#i could go on & on about how trans care can definitely be lifesaving but also the nuance of like....
post top surgery bea was so !!!. so many feelings, just like when you first wrote about it a few months back. would love to read more if you’re ever feeling inspired. maybe ava observing her feel even more at home in her body?
[idk how many ppl love this headcanon but it's rly lovely? to me at least lol. so a little gentle mama s & bea pov for u]
you've gotten better at caring for your children in different ways as the years have gone on — fostering passions, listening carefully, allowing them to expand into who they were meant to be, within and beyond the order. you've fought a holy war with so many of them — some you have lost forever; some have come back, in one way or another. love, god's love, the highest form of grace, is full of grief and sorrow, and you know that better than most.
but — 'you're sure you've got it?'
you fight back the urge to sigh because ava's eyes are big and earnest and you're reminded of when they were nineteen, and terrified, and so so brave. 'yes, ava. we'll be fine in the brief amount of time you're gone.'
ava nods, more to reassure herself than you;.she's just going to get groceries — a task you had bullied her into, mostly to get her out of the house for a brief moment — and beatrice has mostly slept on and off this past week. it's a joyful time, so deeply, but you know also that seeing beatrice in pain, even for the best reason, is hard for ava. perhaps, you admit, hard for all of you.
but beatrice smiles when ava kisses her forehead, pausing the season of some reality tv show she and lilith appear to be quite invested in that, reluctantly, you have watched enough of at this point to follow along with something slightly more than disinterest. she smiles still when you sit down next to her on their big couch in their sundrenched living room, and you feel peace settle in your soul the way you really only do when you see your children happy.
'okay,' ava says from the door leading to the garage, 'text me if anything happens.'
beatrice rolls her eyes, the soft smile still on her face. 'just make sure to get the proper chocolate.'
'that was one time.'
beatrice laughs. 'bye, ava.'
'love you.'
'i love you too,' beatrice says, then turns to you when ava closes the door softly.
'you are feeling okay, right? i've known you for too long for you to lie to me.'
beatrice touches your wrist gently, in some kind of thanks. 'i'm feeling good. sore, but they took my drains out yesterday so i finally got to shower.'
'well i came at the perfect time, then.'
beatrice huffs a laugh. she shifts a little, sitting up more, and there are freckles all along her shoulders, muscles toned and visible without a shirt on, a blanket over her legs. 'i — uh, i have to let my skin breathe for a few minutes, is it —' her brow furrows — 'is it okay?'
you have known her for so long, seen and still do see so much of yourself in her, and so you understand. 'of course it's okay, beatrice.'
she nods, just once, and then reaches to undo the tight surgical binder. you had read all about top surgery diligently after she had told you — with a nervousness in her voice that had made you ache — that she had a date scheduled for her procedure, even asked one of jillian's surgeon friends to explain the details. you know the expect the bandages over her regrafted nipples, the stretch of the new scars across her chest. there's old scars along her abdomen, but these are different: these are imbued with joy, and care, and a becoming that is so quietly holy you feel blessed to witness it. the deep breath she takes in, the way her shoulders relax and she smiles when she looks down at her chest — it is all you have ever wanted for any of your children.
she looks over at you, a little shaky, a little unsure, and so you offer her what you know she needs, after so many years. 'these were the results you were hoping for, yes?'
she swallows, but it's still impossible for her smile to fully slip. 'beyond what i had hoped for, honestly. it's hard — it was hard to imagine, just how much better i would feel.'
'i'm quite happy for you.'
her smile grows — less shy, more certain — but then her brow furrows in a way you recognize by now that means she's been sitting on something for a while. 'are you — are you ever disappointed?' she pauses, then clarifies quietly, 'in me?'
when beatrice was recruited to the order years and years ago, you recognized quickly that she would be more than fit to run it in your stead. she always had been: brilliant, organized, kinder than you could ever hope for. generous. forgiving. devout. she hasn't changed at all, only grown brighter in her faithfulness.
'i am so proud of you, beatrice. profoundly.'
beatrice sniffles, and you turn toward her fully.
'you have been a beacon for god's love the entire time you have known you, through a great deal of pain. i'm proud of you for finally starting to give that love to yourself.'
as you expected, she does start to cry; it's not uncommon even though she still tries to pretend it's a rare occurrence.
'i'm deeply sorry if i have ever made you to feel that way, especially after you renounced your vows.' you worked with her to bring ava back; you won a war; you walked her down the aisle. 'i am in awe of who you have become, beyond what i ever could have hoped for you.' you look pointedly to her chest, flat and tender and, in the ways you have learned matter most, beautiful.
she wipes tears and then huffs a laugh. 'you haven't,' she says, 'made me feel like that. not since i was brand new at the order and couldn't properly shoot a pistol, at least.'
you laugh fondly, remembering how horrible a shot she had first been, too tightly wound to breathe through the kick properly.
'i've just been in my head, a little. it happens when i'm high.'
you raise a brow, just for fun, and she seems to realize what she's said, blanching.
'not that i've ever been high, ever, other than, you know, pain medicine after surgery or injuries. not once, not one single time.'
'it's still a sin to lie. you know that, right?'
beatrice eventually laughs, happily. 'ava's not particularly subtle, is he?'
'neither is the smell of weed.'
she laughs even harder.
'i wasn't always a nun.'
she calms, quiets. 'thank you, for being a really wonderful mother.'
it fills your chest unlike anything else — ava and their halo; mary and lilith finding their way back home; your new girls getting to train in peace — and you squeeze her hand. 'thank you for being a really wonderful daughter.'
she nods, another layer of peace settling against her skin. when it comes time, a few minutes later, for her to have to put her surgical binder back on, you help with gentle hands.
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mavericksy · 4 years
Seeing Red
TW: Detailed descriptions of menstruation, gender dysphoria
Summary: Tsuburaba gets his period, and Class 1B try to make him feel better, with varying degrees of success. 
AO3 link (text is also below): https://archiveofourown.org/works/28285605
A/N: Sweet comfort fic- I got my period a a few days ago and it was really bothering me this morning. also, there is a major lack of trans tsuburaba content. how could you do this to dysphoria hoodie boy. 
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Vlad King shouldered into the locker room and clapped his hands.
“Alright, boys, time to get to the gym!”
At once, the gathered male students looked up and nodded, their conversations dropping to a hush as they hurried to fix their costumes.
He held the door open for them, counting each student as they went into the corridor. As Honenuki left the room, Vlad spotted Monoma loitering at the back, wearing a concerned expression.
“Is everything alright, son?” he asked. Monoma looked behind himself.
“It’s Tsuburaba, sir.”
“Oh?” Thinking on it, Vlad hadn’t spotted the short boy among the rest of the group. “Did he come in today?”
Monoma nodded. “Yes, sir. He’s in the bathroom. He’s having a few…issues.”
“Oh. Should I get the Imodium?” 
“It’s not that! Sir, it’s that time of the month.” Vlad continued to frown at him. Monoma sighed. “He’s on his period.” 
“He is?”
“I think he got it while he was getting changed in the back- it caught him by surprise. He’s upset.”
“I can imagine. Poor kid. Sometimes I forget he’s…you know.”
“Sir, permission to go to the girl’s locker room. He says he needs a sanitary towel.”
“Permission granted, son.” Monoma nodded and prepared to leave the room. “No funny business when you get there, mind!”
The boy rolled as his eyes as he left. Steeling himself for an awkward discussion, Vlad tip-toed towards the bathroom at the back of the changing room. It was a small, tiled annex, with two closed stalls, two urinals, and a pair of porcelain sinks. A passage to the right led towards the showers. Underneath the gap of one of the toilet cubicles, he spotted shadows moving on the floor. Muffled noises were coming from inside.
He coughed and knocked on the wall next to him. “Tsuburaba? You in here, son?”
The muffled noise suddenly stopped. A moment later, a croaky voice replied, “Yeah.”
“Monoma tells me you’re in a bit of an awkward situation.”
Tsuburaba laughed ruefully, a single sardonic bark that rattled around the walls.
“Do you want to come out and talk about it?”
“I can’t really move right now, sir.”
Drat. There went Vlad King’s patented ‘give them a comforting yet manly hug’ maneuver. Now he’d actually have to make conversation.
“Is everything OK?”
From inside the dim stall, Tsuburaba looked in the direction of Vlad King’s deep voice. His hands were full of wadded-up toilet paper, which he had been using to try and pat his crotch and briefs dry.
“Could be better, sir,” he admitted, squinting at the rust-colored marks across the tissue after he had scuffed it across his bloody underwear. He sighed and threw it between his legs, into the toilet.
“Are you having...cramps or anything?” 
“Not right now, no. I’ll probably end up getting them later tonight, though.” He unrolled another strip of tissue. “Sometimes they make it hard to sleep.”
“You got enough painkillers back in the dorms?”
“Good. Midnight’s on call tonight, if you need her. Do you want me to tell her what’s going on?”
“No, I…” Tsuburaba squeezed his eyes shut and pinched his forehead with his free hand, trying to control his voice as a lump began to rise in his throat. Vlad King’s voice kept coming, over and over, giving him no time to settle. “I’d rather keep this private, sir. If you don’t mind.”
“I get you. Are you going to be OK in class today?”
“I’ll be fine, sir, just so long as I’m not bleeding into my pants all morning!” Tsuburaba snapped. There was silence from outside. He exhaled shakily and placed his head in his hands, feeling another string of blood ooze out of him. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be, son. You’re going through a lot right now.”
“It’s such a weird feeling,” Tsuburaba said quietly, shivering as he crossed his arms. “I can feel the blood on my skin as it’s coming out, but…it’s like there’s not enough skin, you know? I can feel that something else is supposed to be there, but…it’s not. It’s just flat.” He swallowed. “Sorry, again. That’s TMI.”
“It…” Vlad King didn’t disagree, but Tsuburaba could tell from his careful, measured tone of voice that he was sympathetic. “It’s good to talk about this kind of thing, sometimes- to have a level of awareness about your body. Did I ever tell you about the time I got infected by a parasite?”
Tsuburaba’s eyes widened. He shook his head, then remembered that Vlad couldn’t see him.
“No, sir.”
“Well, there’s not much to tell,” Vlad King laughed. “I was out in the field, fighting off a group of your standard hoodlums. One of them went in for a close-combat attack from behind, and managed to hit my back. I swung him away from me and finished the fight without making too much of it. Then, over the next few days, I had this awful aching sensation in my right shoulder, like I’d thrown it while training.”
“I’ve had that kind of thing all week,” said Tsuburaba, feeling an ache prickle down his own back. “Should have known it was coming from that. Anyway, you were saying?”
“The pain lasted for weeks. I thought I was going nuts- I was tired, I was cranky, but I couldn’t work out what was wrong for the life of me. It wasn’t until I rolled over in bed one night and my wife noticed this golf ball sized protrusion sticking out of my back. We got to an emergency doctor, and she put me under for surgery that same evening- a few hours later, I wake up in her office, and there’s this giant insect squirming around a glass jar next to her computer.”
Tsuburaba choked back a gasp. Always prone to feeling pain as other people described it, he clutched his shoulder, wincing in sympathy.
“That’s crazy, sir!”
“Uh-huh. Turns out it had been part of a plan to put me out of commission- to change up the patrol routes so the gang could launch an attack without me being there. Oh- here’s Monoma.”
“I got a sanitary towel from Kendou,” Monoma’s voice said. Plastic packaging crinkled.
“You’re a lifesaver, bro,” said Tsuburaba, inching towards the door. He looked down at himself and sighed. “Can you push it under the door?”
He saw Monoma’s feet approaching.
“Is everything OK, now, Tsuburaba?” Vlad King asked.
“Yeah, everything should be fine now, thanks,” said Tsuburaba, grabbing the square piece of packaging from Monoma’s hand. “I’ll join everyone in a minute.”
“I’ll see you in the gym, then.”
“Cool. Oh, and sorry for snapping.”
There was a pause. Tsuburaba assumed that Vlad King and Monoma were eyeing each other.
“Don’t worry about it, son,” Vlad said reassuringly. His footsteps began retreating. “I’ll see you boys soon.”
“Do you want me to leave, Tsuba?” asked Monoma. He mulled it over.
“That’s OK,” he said. “Just give me a minute.”
With an apology to his friend, Monoma occupied himself at the urinals while he waited. From inside the stall, there was a tearing noise, followed by a high-pitched rustle. As Monoma went to wash his hands, the stall door clanked open, and Tsuburaba joined him at the sinks. He noticed how he stood with his legs a little apart, trying to rock his hips into a more comfortable position.
“Much better.”
They dried their hands and returned to the changing room. Tsuburaba stopped him before he left.
“Thank you so much for everything you’ve done today,” he said.
“It’s not a problem- it’s basic decency, really. Besides, Kendou’s the one you should be thanking.”
“I know, but…you didn’t have to do all this for me, you know?” He looked down at his feet. “I’ve got one more favour to ask, by the way. If you don’t mind.”
“Name it.”
“Could you tell me if I get a stain on my pants? Please? They’re pretty thick material, but the colour is light, so…”
“Are you asking if I’ll look at your butt for the rest of the lesson? That’s more than fine by me.” Monoma laughed as Tsuburaba scowled, though he could tell he was biting back a smile. The shorter guy swiped at him.
“Shuddup, will you?”
“I’m sorry!” They both laughed as they emerged into the hallway.
“But seriously, thanks.”
“No problem.”
Class went normally, for the most part. There was definitely a vague knowledge among the group that something was wrong with Tsuburaba, but he couldn’t complain too much about the various sympathetic glances that were being sent in his direction.
Tetsutetsu leaned forward and shook his shoulder.
“You’re the man, bro,” he whispered.
“Heh, thanks,” Tsuburaba said awkwardly, trying to disappear into the back corner of the benches. Tetsutetsu flinched as Kendou shoved him roughly.
“Would you leave him alone?” she hissed.
“I was only trying to-”
“It’s OK!” he said quickly. “Thanks, both of you. I appreciate it.” 
Kendou turned to him and nodded, retreating from Tetsutetsu, who gave him a grateful thumbs-up.
The number of students on the benches dwindled as Vlad King organised them into groups, with only ten students on the court at any one time. Finding that he and Kendou were alone together- save for a few other students scattered a little further away- he slid next to her.
“Monoma says you helped me out today,” he said.
“Did he? Oh, with the…”
“Yeah. I just wanted to say thanks.”
“It’s no big deal, really! I’m just glad that we could get everything in order.”
“You and me both.”
“How do you feel now?”
With a glance in the other students’ direction, Kendou leaned in. Tsuburaba blushed as she came close, her ponytail brushing his shoulder.
“I got mine too, yesterday evening. I’ve stocked up on chocolate and sad movies if you wanted to hang out later.”
Tsuburaba shook his head. “I can’t do sad things when I’m like this. I’d be a mess. But thanks for the offer.” 
“Any time.”
There was a chorus of groans as Kaibara hit the floor, a dodgeball bouncing away from him. On the opposite side of the court, Yanagi stood proudly to one side with her arms half-raised, her teammates screaming praise at her.
As Kaibara had been the last man standing on his team, Vlad King blew his whistle to signal the end of the match. 
“Next team, Team B vs Team D!”
Tsuburaba took a moment to check his trousers before standing. He turned to Kendou.
“You’re clean,” she said, before he had even fully opened his mouth. “Good luck!”  
He smiled and gave her a thumbs up, heading towards the court. Also up from the benches, Kuroiro joined him as they strode to their side of the court.
“I am so glad we have you,” he said to Tsuburaba. “You’re one of the best players.”
“Tsuburaba vs Yanagi and Monoma,” added Awase, who was making his way to the back of the room, ready to use his quirk to fuse as many accumulated dodgeballs as he could. “It’s a clash of the titans.
The shorter boy offered a quick smile to them both, before focussing his gaze on the opposing team. He began to breathe in deeply, preparing to unleash a slew of defensive walls.
Monoma caught his eye and grinned. He was stood in between Yanagi and Honenuki, which probably meant that Tsuburaba could expect strikes that came from nowhere, and for the ground to suddenly disappear beneath him- if Honenuki went out.
“Are you OK?” Monoma mouthed at him.
“I’m fine,” he mouthed back, watching Monoma’s concern fade and be replaced with a self-assured expression.
Tsuburaba grinned wickedly and fixed his eyes on the line of balls in front of him. He could use his quirk to shunt the balls at Team B before they had time to react, or wait for one of them to lurch forwards, only to slam into an invisible wall of air. 
Monoma didn’t know just how closely he was going to have to watch his ass. 
Disclaimer (?): 
while periods suck, please remember that they are natural and you shouldn't be made to feel ashamed of them!
taking male hormones is *not* a 'cure' for menstruation. i've been on t for two years and had my period come back after a year of not having it, hence why i'm sad and wanted to write a comfort fic.
please don't feel like you need to medically transition just because you don't like having a period- there's a risk of you developing real gender dysphoria due to other side effects, and needing to detransition later. i'm saying this because there's not a lot of menstruation-themed content out there, and i don't want people to equate 'periods are annoying' with 'i must be transgender'. please speak to your doctor if you're worried about your cycle or any unusual symptoms.
with that said, godspeed to anybody dealing with their time of the month right now! i hope you have all the chocolate you need!
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firebirdscratches · 6 years
Pride flags
I love the explosion in pride flags. I love it.  Yes, the original Rainbow Pride Flag is here for us all, but I think it’s wonderful that people are putting such specific, creative wordsmithing into naming their experience, and that they’re also celebrating our diversity and insisting on wonderful, colorful plurality. It’s inspiring, honestly. It also confuses me when people are like “you just wanna feels special,” or “you’re just making stuff up, now.” Buddy - I’ve got bad news for you about...words. And language. And pretty much 95% of human culture. Things mean what we decide they mean! And to me, it’s so refreshing to see queer people making so many bold, bright, beautiful declarations of who they are. There is a reason the rainbow was the choice for our community - each color represents a different aspect of begin gay, but it also emphasizes that there’s so many ways to be gay, and that we must always embrace and celebrate our uniqueness.  So, I decided to make a post with all the pride flags I’ve found that could apply to me! Some of them are more accurate than others, but these are all flags I’ve identified with at some point. 
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Can’t beat a classic!
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Oh wait, you totes can. I love how this emphasizes our community’s diversity and challenges us to maintain our commitment to intersectionality and listening to the people of color in our ranks. 
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I identified as bisexual in college, when I was first figuring things out! I still feel fine being called bi...I just think there’s other terms that are more specific for me!
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For a while I identified as polysexual, but I never really felt like it was a perfect fit, and also it seemed easily confused with polyamorous (which I also am). Finally I settled on...
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OOOoooo so pretty and sparkly! :D From here on in, I’ll put them under a Readmore so that your dash isn’t dominated by an epic long post! 
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I just found about this flag/orientation today! Omnisexual! I’m excited about it! Look how gorgeous the flag is! I’m still not clear on the difference between Pansexual and Omnisexual, I’ve seen it articulated different ways by different people...I think I’d be fine with both, tbh! Until I understand the precise distinction it’s hard for me to say which I feel closer to...but I think I’ll stick with “pan” for now, since it feels more accurate for me than bi or poly, and most people understand it. 
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Aces are beautiful and belong in our community! Aces are so great!
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I’m a gray ace, or graysexual...this is the pride flag for that :D 
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This is the original intersex flag...
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And this is the new one. I LOVE IT! I never cared for the way the old flag insisted on a gender binary with its pink and blue, though the white was supposed to represent nonbinary intersex people...also it was frequently mistaken for the trans flag, and while I am intersex, I’m definitely not trans, as I was AFAB and identify as a woman. (I didn’t even find out I had an intersex condition until I was 18!) I like how unique this new design is! 
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Polyamory pride! :D 
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Did you know that lesbians who prefer to kiss and cuddle than have sex used to be called “Bambi Lesbians?” How adorable! And how useful for the ace sapphics today! This was designed by @alouette-lulu, along with a lot of other deer pride flags! She didn’t originally intend them to be “Bambi” pride flags, but I think it works perfectly!
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Here’s another design for Bambi lesbians! 
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...but I’m not technically a lesbian, so here’s a Perfect Bambi Pan flag! XD I ADORE these, thanks so much for sharing your art, @alouette-lulu!
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The sapphic pride flag! AAAAH It’s so pretty!! Sometimes the violets are drawn, instead of being shopped in like this. Did you know that in the language of flowers, Violets were used even centuries ago to express Sapphic romance? Dreamy! <3
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The queer flag! Well....one of them. XD I love the word queer, I love how defiant it is, I love its history, I love its refusal to be simply defined, and most of all I love how nobody can agree what the queer flag is, it’s perfect!! I hope there’s always twenty different queer flags because that’s just so QUEER AND PERFECT!!
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Another queer flag design!
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Oooo Geometry, YAAAAS
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The BDSM Pride Flag! I’m not as active in the community as I used to be, but it was honestly lifesaving when I was going through a difficult time, and I learned SO MUCH about who I am as a person through my time in my local kink community.
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The Leather pride flag! I’ve often seen this used interchangeably with the BDSM pride flag, but Leather is actually a very specific subculture of the BDSM community with houses and discipline and apprenticeship protocols. I identify more with the first one, but see this one used more often...it still makes me happy when I see it, like I found a kindred spirit! 
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The Sapiosexual flag! For a brief while I identified as sapio, but I eventually realized that while intelligence is a key component in my sexual attraction, it wasn’t the most important - that’s kindness, and a sense of humor. I realized this flag actually wasn’t right for me, but it helped me on my journey! 
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I actually just discovered this flag in my googling for this post! I am a fat woman, and I’m learning every day how to be proud of that in a fatphobic culture. And this design is based on Neopolitan ice-cream! How cute! At first, I was really excited about it! Unfortunately, this flag is also associated with feederism, stuffing, padding, and other fat fetish, which I find disappointing. Not because I’m judging people’s kinks, but I do not participate in them - I don’t like being fetishized for my body - that doesnt make me feel “proud.” The “vanilla” stripe is supposed to represent “all BBW and BHM and the people that love them” - but I don’t like the implication that I’m “vanilla” just because I don’t participate in fat fetishism. (I’m decidedly not vanilla.) This is a very new flag, having only been designed in 2011, and I’m sad that I couldn’t find a better example for fat queer people.  So why end on that down note?  Because I’ve decided to design my own Fat Pride flag!! :D Defining our communities for ourselves is a quintessential part of the gay experience. I realized - why am I waiting around for someone else to do it? Be the change you want to see in the world! I’m going to try and do it justice! <3 Thanks for reading my long post, and if you liked and reblogged, have a hug from me. I love my community, and I’m so happy Pride Month is here! 
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spirit-shroud · 7 years
what’s some of your favorite plight headcanons? do you have any about the author? :o
first of all, anon, marry me right now immediately, im love u ive been dying to talk about these
okay so if you ask me what basis literally any of these have in canon i’ll have no answers but heres some of my personal faves i’ve come up w!! these are HCs im more or less using in a fanfic ill,,, one day actually write... instead of just... awkwardly mentioning it all the time  haha end me writing is hard
im gonna limit my lampy hcs to five because i really do have so many more than that i just love him so much kjdfhgdjkhfg
1. lamp boy? trans guy. at the time niko’s there and all The Nonsense happens(tm) he hasnt chosen a name or anything so hes just kinda The Lamplighter (occasionally he’ll panic and just say plight if someone, like, asks him for a name. nobody’s really connected the dots that its just lamplighter or if they have, they don’t want to mention it) maybe it’ll just stick or he’ll actually come up with something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for now, that’s just his title2. he has, exactly one(1!) time made the slip-up of calling Kip mom, either because she was worrying about him or whatever, and she hasn’t let him forget it. she sends him plants and books and helps him out whenever he’s asked to repair something he hasn’t encountered before. if you ask him about it, he’d say it’s dumb (but wow she’s a lifesaver!!) 
3. even on his day off he needs to be doing something, whether its just wandering around or trying to figure out how the heck to solve a rubik’s cube or whatever else. he finds idle time really stifling even when he could be sleeping. he probably would love things like stim toys just so he has something to do with his hands like tbh (imagine how powerful he’d be if he had like. video games. multitask level: ultimate) 
4. since he’s super sleepless, most likely malnourished as hell, and definitely vibrating from caffeine at any given moment he doesn’t have the best memory at all. like. sure he’ll remember the radio station of something he used to listen to like 9 whole years ago that doesn’t exist anymore but if you ask him to remember like.. where he’s supposed to be in an hour? no. ask him to remember someone’s name??? no. he’s just. not going to. ever. it’s a fact of life. however, to try and curb that, he’s gotten SUPER GOOD at keeping lists of everything to accomplish in a day, where, what time, etc and sticking to it. the day he loses his pocket notebook is the day the world ends. 
5. this is more of a,,, self-insert, unrelated romance headcanon but. listen. hes the most disaster bisexual to ever walk this earth. humans beware. he has really really low standards so like if you ever show him any care/concern chances are he'd die for you and also screw up any everyday conversation. HOWEVER,  he's also quite dumb. like. someone could legitimately walk up and confess their undying love to him outright and he'd be just talking to kip one night like 'okay so this guy i like said he was like, madly in love with me right? do you think he wants to like... go out on a date or was he just being nice? is that how friends are these days? i mean like we held hands once and we got coffee and now this, wow.’ 
‘that was a date, dear. what you just described was a date.’ 
(its a problem. someone please help him)
(just to reiterate i love lampy a whole heckload. also Big Question: where the heCK does all his money go if he works like 140 hrs/week.)
 okay now onto World Dad, whom I love but would also fight in a back alley because what the heck, guy. i really dont have too much on him tbh like it’s more Vague Theories than actual headcanons so im just going to dive into the juicy stuff first
1. i like to think that the major characters are, for the most part, extreme in one trait (kip = mom friend. george = all 6 personalities are different parts of one person. ling = nicest ever. lampy = workaholic, etc) because that’s just how the author remembers them. as well, the world kept getting smaller population wise as the other people were forgotten / their code just kept getting smaller. (but like that’s also really sad oh no)
2. i also like to think his fantasy stories are literally just like... fanfiction of his travels and the friends he’s met, maybe with different names/places. either as a way to remember who he met there or to just share the memory with a lot of people
3. he’s from earth! or alternatively, a very near-earth place, maybe one that’s more advanced (but still runs win95 for some reason)
4, it’s mentioned that he doesn’t like working on AI and i think why that is is because he has a tendency to accidentally give anything he touches like.. full sentience. im sure everyone would love a sentient roomba but. oh dear. that’s too scary. (also a big contributing factor to that is probably like.. idk.. the whole nonsense with the entity) not a headcanon but real talk wheRE DID HE GO how did hE DO THE SALTSTICE UPDATE IF HES FLOATING INDEFINITELY IN THE VOID
next episode of game theory: is the author secretly gaster?
anyways so maybe you can see who my favourite character is but uhhh yeah i just. i really like this game and the people in it s’all >/////////
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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