#i am really intrigued about them nowadays
nardo-headcanons · 7 months
it's been an age since i've been into naruto, and now that i have plans on making my own version on how naruto shippuden ended, i was wondering, how do you think naruto shippuden should've ended? like are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku? whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? if you already spoke about this i'm sorry lol but im just wondering.
OMG HIIIIIIII @ofrolysdogs you're one of my OGs! How have you been????? Please please tag me or let me know once you create your rework. that sounds so intriguing!
This post is gonna be controversial, beauties.
How do you think Naruto Shippuden should've ended?
Ideally, with Naruto realizing that he doesn't need to become hokage to get the attention and validation from the people he loves and cares about. Or at the very least, with Naruto becoming hokage but abolishing the shinobi system. Maybe even make Danzo hokage along the way, just when Tsunade falls into her coma, and slowly make Naruto question the system more and more. Also, Sasuke's whole "redemption" arc should have been handled differently. First and foremost, he was a victim. He did a few things that were wrong, and I agree that there need to be consequences, but for this redemption arc I'd rather have him travel around and teach people around the world about the customs and culture of the Uchiha.
Are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku?
I am both Anti NaruHina and Anti SasuSaku, but for two different reasons. I used to be a hardcore SNS shipper, but not so much nowadays. NaruHina had so much potential, they could have explored their class and privilege differences together, learning from each other and stuff. But Neji dying for their ship to sail? That was a hate crime. The reason I'm Anti SasuSaku is because I simply don't really like the thought of shipping Sasuke with anyone. He has enough to go through and putting him in a romantic relationship is not something that would make it more interesting or add stakes to it, although I wouldn't mind seeing him adopt a kid or two, given how family oriented Sasuke is.
Whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? I found the use of Edo tensei very interesting, albeit a little cheapened here and there. The Itachi and Sasuke vs Kabuto fight was a little disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing he two of them fight together side by side, and Itachi's final parting was very touching - but them fighting Kabuto of all people? Maybe if Kishi fleshed out Kabuto's story a little more, he clearly had no idea what to do with him. Poor bastard.
Madara just 'knowing' the hand signs of edo tensei is actually not so unlikely, but it still irks me how he was able to just "come back" when Edo Tensei was released.
And let's not talk about the power scaling, which went completely through the roof in the end. Oof. Kaguya, as is, ruined the storyline completely. It could have worked, but not in the way it was executed in shippuden.
But alas, I suppose there is only so much Kishi can do within the confines of a genre.
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idsb · 1 month
I agree with everything Chapell said obviously about how she deserves to not be harassed etc, but I’m really intrigued by the “bitch you don’t know me” approach that she has, because that also feels common from artists nowadays - it’s pretty regular to not get personal posts from artists at all anymore; Sabrina Olivia and Taylor are some additional examples who have really closed off from sharing non-promotional related pieces of themselves. I don’t know much about any of them, and that didn’t used to be true - about them pre-pandemic specifically, or about any famous artists at the moment, really.
And I think that’s really interesting considering that the whole beginning of Taylor’s career, her entire thing was like “no, you DO know me!!!! have so much personal stuff, I AM just like you!!!” - which, she’s spoken about some of that being compulsive and how it wound up being destructive, but I feel like, at the time, at her very core, she DID want fans to know her and be connected to her like that. That wasn’t just a brand, that’s what truly filled her cup and, while it wound up having bad components, was what she genuinely wanted. So I’m fascinated by how different things are now.
It’s useless to think about realities that don’t exist I guess, but I do wonder if, if Taylor was exactly who she was but existed in her Fearless era / age in the year 2024, would she still share with us the way she did then? Would she still have posted vlogs, been so open not only in music but on socials, blogs, etc? Would she have fostered the type of parasocial bond and back-and-forth with us that we really did have with her between 2006 and 2019? Or was that all really just a product of there not having been a publicly known alternative option? Or, is it more that the degree of insanity that people have now is greater than it was then, and it almost requires famous artists like these to close themselves off in the way they do now, for their own sanity and safety? I mean, Halsey has always been Taylor-level accessible to fans, if not more so, and just earlier this month had to close herself off from that because they got so bad. If Chapell Roan existed in 2007, would she still feel a want to put these boundaries up? Or would she feel safer, be safer, and not have to? What happened to make things get so out of control that caused people to feel so entitled? There have always been crazy people, but there’s so MANY crazy people now. Is it just lack of socialization in the pandemic? Does it just seem worse because of socials? Can it really be that simple of an explanation? How do we slam the breaks on it?
It’s just very interesting to think about.
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cuubism · 2 years
Oh I am intrigued by many but the 5 times has me especially 👀👀👀
pretty much exactly what it sounds like - 5 times Hob runs into Dream in between their centennial meetings, + 1 time Dream calls for him
yet another take on hob saving dream from the bowl hahaha
During their next encounter, Hob is, of all things, getting mugged.
Not that this is a particularly rare occurrence. Hob spent the better part of the 17th century getting mugged (and doing some mugging himself if he’s being honest) while living on the street. Nowadays, he’s doing rather better for himself, which often attracts the wrong sort of attention.
He’s not sure what about his appearance is suggesting riches right now, though. He supposes he’s wearing a decent jacket but it’s not like he’s brandishing around a solid gold pocket watch or something. Honestly.
Nevertheless, three men jump him as he’s walking home late from having drinks with some colleagues. They’re quick about it—one grabs his arm and twists it behind his back, the second takes hold of his hair—curse Hob for leaving it long—and yanks, and the third presses a fine blade to his throat. Before Hob can blink, he’s been dragged down an alleyway and pushed up against a wall.
He takes in the three muggers. They’re all young men, and dressed finely – why in the bloody hell do they need to mug someone? – and there’s a serious air to them, a cloak of mission and import. It’s bizarre and somewhat fascinating but Hob is not in the mood to hang around and ask questions.
“Three against one?” he asks, throat bobbing against the knife. “Really? It takes three of you lads to mug an old man like me?”
“Silence,” intones the one holding the blade, pressing it harder against Hob’s throat. “We will ask the questions.”
“Well, which one is it? Silence or answering questions?”
Hob gets a knee in his stomach for this cheek, but that was exactly as intended. He grabs the young man’s thigh while it’s still raised and yanks him off balance, sending him to the ground. The one with the knife tries to jab it at Hob’s neck but unfortunately, between the two of them only one has a century of mercenary experience and it’s not the one with the blade.
Hob grabs his wrist and squeezes until the knife clatters from his limp grip, then throws him forward by the arm to the alley floor. The third lad takes advantage of the moment to land a solid right hook to Hob’s jaw – well, there’s the muscle of the group, Hob thinks – then catches Hob by the collar and shoves him at the wall.
Hob gets an arm up in time to brace but receives a decent scrape on his palm for his trouble. He kicks out and catches the man’s knee with his heel, sending him stumbling, but by the time he turns the lad with the knife has managed to get himself up off the floor, looking murderous.
Hob should probably be more concerned by this whole situation. Instead, he’s just feeling a bit thrilled. It’s been a good few years since he’s been in a fistfight and it’s quite the rush.
He’s about to bring his fists up again when the three men before him freeze in place.
Hob watches in confusion as their eyes widen in fear, as the knife clatters to the ground. One of them clutches at his head, and another whispers, distraught, “No!” The third stumbles, on the verge of collapse.
Two points of light appear in the darkness. “I will offer you one chance at mercy,” says a deep voice Hob knows from his dreams. “It will not be extended again.”
The men whip their heads around, terrified, then scamper off, stumbling over themselves to escape down the alley.
Hob’s stranger steps out of the shadows, and Hob’s heart pounds wildly. His stranger looks as sleek, as silken, as put together as usual, and the brightness of his eyes fades to their usual pale blue so swiftly that Hob almost isn’t sure he saw anything unusual at all. His face is set in a frown.
“Oh, stranger,” Hob pants, still out of breath from the fight. His hair must be a wreck, and he’s certain the collar of his shirt is torn, two buttons ripped from his waistcoat, and there’s a smear of blood on his lip. Again, Hob should take this more seriously, but he can’t resist prodding, just a little, at that stern face he so cares for, can’t resist seizing this perfect opportunity for turnabout. “You need not have come to my defense.”
His stranger looks him up and down, gaze catching on each torn bit of clothing. “Clearly,” he says drily.
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loislane41319 · 11 months
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Wordcount: 3094
Summary: The first time Dean sees you scared.
Warnings: Typical Supernatural stuff. Vampires, beheading vampires, death, deep feelings of guilt, loss of loved ones.
Note: I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything. All three of my best friends recently moved away and I've been going to therapy for, among other things, ADHD.
Last week I had my last therapie session and, while I wrote this a few weeks ago, today I finally finished editing it!
Thank you so much for waiting for me and I really hope you'll enjoy this.
For those who'd like something less violent I am working on a dad!Spencer Reid story. I don't know when I'll post that though.
Fear is a funny thing. It can just appear out of nowhere or it can sneak up on you, like some virus that you’re not aware of until after it’s caused an infection. Fear is a feeling, but unlike happiness or anger it always comes with a bodily reaction. Depending on the situation and the person, the body can react to fear in different ways. For instance, when you come eye to eye with a tiger, you might feel your chest start to tighten. This means your muscles are getting ready to take action, possibly in the form of fighting or in the form of running away. Others might start to sweat excessively, so that their bodies will stay cool while running and then there’s the kind of person who will drop to the ground and play dead. Now, when encountering a tiger the latter method is useless, because tigers will sneak up on you and attack from behind. However when you encounter a female bear protecting her cubs, pretending to be dead is exactly the way to go.
Now, these reactions stem from a long time ago when humans regularly came in contact with wild animals, because we lived amongst them and they were a source of food. Nowadays however, we might react to having a job interview or giving a presentation in the same way our ancestors would while encountering a sabre-toothed tiger. That is, unless your job is to hunt ghosts, demons or other supernatural beings.
Of course, these hunters are humans so they know fear. Probably even better than normal folk. The thing about hunters is that, while they are afraid, they don’t show it. They can’t, otherwise whatever creature they’re hunting will gain the upper hand. So, while learning what monsters are out there and how to beat them, a hunter will learn how to handle their fear. They’ll learn to keep their breathing under control, so they won’t start hyperventilating and panic, but they’ll be able to keep thinking clearly. They learn to think on their feet, so that, even when a creature does gain the upper hand, they can turn the tables just as fast. And most of all, they learn that being scared is okay, because their own fear won’t kill them, but whatever creature they’re facing might.
You are one of those hunters. You’ve been hunting for almost two decades and you’re good at it. You were also a mystery. You had some impressive kills to your name and so other hunters starting talking about you, but no one actually knew you. Rumours were spread and you were made out to be some kind of superhuman. Eventually, the word most used to describe you, was fearless.
The rumours eventually also reached the Winchesters. Dean was not only impressed, but intrigued by the stories he heard and his desire to meet you kept growing the more he heard about you. Sam however, had his doubts about the rumours floating around and would rather focus on facts.
Dean was granted his wish though. Four months ago you met the brothers while working the same case. You got along well and after working together and solving the case you worked together more and more.
While drinking a beer on the hood of his car, you even opened up to Dean about losing your mother as a child and since he went through something similar, you two became very close. Bit by bit you pulled away the veil that you had draped over your past. You shared stories about your family , your pain, but not your fear. Never your fear. To you, fear was something you couldn’t allow yourself to feel. Instead of learning to deal with it, you had taught yourself to bury it, deep down inside of you where no one, not even you, could get to it. And it worked. You killed vampires, ghosts, werewolves and demons all on your own. It didn’t even matter how many there were, you would always get the job done. Until one fateful night.
You and the Winchesters were working a case that involved multiple bodies, found with bite marks and without blood. The culprit was a vampire. That you knew almost instantly. What you didn’t know however, was how many there were or where they were held up. After the third victim was found, you realised all the bodies were left around an old abandoned factory and you decided to investigate.
Ever since you entered the town though, the hairs on the back of your neck had stood up straight. Why? You didn’t know. You just felt like something was off, but since you had no idea what, you shrugged it off and focused on the job you had to do.
The second you found yourself at the factory though, your heart started banging in your chest, harder than it ever had. But, as always, you shoved the feeling down and kept going. There were three buildings in the area and you decided to clear them together, one by one. The first building was empty. When you thought you had cleared the second building, suddenly you were pushed to the ground. You managed to catch yourself, but as your hands hit the ground, an image flashed through your brain. You saw your hands on the exact same floor except everything was covered in blood. What was going on? Within a second you were back to reality, without any idea what had just happened. Your skin was now clammy, your breathing heavy and you were sweating profusely. “Y/N, you okay?” You heard Dean ask. You got up and after turning around you noticed a beheaded body and blood dripping off of Sam’s machete. It was a vampire that had pushed you down. “Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s get to the last building.” You answered and all three of you kept going.
You walked over to the third building and stood next to Dean as Sam opened the door. Before entering, you swallowed hard, trying to calm yourself down. For a split second, you wondered if you should let Sam and Dean handle this building without you, but you immediately threw that thought out of the window. How could you even think about leaving your friends just when things got difficult?
The second you entered the factory hall, you felt like you had walked into a wall. You staggered backwards, slamming your back into the wall behind you as your brain was flooded with images of this very hall covered in blood and remains. Suddenly you heard your brother. He was screaming, vampires were growling and suddenly you were on the ground and the blood was gone. The next second you could see Sam and Dean fighting some vamps, but you couldn’t tell what was real anymore. You saw a vampire coming straight at you, but you weren’t sure if it was really there, so you had no idea what to do. You pressed yourself against the wall, pulling your knees against your chest. In an attempt to make everything stop, you covered your ears and closed your eyes, hiding your face between your knees.
As the last vampire’s head hit the floor, Dean started looking for you and Sam. He found his brother first, standing over another dead vampire a few feet away. “You okay?” Sam asked. “Yeah” Dean answered and he was about to ask where you were when he heard you whimpering. “No, no, no. Go away, leave me alone.” You mumbled. For a second Dean wasn’t sure if you were actually you. You were hyperventilating, tears were streaming down your face and you looked so small Dean could barely recognise the strong, powerful woman he had gotten to know in the last few months. Both brothers ran toward you and knelt down next to you. “Hey, Y/N? It’s Dean. It’s safe now. Nothing’s gonna hurt you. Can you open your eyes for me?” Dean softly asked. Somehow, through all the screaming and the blood and the violence in your head Dean’s voice was crystal clear. Like a light in the darkest night you tried your best to focus on his voice and you let him guide you back to reality. “Dean?” You managed to get out through sort breaths. “Yeah, Y/N, it’s me. It’s okay. Try to breathe.” He told you. You slowly looked up at him and while everything outside of you was calm and quiet, your body was still a complete chaos on the inside. “I-I can’t.” You told Dean as your right hand found your heart. “Yes you can. Here.” Dean said. He took your hand from your heart and placed it over his own. “Try to match my breathing. You can do this, I know you can.” He told you and you tried your best, but your erratic breathing didn’t change. Dean looked at his brother, wordlessly asking him for help. Sam held his hands up, wordlessly telling his brother he didn’t know how. Dean looked back to you. His heart broke seeing you like this and it hurt so much more because he couldn’t help you. He racked his brain, trying to think of anything that might help you. 
Suddenly, an idea popped into this head. It may have been the most ridiculous, dumb idea he ever had, but he had to help you and there was nothing else he could think of. Still holding your hand over his heart, Dean laid his other hand in your neck and pressed his lips against yours. 
In the last for months Dean had loved getting to know you. He deeply enjoyed hanging out with you and felt honoured every time you told him something about yourself you hadn’t told anyone else. He had wanted to ask you out for two months now, but had never found the courage to do that. About a week ago you were working on another case. You had found changelings and after killing the mother, one of the human kids didn’t want to leave their cage. It was a little, four-year-old girl and Dean couldn’t help but stare at you as you talked to her. “I know you’re scared and your mommy isn’t here right now, but I can take you to her.” You told her. “But there are scary people out there.” The little girl whispered. “I know, but I will be with you the whole way, so I can protect you, okay?” You asked her. “Even from him?” She whispered back, pointing at Dean. A small smile appeared on your face. “I know he seems scary, but that’s my friend Dean. He won’t hurt you, I promise.” You told her and as you took the girl into your arms, Dean realised he didn’t just like you. He was falling in love with you.
As he let you go, you could finally take a deep breath in. You took a few moments to steady your breathing and then you noticed the two faces staring questioningly at you. “Y/N, what happened?” Sam asked you. “Not here. I gotta get out of here first.” You told the brothers, shaking your head. They nodded and the three of you got up and left.
About an hour later, you were back at the motel. You and Dean had both taken showers and Sammy had gotten the dinner you were now enjoying. You made smalltalk for a few minutes, until Sam decided to address the elephant in the room. “Y/N, can you please tell us what happened? I mean, in the months that we’ve known you we’ve seen you kill all kinds of creatures, including vampires, without braking a sweat and tonight you had a full blown panic attack. Do you even know what caused it?” He asked. You softly sighed and nodded, knowing you could get around it any longer. “I grew up in a family of hunters. As you know, my mom died when I was little and so my dad and my brother started hunting together, leaving me at whatever seedy motel room we were staying in. One day, when I was fifteen, I decided I was old enough to join them. They didn’t agree, so I figured I’d prove it to them. They were after a vampire and I had overheard them talking about where they thought it would be that night. A few hours later, I snuck out and went there. The vampire was held up somewhere in an old factory. Three buildings and lots of ground to cover.”
“The place we were tonight.” Sam filled in. You nodded. “Yeah. I noticed the lights were on in the third building, so I went in. I found my dad and brother inside and it turned out there wasn’t just one vampire. There were five of them. The moment one of them noticed me, I screamed. It ran straight at me, but my brother managed to kill it in time. 
My dad however, had gotten distracted by my scream, giving another vamp enough time to stab him. My brother yelled at me to run, but there were still three vamps left. I did what he told me and waited for him outside, but he never came out. He was barely eighteen. He saved my life twice in one night and had to make up for it with his own.” You felt a tear slide down your face and fell quiet. “And all of that happened in the building we were in tonight?” Sam asked. You nodded. “I always felt like their deaths were my fault, because if I hadn’t screamed, they’d still be here. So I decided I couldn’t be scared anymore.” You admitted. “Y/N, I’m so sorry.” Sam told you. Dean took your hand, causing you look at him. “I’m so sorry about that, Y/N, but their deaths aren’t your fault, they’re the vamps fault and it’s okay to be scared. Everyone gets scared sometimes, you just can’t let that stop you.” He told you sincerely. “I mean, you’re sitting next to a guy who shits his pants every time the Plucky Pennywhistle’s commercial plays.” Dean added grinning. “Haha. Here’s an idea. Take Dean on a flight. He’ll scream like a little girl the whole way.” Sam bit back, got up and disappeared into the bathroom. 
The silence that followed was heavy. Dean cleared his throat and started gathering the fast-food wrappers that were all over the table. As he got up to throw them away, you decided you had to get something off of your chest. “Dean, how did you know kissing me would help me breathe?” You asked as you turned to him. He just shrugged. “Read it somewhere, I think.” He mumbled. “So, it was just that? Just a way to get me to take deeper breaths?” You asked, getting up and walking towards him. “Yeah, I was just trying to-“ You turned him towards you and softly pressed your lips against his, effectively cutting him off. He kissed you back, dropping the towel he was holding in the sink and wrapping his arm around your waist. One of your hands found its way into his hair, while the other intertwined both of your fingers. Then you pulled back. “I’m sorry, I did not mean to, I’d-“ You tried to walk away, but had somehow forgotten you were still holding Deans hand. “Not so fast. I have something to admit. I didn’t just kiss you to stop you from panicking. I didn’t know what to do and I wanted to kiss you before it was too late.” Dean said while walking closer to you. “Really?” You asked him. “Yeah. I’ve wanted to ask you out for months, but I was so scared of losing you that I kept chickening out. So, this is me, not letting my fear stop me. Y/N, will you go out with me? Because I think I’m falling for you.” You were so close, your foreheads and noses touched and you could feel Dean’s breath against your lips as he talked. You pressed another kiss to his lips and a smile appeared on his face. “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you. And Dean? I fell for you four months ago.” You told him. Dean kissed you again and then you finally let go of his hand. “We should get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.” You told him, trying not to laugh at the pout on his face.
The moment the door closed behind you, you felt cold. Part of you wanted to get back inside and stay with Dean until the morning and another part you was yelling at you because it’s just one night. You could be without him for that long, couldn’t you? So, you went to your own room and got ready for bed. Once in bed, though, you couldn’t sleep. You kept tossing and turning and for whatever reason you were freezing. After a few minutes, you decided enough was enough. You got out of bed and made your way back to Sam and Deans room. The light was still on and Sam was still in the shower. Dean was in bed flipping though channels. His hand disappeared under his pillow when the door opened, until he noticed it was you. “Hey, what’s up?” He asked and turned off the tv. “Hey, can I sleep here tonight?” You asked softly. Then you saw the most adorable thing you had seen in a while. Deans eyes started shining and his lips turned into the sweetest smile. “Come here.” He said. He held up a corner of the blanket and moved back as you crawled into bed next to him. The first moments were a little awkward as Dean was laying with his back toward the edge of the bed and you laid with your back towards him. He loosely laid an arm around your waist and waited to see how you’d react. You took his hand, intertwined your fingers and pulled it against your heart. Then you softly kissed Dean’s knuckles and the awkwardness melted away. Dean wrapped his other arm around you too and pulled you against his chest. “Goodnight, handsome.” You whispered. “Goodnight, sweetheart.” Dean whispered back and pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder. Not two minutes later you were both fast asleep when Sam came out of the bathroom. He immediately noticed you in his brothers bed and couldn’t help but smile. Finally.
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sophahq · 4 months
Drunk kisses 〔Simon〕
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Pairing: Simon x fem!oc
Summary: In which Chloe's Friday night takes a turn.
Warnings: Alcohol use
Word count: 1001
Chloe's POV
"Hey Chloe. How's it going?" Tobi said as he opened his arms for a hug which I gladly accepted. "It's been a while since we all last saw you."
"Yeah it's going alright. I've been extremely busy with work, yknow? Being a teacher is not easy." He chuckled, nodding his head understandingly.
Friday nights were the only nights where I can just relax. Truthfully, I loved my job but it gets difficult sometimes. The headteacher at the school I work at is completely incompetent. So, I have to do alot of the planning for not only my class, but also a few other things for the whole school.
That's why I love Friday nights. I get to go out with my friends and not worry about it all. I grew up with Tobi and Josh and that's how I met some of my closest friends.
"Ayyyy Chloe! You made it!" I heard from my best friend as I was suddenly picked up off my feet and spun around.
"SIMON PUT ME DOWN!" I giggled as he eventually placed me down so I was facing him. Over the almost 4 years that I've known him, he's always intrigued me. There's something about him that makes me want to spend all my time with him.
"So, what you drinking tonight? The usual?" He asked as we walked to the bar together.
"Yep, always the same." I always get a vodka coke, boring I know. It's just one of the only drinks I can handle. He bought me the drink and handed it to me. I thanked him and took a sip.
"Are you wearing a new perfume?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.
"You noticed? Yeah, I am." I smiled, looking down, feeling slightly flustered. I felt his finger under my chin, lifting my head up to look him in the eyes. His hand reached over to a stray strand of hair that had fallen out of my bun. He tucked it behind my ear before smirking and walking away.
I felt my cheeks go red. This has happened many times. He does something to make me flustered, then he walks away like nothing happened. He is my best friend, but I think there's some other feelings there that I have definitely thought about.
After that, I didn't see him for the rest of the night. I wanted to talk to everyone else seeing as I don't get to spend much time with them nowadays.
"Chloe, over here! Come do a few shots with us!" Ethan hollered me over. Him and Harry were handing out sambuca shots.
"Sambuca? I guess I shouldn't really be surprised by this." I chuckled before downing 3.
"Teacher by day, alcoholic by night." Harry joked which caused me and Ethan to laugh. Extremely loud. Catching the attention of quite a few people in the bar.
Some time had passed and we were now all quite drunk. Tobi, being one of the few sober ones, has helped us order Ubers to get home. JJ offered for me to crash at his and Simon's place for tonight which I gladly accepted.
We clambered into the Uber after saying goodbye to everyone and made ourselves comfortable. It was only a 10 minutes drive from the bar to theirs so it wouldn't take too long, thankfully.
The whole 10 minutes, was just giggling. There was nothing that funny being said, but whatever it was, made us laugh alot.
We made it in the house without anyone tripping over, but there were a few close calls.  I took my heels off as JJ and Simon collapsed on the sofa. I went straight to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I drank mine then got one for each of the boys. They chugged them before we all dragged ourselves upstairs.
"Where do you wanna sleep? We have the guest room free?" Simon asked. I agreed before saying goodnight to a half asleep JJ. He went into his room and almost immediately fell asleep. I giggled at the sight before following Simon into his room.
"Can I borrow some clothes? I really don't want to sleep in a dress." We chuckled as he handed me some sweats and a very oversized t-shirt. I went to the bathroom to get changed then came back to say goodnight.
"Chloe, do you just wanna sleep in here? There's enough room for the both of us on my bed." He asked, a grin plastered on his face.
"Okay. Your bed looks hella comfy." I exclaimed, jumping into his bed. I glanced up at him as he crawled in next to me. I was slightly sat up to check something on my phone as I felt his chin lean on my shoulder.
"Whatcha looking at?" He said with his eyes squinted.
"Something about work, very boring." I giggled, placing my phone down. He lifted his head off my shoulder, I turned to face him. Once again, staring into his eyes.
He didn't look away, so I didn't either. He leaned in slightly, so our lips were almost touching.
"Kiss me." I whispered. He closed the gap between us, putting a hand on my jaw and the other around my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him closer.
My heart started beating fast, I felt my blood rushing through my veins. The kiss felt delicate yet heated. One of my hands began to entangle in his hair. I felt him smirk into the kiss.
I pulled away to breathe which I wish I didn't have to do. We both sat there trying to catch our breath.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." He confessed. My eyes lit up as my face broke out into an even bigger smile.
"I like you so much Simon, you have no idea."
"Can I take you out on a date tomorrow night?"
"Pick me up at 6." I smirked, kissing him once again.
First oneshot! Lemme know what you think :D
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ggren-mainz · 1 month
Umineko - question arcs playthrough -> ep 2 - 2
last part - All parts and episodes - next part
To be honest i am genuinely so curious over what's Ryukishi's religion, or if he has any at all. Because both of his works include lots of Christianity references, and while in Higurashi it was more sparse here it's way more obvious. So I'm really curious if he is actually Christian or if he's just very into the religion/thinks the imagery works better.
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My point exactly. They're talking about how Shannon and George got separate rooms when they went to their trip, and Jessica was outraged. Like unless I'm wrong, this is purely a Christian idea, especially with the wording and all that. Very intrigued.
Anyways Jessica has a little moment of sadness related to how she apparently cant get a bf and also wishes to fall in love. Which to my knowledge she did already fall in love with Kanon.
Later Beatrice shows herself to Shannon and they start talking about her gift of love. Shannon acts nicely with Beato and she starts opening up a bit.
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this one seems interesting, because it does tie into the Ghost beatrice theory, or maybe just dead beatrice theory i had at one point.
She continues by saying that only her and Kanon have the magical affinity to see her, and that Krauss and Natsuhi have none and cannot sense her at all. But also
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as sillly as this is, it makes me think, is this one of the reasons for Natsuhi's headaches? She doesn't see or feel them, but yet some magical being (not necessarily Beatrice) hits her head and her headache gets worse.
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This is...interesting. So this implies that Beatrice existed at one point, or something big happened for him to see her.
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oookay well doesn't disprove my earlier idea because he got into magic after meeting her. But also, what type of magic did he do? What does this actually mean?
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oookaaay i was wrong sorry, well still interesting. What does she mean by luck ran out? What did Kinzo do? I do not trust that man. Perhaps i shoud read more and talk less though lol.
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Krauss the type of guy to say "a smile would be good".
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manner of our birth?? Bitch did a drawer birth you??? Kanon you're so not #woke, nowadays furniture can also become human *rolls eyes*. You too can become a real boy Kanon!
Also, you know what takes up too much of my mind? One out of context spoiler i saw, which said that in the answers arc there will be a trans girl. AGHHH I NEED TO READ THAGT WHO IS IT UGHHH.
For context this is haunting my mind recently because i remembered about the trans girl Battler fic and i need to read it, i need it, i need it pumped in my blood stream its ughhhhhh.... yeah I'm normal.
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I wonder what happened to give him such an inferiority complex. Also i was thinking, but do any other servants say this? Gohda and kumasawa definitely no but i think Genji does. Is it like a requirement to get the one winged eagle? You have to pander to Kinzo's weird fetish? Or what? I assume they raised these kids in the orphanage like this so yeah. Wtf.
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Is this how Jessica falls in love with Kanon?? Because he has the brooch??
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what does this mean what does this mean??? What can't be seen, whose love?? Kinzo's love towards her? Towards someone else? Why is the seen in ' ', while in jp it isn't???
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I love you ryukishi but this face sucks ass. Why are the eyes so up?? Why does only she have this issue?
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Shannon is teasing Jessica about her obvious crush on Kanon. The idea is for her to pretend that Kanon is her bf and take him to the school's cultural festival. Also more atrocious Jessica faces (a bit more bearable this time tho)
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Taking the big jacket to make sure he looks even smaller in comparison.
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Song and reference so cool, my laptop crashed again.
I do not get why it keeps crashing, like ffs it's a vn, its like the easiest thing to run ever.
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this is getting too meta!!
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hmmm i have a feeling this whole creating a new self thing will be important later on. But I'm still thinking about his death, and how he said he's no longer furniture, and also the most important part -> "wait another 100 years in hell for your next summoner". How did he summon Beatrice? Wouldn't that be Shannon if we take it like this? Did he do the things Shannon did in that timeline? Does he summon Beatrice before she talks with Shannon, and that's why he doesn't trust her? It's kindof unrelated to the photo but i keep thinking about that.
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*points a finger* These people do not know that the magic of love is not the fact that it's forever, but the happiness it brings to oneself. Even though a relationship might be doomed to fail, and they will eventually break up, that doesn't not mean the love was in vain and that the pain that follows is hell. Life is full of little moments, and be this moment for weeks, month or years, as long as it brings you happiness/teaches you something it was not in vain. The only way a lover will not suffer by a departure is if they both die at the same time. If they don't one will still suffer, although they lived their whole life together. So pain and love are interwined, but denying the latter for fear of experiencing the first one is purely dumb. That is life, and the truth is that the greater the love, the greater the happiness, the greater the pain that will follow. But that's ok. This isn't a tragedy, it's just how life is, so that's why you should enjoy each and every moment of happiness. It will just make you enjoy life more. Tune in next time for more life lessons with ggren.
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aaaaaa this makes so much sense. So that's why they're taught to say they're furniture.
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wait huh 3? Who's the third one? Kinzo? But i wouldn't say that Shannon's and George's relationship was sown this day.
Also what's the deal with Kumasawa sometimes acting like a sort of narrator? Does she just like speaking like that or.... its weird that's for sure.
next part
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aquabuggy · 1 year
“Imagination, life is your creation”
Say, what band was it that wrote that song again? Escapes me… Oh well, anyways,
Happy Barbie Movie Release Day!
It’s nice to feel excited about something again.
It’s not every day you see a toy product centered movie gaining this much positive attention, much less one that deals in the existential horror of being alive. Which is, actually, exactly what I expected out of it and am very happy to see.
Barbie’s probably one of if not the most recognizable and successful product Mattel has, and it’s been that way for decades. But why am I talking about that here? This is a things-full-of-liquid-with-heavy-emphasis-on-water-games blog!
Well, you’re not gonna believe it, but Mattel being a toy company that’s been around for this long, has actually dabbled a bit in our territory! And they actually made a good couple of water games themed around a certain blonde blue eyed doll and her best friends!
So! Without further ado, may I present to you……..
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Polly Pocket Tiny Games!
What? Was that not where you thought that was going?
Believe it or not, there really aren’t many Barbie water games at all, just cheaply reskinned ring toss games with a Barbie backdrop…which is both baffling and disappointing considering Barbie has had COUNTLESS beach, pool, sea, and just general water themes. Polly Pocket though? Got 6. You may recognize these if you’re a veteran of this blog.
Being one of Mattel’s latest ventures in water games, my sources tell me that these were actually received incredibly poorly, averaging at a 2-3 star rating. While definitely cute and unique, reviews often mention that the games seem to be designed more for aesthetics than actual play, and that it’s very hard to get some of the play pieces to actually move. Not too surprising looking at those cramped tanks. Wasted potential for sure!
Ohhh but I can’t just end the post there can I? That’s such a bummer! Well, what if I told you this wasn’t the first time Mattel tried their hand at making water games? What if I told you that in 1989 Mattel was one of the few big toy companies that actually dared to challenge the reign of Tomy’s Waterfuls during the peak of its popularity? Oh it’s very true, and considering you’ve probably never heard of it, you can safely assume how that endeavor went. But it’s intriguing nonetheless!
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[ photo credit- rww121212, lb-squared, whats-in, and gilbe-niema on eBay ]
Trouble Bubbles/Fun Bubbles
Documentation of these online is mostly limited to listings on buy-and-sell sites (As always. I can’t stress how vital these sites are to conserving lost/obscure media.) so there’s not a lot known about these, and not many pictures of them either. What I can gather is that Mattel made at least 6 of these as well, 3 Trouble Bubbles games and 3 Super Trouble Bubbles games. The main difference between the 2 being Super Trouble Bubbles having a small switch that allows you to redirect the jets of water, which is pretty cool and admittedly not something I’ve seen in other water games! Both also have a wind up timer to challenge yourself to complete the game in a short period.
I’ve yet to collect one of these myself, but they look pretty decent in terms of quality and stand out nicely. They never fully took off in terms of popularity but I think they’re pretty cool, especially as a piece of toy history! Not too shabby at all for Waterfuls competition, my hat’s off to them! Not bad Mattel, sad they haven’t recaptured the same inventiveness for their Polly games. But hey, honestly? Nowadays would be a GREAT time to bring back Trouble Bubbles if you ask me. Water games are coming back in style and Waterfuls has been slow in new major products for quite a while. Who knows? It may just be able to snag that crown sometime in the future…
But hey, anything’s possible in this crazy age!
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nattaphum · 1 year
Man Suang timeline
April 26
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April 28
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April 29
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Pond: Man Suang. Few more queues to go. It’s a very hot and dusty period. After Songkran, my body has been broken all the time. I have lost weight and got slimmer more than before. Today my body just feels like it is about to recover 100%. I am very sick, but I have to carry my body to direct all the queues. But the working atmosphere with good and talented people really helps to heal the mind and increase energy. There are only good-hearted people in this group. All parts are important. Even the caretaker of the mobile air conditioner works hard to reduce the temperature under 40°C for the team because the weather always breaks the air conditioner. The team who provides water and prepares ice cream snacks is fighting too. We've almost done it, everyone.
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Two new articles came out:
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You can fully read them here and here but i’m posting the new additions below:
The word "Suang" comes from the ancient Chinese language which is still used in some Asian regions as a surname.
Man Suang or Maen Suang is the king of the Suang Kingdom who is in conflict with Phimphisakhon, the king of the Son Kingdom.
The two are the main characters in the Thai classic poem called “Lilit Phra Po” (which can be translated in “The Story of a Royal Hero”) with 3,870 lines, set in the Ayutthaya period.
It is estimated that this poem was written in the late 15th century or early 16th century and the author is still unknown nowadays.
The main content of this poem is about a romance story which, you guessed it, ends tragically due to political intrigue. (*cries in despair 😭*)
To be sure, the storyline will not completely follow Lilit Phra Po's poem because Man Suang is the first original script made by the BOC production house.
May 2
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The illustrator of Man Suang shared this video of the quiet atmosphere surrounding the filming location:
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May 3
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.12 Mukami Ruki Animate Tokuten CD
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol. 12 無神ルキ アニメイト 各巻購入特典ドラ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 12 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Takahiro Sakurai
Translator’s note: What better date spot for Ruki than a book cafe? This man really has an obsession with literature after all. I’m not much of a reader myself, but Ruki’s natural charms could probably win me over to start reading more lol. I do wish the CD elaborated more on the picture book which the MC gave him though. It was really cute how she sees him in such a different light than he sees himself and it got me intrigued about the actual plot of the story. Unfortunately, it got completely forgotten afterwards as the focus shifted to the book Ruki picked out for her instead. 
The two of you are at a cafe. 
“I was somewhat worried that there might not be any open seats given the small size of the cafe, but we got lucky.”
You note that it is a very nice cafe.
“Yes. It’s a lovely store, isn’t it? I have always wanted to take you here. The library section over there is part of the interior, allowing you to enjoy a good book while also having a cup of coffie or tea.”
You tell him these kind of stores are rising in popularity. 
“Is that so? I had no idea these kind of book cafes were popular nowadays.”
A waiter approaches them.
“Ah, we’d like to order. For me...Hm. A decanter of mandheling coffee, please. What about you?”
You frown.
“Having a hard time deciding?”
You nod.
“Simply pick whatever you enjoy. ...However, I do not dislike how you are asking for my advice. Let me think. ...How about this red smoothie for you? I believe the berry base will make for a light drink. Besides, red is truly your color.”
You ask him what he means by that.
“Heh. No hidden meaning. If you have no issues with it, I’ll place our order. ...Okay. I would like one of these for her.”
The waiter leaves.
“Well then, why don’t we go pick out some books next?”
The two of you get up.
“Hm? What’s the matter?”
You explain.
“Once again, you have come up with quite the strange suggestion. You want to pick out books for each other...In other words, you will choose a book which you want me to read?”
You nod.
“I do not mind, however, where is this suddenly coming from?”
You start blushing.
“Huh? Why get embarrassed about it now? Ahー I get it. To pick out a book for someone, you need to have a solid grasp of their interests and thoughts. One has to really think it through, trying to imagine what the other person would enjoy. I assume you want to enjoy seeing me go to such extends for you?”
You shake your head.
“I am not too far off, am I? You want me to pay mind to you, don’t you? Not a bad suggestion. In return, you should wreck your head picking out a book for me as well. I am sure you are aware what will happen...if you choose a book which is not to my liking?”
You flinch.
“Hah...Well, good luck looking for a book which fancies my tastes.”
You return.
“Heh. You sure took your sweet time. Our drinks have long arrived to the table.”
“Oh? You went for a rather hefty-looking piece of literature. Is it a picture book?”
You nod and explain.
“I see. When you say it is a book you read as a child, it does pique my interest. However...I did not expect you to match me with a picture book.”
You start to panic.
“Don’t worry, I know. You went to the section with academic studies first, didn’t you? I saw you pick out one book after the other, dropping your shoulders in defeat. I assume you tried to go for something a little more sophisticated to fit my interests, but you failed to grasp the contents of them yourself, hence why you chose a different approach.”
You ask him if he was watching.
“Yes, I was watching? ...Is there a problem with that? ...Heh. Your face is bright red. It’s not like I’m not aware of your ignorance on the topic. Besides, I think it was a wise decision of you to go for something a little more in your comfort zone, rather than to force yourself to pick a difficult piece of literature. 
...So, what is so fascinating about this picture book?”
“It is very colorful, that is for sure. So much so, I’d call it somewhat of a misfit for me.”
You frown.
“Eh...? ...! It fits me? I have a hard time seeing that. Personally, I would argue that black, white and other monotones fit me much better. I am that kind of man after all.”
You disagree. 
“You think so? That’s unexpected. Do I really give off such a vibrant image to you? ...I wonder if I have begun to change from spending time with you? I shall gladly read this picture book.”
You nod.
“Why do you seem so happy? ...Once a strange girl, always a strange girl, I suppose. ...Oh, right. I have yet to give you your book. For you, I have picked out Plato’s ‘The Apology of Socrates’.” 
You seem intimidated by the book.
“Your expression visibly changed. No need to be so nervous. It is actually much easier of a book than you might assume. I believe that by comparing the trial and the way the characters’ express their beliefs at court as described in the book with your own personal situation will make for an interesting interpretation of this Classic. ーー After all, you were thrown in the Vampire’s den, your life now in their hands. It might actually help teach you a thing or two.”
You get upset.
“I am only joking. Don’t take my words so seriously. I simply hope that this could serve as a leaway to introduce you to the world of philosophy. Go ahead and take a peek instead.”
“What do you think? ーー Although I suppose that is an unnecessary question. You are frowning. To think you would struggle from the second you turned the first page. ...Oh well, I suppose it cannot be helped.”
Ruki gets up.
“Allow me to take a seat next to you.”
“What’s making it so difficult for you? I’ll explain to you as you read.”
You seem flustered by the closeness.
“What’s the matter? The book is slipping from your hands. I’ll suppor your hands, so keep a tight grip, okay?”
“...Hm? Is it just me, or is your face even redder than before? Don’t tell me...You’re not nervous simply because our hands are touching, are you?”
You explain.
Ahー I see. I’m sitting too close to you, correct? You do have a point. However, the book is too difficult for you to understand on your own, right? In which case, we will have to stay like this until we’ve gone through the entire thing.”
You ask for his help.
“Heh. ...Such a charming reaction. I’ll show some mercy and leave the teasing at this for today.”
Your eyes widen in surprise.
“Oh? You’ve only realized just now. Of course I did it on purpose. If I selected a difficult book, you would definitely seek out help from me. I could imagine your innocent reaction if I were to sit down next to you and read along from the same book...The end result was very much worth it.”
 You pout.
“No need to sulk. This is just my way of showing that I was thinking of you when I picked the book. When thinking of you and the feelings you trigger within myself, I felt a strong desire to simply spend time by your side.”
“I want to feel your touch, even by something as simple as holding your hands like this. To feel your warmth. ...I simply could not stop those feelings from welling up inside of me. I suppose I truly have changed quite a bit ever since meeting you.”
You look up at him. 
“Hm? What’s the matter? If you want to say something, go ahead.”
You admit to feeling the same way.
“You feel the same way? How so?”
You explain.
“Heh. ...I see. In that case, let us stay like this for a bit. We can read a book just fine even while holding hands like this. Spending our afternoon drowning in a sea of words together does not sound half way.”
ーー THE END ーー
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vacantgodling · 2 months
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thank you @sergeantnarwhalwrites for tagging me to do this i looooove talking about myself PFF. i’ll leave this as an open tag for anyone else who wants to do it! tag me if u do i wanna hear ur responses 👀
about me
When did you first start writing?
i’ve been writing pretty much my entire life—making stories since i was like 3 with my grandmother and then transitioned to writing them down pretty soon after. i can’t think of a time in my life where i wasn’t story crafting tbh. but i think if you want a “traditional” start time, wherein i started writing anything that could resemble a Proper wip, then that was when i was 12 in 8th grade lol.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
nah, they pretty much go hand in hand. i love reading gothic lit nowadays and a lot of my recent wips have sort of dove in that direction. in general, you can tell what was really intriguing me or what i was reading based on the wips i made at the time. vdtrt was super inspired when i was in my percy jackson era, purple haze (started) when i was into more comic/slapstick kid humor (like captain underpants or diary of a wimpy kid or that one journal book with the girl with the purple pen… i can’t remember what it’s called tho), but then transitioned into what it is now when i started getting more into romantic dramas. etc etc.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
not one that i’m often compared to, but the great gatsby did a number on me beginning to take prose and description seriously. that book is gorgeous to me (prose wise) and i really think between that and the goth/1700-1900s books that i’ve read really influenced me to put more emphasis on prose than on dialogue, tbh. i used to be a more snazzy, ya style writer—and while there’s nothing wrong with that per se it never sparked as much joy as me nailing an overly complex description does nowadays.
in terms of comparing myself or wanting to emulate someone specifically i don’t really. i think my friends are all amazing writers but i’m pretty self centered when it comes to my writing (both positive and negative connotations besides) so i tend to try and focus being the best version of myself and what i’m trying to write. this isn’t to say i don’t get jealous of how some of my friends write occasionally lol. i just don’t particularly want to be like them when the inner demons aren’t being shit, if that makes sense.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
tbh, a lot of times i write at work. i tend to finish my tasks early and no one tends to bother me so i kind of write to keep myself from falling asleep. i need silence and no distractions to write lol so its easier for me when im there. so its at my work desk and on my work laptop a lot of the time LMAO. when it’s not there i tend to write on my phone when im out and about or on the bus or whatever—same principles of wanting to be by myself and have no one bug me so i can think lol.
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
ngl, and this is gonna sound kinda bad, i kinda force myself to. lmao. like when i write at work esp i kinda just decide “what am i gonna work on today” and i sort of do it. it doesn’t always work mind you, like if i’m not in the mood or im tired or distracted or whatever then i’ll just end up doing something else.
when it comes to making new ideas i don’t force those, they just kinda come. i’m always thinking about stories and ideas tbh so it’s a matter of if i get obsessed with an idea enough to make it into an actual thing.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
nah with 2 caveats. purple haze specifically is a more fictional retelling (split between 2 mcs) of when i was 18-20 years old. lots of details changed but some of the main bits are shit that happened to me then that really fucked me up at the time that i wanted someplace to work through. as i’ve gotten older and healed from things, or taken to poetry to talk about stuff, emphasis on that wip has taken less precedent bc it doesn’t hurt me as much as it used to. secondly, the town braebrooke, where jenna lives in jenna the reaper is actually named after a street name that drivers always get lost going down near where i grew up. but i don’t tend to like to live in reality and real life. it sucks and it’s boring. stories have always been an escape for me so i don’t like to base things on real life if i can avoid it.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
honestly i would say yes, i have recurring themes in my writing but no they don't really surprise me. i tend to write about things that are important to me and because i'm quite introspective i'm acutely aware of the things that i tend to gravitate towards. fucked up/complicated family dynamics where people care about each other (toxically in many ways) but express it horribly, queerness (as a whole, especially when it comes to the masculine), focus on the individual instead of the whole (in most cases) etc... it's all things i think about quite often. stories are just the vehicles to explore it.
my characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
because i have so many wips it should be "hard" to sit down and say that this (or these) are my favorite characters. but from every single wip i definitely have a brain rot character, and so from my "main wips" the brain rot characters are:
PARAMOUR (tfog) -> hyacinthus shrapnel, obviously. if i had to pick a favorite character of all my ocs its definitely him. he just DOES SOMETHING for me he is literally every obsession i have rolled up into one beautiful, piece of shit.
TCOL -> this one is more difficult because i have a few contendors bc the cast is ENORMOUS and still growing, but clear brightendale will always be my number one frfr. love of my life. my SON. i birthed him, and i'm obsessed with him. he would be followed closely and tied with lath, guardian of valor as well as MIZDARR in terms of other faves tbh.
VDTRT -> darren de leon, also somewhat obviously. he's my favorite guy. what a lad.
BTAF -> sjaak de witte. the first time i truly understood the appeal of a pathetic wet meow meow character archetype because he is all of that and i'm obsessed with him.
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
conceptualizing being friends with my ocs is weird to me because i hate percieving myself, and i'm kinda weird about friendships. i think i would be actually genuine friends with either the friend group in vdtrt (consisting of: darren, olice, vlad, moonglend, gabe, demi, marco, and awilda) or the friend group in sixteen candles (consisting of: ranger, nanette, vani, roger, and tucker). but overall, i actually don't tend to make ocs with super similar interests to me a lot of the time and bc of the 'ism i have a hard time making friends?? so like take this with a grain of salt. i'd rather observe my ocs and play with them like dolls frfr.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
there are SEVERAL but if i go against the grain and i don't pick overt villainous characters (like tagetes, madja, silvano, etc)... probably the entire cast of btaf in some way or another tbh, like they just make decisions that while i (the creator) understand and think are fun in a "look at this shit" kind of way they would piss me off in a common sense kind of way. they are all dumb.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
characters kind of take a few basic routes for me. either: i like a preexisting character (or am fascinated by them cuz lbr i don't like twilight lmao) and i want to make 'my own version' in which i have control of them or i can amp up/explore other aspects of their personality with free reign bc they're mine now (ie: darren/percy jackson, sjaak/jacob from twilight, kirsi/magda from helix waltz, etc) OR i come up with a plot and i need a character to fill that plot so they start as a utility, then become their own character as i develop them more. (ie: jenna has a crush on someone in school, so i made chloe mathilders and now she has her own personality. the entirety of donut wip existed bc i wanted to make a horror wip and so they kind of came with the stereotypical horror archetypes; juls as the final girl etc).
it's actually not quite often that i have characters appear directly out of the aether for me to just have to deal with. jenna is honestly a rare exception to this because she is the ONE character i can think of who straight up manifested herself. i think that's why her power is manifestation bc she broke the grain of how i usually come up with ocs so. good on you girly lmao.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
yeah, i definitely have character types i gravitate towards, especially when it comes to characters who are my faves-though i do try my best to make it so all of my characters feel like distinct people, even though i do have 'archetypes' that i fall into with them. off the top of my head i can think of:
beautiful asshole (always masculine) -> hya, toph, dove, ranger, aenlin
masc femmes/adjacent that should break my neck -> nyseah, beki, piper, erecia, azelie, almine
"healing" characters, aka has never done anything wrong in their life ever -> aloe, karenza, vani, iole
resourceful underdog -> kirsi, julissa, darren, dagmar, nevaeh, chidori, noh, n
god just help them -> sjaak, di, clear, quill, prosper, hue, graves
i could go on but yeah like most of my characters can fall into some kind of archetype of some kind
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc)
honestly i don't have much of a visual imagination. the ocs that i can picture, i tend to draw out on my own characters so i picture them mostly in a more... stylized and what i wish i could draw version of my own art. otherwise i don't really picture them visually altogether. but this is mostly bc i can't visualize lmao.
my writing
What's your reason for writing?
i love stories, and i love story telling. there isn't really much beyond it. i've been doing it for so long, its literally just the fabric of who i am as a person. my literal first word was book lmao. like i just can't imagine existing without writing or storytelling in some form.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
honestly i'm greedy. i want to hear specific reactions and i love when people go into deep depth to react to what i've written and really take in every single detail and then kind of give me a play by play of how they felt and things they liked. it makes me want to write more to get that reaction <3
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
um. idk if i want to be thought of in a particular way, but i guess i just want my stories to resonate with people. as long as they resonate and i can see how they do/the reaction people have to what i'm written then i'm happy. i think my stories should preceed me, if that makes sense. i don't necessarily need to be remembered for who i am but only for the stories i create. i guess?
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
prose and description
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
pretty much the same thing. a lot of people tend to like my more poetic and winding prose which makes me happy lol. i've also been told i'm really good at depicting complex emotions.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
i love it, i think i'm talented asf. shame that the timeline and the state of the publishing industry won't let it be shown to more people but y'know. i would be lying if i said i didn't think that the only real talent i think i have is writing lol
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
YUUUUUP. writing is for me first and everyone else second. i like sharing bc i like validation, but i would be so hype to just be able to create stories on my own with zero interruption. tbh in that scenario i would probably make up so many stories that i would just die eventually bc i forgot to care for myself.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it's a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
if i wrote what others enjoyed, i would be publishable. i only write for my own interest.
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stardust-arcade · 3 months
Everyone seems to be chilling. Blackstar coming in from his shift at Fall fest. The Arcade of course getting a tad more quiet. Mostly cuz everyone knows they will be closing soon except for some theater performances. Resulting in the larger arcade and other areas being fenced off with dividers, or closing their doors. But loudly through the song speakers comes an intercom announcement.
Animatronic employees of the arcade. We ask that you go towards the front entrance.
Black Star who of course had just gotten there. Grumbles as he stops in his movements. Looking around before spotting a human employee. Derek. Who seems just as pissed about life. Other than the standard arcade employee clothing. He has a little pin that says animatronic handler. Which really just means he's a peacekeeper between the animatronics, and certain customers. But unfortunately no one has thought of a better name.
Black Star: What are you calling everybody to the front for?
Derek: New fella. That's all I know.
Black Star: And I'm assuming you're only here because you're forced to?
Derek: Ha! You guessed it. I would rather wait for a radio call then sit out here. But I got to do those outdated shenanigans. I don't even think handlers need to do these types of introductions anymore, It's stupid.
Black Star: I can agree with you there. We're going to reintroduce ourselves later anyways with those morning announcement things.
Derek: I suppose it's because not everybody will be there for the mornings. People still think you animatronics are scary and a fight between you guys is scarier. I have a feeling once we figure out what police are going to do if a scuffle breaks out, I'll be out of a job.
Black Star: Hahaha! I suppose that is true. Not that I think any of you can do anything nowadays.
Derek: Yep. I'm not gonna jump in between you fellas to save your skins. Especially when mine would be gone!
Black Star: Yah. I suppose it's similar to that sort of police presence thing.
Derek: I suppose so. Wish the police could do it for me though.
Black Star: Yah. Well here comes the rest.
The others start to show up at the entrance. Most of them with faces of disgruntlement. Although sun seems to have thrown on a smile. Moon appears rather shy. Eclipse as always is curious. Nova is of course separated from the group. Holding a dastardly smile and proper position the entire time though.
Planet: What did you call us out here for? I-
Derek: A new friend. Look I don't like it either planet, So can you just deal with it for today.
Planet: Meerrggg!
Eclipse: New friend!?
Derek: Yes new friend, if they show up anytime soon. They were already late, They told me they would be here!
Sun: Oh I'm sure it's fine Derek. Let them take their time. New places are always scary.
Derek: You be in my position then.
Sun: No.
Derek: Ha. Ha. Such a nice guy.
Finally the front door is open. Everyone looking towards the entrance with intrigue. Except for Derek and Blackstar.
Misty: Um Helo. I am hoping this is the right arcade. This is stardust Arcade right?
Derek: This is stardust arcade. You are misty right?
Misty: And I assume you are Derek. Dear God I'm so happy we finally found this place.
Derek: How did you even lose this place? It's the only faz location in miles.
Black Star: Except for Fall fest.
Derek: Yeah but that things obviously not an arcade.
Comet: Well actually. Misty here was just searching arcade. And apparently you have quite a bit of competition!
Next to Misty comes in another animatronic. They are nearly the same size as her. Which is a bit shorter than the average human. They're entirety of their pallet seems a bit pale. Being mostly white, pink, purple and blue pale colors. Except for their face which is a dazzling bright blue. They look nothing like the other DCAs. Much more resembling some sort of dinosaur or cartoonistic lizard. Their face being the only thing that sells them as a DCA looking type. They're double sets of rays spinning briefly as they observe everyone around them. Some spinier rays, That seem to be held on a wire sway stiffly behind them.
Misty: Yes, well, um. Let these introductions out of the way before I make this any worse. This is comet. His family sent him away to get a job, and he wants to work at the roller rink here.
Comet: Yep! And it's grand to meet you all!
Derek: Yep. Great to meet you too. This is Sun, Moon, Planet, Eclipse, and Nova. Blackstar also lives here but he's not an employee anymore. You'll also be seeing this red fella with a vest on. He's Blood Moon. He's only here cuz this place is a shitshow, And these guys are at each other's necks.
Sun: Language!
Derek: I'm not on the daycare, And all the customers are in the theater watching Scooby-Doo.
Eclipse: No, They wanted princess bride.
Derek: ... There's no kids in there though right?
Eclipse: They picked the movie.
Derek: Dear God I hope those parents realize what the fuck they're doing.
Sun: Language!!
Derek: Leave me alone Sun, dear God. Whatever. Say hi to each other, so I can go back to eat nachos in the office!
Misty: But shouldn't we stick around to make sure they're all okay?
Derek: That's an old dumb rule, and every animatronic here agrees with me. So can you guys please-
Nova: Hello I am Nova. Nice to meet you comet.
Comet: Oh! Well it's nice to meet you Dr mysterious.
Nova: Don't call me that. Anyways I'll see you later, or never, I don't really care.
Comet: Well, a, goodbye... He doesn't seem nice.
Planet: He isn't. Don't trust him. I'm Planet by the way. I mostly run the arcade. As long as you don't piss me off we'll be fine.
Comet: How do I piss you off?
Planet: Are you really going to ask that question?
Sun: Trust me, buddy. You don't want to piss her off. I'm Sun by the way! Your friendly daycare attendant! I am so happy to meet you!
Comet: Well nice to meet you too Sun! Although could I refer to you as Sundrop or daytime or something. My parents got the same name.
Sun: Oh... Yah! How about you refer to me as sunlight?
Comet: Works for me. I'm assuming your moon.
Moon: Yes. I am Moon. Although if you need to call me something like moonlight that's fine.
Comet: Thank ya. It just feels weird. I'm assuming you also run the daycare?
Moon: Yes. Although it is more so my side employment. I am mainly the one that you will be seeing at parts and service.
Comet: Ah! A techno man I see! Well, I'll be sure to greet you both in all the places I see ya!
Black Star: Yah. Like Derek said I'm Black Star. I used to work in the theater. My brother Eclipse has taken that over fully though.
Eclipse: Yah! I'm Eclipse! Hello new friend!
Comet: Well hello there clips! You seem like quite a fun fellow!
Eclipse: I am fun!
Comet: Well that's nice to know. And black stars your brother right?
Eclipse: Yes! Bestest brother!
Comet: Sure sounds like it! But he don't work here no more?
Eclipse: No. But we still play later!
Black Star: Yah. I work at this amusement park a little ways away. Currently working as a mechanic.
Comet: Ah! I suppose it's a wonderful dream job!
Sun: He actually should probably stay to the theater. Being old AI and all. Surprised they haven't put him in one of the scare attractions.
Black Star: Oh fuck off.
Comet: Ohhh. Some rivalry it seems. I suppose this is the tearing each other apart thing.
Moon: It's just some disagreements that we're trying to, see eye to eye on.
Comet: Ha! Yah! I think it's the silliest thing. Those AI prejudices are stupid. I mean I'm a new and my mom and dad are just old ones. Does that make me better than them? I don't think so. They can sure play a record better than I can.
Sun: Well that's an interesting... History.
Planet: You losing your smile~.
Eclipse: New friends stay with us!? Yes? Yes!
Comet: I'm not picking nobody's side. I'm supposed to be friends with everyone, not some group. I still want to play though! Got a wicked arcade.
Planet: Yes. It is quite a collection.
Moon: Where are you working again?
Comet: I'm working at roller rink! Although I'll be playing my DJ too.
Black Star: DJ?
Planet: Oh they're going to finally put someone in that booth? I always wondered if anyone was going to use those.
Comet: Oh are you telling me the soundboard's been abandoned!? No, no, that can't do! I bet it's all wackified by misuse.
Moon: Well I'm sure we can show you where the DJ station is and the roller rink. It's right across from the theater.
Eclipse: Your closest to me!
Comet: It appears I am buddy! Perhaps I can sneak into a show or two when I got down time.
Eclipse: Yes! I like that idea.
Black Star: Well. I suppose let's give you the tour.
Derek: And there's my cue to leave. I'm enjoying my nachos. If planet starts punching this shit out of him give me a call. I'll use my laser eyes on her.
Misty: Wait, Wait, aren't we supposed to do something more? Stay with them for the tour?
Derek: You know what Misty. How about you chill with me in the office. I got some real training to give you.
Misty: But the others?-
Derek: Eclipse!
Eclipse: Yes?
Derek: Hold planet back if she starts getting pissed.
Eclipse: Ok!
Derek: Their, potential situation solved.
Misty: But what if he gets angry?!
Derek: Black Stars right there. Plus Eclipse doesn't tear anyone apart. He just chases them off the property. They'll be fine. Now come on shy. Let me tell you how robots really want to be treated.
Comet: Bye Misty!... I give kudos to the Derek guy, I like him.
Black Star: Yeah he's great.
Sun: For some of you.
Moon: Sun just because you don't like the fact that Derek swears like a sailor, and doesn't give a shit about the world. Doesn't mean you have a good reason to hate him.
Sun: Moon, I'm giving you a pass.
Planet: Let's just get this tour over.
Comet: Agreed! You all making this sour. Let's have some fun!
Eclipse: Yah!
Planet: ..... Bets on what his programmed age is?
Black Star: Upper teens?
Moon: He's probably just a playful adult.
Sun: I'm guessing 16.
Planet: I'm thinking he's probably the same age as eclipse. Whatever age they are.
Black Star: Well let's just pray that they make each other better instead of destructive.
Sun: That is one thing we can all agree to.
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lurkingshan · 1 year
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Tagged by @clara-maybe-ontheroad to start some trouble. There are a lot of these, so I'm mostly going to do quick hits and maybe expand on a few that really get me going.
The categories are:
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
It would be easier to list the BL soundtracks that are not horrible (offense intended).
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)/Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
I'm so bad at remembering specific lines of dialogue unless I think they're beautiful/heart-wrenching, so I got nothing.
Most stupid decision made by a character
In a BL?? Baby, I do not have all day.
Worst plot line
Hmmm I'm gonna give in to recency bias and say faking amnesia to get your fiancé to love you again after you iced him out and denied him sex for four years because of your tiger attack-related PTSD (no I am not making that up, never change actually Naughty Babe).
The most problematic show you've watched
Problematic is in the eye of the beholder, so honestly who can say.
A show people love but you find bad
LOLOLOL. There are. So many. Probably the one with the wildest fandom fervor :: Shan personal enjoyment ratio is KinnPorsche.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Theory of Love and y'all stay wrong about this. It is easily one of the best early Thai bls and the writing, character development, and narrative structure are all excellent, but people hate slutty characters so they can't deal with it.
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it/were horny/because of that one character
Why r u? What can I say, I'm a Fighter/Tutor girlie.
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Hmmm I usually just drop it if I'm truly not having fun. I guess you could count me finishing Minato's Laundromat 2 despite knowing any hope for it was over at the end of episode 9. I just needed to see how mad I was going to be in the end (pretty damn mad).
A bad show that you would still recommend
There is too much BL nowadays to be trifling with the bad shit.
The character that ruined a show the most/most awful character that you hated
PLERN PLENG (Together With Me). cc: @bengiyo the co-president of the Plern Pleng antis.
Most awful character that you loved
Boston, a beautiful chaos demon (Only Friends).
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
Anyone played by Podd or Jimmy (it's their faces I can't stand them sorry to those men).
A hero that should have been a villain
This is an interesting one! I’m not sure this counts, but I’ll just say I did not love the way The Untamed white washed Wei Wuxian and removed his culpability for all his worst choices (I recognize this was largely due to censorship). I much prefer the more morally complex and deeply flawed version of him we got in MDZS.
A morally bad character you're into/you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
I don't believe in holding fictional characters to real life moral standards. Bad behavior makes for good stories.
The show that disappointed you the most
Let me take this opportunity to drag Plus & Minus again, a show that had all the right ingredients to be a top tier friends to lovers narrative and absolutely blew it to do some beyond clichéd noble idiocy and breakup bs that violated character and undercut the relationship to such a degree that I can never rewatch or enjoy anything about it again.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
Hmm I do not have one. It's rare for me to not be able to find something of value in any media I consume.
Tagging @chickenstrangers @sorry-bonebag @kayatoasted @blmpff @twig-tea in case you want to play!
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world-cinema-research · 5 months
Superbad, 2007
a personal favorite film
The film that I have decided to rediscover is the movie Superbad starring Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, and Christopher Mintz-Plasse. They star alongside Seth Rogan who happens to be one of the three writers who created the screenplay for the film. Seth and his childhood friend, Evan Goldberg, decided to write this film together as it reflected on the high school experience they had with each other, along with some dramatics added for entertainment. Something I found to be very interesting about the movie was that it took around 12 years to fully make from writing to filming all together. Seth Rogen had even possibly thought about playing the role of himself in it, which. ended up being given to Jonah Hill It depicts a somewhat coming of age moment in life as well as showing adolescence and the beauty of friendship in a way. When I first saw the movie, I believe I was around 15 or 16, and I had watched it with my best friend at the time on a movie website called Watch Party in which you can watch the same movie at the same exact time as someone and you are able to chat about it as you are watching it. I think the combination of watching it with my best friend and us being able to comment on it together and experiencing high school at the same time, it kind of felt really just fun and entertaining. Looking back on it now, it really just feels nostalgic. I tend to rewatch it whenever I want a pick me up or a good laugh, and it always takes me back to a point in life when I was in high school and the nostalgia is something I will carry with me with each rewatch. It seems weird that a silly movie like Superbad would leave a strong impact on me, but I love it. I have also introduced the movie to more friends who haven't already seen it, and they always end up loving it, which makes me happy as well. 
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The movie seemed to have been met with great critical acclaim. It was almost an outright hit as a film and did very well. When it comes to numbers, the film had a domestic opening of $33,052,411 and ended up grossing $121,463,226 overall, according to Box Office Mojo. Seth Rogan being a big name already is somewhat what drew people's attention toward the film as he had been previously partaking in other movies that did well. A mix of actors was also intriguing to viewers, as Emma Stone is also a supporting actor throughout the movie. Something that assisted the return of investment was simply by the genre of the movie, comedy. The film was primarily a comedy, relying on its witty dialogue, raunchy humor, and absurd situations to entertain audiences. This comedic approach appealed to a wide demographic, particularly younger audiences. I feel like nowadays the film industry is heavily lacking in comedies, unless I am simply missing them. In the early to mid 2000’s, I feel as though comedy was so much more apparent and frequent and I hope it can make a return. "Superbad" blends conventional comedy elements with unconventional humor and character dynamics. While it follows a typical narrative structure and features familiar high school archetypes, its raunchy humor and realistic portrayal of teenage life set it apart. The film's unique tone and fresh character interactions contribute to its unconventional appeal within the comedy genre. The only real limiting factor I would say that possibly prevented bringing in more viewers was the R-rating that this movie holds. The movie is pretty raunchy and the language that is used very clearly depicts a movie that would be rated-r. Something interesting I discovered was that Spider-Man 3 premiered this year as well and it had become the top grossing movie of 2007, with Superbad a bit down the list at 21. 
Upon rewatching, I find myself with the same feelings as before, in the most positive way. I simply love the movie, and it definitely stands as one of my most watched movies ever and a comfort movie I always turn to. Like stated previously, it now holds a lot of nostalgia for my own adolescence and it feels really cool to watch it again and somehow feel like how I did when I was 15 watching it for the first time on a random day. Something I noticed this time when watching it was how much I enjoyed how the movie timeline was only one day, and it felt like I was going through the whole day with them as a viewer, and I just love when movies do that. 
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khalixvitae · 1 year
i actually hated vil when i first got into twst lmfaoaooa. then it grew into mere tolerance for him, then interest. i was intrigued by his character design, but that was it for the longest time UNTIL i played chapter 5 and chapter 6 and it suddenly fucking hit me??? like i could tell you very confidently that rook was my absolute favorite at the start of the year so it was absolutely crippling for vil to give me just as bad rabies. i even drew him more! i analyzed him more! i cannot count the times ive screamed about him with other people on tumblr, discord, and instagram! if you asked 80% of these people who my favorite was they wouldn't even say rook it'd be vil. (rook is a different story im SO crazy about him i am unable to talk about him otherwise my body will produce a reaction equivalent to walking into an electric fence.) anyways guys this is just a reminder that if you like rook/vil you will like the other in time. it's a pipeline that happens to us all.
See anon we are two sides of the same coin- we have reverse RookVil rabies, it would seem. I was a devout follower of Vilism from like, the second we got to know him in book 5. I was an apologist before the halfway mark, I won’t lie. I wanted to pick his brain immediately. Meanwhile I initially thought Rook was ,,, odd. And his design is certainly a choice, but I digress and find him adorable nowadays. Vil’s design didn’t really catch my eye until we saw his dorm uniform- And then I was on the floor gasping for air like a washed up tuna.
But funnily enough, even with my blog theme being gothic cathedral vampire vil, most of my mutuals have come from being a Rook kisser <3 I love them both deeply, ofc
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walalppper · 2 years
Dangerously yours - Hawks/Keigo Takami x Spy!Reader P.1
Keigo Takami x Reader. (Reader is 19 years old) warnings/tags: can include themes 18+, angst.
Disclaimer: For this mini-story, I got inspired by the podcast 'Dangerously yours' sponser by Vicks. (It's available on Spotify)
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Dangerously yours
The light hit his eyes, forcing him to wake up from his perfect dream. Rubbing his eyes gently he glanced over to the woman in the bed next to him. Smiling to himself, he pulled her naked body over to his. “Morning…” She smiled, slowly opening her eyes. Pressing her chest against his, both their lips met. Her lips were soft, feeling like silk against his own. Her fingers carding through his beautiful blonde locks, as his hands were carving into her waist.
Pulling a bit apart from her soft lips, he smiled once again, admiring everything about her.
“I have to tell you something (Y/n)…” he continued under his breath. “…something that will put my life in your hands.” Raising an eyebrow at him, (Y/n) pulled herself away from his warm chest and shook her head as no. “Then don’t tell me, I prefer not knowing what it is about.”
“Well, but I love you! So, I trust you…” He smirked, gently pulling her back to his side. “And I believe you do it as well.”
“You’re quite wrong!” She panicked, looking away as her cheeks flushed with a reddish colour. “This relationship has only been an adventure to me.”
“That isn’t true…” He murmured, finding amusement in her panicked state. “It is!” She cut through his speech. Looking back at him, she spoke in such a hurry that it was hard to keep up with her words. “You smiled at me. I was flattered!” She crossed her arms over her chest. “It was only an adventure for me.”
“But you may as well take my heart, (Y/n), it's already full of you.” Rolling her eyes at him, she allowed him to continue his little serenate. “You’re a fine and honest woman, something hard to find nowadays.” Getting up, she started picking her clothes that were scattered around his bedroom floor. Putting her blouse over her head she responded. “You are such a child Keigo…You say such things while knowing nothing about me.” Nodding to herself, she got the courage to continue. “It only past three weeks since we’ve known each other…and you’re speaking of love?”
“Three weeks?” He frankly hurried close to her. “(Y/n)…I’ve known you all my life.”
“All your life…?” She spitted mockingly. “It’s true…” He said, glancing over to look into her beautiful (e/c) eyes. Gently holding her hands onto his, he gave them a gentle squeeze before saying. “I’ve seen you in a thousand movies…read you in as many books! When I heard beautiful music, I’d thought…’She’d like that’.” He couldn’t even believe himself, he was really in love with her, but he knew he shouldn’t. Unfortunately, (Y/n) was much more than a simple lover to him.
“Oh, stop! Stop that!” She exclaimed, taking her hands from his grip. “I’m not who you think I am!” She looked down, with a regretful glance. Knowing that she had a mission, and still couldn’t complete it because of that charming hero, she was the one to blame for her own foolishness. “You can’t trust me…”
“I know who sent you.” He said quite a bit later, his voice was cold and harsh. Suddenly the previous welcoming ambient in the room turned stone cold.
Feeling a shiver run down her spine, she looked at him in complete shock. “…what…”
“I’ve known all along.” He said, sitting back in his own bed. Looking at her with his intriguing gaze he continued explaining. “I had someone look you up the day we met.”
“It didn’t make any difference-“ She spoke in a trembled tone, he could almost taste the regret in her voice.
“It didn’t make any difference to me.” He sighed, running his hair through his hair, before starting to explain. “You came here to betray me and to betray your own country. That is your mission, (Y/n), and yet I am so sure of your love that I would trust you with my life.”
With a gentle nod, she answered. “I will betray you.”
There was no need to hide who she was and what her mission was now. (Y/n) was part of the League of Villains, being taken by All for one since she was a baby. To this day she still didn’t knew what made him chose her, but truth was that he saved her. Sine then she grew close to the so wanted villain, Tomura Shigaraki.
Some months ago, Shigaraki asked (Y/n) to work with Dabi on a espionage plan. Shigaraki was like a brother to her, she could never deny him anything, not after everything he did for her. So, she agreed to it, the plan was:
1. Find Hawks identity.
2. Figure how far the heroes are from finding Shigaraki.
3. Kill the n.2 hero.
And she did everything she was asked, weekly she would report information back to Dabi and so on. But now she was starting to question everything, including how much she loved the hero she was supposed to kill.
“If you do, you will betray yourself at the same time, you do know that…” He said, pulling her back to him in search for a bit of comfort from her. She nodded her head, that was now resting against his chest. “Yes…”
Brushing through her hair, he explained, in hopes to bring her to his side. “As of right now, we organized a large number of heroes. They’re just waiting for my information and sign to capture the League of Villains and Shigaraki…Everything will fall into place to destroy him.” Her eyes widen in pure shock, looking up to meet with his eyes. (Y/n) wished he was wrong, but deep down she knew he wasn’t.
“Destroy him?! No!” She knew there would come a day in which he would get caught, but she’d stick beside him either way. Even knowing the difference between right and wrong, society had to change, and you knew he was the only one who could do it.
“He’s made a great many mistakes. And the greatest of all was sending you to me (Y/n)…”
“Why..?” (Y/n) asked, clearly distressed and anxious for a response. “Because he knew I’d fall for you…but he didn’t guess the same to happen to you…” He answered, giving her a warm and welcoming smile, cupping both of her cheeks gently. It was amazing how quickly his mood could change, how deep he could make her heart sink further into her chest with simple words.
“No…he didn’t guess it…” She whispered against his lips.
His heart begun to pound, feeling of desire run through him. He trusted her, he loved her, yet he knew she still wasn’t on his side. ‘Why?’ he kept asking himself.
“And you do see that you can’t betray him…” He sighed.
“If I betray you, I betray myself…” Feeling a gently knub brush her cheek gently, she fell into his warm once more. “If I betray Shigaraki, I betray my family!”
“My family is very dear to me…” she continued.
“Dearer than i?!” He asked frankly, raising her chin to look him into his gorgeous yellow eyes. Softening her expressions upon seeing him in such state she answered. “No…not dearer than you…”
“Then will you help me defeat him?” He asked almost immediately. (Y/n) was smart, smart enough to understand what was going on. “Help you…?” He couldn’t be asking this from her, it seemed just like…he was using her.
“We can’t both win…you know how things are…” He tried to reason with her.
“I know exactly how things are…” She furrowed her eyebrows. “Then, you will help me.”
“By giving you any information, I may possess concerning our plans?” He gave her a simple nod, and that charming smile of his, he thought he had her under his spell, but how wrong he was.
Shaking her head as no, she started chuckled bitterly. “You’re very clever, aren’t you?” She said, smacking away the hand that rested against her cheek.
Part II (Available Soon)
English is not my first language but i hope you enjoyed :P
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blamemma · 1 year
thank u for the tag @semperama 😌 any opportunity to talk about my favourite thing! books! 😌
An estimate of how many physical books I own: where i live currently i have 132 physical books, but i also have some in storage and some in my parents house, so i would guess maybe about 220-250 maybeeee
Favorite author: i really don't have a stand out author...authors who have published my favouriteeee ever books have then produced really lackluster other works in my opinion....i feel like someone who never lets me down is ottessa moshfegh because u get what u get with her but i don't think i'd claim her as an outright favourite??
A popular book I've never read and never intend to read: truly anything by colleen hoover i am all for big popular books that get a large specific audience reading again, but we can do better by young girls and get them reading something sliiiightttllyyyy better (not shitting on anyone who enjoys colleen hoover, again they cater to a specific market and i think thats great, just not my cup of tea, but from what i've heard she's got a couple of questionable opinions)
A popular book I thought was just meh: normal people! :)) god it bored me sooooooooo much which is a shame cause the tv show slaps
Longest book I own: a suitable boy by vikram seth, 1474 pages!!!!!!!! and i read it in two weeks during the height of covid lockdown and it was EXCELLENT
Longest series I own all the books to: probably game of thrones....never been a massive series gal so yeah thats the only one i can think of off the top of my head?
Prettiest book I own: i have a really beautiful collection of charles dickens' books even though i'm not his biggest fan at all (loved david copperfield, enjoy a christmas carol, have read great expectations) but they were a gift and they do look really pretty on my shelves at my parents house!
A book or series I wish more people knew about: urmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm okay not to like talk about it again.............but at swim two boys............it was highly applauded when it was first published and was very popular but feel like it's popularity waned but its got two boys trying to resist falling in love and choosing to spend time together by learning to swim in the cold dublin sea.......the tumblr girlies would eat that up nowadays......also bewilderment by richard powers i think everyone should read that book 😌
Book I'm reading now: briefly, a delicious life by nell stevens....only about 50 pages in so far but good fun, a sapphic ghost love story from what i can tell so far so intriguing....
Book that's been on my TBR list for a while but I still haven't got around to it: the fifth season by n.k. jemisin.....tried reading it but wasn't in a sci-fi mood so only got one chapter in and then it has just.....sat there......for like.....two years......
Do you have any books in a language other than English: no and i am ashamed.....
Paperback, hardcover, or ebook?: paperback anyyyyyyyyyyy day of the week let me BREAK that spine let me make you look worn and loved and read let me chuck you into my bag and u barely add any weight!!! i dont hate a hardback but avoid buying them unless it is a book i am DESPERATE to read asap or it's at a good price but yeah i am a paperback girlie <3 don't own an e-reader apart from having the kindle app on my ipad so v rarely venture into e-books and i am sorry but nothing beats the feel of a book in ur hands like i need to feeeeel the pages
tagging @gokartkid @monagasque @lilyrizzy & @karlmarxverstappen if u would like xx
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