#i am the god of this chilis and i have spoken
tsuncda · 4 months
so am i right or am i right in my assertion that bridgerton doesn't actually do character work, it just rebrands it's main characters before their season begins and tries to recontextualize them as poor little meow meows.
#olive rambles#watched the first half of season 3#was thinking to myself: huh. pen isn't that bad.#and then decided to rewatch some season 2 scenes to recontextualize who the characters are. y'know. so i can be an intelligent viewer#and all that jazz.#and damn you bridgerton i fell for your trap for a second there.#SHE'S NOT !!!!!!! THE SAME !!!!!!!! CHARACTER !!!!!!!!!#this isn't just about framing a narrative differently season 2 pen and season 3 pen are different girlies entirely#WHERE IS THE WRATH#i *want* a vengeful penelope featherington damnit#even if i don't like her as a person i could respect her as a character#and yet#they just make her a soft sadgirl#which also feels very cheap because women can be angry and messy and vengeful and still find love#honestly get polin out of here and get penelope angry again#i want to see BLOOD or season 2 is cheapened in retrospect#look me in the eye and tell me i'm wrong#you can't#i am the god of this chilis and i have spoken#i think over the summer i'm going to watch all of bridgerton over again so i can make a corkboard of theories#and be intelligent in my hate#PENELOPE WAS ANGRY AND LOUD ABOUT IT IN SEASON 2 AND SOMEHOW SHE IS NOW JUST SAD AND RUMINATING IN SEASON 3#BITCH WHEN AND WHERE DID THIS CHANGE TAKE PLACE AND WHY#AND ALSO FOR WHAT ANGRY ACTIONABLE CHARACTERS ARE DYNAMIC AND HARD TO PREDICT AND MAKE FOR GOOD CINEMA#SAD CHARACTERS THAT SIT AND THINK ABOUT THINGS ARE OKAY TOO BUT THEY ARE NOT !!!!! THE SAME !!!!! AS THE FORMER ARCHETYPE#AND THEY SHOULDN'T BE!!!!!!!!
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massharp1971 · 5 months
Excerpt: “You fucking bastard!” Rodney shouted loud enough to make Evan’s ears hurt. “You left! Without a fucking word! I didn’t know it was happening until I saw you stepping through the fucking wormhole, you absolute piece of shit!”
Rodney McKay did not usually swear – he was far too precise in his language for that. The weird part of it was, Evan felt as if this was the exact diatribe he would have gotten had Rodney spoken to him the day after he left. It almost made him feel like no time had passed at all. At least McKay hadn’t iced over the way Ronon apparently had.
“Rodney,” Evan said, softening his voice in counterpoint, “I didn’t know myself, but I had to.” 
Rodney crossed his arms and lifted his chin – such a classic McKay pose, and Evan appreciated the lines of his muscled arms, the softness of the weight he’d gained, the slight wildness of his hair, even the fury that animated him right now.
“You believed in us – or at least I thought you did. An independent Atlantis, free of the American military. Where was your loyalty to us?”
The same old pain stabbed in Evan’s chest.
“I do believe in Atlantis, and I hope history shows I haven’t done anything to betray her.”
Rodney faltered at this because of course it was true – Evan hadn’t hurt Atlantis’ independence, he might have even helped it from the other side, but he had hurt the people he loved. He still wished with all of his tired heart that he’d been able to stay five years ago and support the folks who had become family to him through this time of incredible change. 
He knew he couldn’t just walk back into his old life – things were every bit as hard as he expected them to be, but still he wanted.
He sat down heavily on Rodney’s couch, feeling suddenly beyond exhausted.
“I know I hurt you deeply. I’d give anything not to have done that, Rodney.”
“Just so we’re clear, I want to hurt you until you feel half as bad as you made me feel,” Rodney said. “And John. And Ronon.”
“I already did that to myself,” Evan said quietly, tears rising in his eyes. “I decimated myself and it never healed in all this time.”
“Well good, because that’s what you did to us. Decimated. Entirely fucked,” Rodney said bitterly.
“Except for the fact you got Atlantis. A free Atlantis. And you finally got John, too.”
Rodney looked at him levelly, his face acknowledging the truth of this.
“Do you mind?” he asked.
“God, Rodney, yes I mind – that you’re both happy, that you have what you wanted, it eases some small amount of my pain to know that. I mind about your happiness a great deal.”
“Oh,” Rodney said, looking deflated. “Actually, I am. We are… Happy, I mean.”
“Well, I’m glad,” Evan said.
And he was. He’d been expecting those two to get together since he met them – was surprised when he found out they weren’t, was even more surprised when he found they happily swung his way but still hadn’t figured out how they felt about each other.
“The thing is, Evan, it only happened because of you,” Rodney said.
“Because I left?” Evan asked, confused.
Rodney looked at him a little resentfully.
“No… because… because you loved me. Because I didn’t know how to let myself be loved until you.”
It was sweet, really, even though Rodney’s voice sounded bitter. But then, McKay had always been a full flavoured kind of human, you had to enjoy a good dose of chili in your chocolate to love someone like Rodney.
“You know what the worst part of it is?” Rodney asked.
And suddenly there were tears in his eyes, and Evan’s heart broke a little more.
“Go on,” he prompted.
“Not for one moment did I have the luxury of thinking you were just an asshole who didn’t care as much as you pretended to. I actually knew your heart would be breaking, and somewhat infuriatingly I cared about that as much as about my own heartbreak. You opened my heart up and then left it like an untended wound.”
“I’m sorry,” Evan said, feeling the agony of that decision as if it just happened. “And you’re right, it hurt like you can’t imagine. Still hurts.”
“What was it like, being without Atlantis?” Rodney suddenly looked horrified, as if it was hard to even contemplate.
“Every bit as tough as you’re imagining. But for me, losing my family was harder. Losing you .”
Rodney suddenly looked doubtful. 
“Oh please, you’re only making it right with me so you can get back with John.”
“You know that’s not true, Rodney. You know I don’t operate that way. I love you, I love John, I love Ronon.”
“You have to make it right with Ronon too,” Rodney said. “Although… that’s going to take some time, I think.”
“Yeah, I don’t think Ronon is going to accept any overture from me,” Evan said. “I just have to wait it out, and he may never come round.”
“His hurt was the deepest,” Rodney told him. “His abandonment issues are the biggest. Even bigger than John’s. He’s lost too much, Evan.”
“That may be true,” Evan said thoughtfully.
He couldn’t bear to think about what he’d done to Ronon, but right now he was focused on the man in front of him.
“Rodney,” he said, tentatively reaching for McKay’s hand. “You’ve had more than enough hurt and loss of your own, and I’m sorry, truly sorry for the pain I caused you.”
“I do actually understand why, you know. I’m not completely insensitive.”
“You’re anything but insensitive. You feel things deeply. It’s one of the reasons I love you.”
Rodney’s eyes widened as if that was news to him.
“Still?” Rodney said, looking somewhat incredulous. “You still…?”
And there was the sweet, vulnerable man Evan adored. He really could not prevent himself from leaning forward and kissing Rodney gently.
He was aiming for tender, but he was met with fierce coming at him from the other direction in a full-frontal attack. Rodney devoured his lips, bruising and biting, and it was everything. 
“Bed, now,” Rodney said, when they came up for air sometime later.
“I agree,” Evan said, breathlessly.
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angrelysimpping · 3 years
I asked my wife Bunni to describe the characters I write for based off me info dumping to her about them. My other wife, Raven (not whitney's-pet) was also on the call and made some commentary.
Alex: I don't... I don't know *laughter* you haven't said enough about Alex, I think. And if you did he wasn't relevant enough. Well, maybe you don't thirst after him enough for me to remember who he is. I don't get a negative vibe from him. So, I don't know. Now I wanna know who is Alex?
Avery: So, I have to know, cause you know how I am with names, is Avery the sugar daddy one? 'Cause I have this whole idea of who this sugar daddy is, this whole sugar daddy character. So, the sugar daddy one is the one that makes me think he's in the mathletes. Not because he's cool or anything, but because he got roped into it. I think of him as the one on honor roll without even trying. But he makes me think he's super serious and he's like the kinda boyfriend who kinda looks at you and thinks you're cute, but he's not going to say it. He doesn't express it. He's stoic. He'll do it by, I don't know, pat your face or something. He's going to see you crying and slip you a 20 dollar bill and say "this is to wipe your tears." He'll take you to get you chili cheese fries and not necessarily eat them, but he knows it makes you happy. [It is at this point that I realize that I never told Bunni that Avery is old enough to be PC's father. So I did, and she mock screamed.]
Bailey: Bailey? Bailey's an angry kitty. He's not angry, he's grumpy. He's a grumpy baby. He's like "yeah I guess I like you," he doesn't say this he thinks it, "yeah, I guess I like them." Gets angry if you go outside when it's raining without a sweater. Age wise, I don't know anything about his character. I don't. But he gives me very I don't know its not indecisive, I cant think of the word, I cant think of the word, but he's your accidental dad. You know that relationship dynamic where its the chaotic one and he's the rock. Snarky. An ass.
Eden: Is Eden, is Eden, is Eden, wait what gender is Eden? Wait it doesn't matter, right? Okay, um, Eden is I don't know. A mountain spirit. That's it. I dunno. You're a wandering elf in the forest and he's just there with hot coco and you're like "Santa?!" I feel like Eden's not an ass. I don't know if Eden is a bad person. You don't talk about Eden enough. I feel like you discriminate against characters. You have favorites. To sum up Eden: they are a forest succubi. Done. They lurer you in. They say "come live with me amongst the trees" and you're like "fuck yeah" and then you realize he's an elf and you're stuck there forever.
Great Hawk: Okay, so, gimme a second. So in Rick and Morty [Me: I don't like where this is going] there is, there is that one bird man creature, do you know who I'm talking about? That is Great Hawk. I feel bad that I don't know enough about Great Hawk but I honestly, I feel like the name is enough. I don't need to know more about Great Hawk. He like an eldritch horror that my mind cannot compered. He is outside my realm of comprehension.
Kylar: Oh my god, so, you know those little chihuahuas that go inside of bags? That look like they're going to piss themselves when you go "hi little baby?" That's him. Like, to elaborate further. Chihuahuas are a fucking nightmare, right? But they're also so tiny. So, if they clip onto your ankle it hurts like a fucking bitch and they get so fucking upset if you invade their space and the people they allow in their space but they're easily managed. You can punt that fucker [Raven: We don't condone animal violence. Just chihuahuas. They're not animals] They're eldritch beings beyond our comprehension.
Leighton: Who is who? Leighton? Leighton? A whole ass bitch. A whole ass bitch. Done. I have no other words. That's it. Because you've never spoken about Leighton, but their name makes them a whole ass bitch.
Remy: International harvester! Remy gets bitches and if he doesn't, if they don't come to him, he finds them. [Raven: that doesn't sound kosher] Oh, Remy is not kosher. At all. That’s his motto. Kosher free since '93 [Me: 93?] What, did you want me to say 83? How old is he? Wait, I don't wanna know. Who am I to say an old man can't run a farm.
Robin: Um, Robin? Is Robin the book nerd? No, he's not the book nerd. He’s very sad and self sufficient and if I had to use one word I'd say melancholy. Isn't Robin in the orphanage with you? Robin is an orphan. [Me: Is that all you got for Robin] I, I, okay, I feel like Robin gives that older sibling vibe where like, it's a very specific type of older sibling where it's like "Yeah, you're kinda an idiot, and yeah, I have to help you, and I have to be nice to you, but it's not because it's in my nature. It's because you make me kinda sad." Robin is helping because Robin is like "who else i gunna help you, this is kinda sad." Like, he sees a crying kid and looks around and there's no adults and he's like "goddamnit." Jaded. That's what Robin is.
Sydney: Sydney's the new one right? The one everyone's in love with? Sydney's the final girl! Um, wasn't, wait, is Sydney the one you were connecting to religious trauma? Wait, no, is Sydney, wait there's not Jekyll and Hyde character, is there? Or is there a Jekyll and Hyde route? Is that Sydney?
Whitney: Oh, Whitney, let me tell you about Whitney. I'm sorry I can't discuss Whitney due to an NDA I signed. We're currently in the middle of a court case. I'm not allowed to discuss. I have no known connections to Whitney. Who is Whitney? All I have to say is, um, female Whitney is superior in every single way. Male Whitney is complete and utter trash. But, you know, being a garbage man is a career and all I'm saying is that its an honorable profession. I'm thinking of a career change.
Wren: The love of my life. I don't care if he treats me bad. Imma keep coming back, baby. [Me: Is that all for Wren] Do I have to say more [Me: No I just need to know] That's between me and him! I'm just, I'm just saying, I have a thing for bad boys and it's very apparent.
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* 𝒒𝒖𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒑𝒕. 19
change however necessary.
“Some drink deeply from the river of knowledge.  Others only gargle.”
“We are here and it is now.  Further than that all human knowledge is moonshine.”
“We can be knowledgeable with other men’s knowledge but we cannot be wise with other men’s wisdom.”
“Language is a virus from outer space.”
“Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone.”
“Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.”
“Language was invented to ask questions.  Answers may be given by grunts and gestures, but questions must be spoken.  Humanness came of age when man asked the first question.”
“I personally think we developed language because of our deep inner need to complain.”
“I wonder what language truck drivers are using, now that everyone is using theirs?”
“The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand.”
“A language is a dialect with an army and navy.”
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”
“Those who know nothing of foreign languages, know nothing of their own.”
“If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would have something to do with a shortage of flowers.”
“Status quo, you know, is Latin for ‘the mess we’re in.’”
“There is no ‘cat language.’  Painful as it is for us to admit, they don’t need one.”
“It has all been very interesting.”
“I think I am beginning to understand something of it.”
“I wish I had spent more time in the office.”
“Wish I had time for just one more bowl of chili.”
“Don’t let it end like this.  Tell them I said something.”
“Die? I should say not, dear fellow.  No [name] would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him.”
“What is done by what is called myself is, I feel, done by something greater than myself in me.”
“Try to be forgotten.  Go and live in the country.  Stay in mourning for two years, then remarry, but choose somebody decent.”
“You made one mistake.  You married me.”
“I just had eighteen straight whiskies, I think that’s a record.”
“Be not solitary, be not idle.”
“I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.”
“The fog is rising.”
“Decay is inherent in all compounded things.  Strive on with diligence.”
“So here it is at least, the distinguished thing!”
“Nobody ever died of laughter.”
“There are some things so serious you have to laugh at them.”
“At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into kaleidoscope of new possibilities.”
“Laughter is an orgasm triggered by the intercourse of reason with unreason.”
“The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.”
“The gods are too fond of a joke.”
“Never laugh feebly at what you know to be wrong.”
“Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps, for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are, and what they might have been.”
“If two or three Englishmen are together for any length of time, and do not laugh, something has gone wrong.”
“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”
“He who laughs last has not yet heard the bad news.”
“Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.”
“She has a laugh so hearty it knocks the whipped cream off an order of strawberry shortcake on a table fifty feet away.”
“She had a penetrating sort of laugh.  Rather like a train going into a tunnel.”
“You don’t stop laughing because you grow old.  You grow old because you stop laughing.”
“Laws are like sausages.  It’s better not to see how they are made.”
“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich, as well as the poor, to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.”
“The law was made for one thing alone, for the exploitation of those who don’t understand it, or are prevented by naked misery from obeying it.”
“Law is a Bottomless-Pit, it is a cormorant, a Harpy, that devours every thing.”
“Someone has tabulated that we have thirty-five million laws on the books to enforce the Ten Commandments.”
“Chance too, which seems to rush along with slack reins, is bridled and governed by law.”
“If you ask me, ‘Why should not the people make their own laws?’ I need only ask you, ‘Why should not the people write their own plays?’  They cannot.  It is much easier to write a good play than to make a good law. And there are not a hundred men in the world who can write a play good enough to stand the daily wear and tear as long as a law must.”
“Lawyers, I suppose, were children once.”
“I was never ruined but twice, once when I lost a lawsuit and once when I won one.”
“Lawyers are the only persons in whom ignorance of the law is not punished.”
“No brilliance is required in law, just common sense and relatively clean fingernails.”
“We are more casual about qualifying the people we allow to act as advocates in the courtroom than we are about licensing electricians.”
“I get paid for seeing that my clients have every break the law allows. I have knowingly defended a number of guilty men.  But the guilty never escape unscathed.  My fees are sufficient punishment for anyone.”
“An incompetent lawyer can delay a trial for months or years.  A competent lawyer can delay one even longer.”
“I don’t want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire them to tell me how to do what I want to do.”
“I’m not an ambulance chaser.  I’m usually there before the ambulance.”
“I used to be a lawyer but now I am a reformed character.”
“I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders not more followers.”
“All are born to observe order, but few are born to establish it.”
“No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it.”
“The way to get people to build a ship is not to teach them carpentry, assign them tasks, and give them schedules to meet; but to inspire them to long for the infinite immensity of the sea.”
“Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand.”
“The real leader has no need to lead—he is content to point the way.”
“I learned that a great leader is a man who has the ability to get other people to do what they don’t want to do and like it.”
“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”
“I have a different vision of leadership.  A leadership is someone who brings people together.”
“Learning is its own exceeding great reward.”
“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.”
“Personally I’m always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.”
“The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn.”
“Where did I learn to understand sculpture?  In the woods by looking at the trees, along roads by observing the formation of clouds, in the studio by studying the model, everywhere except in the schools.”
“It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.”
“Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown.”
“That is what learning is.  You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.”
“There is nothing more notable in Socrates than that he found time, when he was an old man, to learn music and dancing, and thought it time well spent.”
“If you fall out of that window and break both your legs, don’t come running to me.”
“If it has legs it will have a head.”
“A horse has four legs, yet it often falls.”
“Falsehoods have short legs.”
“Men’s legs have a terribly lonely life—standing in the dark in your trousers all day.”
“When a dog runs, the dog is moving his legs; when a sea urchin runs, the legs are moving the sea urchin.”
“There is no generally accepted definition of life.”
“Life is absurd.”
“Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.”
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theunstuffedpepper · 4 years
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This cat. Am I right? The way she sprawls out on the couch makes me positive that she thinks she owns the place. What a life.
After my failed turkey chili mac the other day, I needed a culinary win. I tossed a batch of chicken noodle soup together today and it didn’t disappoint. Such a perfect meal for a cool, rainy day. Anyone who doesn’t use a crock pot is really missing out.
I had a 24-week telehealth appointment with my doctor today and it went well. The first question she asked was whether I’ve been monitoring my blood pressure at home. Another doctor at the practice mentioned back in august that I might wanna get an at-home cuff just to be on the safe side, and I’m extra glad I did now.
I get ridiculously nervous going to the doctor. I don’t know why. I’ve had a history of fainting when there’s a blood draw involved, and thank god I seem to have graduated out of that phase of my life. I’ve had plenty of blood taken since being pregnant, and last year as well with my miscarriage. That was the first blood draw where I didn’t faint in yeaaars and years. I don’t think I’ve actually spoken about the miscarriage here publicly. Hmph. I don’t think it’s something people should be ashamed or embarrassed to talk about, so. There ya have it.
Anyhow. My BP is always, always elevated when I’m at the doctor. Usually 130-something over 80/90-something. But at home, it’s been in the realm of normal. Low 120s/70s. So she thinks it’s just white coat syndrome and gave me thresholds to look out for. She encouraged me to keep monitoring, but so far so good on the BP front. Thank goodness. I’m so grateful for that.
Oh, and I got the all clear to keep working out as I have been! So hooray for that. Fitness marshall will continue.
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becuzpurple · 5 years
Chapter 25, pt. 4 - Promise
Hello!  I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted anything new here.  I promise I’ve been working on things whenever I could, but finding time and motivation has been challenging.
I’m posting a little piece here that continues from where Ed & Kate last left off.  Here is a link to that last piece, in case you need to jog your memory a bit (click here).
I’m really curious to know what you think of where their story seems to be heading.  Personally, I think what they’re planning is a terrible idea...yet i WANT it to happen!  Lol.  Tell me your thoughts!
You know that feedback is everything - please click ‘like’, reblog, and send me comments or questions.  It’s really reassuring to see that my work is at the very least being read, and hopefully some people out there like it, too.
So, without further ado...
Chapter 25, pt. 4 - Promise
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“Mmm, so good.”  He had both elbows on the table, resting his chin on his closed fists.  He looked sleepy and satisfied.
We were sat at the recently cleared kitchen table, ignoring the pile of dirty dishes in the sink.  Nate and Lucy had been excused from their nightly dishwashing duty because they both had to finish their Science Fair projects due the next day, leaving Ed and me alone in the kitchen.  The aroma of chili con carne still lingered. 
“I never had chili with meat growing up - we were a veggie house.”
“What was that like?”
“It was fine,” he shrugged.  “I didn’t know any different until I was...like, 10.  My first taste of bacon made me a carnivore on the spot.”
“I don’t know if I could go veggie.”
“Ya love meat too much.” 
“You know it.”  I nodded my head, completely failing to keep a deadpan expression.   
He grinned unapologetically.  “Hey, sweet girl.”
Since our blow-up and Big Talk the previous week we’d been a little extra-attentive toward each other - a  bit gentler and more accommodating than usual.  Something had certainly shifted since for us.  It was a good thing - exciting and wonderful, but it was also big and new, and with that came some uncertainty.  So, we spent a lot of time together, quietly strengthening anything that might still have needed a little bit of healing.
“So…” He was a little antsy - his knee bouncing under the table.  “I’ve been thinking.”
“What is it, hon?”
 “You...you’re taking birth control now, yeah?”
“What?”  I glanced out into the hallway where I could just barely see the bottom of the stairs leading up to the kids’ rooms.
His eyes briefly followed mine before he quietly went on.  “You take the pill, right?”
“...yeah?”  I stared at him as he grinned at my puzzled expression.  
“I’ve been thinking...that maybe you should stop.” 
He grinned at my wide-eyed reaction, but he was still rapid-bouncing his knee under the table, so he was maybe a little nervous, too.
“Well, you know, to start...makin’ babies…?” 
 When I finally picked my jaw up off the floor and found my voice, all I could think of to say was, “...now?”
“Well, not this moment-now, but, I mean…” he shrugged, smirking, still bouncing that knee.
I gave him an eye roll and a nervous grin of my own.  “Jesus, Ed.”
“I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said the other night - how you’ve had some trouble...with this, and I wonder if it makes sense to not wait.  Or, at least to not purposely prevent it.”
He’s been thinking about this…  
“You’re serious.”
He nodded, seeming sure of his words, if not of my reception of them.  But then, he’d apparently been thinking it over for nearly a week.   
“Um, wow, I...so many things going through my head right now.” 
He didn’t say anything, but just focusing on his beautiful, tranquil blues calmed me.
“You’re sure?”
He nodded, no hesitation.
“We’re not...married…?”
He nodded again.  “I don’t know what you’ll think of this - it’s just an idea, but…I reckon we don’t need to rush that.  We could...keep on as we are for now, but stop trying to prevent...anything.”  He exhaled loudly before rushing on.  “And I know that’s like, huge, and that’s why I thought maybe we just focus on...one life-changing event at a time.  Shit, I’m really going on.  Am I making any sense?”
“So, you don’t want to get married?  Or…?”  Why am I fixating on the ‘married’ part of this?  Focus on the ‘baby’ part.  Holy shit...
“No, no, that’s not what I’m saying.  I...auggh.”  He nervously ran a hand through his hair.  “Sorry, I’m doing a shit job of this.”  He took a breath and shook his head self-deprecatingly.
“First of all, when I said all that before...about wanting to be a family...complete shit of me to do it like that, during an argument.  It...it wasn’t a lie - I meant it, but it was a dick move, and I’m sorry.”  
“Wait, no, it’s...it’s OK.  You were reacting to me - I was being ridiculous.  You were being honest and were focusing on us staying together.”
He took a measured breath as he studied my face.  I’m not sure what he was looking for, but he seemed to be satisfied with what he saw, because he relaxed, then.  “OK, but my apology stands.” He covered my hand with his and gave a little squeeze.  “And second, just to be crystal clear…”  His words became quieter.  “I absolutely want to marry you one day.”
 Over that last week I’d definitely replayed everything that had been said during our fight and subsequent heart-to-heart - more than a few times, including the part about him wanting us to be a family.  It had seemed too soon to bring that up again, though, and I definitely didn’t expect to be making any decisions about it so soon.  Yet, there we were talking about babies and marriage.  
And, god help me, but I wanted all of it.
He watched me as I stood and covered the few steps to him at the other side of the table and pulled him up out of his chair.  “Come ‘ere.”
He stood, and I couldn’t help grinning as I nodded and finally answered him with a soft “Yeah.”
“To...umm, to which part?”
His ears and cheeks were slightly pinker than usual and his eyes sparkled bright and his whole body seemed like it was about to burst from nervous tension.  I stepped close, our bodies coming together as we wrapped our arms around each other - instinctively seeking and providing comfort and assurance.
“All of it.”
“Holy shit?”  
Still nodding, I brought my hands behind his head, carding through the ginger curls, directing his lips down to mine. In between kisses and grins he murmured, “This went much better than the last time I brought it up.”  
I kissed him once more before answering.  “Well, I’m not having a panic attack this time.  And also your delivery…I mean, it’s improved a little bit since last week.” I bit my lip, suppressing a giggle.
“Fair enough, but practice makes perfect, yeah?  Next time I’ll have it down.”  
“Next ti - ? ...Oh.”   
He kissed me again, a bit more purposefully, and then murmured, “It’ll happen, and properly.” 
“You know I’m holding you to that.”
“Promise, sweet girl.”
Our lips met again, giving physical credence to everything just spoken.  Our bodies were melded together, mouths opening, inviting more intimate contact.
“Ewwww, ohmygod!”  
We each took a hasty step away at the unexpected intrusion.  I may have stifled a nervous giggle as I tried to covertly wipe my mouth while attempting to still appear completely together.  Ed didn’t even try to hide his smirk.
“Heyyy Lu.  What...what’s up?”  My voice was unusually high-pitched.
My daughter was clearly horrified as she darted past us to the fridge, making sure the opened door blocked her line of sight to us.  Her voice came out muffled and terse.  “Nothing!”
Awkward silence filled the air as she rummaged.  I suspect she was debating whether it would be better to keep her head in there forever, or to make a quick exit.  Apparently deciding to get the heck out of Dodge, she grabbed a bottle of water and hastily retreated.  Glancing toward us on her way out, she paused when she saw that we hadn’t really budged from our spots, and arms still draped around each other.
“You’re just gonna...keep doing that?”  
“Probably, yeah,” Ed grinned.  I might have accidentally snort-laughed.  Whoops.
“Ohmygod...” Lucy groaned as she hightailed it back to her room.  We stared after her for a few seconds before returning our gazes to each other, giggles finally spilling over.
“Welp.  I guess she knows we kiss, now.”  Ed’s voice squeaked with laughter as we came together again, just as Lucy suspected we would.
All right folks, there ya have it.  What do ya think?  Terrible idea?  Yay, love?  A little of both?  Please show some love with likes, reblogs, questions and comments, because feedback is everything!
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Sunday Visits
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The ground is frozen, the air is crisp, yet the sun is warm. It is a Sunday morning in November. It is also snowing rather daintily and I make muddy tracks in the snow on my way up the hill from the winter lot. I open the gate and drive the four wheeler through and then the gate clangs shut behind me.
A cow down in the lot bellows in response to the metal bang.
I chain the gate and drive the four wheeler into the barn. It's cozy in here. For a moment, I stop in the wide opening of the barn and glare across the driveway to the house. The snow continues to swirl as it has all through my morning chores. I hike up my hood around my head and plunge into the snowy wind and towards the house.
I pass the chicken coop and risk a look into the wind so I can check on the chickens. Most of them are huddled in their roosts, but three are in the doorway and a small handful are gathered under the rose bush. With red, shivering fingers, I open the tin bin and toss a plastic scoopful of cracked corn under where the awning has shielded the ground from snow. They all start to clucking and squabbling, braving the cold for the food.
I don't have time to watch them this morning. Or, rather, I don't want to take the time to watch them this morning. It is too chilly for my bones and so I quickly turn tail for the warmth beckoning to me from my old house, stomping off the snow from my boots and onto the porch. I can barely wait for that hot mug of coffee and the crackling of the fire to warm my poor fingers.
Today was definitely a potato soup kind of day... I'd have to make some for lunch.
I hang up my coat behind the front door and make my way to the great room where the coffee pot is sitting above the wooden stove. I hesitate above the handle, and not just because I want to warm up my hands. My mug has been displaced. Usually I set it on the side table before chores so it'll be an easy pour when I get inside.
Where did it go? It didn't just grow legs! That was my favorite mug!
Maybe I just forgot to get it off the rack. Didn't really sound like something I'd do but anything is possible.
I go to the kitchen to locate the mug rack but instead see my steaming mug of coffee on the kitchen windowsill. The mug is half full, someone has been drinking from it and, likely, watching me from the window. I dip my pinky into the brew and stick it in my mouth. If the tan color had not already tipped me off, the coffee was very sweet.
"Hey, get your nasty fingers outta my coffee!"
I jump until I nearly touch the ceiling and, my heart racing, I turn to the old man emerging from my pantry. "Not nice, not cool!" I scold, hand over my chest. "Don't you know any better?" He laughs, his tongue poking out through the gap in his missing teeth for a moment.
Secretly, I am relieved. It's good to see him again after all this time. I nearly thought he was gone for good.
"This is my mug," I tell him while furrowing my eyebrows in reprimand and picking the object up.
He laughs again and god how I've missed him. He shuffles toward the sink and me and I watch him come closer. He takes the mug from me and I find I can't stop smiling.
It's been so long since he's visited. I really thought he was gone for good.
"As I recall, this was my mug first."
"But I've always admired it and so I claimed it for myself."
"Like a sneak, when my back was turned."
"Can't blame me. It's a very nice mug."
He sips from his mug, staring at me over the brim. I lean back against the sink counter with my arms braced behind me. It's so good to be in his presence again. I wonder if he knows how I've missed him?
"It's a very nice mug. Can't blame ya, no I can't. "
My cheeks begin to hurt because of how much I'm smiling. By the slightly unappreciative and scolding look he's giving me, I can tell he's noticed. He hits me over the head with the latest issue of Full Cry, his favorite magazine, affectionately and that just increases my smile.
"Hey! Stop that!" I take a moment to fix my hair in the kitchen window's reflection, a vain trait of mine that has always annoyed him. I'm surprised he didn't try to bop me again. "Come on, it's freezing in here. Let's warm up by the fire." I grab another mug from the rack and we both go to the great room to sit in front of the wood stove. I pull his chair around and he settles into it as an old man would, slowly and then heavily all at once, making small grunts of effort. He was waves off my help at every offer.
I pour myself a cup of coffee once he's settled. I drink it black like he used to but now, in his older years, he prefers sweet. I blow across the top of the mug and look at him. I cannot express how much I've missed him.
He looks cozy, in his big arm chair that I keep around just for him. No one besides myself and him get to sit in that old, beaten, loved on chair. Lots of my guests tell me I should throw it out, even chastise me to move on. But how can I move on when he keeps coming back to visit me?
He looks up at me from staring through the grated door of the wood stove. He grins and it looks as goofy and amazing as it always did. His large ears stand out from his head, his eyes are watery and bright as though he is always almost seconds away from laughing so hard he cries, a big old hooked nose dead center of his face, and a mouth full of missing teeth. Wrinkles and spots cover his face and hands. His fingers are long and their tips and palms are calloused as a testimony to a hard farming life, a projection of how I'll be myself in my last days.
I look back up at his face and, for a moment, I swear he wiggles his ears at me. "So," he begins, holding the mug close to his chest and ducking his chin so that the steam rises into his face, "how have things been?"
"Oh, you know." I recline back against the hard wooden dining chair and shrug. "It's cold and miserable out. Gonna be a hard winter I think if it's starting this early."
He nods solemnly. "I think so."
"How are things on your end?"
"Just about the same, I think."
"That's good, that's good."
"Have you been out hunting this year yet?"
"Opening night was just yesterday night, old man!" I laugh and shake his knee playfully.
"Oh!" He looks truly embarrassed and it almost fills me with shame. I didn't mean to speak with any derision. "Sorry." He lifts his wide, flat billed, trucker's cap to scratch his head. His hair is thinning and white, the top of his head is spotted where there is almost no hair, yet his hair is still long on the sides. The tips are a bleached, maybe dirtied, yellow and end just shy of his shoulders. The hat comes back down to cover his head again. "The months have been getting away from me lately."
I smile at him, feeling apologetic. "That's all right. Happens from time to time."
He looks back at me with a sad smile that tugs at my heart into my throat so hard it hurts. "So, how'd opening night go?" he asks instead.
"Just fine," I say sarcastically with a great roll of my eyes. His hearty chuckle fills me with a happy kind of glow. "We treed in a hole in the ground; possum of course. Treed up a little sapling, another possum. Then, finally, the old boy got two up a tree. Great big ones too. Let one of them go."
"Did you go to the coon hunt?"
"At the VFW? Yeah. Only I signed up. No one goes much anymore. Their chili wasn't bad this year. Last year's was better though. Homemade pickles were too hot for me. I didn't like them anyway."
"Did ya win anything?"
"Yeah, brought the biggest one in. Fifty dollar prize. For the raffle, eh... got this nifty little canteen. Bob gave me a good ribbing for my coon. Said it was half the size of me."
"Bob still half the size of a cow himself?"
I nearly cackle as I nod. "You remember Bubba?" God, that man was a throwback.
It's his turn to cackle, throwing his head back. I relish the sight. Oh, how I have missed him something fierce. "I sure do. A good old boy."
"You remember some of the stories my dad would tell about him?" A shadow of worry crosses my mind. I haven't spoken of my father in...
"Yes. A good old boy indeed."
"The earthquake, the telephone pole, the side mirror." I shake my head as I hold my aching ribs from laughing so hard, but there's a hint of hurt and pain beneath it all.
"You remember those stories I used to tell you of my old, ornery mule?" He sounds quick to move the subject and, internally, I'm grateful.
"I'm sure I do, but I'd love to hear them all again."
My whole morning is spent reminiscing on all his stories. By about noon, I get up and tell him I'm making potato soup, his favorite. He grins that dopey grin and adjusts the blanket on his lap so he can reach up and refill his coffee mug. I come back to the great room and start to peel potatoes next to him.
We've spent all morning chatting and remembering so that the silence that settles between us is comfortable.
He sits quietly, watching me peel the potatoes. His large hands are in his lap, one over the other. His fingernails are long and in need of a clipping, some are cracked and a little yellow. He is old. Must be up in his nineties now. I realize I am staring again but it's just that I've missed him so much. It's been so long since I've seen him.
I pause, suddenly becoming self conscious under his gaze. "The latest issue of Full Cry came in this month, you know? Some stories in it you might enjoy. Last month's is over in the pile. It's a bit of a dull read though. Not as good as this month."
He simply nods, looking away from me and my hands and potatoes and back into the fire. Through the grates in the stove door, I can see flames dance in the reflection of his eyes. He looks haunted. I ache deep in my chest as I finish the last potato peel and drop it into the pot that's already boiling on the stove.
I know he'll leave soon. He never stays passed dinner. Hardly ever stays to eat. I'm just glad he's visiting me this year. He missed last year and the year before that he didn't appear until December. I settle back into my dining chair and look over at him.
Suddenly, as I stare and desperately try to memorize every detail, tears start blur my vision. My nose hurts as my eyes sting and my lower lip starts to tremble while my tongue tries to recede back into my throat. I won't have him for very long now. The seconds are ticking.
He looks at me again and his smile is so soft and warm and sad. He seems to read my mind. "Don't worry," he pats my hand, "one day you'll come with me and you'll be my sidekick again."
I'm crying. I feel the hot tears dripping off my chin and landing coldly on the backs of my hands. He leans over and takes my hands in his.
Quietly, he whispers, "I've been gone five years." He says it so softly, like he's scared of spooking me. Maybe scared of leaving too soon.
Please, don't leave until I'm ready.
But I'll never be ready... will I?
"Six almost now, and I know. I just miss you so much." I bend forward so far that my head is in his lap and he's stroking my hair as I sob deeply.
"I love you, I'll see you soon." Eventually, I feel his presence start to lift, bit by bit. I grab onto his blanket, feeling his legs start to fade. At first, they're warm and firm and then the muscle starts to atrophy until all I'm gripping is bones and then he finally fades to nothing.
I sit back up and stare at where he was just moments ago. I use his blanket to wipe at my tears and then I start to wail all over again as I realize I didn't verbally remind him that I love him too. I hope he visits me next year, I'll say it over and over again until my tongue falls out. How I've missed him so much.
I find my legs and put his chair back where it belongs and drain his mug in the sink. I stare out across the driveway and to the barn. The snow is really coming down out there. Sunday's were our day, I'd visit him every Sunday, no matter the weather. We'd sit together and talk over coffee and I'd leave just after dinner.
I miss him so much. I miss him so much. I just miss him so much. I wrap myself back up in his blanket and curl up in his chair as I wait for the potato soup to get done.
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bobbystompy · 5 years
68 Quotes I Enjoyed From 2019
Below are my favorite quotes from 2019. Though most occurred throughout the year, some took place before but were encountered during.
1) “I don’t bitch about Millenials.
John Entwistle once complained that he didn’t understand rap. Pete Townsend said, ‘It’s not our job to understand it. It’s our job to get the fuck out of the way.’
New generations come of age. The older generation’s job is to shut up and adapt.” - @danagould
2) “I can’t do drugs with you until we kiss.”
3) “If you pay me $50 I'll show up to your funeral but stand really far away, holding a black umbrella regardless of the weather, so that people think you died with a dark and interesting secret.” - @DanaSchwartzzz
4) “A human being is a dangerous thing to let loose in a room with itself, when it cannot think.” - Roger Ebert
5) “There are no bad bourbons, only better bourbons.” - Dave Hernandez
6) “You can’t put a dollar in a kimono.”
7) “This is how it was.” - rampant takeaway from watching ‘Superbad’ several years after its release
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8) “What if I had been born fifty years before you in a house on the street where you lived / Maybe I’d be outside as you passed on your bike / Would I know? / And in a wide sea of eyes, I see one pair that I recognize” - Ben Folds, ‘The Luckiest’
9) “Learn the rules so you can break them.”
10) “Nobody makes chili for two.” - Stacy Massey
11) “‘Best city in the world,’ I mutter to myself, as i adjust my ‘driving blanket’.” - Chicago resident Deanna Belos, during the 2019 Polar Vortex
12) “Dude, no one’s ever got arrested for listening to Counting Crows.” - Ricky O’Donnell, justifying late night music volume at his party
13) Bill Belichick: We’re going to have fun tonight. Rob Gronkowski: Yes we are. We deserve it. Belichick: You’re damn right. Gronk: I haven’t stepped out in like eight months. I gotta step out tonight. Belichick: I’m with you, man. I’m even going to step out. Gronk: Oh, I like it!
A Super Bowl winning exchange.
14) Center David Andrews thanked Bill Belichick for giving him "a shot".
Belichick disagreed with it.
Andrews: Thank you for giving me a shot. Belichick: A shot? I didn't give you shit. You earned it! I don't give anything.
Another Super Bowl winning exchange.
15) “We elected one of the very worst living human beings to be President, and it's exhausting. Each and every day, it's an exhausting slog, just to exist in a world where that's true.” - Michael Schur
16) “Some of y’all always picked Odd Job when you played Goldeneye and it shows” - @thedad
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17) “Any app is a dating app if you try hard enough.” - Z.W. Martin (though he says it’s lifted)
18) "Once you're as woke as I am, you learn to feel bad all the time.”
19) “Everything’s a balance beam when you’re 90.” - John Dingell
20) [I wake up in a world where The Beatles never existed]
Me: Check out this song I just wrote
[I begin playing “Ob La Di Ob La Da” without having first built up years of goodwill]
Crowd of people: Wow, this sucks ass
-- @seanoneal
21) “People change people.” - Corey Matthews, Girl Meets World
22) “The easiest thing to do on earth is not write.” - William Goldman
23) “Dan could be like a difficult uncle. I didn’t love his fire-breathing conservative politics. I didn’t love the transformation that came over his novels. In Semi-Tough, he created two benighted Texas jocks and laid their prejudices bare. He was declaring himself a member of the Mark Twain coaching tree. In later books, Dan seemed to be trying to prove he could still tell a racist joke. He insisted that his memoir—the last truly immaculate piece of writing he delivered—include a tirade against political correctness. When his editor said people might be offended, Dan said, ‘Fuck people.’
There are certain writers whose style you pilfer. Certain writers whose moral fiber you try to inherit. For me, Dan represented a third category: a writer whose aura you replicate—or, failing that, try to stand in for a while.” - Bryan Curtis, on Dan Jenkins
24) “Never marry anything. Never choose. Even in love, it's better to be chosen.” - La Dolce Vita
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25) “An uncluttered, uncomplicated happy ending might sound wonderful, but it’s hardly ever satisfying. Because the value of great stories lies in the tension between desire and need, between the yearning for the ideal, and the unshakable conviction that ideals don’t really exist, at least not the way we want them to. A great story should hurt a little when it leaves us. There should be some hope, but that hope should remain somewhere just an inch beyond our fingers, because that’s the truth. Even if you had all the perfect moments in the world, you’d still be reaching.” - Zach Handlen, on the Futurama series finale
26) “You can’t see him because he has sunglasses on.” - Alissa Levy
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27) “The cinema is the greatest art form ever conceived for generating emotions in its audience. That's what it does best. (If you argue instead for dance or music, drama or painting, I will reply that the cinema incorporates all of these arts).” - Roger Ebert
28) “‘Are you gonna let politics ruin a friendship?’ 
Yes tf I am
People talk about politics as if it’s this isolated, abstract concept that only matters at election time. Somebody’s politics is their world view. It’s whether they think certain human beings deserve rights. It’s how they think the world should be. And if somebody thinks that the world should be colder, meaner, less accepting and downright hostile to people that are different to them, then sure as fuck is the friendship over.”
29) “Can the Supreme Court get me mushrooms?” - J-Papp
30) “Any song under two minutes already has a head start on its way into my heart. Just scream at me and then leave me.” - Drew Magary
31) “Long neck cold beers never broke my heart.” - Clemson Tom
32) “I’d just like to point out that the last spoken words of Game of Thrones were: 
‘I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel.’”
- @Authoroux
33) “Just once before I die, I want to toss my keys to someone and tell them ‘Bring the car around’.” - Mike Skully
34) “For all the weight they're given, last words are usually as significant as first words.” - Grand Maester Pycelle, Game of Thrones
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35) “The best remedy for unrequited love is a trip around the world.” - Cheers
36) [on switching from a hotel to a motel]
Manny: I don't like the sound of that. A lot of amenities disappear when an H turns into an M. Jay: Hey when I met you, you were eating cereal out of a bucket.
-- Modern Family
37) “You and Lindsey don’t want to be ‘estranged’. Estranged is the relationship we want to have with our mothers.” - MegFil
38) “Cigarettes are undefeated.”
39) “My toes are like my fingers on my feet. I can pick stuff up with them.” - Tracy Cunningham
40) “Republicans govern without shame, Democrats shame without governing.” - Bill Maher
41) Sam: I don’t understand the vagaries of the Internet Josiah: Post often, without thought, and you’ll either get cancelled or cancel someone else.
-- Blink-155
42) “Hang a lantern on your problems.”
43) “What a weird web we weave.” - The Situation, The Jersey Shore: Family Vacation
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44) “Let the ocean worry about being blue.” - Alabama Shakes, ‘Hang Loose’
45) “Honesty without tact is cruelty.” - Shelley Rokos
46) “My whole life is the wrong porn link.”
47) “One parent can take care of 10 kids, but 10 kids cannot take care of one parent.” - Joe Gestetner, via “an old Yiddish saying”
48) “There are no heroes in the room.” - Classics of Love, ‘Gun Show’
49) “If I am a little dismissive, it's only because of my harrowing backstory.” - Mitchell, Modern Family (on why he doesn't like sports)
50) “Every time I’m wearing black, I meet a dog.” - Tracy Cunningham
51) “Shower sex? Why would I fuck in my crying chamber” - @chridollarsign
52) “My theory about quarterbacks, having written about some of them, is you either have to believe in god or think you are a god.” - Mina Kimes
53) “The contradictions of capitalism always manifest in our lyrics if you look deeply.” - Blake Schwarzenbach of Jawbreaker, Riot Fest 2019
54) “Got a ‘hang loose’ from the weakside bartender.”
55) “It’s Jennifer’s birthday always.” - Eric Hutchinson 
56) “I can’t think of a less relevant artist in 2019 than Kanye West. A Jesus freak in a MAGA hat. Yeah, congrats dude -- you’re every grandma who watches ‘Young Sheldon’ and mails checks to Joel Osteen now.” - Dan Ozzi
57) “The past and future are in the mind. I’m in the now.” - Tom Brady, via someone else
58) “Sometimes you walk around boring places and you feel like the most exciting thing in it.” - Drew Magary
59) “Sitting is the new smoking.” - Modern Family
60) “I'll straight up fight folks at a book club and discuss books at a fight club I really don't give a shit anymore.” - George Wallace
61) “Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.” - Rose Garvey via wine country
62) “It’s all ‘ok boomer’ until you need someone who can drive stick shift.” - @OrdinaryAlso
63) “He likes the result of the math.” - Dad, talking about my worst subject frustrating during the process but satisfying in the end
64) Stepmom: Do you want a Bears urn or Alabama urn? Dad: Ask me after they play Auburn.
65) “A cold body carries a warm heart.” - Stefanos Tsitsipas’ Instagram, after his Iceland sabbatical
66) [preparing a dish called the Sandwich of Justice with his friend’s recipe]
"The fun thing about it is when you give it to someone, you can say 'Justice is served.’ That's, uh, Ryan's line. I built my whole life on the backs of my friends." - You Suck At Cooking
67) “Usually three people can keep a secret only when two of them are dead.” - The Irishman
68) “An artist can't control who consumes their content any more than a chemist can control how their chemicals are used once they're created.” - Brian Crooks
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not-celeste-king · 5 years
Intro to reallifepambeesly
Some days I feel like I’m in an actual episode of The Office. For example, I’ve buried a dead bird at work more than once. Thus, I will use this tumblr to share those ‘look at the cameraman’ moments from work and post the submissions I get from other real life Pam Beesly’s. I will also blog about my personal/professional growth. I know I am meant to do great things. I am brilliant and creative, and I have this indescribable fire burning within me, always reminding me that I can be more and do more (all of these gifts come from God).
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Truthfully, there’s a lot of things I need to work on about myself before taking the ‘next big step,’ whatever that turns out to be. I need to be more disciplined, practice good habits, and actually take care of myself. I need to replace the lies in my mind that I’m not good enough with affirmations of love and goodness. I need to not be so hard on myself. And for all of this to happen, I cannot do it alone. I need to put it all in God’s hands. I feel God in this Chili’s tumblr post tonight.
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-- Ways that I am like Pam Beesly
- I am the cute administrative assistant who works the front desk - I have tabled my creative aspirations for the sake of financial stability (or more likely, the illusion of it) - I am naturally quiet and soft-spoken - I need to work on my courage and self-confidence - My last name also starts with a B - I find myself in one too many absurd moments at work Ways that I am not like Pam Beesly
- I have a great sense of fashion and use my outfits to express my extra-ness - I am ambitious as hell. Classic Slytherin. - No Roy’s or Jim’s (but I am hoping to meet my own version of Jim one day, so feel free to send your oh-hot-damn, hilarious and well-read Catholic friends my way) -- If you read this far, you get a yogurt cup lid.
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Thank you for going on this journey with me!
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Red Typhoon: Ch 4. Finding Gold for Body and Soul
The ship was a marvel on the waves, skyrocketing and breaking modern records. Magic was on the side of the crusaders. It took a bit for the crew to get adjusted to the ships speed, but they found that as long as they didn't reach outside of the deck over the water, they didn't feel the speed. Everyone had a chance to catch up on lost time.
"And then, when me wife was screaming profanities at me during labor, I made the mistake of a-telling her that it wasn't my fault, we both did the deed." Rat was telling the amusing story about Trygve's birth. "And then she punched me in the balls."
The entire crew was laughing at Rat's expense.
"You think dat's bad? Me wife threatened ta chop off me balls!" Juju snickered.
"Me wife kicked me out of bed for a month!" Mojo chuckled.
"Missy Orana chucked Corsaire overboard when Nakeso was being born." Bomba held his sides from laughing. "He said, 'Can you quit pacing, I'm trying to get some sleep!'. Wrong thing to say."
"Dad, oh my god, you're so embarrassing." Revy snickered next to him, giving him a light punch in the shoulder.
Liz sat contently next to Halvar, finding comfort in leaning against his frame. Scarlet gave a chuckle at all the men's stories. Her own pregnancy was hell to get through. She wanted to tear the doctor in half from her underhanded comments that all she had to do was 'push' and that is was 'easy'.
"I's learned my lesson."
"Me too."
"Women are scary creatures."
"I's not sure what scares me more. Me lady on her monthly or the kraken!"
"I still can't believe cap'n ever entertained the idea of kids." Bomba took a sip of his drink. "He doesn't even like kids!"
"I tolerated you, thank you very much, and I like kids fine, I don't like brats." Corsaire told him dryly. "You were a brat and a troublemaker."
"I's not that bad!"
"You almost capsized me ship playing with that black powder numerous times."
"Almost is the key word in that sentence."
"Not to mention, you's gotten us chased out of ports before due to your lovely pickpocket talent."
"Aw, thanks cap'n!"
"That's not a compliment!"
"Well, you were a family. So that has to count for something, knowing you could always pull each other out of trouble, through thick or-" Scarlet was happy for a moment, nostalgia hitting her, before sadness slapped the Gerudo back down to reality, and she stopped talking. "You have no regrets. Be happy with that."
"Heh, we's always tried to be there for each other. Didn't have no one else." Mojo told Scarlet. "Corsaire rescued me and me brother. I's albino and dat's bad luck where I's from."
"We's stowed away on his ship and he let us stay." Juju added onto his brother's words. "We's safe with him."
"T-T-Took us out of th-the circus." Pockets gestured to himself then Acrobat. "N-Never saw me... saw me as a f-freak."
"Helped me recover when me legs were both broke beyond repair." Acrobat patted his thighs. "Helped me learn to walk a little again."
"Took me away from the gladiator rings." Rat clasped his hands together. "Reunited me with Renegade after so long of thinking me old friend was dead."
"Saved me from the streets and... and Seer from the brothel." Bomba's voice fell a little. "... Seer loved to cook for us. Never once asked for anything but ingredients for the food. I miss his calm chowder."
"Fish tacos."
"Vegetable medley."
"Chili soup."
"Roasted flounder."
"Braised pork."
"... yeah... he always fixed us food. Knew what it was like to be hungry. Didn't want us to ever feel that way." Bomba sighed. "Despite what those horrid people did ta him, he still has a golden heart."
With that, a thick cloud of sadness swept through. Everyone missed Seer dearly. Halvar could have sworn he was feeling Liz heat up against him, when Lex decided to lighten the mood. "And he is the BEST at story telling! I love the tale how he'd say that Captain Corsaire was a legend of the sea for taking down two Krakens, and it would be a riot if Uncle had to go up against a third. Think we can fight a big squidy Uncle?"
"Heh, Seer was there when we encounter the krakens. He was scared out of his wits too, kept telling me that they were very, very angry." Corsaire smiled a little at the mention of the old tale. "Makes sense now that he could sort of understand them, him being a Direnor and all."
"We all made it a-out unscathed, thanks to him and Missy Orana." Rat pulled Revy a little closer, holding her closer. "Us, krakens, and the ship."
"Liz would tell me the stories that Seer told her when he was on the ship with Corsaire." Halvar finally spoke, resting his head on top of Liz's. "I really enjoyed the one where Rat basically threw Corsaire onto the balcony so he could speak to Orana again."
"Uncle Corsaire isn't really good with the ladies." Liz gave a chuckle. She was grateful to how quick Lex was to cool her off.
"Hey I was just fine with the ladies." Corsaire crossed his arms. "Then Orana just... happened to catch me."
"More like you chased her."
"I did not!"
"Did too, lovesick dog."
"Remember when he was depressed after she went home to Hyrule?"
"Sulked for days in his cabin."
"I did not sulk!"
"You sound like a sulker Uncle Corsaire." Lex giggled.  
"Look! He's doing it right now Dad!" Revy pointed, laughing at her Uncle's embarrassment.
"Ah, shut it yous." Corsaire huffed. "All of yous need to get some rest anyway."
"Agreed. According to the charts, we should arrive at our destination by tomorrow afternoon." Bakura spoke up, having kept his eye on the ship while the group had their fun. He felt like more of an outcast than Scarlet. This was, in some ways, all his fault that Adda did what she did.
"You need to eat before you sleep," Corsaire told Bakura as he stood from his barrel seat. "You didn't even touch dinner. Rat's cooking isn't that bad. Need your strength, so eat then go rest."
"Cap'n's orders, Bakie." Rat gave Revy a gentle shake. "Hey now, me love, don't doze off on me just yet. Let's get you to bed."
"Huh? I'm not sleepy."
"Oh yes you are. Listen to your father young lady."
"What-*yawn*-ever mom." Revy was indeed sleepy.
Bakura continued looking at the stars. "I'll eat in a minute or two. You all have a good nights sleep."
"Taking first watch? Very well." Corsaire stretched lightly and then said. "Come get me for second watch. Men, off to bed."
"Aye, aye, cap'n."
"That means you two, girls." Rat told Liz and Lex. "Halvar, you's sleeping with the men."
"Whu? I mean, of course I am!" The prince blushed.
Scarlet gave a light frown. "Rat. Liz has a Voe, I think they have the right to stay in the same bed."
Liz looked over her shoulder to Halvar, a curiosity forming. How long had they been a relationship for now? Cuddles in the day on a couch were one thing, but what of cuddling at night? More soft spoken than she meant to, she turned to the Prince "Halvar.... would you like to share a bed. With me?"
"No hankie pankie on me ship!" Corsaire yelled from beneath, earning a few snickers from the men, knowing the captain was a protective uncle as well.
"There's a difference between sharing a bed for sleep and sharing a bed for... that." Rat was still a little off put by the sex conversation with the twins and his own daughter. It was always a touchy subject for him, especially with him having to work in the pleasure houses as well when his old master made him for extra cash. "Besides, Liz doesn't need to go and get pregnant right before a battle. Tis dangerous."
"We are NOT going to have sex!" Liz shouted at the men, appalled that was the first place they'd jump to. Lex snickered, giving her sister a tap. "Why not? Heard a rumour that being a virgin is never a good thing going into battle. Trust me, you'll both love it~"
Revy quickly pulled Lex away before Liz lost it. "I will THROW you over the ship so help me god Lex!"  Her max embarrassment couldn't be reached any higher. Liz turned to Halvar, sighing. "I'll just go to bed if you aren't comfortable."
"Pin me down and lick my dick!" Bomba's voice rang out from beneath the deck. "Fuck me like a big, bad bitch! We won't stop til you say when! Next time won't you bring a friend~~~~!"
"BOMBA SHUT UP!!!" The entire crew yelled at him.
"All you's don't appreciate my singing talents."
"More like wailing talents."
Halvar's face was bright red by this time, but he finally found a way to speak.
"I um... I'll do what you want, Liz. You're my lady, and I want you comfortable."
"That's not what I asked..." Liz sighed. If Halvar didn't tell her that HE was comfortable first and foremost, than she wouldn't force him. "I don't want to demand anything of anyone. I'm not my mother..."
Liz walked to below deck. Glaring at her Uncle with a deep growl, Bomba received a hard punch in the stomach for embarrassing her, and she slammed the door to her bed.
Lex patted Halvar on the back. "Pussy move dude. You didn't answer her question if you yourself wanted to join her."
"It's customary for the females to initiate... that part of the courtship." Halvar told Lex with a frown. "I'll go talk to her."
"I don't know if she's in the mood for talking right now. Maybe in the morning?"
"I... I guess..." Halvar said good night to everyone else and stopped at the cabin where Liz was staying. With a sigh, he told Liz through the door. "I'm... I'm sorry if I upset you. I think it's just hard for me to get the normal Uskarian customs out of my head, even though I know you're not required to follow those. Please don't doubt my love for you, ever. You're amazing and so sweet and... I feel lucky that you look at me the way you do. Sweet dreams, Elizabeth."
Liz heard his words and felt them sting. She hated herself now for not being more forward with Halvar, and in her self-pity, bit into her pillow so no one could hear her cry.
Scarlet was making her way to bed when she saw Bomba recovering from his gut punch. "She hit you really good."
"Aye, tis nothing I can't handle." Bomba shrugged and held up his hands, missing a couple of fingers. "Dis here hurt a lot worse. I was being stupid with the black powder and it came back to bite me good."
"Well you were being more stupid here. Do none of you have daughters? You didn't think your words and laughter didn't have an effect on her?"
"I's has no kids." Bomba shook his head. "Cap'n, Rat, Mojo, Juju, and Seer has kids. Acrobat and his man thinking 'bout adopting. Pockets doesn't want any kids; too scared of them being born like him with four arms. Doesn't want the kids to feel like he used to; like a freak."
"Well you all guaking about what she does in bed was insulting." Scarlet gave him a jab, and her voice was loud enough for any of the other men to hear. "At least Bakura was wise enough to know when to keep his peace. I bet even Seer wouldn't judge."
"Hey, she's our little girl and we want her to be treated right, dat's all." Bomba jabbed Scarlet back. "We know Halvar is a good laddie, yet we don't want Liz put in a bind either. Wind up pregnant when we's going to war with Adda is not a good thing. Dat, or worse, Halvar gets her pregnant and something happens to 'em. We's seen it before and don't wish it on her."
"She's not stupid enough to get pregnant. You insulted her core. She wanted to have a moment with her Voe, and all you idiots ruined it for her. She's strong, but she's also still a girl." Scarlet jabbed him back, harder this time.
"I'm not saying she's stupid, I'm saying it could happen!" Bomba poked her harder than before. "You's and Adda were pregnant during fighting and something coulda happened then! We's would have never had these sweetlings with us if something woulda happened to ya!" The first mate was not backing down from this argument. "If she wants a moment with her man, then dat's something they's both gotta agree on. Dey's from different cultures, and Halvar's trying to respect her and everyone else in her family too." He huffed and crossed his arms. "Liz wasn't raised Gerudo, she was raised as a Uskarian. If you's gots a problem with dat, take it up with Seer. He did right by those girls."
"I DID MY FUCKING BEST FOR MY DAUGHTER!" Scarlet picked Bomba up, pinning him to the wall. "I made sure to keep her away from the fighting! Even though it broke my heart and Rat's! And for all the shit my sister in arms has done, the smartest thing she ever did was give Seer those twins! So if I got a problem its with anyone, it’s you asshole!" She dropped Bomba and turned, the stress of the mission having boiled over now. "Fuck... I... I'm sorry. God damn it..."
Bomba yelped when Scarlet pinned him against the wall with a loud bang. She had a good foot in height on him, and was certainly the stronger of the two. However, Bomba was one to never give up, and always found a way to get the upper hand in the end... in most fights. When Scarlet dropped him, he fell onto his ass with a thud and rubbed his throat.
"Hmph." Bomba frowned at Scarlet. "You's ever stop to think dat maybe you doing something 'good' for someone else is 'bad' for you?"
Scarlet, turned to him, and Bomba knew he made a mistake. "What. Else. Was I. Suppose to DO?! HUH Bomba?! I loved my Captain! She was MY LIFE! She saved me, she was my closest friend! I trusted her word as the only word I needed to trust." Scarlet towered over him, picking him up and holding him tightly by the shoulders. She didn't even care that others could be listening, which they certainly were. "Tell me, would you ever have question Corsaire's word? His trust? Because when I was at my lowest, most worried for the new baby I had, I listened to Adda's. Would YOU have done differently than me?"
"Cap'n Corsaire saved us, and he's our brother... but he doesn't expect us to live our lives for him." Bomba told Scarlet, honest as could be. "Your cap'n might have saved you, but dat doesn't mean you have to live your life for her. You's your own person, lassie." He told her, honestly. "Me cap'n would never tell me to abandon me kid. He doesn't put himself first. He puts his... his family first. His friends first. Dere's a difference 'tween Corsaire and Adda." He was not sugar coating his words.
"Adda does put her family first. She gave us homes. She allowed us to choose our occupations once we become of age. She gave me the choice to leave her... us Gerudo are her only family she has. She did what she thought was best for us." Scarlet put her hands to her face and held her breath, slowly exhaling. "And that's why I'm terrified. You're all going to kill her. She won't stop. She won't. And you'll have to kill her."
"You call dumping her kids off and making you choose 'tween your baby and her a 'sister'?" Bomba actually laughed dryly at that statement. "If dat's the kind of definition of family for Gerudos, then I's really glad the girls weren't raised there. Family don't hurt family. Don't make 'em choose 'tween kids or her." The first mate then told Scarlet. "Look, lassie. I can argue with ya til me blue in the face, but what your cap'n did was wrong. End of story." He shook his head. "We's don't want to kill her if she'll just give us Seer. She don't, then it's gonna be a fight. Cap'n never let us down before; he's never lost." He sighed and then said to Scarlet. "We's used to be pirates, but we's never hurt innocents like she did, never took for our own gain. We's stole from those who stole from the others. Cap'n never liked fighting, but he's damn good it if he has to."
"You ever hear about the battle of Fan-Shen Bay?"
"I's heard of a lot of battles, lassie."
"This one was personal. When the great war happened, there was a giant power grab for riches and power. We didn't start the war. It was slowly building up, and I think you and your crew were lucky enough to miss it. Captain Adda saw an opportunity with the Wind Waker. We had the power to put a stop to heavy hitters like Onslaught and keep him grounded. But more importantly, we, a tribe of Gerudo women, had the potential to come out on top. To bring order. As we got into the war, it quickly dawned on us that our night with your crew left us pregnant. My crew, my sisters in our tribe were terrified for us. We couldn't pull out of the war. And Adda, couldn't leave the twins with Bakura. He still had that monster Set in his mind at the time. And... and we couldn't get back to our island sanctuary. It was under siege at the time." Scarlet knew it sounded like she was making excuses to him, but this was the first time she found the will to fully explain herself. "Should I have stayed with Rat? Maybe... but I had to help my sisters. I had to make sure that they lived first. So we took the girls to Rat and Seer, and I returned to the war. The Battle of Fan-Shen Bay occurred a week after I returned to my captain. In that battle our ship was torn apart by cannon fire and we crashed into the bay. Now I want you to imagine what would happen if we had little babies with us. They would have died. I saw girls that couldn't swim drown that day, or torn apart by cannon fire. And I am grateful I returned. Adda was knocked unconscious. My sisters were panicked as we were pinned down by enemy fire. So I took command. I used ever bit of magic and skill I had to protect my sisters as we rounded our forces for a retreat. If I had stayed with Rat, I'm certain my whole tribe would have been wiped out that day. So the choices I make haunt me either way. Abandoning my daughter for 13 years, or knowing if I abandoned my crew they'd all be dead. Tell me how to heal my soul from that?"
Revy was in horror from hearing that story, having listened through the crack of her door. Why did fate have to always leave people with horrible choices. Scarlet felt like crying. "I'm... I'm tired defending myself. Adda might be rotten to the core, like everyone keeps saying, but she loved us.... and I loved her too. Please understand that."
"Me thinks either way, you's just tormenting ye self." Bomba was no guru on giving advice, he said whatever popped into his head. Yet, sometimes, his blunt statements made perfect sense. "You's were stuck either way. Yet... dere's one thing me doesn't understand." He finally asked the question everyone had been thinking. "We's coulda helped hide ye. All of ye. Why didn't you just... ask for help?"
"Didn't want to drag our enemies to Hyrule. Maybe we wanted to be more than just another tribe. Or maybe we were just stupid." Scarlet's lip quivered. "I feel stupid... Like a waste of breath."
"Maybe a little bit of both." Bomba was not very good at comforting females, so he took her hand and gently patted it. "Tis okay to feel stupid. Look at me. I's the silly one of the crew, and me mouth gets me into bad situations. Me crew calls me stupid sometimes, but dey still love me. No one tis perfect. We's all human and make mistakes." He shrugged his shoulders. "Sometimes, the best thing to do is... move forward and try to put the past behind ye." The first mate gave her a small grin. "Can't make the same mistakes again if ye don't wanna."
"Thank you Bomba." Scarlet squeezed tight, and looked into his eyes, feeling the warmth of his comfort.
"Me thinks you need to do more thinking, lassie." Bomba was truthful with Scarlet. "Thinking of what ye really want. Tis ain't 'bout Adda no more, 'bout you."
"You're right... Are you the wise one out of your brothers?"
"HAHAHA!" Bomba started laughing at that question. "Aw shit, no. Seer was the wise one. Me's just the kid... well, me used to be a kid then, sneaking into his kitchen to steal a bite of food."
"Well, you show qualities of a man now." Before Bomba could make a remake, Scarlet lifted him up off the ground, and planted a deep kiss on him.
"HMPH?!?!" Bomba was not expecting a kiss, that was for sure.
Scarlet's lips were fine, and she held the kiss for more than he thought she would. Pulling away, she had a light, floaty smile. "Thank you for talking with me. I needed that."
"Uh-huh..." Bomba was a little out of breath from the kiss and partly dazed. "No... no problem, lassie. Good talk'in, and... very, very good kiss'in."
"I'm going to check on the girls. I'll see you in the morning?" Scarlet set the dazed man down back to his feet.
"Hm-hm, morning's good." Bomba tried to snap out of his stupor just for a moment. "Wishing you sweet dreams, lassie."
"Sweet dreams Bomba." Scarlet gave him a hug into her breasts, than turned with a wave goodbye and settled for the night.
"Heheheh... boobies." Bomba snickered as Scarlet exited his cabin to check on the girls.
The morning came, and the crew prepared. A week out of sea and they had arrived at their first destination. They quickly dropped one of the sails to cut the speed as to not draw mass attention. The island ahead had a jungle interior, with a bustling port of other pirates coming and going. Liz was hazy, regretting crying herself to sleep the night before. She barely looked Halvar in the eye, embarrassed by her actions. Everyone was getting equipped properly. Liz was wearing a modest outfit, with a trench coat to give her an air of authority. Revy wore a simple shirt and pants with light armour underneath, and Scarlet was suiting up in her Iron Knuckle suit.
Bakura looked over the sea, turning to Corsaire. "You ever been to this island before?"
"Aye, many years ago." Corsaire made sure to guide his ship into port slowly and carefully. "Rescued Mojo and Juju here. Can't say they're happy to be back."
"We's gonna be fine, cap'n." Mojo assured Corsaire. "We's grown now, not wee lads. We can take care of ourselves."
"We'll stick together, and we's be okay." Juju agreed with his brother. "We's help looking after the girls too."
"Bakie, you's going to be okay a-doing this?" Rat asked Bakura, hating to inquire, but he had to do so. "I don't want your... other half... going too crazy if we's gotta fight."
"We... we've come to an understanding. I believe that horse kick really did a number on him. But I can keep control." Bakura patted Rat's shoulders. His attention than turned to Lex. She was walking out in a very seductive fashion. Proper, yet very alluring. "Sweet heart, what are you wearing?"
"Uh, what are YOU wearing? Baggy pants? And Ms. Scarlet, don't you think you should wear normal clothing? You can magic up your armour at any time right? You need to scream less, "I'm a big bad warrior, rrrrr." You know what I mean?"
"Lex, we's here to find out information, not for ye to find a husband." Acrobat told his niece. "You look like you's trying to bait and hook a man."
"Lex, let Scarlet wear her armor if she's a-wants." Rat then turned to Revy. "Me love, you stay close to me, you hear? I's not underestimating your fighting ability, but I promised your Mama I'd keep you a-safe."
"Aye, all the ladies stay close to us, captain's orders." Corsaire told Scarlet, Lex, Liz, and Revy. "You never know what these crooks might try."
Lex rolled her eyes. "I KNOW I'm eye candy. That's my speciality. How many women have you muscle heads ever ran up to, transfixed by their beauty, and not to mention, tell them anything to get their attention. I can make people talk to help us find our target."
Scarlet nodded, impressed. "Excellent point Lex. I suppose my intimidation factor could lead to an issue. And we ALL have our strengths and weaknesses." The Gerudo woman powered down her armour, the magic making her appear back in regular clothing once more.
"Regardless, all of you ladies are staying with one of us." Corsaire ordered firmly. "Is that clear? You will travel with one of us at all times. This island has been known to kidnap females and sell them into the slave rings."
"Eh. Small advantage I can only hope for is that Adda has made Gerudo feared enough for no one to pull that shit, but don't count on it." Scarlet nodded to the three girls.
Bakura used his skills as a bounty hunter to formulate a plan. "Be careful when asking information. When we find Eltontor, we play it safe. Interrogating him will be difficult unless we get him isolated."
"So we need to set a trap for him." Rat suggested. "Get in his good graces and then get the information we need."
"If he doesn't willingly tell us, we'll make him talk." Liz spoke up, hyper focused on the mission ahead.
"No one goes alone," Corsaire told everyone. "Acrobat, Pockets, you search the fishing docks. Mojo, Juju, stay with the ship, I don't want anyone trying to get the bright idea of hurting Mojo. Rat, Revy, you go search the trading posts. Lex, Liz, you're with me, we'll search the taverns." Then he ordered. "Bomba, Scarlet, you take the markets."
Bakura checked his blades, and polished his mask. "Girls, stick to the captains orders. Halvar, you come with me. You can probably pass off as a slave boy if anyone asks any questions about you."
"Hey!" Halvar objected at that remark. "Slave boy, my ass."
"Halvar, do as he tells you." Corsaire told the young prince. "We need to get you back home to your parents safe and sound."
"... can Liz come with me?" He asked the captain. "I feel better if she's at my side. I want to protect her."
"Very well." Corsaire gestured to Halvar. "Liz?"
Liz thought about her actions last night, how she wished she could be a better girlfriend to Halvar. Maybe they could use this chance to take care of themselves. "Well, I suppose it can't hurt to look after you as well Halvar."
Bakura waved her over. "Alright. Anyone asks. I'm an Yuga bounty hunter, you're my partner, and this is a Direnor slave we acquired."
"Grr... fine." Halvar agreed to go along with the farce because this was Liz's other dad. He did not want too many tensions since he intended to marry Liz.
"Is everyone else ready?"
"Aye, cap'n."
"Let's find this guy. Seer's counting on us." Bakura finished slipping his mask down and the ship pulled into the dock.
Everyone set out, Scarlet ready to summon her armour at a moments notice. Looking around, she was hit with an air of nostalgia at all the unlawful trade occurring around her. Smiling to Bomba, she nudged him. "You miss this at all?"
"Eh, a little." Bomba looked around at all the merchandise. "Me's content to work for Hyrule now. Better money, safer, and can still be close to cap'n and me family."
"Not gonna lie. Cracking heads and getting rich with all the laughs and joy with my sisters is a feeling that I wish I could recapture sometimes."
"Not like you can't recreate that feeling with us." Bomba suggested to Scarlet. "If you're bored in Uskar, then come work on the ship with the cap'n and me. We could always use a bit of extra muscle!"
"I go where Revy goes. That's how its always been for me."
"Aye, and me admires your dedication to your wee one." Bomba nodded his head. "Though, you know, Reveka is grown now. She knows how to fight, how to take care of herself, and one day, she'll have a family of her own. She'd want you to be happy doing what you like. She wouldn't expect you to chain ye self down cause of her."
Scarlet knew Bomba was right. Borghild had told her the same so many times. "I haven't really found anyone to settle down with."
"Well, even if you haven't found a mate to settle down with, it'd be fun for you to come along with us." Bomba reminded Scarlet. "We's not pirates no more, but we still know how to party and have fun."
"I'll give it some thought..."
"All righty, then." Bomba looked around the market at the various booths. So far, he did not see no crocodile man. He did, however, see an object which caught his eye. Approaching the stand full of flowers, he paid for a single gerber daisy. Once in his hands, he waltzed back to Scarlet, stood on his tiptoes, and put it behind her ear. "There. No lady can be sad with flowers."
Scarlet looked down at him in surprise. Her shock was evidence she didn't know what to make of the action. "No one has ever given me flowers before."
"Eh? All ladies deserve some perdy flowers." Bomba stretched and then put his hands on the back of his head. "Especially a red flower like you."
Scarlet took the flower and smelled it closely. "Lavender... I love lavender."
"Lavender? Me's not too good with the names of flowers, lassie." Bomba told her. "Next time we's seeing some at a booth or what not, you show me. Learn a little from you 'bout perdy blooms." He then held up a pocket of coins he had taken from another customer with a grin. "And me learn you a little about pickpocketing."
"Well, aren't you sneaky." Scarlet threw him another bag that she snatched off a man walking back to his boat.
"The sneakiest, lassie, don't you forget it." Bomba then showed Scarlet one of the daggers he took from her, that she had hiding in her belt with a laugh. "Me could steal your undies and you wouldn't know it."
"You know what, I'd like to see you try." Scarlet wiggled her hips, her heart beating every glance she took at Bomba now. Walking to a clerk, she got his attention. "Oy! Got a question for you."
"Me gets 'em, me gets to keep 'em." Bomba snorted at her little wiggle. "As a trophy."
As Scarlet approached the clerk, he looked up at her.
"Yes, miss?"
"How much would it cost for a box of condoms?"
She let her words drip in the air as she gave a cheshire grin back at Bomba, savouring his reaction.
"Three rupees, please."
"..." Bomba's face turned red for a minute before he snickered. "Only one box?"
"I'll take three boxes." She was starting to get a little red herself. Turning to Bomba once more, her pearly white teeth grinned at him. "If you think you're man enough to handle that~"
"Me can take anything you throw at me. Even if ye throw ye self."
"We have a buy two, get one free special." The clerk then asked. "Also, if you're interested, we have a buy one get one special on lubes today. Our three most popular edibles are strawberry-banana, coconut-lime, and peach-mango. In the back of the store, there's lingerie for the ladies and the men if you're interested."
"I'll take four boxes and each of the lube. Lingerie isn't necessary." Scarlet started to take her rupees out to pay.
"Very well, miss." The clerk bagged up her purchase and took the payment. "For buying the specials, we've played a complimentary bottle of oil in the bag just for you and your lover. Thank you for shopping at Noctural Pleasures and have a good day."
"Me guesses we need to find a room next." Bomba chuckled with a wide grin. "Cause cap'n don't like it when we's rock the boat."
"After we find our target." Scarlet paid a boy on the dock to bring the new cargo back to the ship. Leaning down, she pinched Bomba's cock, satisfied he was growing an erection. "Let's go little man. Who knows how long it will take to find him~"
"Hmph, you's a tease, that's what you are, lassie." Bomba sulked at being denied at first and then yipped when she fondled his privates. Grasping her hand, he tugged her along in the streets. "Come on, hurry up, daylight's burning, and I wanna fuck, so let's find this reptile."
Halvar, Liz, and Bakura walked through a large pub, looking around. The older man made sure to keep an eye out on the two young adults every once in a while. Liz tapped her foot, some impatience getting to her. "Can you two cover my? I'm going to duck into one of the bathroom stalls quickly."
"Sure thing Liz."
Once Liz was out of sight, Bakura gave Halvar a slap on the back. "Look alive kid. You're way too focused on my daughter right now."
"Hey!" Halvar turned slightly red in the cheeks at Bakura's statement. "... she's beautiful. I can't help but look at her."
"Well, you haven't exactly inspired confidence in me that you're the right man for her. If all you're going to do is drool like a dog, and hump like a dog thinking about her..."
"I'm not a dog, I'm a fox." Halvar did not like being referred to as a dog. To a Direnor, it was an insult. He was often seen as a meek prince, but right now, he was mad. "I respect her, and I love her. I've made no advances because I want her to be ready to take that intimate step. I've been there to encourage her and help her through hard times." He said before he thought. "You don't exactly inspire confidence in me that you're a good father figure. After all, you did try to kill her once." The prince then said bitterly. "Don't try to bring me down with you. I'll be there for her thick and thin, no matter what the future brings us. I'd happily give my life for her, or any children we have in the future. I'm a good man, and Liz has accepted my offer of courtship. If she was not pleased with me, I'd know. So back off and butt out of our relationship. It's for me and her to decide what we wish to do, not you."
Halvar couldn't see it behind that mask, but Bakura was shocked, which quickly turned into him being impressed. He gave Halvar a slap on the back again and laughed. "That's the spirit lad. I'm how Lex would say, "Just fucking with you". Well you need to be there for her. And I think Liz would appreciate a little boldness. Just an inch."
Bakura held his hips and shook his head with a chuckle. "It's my job as a father to look out for my girls best interest. Sure, a part of me tried to kill her once, but what family hasn't wanted to kill each other at some point! If you're going to lay down your life for her, you have to be smart about it. You can't let anything distract you. Take, for example, if we find Adda, and you happen to be alone with a bombshell like her, what are you going to do?"
"Hmph." Halvar tried not to show he was sulking at the teasing from Bakura, and crossed his arms. "Liz wants to find Adda, we cannot let anything distract us now when we're so close. However, if we were alone together, and she was comfortable, and only if she was ready, then I would not object to mating. She is a fine woman and sometimes it's hard to hold myself back. My father and mother taught me to respect a female or else, she might claw your eyes out."
"Oh yes. Or she could see the demon in you, and make a catastrophic choice. If you catch Adda... let me get a chance to talk to her."
Before Halvar could ask more, Liz came out. "Alright, sorry for the wait. Was talking to a girl in the bathroom. She mentioned pirates like to hang out at a place called, "The Sun Pyramid."
"Hmm, I'll ask around for what that is. You two stick together."
Bakura left the couple alone as he asked around.
"Unlike you, I'm in control of my 'demon'." Halvar huffed at Bakura, and then quieted when Liz approached the two of them. He was exactly too keen on her overhearing their conversation. Though, as much as he hated to admit it, Bakura did have a point. It was now or never, he supposed. Anything could happen with this fight with Adda. "Liz?" Halvar turned to look at her. "I... I'm sorry if I embarrassed you the other night. Or if you think I don't want to mate with you, that's not the case. Sometimes, I keep repeating these proper rules in my head, and it's only gotten in the way. I don't want you to ever think you're a problem, you're my lover, and I'm yours." He took her hands, and kissed her knuckles. "Whenever you're ready, I'm happy to love you."
"Halvar..." Liz looked sadly at his hand. "I wish I was stronger with this aspect of my life, like other Gerudo woman. I just didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want you to feel forced into a situation, like... my mother would do to others." She looked back to him, kissing his fingers back. "I want to take things slow. Can we just... cuddle in bed? Like normal couples do?"
"Hey," Halvar tilted her chin up to look at him. "Whatever you want, whenever you want. I'll do what you're comfortable with, okay? Never think you're disappointing me. I love you too much for that."
"I... thank you." Liz leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Let's ask around, shall we?"
Lex waved to the many pirates that were giving her whistles and cat calls. It didn't take long for her to get a lead out of one. She told him to meet her at the peer so she wouldn't have him nip at her feet the whole way for the rest of her search. "So, the Sun Pyramid. I wonder what we'll find there Captain Uncle."
"Was it really necessary to flirt with every male specimen on this island?" Corsaire groaned, wondering why he did not send Lex with Revy and Rat.
"Hey, they flirt with me! Besides, you said you wanted to look out for me, and keep me away from the nasty men~" Lex tickled her Uncle's chest teasingly. "Just jealous they're dropping better one liners than you give Princess Orana?"
"I invented one liners, lassie." Corsaire grumbled under his breath. "And I didn't give one liners to my wife. I treated her like a proper gentleman... and the first one liner I gave she only laughed at me, so I didn't give her no more."
"I bet. Well, I'm gonna keep doing what I do best. Being fabulous as fuck~"
Lex tapped her sunglasses as they walked through a jungle path. The Sun Pyramid was an actual pyramid, having been modified into a giant entertainment centre. On the right, exotic dancers, the left, a fighting ring for people to sort their shit out, but the main attraction was a giant casino.
"Holy shit. Think of all the money we could make here."
"Lex, we're here to get information, and get out. Time's a tick'in."
"I'm just saying." Lex took a deep breath. "Alright. I'll take the lead." Standing up on a staircase, Lex shouted loudly. "Who wants to gamble against me?! 100,000 worth of rupees on me!"
"IGNORE HER, SHE'S DRUNK!!!" Corsaire shouted and pulled Lex off the staircase and over his shoulder. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?! We're not here to stand out!"
"That's exactly what I'm doing. Getting attention." Lex pushed him away as some men approached. One was reptilian.
"Who's this guy?"
"Don't worry, he's my bitch."
"You serious about playing little girl?"
"That's woman to you scaly. And I am. Serious about winning."
"Alright. Who else wants to play with this spitfire?"
"... I hate you so much right now." Corsaire hissed under his breath to Lex, and then saw the crocodile man approach. "... she's only interested in one player at a time."
"Oy. Bitch. Did I give you permission to speak?" Lex raised her sunglasses at her Uncle, trying to act cool.
"I'm her uncle and I'm supervising her night out." Corsaire corrected Lex with a harsh slap on the butt as if she were an unruly kid. "Can't have no man taking advantage of my little girl now."
"Hmmm. And her I thought she was kind of gangster."
Lex yelped, and part of her spirit crumbled. Her image was being shattered by her Uncle. An cold anger built up inside in her. No one trusted her abilities. They either thought she was just a kid or a slut. She gave him a hard kick to the leg. "You're ruining my mystique. So piss off and get me a drink, while I take every bit of fucking coin these losers have."
Lex turned back to the man, glaring at her opponent, before giving a smile and a pretty face. "I am a gangster sweety. How about you draw your cards. We can do some Blackjack."
"Ha. Sure thing." The crocodilian man pointed to a dealer to cut them a deck.
"OOF!" Corsaire nearly dropped Lex when she kicked him. He growled at his niece, giving her a glare. Seer would not want her dealing with the scum of the earth. She was not in Uskar, the men here were not honorable. The bastards here would take advantage of her, cheat her, or worse, try to drug her and sell her as merchandise. "Fine." He snapped at her. "Don't come crying to me when they get the one up on you." With that, he stormed off to the bar. However, as Corsaire watched Lex play, he noticed how in control she was, how comfortable. Her porker face was on point, switching between cold, and full of playful emotion to throw her opponent off.
"So tell me, you seem so different than the other men here."
"It's the scales right? Humans love the scales."
"I do." Lex looked to the dealer. "Hit me."
Looking at her cards, she frowned, making a jiggle with her body. Her opponent thought he won. "Alright. I'm playing my hand." He placed a jack and a seven down. "You seem disappointed."
"Oh, I am!" Lex threw her hand down. A three, a ten, and a seven. "That I didn't get a full 21~"
"Fuck me..."
"Your rupees please~!"
The reptile growled. He thought he was tricking some kid. He wasn't supposed to actually lose this money. "Look. I need to actually get my money from my boss."
"Ooooo, what's the matter, need to cry to your captain? Why don't you bring him here? Maybe he can win the money back."
The man thought of that. "Stay right here sweetheart. He might just want to meet you."
Lex turned to her Uncle in the distance to give him the finger. As she waited, she saw the biggest reptile, barring dragons, in her life stomp forward. He was a big crocodile man, with a thick brown coat, a hat with a peacock feather, and a golden artificial right eye. His smile was filled with sharp, jagged teeth. "Hello sweetheart. My name is Captain Eltontor. How'd you like to make a wager?"
"Fuck me, she actually did it." Corsaire watched from the bar. He decided he'd only interfere if things got out of hand. If Lex wanted to play this game, she could.
"Oooo my~ Aren't you a big boy~"
"You don't know the half of it little snow flake~"
Lex giggled, hoping to fully entrance the big crocodile. She felt so much pride that she was the first to find their target. "So you aren't mad I beat your little boy in some gambling are you? I was thinking of buying some golden earrings."
"I think a golden chain would look better around you~"
"Oh stop it, you naughty man~" Lex waved her hand in a fun gesture. "So what's this gesture you have?"
"Oh, quite simple, I was thinking of a game of chance."
"Yes. How'd about it?"
"Depends, what we talking here?"
"I love this particular game." Eltontor snapped his fingers and received a glass of liqueur. Pouring it into a bottle, he made it so it almost overflowed. "The rules are simple. You keep dropping coins into the glass until it spills. You can put as many coins as you like in, but if you spill, you lose."
Lex had never played this before. "Sounds fun."
"So I was thinking we could play for more than just money." The croc smiled down at Lex's body. The Gerudo smiled back, but not for the same reason. This is what she wanted. A chance to find her mother.
"I can agree to that. What do you want?"
"Well my dear, I was thinking when I win, I'll take you back to my ship. We can have all sorts of fun there."
"Ok. And if I win... you have to tell me where I can find Captain Adda."
That took Eltontor by surprise. "Captain Adda? The Queen of the Seas? Why do you want to find her?"
"Girls got her reason. I heard you know a way to find her, or, just as good, someone who does."
Eltontor grew visibly more nervous, tapping his claw. His instincts were telling him to drug this girl and take her away. "Well, little lady, I suppose I might."
"Than do we have a deal?"
"We do." Eltontor made a special click with his mouth and some of his men got them two different drinks.
"Your move, babydoll~"
Lex picked up five coins. This prompted everyone around the table to 'Ooooo' her. Eltontor chuckled. "You like to take big risks, I can tell. I wonder what other big things you like~"
"Please take your hand off the table dear." Lex breathed deeply, very, very carefully placing her fingers over the glass. Letting go, she dropped the coins. The liquid shifted, but didn't spill. Lex relaxed back into her set and took some of her drink. The young Gerudo woman felt confident she understood the level of liquid in the glass now.
"Hmmph. Impressive. My move." Eltontor took a coin from the side of the table, and put it over the glass. Smiling, he squeezed some hidden cotton, pouring additional liquid into the glass, unknowns to Lex.
Dropping his coin into the glass, Eltontor hid the cotton he used, and the glass shifted, but once more, didn't spill. "Heheheh. That was close. Your move."
Lex starred at the glass. She saw how the liquid shifted around. With one coin it shouldn't have moved like that. She should have had enough space to place one or two more coins in. What gives? Lex took a coin, uncertain.
"Well girly?"
"Give me a moment."
"I think we know that you lost."
"Shut up."
"Well, not everyone can be so certain."
Lex was afraid. She felt like she was going to lose. She gripped the glass with one hand, and steadily held her coin over the glass. She was gonna lose. She was going to be this freaks plaything. How could she fuck this up? She didn't want to. She didn't want to fail. So, to her surprise, and everyone else, when she dropped the coin, it didn't spill.
Eltontor was in shock and disbelief. "What? WHAT?!"
He quickly took a coin and dropped it in. Did he not pour enough liquid in? His glass shifted and the liqueur spilled out.
Lex smiled. Somehow she won. "Yes. YES! I DID IT!"
Eltontor threw the contents of the glass out and looked at it. Ice had formed above the tip of the edges, giving it a tiny little room for error. "You cheated me."
"What? No I didn't. Tell me about Adda you piece of luggage!"
"You little bitch. I think I know who you are now. You're one of Adda's girls, aren't you?"
Oh shit. That was not part of the plan.
With a loud 'clang' Corsaire's metal hand slammed on the table, causing the rupees and the drinks to clatter. The ex-pirate was pissed. He gave a cold stare to Eltontor, and put a hand on Lex's shoulder.
"Call her a bitch one more time and see where it gets you, lizard." Corsaire did not know if his reputation with the kraken still preceded him, but he did not care. No one was going to mess with his niece, even if she was acting like a little shit. He would make sure she was all right for Seer's sake. "She belongs with me. You think I didn't see that cotton? You think I don't know how you cheated and won this game? Or for the fact of the matter," He picked up Lex's drug and took a sniff. "That this roofie you put in her drink has a salty taste and oil residue it leaves on top? I know all your tricks and I know you're going to apologize or else, I'll beat your ugly skull in until they'll have to identify you by your bones. What's it going to be, reptile?"
Eltontor knew EXACTLY who this man was. How the hell did the legendary kraken slayer end up here? He was supposed to be retired. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, nah. How about this." The crocodile, grabbed the table and threw it at Corsaire and Lex, running through the casino to reach his boat. "WASTE THESE FOOLS! MILLION FOR THE MAN’S HEAD DEAD! ANOTHER MILLION FOR THE GIRL ALIVE!"
Corsaire reacted quickly, catching the table, ducking down and pulling Lex with him, using the furniture as a shield. He drew his gun, and shouted, "If anyone dares to fire at me, I'll set the damn kraken on their ship!!!" He leaned out from behind the table and fired a single shot... busting through Eltontor's kneecap.
Eltontor screamed, but still lurched along, his weight able to keep him up. His reptilian crew were the only ones to fire at Corsaire. Lex hated this and ran to the left. "I'm going after him! They want YOU dead, not me! Asshole thinks he can cheat ME!?" Lex growled, dodging the commotion all around her.
"YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Corsaire nearly screeched at Lex, trying to chase after the girl, but the bullets kept him pinned. "LEX!!!"
Lex found Eltontor getting into a speed boat, trailing blood. It started to take off, and Lex felt her heart sank. She fell for this pirates tricks. Once again, that cold sense of failure hit her. If they lost him, they lost a chance at her mother.
“No. NO YOU’RE NOT GETTING AWAY!” Lex willed it, and she thrust her hands to the water. The entire channel froze, lurching Eltontor's boat and sending him flying and skidding across belly first on the ice back towards her.
Lex was completely shocked. She had ice magic. She was a wizard! As she felt her new found confidence, and ready to tear some questions out of him, that was when the roofie hit her. Slumping to her feet, her head was suddenly killing her, and she threw up. Eltontor smiled, walking up to her. With a slap across the face, he knocked Lex to the ground. Picking her up with one hand, he held his cannon in the other. This little girl would make a great companion and a meatshield. Lex cursed in her haze. They found their quarry, but the plan was starting to fall apart. She heard Eltontor cry out in victory as her mind started to go blank. "Let's go men!"
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thegenvyisreal · 5 years
Introducing: Hyperion
I don't think I've ever said this on my bagel before, but since early this year, I created my own deity, from scratch. No one was really reaching out to me and I couldn't find a deity that matched what I was looking for, so I did some reading, some watching of YT, and decided I would make my own god. I'm a pantheist, so I believe I was just designating a small portion of the energy of the universe into a name I could work with. Something I could nurture and breathe life into. What is a god if no one worships them? What isn't a god in some way, if it's being worshiped?
I decided I wanted to honor a creator in more of a sciencey way. What am I made of? Star stuff. What made me? Ultimately, the star or stars that came before the Sun. I want to worship that concept. My cosmic creator.
So what to call it? Well, it's kind of the parent of the sun (and moon and earth and us), so I looked up Helios' parents in Greek mythology. The father of the Sun is Hyperion. So that is what I named my God.
I had fun giving Him associations. Some of it was selfish (I made Him to serve a need of mine, so He was always going to be somewhat tailor made) but other bits were based in astrophysics. The big thing was that stars don't have gender, so He's genderless, and uses whatever pronouns you want to associate with Him. He made us and is in all of us. Some alien species from another part of the galaxy would have no need to worship Hyperion, but they'd have their own star system parent to worship. He's a local God. In a very broad sense.
I have spent all year, thru all this muck, giving Him love and talking to Him and praying to Him and recently I've been leaving offerings. I knew I'd have to build Him up before He could do anything for me. And I wasn't expecting anything extreme for a while. I was gonna give it a year.
On esbats, when I get around to it, which hasn't been lately but was tonight, I'll do moon tarot readings. I usually do these with my Prisma Visions deck, which I've dedicated to Hyperion, as a way to get to know His energy. And He hasn't really spoken to me in a way I could tell was Him and not just the deck. Not until tonight.
I was doing Biddy Tarot's New Moon in Virgo spread, and holy buckets. During the interpretation section of my reading, the words just flowed. I knew exactly what the cards meant, and it wasn't just because I have a good relationship with this deck. There was some love there. A personal connection. I couldn't type fast enough, it was just coming thru me. I knew what He meant. Cuz He'd seen the shit I've been going thru and wanted me to know He loved me and wanted to help me achieve my highest good. I felt God in this Chili's tonight, y'all.
This is the kind of connection I've been begging for for, idk, my whole life?? Haters will say it's fake paganism. But something sure is real, cuz I feel it, and that's more than I can say for a lot of the witchy stuff I've done.
He isn't just for me. If anyone else is interested in exploring the idea of worshiping the origin of their star stuff, I'd love to talk associations with you! More worshipers means more power for Him! But it's not like a necessary thing. All I'm saying is I didn't make Him to be exclusive, but if it's just Him and I, well, that's still a party.
Positivity is always welcomed, rebuttals are not.
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believerindaydreams · 5 years
sans grace
continuing adventures of the chicken sidequest. 
why do I do trauma in second person, huh. Tuco's POV. would not recommend before eating.
You've never wished so earnestly, for someone to insult you.
Because your partner's still your partner, and if this woman gave an inch- mocked your face or slightly thickened accent or your worn boots- you'd take the ell and drag Blondie out of here bodily. It'd be a pleasure to you both, saving him like that.
"Now, we don't have more'n two spoons," Aunt Huldah says. "Joseph stole his when he ran away. Good silver that was, too- what happened to it?"
Both of you remember that, or at least you do; it got pawned in Kansas City the first time you two went broke. Paid for two tickets at a church ice cream social, while you talked over options and took a chance on continuing south. Instead of turning around.
"Lost it," Blondie drawls.
His terse manner seems the only sensible way to deal with a room like this. Giving nothing away means leaving nothing vulnerable, that’s what always made him good at cards. 
"Your friend will have to wait until you're done eating, then. Do your own washing up."
On a normal day- on any day before today, you'd have said that watching Blondie eat while you're sitting by hungry would be a special circle of hell all its own- and it looks like this is going to be. If not for the reasons you'd have figured.
"Soup," Aunt Huldah says.
She dips her spoon into the pot, which you've been trying not to look at (trying: utterly failing). The skeletal remains of several chicken carcasses have gone into that, froth and gelatin floating in lukewarm water. An entire uncut onion. A can of peas, some of which are scooped up into the spoon; she blows on them, pops them into her mouth and chews with slow satisfaction. If you saw that look on a hard-bitten poker player, you'd call it vindictive.
It's impossible to call up the memory, from the last time you saw this pose. Angel Eyes stirring bone broth and meditatively chewing on venison, that happened only three nights ago but it won't come to mind. Nothing about that secret, consoling gatehouse will allow itself to be conjured into this barren kitchen; it feels almost blasphemous, even to try.
"Know what, Auntie? I should say a grace."
She turns her attention back towards the pot, then. Doesn't speak.
Blondie puts his hands together and starts to chant in Latin, the familiar old ritual from the priory, and it heartens him wonderfully. His face immobile, voice even, but you'd be a poor hustler if you couldn't read every flicker of his eyes after this many years. So much self-denial coupled to his want for beauty- at least the baroque and curling phrases provide that.
Mischief, that's there too. It takes you a moment to catch on when he slides seamlessly from thanksgiving into the Salve Regina; but only a moment, and then you can't resist joining in. Every word clean and ancient and transcendental, as it would be anywhere. In places much worse than this silly perverted house. A sense of perspective, that's always helped you more than you'd ever care to tell Angel Eyes.
In hac lacrimarum valle, indeed; at least you and Blondie have shared this.
"Soup," Aunt Huldah says, when it's over; and places the bowl in front of her nephew. "Eat up."
The two of you have eaten your share of dubious meals over the years, diner gravy and bad chili and a memorably disastrous vichyssoise that'd left Blondie retching his guts out all over some folk singer's rented tux (huh, now that's a story Angel never needs to hear)- but not like this.
"You know what? He can't eat it. He can't eat anything today, he's fasting. It's very religious."
If the saints in heaven have ever looked down and pronounced blessings, to see a lie as an act of mercy rather than a sin, this time probably counts. The look of relief on Blondie's face is sincere and surprised and therefore almost unbearably provocative, so it's not like you've escaped punishment.
"Catholic, you mean. Turning up his nose at good food, that's unchristian. You want this?"
"No. I mean, I'm hungry, but that's a soup they should bring in a hazmat squad for. It stinks! It's terrible! I wouldn't go near it without a gas mask and a blowtorch, that's what, and to think of all the poor chickens that died for it-"
"You eat dinner with a blowtorch?" She sounds more dumbfounded than anything else.
There have certainly been occasions when somebody missed the point of one of your insults. There's never been one when somebody asked you to better clarify one. "It was a joke. Because setting soup on fire when it's all watery, you know, that's...it's funny."
(Is your partner that tense now because you've mortally insulted his aunt, or because he's going to die of suppressed laughter?)
"I don't think the priesthood's improved you one bit, Joseph. I do not."
(On reflection, you're betting on the latter; else he'd have spoken up then instead of maintaining strangulated silence.)
"I might have something else," Aunt Huldah says. Opens the freezer, makes small complaining noises to herself as she roots through it. "There were these plastic things, Joseph liked them. Wasteful. He picked up so many bad notions from the boys in town."
"Pretty, though," Blondie says almost wistfully; he joins her in the hunt. "Flavoured ice in tubes, they always tasted like summer."
"H'mm. There you go."
The object she slaps down on the kitchen table is a bar so thickly encrusted with ice, it's hard even to tell what it is; but some patient, cautious melting with your lighter works wonders. Cherry-red liquid, that moves as easily beneath your hands as your own blood.
"He always did like those best," Aunt Huldah says. She's smiling even. "I'd save 'em up, for when he'd done something to earn them."
"Uh-huh." God knows you've earned something from this crazy house. You tear the plastic open, place it to your lips-
"Don't do that," Blondie says; as sharply as he's ever warned you off a fight. You desist. "Six cherry ones left in here. Six, when they came in those big packs- and I know it was seven when I left because that'd be one for every day of a week, if I'd ever managed to be good that long- christ. Have you been saving these ever since?"
"Waiting for you to come back. The way I was."
If she would cry, or if he would; if they weren't so stubborn together, maybe they'd have got some kind of reconciliation then-  
maybe, if you weren't here and getting the dry heaves about nearly eating a twenty-year old popsicle- because that distracts Blondie's attention immediately.
"The hell are you trying to do? I mean I'm one thing, but- forget you! Tuco. Are you okay?"
He hasn't turned on that full-watt charm since the start of Lent at least, and it's better still when shot through with that slightly panicky edge Blondie gets, when he's on the verge of losing grip of a situation (it'd be a cruel thing to say you have a taste for that, but you do and it happens and anyway he knows you can't help it). You'd like to reassure him if you could work up the breath for it.
It takes a couple minutes before you can. Calming down, going limp even (you've been through far too much today). He holds you with shy but definite fondness, the way he did when you were two runaways just discovering love; and to remember that soft uncomplicated desire again, you'll forgive him this whole evening.
"You know, I've decided to forgive you," a voice floats across your awareness. "For everything. Running off, missing your uncle's funeral, everything."
"For- being what I am?"
"That too."
And now you're just mad.
Because if dear old Aunt Huldah had just given you one more raging insult like she had in that barn, you'd both be out of here and running home to your retired assassin. Who has no sense of ethics whatsoever, but at least knows the difference between a pleasure and a sin.
Instead, your Blondie's got himself enraptured by something that lends him such apparent joy, an abrupt and utter peace- and oh, you rather wish he hadn't.
(Selfish of you, of course.)
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lunar-winterlude · 6 years
Answered all the questions on this post because @missingparentheses suggested it and why not. Under the cut, unless Tumblr decides to break it, in which case I apologize for the long post...............
1. What was the name of the first person you ever had a crush on? Why did you like them? Her name was Jessie and she was a year ahead of me in Sunday school. She had long dark hair that I thought was really pretty, and she always seemed happy and confident and outgoing. I used to write her name on stuff at home and imagine that we were best friends. We talked exactly one (1) time in the years that my family attended that church, but I remember being in awe of how cool she was. Of course, I didn’t realize that I’d had a crush on her until much, much later. At the time (first/second grade) I didn’t know queer crushes were a thing.
2. What is one thing you regret having done or not done in your life? I regret not speaking my mind more.
3. Which parent do you identify with the most? I’ve always identified more with my dad which is HORRIFYING. Growing up, he was marginally easier to talk to than my mom. Things have completely changed since then, now that I’ve begun to understand my mom and the reasons behind her actions.
4. What do you think you cook or bake the best? I make good crockpot meals lmao. Chicken alfredo, chili, mac n cheese, brownies...yeah, it’s great.
5. If you could change your first name what would it be? I like my name! I do go by Shay on some accounts though, so maybe that.
6. Can you hula hoop? Hell yes. I can swivel these hips for days.
7. What embarrasses you the most in front of other people? Crying in front of anyone. I cried while talking to my therapist once and just thinking about it squicks me out. Before that, the last time I cried in front of anyone was my parents in 2012 (holy shit), when I got home from teaching the day the principal yelled at me in front of my class. SO YEAH if I ever cry in front of you, it’s probably because something traumatizing has happened.
8. Have you considered running for president? Nope, never.
9. If you had to choose one thing you were most passionate about, what would it be and why? Creating stuff! Making music, crafting stories, all that good stuff. I’m my own worst enemy when it comes to that. Lots of insecurities get in the way.
10. Who are you most envious of—real or fictional—and why? I’m envious of creative queer women with long-term partners and financially stable lives. Ultimately, that’s where I want to be.
11. Where is the most beautiful place on earth and why? Haven’t been to many places I’d consider beautiful, but the Cape Fear River is gorgeous!
12. Are ghosts real? Maybe?
13. Are aliens real? Probably! The universe is huge.
14. How old is the most expired item in your fridge? I just checked and nothing in there is expired. My sister and I don’t play when it comes to stuff like that, and this is why we’re great roommates.
15. What are your favorite style of underwear? Boxer briefs!
16. What’s the saddest song you’ve ever heard? Joji - Yeah Right. Perfectly encapsulates how it feels to know you’re being used.
17. How about the sweetest song? Shawn Wasabi - Spicy Boyfriend. YEAH I KNOW the lyrics are nothing. But the music itself?? That’s how sweetness sounds to me.
18. Do you know how to play dominoes? Yes! My mom showed us when we were kids. It was boring...
19. What’s under your bed? A replica Joker knife I got at my first con and a baseball bat. Don’t mess.
20. Have you ever prank called someone? Once when I was like five, I called my grandpop and hung up when he answered, does that count.
21. 100 kittens or 3 baby sloths? What, to keep as pets? Neither. But if I had to choose which to hang out with for a bit??? I’m allergic to most cats but kittens are adorable.
22. Are you proud of what you’re doing with your heart and time right now? No.
23. Why or why not? I’m still hung up on past rejections. Fixating on “what if,” and wondering if things would have turned out differently if only I’d been funnier, hotter, more clever, interesting, assertive, outgoing, etc...yeah this is a bad road and I ain’t going down it tonight.
24. How many bones have you broken? NONE
25. Have you ever won anything? Big or small? I won a spot in the NJ all-state wind ensemble on my first time auditioning after playing bassoon for a little over a year. It was a big deal because bassoon isn’t an instrument that people learn very quickly. But I spent an obscene amount of time practicing it in high school, and most of the other bassoons hardly practiced at all. That counts, right?
26. If you could buy one material thing, and money was not an issue, what would it be? A custom-built gaming PC. I want to play the Witcher 3 goddammit
27. What’s your favorite movie from your childhood? Hmmm, maybe “Honey we shrunk the kids.” My sister and I watched it again recently and it's still hilarious.
28. What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat? Anything I’m allergic to. Keep peanut butter far away from me. Other than that, I’ll try anything once.
29. What’s the best way to comfort you when you’re having a really terrible day? Just check in on me, ask me questions, let me ramble, say something affirming, maybe give me a hug if I ask?
30. Has anything/anyone every saved your life before? When I was a teenager, I liked to say that music saved my life because everyone I knew said that. But honestly? I don’t know..
31. Would you ever adopt a child? Nope, no kids here. I don’t have the emotional capacity for raising children.
32. What is one thing you’re embarrassed to admit you want to try? I’m drawing a blank here...am I supposed to say sex stuff? I’m legit curious to try pegging a guy once, but I also have zero interest in sleeping with guys right now, so that may never happen.
33. If you were a cake which cake would you be? Molten chocolate cake. I know that “molten” isn’t referring to the temperature BUT I’m black and sometimes SOMETIMES I’d like to believe that I’m hot and oh god that was a terrible answer but I can’t think of anything better whoopssss
34. What is the most important material possession you have and why? Definitely my car. Without it, I’m screwed.
35. What is the most important memory you have and why? I’m only coming up with memories of disappointment, so I’m gonna pass on this one.
36. When was the last time you cried? I cried while watching Into the Spiderverse. I’m like Rhett when it comes to crying in movies. But only if I’m alone! Crying in front of other people is a huge nope, as I said earlier.
37. How old was your mother when she had you? She was 33
38. Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with? Janelle Monae!!!
39. Is there something you wish you had said sorry for but never did? I can’t think of anything. There are definitely things I wish I hadn’t apologized for, though.
40. Have you been on your first date? If so, how did it go? Sort of?? I met up with a girl I was talking to online. No one called it a date, so maybe this doesn’t count. We hung out at this little bar that had board games. She was nice, but it was so awkward. We talked for two minutes, realized we had very little in common, but valiantly tried to play a board game or two anyway. Trouble is, most games are meant for more than two people, and my clumsy attempts at keeping the conversation going weren’t working. So after a miserable hour, (miserable for me, at least) we parted ways and haven’t spoken since.
She correctly guessed my reasons for coming out when I did, so that was amusing, I guess.
Heartbreak was the one thing we had in common.
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nessiefromspace · 6 years
If you are doing those rare pair things still I would love to see something cute with Rhys and Axton. Big strong commando protecting the string bean of a man from something. Something probably his own fault because Rhys is a trouble magnet. If you would like.
All four drinks, finally in front of him, were wonderfully fruity, with notes of spices and herbs. He clinked them together and leaned over, sucking all the straws into his mouth and gulping them down at once. The bartender stared cautiously as they handed the commando his food.
“You… Okay, buddy?”
“Just peachy, thanks,” he grumbled. He drank more of the mixture together. It was tart and sour while burning his throat in a soothing way. “You ever notice how alcohol burns better after you been rejected?” he asked the bartender.
“Ah, relationship problems?” they asked.
When Rhys tells Axton off, slamming the door in his face, Axton is confused. Rhys has never spoken to him like that, or to anyone he’s turned down. When Axton realizes the truth, however, he’s too late, Rhys has already been kidnapped.
You can also read this on my AO3!!!
Axton trudged into the bar, slumping onto a stool at the counter. “Get me a clover club, strawberry basil margarita, a cosmopolitan and a black widow.” The bartender got to work while he grumpily looked at a food menu and ordered something. He always knew what he craved and he’d wanted Rhys and had been absolutely positive Rhys had wanted him back. He could read people and had read all the signs that Rhys was interested.
But when he made a move, Rhys had rudely dismissed him, claiming he had no idea what he was talking about. He’d wanted to argue with Rhys, but the man had demanded they drop it and Axton leave. It was very unlike Rhys to speak like that, even more so to slam the door in his face. Now he was at this crappy bar nursing his ego and confusion. He sipped at each drink as it arrived.
Sure, he flirted with everyone he found attractive, which, was almost anyone, but it wasn’t the case with Rhys. Rhys flirted back and blushed and giggled so purely and sweetly it had captured the commando’s full attention. Rhys was a free spirit just like Axton, but he lead with his heart, even when it ended in disaster. Ever since he’d first been hired by the CEO, Rhys had followed with his passion and stubbornness, which usually lead to trouble that Axton needed to clean up. In fact, Axton had started hanging around a lot more and volunteering when he realized just how much killing he’d be able to do working for Rhys.
And that had lead to becoming Rhys’ bodyguard, which had lead to spending most of his days with Rhys and getting to really know him. He worked too much when he could see his goal in sight, neglecting all other things, especially his health. Then he’d victoriously binge on ice cream, sharing it with his friends, including Axton. He was so jovial, it was off putting. And when Rhys had began to laugh at Axton’s playful advances, answering them with his own, it had settled deep inside the commando, fluttering around in the back of his head.
All four drinks, finally in front of him, were wonderfully fruity, with notes of spices and herbs. He clinked them together and leaned over, sucking all the straws into his mouth and gulping them down at once. The bartender stared cautiously as they handed the commando his food.
“You… Okay, buddy?”
“Just peachy, thanks,” he grumbled. He drank more of the mixture together. It was tart and sour while burning his throat in a soothing way. “You ever notice how alcohol burns better after you been rejected?” he asked the bartender.
“Ah, relationship problems?” they asked.
Axton shrugged. “I just don’t get it, I’m excellent at reading people, I’m the best, so how did I miss this?” His head was buzzed nicely now and he couldn’t wait for the impact of drinking all of these at once would do. “He gave me all the signs, flirted back, turned the cutest shade of pink, the lingering touches, wanting to spend more time together, but when it’s time to act, he just gets angry and pushes me away.” He frowned. “I just don’t get it.” He reached for his chili cheese fries, scooping a large handful in his mouth. He chewed for a long time, finding himself replaying the conversation. “He hadn’t even opened the door all the way. Am I missin’ something?” he asked to no one in particular.
He felt a knot begin in the pit of his stomach and he washed it in more alcohol, Now that he thought of it, Rhys hadn’t even listened to what Axton had been trying to say. He ate his food, his head perfectly light and floating overhead of his misery. He shrugged and downed the last of his drinks. He leaned on the counter, staring at the game that played on the television. He stuffed more food into his mouth, tuning into the noise of the bar and how loud it actually was. Rhys’ place had been dead quiet, like he’d just gotten home, but Axton knew he’d been there for hours. Rhys always had music or the television on.
And he always smiled at him, but not this time. This time he’d been hurried, nervous and quick to dismiss him. He would have been told if Rhys was having company because Rhys would have asked Axton to escort them or wait with him for them to arrive. He sighed and chomped on his food, pushing the fries to scoop up chili. He’d seen Rhys turn down dates before and it had never been so harsh as it had just been. His eyes flashed to the television, staring idly for a long while as he finished his food.
It hit him when he swallowed the last of the chili. “Good God.” He threw cash down, uncaring at how much he’d overpaid and hurried out of the bar. He kicked himself, swearing as he made his way to Rhys’ apartment on top of Atlas. He didn’t bother knocking, using his personal key instead, drawing his pistol as he opened the door and peeked in. “Rhys?” he called out carefully. The place was quiet with only the slightest hints of a disruption. A broken mug of hot chocolate and a melted bowl of ice cream. His fist clenched and he slammed it on the counter. “Son of a- dammit!”
Rhys had been kidnapped and Axton had let it happen.
He went to the hidden security panel that recorded the house when Rhys wasn’t home. He smirked when he saw the most recent log showing Rhys and his captors. Rhys had turned it on the moment things had gone south. “That’s my boy.” He pulled it up and watched. They were holding him as one of them shut the front door.
“Hello, boss! Surprised? I bet you don’t even know who I am?” a man said, stepping close and punching Rhys in the gut. “Well, you’ll know it now! There’s a big price for bringing in the best hacker and that’s you.”
“You’re dumb if you think I’ll help you,” Rhys spat, earning him another punch to the gut. That’s when there was a knock on the door. They all pulled guns out, but Rhys called to them. “Wait! No! Let me answer the door, I’ll get them to go away. You… You don’t want to kill anybody, others will notice.”
The employee nodded. “No funny business or they die.”
“Yeah, I know,” Rhys snapped.
Axton watched the conversation between Rhys and him, his fists clenching tightly. They were all lined behind Rhys, ready to shoot him and pounced on him when the door was finally shut, knocking him out.
The employee smirked. “This is for not promoting me! I would have been the best head of middle management!”
Another guy shoved the employee. “You dumbass! He was supposed to walk out of here like nothing was wrong! Now how are we supposed to get him out?”
When the video ran its course, Axton sent it to Yvette with a short message that he was going to go get Rhys back. He was more than ready for a fight now. He had no problem finding who wanted Rhys, the employee had left a trail. They’d loaded Rhys into a car and left out to the mountains thick with forest. But preparing to leave was taking so long, he was already out of his horrible hangover.
He leaned over the meeting room table, glaring at Yvette. “We’re taking too long to decide on what to do. I left the military to get away from pointless waiting, dammit.” She quirked a brow at him. He rolled his eyes. “And because I got dishonorably discharged, but mostly the first thing. The point is I’m bored just sitting here while you all take forever to think of a plan. Just let me at them, I can kill them all and save Rhys.”
Vaughn, watching from the other side of a screen spoke up. “He’s got a point, Yvette, time is precious and he’s good at what he does…”
She sighed. “Fine, but you make sure to keep your priorities straight, Axton and that’s Rhys.”
Axton was walking out of the room when he turned his head to speak at her with a hungry grin. “They won’t even make it to him when I show up.”
It was two days past Rhys’ kidnap when Axton finally reached the large cabin riddled with bandits. He left his vehicle hidden a ways from it and reached it on foot silently. He got as close as he dared and set up his turret safely hiding her in a bush. He kissed her. “Kick some ass, sweetheart.” He set a timer on her, giving himself a minute to get out of her way. He was crouched behind a tree by the back entrance when she started shooting at everyone in her sights. He heard her take multiple bandits down. He smirked. “Shit, I love her.”
Axton peeked inside the backdoor, seeing others ready and waiting, their attention on the front door. He took aim and shot them down, laughing. “BAM!” He cackled, taking them down easily. “And you get a bullet! And you get a bullet! Everybody gets a bullet!” His commotion got the attention from the others outside. He slipped inside now that it was safe and knelt behind the old, disintegrating couch picking them off as they each came into the cabin. He smirked and searched the rest of the house for Rhys, but came up empty.
“Crap!” He growled stomping heavily down from the second floor. He was missing something. He scanned the main floor, pulling away all the furniture and rugs. He found the trap door and threw it open, rifle and flashlight ready and finger itching to pull the trigger.
He crouched in front of the angled ladder and took a step onto the first stair. He peered in, flashing the light all around. The basement stretched out the under the cabin with a door at the end. Alert as ever, adrenaline pumping, he took another step, straining for any sounds. It came from behind him, hitting his boots, a slashing of a knife that cut through the thick leather shallowly. He took several steps down at once, grinning wide. “Yeah, I don’t die so easy.” Letting his gun fall to hang around his shoulder, he gripped the ceiling of the opened trap door and swung himself off the ladder and into the basement next to the person who’d attacked him. They ran at him with a gun aimed. He dodged, knocking it out of their hand. He punched them, sending them tumbling backward. He followed, landing a swift kick of his boot to their chest. He pulled his gun up, along with the flashlight to see the man properly. He took aim of the bandit and shot them several times, ensuring they were dead.
He went to the door and kicked it in after a few tries. He entered the room, gun drawn just in case. Rhys was in the center, handcuffed, his arms stretched above him but a rope fastened to the ceiling. His toes barely touched the floor and his head rolled onto his chest.
Axton’s resolve shattered. He went to Rhys, pulling out a large military knife.
Rhys raised his head, eyes wide, fear overwhelming him for a moment before he recognized the commando. “Axton…” He whispered, the corners of his bloodied lips curling upward.
His heart beat faster than he’d ever felt it before and his throat clogged, but he smiled and he reached up to cut the rope tied to Rhys’ handcuffs. “Stronger, smarter, and more sexually attractive.” He worked the rope quickly, sawing through it in no time and Rhys collapsed into him instantly. Axton caught him, holding him close, putting his knife away. He hugged Rhys, easing down to one knee and giving him a moment to rest. Rhys was bloody and dirty and all of it was his. Rage welled inside Axton and he wanted to kill every single bandit again. He swallowed it down for the moment and spoke quietly. “Did ya miss me?”
Rhys was quiet, sitting on Axton’s leg and leaning against him, arms limp, catching his breath. “I’m… I’m sorry, Axton…”
He grunted. “For what?”
“For being rude to you earlier… I didn’t mean any of it…”
He gently brushed Rhys’ sweat and oil soaked hair to the side, tipping his chin up. He bent down to carefully place a kiss on those chapped lips. He smiled. “I know. You’re okay now, I got you.”
But the brunette shook his head. “No… They were just waiting for… Her to come back. She’s… She’s always a step ahead…”
“Okay, then we’ll get out of here, can you walk?”
Rhys nodded.
“Do you know who has the key?” he asked indicating his handcuffs.
“She does.”
Axton nodded and helped him up. “We’ll have to walk a ways, I parked the jeep a day’s walk from here.”
Again, Rhys nodded as they left the room.
“You remember what to do when we go up?”
Another nod.
Axton helped him, holding him around the waist and leading him up the ladder with ease. Rhys ducked his head and body into Axton while the commando looked over, gun at the ready. When it was clear, he pulled Rhys up and out, checking the outside before taking him out there. He packed up his turret, congratulating her and lead them away from the cabin.
The sun was hot through the forest as Rhys trudged through it, finally able to stand on his own. He was hungry and thirsty and incredibly tired, but he didn’t want to stop, not with Her still alive and returning soon. He wanted nothing more to do with Her, nothing more to do with any of it. He knew that wasn’t a possibility, but he could at least get away from the cabin. Axton marched just ahead of him, scouting the way with his GPS.
“I would be utterly lost if I didn’t have this piece of crap.” He grunted, laughing.
Rhys smiled, his heart elated to be back with the commando. He’d known Axton would save him, he always did. He loved saving Rhys and while he knew it was for the excuse to kill, it always felt like there was more to it. Something Rhys couldn’t put together at this moment, but with rest, he’d figure it out. For now, he was glad for what he had. Axton and trees that blocked out the sun, keeping the area cool and staving off his headache.
He watched the back of the blonde man, effortlessly walking through the trees while Rhys kept finding every branch and rock, tripping more and more the longer they went. Rhys blinked, trying to focus, but his body was heavy and his legs wouldn’t cooperate and things were getting blurry.
Axton glanced behind him after Rhys once more tripped, toppling into the strong man. “Sorry…” Rhys mumbled, straightening himself.
The commando turned to him, taking a hold of his arms. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Rhys nodded. “We need to keep moving.”
His eyes assessed Rhys and their surroundings. “We can afford to take a rest.”
Rhys shook his head. “No, I can keep going.”
Axton grunted. “No chance, we’re staying put for a while.” He led Rhys off to the side to a small clearing where he helped Rhys sit against a tree. Rhys grunted, his body wincing visibly. He smiled quickly at Axton, hiding the true depth of his pain. Axton didn’t seem to notice and left him with some water to find wood for a fire. It was still light out, but a fire meant they’d be staying there through the night.
Rhys swore, he’d become a burden. Yes, the commando loved the thrill of the fight, but this wasn’t a fight, it was taking care of someone and Rhys hated that he’d put Axton in that position. He hadn’t told Axton what they’d done to get him to cave and help them. The commando wanted to kill people and things, not nurse his lame ass. His body stung as his sweat and sweat soaked clothes clung to his open wounds. He hadn’t wanted to stop, not just to avoid being a burden, but to keep his adrenaline from seeping away and leaving him an empty husk. But now he was sitting, useless and watching all his nerve melt away as his body calmed and the true extent of his pain surfaced.
Axton was fast, returning with an armful of large sticks and setting them aside for later. He brushed himself off and reached into a deep pocket to pull out a pouch with a first aid symbol on it. He knelt in front of Rhys. “Okay, spill, just how hurt are you?”
He swallowed “I’m fine-”
“Quit the bullshit, Rhys.” Sharp, crystalline eyes stared at him, intense and dangerous. He reached for Rhys’ shirt. “I know you’re hurt more than you’re letting on.” He grabbed the hem and pulled it up, peeling it off Rhys’ body to dangle around his cuffed wrists. Rhys gasped at the pain, shivering as his fresh wounds were exposed to the air, eyes watering. Axton’s eyes were steel as he assessed all the damage. Harsh burns were spread all over Rhys’ torso, favoring the light blue tattoos on his left sight. Shallow gashes ticked up and down his body like cracks in a dam.
Axton’s breath fizzled out of him raggedly. His iced eyes pierced into Rhys. “Did they do this anywhere else?”
Rhys bit his lip, eyes squeezing shut in shame. He felt so weak compared to this military man, so inconvenient. If Axton had fallen to the same fate as Rhys had, he wouldn’t be as bumbling stupid as Rhys was. He sighed, whispering. “My… My back…”
Axton moved around Rhys to look at the damage. “Fuck.”
“They’re, they’re all shallow,” Rhys said, trying to ease the tension and laughing nervously. Something about Axton’s reaction had him worried. He didn’t know how bad it looked, but he knew they’d only wanted to punish him, not kill him. They’d needed him.
Axton unzipped the medical pouch and Rhys heard a tearing of paper before Axton was wiping something over all the wounds. Rhys yelped, squeezing his eyes shut as his head spun, the alcohol stinging like nothing else. He reached out to grip something to keep him steady and found Axton’s knee. He clung to it, gripping hard and gasping with each wipe. He tried hard not to pull away from Axton’s work, but it was automatic. The commando said nothing, working with Rhys’ reactions easily.
Only when Axton was finished, did Rhys breath fully, taking in gulps of air, his body shaking. Wind brushed over it, cooling it and making his back sting even more and he whimpered, pouting. He knew the front of him would be worse. His face heated, mortified at how much of a baby he was being. Axton’s hands were so sure and strong over Rhys. He was so steady where Rhys was weak and all over the place, haphazardly hoping something good came out of it.
He felt Axton’s hand at the base of his neck and Rhys’ eyes fluttered open as Axton closed the distance, kissing Rhys. Rhys was caught by it, leaning in and kissing the commando back.
Axton smiled. “Been meanin’ to do that properly.”
“I wasn’t sure you wanted to… I wasn’t sure if you were just flirting…”
He shrugged, smirking, his thumb massaging Rhys’ neck. “I was.” His eyes lowered to Rhys’ lips. “I like kissing you, too… And more.” His eyes twinkled mischievously.
Rhys couldn’t help grinning ear to ear, the tips of them burning brightly. He wanted to kiss Axton again, feel those experienced lips against his again. He leaned forward and was relieved when Axton received him, pressing against his chapped lips. He leaned further into the commando, wanting more. He reached out, shackled hands gripping at the military man, squeezing tight. Axton held Rhys steady, kissing him over and over, both losing themselves to it.
When they broke away once more, Rhys was drunk with kisses. Axton’s hands gripped his long thighs, rubbing them thoughtfully. He smiled. “We should fix the rest of you up.”
Rhys whined, swallowing hard, his body stiff as he watched Axton rip open another alcohol swab. Rhys’ fists tightened, ready for the next round of searing pain. He hadn’t been ready. It stung worse than his back due to all the burned areas. His eyes squeezed shut and he dug his head into Axton’s shoulder, blocking the commando’s path to the wounds. He felt the salty betrayal slide down his cheeks and swore, sniffling.
“Just hang tight, Rhys, can’t have someone as pretty as you passing out or dying on me.” He grinned tipped Rhys’ chin up to plant more kisses on him, these ones gentle and tender. “There’s a lot more I want to do with you.”
Rhys laughed raggedly, his breath shaking. He wiped his tears away. “I’m crying,” he pouted.
“Hey, happens to the best of us. Gotta say I’m impressed though. You’d have to get me drunk before doing this.”
Rhys looked up at him. “Really?”
He was kissed again. “Yep. You’re pretty badass.”
That got Rhys to smile and allow Axton to finish dressing all the wounds.
Axton made sure Rhys was completely asleep before he walked away from the campsite, marking it on his GPS. He’d left food and water for Rhys if he woke up before Axton got back. He began a slow jog through the forest, easily dodging around bushes and rocks, back to the cabin. The woman Rhys was so afraid of was going to get there- if she wasn’t already- with the rest of her entourage. And Axton was going to kill them all. They’d hurt Rhys over and over again and he wasn’t going to let them walk the planet longer than it took to kill them.
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Color Asks for Tori (and Luke if you want??????): Chili, Spice, Peach, Honey, Mint, Baby Blue, Periwinkle, Amethyst, Magenta, Snow, Cream, Chiffon, Ecru, Sugar Cookie, and Graphite
aw yiss
tori’s gonna be so thrilled
luke isn’t my oc, but i dragged him in here anyway, just for fun i guess he kinda is regarding my au, tho...
besides tori could use the company…some of those question made her kinda sad that last round
Chili - Do you like spicy foods?
tori: yes, i love them! i’ve built up a tolerance over the yrs.
luke: *shifts uncomfortably* i…like it once in a while.
tori: *stage whispers* he hates spicy foods
luke: tori!
Spice - Do you like to cook? Do you cook often?
tori: i can’t cook to save my life. i think it’d be nice. my mom tried to teach me once…that didn’t go well. i think if…she was still alive i would know how to cook.
luke: pass
tori: *kicks his leg* just answer, it’s fine. it’s supposed to be confidential *glares at me*
luke: i can cook basic things. i had to learn to. that’s all i’m saying.
tori: *pats luke’s arm and takes his hand*
me: moving on…
Peach - Are you generally a more gentle and soft spoken person or a louder and rougher person?
luke: *bursts into laughter* is that even a question?
tori: rude! i’ll have you know, i can be very gentle and soft-spoken, thank you
luke: *strokes his thumb cross tori’s hand* i would agree with that. but most of the time, she’s definitely louder and rougher. in more ways than one.
tori: *blushes furiously* yeah well, you’re definitely louder and rougher all the time. he’s only gentle and soft-spoken around me.
*they start leaning toward each other*
me: okay, next question!
Honey - Have you ever considered marrying someone? What is your opinion on marriage in general?
*luke and tori exchange a glance and shift awkwardly, both blushing*
luke: well i mean, i have…thought about it, yes *eyes flicker to tori*
tori: i guess…i guess i never thought i’d live long enough to even consider it, but… *glances up at luke*
me: and the second question?
tori: i think it’s something really special. it’s a big decision too, and it’s something that should be discussed and contemplated rationally. it’s also something to be cherished.
luke: *looking at tori and stroking her hand again, a small smile on his lips* i agree
me: [aside] they’re so cute
Mint - Does Ice cream exist in your world? If so, what is your favorite Ice cream flavor?
tori: yes! and i love it! i sneak it into camp all the time. i love strawberry ice cream.
luke: i really only like it because it’s a good bargaining chip. smuggling ice cream into camp was worth more because you have to keep it frozen. it’s very perishable item.
tori: *rolls eyes* i swear, his sweet tooth must’ve fallen out or something. but he’s right about the bargaining. you wouldn’t believe what kind of favors you can get out of getting ice cream into camp.
Baby (blue) - Would you consider having children? If so, how many?
luke and tori: *more furious blushing*
tori: like i said about marriage, i never really thought i’d live long enough to consider it. but…i think i like the idea of children. *frowns* i don’t know how safe they’d be around us though *looks over at luke*
luke: i’d have to think about it more. i’d love to have children with tori, but…i also agree with her concerns. it’s more dangerous for them, and…that’s a lot of responsibility. *frowns deeply* you have to make tough choices and sometimes they’re wrong
tori: *moves closer and rubs his arm with her free hand*
Periwinkle -  Would you consider yourself to be a good parent? what do you think a good parent should be?
luke: i don’t like these questions anymore
me: last one, i promise
tori: i would try to be the best parent. of course i’m going to make mistakes, but that’s part of life. that’s the very human part of who i am. *looks at luke for a moment* i think that i’d try and mimic my mom, because she was the best mom i could’ve ever had. i think…i think luke would be a very good parent. i know he would protect and cherish our child or children and… *looks at luke again* he may make mistakes, but i know we’ll come through them
me: *glances at luke* uh…
tori: *shakes head*
Amethyst- What is your aesthetic?
luke: my what?
tori: i asked leo about this, but it’s so hard to define. it’s something pleasing to look at–it’s very specific to your personal tastes. it doesn’t have to be an object, it can be clothes on a person. or a person themselves. if…if that makes sense.
luke: i don’t understand this question. does sword-fighting count? i guess–pleasing to look at? *glances at tori* well...tori in armor, sword drawn. or when she’s asleep in the morning lights filters through the windows and makes her glow. when we’re training and little hairs start to wiggle loose from her braid and stick to her forehead. her eyes. her smile.
tori: *hiding behind her hands and blushing too much to speak*
luke: *laughs and puts his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into him* brush passes–you know what those are?
me: *scoffs* of course
luke: hushed conversations. the empty hermes cabin. empty camp. the sound of tree nymphs racing through the forest. the sound of wind whistling in your ears as you run. charismatic smiles. mischievous eyes. does that answer the question?
tori: *takes a deep breath and pulls her hands from her face* i really liked looking at my mom’s guitar on its stand, underneath the lamp. posters of plays and musicals covering the walls. bonus if they’re signed by the cast and crew. *sighs* as much as i hate apollo, i really do like early morning or late evening sun–there’s something soft and soothing about the light it creates in the sky. *blushes and glances at luke, hunching her shoulders* luke’s blue eyes. and the look of concentration he gets when he trains or is in battle. in the middle of the night, when he’s asleep. it’s…it’s the most relaxed an carefree i ever get to see him. *mumbles* in one of his many brown shirts *sighs* shirtless–oh my gods, did i just say that out loud? next question!!!
Magenta - What is your Zodiac sign?
tori: i’m a scorpio *looks at luke expectantly*
luke: *rolls eyes* capricorn
Snow - Have you ever seen snow? Do you like it? What do you like to do in the snow?
tori: i love snow!! my mom used to throw snowballs at us, in the house, on the first day we get snow. right after we’d woken up and gone out into the kitchen for breakfast. it’s also...really beautiful, the way it sparkles in the sun. the sound it makes when you walk on it. the silence of it when it falls. it quiets the earth and it love it.
luke: i tolerate it. it’s not my favorite. it’s cold. it makes things icy. but i agree that it can be quite beautiful. just so long as i’m not out in it, i’m fine.
Cream - Do you prefer Tea, Coffee, or Cocoa? (If your world has those things. If not, what sort of hot drinks do you have?)
tori: oh, cocoa, no question. it’s my childhood favorite, and will always be my first choice. tea is my next choice.
luke: coffee. black. like my soul.
tori: *playfully shoves luke so hard he nearly falls out of his chair* don’t listen to him. he puts so much milk in his coffee. i’m trying to get him to drink more herbal tea.
luke: *righting himself in his chair* i honestly prefer energy drinks
tori: *shaking her head* it’s not healthy
Chiffon - Do you prefer a larger and cleaner environment, or a smaller and cozier one?
tori: i like small and cozy. it feels more intimate and warm. lived in.
luke: i...honestly like larger and cleaner environments. but that’s really only because of the crowded fucking hermes cabin. *tuts, rolls eyes, and shakes head* i’m tired of it being so crowded. and i can see how miserable it makes everyone having to live like that. *takes a breath* i can see myself in a smaller, cozier environment with tori, though. *looks over at her and takes her hand*
Ecru - Do you have curly, wavy, or straight hair?
tori: my hair is naturally wavy, but very softly wavy. if you weren’t looking close enough, you wouldn’t notice.
luke: *shrugs* pretty straight, i guess
Sugar cookie - What reminds you of your childhood?
luke: i thought you said that last question was the last one!
me: *curls up in chair, hides behind clipboard and mutters* you don’t have to answer this one
luke: *looks away moodily*
tori: *takes his hand into both of hers and gently strokes the top* hot cocoa, of course. softly sung lullabies. the sound of the guitar or violin. music in general, really. warm hugs. my brother practicing his lines either by himself or with me or my mom. when my mom would read to me and voice act all the characters. dan practicing the violin--badly. my mom humming from the kitchen.
Graphite - Do you like to draw? If so, do you draw often? What do you like to draw?
tori: um...i actually do like to draw. mostly sketching, honestly. i don’t draw all that often, though. maybe once or twice every few months. *shrugs* don’t really have the time. i like practicing guitar more. when i do draw, i like sketching places and things, mostly. *blushes then mumbles* sometimes i’ll sketch luke.
luke: i leave that stuff to the apollo kids. i’m more of a con and pavement artist.
me: boo
luke: *rolls eyes* can we go now?
me: your fans thank you
luke: our what now?
me: bye!
ahh, sorry this took me so long! i got self-conscious again...
also i’m be supremely busy with grad school oTL
it’s the end of the semester, the profs were threatening a strike (which may not be happening anymore, hopefully??? we’ll see come april 30) and i just have...a ton of shit to do before the semester ends in both academics and housing/storing my shit/moving back to my home state
RIP me
bonus: i picked capricorn based on a plausible time he could’ve been born according to the books, but also based on the description of capricorn. i think he really fits that zodiac. also, i actually picked tori’s b-day before this, but scorpio fits her well. glad it worked out XD
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kafkasgods · 4 years
Faaya & Enyo
tw violence
The arrow flew from her bow, cutting through the air and brushing just past the target. Faaya’s jaw locked as she glowered in the direction of her misfired arrow. Reloading and preparing again, she shot the weapon and again, the arrow soared fiercely past the intended spot.
“Your hand’s too tense. I shouldn’t have to keep telling you.”
Frowning at training ground’s archer, Faaya lowered the bow. “I wasn’t asking for advice.”
The older woman shrugged, raising her own bow. The arrow pointedly hit the center of the target. “It’s my job.”
Disgruntled, Faaya began putting things away.
Again, the unsolicited voice continued. “Don’t come here to blow off steam. You need a cool head for archery. Hand to hand combat would suit you better in your state of mind.”
“You mention it every time I come here,” Faaya replied with gritted teeth.
“Then maybe start taking my advice.”
Not bothering with a reply, Faaya left. The trainer was right to some degree. Archery was not her strong suit, so Faaya would take up the challenge whenever she was feeling angry. The cool head was something she was trying to achieve through it, but that wasn’t how archery worked. Overall, it was an unsatisfying training session and the anger that had been there for days hadn’t been dulled. [8:06 PM] Despite being slightly distracted, there was a strange sensation as Faaya approached her door. It wasn’t the presence of Phobos, nor Deimos. Nothing like the presence Audrey had called upon. She felt paranoid and on guard, entering her home slowly. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, there was nothing noteworthy as far as she could tell and she reached to turn the light on.
The second the light switched on, Faaya was on the unfortunate end of firm grapple. Usually, Faaya was a good fighter; she had to consider so since she could hold her own against Luke for a bit. But the woman on top of her gave her no breaks. She roughly slammed Faaya’s head to the ground and that’s when Faaya cut her losses about trying to fight back physically. Surging all the fear power and intimidation she could muster, Faaya directed it all towards the woman, hoping she’d let up.
The woman did, but not without a smooth comment. “That pretty trick doesn’t work with me.” Moving off Faaya, she stepped over her, before elegantly taking a seat on Faaya’s couch as if the whole place had belonged to her.
Trying to quiet her heavy breathing, Faaya sat up slowly, wiping some blood that had trailed down her face. “Enyo.”
“Pleasure, Faaya. Are you going to get up or did I hurt you that badly?” The dark-haired woman raised a single brow, her expression perfectly sculpted and cool. A passing thought — Faaya wondered if her mother looked something like that. Gone. The demeanor Enyo radiated was one Faaya herself tried to perfect. Of course, she didn’t like it when it was used against her. [8:07 PM] Still keeping her dark expression, Faaya pulled herself up and walked past the goddess towards her kitchen. Silence reigned between the two of them before Faaya returning, setting black coffee down for Enyo, while her own was made to preference.
The power move was not lost on the goddess. Faaya demonstrated a willingness for obedience and decorum, but a pointed hostility. It was a favored mix in Enyo’s opinion. “Oh, let’s not avoid the elephant in the room, Faaya. Would you like to ask about Jun-Seo?”
“Am I going to get an answer?” A conversation with Enyo was something Faaya and Bentley had both wanted. Something so that they could get Luke some much needed help. But as the goddess sat in front of her, Faaya had a feeling that it was moot.
“What answer could I possibly give you? You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Jun-Seo is stubborn and he’ll learn his lesson or he won’t. That’s not a problem that’s yours, so would you like to waste both our times and try to make a plea?”
Of course she did, but being faced with the question that would have made her seem like an idiot, Faaya felt compelled to shake her head. “So what lesson am I here to learn?” She asked, sipping her coffee.
Enyo clicked her tongue and shook her head. “No, Faaya. You’re not learning anything. I am. I don’t know you, but I have heard a good many things from Phobos. I wanted to see if those things were true.”
“I’m sure you know, but my dad has a tendency to talk out of his ass. Nothing he says really ever is the truth.”
“I agree. That’s how you were born.”
The calm words spoken by Enyo were countered by a perplexed expression on Faaya’s face. Phobos himself only spoke of Faaya’s mom in lies, thinking it was amusing to keep the mystery alive. “And how was that?” [8:08 PM] “My daughter was very rebellious. She had no respect for me or the things I gave to her. I guess you could say we were in a peculiar situation, much like the one between Jun-Seo and I. Either way, Suravi didn’t care much for me and decided to get her fix of powers elsewhere.”
“Yes. She thought she didn’t need me and, in a bid of spite, went to Phobos for powers.”
And with a smile that seemed too bright for Enyo’s face, revealing the sharp canines she had, she tapped the air in Faaya’s direction, pleasantly. “And what a gift full of powers you are.”
It could have been a lie. Faaya was used to hearing those. But Enyo wasn’t like Phobos and she wouldn’t lie for the sake of it. But she would tell the brutal truth to her own advantage.
So that was the story. And Faaya was the end. Maybe Faaya should have felt more hurt by the discovery her biological had never wanted her. That she was a loophole in game Phobos had played. But Faaya didn’t feel much. It wasn’t earth shattering, the world didn’t change. Faaya had been living her entire life under the impression anyways. If anything, her heart hardened firm and validated.
“Will you do me a favor, Faaya?” Enyo asked, blinking slowly at her.
“Not for nothing.” The words came out automatic and hollow.
“I wouldn’t expect you to. But I’d like you to meet her. Suravi,” she clarified.
The ‘no’ was on the tip of her tongue, but there was an undeniable curiosity. One, Faaya had unfortunately never really gotten rid of, no matter how much she suppressed it. “Fine. And when should I do that?”
Enyo lifted her shoulders, casually, thinking nothing much of the situation she was throwing Faaya into. “Today. I don’t like wasting time. I’ll show you where she is and you can go from there. Talk to her, get to know her. Though, I do ask you avoid telling her your relationship. She’s not as rational as you are.” [8:09 PM] There wasn’t a lot to say between the ride between the Vines and Apollo’s Sunspot diner. Faaya remained impassive about the ordeal, while Enyo appeared to exam her the whole way through. There was some small talk, but nothing Faaya presumed important enough to remember.
Then Faaya was inside and Enyo pointed towards a booth before disappearing altogether. Seated there was a lone woman, though Faaya could only see the back of her head.
“Faaya Shah!” Neely greeted with a smile. “You look terrible. Still hot, but not great. Would you like to sit in my section?”
“Depends. Will you be electrocuting me or knock everything off the table with a healthy wind?”
“No, ma’am. Just spitting in your food as always.” Neely replied before a nearby coworker hit her arm. “Anyways,” The waitress glared shortly at the assault before turning back to Faaya. “I can get you seated elsewhere.”
“I’m fine. I’m meeting someone.” With that, Faaya walked past, leaving Neely muttering something along the lines of ‘Then say that next time.’
Seeing who sat at that booth came as a very unexpected surprise to Faaya. The archery trainer sat, mid-bite of her chili, glancing up at the visitor. [8:09 PM] “Yeah?”
The lie came easy to Faaya. “I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I tend not to be in the best mood whenever I decide to practice archery.”
Setting the spoon back down, Suravi nodded. “I can tell. It’s fine. There aren’t a lot of demigods who don’t have an attitude problem.” Suravi’s dark eyes — Did Faaya have the same ones? —  darted around momentarily, checking to see if Faaya had any other obligations. “Did you want to sit? The only rule is no shop talk. I’ve been at work all day. Come again tomorrow if you want the pointers.”
“It’s possible I’ve lost interest in archery.” But Faaya slowly slid across the booth, facing her mother.
“I would have imagined you’d have more tenacity than that, but whatever floats your boat.” Suravi called Neely back and Faaya’s order got placed in. It came relatively quick considering she’d only gotten a drink and fries. This conversation didn’t really inspire eating.
“Faaya?” Suravi repeated. “That’s a pretty name. I’m Suravi. Hey, can I guess whose kid you are?”
Faaya blinked before nodding.
“Okay, I’m gonna throw a couple out there. Athena?” No. “Khione?” No. “Morpheus?” Hell no. “Alright, I give up.”
“Deimos,” Faaya answered and again, Suravi surprised her by the sudden shift of demeanor. The entire time, the older woman seemed to be slipping into a comfortable conversation with Faaya, while now, with her jaw locked and a look of distaste, Faaya could only sense a strong resentment.
“I hate those gods.”
“Come again?” [8:10 PM] Suravi leaned back into the booth, keeping a levelled stare at Faaya. “I don’t really have a great history with his twin, Phobos. I won’t get into it, but I’m very sorry for you, Faaya.”
Faaya’s lip twitched. How could that be both funny and infuriating? Suravi had a lot to apologize for, but that was the last thing she needed to. “And who should I sympathize to you about?” It was hard keeping the anger out of her tone, but Faaya was well-versed in a cold fury.
Suravi snorted. “Enyo. I’ll take all the sympathy I can get. Woman’s a bitch. Don’t tell her I said that. Or do. Whatever.”
“I would have guessed Apollo. Given the archery.”
“Enyo’s got a proclivity towards all weapons. And I do hand-to-hand combat training some mornings. You don’t train often?”
“When I need to. I’m usually too busy with work. It keeps me on an opposite schedule of most people.”
“Yeah, what do you do?”
“I work at the Grapevine.” Faaya picked at her fries. “What happened between you and Enyo? I don’t know if I hear someone swear out a goddess everyday.”
Suravi shrugged. “We disagreed on too many things. She wanted me to be one way and I wasn’t going to let her turn me into someone who jerked themselves off to conflict. Enyo doesn’t care about people.”
“Is that why you hate all the gods with a darker presence?”
“Partially. I sought out Phobos when I was young and stupid and it fucked me in the ass.”
Faaya sucked on the front of her teeth. “Phobos isn’t the first god I think of when I think to seek one out.”
Suravi pushed the chili around, keeping her eyes low. “Well, no one else had answered and I figured it’d be nice to give Enyo a good dose of fear. Again, young and stupid. Either way, it worked out fine enough in the end.”
“Hm?” Faaya hummed, biting her tongue. “Things are going well for you now?” [8:10 PM] Suravi lifted her hand, shaking it a little in a ‘so-so’ manner. “It’s alright. I haven’t heard from Enyo or Phobos in a long time and they leave my family alone, so I’m grateful for that and I love my job. I guess the only thing is I miss going on quests, but you know, I should probably be glad to be alive for my kids.”
“You have kids?”
The look on Suravi’s face brightened. “Yeah! I know I look young, but I’ve got two little ones. They mostly take after their mortal dad, but my daughter likes when I train her a little.”
This was enough for Faaya. Just as she was about to open her mouth to excuse herself, Enyo stood, smiling between the two of them at the end of the table.
“Isn’t this a nice family reunion?” Her arms were lifted slightly, greeting the both of them.
“Wha- Why-” Confusion and anger flooded Suravi’s face as she spluttered at the sight of Enyo.
“Don’t be so surprised, Suravi. I didn’t think you’d be much of a fool to presume you could stage a single coup against me without any repercussions. You went to Phobos and you wanted me to feel fear?” Enyo leaned down. “I will put fear in you.” Straightening again, Enyo jerked her head towards Faaya. “Your daughter, Suravi. I do like her quite a bit more than you, but we’ve only just met. I need to get to know her a little better and I have just the question to ask.”
Enyo turned towards Faaya. Both women at the table were staring at her — Enyo with a sadistic glint and Suravi with something between horrified awe. [8:11 PM] “Faaya, would you like Suravi’s powers? You can’t do very much with the parlour tricks you’ve inherited from Phobos, but you can do much more with what I can give you. I know you’d put better use to them than anything Suravi’s ever done. Teaching, Suravi?” She gave her daughter a withered look before giving Faaya her attention again. “Of course, if you don’t need them that’s fine too. I won’t hold it against you. I just thought I’d ask.”
Slowly, Faaya moved her gaze from Enyo’s encouraging one to Suravi, now staring at her with pleading eyes. It’d ruin her whole life. “Faaya...”
If only Faaya could find it in herself to care what happened to this woman. “I would.”
“Perfect,” Enyo grinned. “That means you can leave, Suravi. You’re not my demigod, you’re not my daughter. Epineios is no longer your home.” She looked back down at Faaya. “Should we let her stay, do you think?”
“No.” Faaya wanted Suravi gone. Out of sight, out of mind.
Enyo leaned back down, closer to Suravi than she’d been before. The tone was harsh and unforgiving, Enyo’s black eyes piercing and hard. “Leave.” There was no room for arguing, begging, any of it.
Still, when Suravi stood, followed by Faaya, standing beside Enyo, the woman gave her the same dark look that had come over her when Faaya had mentioned Deimos. The only thing that came from Suravi spitting at Faaya’s feet before leaving was a strange and fulfilling sense of satisfaction.
Again, Enyo was gone and Faaya was left to foot the bill, but it hadn’t even annoyed her in the slighted. She left Neely a gracious tip and returned home. There was a lot to go over...And new powers? To test. Normally, she would have preferred to take a rest after all the activity, but Faaya felt energized. It felt like a good day. [8:12 PM] Returning to her apartment, Faaya’s day was only more validated. Walking towards the middle of the living room, she picked up the card from Enyo to read:
Faaya, It was a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to guiding you in the future. We’ve already had so much fun. I know I haven’t been very attentive, but I thought I’d give you a welcome to the family sort of gift. Loyal and lethal, you’ll find no fear in the brothers. Give them kisses from me. Enyo
Placing the card down, Faaya knelt down to the basket where two sleeping Rottweiler pups snoozed. She’d always wanted a pet, but her powers had always scared animals off. Gently, she scratched one of their ears. He snored softly, edging his head closer to her hand. Faaya smiled down at them. Judas and Brutus.
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