#i bet he doesnt know what a shower is..
takashimin · 1 year
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Demon Prodigy: Dazai Osamu
"We have a saying in the port mafia.. the biggest misfortune of Dazai's enemies.. is that they are Dazai's enemies..."
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nadvs · 2 months
What if there is a new guy on Rafes team and he flirts with her on the court because he doesnt know that she is sleeping with Rafe.
omg YESSS rafe being jealous and claiming her even though they’re not even official 🤭
based on this fic! 18+!
when rafe’s coach told the team about the new transfer coming from state, he was impressed.
lucas semme is a pretty well-known player in college ball. rafe figured that he’d be a good addition to the team. he might even increase their chances of winning this year’s championship.
he has no problem with the new guy. until he does.
the first game lucas plays, they’re deep into the second quarter against the hawks when rafe notices it. the opposing team’s coach calls a time-out and rafe looks back at his guys to form a huddle. then he sees lucas looking over at the cheerleaders.
she’s laughing at something one of her friends just said and rafe notices lucas smiling as he looks at her. he sees red when lucas steps closer to the edge of the court, sparking a conversation with her.
“let’s go!” rafe shouts loudly. lucas’s eyes widen when he realizes his new captain is yelling directly at him.
the guys form a huddle on their side of the court and rafe immediately lays into the new guy.
“what the hell are you doing?” rafe mutters to lucas. “don’t talk to their cheerleaders.”
“sorry,” lucas says. “i didn’t know the rivalry was that serious.”
“it’s not about that,” one of the other players says in a low tone.
rafe shoots him a hard look and he laughs nervously. rafe talks game for the next minute, pointing out the opponents’ weaknesses, before the game resumes.
when they break, rafe overhears lucas get the rundown.
“just don’t talk to that cheerleader if you don’t want cameron to go ballistic,” he says.
rafe is glad they know what’s his. even though his relationship with her is strictly physical, she’s off limits to the guys on his team.
he can mess around with whoever he wants and so can she, but he tries not to think about the latter too much. and he doesn’t want any of his teammates to lay a damn finger on her.
after the game, rafe comes over to her dorm, his hair still wet from his shower.
“that was a good game,” she says when he enters her room. “what do you think of the new guy?”
“nothing special,” rafe mutters.
he’s usually passionate in bed, but it still takes her aback how aggressively and impatiently he starts to strip her clothes off. they’ve barely exchanged two sentences.
“someone’s eager,” she breathes as he tips his head to kiss her neck, her body going hot.
he almost wants to ask if she’s seeing any other guys. but ignorance is bliss in this case.
“put that skirt on,” rafe mutters against her skin, his hands dragging up her back.
“what?” she laughs.
“put it on.”
she lets him tell her what to do, slipping on her cheerleading skirt and wearing nothing else. he lays her down on her bed, hovering over her, his fingers in the fabric of the pleats of her skirt as it rests on her hips.
rafe is sure the new guy isn’t the only one who likes her, who imagines her naked. he bets his whole team would love a shot with her.
but as he pushes into her, both of them gasp in pleasure as soon as they meet, and he’s high on the feeling that only he gets her like this.
moments like these, he wants to tell her that she’s his, but he knows she’s not, so he only thinks it.
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Okay, either the scientist knew she was preggo or they just thought she was going through hormonal changes or whatever, there is NO WAY CROWLEY DOESNT KNOW THE HUMAN IS PREGGO.
Also, how much should I bet that Cater is just going to keep the whole world updated with every single DETAIL.
Oh, Lilia is going to have a FIELD DAY WHEN THE BABY IS BORN, same for Trein, he’s probably going to love it.
Referring to this fic snippet here:
Okay, to be fair, I forgot to mention that the events take place shortly after Yuu's arrival. Probably between chapter 2 and 3 given the timeline we have, which puts it at about...two, three weeks after the prologue and shortly after Riddle and Leona overblot.
As for the scientists/researchers, while logically speaking they would immediately jump at the chance to come to the island to start their studies, they first had to make sure these pictures circulating on Cater’s Magicam posts were legit first. Once it is established through a video or two that was posted, that's when they reach out to Crowley to make the arrangements!
And they actually arrive a week after the pregnancy announcement, so you can bet that they are very eager to get some studying done as quick as possible! 😂
As for the staff not realizing that fem!Yuu is pregnant, they are aware of what a pregnant monster's scent is like for sure. But because there hadn't been a human in centuries, even if Crowley was old enough to have been around humans, it's not like he remembers the scent off the top of his head! The staff would all essentially be like those confused cats and dogs trying to figure out what this strange bump is and why their human smells funny before instinctively feeling protective.
Can you just imagine Crowley building a nest for Yuu without realizing just *why* he was doing it in the first place? Or the blank stare he'd give the moment someone asked him like, "...why am I doing this??" and it only becomes clear shortly after the announcement, in which he tries to pretend he knew all along 😂
I'm also reminded of this one post where OP's cat had had multiple litters in the past and was so excited when OP got pregnant that the kitty kept trying to show her to the nest she made for OP's "kitten", and it was the sweetest thing I'd ever read 🥹
Anyway, you can bet your bottom madol that Cater will absolutely be keeping EVERYONE updated on Magicam throughout the whole process, and he is getting flooded with baby picture requests 🤣 It's also sweet how mothers come across the posts and try to offer advice that they'd learned on raising their kids, which is nice, though not all of the advice would really be practical based on species 😅 But at least they're sweet enough to offer that and words of encouragement! I can even see some inviting Yuu to a mother's support group meeting ;;v;;
You can also bet that Yuu will be receiving a lot of baby shower gifts and such from Cater’s followers. At least they don't have to worry about needing to buy diapers for a while! 🤣
Ooooooh yes, Lilia is going to be ecstatic to be able to hold and care for a baby again! He will offer to help watch over the little one (hadn't decided on a gender or name yet for the new baby) so Yuu can take a break, though don't worry about him trying to feed the baby his cooking. He learned and knows that milk is important for the baby, so he makes sure to have the bottles readily available even at Diasomnia~ (though Silver and the others make sure to keep an eye on him when it comes to feeding time just to be on the safe side)
Trein has already raised two daughters, and while he may not be interested in raising another, that's not to say he won't wind up spoiling the little human baby like any grandparent would! He'll also offer a shoulder for fem!Yuu to lean on and reassure her that she's doing a great job as a mother ;;v;;
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4pfsukuna · 7 months
Hiii❤️can you write some headcanons about sukuna with a asexual reader? It could be modern sukuna or any version. Of course you dont have to if youre not comfortable with it🙏
OMG Can i? This is my first request you can bet Sukunas masochism i can! Originally i had no idea what to write and then i had 17 ideas.
Then i began writing couldn’t save it as a draft it got deleted so now here’s the second idea i had.
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It’s not often someone steals Sukunas attention but you do it with ease.
At first he’s annoyed by the way you stare at him with a deadpan gaze. No thoughts, no emotions just gaze.
He’s used to either fear, adoration or lust but you just give him a blank stare it’s torture…he kind of likes it.
• He likes listening to you read, sing and cook you do those things with such passion it engulfs you to the point of you forgetting he’s there.
That’s when he takes the time to Admire  your hair, dark pink curls that resemble the soft texture of cotton Candy… kinda smells like it to. (It’s vanilla) 
and no matter how many times you swat his hand away he cant help it…its pretty. Like you.
He’s infatuated and how dare you not be equally infatuated with him as he is with you?!
You get lots of…gifts. The head of a goat, skull of…something and the blood of your enemies. You don’t want to question how he got any of these things.
“What? Why do you not look happy?” He questions yet youre speechless unaware of the same dead gaze you’re still giving him. He cant read it but he knows its not joy.
“I shower it with gifts and yet still no emotions, these human things are so confusing”
“I’m not a thing or an it im a human and im not emotionless im asexual” 
Now its his turn for the blank stare except you can read his and hes completely confused.
You laugh at his idiocy, how can you not. Or maybe the irony of someone like Sukuna trying  to get you to show emotions.
He wants to hate you laughing at him but he likes the way your plump lips reveal your sharp teeth and you’re shaking with laughter.
He definitely ask uraume about asexuality. Uraume just stares— the same stare you give and it dawns on him uraume is also asexual. 
Sukuna is very hands on hes just adapted to different ways.
Biting? Yes he will bite you just for his own shits and giggles. Hard enough to leave bite marks but never enough to break skin…ok maybe once but he thinks its okay because your blood didnt make him want to eat you.
hes learned your blank stares at this point and this one means you think he’s an idiot.
He also will just randomly pick you up and sit you on his lap as you rant about the characters in your book. And when you think he isn’t listening…
“Sweetheart if they were real id dismember them and make a necklace of their blood for you to wear” he promises wrapping a curl of yours around his finger ignoring the countless times youve told him to stop touching your hair.
This results in you biting his hand. 
He likes having his hair played in, he won’t say it aloud but the soft groans he lets out that turn into snores is all the confirmation you needed.
Imagine how angry he was waking up to an empty bed, hair not being played with to see you talking to one of the guards in the middle of the night.
“Jealousy doesnt suit you, king Sukuna” and he hates when you call him that as if you were nothing more than just a servant and he meant nothing to you.
He uses all 4 arms to make sure he doesnt wake up in the mornings without you. Sometimes he’ll peak one if his eyes open and it’s never long before you feel his gaze and smile.
“Im still here… Now go to sleep before i poke you in your eye” Did you just threaten him? He smirks turning his head the other way… he wasnt willing to risk that.
You sometimes wondered if being asexual bothered him… it didn’t. He like that someone just wanted to spend time with him no fear, no lust, no requirements to do or be anything.
Especially after a long day of being king he just wants to rant about how annoying everyone is especially you since you weren’t there because you were soooo busy.
You went shopping with uraume, who seemed to like you for Sukuna. Though After spending the day with uraume you understood why they were bestfriends. Uraume was equally as unhinged just quiet.
He hates when you use your pointer fingers to direct his frown literally upside down. And your giggle that you let out… he needs to punch something— or turn away so you cant see him actually smile.
When it comes to dates he takes you to grand places he’s not a date person. He heard you talk about stars once so he takes you to the top of the castle and explains each constellation watching the way you hold onto every word with fascination.
Or he shows you his domain for the first time and tells you about war stories and as you look around at the piles of skeletons you notice this may be where he got the skull he gave you as a piece of him. 
You realize he might have a crush on you.
Or the day he avoids you completely after you yelled at him about plucking a fish from water just because only to wake you up at 2am to show you the koi fish pond he had installed with so many different colored fish.
Hes shocked when your tiny body hugs him, laughing in pure excitement before leaning over the lake admiring each and every fish.
Its when you turn back to him the same adoration on your face this time aimed at him that his brain lags for a second. He finally… FINALLY got what he’s been wanting for so long.
and like the greedy man he is he wants more vowing to say yes to whatever you want.
He doesnt process you running back into his arms with pure excitement until you speak.
“Can we get more? I think a bigger lake. Sukuna could you imagine a wall in our bedroom with these fish? Or a secret mini pond in the throne room that can only be accessed by us” 
And the sounds of we, our bedroom and us along with the way your bright eyes gaze up happily and hopefully at him makes his insides hot. 
You never talked about the status of your relationship but he was yours the moment you gazed at him with that deadpan expression. And the way his name rolled off your lips through your razor sharp teeth infatuated does nothing to explain how he feels about you.
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ghostherlig · 10 months
i am very slow with writing atm with being sick and also my wrists are starting to hurt more now that it's getting colder- but here's some silly goofy random headcanons while im recovering!! (for johnny, kenshi, raiden, and kung lao) under the cut bc this really ran away from me- (collected over the course of this entire day as things popped into my brain, i apologize for the mass of words you're about to read :'))
johnny can play piano!! he has a grand piano that he really loves and he plays anything from classical to ost's to his own little tunes whenever he thinks them up- he has a recorder attached to it so he can remember them or maybe post his own song one day
(based off the previous hc) if/when kenshi is over/moves in he'll play at night and let kenshi listen in- but randomly johnny will transition what he's playing into the jaws or michael meyers theme and that's kenshi's cue to start running- because now the house is in hide and seek mode, and as soon as johnny stops playing, he'll be searching
kenshi used to play the violin growing up, but he dropped it once he was old enough and competent enough to commit himself to the yakuza- he can still remember some of the songs he used to love to play. he hums them from time to time and has been caught doing the motions of playing the violin before
kenshi loves animals but has an extra soft spot for cats and bunnies especially- he's a cat magnet in places where strays are common, they always flock to him (he for sure keeps catnip in his pocket when he can)
johnny loves his action and hero films but kenshi enjoys romcoms and horror- romcoms for the stories and drama, and horror films because the sound design usually slaps- he also can tell you what fruit or vegetable was absolutely destroyed based on the sounds alone
lao and raiden are way too good at Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes- raiden is on the manual while lao is on the bomb and they can crack the normal mode in like 45 minutes (they're a little slower when they swap places but they can still do it impressively fast (fastest speedrun time is sub 30mins)
johnny knows how to play mahjong after taking a role and having to play on-screen for five minutes- he wanted it to look authentic and thought "there's no better way than to actually play"- raiden and lao found out and now they're all trying to teach kenshi with specially made tiles with braille in the corners
kenshi is ridiculously good at poker- he brought a deck of cards with braille stamped on them and him and johnny played strip poker for a night- needless to say kenshi was smirking to himself as he switched his button up for johnny's
johnny can do pitch and diction perfect impressions of people he's heard talk for long periods of time- you can bet that a lot of his free time at wu shi was spent scaring his fellow champions by talking to them in liu kang's voice from behind a wall-
(based off the last hc) johnny only does it around people he knows well or as a party trick with different characters from pop culture- most often his power is used for evil though
raiden isn't a morning person and actually is super groggy in the mornings- the first thing he does on early days is take a cold shower to wake himself up
(based off the last hc) lao is a morning person and is usually the one to wake up raiden by ripping his blankets off of him- he's lucky he has survived this long, but he tells everyone that if looks could kill, raiden would have killed him long before he made it to wu shi
we all know kung lao eats for a family of five, but that man also naps like a divorced dad after an all you can eat buffet- he is OUT after he's done absolutely fucking up like five full plates of food
raiden really likes boba!! kenshi took him to get some after an errand run and he fell in love with the taro flavor- he also really enjoys winter melon and the regular thai tea
johnny always gets his boba with coffee- he doesnt really like tea flavors and no matter how many sips of kenshi's tea he has, he will always prefer his coffee
kenshi bought johnny a really nice espresso machine that he uses every morning- johnny didnt buy himself one before that bc he never thought he would enjoy making coffee at home and it was easier to just stop by the local cafe since they always had his order ready early- but he finds it really calming and really nice to slow his mornings down and make a latte before leaving for work
johnny, to return the gesture, bought kenshi a really nice kitchen knife since he knows the man really likes to cook- it sees a lot of use as it's a santoku that he basically uses like a chef's knife (it's his sharpest and most well treated kitchen tool, right next to his 8 inch cast iron)
kung lao owns maybe three articles of clothing with sleeves- all of them are coats for when it rains- oh and one hoodie that he stole from raiden that somehow survived when he went into his wardrobe and cut and hemmed all of the sleeves
when kenshi visits, johnny makes him coffee in the morning too but since kenshi doesnt always like the bitter coffee flavor he'll add some fun home made syrups- he has plain vanilla, but also has seasonal flavors like pumpkin spice, snickerdoodle, sugar cookie, white mocha, peppermint, etc.
kenshi LOVES mint chocolate flavored things- he especially loves the kitkat flavor and the pocky flavor, as well as ice cream- johnny CANNOT stand it, he's never liked mint outside of gum and even then he prefers cinnamon or clove gum (the first time kenshi kissed him he was confused bc he tasted like spices)
johnny keeps a jar of butterscotch candies on his desk for when he needs to brainstorm ideas- he finds he thinks better when his mouth is occupied (oral fixation haver)
(based off the previous hc) kenshi bought him some violet (the flower) flavored candy after he found out johnny always kept a stash- he also will refill the giant glass jar with butterscotch candies when he knows johnny is busy and will forget
(also based off the candy hc) lao and raiden also buy him hard candies- they get him ginger and lemon ones that johnny falls in love with immediately- he has two jars on his desk now, one for butterscotch and one for ginger
raiden really likes sketching and coloring- lao bought him one of those adult coloring books with mandalas and really intricate shapes and raiden finished all of it in like two weeks- he used to sketch in his free time and has an entire sketchbook dedicated to drawings of lao and his features (a lot of his arms, hands, eyes, and smile) it's hidden under his mattress
kung lao shaves his own undercut when it gets too long- normally cant let it grow out for longer than two or three weeks. sometimes, raiden will offer to do it for him so they can spend a bit of time together and just talk and be close <3
johnny definitely really enjoys washing kenshi's hair- johnny has a bit of a curl to some of his hair but he never uses the products he's supposed to or the methods he's supposed to when it dries- so it's pretty straight, but kenshi's is pin straight and doesnt tangle the way his does sometimes, so he really loves running his hands through it and has even convinced kenshi a few times to sit so johnny could put coconut oil in it for him
johnny loves coconut flavored things and purposefully buys ice cream bars that have coconut cream based ice cream- kenshi was unaware of this and was offered one and said yes thinking that it was vanilla- kenshi does not like coconut, so it was a very sudden and unpleasant surprise
kenshi cuts fruits as his way of showing love very often- he washes and cuts fruits for himself when he's stressed but preps it for others out of love and will often take apple slices, peeled oranges, cut melon (of any kind), or strawberries and grapes up to johnny's in-home office while he's working
johnny buys kenshi small gifts year round and goes crazy for the holidays and his birthday- he asked kenshi how he would feel if johnny bought him (technically them) a house back in japan- kenshi drew his line in the sand and capped johnny's gift prices at $2k per holiday/birthday (which he had broken before)
raiden keeps taxidermy bugs!! he always loved butterflies as a kid and his first framed butterfly was a gift from lao
please excuse any typos, it's later in the day now and my eyes are a little strained- i hope this was comprehensible, lol
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headcanons-n-shit · 1 year
since there was already a prompt abt pining can i ask for hcs on how the ffxiv boys (+leofard?) would go about expressing their interest in a particularly dense wol? 😊
We do love a dense motherfuker
Thancred is fucjing suffering over here. He cannot possibly make his intentions any more obvious. The problem is that hes accidentally played himself-- hes spent so long disguising his feelings as jokes, or as ploys on missions, and now you just assume that his flirting and holding your hand and wanting to be in your space all the time is just what the two of you do. He ends up having to go all rose petals and sappy love confession under the moonlight like some kind of storybook love interest. Its so sappy, embarrassing, but its also so, so sweet.
Urianger is, unfortunately, painfully Sharlyan about the whole thing. He gives you nice paper, expensive ink, masterwork tools, intricate glasswear for your alchemy lab. Practical, highquality armor. A delicately embroidered handkerchief. He thinks hes being overly forward with his affections, you think hes just being a really good friend, yshtola would rather drown herself than watch the rest of this soap opera play out.
Literally what else does G'raha need to do to prove his devotion to you??? The man unwound time and unraveled space just to be by your side. He was practically your sugardaddy your entire time on the First. He almost, almost thought you were flirting back with him when you brought him food from the Last Stand, and then Alphinaud and alisae and krile trotted in behind you and it took every ounce of his Exarch discipline not to retreat with his tail between his legs. Pls this man is suffering.
Estinien literally can not. Look me in the eyes. This stinky dragoon has spent a good half his life behind an armet. He is a horrible mix of country bumpkin, career soldier, aymeric's half-assed attempts to pound courtly decorum into estiniens dumb empty head, and Nidhoggs instincts. He wants to cook you food, drag you into a corner and kiss you silly, send you flowers, and bring you something he killed with his bare hands. He ends up doing all four. Not necessarily in that order.
Aymeric is dying. You are going to be the death of him. He has gone through great pains to discover your favorite flower and have them always displayed in your room. He has written you letters full of poetry. He has showered you with gifts. He has invited you to dine with him. At this point the other nobles are asking whether its going to be a spring or summer wedding, and he doesnt know how to explain how you are still woefully oblivious bc he cant explain it himself.
Haurchefant gave you a LITERAL DOWRY. He handed you the reins to an extremely expensive war-trained black de chocobo in front of everyone whos ever mattered to him and also half of ishgard, and then he had to stand there dying internally while you praised him for being a "good friend". There are bets not on whether hes going to throw you over his shoulder and carry you to his room to. Ahem. Prove his devotions. But rather on how long it will take him to break.
Sidurgu. Barely has memories of the Orl traditions around courtship. His mother had often regaled him with stories of how she had courted his father. Food, presense and friendship, proofs of skill. And yes, it frustrates him that you seem to brush off his attempts, but. Well. It took almost five years for his mother and father to get together, from the way they told it. Hes learned a lot for your sake, and for rielles. He can learn patience too.
Leofard is a pirate. He doesnt dance around the bush, he strikes when the metal is hot and takes what he wants. It works well with garlean airships and the odd unfortunate merchant. Not. So much with you. One, because your consent and emotions are important to him. Two, because you are so. Fucking. Dense. He steals silks and jewels and fancy foods for you, spends time with you, saved your life from diabolos, told you his sad life story. Hes one step from throwing himself at you like some fainting dame, and its embarrassing.
(Hes not gonns stop tho)
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Sneaking back iiiin~☆ After a period of being away o/
D-Lister Otome Powers POG? I think SO! CONSIDER:
Tim, out on patrol, things have been... tense. He's gotten Bruce back from the timeline, but it hasn't FIXED anything. Things were said. He spiraled. Trust was betrayed. He doesn't... he doesn't feel like he HAS a home anymore.
Dick feels betrayed and worried TOO. He needed Tim's support. Instead he broke down, went rouge, and nearly DIED. Didn't explain ANYTHING. Now he's drifting away from the family.
Bruce is barely recovered. His family is in pieces around him and he's pretty sure it's his fault.
So... Patrol is... Professional. Tense. Like it has been for days.
Red Robin is checking out some minor disturbance. Discovers clues that it's some INCREDIBLY naive or foolish out-of-towner who thinks they can "make a name for themselves" in America's crime capital. Idiot is going to get himself killed.
But why target a minor gaming company?
No matter, RR can handle it. He's tired, patrols nearly over. Should be quick.
The days after weeks of hurt and hypertense emotions have left him exhausted. Making mistakes he would normally NEVER make. Like going after an unknown alone. No matter how small they SEEM.
You could always be wrong.
And that KILLS.
Batman trained him better then that. Bruce, catches his plan, too late. Is blocks away. Can hear, through Tim's comms, the most terrifying sort of confidence in that opponents voice. Not fool hardy overconfidence. Not arrogance. But "I have a nasty trick that I KNOW you can't counter". Tim. Tim, get out of there! TIM!
Red Robin does not respond.
And Tim? Wakes up with a splitting headache. Too... honestly? What looks A LOT frilly, hyper feminine version of one of Drake Manor's guest rooms. But with "personal touches" added to make it LOOK like someone supposedly lives here. Too generic though. And too artfully placed. It looks like a movie set.
Where the fuck is h-*DING!*
Then a blue screen like some of the holographic screens he's seen before, pops up. "Welcome to ☆~Knights In Gotham~☆! Complete the game or be trapped forever~♡!" It reads in cutesy font.
Well that ONE way to get him out of bed. But unfortunately, it takes less then 15 minutes to confirm that he is, indeed, not in his native reality. MIGHT be drugged or hypnotized. He'll have to test. But the whole new reproductive set, suggest otherwise.
So he pokes around. Speed runs his emotional "I'm trapped, might never see my family again. No. No! I WILL escape!" Character arc/mental breakdown in the shower. Finds some pants.
Figures out what sort of game this is. It's an Otome game. Dating. Based on? His FAMILY. Fffffuck his life.
Okay, should be TOO bad right? People never get their personalities right in fan stuff. Thanks to the Bats being Cryptids. So Tim can just pretend they're other people, right?
The game world he quickly realizes, is using HIS knowledge to fill in the blanks of the massively unfinished framework. This assholes Meta powers? Can only trap him IN here. He's not in control of it. NO ONE IS. Oh, that's so much worse.
Outside? Bruce has BatDad'd panic beat downed the Otome Meta. Where is his BABY BOY!? He can't answer you unconscious, Bruce. Thankfully, Dick is observant. There us a computer on. With Tim on it. He puts two and two together. They are able to keep the power on and transfer the computer to the cave.
Meanwhile? Tim is staring down a Bruce in FULL Brucie Mask. Debating with himself. Because on ONE hand? Childhood wet dreams: Get? But on the OTHER, baggage for daaaaays. And there us no guarantee this isn't a PG title. So like? Bruce would DEFINITELY be the hardest Route, wouldn't he?
He has no idea what he's doing.
He doesn't PLAY these type of games.
He figures, since demon child DOESNT have a reason to hate him here? Probably the safest bet. Especially since he won't feel as bad manipulating a version of him. It should be fine right?
Wrong. He doesn't play these sort of games. Is unaware of how they work and what's at stake. He bungles it. Doesn't play to the troupes, gets his first Bad End. He knew just a touch TOO much, too soon, too openly. Damian's character became convinced he was either a Rouge or an Assassin. But! He got all those "heart event" thingies! Tim mentally protests!
Which is why it doesn't just cut to black, a sudden attack from behind, "Game Over".
No, Tim wakes up behind bars. In a bunker. Nicer then a prison cell, but only just. Because Damian LOVES him. But can not allow him to continue his criminal ways. So he's going to rehabilitate him. By force if necessary. And he knows, because he is not a fool, that Tim does not truely love him. But?
He can fix that too.
They have time.
Outside? Actual Damian is horrified. His feelings towards Drake are... complexe. But this?! Absolutely not! He lunges forward. Dick is trying desperately to hit the Restart. It's not working. Damian hits it HARDER. It works immediately. (They later realize only the "Route" target can restart the game)
Tim wakes up in the starting room.
This time he fuckin LOOKS UP Otome Games on a computer.
Takes a bracing shot of whiskey, because this IS Drake Manor and he knows where his parents hid the good stuff, and tries again. Gets the Neutral End. Fuck! Okay, tries AGAIN. Gets shot, Game Over. Oh god damn it!
He keeps going.
Nothing seems to be WORKING. He's getting stressed. Lonely, desperate, hopelessness trying to set in. He just... just wants to feel WARM you know? Reassured. Held. Knows he's not thinking clearly, but...
So he goes after "Brucie". He KNOWS Bruce. Knows how he picks his one night stands. Knows how to dress up just enough, just OFF enough, to not be suspicious. It's a bad idea. He knows it as he gets dressed. As he arrives. Flirts. Charms and drinks, but not too much. Let's himself be tucked under Bruce's arm. Led away.
Kon always said he was great with his mouth. From the way "Brucie" tenses, like iron under the sild of his suit, holding himself back from grabbing and being rougher then his reputation would allow? He'd say Bruce agrees. Tim certainly puts his all into it. Let's himself lose himself to the rhythm of movement. The scent of Bruce's cologne. The slide over his tounge.
Stolen moments though, aren't enough to get to everything Bruce wants.
The party ends too soon. And Tim leaves with the other guests.
Only to find himself FIRMLY in Bruce's route. The man showing up everywhere. Stealing kisses. Hands disappearing under clothes. Bruce, as he tends too, obsessed. In love. Overwhelming. Tim finally, FINALLY get a Good End.
He also gets fucked, in his bed, within an inch of incoherence, by Batman.
Yet the Game does not release him. Because it did not say "complete A Route" the realse conditions were Complete the GAME. So now Tim has to "win" the others.
All while they watch.
Because THEY are the only ones who can start a new route. Bruce absolutely could have hit that restart once the Good End popped up. Yet... he let the scene play out. Sat, alone, having sent the others to bed... and watched his son get fucked by a version of himself. Watched his son gasp and whimper, cry out and sob, in pleasure.
They each get to watch. As Tim bonds with "them". Spends time with "them".
Eventually, Tim manages the secret Harem Ending. Stumbles free into the waiting arms of his family. They rejoince. But the question remains~! What will they do know? After so long, thinking darkly that they could "do better"? That TIM deserved better then the touch of imposters? That is the question we ask! As I run out of steam and need to sleep! Thoughts?
tim's family watching as he works through all their "routes" 👀👀👀👀
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teabiscs · 6 months
here are some of my KaiMax HC's
How i see them getting together
Kai is oblivious to Max’s affection, he thinks it's just Max being Max when the blonde starts clinging to him and touching him. He does think its weird that Max has all of a sudden started touching him so freely. He brushes it off Max isn't scared of him anymore or intimidated by him
Max grows increasingly frustrated by how dense Kai is. And works to find more obvious ways (without straight out saying it) that he has a crush on Kai. Showering a confused Kai in praise ("Oh Kai, you’re so handsome with huge muscles" because he opened a jar) [insert Rei and Hiromi rolling their eyes] and affection (practically sitting in Kai’s lap while they're all on the couch watching a movie. 
(watching their little game is a serious form of entertainment for everyone else. they make bets on it)
Max confiding in Rei, that Kai is actually kind of dumb and he doesnt understand why Kai cant see Max's crush. (And rei being like 'why dont you just tell him outright?' "BECAUSE THATS EMBARASSING")
and THEN Kai confiding in Rei about Max’s odd behavior and them laughing/giggling at him.
Okay so. Kai finally FINALLY puts two and two together when one night it’s just the two of them, everyone else has disappeared at the dojo. Sitting together. Alone. Max says somethings that go over Kai’s head. And Max has had enough and grabs Kai’s cheeks in his hands. His thumb smudging Kai’s painted cheek.Telling him to push him away if he’s not okay with it. And kissu kissu.
When they get together, Kai has to get used to how touchy Max is. He’s not used to it at all. He’s not used to gentle touches or the way Max will smoosh their cheeks together and affectionately rub them up and down. It makes Kai go red and a little embarrassed to be so loved on so openly in front of the others. (He does get used to it.)
They show affection in different ways. Kai’s is more muted, while Max’s is obnoxious and obvious. In your face affection. PDA expert. The first time Kai initiates them holding hands it shocks Max. 
A moon/sun ship
Grump Edgy/sunshine energetic
The grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one
Max is the possessive one
Kai knows that Max is touchy but Kai is the only one who has his heart. It doesn't bother him (initially it did) when Max clings to Rei and Takao. Doesn’t mind when Max cuddles up with Rei on the couch. (Also because as soon as Kai sits down, Max find his way into Kai’s lap)
Max on the other hand? Is kind of insecure (DONT KNOW WHAT FOR). He hates the way people will look at Kai with hungry eyes. He hates that people don;t take him seriously, and continue to flirt with (an oblivious, uninterested) Kai.
Also the idea of Max’s eye twitching over Kai’s obsession with Takao. Is so… funny.
IMO it stems back to Judy, so now that Max has someone who clearly loves him and gives him his attention, he refuses to let go or let anyone take that from him. 
Kai doesn’t think that Max is possessive/jealous and that its him showing affection. 
Idk it’s funny to me if the ONLY ONE that makes Kai a little nervous (read: jealous) is Rick. Like that’s the only person Kai does not like Max getting cozy with. Something about it makes Kai itch. 
Max is always able to get Kai to do things he would NEVER do otherwise. (I picture them wearing matching animal costumes with fluffy hats with ears. Max getting Kai to eat really cute. 
Max pouting is Kai’s biggest weakness. (He cannot say no to Max, in general, but the pouting? Seals the deal. Kai is so weak to it. Max makes him so soft)
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adorablebabypenguin · 6 months
If i ask nicely can we have something to do with little lando🥺 pretty please😭🙏
Only since you asked nicely <3
"Amor, please thats enough" Carlos says as he stares at lando, who pouts
"But I wan more bubbles!" Lando insists
"Landito, I think we will flood the house if there are more bubbles, I promise you these are enough"
"Ok" Lando agrees as he carefully gets in the bath. Carlos lets out a sigh of relief.
It doesnt take long for Lando to start making up a little story with the bathtoys he has, slightly splashing water around and giggling ligthly as Carlos gathers all the products for his hair and shower. It isnt a difficult routine per say, sure it took a whie for Carlos to memorize it, but now its pretty simple. It helps that Lando doesnt really make a fuzz about it anymore, just lets carlos do his work.
"Ok, nene, I need you to stay still ok?" He says, and lando hums in response. The products texture is familiar on Carlos´ hands, the smell is both of their favorites. Lando closes his eyes before carlos even starts massaging in the product
"Someones relaxed, no?" Carlos says, smilling at the calm expression on Lando´s face, a very big difference from the little he had all day
"yeah, feels goood" His voice is soft, clearly sleepy
"I bet" His hands are thoroughly working in the product into lando´s hair not to rough. They stay like that for a while, Carlos knows Landos slipping further, partly because thats what always happens when they have a bathtime before bed, partly because lando´s stop forming words, let alone sentences, just babbling nonsence.
"You want papas hoddie to sleep? or shirt?" Carlos asked, even though he already knew the answer
"hoodie pwease" lando murmered, yawing midway through the sentence
Carlos smiled, kissing a spot on landos shoulder
Lando let out a little giggle "Tickles papá"
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confessions-sm · 2 months
kevin forgets to tend to his wellbeing. his apartment is very trashy. dirty dishes, dirty clothes, half empty and empty bottles all strewn about. perhaps when he gets a few weeks off work he barely showers. as much as he hates his job with its overstimulating environment and the somewhat frequent assholes that come in, his job is the only thing keeping him stable. hes in bad shape. very bad shape at that.
streber helps him out a lot i bet. cooks him breakfast, lunch, and dinner, reminds kevin to shower, gets kevin into the habit of exercising and taking care of his wellbeing.. he tries his best.
kevin doesnt want to be fully dependent on streber though, so he adapts to it fairly well. its a little hard, but he feels so much better. he feels so much happier. he doesnt know what he'd do without streber <3
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mikasuxxx · 2 years
pink loving super spy reader is kinda starting to grow on me. like imagine her just occasionally walking around base after successfully gaining some intel, in a fur coat, a dress and heels with the fluff on them (yes, they have to have fluff on them) and they click clack with every step she takes (people look but no one really says anything. even if they did she doesnt care cause she embraces herself like a fucking girlboss, as she should tbh) and slams down a small tape recorder on Price's desk, and says in a sing song tone, "Oh, Priceeeee!!! look at all this juicy intel i just got ahold of!!!" and Price is always amused by it every time. And of course, she never fails to deliver. Shes very confident and playful (and flirty maybe?) yet she always gets the job done. probably brings him and the other members of the task force some kind of gift from wherever her mission took place.
one time she bought price a fucking leopard print thong just for funsies
"Agent [Name], what the fuck is this?"
"What??? i saw it in a display and i just knew you'd look darling in that, i dont know if its your size though. Doesnt matter, it will still show off everything for our next "meeting""
He sighs, rubbing his temple "Just get out of my office, ill talk to you later."
She gasps in excitement "So you'll wear it???"
She also is very flirty with the 141 boys. She adores them. She may or may not have slept with all of them. All of them except Ghost. Her ultimate goal was to at least get one night with Ghost. She knows he wont budge but she's still playful with him either way.
Her, Soap and Gaz have made a bet over it. if she's able to make Ghost fold one day, she'll be $60 richer.
She doesnt actively bother him all the time, just on the small occasions. She thinks hes super attractive and would kill to have him raw dog her and all but she also respects his boundaries. He did get used to her and sometimes would play along with her flirts. Small progress.
The gifts she gives the other boys are funny yet bizarre. She gets Soap an actual bar of soap, but its the one where its got pheromones and shit, like the one that makes people horny or something like that. Or, alternatively, she gets him a pink cock ring, cause she loves making him feel good but her hands get tired. (mfs hella girthy and her hands cant even fully wrap around it)
She gets Gaz a pink robe set with fluffy slides. This is in reference to my headcanon of him loving shower sex. She loves it too but she actually cleans herself up after and puts on a pink robe, as expected, and some fluffy slippers. She wants him to match her. He finds it funny, and he actually ends up wearing it after they fuck in the shower. He says is very comfy
As for Ghost, hes very mysterious and doesnt talk about himself, like at all, so it gives her basically nothing to work with. Shes more close to the other men so normally she knows what to get them. She just gets him a regular old cologne, or some basic gifts that you'd get men for christmas. Maybe, just maybe, if shes close enough to him, she'll get him some flavored condoms. He's very...unamused but hes not angry.
"I heard strawberry one tastes good so maybe use that one."
"I dont even know what the fuck to say to this"
"Just say thank you for once at least, jeez!!!"
"Fine, thank you, [Name]"
"There you go!!! you're welcome!!"
idk what this is. I just thought it was funny
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sigma with 👻📓😶 for the ask game!
ahh ty!!
👻: I have a lighter one and more painful one, depending on ur current angst level!
light: i imagine sigma as afraid of the dark! not necessarily the dark, more the illusions and hallucinations that eyes can play when you're not fully rested. he sees smth in the corner of his eye, panics, and sees in the light that it was a plushie or smth. i also hc that he has something called visual snow (which is common in ppl w migraines and/or people with autism iirc), which specifically is a bit blocky and the dots resemble peoples memories to him than actual snow or static.
not so light: honestly? his own sense of identity. this lad has been on autopilot since he gained consciousness three years ago - he gave himself the name of sigma (sum, and in linguistics references the symbols that form an alphabet), but we don't really get too too much of an explanation for it - sigma doesn't even seem to know of it, himself. basically, i think there's an unconscious part of sigma that yearns to keep being in alert/panic mode, bc the thing he desires so desperately is (not only smth he has to make for himself but also) his greatest fear and vulnerability. he wants his existence to be cut and dry, to have purpose - but to be fulfilled, he will have to fully uncover his own sense of identity. basically this bitch traumatized and i think will crumble if left to his own devices in a chill place <3
📓: i like to think that sigma eventually takes up sewing and making their own clothes! with the kind of styles he seems to gravitate towards, along with the assumption that if he joins the ada his salary wont be that high, id like to imagine he starts creating stuff for himself to wear! it may be messy and flashy, but it helps him explore what makes him happy. he values people who have goals and drive, and i think him having a hobby that directly involves creation in some form would be perfect for him.
😶: a few for you
i think sigma doesnt drink, he exclusively goes for mocktails and hot chocolate. something incredibly sweet that makes most people stare at him in confusion at his choices
sigma dreams, but has no recollection of whatever he was dreaming about - just the lingering air of tiredness in his body and longing in his heart
he wears genuinely the most jaw dropping fashion at all times - he is a man that desires a level of attention, as if to say "look at me! i mean something!" even as he gets settled into daily life and becomes more comfortable with routine, i think he would always lean to shiny and flashy
until he was brought back to yokohama (eventuallyyyy i hope), he had the worst shower care stuff. sure, the products at the casino were nice, but i bet before that fyodor gave sigma an 18 in 1 and that was that; this would be rectified the moment sigma somehow tells anyone of his shower routine.
speakign of fyodor! i think sigma was incredibly sheltered by fyodor - on purpose, to treat him less of a full person and more as a tool. sigma has to learn not only basic stuff about daily life, like taxes, but also social situations. dear god, this bitch doesn't know how to PeopleTM
sigma isnt too religious, but ironically i could see him being into some level of spiritualism in a different vein from fyodors Christianity; fyodor believes what he cant control is already working in his favor, and sigma more focuses on what he can control.
i have many many more but! u can always request more :3
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thomase1 · 1 year
Two broken make a whole; chapter 5
Series masterlist Main masterlist
What should I say, it has been a while. An eternity. But I finished this chapter finally. Took me a sec to even remember how all this works-
I would advice to re-visit chapter 4 before reading this one, I had to do as well.
Thanks to everybody sticking around 💜 This one's a bit of a wild and chaotic one. I just hope it doesnt come across as rushed.
This is not proof read so sorry for any errors.
Warnings: talks of abuse and rape, reader struggling with facing her fears, overthinking, anxiety
Wordcount: ~2150
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After a very long shower, watching your comfort show for the millionth time and sleeping in as long as possible, you left the comfort of you own four walls.
Admittedly, you still felt like shit.
Sad, reminded of everything you tried to leave behind, ashamed and just utterly overwhelmed. Not to mention embarrassed. Had it been Nat, Clint, hell even Tony that witnessed it all, it would only be half as bad. But luck, per usual, was not on your side.
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The review of yesterdays mission went differently than you thought. Your emotional outburst wasnt even mentioned, the thing that actually took up most of the meeting was Loki and Thors absence.
"Ok guys. I'm really starting to worry now. What if they ran?", Cap sighs. "It surely wouldnt look good when mentioned to Fury, thats for sure.", Nat says bluntly. Tony leans back in his seat with a cocky but sour expression, "Would it be too soon for an 'I told you so!'?". "Oh come on, do you really have no faith in them? There is no reason why they'd have to run after that mission, THEY," you emphasize, "made no mistakes. I'm sure they will be back soon.", you try to defend them even though you start to worry yourself. "You do know who we are talking about, right?", Clint raises one sceptical eyebrow.
The meeting was thankfully cut short. Without the brothers, you couldn't possibly remember everything that went down, especially since you were zoned out though most of the mission. It made no sense to continue without them.
Just as you threw yourself on the sofa with some pasta, you heard the elevator ding and the booming voice of Thor. "Hello there Y/n. How are you feeling?", Thor greets you with a hug. He smells odd, like an old basement, smoke and dust. Sceptically, you hug him back. "Welcome back. I'm feeling much better thank you. I think you should speak to Cap though. Your solo operation has caused quite the drama.", you grin, patting his shoulder. Thor sighs and turns back around to the elevator, "Norns, they really have no trust in me. I will speak to them, thank you Meddy."
Meanwhile Loki sat down on the sofa eyeing your food. You now eye him eyeing your food. And suddenly your eyes meet as his green ones snap up at yours. You hold his gaze, "If you want you can take some pasta you know. I bet your hungry after being gone that long.". He scoffs, "Correct. A thank you would be in order.".
He must be shitting you, right?!
"Excuse me, what? What am I surpossed to thank you for? Your solo trip? Ive had to listen to the others complain all day because of that!", you agressively fork your pasta. "Yes, precisely, it was to help you! Hel if Shield knew about it I'd rot in a cell for all of eternity!", his voice raises and his arms cross. "Ok, rewind. Lets start over. Where were you and what did you two do?", you stop eating and pause your show. "And why should I tell you?", Loki teases. You scoff, "So I know what I am surpossed to thank you for of course." So he started to explain.
"After Thor and I brought you to the tower, we did not hand that imbecile over to Shield or any other authorities. We took matters into our own hands.", he says with a proud smirk. "What did you- did you kill him?", you ask nervously. "Ultimately yes, but do you remember for how long we were gone?" Oh god. Oh fuck. "Ages, what like 16 hours? The others were getting nervous you somehow escaped Thor or something.", you nervously bounce your leg. "As expected... But no actually, we took our time to extract every bit of information regarding the weapons from him. Lets just say healing is a big asset in torture.", his eyes glimmer bright green as his grin becomes almost devilish. "I dont think I understand...", or more like, dont want to. "We hurt him as badly as we wanted, he couldnt die. I just healed him any time he came close.", he states flatly. "Oh my god-", your breath catches in your throat. "You're welcome. So, dont worry about him anymore and- This stays between us, officially we had to kill him when we first arrived at the warehouse." "Noted."
An awkward silence fell over the room when you sigh heavily, "Look, I am deeply ashamed over my emotional outburst yesterday. Could we maybe just forget about it? Please?". His eyes flutter as he gives you a once over, then the faintest of smiles crosses his lips, "I dont even know what you are talking about, Agent.". Did my nether regions just clench-
Oh lord-
Your cheeks blush as you clear your throat and nod, "Very well, thank you.".
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After that, the problem got solved with Thor telling the team they just followed a lead on a location possibly holding even more weapons. And that wasnt even a lie since they did destroy the remaining weapons they found out about in the torture. So the weeks went on.
Loki became kind of weird. Well, weird for Loki. He started talking to you, randomly and not just in necessary situations. Never anything personal really, but still. But today really topped it all off.
You went to the common room to grab some cold water after your training but insted were greeted with the dark haired god sitting on the sofa, reading an ancient looking book.
"So, Medusa, interesting. I have to admit, I have been thinking what could be linked to such an extraordinary name. There has to be a story behind it.", Loki asks, weirdly curious all of a sudden. You take a few blinks to realize he actually asked you about something personal. "Uh, I cant tell you.", you say a bit too distracted by the tight shirt he is wearing. He tilts his head, raven locks revealing his neck, "Oh do tell darling.". D-darling? You feel heat rising to your cheeks, beeing an assasin you usually dont get nice pet names from others. And coming from Loki? You got butterflies from only that. Oh, youre in trouble...
You shake your head, "No, I mean I really cant tell you, I would if I could.". Now you just fired up his curiousity even more. Damn. That was not your intention but forming words, let alone logical sentences, isnt that easy right now. He sits up, propping his elbows on his thighs, brows tightly knitted trying to figure out what you mean. You planned on going to your room, but you wont walk away from the god of mischief asking you something other than work related. You sit down too, grabbing a pillow from the couch. "Would you please be so kind and elaborate a bit further.", he looks over to you with his brows still furrowed. You sigh, a little louder than you intended, "It is rather complicated I guess. I was captured by Hydra. As you may know, they have inhumane and horrible ways to make people complay. They erased my memorie, wiped us, as my fellow captured and I used to say. I just know that I was 16 when it started, was an assasin pre hydra, my real name is y/n l/n and my cover name Medusa. Those are the informations I have.", you explain as shortly as you can.
His gaze over you shifts a little, its an expression you have never seen before. Not on him at least. He looks as if he has empathy for you?
"That is a rather troublesome past, I appreciate you telling me. However, I still have one more question if you dont mind." Now you furrow your brows, what is there left unanswered? You quickly cover your confusion. Force of habit.
"Oh well, it is what it is. What else do you want to know?", you play cool but lose your shit internally. He nods, "I presume you have not just made that name up, so if there is, I would like to ask the backstory to the name itself." Oh, well thats innocent enough. Still your heart races. Its a subject you spent many sleepless nights over. A weak spot. You know damn well what Medusa is a symbol for, but you dont know if that was your Inspiration too.
"Oh, I see, of course you dont know about that myth. Well, it is really hard to explain since there are a lot of other events that led up to her story. You like to read, right?", you ask him with a shy smile. Maybe you can make him research it on his own. Save yourself the heartache of overthinking again. He raised his brows in a playful manner, holding up the book in his hand, "I would say 'like' is an understatement, but yes. I do.". You huff out a laugh, "Then you probably found the library already. Look for books on greek mythology. My summary would lack a lot of important context." "I have a lot of time on my hands, how about both? Tell me roughly and I will read up on it later.", he smiles sheepishly. It seems luck is not on your side today, so you give a small nod and get it over with.
"There are many versions of her story. However the one I think is my Inspiration, which is not the original but also is mentioned in a few books, is Medusa beeing a priestress to Athena, the goddess of wisdom and battle. The women serving her had to remain virgins and give their life to her. Because of Medusas beauty, the god of sea, Poseidon, took interest in her. Athena and Poseidon were rivals, so he used Medusa to get back at Athena. He humiliated Athena by raping Medusa on the steps of her temple.", you stopped for a second to swallow the lump forming in your throat. "That is a rather gruesome story.", Loki mumbles, not having expected for the story to get that dark, that quickly. You swallow your fears and continue quickly. "Oh yes, but its not over. Poseidon left his victim on the steps, now any normal thinking beeing would expect for Athena to help Medusa." He nods. "That was however not the case, Medusa got cursed by Athena and banished to a far away island. She now looked like an abomination, eyes of stone, chicken legs, metal wings and hair made of snakes. Any beeing who would look upon her would turn to stone. Men traveled the island, chasing and trying to kill her. At some point, her fear turned to anger, she took her revenge on all the men that tried to harm her, turning them to stone. The only way those men could be freed was if Perseus, son of Zeus, beheaded her. As that day came, her blood gave birth to Pegasus, the winged horse, and Chrysaor. Athena used Medusas head as a trophy on her shield, protecting against her enemies. The rest of medusas body was layed to rest in the underworld."
You shifted into story telling mode, like you did when you looked after Clints kids once.
"That... You mortals sure have a lot of fantasy for storys like this. Do you think-", he stops, looking up at you, knowing exactly what he is trying to ask. The universe really hates you, your throat closing from surpressing the feeling daring to take over. "That is the question Ive had for years now. I dont know. I dont know if I want to know. I guess it would make sense if I... sympathized with that character. God, I dont know.", you exhaled deeply, gathering yourself. Its hard to talk about this topic, the uncertenty has been eating away at you ever since you rediscovered the story of Medusa. "You do not know, so it is best not to worry. It wont do any good either way. Is this, greek I think you said, mythology an interest of yours?" "Kind of, yes. I have read a lot about it since researching about my name, its really interesting. Confusing sometimes, but very capturing. I suggest you read about Pandora too, its a very fascinating story. Another one is the story of Icarus.", you smile, knowing he purposefully changed the subject. But you are unspeakably grateful he did. "Sounds promising, thank you for the suggestions.", he smiles warmly. You smile and slowly get up. "I have a date with my bed now, I'm exhausted. Have fun reading." "Pleasent dreams, Y/N.", he gives you a nod.
You bite your cheek as you turn around and leave the room. Your knees weak and hands shaky.
You just dont know if you feel this way because of the uncomfortable topic or because of who you were speaking to. All you know is that your in for a ride.
You just know it.
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Tbmaw: @fictive-sl0th @vbecker10 @fictional-hooman @mischief2sarawr @maple-seed @mochie85 @holdmytesseract @theaudacitytowrite @gigglingtiggerv2 @marygoddessofmischief @goblingirlsarah @oceandeepthirst @lokisgoodgirl @fallenlostarchives @kalinaselennespeaks @sid-prescottx @assemblingavenger @loki-n-hvitserk @crzyplantladyvibes @yoongissidebitchh @cakesandtom
Everything: @slytherclaw1227 @their-love @vickie5446 @buttercupcookies-blog @peaches1958
Wifey: @plushcrushdoll
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acidmatze · 1 year
Yeah nah im gonna be annoying and make the list now
Things that rub me the wrong way re: How Vashs disability is written/drawn in fanworks Before anyone gets the wrong idea: Im disabled myself, in so many ways you cant even imagine. My body is a minefield and every step is the wrong one
When its just left out. Big one. WHY? Why are you doing this? Is it not sexy enough or something? Is the prosthetic too hard to draw? Leave it out then and be happy about having to draw one less hand When he doesnt take his prosthetic off when showering DO YOU WANT THE ELECTRONIC PARTS TO MURDER HIM TO DEATH???? Also why would he need it in the shower? Thats not how you clean a prosthetic
Also when hes not taking it off when sleeping Why are you so against him being comfortable? Do you sleep in shoes and jeans? With your backpack still on? And your glasses? I only need a knee brace but you bet your ass i fling that shit into the next best corner as soon as i get home. Cant imagine how uncomfortable a prosthetic gets when you have to wear it for longer than absolutely necessary and also do all the shit Vash does. Sweaty sweaty yikes
When people think its metal No its not metal. Yes it is metal. It is complicated. Its NOT the metal people think it is. Yes arms are heavy but that doesnt mean we have to make prosthetics just as heavy. Have you ever thought about how heavy it is? Why do you want him to haul FUCKING METAL around? Also why do you want it to get rusty and be shitty to clean and heat up and be overall extremely clunky when much much cooler materials exist? Whats next? A peg leg? This is the future, get creative.
THE PAIN I have seen Some fics that Do mention the fucking pain but most dont. I read phantom limb pain is nerve pain, which I have. Randomly. Its excruciating and the worst kind of pain i know. Period cramps are fucking harmless compared to it and my cramps were horrible terrible horrifying. I still take them gladly over just ten seconds of You Are Being Electrocuted Nonstop Flop On The Floor And Just Scream. Like.. existing is just painful. And if its not his arm then all the damn wounds must get painful as shit from time to time. Look at the guy. Ouch.
This is a newer thing i have seen creeping up from time to time but NO Vash is NOT ashamed of his disability. I got no idea what That came from but i hope it crawls back into the corner it came up from.
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
Pls never shut up about sunny share your rambles pls, he's a treasure I wanna eat some good food with him and just be friends ;;;
auauiuoou thankyou my bestest little guy,,,,,,,more random entirely-non-kink-related thoughts haphazardly cobbled together from discord messages (someday i will dig up some actual tummy-themed ones)
sometimes he watches a video on his phone without realizing his volumes up & scares himself. usually only happens at home or at his friends houses & if someones around to witness it theyre like Bro What The Fuck til they realize hes like dropping his phone trying to turn it off. hrs so embarrassed too hes like Im Not An Ipad Baby Im Not!!! hes like Im Not A Tiktok Baby!!!!!!!!! bc u KNOW lauries makin fun of him for it. shes like You Ipad Baby. You Tiktok Baby. I Bet You Watch Cocomelon Fortnite Compilations Loud As Hell At Applebees.
he loves sending his friends emails with URGENT!!!!!!!!!!! as the subject & itll just be some stupid shit but i think sometimes he'll do that & the email will just say "hi" . sometimes he'll do it when hes sitting like 10 feet from somebody & if they happen to be the kind of person who has notifications on & checks their emails right away theyll read it & he'll be sittin there like : - )
sometimes laurie will just pick sunny up & either shake him or squeeze him real hard or somethin of that nature & hes just fine with it. hes very light & malleable like aluminum foil
he Loves singin in the kitchen and the shower and the car and wherever etc. he sings preddy good which is a good thing bc he is Not shy about it hes putting his whole pussy into it doesnt matter if hes got the whole crew hangin around. i was pondering What sunnys singing voice sounds like bc his vocal range is Nuts & he can go high And low & i was thinking maybe he has kind of a billy joel vibe but not Quite. bc his natural speaking voice is a little on the higher side & billy joel is a smidge lower than how i imagine his natural singing voice sounding. i was like "hes somewhere between billy joel & frankie valli" & then i was like Wait Thats Just Uptown Girl. like he Can sing lower & higher if he wants to but thats like his Most Natural Singing Voice is somewhere around there. the higher end of the billy joel range
laurie loves stuffed animals i just Know sunnys trying to win her some big shitty bear at some shitty carnival game
he tries 2 be good with boundaries even tho theres def times when he freaks it. sometimes he overcompensates trying to make up for minor infractions. he likes being on good terms with people. hes one of those people whos like I Need Everyone To Like Me Or Else Ill Die. [but also he genuinely cares its not All him being self centered]. hes ascared of Being In Trouble and Being Bad [which could mean anything from making someone mildly displeased for a moment or completely & totally fucking up an entire relationship] #rsd. but then like he also cant help just totally bein a nuisance 100% of the time
tbh . i think Big Hug is his response to a lot of things. Hes A Hugger
he struggles with analog clocks he'll be trying to read one & hes like ✋Everyone Shut Up Im Focusing😤. i think left & right takes him a second too. sorry i love projecting
i think sunny says Go Piss Girl when laurie gets up to go to the bathroom & she smacks him in the head
any time hes trying to do something hes like running around in circles he always gets mixed up about what he needs to do first and what he needs to do next and where he needs to be headed and what hes supposed to be getting and hes just all over the place & hes straight up just spinning around trying to think. it takes him SO long to get started on something. once he gets going its fine as long as its a familiar task but it doesnt take much to break his focus. its like that sometimes when hes talking too. he gets sidetracked So easily sometimes it takes him like 10 tries to get a thought out before he finally manages to say what he wanted to say bc his brain keeps going on tangents & he starts rambling about other shit
he was the chattiest most outgoing little kid he would be like sittin with his mom at the dmv chattin up random nearby people he would be that kid at school who keeps sucking the sub into a conversation he wasnt shy around strangers At All but if he saw someone in like some big weird costume all of a sudden hes hiding behind moms leg. easter bunny? fuck no. mall santa? fuck no. smokey visits his school? fuck no. halloween? Good God What Is Going On Out There
ADDICTION TW - hes def the type whos gonna get addicted to something when he makes it big. & like he'll get off it before it kills him but theres no WAY hes making it through stardom without getting hooked on Somethin for a while. & he manages to hide it for a while but as soon as someone he cares about finds out he just starts Sobbing hes so ashamed. which is probably a turning point. getting out of it would probably also give him the push he needs to get actual mental health help
he may be wildly insecure about every last aspect of his personality but at least he has no doubt that hes cute. its like hes somehow never absorbed anything bad anyones ever said about short guys or big noses or hairy backs or what have you. He Knows Hes Cute its a simple fact of life
he tends to be interested in women more than men & i wonder if part of that is bc he feels less comfortable with his attraction to men bc hes been shamed for it. like he'll hook up with guys if they initiate it & he'll talk about Cute Guys but he doesnt tend to Seek Out those relations the way he does with The Ladies. part of it is simply that He Loves The Ladies but i think part of it is hes never allowed himself to fully embrace his bisexuality
sunnys the kinda guy to take a giant bite of somethin he Just took outta the oven & be like 🫢 Ih Hot ! hes like 🫢🫢🫢🫢H & lauries like Wow I Wonder How That Happened .
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wondero28 · 2 years
4*Town comforting an S/O who’s having a hard time
Without any specific angst given, I decided to give general comfort headcanons & covered a few common angsty issues!
- Robaire and comfort? Its like saying wet rain… ok bad & weird comparison but what i mean is that he’s basically a comforting person by nature, he is a comfort himself. He just has that kind of vibe about him
- Robaire picks up on small body & behavior changes in you after you’ve been together awhile. He’s ridiculously observant & while its sometimes annoying, its really nice when you’re stressed or upset because he almost ALWAYS notices & adjusts accordingly. Adjustments may range from him speaking to you in a purposefully gentle tone, to him being sure to ask before touching you, to him just generally being close by
- And while all of that is sweet and nice, when you’re upset its clear to tell that hes worried. And he can be just a bit overbearing & in your face about making sure you feel better. He isn’t very good at letting you actually sit & be sad or stressed unless you very explicitly tell him to back off
- Which, speaking of explicit direction- when you’re upset, Robaire doesnt really do ANYTHING to try & help without first asking you. He’s deathly afraid if trying to help & actually making everything worse/more stressful. So if you’re bad at making choices? You’ll probably need to tell him to just help you figure it out
- When its left up to him, his immediate go-to is to make you a nice shower or bath and then present you with freshly washed & dried clothes. Only to bundle you up and lounge with you in a bed or on the couch. He likes to tuck you under his arm or have you lean into him for hugs & snuggles (regardless of your size) when you’re upset. Its comforting for him when hes upset, so naturally he tries to give you that sense of comfort as well
- If you want any of your favorite foods? He’ll go out & get it. You want to go with him? Bet, you can go in your PJ’s, he doesn’t care at all. You two have 100% attended restaurants both in PJ’s before just so you could relax and get a good laugh in
- If the angst in question is due to some sort of mourning, Robaire will without any questions let you cry or sob on him. He’ll take care of any house chores or errands you need to be done, and will make sure you eat & hydrate & rest. Robaire knows mourning is hard, and he will be incredibly gentle with you while you mourn. And will be at your side for everything (even if you don’t always want him there- he wont ever stray far)
- If the angst in question is general stress from work or school or family? He’ll take you to his place & try to get you to relax & laugh. He loves your laugh, he adores your smile & it will be his goal everyday you’re stressed. To get you to relax he’s honestly pretty willing to do anything, but if he has to choose his favorite is probably the both of you going out to a private little park & just relaxing. Maybe sitting under a tree together snuggling up & eating some of your favorite snacks, or feeding ducks/fish at the park pond, even swinging on the swings or messing around w/ playground equipment if no one’s around (lets face it, watching Robaire fall on his ass after failing to ride a spring toy is funny & made you snicker)
- If your angst is from mental health struggles? Robaire will simply try his best. He asks a lot of questions & if you dont have answers he’s not sure what to do but he’s going to try. He’ll get you things he knows generally bring you joy or comfort, be it food or your favorite plush toy. He has his fair share of dealing with bad mental health, but he’s unfortunately not the greatest at it. Regardless, he’s going to make it abundantly clear to you, that he’s here to support & love you regardless of how scary or upsetting your mental health may be for you
- And if you’re angry or upset?? Dude he is too. He’ll listen to you rant, let you go break stuff in the back yard, he’ll even tussle with you (carefully ofc) if it’ll help you get out any negative emotions. If you need alone time? He’ll try his best. His best includes checking in on you every other hour or so but- he’ll do it less if you tell him off
- Overall Robaire is good at comforting, but not always the best at leaving you alone to be with your emotions. He’s a big teddy bear & he struggles with angst a lot himself. You tell him what you need though? He’ll do it, within a heartbeat
- Comfort from Jesse is- varying to say the least. Its never bad if course! But his comfort ranges from being expert parental friend experience to being… well- flirty & romantic gestures to keep your mind off of anything bad
- Jesse isn’t necessarily dense, but he’s not the best at picking up on small subtlety like Robaire is. He knows when you’re acting weird & will not take any shit from you on it. If you’re outwardly stressed or upset then Jesse is a man on a mission & it is to make you feel better
- That being said though- i feel like Jesse struggles with mental health issues himself. So he’s very understanding if you being ‘better’ isn’t necessarily you immediately being happy. He knows that feeling sad, angry, upset etc. can be important, and is more then willing to help you try and process these messy emotions
- I feel like Jesse’s first form of trying to comfort you, is to sit you down & hold you against him (regardless of your size). He wants to talk with you about what’s going on, and doesn’t react harshly to anything you say because he doesn’t want you to be scared or anxious about opening up. He also tries to lead the conversation about whats happening if you aren’t able to, he asks a lot of the right questions
- If you dont want to talk about it though? Well thats fine, hes going to try & get you to at least go relax with him. Generally this means you both curling up on a couch, bundled in blankets, watching a horror movie & mocking the people as they make poor choices. Or laughing at dumb jokes Jesse makes about the antagonist, like “ooo she crawling on all fours upside down on the stairs? Pbbh you know that bitch does yoga. Ghost teach me-“. Its so stupid but it at least usually makes you grin
- And if you let him- Jesse will always pepper your face with kisses. Aaaand he may take those kisses elsewhere if you don’t stop him 👀 he always asks before doing anything too wild if you’re sad but, for him, it’s genuinely a relief when he’s upset
- If you’re angsty because you’re mourning? Jesse understands. He’ll take care of as much as you’ll let him, and will do whatever he can to help you avoid extra stress. You can expect him to be there for breakdowns & outbursts. He makes sure you drink plenty, and him gently rubbing your back & wiping up tears is a common occurrence. He has no shame in taking you away somewhere quiet if you’re both out in the public. He’ll gently cup your face and try to get you to focus on him until you can begin to calm down
- If you’re angsty because of work, school or family? Pbbh you’re not going to be for long. He is more then willing to yoink you away from pesky work & distract you for awhile. His favorite way is to get you to dance with him around your home. He’ll play stupid & cheesy love songs somedays, where y’all slow dance & share sweet kisses & bad jokes. And other days he plays stupid 80s songs to jam out to and makes you laugh over the dumbest dance moves he can conjure
- If your angst is from mental health, well, like i said I imagine he struggles with his own. He’ll help you however he can, any outburst or mistake you make is complete brushed off by him. Hes a tough guy & isn’t scared of any mental health issues you have, and he will tell you that downright. He’ll help you set up easy schedules & reminders to make your days easier, and will do what he can to help you manage everything better. A common gesture from him is a kiss to your hand while he’s holding it & squeezing it. It helps him ground himself a lot- so he figures it may help you too
- You angry or upset? He’s going to listen to you rant & find something for you to fuck up without hurting yourself. He is 100% willing to go to a break room on a moments notice if you need, he’ll pay, no worries. And depending on how you’re feeling- he has 0 problems teasing you & hyping up your anger if it helps. He will be your hype man & will absolutely side with you if thats what you want right now (even if you’re kinda in the wrong on something)
- Overall, Jesse is very loving & understanding. Hes kind of an inappropriate flirt during times of stress but when hes not he’s very good at helping you collect yourself. He’s really ride or die for you
Tae Young
- Tae Young & angst do not mix well. Im sorry but they just don’t- he’s a little empath & will absolutely notice when something is wrong. He’s never super great or experienced at helping but he’s definitely going to try
- His go-to for help isn’t really to ask what’s wrong, but to offer you your favorite things in a panic. Like- he can see you crying & you’ll see him bolt out of the room & immediately run back with one of your favorite snacks & a drink. If you’re both at your or his own house? Hes zooming off to get you good blankets and a plushie to hold. He’s not REALLY sure if it helps, he just knows he likes to curl up & hide away in a mountain of soft warmth when he’s upset. So he tries to replicate that for you.
- If you cry a lot? Well so does Tae now. He’s a nervous wreck if you are & while it may seem counterproductive it actually does help him begin to process the situation more. He isn’t a big fan of talking things out but he’s more then willing to listen & try to help you if you need to talk
- If it were up to him, to make you feel better he’d take you somewhere nice, feed you well, bring you to his home, snuggle up with you laying down on top of him (he will not let this go any other way- it does not matter if you crush him), and then watch cute or funny videos online with him. He thinks this is the best way to just- avoid angst & get away from everything. He wants to get away from the scary world with you, and so he’ll try! If you let him of course
- Love & affection from Tae during times of distress is also sickeningly sweet. His favorite way to show affection is to hold your face & give you passionate kisses while complimenting you between the kisses. Along with very tight hugs of course- he thinks being squished is the best way to relieve stress
- If your angst is from mourning, Tae Young actually understands better then you’d initially think. Him fostering injured doves involves him having lost a lot of precious little feathery friends when they were too hurt or ill. So when you’re working through complicated emotions around mourning a loss- he’s there to comfort you. He probably wont talk much unless spoken to, but he’ll hold your hand & be at your side consistently. He’ll offer hugs and bring you food and drinks to make sure you don’t neglect yourself. And he’ll of course try to help you deal with any responsibilities that come with the loss
- If your angst spawns from work, school, or family? Tae will try to help! He’ll try to take off some of your work load from your job or from school, and with family he’s an expert at avoiding them✨. Overall though he isn’t much help with taking the weight off on a lot, so he focuses on trying to simply make you happy. Like in other situations he’ll bring you food and drinks, give you love and affection, and honestly probably offer massages to try and release any physical tension you have. He is unexpectedly good at massages too- it was a pleasant surprise
- If your angst is from mental health? Tae young struggles a lot at first, but once both of you are able to start working out a schedule & vague rhythm to handling your bad days or breakdowns?? Tae does pretty okay! Its easy to tell he isn’t the best at handling heavy emotions- or the most comfortable. But he’s trying so hard for you. He encourages you, and he’s extra gentle with you. He’s never scared of you but he does get scared for you. He’s willing to learn whatever he needs, and does his best. He asks Jesse for help and advice, and he improves as much as he can
- Are you upset? Mad? Tae young is honestly probably a bit startled but hes your hype man! He’ll listen to you rant! He’ll try to help you calm down a bit after you let some of your anger go. He asks if you want to go out and do something to get out of an angry headspace- if not thats fine. And, if you take him to a break room? He will probably cry & apologize a lot at first but he really gets into it & yall have fun!
- Overall Tae Young isnt the best at big or scary emotions, but he’s loyal & loving. He’s willing to learn & he’ll be with you no matter what
Aaron T
- Ok, hear me out, but T is REALLY GOOD AT DEALING WITH ANGST. He’s always the one who helps wind down tense situations on tour & while he’s fun-loving i like to imagine he’s very good at handling big emotions. He’s a big ol’ puppy dog of a boyfriend & 100% has your back
- Unfortunately- he’s a bit dense. Its not that he’s unobservant or uncaring- he just isn’t really a person who assumes others are upset about something. So unless you’re crying or really outwardly stressed, he may not notice something is wrong :(
- I think that his preferred way to help comfort you varies A LOT depending on what actually is bothering you, but a good default is to clean you up and spoil you. He will 100% take a nice hot shower with you, and give you a massage and just drown you with love and affection. He’s a very touchy-feely guy and he wants you to know he’s here for you. The best way he can do that (in his mind) is to show you how much he loves you, and to give you all his focus. So while You’re upset he’ll listen to you, ask you things, he tries to get you to talk/rant just so he can listen
- This is also one of the times he doesn’t really make jokes about the situation. Not unless he’s absolutely sure you’ll be fine with it, other times or with the boys he might- but with you he takes special care 🧡. He loves your smile, but he doesn’t want to force it. Thats a huge fear for T
- If you’re having angst over mourning/loss, then he’ll do everything he can to help you get all your icky emotions out. Thats tge first step in his mind. He’ll hold you while you cry & rub your back, he’ll let you talk as much as you need, he’ll be there for you. He doesn’t mind giving you space if you need it- but otherwise he’ll be attached at the hip & regularly making you take breaks where he gives you hugs and asks how you’re feeling. He’s surprisingly mature & good at helping with this stuff, and you really won’t have to worry about any extra stress or responsibility because Aaron T will do whatever he can to take some of the weight off
- If your angst comes from work or school or family? T is ready to throw hands >:0! He’s a great hype man! He’ll hype you up & get you all ready to tackle down any issues you have! (After a nice break of course-) and of course, if he can help he will. He may not understand a lot without a lot of context of teaching but he’s so willing to try. It may be more work to teach him but the offer is sweet on its own. All the same though he’ll try to get rid of your distress with loving gestures and fun dates. And of course if you need someone to defend you on something against any family? T has no shame & will get in anyones face to defend you
- Do you have poor mental health Thats bringing you angst? T is all fucking over that. He will make daily adjustments to help you in any way he can, he’ll start doing more for you if you need. You & him can sit down every day to talk about the bad parts of the day. He’ll help you find the good parts & sift through your issues. All while making sure to hold your hand & gently run his thumb over your knuckles for comfort. Like i said- he’s feely touchy & these little gestures mean the world to him so if you ever do it back- you’ll see him absolutely beaming & that sometimes helps make you happy
- If you’re upset or mad? T is willing to listen! He’ll listen and give tiny playful kisses & hugs while you talk. However he doesn’t really recommend breaking stuff, something about it startles him :(. So he’ll actually suggest y’all run! Its a thing he learned from Z. You two can go run (or dance) out your anger! It sounds horrible but he makes it fun, he’s encouraging and if you’re dying from running a mile when you weren’t prepared then at least you don’t focus on being angry anymore
- Overall? T is super sweet when you’re feeling the weight of the world. He’s there for you & he’s a huge sappy baby, but it helps
Aaron Z
- Z is… not always the best at emotions. He’s always had a hard time expressing himself, with you its easier of course but… hard emotions? Heavy emotions?? He’s not very sure what to do. He’s awkward
- That doesn’t stop him from letting you know he’s there for you. He’ll fumble over his words and awkwardly try to cheer you up, its a painful thing to watch almost. If you’re the right kind of person you might even laugh at how many times he tries to reword his sentence. Eventually he gives up on trying to speak though- he’ll just pull you into a tight hug and hold you for a bit before taking you out on a nice date. Its unexpectedly quiet, normally when the both of you are alone together he’s a chatterbox but he’s never sure what to say when you’re upset
- If you ever just don’t feel like going out he doesn’t mind laying around with you. He’ll hand feed you snacks and hold you against him (it doesn’t matter if youre bigger then him- he insists that you let him hold you). Z Isnt sure how to comfort people, not unless they tell him. So he’ll need you to tell him whats up or he’ll need help from the other guys
- When it comes to noticing if you’re upset? He’s decently observant, not as hardcore as Robaire but not dense as T. Aaron Z won’t likely act on it on his own unless you’re crying or starting to break down. He has a hard time knowing when its the right time to step in, you’ll likely need to go to him
- If you’re in mourning, he will without a doubt do everything for you. Acts of service are one of his big love languages & while you mourn he doesn’t want you to have to do too much. He can’t even begin to fathom how you must feel (I imagine he has a hard time comprehending other’s emotions) so rather then trying to understand he just makes it a personal mission to do anything and everything for you. He’ll do house chores, shop for you, cook for you (or try to at least), get your fresh clothes out the dryer- just literally anything he can do that you let him do?? He’s going to be on top of it
- You feeling angst from work, school, or family? He’ll try & help you logically work through it. Again if you need him to do something & give instructions? He’s on it immediately. And while he’s doing things he’ll be sure to stop by & give you quick kisses on your temple or cheek. Yknow- just to try and get a grin out of you. I imagine if the angst comes from drama- you’ll see Z get defensive over you. He’s got your back & is taking your side no matter what
- If your angst is crawling up due to mental health??? Z will have a hard time but will happily learn whatever he needs to do. Probably asks for help from Jesse, and adopts a lot of jesse’s methods. So Z tries to help you organize everything, does his best to check in with you often. He’s definitely scared of breakdowns & outbursts- but he’s put in time to research on how to help so he never runs off or abandons you. He gives you the space you need, but wont ever be far off & will be right at your side the minute you call for him. Also, if you struggle with mental health issues, he gets 10 times more cheesy & romantic as time goes on. Because he wants to make your heart flutter just as much as you make his
- But if you’re angry or just generally upset?? Time to work out with your boyfriend ✨. Z has his fair share of anger and upsets due to him being a bit more shy & not always expressing his emotions the way he wish he did- and he doesn’t honestly remember who told him about it but he knows that if he’s too busy working out he just can’t be mad or upset in the same way anymore. It helps him work everything out so he wants to try the same for you (he wont force you- but he’s convincing & will 100% bribe you with love). Working out ranges from a good jog to challenging him on the basketball court, and honestly?? Either way you’re getting kisses, compliments, high fives, & cheers of encouragement. Its hard to be upset and angry when your beautiful boyfriend is laughing & cheering you on to finish the last mile with him
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