#i am xena-posting tonight
My reaction literally whenever Kamille is onscreen even a little bit:
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Should I make an intro post? Too bad, I’m going to
Special interests, in order of importance/how often I might post about them:
Doctor Who, with special emphasis on the Gallifrey audio dramas but really all of it, classic and new
Batman, but I’m really picky and prefer (1) the Batfam as a whole (especially Cass, Barbara, Dick, and Jason); (2) Bruce being a good dad, or at least flawed but loving; and (3) Batman as detective who solves mysteries and cares about the wellbeing of Gothamites
Xena. No comments here, just Xena
Idk if Steven Universe is really a special interest but he IS in my url and I get excited to share posts about it so I’m including it
The occasional pretty notebook or other writing paraphernalia
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, though I don’t post it much because I don’t feel like talking about politics on tumblr
About me
I’m an adult, well past college, with a career. That’s all you need to know about my age. I do post about a lot of all ages media though and I don’t care if teenagers follow me, just know I’m older
I use they/them pronouns
I’m audhd and THAT is also an old special interest so I may occasionally get excited and do an infodump
My irl hobbies include reading, writing, knitting, archery, urban sketching, doll collecting (formerly American Girl, currently mostly cheap end BJDs), and the Society for Creative Anachronism. If you share any feel free to chat about them!
I follow and like from @acertainmoshke, which is my writing blog
Since I just told you that, you may as well call me Moshke here too
Important Links
One: The Time Meddler, The Ark, The War Machines
Two: The Curse of the Cybermen, The Enemy of the World
Three (and Liz): The Ambassadors.........of DEATH
Three (and Jo): The Daemons, Day of the Daleks, The Sea Devils, The Mutants, The Green Death
Three (and Sarah Jane): The Time Warrior, Invasion of the Dinosaurs
Four (and Sarah Jane): The Sontaran Experiment, Genesis of the Daleks, Pyramids of Mars, The Deadly Assassin
Four (and Leela): The Invisible Enemy, Image of the Fendahl, The Underworld, The Invasion of Time (in progress)
My Fanfic
I am President of Gallifrey - Romana's experiences on Etra Prime
Recovery, Expedited - Romana dealing with the aftermath of Pandora
Sleep That Never Comes - Romana and Leela sharing their trauma
The Worst Timeline - Romana is traumatized (on the axis)
It's Midnight Somewhere - Romana is disabled (on the axis)
Easy Way Out - Romana dies (on the axis)
What's Left of Me - Leela is lonely (on alt!Gallifrey)
A Time Lord Vacation - AU where Romana and Leela run away post-Mindbomb
Halfway to Anywhere - AU where the Doctor rescues Romana from Etra Prime
Doctor Who
The Doctor of Time - crossover with X-Files (featuring Three)
500-Year Diary - A series that is just various Doctors' diary entries
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I've been trying to work on my mental health and shit lately. Part of that includes doing a reread of a few books I own: Unfuck Yourself, the Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, and You Are a Badass.
Not getting into detail about all of them, but one main point of the Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck is actually choosing what to give a fuck about. It's not saying be an indifferent asshole. It's saying that you need to make your fucks count. Like, do you really need to give a fuck that some guy online thinks you're weird? Not really. There's no point. But should you give a fuck about that weird thing your back has been doing? Probably. See what I'm saying?
My entire life I've given too many fucks about shit that I have no need to give a fuck about. What's that gotten me? Anxiety. A lot of fucking anxiety.
Last night, as I cuddled Xena in bed, I was thinking this over.
And I realized...I am not going to give a fuck about my writing anymore. I'm not going to stress over it. I get so worked up about getting work out that I get writer's block. I get so worked out to keep updating things ASAP. And why? For 4 likes, MAYBE a reblog, and the rare comment? "Write because you love it!" Because I know I'll hear that tired ass line. You know what? That's only part of it. You know what I love? Honestly (because one thing I will keep giving a fuck about is honest, but like...being totally honest), the validation. I love when people interact with my work. I love when I put something I worked on out where and people go bonkers over it. Why would I keep giving a fuck when I post it and get...crickets?
I'm not saying I'm quitting, either. I'm simply just choosing to write when the mood hits. No more sitting here and going "I need to write 500 words by tonight". I'll still update fics that are already written, though. That takes no fucks and no efforts lmao
I had another thought, but I have other things to do. And, frankly...I'd rather go do those things.
Also, rewatching Supernatural for the millionth time. I think the boys would be proud of me for choosing to not stress over silly shit. :)
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boebluewrites555 · 2 years
Hey Xenites. I am posting this chapter today and super excited about where things go from here. I am so sorry it’s been such a long time coming, I’ve just been going through a lot lately but I’m excited to update again soon, hopefully tonight. I hope that you enjoy this and thank you so much for all of your support!! Anyways let me know if you are still enjoying this! I really love to see your comments, they truly make my day! <3
“Gabrielle, it’s going to be ok. I promise. How about you stay with me for a while, that way if he even so much as dares to come near you, we’ll kick him where it hurts together?” Xena asked as she rubbed soothing circles on the dancers back.
Gabrielle looked up at her with tears in her eyes. “A-are you sure that’s ok Xena? I wouldn’t want to impose…”
But Xena gently wiped Gabrielle’s tear stained cheeks. “Of course it’s ok, your always welcome in my home Gabrielle.”
Gabrielle tried to hold back a blush at that, but soon realised that red would colour her cheeks and ears no matter weather she wanted it too or not around Xena.
When they got back to Xena’s place they ordered take out and watched some movies to try take Gabrielles mind off of the call. After she had fallen asleep quite late, Xena had carried her to her bed and tucked her in, opting to sleep close by on her couch so as not to push her into anything she hadn’t asked for yet, but when Gabrielle had stirred at 1 am, asking for Xena, she had gladly obliged as she put an arm around her and snuggled into the woman she loved.
The next morning Xena had woken up to find Gabrielle had made her breakfast in bed to thank her for allowing her to stay over.
Xena had grinned at the special treatment and said that she was welcome always, and when Gabrielle had insisted that she needed to go to work despite everything, she had made sure to drop her off and had offered as well to pick her up after work.
The whole time Xena was out on her patrol she couldn’t help but to feel worried about Gabrielle. What if Lila’s partner knew where she worked? What if he kidnapped her or worse? Xena should be there to make sure that didn’t happen.
But at the same time she wanted to respect Gabrielles wishes and she knew that she shouldn’t smother her. Not to mention the fact that she was clearly able to take care of herself. But Xena was in love with her, so not being worried, was simply not a possibility right now.
When Xena had gotten back from her patrol and had made the coffee she so desperately needed, Cyrene had noticed her mood and came up to speak to her.
“What’s up my warrior girl?” She asked, and Xena felt a little spaced out at the comment, as if the word warrior had somehow meant something to her that she couldn’t quite place.
“Just worried about Gabrielle. She’s going through a lot right now and I wish I could just do something about it. But I have to respect her wishes.”
Cyrene nodded and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“It’s always tough being a cop and knowing that you could fix a situation, but also not wanting to overstep with the people you love. I hear you sweetie, but I’m sure everything will workout for the best and if anything does happen, I’m positive you’ll be able to help.”
Xena tried to manage a smile, she knew that Cyrene was probably right, but she still couldn’t help being concerned.
It made her wish that she was in a different time, where being a, as Cyrene had called it, warrior was the Norm and she could just go find this douche bag and make him back off.
Gabrielle had been super busy that day, as was normal for the school holiday rush, but she had of course welcomed the work that took her mind off of Drake’s call.
However when it had come time to head home… we’ll back to Xena’s place, Gabrielle stiffened as she picked up her phone when it once again rang, hoping that it was just Xena.
But it wasn’t Xena. It was Drake.
“Hi there little mouse. I have a message for you and I’m pretty sure you will want to hear it. I have the one you love so much and I don’t plan on letting her go without you doing something for me first.”
Gabrielles heart sped up it’s pace in her chest as she tried to control her breathing.
“Drake if you hurst a hair on Xena’s head I swear I’ll-“
But the man just laughed.
“Now now little mouse, I won’t her your love, just as long as you come to meet me and do whatever I want you to. Than you have my word that I will let her go.”
Gabrielle tensed at that but tried to hold her resolve. She would do anything to save Xena, even if that meant that she would be harmed herself.
“Ok, just tell me where to go and I’ll be there.”
Drake laughed again as he gave her the address and Gabrielle made hast.
When her bud had arrived at the correct street, there was at least a five minute walk before she would get to her destination.
She frantically looked around, hoping that she would find something to help her in the fight she knew was coming, and when she saw a long piece of branch that had fallen from a tree, she quickly picked it up hoping that her apparent skill with a staff would kick in when she needed it.
As soon as Xena had finished up her day shift, she made her way straight to Gabrielles studio to pick her up from work. But when she found the studio all locked up she panicked.
‘It’s probably fine. She probably just finished early and went home or to my place first.’ Xena tried to calm her racing thoughts as she jumped back in her car and drive to Gabrielles apartment.
She wasn’t there.
Now Xena was getting really concerned and when she got to her own flat and realised that Gabrielle wasn’t there either she really began to panic.
Where would she go? What if she was being hurt or worse by Lila’s partner?!!
Xena began to drive around the town hopelessly looking for her love but she didn’t know where to look. If she was right about her hunch and Drake had gotten to her, she had no idea where he would have gone.
Just as Xena parked on the side of the ride and punched her wheel in frustration, causing the vehicle to beep and pedestrians to quickly shuffle away in fear, she heard her phone ding.
Of course she had tried calling Gabrielle, but she hadn’t been able to get through, but now as she opened up her phone with bated breath, she only needed to read the text once to know exactly what she needed to do.
‘Help east docks.’ Is all it said.
Xena put her sirens on and sped as fast as she could in the direction of Gabrielle.
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consecratednobody · 10 months
I wonder why I have this desperate compulsion to seek attention from people all the time. I don’t want anyone’s affection, and in any moment if I think about it I would tell you that I wouldn’t change a thing because I love my life. And I do.
But I’m driven so constantly to do anything that I can to put myself in a position to engage with other people. For so, so long I’ve made it about getting high and calling myself a crackhead and making that the reason that I want attention. It always seems like it’s a lot less stupid if I could say that it’s because I’m high.
I don’t have any friends because I’ve chosen for years to be an asshole and to push everybody away so that I could focus on “things that matter,” but I never knew what mattered before I met God. I can’t be very close to my family even though they love and support me because of who I am, and what began as an attitude centered around excessive transparency has become a compulsive need to display the sickest parts of myself to everyone who gets close enough to see.
So I don’t think I need a journal. I know who I am and what matters and everything in my life is actually great except that I don’t have any friends and have absolutely destroyed every potential relationship that I could have with anyone in my life or the lives of the people I care about, for the most part. I’m not complaining, I made my choices and I’m so, so happy with the direction of my life and the love that Xena and I have and so many blessings and miracles.
But tonight I think I should probably acknowledge that it isn’t my addiction or drugs that drive me to excessively post my thoughts and feelings everywhere that I can or spend my entire day writhing inside while I do what I can to make everyone who sees me on live as uncomfortable as I am. It’s defiantly just because I don’t like being so alone as much as I’ve said that I do for a long, long time now.
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frankierose · 2 years
ok but xabrielle paired with the mystery of love by sufjan stevens. i'm obsessed
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“I’ll leave you two to get reacquainted” is such a good line for two reincarnating soulmates and their third wheel
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shadlad24 · 3 years
EF#12: More, Then
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“Do you want to go back for the horse? It’s bound to be a collector’s item.”
“Only if you’re gonna pull it.”
In a scene that was a bit too much like déjà vu for Xena’s comfort, she watched her friend dully stare into their campfire. “Hey! How about a story, huh?” the warrior princess asked, grimacing at having startled the girl and at her own hollow tone of excitement. To her horror, Gabrielle merely sniffled and shook her head.
“I don’t have any stories in me tonight,” came the soft reply. “I- They-”
Xena forced herself to laugh. “Helen’s face disappointed you that bad, huh?”
“Well, Per-” Green-blue eyes snapped into focus. “Huh?” Gabrielle echoed with much more gusto. Then she tried to grin but unexpectedly found herself even closer to tears.
Her friend leapt to her feet. “Hold on!” But Xena stalled by Argo, biting her lip.
“What is it?”
The hint of wonder in the girl’s voice convinced the woman to go ahead and make her sacrifice. Hiding what she’d retrieved behind her back, Xena returned to her sidekick. Finally dropping the thing onto Gabrielle’s lap and falling not long after it at the girl’s feet, Xena snatched her knees to her chest and then waited.
But Gabrielle did not move. “Xena?” she breathed.
“What?” The warrior princess shrugged. “It needs a comb-through after all that fighting.” Her lower lip gained deeper teeth impressions and her throat spasmed to keep in a groan when Gabrielle reverently stroked her hair once and then even more tenderly began to brush her long, dark locks. The things I do for love, she mused just before choking on the thought.
“Xena?” the girl yelped rather than asked. “Are you alright?” Immediately, her warm hand went to pat and rub her warrior’s strong back.
“Fine. Ahem. Sorry about that,” Xena grunted through a blush she was very glad that Gabrielle could not see. “Just… And then, maybe, you could… write a letter home or something.” The words were mumbled into her forearm, both wanting and not wanting to be heard.
Gabrielle put down the hairbrush, hesitated, and then slowly hugged her from behind. “Thank you,” she whispered into tresses they both knew reminded her of Lila.
A somewhat clumsy hand lifted to pat her cheek and then her shoulder. “Anytime, kid. … ’Cept for days that end in ‘Y’s. That’s the only rule.” She beamed at the same time Gabrielle did, more than relieved to feel laughter washing over her rather than tears.
So. Yup. Title change since no part of this collection can truly be called a “drabble.” (I’ll change everything later; ’tis nearly 7 AM my time, and I still haven’t gone to bed yet. 😑 Ahem.) This bit comes in at 400 words, 300 over the defined count. Ah well. Anyway, here are the previous installments:
#1 #1 (Truncated) #2 #3 #4 #4 (Alternate) #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11
Bear in mind that this series intends to match the show, chapter-for-episodes. Then again, the FFLMs had the same goal but have since been abandoned due to lack of interaction for now. Ah well. That full collection up to this point (plus the bonus posts) is as follows:
Season 1: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 [#1]
#13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 [#2]
Season 2: #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34
And if you’re completely new to my stuff, then…
EF = Episodic Ficlets (as opposed to the previous acronym DDs, or “Daily Drabbles”);
FFLM = Five Funny Little Moments, a series highlighting overlooked silly things from each episode, illustrated in pictures and cracksubs; aaand
bonus posts (MFLMs) = More Funny Little Moments, summation posts showcasing additional funny moments from each episode, in half-season chunks.
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narkinafive · 2 years
tagged by the absolutely darling @herasyndlla!
relationship: single 
favourite colour: purple
favourite food: mjudra! for the uninitiated, it's a porridge of rice, lentils, and onions, and it is so so so so good
song stuck in my head: recently it's been doja cat
last thing i googled: the menu for my hotel tonight haha
dream trip: i'm doing it rn!!! i have 7 miles left until my hike is over 😭 i'm so tired but canterbury is within my grasp
something i want: a blue powerade and also to go home
currently reading: nothing bc i'm awful
last song: nothing bc i'm awful
last series: flipping between black sails and xena warrior princess rewatches!
last movie: watched roman holiday again on the plane 🥰
sweet/spicy/savoury: savory babey
currently working on: not sleeping. i am so very very very tired 
time: 8:43pm britbonger time
you are all tagged by me, go forth and post!
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keyofjetwolf · 3 years
Moral #3: Fuck Cucumbers
That concludes our first of two Emiya Fam courses this month! The second is currently on the schedule for Wednesday the 22nd, so set your table accordingly. Hopefully you all enjoyed tonight too! Don’t forget to thank @cello-moon​ for sponsoring the Fam for all of us. I, too, am accepting thanks in the following suggested manners:
Tell me you love me! I’m needy and also not a fucking mindreader.  
Sponsor me at my Patreon! It’s that sponsorship that keeps my puppy fed and allows my job to be entertaining you. Not only does becoming my patron let the content flow here, but you can get some pretty fucking sweet bonus exclusive shit, too! ONLY ONE MORE MONTH TO DO THIS SAD FACE   
Tip me at Ko-Fi! If you really enjoyed yourself today, this is a great way to let me know, and can help steer me toward future content.  
Embrace that capitalism! Nothing says love and appreciation like material goods! I’ve set up some wishlists on Gift Hero if you’d rather not trust me to spend money, which is very fair.  
Send me love/hate mail! I’ve got a shiny PO Box, after all, might as well use it. (Doc and I share it, by the way, so you can send her stuff there too!) If you’ve got a thing you’d like to send my way, I’d love to receive it!     Jet Wolf (and/or Doc Holligay)     PO Box 1621     Billings, MT  59103
Tomorrow I’m on Pidge Point, so we’re sure to have a photo or two because I know who I am and what I am about. I’ll also try REAL HARD to get to a couple Asks and post backlogs, like my Chanukkah knitting results (they’re awful and hilarious), and oh I dunno REMEMBER WHEN I WENT TO VEGAS AND HAVE BEEN WORKING ON A POST ABOUT IT FOR MONTHS. Shit like that.
Saturday night, my beloved patrons, we’ll have our carry-over gamestream for Prey, and then Sunday it’s back to Xena and “The Debt”.
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lilpervfruit · 2 years
Today was the beginning of your new journey! I hope that you are enjoying yourself!! I have been thinking about you so much(: hoping that you are smiling!! And truly not to exhausted!!
I decided that posting here would be better than blowing your phone up constantly!! I just don’t want you to think I don’t wanna talk to you!! I am missing you lots and lots!!
9:58 am
You have been up and at em for 4 hours and you just a measly 4 hours short of being to Utah!!! Look at you go!!!
You said your car was making noises last night, I hope it is sounding better now!!! I hope you and Xena are doing wonderful!! ITS ALMOST BROOKE TIME!!!
7:10 pm
Your car is being a tear waffle… so you have to stay still for the night! You have been ready to go for days and days…there are things bothering your pretty mind right now, which is only to be accepted with the circumstance you are in right now!! Gah.. I wish I could come get you in a private jet and just get you there… and bring your transformer back to you when it’s fixed…. I could only imagine the movie loop playing in your mind… I wish you was able to sleep! What ever happen to your edibles? Or did you eat them all 🤔….They will fix your car tomorrow morning and then you will be on your way!!!!! I do feel really sorry that things are fucking around on you… even the things I don’t know… may they all knock it off and you start relaxing soon!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh sweet lady how I hope you are having such a wonderful trip!! So so happy that your car was an easy whoop go!!!! You are currently almost half way through Nevada!! I hope that you will be able to sleep better tonight(: JUST A FEW SHORT WHILE BEFORE YOU ARE TO BROOKE!!!!!!! How exciting!!!!
OH AND I JUST REALIZED THAT HULU SAYS THE QUEEN AND I AM SO IN AWW I CANT EVEN FOCUS!!! that is the cutest thing I have ever fucking seen!!! My beautiful queen
11:55 p.m
YOU HAVE MADE IT TO ARIZONA!!!!! you have seen your second family and been to Brooke’s!!! It is so so beautiful that you are feeling so loved!! You deserve every ounce of love!! I hope that you are sleeping so soooo good!!!
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fonulyn · 4 years
fonulyn’s 2020 in fics
this is kind of exciting since in 2020 I did get a lot writing done, and it marks the second year in a row that I’m able to actually make one of these posts after that horrible not good at all terrible disastrous three and a half years when I wrote absolutely nothing. so it’s a triumph to get another one of these up! personal victory haha.
in total, in 2020 I wrote 148 fics, ranging from like 200 words to 34k (idk if those short things can be called fics but i just did). by pairing, there’s
13 of Joe/Nicky
58 of Piers/Leon
56 of Chris/Leon
(1 with Piers/Leon and Chris/Leon)
5 of the ot3 (Chris/Leon/Piers)
11 of Krauser/Leon
3 of Wesker/Chris (lmao still can’t believe this)
1 of Chris/Leon/Krauser
so. in retrospect, i did okay. 
it’s over 300 thousand words and I am kind of. surprised. and that is not counting the approximately 50k of wips i’m ignoring :’D
I’d also like to take a second to thank everyone who has ever sent me nice messages, commented on the fics, left reblogs or kudos, and the like. you’re what kept me going, I wouldn’t have gotten even half as much done otherwise.
without further ado, links to all of the fics under the cut! they’re organized by pairing, and the links take you to tumblr posts (bc I’m lazy) and a lot of them have a link in the post that takes you to ao3. (also can you see I put ~~so much~~ effort into naming the tumblr ficlets :’D feel free to laugh at me)
a dog by any other name | 1,5k | The one wherein they end up owning a dog.
within the heart a flame of desires | 5,0k | Nicolo watches Yusuf have sex with others, desperately wishing he was with him instead. Until things change. He much prefers having Yusuf all for himself.
the world will wait | 2,4k | The one wherein Joe takes a lot of naps and the whole team gets to relax.
catch this | 650w | Every time Joe gets distracted (by Nicky), Andy tries to take him by surprise.
nobody’s perfect | 1,9k | Even immortal warriors have their weaknesses, Nile learns. Those just aren’t what she expected.
only in these arms | 780w | Nicky has trouble sleeping alone. Andy is a decent substitute, but only when Joe returns so does Nicky’s ability to get a decent night’s rest.
(please don’t explain) that time in Malta | 580w | Nile doesn’t think at first it would even be possible for Joe to be embarrassed. By anything. Until one evening, they talk about Malta.
cool it down boys | 400w | Andy gets no sleep. She gets revenge, though.
cowboy, baby | 340w | Nicky has the fashion sense of a sack of flour, and he is fine with that.
that day is not today | 4,9k | They struggle through the whole lab-experience. It isn’t the time yet to forgive Booker.
tea, soup and tlc | 2k | The one wherein Joe is not sick. At all. Nope. He isn't.
two drinks too many | 770w | Nicky is a little drunk. Joe loves him anyway.
safe haven | 3,9k | The one wherein everyone gets quality cuddles from Joe.
it was you that I found | 23,4k | Leon doesn’t really do relationships. Not because he doesn’t want to, but because he always seems to be so bad at them. Of course entirely by accident he manages to build one without even realizing it. 
unexpected visitor | 690w | Piers is forced on bed-rest. At least Leon stops by.
got me all tied up (never let me go) | 4,0k | Piers doesn’t like suits. Leon loves Piers in a suit.
not so subtle | 210w | “Soo, were you checking me out all night, or was that just my imagination?” Leon asks suddenly, Piers chokes on his drink in surprise.
nighttime fools | 4,8k | Piers and Leon get arrested for public indecency. It’s not their fault, honest.
piers isn’t sick, really, he isn’t (he is) | 670w | “Oh, hi,” Piers said immediately, a goofy smile slipping onto his face. Man, he was happy to see Leon. So happy to see him.  
so you’ve met Xena | 620w | “Xena?” Leon turned to look at Piers, decidedly unimpressed. “You named your dog after the Warrior Princess?“
you’re cute, you know | 680w | Piers took the opportunity the second their gazes met. He grinned, as charmingly as he possibly managed, and said “You’re cute, you know that?“
kiss the nightmares away | 470w | Sleepily Piers blinked, trying to make his eyes work properly. He squinted at the digital clock on the bedside, and its harsh red numbers that told him it was 3:30, and confusedly he turned to frown at Leon. “Why aren’t you sleeping?“
smooth talking, Nivans, very smooth | 1,4k | Piers can not control what comes out of his mouth.
dream a little (dirty) dream of me | 1,3k | Piers wakes Leon up. That's it.
your shirt is my shirt | 950w | With a sigh Piers grabbed the only shirt available that wasn’t battery operated and obnoxious. It was Leon’s, so old that the print had faded completely, leaving only faint outlines behind. And when Piers pulled it on he grumbled again, realizing how tight it was.
here for you | 620w | Leon can’t sleep, but somehow Piers makes his anxieties bleed away. 
grand plans | 260w | “Are you seriously going to wear that?”
new puppy | 430w | “Hey there little guy.” Leon bent down to pick up the little puppy, straightening again to hold it against his chest. His hands looked almost comically large as the dog was so tiny, and carefully he cradled it close.
a little bit funny | 850w | So maybe Piers hadn’t slept properly in days, and the sleep deprivation was making him a little hysterical, but he didn’t even remember when a stupid comedy would’ve made him laugh so much.
for now our time is here | 4,4k | When Chris had told them to wait up and left them alone for a while, this probably wasn’t what he’d been expecting, but the second he’d closed the door behind himself the tension that had been brewing between Leon and Piers had snapped like a cord.
wanting too much | 1,1k | “Fucking hell, never do that to me again,“ Leon huffed out, clearly relieved beyond anything.
the prettiest agent with the prettiest hair | 1,2k | Piers stress-braids. Leon doesn't mind. And besides, Piers always undoes the braids whenever he's done with them. Until one night he forgets.
you can be the air that i breathe | 1,0k |  It wasn’t the first time Piers got punched in the face by a gigantic BOW so hard that the hit sent him flying. It was, however, the first time he was sent careening off a bridge and into the river below. And it was, definitely, the first time Leon saved his life.  
before I found you | 890w | The second Piers realized that the spikes covering the monster actually came off, and it was able to shoot them towards its attackers, it was already too late for him to react.
you don’t need to stay | 950w | Piers did his best to take care of Leon.  And as much as Leon appreciated it, he didn’t want to be a goddamn nuisance.
need me, baby, just a little stronger tonight | 2,1k | Leon really has to practice perfecting his poker face. At least he gets what he wants in the end.
be my valentine | 920w | “Are you sure?“ Piers asked for the tenth time, frowning down at the bar of Fazer blue chocolate. “I still think it’s… not a lot?”
you're the world that I wanna discover | 7,5k | The one wherein they buy a house, fall even more in love, and Leon reaches a breaking point.
call me (tell me what you feel) | 1,7k | Leon is stuck at the airport. At least he gets a nice phone call with Piers.
incentive to stay alive | 1,0k |  "Hey, Nivans, wake up,” he tried, but there was no answer, and he couldn’t help but let the worry in his voice. “Piers. Don’t you dare die on me. Chris would kill me if I let anything happen to his best sniper.”
blanket hog Leon | 880w | Grumbling, Piers turned around, and as he’d expected Leon was cozily wrapped in at least four blankets, leaving nothing for Piers, who was currently freezing his ass off.
I give you all I am | 2,0k | “Leon?” Piers approached in quick steps, watching recognition flicker in Leon’s eyes as he lowered his own weapon too. Leon was slumped against the wall, hunched over and holding his side, and there was something feverish about his eyes. Yet as soon as he realized it was Piers he gave a shaky grin, even if that was all he managed.
why are the gorgeous ones always taken | 810w | Piers blinked his eyes open slowly, expression scrunched up, and it took a long moment before he managed to actually focus his gaze on Leon’s face. When he did, a smile immediately bloomed on his face, and he even tilted his head a little. “Have I died and gone to heaven?” he croaked out, his voice rough from lack of use.
still intact | 1,1k | It took a week before the level of painkillers was correct and Piers woke up with a gasp instead of a scream. And the first thing he asked was for someone to kill him.
of guns and ...guns | 270w | Leon likes the way Piers handles his rifle. There’s drool involved.
always fashionable | 540w | Apparently having a crush on the well-dressed, professional Leon translated into being absolutely fucking in love with the sleep-mussed and squinty Leon.
misplaced phones and revelations | 660w | Chris finds Piers’ phone. Which turns out to be Leon’s phone. The two turn out to be dating. Chris feels kind of blind.
yee-haw! | 1,0k | Leon rides Piers. Wearing a cowboy hat.
you’re cute when you’re angry | 620w | When he’s stressed, Piers washes the dishes. Angrily.  
want to drink (with) you | 1,1k | Piers is an embarrassing drunk. Leon loves him anyway. 
and each one of us is a path somewhere | 22,2k | Piers gets thrown twenty years back in time. Into Raccoon City, 1998. He’d heard about what Leon went through that night, but he never thought he’d have to actually experience it himself. Together with bright eyed rookie Leon.
hold me close | 560w | Leon falls asleep against Piers’ shoulder. 
goatee man | 890w | Piers thinks growing a beard might make him look more manly. 
promises kept | 2,9k | Leon finds out Piers isn't dead after all. He's just locked up in a BSAA research facility with no one allowed in to visit.
stay with me tonight (stay until the end of life) | 2,2k | Leon doesn’t know I’m contacting you, but a fair warning, because I’m worried. He was found unconscious on the bathroom floor at 10AM. They took him to the hospital, but he checked himself out. Look after him, okay?  
4am | 760w | “What can I say,” Piers grinned against Leon’s neck, “I was dreaming of you.” He had no reservations about moving his hips, letting Leon feel just how nice the dream had been.
caffeinated | 550w | Someone gives Piers coffee. Leon knows what to do with that excess energy.
and i'm you and you're me | 7,0k | The one wherein Leon and Piers accidentally swap bodies.
girls’ day in bed | 780w | Piers and Leon wake up one morning with boobs and other assorted lady parts. It’s a fun day. (Spoiler alert: they have a lot of sex.)
worlds apart | 3,2k | Krauser kidnaps Piers to lure Leon to him. (feat. past Krauser/Leon)
not again | 530w | Watching Piers’ mutation brings Leon some very unfortunate flashbacks. (feat. past Krauser/Leon)
gorgeous | 300w | Piers calls Leon gorgeous.
the most comfortable pillow | 350w | Leon falls asleep with his head on Piers’ lap.
beautiful | 840w | Even after losing an arm and ruining half of his face, Piers is the most beautiful thing to Leon.
as seen in adult films | 580w | Piers doesn’t know one damn thing about dishwashers. He volunteers to fix one anyway.
never letting go | 260w | Leon is goddamn comfortable right here. He isn’t going to move a single inch.
nose kisses | 390w | Piers is cute when he’s cranky. Just ask Leon.
no other half could ever make me whole | 6,3k | The one wherein they get a scare and there's a proposal.
the luxury of being held | 690w | The fabric of Piers’ hoodie is the perfect place to hide. (feat. Theo’s amazing art)
just one step from heaven, one step from paradise | 2,7k | The one wherein Piers makes sure Leon doesn’t freeze, and they enjoy their vacation.
all is fair in war, love and Mario Kart | 600w | Piers sucks at Mario Kart.
if i never see all my dreams come true, the one that mattered the most was you | 5,9k |  Chris enlists Leon’s help on a mission as a clever ruse to make the man take a break he so obviously needs. 
and I don't want to know how slow the time must flow | 11,1k | Chris and Leon try to fight their way out of a castle and feelings take over.
you are my heart, you are my home | 3,2k | Chris is sick, and he’s being extra dramatic about it.
from the gates of longing | 5,5k | Chris volunteers to take Leon home, but ends up getting a lot more than he bargained for.
how to accidentally get adopted - a guide by Piers Nivans | 2,3k | Piers accidentally keeps calling Chris dad, and Chris and Leon sort of unofficially adopt him.
right here by your side | 1,9k | When Chris shows up to check up on Leon, four days into his self-imposed flu-exile, at first Leon wants to just throw him out. But then it turns into a relationship-building moment and suddenly he can’t mind all that much.
about time | 1,8k | Leon is freezing. Chris warms him up.
yet you'll lose yourself in me | 3,3k | The one wherein Chris is generously proportioned and Leon kind of loves it. (whispers: size kink)
beyond tomorrow | 1,7k | Leon ends up in the hospital after a mission, Chris hurries to see if he’s okay. Claire is already there.
look at those heart-eyes | 180w | Quickly Chris shook his head, reluctantly pulling his attention away from Leon.
there’s a cat in the sink | 220w | “There’s a cat in the sink, and we don’t own a cat.”
from the future | 300w | It’s 1998 and Leon comes face to face with himself, from 2017.
surprise redfield | 250w | “Don’t worry,“ Chris says, nonchalantly as if it’s an everyday occurrence that he’s standing in Leon’s kitchen.
need this feeling to last (there's no denying) | 2,4k | “Why don’t you fuck me yourself, you coward!“
something solid, something good | 520w | Chris was so warm, and that together with all the glorious skin-on-skin contact made Leon happily sink back into the embrace.
come closer | 520w | Leon is done with Chris being so careful around him.  
your arms around me | 690w | Chris woke up cold and alone.  
a needed break | 440w | Sometimes Chris got so single-mindedly stuck on a task that he forgot everything around himself.
the iron maiden | 820w | Suddenly it was hard to breathe, like he couldn’t fill his lungs with oxygen no matter how much he tried, to the point that his vision started to get blurry. 
robin hood: chris in tights | 480w | Chris’ face was twisted into a theatrical grimace as he tugged a little on the green tights we was wearing. They were like painted on and although he didn’t really have body issues in general, he couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about it.
luckless romance | 4,0k | Leon and Chris turn a drunken argument into something better. (Please note: The link takes you to the last part of six.) 
take my hand | 920w | The worst part, by far, is not seeing anything. There are sounds, people talking like he isn’t even in the room, machines beeping and doors opening, quick busy steps against the floor.
let me take you to the edge of the stars and back again | 3,0k | Chris takes his sweet, sweet time before he gives Leon what he wants.
I’m going to seduce you | 1,1k | Jesus Christ, they’d had sex. Leon groaned again, this time less because of the headache and more because he felt so unbearably dumb. He’d probably had the best sex of his life, and he couldn’t remember it.
a little help | 430w | Those fucking idiots, Claire thought for the millionth time, as she watched her brother give the biggest dumbest heart eyes at Leon, who was blissfully oblivious about everything going on around him.
the way to anyone’s heart (the answer is food, good food)  | 2,4k | Chris asks Leon to teach him how to cook. (Spoiler: Leon doesn't know how.)
oh the horror | 270w | “I seriously don’t understand why you want to watch this shit,” Leon groaned, pressing his face into Chris’ chest.
jealousy | 670w | Chris swallowed hard, downed the last of his beer, and took the leap. “I’m jealous okay.”
twist me up | 510w | Sure Chris had always known that Leon was flexible. Sure he had seen him even do these weird-ass yoga poses more than once. There was nothing new to it.
meet the parents | 600w | Leon brings Chris home for Christmas.
precious cargo | 930w | Chris lugs Leon around like luggage.
it's always been you | 870w  | The hardest thing for Leon was when someone he cared about was in danger but there was nothing he could do about it. And then Chris fell into a ravine.
come away with me (to another world) | 2,0k | Leon finally gets a vacation.
first time sucker | 930w | “I don’t know, because it’s fun?” Leon said. “I promise you, you’re missing out.”
read my scars | 1,9k | Chris learns about Leon's scars.
battered and bruised | 650w | Ignoring the bruises and scrapes he had, Chris turned around and sprinted towards Leon, gritting his teeth against the strain moving put on his side.
a different kind of proposal | 500w | “If you keep fucking me this good,“ he breathed out, unsure if Chris even heard the words, “I’ll have to marry you.“
welcome home | 370w | The door had barely fallen shut behind Chris when Leon was in his personal space, grabbing him by the lapels of the trench coat he was wearing so he could pull him in close for a kiss.
I’d always choose you | 280w | Ada was something they didn’t talk about. When someone, anyone, brought her up Leon clammed up and changed the subject. And Chris had tried to be understanding, had tried to be patient, had tried his very best to respect Leon’s boundaries with this. But Chris was only human.
fuck or die | 1,7k | Chris gets hit by a weird plant, and his hard-on just will not go down. Until Leon takes matters into his hands.
i need a hug | 470w | “I think,“ Leon sighed, but then it was like all fight bled from him and he slumped a little forward. “I need a hug.“
oh no there’s only one bed | 990w | “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s just one night. I’m sure you’ve slept with worse persons than me.”
the butt that became a pillow | 420w | Chris falls asleep on Leon.
like father like son | 2,8k | Leon finds out he has a son.
monster magnet | 1,1k | Leon didn’t know when it had become something he recognized so easily. When had it become so normal for mutated creatures to look at him with such unadulterated lust.
please be okay | 620w | Leon faints from sheer exhaustion. 
like father like... grandson? | 4,1k | Liam proposes to a girl but ends up with Piers anyway. Chris and Leon are the friendly neighborhood grandpas. Their grandson is adorable, and Leon thinks he takes after him. Obviously. (feat. Piers/OMC)
black lace | 790w | Chris gets to come home to Leon in thigh high black lacy stockings and matching lingerie, instantly sending Chris’ brains into an overdrive.
at least let me help | 790w | Leon opens the door an inch, Chris uses the given opportunity to slam it wide open. Metaphorically speaking.
bridal style | 200w | Leon refuses the medical check up. So Chris carries him.
dance with me | 1,0k | Wedding planning with two schmoopy idiots in love.
drunken cravings | 480w | Chris and Leon are drunk, hungry, and incapable of cooking.
blow me | 650w | Chris gets his brains sucked out through his dick.
Claire knows best | 610w | Chris tries to set Leon up with Claire. Then Claire does set Leon up with Chris.
chase the demons away | 940w | Chris struggles with nightmares, Leon is there to hold him through them.
dance me to the end of love | 550w | Leon struggles to learn to dance.
Piers/Leon, Chris/Leon
fate changed (we keep loving as if the story isn't over yet) | 34,3k | In hindsight, Leon knew the second he opened the door and saw Chris standing there, dressed in his service uniform, mouth pinched to a grim line and unable to meet Leon’s gaze straight. There was only one logical reason for it, only one way to explain why he was standing there like he would rather be anywhere else, and Leon almost slammed the door right in his face. --  Or the one wherein no one really knows how to handle their grief, but somehow life goes on anyway. (I’m still so proud of this one negl)
hearts beating fast (let's make this moment last) | 5,7k | Chris gets invited in for a threesome. The clever thing would’ve been to refuse, knowing his unrequited, helpless feelings. But then again, he’s just a man.
double the fun | 3,1k | Truthfully, Leon hadn’t thought his day could get this much better. Everything had gone wrong from the second he’d woken up and he’d already written the day off entirely, until the moment Chris had looked him dead in the eye and asked “How do you feel about two at once?”
of cuddles and blanket forts | 620w | Piers and Leon build a blanket fort. Chris would think they’re idiots, but they might actually be kind of brilliant.
hair straightener or waffle iron? | 310w | Chris and Piers break Leon’s hair straightener.
the last piece of the puzzle | 2,7k | The one wherein two becomes three.
not alone | 2,3k | Completely on accident, Piers and Chris happen to be there to save Leon from a tight spot. Cuddles ensue.
drive me crazy (your eyes made me crave for this) | 2,3k | It was the best sex Krauser had ever had in his life. That’s why he kept coming back to Leon, kept saying ‘yes’ every single time the man as much as hinted that he might be up for meeting. He was getting off, and he was enjoying every second of it, and that was the extent of it. There certainly weren’t any feelings involved. None. None at all. 
enjoying the view | 200w | Krauser likes ass-watching.
carry me to bed | 440w | Slowly Leon was coming back to his senses. Sweat was cooling on his skin, the hard surface of the table underneath him starting to feel uncomfortable.  
and I lied that we would be fine | 1,1k | Leon knows he isn’t supposed to be doing this. There’s a vague recollection of something more important, something he should be focusing on, but the vast majority of his world has narrowed down onto the slick slide of their bodies, on the cheap scratchy sheets on his skin, on the sound of Krauser’s voice in his ear, and he can’t bring himself to care.
yet never enough | 1,9k | Krauser likes mirrors.
of wanting | 400w | Leon’s laughter echoed in the room as Krauser pinned him against the wall, before shutting him up with a ravenous kiss.
better with you | 590w | Despite knowing Krauser had his back, Leon was genuinely surprised when the man sat down right next to him instead of telling him to suck it up and get moving.
breakfast | 530w | Lately things had slowly begun to shift. And Leon wasn’t sure yet what was going on. Or how he felt about it.
kill me now | 900w | It was more than clear how much Krauser enjoyed their frantic attempts to kill one another, and Leon’s traitorous body shivered in response, the memory of times long gone returning like no time had passed at all.
lust that I've already spilled | 1,4k | “C’mon, Leon,” Krauser taunted, grinning as widened his stance. “This cock isn’t gonna suck itself.”
will you just look at me | 650w | Krauser refuses to do feelings.
I am the light that shall lead you to darkness | 1,8k | In all honesty, Chris wasn’t entirely sure how he’d ended up here: a panting mess, bent over a massive wooden table with Wesker holding him down laughably easily. 
the light to drown in darkness | 2,0k | Wesker craves Chris. So Wesker takes Chris.
love-hate-(obsession?) | 470w | Wesker is a lovesick fool. If he wasn’t also a homicidal maniac, Jill would almost feel sorry for him.
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stardatextoday · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Thank you to the brilliant and wonderful @curator-on-ao3​ for the idea/post! I’m only going to use Ao3 stats, because my fic on ffnet is bad and I don’t really want to post about it lol. 
how many works do you have on AO3?
41, though most of them are ficlets for older fandoms that I don’t write for anymore. 
what’s your total AO3 word count?
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
11. They are: Rizzoli and Isles, Star Trek: Voyager/Picard/TNG, Greys Anatomy, Resident Evil, American Horror Story, The X Files, The Fall, Sailor Moon, and Xena. 
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Pet and the Pendulum - Lady Dimitrescu x Reader deep-dive into Alcina’s lore and a lot of talk about psychology. 
Teach Me Tonight? - Lady Dimitrescu x Original Female Character. Alcina shows Rhiannon how to begin the steps to loving herself and helps her see sexual intimacy in a new, healthier way.
You Are My Sunshine - Seven of Nine/Janeway - a Seven-centric history of what happened from the time Voyager landed until Picard-era. 
Laudato Si Ad Astra - Sequel to The Pet and the Pendulum
Extrasensory Perception - Cordelia/Misty Day. a Foxxay-centric rewrite of AHS: Coven
do you respond to comments, why or why not? I absolutely do! I love comments, no matter how long/short they are!
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Blue Skies, probably. When I started writing it, I tasked myself to mention as many relevant Star Trek pairings that I could. The kicker, however, was that none of them could be endgame. No one ends up together (except for the pre-established couples). So, while the fic features Janeway, Seven, Raffi, and Chakotay - none of them end up happy together. 
do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I wrote Rizzles/MSR that was fun. I abadoned the story at a shitty point but at that time both fandoms stressed me out so I quit it.  I’m currently writing a Lady Dimitrescu/Scully fic and I’m excited for that. 
have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really. I’ve had some constructive criticism on them, but overall they’ve been pretty well-received. 
do you write smut? if so what kind?
Just recently. I wrote some dark-themed sex into The Pet and the Pendulum. My favorite so far is all the tender exploratory smut I wrote into Teach Me Tonight? though. That fic is so dear to my heart. 
have you ever had a fic stolen?
have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t think so? I kind of fly under the radar with fanfiction. hahahaha. 
have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I’m open to it though. 
what’s your all time favorite ship?
It rotates on the daily. 
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have a WIP that combines Midsommar and Castle Dimitrescu that is kinda stagnant. 
what are your writing strengths?
I don’t know, honesty. I don’t mean that in a self-pitying way. I just (imo) switch styles and methods so often that I’m unsure! Gay prose?
what are your writing weaknesses?
Continuity. Little things like if someone is standing, or where the scene takes place it. Dates are the worst. 
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don’t mind. I’m annoyed when people translate it in-fic though. It yanks me out of a story. I try not to write in other languages except for a small pet name or a proper noun. 
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Sailor Moon (that fic is long gone lmfao)
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I have three, and I’ll explain why they are my favorites. 
 Teach Me Tonight? This one is my favorite and also my most recent. I adore my OC Rhiannon (based heavily on Tilly from DISCO) and how relatable she is. I wrote a lot of self-soothing things to my younger self about body image and sexual dynamics that I really wish I had known earlier. So much of it was a catharsis for me and the reviews and messages I got about how much it meant to others has truly changed me. 
You Are My Sunshine This was my first long fic that I planned out and wrote in two weeks. I wrote while having COVID and having only watched Voyager three days prior. It brought me so many friends and such a community. I am proud of this fic because it marks what I like to call my “Adult Writing” phase. I took my time fleshing things out, dug into characters, and tried to tell my best story. 
Because of the Shame Written immediately after receiving a BPD diagnosis, I sought to write Mulder as someone who also had BPD. I go back and forth over my characterization in this story but it’s one that I wrote in the Starbucks cafe over the span of three months and listened to the song (same title) by Against me (along with Harsh Realms) . I really wrote out my entire inner monologue as Mulder and while it’s probably on a permanent hiatus, I do still love it.  
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cleoselene · 4 years
lenny-kosnowski replied to your post “I am in an absolutely epic amount of pain tonight and I had the news...”
I was like "Oh, you're watching Bruce's show!" and then nooo!
that would have been infinitely more fun
Bruce seriously needs to be on the Witcher I demand it, I never got it on Legend of the Seeker (which would have happened, because it was a Raimi/Tapert joint), so I demand it on the Witcher!  It’s blindingly obvious when you watch The Witcher that the entire writers room grew up watching Xena lol it’s only natural.
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mr-mellow-dj · 5 years
Wonderful Tonight
A/N: I have this song on my iPhone and every time I hear it I can hear Rick singing it to Kate. This is the classic by Eric Clapton “Wonderful Tonight” which he wrote celebrating his then wife. I also apologize to anyone else who may have written another fanfiction based on this song.
Cross posted from Fanfiction.net
 There are many versions of this song on YouTube, here is one of them:
 This didn’t really fit in my Coltrane song book fanfiction so I present this as a one-shot. I hope you enjoy it.
 Disclaimer: The characters are the property of Andrew W. Marlowe and ABC television. The lyrics are the property of their respective owners. No infringement is intended.
Transcriptions from dustjackets dot wikifoundry dot com slash page slash Transcripts.
It's late in the evening
She's wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on her make up
And brushes her long blonde [brown] hair
And then she asks me, "Do I look alright?"
And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight"
 A/N: Sometime after 3x14 Lucky Stiff
Richard Castle surveyed the Ballroom at the Hilton he had rented for the evening. This was the first (and hopefully annual) Johanna Beckett Memorial Scholarship fundraiser that he convinced, okay maybe cajoled, Kate Beckett into allowing him to host.
Around the room he saw the mayor, a couple of state assemblymen, members of the city council, along with other dignitaries (especially the mayor’s campaign contributors) and of course their spouses or significant others. He was one of the few that came ‘stag’. After the fiasco with his publisher, Gina Cowell, he was in no mood to be seen with any starlet, model or wannabe.
Of course he brought his mother, Martha Rodgers. As he took a sip from his the flute of Champagne, he saw Martha also scanning the crowd, her ‘graydar’, as she called it, on high alert. She seemed to recover better from Chet Paliburn’s death than Rick from the demise of his relationship with Gina.
He continued to scan the room for his muse. Then he saw her at the entrance and he was entranced. She was wearing a halter floor length dress of sky blue tulle. The bodice was lace with a high collar. Her hair was in a French twist. She was adorned with long silver earrings that enhanced the effect of her long, lovely neck.
She spotted him and seemed to float over to him (at least that’s what he thought). As she walked over to him, the dress would teasingly split showing one of her lovely legs. All of this was overwhelming to Rick’s senses.
He didn’t respond. His mouth open slightly.
“Sorry,” Rick finally responded.
“Cat go your tongue?” Beckett chuckled.
“I’m sorry.”
“What? Is there something wrong with my dress?” she asked as she looked around on her dress for something.
“No. You look wonderful.”
“What?” Beckett asked. “What are you sorry for? This fundraiser is so very sweet. You really didn’t have to get a ballroom to have it.”
“My pleasure, Beckett,” he answered. “But I am sorry.”
“Okay, I’ll bite. What are you sorry for?”
“I work with you every day. You are strong, badass Beckett. You are a warrior princess, like Xena. The best detective NYPD has.”
“Thank you, Castle.”
“It’s the truth. But that’s not what I’m sorry for. I’m sorry that I’m around the warrior you so much I keep forgetting how stunningly beautiful you are. And Josh should be very proud to call you his girlfriend.”
“Thank you, Castle.” Beckett blushed.
“And that’s the truth, too,” Castle added. “Speaking of which, where’s doctor motorcycle boy?”
“I wish you’d stop calling him that.”
“Okay, where is the good doctor?”
“He got called in.”
“We scheduled this to accommodate his schedule. What happened?”
“The cardiologist on duty had a conflict. His brother-in-law was brought in for an emergency bypass. Hospital rules.”
“I imagine it would be devastating if you’re operating on a loved one and they die on the table,” Castle acknowledged.
“Yeah,” Beckett agreed. “That’s why he called Josh. He and Josh have worked in surgery together several times. Also, Josh was the next on the call list.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, so am I. We really haven’t had a lot of time together lately and I was looking forward to tonight.”
“Well, if you don’t mind, I’d be happy to be your substitute escort, Beckett. For this evening, of course.”
Taking his arm, she said, “Of course, Castle. Thank you.”
“My pleasure.”
We go to a party
And everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady
That's walking around with me
And then she asks me, "Do you feel alright?"
And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight"
A/N: Sometime in season 4 before 4x19 47 Seconds
After surveying the room before the second annual Johanna Beckett Memorial Scholarship fundraiser, Jim Beckett came up to his daughter and asked, “Did Rick pay for this ballroom? My god, Katie, this is pretty extravagant even by NYC standards.”
“Yes, dad, he did,” Kate somewhat sheepishly answered. “He gets things into his head and refuses to listen. I asked him to tone it down a little but he wouldn’t hear of it. He said ‘that’s how I can get my rich friends to come.’”
“Katie,” her father said. “You know the man loves you. I see how he looks at you. He looks at you the same way I looked at your mother.”
“I know, dad,” Kate sheepishly responded. “I’m just not ready yet. I’m still getting over the shooting and my PTSD. But, I’ll tell him soon.”
“Tell him what?”
“That I love him, too.”
“Please don’t wait too long,” Jim Beckett said to his daughter touching her shoulder. “I almost waited too long to ask your mother out. When I first asked her, she said something to the effect of ‘it’s about time’. Please learn from your father’s mistake.”
“Thanks dad.” Kate smiled. “I’m almost there.”
Just then Rick Castle walked up.
“Hello, Jim,” Castle said as he held his hand out to shake. “It’s great to see you here. Thank you for coming.”
“Thanks, son,” Jim responded not too subtly shaking Rick’s hand. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. And thank you for putting this on. You really didn’t have to do this.”
“Thanks, Jim. It’s my pleasure. I’d like to believe Johanna would be happy with this.”
“I’m sure she would, son.”
Castle continued smiling and then turning and looking Beckett in the eye, “I’m doubly sure that she would be very proud of your daughter, as I am sure you are, too.”
“Yes, I am.”
“If you don’t mind, Jim,” Rick said as he held out his elbow to Beckett. “I’d like to borrow your daughter. There are some people I’d like her to meet. And maybe open their checkbooks.”
“Oh, by all means,” Jim chuckled.
“Detective Beckett,” Castle said.
“Lead on, Castle,” she answered.
As the couple walked away, Jim could only marvel at the duo. He hoped very soon his ‘son’ comments would become true.
A woman looked at Jim and then the departing pair.
“They make a lovely couple,” the woman said to Jim. “They look like a long time married couple. Did they marry young?”
“No, they’re not married” Jim said. “But as the daughter’s father, I hope they change that soon.”
I feel wonderful
Because I see the love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize how much I love you
A/N: After 5x23 Watershed
While she was just starting to get used to being at Nikki Heat book launch parties, and the associated paparazzi calls to her (‘Nikki’, ‘Nikki Heat’, ‘over here Nikki’) for pictures, she still didn’t like to be in the limelight. From her time in vice, she didn’t like to be the focus. Then being the focus could get her hurt or killed. Now being in the limelight sometimes interfered with her murder investigations. Plus, her new employer, the Justice Department, may not look kindly on her exploiting the fame associated with the books.
Furthermore, while Captain Gates knew about them as a couple, the aftermath of her standing on a bomb answered that question, Beckett still didn’t want to advertise the fact to the whole world. People would make assumptions. At first, she didn’t want to give confirmation, but now, with the huge ring on her finger, it was going to be hard to hide that the muse had become the fiancé. That’s why she came in solo and not on his arm. She also felt that that honor should go to Alexis and Martha. For the longest time they have been his ‘red-headed pillars of unconditional love’ as he called them. She also believed that this would not be Castle’s last book launch party so in the future she would come in on his arm as his wife.
She had talked with Castle about the ring and how she would wear it. Of course, when she was working, she would wear it on the necklace that held her mother’s ring. But only when they were out alone, would she wear it openly on her left hand. Tonight, since it was a public venue, she would wear it turned in her left hand. An acknowledgement for him, not a flaming red flag for everyone else.
She still was not comfortable with the dichotomy of a rich, best-selling, acclaimed author and a NYPD homicide detective.
Their worlds are so different. He had the mayor on speed dial. Almost effortlessly he could get many wealthy people in a room for a fundraiser.
She worked in the trenches, so to speak. She worked with and saw the underbelly of the city. The people in her circle of friends were just ‘average Joes’, not the affluent.
Sometimes she worried that his friends would look at her as some ‘gold-digger’, only after his money. While the money he has is nice and she wouldn’t complain too much about his spending habits, they’d fall on deaf ears anyway, she didn’t fall in love with him because of his money. Once she got through the playboy façade, she found a great father and a loving son, a gentle man who’d do anything for the women in his life, which now included her, without question or recompense. He’d shown that for the past 4 years.
Her discomfort went down, however, every time she looked at the ring now adorning her finger. It essentially said to her, Castle doesn’t care that they’re from different worlds now, all he wants is her.
There were times that he had to remind her. “Beckett, for the longest time, it was just mother and me, living hand-to-mouth. We weren’t rich by any stretch. So don’t think that just because I have money now, I always had money or I’m some egotistical high-maintenance author because of it. I’m just a man who happens to have a gift that is well rewarded. Looking back at our childhoods, you’d be the rich one in a different world. The daughter of two well educated, high profile Manhattan attorneys compared to the illegitimate son of a mid-tier struggling actress? Puleeze.”
After admiring the ring on her finger, she looked up, took a deep breath, and entered the ballroom for the book launch party.
As she did the first time she went to Castle’s ‘Nikki Heat’ book launch party, she went to the display of the books. She always anticipated the surprise of the dedication. Rick would never let her see it before it was published, even now that they were a couple. And he told her only Gina and the printer would know it prior to publication. Even Alexis didn’t know what he wrote. It was like it was Top Secret security launch codes or something.
So she picked up the closest copy of ‘Deadly Heat’ off of the table and opened it to the dedication. She looked over and saw him as she opened the book. He was gazing across the room at her with an intensity that almost set her ablaze with his love light. She lovingly smiled at him and then turned to the book.
There, (as if she needed another demonstration of his love for her) for all the world to see, was another declaration of his love for her.
To KB:
May the dance never end and the music never stop.
It's time to go home now
And I've got an aching head
So I give her the car keys
She helps me to bed
And then I tell her as I turn out the light
I say, "My darling, you are wonderful tonight
Oh my darling, you are wonderful tonight"
A/N: Several Years after 8x22 Crossfire
“I don’t know why I let you convince me to come to this gala,” a very pregnant Kate Beckett said to her husband, Rick Castle.
“You could have stayed home, you know,” Castle answered. “You didn’t have to come. I would have made very valid excuses.”
The pair walked in to the ballroom. Well, Rick walked in. Kate waddled in.
“Being 8 months pregnant with twins is no fun,” Kate hissed. “You did this to me.”
“I seem to remember you being a very willing, if not enthusiastic, participant,” Rick chuckled.
“You’re right,” Kate said as she kissed him. “But that doesn’t make me feel any better about being a beached whale.”
“Kate,” Rick said as he turned to look in his wife’s eyes. “You look amazing. You’re carrying our two boys. I can’t think of anything more amazing and awe inspiring than that.”
“Well, I need to find the ladies room.” Teasingly stabbing him in the chest with her index finger she continues, “Your two sons seem to be playing soccer with my bladder.”
“I love you, Kate,” Rick said as he kissed her.
“I love you, too.”
Beckett waddled over to the ladies room. It was early in the festivities so there wasn’t a long line at the door. She managed to make it to a stall.
Shortly after she was in the stall, she heard two women come in.
“I saw Rick Castle over by the bar,” said one.
“I could just eat him up,” said the second.
“He’s married now,” said the first. “I understand to some NYPD Detective.”
“NYPD Captain.” Kate thought.
“Maybe he’s up for a little on the side,” said the second.
“Be careful,” said the first. “I imagine the wife carries handcuffs and a gun.”
“Ooh,” said the second. “Kinky.”
“You’re such a nasty girl.”
“Yeah,” the second agreed. “That doesn’t change the fact that he’s a cutie.”
“Yeah,” agreed the first woman. “Rich and handsome. No wonder the girls call him the ‘white whale.’”
Kate heard small noises as if the women were fixing their lip gloss.
The first then piped up, “Sadly, I heard he’s devoted to this one.”
“Rick Castle? Devoted? He was such a hound not too long ago.”
The first continued, “That detective must have tamed him.”
“Damn straight,” Kate thought.
“Let’s see if there are any bachelors or stag husbands out there,” continued the first.
“Or maybe there are some couples looking for a third,” said the second.
The first chuckled, “Nasty, girl.”
“Yep. That’s me.”
Kate heard the click of their heels on the tile floor and then the door open and close. She felt it was safe to come out and finish her bathroom trip.
Finally she walked out of the ladies room and looked for her husband.
“Are you okay,” Castle asked. “You were in there a long time.”
“I’m fine, Castle.”
“I’m worried about you,” Castle continued. “You’re carrying precious cargo. I probably should have left you home.”
“No,” Beckett pointedly said as she kissed her husband. “I won’t leave you to the sharks.”
“Single women on the prowl. I overheard a couple of them in the ladies room talking about big game and especially a ‘white whale.’”
Castle chuckled. “And you’re marking your territory, huh?”
“Damn straight I’m marking my territory. I’ve got the ‘white whale’, I plan on keeping him … and I love him to pieces.”
“I love you, too, Kate.”
“Now, we need to mingle for a while to keep up appearances,” Beckett said as she kissed her husband.
Then after kissing him again, she said in a sultry tone as if to emphasize the kiss, “In about an hour, I want you to take me home and recreate the crime of getting me pregnant.”
Returning her kiss, Castle said, “I’d love to take you home, Beckett. Maybe we should get out your cuffs. I did commit the crime, didn’t I?”
A/N: Thanks for reading!
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Spectacle III.2
Inspired by our favorite hip hop couple, Offset and Cardi.
I was arguing with my best friend about what he did on her rolling loud set. I’m just gonna write this with Erik x OC (Black! OC);
@chaneajoyyy @theunsweetenedtruth
Erik is a rapper as OC is a rising star. They recently married and his indiscretions have been publicly known via social media, Erik makes multiple attempts to make up for it.
June, 2018:
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Erik Stevens, Stage Name: E. Kill. 31 years old. Married to Raelynn Stevens (Maiden, Johnson) They share one child, a 4 month-old Named Kire (Pronouced KYE-REE) Stephens.
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Raelynn Stevens, Stage Name: Rae. 29 years old. Married to Erik Stevens. She and Erik share a daughter, 4 month-old Kire Stevens.
December 17, 2017
“I’m Dr. King. Great to finally meet you Raelynn and Erik. I’d like both of you to understand that therapy will either bring you closer together, or it will help you conclude that you’re not meant to be together. Either way, I am here to simply mediate. So where do you wanna start?”
E and Rae looked at each other, hesitant to speak. Dr. King giggles, “It’s normal to feel nervous at your first session. Let’s just start at the beginning. When did you two fall in love?”
April 7, 2015
Paramount Recording Studios
“Hey deej, can you run that back for me?”
The bass heavy beat played back
Yeah, Rarri swervin’ lane to lane
Name not Erika, I keep the Kane
Be careful speakin on my name
Me & Kill’s bitches ain’t the same
I’ll change the nigga whole life
On one knee not thinkin’ twice
Lay it on em real nice
Hella bad, I’m sorta like his vice
Deej, Rae’s in house producer stopped the beat as Erik walked in. They were working on Rae’s second mixtape and her collaboration with E. Kill was the last song she had to finish before submitting it.
“Well, about time you joined us E. I was beginning to think I was gonna have to find someone else to do the track with.” he scoffed and side eyed his co star, “Girl please, they can’t kill it like me!” She shot him the same side eye, knowing that his statement was a double entendre, “Deej, excuse us for a moment please?” She rose out of her swivel seat, “I need a 10 anyway. I gotta call my girl and let her know I’ma be late, again!” “I’m sorry girl, tell Nonnie I’m sorry!” She waved Rae off making her exit.
“Why are you late?” Erik looked up as if he was in deep thought, “If I recall correctly, I went out on a date with a lovely woman. You may know her, Raelynn? Yeah. She finally let me wine and dine her fine ass after three months of begging and pleading!” He tugged at Rae’s sweat strings until she closed their distance by the switchboard before he continued, “And after one too many glasses of Rose, Raelynn and I went back to my place and made love all..night..long.” Rae laughed at Erik’s silly rendition of humping his last three words. “She wore me out. I woke up about a hour ago.” Rae finally rested her arms on his chest, “Oh so I wear that ass out, huh?” “That, you do. Damn girl, what am I gon do witchu?” They rested their foreheads together, “I’m sure you’ll think of a thing or two.. or a few.”
Erik tilted Rae’s chin up and kissed her, slowly yet with intent. He reached in her pocket, “Call Deej. Tell her she can go home. I know she missin’ her wifey and I need some time with mine.” “Wait, but I’m not your wi--” “Shh. You don’t know what you are to me. I told you I love you last night. I meant that shit.” They stared at each other for a few minutes, for Rae memories shot through her body of the night before. How all of the rumors she heard about E being a rough and ruthless lover in bed fell through when he laid her down gently and stroked her body delicately, covering every inch of her body in kisses before doing so. His voice echoed in his brain, “I love you Rae.”
“Deej, hey. Take the night off. Yeah, we got it. We may even finish both of our verses tonight. I got the studio time, don’t worry about it. Thanks for the beat though. Yeah, come back tomorrow so we can mix and master it. Alright. Bye.”
They spent the first half on that night making love all over the studio. Tagging each area with their bodies, they fucked up all of the levels on the switchboard, they smeared the glass in the recording booth, they finally finished on the couch and love seat where he said it again, “I love you Rae” her storm washed over her hearing him say it exactly how he did the night before, “I love you too E!” He grinned at her, “I told you last night baby, call me N’jadaka.” Her body was still going into refractory when she asked,  “I thought your name was Erik?” He wiped the sweat off her brow, “It is. For people who don’t know me.” She held his body tightly and close, “Okay Rae bae, we been going for two hours! We gotta finish this song. When we get done, we can go again.”
Dr. King stared at the couple, talking hand in hand, “Wow. You two had a whirlwind kind of love. It happened sort of fast!” Rae nodded her head, holding her belly with her free hand, “Without that, we wouldn’t have her so, I don’t care how fast it happened.” Erik kissed her forehead, “Me either.” Dr King wrote in her pad, slightly grinning, “I think there’s some hope for you two..”
June, 2018
This is TMZ news, the show with the latest in celebrity news.
Just five months after reconciling, E. Kill was caught cheating.. once again. Text messages surfaced after a rap beef between two women, Kyleene and Jae Doe went south. One of Jae’s friends outed Kyleene and claimed that Ky and her now former friend Xena tried to set up a threesome with E. Kill. After Ky denied the allegations, Xena came forward and leaked screenshots of messages between E. Kill and her, as well as messages between her and Ky, trying to confirm dates for the meet up. Although Xena never confirmed if they met up or not, it’s clear that E was trying to set that up.
Just a couple of hours ago, Rae went on her live and set the record straight for her fans:
“Hey faves, how ya’ll doing out there? First and foremost I’d like to thank all of you for supporting me and my music.  (Pauses) I’m sorry if you all hear Kire in the background, she’s a baby so..you know she’s gonna be cooing and whatnot. Anyway, as all of you know, my relationship has been in the public eye for about 6 months now. I’ve played everything about it real close to the chest since we got together because I thought it was the only thing I should keep to myself. For the past 6 months, N-Erik and I have been trying to reconcile our marriage for the sake of Kire and the love our relationship was built on. But now, I just think it’s time for us to go our separate ways. My husband and I love each other so much and we’re family, always and forever, but I think this separation and ultimate divorce is what’s right for us. I just ask for the fans who love us, continue loving us, continue supporting us in our future endevors. Love ya’ll! Bye.”
After Rae’s statement she finally posted adorable 4 month old Kire Genevieve Stevens
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The employees awed at Kire’s cute little face, “She looks like a baby doll! Aww! E and Rae did that! E may not be sh*t, but they did that!” Raquel Harper clutched her heart, marveling at the baby. Harvey Levin smiled at the screen displaying her picture, “She is adorable. Which leads the question to E, with a hardworking and fine young woman at home like Rae and an adorable baby to go home to, why go back to your old ways that almost lost you your wife, again? I don’t get it!” Van Lathan stood up from his desk, “I hope he gets Rae back man..” “You think he can, Van?” Van scratched his head, “I don’t know Harvey but if he can, I say he goes for it. He made a beautiful family I hope he doesn’t let Rae go because every guy’s gonna try to scoop that up. I’m team love and he really loves her.”
“Once again, our well wishes are with the Stevens’ family in this difficult time.”
July, 2018
New Orleans
Essence Music Festival
Rae was set to co-headline the Saturday night set at the Dome with Mary J. Blige, this was her first major headline at any music festival. The only time her and N’jadaka spoke was when he’d facetime, and that was barely speaking, she’d only say hello to make sure he was connected before panning the phone to Kire’s face to babble to her father. It had been like that for over a month. Rae was halfway through her set before her DJ stopped, she looked around, “DJ, What the fuck?” Next thing she knew, E came out with a huge bouquet of flowers and a Mic. 
Rae was fuming, and she couldn’t hide the look on her face. She was shaking her head before he could even get to her. By the time he did get to her, he looked confused, covering the mic, “Baby, I’m sorry! Just hear me out!” Rae responded, “No! I have a show to do! What are you doing?” “You not talking to me! What else was I supposed to do?” She folded her arms, completely mortified at his public display. He got on the mic, “Rae, I love you baby. I’m sorry!” He hands her the flowers she was still not on the mic, “How did you even get up here?” Shawna walked on stage and retrieved the flowers, “Shawna..” “I’m sorry love, he was desperate.”
Rae finished her set in a blast of applause, “Thank you NOLA! I LOVE YOU!” She rushed to her green room where her entire team met her with congratulations. When Erik entered the room, it went completely silent, “Ya’ll go out and enjoy Mary! Ya’ll are off for the rest of the weekend!” Her make up, hair and wardrobe team cheered as they exited the room. Leaving Rae with Erik and Kire. Erik remained at the door until the last person walked out. He locked the door behind them.
“Rae, I’m sorry baby.” “You’re sorry for what? Getting caught?” Erik strutted over to her vanity, “I’m sorry for entertaining them, for embarrassing you and betraying you again.” “N’jadaka, we were supposed to be working on us. What the fuck! Is this my fault? Is it because I’ve been working since I got cleared after the baby?” “No baby please don’t go thinking this is your fault. It’s all me. This industry is tempting as fuck bae. I’m turning down bitches from left to right. Kyleene slipped through the cracks, claiming she wanted to do a collaboration. I mean, maybe she really did.. I don’t know. We really didn’t talk much. Her friend got my number through her and told me that Ky wanted a threesome.. I didn’t go through with it but I shouldn’t have entertained it.” Rae held her index finger up to his face, “That’s the most honest thing you’ve said in a month-- You shouldn’t have. You’re supposed to be my husband. What happened to talking through our shit like we learned at the beginning of our relationship? Like we re learned in therapy?” He opened his mouth to speak, yet Rae continued.
“What happened to us maintaining our family front, for Kire.. For us?” “Rae I can count on my hand how many times I’ve seen you in the past four months since your six week check up after having Kire. Five. I get it baby, we’re artists. We have to work to get paid. We’ve both been busy since then. We both lost sight of that. I can take my accountability for it. I am here trying to salvage our relationship.” “No, you’re here because you wanted people to feel sorry for you.” “Rae that’s bullshit!” “NO, N’jadaka that’s real shit!” Their bickering match was interrupted by Kire crying at their outburst. Rae pushed Erik out of her way to pick up their child, “We’re not about to yell in front of my child--” “Our child, Rae.” Kire reached for her daddy, he grabbed her. “You right though. We’re not. But that’s BS, you know it. I went up on stage to publicly apologize because my shit came out publically.” Rae still marveled at Erik and Kire’s blooming relationship. She rubbed his face as he was poking his daughter’s belly tickling her, “N’jadaka, you wanna know why I really forgave you the last time?” “Why?” Rae puckered her lips to the side, “Because, you came to me. You didn’t respond to anyone asking you every question under the sun about what I was gonna do or even about when I beat your ass.” They both chuckled at the memory of her destroying half of their old home.
“Even that bad time of our relationship, our friendship. It was just us. What you did out there, was for you. You were seeking validation from me, after betraying my trust, again. Thinking that some flowers and another apology was gonna win me back. It’s not. Like I told you and Dr. King, I’m not tolerating disrespect. You’ve disrespected me yet again. I don’t know if I can recover from that. I damn sure don’t know if you’ll do it again.” “Baby, I’ll never dishonor you or Kire ever again. I swear. I’ll retire if I need to.” Rae giggled at the suggestion, “Nigga, you’ll still be E. Killapussy to these hoes. Retired or not. Them bitches don’t even know what the whole Kill is in your name.” “Nobody does baby, only you.” She rolled her eyes, “Yeah yeah. Whatever.” “Babe, let’s take some time off. Let’s just enjoy each other as a family.” Erik’s puppy dog eyes were just irresistible, “That’s a start, Stevens.” They spent the remainder of the concert in the green room cuddling and coddling with Kire more cordial than they’ve been since before Kire arrived.
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