#i convince myself it won't bite. i forgot to ask it not to.
rivers-for-me · 1 year
Why do i feel like my parents and i are growing apart? On the day i left i couldn't sleep all night, unsure and lonely. Later it got better, i had time to schedule my busy life, keep track of anything and everything i do or feel. This is order, i thought. This is what my mother missed from me. I came to visit often. Our house turned into a home in my absence. I started to miss it with all the things i took for granted: my pets, my room that i hated got beautiful under a week, warm soup, the soft light, and the view to the hills. I thought it would be like this forever. I put my life in order then i come home and i'm a child again, everything is cozy and warm, and i'm safe because my parents love me, even though they aren't fond of each other.
Now i realise the house turned into their home in my absence. I am the outsider, the stranger, the misunderstood child keeping two people together aganist their will and mine, against all sense and will of ours. The guilt of it burned me all my life, yet i knew that i must live, i must live to make their sacrifice matter. Now i come home and linger uncomfortably near the doors. I can't enter their life with ease, for i left it, and what's even worse, came back without becoming who they ment me to be.
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astrxq · 3 months
hey hey! i was wondering if i could request a jace x reader! it could be a modern au! along the lines of childhood friends to lovers?! and jace gets jealous of reader going on a date with someone else and he tries to like convince her to stay in for the night and he just ends up confessing abt him liking her and then maybe a bit of smut! only if ur comfortable of course :)
Dates and Apple Pie
modern!jacaerys x fem!reader
words: 4.4k
notes: not sure if i like this or hate it 😭 but i hope you enjoy!!
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The gentle autumn breeze rustled through your hair as you made your way down the familiar street. You had walked this path countless times before, but that day felt different. Your heart beat a little faster, your palms were slightly clammy as you approached the cozy two-story house at the end of the block.
You had known Jace for as long as you could remember. Childhood friends turned inseparable companions, you had shared countless memories within those walls.
Before you could knock, the door swung open, revealing Jace's familiar grin. His hazel eyes lit up at the sight of you, and for a moment, you forgot how to breathe.
"There you are," he said, his voice warm and inviting. "I was starting to think you had gotten lost on the way to a house you've been coming to for, oh, I don't know, the past fifteen years?"
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help the smile that tugged at your lips. "Ha ha, very funny. Are you going to let me in, or should I make myself comfortable on the porch?"
Jace stepped aside with an exaggerated bow. "Mi casa es su casa, as always."
As you stepped inside, the scent of cinnamon and apples enveloped you. The house felt like a second home, filled with memories and the promise of more to come. You followed Jace into the kitchen, where a freshly baked apple pie sat cooling on the counter.
"Did you... bake?" you asked, raising an eyebrow in amused disbelief.
Jace clutched his chest in mock offense. "Your lack of faith wounds me deeply. I'll have you know I am a man of many talents."
"Uh-huh," you teased, "and how many YouTube tutorials did it take?"
His laughter filled the room, a sound that never failed to make your heart skip a beat. "Only three, thank you very much."
As Jace's laughter faded, a comfortable silence settled between you. You had always appreciated these moments, where words weren't necessary to fill the space. Your eyes met, and for a split second, you swore you saw something flicker in his gaze—something more than just friendship. But before you could dwell on it, he cleared his throat and turned to the pie.
"So, shall we test my culinary masterpiece?" Jace asked, reaching for plates. "I promise I won't be offended if you spit it out. Much."
You chuckled, leaning against the counter. "I think I can manage to choke down a slice for the sake of our friendship."
As Jace served the pie, you couldn't help but notice the careful precision in his movements, the way his brow furrowed slightly in concentration. It was endearing, really, how much effort he had put into this.
"Here you go," he said, presenting you with a generous slice. "Prepare to have your taste buds dazzled.”
He sat in silence, his plate still untouched as he waited for your approval. Hands under his chin, and a funny look on his face. With a smile, you take a small, careful bite, letting the flavors unfold on your tongue. It's surprisingly good—sweet, with just the right hint of cinnamon and a flaky crust that melts in your mouth.
"It’s actually really good, Jace," you murmur appreciatively, nodding in approval as you meet his eyes. His face lit up, and once you were two spoonfuls in, he ate his own. 
“I told you. Man of many talents,” he pointed to himself.
You couldn't help but laugh at Jace's playful boastfulness, the warmth of the moment sinking deeper into your bones. His confidence was infectious, and you found yourself enjoying not just the pie, but the simple pleasure of being together.
"You should consider making this a regular thing," you suggested, teasingly nudging his shoulder. "I could get used to having homemade apple pie on demand."
Jace grinned, a twinkle in his eye. "If that's what it takes to keep you coming back, I might just have to brush up on my baking skills."
There's something in his tone that makes your chest tighten, but before you can dwell on it, he's already moving on, pulling the plates from the table and moving them to the sink.
"So," he says, his back to you as he serves generous slices of pie, "any exciting plans for the weekend?"
You hesitate, suddenly feeling inexplicably nervous. "Actually, yeah. I, uh... I have a date."
Jace's movements pause for a moment at your words, though he tries to maintain his casual demeanor. He sets the plates down carefully, his back still turned to you, but you catch a subtle shift in his posture – an almost imperceptible tension.
"Oh? You didn’t say," he replies, his voice carefully neutral. "Anyone I know?"
You shook your head, “Uh, no one you know,” you finally replied, forcing a casual tone that you didn’t quite feel right. “Just someone I met recently. A friend of a friend.”
He didn’t say anything, nodding his head, his back still turned to you. “His name’s Alex.” you started again, needing to hear him say something, anything, about your date. 
When Alex asked you out, your mind immediately rushed to thoughts of Jace. There were moments with Jace where you wondered if there could be something more between you two, but you had always brushed those thoughts aside, convinced that your friendship with Jace was too precious to risk. Yet, as you stood in his kitchen, the comfortable silence between you suddenly felt charged with unspoken questions and possibilities.
So, you had waited a few days, hoping for clarity. Hoping to see any sign that Jace felt the same way as you did, wishing for it to go further than just two friends who see each other all the time. But days passed without a clear sign from Jace, leaving you grappling with conflicting emotions. Each time you saw him, you found yourself searching his expressions, analyzing every word, hoping for a hint of reciprocation. 
Yet, Jace remained his usual self, kindhearted and flirty, like he’d always been. Finally, you agreed to the date, mainly because of your mutual friend insisting that you’d be an amazing fit together, and partly because you needed to clear your head from Jace – the seemingly unrequited feelings choking you every time Jace held your hand or made a flirty joke.
A pang of jealousy crept into Jace’s heart when you uttered those words, catching him off guard. He had always cherished your companionship, relishing the moments spent together baking pies or simply sharing comfortable silences. However, the idea of someone else vying for your attention stirred unfamiliar emotions within him.
As he turned to face you, Jace struggled to maintain his usual easy demeanor. His hazel eyes, normally warm and inviting, now flickered with a hint of vulnerability masked by a forced smile. Inside, his thoughts raced, conflicting emotions swirling like a storm.
Alex… The name echoed in his mind, an unwelcome intruder in the sanctuary of your longstanding friendship. Jace couldn’t deny the sting of jealousy gnawing at him, mixed with a tinge of regret for not voicing his feelings sooner. He had grown so accustomed to your presence, your laughter, your quirks that made every day brighter. Now, the thought of someone else potentially claiming a piece of your heart unsettled him more than he cared to admit.
The intensity of these conflicting emotions tightened his chest, making it hard to breathe as he struggled to find the right words.
"Alex," he repeats, his voice softer than before. He hummed, "That's... that's nice."
Deep down, Jace knew he had missed his chance to tell you how much you meant to him, fearing it would jeopardize the precious friendship you shared. Now, faced with the reality of potentially losing you to someone else, he couldn’t help but wonder what could have been if he had spoken up sooner.
All of the hopes he’d built up ever since he’d started to notice his feelings had immediately crumbled because of Saturday’s dinner. Well, and Alex.
Jace cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Well, Alex better not disappoint. I won't have you trading apple pie for subpar desserts," he quipped, a hint of his usual playful tone returning to ease the tension in the room.
You chuckled softly, grateful for the familiar banter that lightened the mood. "Don't worry, I'll keep you posted on the dessert quality. It's a crucial aspect of any potential relationship, after all."
Jace nodded, managing a small smile. "Absolutely. Can't have you settling for anything less than the best."
As Jace finished rinsing the plates, he turned to face you, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. "So, where are you and Alex going?"
You shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant. "Just dinner and a movie, nothing too fancy."
Jace nodded, the tightness in his chest easing just a little at the mention of the simple plan. He knew he should be happy for you, encouraging you to explore new connections, but the idea of you with someone else gnawed at him. He had grown so used to having you by his side, the thought of change was unsettling.
"You'll have to tell me all about it," He said, taking the seat next to you, like before. "And don't worry, I’ll be here with more pie if the date doesn't go as planned."
You laughed, feeling the warmth from Jace’s body next to yours creep up to your chest, heaving as your heartbeat sped up. Deep inside, you knew the date was just an attempt to escape from your feelings, but, as you sat there, watching the play of emotions across Jace's face, you couldn't help but wonder if there was more to his reaction than he was letting on. The usual warmth in his eyes had been replaced by a flicker of something else – something you couldn't quite place.
You had always been attuned to Jace's moods, able to read him like an open book, but in this moment, he seemed to be guarding his thoughts, carefully constructing a facade of nonchalance.
You had convinced yourself that the occasional flutters in your chest were nothing more than your own imagination, a product of your own hopeful desires.
Yet, as you sat there, watching the subtle play of emotions on his face, a glimmer of hope began to stir within you. Could it be possible that Jace had harbored feelings for you as well? 
You quickly shook that thought away from your brain. It was dangerous to let yourself hope, especially now when you were about to go on a date with someone else. But as you sat there, so close to Jace that you could feel the warmth radiating from his body, you couldn't help but wonder.
"Hey," Jace's voice broke through your reverie, soft and tinged with an emotion you couldn't quite place. "You okay?"
You blinked, realizing you had been staring at him. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just... thinking about the date, I guess."
Jace nodded, his eyes searching yours. "Nervous?"
"A little," you admitted, surprised by your own honesty. "It's been a while since I've been on a proper date."
Jace's expression softened, and he reached out, placing his hand on yours. The gesture was familiar, comforting, but this time it sent a jolt of electricity through your body. "You'll be great," he said, his voice low and sincere. "Anyone would be lucky to go on a date with you."
For a moment, you could have sworn you saw a flicker of regret in his eyes, but it was gone so quickly you wondered if you had imagined it. You swallowed hard, your throat suddenly dry. 
A charged silence fell between you, heavy with unspoken words and possibilities. Jace's hand lingered on yours, his thumb absently tracing circles on your skin. The simple touch sent shivers down your spine, and you found yourself wishing you could freeze this moment in time.
But reality intruded, as it always did. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, breaking the spell. Reluctantly, you pulled your hand away to check it. "It's Alex," you said, your voice sounding strange to your own ears. "Confirming plans for tomorrow."
Jace nodded, his hand falling back to his side. "Right, of course." He stood up abruptly, moving to the sink to rinse out your empty glasses.
You watched his back, noting the tension in his shoulders. A beat of silence passed.
Jace turned back from the sink, his usual easy smile not quite reaching his eyes. "So, uh, want to watch a movie or something? Unless you need to head out soon..."
You glanced at your phone, then back at Jace. The thought of leaving now, with this strange tension between you, felt wrong. "No, I don't have to go yet. A movie sounds great."
Relief flickered across Jace's face. "Cool. You pick.”
As you made your way to the living room, Jace grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch. "Here," he said, draping it over your shoulders. "You always get cold during movies."
The gesture was so thoughtful, so typically Jace, that it made your heart ache a little. You settled onto the couch, and after a moment's hesitation, Jace sat down next to you, closer than usual but still maintaining a small gap.
You scrolled through the movie options, finally settling on one you both enjoyed. As the opening credits rolled, you found yourself hyper-aware of Jace's presence beside you. The warmth of his body, the faint scent of his cologne, the way his arm brushed against yours when he shifted position – it all felt amplified somehow.
About halfway through the movie, you noticed Jace stifling a yawn. Without thinking, you lifted the edge of the blanket. "There's plenty of room to share."
Jace hesitated for a moment before scooting closer, allowing you to drape the blanket over both of you. Now your sides were pressed together, and you could feel the rise and fall of his chest with each breath.
As the movie played on, you found it harder and harder to focus on the plot. Your mind kept drifting to the man beside you, to the what-ifs and maybes that had been swirling in your head all day.
Your chest felt heavy as you felt Jace turn his face to look at you, a small frown creeping to his lips, quickly changed to a grin once you turned to him. Jace's eyes flicked down to your lips, then back up to your eyes. He leaned in slightly, then seemed to catch himself, pulling back and clearing his throat.
"We, uh, we should probably finish the movie," he said, his voice slightly husky.
You nodded, humming, not trusting yourself to speak. 
The rest of the movie passed in a blur, your mind replaying that moment over and over. When the credits finally rolled, neither of you moved to turn off the TV, both seemingly reluctant for the evening to end.
Finally, Jace broke the silence. "So, um, good movie, right?"
You nodded, turning to face him. "Yeah, it was fun."
"It was," Jace replied, his eyes meeting yours. He’d simply agreed, not having paid a single ounce of attention to the screen the whole time. There was so much left unsaid in that gaze, so many words hovering on the tip of your tongue.
But the moment passed, and you knew it was time to leave. As you stood up, gathering your things, Jace walked you to the door.
At the threshold, you turned back to him. "Jace, I..."
He looked at you expectantly, a mixture of hope and apprehension in his eyes. But the words wouldn't come. “Nevermind,”
Jace placed a hang on your arm, fingers lightly gracing it, lingering, as if he was scared to break you. "Text me when you get home safe, okay?"
You nodded, offering him a small smile. "I will. Goodnight, Jace."
"Goodnight," he replied softly.
You stepped out into the cool night air, the door clicking shut behind you. The familiar street stretched out before you, bathed in the soft glow of streetlights. As you began your walk home, your mind swirled with thoughts and emotions, each step amplifying the confusion that had settled over your heart. Eventually, sleep eluded you.
The next evening, you found yourself standing on Jace's porch once again, your hand hovering over the doorbell. You were dressed for your date with Alex, but something had compelled you to come here first. Maybe it was nerves, or maybe it was the lingering tension from yesterday that you couldn't shake.
Taking a deep breath, you pressed the bell. A few moments later, Jace opened the door, surprise evident on his face.
"Hey," he said, his eyes taking in your outfit. "Wow, you look... amazing."
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks. "Thanks. I, um, I'm not really sure why I'm here. I guess I'm just nervous about the date and... I don't know, I wanted to see you first."
Jace's expression softened, and he stepped aside to let you in. "Come on in. We've got some time to calm those nerves before your big night."
As you followed him into the living room, you couldn't help but notice the way his eyes kept darting to you, a mix of admiration and something else you couldn't quite place in his gaze.
"So," Jace said, settling onto the couch and patting the spot next to him, "what's got you so nervous? It's just dinner and a movie, right?"
You sat down, careful not to wrinkle your dress. "I know, it's silly. I just... it's been a while since I've done this whole dating thing. And Alex seems nice, but..."
"But?" Jace prompted gently when you trailed off. His heart jumped at his throat, bubbling with hopes.
You sighed, struggling to find the right words. "I don't know. I guess I'm worried that I'm not giving him a fair chance. That I'm comparing him to... to someone else before I've even given him a shot."
Jace's breath caught, and for a moment, the air between you felt charged with unspoken possibilities. "Someone else?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
You turned to face him, your heart pounding. This was it – the moment of truth. "Jace…" you started.
But before you could finish, your phone buzzed loudly, making you both turn to it. It was a text from Alex, saying he was on his way to pick you up.
The spell broke, you stood up abruptly. "I should go. Alex will be here soon, and I don't want to keep him waiting."
Jace nodded, standing as well. "Right, of course." He walked you to the door, his hand hovering near the small of your back but not quite touching. 
At the threshold, you turned to face Jace once more. The words you'd been about to say moments ago still hung in the air between you, unspoken but nearly tangible. Jace's hazel eyes searched yours, a mix of hope and resignation swirling in their depths. 
He furrowed his brows, and you really focused on his face. He looked worried, a sad look to his eyes that you’d seen very few times before. Jace’s breathing seemed to get caught in his throat, “Don’t go,” he mumbled.
You stood frozen at the threshold, Jace's soft plea echoing in your ears. "Don't go." The words hung in the air between you, heavy with meaning and possibility. Your heart raced as you looked into Jace's hazel eyes, seeing a mix of vulnerability and hope that you'd never witnessed before.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still. All the unspoken feelings, the lingering touches, the stolen glances – everything came rushing to the surface. You realized that this was the moment you'd been waiting for, the clarity you'd been seeking.
Jace took a deep breath, his expression a mixture of determination and apprehension. "I mean, don't go on the date. Stay here. With me."
Your heart pounded in your chest as his words sank in. It felt like a dream, one you'd dared not hope for, and now here it was, laid bare before you.
Jace stood before you, his hazel eyes searching yours with a mixture of determination and vulnerability. His words hung in the air, urging you to make a choice. Stay here, with him, and confront the unspoken feelings that had lingered between you for so long – or leave, and go on a date with Alex, a safe choice but one that wouldn't resolve the tension that had built up between you and Jace.
For a moment, you felt torn. Your mind raced with questions – what if things didn't work out with Jace? What if risking your friendship ruined everything? – But as you looked into his eyes, you saw a depth of emotion that mirrored your own. The years of unspoken words, the shared moments that had bound you together, all seemed to converge in this pivotal moment.
Taking a deep breath, you made your decision. You reached out, gently placing your hand on Jace's. "I... I want to stay," you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "With you."
Relief washed over Jace's face, a smile breaking through the tension that had gripped him moments before. Without a word, he pulled you into a warm embrace, holding you close as if afraid you might disappear. You closed your eyes, feeling the warmth of his touch, the steady beat of his heart against yours.
Before another word could be spoken, your phone buzzed again, this time more insistently. It was another message from Alex, likely wondering where you were.
With a sigh, you glanced at the message, then back at Jace. "I should probably let him know."
Jace nodded, his jaw tightening briefly. "Yeah, you should."
As you hit send, you felt a wave of relief wash over you, knowing that you were finally free to explore what had been silently growing between you and Jace for so long.
Turning back to Jace, you found him watching you with a mix of anticipation and affection. “I feel bad,” you admitted, “He was probably already waiting on me.”
He shrugged, “Don’t worry about it. He didn't wait long.”
“I’m practically standing him up,”
He frowned, “Do you still want to go?”
“Then don’t stress yourself out about it.” He took a small strand of your hair into his hand, twisting it around in his fingers. 
You hesitated for a moment before you nodded, "Yeah. No stress."
You brushed your phone away, focusing on him. His warm fingertips brushed against your lips, cutting short your thoughts. He gaze locked onto Jace's. Feelings of uncertainty mingled with excitement as you stood on Jace's porch, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. His eyes held yours with an intensity that spoke volumes, words unnecessary between you now.
"I'm glad you're staying," Jace murmured, his voice barely audible over the soft evening breeze.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, feeling the weight of the moment. "Me too," you managed to reply, your voice trembling slightly.
Without breaking eye contact, Jace gently cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing lightly against your bottom lip. “Come inside,” he almost whispered, his tone dropping lower. 
As Jace's fingers brushed against your lips, a surge of electricity shot through you, sending your heart into a frantic rhythm. His touch was tender, filled with unspoken desire and a longing that mirrored your own. You gazed into his eyes, seeing the depths of emotion swirling within them.
With a shared understanding, you nodded softly, “Okay.”
The anticipation was palpable, your breaths mingling in the cool air. Slowly, almost hesitantly, Jace closed the distance between you, his lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss.
It was soft yet intense, a fusion of years of unspoken feelings finally breaking free. Your hands found their way to his chest, fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt as you pulled him closer. Jace responded eagerly, deepening the kiss with a hunger that matched your own, his arms wrapping around you protectively.
The warmth of Jace's body against yours, the taste of his lips against yours, it all felt so right, so natural.
When you finally pulled back, your foreheads resting against each other, you both were breathless. Jace's hands remained on your cheeks, his thumbs softly caressing your skin as he gazed at you with adoration.
He took a step back, the arm around your waist pulling you inside the house with him. Once the door was closed, his mouth moved to your neck.
Your mind raced, overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. Jace's touch ignited a fire within you, his lips trailing along your neck as he led you inside. The warmth of his embrace enveloped you, every sensation heightened by the realization that this was no longer just friendship – iit was something deeper, something you had both yearned for but never dared to voice until now.
In the dim light of his living room, Jace's eyes met yours, filled with a mixture of desire and tenderness. His fingers brushed against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. You leaned into his touch, your heart pounding as you felt his warmth seep into you, filling the spaces you never knew were empty.
Without a word, Jace captured your lips in another kiss, his movements gentle yet urgent, a silent plea for everything you both had kept hidden for so long. Your hands found their way into his hair, fingers threading through the soft strands as you pulled him closer, deepening the kiss with a passion born from years of unspoken longing.
Time seemed to stand still as you explored each other's lips, each touch a revelation, each breath shared between kisses, a lingering of the unspoken bond that had always been between you. The weight of uncertainty and missed opportunities lifted off your shoulders, replaced by the certainty that this was where you were meant to be right at that instant.
When you finally parted, both breathless and dazed, Jace rested his forehead against yours, his arms still wrapped around you protectively. His gaze searched for yours, a silent question lingering between you, answered by the shared understanding in your eyes.
"I've wanted this for so long," Jace murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, his breath mingling with yours.
You nodded, unable to find words but conveying everything through the touch of your lips against his, the warmth of your embrace, and the unspoken promise of what was to come.
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grokebaby · 1 year
Just wanted to pass by and ask: Where are Mewmew's kits now ? They musta grown quite a bit since that photo, so I'm kinda curious myself :33 How's their relationship with m too ? Is it good ? Do they know Bout Evie in the house ?
Hiiiii you can read more on tha kittens here and here :3
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Here's also some art I done of them!
[Two slight updates on the kittens' (adult) names but Goop is now Goog, and Turbotuho goes by just Turbo! Other than that there's not too much new.]
•Googy (Mew Jr.), as mentioned somewhere in the fuzzy past, is a housecat for good. Yes, they're on the same level mentally as Mewmew and everyone else, and also has the option to choose to develop some kind of alternative mecha mode. But they completely choose not to, and so remain in cat mode indefinitely. Mew Jr. Is fully content to live as a normal pet cat until the end of time (or until their.. Humans pass away from old age..) Junior is a laidback personality who envied normal cats in their kittenhood and thus made the decision to become one as much as possible. Cannot be convinced to adopt some alt form and is rarely in contact with their siblings. However Turbo misses them sometimes, and Goog has the ability to use a phone (opposable thumbs you see), so they call sometimes. Mewmew is completely accepting of this lifestyle choice, if not very distant to Mew Jr...
•Captain Tiramisu and Turbo are living a space opera/cheesy scifi drama somewhere in the far off cosmos, and they're very close! They're each other's emotional support, even if they're perpetually bickering. Similarly to Mew Jr., they both chose the kind of external mode that they personally found the absolute coolest, and live in robot mode almost exclusively. Turbo is more keen to kitty around every so often tho, for comfort reasons. Turbo is the sweet optimist of the two, and loves breaking stuff. An absolute biting fiend as a cat. Love language is biting (Cap'n Tiramisu also bites but not lovingly).
There's no nicer way to say this but Tiramisu is an egotistical, petty brat. While Turbo is more of a follower personality, they do also blatantly and stubbornly make their own choices and turns along the way. Many people often wonder how these two can stand each other, but Turbo often comforts Tiramisu when things don't go their way and occasionally enables their bombastic revenge plots, and Tiramisu will violently explode you if you're mean to their baby sibling. Turbo likes to test Captain's patience (making them a better person by pettily not leaving them any other choice sometimes), and Captain "Mom friend anxiety hack"s* their way to helping Turbo take care of, or stand up for themself more. *(aka. Oh no I'm too nervous to do this thing. Oh, you're also too nervous to do this thing? I'll fucking do it double for you then!!!)
Both are neurodivergent so they also assist each other in whatever the other can't do. Despite having many petty and childish traits to them, these two make it work.
•Relationship with Mewmew can be summed up with:
Captain Tiramisu - Geez mom/dad, you're embarrassing meeeeee.... Ugh... Fine. I love you.. Yeah yeah I'll send you a post card from the milkyway association's holiday hotel.. Yeah of course I won't get into trouble (gets into trouble as soon as they depart)
Turbo - Oh weee yuppeee It's mom/dad ^~^ so here's everything I've been up to since we last saw (talks for three hours), sorry I didn't call you I forgot, wow you're so cool I love you, and Tiramisu and Mew Jr. Love you too. Okay bye, I wanna go do something now! I'll call you (forgets to call.)
Admittedly they've gotten distant with adulthood.
•To address the.. Evie in the room, I will just say that none of the kittens know of Mewmews life during the galactic alliance, they only know Mewmew "did something in the military but quit to pursue a peaceful life". The kits were born after quitting. They do know of Evilicus, as that scary dark lord that was defeated long ago, and they actually do community service sometimes for planets that Evie's reign has left scarred and ravaged. They however definitely haven't been in touch with Mewmew recently enough to know Evie is roommates now lolol
Thank you for the ask!!! ^w^
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
I Need a Vacation Pt. 3: Into the Wolves Den
Tag List: @vechkinfan @dickspaghettii @yor72 @thelostboyswife @panickinanakin1 @slashers-and-witchcraft
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Stefan's POV:
It had been a while since we saw Y/N. I was used to her breaking off from the group for "Alone time" but normally she would have texted me by now. I let out a heavy sigh, which Damon rolled his eyes at.
"Don't worry brother, our little pet can't have gone too far."
Elana slapped him in the back of the head for that one.
"Don't the werewolf jokes ever get old for you Damon?" Mathew asked.
Always the one to come to a pretty girl's rescues. Matt just had to be the hero in everything he did. I looked up to the sky to see the moon looking very full. Everyone else eyes followed.
"Right, I forgot we extended the trip, we were supposed to go hoe before the full moon." Caroline said more to herself than anyone else.
"Shit! How did I forget about that?" Tyler cursed himself.
"Because you're a selfish bastard who thinks the world revolves around you." Carline snipped.
Bonnie nodded her head at the statement.
"Yeah, remember that time you were dating Viki and she got turned and killed because you weren't there for her."
"Bonnie!" Jeremy scolded.
"Sorry Matt, I know you miss your sister."
"No, you're right Bon, it's fine. How about I try to call her and see if she picks up?" Matt suggested.
"I've already called her six times." I explained. "Last few text messages are still on delivered."
"Thats not reassuring." Elena said.
"Great now we have to go on a wild wolf chase. I swear to god Tyler, if your sister bites me, I will kill her."
"You won't lay a fucking hand on her Damon, or I'll bite you too. What the fuck is your problem?"
I watched as Tyler got up in Damons's face. We wouldn't get anywhere if these two were fighting.
"Boys!" I spoke.
Tyler finally backed up. Everyone turned to me, I was usually the one to come up with most of our plans.
"Let's split up in teams of two, we can cover more ground that way. Everyone keep your phones on, call the second you find her ok. And be careful, we know her temper is different in her wolf form. She out there alone and probably scared right now."
Nobody seemed to disagree with the plan of action. We all picked a direction to head off in. Jeremey stayed with Bonnie, they could both handle themselves, but neither of them had vampire speed. It wouldn't be as easy for them to cover ground quickly.
"We'll find her Tyler, I promise." Bonnie reassured him.
I stayed where I was by the entrance of the board walk for a moment. Maybe she hadn't turned yet, and I could spot her in the crowed. I listened for the sound of her voice, or the distinct pattern of her heartbeat. But it was no use, she was nowhere to be found.
I looked up, the moon was just starting to brim the sky. It sent shivers down my spine, knowing my best friend was out there right now, feeling one of the most intense pains known to man. I remember when I first turned Damon, for a while he was so mad at me. He thought we were cursed; I grew to think that way too. But the second we found out about werewolves; I knew we weren't the unlucky ones.
They live and die the same way as humans. Yes, they are faster, and stronger, and can heal themselves a little better, but they are still mostly human. They pass it on to their children, who can go their whole live without experiencing the curse. But the second you kill, its all over. You can never go back to the way you were before, because killing changes you. I know it changed me.
Tyler was lucky Klaus picked him to be one of his hybrids. He only had to experience the horror of turning against your will a few times. He's the whole reason his sisters curse got triggered in the first place. She killed someone trying to protect him. He couldn't even convince Klaus to turn her, but I suppose I failed in that field too. I neglected her when my humanity was off, and I'll never forgive myself for that.
I cringed as I thought of her bones breaking over and over again. Tyler explained to Caroline once that the heat was the worst part. Your body feels so hot, it's almost like you're burning alive. We should have been more careful planning this vacation. She wouldn't never forgive herself if she ended up hurting someone here. That's always been my Favorite thing about her. Despite her fierce attitude, she could never bring herself to hurt someone who didn't deserve it. Of course, she's gotten into fight defending Jeremy and Caroline, and even her own Brother. But they weren't the ones who had to calm her down after, assure her that it was worth it, and that she helped.
They're very distinct smell of weed hit my nose. We were in California after all, so it wasn't an odd scent to be smelling. But it was accompanied by the smell of hair spray and motor oil. It's what Y/N smelled like that first day she went off on her own, and she came back wearing that oversized leather jacket. She'd just said a kind stranger gifted it to her because she was cold. She was never a good liar, which was another thing I adored about her. She was so blushy and flustered when she came back that night, so I figured I wouldn't tease her about whatever she had gotten herself into. I was her best friend, shed tell me eventually. But if she told Caroline, everybody would know.
The scent got steadily stronger, as if it was coming right toward me. I turned around to see a man with long blonde, curly hair. He wore a patched jacket and some leather jeans. He looked frantic, like he'd just been running. His eyes locked with mine quickly, and I could see his pupils dilate. I was exactly what he was looking for. I furrowed my bro. Before I could ask what, he wanted, I was dragged into an ally somewhere.
"Who are you?" I asked.
He shook his head. "No time, she needs your help!"
"Who needs my help."
He had begun to pace back and forth nervously. He chewed on the edge of his thumb, hard enough to draw blood. But he didn't seem phased in the slightest. He seemed to have zoned out, the weed probably getting to his brain.
"You have her same necklace." He pointed to the locket I wore around.
Similar to my day light ring, I never took it off. Now of course I couldn't take my ring off or I would literally burn in the sun, but if I ever lost this, Y/N would actually kill me. I'd only ever lost it once during an argument with Damon, and she was devastated. But the second she figure out who took it, she was livid. I had to stop her from trying to roll Damon up in our living room rug and setting it on fire. She instead settled for hiding behind the bar and using a squirt gun to pray him with vervain water. In hindsight, it was really funny. That was the moment I truly knew she was my person, and I never wanted to live my life without her again. She insanely brave and gallantly stupid and loved with everything she had.
"She said we need her brother." The guy finsihed.
"Slow down." I placed my hands on his Sholders, stopping his pacing.
I half expected him to pull back, or even try to hit me, but he just looked up at me like a lost puppy.
"What is your name?"
"Marko." "Ok Marko, where is she?"
"The cave."
I frowned.
"The cave?"
"Yeah, where we live. We were hanging out and then she got really sick all of a sudden. The others sent me to find someone because I'm the best tracker. I found you, didn't I?"
I couldn't tell he hadn't been a vampire nearly as long as I had. I knew there were different types of vampires int eh world., the witches never made anything simple. He wore a lot of Jewlery, but none of it was Lapis Lazuli, meaning he couldn't go int he sunlight. So that's why Y/N only split from the group in the evenings, we just thought her social battery was running short. I mean spending a whole day with Caroline can do that to a person. Of course, she managed to find the vampires in this town. I took a deep breathe, and the young vampire copied me.
"Yes, and I'm glad you did. What did she tell you?" I asked.
"No time, we have to find her brother."
I nodded, pulling out my phone and sending a message int eh group chat.
"He's on his way over here right now, now can you tell me a bit more?"
"She told us she was a werewolf, but that it was nothing to worry about. Max always told us werewolves were dangerous, so David thought maybe she was trying to hurt us."
"She wouldn't do that." "I know!" he exclaimed. "And that's what I told David. He always tells us to trust our gut, and then he never listens. But anyway, we were hanging out at the edge of the cave, looking out on the town, when she suddenly doubled over in pain. We tried to ask what was wrong, but she was in too much pain. I started panicking and I didn't know what to do. So, they made me leave. I know I had to find you, but I feel bad for leaving her like that."
He seemed to really care about her, so I decided to trust him. it wasn't uncommon for other vampires to set a trap for us to try to get us killed for one reason or another. But this didn't feel like that. He was being sincere.
"You left so you could help her Marko, ok? You did a good job." I assured him. "But when we get there, you and your friend are going to have to leave-" "What no! I'm not leaving her again!"
"She can seriously hurt you."
"But she wouldn't."
"Look Marko, wolves aren't exactly themselves in their wolf form. The first time her brother turned, he almost killed his girlfriend. And he managed to kill someone in our friend group. And it wasn't pretty. Werewolves were designed the sole purpose of killing our kind. Thier blood lust takes over and they will attack without a second thought. And when you get bit, it is a slow and painful death, it could take several days. So, do you really want to risk that?"
His eyes widened, before narrowing at me.
"I don't believe you."
I scoffed.
"Trust me, if she finds out one of you got hurt because of her, she will be besides herself. It's obvious you care about her, which means she cares about you too. I just don't want to see anyone get hurt-"
My sentence was cut off by the others running up to find us.
"Where is she?" Tyler demanded.
Marko's eyes scanned over the group, like he was searching for a threat. Everyone looked a little on edge, being in the presence of a new Vampire. Damon glared at Marko, sizing him up.
"She's up at the cave, we don't have much time."
"Why don't you guys go back to the hotel, Tyler and I will bring her back." "No way!" Caroline protested.
"I agree with Care." Jermey chimed in.
"Guys, we don't have time for this right now. I appreciate you want to help, but the less people in her path, the less people to get hurt."
"She won't attack a human Sef, you know that. And I can try to contain her with my magic." Bonnie said.
"Fine, Bonnie, you can come, but everyone else go back to the hotel." "Don't have to ask me twice." Damon said.
Matt looked up at me despratly.
"Keep your phones on, we'll update the second she's safe."
"How do we get there?" Bonnie asked.
"Hold on tight." Marko said.
He scooped up Tyler into his arms and flew off. That was something I wasn't aware some vampires could do. I starred for a second before remembering how urgent this was. I carefully picked up Bonnie and sped off after his scent. I gently set her down when we approached out destination. I knew it wasn't pleasant traveling by vampire, so I gently rubbed her back to make sure she wouldn't throw up. Tyler was grubbing about Marko getting his hands off of him.
We could hear her screams, which meant she was still mostly human right now. It broke my heart to hear how violent they were. I heard from Caroline that it was awful the first time she'd watched Tyler turn. But the rest of us had never really witnessed it. Y/N was a private person, and we respected that. We rushed in to where she was, laying oner her side, surrounded by three other boys.
The Burnette was calming stroking her hair, trying to sooth her. I was surprised she was letting anyone touch her right now. Once I'd trying to help her through her sever period cramps, and she almost bit my hand off for touching her. And that was before her werewolf gene was triggered. Bonnie scrunched up her face turning into my chest. She hated seeing Y/N like this. The other two boys were standing at her side, the platinum blonde trying to calm the other. The platinum blonde met Marko's eyes and then mine.
"Fix her!" he said harshley.
I was a little taken aback, but it was understandable. They weren't used to werewolves. Vampire were pretty lucky if they could go their wolves' lives without encountering one. She cracked her eyes open at the sound of David's words. She struggled to turn and look at us.
"Stefan?" She said softly.
If we weren't vampire, none of us would have heard it. Then her eyes moved to her brother.
He quickly knelt down besides her.
"Hey, I'm right here ok. I'm not going anywhere." "Ty, it hurts. I don't want to do this anymore. I can't-" A scream tore through her throat as she threw her head back on the hard floor. They would certainly leave a bruise in the morning.
"I know, I know it hurts ok. But Klaus isn't even in the state right now, there not much I can do. I promise I'll convince him to turn you the second we get home."
"Tyler please-"
My heart ached in that moment, I wasn't used to seeing her so small and timid. Of course, she's cried in front of me before, but this was different, she was raw, vulnerable.
"Help her man!" the blonde with the crazy hair exclaimed.
"We need to get her tied up." Tyler said.
"What? You're not tying her up!" The other blonde commanded.
"It's for everyone's safety. She can't hurt anyone if she's tied up."
I watched as her eyes drifted to the brunette, she nodded her head ever so slightly, reassuring him.
"David, why don't you go with Stefan here and get some ropes. Paul, she's going to need snacks when she's back to normal. So why don't you go get her some comfort things, yeah?"
"But-" "Paulie, she's not going anywhere ok. We're not leaving her. But your job is super important, so you think we can trust you to not get distracted?"
He gave an eager nod.
I nodded my head toward the entrance of the cave, and the other vampire begrudged followed.
Everything was burning. Each drop of sweat that fell from my forehead felt like boiling water on my skin. I felt a cool hand press to my forehead, I didn't even realize I closed my eyes. I opened them to see Dwayne's starring down at mine. Even now he looked so beautiful, I could have sworn I was dead. It felt like I was dying at least. I've only had a handful of full moons, you'd expect to get used to the pain, but it seemed to only get worse.
I seethed out a hiss, clenching my jaw. I heard a small jangle for a second, then Dwayne was speaking.
"Here, bite down on this, I'm afraid you might break your teeth."
He brushed a hair out of my eye before placing the belt in my mouth.
"I'm sorry I'm gross right now, you guys weren't meant to see this. I can't- I can't believe I forgot about the full moon. I'm so stupid-"
He cut me off with a kiss, pulling me into him. I must admit, it was a great distraction. But now my body was burning up even more. I growled a little when he pulled away.
"Easy tiger, you're going to make it through this ok. Nobodies leaving you tonight."
"But what if I-" "You won't hurt us; we're not going to let that happen. You're safe her, and there's nowhere else in the world I'd want to be right now."
I couldn't feel tears brimming in my eyes. But the moment was short lived as another surge of pain came. My head was spinning, still slightly dizzy from the kiss. Dwayne pulled me into his strong arms, rocking me back and forth. Marko was keeping his distance, watching from the corner. It's like he was sacred to approach, I guess I couldn't blame him.
They both glanced up when footsteps returned. I heard the distinct jingle of chains. Stefan was the first to speak, David instead preferring to light a cigarette. Stefan threw something to Dwayne, which he caught with ease.
"Wolfs bane, Bonnie apparently always carries this and vervain on her." Stefan answered my question before i had time to speak.
I don't even think I could speak if I tried. My thoughts were all jumbled. Being this close to so many vampires wasn't fucking helping.
"What does it do?" Marko asked.
As Stefan was trying to explain, I snatched the laced water bottle from Dywayne, scotting far away to the other end of the cave. I ripped off the top and downed it. The pain as unimaginable Seering every atom in my body. Why did turning have to take so long when you were a baby wolf?
"What the hell was that?" David asked as I began coughing up some of the solution.
"It's necessary, don't' think I take any joy in seeing her like this."
I suddenly realized my brother was no longer with us. But as if reader my thoughts, Stefan answered my question.
"He's calling Hayley, trying to get to Klaus and beg him to help."
David took a step closer, and I backed up.
"No." My voice barely came out in a whisper. "Stefan."
My best friend was by my side in a matter of seconds.
"You ready?"
I nodded. I hated being tied up; it was humiliating. It made me feel like a literal dog, I mean of course I'm a wolf, but most people don't collar wild animals. It was incredibly dehumanizing. Stupid father and your dumb curse, hope you and uncle mason are rotting in pieces. Stefan was gentle tying me up, and I tried my best not to fight it, as my instincts took over. He was quick to jump back when he was done.
Marko gave me a pitiful look.
"We should get out of here, even with her tied up it's still not safe. She's managed to get out before." Stefan explained.
"We can't" David said firmly.
"I know you guys' care, and I appreciate it-" "No, we actually can't. She won't be back to normal until the sun comes up. But if we go out there, we'll burn to death."
"Right, I forgot about that. Y/N do you trust them?"
"What?" David asked with a scoff.
Stefan just repeated his question, paying no mind to the annoyed vampire.
"With- with my life."
I knew they heard it, no matter how small my voice came out. Stefan nodded, bending down and giving me a kiss on the forehead.
"Get them out." I whimpered in his ear.
He turned his attention to David.
"What if I told you there was a way you could go in the sun?"
"Impossible." David said.
"Yeah, Max would have told us about it, if that was a thing." Marko pipped up.
Dwyne let out a dramatic sigh, looking at me one more time as I curled in on myself.
"I'm choosing to trust you. Don't fuck us over." Dwayne said to Stefan, locking eyes with him.
AN: Ok I promise I'll make a part 4 eventually. But I hope you guys enjoy part three. It was so much fun to write. It warms my heart that so many of you like my writing. Love yall <3
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Baby Trickster
Fem!Reader x Archangel Gabriel (Supernatural) 
Warnings: Nothing bad
Summary: Chuck visits his youngest Archangel son and his s/o. 
Requested by @aida690adriana
[Read Michael's here]
Note: I was suppose to post this a few days ago. Lucifer's will be coming soon. I'm trying to write all the Asks i have in my queue.
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You and Gabriel are happily in love with each other. You two get along perfectly, you both clicked immediately!
He has a great sense of humor, very charming and one hell of a lover. A sweet tooth. 
You didn't know he was an Archangel until you saw his wings. At first you thought it was all in your head or you were seeing weird shapes, or that your mind was playing tricks on you. 
You two are making out in your bed, he starts to get a little frisky. Moving down to your collarbone, leaving lovebites on your neck. 
"Gabe" you giggle, letting him mark up your neck. 
He's practically gnawing at your skin, wanting others to know you're taken. 
"Gabriel" you moan, running your hand through his hair. Biting your lip.
He chuckles against your skin, you can feel him smiling against the crook of your neck. 
"You know you love it" he teases you, his hands roaming your body. 
When that time came, and you saw his wings. You couldn't help but stare at them.
"Uhh Gabe?" you mumble, looking up at the shadow like wings behind him.
"Yeah babe?!" he responds, looking at you with a concerned face. 
It takes you a few moments to get the right words out. He notices what you're staring at, and he immediately puts his wings back in. Breaking your focus on them. 
You shake your head, "Sorry for a brief moment there, the shadow behind you looked like you had angel wings" you tell him. Chuckling a little. 
He clears his throat, and tells you the truth about himself. 
"Uhh Y/n. There's something you should know" he mutters.
It doesn't take long for you to understand what he's telling you. He was able to convince you, but you still had slight doubt. 
"An Archangel?!" you exclaim. Thinking this man is messing with you. 
"Yeah, ya know. Warriors of Heaven and all that jazz" he tells you, taking a seat never to you on the couch. 
You stammer, "No, no, no you-you're messing w-with me". 
He sighs, stands up and shows you his wings. You gasp at the sight. His beautiful golden brown wings. 
You feel your breath shorten, all the hairs on your body stand up. Goosebumps all over your body. 
"W-what. Y-y-you're rea-really" you stutter, "An angel?". 
He nods, "Yes, I'm an Angel". 
Over time, you got used to your boyfriend being a celestial. That you in a way forgot about him being one. 
This particular day, you and Gabriel are laying on your couch, in your shared home. 
You get a knock on the door, and Gabriel answers it. 
"I'll get it!" he says, getting up from the couch. Before he even opens it, he senses a familiar presence. 
He opens it, and sees his father. 
"Dad?" he mutters. 
"Hello Gabriel" he greets his youngest son. 
"What are you doing here?!" he whispers, trying to keep his voice low. 
He teleports behind him, "I heard you have a partner Y/n". 
You hear your name, as well as an unfamiliar voice. You sit up from the couch, "Gabe? Who is it?". 
Chuck hears you and he goes to the living room. You get up from the couch and you see him. 
"Who are you?!" you ask, seeing this unknown man in your living room. 
"Hello Y/n" Chuck says, smiling at you. 
Confused, "Uhh do I know you??". 
He sits in front of you, "No but I know you" he tells you. You look over at Gabriel, giving him a look of confusion. 
"Y/n this is God, or Chuck" Gabriel introduces you to his father. 
"God?" you question, looking back and forth from the two, "Like in the Bible??". 
"He's my dad" he informs you. Still confused, and thinking this is all a dream. 
"What?!" you mumble. 
Chuck sighs and stands up. 
"I've heard about you two" he tells the both of you, "I thought it was a one time thing, or some sort of one night stand". 
You look over at Gabriel who looks just as confused as you. 
Chuck breaks the few seconds of silence, and just gets to the point. 
"So where are the kids?!?" he asks, with a smile on his face. 
You and Gabriel look at him in complete confusion. 
"Kids?" you mutter, eyebrows raised.
“Yes children” he tells the both of you, “You know? Tiny, small humans that haven’t comprehended their existence yet”. 
“I know what children are. I was one myself several years ago” you tell him, “I can’t get pregnant by Gabriel". 
God chuckles, and jokes "Is he missing? I get that he ran off with the pagans and all but is he messing up the one thing humans love?!?". 
He glares at his father, "Haha very funny dad" he says sarcastically. 
"Because Nephilims are half human and half celestial. So me getting pregnant will kill me” you continue, feeling like you shouldn't be telling him all of this because he should know all this information already.
You look over at Gabriel with wide eyes, and he has the look of embarrassment. Acting like he's not embarrassed because you knew he was.
"I thought those years of doing porn helped out" he jokes again, trying to embarrass his son in front of his girlfriend.
"You know I can prevent you from dying" he tells you, "You'll have a save pregnancy".
"What?" you both say together. 
"Y/n won't die" God tells the both of you. 
You and Gabriel have had sex before, but he always pulled out before releasing himself onto you. Trying not to knock you up.
He places two fingers to your forehead causing a cold breeze to fly through your home. You look at Gabe, and down at your hands. Confused.
"Uhh what was that??" you ask him. Trying to keep your shit together and not freak out.
"You're protected" he tells you, "You won't die when you have the Nephilim child". 
He turns to his youngest Archangel son, "Gabriel I think you should keep this one, because I like her, I know you need her, and also don't use protection". 
He rolls his eyes, and shows his father out. 
"You two should get busy!" he shouts as he leaves your home. 
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tuancore · 4 years
Lost You (Part 11) :
Starring- Jinyoung x reader
Genre- Angst
Summary- It's your choices and actions which made you miserable.
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Standing outside your apartment's door, you examined the door briefly, every single line and curve, remembering the time when you both first moved to this apartment after coming to Seoul, everything flashing before your eyes, rethinking your each and every decision in life. When you first came to Seoul, you felt like an outcast but with Jinyoung by your side, you had that hope of everything going to be alright, can't believe that same Jinyoung became so unfamiliar to you. Twisting the doorknob, you stepped in, just like the first time you entered with him.
Your eyes were covered with a velvety blindfold, you felt like stumbling every now and then in your heels, not knowing where he was actually taking you. He took you by surprise by picking you up in his arms, your hand naturally flying behind his shoulders. He chuckled seeing that terrified expression on your face, "Easy, angel I'm not going to drop you".
"Jinyoung, I swear if you're taking me to some horror house, you know how horrible they are" But he didn't reply you but kept on chuckling, making your stomach churn with anticipation. A ding sound, perked your ears, it was an elevator. He stepped out of it walking for awhile and then stopping again, "Angel,I found the best place for us, exactly what we were looking for", stepping in he gently placed you on your feet, slipping your blindfold.
"Welcome to our home" He grinned, seeing your shocked reaction. You gasped seeing all the showpieces and furnitures, all were exactly the same what you used to always discuss with him. You faced him with tears of joy in your eyes, smiling adoringly at him, "Everything....is exactly the same...". He nodded, hugging you gently while you melted in his arms,"You're such a crybaby..." Wiping your tears he cupped your face with both of his hands,staring into your eyes, he said,"I promise you angel, as long as I am with you I won't let you shed a single drop of tear. And that I'll keep you forever happy and safe in my arms".
The truth is promises are meant to be broken. You always heard that but never believed it until today. All of his words were nothing but sugar coated sweet talks, none of his promise were meant to keep. Dragging your feet to the middle of the living room, you stared at the large couch, it was Jinyoung's decision to keep it there so that you both could cuddle and watch movies on Sundays in each other's arms.
What was that for if he couldn't trust you enough?
Your gaze shifted towards the wall in the front, which at this point looked like some stalker's wall. Jinyoung out of many of his hobbies he was very much passionate for photography as well, and his all time favourite muse was you. You remember, how he used to budge you night and day to pose for him, most of the time you obliged which made him always run after you with a camera. After some time you got irritated, of his constant clicking, so you strictly ordered him to not to click your pics.
"Okay Okay! I won't ask you anymore to pose for me" He rose his hands in surrender, seeing a huge pout on your face.
He loved clicking your pics but it got irritating for you, since you wanted to enjoy moments with him without phones and cameras while he wanted to capture all the moments to reminisce about. So he found another way to keep on clicking your pics rather asking you to pose for him, he took your candid shots, whenever you fell asleep, or when you watered the plants, or when you cooked, when you jammed to your favorite songs, when you read books, or whenever you did some work on your laptop. He just loved you and only you. The wall was wall less and your face in frames more.
What was that for if he couldn't love you enough?
Out of so many pictures one was your favourite, subconsciously you walked closer to the frame taking out from the wall, caressing the image ever so lightly. It was a photo which was a candid shot clicked by JB, when you all went to the Disneyland in LA while visiting Mark's parents there.
"Why are you grinning like that?" Mark asked seeing your stupid grin, but failed to noticed two cones of ice cream in your hands. So you extended your hands showing him the cones, "My favourite ice cream!".
"Two cones? Each with five scoops?" Jackson commented not believing your childishness, "Ten scoops, are you even a girl?". Glaring at him you muttered 'idiot',"Of course I'm a girl that's why I love ice cream".
"More than Jinyoung?" Youngjae asked, teasing you on purpose. "Obviously!", You tilted the heads of both the cones forming a triangle as they the topmost scoops touched eachother, others mouthing an 'Ugh'. Your sparkly eyes became crescent happily biting on the scoops at once, when all of a sudden Jinyoung appeared out of nowhere back hugging you, his mouth on top of your head making it look as if he was about to bite you. Thats when JB clicked it. It was such an adorable picture and your favourite as well.
Someone really has said the truth, that only pictures last forever. Gripping the huge photogframe harshly in your hands, you threw it with a sudden force making it land at the corner of the room with a loud shattering noise. Everything was already over, so what was the need to keep reminiscing over such petty things.
"Youngjae-ah.....Why?....." Jinyoung whispered in disbelief holding onto Youngjae's shoulder, he couldn't believe that Youngjae whom he thought of his smaller brother would hurt him in the most cruel way possible.
"It's not only Youngjae hyung but your so called friend Jisoo too" BamBam hissed, at the thought of Jisoo. Jinyoung snapped at BamBam with shock, another hard punch in his gut, "What are you saying?....".
"Yes, Youngjae and Jisoo were the ones playing you, noona and Jackson hyung like a puppet without any of your knowledge and if you think I'm lying then why don't you ask Youngjae hyung yourself" BamBam concluded with a stern face. Jinyoung turned around facing Youngjae with a furious eyes.
"Why the fuck would you do this to us?! Why Youngjae!?! Why!!" Jinyoung snarled gritting his teeth, his hands wrapped around Youngjae's throat almost cutting his oxygen, Mark and Jackson pulled him from Youngjae while he coughed his lungs out, his own tears spilling out.
"Because I love her....I always have....It hurt everytime I saw her in your arms smiling and giggling, I—.....I felt that it could've been me instead of you whom she loved more than her life.....and to protect my heart from bleeding anymore. I seperated you both" Youngjae's explanation made everyone beyond shocked. They all never thought the reason behind it was another complication.
"The fuck did you say Youngjae!!" Jinyoung growled breaking from Jackson's and Mark's grasp, landing a harsh punch on Youngjae's face which made him fall on the couch behind him, Jinyoung hovered over him punching him a few more times.
"Stop It Jinyoung! Stop it!!" Jaebeom and Mark shouted trying to get him to stop but he was too mad to pay attention to those words, when Youngjae pushed Jinyoung from him throwing a punch at his face, with blood gushing out of his own nose.
Youngjae got up on his feet, wiping the blood spurting out of his nose from his hoodie's sleeves, his cheeks also scraped from Jinyoung's hard punches.
"Since when?" Jackson asked sternly, glaring at him. Youngjae smiled at the mere thought of you, continuing, "Since University, she was my senior. I fell in love with her over time, she was not only gorgeous but kind as well. She saved me from getting bullied almost for an year and after that everyone stopped bullying me, how could I just not fall for her? I planned to confess her but Jinyoung hyung beat me to it! And my heart shattered when she accepted his love, I was broken......".
"Bullshit! You never told me that you were getting bullied back then!Plus she never told me" Jinyoung asserted. "I was! But whenever I was with you all I saw was you drowning in stress to get your master's degree and your father's constant ranting, so I kept quiet!".
"She never told you because I asked her to promise me to not to let you know about me getting bullied otherwise you'll get another reason to stress over and I didn't want you to!"Youngjae informed with his fists clenched in rage, "When she finally became your girlfriend, I thought of moving on so I tried dating but hell not a single girl I've been with could compare to her, I tried hard to convince myself that she belonged to you, she loves you but no my heart wouldn't listen.....it continued to ache for her, how could I just throw away the love which I had for her for past five years!".
With that Youngjae began to untangle all the strings, how he saw Jisoo working for Jinyoung, and from the way she looked at his with those heart eyes was enough to tell that she was in love with him, so he proposed the idea to Jisoo while as accepted it without any second thoughts. All they were waiting was for a right time and a perfect plan, and they got that exact opportunity when he saw you and Jackson meeting frequently without Jinyoung in range.
Coming to those photographs, he didn't had to do much at all, he simply clicked the pictures of Jackson's bedroom with every minor details, and technology gave him the exact environment Jackson's room had, but the real problem was in finding a boy who had same physique as that of Jackson and vice versa for the girl, so that your faces could be photoshoped accordingly, but that stupid girl forgot to hide her streaked hair.
"If you loved noona so much then why did you slut shame her like this?" Yugyeom snapped. "Jinyoung hyung was always insecure of the boys around her, so I kicked him on his weak spot. I couldn't believe when he believed in those fake photographs more than his own girl, I guess he really didn't deserve her".
"Youngjae......it's not love, it's obsession. Love is when you let the person you love just be happy, you completely shattered her! Jisoo and you both hurt the persons you loved! If you really loved her your heart would've ripped out everytime she suffered! It's not love Youngjae-ah, it's your obsession,it can't be love, it's not love........it's not......." JB croaked out choking on his own tears.
"After what you've done to her, Do you think she'll ever come to you? Do you?" Mark belted angrily. "She won't come to me but atleast she won't go to him either" Youngjae hollered with a sick grin, "And that's enough for me. If she can't be mine then she won't be his either".
"Youngjae fucking get out before we really do something to you which we'll regret for eternity!" JB yelled, motioning towards the door, shooting a last smirking gaze towards Jinyoung, he left without a protest.
Jinyoung dropped to his knees, feeling all the pain you felt through these days, all the tears you've shed for the pain he has given you. Small painful whimpers escaping his lips, everyone watched him crying.
"As much as I want to sympathise with you.....I can't, it's you who have brought this upon yourself" JB commented with a poker face eventhough his heart ached for Jinyoung. JB's remark send him further into the pit of guilt and remorse.
"Please..... forgive me......please....." Jinyoung stammered out sobbing hard, "I'm sorry.....I'm so so sorry", he just kept on pleading to the others, even when they were hurting seeing him before their eyes they were well aware that sooner or later this day will come, and Jinyoung will regret his each and every deed.
"You are sorry? You should be sorry. After whatever you've done to her, Do you think you deserve forgiveness?" Jackson crouched down beside him, his words hitting Jinyoung's heart like a dagger.
"Jackson.....I'm sorry......please forgive me. I was so wrong" He cried hugging Jackson, even if he wanted to hate Jinyoung, he couldn't Jinyoung was not only his friend but more of a brother. Unable to control his tears, Jackson sobbed hugging Jinyoung tightly letting him cry on his shoulder.
"Jinyoung hyung.....at some point we all can forgive you but the question is, Will Noona forgive you?" Yugyeom countered in a mere whisper. Jinyoung clutched onto Jackson's shirt, mumbling a quiet "No....".
"How am I supposed to apologise to her?" Jinyoung stared at Jackson for some assurance but found none, "I....I called my angel.....a slut.....how can I? I am such a monster, I even slapped her......when all she did was telling me the truth.....I hurt her, My angel begged me on her knees still I accused her of something so horrible. How can I be so heartless?....... Jackson, I—I made her feel so inferior......" Jinyoung gulped the knot forming in his throat as realisation hit him, facing BamBam he stammered, "BamBam....you said she is pregnant..... I—I despised my own child....our child.....How monstrous was I to hurt her this bad!!......".
By now everyone's eyes gleamed with tears, it was surely painful for him, but it wasn't anything compared to yours. Jinyoung has completely robbed you of your happiness, your everything, he tossed you away like you never meant anything to him while you continued to prove your innocence stepping on your self respect, self esteem. To be honest, he didn't deserve any forgiveness at all.
"Even if everything was set up by Youngjae and Jisoo, the way the things have degraded to, wouldn't have if you.....you" BamBam pointed out his finger at Jinyoung, "If you had faith on Noona, even a tiny bit, none of this would be happening right now. Instead of you crying here and she there, you both would be laughing and smiling in each other's arms........Loving eachother, accept it or not but you never trusted her enough. The way she was hurt, when you chose Jisoo over her......Gosh I can never forget the look in her eyes, She looked dead......so dead!".
Yugyeom patted BamBam's back with an attempt to calm him down, Yugyeom continued, "You can only pray for noona to forgive you. Everything is in her hands now".
The intense air subsided around everyone as BamBam's phone rang, answering the call immediately, he whispered, "Hello...".
The words from the other end broke BamBam to his soul, the phone slipped through his hands as he stared at Jinyoung completely emotionless.
"Noona had.....she had.....a miscarriage".
Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12
Note: I'm not editing the drafts before posting them, so if you guys spot any errors, please let it slide, thank you so much ~~~
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm and other triggering stuff.
No one's POV
"Squad leader (Y/N)! The scouts are back! They retook wall Maria!", (Y/N) was woken by Diana's excited yelling. She barged into Levi's room, mud all over her shoes. (Y/N) woke up with a jolt and noticed it. "Levi will be pissed..." she thought but she didn't say anything to Diana. This wasn't the time for it. She knew that she had to see if Levi and Erwin returned safely or not. "Diana, saddle my horse. Fast" (Y/N) commanded Diana as she went to the bathroom to change out of her nightgown. She didn't take long to change and when she was done, she immediately ran for the stable, her heart fluttering with joy. They are back. They are successful. They are one step ahead for humanity's victory.
When (Y/N) reached the stable, Diana was done saddling the horse and (Y/N) immediately got on it and galloped for the walls. The fluttering feeling in her heart turned into an uncomfortable clench when she reached the wall. An elevator with nine people was coming down. An elevator can hold about twenty people. "Was that all the people who survived?" she thought, the uncomfortable feeling in her stomach increasing. The lift seemed to come down for eternity. "Are they dead?" (Y/N)'s mind whispered to herself. She had no idea what she would do without Levi. Without Erwin, her only family left. When the lift came down finally, (Y/N) felt like her heart stopped. At the front was Hanji, her eye bandaged. Behind her was Levi. (Y/N)'s eyes widened at the sight.
"No... This isn't happening..." her mind shouted. Levi noticed her on her horse and bowed his head. "He didn't protect Erwin..." (Y/N)'s mind whispered at her. Out of instinct, (Y/N) turned her horse and galloped towards the Survey corps headquarter, not stopping even when Levi shouted, "(Y/N)! Wait!" loudly.
(Y/N) went straight into Levi's office. She needed to know how Erwin died. She needed to know if Levi tried his best to save him. After what seemed like a lifetime later, Levi entered his office to find (Y/N) sitting on one of the chairs in front of his desk. "How did it happen?" (Y/N) asked him in a quiet voice. Her face scared Levi. It was what he saw the day he first met (Y/N). Emotionless and cold. There were no tears in (Y/N)'s eyes. She almost looked like she was tired, like she was bored. Levi didn't know how to explain everything to her. He was never too good at explaining anyway.
With a sigh, he said, "Both Erwin and Armin were seriously injured. I had to use the titan serum on one of them and I decided that it was time for Erwin to rest.". "So, you killed him..." (Y/N) stated, her voice showing...nothing. No anger, no regret, no sadness. Her voice was like of a dead person, void of any human emotion. "(Y/N), I had good reason to..." Levi tried to explain but (Y/N) held her hand up, signalling him to stop. "I don't want to hear anything you have to say." she said before walking towards the door. "Don't try to follow me. I don't want to see your face again." she told him, not bothering to look at him before walking out of the office.
(Y/N) felt numb. Memories of Erwin and Levi making promises shot through her mind. "How many times will I lose everything dear to me?" she thought. To her, life seemed more meaningless than ever. She walked towards her office. Yes, she had her own office but she preferred to work with Levi. She felt lonely doing all the work alone. Ironically, loneliness was all she had now. She took a pen and paper and wrote a letter.
"Ms Hanji Zoe
Survey corps
Subject: Resignation letter
Dear Hanji,
Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from the position as squad leader of the Survey corps, effective from whenever you get the letter.
I appreciate the opportunity of growth and development you have provided me.
(Y/N) (L/N)"
This was it. She knew she had to run from this life. Being in the Survey corps meant she had to witness the death of loved ones again. She had to face Levi again. (Y/N) walked towards Erwin's office. "I will never see him sitting in there again" her mind whispered to her. She opened the door to find an empty room. "Hanji didn't move in yet.." she assumed. Memories of when she was chosen as squad leader, when she asked him to walk the aisle with her on her wedding passed her mind. The wedding would never happen now. She remembered the ring in her finger. "Should I leave it with the letter?" she thought, not being able to make up her mind. At the end she decided to keep it.
As a symbol of her old memories of a Levi she knew she loved. (Y/N) placed the letter on the desk and went out of the office, out of the headquarters. She didn't take her horse or her possessions, she didn't have the time to. She walked towards the place where she made the decision of joining the Survey corps. To the orphanage.
I knocked on the door of the orphanage and the matron opened the door. Seemed like the news of Uncle Erwin's death spreaded like wild fire since the first thing the matron did was hug me and say, "Oh (Y/N) dear! I'm so sorry...". "Ms Winkler (the matron's name), can I stay here for a few days? Till I get my own house?" I asked her calmly. "Your own house? Aren't you getting married soon?" she asked me, confused. "I'm afraid the wedding won't take place. After what he did..." I sighed. "My dear, I don't know what the captain did but you rejecting him means it must be something horrid. You're welcome to stay here for as long as you want. I'm getting old, so a bit of help is always welcomed." Ms Winkler smiled as she took me in.
Ms Winkler showed me my room a while back. I sat on the bed, trying to remain calm but I felt restless. The depth of the situation was finally hitting me. Uncle Erwin is dead. I left Levi. I left the Survey corps. I have absolutely nothing left to live for. I felt emotionally unstable. I felt all energy from my body being drained. "I can't take this anymore. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts..." my mind was screaming.
I walked to the bathroom. Conveniently, there was a blade there. I had to cut myself. Drown my sorrows by causing external pain. Just before the blade touched my skin, I remembered that I wasn't alone. I still had my child. "I'm sorry honey... I completely forgot about you... I'm so sorry I almost hurt you..." I whispered to my stomach, which bulged a bit now. I caressed it a bit as I sat on the bathroom floor, whispering sorry as tears streamed down my face. I have to take on all the pain the world throws at me. I have to make sure my child gets a happy life.
A week later
"(Y/N), you need to eat properly... You're eating like a mouse, dear... Both the baby and you needs the food..." Ms Winkler tried to convince me to eat. I honestly tried my best to eat as much as I can but I had no appetite. After the happenings of last week, nothing felt good. I slept for two days, eating a few bites of bread whenever Ms Winkler got it to me. She was worried about my and my child's health and even if I was grateful that she was making the effort, I just couldn't eat. My sleep schedule was all over the place too as my nightmares came back.
It's been a while since I've been having nightmares every night. Being with Levi helped but now... There's nothing I could do about it. I've been helping Ms Winkler with her household duties, looking after the other kids, and keeping myself as busy as possible to forget the events of last week. Hanji didn't send me an approval of the resignation letter yet and I thought about going to the Survey corps headquarter to make sure if she got the letter or not but later decided against it as there was a chance of running into Levi there.
I still didn't know why he decided to let Erwin die but I decided that it's best if I don't know as the truth on it might only be more hurtful. I rented a house last day too, where I was supposed to move in to next week. The owner, a lovely old lady, was really understanding of my situation. I was peeling some potatoes in the kitchen when Ms Winkler came into the kitchen and told me, "(Y/N), someone is here to see you."
Levi POV
It had been a week since (Y/N) left. I understood why she did it. What I did was unforgivable. However, I couldn't keep any regrets, right? My sleep schedule had been shit for the last week, the insomnia returned, as well as the nightmares. All I did everyday was bury myself with paperwork, clean any place with a speck of dirt and drink to some extent at night. My good alcohol tolerance didn't help at all. At least that kept my mind off things... Apparantly everyone was surprised when I cleaned the stable by myself two days back. I couldn't blame them because I made cadets do things like that since I became a squad leader. I was working on paperwork when Hanji entered the room.
"What do you want shitty glasses" I asked in a stoic expression, not looking up from the paperwork. "Oi, I'm the commander now. At least give some respect..." Hanji teased, trying to make me talk. She had been doing these for a while as I haven't talked to anyone much since last week. There just was too much on my mind and the amount of paperwork was intense. "It's been a week since she gave that resignation letter. What are you planning to do about it?" Hanji asked me. Yes, she wanted to leave the Survey corps. Because of me. It was all over wasn't it? "Aren't you in charge of writing the approval letter?" I asked, restricting any emotions in my voice.
"Levi, stop acting like you don’t feel anything. Before her commander, I'm her friend and I know that you want her to be happy as much as I do. You need to go and explain why you made that shitty decision. At least try to get her back." Hanji told me, her voice sounding angry. "I tried to tell her. She didn't want to listen" I answered. Hanji looked at me like I am horse shit.
"You went up to her and told her that you made the decision to kill Erwin. It's obvious that she wouldn't want to listen to you. And you stopped trying because of that one time? I honestly had better expectations from you, Levi." she told me, getting angrier. "What am I supposed to tell her? That I don't regret making that decision? You think she will like hearing that?" I asked Hanji, frustrated. She was right, I should've tried harder, but, how?
"But you do regret it don't you? Even if it probably was necessary according to you?" Hanji asked, in a soft tone. "I'm not supposed to regret it... Erwin said.." I was interjected by Hanji, who simply said, "Erwin regretted not being able to see what's in the basement, didn't he? Thus you had to make the decision for him and he had to die. Sure, the downfall was big but it caused one of our biggest victories didn't it? We know so much now... I suppose, regretting might give some good results too, doesn't it?" she explained. I was silent. She was right. I regretted my decision.
However, it had to be done. I had to explain everything to (Y/N) and leave the decision to her. "Levi, let's not delay things more. I got news that (Y/N) is staying at an orphanage nearby. Let's go together and convince her to talk to you. As a friend, I want her happy and as a commander, she is a huge asset to the survey corps, given that now we only have 9 survivors from the last mission. I'll tell someone to saddle our horses." she told be before getting up and going out of my room. I didn't feel as nervous as I feel now when I proposed (Y/N)...
It took a while for me to arrange all the paperwork I was working on into neat piles before going to the stable. Hanji was already there, on her horse. Diana, (Y/N)'s second in command was standing there. She probably was the one to saddle the horses. "Commander Hanji, when will squad leader (Y/N) return from vacation?" I heard her asking Hanji. Yes, the survey corps members and other higher ups were told that (Y/N) was on vacation as she needed some time alone due to Erwin's death, and not to talk about it to the press. The only people who knew about the resignation letter were myself and Hanji. "Well, we are going to talk to her about that now." Hanji smiled at Diana, who saluted me as I arrived near them. I motioned her to be at ease as I got on my horse. With that, we galloped towards the orphanage she was in.
We reached there in a few minutes as it was pretty close. "I'll go inside and talk to (Y/N) first. I'll call you when I have convinced her to talk to you. I have a feeling that she will refuse to talk to you at first." Hanji explained. I nodded as a reply. It was depressing to think that (Y/N) would refuse to talk to me. I got down from my horse to find a few kids staring at me and the horses. "Oi brats, you know where the stable is?" I asked them. One of them, possibly the leader, a small brunette kid, walked up to me and said, "I'd tell you if you were nice to me." with a pout.
"Listen, brat, I am being nice. I'm not in much of a good mood now, so don't give me this bullshit. Where's the stable?" I asked the kid in my monotone voice. "Mhhm, I won't tell you unless you're nice." she pouted. "Kid, don't expect every single stranger to sweet talk to you." I sighed. Kids were annoying. "Well, Ms (L/N) was a stranger. She was nice to us." the girl told me. "She was? Well, Ms (L/N) is a nice person. I on the other hand am a piece of shit who made her sad." I sighed, my expression showing some sadness even if I tried to hide it. The girl looked at me for a moment before saying, "The stable is in the backyard. Follow me.".
I followed the girl, the group of kids followed me. "You're captain Levi right?" the girl asked. "Yes. I am." I answered, as I walked with the horses. "How did you make Ms (L/N) sad?" she asked me. "Well, as you know, the commander of the survey corps is dead right? I had a lot of things to do with it. The commander was Ms (L/N)'s uncle and... You know how that works." I explained. "So you're here to talk to her?" the girl asked.
"Yeah" I answered as I got the horses in the stable. "You know, she won't be happy if you keep using your potty mouth. If you're nice to her, she will listen." the girl advised. I was surprised that a 10 year old was advising me about how I should talk to (Y/N). However, she wasn't entirely wrong. I only had a chance if I calmly explained everything one by one. "You're right, kid." I answered as I closed the stable door. "Oi, what's your name?" I asked the girl. "Stella." she answered as Hanji came out. "I figured you'd be near the stable. (Y/N) agreed to talk. Let's go." she said. "Best of luck out there. You need it." Stella told me with a smile.
"Hanji?" I was surprised to see her here. I honestly thought she will just send an approval letter. "(Y/N), we need to talk." she told me. "I'll give you two some privacy" Ms Winkler said before getting out of the room. "I expected you to send an approval letter..." I started but Hanji interjected. "(Y/N), both you and Levi are my best friends. I want both of you to be happy. What you two are doing right now isn't gonna make either of you happy." she went straight to business. "Hanji, I'm happy this way. I don't want him in my life." I told her.
"Don't try to trick me, (Y/N). You're as thin as a scarecrow. I could tell you can't eat properly. Don't be so selfish (Y/N). We both know that you're not happy. Do you think your child will be okay without any explanation of why you left his or her father? You can't deny your child of his or her father just because you are angry." Hanji told me. "There is an explanation, Hanji. He decided to let Uncle Erwin die. He chose some Cadet over Uncle Erwin." I was interjected again.
"(Y/N), you weren't there when it happened. I saw the whole thing and I don't blame him. I don't know what he was thinking but I witnessed everything. He was going to give Erwin the injection. He was almost killed by Mikasa in the process. Eren begged him like his life depended on it. He ignored every one of them. I saw from far away that he almost pushed the needle in Erwin's hand but then Erwin shot his hand up, away from the needle and said something to Levi. That's when Levi gave the injection to Armin. I think, it was something that Erwin said that changed Levi's mind. Trust me, he wanted to save Erwin but I don't think Erwin wanted to be saved. If anyone broke a promise, it was Erwin. Not Levi." Hanji explained to me what she saw.
Was I blaming Levi for nothing then? What did Uncle Erwin say to him? "Levi hasn't been sleeping for the last week and he honestly looks as old as his age now. I don't want any of you two to suffer. Please, at least talk to him about it. Let him explain." Hanji told me in a serious tone. "Okay. I will talk to him." I sighed. If Hanji is right, I probably am making a big mistake by leaving him. I just had to make sure. "Ah, great! I will get Levi here in a minute. He's right outside!" Hanji said happily before skipping outside. That crazy woman is always prepared...
After a long minute, Levi entered the room. Hanji wasn't kidding when she said that Levi looks older. He had eye bags and looked like he had a bad case of a hangover. How much has he been drinking? I've never seen him having a hangover... Even after all that, he still managed to look almost as good as usual. "So, explain" I told him as he sat on the chair beside me. We were sitting at the dining room. "I decided that I will tell you everything from the beginning. After that, you're free to make any decision that you see fit." Levi told me. He looked like a defeated man, like he lost everything dear to him. "Okay" I replied before he started.
"We were losing the battle. The beast titan was throwing boulders at us, cornering us. If we were to wait longer, everyone would've died. We were in the inner walls of wall Maria. My squad and Hanji's squad was in Shiganshina. The colossal titan was coming towards us from Shiganshina. Eren was unconscious on top of the wall. Everything spelt defeat. I proposed Erwin that I would sacrifice myself so that he and the others could ride Eren and escape. It was a botched up plan anyway. Erwin then told me that he had a plan which included him and every other soldier in the inner wall to charge at the beast titan, making themselves potential targets. They would shoot flares at the beast, distracting him and I would use the line of titans next to him to get to him.
Erwin wanted to see what's in the basement and to attend the wedding. He wasn't willing to make the decision. I, at that time, decided that humanity's victory is more important because I wanted you and our child safe. Even if you leave me for it. I made the decision for him and he told me to take care of you two. The plan was a success. I got the beast titan but I hoped that Erwin was alive. I didn't kill the beast titan so that Erwin could turn into a titan and eat him. I was wrong, and the cart titan took the beast titan and ran off. He commanded his titan army to kill me but I killed the titan army as fast as possible before following the beast.
I found him talking to Eren but he saw me and ran again. My gas was finished when I reached Eren. There, I found that Armin was almost burnt to death. He defeated the colossal titan earlier by sacrificing himself. Berthold was captured by Eren. Eren told me to use the serum on Armin. I hesitated because there still was a chance that Erwin might be alive and I was right. Erwin was badly injured and dying. I made the most obvious decision, which was to save Erwin. That's when Eren started begging. Mikasa shot at me with her sword when I hit Eren to get him out of the way. I just... Felt weak.
Who was I to choose that their best friend, a person who was almost like a brother to them, should die? Even after all that, I knew that I had to save Erwin because I promised you that I will keep him safe. Hanji came later and took Mikasa off me, explained them that it has to be Erwin. That's when Eren mentioned how Armin wanted to see the ocean. I realized that both Erwin and Armin had dreams that made them go on. I still decided to bring Erwin back to life. Just as I was about to push the needle in his hand, he shot his hand up and muttered with his dying breath, "Teacher... How'd y... find out that they don't exist?". I remembered something that Kenny said at that time. That everyone has to be drunk on something in order to live.
It matched with something Erwin told me earlier, that he wanted to die many times but it was the mystery of the basement that kept him alive. If he knew what was inside the basement, he probably wouldn't want to be alive like this anymore. And, that would be a loss for humanity nonetheless. Armin on the other hand had goals that was far from reach. I made the decision that felt would be best for humanity and the safety of you two. On the view point of a captain, I have no regrets, but, in a personal view point, I regret this decision and will continue to do so all my life." he explained.
For once, I think I understood why he did it. "Levi, I understand why you did it. I think I will forgive you too, but, give me some time. I need to think it all over, and convince my mind to forgive you. It really wasn't your fault but I lost someone dear to me. I just, need some space till we get married." I replied. "You... You won't leave me? We are still getting married?" Levi asked, his voice and face showing surprise. "Yes. I won't leave you and we will get married on the date we fixed. However, I want to stay alone till that day. I need to give myself the time to forgive you." I explained.
"(Y/N), thank you so much for reconsidering... I don't deserve to be forgiven. I'm sorry..." Levi muttered. "It's okay Levi. By the way, how much are you drinking?" I asked him. "Oh, just every night." he answered with a smile. "Don't drink that much. It's bad for you. You look older." I told him. "Okay. I wont." he told me, holding my hand. I didn't know what came upon me because I got up and hugged him. He was still sitting down, his head was on my chest. "I'm so sorry.." he muttered. "It's okay. We will be okay." I told him, caressing his hair. He hugged be back in a few moments and I knew that I would never regret this decision of not leaving him.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: (Y/N) WILL GET MARRIED IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Sorry, I might have mentioned in chapter 18 that (Y/N) will have her kid after 6-7 chapters but I decided to give the characters a bit more development before going into that. So, (Y/N) won't have her kid in a few more chapters.]
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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Empathy - Yvette Short Story (Part 1)
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(this is Yvette's route based on Wrath's storyline; a disclaimer that i'm no pro writer; i already love yvette even though her route isn't even out yet)
Consciousness sweeps over me as I feel sand brushing against my cheek. I open my eyes to vast and vast of sand stretching to the horizon, coming to a realisation that I'm in the middle of a desert. I try to move my hands, but they are so tightly bound behind my back that struggling hurts my skin.
What the?
My ankles are tied too, and I try to recall the situation that happened before that leads me to this.
A tall figure a few distance away catches my attention. Green hair cascading down her back, Yvette's on the phone with someone. I stare at her back features, remembering that I'm kept hostage by her for the heirloom. Questions start to flood my mind.
Why does Yvette need the heirloom? Why is she working with the demons? And why does she have a burning hatred for Wrath? Pun intended.
There must be a valid reason as to why Yvette's so determined in getting my charm, right? Or else she wouldn't have fought her way until now.
The sound of several footsteps interrupts my thoughts and I turn my head to see who is it. A couple comes into my vision, stopping right in front of me. A rush of relief fills me. A rescue party? How lucky am I?
"Thank god, please untie me," I say as quietly as I can. "And don't make too much noise, that lady over there got some fire powers."
The two people seem unbothered by my words as they continue to stare at me blankly. I look at them curiously before horror surges through my body. Red veins start to appear on their skin, and their eyes expand to an abnormal length. They growl at me fiercely, probably hungry for my flesh.
And I oop-
One of them comes close enough to smell me, and I close my eyes with the hope that it will gulp me whole instead of biting my face. A quick death is always better than a slow, painful one.
"No. Don't eat her," Yvette's commanding voice rings. "I still need her alive for the charm."
The demon hisses at me but still backs away. Yvette steps in with a smile.
"You're up, sweetheart. How's the little nap?"
I push myself up with my elbow. "Uncomfortable and dirty."
Yvette bends down to meet my eye level. "Oh, you poor thing." I flinch when she reaches out to touch my face. "Relax, I have gloves on. And you have sand on your pretty face."
I stay still as she gently brushes sand off my cheek, and I take the moment to observe her facial features. I have to admit, although Yvette's supposedly the bad person, she can be nice...and gorgeous.
My breath hitches in my throat when the girl catches me staring, and a small smirk tugs on her lips. "Enjoying the view?"
"I mean, you know you're pretty."
Yvette's eyes twinkle with delight. "Mm, Wrath won't be too pleased to hear her girl saying that."
"Wrath and I are just friends."
The green-haired lady raises an eyebrow. "Friends? That's funny, because I remember you almost kissing me when I played as Wrath."
Well, that's true. But who would turn down a kiss from an attractive woman?
I stay silent, causing Yvette to snicker while she stands to pull out her phone. "That's what I thought."
Dialing for someone, she puts her phone near her ear. A few moments later, a smug grows on Yvette's face.
"Wrath, I thought you'd never pick up the phone."
Her smirk drops after a few seconds and she spares me an annoyed glance, pushing the phone near me.
"Did she hurt you?" Wrath asks.
"Good. I'll be there soon."
"I know, I-"
Yvette quickly pulls away the phone and speaks, "There, you heard her voice. I'll give you the coordinates, but if anyone else shows up except for you, your crush dies. Bring the heirloom. Understand?"
Yvette hangs up shortly after, smirking at me.
"She sounded so desperate."
"Wrath's never desperate. Only frustrated."
Yvette laughs and tucks away her phone. "You caught me. I was called several things in Spanish that I would prefer not to translate."
"But she's coming to get me?"
Yvette pauses, and for a second, her expression is unreadable. "That's what we all want, isn't it?"
"When things are terrifying and painful, far too much to handle alone...we want someone to come and rescue us," her voice lowers slightly, her grip on her cane visibly tightens.
She's not looking at me. If anything, Yvette is looking past me, haunted by a spectre that I can't see.
My heart sinks at the sight.
She must have gone through so much suffering alone without anyone, and that's a terrifying, lonely route to walk on. Even for a bad person, Yvette has feelings as well.
Oh no, I am NOT falling for the bad guy.
"Enough of this," Yvette starts, noticing the tension in the air when I forgot to reply. "I will get that heirloom, even if I have to kill Wrath. Which will be ideal, of course."
Then, something that I would never expect myself to say slips out of my mouth. "What if...I help you get it? Minus the killing."
Surprise flashes across Yvette's face, but it doesn't last long as her stoic demeanour comes back on. "You almost got me there. But that lie won't work on me anymore. Not after you ambushed me back at that room."
"Well..." I trail off, pondering an explanation. "I was convinced me that you're bad news. But then I realise that I don't know the whole story to judge."
"And...the demons," I continue. "The amount of people who want you dead. They all sound so scary to deal with alone."
Yvette's averts her gaze to the horizon. "They do, but I got used to it...I have to."
Her eyes find mine again.
"Why, are you pitying me right now?"
"What? No, it's more like empathising with you."
Yvette laughs as if I have just made a joke, and it stings my heart. She bends down again to meet my eye level, regaining her composure.
"That's hilarious, MC, but back to business. You must want something in exchange. Do you prefer cash?" Yvette suggests, her voice becoming low and alluring. "Or perhaps a date with me?"
My cheeks burn up by her enticing offer, but I shake my head out of it, remembering my original intention.
"If getting you that heirloom keeps the both of you safe, then yes, I'll help you."
Yvette's orbs scrutinise mine as if she's searching for something; probably any malicious agendas that I may hide. When she doesn't find any, her hard gaze soften, and I find myself getting lost in her gorgeous ocean eyes; my heart thumping wildly in my chest. Why is she staring at me like that?
Eventually, I have to force myself to look away in order to breathe. "Don't look at me like that."
Yvette chuckles, pushing my hair away to caress my face. "You are something, MC."
The sound of a vehicle driving towards us breaks my moment with Yvette. All available emotions of the girl are drained, soon replaced by a hard look that she wears when dealing with serious matters.
"It's business time," says Yvette, who stands up to welcome our visitor.
I follow her gaze to a large jeep parked a few distance away. The door to it swings open and black combat boots step out. I don't have to look to know who it is, but I do anyways.
Wrath comes into view with a face full of fury, similar to the blazing sun that's rising behind her.
Yvette's eyes flicker to me, then to the demons, commanding them to hold me in place. "Don't hurt her."
The demons growl disappointedly as Yvette approaches the ringleader.
"Look who's here to save the day," the green-haired girl starts, leaning her weight on her staff. "Can't stay away from your crush?"
"Hand over MC now," Wrath deadpans, fixing her brass knuckles in place. "Or you'll regret what's coming."
"Or what? Get punched in the face? It takes more than a black eye to stop me."
"How about snapping your neck?"
Now that's just brutal.
Yvette laughs wickedly, a low rumble that sends a chill down my spine. "Your true colours always show, Esperanza. You want to play saviour, but you can't help it, can you?"
Wrath breathes out a sigh. "You're always full of shit to say, Yvette. Your enemies will get bored of your grandma stories."
A hint of annoyance sweeps over Yvette's face, and she pulls out her cane from the sand, leaving a hole in it. Without warning, she launches herself towards Wrath.
She moves too fast for a human, and her fist is aiming straight for the ringleader's chest.
My stomach sinks when I think about the consequences of Greed's fire fist in Wrath's chest; where her heart is. Please don't do it, Yvette.
Wrath doesn't even flinch, as if waiting for the green-haired girl to strike her.
"Have you forgotten, Yvette? MC's heirloom is still with me."
Yvette visibly hesitates, her fist stops inches away from the ringleader. Taking this chance, Wrath drives her knee up to the green-haired girl's stomach and bashes the side of her face.
I gasp audibly at the impact, witnessing as the girl stumbles onto the ground.
Part 2
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jungkook - water park
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«an endless pool of love that’s as
deep as the ocean»
I woke up because of my alarm. I shut it off and turned around on my bed so I could fall asleep again. After what felt like a minute, my phone started to ring. Someone was calling me.
I groaned as I grabbed my phone and answered the call, without looking who was calling.
— Whoever this is, I hope you have a good excuse for waking me up — I said, mad.
— Wow [y/n], relax. It's me, Jungkook — hearing his voice made me smile, even though I was mad at him.
— And why are you calling so early? — I said while looking at the clock, 08:30.
— Did you really forget? — he laughed. Music to my ears —. I am supposed to pick you up in less than two hours. So we can go to the water park with the guys, remember?
— Fuck, I forgot — we've planned this like two months ago because we were all pretty excited for the summer. We even reserved a water park all to ourselves.
— Me, as your best friend, knew that you were going to forget about it, so I decided to call and wake you up. Now go and get ready, I'll be there soon — he hanged up without letting me protest or say anything. I sighed and got out of my bed, directing myself to the bathroom.
I fulfilled my necessities, and headed back to my bedroom to search for the perfect outfit. It was hot outside, so I thought some shorts would be just fine, along with a white top. For the bikini, I just decided myself for my favorite. I feel confident on it.
I didn't do a lot with my hair, just a ponytail. I grabbed a bag and put some important things in there, such as sun cream, sunglasses, money, a book and a phone charger. You never know.
I headed to the kitchen since I was starving. I left my bag on one of the chairs and grabbed some cereals. While I was eating, I heard the sound of a door opening. I wasn't scared because I knew it was Jungkook, since he had the key to my place.
— Hey you — he said as he walked in my direction, and sat next to me. After that he took my spoon and ate of my cereal —. Are you ready? — he said with food on his mouth. I shoved him away, and he almost fell.
— Yes, I'm ready — I said as I laughed. I washed and dried my plate.
— That's good. We still need to go to the grocery shop, since we are supposed to buy the snacks.
We left my apartment and got into Jungkook's car. On the way we listened and singed to Justin Bieber, something we always did.
I loved to hear him sing. His voice was the one of an angel, it made me feel like I was in heaven.
At the grocery shop, we had some problems. We couldn't decide what to buy, since we wanted different things. But at the end we just bought everything.
— Don't you think it is too much? — asked Jungkook while we were leaving the stuff in his car.
— Oh no, I'm sure Jin will make sure that there is nothing left at the end of the evening — we both laughed at my comment because we knew I was right.
On our way to the water park I didn't felt like singing, I was lost in my thoughts. Luckily, Jungkook didn't tried to talk to me. He was driving while humming to the songs on the radio.
I looked at him without him noticing. I was deeply in love with him. Already two years of this shit. And I still haven't found the courage to confess to him. I think I never will.
We arrived at the water park, where six boys were already waiting for us.
— Finally! What took you guys so long? — asked the smallest of them, Jimin. I rolled my eyes.
— I bet they were busy with something else — said Jin, the older one, joking. I felt my cheeks burning.
— Guys stop, we just couldn't decide what to get — said Jungkook, entering the water park along with Taehyung. I was a little upset, but i shook it off. It was obvious that he didn't felt that way about me.
The rest of us followed them inside. They all went to get change into their bathsuits and I stood there. I actually needed help to get into my bikini.
— Aren't you going to change? — I turned around to see Yoongi standing there in his bathing suit. I was really close to him since we both couldn't express our feelings well.
— I actually need help — I said, a little embarrased —. Would you mind?
— Sure, let's go — I could tell he was also a bit embarrased but I was thankful that he still wanted to help me.
I smiled at him and we went to the bathroom together. I felt some eyes on us, but I didn't care. I was sure the boys were just curious.
I entered a cabin and changed into my bikini. I got out and turned my back to Yoongi so he could tie it up. When he was ready I turned around and bowed, thanking him.
He smiled at me and we both got out of the bathroom. I could feel six pairs of eyes on me. I was actually shy since it was the first time they saw me in a bikini.
They were all shocked, but I could only focus on Jungkook. He was standing there, his mouth slightly open. He looked so cute.
— Wow — that was the only thing that came out of his mouth. But it was enough to make my face go red.
— Looking good [y/n] — said Hoseok smiling.
— You should wear that more often — said Taehyung winking at me. I rolled my eyes at his comment, smiling.
— Could you guys stop? — I said laughing and going straight to the pool. The day was just getting started.
Hours later, I found myself laying on my towel, letting the sun warm my body. Some of the boys were also on their towels, listening to music or reading, but others were still on the pool.
My eyes landed on Jungkook. He was on the pool with Taehyung and Jimin, playing some stupid games. I smiled unconsciously.
— When are you going to tell him?  — I turned around to find the owner of the voice. I sighed. It was Namjoon.
— What are you talking about?
— C'mon [y/n], you know exactly what I'm talking about — he leaned closer to me —. When are you going to tell Jungkook that you are in love with him?
— How about never? — I said, frustrated. I wasn't mad at him for talking about this, but I was mad at myself. Mad because I wasn't brave enough.
— You need to tell him.
— No, I don't — I drove a hand through my hair and sighed —. Have you seen the girls he dated? Damn Namjoon, I have no chances with him.
— That's what you think. He's looking at us right now and I would say he's jealous — I dissimulately looked at Jungkook. Yes, he was looking at us, but I didn't recognize any jealousy on his eyes.
— He just wants to know what we're talking about. You know how curious he is.
— You are too blind [y/n] — he said as he laughed —. What did he say about the date?
— I haven't told him about it... — I said as I bited my lower lip.
— I thought you already told him! I mean, he's your best friend. But instead you go and tell me about it.
— I know! I just didn't feel like it was necessary. He doesn't have to know.
— I have an idea — I looked at him with eyebrows raised. This wouldn't end up well —. Let's bring up your date while we're all together and see how he reacts.
— I don't know Namjoon, your plans aren't always the best.
— Just try it out [y/n], you won't lose anything — he looked at me and begged me with his hands. I just laughed and nodded. He was right, I needed to take a risk.
A while later we were all sitting near the pool, enjoying the rays of sunshine. Namjoon looked at me, signalizing that the plan was going to start.
— So [y/n], how was your week? — he asked. It was a simple question, so nobody could guess it was all planned.
— It was good. I actually had a date — I said shyly while looking away.
— A date? — I heard Jungkook's voice but I couldn't look at him.
— Oh my god, your first date! You need to tell us everything!! — said Hoseok super excited. I was expecting that.
— Well, his name is Jonah and he's twenty years old. He's a transfer student from Australia — everyone was looking at me. They were so noisy when it came to others' lifes —. I met him two weeks ago at the coffee shop I work and we exchanged numbers.
— When was the date? And how did it go? — asked Jimin, also very curious.
— Our little [y/n] is all grown up — said Jin, faking a tear. I laughed.
— The date was three days ago. And it was... good — I didn't sound really convincing but that was the truth —. He picked me up and then took me to a restaurant. We talked and got to know each other. But if I'm being honest with you guys, I actually didn't feel any sparks between us.
— And what are you going to do now? — Yoongi asked. He was listening to everything I had to say.
— Well... He actually asked me out again. He wants to go on a second date and I couldn't tell him no. We're meeting tomorrow.
— But, why are you going out with him again if you didn't feel anything on the first date?
— I don't know Tae. I want to give him another chance. Maybe I feel the sparks this time — honestly, I wasn't hoping for it.
When Jonah asked me out, I said yes because I wanted to see if he could change my mind about Jungkook. But, like I expected, he didn't. He was a really nice guy, but he wasn't Jungkook.
— Let her be. She's old enough to do what she wants — said Namjoon, finalizing the conversation about my date. He then looked at me, and with his eyes he told me «i was right».
And he was. Jungkook didn't talked to me for the rest of the evening. When the sun started to get down, we decided to grab our stuff and go home.
I was supposed to go with Jungkook, but I wasn't really sure if that was still going on. I hugged the boys, telling them to meet again soon.
— Are you coming? — I turned around and saw Jungkook standing right next to his car, looking at me with eyebrows raised.
— Yes — the last one I hugged was Namjoon.
— Don't forget to tell me everything — I laughed as an answer to his stupid comment.
— See you guys!
Jungkook waved to the boys and got into the car without saying anything. I smiled at them and got into the car too. The radio wasn't on during the whole drive, which made me anxious. What was going on with him? Was he really jealous? Because of me?
I shaked my head slightly to forget about my thoughts and as I looked through the window I could see that we had already passed my house.
— Jungkook, my house was a couple of streets behind.
— I know.
— Then why didn't you stop?
— I want to show you something — this was so unexpected. I was getting really nervous. Maybe I could use this chance and finally confess to him? No, forget it. My feelings will go to the grave with me.
The car stopped. I looked at the window and smiled. It was the park where we met three years ago. It was beautiful back then, but right now the sunset made it look even more pretty.
I realized Jungkook was already getting out of the car so I did the same. He started walking towards the park, so I had to run a little to catch up.
— Why didn't you tell me about the date? — and there was the question. Honestly, I didn't knew why. I guess I felt like I betrayed my feelings towards him so I didn't wanted to tell him and hurt him. But otherwise, he doesn't even know I'm in love with him.
— I don't know... I didn't think it was that important. Are you mad? — I said looking away.
— Yes. I always told you about my love life, such as dates and relationships. But then you go and have your first date and don't even tell me about it — he drove his hand through his hair. He looked so upset.
— Is that the only reason? — wait, did I said that out loud? Someone please kill me.
He didn't answer, instead he kept walking. I stand still, wondering why I had to be such an idiot. I turned around and started walking towards my house. I felt some tears coming out of my face, but I quickly wiped them away with my hand.
— [y/n]! Where are you going? — I heard his footsteps getting closer and in one second he was grabbing my arm, making me look at him —. Did you cry?
I couldn't answer, so instead I stared at him. He looked so good. My heart broke a little knowing that he'd never felt the same for me.
— No — he sighed —, that wasn't the only reason. I'm mad at you for not telling me, yes. But I'm way more angry at the thought of you having a date with someone else, someone that's not me — did he really said that? —. I know you're having another date with him tomorrow, but... Please [y/n], don't go.
He came closer to me, but I stepped away.
— Why Jungkook? Tell me, why shouldn't I go? — he bited his lip —. Give me a good reason.
— Because I'm in love with you.
— Stop joking Jungkook — I felt some tears running out of my eyes —. I'm nothing compared to the girls you use to date.
— Exactly, you're way better than them — he came closer and rested his hand on my cheek, wiping my tears —. I realized I was in love with you the day Nao broke up with me. That day, I finally realized that it was you. All the time going on dates trying to find the right girl, when she was by my side the whole time. I love you [y/n].
He caressed my cheek and as I closed my eyes, I felt his lips against mine. It was a kiss that showed all our feelings for each other, feelings that were hidden for years.
— I love you too.
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bts5sosempire · 6 years
BTS Reaction: friends + accident kissing = a couple (Hyung Ver.)
A/n: so myself deadass thought of something at like 3am and I'm like why don't I just write it down and work on it tomorrow morning. When I woke up and check my draft I write something along the line "just kiss him" as the headline and was like wtf before I try to remember what I am really aiming. Long results too.
Kim Seokjin:
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Jin had invited you over to celebrate Hoseok birthday and now you guys were playing an Uno game, by drinking shots. You watch as Jungkook skip Taehyung and you were next to Taehyung and it was you who had to drink a shot.
You were getting so tipsy and drunk as you only had one more card in the game and you look at Jungkook who had a smudged look on his face. “Jeon, I hate you so much right now, after all these years I protected you from the rest of Bangtan and this is how you repay me?” Slurring out the words, you slammed down a card. “I'm done!”
You lay on the ground and roll away to go outside, to get fresh air.
It took another hour or so for the game to finished and everyone is shit face drunk, besides Jin, who come to check up on you who was hunching over the railing as you were making a long whining sound.
Jin came over to pull you back in case you fell over. “Hey, are you alright?” He asked and you look up at him. Your face was flushed red from the alcohol and you were hiccupping. Shaking your head, you try to push Jin aside, but got caught with his feet and tangle them up. The both of you fall on the ground together and you end up kissing him.
Jin was rather surprised and he hastily pushed you back. His face became flustered he was about to stutter out an apology, but you went to besa him first. “Jin you know I like you right? Not as a friend, but more than that. Maknae Jungkook has been encouraging me to confess to you but I really can't do it, b-but- wait forget about what I just say.” Your words sent his heart flying. You stand up but stumble, so Jin decides to carry bridal style.
“I-I like you too!” He declared looking away. You tap his face and force him to look at you.
“Why are you looking away? Are you being honest? Do you like to play with my feelings?” With your questions attacking at him at all angles, Jin feels his brain went dead. Your eyes squinted at him. Jin blush at your intensity.
“Stop looking at me like that or I'll have to kiss you again!” He hurriedly carries you inside and ran to his bedroom with the members eyes lingering at him and you in his arms.
“I told you he likes her!” Jungkook shouted before knocking himself out as he plopped back onto the hard ground.
Min Yoongi:
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Yoongi somehow convinces you to do a fake date with him to throw off some girl who has been chasing after him for about three months now and she had been bothering and distracting him also.
You were worried as this isn't something you would just randomly do, but if Yoongi needed help, you would help him. After all, you do like him as a crush even if he doesn't like you that way. And even if this isn't like a real date, this would be the closest thing you would ever get with him.
Yoongi came to find you while wearing all black with a leather black jacket and cap. He entered a secluded shop to where he knows that people won't be there. You wore an opposite outfit from him, soft pastel colors to bring out your warmth.
“Um hi,” you awkwardly wave at him and he comes to sit down across from you. “So how are we going to plan this out? Did she follow you?” Asking with a discreet look, you look out the window at the corner of your eyes and see the lunatic woman right across the street who was looking here and there for Yoongi.
“What do you think?” Yoongi retort back at you, and you smack your lips together and mouth out an ‘Okay’ before looking back at him.
“So the original plan as it is.” Sliding over a cup of coffee at him, you both walk out of the shop. Yoongi hand slides into yours and you look at his hand in surprise. You try to tug it away with a blush on your face.
“Act natural.” He whispers into your ear, before tugging on your hand and tightens his hold. The woman saw Yoongi and ran across the street as multiple cars were honking at her.
The woman grips on Yoongi's arm and tore him to look at her. “I've been following you, and why aren't you answering your phone?” The woman then looks at you before sneering then her eyes went lower and saw the both of your hands interlock with each other. “Let go of my Yoongi's hand you wretched witch!” The lunatic woman tries to tear both you and Yoongi apart, but the man got in front of you.
“I appreciate if you don't harass either me or my girlfriend or I'll have to take action against you,” Yoongi warns her before walking away with you.
“Girlfriend?” The woman mutter before she let out a screech and tries to attack Yoongi. You look behind you and saw her charging at Yoongi with a weapon. Pulling the man aside, you both stumble as coffees fly into the air and lips happened to lip-lock with each other. The both of you were both wide eyes.
“Did that crazy woman try to stabbed the Min Yoongi and his girlfriend?!” A bystander shouted and two men were restraining the crazy woman down as she was shouting and kicking like hell while trying to bite their hands. “Someone called the police and inform BigHit!”
You shove Yoongi aside whisper a shy sorry, “I-I didn't mean too, u-uh she was charging at you and I didn't want you to get hurt or anything...” Your words trail off and your face gets redder and redder.
“I like you too (Name),” Yoongi told you and you look at him with your mouth agape as words left your mouth. “I like you for a long time actually.” He stands up and dusted himself off before pulling you up from the ground, “Why don't we go on a real date this time?”
Jung Hoseok:
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You were friends with Hoseok and the rest of the boys for a long time. You were one of their unofficial dance teachers and their little cheerleader, according to the rest of bts. Jin had like you more than Hoseok when it comes to teaching them how to dance and everyone runs to you for help whenever Hoseok gave them a glare when they forgot a step in the choreography.
Everyone calls you ‘Mrs. Jung’ teasingly since you are very caring and very affectionate with Hoseok even though the both of you are friends. But everyone knows how you both really feel for each other. Hoseok often gives you gifts and stuff whenever you come over and you always run to help Hoseok when he's in trouble.
And today is just one of those days. You and Hoseok were leading the dance routine for the boys since everyone had literally begged and ask Hoseok to call you for help. No one likes it when he gets stern, but when you came over its like Hoseok is a different person. He became softer, but with your head turn behind him he glares at them.
“Alright let's relax!” You shouted as the music stops, everyone dropped to the ground in exhaustion and you went over to Hoseok and swing a tried arm at him. He playfully uses a finger to cup your chin before pinching your cheeks and you move away from him. Hoseok comfortably slings an arm over your shoulders and let you drag him away to a couch.
Hoseok lay his sweaty head on your shoulder before poking your cheeks, “Have you lost some face fat?” He pokes them again, “They are not pudgy anymore.” You patted your own face a few times and look up at the ceiling in wonder, before looking down at him in confirmation to which Hoseok just poke them. “Have you been eating well?”
“Yeah I did, it's just that I recently had been hitting the gym so I guess it's normal for me to...lose them?”
“(Name) noona you go to the gym too?” A Jungshook ask before he comes sprinting at you at full speed and sat next to you. Hoseok tries to shoo the younger one away from you. “Do you mind going with me next week, I want to see your workout regime.”
“Jungkook you had Jimin to help you with that and you still want my little (Name) to go with you? Aren't you a little selfish?” Hoseok latches his arms around you tighter. He made a little sound effect which sounds like he was offended, and pull you close to him.
“Hyung you always talk with her and you never let us have her phone number too and I'm not about to let go of this opportunity to go away. Plus we all know how you feel-” A shriek left Hoseok's mouth as he lung over with you in his arm and cover Jungkook whiny and big mouth.
“You shush about that!” He warns and the boy's eyes crinkle in amusement to which his eyes are smiling for him. He wiggle his brows.
“Hoseok what is he saying?” Your heart is pounding and you don't want to believe it, but your face is heating up. You loosen the man's arm and sat in front of him with your back turn against the younger boy.
“It's nothing!” Hoseok shout before the younger boy pull Hoseok hand away and was about to say it, but Taehyung came flying forward and crash into Jungkook from behind and Jungkook lurches forward and push you into Hoseok with such force that you fall so fast forward and kiss your friend/ crush.
Everything went quiet as Taehyung mutter an ‘oh shit’ and you pull back from Hoseok so quick that you didn't look at him and you fled the scene with a worried Hoseok right behind you. “Wait (Name)!”
Your face burns with embarrassment. You just kissed Hoseok! Jung fricken' Hoseok, aka your long-time crush!
Running away down the hall, you didn't think Hoseok would catch up so fast. He grabs your arm to stop you and tug you forward to him. “Look I'm sorry, I'm sorry about their action and what just happened.”
“Don't mention about it please,” you didn't look up at him.
“Do you hate me now?” He asks you and you suddenly look up at him. Hoseok was worried you won't see him the same ever again as that accident just happened. He doesn't want to lose you.
“Hate you? It's quite the opposite of hate, to be honest.” You breathe out a sigh of nervousness, and you were going to tell him. It's all or nothing now, “I like you for quite some time now.”
“Oh God, I do too!” He brings you to a sudden embrace. “Let's go out tomorrow as a real couple!” And what just happened was forgiven and forget.
Kim Namjoon:
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You had just confessed and kissed your friend Namjoon and you had run away from him without saying goodbye or anything. You want to die, you want to be buried alive, and you want to be killed. You just want to forget what you had done. Now Namjoon won't ever look at you the same again.
Laying in your bed, you had been avoiding any kind of outside contact and communication. You don't like confrontation and that sucks too, but you have to face it somehow if that is going to make you move on. Dreading in bed you roll over to the other side of the bed and pick up your phone that you had it on silent.
Checking the notification, you saw the messages from the boys and Namjoon stood out to you the most since you put him as ‘Crush’ so you just scream into your pillow and toss your phone aside. Letting out those pent up embarrassment, you went to read all the messages before reading Namjoon and everyone was worried about you. “I'm such a horrible person...”
After reading Jin's message you hesitate on clicking on Namjoon's messages. Sucking in a breath you click on it and see about 5 messages but one stood out from all. But this one just happens to be right now.
‘Are you home?’
You send him a quick ‘yeah’ before the doorbell of your apartment was being rung and it resonates inside your entire apartment. You got scared for a second and cautiously get out of bed to check the peephole and saw Namjoon there with his secret blending in attire.
Opening the door, Namjoon walks in. “Um, we need to talk.” You nervously nodded at him before telling to go sit down on the couch as you prep food and drink.
You walk in moments later and set down the snacks and sit across from and as far as possible. “So where do we begin...?”
“Let's start with the day you left.” Namjoon went direct to the point and he didn't want to beat around the bush. Your face went a silent ‘Oh’ and anticipation was building up in your throat. “I never get the chance to tell you how I feel and you did your part, so I thought it was fair for you if you know how I feel too.”
“Uh, you don't have too! I already know you don't feel the same way! It's better if you forget any of my words and action...” You awkwardly laugh and look away from him in an uncomfortable manner-- scratching behind your ear. “I-It's fine really...”
“What if I tell you that I return your feelings?”
“That's not possible-” stopping what you were doing, you look at the serious man across from you, “-wait, what?”
“I had like you more than a friend (Name).” Namjoon stood up from the other side of the couch and walk over to you who slowly try to move away from the towering man. Namjoon grabs your wrist and pulls you close to him and your face burns from the sudden closeness.
“Well...then, I guess I'm not going single this year.”
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twifeordeath · 7 years
Twife or Death: Lesbian Twilight Chapter 15
Updated as of 6-4-17 (previous) (all chapters)
 All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer, and this project is non-profit and fan entertainment.Thank you to Laura G, Devyn L, Birdy E, Naoya, Liz B, Caitlin L, Jordyn, Breanna P, Amanda L, Gabrielle P, Nobbie A, Tori K, goddessayem, smallnark, Julia F, Mol M, Dyma S, Rose I, Tess KC, Maria K, Rachel E, Kathleen K, Katie G, Brittany E, Elizabeth E, Imp, Amy L, Robin SG, and the project admin Alina G.
 Chapter 15. THE CULLENS
The muted light of yet another cloudy day woke me. I lay with my arm across my eyes, groggy and dazed. A pleasant, foggy memory stirred in my consciousness, like a dream trying to be remembered. I groaned and rolled onto my side, hoping more sleep would come. Then the previous day flooded my memories.
 "Oh!" I sat up so fast it made my head spin.
 "Good morning sleeping beauty." Her soft voice came from the rocking chair in the corner.
"Edythe! You stayed!" I cried, and threw myself across the room and into her lap, startling her. In the instant that my thoughts caught up with my actions, I froze, shocked by my own uncontrolled enthusiasm. She just laughed.
 "Of course," she answered, seeming pleased by my reaction. Her hands rubbed my back. I laid my head against her shoulder, breathing in the smell of her.
 "I was sure it was a dream."
 "I’m not that rude to ditch you in the middle of the night," she scoffed.
 I tilted my head up, wanting to kiss her. Then I remembered the unfortunate problem called morning breath.
 “I need a minute to get ready,” I said, pulling myself out of her arms.
 She shrugged. “I’ll wait.”
 I practically skipped to the bathroom, giddy, and I found myself facing a stranger in the mirror. My eyes were too bright, and there were shades of blush on my cheeks that were apparent even with my dark skin. I worked to make sense of the chaos that was my hair. I brushed my teeth and splashed my face with cold water. I tried to breathe normally, tried to calm the bubbling happiness inside of me with no noticeable success. I half-ran back to my room.
 She was there, waiting patiently in the rocking chair. She reached out to me, and my heart thumped unsteadily.
 "Welcome back," she murmured, taking me into her arms. I eased my head onto her chest as calmly as I could, trying hard to ignore the butterflies inside.
 We sat in each other’s arms, enjoying the other’s company without a need for words. I noticed that her clothes were changed and her hair combed smooth.
 "You left?" I asked, touching the collar of her fresh shirt.
 Her fingers found mine as she grinned. "I could hardly leave in the clothes I came in — what would the neighbors think?"
 I laughed. “Always thinking ahead—” I looked away, face already flaming from my next words, “—that’s what I love about you.”
 She blinked, then giggled. I glanced at her. Her golden eyes were very soft, “I love you too, Bella.”
 “So, breakfast?” I ventured. She nodded, and we headed down the stairs, hand in hand.
 Charlie had already left for work, so it was just me and her. The kitchen was bright and happy, reflecting my mood.
 "What's for breakfast?" I asked pleasantly.
 That threw her for a minute.
 "Er, I'm not sure. What would you like?" Her brow crinkled.
 I grinned. "That's all right, I fend for myself pretty well. Watch me hunt." I hopped up from my seat as she rolled her eyes.
 I found a bowl and a box of cereal. I could feel her eyes on me as I poured the milk and grabbed a spoon. It made me wonder if I was being rude, not offering my guest anything. I sat my food on the table, and then paused.
 "Can I get you anything?" I asked, just for the sake of politeness.
 "No, it’s okay, Bella. Eat.”
 I sat at the table, watching her as I took a bite. She was gazing at me with a smile. I cleared my throat to distract her.
 "What's on the agenda for today?" I asked.
 "Hmmm…" I watched her frame her answer carefully. "Would you like to meet my family?"
 I gulped.
 “Are we already at that stage of the relationship?" This made her giggle. “I- I don’t know how I feel about the idea.”
 "Are you afraid of them?" She sounded worried. “They won’t hurt you, and you don’t have to go if you don’t feel comfortable.”
 "I'm not afraid of them," I explained. "I'm afraid they won't… like me. Won't they be, well, surprised that you would bring someone… a human… home to meet them? Do they know that I know about them?"
 "Oh, they already know everything. They'd taken bets yesterday, you know," she smiled, "on whether you’d come over, though why anyone would bet against Alice, I can't imagine. At any rate, we don't have secrets in the family. It's not really feasible, since we’ve known and trusted each other for hundreds of years."
 "Did Alice see me coming?"
 Her reaction was strange. "Something like that," she said uncomfortably, turning away so I couldn't see her eyes. I stared at her curiously.
 "I’d like to meet your mother too..."
 "You already met," I reminded her.
 "As your girlfriend, I mean."
 I stared at her with surprise. "Would you like to? I mean, are you okay with..."
 "Isn't that customary?" she asked shyly.
 "I don't know. I think Charlie would be happy," I admitted. My dating history gave me few reference points to work with.
 "That's not necessary, you know. I don't expect you to… I mean, you don't have to…”" I searched for the word. “You don’t have to expose yourself for me. Your family took pains to blend in, and officially becoming my girlfriend might make that difficult.”
 Her smile was patient. "I’ll be alright, don’t worry."
 I pushed the remains of my cereal around the edges of the bowl, biting my lip.
 "You don’t have to tell Charlie if it makes you nervous." She said gently. “But I would love to be your girlfriend to your mother, not just a classmate.”
 "Does that make us official?" I suppressed the sudden thrill in my chest, heart beating fast again.
 She frowned. "Wait. I thought we were already dating."
 “Were we?” I looked at her with innocent eyes. “Neither of us never actually asked.”
 The dawning horror on her face made me giggle. “I’m not used to this,” she said, exasperated. “I got excited and assumed… oh my god…”
 "I was under the impression that you were something more, actually," I confessed, looking at the table to save her the embarrassment.
 "Well..." Edythe paused, then faced me awkwardly. I cupped my chin in my hands and waited. "Bella Swan,” she said slowly, “would you be my girlfriend?"
 "Maybe." I said, mischievously. "Will you be my girlfriend??"
 "As long as you want me," she answered, grinning in turn.
 "I'll have to think about it," I said, pretending to be hard to get.
 She walked slowly around the table to where I was sitting, and, pausing next to me, she leaned down and pressed a kiss to my cheek. I tried to stay still, not to show any signs that my heart rate jumped with her touch.
 “Does that help to convince you?” Her murmur was soft in my ears.
 I turned my head so I could fully see her face, and pecked her on the lips. “Yup.”
 I could see in her expression that she had expected it, but was not prepared for it. She stared into my face for a while, her expression a mix of adoration and bashfulness. Then she realized I could see it, and quickly turned away with an embarrassed clearing of her throat.
 “Are you finished?” She finally asked.
 I jumped up. “Yes.”
 “You should go get dressed. I’ll, uh, wait here.” She still refused to look at me. If only she wasn’t undead, I thought to myself. I would have loved to see her flustered blush.
 It was hard to decide what to wear. I doubted there were any etiquette books detailing how to dress when your vampire girlfriend takes you home to meet her vampire family. I wondered if I wasn’t the only one who have faced this predicament. The thought of another girl with a vampire girlfriend, struggling to dress to impress the future in-laws, made me laugh and cheered me enormously.
 I ended up black jeans, the ones that had the least tears in them, and a dark blue plaid button-up she’d once complimented. A quick glance in the mirror told me my hair was entirely impossible, so I pulled it back into a ponytail.
 "Okay." I bounced down the stairs. "I'm decent."
 She was waiting at the foot of the stairs, closer than I'd thought, and I bounded right into her. She steadied me, holding me steady for a few moments to see if I was dizzy, and then with a  smile pulled me closer.
 "Wrong again," she murmured in my ear. "You are utterly indecent — no one should look so tempting, it's not fair."
 It seems I could feel my blush spread all the way to my ears as I ducked my head. Ignoring myself, I huffed, “You just asked me out a few minutes ago, and now you’re trying to seduce me? You’re more of a U-Haul girl than I expected.”
 She snorted, then pressed her lips delicately to my forehead.
 "Shall I explain how you are tempting me?" she said, winking. It was clearly a rhetorical question. Her fingers traced slowly down my spine, her breath coming tenderly against my skin. I wrapped my arms around her neck and looked in her golden eyes. She tilted her head slowly and touched her lips to mine, very carefully, parting them slightly.
 I pretended to swoon, hand to forehead and everything.
 "Bella?" Her voice was half-laughing  as she caught me and held me up.
 "You… made… me… faint," I accused her.
 "What am I going to do with you?" she groaned in joking exasperation. "Yesterday I kiss you, and you attack me! Today you’re passing out on me!"
 I laughed, letting her arms support me as I leaned against her.
 "So much for being good at everything," she sighed.
 "That's the problem." I touched her lips with my finger. "You're too good. Far, far too good."
 "Should I not kiss you again then?" she asked; she already knew what my answer was.
 I pouted. "I just forgot to breathe that time. That doesn’t mean you should stop.”
 "I can't take you anywhere like this."
 "I'll be fine," I said. “I’ll remember to breathe next time.”
 Edythe smiled at me, immeasurable fondness in her eyes.. "You’re very cute when you’re cheeky," she said unexpectedly. I felt my face flush, and looked away.
 "Look.” I took a deep breath, then let it out. “If you want to go meet your family, we should go. At this rate I’m afraid I might stay here with you all day. Unless you’d like to—?” I raised an eyebrow.
 She studied my face. "I can see your bravado, you know.”
 “You could tell?”
 ”You're still worried, not because you're headed to meet a houseful of vampires, but because you think those vampires won't approve of you, correct?"
 "That's right," I answered immediately, hiding my surprise at her casual use of the word.
 Edythe shook her head with a smile. "You're incredible." She touched my cheek gently. “They’ll love you, don’t worry.”
 I bit my lips and nodded. She offered me her hand and I gratefully accepted it, then we walked out to the car.
 I realized, as she drove us out of the main part of town, that I had no idea where she lived. We passed over the bridge at the Calawah River, the road winding northward, the houses flashing past us growing farther apart, getting bigger. And then we were past the other houses altogether, driving through a misty forest. I was trying to decide whether to ask or be patient when she turned abruptly onto an unpaved road. It was unmarked, barely visible among the ferns. The forest encroached on both sides, leaving the road ahead only discernible for a few meters as it twisted, serpentlike, around the ancient trees.
 And then, after a few miles, there was some thinning of the woods, and we were suddenly in a small meadow, or was it actually a lawn? The gloom of the forest didn't relent, though, for there were six primordial cedars that shaded an entire acre with their vast sweep of branches. The trees held their protecting shadow right up to the walls of the house that rose among them, making obsolete the deep porch that wrapped around the first story.
 I had expected a castle like those in Dracula movies, completed with thunder and ominous music, or maybe a log cabin for something this far into the woods, but it definitely wasn't that. The house was peaceful, lovely, and three stories tall. The color was a soft shade of white that complemented the surrounding palette of brown wood and leafy greens. The wide windows and door designs were tastefully chosen to match the atmosphere of the surrounding woods, of a newer construction style. My truck was the only car in sight, but I saw garage doors on the bottom story. I could hear the river close by, hidden in the obscurity of the forest.
 "Do you like it?" Edythe asked nervously.
 "It’s very charming."
 She breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently I wasn’t the only one worried about me coming here.
 Edythe got out first, then walked over to my side of the car. "Ready?" she asked, opening my door for me.
 "Not even a little bit — let's go." I took a deep breath, but it seemed to get stuck in my throat. I touched my hair nervously.
 "You look lovely." She took my hand easily, without thinking about it.
 We walked through the deep shade up to the porch. I knew she could feel my tension; her thumb rubbed soothing circles into the back of my hand.
 She opened the door for me.
 The inside was a continuation of the feel of the exterior. It was very bright, very open, and very large. This must have originally been several rooms, but the walls had been removed from most of the first floor to create one wide space. The back, south-facing wall had been entirely replaced with glass, and, beyond the shade of the cedars, the lawn stretched bare to the wide river. A massive curving staircase dominated the west side of the room. The walls, the high-beamed ceiling, the wooden floors, and the thick carpets were all varying shades of being and brown. Waiting to greet us, standing just to the left of the door, on a raised portion of the floor by a spectacular grand piano, were Edythe's parents. From the way they stood, I realized they must have made an effort to plan out their exact position and pose. Their expressions, when Edythe first opened the door, were the perfect masks of patience. Then they saw me, and the excitement leapt into their faces. I realized then that I had nothing to fear from Edythe’s parents. My nervousness evaporated, and I stepped forward to greet them.
 I'd seen Dr. Cullen before, of course, yet I couldn't help but be struck again by her youth, the lack of lines and wrinkles expected of a woman of her supposed age. At her side was Esme, I assumed, the only one of the family I'd never seen before. Esme was an Indian woman, with the same golden eyes and dark circles surrounding them as the rest of Cullens. Something about her heart-shaped face, her billows of soft, dark hair, reminded me of the quiet elegance of the silent-movie era. She was small and slender next to her tall, broad wife. They smiled warmly at me, but made no move to approach us. Trying not to frighten me, I guessed.
 "Carine, Esme," Edythe's voice broke the short silence, "this is Bella."
 "You're very welcome, Bella." Carine's step was measured, careful as she approached me. She raised her hand tentatively, and I stepped forward to shake hands with her.
 "It's nice to see you again, Dr. Cullen."
 "Please, call me Carine."
 "Carine." I repeated, smiling at her. I could feel Edythe's relief at my side.
 Esme smiled and stepped forward as well, reaching for my hand. Her kindly grasp was just as I expected.
 "It's very nice to meet you," she said sincerely. “I was wondering when Edythe would bring you over.”
 "Thank you. I'm glad to meet you, too." And I was. I couldn’t remember, why had I been afraid of the disapproval of Edythe’s parents? They were just reacting like Renee and Charlie might if it was me bringing Edythe home. I saw only warmth and love in their eyes.
 "Where are Alice and Jasper?" Edythe asked, but no one answered, as they had just appeared at the top of the wide staircase.
 "Hey, Edythe!" Alice called enthusiastically. She ran down the stairs, a streak of black hair and brown skin, coming to a sudden and graceful stop in front of me. Carine and Esme shot warning glances at her, but I liked it. It felt natural — for her, anyway.
 "Hi, Bella!" Alice said, and she bounced forward to kiss my cheek. If Carine and Esme had looked cautious before, they now looked shocked.
 Alice was so cheerful I couldn’t help but smile. Carine and Esme, noticing my pleased expression, relaxed considerably.
 "You look great," she commented, to my extreme embarrassment.
 Jasper stood a few feet back behind Alice — tall and leonine. A feeling of ease spread through me, and I was more comfortable. Edythe stared at Jasper, raising one eyebrow, and I remembered what Jasper could do.
 "Hello, Bella," Jasper said. She kept her distance, not offering to shake my hand. But it was impossible to feel awkward near her.
 "Hello, Jasper." I smiled at her shyly, and then at the others. "It's nice to meet you all — you have a very beautiful home," I added conventionally.
 "Thank you," Esme said. "We're so glad that you came." She spoke with affection, and I realized I was already included in the family.
 Rosalie and Eleanor were nowhere to be seen, and I wondered about Edythe's too-innocent denial when I'd asked her if the others didn't like me.
 Carine's expression distracted me from this train of thought; she was gazing meaningfully at Edythe with an intense expression. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Edythe nod once.
 I looked away, trying to be polite and leave them to their mental conversation. My eyes wandered again to the beautiful instrument on the platform by the door. I remembered my childhood fantasy that, should I ever win a lottery, I would buy a grand piano for Renée. She wasn't a professional — she only played for herself on our secondhand upright — but I loved to watch her play. She was happy when she was by the piano, absorbed in the music — she seemed like a new, mysterious being to me then, someone outside the "mom" persona I took for granted. She'd put me through lessons, of course, but like most kids, I whined until she let me quit.
 Esme noticed my interest.
 "Do you play?" she asked, inclining her head toward the piano.
 I shook my head. "Not at all. My mom, Renee, does though. It's so beautiful. Is it yours?"
 "Used to be," she laughed. "My interest have always been more in much, much older musical instruments, preferably from old civilizations. Carine and Jasper dabble, but it’s mostly Edythe’s now. Did Edythe tell you she was musical?"
 "No." I glanced at her. "I thought she would have accidentally broken it."
 Esme raised her eyebrows in confusion.
 "Edythe can stop a van, right?" I explained.
 Jasper snickered and Esme gave Edythe a reproving look.
 "I hope you haven't been showing off— it's rude," Esme scolded.
 "Just a bit," Edythe laughed freely. Her face softened at the sound, and they shared a brief look of affection.
 "She's been too modest, actually," I said. “I wish I could have heard her play.”
 "Well, play for her," Esme encouraged.
 "You just said showing off was rude," Edythe objected.
 "There are exceptions to every rule," Esme replied promptly.
 "I'd like to hear you play," I innocently volunteered, trying not to giggle.
 "It's settled then." Esme nudged Edythe toward the piano, who rolled her eyes then took a seat. I hesitated, standing next to the piano. Then Edythe motioned me towards the spot on the bench next to her, and I shyly sat down.
 She gave me a dramatic exasperated yet teasing look before she turned to the keys. And then her fingers flowed swiftly across the ivory and the room was filled with a composition so complex, so luxuriant, it was impossible to believe only one set of hands played. I felt myself lean closer to her, my eyes transfixed upon her hands on the keys.
 Edythe looked at me casually, the music still surging around us without a break, and winked. "Do you like it?"
 "You wrote this?" I gasped, understanding.
 She nodded. "It's Esme's favorite."
 I closed my eyes, drinking in the sound with every part of my being.
 The music slowed, transforming into something softer, and to my surprise I detected the melody of her lullaby weaving through the profusion of notes.
 "You inspired this one," she said softly. The music grew unbearably sweet.
 I couldn't speak, but I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.
 "They like you, you know," she said conversationally. "Esme especially."
 I glanced behind me, but the huge room was empty now.
 "Where did they go?"
 "Very subtly giving us some privacy, I suppose." That made me snort.
 Thinking of the Cullens reminded me of the two that weren’t here, and my doubts flooded back. I sighed. "They like me. But Rosalie and Eleanor…" I trailed off, not sure how to express my doubts.
 Her eyes widened. "I forgot to tell you," she said, stopping and hitting her forehead with her palm. "They’re not here not because of you."
 I pursed my lips skeptically. "Really?"
 "They’re with the Black pack," Edythe continued. “Julie and Sethe were helping Rosalie with fixing her car earlier. They’re testing it out right now; they’ll probably be back soon.”
 The Black pack? “Wait,” I furrowed my brows, “is there something I’m missing here?”
 “I think that’s something Julie should tell you herself,” Edythe replied.
 I had an inkling of what Edythe was hinting at, but let the subject drop. It would be better to hear it from Julie.
 “Are Rosalie and Eleanor truly alright with me, though?” I had to make sure.
 Edythe frowned. “Well, Eleanor thinks I’m nuts, rushing everything, but she doesn’t have a problem with you.  And Rosalie…” She struggled for a while. “Don’t worry about Rosalie.”
 "What is it that upsets her?" I wasn't sure if I wanted to know the answer.
 She sighed deeply. "Rosalie struggles the most with… with what we are. She’s the most cautious out of all of us about not getting discovered, so she doesn’t trust you yet. And she’s a little jealous."
 "Rosalie is jealous of me?" I asked, surprised. I couldn’t think of a single reason why.
 "You're human. She wishes that she was human, too. Or still was." Edythe looked into my eyes. “Being a vampire isn’t exactly a blessing.”
 "What about Esme and Carine… ?" I asked, still slightly upset.
 Edythe took my hand in hers, reassuring me. "They’re happy to see me happy. Carine met you before, and has liked you since. They think you’re a trustworthy girl, and Esme is happy that I found someone who I love.” She smiled. “I wish you could have read their thoughts and saw how anxious and elated they were when we arrived. Guess parents don’t change whether they’re human or vampires."
 "And Alice seems very… enthusiastic."
 "Alice has her own way of looking at things," she said sheepishly.
 I laughed. “I like her.” I smiled at the memory of Carine and Esme’s shock at her greeting. "May I ask what Carine told you before?"
  "You noticed that, did you?"
 "You don’t have to tell me if it’s something private. I was only curious."
 She looked at me thoughtfully for a few seconds before answering. "She wanted to tell me some news — she didn't know if it was something we should share with you."
 "What is it? What’s wrong?"
 "Nothing's wrong, exactly. Alice just sees some visitors coming soon. They know we're here and who we are, and they're curious."
 "Yes… well, they aren't like us, — in their hunting habits, I mean. They probably won't come into town at all, but..."
 I shivered.
 “I won’t let anything happen to you,” she said firmly, arms coming to wrap around me. “My family will be on watch, as well as the Black pack.”
 I leaned into her shoulder, allowing myself to feel safe in her embrace. Finally, I said, “Your house isn’t what I expected at all.”
 "No coffins, no piled skulls in the corners; I don't even think we have cobwebs… what a disappointment this must be for you," she continued slyly.
 I grinned, elbowing her ribs slightly. "The atmosphere so light… so open."
 She was more serious when she answered. "It's the one place we never have to hide."
 Edythe let go of me, though I continue to lean against her, to continue playing where she left off. The song she was still playing, my song, drifted to an end, the final chords shifting to a more melancholy key. The last note hovered poignantly in the silence.
 "Thank you," I murmured. I realized there were tears in my eyes. I dabbed at them, embarrassed.
 She touched the corner of my eye, trapping one I missed. She lifted her finger, examining the drop of moisture broodingly.
 I looked at her questioningly
 “Vampires can’t cry,” she answered. She looked back at me and smiled. "Do you want to see the rest of the house? The others are probably going to be back soon, you might not get a chance to see it then."
 "No coffins?" I asked.
 She laughed, taking my hand, leading me away from the piano. "No coffins," she promised.
 We walked up the massive staircase, my hand trailing along the satin-smooth rail. The long hall at the top of the stairs was paneled with a honey-colored wood, the same as the floorboards.
 "Rosalie and Eleanor's room… Carine's office… Alice's room…" She gestured as she led me past the doors.
 She would have continued, but I stopped dead at the end of the hall, staring incredulously at the ornament hanging on the wall above my head.
 Edythe chuckled at my bewildered expression.
 "You can laugh," she said. "It is sort of ironic."
 I didn't laugh. My hand raised automatically, one finger extended as if to touch the large wooden cross, its dark patina contrasting with the lighter tone of the wall. I didn't touch it, though I was curious if the aged wood would feel as silky as it looked.
 "It must be very old," I guessed.
 She shrugged. "Early sixteen-thirties, more or less."
 I looked away from the cross to stare at her. "Why do you keep this here?" I wondered.
 "Nostalgia. It belonged to Carine's mother."
 "She collected antiques?" I suggested doubtfully.
 "No. She carved this herself. It hung on the wall above the pulpit in the vicarage where she preached."
 I wasn't sure if my face betrayed my shock, but I returned to gazing at the simple, ancient cross, just in case. I quickly did the mental math; the cross was over three hundred and seventy years old. The silence stretched on as I struggled to wrap my mind around the concept of so many years.
 "Are you alright?" She sounded worried.
 "How old is Carine?" I asked quietly, ignoring her question, still staring up.
 "She just celebrated her three hundred and sixty-second birthday," Edythe said. I looked back at her, a million questions in my eyes.
 She watched me carefully as she spoke. "Carine was born in London, in the sixteen-forties, she believes. Time wasn't marked as accurately back then, for the common people anyway. It was just before Cromwell's rule, though."
 I kept my face composed, aware of her scrutiny as I listened. It was easier if I thought it was just a story for now.
 "She was the only daughter of an Anglican pastor. Her mom died giving birth to her, and her mother, the pastor, was an intolerant woman. As the Protestants came into power, she was enthusiastic in her persecution of Roman Catholics and other religions. She also believed very strongly in the reality of evil. She led hunts for witches, werewolves… and vampires." I grew very still at the word. I'm sure she noticed, but she went on without pausing. "They burned a lot of innocent people — of course the real creatures that he sought were not so easy to catch.”
 "When the pastor grew old, she placed her obedient daughter in charge of the raids. At first Carine was a disappointment; she was not quick to accuse, to see demons where they did not exist. But she was persistent, and more clever than her mother. She actually discovered a coven of true vampires that lived hidden in the sewers of the city, only coming out by night to hunt. In those days, when monsters were not just myths and legends, that was the way many lived.”
 "The people gathered their pitchforks and torches, of course" — her brief laugh was darker now — "and waited where Carine had seen the monsters exit into the street. Eventually one emerged."
 Her voice was very quiet; I strained to catch the words.
 "She must have been ancient, and weak with hunger. Carine heard her call out in Latin to the others when she caught the scent of the mob. She ran through the streets, and Carine — she was twenty-three and very fast — was in the lead of the pursuit. The creature could have easily outrun them, but Carine thinks she was too hungry, so she turned and attacked. She fell on Carine first, but the others were close behind, and she turned to defend herself. She killed two men, and made off with a third, leaving Carine bleeding in the street."
 She paused. I could sense she was editing, probably omitting parts that she thought would scare me.
 "Carine knew what her mother would do. The bodies would be burned — anything infected by the monster must be destroyed. Carine acted instinctively to save her own life. She crawled away from the alley while the mob followed the fiend and her victim. She hid in a cellar, buried herself in rotting potatoes for three days. It's a miracle she was able to keep silent, to stay undiscovered.”
 "It was over then, and she realized what she had become."
 I'm not sure what my face was revealing, but she suddenly broke off.
 "How are you feeling?" she asked.
 "I'm fine," I assured her. And, though I bit my lip in hesitation, she must have seen the curiosity burning in my eyes.
 She smiled. "I expect you have a few more questions for me."
 "A few."
 Her smile widened, brilliant. She started back down the hall, gesturing for me to come. I followed, curiosity burning now. "We have time. Come on, then," she encouraged. "It’s better that you ask the woman yourself."
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