#i apologize to anyone who tries to read my handwritting
obsidian-art04 · 6 months
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Curious Questions
Based on a bit of writing i did last night, kinda, i started the drawing, then wrote it better
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alpydk · 23 days
To @auroraesmeraldarose - I said I would write something romantic for you so here it is. With only a sprinkling of angst (because I just can't help it) - I present to you:
The List.
Romance/Angst/Mostly comfort (I hope) - 1397 words Gale x Tav (They/Them no description) - SFW
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Gale had watched for some time how Tav had scribbled on the notepad before gazing into the campfire as if searching for the answers buried in the ashes. Their head would lift only to fall again, a word being written, then erased. It reminded him of his own days with a mostly drunk glass of red wine and a quill in hand, trying to come up with the next line of poetry that cause the lover to fall to their knees for him.
He slowly approached, his heart increasing its pace with the apprehension of what was to come. He enjoyed Tav’s company, always feeling he was learning something new. Being seen for who I am. Tav was a good person, one that had helped, listened to everyone, cared more than anyone he had ever met before, and despite the more pronounced ache he felt whenever he was near them, he fought through it for the quiet moments alone with them. He remembered the night channelling the weave, the way their hands had brushed up against one another, the way he had felt their longing, and the image of a tender kiss placed on his lips. Is this love? No, not for me. It can’t be.  
He swallowed nervously before he spoke. “My friend, may I ask what it is you are writing?”
Tav jumped a little, surprised by Gale’s sudden words, and placed the paper face down onto their lap. “This? Nothing… nothing at all.”
Gale nodded his head and took a small step back, trying not to acknowledge the feeling of rejection that was surfacing beneath his pleasant expression. “Ah, my apologies then. I will leave you to your thoughts.” He turned to go back to his tent as he heard the hesitant voice behind him.
“No…” Tav pushed their hair back and relaxed their shoulders. “Join me, please.”
Gale tried to hide his enthusiasm at this simple gesture. He was aware his year alone had made him too eager for basic conversation and he’d now got into a habit of remaining distant with people. Part of him was aware his social skills had diminished, and another part didn’t want him to form connections based on his own dwindling condition. He placed himself next to Tav, keeping a respectable distance and ignoring the dull thrum of the orb excited at the prospects.
Tav lowered their head, a soft smile masked by the focus of turning over the pages and looking at the cluttered mess on the paper. “I don’t think you would want to help me so much if you knew what it was I was writing.”
Gale placed a comforting hand on Tav’s arm, feeling the delicate cotton of the shirt under his palm. Warmth rose in his cheeks, and he silently cursed his body for betraying him. A glade of calm and tranquillity. “Well, let me be the one to decide upon that. As you know, I’m quite the connoisseur of the literary arts. Even Volo’s poetry has not turned me away from reading or writing.”
Tav chuckled at his response. “You know how tomorrow we are going to the Goblin Camp? There’s a real chance we might not…” They danced around the words, trying not to appear insensitive but ultimately giving up. “We might die.”
“Hm.” Gale understood perfectly why Tav was struggling and why they hadn’t initially wanted to discuss this with him. Talking about potential death with someone destined to die was not the easiest of conversations to have. How could they even relate to his situation? “So, you are writing your last wishes, I assume?”
Tav wordlessly handed over the paper and Gale held it towards the firelight, trying to make out the scrawl in front of him. The handwriting was unique to say the least, but the out of context words made it all even more peculiar. Stars…. Hollyphant…. Falling… “Tav, I may be able to decipher some of the most ancient of texts, but I must say, this has me baffled.”
Their voice was quiet as they replied, embarrassed by the list that lay between them. “It’s a bucket list.”
“But my dear, I have little doubt that you will survive the days to come. Why create something like this?” A small part of him felt heartbroken to even think of Tav’s death as imminent and yet a part of him was curious. What dreams lay in his friend’s mind? Could any of them ever hold a small place for me?
“I wish I had your optimism. No, I’m making it because all this-“ They gestured to their head, the tadpole writhing within. “-It just reminds me that life isn’t as long as it was before. That each day moments go by that I should have seized. From the big things, like travelling and love…” They looked over at him with a softness in their eyes that made him wish he could just kiss them there and then. “…To the little things, like watching the stars at night, or giving a gift to a friend.”
Gale looked curiously at the list, trying to make out more of the words. Falling in… “You’ve done none of these things before?”
Tav shook their head. “Time just seems to escape me. We have so few stars in the city and if I’m honest, I’ve never had many friends.”
“Hm, that I can unfortunately relate to. Might I offer a suggestion, though?” He moved closer to them, his heart thumping, his mind rushing through various scenarios over various outcomes. Kiss them. It’s too soon. Wind your fingers in between theirs. Hold them and never let go. Love them. Falling in love…
“And what might that be? Compare notes? I can assure you; my list will be longer and more pathetic.”
He placed his hand over theirs, trying to act casual and not bring attention to the vulnerable state he was putting his body in at this moment; the orb screaming into his system at the proximity of another person after so long. “No, my dear, let me have the list. Think of it as a gift, a puzzle that I can work on during the long nights. And from there, maybe I can assist you with the rest of your wishes.”
Tav smiled, scratching off a line from the paper. “I guess that makes it one wish fulfilled, then.”
Gazing at each other, they both seemed to become lost in one another’s eyes, an unknown energy pulling them together that neither wanted to fight against. Tav brought their hand to Gale’s face, both coming together wishing to make the previously imagined kiss a reality. He could feel the heat of Tav’s breath upon his lips, smell the earth and pine from their clothes, and in that moment, he wanted them. He wanted nothing more than to feel those lips upon his and lose himself in them.
It started with a pinching in his hand but slowly grew; the orb letting both be aware of its presence and Gale was forced to pull himself back, attempting to make his body relax from the tension. He looked at Tav, his deep brown eyes apologetic, a feeling as if he had been misleading them. I’m sorry for what I am.
Tav brought their hand away as Gale had flinched backwards in clear pain. “Are you okay?”
“Do not concern yourself with me. It’s just with my condition…” He sighed deeply, wishing it didn’t have to be this way.
“I understand.”
Tav pulled themselves close to him, so they were sitting shoulder to shoulder, still touching, but no longer as intimately. He gazed at them as they looked up towards the sky, and he traced the line of their neck up to their jaw, imagining gentle kisses being placed and their hair draped over his face as he nuzzled into them.
“I suppose this is another I can cross off already.”
Gale drew his attention from his friend, instead following their line-of-sight upwards. The sky was clear of clouds, allowing the stars to shine down on them brightly and they sat for some time in silence, enjoying the quiet moment together.
Eventually, sleep beckoned and Tav retired to their tent, leaving Gale alone under the night sky with his thoughts. I could create stars like this for you… I would become a star for you.
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shaunamilfman · 8 months
Dating Shauna Shipman (Part 3)
pre-crash headcanons
she would not like cutesy couple names. Shauna would straight up pretend not to hear you “what? did you say something? I didn't hear my name??”. she would accept a nickname based on her name, but that’s as far as she’s willing to go
she really enjoys parallel play. i think quality time is definitely one of her love languages, and she loves to just be in the same room with you
thinking about laying in Shauna’s arms while she gently caresses my head. she’d hold you so close to her body that you can’t tell whose limb is whose
Shauna warms up canned soup for you when you’re sick. I don't think Shauna’s very nurturing by nature, but she always seems to take care of those she loves. (except for that one time. rip Jackie lmao). thinking about gently falling asleep while she’s reading aloud from her book. 
she would definitely get herself sick though. imagine showing up at school the next day to find out that she’s home sick now instead
Shauna would probably avoid you if she ever got really mad at you. she’s very violent by nature and i think she’d worry a lot about what she would say/do to you if she lost her temper badly enough. she would never physically hurt you, but i think she’s definitely said some really hurtful things she didn’t mean in the heat of the moment. she has such a hot anger that it blinds her sometimes.
i think she would give really well thought out and meaningful apologies if she really did something wrong. she would pull away after doing the hurtful thing and i think she would spend a lot of that time reflecting on why she did it and why it was wrong before coming back to you.
Shauna is such a god awful liar. she tries to lie to you about where she’s going and gives ridiculous excuses. “Oh are you going somewhere, Shauna? Can I come?” Shauna who’s trying to throw you off as she’s going to buy your birthday present just panicking and telling you she’s going to visit her grandma. You’re sitting there like “Isn’t she dead?” 
Shauna strikes me as the type to listen to indie music and be super fucking pretentious about it. Shauna “oh you’ve probably never heard of them, they’re super underground” Shipman. get ready for line-by-line lyric breakdowns. isn’t she dreamy?
sleeping over at Shauna's and getting accused of reading Shauna's journal after she knocked it off the nightstand in her sleep. 
"Did I read your journal??? I don't know how anyone could read your journal. Your handwritings fucking atrocious."
Shauna gets drunk at a party and gets upset at you for knowing other girls. She's so embarrassed about it she won't look you in the eyes for days after. She mentions hanging out with Jackie and you’re like “Oh? You know other women?” She just blushes and walks away as you’re laughing. 
She’d pretend to be mad because she likes when you fake grovel. Dramatically falling back on your bed like “If there’s any goodness left in the world please let Shauna forgive me!”. Peeking an eye open to see if she’s still watching and she’s pretending to frown but her lips are twitching up.
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fakesimp · 1 year
Hello hello chia (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ
Here's some of my brainrot for our lovely sorcerer. Imagine shu getting confessed by his long time crush, only for him to answer with something like "ok, cool" or something like that and reader thought that they got rejected. Shu messed up so bad he discussed with luxiem in panic ahsuehshwjwkw
This also applies to mysta too, but lil fox would be more chaotic
"I, messed up-" , With Shu Yamino
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Warning !
Fluff ; Crack ; Highschool Au ! ; Mentions of Other members in Luxiem ; Mentions of confession ; Friends to Lovers
A/n !
This is cute, i also see your other brainrot 🍰 anon, about the aphrodisiac fic i did, might write something about it, or just gonna drop a small drabble on that maybe? (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)′`: ???
I am not sure, but we'll see ! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)✨
. . .
"I like you"
He stood there in front of you, eyes slightly widen, but you didn't miss the slight sparkle in his eyes along with that slightly pink shade on his cheeks.
"Oh, okay.. cool"
. . .
Shu's pov !
"I messed up." I said as I bury my face in my palms, and slightly groaned. "Bro, what did you even think of when they confessed?!" Mysta commented after laughing for quite sometime, "I, was, in shock like, aghhh- I messed up-" I laid on the table sighing in frustration, "What do I do now" I asked and looked up at the others, Ike smiling sympathetically at me, "Well, you can try talk to them again??" He suggested. Luca and Mysta, both of them are snickering at the back, and then Vox letting out a small chuckle before patting my head. "My boy, I agree with Ike, you can try to talk to them again, and clarify what you're originally trying to say." Vox said as he pull his hand away and crossed his arms,
"I believe they'll understand, give it a shot my boy."
. . .
Your pov !
Your friends comforted you after hearing your story, "Maybe he's in shock that he couldn't reply properly!" One of your friend said, "Yeah-! Give him some time, maybe he'll come back to you and, maybe, clarify things."
You smiled at your friends when they tried to comfort you after what happened, "Thanks guys.." you thanked them and one of them pat your back.
. . .
After school, nothing happened, Shu didn't come to your class, like your friends expected. You walked to your shoe locker, and saw a letter.
You grabbed the letter opening it to see a pretty, neat, handwriting. You were asked to meet with.. Shu?! You blinked and stared at the sender's name for a good minute, you read again the meet up location, and it's In the Library. You closed your shoe locker and immediately went to the Library.
And when you arrive, it's so quiet. There's barely anyone in it anymore since it's already time for students to go home, but here you are coming to the library because of a certain someone that asked you to see him. You walked down the isle, from one to another to see the familiar raven head sitting on a chair, back facing you.
Your heart quickens as you step closer to him, but before you could tap his shoulder, he turned and saw you. "Oh-! Hey! Uh, sorry to ask you meet up with me at such hour." He apologized and smiled sheepishly, "It's-, it's okay!" You stuttered and smiled back at him.
"I, want to uhm, clear out some, things.." he hesitantly said, he averted his eyes for a moment before looking back up to you. Who was staring at him, "I, Like.. you too. I'm sorry about my previous reply, it's," he trailed off, "Not supposed to be like that.." he nervously scratched the back of his neck.
You didn't realize that you were holding your breath this whole time, you stared at him, mouth slightly agape. "So, are.. we..?" He asked as he glances at your way sheepishly, you, slowly nod your head. And without hesitation you jumped into his arms and hugged him tight, earning a surprised noise then followed with a small laughter after.
"You, don't know how devastated I am when I heard your first reply.."
"I blanked out okay- I didn't expect my crush to confess to me-"
"I'm your crush????"
" ..??? ...yeah?? Is it really that surprising-"
©fakesimp . 2023
Bonus !
Little did you know, you're both actually not alone. His friends are there too, hidden behind the bookshelves, cheering him on in a very small whisper,
"That's my boy"
"Let's go shuuu-!"
"Shu Poggin-!"
"That's my brother!"
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A/n !
This was supposed to be short, but it ends up a bit longer. Oop. That wasn't the intention, ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌
But hope you like this 🍰 anon ! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
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graywrites5567 · 2 years
Mikey x gn!Reader (fluff headcanons)
Okay switch of fandoms cause school and my brain aren’t letting me write again for part 2 ITS ALMOST FINISHED I SWEAR NEXT WEEKEND MAYBE IT OUT. But here’s some general headcanons I have for dating Manjiro Sano.
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• Okay maybe dating a feared gang leader wasn’t the first thing that came to anyone’s mind when they met you but here you were.
• Mikey absolutely adores your handwriting. You pack him little lunches (cause man loves to eat) with sticky notes telling him not to be to much trouble. He keeps all the notes on his bedroom door.
• On the topic of lunches Mikey can’t cook, he’s tried and failed miserably, he even burns water. Keep this menace 20ft from a stove or anything the heats up.
• Bike rides are a MUST he loves the feeling of you holding onto him like your life depended on it. He actually purposely speeds up on curbs to feel you hold on tighter. Don’t mind if he laughs in your face afterwards, he isn’t trying to be mean but he will be.
• He will brag all the TIME if someone even mentions your name or existence Mikey is immediately on a rant about how you treat him so well and how he doesn’t deserve you with his tantrums sometimes.
• Speaking of breakdowns Mikey is known for his heartless acts and very bad mental health so not on purpose he accidentally raises his voice or lashes out. But he apologizes, brings you snacks he knows you like, and even cuddles you with this sadden look. If it was a bad day he lashes out on he might even cry to you while apologizing. You mean so much to him so he doesn’t mean to hurt you.
• You will always need your ringer on, Mikey calls randomly and expects you to pick up. He’s possessive and is in need of constant reassurance so please answer his messages and calls.
•Mikey also loves when you get along with his friends/siblings. He will constantly tell you how much Shinichiro would have loved you and how you fit right in with his friends. He will ask you for an opinion on his closet friends (exp. Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, and ofc Emma).
•You could rant for hours of your favorite things and Mikey would listen to every small detail cause he obsessed with everything you are. You love monster high so does he, his favorite is Clawdeen.
• Now just cause he loves listening to you doesn’t mean he doesn’t love quiet candle lit cuddles on the couch with hot coca and rain outside. He is in love with you so holding you close with a blankets on the couch listening to rain is like heaven.
•He tends to pay for everything. Key word Tends bc sometimes he fakes innocent and “forgets” his wallet. It not that he doesn’t have the money and he definitely will pay you back. He just likes knowing you aren’t constantly there with him for getting you expensive things or for money in general.
•Reassurance is one of Mikey's biggest things, he constantly gets overwhelmed with thoughts of you leaving him or breaking his heart. So please tell this boy you love him and you think he’s amazing.
• If you ever wear his clothes he will go berserkers you will be dragged to the nearest flat surface preferably the bed and be cuddled and kissed til he is satisfied.
•If you love reading. Mikey will ask you to read out loud to him just to fall asleep on your lap. You think it’s quite cute and weird but he does it to listen to your calm smooth voice.
• Mikey will also be scared of your safety with him. He is a noticeable gang leader so having a partner who’s safety he now has to worry about is scary. So don’t be to upset when he text you every 30 minutes to see where you are and who your with.
• He will also love to meet your friends and see who you love being around because he wants to be involved in everything you love just to be closer to you.
• Stuff animals will be traumatized! He personal acts like they offend him. He will beat them up and when you catch him his excuse is, “They looked at me wrong” or “They threaten to take you away from me” you might want to hid them or watch out if he glares at one a certain way.
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cloudwhisper23 · 8 months
So, I created another AU, and I have this scrapped prologue that I'm probably going to replace with a new one. But I figured, "Hey, it's still fnaf content," and so I'm going to post it anyway!
(It's that Evan survives AU from a while ago. The whole prologue is getting scrapped simply because I've had a perspective change on part of it. Well, anyway!)
Mikey was upset. Again. Lizzie did laundry this week, and something had happened to Mikey’s favorite jacket. The one Evan knew specifically not to take to wash. The one Lizzie should’ve known better than to touch.
Evan knew where the jacket was. It was on top of the laundry basket in Evan’s room. She always did something wrong when she did chores. It was why Evan usually tried to do her chores for her. But she’d been too fast this week. She was never this fast, unless she had friends coming over. And Evan hadn’t known she was having friends over today.
Evan was not in his room right now. Lizzie hadn’t just decided to move Mikey’s favorite jacket. No, she’d also moved Fredbear, which meant Evan was out looking for him.
After his initial panicked search, he hovered by the entrance to the living room, where Lizzie had set up with her friends. One of them looked over and spotted him. “Is that your little brother, Liz?”
Lizzie didn’t even bother turning around. “Evan’s older than me.”
“I thought Mike was your older brother.”
“I have two brothers,” Lizzie finally turned around. “What do you want?” Her mouth twitched. “Oh. That’s right.”
“What?” her third friend asked.
“He’s looking for his little friend. Evan carries that stuffed bear everywhere. It must’ve gotten mixed up with Mike’s jacket in the wash.” Elizabeth’s eyes gleamed with mischief as Evan paled significantly.
“Not my problem anymore! Go away, Evan!” She waved him away, a dangerous undertone in her voice.
Evan stumbled around the corner, trembling slightly with the significance of her statement. Either Evan would have to go back to his room and sleep without Fredbear tonight, or he’d have to face Mike when he was incredibly upset. Not to mention that Mike specifically never let anyone wash his jacket, and Fredbear wasn’t supposed to go in the washing machine either. Lizzie didn’t care about that though. She probably just assumed that pitting her brothers against each other would keep them out of her way.
She was nearly right, Evan thought glumly as he picked up the jacket to shake out the wrinkles. I probably ruined everything again. A folded-up piece of paper fell out of one of the interior pockets as Evan shook it. He retrieved it and read it before he considered what a bad idea that would be.
Messy handwriting Evan didn’t recognize spanned the surface of the paper. Hey, man. I know you’re probably still mad about what I said, but I just wanted to apologize again. It sucks that you don’t really get a say in your own life, and I really shouldn’t have tried to make a joke out of it. Please forgive me. – J.
Evan shuddered. He didn’t know who “J” was, but he knew far better than to ask Michael about it. There was also a phone number written under the signature, but again, Evan knew better than to call it. Shoving the note back into the pocket, Evan carefully folded the jacket and ascended the stairs to Michael’s room. He hesitated for a long time before knocking on the door, afraid that Michael would still be furious from his earlier outburst.
Michael didn’t answer the door right away, but he didn’t shout for Evan to go away either. When he opened the door, Evan’s attention quickly went to the fact that his eyes were red and puffy. “What the hell do you want?”
Evan held out the jacket in reply, fixing his gaze on the floor. “Lizzie said your jacket got mixed up with Fredbear in the wash-“
Michael tore the jacket from Evan’s hands, making him flinch. The jacket came unfolded, and Michael dug around in the pockets, pulling out the same piece of paper Evan had read earlier. He had the feeling that it was much more personal than he’d originally thought.
Michael stopped then, seeming to register what Evan had said. “The wash?”
Evan nodded vigorously. “I don’t think Lizzie knew she wasn’t supposed to wash it. Fredbear wasn’t supposed to go through the wash either.”
Michael blinked down at the note again, his hand shaking a little bit. Evan almost said that the note was fine, but he managed to swallow the words. Michael didn’t need to know that he already read the message. The jacket dropped from Michael’s hands as he slowly unfolded the note, letting out a soft sigh of relief as he saw the words written there.
“Lizzie… also said you had Fredbear?” Evan mumbled quietly, uncertain if Michael even remembered that he was there.
Shaking himself out of what seemed to be a different world, Michael nodded. “Yeah, he was buried in the laundry basket. He has a few new tears, but I can stitch those up.”
“You’d do that?” Evan whispered.
Michael ignored him, pushing the door open further. “You can sit on the bed while I work.” He folded the note again and stuck it in his shorts. “Just don’t talk too much.”
Evan nodded, stepping into the room. He hadn’t noticed before, but Michael’s room was decidedly messy. Despite the fact that Lizzie had just done laundry, clothes were strewn about everywhere on the floor. What caught Evan’s attention, however, was the open sketchbook on the bed.
Michael hastily flipped the book shut and tossed it on the floor to join the clothes. He pulled open a drawer, and the frayed threads of Fredbear’s body were next to catch Evan’s attention. Evan let out a faint whimper as he saw the proper damage done to his favorite friend.
Not only were threads loose and fraying, but an entire section of the stuffing from Fredbear’s belly was missing completely. An eye sagged in its socket, and Fredbear’s hat tumbled from between his ears when Michael picked him up.
Evan sat stiffly on the bed, focused on every moment Michael made with the thread, every chance he had to make things worse. There were moments when Michael had hurt Fredbear on purpose, and those were the rare moments when Father would appear to scold his oldest child and scoop up the damaged stuffed bear to repair him. Fredbear never seemed quite right after Father took him away, but at least Evan could be sure Fredbear would come back.
“Good as new,” Michael eventually said.
Evan wanted to question so many things, but when Michael thrust the stuffed bear at him, he instantly kept quiet and hurried out of the room, hearing the door shut behind him.
The yelling was getting too intense. Evan pulled his blanket tighter around his body, crushing Fredbear to his chest as he tried to block out the sound of his brother’s voice. Their mother had come home from her business trip, just in time to catch Michael sneaking back in after curfew.
“You’re fifteen years old! You should be more responsible than this!” He heard his mother shout.
“I am responsible! You can’t expect me to take care of two younger siblings all the time without help and think I don’t need time to myself every now and then!”
The rapid knocking at the door forced Evan out of his tight cocoon of partial quiet. He crawled out of his bed and opened the door, one arm still around Fredbear.
Elizabeth stood in the doorway, looking incredibly small as she twisted a strand of hair around her finger. “Can I stay with you tonight?” she whispered as the yelling continued.
Evan nodded, choosing not to comment on the tension in her shoulders or the shortened nubs of her fingertips. He almost managed to get the door to stay shut behind her, keeping the volume of the voices in the kitchen as quiet as possible.
Elizabeth got all tangled in Evan’s blankets, leaving him shivering on the edge of his own bed. Fredbear tumbled out of his arms as he pulled a pillow over his head in hopes of alleviating the noise, but he found that he had no luck.
The next day, Michael made breakfast in silence. It was Elizabeth’s favorite, and Evan tried not to take it personally. Everything seemed like it was out to get him lately. From the argument last night to Elizabeth basically claiming his entire bed, Evan felt severely neglected.
When their parents came in for breakfast, someone ruffled Evan’s hair, but he didn’t look up to see who. Scones always put his whole family in a good mood for some reason. Maybe that was the real reason Michael made them. He probably just wanted everyone to be in a good mood. Evan just wanted cereal.
School went fine, as far as days went. One of the other kids actually passed him a note checking in on him. It was unsigned, so Evan didn’t actually know who was concerned, but he appreciated that at least someone cared.
Michael offered to bring them both to get ice cream after school, and Evan silently argued in his head. No, he didn’t want ice cream, and no, he didn’t care to be stuck in their little Afton cluster for that much longer.
Evan really wanted space away from Elizabeth, truth be told, so when Michael turned to start walking down the sidewalk, Evan stepped off the path in the direction of home. A boy he didn’t recognize joined him on the sidewalk.
“Where are you headed?” he asked Evan.
“Home,” Evan answered truthfully. “I have to get my homework done for class tomorrow.”
“Any chance I could go with you?” the boy asked hopefully. “I really need to focus on my schoolwork too, but I don’t have anyone to help me hold myself accountable.”
“I can ask my mom when I get there, but I can’t promise anything,” Evan warned, already dreading his decision to say yes.
“Sweet! I’m Fritz by the way. Fritz Simonsen.”
“Nice to met you. I’m Evan Afton.” Evan kept his gaze forward, grateful he’d remembered to keep Fredbear stowed away in his bag.
“Afton? Doesn’t your dad own that diner in town or something?”
“He co-owns it,” Evan replied.
“Same thing. That’s pretty cool.”
“I guess so.” Elizabeth loved bringing her friends there after school because of their family’s discount. Evan didn’t like going when she was there. But at least Fredbear’s performances were fun to watch. Sometimes.
Fritz started babbling on about how neat the different animatronics were, claiming that Foxy was the best in terms of the newer generation. Evan just nodded along, only partially listening. Fritz had too much energy, and Evan was struggling to keep up in the conversation. But he must’ve been doing something right because Fritz was still talking by the time they got to Evan’s house.
He pushed the door open and called out to his mom. “I’m home! I hope it’s okay that I brought a friend with me.”
His mother’s voice came faintly from the kitchen, asking him to come to her. Evan obliged, leading Fritz further into the house as he continued explaining the reasons why pirates were the best.
Evan’s mother glanced over briefly, smiling at both boys. “It’s nice to see that you’ve been making friends, Evan.”
Evan just shrugged, but Fritz’s eyes gleamed. “He’s a really good listener, and he’s super nice Mrs. Afton.”
“That’s wonderful to hear, Mr…?”
“Fritz. Fritz Simonsen,” Fritz stuck out a hand to shake hands with Evan’s mother. Her smile widened as she shook his hand.
“Nice to meet you, Fritz. Now I suppose I don’t have to tell you boys to make sure you get your homework done before you start playing, do I?”
“Of course not, Mom,” Evan replied.
“Of course not,” she repeated fondly. “Now get to it! The sooner you get done, the sooner you can play.”
Evan’s homework took a lot longer than usual, mainly because he had to keep reminding Fritz to work on his instead of distracting Evan. Each time he brought it up, Fritz would smile sheepishly and get to work for maybe ten minutes before he’d start talking again. It wasn’t so bad, but Evan didn’t want to have to do it constantly throughout the night.
When Michael and Elizabeth got home, they were still before their father, and their mother was not happy. She nagged them about focusing on their work, and she said their father would have a talk with them when he got home.
“Is your dad usually home late from work?” Fritz asked. They were sitting in the living room still, but their homework was finished.
“Almost every night. Last night he fell asleep at work and didn’t get home until we were all asleep. Mom keeps leftovers warm for him.”
“Is your family nice?”
“Sometimes,” Evan replied. He reached for his bag and pulled Fredbear out of it. “But I can’t trust them all the time.”
“Huh. I don’t have siblings, so I can’t even imagine what that’s like.”
“Consider yourself lucky,” Elizabeth said, plopping down on the couch next to Evan. “It gets exhausting sometimes. Especially having Michael as a brother.”
Evan didn’t acknowledge the statement, sensing a trap. Instead he just tucked himself further against the couch and let his eyes close. He was so tired.
His eyes opened slowly to a darkened hallway. Evan blinked harder, but he realized he was being carried back to his room. His father gently laid him in the bed, tucking Fredbear in beside him.
“Good night, Evan,” his father said softly, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
Evan’s eyelids were still heavy, and he let them close again, relaxing in the comfort of his room. He was safe.
The end of the year was coming soon. Evan wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about it, truth be told. Mother and Father were arguing more often lately. Lizzie claimed it was because Michael was stressing them both out, but Evan knew better. They were blaming each other for not being around more, and that put more strain on Michael, who’d stopped going out on his own, instead sticking around to make food for Elizabeth and Evan. His friends stopped by sometimes, but Evan knew that Michael needed some way to be happier.
Several times, Evan debated calling Sammy, but he stopped every time. It wasn’t his business. Sammy and his mother moved away several years ago, and Evan didn’t even know if Sammy still remembered them. No, it was probably best to ask Sammy for suggestions on how to make Michael feel better. It was best not to interfere.
A girl from Evan’s class started offering to help him with math, so thankfully Evan didn’t have to worry about asking Michael for help with schoolwork. Fritz was still as energetic and clingy as ever, saying they needed to think about the sports they were going to join in the fall.
Evan thought that was a bit foolish, but he’d considered it for a bit, and before Christmas he’d asked Michael about the different sports he could do. Michael had just said Evan didn’t have enough of a competitive streak for football or wrestling.
Evan ended up looking the sports up on his own and asked one of his teachers about it. She’d suggested cross country since the rules were pretty straightforward. She also mentioned track, but Evan didn’t really care about that. The spring could wait until Evan decided if running suited him in the first place. He’d told Fritz about what he’d learned, and they both planned to ask their parents to register them for the sport in the fall.
Evan didn’t know how to go about it. His mother had left on yet another business trip, which meant he had to ask his father. And he never helped with school-related activities normally.
They hadn’t gone home right after school today. The only way Michael could take time to himself was when they went to Fredbear’s, and that meant Evan and Elizabeth were stuck in the diner as well.
Charlie, seemingly materializing out of thin air, grabbed Elizabeth’s arm, chattering about the shows and what they were going to do. Evan just took off his backpack and sat on the floor beside a table, trying to pretend the floor was less sticky than it felt. He still had homework to do, and he much preferred doing it in his lap than on the tables next to messy younger kids.
“All on your own today, kiddo?” the security guard asked.
Evan just shrugged, continuing on with his homework. “I’m usually on my own.”
“Don’t you want to watch the show?”
“I’ve already seen this one.” Evan didn’t even look up.
“Don’t you want to make new friends?”
“Not particularly. I just want to do my homework while I wait for my brother to finish hanging out with his friends.”
The security guard didn’t know what to say to that, so he finally walked away, giving Evan proper time to focus on his homework. That is, until a boy in a Bonnie mask dropped down beside him.
“Hey kid,” the boy said.
Evan ignored him.
“Hey, I’m talking to you.”
“I can tell,” Evan replied.
“Don’t you want to know what I want?”
“Not really.”
The boy got mad at that reaction. He shoved the textbook out of Evan’s lap and yanked him up by his shirt. “Who do you think you are?”
“Just another kid trying to do his homework,” Evan wheezed, kicking his feet to break free.
“Dude, let him go,” another kid interjected, pulling Evan free from the kid in the Bonnie mask.
“You can’t tell me what to do, Fitzgerald,” the first kid snapped, but he backed down.
Evan collected his textbook, wincing as the pages resisted before pulling away from the tiles of the floor. Fitzgerald simply laughed at what the other kid said. “I’m not telling you what to do. I’m just saying that’s a bad idea. Don’t you know who his father is?”
“No,” the kid in the Bonnie mask said resentfully.
“William Afton.” Fitzgerald’s smirk widened as the kid with the Bonnie mask paled. “You don’t want to get kicked out, do you?”
“You’re Mike’s brother?” the kid asked.
Evan shoved his textbook back into his bag. “Yeah.” He kept his gaze on the ground. “And you’re Mike’s friend.”
“So maybe the two of you should try to get along, yeah?”
Evan slung his bag over his shoulder as Mike’s friend argued with the other guy. He didn’t need to be caught up in this, and besides-
“Boo!” Mike jumped from around the corner of a table, making Evan recoil and drop to the floor in an effort to shield himself. “You’re such a scaredy-cat, Ev.”
Evan took a steading breath and sat back up. “You came out of nowhere,” he attempted to say with a snarky tone. Instead, his voice came out tiny and feeble.
Mike’s friend laughed, and when Evan looked around, the Fitzgerald kid was nowhere in sight. Maybe he’d lost the verbal debate, or maybe he’d figured his job was done. Either way, Evan truly was on his own in this. Fear twinged in his stomach. Once he’d become the target of Michael’s teasing, it wouldn’t end until long after they got home. And the worst part was that Evan was never prepared when he did it.
Much to Evan’s terrified disappointment, Michael did not stop after that night. He’d found that Evan was an excellent source of extra entertainment, and regardless of whether or not his friends were around, he was suddenly determined to scare him whenever he got the chance. Evan hated it, the anticipation of the fright, and the fact that he still never expected it when it actually happened.
The crying fits that Evan was sure he’d grown out of had started coming back as well, and he was constantly waking from nightmares he couldn’t even remember in the morning. Evan’s guard was up for every minute of every day, and it made him hysterical sometimes. It didn’t help when he’d run away that one time and ended up locked in a storage closet for several hours. The security guard had to be the one to let him out, asking too many questions Evan didn’t have answers for.
He just hoped things would be better on his birthday. At least Michael had an actual obligation to be nice to him then. Besides, Fritz would be there, and Michael never succeeded at scaring him when his friend was around.
He had no idea how wrong he was.
His birthday had come around, the one day of the year Evan felt comfortable carrying his Fredbear plush during. Fritz noticed the plushie immediately, and he proceeded to ask too many questions about him, as per usual. Evan didn’t mind it today though. Fritz could ask as many questions as he’d liked so long as he stayed beside Evan.
Fritz continued blabbing all the way through the happy birthday song and the presents. He’d stop only to take a sip of his drink and then resume talking. Evan wondered how someone could talk so much without getting sick of it. He knew that if he talked that much, he would always have a sore throat.
“I gotta go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back,” Fritz eventually said.
Fritz patted Evan’s shoulder and beelined it for the bathroom before Evan could argue. Charlie took his spot immediately though, tapping Evan’s arm. “Who is he?”
“Fritz. He’s my best friend.” Evan knew it sounded like a betrayal to Fredbear, but honestly, since his experience in that storage closet with the spare heads and unstable shelves, Evan would appreciate a large distance from Fredbear.
“I thought Fredbear was your best friend,” Charlie replied, catching on right away. “Did something happen?”
“I need some space from Fredbear right now. That’s all.”
“I bet if you just explained what he did, he’d apologize! Oh, I’m absolutely sure of it, Evie!”
Evan didn’t have the heart to tell her that Fredbear couldn’t apologize because it wasn’t even his fault Evan didn’t like him as much anymore. With the plans to implement the newer generation, it was probably for the best. They’d probably phase Fredbear and Spring Bonnie out of the center stage position to make more room for Freddy and his friends. Or Mikey and his friends, more like.
They were actually excited about the change. While Charlie chattered on about how kind and considerate Fredbear would be about the whole misunderstanding, Evan was actually wondering where his brother had disappeared to. He could see two of Michael’s friends standing by the stage, but the kid in the Bonnie mask and Michael in his Foxy mask were nowhere to be found.
Eventually, Charlie tapped his arm again. “Are you even listening to me anymore?”
“Of course I was. I just don’t think it’s a problem Fredbear can solve this time, Charlie.”
“But Evan-“
“Go find Lizzie. I’m sure she’s wondering where you went.”
Charlie’s mouth turned down in a frown. “Uncle Will’s letting her calibrate the animatronics for testing today. She doesn’t want me around to mess it up. And Papa needs quiet in order to figure out all his numbers for the other animatronics.”
“What about-“
“I want to spend time with you, Evan!” Charlie’s cheeks seemed to be tinged a bit red as she said it, grabbing his arm. “Don’t push me away, please. Don’t shut me out like Fredbear.”
“What’s wrong with Fredbear?” Michael asked, an arm dropping to pat Charlie’s shoulder.
Evan picked at the plastic of the table cloth as Charlie explained that Evan didn’t want to be around Fredbear today. “But I said he should just talk to him and make up. It must all be some kind of misunderstanding.”
“It probably is,” the boy in the Bonnie mask said, leaning across the table.
Where did they even come from? Evan thought to himself. They hadn’t been anywhere in sight a few moments before. And even now, he could see that Michael’s other friends had spotted them, starting to walk over.
Evan’s heart sank. Clearly, his birthday wasn’t as safe of a day as he’d hoped. The boy in the Bonnie mask continued as Michael’s other friends arrived. “I bet if he just went up and gave Fredbear a kiss, he’d feel a lot better about it. What do you say, Mike?”
Evan saw the way Michael tensed up behind his Foxy mask. It was the way Mike always behaved when he was conflicted in a decision. It was the way he reacted when he wanted to impress someone, but he knew the decision was terrible.
Evan opened his mouth at the same time as Charlie to argue, but Michael nodded slowly. “Yeah. Maybe all he needs is time to talk to Fredbear.”
“No, you’re not understanding me, Mike. He’s gotta give the big guy a kiss.”
“I don’t know, Devan-“
“Here, you just lift him by that arm, and I’ll lift him by this one and then he’ll be tall enough.”
“Ok…” Michael reluctantly agreed.
Evan immediately started kicking out, trying to break their grip on him, but he knew that Michael was relatively strong from carrying his instrument case all the time, and Devan was strong from something. Evan had a better chance of fighting a brick wall than breaking Devan’s grip on his arm. “Mikey, they’re doing calibrations. Please, don’t-“
“Can you just shut up?” one of Michael’s other friends said. “Quit being such a crybaby all the time. The innocent kid routine is getting old.”
Evan flinched, biting his lip to stop himself from crying. He could see Charlie trying to push past Michael’s third friend in the Freddy mask, but he knew there was no hope. Charlie was so small for her age, and the other kid was so much bigger than her.
As they approached the stage, Evan spotted Fritz coming out of the bathroom, and he quickly mouthed instructions at him. Confused, Fritz wrinkled his brow before Evan shaped the words slower. Get my father.
Comprehension finally dawned in Fritz’s eyes, and he saluted before racing off toward the restricted hallway. He never had much regard for rules anyway. With an internal sigh of relief, Evan and the boys carrying him reached the stage.
Fredbear and Spring Bonnie stood on the stage motionless. From what Charlie had said earlier, Evan assumed they would have started the calibration by now, but perhaps this just meant Fritz already made it backstage to stop the progression of the system check before it even begun.
Unfortunately, Evan noticed Spring Bonnie’s ears twitching, the start of the calibrating tests. That meant they only had as much time as it would take for the bunny to finish testing to be safe around Fredbear.
The balance between Michael and Devan was off, so instead of keeping him level in front of Fredbear’s face, Evan’s face crashed between the rounded teeth of Fredbear’s jaw. He could feel scratches scraping the side of his face.
Michael muttered something to Devan that Evan couldn’t catch, and the side of Evan’s body closest to Michael shifted downward. Evan could see the outline of the Foxy mask out of the corner of his right eye in the moment before everything went wrong.
Spring Bonnie wasn’t even halfway through his calibration when Fredbear’s calibration begun with the tightening of the animatronic’s jaw.
With a forceful crack, Evan’s entire head exploded with pain. His arm flailed out, reaching for someone, anyone, who could pull him out before the calibration continued. Devan, being an idiot, kept holding on to Evan, trying to resist the change of direction, even after Michael shouted at him to quit, that he was making it worse. That was the last thing Evan heard before he lost consciousness and his memory vanished.
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warpedlegacywrites · 8 months
happy dadwc duchess! a prompt, perhaps for Cullen/Theresa post-Trespasser: "Who can tell me if we have Heaven? / Who can say the way it should be?"
happy writing :3
Okay no lie, this song literally started playing in my playlist as I was reading your prompt, so I’m taking that as a sign lol. Enjoy some epistolary goodness! Sorry, it ended up not being post-Trespasser, I was just feeling the letters passing back and forth too much and couldn't think of a post-Trespasser reason for it! ^_^
My dearest, 
Looks like you’ve won the bet. The new training dummies didn’t last the week. I suppose that serves me right for underestimating just how much force Cassandra can put into a swing. Lesson learned. I don’t know what’s worse – losing the bet or the knowledge that she’s been holding back in our sparring matches. 
We never did decide on the terms. I’ll let you name them, considering it’s your victory. 
All my love, 
My lion, 
I claim my prize as a round for the whole of the Herald’s Rest upon my return to Skyhold, on you. As for Cassandra, trust me – you don’t want her going all out against you. 
Hope to see you soon, 
Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. I am perfectly capable of socializing on my own without your nudging. Re: Cassandra, that sounds like a story. I insist you tell it when you’re safely back. Over drinks, at the tavern (see?). 
I miss you. 
It’s a date. I miss you too. – Tess. 
My love. I keep trying to read these reports but my eyes keep wandering to the chair you always use when you’re here. It’s currently filled with requisition orders. Do you know, I use your impending returns as motivation to finish them, just so you can have your chair? I’ve never admitted that to anyone. Please don’t tell Leliana. 
And come home soon. 
– Cullen
The repairs on the western tower have finally been completed. Fiona and her lot are already making themselves at home. I’ve never seen so many oddly shaped glass containers. But they insist they’re close to a breakthrough on improving the dispersion of the healing mist grenades, so I suppose they must be serving some function. One of them tried to explain the specifics to me, but I confess most of it went quite over my head. You’d have had no trouble understanding him, I’m sure. 
I hope I’m there to see your face when you look at their progress for the first time. I think you’ll be pleased. 
I hope you’re well. Please write back when you can. 
I apologize for bombarding you yet again. If you’ve sent me a reply, I haven’t received it. Are you well? I overheard an interesting conversation today between two of the men out of Hasmal. I doubt they knew I was within earshot or they wouldn’t have spoken so freely. 
They were debating whether it is truly a heaven to walk at the Maker’s side in death, or if that is the punishment. One believed that to spend eternity bathed in the light of His gaze is the ultimate desire, while the other said that the real desire comes in the seeking. That once you have heaven, there is nothing to desire. The first man told him that’s why he’s still single. 
I agree with the first man. 
– Cullen 
P.S. – I worry I get a little too esoteric in these letters sometimes. Perhaps I should stop writing them so late at night. 
P.P.S. – Still not dawn. I long to watch the sunrise with you my love. 
I pray this letter finds you safe and well. I’ve seen the reports out of the Emprise. Please. Please. Be safe. Write when you can. – Cullen 
I’m alright. Sorry to have worried you. I don’t know why I’m writing this. They’ve told me you’ll be here within days to inspect the progress on the Keep. But I thought at least I should answer some of your letters. 
Please, never apologize for “bombarding” me. Your letters are my small corner of peace in my travels. To see your handwriting after a long day is worth more to me than an eternity in the Maker’s light. 
As for the conversation you eavesdropped on – yes, eavesdropped, my love, don’t think I missed you trying to downplay that – I think both men are right, in a way. Desire does fade once you’ve achieved what you wanted, yes. But what replaces it is even better – peace. 
I relish the anticipation of you as much as the feel of your arms around me. Both are a kind of heaven. 
– Tess. 
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finsterkiibo · 1 month
just letting you know ur saiibo post is cool but i cannot read it due to the way its made as it isn't disability friendly. Would have loved to participate tho, hope it goes well. they're a great pair
ah! i am so so sorry!! i tried making it more legible this year after having issues with my handwriting last year, but I’m not the best with graphic design so that came back to bite me in the ass here augh. here’s the transcript if you still wish to know all that it says!! id love to still have you participate if you truly want to!! i apologize!!
SAIIBO WEEK 2024! JULY 21st-27th !
Like any other ship week, Saiibo Week is a week-long list of prompts used to make fanworks celebrating Shuichi Saihara And Kiibos relationship! Usually in romantic context, but it can be platonic if interpreted as such as well!!
All artists are welcome, from digital, to traditional, to writers, to cosplayers, to sculptors, to 3D models, and even editors of sprites or video edits, (as long as things are properly credited) and beyond! Saiibo Week is for everyone!
Don't feel pressure to participate every day if you want to join along, do as many or as little days as you wish! And, if you can't make it the week of, feel free to post your entries anytime afterwards as well!! There is no deadline or anything, this is all for fun!
The prompts are left more vague for a reason, don't feel pressure to stick to their canon designs or just the ingame or non-despair personalities! You can make every prompt relate to pregame, or postgame, or any AU of your own! If you're a furry artist, or a dragon artist or etc. who cant draw humans or prefers to draw non-humans, go for it!! Zero limitations on that front! As long as it's Kiibo and Shuichi, it's free game!
Please use the tag #saiiboweek2024 AND tag @finsterkiibo in ALL of your entries, so I can see and share them! If I don't reshare it before the end of the day, feel free to send it to me over DM's or through tumblrs ask system, as I may have missed it somehow!
NO EXPLICIT NSFW! Slight suggestive, and gore/blood not surpassing the amount in the source material is OKAY!
DO NOT attempt to represent their relationship in a pedophilic/ incestuous/fetish-y/toxic/bigoted/or otherwise offensive/gross manner. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. This includes "stalker murderer fanon" pregame shuichi. btw.
Headcanons pertaining to their gender, their sexuality, their appearance and etc. are welcome and encouraged!! Hate or harassment towards anyone's headcanons are not tolerated. Again, if any of these headcanons are bigoted or hateful or related to anything in the above rule, you are not welcome here.
and finally, HAVE FUN!!! :D
DAY 7 - FREE DAY !!!
and there you go!! apologies again for the inconvenience, i hope this helps out!!
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its-jamie-ok · 5 months
The Holy Haggis
Study club - 8/1/24 - Tartan
As I began my nice and accurate research into the histories of tartan I stumbled upon a fascinating excerpt from a medieval bestiary that made me question whether a certain angel had been up to good again in the 14th century. What do you think?
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I have transcribed the text below (they really had the most obnoxious handwriting back then didn’t they?)
Legend tells that when Robert the Bruce - King of Scots - took refuge in a cave as the English repeatedly defeated his armies, his spirit was saved by an animal. Some claim his saviour was a spider weaving a web. Others claim it was The Holy Haggis, whispering encouragement.
What the records do tell us is that when he emerged, he immediately decreed a new clan tartan be worn by his army, as a sign that God had favoured his cause.
As clan tartans are derived from the distinctive patterns on the pelt of regional wild haggis, zoologists have theorised the existence of The Holy Haggis, although to this day, despite extensive searches in the hills and forests of Dumfries and Galloway, a living specimen has yet to be found.
I have tried my best to cross reference and fact check, but this particular subspecies of wild haggis is as elusive in records as it is in Dumfriesshire. The only other information I could find was from a classification record dated c.1790, with the title Haggis scotii Sanctus, and a note beside which simply read: (just in case)
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Apologies to everyone from Scotland for rewriting your history to include wild haggis and angels. Further apologies to anyone who hasn’t heard of wild haggis and is about to go down that rabbit hole…
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obsidian-art04 · 2 years
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I totally didn't doodle this at midnight, whatever are you talking about/s
In all honestly tho, I should make more doodle pages <3
- Ray 🍇
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whumpookies · 2 years
My apologies but I have to vent after the day I have had. I hope fellow Tumblrs will understand my view as we are all unique. 
It is a horrid word that will bring fear and conflict into any mind when muttered from anyone's lips. 
I truly hate the word perfect!
What is perfect? I think to myself. I have no idea.  I was born at a time before imperfections were a thing. The word perfect never existed before me. My family is not perfect, and I am happy. 
So why perfect?  
It means something that is not human. it is not real in my eyes.
I know that everyone has flaws we are meant to have. So why use that damnable word: perfect?
It isn't as if people are flawless, but they try their best to make sure that they don't appear flawed doesn't that make them fake-perfect?
For instance, a child who struggles to write is told to "write perfectly within the lines" They are told to make their handwriting perfect or else their parents won't read it. this is all fake perfection no child is the same as the other, they are unique, right? 
But are the words not wrong?! What happened to "I am proud of you for trying your hardest!" 
There is no perfect don't force it on others to be perfect!! why not say "try your hardest to write clearly?"
How can anyone be perfect when they end up in tears of frustration? 
Maybe perfection does exist somewhere out there where someone can achieve the perfection they need.
But how is it possible for someone to be so far from a perfectionist because you can't be perfect?
but there is always a certain point where things go wrong.
when everything seems to go right but then turns out to be not perfect at all, it becomes unachievable in every way yet it makes you smile knowing you tried.
So my advice is this: stop forcing the word perfect, ban it from your vocabulary if you must. 
I speak from experience from my child in my arms, from the tears that fell from her hazel eyes last night because she was told to write:
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moosequito · 2 years
literally my tumblr app would not open fpr over a year but im back now ig not like anyone cares... anyway my therapist had some personal stuff so i haven't seen her in months so guess ill post my life online lol.
since june 2021 i have left my 4year abusive relationship (i was freshly 18 when we met, he was 29). spent a lot of time with some really good friends. had to move back in with my parents (L) four months after my breakup i met someone new who made me feel not so lonely. we met online and happen to be going to the same concert a week later.
on new years day we made our relationship exclusive or whatever even though we both admitted to never being interested in anyone else since we started talking. six months after i told him i love him and he said it back, and he meant it. he shows me every day how much he genuinely cares and appreciates me and i feel so lucky every day to have met him. my partner never does anything to hurt me. when something is wrong he makes me feel safe enough to talk about it, even when its hard for me and i am nonverbal sometimes and it can take a while. he is always understanding, actually listens and shows me with his actions and behavior that he actually listens and cares. i have never felt so lucky.
the day after i told my partner i loved him for the first time i got a letter in the mail. The handwriting looked familiar but there was no return address. it was from my ex. he he apologize for the way he treated me ( didn't mention the physical abuse though) said that he missed me. regretted his choices. He's an artist, he included a drawing.. of himself. I didn't finish reading the letter. it made me feel sick to my stomach. throughout the week I received five more letters in the mail. I tried to open the second one and it made me feel sick and I decided not to open any of the other letters. he stalked me online. I blocked him on every platform. had to have my mother tell him to stop contacting me. My new partner came over a few days later and we burned the letters. it's been a few months since this has happened. I think that it's over, but sometimes I still feel scared that he'll show up at my job or something.
I have never been happier than I am with my current partner. he has done everything to show me he loves and cares for me and i have never felt so accepted and loved for who i really am.
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en-hale-archives · 3 years
Me with You ~~
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pairing ⑅ bestfriend!Jake x fem!reader
genre ⑅ friends to lovers, fluff, slow dancing, suggestive/smut
words/read time ⑅ 3.9k/12-19 mins
warnings ⑅ 18+ content, light cussing
synopsis ⑅ Jake is back in his hometown to spend time with his closest friend. During some fun and frivolous dancing, things start to heat up...
author's note ⑅ I’m really proud of how this story turned out. I'm not a huge fan of second person, so I wrote in first, but if anyone asks, I can copy and post again in second person. It's more fluff than anything, but it does get a bit steamier towards the end, so I’m just going to go ahead and put a warning.
When the back door finally slammed shut and the cacophony of barks faded down the street, I could finally let out my sigh of relief that I had been holding in since this morning. I tapped on my phone. How many days had we been watching Mrs. Chen’s pets? And just how was I able to put up with hours of barking, the smell of fresh turd lying across the lawn, and dog walks till dark? Including their rigorous feeding times and bathroom breaks -- I’m surprised I haven’t exploded yet.
I had so much planned the minute they left my house, but instead, the sudden silence felt all too relaxing and I laid my head against the cold countertop. I could finally stop stressing, stop thinking, and stop worrying about reprimanding for chewing on my shoes or peeing in the house or the continued barking that never ended. I was free. I felt like I could’ve stayed laid on the countertop forever, drowning in the evening sun. Who knew watching five dogs would take such a burden out of a person. Jake and I had taken on the job of dog sitting for Mrs. Chen while she visited some family in Tokyo. We both switched off every other day; some of the dogs at my house and the others at his; until we realized it would be easier if he just spent the few days at my house as we co-doggy sat. He got up bright and early to take them on their walks while I prepared their highly detailed and specific meals. Then from there, we spent the rest of the day making sure they didn’t run off somewhere or cause too much destruction in the house. But alas, Mrs. Chen came back early from her getaway and picked up Toby, Caleb, Khao, Sofia, and Pickle on her way home. Although I was exhausted from watching 3-foot dogs all day, the pay was amazing for me, and it would help tremendously for all the online classes I was going to be taking next semester.
The warmth of the sun cast a comforting trance over my heavy eyelids, and soon enough I was fast asleep, standing in the middle of the kitchen with the soft sound of nothing surrounding me.
By the time I had fluttered my eyes open, I had realized I was now seated in my dining chair and a large black jacket was placed over my shoulders. I sat up and let out a yawn, wincing at the bright light coming from the tv and shaking my now numb arm awake. I must have been sleeping for a while because the evening sun had turned to pitch of black. The moonlight beamed through the window and danced along with the sways of the large oak tree out front. I stood up and walked over to the refrigerator in which I grabbed two water bottles and some leftover pasta.
I was sure that Jake hadn’t eaten since lunch, seeing as he only ate if someone sat food in front of his face. I dragged my feet up the stairs until I heard the slamming of a book and the fast typing of a keyboard come from the living room. I turned and looked behind me. Jake had settled his things on the coffee table and floor, large books, folders, and several amounts of crumpled up pieces of paper found their way around Jake, himself slouched up against the edge of the couch. He had changed clothes since the last time I had seen him, he now wore a plain blue shirt with grey sweats, his eyebrows furrowed as he worked hard on whatever he was getting at.
“Oh yes, I was starving!” Propping himself up on the couch, he took the plate of pasta. I placed the waters on the coffee table and settled comfortably on the couch beside him.
“I can’t say that I’ve ever seen anybody sleep standing up before. Look,” Jake took his phone off the charger. “I got a picture.” He pushed the screen in my face, and of course, there was my unconscious body laying on the counter, mouth open and all. I playfully pushed it back his way as his face lit up with a smile I was all too familiar with.
“What are you doing down here so late, it’s almost 12 in the morning,” I asked. Jake’s smile disappeared when he was reminded of the work he had been doing seconds before.
He let out a large huff of air. “Trying to get some words on paper but instead it turned into a paper massacre,” he jokingly replied, “sorry for the mess.”
“Don’t worry about it,” I replied, taking a swig of water. I was going to ask if he wanted to watch a late-night movie, or pull an all-nighter and talk endlessly until the sun rose, but I could tell by each passing second that Jake was worried about this, and he wanted the time he had now over the summer to work on his music. I wished I was motivated to work on my own music, but unlike Jake, I wasn’t in a globally popular boy band. My complicated best friend for over 10 years had been working his butt off since middle school. It was his annual time to sit back and relax while he had the time to, but instead, he chose to use that time to help watch a bunch of dogs with his hometown bestie. God, I loved him.
Jake pulled himself off the couch and right back onto the floor, leaving the rest of the pasta to me. He picked up his pen again and started scribbling down words as quickly as he could, trying hard not to forget the lyrics that had floated into his head. Until he stopped, closing his eyes for just a split second, and let out a powerful sigh. Crumpling up the sheet, he stacks it on top of the others in frustration and started frantically tapping his pencil against the table.
“Maybe it’s best to just try again in the morning,” I advised, taking a small bite of the pasta that was left by my side.
“How come I’m having such a hard time with this?” He gazed up at me frantically for a clue, as if I had the answer to fix a problem as big and as important as his was. I looked at his doleful eyes and the bags that were starting to grow underneath them. I couldn’t help but think, because I made you sit up and watch a bunch of dogs with me.
“Do you want me to see if I could come up with something?”
“If you want. But, hold on, I think my thoughts are coming back up.” He quickly grabbed another piece of paper, his eyes narrowed in concentration.
I tried my best to keep occupied by watching videos on my phone, but I found myself suddenly bored out of my mind. I laid out on my back and picked up one of Jake’s folders. Briefly looking through it, I couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous at the amount of fan art and letters, praising him and the other members. Followed with that were just more and more engene stuff, full of nothing but kind words and heartfelt messages. Part of me wished that I was able to travel with Jake and see the world like he was. How fun would it be to meet people that praised you? And how cool would it be to see that you had fans? I couldn’t help but plaster on a huge smile as I skimmed through some of the notes until I finally came to one with familiar handwriting.
Remember Me were the words written on the top of the paper in bold and bright colors. But the message written underneath is what caught my attention:
To the person that makes me the luckiest guy in the world, this song is for you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same, but please just remember me -- it was Jake’s handwriting.
I didn’t feel like I was breaking any crime reading his stuff until this moment, but curiosity killed the cat, and right now I didn’t mind being a feline. I checked to make sure Jake was still busy, and he was, almost like he had teleported into his own world. I quietly turned back to the sheet and started reading. It was about a girl, presumably his crush I’m sure. She was someone important to him, someone who made him love so much that it hurt. But this was far from a happy song, in fact, it was terribly heartbreaking. She didn’t understand his love, she wasn’t able to interpret it like he wanted her to. But he confesses that he was scared of what telling her would do, worried that she wouldn’t feel the same. So instead, it was like he was apologizing, and asking that she forgive him for not being brave enough to tell her, and if he did ever get the courage to, for her to remember him even if she wasn’t able to love him like he wanted her to.
The song ends like how the title began, and I find myself flabbergasted at the beautiful mixes of rhymes and metaphors that read like a poem. This was the first of Jake’s songs that made me feel this way, like I had just finished watching a tragedy movie with Ryan Renolds starring. I blink back the tears that I didn’t realize were forming. How come he never told me this? We never kept secrets from each other, like ever. It never mattered the subject or the severity, we had always promised that we would be open and honest with each other. I wish I would’ve known this sooner, maybe I could’ve saved him from feeling this way. And what girl could it possibly be? I knew for sure I was the only girl he was presumably close to; but was there someone else?
I glanced down at Jake, who was still in a focused state of mind with the pencil in his mouth and mumbling lyrics softly under his breath. I tried picturing my bubbly Jake writing these agonizing words and miserably failed.
Jake looked up at me as if he could feel my gaze on the back of his head. “I think I’ve found the chorus, but it’s the rest of the song I’m not able to get, and how come it’s so hard to find another word that rhymes with severe? Beer? Sphere? Revere? Appear? Gosh, rhyming sucks some serious ass!”
“This song is beautiful.”
Jake furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Huh?”
“This song I found in your folder.” I glanced back at it in my hand. “Remember Me.”
Jake’s gaze leaped from my eyes to the sheet, and I felt his body tense. “Where’d you get that from?”
“I was just going through one of your folders. Did you accidentally get it mixed up in your fan folder? Cause this is -”
“Did you read it?” He interrupted.
“Yeah, and it’s perfect.”
Jake glanced at me for a split second before turning back around, obviously uncomfortable. “I was watching one of those Kdramas you love so much and it inspired me. Could you help me rhyme with severe now?”
I knew Jake like the back of my hand, so I knew continuing on with this conversation would get him upset if he’s clearly avoiding it. But, I wasn’t going to just let him off that quickly. “Jake, come on, you can tell me anything. Who is this about?”
Jake looked back at me with a hint of something in his eyes, something I’ve never seen before, and something I wasn't able to decipher. “Nobody, I was just feeling really inspired, that's it.” His tone had switched from calm to agitated.
I give him my I’m-not-stupid look and he comes back with his own you’re-being-delusional stare. “It’s seriously nobody, truthfully and honestly.”
“Okay, okay I’ll back off.” I could tell he was starting to get defensive, and when he got like that, it took him at least a few hours before returning to normal. I watched Jake's Adam's apple move up and down, a way in which I could tell he knew I was not convinced in the slightest. “Well, sometimes we go through things that can remind us of situations like that, but not necessarily in that same exact context, you know? It has to be amplified for that audience appeal.”
“Okay...but have you ever felt this way before? Not exactly like how it’s written, but maybe somewhere along these lines?”
I thought I was going to get another vague answer, or worse, an aggravated one. But instead Jake looked down at his pencil as he tapped it along his wrist. “...maybe, but I think everyone can connect to the words in some way. I mean, everyone feels some kind of heartbreak in their life, right?” Jake's answer was still pretty vague, but at least I was able to get something out of him.
“Okay, but you know you can tell me anything, like, anything ever because you know that you’ll never actually have to feel this way, right?” I said, maybe too much in a hurry.
“Of course I know that.” He replied, giving one of his awkward grins.
“And if anyone has made you feel this way, then you know you can tell me that too cause there a sucker to lose out on a perfect person like you.” I teased in a sing-song way, poking his shoulder hard. Jake chuckled and poked me back.
A weird silence grew in the room, and Jake went back to trying to find rhyming words. I tried getting back on my phone, but I knew I needed to say something to let go of the tenseness in the air.
“Hey, crystal clear rhymes!”
He leaned his head back and looked up at me. “Nevermind, I give up for tonight.”
I could see the stress that played on his face. “Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah, but by the time I do, it’ll be too late.”
“What do you mean?”
Jake pulled his knees up to his chest and spoke. “This was going to go on our album comeback that needs to be finished in the next four months. By the time I think of something, it'll be too late and I’ll have to wait until the next four months. But by then, I'll have forgotten. This always happens and I have no idea how the hell to fix it.” I couldn’t tell if he wanted my help or just a bit of comfort.
“Did you try asking the other guys to see if they had any ideas?”
“Yeah, but they’re working on their own parts, I can’t ask them to do this too.”
“I’m sure they’d be willing to help if you asked,” I assured him.
“I know they would, but I just don’t want to. I always ask them for help, I thought being away from the studio and being back home would help my brainstorming abilities.” He gave a weary chuckle that almost sounded like a groan.
“Well, maybe tomorrow will come with better results.” I did my best to give him some motivation, but I could tell I was failing miserably at that too.
Jake watched as a car zoomed past the window, a low bass sounding off as it zoomed away. “I bet it’s easier to just listen to music than to try and come up with it. I remember when I would just blare NCT all day long and jam out in my room. It seemed so much easier back then to come up with stuff than it does now. I miss it.” He took a slight pause before continuing. “ Did you know that song you read was the easiest thing I have written in my life? I remember writing too. I just had this super weird feeling in my chest one day so I basically locked myself in my room and took maybe two hours and just wrote a bunch of words down and connected them to sound like a song. For once my mind had just gone blank and I couldn’t stop thinking and feeling that song, like I knew what it was supposed to sound like, I knew what the lyrics were supposed to mean. I just knew everything. And I miss that feeling, that feeling of like- '' He broke off his sentence when he looked back up to my eyes. It seemed like he was talking more to himself than to me. He swallowed hard and looked back at the pencil still in hand.
“Well, I'm sorry you don’t feel free anymore. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel like that again-”
“No, please don’t feel like that. It’s just something that had just recently started happening, something I really just can’t fix…” His voice gets softer and softer the more he spoke.
“Have you spoken to your manager about it?” I asked. “He’s super nice from what I understand. And he’ll probably have better answers than your friend who can barely play the piano, let alone produce an entire song.”
Jake laughed before I had the chance to. “ See, now you're underestimating yourself. Remember that song from freshman year? The one about-- what was his name, Josh?” Jake teased. I grabbed a pillow and slammed it into the back of his head. “Oh my gosh, I thought we promised we’d never bring it up again!”
Jake chuckled and laid his arm on the couch completely turning towards me. “How about we sneak out and go get ice cream and try to not wake up your mom in the process?”
I suddenly jumped to my feet when I have the perfect idea on how to cheer up the gloomy Mr. Shim. “Or, we could do something even better!”
“Urgh!” Jake groaned.
I grabbed my phone and hooked it up to the speaker. I was going to turn on his hit song Drunk-Dazed as a joke, but Jake needed this break from his career, so instead, I crunk up Beyonce as loud as it could go without disturbing my mom who slept upstairs. I turn back to Jake and reach out for his hands, already moving my hips to the music.
He shook his head and threw it back onto the couch as if throwing a temper tantrum. “I literally dance for a living.”
“Okay but this will be different, I promise.” I grabbed the piles of papers on the ground and threw them in the trash, I then pushed the coffee table near the wall and piled his folders and books neatly on top.
“Come on, cowboy!” I grabbed his hands and helped him up. He was reluctant to get up, but he threw one last groan before standing on his feet.
“This will get the brain juices flowing again!” I told him. I go back to my phone and switch it to one of my favorite Beyonce songs that she covered, At Last.
I sang dramatically to get Jake to smile, and luckily, it worked. I placed both my hands over his shoulders and swayed us back and forth, still miming the song as overly exaggerated as I could. Jake still couldn’t help but smile, and it didn’t take him long to join me in the rhythm and sway naturally with me. I learned at our middle school dance that Jake had perfect rhythm. He was able to impress the rest of the crowd when he busted out moves from BTS. Everyone was impressed, including me.
Now we were on a steady roll. I accidentally stepped on his feet a few times, but it was fine seeing as I was wearing foam flip-flops and he was barefooted. After a while, the song switched and played another of my favorites that didn’t match our style of dance, but we still moved slowly to the beat. Jake tried twirling me, but since I have two left feet, I almost ended up hitting the wall each time and Jake laughed loud at my clumsiness. The moonlight from the kitchen had now switched to the window in the living room. It gleamed through and glistened on Jake like a spotlight, just like the ones on the stage did for him. In a split second, I was reminded that he wouldn’t be here forever, just like he wasn’t here for the past year. I tried to not let it settle on my face that I was scared to see him go again, so I played up on the fun we were having now. Jake looked like he was at ease; finally, since he’d been here, he looked genuinely happy and I wasn’t going to ruin that.
After another handful of songs full of laughs and giggles, we were soon sweating and taking deeper breaths than normal. Each song was different from the one before, but it didn’t stop us from sticking to our style of dance. Even with the simplicity of the moves and the slowness of the steps, I had to take a minute to relax. I hooked my arms around his neck and rested my entire body on his. I could feel Jake’s own sweat seeping through his shirt, But I didn’t mind the wetness that was now attached to my cheek. I thought he would act awkward and ask for me to pull away, but instead, he gripped tighter on my hips and started slowly moving me side to side. I let out a long overdue sigh, trying my best to match the steady breathing of Jake’s with my own. It was actually therapeutic: hearing his heartbeat in one ear and the softness of the music in the other.
I tried to continue our steady breathing together, but his had picked up a bit, almost out of nowhere. I felt the heat of his breath on the nape of my neck, and it made my entire body tingle in a way it never had before. After this sudden feeling, I realized just how close we really were. His leg hair tickled my legs, I could feel the bone of his foot connecting to mine, I could feel his thin waist against mine as well. I felt like I needed to back up, but instead, I couldn’t and continued to sway softly against him. A few seconds later, Jake’s hands rose a little higher, planting themselves on my waist and tightening their grip as if they were trying to pull me closer than we already were.
The sensation hadn’t stopped though, it clung to my body like my damp shorts did on my thighs. Sooner or later I felt pressure on the lower part of my stomach and thought for sure that Jake was messing around and wasn’t feeling what I was, which indicated that I needed to pull back before this feeling became too much.
This is so embarrassing. I thought. How could I let myself feel like this? How was this in any way okay? I finally pulled back, the sensation becoming too unbearable, and glanced up at his face. His pupils were large in a way I hadn’t seen before. His mouth was slightly open and a drop of sweat slowly traced down his forehead, onto his nose. That pressure I was feeling on my stomach had now doubled in force, and Jake's face had switched from calm and subtle, to alarmed and panicked...
(part 2 possibly...?)
Thank you guys so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Please, leave any constructive criticism you have on helping improve my writing!
None of the images are mine, They all belong to their rightful owners :)
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
instead of you [part sixteen]
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, smut (18+) additional warnings under the cut
word count: 3.1k
series masterlist
smut warnings: female masturbation, porn, mentions of choking
“‘We’? Like, you and me?” you clarified, hoping you had misunderstood.
“Yeah, it’ll only take a second,” Tom assured you.
You looked to Sam for help, but he looked just as lost as you were. “I’ll go try and find a microwave to heat up your leftovers,” he offered and took the container back from you. “I’ll be right back, babe.”
You watched him shrug past both you and Tom and then disappear into the hallway with a sinking feeling in your chest, knowing he trusted you completely. He had no reason not to, and that’s what consumed you. 
“What do you want?” you muttered, reluctantly stepping to the side to let Tom in. 
He didn’t answer right away, giving you a moment to collect yourself. His eyes followed you around the room as you found your pants and tugged them on. He averted his gaze when he realized you were getting dressed mumbling a “sorry” as he trained his eyes on the carpet. 
You sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to explain why he was there. 
“You weren’t there today,” was all he said. 
You blinked. “Yeah?”
“Was it because of me?”
“I wasn’t feeling well.”
Tom’s tongue poked at the inside of his cheek. “Is that all?”
“I had a lot to drink last night,” you reminded him. 
“So you don’t remember anything?”
“I never said that.”
“So it was because of me?”
“I never said that either.” You sighed. “If you’re here to ask me if I told him you kissed me, I didn’t. And you could’ve just texted me to ask.”
“No that’s not why- I don’t have your number anyway.”
“I’m in the trip group chat with your family.”
“Oh, right. I’ll save it to my contacts.”
The tension in the room was palpable. It felt like all of the air had been sucked out and replaced with thick, suffocating silence. Arbitrarily, you wondered who the most famous person in his phone was. He was a Marvel actor, he probably had Simu Liu’s number, right? Who would your contact information be sitting in between? Maybe if you ever forgave him for what he did you could ask him. 
“Is something funny?” The firmness of Tom’s voice cut through your train of thought and brought you back to the present. “Why are you smiling?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said despondently. “Sam’s gonna be back soon. What did you want?”
“I just wanted to check up on you. Sam said you were sick.”
“Oh, so you wanted to see if I was lying?”
“No! God, why is it so hard to believe that I’m genuinely concerned about you?”
“Because last night you only seemed concerned about yourself.”
Tom pursed his lips and shoved his hands in his pockets, expelling a breath harshly. “Okay, I deserved that.”
You hummed in agreement, and let your eyes trail down the veins of his arms to where they disappeared into his pockets. It looked like he was fiddling with a coin or something small, but you couldn’t tell. 
“Are you feeling better?” he said the last part through gritted teeth.
“Yes, thank you. This chat has helped considerably.”
Tom rolled his eyes. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Well, lucky for you I’m not your problem to deal with. I'm Sam’s.”
He flexed his hand in his pocket and sighed. “Okay, well, I also wanted to apologize again for...” the word kiss seemed to die on his lips, poetic irony at its finest. “Being a dick.” Less poetic. 
He finally fished his hand out of his pocket, holding a delicate piece of paper between his pointer and index fingers. He shifted uncomfortably where he was leaning against the dresser. “We went to the Academic Gallery today. I saw this in the gift shop and thought of you.” He presented you with what turned out to be a postcard, creased down the middle unevenly and smudged with pen ink.
You turned it over to look at the front first, admiring the artwork printed on it. It was a picture of Michelangelo’s David drawn in swoopy black lines and filled in with watercolor paint. Instead of a museum, the statue was in the middle of a garden, the centerpiece among dozens upon dozens of flowers. 
 “Sorry it’s folded,” he mumbled. “It wouldn’t fit in my pocket.”
You flipped it over to read the back only to see iou scribbled in his handwriting and nothing else. You turned it over again to see if you had missed something on the front, but there was nothing.
You looked up at him in confusion. “Iou?” 
“Yeah, you know... I feel really bad about last night, and I don’t really know how to make it up to you so I’m letting you decide.”
“That’s not really how it works.”
“I think that this counts as an exception, since we’re kind of in uncharted territory.”
“Maybe for you. My boyfriend’s brothers make out with me all the time.”
“Fuck you, I didn’t make out with you- it was barely a peck.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “It was more than a peck.”
His cheeks were beginning to grow pink with what you couldn’t tell was either embarrassment or frustration. He cleared his throat awkwardly and changed the subject. “Anyway, if you ever need a favor or anything, just let me know. Think of it as me owing you one.”
“And do I have to give back the postcard when I cash in this ‘favor’?” you asked.
“No, you can keep it.”
“Good, because I was going to keep it anyway.”
He chuckled in spite of himself and shook his head. “Knew you’d like it.”
You flattened the card on your lap, smiling as you tried to iron out the little crease with your fingers. 
“It’s pretty, thank you.”
Tom nodded in acknowledgement and straightened his posture. “I should get going. I just wanted to give you that, and see how you were doing since tomorrow’s a travel day and I know you get a little motion sick sometimes. I didn’t want... whatever you’d come down with to make it worse.”
How did he know that? Had Sam told him? You didn’t have time to ask because he was already walking towards the door. He paused when he reached it and turned his head towards you, hand already on the knob. 
“Good night, y/n.”
“Good night, Tom.”
  He opened the door and let himself out into the hallway, catching it suddenly on his foot as he saw Sam coming off the elevator. Tom held the door for Sam, since his hands were full, and then said goodnight to his brother as he finally left.
“Sorry, I couldn’t find the microwave,” he explained. “I had to ask the night manager and they heated it up in the break room for me.”
“Oh, Sam, you didn’t have to do that! I would’ve eaten it cold.”
“I know you would have, and that’s why I’m not letting you.” You gave him a look, which he ignored and handed you the container of food. “It’s carbonara, it’s one of the things Rome is known for. I couldn’t have you eating it lukewarm.” 
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
He ran a hand through his hair and took a seat next to you on the edge of the bed, pulling the ottoman closer to use it as a makeshift table. He watched as you tried the first bite, gauging your reaction. It was something he did whenever he cooked for you, especially if he was trying out a new recipe. He always needed your approval, and valued it above anybody else’s. But he hadn’t even made this, and as his eyes searched your face you found yourself wondering if they were looking for something else. 
“Do you like it?” 
You breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Your paranoia was starting to get the better of you. “It’s delicious,” you assured him. “I’m sad I missed dinner.”
“I’m sad you missed the whole day. Spending time with my family without you was hell.”
“Oh come on, it’s probably good that you got some real family time.”
“It’s real family time when you’re there. It felt like something was missing.” 
You let a small smile slip past your lips despite the guilt that bubbled under the surface. You pushed it down and took another bite of the carbonara. 
“You’re not just saying that to make me feel better, are you? It can’t have all been bad. Tell me about the good stuff. I wanna hear that.”
Sam nodded and pushed his curls back again, grinning like he’d been caught. “Fine, maybe there were some okay moments.”
“And what were they?”
“We went to the Accademia Gallery today. I think you would have really liked it. They had a whole wing of instruments from some of the most famous inventors and musicians from history. They even had pianos from Bartolomeo Cristorfori, the inventor of the piano.”
“Wow,” you said, impressed. “I bet it was beautiful.”
“Of course if it was played, it wouldn’t sound anything like the piano we’re used to hearing today, but I’m sure it would still sound incredible.”
“Even if it hasn’t been tuned in a few hundred years?”
It was his turn to give you a look. “Yes, of course.”
“And they had a Strativerius, I don’t even want to know how valuable that thing is. It must cost millions. I took some pictures for you, but I know they won’t compare to the real thing. The lighting in museums never does the art justice.”
He handed his phone to you to scroll through. You swiped the photos, smiling whenever you came across a selfie he’d taken with a statue or painting. You reached the pictures of David and couldn’t help but zoom in on-
“Hey!” Sam yelped and grabbed his phone back from your hands.
“Michelangelo would be so ashamed of you! I bet he’s rolling in his grave right now.”
“No way! If anyone appreciated good dick, it was Michelangelo.” 
“If you don’t want me to judge these statue’s penises, don’t take pictures of them.”
“I didn’t take pictures of their penises! I took pictures of the whole statue- you’re zooming in on- you know what, nevermind. Arguing with you about this is pointless.”
“Smart boy.”
Sam rolled his eyes at you and put his phone in his back pocket. “Oh yeah, did Tom give you that postcard?”
“He told you about that?” you asked, suddenly panicking. Sam hadn’t said anything about last night so far, but maybe Tom had-
“Yeah, said he wanted to give you an iou for the limoncello last night.”
“He said you paid the tab for it since he left his wallet in the room and that he wanted to pay you back for it.”
“Oh. Right.”
Another lie. You had very much not paid for the drinks last night. Tom had. And you knew he had to make an excuse for why he was buying his brother’s girlfriend something from the gift shop, but to add another lie to the ever-growing list made your throat burn with regret. You wouldn’t be able to keep the secret forever, and it was only a matter of time before everything came crashing down around you. 
In the morning you took the train from Rome to Naples, and then took a taxi to Sorrento to spend the last bit of your week in Italy by the sea. The atmosphere was much more relaxed than it had been in the busy cities of Rome and Florence. Even though there were still hordes of tourists, they were far more dispersed and less overbearing than you expected. The whole town seemed slowed down, like it had escaped the chokehold of time. 
Sam’s parents took everyone out to lunch by the water and went over the schedule for the next day and a half. 
“So, you’re on your own after dinner tonight, and then tomorrow morning we’re going to take the ferry to Capri for the day before our flight that night,” Nikki explained as she read through the spreadsheet on her phone. 
“There’s an Irish pub down the street from our hotel,” Harry said. “Do you guys want to go after we eat tonight?”
“I’m down,” Sam agreed. 
“Sounds good,” Tom chimed in.
The boys all looked at you for your answer, but you hesitated. Thinking about what happened the last time you drank didn’t make you eager to do it again, and you were already exhausted from travelling.
“I’ll pass.”
“What? Why?” Sam asked, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder with a sigh. “I’m tired, and I’d rather go somewhere Italian... since we’re in Italy.”
Harry shrugged. “Your loss.”
“We’ll have a shot in your honor, babe,” Sam said and pressed a kiss to your temple. 
“Please don’t. Something tells me you’ll have plenty to drink without an extra shot for me.”
“You know us so well.”
After dinner, you walked back to the hotel with the Hollands and said good night to Sam’s parents before parting ways to your separate rooms. Sam went with you to change into clothes for going out while you changed into pajamas. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to go?”
You nodded from where you were on the bed and yawned. Sam didn’t push any further, instead resolving to finish getting ready in silence. He paired his black jeans with a pair of converse and a dark green button up over a black t-shirt. 
He turned to you for approval.
“Fake girlfriend approved?”
“Fake girlfriend approved,” you repeated and gave him a thumbs up. 
“Okay, well I’m headed out,” he announced. 
“Have fun! Don’t kiss any cute girls without me!” 
It was something you always said to each other, but it sounded strange since it was supposed to be coming from his girlfriend. Sam just chuckled and blew you a kiss as he let himself out. 
You heard him greet his brothers outside and then listened to their footsteps fade into the distance before pulling up an incognito window on your phone. It had been weeks since you’d been able to get off and it was killing you. The amount of stress this trip had given you only made it worse. You were wound so tight that you were sure you’d snap soon if you didn’t get some relief. 
And you thought that maybe if you rubbed one out it might help you forget about... the confusing feelings you had for your best friend’s brother. 
Seeing as you had the night to yourself, you figured you might as well take advantage of it. You copied a link from your notes app and pasted the url into the address bar. You didn’t feel like digging through your luggage to find your earbuds so you set the volume low enough for only you to hear. 
The video started playing and you let your hand wander from your side up to your neck, brushing your hand lightly across your collarbone. You traced the curve of your breasts with a finger before squeezing one of them gently, feeling your nipple harden under your palm. You only had one hand to use since the other was holding your phone, but you made do. 
The video was one of your favorites, one you found yourself watching at least once a week. It was one of the few videos of hetero couples you had favorited, and it started with the guy going down on the girl before fucking her...
You admired the muscles on the man’s back, watching intently as they flexed whenever he moved his head. The woman moaned, struggling to keep her legs open while he brought her closer and closer to orgasm. 
You let your hand travel down further until it was sitting at the waistband of your pajama shorts. You knew you had a while before Sam would be back, but you were too impatient to wait. You propped your phone up on a pillow next to you to free your other hand as you started to play with your clit. 
You pictured someone’s head in between your thighs, imagining them moaning against your pussy as they tasted you for the first time. 
The man was taking his pants off now and lining himself up with his partner’s pussy. You tried to follow along, putting yourself in the moment with the couple. You gathered your own wetness on two of your fingers to lubricate them and slid them inside yourself, sighing in relief. Your entire body tensed as it accommodated to the stretch and you gave yourself a few beats before moving your fingers. 
When you finally did, you felt yourself relax and sped up your pace so that it matched the actors on screen.
The angle the video was shot at hid the man’s face and you found yourself wondering what he looked like. If you squinted you could almost picture Tom- no. You tried to shake the thought from your mind, but it was already there. 
Closing your eyes didn’t help either. You just imagined Tom’s fingers sliding in and out of you instead of your own, imagined the veins on his arms becoming more pronounced as he tightened his grip on your thigh. 
“Fuck,” you cursed, knowing you should stop. 
You were too close to stop now, and the pleasure was clouding your judgement. Suddenly the man brought his hand up to the girl’s throat and began to choke her, sending her hurtling into her own orgasm. You moaned accidentally, thinking about Tom’s hand around your throat. You curled your fingers up so that you were hitting your g-spot and whimpered pathetically.
This was wrong. This was bad. Not only were you fantasizing about your best friend’s brother, but you were confusing yourself even further. 
You tried to fight it, at least that’s what you told yourself, but all you could hear were Tom’s moans echoing through the speaker. You pictured the way he’d look on top of you. His eyes would be so dark and he’d be smirking like the cocky asshole he was, chain hanging down in your face- just inviting you to take it into your mouth. It didn’t take long before you felt your orgasm begin to build. The video was still playing in the background, the man still chasing his own high and bringing his partner to her second orgasm, but you’d tuned it out by now. You came around your fingers thinking about Tom’s hips snapping into yours. 
You were fucked.
lmk what you think!! i always appreciate feedback
forever tags: @mischiefmanaged49 @bookingbee @cloverrover @captainbuckyy @perhaps-he-schnapped-blog @awkwardfangirl2014 @the-queen-procrastinator @tastingthestarz @sleepybesson @everythingbooknerd @sunshine96love @bitchymathematician @livingincompletesilence @melsbooktrash @swim-deep-or-die @fizzy828 @spider-slutt @theamuz @nedthegay @astroasethic @stuckonspidey @darlingtholland @sgtbookybarnes @tinyplanet-explorers @mildcockandballtorture @uglypastels @gennyld @devin-marie @r-wooooosh @hell-yeah-peter-parker @itssnowingandimstuckinside @relise-thefury @osteporosis @legendsofwholock @peterunderoos @fuckyeahhomerun @nobelwarriorheroes @delicately-important-trash @thwip-it-real-good @claryfray101 @softholand @tomhollandseverything @cool-ultra-nerd @jillanaholland @dinasaur36 @farfromhaz @hanlons-wp @moon-390 @parkerstylesperalta @httpchrisevans @screeching-student-unknown @almondholland @noisyzineeggsbandit @5sos-microwave @quackson-love @smilealways19 @quackeroos @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @wolvesofwinter @mukesnugget @mytonycinematicuniverse @itsjusttor @percysmcu @peterquillzsblog @lovewolfspirit @biebsmylife95 @a-disappointing-teen-author @justanotherusername80 @b-buckys @sunkisseddreamerr @hufflepuffprincess24 @princessxcryxbaby @tinyyoungblood @holyfrickfracks @amii-nyc @clara-licht @veryholland @captainamirica @ultrunning @cocoamoonmalfoy @nellbellzz-blog @bookfrog242 @honeymoonlover @nellabellaa @its-the-solar-system @spiitfiires @tomhollandfangirl1 @parkeromanoff @randomstufflol29 @pogueslandia @hollandswife @bunnyweasley23 @determined-overthinker @madz-holland @hi-yekaterina @rinaaa33 
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luvyanfei · 3 years
with a short & insecure s/o (hcs)
ft. xiao, kaeya, zhongli, & xingqiu requested by anon
this,,, this is me
he’s appalled when he finds out people actually tease you for your height. xiao has always known how terrible humans can be, but to think they would attempt to tear someone down, specifically his lover, just because they’re considered small irate him to no end. you might want to hold on to him tightly before he can storm off and declare war on the bullies who dared to torment you in any way. 
he honestly doesn’t care if you’re short or tall, ugly or pretty - your appearance isn’t what’s important here. he fell in love with you for what’s inside of you, don’t forget that, okay? xiao may not outright say all that because he’s embarrassed of showing his soft side to you, but if your insecurity gets the better of you, he’ll at least lend an ear to you as you rant to him while stargazing together. 
however, what xiao despises more than others treating you poorly is you belittling yourself. he has zero tolerance for that kind of attitude and will react quite aggressively, gripping you by the shoulders and shaking you. he can’t help himself. it hurts him deeply, dare he say more than a stab to his heart, seeing you wallowing in self-hatred. he’s harsh, but he means well. xiao would much rather see a content smile on your face than having you look disconsolate. 
“have you finally stopped your wailing yet?” xiao peers at your face drenched in tears in disinterest, but really, he’s pretty concerned on the inside. your sobs have been reduced to quiet sniffles, but your body won’t stop trembling. he looks away for a minute, sighs heavily, and pulls you into his arms, a blush coating his cheeks. 
he stays silent the whole time, too nervous to do anything really, as your palms press against his chest lightly and will yourself to calm down. xiao clears his throat and brings a finger down to brush away the glistening tears from your eyes. 
“look, just because you’re short, it doesn’t mean i don’t like you any less,” he whispers only for you to hear, and presses his lips to your forehead, letting it linger there for a few seconds. “even if you, or anybody else, don’t think you’re worthy enough, i at lease still care about you, so don’t let others’ opinions get to you.”
not to be blunt or anything, but kaeya being, well kaeya, he’s probably going to relentlessly tease you. he doesn’t do it because he harbors any ill-intent towards you. it’s just, kaeya is very fond of your flustered expression. if you happen to end up crying from his words, he’ll immediately stop and apologize guiltily. the last thing he needs is for you to abandon him too because of a fault on his end. 
kaeya really does love you a lot, despite your flaws and silently admires you for your empathy and altruism. one good thing about being shorter than your boyfriend is that you can wear his clothing on and he’ll be a gushing mess in no time. he’ll purposefully place his jacket somewhere for you to find in hopes you’ll put it on. he may be doing this just for the purpose of having fun, but he likes knowing that it means you're comfortable and accepting in your relationship with him. 
he likes patting you on the head when you pass by each other at random times, his lips curling in a knowing smirk. if you ever need help obtaining items that are out of your reach, kaeya will conveniently be there to lend a hand. it fuels his confidence how you always go to him for help instead of seeking support from someone who might be more reliable. it goes to show that your trust in him is deep. 
“having difficulties, [name]?” kaeya hollers to gain your attention as you look down from the ladder to glance at the knight, your hand outreached to grab at the material you need with failed attempts. “allow me to be of service~” 
he gestures for you to climb down and gets up the ladder himself, easily grasping the object in his fingers. once his feet has touched the ground, he lowers his hand to give it to you, but before your fingertips can make contact with it, he pulls it away from you. "ah ah ah~ shouldn’t i get some kind of a compensation for helping my dearest?” you stare at him in confusion before an idea plants itself in your head. ah. so that’s what he wants. with a roll of your eyes, you stride up the ladder till your eyes meet and kisses him on the lips. 
as you push your body away from him, he gives a closed-eye grin and nods in satisfaction. “that wasn’t too bad, now was it?” kaeya finally hands you the item, but he grips your free hand in his and guides it to press against his warm cheek. “you should realize by now what you’re capable of doing, stealing my heart like this. you’re so cruel [name], but perhaps that’s why i’ve grown to love you.” 
zhongli is an honest and good-natured man. he’ll immediately tell you that he doesn’t think to care about your height, so there’s no reason for you to worry about it either. he’s not an idiot though. he’s aware that your self-deprecating thoughts won’t disappear so easily with his consoling words alone. actions speak louder than words, after all. 
if anyone ends up insulting you for your size, zhongli won’t hesitate to politely stand up for you. although, if they stubbornly persist in demeaning you, it’ll push him to the brink of indignation, but he’ll still attempt to keep up a courteous manner for your sake as he calmly tells them to back off. like kaeya, he loves it when you wear his clothing! he’s lived for a long time to see many things, but witnessing you cuddling him while his jacket is draped snugly over your body has got to be the cutest thing he’s seen yet. 
ever the supportive individual, zhongli will help you come out of your shell and build up on your self-esteem. he’s there with you every step of the day, so if you ever slip and feel like you’re about to fall into an abyss of despair, he’ll take your out-stretched hands in his and guide you back into the light. 
“[name], is something the matter? you look as if you’re bothered by something.” zhongli questions innocently, studying your face carefully. your eyes droop slightly, but you reassure him that you were pondering how it would feel like if you were as tall as him. he nods in understanding and brings a hand up to his chin in thought. 
before you know it, he’s turned his back towards you and kneeled down. perplexed, you stare at him, unsure of what he’s doing. “you said you desired to know what it’s like to be around my height, so this is the only thing i can think of.” hesitantly, you place your hands on his shoulder blades to balance yourself and he makes sure to hold onto you tightly as he stands up slowly. you smile in appreciation at zhongli’s consideration over your feelings and presses your body closer to his. 
he beams back at you, sealing a kiss to your lips. “if you ever feel down, remember that there’s at least one person in the world that loves you - one of them being me, of course.” 
he also reacts similar to kaeya, although his teasing is slightly toned down and less vocal. like, if you wanted to give him a kiss on the cheek, he might lean away from you and probably use a stool to make himself taller, but he’ll stop after a bit of fun and laughter. it’s not funny unless both of you are smiling, right?
he finds your short stature to be one of your charm points and will compliment you for that, calling you adorable and such. it’s kind of perfect for him because he likes being the big spoon, embracing you from behind and nuzzling his face against the back of your neck. if you’re around the same age as him, it’s alright! there’s still time for you to grow. he’s sure the both of you will be tall soon. there’s no judgement when you’re with him, so don’t be afraid of being yourself around xingqiu, alright? 
if he finds out your confidence is still lacking, he’ll scribble down a list of all the things he loves about you for you to read to lift your spirits up! although, that might prove to be a challenge considering his handwriting is infamously known for being illegible. 
“hmm... isn’t that the picture we took at liyue harbor together?” xingqiu observes the photo in your hand, reminiscing the fond memories. his honey irises flicker to you. “hey, what’s with the frown?” 
you shake your head and tries to change the subject, but he presses on to persuade you into explaining. when you finally do, he bursts into a fit of laughter, wiping away the tears pricking the edge of his eyes. “i apologize for my behavior, but [name], you shouldn’t have to concern yourself with such a trivial matter.” he tucks away a stray strand of your hair behind your ear, his index finger ghosting over your lips. 
“have i ever told you that you’re cute?” xingqiu murmurs, a sense of genuine compassion laced in his tone. “don’t stare at me like that, please. i’m quite serious, so there’s no need to compare yourself with me. no matter the height difference, i’ll always love you - if you’ll allow me too. 
tagging. @liliisacutieowo, @scarymoosh
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enduracarrotchips · 3 years
YouTuber AU
Hello welcome to Dating Scandal but with Twitter Involved (nightmare)
A little exposition here: 
Link, Zelda, Sidon, Revali, and Riju are the most popular group of youtubers on the internet and have a huge fanbase that likes to theorize, draw fanart, and write fanfiction about them. Disclaimer, I don’t actually interact with real-person fandoms myself lol there’s just too much potential for drama and misunderstandings & they’re always bound to end in a dumpster fire but that is sort of what this au is about so.
Impa, Mipha, Daruk, and Urbosa are family friends that appear in a lot of their videos/streams. 
(This is an art blog I swear)
enter vidcon 20XX
blows stuff up/sets stuff on fire with a side of cooking vids and gaming
most are filmed outside, he does those challenges where you try to cook stuff with limited ingredients/materials
has the largest fanbase of all of them, but not the most…intimidating.
does a lot of collab videos, mostly with Impa, Daruk, and Riju because they have similar interests/channels, but Zelda appears in his videos and is seen filming and the stans read too far into it
simps. i’m pointing at you.
Most popular videos are “shield surfing on rock!—how I broke my leg” “can Daruk eat Impa’s motorcycle?” and “how to inhale ranch dressing.”
Twitter handle is @ arsonistslullabye because he’s a hozier fan
45m subs
theories, analyses, conspiracies, and the occasional e x p e r i m e n t
she once got link to eat a frog for 50 bucks.
most people argue that she’s better than more popular YouTubers because she actually has quality content to give to the world and she has a lot of defensive supporters
She used to get a lot of hate before Urbosa spoke up about it and scared the bejeezus out of everyone
has an actual posting schedule
“Happy Sunday everyone, it’s Zelda Hyrule and today we will be talking about cryptozoology and why blupees exist, you cowards.”
Twitter handle is @ zeldaofhyrule and she is pan. just so you know. One of those calm extroverts that mystify me to this day.
18m subs
fashion/life hacks. Like gourmet troom troom but if they were real people.
Has the 2nd largest fanbase
most of them are girls
Sidon has a boyfriend though, which he told everyone at VidCon a few years ago
cue the drama and shipping and the entire fandom trying to figure out who the boyfriend is. A well known reddit thread emerged that presented the common guesses being Link, Sidon, and Zelda.
“But it can’t be Zelda, Sidon’s gay.”
“I’m not in the fandom but I thought Zelda was a boy??”
“Did you just say Sidon? Is that a typo? Are you saying that Sidon’s dating himself?”
Sidon x Sidon became a fandom joke.
Don’t look at me I’m just setting up all the worldbuilding. every fandom has their weird dark sides and Sidon x Sidon is the Linkcest of the Sidon YT fandom.
Mystery BF is actually Bazz, a pretty inconspicuous guy who appeared in a few of his videos. This was confirmed a year ago, but everyone still ships him with other YouTubers because they’re convinced he was lying to throw them off his scent. He really can’t catch a break and this is why you should not ship real people.
Twitter handle is @ officialprincesidon
says “beguiling” a lot
21m subs ᕙ( ͡❛ ▿ ͡❛)ᕗ
Sidon’s sister, hasn’t posted a single video but just has the channel for show because she appears in so many of Sidon’s videos as a model for his makeup tutorials and whatnot
has 328k for that. Everyone loves her, she’s great. @ mimipha
Link’s sworn rival
Link thinks they’re friends
He kept popping up in link’s Twitter threads and making snarky comments until zelda called him out for not even following link (so why was he stalking his acc) which kept the Twitter drama to a minimum
Revali was the catalyst of a few popular memes and that’s where most of his subs come from.
drags link into a few challenges that always get a ton of views because of how competitive they get
“ITS JUST ASININE” is a running joke that everyone tries to get him to say. His @ is itsjustasinine as well
Urbosa is the only person who can win an argument with him
5m subs and growing rapidly. newer to youtube than everyone else.
Doesn’t have a channel she’s just a mutual friend of Mipha, Zelda, and Link
Rides a motorcycle, so she is used in a few of Link’s videos.
@ ihaveamotorcycle because she thinks having a motorcycle is a personality trait. the most unruly on Twitter when it comes to replying to fan’s stuff, leaking upcoming videos and generally causing chaos.
Mipha’s girlfriend. That’s how she met Zelda and Link.
Is actually a model, but she has a ton of YouTuber friends because she’s known Zelda since birth.
when she entered the youtube community she didn’t realize she would be adopting like 15 children
5m subs. her videos are professional & related to her modelling career. @ urbosasfury
I feel like she would do unboxing vids. I’m not sure what she’s unboxing.
Just a friend of Link’s, fun guy. yells a lot. once ate a rock and had no reaction.
people are scared of him for that reason
yoga & gymnastics & “ha look at how flexible I am its eAsY” videos
you know the type
she also does reactions and is sponsored by save the sand seals charities which she is very enthusiastic about. She’s also Urbosa’s niece and the only minor in the gang (15). I like to think that the champions YT community is actually not creepy so everyone respects her a ton
doesn’t post frequently, she mostly appears in Link’s videos to jump out of airplanes or whatever. And sometimes Zelda’s if she’s interested in the topic. 500k subs, but she’s always really popular when she appears in Link’s videos.
In the months leading up to VidCon, some fans on the internet made a few discoveries: first of all, that the inside of Link’s house is painted green. This is a big deal because all of his videos are filmed outside either in his backyard or on trips that he and the brosquad go on to do…whatever bros do. explosions. idk. The point is he had some announcement about VidCon and filmed it inside. Only the wall and a potted plant were shown.
However, the colour was similar to the the shade of Zelda’s living room. Fans dug through years and years of old videos and found a clip of Zelda walking through a hallway, where there was an open door and a glimpse of a houseplant.
There were 2 types of responses to the theory:
“They could just be roommates guys calm down”
“and they were ROOMMATES?”
others pointed out that Link could just not have a house and had to crash in Zelda’s
Some guy on reddit claimed he had a botany degree and declared that the houseplants in the clips were not of the same genus. Normal people pointed out that the plant would have grown 4 years between the clips and would look considerably different.
#Zelink trended on twitter for a while and people posted other old clips from both of their channels and the frog video blew up again
Impa retweeted a post tagged as #zelink with “rofl” and later publicly apologized for causing confusion.
Fans noticed that in the “can a motorcycle drive over my arm” (it was clickbait he’s fine) episode 2 years ago, Link was eating out of a paper lunch bag with his name written on it in handwriting that a few people claimed to look like Zelda’s, leading people to believe that she had packed him a lunch.
However, this theory was shot down with the counterargument that Zelda can’t cook. although. i mean how much skill do you need to make a sandwich.
No one knows what tumblr is doing at this time
Zelda wore a scarf in her “Save the Sand Seals” video that matched identically to the scarf Link wore when he travelled to Hebra to film a shield surfing video, but it’s been debated wether it’s actually the same scarf or not.
Neither Zelda nor Link has spoken up about the theories, and besides Impa’s one slip on twitter, neither has any of their friends. Zelda received a lot of backlash for the assumption that she was dating Link because he has a lot of delusional fans that didn’t want her to “steal their man” or whatever the hell that type of fan would get mad about
Oh yea and bolson & karson run a zelink fanpage on twitter sorry I forgot about that
after that whole mess, everyone was even more anticipant of VidCon in the hopes that some of their questions would be answered.
The whole batch went to VidCon this year: Link, Impa, Daruk, and Riju are a gang while Sidon and Mipha go together and Zelda & Revali each go separately. Urbosa is there for supervision moral support
Zelda has always been much better at dodging questions that she doesn’t want to answer than anyone else, so her Q&A went without a hitch. When asked to confirm the rumours she said “which one?” and then moved on to the next question (without actually confirming any rumours).
Link is generally a more awkward person but eventually said that he had filmed the video in Zelda’s house because it was nicer and didn’t realize it would cause such an uproar. Fans were disappointed, but Bolson claimed he saw Link and Zelda exiting the hotel elevator on the same floor after Link’s Q&A session. No one believed him.
Fans went back to theorizing over who Link, Zelda, and Sidon were all dating, because apparently they can’t just be dating unknown people and have to be with other YouTubers
Sidon and Bazz got engaged about a week after VidCon, making at least 4 preteen girls cry
actually try 4 million
Sidon x Sidon made a brief comeback but Sidon spoke up about his fandom for the first time ever on twitter and told everyone that no, he was not dating himself. eventually, everyone settled down and accepted that none of them were in a relationship save for a few loud fans.
Link and Zelda still got the occasional “when will you tell us who you’re dating?” comment but most of them were joking and the people who still hardcore shipped them were generally frowned upon. Zelda’s popularity went up after VidCon and she regained the 200k subscribers she’d lost after the first theory dropped.
Two months after VidCon, Link posted a video titled “Zelda and I’s House Tour!” and gave around 45 million people a heart attack
as revealed in the video, they had actually been dating since they were 16 and everyone’s just a fool.
the potted plant is named Hestu.
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