#i could not tell i what colour my boss's eyes are. oops
january31st · 3 years
I show up to the party just to leave (Venable x reader)
Summary: After a long time of not seeing each other, your brother invites you to his birthday party.
A/N: Title from Amoeba by Clairo. Her new album is like salt on an open wound, but in the softest way possible, and I love it :'). This has been in the drafts for a month and it was supposed to be a quick one to get me out of a slump :/ oops i guess (also i have no idea what this is or how we got here)
The reader doesn’t know about the whole selling their souls to the devil thing
Warnings: Drug addiction, overdose and hospital mentions. 
~1800 words
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The brightness inside Kineros was somehow even worse than outside in the California heat. Its whiteness and clean, modern look took you by surprise, given that your brother’s room back home used to be a mountain of unwashed dishes and dirty clothes, his PC setup the only thing you could look at without getting a headache. 
“This.... is insane Jeff” you said as you took your sunglasses off, squinting very hard.
“I told you! I don’t know what’s so hard to believe about it. The whole multi-million company thing wasn’t convincing enough to make you believe this place is nice?” He said as he led you around to his office.
“Well, I’m just saying that coming from you I expected more of a nerd bunker than a sci-fi spaceship”
“Are your standards really that low Y/N?” he said with his hand on his chest, pretending to be deeply offended.
“Yeah, in the beginning you bragged for months about your Van”
“Oh but you can’t say that a company on the move isn’t cool”
“Sure” you said, shifting your attention to the woman in purple sitting behind the desk.
“Hi, you must be Ms.Venable! I’m Y/N, Jeff’s sister.” You said with your hand stretched out in front of you.
She looked from you to Jeff, and then at your hand, considering whether she should take it or not. Slowly, with the help of her cane, she stood up and shook it.
“And I hear you would be joining us to prepare for tomorrow, although I’ve told Mr. Pfister I have it handled.” She said, shooting your brother a menacing look, but you were too distracted by the feeling of her gloved hand still in yours. Had someone turned off the AC?
“I know Ms. Venable, I just had to show her the place before the party so she would believe it is nice. And by having her help get things ready she would know we didn’t mess things around to make it look better than it is” He said, and when you managed to shift your gaze away from her you noticed how Jeff looked. Someone finally taught him respect?
“If I had met Ms.Venable before, maybe I wouldn’t doubt how nice it is.”
“If you hadn’t left home for so long, maybe you would know more about the company”
“If you didn’t have so much blow up your nose all the time back then, maybe I wouldn’t feel the need to run away!” 
“Awww family reunions are so cute” You turned to the circle door on the left side of the room to see your brother’s work partner leaning against it and looking at you two with a pout.
“Oh… hey Mutt” 
“How is my favourite Pfister doing? I can’t believe how long it has been since I’ve seen you bro!” He said giving you a hug you did not expect.
“Hey! What the hell? Your favourite Pfister? Really? Stop flirting with my sister, asshole” said Jeff.
“I’m not! But it’s true, your sister is the best. Back then before we even dreamt of Kineros, the three of us would have so much fun!” Mutt answered, his arm still around your shoulders.
“Yeah I guess, before you two started your bullshit in between the lines” you said, scratching at your nose.
“Oh, speaking of flirting, how is that girlfriend of yours doing?” Jeff asked.
“Girlfriend? What… Ah. Yeah, well- she..” You laughed “ I swear I can’t make this shit up. Has it been that long since we spoke really?” The topic was making you even more uncomfortable, and you noticed that Ms. Venable was looking at you with an almost curious look? Was it? She was hard to read.
“Well, would you believe it, she fell in love with your dear coke instead.” Jeff looked at you as if he had just broken your favourite toy.
“Yea she just dumped me a while back and hit the streets. I tried to look for her, but she was just gone. I have no clue if she’s even alive.”
“Shit Y/N I’m sorry” Jeff said.
“Are you? Or are you still sniffing lines like a mad man?” 
“Technically not lines no.” He said, smiling at Mutt knowingly.
You took his arm from your shoulders. “So you’re telling me that if I punch your ass right now it wouldn’t be snowing in here?”
When he didn’t answer with anything other than laughter you went on “It’s not funny! None of this is funny Jeff! Not now, and not that time I had to take your ODing ass to the ER! And not on all those times you were in withdrawal!”
He only laughed more, and said “It would be hell if that happened again!”
“Jeff! Have you-”
“I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, but the last of the decorations for tomorrow are just arriving.” said Ms. Venable. And despite her low voice, all three of you went silent.
“You worry too much”
“What?” You asked through the pen you were chewing at, with your back still turned to her from the top of the chair, as you exchanged the regular lightbulb with a colorful one from the box you were holding.
She didn’t repeat herself for a while, as if she regretted saying anything in the first place. The past hour or so you had barely exchanged more than a couple words, her impassive looks making you assume she just didn’t like you.
“You worry too much about him.” She said, her voice loud and clear this time.
You stepped down from the chair placing the white bulb on the box she was holding with one hand. Thinking about your brother now made something clench on your stomach. To hide how hard it was to find an answer for her, you went to write a check on the lighting part of your to-do list.
“How could I not?” You asked.
“I must admit his lifestyle is… interesting. But it seems to have worked to bring this company to where it is today.” She said.
“I know he’s your boss, but you don’t have to doll-up how things are around here. And don’t give him more credit than he deserves, he is cocky enough about it.” after a pause you added “I know that if it were up to him, he would still be assembling robots amidst his dirty socks. It doesn’t take much to realise who’s behind everything that isn’t necessarily robots here.”
You reached for the box she was holding to go put it away, and noticed she was standing as still as a statue. Grabbing it from her with the ghost of a friendly smile on your face you went on, since she didn’t seem to know how to answer you this time.
“He used to say it helped him think and work better. And maybe it does but as his sister I can’t just ignore it and pretend I’m okay with it. He never takes things that matter seriously.”
“Before we got here I- for some stupid reason- actually thought he stopped it. He isn’t like he was before. Something has changed about him.”
“It has.” She said. “I think his dedication to the job put him in his tracks somewhat. Whatever his tracks are” She added with a smirk.
Giggling at that, you said, holding the checklist for her to see “Now that we´re done, how about we go get a snack and talk about something that doesn’t involve dumb and dumber or their tragic hairstyles?”
Fighting back a smile, she guided you somewhere you could eat, and said “I’m glad you don’t have a bowl cut too.”
For the first hour or so Jeff introduced you to random people at the party, none of them getting much of your attention at all. Fancy and famous people, and though it was hard to believe seeing your brother around them- their nice suits next to his striped shirt, jeans and hoodie- you didn’t feel astonished at all. You felt crushed by everyone around you and took every opportunity to avoid dull conversation.
Some of them were surprised to meet you, to see how his casualty wasn’t a trait you shared, and given that you knew this would be a somewhat big party you did, in fact, dress up to the occasion. You decided to wear a nice blazer over a silk lingerie type shirt, straight legged pants and heels, hair slicked back and makeup dark and bold. Anywhere else you would look out of place, but here you managed to melt into the rest of the well dressed crowd. Thankfully that worked to your advantage so you could be away from the center of attention.
On the quick calls you did have, your brother never failed to gloat about his life and how great things were, and a part of you hoped blindlessly that it would mean he left his bad habits behind. Though now as you stood under the coloured lights it was more than obvious that he wouldn’t change, and all the bad memories from his addiction came back to you at once. Overwhelmed by your thoughts and the ambient itself, you made your way to the outside of the building unaware of the tic-toc of a cane following you.
“Where are you going?” her voice pulled you back to reality.
“I don’t know. Just away from this” you said, hand waving in the air. Then you took a second to look at her, as formally dressed as the day before, lilac suit and all, only her expression had changed. Though you knew she would never admit it, her face was contorted in a plea, almost begging for you to stay.
“I thought he changed. I really did. Like a foolish fucking child.”You blurted out.
“You don’t have to leave like this.” She stated, sounding disinterested despite herself.
“I do. I really do.”
“I never come to these events… I hate these people just as much as you do.” You narrowed your eyes at her, waiting for the rest of it, and when it didn’t come you asked “What made you come this time?”
After a long pause she said “I was surprised to meet you. I would never believe your brother had someone as… prudent and sensible in his life.” Another pause. “I’m trying to say don’t leave m-” She stopped herself.
“Then take me somewhere” You said without thinking, looking straight into those brown eyes as they seemed to soften. And for the first time her face twisted into what was definitely, unmistakably, a smile, and all you could do was smile right back.
“Come along then”
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dantelionwishes · 3 years
Sato spoke in a firm tone as he leaned against the wall behind him, arms crossed with difficult-to-read expression across his face. He was never a fan of lecturing his students like this, but it needed to be done every now and then. Kids were getting more and more stubborn nowadays, and he's not sure who to blame.
"We've discussed this in the past during our classes. Have you forgotten? Tell me." The teacher waited for an answer from the injured boy, his voice loud and clear with instruction.
A soft huff came from the boy. He felt like he was somehow dying and dead at the same time. Everything hurt. Everything felt terrible.
"... I was winning." He croaked. Whether that was really true or not didnt seem to matter. Maybe he fried his brain a little...
"You were winning in a losing battle with yourself, Watanabe." The teacher had raised his voice a little with urgency, "So many times. I've told you to never overuse your quirk like that." Even while wearing the mask it was clear how loud his voice was getting as he spoke, a growing exasperated appearance on his usually calm face.
"Do you understand the risks you physically take when you pull of stunts like these, Watanabe? Do you?"
He turned his head away from his teacher, grunting lightly. Hell, even that simple movement hurt like hell-- "Everyone's quirks b-.. Backfires somehow." Sniff. "... 's not my fault-... Not my fault mine sucks." If he had just gone a little further he could have knocked her out of the ring. Could have proceeded. Hell, he might have won the entire event!
A sigh.
He was crying. Sato took a deep breath to calm himself down and massaged the bridge of his nose.
"You're not listening to me, you can't even answer my question." His brain really was that close to getting melted, his student's basically delusional at this point. He can't think of anything else. Sato really is grateful to have a co-teacher like Lucca to act as referee. Their special class of unique students were a bit stubborn, almost comparable to the current third years when they were younger.
"I've told everyone in class to not overuse their quirk, not just you." The teacher leafed through Taishiro's medical papers, briefly going through the history of his quirk. "Do you understand where I'm going, Watanabe?" Based on the student's expression alone, he knew he wasn't listening.
Previous records of burns. Overuse. Overheating in summer. Some brief notes about malnutrition and possible neglect from a few years back-
Was he listening? Tired? Or did he fuck himself up and needed longer to think? Oh lord.. ".... Ss.." ow
".... Sato-sensei... I-- gh... You don't get it at all." sniffle. Ow existing is painful. "... I-i have to."
"You don't." His voice stayed unyielding, but kinder. "You don't have to, Watanabe."
Sato set the papers beside away, handing it to Recovery Girl who watched with a worried expression. "It's...a high school event," he approached, sitting at the foot of the bed where his student rested. "Watanabe. It's a sports festival. You are a sixteen years old teenage student who shouldn't be focusing on studies and making friends."
".... You d.. you don't get it-" It felt like no one did "You just-- S-sometimes you just gotta deal with a little pain- UGH-" Yoshie look what you did you fucked up the kid- He squeezed his eyes(?) Closed. "T-... To get where you need to.."
"A little." He repeated, "A little pain." Sato felt a nerve pop at how Tai's words, but let it slide. Take a deep breath, you're past your prime, Osamu. It's his story, not yours. Don't make it about you. The kid needs this. He needs you right now.
The teacher pointed to his pitch-black hands, his injuries, his bandages, his current state of being. There was even a constant, soft whirring of a fan as his student recovered in bed. "You're going to get yourself killed before you can get where you need to, Taishiro. I can't let you do this."
His hands twitched. There was an attempt to ball his fists, but the pain didn't do any favours.. If he kept this up then he'd lose the functions in his hands entirely, if not the hands themselves.
"W-" An attempt to sit up. Very short lived though. "Y-you're not kicking me out of the tournament are you?!" Owie his throat. "You can't do that!"
"Stay still, Watanabe-kun!" Recovery Girl raised her voice from her seat, upset. "You shouldn't move around so much in your condition. You're going to stay here until you've stabilized." She crossed her arms. "Anything happens to you, and it's going to be on me!"
"You heard the boss," Sato turned back to his student, putting a sympathetic hand on Tai's blanketed knee. "Please, you need all the rest you can get. You need this more than anything else right now."
B- but that's not fair!!!" He shook a little. Pain? Anger? Who knows. "I was so close-- You can't do this to me, Sensei!!!" Oop tears ahoy
"Close to dying, if that was your goal." The teacher's expression was solemn, serious. This conversation was getting nowhere, and his student continued to be stubborn and in denial. He wished he could stay here for him, but he's got his job as a homeroom teacher cut out for him. He has other students to tend to, but this one...he might not be enough for Tai.
"I don't want you risking your life out there, against your own classmates. It's. A sports festival. You're supposed to be having fun out there." Sato pointed to the window, where the stadium could be seen from the clinic, "You enrolled here to become a hero, didn't you? What's the point if you don't make it to fighting villains? You won't be anywhere close if everything ends here."
"If I can't handle a sports festival how am i going to handle villains?!??" Angy.. "I-its not my fault I was matched with someone powerful!!"
"No hero gets to choose who they'll fight on the battle field. That's exactly what you're here in UA, Watanabe." Sato raked his fingers through his own locks, giving his student a meaningful glance. "To learn."
The usually tired teacher's eyes began to blaze with passion. "You're going to exactly learn how to, without endangering yourself. I've been teaching you how to, haven't I?" He didn't enroll into education for nothing, after all. "Or perhaps my classes really are that boring, hm?" Sato passed a joking glare towards Taishiro, recalling his grades and current standing.
".. I was winning" Huff "You should be happy about that... One of your students was doing good.. And now you're blocking him from winning"
He's not listening. Teenagers really are a different breed, huh?
The bed shifted from Sato's weight as he slowly moved towards the other student before gently, softly, enveloping Taishiro in the warmest hug he could give without adding pain to his injuries.
"You've done amazingly, well beyond my expectations...and now you need to rest. I'm so sorry I have to stop you here, when you're so close. I really am." Sato brings a hand behind Taishiro's head, carefully caressing his brightly coloured hair. He strokes the back of his head gently, speaking in a voice just as tender.
"I'm more than happy, Watanabe. Thank you for being a proud, strong student of Class 1-X."
He flinches a little from the pressure. Ow- Injury--
Whens the last time someone pet his hair like this? Not since he was tiny, probably. It was nice. Reminded him of snoozing on his dads lap on the way home from the park.
Sniff sniff-
The tears were already there, of course, but this just made it worse, thick black tears pouring from his eyes(?) Mann.. Even after all of that. After almost melting himself alive. After being so stubborn..
He was still just a teenager.
He trembled, hiccuping as his lip trembled... And finally fully giving into his tears. Wailing onto his teacher. Sorry Sato your shirt is gonna get stained
It's not the first time Sato's shirt got stained with black tears. If anything, he's just happy to be there for his students in their time of need. He continues speaking what's on his mind, all the while hugging and comforting him via headpats.
"You kids are going to be the future. You guys are going to protect us when the time is right," voice low and soothing, he kept going. "So as your teacher, I can't have you risking your life as early as now. It would be my fault if something bad happened to you, it meant I didn't teach right."
He leaned back, breaking the hug. Even with the mask, Sato's smile was evident as his eyes crinkled with encouragement and pride towards Taishiro. "So with that, please continue being a good student, 'kay? Study well and become a great hero."
Hic hic hic--
Oh he's a mess. Aw man the bandages are gonna get stained too. :C
He kept shaking. Pained. Both emotionally and physically. God he was so tired-- "I-i'm trying!!"
"Trying a bit too hard, I'd say." Sato laughed softly, if not a bit cocky.
"You'll need some extra remedial classes if you want to be a good hero. And maybe some extra focus." Before he could say anything else, there was a knock at the door. Ah, right on time. Recovery Girl glanced as Sato put away his phone into his pocket, did he contact someone?
"Come right in, sir. The door's open."
He lifted his head. Another doctor maybe? Who would- ...
Oh lord-
Yoshie wastes no time. He's still in his pizza place uniform. Pizza smell. Pizza man.. He dashes over to grab and hold his son, of course causing the kid a little more pain but- Hey he could deal. Proabbly-
"D- Dad?!"
"Tai- Taishiro i saw everything--" He grabbed his son by the shoulders, face full of concern.
"How could you do that to yourself?! Do you know how dangerous that was?!?!"
"No! You can't-- Son. You can't keep doing this!!"
Tai is pulled in for a tight hug again, his father tearing up as he holds his son protectively, tai looking stunned for a moment.
"You can't do that-- Why would--" A sniff. From Yoshie this time. "..You're my only son, Tai! You can't do that to yourself!"
The father turned his head a little, looking at the teacher. ".. I-is it possible for me to take him home? Watch over his recovery?"
Sato hummed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well...it's a miracle the match ended before things for irreversible. It's another miracle that we've got such an amazing nurse on our side, too." He glances over to Recovery Girl for an opinion. "What do you say, Ma'am?"
"He's still a bit unstable, so we need to watch over him a bit more. He did too much work this festival, so..." The school nurse herself huffs, always with the tendency to scold those she heals up. "Learn to control yourself, young man! You're still a teenager, don't risk yourself at this age!" She raises her cane, gesturing to all the other students in the ward. "And that goes for all of you, too! Got that?!" A collective groan from the injured students follows, sounding like a "yes, ma'am."
The teacher decided to continue for her, "He should be okay to bring home by tomorrow." He placed a hand on Yoshie's shoulder, kind but firm. "Don't worry Watanabe-san, your son is in good hands."
A small nod, before he turns back to his son, cupping the students face.
"Tai.. I know it's not been easy. I know-.. I know i've not been the best father to you-" Two idiots be crying "... But this-..You can't do this. Not for my sake.." Looks like he saw the rin match. oop. "You have to do things for yourself. Make friends! ignore your work-- Hell, get another piercing- Just.. Don't give up your youth for me, Tai."
All of this was for him.. All of this was.. All... "
... D-daaad-!!"And back to wailing he goes, his father chuckling a little through his own tears, holding him close. and letting his son cry it out. There was a lot of healing to be done, but at least this time he'd fight like hell to be around to help with it.
Sato watched as the two cried in each others arms, relieved that things turned out pretty well in the end. He excused himself from the clinic, waved goodbye to the nurse, father, and patient.
Now, then...
As soon as he closed the infirmary door behind him, Hikari, the redheaded girl from the other class was clutching her cellphone anxiously as she stuttered to find her voice. He wasn't well acquainted with her, but knew she did rather well in his class knowing that she received some sort of prior training from her pro hero relatives with that unfortunate quirk of hers. And she's the last of Class 1-Y standing...if anything, he's a bit worried considering Lucca's most anxious student is going to fight his scariest, angriest student.
"It's okay. He's doing well." He craned his neck as he looked up at the towering high schooler, "It's not your fault."
Taishiro didn't know Hikari's immunity to heat and fire. Trying to pull off a stunt like burning himself up in the inside to try and fry her only backfired completely. She couldn't do anything either, doing her damnedest to keep herself in the stage even if he kept rewounding time. Lucca must have noticed her student's distress in trying to get close to Taishiro to stop him. I really have to treat her to drinks sometime, it's tough being a teacher.
A broken whimper stopped his trail of thought.
"Ah, sorry. You want me to escort you back to the stadium? Don't worry, I know Fuwa is scary and all, but--"
"........it's not th-that...."
Sato raised a brow and observed her movements. She's always trembling, but...she's shaking pretty badly. The student looks like she just finished crying, puffy eyes, nose and all. She clutched her phone close to her body before opening her mouth again. Hikari recalled the conversation she had on the phone and mustered up all the courage she had.
"I...I need to go home."
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akaashisbabygirl · 4 years
make me yours
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if you know the original source of this picture! please dm me or let me know in my inbox so i can tag them
A/n: I am so excited to finally post my first length fic. I wrote a fic before about mafia akaashi and reader falling in love, and this one is similar but different as they are rival rivals. Check that one out too if you enjoyed this one!! I’m considering making a part two if this leaves people wondering what’s going to happens next <3 I wrote this story in third person as it was easier for me, for anyone wondering
Words: 6005
Pairings: Mafia!Akaashi x Mafia!Reader
Warnings: nsfw, characters are aged up, sex, oral (giving and receiving), hickeys, vaginal penetration, fingering
“Akaashi Keiji...” Yamiji, the great boss of the Fukurōdani mafia called out, stopping the young-looking boy in his tracks.
“What is it, sir?” Akaashi asked, his handsome turquoise eyes moving to face his boss.
“I need your advice with something... come with me.”
Akaashi nodded, tailing his boss down the lengthy corridor of the mafia building and into the headquarters where the boss generally stayed. Standing with his arms behind his back, Akaashi gently fiddled with his fingers, anxiously waiting for what the boss had called him in for. No one usually comes in Yamiji’s office, not unless something is the matter that he needs to discuss with them about. Akaashi wondered if he had done anything wrong. He didn’t want to be kicked out of the mafia - where would he go?
“We are at what seems like a war with the Nekoma mafia...” Yamiji started.
“Shit... that’s not good,” Akaashi thought. he knew that Bokuto, his best friend in the mafia was somewhat friends with Kuroo, one of the members of the Nekoma mafia. The two boys were close, Akaashi knew that. He wondered how Bokuto was going to take the news that they are now at what felt like a war against each other.
“And we want to be victorious... as usual. So, I’ve been working on some things lately and I’ve come up with a plan on how we can get the first laugh,” Yamiji’s choices of words were interesting, according to Akaashi.
“What is it, sir?” he asked, eyes now opening fully to know about the situation.
“What if the person we take out first it Nekomata’s daughter, Y/n?”
Akaashi thought about it for a second, “That would work. She is the head of the mafia’s daughter. Her death would be problematic with the Nekoma mafia, but then I fear they would come after us if they found out that we were the ones who assassinated her.
“Yeah! About that, don’t worry, Akaashi. I’ve already figured out ways we could get away with it. First option was to make it look like Nekoma’s other rival - Nohebi. Make it seem like they were the ones who ordered the assassination of Nekomata’s daughter,” Yamiji explained, chuckling evilly at his own plans.
“I believe that would work, but I’m not sure. do you have someone who you’ve picked to assassinate her?” Akaashi asked, just out of curiosity.
“Oh... yeah. Actually, about that, I was wondering if you could be that person?” Yamiji asked.
Akaashi blinked a couple times, to make sure he wasn’t daydreaming.
“You want me to do... what?” Akaashi thought he was dreaming. This didn’t seem right. In the mafia, he was only respected for being the brains of the group – nothing more.
“I would like you to be the one who assassinates Y/n. Will that be alright with you? I know you’re busy and all...”
“Yeah- no, no it should be alright,” Akaashi knew that he wasn’t able to defy the boss. He had to do what he was assigned.
“Really? Thank you, Akaashi!”
“You’re welcome sir. I promise, I won’t fail you.”
I promise, I won’t fail you
The words ran through Akaashi’s mind on repeat, just like an echo. His eyes sat fixated on the naked girl standing in the bedroom, admiring her stunning body in the large, wide mirror. He could admit it – she had a nice body, she was an attractive girl, but he rejected to believe that she was Nekomata’s daughter.
She looked nothing like that old man. Her hair was (your hair length) and (your hair colour). She was young, looking around his age, maybe even younger.
How hadn’t she noticed him yet?
The dark grey curtains were wide open, the vivid light from the bedroom obvious to anyone who was looking up at the tall building.
How hadn’t she noticed him yet?
The boy settled with a mask concealing his face, donned in black clothing, standing on her balcony watching her. Or did she notice him and was acting like she didn’t. Judging by her facial expressions – she didn’t.
Akaashi watched as she slipped on the small nightgown that lay on the chair next to the mirror. She looked… stunning. How the fuck was she Nekomata’s daughter? She couldn’t be, unless her father had hooked up with someone, or Y/n had just got all her mother’s looks – that would only make sense.
Akaashi’s turquoise eyes were set on her – why did she make his chest hurt. She was nothing like he’d ever seen before, blowing him away so quickly.
He noticed her body turn to the windows, walking over. Akaashi tried to hide. Fuck. Did she notice him? Was she coming out to confront him, or even attempt to kill him? He would’ve been classified as a creep if anyone saw him standing on her balcony. He tried to hide himself to the best of his ability, turning his back around to blend in with the dark night sky. He held his breath, his eyes carrying a sign of fear as he silently prayed that he wouldn’t get caught.
A sigh of relief escaped Akaashi’s precious lips as he heard the curtains shut and the footsteps of Y/n walking off.
“It’s time to get out of here…” he muttered to himself, his mind now forgetting about the original plan to murder Y/n tonight. He couldn’t do it. Not now at least. He couldn’t kill her while he was still unsure why she had been making him feel slightly different. Akaashi sighed to himself, climbing down the rope he had used to get up.
“I’m sorry sir…” Akaashi bowed in front of Yamiji, his eyes clenched shut as he prepared himself for his punishment, “I-I couldn’t kill her… I don’t know why… but I couldn’t.”
Yamiji sighed, “I really thought you would be the perfect person for this task, Akaashi. But, that’s not a problem. I can always just take you off the job and find another one of the members in this mafia to go kill her. I’m sure they’ll do it without a second thought.”
Akaashi didn’t know why he was screaming at this point. He couldn’t tell someone why his eyes were widened with shock from hearing his own boss say he would take him off the job. He wanted to prove that he was able to do what he was ordered to – that he wasn’t scared to do what he was assigned. But, all that Akaashi wanted to know was why she made him feel… odd? Why was there an instant urge to protect her when Yamiji said he would get someone else on the job? Why did he think she looked so beautiful when she had been disposed of her clothes?
“S-Sir… just let me have this job… please. I will go back whenever I can and try to kill her. Just please, let me have this job,” Akaashi silently mumbled, trying to conceal his inner feelings, fearing what his own boss would think of him for the way he acted.
“I’m going to leave you on the job, Akaashi. But you must promise me that you will kill her.”
“Yes sir. I promise.”
“What’s with you, Akaashi?” Bokuto asked, his hand colliding with Akaashi’s back, almost making him choke on his water, “I heard the boss has given you a task to do… something important even.”
Akaashi sat his glass down on the table as his best friend went to sit across from him.
“You could say that.”
“What is it?” Bokuto asked in a curious tone.
“I… have to assassinate Nekomata’s daughter.”
“Nekomata’s daughter? Wait… from the Nekoma mafia?” Bokuto’s golden eyes widened in shock.
Akaashi only nodded I response.
“Quiet down!”
“Oops… sorry. But, seriously Akaashi. I can’t believe it. You’ve been given such an important task, considering that we’re currently in war with the Nekoma mafia!”
Akaashi stood on the silver balcony once more, peering into the room that Y/n stood in once again. This time, she was dressed fully in black clothing, similar to him. He hid his gun from himself, only threating to actually use it if someone did catch him standing up there.
There was no way in hell he could kill her. He didn’t have the guts to. At this point in life, Akaashi could only stand there and watch the beautiful girl who stood on the other end of the door. Her (your hair colour) hair was spread across the pillow on her bed, her attention drawn to her phone. Akaashi still wondered if she knew he were there – hopefully she didn’t.
He was sure of it now. Sure, that he didn’t want her dead. He wanted to keep seeing her like this. Keep watching her from her balcony like a stalker. He loved the way she sat on her bed, her (your hair colour) hair spread out on the pillow behind you, your attention directed to your phone. Akaashi sighed in defeat – there wasn’t going to be any way for him to get you to notice him, and it wouldn’t be long before Yamiji hired someone else to murder you.
He couldn’t fall in love.
He knew he couldn’t, because if anything were to ever happen to you, he would be heartbroken. Akaashi sighed. As much as he wanted to continue to stare at your beautiful features, he knew he couldn’t stay here for long. He would have to leave eventually.
Kuroo sat in his chair, his feet up on the table as he whistled while Y/n walked by. Y/n rolled her eyes, ignoring him to the best of her ability.
“Hey kitten,” the tall, black haired boy smirked.
Y/n rolled her eyes, trying to walk past, only to have the boy grab onto her wrist. She struggled to free her wrist, but Kuroo was stronger than her, so really, there was no use.
“Let go of me, Kuroo,” she demanded, an angry tone filling her soft voice.
“Kitten… you know you want me to be with you. Come on. Why waste your time on some random boy when you can just be with me. You know I’ll treat you like the queen you are,” Kuroo winked.
She would only roll her eyes in response. It had become a regular occurrence where Kuroo would come up to her and suggest a relationship. However, she never wanted to be in a relationship – not now at least, and most definitely not with him. She was sick of being in the mafia with Kuroo, he was too much of a flirt. It made her a target of his, being the only girl in the Nekoma mafia.
“You say that, Kuroo, but the last girl you were in a relationship with, you cheated on her.”
“Yeah, but she wasn’t special. I just wanted to be with you, kitten.”
“I’m not taking any of your bullshit, Kuroo. I’ve told you at least a hundred, or even a thousand times, I do not want to be in a relationship with you. now, leave me the fuck alone. Father wants to see me for something!” you argued back, pulling your wrist from Kuroo’s grasp and storming off.
“Fucking bitch,” Kuroo muttered underneath his breath.
Y/n made her way as quick as possible up to her father’s office. She knew that if she wasn’t fast, Kuroo was going to come right after her. She didn’t want that – she didn’t want him. By this point, she was sick and tired of him and his bullshit. He would confess his love to her one day, and that exact night he’d be pulling a new girl into his bedroom and fucking her. It became obvious to her eyes that Kuroo really wasn’t interested, and she herself wasn’t planning on spending anytime waiting around for a boy who was unsure of his feelings.
Her body stood outside the dark, wooden doors of her father’s office. Her soft fingertips pressed against the keypad, typing in the special passcode of the office that only he gave her. The doors automatically opened, her father’s figure sitting at his desk now being visible to her (your eye colour) eyes.
“Hello Y/n,” her father’s evil smirk appeared onto his old face.
“What have you called me here for, father?” she never liked being called into her father’s office for long. She wanted to do her own thing, not sit around and listen to her father’s bullshit every once in a while.
“Oh, I see you’re jumping straight to the point.”
“Precisely. So, what is it that you want from me today?”
Nekomata took a breath before speaking again, “I have a task for you, my precious girl. You know how we are currently at war with the Fukurōdani mafia? I believe they’re going to send an assassin from their shitty group to come after one of our members… and their smartest member, Akaashi, would be a perfect first start for us.”
“What’s the thing with Akaashi?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“He’s the smartest one in their group. If we’re able to kill him first, the Fukurōdani mafia should knew not to mess with us.”
“Why exactly do you want me to be the one who kills Akaashi? Why can’t you pick someone else like Kenma or maybe even Kuroo? You know both of them would love to have that job.”
“Because both boys seem to have a slight friendship with Akaashi and Bokuto. They would both hesitate to take their so-called friend’s life, that is why I’m entrusting this mission to you, my sweet girl,” Nekomata explained.
You could only scoff, folding your arms as you stared at your father.
“So, what do you say, my dear? Will you be up to the task, or should I call someone else to do it for you?” her father asked.
He knew she loved to take on a challenge, which is why he threatened to give the job to someone else if she wasn’t up to it. He knew his ways to get what he wanted, and in times of need, he wouldn’t forget about these ways. Nekomata always got what he wanted.
“I will.”
Y/n stood at her mirror, admiring her body. Her beautiful hair had been tied up in a lower ponytail, enough to keep it out of her face. Her body was draped with black clothing, mainly pants and a shirt, a belt strapped around her waist which was to hold her weapons.
She sighed; her eyes still focused on your body in the mirror. How did she end up in his position? How did she go from such an innocent girl to someone who took other people’s lives without any care in the world?
Quickly, she fled from her apartment, making her way to the address of this Akaashi fellow’s home.
Where he lived was such a beautiful place. Why was she feeling this way? Why was she imminently drawn to the place where he called home?
She climbed up the balcony with the rope she stored in her backpack. Resting herself on Akaashi’s balcony, she noticed the curtains of his apartment only slightly opened. Peeking inside, she could see the flashes of the TV screen lighting up the dark room, making out the figure of a boy sitting up against the bed head.
He had a dull look on his face – almost as if he was upset for some reason. Why did he look like that? Slowly she shook her head. She shouldn’t be thinking like this. Not at all. Her mind should’ve only been focused on the boy she was assigned to kill.
But why did she want to hold him so badly?
He looked young – just a little older than her. He had beautiful, messy, black hair, a decent body, dressed in a dark coloured shirt and some grey sweatpants. He was a good-looking boy. Y/n could only shake her head again.
Stop, stop, stop, stop. Why are you thinking like this, Y/n?
She shook her head, trying to throw the thoughts form her mind. That didn’t work. Her soft, (your eye colour) eyes sat focused on Akaashi, watching his every movement. She needed the right moment for when he was unarmed to go into the room and attack him. It wasn’t her first kill – so it was nothing new to her. She knew what she was doing.
She sat on his balcony, watching him for what felt like an hour before she noticed the boy get up from his spot on the bed. He walked down the corridor, shutting one of the doors behind him. He was probably using the restroom.
She used that opportunity to sneak into the apartment. How careless of this boy? Leaving the door unlocked for anyone to secretly walk in without him even realising. Quietly, she shut the glass door behind her, turning around to find a place to hide. She didn’t think about the situation. Where was she going to hide? What was she going to do? She didn’t think of anything properly at all.
“Just as I expected,” Her body jumped, hearing the voice of a man in the bedroom.
Anxiously, she turned around to find Akaashi standing behind her, his arms folded and a glare spreading over his face. She was able to see him more clearly now – he did indeed have a beautiful looking face. He was a beautiful boy.
When her father had first brought him up, she thought that he was going to be an older looking man, someone who had been in the mafia for several years – but her thoughts were wrong. Too wrong.
Akaashi stepped forward, only causing her to step back, trying her best to get away from him. These actions continued, until the back of her legs met with the edge of Akaashi’s bed. Why wasn’t she drawing her gun? She had it on her right now, she could use it to protect herself, but she didn’t.
Akaashi was now standing directly in front of her, chest against chest. Her body had lost all of its control. Akaashi’s hands flew up, pushing her down onto the bed. She wasn’t fighting back, not at all. She was completely mesmerised by this boy, by the way he acted and what he looked like. He was nothing compared to the Akaashi who she had imagined.
Akaashi kneeled onto the bed, pinning her tiny body underneath his large frame. His hands pinned her wrists down onto the sheets.
“You’re Y/n Nekomata,” how was his voice attractive too?
Why did she sound like she was falling for him?
“H-How do you know who I am?” she asked, her eyes widening.
“Because, my boss asked me to assassinate you. And now, you show up outside my apartment, even going as far to sneak into my apartment? You’re so rude, Y/n. I never once broke into your apartment when I was there,” he smirked.
Son of a bitch.
Why was he like this?
Why did his words create a blush that began to spread across her face? She didn’t like it when Kuroo touched her, pinning her to the wall or even trying anything remotely sexual with her, but she was fine with being pinned underneath the body of the man she was assigned to kill.
“Y-You’ve been to my apartment?” She didn’t know what else to say at this point. She had become absolutely speechless.
Akaashi stayed absolutely silent. She could only wonder now. Was Akaashi also assigned to assassinate her?
“I think it’s time you leave.”
The heartbreaking words that she didn’t want to hear fell from Akaashi’s lips.
However, she didn’t want to leave. Y/n wanted to stay pinned underneath his gorgeous body for as long as she could. She wanted to be close to him, bodies touching with the minimum lighting in the bedroom. Was she attracted to him? Maybe. Because, if this feeling was a normal feeling, why didn’t she feel the same way when it came to Kuroo, someone who she wasn’t ordered to kill from a rival mafia? Did the thrill of herself getting caught by someone with the man you’ve been assigned to kill thrill her in some way? Maybe. But honestly, she didn’t even know herself.
“C-Can you get off me first?” She asked, a small, playful chuckle leaving her lips.
Akaashi only smirked before letting go of her wrists, standing up and watching her pull herself from her laying down position. She readjusted her hair, grabbing her small bag that had fallen to the floor when he pinned her down.
She jumped, feeling a hand slip underneath her shirt and to her belt, grabbing the gun. Her head turned with widened eyes towards Akaashi, with her gun now sitting in his hand.
“I’ll be taking this from now on.”
He was truly a smart boy. A boy that she now wanted to meet again. She couldn’t kill him – especially not when he ignited some sort of fire inside of her body that she thought she lost.
Y/n stood on the balcony once again, just like the week before. The curtains had been opened a little more this time. Akaashi was in the same position as last time, his back pressed up against the headboard as the glowing lights from the TV brought light to the dark room.
She could only sit and watch. She wanted to be caught by him again – if he would ever notice her. Y/n sat and watched; her eyes sitting focused on the boy who seemed to have no idea that she was there.
Y/n watched as his hand came into contact with the remote, pressing the pause button. He got up from his resting spot, walking over to the window.
He was coming towards her.
She didn’t know if she should move or stay and wait for him to find her. She wanted to feel him again, she wanted to be close to him. Even though, right now the smartest option was to move and leave before he could find her.
But she couldn’t move.
The curtains were drawn open, her face now meeting with Akaashi once again. The glass door slid open, Akaashi’s hand moving out to grab onto her wrist tightly, pulling her into the room. He pushed her towards the side, locking the door and shutting the curtains. He couldn’t have anyone seeing the two of them together.
“You haven’t been here in a week. I was starting to think you had gotten bored of me,” Akaashi smiled as he rested the palm of his hand on her cheek.
“My father wanted to spend some time with me, so I’ve been at his mansion for the last week,” she answered.
Seeing him like this, she was able to notice his height. He was tall, taller than her. She had to move her head up, just so she was able to stare into his turquoise coloured eyes.
“You keep coming back. Why is that?” Akaashi asked.
“I have to kill you…”
She has to kill him. That was what she was assigned. But she couldn’t. He had taken her only gun away from her the first time the two met face to face. It was childish of her to keep running back to the same guy she shouldn’t be with.
“You won’t.”
“What do you mean, I won’t?” she asked, her eyebrows furrowing.
“You won’t kill me.”
“Of course, I will. Why would you think I wouldn’t?”
“You’re here right now. You let yourself get caught.”
He wasn’t wrong. This is what her dad meant when he said that Akaashi was smart.
Akaashi smirked, leaning forward and pressing his lips onto her own. His lips were soft, but his kiss was strong and filled with passion. Her mind had gone completely blank, unable to focus properly. She returned the kiss, letting him slip his tongue past her lips.
This was wrong.
She pulled her lips from his, her mouth slowly parted as she looked up at him. She wanted him to tell her to stay, so she could get to know him. She wanted to stay. She didn’t want to leave him again. Akaashi had tugged at her heart strings harshly, and now, she didn’t know what to do without him.
“You need to leave. You can’t keep coming back here.”
She felt her heart sink.
Y/n’s hands flew to his black hair. Her legs began to feel shaky as she came into contact with the back of the bed. Akaashi only pushed her forward, her back now meeting with the soft sheets of the bed
It had been weeks since he first kissed her. Weeks of her sneaking back to his apartment because she desperately needed to see him. It had been the same with Akaashi too. There had been days where he made his way over to her apartment, sitting on her balcony and watching as she fell asleep, making sure she was safe.
Truth was – he didn’t want her to leave.
He knew she wasn’t, as she kept appearing at his apartment. He continued to let her in, as he started to realise, he was falling for her. It was obvious that she was falling for him too; especially with the small blush that would appear onto her face when he would touch her or kiss her.
His hands moved to her wrists, pinning them down tightly onto the bed once more. Akaashi’s lips moved from her lips, down to her neck, sucking on her soft, delicate skin. Soft pants flew from her lips as he found her sweet spot.
His lips began to suck on her collar bone, hands desperately tugging on her black shirt, desperate for the material to come off.
“C-Can I?”
Even though she was from a rival mafia gang, he still wanted to take his time with her. He wanted her to feel safe in his arms.
Instantly, he slipped the black shirt from her body, revealing her lace, black bra. It was almost as if she had planned for this exact moment.
“You’ve been thinking about this for a while, haven’t you?” He smirked, burying his head into her chest.
Akaashi’s hands flew to her back, unclasping her bra. He pulled away, throwing her bra onto the floor where the rest of her clothes lay, discarded somewhere on the wooden floorboards. Her hands flew to cover her breasts from his eyes, but Akaashi only held onto her hands, pinning them back down onto the bed. He noticed the small blush which began to sit on her cheeks, due to her chest being exposed to the boy she was supposed to kill.
This was stupid of her, to be all exposed, needy and wet for him. She had been assigned to go kill him, not sleep with him. It wasn’t her first-time having sex, she wasn’t a virgin, and it wasn’t the first time she and Akaashi had done something sexual. He had fingered her, gone down on her, and she’d even given him a blowjob. However, the two of them had never gone the full way before, and she wanted that to change tonight.
She wanted him to take her and make her his.
Akaashi’s soft lips wrapped around her nipple, sucking lightly. Her head was thrown back against the pillows, her breathing heavy, chest rising and her lips slightly parted. Akaashi switched his attention to her other nipple, a small whine leaving her lips.
“Keep your hands where they are. I don’t want to have to tie you to the headboard.”
She did as she was told. It was funny with how quickly Akaashi could pull her down into submission. His hands unbuttoned her pants, pulling the zipper down, tugging the black material down her legs. He pulled his own shirt off, throwing it to the pile of clothes on the floor, along with her pants. Akaashi pressed soft kisses onto the inside of her thigh, before coming into contact with her matching black, lace panties. He ran his finger along her clothed womanhood, a small moan falling from her lips. She was wet, soaking even.
“You’re soaking for me, baby.”
He slipped her panties down her legs, throwing them to the floor as he spread her legs apart for him. Her legs sat spread wide, her slick evident to his eyes. Akaashi dipped his head down to her womanhood, licking a strip around her folds, collecting her wetness on his tongue. His tongue pushed into her cunt, a louder moan falling from her lips. His lips moved up, sucking on her clit as his fingers toyed with her entrance. From how wet she was, he was able to push two fingers into her cunt. He dragged them along her tight walls, curling them inside which earned a sharp moan to fall from her lips.
Her body was sensitive to Akaashi’s touch. She craved him more than he craved her. Her hips bucked up as he was able to slip another finger inside of her, stretching her out for him. Akaashi’s fingers were long and slim, decorated with beautiful veins which stood out. His fingers hit spots deep inside of her. Her walls clenched tightly around Akaashi’s fingers, moans slipping from her lips as she lost control of her body.
“G-Gonna cum…” her voice was shaky, legs shaking as her climax washed over her like a wave.
Akaashi removed his fingers from her cunt, watching how her cum had coated his fingers. He brought his fingers to his lips, sucking on her cum. He watched as she tried to hide her face from him.
“Get on your knees,” he commanded.
Following orders, she moved onto her knees, watching how Akaashi now set himself up against the bed head, his legs spread as he stroked his clothed boner, “You know what to do.”
She crawled in between his legs, hands moving to unzip his pants, tugging them down his legs, along with his boxers. Her eyes came into contact with his member once again. She threw his clothes to the floor, her mouth moving down to wrap her lips around his length. Akaashi’s hand sat on top of her forehead, helping her take more of him into her mouth. She maintained eye contact with him as she went down on him
“Rub your clit for me, baby. Make yourself cum,” Akaashi moaned out.
She followed orders once again, rubbing her clit. Pleasure spread throughout her body as her wet cunt clenched around nothing. She could feel her arousal dripping down her thighs, her legs shaking as her clit became sensitive. Being sensitive, her climax built up almost quickly, her cum now shooting from her cunt, dripping down her legs and onto Akaashi’s bedsheets.
She felt horrible for ruining his sheets, but her mind was filled with lust and need for him to even consider apologising. Akaashi pulled his length from her lips, watching as drool began to slip from her lips.
Akaashi grabbed onto her hips, lining her up above his erect length. He helped push her down, her walls clenching tightly around his length. He knew she wasn’t a virgin, so he didn’t care much about making sure if it hurt or not. She clenched her eyes shut for a second. He was the biggest she had ever taken. He helped her take all of him in, before pulling her off of him. A small gasp left her lips as she was thrown back down against the bed, her legs being wrapped around Akaashi’s waist as he began to thrust into her.
He took his anger on the mafia out on her, tearing her tight cunt open with every thrust of his hips. The room began to be filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, loud moans falling from her lips as deep groans fell from Akaashi’s. He hated the fact that they were both assigned to kill each other, but they both couldn’t. he couldn’t accept the thought that she had to die, that she had to be killed in order for the Fukurōdani mafia to scare off the Nekoma mafia.
He wanted to be with her. She wanted to be with him.
He loves her. She loves him.
But they can’t be together. They can’t be seen in public. They can’t hang around and hold hands and make love to each other. They were rivals, but they were in love. Rivals in love. Two people who were exact opposites were in love. They were drawn to each other, desperate for each other. They needed each other to survive.
“A-Akaashi… I-I love y-you,” she moaned out without any care in the world.
Akaashi’s heart felt as it had stopped. Did she really just say that?
She wanted to hide the fact that she was in love with him, but now that her mind had been clouded with the feelings of love, passion and lust, she wasn’t able to conceal her feelings towards him.
“I love you too,” he groaned out, fingers moving to rub harsh circles on her clit while his lips moved to suck on her neck.
“C-Cumming… Akaashi.”
“M-Me too.”
The two both climaxed together, Akaashi’s seed shooting inside of her. He began to panic, knowing he didn’t pull out and that he wasn’t sure if she was on birth control or not. He pulled out of her, going to the bathroom to grab a towel as the thought ran through his mind. What the fuck did he just do?
He grabbed the wet towel, cleaning in between her legs.
“You need to go home…” Akaashi mumbled under his breath. He didn’t want her to leave. He wanted her to stay and spend the rest of the night with him, but he knew how dangerous it was for her to stay.
“I don’t want to leave. I want to stay with you! And- I-I don’t think I can walk.”
With the way her soft eyes were looking at him, soft and serious, he couldn’t say no. Instead, Akaashi pulled the bedsheets over her naked body, covering her and himself. Akaashi let his head rest on the pillow, her hands moving to rest on his chest as she curled up to his side, falling into a deep slumber.
“Hey kitten,” Kuroo smirked.
She was sick and tired of Kuroo now. She wanted to scream and tell him that she’s in love with another boy. That she had sex with another boy and tell him that he needed to leave her alone or she would kill him.
But she couldn’t.
“How’s the mission going, kitten? Actually, killed him yet?” Kuroo smirked.
She wanted to scream. She couldn’t kill him.
“Just leave me alone Kuroo, I don’t want your pity.”
He only chuckled, “Suit yourself, kitten.”
He pushed her up against the wall, hands pinning hers to the cold, wooden wall, “Though, I will make you mine, if you like it or not.”
“You can’t.”
Kuroo tilted his head in confusion.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Someone has already made me theirs,” she smirked.
“That’s bullshit. Everyone in the mafia knows that you’re going to belong to me, and only me. No one would be stupid enough to touch you without my permission. You’re lying!”
It was almost as if Kuroo was trying to convince himself that she still was going to be with him, that she hadn’t been taken by someone who was going to love her more than he ever could.
“Pull the bandage from my neck and look. There is your proof.”
Kuroo tugged the bandage from around her neck. His eyes widened, noticing the dark purple marks which decorated her neck.
“Where the fuck did you get these?”
“From the boy who made me his, Kuroo.”
Kuroo threw the bandage to the floor in anger, “You fucking slut.”
“Correction. His slut,” you chuckled, watching as Kuroo stormed off in anger.
© all content belongs to akaashisbabygirl 2020, do not repost or change
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sparklingchan · 4 years
Checkmate || Bang Chan (Stray Kids)
Pairing : Reader (fem.) X Bang Chan
Word count : 14k + ( oops-)
Warnings: A few cuss words , suggestive, mentions of death / murder / beheading and blood.NOT PROOF READ I’M SO SORRY.
Genre : Fluff, angst, romance ,strangers to lovers , Alice in Wonderland au, Royal au(a tiny bit) .
Description: Alice in Wonderland is just a story , or so you were made to believe.
A/N: This story is loosely based on the story of Alice in Wonderland. I always wanted to write Chan in a fictional universe and FINALLY I AM DONE WITH THIS STORY! I have twisted a few facts from the original story to fit my plot so not everything is the same.
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Weekends have had a special place in your heart ever since you were old enough to understand the importance of the last two days of the week in a normal human's life. For a long time , weekends meant going out with friends , partying, camping , eating , relaxing. Weekends meant your mom's scoldings in the morning , the sound of your dad's old radio, your brother's laughter. Weekends meant happiness.
But for sometime now, these definitions have changed. Drastically . Now weekends mean finishing presentations, cleaning your room , washing dirty dishes in the company of the empty corners of your solo apartment. Weekends now mean loneliness.
"Yes ,mom. I have been eating the herbal medicine you sent." You were never able to lie to your mom as a kid or even as a teenager. But the adult 'you' could easily do it. Lying to your mom was as easy as breathing now.
"Are you sure,y/n?" She asks in a stern voice.
You look at your small dining table , at the herbal medicine packet that lies there, as good new. And you let out a tired sigh , pressing your phone closer to your ear.
It had been an exceptionally tiring day at work today. And as you flop down on your couch with your mom still on call ,you wonder why you were feeling this sudden tiredness - all you did today at office was listen to your new boss boast about her achievements and your annoying colleagues kissing up to her as if she were some kind of Messiah.
"Aren't you coming home this weekend?" Your mom's tone now changes. She sounds worried, almost sad, "Dad and I miss you so much. Minho comes home often but we rarely get to see you."
Your eyes fall on the family picture hanging in the wall in front of the couch. It was the summer of your third birthday. Your mom and dad sat on the carpet while you and Minho stacked up legos to make a multi coloured house. The smile on your faces splash a wave of nostalgia towards you and you accept it wholeheartedly.
"I miss you guys too but I don't think I'll make it ,mom. I'm so sorry. " you say with a suppressed yawn, "But I will be going over to Minho's on Sunday so don't worry. We'll facetime you guys then." You feel your eyes get heavier but for the sake of your mom and your empty stomach ,you try your best to not fall asleep.
"Okay, okay. Sounds good. " your mom replies, "See you soon. Love you ,baby. "
You smile at her cheesy yet sweet words. Your mom has always been a fluff ball, just like your dad. But you and your elder brother didn't inherit that sweetness, sadly. "Love you too, mom." You reply.
And then the line goes silent.
You close your eyes, just to rest for a moment before having to cook dinner and working on your next week's presentation. But your eyelids feel like they suddenly weigh a lot more than they did a few minutes ago, like they were made of lead and you couldn't even lift them for a second more.
And before you know it, you've already drifted off into dreamland with your office clothes still on and your empty stomach growling.
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For some reason , you'd always been a morning person. You've never had trouble waking up for school or college or work on time, where as your friends and colleagues were all heavy sleepers - they could sleep even through earthquakes.
You remember as kids ,all of your mom's friends would complain about how their kids wouldn't get their asses up for school in the morning and needed to be practically dragged out of bed while your mom just smiled and nodded in response. You probably adopted this habit from Minho ; he might be an annoying idiot most of the time but you have to give him credit where it's due.
And when your eyes open a few hours later, naturally , you expect it to be a bright , sunny morning.
But you're disappointed to see that it's still dark outside.
The lights of your living room are still on and the television is playing some stupid movie in the background , just the way it had been when you came back home from work and switched it on. Rubbing the sleep away from your eyes, you look at the clock on the wall. 3:45 AM, it reads.
"Goddamn it," you push yourself off the couch ,still groggy from your nap, your whole body aching . You grab your phone and office bag and waddle to your bedroom ,in hopes of finishing your much needed nap.
The hallways of your house are dark but familiar so it takes no time for you to find your room's door. Groaning , you close it behind you and walk towards your bed, a homely , comforting feeling enveloping you like a soft blanket. The lights of the room are switched off as usual , and the cold air of the room makes your skin tingle. You smell your signature perfume in the air and the room freshener you use, and surprisingly, a very strange, foreign smell that you are sure you had never smelt in your house before - the smell of grass and mud on a rainy day.
"What the-" you mutter to yourself as your mind finally starts functioning properly again , coming out of your post nap trance and all your senses suddenly switching to high alert mode.
It wasn't raining right now ,nor had it been raining in the evening when you came home so there's no way that this smell was carried in by you. You remember seeing droplets of rain run down the office windows during your lunch break, which means it had rained only a little bit during afternoon. Did someone enter your house in the afternoon?
Your heart starts hammering against your chest. Something feels wrong ,very wrong.
And you quickly realize you were right - because the moment you take a step away from your bed , your feet gets stuck onto something and you crash on the floor. Face down.
Turns out ,your feet didn't get stuck on a 'something ' , it was rather a                  ' someone '.
In all honesty, you had never seen a man as handsome as the one that lies on your bedroom floor right now, his hands and feet sprawled out as if he were sleeping on his own bed, his lips parted and hair damp. And if it weren't for his slow , steady breathing and the flush across his cheeks , you'd have almost thought he was dead.
You want to scream. And you do.
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You should have called the police the moment you saw him, you think , but you didn't- more like you couldn't.
You are scared obviously, as you frantically check all your lockers and drawers to make sure he hadn't stolen anything. You check his pant pockets but find nothing. You even consider calling your brother but something was stopping you from doing so .
There is something about this man - maybe his extra silky looking clothes , maybe the weird pendant around his neck or maybe just the mere gut feeling that he might actually be the victim, not the criminal - that just wouldn't let you pick up the phone and call the authorities, even though you have their number on speed dial.
"Can I get another slice of bread ,please?" You snap out of your thoughts on hearing his husky, honey-like voice, call out to you, only to realize that you'd been staring at his face as if he were an alien.
Maybe he is an alien....
Embarrassed at being caught red handed, your cheeks flush as you nod your head and pass the man sitting on your dining table,right in front of you, his fifth slice of bread. Damn, he must have been starving.
"Thank you ,miss y/n." He replies with a polite smile, applying butter on the bread with the butter knife Minho had left at your place on your last birthday.
You want to return his smile ,you really do, but you can't find it in yourself to keep your curiosity suppressed anymore. You've never been so intrigued by a living,breathing human before, not to this extent at least.
A few hours ago, when he woke up after you dragged him off from the floor and laid him on your bed, you half expected him to attack you with a weapon or strangle you or threaten you for money but all he did was politely ask if you were the owner of this 'warm and cozy ' house and your name. He even called you ' a kind lady ' when you offered him breakfast and medicine for the slight fever he complained of , out of nothing but pure curiosity and intrigue.
"What was your name , again, sir?" You ask , putting down your chopsticks after deciding your breakfast wasn't that important anymore ,"and where do you come from?"
He sits up straight, the smile on his lips slowly dissolving into a frown. Did you say something wrong?
"I'm Bang Christopher Chan. But I usually go by Chan, " he answers the first part of your question and when he notices your anticipating eyes ,waiting for him to answer the next part , he looks down at his plate, as if embarrassed. "I wish I could tell you where I come from ,my lady ,but I can't and you wouldn't believe me either way. "
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion ; first of all ,this man - Chan - ends up in your room, passed out and sick , secondly he wears such expensive looking ,vintage clothes and lastly, the man speaks as if he were an actor in a Shakespearean play and now he refuses to tell you where he comes from.
He is feeding into your alien theory a little more than you expected.
"Well we won't know that unless you tell me." you reply with pleading eyes, curiosity getting the best of you. He shakes his head and presses his lips together in a firm smile, dragging his chair across the floor and standing up, "I'm afraid I can't do that."
You only watch in awe as he walks towards your main door in strange yet elegant steps. He turns around to look at you, "I express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you've done for me, my sweet lady. You gave me shelter and food and your magical herbs cured my sickness. I will never forget this favour of yours."
Magical herbs? Is he talking about your mom's herbal medicine?
You gulp, not knowing how to reply to his sudden expression of gratitude. With an INTP personality type, you've always found it hard to express yourself to people around you, even if your life depended on it and this time isn't any different either.
"W-well it was my pleasure." You stutter, "But where are you going now anyway?"
He runs his fingers through his silky , fluffy blonde hair and licks his dry lips. "I'm going to look for a friend. He might be able to help me."
"How will you find him? Do you have his phone number or address?" You ask. He shakes his head, "I'm afraid not. What's a phone number, by the way?"
Your eyes widen at his question, your mind running wild with possibilities of what might actually be going on with Chan. You've only ever seen things like this in movies and shows - a random person with no memory whatsoever meets the main character and they set out on an adventure together. And as curious as you were to find out whether Chan brings adventure with him too , you didn't want to get yourself involved in something so messy.
"It's a number via which you can contact people using this device." You say , showing him the led screen of your phone.
His mouth gapes at you , his eyes shaking with curiosity.
Oh this one is a gone case ,you think.
"I'll help you find your friend. What's his name?" You ask him again.
Still in fascination with your phone , he barely whispers his friend's name but thankfully you catch it,
"Lee Felix."
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You hate driving . Period. Especially on weekends when the roads are full of impatient cars going off to picnics ,goods trucks trying to finish business as soon as possible , two wheelers which are the location of all the PDA in the world. You aren't used to seeing such happy traffic.
But here you are ,driving this mysterious yet charming man to his friend's place.
Lee Felix ,as the internet tells you , is an owner of a medicinal shop and is pretty well known among people for his homemade medicines and ointments. It only took one tap on your search engine to find out his location.
"So who exactly is this friend of yours?" The car has been quite ever since you left your apartment and you couldn't take it anymore - not when Chan just sits beside you , his fingers tapping on his leg with anxiousness.
He looks up at you , "He's more like a little brother to me , honestly. I grew up with his family - playing with his friends and his siblings. But he moved out of our hometown to do business. He still comes home sometimes but lives here most of the time. "
Now, that's the kind of information you'd been seeking for since the morning. He's slowly but surely warming upto you.
"So you're here to take him home or what?" you ask.
He shakes his head with a grim expression. "No, of course not. I wish I could but he is happy here , tells me he has a lover now and lots of friends. I'm happy for him. And anyway ," he pauses for second , "I'm here to hide. "
You find your heart race at the last word. He's hiding, but from what? From who? Is he a criminal that is trying to save himself from punishment? Or something worse?
Shit. This is not a good idea at all.
If your brother were here , he'd have flicked your forehead so hard it would have hurt for days. Maybe you even deserve it this time.
"From what?" You ask ,your voice only a whisper.
He sighs ,leaning against the window and looking out with thoughtful eyes.
"I really can't tell you, my lady." He replies.
Before you could question him further ,you see a house emerging in the distance and immediately recognize it as Lee Felix 's home plus workshop. Reluctantly, you pull over in front of the huge wooden house.
"How do I open the door ?" Chan asks with an innocent smile when you're about to get out. You let out a small chuckle and put your hand on your own door handle, "Press the black button here and push the door gently. " You demonstrate and he picks it up quickly, joining you as you stand on the porch of this Felix dude's house.
Chan knocks on the door with urgency, and for the first time today, he seems a little relaxed now. Like a weight from his shoulders had been lifted, and you don't have the heart to tell him that there's a doorbell directly on his right.
You hear quick shuffling behind the door and within a second ,the door opens to reveal a man - probably Felix - with bright orange hair and a big smile.
Brothers , you remember Chan's words.
They really do look like brothers as Felix jumps on Chan,embracing him like he had just saved his life. You don't miss the quiet sniffing from Chan and the tears that accumulate in Felix's eyes as they pat each other on the back , mumbling ' I missed you's to each other.
"I was so worried, Chan." Felix pulls away , grabbing Chan's shoulders, " I thought you'd gone to Marmoreal . Why didn't you tell me you were here?"
The name Marmoreal rings a bell in your head ,for sure. You'd heard that place before many times but as you search through your memories and try to find the exact context of that name , you fail to find it. It feels like you'd heard it almost in a dream.
"I just arrived here last night. Wasn't a very pleasant ride ,if you ask me. " Chan says , giggling.
Felix giggles too and then his eyes land on your confused face , as he let's go of Chan.
"And who might this fair lady be?" He asks with a pleasant smile.
Brilliant. Another actor from a Shakespearean play.
"Oh,right," Chan chuckles. " This is y/n, the kind lady who let me stay at her house for the night. "
No,he ended up in your room out of nowhere, you want to say ,but you swallow the words. You didn't want Chan to think of you as rude.
"Hello, Miss Y/n. " he smiles, " You've done us both such favour by housing him. We will not forget this. " Felix says, bowing his head to you.
Awkwardness is what you feel as you force a smile and nod in response,your palms sweating from the unexpected words , "You're welcome,I guess. "
Felix leads the two of you inside the house and you are greeted by a lovely young lady, who looks about your age - Felix's lover ,you assume.She walks in with a freshly baked cake in her gloved hands, her eyes shining the moment she sees the both of you.
"Oh,my dear." She runs to you , " Prince Chan! I have heard so much about you. Felix talks about you all the time. And oh,my, who's this lovely lady?"
Prince Chan .
Prince Chan.
Chan is a prince?
You look at him ,your eyes wide with confusion and doubt and he looks back at you with a nervous expression, like he didn't want the girl to address him as a prince.
"Yeah, " Felix clears his throat, raising his eyebrows at the girl in front of you , as if asking her to keep quiet. "This is Chan and the woman who provided him shelter last night- y/n."
"Oh my apologies," she replies with a smile, probably getting Felix's message, "Hello, Chan, Y/n, I'm Felix's girlfriend, Tracy. " She says as she clings on to Felix's arm and he stares adoringly at her like she is a rare ,precious diamond that no man could ever have but him.
You've seen that look before - in your parents eyes when they tease each other , in your brother's eyes when he talks about his boyfriend , in your ex boyfriend's eyes. You almost feel jealous.
"Hello ,Tracy." Both you and Chan say at the same time and then awkwardly stare at each other.
Tracy giggles.
"Anyway, Chan and I have important things to talk about. " Felix wiggles out of her grip and takes Chan by the arm ," Tracy, my love, would you please see to it that Miss Y/n here is not bored."
And Tracy surely did make sure you weren't bored for a single second.
She takes you into their medicine workshop, showing you the different herbs and fruits and vegetables they use to make the herbal medicine. She shows you the various jars full of these medicines and ointments. Her eyes shine with passion when she talks to you and it makes you realize how happy this makes her.
It is not an hour later,when she offers you a slice of cake and a cup of coffee that you find in yourself to ask Tracy about Chan and Felix and whatever happened back in their hometown.
"Ah,right. Their home." A sad expression falls on her ,as she stirs her coffee, " I wish I could tell you , I really do but unless Felix or Chan ask of me , I cannot do it."
The same response, again and again. "But I'm curious..... and scared." You mutter.
Tracy clicks her tongue on the roof of her mouth ,"Sweetie, I know you are and I don't blame you. But it is not my place to decide if I can reveal a secret or not....yet I can tell you this- Chan is not dangerous or anything of that sort. He's in fact the one in danger, in need of protection. "
Shocked, you stare at Tracy ,not being able to form proper words. Your prediction was right, Chan was in fact the victim.
You feel chills down your spine.
"Do you come from that place too?" You ask again.
"Oh no, I wish , sweetheart, I wish but no. I'm from this city itself. Born and raised. " she replies with a slight chuckle.
You want to ask her if Chan and Felix had come from a different planet but you stop yourself just in time when the boys arrive into the workshop.
"I'm afraid we'll have to bid them farewell now, miss y/n." Chan says with a sad smile and you wonder if he said that to console his own self.
"You've been so ,so kind to Chan. I would just ask you to do one last thing for him -" Felix starts, " Can you please drop him at the Levanter hotel ?"
Your forehead creases with confusion, "Why ? Will he not be staying with you?"
"No, I'm afraid not. He'll be easier to find in my house out of all the places. He won't be very safe here." Felix admits, embarrassed.
"Then he can stay at my place. He doesn't have to live all alone." Your mouth speaks out those words without giving a second thought to the idea of Chan actually living with you - you said you didn't want trouble but here you were ,being a big ass hypocrite.
"Well I don't see a problem with that, "Tracy chimes in , grinning, "and besides ,I like to believe that Chan would rather enjoy your company than be alone."
Your cheeks burn red as Tracy yet again puts you and Chan in an awkward place. His eyes are fixed on your face while yours are everywhere but him.
"Its settled then. " Felix says as the couple escorts you and Chan to your car. And just before you drive off, you hear Felix say to Chan, "I think we can trust the lady. Tell her about Underland. Tell her about home."
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You love listening to stories. You remember your dad telling you and Minho stories ever night when you were kids and how you found it difficult to sleep without listening to his stories. Stories make you happy, they make your mind wonder about the infinite possibilities in this vast universe and how you happened to be where you were at the exact moment when the story was told.
Stories fascinate you .
With a voice as serious as your dad's, Chan starts, "I and Felix come from a far, far away place called Underland. You humans might know of it as Wonderland because of that one writer who stumbled upon our kingdom one day and decided to write a stupid book about it." He almost sounds angry when he speaks the last line.
"Anyway, I and Felix belong to Underland, which was ruled by the First Great White Queen's descendants for centuries. But everything changed when my grand father - The Last White King passed away. My father were to take the throne by blood right but then a blood descendant of the First Red Queen arrived and claimed Underland as hers. She killed all remaining members of the White Queen's family, my parents, my brothers and sisters," he pauses for a second ,blinking away tears. Your heart clenches with sadness , "But she couldn't kill me; I was just a baby. The youngest of them all. So she banished me to the Enchanted Forest forever ,to live with The Hatters which was Felix's family. In the forest , I grew up with his siblings - Sana, Momo , Me and Felix were inseparable. And we played with the Dormouse , the Cheshire Cat, the White Rabbit , March Hare all day. It was lovely, almost like a dream. Never once did I want to live a royal life or desire my rightful throne back - I was happy. But when I turned twenty , the Queen wanted me to marry her daughter so that she could tighten her claim over the throne. I couldn't do that , I couldn't marry a woman I did not know and did not love. So my friends used their magic and helped run away from the Queen and her Red Knights. And that's how I ended up in your house. "
You blink a few times as everything comes crashing to you at once - his sudden appearance in your room, his weird clothes ,his accent ,his strange walk ,his cluelessness about the modern world , and Tracy calling him a Prince - he is a Prince. A Prince of a place you didn't know actually existed, a descendant of A Queen you'd only heard about in books and movies.
Marmoreal is the name of the White Queen's home , now you remember.
Wonderland was real. As real as you and Chan and Felix and Minho and Tracy. It very much exists .
"Y/n, please do not fear me,I beg of you. You can ask me anything you want but I want you to know that I will not harm you. I am your friend. At least I want to be. " he says , putting a hand on yours as your mind snap backs to reality.
You straighten up.
"Questions , right." you say, still blinking more often than you needed to .
"So the Red queen and the White queen are real? Like they're not just that Writer's idea?" You ask.
"Oh ,they are, I assure you. They were sisters but enemies, which led to the evil Red Queen's banishment centuries ago. Their descendants never got along with each other."
You nod, gulping hard. So the scary Queen with the big head was real. Brilliant.
"And The Hatters , are they the family of the Once Mad Hatter?"
"Yes, they are."
"Aren't they all mad?"
He chuckles, leaning closer to your face, "Darling, they're only as mad as you and I."
Your heart beat gets stuck in your throat , stopping you from asking him anything anymore.
Taking it as the end of the conversation Chan bids you a quick goodnight and heads over to the guest room you had given him.
But he stops just before the door, leaning against the door with a grin ,"Oh, by the way, my lady ,you might not want to skip that herbal medicine on your table anymore."
You frown, "Why?"
"I wasn't lying when I said they were magical - Felix makes them after all."
Oh, what a small fucking world!
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The next morning, Bang Christopher Chan claims that he makes very ,very good morning tea that will give you a boost that normal ' human ' tea could never.
"Take one sip and you will crave for more, " he tells you as you provide him with the basic ingredients and watch him from the opposite side of the counter , making this supposedly mind blowing tea.
Now, to be very frank ,you weren't much of a tea person - you've only had boba a few times and the proper ,traditional tea only on the few times that your dad makes some. You were more into coffee. But you didn't tell him that.
You see Chan lean over the boiling pot of water on the gas , adding tea leaves and a little bit of cinnamon and then half a spoon of ground ginger. You observe him , your curiosity bubbling like the boiling water.
"Are you going to add ...magic too? " you couldn't help but ask the question as Chan stirs the mixture in front of him.
He chuckles , a warm , hearty laugh that lights up the lonely and cold corners of your small apartment. His eyes turn into crescent moons and his deep ocean dimples as he walks towards you and softly boops your nose , "Yes, of course! How would it be different from your normal tea otherwise?"
You see him walk back to the pot and then rub his forefinger and thumb together above the mouth of the pot , "Watch this ,my lady." You stare at him with shock as a sparkly , golden dust snows down due to the friction of his thumb and forefinger and gets mixed with the boiling tea.
And when the first sip of the freshly brewed,warm tea touches your lips and travels inside your mouth, you feel an explosion in your brain that you'd never felt before. You feel like there are literal fireworks in your head ,burning and cracking and fueling your energy levels. You want to run out on the roads and scream on top on your lungs for no goddamn reason.
"Chan, I didn't think I'd say this ,but this is the most delicious beverage I've ever tasted." You say , booping his nose like he did before, " Thank You."
In the evening , you take him out for shopping after calling Minho to cancel your plans with him. You told him that an old friend of yours was visiting from Australia and that he would be crashing at yours for the next few days. Minho didn't care much , as usual ,and all he said was, "Don't get pregnant." You remember rolling your eyes at his annoying remark.
So now here you are, scrolling through your phone while Chan tries on different clothes in the trial room.
"I do not like the shirt that shows my arms!" He yells from inside as the employees of the store giggle.
You sigh, " It's called a tank top,Chan. And I'm buying it whether you like it or not, it's summer for God's sake!"
You hear him mumble something under his breath and then the door of the dressing room creaks open to reveal a very different Chan. You can't help up but gawk at his perfectly toned arms and the very evident biceps that you did not expect to be there. You gulp hard. With his tousled hair and perfect smile and gorgeous eyes , he looks like a Disney Prince, the ones you used to obsess over as a child.
He is a prince, you dummy, you remind yourself again. Prince of Wonderland . (Underland, whatever)
He awkwardly hugs his arms around his body as the cool air from the AC grazes his bare arms ,his cheeks turning red from embarrassment.
" Hey, chin up !" You grin , and walk toward him.
He presses his lips in a line and mutters ,"I look ugly."
"No, you do not look ugly ,Christopher. You look anything but ugly ," you glare at him, "You look amazing. Just like... Park Chanyeol. "
His forehead creases and you see a ghost of jealousy in his eyes, " Who is that? Your lover?"
You laugh out loud, patting his cheek softly. " No, he is a...famous person. In our world. Just like you are of your kingdom."
You decide to take out Chinese food for dinner and even though you want to ask Chan if he was okay with that , you don't. Because he probably doesn't know what China even is .
"Do you want me to carry that bag for you?" Chan asks ,pointing at the take out bag on your lap as the both of you settle down in the backseat of the cab you had called. You wince as you realize how badly your feet hurt from all the shopping and snacking.
"No , thank you. Plus you have enough things to carry yourself." You reply, eyeing the tons of bags he carries, containing clothes and shoes and whatnot.
The drive to your house is long , owing to the fact that the city becomes more livelier at night - a scene you rarely get to see with your own eyes anymore, thanks to your stupid job. The cab driver plays a slow, romantic song and you automatically find your eyes scan Chan's face, looking for something that could help you relate to the song booming through the speakers.
But all you see is worry.
"Chan, are you alright?" You ask him, placing a hand on his arm.
He looks over at you , his eyes shining like the city lights that you hadn't seen in so long, " You're a very kind person ,my lady. I do not know how I will ever repay you for this; any of this! "
You feel a warm feeling spread from your chest, coursing through your veins and under your scalp and your ears.
"You can repay me by making that tea for me everyday. " you reply with a soft smile.
Chan scoots over closer to you ,then puts his head on your shoulders, " Well then I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I take a short nap - I owe you this one too."
You blush and look away from his captivating gaze ," Fine, whatever. Just make the tea for me. "
You know you want to add something but you swallow those words and repeat them only in the company of your own thoughts.
Thank you ,Chan , you think as you look out the car window ,cherishing the beautiful streetlights and the tall buildings and the neon signs of shops and the gentle pressure of Chan's head on your shoulder , Thank you for making my weekend less lonely.
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Chan is a man of his word, you can guarantee that - An honorable , honest man who almost seems too good to be real sometimes.
As promised , he'd make you tea every morning for the next two months before you go to office while he spends most of his time in your house, trying out different things to keep him occupied while you were at work - learning how to use your spare laptop , cooking tutorials on YouTube , videocalling with Felix , practicing magic on your plushies, online window shopping because he apparently loved the way people in your world dressed.
He'd wait for you every evening with another interesting thing he had learnt and wanted to share with you , and a plate of freshly cut fruits that he prepared beforehand. Then you'd both make dinner together and spend the rest of the evening talking and laughing and gossiping .He would tell you about Underland and it's castles and magic and you would tell him about your world and how a stupid picture on the internet could go viral in a split second.
On weekends, you'd make a hearty breakfast for the both of you and then clean the house together,which Chan never once complained about. By the time evening comes, you would have already chosen what movie to show him while the popcorn cooks in the microwave. Or sometimes you'd spend the day at Felix's or sometimes drive down for a small picnic at a park.
Slowly but definitely, Chan becomes a part of your everyday life , your source of comfort, your escape . And he ,in turn , finds a caring friend in you , a teacher , a person he could lean on . Knowingly or unknowingly , you become his escape too.
It is on one such Friday night that Minho calls you during your movie session and you excuse yourself from a weeping Chan ( the movie you chose was Titanic) ,walking towards your own room.
" What's up?" You say into the phone as you jump on your bed .
"Are you seriously asking me that? Y/n , it's been weeks since mom or dad or I saw you. You keep cancelling plans for your Australian friend. Do you think I'm stupid?" He yells at you and you move your ear away from the speaker. Gosh ,talk about being so loud and annoying.
"He's coming home after years, Min. I can't just leave him here."
He sighs, "What kind of a friend stays over for two fucking months. " then adds ,with all seriousness, " is this some Christian Grey shit going on?"
You laugh - you have to ,even though you know your brother is pissed off ," Dude, do you even hear yourself ? I earn ten times more than that Anastasia bitch did. I don't need a sugar daddy."
"Then what's going on with this guy ? Tell me the truth ,y/n . You know I'll believe you." His voice now softens.
You sigh, rubbing the crease between your eyebrows.
Not this time ,you wouldn't believe me, you want to tell Minho.
But then decide that if you can't tell him the truth ,you could at least tell him half the truth.
"Look, Minho...my friend is not here for a vacation. He's here to hide. He's in possible danger. " you whisper to him.
"What kind of danger? Y/n,what if he's running from the police? What if he's in trouble with the government?" He asks,his voice filled with concern.
You hated the fact that he was so similar to you . And he had the audacity to call you adopted for so many years. Asshole.
"No, silly. Not that kind of trouble. He ran away from his engagement. The bride's mother is a bitch apparently ,trying to force him for his money and fame. "
You hear Minho heave a sigh of relief from the other side and naturally, you relax too.
"Well then if you can't leave him alone ,bring him along to our house. I'd love to meet this Australian guy in person."
And that was the end of the conversation.
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When you live with someone , you find new things about them everyday - today is the day you find out that Chan looks exceptionally attractive in a tight black polo t-shirt and simple jeans. His blonde hair is pushed back a little, his forehead glowing under the bright Sunday sun and he wears a watch that Tracy and Felix had gifted him last week. Handsome as a Greek God.
"How do I look ?" He asks you as he scratches the back of his neck, smiling at his reflection in the mirror.
He's gained confidence .
"Like a Prince." You say, standing beside him.
Your eyes are focused on your reflections in the mirror,the close proximity of your bodies and the way you both look like any other couple in the world, makes you feel overwhelmed. You see the few millimetre gap between his hand and yours and if you reach out a little bit, you could easily lace your fingers with him.
"And how do I look?" You ask him with a small smirk.
He scans your image ; you wear a simple floral summer dress with short sleeves ,along with a pretty wrist bracelet and a simple pendant around your neck. You catch him blushing.
"Like a Princess. " he replies.
You badly want to hold his hand in yours. But you don't.
The drive to your Brother's place is filled with questions and replies and a few careless teasings thrown here and there.
"I hope your brother doesn't hate me for keeping you occupied all the time. " Chan comments when you turn to Minho's apartment street.
You shake your head, " No,no. Of course not. Minho is not like that."
Your brother has lived with his boyfriend, Jisung for about five years now . You want them to get married soon but they always make weird excuses about it. So you just assumed they enjoy this live in relationship without the pressure of marriage and children.
"Hey , y/n, oh my god! Long time ,huh?" Jisung hugs you tightly the moment you enter their living room ,his big toothy smile permanently plastered on his face. Minho stands behind Jisung ,his arms crossed over his chest and his critical eyes focused on Chan. You smile and jog up to your brother, wrapping your arms around him. His familiar scent makes you miss home and your parents and your old room. "Stop being so stuck up,Min." You whisper to him as Chan and Jisung introduce each other and Minho eyes them suspiciously.
He chuckles and hugs you tighter ,pressing a small kiss to your head. You grin as he pulls away.
"Chan,meet my brother Minho, " you bring Chan to stand in front of Minho , "And Minho ,this is Chan." Minho observes the way Chan walks - elegant and smooth and the way Chan talks , like he were a dude from the Victorian Era yet he wears modern clothes and uses a phone and air pods. Everything about this man is mysterious yet Minho couldn't find anything to hold against him. Perhaps he is being too hard on the poor man. He also notices how lovingly Chan gazes at you , looks out for you in the smallest possible ways and you look at him with the same adoration and concern. Were you two dating? You didn't say anything about that though.
So he asks you after dinner ," Do you like Chan?" The question comes out as natural as any other question Minho has ever asked you. You look down from his balcony at the streets and cars and people below then your eyes fall on your brother and the wine glass in his hands and on Jisung and Chan who chat inside the living room over dessert, having found a common interest in music making and lyrics writing.
Your blood turns cold - not because Minho had asked you that question but because this is the first time you're actually considering the possibility of that being true. It scares you.
You think about a similar incident that had happened almost ten years ago - when you were in middle school and Minho was in high school. You had a crush on your cute classmate but he chose your friend over you. Even at that tender age,you were heartbroken. No one at home noticed your sadness or disinterest in everything those days but Minho did - he always does.
"I don't know ." You lean against the railing of the balcony , "I don't want to think about it."
"Beacuse we do not belong together. We're from different worlds. " you whisper , "And I'm not sure if he feels anything like for me."
Minho frowns at you then flicks your forehead so hard that it stings.
"You keep suppressing your feelings all the time, y/n. You wouldn't know if he likes you or if you belong together if you don't tell him." He says.
You do know that you do not belong together. You do know that he may never like you back. But you don't mention it to Minho.
That night , as you are driving back home and Chan is sleepily looking out the window,you ask him , "Chan, there's something I have to ask you."
Chan sits up straight ,his attentive eyes focused on your nervous ones. He could sense your turmoil since you stepped out of Minho's house. He nods ," Go on."
"Um...actually, Jisung's cousin is getting married on Wednesday. Would you like to be my plus one for the ceremony?"
You'd never seen Chan smile so wide before, his eyes practically disappearing in the process. His cheeks tinted red and his hands tapping on his thigh .
"Do you want me to?" He asks. He hopes more than anything that you say yes.
" Hell yeah,dude! " You reply, chuckling.
He has never hugged you till now , you realize, as Chan jumps and wraps you in a warm embrace ,even as you are driving. Your heart hammers against your chest and your cheeks turn brighter than his own.
His smell fills you with a comforting ,homely feeling and you just hope he never lets go of the hug.
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Remember when you said that Chan looked really good in a polo t-shirt and you thought it couldn't get any better? Well you take your words back now.
Your hands go limp by your sides when you see Chan walk out of his room , as you stare at him from the small crack of the door of your room. He looks ethereal. He wears a black suit with a pink, silky shirt inside paired with his locket and his watch. Nothing too fancy and yet you feel your knees growing weak below you.
You suck in a deep breath,looking at yourself in the mirror and trying to gather enough confidence to walk and face him. You wear a pink net shirt with black palazzo pants, accessorized with silver earrings and a rose gold ring on your thumb.
"Okay, come on ,y/n." you encourage yourself, your heart beating fast.
You had not really expected him to drop his jaw on the floor the moment he sees you but he did and it makes your heart flutter and cheeks red.
He offers you his hand, "You look gorgeous ,my lady."
And you slip your hand in his ," So do you ,your majesty."
The wedding venue is not really far from your apartment so it takes only about 30 minutes for you to reach there.
And rest assured, you both had turned all the heads in the wedding that night. Wide eyes and gaping mouths and silent whispers of jealousy, you noticed them all. You felt a little bad for stealing the spotlight from the bride and groom but you secretly wanted to show Chan off too.
"Attention grabbers." Minho had teased you during the wedding ceremony as the bride and groom took their vows , earning a pinch from you in reply.
The rest of the evening goes by smoothly and before you even realize it, Jisung pulls you and Chan to the dance floor when a slow,romantic song comes up.
"Uh. I don't know how to dance." You admit shyly as Chan offers you his hand.
He chuckles and you notice how deep his dimples really are this up close.
"I can so don't worry about it. Just trust me. " he says, his eyes scanning your face
Smiling, you take his hand and put your other hand on his shoulder while he drapes an arm around your waist and pulls you closer. He indeed is a good dancer because soon you find yourself gliding around the dance floor effortlessly, flowing with the music and drowning in Chan's intoxicating eyes.
"This isn't so bad though." You comment when the lights are turned low and you see all the couples around you in their own bubble,doing their own thing, just grooving to the soft music ," I could get used to it."
Chan pulls both your arms and wraps them around his neck ,his hands finding a comfortable place around your waist.
"You should come to Underland some day. We could dance there all night. No one would disturb us." he whispers back,moving your bodies gently to the music.
Your smile fades , " I wish I could,Chan. I desperately do. "
He looks into your eyes and leans in closer, making your heart thump fast. Faster than it ever has.
"You can. You can come and go whenever you want, I promise you. " he says.
You nod at his efforts of making you feel better but you know that when he finally goes back to Underland, your heartache would be inevitable. You are so deeply ,madly and truly in love with the man in front of you that you will not be able stand a day without his warm presence in your otherwise dark and cold house. His absence would absolutely destroy you so you simply bury your face in the crook of his neck , breathing in his smell , enjoying his hands on you and sketching this moment in your mind forever.
"I'm going to miss you when you leave." you mutter in a silent voice as he runs his fingers through your hair , "Don't go,Chan."
You don't know why you're suddenly getting so emotional about him leaving when you always knew it would happen some day.
"Then come with me ,y/n." He whispers into your ears.
You pull away just enough to look into his eyes and then shift your gaze to his oh-so kissable , plump lips that you'd spent so many nights dreaming about.
Is this the right thing to do?
You no longer care.
He leans in first ,pulling your body towards him and softly yet hastily pressing his lips against yours.
Oh the bliss of having to kiss the man you've longed for since forever.
You're not even surprised when his lips fit perfectly in between yours as your whole body turns warm under his touch , like it had been waiting for him for a long time. And when you hold his cheek to control the pace of the kiss , you realise how much this means to him. How much you mean to him.
"I love you, Chan." You whisper after he pulls away, resting his forehead on yours.
He grins," I love you ,too."
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The wedding ends shortly after but you guys stay back to wait for Minho and Jisung while they bid farewell to all of Jisung 's family and relatives.
"Be quick. " you tell Chan when he rushes into the boys washroom while you wait outside, your mind still replaying the intimate moment you had on the dance floor ( and Minho and Jisung teasing you about it later on). You shake your head ,smiling like an idiot.
Your beautiful thoughts are interrupted when someone- a tall ,muscular man wearing a peculiar red tuxedo - walks past you, bumping his arm harshly onto yours.
"Ow,dude,what the fuck?" You wince ,rubbing your arm as the arrogant asshole walks into the bathroom, "Piece of shit." You say when he doesn't even bother looking back at you.
You are about to go back to reminiscing your kiss with Chan but you hear a Chan yelling from the bathroom, his voice is as crisp and clear as the air in the mountains.
Your whole body goes cold.
"Get away from me !" You hear him yell and before you could stop yourself ,you feel your feet running into bathroom , pushing past the main door that clearly reads 'Male'.
"Chan? What's wrong?" You ask, your voice laced with urgency and adrenaline pumping through your blood.
What you see inside is something you'd never expected to see before but you were in love with a man who came from a place you didn't even know existed so this doesn't come as a big surprise to you. If Chan weren't in immediate danger, you might as well have been fascinated by it.
You see - Chan crouching on the floor , blood running from his nose and his hands covering his eyes , as if he's hiding. You see - the red tall asshole leaning against the wall, staring at Chan. You see - three very peculiar creatures surrounding Chan , shaped like the rummy cards with spades, diamonds and whatnot drawn on them and holding spears in what you assume to be their arms.
You almost regret coming in when all of them look at you with wide ,surprised eyes.
"Y/n! What are you doing here?" Chan gets up and walks toward you ,his lips quivering with fear.
The card creatures walk toward you,their spears pointed toward you as they growl something under their breath. You back away slowly.
"Hey! Stop it! She has nothing to do with it. Don't attack her." Chan yells at those things and thankfully ,they listen. They turn around and stand beside the asshole in the red suit.
Chan runs over you , tears starting to form in his eyes, "You shouldn't be here , y/n. Go back,now!"
You look into his eyes , your heart breaking at the sight of seeing him so in pain ,so vulnerable. It's like you're hurt ,too.
"D-did they do t-this to you?" You ask,pointing at his nose.
He blinks for a second then nods with a sigh ," That's why I'm telling you to leave ,okay? Y/n, sweetheart, please leave.Now." His voice is basically begging you and all you can do is stare at him and the others with horror.
"They found you. The Red Queen found you." You mutter to him,as he holds you by your shoulders.
"I'm so sorry ,y/n. I really thought...we had time. I really did. " his voice cracks as more tears stream down his face.
"We don't have all day long , Chan. Your future wife and her mother have been waiting for a long time." The man in red says sarcastically, "You've kept them waiting long enough."
You glare at the man then turn to Chan, who's a sobbing mess by now.
"They're going to get you married?"
The man in red scoffs, " He should be lucky if that's all they do. And knowing the Queen , she is very angry with him. He will not have it easy."
"Will they...execute him?" You ask ,running your hands over his face ,rubbing the mixture of blood and tears. Your heart shatters.
"No, the young princess is very fond of him actually. They will get married after he serves his punishment."
You see Chan wince in your arms as you pull him up in a crushing embrace. Probably the last one ever.
"I can call Minho and Jisung. They could easily take care of these bastards." You whisper into his hair, blinking tears away.
He clutches into you as if you were the only thing keeping him completely losing his mind.
He shakes his head, " No, don't, please. I cannot let more people get involved with me."
You pull away from the hug, just like you had on the dance floor, but it's different this time - more painful .
"Is there anything I can do...to stop this." You ask again ,desperate to not part from the man you've grown to love so bad.
He kisses your forehead,then holds your face in his hands. "I do not want any harm befalling you ,or your brother and Jisung or Felix or anyone of my friends in Underland, which is why I have to go and face my faith. I'm so sorry ,my love."
You let the tears flow.
Why was the Universe so unfair to people who deserved to be happy together? Why did the universe always favour those who mean ill to others?
"I love you ,Chan , remember that. " you say , " I always will."
He smiles through his tears, "and so will I. Always. I don't care if I am married or you are married or whatever, you're my princess till the end of Earth and till the end of Underland."
The asshole in red clears his throat, glaring at the two of you. Chan pulls away from the embrace and walks back to where he was originally when you came in.
You see all of them taking turns to drink from a vial with a purple liquid in it.
"Farewell,my lady." Chan whispers as a tear drop rolls down his face and falls on the floor with a soft splat. And in the blink of an , he is gone ,leaving behind nothing but a puff of golden smoke and his tear drop on the floor.
That's when you realise how real all of this is. And realise why exactly you didn't like the story of Alice in Wonderland as a child - its because the story is not a typical fairytale where the prince ends up marrying the princess, and because some day or the other, Alice had to leave everyone behind and come back to her real world.
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You feel like it's been an eternity since you have been walking through the crowd of people in the wedding , people looking at you with disgust and fear, while you look for your brother or Jisung.
You enter the main hall and scan the room , sniffing away your tears and rubbing your bloody hands on your shirt.
You are a mess.
Finally ,you spot Minho in the far corner of the room ,speaking with a few guests with Jisung by his side. You sigh in relief but your body responds in the form of sobs.
You rush towards him and pull him by the end of his shirt, "M-Minho."
Jisung and Minho turn around ,their eyes widen at your crying, shivering , bloody sight .
Jisung immediately wraps his coat around you.
"Hey,what happened?" Minho demands as he pulls you in a hug ,and you sob into his neck, " Where's Chan?"
You feel Jisung rub your back soothingly.
"T-they got him ,Min. They took him and they punched his nose and it was all bloody and horrible and he was crying. Those things were so scary and ..." you say in between sobs, "..they'll punish him for running away and then marry him off, Min. I couldn't protect him."
"Who is them, y/n ?" Minho ask, rubbing your tears with his thumb.
"The Red Knights."
Jisung and Minho share a look of confusion with each other but they don't push you to explain your words.
"Okay,let's go home. We can talk there okay? Nothing will happen to Chan. We'll save him."Jisung says .
You shake your head , "No, we can't go home. We have to go to Felix. He's the only one who knows what to do. You guys can't save Chan without magic."
They want to believe you and whatever you say and they're worried about Chan too ,afterall both of them were so fond of him but they find your words rather hard to digest.
Nevertheless, your brother drives you to Felix's house.
His house once made you feel happy and complete but now it makes you feel horrible, like the freezing cold sensation you experience when you play out in the snow for too long.
And as you sit around his dining table , telling him about the incident and then him further explaining the whole story of you and Chan to Your brother and Jisung , you feel horribly empty.
"I'm so sorry ,Felix. I should have done something. I should have called out for help but I was so...scared. " you say , Tracy rubbing your back in comfort.
"Its not you fault, Y/n. Those knights are scary and the red man you talked about, he is the Queen's personal guard." Felix says ,"You're lucky he didn't do anything bad to you."
Jisung stares him blankly.
Minho paces up and down the room , his face twisted in confusion, " So you're telling me that the stupid story of 'Alice in Wonderland ' is true and Chan is from that place and you too?"
Felix hums in response.
"Bloody hell ", Jisung murmurs under his breath then adds , " so how do we go to that place and find him? I mean how do things work there?"
"Oh uh,no, we are not going anywhere. I will go . You are staying at home ,safe and secure!" Minho says to Jisung.
You frown in confusion.
"Wait, you believe it? You don't think we're all mad?" You ask.
They shake their heads.
"I trust you , y/n. You may be a pain in the ass and a crybaby but you aren't stupid or mad,as a matter of fact. We believe you ,of course." Minho shrugs.
You don't know if he's poking fun at you or if he actually believes you, but knowing Minho ,he rarely ever jokes around in situations like this.
"But how can we save Chan from there? Do we challenge the Queen and her claim on the throne or what? " you ask Felix.
Felix sighs , " It's not going to be easy . At all. That woman is dangerous...crazy even. She killed off Chan 's entire family , you think it'd be that easy to save him from her?"
There is genuine hatred and disgust in his voice when he speaks of the Queen. You'd only ever seen the portrayal of the First Red Queen in the movies and that woman was enough to piss you off . You couldn't imagine how someone from the same family tree could possibly get any worse.
"What are our options?" You ask ,tapping your fingers against your leg, a habit you'd picked up from Chan. You didn't realise it until just now.
"We cannot defeat her with physical power so dueling challenges and other such things are cut out. So that leaves us with either breaking him out from prison or being witty enough to fool the Stupid Red Head into letting him go " , He says . " and mind you, the Queen is very easy to fool because she's very ,very dumb but her daughter aren't. So we need a full plan to get him out."
You nod in agreement.
"Might I suggest something," Minho chimes in after giving much thought on whether he should speak up or not.
"Yes,please, of course." Felix replies.
"I think that the more important thing right now is to go to Wonderland - I mean, Underland- and as you mentioned earlier, talk to your friends and family. We can make a plan after we reach but first we need to know the severity of the situation there. "
Minho has always been smart but you don't want to admit it out loud - not in the presence of other people at least .
"Fine , yes. We must leave soon," Felix turns to Tracy , "Tracy, sweetheart, you will have to stay here and look over the shop . Jisung ,as Minho said,will stay back too. We don't know how long it will take but I promise I will be back."
And with that , you leave the two couples alone to bid their goodbyes and walk out to the porch, breathing in the cool night air.
"I promise I'll find you , Chan. I will find you and save you." you mutter into the air.
Funny things love makes one do.
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The vial with the purple liquid feels cold in your hands as you uncork it .
"Do I pour it all in?" You ask nervously.
Felix stands on your left while Minho on your right, both of them holding the same vial in their hands.
"It doesn't matter. Just a drop does the work too." Felix shrugs.
You see him pour all the contents of the vial into his throat and then squint his eyes at the taste.
Minho and you share a look before doing the same.
And then your vision is fogged with a golden puff of smoke as you feel your body falling down a long, neverending , bottomless hole.
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You've only ever heard about Underland from Chan and Felix ,and only ever seen this place through their eyes ,but now that you're actually here , it feels surreal, if you put it subtly.
The crisp and fresh air in the Enchanted forest runs chill down your spine and you hop over wood logs and thorny bushes with continuously moving leaves. Minho stays close to you, his hand never leaving your arm while his eyes try to absorb his surroundings.
Felix walks in front of you two , not wavered by the scene in front of him. And why would he be anyway,this was his home ,his domain.
"W-where are we,Felix?" You ask in a soft voice .
"We're in The Tulgey Wood . We're going to my house." He replies with a slight nostalgic tone.
The Enchanted Forest is so breathtakingly beautiful that it almost feels unreal to be walking right through it. The purple sky above you ,the rustling leaves around you , the trees that seem to follow your every movement and flowers that seem to have actual eyes, everything welcomes you rather warmly although you have a feeling you are yet to see the crazy side of this place.
"Well , I had expected you a little earlier, Felix." A sharp voice says from somewhere within the bushes, startling you and Minho and he jumps in front of you ,as if to protect you.
"What's that?" Minho asks,unable to mask his own fearful eyes.
Felix chuckles , " Don't be scared. This is my friend ,the White Rabbit. "
You hear shuffling sounds from the bushes and out comes the most cuddly looking rabbit you've seen in your whole life, hopping on his back limbs and wearing a waistcoat and carrying a stopwatch.
A waistcoat and a stopwatch....
Minho stares at the creature with awe while you bend over to take a closer look at it.
"Hey ,young lady ,back off!" The rabbit threatens you , squinting his eyes at you. And you immediately step back, blinking your eyes nervously.
"It's alright, she's our friend. Chan knows her too. " Felix says, crouching down to pat him , "This is y/n and her brother ,Minho. They're here to help."
At the mention of Chan's name , The Rabbit's eyes widen and he slumps down into Felix's arms and starts sobbing.
"Oh,my dear Felix , I'm afraid of what has become of The Prince. When we heard that the Knights brought him back , we were all so ...lost." he says as Felix cuddles him in his arms, "Dormouse and Cheshire have sneaked out from their duties of the Queen and gone to visit him . They say he looks scared to death. The Queen out him in a prison. With murderers and thieves and whatnot."
Your whole body goes limp at his words, your annoyingly vivid imagination creating those pictures in your head. You blink your tears away.
"How can we save him?" You ask in croaked voice.
The rabbit looks at you sadly , " Let's go to the girls first. They can help you."
"Who is he talking about?" Minho asks.
"My sisters," Felix replies , leading the way deeper into forest , "Come on, we're almost home."
The Hatters' live on a clear patch of land in Tulgey Wood , surrounded by trees for as long as the eyes could reach , in a huge house beautifully built like a Victorian top hat.
You were breath taken. And so was Minho because you could literally feel him hold his breath as you guys enter the house.
"Oh ,my gods , is that you Felix?" A high pitched female voice thunders from above you ,while you stand in what looks like the Study of the house. Your hands brush over a brown diary kept on the desk and the pot of ink sitting beside it. ' Medicinal Documentation ' the diary reads.
"Yes, it seems so. " Felix replies with a grin.
Your eyes fall on the steep spiral stairs in front of you that go up to the other floors of the house and you see two girls jogging down the stairs, big smiles plastered on their faces yet the sadness in their eyes cannot be hidden.
They are a tad bit shorter than you are , and they must not age more than Minho and as they jump on Felix ,squealing with excitement, one can almost immediately see the resemblance in the siblings' appearance ; bright orange hair , toothy smiles, and big ,sparkly eyes .
"And who might these lovely people be?" The shorter of the two girls asks ,as the white rabbit clings onto her long skirt.
"Oh,this is y/n and her brother Minho. They know Chan and want to help him." Felix introduces, " Y/n , Minho meet my sisters - Sana and Momo."
"Of course..miss y/n. We've heard about you." Sana ,the taller one ,walks up to you and bows her head lightly, "We're so grateful for what you're doing for the Prince, sweet one, we really are."
If Felix, Momo , Sana , Chan and the annoying ( but cute) rabbit were put in a Shakespearean play together , it would be a massive hit. Their accents are so good and elegant and graceful that you wish you could learn it too.
You smile at the compliment , "Please don't thank me. I haven't saved him yet. "
"Oh, enough of these formal courtesies, " the shorter girl, Momo , holds your arm and leads you up the stairs, "How about we talk over tea?"
The group reaches the top most floor of the house ,overlooking the beautiful forest through the window as you are made to sit around a long table .
Sana and Mina serve you a cup of tea while the White Rabbit passes you some freshly baked cookies.
"Wow,this...this tea is wonderful." Minho compliments when he takes a sip from his China cup , "Is this what Chan used to make for you ,y/n?"
You nod, as those memories dance around behind your eyes , " He was very good with it."
"Oh he always has been good at everything, I tell you ," Momo starts , " Sword fights ,archery, horse riding ,poetry , cooking, too bad a prince like him had to live with mere Hatters like ourselves."
"Hey,we weren't always this poor. " Sana adds, "This is all the Second Red Queen's doing, gods curse her!"
You scowl , " What do you mean? I thought she only harmed Chan's family . "
Sana let's out a woeful sigh while Momo and Felix look at each other with sorry eyes.
"I wish she'd only done that ,truth be told." Sana says.
"Yes, but instead she ruined everyone's lives who ever crossed paths with her." Momo says, "Our father was the Royal Hatter for Chan's family - the White Queen's descendants. And our mother was the Royal Physician . We lived a happy life , living in a big house near the palace in Marmoreal . "
"Marmoreal was the Summer Palace for the Royal family ,not very far from the capital town of Witzend. One such summer , when Prince Chan was only a year and a half old ,the banished heir of the Evil First Red Queen arrived in Marmoreal and her Knights butchered the royal family and killed every living creature in sight. Her dragons set fire to our house and the palace and the nearby villages. It was...horrible , to say the least. Only a few people survived , which included our family and the Young Prince. The Queen commanded us to take the infant away and never show up in front of her again and so we did - for a long time." Momo then looks over at Sana ,signalling her to continue telling the story.
"But that was until the Queen's only daughter - Princess Scarlet's 18th birthday celebration. We had gone to the parade fair in Witzend, just near the Queen's castle. No one knew us properly or Chan so we were safe. But the Princess saw Chan and fell in love with him...madly. She pursued him every chance she got and when she couldn't succeed , she used her mother's powers to force an alliance. Her mother was hesitant at first, given her history with Chan's family but then she too decided to force him into this alliance for her political good. And initially , Chan had to comply. But on the day of their wedding announcement, he escaped into your world."
"Through my rabbit hole,if I may add." The White Rabbit mumbles. You purse your lips, letting the story in slowly , word by word ,letter by letter. And when the realization sinks in,you purse your lips to stop yourself from crying.
"And I couldn't protect him. I am responsible for what happens to him." You whisper.
Everyone looks at you with disbelief.
"Hey, no! That is not true!" Felix says,almost angry ," You're the reason he was safe and happy for all those months. If not , if he were with me or worse,alone, he wouldn't last a week out there. You saved him, y/n."
"It's true, y/n. Our friends work in the Queen's royal kitchen and they've met Chan a few times in the prison - he only ever asks about a woman named y/n." Sana says.
Your heart drops into the deepest pits of your stomach. You didn't know what love really meant until you met him and although a stranger, in an unknown place , he still trusted you, believed you , cared for you , loved you.
You have to save him.
"Okay , anyone has any plans? Any ideas?" You ask ,after composing yourself.
"I don't have one but I really want to suggest we move this meeting to the medicinal garden in the backyard. That place helps me think. " The White Rabbit offers,scratching his fluffy ears.
As if something in your brain suddenly clicks , like a gear falling into place in a machine; Your eyes widen as you slam your hand on the table.
Everyone jumps up , startled.
"What's wrong ?"
You look over at the Rabbit and pat his head , "You are a genius."
"You said your friends work for the Queen ,right?"
You drag your chair away from the table, jumping to your feet ," I have a brilliant idea."
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When the next morning arrives , you find yourself walking to the town of Witzend with The White Rabbit , Minho , Felix and his sisters by your side.
"Here,y/n, take this," Momo gives you something just before you enter the castle of the Red Queen. "You'll need it."
You gaze carefully at the shining vial in your palm.
"You know when to use it." She says.
You nod.
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The Red Queen that you remember from the movies and the few excerpts from the original book of Alice in Wonderland that you'd only ever read once, you had expected her descendant to look a certain way too - big ,swollen head , scary eyes , loud voice.
But the woman sitting on the throne directly in front of you is definitely not what you had expected. At all. The Queen is a small woman ; and by small you don't mean skinny and short - she's literally small. She must not be more than three feet in height , you assume , but her features and face is that of a fully grown adult in her 40s. A human being who'd suddenly shrunk ( proportionally) like a raisin.
You wonder how someone so small could hold so much evil in themselves.
"Your majesty, " you bow down to her and so do the people standing beside you , scared yet worried for Chan. "It's nice to finally see you again."
You see a familiar gaze behind the throne, and you immediately recognize him - the Queen's personal guard - the asshole who had punched Chan bloody.
He smirks at you.
You curl your hands into fists.
"Yes? And what is it that you want from me?" The Queen asks, not really caring about the matter at hand. She picks at her cuticles while chewing her bottom lip.
Hesitant, you look at Felix asking for help.
Behind you , you could hear murmurs from the people waiting in line for their turn to put forward their complaint in front of the Queen.
"Your majesty, this is Miss y/n. She's come a long way from home to see you." Felix says ,his voice as gentle as the wind on a winter morning.
The Queen rolls her eyes, running her small hand through her red hair , " What can I do for you?"
That's the fakest thing you'd heard all day.
You clear your throat and pick up all your courage to speak, "I want your help to look for the man I love, your majesty. He's ...missing and possibly hurt I believe. "
" Why are you here instead of asking the Police to help you?" The Queen demands.
"Oh,because I'm afraid you're the one who has him."
The Queen stops picking at her cuticles, and raises her head to stare at you with her small , googly yet intimidating eyes. You realise now why the people were so afraid of her - the Evil curve of her lips and her deadly stare are enough to make you want to drop everything and run back home.
"What do you mean ,young lady?" The Queen asks, her interest now focused on your words.
A collective gasp runs through the throne room , starting from the citizens, then passing on to the Queen's staff and her card shaped Knights. They seem surprised at the Queen actually showing an interest in something for the first time.
"I'm talking about Prince Chan, your majesty." You say.
The Queen's eyes widen as you hear the room fill with murmurs and gasps and silent cries. How long had it been since a person dared to even mention Chan in front of the Queen?
"Mother,what is this woman talking about?!" You hear a loud shriek from somewhere beside the Queen .
And only when you squint your eyes hard enough can you actually see her ; the Princess of Underland who was hilariously so small (even smaller than her mother ) that you almost wanted to giggle. Now don't get me wrong, you weren't body shaming her or anything , but you'd never seen a person so terribly small in your entire life until now. You could only imagine what it would look like if Chan happens to marry her for real one day.
"Don't worry daughter , " the Queen gets up from her seat and walks up toward you, her guard close behind her , " Chan is only yours. No one else's."
Just when you're about to respond , you see two huge fishes - almost as tall as you - twirl up to the Queen and offer her a cup.
You'd never expected to see actual, living fishes out of water or wear clothes or hold trays and bowls or walk on their tails, but here you are .
"Wrong timing ,idiots!" The Queen screams her face red with anger yet she snatches the cup from the tray and gulps down all it's contents at one go.
What a peculiar woman.
"Go away now." The red asshole growls at the poor fish as they rush away from the scene.
You smile at the Queen as she stands in front of you , not even reaching your knees properly .
"You,girl, what do you want?" She demands.
You feel Minho wrap a reassuring arm around you , eyeing the woman in front of you with a hatred filled gaze. Felix stands close by your side.
"I want Chan to be released from prison , and be given his rightful throne back . That's all." You say.
The Queen scoffs , "His weak and worthless dynasty ruled over this excuse of a country and the useless people for years. I am only trying to make things better."
You can feel the disapproval of the citizens around you at being called useless.
"And? Do your people think you're doing a good job?" Felix asks.
You see numerous heads shake in a negative response,and you can slowly feel the tension in the room rising.
The Queen points her left forefinger at you while the other hand is on her waist , " You want the truth , peasant girl? So here it is - I do not care about anyone . I care nothing of this country and its citizens and its creatures. None of my ancestors ever had. We just like to sit on that extremely uncomfortable throne and enjoy the money and power we get from controlling these worthless citizens. Oh and I wish I could relive the screams of The White Royal family as I killed them. One by one."
The Queen gasps in realization of what she'd just said while the room falls completely silent for a second before the princess yelps , "Mother ,what is the matter with you?!"
The princess looks horrified as she runs up to her equally horrified mother.
You smirk - the plan of pouring in the truth potion in the Queen's tea had taken so less effort , thanks to the sweet Dormouse and benevolent Cheshire Cat and Felix's mother's medicine diary.
"Oh I hope you burn in hell . A whiny, good for nothing girl. You can't even fight your own fights without dragging me in. And as far as Chan is concerned , I don't care about you marrying him. I only wanted to secure my claim over the throne by forming an alliance with a person with actual rights to this kingdom." The Queen clamps a hand over her mouth, stumbling back from the shock.
The princess let's go off her mother,betrayal clear in his eyes.
"So you admit to your crimes?"
"Yes." The truth comes out as natural as those lies she'd fed the citizens and the princess and her servants and the Knights for years.
From the corner of your eyes , you see The Princess trying to sneak past everyone and run out of the throne room , guilty of her own wrong doings but Felix stops her with a firm grip on her tiny hand , "Where do you think you're going, little one? Didn't you threaten to kill my whole family if we didn't hand Chan over to you?"
The Red Knights close in to capture the Queen and her personal guard in their unbreakable grasp , giving up their oaths of protecting the Queen - their duty is only to serve Chan from now on.
Sana steps in now , turning to address the people who are witnessing this unusual incident, "My fellow lovely countrymen, as you can see right before your eyes and hear through your own ears , your Queen has intended nothing but to harm you and our kingdom for all these years. She means no good and never will - the true heir to the throne now lies injured and chained in her dungeons. What do you suggest we do?"
"Behead her!" "Free the Prince!" "Finish off the Reds!" "Be done with her guard too ." "Crown Prince Chan."
The room thunders with all sorts of suggestions and you make an eye contact with the White Rabbit ,who nods at you and you nod back ,smiling from ear to ear.
You've done it , he wants to say , you've freed The Prince.
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The rooms in the castle were beautifully designed, but were in a terrible condition since most of the rooms were never used really and the Queen didn't feel it was important to get them cleaned regularly.
You had asked the White Rabbit to find some servants to get one of the rooms quickly prepped as the Red Knights carried Chan from the prison and into the castle - his birth home. Sana and Momo cleaned his wounds the moment he was laid down on the soft bed, changing his clothes and then softly pulling the covers over his body to keep him warm while he rests.
The White Rabbit brings you an apple but you don't eat it - you just sit by Chan's side ,praying desperately that he wakes up soon. You wouldn't be able to swallow a single grain of food until then.
You run your fingers softly over his arm ,drawing random patterns and spelling out your names on it.
"Please wake up ,Chan." You say in a whisper , scanning his calm yet beautiful facial features. "I found you ,Chan. I am here."
Your fingers find their way to his and naturally as ever ,wrap themselves around them.
Suddenly, Chan stirs in his position , a low groan leaving his parted lips. You stare wide eyed at him as he slowly opens his eyes, your hands still tightly intertwined.
He turns his head toward you , a lazy smile dancing on his lips and his eyes focusing on your face , which he'd yearned to see every second he spent in that horribly dark dungeon.
"Are you really here, y/n? Or am I finally going mad?" He asks you.
You lean in closer ,brushing a few strands of hair from his face.
"You're only as mad as the rest of us." You reply, "Welcome home ,your majesty."
Groggy and weak ,Chan pushes himself up in a seating position. "How did you deal with the Queen? Where is she? " He takes your face in his hands , "Did she hurt you?"
"She couldn't lay a single finger on me. And now she's locked up in the same dungeon as you were. She'll be given to the slave trader soon ,along with her daughter." You say. "Who knew a simple medicine and a few good friends could be enough to defeat a tyrant ?"
He giggles , pressing his forehead on yours. "Did you meet everyone else ? Momo? Sana? My friends?"
You nod with a grin. You'd come to adore his friends and family so deeply in a single day. You would hate to part from them.
"Thank you, y/n. I owe you everything. " he sighs, his breath fanning your face , "I love you so much I think it's going to drive me crazy!"
You chuckle at his cheesy words , "You're welcome. But I need compensation for all of this. An ' I love you ' is not enough."
You were joking ; hearing him confess his sincere love for you is more than enough but you liked playing with him. He looks very cute when flustered.
"Then what would the pretty lady desire?"
He shakes his head , leaning down to capture your lips in his plump ones.
This kiss was even better than the first one that you guys shared on the dance floor , mostly because you know now that even if he's taken away from you or you are taken away from him , you'll always find each other , in every world , in every universe. He pulls you up on his lap despite him being injured , and you let him.
You put your hand around his neck, pulling him closer and closer and closer . At one point ,you could no longer tell who he is or who you were. The only thing that mattered was that you loved him so much , you could deal with a hundred Red Queens for him. And you know he'd do the same for you.
"I have one last favour to ask of you ,my love." He whispers against your lips ,pulling away from the kiss. His red cheeks and sparkly eyes are a sight to behold ," I want you to stay here with me. Please."
You grin , knowing he'd say this and you were well prepared for it. Convincing Minho to let you stay was so much easier than you had expected really. All he did was shrug with a smirk and say, " Just don't get pregnant." In reality, all Minho really wanted was for you to be happy and healthy and he knew living here with Chan would make you the happiest.
"On three conditions." You reply to Chan ,who is staring at you like he'd seen a human like you for the first time.
"Okay. What are those?" He brushes your cheeks with his thumb.
"I can visit home whenever I want."
"Agreed, obviously.  You're not a prisoner, y /n."
"Then I also want to put up a small shop of my own in the main market square. I will not be wasting my time on stupid politics- that's your job."
"Agreed. I will help you with it whenever I can. What's the last condition?"
You smirk and lean your face closer to his. "Kiss me one more time."
And he does.
You smile into the kiss , wondering now that ' Alice in Wonderland '  might not have been that bad after all. She had a choice to stay or go back and she chose the latter. You had the same choices too , but you chose to stay. It wasn't about a happy or a sad ending ,after all. It was about the choices.
And as Chan holds your waist firmly, deepening the kiss , you know you've made the right choice too.
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jungshookz · 5 years
Idea- Jin patrols your campus parking lot and you keep parking in a no parking zone so he keeps giving you tickets but you just pay them and then continue to park in the zone. Jin gets sick of this and waits at your car so he can give you a piece of his mind but you come out and he thinks your really adorable and he just kinda stands there tongue tied
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➺ pairing; kim seokjin x reader 
➺ genre; crckhed hrz let’s be real 
➺ wordcount: 2k 
➺ what to expect; “to the asswipe who owns this mini cooper - do you know how to read signs? this is a no-parking zone. no. parking. zone. that means you are not allowed to park in this zone. DO NOT park here.”
➺ note; i’m pretty sure this was sent in a year ago because the messages this far back are all about mechanic!yoongi oOps! there is an obscene lack of jin drabbles on my masterlist and i am in a jin mood so if u have any drabble ideas lemme know and i might get back to you in one yEAR i hate myself   
                                       »»————- 🚗 ————-««
for the most part, jin can say that he loves his job as campus patrol officer
it’s pretty easy because all he has to do is check and make sure if anyone’s staying longer than they’re supposed to oR if someone’s parked where they definitely do not belong
like, a no-parking zone, for example!
he thinks it’s relatively easy to follow the law
it’s not hard to park in a no-parking zone
because it literally says no-parking
no-parking = no pARKING
but he is really, reaLLy being tested right now because this is probably the tenth or twelfth or HUNDREDTH time he’s written up a ticket for this stupid mini cooper
he just doesn’t understand how one doesn’t understand that a no parking zone means a no parking zone
it’s literally so self-explanatory!!!!!
and he can’t call the tow truck company to come and take it away because according to his boss jin has pulled the ‘the boy who cried tow truck’ act onE too many times and his privilege to make that call has been revoked
so all he can do is slap a ticket on the window and call it a day
at this point he’s convinced that the owner of this dumb mini cooper is is probably just repeating the same mistake juSt to get on his nerves
he doesn’t know what he’s done to deserve this!!
who drives mini coopers nowadays
why would someone want to drive such a dinky little car?????
just as he’s about to slip the ticket behind the windshield wiper he pauses
you know what
he has to switch things up
he can’t just keep giving you the same exact ticket each time because it’s obviously not scaring you
the law is supposed to be threatening and you appear to not give a heCK about his tickets (which is another reason why he’s so upset with you is because you’re not taking him seriously and he takes himself very seriously when he’s in patrol officer mode!!!)
he slips the ticket behind the windshield wiper and gives the hood of the car two firm pats
that should do it
jin lets out a breath of relief before moving on to his next victim
hopefully he’ll never see the mini cooper ever again
“oh my g- you know what, don’t even get me staRted on how much i pulled that essay out of my ass-“ you snort as you pull your car keys out of your backpack
“so do you think you did well on it?” hoseok hums over the phone
“i mean, i don’t think i did well but i also don’t think it was thAt bad-“ you have your phone sandwiched in between your ear and your shoulder as you dig through your bag
why is it that when you need to pull something out of your bag it suddenly becomes an endless mary poppins-esque style knapsack
your eyes light up in excitement when you feel it and you pull your keys out with a jingle
and just when you’re about to unlock your car (affectionately named cooper) you notice the familiar looking slip of paper on your window
oh come on
not aGAIN
“son of a bitch!” cooper chirps happily as you unlock him and you open the front door a little toO aggressively
“what’s wrong?”
“i got another friggin’ parking ticket.” you grumble as you take it before getting in the driver’s seat
you toss your bag next to you before setting your phone on the dashboard and hitting the speaker button
“maybe you should take this tenth parking ticket as a sign to stop parking in the no parking-“
“oh my god, i can’t believe this! hold on, let me reaD you what this person wrote!” you clear your throat before raising the note to the light “to the asswipe who owns this mini cooper - do you know how to read signs? this is a no parking zone. no. parking. zone. that means you are not allowed to park in this zone. DO NOT park here.” you let out a scoff of disbelief
how ruDE!
“again, maybe you should take this as a sign to stop parking in the no parking-“
“one more word out of you and i’ll send you riGht back to the world of commuting, hoseok.”
that effectively shuts him right up
you read the note one more time
somewhere out there there’s an officer who is too passionate about this no parking zone business
you lean over to glance up at the sign that very clearly states you shouldn’t park here and you give a little shrug
it’s not that you’re being an asshole and just ignoring the literal law
it’s just that this is a reaLLy good spot to park in
you used to have to park all the way in the back of the lot which resulted in you having to sprint to your classes
and you don’t wanna be huffing and puffing as you step into the lecture hall okay
plus it’s not like you’re hurting anyone or getting in anyone’s way!!!!!!
it’s not a big deal
you have no problem with paying off a couple of parking tickets as long as it means you don’t have to spRINt to your classes  
you shrug before opening up your glove compartment and shoving the ticket inside
jin whistles a happy tune to himself as he makes his way down the sidewalk at a leisurely pace
he had a pretty good today
had a good breakfast
got a free donut from the lunch ladies because not only is he a lady’s man, he’s also a lunch lady’s man
on a completely unrelated note
he doesn’t know why he has to wear this obnoxiously orange traffic vest
well obviously he knows it’s part of the job but like
out of all the colours in the world why did it have to be bright orange
why not like a muted purple or a navy blue??? those would be loveLy to wear
maybe not peach
he looks gross in anything peachy
anyways he-
“oH MY fuCKIGN-“ jin gasps as he rushes over to the MINI COOPER
“are you KIDDING me?!” jin groans loudly and ignores the odd glances he receives from the people walking past him
you know what
that’s it
this is the last straw
he’s just going to wait here til the owner of the car comes and then he’s going to give them a PIECE of his mind because they are making his job significantly harder
first his tickets are ignored and noW his threatening note has also been ignored?????
but seriouSLY
what kind of moron continues to park in a no parking zone???
jesus christ
he’s gonna need another donut after this
he’s going to need like teN donuts after this
“good afternoon, officer! is there a problem?”
oh you BET there’s a problem
“as a matter of fact-“ jin whips around to finally face the culprit of this continuous heinous crime of parking in the no parking zone
he’s finally going to be face to face with his faceless mortal enemy and he’s going to give you a piece of his goddAMN MIND-
jin’s mind goes blank the moment he settles his eyes on you
oh my god
woWie you’re cute
he usually says he doesn’t have a type but he suddenly has a type and that type is whatever you are  
you and your pretty eyes and pouty lips and veRy soft looking hair
a slight breeze blows in his general direction and he catches a whiff of your perfume
oh woW
he could swim in that scent all day
on top of that you’re wearing the cosiest looking sweater and for a brief second he wonders what you’d look like wearing one of his sweaters
“you- uh,..,.,.“ jin clears his throat and taps his pen against his notepad
what was he going to say again
something something car something donut something parking something something
you smile sweetly at him and tilt your head
“see, the thing is…”
you reach up to push your reading glasses up so they sit on the top of your head and you blink owlishly at jin “yes?”
the only thing in jin’s head is the sound of a fax machine beeping but make it as chaotic as possible
“oh my g- oh, i am so sorry!!!! i parked in the no-parking zone again, i am so sorry!” you let out a little groan as you rush over to unlock cooper
you never thought you’d be caught by an actual patrol officer so you don’t really have a plan of action
right now you’re just pulling the whole oblivious act and hopefully he’ll let you gO because you’re pretty good at convincing people that you only have two and a half braincells
one time you dumbed yourself out of doing your share of a group project and you still left that class with an A
…you’re a tinY bit of an asshole sometimes but that’s not the point
in the time that you’ve thrown your bag in the trunk and filled the silence with profuse apologies jin has managed to snap ouT of his trance
he’s not lady’s man jin right now
he has to be patrol officer kim
“you’ve actually-“ his voice cracks and jin clears his throat quickly “you’ve actually parked in this specific spot several times, despite me leaving you many parking tickets and-“
“were you the one who left that note on my car yesterday?” you interrupt him before narrowing your eyes suspiciously
why is hE suddenly the one being grilled
you’re the one who’s in trouble!!! 
…why is hE swEATING????
“well, i-“
“you called me an asswipe!” you gasp in offence and jin feels his face flush
o god
“you know what, uh, i was just frustrated because-“
“eh, it’s fine, i’ll forgive you. i guess i deserve it.” you let out a sigh and shake your head “tell you what, officer-“ you lean forward a little to look at his name tag “officer… asswipe.”
jin’s jaw drops slightly and now it’s his turn to let out a scoff of disbelief
you are opENLy disrespecting an officer of the law!!!!!
“it’s actually pronounced seokjin, i really don’t know how you messed up that badly-“  
“i promise i won’t park in this spot again-“
“oh, thank god-“
“if you give me your number.”
wait what
jin blinks
“so- i’m sorry, what?”
“this glorious parking spot in exchange for your number.” the corner of your lips raise in a smirk as you shake your phone at him 
…he’s into that
usually he’s the one asking for numbers but obviously not in this case
also he has to admit that was pretty smooth
what’s the opposite of a lady’s man
…a man’s lady?
that don’t sound right
(jin gets a text from you later that night telling him you’ll pick him up tomorrow afternoon at 3 - and that you’ll wait for him in the no-parking zone.)
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Im re-reading the JasonxZalgo headcanons and thinking about how the confession went. Do you think you could write that specifically?👀
This was supposed to be an angry love confession but instead it devolved into fluff and crying OOPS. But uhh wow I really like writing jalgo. Or maybe I just like fast paced affection idk man
Hating your boss is a universal experience. This I'm sure of. If you don't despise your boss with every fiber of your being, you're in the wrong career. And if you're self employed...erm- go fuck yourself I guess??
But I think very few people can relate to despising your boss because he refuses to stop hugging you from behind while you're trying to get work done. Oh that's called sexual harassment? Hm. Well we don't exactly have a HR department considering we don't have an office and we live together. Alone. Oh well. 
My boss is a man named Zalgo. He's tall, with copper brown skin and soft brown hair that's tipper with orange and red. He's charming, suave, intelligent, oh so handsome, and also an all powerful god of destruction. Yeah, weren't expecting that one now were ya?
Right now I'm sitting at my desk, trying to work while Zalgo stands behind me, leaning his full weight on my poor back and humming as he nuzzles his face affectionately into my neck. He's always affectionate and it drives me crazy in both the good and bad way. I adore the warmth that spreads throughout my body when he touches me. I adore the feeling of his palms running down my chest and the sounds of him humming and giggling just inches from my ear. But I also hate it. I hate the way my stomach lurches when he affectionately purrs my name. I hate the way he looks at me and I hate the way he makes me feel. 
If it were anyone, anyone else I'd be overjoyed at feeling this way but...it can't be Zalgo. He's- well...Zalgo. An all powerful god, a being so far above me and...a man. Zalgo has never addressed it but...being a god shouldn't he know? How bad it is? What would happen if someone, ANYONE from the human race were to see us as we are now? Reveling in the warmth of love's young touch, melting against and into it like the warmth of a fire. 
He hums again, his breath feels warm against my neck and it makes me break out in goosebumps. His hands hold my hips as he stands up, his warmth and weight moving away and leaving me colder but with better posture. 
"Take a break, Jason." He says, his voice smooth and cheerful. I don't want to argue with him, so I do as I'm told. I sit back a bit and Zalgo quickly moves to my front. He sits on my lap, my fucking lap and runs his hand all over me. Down my front, my back, my chest. He grips my hip with one hand and intertwines our fingers with the other. He squeezes my hand and nuzzles my neck. My breath catches in my throat and my body shudders. 
The sensation of being touched is overwhelming. He's so warm, so soft. I can't stand it. I can't! He's too kind, he's too beautiful, he's too perfect! Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it have been anyone else? And why me? Why does he shower me, of all people, with all of this unwarranted affection and words as sweet as honey? What did I do to earn him…?
"Jason…" he breathes against my neck. Delicate, strong hands unbutton my shirt and his lips press against the flesh of my throat, gliding down and pressing kisses against me, blocking air from me for only a few moments before moving away again. I say that like it's possible to breathe with Zalgo kissing up my throat, nipping and sucking on my skin like he owns it. He chuckles against me, a low soft noise that sends butterflies through my stomach. 
"Zalgo…" I breathe above him. All I can see of him is his strong body moving below me, and the top of his hair. It's so...soft looking. My hand, the one not gripping Zalgo's like a vice, moves up and I run it through his hair. It's as soft as I thought it would be, and running my hand through it feels so, so good. God I- I could stay here forever, just playing with his hair…
"Jason." Zalgo repeats again. I hum softly. He pulls his head of soft hair away from my hand and I look down at him. He stares up at me with deep, golden eyes and I feel myself falling into them. Falling into the colour, into the way they shine, falling into the confident, charming grin on his face, falling head over heels in love all over again. And every time it feels so painful knowing it'll never go past this. Never go past these nights in my workshop, where I'm left just dreaming for something more than this. 
His hands delicately cup my face and he leans in, pressing his forehead against mine. Our noses are touching. He's so close, I can feel every part of him against every part of me but it still isn't enough. I want to feel his arms around me, I want him to hold me tight against him, I want to feel his lips against mine, I want to hear him purr my name and tell me all the feelings I know he doesn't have for me.
"Zalgo." I whisper to him. His eyes open, bright and gold, staring straight into me. I melt against him. He's staring at me, calm and patient. I just- I just want to tell him everything I feel for him...the way he makes my stomach do flips, the way his touch sends goosebumps across my skin, the way I hear his voice in my dreams. The words are there but my mouth won't speak them. All I can do is let out a hoarse croak that's supposed to be sweet nothings, like the ones Zalgo gives me so casually. 
"Jason?" He moves away from me, suddenly looking worried. "Jason are you crying?" He asks me oh-so-gently. I gulp and blink. I didn't even realize- my eyes had started tearing up, stinging as tears roll down my face. I gulp. "What's wrong?" His hand runs through my hair. 
I love you is all I want to say. I love you but it's not possible, I love you but you're a god, I love you but I can't because we both had to be men. Guilt ties a knot in my stomach and makes me only sob harder. 
"Jason, Jason dear it's okay." He breathes. I sniffle, whining like a child. "What's wrong?" 
"I-" my voice sounds high pitched, feeble and scared. I swallow thickly. "Z-Zalgo I…" I can't say it. I can't I can't I can't. Zalgo's hands hold my face again and he looks at me. Those eyes, those damn golden eyes are so full of love and compassion and I hate it. 
"...I know." He whispers. I inhale sharply.
"I know." He repeats. He wipes a tear from my eye and I sniff weakly. I don't understand I don't- what does he- "I love you too, nounour." 
And that breaks me. That was the final fucking push I needed to break into pathetic tears. He always knows how to make me cry, doesn't he…? 
His arms wrap around me, holding me close. It's nothing but more shame. I'm weak, cowardly, I burst into tears so easily, and now I'm being held and comforted and shushed. He's rubbing circles into my back, murmuring his sweet nothings again. I love him, I love him so much and he knows that. 
So is that why he's kissing me? Is that why he moved over and pressed his soft, warm lips against mine? Is that why he's kneading against me, his hands cupping my face? Is this it…? Is this the dream I've always been chasing? Or is he just placating me? 
"Jason." He murmurs as our lips part. "You're the closest friend I have ever had. You're the person I trust more than anyone," he caresses my jawline, his voice soft and so loving. "I love you...dearly." 
I stare up at him. "...is this a lie?" I breathe. It's bold, calling his bluff like this, but what do I have to lose now? 
He shakes his head. "Never." He replies as he leans down and kisses me again. "...not about this." 
Somehow I believe him. Somehow I believe he genuinely cares about me...somehow, I can believe, Zalgo is capable of loving someone like me. And that’s why I melt into his kisses and let him hold me tight for what feels like hours. Our lips melt so naturally together, our hands feel so perfect on one another like they were always meant to be that way. I love him, well and truly, and he loves me too. It’s something he has told me time and time again but as I lay in bed next to him, staring into his eyes, it’s not something he even has to say...and neither do I.
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svpernatvralis · 4 years
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FENISHA LAVELLE is a 105 year old cis female vampire. people say they have a striking resemblance to camila mendes. they work as a dancer at delirium nightclub and are part of the conclave ( vampire capo ). people say they’re really ambitious, dauntless, & vehement, but unfortunately also calculating, guileful, & impetuous. why are they in invictus? well, they crave power.
henlo it me again! i hope u guys aren’t sick of me yet bc here’s my final ( for now, at least ) bb! say hello to my boss-ass bish gal fen! she’s sassy, classy and a lil badassy. she’s a rather feisty, fiery, ball of rage and anger who cba with ur bullshit tbh n she’ll tell u this too if u piss her off enough! she’s lowkey cutthroat and always out for number one, aka: herself. but, i mean, she does have some redeeming qualities and her hair is bomb af so that makes up for it all really, doesn’t it? basically that meme: ‘ she’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll punch you in the face. ’
name. fenisha isolde lavelle.
age. 105, but appears around 23.
d.o.b. january 27th.
gender. cisgender female.
pronouns. she / her.
orientation. bisexual.
affiliation. the conclave.
rank. vampire capo.
job. dancer at delirium nightclub.
adoptive mother. monica lavelle. †
adoptive father. edward lavelle. †
adoptive siblings. lola, erik, & alec lavelle. †
significant other. n/a.
child/ren. n/a.
pet/s. n/a.
spoken languages. english, & spanish.
negative traits. capricious, ornery, impulsive, guileful, & caustic.
positive traits. ardent, whimsical, intrepid, graceful, & poised.
strengths. great analyst, abstract thinker, imaginative, original, enthusiastic, open-minded, objective, honest, & straightforward.
weaknesses. very private, withdrawn, insensitive, absent-minded, condescending, loathes rules and guidelines, & second guesses herself.
eye colour. brown.
hair colour. dark brown.
height. five feet, two inches.
weight. 54 kg.
zodiac. aquarius.
element. water.
house. ravenclaw.
meyers briggs type. intp-t.
alignment. chaotic neutral.
enneagram. type three.
temperament. choleric.
intelligence type. intra-personal.
the basics.
FENISHA ISOLDE LAVELLE     —     one hundred and five, vampire, dancer at delirium nightclub, + vampire capo for the conclave !
possible triggers   :   child abandonment, foster system, adoption, cancer, death, huntington’s disease, substance abuse, alcohol, violence, gore, blood, murder.
tl;dr.     ok so for this gal, let's all give a big, warm welcome to sadness ( no, i was in no way at all inspired by salem from sabrina for that line ) bc boy oh boy, her life has been constant grief and pain, tbh. strap in for the bumpy ride, i'll give u cookies for compensation. OK SO, fenisha was abandoned as a baby, never did—and still doesn't—know her biological parents and she doesn't want to either, tbh. she bounced around from foster home to foster home until she was adopted by the lavelle family when she was eight. it was great! they were lovely people who made her feel at home. she loved them, they loved her back. in time, the older she grew, she began to resent the fact that her real parents weren't in the picture; believing she was always gonna be unloved and unwanted even tho the lavelle family did everything they could to make her feel the opposite. anywho, she fell in with the wrong crowd until she was sent off to an all-girls boarding school where she learned how to mellow herself a tad. but, here comes sadness again! at sixteen, her youngest adoptive sister passed away from cancer which made fenisha withdraw before, finally, acting out again. pressing the self-destruct button is this gal's speciality. did the pain stop? NOPE bc a year later her adoptive father passed away from huntington's disease. this time, she tried to bury her sadness, repress it and move on. for the most part, it worked. but still, she found herself gravitating towards her vices—things and people she knew were no good for her. drink, drugs, people, you name it. quickly, she realised that these things were no longer any good at keeping her dark side at bay: she needed something more, something deeper. thus, she began going down the road of petty crimes—stealing cars, smashing windows, theft, setting fires both metaphorically and literally. due to this lifestyle, she wound up entangled with some real shady folk who did ... even shadier things. most specifically, she started dating a real jackass who was violent and truthfully, a horrible person, really. fast forward a year or so and things took a swift nosedive when her lowlife boyfriend’s hands were round her throat and not in the kinky way. while she’d clawed at him and tried to fight him off, she struggled against his weight and strength until, eventually, all she could recall was waking up with a searing headache: the lights and noises just too much to handle. it wasn’t until she’d lost control to overwhelming bloodlust that she realised the truth: her boyfriend had turned her into a vampire. naturally, at first, she was horrified and it took her a hella long time to adjust but once she had, she kind of relished in her new life. once she got a grip on her nature, she joined the conclave and climbed the ranks where she now rests as a capo. all in all, she kind of digs who she is and what she is: after everything she's been through, she loves herself. it's been a long and winding road but fenisha finally believes that she's settled in her life now even if she is an overachiever who invests way more time in her job than she should. oop. tho she still refuses to let people in, her abandonment issues terrifying her to the degree that she feels that anybody she'd ever let into her life would eventually leave her in the end. *insert sad face emoji here.*
random extras.
nicknames: fen, nish, nisha ... spawn of satan   >:-) 
she loves art in every form: paintings, sculptures, music, dance, people, etc. she loves the freedom that expressing herself through these mediums gives her.
she’s ... experimental. she’s experimented with just about everything: hairstyles, clothing, drink, drugs, people ...
can be hella calculating and vindictive so do not cross her.
quite power hungry tbh.
she does have a shot at redemption but she doesn’t want it lmao. 
she’s already been to hell so why bother trying to right her wrongs?
and boy, are her wrongs a century long list shkjsh.
high key is not above killing people who don’t do things her way.
doesn’t believe she’s capable of loving anyone.
she’s lowkey a perfectionist to the point of being ruthless, also cutthroat and egotistical.
if ya ain’t of use to her, then what the heck is ur purpose???
she can be ... aggressive sometimes and most definitely has anger issues.
dry sense of humour one million percent.she can drink any man under the table.
smol but fierce.
absolutely adores animals. 
much prefers them to humans.
she’s quite adventurous and loves to feel the adrenaline in her body.
a bit meddlesome and a troublemaker.
always up for a good time.
outspoken and quick-witted with a sharp tongue.
is a tad theatrical.
really, she does what she wants to, when she wants to, without seeking the approval of others.
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tsubaki3192 · 5 years
Had I known you were taking requests, I'd have requested one sooner! May I request a HC for Shingen, Hideyoshi, Kennyo and Mitsuhide comforting their s/o who came home crying after having the worst day ever? Lots of love 💜💜
Oops that might be my bad for not properly announcing ^-^’’
[How does Kennyo, Shingen, Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide comfort MC when she’s upset from having the worst day?]
Notes: Modern! Headcannons, assumed ‘living together’ stage. Long, because I have no self-control when I have inspiration….
Warning: Kennyo’s headcanon might be a little much… because I didn’t know how to write for him lol… Talks a little about Behavioural issues in Children. I blanked out for his. 
Warning 2: I… Have no idea if this is even headcanons anymore. I got carried away… xD 
(Without further Ado, I’ll start with Kennyo!)
…. Is the type to have no idea why you’re feeling terrible, let alone how to deal with it.
To be fair, he blames it on himself: Y’know, calling himself a ‘demon’ and whatnot. And rather than he assuring you, you’re back to reassuring him that he’s not what he says he is.
But he can see the distress in your eyes; the coldness as you tell him it’s not his ‘curse, or whatever he likes to call it, that has befallen you.
You don’t work, not in a stereotypical office setting, but you do help his temple in various ways, whether it be watching the younger children, patching up clothing, or the like. Just simple things, you know?
It’s loads of fun, but every once in awhile you’ll receive angry parents, demanding for cures to their incurable children, because, you know, bringing an ill child to a temple really does something good. 
It’s not their fault that the child has behavioural issues (ones you just like to call minor, for they truly weren’t cursed) and it’s not yours, nor the child’s fault either.
(Incurable diseases they were, often genetically related, but-)
You just gently smile at them, falsely promising them that you’ll do what you can to help, even if it’s not much. (Falsely, because you know there’s really nothing that a temple can do to help… A doctor would be much better, but these were people who truly believed they had been cursed with whatever-)
But today’s issue was terrible… And that was the very least to be said. The couple who had dropped their child off had been rather… Aggressive, to say the least, dumping the child, who, mind you was seven years of age, in your arms and storming off without so much of a goodbye.
And then you were granted the responsibility of caring for the child, who would just not stop crying…. All before you had properly woken yourself up. And the child just would not leave your side, clinging to your leg wherever possible.
On top of that, the parents had looked so smug when they came to retrieve the child. 
(To be fair, you nearly slammed the door in their faces when they stepped back out.)
You just stand there for several moments, fuming at their inability to properly look after the child (And your inability to do much else for the child).
It doesn’t take long for Kennyo to find you staring at the now-shut door with clenched fists.
Again, he swears it’s his fault, but you just give him an indignant look before storming outside to the Koi pond purposely hidden in the corner of the yard where no one would dare look. The pond was yours, as it had always been since the very beginning.
Kennyo left you for several moments, unsure of how to deal with your troubles (save for giving you space). But it wasn’t even 10 minutes later that he strode out to the garden, your shared cat now cradled in his arms.
There is a wooden bridge over the pond, leading to a tiny island, and that was exactly where he found you: seated beneath the now-green Sakura tree, head buried between your arms and knees.
And he… Just takes a seat beside you. There’s quite literally no room to shift comfortably, but he ignores the fact and just… places the cat on your head.
You, however, are fully aware he is seated beside you, though you don’t dare move for the sake of breaking his almost trance-like state. 
(His actions make you want to laugh but-)
Awkwardly, he places an arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him. He doesn’t say anything, but he knows you’ve considerably calmed down. All there’s left is for you to talk. About anything; about everything.
And you do, blabbering about how your day went, how it could’ve gone, how you were being an idiot for getting so worked up about something minor.
His large hand just runs through your hair as you pull yourself onto his lap (the cat now on a branch above you), and nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck.
“Shh… Don’t cry….”
Really, he thinks he has no clue, but he does more than he thinks he does xD.
…. Is the type to pick up his phone as soon as he hears your call, and rush home when he hears your sobs…. No matter if he is scolded by Yuki or not the next day. 
(But when Yuki hears about your condition the following day, he’s actually genuinely concerned, that tsundere-)
He keeps you on the phone the entire time he runs home (it’s rush hour, he knows, and running will be faster, despite his terrible health), listening as you blabber about your day.
When he does get home, you can ensure that he will pull you to his chest, (he wheezing or not) and coo gently.
And depending on what, when and where the trouble had affected you, he’ll be sure to pamper you.
Today’s issue seemed to be about your day out:
You had taken the day off, calling in ‘sick’ for the amount of work they had given you over the past few months, courtesy of Shingen’s suggestion. You’re stressed, and it’s clear, given how little time you’ve spent with him over the past few months…
Still, as a seamstress, your work isn’t overly difficult- just plentiful- especially when you consider just which company you work for: It’s one of the highest ranking embroidery offices, and yet they refuse to allow workers to take breaks when a major project has arrived…. It’s no wonder that the company has a high drop-out/quitting/firing rate.
And yet Shingen finds you on the ground of the living room, knees curled into your chest. He could hear you cry from metres away.
You’re dressed in nice clothes- too nice for a normal, casual setting- and he had immediately assumed you had prepared a day out with your friends in town. 
You, despite being one of the best workers in the company, had been fired, thanks to a suspicious coincidence that your boss had also called in ‘sick’: More than likely the reason why you were fired. 
(Which was kinda stupid, because you were pretty sure you couldn’t be fired in places outside the yours and the company’s working hours, as per company rules.)
But you had been humiliated, stripped of your role, and fired nonetheless- All in front of your friends.
You had bolted home, ignoring the horns of passing cars and slammed the door shut behind you. Your phone had been switched off for several minutes, before you unconsciously made the decision to call Shingen.
And he was home now, preparing a simple action movie and caramel popcorn (something you had made a compromise over-). It was stay-at-home time, tonight.
But you had crawled over to him impatiently, clinging onto his back still crying.
And he’ll freeze, before drawing your arms tighter around him.
“My dear angel, weep not for the loss of your job, but for the freedom in being in mine”
And if that line didn’t address all your concerns, then who knew what would?
Be prepared for the sweetest kisses all over your face, silver words whispered in your ear and sweets. Lots of sweets. And pampering. He’ll do that too.
(Shingen’s the type to drop everything and anything for you, and that underestimates what he wants to give you.)
And when you’re ready again, he’ll give you a job in the design team. Be sure of it. Whether it’ll be clothing design, interior design- you qualify in most areas, and he’ll come to you first.
Bonus: Watch him utterly crush your old company to pieces with his words. It’ll be the best thing to watch ^-^
…. Is the type to arrive home after you do.
To be fair, you don’t blame him when he does- His devotion to Nobunaga is admired amongst many employers, both inside and outside the company. And so is his devotion to you, though very few people know about that.
So when he finds out you’ve essentially collapsed on the fluffy rug in the living room, he begins panicking.
He’s genuinely, utterly distressed at the sight of your condition, and he perhaps doesn’t even notice the tear-stains on your face… Until he turns you over in his arms.
Oh. Ohhh.
Your skin is worryingly pale, and aside from your tear-stains, your lower eyelids are darker than your norm.
And he just sits on the ground, leaning against your shared couch, as he cradles you in his arms, not at all concerned at how uncomfortable he is in the position and the clothes.
It takes him several moments before he hesitantly decides to lay you gently on the couch (shoes and socks removed) and cover you with a nearby grey overthrow, before retrieving a warm, damp cloth to wipe the stains from your face.
You stir slightly and wrinkle your brow, murmuring his name quietly against your lips when he does this, but he can see the colour returning to your face. The crinkle in your eyebrows remain though, and he brings his fingers up it, smoothing it over gently.
And that’s when you truly relax, shifting slightly to a more comfortable position and with a more satisfied look on your face.
He leaves you then, but only for a few moments before he returns, now in a more comfortable nightwear than a stiff suit and tie.
When you wake, he’ll be seated beside you, watching you with a kind look on his face. He won’t ask you how your day went, because he knows that it was downright terrible- Had it just been exhaustion, you would collapse on your shared bed otherwise. 
And he just holds you, until you’re ready to talk; until the tears have truly dried. 
You mumble everything out. How you were accidentally late, how your day spiralled down from there, how you were burnt by someone’s extra-hot coffee and how you managed to almost ruined an idol’s new item of clothing. And it wasn’t even your fault.
But he just listens, letting your head lean against his broad, muscular chest. His heartbeat is what soothes you and you rest, once again closing your eyes and falling asleep, though much faster and much more peaceful than you had just moments earlier.
“My love, none of that matters at the end of the day. Do not let their words and actions harm you. I’m always here for you. Next time something does happen, come and find me okay?”
And if you both worked for the same company (Which is more than likely, by the way), he’ll ensure that your boss becomes fired… Valid reason or not.
He’s second in command. Vice-CEO, if that makes sense. 
Also be sure that he’ll make you take the next day off and pamper you with anything and everything :3
…. Is the type to be spontaneous at times. Surprisingly sweet, too, if you’re not careful.
Though you work for the same company, you come home at very different times, given the differences in your departments.
You work as a member of the design team, while he works in the communication’s team, because that’s what he’s best at, right?
And though you technically work together, there are just times where he can’t see you for various work-related reasons.
And that includes today.
You’re home before him, though he hasn’t noticed as your shoes, usually neatly placed by the door, aren’t there, even though it’s already 9 in the evening.
Something’s wrong, he can tell, though he’s not quite sure just what… Until he spies your leather satchel, your favourite, thrown scandalously on the wooden floorboards of the living room.
He strains his ears, listening to your hyperventilating breaths and quiet sobs from above him, and he knows you know he’s home. 
He sighs, gently taking his time to return upstairs where he knows you’re attempting- and failing- to hide your distress from him. It’s okay, though. He knows you’ll be fine…. Eventually.
His footsteps are loud against the wooden steps, each soft thud drawing you to take several deep breaths to hide your emotions.
When he does arrive at the door of your shared room, you falsify reading a nearby book, one that had been placed on your bedside table.
“Oh! Mitsuhide! How was work?”
Your voice is falsely peppy for someone who had been crying just moments before, and it takes him two large steps to reach where you now sat on the bed. 
Gently and wordlessly, he wrenches the book from your hand and close it, returning it back to the table, before pulling you into a standing position.
And he draws you in, wrapping his arms around you as your face is pressed into his shoulder. You freeze as he hushes you, before collapsing against his arms in a shuddering mess.
Your tears gnaw at his heart, though he lets you wet his shoulder until your sobs slow to a stop.
When it does, he removes you from his shoulder and cups your face in his hands, thumbs wiping at the tear marks on your otherwise red cheeks. It’s embarrassing, he knows, but he won’t tease you. Not now, when you’re hurting. Not now, when he’s hurting because you are.
“Look at you, Darling. To think you would ask about my day when clearly yours was abysmal!”
Your lips curl upwards slightly, thinking about how incredulous it sounds, hiding your cheeks behind locks of hair.
But he just places a chaste kiss on your lips, before taking a seat beside you on the bed and drawing your shoulder and ear to his chest. His fingers run through your hair soothingly.
“When you’re ready, I’ll listen. When you’re ready, I’ll ensure whatever happens to you won’t happen again. I promise.”
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80s-roger · 5 years
EX - Roger Taylor {pt 5}
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well shit is going to happen really soon!
warning: this chapter contains hard-core smut
chapter six will be out soon
click here for part 4!
words +3k
on with the story!
You could barely work today. Your argument with Roger made you feel even sadder than you already were. Your boss came inside your office, looking mad.
"Y/N, I know you are with that famous drummer, but don't appear on the headlines please. I am afraid it will cause drama between the other assistants." Many of your co-workers, were jealous of you because you are dating the hot guy from Queen.
"I'm sorry boss, I can't control it. They follow us everywhere." you explained.
"Stay hidden if that's possible. I don't want your co-workers seeing you front page all the time. I don't even know if you're a worker here or a celebrity." He shook his head annoyed.
"I am a worker, my relationship has nothing to do with my work. I work and so does my partner." you stood for yourself.
"Then, keep a low profile at the world outside. I don't want my employees to be front page at the gossip newspaper. The next time this happens, you're fired." He warned you and the next thing you could think of, was being literally fired. Your time was coming. It was a matter of time being on headlines again. He left your office and you started packing your stuff to leave.
As you were walking at the elevator, one of your co-workers stopped you. There's Maya, that girl you talk with when you see each other.
"Hello Y/N! You look upset." She looked at you confused.
"I have had a terrible day." You slightly closed your eyes thinking of what has happened the last 48 hours.
"Oh, wanna have a drink? It's my treat." She offered.
"Sure, I'd like one." You smiled and you both entered the lift.
You tried to be really careful with your words. You trusted nobody. Anything you'd say, could be used against you.
"So how's Roger and you?" She asked and poured from her scotch.
"We have been better." You drank of your vodka, staring in the gap.
"You wanna talk about it?" She asked, approaching closer.
"We've had an argument at the morning. I was already stressed and he made it even worse than it was before." You looked at her with a sad vibe taking over your face.
"And what was it for?" She was weird.
"That's a couple's problem, I think we'll get over it." You nodded your head.
"Oh I see. You know, me and my girlfriend had a fight too. She acts strange. And I gave her some space." You forgot she was a lesbian. "Wanna get you another round?" She asked. Was she trying to get you drunk? You knew you had to refuse. You were also scared if the press would see you doing explicit stuff with her. You once had a one night stand with a girl. And you liked it a lot.
"No, thank you. I'll better get going. Roger and I have to discuss..." You lied. You didn't want him to appear on your doorstep.
"I understand. Well, at least, let me give you a ride home." She suggested and you agreed with her.
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She finally arrived you at home. The silence in the car was entirely awkward.
"It was nice catching up with you."She smiled at you. "Hope you will fix the things with Roger." She reassured you, touching your thigh. You felt really uncomfortable with it but she didn't take off her hand.
"Yeah I hope so, goodnight." You rushed to get out of the car, afraid if anyone was spying on you and taking shots of you and Maya. You were scared she'd kiss you.
You finally made your way up to your home sweet home. You locked yourself in the apartment, exhaling all your countless problems. It was ten o' clock; the need to take a shower jumped inside of you. You really wanted to sleep and never wake up until the nightmare is over.
The warm shower you took, reminded you of some spicy moments Roger and you had in there. It was so hot in there but right now, things are so messed up. He did hurt your feelings, he made things worse. After wearing your nighty, you wanted to cover yourself between the mattress and sleep forever but the door wouldn't let you two hours after a good sleep. It was some minutes after midnight and you were terrified who'd it be.
You unlocked and opened the door, facing a drunk Roger, standing at the wall. You didn't want him at your home tonight, but your inner world welcomed him with flying colours.
"What the hell are you doing? Leave now." You angrily said to him.
"I'm not leaving." He possessed you just by looking at you.
"Roger, you're drunk again. Go away." You tried to push him away but he resisted. He was too strong to get inside.
"I know you can't say it more than twice. You want me and I want you." He grabbed you by your neck, kissing you passionately. You wanted to taste his lips again. But your inner anger wouldn't let him. You pushed him away.
"Fucking leave! You're drunk!" You yelled at him but he literally picked you up on his shoulders, leading you to the bedroom. "Roger stop it!" You screamed at him. But you wanted him to bang you. You were dying for his touch.
"I know you want this, don't make it hard." His cocky character made you wet in seconds.
"I don't want it when you're drunk and saying crap to me! I had a terrible day and that's all your fucking fault!" You pointed at him while he was getting undressed. He gave no shit.
"It's time to fix it then. Get undressed. You don't want me to have it done for you, do you? I have ripped off so many of those." He laid on top of you, kissing you with passion. You forgot all your problems in seconds. His perfume felt like a drug inside you.
You were desperate to be touched by him. He removed your nighty, leaving you on your black underpants. With his big palm, he massaged your breasts, leaving you moaning his name softly. He placed his head in your neck, leaving you hickeys and kisses.
"I need to know how much you want it." He said while you were enjoying his passionate kisses. You didn't speak as the arrogant bitch you can be from time to time when you're mad at Roger. He knew you were mad at him. That's why he wanted to tease you. He removed your underpanties, leaving you all naked in front of him.
His fingers were touching your private area. "You're so wet for me, but you're not telling me how much you want it. I'm not going to beg for it." He rubbed your clit, which sent you pleasure waves all over your body. But he slightly stopped, looking at you. You looked at him. He made that cocky smile of his waiting for your answer. "Why are you such a bad girl?" He asked you and tickled your body. "I'm afraid I have to be strict with you. I didn't want to. You made me." He smiled, leaning to the cabinet, grabbing some ribbons of yours and wrapping them around your wrists, against your bed. You had your hands tied behind the bed and you said no words. You loved that kind of sex you and Roger have from time to time.
"You won't move. And I won't be gentle. I'm warning you baby." He grabbed his condom, wearing it around him. He split your legs, having your area visible to him. His hands hugged your thighs when he got inside you, moving fastly, just like how you wanted it. You loved the dominant Roger. His hands were moving on your entire body, you both locked your eyes, staring each other. Yet, you said no word, which made Roger gain another orgasm. He was moving harder than before. All you did was just moaning. Not saying a single word, despite how much you wanted to. He always wants to hear how good he makes you feel, but not tonight.
"I want to hear it Y/N..." He moaned while he was about ready to cum. You wanted him to come first, but it was impossible. You already had your second orgasm and you were close.
"You don't worth my begging." You eagerly said.
"I don't?" He raised his eyebrow and removed himself from your vagina. You whimpered without wanting it. It came out naturally. You were so close on cumming, you didn't want him to know that too. His gaze turned again on you. "Oops, what happened to you babygirl? You want more? You're not convincing me..." He teased you. But you moved your hips provocatively at him, asking for more.
"But I want to cum too, it's not only your cock and your cocky self." You mocked him.
"You cum even when I'm looking at you. You just want extra credit." He untied you, but you thought you wouldn't be tied anymore. "No, no babygirl. You wished." You looked at him confused. "Turn over." He ordered and you did what he said. You loved being under him. "I will let you cum only when you say the words." He said while he was wrapping the ribbons from your wrists against your bed.
His hard dick, got placed inside you, filling you up entirely. You couldn't stop moaning and grabbing the bed's banisters. But you didn't say the words he wanted to hear. You got that nerve, reminding you what a jerk he was to you at the morning. "Fucking say it." He said and slapped your butt cheeks, leaving you red marks.
"No!" You said with your heavy breathing. His slaps, got tougher and you moaned loudly as a sign of pleasure.
His thrusts got deeper, faster and harder. You loved rough sex with Roger. He laid on top of you, pulling your hair and grabbing your neck without choking you of course whispering at your ear.
"I want to hear the words Y/N. Say them and you'll cum. Say them loudly, I want your neighbours to know." He aggressively said and bit you.
He was so close on cumming, but his ego wasn't pleased yet. He was rubbing your clit fastly and forcibly and now you were forced to shout as your legs were shaking.
"Oh my God Roger! Fucking hell! I cummed!" You desperately yelled after keeping these words to yourself for a long now. After hearing you, his voice was even deeper than it was before, his hands' veins could easily be seen next to your hands while he cummed inside of you. He finally untied you.
You turned over again, facing him. He was red after reaching his climax. So were you. He left your room, going inside your bath, washing himself and you were waiting for him naked at the bed. He laid next to you.
"You just had to say these words. Don't make it hard for both of us. You know I can make you finish no matter what." He said laughing. "And I wasn't drunk. Just two shots." He added.
"Fuck you Roger!" You angrily said turning around.
"Can I smoke here?" He asked looking at you when you were trying to sleep.
"No! Go outside, I want to sleep." You looked at him.
"You didn't look like you wanted to sleep ten minutes ago." He teased you again.
"Yeah because you were too busy fucking me."You said back and he laughed. "Good night now, I had a bad day." You turned your back at him again.
"But it eventually turned out good." He went outside the balcony, smoking one of cigarettes. You were staring at his silhouette before your eyes closed entirely again.
You solved your argument with him but you were still mad. Not as much as you were before though. You knew you loved him. You couldn't stay mad at him forever.
The next morning
You opened your eyes, staring at the balcony. It was sunny outside; the sunlight entered your slightly dark room, passing through the white curtains. You moved yourself and heard a soft groan coming next to you. There was a naked Roger hugging one of your pillows while he was still sleeping. You couldn't move because his arms were wrapped around you, not making you able to move. He's a heavy big spoon. It was 9 am. He should have left already. You had to wake him up.
"Roger you have to wake up..." You moved him a bit.
"Mhmm..." He groaned again not moving a muscle. "Just five more minutes." he said with his grumpy voice.
"But you're going to be late. And I have to get ready for my work too." You tried to push him off but he wouldn't let go.
"Fuck everyone. I want to stay here today." He kissed you at your cheek.
"But we're still not over everything. There are so many problems we haven't solved yet." You let go of his arms and he finally opened his ocean eyes.
"Everything's under control Y/N... There's nothing to worry about." You could tell he was lying. There was something wrong.
"You're lying Roger I know it." You got out of your bed, starting to dress up for your work. "What's happening? I know you know something." You said.
"We just woke up. Can't we just drink some coffee and talk about it?" He did the same as you.
"No Roger, we can't. The sooner the better. Do you know what my boss told me yesterday?" You loudly said.
"No, what did he say?" He asked clueless.
"He warned me that if he and my co-workers see me again on headlines and generally on spotlight, I'm fired!" You finally shouted letting out your anger.
"But you're gonna get fired. It's inevitable not to be taken photos..." He considered it. He looked serious. He thought of the tape and you knew.
"My life is getting ruined by everyone right now! I'm losing my job, my dignity, my privacy, you..." the thought of losing him, makes you sick. You don't want to lose him. You started crying. "I can't do this anymore." You laid down on the floor, covering your head with your legs and Roger ran next to you, hugging you without saying a word. What would he say? He knows you're messed up now.
"Things will be better, I swear." He said, comforting you. "Just tell me one thing, Y/N." he looked at you with eyes wide opened.
"What is it?" You asked.
"What would you do if the tape was leaked?" He said and you felt really weird with it. Like, he knew it would be leaked so he wanted you to be prepared.
"Do you know something? Why are you asking me that?" You panicked.
"I'm just asking you. We have to be prepared in any second." He explained but you couldn't stay calm.
"Just tell me the goddamn truth Roger!!" You screamed and stood up from the floor.
"Derek quitted himself from his manager tasks. We had a fight about... you know. The tape." He stood up too, moving his hands nervously.
"Oh my God Roger, I'm sold. I'm fucking done. He will have already sold the video!" You started moving like a maniac inside the room.  "What did he say?" You asked.
"I'm afraid he's doing what we're afraid of. We should... you know... Cover it." He tried to explain but it didn't make sense.
"He's going to make me get fired. Are you bullshitting me right now?" Your jaw was shaking. You haven't been at your good for two days now.
"Fuck your work. I can take care of you Y/N. I would marry you if that's what you want!" He yelled.
"I don't want you to marry me because you want to undercover the mess right now! We're both under pressure!" You yelled back. Neighbours heard load moans eight hours ago and now they hear the same couple fighting.
"It's not my fault, you know! It was you and him back then!" he shouted
"But now it's you, who has the fame and that can ruin my life right now!" you walked through the living room and he followed you.
"And I'm trying to help but you think you're helpless in this drama." He looked at you, still shouting but distance so minimized.
"I do feel helpless. But also defenceless. And I don't want that Roger. I don't want to feel powerless. Not when I know my past would be out in less than a day." You let out a breath, standing at the kitchen's counter. The tense was almost over.
"Listen... There's this press conference we have in a couple of days. If Derek attempts publishing it after the conference, he won't try to say shit about you cheating on me and stuff." He explained.
''And how's that going to happen?" You asked confused.
"I can prepare the paps about it. They know me as the hot drummer, who takes some risks. You know..." He kissed you, trying to take the tense entirely away.
"So you're telling me that you'll just go out there and say hey me and my girl made a hot tape which we're really excited about?" You mocked him and he was dead serious.
"Exactly." He came closer to you, at the point you could feel his boner between your legs. He was rubbing, against you trying to turn you on but the press wouldn't let you free.
"Babe, you're a musician, not a porn star. Besides, it will affect your career if you just say you're on a tape in which you're actually not." you tried to push him off but he didn't let go. Instead, his hands, entrapped you.
"Trust me, the fans love when they get to see their favourite celebrity naked. And the fun part of this, is that I'm not in there. It's just your ex's dick." He kissed you again.
"Yeah and me, entirely naked. Does that make you feel comfortable?" You asked him.
"No, it doesn't. Because I'm the one who can see you with no clothes. It actually makes me mad thinking you've been with many guys in the past." He made a weird face expression but you didn't seem bothered by it.
"I'm not a whore Roger. I was just looking for some guy to be with but it only turned out as a guy to have sex with. But look at you too. You've slept with many girls before too. It doesn't even make me mad." You said back annoying him.
"Yeah cause you are finally the only woman in the entire world who gets a dose of Roger Taylor inside her." He teased you and connected his lips with yours.
"You and your bloody ego..." you shook your head. "But why are you taking this risk? Taking the blame?" You asked.
"Because I fucking love you and I can't stand seeing you concerned and upset all the time." He hugged you. You felt so beautiful right then.
"I love you too..." You closed your eyes, smelling his majestic scent.
The fact Roger was about to take the blame on a sex tape he wasn't even starring, made you love him even more than before. It made you feel a lot better. There was a fuss coming soon about you and he was right there to pick you up and walk with you.
taglist: @rogxtaylor @bohemiansweede
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vennfiction · 5 years
Flirting, Fighting and Faking Your Way Through College Pt.2
A/N: Yes, I know I’m a dirty fucking liar but like I got inspired so fuck you. This is actually trash though so a third part will still come out on the set date 💜
Summary: Roman gets a taste of his own medicine and Virgil gets desperate for help. Oh and we meet some new friends.
Story Text:
It was a Thursday morning on campus and, even if none of them knew it yet, it was going to be one hell of a day. Roman Prince woke up early that morning and put on running clothes, might as well make the most of the cool weather, he thought. So, decked out in nothing but sweatpants, joggers and a iPhone armband he left his room and ran out into the dark of the day. What he did not expect was to run right into one Virgil Salem on his way back to the dorm. Literally...right into. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, I- wait, panic at the everywhere, is that you?!” He said in shock. Virgil groaned in pain. “Yes it is Princey, but it won’t be for long if you don’t get the fuck off me!” The aforementioned Princey turned as red as his trackpants and basically jumped off the emo. “Wow Roman, real charming of you,” Virgil said hauling himself up.
“Sorry,” he said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah well-“ the short man cut himself off, flushing an adorable pink colour. At least, adorable to Roman, Virgil cursed himself in this moment for the blush. “W-where is your shirt?” He stuttered and Ro grinned, a stupid, smug, shit-eating grin, and leaned in close. “Why stormcloud? It bother you?” Virgil, slowly dying of gay panic, shuddered under the gaze before composing himself. Roman was gonna pay for that. “ ‘course not Roro, I just thought you might be cold,” he said innocently, slowly leaning into the other man’s space “You know it’s a lot warmer in my room,” and with that, their faces barely an inch apart, Virgil leaned in and booped his nose, turning on his heel and walking off into the early morning light. Roman Prince however, stood, perfectly in place and redder than a tomato for a good 30 seconds. Then he ran up to his room and took a cold shower.
By the time Wednesday came, Roman actually had the upper hand in this battle of theirs. Virgil was frustrated and so were his other dormmates, for a different reason though. “Virgil Raine Terrance Salem, you are a gay mess and the world can see it,” Dee said matter-o-factly, coming out of his room to the sight of V and Remy talking in hushed tones. Virgil shot him a glare at the use of his full name, while Remy simply laughed and chucked the obnoxious man a bottle of cold brew. “Hun as true as that is, we’re in the middle of fixing that. Not that you can talk snake face,” Dee ran a hand over the snake scales tattooed on the left side of his face before smirking. “You love it,”
“Unfortunately yes, I do. Now shoo bitch, there’s Roman tea and gurl I am not missing it for your shit,” Remy laughed, waving a hand dismissively. Dee gave the gossipy man a peck on the cheek before heading for the door. “Byebye Remington,”
“Uggh, bye babes,” And the door clicked shut.
Virgil coughed “um, hello, earth to bitchface, hello, Remy, anybody home?”
“Oh yeah, that’s right hun we were talking about Roman, that’s right,” Remy said tearing his eyes away from the doorway.
“Yeah. We were. Help,”
“Look you want my advice, do what you’re doing but slowly turn up the heat. Be the one to initiate it, show the bitch who’s boss, then he’ll have to date you or at least he’ll really wanna fuck you. Either way, win-win I say,”
“REMY,” V basically screamed, throwing an empty Starbucks cup at his head.
“Or, here’s a thought, you could just ask him out,” said a voice from the hall.
Virgil fell off his stool. “AAAHH! Oh my GOODNESS! EMILE! For god’s sake, man!”
“Oops, didn’t mean to spook ya kiddo. A little birdie told me you had it bad for our resident prince,”
Remy, who’d finally stopped laughing, wiped a tear from his eye and turned to face the senior. “Your little brother really tells you everything doesn’t he, babes?”
Emile shook his head with a chuckle and helped Virgil up. “Patton only tells me what I need to know,”
Virgil glared at the two. “Neither of you are helping,”
“Hey!” Emile said, feigning offense. “What’s wrong with my approach?”
Virgil simply gestured to himself and raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“Fine, ignore the double Psychiatry major, I have an optional lecture I could go to now anyway,”
Virgil sighed. “Emile, I’m sorry please stay! I need help!”
“Bitch, what am I? An incredibly attractive and talented RUG?”
“A drama queen Remy, that’s what,”
Pt. 1: https://vixtricksandfanfics.tumblr.com/post/188041128031/flirting-fighting-and-faking-your-way-through
Pt. 3: https://vixtricksandfanfics.tumblr.com/post/188150565841/flirting-fighting-and-faking-your-way-through
Part 4: https://vixtricksandfanfics.tumblr.com/post/189754148931/flirting-fighting-and-faking-your-way-through
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haledamage · 5 years
Character Interview: Kira
@queen-scribbles, @rannadylin, and @thewildmother all said I should do more and I didn’t need much encouragement at all, so here we are :D I’m tagging all three of you back because you have great OCs and I want to know more about them! (borrowed the extra questions from @risualto because they’re good questions and it bugged me that the numbers weren’t matching up. consider yourself tagged again too, darling <3)
I went with Kira this time, since Cait asked for her specifically, and I’ll have Cait’s up soon! (naming a character after my friend (sort of) definitely didn’t make that sentence confusing oops)
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name ➔ Detective Kira Grace Kingston. I’d prefer if you just call me Kira, but some of my friends prefer to refer to me by title instead, so you can do that too if you’d like.
are you single ➔ yes. Have been for a long time, in fact.
are you happy ➔ yes, for the most part. Life can get a bit… hectic, sometimes, especially in my line of work, but I have good friends, a good relationship with my mum, a job I’m proud of, and enough money to keep my car running… mostly. Can’t ask for much more.
are you angry ➔ Sometimes. I don’t get angry easily, except… well, except when Adam’s involved. Just between you and me, I think he does it on purpose.
are your parents still married ➔  I… no. My father died when I was little. I don’t really remember him. But Mum took it really hard. She’s never really moved on from it.
birth place ➔ I was born in Wayhaven. I’ve lived here my whole life.
hair colour ➔ dark brown
eye colour ➔ also brown. Nothing fancy, I’m afraid.
birthday ➔ 28 April
mood ➔ an interesting combination of content and overwhelmed. There’s a lot of big changes happening in my life right now, but they mostly herald good things. I hope. I’m optimistic about the direction my life is headed.
color scheme ➔ black, mostly. I know it’s boring, but I like it, okay? I also like wintergreen, dark blue, and ice blue... but still mostly black
gender ➔ Female.
summer or winter ➔ summer. My favorite season is actually autumn, but I like summer better than winter. I don’t care much for snow.
morning or afternoon ➔ hmm… afternoon. Mornings can be kind of hectic.
are you in love ➔ no. but I… let’s just say that I'm open to the possibility and that there’s... potential for it. I guess we’ll see.
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ no, but I think you can connect to someone at first sight and that connection can lead to love. Sometimes you just meet someone and you… you just know. That they’ll be an important part of your life in some way. I don’t think it’s the same as love at first sight, but it’s something.
who ended your last relationship ➔ I did. Should’ve done it sooner. Fuck him.
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I don’t think so. I can only think of one situation where I could have, and well… I don’t think he has one.
are you afraid of commitments ➔ no. I’m… cautious, but not afraid of them.
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes. My mum, at the very least.
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ I think I have one right now, actually. He isn’t very good at secrets. (she looks out toward the main room of the police department, where you see a young man will light blond hair playing games on his phone) I’m still trying to figure out how to let him down easy.
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ like wanting something you couldn’t have? I... maybe. that’s a very loaded question, I think. I’ll just say... not broken, exactly, but it hurts sometimes
love or lust ➔ love. Lust is great, loads of fun, but love is… it’s a warm fire when the whole world is cold.
lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea. Tea in any capacity.
cats or dogs ➔ I wish I had time for a pet. I would love to have a cat.
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ a few best friends. I’ve never had very many friends, and the ones I do have I hold very dear.
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in. I’m not much for going out. I don’t have much of an eye for romance though, either.
day or night ➔ night. My closest friends are… well, let’s just say they’re night owls. I’ve been learning to be as well.
been caught sneaking out ➔ nope. I’ve never snuck out. If I want to go out, I just go. As long as I tell Mum where I am, she doesn’t mind.
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ fallen down a fire escape once. Only a few steps, but I think it counts. Banged my shin on one of the ladder rungs, that hurt for days after.
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ No. Yes. I… does it count if you don’t know what it is you’re wanting? Like you’ve got an empty space in your soul and you don’t know how to fill it up? Because I feel like that sometimes.
wanted to disappear ➔ no. sometimes I wish I could be a little less observed, but never so much so that I’d like to disappear
been involved in a fight you thought you couldn’t win ➔ yes. Some days I’m still surprised we won. We got lucky. (she rubs at her neck, fingers tracing along a pale scar there) Very lucky.
smile or eyes ➔ eyes. Window to the soul, innit?
shorter or taller ➔ taller. Not that shorter is a deal-breaker or anything, but… yeah, I like tall.
intelligence or attraction ➔ intelligence. Though I feel like that doesn’t just mean book smarts. Emotional intelligence, or tactical or social intelligence are also very good things. And all very attractive, since we’re on the subject.
hook-up or relationship ➔ relationship. Nothing wrong with hook-ups. I just tend to prefer something longer term, if I go for either at all.
do you and your family get along ➔ My mother and I have always been very close. Closer now that we’re working together, even if she is kind of my boss now. I don’t really have any other family. It’s always just been Mum and me.
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ I don’t think I do, actually. It probably looks like it from the outside, what with the… Agency business, but in my mind that just keeps things from getting boring.
have you ever ran away from home ➔ no. Why would I need to? And for that matter, where would I go?
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ no, again. On the rare--very rare--occasion that Mum and I have fought, we talk it out. We’re sensible women and not really prone to dramatics
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ no. I don’t have the patience to pretend to be friends with someone I hate
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ yes. Some of them are kind of assholes sometimes, but that’s part of their charm, innit? It doesn’t affect how good of friends they are
who is your best friend ➔ Tina, probably. She’s certainly my oldest friend, and we’ve been through a lot together. Sometimes she’s the only thing sane and normal in my life. But also… (she glances around, as if to make sure you don’t have an audience) Felix. Sometimes I feel like I’ve known him forever. It was just… instant, you know what I mean? Don’t tell him I said that. He’s got enough of an ego without my help.
who knows everything about you ➔ Mum. She knows what it’s like to be stuck between two worlds like I am. She’s the only one that really does, I think. Six months ago, I would have said Tina, too, but… there’s things these days that I can’t tell her. I wish I could. I hope someday I can.
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btgalaxy · 5 years
➳ a/n: this was gonna be a drabble oops ~ admin lottie
➳ pairing: jin x reader
➳ genre: angst
➳ word count: 2.5k
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        “I left dinner in the fridge.” You tell your husband, leaning down to place a tender kiss on his cheek while he scans over the newspaper, scoffing down some scrambled eggs you made earlier.
“Lasagna?” He mumbles through his mouthful, glancing at you briefly.
“It’s a pasta bake. You can oven heat it until it’s hot then split it between you and the kids.” You inform him, taking your car keys out of the kitchen drawer and rummaging through the cupboard to locate your spare key to leave under the mat for when you get home.
“You’ll be back tomorrow morning right?” He inquires, finally drawing his attention away from his newspaper to look at your retreating form, struggling now to haul your overnight suitcase to the front door.
“Yeah, and the conference is only a couple of hours away so if there’s an emergency I can always come back.”
“So 10am, right?” He confirms again, spooning another mouthful of eggs into his mouth.
“10am. I’ll give you a call when I get there. Don’t forget to pick Y/D/N up from ballet after school, she finishes at 6, but sometimes they like you to stay for a bit to watch what they’ve done in the session.” You announce and he sighs in response. Despite being a great dad, Jin never liked to attend recitals and ceremonies; he’s always been a pat on the back kind of father, giving the kids a solid well done and keep up the good work before continuing on with life. He doesn’t really do dramatics.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, gorgeous.” You wave him goodbye as he takes a sip of his coffee, freshly brewed from your new machine.
“See you.”
The conference runs smoothly, as does Jin’s evening. You call him at 8, and he confirms he picked up Y/D/N and made the kids dinner. He’s a little dismissive in the way he talks, and you pick up on it quite quickly, but you pin it down to the fact he’s been left alone with the kids for the night which rarely happens; he’s usually the one on the business trips and leaves you to handle them. Not that you mind, you know his job is quite demanding and his boss is a particular prick when it comes to your husband.
After you hang up, you find yourself rather drowsy and turn in for the night quite early, regardless your colleagues’ insisting that you should head down to the bar with them to drink for the evening, but you guess you miss your kids, your husband, your home; you’re a mother- you worry, it’s what you do. So you head into bed by 9, enveloping yourself in the satin sheets encasing the hotel’s thick duvet. You take a mental note to buy yourself and Jin’s bed some new sheets too, you’ve had yours for long enough now that the colours started to tinge and the white now more of a soft grey.
You find yourself tossing and turning all night, and when it reaches 5am and you’ve barely slept at all, you figure your best chance would be to drive home early and get a couple of hours sleep in at home, in your own bed. You send one of your co-workers a text, updating her that you’ll be leaving early after a rough night which you won’t expect a response from for at least a few hours; from all the racket outside your door last night it sounds as though they really did make good use of the bar.
The exhaustion sets in as you drive home, only fuelled by the thought of curling up next to your husband and getting back to sleep. In fact, as you’re home so early and the kids will still be dead asleep, you think to yourself about waking him up when you get there. Maybe you could even have morning sex because you can’t even remember the last time you had sex before 10pm. You always anticipated that your sex life would buffer beneath the non-stop agenda that comes hand in hand with marriage and kids, but lately it’s really suffered as you’ve even lost your alone time while one of you goes away on a business trip or has to work late or is attending a recital- it’s all piled up.
You quietly unlock the front door and step in, adamant not to wake up the kids and interrupt your plans to finally get a moment alone to reconnect with your husband of 9 years. You cautiously make your way up the stairs, holding your bag against your shoulder and making sure it doesn’t knock against any walls to disturb any slumber. You smile victoriously as you pass by your son’s room, finally reaching your destination with a profound sense of triumph.
Hesitantly, you open the door, allowing a little light to spill into the room and across the blankets strewn haphazardly across the bed- which automatically sets you a little on edge as Jin has never been a restless sleeper, always very still and undisturbed. What really unnerves you, however, is the sight of some lacy, female pants on the mahogany flooring, next to a bra, a dress, some heels. Your stomach drops and you feel sick as your hand snaps up to switch on the light.
There she is. A young brunette sleeping soundly on your side of the bed, with your husband’s arm hung loosely across her bare back as she curls up towards him. God, it hurts. It hurts so much when his arm tightens around her protectively as his eyes flutter open to meet your own, slightly widening in alarm as he actually acknowledges your unexpected presence.
“Y/N?” He rasps, moving to sit up on the bed while covering his lower regions. God, like you haven’t seen any of that before. It’s like you were never even married for 9 years.
“What is this?” You choke, as the woman stirs a little, shuffling closer to the man you love in her most vulnerable, perfect state.
“Y/N this isn’t-,” he stammers, “she isn’t- I can’t-“
“Baby?” She groans, still unaware of your presence in the doorway as she awakens further and runs her hands onto his chest to pull him back down. You want to claw out her damn eyes, but you feel as though a whole grand piano has fallen on you, pinning you to the floor as you suffocate under the weight of it.
“Y/N let’s talk downstairs.” Jin is suddenly scrambling to get some boxers on as he moves out of the bed and the girl finally turns to look at you, tears subconsciously streaming from your eyes although you maintain a neutral expression.
“Oh shit,” she whispers, “fuck.” She too is now clambering for her clothes, and you can’t help but notice her breasts are that much perkier than yours, skin that much clearer and tighter than your own. You refrain from looking any lower than that, not wanting to damage your pride even further.
“Y/N we should talk downstairs.” His hand reaches out and touches your arm as he stops next to you, and you slowly look at the point of contact before glaring back up at him, shoving his palm as far away from you as possible.
“We should talk downstairs? We should talk downstairs?” Your volume increases as you become more and more hysterical, the reality finally settling in after your moment of immobility.
“What the fuck is this, Jin?” You begin screaming, “have you seriously been fucking another woman in my house in my bed with our fucking children metres away! Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Y/N calm down.” He speaks quietly, slightly sternly which sets you off even more. He has no right to tell you to do anything right now.
“No, no- what the fuck-,” You stumble over your words amongst your hysteria, “how long- who the fuck is she?”
“I should go.” The woman speaks up, now holding most of her things awkwardly in her arms as your eyes snap towards her and grate over her figure, glowering as she fumbles clumsily to get past you.
“Fucking right you should. And you should never come back.” You snarl, glaring her down as she cowers past and jogs down the hallway, where she runs into none other that your little girl, staring innocently at the unfolding events in front of her eyes.
“Mummy?” She calls, eyes stinging with tears at what she’s witnessed. Your anger begins to ease momentarily as your maternal instincts kick in and you move towards her wiping at my eyes, hearing the door slam shut as the other woman makes her frantic escape.
“Mummy what’s happened?” She sobs, and you cradle her into your arms and carry her back into her bedroom, sparing Jin a livid glance while he rakes his fingers through his hair under the doorway to your bedroom.
You gently stroke her hair, tucking her back into bed, “nothing’s happened, sweetheart. Just go back to sleep, okay?” Your tone is stoic and resigned, although your actions comfort her still, enough that she accepts your words and turns back over carefully, bringing her small hands to rest under her head as she closes her eyes again.
“I’ll see you in the morning, beautiful.” You kiss her on the forehead before slowly walking back out and gently clicking the door shut again. The light spilling from downstairs indicates Jin’s presence and you hastily bite back the stinging wetness at your eyes, clamping your teeth down on your lower lip as it trembles helplessly. You haven’t cried like this in so long; you always had this preconception that mother’s should only cry when their kid does something incredible and you’re just so proud of them you can’t help but cry happily at what they’ve achieved. You never anticipated you would be crying after finding your husband in your own bed with another woman. Never.
Deciding to be strong and relegate the desperate urge to smack your husband with as much force as you can muster while kicking him out the front door, you make your way downstairs and to the light of the kitchen, where Jin is breathing heavily with his head in his hands, elbows on the countertop. You gulp, moving towards the man that now feels like a stranger when he looks up at you with desperate eyes, regret flooding his features.
“Y/N,” he swallows, squeezing his eyes shut as his eyes begin to leak, “Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
You stand opposite him, on the other side of the counter. And as he looks at you, you can’t help but picture you both stood at the altar with your looks of carefree, unconditional love as you gazed at each other, the priest’s words drowned out while you could only focus on each other and the fire you felt burn whenever you touched. Now look at you.
“Who is she?” Your voice is stagnant, dripping with an underlying venom that rolls off your tongue.
He nervously glances at the granite counter, “a friend of a friend, I met her at a bar.”
You laugh coldly, “so you brought back some slut from a club. Classy.” Your words even surprise yourself, as you wouldn’t usually be so prejudice, but they are just falling from your lips themselves the way water cascades down a waterfall; it just happens.
Jin ignores your malice, “she’s nothing to me.” You know he’s lying. You know he wants her.
“How long?” You question vaguely, though he immediately knows what you’re asking.
“I’ve only slept with her twice and only recently,” he defends.
“Oh perfect, that makes it so much better.” You spit.
He pauses, exhaling, “but I’ve been taking her out for a few months now.”
It’s probably the worst thing you could ever hear.
You think this hurts so much because he was never actually sleeping with her, till recently. He must’ve been going to her for company, for the feeling of falling in love, being in love. Yes, you’ve not exactly had the chance to see each other much these past few months but your love for him never faltered. You never questioned it nor even considered going to someone else for the comfort you weren’t getting from him.
“Y/N I’m so sorry.”
“How could you bring her here?” You whisper, caving to your emotions, “how could you let her sleep where I sleep? I’m your wife, Jin. I’m the mother to your children.”
He begins sobbing, “I fucked up, Y/N. I fucked up so bad.”
The fact you’ve been married for 9 years makes your heart instantly want to comfort him, despite his infidelity. You hate that you love him, but after 9 years you can’t just ‘switch it off’. It just doesn’t work like that.
“Y/N,” He pants, all of a sudden coming towards you in a frenzy, “please don’t leave me. I’ll never see her again, I’ll never do this again, I don’t want to leave you, I always loved you, I never stopped-“ His words are frantic and panicked, but you cut him off with a sharp tone.
“I don’t want to hear your excuses, Jin.” You speak, finally feeling a little calmer as you divert your thoughts to figuring out how the hell you will move past this, if you can move past this.
“Y/N, please,” he begins weeping, and immediately drops to his knees as his arms snake around your legs, “Y/N, please don’t leave me, I can’t live without you.”
You let him bawl into your knees as his shoulders shake, the vision of his blonde head against your legs taking you to a more intimate place where you always felt safe with your husband. But, after this, you don’t know if you’ll ever feel safe again.
“I think we need some time apart.” You declare with a shaky voice, as Jin’s actions cease and his bloodshot, puffy eyes look up at you pleadingly.
“Please, no, please stay. Stay for a bit we can talk about this.” He cries, still on his knees as he begs.
You jostle out of his grip and his palms hit the floor as you back up, “we will talk. But I need space from you first.”  
You’re thankful to already have a packed bag, as you approach the door, Jin now sat at the dining table somewhat more composed, yet still broken. You don’t say goodbye as you reach for the door handle, because goodbye means something definite to you, and despite all he’s done you don’t think you’re quite ready to say goodbye just yet. You shut the door behind you lightly, finally letting out a breath you don’t realise you’re holding till you can breathe in the open air of your front porch. You walk down the steps to the drive and back into your car again, bag in hand, and you tightly grip the steering wheel with a strong breath. And you drive away.
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nerdydork · 5 years
Give some headcanons about DeweyxAva
Headcanons for Avey:-Dewey and Ava met at Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin, as he had a business meetingwith a fellow company on renewing a deal. Ava’s father was filling in for hisboss, who always strangely unable to make meetings with other companies.-Ava didn’t like Dewey at the beginning. Actually, she never had the intentionto dislike him. It was very low and shallow due to the fact he was polaropposite from her and kept on pushing her out of her comfortzone, which shefelt uncomfortable with. -Ava and Dewey got along was when the two of them were trapped alone in a lifeor death situation, which Ava so useless and given up and confessed that she wasgoing to die with someone who she didn’t like. At this point Dewey was annoyedbut as he was just as useless as she was, the two actually talked out why Avadislike him and such. This actually began their friendship. -The two hold each other pinkies. It may sound strange, but it relates to whentheir friendship began. When they thought their lifes were to an end, Dewey grabbedher pinky finger, as it was the only thing he could help and ‘calm’ her down.After that, whenever Ava has an anxiety attack or feeling frighten, she tendsto grab a hold of Dewey’s pinky..or when she notice when Dewey isn’t himself,she takes a hold of his pinky. It a simple reminder that they are there for oneanother.-These two both teaches one another something. Dewey taught Ava how to livelife to the fullest, enjoy every second of it, have fun, and fighting for what’sright. While Ava taught Dewey the beauty of the world when you slow down for asecond, stop and smell the roses from time to time, and art. These are just a fewexamples. -They both pull one another out of their comfortzones. Mostly Dewey is doingthat to Ava though. -With Dewey’s reckless decision making, Ava actually pulls him back when hegets into extreme danger. Basically think of it as the voice in your head thattells you ‘hey, you’re gonna hurt yourself if you do it this way, rethink that plan.’That smart little voice that has the common sense. -Ava is the calm peaceful one between the two.-Some pet nicknames Dewey gave Ava are ‘Peeper’ (first it was an insultnickname once Dewey found out Ava’s middle name was Peep. As time passed, Avagot use to the nickname and Dewey is the only one allow to call Ava ‘Peeper’)and ‘Droplet’ one of his friends tease Dewey by saying ‘Looks like Dewdrop hasa Droplet’ and Dewey like that nickname that he began calling Ava ‘Droplet.’- Some pet nicknames she gave Dewey are ‘Dewdrop (reason was when they were youngerDewey wasn’t fond of the nickname Dewdrop and Ava used it to bug him but astime went on, he got use to it and prefer Ava to call him that.) she also latercalls him ‘Amour’ (love in French due to her French background and her speakingFrench).-A lot of their teen years Ava and Dewey did camp together a lot. Ava was theone who drove to the campsites due to not trusting Dewey behind the wheel ofthe car…yet she trust him when driving an airplane.-Ava formed a crush the more time she spent with him. She realize it when shealways goes for him when she has anxiety attacks as he calms her down. She wasreally accepting of her crush (since swans are commonly known to mate for life)and her crush feeling became love (once hitting 16-17), but she stood by theside lines. She wasn’t one to confess first..-Dewey never realize his fondness for Ava until MUCH later when Ava was goingto leave for Italy for college.  Deweywas overly angry that his friend is leaving for so long and it was worse thathe was the last to know. Elena was the one to point out why he’s over reactingwas because he fancy Ava. Which opened up his eyes.
-Dewey didn’t confess and actually stay mad at Ava until shewas about to leave. He chased the girl down before getting on the airplane toadmit his feelings for the swan and apologizing for his childish behaviourabout him being upset and angry over the fact she was leaving to get better studies.It was a bittersweet moment since the two realize that Ava will be in Italy fora good 3-4 years. So they were force to do a long distance relationship until shereturn.- Before Ava left to Italy, Ava promised not to change for Dewey, however shebroke that promise as the next time Dewey saw her, her long Rapunzel hair shehad was chopped off and her hair went down to her shoulders. Dewey comment onit, which Ava got nervous and explain her reasoning why and that she’s stillthe same otherwise, which only made Dewey chuckle saying ‘I didn’t say it was abad thing~’-When Ava was in college, Dewey would actually stole the Sunchaser and fly toItaly just see Ava, which would be when Ava and him go on official dates. -Usual dates for these two are usually walks around with Ava taking photographs.Sometimes, Dewey would go in front of the camera to strike a pose telling Ava ‘getmy good side~’ which the girl would lightly laugh and take the photo.  The two would walk anywhere enjoying theirtime together, and actually discover new places.
-Later in life when they’re adults, Ava ends up being a photographerfor a famous nature magazine which works out very well for Dewey with him constantlyflying everywhere. She tends to take photos for what the article she working onalong with adventure Dewey is on. Both living life to the fullest!
-The two originally didn’t want to have kids or get married.A promise ring that meant they would be together was good enough for them besideswith their jobs and traveling all the time where would a kid fit in?- Before getting married the two of them well- they had an oops child. When Avafound out she was pregnant, she instantly panicked, not for the fear of havinga child but how the heck will everything come together with their life, howwill schooling happen, friends, stable life, and job…so many things to thinkabout it. It was insane! When Ava told Dewey, he was shock at the fact that Avawas pregnant. He was happy but gave the response ‘I thought we didn’t want tohave kids.’ With an awkward laugh. Throughout the pregnancy and waiting for theegg to hatch the two of them were extremely nervous. Dewey was force to be thecalm one, the reason of voice. The two agreed to only having this one childsince nothing could go wrong. It was so exciting when the egg hatch but…their new baby was hatch premature,the duckling was a blue colour, trouble breathing, and nearly on the verge ofdeath along with her feet being in awkward position, webbed footing closed upcould mean death as well.  This caused somuch fear and sadness, for so long their baby girl was in the hospital due toher condition. Ava and Dewey constantly visited the hospital or even stay there.-During the time their first born being the hospital, Ava had a huge depressionfeeling like a failure as a mother. Ava barely done anything, eat, sleep, drink..nothing.Though Dewey and Ava agreed on not having another child, Dewey knew Ava neededa child if their baby didn’t make it through. Dewey suggested maybe should tryhaving another child and well, Ava got pregnant again. Ava was a nervous wreakbut not as bad this time, trying to keep positive that everything will workout. Once the egg hatch they had a healthy baby boy, they were beyond beliefhappy. A perfect baby boy. Soon after, their daughter was healthy and was ableto go home. The couple stay within Duckberg until their ducklings were closerto the age of 3-4 to go back and travel again.
-Dewey and Ava didn’t got married until well after they hadtheir two kids. Once Hunter (second child) was hatched and Madeline (firstborn) was out of their hospital, Dewey decided to propose before getting thering.-Their wedding was big and huge but it was very tender surprisingly. Deweyactually surprised Ava by saying his vows/speech all in French. -Dewey learn French due to Ava speaking it often and slips into by accident..heacted clueless to surprise Ava one day that he was fully awareof what she or her family was saying.
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lambroseforlife · 6 years
Rick and Lilly going to the fair please :)
I hope you dont mind, anon, but since this ask didnt specify for this to occur in canonverse or a particular time period, Im going to use this prompt as the FINAL installment for one of my previous prompts. To be more specific, the detective AU one (part 1 here; part 2 here). By popular demand, readers wished for a continuation so here it is.
— — —
“That one! I want to go on that one next…”
“…that’s my cotton floss! I’m telling Mum!”
“Johnny! Come back here right this instant! I knew we shouldn’t have come here…”
The two individuals weaved through the crowd of people in the park, narrowly avoiding the gaggles of screaming children. It was only when they had reached a quieter section in the area did the taller person decide to speak.
“Miss Linton, this was not what I had in mind for a professional meeting.”
The person in question grinned back. “But Mr Ambrose, this is an unprofessional location! Just right for an unprofessional discussion as you wanted, don’t you think?”
He did not deign to reply, simply choosing to glare ahead.
“Plus,” she insisted, “it’s so noisy people won’t hear our conversation. They’re too busy paying attention to everything else in the fun fair.”
She glanced around, her focus on the various striped booths and their brightly painted signs.
“With the noise, we can barely hear each other.” Her employer dryly remarked.
“If that’s the case…then maybe we should stay closer together for efficiency.” She murmured, sidling right next to him until their arms were touching. She looked up at him with a pair of warm eyes. “Wouldn’t you agree, Mr Ambrose?”
His sea-coloured gaze bored into hers, suddenly intense. They flickered lower on her face for the briefest of seconds and then back.
“Perhaps so, Miss Linton.”
It was most likely her imagination but did his voice sound slightly hoarse?
“But first things first.” She broke off eye contact, looking back towards one of the booths from earlier. “Let’s get some food, I’m starving.”
— — —
While Miss Linton stood in line for food, she asked her boss to find a place for them to sit. She had just received her food and started to look for him when she spotted him standing against an empty booth not too far away. With his significant height, he towered over the crowd. The same could not be said for her, however, as he did not notice her approaching until she was closer.
“There is no place to sit.” He informed her.
“Then we’ll just stand and eat.” She looked around the empty booth. “We’re not in anyone’s way here so this is fine.”
She unwrapped the lengthy package and carefully broke off half of it, holding it out to him. “Here, you have half.”
“I told you before, Miss Linton. I’m not hungry—”
She scoffed. “Knowing you, you probably didn’t eat much today. And this entire sandwich is too much for me to finish. If you don’t want it, then it’s going to waste.”
She raised an eyebrow and he took the half-sandwich, only starting to eat after she did.
They ate in comfortable silence, save for the distinct crunching noises each time they bit into the stuffed baguette.
Miss Linton took longer to eat, taking slower bites. She was halfway through her sandwich when she glanced up and saw that her companion had finished his meal.
“Wow,” she exclaimed, her mouth full of food. “Yer alrery rone earing?”
“Yes, I don’t like to waste time.” Mr Ambrose shot her a disapproving look. “Don’t speak with your mouth full, Miss Linton.”
She swallowed, gulping loudly. “I prefer to savour my food when I get the chance to, thank you very much.”
“Less talking, more eating.”
She glared at him but complied, nonetheless.
Once she had finished, she promptly threw the empty wrapper in a trash bin nearby. “Ahhh, that was good, wasn’t it?”
“It was adequate.”
“Let’s go and explore the rest of the fair.” She started to head towards the direction of the other booths.
“Wait.” A voice called behind her. She turned to see her boss regarding her with an unreadable expression.
“Yes, Mr Ambrose?”
“Miss Linton, you seem to have forgotten the original purpose of our meeting. You said you had some questions for me. Aren’t you going to ask them?”
A hint of a smile tugged at her lips. “No.”
“No, I haven’t forgotten. But I think you have. I already asked you what I wanted to know yesterday, Mr Ambrose. I’m just waiting for you to answer.”
Silence. She continued.
“But I don’t think you’re ready to quite yet. So I will wait until you are.”
“And what if I’m not ready today?” His eyes glinted in the dim lighting.
She smiled and shrugged. “Then I suppose we’ll just have to hold more ‘professional meetings’ until you are. Don’t you agree?”
She didn’t wait for him to answer as she grabbed his hand. He stared at her, frozen. Her smile only grew wider.
“But for today, like you, I don’t intend to waste time. So we’re going to see the rest of the fair since we’re already here.” She began to tug him back through the crowd, leading the way.
Others around them stared as they passed by, small children in confusion and young couples in amusement.
She could feel the disapproval radiating behind her from him and she chuckled. Her head turned back towards him with a smirk.
“Live a little, Mr Ambrose!”
In response, he pulled his hand out of her grasp, letting go, and he grumbled in a tone too low for her to hear. However, she barely registered his actions as her eyes fell upon something. They widened and in the next moment, she was sprinting through the throng of people.
“Excuse me! Oops! I’m sorry! Sorry, really! Pardon me, coming through!”
She squeezed through the small openings in the crowd, attempting to navigate to her destination as fast as possible. She ignored the gasps of outrage, definitely not hearing Mr Ambrose’s protests in the distance.
She stared up at the object on display hung up at the corner of the booth. Facing the man inside the booth, she called out to him.
“Excuse me! How much does this cost?” She pointed to the object hanging over her.
“‘Tis not fer sale, Miss.”
She frowned. “What do you mean ‘not for sale’?”
“‘Tis a prize, Miss. Shoot the balls off the bottles to win.”
Confused, she slowly looked up at the sign above the booth. ‘Shooting Gallery’, the letters read in bold, red paint.
“Oh.” Her gaze flickered the air rifle beside the man and the two shelves beside him— both evenly lined with five empty alcohol bottles and a ball sitting on each bottle opening. “How much to participate?”
“One ticket gives ye three tries, Miss.”
“Tickets? But I don’t have any.”
“Ye can buy them. See that big booth over there?” He pointed over in the distance.
“That’s where they sell them. Come back when ye have them.”
“But how do I know this won’t be gone by then?” She glanced upwards at the object.
“It won’t, Miss. No one’s wanted it the whole day. Kinda surprised ye wants it, actually.”
“I see.”
“Why do you want that?” The deep voice came from behind her. Closer than she expected. Close enough for her stomach to flutter in recognition.
She whirled on her toes towards him. “Because I like it. Took you long enough to show up.”
“Well, a certain apprentice just ran into the crowd without warning.”
She leaned forward, her neck craning up to look at him directly. “Well, if a certain detective hadn’t let go of my hand, then there wouldn’t have been a problem.”
He cocked his head. “Indeed, Miss Linton?”
“Oh, yes.” She breathed out. “Indeed, Mr Ambrose.”
They stared at each other, their faces merely inches away from one another as they both said nothing, just merely studying the other pers—
The sound of someone clearing their throat was as effective as a bucket of cold water, causing Miss Linton to spring away from the person in front of her. She was internally grateful that her hair was loose, safely covering the currently reddening tips of her ears. Her eyes met the man inside the booth, who was watching them both warily. 
She nodded at him. “I’ll be back then.”
Miss Linton took off towards the ticket booth. She paused, inclining her head to the side.
“Let’s go, Mr Ambrose. I wouldn’t want you to become lost again.”
— — —
Twenty minutes later, they returned back to the shooting gallery booth. A small line had formed in the meantime and thus, they waited again. When her turn came, Miss Linton held out one small printed piece of paper and the man took it, handing her an air rifle.
“How many targets for what I want?”
“Ye have to hit knock over all ten balls, Miss.” He handed her the air rifle. “The corks are in this basket here. So you push the cork in like this at the muzzle, turn the rifle over and pull this lever here to load it. You do this for each shot.”
Clink. Clank. The lever locked back into place. He handed the loaded rifle to her and she hesitantly took it.
“Do you even know how to shoot?” Questioned the person watching behind her.
“Of course I do! I’ve seen it on the telly many times. How hard could it possibly be?”
“Now for the first ball…” Her finger curled around the trigger and pushed down.
The cork flew out and hit the shelf.
“Hmm, that didn’t go so well.”
She struggled to load the rifle again but finally managed to before the man came over to do it again.
“Let’s try again.”
The second cork sailed through the air and into the back of the booth before disappearing out of sight.
“Maybe it’s just a matter of practice.”
For this case, it seemed to work with only loading the corks but not for shooting them. The other eight corks never made contact with the desired target. The closest Miss Linton had gotten was when one of them hit the base of the bottle.
“Two more tries, Miss.”
She wiped sweat from her brow. “Blast! The movies make it look so easy! Why isn’t this working? Is this game rigged?”
“It is not, Miss Linton. The fault lies on your end entirely.” Again, that infuriatingly cool voice spoke up again behind her.
She turned to glare at him. “My fault? How so?”
He stepped forward until he was directly behind her. Her heartbeat sped up.
“To begin with,” the murmur of his voice was nearer than she expected, “your stance is off.”
His arms grasped her shoulders as if he were handling something delicate, but still firmly manoeuvred her until she stood sideways.
“Legs wider apart.” The toe of his shoe nudged at the heel of hers until she complied. Warmth rushed to her cheeks as she tried to not think about how it made her press more into him. Which was just about as effective as trying to ignore his presence.
“Now,” his hand reached forward, pulling the rifle back.”The butt of the rifle should be resting against your shoulder. This hand is already positioned where it should be, next to the trigger. As for the other…”
His opposite hand covered the one curled around the forestock and slid it further away. Miss Linton could hear her heart pounding in her ears.
“There. Now it should be easier to aim for the target. Relax your shoulders, they’re too tense.”
His hands settled on there, pushing down until she dropped them. They still stayed there, keeping them in place.
“Focus. Aim for ball using the barrel’s end as your guide.”
She took breaths to steady herself and pulled the trigger.
The first ball fell off the bottle. 
She jumped and squealed in happiness. “I did it! I did it, Mr Ambrose!”
“I saw. I wouldn’t be too excited if I were you. You still have nine left.”
“Oh, right.”
Unfortunately, her luck was not as consistent for the following shots. To her immense disappointment, she only managed to knock two more balls over.
“One more try, Miss.”
After a moment of contemplation, she sighed and gave the rifle back to the man.
“Thank you, but even with a hundred more attempts, I don’t think I will be able to knock all the balls over. It was fun though.”
“So you’re giving up?” Mr Ambrose asked.
“What’s the point? I don’t have the experience to win anyway.”
“Regardless of experience, you’re throwing away an opportunity. Don’t forget it was me who bought the five tickets.”
“Because I ran out of money from the sandwich!” She protested. “Plus, you said you would deduct the cost of the tickets from my wages anyway.”
He gave her a look. “I appreciate the reminder, Miss Linton. But until then, these are still my tickets. I refuse to let you waste them.”
Stepping forward, he held his hand out to the man. “Rifle.”
The man immediately obeyed, looking at them both with widened eyes.
“Wait, Mr Ambrose. I forgot to load the cork—”
“No need.” He cut off the objections from his employee. “I know how to do it after watching you.”
Clink. Clank.
Clink. Clank.
Clink. Clank.
This repeated in rapid succession as each ball was knocked off a glass bottle. Miss Linton gaped at her employer the entire time as he fired the corks and reloaded with mechanical precision.
The ninth ball flew clean off and collided with the last remaining ball which in turn, bounced onto the booth owner’s shoes. He, along with the people waiting in line watched in shock. Mr Ambrose promptly handed the rifle back to him.
“I’ll be damned. Ye hit them all, Mister. Pick any prize.”
“Whatever the lady wants.” He responded, spinning on his heel and marching off.
Miss Linton quickly grabbed the big stuffed animal and said goodbye before following her employer. She had to run to catch up before she lost sight of him.
“How…” Pant. Huff. “…is that…” Pant. Wheeze. “possible?”
He glanced at her but did not slow his pace. “It is. You just saw.”
“That’s not—” Gasp! “ — what I asked!” Her breathing steadied after much effort.
“I…” His jaw tightened. “I used to be a part of the police force, Miss Linton.”
“I haven’t forgotten. But even the other officers I’ve seen in action don’t have your aim and speed.”
He said nothing and her irritation grew.
“Tell me! Where did you learn to shoot like that?”
He opened his mouth but she interrupted.
“Don’t you dare use your police background as an explanation again! It’s something more, isn’t it?”
“Why did you want that ridiculous stuffed animal anyway?” He fired back. “It’s not worth the trouble.”
“But you got it for me anyway. Why won’t you give me an answer?” She tugged at his sleeve.
Abruptly, he halted. She almost crashed into him and so did the people walking behind them. They glared at them both but she could care less. Her eyes were focused solely on him and the storm roiling in his own as he glared at the ground.
His pinky began to twitch and after a very long moment of silence, he looked up at her.
“My father.” He finally answered. “He taught me.”
— — —
“You used to live in the country?”
They were sitting beside each other on a park bench in more secluded area save for the occasional passersby.
“My parents own an estate up in Northumberland. It was where I was born and raised.”
“So you come from a wealthy family?”
“I suppose so. I don’t know if that applies now.”
“When was the last time you saw them?”
“Nearly ten years ago.”
“A decade! Why such a long time?”
“I didn’t part from them on…the most favourable of terms.” His tone hardened at the end.
“What happened?” She pointedly looked ahead into the distance, afraid to see his expression.
Silence. A cautious glance downwards at his clenched fist told her that this was was a difficult topic for him.
She was about to move on to another question when he spoke.
“My father and I had our differences. Differences that only became obvious once I was older. As a child, I looked up to him very much. I wanted to be a son he was proud of. The things he liked— hunting, fishing and horseback riding became my pastimes. All to please him. Even though I held more interest in other activities such as fencing or reading.”
He sighed. “Over time, his expectations grew increasingly unreasonable. He wanted me to go into medicine or politics. But while attending Eton, I found that I wanted to pursue a career in law enforcement. Shortly after I graduated, I told him what I wanted to do. He was furious. He said that I would only bring disgrace to the family. He gave me two choices: obey him or get out. I chose the latter.”
“Wow.” She whispered. “That’s so…”
“Foolish? Rash?”
“I was about to say unfair. What your father did.”
“Ah, then yes. I’m inclined to agree.”
“What about the rest of your family? How did they take it?”
“My mother…” A dark edge crept into his tone and Miss Linton had to suppress a shiver. “She witnessed the argument. But she never said a single word the entire time. As for my sister, she was too young to understand what was happening then.”
“How old was she?”
“Around eight or nine. She was a child. I’m ten years older than her.”
“So five years younger than me.” She muttered to herself. “She must be graduating school later this year.”
“Most likely.”
“Hasn’t your family tried to contact you since you left? Not even once?”
“Much more than that. Back when I used to work in Scotland Yard, my mother would send letters every month to my office.”
“I never opened them. There was no point.”
“How so?”
“It was too late for her to say anything by then. She should have done so that night.”
“So what happened after you left your home?”
“I came here to London. I was a naive boy then. Foolishly optimistic.” He scoffed. “I went directly to Scotland Yard and told them I wanted to work for them. Preferably as an officer but I would take any available position. Unimpressed, they had me fill out some forms and answer a couple verbal questions. They told me if they were interested, they would contact me.”
He paused in recollection.
“Nearly a month passed and no news. The money I had secretly saved up from working on weekends in school was almost gone. I was ready to give up and return home. In my desperation, I would have pathetically grovelled at my father’s feet to take me back. But it turns out I didn’t have to. The night before I was planning to leave London, I received a call from one of the officers. He told me that there was no availability for new officers but there was high demand for detectives due to a shortage. I accepted the offer and was immediately started training.”
“Did you consider working as a detective before then?”
“Not really, no. From the detective novels I read, I thought the situations were exaggerated. And I was right. When I was under training, I found the reality to be more mundane and repetitive. But what I didn’t realise until that point was how taxing the process was. Especially the paperwork. To save time, I forced myself to become ambidextrous for writing.”
“Huh. This whole time I thought you could naturally do that.”
“As a trainee, I met many of the staff at Scotland Yard. However, one person I was already acquainted with. Constable Daniel Dalgliesh. He graduated from Eton too. He was a few years my senior so we didn’t know each other that well. But he still recognised me. I told him about my situation and he offered me his place to stay. For the time being, I was living at a rundown motel. The salary of a trainee was not much and finances were tight.”
“So you lived with him?”
“For a while, yes. When my training was complete, he convinced the Chief Inspector to assign me to his unit so we could work together. I saved up for a few months after becoming a Detective Constable. From the salary increase, I had enough to move out to my own place.”
“How close are you with Dalgliesh?”
“From everything he had done for me, he was the person I trusted the most in the entire police force. Perhaps even in the entirety of London.”
Miss Linton raised an eyebrow but said nothing. It did not escape her notice that he had used past tense.
“Most of our cases were assigned to the East End. The war had just ended, so there was an increase in gang activity  Our unit was made of newer hires so we were scrapped with brunt work. But we didn’t mind so much. Like fools, we were more eager to prove ourselves above anything else. I suppose it worked. Within the year, Dalgliesh was promoted to Sergeant.”
“What about you?”
“I wasn’t promoted until two years later. As Detective Sergeant, my duties became more administrative like Dalgliesh’s. We saw each other less at work and more outside of it. Usually on the weekends for a meal while we discussed cases. Fast forward to four years later and by then, he was already Inspector Dalgliesh. My rank increased to Detective Inspector that year. I had assumed that my record of solving cases was what had earned me the promotion.”
“It wasn’t that, was it?”
“It was part of it. But not the only reason. Six months later, I was assigned to a certain case. It was wide-scale regarding the disappearance of numerous young ladies in multiple cities. I had assumed that they were all separate incidents initially until further investigation. I discovered that not only were they connected, but also all committed by the same person. I was so close to tracking the culprit when I was suddenly instructed to drop the case by the Chief Inspector.”
“That’s what I wanted to know. I asked him but he would give me no explanation. He told me to not ask any more questions about it. There was something he was hiding and I wanted to find out what it was. When I told Dalgliesh about it, he was acting…suspicious. Like there was something he didn’t want to tell me. When I kept asking him about it, he finally admitted that the same thing had happened before to him and other officers too.”
“How come?”
“He never said it directly but he implied that the higher ups were…persuaded to drop the investigations for certain cases.”
She stared at him in horror.
“No. No! You can’t possibly mean…”
He turned to look at her and she let out a defeated sigh. “I see.”
“Indeed, Miss Linton. I was furious when I found out. But like Dalgliesh, my hands were tied. I tried to move on to the other cases. However, my anger grew over the next few months. At that point, I could not handle it any longer. I submitted my letter of resignation to the Chief Inspector.”
“How did he react?”
“With disappointment. He told me that he expected better from me. Especially given how Dalgliesh had all but begged him to promote me.”
“He did what?”
“I didn’t want to believe it either. I couldn’t. Accepting it meant that I had to accept that Dalgliesh was no different from the higher ups that bent the law to their own will. Without telling him or anyone else, I quietly took my things from my former office and left.”
“And then?”
“A week later, he banged on my apartment door demanding to talk to me. I let him in and he yelled at me for leaving. He asked me why but I couldn’t tell him. Not after what he did. I knew he didn’t have bad intentions but…”
“It went against your principles?”
“Yes. His anger at my silence resulted in him telling me that I had thrown away my only chance to make a name for myself. Then he stormed out. The next time I saw him after that was when you first met him.”
“When he stopped by the office?”
“Yes. Anyway, his parting words on our previous meeting made me think. I wanted to prove him wrong. So I decided to open my own private investigation agency. Where I was the one in charge. No one could tell me what to do but myself.”
“I see. What about the case you had to drop? Did you ever find out who was behind it?”
A muscle began to twitch in his jaw and a dark emotion crossed his eyes. “I did. It was the first thing I secretly investigated after I opened the agency.”
“So who was the culprit?”
After a minute passed, Miss Linton took a more direct approach.
“It wasn’t Dalgliesh, was it?”
“Do you think he knew who it was?”
“I do not know, Miss Linton. Nor do I wish to.”
“If you knew who it was, then why didn’t you go after them?”
“Because,” he ground out through gritted teeth, “all the evidence I compiled earlier had been incinerated. Even though I was working by memory, it wasn’t enough to convict the person. Not to mention, the disappearances had stopped by then. If I continued to pursue the case, then I would only face trouble from the police.”
By the arctic tone of his voice, Miss Linton knew to not push him further on the subject. He was not going tell her more about it.
For now.
She changed the topic. “So, um…earlier you asked me why I wanted this so badly.”
She held up the big stuffed animal sitting in her lap. “Do you still wish to know why?”
Silence. She decided to take that as a confirmation.
“A few months ago, I decided to celebrate when I moved into my new apartment. I bought myself several bottles of alcohol and chocolate bars. I ended up drinking too much and well…”
Still silence. She continued.
“When I was in a drunken state, I saw yellow piggies. They looked very much like this fellow here.”
She squeezed the plush cheeks of the grinning yellow pig.
“I just wanted a memento of that night. I was so happy, the happiest I had ever been in years. But because you won this for me, it means even more to me now.”
He still said nothing but at her words she could see his fists unclench and some of the tension leave his jaw.
She scooted closer. Cautiously leaning over, she slowly rested her head against his shoulder, trying to provide comfort.
For the rest of the hour, they stayed together like that, unmoving.
— — —
They had decided to use the remainder of the four tickets on the Ferris Wheel. Otherwise, Miss Linton had argued, it would be a complete waste since the tickets couldn’t be used elsewhere or refunded. Her employer had conceded and thus, they sat across each other in a passenger car. The transparent windows allowed for a full view across the park and it was where the two passengers’ gazes currently lay, both appearing to be lost in their own thoughts since their previous conversation.
“Mr Ambrose?”
“Yes, Miss Linton?”
She turned to look at him, his posture tense but his facial expression betraying nothing in the slightest as he still gazed down at the park.
“Do you know why I was so insistent on working for you when you first offered me the job?”
His head turned slowly to meet her earnest eyes, his own slightly narrowed.
“Enlighten me.”
“How much do you know about my family?”
“More than you think.”
“So you know that my younger sister and I live together, but separately from our other sisters and our aunt and uncle?”
“Do you know why we live separately?”
“I’m going to take that as a ‘no’. For the past few years, my aunt staunchly believed that for taking care of me and my sisters since our parents died, our payment to her was marrying rich husbands. That way, she could have social connections and potentially money.”
She glanced out the window, uncrossing her arms. “My older sisters had no problems finding husbands. But I refused from the start. I never wanted a life like that. For my aunt, I was always the troublemaker. We never got along well to begin with. That only doubled her determination to marry me off to some man at first chance.”
His expression was still blank as he stared at her wordlessly. She gulped and her voice grew softer. “Then you offered me a job. I saw that as my ticket to freedom and I took it. I moved out from my uncle’s house shortly after saving up for a bit. I brought my younger sister along as well. She and her beau have been in love for a while now.  But she knew that my aunt would never accept him and that after my departure, she would be next in line for an arranged marriage.”
Miss Linton grimaced. “Of course, my aunt threw a fit. But what else could she do? We were both of legal age already. Me getting a job inspired my younger sister to pursue a career too. She’s now attending beauty school to be a hairdresser so she can save up and marry her beau.”
“I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this. I just…” She trailed off, sighing. A moment of silence reigned as she looked out the window. She turned back to meet his unwavering gaze again.
“Yesterday’s case, with Mrs Caroline Fitzgerald.”
“What of it?” He asked.
“Once I went home yesterday, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I wanted to stop but my mind wouldn’t let me. I think I know why now.”
“Because…” She swallowed hard. Her fingers gripped the front edge of the metal bench, knuckles whitening. “Because if I hadn’t met you, would Mrs Fitzgerald have been me? If I hadn’t been able to leave my uncle’s place and was forced into a marriage by my aunt, would I have been the same as her? As selfish as she was, I know that if I was in her situation I would have done the same.”
“I don’t believe that.”
She blinked. “You…don’t?”
“No. Miss Linton, given your tendency for stubbornness, I think that you would have found another way to avoid marriage by your aunt, regardless. Mrs Fitzgerald tried to use money to cope with not being able to decide for herself. But you— you would never let others decide for you no matter the benefit. Otherwise, you still wouldn’t be here working for me. Otherwise…tonight would have never happened.”
She stared at him for a moment, completely taken off-guard. She exhaled a shaky laugh. “I suppose you’re right. Thank you, Mr Ambrose.”
He nodded.
The ride came to an end and they were guided out of the passenger car by an attendant. After descending the platform back onto the grass, Miss Linton checked her wristwatch.
“Oh my, it’s gotten pretty late. I suppose we should leave now.”
“It appears that others are.”
He was correct. The crowd had dwindled and many of the remaining guests were beginning to leave, with some of the booths already shutting down and packing up. The evening at the fair was slowly, but surely coming to an end.
— — —
They were walking back to her place side by side at a brisk pace. Their breaths appeared in tandem from the chilly winter air. This time, there was no conversation as they felt comfortable, but strangely somewhat anxious at the same time to speak. The evening had been…eventful to put it mildly and both could sense that something had changed. As for what it was, they were unsure.
Their steps slowed when the familiar faded brown apartment came into sight. They stopped in front of the entrance, both glancing at each other. She hugged the stuffed yellow pig tighter to her and she turned to face him.
“Well, I suppose this is farewell.”
“It is.”
“I’ll see you at work tomorrow then?”
“You will.”
She shook her head and smiled. Her boss had certainly mastered the art of not mincing words.
“I had fun tonight, Mr Ambrose.”
“Did you now?”
“I did.” Her expression reflected nothing less than sincerity.
His mouth said nothing but his eyes conveyed more than enough emotion as they intently gazed into hers. Miss Linton felt something tug at her chest.
Reaching forward with her arm, she laced her fingers with his, gently squeezing his hand.
“Good night…Rikkard.” She whispered. For some reason, her mouth had suddenly become dry.
He stiffened. Then…
His fingers slowly curled over hers, squeezing back.
“Good night, Lillian.”
— — —
And that’s it for the detective AU! I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. I’m a sucker for fluffy moments if you couldn’t tell by now.
Merry Christmas to all that celebrate it! Regardless if you do or dont, I hope that you have a wonderful day and week! I hope you liked reading my holiday gift to you.
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ao3bronte · 6 years
Ml Fluff Month
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Read it on A03
Sommeil - Chapter 2 Bubble Bath
tu crois qu'tu m'endors / mais même derrière ton masque / tes cernes en parlent encore
“You're what?”
Chat hangs his head and begins to fidget with his fingers, “I'm going away for ten days and...it's for work, you know? I don't really have a choice.”
Marinette narrows her eyes. She's heard all about this boss of his repeatedly over the last month that he'd been crashing at her place to sleep and she really wants to step up and backhand the guy, “I'll make you a care package. Is it hot or cold where you're going?”
Chat peeks up at her from beneath his lashes, “Uh...cold.”
“When do you leave?”
“That's three days, plenty of time,” Marinette laces her fingers together and inverts them straight out, cracking her knuckles, “It'll be the best care package ever, you'll see.”
“A care package?” Chat’s eyes grow impossibly wide and Marinette just can't get over how adorably pathetic he looks, “Are you sure it's not too much trouble?”
If it's one thing she's learned about Chat Noir as Marinette, it's that Chat is a hell of a lot more sensitive than she’d ever realised, “Of course. You've been looking and feeling so much better lately and I wouldn't want you to fall back into your old ways during your business trip. Just don't forget to stop by before you leave.”
“Trust me, I won’t forget. I practically live here,” Chat responds eagerly and he's not wrong; he passes out at least twice a week on her chaise and Marinette is just relieved that he's finally beginning to perk up on the battlefield. He's certainly not back to normal, not by any means, but he's a little bit happier and a little bit healthier and Marinette counts that as a win.
“Sometimes I wish you did live here so I could keep an eye on you,” Marinette jokes and she doesn't quite realise what she's said until she sees the gobsmacked expression on Chat’s face, “I mean, you know what I mean. Ladybug needs you at the top of your game and I'm happy to help. Besides, I like having someone to talk to when I'm beading embroidery or sewing my designs.”
Chat’s hesitant curl of the lips turns into the dopeyest of smile, “You just like to have me around so you can use me to tailor your men's line.”
“Well, not only,” Marinette drawls, pouring a spoonful of honey into his tea. She'd quickly found out how deep his sweet tooth actually ran and she’d added it to her Maman’s recipe to help with the medicinal aftertaste, “You do make a great mannequin, but I like the company too.”
Chat actually snickers and it's become a bit of a rarity these last several months; if anything, Ladybug only gets the kind of overcompensating laughter out of him that she knows he only does to reassure her that he's okay, “Thanks Marinette. I can't even begin to explain how awesome you've been to me lately."
“I pride myself on being the best friend I can be,” Marinette explains, pulling the metal infuser out of the mug and giving the tea a stir, “Did I ever tell you that I was the school council president for two years straight when I was a lycéenne? I like to help others when they need someone to talk to.”
“You didn't,” Chat averts his eyes as he takes the proffered mug in his hands, “That's pretty impressive. Two years in a row?”
“It had never happened before until I came along,” she says, plopping down beside him. Marinette has never been one to brag but she's especially proud of this particular milestone, “I worked hard and it paid off enough to land me a €2000 scholarship at any school that accepted me, which was all four of the ones I applied to. I ended up choosing the Paris Fashion Institute because their design classes are super avantgarde and many of the courses can be taken online.”
“Do you like online courses better?” Chat asks between sips. “I have a really weird schedule,” Marinette responds honestly, thinking back to all of the missed classes and stupid excuses she'd made throughout her school years, “So online is best for me. Also, I'm a night owl, not a morning person which is why I never wake up when you leave in the mornings.”
“I always try and be quiet,” he says and the tea is already working its magic, “I'm always afraid I'm going to step on your face.”
“I'd probably sleep through that too,” she giggles with a shrug, sitting down beside him, “Jagged Stone could probably play a concert on my roof and I wouldn't wake up.”
“’m jealous,” Chat slurs and Marinette prepares herself for her favourite part of their late night rendezvous when he loses all sense of personal barriers and babbles honest to goodness things about himself, “I wish I could stay asleep like you.”
“Yeah?” she urges him to take another swig and he does, gulping it down, “Why can't you sleep these days?”
“Work, busy, too much to do,” he yawns and his whole body seems to loosen with the movement, “Nightmares sometimes.”
Now this is the answer she'd been waiting all month to hear, “Nightmares? What about?”
“Magic stuff I guess,” Chat’s eyes are fully closed and Marinette knows she only has a few moments left to pry the truth out of him, “Losing Ladybug. My father.”
She'd honestly expected him to say Le Papillon, but losing Ladybug and his father? That was unexpected, “What makes you think you're going to lose them?”
“She could get hurt, or she could get fed up with me. I’m...I’m not doing my best as her partner right now,” Chat’s voice wavers and Marinette wants to punch a pillow everytime he brings up his near constant fear of Ladybug’s apparent imminent rejection, “And my father doesn't...he's…”
Chat yawns again and Marinette knows she's lost him, slipping the tea from his fingers and easing him down into the chaise. Harrumphing, she covers him with a blanket and screams into the nearest soft item, tossing it across the room in a fit of frustration. She does everything she possibly can to assure him that she'll always be by his side as Ladybug besides beating him over the head with a chalkboard that says “I'M NOT LEAVING JUST BECAUSE YOUR BOSS IS A DICK WHO OVERWORKS YOU” in gigantic rainbow letters. What else does she have to do? Announce it on live television? Have a plane write it in the sky?
“My god you are a needy cat,” she whispers, burying her fingers in his hair as she's apt to do just to hear him purr. It's her favourite sound these days and it never fails to calm her nerves, especially whenever he says something particularly irritating like he did tonight. She's reminded of the care package she’d promised him and spends the next half hour brainstorming items to send with him before ultimately calling it a night and crawling into her bed.
And if she'd pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead just before turning off the lights, well, no one’s the wiser.
A few days later, Marinette takes a deep breath and pushes her chair back from her desk, having just spent the last two hours mulling over an essay for her class in haute couture sewing techniques. She already has a good understanding of all of the things being covered and she pours them out onto her laptop in earnest, waxing poetic about hand stitching and hem finishes and pocket construction. She’s just finished another paragraph on cutting and pressing when her mobile lights up beside her, the telltale chime of a Snapchat notification ringing in her ears. “I suppose I could take a break,” she says to no one in particular, snatching the phone from the surface and flopping onto her chaise with a sigh. She rubs her thumb against the scanner and clicks on the app immediately, delighting in the words she sees.
Chat Noir hey i opened up the care package
Me You did? What do you think?
He sends her a snap of the package, which is essentially just a small hat box she’d draped in leftover velvet. The bow she’d wrapped around it is untied and the lid opened, revealing some of the small items she’d packed within.
Chat Noir the gloves are awesome where did you get them?
Marinette grins and peeks over at her very own Chat Noir gloves, still sitting in their packaging on one of the tables to her left. She’d found them in the Institute’s quad during the university's weekly marché du mardi where the students gather to sell their homemade goodies, whatever they be. In this case, Marinette had found a vendor who knitted winter gear and she had jumped on the pair of Chat Noir gloves she’d found, practically throwing her euros at the student with enthusiasm.
Me A student at the Institute. She makes Ladybug ones too.
Chat Noir i want to buy ladybug a pair she’d love them
Marinette feels her face flush and she covers her eyes with her palms for a moment to try and gain back her composure. He wants to buy her Ladybug gloves? Oh Chat.
Chat Noir she gets really cold in the winter so i’m always trying to find ways to keep her warm
Me That’s really kind of you Chat, I know she’ll love them. I left the girl’s business card attached to the gloves if you want to contact her.
Chat Noir awesome these look good did you make them?
Chat sends another snap of his bare (bare!) hand holding the lavender shortbreads she’d wrapped in colourful cellophane from the bakery, drawn together with a green bow.
Me I did! They have lavender in them to help you sleep.
He doesn’t respond for a few minutes and Marinette busies herself with her Instagram account, peering through the stories of all the people she follows. Alya’s still at work, judging by the snarky comments she’s making about her boss, and Mylène is showing off another one of her amazing ceramic vases. Nino is in the studio working on something that he’s describing as ‘deep funk house’ and Adrien is jet setting yet again, the video of his view from the airplane window gorgeous as he heads out to Oslo for a photoshoot in the Norwegian fjords.
Chat Noir oops they’re all gone
Chat sends another snap, this time of the cellophane in the rubbish bin.
Me ROFL Did you like them?
Chat Noir i loved them so much they were delicious you spoil me so what’s in this bag?
Marinette grins as Chat holds up another bundle wrapped in cellophane, the light from the lamp in his hotel room gleaming off the silver band on his finger.
Me It’s a bath bomb If you’re cold and you want to warm up in the bath, it fizzes up and makes everything smell good
Chat Noir it smells really nice the ladies are going to find me even more irresistible ;)
Marinette rolls her eyes and takes a snap of her unimpressed face, sending it with a few unamused face emojis for good measure.
Me Good luck with that Chat Time for you to get to bed. It looks really dark out.
Chat Noir i’m not that tired i slept on the plane
Me Liar
Chat Noir and i want to keep talking to you i’m bored
Me Get into your bed right now Or else
Chat Noir or else what?
Me I’ll tell on you
Chat Noir :0 you wouldn’t
Me I’m gonna call Ladybug right now and tell her you’re not listening to reason and she’s going to be mad
She’s just about to send another message when he sends a snap, this time of his toes poking up from underneath the duvet of the hotel room he’s staying in. Victorious, she smirks and screencaps the snap.
Me Good Kitty! Now turn off the lamp and go to sleep
Chat but i’m not tired!
Me I’ll call Ladybug!
Chat Noir fine
Me Sleep well Chat!
Chat Noir i’ll try my best purrincess good night
Marinette only has a few classes that she has to attend in person throughout the week and most of them are seminars where she gets to work in the design studios and show off her skills and knowledge in front of her instructors and peers. The supervisor at the Institute has already asked her to try out for the fast track program next semester and Marinette is both floored and humbled by the request, especially since the Institute’s hardest instructor is the one in charge of overseeing the internship. Mme. Sotnikova has always been notorious for flunking half of the first years in her classes just to weed out the weak ones and having always been hard working and tenacious under pressure, Marinette has never bore the brunt of Mme. Sotnikova’s rapier tongue. That being said, she’s had quite a few friends and acquaintances switch majors or drop out altogether just to get away from the imposing woman, as commanding in height as she is outstandingly Russian.
Marinette is packing up her bags to run home to the bakery when Mme. Sotnikova pulls her aside, her blonde hair slicked back into an austere coif that makes her look even more severe, “Have you looked over my request?”
She’s been mulling over it all week actually, the paid €14/hr shifts as an intern three times a week having been a major factor considering she has little to no money beyond what she sells on Etsy, “I have. I think it’s an opportunity I would be interested in.”
Mme. Sotnikova claps her hands together, her eyes betraying her pleasure as her stern expression remains ultimately impassive, “I knew you would. I only want very best to compete for fast track program.”
“I’m honoured, thank you.”
“As you should be,” Mme. Sotnikova has never been one for social graces, “I will send you package with all informations you need. What fashions will you be preparing?”
Marinette smiles, “A men’s line. I should have all four pieces ready for submission by the end of the month.”
“Is that so?” Mme. Sotnikova raises a razor sharp eyebrow, “And it is pre-summer yes?”
“It is,” Marinette confirms, digging a piece of floral fabric from her bag, “I’ve been really inspired by some of the fall gardens around the city and I wanted to reflect that in my pieces. The palette is mostly pastels with the occasional burst of vibrant color.”
“How very Chanel of you.”
“If it is, it certainly isn’t intentional,” Marinette tucks the fabrics back into her bag, “I wanted my collection to be all about the construction, not the flashiness. It’s understated without being minimalist, with different silhouettes and shapes for each blazer and jacket.”
“I am interested to see final result,” Mme. Sotnikova says with a quick nod, turning away. Marinette releases a sigh of relief as the woman leaves the seminar room and she swings the strap of her bag over her shoulder quickly, vying to get home as fast as she can to get to work.
There’s pins in her mouth and scissors tucked into her bra when she hears her mobile chime behind her, the Snapchat app the only exception to her Do Not Disturb settings as she shoves the final pin into the pastel green A shaped jacket. She steps back and gazes at it with satisfaction before grabbing her mobile and sitting down, her socked feet aching from walking back and forth around her mannequin for the past six hours.
Chat Noir i’m a chatsicle brrrrrrrr
Me Go warm up! Want to see what I’m working on?
Chat Noir is it for your men’s couture line?
Me Yup
Marinette gets up and snaps a photo of the jacket before sitting back down again, pulling the scissors out of her shirt.
Chat Noir that looks AMAZING the multiseam construction at the shoulders really helps give it shape without the extra body
Marinette blinks several times.
Me Since when did you become a fashion expert?
Chat Noir uhhh since a while? i know things
Me Why didn’t you say something? You know how much I love fashion!
Chat Noir i didn’t want to overstep you have amazing designs
Me We’re soooo going to have a talk about this next time you’re over here I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me!
Chat Noir i swear it wasn’t intentional! i just like to talk to you about other things
She lets that soak in for a few moments before changing the subject.
Me So how was your day? Have you warmed up yet?
Chat Noir it was cold and awful and i was outside the whole time
Me I’m sorry! Why were you stuck in the cold?
Chat Noir my job i didn’t have a choice
Me That doesn’t seem fair Chat! Isn’t there something you can do?
Chat Noir nope it’s just the way it is i just got back to my room
Me Well that’s good at least! Do you have anywhere else you need to be?
Chat Noir i ate dinner in the car so no
Me Go focus on warming up then!
Chat Noir i’m gonna use your bathbomb and try and defrost my toes
Me Let me know how you like it! :)
She sets her mobile down with a smile and runs off to the washroom, stopping in the kitchen along the way to grab a brioche and a nub of butter. Shoving the bun into her mouth, Marinette runs back upstairs with every intention of finishing off her jacket when her mobile chimes again. It’s the last thing she expects, all things considered; is he really going to message her while he’s having a bath? While he’s naked?
Chat Noir this thing smells awesome i wish you had packed more of these i want to buy a hundred off of you name your price and i’ll pay up my paycheque can take it
Marinette just shakes her head fondly.
Me I’ll see if I can make you a few more.
Chat Noir awesome so how’s the jacket going?
Pursing her lips, Marinette takes another bite of her brioche and settles in for the long haul.
Me Abandoned for the meantime. Are you feeling better yet?
Chat Noir yup i feel like i’m swimming in a cup of that tea you always make me
Me That’s because it is I put the same herbs from the tea in the bathbomb to help you get to sleep!
Chat Noir i don’t know what i’ve done to deserve you
Marinette swallows the lump in her throat and feels her chest constrict a little at his words. He’s said it a million times to Ladybug and she can practically envision his bright green kitten eyes blinking down at her, his smile as earnest as it is brimming with honesty.
Me It’s no big deal Chat I just like being a good friend
Chat Noir you’re the best, you know that?
Honesty hour, here we come.
Chat Noir if you had a boyfriend he would be the luckiest guy ever i mean i know you don’t have a boyfriend but if you did he’d be set for life
Of all the conversations she’d expected to have tonight, this wasn’t even remotely close to the list.
Me Thanks?
Chat Noir i’m kinda jealous
Me Jealous of a boyfriend that I don’t even have?
Chat Noir ya because he’d be awesome
Me He certainly would have to be to put up with the stray kitten that comes to me for tea from time to time
Chat Noir nonono i’d never want to interfere and i don’t even know how you don’t have someone yet you’re a c a t c h
Me First off, I’m not kicking you out anytime soon Second, why are we having this conversation about a boyfriend I don’t even have?
Chat Noir cause you deserve it you’re so kind and nice to everyone
Me And so are you!
Chat Noir ya but i’m chat noir i can’t date anyone
Me Why not?
Chat Noir i don’t think ladybug would approve and i’m kind of in love with her but she just wants to be friends
Me Maybe she likes someone else?
Chat Noir probably i’m kind of pathetic aren’t i
Marinette sets her phone down for a moment and rubs her eyes, smudging her mascara. She’s tired and worried about saying the wrong thing but part of her just wants to get it out and tell him what he needs to hear.
Me I don’t want to overstep my bounds here but I think you should consider dating someone else
Chat Noir what?
Me Look I know how much you love Ladybug and she knows it too But she’s probably waaaay too busy being Ladybug to date right now so you’re only setting yourself up for failure And when she’s ready, maybe she’ll return your affections and you two can live happily ever after?
Marinette shares a glance with her reflection and snorts at the possibility.
Me But right now she’s probably got other things to worry about and you could really use someone who will take care of you and show you how much you mean to them You’re smart and funny so I know it won’t be hard to find a girl that would be interested in dating you but you need to let go of Ladybug and live a little.
Chat Noir i guess you’re a really good friend marinette thank you
She’s heard that line before and for once, it doesn’t bother her in the slightest.
Me You’re welcome Chat One of my good friends shared that advice with me a little while ago
Chat Noir you’re in love with someone too?
Me I was And in a way I still am but he’s super busy. I only ever keep track of him now over Instagram
Chat Noir i’m sorry
Me What a pair we make eh?
Chat Noir we’re furtunate to have each other
Me :|
Chat Noir purrhaps we should go on a date together?
Me ?
Chat Noir i’ll take that as a maybe ;) i’m going to got to bed now purrincess
Me Goodnight Chat. Sleep well!
When she sits up and chances a glance at herself in the mirror, she has to make a double take at the flush of red spreading across her face and décolletage. Did Chat, of all people, just ask her out on a date? And did he mean it? It seems ridiculous when she says it out loud and she tries to diffuse the tightness in her stomach with a nervous laugh but…
The heat in her cheeks persists as she climbs down to the bathroom to brush her teeth and it follows her back up to her bedroom, the space seemingly empty without Chat in its midst. Crawling beneath her duvet, she looks over at the copy of Le Petit Prince she keeps at her bedside and opens it to page thirteen, revealing the dried rose she’s had pressed between the pages ever since it began to wilt in the vase on her desk some three years ago. She still remembers the scent of it when he gave it to her on that fateful rooftop, the Chat Noir of former days, young and naive and yet still as enamoured with Ladybug as he is now. Things had evolved between them, personally and professionally, but at least one thing seemed to always remain the same.
Maybe it was time for change.
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fairyqueennerd · 6 years
NALU Prompt 2- Sanctum
Lucy was the heir and now the head of Heartfilia company, her workplace was her sanctum, she believed work is worship.
During her childhood she hated the time when her dad would neglect her for work, especially the time she lost her mother and needed him the most but, he was always with his work.
Now, everything was sorted that time both was confused he didn't know how to handle her, plus she looked exactly like her mother and it made him much more upset and he worked so hard, trying to forget her mother.
When she joined the company she learned what huge responsibility she had taken over and to full fill them she worked hard very hard.
Her cabin was like a holy place, every thing was organised and she worked with discipline and at the end of the day she had a satisfaction and inner peace. Everything was in place except for the newly joined Mechanic- Natsu Dragneel.
Natsu was very different in appearance and as a person, he was very sweet and understanding, a mixing personality, he had pink hairs with black eyes which held intensity while doing the work and mischievous when talking to her. He wore the uniform given to them with his shirt mostly half out, first two buttons open to have a peak at his beautiful abs and a bit messy hair Lucy wouldn't allow it though she thought how hot he looked that way.
"…and he said 'Fuck! did you really just eat fire.' His expression was priceless."
Natsu was again narrating some of his adventure but the big mistake was it was during work time.
"And where do you think you are standing Mr. Dragneel?"
"Oops! Did you miss anything wanna hear it again Luce!"
"It's Lucy" she hissed "And for you it's Boss" she said but she would be lying if she said she did not like it when he called her Luce.
"Ppfft yes boss." He put his arm around her shoulder and took her towards her cabin, this little action made her blush but she swatted his arm away.
"Haha! Come on Luce, loosen up."
"oh! I will when you work rather than wasting time chit chatting." She said and rushed towards her cabin to calm down her speeding heart rate.
Lucy had to work much harder than before, they had to meet a deadline. All her employees were working their ass off and so she was but the difference was they were working in two shifts while she was there full day, during the last few days she didn't even go home.
Finally it was done, she cheered along with her employees who worked so hard for the company and promised them for a bonus and had them a day off. Everyone left except her cuz the client asked for a urgent document to be mailed and she was held up for the next two hours.
"Lucy. Lucy." Some one whispered in her ear while a hand was patting on her head.
"Huh! " She opened her eyes slowly to see that she was in her cabin, her sanctum. Omg she slept there? She freaked out and then she noticed Natsu standing beside her with a calm but worried smile.
"NATSU!" she screamed.
"Yup, that's me did you get your much need sleep Bosss." He said and laughed while she was blushing embarrassed, being caught in her cabin .Sleeping.
"What are you doing here?"
"well you see I had forgot my phone here, when I came in saw your lights was on and there you were passed out."
She checked her watch she must be out for around one hour, and saw that she had emailed too so that means she slept after finishing the work. Good, that means its been three hours since she gave an off to her employees then what was Natsu doing there now. She looked at him questioningly he answered before she could voice the question.
"I went to home and wanted to call a friend when I realised I didn't get my phone then came back, and found you sleeping peacefully looking so beaut.. Ahem! So I woke you up."
She raised her eyebrows to that.
"Leave that , you really need to loosed up." He took her hand , but she was hesitating trying to loosen his grip but it only tighten. "Come with me, please" he added and gave her those adorable puppy eyes that she couldn't refuse and held his hand too. He gave her such big grin that her heart melted.
He took her to A Bar and Restaurant named Fairytail.
It was a huge place fully filled with people. She was surprised to see this as it was not situated in the main street, but Natsu was well oriented with the place and everyone seems to know him as the salamander. He guided her inside though it was fully filled he took her straight to a place at the corner with two chairs. "That's my normal place. Welcome Lucy." He said and she smiled genuinely.
"Mira one regular with noodles and a strawberry smoothie." He shouted from their place to god knows who and some voice replied "yup coming up."
"weren't you supposed to call a friend?" Lucy asked out of curiosity.
"oh that! He must be here anyways."
He started telling her all his stories and adventure of his life so gladly that, she heard him with patience.
In the middle of whatever he was saying a girl came in with sexy figure and white hairs with a short ponytail in the front cam up with the items.
"Erza is pissed with you for being late." And Natsu's face colour drained then he stood up and told her to wait till thy had something to eat. After food he went to look out for Erza with Lucy tagged along. They went to the inner separate too where a scarlet haired busty girl smashed the heads of two boys together. And Natsu laughed.
"You deserved that ice popsicle and you too metal head."
"And you too Natsu." And the scarlet haired girl grabbed the front of his shirt and made him kneel down and he shivered pleading for innocence.
"I forgot my phone and had to go back then something held me back and I had brought Lucy too."
At that statement everyone stopped and looked at him then all eyes turned towards her, everyone was gawking at her as if they can't believe. What the hell had he been telling all these people to look at her like this.
"No way, she is just too beautiful." One announced and every one agreed and then burst out laughing. She blushed hard then introduced her.
"I am Lucy Heartfilia. Pleased to meet you all."
"Come on Luce, let me introduce them to you." This momentary confusion gave him the chance to come out of the firm grip of the scarlet haired girl and come up to her.
"This is Gray." He pointed to a dark blue haired handsome guy.
"This is Gajeel" This person had long black hair with lots of piercing on his face.
"This is Levy" HE pointed to a pete blue haired girl.
"Erza" The scarlet haired girl, was she wearing actual armour?
"Mira." She already knew her.
"Elfman." A bulky white haired man stood there who told her that she was very manly.
"Lissana" Mira's sister they were quite similar.
"Juvia" another blue haired woman who wore a 'Love- Gray sama' costume
"Cana" A woman with drak brown hairs chugging down beer from a barrel.
He introduced a few more people and then let her be and was having some irrelevant argument with Gray and Gajeel till Erza interrupted them.
"Hey Lucy! Drink up" suddenly she found herself surrounded by the girls and making her drink.
Few glasses more and she would collapse she knew but someone knew better.
"Shit! Lucy you are drunk, Let's go" he took her hand to lead her out.
"Noolps I waaaanna piggggi baack ride." She slurred.
"Shut up and come with me."
"I am the bbooosss, order order ord.." she was about to fall face first but he caught her and when she woke up next Natsu was carrying her in a princess hold she could oppose but she was loving being this close to him, maybe it was the alcohol making her feel like this.
"Natsuuuu, Where are we." Was that a blush coating his cheeks?
"It's my home." He simply said he put her aside to open the door, now she was a bit sobered but she liked this so, she acted as if she drunk side hugging him.
"Welcome Home Luce." He said and smiled brightly blushing slightly but making her red to the ears.
But a look at his home and chill ran down her spine it was dirty to the core. Things were not arranged at all, clothes lying here and there, smelly socks on the table, tore newspaper lying there, last night's empty dish haven't moved back. His bed was filled up with piled up clothes and was not even made.
"It's a bit messy." He smiled sheepishly but it was an understatement. He picked the piled up clothes and piled it on the chair nearby and told her to sleep.
"Don't leave" she said and held his hand on reflex when he tried to leave the room.
"Okay, I am here." He said and patted her head reassuringly.
Before she blacked out the only statement that came to her mind was- "You need to loosen up, Luce."
A/N- I enjoyed writing this hope you did while reading.
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