#i can't stop wondering what that means
big-moon-little-moon · 7 months
After the tease about Fearne's true heritage Nana Morri gave at the end of ep78 I am dying to hear theories from people who are better at connecting dots: what are the ideas? Who did Fearne's mom fuck and was Ruidus following her back into the Feywild connected to that?
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ik ppl hate fictional deadbeat moms but im an avid enjoyer. my feminism knows no bounds truly/j
like i get it she did a bad job. but shit she still did a job that's for sure!! like. she did it do you understand. 14 year old girl is pregnant. it's disgraceful. a shameful stain on her family. yusuke doesn't seem to have grandparents or anything so besides yusuke's bio dad she's got no one. and then when yusuke is a toddler the father disappears and considering who he is and what he's like that's probably for the best. gonna go out a limb and say that yusuke was maybe 4 or 5 when his dad cleared out so. at 18 and entirely alone. atsuko looked down at this little thing. this baby because he's still a baby to her this is a baby who only has her. Not even 4 feet tall with the biggest brown eyes looking to her for everything because he quite literally has no one else.
he doesn't know she's a failure yet. he doesn't know people will look down on them just because he exists as he is. he doesn't know how hard this is going to be from now on. all he knows is he loves his momma
so she doesn't cry. she just meets his big innocent eyes and goes "it's just you and me kid" and yusuke doesn't know that that's a sad thing.
so she takes care of him the best she can and it still sucks but yusuke doesn't know what the standard she should be held to is yet. for a small time she is the greatest and best person in his world and he's the only one who thinks so
then he meets keiko and her parents and finds out that his normal is actually dysfunctional and that his mom actually isn't all that great. that living day to day in the bottom of a bottle isn't healthy. so she's no longer praiseworthy but this person he's responsible for. just like that the roles reverse. because while she was all yusuke had yusuke is also all atsuko has. he doesn't respect her but he still punched the motherfucker in the mouth that called her a tramp. she taught him how to do it.
atsuko comes to terms with the fact that Yusuke doesn't really need her anymore, probably never did so she doesn't bother to care when he skips school or beats whoever he wants to a pulp or gambles because at 14 she was expecting so what the fuck can she really say about him. he sneers at her as he makes her coffee. atsuko lights another cigarette
it feels like betrayal when her son dies. at 14 she had him so how can he die at a sorry age like that. i wasted my teenage years on you for what? so you can die and leave me here? you fucking brat. how can she recover from this? yusuke was all she had. he hadn't looked up at her with an admiring gaze since he was 7 and stopped hugging her goodbye soon after but still he was hers he was hers and then he was gone
but then he comes back. and she doesn't get much better as a mom or as a person really. she tries harder than before maybe (keeping him in school) but yusuke never expected her to. he's made up of her bad habits and uncaring attitude but he's so much better than her. became something good something strong despite how shitty of a job she did raising him.
she's not proud because she has no right to be but something like it tugs in her chest when she sees him feeding the people he cares about at his little ramen cart looking as happy as the first time she'd taken him out to park.
yusuke's dad suggests taking another crack at the whole family thing and she wants to laugh in his face. the only family she'll ever have is that little boy who's stronger and braver than she'll ever be.
she doesn't want to see him laying cold in a casket ever again. he's meant for life, a soul as bright and durable as his. atsuko hopes he lives to see the sun explode
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tapakah0 · 10 months
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Okay, guys, it's up to you to keep this idea alive, so I hope you will have fun doing it and will make it with the knowledge that in addition to fun it is also work)
@icequeenabby , if you really will be able to help organize discord channel for song writers, everyone will be really grateful. I think it will be better to make this channel closed and let inside only those who will be working on music (and if you're not okay to constantly look after this channel, I think it will be better to find someone inside channel to lead this procces), also separated chats for lyrics, composers, singers and one for everyone might be very comfortable. I think you might decide everything once the channel is done and everyone is here. You can send a link to me once it's ready so that everyone could see it
@girlofthevoid22, @jokingmaiden, @jadednugget, @itzwintersnow, @k0nanharv3y, @imjustherefortheshi, @serpentsirenart, @anmionatheblue, @elmuvahva, @quilinbean, @just-another-wren, @gravityfish, @ihavewritersblockbutinreallife, @princesskkfish, @boggledoodle, @n1cole-do3s-stuff (everyone who replied to participate) Everyone else, who'd like to try himself, who can play or sing, feel free to reply or ask for entrance on channel. (Guys, I am not always free to reply or to look after all this , please consider it and don't write to me in ask box, please write in comments or replies)
Guys, I repeat, the idea won't last long only on hype, so I hope you understand that some might quit later, you should understand what you're doing and make it properly, and of course have fun with what you do (or cry because of what you create). It might not work at all and it's not scary, at least you tried to give it a chance and it's already so cool. I'm not a music man, so you should understand better what to do.
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quietwingsinthesky · 28 days
AU where rose gets shot by the dalek instead of the doctor and she survives long enough to be brought back to the tardis and he's saying he can fix this, he can fix this, he can fix this. and rose says it was worth it (it was.) and when she stops breathing the doctor just. stops. period. so so still. frozen over her.
and i think it takes just long enough for jack to get close and take her hand. because he needs to. before it goes cold, he needs to.
and that's when rose breathes again.
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ryllen · 4 days
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Please don't crucified me if this headcanon is deemed unrealistic in real life. (´;ω;`) More notes / detailed notes:
stayed & travelled with the Figs for awhile -- after being found, before finally dropped of to an institution, as the Figs think their travelling life style is not really suitable to raise a child
quickly picked up civilization as he is an intelligent child (that's why he is a ravenclaw)
exchanged letters with the travelling Figs during his time at the institution / orphanage
was a really helpful child during his time at the institution / orphanage that he is close with the staff
he thinks of befriending people is a way of learning & by helping them he gets to experience a lot of different things
a mellow temperament child in general (just like how it is ingame)
likes exploring (bcs damn! we really going places in that game)
picked the silly 'Alex Xander' name himself, maybe he heard a mother called her child with that name once and he is obsessed with that name ever since.
he always writes Xander as his 'family name' to show that he is complete even without a family
actually a bit older than his classmates, as he went through extra few years to catch up to civilization as a feral child
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#anyhow i really love our barn owl; she's so beautiful but with a face like biscuit
#i can't stop thinking of how he is a child raised by the forest; so ... ; like; that's why he got clawed scars on his face and all .......#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy mc#character sheet#student id#hogwarts legacy fanart#fanart#i was torn between the thought of fig adopted him for several years already; exactly after he retired from travelling#or they never had any contact with him after they dropped him off#and literally only met again when his magic awakened & noticed by hogwarts; and Fig be like; Aren't u that child?#and during their time together Fig is considering to officially adopt him as their child#it makes the end game so much sadder ; ~~ ;#like; they were just going to be family for real; and suddenly AUGH; and then what's gonna happen to him; that's another story#anyhow what's gonna happened with seb; i don't think he has any other guardians in the family; tho @nne can just whoosh! without guardian;#is legal matter doesn't matter in this world; ok ; no more headache; just independency & fantasy#fsh; knowing how his family is financially stable; 0minis would want to just adopt; but he would hate adopting @nne & seb to his family#pondering i wonder if any other prof would like to take custody over my child#or probably Figs have kind relatives that would take him in#aieehhh let's not think too hard for that part now#i am not a novelist for a reason#plot holes; plot holes everywhere#fshsfh anyhow i don't know wand flexibility is a thing#i was confused what to pick and just went with what they chose for me first#is that information even important or has any meaning at all
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prototypelq · 10 months
...do you think Dante ever realised how Vergil-like he was acting around Patty? She was quite obnoxious in the anime, did he ever think 'oh no is this what being Vergil felt like?', or 'was I ever this annoying?'...
Knowing Patty did him a lot of good, do you think it, per chance, also reminded him of happier times in his and Vergil's childhood when they just played together and annoyed each other all the time?...only to, of course squash those nicer memories the moment Patty leaves, because then the reminders of what he's done come crashing down....
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da-proti-toku-grem · 1 month
my mom found this super detailed online test that helps you find careers that you'd probably like according to your answers (ofc we know that it's just a test and it doesn't mean you have to study what they give you, but i just can't find anything that i like and i'm running out of time, so we were like, why not yk) so, i took the test and after 30 minutes of answering questions you know what i got? biotechnology. the same career that i chose last year and the one i dropped out of in january.
idk if i want to laugh or cry tbh
#i mean it gives you more than one option but this was the one with more compatibility#and the other ones are also a big no for me so...#god idk what to do with my life#and atp i can't help but start thinking (again): did i drop out bc i didn't like the career or bc my mental health is SO bad#i think it's a combination of the the two bc yeah i probably would've enjoyed the few months i did at least a bit more if i wasn't depresse#but i REALLY didn't like it#tho then again i don't know what changed bc it WAS what i wanted and then i got there and i went NOPE almost immediately#and like i know your opinions can change and that is good that i dropped out if i realized that's not my thing#but i can't help but wonder if it is really not my thing or is my brain just not letting me enjoy the things i like?#bc every option i've been looking at to start next year is like... No#i can't find anything i think i might enjoy at least a little bit#i found this university that i gives you the possibility of doing the classes and exams online and everything#and that would be to study 'translation and interpretation' with english & french (& spanish ofc)#and since i'm already bilingual in english & i've a certificate in french (not bilingual but is smth) i would be able to skip some subjects#which is good i guess and i like languages but it's also like the opposite of what i've been doing my whole life bc i studied science in hs#and then again idk if i'll like it or not#and i know i won't know if i like it or not until i try it out and everyone is like 'well if it's not your thing then you drop out again'#which i mean is true i Can but god i don't want to go through all this again i need at least a bit of certainity or i'm gonna go insane#also i've been searching for so long w/o findinf anything that my parents are already saying#'well if you don't want to study you'll have to look for a job'#and if the thought of studying a carreer is already scary#if i have to look for a job rn (there are not many options here if you don't have a degree)......#the thought itself makes me sick :/#i just don't know what to do and i'm so fucking tired i just want to curl up in bed and not do anything for at least 2 months#(am i having another existential crisis after that panic attack 3 days ago or did the existential crisis not stop since january?)#(probably sooner)#(i guess we'll never know........)#venting#maca speaks
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suncaptor · 10 days
yeah this cannot go on i need to take something like my chest is exploding i can't calm down it's 7am i feel insane insane insaneeeee
#though I HAVE successfully testing that ldn gives me an insane amount of (anxious) energy when i'm on a 3-4mg dose but then i get foggy and#empty at 4-5mg i think#i'm not sure if i should go down to like 2 or try to find the window between#i wish i just had like. a year to get meds right and heallllll so badly#but i can't afford going all the way down and having more relapses#i feel like i'm having aheart attack rn it's so bad it's so acutely painful#and it's so weird bc it's so empty#too like last month i was so full of everything and especially uh attachment fear but now it's just like pain empty screaming pain#i think it's the not eating food enough thing#i mean I DID eat MANY crackers today. rolls eyes#not enough hhh#i know theres so much i have to get done but like ic annot do anything i can't even message anyone i can't i need to get sedated#i don't know if i should try having MORE ldn or ritalin (probably not bc it doesn't sedate me like adderall)#or just hydroxyzine or muscle relaxers#hydroxyzine is looking like the most likely option#bc i still associate muscle relaxers too much with trauma i can't take them they scare me#i feel like i'm dying#i don't think you guys get how fast i'm typing rn like i am going fucking insane if i die of a heart attack for real it would suck huh#no i KNOW this is panic i KNOWWWW i'm panicking but i also feel like i'm going to throw up and die forever it's so bad i feel so so bad lik#i don't think people get how bad everything is i need it to all calm down and stop i need it to get better i am not okay holy shit#you know what everything in my life might not feel fixable and i am letting all my professors down but I can probably take incompletes wors#comes to worst i need to take hydroxzyine sleep and then cave and buy some food tomorrow#like what's happening now i#there FEELS like there's a SHAARP HOOOK in my CHEST IMAPLING ME#if i sedate myself enough i might be able to communicate with people for real instead of burrowing my head into the ground forever and ever#yeah okay i'm taking hydroxzyine#i feel like the problem with antihistamines now after last year is [redcated]#trying to convinc emyself this is not a suicide attempt or self harm i just need to calm down hahahahafih;aeifahe;wifahewifae#that's what they're PRESCRIBED for#i think i want benadryl instead though bc it's shorter and it also makes me head clearer i wonder if i have any i think it's not here thoug
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chloeseyeliner · 2 months
what the fuck??!
why is uni filled with so much drama?
i just want to study, work, exercise, figure out how to handle my finances and what to eat, sleep, write fanfiction that's never going to see the light of day, walk with nature surrounding me, be grumpy inside because the bus is over-crowded, take part in research, repeat.
i can't do this.
i really hate drama. i have never been involved in it. ANY TIPS? 🤡🤦🏻‍♀️
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error-dream-was-found · 2 months
"okej takže rozbombardovali ste l'manhole ale bolo to vlani takže už ubehla premlčacia doba" c!sam is visibly shaking with pure unfiltered rage
Omgggg, presne 🤣
Možno by z toho bola malá pokutka za nejaké to ublíženie na zdraví ... stíhanie za exile arc sa už zastavili kvôli nedostatku dôkazov, L'manhole sa premlčí ... hej, vidím to kladne. Len s ublížením na zdraví by stále mohol mať problém ale myslím, že to sa zvládne. V podstate to nie je ublíženie na zdravý keď sa respawnli úplne ako nový no nie?
Takže suma sumorov náš klient is good to go
Predstav si čo by tu c!Quackity robil s tými novými úplne rozprávkovými premlčacími dobami na ekonomickú trestnú činnosť? 🤣 Normálne rovno do parlamentu by zapadol
Content: We are talking about this post, the police car looks a bit like those used in our country so we are wondering how c!Dream's arrest would go if he got arrested here. The limitation period is short af so he'd be fine.
What Llitchilitchi said is basically: Okay, so you blew up l'manhole but it's been a year ago so the limitation period is already over
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sysig · 3 months
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That’s not- y’know what, that’s probably an easier explanation actually (Patreon)
#Doodles#DQIX#Kuzu#Lol#For the record Kuzu is a cis guy - those are his wing scars haha#Been way too long since I've drawn them!! Needed to again#Now that I think of it tho hmm I wonder if they would be more vertical than horizontal....I'll have to do another anatomy study haha oh nooo#Mostly I just thought it'd be funny for certain individuals in his human team to not know about the whole Celestrian thing and Shenanigans#Kuzu's not shy about his body and since the scars are on his back he generally doesn't think about them#Past y'know - missing his wings :(#They're hard to touch and hard to see so he's able to forget about them for stretches at a time! For better and worse#Sometimes he doesn't notice them because he's too busy - sometimes because he's doing well#And sometimes it's almost like an avoidant thought because the reality of it is still painful poor lad#His priest buddy probably knows - she was probably the one who told him not to just Announce that he's an angel to everyone lol#Social mores? :D What are those? Some kind of fish? :D#But that leaves a bit of gap in the rest of the team's understanding of their leader's condition! Why does Kuzu act so weird sometimes?#I mean other than the fact that he's Kuzu lol there was a little bit of that up in the Observatory as well haha#Anyhow this teammate specifically! He's from Gleeba and his husband crossdresses so he's fairly familiar with the concept#Not the same but enough carryover to have picked up an understanding or two!#I feel like there's a lot of queerness in Gleeba to be picked through - the lesbian queen being the obvious watermark there lol#I've never actually played a male character in Gleeba so that will be an interesting first-time-through for me with Kuzu :D#Always getting up to something! Can't stop! Haha
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apoptoses · 11 months
it's day three of anne's eunuch book making me absolutely feral 🥺
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nebulousfishgills · 7 months
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beelzzzebub · 4 months
big nice paragraph of confused niceness below the cut so as not to clutter your dash with my voluminous personal weirdness :)
so! we got assigned new groups in my physics lab today and i normally despise lab (it's hard to finish in time, it's confusing, and a lot of the time my group ignores me. or i slow everyone down) but the group i got today was so wonderful. like by all estimates it should have been even worse than normal- it was really hard, i submitted my work literally at the last available minute, and the first lab with a new group is always awkward- but for some reason, we were just in sync. especially the girl i was sat next to, like i didn't even get her name until an hour in, but it felt like we were already friends, sharing the lab manual and calculator, checking eachother's work. normally when i have questions in lab everyone's kind of annoyed, but she was so nice and helpful, and i was able to help her with stuff too and it was just really great. we even had a moment where we said the same thing at the same time, looked at eachother, and burst out laughing. i legitimately had fun. and it was so comfortable. like lowkey, we were in eachother's space but it just felt normal. and i didn't feel like i had to be quieter or more restrained like i do pretty much all time with new people, and even a lot of the time with people i've known for a while. it is just. so so soooo rare that i feel that level of safety around someone i've just met, and honestly, it was just really lovely. all this to say- the class that i normally dread all week made my day, left me literally skipping out of the physics hall, and i am determined that i am actually actually going to try to stay in touch with this person once we switch lab groups again. and i'm putting this here because maybe it will somehow make me more sure that i'll ask for her number or something. and so that i can describe it concretely, because it really was just such a lovely lovely lovely time.
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bat-the-misfit · 11 months
i only know two Ni doms irl but they're both driving me crazy
#internet people be like “oh ni doms are so mystical and clairvoyant” no they're not#lemme tell you what they are they're ANXIOUS#and they're making me ANXIOUS TOO#i love you ni doms but pls stop predicting your life in 20 years you could die tomorrow#i'm sorry but it's the truth the future holds so many possibilities that can ruin your “vIsIOn”#pls use your inferior Se once pls i beg you i promise you won't die if you live in the moment for 5 minutes#“Bat you don't use Se you can't complain about them” i know but at least i can switch between my Ne and my Si sometimes#one of them (INTJ) says EVERY SINGLE DAY: “i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that and i also have this project for next month and-”#but he never does anything which translates to “what the hell happened to his Te?”#his Ni must want to choke his Te#and then there's my mother (INFJ) who not only keeps telling everyone what she's gonna do ignoring the fact that Stuff Happens (inf Pe agai#but whenever smth bad happens she always think it's “meant to be” and “part of the process of people's soul growth”#i vent to her and she's like “this is what g0d chose to you as a mission for your soul to evolve"#no wonder jesus was an INFJ as well their Ni-Fe is so pUrPOsE oF LIfE#mom i just wanted to tell you my day sucks idc about my mission on earth i just wanted you to comfort me#i know we all should be kind and avoid being superficial but sometimes shit happens and it's not bc of our spiritual growth or whatever#sometimes life sucks and we don't learn anything with that and sometimes we have to be mean with people#bc they suck or bc they're mean to us#well aNYWAY#tio morcego tá azedo#every cognitive function is amazing on their own way but each one of them will drive you crazy#there's no better type or function: everyone will drive you crazy#today i'm pissed with ni doms tomorrow i could be pissed with se doms which are their opposite types so who knows?#you can't escape it you will want to choke people of all types#if you only hate one or a few types only you're not studying mbti right you have to be pissed off with all types#same with the opposite if you only like one or a few types you're not studying mbti right#you have to love every type with a passion that no one can explain#if you don't get why a type is so special and so annoying at the same type you're not studying mbti right#i just complained about ni doms but i could write why i also love them in two minutes after i post this#ok i'll stop now i'm rambling too much
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