#i came back alive just for his birthday i love myself
eccentricwritingbaby · 11 months
part one part two! part three
lando norris x fem!reader
summary - y/n is giving lando a run for his money in playing hard to get, and lando knows he's in love so so soon. 
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author's note! should i make another part or possibly make this into a series? lmk what ya think!
you woke up to a distant ringing running throughout the room. slowly rubbing your eyes and giving a bit of a stretch, you roll over in an attempt to find your phone. once found, you grimace at the time yet your smirk grows when seeing the contact read ‘mr mclaren’. 
“yes?” you answer the phone while letting out a cough to remove the sleep from your throat.
“did you just wake, love?” lando replies. you can practically see his teasing smile through the phone as he questions you. you rearrange your body so that you’re leaning against the headboard of the bed while biting into your answer, “mclaren, it’s currently 8am on a sunday, no person alive should be awake right now,”
you hear lando’s contagious chuckle from the other line along with a bit of shuffling around on his end, “i wanted to know if you were busy tonight,” he gently asks. you could tell he was a bit nervous from the small quiver in his voice. it had been around two weeks since your first meeting at the coffee shop, since then there were texts and calls constantly, but never an in person meeting since. you didn’t want to just be used by lando, expecting him to be a prick due to his celebrity status. there were certain insecurities that would become undone with seeing him in person that you were yearning to keep at bay for the time being. lando, on the other hand, only grew more attached to you. ever since he even saw you in the coffee shop he was beyond forward which he had never done before. sure there were girls in clubs that he could easily chat up, but he would never be so bold. and so sober. he knew from that moment - you were something special. something he needed. he enjoyed that you didn’t care about his celebrity status and were making him work, it gave him the reassurance that you liked him, not his wallet size. 
“i have dinner tonight for a friend's birthday,” you sigh, “maybe a quick lunch before?” you add on in haste for lando’s peace of mind. you honestly were not trying to avoid him, but his schedule was hectic with travel and you had many friends with whom you’ve made previous plans. 
“i’ve got plans during lunchtime,” lando says, you could practically hear the irritation in his voice, therefore leading to your next line, “i’m really not trying to avoid you, lando. I’ve just got a loaded schedule,” your words are gently said, attempting to ease his brain. 
“I know, love. I just really want to see you,” 
and then your next words came out of your mouth so quick you couldn’t even think, “come over,”
“what? i-i mean, are you sure?” his excitement was not hidden, yet the hesitation was purely based on his knowledge that you had just woken up, and only ever been with each other in person once. and that was your first time meeting. and nothing overly romantic happened. and now he’s invited straight to your place. 
“well, shit, if you don’t want to come thats fine ill just head back to sleep-”
“no no no no,” he interrupts sporadically, “i’ll be there soon, send me your address please,”
“hmm, i don’t know. you’re lack of excitement really turned me off from the whole idea i think i’ll keep my address to myself,”  you giggle a bit into your teasing. lando wants to be annoyed - he truly does. and if this was any other girl he just may have been. he most likely would have given up this chase the minute any other girl turned his request down in the first place. yet - there was something about you. you were different. and you were so worth it. 
lando clears his throat and begins to speak in a dramatic tone while giving your teasing right back, “that’s alright, y/n. i will drive all day and night if i have to, knock on every door. trust, my love, i shall find you,” your loud laughter rings through the phone and he swears his heart skips a beat. 
“ah mr. norris, your lovely sense of humor and perseverance have allowed you access to my apartment,” you smile once more and rattle off your address. once the call has ended, you jump out of bed and begin to get ready as lando said the ride would only be about 10 minutes. face washed, teeth brushed, perfume and lotion on, quick change of clothes from your ratty old pajamas to cuter loungewear, hair tied up to look as though you didn’t even try - all in record time. just as you finished the last spritz of your perfume, the knock on your door echoed through your home. 
sauntering over towards the door and swinging it open, you’re met with the face you hadn’t realized you miss so dearly. “why hello sleepyhead,” he chuckles. you usher him into your home while replying, “y’know you’re the one being irrational here? its currently 830 in the morning, it is crazy to be up right now. on a sunday,” he laughs once more while grabbing your wrists and lightly tossing them around his waist. his own arms then wrap around your shoulders as he plants a kiss to the top of your head. “i’m not being irrational, darling. but if you want to head back to sleep i would not be opposed to a nap,” you look up at him from where your face was resting against his chest, “please,” lando plants a kiss to your nose, “lead the way,” 
lando wakes up around an hour later, tucked into your bed with your head adorably pushed into his neck. he soaks in your appearance, one leg thrown over his hip, head cuddled into him, arm thrown over his chest and he relishes in it. the two of you hadn’t even kissed, hadn’t gone on a proper date, for the past two weeks only had fleeting phone calls and yet - this was normal. this was home. you were home. he thought as he laid with you curled into his side, he thought about a future, about a new beginning, about how adorable you would look in a certain papaya color, and god how his mother would just love you. lando couldn’t help the thoughts. he didn’t even know if you had siblings or anything remotely deep about you however he knew for sure three things. one - he was and forever will be completely, head over heels, insanely in love with you. two - his future has you and you only in it. and three - you both were so unconventional in your ways and in your soon to be love story that he knew his life would never be boring as long as you were in it.
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aphroditeinthesea · 3 months
“ the best thing that’s ever been mine ”
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jason grace x greek!fem!reader ⚡
a quest turned unforgettable
a/n happy 30th birthday loml (bc he's very alive xo)
⋆ ˚。 ⚡︎♡⚡︎ ˚。 ⋆
Y/N was already exhausted. She joined Jason on their last quest before they would be off to New Rome University.
“There’s too many choices,” she complained, laying upside down on the motel bed in a random small town in Vermont, “I cannot decide between journalism and creative writing.”
The tall blond walked out of the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe. He held his toothbrush that was still covered in the blue paste, “why don't you do both?”
She thought for a second, “I’ll decide when we get there, I guess.”
He leaned back inside the bathroom to spit in the sink before joining her on the bed. She leaned over, laying her head in his lap so her so he could play with her hair, “two weeks.”
“Ugh,” she scrunched her face, “that’s so weird.”
“It’s not that weird,” he laughed, “it’s nice. We’re gonna be moving in together, every night can be like this.”
She smiled, sitting up, “seems too good to be true.”
He trailed his arm around her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder, “I know, every morning I actually have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not still dreaming,” he melancholically smiled, “I have to make sure I have this life, that this is actually happening to me,” he looked down at her, “and that you're real.”
She bit her lip, smiling, “cheesy.”
“Hey!” He defended, “I open up to you and get called cheesy?”
She giggled, “sorry, sorry,” she pressed a kiss to his cheek, causing his expression to soften, “I just think it’s cute you think I might not be real.”
“How is that cute?” he laughed. She kneeled on the bed to now be taller than him, “because it means you love me.”
He laid back, pulling her down with him, “love isn't a strong enough word, sweetheart.”
“Hm,” she positioned herself on her elbows, “then what is?”
“I don't think there’s a word for it.”
“Enamored, adoration, agape?”
“Did you just open a thesaurus?”
She cackled, throwing her head back, “it’s called a brain, blondie.”
“Sorry, I’ve never heard of that,” he joked.
She leaned up, kissing the corner of his mouth, “most people’s are in their head, but yours might be here,” she held onto his bicep.
“Wow, Y/N,” he sighed, “where’s yours then?”
She shrugged, sitting up to lean on the headboard, “considering I came on this quest, because I didn't want to leave you, I say here,” she answered, pointing to her chest.
“Your heart?” he grinned.
“No, my boobs.”
He let out a bray laugh, throwing himself onto a pillow. She grabbed another pillow to hit him with.
“That did not hurt.”
“It could’ve,” he responded.
“You’ve been stabbed countless times, I think you can handle a feather pillow.”
“Wow, hit me where it hurts,” he sarcastically replied.
“Okay,” she smiled, hitting him again.
“Y/N!” He yelped, shielding his face with his arms.
She hit him again, and again, and again. When she finally stopped, he stared up at her in a way that his blue eyes might as well be shaped like hearts, “Jason?”
“Will you marry me?”
Her eyes widened, she trailed his face, trying to figure out whether or not he was being serious. The way his eyebrows nervously creased and a soft smile curved on his lips, told her all she needed to know.
He sat up with her, “really?”
She bit her bottom lip before a smile found its way to her cheeks, “I love you more than anything, Jase. We might as well.”
He kissed her, tightly holding her face in his hands. She was first to pull away, although still tracing his bottom lip with her thumb, “there’s a convenience store, across the street.”
“I bet they sell ring pops.”
“Oh?” he looked at her for a second, “let’s go.” He quickly got up, pulling on a hoodie. She followed, putting on a pair of leggings to pair with the oversized t-shirt that belonged to her boyfriend. Scratch that. Fiancé. “Ready?” He smiled with an outstretched hand.
She took his hand in hers, “ready.”
They rushed out of their room in a fit of giggles. The thought they probably woke up a few of the other people staying there crossed both their minds for a quick second before the true situation was the only thing they could think about. They were gonna get married.
They stepped out to see the empty streets and sidewalks. She briefly looked up at Jason, “Jay?”
“Yeah?” He looked down to her with an unfaltering smile on his lips.
“Are we dumb?”
He thought for a second, looking at the stars that were so clear in the Vermont sky where there was maybe one streetlight in sight. “No.”
She laughed, leaning her head against his arm as they crossed the street, where Jason insisted on looking both ways even though there wasn't a car in a hundred mile radius. “I think we’re idiots.”
“You're the only one,” he paused, “I mean the only one who thinks that,” he defended, “not the only idiot.” He stopped again before continuing, “not that either of us are idiots, we’re very smart actually. This is a smart thing to do.” He kissed her head as she stifled laughs at the boy’s nervousness. He opened the door of the convenience store, letting her walk in first.
She crossed her arms, “when we get back to camp, Annabeth gonna be on our asses about this.”
“Hey,” he turned around to grab both her hands, “you wanna do this, right?”
She leaned up to kiss his lips, “more than anything.”
“Good,” he grabbed something off a shelf to look at to divert his gaze from her shining eyes, “because I don't think I’ve ever been happier than right now.”
She tilted her head. She placed her hand under his chin to get him to look at her once more, “seriously?”
He looked around awkwardly. He then placed his lips to hers as he whispered, “you’re the greatest thing in my life. I love you more than anything.”
Her smile beamed at him, “I love you, too, blondie.”
He laughed, “then let’s get some rings.”
They aimlessly wandered the small store to look for the candy aisle. They giddily pranced into the section.
“Okay, what’s your favorite flavor?” He asked her as they stood before the ring pops.
“Cherry,” She leaned forward to grab the package, she turned to look back at the son of Jupiter, “what about you?”
“I don't know,” he shrugged, “I’ve actually never had one.”
“No way,” she grinned. “Here,” she picked through the flavors, “I think you’d like this one,” she handed him the blue raspberry candy, “it matches your eyes.”
“Thanks, love,” he took it from her grasp before grabbing her free hand, “you wanna go get married now?”
Her heart fluttered at the reminder of what they were truly doing. They were getting married. They were going to be husband and wife. Bounded by holy matrimony.
“You okay?”
She quickly nodded, “never been better.”
They hurriedly checked out and rushed out of the store. They both stopped in their tracks just outside of the store.
“Where are we getting married?” He mentioned, looking down at the girl.
“Yeah, I don't know.”
“Wait, one second,” he let go of her hand to grab his phone out of his pocket.
“If you get any single out here, I think it’s a sign we have to get married.”
He chuckled, typing into Google. “Hey, wait, there’s a chapel ten minutes away.”
“You're kidding,” she responded, leaning against him to see his phone, “but it closes in five minutes?” she frowned.
“Hold on,” he dialed in the phone number he found on the website. He held his phone to his ear, a few seconds passed before he spoke, “hello? Sorry, I know it’s late but- yeah, we were hoping we could get married tonight,” he locked eyes with her as he continued, “uhm, Y/N L/N and Jason Grace,” he went silent for a minute, “really? That’d be amazing, thank you so much. We’ll be right there.” He placed his phone back in his pocket, “we’re getting married tonight,” he couldn't have smiled any wider when he spoke.
She laughed in amazement. She jumped up, wrapping her arms around his neck, “we’re getting married!” she nearly shouted. 
He kissed her hair, tightly holding her, “we’re getting married,” he slowly let go of her, “but we have to hurry.”
“Right,” she nodded. I want to say that they flew there as in they just drove really fast, but they did in fact fly there. Above the wooded forest that lined the streets. When they finally arrived at the chapel, there was a singular light on by the front door and a sign with missing letters that read Elysium Wedding Chapel.
“Elysium,” she spoke, “are you serious?”
“A little threatening,” Jason joked as they walked closer to the white building. He squeezed her hand as he knocked on the door.
An older woman, about 70 or so, answered the door. A smile donned her face as her eyes met the two, “you must be Y/N and Jason! Come in!” She led the two of them into what looked to be a living room with pink and floral furniture that looked to be from the fifties or so.
“Thank you for taking us so late,” Jason mentioned as the woman opened a large book. She stood under an arch adorned with fake pink flowers and green vines.
“Nonsense,” she replied, “we hardly ever get visitors,” another woman, who seemed a bit younger walked in, “oh! Here’s my daughter, Alexandria, she’ll be your witness.”
“Nice to meet you,” Alexandria said, “you two look young, how old are you?”
“We’re eighteen,” Y/N answered, her arm now locked with Jason and her hand holding his.
“Oh my!” Both women exclaimed, causing giggles from the couple. The older woman seemed as though she was about to speak again but suddenly began looking around the stand where the book was on.
“Geez Louise, I lost my glasses again,” she shook her head, “I’ll be right back.” With that, she scurried out of the room.
There was a moment of silence before Alexandria began to speak, “you know why we call it the Elysium Wedding Chapel?”
They both shook their heads, momentarily sharing a look before turning back to the woman.
“Elysium was the Greek equivalent of Heaven. So, when my mother and father opened this place, they thought about how romantic the Greeks were and decided to name it after their Heaven.”
“That’s amazing,” Y/N responded. She then looked up at the blond, “right, sweetheart?”
He smirked, “yeah, the Greeks really were romantic.” There were those heart eyes again. He soon looked at the woman, “she’s Greek actually,” his head motioned towards his soon-to-be wife.
“I should've known,” the elder added, “Greek girls are always the prettiest.” (i’m totally not just saying that because i’m greek.)
Y/N grinned, “thank you.”
The older woman once again came into the room, “found them! Now, let’s get this show on the road.” She guided the couple to the arch, “you two hold hands.” The two mirrored each other, both distracted by the adrenaline in their veins to think straight. It was finally becoming real, that they were to be married in the next few minutes.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony,” she turned to Jason, “do you have vows you wish to read.”
They shared a look. Jason’s hands sweated in Y/N’s grasp. Sky blue eyes met e/c ones as his mouth opened, “Y/N, I know you already know this, but I love you, so much,” he blinked in an attempt to stop himself crying, “I never thought that I could be loved in the capacity that you do. I always was taught to believe that I was nothing but a soldier,” he hesitated, realizing how strange that must've sounded to the strangers, “but I think you freed me and I’ll forever thank you for that, Y/N.” “Damn it,” she mumbled as tears began to spill, “Jason, if anyone asked, you are the most incredible person to walk this planet. You are the most selfless, caring, loving person I have ever met. Since the day I met you, I knew I never wanted to be away from you for a second, and there would be no greater gift than spending my life with you.” He let his tears rain down when she finished. He looked down as he tried to gather himself.
The woman turned to Jason, “do you Jason, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
He sniffled, “I do.”
“Do you Y/N, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
Y/N widely smiled, her cheeks hurting from how much she had done so that evening, “I do. I really do.”
“Rings?” The woman questioned.
“Right, sorry,” he grabbed the bag he had left on a nearby table.
“Oh!” The woman raised her eyebrows, “ring pops?”
“The only thing we could get on short notice,” Y/N mentioned, smiling through the tears on her face.
“Okay, then,” the woman laughed, “repeat after me,” Jason tightly held onto the cherry candy, “with this ring, I thee wed.”
“With this ring, I thee wed,” he slipped the ring onto the girl.
Y/N’s hands began to shake, “with this ring, I thee wed,” she repeated.
The woman clasped her hands together, “by the power invested in me, I pronounce you, Jason Grace and Y/N L/N, man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Jason took her face in his hands, bringing their lips together. She could taste the salt on his lips from the tears, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that she was kissing her husband.
They left the chapel, hand in hand. No words were said on their way back to the motel. They had said everything they had needed to say for centuries. But just before they entered the room, Jason stopped her.
“What?” She questioned, looking around.
He opened the door before turning back and picking her up bridal style, “I had to,” he smiled. She threw her head back, laughing. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they walked into the room. He placed her softly on the bed, hovering over her.
“I love you, Mrs. Grace,” he whispered just as he pressed a kiss to her lips.
She brushed her thumbs against his cheeks, “I love you, Mr. Grace.” He kissed her once more, “hm, you take good, too.”
He chuckled, “so do you.”
“I think we should always eat ring pops before we kiss.”
He kissed her neck before looking back up at her, “anything you want.”
Y/N and her secret husband sat side by side on the grass of Camp Half Blood alongside the rest of the Seven as well as Nico and Will.
“Why are you wearing an old ring pop?” Annabeth queried.
“Oh, uhm,” Y/N panicked as she scrambled to find an answer.
Leo interrupted before she could say anything, “I was asking Jason the same thing earlier!”
That’s when the daughter of Athena noticed the matching ring on the boy’s left ring finger. She looked back up at Y/N, “you didn't.”
“You got married!” the blonde girl exclaimed.
Everyone crowded around the two asking questions about what happened.
“I can’t believe you didn't tell us,” Percy commented, crossing arms.
“We didn't tell anyone,” Jason defended, “we barely knew what was happening!”
“I can't believe you didn't choose me as your best man,” Leo offensively added.
The blond rubbed his forehead, “I didn't have a best man at all, Leo.”
“How did it happen?” Piper questioned, leaning closer to the two.
“If you guys would shut up for five seconds, we’ll tell you,” Y/N responded.
They both went on to tell the group everything. From the pillow fight, to the vows. The way they laughed and talked over each other made them realize that husband and wife was the simplest way you could describe them.
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hedwig221b · 3 months
Your fic recs got me singing 🎵 a whole new wooorld🎵
On that note, any recs for just pure filth?
You want me to expose myself, huh?
Knot Thinking With Your Head by KnottheWolf
The first time Sam met Stiles he had no idea who the Omega was, nor did he have any clue that the Omega was already in a series relationship. When he met Stiles, he was hungover and had a massive pounding headache that was killing him to have his eyes open. The Alpha instantly ran to the nearest bathroom to puke in the toilet, before splashing cold water in his face and sighing with relief when the pain was barely there anymore.
Flushing the toilet he left the bathroom so he could make himself a cup of coffee, and then start figuring out how to make the best first impression with the other Alpha’s in the fraternity.
Now all he wanted to do, when he spotted the Omega was get all up on that cute ass.
Stuck In A Rut by KnottheWolf
Derek just loves to show off at the gym, first with his muscles and then with his mate.
AU in which it's legal for werewolves to have sex in public.
So Shed Your Skin and Lets Get Started by halfhardtorock
He's sixteen and in the woods on the wrong side of the town-line and he's so fucking fucked.
He knows he's not supposed to run, they teach that to you in preschool (don't run from a Were, back away slowly and walk with care), but they never told you how it would feel, standing alone in the dark with your heart beating in your throat as those glowing eyes tracked you from the shadows.
Deflowered by astrugglingstoic
In which there is a prince, a knight, sequential sword fights, and an anecdote about pressed flower petals.
As it Should Be by KuroKitty (HaleYes)
Stiles comes home from his 18th birthday party at the bowling alley to find a surprise waiting for him in his room.
Or, the one where Derek has no chill.
Plushwolf by the_ragnarok
So suppose Stiles slept every night with his plush wolf doll, to ward off bad dreams. Only that doll was Derek under a spell, and he came alive in Stiles’ dreams.
Specifically, in the type of dreams that involve coming.
In The Dead Of Night by SinQueen69
Stiles wakes up, dripping cum and loves the fact he had no idea who came into his room that night to fuck him.
The Kinky Adventures of a Wolf and His Boy by halcyon1993
A series of mostly unconnected PWPs in which Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale engage in all manner of depravity.
Love's Violent Delights by Dexterous_Sinistrous
Derek caught the way the man’s eyes looked over Stiles before lingering on his ass. He waited for the clerk to place the key on the counter before he reacted.
Stiles startled at the loud noise, turning away from the pamphlets in the display box to see Derek pinning the clerk’s head against the counter. He drew in an even breath, looking between the struggling man and Derek.
Derek briefly looked at Stiles, hesitating before he saw the gleam of excitement in Stiles’ eyes and the hint of lust in his scent. “Ever look at him, or any other Omega, like that again, and I’ll slice your eyes out with my claws.” He shoved the man back, not caring of the commotion that was made as he snatched up the key from the counter.
Angel Choirs and Magic by LadyDrace
Derek has been very, very patient, and has shown frankly incredible self-control in the face of brutal teasing and flirting for two months. But now it's time for the mating run, and he's about to get his reward.
Except for how maybe it's actually Stiles getting a treat.
Anything, really by SinQueen69, I ain't gonna expose myself more than I already did, but that shit is so… 🥵 yeah
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | possessive Derek | mafia | hurt/comfort | magical!Stiles | Stiles gets kicked out of the pack
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi Neil. You've been my favorite author since I was a child, and last year I got to see you in Eugene, Oregon. Though, I nearly didn't have the chance to go.
The fall before, just a few days before my birthday, I attempted suicide but couldn't go through with it at the last minute. I had been in the store to get what I needed and I saw this truly awful hoodie. Lavender with full body tigers printed all over in black ink. It made me think of my childhood friend who I was still close with. It was ugly but, she would've loved it. I went back to the helium tanks and just stood there almost like I had suddenly forgotten why I was there. I just thought about that hoodie. I ended up buying it with the money I had planned to use for the tools I was going to use to end my life. I got to my car, looked at this thing in my lap, and remembered what I had been there for. I cried and called the hotline, because now I had to live so I could send it to my friend. In that moment, I just wanted to give my friend something that would make her smile more than I wanted to die. And, at that time, it was enough. My 29th birthday a few days later carried this weight of knowing I nearly didn't see it. Last year, I survived to 30 and couldn't help laughing at what felt like absurdity.
When I saw you were coming to Eugene last year, I was so excited. I went alone since I didn't have anyone who was as interested in going. I'm not one for celebrity or anything like that. I had admired you for so long for all the things you created that it felt surreal. You're not just a writer, you're a storyteller. You've created stories using all sorts of different types of media and I've always thought that was amazing. Like a magician. Whether they use a coin or hat or card, they make magic. To me: whether it was a book or a comic or a movie, you made magic.
This is probably a bit long-winded so I apologize for babbling but all of this is for me to tell you something I've wanted to tell you since that day in Eugene. I took so long to say this because I wanted to find a way to tell you how much weight this carried for me. I drove home that night, thinking to myself, "I'm glad I'm still alive." That was the very first time since the attempt and, frankly, in my life that I had ever thought that. I had always lived for other people and their happiness. I survived in part for the same reason. That night, it dawned on me that it was okay to live for my happiness too. Even if it was small. I felt like I had the sun in my chest and it was everything. I wanted you to know what that meant for me. So, thank you. Truly, thank you
Oh, thank you. I'm so glad you bought the hoodie, am so glad you came to see me in Eugene, and am really happy you are here and that you got to be happy. Stick around.
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Different ~Simon Riley Imagine~
Summary: You and Simon stay connected for the sake of your son. But events eventually lead you two back together in a way you both didn't expect.
Author’s Note: I've had this in my drafts and I was debating if I should release it or not. So I decided to free it from the drafts.
Based on the song Different by Joshua Bassett
Part One
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: character deaths, spoilers for Modern Warfare 3
Do not repost this anywhere!
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Simon wishes he could hate Mitch. In a messed up way he desperately wants to hate him. But he can’t.
He’s a perfect step father to his son and an amazing father to your daughters, he’s the perfect husband, and he’s able to be home with you without making you worry if he was going to come back dead or alive. Mitch is what Simon wishes he was for you.
Ever since Simon found out about his son, he wanted to get to know him. He didn’t never wanted to be like his father. He wanted to be better. So whenever he had the chance, Simon would go see his son.
“Did you see that soccer game the other day?” Mitch asked Simon.
“You mean football?”
“Right right. I forget you Brits call it football.”
“Makes more sense doesn’t it?” Simon asked.
“I guess in a sense.”
It was Levi’s birthday and Simon and Johnny came over to America to visit and celebrate. Levi was officially 8 years old and was now an older brother to two sisters.
“When do you guys plan on coming to visit again?” Simon asked.
“We’re thinking the summer. Might take the kids to Disneyland Paris this time too,” Mitch tells him.
“They’ll enjoy that.”
“How are you and Johnny?” Mitch asked him. The best thing about Mitch, he was never the one to judge. Sure he was upset at Simon for cheating on you but you had told Mitch that you had forgiven Simon and Mitch trusts your judgement.
“Good. Good.”
“Okay boys. I am in need to help now,” you say as you carried your youngest.
“I got her babe,” Mitch said before putting his drink down and taking his youngest daughter in his arms. “You can hang out with me and Uncle Simon.”
“Thank you darling,” you say before giving him a quick kiss.
It always stung in Simon’s heart when you kissed Mitch. It’s selfish of him to think this way but there was always a part of him that wanted you back even after all this time. It was wrong to think this way but he knew he would always love you. Even if he did love Johnny.
After the party, Simon and Johnny helped you and Mitch clean up.
“You know you guys don’t have to stay behind to help clean right?” You asked.
“You did more than enough for today and with planning all this. Go relax,” Simon tells you.
“We got this Bonnie. It’s the least we can do for you,” Johnny tells you. You let out a sigh in defeat before walking over to your daughters.
“Okay girls! Bath time,” you say. You picked up your two girls before walking upstairs to get them cleaned. Simon watched with a sad smile as you kissed the top of your daughters’ heads.
Simon came straight to you after the worst mission he had ever been on.
You gave Simon a hug the moment he told you the news. Johnny was gone. Killed in action. The last time you saw him heartbroken was when you found out about him and Johnny and you had called him Ghost.
“Anything we can do for you?” You asked him.
“I just need something to distract myself,” Simon tells you.
“Levi has a soccer game tomorrow if you want to join us,” you tell him.
“Yes please.”
“How long have you been grieving?”
“I think long enough.”
“I don’t think so,” you shook your head.
“You loved him Simon. It’s okay to be in grief for a long time,” you tell him. Simon hugged you again, not wanting to let you go.
“Thank you.”
“I’m here for you.”
Soon, it was Simon’s turn to comfort you. You had lost Mitch in a car accident when he was coming back from work one night. Simon made sure the kids were fed and taken care of while trying to help keep you fed and alive.
“I’m here for you love. I always will be,” Simon tells you. You cried into his chest, passing out from exhaustion on the couch in his arms only an hour later.
Simon was no longer in SAS but he did help with training new recruits after capturing and killing Makrov. Not as dangerous as before but he still had a steady job and was able to take care of you and the kids.
“What if we go out tomorrow night?” Simon asked you one night. It had been five months since he had been helping you with your kids.
“What do you mean?” You asked as you were cleaning up your kitchen.
“Just you and me. We can go see a movie or grab dinner together?” Simon suggested.
“Would this be a date?” You asked him with a look.
“No. More of a hang out,” Simon tells you.
“Okay,” you say unconvinced.
“I don’t want to force you into anything. I’m letting things go slow,” Simon tells you. You nodded before beginning to do the dishes.
Levi had reached the age where he was finally old enough to know that Simon was his biological father. You and Simon had sat Levi at the table before telling him the news.
“Do you have any questions for us?” You asked Levi as you sat across from him.
“Why did you leave him?” Levi asked you as he glared at Simon.
“Because he fell in love with someone else.”
“And why are you with him now? Aren’t you afraid he’ll hurt you again? This is bullshit,” Levi said angrily.
“Language,” you warn.
“So you hurt her, let her marry someone else, and once he’s gone you just think you can come back into her life like that?” Levi yelled at Simon who had been silent since the conversation started. He knew that Levi would be mad at him. He knew Levi would be angry. And he didn’t mine because he knew that this would be upsetting.
“Levi, I know I hurt her. I should have never hurt her but I did. We’re going through couples therapy together and it’s been helping us. Your mother has forgiven me enough for me to be back into her life,” Simon explains to him.
“What do I even call you now? My dad is dead and my whole life I’ve only seen you as Uncle Simon. Do you expect me to call you dad now?” Levi asked, still angry at the news.
“You can call me whatever makes you comfortable right now. I don’t expect you or your sisters to accept me now but I am here for you three and your mother,” Simon tells him.
Levi shook his head before getting up and heading towards his room. You looked at Simon with a sad look.
“Do you think we did the right thing?” You asked.
“Yes. He’s old enough now and he just needs to get use to it. It’s better to tell him now than later,” Simon tells you. You nodded before looking at a picture of the wall with you and Mitch.
“I wonder what it would’ve been like if Mitch was still around.”
“Could be the same reaction,” Simon tells you before placing his hand on yours.
The girls loved Simon on the other hand. They loved it whenever he caved into their games and how he would let them put makeup or nail polish on him. Mitch took care of Levi and now, Simon was returning the favor in protecting and caring for Mitch’s daughters.
“Uncle Simon?” Your youngest asked Simon one day.
“How come I can’t see my daddy anymore?” Macy asked him.
“You’ll be able to see him again. Just not now. He’s somewhere where we can’t touch or see but one day in the long future, you’ll see him again,” Simon told her.
He loved the girls. He would protect them no matter what and was always weak whenever they would give him puppy eyes when you say no to them. Simon knew they weren't his daughters, but he can be the best father figure they needed as they grew up.
“Will you ever leave us?” Macy asked him.
“No. Not unless you tell me to leave you,” Simon tells her.
“I don’t want you to leave us,” Macy said as she hugged him.
“Then I won’t leave,” Simon said, hugging her back.
Simon had waited this for a long time. To see you in a white dress, walking to him, and saying your vows together. Even if it was in a courtroom with just your kids, your parents, Price, Laswell, and Gaz to witness you two. It was perfect for him.
So here you two are, having dinner with everyone at your favorite restaurant with close friends and family who you wanted at the reception. Neither you or Simon cared for a big fancy wedding. You had already gotten your dream wedding with Mitch and Simon wanted to keep things lowkey. So you both agreed for a courthouse wedding then dinner at your favorite place.
“Proud of you,” Price told Simon as he patted his back. The two were drinking a beer as you talked to Laswell and Gaz.
“I know Johnny would’ve been happy for you too.”
“He would’ve enjoyed this,” Simon added.
“She’s a good woman, Simon. Make sure you keep her this time.”
“I will.”
“Hey. Um dad?” Levi asked Simon awkwardly. Levi still had conflicted feelings in called Simon dad after calling him Uncle Simon for so long. But he eventually accepted the fact that Simon was his biological father.
“Yeah kid?”
“Mom wants to know if you wanna do the cake now,” Levi asked.
“Tell her yes. We can do the cake,” Simon told his son. Levi nodded before going back to you.
Simon walked over to you before wrapping his arms around your waist. Your mom brought out the cake for you two before she took a couple pictures of you both and then with you two and the kids.
"To Mr. and Mrs. Riley. We wish you two nothing but happiness," John said as he raised his drink.
"Thank you all for being here with us," you say before you and Simon cut the cake for everyone.
After your reception, your parents took the kids to watch them over the weekend while you and Simon got to enjoy the honeymoon. Simon and you slow danced in the hotel's garden. The staff didn't want to interrupt you both as you both had a moment alone together.
"Thank you for giving me a second chance," Simon says to you.
"I'm surprised you waited for me."
"You're the only person I'd ever wait for."
"Do you think they're happy for us?" You asked Simon.
"Knowing them, I'm sure Mitch and Johnny would've wanted us happy and safe. No matter what," Simon tells you. You smiled softly up at him before giving him a gentle kiss.
You rested your head on him as you both continued to dance to the music from your phone.
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homeofthelonelywriter · 9 months
K.I.A. | Oneshot
(A/N) This one could really hit hard. Please take care of yourself.
Pairing: Simon x Reader (no Y/N)
Warning: lots of angst, death of a loved one, depression, grief, alcohol, comfort in the end
Synopsis: I don't think there is a need for a synopsis. The title says it all.
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It was supposed to be fine.
It was supposed to be safe.
“It’s going to be a quick and easy mission, love. I’ll be back in no time.”
That’s what he had said.
That’s what he had promised.
But he lied.
The mission wasn’t quick. It wasn’t easy. He wouldn’t be back in no time.
He was dead.
Killed in action, an honorable death.
To hell with them. To hell with their honorable death. Death isn’t honorable, death is death. And now he’s gone. And I’ll never see him again.
It’s his funeral and I can’t even look at them. The ones that survived. Price, Soap, Gaz. They all came back but he didn’t. He didn’t and he never will.
They hand me a flag, folded into a triangle. If I could, I would throw it at their heads. If I could, I would yell at them. If I could, I would I hit them. But I can’t. I can’t do anything, but stand there, hold that stupid flag and cry while they fire off their shots. I can’t do anything.
Well, I can do something. I can lie in bed. I can cry, a lot. I can ignore my hunger until I almost throw up. I can see his shadow, trick myself into thinking that he’s back. That he’s alive.
And I can think of him. Of all the good memories. How we met. The first time we kissed. How he asked me out. Our first date. The birthday he gave me the puppy.
The puppy…at the though of Riley, I sit up. At least until I realise that my mom took her after the funeral. She was safe, cared for. I was alone. So fucking alone.
I don’t know how much time passed, a week? Maybe a month. Perhaps even two.
I finally get up and take a shower. I smell after all.
The shower feels incredibly small without Simon behind me.
And that’s how I start crying again. I sit under the stream for what feels like hours before I finally find the strength to get out and dry off my body before falling back onto my bed.
But now it’s getting better.
I take showers from time to time.
Sometimes I even eat some food. I don’t cook anything, everything I’ve had, had spoiled by now, but I just order in.
It’s been four months since Price stood at my door and told me he was dead. That Simon would never come back. And I’ve finally found a way to dull the pain.
Alcohol isn’t the answer, of course. But for now it’s the only thing that is making me feel even slightly alive.
I spent most my day at the bar nearby, what else am I supposed to do?
Home makes me think about Simon.
Work makes me think about Simon.
Hanging out with my family or friends make me think of Simon.
We had never gone to this bar together, so I’m safe here. And the alcohol drowns out my thoughts of him. Well, most of them anyway. At least it leaves enough sense to find my way back home.
It’s become some sort of ritual. Get out of bed, get dressed, go to the bar, get shitfaced and go back home.
Today isn’t any different. Why should it be? But why…does it feel different.
I usually spend multiple hours there, but today I just want to get back home. After I pay for the drink I actually had, I make my way home. But I feel watched, the whole way back. At least I’ll feel better as soon as I’m in bed.
I unlock the front door and walk inside, not paying any mind to the big shadow standing in the hallway, or to how similar it looks to Simon. Instead, I lock the door behind me and shrug off the jacket I’m wearing, hanging it up.
I walk past the shadow and to the staircase leading up and to the bedroom I share…shared with Simon. But something stops me. One word.
I freeze not moving a single muscle. It can’t be him. But it sounds like him. But he’s dead. But it looks like him.
Stiff, almost like a robot, I turn around and look at the shadow. And I see Simon.
“You’re not real.”
I shake my head and start walking up the stairs.
“Love, it’s me. I’m sorry, I-”
I cut him off as I spin around and slap him across the face. That used to get rid of the hallucinations, but…he’s still here. His head whips to the right from the impact, but he doesn’t move.
He looks at me. He is here. So I touch him.
I place my hands against his chest, against his beating heart.
And it is beating. He is alive. He is here.
I move my hands to his shoulder. They are as broad and hard as I remember.
I move them to his neck, feel his pulse. He is here. He is alive.
I only realise that I’m crying when Simon lifts his hands and carefully wipes them away.
A sob wracks through me and I let him wrap his arms around me.
Another sob and I let him pull me closer.
My body shakes as he holds it to his.
His body. Firm and warm. Hard, covered in muscles.
He is here. He is alive.
“You were dead.”
He tightens his hold on me.
“I know, love. I know.”
I claw at his jacket, trying to get him closer.
“I cried for you.”
Again, his hold tightens.
“I know. I wish I could’ve done something. All I could do was watch.”
I continue to cry and sob in his arms.
At some point, Simon picks me up and carries me upstairs. But not to the bed. To the bathroom.
Carefully, he sets me down on the edge of the bathtub before he turns on the shower. With hands, as gentle as I remember them, he undresses me, before he undresses himself.
He navigates me into the shower, before he carefully washes me. All the while, holding me close and consoling me whenever I have another break down.
And then, he leaves me there. He leaves the water on and it feels like he’s gone again. Maybe I just imagined him. Him being here. Him consoling me. Him taking care of me.
But I didn’t.
He joins me in the shower again after ten minutes.
“I just changed the sheets real quick. Let’s get you out of here, princess.”
Once again he picks me up and carries me to the edge of the bathtub. He had placed a towel there, so I don’t feel the cold of the metal when he sets me down.
Carefully, as if I were made out of porcelain he dried my body before he pulled one of his old t-shirts over my head. Once he is dry as well, he carries me into the bedroom and places me on the bed, before he gently tugs me in.
“I’ll be right back, my love. I’ll just get you a glass of water.”
He presses a kiss to my forehead and is about to walk away when I catch his wrist.
“Please don’t leave. Don’t leave me again.”
He turns to look at me and opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.
“Simon, please. I…I can’t loose you again.”
Tears are rolling down my cheeks again. And this is what he needed.
He nods and climbs into bed beside me, immediately pulling me close against his chest.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry my love. I’ll never leave you again. I promise. Never again.”
I nod but continue to sob into his chest. And this is how I fall asleep.
I wake up the next morning, alone in bed.
“Simon? Simon!”
Without thinking, I try to rush to the door, but my feet get tangled in the sheets. I fall to the floor, but get up immediately.
Please let him be there. Please let him be alive. Please.
Please please please please please pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseple-
“Love? Are you alright?”
He is here. He is alive.
“You…you are here. You are alive.”
I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself up, wrapping my legs around his waist. His arms immediately wrap around me and support my weight completely.
“Ssh, it’s okay my love. I’m here. I promise you I’m here.”
Like a baby, he started to gently bounce me up and down until I slowly started to calm down. Now I know why that works on babies.
For the rest of the morning, I stay there, wrapped securely in his arms, while he cooks pancakes and cleans the dishes. I even eat in his arms.
And even after that, I’m hesitant to leave them. But I do. I let him set me down on the couch and watch him as he flies through the house and cleaned the messes that had accumulated since his ‘death’.
His ‘death’.
Simon stops in his tracks and turns to look at me.
“Why what, my love?”
I sigh, already feeling bad about asking this question. But I need to know.
“Why did you fake your death? And why didn’t you tell me?”
Now Simon sighs. He puts away the broom and sits down next to me.
“There was a mole in the 141 and we had to flush them out. This was the only way we could think of. I’m so so sorry love. I promise, I tried my best to get them to change their mind. Or to at least let me tell you, but the mole…he had to buy it and…”
“They were afraid I wouldn’t fake it well enough.”
Simon nods, sadness clear in his eyes.
I nod. And I can’t say that I don’t understand. I knew what I was getting into when I started dating him. I just never thought it would go that far.
“Si…please never do that again.”
He shakes his head and picks me up, putting me down on his lap.
“Never, princess. I’ll never leave you again. I swear on my grave.”
At that statement I pull back slightly and look at him. His lips were pulled into a slight smile. And then I start laughing.
“You are such an idiot.”
Simon chuckles and nods before pulling me back onto his chest.
“I’m sorry, love. I just couldn’t help myself.”
I shake my head and cuddle into him and I know this is going to be alright. We are going to be alright.
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Call of Duty - Masterlist
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kalinihta · 5 months
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a/n: my first post on this account (and fiction writing in months)! i’m not that great of a writer so corrections are appreciated but please don’t be rude to me or anyone on my blog. i hope you enjoy this:)
plot: reader is a jazz singer in the wastelands and she sings about her husband of a lifetime.
trope: cooper howard x reader, the ghoul x reader
fandom: fallout
even after the bombs, the living still needed entertainment. good thing i was still alive. i owned a small little jazz club downtown of filly, many people came to see me — ghouls, raiders, you name it. i made my living off bottlecaps from the entry fee and tips. 20 bottle caps for entry and i usually got tips above 30. i used my caps to buy meds, meds for my husband.
my husband’s a ghoul, somehow im not. i was already examining a vault when the bombs had dropped. coop had a birthday party gig, i felt i shouldve begged him to come with me to the vault, but i hadn’t. i should’ve trusted my instincts that day. nonetheless i still love him, hes still a divine being in my eyes.
currently, im backstage getting ready for a performance. cooper was out hunting a bounty, said he might be back in a couple days. i sighed as i combed my hair, i held my gaze in the mirror. if something were to happen to him i dont know what i’d do.
standing up, i examined myself in the mirror.
i think im ready..
as i walked out of the room i gave dogmeat i quick pet before walking out on stage. my heels clicked on the medium sized stage, gazes locked on my body, and commotion erupted. cat calls and claps echoed through the small club. one i had reached the mic i turned to my piano player and nodded. he smiled and began to play.
You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want…
i paused for a moment, a small blanket of whistles covered my ears. i took a breath and closed my eyes.
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Never was there ever a girl so pretty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Baby, put on heart shaped sunglasses
'Cause we gonna take a ride
I'm not gonna listen to what the past says
I've been waiting up all night
i heard the old doors of the club open, but i didnt pay any attention and kept singing. silent foot steps echoed the club as i kept my eyes closed. i heard them pause for a moment before sitting on one of the many squeaky chairs.
Hurt me and tell me you're mine
I don't know why but I like it
Scary? My God, you're divine
Gimme them, gimme them dope and diamonds
whispers and mumbling always came up during this song. they speculated my lover physically hurt me, when it was never physically. he always had a way with my heart, and no matter how much bad news he told me i always was there for him. it’s not like he abused me, oh no, never. it was just sad to see him go through so much that it even hurt me.
as i sang along, i slowly opened my eyes to gaze around the room. many men’s stares and some women smiling and talking. as my eyes roamed i spotted a familiar cowboy. my eyes widened slightly seeing him here, he said he wouldn’t be back for days… i pushed away that thought and lightly smiled at him, holding his gaze. the song ended, i thanked everyone for being there and went off the stage and left the band to play. claps and whistles erupted as i left the stage.
as i cleaned off my makeup, i felt a hand on my shoulder. i looked up in the mirror and smiled.
“you know, that makeup made you awfully pretty, darlin’.”
i giggled. i looked up at him and held the hand that was on my shoulder.
“you did pick it out, remember? 200 years ago…”
i spoke softly. his hard gaze softened lightly, brushing my hair with his hand. he pressed a kiss to my head and held me for a moment.
“you said you wouldn’t be back for days, what happened?”
“well, sweetheart, the guy just so happened to be traveling on his way to filly. speaking of filly…”
he reached in his pocket, rummaging for a moment. he pulled out a beautiful ring that looked oh so familiar. our engagement ring.
he held it out between his two fingers, his gaze all over his face. i sighed deeply, tears building up. he softly smiled, wiping the tears that did fall.
“i just so happened to find our engagement rings. the rings that had been stolen from us, oh so, long ago, darlin’.”
“thank you…”
i breathed out. i was so surprised he found them, the same rings that matched our eyes. they were very dear to us, my ring matched his eyes, and his matched mine. i let him slide the ring on my finger, i gazed at it before jumping to give him a hug. he stood still for a moment, slowly moving to encase me in his grasp.
“do you find me scary, sweetheart?”
“scary? my god, you’re divine…”
i pulled back slightly to look at him. my hands held his face. we both leaned in and encased ourselves in a kiss, a soft embrace.
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Love Letters
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Pairing: Kyle Gaz Garrick x reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, happy ending
Words: 1.9k
Synopsis: Gaz sends you letters while on deployment…
Part of Gazfest @glitterypirateduck
One shot with the prompt: What did you just say?
I’m so sorry. 
I miss you. When I find the time to sleep, I think of you constantly. I think of the way your warm skin feels against mine when we’re in bed together, how you fall into my arms every night even when you’re halfway across the bed. 
I always sleep better when I’m with you.
I don’t think I can go on without you for much longer. You’re constantly on my mind. Your voice. The way you can’t sing worth anything but it still sounds like music to my ears. Your smell. Fuck, the shirt you wore stopped smelling like you months ago and I think that’s when I went mad. 
I fight with myself every night. Sometimes I hate this job because it keeps me from you. I can’t call you, can’t even text you, I have to send these letters and wait weeks for your response and hope that you’re not going to tell me to piss off because you’ve finally grown sick of this. Of me.
You sounded sad in the letter you sent. I’m sorry. I know you’ve been crying and it hurts me to know that I’ve hurt you. You have every right to be upset with me and I don’t care that you’re mad, just please stay. I’ll make it up to you, somehow I will and I shouldn’t ask you to wait more but please just wait for me.
I love you. With every part of me. I can’t imagine me without you. I love you so much and I will say it until I can’t anymore. 
I wasn’t lying when I said I would come home those months ago. I promise I’ll be home soon.
I love you,
Your eyes burned with the promise of tears that never appeared as you reread the letter in your hand. You couldn’t stop yourself from staring at it even if you wanted to, not when this was the last thing you had received from him in months.
You knew when you had started dating him that he would disappear for long periods of time. It was something that you had come to terms with a long time ago and though it was hard to not see him for long stretches of time, the letters he sent you were enough to at least fill some of the void until he came back. 
There had been some hope. He had told you he had been coming home, that he would make up for the fact that he missed your birthday and your anniversary by doing whatever you wanted. 
You’d been ready to see him, ready to feel his arms around yours and hear his voice, ready to sleep in the same bed as him and eat breakfast with him in the morning.
You waited.
And he never showed.
You hadn’t meant to sound so upset when you wrote him back, asking where he was, hoping that he was still alive and that he hadn’t forgotten to come back to you. You didn’t want him to feel guilty for doing his job because you knew that he loved it just as much as he loved you, but you missed him so much.
You couldn’t sleep when he was gone and you had also noticed that the smell from his shirts had disappeared long ago. That was when you knew he had been gone from you for too long and that he needed to come home, no matter how important the mission was.
He thought you were going to leave him. 
It made your stomach tie up in knots and you felt like you were going to be sick. It had never crossed your mind because even though he was gone a lot of the time with little contact, he was the only one for you. 
You could only imagine how he felt. He must’ve panicked which is why you received a letter with handwriting that looked as if it had been written in a hurry, like he was trying to get out everything he felt in that moment in hopes it would convince you to stay. 
You sent one back, telling him that you were still here, you were still waiting for him, but it had been radio silence since.
Now you were laying in your bed, clutching onto the letter like it was your last hope as you waited for either the front door to open and your boyfriend to walk through or for Price to show up and tell you he wasn’t coming home. 
A shaky sigh left your chest and you swallowed hard.
You refused to think about that. He would make it home to you, he always did, no matter how bad the injury or how long it has been. So you pushed those thoughts away from your mind and instead let your exhaustion consume you. 
You dozed off eventually. You weren’t sure if you were fully asleep when you heard movement around the apartment sometime later into the night, but you attributed it to your mind playing tricks on you in your sleep deprived state. You didn’t have the energy to open your eyes or get out of bed to investigate, so instead you just hid your face into the pillow in an attempt to stay asleep.
There were heavy footsteps throughout the apartment before they approached the bedroom almost in a frantic state before they stopped abruptly in the doorway.
“Fucking hell.” A sigh of relief before the footsteps grew closer until the mattress dipped under new weight.
The letter was taken out of your hand and your eyebrows knitted together. You let out a soft groan when you felt arms wrap around you and pull you into a warm chest that filled your nose with the familiar scent of home.
“Baby.” Kyle whispered in your ear as he hugged you tightly. “I love you so much.”
It was a cruel dream but you weren’t surprised that your mind was giving it to you. With the amount of times you had thought about him coming home you were bound to dream of him coming home to finally hold you in his arms. 
“I love you too.” You mumbled in your sleep as you placed your hands over his arms.
Kyle pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck and trailed more down to your shoulder as he rubbed his hands over your skin. He breathed in deeply and nestled himself against your back, pressing you against him as firmly as he could while you happily let him, still believing that this was a dream.
For a moment he was silent as he held onto you. He pressed his face into the crook of your neck while you found yourself actually falling asleep. He nearly would’ve let you, especially as he felt himself fall into the clutches of sleep that had previously been out of his reach due to the fact that you weren’t with him.
“Will you marry me?”
Your eyes snapped open and you blinked the sleep out of your eyes. It took you a moment to get past the disorientating feeling of having forced yourself out of sleep so quickly before reality came crashing down on you quickly.
Somehow you pushed yourself out of Kyle’s arms and turned around to look at him with wide eyes.
Kyle stared back at you with nervous eyes of his own. He looked exhausted, with bags under his eyes and judging by the fact that he was still wearing his work clothes he must’ve crawled into bed as soon as he had gotten home. Yet despite that, he stared up at you with as much love and affection as the day he first fell in love with you.
He raised his hand and brushed his fingertips across your cheek, gently caressing your soft skin with the calluses from months of being away from you and gave you a soft smile.
You did the same, bringing your hand up to hold his face, touching him as if you couldn’t quite believe he was here in front of you, in the same bed as you. 
“You’re home.” You whispered as a few tears escaped your eyes but he quickly wiped them away.
“Yeah,” He breathed out as his eyes bounced around your face. “Said I would.”
You smiled and leaned down, pressing a kiss to his lips that he happily returned. It was tender and he pulled you on top of him as he held onto you as if you’d disappear right in front of him. You could feel every emotion from him, every word that was left unsaid in the many letters he had sent you over the months as you held his face.
It wasn’t until you remember what he said to you just moments prior that you broke the kiss and stared down at him with a look of confusion.
“Wait, what did you just say?” 
Kyle grinned and let out a soft chuckle despite the nervous look in his eyes. His hands moved down to your hips where his thumbs rubbed circles into your skin. 
You stared down at him with anticipation. For a moment, you wondered if maybe you had dreamt it, or maybe that you had misheard what he said because you were so tired. But judging by his reaction, you knew that it wasn’t your mind playing tricks on you and suddenly your heart began to race.
“Now you wanna talk about that?”
“What did you say, Kyle?”
You were shaking slightly and all you could do was stare at him as he licked his lips. You waited with bated breath as he took a deep breath as stared into your eyes with a serious look full of the most love you had ever seen him have towards you.
“Will you marry me?” He repeated softly and your breath hitched in your throat.
God you loved him but this was really not the way you had imagined this going. You’re not sure if this is how he imagined this going either, since you knew he probably had something grand planned for you but he must’ve been either too excited to stay on that plan or too scared you were going to be gone before he could say it.
You were sure that later on he’d do it “the right way” and give you everything you wanted, though you were fine with anything if it meant that he was the one that you got to spend the rest of your life with.
“Yes!” A grin stretched across your face and you nodded frantically. 
Kyle grinned as well and began to laugh when you leaned down to pepper kisses all across his face, not sparing an inch of his skin. He held onto you, trying his best to return the kisses but you were too quick, causing him to give you fake complaints while you showered him in love.
You yelped when he rolled you on your back onto the bed, a laugh escaping your chest before he locked your lips in another tender kiss. You melted into him, holding onto him as tightly as you could while he hovered over you.
When you broke apart for air, he rested his forehead against yours and the both of you smiled like idiots. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
A/N: I'm sorry this is kinda short but I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get this finished in time for Gazfest. I'll end up writing more Gaz fics soon though
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La Dolce Vita - John Shelby/Cosima Changretta (OFC).
Here comes part three of the mini series, besties! Hope you like it :)
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Words - 4,044
Warnings - Each part will be adult only content, from swearing to eventual smut and violence. Minors DNI.
Part III - Paradiso
“Let it go. Set yourself free, for god’s sake. You have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, you hear me?” 
Polly’s words rang through her head once again, just like they had since a few days before at her birthday dinner. Cosima was doing her best to listen, heed the advice, especially whenever she felt herself upon the fringes of genuine contentment.  
Or, when her husband came and offered her a little affection, just like he had in that moment, sliding his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek. “What’s my perfect little Italian housewife making here, eh?” 
“Chocolate and hazelnut filling for the cannoli’s I just fried. Here.” Dipping her finger into the mixture, she turned and offered it to his mouth, John sucking it from her fingertip. 
“Bloody hell, that tastes better than any chocolate I ever ate,” he spoke, Cosima smiling, giving his stubbly jaw a little tickle with her fingernails. “If there’s any left, can I paint ya tits with it and lick it off?” 
“What?” he chuckled filthily, moving her hair and laying kisses to the side of her neck.  
“You’re a dirty little rascal!” 
His laughter continued. “Give me time, love. Trust me, you’ll like me for it eventually.”  
Yes, things were certainly beginning to thaw rapidly between them, the last four days full of pleasantness and playful affection. The actions of the man who had insulted her, coupled with John’s swift retribution – and hers too – had certainly sealed the notion that the two previously discontent spouses actually thought a lot more of one another than either had been prepared to admit. 
John certainly hadn’t forgotten the night in a hurry. “I still can’t believe what you did to that bloke, beating the shit out of him with ya shoe,” he chuckled, arms tightening around her narrow waist a little more. It had felt good, to see her act like she gave a damn about him.  
“Yes, you can. I am, as you coin me, a feisty little Italian mare, after all,” she chimed, decreeing the mixture in the bowl before her was ready to be spooned into a piping bag, wiping her hands on a cloth and turning to drape her arms around her husband’s neck. “And if anyone is going to beat you up, it’s me.” 
That tickled him, John throwing his head back and guffawing. “Oh, so not because you like me on some small level, then? Just cos’ you wanna batter me, eh?” 
She tucked her chin, shrugging. “Maybe a little of that, too.” Biting her lip, her eyes darted from side to side. “It’s complicated, though.” 
His fingers pushed beneath her chin, gently prompting her to look up. “Why is it?” 
Sighing, she felt her discomfort rising within. “I’m really trying hard to get along with you, to not dislike you because of what happened in the past, but Polly opened my eyes to something I’ve been doing and, um, it explains a lot.” 
“Tell me about it, then. I ain’t the best with words, but I’m a good listener. Plus, I’m your husband, Cosima. You can tell me anything.” 
God, he was so sweet. Beneath the hardened gangster lay a softness that he truly did want to show her, if they could stop battling with one another for long enough. “I think the reason I poke at you so much is because I think I deserve it, an unhappy marriage. Polly said I’m punishing myself in lieu of my father being alive to berate me.” 
“If your father was alive, who’s to say he wouldn’t have come to the same conclusion, eh?”  
Her snort made him feel like he was about to receive a mouthful of sarcasm for a moment, but all she did was laugh softly, resting her forehead against his chest. “I doubt that. Regardless of what he might or might not have thought, though, what Polly said to me was right, I have to concede. Papa is gone, and I’m still here. I need to stop acting like a bitch. I need to let it go.” 
The words resounded with John on his own feelings of guilt, feeling his chest tighten as he thought of Esme. “Yeah, yeah me an’ all. I think what Pol explained, I think I might’ve been doing a bit of that too, like.” 
“Because of Esme?” she asked softly, thumbs stroking the sides of his neck. 
“Ar, bab. Because of her. Still don’t feel right sometimes, but I know it ain’t your fault, why she’s gone.”  
“Do you miss her?” Immediately, she saw the discomfort flicker across his face, the conflict. “It’s okay. I reverse the same sentiment to you, John. I’m your wife, you can talk to me. I know you blokes don’t like talking about things, but if you want to, you can to me.”  
He kissed her forehead, touched by her offer. This? It was a side to her he had wondered over, whether the fieriness of her nature could ever diminish in its heat enough to allow for an unburned softness to flourish. “Yeah, love. Yeah, I do. Breaks me bloody heart that Mary and Seamus only had her for a few years. If there’s anything I thank you for above all, it’s how you’ve taken ‘em all on so well. I saw you in with the girls the other night, rocking Mary to sleep while she cried for her mom. You might be a temperamental little beast sometimes, but you’ve got a good heart for them kids, Cosima.”  
“Thank you. And yes, I do. I think the Chinese call it Yin and Yang.” 
“Do what now?”  
His confused face had her in soft fits. “Yin and Yang, the balance of duality, or something like that. Dark and light, they have a little black and white symbol for it,” she began, John suddenly cottoning on. 
“Oh, the thing that looks like a couple of tadpoles doing a sixty-nine with each other? Yeah, I know that!” 
His statement made her snort, falling apart completely at his words. Nothing could ever be serious for too long with John around, comic and cheeky as he was. “You’re too much, I swear!” 
“Nah, bab.” He kissed her head, hands smoothing up and down her back. “I’m just enough.”  
“Would you like to go and be just enough putting the hen house together now that the timber is here? The chickens will need somewhere to roost once we bring them home.”  
“Mm.” His hum preceded another kiss to her neck, melding himself against her slender curves, his intent clear. “I had other ideas over what to do with the morning.”  
She wanted to, oh how she did, her brain racing as they fell into lustful kisses, her dress being slowly hitched up. At the feel of his hands rubbing calloused over the soft of her thighs for the first time, though, she hit the brakes.  
“I do, John. I really do want to,” she began, feeling herself blushing, “but it’s been a while since the last time, and it was only once and it was a bloody disaster and...” 
He smiled at her nervous babble, placing a finger against her lips to silence the stream of words chatted at speed. “S’okay. Just come jump on me when you’re ready, bab.” Another kiss was offered, her dress released to flutter softly from his grasp. “Just know though, if there’s one thing I’m really, really fucking good at, it’s that. Ain’t gonna be no disaster with me.” 
He winked, reaching past her to grab an apple from the fruit bowl, taking a loud, crunching bite as he grinned. “I’ll go sort out the hen house for ya.” Cosima didn’t know that it was, exactly, maybe a mixture of the heat of his kisses, the stroke of his hands, that smouldering wink, and his pledge to go out and partake of the requested DIY, but suddenly, she didn’t feel as hesitant as she had. 
“Ain’t gonna be no disaster with me.” 
She could bet it wouldn’t.  
Continuing with her task in hand, the neatly filled cannoli’s were laid out for the filling to set as she piped them one by one, washing the dishes afterwards before cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom. A doorstep-sized sandwich was made for John’s lunch, tomato, ham, cheese and pickle as was his favourite, Cosima making a smaller version with just cheese and tomato for herself.  
With the hen house assembled by late afternoon, John returned to the house to wash, change, kiss his family goodbye and head into Birmingham, summoned for a family meeting. Cosima knew he’d be gone until late, so got the children put to bed, the dinner dishes washed and put away, deciding to go and enjoy a long soak in the bath.  
A plumbed-in bathtub rather than a tin bath beside the fire, ahhh. It was a bliss she had gotten used to back at home in the final years of living there, her father treating her mother to an actual bathroom, rather than the outdoor privy and tin bath they had used during her childhood. Her stepchildren truly didn’t know they were born, living in such luxury as to be able to go for a wee in an inside toilet.  
With a few candles lit and her book within her grasp, Cosima slipped into the hot, steaming water, sighing as the scent of her rose bath oil filled her nose, the peace and quiet heavenly. Throughout her soak, she found herself checking her nearby watch, lifting the dainty timepiece every so often.  
“Blooming heck,” she softly fumed, shaking her head. “I actually miss him.” Her shame was short lived, Cosima realising she’d actually turned a corner there, missing the man she was married to when parted from him, as any wife truly should. Once suitably soaked, she climbed out, drying off and smothering herself in rose talc, unpinning her hair and giving it a good brush before cleaning her teeth, applying her moisturiser and going to bed. 
It was 12.22am by the time she felt his weight dip the mattress behind her, an arm slipping around her waist.  
“How’d the meeting go?” 
“Ah, fuck,” he lamented softly, stroking her face through the near darkness after she’d turned to face him, only just able to see her outline. “I was trying not to wake ya up. Meeting went fine, just some routine shit that needed sorting an’ all that.”  
“That’s good.” There was a pause, Cosima letting her nails trail up and down his arm. “Are you particularly tired?” 
He thought her question to be a perfectly innocent wondering for a few seconds, before her hand began to wander lower. Oh... that’s why she was asking him. He inhaled sharply through his nose as her fingertips skimmed his hip, his cock beginning to awaken. “Nah, ain’t too tired for what you’re thinking about, love.” 
Leaning to him, her lips brushed his, tongue teasing his cupid’s bow as her hand wrapped around his cock. “Good.” Reaching back, her hand found the curtains, peeling them open to let in a little moonlight, turning back to cup his face as she kissed him, pausing to watch the arousal glint in his eyes, beautiful lips agape as she stroked him until he stood rigid like iron. Wow. What a gorgeous, thick cock. It made her wet just thinking about him inside her, Cosima sitting up and gathering her long nightdress, pulling it over her head before climbing astride him.  
Her hand went back to his cock, their kisses resuming, loving the feel of his hands sliding down her sides, one slipping between her legs to stroke at the petal soft wet of her. A moan fluttered against his lips, Cosima gasping as his fingertips began to work a slick rotation against her clit.  
“Mmm, oh that feels so good.” she panted, mouth pressing to his once more, her hips swaying against the motion of his hand. His touch lit a bonfire of pleasure set to burn, when there was a sudden interruption in the form of the door being knocked.  
“Sima?” Yes, more than one person was allowed to shorten her name now. “I had a bad dream.”  
Cosima moved quickly, save Mary witnessing her there astride her father, pulling on her nightdress just as the bedroom door creaked open. “Oh, my little sweet. Come on, it’s all okay now.” Lifting the little child with tear wet cheeks and a still thundering heart into her arms, she carried her out, the scorch between her legs cooling instantly for having to immediately switch to motherly duties.  
Taking her downstairs, she warmed her a cup of milk upon the stove, stroking her hair lovingly as she gently bounced her, placing kisses to her forehead. At four years old, only beginning school three months before her mother was murdered, and that death happening on Christmas day of all days, Mary was one of the neediest of John’s children. Cosima doted on her with extra affection because of it. 
“Here, a little honey too for your milk,” she whispered, adding some from the wooden pot. “Because I know how much you like it.” 
“Thank you, Sima.” Taking the dainty china cup, Mary took a careful sip, smiling as she cuddled up to her stepmother, her comfort and rose scented skin calming upon her shattered little nerves.  
“What was your bad dream about, my little chicken?” 
“Bad people, coming to take you away, just like they did with my mommy.”  
Cosima hated how nobody had spared this tiny soul the truth of what had happened. She was four, for Christ’s sake. All she needed to understand was that her mother had gone, not how it had happened. It smacked her in the chest still, knowing that it was her family who had seen to the demise of Esme. God, how she hoped to heaven the children would never find that out.  
“I promise you, nobody is coming to take me away. I would never let such a thing happen,” she promised the tot, Mary sipping at her milk. “I am here to stay.” 
Speaking those words, she realised that she truly meant them, and what was more, the idea of staying made her feel nothing but sublime happiness. That happiness glowed through her even more when she remembered what she had waiting for her, and hurried back to John in order to resume what she had so been enjoying as soon as Mary was settled in bed and sleeping again. 
As it turned out, she was not the only Shelby to have nodded off with ease. 
“You bastard.” Her huff was quiet, Cosima giving him a poke with her finger, John grunting and turning over with a frown, lost to slumber. Damn him.  
The following morning, it was her routine as usual, up at six, the children’s lunches made, uniforms organised, breakfast prepared. John had to wonder what was wrong when he almost found himself wearing his bowl of porridge.  
“Oi, what’s up, bab?” 
She chewed her cheek in fury. “Nothing. Children, come on. Give me those bowls and go and brush your teeth. I will be up in a minute to help you dress. Quickly!” 
“Don’t give me that load of old codswallop,” he snorted, catching her wrist. “What’s the matter?” 
Tugging her wrist free, her glare made his guts prickle. “You fell asleep.”  
Shit. He didn’t dream that she’d take that personally, but as he closed his eyes and tried not to laugh, he realised that she very much had. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Guess I was more knackered than I thought. Look...” 
“No, no look. No nothing. I’m not discussing this in front of the children.”  
“Cosima, come on.” 
“Shut up!” 
“Yeah, dad,” Oliver chimed, grinning a three-teeth-missing grin at his father, “shut up.” 
“You’ll have a clipped ear for talking to your father like that, Oliver Shelby,” Cosima warned, pinching him by his earlobe and tugging him from his seat as he complained. “Teeth! Uniform! Now!” She bustled around, refusing to meet John’s eye, her temper on the verge of meltdown. He knew he should leave it, so that was what he did, heading into the sitting room without further word.  
On his way, he phoned into the betting office, telling Polly he wasn’t going to be in after all that day, having some family business to attend to, as he worded it. After his call had been made, he sat and waited for his wife to arrive home from the school run, not prepared for this to cause a setback in his marriage. He'd been enjoying Cosima far too much to return to the rocky road they’d previously found themselves upon.  
Hearing the kitchen door open and close, he stood up, walking through the house silently, arriving to find her about to put her apron on. She turned, jumping with a little shriek, not expecting to see him there, still. Coming and going through the back door, she never saw if his car was there or not, and she’d assumed he’d left for Small Heath already.  
“Take off your dress.” 
She paused with her apron, gaping at him incredulously. “I beg your pardon?” 
“You heard.” Moving closer to her, he imposed himself in her space, chest stuck out, chin held aloft defiantly. “Take off your fucking dress. I ain’t having no sour fucking moods cos’ I fell asleep. Nah. Ain’t happening. I’m wide awake now and believe me, I ain’t gonna get tired.” She still remained silent and unmoving, John rolling his eyes. “I’m sorry, alright? Now, like I said, take off that fucking dress, and I’ll show you how sorry I am.” 
It was something about the slight rumble to his voice, couple with the unflinching stare that sealed it for Cosima, remembering how expertly he’d touched her. Biting her lip, she stared at him, the apron fluttering from her grasp as her fingers found each of the dainty mother of pearl buttons on her dress, undoing each and sliding the garment off.  
His eyes toured her, lashes looking spun gold as the morning sun beaming through the kitchen window caught them, her heart quickening. He was so divinely attractive, and he caught it, saw it in her eyes as she stared at him. “Them an’ all.” he instructed, nodding to her underwear. With the weather warmer, she didn’t bother with stockings, her bare legs silky and sun kissed.  
Once she stood naked before him, he let his eyes roam her a few more times, appreciating her in the fine detail the streaming sunlight offered, Cosima reaching for him, draping her arms around his neck. She bounced, John catching her as her legs wrapped around his waist, the fine fabric of his expensive, blue suit pressing against her bare flesh as they shared kisses full of messy, pent-up longing.  
Turning, he placed her down on the large table, pushing her legs apart as he seated himself in one of the chairs, beginning to sprinkle kisses up her thigh.  
“John, the window cleaner is due today!” she hissed, giggling with the thrill of it. 
“Is he? He’s gonna get a bloody good view of me licking me beautiful wife’s cunt then, ain’t he?” he chirped, grinning before his tongue met her folds, Cosima gasping at that first contact, the flattened drag evoking a flush of immediate tingles, the likes of which she’d never felt before. Glimmers of incandescence were quick to prickle, her mouth hanging agape as she watched him eating her, John winking and smiling. “That feel good, love?” 
“You have no idea how good!”  
He chuckled, tongue teasing her opening, silky dew beginning to stream. “Gonna disagree with you there.” Smiling further at the noise she made when he slid his tongue into her, the rolling wiggle that teased her opening made her flutter as she cried out, a long, hard lick returning the focus to where she ached for contact. 
He felt her little bud throb against his tongue, a chilling heat roaring through him as he gave it the kind of focus that truly had her wailing, his hands gripped tight upon her thighs. Cosima hung her head back, her hands rooted in his hair as she panted, the whirling wet of every lick sending a summer flush of warmth through the winter of her body.  
He wasn’t just good. He was... oh, lord. No words could explain what John did to her. This was absolutely not what she knew of sex, the man she had been previously courting for a time having nothing on her husband where raw sexual talent was concerned. It had felt uncomfortable and awkward with him. With John, she felt as if she was melting and burning at the same time, her hips shaking as the repeated flicking of his tongue all over her swollen clit had her breathless as she trembled down to her marrow. 
It took barely any time at all until he had her panting her ascension, Cosima clutching the table edge as his tongue drove at her hard, the warm wells of pleasure suddenly boiling into pure bliss, ecstasy crashing through her, searing her, flooding every vein.  
So, that was what an orgasm felt like.  
The need to be joined was feral, both of them working together to shred him of his clothes, her legs wrapping around him and pulling his hips close, taking his cock and guiding it to her. He sank into her fully, Cosima whimpering as her tongue swirled with his, the sound drowned out by the groan that echoed in his throat, all smoke, salt and lust to feel his wife stretched around him for the first time.  
Their shared gazed was adoring, pupils inked by lust, her hands stroking his face as he rested his forehead to hers, his eyes then falling to watch how incredible it looked, fucking her perfect, pink little cunt, the soft petals of her soaking sex splayed around the thick of his cock.  
“I’m a fucking stupid cow,” she panted, John arching an eyebrow at her. 
“Oi, nobody talks about my wife like that,” he winked, kissing her again. “Why though?” 
“Because... oh fuck, your cock feels so bloody good!” she gritted, “because I denied myself this for three months, for fucks sake!” Their mouths locked back together, John lifting her from the table, carrying her across the kitchen with ease. Her back met the wall, her insides burning with pleasure as he began to arrow her with long, hard thrusts.  
This wasn’t even the kind of sex she’d read about in novels. This was so erotically charged that it surpassed any of her fantasy expectations of what good sex would be like when she finally got to experience it. It wasn’t even good sex, though. It was mind blowing, spine tingling, nerve melting sex, hanging onto him as his mouth moved to her neck, hips beginning to drive against her with greater vigour. 
 Lord, the man could fuck.  
Little darts of ecstasy pricked her every target with a pin strike of utter bliss, her walls fluttering around him as he pushed her further to the edge of her undoing, a star burning itself out in the darkness of his sky as she came hard. His release followed hers, the frantic battering of her soaked walls easing, both fighting for breath, Cosima’s eyes widening when she saw a set of ladders at the kitchen window.  
“John! Frank is here!”  
“Who the fuck is Frank?” he panted, giving her a perplexed look, still swimming happily in afterglow. 
“The bloody window cleaner!” He turned just as the face of the kindly, elder man suddenly appeared, his cheeks colouring.  
“Y’alright, Frank! Don’t mind us, mate. I’ll take her upstairs, as you were, eh?” His shouted words were confirmed by a thumbs up from the chuckling window cleaner, Cosima’s cheeks the same colour as summer strawberries as she howled laughing, being carried through the house by her equally hysterical husband.  
After shutting the bedroom curtains, they didn’t leave again until ten minutes before the children were due home. After all, they had some lost time to make up for.  
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 11 days
Zayne x Reader - Blurbs
A/n: THE BESTEST BOY AND MY FIRST LOVE (not above my actual bf ofc) ZAYNEEEE!!!! Please enjoy and here's the double upload maybe triple if i feel like it
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So dear old Dr. Zayne
Beautiful, stoic and loveable Zayne
He's the sweetest man you've ever met
He can get pretty upset at you for being stupid
For example:
You open the door, it's late at night and you're holding your side. The wanderer you fought alone today was stronger than you thought. You still took it down but now you have to suffer the repercussions of your actions. You remove your shoes and limp to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit. Hissing at every movement, you try to quiet the sounds so you don't wake up your boyfriend. He had work soon and you didn't want to disturb him. You could handle a small wound by yourself. The lights in the living room turn on, blinding you for a couple of seconds. Then you see Zayne with crossed arms and in his robe. He looks you up and down to then have a stare down with you. You will always lose against him. "Y/n." "Zayne...Shouldn't you be in bed? You work in a couple of hours." He eyes the hand gripping your side and your dragged leg. He eyes you again, annoyance in his gaze. "Seems to me like I just clocked in. Sit down." "Zayne, I can handl-" "Sit. Down." You sit immediately on the stool in the dining room and watch him disappear down the hall. You couldn't help but feel bad, he should be asleep, but your loud ass had to go and awaken the doctor. He reappears with the medkit in hand and peels off your shirt gently. The wound is an irritated red color, bleeding somewhat. Zayne works in silence and it makes you anxious. "Zayne, I can handle the rest. You can go to sleep." The way his eyes dart to yours makes your heart shrink. "A wanderer almost killed you, you barely handled it. God, Y/n. If you need to request backup then you request it. You're lucky you even made it back here alive." His voice raised slightly and then his eyes darted back towards your wound. You felt your eyes tearing up, you didn't mean to make him worry. "I'm sorry Zayne. I really am. I needed to- to prove something to myself." "What is there to prove if you died!? Then I would have to see your death on the news." He stands from your side and packs away all the medical supplies. You listen when he tells you to not move from your spot and watch him disappear. He reappears shortly, rubbing his face with a hand while approaching you. He gently picks you up in his arms and takes you into your shared bedroom. He places you gently on the bed and is about to exit through the door. "Wait. Zayne. I'm really sorry." "Promise me that you'll call for backup next time. I need to hear you say it." "I-I promise I will call for backup if I need help. I'm sorry." "I know you are. I just need um- I just need some space right now." You nod and you watch him disappear out the door not before shutting it. You fell asleep soon after, you felt horrible. When you wake up, a note is on the bedside table with a glass of water and a bottle of Tylenol. The note read:
Dear Y/n,
I hope you're feeling better. If not, I put some Tylenol and water next you. I also called your job and said you will not be in for a couple of weeks. You need to heal, be careful walking around and do NOT get yourself into trouble.
Love Zayne
You couldn't help but smile.
Zayne came back surprised to see that you listened
Just know he still loves you and your mistakes, no matter what
He's your doctor after all!
And he loves cats
A day after his birthday, you decided to take him to a cat cafe for a couple of hours.
"Happy birthday again, Dr. Zayne." "You said it so many times on the drive over here." "I know, I know. I just wanted to make it super special for you." You enter the cafe, pay for some sweets and then find a table to sit down at. When you came back from getting the sweets for him, Zayne was surrounded by kittens and cats galore. He gave each and every one of them attention. "Here's some sweets Zayne." "Thank you, Y/n."
You spent the hours playing with cats, eating sweets and talking about each other's days
Cat cafe was peak tier for our your man Zayne <3
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fallingsolonely · 2 years
Heaven & Hell
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Warning: This one-shot contains dark and sexual content.
[This is an edited version of a one-shot I wrote a few years ago, I hope you enjoy!]
Theme: Demon!Harry
Word count: 12.8k
Earth. What a magnificent paradise. Created perfectly in my father's image.
I've been reading about it for years. I've been begging for almost a millennia to visit.
Aristol, my brother and also, in his words, my 'superior' has long refused. But I'm finally getting my chance.
I finally got my first assignment on Earth.
Aristol is furious about it, I know he's been going behind my back to Mariella and telling her that 'I'm just a child and can't handle a place like Earth, let alone go on this assignment'
He was adamant that it should be him.
1. I am not a child. I'm not much younger than Aristol as much as he likes to claim.
2. I have proven myself, I've done all my studies and I have trained for this my entire life.
As stunning as Earth is, I am well aware of the way it has been corrupted.
But where there is a storm, a rainbow is not far behind.
I've been on Earth for almost two weeks now. Europe. I've only seen maps, to be here is surreal.
To see how my father's creation has grown into what it is, it's amazing.
Humans are fascinating to me.
I'm not meant to interact much, but I can't help it.
Especially my assignment. A beautiful little boy by the name of Isaac.
A prophecy that came to the angels attention exactly 12 years ago, the day he was born.
I like to look at Mariella as a mother figure. She believes in me, pushes me to be strong.
Shes our link, almost like what humans would call a telephone.
She speaks directly with our father and 12 years ago, we received a message about a little boy with astounding power.
For the first 11 years of his life, he would be protected from the most awful parts of the world and the creatures who surround it. But, when he reaches 12, his presence would officially take hold and all creatures would become aware of him.
Which is incredibly dangerous.
That's where I come in. Angels have been preparing for this little boys 12th birthday for a long time and we have put as much protection on him as we can.
I've been assigned to watch over him.
I was strictly told not to interact with him. Just watch.
On my first day of observing him, he knew it.
He touched my hand and the first thing he asked me was if I wanted to get icecream with him.
It's almost like he knew. Treating me like he's known me his whole life.
I've never tried food of any kind before, but it's amazing.
Icecream, it's sweet and cold and comes in so many different flavors I feel dizzy when I have to choose.
For the last two weeks I've been meeting Isaac at the Icecream truck in the park near his house.
Power radiated off of this little boy and he seemed to have no clue about it. But I can see it in the way he talks, he's smart. He's intuitive and extremely wise for only being alive for a mere 12 years.
After trying icecream, I went and tried all the food I could. It's so amazing to me the things humans have created. I think my favourite is coffee.
It makes my body tingle in the strangest way.
So now, every day before I meet up with Isaac, I stop in this quiet little coffee shop.
I love watching them go about their day, humans.
I'm so grateful to the lady named Eileen who makes me a different kind of coffee every time I come in.
She's so sweet.
I don't understand Aristol's hatred towards them. The way he talks about them, like every single human is corrupt.
But it's not true. Not in the slightest.
Life, is beautiful.
"You're practically one of them" I jump slightly, looking up from the paper I am reading.
"I told Mariella you were to young and stupid for this assignment" He shakes his head, looking me up and down.
"You better start acting like an angel before someone snuffs you out"
Hes bitter about being pushed to the side.
"I think I blend in better like this" I smile at my brother and sip my coffee.
"I've been doing well, watching over Isaac. He's safe" He looks at me with disgust as I drink the coffee.
"We'll see"
With that, he's gone.
How Aristol doesn't see the beauty of our fathers world, is crazy to me. It's beyond incredible.
I walk along the path towards the park and to my surprise, I see Isaac.
I only see the back of his head, but he's sitting next to someone.
Hastily, I make my way over to them.
"(Y/N)!" Isaac smiles widely when I come up to them. Next to him is an unfamiliar man in a black suit.
"I made another friend" He's so happy about it. Smiling ear to ear with an icecream in his hand.
"Isaac, you should be more careful" I say it softly to him, but I can feel myself becoming more protective.
"Don't worry, pretty thing, I'm not going to hurt him"
I watch as Isaac goes to touch the man's hand, but before he can, the mystery man stands to his feet.
Already, the energy feels strange.
He stands tall, looking over me.
"Just keeping him company" The man smiles at me, scanning me with bright green eyes. In his hand, he has an icecream. As he looks over me, I watch as he licks the vanilla flavored cone.
"Enjoying this sweet little dessert" His smile turns into a smirk.
"He found me like you, (YN)" Isaac says, still smiling. Excited to be making friends.
"(Y/N), what a beautifully angelic name" He turns away from me and looks down at Isaac.
"I'll be seeing you soon, young man" He bends down to Isaac's height and smiles.
Then, he stands back up and looks at me while licking his cone. He stares me down for a moment before turning and walking away.
I can't help but feel weary as I watch him leave.
I turn to Isaac and then kneel in front of him.
I place my hand on his cheek and smile.
"I need you to be careful, Isaac" I say seriously.
"I don't want anything bad happening to you, you're special" He hugs me tightly.
"I'm sorry if I worried you, (Y/N). I'll be careful" I hug him tighter and then pull back.
"Whenever you meet someone who wants to be friends with you, I want you to touch their hand" I take his hand and hold it tightly. I know he can feel my energy through touch.
It's an ability he's unaware of even possessing.
"Okay" He agrees, holding one of my hands with both of his.
I'm still worried.
The appearance of the strange man is still haunting me. Something about him isn't right. Luckily, Isaac's house is a safe haven. Enchanted by sigils meant for protection. Not even Angels can enter through it.
But to be sure, I don't stray far from his home.
The sun has set and the city is quiet.
Sleep, a source of energy humans need. I don't quite understand it, but Isaac loves to tell me about it. About the dreams he has.
Visions of someone protecting him.
Visions of shadows that he calls nightmares.
I don't like hearing about those ones, I'd do anything to make them go away.
Emotions are something all creatures feel, including angels. It's something we have to learn to control, I'm still in the learning bit.
Aristol tried to use it as an excuse for why I was unfit for this position.
At the moment, fear is swirling through me. I've never encountered the creatures that were rumored to roam the Earth.
But as I make my way around Isaac's neighbourhood, I can feel the piercing sting of someone's eyes. Like I'm being followed.
Isaac's house is on the other street, I should find a place closer to settle for the night.
Usually, I'll explore in the hours of darkness. But tonight, I'm scared.
I peak down an alley. A shortcut.
My instinct is to teleport but I don't want unwanted attention and I can already feel eyes on me.
I step into the alley. It's not super long, thankfully and in the darkness of it I feel a little safer teleporting.
I go to close my eyes, to bring myself to Isaac's street but before I get the chance, a hand clamps down over my mouth.
"Make a sound, I clip those pretty wings"
The voice whispers in my ear.
"You try anything, that precious boy is good as dead" He warned.
My first thought is to tear him away with whatever power I can, but then he mentions Isaac.
An innocent little boy.
I stop struggling against his hold on me and suddenly everything is black.
He pulled something over my head, blinding me from seeing who he is and where he takes me.
Instantly I know he's not a creature of Earth when we teleport. Not long after, I'm pushed into a chair and cuffs are tied around my wrists against the arms of the chair.
"If you're a good girl for me, perhaps I'll takes these off. Just a little precaution for my sake" He whispers, pulling away the fabric that he had put over my head.
I open my eyes and I'm met with green.
The same green eyes I had met with Isaac in the park.
Instinct takes over me and I try to get myself loose.
But my power is gone. I look down at the straps on my wrist. Each one scribed with a dark power binding sigil.
I'm trapped.
When he chuckles, I look up at him.
"No use trying with those on, love" He smiles at me.
"W-What are you doing?" I can't help it. I'm terrified.
"A little birdie told me an angel was coming to town" I look over him, he's dressed in all black, all the way down to his shoes.
"Expected more of a fight from you, angel. Never seen one give up on a fight so easily" He kneels down in front of me, our eyes level.
In a flash, I watch as each little vein in his eyes grow dark until they are black.
A demon.
Children of my fallen brother, Lucifer.
I've never met one. I never wanted to meet one. They were soulless and wicked.
"Is this your first time meeting a demon, sweetheart?" He stands up to his feet, smoothing out the suit jacket he's wearing.
The smile on his face is sickening.
"What do you want?" I want to be confident, stand my ground but my voice is quiet.
I'm so afraid.
I don't know what to do. I'm stuck.
"I'd love nothing more than to suck the sweet little soul out of your body" His smile is unwavering, his thumb running over his bottom lip as he stares at me.
"I can only imagine how it tastes-" He leans over me, biting his lip.
"So tempting, I can practically smell it" I try to push myself away from him, his hand coming up to my cheek.
His fingers are warm, burning my skin but I shiver at the feeling.
He leans down closer to me, closing his eyes and taking a breath.
"Sweet like icecream" When his eyes open again, I watch the black recede. They are green again.
"Look at you, so afraid of me. It's intoxicating" His fingers trace my jaw and then he steps away.
"So fragile" He chuckles some more.
"I'm sorry, darling. It's just amusing to me that out of all the assholes they could have sent, they sent down....you" He laughs even more.
"Sounds like a set up to me, darling. Do you really think you can protect something that everyone is looking for?" He's smiling, mocking me.
It makes me angry. I'm not weak.
I struggle against the restraints, but nothing. Not even a sliver of power.
"We know he's hidden in the area you were lurking" He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a blade. He looks it over and then back at me.
"We want the same thing, angel" His smirk makes my stomach turn.
"To see that little boy take on the world. Or more favorably, take out the world" He takes a step towards me again, twirling the blade in his hand.
"You just have to tell me his exact location" I close my eyes tightly when he begins to point the blade towards me.
"I'd hate to ruin this beautiful face" I take a deep breath when I feel the tip of the blade on my cheek.
Delicately, he moves it over my skin.
He pulls it back and I open my eyes. It's still pointed at me.
I look up at him.
"Please..." I can't do this. I can't tell him where Isaac is. I'd die to protect him.
"Please" He mocks me, rolling his eyes.
"So many things I want to do with this" He smirks and looks at the blade.
"Perhaps in another meeting, angel girl" He brings the knife down and cuts the straps binding my wrists.
"I know you aren't going to try anything, so obedient" He hums and brings his free hand up to my face. Before he can touch me, I think about breaking his hand and it does.
My power is back.
His face twists in pain for just a second before he snaps it back into place.
He glares at me, his eyes black again. He grabs me roughly, pulling me out of the chair and then grabbing my throat.
In an instant, I'm shoved against the wall.
"Try that again, I dare you" He squeezes so hard I struggle to breathe.
I want to kill him. But I can't. It will just put Isaac into more danger.
"Killing you would bring me so much joy, but no answers" He loosens his grip but his hand is still locked around my throat.
"So how about this, if you don't tell me where he is, I kill everyone on the entire block instead?" I glance around the dimly lit room. It's small. The only thing in it is the chair I was strapped to.
"Why do you want him?" You know the answer already. He's powerful.
Power is the only thing these creatures care about.
"To many questions, darling and not enough answers" I can see him getting frustrated.
"What's your name?" I reach out my hand to touch him and when I do, he drops his hand from my throat and backs away from me. He's visibly angry. The knife in his other hand is clenched in his fist.
"Tell me where he is or when I find him, I'll cut his heart out" He snapped, raising the blade at me again.
"Please, don't hurt him. I'll do anything. Just please, don't kill him" I'm desperate, I beg with the soulless man and look into his darkened eyes.
"Kill me instead, don't hurt him" His demeanor changes just slightly.
"Every angel I've met, I've never met one like you" His knife is still pointed at me, but his voice is calmer.
"So, emotional" He steps towards me again.
"My guess, you don't even know what the child is" He comes so close to me, I hold my breath.
He brings the blade up again, pushing my hair away from my face. He smiles a bit and then takes the knife away, putting it back into his jacket.
"But maybe we could think of something" He leans in even closer to me, bringing his lips to my ear.
"You'll do anything?" He pulls back to look at me, his eyes now back to green. He bites his lip.
I nod quickly, completely unaware of what's going on in his mind.
I will die to protect Isaac and if death is my fate, I will accept it.
"What is this little angel willing to give up?" He wonders, his hand coming up to my face. His finger running along my bottom lip.
I want to bite it right off, but I know it won't end well so I refrain.
"Anything, just promise me you won't hurt him"
I go to reach out to him but he grabs both my wrists and pins them against the wall.
"Sorry, angel. Demons don't make promises" He leans close to my face.
"You're just going to have to trust me, can you do that, baby?"
I know I can't. I can't trust something like him.
Hes vile and nothing good will come out of trusting him.
But what choice do I have here?
I look at him and then nod a little bit, his smirk becoming more wicked.
"What a good girl" He placed his hand on my cheek and stroked it gently.
It burns my skin like his fingers are laced with poison. But the rings on his fingers send shivers up my spine.
"Tell me, honey, just how innocent are you?" His voice is quiet and menacing.
I didn't know what he meant.
"Never got this pretty white dress dirty before?" I look at him, confused. It seemed to edge him on even more. Like he enjoyed it.
I shake my head at his question, why would I get myself all dirty?
Heaven is clean, pristine.
I miss it. Heaven is safe and pure.
"Angels, all work and no play" He leans in so close, his cheek is almost touching mine. His lips are by my ear.
"What do you do for fun, darling?" His breath is warm and I can almost feel the stubble from his face.
"I-I don't know"
Hes so close to me I feel like I'm suffocating. His scent is overwhelming.
"Would you like to know what I do?" He takes a breath, his lips touching my skin for just a split second before he steps back from me.
The blade he had put away, he takes out again.
I can't begin to imagine what a demon would do for fun.
I don't want to know.
"It depends on how I'm feeling that day, honestly"
This is it. He's going to kill me.
"Carving is fun" He brings the dull part of the blade to my cheek and out lines my jaw.
"I would have so much fun carving you-" He licks his lip.
"But that's not the fun I'm in the mood for tonight" He continues to trail the blade down my neck. I watch him.
"Call me crazy, angel. But I like you. So different from your waste of space siblings" He knicks my flesh with the blade, making me wince.
It only takes a moment before the wound heals it self.
"It just brings me so much pleasure seeing the fear in your eyes" He glances up at me.
Finally, he pulls the knife away. He puts it back into his jacket.
"Would you like to have some fun with me, baby? I'd say it's the better option"
I look away from him, still not knowing what he wants from me. What could he possibly want to do with me?
"W-What do you want to do?" I stutter on my words, avoiding his stare.
"Been with many things in my lifetime, never an angel" He smiles. But I'm still so confused.
I can't figure it out. I don't know if I want to.
"So clueless" He laughs and grabs my chin, making me look at him.
"So innocent, it makes me sick" He looks right into my eyes, holding onto my face tightly.
"Kind of hot" He glances down, looking at my lips and then back up to my eyes.
"Please, just tell me what you want" I plead with him. I'm done with his twisted games, I feel like I'm going crazy.
I have no idea what is happening.
"I want you, pretty angel. I want to taste these sweet looking lips" His thumb outlines my mouth.
"I bet they taste just as good as your soul would" He licks his lip again.
I go through the library of books in my mind, suddenly putting together what he desires.
"Copulation?" I look at him, not any less confused.
But fear rises in my stomach.
Copulation is apart of the human experience on Earth, meant for procreation. Angels can't procreate.
Even in my human form, procreating is impossible.
I've read about it, I've studied everything about the human species. I know pleasure is something humans crave and Copulation is supposed to be a joyful experience.
I know it is, it brings new life. It's amazing.
But angels are forbidden from participating in such an act. It wasn't meant for us, it's not something we crave.
I've never even thought about something like that.
For angels, it's immoral.
"So technical" He chuckles quietly.
"Have you ever felt pleasure, my darling angel?" He asks, his fingers replace the blade. They trace my skin and take the same route down along my jaw.
I can't even think about it.
There's whispers of angels who have strayed, they were never seen again.
I quickly shake my head.
"I can't. It's not meant for us" I whisper, looking at him.
"You're missing out, pretty thing" He looks at me for a moment and then backs away from me.
"Pleasure is not a sin. Why would your stupid father create something only to pick and choose who gets to enjoy themselves?" He runs his hand through his hair and smiles at me.
"W-Why do you want to do that with me?"
I look him over, he's tall. Intimidating.
"So perfect, I want ruin you" He bites his lip and stares me down.
I'd die to protect Isaac. I'd do anything.
"You won't hurt Isaac?" I ask, meeting his stare that I had tried avoiding.
He smirks.
Fear completely sinks in. If I were to be caught doing something like this, especially with a demon, I'd loose my wings.
"I just want to make you feel good, there's nothing sinful about that" His green eyes are sparkling as he looks at me.
"Why? Why haven't you just killed me?"
It's so unclear, it would be much easier for him to just get rid of me.
"Most angels I come across, usually do have that fate. Hate those arrogant fuckers" He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
"But you, my darling, are different. Sweet little thing, innocent" He came towards me, sliding his hands up my arms.
"They all act so pure, but you should know darling, that some of your siblings are just as bad as us" He blinked, his eyes appearing black again. He brings a hand to my throat.
I take a deep breath, looking at him.
"Hm, but not you, princess" He pulls me closer, his grip getting tighter.
"You truly don't want to hurt anyone. It must be awful-" He laughs.
"Hurting people is so much fun" He squeezes hard and then let's go of me.
"So, untouched. Just the thought of putting my cock in you drives me crazy"
His words make me flinch.
Being on Earth, I've heard some of the language they use. Some words, are extremely inappropriate.
"But, I am not the type to force pleasure onto someone. I don't need to, creatures of all kinds love to throw themselves at me. I'm like, God to them" I get angry, disgusted with way he threw around my father's name.
I try to hide it, knowing he's trying to get a reaction out of me.
"What do you say, my angel? Do you want to experience pleasure you've never dreamed of?" He asks, his smile wide.
"What's your name?" I ask, my voice soft.
I vowed to die for Isaac. I will protect him no matter the cost.
"Why does it matter?" He crosses his arms.
Hes right. I don't want to hurt anyone, or anything. Not even the darkest ones. I just want to help and protect.
Most demons, were once human. If I could find that part of him, maybe this will be easier.
"Please?" I whisper, reaching up to place my hand on his cheek. His jaw clenches and he shoves my hand away from him.
"It's only fair, you know mine" I say quietly, looking up at him.
His eyes are far from innocent.
"Harry" He looks at me, his hardened state softening slightly.
"Harry..." I repeat his name under my breath. Looking down at my feet.
I wonder if that it's the name he had before he became lost.
"Isaac will be safe?" I look back up at him, his eyes now green again. I prefer the green so much more. It makes him look human.
"Perhaps" He nods just a bit.
But, he won't confirm it. He won't promise me.
Trust is the only thing I can do.
How do I trust a demon?
"You won't hurt me?" I look at my hands, they are shaking a little.
I've never even thought of doing something like this.
"So many things I want to do to you pretty girl, hurting you is not one of them. At least, for the moment. I've got other plans for you" He grabs my face and makes me look at him.
"Can't lie to you, angel. Killing you and bringing your pure little soul to hell is a dream I will be having later" He strokes my cheek.
"Maybe another day" His smirk is sinful. My breathing picks up, thinking about it. Going to hell.
"If you'd rather leave, there's the door" He backs away from me again. Giving me space.
I glance at the door. I think about teleporting away but I think of Isaac.
My mind races when I feel a pit in my stomach. Not of fear, but curiosity.
What is it about pleasure that everyone seems to desire?
"Reading people is a talent of mine, darling. I can see those pretty eyes swimming. Is this little angel feeling a sense of curiosity?"
I want to say no to him. But I can't because he's right.
My stomach turns.
I shake my head, trying to push away the feeling.
"I'm doing this to protect Isaac" I whisper, more to myself than him.
I hate it, I hate the feeling inside of me. I don't want to be curious about anything.
Never once, in my millenia have I thought about unnatural desires.
"Isn't lying a sin?" He's mocking me, I can see it.
Nothing has happened and already I feel disgraced as an angel. Thoughts I shouldn't be having are creeping into my mind and I don't know what to do.
"I-I'm not lying" I try to stand my ground, but my brain is crumbling. In his eyes, I can see the joy. I see how much he loves watching me have a moral crisis.
"Can you feel it, angel? The heat starting to burn between those cute little thighs?" He wonders, his hand sliding into my hair and pulling my face close to his.
At the mention of it, I instinctively tighten my legs together. I don't know what it is, this feeling. I don't want to feel it but I can't help it.
With each inch that he moves closer, it burns even more.
"Come on, I have a place a little more comfortable" He brushes my lips with his own, and my stomach flutters.
"Although, bending you over that chair and fucking your brains out would be very fun"
My whole body burns at his incredibly dirty words.
He smiles and grabs my hand.
In a flash, we appear in a bigger room. Against the wall is a cleanly made bed.
"Where are we?" I ask, looking around the room. The window is boarded up, preventing me from looking outside.
"Don't worry about it, darling" He says, a devilish smirk on his face.
He reaches next to my head, flicking the light on.
I try not think about the fact we could be in someone's house, what may have happened to them.
"You're so tiny" He chuckles and pushes me against the wall.
"So fucking pretty" His fingers run along my face, stopping at my lips for a brief moment before he continues down my neck.
I'm nervous, my knees feeling weak.
I'm about to throw away every rule an angel has.
But my stomach tingles when I think about his lips brushing mine.
Desire fills my consciousness and I'm scared.
I want him to do it again.
"Nervous?" He asked, pushing some of my hair behind my ear and then cupping my cheek.
He leans in, lightly pressing his lips to mine again.
The sensation of it makes me want to pull him closer.
I pull back from him, looking into his eyes.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
"I-I don't know what to do" I whisper, shyly glancing at his lips and then back at him. He smiles.
"How about-" He's so close to me, I'm getting dizzy.
"You kiss me, pretty girl?"
Our lips were almost touching. I've never been this close to someone in my entire life time.
Hesitantly, I copy him and place a hand on his cheek. Hoping he doesn't push me away again.
I look at his lips and then his eyes. I lean up towards him and close the small gap between our lips.
It lights my body up in a way I can't describe. I still haven't got a clue to what I'm doing but I try to follow his lead. I move my lips with his and I wonder if what I'm feeling is pleasure.
It doesn't feel bad. It doesn't hurt. It just makes me weak.
His hand moves slowly down my body until he reaches my thigh. He lifts it up against his hip, pulling me off the ground.
"Lift your other leg for me, baby" He mumbles and I listen to him, lifting up my other leg.
Roughly, he pushes his mouth against mine. One of his hands is holding my leg and the other slides to the back of my neck.
I find myself wrapping my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me. The taste of him sweeter than anything I've ever tried.
He pushes his tongue into my mouth, his grip on me getting tighter with every moment.
I can't do anything about it, but an unfamiliar sound vibrates through me.
His tongue is even sweeter than his lips and I hate it. I hate how good it feels.
I can't understand why I'm feeling like this, how can something so dark make me feel so alive?
My body betrays my mind, it's craving. Desired to be touched, to soothe the ache between my legs.
My toes curl when he slides his hand under the fabric of my dress, pushing it up higher than it already is.
"I bet that cunt tastes like heaven" He pulled his lips back from me, and all I want to do is bring him back. He kisses down my neck, his prickly stubble tickling my skin.
I can't help but giggle at the feeling of it.
He pulls back to look at me.
"What are you giggling about?" He has an amused expression on his face.
My face heats up and I look away from him.
I still don't know what I'm doing.
"It tickles" I whisper and he smiles a little bit.
"Does it feel good?" He leaned back in towards my neck, kissing along my skin.
I don't want to admit it to him. I don't want him to think he's winning, but he is.
It feels amazing.
"Y-Yes" I breathe deeply, leaning my head back against the wall.
His lips continue to kiss on my skin, his other hand drawing circles on my thigh.
"Such soft skin, angel. So clean and perfect" He breathes slowly, it travels down my spine and makes me shiver.
I gasp, his teeth sinking hard into my skin. It stings but something about it makes me ache even more.
"Oh...." I grab his shoulders. My body weakening even more when he begins to suck. I bite my lip, stopping myself from letting out another noise.
It's embarrassing, the things my body is doing in response to this. I don't know how to stop it.
I don't know if I want it to stop.
"It's quite annoying that I can't leave any marks on this stunning body"
I smile a bit at that, a mini victory. It's funny that's he annoyed by how fast my body regenerates.
"You think it's funny?" I open my eyes when his teeth sink into my bottom lip.
He growls, definitely annoyed.
He leans back from me slightly and with his hand that was in my hair, he brings it to his jacket.
I think for a second that he's grabbing the blade again, but instead he pulls out a bottle.
Instantly I smell it, grimacing slightly.
Holy oil.
But there's nothing holy about it. It's a weapon used against angels. It's one of the only things that can burn our skin.
It's not permanent, but it takes much longer to heal from it.
"I wonder what would happen if I put some of this on my lips?" My eyes widen at his suggestion and he smirks.
"I like to leave my mark, darling. Have to make you remember me somehow" I watch as he opens the flask and brings it to his mouth, coating his lips and tongue. He shoves the flask back into his jacket and leans towards me.
I try to lean back from him but the wall stops me.
Just barely his lips brush over my jaw, the oil stinging my skin. I run my hands into his hair and grip it tightly, trying to pull him back.
"Harry!" I cry out when his teeth clamp down on my neck again.
This time, it burns.
The oil coating his mouth burns my flesh and I yank on his hair, trying to pull him back.
It's so unfamiliar, holy oil burns. It hurts, it's not pleasant.
But I feel pleasure and I can't comprehend how he makes it feel like this.
"Hm, that's better" He whispers in my ear, his lips coming back to mine.
Most of the oil had dissipated from his mouth, but there was a trace left.
I can feel the little needles of it against my lips.
But when he kisses me, I kiss him back eagerly. Ignoring the slight burn of it. He still tastes so good.
I'm horrified by the pleasure in my body.
I shouldn't have enjoyed it, but the feeling of his lips mixed with the burning did something to me that I can't explain.
"Would love to leave some marks all over this body, baby" He leans back into my neck, his tongue licking over the burn he created.
I fight against the sound that bubbles in my throat, still in disbelief that my body is twisting in pleasure.
My legs tighten against him, I desperately wanted to close them.
There was an ache, pulsing between my legs that I can't control. His hand that rested on my thigh made it even worse. He pushes my dress up higher and his hand comes down to my other thigh. His eyes still locked on me.
"You can't hide your desire from me, (Y/N). Those pretty little moans tell me exactly what you're feeling" He brushes my lips, his hands moving towards my inner thighs.
My breathing picks up and I look down at his hands.
My dress is pushed as far as it can go, and I know he can see my under garments.
It makes my face warm up, because he can feel the heat that's coming from them.
"Maybe I'll leave some marks on these thighs" He squeezes his hands, his lips kissing down my throat and towards my collarbone.
This time, I'm unable to keep the sound from coming out.
It's the thought of what it might feel like, his lips between my thighs coated in oil. It stings, but he makes it feel so good.
I don't know why I enjoy it. I can't even begin to think about how I'm enjoying any of this.
"You like that sound of that, baby?" He pulls back and smirks.
I shake my head, I don't want to admit it.
"Remember, angel, lying is a sin" He chuckled and moved his hands higher on the inner parts of my legs.
"You don't see me lying to you" He grabs my face with one of his hands.
"I'm going to bring you over to that bed and fuck that sweet little innocence out of you" He forces me to look at him while he says it. I bring my hands to my face, hiding from him.
I couldn't help but think about it, trying to imagine what it would possibly feel like.
"Now tell me, sweetheart, do you want me to touch you?" He rubs my thigh gently and smiles at me.
"Soothe the ache I know you're feeling" He chuckles a little bit, but I'm still covering my face. It's so warm, I feel embarrassed.
"Trying so hard to hide it from me.." He grabs my wrists and pulls them away from my face.
"Am I right, angel?"
I can't explain the emotions he's making me feel. I feel weak at how easily he sucked me into temptation but I wanted more of him.
Angels are strong, but how can I even call myself that?
I didn't put up a fight. I gave into him so quickly.
I am weak.
I pull my hands from his and bring them to his face. His skin is warm, despite his nature.
I haven't gotten the chance to really look him over. I bring my thumb to his lips, copying what he had done to me. I trace his lips, my eyes trained on them.
I can feel his stare, watching me intently.
I don't say anything to him, my voice is caught in my throat. Instead, I gently pull him to my lips. For just a moment, it's almost soft.
But quickly, he pushes his tongue into my mouth but I don't mind. It tastes sweet, like a candy.
"My little angel, you might want to ask your father to look away because I'm about to do some very bad things to you" He whispers against my lips.
He pulls us both away from the wall and grabs my hips, planting my feet back on the ground.
"So, modest" He hums and looks me up and down. I look down at what I'm wearing. A simple white dress that reached my knees. I think it's pretty. I've always loved white.
He tightens his grip on my waist and backs up until his legs reach the end of the bed. He sits on the edge of it, making us eye level to eachother.
"How about we take this off?" He slides his hands from waist up to the back of my dress.
I bite my lip, nodding at him a little.
Angels, when on earth, have a human form. It helps us blend in. It also helps us understand humans more. We don't have to worry about trivial things like sleeping, or going to the bathroom but our bodies function pretty similarly. Of course, Angels human form is much stronger than a regular human.
Harry's eyes don't leave me for a second. Hardly blinking as he pulls the zipper of my dress all the way down.
I take a deep breath. Becoming more nervous.
I've never been undressed in my life.
He slips his hand under the fabric and runs his hand up my back.
Hes so warm.
He pulls on the fabric until it falls to my ankles and suddenly I'm bare. The only thing covering me is my white under garment.
I quickly cover my chest, scared.
Hes not rough about it, but he grabs my arms and pulls them away, putting them at my sides.
"Don't be shy with me, angel. I think your body is delicious" He spreads his legs and pulls me between them. He brings his hands to the back of thighs and rubs them gently.
"So perfectly made" He bites his lip, his hands sliding higher.
I gasp when he slaps me and he laughs, his hands squeezing my behind.
"Something tells me you'd love to be bent over and whipped. I know I'd love to" He squeezes harder and I wish I could find an explanation for why it makes my body tingle so much. Not just his touch, but his words are making the heat between my legs burn.
He leans forward, his lips connecting to my skin just above my breasts. I run my hands up into his hair, lightly pulling at it.
"Been with many in my lifetime, none compare to you, angel" He squeezes the back of my thighs.
"Softest skin I've ever had the pleasure of touching" He continues with his lips on my skin, lightly biting down.
"I can only fucking imagine what it's going to feel like burying my cock in you" My legs stiffen at his words, trying to stop myself from feeling whatever it is that's raging through my stomach.
"You like it when I talk dirty to you, baby?" He pulls back and smirks at me.
"I-" I stumble on my words, trying to convince him that I don't. But my body doesn't agree. Every word, every touch makes me ache for more.
His smirk gets more wicked at my lack of words.
With a quick movement, he lifts one of my legs up onto the bed next to him, I grab his shoulders to keep myself from falling.
This position makes me feel much more vulnerable to him.
"Do you even notice how soaked you are, angel?" He laughs to himself, running his hand up my ankle until he reaches my knee.
He slows down a bit, tip toeing his fingers along my inner thigh.
He brings just the tip of his finger between my legs, pressing against where I had been dying for him touch.
"Can't wait to taste this perfect little cunt"
Just the small amount of pressure makes me buckle and I feel like I'm going to fall over. I go to pull my foot off the bed but he grabs my ankle and stops me.
"Nuh uh, honey. You're keeping your leg up for me" He warned.
"Or, I can tie you down onto the bed and have some fun with this" He pats the pocket of his jacket, referring to the oil.
My grip tightens on him.
He's hardly touched me and my body feels overwhelmed.
There's so many unfamiliar feelings swirling through me.
"Harry" I whine his name, looking at him and his sinful smirk.
"I don't play games, sweetheart. You listen to me, or you suffer the consequences" He slides his hand back up my leg, his fingers returning between my thighs.
"So sensitive, angel" He does it again, gently running his finger along me.
Instead of just once, he goes back and forth.
My leg wobbles and I try very hard to keep myself from ripping away from him.
It feels so good, I don't know how to handle it.
"Just wait until it's my tongue playing with this cute little clit" He pushes down harder and it takes all my strength to keep from falling over.
"Bet I could make you come without even taking these off"
I don't like the noises my body is making but I can't help it, I don't know how else to respond to how he's making me feel.
"Noisy little thing" He chuckles and pulls his hand away, pushing my foot off the bed and letting me plant it on the ground.
"Hm, can't get over these pretty legs" He traces his finger tips up and down the back of my thighs.
He brings his hands to my hips and hooks his fingers into my underwear.
He glances to my eyes and then begins to pull them down until they fall to my ankles.
I'm completely exposed to him now. I get nervous and close my legs tightly, trying to hide myself from him.
He stands up off the bed, suddenly much more intimidating.
"So, shy" He brings his hand to my cheek and strokes it for a moment.
"Be a good girl for me-" He taps my nose.
"Lay on the bed" He steps to the side and crosses his arms, watching me.
I listen to him and get onto the bed, laying my head on the pillows. He's still fully clothed, it feels unfair.
He stares at me for a moment before following my path and climbing onto the bed.
"Spread your legs, baby"
At the moment, they are closed tightly.
I look up at the ceiling, away from his intense eyes.
Slowly, I open them. I take a deep breath and shiver when I feel his hands on my legs.
"Such a delightful sight, angel"
I get the courage to look down at him, he's on his knees between my calfs. His hands delicately tracing my skin.
"I bet this sweet looking pussy is begging to played with" His touch is so, gentle. It's making me want more.
I can't even begin to imagine what his tongue would feel like between my legs.
I feel dirty just thinking about it.
I watch him lay down, lifting my thighs onto his shoulders.
I feel so vulnerable. I'm so nervous but I want him to touch me. My body is begging for it.
His eyes are locked on mine, his lips and teeth connecting to my thigh and making my toes curl. I don't know what to do with myself.
I shyly bring my hands down to his hair, the feeling of it soothing my nerves. I like the way his hair feels in my hands.
Without thinking, I pull on it, attempting to pull him closer between my legs.
Desperation is what I'm feeling.
He notices it right away. His eyes instantly looking up at me again.
"Is it starting to hurt, baby? Aching so bad, dripping down your thighs" I shuffle my legs, ignoring him.
I don't want him to be right. But he is, I need it.
"If you want something from me, angel-" He sinks his teeth into my flesh for a moment and then smiles.
"You've got to ask for it" He says, his face turning serious. I kick my legs in frustration, I don't want to ask him. I barely understand what's happening to me. I can't believe a demon is making me feel like this.
But in my subconscious, I'm questioning it.
Why aren't we allowed to enjoy ourselves?
Why isn't this something all creatures are allowed to experience?
He laughs at me kicking my legs, roughly gripping my thighs and stopping me from moving.
"Use your words" He kisses my thigh again, his lips going higher.
It feels like I'm on fire and the only thing that's going to cool me down is his tongue.
I don't know what to say to make him give me what I want.
"Please" I whisper, running my fingers through his hair. He smiles a bit.
"Please, what?" I get more frustrated, yanking on his hair but all it did was make him smile more. I know he's enjoying it, seeing how frustrated he can get me.
I don't want to say it out loud. I don't want to admit how badly my body is begging to be felt.
"I-I don't know what to say" I whine, trying to shuffle my legs again but he's got a tight hold on me.
"Beg me to touch you, angel, and maybe I will" He sucks lightly on my thigh.
"Or I could leave some pretty marks on your thighs" He bites down harder.
More unfamiliar sounds leave my throat, his teeth in my flesh stinging just slightly but I like it. I hate it. I hate all of the thoughts running through my head. All of them about him. His dirty words on what he wants to do with me. I don't understand it, but I want to.
"Harry, please-" I take a deep, shaky breath.
"I need you to touch me" I plead with him, hating myself for giving him the satisfaction of exactly what he wanted to hear.
"Such a good girl" He whispers, kissing even higher up my inner thigh. I watch him closely, noticing his hand letting go of my thigh and coming inbetween my legs as well.
"Is this what you want? Hm?" My whole body shudders when his fingers run along me. It's already an overwhelming sensation.
"You're so wet, baby. Smell like heaven" He breathes against my flesh and I try to move my hips closer to him. He chuckles and moves his other hand that had been holding thigh, up to my stomach and locking his arm around me tightly. Preventing me from moving.
Very much unvoluntarily, I squeal when I feel his tongue and he laughs, the sound vibrating against me.
It feels so good.
His tongue moves slowly and I try hard to kick my legs because I don't know what else to do. But his grip tightens.
"Harry" I go to pulling his hair instead, but it doesn't phase him. Every little movement of his tongue makes me moan. I can't control it. I hate it.
It truly is pleasure I've never dreamed about before.
He focuses in on the most sensitive part, my vision going blurry. I cry out, yanking on his hair with all my strength and he doesn't flinch. He continues to suck on my flesh until I'm a mess. I can't even think straight.
It's almost a relief when he pulls away for moment, but something in me wants to push him back.
"Tastes like honey, angel. Can't get enough"
This time it feels like his mouth completely engulfs me and I cry out even louder.
The pleasure, is incredible.
I've never felt this before in the millennia I've been alive.
My stomach is tightening to a point that I can't handle. It's the most intense thing I've ever felt.
I try to breath but every flick of his tongue takes my breath away.
"H-Harry" I try to pull him away, an unfamiliar knot in my stomach and all I want is relief. I can hardly breathe.
"P-Please"  I whimper, feeling like I'm going to burst. He's got such a tight hold on me, I can't move. All I can do it pull on his hair and make noise.
Which he seems to love.
His mouth and tongue make me feel like I'm floating, I can't describe it.
I don't understand it, how is he doing this?
Why does it feel so good?
"W-What is happen-" My body trembles and my thighs are shaking.
I'm struggling so much but he just holds me in place and continues to torture me with his tongue.
I close my eyes tightly, my back arching off the bed as my entire body tenses, lightly shaking as he doesn't stop his rhythmic movements.
It's so intense. The unexplainable feeling rips through me and his tongue doesn't stop. Not until my body relaxes a bit, and I'm panting. I try to catch my breath but my mind is so scattered, I can't get myself to breathe regularly.
"So fucking sweet, my little angel. Could eat this delicious cunt for days" I open my eyes, watching as he takes my thighs off his shoulders and gets onto his knees.
"Soaked the sheets, darling" He chuckles and places either hand on the top of my thighs.
I'm still trying to catch my breath, at a loss for words from the experience I just had. He rubs my thighs gently and looks down at me.
"That's what happens when you feel good, baby" He's still rubbing my thighs, helping me to calm down and relax my breathing. I attempt to close my legs a little bit, embarrassed at the mess I created on the bed.
He pins them down, pushing them further apart.
"Don't close your legs, I'm not finished" He warned, a hard grip on my thighs.
He holds down one and then brings his other hand between my legs.
I flinch when his fingers trace along my inner thigh, my body is still incredibly sensitive.
"Made you come so much, baby. Taste so good" He brushes over my nerves for just a second, making my body jolt. He smiles and brings his hand to his mouth, licking his fingers.
"I bet you're so fucking tight" His hand comes between my legs again but before he can touch me I reach down with both my hands and grab his.
He laughs at me and grabs both my wrists, he leans over me and then pins them to the bed.
"What?" He leans his face closer to me.
"Is your pussy too sensitive for me to play with?" He smirks and lifts my hands above my head, pinning them both down with just one of his.
"You think it's intense now, honey?" He uses his knee to spread my legs further apart then they already are.
"Can't wait until you feel me filling you up" He holds my hands tightly and slowly traces his fingers down my body.
His hand sneaks between my legs again and I whimper.
I groan when he pinches me lightly, a jolt of pleasure shooting into my stomach. I'm so sensitive, I hate it.
"You've got such a sensitive little clit, baby. Makes me wanna suck it until you squirt" His fingers lowers slightly and he makes little circles. I struggle in his hold, moaning more.
"Harry-" I gasp when his finger sinks into me.
"So soft" He hums. I look up at him, struggling again in his grasp. It feels really good, his finger slowly sinking into me. It's a different sensation and it amazes me. How can he make me feel like this in so many different ways?
He pulls his finger back, almost all the way before roughly pushing his finger back into me.
I groan, the pleasure coming from even deeper than when he was using his tongue.
"Does it feel good, baby?" He leans down and bites my lip.
I choke on my words when I feel him pushing a second finger into me, my toes curl in response to the pressure. My breath taken away.
"I wonder how I'm going to fit my cock in this tight little cunt, angel" I don't know what to say. His dirty words, I hated them. I hate inappropriate language of any kind but for some reason, I don't want him to stop. I like the sound of his voice.
"As much as I'd love to make you come on my fingers-" He pushes his fingers in and out of me a few more times before pulling them away.
"Wait-" I quickly bite my lip, not meaning to say anything out loud. But I liked the feeling, I didn't want him to pull away.
He smirks and brings his fingers to his lips, sucking on them.
"Don't worry, angel. Not even close to being done with you" He gets off of me and then off the bed.
I sit up and watch as he unbuttons the single button holding his suit jacket. I get up as well and crawl to the edge where he is. I get on my knees and watch him pull it off and set it on the ground. I reach out and grab his hands before he can start unbuttoning the long sleeve shirt he had on.
I pull him right up against the bed, with me on my knees we are about the same height.
Part of me just wanted to admire him. His features were perfect.
His eyes were my favorite. But only the green. I didn't like it when they'd go black.
I bring my hands to the buttons and slowly begin to undo them. His eyes are watching me closely.
I can't help but smile when I get a peak of his skin. I can already see streaks of ink.
I've seen quite a few people on Earth with beautiful designs on their skin.
I undo the last button and pull the rest of the shirt from his pants.
I pull the shirt off of him and let it fall to the floor.
Without asking, or really thinking, my hand comes to the design on his stomach. I trace it and smile even more. It resembled a butterfly and I wonder what it means to him.
Is it ties to the soul he may have had at some point?
I wish I could ask him, I could look, by holding his hand but he'd know it. He'd never let me.
I admire him for a few more moments, his body is breathtaking.
"I like these" I say softly, poking his stomach.
"Thank you, angel" It's the only genuine thing I've heard him say since we met.
The tone of his voice makes my stomach flutter.
I look down at my hands, trying to ignore his eyes when my hands reach his pants.
I bite my lip and take a deep breath.
I'm so nervous at my lack of experience. I can't imagine the amount of times he's done this.
I undo the button and bite my lip harder, unzipping them and pulling them until they also fell to the floor. He steps out of them, still allowing me to take my time. Which I'm grateful for.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
My fingers trace along the edge of the final peice of clothing on him. I also trace my fingers over the designs he has on his hips.
I think any form of art is beautiful. Some angels might disagree, but I do truly love art. And the ink humans put onto their skin, is an art form for them. I think that's amazing.
"Curious little thing" I glance up at him, my face heating up. I can't help it, I've never been this close to anyone.
"Sorry" I whisper, looking down at my hands again. I take a deep breath, copying what he had done to me earlier. I hook my fingers into his underwear and begin to pull them down. I pull them down as far as I can reach in my position. He steps out of them and I quickly look up at his face. He smirks, noticing I avoid looking between his legs.
He brings his hand up my back and slides his hand into my hair.
"Give me your hand" He said, not giving me much time to respond. Instead, he reached out with his free hand and grabbed mine.
My face goes even more red when he wraps my hand around him. It's hard. I can't bring myself to look, I'm so nervous.
"Look what you do to me, angel" He grips my hair and makes me look down. His hand is still on mine, guiding it along his length. I can feel it get even harder as I touch him.
He keeps his hand on mine for just a few more seconds, before pulling it away.
"Just like that, pretty girl" I bite my lip and continue to move my hand in the motion he showed me.
"Do you know why it's hard like that, angel?" I shake my head, unable to move my eyes now. I feel like I'm in a trance.
"All because of you" He pulls my head back so I'll look at him.
"You like stroking my cock, baby?" He smirks.
"Hm, I bet this little angel would be a perfect little cum slut. So obedient" I squeeze my hand around the tip, just a little bit of liquid oozing from it.
"How about, you do me a favour, sweetheart-" He backed up a little, roughly pulling me with him and off the bed. I fall onto the ground in front of him on my knees.
"Hm, the thought of fucking your throat just makes me even harder, angel" I look up at him, the look in his eye is wicked.
"But I want to fuck you, more than I want to do anything else. So, be a good girl for me and use this sweet looking mouth to coat my cock" He smiles down at me.
"I-I don't know what to do" I say shyly, bringing my hand to wrap around him again.
So many emotions are running through me.
"Spit on it" He instructs, pulling my face closer. I grip my hand tighter around him and push myself up higher on my knees. I glance up at him, his eyes not blinking for even a moment.
I look back down, trying to block out the fear. I don't want to mess it up. I want him to feel like I did. But I don't even know if I have the capability to do it.
I collect saliva into my mouth and then listen to his instruction, spitting on him.
"Now-" Before he tells me what to do, I use my hand to spread as much of it as I can down his length.
I've seen a world of art, with naked figures from the past. I never recognized it in a sexual way, but Harry's size is much larger than a lot of the art I've seen.
It makes my stomach flutter, wondering how this is possibly going to fit inside of me.
"You're such a good girl, angel" His tone is soft and it makes my body heat up. I like his praises. He moves his hand from my hair and brings it to my cheek, brushing it gently with his finger tips.
"Open your mouth for me" He says, his fingers touching my lips.
I listen to him and open my mouth. He places his hand on top of mine and guides himself towards my lips.
I lean forward, taking in whatever I can. It's not much, almost right away I choke.
He chuckles a little bit and I meet his gaze.
"Taking a lot in me not to shove my cock as far down your throat as I can get it" The look in his eye darkens slightly.
He pushes me, but not too much, but I choke and pull myself off of him. Saliva already dripping from my mouth.
"Hm, that's enough for now. Just wanted to get a little taste" He reaches down and grabs me, lifting me to my feet.
He pushes me onto the bed, my legs hanging over the edge.
"So many fucking things I want to do to this pretty body, angel" He places his hands on my thighs and shoves them apart before sliding them underneath my thighs and lifting them from the bed.
I wiggle around, realizing I have no control over this position. My bottom half is completely lifted from the bed.
He pulls me closer to the edge and I watch as he holds me up with one hand and the other wraps around his phallus.
My stomach tightens when his tip brushes against me.
"Tell me, angel. I want to hear you say how bad you want me to bury my cock inside of you" He looks down at me, his face is serious.
"I want it, Harry" I whisper, trying to move my hips closer. His serious expression turns into a smirk.
"Ask me to fuck you, baby" He says, watching as I struggle to try and pull him closer.
"But-" He cuts me off and digs his nails harshly into my skin.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked, I look at him and nod shyly.
"Then say it" He snaps.
I've never used crude language, ever and my brain still can't understand why my body responds in pleasure to Harry's filthy words.
But I wanted him, something deep inside of me is craving to know what it's going to feel like.
"H-Harry, I-I want you to-" My face burns as I get flustered, trying to get the words out.
"I-I want you to fuck me" I'm almost in disbelief that I say it out loud. But Harry's devilish smirk grows wider.
"Such a good little angel" He hums quietly and then pushes against me.
I watch as he fixes his gaze directly into my eyes and slowly guides himself into me.
I can't describe it, how it feels. It's extremely intense.
But the way he pushes through my flesh is already making my vision go blurry.
I try to tighten my legs around him, so I can pull him closer. He stops me, roughly gripping both of my thighs.
Hes made sure he's in control.
"So soft, angel. Is this what heaven feels like?" I groan when he pulls almost out of me and then roughly drives into me while pulling me towards him at the same time.
I close my eyes, my hands holding the blanket underneath me tightly.
"Fuck" He breathes, quickly finding a pace that's making my eyes roll back. The pressure is unbelievably pleasureful. I don't know what to do with myself, I can't do anything. He has all of the power.
Every thrust of his hips gets harder and harder.
"Harry" I cry out his name, struggling in his hold. It feels so good.
Every moral I've held dear to me, is gone.
I'm finally able to catch my breath when he drops me back onto the bed, pulling out of me.
Every breath I take is shaky, my hands in fists as I try to calm myself.
"Sounds like someone enjoys getting fucked" I open my eyes and he's already starring at me.
"Hm, princess? Do like getting fucked?" I attempt to take a deep breath. I bite my lip and nod.
"Get up on the bed more" He instructs. I take another breath and then listen to him, pushing myself back onto the bed.
He followed me, grabbing me and without any effort, flips me onto my stomach.
"Now stick that pretty ass up for me, angel" Before I can respond, he grabs my hips and lifts me onto my knees. He pushes them apart, and his hands slide up my thighs until his fingers reached sensitive flesh.
My knees go weak when he rubs back and forth, I bury my face into the pillows on the bed. I grab ahold of one and hold onto it tightly.
"Harry!" I cry out his name when he pushes into me again without any warning.
"Yeah, angel? Does it feel good?" I whimper in response to him.
"Hm? I want an answer" He holds my hips tightly, thrusting into me at an overwhelming pace. I can barely breathe, let alone speak. He seemed to be getting even further inside me with this position.
I cry out when he slaps my butt, obviously getting impatient with my lack of words.
"I-It feels really good" I try to say it loud enough so he can hear me but I can't speak. My senses are completely over taken by pleasure.
"That's all I want to hear, angel. Those sweet little cries of pleasure" He slaps me again, but a bit lighter this time. It stings, but every part of it just adds to the knot forming in my stomach.
I'm a mess, if Harry wasn't holding my hips, I wouldn't be able to keep myself up.
I never understood humans who were driven by sex. Like it's a need. I never could have imagined that it would feel like this.
I feel Harry's fingers coming into my hair. He wraps it around his hand and then harshly yanks me up. I groan, feeling incredibly weak.
"Never would have thought an angel would be such a slut for cock" He wrapped his arm around my stomach and pulled my head back against his shoulder.
His thrusting decreases dramatically, but he's so deep inside of me and every little movement he makes sends pleasure through to my toes.
If he gets any deeper I feel like I might burst like a balloon.
He gently bites down against my shoulder, sucking on my skin while his hand that had been wrapped around my stomach, starts to lower.
I whine, knowing exactly what he's about to do and with both hands I grab his arm. I'm so sensitive, if he touches me, I definitely will burst from everything I'm feeling.
"Harry" I beg, trying to pull his hand away but he doesn't budge.
"You can handle it, angel" He whispers in my ear, his fingers once again touching me. But with him buried in me, the pleasure is immense.
"Harry, I-I can't" I whimper more, my nails clawing at his arm to try and pull him away.
I already feel so weak, I don't know how much more my body can take.
He ignored my weak little crys and moved his fingers in quick circles.
The knot in my stomach is so much tighter than when he used his tongue on me.
He rocked me against him and with that bit of movement, I can feel my body tensing.
"Nuh, uh, baby. You aren't coming yet" He pushed me off of him, pulling his hand away and out of me. I fall onto the bed and before I can do anything, he grabs me and turns me over.
He pushes my legs apart and gets on top of me.
He places a hand next to my head to hold himself up. Shyly, I reach my hands out to his face. I touch his cheeks for a moment before sliding my hands to his shoulders. He's so broad. I get distracted by the birds on his chest, tracing them each individually. I can't help but smile, they are very nice.
I glance up at him and bite my lip.
"Sorry, I just like these a lot" I whisper. He lifts my leg up against his hip and then leans down close to me. It's something I realize that I really like doing. I like kissing him.
I lift my other leg up against him, my hands coming back to hair and pulling him closer to me, connecting our lips.
He pulled back after a moment and with his free hand, brought it down my chest.
I jump a little when a shock of pleasure runs through me, his fingers lightly pulling on my nipple. He lowers his hand down and I watch as he wraps his hand around himself. He strokes along his length and then rubs the tip against me.
"Can't wait to fill with my cum, angel" He drives into me hard, my back arching from the bed at the feeling. My nails digging into the back of his neck.
Out of the positions he's had me in, I liked this one the best. He's warm.
He isn't gentle, but I enjoyed our closeness.
"Such a pretty little angel, now my own little slut" He whispered, leaning close to me again and brushing my lips. He doesn't kiss me, instead he moves his lips down my jaw.
I pull on his hair, moaning. I look between our bodies, watching as he pulls out just to plunge back into me.
I gently pull his hair again, guiding his lips back up to mine. I wanted to taste them again. I hold onto his cheeks, both of our moans being muffled by our kiss.
It's much messier, our tongues swirling together and making the pleasure even stronger. I hold him against my lips, refusing to let him pull them away from me.
He let's me do it for just a little longer before roughly grabbing my arms and pinning them to the bed.
He bites my lip before moving to my neck again.
He begins to quicken his pace again, sending me down a spiral of pleasure I could never imagine. Every second of it is...bliss.
I don't have to think, I just take in every feeling of it and it's incredible.
"You feel that, angel? Those little walls of your clenching against my cock?" He groans against my neck, teeth sinking into my neck.
He sucks on my skin again, before moving his lips up to my ear.
"Softest cunt I've ever fucked" He whispers before pushing himself up onto his knees and grabbing my hips.
My mind goes numb when he drives into me harder than he has all night. I'm crying in pleasure, my hands grabbing at his hands again.
It's so extreme, pleasure consuming every fibre of my being.
"Harry" I moan, the familiar feeling of my body tensing up.
"Is this sweet little angel about to come all over my cock?" His thrusts become more sloppy, but my mind is somewhere else.
I've never felt like this before.
It's pure bliss and I can't comprehend it.
It rips through me like tidal waves and I cry out his name repetitively as it washes over me.
"Fuck, fuck, angel" He swears under his breath, pushing himself as deep into me as he could possibly get and holding my hips tight. He doesn't pull out this time, he stops his thrusts suddenly.
I feel the release, my body still tightening around him.
"Sweet little pussy is taking every last drop from me, angel" He takes a breath, looking down at me before finally pulling out.
My mind is still reeling. Trying to comprehend everything that just happened.
I watch as Harry buttons up his shirt slowly.
What's going to happen now?
I pull on my dress, reaching behind me and pulling up the zipper.
It doesn't feel real and suddenly, I feel so unclean.
Why did I do this? How could I do this?
How could I betray everything I know?
It scares me even more because I enjoyed it.
I glance at Harry, watching as he pulled on his jacket.
He hasn't said anything. Just looking at me every once in a while as he got dressed.
I didn't know what to make of him and I hate myself for even thinking about the chance of this happening with him again.
"What's going to happen now?" I ask softly.
"What now?" Suddenly, he's mocking me.
I watch in fear as the green in his eyes quickly disappears into black.
"Oh, darling" He shakes his head, laughing at me.
"You really are, so naive" I back away from him, fear filling my stomach. What's happening?
"You thought you could trust me? A demon?" He steps towards me, an evil smile on his face.
"Did you truly think you were anything but a toy for me to play with?" He follows my footsteps, but I'm stopped by the wall.
"God, it was so easy manipulating you" He scoffed, standing right in front of me.
I try to will myself away but nothing happens and he chuckles even more.
His eyes seem even darker than before.
I'm so confused, I tear up, looking at him. But his expression is unphased.
He pulls the blade from his jacket and points it at me.
"I'm just doing my job, sweetheart" He reaches down and roughly grabs my left hand and turns it face up.
"No, please don't" I cry, tears falling down my cheeks.
I'm trying to will up any power I can, but it's blocked and I don't know how.
"So stupid, I never needed you to get the boy" He snaps.
He brings the blade to my palm and traces it. I fight him, as hard as I can. I know what he's doing.
Only angels know of this curse.
I've only heard whispers of it, whispers of some of the punishments angels face when they stray.
It's knowledge a demon shouldn't have.
I do everything I can, but his strength is no match.
I cry out in pain as he carves into my hand and then, everything goes dark.
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acciocriativity · 1 year
Flower Shower - part of the Soulmate series
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Pairing: soulmate! George Weasley x soulmate! reader
Genre: hurt/comfort
Warnings/tags: scars/flowers as a soulmate mark; small injuries; domestic fluff; little Fred in there (alive)
WC: 4,2 k
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Harry Potter Masterlist
Worth The Pain - Harry Potter - part of the Soulmate series
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The cake in front of me is long forgotten.
I touched the skin behind my left ear while those innocent memories drowned me, the days when I would spend hours in front of the mirror admiring the pretty flowers I’ve gotten that week or when I’d play with the boys in my neighborhood, just to get hurt somehow and give my soulmate some flowers too. I can’t feel it, but I know the white lily is there, right where my soulmate has a scar.
“How the fuck did you manage to hurt yourself here?”, I whispered, and the candlelight oscillated. “And how I haven’t met you yet?”, this time the light was extinguished.
My phone lit up on the counter. My mom’s name at the top.
Did you get it?
I could hear her voice in my head, excited about my reaction and partly worried if I didn’t receive my birthday present yet, but I couldn’t make myself respond this time.
Now that I’m so far from home, neither she nor my friends could come see me in person. Still, the love is on every message and phone call I got earlier that day, and I felt content, happy even. But as day turned to night, the loneliness got bigger and clearer to the point where I couldn’t ignore it anymore.
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay there alone, honey?”
I remembered how worried my mom was when I moved out 2 years ago.
“I won’t be alone, I have an excellent companion and right now he is offended”, I said and like on cue, Snuggles, the cat meowed to further prove my point.
That was my answer, because that was the last thing I wanted her to have on her mind. I took my time to move out, maybe more than I should, because my mother, a solo mom for her entire life, started to date and I felt like I was getting in the middle of her business. It was hard in a world of soulmates, to find someone with a dead soulmate or even rarer, without one at all, like her.
She was always grateful I wasn’t like that and for a long time, I knew that was where her biggest source of happiness came from, but soon that turned into nervousness as time went by and I couldn’t find my soulmate.
I went through life watching my friends’ worlds change as they grew, their soulmate marks appeared and eventually, when they met the one. I watched their happiness with a big smile on my face, and how could I not? It was wonderful to see how the magic happened, how the connection attracted them to each other and how their new life as a couple started. While all that happened, the flowers on my skin appeared one by one, sometimes huge enough to cover my arm length, other times so tiny I didn’t even know it was there, sometimes on my arms, legs, thighs, and back. I might have more than 40 now, but I can’t be so sure, since I don’t search for them anymore.
My soulmate has to be the clumsiest person on earth, there’s no other possibility and most days I wonder how they are even alive at this point, then I get another visible flower and a weight is lifted from my shoulders, because they are, indeed, alive.
“You better be waiting for me”, I whisper as if they could hear me somehow.
Suddenly I felt a fluffy thing creeping between my legs and I heard an angry, high-pitched meow.
“Of course I didn’t forget about you”, I cooed and held him up in my arms, near my chest.
Another offended meow.
“An attitude that you have there, I see”, I said and scratched behind his ears with a small smile on my face.
He purred while I walked us to my room. The gift box sat on the couch and the decorations I put up earlier were still on the walls, since I didn’t have energy to take those down. “We both are in need of some cuddles.”
For the rest of the night Snuggles kept me distracted, so much so that I could barely focus on the TV show I put on, because he would get up suddenly, climb me and purr so loud as if I wasn’t petting him already, and he would only stop if my pace was of his liking, but I couldn’t complain because I would do anything for him and the worst part is, he knows that.
I didn’t even realize, but I slept with the biggest smile on my face that night, and I have that smart cat to thank for that, maybe smarter than I could even imagine.
The very next day, I was seated at the same chair next to the same counter I was about to cry last night, flabbergasted. My hands clutching the phone I forgot to take with me last night.
“Mom, are you sure this is not some sort of joke?”
It was 7 a.m for goodness’ sake, way too early for that nonsense, it was what the rational part of my brain screamed. Yet, my mother wasn’t a fan of pranks, in fact, she hated them more than anything in this world and that’s the only reason why I was still listening in the first place, that and all the 35 messages and 4 missing phone calls I woke up to.
“There’s an owl staring at me through the window, when have you seen an owl here?”
I took a deep breath.
“So what do I have to do with that?”
I gave myself grace to eat as much of the cake as I wanted for breakfast, yet my plate was untouched, and I didn’t even feel like eating anymore.
“It says in the letter that Emmy needs to go buy her… things in London, and you know I would ne—
“I know you wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important, I’ll go with her”, I interrupted her.
Why did I even agree with that? If it was true, I wanted, no, I needed to see with my own eyes and if it wasn’t, then Stephen wouldn’t need to take a day off just to come here.
She seemed relieved after this.
“Thank you, I didn’t want to put you in the middle of this chaos, I just… I want to help her out.”
“I know, mom, Stephen couldn’t take a day off? How’s she doing now?”
I put the phone on speaker while I made my daily coffee, which I needed more than anything now, all while Snuggles observed everything laid on the floor in front of the fridge.
“No, he already spent his days off last month because Emmy was sick”, she said and sighed. “Her grandma also was a witch apparently, he didn’t know she would be one too, because her mother isn’t, but she was excited by what he told me this morning, she is excited to find out more about this magical world.”
“I think this is like the dream of every little girl, isn’t it?”
She chuckled, and her voice got quieter, but the connection got better a second later.
“What was that, mom?”
“It’s just, this seems like a fever dream or something.”
She whispered, and I heard incoherent noises on her side of the line.
“Being honest, this isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve heard, the internet is 10x crazier than that.”
She didn’t seem upset at Stephen for hiding this for a whole year, but maybe she didn’t want to talk about it with me or with anyone that is.
She didn’t say anything, and for a moment I’m not sure if she heard it.
“Can you send a photo of the letter?”, I said.
“I’ll send you later, but the classes are supposed to start two weeks from now, so the faster you can take her there, the better.”
“Tell Stephen to get a train ticket for Saturday morning, she’ll be home before dinner time.”
And that’s how I ended up in a dirty and creepy shop called Leaky Cauldron, but Stephen was clear, that was the right place.
“Keep closer to me, okay? We don’t know what kind of people come to a place like this”, I whispered, and she nodded.
With her hands gripping mine, we got in, and it was better than I thought it would be.
For some reason, there were a lot of people there, something I’d never guess from the front alone.
“Look”, Emmy walked in front of me, pulling my hands.
I could see the door we were supposed to find at the very back wall.
The constant chat and movement inside a dead establishment was a shocking contrast. The people inside were… peculiar to say the least, their clothing the first thing I’ve noticed, the capes and the long dark old-fashioned dresses.
She didn’t even fathom all of that, while she walked through the crowd. Her tiny body did little in actually creating space for us, something that I ended up doing.
I could feel the staring as we walked closer to the door, yet the chatting only grew and some started to whisper. It was quite obvious we didn’t belong, nor should a child be inside a bar, nonetheless nobody stopped us. After we got out, the voices stayed behind, and we found another dirty and suspicious place.
“So that’s the wall?”, I said, not amused.
There was trash all over the ground, and I’m sure a rat family lived around those garbage cans.
Emmy went ahead and, as her father said, counted the stones, so no mistakes would be made. Not even 5 seconds later, she pressed one of them. Part of me still waited for nothing to happen, then a camera would appear out of the corner and all of that would be some sort of elaborate joke. But the stones seemed to come to life and, together and synchronized, jumped to the sides until a thin passage appeared right in front of us.
I couldn’t move.
Emmy clapped, elated, as she could barely stay still. “Grandma told us all about this, she said there is an ice cream shop that’s really good and a place with the best cakes in the entire world”, she said it fast and again, pulled me through it.
A second later, the passage closed.
This isn’t a fever dream after all. 
We walked hand in hand through the tiniest space we could find. The traffic in rush hour couldn’t compare to the amount of people gathered there. It seemed like all the witches in London decided to buy their things that day. Huge families and lonely kids walked through us, all different from one another somehow. The buildings were the weirdest, the shapes were all unique and seemed some sort of postmodernism, yet the appearance was… vintage.
“We need to change the money, come on”, I said as she stopped every 15 seconds to stare at something or someone. 
The bank was the fanciest and scariest place I’ve ever been to. It wasn’t on my list to be judged by elves that day, that wasn’t something Stephen prepared me for, but now I could die with something extra special on it. 
Somehow, I thought it would be easier to help a child get school material, but I could feel the headache coming from a mile away after the first 30 minutes. 
“There’s way too many people in there”, I said as we waited outside the last store we were supposed to go in. 
The door was barely closed, as people fought to go in and some to come out. I could see clearly through the shop window, bodies were pressed together and pressed on the glass too. She needed 7 books for this year and I needed to come with a plan to get it before 3 o’clock, or she would be late to take her train back home. 
“Can we wait a bit?”, she said, with a horrified expression. 
“Let’s find a quieter place to stay.”
We walked further down, but there wasn’t any place to sit and there was still a dense crowd. I felt Emmy pulling me towards the weirdest shop of them all. A giant… doll stuck through the high shop window.
“Emmy, there’s too many people in there too.”
It was the opposite of a quiet place. Most of the people coming in and out were kids her age or older with bags and bags full of stuff and a permanent smile on their faces. There was so much noise inside I could hear from far away, but it didn’t bother me at all. I feel at peace there, it was a good atmosphere to be close to, I would give the owners that.
“Dad let me choose whatever I wanted the most to buy, look”, she exclaimed and pulled me closer to the display.
There was so much variety of different colorful boxes and bottles, but the names didn’t give me a single clue of what anything could be, still it was enough for Emmy, and we went inside to “just take a look”, as she said.
“There’s plushies”, she released my hand and ran to the display.
I tried to run after her, but then my legs stopped all of a sudden, even though I didn’t want to. My heart dropped to my stomach and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I leaned on one of the shelves, while people passed through me as if I wasn’t even there.
I could see Emmy clearly, someone was saying something to her and that same someone picked one of the plushies, but it didn’t seem like one at all, it seemed alive. My eyes never left her as I tried to get it together.
Breath in, breath out. Breat—
It wasn’t working.
Emmy waved at me and I gestured for her to come closer, as I didn’t feel like I could move at that moment. I saw her excited expression turn to worry as she came to me carrying one of the pink fluffy things.
“What is it? Are you okay? Headache?”, she took one of my hands as I took a deep breath.
“I fe—
We heard loud gasps and screams.
There was a big commotion happening upstairs as more and more people turned to see what was going on. I could barely see a circle of people, while someone was holding someone else upright.
“Let’s go, Emmy”, I took her hand, and we walked side by side.
I thought for a moment that I was leaving, instead, I walked up to the middle of that hurricane with a will I didn’t know I had, nor the reason for it. Still, every step I took felt right, felt like something more than just being nosy.
Those two people walked down the stairs and the customers made way for them and by the middle of the staircase, I could see their faces. One of them seemed hurt, could barely walk alone, his hands were full of white powder and the right one held the left one tightly, I felt like I was the one hurting.
When they reached the end of the stairs, we were less than 3 feet away.
They passed us and went to the back of the shop, while I stayed still. He had a rose on his collarbone, and I touched the fading scar I forgot about. 
I wanted to follow them, to see if he was alright, to know if there was a way of helping him.
“You got another!”, Emmy held up my right hand.
The borderline of a tiny white rose appeared in a slow motion on my pinky, as if it was drawn handmade by someone, who didn’t want to mess it up. The color was intense, and I felt like it was a real one if I turned to the right angle. Slowly, one by one, the only black-and-gray painted flowers turned to bright-colored ones. It was a sea of light blue orchids and lavender daisies on my arms and white roses and sunflowers on my hands.
Emmy gasped, and I remember to smile like an idiot.
“Go, you have to go and see him”, she poked me in the ribs and pushed me to the direction they went.
“Can yo—”
“Of course I’ll wait, go, go”, she was smiling big and even if I couldn’t see myself, I knew I was smiling just as big. 
I went up to the balcony, then looked around and as soon as I realized no one was paying attention to me, I walked to the back door, but before I could reach the handle, the door opened and he was right in front of me.
My eyes couldn’t leave the now pink rose right below his right shoulder, the one place I didn’t expect to be hurt at while playing around, yet I did so many years ago.
“Good, you don’t have that scar anymore”, he whispered, and I felt goosebumps on my skin.
I looked up to him and his eyes were on my collarbone. Heat crawled up through my body as we made eye contact, I felt breathless yet so energized. The air around us changed, something was pulling me towards him and I could barely hold myself together.
A second later, he hugged me and it was like a weight got off my shoulders.
“Where have you been?”, he asked, and his face was hidden in my hair.
We got as close as possible, but still didn’t feel enough and maybe never would.
“Way too far from here”, I whispered back.
I closed my eyes for a moment and I heard his heartbeat. It was real, he really was with me at that moment and I couldn’t believe it.
“I hate to interrupt a happy couple, but you two are scaring the clients away. At least take her inside, George ”, someone said behind him.
George, that’s his name.
He turned to him, one of his eyebrows raised and lips pressed into a thin line, but his hands didn’t leave my waist. It was his twin, who seemed to be having way too much fun with the situation. The smile was wide on his face and his eyes almost disappeared, yet George wasn’t budging.
“Well, then they are welcome to leave, because I’m not about to hide my love”, he said, and hugged me even tighter.
I hid from the prying eyes on his shoulders.
It was true that people were watching us, and maybe a clever pair of eyes caught our flowers, because a new commotion started, but a bit more discreet than the last.
“…at it, it is so beautiful” “…so, aren’t they cute?”
“Can we go somewhere else?”, I whispered, the redness clear on my face.
“Of course we can, love.”
He let me go, and I noticed how hard that was for him. The moment he took a step away from me, I felt like a part of me stayed with him too.
“I live upstairs”, he said and took my hand and pulled me with him as I looked for Emmy.
“Oh, I came with my step sister and I don’t feel comfortable letting her alone…”, I said as I looked at Emmy and gestured for her to come closer.
“Of course she can come too, did you come in the shop because of her?”, he saw the huge bag Emmy was carrying and the new friend on her shoulder as she came closer.
I nodded.
Emmy looked at us with a Cheshire smile and I was surprised she didn’t say a thing, until I realized she was busy matchmaking the flowers on our skin.
“I have a lot to thank you for, miss”, George said with that same smile on his face.
“It’s true, you two met because of me, soo… how about a payment for that?”, she whispered as her face came a little bit closer.
I watched with a big smile on my face as he laughed so hard he leaned back a bit.
“What can I say… she deserves it, after all, she brought me my soulmate”, he smiled at me and I felt all of the butterflies.
So that’s how it feels like to feel special when your soulmate does nothing more than look at you?
“You don’t have to, you know”, I whispered to him.
“I know, but I want to, besides”, he said and looked over to her. “You’re a smart one, it reminds me of my sister when she was that age”.
“Do you also have a sister?”, I asked, quite surprised as an only child myself.
“Oh, love, I have a lot of them, but we can talk over that upstairs”
“Can I stay? I want to look over the shop, please?”, she said as she pulled her biggest trick, the puppy dog eyes as she looked at me, without blinking.
“Fred can look over her”.
“Are you sure? There’s a lot of people here”.
“We have more people working today, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind a little special tour”, he said with a smile and ran up to his brother as Emmy squealed.
“It’s getting better and better, you have a good one”, Emmy said to me, her eyes shining in delight.
“Yeah, I think so”.
It did get better for her, because she got that Pygmy Puff for free and a whole beginning school-kit as well, whatever that meant. It was an easy trade, since she got me my soulmate that day and George insisted on going home with me after work hours.
“You saw my world for the first time, it’s fair I see yours, right?”, that was his argument, a valid one.
It surprised me how he never got curious enough to explore it before on his own, but as he told me a bit about the latest years of the Wizarding world, a lot of things started to make sense, including that.
“Did you know it was possible?”, I whispered to him as we cuddled on my sofa.
"I heard about it, but it is rare, I’ve never seen anyone with a soulmate muggle”, his arms held me tighter against his body, our legs intertwined.
“A soulmate what? That doesn’t sound good”, I said and raised my head off his shoulder, looking up to his shining eyes.
“It’s how we call who doesn’t have magical powers, love”, he said softly and his thumb caressed my left cheek and jaw.
He leaned in and kissed me again. We both couldn’t hold in the smiles, too lost in our little bubble to pay any mind to the TV or my cat, who wasn’t there a second ago, but chose to silently observe everything, sat on the floor on the darker corner of the room.
“Love?”, he whispered near my ear.
“How did you get him again?”, he asked and I noticed him staring at Snuggles, who was quieter than I’ve ever seen before.
“He was alone in the streets, but I don’t really remember when we adopted him, why?”, I asked as I played with his long fingers
“He reminded me of a cat I’ve seen before”.
“Do you know what the species is called? I’ve never seen one like him”, I looked over at him with a fond smile. “He isn’t a fan of new people, but he’s not that shy most of the time”.
“I’ll search it up, but I’m almost sure Emmy is not your first contact with the Wizarding World”
“How, do you have magical cats or something?”, I looked up to him, who grinned wide at me.
I sighed.
“Guess I have some magic powers after all, I’m great at finding hurt, lonely and orange fluffy heads wandering around”
“Did you just call me fluffy head?”, the disapproval and disgust clear in his voice.
“What can I say, honey, you do need a hairbrush right now”, I laughed as I tried to conceal his messy hair.
“You do not dare to touch me after insulting me like that, woman”, he said with a dramatic expression of hurt and betrayal as he held my wrist away from his head.
“But you’re so adorable like this, George”, I cooed at him and took his face into my hands.
“Adorable? Adorable?”, his tone higher. “I- You better stop being so cute, I can’t handle it”, he said as he giggled and hid his face on my shoulder.
Did I just break him?
In these 5 hours we’ve been together, he carried himself with an impressive confidence, flirtier as time passed, something I wanted to learn from him, but right now, it seems like I cracked the code.
I could see a tint of red on his cheeks and a proud smile appeared on my face.
“What? Can’t I call you cute? Hm? Adorable?”
He mumbled something against my skin, and I felt goosebumps, then his smile against my neck.
“Do you like that, love?”
The shyness seemed to evaporate from him in the blink of an eye and I knew that that would be the night I’d find out what happened when you tease George Weasley. 
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Liam Evans 1st Birthday Campaign: Story (2023)
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
Candles placed on a round cake based on how many years someone has lived.
The star of the day responds to the birthday greetings with a bright smile.
A picture-perfect birthday filled with joy, like in a painting.
And yet, to me, that’s something so distant — it was frightening and impossible.
≪ Setting: Kate’s Bedroom ≫
A new morning dawned, and my lover was sleeping peacefully in my arms.
I loved to stare at Kate’s face as she slept.
(... Cute, cute, cute. … I’m starting to want her.)
I lifted the shirt that was only thrown over her body, and her supple breasts spilled out.
The kiss marks that covered her breasts looked so incredibly sexy, I couldn't hold myself back from kissing their rosy peaks.
(Oh, they’re getting pointy. … Can she feel it even when she’s asleep? Ah… so cute.)
When I took one of her nipples into my mouth, Kate's body shivered.
Kate: … Nn, ah… Liam…!?
Liam: Mm, you’re awake? Good morning, Kate.
Kate: W-What are you doing… ah…
Liam: Hm? I was craving you because you looked so sexy and cute.
Kate: Nn, ahh… haa… Liam, stop…
Liam: Hm…?
Kate: There’s something I wanted to tell you the moment I wake up. So I need you to stop.
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Liam: Something you want to tell me? What is it?
Kate: Your birthday is coming soon, right? I heard it from Harrison.
Kate’s words reminded me that my birthday was just around the corner — on the 6th of September.
Kate: Shall we spend your birthday together? I want to celebrate with you.
Her suggestion made my heart flutter like an idiot.
(Really? I want to spend it with you too, I want to be together.)
(... But)
Liam: … I have rehearsals that will end late that day. So… I’m not so sure yet, I guess.
Kate: … Is that so?
Liam: … Mm. Anyway, I want to continue from just now. I can’t wait any longer. … Come on, you feel the same way, don't you?
Kate: Ah… hey, Liam… Nngh, ahh…
≪ Setting: The Scala – Backstage ≫
And then came the 6th of September.
The stage rehearsals that had been going on since morning came to an end, and it was already rather late into the night.
And yet, I couldn't seem to bring myself to leave.
(Ever since that time… I’ve been avoiding talking about birthdays.)
I never once had my birth celebrated… and that was to be expected.
Just by being alive, I caused hurt to many people. I dare not imagine myself to be deserving of being celebrated.
When I joined Crown, Victor and Harry tried to celebrate my birthdays. I couldn't have been happier, and yet I constantly made excuses to avoid those celebrations.
(... Because I didn't know what kind of facial expression I should have while being celebrated.)
It’s like once you taste something delicious, you can never forget that taste.
Once you receive a hug from someone, you never forget that warmth.
Once you’ve opened up your heart, you can’t stop yourself from expressing your true feelings.
If I were to be celebrated on my birthday, I would most definitely remember that warmth.
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(... I’m… scared to death… of that…)
Kate is someone greatly important to me. If it’s her celebrating my birthday, I’ll make sure I never forget it no matter what happens.
Every breath and blink, I’ll remember every last detail.
Whenever I thought of such bliss, an endless amount of fear would surge up inside me.
— What if I lost that?
I had long grown accustomed to wallowing in despair and loneliness.
I saw my own life as something insignificant, having a fake smile plastered on my face and barely getting by.
Happiness felt out of reach, and love was no more than a dream.
The sole purpose of my existence was to breathe and avoid causing others displeasure.
(That was how I used to think…)
With her own hands, Kate gave me what I had given up on a long time ago.
(I can’t give up again.)
(I never expected that… knowing what happiness feels like would be this frightening.)
Tom: Why the long face, our star actor?
I felt someone lightly tap the back of my head, and I turned around to see Tom, the representative of The Scala, standing there.
Tom: Happy birthday, Liam.
Liam: Thanks. You know it’s my birthday?
Tom: Yeah, you’re always reluctant to go home on your birthday.
Tom: Also, there’s a mountain of presents waiting for you in the hall.
I smiled, and Tom deliberately dangled the keys to The Scala in front of my eyes.
Tom: HOWEVER, as much as I feel sorry for you, I need you to head home. I have a date tonight, I can’t leave if you don't.
≪ Setting: Streets of London – Night Time ≫
(Tom was in such high spirits while kicking me out of the theatre.)
After being kicked out by Tom, I walked through the streets of London alone.
(... Hm?)
I noticed a family celebrating on the terrace of a cafe.
(... Ah, it’s a birthday cake.)
A child took a deep breath and blew out the candles with all his might.
Father: Thank you, Tony.
Tony: Why are you thanking me on my birthday, papa?
Mother: We became much happier because you were born. We’re very grateful for that.
Mother: And birthdays aren't only for you. It’s also a day for everyone to express our gratitude for meeting one another.
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Liam: Birthdays are not just for… me? (surprised)
In that instant, it felt as if the raining that had been constantly falling inside of me suddenly stopped, giving me a sense of relief.
(I spent the whole day avoiding my birthday and only focusing on my past wounds.)
(But… what about Kate’s feelings?)
(What about the feelings of Kate, who wanted to celebrate my birthday with me…?)
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(... ggh.)
Liam: … What am I even doing?
Liam: … I’m really a failure in every aspect…
I thought of Kate’s words to me.
In times like this, she would always smile and say,
— No matter how many times you’ve tried, it’s always okay to start over.
Liam: Kate…
I started running as fast as I could.
≪ Setting: Crown Castle ≫
Liam: *pant*... *pant*...
I sprinted through the hallways and headed straight to the dining room.
≪ Setting: Dining Room ≫
Liam: Kate…?
(... She’s not here. Is she in her room?)
≪ Setting: Kate’s Bedroom ≫
Without even knocking, I burst into her room…
Kate: … L-Liam?
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Liam: *pant*... *pant*... this is…
Her room was decorated, and sitting on the table was a cake with cat ears.
(... Why did you do this for me? I… I was ignorant of your feelings…)
As I remained stunned and staring at everything, Kate gave a troubled smile.
Kate: I thought that I was being annoying. I had a feeling you didn't want to celebrate your birthday.
Kate: But I really wanted to celebrate, because it's your first birthday after we started dating.
Liam: Kate…
Kate: I did all of this on my own accord. So… would it be wrong if I wanted to continue with this celebration for my own sake?
While she laughed and spoke, she saw through all my feelings of hesitation and anxiety.
(Seriously… I’m no match for you.)
(But… I don’t want to depend on your kindness forever.)
(I want to be sincere towards you.)
I embraced Kate’s soft and smaller body with both arms.
Liam: Thank you, Kate. And… I’m sorry for running away.
Liam: I… I was terrified of being celebrated… and knowing how it feels to have a birthday with you in it…
Liam: I was foolish and all I could think of was the possibility of me losing all of that… it scared me.
Liam: But if I keep running away… I’ll be stepping all over your kindness and feelings.
Liam: I don't have the option to do that, because I love you.
I said all that in one breath, and Kate’s fingertips touched my back as she returned the hug.
Kate: … Mm. Thank you for coming back. Hehe…
Liam: Hm…?
Kate: You must've been hurrying to come back. Your back is soaked with sweat.
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Liam: … Mm, that’s right. … Haha, I look so uncool right now.
Liam: Even though I look this uncool, can I still ask you for a kiss…?
Instead of words, Kate answered by putting her lips onto mine.
That one kiss made me so happy that I wanted to squeal.
Kate: Nn…
The playful kiss grew deeper and deeper, and we moved onto the bed.
Kate: Ah… L-Liam… there…
Liam: Mm-hm. I’ll give it lots of kisses…
Wanting to compensate for all the unease I had caused her, I repeatedly gave love to all of Kate’s favourite spots.
Positioning myself over Kate, I thrust into her,
Kate: Hnng, ahh…
I mercilessly targeted the spot that drew sweet cries of pleasure from her.
Kate: Ahh… so good…
Liam: Haha, you’re so tight. … Mm, me too. I feel so good inside you, Kate.
Even the wet noises sounded good because they came from Kate.
Kate: Ah… Liam…
Liam: You’re going to cum? … So cute. Go ahead, cum for me. … Come on, you love this spot.
I played with her wet cunt with my fingers while continuously thrusting into her at the same time.
With a high-pitched scream, Kate’s body trembled as she reached her orgasm.
Her moistened eyes, and her body hot from the pleasure… I loved everything about her.
Liam: … I’m so happy.
Kate: Will you become happier for my sake?
My happiness was immeasurable, but that happiness was accompanied by an equal amount of pain.
(But I’ll accept all that pain and anxiety together with the happiness.)
When I nodded in response to her question, Kate’s face lit up and she smiled.
Kate: Happy birthday, Liam. I love you from the very bottom of my heart.
≪ Setting: Liam’s Mind ≫
I had a dream.
All the people I’ve harmed in the past, all the people whose lives I’ve taken… they were all pointing their fingers at me and yelling at me.
They yelled, “I wish you were never born!”. And I desperately tried to run away from them.
And then, I heard a voice coming from somewhere.
It was the voice of someone I love dearly.
So I desperately ran towards that voice—.
≪ Setting: Kate’s Bedroom ≫
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Liam: … (startled)
I regained my consciousness.
Kate: Oh, are you awake? Good morning, Liam.
Kate: Fufu, it’s rare for you to be asleep. I couldn't help staring at you.
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Liam: …
Kate: Is it too stuffy? You looked like you were having trouble sleeping well. Should I open the windows?
I noticed that Kate was wearing a lovely outfit, different from her usual clothes.
Liam: … Why are you dressed like that?
Kate smiled at my absurd question, my mind still weighed down by my dream.
Kate: I just felt like dressing up.
Kate: Even though your birthday is already over, today is still another special day I’m going to spend with you.
(Ah… right.)
(This is reality.)
(Mine, and mine alone.)
I hugged her and kissed the crook of her neck.
Her body felt warm.
What existed between Kate and I, was the reality I loved.
(Hey, Kate. To be honest, I still fail to see my own worth.)
(I still can’t say that I’m glad I was born.)
(But I don't want to give up on myself.)
I don't want to deny the miracle that’s your love for me.
(I don't want to give up on me, the man you love.)
Liam: I want you to make me even more aware of this painful yet blissful reality. Because I love everything about it.
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I heard Kate gasp a little before responding in a soft voice.
Her response fell on my heart like a gentle rainfall, moistening it and giving it life.
There was no one else I knew who could make me so incredibly happy with such a short and simple response.
Kate: … How shall we spend our day today?
Liam: I want to eat the cat themed cake.
Kate: Actually, the cake isn’t sweet. It was made to suit your taste.
Liam: That’s the ultimate best. I also want to take a good look at the decorations in the room.
Kate: There are some parts of it that I didn't do a very good job at, so… please go easy on me.
Liam: And then we’ll go on a date while you’re wearing this dress. I’ll be your escort.
Liam: Before that…
Liam: Let me love you, cutie.
The two of us laughed and tumbled onto the bed.
The man reflected in the eyes of my lover was so stupidly happy…
He was happy beyond measure. He was alive.
❥ Letter
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myloversgone · 2 years
Pairings: Dean Winchester X You
Rating: Mature. Mentions of sex. Language.
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Summary: When Dean is away, Y/N has vivid dreams about him.
A/N: Hi! I’m alive! I’m also in the middle of my final exams, I have a shitload of term papers to finish and research to do, but I had a dream last night that I couldn’t ignore. Oh, and I’m also hormonal. I wrote this on my phone in like two hours, so forgive me if it’s too shitty and enjoy!
My Masterlist
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Last night, I dreamt about him. It was such a vivid dream. I could feel his skin, warm and soft against my cold one, the short hairs on the nape of his neck pricking my fingertips, the weight of his body between my legs.
I was also seeing us from above, if that makes sense. Sounds creepy, I know, but I guess that’s how dreams work. I could see every muscle of his smooth back moving under the skin as he thrusted into me. My arm was wrapped around his shoulders, as well as my legs around his waist.
I couldn't exactly see my own face since the room was mostly dark, only the streetlights through the window casted shadows on our joined bodies. But, for a minute as we moved together, I saw my expression contorted with pleasure, eyes closed and mouth open. I was feeling myself tightening around him. We were reaching our peaks.
"Open your eyes, baby", Dean told me, and I felt his hot breath on my face.
"Let me see you", he whispered right after, trying not to interrupt the silence of the night or the connection we were sharing.
I felt a knot in my throat. I wanted to cry of emotion and pleasure. I love him so fucking much it hurts sometimes. It hurts that I can't have him with me all the time, that I can't stop him from suffering, that I can't end everything that's evil in this world so he can finally be at peace.
So, I do as he says, I open my wet eyes, hoping the tears won't make him stop. I'm emotional because I feel happy I can provide him with moments of happiness and pleasure. He gives me so much, we’ve come a long way since we've met.
I can never forget the day he came to my door, years ago, when shit was about to get really ugly. We knew each other for a long time by then, and Dean always had a hard time talking about feelings.
"When I picture myself happy, is with you", he declared that day, and I could barely believe that those words were coming out of Dean Winchester's mouth. By then, he'd never told me something like that. He would show his feelings for me through gestures, touches. He would bring me food or pick me up at work, things like that.
One night, on my birthday, I got stuck working overtime, and when I got home, he was waiting for me with dinner he cooked by himself. The sex that night was amazing. It always is with him, but that was the first time I felt like we were making love. It was like one more step into our relationship.
So, a few weeks later, when he came to see me another time, I told him that I loved him. I had put a lot of thought into that, because I knew it could scare him away, but I felt it was worth the shot. I also knew he probably didn't have many people telling that to him before, and I think he needed to know he deserves to be loved for the man he is. I told him in the morning, after breakfast, when we were making out in the kitchen. His hands were already under my dress, and the words just spilled out of my mouth.
To my surprise, he looked shocked for a few seconds, but then he smiled, not only with his mouth but also with his beautiful green eyes.
"I love you too", Dean replied, and I knew he was only able to say it back because he trusted me. I hope I’m always worthy of his trust and love.
Since then, we say we love each other every time we feel like saying it. Over the phone, in texts, in person, while we're eating together. All the time.
To be honest, I fear for our future. Maybe I'm being silly, but I know we're meant to be together. I feel that every time he comes home to me. I tell him my home is his home too, but he says he can't stay. Sometimes he’s here for a week or two, but then a case comes up and he needs to leave. After Sam got back from Hell, 15 days is the longer he stays. He comes visit all the time, though, whenever he can. I've been to the bunker a few times, but I have a regular job, so I can't stay away for long.
Anyways, I cannot ask him to stop hunting and live a normal life with me, because I know he would never do that. And I don't want to lose him. I'm fine with what we have, but I wish I could take the weight off his shoulders.
I wish I could keep Dean safe. I can't, though, and it makes me cry every time he leaves.
That’s why when he's not here, I dream about him. Like last night. It's been 13 days since the last time we were together and, even though we talk every day, I miss his physical presence. Not only because he's impossibly handsome, and tall and overall perfect, and the most amazing lover, but also because he's so... comforting. Dean fills up a room, he brings me so much light, he makes my heart feel lighter. That's why I always miss him so much.
When I woke up this morning, feeling sad, frustrated, and horny, let's be honest, and I remembered that vivid dream, I immediately texted him.
Y/N: I miss you so much. I had a dream about u.
His answer was almost immediate, thankfully.
D: Hey, darlin'. I hope it was a good and naughty dream. I was just thinking 'bout u.
Y/N: It was kinda naughty, yeah :) it's been so long. How are u doing?
D: Wow, can't wait to hear everything about it, baby. I'm good. I'm actually on my way to u. We solved a case kinda close, so I'm heading there. Sammy's driving, don't worry. I'll be there in like two hours.
Y/N: Can't wait to see u! I'm gonna wait for u guys with lunch. Love you <3
D: I love you too. See u in a bit ;-*
We had lunch and Sam left a few minutes ago, and we're already all over each other. Dean's on top of me, between my legs on the couch, and the feeling is the exact same as it was in my dream. Even his smell is the same.
He's shirtless and I'm running my hands all over his broad shoulders while he’s kissing my neck and chest.
"So, when are you telling me about that dream of yours, huh?", he asks, interrupting my thoughts.
I laugh at his timing. "We're about to make it become true, De", I answer, planning on making the most of our time together.
Until he leaves and I dream about him again.
TAGLIST: @sexyvixen7; @candy-coated-misery0731; @dean-winchester-lover99; @thoughts-and-funnies; @avanatural; @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior; @eevvvaa; @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes; @djs8891; @akshi8278​
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elmundodeflor · 9 months
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In the span of 10 years, Hanji writes Levi one letter for each birthday they spend together.
"12 Things I Never Told You" pays homage to his and Hanji's bond through space and time, and depicts the loving light in which they saw him.
You can read the full fic and 12 letters here, on AO3.
In the meantime, here's one of the letters for you to check out;
When I gave you the tea-can earlier, the look on your face could have only meant two things:
1) "This must have been expensive as hell."
2) "You're batshit crazy for spending on it."
I told you, though! I wasn't gonna throw you a birthday party, but you had to expect a gift from me, at least. I like going all out!
Anyways, it was a nice surprise that you came down the lab with two mugs instead of one. And that you talked about your mother.
You told me that you had this same tea-can at home, in the Underground. And that your mom had gotten it for trade from one of her clients that lived up here. Your entire face softened when you mentioned her— how graceful she was. It was like seeing sugar melting on the stove.
Of course, I didn't ask— if she's alive, or what happened to her. I didn't mean to be intrusive. But the way you spoke in past-tense... oh, I'm sorry, Levi. I'm so, so sorry. Really. If she was anything quite like you, then I'm sure she was a wonderful woman.
To be honest, I don't know either— whether my mom's alive or not. You see, I never talk about this for a reason. I ran away from home when I was fourteen. My parents were... well, let's just say... not good people. I was mischievous, and rebellious, and asked too many questions. They most definitely did not like that.
My grandpa was the closest thing I ever had to a father, or a friend. He did die, though. He was mischievous, and rebellious, and asked as many questions as I did. I guess, back then, it not only made my parents uncomfortable, but the Military Police as well...
It was the reason I joined the Survey Corps, you know? You may not believe this, but I was once full of rage, too. I'm just lucky I could turn it into something better— passion, purpose. I'm certainly not proud of how it used to be. You should have seen me, all those years ago; shouting down the hallways, kicking titans' heads... I just hope you never get to see it again. If you do, I'm scared you might never look at me the same, and that I never forgive myself for it.
I have no clue how you do it, though— carry yourself through life. Back then, if they'd given me the names of the fuckers who took my grandpa, I'd have killed them on the spot. You, on the other hand, (and I know you'll get mad at me for saying this) are gentle. If you wanted to, you could break necks with a single blow. Or seek revenge towards the world for what it's done to you. But you choose not to. You actively, every day, choose not to.
Yeah, yeah, you probably don't like me reminding you of all this. But you're kind, Levi. You stay in the lab with me while I’m working, and you trust me enough to tell me about your mother. And you share this expensive-ass-tea I bought for you.
You're a good person. Much better than I'll ever be. I know you don’t think that you are, and that you worry others may also think that you’re not. But it’s true— you’re a good man.
See? It doesn't even matter I spent half my budget on this! (You’ve been warned, you won’t ever hear a word about it). You deserve to have nice things, little one. Also, it was pretty neat to hear that tiny hum of satisfaction you made when you drank from your cup. I know not many things surprise you nowadays, either. So, I'll take my pride in knowing I did— HA!
Hope you had a good night. And that you had a great birthday— yeah, that too!
Happy you're with me for another year.
See you around,
Hanji x
P.S: Thank you for the tea. Literally the best one I had!
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catt-leya · 2 years
Touch Me Pt.1 || Rick Grimes
First I wish @toxic-ink a wonderful birthday and love to post the fic you asked for 💗💗💗
I've been asked before for a fic with more than one part and here we have it 👉🏼👈🏼 I don't know yet how many it will be in the end, but you can count on a small series 👀
(I won't just post the fic though, I'll keep throwing in other fics 💅🏼)
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Summary: You meet a group in the forest and learn what it means to meet Rick there. (S5)
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I try to breathe regularly and not to stumble over some protruding roots as I make the sprint of my life.
Hectically I take a look back and fortunately I can't see him anymore, which doesn't mean that he might not reappear in a moment.
Again and again I dodge hanging branches until I can recognize a group of hopefully living people between the bushes. Briefly I stop and hear them talking softly, so they must be alive.
I realize that they must not be good people and I can really get myself into shit, but when I hear it crack behind me, I don't think any further and break through the bushes.
I am still a few meters short of the group and I notice most of them pointing guns at me.
I aim at the person closest to me and get over another meter gasping, "Help me please."
The fact that I can speak is the sign that I am not a living corpse, and the guy I throw myself at is so surprised that he drops the rifle in his hand and I pull him to the ground with me.
We both hit the ground thudding and the impact squeezes the air out of his lungs, but he catches himself surprisingly quickly and spins me around so that I'm lying pressed on the ground underneath him and I'm already regretting showing myself to the group until I look to the side and also see women in the group who don't look like they're being forced to be here.
Every woman I can make out is carrying weapons and one guy even stands protectively in front of a young woman.
The guy above me barks, "Daryl! Go see where she came from!"
A man with longer hair breaks away from the group and walks with a woman through the bushes where I ran through.
As they disappear, I look for the first time at the guy I picked up in my sprint.
With his weight he presses me to the ground so I can't move much more than my head and geez, probably would have been better if I couldn't look at him.
His face is extremely close to mine due to the interesting position and I can feel his breath on my lips. Although his mouth distracts me a bit, my eyes are fixed on his eyes.
In this dreary world, they seem far too blue and I have to blink several times before I can break away from his face and look down his body instead.
He kneels over my hip and presses my wrists firmly to the floor with his hands. Surprisingly, while he holds me firmly in place, he doesn't hurt me in the process.
I don't know how long we stare at each other silently, but in the background I hear this Daryl guy come back with the woman and says, "Don't know what the lady was running from, but there's nothing there."
Still staring at the guy above me, Daryl mutters, "Rick?"
Now I at least have a name to go with the handsome face, but still can't bring myself to say a word. Rick doesn't respond to his buddy either, which is why Daryl kicks him lightly in the leg and says, "Dude, what's up?"
This seems to snap Rick out of his thoughts and he hisses, turning to me, "You got any guns on you?"
When I used to read novels, I always wondered what the authors could possibly mean by bedroom voice, and now I'm pretty sure I get it, what they mean. That smoky undertone of his makes me sigh softly, but I bite my lower lip just in time to not come across as a complete idiot and answer truthfully, "Two knives on my thighs."
Hesitantly, he lets go of one of my hands and reaches for my thigh.
I completely blame it on the fact that it's been a long time since I've seen a man I found as attractive as the one above me, but my whole body reacts as his hand strokes my thigh and he removes both knives from their holders and hands them to Daryl before asking, "No guns?"
I shake my head, not really expecting him to believe me. I wouldn't believe me either.
That's why I don't bat an eye as he pats me down and, of course, finds nothing else.
Apparently I'm no longer an immediate threat and he sits up before getting up from me and holding out his hand for me to stand up too.
I proudly ignore his helping hand and hoist myself to my feet far more inelegantly than he did.
I get stares from everyone and feel the need to say something, "Thank you."
In a raspy voice, Rick asks me, "What were you running from?"
Unsure, I squint again at the bushes and then shrug, "There was some guy."
The young man who had earlier stood protectively in front of a woman breaks away from the group and takes a few steps toward me, "What guy?"
Again I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know. Just a guy."
Out of the corner of my eye I see Rick tilt his head, "So you ran away from some guy and then figured your best bet was to run into the next one and kiss the ground with him?"
With narrowed eyes I look back at him, "Exactly. I thought to myself: Great, there's a new guy. The best thing for me to do is test him out and see if he'll catch me if I run into his arms."
His eyebrows go up and I sigh, "My goodness. I was taking out some of the walking corpses in the woods and this huge man suddenly appeared. As far as I could tell, he was alone and at first he helped me take out the rest of the assholes. Then I went to ask him who he was and he tried to get in my pants. As you can imagine, it wasn't my dream to have sex with this guy and when he wouldn't let up I took off. Instead of letting me go though, he came after me and no shit, the guy made a move, I had to make 3 to keep up so he couldn't catch me. Then I saw you guys and thought to myself: A group with women might be better than falling back into the guy's arms."
I point to Rick, "That's why I fell into your arms and I have to admit I knocked you off your feet pretty easily."
Of course he doesn't take the teasing and asks, "What's your name?"
I tell them my name and look to Daryl, "Can I have my knives?"
He merely shakes his head and I look to Rick with a sigh, "I could have easily stabbed you when I ran into you."
The young woman mutters, "She's right."
Still, Rick, like Daryl, shakes his head, "No, you're not getting them back yet. We'll take another look around for your ominous colleague and then move on. By 'we' I mean you, too."
Immediately I raise my hands deprecatingly, "Noooo, you can forget that real quick. I thank you guys for your help, but I'm not staying with you."
Rick takes a step toward me and I'm too stiff to react, only flinching when I feel the cool metal around my wrist.
Hectically I look down at my wrist that is encased in one side of a handcuff and can't believe the other side is encasing Rick's wrist, "What did you do that for?"
Quietly he says, "I don't trust you."
In disbelief, I throw my free left arm in the air, "And you think that's a good idea?! What if I have a group out looking for me and then take you all down?"
Rick pulls on the handcuff and says, "You don't."
Slowly the group starts moving and I have no choice but to follow Rick, "How do you know?"
Looking over his shoulder at me, he says, "If you did, you would have run to them and not strangers."
In fact, he's right, and I really don't like him for it, even if his pretty face makes up for a lot.
Still, I don't let up, "And what if I was bitten."
Again he replies, "You weren't."
These smartass answers make my skin crawl and I hiss, "Nice to know you're omniscient."
I hear him laugh softly and, unfortunately, I can't stifle a grin either and don't ask any further questions.
Again and again, some of the people disappear into the woods and I assume they are scanning the area. They don't seem to find anything that calms me down and so slowly I also get used to the fact of being handcuffed to a strange man, except that the handcuffs rub against my hand with every step.
I look at Rick from the side and ask, "Is the handcuff really necessary?"
Silently, he nods, not even looking at me, so I ask the group, "How long have you all been traveling together?"
The young woman I've seen time and time again comes forward to join us and nods at me, "I'm Maggie and most of us have known each other for a long time."
I smile at her, "That sounds nice."
We talk some more and she introduces me to everyone in the group before she is called out by her husband (I'm told) and I'm alone again with Rick and my aching wrist, "Why don't you take this stupid handcuff off me?"
He brushes a few strands out of his face and says again, "No." That's when I groan in frustration, "Come on. My wrist is burning like fire."
I can see him roll his eyes and then take my hand in his. Nothing more happens.
He holds my hand in his and just keeps walking.
I'm also too surprised to say anything, but the fact is that the metal doesn't rub on my hand like that anymore. So I walk next to him holding hands.
The longer we walk silently side by side like this, the more familiar it feels, and as I yawn, I slide my fingers through his, which catches me a quick glance from him, but he just bites his lower lip and doesn't comment further.
I have no idea how long we go on until he says, addressing everyone, "This is where we will sleep."
Everyone immediately knows what to do and I can't help but be impressed with how strongly the group sticks together and works with each other. Even in this short time, I feel safe in their midst and although I miss my knives, I don't feel like they're throwing me to the corpses.
Rick walks with me to a tree and slides down it. Through our intertwined fingers, he pulls me along with him and I plop down on the ground next to him.
Lowly, I say, "I was so snotty earlier, but I meant it about being grateful to you."
Lazily he looks at me, "You're welcome."
A small smile forms on my lips and I slide around on my butt so I can look right at him, "I'd like to know what went on in that guy's head that he had to run right after me."
The sun is slowly setting and the light that falls through the dense canopy of leaves casts advantageous shadows on his already handsome face as he wearily replies, "Some people were sick in the head before all this shit. But to a certain extent, I can even understand him."
I frown and his gaze slides along my body, "You're really pretty, which of course is no excuse for what he wanted to do to you nor can it pass for an explanation, but I can understand that he was thinking about having sex with you."
And my mouth drops open.
Did he just shamelessly tell me he wanted to have sex with me?
I should be indignant and maybe even feel some fear because I'm tied to the man, but I'm not.
Instead, I cough, "Wait. What?"
He laughs softly and leans his head against the tree trunk, "Oh come on. I wouldn't touch you in my life without your consent, so just take it easy. You can't blame me, though, for thinking about it ever since you ran into me."
To be continued...
@hail-yourselves @bean-is-reading @chanlvr2 @criminalwalkingsupernatural @sunshinevirus @toxic-ink
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