#i can't wait to see my poncho boy
radiosummons · 1 year
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Y'all ain't ready for how fucking feral I'm about to be.
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polakina · 4 months
on his knees for you
pairing: javier escuella x reader
rating: mature
outline: a robbery goes sideways, and your already rocky friendship with a fellow camp mate is put to the test as you evade the guards of Van Horn
warnings: cursing, so much bickering, canon-typical gore and violence, flirting, slightly suggestive (this is by far the tamest thing i've ever written)
requests are open! hope you enjoy, petals <3
a/n: i can't believe how many notifications i've gotten about my works over the past week. its fucking crazy. thank you so much, you're all absolute stars
It was a simple job, really. Get in, steal the bonds, and get out.
But nothing ever went as simple as the original plan, did it? Not with the Van Der Linde gang. There was always a little bit of improvisation to be had. Which was exactly what you were doing right now.
Bullets firing past your ears, blood running down your leg, the target’s personal guards chasing you down the winding paths of Roanoke Ridge.
One day earlier.
The plan was set. Arthur, Bill and Lenny were to infiltrate the building and steal the bonds, while Micah and Charles handled the guards. You and Javier were on lookout, posted at the entrance gates. 
You were all stationed just outside of Van Horn, your target being the mansion and its occupiers. Trelawny had brought intel of bonds on their way through Van Horn to Annesburg, stopping off at the mansion overnight. Roanoke wasn’t a place anyone wanted to be caught up in at night.
“It’s fucking freezing out here,” you muttered, leaning further against your horse, absorbing his body heat as much as you could. It had been hours of waiting around and checking on the mansion. No movement whatsoever since the sun began to set. Darkness was nearing and the coach was nowhere to be seen.
Javier stood beside you, rifle in hand, eyes fixated on the road to the right, where the coach should appear from. “Want my poncho?” He asked, glancing at you briefly.
You didn’t even cast him a look as you responded. “Wouldn’t want to ruin your style, Escuella. I think I’ll survive without it.” You sighed, and moved from your position, heading further down the road, hiding in the trees to watch from a different position, seeing the road winding down Roanoke Ridge to New Hanover.
The two of you had never gotten along. He didn’t like your attitude one bit. You were snarky, cold. Something you’d developed after years of running with Arthur and John. He’d try and make conversation, you’d brush it off. He’d invite you on a fishing or hunting trip, you’d decline and say you preferred to hunt alone. He couldn’t win. You never sat with the camp during his songs or meals, you were always perched somewhere else, keeping lookout. That’s what you did. That’s all you ever did. 
So after a few months, he gave up. Not exactly understanding your harshness to him, he just accepted it instead. He returned your cold comments and your mean stares. Years passed and you bickered like enemies living beside one another. 
You whistled out to the group as you spotted the coach. Your whistle blended with the birds, so it was undetected by the gourds watching the bonds.
Everything went smoothly, Arthur, Lenny and Bill making quick work of breaking into the bonds lock box, and you heard the guards grunting and groaning as they hit the floor from Micah and Bill’s attacks.
Through your scope, you spotted as the boys grabbed the bonds, throwing them into their satchels. Drifting your rifle along the side of the mansion, you sensed something wrong with Bill. He was arguing with Micah. More so than usual. 
“What’s going on?” Javier whispered, lying beside you, hidden between the trees.
You shushed him, focusing on Bill. Their argument grew even more heated, and you caught a glimpse of lantern light behind them. You watched as they turned, cursing loudly before returning fire. Micah had scurried off during the brawl with the guards, seeking other treasures and getting himself caught in a scuff with guardsmen minding their own business.
“Shit, shit,” Javier cursed, throwing an arm over you and holding you down, protecting your head as bullets fired your way. “He can’t keep his head for one mission, puta madre!”
Arthur had ordered for, if the mission went south; which you had good money on it that it did, that you scatter. Split up and evade Van Horn at all costs, go the long way around New Hanover until it was safe to return back to camp so you were sure you weren’t followed. 
They had the bonds, all they needed to do was escape without getting caught. But you wouldn’t have minded if Micah got murdered in the. Just when you thought he’d found your last nerve, he managed to hit another one.
“I think this is our cue to leave,” you said through gritted teeth, pushing yourself onto your feet and grabbing your gear. Javier was on your heels, close behind. You hiked deeper into Murfree Brood territory, constantly keeping an eye over your shoulders for lantern light.
“Our safest path is through Roanoke,” Javier said from behind you, following your path through the trees. “The guards won’t dare follow us through there this late at night.”
You halted suddenly, whipping around to face Javier. He was caught off guard, almost stumbling into you, a surprised expression on his face. “Are you crazy, Escuella? Murfree Brood hunt here at night. If it’s not the guards who get us, it’ll be them. And I’d rather take my chances with bullets rather than-”
A bullet shot through the wind, straight through your leg into the tree behind you. It caught your words in your throat and you almost crumbled to the ground under the pain firing down your leg. Javier didn’t even blink as he wrapped an arm around you, catching you before you fell. He pulled his gun from its holster at his hip, pointing it over your shoulder and firing it straight into the head of the guard who fired at you first.
It drew attention. Of course, it did. Javier pulled you away from the scene, down the winding path leading to New Hanover. His arm stayed firmly around your waist, and you tried to hold in your groans of pain as your feet collided with uneven terrain, worsening the sting of the wound.
You both heard voices, coming from the top of the hill of which you had just descended. Javier pulled you around a large oak tree, pushing your body against the bark which pulled a pained gasp from your lips. “Fucking hell, Javier. At least try to be gentler with-” His hand clamped over your mouth, his body pressed against yours as he looked past the tree trunk to the guards making their way past you, checking their surroundings as they went. 
“You need to learn to shut up once in a while,” he whispered, looking back to you. His hat was tipped down his head, shielding his eyes. “I’m trying to save you and you’re still complaining.”
You looked up at him, your mouth still firmly covered, your hand wrapped around his wrist, instinct from when he shut you up. He smelled of whiskey and firewood, his scent filling your nostrils. His hand wrapped around your waist protectively, tightening as the footsteps grew closer.
Pulling his hand down, you noticed his skin never left yours. It rested around your neck. Softly, no pressure in his fingers, but the heat of his palm burned against your pulse, and he felt your heart rate jump. “Thought you would have wanted to get rid of me, Escuella,” you whispered, looking up at him. 
But he just looked down at you, surprised. “What?”
“Get rid of me. Hand me off to some guards searching through half the woods for us.” Your gaze never wavered. “Would certainly save you the trouble of dealing with me back at camp.”
He just smirked, tilting his head up, his eyes turned down to look at you. “And why would I want to get rid of you? Perhaps I enjoy the trouble you cause me. Ever thought about that?” His eyebrows raised as you stood there, unable to form words. “So are you going to  shut up and behave yourself while I get you out of here? Or are you going to keep talking until they figure out where we are?”
Javier waited for your response, but it never came. You just bowed your head, sealing your lips in a thin line. He took that as a sign that you’d ‘shut up and behave’. 
The men eventually left, abandoning their search for you, leaving both you and Javier a window of opportunity to flee.
The sun poked out above the trees from the makeshift camp Javier had set up in New Hanover. You were shielded by the canopy of branches, the fire in front of you keeping you warm. But it wasn’t doing anything good for the bullet wound in your leg. You stretched out your leg, wincing at the pain shooting through your body.
“I told you not to try and fix it by yourself,” you heard Javier say as he emerged with an armful of firewood, dropping it by your bags. “Your hands will shake before you’ve finished stitching it.”
You glared up at him. “Would you suggest I just leave it? Cut my leg off?”
Javier rolled his eyes at you, kneeling in front of you, his knees on either side of your wounded leg. “I would suggest…that you should wait for me. I’ll stitch it for you.”
Pulling his knife from the holster at his ankle, he sliced the blade through the fabric of your pant leg like butter. All the way up to your hip. “Hey!” You called out. “They were new pants.”
“I’ll buy you a replacement. Now shut up.” He was always harsh with his words, but now, it was even more so. A slight pang of worry soaked his tone.
“You’re such an ass sometimes-ow!” His fingers pushed against the wound on your leg, blood pooling out to the floor. “The fuck was that for?”
He looked indifferent as he looked up at you. “Feeling for any shrapnel. You don’t have any, thankfully, or else this would have hurt a lot more than its about to.”
“I could have told you that,” you grimaced as he began cleaning the wound. Applying pressure to one end of the bullet hole only forced blood through the other side. You could see both the entry point and exit point of the wound, stretching across the left and right sides of your leg.
You were both silent as he cleaned your leg, but you gasped as he pulled out a needle. He saw a panicked flash across your face, seeing it appear as quickly as it fled. “Easy,” he soothed, patting your knee. “I’ll be quick. You won’t feel it.”
“Don’t lie to me,” you whispered, your eyes only focused on the needle.
He sighed, leaning closer, tipping your chin up to meet his softened gaze. “Okay. You will feel it. But not much. A bee sting, that’s all it feels like. But it’ll be easier if you lie down.”
“Your muscles tense when you sit upright. You could at least be comfortable while I stitch you up.” He helped you into a more comfortable position. Javier still straddled your shin, one of his hands pressed against your thigh while his other stitched the hole closed. You laid there, his poncho acting as your pillow as you looked up at the trees.
You ignored the sting you felt each time the needle pierced your skin. Javier wasn’t wrong, it did feel like a bee sting. What’s more important, was that you could manage that sort of pain. “Thank you,” you said quietly, but you weren’t certain he heard you at first, until the needle stopped in your skin, his actions immoveable. Lifting your head and straining your neck, you met his eye. There was a small smile on his face, the corners of his moustache turned upwards with his laugh lines driven deep into his skin. You always did like his smile. That was the one thing that never changed about him. 
“It’s the least I can do,” he smiled, turning his attention back to your stitches. “It’s sort of my fault you got shot in the first place.”
“Sort of? You mean ‘entirely’?” You laughed as he playfully slapped your other leg with the back of his hand.
“Quit laughing,” he chuckled with you. “Or I’ll end up stabbing you in the wrong place.”
He finished quickly, wiping away any trace of blood before gently bandaging your leg. His soft touch lingered for a little while, his thumb gently rubbing soothing patterns into your skin. Your breath stopped in your throat as his touch rose higher. Higher up your thigh. To where your thigh met your hip. He was so fixated on it, he didn’t realise what he was doing until he felt your pulse beating at an ungodly rate at the top of your inner thigh.
His eyes flicked up to yours, where you laid, patiently. You were curious what sorts of thoughts were running through his head right now. What sort of cogs were turning in that brain of his.
You pushed yourself up onto your elbows, your face closer to his than it had ever been before. “What?” You coaxed, too curious to keep quiet now.
“Nothing,” he moved to lean back, his hands drifting down your thighs, but they never left your body before you grabbed the front of his shirt, holding him in place.
“What did I say? Don’t lie to me, Javier.” Your voice never raised above a whisper. It didn’t need to. You were so close a whisper felt like a shout.
He didn’t respond. He couldn’t speak. The close proximity had rendered him faulty in speech. So instead he closed the gap. His lips touched yours, his body melting against your touch. You didn’t expect it. All those years of bickering. All those years of cruel comments and nasty looks. Nothing prepared you for this. But you welcomed it.
Javier leaned you back, your head meeting the poncho  as you felt his body settle on top of yours. Breaking away for air, you saw a softened, kinder look in his eye when he looked at you. “Is this your apology for me getting shot?” You asked, smiling against his lips as he kissed you once more.
“Is it working?” His lips moved to your neck, hovering above your skin to a point where it tickled.
“Then perhaps I’ll try a different angle,” he smirked, unbuttoning your pants, encapturing your lips in a soft kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth. He had a lot of making up to do.
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
I am afraid worms have invaded my brain and they are eating away at everything that is not OUR LIFE SWAP AU
This is an AU in which Baxter is your best friend that moved in town when you were 8, Cove is the boy from the city you met when you were 13, and Derek is the boy who comes into town for the summer when you're 18. This one is a reworking of the original "Mountains" scene.
OG Swap here -- another part here -- another here -- one more here
In the ten years you'd been friends, you and Baxter had rarely gotten into any arguments. You both just got along so well, and he was agreeable to a fault, always so against being confrontational or divisive. And so for all this time, with maybe just a small handful of hiccups, you'd just gone on easily, having a grand time together.
But that night, as he sat on your bed watching you pack your things to go on a camping trip with Derek, he seemed perfectly willing to fight.
Derek had rented the empty condo across the street from you for the summer. He was a year older than you, a college athlete, and he was doing some private training with a coach in the city. That weekend, he had a few days off and he'd wanted to go camping in the mountains. He'd asked you to join him, and you said yes. He was sweet, and it was easy being around him.
Baxter, meanwhile, was being anything but sweet.
"You're the mountain boy," you told him, trying to pull him out of whatever funk he was in. "What do you think, will I need a jacket?"
"And proper shoes," he said quietly, arms and legs crossed tightly. "You'll want to bring something for the weather too, the forecast is calling for rain."
"What would you suggest? Raincoat? Umbrella? Poncho?"
He opened his mouth to respond, then closed it again. You waited, but he wouldn't speak.
"What is it?" you asked.
He looked up at you -- a glare, almost -- and said, "I would suggest you not go at all, but it seems you've made up your mind."
"What's the issue with me going?" you asked, getting even more confused than you had been. "I'm not going to be gone for long, just a couple of days."
"It's not that."
"Then what is it?"
He paused, then, keeping his eyes down this time, said, "You don't know him."
"Derek?" you asked. "Sure I do. We've hung out plenty of times. You've hung out with him too, he's the most harmless guy on the planet."
"But you're going to be going off alone with him, hours away, together in a tent in the middle of the woods," he argued.
You studied him, trying to understand why he was reacting so strongly to this. You couldn't see a clear answer on his face, but you did see he was digging his fingernails into his arms.
"Seriously, what's the problem?" you said, sitting down beside him and grabbing his hands so he'd stop. "What's going on?"
Baxter still didn't seem eager to talk about it, but something in him softened when took his hands. He held them gently, running his thumb over your knuckles, and said, "He likes you."
"No, he doesn't," you said quickly, sure that wasn't the case. "We're friends."
"You can't possibly be this oblivious," he muttered, and you yanked your hands away from his.
"If you're going to be rude, then you can leave," you told him, getting angry.
"I'm not trying to be rude, I'm trying to get you to understand that perhaps going off for a jaunt in the woods with the Incredible Hulk that you've known for approximately two minutes isn't the smartest plan."
You'd been getting angry before -- you were fully there now.
"I'm not stupid," you said, standing up again, "and you're being a jerk. What do you think he's going to do, abduct me or something?"
Baxter stood as well, and took a step closer to you. He was so slow to anger, except when he pointed it inward, but it felt like he was staring daggers at you now.
"I just want you to be safe," he said sharply. "I care about you very much, and I --"
"If you care about me, then trust that I can make my own decisions, I'm not some dumb, helpless --"
"I know that!" he said, near yelling, moving closer still. "That's not what I'm saying, you're not listening to me."'
"I am listening to you, you're --"
"You're not," he said firmly, closing the distance between you entirely. "I don't want you to go off with some handsome, well-mannered boy who obviously has feelings for you. That's what I'm saying."
"Because I do know him, and I know exactly how charming he is. I know he wouldn't hurt you, but I ..." he trailed off, running a hand through his hair. His anger was turning into anxiety.
"You what?" you asked, softening. "Please just talk to me, Baxter."
Instead of talking, he took you in his arms. Surprised, you hugged him back. Then you felt his breath, hot against your ear, and he said something so low you barely heard him.
"Please tell me you won't sleep with him," he said.
Appalled, you pushed him off of you. Your anger had returned tenfold.
"What are you talking about?" you asked, the frustration clear in your tone. "I'm not even dating Derek, but it's not any of your business what we do anyway. Why you even care this much?"
He didn't say anything, and he wouldn't meet your eyes again. You knew this phase of the Baxter emotional cycle -- he was shutting down.
"Go home," you said finally.
Without looking at you, he swiftly moved to leave your room. You heard his footsteps go down the hall, and after a moment you heard the front door shut.
Then you heard your phone go off in your pocket.
It was a text from Derek that read, "Hey! Excited for tomorrow?"
"Yep!" you replied. And you were. Baxter wasn't going to ruin that for you.
The next morning, you met Derek at his condo, and you left bright and early. He was all smiles and laughs and brightness, and the drive to the campsite was fun. It was always fun with Derek.
He took the lead when it was time to set up your things, not wanting you to lift a finger as he put up the tent. You did anyway, of course, and it was obvious how much he appreciated it.
It was getting into the evening after it was all said and done, and Baxter had been right -- the rain did come. Derek didn't mind, he just pulled you into the tent and zipped it up until it passed. And with his warm presence so close, you didn't mind either.
You set about situating your sleeping bags and the other things that you'd brought into the tent with you. When you were done, you still heard the rain falling.
"Guess this is it for tonight," Derek said, not sounding too bothered. "Don't worry, it's supposed to be clear tomorrow. It might be muddy, but I think we'll still have fun."
You smiled at him, happy to be spending the time with him. You hadn't known him too long, Baxter was right about that, and you didn't think he liked you, at least not in a romantic way. But he was a good guy. And it felt nice to be here with him.
"So, how do you want to pass the time?" he asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"This is your trip," you told him, playfully nudging his shoulder. "You go first."
"Ok," he said, then approached you. Before you knew it, his arms were locked around your waist, pulling you in tight against him. He smiled, looking proud of himself.
"I made my move," he said. "Your turn."
You pushed everything out of your head -- your fight with Baxter, your years-long crush on him that hadn't gone anywhere for so long you thought it never would. Your reservations, your fears, your nervousness, you shoved it all away and put yourself firmly in the moment.
Then you kissed him.
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kinshenewa · 11 days
Sun bounced giddily, giggling happily as he walked with Cadence to his room. Eclipse had returned an hour ago, bringing his mother with him.
Cadence followed, smiling happily as she was ushered into their room. Eclipse, upon seeing Cadence, excused himself to go to his room. Sitting on the couch was someone Cadence had yet to meet, a feminine figure that seemed thrice her height when the stranger stood.
"Cadence, this is my mother, Andromeda," Moon said, motioning to the new person. She was very tall and gangly, her right side being off-white as her left side was a blue so dark it was almost black. She had 3 large petal-like appendages on her head, one on each side of her head and one on the top, resembling how Eclipse and Sun have rays on their heads. The petal on the top was half white and half black. Her right eye was a pale purple while her left eye was a pale yellow.
"Hello Cadence, I've heard so much about you!" She cooed, kneeling down to encompass Cadence's hands in her own, "You must be the human female my boys love so much!"
Cadence's eyebrows raised slightly, Moon averting his eyes. Eclipse returned with a small stormy grey blanket, draping the blanket around her shoulders to form a sort of poncho.
"Mother, it is customary in most cultures to cover thine upper half," Eclipse murmured to his mother, who nodded.
Cadence's eyes widened, and she quickly looked at the ground, shielding her eyes as she exclaimed, "I am SO sorry! I didn't realize you were half-naked!"
Andromeda giggled, patting Cadence's head and replying, "Oh, it's fine darling! You were unaware. And besides, I'm a bit jealous~" Andromeda giggled, lightly cupping Cadence's breasts as she said, "Is this all natural? My my, I've heard of humans having large breasts, but I didn't think they could get this big!"
Cadence froze, eyes widening as she stiffened.
Andromeda straightened, hands dropping to her sides as she said, "Oh! I almost forgot, you simply must meet their brother!" She left the room, leaving Cadence flabbergasted.
"What the fuck?" Cadence finally said, looking between Sun and Moon surprised.
Eclipse sat on the couch with a piece of jerky, rolling his eyes as he said, "Our mother is not well-versed on human customs. Excuse her if her touching offends you, touching is quite common in our culture." Sun wrinkled the middle of his face in distaste at the sight of the meat, and he fanned his face a little as he took a couple steps back.
Andromeda walked back into the room, smiling giddily. "Come along dearie," She cooed to someone hiding behind her legs.
A small face peeked out, a round face that was half light blue and half normal blue, with a nightcap appendage like Moon's, except lighter in color and looking almost underdeveloped and lumpy. Their light blue eyes looked up at Cadence shyly, hands clutching at Andromeda's legs. The child couldn't be taller than 4 feet.
"This is Lunelle!" Andromeda said cheerfully, urging the small child forward, "Forgive his shyness, he's not used to other people. He did grow up on a moon, after all."
The child stepped forth, wearing a simple baby blue shirt with puffy long-sleeves, and a light blue pair of jester pants with stars on it adorning his upper half. If anything, he looks like a sort of pastel version of Moon.
He waved shyly. He had a tail, which had a small blue heart on the end of a long and very thin black tail that almost resembled string.
Cadence smiled, crouching slightly to be more on his level. "Hey little guy," She cooed, waving at Lunelle, "You're so cute. I'm Cadence."
Lunelle smiled, hands clasped together as his tail waved back and forth anxiously. He nodded once before quickly scurrying back behind his mother's legs, shyly peeking out.
Andromeda chuckled, leaning down to gently pat Lunelle's head. "He likes you," She said, smiling at Cadence, "He doesn't usually do that with strangers around."
Cadence smiled happily as she said, "Aw, thanks! He's so adorable, really truly. Can't wait to get to get to know him." She smiled sweetly at Lunelle, who smiled shyly back.
"Well, I am quite hungry. What sort of foods do they offer here?" Andromeda said, looking at Sun and Moon.
"All sorts of food!" Sun piped up excitedly.
"Yeah, night, day, it's all okay, the food is many, a cosmic buffet," Moon said with a chuckle, "I'll go get you some." Moon then left, and Eclipse stood from the couch.
"I should get you a shirt so that you don't have to go around wearing that blanket-like clothing," Eclipse said, checking his tablet.
Andromeda walked over and hugged her son as she said, "Oh my sweet little Soleil! Always so sweet! Thank you, dearie, wouldn't want to embarrass her." Andromeda motioned over to Cadence, who blinked in surprise at being suddenly pulled into the conversation.
"Ah, well, I'm just not used to being around someone whose culture doesn't involve wearing a shirt..." She murmured in reply, rubbing the back of her neck as she looked at the ground.
"Ah, no need to be shy, dear! I don't mind, really," Andromeda said, Eclipse coming back with a plain black button-up shirt that fit Andromeda perfectly when she put it on. "It isn't even an inconvenience. I can tell you are uncomfortable," She added, smiling at Cadence.
"Well, I don't want to be rude... And looking at people when they aren't fully clothed is usually considered rude..." Cadence replied shyly.
Andromeda simply laughed in response, leaning down and patting Cadence's head. "Oh, you are just the most! None of my sweet Soleil's girlfriends were ever this polite! Humans must be a magnificent species!" Andromeda chirped, gently stroking Cadence's head.
Cadence unconsciously lifted her head into Andromeda's hand as she replied, "Well, not really. Humans have done a lot of bad shit."
"Yes, but humans also have so many more customs than most species I've met!" Andromeda replied cheerfully, grinning happily down at Cadence. "Aw, and you're even touch-starved! Like a precious little kitten!"
Cadence sputtered, eyes opening in shock since they had started drifting closed. She jerked back, looking embarrassed as her hands glued to her sides. She couldn't even formulate a response, sputtering for a second before her jaw just hung open in shock.
Andromeda turned to Eclipse as she said, "Make sure to really lather the attention on this one, she's a real keeper. I bet my grandbabies would be the absolute best!"
Cadence looked shocked while Eclipse rolled her eyes. "WHAT?" She wheezed, eyes wide as her face started burning a bright red.
"Mother, we have yet to officially label the relationship, you likely aren't going to see grandchildren for half a decade," Eclipse replied with a sigh, crossing his arms.
"Oh, that's no problem! A couple years is nothing!" Andromeda replied, waving a hand dismissively. Meanwhile, Cadence was stunned speechless, watching the exchange with a dropped jaw, Sun casually eating a whole yellow onion.
Moon returned, holding a small black box with a single white button, and Andromeda's eyes lit up at the sight. "Oh, thank you, dear!" She said happily, grabbing the box from Moon and pressing the button. One of the top corners just dematerialized, and she tipped her head back and put the corner to her lips, seeming to drink from it. I faint golden glow traveled down her throat and pooled in the middle of her abdomen, Cadence's eyes widening as she realized that the liquid must be hella bright to be seen from the outside.
Andromeda sighed, wiping her lips of a faint golden substance, the box decompressing into a simple black square. "That feels better," She hummed contently, patting her stomach.
Lunelle sat behind Andromeda, picking at his tail. He squished it in his hands, a small orb under the surface of his skin. He squished it around, the orb slowly popping out of a small hole that was in the crease between the two bumps of the heart.
The orb was no bigger than a marble, a deep Red Berry as the inside had a lot of little hearts, and a bigger symbol in the exact middle that was a little crescent moon.
Lunelle got up and scurried behind the couch, slowly sneaking towards Cadence and walking up behind her.
She could see him approaching, of course, but she was curious about what he planned on doing, so she acted like she didn't know he was there.
He came up behind her and slipped the orb into her pocket before scurrying back from whence he came, taking the same path to go back to behind his mother. Cadence resisted a smirk, and Andromeda smiled at how brave her little boy was being.
"Well, I think my little Lunelle is getting tired, so we will be turning in for the night," Andromeda announced, gently scooping up Lunelle in her arms, "Eclipse offered his room, so we'll be sleeping there."
Eclipse walked up and stood beside Cadence, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he said, "And I'll be staying in Cadence's room."
Cadence looked up in surprise, starting to say, "Wait what-" before she was thrown over Eclipse's shoulder like a sack of potatoes, one of his lower hands holding her thigh firmly as he turned to leave.
Andromeda smirked mischievously, calling after, "Go easy on her, Soleil! I don't want to carry her around while getting to know her!"
Cadence looked up in surprise at Andromeda's words, the door shutting in her face as Eclipse walked to her room.
She huffed, lightly smacking his back as she said petulantly, "Put me down, I can walk."
"I would love to change that," Eclipse said mischievously, and when Cadence made a confused sound, he smacked her ass, causing her to yelp. "Quiet down now, it's about time we turn in for the night as well."
"I still need to change into my PJ's. And brush my teeth," She exclaimed, squirming.
Eclipse sighed, rolling his eyes as he stopped at her door. His upper right hand touched the doorknob, sending a small electric spark through it and unlocking the door. He unceremoniously plopped her onto the bed, crawling on top of her and laying heavily on her.
"You don't really," He muttered, resting his face on her chest.
"I do!" She exclaimed indignantly, pushing at his shoulders, "I do not wear day clothes to night! And I hate tooth sweaters!"
Eclipse lifted his head, smirking as he said, "I can help you with that."
She narrowed her eyes, and the tip of his bright orange tongue poked out of his mouth. She rolled her eyes as she replied, "Making out with you will not clean my teeth. Get off me."
"How can you be so sure?" He teased.
"Because your saliva is not Crest 3D White," She said dryly, pushing at his head. He chuckled, obliging her as he got off her. She got off the bed, fetching a shirt from her wardrobe before heading into the bathroom.
Eclipse waited patiently on the bed, getting under the covers and waiting for her. After a couple minutes, she came back out, walking with her back to him. She seemed to be hiding something, and she inched towards her wardrobe before quickly putting something in there without him seeing.
She was wearing a simple long-sleeved grey camo shirt and black briefs, and came over and crawled into bed beside him.
"Why do you wear male underwear? Are you male?" He asked curiously, wrapping his arms around her.
"My cheeks fall out in normal ladies' underwear. And it's all so unpractical. Mostly thongs and lacey things, no simple things," She replied, resting her head on his chest and closing her eyes.
He grinned mischievously as he rumbled into her ear, "I wouldn't mind seeing that."
He could feel the shiver that went down her spine, and she huffed as she lightly smacked his chest. She rolled over, putting her back to him as she pouted.
Eclipse merely chuckled, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against him tightly, lightly nuzzling her head with his face as they went to sleep.
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seth-burroughs · 9 months
for the ask game how about both seth and yomi?
MY BOYS >:))))))) THE BOYS
favorite thing about them
I can't. fucking. The poncho that tricked me into believing he's a short king but he's like fucking 5'9. The glowy hood belts. How he looks like he's gonna keel over any minute. The bouquet. Him needing to use a megaphone since he just mumbles me too buddy I was pointing at the screen saying "me too buddy" when Yomi was being Yomi about his voice ME TOO BUDDY (it's fine I forgave him). Him taking bribes from the Nail Man because his boss told him to and how he saw nothing suspicious about it. Him ALSO trying to make a deal with the detectives when they get close to finding out. Him being a literal saint compared to all the other peacekeepers (what is wrong with them) and kiiiiiiiind of actually doing his job. His monocle. That shit eating smile. The green. Him existing in (and making) the best chapter in RC. Him getting hit with a helmet so hard he bleeds (guess by who). Him getting progressively less intimidating and more pathetic and cringefail with every scene he's in. The concerning Burroughs family loading screen trivia. Him being good at chess and liking wind instruments. Him hating untuned instruments. His birthday being in pride month. His winx enchantix form in the ML. Should I keep going
least favorite thing about them
How he appeared completely unannounced out of fucking nowhere to be the best character in the game in like 4 scenes total and they then just. hauled him off.
The disrespect is unbelievable I was in denial the whole game every chapter I was waiting for him to show up again. He's not even the only peacekeeper that shows up out of nowhere and then we never see them again, hello Swank Guillaume & Dominic. Dare I say MDA:RC should have been longer - not as in, more cases but like. More downtime between chapters to get to know the Guys more. Please
favorite line
"You need to get your watch repaired. Oh dear... the watchmaker is currently detained as a suspect. Just throw away that piece of trash then." you just KNOW he was so fucking satisfied with himself after that he was giggling internally the whole time. What if I killed him
Seth & Guillaume nominated for Kanai Ward's most toxic friendship. I hope you die I hope we both die (platonic)
Seth x therapy and a different job best ship
Seth/Yakou I just don't vibe 😔
random headcanon
Most polish man in Kanai Ward he pickles fucking everything. Goes mushroom picking every autumn and dries all the boletes and boletuses to use for pierogi filling. Always makes his own pierogi store bought are disgusting. Puts atrocious amounts of frozen dill on all his surówkas and mashed potatoes. Cucumber soup enjoyer. All of these are about food. I love food I wish I could eat it
unpopular opinion
Don't have any. I agree with mostly everything they're are saying about him here I approve of the RC tumblr community Seth opinions👍👍
song i associate with them
Hmmmmm.......... Sometimes by Nick Lutsko - You see with Yomi I could make an entire playlist, but there is literally only 1 song in the whole world (that isn't like. an instrumental lmao) that reminds me of Seth. My music taste is fucking Sethless.
favorite picture of them
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I don't care what the masses say his phantom fucking slayed. People are being so cruel to him fr calling him cabbage head. I mean they're right but
favorite thing about them
How he's so terrible and evil and so fucking sexy about it. Every single time he appears on screen gets a fake zilch zombie esque response from me
least favorite thing about them
I legitimately cannot think of a single bad thing about Yomi
favorite line
I have three!
1. "That's even more impossible than a chance meeting between an umbrella and a sewing machine on an operating table!" what is wrong with him.
2. Not a single line but like. The conversation he had with Yuma when they were alone for a few minutes after we talked to Huesca where Yuma just tries to break the awkward silence with "umm" and Yomi just hits him with the "WHY DO YOU EXIST. WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE"
3. [after Makoto says he has a duty to watch over Amaterasu and Kanai Ward as a whole] "... What? What have you ever done for Kanai Ward? All you do is look down on it from high. The peaceful order you see when you gave upon it is thanks to my righteous justice. I'm the one guiding these lazy fools! I brought civilization to this place! I don't need you messing with the proper order of my city!" :]] I'll leave it without comment go make up your own mind about it~~
Him and Fake Zilch. Not because I see them as platonic but because Fake Zilch was like... literally the only bro option that exists for him lmao
How dare you make me choose between Fake Zilch, Makoto & Yuma
Yomi x Martina. I remember when he got introduced and right after he sent Seth to the electric chair, spat on Yakou then left I thought to myself "well at least he's a big wife guy" hoo boy.
random headcanon
Has two beds in his apartment. One shaped like a cool racecar where he has sex with Martina, and one three days grace themed four story bed where he has sex with everyone else. He doesn't sleep in either of them because rest is for soyboys and omegas. Speaking of omegas h- *audio cuts off*
unpopular opinion
Yomi haters are WEAK as FUCK Also he should be allowed to do whatever he wants actually I cheered and clapped when he hit Vivia right on the face with his whip you and me both Yomi you and me both.
song i associate with them
I have an entire playlist for that lmao so I'll limit myself to five: Dear Dictator by Saint Motel, Autotheist by Baby Bugs, Digital Silence by Peter McPoland + The Reason They Hate Me by Daughters. If we're talking about his relationship to Makoto then Want by Recoil and Men by The Dodos are PEAK makoyomi I beg you to listen to them. Pleas e
favorite picture of them
Sigh *pulls out the Yomi folder and starts picking them out extremely carefully*
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
Eddie and Steve both are streamers. They're trying to do a challenge to see who sneezes the most. They're like both trying hard. Eddie wins but he can't stop sneezing . Steve is like comforting him and handing him Tissues or stuff cuz he can't watch his baby suffer.
Anyone who’d watched Steve or Eddie’s streams knew that they were both abnormally sneezy individuals. In the last stream, a debate had arisen about who sneezes more.
It was actually Steve who pitches the idea to a reluctant Eddie.
“We should put it to the test and they’ll stop talking about it. We could use that one perfume that Nancy can’t wear around us. And the girls could keep score.”
“I dunno man, this seems dumb.”
“If anything it’ll just be funny and we can laugh at it later.”
Now that they were live, Nancy and Robin were sitting behind the boys.
“Hey guys, we’re gonna settle the debate here and now. Nancy brought her perfume that Eddie and I are both pretty allergic to.” Steve introduced. “Nancy will count for Eddie and Robin will count for me.”
Oh my god
Wait is this a prank
Are they actually???
Robin butted in between the boys to get closer to the camera, “I’d like to set the record straight that I think this is a stupid idea.”
Setting a tissue box in front of each of them, she smirked and leaned back in her chair.
“I guess I’ll just…spray it now?” Nancy leaned back and spritzed the air twice before capping the perfume and sticking it in her bag on the bed behind her.
Oh shit here it comes
Place your bets now, who’s gonna win?
Eddie for sure
Steve, duh
Eddie has them little fits tho…
The boys both struggled against the tickle. Steves eyes were closed and Eddie was scrunching his nose and gripping the armrests of his chair.
“Chat seems pretty tied up…” Nancy noted.
“Jesus Christ!” Robin jumped, not expecting the volume coming from her friend.
I knew it. Steve ftw
Anyone else think this is kinda weird?
Is Harrington paying for my hearing aids after this?
Robin was drawing tally marks on a small piece of paper in her lap. Suddenly, Eddie took a sharp inhale, startling everyone.
“HEH’Nxxt! IgxxxT! H’kxxT! Ngtsch’EW!”
Eddie stifled four sneezes into his fist, near silent except for the little exhale after each one.
Munson coming in from behind!!!
Underdog Eddie coming through
Nancy jumped, almost dropping the pen she was using to tally for Eddie. At this point, Robin was laughing, both at the sheer stupidity of the idea itself and at her struggling friends.
Eddie sneezed at the same time as Steve, his own fittish outbursts lasting much longer.
“EH’Nxxt! GxxxT! Ki’tsCH! snfffsnF igk’Tsch’EW!”
Jesus Christ
I’ve never seen one person sneeze so many times in a row??
What tf kind of perfume??? America explain 😭
The older man’s eyes were watering. He grabbed a tissue and pressed it to his streaming nose. “H’mPTSCH! M’TSHHhh! iKSHh’EW! Fu’gk!!”
Yo, Eddie isn’t looking too hot guys
Is he okay?
Can you say Hi Sarah? It’s my birthday.
Is there a more extreme version of “Bless you”?
Nancy placed a gentle hand on Eddie’s back, rubbing small circles as he was doubled over into the tissues.
“hehh AISSSH! snfff You okay Eds?” Steve leaned down, trying to get to eye level with his boyfriend. His own nose was calming down, but Eddie seemed to be just getting started.
“This wa- IH’Ngxxxt! NxxT!! - wasn’t the plan Steven!”
Poor Eddie
He really can’t stop, huh?
Y’all really took this challenge to the extreme…
“Hey don’t stifle them you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Steve put a hand on his partner’s shoulder.
“That’s better. Come here.”
Steve pulled Eddie close to his chest, one arm around Eddie, and the other hand holding his face.
“Steve I’b godda- HI’ktsch’IEW! Heh! ehKSHH, KSSH’uh!! H’iKSSHh’EW!”
Eddie’s whole body shuddered with each desperate release, spray raining down on Steve’s wrist and the desk.
Gosh, us viewers need a poncho
I… felt that through the screen 🥴
Splash zone viewing doesn’t cost extra does it? Lol
“…gross.” Robin muttered to Nancy, who just looked super concerned.
“Alright guys I think-”
“Bless you Eds, I think we’re gonna end the stream and wash him off.” Steve addressed the camera.
Feel better Eddie
Winning never felt so bad
Give him a shower, poor thing!
Robin held up her paper with a mere 6 tallies on it. “In case you all were wondering, Steve is still a loser.”
She laughed as Steve clicked off the stream, standing up and pulling Eddie to his feet. The older man immediately snapped at the waist, Robin jumping out of the way.
“GT’schIEW! snlrrf sorry Birdie…”
“Let’s get that perfume washed off you yeah?”
Eddie nodded weakly. “Yeah, that would be ndice.”
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riftid-fox · 2 years
I normally don't mention anything related to spoilers, but jfc, nobody has mentioned just yet and I can't take screenshots due to Netflix being an ass, so I'mma point some things out
Now, in the first 4mins if the movie, I don't see nobody mentioning how Future/Adult Leo has Raph's and Donnie's masks around the halt (?) Of his sword, (he also only has one (1) sword, so he can't use his portal jumping mystic power that well) and also, this also really makes a reference to The Last Ronin (Mirage, I believe), or something like that, since I know for sure 3 out of 4 masks are in some sort of weapon, I don't really recall, since I don't read those comics
Not only that, but when the turtles are interrogating Casey Jones (Future Casey Jones? Future boy? Future boy), Donnie mentions Genius Apparel (that seems to be a TM that Donnie himself made. We can also see the logo on Casey's poncho thingy, and in his mask on the lower left corner when we have 1st person POV, ex: When Casey is talking about what to do, and plans to search for April, we can see the scene of his mission changing from "Find artifact" to something else), and not only that, we can also see the logo when the turtles are trying to stop Warren Stone and Hypno-potamus, when Donnie mentions "Get ready to Donnie'd by my mystic tech", his little purple electric wall thingy HAS THAT SAME LOGO
And I THINK I found the way the future turtles go... If you know what I mean.
It seems Raph was the first to go, since concept art points out that Raph was just a mech used by future April, and who could have possibly created all the technology the resistance had? Donnie
So Raph was the first to go, Donnie created Mecha Raph, Donnie was the second to go, and that seemed to caused MANY problems for the resistance, and cause it's doom, Mikey was the third to go, after Leo ordered him to create a time portal to send Casey back in time, and the Leo was VAPORIZED by one of the Kraang mech thingies
Not only that, but like...
In all of the TMNT series (except maybe the OG one) Leo and Raph had always had have this whole thing when Raph ends up either in command of the team and something happens that messes it up. In short, this two had always have a competition (?) Of sorts towards the leadership position.
In Rise, Raph is finally the leader, but Splinter appoints Leo as the new one in the S2 finale, and that causes conflict.
Raph seemed to be angry at Leo for making the team so less... Professional? And Leo is like "Yeah, right, we're fine, everything's fine, what's the worst that can happen?" So we finally have the Raph vs Leo fight that they always have relating to leadership.
Not only that, but on the same fight, we see Leo having a FREAKING FLASHBACK MOMENT, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK!? He was ready to strike Kraang-Raph, but stopped at seeing his brother's face. Not only that, but for a few seconds after that, we can see Leo's eyes becoming smaller and himself looking somewhat disoriented, and like WHAT THE FUCK!? HOLY SHIT! HE HAD A (MOST POSSIBLE) FLASHBACK FROM WHEN RAPH SACRIFICED HIMSELF TO TAKE THE HIT FROM KRAANG, AND I JUST!?!?
Also, in that scene, for a HUGE second, I thought that the tentacle that Kraang used against Leo, that Raph took the hit from, ACTUALLY made a stab wound on Raph's shoulder and I PANICKED SO BADLY JSJSJSJ
Also, the whole "We are the... Teenage... Mutant... Ninja... Turtles!" Hit me really hard and It's one of my favorite scenes of the movie
Also also, what the hell is the shinny blue liquid that April got from her school? Did she explained it and I missed it? Or is it... Wait for it... Ooze! (I know it probably isn't because the Ooze in Rise appears in a neon green color, but like...? What if...?)
There's also the whole "Leo getting his ass kicked and then thrown through a window" thing since the 2003 series, and people have said that the whole movie it's that scenario for Rise Leo but DID ANYONE MISS IT!? LIKE!?!? I CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONE THAT SAW THAT, RIGHT!?
What I mean is, after Casey closes the portal, Kraang starts beating up Leo, and In his last punch against the blue bandana turtle, the whole thing they were standing in caves in, and Kraang sends Leo flying, that really references to Leo getting thrown through a window
Not only that, but the small rock thingy at his back seems very similar to Raph's shell, including the new hole caused by Kraang, and it was shining in a fucking red like light!?! Hello???
Also something I would like to call attention to, the turtles were exhausted like, Raph couldn't move his body that well when he went to rescue Mikey and Donnie, Donnie was also really tired, and then Mikey with the portal and then Leo being beaten up??
Like damn bitch, give this kids a fucking rest
Also, when April and Splinter we're testing things to destroy the key, one of them was "Donnie's stomach" and I? Fucking? Lost it?, It was so hilarious wtf
And when the Kraang is gone and the turtles hug, after that there's this scene when a girl is looking at her phone and we can read the messages, one of them, the last one, is "our HEROES 💙🧡💜❤️" Or something pretty similar and I'm like?? Does New York KNOWS about the turtles?? Since when??? (Also, I haven't watched S2 because it's not in Netflix, so don't quote me on that)
Not only that, but when Cassandra sends the pictures to April, the last one has Cassandra giving the middle finger to the Kraang and it's covered up by an emoji
Also, when Leo and Raph and having that moment just after that, the toppings of Leo's pizza change??? Or was it just me???
Also, why didn't we got Casey saying 'Googala'?
And for another HOT second, I thought that Leo was gonna lose an arm, don't ask me why cause idk
And like, Donnie protecting Mikey from the Kraang-Metro monster, when Mikey mentions Donnie's soft shell after his battle shell was destroyed, Donnie smiled at Mikey (or I think he did) for a fraction of a second, as in assuring him that everything was gonna be fine and I can't-
Any WAYS, that was my rant
Main points (or most of them):
Future Leo has Raph's and Donnie's masks on his sword
From what I could gather, in the future, Raph was the first to go, Donnie created a Mech version of Raph (shown in a concept art for the movie), and he himself was the second to go, the resistance fell, and it lead to the first 4mins of the movie, Mikey followed and then Leo
Donnie apparently has a TM, and we can see the logo for it inside Casey's mask, his poncho, and his mystic wall during the Warren and Hypno persecution and in Casey's entire tech (such as his wrist grappling hook when Donnie presses down)
We see some sort of S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. that was turned into a airship of sorts that falls from the sky
Leo vs Raph (that's it, that's the whole point)
Leo seemed to have PTSD flashbacks related to when Raph sacrificed himself to get the hit from Kraang
Leo did indeed, got thrown through a window, but in this case was a alternate dimension rock (and an entire movie...)
We can also see a rock similar to Raph's shell during the whole Leo vs Kraang fight after Casey closes the portal
Leo was ready to say "goodbye world" for a HOT second there
This boys need some god-damned rest
Apparently New York knows about the existence of the turtles?? And are fine with them???
So yeah, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk and give this god-damned movie some support and love!!
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mathmusic8 · 1 year
The Bad Batch Season 2 Episodes 7 & 8
Le gasp--it's Star Wars Wednesday and I almost forgot! And we have two episodes today?? Must be good!
Is that a Pantoran on the thumbnail for episode 7? Are we finally going to see our beloved Senator Chuchi like the trailer promised???
Very excited to find out!
(spoilers under the cut)
...this feels significantly less lively than usual
Slip, Cade--clone names
Ohh Cade honey, I get where you're coming from, but this won't end well
...is that Crosshair?
Mm, I feel like Crosshair wouldn't have missed 
...I don't want to make light of this moment, but those were the fastest pulse checks I've ever seen in my life
Seriously? They blamed losing Kamino on a storm?? 
Yeee Bail!!!
CHUCHI!!! CLONE RIGHTS!!!!!! (this is so much fan service--I love it <333)
Rampart, put your long pointy nose back in the slimey corner where it belongs
You go, Bail <3
Wow, Mas Amedda actually had more than 2 lines of dialogue
Chuchi canonically goes to 79s <3
...I think?
It's possible that this guy just has really similarly placed scars...
And okay, his voice doesn't sound quite right for Dogma...
...eh, I can headcanon whatever I want
Chuchi giving them the "you'll still have a life after war" talk T.T so much fan service
Is it just me or are clones in this episode either clean shaven or have exactly one style of beard that looks like Gregor's? Must be a fad XD
Slip is CT-0409 (aw, that's only a digit off from Echo T.T)
She's meeting with Rampart right after that?? Riyo, are you crazy?
Oh? Who's Slip calling? Money's on Rex, but it would be fun if it was someone else
Riyooooo be caaarefullllll!!
The memorial features quite a lot in this series. Not that I mind <3
Hmm, I spy a blue R2 unit who is not our Artoo
Riyo understands binary <3
Yeeee Organa poking at the stupid, stupid logic of Kamino being destroyed by a storm!
...I'm so torn about this sniper y'all. He has some of Crosshair's mannerisms, but then why to vocoder?
Eaaasy Slip
Oh good
Slip is smart--I like him
Aaaaand there goes Slip. Dangit y'all
Riyo's guard is a good shot
...was a good shot. Oh he's still alive. Mm, not for long.
"I'll be right behind you." Sorry, boyo, no one believes that
Dramatic face reveal of.... REX YAY
He's not in armor anymore? Eh, poncho looks better this way anyway
Second dramatic face reveal of... not Crosshair! Hah, called it!!!
Not a trooper? What do you mean, Rex?
Aw, it's Rafa and Trace's garage
"a believer"...? uh, okay. In what? Order 66?
Oh yikes dangit boy why you gotta do that
-- Episode 8 --
Omega's meditating :D
"You wanna try?" Cute <3
"I had enough of solitude." Awww, Echo
Noooooooo Hunter used "ask" as a noun T.T I know it's a common turn of phrase these days, but my poor little grammar heart just about imploded 
Ah, so Rex is sending them to get data from the ship. ...does he not know the Bad Batch were literally there
Ahh, right, they're deserters. At least they called it out
Okay, but that log would've been wiped--oh right it's a backup log. ...still don't think that would've worked, but fine
Omega's going with Riyo? Okay
So. Much. Fan. Service. Just look at that Star Wars poncho as a disguise <3
Admiral Rampart's nearly aggressive "Senator Chuchi" XD
...Rampart what're you planning
Bail and Riyo constantly glancing back at Omega XD
Ahh, so the ex-Kaminoan senator is still around
Ohhhhhh craaaaaap she's gonna recognize Omega
Omega nooooo this is a delicate situation, you can't just say things like that--
...oh, so it wasn't a catastrophic mistake? Okay
These close-up shots of the kaminoan's head and neck are kinda unsettling haha
Awww Echo want to help Rex so much
Was that a tiny background massiff I saw? <3
Hanging onto a shuttle while in flight--Noice. Not the most practical, but noice
Rex: "He's still not better with heights?" Echo: "This is him better." XD
Course it couldn't be easy. I guess otherwise it wouldn't be fun :D
"New plan! 14, 5, 86" "All of them?" "YES" XD
See, that's why the Bad Batch actually succeeds half the time--they don't go in without a plan because they're unprepared. They have plenty of plans and implement them as needed
Rampart looks a tiny bit out of his depth in this senate session XD
Organa to save the day <3
I reallllllly hope they actually looked at the data first to confirm it's what they're looking for--oh look, it's fine
So... how does this not solve everything again?
Oh. That's why. The emperor's here.
Ah. Palpatine turned against Rampart. Sleemo
The music really makes this moment appropriately sinister
Welp. We knew it wasn't going to end well
They better hug--oh good they do
Gah my heart
Alrighty, that's the episode! So much happened here!! So much fan service! Possible Dogma cameo! Two whole episodes of Riyo and clones rights content! Echo leaving the Bad Batch! T.T
Wonder what Crosshair's up to...
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oolathurman · 1 year
so uhh that was the first watch through, let's go over it again
enemies can interact with each other and the environment
still convinced that ganondorf somehow corrupted that arm of link's.
the large chalk drawings on the ground i love them they're SO gonna be puzzles
ok the spotlights seem to be in multiple locations so i'm betting it's for like. wayfinding purposes when you're in the air.
i wonder how long after botw this takes place?
seeing encampments near hyrule castle is so cool tho ahhh ARE WE BUILDING UP AN ARMY????
giant cloud in the sky five bucks says it's also related to skyward sword shit
i should. probably finish skyward sword huh i never did whoops.
i got close!!!!
the way music is reversed and shit. while ganon's music is cued. mm.
like i know we saw evidence of the zonai last trailer but i'm still seeing traces of twilight princess. such as in this music.
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ok so you can't see it very clearly in just a screenshot but
one arm is like. corrupted compared to the right. or the arms different at least.
this continues my theory that ganondorf corrupted link's arm
if he didn't i will eat my shoe
still fucking horny for ganondorf
what is this SPARKLING that zelda's doing as she's falling
it's clearly related to the piece of amber or whatever it is she holds later in the trailer
i love the addition of quicksand in totk it's so 90s to have quicksand everywhere
this underground area where link's wearing the goron armor tho
it's not goron built, the architecture is different and i KNOW nintendo puts careful thought into that shit
but it's underground or otherwise not receiving natural sunlight
is this the temple in the ravine??? the forgotten temple or whatever????
[cues mission impossible music]
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heehee poncho boy
yeah you can def fight with villager and npcs now and i like that link's learned how to do the spinning spear trick that the bokoblins used in the previous game! that's such a fun touch
if this dragony npc is a zonai by god we are gonna introduce so much more furry bait into the fandom (i say this with amused positivity)
well we're getting so much more furry bait already with their existence but shhh
wait a second i'm remembering this like. weird conspiracy theory i had when i played oot where a sect of separate sheikah who defected from hyrule were like. corrupted by magic and shit. i suppose i forgot bc it's been uhhh ten plus years but uh
eyes emoji
wait a second what's the zonai theory anyway
bc if my old conspiracy theory lines up with zonai then that means i came up with the zonai theory separately and--
well anyway
what is this script that's being used on the gears and walls in this next scene. it's a new language/script. it's not sheikah, it's not hylian. what is it. is it zonai as well. idr if the twili had a script.
ugh the way this unseen npc dresses reminds me so much of. shit what's his face. the other twili person that isn't midna. him. the weirdo. i guess it's just how the clothes drape but i have so much thread on this spool for the conspiracy theory board ok.
that amber i talked about is around her neck THAT AMBER IS AROUND HER NECK also girl cute earrings!!!!
i will say that seeing link using magic 2 part epoxy to glue a shield to a sword is fucking hilarious.
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does anyone recognize this rito from the previous game
was she(?) the (modern) champion's daughter or smth idr
the corruption has spread to mount doom you KNOW this is gonna be a main quest
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obsessed with this look yas girl oh my god i just noticed the additional ear piercings I LOVE IT
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new 'hit the eyes' boss revealed in the thunder cloud
oh wait the arms thing was a torn sleeve
i mean we still see ganon corrupting link's arm but also i wanna see more of like how it connects
still horny for ganondorf
can someone give zelda a goddamn break like just fucking let her be with her gnc boyfriend already
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bleachanimefan1 · 3 months
Desert Flower Part 11
Pushed to the Edge,
Sakura felt her eyes starting to get heavy after staying awake all night. Suddenly, Sakura heard a crack from a twig in the bushes not too far away. She gasped and quickly pulled out a kunai then slowly turned in the direction towards the sound. A small squirrel hopped out. Sakura sighed in relief. Then the squirrel started to run towards her. Sakura's eyes widen and she quickly tossed her weapon, scaring it off.
"That was a close one." Sakura sighed before she heard Yuri and saw her wake up. "You're awake!"
"How long was I out for?" Yuri asked.
"The entire night." Sakura told her. Yuri frowned, seeing how tired Sakura was.
"Were you up the entire night?" She asked in concern. "I can take over so you can get some rest."
"No, it's fine!" Sakura smiled.
"You really should listen to your teammate." Yuri and Sakura's eyes widen, and they saw the three sound ninjas that Orochimaru had sent after them. A girl, with very long dark hair tied with a ribbon at the end, pale green vest and snake patterned pants and skirt and scarf. The second one was a boy with spikey black hair and dark eyes, beige shirt two black stripes, three prints with a kanji that read death, snake pattern clothes as well. The third one had bandages all over his face, wearing a poncho, snake patterned scarf, and raincoat and a wrist guard on his right arm. Yuri recognized him immediately as he was the one who she had kicked in the face in the exam room.
"Wake Sasuke up. I want to fight him."
"Well, you have your little friend Orochimaru to thank for that. So, blame him." Yuri retorted.
"I also want to fight you as well. I want revenge for what you did to me back at the exam room." the bandaged sound ninja spoke as glared at her.
"You're not worth my time." Yuri replied.
"What is Orochimaru's purpose?! What is that weird mark that's on Sasuke's neck!? And now you want to fight him?!" Sakura shouted, demanding an answer. One of the sound ninjas smirked.
"After hearing that, I can't let you both live. I'll kill you both then I'll kill Sasuke." the spikey haired sound ninja said. The one with the bandages tried to stop him.
"Wait! That wasn't part of the plan!" the female sound ninja hissed.
Sakura's eyes widen and she gripped a kunai in her hand. 
"Wait, Zaku." One of the sound ninjas stopped him. "You're not very observant. A recently overturned stone, different colored dirt. Grass doesn't grow here. A booby trap." He said. Sakura's eyes widen. 
"How stupid. That kunai was to stop the squirrel from running into the trap."
"Since we have no interest in this girl, kill her." The three sound ninjas leaped towards the group to attack. Sakura smirked and Yuri saw Sakura reach from behind her and cut a small rope with her weapon. A giant log was released and started to fall fast above the three sound ninjas.
"A giant log?!" one of the exclaimed in shock. One of the sounds ninjas placed his hands on the log before it crushed them and blasted a hole through the log. The three landed in front of Sakura and Yuri, almost reaching them.
"People like you have no talent. A weakling like you shouldn't mess with us." The bandaged one chuckled, evilly.
"Leaf Hurricane!"
Yuri's eyes widen, recognizing who it was that had saved them. Lee quickly spinned, kicking the three sound ninjas, sending them flying back.
Lee landed in front of Sakura and her, facing the three sound ninjas. "Then you guys, should work harder." He smirked.
"Who are you?" one of the sound ninjas demanded.
"The beautiful green beast of the Hidden Leaf, Rock Lee!" 
"Why are you here?" Yuri asked.
"I will always appear when you are in trouble." Lee told her. Yuri's eyes widen in shock and smiled.
"Thank you."
"I meant what I said before." Lee spoke. "I will protect you until I die."
"Thank you for helping us." Sakura thanked him as well. One of the sound ninjas quickly moved. Sakura threw a kunai at him but the sound ninja dodged it and jumped into the air. He was about to strike at Lee! Lee quickly pulled a large root out of the ground, blocking the sound ninja's attack. The ninja's shockwave blasted the root into a few pieces.
"There's some tricks to your attacks, right? I'm not going to just simply dodge it. I've seen your attacks before." Lee said. Then he started to undo the bandages on his hands.
"Gai sensei, I'm going to use this technique without any reservations. Because right now, I must protect the person who is precious to me!"
Lee quickly vanished just as the sound ninja was about to attack again. Then he quickly reappeared in front of the ninja and kicked from the ground, knocking the sound ninja into the air. Lee grabbed the ninja from behind and began to wrap his bandages around the sound ninja, trapping him. Then Lee started to spin wildly in the air, heading straight to the ground.
"Primary Lotus!" Lee quickly released the ninja when slammed him into the ground, creating a large crater. Lee landed a few feet away.
"Looks like I made it in time." One of the sound ninjas smirked. Everyone's eyes widen in shock when they saw the sound ninja that Lee had slammed in the ground, getting back up again.
"B-But how?!" Lee exclaimed in shock.
"What a terrifying technique to do such damage. Now it's my turn." The sound ninja spoke and raised his arm and charged at Lee.
"Move, Lee!" Yuri shouted at him. But she saw Lee, struggling to get up. She saw a pained look on his face as he tried to move his body. Did that technique put a strain on his body somehow? The sound ninja tried to swing at Lee and Lee quickly moved back barely dodging in time. Then Lee gripped his ears in pain.
"What's wrong?!" Sakura shouted.
"If your moves are at high speed then ours are at the speed of sound." The sound ninja spoke. Lee fell to his knees as he lost his balance then he threw up. "Even if you dodge it, my fist sound will attack you." 
Yuri frowned. So, he's using sound vibrations.
"Lee!" Sakura shouted.
"Lame old Taijustsu won't work against us." the second sound ninja spoke. Lee glared at him. "I can freely control super sonic sound waves and air pressure. I have the power to even destroy rock. Blasting the air into the earth and creating a cushion is nothing."
"Alright! Now you!" the first sound ninja charged but passed Lee, instead, going for Yuri. Lee quickly moved in front of her and Sakura and grabbed the sound ninja wrist.
"Leaf Whirlwind!" Lee tried to land a spinning kick. He yelped in pain when blood came dripping out of his ears. The sound ninja blocked Lee's kick with his other hand.
"So that attack is affecting you after all." He smirked. "You had me scared for a moment. You lost the ability to do that Taijutsu again." The sound ninja kicked Lee and Lee tried to block his attack with his arm. The sound ninja unleashed a shockwave, colliding with Lee's body. Lee fell to the ground and the sound ninja was about to deliver a finishing blow.
"Now let's finish this!"
"You want a fight, you got one!" Yuri threw some kunais at the sound ninja, but he deflected them with his wrist guard. Sakura threw some shurikens at the other two sound ninjas but the second one bounced them back. Yuri quickly raised her arms to shield herself and Sakura did the same. One of the shurikens lodged its self into Yuri's upper calf. She hissed and fell to the ground, holding it in pain. The bandaged sound ninja quickly too the chance and grabbed Yuri by her throat, slamming her to the ground. He placed his foot on her chest, pinning her down.
"Yuri!" Sakura cried out. The female sound ninja appeared from behind, grabbing Sakura by her hair.
"What's with this long hair? Are you trying to be a sexy ninja?" She smirked. "You should have spent more time in training than your hair."
"Sakura!" Yuri shouted.
"Zaku, go ahead and kill Sasuke in front of this boy chaser's eyes. Let's teach this one a lesson." The female ninja spoke. Zaku took a step. Sakura smirked, pulling out a kunai.
"That won't work on me-"
Sakura had cut her long hair, making the female stumbling back with pieces and strands in her hand.
0 notes
filopay · 6 months
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twenty-six | he/him | 190 cm | half Dryad | Nord
Maybe You mean every word you say Can't help but think of yesterday And another who tied me down to lover boy rules Before this river Becomes an ocean Before you throw my heart back on the floor Oh baby I reconsider My foolish notion Well I need someone to hold me But I'll wait for something more I gotta have faith — George Michael
~ Excuse
Over time, he had gotten used to people staring at him in the streets. They had never seen a Dryad outside of Rania's forest, so it's only natural that they are curious. Even if he was only half-Dryad, his ears turned upwards instead of down.
When he was younger it had irritated him immensely at how often the children wanted to touch his ears. Yet he let them, seeing how happy it made them.
"Next one, please." He calls forward a young woman, a poncho over her shoulder, a hood above her head.
She smiles when she meets his gaze. "I've heard of the Dryad working for that unreasonable healer, but I'd never thought it to be true."
"I'm just helping out a good friend and Elora is one of the best healers I've met." He smiles too, meaning every word, "How can she help you today?"
"Ah." The woman stands on her tiptoes, since he was by far bigger than her, "What if I just came to see if the rumours are true?" She bats her eyelashes, "What if I want to invite you for a drink?"
"Then I'd be flattered." He says a bit sheepish, scratching the back of his head, "But I would have to decline, she still needs me here."
The woman pouts, "Not even if I ask very nicely?"
"Oh, well." He looks a little embarrassed now.
"I heard you give very good advice and I was hoping you could help me out with a problem of mine. It would mean alot to me." Her smiles was still bright, hopeful eyes awaiting his answer.
"I'm sure we can grab a drink after I finish-"
"Perfect!" She beams, cutting him off, "I'll meet you at the Mountain Inn, when the last sunlight vanishes behind the walls. I look forward to it."
Before he could reply, she was already skipping out of the clinic. Aegon let out a long sigh.
"You said you were done with dating."
"Ack!" He swung around, surprised to hear Elora suddenly stand behind him.
"That you wanted a break from it all." She speaks, not in the slightest bothered by his reaction.
"I- yes, I said that, but she looked so sad." He rubs the back of his head.
She stares at him. "So, you'd rather lead her on or in the end even date her, to prevent her from being unhappy?"
"I yes, I can see how you might think that…" he didnt had a good excuse, slumping his shoulders, "You're right. I'm a hopeless cause. She wanted my help, I can't possibly deny her that."
"I can see now why you've never been in a relationship longer than a week." She moves past him, collecting the papers gathered on the table next to him.
"I will explain it to her, just- I need time to think of the nicest way to do so."
She takes the pages, shifting through them. "There is no nice way to break someone's heart. It only gets worse the longer you wait."
He scatches his chin. "You seem to know alot about that."
"My mother tried to marry me off at any given moment." She turns to Aegon, "I turned them all down."
"Then you can help me! I mean, should she even ask to date me."
"It seems the whole town does. So the chances are pretty high. They see you as a price to win and you let them." Elora stares at him coldly, before turning the papers towards him. "And you forgot to fill out the records again, how do I know which tonic I gave to which patient?"
Aegons smile widened, not having heard her last words. "Then pretend to be my date and she will get the message."
"You're just looking for an excuse to not having to reject her yourself. I am busy."
"Oh, come on, Elora, you're always busy. I've been helping you by keeping the people as far away from you as possible. You don't have to speak to a single one of them. You like that, right? Can't you do me this one favour in return?"
She didn't appear moved at all, so he grabbed her arm, pouting, "What if I am not enough, doomed to forever be alone? Why not help me let her down easy, so before rejecting her, I can see if perhaps she is the right one for me. How else would I know?"
"She isn't." Elora says bluntly, ripping her arm free, "She came her on false pretense, you can't trust her."
Aegon frowns, "That's not a reason. You can't dismiss someone so quickly just because they made an excuse to see you. You need to get to know them first, spend time with them."
"I have no time and even if I did, I wouldn't want to support your frivolous pursues, because I can already tell they will quickly end."
"You make me sound like a heartbreaker." He smiles awkwardly.
She looks at him for a moment and he wonders what she was thinking, but then she just turns around.
"Wait, please. I need your help."
She looks back at him for a moment, halfway into her office. He tries his best at showing her his puppy-dog eyes and he'd been told, they work.
Then she takes a breath, an answer is nearing.
"No." And she closes the door in front of his face. He let his shoulders hang. Damn it.
[ words: yes ]
0 notes
softpadawan · 3 years
Liveblogging Jedi Fallen Order pt. 2
In the time between this post and the last, I have learned that the Mantis is basically a luxury yacht. And you've got this filthy probably-smelly scrapper Jedi on board with no idea how hard it is to get oil stains out of potolli weave fabric. It's Pretty Woman set in the GFFA
Greez in the galley, making food, having a crisis LOLOLOL
Ah, we meet Merrin! I wasn't expecting such a thick accent (why did I think she would sound like Buffy Summers? And why is it that the Nightsisters have accents but the Nightbrothers don't?) 🤔
I'm actually surprised there's anyone left on Dathomir, but everyone forgets the Nightbrothers I guess.
Damn that looks like Maul's lair. Wait, is that a GRILL? Was Maul a BBQ fiend? Is that why he looks like a bottle of extra spicy Tex-Mex rib sauce? 🍖
Greez calling Cal "weirdo" again hehehe
I like how Cal periodically runs his hand through his hair in idle moments. Yeah, dude, we know your hair is perfect 🙄
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Gather round, kids, time for another one of Greez's cockpit talks *sits crosslegged on the floor*
I hope Cal knows to keep his ankles together and clench his sphincter when diving feet-first into water
Perfect hair, even when wet (of course)
I don't know what the actual gameplay is like, but in this video, Cal has a new poncho every time he visits a new location. Are there tourist shops on Dathomir and Kashyyyk where they sell ponchos? Is Cal picking up a new one every time he goes somewhere? Is this a souvenir side quest?
Cal performs the Zeb Orrelios Double-head Knock Maneuver™ on the Walker pilots LOLOL Maybe it's a Lasat move and Cal learned it from his Master. Bonus: "I can't believe that actually worked."
The fact that Cal didn't scream and shit himself when Saw Gerrera suddenly appears on his windshield is proof that this is pure fiction.
Cal: What are you guys doing? Saw: Pissing off the Empire. Wanna help? Cal, with approx. 47 current missions, shrugging: Sure why not
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Annnnd this is how Cal gets roped into the rebellion!
Cal freeing Wookiee prisoners just like Ezra does 10 years later 🥲
YIKES that Purge Trooper sounds just a little bit too horny to see a Jedi 😳
Holyshit that special attack move is incredibly sexy, I love it when one dude just rolls across the back of another dude. Just bros being dudes fighting to the death
Oh fuck OH FUCK CAL WATCH OUT THERE'S A SECURITY DROID RIGHT BEHIND— *Cal gets lifted up and tossed like a candy wrapper* I swear it sounds like he grunts "OW DAMMIT" when he lands* Where are your Jedi instincts man? Lol
Cal awkwardly accepting thanks from the free Wookiees is so cute
I love it when he smiles. I am so in love with this guy it's embarrassing.
Boy, with all this ruckus Cal's causing on Kashyyyk, it's only a matter of time before Biggus Dickus hears of this.
Saw's speech is putting tears in my eyes, god stop it man
Is... is anybody going to put those fires out??
"I'm a very positive guy. I'm positive that if I die, I'll be very upset." I LOVE YOU GREEZ
Second Sister, in a haughty drawl: Cal Kest— Cal, if he were me: AUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH! Stop scr AUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH! Stop screaming I just— AUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH!
I actually like Trilla more than I thought I would
Oh hohoho she's getting Cal pissed off, I like that. "What would Jaro Tapal say if he could see his Padawan now?" ...maybe I've been reading too much smutfic, but that sounds like a line straight out of a smutfic. Now I'm imagining Cal bound spread-eagle and [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
Cal, fiercely: I won't let anyone touch them [young Force sensitive children] DAD CAL WILL PROTECT EVERY KID IN THE GALAXY TRILLA DON'T TEST HIM
Cal sure does squeeze through a lot of tight spots. It's cute when BD hops off his back and onto his shoulder or arm
Are... are all Purge Troopers this horny about killing? Is it a requirement? "Must be this psychotic and horny to qualify"?
OH SHIT NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN CAL IF YOU LOSE YOUR FKKN SABER AGAIN I WILL COME THROUGH THIS SCREEN AND yessss remember Jaro's teachings! Good boy (I feel like I'm raising this kid lol)
Squeezing through passages yet again. This boy has more in common with Ezra than he'll ever know LMAO Kanan now has TWO duct-spelunking gremlins to deal with. Everyone say a prayer for Kanan Jarrus
"I don't care if they're a Jedi, a Wookiee or a Bogling, I'm going to destroy them!" Props to the stormtrooper for using a non-binary pronoun for Cal until he learns his preferred one LOL "We may be evil fascists, but we won't stand for misgendering our enemies!"
Cordova, I'm getting just a liiiiiittle bit sick and tired of your obsession with ancient artifacts. Your name henceforth will be Jedindiana Jones.
Ba-GONK? Really? A droid named Ba-Gonk? HAHAHAHA
Cal muttering "these jerks" as he takes the restraining bolt off BD 😭
IS THAT THE HU Cal: Hey, I recognize this band. I RECOGNIZED THEM FIRST
Sorc Tormo, no relation to the Grandmaster of Sakaar I'm sure LOL Ooh what is this, a gladiator scene? Are we gonna see Cal in a loincloth? (wishful thinking)
This scene would have been 9000% better if Cal were in a loincloth and knee-high gladiator sandals, just saying
Annnd the Mantis arrives in time to save Cal! Hoo boy Cere, you got some splainin to do
Greez, having another crisis: This is fine. Everything's gonna be fine
Aww Greez waking Cal up again for a chat 🥺 Cal don't be mean, Greez just wants to know what's going on :( CAL SAY SOMETHING, GREEZ IS POURING HIS HEART OUT TO YOU "You two are the best thing that ever happened in my life" GAWD I'M WEEPING PAPA GREEZ
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Sometimes a family is a crusty old pilot with a gambling addiction, a traumatized former Jedi, and a masterless Padawan with more scars than happy memories
"That's a game term." "I know what it is." 😂
"I'm busy. I gotta figure out what to cook next." Getting some STRONG Italian grandma vibes from Greez
Hoo boy ANOTHER horny Purge Trooper (wtf is he wielding? It looks heavy and cumbersome) Purge Trooper, orgasmically: YeeEEeess! FIGHT MEEE! Cal: Not until you buy me dinner
"Electrohammer Purge Trooper". Sounds like a mixed drink or a funky novelty dance from the late 90s.
Ninth Sister is going to make strawberry-ginger jelly outta Cal and spread him on her morning toast 😳
Cal's boots are gonna be so caked and crusty after sliding through 10km of Kashyykian mud, Greez is gonna have to hose him down before he lets him in the ship LOL
GIANT VENUS FLY TRAPS oh boy Cal narrowly escaping getting vored again
Hollllyyyy SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT GIANT BIRD IT'S THE SIZE OF A SHIP Cal: What is that thing? Is is a bird? Yes. Is it a plane? Also yes.
I love Cal's little baby Padawan voice (Why couldn't they have made FPJ's Kanan/Caleb sound like that? Instead we got a Padawan who has a 3 kids, a mortgage, and a receding hairline.)
Hurt Shyyyo bird uh oh! We need Dr Bridger here STAT!
Awww Cal has a way with animals, too. I'd love to see him and Ezra bonding over their connection to animals.
Kanan seeing his partner and his Padawan bring home yet another injured animal: YOU ARE RELEASING THIS ONE GO BACK INTO THE WILD, UNDERSTAND? NO MORE ANIMALS ON THIS SHIP Cal and Ezra: But Kaaaaayyyy...
OMG when BD runs it's like a cockatiel puttering across the floor at 100 mph HAHAH I would die for that droid 😢
Ooh costume switch in this play. Cal looks fucking hot in the Inquisitor uniform
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Aww Cere and Greez have dinner lunch ready when Cal comes in, I love seeing families eat in the GFFA
God this is the most uncomfortable dinner ever. Cloud City dinner with Vader doesn't even come close
Cal don't be an ass, Cere is pouring her heart out to you... I forget that he's just 18 sometimes 🙄
(I just found out that Debra Wilson is playing Cere, no wonder she was so familiar to me. Also I love her)
"This Cordova guy's really putting some wear and tear on my ship." SEND HIM A BILL, GREEZ, I'M SERIOUS
"Dathomir. The one place in the galaxy we don't want to see any closer... and the one place we're trying to get to, Mr Frodo."
Oh HELL dead Nightsisters, this is even worse than when Maul called them up from the grave in Rebels, these ones are still juicy
In a situation like this, you can only do one thing: THE MONSTER MASH
And this is where I've gotta call it a night. I hope my losing my mind has been entertaining
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✨Bad Batch E14 Spoilers✨
Sooooo I'm about to say a whole lot of not very polite words......
Let's have a look at my brain melting during this episode (there's a lot oops):
- Commando armor? Slicked back hair? HOLY FUCK GREGOR OMG THE BOY!!!!! WE ACTUALLY GET TO SEE THE BOY!!!!!! (wait hold up does this mean we might see Wolffe too? Not asking for a friend I'm asking for me)
- Eek this is giving me very much "Ahsoka being hunted by Trandoshans" vibes
- Hunter doing knife tricks....that's...well....AHHHHH
- Omg Omega trying to copy the little knife spins is so cute
- REX!!! HIM!!! MY FIRST LOVE!!! HE'S BACK AGAIN!!! YAY!!! Sweetheart that poncho is fantastic!
- Is he ok? IS REX OK??? WHY IS HE RUNNING???
- Here's the thing I love Gregor but like they were a bit too quick to go after him and they still haven't talked about Cross soooooo hmmm
- Ok I have a feeling we are gonna get some Echo character development in this episode. The way Echo looked at Hunter was what got him to cave in and agree to go rescue Gregor. He knows it's the right thing to do and it's so interesting to me that Echo seems to have the strongest sense of moral obligation (aside from Omega). I have a feeling like this might clash with Hunter being the leader and honestly I wanna see how they handle that as a team.
- Nothing would bring me more joy than to absolutely DECK Rampart on behalf of Cross, Howzer, and Eleni Syndulla
- speaking of cross....CROSS!!! YOU'RE HERE!!!
- Wait hold up are they leaving Kamino?
- Also what happens to all the cadets? Like they're little kids...I'm scared
- Ok imma have to go on a whole rant/info dump about Kaminoan history and society later so y'all have that to look forward to in the morning
- Awwww Echo talking about Rex makes me want to cry. He looks up to his older brother so much and it's honestly so sweet
- Hunter using his special abilities? Hunter using his special abilities!
- Omg its just gonna be Hunter, Tech, and Echo?! TECH AND ECHO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT???
- Look at those boys go! Climbing up a whole ass mountain while I look at a flight of stairs and go "ewww why"
-Ok is it just me or does the whole bottomless pit style base with a lot of red accents gives off Empire but make it First Order Aesthetic...? Just me?
- Tech's eyes are just so ✨p r e t t y✨. That's all.
- "i'm thinkin'." whispers Wrecker mindfully.
- I don't know what it is, but i just love this shot:
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- Concept: into the spiderverse but it's just clones jumping off elevators and somehow gracefully free climbing on the walls
- Commando armor is just soooooo cool!!!! Like seriously! Also the TK trooper armor is....interesting
- "That's CAPTAIN traitor."
- Gregor really do be out here holding up the standard that you have to be a special kind of pretty to be a Captain in the GAR
- Also can we talk about how absolutely jacked Gregor's arms are? Like sir no wonder you aren't wearing any armor on your arms! How would fit! Damn dude
- I miss 99 so much
- Boys using stun rounds. No (intentional) unalives. Good for them.
- Echo and Tech working together and having each other's backs makes me beyond happy
- Tech really does yell in all lower case doesn't he?
-When I tell you I thought Tech was gonna get shot too.... my god I don't think I would be able to handle that in any capacity
- SPOILER WARNING FOR REBELS: Gregor talking about surviving getting shot hurts me. This hurts my feelings. It hurts my feelings a lot.
- Ok but Tech casually blowing up that air vent grate thing was hot. No I will not elaborate.
- Echo carrying Gregor through the air ducts reminds me so much of Rex carrying him on Sako Minor
- WAIT HOLY SHIT OMEGA IS FLYING THE SHIP BY HERSELF!!! LOOK AT HER GO!!! Tech has to be so proud of her. I just know he is.
- Gonky helping + increased theme music = ahhhhhhh yay!
- TECH BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE FUCKING SEXY FLIGHT MANEUVERS!!!!!!! My stars I love that man. I'm speechless. It's like almost 4am and I legitimately screeched
- Tech: *flying like a badass* Gregor: bitch what are you doing this is not the time nor place for this shit
- How tf is Hunter still alive??? Like I'm not complaining but still
- Yo on top of all that Lama Su just got straight up unalived
-hunter in a jail cell......................CROSSHAIR
- Ok but until the very last second, that was the least scrunched up face I have ever seen Cross make. Like you too have lovely eyes it's a shame you're so grouchy all the time. ANYWAY thoughts on that face because my brain is very full rn
- I just love clones more than life itself. Look at the boys go. I love them. I wanna give them all hugs (in regards to Tech…I will not kiss and tell).
- Gregor has and always will be so precious. Love that quirky boy so much.
- Echo played such a major role in this episode and honestly I'm so glad. I still think there is so much more room to grow his character, but at least it's something.
- Gonky being that bitch this episode 👑
- Not sure if you've noticed, but my soul is no longer attached to my physical form. Tech has it. Tech owns my soul. I am more than ok with this.
- The last 5 minutes really just did that didn't it? Like jeez bro that was a lot
- Cross? Breaks? Hunter? Out? And? They? Both? Escape? After? Having? An? Emotional? Reconciling? PLEASE???????????
Overall, while I did really like the Ryloth episodes, I honestly think this might be my new favorite episode.
The episode itself was well paced
The stakes felt rather high
Fantastic action
Echo played a main part in the storyline
Contributed to not only the plot of the show but added context for how Gregor and Rex meet up
Tech flying and looking hot while doing it...that's very important to the overall ranking
It was engaging and intense with one hell of a cliffhanger at the end
So yeah I really liked this episode! I'm super excited to see what happens next (omg there's only two episodes left oh no scary)!
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What are your superhero OCs powers and weaknesses? I love their designs and can't wait to see more for this idea!
Oh hi I haven’t seen y’all bring up the EEs for a bit but ok! Uhh
their powers are a little tricky to explain but I’ll try my best
Vince can basically manipulate ink with his quil/pen? jump between paint puddles draw something midair etc etc ink sans Undertale fandom type beat Powers
RM has different potions she can use, her little familiars have abilities the cat can like travel shadows the crow can multiply but I haven’t really pinned down the owl? plus she’s got the broom to fly
izzy has gears but I’m kinda reworking her powers so she’s just got her gears for now, oh and springs on er shoes to jump/fly
patt has toon abilities basic stuff lol 4 wall breaking hammer space rubber hose stretching stuff etc etc funny cartoon boy, and the little wings in his poncho can fly
Veronica has her bombs plus her rifle plus little tank wheels on her boots like skates she’s pretty simple lol
mits has her skates/records plus she can use the vaporwave pattern on her dress as a net like she can pull the pattern off don’t ask how she’s a magical girl ok, uh she had some other ideas but I don’t remember what they where uh
and Alex can pause/speed up/slow down a person, plus they got the hover boots too
i still need to get more power ideas for some of them but those are the basic ones lol I still don’t have many weaknesses yet BUT patt has delayed reaction time because of his poor sight so that’s a hc we have ig
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My love| Echo (part 7)
Note: This ones got a lot of small details that add up to one and Its comin along
Warnings: sad echo and shocking information
Reader: Male
Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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"Dad! Dad come on!" Rosyln cheered jumping on the bed.
"Come on dad! It's snowing!"
Echo groaned, "Come on dad!"
Rolling over to his back his little girl jumped into his chest.
"Man you're gettin big." Echo spoke as she smiled.
"Come on! Get up!" She cheered getting off the bed, "Dad's outside already!"
He smiled, sitting up he rubbed his back.
"Okay. Okay." Echo spoke pulling himself out a bed and grabbing a poncho hanging on the end of the bed.
"Yes!" She cheered rushing off, her boots making heavy thuds against the wooden floor as she ran to go meet her father outside.
Pulling on a turtle neck he pulled on the poncho afterwards, still in his sleeping joggers he walked through the house and to the front door.
"Okay Rosyln," he chuckled, walking out of the house and onto the porch, looking around he chuckled, seeing boot prints in the snow.
Following them he snuck around the side of the house, at the corner he heard giggling.
"I got you!" He shouted happily turning the corner but no one was there.
Looking around in confusion his eyebrows knitted togegher.
"Rosyln?" He called out looking around, "Rosyln? Darling? Where are you!?"
"Dad!" She shouted for, fear lacing her voice, "Dad!"
He rushed toward her voice rushing towards the sound of her voice, running around the side of the house he looked for her.
"Rosyln! Rosyln! Where are you!" He shouted, "where are you!"
"Echo! Echo!"
He jolted, Hunter holding his shoulder's, his breath heavy, a face filled with fear and pain.
"Echo! Hey. Hey. Calm down. Calm. Down." Hunter spoke, "it's me. It's Hunter."
"I." Echo started, but couldn't get out any words, "Hunter I."
"Hey. Don't explain it, just. Breathe." Hunter deamanded.
Echo's ragged breath started to slow, Hunter's hands on Echo's shoulders.
"W-when did I fall asleep?" He questioned looking around, the ship still in hyperspace.
"Echo I came in to check on you before I put Omega to bed. You we're staring off into space." Hunter told him, "Echo you need rest."
"No," Echo spoke, "I- Im fine."
Hunter sighed, taking a seat in the co-piolts chair, "You know. I'll never understand what you're go through."
Echo was silent as he rubbed his eyes, "but I do understand wanting to get someone back, when Omega got taken by that bounty hunter... I. I didn't know what I'd do if I didn't get her back."
Echo leaned back in the chair, "I know you lost alot, and you shouldn't have to loose one more."
Echo pulled the small disk out his belt pouches.
"You looked at it?" Echo questioned looking down at the disk, "this?"
Hunter nodded softly, "Y/n's mentioned on it? Yeah?" Echo questioned.
Hunter responded with a second nod, "and...the kids? His brothers and sisters? They must be mentioned on it."
"Yeah,Echo they are." Hunter told.
Echo nodded, sitting back up and leaning over as he looked at the disk he ran between his fingers. Soon handing it to Hunter.
"Echo." He told, "You need to see whats on there."
"No. I just need Y/n." He told Hunted who took the disk softly, "and just a bit more time to think is all."
Hunter nodded, getting up, "Tech, will, uh, switch shifts with you."
Echo nodded as Hunter left him to his own devices.
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Hoth was a desolate planet, despite the white which gave it's bright apperance.
The wind rushed passed the cloaked figure as he held onto the hood, the wind dying down as he let go of it.
In the distance as the snow settled stood two figures.
"Norman. Stay here."
The white haired boyed covered by a black thick poncho nodded as the cloaked figured moved forward, the figures meeting him half way.
"Thank you! For coming!" He shouted as the wind roared.
"It is an honor to be fighting with you! My wife, and my second hand! Eleni!" The twilek male spoke.
"It is an honor!" She chattered out, cold as the wind picked up once more.
"Apologizes for the meeting point!" Rosyln apologized, "as You may know! I am Project Rosyln! Follow me!"
They followed the male back to the ship, Norman the young boy had already taken shelter inside.
"Norman, these are the Syundullas, Eleni and Cham." He introduced, the boy in white nodded.
"I am Norman, it's nice to meet you."
The two nodded in response, everyone removing there extra article of chlothing.
"This must be important if one of you're parents sent there children." Eleni spoke, "and such with such a meeting point."
"This...is a different matter. Please. We have much to discuss."
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"You may take rest." Tech spoke walking into the cockpit, bur got no response, walking towards the chair Echo was slumped over, sleeping in crossed arms at the edge of the control panel.
Tech let him rest, taking co-piolts chair as he leaned back, datapad in hand as he started looking through what he had copied from the disk. He had figured he would see more resources, more death tolls and ways to die by the new and improved empires hand, and he was right. More imperal codes, new weapons arrays and ways to pass on, most vulgar, violating, dishonorable and disrespectful.
They had already taken people prison, why disrespect them in death as well. The longer he looked- the more confused he became, most files corrupted and named weridly, letters of the basic alphabet. He kept himself up, going through file after file, werid code being written that he couldn't understand or translate, but there was one thing that stood out to him: one time mentioned one time saw: CT in bold the only thing in galatic basic and an attached file of a hand print.
Then it clicked.
Getting up quickly he walked out of the cockpit, rushing to Omega's bunk.
"Omega. Omega!" He tried waking her up.
"What?" She asked waking up, eyes still half closed, "Tech?"
"What is Echo's Friends CT number?"
"You know all the CT- numbers by heart don't you?" He questioned.
"Uh. Yeah?" She questioned, "why?"
"Echo's Friends CT number! What is it?" He questioned, "You know the one friend he won't talk about?"
"You mean Fives? Nala Se talked about him once-"
"Fives? Fives what's his name? Why?"
"Well his CT number was CT-5555-" Omega told, "but he died, why?"
"Because it's not by number is by letter! The letters from the files! They spell out a name! Fives must be a key name if Rosyln is Y/n!"
"What?" Omega asked confused.
"But Fives isnt a possible solution- so what does Fives repersent..." Tech thought out loud.
"He made it to Arc Trooper I heard." Omega spoke yawned.
"Arc Trooper?" Tech questioned as Omega nodded, "Has anyone been created to be a higher ranking trooper?"
"Well you know the basic trainning?" Omega questioned sitting up fully.
Tech nodded, "The Kaminonins would add onto that but not genetically, besides clone force 99, not that I know of."
"Not that you know of?"
Omega nodded, "I had top clearance too due to Nala Se. So I seen everything on Kamino."
"Had they ever transported machinery off world? Anything?"
"Yeah a few broken tubes, a long time ago. I found it odd."
"How many?"
"Mhmm...20? Maybe 25?" Omega spoke, "they were odd looking, I assumed they were protoyoes that failed."
"But that doesn't make sense." Tech argued.
"What are you yelling about here in Tech?" Hunter spoke walking back to the two.
"Yeah Im tryin to sleep." Wrecker argued joining them.
"Hunter, these files that have been sent to us have a message incrypted the only possible thing being able to read is CT in basic."
"And?" Hunter argued, "what does that have to with you shouting my ears off?"
"Fives would be someone only Echo knew-"
"Rex would of known him too." Hunter told.
"Yes but Y/n's met us not rex." Tech spoke, "Y/n's met Echo's newest squad mates but not his old ones. As they are separated. They'd be no actual time to interact with them."
"Okay so that's why we went to Zut not Rex." Hunter spoke, "It still doesnt explain why you're shouting over something so simple."
"But listen!" Tech spoke, "Fives has to stand for something, right?"
"Okay but where does fives come in?" Hunter questioned.
"This hand print." Tech spoke, "the hand print is obvioisly gloved and is the size of a regs hand. Something Echo had gotten standing next to Fives, further explaining why Fives is an important person in finding Y/n. Not to mention Echo's the only one who knew Roslyn and Fives well."
"Okay so mentioning Fives does what now exactly. Echo can't understand this! Wrecker couldn't even scribble this!" Hunter argued, "its basically pictures and scribbles."
"Hey!" Wrecker argued as Hunter snatched the data pad showing it to Wrecker to prove his point.
"Hey I've seen this before!" Wrecker spoke.
"Excuse me?"
Wrecker nodded handing off the datapad to Omega, "Echo has markings like that on his blasters."
"Wait, so Echo know's what this is?" Hunter asked.
Wrecker shrugged, "I guess? Hey! Maybe it's like me and Omega's secret code!"
"Oh yeah!" Omega cheered.
"Secret code?" Tech questioned, "that's it! It makes sense! The reason Fives and Rosyln is important! The way it's written like this! Echo's been right this whole time!"
"But that still doesnt explain the Kaminonin tubes." Omega spoke, "Unless there are Kaminonin files."
"Just a few medical documents, nothing we don't know." Tech informed
"Wait. Why would Y/n have a hold of Kaminonin medical document's, he's never seen battle he doesnt need strong medical trainning." Hunter questioned.
"So what? Y/n was like an enchanted clone?" Wrecker laughed, "Good one Tech."
The group looked back at Wrecker.
"What?" He asked, "Oh come on. Y/n looks nothing like us! We don't even have the same eye color!"
"What happens if Y/n's not a clone of Jango Fett. Yet of someone else?" Tech questioned.
"Hey." Omega questioned looking down at the data pad, "I found one combination to those letters Tech. What's Project Star Killer?"
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idjitlili · 4 years
Don’t stop me now
Spike btvs x reader
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Summary:Imagine looking like  Freddie Mercury as a woman like in a 'I want to break free' with a hoover  dancing only for an 100+ vampire to join in, unknowingly.
A/n: what can I say , I've been busy with college , and I'm British so we know spike is gonna know Queen too.
Word count: 3891 Y/c=country(or just a state in America I don't know, the whole world isn't America lol.
It was strange to say the least; working for wolfram & hart, you had came from y/c to here, working for a law firm run by a vampire with a soul.  
Mental if you ask yourself , you had known Wesley when you was younger, actually he had brought you a ticket to Los Angeles , since your parental figure had called him , and let him know about everything really. Well just that you were now y/a , and in need of a job. That was it you were here now.
You weren't sure what your job was really , you definitely was not a social butterfly, Wesley had mentioned you had to crack codes? Now that you think about it , something to do with researching different demon rituals? That's not the correct word , anyways to do that had write summaries for Angel's upcoming meetings with these different species.
You ever had your own office, you could live in there honestly.  
There was a lot going on all the time, frankly it was kinda scary , knowing no one apart from Wesley, who clearly knotted up by the scientist, Fred. Yet you was always invited to the important meetings , you had guessed Wes had put in a word , to help you feel welcome or included. There wasn't really a purpose for you being there.
You were a little nervous that maybe one of them, probably the vampire ,Angel , not knowing that the blond British man was one too, could read your mind. What would he find the that  was terrifying (except you read dirty smut) . You were sat by Wes , at the end of the table closest to the window. Which also meant you were sat next to Angel, with the jelled blond bad boy opposite you.
"Okay, so cannibal vampire cult...what's with that, and why is that a problem?" Angel had began , with the same brooding face as , he had on 24 hours a day.  
Gunn , had cleared his throat briefly, causing everyone to turn their heads towards him. "Well, it's quite simple, they are killing all our clients."  Yeah this was waste of your life, you had already began doodling on the notepad in front of you. Unknowingly forgetting you were in an 'significant'  meeting.  
Not knowing how much time had gone by, felt like hours , freshly finished school and know you were here? Sucky. You were only jolted out of your thoughts when a foot had nudged yours, looking up slowly to the man in front of you , waiting for your reaction.
He was quite handsome you could not deny that, a small blush had raised to your cheeks , as he had caught you in a trance of boredom, you had lifted your eyebrows at him in confusion. With nothing but a smirk in response you had tried to listen again to the meeting.
"So you are saying we need bait? But who would we use? This whole place is monsters, "  Fred's face with disgust at the word 'monsters' as she delivered her thoughts, Wes thought for a moment his hand at his lip, indicting so as he looked at the pine table.  
"No,not necessarily," He had gestured to you , all eyes on you, feeling like a stripper, wow this is attention? Blush upon your face once again,"w-wha" choking on your own words ,before Angel had shook his head "Absolutely not, Wes, that's not fair."
"Yeah! I'm human too."
"And me, hey! So are you Wes."
"Uhhh, Mister Angel, " What else was you supposed to call him? Dad?  He had looked at you from the disagreement, nodding for you to go on.  
"S-say if I was, uh, what's the chances of me dying?"   The pencil in your hands being gripped tightly in your now sweaty palms, but Angel is not given chance to reply. "He wouldn't allow that, love. Would you 'mister' Angel" the blond vampire smirk was evident as he looked at the brooding brunette.
"Hold on a second, why do they want a human, if they are cannibal?" Okay that did make sense, use your ears y/n.
"They can't just drink each other , they need something other than other vampires. That's only when they actually find one of ours." Yeah, you guess that the blond man did make sort of sense, you had just "hm" in response.
You had turned to Wesley, gesturing for him to come closer, so that you could whisper into his ear, the rest watched in confusion. Hold on Angel still didn't answer your question. "Uh, um, did you volunteer me because I'm a virgin? Does that make me more attractive to the vampires?" You had really hoped that no one had super hearing, Wes pondered for a second, your hand still on his shoulder.
"I'm not quite sure, I'm probably not the best person to ask , you should bring that up with Angel." Wow thank you , so much. You moved back into sitting in your chair correctly. Twiddling your thumbs, to pretend like no one was looking at you,felt like hours that you were sat there, before your foot was nudged again, you peeped up to see the same blond man looking at you. Who else is it going to be? Johnny Depp? No.
"Come on ,love." You weren't even sure of his name, and he was calling you love. Instead of speaking you had just stared back blankly. Most awkward meeting. "Would you just ask me then? Surely it's not that bad,no one else has to hear." Only his Spike saw the look Angel was giving him, awww soft boy. He did not seem like he was evil..only if you knew him a couple of years ago.
You had stood up, in hopes spike would do the same,so you wouldn't have to kneel next to him and whisper. He stood up as you made your way to him , moving away from the table, before turning back to the others. "You lot carry on, " With that he led you away out of Angel's office to an empty one. This is so dramatic but you don't really want to be talking about your virginity to these people, well except spike.
"So,love, what's the problem?" He had towered over you, he was quite handsome yes, but you felt intimidated in honesty. "Uh,well, since I'm going to be bait...well ,um,  Are virgins more at risk at being snacked on? If that makes a difference to vampires? Oh I'm sorry, uh I-" he let out a chuckle at you, you moved your gaze to your feet. Why did you have to wear these heels, you didn't see Patrick swayze anywhere.
"Yes, they can smell it as soon as you walk into a room and it tastes different to other humans. ,love."
"W-wait how do you know?"
"I've had my fair share, now come on , love-come on I'm not going to eat you."
"Pfft- I'm not a virgin."
"Sure love,"
And with that you both headed back to the meeting , before you left to be bait Fred had informed you Spike had a soul like Angel after you had questioned him to her and Wesley.
Now you were in the middle of a park at 1 am , which happened to be not even a mile from the vampire base. It was freezing , in a poncho with a tank top, apparently to show off your neck under the street light, you were pretty sure that the vampires didn't give a shit if you were wearing Michael Myers mask.  
Ah yes, first day on the job, risks of death 99.9% , lovely.
What exactly are you supposed to do?  Pretty sure that mister mysterious and mister Stevie Nicks/vanilla ice are hiding in the bushes or something. Oh how you wish that Keanu Reeves would swoop you away from this situation.  
Stood in the open park, kicking the mud with you shoe , well until you are body slammed backwards onto the floor, by obviously an indeed ugly vampire. Where's David from lost boys you wouldn't mind if it was him , but this dude stank. He was not even a second away from biting you- wait sorry his fangs were in your neck.  It hurt like period pains in your neck, well until it was over , when he was yanked off by a blurry figure , as you felt your body being lifted, that was it.
You had woken up the next morning under a blanket on the sofa in your office, a plaster on your neck, water on the table. You were never going to do that , with the huge headache and the low sugar levels. As you looked down realising your movie white tank top was now drenched in blood. Deciding it was best to go talk to someone to go home, you left the office.
Your heels now discarded , your bare feet padding against the carpet floor , all the way to Angels office, Harmony informing you that he was in a meeting with the others. One brief knock on the pine door, was all it took for the similar brooding vampire had opened the door , gesturing you in.
Okay it was a bit naughty to not changed the blood stained tank, since there are two vampires in the room. Soon you were sat exactly where you were 24 hours ago, as were everyone else. "Uh, um ," No one was speaking , just staring at you really. "Y/n, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have forced you into doing that , I didn't mean for you to get hurt." Wesley was undoubtedly guilty, probably thinking about how made your parental figure was going to be more like.
"I just like to say, I could've gotten aids."
"Uh, that's not how that works." Fred was honestly shaken by your words, well not really she just thought well actually you don't know.
"That was just dramatic effect. I'm quite annoyed , I did not want fucking Edward sucking me like I was juice carton. Did you even kill the cult?" Your voice sounded like sandpaper, as you delivered your anger with pop culture references and dramatic gestures.
"Yeah we did, well not me but still." Lorne smiled at you with concern , he had felt sympathy for you , hoping the bite wouldn't scar.
"Well good, um, I was wondering if I could go home now? Please?" You already hate this job, Angel had nodded, queuing you to stand up , doing a small bow in respect , going home to have a bath and sleep.
Wesley had called you not long after you gotten home , to inform you that you had been given an extra few days off. Wow first day then long weekend, mental.
Once you had gotten back on Monday, your neck was not healed still, but you had to come back otherwise you was going to be homeless.
Surprisingly , the work was easy , too easy, but you weren't to complain... there was tv with a DVD player, you were absolutely chuffed. It happened that you had brought cds in your bag accidentally. After storing those cds in that bag when coming to Los Angeles.
So , you did work through your work a little too fast, nothing to do, so since the demon cleaners  suck arse , and didn't clean up the blood from last week, you had went and gotten a Hoover and cleaning supplies. Queen and david bowie, playing on the tv, you know you can use DVD players to play cds, if you didn't know.
Maybe it was a little bad you playing slightly loud music while hoovering, dancing as you went, it was a shitty Hoover so it was taking a while. Your cardigan and heels discarded, your forehead laced with sweat, what could you say who does like Queen. Thus I want to break freebegan to play.
"I want to break free I want to break free I want to break free from your lies," The fact this song was a parody of coronation street. As soon as the beat began , you had also began aggressively Hooving, the long dramatic strides, even the the lip twitches as you lip-synced.
"You're so self satisfied I don't need you I've got to break free God knows, God knows I want to break free," You had stopped to flip the fringe of your hair , before resting your hands on your hips , the self confident head shake, another hair flip out of your face.
"I've fallen in love I've fallen in love for the first time And this time I know it's for real I've fallen in love, yeah God knows, God knows I've fallen in love It's strange but it's true, yeah,"
Obviously you couldn't take your shirt off , like Freddie, but yeah your skirt rising up , blouse too buttons undone was enough. Your hands hands spread out like a star for moments, you didn't know that Spike had heard the music and began to locate the source.
"I can't get over the way you love me like you do But I have to be sure When I walk out that door. Oh, how I want to be free, baby Oh, how I want to be free Oh, how I want to break free"
Looking up to the ceiling, arms lift out to the sides , legs apart. Dramatic spin, clenching of fists to your chest. Spike walking up to the do slowly opening it , seeing you shaking your head 'I want to break free' Now some elves but you can't do that your not Legolas. Or cows you are not sure.
Now not sure how you didn't see Spike .  This was embarrassing, spike wasn't copying really, not much anyways. It wasn't long after that dont stop me now started. Wow this is embarrassing. You had just abandon the Hoover at this point.
"I feel alive and the world I'll turn it inside out, yeah And floating around in ecstasy"
Bringing you hands in front  of you up near your neck , wiggling your fingers, spike did the same.
" So don't " You looked forward, "stop," Looked towards the window , as did spike . "me" Back forward. "now" "don't stop me 'Cause I'm having a good time, having a good time I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity." Jumping up , scratching like a Tiger standing side on,  moving your arms around you 200 degrees , you were doing a duet , without knowing it.
" I'm a racing car, passing by like Lady Godiva I'm gonna go, go, go" Honestly you don't know how to describe these moves in honesty go watch Paul Rudd do it.
"There's no stopping me I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah." Your arms almost touching spikes as you lift them up as you circle your arse in a small circle, before pointing up.
"Two hundred degrees That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit"  
Okay you had climb onto the desk , spot Spike oh my god , you couldn't of represented the fear , well until he had threw his jacket on the sofa ripped his shirt off, winking at you, shaking his shoulders.
"I'm traveling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic man out of you "
"Don't" you had wiggled yours back, before pointing at the platinum vampire,gesturing him to come to you .
"stop me now, I'm having such a good time I'm having a ball Don't stop me now"  As he reached you , you held out your hands for him , helping him up onto the table.
"If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call" Each of you looking at each other, as you danced ,sorta looking like Rick I'm never going to give you up, a lot of twisting , and hand movements.
"Don't" "stop" " me now ('cause I'm having a good time) Don't stop me now (yes, I'm havin' a good time)" Spike had grabbed your hands twirling you, ending up with you in front of him facing away. Throwing out thumbs up to the side of you as you got closer to the desk top.
"I don't want to stop at all" Before rising your arms up , Spike pulling you up, honestly if you knew him deeply you wouldn't believe that he would do this, he's a vampire.
"Yeah, I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars On a collision course I am a satellite, I'm out of control I am a sex machine, ready to reload. Like an atom bomb about to Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh explode." Throwing your head back then forwards quickly , with your leg up, clicking your finger.
"I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah Two hundred degrees That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit" Neither of you had noticed the music had gained more attention then you may of realised , Angel ,Wesley, Gunn, Fred and Lorne were hiding behind the sofa.
"Don't stop me, don't stop me Don't stop me, hey, hey, hey"
Spike jumped off of the table turning back to you , five feet away, holding his arms out to catch you.
"Don't stop me, don't stop me Ooh ooh ooh, I like it"
With that you had jumped, (Spike watched dirty dancing? Probably Harmony's fault.) Effortlessly he had caught you you lifting you up, for a few seconds.
"Don't stop me, don't stop me Have a good time, good time"
Lowering you down slowly , your arms around his neck, panting slightly, uh he wasn't sweaty , he's dead but you were covered in sweaty.
Soon enough the song came to an end , you were still in the vampires embrace , his arms around your shoulders securing you.
It hasn't even been an minutes ,clapping begins, someone turns of the Hoover and the music. You both turn around slowly pulling out of the embrace to see , the brooding Angel laughing with everyone.
"Bloody hell, perverts much." Annoyance interweaved in Spikes voice, you could share that embarrassment.
Looking at your feet realising how inappropriate you look , your blouse now see through due to the sweat , the cotton clinging to your body, wrapping your arms around yourself, to cover."uh , Angel , I was only cleaning and that because, um I completed my work, uhh there was still blo-""it's fine, as long as you are feeling better, " you had nodded at him before going back to looking at your feet.
Moments go by with silence from you and Spike as the others are talking away , no doubt about you two. You are soon pulled out of your trance when a heavy weight is placed on your shoulders , looking up to see Spike placing his long leather jacket on you , sending you a small smirk before walking out of your office , still shirtless.
"I haven't seen him like that in a long time, he is fond of you." With that Angel left too. " Aw, I'm glad you are settling in y/n/n , I just never thought you would do so ,by dancing to Queen with a vampire." Wesley had patted your back , leaving with Fred who just smiled , followed by Gunn and Lorne.
Thus you grabbed your stuff , to go home , you had danced to the end of the day. Walking out of the office , hoping Harmony didn't see you and kill you for Spike giving you his jacket.
She had already gone thank god , no death today, the next day , you had brought Spikes jacket with you. In search of him in the morning, you had hidden it in your bag , heading to Harmony's desk.  
"Uh, have you seen Spike today?" Please don't kill me. She had looked up at you with a polite smile. "He's literally just left Angel's office, something about going to taking a car or something? Why?"
"Oh, I just need to pass a message from Wesley to him, thank you." You had lied , but you hoped that Wesley would go with it, if she asked him.  Rushing down to Angel's private car park, in hopes of catching Spike, which you did but he almost hit you with the car.
Your hands placed on the hood, breathing roughly before moving to the drivers side , as he rolled down the window, smirking yet again. The car had had black out windows so you guess that's why he was going out in the day?
"Awe, all out of breathe for me , love?" You had ignored his comment , pulling out his heavy jacket from your bag, passing it to him.  "Cheers,love." You had nodded, turning away to head back up.  That was it until about 2:45 , again all your work was done, just sitting there doing nothing, but twiddling your thumbs.
So you decided , maybe you should go get some air outside, or go home you weren't sure. Swinging the office door open to see , Spike.
"Ah, oh Hi."
"Going somewhere, love?" Well that sounded like a threat , but he was not smirking like I'm going to chop your fucking head off.
"I don't know really , I think I'm going home."
"I'll drive you."
"Really?" He didn't seem to be the type to drop you off home to to your mother , not that she was there, but still, he had nodded , and that was it you walked with him. Until  Harmony stopped you both, she had frowned slightly before smiling again.
"So you got the message from Wesley then, spike?" You looked at Spike who didn't notice you looking , just stood looking at the blonde girl in confusion,until you pretend to resist your bag accidentally knocking him with bag.
"What was it?"
"Mind your own business, wanker." With that he had walked around her with you ,guiding you with his arm around your shoulder.
Once you were both were sat in the car , you had given Spike your address , immediately he had started driving.  "So what was that about?"
"Well, uh, Wesley informed me about everyone ,  said you had something with Harmony, and she's a vampire. So I asked where you were this morning to give back your jacket but didn't want to say that, just in case she tried to eat me." Spike had let out a laugh, "I can see your concern, love , she's a bloody nightmare." You had let out a small laugh of understanding.
"Hey, do you still eat food?."
"Yeah, not a lot , but sometimes I do, why do you ask?"
" y-you've been very nice to me , since I'd been here, and you are driving me home.. uh so I was wondering if you would like to come in and have something. I don't have blood , uh other than my own and uh I lost a lot of that last week. You don't have to , um, I jus-" "I will, love,"
"Oh brilliant, uh I make some nice cookies."
"Great, love. Can't wait."
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