#i can't put a read more bc i'm on mobile
candiid-caniine · 8 months
slutpuppy tip of the day ✨
look ppl I've never been good at humping. idk if it's my anatomy or my lack of hip mobility or what, but humping the way I see in porn gifs has never worked for me, and it's always made me rly sad bc humping is just soooo puppy 😭
until now!!
if ur like me, and humping is difficult for you, and you want a way to make yourself look even more pathetic while edging, read on ✨
you will need:
(probably) a cunt - may work with a penis but I don't have one so idk!
pillows for support
a wand vibrator (others will prob work as long as they're sturdy/securable)
some way to keep it upright
here's what you're gonna do:
find a comfy position in some combination of chest down, ass up. get creative w pillows :)
secure your vibe upright below your spread legs ;) I did this by literally moving my arm under me and holding it in position, but I got a crick in my shoulder for it, so won't be doing that again ✌️ lol
you want it to be somewhere you can easily rub your clit/cock against it by moving ur hips up and down.
once it's there...get humping :3 think rly hard about how pathetically needy you must look, with your legs spread humping like a lil puppy dog 💕
this is a great (read: terrible!! mean!!!) exercise in self control. u have to either physically drop the vibe when ur at the edge, or move your hips away if it's secured some other way.
the problem ofc is that being in humpy drooly puppy mode makes this rlly hard >:c can't think.. can't rebmemer 😭
so I ruined before I was planning to. and let me fucking tell u. something about being in that position, both being so spread open and also being hella humiliated, made my ruin so. fucking. meannnn. I whined into my pillow and humped the air like a dumb slut 💕
given that this had me such a drooly puppy mess, I'll probably be made to edge like this for the foreseeable future 😭
possible variations:
if ur a dom and u make ur sub do this while ur passively ignoring them n throwing out little mean comments once in awhile as they put their ass into it just to get ur attention?? ur so mean 😭 ur so hot I'm begging u to DM me lol
securing the vibe independently and putting the sub in bondage that only juuuust allows them to hump properly is. hh.. (obviously do this safely af, esp if doing it solo)
u could experiment with the position of the vibe, then put constraints on your bodily positioning, to essentially make it doubly hard to get enough stimulation to hit the edge 🥺 juust add to the frustration and the desperation 💕
would be great in combo with other toys...puppy tail plug? labia spreader? dildo gag??
or even...some kind of spiky thing, also secured in the area, that would mean every time u rut against the vibrator, somethin painful is digging into ur ass or labia or w/e 💕💕
combine it w hypno. combine it w a humiliating mantra. combine it w figging. this could work with so many types of scenes :3
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iamyouknow-yours · 7 months
It's been over a year since I got my mobility scooter and longer since I got my cane. So... Mobility Aid Appreciation Post!
Put your own mobility aid appreciation in the notes, I would like to read!
Wheelchair edition:
I can go on fun adventures with friends, spontaneously as well!
I have gone to various parks, to get snacks, and the other day I scooted from university all the way to my friend's house! I went on the side of a small motorway which was a little bit terrifying but it was fun and I was safe.
I can get around campus so speedily. Well apart from that the accessible routes are a little backwards. But I can go fast to them and arrive before people ambling between classes.
Part of the reason is because people just jump out of my way when they see me coming. They move so fast to not be in my way, it is very funny.
Part 2 of that is that I can go through crowds quite easily. It's a little annoying bc people aren't expecting to look down to see people trying to move. But once they see me they move. And they tell other people to move.
People let me sit at the front of things. I got to sit right at the front of a convention panel and I was so near Kat Graham!!
People open doors for me.
I hardly ever have to wait in line for things, I get put in the front and get to skip the queue.
I can be out of the house for much, much longer.
I am way more patient about my friends wanting to take their time doing things and looking in shops because I don't have to stand, I can sit while they do that.
I have way more stamina for being hungry or cold or tired or sore because I can be sitting while experiencing those things.
The battery has only started Running Out one time and even then she did get me home.
It's helped with learning to drive a car because I am better at understanding the turning circle and how reversing while turning works.
I have gotten better at using my scooter! I am pretty good at maneuvering and judging her distance and stuff. I only bump into corners if I'm in a hurry and in my house ie not making an effort to not hit people's walls.
I've had interesting conversations with people who have come up to me to ask about getting one for a family member. This may be not a perk to some people! So keep that in mind. But I think it's also about my vibe, I usually give off the vibe of "you can come talk to me".
Cane edition:
People give up their seats for me. Especially on the train. If there are no seats, then the old women will squish together and then we all sit next to each other. People are really nice about giving me a seat.
I can climb stairs so much easier!
I haven't lost my balance or fallen or twisted my ankle once while using it.
I can lean on it when I get tired which means I can stay out for a bit longer.
I can use it to get up so so much more easily.
I have a built in fidget toy with the strap.
It folds up and so I can put it in my bag to have just in case.
I hurt my leg one time and boom I already had a mobility aid.
I can use it to walk when my tummy hurts and I can't stand up straight.
And to alleviate your fears, no one has asked me why I switch hands when I use it.
Reminder that it is fully allowed and okay to lie to people when they ask why you're using a mobility aid. You can also say, "It's really difficult to talk about."
Or a funny/brave response like "I didn't read the terms and conditions." and "none of your business".
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achubbydumpling · 7 months
I love your writing, especially when it comes to fat Bucky and/or Steve!!
What are some of your favorite weight gain tropes with them? And what's the biggest you like to see them? Bc I LOVE when they get to the point of mobility struggles and talking seriously about accommodating for immobility 🥵 so any thoughts on that, feel free to share 👀👀👀
hi! thank you so much, as slow as I am at answering them I really really really love getting asks like this (I mean who doesn't love compliments haha)
speaking of (im)mobility I gotta link two posts, one by me and one by @mylevisdontfitanymore with lots of fics about immobility:
Now, to your questions:
What are some of your favorite weight gain tropes with them?
what isn't a favourite of mine? 😂 hm if I had to narrow it down to three probably
weight gain as a metaphor for healing from past trauma
old men finally getting to live the life of their kinkiest dreams
accidental kink discovery
(are those even weight gain tropes? 🤔)
and I usually prefer Bucky to gain (more) weight, I don't really have an explanation for this, it's just what I prefer (feel free to psychoanalyse that 😂)
And what's the biggest you like to see them?
any size at all really, fat, overweight, underweight, morbidly obese, the brain rot is in the stucky 😌😂
no I mean I don't mind as long as it's somewhat "realistic", i.e. a person of that weight has lived on earth before, idk I'm just not really into the thousands of pounds weights? I feel like at some point you can't really escalate anymore in terms of writing the experience, how does 3000lbs feel different from 1000lbs? it can be done, I've read some excellent stories before
but generally I'd say anything below 1000lbs is like a soft limit for me while reading and especially when I'm writing the story
that being said hnnng mobility struggles 🥵🥵🥵
Bc I LOVE when they get to the point of mobility struggles and talking seriously about accommodating for immobility 🥵 so any thoughts on that, feel free to share 👀👀👀
is there anything better than constantly being out of breath, being painfully aware of how fat and out of shape they are when they're just walking to the kitchen or when they're just too big to fit somewhere
I love it when immobility is constantly on the horizon, threatening to take over but for right now they can still get around, right now it's exhausting and annoying and so so so hot just to do the simplest things because of their weight and their size.
and then with Bucky and Steve I think mobility aids and accomodations would come relatively late into the process, not because Bucky doesn't want them, but because he 1) has the/a supersoldier serum so that eases some of the intense discomfort and pain and mostly reduces it to an annoyance or some things just take him longer and 2) he has a super soldier around to help out
I think some accomodations would creep in without them even noticing, like
when Bucky first moves into Steve's apartment it's still a bachelor pad, mostly Steve's decor and some furnishings SHIELD put in for Steve, one of the things they replace is the low futon style bed
they aren't even really thinking about accomodating Bucky's weight yet, but they both gravitate towards a higher bed, maybe a really nice box-spring bed?
(I honestly don't know much about beds 😅 but I like the ones that go all the way to the bottom and don't have feet or short ones because I feel like those would be less likely to break due to weight or.. shenanigans)
something that's around hip-height, that makes it easier for Bucky to get up since he doesn't have to heave himself up from such a low position
also something with a high weight limit just because hey, they're big guys even when they aren't actively gaining and getting heavier and when they're having fun in bed (feeding, stuffing, sex (in that or any order haha)) they don't want to have to worry about accidentally breaking anything
heavy-duty chairs obviously no arm rests, as hot as it is to try and squeeze his fat ass in, Bucky doesn't need that at every meal, I feel like they'd have a huge sofa, not just a three seater or something but the full thing with like ottomans and pull-out sections
heavy duty everything really though I feel like SHIELD would've added that just because they know Captain America has super strength and would probably appreciate some sturdy furniture in his apartment, someone had to furnish that apartment for Steve, I can't imagine him thawing out of the ice and heading straight to bed, bath and beyond 😂
that's furniture, what about behavioural accomodations?
Steve definitely gets Bucky whatever he asks for, no need to get up when Steve is already on his way, I love the headcanon that the serum gave Steve a serious energy boost, like he can barely sit still and even if he does his thoughts are racing instead, so yeah most of the time he's puttering around the apartment anyway and he's more than happy to get Bucky whatever he wants
whenever they go out they're quick to order an uber or use public transport, they don't walk much when they're together, Steve enjoys running, even when he gains weight I think it's a good outlet for his pent up energy, and if they want to enjoy the city, they'd rather sit in a café or on a shaded bench in a park, than walking around aimlessly just for the sake of it
(this is like 80 million head canons stacked on top of each other 😂)
Bucky with a cane enough said, actually not enough said
his joints, bones, muscles, tendons are probably a mess of scar tissue after 70 years of being the winter soldier, so I 100% support the headcanon that he struggles with chronic pain from that
his prosthesis looks heavy af which could lead to some one-sided overuse and when he takes it off, he's leaning to the other side, a cane could help with balance and
imagine he's so heavy and his thighs are so thick that he has a heavy waddle that makes him sway side to side and the cane helps him stabilize his body during every step he takes 😩😩😩
it's a clichée at this point but riding a mobility scooter while buying a shitton of food, Bucky is already pretty big at this point, like "worrying about the weight limit on those scooters"-big, even with the arm rests pushed up Bucky is squeezed in, he's definitely wider than the seat and you can see his hips and thighs hanging over the seat of the scooter from the back (Steve loves letting Bucky lead the way just to get a view of that backside 😏😂)
this is also the point where they're like "ok, we gotta seriously talk about mobility aids now" I imagine Bucky's been using the cane at least since he was below 300lbs (ooh braces too maybe to support his knee?) and the first time he used the mobility scooter was a novelty and a "I wanna feel fat"-moment, you know what I mean?
but then Bucky notices how much less exhausted he is after grocery shopping, usually he takes a short nap after and he used to think it was just mostly because of all the lights and sounds and people, just a sensory thing, but now it's like "no, carrying around all this weight is definitly a big part of it"
idk if they'd go straight for a personal mobility scooter, I feel like Bucky would maybe add a walking frame first? not a lot of moving parts and it's similar to his cane, so there's some familiarity there, it's helpful around the house but outside it's usually more of an annoyance because people won't move out of his way and the uneven pavements make it feel less stable than inside
next he might start thinking about a wheelchair, the jump to a mobility scooter feels huge, something manual feels easier to think about, he'd still have to push himself
but after trying it out Bucky has to admit that it takes a lot of strength and endurance to push himself around and he doesn't want Steve to constantly be pushing him, not because he thinks Steve wouldn't want to do it but because he also wants to look at Steve's face while they're out and about and just chatting about everything and nothing, and he'd give up a lot of freedom if he went with a manual wheelchair right now
so a mobility scooter it is
it takes Bucky another few months to actually decide, the reason it feels like such a huge step is partially because of what other people will think, Bucky has a slight exibitionist streak, but getting around in a mobility scooter will draw even more attention than he already gets
it's almost a self-proclaimed, "I'm too fat to walk", which isn't true, he can and does still walk around fine, maybe not that far or that often, but he can still do it and hell, he gets off to the thought, Steve gets off on it too, it's not like what people assume is going to be wrong
but this big investment is almost like a final nail in the coffin of his mobility, is it giving up or giving in? finally permission to stop worrying, to stop scoping restaurants and cafés for chairs that'll hold him, to start demanding people make space for him instead of jostling his walking frame or bumping into his cane
in the end Bucky doesn't regret his decision, even for a second, he gets to visit his favourite places in the city without pain, without wheezing from exhaustion, without feeling embarassed by how much space he takes up (as delicious as that shame could sometimes be when Steve talks about those moments afterwards in the bedroom)
and maybe they finally cycle back around to replacing their current bed, not because it's broken but because they're dangerously quickly approaching that heavy weight limit and maybe a bariatric bed is the next step in Bucky's journey
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mistralxsoul · 18 days
//I know I keep doing this and I apologize but replies are going to be a bit spaced out for a while (like they weren't already) so I'm probably going to officially say that I'm going to be on a Semi-Hiatus until further notice.
What this means is I'll work on replies when motivation strikes me so there may be days at a time where I don't reply. Thank you for your patience.
For reasons why, I'll put under a read more.
//Vent warning and all that.
I'm on Mobile at the moment so I probably won't go for too long but I'm taking this semi-hiatus for a couple of reasons.
The big one right now is that real life has dealt me a really bad hand and will not slow down in the slightest. Between family expectations, a car accident (I'm fine), car repairs, being forced to buy a new laptop bc my cat demolished my old one and a bunch of other things that keep happening, I'm not really doing too great at the moment. I'm stressed beyond belief.
Which leads into reason #2 and #3: depression has been beating me down into the ground lately. I can't bring myself to focus on replies a lot of the time just due to me being extremely tired all the time, whether I sleep or not. And it's being doing numbers on my confidence as a writer. I wanna reach out and interact with new ppl but
hoo boy I am terrified beyond words bc the brain is convinced that I am a pretty mid writer.
So tldr, I'm struggling with a lot physically and mentally and anything that I DO work on is self indulgent stuff.
Im sorry again if I take a while to reply to anyone. I try my hardest but I'm running out of steam irl and I'm running out of energy to give.
Hoping the anti-depressants calm me down and that I can get my irl issues out of the way soon bc I adore Flynn with all of my being and soul and I love writing him and exploring his character like this.
Thank you again for your patience.
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flowerprose · 1 year
couple of updates! some new, some not:
i made a sideblog, @flower-reads, for reblogging writeblr/misc writing content, advice, etc. i have a lot of new faces following me, but i don't have a lot of my original content at the surface of this blog, which i realize can be tricky to navigate! this just allows my writing to sit at the top in case anyone's like, "huh, what does this girlie do."
i'm rewriting namesake! i've been debating this for the last two months now. the manuscript isn't even complete, but it's sitting at 130k. 130k and it's not even finished!!! it's too much. i made it into a mammoth, and now it's out of my reach - i can't trim, i can't satisfy my wordiness with my plot goals. so i'm reverting back to my original idea to write this from three pov's (demeter, persephone, and hades), shoving cosmo into the sequel where his lore makes more sense anyway, and aiming for 100k. i'm going to allow myself to cut and paste parts that i love, but this'll also give me peace of mind bc i have a few experimental techniques i want to implement, and i'm so, so excited to just... start fresh with a namesake 2023 doc. i also feel confident with the changes that i want to make and far less panicked and nervous. especially looking forward to telling this story without trying to include ten different myths within one little novel!
in the background, i am still trying to find a home for my weird little poem that unintentionally predicted the titanic fiasco of 2023. i'm also working on some short fiction and might put out some feelers for beta-readers if anyone is interested in poetry or literary short stories (4-6k word counts, typically).
i have edited nine novels this year! nine beautiful novels that went on to publication. freelancing has been going terrifically, and i'm proud. :)
i don't have the time or mental tenacity to do daily updates (as you can probably tell from any attempt i have ever made to do NaNo). but i absolutely love it when a fellow writeblr shares a huge info dump on their wip. they'll do chapter updates, share snippets, discuss their goals all in one post... and this is something i'd like to start implementing for my various WIPs. so expect to see large check-ins from time to time! i especially want to do this for my re-write of namesake. i think it would feel amazing to chronicle my journey from start to finish. my memory hasn't been so reliable the last few years, and if any of my WIPs get published, i want to be able to recount what it felt like from where i started to where i wound up.
i'll be revamping my mobile layout, making a writeblr re-introduction post, and creating 2023 namesake, ahwg, kalsar, and space eater wip introductions soon! stay tuned, and please let me know if you're interested in being added to any tag lists! (or if you're not interested/too busy and need to be let go from any of the lists!) 💖
all of my writing socials, all in one place: twitter - flower_prose, instagram - flower_prose, and threads - flower_prose!
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nachtwaechterin · 11 months
20 questions for fanfic writers tagged by @kittyphoenix12-xx. Thanks for the tag!!!
How many works do you have on AO3?
22 across four pseudonyms!
What's your total AO3 word count?
251,426 as of November 3rd, 2023
What fandoms do you write for?
Across my fandoms, there are fics for BotW, A:tLA, BBC Merlin and now the MCU. I'm currently only writing MCU fic tho!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Spider on the Web (1,077 kudos, MCU, Parkner)
The Scientific Method (246 kudos, MCU, Parkner)
Spidery Thoughts (136 kudos, MCU, Parkner)
How To Train Your Dragon Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (120 kudos, MCU)
Druids and Destinies (117 kudos, BBC Merlin)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Because comments make me happy and I wanna engage with my readers (which is also why I have a Discord server for my fics)
If I don't respond, it's probably because it's a longer thread in which I've replied before and I simply don't know what to say.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't do angsty endings. Or, well, I do at the end of a work but usually those have sequels with happier endings. The worst I'm gonna do is bittersweet. But if we allow angsty endings with sequels that have happy endings, The Way of the Sword (A:tLA) will fit best!
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them tbh!!! Or so many of them. I will say Coffee and Chamomile (MCU, Parkner) though because the overall vibe is also very fluffy.
Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet!
Do you write smut?
I do! Mostly as an exploration of my own sexuality since I did struggle to accept my cupiosexuality for years. There's It Turns Out Asexuals CAN Want Sex (MCU, Parkner), and the rewrite of The Scientific Method will get a smut one-shot. I might also write some for Glowing in the Dark (MCU, Parkner) tbh.
Do you write crossovers?
I had ideas but nope! Idk, it's difficult for me to write for me in more than one fandom at a time, and this just ties into it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Do my own abandoned translations count? If so, then yes.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried but I feel like co-writing is kinda difficult for me because of the increased pressure. A one-shot or short story is probably fine but anything more than that is just. Idk. My brain does Not Like It.
What's your all-time favorite ship to write for?
Tbh that changes depending on the fandom im in currently! It's Harley Keener/Peter Parker aka Parkner (MCU).
What's A WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of the ones in the fandoms I fell out of tbh.
What are your writing strengths?
I think writing emotions!!! I'm just projecting my own experiences and trauma and I think that gives them a lot of depth and makes them pretty realistic!
What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't keep anything short. I just ramble on and on and on and on and on and—
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I italicize and use a tooltip workskin so that if you hover over it you can see the translation! (or click on it, if you're using mobile)
For sign language, I haven't figured that one out. I probably won't use ASL grammar bc I simply do not know ASL (tho I do aspire to learn sign language from the country I live) and also bc I heard that can make it harder to read. I might put in italics, might not, idk. I'll see when I'll have to use it!
First fandom you wrote for?
Prinzessin Lillifee (a German book series/magazine about a fairy, often featuring her unicorn and animal friends. I used to spend so much money on the magazines and I'm pretty sure I had an audiobook! Prinzessin Lillifee fanfic was actually what got me into writing, and ironically I wrote one-shots for it.
Favorite fic you've written?
That is so difficult to answer. Probably A Spider on the Web and It Turns Out Asexuals CAN Want Sex. And Glowing in the Dark (MCU, Parkner).
I'm tagging @the-writing-merlin, @chaosisorderao3, @pbpsbff, @graham-cracker-guillotine, and whoever else wants!
List of questions under the cut for ease of copy-pasting.
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut?
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What's your all-time favorite ship to write for?
What's A WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
First fandom you wrote for?
Favorite fic you've written?
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
My guy, I love how your blog looks but please think before you use colored text because I can't read.
Here's a screenshoot of how your blog looks for me (I use a laptop):
Tumblr media
And the text is even smaller for me, bc I gave you a closed up picture.
Like, it's beautiful, but I can't see anything you write.
Oh thanks for this!!
I'm glad you brought this to my attention!
🤲💛 have my heart Im happy when ppl lmk this stuff-
I put it in passing on another post, but I wasn't sure if I should just make it a seperate thing, but this gives me that opportunity!
I have stopped using colored text for this exact reason!
I saw an advice list from another writer on tumblr, fml I'll find and tag them if I can, and one of the things they said was to avoid colored text because of this exact reason!
It impairs visibility, and the last thing I wanna do is make it hard not only for 20/20 vision but lower visibility as well!
That being said, I think I'll start to overhaul my old posts so their also non-colored, bc it sucks that you can't read them! >:/
I promise I only ever did this bc I wanted ppl to know if their favs were in that post, but I'll just be doing a better job with prefacing stuff like
"Type: Headcanons, scenario, etc.
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, etc.
Content Warnings: N/A
Trigger Warnings: N/A"
Or something along those lines!
ALSO, the reason I add these shapes
Is to better divide a post/break it up, but please let me know if that's not helpful! I wanna know what works and what doesn't, and u guys r always free welcome to lmk!!
Its important to me, rlly!!
I think also to some degree I expect most ppl to be on mobile, so I haven't considered what in the hell the PC ver of my blog is doin lmao
Again, thanks for the heads up!!
Also I totally forgot what tf my laptop blog looked like omg- thats so blinding 😭😭
That's pretty outdated, and I dont usually see that on mobile, so I didnt think about it, or my laptop actually... hmmm weird
So it's in dire need of an update too, which will happen soon/this week!
Thanks for putting up with my madness no more LMAO <3
Safe Travels Lelakae,
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just-a-sewer-goblin · 4 months
SCREAMING at how down bad si is, man's is considering laser removal for his tattoos just bc the thought of you not liking them? Wouldn't be surprised if he found out you were into them and fuckin booked an appt for filling in the rest of his half sleeve!!!!!!
And then the comment about the leash and just ACK!!!! this has to be one of my fav interpretations of Simon that I've read so far. Completely and totally unrelated to the fact that I read dark romance too.....yea.... -🦇
He really is head over heels for reader. The laser removal thought was more of an impulsive and not that serious one, but he'd do anything to gain your attention and affection.
Also I can tell you that Simon already has a full sleeve, maybe he could fill in his other arm? Maybe you'll get to see the full arm later on in the story, who knows...😌
Simon is very much willing to be put on a leash or to put you on a leash, both is fine with him as long as there's something physically connecting you two.
Him being your favourite interpretation means everything to me, you have no idea! Of course he's not 100% my interpretation of canon ghost, because this is an au, but I'm still trying to keep it close and to put fun little nods at canon into the story.
(Like his thought about crawling out of another grave or the way he's flexing for reader. Got that from that cod mobile art of the chrismas picture where he flexes)
Oh my god! Got any good dark romance recommendations? I keep starting books and then I'm put off by the lack of story. I need a good plot to go with the... other aspects, else it just can't keep me interested.
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indecisive-dizzy · 9 months
Ramble about Eddie to your heart’s content, bestie :D
I’m honestly very interested in your ideas :3
Again, don’t be scared to just ramble in my ask box, I love hearing peoples ideas
I'm wailing rn /pos
My AU! Disabled Eddie!! Ok so he wasn't born with his disability, it came about later.
My Current story is that he had stroke in late middle/early high school! I have done research and Yes it is possible for teens and younger to have strokes. From what I recall it can be significantly worse for them compared to adult strokes
Eddie was left with permanent complications and is disabled bc of it. He has coordination, balance, and general mobility complications among a list of other post stroke effects. I just found the word I was looking for a few days ago to describe his mobility issues, it's Ataxia!
Eddie has to deal with bouts of muscle weakness on his right side which can effect his vision. He also gets vertigo a Lot and at this point dizziness is expected every time he stands.
He uses forearm crutches when he needs extra help walking bc he does have good days where he may not need them! But for longer distances he brings them bc he's better safe than sorry. He also has cane but he doesn't use it As much.
He also has a wheelchair that he Hates. He hates having to use it. But his Really horrible days leave him unable to stand, much less walk. He wishes he could just hide it somewhere and never think about it but alas. it's important.
He dislikes the wheelchair so much bc it makes him feel useless. He is Not! I want to clarify that wheelchair users are perfectly Capable and Independent! Eddie just has an issue with overachieving and working himself too hard. He wants to be helpful and do So Much but there are some things he can't do while in his wheelchair. He was stuck in a chair for months after his stroke and it was devastating back then. He has No good memories with a wheelchair so he continues to dislike using it.
Ok putting a read more bc I am not shutting up for a While
Relationships with the neighbors! Generally the same. Barnaby doesn't chase him bc that would be mean (? I can't think of a better way to describe it)
Sally is still Sally but she's specific on her mailman hate (lmao) to make sure Eddie and everyone else knows she's not faulting him for his disability.
Hmm yeah everything else is pretty much the same. I guess everyone is also more open about offering Eddie help from time to time if he looks like he needs an extra hand. They're not persistent or anything, but if they see him struggling to carry a package or two they're more inclined to help.
I still don't know how Howdy gets his shit. Honestly If Eddie is having a crutch or chair day,, Howdy just won't get his stock unless he gets it himself. I can't think of a way for Eddie to deliver all those heavy ass boxes.
He does ask people to pick up their packages occasionally too. He tries to deliver them all himself but it's not always possible. He offers a trolley they can use.
I want to talk about angst. So this is very specific, I'll try to keep it short. growing up, Eddie lived in a four bedroom house. two downstairs master bedrooms and two upstairs normal bedrooms. Before his stroke he was upstairs, his older brother in the other room, and his older sister in the bedroom downstairs.
Afterwards he had to move downstairs. His sister Hated this. She loved her room and her private bathroom and she was very prissy about it.
This snowballed into her just,, taking all her frustrations out on Eddie. He took Her Bedroom. He's getting all the attention. Her little brother was ruining everything.
Eddie was devastated by this. He went as far as to attempt to convince his parents to let them switch rooms again. He couldn't physically walk up the stairs most days but he just wanted his big sister to not hate him anymore.
Their relationship never fully recovered. As an adult Eddie will still find ways to blame himself and feel guilty. But he just can't bring himself to talk to her.
They used to be so close. She let Eddie experiment with her makeup, they talked about fashion and boys and she helped him so so much when he was questioning his sexuality.
and then it just, fell apart. But not quietly like a loose thread but rather a house that wasn't built quite right and the screws came loose one by one.
Eddie's memory gets really fuzzy when thinking that far back. but some of those memories are burned into his mind and he wishes he could forget them like he does everything else.
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mcalhenwrites · 9 months
Close enough to 2024 to ramble about this year and the coming one. I have goals.
Writing goals are first and foremost. Those will be the main focus of the year. It's my life and my career after all. If I couldn't find time for writing, I really wouldn't care about the rest. I love writing too much to want to do anything else more than that. XD - Publish Geckos, Automata. If it sells, that'd be great. I'm beginning to think it won't. Publishing it anyway, never shutting up about it, gonna keep spamming it until my followers either interact or just leave. - Tweaking the ending of That's... Not a Cat. Polishing cover. Putting it out there as an ebook. - Rewriting Stargazers' Hill. The thing I said I wouldn't do, but I have ideas on how to fix it, and I badly want to stay with those stupid characters even longer. (I get way too attached. My worst traits as an author, maybe? Don't care, I do what I want. :P ) I can't predict the rest because I don't trust my muses, but I suppose I'm going to work on a bunch of other things, from dragon universe stories to other things I've started. New stories are springing up, and I need to water them~ Really excited about developing Hervey/Algernon, but I think that one needs to steep a bit. :) I'm going to also at least finish one crocheted dragon. Probably Willow. Or Tessa's human form. Will post with writing so you can't have crochet without my writing content attached, bc honestly fuck all the pain crochet brings me. :) (Though I do want to finish my KHUX stained glass blanket, which I probably won't post when I'm done, bc I don't post my non-writing-related crochet 99% of the time. I just tell people I don't crochet so they stop asking for free patterns/gifts/tutorials/etc. So yeah. Don't crochet around here, fuck that shit.) Anyway. :) Money isn't great, so I probably won't play too many games, but I will be playing MISSING LINK when it comes out since it's F2P mobage (which is... ugh, but my favorite part of KH lore has been on the mobile games of all things). And Fantasy Life i, I saved already for that. ;A; This year, I did play some great games! Mostly on my switch. To no one's surprise, RF4 Special is here. Favorite game of all time. Harvestella is a rare treat, highly recommend. :D
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And onto reading goals... thinking 90 books for my 2024 goal! My books this year are at 130 currently, and probably won't get much higher if at all unless I finish my re-read of Chobits, but here's that list:
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Some of these are re-reads, many are not. Quite a few indie books, quite a bit of manga/comics in there... I re-read Loveless after deleting that I read it on Goodreads due to the controversy, but I have thoughts about how it explores abuse and think it's a really intriguing series for that matter alone. (It also has beautiful art and is taboo as hell, but you can find the block button if you need it, can't you? <3 ) Many amazing reads this year, hoping to read more from several of these authors! And some I realllllly love and clearly will continue to read (Yuhki Kamatani, Rin Chupeco, Nghi Vo, etc.) This isn't including all I read on AO3. Which is quite a bit.
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alan-p-49 · 9 months
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Me an IT guy
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Also as I'm reading this unearthed arcana bc I do want to make a 21st century Waterdeep campaign and they didn't give rogues a hacker subclass??? Bro. Rogues are the hacker men. They're the IT people knowing how to fix the printer for the millionth time. They're the computer science PhD student that is learning how to make an encryption system that quantum computers can't break. Like c'mon!
Also as I'm reading it the more it makes me feel like this was written by someone that isn't a tech guy (gender neutral) also the city domain cleric sounds dumb. The ghost in machine warlock is kinda cool albeit kinda silly. Technomagic wizard is cool besides this
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Bro I'll just give them like Google drive to store their spells and they access it via mobile device or any computer that has access to the Internet and every time they want to prepare their spells all they have to whip out their phone and read them there. Technically if they want it in a flashdrive I could just make it that they can store their spells be able to be stored in any digital device (including Google drive) and the more I think of it, it doesn't make sense that a war mage can't have a digital spell book just because they aren't as tech savvy as a technomagician. I'll give this to all wizards tbh
This is kinda wack
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I'll just either give them a flashdrive of Kali Linux that they can put in their laptops or it's an app they found that functions as a VM of Kali Linux and they can do hacking on their phone. There's some IRL hardware hacking tools out there but I'll just make it that it can be done with software in the game
And besides the some of the spells are goofy, that's apparently it. I guess I have to make a whole homebrew system for technomagic and fix this city domain cleric AND ADD IT ROGUES
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nientedal · 1 year
I just saw ANOTHER post lamenting this change, so I'm just gonna say "fuck it" and make a how to do the thing post, and if I'm misunderstanding the outrage... lol, this is tumblr, I'm sure someone will tell me.
Currently, if you want to go to a post in the middle of a reblog thread, you have to click the empty space in what I call the reblog header. The reblog header is the space that holds a user's name and reblog details, and on desktop, it turns a different color when you move your cursor over it. It's this space:
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It doesn't change colors on mobile, obviously, because no cursor, but I think tapping is a little more intuitive on mobile anyway and afaik this particular thing has been this way here for a while now...? Whatever. Anyway, that's how you get to a mid-thread reblog!
(I actually do kinda like this new setup. It's not perfect, it can be annoying if someone's URL is long or if I accidentally click "Follow" instead of the header space. But overall, the space to click into a prior reblog is bigger now and I like that. I don't think I'll have to worry as much about mouse precision or drowsy coordination issues, which is nice. Maybe I'll be able to use the desktop version more.)
However, this means that in order to see "prev tags," you apparently have to click into the notes view and scroll until you find them. That's annoying for those who want to see them, and I can't blame anyone for being irritated. If you're new here you may be surprised to learn "prev tags" is fairly recent, so my recommendation (if you're looking for an alternative) is to put the actual tags from the user you're reblogging from, instead. This was normal prior to the "prev tags" trend if you wanted to share tags without screenshotting them, and it seems like tumblr has made it super easy now. The mobile app now automatically suggests the previous tags, and on desktop, they show up in a dropdown when you click to tag your post. Personally, I like to put "<-borrowing your tags bc funny" or "<-stole your tags for truth" or something right after, so I don't feel like I'm taking credit for someone else's phrasing. But either way, it's handy for your followers to be able to read the tags you liked without having to click to a different blog.
I'm hoping this particular change will be seen as useful after the rocky adjustment period is over.
All this being said, I personally like these particular changes, but I wish Tumblr would not roll out changes as rapidly as they seem to be recently. Either change everything at the same time or give it a rest, holy shlamoly! I stopped using Facebook because it seemed like every time I opened it, something was different, and it became jarring and uncomfortable to try to use. I'm starting to have a similar feeling about tumblr, and I don't like it.
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onyourstageleft · 11 months
tw: pet health, animal sickness, cancer mention
idk how to do a read more on mobile sorry y'all but this is your chance to scroll on
so Peggy has some lumps under her skin. we noticed them on Tuesday night, there's two of them close together on her hip. called the vet this morning and they got her in at 2pm and took a biopsy and they'll call me back either Saturday or Monday with what's going on, they won't speculate or anything, but I did the very unwise pet parent thing and took to Google and based on everything I can find it is most likely fibrosarcoma which is a difficult to treat cancer and also expensive bc it involves surgery and continuous radiation/chemotherapy for several months and frankly I don't care how much it costs I will go into all the debt for this cat, I have a 9k limit on CareCredit and am unafraid to max it out + my other credit cards it's not even the money that bothers me, but if I'm right about what it is the prognosis isn't great for long term health and that is going to break me. She's my baby, she's only 7, she was literally the only thing keeping me from going off the deep end at some points in college, she's supposed to meet the kids I want to have in a few years, she's been here for most of my adult life and I will absolutely lose my sanity if I lose her anytime in the next few years. she has to make it to 10, ideally she'd be around for another 10 years past that but I'm realistic, I know 12 is perfectly reasonable so that's what the goal has always been, I literally can't do this without her. and my partners love her SO. MUCH. Peyton dotes on her, he's only been around for 5 of those years but he is so so in love with this cat, she is our baby, I would be lost without her so uhh if this turns out to be what I am afraid it is, don't be surprised if long form rant text posts become more common here bc I will absolutely lose more than a shred of my sanity.
also I guess don't be surprised if you see some sort of fundraising post from me in the future bc while I am unafraid to max out credit cards those bitches will want their money back at some point and I am unfortunately not a rich bitch, although quite frankly that is the least of my priorities rn, I just want to do whatever I possibly can for my baby. logically I know that I've done what I can but the anxiety is running away with me rn. like what if the tiny spot I felt on her a couple months ago and then couldn't find again when I looked for it was this before it got big what if I could have caught it earlier I should have been more diligent in checking or made a note of exactly where the tiny spot was initially so even if I couldn't find it again maybe the vet could have? I know I didn't put it off substantially and I really trust this vet they've been great but I could HEAR her as they were trying to numb and biopsy the spots she was so angry at them and once they shaved the area it looks SO much bigger than we could feel, like we knew there was one spot but were iffy on a second one and you can see them so clearly now they're big and slightly discolored and I am afraid. thankfully she hasn't been acting any different like she was literally having zoomies this morning but the idea of not having her zooming around makes me want to crawl into a bog and be preserved for a thousand years okay
anyway i know I've posted pics of her at some point but it's been a while so idk what I tagged them or where to find them but if you believe in literally anything at all I would appreciate an appeal on her behalf like I know there are so so many bigger things going on but Peggy Sue is my baby. other alises include Soupy Peg, Miss Ma'am, Peggum, Pegasus, Peggle, Soupiest, etc if you would like to be specific.
okay I'm gonna go take a bath now and try to read a book bc I need to not be on the internet rn, let's all spare a collective thought for my sanity
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pith1a · 11 months
Hi, I noticed one of your bookmarks when I looked through the ones of a fic. I noticed that you have a very interesting way of doing those 🥰 mind sharing how you did this?? Or where I can DIY for dummies for me? Would be quite thankful 🙇‍♀️
Hi! Yeah I can explain the logic behind the tags, no problem :D Before I get into that though, some unasked for advice: Please add a profile pic and bio, there's too many bots in everyone's inbox these days so this ask was almost lost in a "report bot first, ask questions later" type rush, before I realized this was an actual question and not spam😂 So, the tags are a new thing for my ao3 account; I've been on ao3 since 2015 and the amount of fics I've read is ungodly- but I didn't have a decent way to go back and look through the fics I had saved (either in private bookmarks, marked for later fics, or spreadsheets even), so there's a small amount of fics publicly tagged compared to how many are actually saved, since I only really came up with this system like this past week. (There's a lot of information so I'm gonna cut the post here bc I probably went into too much detail)
The short Summary and Last Accessed section is from a browser script, it generates those automatically when I press "bookmark". You can find the script here (works with a simple browser add on like Tampermonkey, I use the script with Tampermonkey on both PC and Mobile on Firefox, not sure what other alternatives exist for other browsers).
The tags are all based around being able to look for fics to re-read later; so every tag serves the purpose of letting me know few key things about the fic and also to let me filter works based on niche things.
There's a few "Utility tags" for lack of better word, that I use for things like marking the pov character ("X-Character centric"), and if they're AUs the character or event that the AU is centred around: so "Jon Snow Variant" for Game of Thrones fics where his character is different and "Red Wedding Variant" for fics where the Red Wedding goes differently and the divergence from canon starts there. Some fandoms also get custom tags for the Event Variant tag (because I think I'm funny).
Similarly I might tag the type of AU or content: "Time Travel", crack and crack-ish fics, crack treated seriously, angst, different types of AUs as I come across them.
I'm personally a big Crossover reader, so you'll see a lot of "X Fandom Crossover" in the tags or "Into X Fandom Crossover" (the second version used to signify what canon/world the fic is in). I also use "Get Isekai-ed" for fics where a character gets... Iseakai-ed or transmigrates or gets reborn into another fandom basically. And lastly there's tags I'd categorize as "The impression the fic left me" so if a fic made me cry irl (see: "I'm not crying there's just something in eye I swear"), if I really like the world-building and original characters, if i thought the fic was all around really well developed ("Excellence 🤌" or "5⭐️" the difference here is vibe based, I can't explain it any better), if I was going feral while reading, if I thought a relationship was really well written, so on and so forth.
Really, if you want to start tagging your bookmarks the thing I'd recommend is just not putting too much thought into it. You want your tags to be simple in a way you'd understand while looking through them (or alternatively just use them as comments for the fic, that's how my tag system started).
tl;dr -Use tags you don't need to think about for more than 2 seconds to know what they are -Tag based on what feels right for you and customize your use of bookmarks as you see fit -Have fun with it
I hope this helped :D
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
ok rant incoming and i can't do read more on mobile so SRY
one type of ask i ignore a lot or delete usually if i do answer it is some form of "what kind of trauma do you have" or "how bad can raising your kids with these values really be if you have good intentions" or something and ok here's one thing: i can't ask for help. to the point of complete detriment and kind of along those lines, i have the hardest mouthfucking time confiding in ANYONE because i view it as a burden and both of these things are going to be the reason i have a brain tumor one day i stg
how this relates back to Christian/conservative values: 1. self sufficiency, parents whose default for dealing with emotions they couldn't handle was ignoring (buck up!) or praying 2. cheerful disposition, you don't want to be looked at as a sad, pathetic woman so poor on a veneer of contentedness even if you don't feel it, etc like I don't have the energy right now to do a full thesis, there's some jumping off points
but I'm 31 years old, I've been through therapy, I've been trying to help myself since I was a teenager and it still like.......I can't fucking get past it. even as I'm writing this I'm thinking "yea that's bc you're not trying to fix it the right way" or "you just look like an idiot no one wants to hear your problems" or "this just let's people now you're weak and can't put minds over matter" and intellectually I know that's not true but it doesn't matter bc it's like, ingrained in my DNA.
anyway it sucks. every time i don't reach out it just builds and builds and builds of the last time until I get overwhelmed and have to panic on the bathroom floor and I feel like a 13 y/o again who has so much emotion in them that they want to break a wall or hurt themselves (I won't) because they don't know where to put it. And I know ok not the only one now and that that's super common but I guess what I'm saying is: even if you have good intentions it can harm your kids and you never know what aspect of a restrictive ideology is going to snowball into something they're still struggling with at 31, 41, 51, 61, 91 years old.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
This is a post about the current blog poll regarding ask games on this blog. You can find the original post and poll to vote on via this link below. Please do not send votes via ask messages.
Posts about this topic have the tag 'blog poll'.
This is long. Here is a read more.
Anonymous asked: sorry im not home and mobile search sucks or else id look myself, but is there a catchall tag for ask games? i think there is but bad memory lol. if not maybe there should be so people can block all games instead of each new one !
Anonymous asked: Suggestion for the ask game debacle: why not tag all those posts with one consistent tag like "kinfessions ask game" or something? Either in addition to or in place of the custom tags. That gives everybody's blacklist something to pick up without requiring someone to add a tag for every single ask game.
Anonymous asked: voted to keep ask games but consider just adding a catch-all tag alongside the specific game for blacklisting purposes maybe? the anon has a fair point with how many there have been lately that it can kind of drown out regular confessions but ask games are fun and it wouldn't exactly be fair to completely get rid of them. wouldn't mind a sister blog for them either though
There isn't a catch all tag, and that's a extremely good idea. I'm kinda kicking myself for not asking for feedback before making a whole poll about it. We'd still have the poll, but there would've been better options about what to do. Also for not doing that to start with.
Anonymous asked: i'm all for continuing the ask games, but can we at least LIMIT them? sometimes it feels like there's a new one every day, or like everything posted is a response to an ask game. it's obviously not stopping anybody from kinfessing normally, but it feels weird to only see ask game responses when the blog was originally intended for kinfessions
Anonymous asked: a suggestion about ask games: host one or two as events with loose but present time limits. kinda like this blog had for june, with mostly pride-themed prompts? it would probably require more moderation, so no pressure if you don't feel up to it mpc. we could even vote for favorite games but i can see it may leave someone upset bc their idea lost. right now it seems (to me. just a personal opinion) like this sudden overflow of different yet very specific prompts is a bit directionless. it's not necessarily bad for a community blog but could discourage a full "conversation"? of linked confessions, which i see as the point of ask games. this isn't to say there are no responses to posted answers - quite the opposite, actually! i just think having fewer themes would allow more unique experiences to be included, instead of splitting more subtopics.
True, there have been a fair amount, and it's been ramping up. Not a bad thing, it's nice that people have curiosity about other's canons and sources.
Seems like a lot of work, but doable imo. My concern would be actually getting people to vote for the ask games. Also if an ask game wins, but nobody plays it, then what? Do we just go onto the next one? Would there be a time limit? What if people send things after the time limit? I'd feel like such a dick for not posting it because they didn't send it in on time. This isn't really a final exam at school or your office job with time limits. Literally how do I explain it without sounding like a Super Serious Tool?
People do that for holiday things, you can't stop that from happening. The only reason I put a time limit for holidays is so nobody gets triggered after they remove a tag from their blacklist, assuming nobody celebrates Fathers Day 2 weeks afterwards. You know what I mean? Not to mention this blog is very active. People may not see prompts until long after the time limit, and they may still want to participate. Also who thinks up themes, if there will be any?
Though maybe we don't vote on them. Like you mentioned, people might get upset if theirs isn't picked. I suppose we could just do it chronologically, as they're sent in. I'm not sure how to manage this. Save the future ask games to drafts and hope I don't lose them? Probably.
Anonymous asked: Going to agree with the anon, there is a bit too many ask games ngl, like I like them but there is so many of them at this point and like I even blacklist the tags but they still get through. I just wish that there was a bit less of them or that there was a seperate blog :(
The thing about the auxiliary blog is that it won't have the same amount of traffic and might go dead. Not a bad thing, such is life. But I think part of the appeal of ask games replies and confessions is that this is a fairly high traffic blog. People want to be seen, even if it's anonymous. I wouldn't mind running a side blog, or at least getting it active enough to let someone else handle it.
Anonymous asked: Hello MPC! You don’t have to post this, but I saw that you were asking for opinions and I can’t actually find somewhere to vote on a poll (unless it was metaphorical? I can’t tell honestly), so feel free to delete this if it’s just taking up space- but I kind of agree with the anon who spoke up about the ask games. It’s not really a bad thing they exist, but when you have so many going at one time, it’s hard to keep track of and sometimes the pinned post/asks become incredibly long. It also feels like it goes against the whole ‘this is not a canon call’ mindset of the blog because it can and does spark up conversations between people, if that makes sense? It’s not a bad thing people are involved, but I feel like it takes away from the point of the blog a little. I think having the ask games be cleaned up and a new system put into place to make it easier to block the tag/find them would be super helpful, but I know that can be stressful. All in all, I’m sure everyone will support your decision!! Thank you for everything you put into this blog MPC 🖤
The voting poll post is here if you haven't found it already. Thank you for your input, you have some good points. https://www.tumblr.com/fictionkinfessions/724128639169544192 It's true that the ask game post is incredibly, tediously long. Even with tags, it's hard to ignore.
I don't know about the canon call thing, I haven't really seen people implying they should be contacted over x y z happening in their canon due to an ask game reply. Honestly I'm not fighting that battle very hard anyways.
I get the feeling that ask games are going to stay. But we did get some ideas on how to manage them better than their current form.
Summary of suggestions
Limit amount of active ask games per week or per month. Maybe 3 per week?
Create a catch all tag for ask game responses
Ask game topics per week or month. Maybe can be voteable as well?
Create side blog solely for ask games regardless??
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