#i could also start tonight but just read 100 pages today and want to play video games lol
pbandjesse · 10 months
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I had jury duty today! I did not get to be on a jury but it was so close! I was literally one number away, I was next in line!! Wild. Today was a lot of waiting.
It wasn't a bad day but it did start in a pretty stressful way. I woke up around 630 after not being able to fall asleep until almost 2. I just laid there since I didn't have to be awake until 7. But then James came in and they were like. Your alarm didn't go off! Your phone won't turn on! And they were just so stressed. I was trying to figure out what was going on but also I was not awake yet and trying not to melt down.
I walked James through how to log into my tablet to get my jury info so I could have that on my tablet if my phone wasn't going to work.
I went and got dressed and once I was ready we sat down to see what was up with my phone. James kept saying they would go get me a new one and I was like that is not productive if we don't know what happened to this one. And thankfully we were able to find a reddit post that said how to get it to work and it did work. Held the power button down for 30 seconds and it came right back. Fully charged. No idea why it has a frozen black screen. Bizarre. At least that was solved.
James drove me to the court house. I liked my outfit a lot today. And it was a good choice for today. It was stupidly cold. I could have worn more layers when I was outside but for in the court house I was very comfortable.
Getting there before 8 as absolutely the move though because I got in and got through the line and paid so quickly. They give you $30 now. And everyone was pretty nice to me so I wasn't as anxious as I have been in the past.
I got a seat in a good room. And read for an hour. I was doing a pretty good job of reading, then scrolling on TikTok, then doing some emailing and searching for other houses for us to see. The offers for the house we saw on Sunday were due tonight. And we got that in right at the end of the day. So that's up to the universe now, but I wanted to have some more to look at if this one doesn't work out. Can't fall into despair!
At 830 the first announcements would happen. The TV screen was incredibly loud. To the point where people were all covering their ears and someone tried to figure out of the screens had volume control. It was a little unbearable. Eventually it would get lower but the announcements were horribly loud.
They played two movies today. Hidden figures and the new Annie. I think they play Hidden Figures every time I have been at jury duty. It is always a good watch though and I enjoyed it extra with all the older black women having a running commentary the entire time. No sarcasm, they were a delight to listen to.
A group got called a few minutes after 9 but not my number. I just tried to be comfortable and read. My legs were aching a bit and my nose was very dry which made me sniffly. But I was alright and it was not a bad morning. I was hoping I would be called to a jury but no luck before the lunch break.
I decided I wouldn't leave because it was cold outside. James had packed me snacks. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands and was surprised how packed the little bathroom was. But it was fine. Washed hands, walked the floor a little, and went back to the room.
The break went until 145. And since they weren't playing the movies anymore I had quiet to read my book. I have less then 100 pages left but I got a lot done. Honestly the end here is stressing me out really bad so I'm finding it hard to read it straight through. I keep reading a little and putting it down for a few minutes. It's hard when the main character is the bad guy.
When people started coming back the movie would come back on. And pretty quickly they were calling another group. And I was in this one!
About 150 of us were called to go to the second building across the street. We had to turn off our phones and it would be a very long process.
The walk over wasn't bad. It was surprisingly cold.we had to go upstairs and went to a fancy room. Probably trh fanciest one I've been in.
This part took a long time. First they had to call all of our numbers. Remember there are at least 150 of us. So that took a while. They there were the questions. And the once all the questions were answered we had to go up to talk to the judge and give our answers if we said yes to anything.
I had to say yes to two things. First that I had served in a jury in 2018. And second that my sister was in jail. The judge asked what her charges were and after I told her I said "she was sort of a gangster" which made the defendant laugh. So I got an accused attempted murderer to laugh so that was pretty great.
We were back there from 2 until 530. This was pretty rough. I chatted with the guy who sat next to me. And with some people around me. I would read a bit. I secretly turned my phone back on to check in with James. They were coming to pick me up but we're just waiting in the car somewhere and I felt bad. But they said it was all good. And they would take me to dinner after they got me.
The part where groups had to stand up in front and the lawyers got to say yes or no was interesting. But took forever. They would both agree on someone and then a few minutes later change their mind. I really wanted to be on the jury. But no dice. The guy who had the next closest number to me went up and was chosen and then it was over. I was only slightly disappointed.
I let James know I was free and they let me know they would meet me at the corner. So I made it outside and was really cold!! But I didn't have to wait long.
I was very happy to see James. And they were happy to see me. We talked about the offer on the house. And the excitement and my feelings about people's opinions. About how I feign flightiness but I don't actually do anything without planning things out and making sure I have thought them through. James says that my Ed didn't raise a fool. Which made me laugh.
We went to five below for dinner. And it was good. We are peanuts and talked about moving and work and the holidays. We are our food and tried the seasonal sodas. It was fun. And then we went next door to get a dessert. James got donuts and I got a milkshake. I chatted with a mom who dropped her tissue pack. And me and James kept pointing at the ice cream flavors and saying "that's you". Just being silly.
We got home and I was super thrilled to be back. I felt gross and would take a long bath which made me feel a little better. But being in bed was the biggest help. And that's where me and James are now. I painted my toes. James tried to bake their bread but the oven wouldn't turn on. We will contact Tina about that again tomorrow because it seems to have gotten worse. Which is unsafe.
Now though it is time for sleep. I am looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. It has been so long! And then we have our ceramics class. It will be a long day but I'm looking forward to that.
Sleep well everyone. Be safe and be kind.
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lordsardine · 2 years
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lavynrose · 3 years
- a oneshot for artem wing when he finally mustered up courage to ask out their s/o to hang out as friends (theme parks or just garden strolls, you can pick which type of place you want i won't mind!) to confess to them and when he confesses their s/o confesses at the same time too? and the s/o is kinda shy and awkward with him so he gets surprised and all flustered with them confessing at the same time?
(ackk this has been stuck in my head for a while, sorry if there are any grammar mistakes since english isn't my first language! i hope u have a great day!! :D <3)
- coomkie anon ♡
Artem Wing and his s/o confessing at the same time pt. 1
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Title: Dedicated
Pairing/s: Artem Wing X Reader
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
Genre: Fluff
Warning/s: Grammatical errors probably
Notes: blushy artem is best artem, and we have celestine being the best wingwoman again
enjoy an amusement park date with Artem <3
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Artem Wing is a dedicated man.
If it had been any other person, they would be home right now.
but not him.
Even now, as the looming hours of the night began to tick, he sits at his swivel chair, busied with the love of his life called paperwork.
"Aren't you overworking yourself?" He looked up from his papers to see Celestine waltzing inside his office with documents in hand.
The question should've made him stop and think to at least consider getting rest, but no, we're talking about Artem the workaholic here.
He has heard Celestine's question directed at him for the past few days, and from different people at that.
"Overworking means I have more time to double-check these documents," Artem said as he reached out for the folder that Celestine brought over, "Don't you think it's pretty convenient?"
"Artem," She started with concern in her blue-green eyes, "I know you're trying to distract yourself."
Artem was silent for a few moments before coughing, "Whatever do you mean? There's nothing I have to distract myself from." He said with complete calmness in his voice that he could even fool himself.
"You don't have to hide it, you know? I see the way you look at them," She smiled as she recalled the lingering stares and soft smiles setting display into Artem's face when he's around his colleague "The way you act around Y/N." she added with a hint of teasing.
The mention of your name seemed to short-circuit Artem's brain, Celestine took advantage of this with delight.
"Also... They've been getting friendly and close with that new employee.." She puts her hands on her chin, thinking.
Earlier today, she caught Artem's looks of distraught while his eyes were on you and the new guy. You were having a friendly conversation.
Too friendly.
After that, The youngest senior attorney even requested you to work with him at his desk, claiming that he, quote "needs to keep close tabs on the files that Y/N is handling." end quote.
but Celestine knew better.
Jealous is the only word that can describe how Artem was acting. She decided she will push his buttons tonight.
"Aren't you... threatened?" She beamed at him, waiting for his reaction.
"They've been on your mind lately, I reckon."
"They're getting closer with each other, don't you think?"
Hopeless. Celestine thought.
To say that she's frustrated with this whole situation surrounding the two of you is an understatement. Everyone in your circle clearly sees it - you and Artem like each other.
In the way he bought cake for the whole office that one afternoon the day after an episode of an office drama aired, or in the way that he went out of his way to take care of you in the hospital when you overworked yourself to sickness, or in the way you blushed around each other, the lingering touches, oh the lingering touches. It was all obvious.
The both of you spend your time together more than anyone else, everyone thinks your blooming affections were inevitable at this point. Solving controversial cases meant having the mental and emotional intimacy to get to know each other better compared to your average professional relationship.
You don't see each other as "working partners" anymore, it's clear that you guys want each other as a different kind of partner.
It was known to everyone except for the two of you, apparantly.
Celestine sighed before rummaging through the magazine shelf in the office, grinning when she found what she's looking for.
Artem shot her a look of suspicion. He has a bad feeling about this.
"There." She said with satisfaction before dropping the magazine into his desk.
The magazine lays there, with an eye-catching font and colorful cover page, Artem blushes as his eyes read, 100 cute date ideas...
Judging from the cover, the magazine might actually be useful when giving date suggestions. Under the big font however, there was a smaller text that read, Your significant other is waiting!
What is this...
"I'm sorry but I have work to finish." He tried his best to unsee what he just saw, and decided to turn his focus on the headache of workload in front of him instead.
Celestine raised her eyebrows at him with a frown, "Don't be stubborn now, I'm your boss, I'm giving you both a day-off tomorrow. I mean, you haven't used your day-off at all ever since you started working here. So please. " Her voice is laced with concern.
He looked away with a sentimental look in his eyes, "You don't have to do this for me. I'm fine with... Giving them affection without them realizing it."
Celestine just frowns deeper.
"Come on now Artem, doesn't it sound tempting to you?" She clasped her hands and continued a little too excitedly like a schoolgirl in love, "Having alone time with Y/N, finally asking them out on the date so the other guys threatening your future can back off."
It does sound tempting, Artem admits.
He looked away with reddened cheeks, "I'll think about it."
He doesn't need to look at Celestine to know she's sporting a big grin right now.
Later that night on his bed, his mind keeps flashing images of you. You, wearing a big, warm smile on your face. You, with your little mannerisms that he came to memorize from hours of being with you. Every little thing, every moment, as long as it's with you, he cherishes it.
Oops. The butterflies are starting.
He didn't mind.
You looked stunning today, but then again, he finds you stunning everyday.
When was I this cheesy? He thought to himself.
His thoughts kept racing with reveries about you when a new image interrupted every nice thought.
It was of you and the new employee laughing together.
He frowned and his stomach churns.
"Are they interested in each other?" He finds himself asking the wind. His mind was reeling.
He thinks about the time when he first heard you say that you were married to your work. Surely, you aren't interested in being in a relationship with some guy, right?
Groaning, he then realized that he needs to make a move now before it's too late.
To him, you're the loveliest person he's ever met, your kindness, your welcoming smile, the passion that you present when you're in the court, the way you always remain headstrong no matter how many people clash with you and try to break your principles.
The only one that occupies his heart, you.
Artem is sure he won't regret giving you his feelings, and eventually, reveal them.
He got up from his bed and sent a glare at the magazine that is now resting on the lamp table beside his bed, mocking him. He picked it up with less hesitation than before.
'What should I choose?' Artem asked himself before flipping the pages, a faint blush adorning his cheeks.
This is a big step for him, and he wants to make sure that he's going to do it right.
You rubbed your eyes and stretched your limbs as the sunlight permeated through your bedroom window, the yellow glow giving you a peaceful feeling, a new day is about to start.
A new day without work at that.
You had been ecstatic when Celestine called you to inform you last night of your long awaited day-off, you smiled at the memory as you stand up to brush your teeth.
"You deserve it for all your hardwork!" Even through the phone, you heard the smile in her voice.
Soon, your thoughts drifted to a certain raven-haired man.
'How about Artem? I'm his assistant, does he get a day-off too?' You wondered as you finished washing your mouth, finally heading off to the kitchen to prepare for breakfast.
You were about to choose what to eat from the fridge when you hear a song play from your phone in your room.
You hurriedly went back as you recognized that ringtone - that ringtone you had set for a particular contact.
There on the screen, displays the name of the object of your affections.
Mr. Wing.
'Why is he calling this early? What could he possibly need?' you thought to yourself before pressing the green button.
"Good morning Artem, what is it?" you didn't even try to hide the happiness from your voice, Artem calling you this early doesn't happen often, after all.
"Good morning. Do you have plans for today?" His morning voice echoed through your ears. It was husky and rough, filling all of your senses.
Realizing that he just woke up, you can't help but blush at the thought of being the first person to talk to him today.
He thought of you first thing in the morning!
You tried to control the lingering heat in your face as you replied, "Uhm, yes uhh- none. I have no plans for today, Artem. I'll be thinking of what to do though. Why did you ask? " You hoped he didn't mind the sttuttering mess presented to him this early in the morning.
You wondered if there's an emergency case needed to be taken care of, he rarely ever calls outside of work.
Then again, you're always at work.
"That's good," the other line was silent for a bit. As your anticipation for his reply grew, he finally said, "A new amusement park is going be opened today. I heard they'll be having a fireworks display tonight to celebrate the opening."
You've heard about the said amusement park from your coworkers yesterday, you even heard that it was a project from PAX.
Marius' wealth truly knows no bounds, you thought.
Kiki even invited you to come with her this sunday, as it's the only freetime the both of you had before Celestine's sudden news of a day-off.
Is Artem coming there today? He doesn't seem like the type to go to amusement parks, but now you know that he likes them, or at least he didn't mind going, you added this info to your list of things about Artem that make you fall in love with him more and more. Because let's be honest, what's there not to like about the man?
He's handsome, sweet, a good cook, a senior attorney you can look up to, and he always makes sure to reassure you that you're doing well, that he's proud of you.
He cleared his throat, breaking you out of your thoughts, "Do you want to go there..." He paused, his nerves getting the better of him, unbeknownst to you, "With me? I have two tickets, and I wanted to invite a close friend. Is that alright with you? "
'Is he asking me out on a date!?' you were practically screaming internally as you paced frantically in your room.
No. No way. This isn't a date. Not until he says so.
He said 'close friend' so you shouldn't overthink this. You were partners, after all!
At least you try to convince yourself.
"Of course Artem. I'm glad you invited me, I'm really happy." You weren't lying, his invite was the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week.
He hummed, "I'm happy, too. I'll be there at 2:30pm to fetch you, they'll open around 3pm. " He said in a gentle voice before hanging up.
You pumped your fist in the air. You have plenty of time to prepare.
Among all of the outfits that you could've worn today, you decided to wear a cute, beige, knitted sweater. A pair of faded ripped jeans, white sneakers, and a beanie to top it all off.
The amusement park being your destination, you decided to wear casual clothing since you'd be hopping on rides left and right.
You wouldn't want to wear a skirt just for it to blow on the wind while you're in the air, screaming for dear life.
Nope. You definitely don't want that.
You're now waiting outside your apartment after Artem sent you a text 5 minutes ago that he's on his way.
Your head is plagued with expectations on how this friendly date is going to go. You've never felt as giddy as this before.
It's understandable, right? The person you like asked you out to go with him to an amusement park - using his morning voice, nonetheless, so it wouldn't be strange for you to think that this is like an actual date.
You bonked yourself mentally.
You keep reminding yourself that it's just a friendly date. It's just a friendly date. You believe in the power of your mind, it's a friendly date. He even said so himself.
Artem's going to think you're weird. It's not like you're going to hold hands or anything...
Yet, you didn't even try to stop the daydream clouding your mind.
While you were busy indulging yourself in your fantasies, your eyes caught a familiar spot of black in the parking lot. Artem's car!
That's your cue. When his car stopped, you made your way over to him with a small smile on your face.
His black car opened, spilling out Artem clad in his casual clothing.
You scanned his appearance, taking in those breath-taking, familiar eyes. Taking in the beige, knitted sweater he's wearing, paired with slacks and black shoes.
You did a double take- beige, knitted sweater?
You looked at his clothes, then looked down at your own, then back at his again.
Red and warmth crept up to your cheeks as realization hits you.
You kind of looked like a couple.
"What's wrong?" Artem inquired with concern as he stepped closer and reached out his hands to your flustered form.
He even placed his hand on your forehead to check your temperature.
Yes, you think you have a fever.
It's only when he got to take a good look at you when realization hits him the way it hit you.
He retreated his hand and looked away, face as warm as yours.
Why are you acting like a highschooler!? You're better than this, getting flustered just because you wore identical clothes.
With the person you like, you added.
The both of you stayed silent for a few seconds before you spoke up with a grin, thankful that the pink that dusted your cheeks is now cooling down a bit, "We should get going now."
You expected the ride to be as awkward as earlier, but to your relief, that wasn't the case at all.
Artem played the radio on your drive to the amusement park, and even asked you about how you're feeling lately and whatnot.
Honestly, with how he's always so concerned about your well-being, you're doomed to fall even harder.
"What are your favorite rides, Artem?" You decided to talk about something connected to where you're going to go.
"Hmm," as he hummed, you looked in front of the car to see the gates of the amusement park came into view. You can even see the familiar structure of a rollercoaster and a really grand ferris wheel turning slowly.
Is the motif for this amusement park golden!? The railings are shimmering with gold, some parts of the rides are adorned with gold, wherever you look, gold!
PAX outdid themselves with this one, definitely took "shining, shimmering, splendid" to a whole new level. Too much for the word grandeur, you think.
You can't even imagine how wide the place must be. You haven't even stepped foot inside, yet your eyes were oogling as some more rides were seen from outside the gates.
"We're here Artem! Look!" From your side, Artem turns to take a look from the road to the park, his eyes screaming nothing but amusement.
"It's beautiful," He breathed while you nodded furiously with agreement. He shot you a look, "I'm glad I get to spend my first time here with you." The softness is his eyes is blinding as you stared at him and processed his words.
"Me too..." you managed to choke out, turning away to hide your blush.
While you were taming your flushed cheeks, Artem had parked the car already.
He opened the doors for the both of you as he offered you his arm. Confusion takes over your features.
"So you wouldn't get lost, it's a big crowd out here, " He tilted his head to have a better look at your still sitting form inside the car, "Let's go?" He said with that gentle smile, as comforting as ever.
You stood up and linked your arm with his and suggested, "How about the bumpy car first?" excitement was evident in your voice.
He shook his head and chuckled, "Whatever you wish." He said as he locked the car doors with a click. You both headed to check in and do the formalities first. After all that, with a skip to your step, you pulled Artem to the bumpy car's ticket booth, and went inside.
You're elated.
"I can't believe the Artem Wing, the youngest senior attorney, is losing to me!" You sound hysterical as you bumped Artem's car with yours over and over, your bumpy car dominating his.
This is fun! Just minutes earlier, the atmosphere between you and Artem seemed a little tight because of the matching clothing incident. Just a little. However, the laughter of everyone playing in this space is infectious, it leaves you in a really good and playful mood.
It makes you feel like you were a kid again. You hope Artem feels the same.
Before playing, you made a bet with him earlier that whoever bumps the other the most, wins.
"Y/N. I think this car is defective." He said with a frown, his eyebrows furrowing as his hands tinker whatever there was in the steering wheel.
You looked over to him and replied, "We can switch cars, let me see." The two of you switched from each other's bumpy ride and you assessed the supposedly 'broken' car.
You realized he didn't push the right buttons to ride the bumper properly.
"Artem..." You looked at him blankly and said, "Have you ever been to bumpy cars before?"
He was silent before replying with darting eyes, "No, I haven't," He cleared his throat, "I have only been to the ferris wheel and escape rooms, I haven't been to bumpy rides before. Sorry."
You beamed at him.
"Don't be sorry!" You flail your arms to disagree, "There's nothing wrong with that. I'm actually happy that you allowed me to drag you here despite you not having played it before." You flashed him a thankful smile.
He looked a little surprised at first, but then that warm smile of his came back, "Thank you." You stared at each other's eyes for a few beats in time, his ocean eyes containing a sparkle you rarely see them hold. It looks so gentle, so welcoming.
So fond.
You stared at each other for a while, his deep eyes were enough to drown out the crowd. To drown out everything that existed but him.
Blinking, you snapped out of it to teach him how to drive the car.
The cars were booster types, different from the old models wherein you just turn the wheels and you'll be good. In this specific model, commands are needed to be performed in order for the car to execute it's special feature.
"You turn it like this..." Artem is a fast-learner, so the both you were back on track as soon as you guided him the directions.
In the end, you were tied, the bumper time limit resulting the draw.
"I'm definitely beating you next time!" you declared with a smug look, hands on your waist.
After the bumper, a receptionist from what seemed like a family raft ride made his way to invite the two of you.
"You guys look like you're having fun!" He then pointed at the paper he's holding and said with persuasion, "You're going to have even more fun here! The family raft ride is the only free ride we're offering in the park for it's first day, be sure not to miss out on this special bonus!" He then turned his heel to find more costumers.
You blinked, "Too bad we don't have extra clothes..." You hung your head low and you sighed as your mind thinks of a different ride to enjoy.
"Well, he did say it's a special bonus," Artem pondered, "They sell clothes here anyway, and there are restrooms we can change on," you wondered if this is going the way you think it's going, "I can see no harm in trying this free ride." He finished with the corners of his lips turned upwards.
Your eyes sparkled with so much joy that he's glad he suggested this.
"Then what are we waiting for!?" You squeal and jump from where you stand and Artem could only shake his head at you with an adoring look in his ocean eyes.
You both headed to the line of people waiting to get their tickets for the raft.
"That's a long line..." You're already mentally tired as you stared at the single file of people in front of you.
"There's still plenty of time before the fireworks at 7pm, I can go and buy us ice cream. Do you want some? "
You're face fell, remembering you were on a diet, "I appreciate the offer, but no thanks, I'm on a diet." An ice cream sounds really tempting right now, but you must resist.
"I heard they sell low-fat ice cream in here. How about that?" He proposed as his eyes glinted with satisfaction.
He knew this would do you in, sure enough, you gave him the biggest grin you could muster.
"You're the best, Artem! Any flavor is fine, by the way. " You beamed as he turned his heel to the ice cream stall, you just stared at his back the whole time he was away.
A minute later, the man wearing a cozy beige sweater that matches yours turned around and went over to you, two chocolate chip ice cream in hand. You reached out to take your ice cream, your fingers brushing.
You ignored the tingling feeling and the chills. He looked away.
While eating, you talked about how the line for the rollercoaster was two times longer than the raft's even though it's literally free.
"I believe they added a new feature to the coaster." Artem reasoned.
"You bet. The rides' golden theme is already impressive enough," You eyed the unbelievably long line from the coaster's ticket booth, "We can go back here some time to see that feature for ourselves." your face heated as you realized the implications in your words.
His eyes widened for a single moment and then looked at you with such intensity you can't bring yourself to look away, "I'd love that." a gentle look worms it's way in his features once again.
Comfortable silence dawns on your own, little world while you both busied yourselves in your ice cream.
The two of you were thrilled as it was your turn to ride the raft, ice cream long gone, replaced by the life-vest in your hands.
"Ah," you sighed, fumbling with the vest a little longer than you should have.
Artem, of course, noticed your movements. He was kind enough to help you adjust the vest.
Of course.
"Come here." He said as his arms finds it's way to your waist, pulling you towards his stature. His hot breath hitting your face while he circled his arms around you to wrap the vest securely.
This is not good for your heart...
He's so close, you could kiss him if you wanted...
He pulled away, his warmth lingering still.
Even when the both of you sat down on the raft. The ride is going to start in a few and here you are, lost in the feeling of Artem being near you.
"Y/N," You abruptly turned your head to him when he suddenly called you, "are you nervous?"
You blushed so hard you wanted to evaporate with the water, 'Yes. You make me nervous.' you're tempted to respond.
"Yes, but don't worry about me." was your reply instead, and you smiled awkwardly and stared at his blue eyes, blue eyes laced with concern.
He leaned closer, probably so that the other people within your raft wouldn't hear, "I care about you and I want you to feel as comfortable as possible," he whispered in your ear, sending chills to your spine.
This is definitely not comfortable, Mr. Wing.
Your heart is doing flips, this isn't normal!
"Please tell me if you need something." The gentleness in his voice took your breath away the way it did as the first time.
The fact that he's unaware of his effect on you angered you so much. You scanned his face for signs of teasing. Smirk, maybe a playful glint, anything.
Yet you found none.
The raft began to move, a perfect timing to change the subject!
You leaned on him, but not too close, and whispered, "It's starting."
Water began to splash, as the raft moved with the current.
The track was smooth at first, you getting small splashes here and there.
Until a bumpy track decided to present itself.
Like before, the raft went with the flow of the water, except that it bounced and rotated harshly that one particular splash of water was enough to wet you and your clothes completely.
"OH MY G-" you exclaimed when the raft hit a rough spot again, soaking everyone wet.
You were making a surprised pikachu face as the water seeped into your clothes.
You turned to look at Artem to see his state and you suppressed a giggle with how he's making the same face as you did earlier.
Never in your life you thought you'd see Artem with the surprised pikachu face.
You took pride in knowing that you're one of the very few people who gets to see this side of him.
"Artem!" you shouted through the noisy stream of water. "We look silly!" you laughed as the water rocked everyone in the raft as harsh as it possibly can. Round and round, back and forth.
"We do!" his laughed mingled with yours even when the water relentlessly kept soaking your already wet bodies.
You smiled once again, gazing at his form with profound fondness longer than just a friend would've done.
"That was really fun!" You shouted to the air while Artem scooted beside you, offering his arm like he did earlier, which you eagerly took.
The both of you went for another round on the raft after the first round, not caring about the long waiting line. The ride was worth it!
All you ever did was scream and laugh at each other's state, but it was the most enjoyment you've ever had in years.
You were completely dry now, changed into fresh clothes that were sold as the park's merchandise.
Even with the change of clothes, the clothes you were wearing right now still matched Artem's.
You weren't complaining.
The crowd continues to enjoy themselves, all while the sunset was making everything in the theme park look like a fairytale.
"Yes, it was. I enjoyed it very much." Artem flashed a smile so genuine, you wanted to see this sight a thousand times more. The orange glow of the sunset gives his raven hair a golden shade, light reflecting on his blue eyes, making him look so bewitching. So you carved it to your memory, not knowing how to elicit that same image from him once again.
Looking up at him, and looking back at the things that happened today, you realized something.
You couldn't take this silent pining anymore, you wanted to tell him how precious his smile is to you, to tell him you're glad he's spending his time with you, to tell him to make more memories with you.
To tell him he's the reason of the warmth flooding your whole being right now.
'I'm in love with you' is what you first thought of saying. No matter how cliche that may be, you wanted to let him know, that you're in love with him.
"Uhh, Artem, I-" You were about to spill your feelings then and there when a voice boomed the speakers of the park.
"Everyone! One hour more to go for the fireworks! Please look forward to it!"
Your confession's gonna have to wait for later.
part 2 here
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do not repost © lavynrose 08/15/21.
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islesnucks · 4 years
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inspired by this fragment of what bo said in a interview about letting the team babysit Gunnar
ps: i don’t know if they nicknamed him Gunnsey, just saw Jake call him that once 
ps2: this is not proofread so just a warning
Word count: 3.4 k (a bit longer than what i usually do)
Warnings: kidnap is mention a couple times jokingly bc petey at first thinks Y/N’s kidnapping the kid, even though it’s meant 100% as a joke i know it could be triggering so just letting you know, however just in case keep in mind it’s never used seriously
Summary: Elias doesn’t know Bo and Holly hired a nanny so the first time he sees you with the baby he freaks out a little, eventually apologizes and there's fluff (i suck at summaries)
Add yourself to the taglist!
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Elias was coming out of the dressing room when he saw you rushing down the hall with a little kid in your arms that he knew for sure wasn’t yours, because it was in fact his captain's son. So he did what seemed like the reasonable thing to do: look for Bo or Holly to tell them. Luckily Bo was near the door finishing his interview with a couple reporters.
“Hey Bo?” he approached him as soon as the reporters left.
“What Petey?” He could see the alarmed look on the boy’s face.
“I think I saw a girl running away with your kid.” he told Bo, who was about to lose it when he saw you walking down the hall in their direction with his son in your arms. He let out a relieving sigh, making Elias confused. If it was his child he definitely would be calling 911 by now.
“Is that the girl you were talking about?” Bo asked, pointing at you. The hall had become more crowded since the rest of his teammates started coming out, but he could see you as you stretched your neck and looked around for someone. Elias nodded, getting more confused by the second.
“That’s our nanny dumbass.” he informed him, hitting him in the back of the head for making him needlessly worry.
“A Nanny?” 
“Yes a nanny Elias. She looks after our kid, takes care of him. Don’t they have those in Sweden?” He knew what a nanny was and Bo’s sarcastic remark only made him feel more stupid. Of course you were the nanny, it was pretty obvious, now that he looked at you he could see you were carrying the bag Holly normally brought everywhere with Gunnar’s stuff.
“They do I just-” he started to defend himself but instantly shut up when he saw you appear next to him.
“Hey look it’s your daddy!” you said to little Gunnar in your arms as the baby stretched his arms toward his father making grabby hands. Bo smiled at his son and took him in his arms, but you could tell there was a bit of concern on his face.
”Is everything, okay?” you asked.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s just that Petey here though you were kidnapping Gunnar and almost gave me a heart attack.” Bo explained. Elias looked down embarrassed as his cheeks turned red. You on the other hand were too busy panicking to even notice the blushing mess standing next to you.
The Horvats had hired you mainly to help Holly around the house since she was getting back to her work and especially when Bo had to go on roadtrips. They also wanted Gunnar to get familiar with you, that’s why you were there tonight. This was your first time with them out of the house, if you did something wrong they wouldn’t trust you so they would probably fire you and you really needed the job.
“Oh my God, I’m sorry! I forgot my phone back on our seats and Holly had gone to the bathroom and you were still in there and I couldn’t leave him alone-”
“Y/N don’t worry. It’s fine.” he interrupted you with a sweet tone that made you ease the anxiety that started building up at the thought of losing your job before it even really started.
“I’m so sorry I should have told you before disappearing with Gunnsey.”
“Really don’t worry Y/N.” he kept reassuring you, but you couldn't shake off that bad feeling.
“What happened?” Holly asked after joining you and seeing your expression.
“Nothing, just a little misunderstanding Everything’s okay Y/N, really don’t worry.” Bo answered before you could and gave you a sweet smile that helped you calm your nerves. He would obviously tell Holly when they were back home, but it wasn’t a big deal and he didn’t want to make you feel like they were coming down on you.
Elias was starting to feel a bit out of place there so he excused himself, said goodbye and left to find his friends, but not before giving you one final look. Now that he didn’t think you were trying to kidnap his teammate's kid he found you really pretty and felt even worse for what he made you go through. You were smiling and chatting with Bo and Holly about the game, but he could see you were still a bit nervous. 
He made his way towards Jake, Quinn and Brock, who were already looking at him suggestively after seeing the whole interaction, completely obvious to the fact their friend had actually screwed up big time.
“Who’s that?” Brock was the first to ask, wiggling his eyebrows.
“She’s Bo and Holly’s new nanny.”
“I didn’t know they hired a nanny.” Quinn was the one talking now.
“Yeah, me neither and I kind of thought she was kidnapping Gunnsey-” he started to explain but instantly regretted it when he saw the looks on his friend’s faces. He was never going to hear the end of this.
“No you didn’t!” Brock cut him off and everyone started laughing, everyone except Elias who just shook his head trying once again to hide his embarrassment.
“Way to make a first impression Petey. She must hate you.” Jake said putting his arm around Elias. 
“Fuck off.” he replied pushing his arm off and walking away towards the parking lot as he heard their laughs behind him. He was not in the mood to endure the teasing from his friends.
On the drive to his apartment he couldn’t stop thinking about it. He knew Bo and Holly weren’t going to fire you, they were nice reasonable people who understood it was all a misunderstanding; a misunderstanding caused by him. Yet he couldn’t shake off the feeling he should have said something or at least apologize. So he promised himself that was the exact thing he was gonna do when he saw you again.
The next time Elias saw you was a couple weeks later. Bo and Holly were hosting a barbecue for the whole team and had asked you to come over and help look after Gunnar while they prepared everything.
Elias walked into the house with one thing in mind: apologizing to you. However as he made his way through the house towards the backyard he couldn’t find you anywhere. He took a sit next to a sit with the rest of his teammates and tried to make casual conversation but his mind was stuck on you.
Bo noticed the way Elias was barely talking and constantly looking around for someone and it didn’t take him long to realize that someone was you. Elias had asked him about you a couple times at practice and games after what had happened the other night, but he still didn’t know if he was just being polite and wanted to apologize or there was something more going on.
“She’s inside playing with Gunnar in his room.” Bo leaned in to tell him so the rest wouldn’t hear, then he simply turned around and continued working on the grill. Elias was a bit confused at first, he didn’t understand how Bo could even know what he was even thinking about. However he quickly stood up mumbling some excuse about going to the bathroom and headed towards the house.
He found you sitting on a little couch with Gunnar in your lap reading a book. You were too focused on explaining the drawings on the pages to the kid to notice his presence. Elias stayed a couple seconds by the door in silence, not wanting to intrude in the sweet moment you were having. He couldn’t help but smile as he heard the sweet high pitch voice you used when talking to the little kid, how you’d smile and make a funny face at Gunnar, how he would laugh at you which only made both your smiles grow wider. If the other day he had thought you were pretty, today he was convinced you were beautiful.
Eventually you finished the book and Elias thought it was time to make his presence known before you notice he had been there the whole time and thought he was creeping on you or something. He was sure you already had a bad impression of him, no need to make it worse. He gently knocked on the door and your face shot up at him.
“Hey.” he said shyly walking into the room.
“Hi.” you replied as you got up with Gunnar still in your arms. The kid wrapped his arms around you and rested his face in your chest, it was clear he would fall asleep any moment from now.
“Can we talk?” Elias asked, not sure how to begin the conversation and a little afraid you’d blow him off.
“S-sure.” you replied a bit confused as to what he wanted to talk about. “But in a low voice, he’s really close to falling asleep.”
“Oh yeah sure.” he immediately lowered his tone to almost a whisper which you found cute. A small giggle escaped your lips.
“I’m Elias by the way.” he said, extending his hand but quickly putting it away and blushing when he realized you wouldn’t be able to shake it since you were holding the kid.
“Y/N. You’re Bo’s teammate, right? The one who thought I was kidnapping Gunnsey.” you added a smirk and arched brows, making his cheeks turn even redder. You were joking about it, that’s a good sign Elias though. Maybe you didn’t hate him.
“Yeah, that’s what I wanted to talk about. I’m so sorry.” he finally said, letting out a deep sigh. He had been beating himself up about it since that night some weeks ago and finally being able to apologize was like taking a huge weight off of his shoulders. You could tell.
“Don’t worry, it was just a misunderstanding. I mean if I saw a stranger basically running down a hall with one of my friend’s kids I’d think the worst too. You did nothing wrong Elias.” you reassured him. Yes at the moment you nearly had a heart attack and felt a bit of resentment towards that guy who thought you could even do something like that, but after all you didn’t lose your job and you could tell Elias genuinely regret everything that had happened.
“Still I shouldn’t have thought you were kidnaping a child, you don’t look like you’d do that.”
“Glad to know I look like a decent human being.”
“You do! I mean not that I thought you didn’t. I-I think you look really pretty- really decent!” Elias started rambling trying to correct himself but felt he was only making everything worse. However you found the blushing mess of a man in front of you actually really cute.
“Thanks Elias, you look really decent too.” you told him with a sweet smile that helped calm his nerves down. He beamed down and at you and held your gaze. The room went silent but it wasn’t awkward at all. At one point you could have swore his blue eyes had hypnotized you.
“Oh you put him to sleep.” Holly said, appearing suddenly next to you. Only then you noticed at some point in your conversation with Elias Gunnar had fallen asleep in your arms. You then proceeded to walk up to the little bed and tried to lay the sleeping kid as gently as possible to not wake him up.
“You should head to the yard with us, grab something to eat.”
“Are you sure? What if he wakes up and-”
“Don’t be silly, that’s why we have the baby monitor. Come on, Elias can present you to the rest of the team.” she said hooking her arms with yours and basically dragging you out of the room too quickly to notice Elias blushed cheeks and for him to notice yours.
Just like Holly said Elias introduced you to the rest of the team before moving an empty chair so you could sit next to him. You didn’t miss the way his friends looked at you two and smirked, but decided not to make a deal out of it, just boys being boys.
The rest of the afternoon was spent eating, talking and laughing; mostly with Elias. At first you were part of the group conversation, but eventually your bodies started slowly turning to the point you were basically facing each other and having a conversation of your own.
He told you about him, how long he had been teammates with Bo, his love for hockey, how he felt moving to the states; he even showed off a little telling you about his rookie year and how he won the Calder trophy. 
And you told him about yourself, what you were studying, how you started babysitting and a friend connected you with the Horvats. He listened to everything you said, no matter how boring and mundane it seemed to you. You weren’t traveling the country living your dream like him, but to him every single fact you told him about yourself was impressive. You genuinely felt heard which wasn’t something common, especially dealing with guys.
Gunnar stayed asleep for most of the time. Only once he woke up and when he did Holly insisted she would take care of it, that she missed her baby boy. But you knew she was just doing it so you could stay with Elias, and you internally thanked her for it.
You completely lost track of time and by the time you checked your phone's couldn't believe it was already almost evening.
“I should get going.” you announced getting up and the rest of the group booed.
“Come on it’s not even 6pm.” Jake said.
“I know, but I have an exam tomorrow and I should go over everything one last time.”
“Do you have a ride?” Holly asked.
“No but I’ll just take an uber-”
“Petey can drive you.” Jake proposed without even looking at his friend who was debating on whether to kill him or thank him.
“But he’s the designated driv-” Quinn started to say but shut up when Brock nudged him on the ribs with his elbow. It was embarrassingly obvious his friends were setting him up, but if it meant getting more times with you Elias didn’t mind. He’d deal with them later.
You looked at Elias who by now had stood up with you and was reaching for his keys on his pocket. “You really don’t have to.”
“Oh I was already thinking about leaving, don’t worry.” he reassured you but you were pretty sure the idea never crossed his mind till you have decided to leave.
Your apartment wasn’t far from the house so in a couple of minutes Elias was parking his car in front of the door of your building. Throughout the night a feeling started slowly growing inside of you. You could tell he was a genuinely nice guy, he apologized and spent the rest of the day getting to know you, genuinely interested in everything you told him. It was clear a connection was starting to form between the two of you and neither wanted it to stop.
“Thank you for the ride. You really didn’t have to.” you said once again, eyes stuck on the windshield.
“It’s the least I could do after the whole misunderstanding the other day.” he replied and the car fell into a comfortable silence. You knew it was time to say goodbye, but part of you wished you didn’t have to. Elias was thinking the exact same. He knew what he wanted, he wanted to see you again, but he couldn’t find the words and a part of him doubted if you were just being friendly and it was all in his head.
“Are you going to our next home game next friday?”
“Maybe, I don’t know if Holly and Bo will ask me to go with Gunssey.”
“I mean you could go by yourself …” he started to say and made a pause to look at you, gathering the courage he needed before adding: “to see me.”
“Would you like me to go see you?” you asked, finally turning your head to look at him.
“Yeah I’d really like that.” he replied without missing a beat. The smile that appeared in your face the moment you heard his words made every last bit of doubt disappear inside Elias.
He started to lean into you, heart beating fast on his chest, holding your gaze. You raised your hand gently cupping his cheek and bringing him even closer. His eyes went from yours to your lips and back to your eyes. You were so close you were basically breathing each other's breath. But when your lips were about to touch he stopped and whispered: “You still haven’t answered.”
“I’d love to-” you let out between giggles. He didn’t even let you finish and was already connecting his lips to yours, unable to hold himself back any longer.
His lips were soft against yours, but determinate, setting the rhythm. It was a shy kiss, your first one of many to come. At some point you took off your seat belts to be more comfortable, only prolonging the moment. You’d stop to catch your breath with your foreheads touching, but the second your eyes connected again, go back to kissing, like you couldn’t get enough.
“I should go in, people are gonna start wondering why there’s been a sports car parked in the front door for the last couple minutes.” you joked, definitely pulling away from him but not daring to look at him because you knew if you did you were never getting out of the car. He leaned back on his seat, still in disbelief of everything that had happened. You looked at him one last time before you were about to get out of the car, and decided one last kiss wouldn’t hurt nobody.
He was surprised at first when he felt your hand sneak to the back of his neck, but smiled again into the kiss once he felt your lips connect to his. It took every bit of self control you had to pull away again and get off the car before.
“Friday then?” you said peeking your head through the open window of the car.
He nodded before adding: “And then we could go out? Have some dinner?”
“Sounds perfect.” You didn’t even try to hide the smile on your face.
“See you on friday then.”
“Goodbye Petey.” you said and he chuckled at how you had already started using the nickname his teammates had put him. He loved how it sounded coming from you.
“Goodbye Y/N.”
You turned around and started making your way to the building and Elias waited till you were in to drive away. You entered your apartment and let yourself fall on the couch, a loud chuckle scaping your lips just thinking about everything that had happened today. That bubbling feeling sill strong inside you, unable to take your mind off of the cute hockey player who couldn’t tell a nanny from a kidnapper.
i’ll tag those who asked for it and those who showed some interest on the fic (if i tagged and you didn’t just ignore this sorry)
taglist: @sorryjustafangirl​ @iwantahockeyhimbo​ @itshakiba​ @simpgirl-lat​ @mellany1997​ @stlbluesbrat​
also if you wanna be tagged whenever i post about petey or whenever i post a piece let me know!!
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norarigby · 3 years
フェア関西のルームメイト二名 (The Two Roommates from Fair Kansai)
Chapter 2: The Typo
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Description: In which while typing a roommate ad online, the famed Miya Atsumu, (23) MSBY Jackals Setter, makes a detrimental typo that leads to an influx of women applicants. Confused, but not completely opposed (the idiot), Miya Atsumu lands on a formidable candidate. Y/n L/n. A Biotechnology major at Kansai University, looking for a change after her last disastrous roommates and some space from a particular complication. It’s odd, but it’ll work. Maybe a little too well.
Pairings: Miya Atsumu x Reader
Warnings: None!
Word Count: ~1.4k
A/n: Cross posted from my AO3. I update there first, so if you want the chapters sooner, check it out!
To say Atsumu was overwhelmed would be an understatement. When one of the athletic directors approached him saying how his phone kept going off in the locker room, he was concerned something was seriously wrong. As a precaution, they assure him that if it was an emergency that he should feel free to take the day. But upon closer inspection, he quickly realized that wouldn’t be necessary. He scrolled through what seemed like pages of messages and missed calls about the ad. And not just any inquiries, but…
“ALL WOMEN!” Atsumu exclaimed loudly in the busy shop. A few annoyed heads turned to the source of the outburst.
Osamu rolled his eyes, “‘Tsumu, we talked about this. Having you come during busy hours is already enough of a nuisance, but could you keep it down? This is still a public place.”
“But ‘Samu! What am I going to do?” Atsumu whisper-shouted like it would help his outburst, but it still elicited a few head turns, “I already didn’t want to room with a stranger! And now all of the applicants are girls? This has to be some sort of joke.”
Osamu helped with the line and handed out a few orders to customers before focusing some energy on his dramatic brother. “Well, did you specify that you were only looking for male roommate?”
Atsumu picked at the stray rice grains on his plate as he tried to remember what he wrote. He couldn’t remember specifying anything about the roommate themselves; focusing mainly on the apartment itself. He voiced his thoughts to his brother.
“Hmm, well Atsumu can be a girl's name. Maybe that’s why?”
He tried not to be offended at his brother’s comment, mainly because he was partially right. It’s possible that they’re assuming he’s a girl. But that doesn’t make entire sense either. Is it possible his fan club found the posting? That seemed pretty possible. Atsumu knew fangirls could get crazy when they wanted to be.
Osamu finished some things behind the bar and went over to sit by Atsumu. The two contemplated his conundrum over a fresh plate of onigiri. After Osamu’s second, he spoke up, “Just for science, can I see your ad?”
Atsumu gave him an incredulous look, but pulled up the ad anyway, “I mean, sure, but I don’t think-”
At Atsumu’s sudden silence, Osamu’s curiosity was piqued, “”Tsumu? Everything okay?”
Wordlessly he handed the phone over and Osamu read through the ad. Immediately after reading, he burst into laughter.
“‘Samu! This isn’t funny!”
But Osamu was laughing so hard he couldn’t even speak. Some of his employees turned out of concern and curiosity at their boss’ sudden burst. Eventually, he calmed down enough to choke out a “you are in some trouble, ‘Tsumu”.
Roommate Wanted.
Master Bedroom available with a private bath in a 100 sq m apartment in Osaka. In-unit wash, AC, dishwasher, internet, etc. Fully furnished (besides bedroom available). Rent with utilities is 62784¥. Near public transportation. Feel free to contact with questions or offers.
Miya Atsumi
“Alright, that wraps it up for today. Finish the calculations on your own time and be sure to bring back your completed form by next class. See you Tuesday!”
The sound of chairs scraping against the floor harmonized with the zipping and unzipping of backpacks as the classroom got up to leave. Y/n pulled out her phone to finally check her messages.
From: Mom
Found a listing in Osaka that looks interesting. Good apartment with really good pricing. You should give them a call.
Y/n typed a quick thank you before clicking on the link. Her mom was right. It looked like a decent location and a not too bad price. Trying to look for any information on the roommate (roommates?), all she could see was a number and a name at the bottom of the ad. What a strange listing. It was probably the shortest listing she’d ever come across--and definitely the most to the point.
Y/n sat and stared at the listing for a little bit while weighing her options. She just got out of an interesting situation in Suita, but she was now living with her parents. Which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but both her and her parents weren’t exactly jumping at the idea of her moving back in, especially with her graduating college next year.
Making up her mind, she copied the number and sent a quick text to the number on the ad. A silent prayer was sent to whoever was listening. This wouldn’t fix all of her problems, but this would solve a big one and she swore she would be able to handle the rest.
“And you told me I was loud,” Now Atsumu was getting antsy about the amount of people staring at his hysteric brother. “”Samu, you need to calm down.”
This had been going on for at least ten minutes now. Osamu would read through the ad, get sent into a fit of laughter, finally calm down, but then would read it again and the cycle would start all over again. Not used to being the responsible twin, in addition to being extremely embarrassed by his brother’s reaction to his typo, Atsumu was at a loss for what to do. He tried sending reassuring smiles to patrons and mumbled some apologies, but that was the extent of his capabilities.
Finally, Osamu calmed down and pushed Atsumu’s phone back to him. Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Osamu tried to console his brother, “Hey, maybe this won’t be such a bad thing. Surely, there’s at least one of those girls that you could at least be civil with.”
Atsumu scrolled through his messages again, exacerbated, “Even if that’s true! There’s too many! I don’t really have the time to sit and go through all of these.”
There were at least 100 people who had responded to his ad and where the messages definitely weren’t flooding in as much as they had earlier that day, he would get a notification about once every 15-20 minutes. By the time he got through the original applicants, there would be another 100-200 to take their place. In between practice and conditioning, there was no way Atsumu was going to be able to get through these all by himself.
“Tell you what,” Osamu leaned back in the chair he was sitting in, “Since this was partially my idea, I’ll help you tonight after I close up. And if we can’t find anyone, I’ll help you write up a better listing and we can delete this one.”
Atsumu’s other issue with all of these applicants is that he really didn’t want to spend energy looking through dozens of descriptions and deciding if he would like them or not. He assumed it would be like the dating app he had for a couple weeks, but worse. Atsumu really didn’t like the idea of judging someone based on a single paragraph they wrote about themselves. He preferred a more personal approach. Like with the various spikers and teammates he’d played with over the years, he was really good at reading people in person. Within a short conversation, he could pretty accurately lay out a person’s personality (what things they might like, what might make them tick, what things they were indifferent to). Over the internet it was much more difficult.
He guessed he could always ask them to meet in person, right? That was something people did. They could meet at his brother’s restaurant so then Osamu could get a feel for the other person. Atsumu figured it would also get one glaring issue out of the way: he was a guy.
It was a fool proof plan. Osamu and him would sort through the applicants tonight and he would invite them to meet him in person. This way he can see if it’s going to work or not and if they aren’t comfortable with rooming with a guy they can just leave. Genius!
Atsumu recounted his plan to his brother and Osamu was in agreement. With that, the blonde brother left to go to afternoon conditioning, planning on returning just before close to sneak in a few more onigiri from his brother before the long haul.
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writing-gifts · 3 years
both sides of the viewfinder chp. 4
adult film star!bruno x afab!reader  (they are also gn)
18+ content!!
chapter 1 || chapter 2 || chapter 3 || chapter 4
A/N: i was not quicker with the next update lol, but im tired of reading over it so gonna just throw it out there now since im mostly happy with it!
anyways, resort time babeyyy 😎
You try not to show it but you're filled with excitement. You've never been to a resort and Bruno had offered to pay for your expenses. Of course you were only willing to let him pay half (which was the lowest you could get him to go).
The two of you had been playing a game of sorts ever since your little session in the dressing room. Even though the both of you wanted to finish what you started, you had wordlessly decided to see how long the other would last before giving in. You couldn't really call it romantic but you did know there was lust involved--a lot.
The game had honestly made you quite bold and taught you some patience. Of course you still had some close calls though, and filming Bruno at work had made it that much harder for you. It wasn't fair and you made sure to let the man know this, but he just coyly smiled and told you he was ready to go whenever you were.
You drop your luggage in front of the bed you and Bruno would be sharing for the next week. At first, you assumed you would both be in separate rooms since you weren't an actual item, but Bruno wasn't having any of it which you were glad for. You wanted to get as much alone time as you could with him during this vacation.
You get closer to the sliding glass doors that lead to the balcony. The location was perfect and you had a nice view of the beach from here. You had never seen such blue water or white sand. And you could already feel yourself sprawled out on a towel next to a shirtless Bruno.
"Like the view?" Bruno asks, pulling you from your thoughts.
You nod. "This is great! Thank you again for inviting me."
"Of course. I didn't want to go a whole week without seeing you."
You try to force down the smile that appears on your face in response but it's obvious and you know Bruno already saw it.
He smiles, reaches out and places a gentle hand on your cheek. However, you close your eyes to avoid his very intense and persuading gaze.
"Gonna have to try harder than that," you say under breath as you turn back to the balcony.
"...I didn't expect you to last this long. You've definitely proved me wrong."
"And I'm going to win too." You stick out your tongue.
Bruno smirks but says nothing more before going to unpack his luggage. You eventually pull yourself away from the view to do the same.
You lay on your back, sunglasses on your face as you let the sun warm you. You were still pretty full from brunch and any moment now you expected to fall asleep. 'Til then, you watch Irene, Eli and Jocelyn goofing off in the water and sand.
The group decided to start the day together off at the beach. Which was perfect because today was going to be about relaxation, at least for you anyways. You all had time to get rowdy later if you wanted to anyways.
You turn your head to look at Bruno who currently lays on his front. His sun hat sits on the back of his head to keep that part of him shaded.
"If you don't mind, can you put sunscreen on me? It's been awhile since I last did."
"Sure," you say. You should probably put some on too when you're done.
You walk on your knees to grab the bottle out of Bruno's bag and then crawl your way over to him.
You couldn't help but take a moment to admire his tanned back. The muscles along it were a lovely sight and of course being the horny bastard that you are, your eyes drift down towards his ass. He had a cute butt that you had seen many times but still weren't tired of.
You suddenly remember a scene where Bruno was getting railed and need to take a moment to calm down.
Maybe one day…
"Hello?" Bruno pulls you from your inappropriate imaginings.
"Right, right--sunscreen."
You scooch up next to him and move to place your knees on either side of his hips so you can sit on his upper thighs.
Bruno looks over his shoulder at you with a raised brow, causing his hat to fall off, but you smile innocently.
"Relax," you say.
He squints but lays his head back on his arms.
Once you squeeze and rub the cool, sweet smelling cream on your hands you bring them to his shoulders. You spread the cream following the lines of his muscles on his upper back before sliding lower.
You spend a little more time on his lower back then you should, and the dimples that rest above his ass get special attention.
The man's hips shift oh so slightly and you look up and see that his eye is closed and his brow furrowed.
You scoot up and lean forward. "I could do your front too," you whisper in his ear.
"We are in public."
You jolt at the gruff voice a small distance away. Sitting up, you see Abbacchio scowling at the two of you from the giant parasol he's sitting under.
You sigh but move off Bruno before the goth kills you with his glare.
"You're right. Sorry," Bruno says.
You weren't sorry but nod anyways. It's not like you two were doing anything that obvious. Just some teasing. And there was barely anyone outside your friend group out here!
"Just keep it out of my sight." Abbacchio taps the airpods in his ear before returning his attention to the ocean.
After you all get your fill of the beach, which goes well into the evening, it's time to get ready for dinner.
Since it was the first official day of your vacation you all want something more casual but still on the expensive side. So you all eventually decide on Korean BBQ.
"I'm just glad you two didn't try to fuck each other on the beach," Irene says. "Even if it would have been fun to watch…"
Okay so maybe you weren't as discrete as you thought. Abbacchio throws an unimpressed look directly at you and Bruno, but you choose to ignore it.
"I was just putting sunscreen on him I swear…"
Eli smirks at you. "This picture says otherwise."
Your brows raise when they show you and Bruno the image on their phone.
Your cheeks go hot and you look down at your plate. "Why did you even take a picture of that?"
Jocelyn barks out a laugh. "You have a weird taste in memories cause that's the last thing I'd want to remember!"
You roll your eyes but you know it was in good fun. Bruno seems mildly amused anyways.
Not willing to entertain the topic any further, you pick up a piece of grilled pork from your plate. As you bring it to your mouth, you feel Bruno's leg brush against yours.
You peak over at him but he seems to be completely invested in a conversation with Abbacchio.
You assume it's an accident until you feel him do it again along with resting his hand on your upper leg. His fingers gently squeeze your inner thigh before rubbing the area with his thumb.
You continue eating your food as if it has no affect on you. It takes a lot of will power though as he continues his caresses throughout the whole dinner.
Afterwards, the group splits off. Jocelyn and Irene head to a club, Eli to the casino (Jocelyn made sure to put a limit on the money they could blow) and Abbacchio to the bar. You and Bruno decide to head to your room, obviously not in the mood to go anywhere else tonight.
When you reach your room, you both get ready for bed acting as if you don't want to fuck each other.
You crawl next to Bruno on the bed once you're done with the bathroom.
"I'm not tired yet…" you say
"Me neither."
"I guess we could watch a movie or show. There has to be something we both like on Netflix."
You pick up the remote for the TV and make your way to Netflix and start scrolling through the options on the front page.
"What type of stuff do you like to watch anyways?" you ask.
"Romance works."
"You probably watch the explicit type of romance," you joke.
Bruno's eyes widen slightly and you surmise that you guessed right. Either that or he was weirded out by your statement and that seemed very unlikely.
You smile amused. "Well I guess we could watch something like that then!"
Once you both finally settle on something, you get comfortable and lean against Bruno.
The movie wasn't really that great and every sex scene that happened made you cringe but it was at least kind of entertaining. Still, you were starting to get bored and were still horny from all the nonsense you and Bruno had been up to the last several days.
So in a moment of weakness you place your hand on Bruno's thigh. He looks at you expectantly but you do nothing more.
You want to look at him properly to see his expression but you need 100% focus or you would break. So you keep your eyes on the TV as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. If you were lucky this would somehow bring your game to a close and the two of you could do something more exciting.
Bruno says your name under his breath, but you simply hum. Enduring that dinner was proof of your will and you believe you could keep this up all night if needed. (But that was the last thing you were hoping for.)
Suddenly, you feel a warm hand on top of yours.
Bruno guides your hand further up his thigh. "Please…"
"Huh?" You fake the confusion in your voice.
"Let's end this game."
"Oh...so that means I win?"
"Yes you win, just please touch me."
You smirk and move to kneel a small distance in front of him. "That was so easy!" You were thoroughly going to enjoy this.
When he sees you're not getting closer it prompts him to scooch forward on the bed, but before he can touch you, you push him down on his back and crawl on top. There's a slightly stunned look on his face but it quickly changes to one of anticipation.
You line your chest with Bruno's and lean down for a kiss which he returns enthusiastically.
"I never thought I'd enjoy losing this much...." he murmurs against your lips.
You smirk and continue your kisses down his cheek. Your hands find their way under his shirt and slowly explore the span of his abdomen and chest. He softly sighs when you begin sucking at the skin between his neck and shoulder and your hands squeeze him in response.
When you hear Bruno's breathing become slightly heavier you sit up and remove his shirt. You'd seen his body many times in all sorts of positions but you still take a second to appreciate his toned torso.
You press kisses to his chest and let your hands run down his sides enjoying how he just barely reacts under your fingertips. You stop at his hips, and your thumbs trace back and forth along his hip bones. Your tongue brushes against Bruno's nipple, and you feel him tense under your hands.
You move back to sit on his pelvis and immediately feel his cock through his pants. Bruno gently rocks his hips against your ass, and you entertain the motion by pressing down yourself.
His hands grab your hips, but before he can get too carried away you pull your ass off him. He ends up humping the air and lets out a sigh of frustration. His tune changes quickly though when he sees you move down between his legs.
"I'm not really feeling like I lost anything…"
You gently rub at his hard bulge through his pajama pants. "Well guess I'm just that generous. But at the same time I feel like I'm going too easy on you now."
"Please don't make me wait any longer ____."
You look up and the man's cheeks are flushed and he seems a little dazed, but he doesn't take his eyes off you. Seeing the usually controlled actor look at you this way has your stomach flipping.
"I didn't expect you to be so impatient," you say.
"I suppose you just have this effect on me..."
Smiling to yourself, you pull his pants down and are surprised by a pair of fancy panties.
You raise a brow at him. "...You already knew how tonight was going to end, huh?"
You carefully pull the satin fabric down before licking a slow stripe up his cock. The smug look on Bruno's face is immediately wiped away.
You wrap your hand around his twitching member and press your lips against the tip. He lets out a low hum, and your tongue licks against the slit before your mouth wraps around his sensitive head.
Whenever Bruno tries to move his hips you force them down and continue with your teasing touches along his cock. But eventually you decide to stop messing with him and fully take him into your mouth.
His eyes flutter shut. "Hmm, that feels amazing amore."
Even though he was finally in your mouth you move achingly slow and you can tell he wants you to go faster. And he makes it quite clear.
You let up a bit but mostly keep at driving him crazy. Your hand starts to knead at his balls and you immediately feel him twitching in your mouth.
"____. You're--"
You pull off.
Once Bruno realizes what just happened he deadpans at you. You laugh at his expression and he sits up with a sigh.
"Okay you had your fun, time to lay back."
You raise a brow at him.
Bruno begins stripping himself completely of his clothes. "You're the winner, right? Let me treat you."
Perhaps he had a point, and you didn't really have a problem with letting him takeover. This time.
Before you can think of taking your own clothes off, Bruno's doing it for you. His thumbs hook in the band of your pants and pull them down for you.
"...No underwear?" he asks.
You shrug and remove your shirt in an attempt to prevent yourself from laughing. "Guess you weren't the only one planning on ending this tonight."
Once you're done, you lay down and Bruno settles next to you. He places his hand on your lower stomach and brings his face close to yours. You immediately get caught in his blue eyes. It's not fair that he gets to be so handsome.
His finger easily pushes past your wet entrance while his thumb rubs gentle circles against your clit. Another finger is soon added and he begins to thrust his fingers slowly into you. When he crooks them against your walls you have a hard time holding back the noises you want to make.
"A-Are you gonna get me back for teasing you?" you ask. It would be deserved, but you hope he didn't. You hadn't realized how worked up you were until Bruno started touching you.
"Another time. I don't want to wait any longer."
He removes his fingers and gets himself situated on top of you. Once his hips are comfortably between your legs, you drag a finger along his cock before grabbing and lining it with your entrance. Finally after all the games you could both get some relief.
The moment Bruno feels himself against your entrance he presses in letting you take him slowly, inch by inch. When he's fully in, you sigh and slightly wiggle your hips. One of your legs hook around his waist and you place your arms around his neck. He keeps his eyes on yours as he pulls back before pressing in again and starting a nice and comfortable rhythm.
Your hand plays at the soft hairs at the nape of his neck before properly tangling into his locks. You pull and his lips part, a perfect moan falling from them. His hips thrust against you particularly hard forcing a groan out of you.
You smirk a bit. "Never get tired of that…"
Your fingers massage his scalp before you guide his face close to yours. Your lips join and he quickly presses his tongue into your mouth.
Just as you're really enjoying the kiss, he ends it. But before you can pout he pulls you close against him. His thrusts begin to speed up and his moans are muffled by the side of your face.
You always loved Bruno's moans when you were filming him but something about his current ones were different--so desperate and wanting. They had you clenching on his cock.
His hand snakes down between you two and your eyes fall shut as he rubs your clit. Your breath hitches when you feel him nip your ear.
Bruno hums. "You feel amazing...I feel like I could do this for hours."
You mumble something unintelligible under your breath in reply, not even sure what it you said until you start moaning out Bruno's name. Your back arches and your legs tighten around his waist to keep his hips in place as you come.
Bruno nuzzles against your neck and once your legs relax he continues thrusting.
"You came on my cock so well...ah, just a little more--"
His hips begin to stutter and he calls out your name. You press your lips to his temple and move your hips to help him along. His body tenses before he pulls out and comes onto your stomach.
Bruno's hips rock against you as he comes down and soon his body relaxes against yours. He doesn't seem to mind the mess he's making. His nose brushes against your cheek before you feel a kiss.
After some silence you yawn."...We should do this more often."
He stops peppering kisses on your neck and places an arm over your torso. "Agreed. In fact, we can start again in 5 minutes after I clean us off."
You gawk a bit at him. "Don't you get tired?"
"I do, that's why I said 5 minutes."
You scoff but end up grinning instead. "Well...it's not like we're going anywhere for awhile."
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meltwonu · 4 years
Prompts #19 #8 #2 together with dom!seungcheol i still miss him 🥺
2. “I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”
8. “Like what you see?”
19. “Take off your clothes.”
note; camgirl!reader, squirting, dirty talk u know it!! ahaaaaa altho this is for cheol, theres a bit of all the members in this i mean its a camshow kdjfhksjh also it took me 30 min to come up with usernames for everyone 😔also the format of this is long and i got too into this so the rest is under the cut! Thank you for requesting!! Enjoy!! 💕
“Hmm, dom.cheol just wrote ‘Take off your clothes’, we’ll get to that soon! Just a few more donations and we can start the show!” The lace babydoll doesn’t do much to hide your figure from the camera but Seungcheol is impatient, his eyes flitting across his computer screen as he watches you.
kitty_junjun: aww, baby let us see you already!!
therealchan99: can I get a private show? :‘)
angelhan: if anyone’s getting a free show, wouldn’t it be dom.cheol?
Seungcheol smirks from behind his screen, licking his lips as he reads the comments on your stream. Your camgirl username was ‘cherry_clouds’ although that had nothing to do with your real name. You were his favorite camgirl and Seungcheol was a constant viewer; always active in the chat and always generous with his donations. He donated money, toys, and clothes whenever he could and you were extremely appreciative for him.
“dom.cheol getting a free show? Maybe… hehe, oh! We just hit the minimum for the show, guess we can start now!” You flash the cam a sweet smile, fingers playing with the lace of the sheer babydoll. “Like what you see? This cute little number was donated to me by dom.cheol! Thank you so much!”
dom.cheol: you’re welcome sweetheart, now why don’t you give us what we’re waiting for?
“Hmm, okay~ I think you’ve all waited long enough… and if I’m being honest… there was another gift in the package dom.cheol sent…” You push your keyboard away from you on the bed as you lean back, spreading your legs so that the camera can get a clear shot of your wet panties. “These vibrating panties were on this whole time since I started, I’m so wet and so sensitive, I could cum already~” Your voice is airy, sweet sighs escaping you as you reach for the remote tucked under a nearby pillow.
universe_WZ: fuck, look at that. You’re already soaking
alphagyu97: please tell me you’re selling those panties afterwards??
dom.cheol: turn up the vibration level baby, I know you can take it.
You obey, setting it to the highest level before you cry out, grinding down into the bed sheets underneath you.
dom.cheol: cum for me.
Seungcheol watches you come apart, legs snapping shut as you cum from the intense vibrations. The sound of coins clinking sounds off in the background as you catch your breath, sliding the soaked fabric down your legs. You take your time with removing your lace babydoll, giving your viewers a show as you toss it off to the side. Seungcheol palms himself through his sweats as he leans back in his computer chair, eyes fixated on your body.
“I have two~ more toys to play with… ‘m really sorry guys, I have a short show tonight! I have some business to take care of afterwards, hope that’s okay?” You pout at your camera, fingers twirling around a lock of hair.
artist8hao: don’t worry about it, doll! We’re happy to see you any chance we get!
tangerine_kwan: agreed! Don’t apologize!!!
chwenon: wait i’m with alphagyu97 are you selling those panties???
hoshi_tiger_xx: actually yea, thirded? Are u sellin those?
Seungcheol can’t help but eye roll at the comments. Sometimes he wishes it was really just you and him, but he also knew there were boundaries. You never offered private shows and you never sold any of your used panties, as much as your viewers seemed to want them. But he watches you pull out your favorite dildo and your hitachi, both also gifts from him, as you set them down in front of you.
“In my last show, I think it was sleepy_wonu who asked if I could, um, try squirting if I had the chance so I figured I would try since it’s a short show today! I wanna treat you all~”
sleepy_wonu: holy shit she just menbtioned me skjkh move over dom.cheol!!!
xcaliburDK: yikes don’t get too cocky there buckaroo
gentleman_josh95: wait did u say squirt
“Yes! I wanna try it tonight… Think I can? My body is already sensitive from cumming once~”
Seungcheol slides a hand past the band of his sweats and underwear, wrapping his fingers around his hard cock. He shimmies the fabric down, freeing his cock from its confines as he pumps himself. Reaching over, he uses his free hand to type a quick reply.
dom.cheol: lets see that pretty little pussy get wet, baby.
Giggling, you grab a bottle of lube off camera, plopping back down onto your bed. “Ok~ let’s get started~!”
universe_WZ has donated $100
angelhan has donated $50
dom.cheol has donated $450
“Thank you~ Hmm, ah, I’m still so wet… do you think I can take two fingers already?”
alphagyu97: yes god yes yes
kitty_junjun: bet you could take 3 with how wet u r ;)
Pouring a little bit of lube on your fingertips, you start with one finger, pumping the digit until you realize it’s not enough, quickly adding another finger into your tight hole. “A-ah, mmh, feels so good, I want more~” You whine, grinding into your own palm as you reach for the dildo. You continue to finger yourself, adding a third digit as you pop the lid on the lube, squirting some onto the dildo as you warm it up with your free hand.
“I really can’t wait anymore, I wanna be fucked so badly~”
Seungcheol pumps his cock, precum leaking from the tip as he watches you remove your fingers and instead position yourself over the dildo. You sink down onto it, eyes rolling to the back of your head as the dildo bottoms out inside of you. You start to bounce on it, fucking yourself onto it as Seungcheol tries to stave off from cumming too soon.
“A-ah, d’you wanna k-know, hah, a secret?”
therealchan99: oh god yes
xcaliburDK: yessssssss
“Mmh, sometimes wh–when I’m fuckin’ myself on this dildo, I imagine it’s dom.cheol’s cock filling me up. It’s so big, but I bet he’s so much bigger~ He could probably make me cum just from sitting on his cock~ Ah, and then he’d probably fill me up with his cum and I’d be so full of it~ I’d make him watch all the cum spill down my legs and then let him scoop it up and fuck it back into me~ Mmh, I’ve never wanted someone to fuck me this badly~”
sleepy_wonu: b r u h 
hoshi_tiger_xx: yoooooooo
chwenon: imma pretend u said my name instead
If Seungcheol wasn’t already heated before, he could feel his blood turn into lava as he fucks up into his hand; your words spurring him on. He can feel himself getting closer and closer to his orgasm as you continue to fuck yourself on the dildo, a free hand reaching for the hitachi next to you.
dom.cheol has donated $600
dom.cheol: fuck, sweetheart, let’s see it, fuckin wet this cock for me like a good girl
You turn on your hitachi, settling it to the highest setting before placing it against your clit. You let out a small scream, opting to grind down onto the dildo instead as you cum hard. The sound of rapid fire donations hits your ears but you don’t let up, keeping the hitachi against your clit as you maneuver yourself onto your back, giving the camera a clear shot of your filled pussy. Your legs threaten to clamp shut but you fight the urge, using a hand to pump the dildo in and out as your other hand presses the hitachi harder into your clit.
“I’m gon–gonna cum again fuck, fuck..!!”
Seungcheol jerks his cock faster, wanting to cum at the same time as you. He moves his hands in time with you fucking the dildo into yourself as he cums, biting his lip hard to hold in his noises. On screen, you cum right after he does, back arching off the bed as the dildo is forced out of you, clear liquid spraying and wetting the bed sheets underneath you. Your grip on the hitachi loosens but you keep it to your clit until the overstimulation starts to bite, small whines and cries leaving you as you turn it off and catch your breath.
tangerine_kwan: i think i have died
artist8hao: i…please tell me we can pay for this content to be reuploaded
gentleman_josh95: seconded, please god that was so hot
You lay there for a moment, letting the sound of donations keep going for a minute or two before you attempt to sit up. Seungcheol, alone in his room, sits with his hand still firmly around his cock, streaks of cum already drying on his shirt.
“Mmm, I’m so sleepy you guys~ That really wiped me out… How did I do? I’m soaked now~”
universe_WZ: i would d word for u
artist8hao: i literally came when you did and I’m already ready for a second round
chwenon: me too, fuck
dom.cheol: I think you killed me, sweetheart.
You let out a tired giggle, slumping forward into the camera. “Aww, ‘m sorry~ I Just wanted to show my appreciation~ And again I’m sorry that I had to have such a short show! I wanted to make it worth it, y’kno?” You read a few more comments, thanking your viewers for supporting your show as always.
“Okay~ I think I gotta go now everyone! I gotta go clean up! Thank you again for watching! Love ya!”
Seungcheol watches as you blow a kiss to the camera, waving once more before the stream cuts off. He sighs out of tiredness, sending one last donation of $500 before he exits your page for the night. Checking his account, he notices a tiny ‘1’ over the messages logo, brow quirking in curiosity. He clicks on it, heart racing when he sees the singular ‘cherry_clouds would like to send you a message!’ in his inbox.
Seungcheol feels the air leave his lungs as he reads your message, quickly pulling up a reply window as his eyes flit over the message for the 3rd time.
“Hi dom.cheol!
I just wanted to thank you for your constant support for me~ I’d be nowhere without you~! I’ve been thinking it over and I know I don’t really do private shows or anything… but I would really be interested in doing one for you, free of charge for my biggest supporter! If you’re interested, I’d love to hear back from you! I’m free right now actually, maybe we can even cam and get to know each other better? ;) Hope to hear from you soon! xx cherry_clouds”
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cecilspeaks · 4 years
173 - The Hundred Year Play
Quoth the raven: [bird noises] Welcome to Night Vale.
Listeners, some exciting news from the world of theatre! The 100 year play is about to reach its final scene. Yes, this is the play that has been running continuously since 1920. Written by a brilliant playwright Hannah Hershman, designed to take exactly 100 years to perform. And the tireless volunteer of the Night Vale Players Playhouse have been going through those scenes, one after another, for decade upon decade. There’s little time to rehearse, for each hour brings new scenes and each scene will only be performed once the play moves on, in order to keep up with the tight schedule needed to execute the entire script before a century elapses.
It is a monumental work of theatre, but like all work, it must some day cease. Today, specifically. I will be in attendance at that historic moment, when the final scene is performed and the curtain closes on the 100 year play.   More soon, but first the news.
We bring you the latest on the lawsuit “The estate of Franklin Chen vs. the city of Night Vale”. As you know, this case has grown so large and complicated that I’ve not had the time to discuss it in my usual community radio broadcasts. But instead, have started a true crime podcast called “Bloody Laws, Bloody Claws: The Murder of Frank Chen”, in which I strive to get to the truth of just what happened on that fateful night when five-headed dragon Hiram McDaniels met Frank Chen, and then later Frank Chen’s body was found covered in burns and claw marks. It’s a confounding mystery. The Sheriff’s Secret Police announce that it seems really complicated and they’re not even gonna try to solve that sucker. “Oh, what?” a Secret Police spokesman muttered at an earthworm he found in his garden. “You want us to fail? You wanna see us fail? That’s why you want us to investigate this case, to see us fail at it?” The family of Frank Chen say they merely want the appropriate parties, in this case the city of Night Vale, Hiram McDaniels and an omniscient conception of God, to take responsibility for their part in this tragedy. The trial is now in its 10th month, and has included spirited re-enactments of the supposed murder by helpful Players Playhouse performers in between their work on the 100 year play. 3 changes of judge and venue due to “some dragon attacks and constant interruptions from a local audio journalist, who hosts a widely respected true crime podcast”. Still, with all this, we near a verdict. Judge Chaplin has indicated she will issue her ruling soon. “Like in the next year or so?” she said. “Certainly within 5 years. Listen, I don’t owe you a verdict, just because you’re paying me to do a job, you can’t rush me to do it. The verdict will be done when. It’s. Done.” Chaplin then huffed out of the courtroom followed by journalists shouting recommendations for episodes of their podcast to listen to.
I was present, you know, on opening night of the 100 year play. Ah, how the theatre buzzed! Of course this was partly the audience, thrilled to be at the start of such an unprecedented work, but mostly – it was the insects. The Night Vale Players Playhouse had quite a pest problem at the time, and still does. It’s difficult to do pest control when there is a 100 year long play being performed on stage at every hour of every day. The curtain opened those many years ago on a simple set of a studio apartment,  a kitchen, a cot, a window overlooking a brick wall. A man sits in the corner deep in thought. A doorbell rings. “Come in, it’s open,” the man says. A woman enters, flustered. She is holding a newborn. “There’s been a murder!” she says. “The victim was alone in a room, and all the doors and windows were locked. “My god!” the man says and springs up. “Who could have done this, and how?!” the woman tells him: “It turns out to be the gardener, Mr. Spreckle. He served with the victim in the war and never could forgive him for what happened there. He threw a venomous snake through an air vent.” The man sits back down, nodding. “Aah! So the mystery is solved.” As a playwright, Hannah Hershman did not believe in stringing up mysteries a second longer than was necessary. The baby in the woman’s arm stirs. “Shush, shush little one!” the woman says. The man looks out the window where he cannot see the sky. “It might look like rain,” he says. “Who knows?” Thus began a journey of 100 years.
And now a word from our sponsors. Today’s episode is sponsored by the Night Vale Medical Board, which would like to remind you that it is important to drink enough water throughout the day. Drink more water! Your body cannot function without water. Without water, you are just dust made animate. Water forms the squelching mud of sentience. Try to have at least ten big glasses of water. Not over the entire day, right now. See if you can get all ten of them down. Explore the capacity of your stomach. See if you can make it burst. You will either feel so much better, or an organ will explode and you will day painfully. And either one is more interesting than the mundane now. You should drink even more water than that. Wander out of your door, search the Earth for liquids. Find a lake and drain the entire thing, until the bottom feeders flop helplessly on the flatlands. Laugh slushingly as you look upon the destruction you have wrought. The power that you possess now that you are well hydrated. Move on from the lake and come to the shore of an ocean. All oceans are one ocean that we have arbitrarily categorized by language. The sea knows no separation, and neither will you when you lay belly down on the sand, put your lips against the waves and guzzle the ocean. The ocean is salty. It will not be very hydrating, so you’ll need to drink a lot of it. Keep going until the tower tops of Atlantis see sky again for the first time in centuries, until the strange glowing creatures of the deep-deep are exposed, splayed out from their bodies now that they no longer have the immense pressure of the ocean depths to keep their structure intact. And once you have drunk the oceans, turn your eyes to the stars. For there is water out there too, and you must suck dry the universe. This has been a message from the Night Vale Medical Board.
20 years passed without me thinking about the 100 year play. You know how it is. One day you’re an intern at the local radio station doing all the normal errands like getting coffee and painting pentacles upon Station Management doors as part of the ritual of the slumbering ancients. Then 20 years passes and everything is different for you. Your boss is gone and now you are a host of the community radio station, and there are so many new responsibilities and worries and lucid nightmares in which you explore a broken landscape of colossal ruins. So with all of that, I just kind of forgot the 100 year play was happening. But they were toiling away in there, doing scenes around the clock, building and tearing down sets at a frantic pace, trying to keep up with the script that relentlessly went on, page after page. And sometimes one of the people working on the play would wonder: how does this all end? But before they could flip ahead and look, there would be another scene that had to be performed and they wouldn’t have a chance. So no one knew how it ended. No one except Hannah Hershman, the mysterious author of this centennial play.
Soon after becoming radio host, during the reading of a Community Calendar, I was reminded that the play was still going on, and so decided to check in. I put on my best tux, you know it’s the one with the scales and the confetti canon. And then took myself to a night at the theatre. I can’t say what happened in the plot since that first scene, but certainly much had transpired. We were now in a space colony thousands of years from now, and the set was simple, just some sleek chairs and a black backdrop dotted with white stars of paint. A woman was giving a monologue about the distance she felt between the planet she was born on, which I believe was supposed to be Earth, and the planet she now stood on. I understood from what she was saying that the trip she had taken to this planet was one way, and that she would never return to the place she was born. “We… are… all of us… moved… by time,” she whispered in a cracked, hoarse voice. “Not… one of us dies… in the world… we were born into.” Sitting in my seat in that darkened theatre, I knew two facts with certainty. The first was that this woman had been giving a monologue for several days now. She wavered on her feet, speaking the entire four hours that I was there. And I don’t know how much longer she spoke after I left, but it could have been weeks. She was pale and her voice was barely audible, but there was something transfixing about it, and the audience sat in perfect silence, leaning forward to hear her words. The other fact I understood was that this woman was the newborn from the very first scene. Not just the same character, but the same actor. 20 years later, she was still on that stage, still portraying the life to the child we had been introduced to in the opening lines. She was an extraordinary performer, presumably, having had a literal lifetime of practice. And that was the last time I saw the play, until tonight, when I will go to watch the final scene.
But first, let’s have a look at that Community Calendar. Tonight the school board is meeting to discuss the issues of school lunches. It seems that some in power argue that it isn’t enough that for some reason we charge the kids actual money for these lunches. They argue that the students should also be required to give devotion and worship to a great glowing cloud, whose benevolent power will fill their lives with purpose. Due to new privacy rules, we cannot say which member of the school board made this suggestion. The board will be taking public comment in a small flimsy wooden booth out by the highway. Just enter the damp, dark interior and whisper your comment, and it will be heard. Perhaps not by the school board, but certainly by something.
Tuesday morning, Lee Marvin will be offering free acting classes at the rec center. The class is entitled “Acting is just lying. We’ll teach you how acting is just saying things that aren’t true, with emotions you don’t feel, so that you may fool those watching with these mistruths.” Fortunately, Marvin commented: “Most people don’t want to be told the truth and prefer the quiet comfort of a lie well told.” Classes are pay what you want, starting at 10,000 dollars.
Thursday Josh Crayton will be taking the form of a waterfall in Grove Park, so that neighborhood kids may swim in him. There is not a lot of swimming opportunities in a town as dry as Night Vale, and so this is a generous move on Josh’s part. He has promised that he has been working on the form and has added a water slide and a sunbathing deck. He asks that everyone swim safely and please not leave any trash on him.
Friday, the corn field will appear in the middle of town, right where it does each September, as the air turns cooler and the sky in the west takes on a certain shade of green. The corn field emanates a power electric and awful. Please, do not go into the corn field, as we don’t know what lives in there or what it wants. The City Council would like to remind you that the corn field is perfectly safe. It is perfect and it is safe. 
Finally, Saturday never happened. Not if you know what’s good for you. Got it? This has been the Community Calendar.
Oh! Look at the time. Here I am blathering on and the play is about to end. OK, let me grab my new mini recorder that Carlos got me for my birthday. It’s only 35 pounds and the antenna is a highly reasonable 7 feet. And I’ll see you all there.
Ah. What’s the weather like for my commute?
[Shallow Eyes” by Brad Bensko. https://www.bradbenskomusic.com/]
Carlos and I are at the theatre! The audience is a buzz, with excitement yes, but also many of them are the insects that infest this theatre. The bugs became entranced by the story over the years, passing down through brief generation after brief generation, the history of all that happened before. The story of the play became something of a religion to this creepy crawly civilization. And so now the bugs are jittering on the walls, thrilled to be the generation that gets to see the end of this great tale.
The curtain rises on a scene I recognize well. It is the simple set of a studio apartment. A kitchen, a cot, a window overlooking a brick wall. A man sits in the corner deep in thought. A doorbell rings. “Come on, it’s open,” the man calls. A woman enters. She is very old, tottering unsteadily on legs that have carried for her many many years. “Please take my seat,” the man says with genuine concern. “Thank you,” she says, collapsing with relief onto the cushions and then looking out, as if for the first time, noticing the audience. I know this woman. I first saw her as a baby and later as a 20-year-old. It seems she has lived her whole life on this stage, taking part in this play. “My name,” the woman says, “is Hannah Hershman. I was born in this theatre, clutching a script in my arms that was bigger than I was. My twin, in a way. I started acting in that script of mine before I was even aware of the world. I grew up in that script, lived my entire life in the play I had written from infancy to now.” And she rises, and the man reaches out to help, but she waves him away. She speaks, her- her voice is strong, ringing out through the theatre. “The play ends with my death, because the play is my life. It is bounded by the same hours and minutes that I am.” the audience is rapt, many have tears in their eyes. Even the insects weep. “Thank you for these hundred years,” Hannah Hershman says. “This script is complete.” She walks to the window. “It might look like rain,” she says. “Who knows?” The lights dim.
Thunderous applause, cries of acclaim, and Hannah Hershman dies to the best possible sound a person can hear: concrete evidence of the good they have done in the lives of other humans.
Stay tuned next for the second ever Night Vale Players Playhouse production, now that they finally finished this one. They’re going to do “Godspell”. And from the script of a life I have not yet finished performing, Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: Many are called, but few are chosen. And fewer still pick up. Because most calls are spam these days.
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Daily Blog #15: August 22, 2021
Dollar Tree is honestly pretty fucking awesome 👌👌👌
I set my alarm for like 6:25 this morning, but it took 6 minutes for the "Horsin' Around" theme song instrumental to wake me up. I was pretty tired lol. I just dismissed it and went back to sleep.
I only went back to sleep because I knew I had another alarm set for 7:00. That got me up.
I should mention that this was still in the RV over an hour away from the house.
After I got up, I went to go get a shower, and did so successfully.
Unfortunately, I had forgotten my brush this time and had to do it afterwards after my hair had a bit of time to dry, which did make it a little more difficult lol.
I got dressed and grabbed my stuff, putting it into my car.
I made it a point to see and say "see you later" to my grandparents before I left for the flea market.
My dad insisted that I stayed to say goodbye to my mom, so I left.
I did NOT have cell service up there, as was mentioned in my previous 2 blogs of which I could only post today, so finding my way was a tiny bit difficult until I got some service to ask Google to take me to "...".
It worked and I got there.
On my drive, I listened to 1 by Simple Kid, a CD I had previously purchased at a Dollar Tree location.
I got a call from the guy at the flea market saying that I had some people there waiting for me. He asked how far away I was, to which I said "about 10 minutes." Ironically, that call made me miss my exit, as Google couldn't talk during the call, and added about 3 minutes to my arrival time lmao.
I did sell the Xbox that he said someone was interested in. I got $40 for it. I spent 27¢ on it. Pretty good return if you ask me.
I couldn't sell it with anything other than a power cord because the controller and AV cables I had been using to play it there were for my personal console. I'm just glad I can actually hook my Xbox up and stop having to drag them to the flea market along with a small library of games.
Not too long after I sold the Xbox, someone came in and asked if I wanted to see some electronics he had in his car. I went out with him. It was a pair of 3ft speakers and a Pioneer audio system with dual cassette decks (although neither of them works) and a 25 Disc CD-changer, as well as the standard AM/FM tuner. Additionally, there was a Fisher amplifier and AM/FM tuner as well as a Fisher Direct Drive turntable. He said he wanted $60 for em, but before that he casually, and probably accidentally, dropped that he was just gonna take em to the thrift store.
Big mistake.
I got em for $35 lmao. THERE GOES MOST OF MY PROFIT.
Oh well.
I tested everything. As I mentioned, the cassette decks don't work, but everything else does apart from the turntable needing a new stylus.
I posted some new photos of the shop to Facebook, and someone soon DMed me about a stereo system.
I priced everything, and it turns out I have about $300 worth of equipment from that deal, the Fisher amp and tuner being worth about $150.
The buyer will hopefully show up next weekend, for he wants to buy the Fisher stuff ($185 with the turntable), the 3ft speakers, an 8-track deck, and a Kenwood deck we've had for a week or two.
The speakers are listed for $50 (and are worth around $100-150), the Kenwood Deck for $50 as well, and the 8-track for $35. That makes it about $320 in equipment. Since he's buying so much, I'll knock it down to $270 and essentially give him the speakers or cassette deck for free lol.
Apart from that stuff, not much happened at the flea market. I sold some records, cassettes, CDs and I think 2 DVDs. One person bought a VHS tape? That money was the other guy's though. Oh well xD.
I can't say that I didn't miss my wonderful partner while on the trip. I actually brought along the stuffed animal they gave me (who's name is Greg) and snuggled with him both nights.
I was very happy to hear from them UwU.
They let me rant and I let them rant.
I honestly give them too much responsibility over me xD. I'm like, "Okay, I'm gonna do this. HOLD ME TO IT."
I know I can't hold myself to anything I personally say (this blog being the only exception apparently), but I listen to them pretty well I think 🤔. If they tell me, "No, you don't need that VCR," so long as it's not some weird specialty thing, like a worldwide VCR 🥵, I'll be like "Yeah, you rite bro."
I love you man xD. You control my craziness pretty well. I'm so thankful for you UwU.
So part way through the flea market day, I went over to Dollar Tree to buy some snack, but ended up looking through the CDs to see if there was anything good. I took photos of about 18 CDs and flipped through them online for the remainder of the flea market day.
I deleted the photos of the ones I didn't want and kept those that I liked. Surprisingly, I ended up buying 13 CDs there, but not before dropping them on the floor like the dumbass I am.
Also, sorry for all the nerd shit I spilled on your lap earlier. No one cares about amps and tuners xD.
I already transferred over to my online library on iBroadcast and put the disc into my CD changer, which is now holding 164 CDs.
Its max capacity is 300 discs 🥵
Oh well
I like being a nerd gurl
Also maybe a technosexual 👀
I get really excited over some electronics. Like. REALLY excited.
Some editing VCRs are like "Holy shit that is SEXY. Look at those goddamn VU meters 🥵. And hhhh there are like 7 inputs on this thing and individual controls for left and right audio gain, not to mention Hi-Fi S-VHS recording. Hhhhhhhhhhh please gimme 😭. Why are you so expensive?"
I uh, mean, uh, *cough* look, pretty lights.
Oh yeah, I was gonna say the album I was listening to xD. MAN I GOT SIDETRACKED.
It's 37 Everywhere by Punchline. Def give it a listen; it's pretty heccin good.
Another notable album I picked up was Page One by Steven Page. I very much like the first track, "A New Shore." It's quite catchy and he has a great voice imo.
Also at dollar tree, I bought a regular bag of Fieras and 2 bags of Fieras Sticks, which were marked down to 75¢/bag because they're expiring soon.
I honestly like the generic Dollar Tree version of Takis more than actual Takis. They're a lot more flavorful when it comes to the lime, but also hotter at the same time.
Don't get the hot nacho ones tho. Hot nacho? More like hot pile of shit.
They're not that good xD.
"How do you do fellow kids?"
I got home and started working on putting the CDs onto my computer, and then onto iBroadcast, but not without first adding The Music Man to my digital library, something I had neglected for a month or two. The CD had just been sitting there lol.
I also switched my digital file for "The Black Parade" to that of the uncensored CD, which I had purchased before I event started working over 2 months ago.
I eventually get around to shit tho lol. I guess it's just a matter of priority.
What usually takes priority is digging through everything to find something that I forgot about but then remembered, making a mess in the process that I would then have to clean up, at least partially.
I think the album just ended. I've been writing for a while xD. I'ma start "I Made You Something" by The Island of the Misfit Toys.
I'll tell you where that album came from in a minute.
In the meantime, where was I?
I kinda lost my train of thought despite reading up to see where I was. Oh well. On I go.
I ate dinner and kept working on those CDs, eventually putting my clothes from the week into the washer.
I wanted to wash em for this week 😭
No tight pants for Leonna I guess qwq.
Meanwhile, the box of my CD album cases is overflowing. I need another box.
I keep all of the album artworks in a big CD folder. That's almost full.
I wanna fill my entire CD changer. That's one of my big goals in life. Idk why, but I just wanna legitimately fill the entire thing.
My clothes are in the dryer now. I don't think I have the time (or energy) to fold them tonight. I'll leave that for tomorrow morning before work.
And God. Fucking. Damnit. I start school again on Wednesday. NOT looking forward to that, and neither are my 2 coworkers. We already have low enough staff, but only the two of them working is gonna be a pain in the ass.
I'll still work Saturdays.
I need to contact my guidance counselor to get out of the gym class I signed up for. I scheduled this shit before I found out I was trans, and I don't wanna deal with the fucking locker room situation 🙄 I have far more important matters.
Okay so anyway, the album I'm listening to came from a cassette. I bought this cassette a few months ago at the flea market along with a few others. The reason I bought them? They were all newer cassette releases from the 2010's, and they're all actually pretty good music from very indie bands.
Currently getting mad at iBroadcast's compression algorithm. It's unnaturally fucking anything over -10db up. Oh well, there's not really anything I can do about it.
I have like 13GB of music on my phone btw. That's about 3.5k songs on 268 albums.
I'm kind of an audiophile, but I'm too cheap to pay for a lossless service. Oh well.
They do actually have a lossless service on iBroadcast, but once again, too cheap.
Someone just sent me a friend request who legitimately posted that BLM and the democratic party are hate groups.
Goodbye ho.
I don't get that. They call the democratic party a hate group when they hate people like me, and I, being more of a democrat although not fully because the 2-party system is fucked, think nothing more of them than they're very wrong about certain things, especially, as shown, that black people, as well as asian, Indian, native, and people of all ethnicities and backgrounds, are not equal to white people.
You go buddy.
Anyway, yeah, I can, and do, convert music and video from analog formats to digital files in order for me to archive and listen to whenever and wherever I please. I've actually made a bit of a business out of it, but I don't get too much work from it. At least I'm not overloading myself xD.
I honestly have so much more to say, but I should probably go to sleep soon.
A few final shoutouts to the following people and companies:
-Dollar Tree
-Steven Page
-Broken World Media
-The Island of Misfit Toys
-Simple Kid
-My incredible partner QwQ I love you so much. Thanks for being the best all the time. I hope I can give you the best life ever.
Anyway I suppose this is goodnight. Lmk if you want a full list of the CDs I bought today! I'll link that song by Steven Page here.
And here's a good song from Simple Kid
I really like music lol. Enjoy these pieces.
Anyway, goodnight lol.
Lots of love,
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pixelatedrose · 5 years
Can you do 39 with prinxiety? Sorry if I'm being a burden - 🌯
Prompt 39 Prinxiety
“Listen it’s not really my fault i fell in love with him!! HE WAS SHIRTLESS!!”
Word Count: 3,799 (I got a bit carried away with this one)
Warnings: uncensored swearing, mention of a dead animal (Skip from “It wasn’t that he had never wanted to go before,” to “The memory left a pretty solidly foul taste in his mouth and made him shudder.”)
  It was early August and Roman’s friends had finally convinced him to tag along with them to go camping.
  “But there are bugs!!” Roman complained.
  “So? Bugs are cool.” Virgil said, looking up briefly from his phone.
  “Oh yeah?” Roman continued to whine. “Well I hardly took you as one who enjoyed camping in the middle of nowhere with zero cell service, Dr. Gloom!” Roman antagonized the emo boy.
  Virgil stuck out his tongue at the sassy drama queen. “You’re just pouty cause we never asked you to come before because we thought you hated the outdoors.”
  “I do not hate the outdoors!!” Roman scoffed. “I just don’t really find the idea of bugs and sap and burnt food and bugs very appealing.”
  “Aw, Roman! Is this your first time camping?” Patton asked, calling from where he was placing an overfilled bag into the bed of Logan’s truck.
  Roman flushed and turned away haughtily. “Well it’s not my fault my moms never wanted to go and sleep on the ground!!”
  Patton clapped his tall friend on the back, smiling from ear to ear. “Oh, you’re going to have so much FUN!!”
  Soon the truck was packed, with Logan helping Roman make sure that he had everything necessary. (“No, Roman, you won’t be needing your fantasy elf cloak.” “BUT WHAT IF THE DWARVES COME FOR ME?!”)
  The car ride was long, Roman and Virgil sitting in the back with Patton sitting up front and Logan driving. Roman ended up falling asleep, his head resting against a drowsy Virgil’s shoulder. Patton, thinking this was the cutest thing ever, snapped a picture with the camera he brought along.
  “Logan, look!!”
  “Patton, dear, I am incapable of looking at whatever you wish to show me if I am to drive safely on this road.”
  “Oh, right, sorry! Virgil and Roman fell asleep on top of each other, that’s all!”
  “Oh. How lovely.”
  “Logan why are you pulling over?”
  Roman and Virgil woke up in different positions, Roman’s face pressed up against the window and Virgil having adjusted to leaning against his seatbelt. They also awoke to marker coating their faces.
  “That’s for the cookies you two baked me last week.” Logan said when they had started freaking out.
  “But it was funny!!” Virgil protested, rubbing at the marker hearts doodled on his cheeks.
  “Cookies should not contain any- especially that much- pepper in it!! Consider us even, Ruiners of Sweets.” Logan seethed dramatically.
  The ride from then on was filled with karaoke, Disney, and laughter.
  When they arrived at the campsite, they tried to divide the work up. However, it became very clear that Roman had no idea what he was doing when he mistakenly snapped one of the tent poles clean in half.
  Virgil sighed. “Great! At least I know how to fix it once I get home. I guess I’m sleeping under the stars tonight…”
  Patton shook his head. “Nonsense!! There’s plenty of room in Roman’s tent for you to sleep in there!”
  Roman nearly choked. “What?!”
  Virgil just shrugged. “'Ight. But I’m setting up tents from now on. Roman can make the fire.”
  “I do not trust that Roman will know an adequate way of starting a fire. Perhaps he can prepare food instead? It is probably something he should have been doing from the start seeing as I am not the best in the culinary arts.” Logan offered.
  Roman nodded, trying to keep his head up. It was just his first time camping after all. He was a little upset by the fact that he was going to be sharing a tent with Virgil. Why? He wasn’t 100% sure. But it made his chest flare up and his face burn. The fact of the matter was that he was incredibly nervous about sleeping in very tight quarters with his very attractive friend of whom he’d subconsciously had a crush on since they’d met in high school. But he would never admit such a thing. Especially when it was still so subtle.
  Dinner was finished, Roman figuring out how to cook over the fire after a few attempts, and with that, Patton took out his guitar and played songs that Roman hadn’t heard before, but the others seemed to know by heart. Stories were told and laughs were exchanged as well as shrieks in terror followed by evil giggles of delight. The sun was long put to rest by the time the fire simmered out.
  The friends parted to their separate tents and the lanterns were put out.
  Virgil unzipped the tent’s door, holding it open as if he were any semblance of a gentleman. “Just don’t you go falling for me because of this, Princey.” Virgil smirked, pushing Roman into the tent face first.
  Roman fell and from the ground mumbled sarcastically. “Trust me, not a problem.”
  Roman pulled a loose tank top over his head and turned to Virgil, expecting something similar. Except he found the pale boy, completely bare chested, reading a book in a position that had no right looking as attractive as it did.
  “Finally done getting ready, Princey?” He asked, sparing a glance up at the now red faced boy.
  Roman prayed that his colored face was hidden by the god-awful lighting in the now much too small tent. “Y-yep!!” Roman faked a nonchalant tone, trying not to stare so openly.
  “Great.” Virgil said, his casual tone was only what Roman dreamed he had sounded like. “I’m going to finish this chapter and then I’ll turn lights out. Don’t wait for me.”
  Roman tucked himself into his sleeping bag and turned away from Virgil, trying desperately to get the image of his friend’s surprisingly toned chest out of his mind. Did Virgil work out? He always looked so thin and stringy under his hoodie…
  “Night, Vee.” Roman wrestled the words from his throat, his voice cracking, making him want to die a little bit more.
  Virgil didn’t say anything and Roman, for the next twenty minutes, listened to the sound of quietly turning pages, all the while panicking at their closeness and, for the millionth time, trying not to think about Virgil’s lack of a shirt.
  Finally, Vrigil put his book down and stretched. He panicked even more when Virgil seemed to lean over to Roman and he shut his eyes, years of practice in pretending to be asleep finally paying off.
  Virgil leaned back and if Roman had his eyes open and had been facing the pale boy, he would have seen Virgil smile ever so fondly and sweetly, a light pink adorning his pale cheeks. “…Cute…” Virgil whispered quietly, not aware that Roman could hear him quite clearly in the silence of the night. Virgil flicked off the lights and, in a single line, probably made Roman fall irreversibly deep into the boiling pool of love. “Goodnight, my prince. I’ll love you tomorrow…”
  In the dead of the night, Roman heard Virgil’s breath even out next to him.
  Roman, red faced, turned to try and look at his sleeping friend, just to make sure, only to be met with a cute face not six inches away from his own. Even in the dark, Roman began to take notice of things he’d seemingly never seen before. Like how his dark hair faded perfectly into purple at the tips, making it look like purple flames. It made Roman want to reach out and fluff it about. Or the way his pale cheeks were impossibly cute and round, devoid of their usual makeup and beautiful. It made Roman want to hold his perfect face in his own imperfect hands. Or the way his lips curved so exquisitely, a soft beautiful thing. It made Roman want to lean forward and capture such flawless lips with his own.
  “We have a big fucking problem.” Roman whispered to himself.
  The next morning Roman woke up to the sound of pots banging.
  “WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY, WE’RE GOING TO THE LAKE TODAY!!!” Virgil’s voice had momentarily made Roman forget everything last night as it was, at the moment, the most annoying thing on the goddamn planet.
  Virgil threw the tent door open, somehow letting more light into the small area. Roman tossed the edge of his sleeping bag up over his face in dismay. “Nooo….What time is it even…?”
  Virgil stopped banging his pots for a half second. “About 8:45. When you’re camping, the sun’s your alarm, Princey!!” He trilled out in a sing-song voice.
  “Why,” Roman complained, poking his head out of his cocoon. “Is the one time you’re cheery the one time I wish you weren’t?”
  Roman opened his eyes and was met face to face with a sinisterly smirking Virgil, his figure framed in splashing golden light as he leaned in to get a view of Roman. “Because I live to be the bane of your existence, Princey!” He smiled all too brightly, and Roman was reminded of his ever growing problem as he felt his face heat up.
  Patton poked his head in through the doorway, ruining the picture perfect scene Roman had before him. It wasn’t that he minded, though. No of course not. He wasn’t upset at all that the picture of Virgil with perfect golden light shining around him in a perfect, sunny corona was thrown off by a smiling Patton. He would never be upset.
  “C’mon, Ro! It’s time to wake up!! Logan and me made campfire pancakes!!” Patton smiled. Virgil’s eyes lit up like Roman had never seen them light up before. A childish sparkle, like when a kid gets told they’re allowed to have two cookies instead of one.
  Logan’s voice called from outside the tent. “It’s ’Logan and I’ Patton.”
  ”Yeah, yeah, whatever, Honey. I’m just excited for campfire pancakes!!”
  ”We all are, Pat! Campfire pancakes are the only thing Logan can make edible, and of all the things I’ve eaten, it would be the one that should be considered fucking gourmet!!”
  Roman listened to his friends chatter as he got ready, suddenly upset he’d declined Patton’s offers for so long. It wasn’t that he had never wanted to go before, but he’d never been in the woods alone since his brother had forced him into the woods near their old house as children to show him a dead and rotting fox corpse. The memory left a pretty solidly foul taste in his mouth and made him shudder.
  He’d complain about bugs and charred food for as long as he needed to. He wasn’t about to let slip that he’d been scared to go back into a place that reminded him so vividly of something so distasteful.
  ”And he rises!!” Virgil said theatrically when Roman emerged from the tent. Now that he could see better, Roman looked Virgil over. His hair was slightly tousled from sleep and he was wearing a plain, dark t-shirt. His pale face bore practically no makeup, save for the remnants of his eyeshadow that seemed to never go away. His smile was bright and happy, excited in a way Roman had never seen before now. It was at this time that Roman realized this was one of a very select few times that he’d seen Virgil without a hoodie or jacket on. He was pretty. Honestly, Roman thought he should have noticed how charming the tall man was before now.
  Roman smiled coolly. ”Now where are those campfire pancakes I keep hear you guys yapping about?”
  The pancakes were amazing. And after hiking to a lake, Roman was starting to think camping really wasn’t all too bad. The trail had ended, coming out to the view of a crisp lake with a sandy bank, driftwood strewn about the shore. A wooden dock with a rope swing attached to the end adorned the right side of the picture and a picnic bench decorated a small grassy patch a short distance away from the shore, save from potentially splashing children.
  However the picturesque lake was absent of any and all people, leaving the entire lake to themselves.
  ”Wow…” Roman breathed out as the lake came into view.
  Virgil smiled fondly at the starry-eyed man next to him, not that Roman had noticed. ”Yeah. It’s pretty sweet, isn’t it?” Virgil said, walking with Roman to towards the shore as Patton gleefully ran ahead to the dock and Logan crossed over to the picnic table to place the bag containing their lunches. ”This place was actually pretty abandoned when me and Lo first found it.”
  Roman glanced at Virgil, who was smiling wistfully out at the clear water. ”Really?”
  Virgil nodded, sitting down on a large piece of driftwood. ”Yeah. Our families would go camping together all the time when we were kids. One day we came to this old, near abandoned campsite and found this lake after hiking an all but completely overgrown trail. It was my mom that convinced my dad to buy up the site. It was fairly cheap, but my parents made it their passion project. I was about 15 years old when they finally finished it all.” Virgil looked over to Roman, his eyes filled with a gentle excitement. “It’s been our own little retreat ever since then! I can’t count how many times me and Logan came here to help work or even after it was done. This place means a lot to me.” He clapped Roman on the back, smiling delightfully. “I’m glad you came, Princey!” Virgil then pushed him over into the warm sand. “That’s enough cheese for today I think!! Race ya to the rope swing, theater dork!!” Virgil took off toward the dock and Roman, for once, was glad he had pushed him over and ran away. 
  Roman’s face and chest was ablaze. The way that Virgil seemed to treasure this place, wanting to share it with Roman, it made him unbelievably happy. The way the pale boy’s eyes sparkled and the way his usually lazy smile was bright and bold, it sent his heart aflutter.
  “You fiend!!” Roman accused, scrambling up to his feet. “That’s not fair!!” He charged after Virgil’s dark hair, hoping to leave his dangerously growing adoration behind in the sand.
  They took turns swinging off the rope swing and shoving one another into the water, splashing about in it’s cool waves a welcome sensation against the heat of the sun. Lunch finally came and they chatted and joked and told swapped stories until Logan declared that it was time they all headed back.
  “Actually, Logan? Can I talk to you for a bit?” Virgil asked as they were packing up.
  Logan raised an eyebrow, but nodded. “Of course. Patton, Roman, you two can go on ahead of us. We will catch up to you later.”
  “Sure thing, honey!!” Patton said cheerily, wrapping his arm around Roman’s shoulders, though because of the height difference, mistakenly pulled Roman down a bit in the process.
  They chatted a bit until the subject of Virgil managed to come up.
  “Virgil?” Roman asked, the thought of the green eyed man making him flush. When had that started happening? “I mean he’s great of course…I mean more than great honestly. Have you ever noticed how perfect his hair always looks, Pat? Or like how pretty he is just…everywhere? It’s infuriating!!” Roman looked over to his short friend. “Right, Pat….? Uhh…”
  Patton wore a shiteating grin on his face as he smirked smugly at Roman. “I knew it!” Patton declared. “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!”
  Roman’s face flared and his heart started to beat. “Knew w-what?! What did you know?!”
  Patton jabbed a finger at Roman’s chest. “You’re in love with Virgil!!” He announced, his grin growing more and more excited and mischievous by the second, his golden eyes sparkling more and more from under his wide, round frames. “Aren’t you?!”
  Had Roman been a balloon, he would have burst. His face was undoubtedly the color of a rose and his heart was beating far too loud for Patton not to hear it, he thought. Roman finally caved, giving a sigh. “Listen, it’s not really my fault I fell in love with him!! HE WAS SHIRTLESS!!”
  Patton danced around the path way, spinning and chanting, “YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH VIRGIL!! YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH VIRGIL!!”
  “Okay okay!! I’m in love with Virgil!! Now will you quiet down! What if they’re about to catch up?!” Roman said, mild panic pricking his heart.
  “So what if they hear us?!” Patton stopped his dancing, facing Roman. “I mean Virgil’s already been in love with you for years now!!” Patton said excitedly, waving his hand as if it was common knowledge.
  Roman’s life could have ended then and there. “He what-?”
  Patton’s smiling face didn’t falter as extreme panic set his eyes ablaze. “Shit!!” He said in the most cheery tone a person has ever used to say shit. In fact, Roman could only count on two other times he’d even heard Patton curse. “You were not supposed to know that!!” Patton continued with his cheery voice.
  Roman grabbed Patton by the shoulders, emotions swirling violently within him. “Virgil’s been in love with me for years?!” He asked, ecstatic panic dripping from his voice and flooding his eyes.
  Patton’s smile did falter this time as he looked away, bashful at what he’d let slip. “Well, yeah…He never-”
  Roman picked up the small boy and spun him around, laughing splendidly. “Patton!! You’re an angel from heaven!!” He bubbled. He set Patton down and hugged him tightly. A thought struck him and he separated from the small boy, not even having heard the blonde’s shouts announcing he couldn’t breath. “Oh god! I have to tell Virgil! I have to go find him!!” 
  Roman started to run away, but Patton grabbed his sleeve. “But what should I do?! We were supposed to get the fire going and dinner started! It’s beginning to get dark!”
  Roman looked at Patton with desperate eyes. “I just realized how I feel about Virgil. I don’t want this to turn into a pining competition! I have to find him right now!”
  Something in Roman’s voice must have convinced Patton because he let go. “Alright.” He lightly tapped his fist against his taller friend’s shoulder. “Go sweep him off his feet, Ro!”
  And with that, Roman was off sprinting back down the trail.
  He caught sight of Virgil and Logan walking down the path as the trail was beginning to darken with purple under the canopy of trees in the soon to be dying sunlight. Roman smiled and waved to them down the trail.
  “Roman?” Virgil asked, a concerned and mildly frightened look glazing his eyes over. “Is everything okay? Did something happen? Where’s Patton? Is he alright? Is-”
  Roman swooped Virgil into a spinning hug, not letting the boy finish his anxious rambling. “Oh, everything is more than just alright, my dark and stormy knight!” Roam laughed, holding on to his heart from around his waist, grasping him close.
  Virgil’s face lit up with splashes of red and pink. “Uhm…?”
  Logan looked between the two and smiled. “I’ll go on ahead and make sure Patton has some company.” He said, picking up Virgil’s discarded bag and turning to walk down the darkening trail.
  Roman stopped spinning Virgil and let the green eyed man down, only just loosening his hold on him.
  But to Roman’s utter dismay, as soon as Logan was out of sight, Virgil pushed out from Roman’s grasp. “What the hell, Ro? What was that?” He snapped, turning away from the taller boy.
  Roman’s hopes sunk. Had Patton lied to him? No…Patton said he wasn’t even supposed to tell. It had to be true.
  But Roman had to be sure. “Virgil, do you love me?” Fireflies were starting to swirl around them, lighting up like stray stars.
  “What…?” Virgil stopped, looking back at Roman.
  Roman stepped closer, beginning to realize how desperately he wanted Virgil to love him. “Are you in love with me, Virgil?”
  Virgil looked away, crossing his arms over themselves.
  The sounds of the forest settled between them.
  Finally Virgil spoke, his voice shaky and choked. “S-so what if I am? I mean- I didn’t mean to- I don’t-” Virgil turned back to face Roman, his hands embedded in his head of thick, messy hair, his eyes shimmering with tears. “I assume Patton spilled…And I just didn’t want to tell you cause I didn’t want to lose you as a friend! I know you don’t feel the same way, so I was trying to be a good friend…I’m sorry if-”
  “Goodnight my prince. I’ll love you tomorrow.” Roman quoted.
  “Last night. That’s what you said before you went to sleep. Can I ask why?” Roman stepped closer, the sun beginning to descend beyond view.
  Virgil was caught between paling and flushing harder. He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s the stupidest thing ever…” He started, though smiling. “Anytime we ever had a sleepover, or you fell asleep studying at my place or during a movie night, I’d say that. It was supposed to be this stupid ‘I can’t love you now, so I’ll love you tomorrow’ thing…Hella cheesy, I know…”
  Roman stepped closer again and brushed Virgil’s hand, though the pale boy flinched it back. “Well remember when you said not to fall for you and I said it wouldn’t be a problem?” he stepped closer still, bringing his hand up to Virgil’s chin.
  “Yeah…?” Virgil didn’t pull away this time, though his eyes remained glued to Roman’s chest.
  Roman tilted his chin upward, looking into the gorgeous green eyes Roman never knew he’d fallen for. “Well I think I have a problem…” He leaned in even closer, and he swear he could almost hear Virgil’s heart. 
  Before Roman could try and capture his lips with his own, Virgil leaned forward and closed the distance himself.
  Roman melted into the kiss and could have sworn he tasted raspberries on Virgil’s breath. Virgil’s arms found themselves draped over Roman’s shoulders and his fingers played in his hair as Roman drew Virgil closer still, never wanting to let go of the person he’d loved so dearly for years, blind to it as denial had taken hold of him.
  And it was all over much too quickly as Virgil pulled apart just enough to speak. “I think it’s finally tomorrow…” He said, breathlessly, his eyes traveling from Roman’s chest up to his golden brown eyes.
  Roman smiled and rested his forehead against Virgil’s. “I think I like tomorrow…!” He caught Virgil up in another kiss and the two blissfully fell into one another.
  And Roman decided he quite liked camping, after all.
To my anon, you are never ever ever a burden!! I love writing! And as you can see, got a little carried away with this one! I really hope it’s something you like!!
133 notes · View notes
blurry-fics · 4 years
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1818
Request: Could you do a Tyler fic where the reader has memory loss. If you need a reference point, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard has some good videos on it.
Author’s Note: Disclaimer - obviously this is not a 100% accurate depiction of memory loss, but I did the best that I could! Also thank you to the anon for providing that resource, the videos were super helpful and I really enjoyed Jessica’s personality. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one! (picture credit)
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You thanked Tyler as he took your plate from breakfast and carried it into the kitchen. While he washed up, you decided to take a look at the bulletin board and see what you had in store for the day.
There were a handful of brightly colored post-it notes pinned under the “Today’s Tasks” section of the cork board. As you were reading them, Tyler wandered over to where you were standing and wrapped an arm around your waist. His hand was cold from the tap water, but you didn’t mind.
“What’s on the agenda today?” he asked, leaning his head against your shoulder.
“According to these notes: baking cookies, wrapping a gift, and laundry. Do we have a party we’re going to or something?”
“Your sister is having a baby shower tomorrow.”
“Right,” you nodded. “Do we know if it’s a boy or a girl?”
“Aw, another niece will be nice.”
“Yes, it will.” Tyler pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Let’s see, what other reminders do we have?” you asked, letting your eyes wander over to that section of the board. There was a note in the corner that was written in Tyler’s handwriting, unlike all the other notes on the board. It read “I love you” and had his name signed at the bottom. “I don’t forget that,” you said, smiling as you reached out to touch it. “And I love you too.”
“I just thought it was a nice reminder regardless.”
“It is.”
“So, where do you want to start on today’s activities?”
“What about cookies?” you suggested. “Then we can do the other things while they bake.”
“I think that sounds like a great plan. I’ll start grabbing ingredients.”
“I’ll get the cookbook.”
You walked over to the cupboard and grabbed your special cookbook from among the rest. It was a gift that Tyler had given to you for your birthday shortly after you started dating. It was full of your favorite recipes that he had lovingly gathered from your friends and family, but he had laminated all the pages so you could cross off things as you went and avoid adding ingredients twice, or not at all. Years later, it remained one of your favorite possessions.
“Why did I grab this?” you asked, looking down at the cookbook in your hand.
“We’re making cookies.”
“Right. What kind?”
“Chocolate chip.”
“Chocolate chip,” you repeated, already starting to flip through the pages so you could find the right recipe. Tyler, meanwhile, walked over to the other side of the kitchen and grabbed one of the whiteboard markers that you kept in there for these moments. He passed it to you with a smile. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he said, giving you a quick kiss. “Let’s see, what else do I need?”
“Do you want me to read you the ingredient list?”
“Yes, please.”
Over the next few minutes, you and Tyler worked together to gather all the correct ingredients and mark them off in the cookbook. By the time you were finished, half of the kitchen island was covered in cookie ingredients.
“I think we’re ready to start,” Tyler said.
“Should we play some music while we bake?”
“That’s a good idea, I’ll go grab the speaker.”
“I’ll be here.”
Tyler half-jogged out of the kitchen and, by the sounds of it, up the stairs. You rocked back and forth on your heels while you waited for Tyler to return, reading the labels on all of the ingredients to keep yourself busy. The kitchen always felt so quiet when Tyler wasn’t there to keep you company or there wasn’t any music playing.
Speaking of Tyler, what was taking him so long? And where was he? Were you supposed to be doing something?
“Tyler?” you called out. He walked back into the kitchen right as the words left your mouth. “Oh, there you are. Where were you?”
“Upstairs grabbing the speaker so we could play music.”
“Were you gone long?”
“A minute, maybe.”
“Oh,” you frowned. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Tyler gave you a kiss and then hooked up his phone to the speaker. “Do you want to start the first step of the cookies?”
“Yes.” You picked up your marker and tapped it against your lips while you read the first few steps. Music quietly started to play, but Tyler quickly adjusted it to a normal level. It was a song you didn’t recognize. “The first step is preheating the oven.”
“I can do that,” Tyler said. “What’s the first ingredient?”
You marked off the preheat oven step before you forgot.
“Two sticks of butter, melted until they’re soft.”
You and Tyler each unwrapped a stick of butter and dumped it into a mixing bowl. He handled the microwaving while you started to measure out the next ingredients.
“What did we get my sister for the baby shower?” you asked, brushing away some excess brown sugar.
“A couple onesies, a hat, and some socks that had little flowers on them.”
“Who picked them out?”
“They must be cute then,” you laughed.
“Are you saying I don’t have good taste in baby clothes?” Tyler smiled as he opened the microwave to check the butter.
“No, I just know that I do.”
“Fair enough.”
Tyler closed the microwave and carried the bowl over to where you were standing. You took a break from measuring ingredients to mark off the butter step in your cookbook.
“What’s next?” he asked.
“These ingredients right here,” you said, gesturing to the measuring cups laid out in front of you. “Do you mind grabbing a mixing spoon?”
“Not at all.”
While Tyler did that, you started to dump the ingredients into the bowl and mark them off on the page.
“If you mix, I can add the eggs,” you said.
“Works for me.”
You grabbed an egg from the carton and carefully cracked it into the bowl. Tyler quickly mixed it into the dough.
“Wait, how many more eggs do we need?” you asked.
“Just one more.”
You tossed the empty eggshell into the trash and grabbed a fresh one from the carton. Tyler continued to stir while you added the second egg. The music temporarily went quiet as the playlist switched from one song to the next. It was a slower song than the others had been, but you were enjoying it just as much.
“I really like this song,” you said, nodding along to the beat. “Have you played it before?”
“Yeah, we danced to it on our first date.”
“We did?”
“Yep. We were walking along the river and we each had one of my earbuds in because I was sharing some of my favorite music with you, then this one came on and I asked you to dance. We both felt kind of silly and awkward at first, but it ended up being really nice. That’s why I like to take you for walks along the river on our anniversary.”
“No wonder I fell in love with you,” you smiled as you added another ingredient to the mixture. “That’s very romantic.”
“I was trying my hardest to make a good impression.”
“And obviously it worked.” You leaned over and kissed Tyler’s cheek.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Do you want me to take over stirring for a while? I don’t want your arm to get too tired.”
“Um, sure. Yeah. Let’s switch.”
You took the spoon from Tyler’s hand and started to mix, but not before sticking your finger into the dough and having a quick taste.
“This is amazing,” you nodded.
“I want to try,” Tyler said, sticking his own finger into the dough. “Oh yeah, that’s good.”
“Alright, back to work.”
Tyler started to measure out ingredients and dump them into the bowl when they were ready. The oven beeped a couple times, indicating that it was finally preheated.
“What movie should we watch after dinner tonight?” Tyler asked.
You had just started to think of an answer when the question Tyler had just asked completely slipped away from you.
“What did you ask?”
“I asked what movie you thought we should watch after dinner tonight?”
“Right. Um, I’m not really sure. Is there one you’ve been wanting to watch?”
“Not particularly,” Tyler shrugged. “I was just curious if you had a preference.”
“Maybe we should wait until later tonight to decide. We might have a better idea of what kind of movie we want to watch.”
“Good idea.”
You leaned closer to Tyler to get a better look at the cookbook, only to realize that you were already on the last ingredient.
“How many chocolate chips do you think?” he asked as he ripped a small opening in the bag.
“I usually like lots of chocolate chips, right?”
“Yep,” Tyler nodded.
“I think that’s what my sister likes too, so let’s go with that.”
“Alright, lots of chocolate chips.”
You watched as Tyler dumped in half the bag of chocolate chips, nearly covering all the dough before you started to mix them in. After a handful of really big stirs, the mixture finally looked ready to be cooked.
“One last taste test?” Tyler asked.
He grabbed two spoons from the drawer and scooped up two large globs of your creation. After a quick clink of your spoons, you each took a large bite of your cookie dough. You turned to one another with excited expressions.
“We nailed it,” you smiled.
Tyler held his hand up for a high five and you happily obliged. The two of you took a few more minutes to enjoy your cookie dough before tossing the spoons in the sink and getting to work on actually finishing baking them. You were in charge of spreading out the cookie dough onto a baking sheet while Tyler cleaned up ingredients and put them back in the correct cupboards.
When everything was put away, the dishes were clean, and the first batch of cookies was in the oven, you and Tyler went into the living room and laid down on the couch for a little while before continuing with the rest of the tasks for the day. You rested your head in his lap, nudging his hand a couple times until he got the hint to play with your hair.
“How long have we been laying here?” you asked.
“Just a few minutes. We’re waiting for the cookies to finish baking.”
“They smell really good.”
“Agreed. I think your sister will really like them.”
“Can we keep some cookies for ourselves too?” you smiled up at him. “We worked hard. I think.”
“We did. I definitely won’t argue keeping some cookies for ourselves.”
“Good. Thank you for doing that with me today, Ty.”
“You’re welcome. I had a really nice time.”
“I’m glad.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Ty.”
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
01/04/2020 DAB Transcript
Genesis 8:1-10:32, Matthew 4:12-25, Psalms 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:20-23
Today is the 4th day of January welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you as we are round…round the corner and move through the first weekend in this new year and decade. So, it’s good to be here with you as we continue moving into our new year. And, so we’ll take the next step forward and continue…continue…well…explaining things and moving into our new year. But let's get into the Scriptures. We’ve been reading from the New Living Translation this week. As we go back into the book of Genesis for today, we will recall a great flood upon the earth that we read about yesterday. And today we will read Genesis chapters 8 through 10.
Introduction to the book of Proverbs:
Okay. So, we…this is our fourth day of the year, so we’re moving into the year and on day one we talked about the book of Genesis that we were beginning then on day two we talked about the first gospel, the Gospel of Matthew that we were getting into, then yesterday we talked about the Psalms. And, so, today we will complete the four books that we are involved with right now, the book of Proverbs. And ironically, I think Proverbs is, in today's reading going, to do a far, far better job than anything I could say. I mean I can say the book of Proverbs has traditionally been attributed to King Solomon as the notorious wisest person to ever live. It's likely that he collected these proverbs and sayings and wisdom from…from all over the known world of his time. He was a king with…with perhaps more influence than anyone else at his time. And, so, these sayings are indeed really profoundly helpful, practical advice, but there is a distinction that we need to make and the Proverbs will make that distinction and that distinction will become more apparent as we move through the year and that is this, the advice, the words that we will find in Proverbs those are not wisdom. Those are sayings and advice that come as a result of wisdom's presence. The distinction will become important in a myriad of ways as we move through the Bible, but practically where we sit right now is that we can certainly immerse ourselves in the sayings of wisdom and even obey the sayings of wisdom, like take the good, practical advice and implement it into our lives so we would be heading the voice of wisdom, but we can also live in wisdom, understanding that there is a wisdom that is beyond any human wisdom, that there is the wisdom of God flowing through all of creation and that we can learn to walk in wisdom, as opposed to just looking for wisdom's advice. So, I’ll just kind of leave it at that and just move into today's reading understanding that we are beginning today and we will continue forward into the next several days, but we are hearing today a voice that is claiming to be the voice of wisdom speaking to us. And, so, today we read Proverbs chapter 1 verse 20 through 23.
Father, we thank You for bringing us in the first weekend of this new year and decade, and we thank You that as we conclude this week we are introduced to this voice calling out of the pages of Proverbs, the voice of wisdom, the voice that’s telling us that she is…that she is a she and that she is shouting everywhere for anyone who will listen to her, that she is available and that she is present to us and that she's asking how long we’re gonna stay asleep, how long we’re going to be simpleminded, how long we’re going to stay stuck. And we hear her saying, “come and listen to my counsel. I'll share my heart with You and make You wise.” And, so, we become aware of Your presence in our lives and we will continue to do this each and every day. We will invite You to lead us into all truth, and we invite You Holy Spirit to help us to begin to tune the years of our hearts and listen for the voice of wisdom. And may we recognize as we begin to even kind of put…make this a category as something that we should pay attention to, may we recognize our Savior Jesus as He begins His ministry in and may we look for the times that He says things like, “if You have eyes to see or ears to hear”, that may we understand that this is how wisdom works. Come Holy Spirit w pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website and it its home base and it's always where you can find out what’s going on around here. And these first couple weeks of…of the year we’re just talking about different aspects and little things that are good to know for the journey along the way.
And, so, one of those things we’ve kind of talked about, we talked about the fact that we are a community of prayer and that we shoulder one another's burdens together, and pray for one another, and love one another. And we’ve moved through several days. So, you know, we’ve heard the voices of our brothers and sisters as they come…come in on the end…at the end. Ands, so, there’s always way more calls than we can ever get to during the week. And, so we, for several years have had a weekend prayer and encouragement program, which is just all of those voices that came in during the week. And, so it makes this really, really wonderful time together just hearing voice after voice after voice and just kinda bopping all over the world as we’re doing it. And that happens every weekend, every Saturday evening, which will be this evening. So, watch for that. When you wake up tomorrow, you'll see a program that’s called Community Prayer along with the next day's program. So, just watch for that, be aware of that, engage with that. It is…it’s really interesting because a lot of times the journey begins with Daily…Daily Audio Bible. Just looking for the Bible. “Just…read me the Bible. That’s all I want, that’s all I need.” And, so, that's what happens and that's 100% and then maybe…just…it…it lingers on, keeps playing and so you begin to see there’s more things going on, there’s a community aspect and then you hear the prayer requests and realize, “wow, there’s like…I'm not alone…I'm not alone. I can do this as alone as I want, but I don't have to be alone. This is the Bible in community.” So, just watch for that later…later tonight
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment you can dial 877-942-4253 or you can just press the Hotline button, it’s at the top in the app. Can’t miss it, little red button up at the top. Just push that and off you go.
And that is it for today and that is it for our…well…we haven't really had a first full week yet, but this is the end of our first week of this new year and decade. And, so, that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
This is Valery calling from South McDonagh. I am currently three hours into a 5-hour drive to go see my brother who is in Sacred Heart trauma unit with a severe brain injury. He is an alcoholic and a drug user and has become increasingly abusive to our mother. Today there was an altercation and when my mother was trying to get away from him, he fell off the top of her car and landed in the middle-of-the-road and now has a severe brain injury. It’s very hard for me to feel sympathy and compassion for my brother but my heart is breaking for my mom. As you can imagine, she is full of guilt and devastated and feels like she killed her son. So, I’m asking the family to please keep my mom Shirley in your prayers. Help me to minister to her. Help me to find the words to say that can somehow bring her comfort even though I know that nothing I say will bring comfort. Help me to feel love and a compassion toward my brother. Help the doctors to be able to figure out what they can do to help him recover from this injury. At this point we don’t even know if he’s going to survive and then if he does what type of life…quality of life you will have. My time is running out, but I do ask for prayers again for Shirley and Anthony. Thank you.
Hi Anonymous my name is Cricket from Colorado and my heart broke when I heard your prayer request today. I will be praying for you until I hear you call back and update us on your situation. First of all, God loves you and He knit you together in your mother’s womb. Yes, it is true that apart from God, listen to that, apart from God, there is nothing good in us. All that is in us, good is from God because He dwells in us. But let that not bring you fear, let it bring you joy and hope because God also says He promises to finish this good work in you and that His children cannot be snatched from His hand. So, you are His and will walk in heaven with Him someday. But for now, the purpose of your walk here on earth is to love others as He loves you and to help them find Him so that none will be lost. Anonymous, there is nothing good in me except for Him. Daily, I fail horribly, and I am encouraged when he reminds me that He is there, and He picks me up again. I see Him in the good things that He prompts me to do. So, focus on the good, not the bad. You are His precious child and He loves you. Strive every second to become His best friend. Seek Him in all that you do, and He will change you and you will start to see the right choices and the good that comes from Him in you. He loves you. We love you and I will be praying for you for a very long time. Please let us know how you’re doing. Goodbye.
I am praying for the young woman, the anonymous young woman that called in about her desperation. I just would like you to know that when I heard your call for help, I broke down in tears and in fact I am still shaking because I’ve been there just very recently. And I want you to know, I mean I was looking at that semi-truck and I was looking at bridge abutments and I was dark, I was at the end of my rope and it seemed there was no way out. It’s so dark down there, but I want you to know that things turned around for me and they will turn around for you as well. Just very recently a huge change came in my life, one that I’ve been longing for for years and years. And I’m new to audio Bible. When I heard this message this morning, I felt right reaching out to you and am praying for you praying for you. Do not give up. Trust God. I know that’s hard…very hard for you right now but just trust Him. I love you.
Hi, I’m a new listener and I’ve enjoyed this so much, so I want to say thank you and how grateful I am that this type of app exists. I also would like to send a prayer for my friend Sabrina whose brother passed away unexpectedly. He was only about 30 years old and it…it shouldn’t have happened. So, I want to pray for her and her family they find peace. Thank you. Have a blessed day.
Good morning DAB family this is Lady of victory from Chicago. Today is Friday, December 27th hope everyone is having a great day. As I was listening today, I listened to Anonymous who said as if she drives into a truck nobody would miss her. Jeanette who has a sick mom and who is also dealing with some ills…ills with neuropathy. I know my daughter has that as well and it’s very painful…I mean difficult to maneuver life. And then Daniel who was praying for commuters and/or drivers. My husband drives for a living and so I do understand what all of that means. So, I wanted to send up a quick prayer. Anonymous, I am a trained mental health counselor and please realize that you do not have to go through this alone. Seek help. Do not separate yourself or distance yourself from loved ones. You will be missed if something…if you’re not here. So, please seek out help. Colossians 1:16 says that you are made with a purpose and for purpose. Everything that God made He does it on purpose. And, so, your purpose in the world would be missed if you’re not here. So, please seek out help. Jeanette we are praying for you. Realize that your anchor is in the Lord and everything else is sinking sand. So, seek out God as you go to be with your mom. I lost my mom April 13th of this year. So, I know the pain of going through the holidays alone for the first time, but God has been my anchor as He will be yours. So, seek the face of God. We all have a lot of things for 2020, a lot of different words. Ours is…for our family is to endure 2020 but I’d don’t just say endure…
This is Joanne from Happy Valley it is December 27th. I just heard anonymous. And honey, please, don’t drive in front of a truck. For one thing, you’ll impact another life forever. But the main thing is, we know God is good and we know that we are all bad. But His love for us is so strong that He took on human flesh with all its frailties, suffered beatings and a horrible death on the cross to pay for our sins and all the bad that is in us. When I look back over my life, I saw that even though I never acknowledged Him He was watching over me all the time and loving me and keeping me from getting into danger because of my sinning. And in spite of all the bad I did He still loved me more than I can imagine. And that is how He feels about you. Anonymous, he adores you. I can’t talk to my family about the things I’ve done. Church is full of sinners just like me and they’re trying to pretend they’re not. So, can’t talk to them. But He loves you no matter what. Please know that. And if you need to…to dump on somebody, my email address is [email protected]. There’s nothing that would cause me to not love you. You’re safe with me. Please, reach out and I’ll share God’s love with you. God bless you.
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lyz-fics · 5 years
Igarashi X FEM! Reader: Cramming for the Exam
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Hey Guys! Lyz Here!
UGGGHHHHHH, hope this did you some justice anon. Sorry it’s soooo late but I’m a thicc procrastinator. I started this and got a few words in and completely lost my train of thought from there on. I didn't know how far you wanted me to go so I just went up to studying and cuz I’m lazy I time-skipped to the final exam.
Word Count: 1,436 Words
Summary: You realize that your grades are dropping in maths so when you get ready for the exams you ask one of the smartest students in your class for help in preparation.
“The scores for your tests are on the back of the paper. Remember students this week is the starting week for revision for the final exams. I would suggest planning out your study times to use them in the most effective way to make sure you get good scores.”
The teacher walked around the room as he was handing back the practice exams. He placed your exam papers back on your desk and stared at you for a few seconds before walking to the next student. Being the anxious little shit you were you grabbed you test and flipped straight to the back. In a bright red pen, you saw your score circled, 79 out of 115, a big fat 68% was underlined in the middle of your page. At the bottom, the teacher had left a little not for you to read.
‘(Y/N), this type of work is starting to become unsatisfactory as we approach the end of the year. For these exams might I suggest a study partner that is actually going to help you this time?’
You thought back to last semester, you had studied with (B/F/N) and she did you no justice. All you guys did was muck around and play on your phones. When it finally came to the exam you just barely passed but poor (B/F/N) had failed and she was sent to summer school for the break. You looked around the classroom at all the other students, one of them caught your eye. Igarashi, he was one of the smartest students in the grade and he definitely would have gotten 100% on the practice exam. He was the person you had to ask to help you study.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
“Igarashi-Kun,” you ran after him panting as you trying to stuff your books in your bag at the same time, “please wait I have to ask a favor of you.”
You were so distracted by your books that you didn’t notice when he turned to face you. You tried to stop but it was too late, you ran straight into him. You dropped your bag and your books spilled everywhere, you thought you were going to fall straight to the floor but luckily someone caught you. They had their hands wrapped around your waist as they pulled you into their chest to make sure you didn’t fall over. You looked up and realized you were nose deep in Igarashi's chest. He gave you a quick grin before brushing a (H/C) strand of your hair out of your eyes. Becoming really flustered you quickly pushed him away and started gathering your books and shoving them back into your bag as quickly as possible as to make sure that he didn’t walk away before you could ask him. You stood back up from where you were crouching picking up tour books and turned to face him.
Your head hanging low you finally asked him the question you had been meaning to, “if you wouldn’t mind I kind of need some help this semester with studying.”
He gave you a small giggle before he started walking off again. He looked back over his shoulder and gave you a grin from ear to ear, “Come on. We can study at my place today.”
Finally, you had someone to study with that would actually help you to retain your information and hopefully pass this semesters exam. You walked as fast as you could as you tried to keep up with him as he walked home. His long legs taking much larger steps it was a struggle for you to walk by his side and keep an eye on your surroundings. You finally caught a break when you got to the train station.
You both got on the second train that arrived and tried to find a place to sit but you were both left standing as the train started moving. Igarashi reached up to hold the rail that was attached to the top of the train and you tried to do the same but even when standing on your toes you couldn’t quite reach the top. Igarashi saw this and couldn’t help to let out a chuckle, he reached down for your hand and brought it up so you could hold onto him. His upper arm bent at a 90-degree angle acting as the rail for you. You went the whole train ride like this and when you got off he held your hand as you both walked through the busy streets and towards his house.
Once you were in his house you left your shoes at the door and followed him to his bedroom. He placed a pillow on the floor for you and you sat down, unpacking your books and placing them besides you as he sat next to you and did the same.
“So, what are you having trouble with so far,” he asked as he pulled out his maths book and placed it on the table in front of you.
“The three main things that I don’t understand and algebra, linear graphs and equations, and quadratics,” you pointed to the chapters with the heading as you spoke and he watched you closely.
He noted own the page numbers for the start of each chapter and flipped to the chapter titled ‘Algebra’. “I may not be the best at quadratics but I can definitely help you with algebra and linear stuff.”
You turned to your side as you pulled out your notebook ready to take notes as he was explaining. You made sure to pay very careful attention to him but you often got caught gazing into his deep violet eyes. And you often caught his starting back at your (E/C) orbs while you were trying to concentrate on memorizing the formula for something. This went on and on throughout the rest of the evening, you two were often catching glances at each other and making witty small talk in between lessons. By the time it was late in the evening and you were tired and ready to go home you felt like you had learned more with Igarashi’s help than you did through your whole schooling year.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
You wen to Igarashi’s house every few days so that he could help you with studying and other things that might prepare you for the upcoming exams. With every passing day, you felt more and more prepared but also more and more anxious and this caused you to stay up later and later at night so that you could cram more stuff into your brain. Igarashi couldn’t help but notice this every day he saw you, you were falling asleep every moment that you weren’t moving and this studying was really taking a toll on you, so this study session was going to be a bit different from all the others. He noticed you were starting to look tired and he definitely noticed when you almost hit your head against his table because you almost fell asleep.
He leaned over the table and started packing up the books and placing them back in your respective bags. You looked at him with such a confused expression. Why was he packing up? We still have at least an hour for him to teach me before I have to leave right?
“Well I think that’s enough for tonight, how about I make us some dinner?” he got up and walked out into the kitchen leaving you in his room with the most confusing train of thought.
You walked into the kitchen after him and saw him turn the frier on and start to boil some noodles. Was he going to make you soba? It sure looked like it. You watch him as he went and sure enough, he had made you both dinner and soon enough you were back in his room eating together. You made small attempts as too talk with him as you two ate and everything seemed to be going great. Once you both had finished you sat there in silence trying desperately to think of something to say to start the conversation.
That’s when Igarashi started the conversation for you. “You know, (Y/N),” he started as he placed his bowl on the table in front of him, “it’s been really fun hanging out and getting to know you but you’ve got to let me take you out on a real date sometime after the exams.”
You stared up at him again, your eyes transfixed on his violet eyes and deep green hair. You looked down again and whispered a soft reply.
“That would be amazing.”
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easier-5sos · 5 years
Study Buddies - Ashton Irwin
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A/N: So I wrote this whilst actually studying for a huge exam and so I’m so sorry if this is complete shit): Anyways, I hope someone finds a little joy in it. I did a twist on the request and left it like this because I’m thinking about writing a part 2, but that depends on if people like this or not! Much love xx Summary: You and Ashton are study buddies. You want more, but from what you can see and tell, Ashton doesn’t.  Warnings: None except for potential heartbreak, lol? (I also didn’t proofread this).  Word count: 1,7k  - You and Ashton had gotten to know each quickly after you started college. Ashton was two years ahead of you, but he had to retake one of his first year classes and you two were paired up to do an assignment together and ever since that day, Ashton has happily been helping you through your english studies. You’ve passed every test so far, and you’re almost a 100% sure that it’s all thanks to him, but he refuses to accept that and keeps on telling you; ”It’s all you, smartypants, I’m just guiding you through the mess that’s college.”   You weren’t just study buddies, though. Spending as much time together as the two of you did you’re bound to become more, and so your studying turned into just spending time together doing anything and everything; watching films, playing games, going to college parties and much much more. Ashton was special to you, that much was obvious both to you and a lot of people around you. As sweet, kind and caring as he was, it’s hard not to treasure and love someone like him. 
   You awaken from your thoughts, feeling Ashton throw a scrunched up ball of paper against your head. You look up from your book, which you admittedly was no longer reading but rather just staring at, to meet his eyes. ”(Y/N)! You need to focus!” He chuckles at you and you just grin sheepishly back at him.   ”I am! I am very focused and I think reading about.. this, uh.. this, yes, is very entertaining.” You say, not really trying to hide that you had absolutely no idea what the book you were holding in your hands was about, and Ashton could easily tell you weren’t focusing anyway so there was no point in hiding it.   He moves down from where he was sitting on your bed to instead sit next to your laying figure on the floor. He swiftly grabs the book from your hands and look at the front page, then chuckles to himself before he flips it so it’s the right way around. ”This might make things easier for you, darlin’.” He grins down at you and your blood rushes to your cheeks, making you blush.     ”I just.. I’ve been to every class and usually after the professors have gone through what the book is roughly about I can understand what I’m reading but.. this has just gone straight over my head. I have no idea what they were talking about, and reading this book is like reading a different language.” You whine and rest your cheek down against the book, pouting up at your way too amused looking best friend. 
  ”Are you hoping the facts are gonna jump into your head from the book?” He jokes but right now you don’t find it all that funny. You’re just so frustrated that you don’t understand anything either the book or Ashton is trying to tell you. You feel like a stupid failure. Ashton notices you didn’t react to what he said and so he lays down next to you, his cheek against your carpet and his head facing yours. ”You’ll get this, sooner or later. I’m not giving up on you, okay? You’ll ace this exam and I’ll make sure of it.”   You can’t help but smile this time and you nod your head in agreement as to what he just said. Of course, you think to yourself, of course I’ll make it with his help. You sit back up slowly and stretch your arm out about your head. ”Okay then, loser, why are you laying on the floor for? We’ve got some studying to do!”   For the following couple of weeks you and Ashton switch into fifth gear when it comes to studying for your exam. He’d come over every day when neither of you were busy, and he’d always come prepared with snacks and drinks knowing how easily you get grumpy or fussy when you feel peckish. Ashton is a dream to you, both as a friend and a study buddy, and so it didn’t come as a surprise to you when one day when he walked through your front door you wanted nothing more but to wrap your arms around his neck and press your lips to his.   So from that day forward things got a little more.. tense, from your end. When he’d come too close to you and you could smell his cologne you’d have to hold your breath to keep yourself calm, and when his hands would brush against yours when you were holding the same book your heart would yell at you to hold it, but you forced yourself not too. Besides the tension (from what you could tell was coming from your side only) studying went brilliantly. After a couple of days you got the basics and from there it was much easier to build on all the new facts you had to process and remember before the day of your exam. ~ ”So, how did it go?!” Ashton asked, the excitement in his voice was very noticeable and it only made the lump of nervousness in your abdomen grow bigger. You look up at him, letting out a puff of air.   ”I haven’t opened the link yet,” you admit, feeling your phone begin to slide out of your hand. Ashton takes his chance and grabs your phone from you, quickly clicking on the link without asking you for permission. You widen your eyes as you realise what he’s doing and you open your mouth to protest when you see Ashton��s face light up.   ”Babes, you passed!” He says excitedly and you just gape at him, your eyes still wide. ”See! Look, look, look!” He shows you the screen of your phone and you let out a faint chuckle as you see the result. You actually passed. Still in a state of shock it takes you a moment to realise that Ashton had lifted you off of your feet and was now spinning you around. ”We’re celebrating tonight, whether you want to or not (Y/N).” He states once he puts you back down and you look up at him and his goofy looking face.   You keep your eyes on his and a little smile spreads over your lips before you nod your head in agreement. ”A celebration dinner would be lovely, I would really like that.” Ashton smiles at that and nods his head.   ”Alright, perfect. I’ll get everything arranged and I’ll come pick you up around seven, yeah?” He says it quickly, and you can tell how excited he is but you don’t know if it’s because of the fact that you passed or because you said yes to going to dinner with him. You hope for the second statement, because that’s what you were most happy about. Going to dinner with Ashton? Just the two of you? Yes. Please. Even though you were pretty sure Ashton didn’t see this as a date, to you that’s exactly what you wanted it to be. You wanted to bond with him more, get to know each other on a deeper level, and then hopefully tell him how you feel at the end of the night. ”(Y/N), is seven okay?” Ashton brings you back from your thoughts and you smile up at him.   ”Seven is perfect. I’ll see you then.” ~ That evening Ashton knocks on your door at exactly seven, and you open the door at exactly two minutes past to both make him sweat a little and two not seem too desperate. You look up at the six feet tall man standing in front of you, and the second thing you see is the bouquet of flowers he’s holding out for you.   ”Flowers for the genius,” he grins wide and you take the flowers from him, letting out a quiet laugh at his comment.   ”I’m only a genius thanks to you, Ash. You deserve flowers more than I do.” You mean every word you say, but then hurry to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase because there is no way you’re giving these beautiful flowers back to him.   Ashton drives you to a restaurant, a restaurant you’ve been to a couple of times and that serves food that the two of you love. It’s a safe bet, and you don’t mind because you’re not as excited over the food as you about spending some quality time with your best friend. You both walk inside and sit down at the same table as always, the one in the corner by the window so you can watch people walk past and guess their names and professions, something you and Ashton always do whenever you two spend time together somewhere in public. It was an easy thing to do and talk about when silence fell over you both.   However after you two sat down you two started talking about this and that and this time, you didn’t have to play any guessing game. ~ ”I had a really lovely evening.” You look over at Ashton from where you were sitting in the passengers seat of his car. He had just stopped outside your apartment building to drop you off before he headed home himself, but you don’t want to get out of the car. You don’t want this evening to end.   ”I did too, we should do this more often.” Your heart skips a beat in your chest at his words. He wants to do this again. He wants to do it again. You can’t help but grin wide at his words, but the grin quickly fades again when he continues talking: ”Hanging out with you is awesome, you’re one hell of a friend, (Y/N).”   You’re one hell of a friend, (Y/N). The words ring around in your head for a while, and you fake a smile and kiss his cheek before you get out of his car. ”Thanks for today, Ash. I’ll see you when I see you.” You close the car door and he waves bye to you before he drives home, leaving you heartbroken and devastated where you were standing. 
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flowerpowell · 6 years
Forbidden Reading (Chris x MC)
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Author’s note: I did change quite a few details from the original story, The Freshman, so it would fit better with the character of MC. Hope you’ll enjoy this anyway!
All rights go to Pixelberry, I don’t own them.
Rating: Normal, fluffy
Tagging (perma + Chris tag): @kickbuttbookworm @damienazariostan @gardeningourmet @littlegreenmoo @jellybean-marshmellow @syltti78 @jared2612 @choicesgallery @flynnomalleys ♥
Exhausted after a long day full of editing her articles, writing a few subchapters to her senior thesis, and helping Zack with another of his existential crises, Amy is finally home. 
Surprisingly, it was rather quiet out there, usually Chris would sweep her in his arm and they would start talking about their days. Slowly, she takes off her coat and tiptoes to their bedroom, where the light is on. She finds her boyfriend completely lost in something he was reading. 
“Whatcha doing?” Amy asks trying to peek at Chris’s book. He is startled by her voice but grins when he turns to see her. 
“Just reading your porn.” 
Amy chokes at his words, “My what?!” 
Chris stands up and waves at her with something she begins to recognize. “Oh my gosh, Chris! That’s not porn, that’s my diary!” she chuckles while trying to take her diary back from Chris’s hands. 
He escapes her and starts reading the last sentence with his deep voice, “It was the most amazing night I ever had. Chris is the most amazing lover I ever had. Especially when he did that thing with his--” 
Amy tries to catch him but he is running away from her, laughing. 
“It gets better later on, just listen.” 
“Stop it, ugh, you’re so annoying, give that back!” 
They start running in cirles around their kitchen table, Amy throwing leftover popcorn from the night before at Chris. 
“I’m not giving you this back, this boosts my ego!” Chris yells as he jumps on the kitchen counter. 
“Oh this is good, I love Chris’s abs, O-M-G, they are so hard and I absolutely love touching them whenever I can.” 
“Christopher Powell, come down for the love of your mother, sister, and brother, and gimme my diary back!” Amy sees that her orders don’t make any difference and Chris is unlikely to stop reading her precious journal. 
“Chris, baby, please, it’s personal,” she makes a sad face, pretending to be deeply hurt. Chris jumps back on the floor as he carefully approaches his girlfriend. He gently puts one arm around her tiny waist and whispers to her ear, “You gave a permission to read it, remember? But if you really don’t want me to read it, I won’t.” She looks up and bites her lip slightly. “I just wanted to learn more about you, but here,” he gives her the diary back, “take it, I’m sorry.” Chris hugs her tightly and a relieved sigh escapes her. 
When they pull away, she’s smiling mischievously. “You know, maybe you reading out loud about our first time wasn’t my cup of tea, what do you say we read some other, less intimate parts, huh?” Chris grins at her pulling her into another hug, “I’d like that. Although not gonna lie, I would like to read what you thought about our first time too.” Amy blushes and Chris kisses her cheeks. “Maybe next time, tonight let’s keep it PG-13, okay?” He nods, “Of course.” 
Chris takes her hand and leads them to the bedroom, where they both settle on the bed. “So where should we start?” Chris thinks for a moment. “What about the day we met?” Amy flips through the pages and finds the date. “Here we go.”
Dear diary,
Today is my first day at Hartfeld and even though I haven’t started my classes yet, it was pretty eventful. I met my roomates, I played a weird day called “Truth or truth” and decorated my room. They all seem pretty nice, Zack is so far my favorite, he told me everything from the start, about his crush on Brandon, about Abbie and Tyler (our roomates) and he even asked me to help to set them up! Now that’s something I like! Kaitlyn is pretty awesome too, a little too wild for my introverted mind, but I liked her. And I also met Chris, another roomate... He was the first one to meet actually. I bumped into him on the campus. He even got down on one knee to apologize to me for that but some guy thought he was proposing! OMG that was so funny and weird. He has those pretty blue eyes and I wish I could stare at them for the rest of my life. He is so freaking handsome I can’t even deal with it. I had no such boys at highschool. But then this girl came, spilled her coffee on me (lol?) and claimed he was her future boyfriend and I’m confused now. During the game he said he didn’t want to start a new relationship, which broke my heart a little but maybe I’ll be able to convice him otherwise someday. Anyways, I think I have a new crush now and he’s living with ME so that’s awesome. I really hope I won’t screw that up! Although to be 100% honest he did seem a little bit into me as well...
“A little bit?” Chris laughs, “I was already head over heels in love with you! I was just afraid of jumping in another relationship.” He strokes her red cheeks. She looks at him, narrowing her eyes, “So you say you fell in love with me right at the moment we met?” 
“Well, I definitely felt something for you, then we started talking and living together and I just kinda fell in love” Chris plays with his T-shirt to hide his cheeks blushing. Amy chuckles, “I wish you wrote your diary, that would be fun to read!” He rolls his eyes, “I don’t think so. Now, go on, read the part about our first kiss.” 
Amy flips through the pages again. “It didn’t happen that night even though I had a feeling you wanted to kiss me at some point.” He smiles at her, “I actually kind of wanted you to invite me to your room but holding you worked pretty nice too.” He kisses her and after a few moments she pulls away. “I would never! We only met that day and I wasn’t that drunk!” She laughs as her boyfriend joins her. “I know, I know, you were just messing with my mind, you still do,” he winks at her and she rolls her eyes. “Okay Powell, first kiss is coming.”
Dear Diary,
I KISSED CHRIS TODAY! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! It all happened at the sorority party that I obviously wasn’t invited for because Becca is a real bitch and she thinks Chris belongs to her but HE KISSED ME! Ha! Anyways, he was with Becca alllll the time and I wanted to talk to him but Becca said I had to win the time with him (like seriously, who does she think she is?) so I DID and we went out, and started arguing a little because I just really thought Becca had a bad influence on him so he got defensive and said he actually admired Becca cuz she knew what she wanted and he was confused andddd I asked him what could I do to give him that clarity and he started stumbling anddddddddddd WE KISSED!!!! I leaned towards him, but just a little, and we touched each other’s lips and he pulled me closer (!!!!!) and I literally felt like all the electricity in Hartfeld went through my body and back! And afterwards, he said it actually MEANT something and that we have a connection andddddddddddd HE KISSED ME AGAIN, but this time HE.FREAKING.PRESSED.ME.AGAINST.THE.WALL!!!!!!!!!!!! And then he kissed my neck and I was just praying it would never end. I am officially so in love with Christopher Powell it hurts. And you know what? It did hurt, when he told me after everything, that he still isn’t ready for a new relationship and he DOESN’T want to be in one now and that he’s sorry and I deserve someone much better...Why can’t he see he’s already the best? Then, he left with Becca and I just couldn’t get back to that stupid party. And here I am, in my room, crying, because I got to kiss my crush and I felt like the happiest person on Earth just to feel super heartbroken next minute. Oh, why is everything so hard?
“I’m so sorry for what I said that night, I didn’t think clearly, I thought I was doing the right thing.” Chris saddens as he realizes how much he hurt that one person he never wanted to hurt. She smiles weakly at him, “It’s okay, after all, we’re together now, that’s what matters the most.” 
Chris kisses her lightly and she deepens it till they both pull away, breathless. He looks up to her, grinning, “So you liked it when I kissed your neck and pressed you against the wall, huh?” Amy chuckles, “I definitely enjoyed that.” “Should be doing that more often, noted,” Chris smiles at her so widely she help but laugh. His face falls again after a minute. “Seriously Amy, I am really sorry for that. Not only for what I said but also for what I did. Being with Becca just to be able to be away from you was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done and--” Amy silences him with yet another kiss. 
When she pulls away the sadness is gone from his eyes. “Let’s just move to something more...pleasant. Maybe our first time?” Chris offers, suggestively raising his eyebrows. She shoves him with her diary, giggling as he tries to tickle her. 
“Come on, I wanna know all the details!” He asks again as she’s trying to get out of bed and his embrace. 
“Not a chance Powell, some...things...are not meant...for you..ahh” Amy speaks in broken sentences while her boyfriend tickles her more. “I’m not gonna stop until you give me at least a sneak peek!” He threatens. “What if...instead...I read....ahhh stop it....the story of....when we said....I love you for the...first time?” She tries to bargain and Chris stops to think about the offer. “Hm, I might be intrested in that too. For now,” he adds winking at her. “Ugh, you’re incorrigible” she sighs but he catches her smile when she looks for that certain page in her diary. 
“Um, so here it is, but please don’t laugh, I just got very emotional about this one.” He raised an eyebrow, “More excited than the first kiss? Man, I can’t imagine how you described the first time we slept together.” 
“It’s not gonna happen Chris,” she teases, “not tonight anyway.” Amy finds the date and sighs. “That was during the boat dance, right after--” 
“Right after we had sex” Chris grins at her. 
“Look at you so thirsty for compliments!” Amy laughs. 
“I need validation that’s all. I just want to know how I make you feel,” he admits and she blushes. “I think you know.” He wants to add something but she cuts him off. “Back to the dance, right to the moment after,” Amy hears Chris’s groan, “after we hooked up.”
Dear Diary,
Today, “blablabla” Amy looks for the moment of their little confession after writing so much about that particular day. “Aha! There it is!”
As if that wasn’t enough, right after we did it, I was lying on his chest and he was playing with my hair. And then he suddently spoke my name and I was afraid he wanted to get back to that party, and I was soooo not ready and still sweaty, but he just looked me in the eyes and started with “Amy, I..” And I was already overthinking every single thing he could say so I asked (casually, not trying to freak out or anything) what did he want and then HE. SAID. THAT. He said “I LOVE YOU” he actually said these three words first!! He said he loved me from the bottom of his heart and I never felt happier. And he actually said that he felt the happiest with me! He thanked me for my encouragement and support and believing in him, and honestly I was nearly crying, I mean he’s such a wonderful person and I am so so so lucky to be his girlfriend. And then he went on with these compliments and I just couldn’t hold it anymore and I said I loved him back!! And OMG, if you could only see the smile on his face when I said that. And the relief on mine! I’ve been wanting to say that for so long! And he admitted he thought about it for a while too! I was so happy I started chanting “I love you” to Chris until he interrupted me with the softest kiss ever. After a few more minutes we headed back to the party but...I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And diary, I do love him. I love him so much I could explode (and not because I ate so much)! I love Chris Powell, I love Chris Powell, I love Chris Powell--
“I love you Chris Powell,” Amy finishes looking into Chris’s eyes. He smiles at her softly as he caresses her cheek. He presses a gentle kiss to her lips. 
“I love you so much Amy. I hope one day you’ll be able to write there about our wedding day.” She returns the smile as the familiar warmth overwhelms her body.
“I’d very much like that.”
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momorabu · 6 years
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A3! Backstage Story - Spring Troupe: Training Outfits (R Cards)
Sorry for the hiatus for the past 2 weeks ><” I’vee suffering from issues on accessing my Tumblr and writing posts since nothing I wrote was able to be saved and sent =w=“ (I was also feeling under the weather... Orz) Hopefully all is well now~ *Cross fingers* 
Regarding the backstories~ I have to say... they are pretty interesting to read, and Citron’s one really help me to learn more words and improve my vocabulary ^^;
Some of the stories actually have the appearance of the members from other troupes (mainly the summer troupe’s members), so if you don’t know who they are, I greatly recommend that you check them out either at a wiki or the official website first before reading ^^;
As always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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Sakuma Sakya - Burning Youth
"I” was out on the streets doing some grocery shopping in the evening one day for the night’s dinner, and had also bought the items that were requested by Sakuya and Yuki. Sakuya had almost run out of pages of his notebook for English lesson, thus “I” offered to pick one up for him when “I” passed by the bookstore. Yuki had whined when he realised that “I’m” picking up groceries to make curry again at night, remarking that eating too much curry will make one’s skin yellow. “I” offered to make something else if they had any request, and thus Sakuya requested croquette, which Yuki agreed as well. With all the items requested and the groceries bought, “my” mission was completed and it was time to head for home. As there were still time before the members who were students to reach home, “I” decided to go a long way back home just for a mood change. 
As “I” was walking along the river bank, “I” spotted a group of people jogging as part of their club activities, and felt that it seems like a youthful moment right there. Suddenly, “I” heard a familiar voice, and thinking that it belongs to Sakuya, “I” decided to head closer to the source of the voice to peek at what he was doing. As expected, it was Sakuya practising his lines near the riverbank. After watching his performance for abit longer, “I” called out to him and praised for his acting, though “I” ended up giving him a shock in the midst of it ^^; 
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Sakuya had gone to the library after school, and after that, he had gone to practice the lines from some of the stage scripts he had read at the river bank. He really enjoys going to the library from time to time, remarking that as there were alot of stage troupes in this area, the library had alot of books about scripts and dramas. In fact, there were so many great books to be borrowed that Sakuya always wonder which ones he should borrow ^^ He had alot of lines that he actually wanted to act it out, but in the end, he decided to borrow just a few scripts at one go, and read them by sequence instead. 
(Aww~ Sakuya is adorable here that he shyly asked “me” if it’s alright to watch him act here from time to time. Of course “I” was glad to come and watch him ^////^)
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Realising that it was quite late as the sun was about to set, we decided to head home together, and Sakuya offered to carry the groceries. “I” thanked Sakuya while informing him that “I’ve” bought his notebook and would also be making croquette tonight~ 
However... to Yuki’s dismay, it was actually curry flavoured croquette in the end for tonight’s dinner. (Guess that there’s no way to escape from eating curry for one day ^^;) 
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Usui Masumi - Remembering the Taste of Curry
"I” was looking through the script one day when “I” felt hungry and decided to take a look at what’s available in the fridge. But... there wasn’t anything in the fridge, so “I” decided to make a trip down to the convenience store instead. As “I” was heading out, “I” met Tenma and the manager who requested to buy a certain type of battery and also a soft drink that claimed to give one a shock when drunk. The manager happily told us that this was recommended to him by Kazunari, and there were actually a lot of different flavours available, such as wasabi flavour and corn soup flavour. Apparently, they sound really weird to Tenma that he remarked that he won’t even drink it even if someone pleaded him.
(Well, the wasabi flavour is indeed quite a weird flavour =w=“)
When “I” head out of the house, “I” met Masumi who had just came back, and he mentioned seeing a curry bun food cart just now. “I” was of course really interested, and urged Masumi to show “me” the way to where he had last spotted the food cart. Masumi was surprised when “I” held onto his hand and blushed saying that “I’m” so proactive unexpectedly to hold his hands when we aren’t even dating yet.
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(Masumi really enjoys holding hands with “me” it seems, saying that he’s willing to go with “me” even to hell as “I” hold onto his hand and pulling him towards there OWO”)
However, even if we ran as fast as we could, the food cart was nowhere in sight when we reached the spot Masumi had last seen it. "I" was convinced that the food cart was still somewhere nearby, and asked Masumi to accompany "me" to look for it. After asking around the area, the storekeeper at the fruits store informed us that he had seen the food cart driving past his store right before noon, and thus we head off in that direction to look for the missing food cart. Masumi remarked that "I" seems to be like a detective, and him being "my" assistant actually sounds pretty good~ Seeing how enthutiastic "I" am in wanting the curry bun, Masumi admitted that he wanted to be reborn as a curry bun too XD He found "me" adorable getting excited whenever "I" found yet another clue to where the food cart might be located ^^;
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Finally, we found the food cart in the end and bought a curry bun. Since "I" was already really hungry after running around, "I" suggested to Masumi that we eat the curry bun and he suggested to eat at the park since it's better to eat while it's still hot. When we sat down on the benches at the park, "I" split the curry bun into two and gave half of it to Masumi, as thanks for him accompanying "me" around to look for the food cart. Even though Masumi was initially hesitant on recieving it, he took it in the end and remarked that he would never forget the taste of this curry bun, since it was the curry bun that "I" had split with him. (Aww~ This part was actually kind of sweet ^////^)
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However, as we happily ate our lunch, "I" realised that "I" seems to have forgotten something... and that was Tenma and the manager who was still back at home waiting for "me" to return from the convenience store. (I don't think the heroine even bought the items she was asked to though ^^;)
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Minagi Tsuzuru - Little Heart of Love
"I" had gotten "myself" two tickets to a stage play that would be held tomorrow. Even though "I" could always go by "myself", since "I" had two tickets this time, "I" decided to ask someone to go to watch the stage play with "me". Just then, "I" noticed Tsuzuru with a glum look on his face, and asked him what's the matter with him, even remarking that he seems to have aged a few years from the looks of it OWO" Tsuzuru sighed and explained that he was actually in a slump and was stuck in writing the next script currently, since he had no idea how to continue writing it. Tsuzuru wondered that perhaps it was just due to him not learning enough and was thus out of ideas of what to write in order to continue the current script he had on hand. Knowing how terrible Tsuzuru is feeling, "I" decided to invite him to watch the stage play together (since the tickets were given by the heroine's acquaitances), telling him that the stage play might help to give him some ideas that he could think about. Tsuzuru agreed and thus the two of us happily went to watch the play the next day.
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After watching the stage play, we were outside of the theatre discussing excitedly on how great the play was. Tsuzuru praised that the play was really interesting and had given him some great ideas he could reference on. He thanked "me for inviting him today and said that he really enjoyed himself, seeing that he could learn more from watching the stage play, and it also gave him a mood boost at the same time. (Aww~ Tsuzuru is cute this way ^^) He continued on that he had alot of ideas that came to his mind currently, and felt that he could write his script smoothly from now on ^^
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Just then, we heard a little girl crying out loud for her mother. "I" noticed that she was alone and wondered perhaps she was a lost child. Tsuzuru suggested that it would be better to bring her to the police station and decided to went forward and console the little girl. He even gave her a hug and "I" remarked that Tsuzuru seems really used in giving hugs to little children. (Well~ He has alot of little brothers that he comforts them probably lots of times already ^^;) Tsuzuru continued on to comfort the little girl that she would definitely find her mum soon since we would accompany her to look for her mum. Luckily, the little girl's mum was at the supermarket right next to her and soon came to look for her.
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However, the little girl praised to her mum that Tsuzuru was really nice and gentle with her must now and she would want to marry him when she grew up XD (Aww~ That's cute~) The little girl's mother was shocked and apologised to us, urging her daughter to wave goodbye to us. The little girl started yelling that she wanted to marry Tsuzuru, which led "me" to think that Tsuzuru was amazing that he had already captured the little girl's heart in just a few minutes. (Tsuzuru can actually be a really popular guy... or maybe just among the little children ^^;) The mother scolded the little girl telling her not to be stubborn since she's causing trouble for Tsuzuru, but Tsuzuru just smiled and told the little girl that he would come for her when she grew up, and thus hoped she would wait until then. That comforted the little girl enough and thus we bid goodbye to them. After they had left, "I" told Tsuzuru that he's really good with kids, but he just sighed and said that little girls were different to handle as compared to his brothers. "I" just laughed and teased him that he's popular~ (Tsuzuru can actually be a really popular guy... or maybe just among the little children ^^;)
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Chigasaki Itaru - Impure Motive
One day, "I" was heating up food in the microwave and informed Hisoka and Azuma that the microwave seems to be weird as it's not heating the food up at all. We took a closer look at the microwave to find out its problem, but only to realise that while the timer of the microwave was still working, there was no heat coming from the microwave. (Hisoka just concluded that the microwave was broken ^^;) "I" had thought about getting Tasuku to fix it, but since the microwave was getting old, "I" felt that perhaps it would be better to just buy a new one instead. Thus, "I" decided to make a trip down to the electronics store over at the shopping mall, and Azuma remarked that though he would love to accompany "me" there, he didn't want to today since it was too sunny outdoors =w= As the microwave was pretty big, he suggested "me" to find someone who had a car that could drive "me" there and bring the microwave back, and the best candidate would be... Itaru~
Azuma had commented that he had seen Itaru at the corridor near the front door earlier on so "I" decided to approach him and asked him for help. Initially, "I" had thought that Itaru would reject "me" straight away (since he's someone who would prefer to stay in his room and play games in his free time than head outdoors), but surprisingly he actually agreed to it! (Itaru even dissed that why do "I" have a surprised expression XD) Itaru commented that his games had come to a hold currently, and he was just in the mood in heading out anyway, and thus we head off to the mall!
In Itaru's car, he would get concerned whether "I" felt too hot or too cold, even offering to adjust the aircon for "me". As "I" watched Itaru drive, "I" noticed he's really good at driving and realised that he's cool handling the car in a smooth way~ (It's said that the way a guy drive a can catch a female's heart XD) When Itaru knew that "I" praised him for driving well though, he just replied with a smile that he had been driving regularly and had also practiced his driving skills from time to time when he plays racing games. (And he also diss how bad the heroine is at racing games ^^;)
We reached the electronic store in the mall, and after listening to the salesperson, "I" was hesitant in choosing which of the two microwaves that were available to "me" since they could both heat up curry well (and that's the most important thing to the heroine XD). "I" wanted to ask Itaru for his opinion, but when "I" turned around, "I" realised that he wasn't around and thus decided to went around the mall to look him. "I" ended up finding him at a game store, where he apologised that he had stopped by this store along the way. There was a game that was released today, and as Itaru had forgotten to preorder it, he decided to buy that game now together with other games that he had wanted. He was pondering on which games he should get in the end, and thus had forgotten about "me" buying the microwave in the midst of it OWO" (So why Itaru agreed to go with "me" for shopping was because he wanted to do his own game shopping too =w=") "I" was shocked to see that Itaru had lots of games in his hands, and asked him whether he had planned to buy everything. Itaru answered that this was why he was hesitant since he knew he can't buy everything, but all the games look so good to him and he wanted to play them that he doesn't know which one he should pick. (Itaru can be kind of cute this way when he's pondering which games to get ^////^) Luckily, after a while, we managed to get both our new games and new microwave in the end~
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Itaru offered to carry the microwave, saying that his role in this shopping trip was to carry the heavy stuff after all. He suggested that we go around to the food corner after putting our stuff in the car since he planned to buy some junk food and also pet food of Kamekichi to be used for the next time he was on a break. "I" lectured Itaru that "I" had told him before that he should not order Kamekichi so freely like that, and... "I" would bring him food to eat when he's on break so he should eat those instead as those junk food are not healthy for him, as long as he likes to eat "my" meals. Itaru smiled and said, of course, that would be a big help to him if "I" helped him to prepare his meals, praising that the food "I" cooked was delicious and warm. He teasingly asked "me" whether "I" would like curry flavoured candies, since he planned to prepare some as "my" reward for cooking his meals >////<
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Citron - Indopata Meeting (Actual meaning should be "井戸端会議", a meeting where all the ladies staying in the neighbourhood would gather and gossip.)
Citron and "I" were giving out flyers on the streets as per usual, and when the sun was about to set, we decided to call it a day. "I" told Citron that we had given out more flyers than usual, and he felt that it must be because of him since he felt that he's good at "convincing people". Even though "I" corrected Citron that it should be "he's good at giving out flyers", "I" had noticed that people were more willing to receive a flyer from Citron since he always calls out to people in a friendly and bright tone. Citron was proud and thus claimed himself at "Citron. The Nyan Nyan Flyer Flash". (What on earth is this name? =w=" Even the heroine dissed that it sounds like a name for finishing move instead ^^;)
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We decided to head home and "I" asked Citron whether he knew who was in charge of making dinner tonight. Citron happily replied that it's probably Omi since he had already started preparing in the afternoon. Along the way, the vegetable store owner called Citron and thanked him for helping her in the past, offering a welsh onion as a gift. Turned out that Citron had helped the store owner by carrying boxes of cabbages in the past. Next, the fruit owner had also offered some oranges to Citron, and we also met a boy who knew Citron as well, and Citron offered him a flyer telling him that he was here to give out flyers today. (But Citron's Japanese was not good since he had mispronounced the word "flyer" as "a sushi brand" instead I think =w=") "I" realised that Citron really knew alot of people around the neighbourhood, since so many people had called out to him when he walked past them. "I" praised Citron that he seems to be good at communicating with others (as much as he's bad at pronouncing words), and that cheered him up that he told "me" to leave everything to him as he's going to be really good at giving out flyers~
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