#i blocked them immediately btw. obviously.
iid-smile · 2 days
waterfall , tomioka giyuu
x gn!reader ! giyuu using his water breathing, he asks for permission to confess and impress you!
author's note: im having writers block with kny specifically (future sunny: thats a bad excuse btw... i just dont because idk what to write for majority of the characters) so literally everything these days is jjk. justice for kny!!!!
double author's note: hi... future sunny here. this message ^^ yeah, that was FOUR WEEKS AGO now its just laziness rather than writers block... thats why the dialogue has literally no description half the time and i really did not want to finish this
triple author's note: ahaha i bet you've never seen three in a row 😈 anyways i forgot to post this after i proofread it half asleep so here u go
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"do you like rivers?"
"what about lakes?"
"i like anything to do with water, tomioka. you don't need to worry so much about what i like."
"i'm not worried." giyuu's gaze turns away from you, like it always does, and he looks straight ahead. "there's just something i want to try."
though slightly wary of his intentions, you know that giyuu isn't the type of guy to put you in situations where he doesn't have your consent first. and quite clearly, it's something to do with water, because he's been awfully chatty about different bodies of water, fishes, and just nature in general. it's difficult to make a guess of what he's planning, because sometimes he can just be so unintentionally unpredictable. and weird. he's a weirdo.
you walk behind him so he's able to lead the way. now that he's gone all quiet again, you can't help but furrow your eyebrows a bit. something he wanted to try? what could he possibly want to try in the middle of the night? let alone in a forest...
finally, he comes to a halt. obviously, you're a bit... confused, being stopped in front of a large, and deep body of water surrounded by rocks.
"hold my hand."
as if he knew you were going to ask that, he turns to face you with not a single change in his expression, neatly holding out his hand to you. "i'm going to do something, and i don't want you to slip." something. there's that something again.
your eyes flicker from his hand to his face just a few times, then to the surroundings, looking out for anything odd. he wouldn't be the type to prank you, would he?
"do you not trust me?"
"i do. it's just this something that you mention..."
"don't worry. i won't do anything bad."
would it be bad to say that he immediately soothed your worries? he was already speaking more than he usually would, and you noticed his free hand was always on the handle of his sword, so he's vigilant. no worries at all. you take his hand. it's cold, and unexpectedly smooth. "what are you going to do?"
no answer. he takes a step closer to the edge, just one little tip toe away from the surface of the water. "by any chance.." giyuu remains quiet, head bowed to the water below before his eyes move back up to yours. "do you have a significant other?"
"then," for a beat, he looks off to the side, and then turns his head back to you. "can i ask for your permission for me to... attempt to court you?"
"ah, is this why you brought me all the way out here? you have feelings for me?"
"...you found me out."
"you just told me that?"
"i didn't mean to."
the back of your hand comes up to your lips, poorly silencing your giggles. "you're a bit silly sometimes."
no response. "come."
giyuu takes a step down from the rocks, and into the body of water. from above, it was difficult to tell how far down the bottom of the lake was. "my clothes—"
he cuts you off. "don't worry. they won't get wet."
maybe he's telling the truth, since his aren't either. one last time, you look down at your covered feet, a nervous twitch running through them as the chill breeze suddenly became so apparent.
immediately, you're met with dreamlike arches of water and splashes surrounding the two of you, frozen in time and unmoving. for the first time, it feels like you're genuinely seeing his breathing technique visually, the sight similar to a vivid lucid dream. except this... this is way better. right in the climax, streams shoot up into the air, curving and twisting to form a heart in the center, then dispersing just as quick, the drops of rain disappearing into nothing as it touches skin.
it was beautiful, but beautiful wasn't even a word good enough to describe it.
"tomioka—?" but as you turn around, giyuu is nowhere to be seen. "huh? tomioka?"
you look left, and you look right. nobody's around: not a single life in sight. the trees are quiet, only the splashing of the waterfall fills in for the lack of noise around. and when you look down at your feet, you only see your legs submerged in water, all the way up to your knees. your haori steadily soaked up the liquid, the material darkening and growing heavier on your shoulders. "my socks!"
yes, you did have to walk home with wet tabi socks and zori with an uncomfortably damp surface. and yes, you did walk home with a constant flutter in your heart, not even knowing when the next time you'll catch a glimpse of him will be.
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littlekingbergara · 11 months
thinking about the time i saw someone genuinely say you shouldn't block people on social media because it could be traumatic for them to not have access to someone's account and not know why. how about it's none of your business. do you cry about private accounts too.
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stop-talking · 2 months
Breakdown of the @joshsbimbo controversy.
@mike-schmidtten already made a detailed list of every reason why people are upset with you, "lamb", but I'm going to quickly go over it all anyways because you obviously didn't get the memo.
Extreme trigger warning for this entire post, I'm going to be talking about rape, SA, assault, violence, abuse, incest, stepcest, pedophilia, substance abuse, and probably a lot more.
First of all, you tagged this fic where Mike literally rapes the reader as "cnc". That is not correct.
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I mean, if we look at the definition of CNC, it says "this type of scene does not encourage ACTUAL rape. All proper scenes are done after much negotiation between of-age, consenting adults."
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But I don't need to explain that to you, do I? You know what CNC is. You said yourself MONTHS ago that you tagged your fic incorrectly and NEVER went back and fixed it.
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Mike's next point was that you make it impossible for people to "steer away" from their triggers when you don't tag your posts properly.
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And as an example he used this post of straight up incest porn between Mike and his little sister. All completely out in the open, tagged under "#mike schmidt" and "#mike schmidt x reader" for all to see.
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He followed it up this this. A plea for you to, at the bare minimum, tag the major triggers in your posts and hide it under a "read more" section.
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Let's take a look at how you responded to that very reasonable request.
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Oh. You DM'd him the word poop and blocked him.
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Instead of reblogging to respond, you actually deleted your origional post so your followers couldn't see the criticism of you as easily. I wonder why? You made your stance clear, though. "I should have put more warnings on my work, but it doesn't matter anyways because it's all fictional." But then, immediately after, you started relogging an account that makes photoshopped foot fetish content of male celebrities for some reason...?
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(I censored the feet myself because its just weird) Oh, and weird AI pictures of him, too.
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There were worse ones, but I didn't screenshot everything, and you deleted these posts just a few hours after reblogging.
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You followed it all up with this now-deleted post about how you wish you could make your notes private. Again, I wonder why? If it really is OKAY to sexualize incest, rape, and abuse just because it's fictional, why would people be scared to support you? Why is no one willing to publicly like your posts, or speak out in your favor? Even some of your biggest supporters (@leah-hutcherson @teenagedreamsss @cuteskunkz @renaissancebewbies) who continue to like (some) of your posts, still haven't come to your defense. If writing about fictional rape, abuse, and incest really and truly wasn't harmful, why would you need to hide?
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Once other people started catching wind of what was going on, you responded in some... interesting ways. Like here, in response to this ask (from a person who is a minor BTW). You switched up your story from "I should have tagged my work better" to "everyone hates me now because I forgot to put warnings on ONE story" (which was just blatantly false, as you had been posting other triggering things at the time with no warnings whatsoever.)
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It was absolutely ridiculous of you to claim you put warnings on your work when I could scroll down two posts (back before you deleted this) and see a post about Mike beating his kid.
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Like... please show me where exactly the warning is?
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Then, when this person, (another MINOR, btw!!) posted after reading Mike's breakdown of your behavior, your responded by DMing them a slur.
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I don't even know what to say to that. A minor. A slur.
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But as much as you like to INSIST your work isn't for minors, you sure seem to interact with them a lot.
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This person who reblogged your masterlist? They're a minor.
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^^ You can't say you don't want minors to read your work without actually taking all precautions possible to prevent them from seeing it. (Tagging your content, blocking ageless accounts, NOT REBLOGGING MINORS!!!)
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Yes. This person is also a minor. Which makes, what, the 4th minor you've interacted with in the past few days? At least from what I can tell.
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They also hate you btw so I don't even know why you reblogged them.
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FINALLY, this user commented under one of your posts in an attempt to get you to AT LEAST tag your posts correctly if you're going to write triggering shit. (Which was the same think Mike asked you to do, if you remember, but he got "poop" and reblogs of foot fetish posts as a response.)
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But then it looked like you either blocked them or removed their comment, so they tried again.
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You ignored this message, then apparently posted this?
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So they tried again (being much nicer that I would have)
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And you finally responded (and still got blocked anyways because your posts are DISTURBING and GROSS)
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I doubted you'd actually fix your page, because again, you ignored the same request when Mike asked, and in the past admitted you tagged your fics wrong but just never bothered to change it.
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But surprise surprise, you actually went through with it and added trigger warnings to your content.
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Though, I'm still not sure "non-serious" is an appropriate tag for a post where mike beats you to death...??
Look. I appreciate that you're at least TRYING now, but it was a fucking FIGHT to get you to do the bare minimum. What I, and apparently 84% of people actually want you to do is delete your account.
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(This is from @mike-schmidtten's breakdown post from a couple days ago)
I know you want to PRETEND that just because something is a work of fiction, it doesn't have negative real-world effects, but that's just not the truth.
A lot of people were hurt when you posted things without trigger warnings.
And even now, as you continue to post fetish content for rape, incest, and abuse, people are still being hurt. MINORS are still being hurt.
Yes, obviously, if you post something on the internet, you can't completely 100% control who sees it. But you don't even seem to TRY.
(Dming minors slurs, letting minors reblog your masterlist, letting ageless accounts interact with you, reblogging minors, answering asks from minors, etc)
People, minors, CHILDREN, are raped and abused by those closest to them every day. It's disgusting and horrifying to think about, but it's the world we live in.
You aren't "helping people cope" by writing these stories. You're normalizing abuse. And allowing the most vulnerable people to read it.
You're taking actual things that have happened to real people, and sexualizing it for others to get off to. It's immoral, disturbing, and disgusting.
To my followers, if any of you support this kind of content, you are NOT welcome on my page. Please unfollow or block me and go seek help.
And to you, lamb, I hope you come to your senses and either delete all of your rape & incest fetish content or delete your account entirely.
At the end of the day, you KNOW you're in the wrong. Or at least some small part of you does, or you wouldn't have been afraid to reblog Mike's post and respond defending yourself directly. And you wouldn't be afraid to reblog mine either, which you undoubtedly will.
I know you used to follow me, so maybe you'll take this all to heart. But probably not.
I won't block you. (for the next few days, at least). I'll be here if you want to try and have a civil discussion. But just know I will NEVER agree with the sexualization & glorification of violence and abuse.
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All Love Locket Photos
I decided I wanted to see all the LI Locket texts and man, it took EMBARRASSINGLY long. Even with cheats.
This just the text from when you first insert the photo btw so if it changes when you look back at it, I wouldn't know. :v
(Spoilers for the update ig? Can this game even be spoiled???)
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I imagine they're doing that little salute with a wink too, you know the pose.
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It's totally a professional headshot too, they'd probably outright refuse to let you use a causal photo.
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Ngl, I expected the monster interests to have straight up cryptid photos. Like blurry and far away but I can obviously see why that wasn't done. :p
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I'm just surprised Eden either had or let PC take a photo of them.
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YES! Great Hawk knows they're the prettiest bird on the block, love that!
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Kylar probably has their own locket on their altar, the picture is an off-guard of PC.
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Not to be all "AWWWWHHSKSJDUDJDH MY SUNFLOWER SWEETHEART BABYDOLL" but uh, that about sums it up. I'm weak for Robin. They're vanilla, sure, but I love me some ice cream.
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This is fallen Sydney but dw it doesn't change from faithful Sydney. Anyways, people typically pray with eyes closed so do they even know PC has this? ',:|
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My immediate thought was they're actively fucking with someone and PC took a picture like "Yeah, that's mine. ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)"
Probably that one scene where they scar someone for life just for looking at you.
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phefics · 8 months
What about the Harry Potter guys and a reader who gets hit by the Crucio spell? If there's too many guys then just Cedric, Draco, and Harry please! I crave the angst.
hi i’m rlly not good at writing angst in my own opinion and this is a little extreme for me so i’m gonna try my best but in the future (not upset at you at all btw) i’d appreciate not getting such intensely angsty asks (reader being severely injured, tortured, on the brink of death type stuff lol)
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first of all, i think it is obvious that they would all be concerned and upset. that’s a given. i’m also assuming this happened during a battle of some kind with death eaters. and obviously don’t read if this scenario will upset you!!! xo
𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 would rush to your side to check on you and help you instead of focusing on the bad guys. not the smartest choice, but you are his first priority. he would find whoever had cast the curse and hex them back while cradling you to his chest. after the battle, he would be treating you very carefully, even though the physical pain is gone, he knows it mentally took a toll on you.
𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 would immediately attack whoever cast the curse, even if it was voldemort himself. i know everyone headcanons him as a coward, but i genuinely believe that he is in love with someone, he will protect them to the ends of the earth. he’d position himself so that he’s blocking you from any further attempts to curse you, shooting his own hexes at any enemy who comes near. after the battle, he would act like you were still severely injured, insisting on the best care for you.
𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 is literally going to jump in front of the wand before the curse can touch you. he has experienced the curse before and knows he can withstand the pain if it means protecting you. he would yell for you to run through his pained sounds, to get out of the heat of the battle and keep yourself safe. if you refuse, he won’t be angry, but he just worries about you so much. everyone close to him gets hurt, and he can’t lose you too.
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oh-starstarstar · 2 months
Look After You. | tangerine x reader
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WARNING: Kidnapping, Slight allusions to assault but no descriptions, kidnapped and tortured reader.
Proceed at your own discretion. No violence but potentially triggering content.
First off, I would like to tell that this is @pretty-little-mind33 's idea from her fic 'Delicate'. I contribute nothing to the original, but will continue this as my own independent series. Lovely writer, btw.
Would The Twins help the kidnapped girl they find in the midst of a mission?
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A/N: pure hurt/comfort :) strange feeling writing this after the cnc kidnapper tangerine smut😭😭 this is TOTALLY diff
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Tangerine was very particular about his work. 
Lemon and him weren’t paricularly… ruthless, no, but if anybody were to block their path, they’d be shot immediately, no questions asked. Either that, or they were treated like a speck of dirt on their path.
So after doing this for the entirety of their assassin experience, this little interruption stopping them dead in their tracks was the utmost strangest thing. Usually they would’ve moved past. Shot the little ‘problem’ out of their misery, even, because sometimes that just was the state they were found in.  
This little problem was her, sitting on a filthy, blood-stained mattress, clothes torn and figure shaking. She was facing the corner of the room, body shivering—partly from the chill, partly from the anxiety. They noticed her through a window just as they were walking back towards their car.
Tangerine shot Lemon a look. “Not… not our problem. We finished off the cunts, right? Leave ‘er here, the coppers will find ‘er…” he says hesitantly, more to himself than to Lemon, observing her slumped figure shake through the window. “...Right?” he looks over to him, waiting for an answer.
“I dunno, mate. She doesn’t look very okay t’me…” Lemon sighs, hands frustrated rubbing his temples. “What do we do?”
Tangerine, without a word, his gaze fixated on her, moves to open the door and enter. Upon hearing the creak of the hinges, she flinches, cowering herself even more towards the wall. 
Her hands shoot up to cover her face. “No, no, no, stay away— stay away…” she heaves a breath, her voice slurring. Her nimble fingers shake as they try to conceal her face. She doesn’t even look up, yet the simple presence of somebody else in the room terrifies her. 
A pit settles in Tangerine’s stomach as he lays his eyes on her. She looks badly hurt—and the mere state of her is so… weak.
“Y’think leavin’ her here would be a good idea?” Lemon points out at the obviously bad state of the girl.
“Well, I dunno— what d’you say we do, huh?” Tangerine argues, though it’s in a much gentler tone than he has possessed since a long time.
“Please… no…” another whimper from her. It’s more a quiet mumble—it sounds like she has been exhausted.
“—we’re not here to hurt you, love.” He whispers, gently crouching down to get to her level. But she’s like a finger to the flame—flinching away upon the simplest of interactions. He looks over to Lemon for silent advice, the latter himself looking at her with utmost pity and confusion. 
“Hey, you’re safe now. Nobody ‘ere to hurt you, okay?” Lemon says hesitantly.
That seems to hint to some sort of progress. She turns, just barely—meek eyes peeking up from the pit of her elbow, bloodshot and hazy.
“Yeah, see? No threat around,” Lemon quips, just before he realizes he’s waving his pistol around as he makes the point. “Oh—” he gently puts the gun down on the ground, Tangerine following suit. “There ya’ go. All safe. Only shot seven people with it.” 
Testing the waters a bit more, Tangerine extends a hand of help forward. Barely looking conscious, it seems she doesn’t even comprehend half of what’s going on. “She’s drugged, mate. Badly.” he points out, retreating his hand, her eyes looking back at him without a twinge of anything but terror.
So he takes matters into his own hands.
However much it freaks her out, he knows she isn’t going to ease out any sooner. 
He begins taking off his coat to cover her shivering frame with it. “No!” she flinches, “no, please, no,” flinching away as if she wants to mold herself into the wall. As if she wants to become the corner itself.
Fuck. She’s that afraid of him. He looks back at Lemon for some sort of approval. Some sort of help.
Lemon sighs and rubs his temples in exasperation, looking concerned at first, almost as if he would deny. As if he would say, ‘let her stay here.’ And surprisingly, Tangerine finds himself wanting that to not happen. Much to his relief, the words Lemon utters are: “Go ‘head,” he bends down and picks up the pistol subtely. “I’ll get the car,”
So he turns back to her, whispering a quiet “Sorry, love,” as he hastenly wraps the coat around her and grabs her into his arms. All the while, her protests—though futile—continue, barely enough to shake a finger of his in her drugged state. As his hands press against her wounds, she winces, body lithely slumping against his.
“No, leave me, lemme… go…” she keeps on mumbling, body slumped against his, slowly drifting off. Though subtle, it wasn’t left unmissed to Tangerine how she clings to his shirt—nails grasping the fabric with whatever little strength she harbors right now. 
He likes to think it’s because she feels safe in his arms.
A strange sense of protectiveness strikes him as he looks at how beaten down and weak she is right now; and he cannot particularly let go of her until he is sure that nobody is after her anymore—so he silently decides he would care for her until she has recovered. She looks to him like peace right now as her cheek rests on his chest—but he feels it because he knows she hasn’t had her peace for a number of days, right?
“Y’can relax now, okay?” he tries to comfort her as if lulling her to sleep, voice utmost gentle and heart full of hurt as his eyes trace over her wounds.
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intended to be a series, so i'm gna continue it in parts.
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lexithwrites · 4 months
sorry for the long read but this is important (aka lets talk about plagiarism)
hello! so, if anyone remembers the other day i posted a lil snippet for a smutshot involving remus/sirius/james. originally, someone got very upset about the lack of tags and accused me of writing SA—it was not SA, it was teasing someone and edging them, but i digress. people misread things all the time and thats whatever—and they privately messaged me accusing the same thing and saying i needed to tag better as i had triggered them. i deleted the post not wanting to upset anyone else, apologised for upsetting them then whilst trying to explain my work and explain how it wasnt SA, they blocked me. that's fair and i moved on learning my lesson as i clearly did something wrong.
what isn't fair, is rewriting said work for yourself and posting it on YOUR ao3 account.
i was sent the story and commented:
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you deleted this post almost immediately and proceeded to say it isn't plagiarism. this is the definition of plagiarism btw:
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that's what you did. it's the exact same scenario, it's a threesome, and the dialogue is VERY similar. the premise for the scene is the same. I've got some screenshots of both works below to highlight this:
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now this isn't word for word, obviously, and theirs is a longer one shot with other plot points involved, but these scenes are similar. the dialogue in particular is similar. its a slap in the face honestly; to be given shit by someone and then see that they decided to use it for themselves.
there is always consent in my work, i've never had anyone say before that this is an issue as my finished works have discussions of safe words and safe sex and boundaries. pretty much everything i've ever written that involves sex has a conversation regarding safe words. i clearly tagged it wrong and i will admit that. i will take the blame for that and tag accordingly from now on.
but you used my work for your own. and also (since you added this to the ao3 post i'll include it) you admitted to using my work:
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'inspired by some drama'
just because you didn't think i would 'appreciate' being mentioned does not mean you do it?? you literally admitted to 'tweaking' it and writing it yourself. this is such stupid fucking drama and so unnecessary what did you want to gain from this??
do not use other peoples fucking work. SIMPLE.
also i shouldnt have to say this but dont give this person shit. dont send hate in my name, its not worth it and not the point of this post whatsoever .im not naming them, they know who they are even if they've blocked me. i dont care if you see this, honestly i hope you see it. just please take plagiarism seriously because its annoying af and weird
ANYWAY have a lovely day <3
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kenlvry · 2 years
hiii hello if requests are open again can i request stan, kyle, and kenny making up with reader after a fight? ☺️ i love your works sm!
making up after a fight
an, HELLO YES REQUETS ARE VERY OPEN thankyou sm 🤭🤞 im reading this while listening to boombayah yall . gn reader ( use od girlfriend in kyles oh and 16/17) also their kinda a bitch but its all good in the end
you two fought again, i mean it wasn't the first time, you two don't usually fight and when you do its intense. you just found out mans still hasn't deleted some of his hoes contacts and still talks to them like???? you brought it up and he immediately apologized but you wanted to explanation, you bring up how this has happen before and he still hasn't deleted em "look baby i was lazy, i dont even talk to them" he said walking closer to you. you brought this up when he's with the others, and it got heated. it ended with you flipping him off and going back home, " we're not helping you again this time btw". you blocked him everywhere and refuses to meet his eye at school. you thought abt it and maybe you overreacted, you decided to apologize and search for him everywhere, then you saw him talking with alot of girls and you couldn't be more angrier, you confront him then and there "wtf ken?? this is literally what we talked abt? if you want to cheat atleast make sure i dont find out" you ran away, you were so devastated how could he? after everything :(( . immediately running to your room crying and cursing kenny out, your mother then knocks and opens your bedroom door "kenny is here honey, should i let him in?" "no let him die out in the cold ma" your mom shrugged and left, few seconds later the door reopened at it was kenny "what do you want?" you rolled your eyes and he walked over to you on your bed "please hear me out" "im not even kicking you out js talk" you said sitting properly on the edge of the bed "look babe about the contacts, i keep their numbers on my phone because i ask them abt girl tips.." he said while looking down in shame, you scoffed "are u joking? thats so obviously a lie" "check my phone then, you can scroll until the top of the chat" he said giving you his phone, and it's true, its mostly "what do i do if she has her period" or "what do girls like as a gift" and "if she says shes ok but put notation at the end what does that mean" you laughed at how cute that was but then you remember earlier, you immediately glare back at him and he understood "i asked them how to comfort you, im not good at this shit bae" you laughed again and he inches closer to you "i would never cheat on you, i love you too much and you know that" kissing you and you kissed back smiling in the kiss.
again, you two aren't one to fight bc there was nothing to fight abt, but recently all he talks about is cartman and he won't shut up about him, cartman this cartman that youre sick of it, so you talk it out with them. "what do you mean i talk about cartman all the time? i wouldn't give that bitch any of my time" he said looking at you from his computer, you sighed "our past three convos is about cartman and how you cant stand him, earlier at school when we walked home tgt you talked about him, yesterday all you could say was how cartman was this and cartman was that, am i your girlfriend or is he??" you scoffed, "look can we talk abt this another time? I'm about to 1v1 cartman and loser has to do what winner wants" he said turning back to his computer "this is literally what im talking about! you are so caught up abt him you dont even pay attention to me, have you even see my text to you?" he sighed "i did, about the ice cream right" you couldn't believe him rn "my fucking pet hamster died kyle????" you can't stand this shit anymore you left slamming the door at him. sheila asked you to drink with her but you just ignored her, what the hell is wrong with kyle? he could've atleast replied about your pet hamster, he knew how much it meant to you. at school you wouldn't even stand near him, you talked with the girls and sat near tolkien and you walked home with tweek. you got a call and it was cartman, the cause of your fight "what is it" "yo dawg, kyle asked me to tell you to meet up with him at the pond" you were confused "why" "idk, but bring protection, im sure he didn't bring any" he said laughing and you rolled your eyes ending the call. you put your jacket on and went out to the park, from afar you see him on the bench swinging his feet. "kyle?" he stood up "oh uh y/n, here" he gave you flowers and motioned for you to sit down, "im not good at this um" he played with his thumbs and was looking nervous ,you laughed a little "take your time". he sighed "y/n im sorry, I should've paid more attention to you and not cast you away like some stranger, im really sorry about your pet hamster too, i know how much he means to you." puting a hand on your thigh while looking at you he smiled, you smiled back "well it's going to take alot more than just a simple sorry" you said sarcastically and looked away , he laughed "well then, should we watch a movie?" he stood up and so did you. that day you two watched a movie and had the best dated ever.
recently life has been real shitty for stan, with his dad being a dead beat who won't shut up about his farm, cartman being a bitch in general and kyle not understanding what he's going through, its rough for him. he takes it out on you, he'd randomly lash out on you then say sorry which isnt even a good apology, he would ignore you and your texts and reply in two days time. you have had enough and went to his house to talk about it with him. "i dont get mad at you and i dont ignore you, your making things up y/n" you sigh softly at his remark "stan if i were to ask people what they think about us they would say we're just friends and not in a relationship, thats how much you fucked up" he stood up from his chair at your remark "how much i fucked up?? maybe you shouldn't have texted me so goddamn much , maybe you shouldn't bother me when i'm clearly in a bad mood, how is it my fault?" "this is exactly what I'm talking about, I didn't do anything and you act as if i committed third degree murder" he scoffed "fine then what do you want? to break up? if thats what make you so happy then we are over" he said and going back to his game "fuck you stan, you couldn't even try to communicate with me, i know ur going through some shit rn but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on me im not ur toy." you left his house and went home, can you believe the audacity this boy had? you blocked him everywhere and deleted his name in your bio, when people found out they comforted you, some even flirting with you, you dont want to be associated with him anymore. he however realises how much he fucked up and was regretting every decision he did that day, he tried to talk to you many times but your friends would always block his way to talk to you, you could care less. you went home alone one day and can feel a presence behind you, you walk faster each second and to one point running with the man running after you "y/n!" he yelled and you immediately recognise the voice, you look back to see stan panting with his hands on his knees, you sighed rolling your eyes "what now stan?" "please, just let me explain" you stayed silent. "im.. im sorry, i should've talked to you about the things i was going through, i was just going through a hard time and yes its not an excuse i know, i didn't talk to you about it because i was scared you'd tease me so i isolated myself thinking it was for the better but instead it created something worse" his eyes were glassy and he sniffled. "I can't forgive you just yet yk" crossing your arms, "i know, so please be my mine again i will make it up to you" his desperate face was the cutest and you agreed, he took you out on many dates and was replying often, he opened up to you and you two always helped each other when needed. he couldn't imagine loosing you again and he's going to make sure he doesn't anymore.
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creekfiend · 1 year
many replies to the h*dgehog-moss post are so frustrating like why do you think we have the phrase crypto terf if not to describe people who are intentionally masquerading as guys who don't hold wretched genocidal views and trying very hard to conceal the fact that they hold them
Anyway. in 2020 someone messaged me saying "she's a terf" and I was like "damn really" so I scrolled back like MANY PAGES in her blog and while the posts themselves do not feature anything horrific, obviously, if you carefully track the people who are in the notes, they're terfs. ppl replying frequently are terfs. in 2020 the post that confirmed it for me was she linked to a study about how "men are dying of COVID at higher rates" (simplified headline obv) and the replies of that post? were FULL of people being like "good, xys should die" lol
if anyone EVER said that kind of shit on a post of mine I would immediately 1. delete the comment 2. block the person and 3. issue a statement about how those views are not welcome on my blog. silence ???? considering the shit she posted on her old blog? yeah nah. unacceptable.
if ur buddies are in yr notes advocating the death of my friends I do get to hate how popular your fucking twee llama blog is actually.
this is a level of participation in bigotry and hatred where just quietly not posting anymore is not enough. because you were The Bigot Queen, you’re embedded in a network of bigots, your bigotry blog links to the new blog, and those people are still following you. so if you don’t believe that shit anymore you’ve GOT to block those people and make an announcement saying “I no longer believe that trans women are evil rapists who should die btw" lol
also would encourage cis ppl to examine their immediate reaction to learning her identity if it is "oh no the cute llama blog :(" guys come on
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iwassupremacy · 7 months
I’ve been reading smut since I was fucking 12?!
(12 is way too young btw, minors do not interact with my work. I mean it, I will come for your ass!)
Anyway I decided to share my knowledge with the world and created this blog. Enjoy ;3
If you’re interested in any of my tagged fandoms you could maybe leave a follow? Because I take requests and these are the fandoms that I want to write about. I know they’re random :P
A little bit about me:
I’m 20 years old
Pronouns are she/they… I’m very female presenting tho so people rarely address me with ‘they/them’
I’m a taurus and enfp
I love dancing and obviously writing
I wrote my first short story when I was only 7 years old which of course was a lot more innocent than what I write here haha
I loooove reading! Could do it all day long
Disclaimer: English is not my first language and even though I’ve always been writing short stories and smut I’ve never published anything. So please be kind. Tips and constructive criticism are always appreciated, but hate will be blocked immediately.
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Happy wednesday! hope you, Saeth and nightshade had and will have a great week. (btw, what dog-race is nightshade? I don't think I've read that before 🤔)
Honestly I would love to read more about the nameless timetravel fic! So curious to see how they will change things this time around. For instance, how easy do they get rid of valentine?
nightshade is a lab retriever and he's super lovable and spoiled and he likes being wet so he smells like a pond most of the time! i hope you are doing well and they'll have a pretty easy time, they have alec and alec's never met an enemy he didnt study. i hope you're doing well! we finally all napped and feel much better.
saeth named it the same sky and now it has a name lol i hope you enjoy!
Alec is aware he’s blunt.
He’s also aware that Magnus is working through a trauma that Alec can’t fix through anything but time and Magnus doesn't have the time he needs.
It’s with desperation that he looks at Cat and Ragnor and he gives a wry smile.
“It’s nice to meet you again, Catarina. And Ragnor, I look forward to getting to know you in this new lifetime.”  He blinks guilelessly, hoping he got his point across and he thinks he does.  Cat hisses lightly, reaching out to grab Ragnor’s arm and Ragnor himself pales to a lighter green and nods, eyes hardening.
It also lets them know that Magnus has been wounded in a way they’ve always desperately tried to protect him from, one of their deaths.
“Darling, tattling on me to that old cabbage already?” Magnus asks, voice dark and low and Alec chuckles, wrapping an arm around Magnus’ neck.
“I need to make sure someone keeps an eye on you when I’m back at the Institute.”
Magnus is thoroughly distracted now, face outraged as he uses magic to drop Alec and pin him to the ground.
“You are not going back to the Institute!” Magnus barely manages to get out, “you are moving in here. Immediately.”
And because Alec hasn’t been married to him for centuries now and not learned how to be a little shit, he hesitates.  He knows now exactly what it does to Magnus for him to look up through his lashes, or to bite his lip while sulking.
And Alec will now admit that he sulks, because it makes Magnus give in immediately and Alec isn’t a strategist for nothing.
“But we only just met, Magnus. I thought during the first time round, you said these things had to happen slowly? That I was moving too fast?”  Alec purposefully tries his best to sound earnest and also hesitant, a little sad even.
Magnus almost falls for it and it’s with outrage that he realizes he’s almost been played.
“The audacity of some brats.” Magnus mutters, but he’s smirking down at Alec and he nudges him playfully with his boot. “Come up here darling, stop making me want to lock you in the bedroom.”
“Oh?” Alec asks, suddenly interested, “is that an option?”
“Why do you want to know if that’s an option?”
“Well obviously I’m not doing the whole interim head and commander I did last time. I don’t see why I can’t just stay wherever you’d like me.”
Magnus is staring at him adoringly and Alec sighs, letting himself pout up at the man he loves.
“So are we faking my death, am I being kidnapped?” Alec flutters his lashes and then frowns, wincing as he looks contemplatively at his side.
“You still have your parabatai bond, don’t you?” Magnus asks, something off in his voice and Alec winces, because he did try to block that off. Not wanting Jace to feel Magnus or Magnus to feel Jace.
“I haven’t had to share you for decades now.” Magnus whispers and Alec sighs and kisses Magnus’ cheek and the corner of his eye. “I thought it was just the bond resettling, that I couldn’t access all of you but would with time.”
Alec curses the pain he’s about to cause his parabatai, but he also doesn’t care as much as he might have a century ago.  Alec’s siblings lived good, full lives and they died happy and content.  Rare, beautiful gifts for shadowhunters and Alec finds that he looks at these new, young versions of them more like their distant descendants. 
Which is good because in the last few decades, Alec has learned that there is truly nothing and no one that Alec wouldn’t sacrifice to keep Magnus safe, happy and alive.
“Okay, we’ll fake my death. Maybe we can take care of Valentine and I’ll just show up in the aftermath. Explain who Jace is, what Valentine did to him. We can blame the bond breaking on him. Say he kidnapped me or something.” Alec is resolute in his decision. Other things, better plans, can be figured out but Magnus needs this.
Alec can tell in the way his hands are trembling, just a little.  The way he reaches for across the bond and then pauses, as if hesitant to press closer.
It’s grating on Magnus already and Alec doesn’t think he needs this new stress on top of holding back his temper and sorrow over what’s happened to them.
True they have each other and a chance at a new life, but it’s also different.  They were done with this life and this world, moving on to another and now they’re back.  So far back before so many things went wrong.
Alec hates that he knows Magnus is going to feel responsible for solving so many of those problems for the downworld.  Magnus doesn’t need a young interim head fighting his parents at his side.  Magnus needs a strategist who knows all sides and can be brutal, even towards his own people.
Alec has been Magnus’ secret weapon in many small and large wars across the years and it’s a position he’ll happily take up again.
It’s with ease that he rucks up his shirt and hands over his stele to Magnus, who takes it with the same awe that he had the first time Alec went to Edom for him.
Someday, Magnus will stop looking at him like that. Like it’s a surprise that Alec loves him so much.  It’s been well over a century and it still hasn’t happened, but Alec has hope and enough love to make it a habit.
“Third times the charm?” Alec says even though it doesn’t feel funny, that this is the third time this part of his soul has been cut away.  He’s lived longer now without Jace and bonded to Magnus than he did the other way around. 
It feels strange to not let Magnus encompass him entirely and Alec misses it with a fervor that he leans into. It keeps him steady through the breaking of the bond and Alec can feel Catarina’s startled, concerned magic pressing against him.
“He’ll be fine now.” Magnus murmurs next to him and Alec settles, safe in that knowledge.
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 8 months
Hey!! If you're a TOH fan who's doesn't support pr*ship stay!
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Oh, you don't believe me? Here proof!!
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It's so fucking stupid how easy it is to find this disgusting artist and their pr0shit
The artists ships Lumity, lunter, camilty (Camila x Amity) and Adult Amity x Minor Luz
As for Amphibia I haven't seen much since I don't use Twitter (I used some screen shots from Pinterest and chrome version of Twitter btw)
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This picture just rubs me the wrong way, I don't know if its platonic or romantic, and can someone please translate the words you'd be a massive help!!
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This...what the hell is this??? I'm not trying to be rude but this is all rubbing me the wrong way!! I don't even know how to interpret this, and yet again I need another translation for the words
The fandom they're in are Amphibia, TOH, and Steven Universe, Ive seen some of their OCs, I'm not sure if they are cause it's all in a diff language
I haven't seen any NSFW art YET!!! and frankly don't want to cause I'm a fucking minor
So you get it, block this artist and don't save any of their pins (if you use Pinterest like meee!) Always make sure to inform other people they're problematic so they know and a top reposting their art!
And don't hit me with the "they make art in a different country and the age of consent is different there than in America" you dumb fuck TOH was made in America, and the age of consent is 18, and it's on Twitter which MOST AMERICANS USE, it wouldn't matter anyways cause they'd still get canceled and obviously get known for being problematic artist
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c0zy-fluff · 6 months
Sooooo, I chose to play as Bubba (Koopa) alongside CatNap (Shy Guy), DogDay (Toad), and Kickin (Wario) and decided to play Boo's Horror Castle (you could technically say it was a boys night ig)
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...For starters, in context, everyone and I mean EVERYONE in the party kept landing on the back space and they were all kinda getting fed up w/ it, buuuuut there were a few times where they landed on a shuffle space... WITH A BOO RIGHT BEHIND THEM-
Kickin landed on a back space, which led him to winding back up into the Boo, costing him his 9 stars (which were originally at 17)
One time when they landed on the shuffle space, with a Boo right behind them, everyone was literally crossing their fingers (well, except Bubba cuz of his hooves, but still-) that they weren't gonna be the sacrificial lamb to the Boo.
Wouldn't ya know it, CatNap was the sacrificial lamb and he had 32 stars and that was (half) WIPED away from him. I think at that point CatNap had a death grip on his controller (it wasn't exactly at the point to where he wanted to throw it at the TV, but it was close) cuz he was really close to catching up to Bubba
After another failed attempt at rolling higher than the number on the wall to get to the boss, DogDay landed on a battle minigame space and this time, it was the Fire Hammer Bro. I forgor which minigame it was, but pretty sure CatNap lost. And OH BOY- I think at that point he was internally fuming due to having to drop from 2nd to last after losing half of his stars
When it became CatNap's turn again, he was internally fed up and wanted to get as much mini stars as he could to climb back up, soooo he landed on YET ANOTHER BATTLE MINIGAME SPACE- and CatNap, with his ear-to-ear grin (or literally the grin ya see in the cartoon trailer for ch 3), says to the others questioning why he wanted to land on the space again, when they just got out of a minigame, that he wants mini stars. That's all he said (Kickin lost that minigame btw 😭)
Until after that minigame, no one realized until now how high Bubba's star values were. (Like srsly, bro had about 60 smth stars meanwhile everyone was at around 10-15 stars 💀)
Kickin literally wanted Bubba to stop winning, but Bubba just shrugged (meaning he said no-) and Kickin told the others about how they gotta stop Bubba, but they don't know how
When they landed on a Bowser space, there was a reverse minigame, the minigame was Thwomper Room, and how did you guess? Bubba won again
Kickin literally kept telling Bubba that he alr has enough stars, but apparently Bubba can't get enough-
After the boss battle (which Bubba won), Kickin was just saying to everyone else, "...It could go ANY way!" and Bubba was just quietly snickering at that remark when he really knew that none of them had a chance of winning
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Kickin, not only wanting a rematch on a different map, but also slowly turning his head towards Bubba and saying "Is it safe to say you're banned from Mario Party now?" Which was obviously a joke, and had Bubba smirking and rolling his eyes
I'm still playing the second round atm, but I wanted to pause it there cuz the FUNNIEST SHIT JUST HAPPENED.
They then chose Bob-Omb Factory and cuz of DogDay, they immediately skipped over the two pairs of mini stars in the path, with Bubba getting the next set of stars (which Kickin internally facepalmed at)
Few turns later, it was CatNap's turn, he landed on a dice block space and got a surprise minigame; he chose Magma Mayhem
(This was where the FUNNIEST MOMENT, imo, just happened-)
When the minigame started, Bubba IMMEDIATELY kicked Kickin off the ledge and his jaw just DROPPED and his ego was D E S T R O Y E D from that-
Hoppy was laughing and wheezing her lungs out for about 5 minutes after the minigame shortly ended (after DogDay pinched CatNap off and Bubba kicked DogDay off, leading to Bubba winning again) and she laughed a LOT more when she saw Kickin's facial expression
Kickin, absolutely speechless and still facing the TV processing what happened, literally went "WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?! BUBBA, WHAT!?!?!" and Bubba was chuckling at Kickin's reaction
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Fr tho, I laughed the moment I kicked Wario off cuz I honestly didn't think I was gonna land a hit on him-
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xiakeik · 1 month
U know especially for someone who hasn't consumed JJK in awhile, that's really accurate. I'd really love more details if u want but not only is that super accurate but man what a fucking fun character that would be. Idk even know who I'd want to see them interact with the most because I want to see them interact with everybody. The stuff like doing insane things to win arguments and caring so much about how they look is such a perfect way to combine their traits too
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Little rushed comic I thought I could do of their interaction with Mr. Stanford Pines himself!
Further explaination under the cut :]
Some other fun things I thought of regarding Nopher that aren't specifically related to Ford/anyone:
Nopher (which I'll say is the fusion name), definitely will have a hard time getting used to the body first. If you think about it, it's just Sukuna & Itadori in Season 1 (which btw, IF my art block doesn't attack me, i MIGHT draw an interaction btwn them). Simply not pleasant LMAO. Ford doesn't really know what to do with it because Nopher isn't much of a threat for the moment. Another thing to note is that Nopher kinda just showed up to to Ford's doorstep (thanks Bill) and while Ford DOES immediately recognize Bill in Nopher, he does not recognize the physical body he inhabits. Ford doesn't know Nobara, and Nobara doesn't know Ford. Only connection they really have with each other is Bill. I feel like Ford would be VERY intrigued by how Nobara, who likely doesn't have much knowledge on Bill, is able to withstand brief periods of possession per say? I'd like to think that although Ford really doesn't want to do anything with Cipher At All, he can't really ignore the fact that he got a "random" person involved. Obviously Nopher's capable of pretty much the entire arsenal that Nobara & Bill have (except Bill's powers might be a teensy bit limited but they don't know that).
Don't ask me where they get the money from but they do enjoy clothes shopping/shopping in general for the trendy stuff. One of the very few things they "enjoy"/have in common.
Nobara within the mindspace once in awhile will get excited to see the things they have around Oregon, same with Bill when they meet the JJK gang in Tokyo.
Bill ABSOLUTELY gets really confused over the idea of being able to see Curses. The creatures released during Weirdmageddon couldn't leave the confinements of the town, so it's a shocker for Bill to find that there are actually other worldly beings residing in a place outside of Gravity Falls. Freely too! (If they aren't killed)
On the contrary though, Nobara will always see the weird stuff happening in Gravity Falls as a threat. She's been trained that way to never let her guard down and she's BRUTAL with it. I think during these times, Nopher's general "crazy" really starts to come out.
Regarding the past 2 bullet points, it's a just whole new struggle for Nopher: Nobara needs to continue protecting people from Curses that normal people can't even see, whereas Bill always wants to try and make allies with them. It's tough.
That's probably all I'm gonna come up with for now!! I do have a semi-large project I'd like to get started on & finish before the end of the week so story-building Nopher may not be prioritized for now. I do hope you enjoyed my ramble though, anon!
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simcardiac-arrested · 5 months
AKNDMN,S okay so
juts a fair warning this is a very long ramble so like. people reading this be careful you might be stuck here forever because you cant put read more in asks for some reason
I don't have any updated references for Six Silver Stars (the one who's very mad at one guy) so she won't. have any images.
She was created with the idea of mapping stars and planets and stuff so her puppet chamber was built outside of the can and made out of glass with her puppet arm attached to the roof of it. im sure this creates no issues at all whatsoever. anyways the main ancients that monitored her and talked to her did not like them. which im sure doesnt create any issues whatsoever. ive fallen in love with the idea of schools organising trips to visit the puppets of iterators so she made friends with this one kiddo who wasnt super social with the group. kid was often granted permission to visit her chamber and they'd often talk and just bond. kid was part of a fancy-ish family who was very devoted to the void. bring in Unnamed Iterator because i cannot think of a name
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art and design not by me by a friend btw.
anyway they were made to bless people and prepare them for the void. like the people felt that they were ready and they pretty much just said 'yeah good luck' and gave them offerings and fancy robes and masks to hopefully make the void favour them slightly. Kids family went 'yeah lets all dip in the void and take our like. 15 year old kid with us this is so cool of us' which then left Stars pretty alone as her ancients often just. blocked communications for her because they were soo amazing(sarcasm) Stars immediately turned all blame onto the guy because its all she really had to blame. she didnt know the parents of the kid and she obviously wouldnt blame the kid so yeah. this guy was the blame.
this guy also worked very closely with Swirling Blossoms, Fading Fast
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(again art and design not by me i saw this adopt and my brain went yesss) as they both had similar but different jobs. They made to be a god directly to the ancients, a place of worship, offerings and confessions. she was built with taboos SUPER SUPER SUPER enforced into her code like to an ungodly amount. also was given a lot of 'ancients need help you must help them they dont mean to do anything wrong ever they need help.' again i am sure that this didnt give them any issues surrounding themselves and their ancients at all. both them and unnamed guy communicated a lot and slowly started to date in secret which was Really Weighing on Blossoms because ''dont grow attached to anything thats a sin thats a no no ''
this continued to weigh in on her and like. a little while after the mass accession somehow messages between them got leaked. like not anything gross just typical couple stuff. not sure how this happened yet . but yeah, she was Very Stressed OUt About This despite like no once giving a shit. panic lead to her making dumb desicions and she ended the relationship and isolated herself. a lot 👍
so during this unnamed guy is like acticly trying to fix two relationships, one with someone they barely knew but felt very very bad for and one with their ex.
starts continued to do not very good and was exceedingly pissed at unnamed guy because before the mass ascension her communications were blocked and no one is able to break them or undo them. so like. they were sending scugs back and forth to Stars who was just like "Dude FUCK OFF you fucking killed my kid " and his ex was just sending them back with no response. theyre so fucking fucked over and a sopping beast and theyre not okay.
anyways theres more but this is also like. a brick post thats not very well organized so if youre still interested i might talk more about them in another ask
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hematomes · 2 years
HI as most of you know last month my genshin account was hacked and it was one of the most stressful situations of my life, essentially because I did not know what to do at first. Recently I've seen people going through that too, so I thought I'd try and help them out. Also added preventive measures in case it happens, because you need a fair amount of information to prove its your account.
This comes from my personal experience and also compiles advice from the subreddit r/GenshinHacked. I'd advise against looking elsewhere because Twitter threads are a confusing mess full of contradictory info, and this subreddit is really well-done. You can directly see other people's experiences and they answer rather quickly when you make a post so!!
Also I'm severely sleep deprived right now so english hard. Obviously reblogs are very much appreciated since it's to help the community but you know. Whatever let's get into it
1. What NOT to do
- DO NOT try to buy it back. This is actually the reason I'm putting this guide together, because I've seen people buy their account back and, seriously, don't. Buying an account is against the ToS and could result in your account being banned, which is way worse than hacked because then you most likely won't get it back. Additionally, it doesn't mean the hacker won't somehow steal it again. There's no security, you'd be depending on the asshole who literally stole your account. Do not. Do that.
- DO NOT buy accounts in general. It doesn't do any good. Like I said it's against the ToS and exposes you to it getting banned or even, in the worst case, sued by Hoyoverse. Most accounts put to sale are also stolen accounts, btw. There's at least half a dozen websites dedicated to selling and buying accounts, and a shit ton of them are stolen. It's not worth it, even if the account has your fave 5* character(s) c6r5.
- DO NOT contact the hacker or, if your account has been bought, the buyer. This will just increase the chance of it getting trashed, weapons and artifacts destroyed etc. Make sure to tell your friends not to contact them either even if they want to, it's extremely important. Even when you get your account back, just block everyone from the friendlist that you don't recognize and, if someone joins your world on behalf of the buyer, block them too. I don't co-op often but I did get like half a dozen of co-op requests after getting my account back.
- DO NOT attempt to hack it back. It could result in a much worse state, e.g your account being banned. Also if you fail, higher chance of getting your account trashed.
- DO NOT assume the worst. This is mostly for your own mental health. There's a good chance your account was bought or at least the hacker's trying to sell it, so deleting weapons and artifacts would be stupid. And even if they do (which sucks), keep in mind that you'd still have your characters. If you end up with no artifacts and are on the EU server, send me an ask or a dm and I'll help you farm them back for as long as it takes! /srs
2. What to do INSTEAD
- Allow yourself to panic. It's a really stressful thing to go through, so it's only natural to be distressed. I cried for hours, man. It's okay, you'll be fine, but for now just let it happen.
- Immediately go to the aforementioned subreddit r/GenshinHacked, specifically the menu tab, and click "Recovery Form Guide". You can also reach it directly using this link: Recovery Form Guide. It tells you how to get the form, and every step of the process. Don't hesitate to make a post asking for help, they're really sweet and understanding. However if anyone contacts you through dms or even comments about some random guy being able to get it back, ignore it. It's a scam.
- Follow each step carefully, and wait. It typically takes 5-10 working days to get a response from hoyoverse, sometimes less and sometimes more. It's hard, but you can't really do anything about it. I'd say distract yourself with something else but that shit did not work for me. Just know you're not the only one going through that and I'm mentally hugging you.
- Don't give up. It can take a few tries to get it back, but as long as you have the necessary informations and can prove it's your account, you'll get it back.
3. Preventive mesures
- Don't give anyone information on your account, unless you trust them. If someone joins your world and offers to buy you a welkin, a battle pass or even just crystals but need your info to buy it, it's a scam. There's an affiliate website to gift crystals to other players - and I think you only need their UID), so they can go through there if they're sincere.
- Only buy crystals directly from Hoyoverse or affiliated websites. Same with your info.
- Install Malwarebytes on your device and let it check it for malwares. If there's anything, even if you haven't been hacked yet, completely reset your device and change your passwords.
- Enable 2FA (two-factor authentication) on your hoyolab account AND your e-mail address. I use the app Authy, so far it's been working great. I can't vouch for any other. For the hoyolab account, you can link your phone number for example.
- Collect the following information on your account:
The date you created your account. You can verify it by logging into Genshin. Menu > Character Archives > Amber. Bottom right you'll see the day you acquired her, which typically corresponds to the date you created the account.
The device you created your account with, with information about it. The form usually says what they need, and the guide from r/GenshinHacked also help. Keep it safe!
The receipt for your first top-up, if you're not f2p. A screenshot of the e-mail will suffice as far as I know (I use Google Pay tho so I'm not sure how it works for other payment options).
Information on the device you play the most with. The form is pretty clear about it.
Additional information you can get now: 5* characters (with the day you obtained them + constellations), 5* weapons (with the date you obtained them + refinements), event weapons, which characters you picked from the Liyue Lantern Rite these past 2 years (NOT absolutely necessary, I didn't add that). You can provide screenshots of getting the characters and weapons with the UID visible, but keep in mind that these can be forged so it's not fool-proof.
I got reasonably lucky: they answered in roughly a week and my form was accepted on the first try, essentially because I provided the information mentioned above. If you can access it, keep it somewhere safe.
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