip for him, and because he was good at reading cue cards and delivering jokes written by other people, everyone let him get away with murder.  He committed treason by selling weapons to Iran; this isn’t hyperbole, the actual definition of treason includes giving aid to out enemies, and after the oil and hostage crises of the 70s, Iran was an enemy first and foremost.  Oliver North took the blame and had his secretary shred the evidence, the President Bush pardoned everyone involved.  Reagan won in an even bigger landslide than 72 in 84, and Bush won in a major upset against Dukakis in 88.
Bush lost in 92 in no small part because of Ross Perot splitting the ticket; no third party candidate has ever done better nationwide than Perot in 92, with 19% of the vote (though he didn’t win a single state, which some minor candidates have done).  Clinton won with 43% of the popular vote.  Forty-three percent!  57% of people voted against him, and he won.  92 was a farce, as was 96 with less than 50% voter turnout, the lowest in modern history.  Perot ran again and got 8.4% of the vote, Republican Bob Dole only got 40.7%, and Clinton got 49.2%.  This means that less than a quarter of eligible voters voted for Bill Clinton, and he still won.  FARCE!
Al Gore rightfully won in 2000, but the conservative majority Supreme Court stole it from him.  Florida was too close to call; whichever candidate won it would become president.  George W. Bush’s brother Jeb was governor, and he ordered the federally mandated recount be stopped, breaking the law.  The Supreme Court decided not to restart the recount for no discernible reason besides they wanted Bush to win.  He was notoriously dumb, stereotypically dumb, so dumb a lot of people thought it was an act and voted for him because they thought he was a secret genius who was just pretending to be a cowboy running for president off his daddy’s legacy.  He was the stupidest president we had ever had up to that point, and hired a lot of smart people to do horrible things so he could claim plausible deniability.  That Obama didn’t send Dick Cheney to the Hague was a deafening silence.  Bush only won re-election in 2004 because he started a war in Iraq in 2003 and the country didn’t want to change horses midstream; same exact tactic his daddy used, only this war lasted longer than the Gulf and “worked” as planned.
2008 was a ceremonial race; McCain didn’t stand a chance.  He was not incompetent, but his running mate was.  Sarah Palin was even dumber than Bush, and like Gingrich in the 90s was responsible for a conservative revolution we’re still feeling today.  Barack Obama wasn’t an amazing president, but he was an AMAZING candidate.  Everybody loved Obama in 2008, he won more votes than any candidate in history until 2020.  McCain was a career moderate, and after the last 8 years of failure both parties were running on a platform of “I am not George W. Bush.”  Turns out a young charismatic smart black man is less like Bush than another old white guy.
Obama lost a ton of momentum going into 2012 because he didn’t really DO anything his first term.  His only major accomplishment was the Affordable Care Act, which was an act of the Democratic congress than anything else, and it still wasn’t nearly as progressive as it needed to be (the US is still the only developed nation without universal healthcare).  Romney, a Republican governor from the Democratic stronghold of Massachusetts, could have beaten him were he not a classist piece of shit.  Romney hated poor people more than Reagan, and once wore brown face to a campaign event to make himself look more like Obama (they didn’t paint his hands or neck, just his face).  Obama made a lot of promises he didn’t keep, in no small part because of the Tea Party and the devastating losses in 2014 (we suffer under Mitch McConnell because of that).
2016 was a dumpster fire that shouldn’t have happened, and if either party had run a different candidate, it wouldn’t have.  Sanders would have beaten Trump, Clinton would have beaten Cruz.  It was a perfect storm of a very unpopular and insincere grandma running against a cartoon supervillain.  You couldn’t repeat that with what we know now.  Your vote in 2016 came to represent who you were as a person; people took it to the extremes, and the sunk cost fallacy made the entire Republican party shift so far rightward that we have actual concentration camps now and NOBODY GIVES A SHIT!  Trump was a game show host, a used car salesman famous for being tacky and dumb and offensive.  He was KNOWN for running his companies into the ground, that was his MO, he made a career out of bankruptcy, and Republicans still can’t believe that he drove us into the worst economic depression since the last Republican (history repeat itself, whoop-dee-doo).  Biden won in 2020 because of record turnout, though 2020 was closer to the intentional walk of 2012 than the home run of 2008 in terms of enthusiasm for the candidates.
If we’ve learned anything its that Republicans just keep getting worse and worse, so it’s getting hard for me to imagine what 2024 has in store.  Will Trump risk losing the popular vote 3 times in a row for a second term?  i think he’ll pretend to so he can scam millions of dollars out of his base, but he’ll either lost the primaries and tank the Republicans by running third-party, or he’ll drop out and endorse one of his spawn.  If Biden decides not to run in 2024, the nomination will almost certainly go to Kamala Harris, at which point I expect the Republicans to run a woman as well, so that we’re guaranteed the first woman president; she’ll be young, and white, and blonde.  My money’s on Ivanka.  Kamala vs. Ivanka will be a repeat of the 2016 dumpster fire, only worse because then everyone would be acting like both candidates are feminist icons, #GirlPower #SheRunsTheWorld #WarCrimesAreBetterWithTwoXChromosomes  If Biden DOES run again, then I suspect the Republican pool will be wide early on (Prick Scott, Ron DeathSantis, Uncle Tom Cotton, Nikkki Haley, you name it), only to shrink before the primaries as they all coordinate to get behind someone strong enough to defeat an incumbent.
Republicans are very good at coordinating; they are the party of “Follow the Leader.”  Whoever is in charge has 100% authority, no ifs, ands, or buts, no questions asked, just follow orders.  It would be easy to call them lemmings, but it’s more insidious than this.  They run dumb candidates for president, but have very smart people working behind the scenes to do horrible things.  They’re willing to follow orders blindly to ensure that the party prospers, whereas Democrats are chicken running around with their heads cut off.  There are no Democratic leaders.  Pelosi?  Schumer?  Nobody likes those dinosaurs!  The only really popular Democrats are progressives, and they will never have power as long as the moderates have a majority of the caucus.  AOC could be a senator someday; she could replace Schumer whenever he retires, but that would hinge on her not having any moderate primary challengers.  Moderates are still very popular because they are seen as “electable,” even though they never DO anything once elected.  Progressives have big ideas and the concrete plans to get them done, but the moderate establishment is afraid of losing power, and would rather placate the other side doing nothing, changing nothing, making no waves.  The party needs to shift leftward, or the country is doomed.
I would suggest the progressives splitting off to form a third party, but that would almost certainly destroy left-wing politics in this country as every safe seat would become split.  In an ideal world, it would be a nominal change; they would be the Progressive Democratic Party, they would continue to run in blue districts and caucus with Democrats on votes, but would advertise themselves as anti-establishment.  They would be like the New Democrats in Canada, which now that I think about it is a very bad idea because the New Democrats have no power and end up giving more votes to the Liberals and Conservatives instead.  The Progressive solution is intended to show the caucus that the moderates don’t have total control, but it would end up with the moderate Democrats shooting themselves in the foot, running against Progressives in every seat, handing them to the Republicans.  Every election cycle people act like a loss would spell “the end of the _____ party,” but this would actually be it for the Democrats.  It would be a turning point, like the 1960s, with millions of people changing parties out of principle, a major shift.  A Red Scare
I just want to crawl in a hole and die.  I hate politics.
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birdwonder · 5 years
Hi! I've been watching Brooklyn 9-9 and I just had a thought: a detective!reader who's like Jake Peralta 80-90% of the time (and who's also a stand-user) with Bruno. Maybe reader helped him when he was injured but didn't know that he's a part of mafia but then boom, they meet again when reader went undercover maybe, so reader is just ":0!!!" Sorry if it's weird, have a nice day/night!
|| so sorry this took so long ! i tried to watch some Jake Peralta scenes to help me since i haven’t watched Brooklyn 99 before but i didn’t really capture his character at all. the mood of this story is like. entirely different from the request and i didn’t add the stand user part bc i forgot- sorry!  it was meant to be better but somehow my tab deleted with my first version of the story. :,) honestly i’d be happy to try again for a more light hearted story if you want to request again!
Bruno Bucciarati | Second Meetings
“Truth be told, I never wanted us meeting like this,” he confessed, wine glass in hand while he purposefully turned it in circular motions to watch the red liquid swirl. It was like you - rouge lips, red dress and the perfect pair of heels to match.
“Honestly, I didn’t think we’d meet again.” You laughed softly, your own wine glass empty and placed on the balcony’s fence. The moon was full and the night was far from cloudy. A perfect excuse not to look at him, not yet at least. Let it all sink in first.
You had waited endless days, months and almost a year to be given an assignment as important as this; the amount pleading and begging you had done was unmeasurable. Of course this is what you wanted, ever since you become an official rookie cop. No - ever since you were old enough to realise the truths of the country you lived in.
Here, the weak are preyed on and the wealthy get away with it all. Street thugs to Mafia members go unpunished while others suffer for their wrong doings, and it’s the furthest thing from fair. That’s why you committed not only your heart but every moment of your life training to become the person you are now, a police officer who can at the very least help a town become a safer place for everyone who lives in it and visits.
Still, you never expected to be in a situation like this.
When you had asked your boss to give you a more important task outside of street patrol and parking ticket duty, you were expecting to be sent to do arrests and investigate some crime scenes, but you were sent on the cheesiest mission in the world. None of your coworkers even expected it, seeing you - the woman who sent the whole station into a riot on your first day just by cracking a couple of jokes - in a dress that showed more than what a modest person could imagine.
The plan was to investigate the members attending a party that only the ‘underground’ members of society could attend, try to overhear any plans, find out the statuses of some mafioso’s and if you were lucky, talk to a Capo. Gain their trust and let them have something slip. You just had to be careful they you weren’t found out and killed. They were the sort of men and women who were merciless when outsiders tried to interfere with their business and you being a cop wouldn���t help at all.
When you entered the party hall, well decorated and filled, you instantly knew this was going to be harder than it initially seemed. ‘There’s no way I could find out anything just by asking questions, it’s too suspicious. I’ll just drink and blend in until I can strike up casual conversation,’ you explained to yourself as you approached a silk covered table, glasses filled with all sorts of beverages on top.
Wine seemed like a good choice, you weren't much of a drinker at all but whatever calmed the nerves! If it did at all. Again, you weren’t much of a drinker. You threw your head back as your lips pressed against the rim of the glass and downed all of what the glass contained in seconds - the flavour barely hitting your tongue and the drink simply running down your throat. Something fizzy was definitely better.
A low, impressed whistle was then let out, followed with a few claps and a voice, “impressive. I can’t say I’ve seen anyone here finish a drink as fast as you have!”
That was the start of leading you to your current predicament.
“You still have that middle aged woman hair cut I see.” Light teasing, nothing truly offensive and even he chuckled a little, head shaking at your comment. You had described it just like that when you first met, insulting him at first until you apologised sincerely and cracked some self deprecating joke about your own messy hair.
His lips held onto the rim of the glass and slowly the wine was disappearing. He seemed calm and relaxed but even he would be a bit on edge in a situation like this.
Bruno knew you were a cop, a truly good hearted one at that, you had told him about it the day you met and proved it through your conversation and actions alone. That was the problem however, being a police officer while he was the Capo you were looking for. It was a tragedy you two met again like this, and he knew you couldn’t leave this place without something to help the police force. You just had to help others in some way. He didn’t know many people who would help him out in a situation like the last.
It must have been a month ago, more or less, and he had fallen by your doorstep due to exhaustion from who knows what; he never told you after all. You never asked questions though. When he awakened, you can imagine his surprise to find himself in a stranger’s home with a woman only feet away, humming to herself as she prepared a meal. That was one of the more noticeable things about your home, how close everything was together.
“Where am I?” He asked out loud, knowing that keeping a level head would be the better option instead of panicking right off that bat. Thankfully, it had caught your attention and you rushed to his side immediately, checking to see if he was alright before explaining to him how he had passed out in front of your home. It was confusing but the pieces came together quickly. Right before blacking out, Bruno was going against a stand user who was trying to climb the ranks of the mafia and though he had succeeded in winning, the exhaustion of the battle had gotten to him too quick to comprehend.
“Name’s [F/N] by the way, I’m a cop so don’t worry about me doing anything shifty while you were asleep! Your outfit’s a bit too whack to touch anyways.”
It was just his luck that a police officer was the one who had helped him.
Still, he was grateful and even more so when you started offering him the food you were making.
“I’m Bruno, a pleasure Miss [F/N].” Better not use last names.
When you parted ways, you jokingly pouted at him, “need to go so soon? I was just about to get used to you being my new room mate, bob cut.”
“How sweet you of, perhaps I’ll be seeing you later,” he laughed, detesting the nickname while simultaneously appreciating your light-hearted and humorous nature.
“I hope that’s more of a promise than a farewell!”
Luck wasn’t kind to him again. Seeing you here like this was a curse, a mistake, anything that he could easily say was the cause of the small break in his heart. It was wrong to even feel that pain, you didn’t deserve a gangsta. Not when you were so purely justice driven.
“So you really are a capo, hm?” You didn't sound angry nor disgusted. More detached if anything, which you were. You wanted to let go of this reality and assume this was a dream mixed with a nightmare.
Now two empty glasses resided on the balcony, along with two young adults who just didn’t know where to go from here, Bruno only nodding in response to your question.
A small sigh left your lips, shaky from either the cold whipping against your exposed skin to which you tried to cover by crossing your arms, or from the nerves. “You’re not going to um-“ Noticing your shivering, Bruno had moved closer beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer towards him so that he could shield you from the wind. Not entirely effective but the gesture threw you off from the horrific question you were going to ask.
He answered anyways. “Kill you? No, no, I don’t even think about hurting those you don’t deserve it. [F/N], you’re a good person. A sweet one who shouldn’t be risking herself by coming here and yet you have. I respect you far more than I show - you have to leave soon before someone notices you.”
You shook your head in response to that. You couldn’t leave! Not yet, not when you barely had any information to report. You had gotten this far, you just had to find something good, something worth knowing. “Bruno I can’t! I have to stay, just for a bit longer!”
“And risk someone finding you out?” He sounded harsh, just for a second. He softened once he noticed your worry. “I’m sorry, but you can’t just risk yourself like that. I’m going to get you out of here.”
“If it helps. Some people have been talking about terrorising the main street in a week’s time. Scare off the locals and rob what they can before anyone tries to stop them so,”
“Beef up the patrol there and we should be good,” you finished for him. It wasn’t exactly ‘take down the mafia’ intel but the fact you were alive was a miracle. “Thank you. I- I’m glad there’s at least some good in gangs, even if you seem like you’d be a better cop.” Your smile was thanks enough to him. How unfair of the moon to highlight your face like an angel’s when he should be telling it ‘goodbye.’
“Call us even, for last time.” His arm around your shoulders then lowered to be around your waist, guiding you away from the balcony and back inside, voice much lower now. “Let’s get you out of here now, if anyone asks I’ll just say you were my date who had to leave early.”
You giggled at that, “your ‘date’?”
“Hey, it makes for a good story. Plus, it makes me look good too, having a beauty like you on my side.”
Neither of you should be joking like this, the attachment was wrong. It wasn’t stopping you though, the two of you continuing to chortle at each other’s words. Quipping back, you teased him, “I don’t know if they’ll know which of us is meant to be the woman here, bob cut.”
When you were by the exit, you two made the mistake of looking into each other’s eyes, you taking a moment to appreciate his blue orbs and him doing the same with your own.
Pulling away from each other’s gaze was harder than you thought it would be. You tried to play it off by snapping your head to the side and faked a cough. “So I guess it’s goodbye again now, right?”
Bruno was looking elsewhere too. He seemed more interested in a potted plant or the wall when really he could only think of you. “Well, for now maybe. If we’re lucky, I’ll be seeing you soon.”
Was this excitement? Compose yourself, [F/N]! You were still on the job. “Make it next Friday soon, you know where to find me.” So much for composure, you were smiling.
“It’s a date.”
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