#i am unstoppable even by canon lmao
fivekrystalpetals · 8 months
So, my headcanons were actually canon lol
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Love how sincerely mochijun informs Break can't cook (ig she is like please sorry for breaking fangirls' hearts but your man sucks at cooking)
Lottie's a surprise knives whips cooking okay girl you go
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Plus, Break's profile for quick reference heh
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Both are lying about their age lol we are ~24 years old totally
source: x, x, x
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sunnysideaeggs · 3 months
some criticisms i have of episode 2. read the tags first please.
disclaimer: i am a targtowers’ stan first and foremost. that means: aegon, helaena, aemond and daeron. they’re my favorite characters. that’s where my ‘loyalty’ stands. everyone else (including alicent) comes after.
helaena’s grief should’ve been a bigger point in the episode. this is HER episode and aegon’s (i’m not complaining about him but her screentime was so low). everyone else, rhaenyra, alicent, yada yada is secondary.
alicent can light up candles for her enemy’s son but can’t even attend the funeral of her grandson 🙄 she doesn’t cry, curse the blacks, want to bathe in the blood of jaehaerys’ killers, or can even bring herself to say his name.
i love aegon’s performance. i love all of his grief manifested in rage and anger. he cries but he will kick everyone later. tom go get your emmy.
girl your daughter just lost a son and you want to talk about you fucking your bodyguard. i’m tired of her. helaena is with all right of ignoring her.
once upon a time there was a boy that loved horses 😭 jaehaerys my dear
a larys/aegon scene is all i could wish for. the cold mastery of secrets and torture combined with the unstoppable wrath of a wounded man. i need more of them.
i like how the funeral seems, by all accounts, normal but by helaena’s viewpoint everything is too much. the people claim for her showing support but it’s all noise. the carriage showing her little boy so that people know who to blame but it only reminds her more of what happened. he even looks like he’s sleeping.
tbh this scene shows how rhaenyra doesn’t fucking care about helaena and her children. the first thought she had when she heard of the news wasn’t to have compassion or empathy, but to do damage control and worry about her reputation.
lmao i don’t have a clue what daemon’s intentions and rationality is. he only cares about looking mighty and dangerous to other people even when he does dumb shit, then justifies it. he lives only for other people’s opinions but then everyone hates his ass lol. dilffailure.
also he’s the embodiment of living for a dick measuring contest he ends up losing. all of daemon’s behavior can be attributed to erectile dysfunction.
how the writers found time for an oc prostitute having a mommy kink scene with aemond but didn’t have more time for a longer scene with helaena and literally anyone is beyond me.
aemond talking about his regret for luke but not about the death of his nephew 💀 luke died like three years ago condal pls get over it. aemond would care more about jaehaerys than poor little luke.
some much needed baela character development. i love characters that are like the female version of their dad but then also fucking hate their dad lol
i liked the tidbits of the dragonseeds during the episode. i’d like some nettles too :) but i guess the only female and canonically black character is a little too much for this show amirite :)
of course daemon would never be able to bend to anyone he considers inferior, much less rhaenyra, who under any other circumstance would be seen as ‘lesser than him’. it reminds him of his failures. i’m glad we’re on the same page.
aegon never had a chance right? aegon was literally raised by hightowers in love with targaryens. he never would’ve been able to surpass viserys and rhaenyra in otto and alicent’s eyes. nothing he did could’ve changed that.
otto’s little laugh cost him a job lol. i’m sad we didn’t get his cats.
the focus on rhaenyra in the arryk/erryk fight is too much for me. once again, leave secondary characters have their moments instead of shoving r or a down my throat please. this is their especial moment, their last moment. rhaenyra being all 😨🧍🏼‍♀️ between their shots does nothing for the scene.
otto’s realization of his life’s work being flushed down the drain is so touching and painful in a way to me. he’s like tywin if he lived long enough to see cersei and tommen fuck everything up.
‘i have sinned’ ‘i do not wish to hear of it’ that’s peak cersei and tywin from that one scene when she confessed the incest.
daeron exists? yay. and once again i’m fucking tired of alicent not reacting to mention of daeron, not comforting helaena, bashing aemond, ignoring aegon. where’s the love for her children?
the scene of otto putting resting his face on his hands? chills. it should’ve lingered there. showcase otto’s regret? grief? idk. pity it just lasted half a second because we needed to see alicent once more.
from now on, alicent is cancelled for me. i don’t care anymore about her. any parent that leaves their child in distress to go fuck can eat shit. i gave that treatment to daemon in laena’s funeral and i’m giving it to her.
we have more sex scenes of alicent than we have of daemon and aegon combined. yet she’s the pious queen and they’re the lechers. condal please write accordingly.
how do i watch a show when i don’t care for the two main characters, because they’re cardboard cuts of women who don’t do anything? i don’t know.
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pondslime · 9 months
38 for mister stinky bo……i am not on my hands and knees don’t even worry abt it
38. if you do what you're told, you'll get a reward.
afab!fem!reader x bo sinclair (kinda lmao) word count: 542 You get the upper hand on Mr. Fake Mechanic. Warnings for: suggestive content, non-consensual bondage (Bo receiving for a change), and canon-typical violence. Left open-ended if you're gonna kill him or fuck him. Maybe both! You decide! LMAO
“You’re screwed.” Bo states plainly. “So fuckin’ screwed.”
“I wouldn’t be threatening me if I were you.” You reply. “Don’t you remember what I said? If you do what you’re told, you’ll get a reward.”
Sweat shines on his skin, plastering his hair to his forehead. If the knot at the back of his head isn’t already pulsing with pain, you’re sure it’s only a matter of time until it does. You’d gotten him pretty damn good. God, you could've killed him.
“Can’t get something for nothing, right?” You murmur.
It’s strange. You feel as if you’re running on some unstoppable internal motor. Bo's keys are on the counter, and he should be dead right now, but he isn’t. He’s very much alive, bloodying his wrists as he tugs on the straps of the chair.
“Lord knows where you’ve been keepin’ all this fire, huh?” Jutting his chin forward defiantly, he levels a cold smile at you. “You been holdin’ out on me, girl?”
You remember reading a news story once about a group of tigers that escaped a roadside zoo. They'd gone running free, darting through traffic, clamoring into suburban yards. They'd died clawing against white picket fences, pumped full of lead. That was the answer, when you got too wild. When you were past rehabilitation.
You only hit him once so you could see him pretty like this. Alive, one last time. You wonder, looking at him, if this was what it felt to look down the barrel of the gun.
“Surprise.” You say dryly, matching his stare with one of your own.
“You think you’re real hot shit, don’tcha?” He grunts. “Won’t be actin’ so fuckin' smug when I get out of this. Trust me."
“That’s if you get out.” You counter briskly. “Don’t really see that happening.”
“Wanna bet on it, girl?” He spits out, his upper lip pulling up into a sneer.
You smooth out the wrinkles in your skirt. It’s one of the prettiest things you’ve managed to amass in your time in Ambrose. That isn’t really saying much—but that's just how it is in this town. It’s the little things that matter here.
You scrape out what you can, and you turn it into something you can use. He’d agree with you on that, you’re sure. Using has always been an important part of this relationship. It’s nice to keep the tradition going, even if you had to mix it up this time. After all, his blood looks better on this dress than yours ever could.
“Sure. Let’s.” Grabbing a roll of duct table off the shelf, you brandish it in front of him. “I bet you’ll make real pretty noises with this over your mouth.”
if u wanna help me shake my EONS-long writer's block........pls feel free to send me a prompt + a character!! it'll probably be p crap bc I'm RUSTY. but I'll write u a lil smthn smthn lol
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zeroducks-2 · 4 months
So, you've inspired me to add some scenes that lean into the Eobard/Barry element that I accidentally wrote into my big long fic Chained, and I figured you might enjoy thinking about it (without having to wade through the whole dang fic lol I have no idea if you've read it/if it's of any interest to you, but I'm assuming you haven't/it's not)
The story revolves around a contract that grants genuine omnipotence. The catch is that it requires two people to sign it - the person who actually gains the power must be permanently bound into the service of their cosigner and the power is only gained through carrying out their commands.
Flash and Reverse Flash were highlighted as prominent figures battling it out over this thing, both being potential signers. Hundreds of iterations of them overlapping in time were ever present across the whole of the battlefield in arcs of light as they fought each other on a scale that no one else could hope to match. I was really only pulling names out of a hat back then (it was supposed to be a silly crack fic one-shot) but now that I've read a lot of your stuff about them, tricking/forcing Barry to sign the contract with him really strikes me as an Eobard thing to do!
Neither Barry nor Eobard signed it in the continuity the fic is going with, obvs, but there could be an off shoot branch where they did! And idk it feels like this premise might could really work to bring out their particular hangups with themselves and each other!
I'm super curious as to whether you think Eobard would try to be the one commanding an omnipotent Barry or if he'd want to chain Barry to him by becoming the power he needed to wield in order to save everything (- and maybe what circumstances might make Barry say yes to either one?)
-redhoodinternaldialectical from the "main" blog
Also pls have the words of the binding ritual for imagining Barry and Eobard saying them to each other purposes:
“I dedicate myself to submission. I shall bend my will to that of another. I relinquish my control so that I may be a vessel for the glorious ambitions of my Master. I shall be made unstoppable through obedience to my Master’s unslakeble will. I am the ultimate weapon. I am the ultimate tool. I am the hound which shapes the world to its Master’s whims. I mark myself with a collar made from liquid soul.” ... “Now I sit in waiting for the one who will be my Master.” “I seek to provide the glorious ambitions which will fill you and empower you. I seek to ascend beyond the fate decreed to be mine by forces more powerful than even the highest gods. Am I worthy of you, O’ ultimate weapon? Am I worthy of you, O’ ultimate tool? Will you accept me for now and all eternities beyond eternity, as your only Master?”
Hello hello, I had no idea you were redhoodinternaldialectical from the main blog and just followed you here because your blog is cool as fuck LMAO
I have not in fact read Chained, but from what I'm seeing here it seems interesting. I do ship Jaytim even if casually, I'll gladly go give it a look :)
I can see Eobard trying to manipulate Barry into signing the thing and belong to him forever. Eobard wants Barry to want it. He is canonically faster, stronger, with more powers up his sleeve than any other speedster - he could force Barry to do whatever if he tried hard enough, but he doesn't because ultimately he wants Barry to understand and be willing. That being said he's not immune to using very low tricks to get Barry to say yes to things, and if he managed he'd surely be overjoyed and would also go on a power trip about it because finally Flash belongs to him indissolubly, there's nothing which can come between them for the rest of eternity, he's his and only his forever - but.
But if Barry asked Eobard to sign, and to belong to him? "Be omnipotent and be mine, forever" ? Eobard would drop to his knees, cry and say yes. He might regret it afterwards, he might have a hard time coping with the loss of freedom because freedom is so very important to him. But if Barry asked it would feel like trust, like love, like he's wanted. It would feel like Barry - which could have chosen to spend eternity with anyone else - chose him.
I also think that in the face of an incredibly powerful enemy which will destroy/subjugate the multiverse, and with no other option, Barry would give himself to Eobard. He would need a clause to the contract which specifies that he won't be forced to hurt any of the people he loves or something along those lines, and then he would "sacrifice himself" with his head held high. He did it already after all! He killed himself to prevent the Anti-Monitor from using him to power his weapons, and effectively saved everyone, and stayed dead for a whopping 23 years (until Eobard brought him back that is). And that one time Eobard said "run away with me" and Barry said "yes if you leave my family alone"? That's also pretty indicative of how self-sacrificing Barry is. Or maybe indicative of how he wouldn't be so opposed to running away with Eobard after all, but don't tell them I said that.
Honestly all the options would be super interesting. I think ultimately they would fall into the right rhythm regardless of which one is the "bound" one, even if it would surely take some trial and error. It's really fascinating to think about, thank you SO MUCH for sharing this with me! I will rotate it in my head for a while and let you know if anything else comes to mind!
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krakenshaped · 9 months
Tag Duel bios are so funny because they include so much dumbass trivia and a whole section on each character's love life for some reason? Trivia detailed below because it's SO funny.
(From Tag Force 2)
Judai: Apparently not only is Judai really disinterested in girls but no girl has ever hit on him before which is why Judai finds Rei scary ("It will be interesting to see how Jaden reacts to Blair Flannigan, who becomes really infatuated with him. No one like that has been around him before.") It's stated he's happy to eat everything. Not anything. Everything. Judai is an unstoppable gluttonous machine.
Sho: Honestly the funniest entry by far. Someone on this writing team just wants Sho to SUFFER and its lowkey hilarious. This kid exists to be in pain. Apparently he "tends to fall in love very easily. On top of that, he cares quite a lot about looks, making things even more difficult for himself." His favourite food is shrimp but can't stand spicy food. I don't know if this is a direct translation or a dub gag but apparently he changes his glasses on special occasions but nobody ever notices (lol)
Asuka: Asuka's crush on Judai is described as a mystery which is interesting. Apparently Asuka doesn't even know she has a crush on Judai which is so funny, I love you girl. Seeing Rei flirt with Judai apparently puts her in a bad mood. Apparently if she was to look for a partner, it would be someone who can put her mind at ease. ("More than maybe anything else, she needs a partner to give her peace of mind if they really want to support her") The bio makes a point of speculating whether or not she's good at cooking since Judai is Duel Academy's hungriest guy. She likes sweets! And healthy food and dislikes stuff with strong smells.
Manjoume: His bio is so funny. Like. So funny. The first paragraph basically calls him a tsundere (true). Canon use of bad language (whether or not this is cursing or just general Manjoume rudeness - LET HIM SAY FUCK!!!) He's described as being obsessed with Asuka - although not as infatuated as he used to be. Dude does NOT eat his veggies!!! He likes expensive food and hates vegetables!!! He is NOT growing big and strong!!!
Kenzan: Kenzan bio is really just contributing to sweet kid propaganda. I am a Kenzan fan and apologist he is one of my favourite characters. "Hassleberry stands out at Duel Academy due to his very muscular physique. Although he's probably very good in a fight, he's by no means a violent person. In fact, he's usually very kind and generous." YOU BET!!!! KENZAN IS A SWEETHEART!!! KENZAN NO.1 IN THE WORLD!!! He's apparently pretty fashionable, as on top of the bio rehashing that he modified his own uniform, it mentions that he would probably do the same to the Obelisk Blue Uniform. Which is interesting!!! Fun headcanon material! Apparently he has no dislikes but his favourite food is fish (another fishing enjoyer too)
Edo: This bio was the worst victim of dub translations as it reiterates the dub version where his father is kidnapped and not like dead LMAO. Other than that tho? Apparently he doesn't really show interest in romance since he was too busy hunting for revenge but now that it's been settled "Aster finally has time to look for love. It'll be really exciting to see he goes for it or not." According to the bio he's considered good looking in universe. His favourite food is steak and other meats.
Rei: Apparently Manjoume's entire room was just turned into a Red Girl's Dorm. Which is tbh. Hilarious. Not only did he get evicted by a toddler but his entire room that he stole his brother's credit card for was turned into a girls only space lmao. Apparently Rei is actually one of the best at dueling among the entirety of the first years (real I feel like people sleep on Rei's dueling abilities sometimes since she's. Yknow. Like that.) She likes sweet and spicy food.
Johan: Finally. Weirdo Johan propaganda. He's described as someone who's thoughtful but frank and says the craziest weirdest shit sometimes. His whole bio paints him as someone who's very composed but can be reckless or impulsive when he's in the heat of the moment or excited. Incredibly funny how the bio claims "Nobody knows what kind of girl he likes. If the right young lady does come on the scene though, we wonder if the Crystal Beasts will call a family meeting..." (LMAO.) His favourite food is... Bread stuffed with various unusual fillings. You know this guy makes the WORST, WEIRDEST sandwiches known to man.
Jim: interestingly, despite the game referring to Karen as Karen in Jim's dialogue, the bio calls her Shirely. More reasons why changing the name for the damn crocodile was so silly. We do not information about Jim's love life or favourite food in his bio :(
O'Brien: Not much is said about the non-Johan transfer students. Like. Nothing except information you could find the anime. Interestingly enough though, O'Brien likes cola and junk food.
Misawa: One paragraph. Mf gets one paragraph in his bio. Is described as having a good personality but isn't treated well by his peers. (I wonder why.)
Fubuki: "ALL THE WOMEN FLOCK TO HIM WHEN HE APPEARS!!!!" His bio also reiterates his friendship with Ryo and questions what it's like since "They seem like polar opposites"
Momoe and Junko have bios too!!! Although they're mostly described as growing apart a little from Asuka :( Although apparently Momoe hangs out with Judai's clique a lot. Junko on the other hand is influenced mostly by what Momoe does.
If I've missed anything, or somethings been lost in the English translation let me know! I love collecting trivia brbrbbr
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nat-seal-well · 2 years
Time for me to assign each member of my favorite Redacted group—the DAMN crew, even though I love all of the Redacted characters very much—an allomantic ability from one of my favorite book series (Mistborn) because I am stressed and tired and I want to. And I like smashing two completely unrelated stories together to see what might happen. Putting the rest of the post under the cut so no one has to read it if they don’t want to lmao.
Keep in mind, for anyone who might be familiar with the books, that though there’s more than one type of magic, my brain is very small and I can only really keep track of one type. Which is why I’m only doing allomancy. Also, I’m always afraid of spoiling things even by accident. So like. I’m playing it safe. Well—I guess that isn’t entirely true. I have an idea for Gavin, though he won’t be an allomancer. Still no major spoilers though, I think.
(For those who don’t know, allomancy is one kind of magic from the Mistborn book series. Allomancers have the ability to swallow metals, which give them powers. Don’t eat metals at home.)
Starting off with the most obvious one—Freelancer!
With Freelancer’s canon ability to access just about every type of magic in the canon, it only makes sense that they would be not just a Misting, but a full-blown Mistborn.
Most allomancers can only ingest one kind of metal, which limits them to only one kind of magic. Mistborn are able to consume any kind, which of course, means they also have access to every type of allomancy. Either you can use one metal, or you can use them all—there isn’t really an in-between.
So: Mistborn is the clear choice.
Also, Freelancer is very much a main character. They’d be a Mistborn for sure, and a damn good one, too. They’d look cool as hell in a cloak made of tassels and wielding shiny, obsidian daggers, flying over buildings. Honestly I think it’s what they deserve.
Next, my favorite, who I’m sure absolutely no none is surprised by: Huxley :)
Huxley’s was another very clear choice to me. When I thought about this, it hit me almost immediately. The only one easier than him was Freelancer, lmao.
My favorite earthy boi is known for many things, and his physical strength is one of the big ones. He’s big. He’s strong. I love him.
Anyway, Huxley would be a pewterarm—also known as a thug. Pewterarms have the ability to burn, well, pewter. Doing so increases their physical strength, and their endurance, and lots of other abilities: balance, speed, dexterity.
He would absolutely be a pewterarm. Huxley is already naturally strong, and very aware and conscientious of it. Combine that with the abilities of a thug? I absolutely love the possibilities.
Everyone’s favorite fire boi, Damien!
This one I had to think about for a little bit, but when was I finally able to put my finger on the right one, I liked it a lot!
There are no metals that really have any relation to his canon magic abilities, but one thing I admire a lot is his firey attitude and his determination to improve the empowered world.
And so: I think he’d be a really good rioter. Rioters have the ability to burn zinc, which allows them to inflame the emotions that people around them are feeling. They can enhance any emotion, but rioters are commonly used to incite riots, which is where their name comes from.
I think I’d love to see all the things Damien would be able to do with these abilities. I love his passion—he cares, so much, about so many things. And him as a rioter, able to spur on the emotions of people around him? He’d be unstoppable.
Everyone’s very beloved, nerdy school counselor, Lasko! His turn is next!
Lasko’s ability, I chose less on the canon, and more what I can see him fitting the role of very well.
I think he would make a good tineye. Tineyes have the ability to use tin (unsurprising), which enhances all of their five senses—sight, touch, hearing, taste, smell. They make good scouts. Burning tin also allows them to process all of this heightened information much faster, which makes them invaluable on the battlefield.
Which is partially why he would make a good one. Being a counselor requires a lot of attention to detail. Lasko tends to be one of the quieter members of the DAMN crew, but speaking from someone who also doesn’t talk much—he notices a lot of little things. Also, he reminds me of a particular tineye in the books.
Lasko would be a great scout. I’d love to see him sneaking around, being all super-cool and stealthy, essentially able to see in the dark. Like an elf. It’s what he deserves.
Last but most certainly not least, Gavin! Whom I love very, very much.
Gavin’s is gonna be a little (a lot) bit different.
I don’t see him as an allomancer. Rather, leaning more towards the fact that he’s s daemon, I think he would continue to be something… supernatural.
Kandra are immortal beings. I’m not going to go into too much detail, but they’re shapeshifters, of sorts. Kandra change their appearance by consuming the bodies of the dead. (Humans, for the most part). They’re able to take on the look of those they use, and are known for their ability to mimic them down to a T.
I think Gavin would be a Kandra. For one thing, I just think it would be really, really cool. But I also adore him. I love the journey he’s gone through, learning how to just be himself. It reminds me of the Kandra’s ability to take the places of the deceased. I’d imagine it’s… unnervingly easy to start to forget yourself, living almost entirely like that.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
As I am re-reading sequels suck, I have lots of thoughts(tm)
1. Billy going by James (i.e y/n's asshole ex) is equal parts assholery and brilliant lmao.
2. The fact Gale wrote y/n as having an affair with both Billy and Stu and the stab movie made her look even more awful?????? No wonder she got pissed and punched the shit outta her! The fact that two bulky guys had to hold us back (I say this as a 4'11 woman lmao) is ✨iconic✨ it also got me wondering how they portrayed James in the Stab movies.
3. The way Ray was telling Dewey that he doesn't like us "like that" but literally everyone BUT ray and y/n can see it is hilarious lmao. Like, Ray be looking at us each time he makes a joke to make sure we thought it was funny??? Babe, just admit it.
And 4. I cannot wait to see our reaction to when we find out Sam is Billy's kid lmao. It's going to be amazing!!
Yeah Billy is the pettiest person alive and dramatic like boy took an entire year to try and wait to recreate his horror movie and got killed in canon all BECAUSE he had to monolog it all to get a reaction from Sidney, kill her on her Mom's anniversary and stab Stu and himself infront of Sid instead of waiting. He has melodramatic flair for things and would be like "Oh...You think I'm like James? Just like you compared me and I spared your life for it? Wrong. I'm worse ~"
Gale deserved punched in the face in canon but in my fic she deserved beat for it fr lol I'm 5'10 and not a petite model 5'10 either, more like linebacker shoulders Amazonian way so I forget not everyone is 😅 HOWEVER I have SEEN you shorter kings and queens fight and yall do need held back or down by multiple ppl in a fight for the sheer rage my short besties would become unstoppable forces when they got pissed so its probably accurate 😭☠️
Randy was indenial for sure whether he genuinely liked us or was just confusing himself with new feelings of us coming back into his life and bringing all the old memories back idc the boy needed to get a grip
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chironshorseass · 3 years
do you have any hc about percy being part of the sea? I know it's partly because we have so many books that get into his character and his connection to the sea, but t me it always felt like his connection is very different to the connection the other demigods have with their element
and u are not wrong, anon, because we don’t see anything like percy’s connection to the sea with other demigods and their respective elements. here are some Thoughts that i have about this, in no particular order at all:
if u read carefully, percy gets more and more powerful as time goes on, or more specifically: as he gains a better understanding about who he is. his connection to the sea is something he has to find, but it is still very much a part of him.
i feel like this is canon (i can’t remember? but i swear this is mentioned somewhere) but percy has more water in him than the average human. he is the ocean, based on how much raw power he has, so theoretically he may or may not be able to melt into the water the same way nico shadow travels. it could be like. idk. water traveling lmao
yes he can cause earthquakes, but this has to do with not only poseidon being the earthshaker (duh) but because the majority of earthquakes take place on the sea floor so. makes sense, i guess. this is something percy finds he can do later on (maybe when he’s 18 or something) because to me the incident of mount saint helens doesn’t count.
his moods change depending on the tides. for the longest time he didn’t know about this, but it gets to the point where it’s such a coincidence that when it’s a full moon he feels more powerful, more confident. tbh this is how i came up with the h2o au lol.
there was an oil spill near montauk while he was there and he felt sick for days
or for example if there’s a storm, he will feel uneasy/more alert about everything
this is how i came up with this fic bc he can totally tell when a storm is about to come in. this was handy in the argo ii probably lol
this goes for earthquakes, too. and sometimes he feels weird for no reason at all
like imagine him at school:
“hey, percy, you okay, man?”
and he explains that it’s an earthquake, but at the end of the day no one feels it bc it was like a 1.5 in the richter scale lmao so he learns to live with it.
obviously he wasn’t trained with his powers. obviously chiron didn’t want to train him. power=a threat in the riordanverse, so even once everyone learned about him being a son of poseidon no one made it their mission to help him control his powers. everything he knows about his abilities just….happened.
SO i am Convinced that poseidon or even triton take pity on him they also wanted to piss off zeus and help him out. he’s unstoppable after ofc
he’s also weirdly strong? this is canon, and it’s also canon for most demigods since it’s an actual Trait that was specifically described in greek mythology concerning heroes, but percy’s strength comes from the ocean’s raw power.
he loves salt. yes. he does. when annabeth first comes over to his apartment and sally makes her dinner she has to gulp down GALLONS of water because of how salty the food is 💀 sally had gotten so used to percy’s Needs ig. annabeth never lets percy live this down.
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pencilscratchins · 3 years
rebecca PLEASE could you share more details about your bo-katan/fennec headcannons? sincerely, a lesbian dying to write fanfic of star wars wlw who was delighted by your clone wars zine
the entire purpose of that zine, actually, was to scam people into getting invested in fennec/bo katan so they get more content made SKSKS
so, fennec and bo are both in their mid to late 20′s around the events of the Clone Wars, and we know that by the time of the Bad Batch, fennec is already a pretty established mercenary. i feel like fennecs one of those people who’s always just been competent and straightforward-- at the same time, she clearly got a sense of irony sksks.
bo katan is clearly already a member of the death watch, which means they both are running in the circles of the Shadow Collective.
i’m thinking they probably met when fennec is hired for a job that corresponds with a Death Watch mission; fennec’s probably contracted to take a hit out on someone they’re also tracking, and since pre vizsla just wants the job done, he’s like “we’re all work together” but tells bo katan to keep a close eye on fennec.
(actual fic writers, I’m sure, can create a real mission for them but i am a village idiot and therefore, simply present what few beans i can grow in the barren soil that is my brain)
personality wise, they aren’t exactly compatible LMAO bo katan is... well Bo Katan All The Time, which is not exactly easy to hang with lMAOO. fennec thinks she’s a self righteous hard ass; and bo katan thinks fennec is a disrespectful dick.
that does not change the fact that there is 100% very thick sexual tension between the two of them. 
like, we know canonically that bo katan can be a little flirty and you think that she’s gonna be around 1990’s ming na wen and be able to not flirt with her once? i know shes a strong woman, but she’s still human, damn
so they don’t like each other, but boy golly, do they end up pressed against a lot of walls in tense situations, or arguing in very close quarters. and i mean, they both got competency kinks clearly. and they do fight well together- bo is confrontational and fennec doesn’t miss a shot, so they’re sorta unstoppable. 
they complete that mission and don’t hook up yet (maybe they kiss idk) but pre vizsla is impressed by fennec so he considers her an ally, and tells her to contact them if she ever needs back up and shes like “i dont ever need back up.
bo kinda thinks that’s the end of it, they likely wont ever meet again, but after that mission: they keep running into each other. on missions, in bars, in jail, one memorable time.
After maybe the third or fourth time they run into each other, fennec makes a move to which bo is like “i’m not interested in a relationship with you. i dont even like you as a person,” and fennec’s like “??? who said anything about liking each other, are you or are you not trying to bone?” and that’s a pretty salient point so then they bone
~ romance ~
like they’re not enemies to lovers, they’re just nemesis's AND lovers LMAOO
Then on out, they hook up anytime they see each other and over the years, things soften between them. they never want anything more, relationship wise, but they become something resembling friends.
that’s just the nature of knowing someone that long, i think. fennec sees bo mourn her sister, bo sees fennec get seriously hurt on the job for the first time; they see each other through the beginnings of the purge and the war. sex becomes less about getting in and out of there fast, and they start hanging out afterwards. talking.
eventually, they are friends. But they’re still living two very separate lives; bo katan has to face life after the mandalorian purge and becomes more and more certain of her need to reclaim the throne of mandalore. fennec’s jobs are coming more and more from the empire and she’s doesn’t feel right about seeing bo after those jobs. besides, her reputations growing and suddenly, she’s a hot ticket assassin.
they drift apart and lose contact- it happens. there’s a war going on. neither like to think of it for too long, honestly.
Cut to, Din introducing his group of vaugbounds to each other and bo being like “we’ve met, :/” Din’s like “??” fennec’s just happily like “oh, we boned on and off for like 15 years. What’s cracking, bo?”
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kaissauce · 3 years
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okay, phucker, do it
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ok let's do this @rolli-zolli @ninikins
Horrortale: technically an alternate timeline instead of au. after a neutral run where undyne's queen the core malfunctions and food becomes scarce and people resort to eating humans because sans suggested it. Aliza is the protag. latest thing that happened in the ongoing comic was Aliza agreeing to go with Papyrus to solve his last puzzle. as for the appearance of sans he has a HUGE hole on his head and a red eye. he got the hole from undyne when she got his magic eye which was going to be used to power the core. sans didnt die tho and killed the guards holding him down and just took whatever eye was on the ground and used it as a replacement for his magic eye that's powering the core. i quote first words he said after putting the eye in his socket "who the fuck took my phone?". then the magic eye went apeshit and broke the core again. oh and also he made alphys braindead by quite literally scrambling her brain. yeah this au is rough sans hasn't really eaten anything since the core was destroyed since he decided not to eat any humans.
Dusttale: i think this was originally a korean au? basic rundown: too many genocide runs sans goes apeshit and tries to get his Lv up by killing monsters himself man went fuckin insane kills his brother blah blah blah edgy angsty au the ghost of papyrus haunts him n stuff. sans literally just looks the same except he has his hood on and sometimes artists draw him with papyrus's scarf. the cool artists draw him with his hood on and has the hood completely cover his face so u can only see his glowing pupils. although people call him dust sans he's actually named murder sans
Killer: so frickin similar to dusttale except sans goes apeshit because of the human being like "join me lmao". three different outcomes come from this. i think it was 1 sans joins human 2 sans joins human kills human later on 3 kills human or something. friends with color sans who is basically his impulse control. pretty sure his soul's fucked up and Color sans tries to make his soul un-fucked but Nightmare comes in and fucks up the progress. he has white shorts, his eye sockets are constantly pitch black and leaking tar or something also has a weird target thingy on his chest. OH YEAH ALSO HE HAS BEEF WITH UNDERSWAP SANS ALMOST FORGOT. basically swap sans tried to make killer good and then they had a fight, swap sans lost and was on the verge of dying thankfully swap papyrus was able to save him in time i think
Dreamtale: Dream isn't in the drawing but his brother, Nightmare is. Sooo he used to not look all goooy and have tentacles n stuff but then he ate a couple hundred apples and yeah. he's six years old apparently. Nightmare and Dream are supposed to be guardians of a tree that has 500 golden apples and 500 black n goopy apples. the golden aples are positive and the goop ones are negative. you're not supposed to eat either of them cus bad shit happens. Dream and Nightmare live in a village and for whatever reason they're all dicks to Nightmare because ooughh he's the guardian of negativity that's not baller. he also goes apeshit (do u see a pattern here) and eats a goopy apple n then becomes the goop man he is today. he fuckin eats 999 apples jesus christ. and the last one is eaten by Dream because if u eat all 1000 apples u become unstoppable and immortal. so that would be a bad thing if nightmare got the last one. wop wop wop these dude aren't sanses they only have the body of one if that makes sanse.
Error: manlet. he's literally an error and that's why he's like that. also he's technically not a sans now, the redesign for him was so that he could be in the creator's webcomic named Lucidia. Error sans, aka the destroyer of aus, finds aus to be mistakes so he tries to get rid of them. his process of doing this is simple: get the human soul to the void so that they can't reset, destroy the au. he primarily attacks using his strings which can wrap around one's soul and control them. he like some aus like outertale because of how open and empty it is. he likes to be alone and has haphephobia. if u touch him he'll glitch out and possibly crash. he crashes whenever gets overwhelmed. said crashing causes him to shut down and reboot and he's powerless while doing so. he's actually pretty easy to beat if you know how to push his buttons the right way. in the og ask error blog made by his creator Loverofpiggies he kidnaps Swap sans who tries to help Error become a better person. this ends horribly as error leaves Swap sans in the void who then becomes an error aswell due to being alone in the void too long. Error actually regrets doing that to swap sans
Aftertale: OK FUN FACT THE SANS OF THIS AU, WHO'S NICKNAMED "Geno" IS ERROR. aftertale is a comic made by LoverofPiggies it's been SOOOO long since i last read it so i cant really give a good summary. but anyways Geno is trapped in the loading screen with the human and will die if he leaves the loading screen. eventually from being in the loading screen for too long after the events of aftertale he becomes Error.
Underfresh: he's not even a sans either. "Fresh" is a parasite inhabiting a skeleton. his birthday is on 4/20 which is ironic cus he doesn't like drugs. he censors swears. he speaks 90's lingo and dresses like a neon sign. for some reason he has eyebrows and a gold tooth. the glasses he has can change text but normally defaults to "YOLO". he can't feel anything since he has no soul of his own and just latches onto the host's. instead he learns how to act from the people around him. not being able to feel actually bothers him a LOT
Echotale: Aka Gaster sans. uhhh this one was also a comic if i remember correctly. basically Frisk and G!Sans are the only ones in the au and they're trying to find the core to fix the fucked up timeline that they're in but the core keeps changing positions so that sucks.
Swapfell: originally made by Khhoppang who left social media. Started out as an Alphys x Undyne au so only those two were designed but Kh was planning to design more of the characters. before they could people had a field day with the idea of mashing two aus together and SO many people came up with their own designs for sans and papyrus. Khhoppang left social media because they got overwhelmed with all the art reposters and stuff, pretty sad. the appearance of the sans in that au is the purple one with a scythe (i dont think he has a scythe in the og design).
Swapfell Red: so basically this is the swapfell made by people that isn't Khhoppang. community made per se. Sans's appearance changes constantly because as said before many people made many different designs. typically he just looks like Swap sans but with red high heel boots and his color scheme fits underfell
Fellswap (gold): Au made by blackggggum. so swapfell is underswap turned fell, fell swap is underfell swapped it takes a bit to understand that. his appearance is somewhat similar to Swapfell red. He's kind to his friends but if ur his enemy he'll fucking deck you. he's blind in his left eye, the leader of the royal guard, and secretly into dressmaking. fun fact in this au Papyrus has autism
Xtale: uuuuhhhh so Cross is a complicated one. he's part of the royal guard along with papyrus. has beef with xgaster. responsible for the downfall of his au and then Underverse happens and Ink is all "oh cool someone to mess with" and they became friends for a bit then shit hit the fan
Underfell: OOOOO YES UNIRONICALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITES. So Underfell sans is actually a very powerful mf and constantly has his magic eye activated because he has so much magic. This au is also technically an alternate timeline where monsters "lost their humanity" as the creator put it. so basically trust in the underground is scarce. Sans and papyrus, contrary to many interpretations i fucking hate, are actually on good terms (and no sans doesn't call papyrus "boss" the creator said if he does he'd do it ironically and papyrus would hate it). Fun facts he pays Grillby in socks (grillby accepts the socks as payment and wears them), if u make grillby laugh he gives u a jacket that looks like his and it's heavily implied that sans made him laugh because their jackets are similar
Underswap: ah yes another classic that i love as well. originally made by PopcornPr1nce who fled social media because they hated how the majority fandom treated Underswap (Blueberry and Carrot were popular names for the fanon swap papyrus and sans). Swap sans is constantly infantilized by the community which sucks and i hate it so i draw my own very super cool version of him whom i kin because i am also very super cool.
Outertale: mainly an aesthetic au pretty sure there's no comic of it. basically, instead of underground they in space. outer sans dies in underverse after like minutes of screentime lmao
Epictale: a comic made by Yugogeer. the og comic was retconned and the creator loathes the original version and made a reboot that's much better. Sans actually dies very early in it because Yugo hates how Sans is almost always focused on in aus. also the creator hates how meme-y their sans has become (like him saying bruh every single sentence, using a rubber chicken as a weapon, cookies, etc.) he's friends with Cross but not in canon. He has a purple magic eye that makes him immortal and i think only epic gaster could remove it which is how sans was able to be killed when he fought gaster.
Temmietale: it's undertale but everyone is temmie, don't question it
Trainertale: it's undertale but it's Pokemon, don't question it
Dancetale: it's undertale but you dance instead of fight, don't
Mobtale/Mafiatale: im unsure if mobtale and mafiatale are separate or not but they are very similar. basically undertale but mafia it's self explanatory
Undertale: no clue which au is this one, nope not at all/j
Bittytale or whatever idk: so take sans, make him small. boom. never understood this au
THAT BASTARD INK: HOOO BOY SAVED THE WORST FOR LAST. FUCK THIS GUY/j. THIS DUDE. IS THE REASON IM STILL INTO UNDERTALE AUS. I LOVE EM SO MUCH. also technically not a sans. He comes from an unfinished au and ripped his own soul to escape said au and became an outcode. for so long he was just a soulless husk until someone drew him and he got splashed with paint which let him feel. soon he learned to keep the paint in vials so that he can be able to feel 24/7. And then he learned how to create things with a paintbrush and the paint and spent time alone drawing up his own world until a portal appeared and took him to the multiverse. now he encourages artists to keep creating aus. he's the protector of aus in the sense that he keeps other outcodes from disrupting the script of the au, so if it's pacifist and an outcode tries to kill people he'd stop them, if it's genocide and an outcode tried to help them he'd stop them. no matter what he wants the au to stay on script. fun fact the creator of ink and the creator of error never had them interact with each other in canon, that was all the fandom's doing. Contrary to popular belief he's not really considered "good" his alignment is officially "Chaotic neutral". I personally interpret him a lot more chaotic than in canon because it's fun but he's a pretty chill guy actually. he can just be a bit of an ass sometimes. According to the creator of Ink (who is Comyet) his interpretation in Underverse is not canon compliant. one of the biggest canon things that underverse contradicts is Ink deliberately not taking his vials. if he were to do that in canon he'd become a husk again which is the equivalent of him "dying". he was described as a walking corpse by Comyet, without the vials he can't function anymore. Like Error he's pretty easy to beat if you know his weaknesses. also he has fears of empty spaces and being alone
off topic kinda but i very much love how Error and Ink are opposites yet parallel even though they were completely written without the other in mind. Error believes getting rid of aus is getting rid of anomalies. Ink believes people interfering with aus are anomalies. Error loves emptiness, Ink hates emptiness. list goes on it's funky fresh.
also uhhh sanses missing from that drawing that i can name from the top of my head
Seraphim sans, Insans, Dusttrust, He who shall not be named because he's from an 18+ au, Swapswap (yes. that exists), Storyshift, Inverted Fate (very good au i suggest checking it out), Negatale, Oceantale, Template, Pale, Mafiafell, Farmtale
my phone is at 9% y'all are spared from me going on
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thewildmother · 2 years
TABBY! i am late to the fandom meme but tvd <3
mollie thank you!! i’m late to answering so it’s all even <3 
favorite character: caroline forbes! stefan is close behind but caroline’s always going to be my #1, i adored her from early season one and have never felt so vindicated watching a character grow.
least favorite character: elena, damon and tyler are all my least favorite because they’re on the same level of me feeling ready to stop paying attention when they’re on screen
5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon): off the top of my head it’ll be caroline/stefan/klaus, caroline/stefan, katherine/stefan, bonnie/enzo, jenna/alaric
character I find most attractive: katherine or elijah probably tbh
character I would marry: stefan!! he’s husband shaped!!!! i’ll marry caroline too, make it a triad <3
character I would be best friends with: i want to say bonnie or caroline but i honestly think i’d be so nice to rebekah that she’d stake a claim and i’d have no choice but to be her bestie, not that i’m complaining 
a random thought: jeremy forgiving damon and becoming buddy-buddy with him was always garbage and never felt right i’ll stick by that
an unpopular opinion: damon salvatore was worse than numerous villains on the show and he didn’t deserve to live over stefan in the end i said what i said
my canon OTP: steroline <3
my non-canon OTP: caroline/stefan/klaus i’m telling you man they would have been Unstoppable. Showstopping. The Golden Tier.
most badass character: just because of the scene with him literally smacking a man’s head off his body, i’m gonna go with elijah beloved
most epic villain: katherine is the obvious answer so i’ll go with something else and say klaus. his build-up was great, his initial arc was fun and his growth was pretty damn entertaining to watch. plus he hated tyler so that gives him so many points (i liked silas as well, but felt he was a little bit wasted as a character after a point)
pairing I am not a fan of: outside of the obvious sibling pairings that a lot of weirdos were into, i never liked caroline/tyler for a single moment. i couldn’t find an interest in tyler, he always turned me off as a character and it was infuriating having to watch him with caroline for so long especially as his treatment of her got worse and worse. (though it didn’t really start that strong anyhow, given the whole werewolf kidnapping event)
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): katherine!!! i’m convinced that the writers swerved at the last minute on her character because they wasted so much time spent having her bond with other characters and give them moments of seeing beyond The Legend, glimpsing who she really is and starting to understand she’s just a product of the same tragedies and torture they all went through. she was so much more than just “the evil slut vampire” and they looked to be acknowledging that for a minute before they decided to throw that all to the side just for a cheap twist and an extra episode or two of needless drama. 
favourite friendship: always going to be caroline/stefan. i’ll never get over their genuine connection, understanding of each other and everything they do for one another. they make each other smile and laugh!! they hug!!! they don’t hold anything against each other!!!! they just Get It and click so well!!!!! i’m gonna go scream into the sun
character I most identify with: bonnie because i too understand how it feels to be ignored until people want something from you (no matter what toll it may take on you lmao)
character I wish I could be: NONE their lives are horrible leave me out of it i’m suffering enough as is. the closest i’ll say is that i want katherine’s hair i adore her curls
send me a fandom/ship/character and i’ll tell you some things!
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curiosity-killed · 4 years
hua cheng, the accidental person
okay this is for @bodhimcbodeface because i can’t shut up and make this concise enough for discord. spoilers ahead yeehaw
this is...not comprehensive. i’ve written 11 tgcf fics and am generally a bit fixated on Hua Cheng as a character so. there’s definitely things missing but i tried to hit the main points that i thought of while writing? also obviously this is just my interpretation! i do not expect anyone else to be like “ah yes curio the sage is so correct i have changed my thinking on this” like go live your life with your own versions of hua cheng! this is just the hill upon which i have firmly planted myself and from which i refuse to be budged. as u do.
anyway, LONG explanation of my very niche and very uh self-indulgent, not-necessarily-support-by-canon hua cheng apologism LMAO
tl;dr: (this is really Too Long i’m sorry) I think Hua Cheng reluctantly becomes a person during his 800 years of searching, starting from a point where he views Xie Lian not as a person but as an immutable god and focus of devotion and developing into a person who doesn’t really acknowledge that he’s a person because realizing that you want to live and do things for yourself is scary and overwhelming at times, and he ultimately falls in love with Xie Lian during the novel itself as he recognizes and is in wonder of the humanity of Xie Lian instead of his divinity or absolute judgment.
POINT 1: Hua Cheng doesn’t actually fall in love with Xie Lian till the ox cart
but curio! you say, “my beloved!” he calls him his beloved! and the land of tender!!
shhh. IMO Hua Cheng is more Wuming than Hua Cheng for those 800 years. By which I mean, for most of that time he’s, at his heart, a nameless soldier trying to find and serve his crown prince/general/god. He still views Xie Lian as this perfect and immaculate figure—a sculpture, a painting, a work of art that is untouchable and immutable. And he’s utterly and wholly devoted to that figure but devotion is not the same as love
So Hua Cheng is searching and trying to serve Dianxia all these years and then His Royal Highness finally ascends and is a god again and Hua Cheng shows up in all his glory to give this power and strength and wealth to serve him and—
and he’s met not by a powerful and reckless martial god or an unstoppable calamity but by a young man dressed in bridal robes who lets Hua Cheng lead him up a darkened mountain, who doesn’t lash out with spiritual energy or a sword but instead, only eventually, with the cursed bandage he was carrying back in the darkest part of his life.
and i think that throws hua cheng. like he’s had this image of his god all these years, this divine painting made over and over and over again—and he carries that belief and devotion with him, but there’s a crack in the sculpture and the stone is starting to flake off to reveal a human underneath it
so he puts on an approachable, malleable, unassuming skin and finds xie lian collecting scraps and being a lil awkward, a lil bumbling, generous and kind — and i think hua cheng, after 800 years of knowing everything, having everything — I think he looks at this discovery with wonder
Bc tbc this does not mean Hua Cheng views them as equals. For him it’s like, dianxia has even more to him, is even more than I knew. He’s seen Xie Lian as the flower crowned martial god in all his glory and as the white-clothed calamity in all his horror — and now here he is, wonderful, multitudinous, and human
Meanwhile I don’t think Hua Cheng even views himself as a person really, much less a human.
also i mean. the internet & allo ppl prove time and time again that you don’t need love for horniness so. land of tender’s right out as proof on that
POINT 2: The Live For Me thing
so obviously and undeniably, using one person as a reason for living is....not healthy. Not going to argue that. but my take on it personally is that, when Hua Cheng’s a kid who really, actively wants to die and sees no reason for living, Xie Lian gives him a reason to keep going. he doesn’t have to live for himself—that’s too much, that’s too big of an ask—but he’s been given a command and purpose by the one person who’s been kind to him/whom he respects. it’s a little like... “My life has no meaning but my cat needs me to feed him and clean his litterbox and so I need to keep getting up and taking care of him even if I don’t see a larger intrinsic purpose to my life.”
and i think like...it’s easy to forget that for all of books 2 & 4, Hua Cheng is young. He doesn’t live past 18—he’s still like...a kid. And that’s not to say that teenagers/young adults can’t make moral and rational decisions but I’m going to be honest, when I was that age I contemplated joining the Air Force because of tuition assistance and the snazzy uniform despite the fact that I was a vocal pacifist and repeatedly got into arguments with teachers about school rules and conservative politics. It’s not like. The Most Rational and Mature Age, lbr. 
so Wuming is absolutely capable of looking at what Xie Lian is doing and being like “hey maybe war crimes aren’t a great idea” but he is young and traumatized and the one person he believes in, the one person who gave him a reason to keep going, is deadset on this task which tbh I don’t think either of them (or...necessarily...the society in which they live) views as war crimes in the modern sense (which isn’t to say that we as readers should view it any more lightly bc i think the narrative directly and firmly contradicts that idea) but as revenge, as an eye-for-an-eye. so, bad, but character-wise, I think it’s more nuanced than we sometimes consider
anyway back to the fixation on xie lian. i stand by the assertion that in those 800 years, hua cheng wasn’t exclusively focused on xie lian. like was finding and serving him his top priority? oh god yes. undeniably. there is no other version of this story. BUT eight hundred years is like....a lot of time. and i think in that time he started doing things for himself, even if under the guise of serving xie lian. hua cheng is curious and adventurous—he clearly likes to learn even if he plays it off as nbd—and i think he starts to realize that about himself in those centuries even if he doesn’t allow himself to acknowledge or consider it. 
POINT 3: Mt. Tong’lu in General
“okay, sure but what about the thousands of sculptures and murals of xie lian, curio. what the fuck about them.”
Yeah. FINE. okay we will DEAL with this. dealing with this is the entire reason i wrote “(like i do) in the tall grass.” 
disclaimer: this is probably not supported by canon! i also. Do Not care. My Ghost King Now.
so I have two general avenues I take with this:
going back to the devotion > love — when Hua Cheng reaches MTL, he’s seen xie lian beaten and cast down. what do gods need to survive? worship! we see throughout how important divine statues/portraits/etc. are throughout canon. in this interpretation, the cave is a concentration of all that worship in an effort to support and serve xie lian and hua cheng doesn’t view himself like...as part of it. the sculptures could have been carved by any hand so long as they are xie lian and the worship and devotion that goes into their making can support and bolster him.
my personal favorite version: amNESIA IN THE CAVES —okay i don’t have the text pulled up rn but y’know how Guoshi says Hua Cheng was almost dispersed, in terrible condition, etc., when he reached Mt. Tong’lu. so if baby boy is in terrible condition, barely hanging on, etc., then my immediate favorite option is that he doesn’t, at that time, have even the...uh threadbare sense of self he did in life/as Wuming and is running on only a vague and urgent sense of Something driving him—something he has to do, someone he has to serve—and in that case, the paintings and sculptures are part of his trying to piece together and process his memories as he can grasp them and figuring out who he is/what his purpose is. Is this canonical? PROBABLY NOT. and yet here i am. firmly planted on this hill
Also w/ MTL I think a thing that’s often skated over is the mortals, creation of E’ming, and his ascension. Which is important from a meta lens of Hua Cheng and Xie Lian vs Jun Wu but that’s not the point of this rambling monstrosity and i’m trying not to get too distracted. ANYWAY I think this is one of those times when Hua Cheng does something that he would probably excuse as like “well His Highness would’ve wanted me to” or “His Highness wouldn’t have been willing to sacrifice the mortals” because Xie Lian is still largely his moral compass—but it also is a peek at the complexity Hua Cheng doesn’t acknowledge within himself.
uh i got distracted anyway and no longer know what point i was making here. Hua Cheng Ascension Important....maybe i will remember this at some other point...
POINT 4: Live For Me (Revisited)
I sort of got distracted writing that point but anyway coming back to it now: I maintain that although Hua Cheng’s primary pursuit is protecting and serving Xie Lian he also does develop/realize his Accidental Personhood throughout his 800 years. this includes a lot of things, as previously stated, that are under the guise of serving Xie Lian (I’d put learning the Banyue tongue, finding out about the Gilded Banquet, collecting swords, beating the 33 officials etc., in this category) and things that maybe could be but...are not really (e.g., his friendship alliance with He Xuan, Paradise Manor* in general, the Gambling Den, learning the Wuyong tongue, bullying Qi Rong*, bullying FengQing*, playing with gold foil palaces, etc.)
(*these are ones that like...could be said to be for Xie Lian and I think he might say are for Xie Lian but also have a personal element that is just for him. 
Like yes Paradise Manor is a lavish and well-stocked residence fit for a god or crown prince...but it’s also a luxurious and extravagant collection of all the things he couldn’t have in life. it’s like giving a kid a credit card with no limit and letting them run wild through uh. Fuck. A Fancy Department Store. 
And sure Qi Rong was awful and turned on Xie Lian in pretty damning ways, but I also genuinely think part of Hua Cheng’s grudge with him is from the childhood abuse and from just...hatred that Qi Rong is around and looks like Xie Lian and gets to be there when Hua Cheng can’t find Xie Lian (which is about  Xie Lian but for Hua Cheng). 
Similarly with FengQing, sure a lot of his hate is for them abandoning Xie Lian—but he doesn’t even know till Book 3 when they abandoned him, and consider how much more he hates Mu Qing, the guy he blames for kicking him out of the army, etc. Some of it is totally “in service” to Xie Lian but some of it is because Hua Cheng carries a grudge like a goddamn pro and finds catharsis in beating the shit out of immortals who bounce back and can’t stop tripping over themselves and onto his blade.)
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laur-rants · 4 years
hey laur. pls chat our ears off about the two specific tired serkonan boys? (also i've been loving all of the writing you've been doing recently!)
I just!!! There's so much to SAY, anon!
Like how Arkane kept those assholes separated despite Corvo canonically dueling Daud and then leaving him alive! And Daud saving Emily behind the scenes not for money or notoriety or Corvo's favor (he could have used it as a bargaining chip for his life at ANY TIME) but just because he wasn't going to watch this child who lost everything also lose her free will. They kept Corvo and Daud apart because they knew those two working together are a LITERAL UNSTOPPABLE FORCE. Corvo is just a force of nature on his own and then Daud, the guy who can choke out twenty people in an instant, also had his own personal spy network!! HE HAS A SPY NETWORK AND ARKANE DIDNT EVEN MAKE HIM (by force of punishment or by choice i don't care it should have happened) SPYMASTER AND HE LITERALLY HAS SO MANY PEOPLE. Daud knows more secrets about the Isles than literally anyone. Anyone!! Because he's that kind of asshole who has to know shit others don't, his thirst for knowledge knows no bounds, and his job is dealing in secrets.
BUT NO. THEY OPTED TO NEUTER BOTH CORVO AND DAUD. Corvo neutered by being “too untrusting" to give the position of spymaster to anyone else takes it UPON HIMSELF LIKE HE CAN DO A GOOD JOB SPYING LMAO and also Royal Protector, I'm sorry those two jobs are diametrically opposed you can't spy and protect at the same time Corvo you can stop time but you're not in two places at once!! Anyway he stretches himself UNNECESSARILY THIN by doing this I'm pretty sure that man never slept and then there's DAUD THE BEST SPY IN THE ISLES ... HAVING HIS PEACEFUL LIFE WHITTLING OWLS IN THE WOODS INTERRUPTED BY WITCH MAGIC AND CONSPIRACY THEORIES. DAUD. THE GUY THAT I JUST SAID HAS TO KNOW EVERYTHING. And if only they had been in the tower together, if only they had spent LIKE. IDK. A WEEK. TALKING SHIT OUT. A DAY EVEN. There could have been so much avoided and understood mutually between them and they would've been so efficient it would have been TERRIFYING and i just CAN'T GET OVER HOW SHORT SIGHTED ARKANE WAS, THE MISSED OPPORTUNITY.
You know even the Outsider calls this bullshit out to Corvo when he's in the Void for the first time in DH2? He literally is like “man if only you had talked to DAUD about this shit but noooo" like YEAH CORVO YOU ASS. YOU WERE POISONED AND DAUD SAVED YOUR ASS BUT NO. COULDN'T HAVE A CHAT.
Anyway I could keep going but like what haven't i already said about this it's just. It was too powerful and I'll never be over Arkane missing such gold opportunities to keep Daud close to the vest and still story pertinent and not destroy his whole character in DotO, a decision which I am still most certainly NOT salty about.
(P.S. thank you for the kind words on my writing. I love writing and i missed it so much for these two. I promise more to come soon <3)
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softlyblues · 4 years
hi I read your answer about moist! I agree. :) I was wondering based on what you said if you ship vetvimes or not?
fhi, thanks very much! 
i think vetvimes have a rly interesting and nuanced dynamic. i’m all in for the memes, of course i am, but i don’t really ship it so much as i think vetinari/vimes/sybil have a rly interesting, basically canonical relationship, involving if not vimes w/ both of them, then all three of them with each other. i rly hope u dont mind bc im about to go off on one lmao. 
i recently reread guards guards and what got me (and i know from a doylist pov it’s because pterry hadnt finalised the universe yet) was the inequality in vetvimes dynamic. vetinari pities vimes and holds him at arms length, and vimes is a very stupid but very earnest drunkard. he’s a pitiable figure when he asks for a small raise and a dartboard, and vetinari doesn’t take him seriously. 
through men at arms/feet of clay/jingo we see the dynamic we know and love growing. it’s been a while since i’ve read them all, but im gonna get up some scenes that i think are super important to vet/vimes/sybil... and yes this includes the gonne scene. (:D)
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so here is the scene right after vetinari is shot. here is really, imo, the first time vimes stops seeing vetinari as one of his Betters - vimes is in his element, calm even, and vetinari asks him what to do. vetinari speaks slowly, almost stuttering, and i read a lot of fear into that line “i appear... to be losing a lot of blood.”
and then vimes outright accuses vetinari of not doing the right thing. can you IMAGINE guards guards vimes doing something like that? vimes holds vetinari to account, and vetinari allows him. i also think it’s significant that this all happens at vimes & sybil’s wedding; we know sybil and vetinari are friends, old friends, and the wedding continues on despite the attack. vimes has time to save sybil AND vetinari, without sacrificing one for the other. that’s really the central point of men at arms: vimes doesn’t have to retire to have time for his wife and for the watch. he can multitask without losing either. 
feet of clay is another important leveler book for vetinari and vimes. for most of the book, vetinari is slowly dying, trusting basically nobody but drumknott and vimes to come into his room - he does know what’s going on, yes, but he trusts vimes to not need his help to work the thing out. vetinari does stay ahead, and he does have the advantage, but he doesn’t feel the need to help vimes; he respects him, and treats him as though he’s on the same level as him. this is really important for vimes’ perception of himself going from drunkard to someone who has people relying on him, and as someone who can be trusted. in order for vetinari and vimes to have any relationship, they need to not only be on a level, but they both need to know they are as well. i think vetinari has no problem knowing this, but sam is very unreliable when it comes to an account of his own intelligence, bravery, and merit. i mean. he remains, right up until the end of snuff, convinced that he is a Bad Person who has Snuck Into Someone Else’s Happy Life and is waiting for the other shoe, yknow, so men at arms/feet of clay are important books for hauling vimes up onto vetinari’s platform so they both know they’re equals. 
sybil is HUGELY important in this, and part of the reason i dislike traditional vetvimes is bc they just... idk, kill her off of make her horrible or just disregard her existence. sybil is the catalyst for literally all of sam’s development. without her he’s an alcoholic in the gutter. with her, he’s duke, commander, sir samuel, the man vetinari trusts the most. (dont disregard sybil, vetvimes ppl.)
in jingo, i think we start to see the vetvimessybil dynamic we’re more familiar with. vetinari trusts sam to play along with him, and he goes to klatch and does the whole sexy juggler thing and he allows sam to arrest two countries. he lets the lords of ankh-morpork raise armies, because he trusts sam. sybil trusts sam. vetinari trusts sam. vimes trusts both of them implicitly, even if he doesn’t think or say so. 
fifth elephant might seem not that important, but it’s really big to note that at the beginning, vetinari and sybil appear to be conspiring to give sam a holiday. also, sybil calls vetinari havelock, and the only other person i can remember who calls him that is lady margolotta, his ‘love interest’. vimes turns to sybil as his last chance against vetinari, only to find that they’ve been in cahoots because they’re both concerned about his health (and about sybil) and doesn’t that sound terribly domestic!
then we come to night watch, and i know it isn’t a new opinion, that this is one of the big pivotal books for he whole series, but more than that it’s pivotal for the balance between vetinari, vimes, and sybil. the cigar case is the only thing stopping sam from going off the deep end - with love from your sybil, just to press the point - and it all happens in between the birth of young sam. vimes is motivated by love for his city of course, but he has a family now, and he drinks Loving His Wife Juice through history. vimes has already been through his character development; night watch is vetinari’s turn.
finally vimes is the wiser, superior, older mentor figure to vetinari’s bullied, presumably 25-or-younger self. he is already mature, with a tendency towards the dramatic, but i think it’s not really a reach to say night watch was vetinari’s gay awakening. and OH MY GOD the ending scene beside keel’s grave is etched into my memory. i’ll attach it even though i’m sure we don’t need it:
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like, woah. what a change in dynamic. now vetinari is bowing to the whims of a vimes he can’t predict, and now vimes is the one telling vetinari off. this is his area of expertise. “afterwards we could-” vetinari has become accustomed to a world where he and sam do things together; it would be fair to say (and supported by the young assassin at the start of this book) that vimes is now firmly integral to the cogs of ankh-morpork. vetinari not only relies on him, but trusts him to be at his side without having to ask. vetinari respects him at this time, in this place, because he has finally seen the lengths to which vimes will go to protect his city, a dedication to a-m that only vetinari has ever expressed. 
from there i think vetinari/vimes/sybil continue without much change. in thud, snuff, and raising steam they have settled into a comfortable give and take. i think that sybil ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be removed from the equation, because she cares for both vimes & vetinari - she is a formidable force when put into action (hello, army of letter-writers from snuff!) and we know she has the power to bully both men into taking care of themselves. imo she is the driving force behind any romantic action between any of the three of them, including herself & sam; remember how they got together in guards guards? she just sat him down with a cup of tea and talked and he realised that he’d somehow gathered a fiancee without realising it. sybil ramkin is DEFINITELY the unstoppable force to both mens’ immovable objects. 
i think it’s perfectly expressed in thud. vimes can both read a story to his son, be a good husband to his wife, be a good commander to his patrician, and be a good watchman to his city, without ever having to sacrifice anything - because of the machinations of his wife and his patrician. (and his city and his son. i mean, that scene with the traffic and the high-speed bedtime story chase says it all.) 
so those are my Many Many Thoughts about vetvimes, i hope that... wasnt too much over what you were asking me for lmao
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our-wargame · 4 years
For the otp asks, would you mind doing 1, 9, 11 & 14??? i’m sorry if it’s too much !!
(Easia was this you?)
Not at all, thank you for the ask, it made my day! and I’m so sorry for the late response!!
1. If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?
Ooh okay, so since we don’t know exactly how it went (but it must have gone well. cause. yknow. look at them :3) I actually like that there’s no official meeting because yknow. Room for creative interpretation ahah. For example, I can picture Mori deciding Dazai is out of control and needs someone to reign him in, then he profiles the PM and decides on Oda. Someone who has skills worthy of Dazai’s respect, yet is harmless to the PM; someone who has a temperament that means he can put up with Dazai for a while and still be eccentric enough that he’ll keep Dazai entertained in turn. And then maybe Mori sends Dazai off to this bar he knows Oda frequents with some bad prompt like ‘assess this guy if he’s a threat to the pm’ and it. takes off from there.
however! i will say if i absolutely had to change their first meeting, i’d probably make it so that dazai and oda find each other curiously irritating; maybe dazai’s annoyed by dense naivety and maybe oda would rather deal with less hostile and less “executive-level-meaning-i-can-fire-you” people. maybe dazai is so irritated he ends up getting oda kicked out of the mafia and oda winds up joining the agency. let’s say uhhh eventually, skk takes down mimic and this leaves the mafia pretty unstoppable. skk is at the height of their talents. so oda’s given the task of stopping them, starting with dazai. (yeah, it’s hard picturing enemies to friends to lovers odz for me too lmaooo) but i think...maybE? it could work?
or maybe the tragedy is that it wouldn’t; that oda needs to die for dazai to learn to live and that they always find out too late. idk. :) 
9. Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?
Mmm. Gonna pick two examples of their. 1) Relationship dynamic: soft: one of them being silly, the other humoring him, and both of them genuinely enjoying their time together. 2) Mutual care for one another; Dazai may not understand Oda’s refusal to kill but he will respect it. There’s not a lot he gives a fuck about, but Oda and his morals are exempt to that. And for Oda, obviously he sees Dazai as a dear friend (reading the light novel, you can tell just how much exactly), and he does want the best for Dazai, even if all the troublesome little things made it hard for him to express this.
11. If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?
Being the hoe I am, I keep hoping Asagiri will give Dazai the book and he’ll either make Beast happen or bring Oda and kids back to life. 
Okay but hmm. If I had to make them happen in canon, I’m like 99% sure, they’d get their shit together eventually. Maybe they have a shit day, maybe they get hammered, maybe they start talking about why one of them wants to die and one of them doesn’t want to kill and it starts with that understanding (oh of course, insert the awkward morning after; did we really do a cheesy heart to heart drunk? yea) and then eventually yknow. the feeling feelings start going at a alarming rate; yknow. i’d like oda to realize first aha bc funny. and then someday dazai passingly has a thought: “oh...odasaku looks really handsome today,’ and then. oh. OH. and then yknow he realizes oda’s starting to look at him differently like he wants even more from dazai but doesn’t think he has the right to ask. LONG STORY SHORT, I DONT CARE HOW, make them get together, pls, thank you :)
14. Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?
For me, not in BSD at least. For context, I’m not really an skk shipper although I get it (for extra context no one asked for, i ship shizaya in drrr! pretty hilarious enough and they’re like skk but with more hate lmao); for other dazai ships, similar thing. 
But I think it ultimately just means. Looking at Odazai and believing what they have is so insanely off the charts. 
Thank you so much for your ask once again and apologies for the long ass response, had the time of my life writing this
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mothric · 4 years
💕 and 🏳️‍🌈 for the ask game :)
@senseless-dinosaur-violence​ I totally forgot I even reblogged the hyperfixation thing, whoops. xD thanks for the ask! here I gooooo
💕 - tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
hmmm hm hm this is HARD because I really love Yamaguchi an awful lot but I don’t want to say too much and spoil his character arc for anyone who might be interested in Haikyuu but hasn’t gotten into it yet (’:
but !! I do love Yamaguchi for a multitude of reasons and the biggest one IS his development as a character. he starts off as a barely-noticeable side character but then really establishes himself later on, and I find it incredibly rewarding to see him grow into himself the way he does. of course, that goes for any character, because it’s a character-driven series, and Furudate is unfairly good at writing it lmao. but Yamaguchi holds a special place in my heart because of the quiet yet determined way he goes about things, even when it seems like nobody is paying attention. I find that really commendable. also his anxiety and insecurities are very relatable and easy for me to project onto lol
it’s also impossible for me to talk about Yamaguchi without also talking about Tsukishima, because they really do go together. I love their dynamic a lot, and for me, a good part of Yamaguchi’s appeal as a character is the way he interacts with Tsukki, pushes his buttons, and draws things out of him that nobody else really can.
and outside of that dynamic, he’s just! good! he’s so good!! he’s sweet and he tries so hard even when he’s nervous and he just makes you want to support him and also who the FUCK lists ‘soft floppy french fries’ as their favourite food?? also he owns a shirt that just has the word ‘tacos’ on it and that’s a whole mood.
in conclusion: stan Yamaguchi Tadashi thank you
🏳️‍🌈 -  do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
OH BOY DO I EVER!! ok to start I have a few queer headcanons:
Yamaguchi is a disaster bi and this is both incredibly important to me and utterly non-negotiable
Yachi is also not straight. whether she’s bi or sapphic is up for debate but she loves girls and I love her
Tsukishima is also not straight. like canonically he is not interested in girls to such an extent that he has been made fun of for it by other team members (this is more overt in the manga). he could 100% be read as ace/aro and I wholeheartedly support that reading, but he also gives me closeted gay vibes. he could even be both! but I do not support straight Tsukki. straight Tsukki does not exist.
bi Yamaguchi, lesbian Yachi, and ace Tsukki are POWERFUL and UNSTOPPABLE. they’re getting together to talk shit. they’re forming a coalition. they’re organizing a union. the establishment will burn on their watch.
I also have a handful of neurodivergent headcanons, but somebody else also asked me this question so I’m gonna save them for that! 
HOWEVER, before I go, I need to talk about one more miscellaneous and kind of obscure headcanon that is very very deeply important to me and yet I’ve told NOBODY about it despite thinking about it so much:
Tsukki mostly listens to instrumental music, the kind of stuff that helps him study. but he and Yamaguchi both listen to Shugo Tokumaru and listen....listen I do not have the WORDS for how important this is to me ok
to elaborate: Shugo Tokumaru is a Japanese singer-songwriter who was really active in the mid- to late- 2000s and a bit in the 2010s, and a number of his songs have appeared in video games like Little Big Planet. HQ!! is set in 2012, so it’s entirely within the realm of possibility for Tsukki to have heard his music. I like to think that maybe Yams had a copy of LBP and thought the music was cute and they looked it up together and that’s how they discovered him
I think Tsukki would like Tokumaru because he has a penchant for writing music that sounds very happy while the subject matter is quite dark (for example, “Rum Hee” sounds light and airy, but it’s about alcoholism), and I think that would appeal to him. also his music videos are visually interesting, and soundwise he plays with textures and instruments in a way that shows he’s really paid attention to the engineering of it, and I think that aspect would be really appealing to Tsukki’s sort of scientific way of thinking.
I think Yams would also enjoy the contrast between sound and lyrical content. the sound grabbed him instantly because wow cute!! but then when Tsukki told him to pay attention to the words he was shooketh. and I am just so so fond of the idea of them listening to Tokumaru albums together and discussing the lyrics and maybe even going to a concert and oh no I’m crying now
also!!! Tokumaru’s singing voice sounds a lot like Tsukki’s Japanese VA and. and. please just imagine him humming along when he’s sure that nobody’s around, or only when Yams is there. imagine... Akiteru having a guitar and Tsukki fiddling on it when he’s not home. imagine him or Yams picking up the chords to a few songs and Tsukki singing along... it is the only time he willingly consciously sings other than that one time at the Karasuno Christmas party......... i am going to combust
SONG RECS FOR CONTEXT: Rum Hee; Vektor; Katachi
anyway thank you for letting me go absolutely off the rails I’ve officially spent a full hour answering this ask so I am going to bed now
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