#i am so sorry that this took so long! i went through the whole tag on ao3 and i didn't want this to be too long
This is a contribution for @dark-mnjiro! I hope it’s a good submission 😭
Categories: 🫧 (new work!); 🤝 (collabs!); 🚞 (smut); 🚺 (fem reader!), ❤️‍🩹 (angst towards the end)
Tw: there be smut somewhere down the line, but it’s not the central part of the fic! Character death occurs as well. Please tell me if I missed anything that requires tagging!
Disclaimer: Reader and Chigiri are sometimes referred to as Diarmuid and Gràinne! You are Gràinne! I hope this clears up any possible confusion 💕
You didn’t want to marry him.
Judging this man, you began to realize that you’d made the mistake of accepting his proposal to you. You figured that you hadn’t been resistant enough.
You only knew his nickname, which was Fionn. He was much older than you. You’d been presented to many suitors, several hundred of them in fact, and you liked none of them. When you saw his son, a very handsome man closer to your age, you began to wonder why he didn’t want you to marry his grandson instead. He selfishly claimed you for his spouse. Why did you think that this one was any different?
Eh, whatever. What’s done is done, you supposed.
You couldn’t back out now, not while there were so many people here for the feast. Even your good friend Bachira was next to you, gleefully telling you about some cockamamie tale of how he’d pulled his latest prank on poor Isagi. You could feel his eyes on you both…no doubt plotting how he was about to return the favor. You really couldn’t back out.
Or so you thought.
While Bachira was giggling away at the salty expression that was etched across Isagi’s face, you preoccupied yourself with looking around the room. Various foods, drinks, oh my goodness, that person’s hair looks terrible with that color of dress (and their shoes definitely didn’t match it either!), that pretty man with the red-pink hair-
How did you not notice him until now? He was stunning, you really wanted to smack yourself for overlooking him. You wanted to braid his hair for him, maybe pin back the fringe that kept falling in his face. His rose colored eyes seemed to glow when he perched near the fireplace. You swore that you could cut your finger on his jawline alone.
He made a noise of disapproval when you pinched his arm, pinching you back in retaliation with a small hiss.
“Ow! Why’d you do that?”
You pointed in the direction of the mystery man near the fireplace, who was now talking to your other friend Kunigami.
“Who’s that over there? Tell me.”
“I’m telling Isagi you’re bullying me again!”
You both glanced at Isagi, who was now talking to Gagamaru. He noticed you both looking at him and gave you the “I’m watching you” gesture to Bachira. You didn’t like the smile on his face…it was sweet and cute as it normally was, but you and Bachira knew that he had ulterior motives.
“Yeah, something tells me he won’t believe you this time. Might wanna start talking.”
Bachira pinched you again.
“Payback for pinching me a minute ago! Anyway, that princess looking guy by the fireplace is Chigiri Hyoma, and he’s your dear beloved old man’s right hand guy. People sometimes call him Diarmuid. Do you really wanna dip your toes into that pond?”
“First of all, don’t remind me…I shouldn’t have agreed to marry this old bat. Second of all, how’d you know?!”
“Uh, I’ve known you since we were kids? Don’t ask stupid questions!”
You stuck your tongue out at him and he responded in kind, but he tried to one-up you by crossing his eyes.
“You look so inappropriate right now, and I’m living for it.”
“I can make noises too if you want me to make this more interesting!”
“Not now! Wait until it’s dead silent!”
What you didn’t know was that you also captured Chigiri’s attention. He just did a better job of hiding it than you did. You were very beautiful, that he couldn’t deny at all. He’d only heard of you a few times in passing recently. He didn’t know what your name actually was, he just knew that you were sometimes referred to as Gráinne. Even he questioned the union between you and Fionn once he saw you. He was…quite a bit older than you. It was odd to him.
“I don’t get it either.”
Kunigami picked up on his behavior rather quickly. It was almost embarrassing…almost.
“He’s too old. Makes you wonder why he didn’t pass her off to his own son.”
Unable to deal with the looming reality that you would be married to a man who was about as old as any man related to you, you began to weigh your options. Your goal was to have everybody distracted enough that they wouldn’t notice you talking to Chigiri, but how? How would you do that?
You then remembered that you had a vast knowledge of plants, and you knew exactly which ones to use to create a powerful sedative. Bachira already had everyone distracted by his tale, one that you weren’t currently listening to, but it seemed interesting enough to keep everyone’s attention. You didn’t need to dismiss yourself this way, simply sneaking off to your room to search for the necessary herbs to create the sedative. You didn’t want them drowsy but awake, no. No, you didn’t want that.
You wanted them knocked the fuck out, and the key ingredient was the Scutellaria baicalensis: Baikal skullcap.
A little known fact about this pretty purple angiosperm of yours was that it contained high levels of melatonin, which only took about 20-50 minutes to kick in depending on the person. That was fine, you could wait, just as long as Chigiri didn’t ingest any himself. Not wanting to waste another second, you got to work on the extraction process. It didn’t take much time, surprisingly.
Now to spike all the drinks… you mentally apologized to Bachira, for he would also be affected by the potion.
Chigiri began to notice very quickly that everyone but him was beginning to feel drowsy. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but every person he’d spoken to cut the conversation short because they wanted to rest their eyes…yeah, they’re doing more than just resting their eyes.
He wasn’t feeling even remotely tired, and he noticed that you weren’t behaving the same way. In fact, you seemed to be getting closer to him…at least it seemed that way.
Well, until everyone was completely unconscious, and you were standing right in front of him.
“What happened? Why is everyone unconscious?”
Beautiful as it was, your smile chilled him to the core a bit.
“Nothing bad, I promise! They’ll wake up in a few hours from now…all I did was slip a little melatonin in the wine~!”
His blood ran cold at your sickly saccharine voice with your mischievous smile that made you scary, yet irresistibly adorable. Even Fionn was out cold, head resting against the mahogany table in a deep slumber, one that would probably leave an ache in his neck when he woke up. Chigiri was about to speak before your finger lightly pressed against his lips.
“Let’s cut to the chase here. I’m having immeasurable regrets about agreeing to marry him, and seeing your pretty face only helped me make up my mind. I don’t want to marry Fionn. It was a big mistake made by very, veeeery poor judgment on my end.”
You weren’t letting him speak yet. You wanted to get your piece out.
“I want to be with you, and I want you to run away with me-“
Chigiri choked on air after inhaling too deeply in shock. You patted his back to try and get him situated, but he immediately began speaking like he’d been accused of a crime.
“You want to what?!”
“You heard me. I want to be with you. And I think we should run away from here.”
“No, I heard you the first time! Loud and clear! I’m just…you what?”
“I really don’t see what’s difficult about this.”
He swore you were possessed. You’d been cursed, he swore!
“I- you’re about to marry Fionn.”
“Correct. And I don’t want to.”
“We just met! How can you want me when we don’t even know each other’s names? And to want to run away with, no less…”
You readily tell him what your name was. He briefly stops rambling.
“Hyoma Chigiri. I’m still not running away with you. Fionn would kill us both, and I’m loyal to him. I can’t do this.”
Ah, you didn’t want to do this, but you were left with no other option. A geis was in order, and that’s exactly what you cast upon him. He stood no chance.
“Take me away from here.”
And who was he to deny you your wish?
Rage bubbled within Fionn as he regained consciousness and you were missing. You, who he’d so graciously claimed for his wife, gone. At first, he thought that you’d been abducted.
Well, until he noticed that Diarmuid was missing too. Not wanting to believe the reality that you’d simply run away with his loyal companion, Fionn tried to believe that someone’s taken you and his companion went off in search of you.
But he couldn’t ignore the fallen engagement ring. That very ring that signifies his claim to you, the very one resting on the mahogany table like it was discarded trash. You weren’t with it, Chigiri wasn’t here. He connected the dots minutes ago, but he didn’t want to believe it.
He had no choice.
Rousing the partygoers from their slumber, Fionn put together a search group. He would find you both, come hell or high water, regardless of the cost!
“Find them, find them now! We are not coming back until we’ve found them!!!”
You and Chigiri have been through a lot together. During the time spent fleeing from Fionn’s wrath, you two have never stayed in one place for long. Hopping from cottages to trees, to the forest across the River Shannon, there was always somewhere new for you both. Even his foster father, Aengus Óg, helped to conceal you both when Fionn came to his home in search of you.
“I haven’t seen Hyoma in years, and I certainly wouldn’t have missed Gràinne. He couldn’t have gone far, just keep looking!”
Asking Bachira was a dead end for Fionn. He wouldn’t give up his best friend for anything, even if he’d just seen you both hiding in his garden. No, it didn’t matter to him that you’d basically drugged him too. He found this too entertaining (and he cared about you).
“Nah, Gràinne and Diarmuid? I haven’t seen them since the party. Good luck though!”
Although he was still under the geis you’ve cast upon him, he was still free to produce his own thoughts. He just couldn’t go against the geis. Chigiri began to feel genuine love for you. Despite the circumstances, you were fun to be around, and he loosened up considerably during his time with you.
But he still hasn’t touched you. Not anything beyond kissing, at least, for a whole year. You were losing it! But what you didn’t know was that he too was conflicted. Chigiri wanted to touch you, he really did, but there was always the possibility that you would be found, and Fionn wanted his wife. If he found out that you’d been touched by another man, you’d both be killed. You were just lucky enough to not have been found yet, that people were willing to help you evade Fionn and his search party.
But you were making it so damn difficult to keep his urges to himself, swimming in the lake like you were meant to live in it.
“This lake is more exciting than you sometimes.”
“Excuse me?”
That damned smirk of yours.
“You heard me.”
“Don’t challenge me.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, and that was it for him. He chased you around the lake, splashing at you in response while you laughed. You two playfully wrestled and splashed each other until he trapped you in his arms.
“Do you forfeit?”
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I fold!”
Hyoma Chigiri was beautiful with water dripping from his face and body. Staring into those rosy eyes of his, you knew it immediately. He loved you. He truly loved you.
“Gràinne.. I love you.”
‼️ Attenzione! This is where the smut begins! Scroll away if you don’t want to read this!‼️
You didn’t need to hear anything more. Once you’ve reached your destination, a quaint wee cottage in the woods where Aengus told you both to go, you two couldn’t keep your hands off each other. You pinned him down to the bed you shared many nights together, kissing from his lips to his neck. The noises that left his throat were like music to your ears, and you wanted to hear more from him. It didn’t take long to find that spot, the very one that connects his neck to his collarbone, the very one that made him tick. There it was, that sharp whine from his pretty lips.
“Aww, so pretty ~!”
Chigiri wanted to protest, but he couldn’t get the words out when you lightly tweaked his nipple. All he could get out now were soft and sweet little moans of pleasure that shot through his body from every touch you gave him. Neither of you were thinking about Fionn and his search party. That didn’t matter in this moment, all that mattered was this moment with just you two, together. You released a delighted gasp upon seeing the bulge in his pants, a wet spot forming where his tip would be. His cock sprung to life when you freed him from the restraints of the blue fabric, leaking and angry red at the tip.
“Poor thing, you’re so pent up!”
He released a shaky sigh when you began to very slowly jerk him off, your lips littering his neck with kisses and little nips. You didn’t like how quiet he was being. You wanted to hear him let go, so you slowly took him into your mouth, sucking him like he was your favorite sweet. He’d been so tense during the beginning of your journey, and you were about to make him lose control of himself.
And lose it, he did. There was no such thing as silence now, silence was no longer holy to Chigiri. You would let him touch you this time, you’d let him hold onto your head for stability. He needed it now with what you had planned for him. His cock twitched repeatedly in your mouth and you knew that this was a good time to stop.
“W-what? Why’d you stop? I was so close…”
He couldn’t bring himself to say anything else when you slid down onto his dripping cock, pinning his wrists to the bed. You felt too good and he was worried that you’d leave him high and dry if he talked back. Wanting him to lose his composure even more, you begin to ride him at a painfully slow pace.
“You’re my prettiest boy, Hyoma.”
Soft whines emit from his lips as he gently gropes and fondles your chest. Chigiri wants you, he wants all of you now. He needs you. The love he’d formed for you bloomed tenfold in his internal garden. He didn’t want anyone else. Your warmth, your kindness, how headstrong you are when you want to be. He loves all of you. Being inside of you, after a year of wanting you, was akin to ecstasy in his eyes.
You sped up your movements after seeing his composure beginning to crack. Good, it didn’t take too long. You wanted to corrupt him more. Pretty moans echoed throughout the room as you bounced on his throbbing cock, he was getting close again. You two only had one night in this cottage before you had to settle elsewhere, so you intended to make the most of it. He pulled you down to his level, kissing you desperately and deeply as he tried to match your pace. The love that blossomed between you exploded with every stroke, every caress.
Tears sprung to his rosy eyes as he gripped onto your hips. Chigiri was so needy, and you were more than happy to offer him the pleasure he sought from you. You picked up your speed until he bit into your neck with a loud moan. He held your hips in place and emptied his seed deep into your entrance, penetrating your very womb. That was enough for your release to make itself known.
“I love you too, by the way.”
But little did you two realize, Fionn was closing in, and Lord above help you when he eventually found you.
“Maybe a boar hunt will help take your mind off of them for awhile, sir?”
“Perhaps. We set off in the morning.”
You were confused by Chigiri’s odd behavior. He seemed to be listening in on your surroundings more than usual, and it was worrying you.
“Beloved? What’s wrong?”
“I have the feeling that something might happen.”
“Good or bad?”
“Very bad.”
Neither of you wanted to think about it. You continued on the path to another village, one that was obscured by a great many trees and shrubs. However, Chigiri paused as soon as he heard a rustling near the trees. The clamoring of men alerted you both of Fionn’s presence, he and his men…but you were pretty sure that men also didn’t snort.
A gargantuan, wild boar burst from the bush and charged straight towards you both. Chigiri, not thinking twice, lifted you into his arms and broke into a full sprint to get you to safety. You both could see Fionn and his men pursuing the boar when he spotted you both. You swore his eyes burned red with a lust for your blood, no longer focusing on the boar that was chasing you and Chigiri.
He pointed his sword towards you both, fully prepared to kill you both along with the boar.
“After them! All of them! And don’t lose the boar!”
Fionn and his men gave chase to three targets now. Chigiri’s bad feeling was right all along. How could you not question it more?! He broke from the path and practically tossed you into a nearby bush…with a geis of his own.
“You can’t leave this bush until I’ve killed the boar!”
He didn’t respond to your protests as he charged the boar with his sword drawn, the two tearing into each other like one would tear multiple stacks of paper. You weren’t sure whose blood was flowing the most, you just knew that this would not end well. You tried desperately to break the geis, but it was no use. You were forced to watch as Chigiri and the boar slaughtered each other. The boar ravenously gored your lover with what was left of its life force, but you knew he wouldn’t die without taking it with him. With a quick slash of his blade, the boar’s head was lopped off. The geis was broken.
But so was your heart.
You rushed to Chigiri’s side as blood poured from his marred body, trying your best to stop the bleeding, but it wasn’t enough. He was losing too much blood, and Fionn and his men were rapidly approaching. You caught a glimpse of the horrified Bachira, who looked like he was about to be sick from the sight of Chigiri dying in your arms, blood staining your clothes and body. He gave you a bitter smile, tears mixing with the blood on his face, hand caressing your cheek weakly. You didn’t care much about the blood that would surely stain your face…you wanted your beloved to survive.
“Hey…you know I love you, right?”
“Stop! Don’t talk like that…don’t talk to me like you’re about to leave me!”
The men paused their pursuit. Fionn’s expression was unreadable for the most part, but you could see some degree of sadness in his withered eyes, no longer burning with unbridled rage for you both. He looked like he was breaking. Of course, Chigiri still meant something to him despite everything that happened.
The pleas spilled from your lips like wine from a shattered glass, pleading with him to save your beloved, pleading with him for forgiveness. Not for yourself, but for Chigiri. You knew he had the power to save him by letting him drink from his hands. Empathy filled his eyes, you could see it as he made his way towards the well, gathering water in his palms.
But his hands shook too much, the water spilled. He reached for another handful, but it spilled again. Fionn’s grandson, whose name you didn’t know, slapped his back and gripped his shoulders urgently.
“Get a grip. Breathe!”
Complying with his grandson’s urgency, Fionn was able to successfully carry a handful of water to you and Chigiri. He poured the water into his parted lips…but nothing happened. The worst has come.
“Hyoma…? Hey, wake up! Wake up!”
A heart wrenching, ear splitting wail emitted from your lips as the realization and grief set in that your lover didn’t make it. You couldn’t register Bachira hugging you tightly, trying his best to calm you down enough, but it wasn’t happening. You lost one Hyoma Chigiri, your Diarmuid, and you knew that you would never love again.
A/N: I want y’all to suffer with me (I say this lovingly, of course)
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maxiemclaren · 28 days
Hii!! I wanted to request a Max verstappen fic. Its readers first time in the paddock after they public their relationship. So max just being very gentle with her like entering while holding her hand or guiding her with a hand on the small of her back. Him being a protective partner and during the media session he answer questions about her very gentley and smilingly...
Its okay if your busy but do consider it.
Its okay if
The Lover Boy
Pairing - Max x fem!reader
Warnings - mentions of anxiety, but mainly sweet Max fluff
Summary - Max and y/n decide to show up to the paddock after announcing their relationship, y/n is nervous but Max is there to wash away her worries.
a/n - I LOVE HIM, yes I google translated words because all I really know in Dutch is “kinderen eten rijst” which literally means children eat rice LMAO. Also sorry this took so long I literally had no motivation and went MIA.
“Schat, are you almost ready?” He yelled from the living room. “Yes, Max just a moment!” you say from the bathroom, where you were trying to hype yourself up for going to the paddock with your boyfriend. Just earlier this week you made your relationship public.
Earlier that week
“Max, I’m ready to make our relationship public” You say leaning against your boyfriend during your movie night, it was after many months of thought and deliberation you were tired of hiding. There is nothing wrong with having your relationship known but keeping it to yourselves, and that was frankly what you both wanted. “Are you 100% sure schat? Because we can still keep it on the down low if you want, don't feel pressured because of m-” You cut him off with a deep kiss, solidifying your decision. “I’m very sure Max”
Now here you are leaning against the counter whilst looking in the mirror and taking deep breaths reminding yourself that everything is going to be fine. “Everything will be fine, Max is there if anything goes wrong” you convince yourself “That’s right, I’ll be there the whole time” Max says as he appears from the bathroom door, grabbing your hand as he looks to you with love and adoration “If you feel uncomfortable or just want to leave just squeeze my hand, okay?” You nod your head in understanding, as you both head out to the paddock.
Hand in hand with smiles on both of your faces, you start to get swarmed with fans and cameras from Redbull and other sources. Stopping occasionally to take photos with fans you never stopped smiling, you loved to see how he interacted with his fans, especially the little kids. What took you by surprise was when one of the fans asked for a picture with the both of you, looking to Max with uncertainty he offered his hand to you allowing you to feel more comfortable. 
Nevertheless, Max had to go get ready for meetings and the media, so he navigated you through the swarm of people to his driver room, not letting go of your hand the whole time. Wanting to truly make sure he didn’t lose you amongst the chaos that can be the paddock, hospitality, and the garage. 
Here you were sitting in his driver room, just waiting away when you look at your phone it is blowing up with notifications from fans. Max’s fans. You open your phone carefully to see something that you did not expect. Positive tags, many fans gushing over the fact that Max was talking about you in an interview, smile plastered on his face and slight flush.
“So Max, you and y/n have made your relationship public recently, how are you both taking it?” one of the reporters asked. “Yeah, well y/n and I felt it was time to announce our relationship, She is lovely and has been so patient with all the traveling and racing. I won’t comment on her personal experience because that is her privacy but I can say that, I am extremely happy to bring the love of my life around with me and have the fans love her as much as I do.”  Max says. 
Watching the rest of the interview, you sit there all giddy and feeling the anxiety washing away from you after hearing all the praise and joy Max is expressing about his love for you. Having the courage to find that beautiful Dutch man, you leave the driver's room and find him talking with Lando. Not wanting to interrupt you stand there waiting, but Lando takes notice of you and nods to Max to let him know that someone would like his attention. Max turns around confused and then realizes you were there and a large smile breaks on his face. “I watched your interview lover boy” you tease. A blush creeps up his ears, “Yeah, so you heard everything I said about you?” He says while grabbing your hands. “I sure did.” you say leaning to kiss him. “Schat, thank you for coming with me even though you were hesitant. Now lets head back to the hotel and relax” he says with full sincerity.
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leclercdream · 10 months
tell me who i am pt.4 (final part)
pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader
our favorite couple has some news
author's note: just a little closure. this took SO LONG im so sorry i just couldnt find it in myself to do the whole social media thingy! but here we are, the last part of this smau!! hope you like it
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 ending
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liked by danielricciardo, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 34,435 others
yourusername: for your eyes only
tagged: danielricciardo
comments in this post have been limited
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liked by landonorris, yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 349,231 others
danielricciardo: Greece slam dump ⛱️
tagged: yourusername
view all 236 comments
user1: how is he doing this trip in the middle of a tripple header? its insane ↳ user4: i know right? my bet is on a proposal or sth
user2: mom and dad
landonorris: 👀👀👀 ↳ user2: what do you know? ↳ landonorris: NOTHING ↳ user3: LANDO ?????
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liked by danielricciardo, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 56,398 others
yourusername: can we always be this close?
tagged: danielricciardo
view all 104 comments
danielricciardo: Can't wait to spend forever with you
charles_leclerc: congratulations guys!
lilymhe: AHH i'm so happy for you!! ❤️
alexandrasaintmleux: my favorite couple!! congrats ❤️
landonorris: parents!!! did he manage to surprise you? planning was exhausting
↳ yourusername: he did, i actually wasn't expecting it at all haha thanks for helping lan! you are my favorite child
comments in this post have been limited
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liked by landonorris, yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 465,293 others
danielricciardo: Forever and ever. She said yes!
tagged: yourusername
view all 1,394 comments
yourusername: loml i cant wait to marry you
maxverstappen1: Told you she would say yes! Congrats guys
landonorris: ready to be the best man
oscarpiastri: Congrats! Making the aussie fam bigger
lewishamilton: Congratulations man! Already excited for the wedding
alphataurif1: Saving a forever seat at the garage! Congrats 🥰
user2: this cant be real. HER?
user3: congratulations!! this makes my heart full
user4: you better say sorry to this girl for all she went through
taglist: @urmotheris @minkyungseokie @dhhdhsiavdhaj @dl-yum @1655clean @skepvids @forevercaffeinated-lee @laneyspaulding19 @dark-night-sky-99 @bibissparkless @crlsummer
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raz-writes-the-thing · 10 months
The Whole Time (Doctor Who Drabble)
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader / requests are open
Summary: The Doctor finds your love letters
DW: @nyxiethesimp @quickslvxrr @midnight--raine @blueberry-sunshines @stevekempscocktails @go-bonkers-go-foolish @peytonpenguin37 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
“Uh, where did you get those?” The horror was palpable in your voice. You’re pretty sure you’re burning up hotter than the sun. The TARDIS was probably seconds away from turning on the fire sprinklers- if she had any. 
Actually, that might be worth looking into. 
“I, well, you see-” The Doctor stumbled for words, scattering the papers in an attempt to hide them from you and by extension- his guilt. “I went into the library to find a book on Slitheen mating cycles and saw them on the table.” 
You swallowed thickly. Surely you hadn’t left them out. Surely not. You peer at the parchment being held behind his back, the corner of the yellowed paper sticking out past his hip. 
“Right…” You replied, avoiding eye contact. 
“And- I wasn’t going to read them once I realised what they were,” he tried to reassure you, though it didn’t do much good considering he had them all swept across the desk and the floor right there in front of you. 
“You weren’t supposed to see those,” you said softly, embarrassed.
“I know,” the Doctor replied, and you had to chew down hard on your lip to keep the tears at bay. How long before he felt too awkward to keep you around, knowing just how you felt about him? 
You seriously could not believe that you left those stupid love letters out. 
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, leaning towards you to try and get you to look at him. You didn’t give in. “I really am.” 
“Fat lot of good an apology does me,” you replied back swiftly, ice in your tone. The Doctor stepped back, surprised at your outburst. You weren’t usually one to let your emotions out. 
“Well,” he said, taking the letter from behind his back and putting it down on the table. “What if I told you… that I felt the same?” 
He continued to speak, but you didn’t hear a word of it. Your brain was trapped on that question. Repeating over and over like a broken record. Felt the same? The Doctor felt the same way? Surely not. 
“Are- you’re not taking the piss, are you?” You asked, growing warier by the second. The Doctor laughed at your very human turn of phrase. 
“No,” he confirmed. “I’m not ‘taking the piss.’ I promise.” 
You shuffled the letters into a pile and shot a glance towards the fireplace in the corner. Seemed a bit odd, having a fireplace in a library, but you supposed the TARDIS knew what she was doing. 
“I had no idea,” you said honestly, turning to really look at him now. 
“That was the idea,” he replied, rocking on the balls of his feet. “Can I kiss you?” 
There was no hesitation from you as you nodded enthusiastically. The Doctor was on you in a moment, surging forth to press his lips to yours with such passion that it took your breath away. How long had he felt this way? How long had you both? 
When he finally parted from you, he grinned breathlessly, cheeks flushed. 
“So you’re telling me,” you said, struggling not to giggle your way through the question. “We could have been doing this the whole time?” 
“Pretty much, yeah.”
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whatwouldsylwrite · 1 year
Nipple Piercing Tragedy
You get a nipple piercing and Abby gets excited. And then upset (in a totally cute way).
Minors don't interact!!!! This is an adult work meant for adults, I'm really uncomfortable with anyone younger than 18 reading this, so please move on.
Tags: modern au, fem!reader, smut. Abby is a tits girl here. Fingering (r! receiving), thigh riding (Abby! receiving), non-sexual tits obsession I guess?
I've had an idea a few days ago about reader getting a nipple piercing and how hot Abby'd find it but then I remembered how fucking long it takes to heal and I got a completely different silly idea. And then this idea derailed into me writing smut.
Also, I never would have thought in my english non-native life I'd be googling the difference between tits and boobs, but here I am. (still don't know if there is a difference though)
"I want to get a nipple piercing." You said to Abby and her head perked up from your chest.
"That's hot. And painful." Abby put her hand on one of your boobs, squeezing just slightly.
"I don't mind pain." You shrugged, not even fazed by Abby's hand: she really did treat your boobs like stress balls.
So you got your piercing - it hurt, but not as much as you expected, but as your piercer went through the care guide, you got a little nervous. You knew before it would take a long time to heal, but as you listened to your piercer your mind went "oh-oh", because Abby would definitely get upset.
So you went home, did all necessary cleaning procedures, put the bra on and waited for Abby. She was very excited when she got home, asking you to show her and tell her everything and you decided not to spoil her fun immediately.
"God you look hot." Abby couldn't move her eyes away from your nipples. "How long is the recovery?"
"The full recovery takes about a year." You said and Abby's face dropped. "But you're not allowed to touch them for a month. And I have to sleep in my bra."
God Abby looked like a kicked puppy, sad and pleading, and you felt sorry for her, so you kissed her forehead as she hugged you.
"So no titty time?" She asked, absolutely devastated.
"No titty time." You sighed sympathetically.
"Fuck if I knew I would have spent the whole night saying goodbye."
"You're silly." You laughed as you started to put your clothes on under the saddest puppy eyes ever. Abby was downright pouting and you felt helpless but in a "my child is upset that there's no sun during the night" way.
"You took away my titty time." Abby said as she crossed her arms on her chest, truly offended.
"Maybe it's my turn for titty time, hm?" You said, eyeing her chest.
"It's not the same." Abby pouted more as she watched you move closer to her.
You sat in her lap and kissed her face with small pecks until she smiled.
"Feel better?" You asked as her hands snaked around your waist, pressing you closer. "Ouch." You yelped in pain as your chests collided.
"Fuck, sorry." Abby said and loosened her grip on you before she kissed you.
The next week was hard. You didn't even notice how often Abby was touching your boobs until you had to remind that she couldn't.
You went to sleep? Abby's hands were on your boobs.
"What the fuck? Bra?"
"Yeah, I have to sleep in it. And move your hand back on my waist." Abby sighed and moved her hand as you told her.
You watching a movie? Abby'd find her way to your chest on instinct and stop only when you'd catch her hand.
"You can hurt me, remember?" You murmured and Abby nodded, obediently moving her hand back to your tummy.
Well, at least during movie times she substituted for your tummy, kneading your flesh just as she'd knead your boobs before the whole Nipple Piercing Tragedy ™.
During sex? That was the time Abby suffered most because you were in a fucking bra, she couldn't even look at them! She'd kiss your stomach and your ribs because she couldn't get the real thing and then take her frustrations between your legs until you were a shaking mess. Not that you complained, but it did feel like a revenge campaign, the vigour and effort she put into making you cum.
Sometimes people would ask Abby why she was so quiet and she'd reply that she was waiting for her wives to return from war, and you'd laugh, slightly embarrassed. And then fully embarrassed when Abby'd clarify "(y/n) got her nipples pierced" with the saddest look. Usually it'd make people laugh while you'd cover your face with a hand in embarrassment.
The thing was: you've missed Abby's hands on your boobs too. You've gotten so used to her hugging you with one hand on your chest, or her head constantly on your chest. Abby would even sit just so she could be the optimal height for putting her head on your boobs, burying her face in them.
So after two weeks you gave up. The swelling stopped and it wasn't as painful anymore, so you decided you could do some good for both of you. You checked your piercing, satisfied with how it was healing - no more dried blood for a few days now - and went to the living room where Abby was playing the video game.
"Yeah?" Abby asked without looking at you.
"Go wash your hands. Properly." You ordered.
Abby paused the game and looked at you, puzzled.
"With soap." You added. Abby was still confused, but she listened and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.
While she was washing her hands, you took off your shirt and a bra, sitting on the couch half naked. Abby came back from the bathroom and stopped in her tracks as she saw you without clothes.
"You can touch them. But very carefully, okay?"
Abby's eyes lit up and she bolted to you, crossing the distance almost running. She sat opposite of you, her hands already on your thighs, slowly crawling up.
"Was I a good girl, Santa?" Abby asked with a smirk when she carefully cupped your tits, not touching your nipples.
"Fuck you, Anderson." You laughed and closed your eyes, enjoying Abby's gentle touch as she massaged your boobs. You didn't plan on it being any prelude to sex, but fuck Abby's hands felt good. "I've missed it so much."
"Me too." Abby chuckled. "Can I kiss?"
"Yeah." You sighed, watching in anticipation as Abby leaned down, but then- "Wait. Your hair."
"Ah shit." Abby sat up and made a bun before laying you down on the couch. "I feel fucking blessed." She said as she was staring down at your chest, her fingers just slightly digging into your boobs.
You inhaled sharply and Abby looked at you, waiting for you to tell her if she hurt you.
"Feels good." You whispered, heat pooling in your underwear.
Abby looked at you with wide eyes and then she kissed you, hard and dirty, immediately opening your mouth with her tongue. She was desperate, hungry, starving for reactions she could get out of you just by touching your boobs.
You put your hands against her, not letting Abby's shirt touch your nipples, keeping the distance - you already experienced things tugging on your jewelry and let it be known how fucking painful it was, so you weren't taking chances with it.
Abby pulled away and moved down, getting comfortable between your thighs as she mouthed on your tits, avoiding your piercing. She missed it so much, being able to make you feel good like that, being able to touch you like that, listening to your heavy breathing and watching your face relaxed in pleasure as she kissed and sucked and touched the softest part of your body, her favourite part. Yeah, Abby liked when you were loud and trembling under her, but like this? Cosy, quiet and relaxed? Shit, this was precious, this was a testament to your love for each other.
"Abby." You inhaled when one of her hands moved down, just at the waistband of your pants. Abby looked up at you.
"Yeah? What is it, (y/n)?" She pushed her hand into your pants, her fingers immediately finding your clit. She watched your lashes flutter as you closed your eyes and she couldn't help but smirk: it was so easy to make you feel good.
"Fuck." You sighed and swallowed loudly. Abby smiled and put her mouth back on your tits as she slowly circled your clit, gentle and not rushing anywhere.
You put your hand on her head, caressing her hair, a little sorry her hair was tied and you weren't able to weave your fingers in her locks. Abby was taking her sweet time with you, her kisses long and just shy out of hickeys as she sucked on your skin so gently, her fingers keeping a steady pace on your clit, slowly but surely building up your orgasm.
And then Abby moved her fingers down and slowly pushed two inside you, enjoying the stretch and the heat, but most importantly how you bit your lip and furrowed in pleasure - you looked so pretty like this, trusting and soft. And this long high sound you made when she pushed inside you - that sound was rewiring Abby's brain every time. Abby moved up again to kiss you while she thrusted her fingers into you, your trembling hands on her chest.
"You look beautiful." Abby whispered and kissed your neck, leaving a hickey on your collarbones. She kissed you again and you moaned quietly into her mouth as her fingers curled just right inside you.
You stroked her waist and put your hand under her shirt, touching all of this gorgeous skin and soft muscles until you got to her boobs so you could cup them carefully. Abby sighed and her fingers lost their pace for a second, and she looked at you, wide-eyed.
You put your other hand on her hip, trying to move her, but Abby Anderson was fucking immovable at all times, which was hot and infuriating at the same time.
"Put your thigh between mine." You panted as you took her shirt off, enjoying the view. "You're fucking gorgeous." You whispered shakily.
Abby chuckled and put her thigh between yours just as you said, but even the changing in position didn't break her pace, her fingers moving in and out of you. It felt so good and you almost forgot what you wanted to do, lost in your pleasure - but you remembered and lifted you thigh up. Abby suddenly stopped as she felt your thigh pressing between her legs, and her breathing became quick and heavy.
Abby rocked on your thigh and pushed her fingers deep inside you at the same time, making you moan. You liked when she did that: pacing her fingers with her grinding, like it was her thrusting into you, not her fingers. Abby fondled your tit with her free hand, as she watched you with dark, lustful eyes, her mouth slightly open in adoration.
You watched her in return, because she was fucking divine like that, so concentrated on making you feel good, serious despite the pink blush on her face, her hips moving as if her own pleasure was an afterthought.
And then Abby moved her thumb to circle your clit, her fingers speeding up as well as her hips, and you were gone. You whimpered in surprise and arched your back, your orgasm suddenly so close and so intense. Abby smirked and sped up more, her fingers no longer as gentle as before, and you stopped breathing, digging your fingers in her hips, looking at Abby with big glossy eyes as your orgasm hit you like a violent sea wave, destroying you completely. You moaned loudly and shuddered, your thighs trembling, and Abby smiled at you, watching you with hungry eyes. Watching you cum was like watching the sunset - breathtaking every time. She didn't stop moving, letting you ride the aftershocks as your walls pulsated around her fingers.
“Holy shit.” You whispered in a shaky voice, your whole body shuddering. “Holy fuck, Abby.” You swallowed and took a few breaths, while Abby slowly pulled her fingers back, chuckling when your hips twitched and you yelped, sensitive.
You looked up at Abby and felt the second wave of lust hit you: she looked fucked out already and it awoke some hungry monster in you.
“You need to move, baby, come on.” You used your hands to push on Abby's hips and move her, breaking the spell she was under. You needed her to cum.
Abby moaned and continued riding your thigh as you watched her, touching her stomach and her tits, rolling her nipples between your fingers gently. Abby was pretty like this, chasing her own pleasure, her eyes closed and her head thrown back, her bun ruined and her blonde hair pooling between her neck and the shoulder. Like a fucking painting, you thought. Abby moved her hands to your waist to get more leverage, pressing you down into the couch as she pushed on your thigh with more force. Her movements became erratic, so you helped her keep the pace, moving her hips back and forth until Abby froze and groaned helplessly, her hands squeezing your waist painfully as she twitched through her orgasm. You watched her, trying to sear her pretty face in your memory. 
Abby panted as her orgasm ebbed away and you smiled at her. She lied down on top of you, her head on your stomach, as both of you tried to even out your breathing.
“So is my titty time back?”
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sorialice · 1 year
Onceler x Reader Fluff
Neutral Pronouns!!
for @arson-n-barf (for some reason your name won’t come up when i try to tag you 😿)
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It finally happened. Your boyfriend, the Onceler, had gotten to the lowest point in his business. His machines had cut down the last truffula tree. His family, seeing how this would bring his business to an end, up and left the second they noticed. It had been about a month since it happened, and Onceler was hidden away in his little factory home, wallowing in his misery as he finally realized what he’d done to the truffula forest. You’d tried to contact him a few times now, but each time you’d open the door a wooden mallet would quickly shoo you away. This time, you wouldn’t accept that. You knew you needed to talk to him, and he needed to talk to you.
Taking a walk from the Onceler’s wagon to his little house was always a bit depressing. What used to be lush landscape full of pink, orange, and yellow shades, was now a desolate wasteland of stumps and smog. It was a long trip by foot, but you didn’t have the resources to get there any faster at the moment. Approaching his home, you knew better than to knock on the door this time. A faint light was shining through a boarded up window, the only light you’d seen in what felt like hours.
That must be where he is…
No response. You didn’t expect it to be so easy, but you weren’t going to give up.
“Onceler. I’m not leaving until you let me talk to you! Please just say something. Anything at all?”
“Go away. I don’t know who you are and I don’t care.”
That’s harsh! How does he not know? Can he not recognize my voice?
It then occurred to you that with all the smog you had to breathe in on the way, your voice had become a bit raspier and lower. Not to a disturbing point, but apparently just enough to mask your identity. Just then, peering up at the window, you noticed a small bucket up by his window.
That’s right! Before everything went downhill, he had a bucket where he’d accept gifts from any of his fans while he was away or was too tired to come out of his house!
“Mr. Onceler, I have a gift for you.”
There was a pause, and then a longer pause. Suddenly, the sounds of clattering metal began to approach. As soon as the bucket was close enough, you hopped in - as best you could anyway.
“Okay I’m leaving now!”
The Onceler waited for what seemed like an eternity before quickly pulling the bucket up to his window. He peeked through the holes of his boarded up window and that’s when he saw…
His voice was trembling, and his eyes appeared shiny and reddish.
“Onceler, let me talk to you. Let me help you! You can get through this. It isn’t too-”
“You shouldn’t be here Y/N. The air is too polluted. Go into town, it’s farther. It’ll be safer for you.”
The bucket started to lower, so as fast as you could you swung it forward, grabbing onto the boards. You were now dangling off of them, as the bucket was on the ground.
The Onceler punched through the wood and pulled you inside. He fell backwards, and you collapsed on top of him. You could now see the state of his room. It was nearly empty, except for a bed, a drawer, and lots of tissues and empty marshmallow bags all around. Onceler hugged you tight, sniffling and crying.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to push you away! I was just so lost in my own head. Will you forgive me, Y/N?”
“Of course, Oncie! I was never upset with you, I was just so worried. I wanted to tell you that it isn’t all as bad as it seems. You still have all the money you had before. You still have all this land to remake what’s been destroyed. You still have me! Unless we do something now, this will all be lost to time.”
The Onceler looked at you, and then to the window.
“Unless we… Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to change… That’s it! Y/N, you’re a genius!”
“I am?”
Onceler took your arm and pulled you up off the ground. He walked over to the little drawer and opened it, reaching in to find a little brown seed.
“Oncie… is that?”
“Yes. The last truffula seed. I think you should be the one to plant it.”
“I think we should plant it together. And I have the perfect spot. Come on!”
You led the Onceler back to his wagon you’d been staying in. Everything outside was dark and gray, but the wagon was still a place full of warm light.
“If we plant it here, Oncie, we could bring the forest back. One truffula seed at a time! Does that sound good?”
The Onceler nodded, and you got to work. Using a little shovel you found inside, you dug a hole in the ground. Onceler looked hesitant, so you took his hands in your own and planted the seed into the ground together. You enveloped the little truffula in soil, and stood back to admire your progress.
“Now it just needs…”
“I’ve got it!”
The Onceler ran inside and came back out with a little metal watering can. He watered the seed, and reached out to hold your hand.
“What if it doesn’t grow?”
“I’m sure it will. I’ve heard that truffula trees grow much faster than any other kind. We can check in tomorrow?”
Onceler nodded, and placed his head on top of yours. You felt him shaking a little. With that, you led him inside and sat down on the bed.
“Do you want anything to eat?”
“Oh, Y/N, you’ve been troubled with me enough already. I think what I’d like the most would be for you to just relax.”
You smiled, and headed over to the couch to lay down. You assumed the Onceler needed space, since he’d locked himself away for a month now. About a half hour passed, and neither of you were asleep yet.
“Y/N… I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.”
You picked up a bag of marshmallows you’d been munching on, and offered him one in his bed. You fed him some more, and eventually the two of you cuddled to sleep. With that, the night was over. The next day, the truffula seed had grown to a little fluffy pink sprout. Eventually, the two of you managed to replant almost the entire valley together. The Lorax didn’t show up immediately, but in time he came back to help out, bringing back all the wildlife that had travelled away long ago.
and that’s it! hope it’s good and fluffy enough, I got a little carried away in the beginning there 😿
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pleaktale · 2 months
aahh hello! i hope you're well ^^
ive been having a bit of a rough time personally, if you're comfortable with it could you write ekko (or hobie honestly i love them both) just. comforting a reader having issues with self worth/abandonment problems?
if not that's totally okay :0
I love this request so much AHHH!! Thank you anon, I hope this can bring some comfort to you, made it real sweet just in case <3 (chose Ekko because I was so excited to write something about him!!) Word count: 1.1k Warnings: Reader has low self steem, fear of abandonment, questionings Tags: Ekko x best friend!gn!Reader, hurt/comfort, Ekko being the best leader ever, fluff, tw self worth issues, tw death talks?, mention of Y/N once, Reader is described as shorter than Ekko, Reader and Ekko are adults in the Firelights Enjoy ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
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Cleaning at the Firelights base was usually your thing, let it be dusting off the shelves of the small library, or organizing once again the plants around the area with the kids, you never really went out for the battles. You couldn’t for a couple of reasons, the number one being Ekko’s protective self scared of anything happening to you.
So you accepted your obligations at the place you now call home. It wasn’t bad, you always chatted with others, helped out with the food, took care of the children when needed, it was pretty much a peaceful life despite the moments you had to help out mending your people from the battles.
But something still gnawed at your soul. A feeling you tried to keep to yourself because it wasn’t really worth discussing it with others, they had bigger problems, right?
That may be true in a certain point of view, but Ekko could see right through you. Being friends for so long can give you that kind of power over the other. So his eyes kept glancing at you while you dusted off the new books he brought from the last patrol, noticing the tension on your shoulders.
“You’re not talkin’ today,” Ekko pointed out, taking a subtle glance at you before turning the page of the book he took to flip out. His voice echoing in the quiet place did have you opening your eyes a little more, pulling you out the train of thoughts you were currently drowning into.
“I thought you were reading,” you reply back, placing the book back on the shelf and turning to face him, his expression of “spill it” making your shoulders slump. “What now? Can’t have a quieter day any more?”
Ekko chuckles, watching you go back to your task, “Not when I’m here.” His boots clank into the hardwood floor as he walks towards you, taking the book from your hands and placing it at the higher shelf which you rolled your eyes at.
“You can’t keep doing this just because I’m the only other adult you’re taller than,” you huff out, which he smirks at before glancing back down at you, hands by his sides but gingerly making their way to yours. “Yes, I can. Now come on, I know the quiet you.”
You sigh, looking down at the book in your hands, a copy of a fairy tale. “It’s just…” your eyes try to avoid his, but a single glance and your courage is out of your lungs. “Sorry, I– I shouldn’t bother you with dumb things.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Ekko called out, pulling you back by the arm gently as you tried to sneak away from him, his caring eyes over you, “who said anything 'bout it being dumb? I asked you, not the other way around.”
You stare at him, big eyes trying to make sense of what he’s saying. Yes, it did make sense, but how can you change your mind in such a short time after thinking like this your whole life?
“Am I enough here, Ekko?” you ask quietly, eyes fluttering down, away from him. The question fell out of your lips like a fishbone being ripped out from your throat, but his warm hands in your arms brought you back to reality.
“You are more than enough, Y/N,” his fingers slid down until they reached your hand, intertwining with your fingers. “Why do you ask that?” he breathed out the question, not really understanding where did you come from with it, you were one of his foundations, being by his side since childhood. Even after everything that happened to your lives.
“It’s just that-” you stop yourself, gathering your thoughts before you become a rambling mess of unresolved feelings. You breathe in, and let it out, just like Ekko taught you before. “I’m just here, you know? Dusting off shelves, tending crops, looking out for the kids and so on… You do so much out there, risking your life, providing for us, what if one day you just-” you take your breath once again, fingers tightening around his. “What I do… Is this really enough?”
Ekko stares at you with wide eyes. How could you not see all that you do like he does?
“You could be at your house, reading books and baking cakes,” he starts, eyes softening as he gives a squeeze back to your hand, “it’d still be more than enough, alright?” You look back up at him, eyes glossy with the tears prickling the corner of your eyes, Ekko was quick to wipe them with his thumb. The act pulls out a small smile from you.
“And there’s not gonna be ‘one day that I just-’, understand?” he continues, your heart clenching inside your ribcage at the mere thought of it happening. Ekko pulls you in, hugging your form, a hand gliding through your hair. “Either it be me leaving, me dying, me turning into a purple rat,” you laugh into his chest at the thought of him as a rat, which he smiled proudly of his accomplishment.
“You’re enough,” he says and you hold in your tears, hugging him tighter, “and I’m not going anywhere.”
You take a shaky breath in, untangling yourself from his arms just enough to see his face, his hands already on the works to get the tear stains out of your face. His mocking pout makes you chortle, “Thank you,” you say it in a small voice, leaning into his palm.
Ekko gives you a quick kiss to the forehead, looking back at you. “I’m just bringin’ you back to reality, what you do here is fundamental for all of us. If you don’t tend the crops, if you don’t look out for the kids, me and the others wouldn’t be able to be patrolling while worrying about those things. You are fundamental.”
More tears stream down your face, but they’re quite happy now, his words bringing comfort to your worrying heart. “If you keep this up I’ll cry until night time and no one’s gonna get dinner,” you joke, a cracking chuckle leaving your lips which Ekko found endearing.
“Okay, enough of emotional words, I want your food,” he jokes back, wiping the remnants of your tears from your face. “But you understand, yeah? We’re on the same page here,” Ekko asks, leaning his forehead to yours and staring at your eyes with raised eyebrows, making you laugh at the view.
“I do.” Ekko makes a small commemoration with one hand, whispering ‘yessss’ to himself. You lean back laughing, thankful for having him in your life.
Maybe Ekko was right. There’s no such thing as not being enough. You are enough for something or someone, maybe even fundamental, you just can’t know sometimes. So you shove Ekko’s words into the depths of your mind, making roots out of it. Taking his hand in yours, you both head to the farm to grab things for dinner.
Maybe that’s enough of a life, too.
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your honor I love him (•ᴖ•。) hope you liked it, until next time <3
© pleaktale
divider credits goes to @/cafekitsune
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vigsilantes · 4 months
coffee and hair dye (adrian chase x gn reader)
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Pairing: Adrian Chase / Vigilante x GN Reader Summary: You’re dying your hair to match your suit color and Adrian wants you dye a bit of his hair to match yours. Word Count: 3.1k Tags: established relationship, reader-insert, gender-neutral pronouns, post-canon, idiots in love, mild smut, domestic fluff, comfort, fluff and smut A/N: this was inspired by Nadja and Laszlo and their matching hair from what we do in the shadows if you know what i’m referencing ily
~masterlist~ | >>>(read on ao3)<<<
Last night’s supposed "small" mission turned into a rather difficult and tiring one. Nothing went wrong, but the targets were far more skilled than research proved, and they kicked your asses. Then you guys kicked their asses. Though it was a rather fast fight, and you won, you all were roughed up and totally depleted. The complicated night prompted Emilia to generously give everyone the next night off. Well, all the bickering and complaining by the team in the van prompted Emilia to give the night off. And that bickering was worth it because you and Adrian finally have a night off together, you both haven’t had one in a very long time. Though you two were quite beaten up from the mission, you planned to make the best of it.
After sleeping until 11, you and Adrian felt the urge to get out of bed. He was making it hard to leave bed though, as his whole body was wrapped around yours, and his head was nuzzled perfectly in the back of your neck. Fortunately, it’s Saturday, you already had the day off from work. However, Adrian wasn’t so lucky and in fact had to go to Fennel Fields in a few hours.
You sigh, “I think we should get out of bed; you have work, maybe you can shower, and I’ll make us coffee?” you suggest. Adrian hummed into your neck.
“Babe,” he paused, his voice still raspy from sleep. He groaned as he lifted his arm away from you to grab his phone from the nightstand. He tapped the screen and put his phone to his ear, “I am not leaving this bed,” he raised his brows, you blushed while you turned over to fully face him. After a pause his eyes light up and he slightly cleared his throat, “Hey, this is Adrian, sorry, I won’t be able to make it today, I woke up with a horrible cold,” he adds in a few fake coughs, then slyly smiles, “I’ve thrown up a bunchhh too so, yeah… yup, thanks, bye!” He tapped his phone and gave you a wicked grin, you bit your lip.
“Okay, yeah, I’m glad you did that. I didn’t want us to get up right now either,” he kissed your forehead, “and you’re keeping me warm so, if you left, or we got up, I would be way too cold.”
“See now, we couldn’t let that happen,” Adrian purred and pulled you closer into his chest, you could feel the heat radiating off of him, you snuggle into it, “how are you feeling?” he asked, while gently twirling your hair through his fingers. You took a second to actually see how you felt, your body was tired but nothing really more than that was wrong.
“All right, achy everywhere though, I feel bruises already I think, you?” you look up at him, he meets your gaze, eyes still looking tired, he nods his head.
“I think I’m the same but,” he let out a deep huff, “I feel so relieved that I called out, so I’m not even thinking about the bruising my body is doing right now… Babe," he paused and a playful smile grew across his face, "we have a day off together!” You gasped, it’s been forever since you guys had a whole entire day off together, it only really happens when you get injured from missions, but you guys aren’t in too bad of shape from last night, it was a win-win.
“Waitttt we have to have some fun today, should we plan something, or should we not plan something and just see what happens today?” you ponder, he chuckles. “Oh, and since we both have time this morning, could you please help me re-dye my hair?” you smile and blink up at him.
“Of courseeeee, I love helping you do your hair! I am honored that you would like my help, babe.” Adrian beamed and your cheeks turned red at his smile. “Plus, you look so badass when you just dyed your hair like it’s so bright and, well… not that right now your hair isn’t badass, but,” he sighs, “you know what I mean, babe.” Before he could keep talking, you cupped his face with your palm, he smiled into your hand.
“Thanks, Ade. And I’m honored that you like helping me,” you replied. “Should I maybe go a little crazy and match the purple in my suit again? The pink that I have now could easily change into it… Ooh, yea, I’m going back to purple,” you state, Adrian was nodding his head enthusiastically.
“YES, babe it’s so hottt when your hair matches your suit, great idea!” he said, eyes wide.
“Thank you, thank you, now I'm definitely doing purple,” you lean up to peck Adrian on the lips, he returns the kiss with his tongue, which caused you to breath out a moan, he pulled you into his chest, his hand crawling up your back. You couldn’t resist moving one hand up to his head so you could run your fingers through his dark hair, the other hand gently scratching his bare back. You try to briefly pull away from him, but he doesn't let you until he gets in one more deep kiss, then he barely seperates himself from you, your lips brushing his.
“Instead of fucking right now, which I really want to do, I need to dye my hair early in the day, or I’ll never get it all done,” you pause, he groans in protest as he kisses your neck, “how about… you can fuck my brains out after my hair is purple?” you question, nudging his chin up so you could meet his eyes.
“Hmmm,” he goes in for another long kiss that made you shiver, then he slowly pulls away, “I guess you’re right, let’s be productive,” he paused to play with your hair once more, his green eyes lighting up from the morning sun. As he met your gaze, you saw something shift in his eyes, “but only if you dye some of my hair to match yours.” Adrian firmly states, voice deep, he was almost using his Vigilante voice. You couldn’t help the smile that grew onto your face, thinking about him with dyed hair. And then you really couldn’t help how turned on you were at the thought of his hair matching yours-and your suit. Heat immediately ran to your cheeks.
“Oh absolutely, fuck, let’s do it right now,” you twirl a strand of his hair, “that’s gonna be so fucking hot.” You kiss again before you both hype yourselves up to slink out of your cozy, toasty, bed.
“I’ll make us coffee while you get the dye stuff ready, babe!” Adrian stated, as you went to the bathroom to mix together some bleach and take stock of your purple dye-you luckily had plenty of purple left over from the last time you matched your suit, all you needed to do was mix a bit of blue to make it a perfect color match. You made a little extra bleach for Adrian, and you felt a bit giddy while picturing him having dyed hair, he has never ever done any kind of coloring to his beautiful dark hair, so you won’t do a lot, just a few strands under the back of his head. Just then, you heard the beep of your record player turning on and a moment later, “I Saw Her Standing There” by The Beatles began faintly playing, he threw on his Please Please Me record. You grinned; he always picks the best music.
“Perfect music choice honey,” you yell out to him as you stir the bleach with the brush. As you’re mixing, Adrian walks in with two cups of iced coffee, you both prefer iced over hot, and Adrian has mastered making lattes at home with a fancy coffee machine.
“Here you are, my love, order up,” he smiles as he hands you your glass, you take a sip and start slowly nodding your head in approval.
“Mwah it's perfect, thanks babe, I love having my own little at home barista,” you admit, the compliment caused him to blush. “Okay, I can start my roots, and all I’ll need help with is the back, and then I can do a bit of yours,” you tease, raising an eyebrow.
“Can’t wait, I’ll just enjoy the view while I sip on my coffee,” he hummed while smiling. All you were wearing was his t-shirt and a pair of his boxers, it just became a habit for you to steal his shirts, and that then lead to his boxers, and he doesn’t mind one little bit…if anything he encourages it. He eyed you up and down with feline eyes. Your cheeks turned rosy as you began sectioning your hair, preparing it for the bleach. You then threw on some gloves and got to work. Bliss fell over you while you listened to Adrian hum and sing to the music as you did your hair. It just made your heart feel warm. After a few minutes, you got to the back part of your head that was hard to see.
“All righty babe,” you turn to look at him, his eyes lit up.
“Yay okay let’s do this!” he clapped his hands and then put on a pair of gloves as well. With the brush in one hand, and his other hand helping to part your hair, he went in, and painted the bleach on the back of your head.
He always loves to help, and you really appreciate it because he’s really good at dying your hair. You enjoyed staring in the mirror to watch how concentrated he was, he was truly getting into it.
After a song or so he met your eyes in the mirror, you beamed. “And that’s that, babe, thanks for coming to my coffee-salon,” Adrian joked, you broke into a laugh, he chuckled as well.
“Pleaseeee, thank you for having me,” you turn around to press a kiss on his cheek, “but now, it’s my salon,” you firmly state, narrowing your brows, Adrian’s face turned bright red, but his eyes were fiercely watching yours.
“Oooh fuck yeah!” He exclaims, handing you the brush and cup of bleach, “this is gonna be so hot, but,” he bent down a bit as if to whisper, “it won’t be too much of my hair though, right?” he softly questions, you chuckle as you swap places with him.
“No babe, don’t worry,” you confirm, as you lean up and start to untangle a small part of hair on the back of his head, angling his head to make him look down so you could section it. You started making a section almost like an undercut, but just a small little square of hair. “I’ll just do this much, barely even a whole handful,” you show him in the mirror. “Your other hair will cover it and it’ll peak through-”
“YESS, that will look so fucking cool, I am so ready!” He squealed, you grinned as you part his hair and use one of your hair clips to keep his other hair out of the way. You then mixed the bleach one more time before applying it to his head, making an even layer on his dark hair.
It barely took one song to do all of it, but you finished applying the bleach, and to your surprise, his virgin hair was already taking to the bleach.
“Now we wait,” you step to stand next to him, the smile that was on his face was priceless. You then begin cleaning up the small mess you made in the bathroom, Adrian held up the trash can for you to throw your bleached gloves in and you start wiping up the counter. With one look in the mirror, you could tell your hair was already almost done, your roots weren’t too dark in the first place. His dark hair will probably take a bit longer. However, as you start cleaning, you noticed how much the bathroom needed more of a clean, so you take a breath and begin. You and Adrian sang along to the music as you cleaned, flipping the record shortly into your clean. You guys got into a rhythm and ended up tidying up more than either one of you intended to. You huffed, and Adrian caught your eye. “Well shit it looks great in here,” you say, smiling, he looked around the room.
“It really does! I don’t know what ghost possessed us to do that but I’m glad it happened,” Adrian joked, you nodded, chuckling. You step closer to Adrian and gently move his head so you can check his hair, it was blonde! A glance in the mirror told you your hair was ready to wash too.
“Well, apparently we cleaned long enough for the bleach to work, let’s wash, you first!” You say, he nods, eyes widening from excitement. He sets his glasses on the sink then bends down to kneel in front the tub with his head over the drain. Luckily your shower was a handheld one, so you took it off the mount and hover over him to begin washing his hair. He giggles as your fingers begin gently massaging his scalp and after swishing water through his hair, the bleach had washed out. You shut the shower and grab a towel for Adrian, his whole head got wet. You wrap the towel and tuck it in so it can firmly stay on his head to dry his hair. “It looks great blonde, honey.” You tell him.
“I can’t fucking wait to see it all finished, babe,” Adrian replied, you smiled as you two swapped places so he could help wash your hair. Adrian threw his glasses back on then began gently massaging your scalp, you hummed in content. “Aaannndddd done,” he said after a minute of washing, shutting the faucet and squeezing the water from your hair before placing a towel around your head. You properly wrap it and turn around to Adrian.
After drying your hair with the blow dryer, you repeat the dying process but with the mixed purple dye. Adrian’s handful of hair didn’t take long to color, then he ended up doing your whole head, teamwork makes the dreamwork! Once he declares your head is done, you both notice how hungry you are.
“Breakfast?” you asked, Adrian pursed his lips. Your stomach almost instantly growled at the thought of a meal. When you got home from the mission last night, though you weren’t beaten up too badly, you were still in pain, it was a miracle you guys didn’t pass out in your suits in bed, so yeah, you could both eat. He nods his head frantically. “Eggs and waffles?” You question.
“Let’s-a-go!” Adrian said in an Italian accent as he pumped his fist in the air, you cackle, what a dork. He leads the way to the kitchen and starts getting the eggs and the cheese from the fridge and waffles from the freezer. You notice that the music stopped, so before helping begin breakfast, you put on a different Beatles record and place the needle on. You hear a "Thanks, babe!" from Adrian as you enter the kitchen.
You two seamlessly make breakfast, splitting up tasks between you both. After a few short minutes, you had cheesy scrambled eggs and waffles, and while sitting at your small kitchen table, you shared breakfast with Adrian. It only took a few minutes to eat, but right as you finished your last forkful of eggs, you looked at your hair in your phone’s camera to see the dye showing through, it was time to wash!
You hum as you stand up and check the back of Adrian’s head, it already looks amazing, “Babe, let’s go washhhh,” you say, wavering your voice, he gasps.
“Oh, hell yeah!” Adrian exclaimed as he also stood up, you two began walking to the bathroom. You go right to the tub to turn on the shower and when you turn around you see Adrian, still shirtless, waiting like an excited puppy. You repeated the washing process for the last time, thank God, and began towel drying each other’s hair. Adrian was the first to get to the mirror, his hair has already practically dried, and even by slightly turning his head to the side he could see the streak of purple amongst his dark hair. He gasped. You grabbed the small mirror off the sink counter and held it up to the back of his head so he could get a proper view, all the while you were staring at his colored hair.
“Fucking hell, Ade, you look so hot with purple hair,” you say, gawking at him. His eyes were wide as he took in his hair in the mirrors, and you noticed that the purple in his hair complimented his green eyes beautifully. “I’m so glad your hair took to the dye!”
“Shit, me too, it looks, so fucking sick babe, I am so happy right now,” Adrian beams, turning to you, “thank you for helping me look more badass, babe.” He leaned down to press his lips to yours, you deeply return the kiss. He pulled away only a few inches, you felt his breath on your ear. “I may look a little more badass, but fuck-babe, you…you.” his voice lowered, “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk.” You gasped, he started playing with your hair in one hand, then he slides his other hand down your lower back. Adrian moved in fast and started kissing your neck.
“God, I-” He cut you off by moving his kisses up your neck, and farther up to meet your lips. You were honestly glad he interrupted you, you had nothing to say other than the moan that managed to escape from you. You were instantly on him, running your fingers through his hair and caressing his face. He hoisted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
The two of you barely separated your lips, only for an occasional moan or swear from either of you. After a few moments, while still holding you, he moved you two to your bed, planting himself on top of you, putting his whole weight on you. You felt his boner immediately, you melted into him even more as heat ran to your cheeks. His hands were all over you, and you felt ravenous as your hands touched him.
It pained you but you had to pull away to say, “I should dye your hair more often.” All you heard in response was a deep belly laugh that erupted out of him-fuck you love him.
“I won’t say no to tha-” you didn’t let him finish speaking before leaning up and crashing your lips to his. The smile on his face faded the more he kissed you, he quickly became feral as he reciprocated your initial kiss, and more.
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sunny44 · 1 year
I’m home
Pairing: Mason Mount x mom!reader
Warnings: none, just cute stuff
Summary: Mason comes home for his girls after being away for a while.
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I had been away for a month now, I had a few games in a row and a lot of training.
And now I was coming home missing my wife and my daughter.
Sophie Isabel Mount was the sweetest little girl of all, she was daddy's little girl for sure.
Y/n and I have been dating for four years, after two years of relationship we found out that she was pregnant.
At first it was terrifying, we were certainly not prepared for it.
It was something that we wanted eventually but not at the time it happened.
The first few days it was strange, Y/n did the pharmacy test and it was the only result we had at the time, so until we actually went and saw the ultrasound it was like it wasn't real.
Y/n by the time she saw the ultrasound immediately started to cry, I was still ecstatic and it didn't really hit me until that same day, but was in the middle of the night.
I was rolling around in bed unable to sleep, I spent most of the night imagining myself being a father, how my sister always told me that I would be a great father, especially if it was a girl.
The good thing about my sister having Summer was that I could practice changing diapers and get more or less a sense of what it would be like.
And that's where I burst in tears, Y/n woke up scared by the fact that I was crying at three in the morning and that's where I told her it was because we were having a baby.
As soon as I opened the door to the house, I took off my sneakers and changing to my flip-flops and putting my training things on the floor.
“I'm home” I said out loud and then I heard fast footsteps running through the house.
“Daddy” she screams and I bent down to her height taking her in my arms “I missed you”.
“ I missed you too sweetheart”.
“You took a long time to come back”.
“I know baby, sorry for that” she hugs me tight.
“I don’t want you away never again.” She says.
“I know baby and I’m sorry for that, your going everywhere with me now. I’m putting you in my suitcase.” She starts laughing.
“And what about mommy?”
“We can bring mommy with us.”
“Ok then.” She says and kiss my nose with her nose “Can we go to the park with Malcolm?”
That is the name of the golden retriever we gave her when she was a baby, they are best friends.
“Yes we can, where's mommy?”
“She is outside, we are bathing the flowers.
Sophie and Y/n had a garden in the back of the house where they took care of the flowers, there were many flowers and even some vegetables.
It was one of the activities my girlfriend does with our daughter, she made a whole schedule of activities for the week to develop her creativity, and also because it is one of the few things that keeps her mind off from thinking too much about me since when I am away she cries a lot because she misses me.
“Let's go see mommy then" I took her in my lap and we went to the back.
And there she was, barefoot on the grass, wearing a loose flowered dress and some waves in her brown hair.
“Hi love” she dropped the hose on the ground and came to me “I missed you so much”.
“I missed you too” I kissed her.
“Ew” I laughed with my lips still close to hers.
“Ew what, young lady” I said, patting her belly “Let's finish helping mommy to bath the plants and then we can go to the park and walk with Malcolm.
“And then pizzaaaaaa”. We shouted in celebration and went to bath the plant.
And I was more than happy to be home.
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Bonus scene!
Masonmount instagram post
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Liked by @Debbiemount, @Y/nmount, @Reecejames and others 817208
Tagged: Y/nmount
Masonmount there’s nothing better than coming back home and seeing my girls bathing their flowers 🌸
@Y/nmount you should bath the flowers with us next time
@Masonmount I need a baby boy to play football with me, what do you say?
@Y/nmount maybe yes, maybe not
@Debbiemount oh I love those cute faces
@Y/nmount we love you too granny debs
@reecejames you have to bring her to training
@masonmount I won’t because she forgets about daddy when she sees her football uncles
@lovelymase we love baby mount so much, they both look very cute
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hirayaaraw · 1 year
Please bother me.
Wonwoo x OC
tags: romance; angst; oc has an avoidant attachment style and can be irritating
This is not the first time you went off the grid. The first time you were unable to be reached was after you had an all nighter at your office, you slept the whole day. Wonwoo was worried sick about you. He doesn't know any of your friends or relatives at this early stage of your relationship. You both decided to keep it low due to his celebrity status. He came knocking to your apartment after his dance practice just to see you and your dark eyebags. After that you decided to let him meet your inner circle just so he can contact someone when he can't reach you.
Second time, it was when he was in US for their world tour. You both constant update each other through pictures of your food or anything random that happened in your day. On the last 3 days of their stay, Wonwoo noticed that you weren't updating as much. No pictures coming from your end. To add on his worry, you only send one liner answers. You also declined video calls with an excuse that you don't look good even though he assured you that he doesn't care and just want to see you.
The nagging feeling that something is wrong won over Wonwoo. He booked the earliest flight the next day. Once again, he was knocking on your door early in the morning. It didn't take long for him to hear movements inside your apartment. You didn't expect any visitor at that hour nor any packages. You didn't even expect your boyfriend who supposed to be on tour in the other side of the world.
Wonwoo thought he will be able to surprise you, but the other way around happened. He was suprised with you having a cast and sling on your right arm. Although you have this cute round eyes and beaming smile on your face that made him fall when you met each other at a cat cafe, Wonwoo can't help but frown at your current state.
Your smile turned into a timid one once you remember your cast. You pulled him in to your apartment. You can't look into his eyes knowing you did something wrong. Just to ease your nerves, you scramble around your kitchen to make him a coffee. Wonwoo sighed and bring down his bags to join you.
"Y/n, what are you doing?"
"Your coffee. It seems like you came from the airport and went straight here." You said as you try to make the espresso machine work with one hand. Wonwoo frown got worse then he took matters on his own hand.
"Can you please take a seat? I'll make my own coffee." Wonwoo said firmly that you let go of the machine but the tension makes you uneasy. You can't stay put so you went to your refrigerator to see if you have some left over food to eat.
"You should have said that you will be coming home earlier so I can prepared something." Wonwoo let a deep sigh before going to you and closing the refrigerator.
"You didn't say about your arm either." You can feel a frost bite from his answer. He handed you your favorite green tea while he guided you back to your seat. Silence ensued between the two of you. Wonwoo reached out to your left hand.
"Why you didn't tell me?" Wonwoo asked you softly.
"I'm sorry." You bit your lips. Wonwoo just nodded. You see the dark eye bags he has and tiredness on his face. "I don't want make you worry. You are on tour and it looks like you are enjoying your time with your team. It will buzzkill your mood."
Wonwoo run his hand though his hair then rubbed his eye in frustration.
"Y/n, it doesn't matter where I am or what I am doing. Let me know. I just..." He let out a deep sigh. "I need to know. It drives me crazy thinking why are you suddenly cold and not texting as much."
"I'm sorry, Wonwoo." You leaned on his shoulder. "I am not used to using my left arm in texting."
"I thought you're going to break up with me." You suddenly rose your head to look up to him.
"What made you think of that?"
"I am away most of the time since we dated." He said softly and so unsure. "You might be getting tired of this situation. I know LDR sucks. I've seen how my some of our members deal with break up because of this kind of set up. We understand that it is exhausting. I wouldn't be surprise if you broke up with me during or after our tour..."
You cut him off by giving him a kiss.
"I never thought Jeon Wonwoo will be a chatter box when jetlagged." You said then you squeezed his hand 3 times. "No one's breaking up with you."
Wonwoo carefully pulled you in a hug and finally resting his head on your shoulder.
"I think breaking up with me is much better than seeing you in a cast."
"Jeon Wonwoo!" He laughed against your shoulder. "I am banning that b word in our relationship."
Third time will be today. You've been with Wonwoo for a year and half. He already met your parents and sister last Christmas. You both love the way your relationship is going on. It was going on so smoothly that sometimes it scares him. It felt too good to be true. He saw how his other members struggle in their dating life because of the nature of their job but not once he heard you complain or demanded from him. It's like you are so close yet so far to him. He felt like you are putting a safe distance between the two of you.
Sometimes he feel that you are adjusting so much for him to the point of abandoning your own need. Wonwoo will be on overseas commitment and despite of timezone differences you will be replying immediately. Cancelling or rescheduling dates never happened until 3 months ago. Looking back, Wonwoo realized he only saw you once last month.
Today is the 2nd day of little to no messages from you. Seventeen's world tour dates has been announced and you two only have numbered days to enjoy before everything becomes hectic. Wonwoo decided to call your mother. It takes 3 rings before your mom picks up the phone.
"Hello, Eommoni." Wonwoo greeted her politely.
"Wonwoo, how are you? When will you visit again?"
"I'll try to visit you before my tour starts, Eommoni." Your mom became excited and Wonwoo heard your voice in the background. "Eommni, is Y/n with you?"
"Oh she didn't tell you? She's staying with us for the week because her dad collapsed the other day."
"Maybe she forgot to tell me." Wonwoo whispered. He licked his lips while trying to think. "Can I visit today?"
"Of course, you can. You are always welcome in our house."
Wonwoo did not hesitate to get in his car and drive two hours just to see you and visit your father. Imagine your surprise to see him on the living room knowing that his schedule. You look to your mom is sheepishly smiling while giving Wonwoo the peaches you were asking earlier but refused to give you.
"I'll go in the kitchen to cook dinner." Your mom said and before she makes her way to the kitchen, she looked at you. "Y/n, take Wonwoo to the lake. You still have time before sunset."
You nodded obediently before looking at Wonwoo.
"Dad had a crazy low blood pressure the other day but he is doing good now." You said softly. You don't know what else to say. "Let's get some fresh air in the lake."
Wonwoo followed you to the lake. The walk to the lake is full of silence and anxiety. It is like you are walking on thin ice even if it is summer season. You know it is your fault whenever both of you are in this situation. You and your avoidant attachment style.
"What is happening to us, love?" Wonwoo looked at you and you can see this shit that you have is getting on him. You were about to say something when his phone rang. You saw that it is his leader. "Give me a sec. I'll just answer this."
You watched him walk away to take the call. You saw how his eyesbrown make a frown. You are burdening him. That's what you thought.
When his call ended, he walked towards you to stand beside you. You know that the world tour is starting so everyone is busy and Wonwoo shouldn't be here with you.
"You should go back." You said and Wonwoo looked at you like you said something ridiculous. "If you leave right now, you can reach Seoul on time for you practice."
"No one is leaving, Y/n." Wonwoo said firmly. You never heard Wonwoo ditching his team or not attending practices even he is sick. You feel like you are dragging him.
"Let's talk about us."
"Let's break up."
Wonwoo was startled with the words you said and you are as surprised as him.
"I though we banned that word." Wonwoo whispered and chuckled bitterly. He gave you a small smile. "Okay. I will leave but I will be back tomorrow. We will talk."
"I've been working with 2 jobs since 3 months ago." You started talking when he tried to take your hand. Wonwoo looked at you but you look away. "Dad's health is getting worse. Complications here and there. My sister needs help in her school fees. I am the only person they have."
"Two jobs?" Wonwoo repeated and you nodded. "Is this why you cancel our dates?"
"I don't have much time as before so it will be the best if we bre--"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"No, Y/n. Tell me why do you always left out these things from me?"
"Because it's not important."
"It's important if it is you." Tears started to flow on your face. You wiped the tears immediately as if Wonwoo did not see it.
"I don't want to burden you anymore."
"When did you ever burden me?" Wonwoo said as if asking you and his self. "You never burden me. In fact you never demanded from me. You always put up from all the troubles my work has."
"You never come late to our dates because you think my time is more important than yours. You will let me leave early if my manager calls. It is fine with you if I don't walk you or drive you home when I leave early. You don't even get mad even if our dates only happen very late at night or in my condo because of paparazzi." Wonwoo bursted out his pent up frustrations. His voice is louder than usual. "Where's the burden, Y/n? All I know is that I am taking you for granted and I am a bad boyfriend for not noticing that you are having a hard time."
"Wonwoo, it's not like that. You make time even with you busy schedule. It's fine with me because I love you."
"Then let me do the same because I love you too." Wonwoo said with conviction. Tears at bay and just one blink away from falling. "Be late at our dates. Tell me to stay when my manager asks me to leave. Ask me to walk you home no matter what. Get mad at me if we keep on doing the same pasta night every date."
You raised your hand to wipe the tears on his face then you pulled him into a hug.
"Burden me. Bother me, love." Wonwoo whispered on your neck. "Let me be part of everything about you."
"I'll learn step by step."
"Let's start with telling me to stay tonight." You laughed at his request.
"Please stay." Wonwoo broke the hug and kissed you. You can feel his smile on your lips.
As you walk hand in hand back to your house, you suddenly remember something on his speech that made you stop.
"I love our pasta night. Can we keep it?"
"Sure, love." Wonwoo grinned at you then you start walking again but he didn't budge. "Can you quit you 2nd job? I'll help you with the expenses."
"Jeon Wonwoo, we are not married for you to do that." You frowned but Wonwoo smiled like you gave him a good idea.
"So will you marry me?"
"Oh god! Wonwoo, okay."
"Okay? As in okay you will marry me?"
"No. Okay as in okay you can help me with the expense." Wonwoo's smile became smaller. "I'll marry you with paper rings but I want a good engagement."
You winked at him before running away.
"Now, that's a fast learner." Wonwoo laughed as he runs after you.
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hornytome · 8 months
Hello everyone!! Finally time for an update. I’ve put it off because of nerves too long.
So, basically: I’m not a butch lesbian (anymore)! I’m actually bi and transmasc.
Shockingly, my girlfriend is no longer a femme lesbian either! She’s also bisexual. Still a girly girl though.
We both went through a parallel simultaneous journey of discovering we’re bi.
It’s as upsetting as it sounds!! Will not lie!
She calls me her boyfriend now and our sex revolves around penetrative sex. We have a realistic cock and I’m trying constantly to find a new more realistic one.
We haven’t actually slept with a man quite yet, though. We may never, to be honest.
There was… A guy… We both struggled immensely with our attraction to him, and our OCD played a large part in that. We both got over it and realized we definitely have a crush on him. That’s… simmering away right now. No idea where it’s going to go. He’s a good guy.
This has fundamentally changed our view of monogamy. We’re still prescribing to the concept of monogamy, and I suppose our rule is that if we’re both interested in the same person, then we don’t mind too much.
So, I guess I should explain why I was dragging my feet. Hornytome took off way more than I ever expected it to. I gained a massive wlw and lesbian following, and I’m so proud of who’ve I’ve brought together and modeled healthy love for.
For a long time, I identified as a lesbian, and that felt like my authentic self. I wasn’t lying to anyone, or misconstruing truths. In making this blog, I wished to explore my lesbianism. In living and growing beside this blog, I discovered a lot more.
So, to be very clear, I’m bisexual, transmasc, and a lot happier than when I started this blog. My attraction to women is gay, and my attraction to men is ALSO gay. Beat that!
That leaves me with a conundrum then. What to do with my blog? I’d love to keep posting, but a vast number of you are wlw. Perhaps I could stick to talking about Edith and I on this blog?
No matter what happens, this is no longer specifically a lesbian blog. And I’m sorry if that disappoints some of you. I really, really am. But being dishonest to myself helps no one. You haven’t lost a comrade, you gained one!
So. That’s why I’ve been gone! 6+ months of processing a major life change. I want to get back into stories. Maybe shoot me some ideas 🌝
Anyways! I’m going to be tagging this with old and new tags, just to reach as far as possible.
Edit: Also: stories will not revolve exclusively around men!! I like fucking my girlfriend a whole lot!
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written-in-flowers · 2 years
He Knows...(AemondxReader)
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x female!Reader 
Word Count: 5k
Genre: Smut, slight angst 
Summary: Aemond knows about what you’d done in the tower, and expects his lovely bride to apologize to him for it however he wishes. 
Tags: jealous sex, mentions of cheating, first time sex, virgin!reader, slight dub-con, slight knife-play, ripping clothes off, thigh riding, degradation, slut-shaming, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, oral sex (m and f receiving/giving), multiple positions, facial/cumming on body, possessiveness. 
"Why him?"
You walked into your quarters to find Aemond sitting by your fire. Leaned back in the chair, he sat with his arms completely over the rests until his hands touched the curves. Any lingering arousal Aegon left inside you slowly began vanishing at the sight of Aemond. The firelight accentuated his features and his hair much more in the dark. You gazed around to find he was the only person there. The door behind you clicked as the guard locked the door. A shiver of panic ran through your body and settled in your stomach. You looked back over to Aemond by the fire. His one cold eye stared into the flames, never tearing away once. It did not appear wet or teary. It was cold. Stone. Cold. 
"My prince, this is…it's quite late," you excused nervously. 
"Why him?" He repeated his question, not looking at you. 
"What do you mean, Your Grace?"
"Do you play me for a fool?" He seethed, head turning but not meeting your eyes. "Why did you pick him? Of all the men in this city, you chose him."
You gulped. How could he have known? You and Aegon had been alone. "I…Aemond, I can explain."
"What is there to explain?"
"It…it happened out of nowhere," you began. "We were talking, and then we…Aemond, it didn't mean anything."
"Doesn't matter that it didn't mean anything. You still did it." You heard the hurt escape for a moment, but only a moment. Aemond stood up, "I saw you with him."
Your eyes widened, "What?"
"I saw you two together. You thought you two were the only ones who knew about that tower? I went up there when one of the servants said they saw you headed that way, and…and I heard you…"
"Aemond," you said his name softly, walking towards him, "I'm sorry-"
"-He's married to my sister-"
"-Yes, I know-"
"-And you're betrothed to me-"
"-Yes, I am-"
"-Do you suffer no shame? Any at all? Letting a fool like my brother put his hands all over you like some kind of common whore."
You gasped at the last words, but said nothing. You didn't dare speak, not with him so angry. He stood up straight, legs apart and arms at his sides. A soldier. That’s what he’s always been in comparison to Aegon, the shorter brother who didn’t care. You took in his long blond hair, and the leather eyepatch he wore. A glittering sapphire sat in the empty socket, hidden by his eyepatch. It scared you a bit more. You rarely ever saw him this upset. He was usually so calm and gentle with you; open and honest about his feelings for you. Yet, right now you saw the person everyone else worried about seeing. 
"What does he have that I don't? Because he's the older brother? Because he'll be the king one day and you wish to be his mistress?" He stepped closer to you, and pulled off his eyepatch. Underneath, you saw the sapphire surrounded by scarred tissue that went from his forehead to his cheek. A childhood accident had cost him his eye, and severely impaired him. "Because he’s whole and I’m not?” 
"No, Aemond. Not at all. You know that doesn’t bother me; it never did.”
“Then why?” he asked. 
“I…I truly do not know. He's…different from you. You're gentle and kind; clever and intelligent and everything a woman should want, but Aegon…He isn't always so…chivalrous. He’s exciting."
"So, I'm too nice?" He snorted a laugh, "You want a man that's disrespectful towards you?" He came closer, walking around the sofa, his one eye set on you. "If that is what you wished, my lady, you only had to say so." 
When he approached you, your feet moved backwards until you hit the door behind you. Your heart hammered in your chest as he closed in on you. Would he hit you? Would he hurt you? You saw the anger slowly turning into coldness again. He never stayed so close to you before. Legs squeezed together, you recalled the longing Aegon hadn’t finished and how dirty you felt afterwards. Aemond wouldn’t have left. He would’ve kept going until you were satisfied. He put both his hands on either side of you, boxing you in, and lowered his lips to your ear. 
"Unlike my brother, Y/N, I'm not as obvious about my appetite for you," he said, soft and low in your ear. "I wanted to wait. I wanted to let it build up until our wedding night." He ghosted his lips over the rim of your ear, making you shudder from the warm breath on your neck. Instantly, your arousal returned. "But, it seems," he slipped his hand onto the skirt of your gown and pressed between your thighs, causing you to gasp, "You didn’t feel the same."
"A-Aemond," you stammered, gulping thickly as his fingers massaged your sex through several layers of clothes, "I…I'm…"
"Sorry? Ashamed? Humiliated?" He suggested, and then rubbed your center harder, "Aroused?” he chuckled when he heard you gasp again. “I sense that my brother didn’t finish what he started with you. I suppose I’m going to have to, won’t I?” 
“You have been very naughty,” he growled into your ear, rubbing you in flat circles, “I think you need to be punished."
He stopped his rubbing and hooked his hands on your neckline. With no effort at all, he tore the front of your garment in two. Your bodice exposed, you gazed up at him with shock. “Where did he put it?” he asked, starting to remove his clothes. 
“His cock. Where did the swine put it?” 
He nearly tore his doublet and jerkin from his body, tossing them aside until he was down to his shirt. You could see his pale, slim body underneath. Years of training and exercise sculpted Aemond into a god, unlike his body who was softer. He’d have no problem throwing you around or pinning you down. This excited you more. 
“Answer me,” he demanded, peeling off his shirt.
“He didn’t put it anywhere,” you told him truthfully. “We only touched and kissed. That’s all.”
“I find that difficult to believe.” He reached down to his belt where he kept his dagger holstered for use. You gulped and pressed into the wall like you could disappear into the wood. You gave a light knock, but nobody answered. He must’ve sent the guard away. He came back over to you, grabbing the middle of your bodice and sliced his knife through it easily. The blade did not touch you at all, but it did ruin a perfectly good corset. “My brother isn’t known for his restraint.” 
He took the collar of your undergown and used his dagger to make a cut in it before ripping it with his hands. His big, strong hands that could bring pleasure or pain. Aemond quickly palmed both your breasts, causing you to bite your bottom lip as pressed onto your nipples. He greedily kissed the tops of them, going up your chest to the base of your throat. He parted your thighs with his leg, so your sex sat right against it. Your lips crashed into his, tongues colliding together as he grinded his thigh into you. 
“He can barely keep his hands off his serving girls,” he said, kissing at your breasts again, “You know what he does to them, don’t you? The things he does to them before tossing them from his company? Do you wish to be one of them one day?” you squealed when he ripped the rest of your gown off, leaving you in nothing but your stockings and shoes. His gaze drank up your naked body. He pinned your arms to the wall, and he continued attacking your nipples. You gyrated on his thigh, the cloth of his breeches causing a delightful friction against your supple skin. His hard muscles flexed underneath you, and you heard him say, “You truly have no shame, do you? You’re enjoying this far too much.”
“It feels good,” you said meekly. 
“My brother doesn’t satisfy you enough?” he asked, holding your jaw in his hand as he kissed you again. “Or are you truly such a whore that your thirst is never quenched?”
“He didn’t let me finish.”
“Good,” he smirked into the next kiss, “Then you’re warmed up for me.” 
“-Silence!” he spanked your bottom harshly, bringing on a sliver of pain and pleasure.
You bit your bottom lip when you felt his hand run over your bottom. He slipped underneath to your sex, where he massaged a few moments before going back up. Then, he made you arch your back until your ass stuck out. You never felt so exposed before; so exposed and vulnerable to him. Clenching your hands into fists, you rested against the door as Aemond examined your body. 
“I’ve tried being a gentleman with you,” he said, “I have thought of taking your maidenhead every night since you’ve arrived, but no. My mother raised me to be a better man than that,” he spanked you again, the sudden shock catching you by surprise. “I didn’t want to sink to my brother’s level and be inappropriate with you. You’re a lady. My lady. But, it appears,” he smacked both cheeks in quick swats, “You don’t want to be treated like a lady.” The stinging pain remained on your skin even when he smoothed his hand over it. “I loved you, Y/N. I loved you more than the air in my lungs. I would do anything for you. I’d walk through fire for you; crawl on hands and knees through glass for you. I’d kill every single person who ever dared hurt you. But still, you chose to carry on with my brother. My fucking brother. My sleazy” SPANK! “Greasy” SPANK! “Pathetic excuse of a man, older brother.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK! 
You heard the pain behind his words, fueling the rage inside him. Tears welled in your eyes from the hard hits, causing you to tremble while still feeling aroused. Hooking his fingers around your restraint, he pulled you from the wall and walked you over to the sofas nearby. You didn’t deserve the comfort of his bed. He took a seat on the sofa and made you straddle his thigh again. You looked to see him shirtless in his breeches and boots. A large bulge grew in his pants, much more noticeable than Aegon’s ever could be. Your pussy throbbed at the sight of him. Without a word, Aemond took hold of your hips and guided you on his thigh. It mesmerized you. You never minded it; not a single bit. He grabbed your throat, but it did not hurt. If anything, the touch remained gentle and controlled. 
“Keep going,” he grunted, “Feel my thigh underneath your wet cunt; get that pussy warmed up again for me.” 
Whimpering, you began rocking on his leg. You could feel the rough fabric of his pants brush on your bare sex; your clit dragging over it in each movement. You did your best to withhold your noises. This amused Aemond, who bent down to begin sucking on your nipples again. The extra dose of satisfaction caused you to whine like a dog in heat. Hands grabbing onto his shoulders, you focused on the hard muscle underneath you. It flexed somewhat when you ground your hips into it. Your tryst with Aegon still left you wet, but it was Aemond’s tongue that rekindled the flames inside you. 
“Still sensitive, I see,” he growled, swirling his tongue over one of your nipples “Good. Less work for me then.”
“Hush,” he spanked you again. “You don’t get to speak unless spoken to, understand?”
“Yes, my prince,” you replied. 
He kissed you deeply. Not like he had when he stole a kiss, but something more passionate and heated. You moaned into his mouth when his tongue slipped over yours. Aegon had ale on his lips; Aemond had strawberries. His favorite. Your favorite too. Occasionally, he’d pinch a nipple and put his fingers underneath to check your wetness, but continued kissing you. Whenever you tried to pull away to breathe, he brought you back to him. The kiss made you buck your hips on him faster. The surge of arousal inside you tightened into a ball as you continued. Aemond traced his hand across your jaw before cupping your chin; then he slid his thumb into your mouth. Knowing exactly what he wanted, you sucked on the digit running over your tongue. He barely groaned when he felt your knee brushing onto his bulge. It felt hard; harder than Aegon’s had been. He chuckled when you began trembling in his lap. 
“Don’t you dare,” he hissed, smearing his wet thumb on your lips and resting on your lower lip. “You’re not allowed to finish yet. You hold that back. Your prince demands it.” 
The tight feeling in your lower region grew the longer you grinded on him. But, you forced yourself to keep it from coming. Your head felt slightly dizzy, but this didn’t concern Aemond. Undoing his breeches, you finally saw his dick. Longer than Aegon’s, the tip became flushed red and the shaft stiff as a board. He pulled your other leg over his lap until your hips met. You gasped from the hardness pressed to your sensitive sex. It became hypersensitive to his cock, sending sparks across your body. 
“Where did he put it? Was his cock in here? Did he take what’s meant to be mine?” he asked, continuing to hump your slick sex. 
“I…I told you…” your eyes fell shut as pleasure started overtaking you again. You’d never felt anything like it before. “He-He-He didn’t put it in me…”
“You’re telling me,” he stopped grinding you, chuckling when he heard you whine, “That he had this sweet, slutty pussy in his hand and didn’t stick his cock in it?”
“I wouldn’t let him,” you admitted, kneeling up to feel his tip drag over your clit. He gripped your thighs tightly, and held you in place to stop you. “I-I told him not to…My prince, please. It hurts.”
“You should have thought of that before you decided to let my brother touch you. Now, I’m going to give you what he couldn't give you over and over and over again until you’re begging me to stop,” he slapped your ass again when you didn’t answer. “Understand me, my lady?”
“Yes, my prince,” you whimpered. “I understand.”
He reached between the both of you and started wagging his tip over your pussy. The torturous feeling pushed you closer to the edge again, and this time you couldn’t hold it back. Your orgasm nearly blinded you; you shuddered and wriggled on top of him. Your eyes fell shut, your jaw dropping, and your hands squeezing the back of the small couch. You should feel ashamed being so easy, but you enjoyed it so much and Aemond made it feel so good. 
“I’m surprised at you, my lady,” he breathed into your ear, still grinding into you, “I never knew you were this sensitive.”
“I’m sorry, my prince, if that displeases you.”
“Not at all,” he assured you, kissing your neck softly, “I like it.” He laid you down on the couch, and settled between your legs. “I’m taking this today,” he trailed his thumb over your wet sex, spreading your slick across each of the lips, “It’s mine and I won’t let my brother have it.”
“My prince…” you breathed softly, jerking when he began swirling his finger around your clit again. “We’re supposed to wait…”
“I’m tired of waiting,” he said, looked back down at your sex, “I want it. You let Aegon see and touch it. Why not me?” 
He slipped the single digit into your sex, causing your body to instantly spread as much as you could. Aemond's eye examined you closely while he teased you. Your cheeks grew hot from the attention. You’d never done this before. Your mother and Septa never told you about any of this. They didn’t say it’d feel this good or that you can be undone with only a few simple touches. Aemond must’ve noticed this and laughed softly. 
“You’d let my brother violate you,” he said, kissing your inner thighs and nipping at the skin there, “But when it comes to me, your betrothed, the man who’s cummed every night thinking about your sweet body,” he kissed closer to your center, “You’re suddenly shy.” 
“He didn’t do it like this,” you squeaked when he kissed right over one lip. “It didn’t feel this good.”
“I’m sure it didn’t.” 
You bit down on one of your fingers, feeling his finger penetrate you completely. His fingertips brushed a spot inside you that instantly made your eyes roll back. You gripped the cushion under you for support as you pushed into his hand. It took a few more moments before you felt something else brush into your sex…and it excited you. He chuckled when you started grinding into his tongue. He used the flat part of it on your clit while he fingered you. 
“No, no, no,” he said against your pussy, his warm breath ghosting over it as he continued fingering you, “Don’t hold back. Cum again for me.” 
“Aemond, Aemond,” you called to him, “Is it…Is it supposed to feel like this?”
“Like what, Petal?” 
“As if I'm going crazy," you whimpered, his hand and tongue still working you. "As if I might explode from…from…"
Aemond anticipated your next orgasm, and flicked your sex with his tongue and fucked you with his fingers. You felt the tips prodding that spot once more. How did he get so good at this? You clawed at the cushion as another shaky climax came, making you writhe underneath him. Your hips tried moving away from the tongue torturing your pussy, but Aemond kept you planted on the couch. He lifted your thighs to your stomach, and continued. You whined and wriggled from him, though to no avail.
“Look at you," he moaned, licking up the juices on your thighs, "All messy and dirty. I bet my brother didn't do this to you, did he? Hm? Did he, Petal?"
'Petal', the pet name he'd given you. He started calling you that after he'd picked a fallen flower petal from your hair. He told you it felt as soft as you did. You liked it. Hearing him say it in his soft voice, while he stood close to you, made you feel special. 
"No, my prince," you shook your head. You could feel the exhaustion beginning to hit your body. You remained limp against the pillows as Aemond slid off the sofa and pulled down his pants completely. Your mouth fell at the length of him springing up at you. "I didn't taste him either," you told him, taking it in your hand, "He came in my hand. Will you come in my hand, my prince?"
"I'll cum somewhere even better. Stick out your tongue."
You stuck out your tongue for him, and let him slide into your mouth. Not sure what to do, you allowed Aemond to guide you. It tasted a lot different than you thought it would; the small drops of precum tasted salty, but not enough to disgust you. You liked how heavy it felt on your tongue, and the veins running over it every time he pushed forward. His girth stretched your mouth enough that you needed to accommodate it a bit better, and his tip continuously pushed towards your throat, causing you to gag. 
“Play with your pussy,” he sighed, pushing hair back to keep it from your face, “Keep it nice and sensitive for 
Placing your hand between your legs, you tentatively rubbed yourself like he’d asked. The feeling of his dick in your mouth made you wonder what his cock would feel like. Aemond gazed over your body, seeing you tense and shudder at your own touch. It was better than anything his fantasies could dream up. You became more confident in your sucking the longer he guided you; you spread yourself further, giving your hand a better angle to tease while he fucked your mouth. You tried your best to withhold any more orgasms until he entered you, but Aemond noticed the signs right away. 
“Must I tell you when to cum?” He pulled his cock out so you could kiss his tip. “Will you only finish if I tell you to?”
“Yes, my prince.”
The answer alone made him moan. He left your side, and lifted your legs until you nearly folded in half. A new level of excitement came when you felt the weight of him against your pussy. You quietly begged him to go inside, especially when he prodded your tight entrance with his tip. You did your best to hold back your climax, but he smoothed over all the right spots, making you cry underneath him. The tightness built inside your clit the most, where you’d become super sensitive to his touches. Aemond said nothing as he finally gave into your wishes and filled you. You said his name with a loud cry of relief at his thickness finally pulling you apart. You clutched the sides of the seat. What you loved most were his moans. Low and deep, he kept them in soft grunts to avoid you hearing them. You grabbed his forearm on the back of the sofa and pushed against his cock. 
“Aren’t I making you feel good, my prince?” you asked, wincing as he went further inside you. “Isn’t my tight pussy making you feel good?”
“Fuck yes, it is,” he breathed, head tilting forward as he looked between you both. He watched his cock disappear inside you in tender strokes, “Yes, it is.”
“Should I be doing more?” you asked innocently, “I’m a virgin, my prince. I don’t know what to do.” Not a complete lie. You said this as you grinded into his cock. “Show me what to do. I wish to pleasure you too.”
“Come here then.” 
He lifted you from the couch and brought you back into his lap. You immediately knew what he wanted. Holding onto his strong shoulders, his length filled you completely, making you gasp when it touched deep in you. Aemond started kissing along your shoulder, his hands running down your back to your ass while he helped you ride him. You grasped onto the ends of his white blond hair, tugging it slightly to make him growl into your neck. 
still grunted and mumbled his pleasure. This wasn’t enough for you. You began going faster, panting and moaning in his ear as you knew he’d want. Soon, your prince began unraveling in your arms. His head fell back when you started whirling your hips on him, keeping him deep inside while you did it. 
“Am I doing well, Your Grace?”
“Yes,” he said, lifting his head to look at you, “Yes, you are, Petal. Don’t stop. I want to make you cum again.”
You moaned even louder when his thumb went back to attacking your clitoris. You started bouncing on him in time with it, another wave of pleasure starting to wash over you. It came harder than any of the ones before. It drowned out the exhaustion in your body, and overcame all rational sense. You only wanted one thing at that moment, and you planned to get it. Breasts in his face, Aemond started licking and sucking on your nipples again which heightened your orgasm. 
“Where would you like to cum, my prince?” you asked breathily, seeing his body start to contract and tense underneath you. His muscles flexed around you, and he suddenly became more needy, whimpering and whining for you. “On my breasts? My stomach? My mouth?” you kissed his neck and breathed in his ear, “Inside me?”
“No, not inside,” he said, spanking and grabbing your ass, “That’s for our wedding…wedding night. Get off.” 
You slid him out of you, and right away streaks of white started shooting from his red head. You squealed at his cum decorating your stomach and breasts. You actually enjoyed the feeling of the hot semen on your skin, being claimed by your handsome prince. It was different from Aegon, who’s remains disgusted you earlier. You watched Aemond shake, and shudder, his body hunching forward as he finally let out his moans and groans into the air. He looked beautiful, like a porcelain god made just for you. Cheeks flushed red and hair sticking to his forehead, you couldn’t help wanting to paint him this way. You’d go to your canvas right now, and paint it just to save the moment forever. You rested against him, all the tension in your body causing you to lean forward against him. 
“Are you alright?” he asked you, kissing your cheek. “It doesn’t hurt too much, does it?”
“It…It does hurt a bit,” you admitted, the pain and soreness in your body became more obvious now. You winced as you climbed off his chest, sweaty and dirty from his love making. You looked down, “I thought there’d be more blood…”
“Are you saddened by that?” he laughed, running his hand through his hair. “That’s what I was trying to avoid, Petal.”
“No, I’m not sad. I only expected our first time to be…more…”
“Bloody? Painful?”
“My sister said it would be,” you told him, as you watched him grab a cloth he’d kept nearby on a table. “She said on her wedding night that it hurt a lot, and I should prepare myself for that.”
“That’s because your sister married Harrold Baratheon, and he’s a brute,” he smiled before kissing your lips. “I’d never hurt you purposefully, my love. I wanted you to enjoy it.”
Your heart then sank. You remembered why this happened in the first place. He gently wiped his cum from you before you pulled him in for a kiss. Long, deep and passionate, you put every word you couldn’t say into it. Your shame and guilt at what you’d done; how you wished you’d never done it; how you never wanted to hurt him, and that you’d spend every day apologizing for that one moment of weakness. 
“Come to bed with me,” he said, holding you in his arms, “I’ll have the maid draw a warm bath for you.”
“I’m sorry, Aemond,” you told him, ignoring what he’d told you and kissing him once again. “Truthfully. I was an idiot. I was weak and gave into something I shouldn’t. I regret every single second of it.” 
He paused over your face. He pecked your lips, then your 
, “Let’s not dwell on it, Petal. I know it was not entirely you’re doing. Let me take care of you, and then perhaps…” he smirked, pecking your shoulder, “We can go a second time.”
“A second time?” you giggled, a bit shocked. 
“And a third,” he added, “Maybe a fourth if we’re not too tired. You’re mine, and I want to enjoy you as much as possible.”
His words made you smile, and you let him carry you over to the bed nearby, where you melted into the mattress while he called for a bath. The handmaiden, a young girl, stared at you both shocked when she came in to see you both naked on the bed. She’d tell everyone for sure. She’d talk and then the whole castle would know the prince deflowered his bride before their wedding day. Then the queen will know. Then the king. You didn’t care. Aemond still wanted to marry you, and that was what you cared about. 
He’ll admit hearing you’d been with Aegon hurt him. It hurt much deeper than he’d dare tell you out loud. He’d gotten used to Aegon taking things that were his: toys, food, armor, weapons…he never thought it’d be something so precious to him. Aemond grew to love you over the time you’d been betrothed. You became his one fantasy, the one thing in his life he knew he wanted. For Aegon to come and touch what was his made his blood boil. He’d taken your maidenhead. He’d claimed you and made you his. He spoiled you for any other man who might’ve desired you before; if you ended up with a child, it was more reason to speed up the wedding. 
You’d paid for your transgression until your body gave out and became a puddle. Now, it was Aegon’s turn. 
His brother sat in the small hall with a few squires, sharing jokes and tales over ale. Aegon immediately whipped his head around to see his brother marching towards him, and fear filled his eyes. Nearly falling off the bench, he scrambled away from Aemond right as he came within a few feet of him. Aemond rushed after him until he tackled him halfway down the hall. The two brothers struggled, wrestling around on the stone floor. Hands on Aegon’s throat, Aegon’s arm against his own, his brother spoke first. 
“She told you, didn’t she?” he asked. 
“I heard you. I was in the tower when you touched her,” he replied. 
“Then, then you know she wanted it too-”
“-You shouldn’t have touched her in the first place!” he tightened his grip on Aegon’s throat. He had half a mind to strangle him. “Even if she begged you, you shouldn’t have done it! She’s my wife, you prick!”
“You’re only betrothed! It’s not like I put it in her! She’s still a virgin!” he wrestled himself free, crawling away before Aemond grabbed his leg to pull him back across the ground. He managed to grapple Aegon until his arm was behind his back on the ground. His face in the dirt floor, he cried out, “Aemond! Aemond, no!”
“Touch my wife again, Brother,” he said, a threat laced in his tone as he raised Aegon’s hand further up his back, “And I will save the Stranger the trouble and take your life myself, get it?”
“Yes, yes, let me go! Let me go!”
Aemond released him, and stood up. “She’s just as guilty as me,” Aegon spat at him, rolling his aching shoulder. “She met me there.”
“She’s already apologized to me,” he smirked, “Repeatedly.”
The suggestion made his brother smile, “Oh, has she? What depraved things did you make your blushing bride do?”
“Nothing I’d ever tell you about.” 
He kicked Aegon’s leg, then walked out of the hall. Perhaps you were in the godswood, he wondered. It was a lovely day. The both of you could spend time outside before dinner; you could read to him or play your lute. He’d love to see you. Any excuse to see and feel you again. Aemond became positively, absolutely addicted to you, and only he’d know how good you feel. You were his, after all. 
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And now i want my neck bitten ...
... and can pls somebody help me with the heat???
Hello my lovely co-readers! I fell into my first A/B/O-fanfic and what can i say ... I have another fanfic-review or more ff-recommendation for you!
Mark of the serpent by @naromoreau and @summerofspock
Whats it about:
Prince Aziraphale is about to be crowned King of Angelhaven when he's taken captive by pirates. When he's sold as a pleasure slave to King Crowley, ruler of the nation readying for war with his, he is forced to keep his identity a secret as he tries to find a way home and keep peace. But not everything at King Crowley's court is as it seems and Aziraphale will have to face machinations of a Royal Court that are far more complex than he had thought. A Captive Prince AU with an omegaverse twist.
What i love about it:
❤️Well, for starters - this is my very first contact with the Omegaverse. I never read anything like this before.
Basically in this story it means that Crowley is an Omega, he is a male but can get pregnant (yes i googled it and yes there are even explanatory pages for that ... 😅 i just took it as given and read on). Aziraphale is a male Alpha. I have come across some A/B/O-stories so far but never started them. Why here? Well because of the plot - Aziraphale a prince and Crowley a King - and Az becoming a pleasure slave? I am sorry, but who am I to resist?
The whole setting is already like a tale, so this makes it a lot easier to just take Omegaverse in additionally.
🤷‍♀️That said if you never have read something like this before, mind the tags. Though i would like to add: i only read stories with happy ends and sometimes the tags are even a bit off-scaring and i am truly happy i just looked at the "eventual happy ending"-tag and dove right in.
❤️When you read the summary you already know the ending, right? I mean a prince, a king, rivaling kingdoms - come on! BUT - as always its the way how we get there and the plot here is twisted, which i found quite interesting.
🤔There is also a bit of tension here, you might even call it angst - i have to admit in the last third i once went back to check on the tags if it really predicted a happy ending. Go through with it - its worth it!
❤️Without any spoilers - there is quite a span where Aziraphale has to earn Crowleys trust and love. And though i sometimes thought Crowley was a bit overreacting (i think Demon Crowley wouldnt have been able to resist Aziraphale for so long 😂) - i actually found it very healing for ME to see Ziraphe so stable and safe in his love for Crowley.
OMG the explicit scenes! You have to know that in Omegaverse Omegas go into heat and Alphas into rut. You can imagine what happens to explicit scenes when the hormones kick in on top ... I think i am going in heat, too 😂
Look out for:
🤓a little bonus!!! there is an extra fanfic, one shot, telling Crowleys perspective on the first shared heat!
My favorite quote:
“Acceptance is a powerful thing. Once I accepted I could never stop loving you, things got easier.”
So if you like tales, are into very explicit scenes and want to give Omegaverse a try, this probably is a very good and easy start for you!
I am absolutely hooked and will look for more GOOFF (good-omens-omegaverse-fanfics) now. If you have some recs, pls comment!!! 🤗
Reading is not a hobby - it´s an attitude.🤍
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angelsanarchy · 10 months
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Tangerine Skies: Possum x Y/N Series CH 7
Tagging: @svgarcaine @icarus-star @romanroyapoligist @tempt-ress @madamemaximoff06 @shady-the-simp @liquidsmoothdomme @auggiethecreator @ethical-cain-vinnel @blacksoul-27
Possum had stopped responding to text messages at around 7:15PM. She knew he told her not to call but by 2AM, she started calling. When she first started calling, it would ring at least 4 times before kicking into his voicemail. Now that it was so late, she kept calling until it no longer rang but went straight to voicemail meaning the phone was now off.
"Come on Possum. Where the hell are you?" She paced around glancing over to Opossum while he slept on the couch in a bundle of blankets. She heard rustling outside of the RV and walked out to see Possum stumbling into his tent.
"Possum! Are you okay?" She startled him but he shook it off rather quickly.
"Oh yeah yeah I'm totally fine. No worries. I just...ran the whole way here. Did you miss me?" He was out of breath, sweaty and the bottom of his pants were torn and wet.
"Hey...take a minute and talk to me okay? You don't look alright." Possum frowned.
"Well I could use some rest. It's been a long day-" The moment he started towards the picnic table, his leg gave out and Y/n caught him.
"Okay, that's it." Y/n helped him limp towards the table and sat him down. As soon as she was able to assess him, she knew the wetness on his leg was blood. She tore the bottom of the pantleg open.
"Oh I liked these pants!" Possum whine as Y/n came face to face with a bloody and bruise leg.
"What the fuck happened to your leg Possum? You need to go to a hospital." She touched it carefully making him flinch.
"I may have been underestimated how observant I am while running through the woods...I got caught up in a bear trap." Possum winced again as she looked at the gashes.
"Oh my god..." She knew that the only bear traps that would be in the woods would be up near the mountains where all the drug dealers made their products. He was drug running.
"Stay here." She walked into the RV and found her first aid kit, some water and a few clean rags. Possum watched her clean his wounds up on his leg silently, drinking the water she had brought him and using the rag to wipe his face and neck clean.
"You're really good at this...ever been a nurse?" Possum asked seeing how in the zone Y/n was. She looked annoyed...or angry. He wasn't quite sure but he felt like shit.
"No I've never been a nurse. I've just had to take care of myself for a really long time." She gave no emotion as she moved to sit next to him.
"Shirt off, I want to clean the cuts on your neck." Possum took the shirt off and tossed it behind himself. She scooted closer to put ointment on his collarbone and he sighed.
"I'm sorry I scared you. That wasn't my intention at all." He spoke softly and Y/n's eyes fluttered to his.
"You shouldn't be drug running. You're lucky this was the worse that happened to you. Those tweaker deals get high on their own supply and end up blowing your head off." She felt her heart beating fast just thinking about how much worse this could have been.
"Then what would I tell your little brother?" She started getting a bit weepy and Possum grabbed her hand.
"I'm okay. You fixed me up, it's okay. See." Possum pulled Y/n into a hug and she tried to take a deep breath.
"You scared the hell out of me Possum. You can't just put yourself in danger like that...I won't handle it well if something awful happens...and you don't come back." She explained as he ran his thumbs over her cheeks, feeling a few tears.
"A stupid bear trap didn't keep me from coming back. That was the last big job I had to do so I promise I won't be going anywhere anytime soon." Possum tried to reassure.
"It's not like you could get there anyway. You probably broke your leg." Y/n gestured to his swollen limb.
"Nah, probably a bone bruise but definitely not broken. I might need one of those shots though. Trap was pretty rusty." Possum tried to lighten the mood but Y/n glared.
"Put your arm over my shoulders, let's get you inside so we can get that leg elevated." Possum was surprised.
"I can sleep in my tent-"
"Shut up and get your butt in that RV or so help me." Y/n warned. He limped up the steps and noticed the little blanket fort his little brother was wrapped up in and smiled. She had place a small bowl near him so he could eat and drink whenever he wanted. Possum couldn't help but smile. He turned towards Y/n who shut the door behind herself before Possum took her hands.
"Thank you for taking care of him...and me." He kissed her sweetly and gave her hands a squeeze. Y/n wanted to pout at him and be upset but he was here, in one piece, a little worse for wear but he was here.
"Anytime." She leaned her forehead against his and helped get him back into the bed. She helped strip him down so he would be comfortable and she slid into the bed next to him, pulling the covers up to her chest. Possum pulled her closer to his body until they were flush against one another.
"I like spooning with you. You always smell nice." Possum admitted making Y/n laugh.
"You set the bar pretty low babe." Y/n teased. Possum looked at her and shook his head.
"I think you far surpass the bar. You're perfect." Possum grinned and Y/n rolled her eyes.
"I'm not sucking your cock after you had me that worried." She said firmly making him nod.
"Would it be too much to get a joint out of my bloody pants...you know, for the pain." Possum asked making Y/n shake her head. He was taking over her world in every way possible and she wasn't mad about it at all. They both laid up in the back of the RV, naked and smoking with the window open until they both got tired enough to doze off. Possum had passed out holding onto her body tightly, face buried into her neck, leaving small kisses until Y/n's breathing had slowed.
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multicolour-ink · 8 months
More rough draft ideas for the Anastasia AU. This one is the bro's reunion, so if you don't want to spoil yourself for the story I have planned, maybe skip it! (tag will be #au spoilers)
~ also note that (due to memory loss) Mario goes by "Maurice" ~
* * *
They agreed to meet at the fire flower field.
"I'm sorry", Maurice began, softly. "I didn’t want to decieve you. I just...wanted to find out where I come from."
The Prince breathed in deeply, and then out through his nose like he was lifting a weight from his whole body.
"I'm just...so tired", he said weakly. "I'm tired of being tricked."
He raised a hand and aggressively wiped away tears that had already started spilling down his cheeks. Maurice, for reasons he could not fathom why, made to move forward, his hand reached out. However, he quickly drew back as he realised what he was about to do.
Prince Luigi looked back at him.
"You look so much like him. And you're so kind. That's what hurts the most."
Feeling more courage, Maurice gingerly stepped closer.
"Just, please tell me. Who am I?"
He clasped his music box to his chest. The Prince's eyes widened.
"Where did you get get that?"
Maurice looked at it, startled.
"I don't know. I've had it as long as I can remember. I think it's-"
But he stopped himself as he watched the Prince dig into his pocket, and bring out a music box of his own. This one was moon shaped, but the craftsmanship was very like Maurice's.
"Funny", said the Prince. "My music box is supposed to match with my brother's. A sun and a moon. A pair bound together. Would be funny, if you were an imposter, and you had just crafted a fake one just like his."
Maurice swallowed.
"I don't...know. Mine...could be fake. It has weird writing on the back. Might just be a signature or something."
He froze as some form of emotion went over the Prince's face.
"Can I see?"
Prince Luigi put his hand out. Maurice didn't miss the fact that it was trembling. He obeyed.
The Prince took his music box in the other hand, his pupils dilated, and he turned it so Maurice could see there was an inscription on the back.
, as long as we're together.
"My brother and I used to say that all the time to each other", the Prince said, his lip quivering. "We thought it would be fun to inscribe it on the back, so we carried a half each, and remember that we were never alone."
He held out the music boxes side by side. As Maurice looked, he saw that the inscriptions came together to form a full sentence.
Nothing can hurt us, as long as we're together.
"And that's always true", Maurice found himself saying with no warning.
He stopped. Now he was the one trembling.
Prince Luigi then tapped the top of his own music box, and an oddly shaped disc popped out. Taking it, the Prince then inserted it into the front of Maurice's.
"I didn't even know that was there!", he said in awe.
"A secret compartment in each of the boxes", the Prince explained. "That could only be accessed by the other's key."
He then twisted the box. The bottom slid away, revealing a smaller compartment with a tightly folded piece of paper inside.
The Prince handed the box out to Maurice, his eyes begging the younger man to open the paper.
Maurice was not going to argue. Unfolding the paper in shaking hands, he found it was a photo of two little boys. Both exactly alike, but a little different at the same time. They were smiling, holding each other like there wasn't a care on the world.
Prince Luigi had opened up his own secret compartment. Inside was the same photo. A copy.
"So that you two will always carry a happy memory with you."
Maurice stared at the photos. This really was it. He wasn't feeling like this was strange anymore. This was real, and he knew who he was.
He looked back up at the Prince. Luigi was crying, a hand pressed to his mouth as silent tears spilled out, his expression looking like it was begging for this to be true.
"Hi bro", Mario smiled.
The tears were shed on each other's shoulders, as they held each other tight amongst the fire flowers...
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onwhatcaptain · 4 months
hi i didn’t know what Star Trek was until i came across your fic it’s so. Real. poor McCoy bruh nobody’s gonna know what he went through …I guess it’s not entirely gone, but still. He didn’t get the three socks metaphor.
The way you omit time travel as a tag is craaazyy (I love time travel) AND AND THE SUNMARY BEING
“About men who love each other” LIKE NOT TWO MEN but all THREE
I do have one question though. If McCoy said “tell him you missed him” and set up the holo night, then in the first timeline had McCoy already gone back at that point and failed?
Hi! So I saw your comment on AO3 (please forgive me if it takes a moment to reply, I have an enormous backlog of comments to get around to after I took a break when the fic ended!) and I knew I absolutely had to ask you these burning questions: how did you find my fic if you didn't know what Star Trek was? What inspired you to read it?
I am beyond thrilled that you enjoyed the story and so touched that you read it all the way through without having seen Star Trek, but I absolutely have to ask what the story behind this is if you're willing to share with me!
It's definitely still canon divergent in a sort of way! At least in my figurative and literal book if you know the episode that inspired this novel, it would definitely be considered divergent:) I wanted to keep things as spoiler-free as possible to retain the surprise and emotional weight of the story, so I made the decision early on to not tag where the plot or ending was going, which definitely threw a lot of people off! Sorry for the trickery!
I ADORE that you pointed out the summary. I was actually shocked when I was reading this ask, because it was absolutely intentional and a huge part of the foreshadowing, but you're the only reader to my knowledge that has consciously noticed that choice, and you haven't even seen Star Trek!! Amazing!! I have such a big smile on my face right now!
More below because I realize this is getting long already!
As for poor McCoy, it is truly tragic nobody will know what he went through. In Star Trek, a lot of fans (rightfully) emphasize the love between Kirk and Spock, which I feel is only kept alive because of McCoy's quiet love for them both in the background as he takes care of them. In a way, it's a tribute to love that goes unnoticed, unseen.
With regards to your question, it's a great question! And I don't have a perfect answer for it, because it's entirely paradoxical. The first half of the story can only happen if the second half happens, because Kirk and Spock would not act on their feelings without the existence of the holo night and McCoy's intervention. But in the original timeline, they still die even though McCoy's actions in the latter half of the novel seem to exist. It's totally circular. It's expounded on somewhat in Forever and a Day, where McCoy tries to make sense of the same question and concludes that even if he does succeed, they will still die.
McCoy tries not to think about the horrifying implications. The knowledge that no matter what he did, he could not undo their deaths. To live, they would always need to die.
This doesn't necessarily mean that McCoy has gone back before, but it raise some serious questions about metaphysics and leaves a lot unanswered, because the two events now cause each other, and they also contradict each other. I actually took a stab at explaining the metaphysics in way greater detail in the fic originally, but my beta reader (correctly) told me this would confuse readers. So because it's confusing, I later just wave my sci-fi authorial wand to try and convince you to go along with it! :)
"And I like how the paradox makes no sense.” “I reckon it’s not meant to. They never do."
I do have to say, I recommend giving Star Trek a watch if you were interested! I think it's an amazing show. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to read a whole novel about a show you had no idea about!!
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