#i am so sorry y'all
tyrianluda · 3 months
guys what if freak fortress was instead called 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 fortress
and christian brutal sniper is christian 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 sniper
and christian pure spy is christian 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 spy
and painis cupcake would be called [NUCLEAR BLAST]
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himexyandere · 5 months
Omg i'm so in love with Mikkan alr😭❤❤❤
Can i request nsfw hcs about him pls 🥺
Oh, you sure can, sweet anon! 👀 Fair warning though- Dr. Mikka is very... Special LOL
To start off, he has a huge breeding kink. On top of being very curious by nature, he would love to see how your body reacts to his octopus form's sperm, and how it reacts to his human form's sperm
Has an obsession (borderline fetish) with feet and legs for obvious reasons. Can and would kiss your feet, suck your toes, tongue in between 'em, etc-
He's also into choking his beloved, usually with his tentacles though. He doesn't squeeze until their breathing is cut off, but he does like wrapping a tentacle around his lover's neck while holding them down with his others
Very much into marking as well (with his tentacles and teeth). His teeth are very sharp, and he's very careful with them, but that doesn't mean he won't bite you until you bleed a little
He's not really a sadist, it's more so that he can't exactly control himself all the time, especially when he's feeling particularly needy (or it's mating season)
A certified yapper. He talks a lot during sex and will always point out embarrassing things that would make anyone flush and cover their ears 😭
Loves distension. He wants to see the effect his tentacles have on your body, and seeing a bump in your stomach would set him off
Speaking of mating season- if you visit him during this time, he literally wouldn't be able to keep himself off of you and would end up stuffing you to the point of bursting with his seed
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Upon rereading my original post about the Pseudo-Subscorp week I have realized that I forgot to specify which month the dates were for (Bc I'm an idiot)
It's September.
22-28 of September
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helluvasins · 3 months
The way he is poouutting!
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✥✧∘* "I wanna be milked..." Whiny noise. Crossing his arms.
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msbhagirathi · 6 months
IPKKND LIVE BLOG - Season 1 [Epi - 2]
Cooooommmmmmmeeee ooooooonnnnnnnn, letz start the second epiiiiiiiiii.
So we are starting right from where we had left them off. ANDDDDD BAAAAMMMM! Khushi jolts out of her (or rather their?) trance and realizes where her hand is, snatches it back. Pulling out Arnav from his trance as well.
I want you to focus on their expressions in the scene. Look closely, when she snatches her hand away from his collar. His gaze, instantly falls down to her hand and there's a moment where he steels himself and maybe even thinks that 'How dare she!'.
It's as if Arnav realizes that he needs to be angry and THEN all hell breaks lose, as he throws her out of his hands. He orders the head of his PR team to control the photos and videos of this 'scandal'. Khushi is locked in a room for interrogation.
Back in Gomti Sadan, the neighborhood aunties are gossiping about Khushi's absence. Buaji asks about the papers' whereabouts to Payal. But, Payal, already very nervous and tongue-tied, reduces to tears. I am surprised why did Buaji not see the change in her demeanor and most importantly her spilled tears. But, that's also not much surprising coz Buaji can hardly ever read Payal or Khushi's distress over anything that they seem to be facing alone, in the entire show. This scene also indicates that Payal has never been the rule-breaker kid, she's always been kind of a 'yes-man' to her parents.
Ohh! Did you notice how Khushi's voice sounds so off? Do you know why? Turns out Sanaya was sick with cold while shooting this sequence. She mentioned this in that interview with Mrs. Gul Khan, which was released right after IPK ended a few months ago.
Arnav instructs the team to interrogate Khushi and check whether a rival company (Re-Fashion? RI-Fashion? REE-Fashion? whatever, lol.) send her there to ruin his fashion show in exchange of some petty amount of money.
Payal's belief, of her Abhishek ji standing up to his family's demand of the dowry, breaks. She realizes that he is present there, knows everything going on but still refuses to speak up. She is heart-broken.
Was it only me or you also thought that the way Sanaya pronounced 'profession' is kind of-idk-intriguing?-sexy?-hot?-pata nahi choro (ok, leave it.)
Garima tries to associate the papers' absence to Khushi's absence. Payal has been caught like a deer caught in headlights.
Arnav comes to meet or rather to interrogate his wife 'that' girl, for 'answers'. Khushi requests him to let her go as she explains him that she landed there by mistake.
He is so adamant in throwing all the unfortunately familiar 'accusatory' questions. What was that 'Wipro-Fashion'? 'PRO-Fashion'? Whatever. See, many of you would disagree, here, but I think he is legit right in doubting her intentions, given the type of people he would have dealt with till now in this profession. Although, WE know, from Khushi's POV, that she is right, BUT that's the thing, he doesn't.
"Then let it (the marriage) break. Problems like these are nothing for girls like you. If one leaves, then trap another." ("Toh tut jaane do shaadi. Tum jaisi ladkiyon ka kya hai. Ek jayega, dusra phasaa lena.") And the BG score changes to something close to tandav beats. Maybe, just maybe he realized that he has struck a chord or crossed a line or fcked up real bad. It can be any of the three.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! The dreaded moment is here. Khushi retaliates but she does not realize the volcano in front of her, ready to burst out with hot, molten lava. She attempts to side step him but he grabs her by the arm and yanks at the dori of her blouse. Pearls scatter around, everywhere on the floor. Khushi is horror struck, devastated, horrified and all the girls watching this for the first time already knew what that meant. And hated Arnav for doing that to her for a long, long time.
See the irony, here. In the previous episode, we saw them together in that beautiful frame. No-one had any doubt of them being the alpha couple of the show. BUT. BUT. BUT.
After this scene, audience must have doubted, some might even have gone to the extent to declare Arnav as the villain. And later considered Shyam as the hero, coz of the way, he was introduced (we will come to that in that episode).
Hmm. I am thinking. Why did he let her go? Like? So....easily? After she pulled the ribbon from her hair and covered her exposed back, or rather her modesty. Arnav has frozen. At his spot. He isn't even moving a finger. (I will have to process this scene and then will let you know in a separate post.)
With this, the scene blurs and along with Khushi, we reach Gomti Sadan, where everything is eerily silent. Wait. Did we reach so early? Didn't Khushi take the whole day to reach SM? Then how come- ohh Guilty Arnav might have arranged a car for her to reach her home safely-Lol. Who am I kidding with? This is ASR, we are talking about. Let's stop with the wishful thinking.
Gomti Sadan. Gossips. Malign in their social image. A broken marriage. All of these are termed as a "Kali' (black ink) by Buaji. And who's at fault? Khushi. She talks of pulling off her braid and handing it to her. Basically, beat her ass off.
Buaji, I think, was never able to accept Khushi as her own child. She was always the only one to differentiate between the two. She was only the one who instigated Garima and Shashi against her. Although, Shashi had wholeheartedly accepted her as his daughter but Garima, often used to get manipulated into believing the worst, in Khushi.
Even now both Buaji and Garima are convinced that Khushi was, somehow, jealous of her sister's fate (that she was getting married) and so to malign it, she decided to sabotage the wedding by taking away the papers and fleeing out of everyone's sight until the wedding is called off.
Lol. Junior Engineer. And Buaji thinks, that's self-explanatory for them, having a right to ask for a dowry. Khushi explains herself. But, she is admonished by her (B-ji), for acting like a 'Dadi Amma', means trying to act above her age, by interfering in elders' matters.
Still, for the Guptas', specifically for Mrs. Garima Gupta, a broken marriage is worse than Payal getting married into a money-hungry family. Do you see it here? Getting MARRIED is of more importance than getting married into THE RIGHT FAMILY.
And as if all this admonishing and insulting is not enough, so, she kind of disowns her daughter. "Mat kaho hume Amma".
Khushi, who already had abandonment issues, guilt of being a burden to 'this' family, is now shell shocked. Someone please save this poor kid.
Buaji does it again! Hip, hip hurray guys! She again pulls up the orphan card and a non-refundable debt (of getting adopted by her brother and sister in law) card! What an awesome timing Buaji! Shut up Buaji. What? Shashi said this. Not me. I have manners, ok.
"Arre tujhse saga humara koi nahi hai." Payal's words calms Khushi to some extent. But, they are still not enough as we see that Khushi cannot sleep, and keeps tossing and turning, recalling her amma's harsh words.
She wakes up and opens their shop's door. Khushi is shown handling an LPG gas cylinder, an oil cannister and lighting a match stick, giving us the impression of her attempting to give up her life.
Precap starts. *quickly pauses it* I don't watch precaps. Spoilers. Don't like them. Bye. Such a stressful episode to watch.
P.S. : Remember the interview I was talking about? This is it. Please do give it a watch if you haven't already. It's so beautiful them sharing the off-screen things and being all nostalgic. You'll love it. :)
Previous Next Episode!
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sapphism-and-nihilism · 10 months
Emergency: Funds Needed-PART TWO!!!  
NEVER EVER UNDERESTIMATE LIFE'S ABILITY TO GUT-PUNCH YOU WHEN YOU THINK THINGS HAVE SETTLED DOWN INTO BEING OKAY AGAIN BECAUSE THAT IS A FALSE FALSE FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY, LET ME TELL YOU TLDR: Had a cat emergency again that involved me footing a $250 emergency room bill earlier this saturday-which was basically all the money I had leftover after rent+having to get MORE insulin syringes because the ones I ordered already were being delayed in the mail, SO-LET'S TAKE THIS FROM THE TOP, ONCE AGAIN, HERE WE GO:
-My commissions are currently open Indefinitely(currently taking a break until Dec1st, but I will get to working on any that I receive throughout the month until the final week of December between adoptables): https://itaku.ee/profile/nat-cha/commissions
-I have adoptables open for flatsale-I am even currently in the process of going through my personal OC's+listing character designs that I haven't even looked at for the better part of 5years:
-I have a patreon you can support me from with some tier-based perks+rewards: https://www.patreon.com/Nats_Creations
-I have a Kofi you can donate to: https://ko-fi.com/C0C36DPR
-Even if you cannot currently help me financially, spreading this around would also be VERY much appreciated
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Four weeks into summer and I have barely started on my main story! T~T ...However, developments do mean I actually have characters now. My question is.
...How the fuck do I start talking about them??
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bee-snail · 1 year
Honestly, just because of that disgusting creep Ch**rio I headcanon Varian growing taller than the Baron or the Stabbingtons.
is this tall enough for you
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asdear · 2 months
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Okay, I'll stop screaming now. I just feel too fucking hyped seeing this. 😳
(This is the original lot if you wanna look at it or download it.)
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his-name-is-stewart · 11 months
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panevanbuckley · 2 years
posting fics for random ships i'm suddenly hyperfixating on and confusing my ao3 subscribers is a hobby actually
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ghostsxagain · 8 months
//okay so I'm working from home for 4.5 more hours and my drafts are screaming at me so I'm gonna try to fire off some of those??? dive in and see what clicks??? yeah, good plan//
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blueboxfanwork · 11 months
Personal update/1 month hiatus:
Y'all I am really sorry. I should have recognized what's going on with me earlier as this is the third time. The short version is I doubt I'll be able to update until I see this ADHD screening/medication search through to the end. Though I will try to utilize Turkish-style coffee as an intermediate solution and get at least one update out for those who don't follow this blog. The long version is more personal but may come in handy for anyone writing a character who realizes they have an invisible disability or are neurodiverse so I'll put it below a spoiler thing.
Ok so as I said I have noticed this three times. Once for depression and anxiety, again for autism, and now for ADHD. It's a process that goes somewhat like this (writing in first person cause that's easier and idk if this is universal):
Something makes me realize I may have the condition in question. For me it was reading articles or in the case of the mood disorders a mandatory mental health screening from my pediatrician in middle school (side note that should be a universal thing if it isn't already).
Frantic research, looking for personal perspectives from people with the condition, symptom lists, anything. I also did little experiments seeing if coping mechanisms for the condition in question worked for me. This didn't happen with my mood disorders IIRC, I went right to step three.
Extreme distraction. Partly it's looking at my entire life through this new lens, watching pieces fall into place. If medication is a possibility, the fact I could have functional nuerochemistry but don't drives me up the fucking wall. Either way, it takes time to come to terms with the fact I've been measuring myself against people who don't have the obstacles I do. And that others are gonna keep measuring me against them.
Treatment. With my mood disorders the fact I was making progress toward being treated was enough to help even before I got on meds, though obviously meds helped more.
I am currently trapped in stage three. I can get some writing done if I stare at my computer screen for literal hours and I am doing that every night (except tomorrow night because I was also unable to run D&D last weekend for the same reason and I'm hoping that last-minute deadline can help me get the next session ready). But that doesn't mean it's on the upcoming chapter.
I am painfully aware of the irony of my inability to get things done spiraling out of control because of the realization I probably have a nuerotype characterized in part by having an extreme difficulty getting things done. I'll laugh about it as soon as I regain functioning. In the meantime I am so grateful my current job doesn't necessitate doing things before the last minute. In fact when you're a substitute teacher you really can't do anything but.
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saragrosie · 29 days
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I have been sketching. So much tma. Here's some expansions on my Jon and Martin designs I've been doing.
Another note I forgor to mention is I love how after hearing Simon go "it's enough to make your hair turn white" about Martin's office in s4 many of us collectively agreed his hair turned white because of his association with the Lonely. The shared consciousness is real and we use it to play hot potato with the communal brain cell dedicated to the sillies.
Closeup of apocalypse boyfriends (also to the person who said they love my s5 Jon's fancy white girl updo: I think about that every day)
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helluvasins · 4 months
Little sniffy sound as she pokes at one of her newly bought toys---which was an ultra-prostate destroyer 3000.
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✥✧∘* "Man, I'll never get to use one of these...! What am I doing wrong???" She paid good money for this!! Got it shipped from the lust ring and everything!
So unfair!
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moonlight-prose · 1 month
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a/n: logan angst with this fic is all i've been thinking about. mainly because he's the kind of man to swallow all of his feelings until it eventually kills him. so that's super fun to work with. and that scenario is basically this entire chapter. so please root for him, but also know he's not even close to dealing with his trauma. also the x-men timeline remains convoluted as fuck, so if the past of the logan who died doesn't make sense it is what it is. this is fanfic and we're all here to fuck him.
summary: the past is a thing he couldn't ignore. yet he still tried. and when the opportunity to spend a day with you utterly alone arises, he realizes that perhaps he doesn't want to forget about what brought him here.
word count: 6.6k+
pairing: logan howlett x f!reader
warnings: not explicit, angsty as fuck, some fluff, grieving a past he can never have back, logan goes through it, kissing, he's horny, me slightly abusing my literature degree, heartache, panic attacks.
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Logan never liked when the city fell silent. He hated the city in general. It unnerved him; scratched angrily against his chest until he couldn't find the peace he strived for. The city at night was filled with small noises—bangs in the distance, shouts of drunks wasted in the streets, and people finally turning in for the night.
They reminded him of the wars, the echoey expanse of nothing. Where every sound set his teeth on edge.
The cheap leather fabric of the couch stuck to his skin as he turned. He shoved his body into a standing position—his hands curling into fists. His skin remained sticky with a thin layer of sweat which only served to incense him further. Given the apartment's shitty air system, he'd be struggling through this for most of the summer. A fact he tried his best to ignore in the hopes that the fall weather would reveal itself sooner.
With a groan, he stripped himself of the thin tank top that clung to his skin. It didn't help to ease the humidity that hung in the air. It barely helped to cool off his body. But he'd take what he could get when what he could get was so little.
Wade's snoring echoed through the thin walls as he stood there, his body begging for a bit of sleep. Even if his mind refused to shut off. Images of you played through his head on a loop. The past was shadowed in pain, memories dipped in a venom he once wished would kill him eventually. Yet seeing you yesterday—a version that remained untouched by the depravity of what already happened—launched him back into a time that never seemed to be very far behind.
"You weren't there! And they needed you."
Silver ebbed from his knuckles as he faced the window—eyes shut and chest heaving. There was no question the sweat came from the humidity in the air. The cold chill along his spine however stemmed from you.
"You're not the Wolverine Logan. You're just a disappointment."
He fought the snarl that worked its way up his throat. A heavy pounding began to form at the front of his head. A drum he couldn't escape.
"Live with that."
If he opened his eyes. If he refused to give the memories even an inch of space in his mind. He'd have caught you standing there rummaging in the kitchen. A mug of tea forgotten on the counter the second you caught a glimpse of him getting up from the couch. You tugged at your sleep shorts as you stumbled towards the window—eyes heavy with sleep that simply wouldn't come.
Most nights it was easy. Long days at work left you utterly exhausted. To a point where staying awake felt odd and incomplete.
Tonight felt like hell.
No matter how many times you tossed and turned, you couldn't get the thoughts to settle. And all of them seemed to filter their way back to the man who currently faced you—his eyes shut and fists adorned with silver claws that slowly slid their way to freedom. You nearly dropped your kettle when he tore off his shirt, revealing sweat slicked skin lit up by the streetlights outside.
If you were braver you'd ask him to come over, join you in a sleepless night. But he had yet to see you standing there and you weren't one to draw attention to yourself.
So you stood and watched as he fought with whatever must have woken him up so late in the night. You witnessed his battle and wished you could be the one helping him. Maybe then he'd finally fall asleep soundlessly. His mind clear—body free of phantom aches from injuries that still haunted him. He may heal incredibly fast, but the mind...that took far too long to piece itself back together.
Before you could turn away, back to your now cold mug of tea, his eyes opened. Fixating immediately on your form in the window.
Few people in his life were able to calm the thunderous storms he weathered in his own mind. Jean and Charles did what they could. They brought back what he once thought was lost forever. Even you attempted to ease him from what he lived through—what he endured.
But that seemed to be the one thing your variant self was unable to comprehend.
He didn't need someone to fix him. He wanted someone to see him. To understand that there was no cure for a person this broken, no easy way out when things got this bad. He stood before you as a man riddled with far too much—scars that you'd never be able to see—yet he could see no hesitation in your eyes.
Something pulled at his stomach at the sight of you in small shorts and a tank top. Your skin exposed to the city as you watched him carefully. You analyzed him in a way that didn't make him want to put up a facade. And he found he liked it when you looked at him like this; with a burning need to know more clear in your gaze.
Your eyes trailed up his stomach, lingering on the hair that dipped down into his sweats. He wanted you to be here. Or him to be there. The location didn't matter as long as he could reach out and touch you—feel the warmth of your skin beneath his palm.
Minutes passed before your gaze found his face and Logan felt an itch in his body at the notion that you were fascinated by him. That even in a different universe with completely different memories, you couldn't help but be drawn to the man he was.
The horror of destroying another version of you should have made him want to turn away from the window.
Then you smiled.
A slow sleepy grin that lit up your face. You probably didn't think anything of it—simply a small offer of kindness in your shared sleepless night. Logan however swallowed it down as if you'd given him the best tasting whiskey on this planet. His chest tightened, head dazed as you stood there looking with enough reverence to kill him.
If only he could see the way your insides melted at the sight of him smiling back. The thoughts of lust and like racing through your mind the longer you stood there.
Eventually the sun would come up, you'd be called to work, and this would become a brief passing memory you'd both hold onto down the road.
Until that moment though you remained in this spot. Fighting the drowsiness for a chance to watch him a bit longer. To trace your eyes along his body and soak in the expressions that played across his weary face.
You could feel the prick of sleep in your eyes, your body dizzy as it begged for you to finally give in and crawl back into bed. Yet how could you leave him there? How could you walk away?
He seemed to catch the way you bit back a yawn and chuckled. Pressing his hand to the warm window, he nodded at you. To anyone else on the street it might look nonsensical—comical even. To you his message was loud and clear: Go to bed and I'll be here in the morning. I promise.
Reluctance yanked at your heart when he nodded again, his hand falling back to his side. Yet no matter how hard you tried to keep yourself awake—if only to steal another second of his gaze on your body—you knew it was futile. Fighting sleep never went well in the morning when coffee was your only salvation. With another smile, you waved slightly—pressing your hand to the window briefly as if to respond to his silence with some of your own.
Sleep well. I'll find you in the morning. I promise.
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Logan woke up to the blaring horn of a taxi right outside. The shout of a man bounced off the buildings, cussing about traffic and for someone to get the fuck out of his way. He groaned, turning to his side in the hopes of catching another thirty minutes. But the city was alive and thrumming with its own heart beat.
To others the echo might have been familiar—peaceful.
To Logan it was like nails being dragged along a chalkboard.
"I fuckin' hate this city," he growled, getting to his feet and snatching his tank top from where he'd left it last night.
Surprisingly the apartment rang out with a sound he had yet to experience in this place. Silence. He peeked in the bedrooms briefly, expecting to find Wade still passed out. An empty room was all that greeted him—the fucking stuffed unicorn propped up perfectly on a surprisingly made bed. There was only one reason Wade tidied up his room.
She was coming by here or Wade was going with her. Either way Logan didn't want to be around to hear what came next. He'd been privy to one too many nights of Wade reconciling his differences with Vanessa and all of them ended with Logan's head beneath a pillow. That or he snuck out to wander the city at night until he finally returned to a quiet apartment.
For a brief moment he wondered if he could find you at your place; his eyes settled on the view of your window across the one way street. The lights looked off, the living room empty. And he craved to know where in this city you disappeared to during the day. Where did you work?
Would you mind if he visited you there? If he took some time to hear your voice, see your smile.
He grabbed the shitty coffee bag that was tossed on the counter. No doubt due to Wade making some this morning. The machine was old, nearly broken, but it would make do for the time being. A neon yellow sticky note was stuck to the top—the scrawl of Wade's handwriting familiar.
Good morning peanut! Coffee is hot like you. Don't call me. Don't beep me. Because you don't need to reach me today. If you do, I'm at Ness's scoring for tens all across the board. I'm talking the head—
Logan groaned, crumpling the note and tossing it on the counter. Knowing information that Wade would probably tell him anyways wasn't how he wanted to start his afternoon. The cabinet creaked as he opened it, the plain blue mug he claimed as his sat in the front.
Another yellow sticky attached to it.
OF CHAMPIONS. I knew you wouldn't finish reading the note you gorgeous Canadian/Australian bastard.
P.S. Sweet angel's number. I was told to give it to you.
P.P.S. GET. SOME. (For the both of us.)
A crude drawing of Deadpool fucking the air was scribbled in the corner. The details were far too graphic for him to look at longer than a few seconds. Logan would have tossed the entire mug in the trash, but your number enticed him to stick it to the fridge as he made coffee strong enough to make the hair stand up on his arms. He glanced at it every few minutes, tracing the numbers as he considered what this meant.
Was this you telling him in simple terms that you wanted to get to know him? That his past and whatever he buried was something you wanted to learn.
His gaze burned a hole into the yellow paper as he drank his coffee, his mind racing at the possibility of speaking to you today. Some cash was stowed in the trunk Laura dragged from the previous Logan's home. Her claim was that he deserved to have it. Since he might have understood what it meant more than she did.
From what he could tell this universe's Logan was saving up for something—the wad of cash in the bottom of the trunk remained enough for him to get by until he found a stable place to set up a home. Somewhere near the mansion that still existed. He wasn't prepared to be a part of that life again just yet, but that remained the only spot that felt like home to him.
Even in a different universe.
Snatching the note off the fridge he grabbed his flannel, boots, and enough cash to last through the day. He had no location in mind. But knowing you wanted to spend time with him became the motivator he needed to actually leave the apartment.
The city was bursting with life—sounds filling the air as if it would replace the oxygen they consumed. He did what he could to ignore it. Slipping past people with ease, his eyes fixed on the small store that sat on the corner. He debated on ordering from the cafe across the street, wondering if you liked the place. If you came here for coffee and breakfast on days off.
He made a note to ask.
Thankfully the shop wasn't crowded with people—a shitty pop song blasted over the speakers. One he knew Wade would play to piss off your next door neighbors. Whether or not you actually liked Wade's music taste never crossed his mind. Or did you go along with it? Willing to do what it took to make them suffer.
"Just this," he grunted, tossing enough cash down to cover the bill and then some.
The burner phone was small in his palm as he yanked it out of the box and flipped it on. He didn't bother with getting an actual phone. What the fuck did he need that for? But this...he could do to make you entering his life a bit easier.
Every part of him screamed to push you away—make you hate him—but for the first time in his life, Logan didn't listen.
The shop door swung shut behind him as he dug out the sticky note, punching your number in carefully to not miss a single digit. Somehow in the midst of chaos, he was able to shut off the city noise when the phone began to ring. Half of him expected you not to answer. It was the middle of the day, you were at work, and this was probably more a hindrance than anything else.
Your voice filtering through the small speaker put his worries at ease within seconds.
His heart jumped as he exhaled. "I hear you gave Wade directions this morning."
"Logan?" you asked, voice louder than before. The echo of someone shushing you came through, making him smile.
"Hey Honey."
A shaky breath left your lips. Logan felt his stomach clench at the realization you liked when he called you that.
"I didn't know you had a phone," you replied, much softer than before. "Wade told me you were too old for technology."
"Don't listen to anything that mouth tells you."
You laughed, breathy and cute, and he bit back a groan at the sound. "I'm glad he was wrong."
"He normally is."
"Where are you today?" Shuffling and a door shutting caught his attention as your voice rose in volume again.
A horn went off beside him, piercing his hearing. "Standin' on the street."
"Near our places?"
Oh he liked the sound of that. "Mhm." Another soft breath reached his ears; he felt his body go warm. "Where are you today honey?"
"Work." If he could see through the call, he'd catch you smiling. How your teeth dug into your bottom lip to stop the embarrassing giggle that nearly spilled free. "Do you...um...do you want to see it?"
The words slammed into his chest like a truck. The innuendo nearly enough to make him drop to one knee here in the middle of the street. And suddenly Wade's note came back to his mind. The crude drawing flaring to life as he pictured you saying those exact words in an entirely different situation. If he was a better man his jeans wouldn't have tightened. If he was a better man he'd have ignored it altogether.
Logan wished he was a better man. You longed for him not to be.
He cleared his throat, his grip tightening around the phone. "Where?"
"New York Public Library."
Vaguely the directions came back to him from decades past. He wondered if the building sat in the same spot on this universe as his own. In a rush of words, you gave him some instruction. He agreed to be there as soon as he could.
"See you soon Logan." The excitement wasn't hard to pick from your voice. That still didn't stop him from trying.
He turned. "Rosemary's? You like their coffee?"
Another laugh escaped you in a breath and Logan felt the walls around his heart chip. "Love."
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Twenty minutes later you were greeting him on the side of the building with a smile he felt down to his adamantium bones. A warm coffee was pressed into your hand, a sandwich tucked safely into a small paper bag in the other. For the entire afternoon he formulated things to say to you, stories to tell. Yet all that came now was an awkward smile and a greeting that made his chest burn uncomfortably.
You thought nothing of it. Even as you led him inside and asked him about his morning. The sight of him holding coffee and wearing a grin was enough for you to lose it a little. The breath knocking from your lungs, warmth spilling into your stomach.
"I didn't know what you wanted–"
Taking another sip, you grinned at the glimpse of red that dusted the tips of his ears. "I don't mind what you got."
A stain of soft pink remained on the cup; Logan's eyes attached to it within seconds. You could see the way his pupils dilated slightly—his throat bobbing at the sight of something so small and delicate. That didn't help the way your heart flipped whenever he was near. As if he'd taken control of all your emotions—all the baseline wants that you could normally ignore.
"What do you do here?" he rasped, focusing on the way you watched him. Though the glaze of sleep was gone from your eyes, the way you analyzed him still remained.
Unlocking another door, you led him down a flight of stairs. The elevator would have been the easier route, but he didn't possess a badge nor a library card. You were pretty sure he wouldn't have gotten one either way. So sneaking him in was the way to go until you could convince him otherwise. What you didn't know was that you could have asked anything of him—anything you wanted—and he'd agree without hesitation.
He followed close behind, unwilling to let you get a few feet away. As if he was drawn to you in ways that didn't seem possible.
"I work on making sure things are properly placed in the correct spot. Older books, newspapers from decades ago, stuff like that."
Humming, he watched as you opened the final door—letting him see the grand room that lay below filled with an infinite row of bookcases. Boxes that had yet to be gone through, files not placed properly, and piles of books that stacked on rows of tables. Each one contained a certain label of where they belonged.
"So a librarian?"
Laughing, you shut the door behind him with a soft click. "Kind of. I'm not working upstairs and handing out books like the actual librarians do. We hermits down in the basement prefer the term archivist."
"Hermits," he huffed. "You don't look like a hermit to me."
"Looks can be deceiving Logan."
That was a fact he knew too well. One that kept him up at night, replayed in his dreams without end. Oftentimes he wondered if he'd been the one to deceive. If his persona and reluctance to help gave others the impression that he was the man to turn to. The hero they needed. He never asked to be seen that way—never wanted it—yet when the time came...he couldn't run away from the truth.
The idea of telling you all this came to him last night as he watched you walk back to your room.
What stopped him was the image of the other you, grief stricken and horrified as he stumbled home from the bar.
"I have some questions for you." Your voice pulled him from his thoughts.
The small table in the back was free of books and you took a seat, pulling your sandwich from the paper. He took the chair across from you, his legs bumping into yours as he tried to cram them in the small space. The apology was quick to land on his tongue. Although your smile and the feel of your ankle curving around his leg killed it instantaneously.
"I'm hoping you have some answers."
He swallowed thickly, ignoring the way you shifted—your knee brushing his. "Now that depends."
"Are they easy questions?" He grinned at the way you spoke around your mouthful of food—intrigue lighting up your eyes.
You slid half the sandwich towards him, not pretending to see the way he tried to refuse. He took a bite when your foot jammed in his calf. A pointed look crossing your face as if to say: eat because I know you haven't.
"What am I like?"
He nearly choked on the bread. "Do you mean..."
With a nod, you grabbed another bite, oblivious to the way his tongue swiped along his bottom lip. His eyes fixed on the way your teeth sunk into the meal and oil spread at the corner of your mouth. Tearing the sandwich in half would have been the better option. Biting where he mouth was seemed to be what you liked better.
His insides stirred deliciously, heat forming at the way your lashes fluttered at the taste.
"The other me," you mumbled, giving him the rest. "You said we were friends." When he didn't respond you kept going. "Wade alluded that we might have been...more than friends."
Fucking Wade Wilson.
Logan leaned back, his hand curling into fists in his lap as he once again fought the urge to take off. "He sure likes to run his goddamn mouth."
Anxiety sparked in your chest and you fell silent. Perhaps it wasn't the right time to bring it up. Or even something to bring up. Yet curiosity always ate you alive—the idea of not knowing the full truth. And when Wade briefly said Logan was still pining over a version of you that didn't exist on this Earth, you tried not to let it consume you.
You fought against your baser instincts in the hopes that one day he'd tell you himself.
Then he showed up. Offering you coffee and friendship and possibly more.
How could you ignore it then?
You knew he was watching you, could feel the burn of his eyes along the side of your face. Silence echoed loudly in the room as the old wooden bookshelves creaked and the chatter of people upstairs began to filter down below.
"I'm sorry," you uttered, doing what you could to move past whatever this was. "I shouldn't have asked. We can go look at some stuff if you want. I have newspapers from the seventies you might want to see–"
"I loved you."
You froze, head whipping around to meet his solemn gaze.
"On my Earth you were mine." With a sigh, he leaned forward. "And I fucked it all up. No I didn't just fuck it up. I ruined you."
"Logan..." you breathed. "I'm not them."
"I know." Sorrow flooded his hazel eyes—the grief playing across his face like a film you shouldn't be watching. And for the first time...you saw the man Wade spoke about. The broken version of a Logan that was found in a bar wallowing on his own world. "But I can't do that to you again. I won't."
This wasn't an omission of the truth. Nor a confession of his greatest sins. This was a promise lined with the guilt of his past. Memories of a time you'd never witness played out in his mind and he longed to show them to you.
To give you a piece of what he once had with a version of you that loathed his existence now.
But that isn't why he happened upon you on this Earth. History would remain exactly as it was. He couldn't change that. However, this—whatever he shared with you now—he could keep safe. The promise he made so long ago might finally be shown the respect he never thought to give it before.
"Come with me," you said softly, standing with a hand outstretched for him to take.
With a hesitant breath, he wrapped his calloused palm around yours and let you take the lead.
Past bookshelves and rows of boxes stacked nearly to the ceiling, you stopped at a shelf marked with words he'd seen a thousand times before. X-MEN. You tugged a box free and carried it to the table behind you—the top flipping open with ease as he caught sight of the pile of papers within. A list was taped to the side of what this might contain. Names he knew, people that might still exist on this Earth.
"This is all we know about the Logan in this universe." You pulled out a file, a picture of his variant clipped on top. He was rugged—aged.  "It's not much, but it shows a bit of his past."
"Why are you showing me this?"
"So you can see what others see."
You handed him a photo of the X-Men. Jean and Scott stood on either side of Charles. Logan was off to the side, a cigar in his mouth and a cocksure grin on his lips. He hated the man before he knew him. Always hearing how fucking wonderful he was; how great a hero he used to be.
He selfishly wanted to be everything this version of himself was.
He wanted to be the hero he could never amount to.
"What happened to 'em?"
You glanced at the image, pulling another file out. The name punched the breath from his lungs as you flipped it open. JEAN GREY: ALIAS - PHOENIX. An image of her smiling at a lecture was pulled free—her hair red and down to her waist.
"I don't know much, because well Charles Xavier never disclosed information about the X-Men lightly. But...something happened to her. From what we know...Logan was the one to kill her."
The file fell on the table, his heart twisting violently in his chest as the words flooded his mind. He killed her. He killed Jean. The woman he once loved before you came into his life. Something severed in his body, the breath in his lungs was suddenly hard to come by. But the touch of your hand on his kept him from completely falling into that dark pit he fought to climb out of.
"He–" Logan sucked in a breath and shut his eyes to the image of Jean. "He killed her?"
You nodded, silent while he processed the information. Showing this to him wasn't an act of malice—he knew that. You didn't want him to suffer. You simply wanted to prove that the Logan that once existed wasn't the greatest to have ever lived. He was simply a man suffering the plight of guilt the universe handed him.
He had his own cross to bear. His own nightmares to fight through.
In some ways...they weren't so different.
"You're not the worst Logan," you admitted, letting him lean into you. "And he wasn't the best Logan." Your hand pressed to his cheek, eyes soft and warm. "He was just a man who was offered a terrible hand in life."
Logan huffed, his forehead finding yours as he breathed in your scent. "So you're sayin' I'm just a man?"
"I'm saying that the James Howlett in this universe probably thought he was the worst Logan too."
The words shouldn't have struck him the way they did. Their truth, louder than anything in this building. But the blunt and hardened reality stared him in the fucking face, and he had no choice but to meet it's gaze. The Logan of this world wasn't perfect. He fucked up. He ruined things. Yet he found a way to fix them. Put the pieces back together in order to obtain something that resembled the image of his life.
As much as he fought to claim he wasn't anything like the Logan that once walked this Earth.
He was finding it hard to see where they differed.
"Show me somethin' happy honey," he replied gruffly, his hand finding your hip with ease. "Show me somethin' you like."
The smile you rewarded him with placed some breath back into his chest. "What like books?"
"If that's what you love."
"I don't think we have enough time."
His hold on your hip tightened. "'M here all day."
"Yeah?" Turning away from him, you dug through the box. Down to the very bottom. "They found these at what they think is his grave."
Silver flashed in his vision before you were pressing a pair of dog tags into his hand. The name WOLVERINE was etched into the metal—its cold touch practically burned the skin of his palm. For years he thought he'd never see these again. A piece of his past he couldn't bring with him.
"I thought you'd want to have them."
"They're his," he croaked.
"And you're the Wolverine. They're as much yours as they were his."
Fingers closed around them as the chains dangled from his hand, and Logan felt his heart place another bit back into the correct spot. He never believed he belonged with people. Never wanted to hurt them. Yet life continued to surprise him. The metal was familiar to his touch. Years of toying with them, of having their comfort on his chest, kept him sane at some points. It helped to remind him of who he was.
Without even realizing it...you gave that back to him.
He wanted to tell you how much this meant. How grateful he felt. But he was never good with words.
So he pressed his lips to your cheek and let them linger there as heat pulsed in your body. The race of your heart made him grin. Simply knowing you liked him hiked up his ego in ways he didn't need at a time like this. But like the Logan that came before...he was a sucker when it came to resisting the aspect of love.
"Show me around bub."
You slid your hand into his, your lips nearly brushing as you turned to catch his gaze. "Okay."
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"Why work there?"
The city at night exuded a different kind of energy that you frequently craved during the day. A fun lightness that normally hit when the clock struck six p.m. and people were finally out of work. You were allowed to leave earlier than expected due to a birthday gathering of coworkers going on downtown.
An invitation was offered. Until they saw Logan standing behind you and your plans for the night became clear.
"I love history." He offered to walk you home. You accepted on the single condition that he'd stay for dinner. "How humanity went from one thing to the next and so on."
He scoffed and wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you out of the way of someone barreling by. "You don't have to explain that part to me bub. You're lookin' at a man who lived it."
"Did you?" The look you gave him had the feelings of want he pushed down earlier rearing their head. "Actually live through it?"
"I was born in 1832."
With a gasp, you clutched his arm. "Were you really?" you exclaimed. "That means you saw so much of history. Things we might not have written down."
And suddenly within moments...there you were from his world. Bright and beautiful and in love with the past. At first he believed it was due to your abilities; now he understood that's just who you were deep down. Always in love with what you couldn't fully figure out—the past you could see if you managed to travel back far enough.
"You have to let me pick your brain for facts."
He tugged you closer, stopping off to the side of the busy street, until you were stuck in his hold with nowhere to look but up at him. "Picking my brain ain't gonna be fun honey."
Your eyes were wide, lips parted slightly. "I disagree."
"You forget. Different universe. The history I know might be different from the one you know."
No matter how hard you tried, you could never hide the disappointment that flooded your eyes. "I'm sure it's not that different."
"Hm." He pressed a thumb to the top of your cheekbone, struck by how soft your skin felt beneath his. "Why don't you tell me yours. And then maybe I'll tell you mine."
The double entendre was layered in the lust that clouded his vision—the need that burned in his stomach. Logan hoped you understood it. Could see how much he ached for you. How you affected him since he first caught a glimpse of you yesterday. And seeing your pupils dilate, your chest heaving slightly, made his swell with pride. Saliva filled his mouth at the thought of one day getting a taste of you, but the sound of a horn going off behind him shattered the moment.
You stepped back with a deep inhale, your hand still in his. Which only served to prove Logan's point.
He fucking hated the city.
"Dinner?" you breathed, voice raspy with that feeling you tried to fight against.
Logan managed to turn you inside out. Pulling exactly where he needed to expose your heart. That alone should have terrified you. Yet the thrill of knowing him, of seeing where this might lead, kept you enamored and wanting for more.
"Lead the way."
What plans you created and meal you planned to order were lost the second you ascended the stairs to your apartment and stood in front of your door. The silence of the building was deafening compared to the noise outside. So much so that every breath you took echoed loud against the shitty yellow stained walls. Logan could hear the thump of your heart as it rammed within your chest. Quickening the closer he stepped towards you.
You turned, your back to the door and eyes dazed—unfocused. "I can order something."
His nostrils flared as your familiar scent began to deepen, mix with the arousal that seeped through your body. "That could work."
"What do you like to eat?"
The smile he gave you could only be described as canine. Near feral. "Dangerous question honey."
"What do you–" Shock flashed in your eyes, heat spilling into your face as the words finally processed. "Oh."
Logan wasn't hungry in a way that might seem normal to you. He didn't want to taste you, he wanted to devour. To feel you in ways that would scare you shitless. He craved you potently—viscerally. And perhaps it would scare you off.
Although something told him it wouldn't.
Silence no longer felt all consuming and horrid when he took one more step, crowding you against your door. You should have kept the conversation going. Laughed it off with a flippant smile and an offer of real food. Though neither of you could give a shit about dinner. That fact became evident the second he cupped the back of your neck and slotted his lips against yours.
A moan of surprise tore from your throat and Logan let out a growl to match. He kissed you fervently. Lips pressed hard and hot against yours, tongue sliding along your teeth, and somehow it never felt like enough. He'd dreamed of this for years. For the taste of you again, the gentle grip of your hands that dug into his hair and pulled.
That alone sent a groan echoing down the hallway, his body colliding with yours as your back hit the door. Your teeth found his bottom lip while his hands slid down to your ass, gripping and tugging until you could feel the prominent bulge through the denim of his jeans.
"Logan," you gasped, your tongue meeting his with another sharp tug on hair.
He slammed a hand against the door beside your head, his hips rutting down as you met the movement with one of your own. You wanted to drag him inside. Needed to feel his bare skin on yours. But something pulled tight against your chest as he stuttered into the kiss. The unfamiliar sound of his claws sliding out and puncturing the wood of your door made you jump.
"Sorry," he muttered, sliding his lips down your throat—teeth nipping the vein. "Happens."
"You owe me a door." You sounded breathless.
He brought his lips back to yours with a fury you'd never experienced before. "I'll buy you a new one." Your hips dragged along his, nails digging into the hot skin on the back of his neck. "I’ll fuckin’ make you one," he snarled.
The thought of someone passing by, seeing you nearly held up against your door by a man who's claws were embedded in it, was laughable. Yet you couldn't stop wondering what would happen if you let this go further. If you allowed him to take you right here out in the open.
Logan could smell the way you dripped for him and it drove him fucking insane. His body begged him to keep going. To slam open the door and bury himself in you right there on your kitchen floor. The way you whined into his mouth, rubbing yourself along his crotch, told him you wanted the same.
And he might have done just that.
If they hadn't started.
They're dead because of you!
Memories flashed in his mind with a rage unlike the past few times. Your face, tear stained and rageful. The way you used your powers against him. Tried to kill him for what happened. It all came rushing back with a lungful of air that burned.
I hate you!
"Logan?" You pulled back slightly, hands cupping his face with enough care he could feel the sting of tears start to build. "Are you okay?"
It should've been you that died Logan. Not them.
He sucked in a breath, ripping himself away from and stumbling a few steps back. Fighting against the past wasn't new to him. He'd been broken by it before. But now he couldn't even enjoy the sight of you with swollen lips and ruffled clothes, because all he saw when he closed his eyes was the other you.
The one he broke.
"I'm fine." His voice was raspy as he choked out the words.
A need to help him rang through your body and Logan could see it. He knew how badly you wanted to come to him—to hold him. This simply wasn't your battle to fight. He refused to change that in any way.
Standing up straight, he pressed a kiss to your forehead. An apology for the actions he was about to take.
He only hoped you wouldn't hate him for it afterwards.
"We'll do dinner another night, honey."
"Goodnight." Walking away from you felt as if he'd ripped a hole in his chest with an adamantium bullet. One that wouldn't heal like before.
The dog tags were now wrapped around his neck, choking him like a collar he couldn't free himself from. A reminder that even the Logan of this world was unable to stop himself from destroying the one he loved. That was the plight they carried.
Their greatest grief. The one thing they had in common.
This...he could accept.
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