#i could probably say all i want to say as a disgusting rambly mess
whoreishghost · 10 months
uh oh. idk if i can write essays anymore..
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cilliansmesoftly · 2 months
talk too much
pairing: glen powell x fem!reader
summary: you’re glen’s makeup artist for twisters and he won’t stop talking
warning: based on that one tiktok of glen getting his makeup done for hit man and his mouth is nonstop moving, kissing, glen being a professional yapper
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ working with glen was seriously a dream. he was kind, smart, funny, hard-working. he was everything a man should be and you loved being his makeup artist.
the only downside was his lack of understanding when to shut the hell up.
you loved his stories, you loved hearing about his life, but when you’re trying to perfect his skin prep and makeup, it’s a little difficult to focus when all glen can do is distract you.
“oh, y/n,” glen groaned in disgust turning his head away and wiping at his lip. “you got primer in my mouth.”
and what you wanted to say was, “then shut your damn mouth while my hands are near your lips.” but you didn’t, you just quietly apologized and got back to work. he had to be on set in twenty minutes and you were no where near being done because of glen and his indestructible vocal cords. you and him got into a lot of trouble on set for being late to shoots, but what could you do? tell your boss to be quiet and risk being fired? absolutely not, so you just kept quiet and tried to get his makeup done quickly and as best as you could.
glen was talking away about this dog he wanted to get and you were listening, truly you were, but you were also color correcting the slight bags under his eyes and a few blemishes near his chin. suddenly, glen laughed at something and you smudged concealer all on his bottom lip and down his chin.
“shit!” you cursed, getting a makeup wipe from your desk and carefully wiping away the mess on his face.
“it’s okay.” he said carefully, grabbing the wipe from your hand to wipe it away himself so you could take a break. “you don’t have to rush, y/n.”
“yes i do, you only have,” you checked the small watch on your wrist. “13 minutes until you have to be on set and i haven’t even blended your concealer yet. they’re gonna get rid of me, i just know it.”
“it’s kind of hard for them to get rid of you when you’re my personal makeup artist.” he cockily reminded you. you scowled at his smirking face and took the wipe from his hand. your index finger and thumb held his chin while you gently swiped his bottom lip. glen started to talk again and you sighed in frustration as you had to concentrate even harder to not get the wipe into his moving mouth. “i don’t quite like the taste of makeup remover, babe.”
“then shut the fuck up!” you finally lost it. you finally snapped at the nicest man on earth and you immediately stepped back. “i’m so sorry, glen.”
“it’s okay.” he said, reaching for your hand. “you know, you can tell me you need me to close my lips. i just get so nervous around you, my mouth goes a thousand miles a minute.”
you perked up immediately. glen doesn’t get nervous around anyone. why would he get nervous around you? before you could speak, glen beat you to it, as usual.
“i hired you on personally because i think you’re seriously talented, first of all, but also because you’re the most beautiful, kind, and caring girl i’ve ever met.” he turned to you in his swivel chair. “and it’s okay if you don’t want me back, i completely understand and i’ll never, ever, ever bring it up again, but please don’t quit. i couldn’t take losing you as a friend, y/n. i wouldn’t even know what to do-”
you don’t why you did it. maybe it was because you were annoyed at his ramblings, or perhaps it was because you realized you had always liked him too, ever since you got put on your first job with glen, years ago. but you leaned and captured your lips with his. glen reacted immediately, bringing you closer to him by your hips. your hands went into his hair and you’re sure you were probably messing up almost all the work you had just tried so hard to finish, but you didn’t care.
as you felt glen’s hands round your ass, you pulled back slightly breathless with a smile on your face. “you talk too much.”
“well, put your lips on mine and shut me up.”
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Tsun Yan Camboy + G.N Loser Reader- [mdni]
A chronically online shut in and the roommate blessed misfortunate enough to bunk with them.
God - he can't stand you. How can you even consider yourself his roommate? All you ever do all day is hole yourself up in your room wasting the day away watching your favorite streamers and actors - and when you do leave, all you ever talk about is them. It's disgusting - you're disgusting. He should find another roommate and be done with you. There you go again babbling on about your fav streamer reading your message today .....why don't your eyes ever light up like that when he's talking to you?...
Your roommate eventually gets fed up and steals your phone while you're sleeping. What do they have that he doesn't? Granted, you had made a move on him when he first moved which he quickly shot down. Undressing him with your eyes, hurling disgusting flirts and taking any chance to grope at him in close counters. His heart leapt straight into his pants remembering the last time he accidentally left the door open a crack and caught you staring like a predator to prey - belittling him more to just a slab of meat. It made him sick... it made him feel desired.
All these creators on your feed. Your messages are nothing short of repulsive too. A little bit of skin exposed and you just couldn't help yourself. He could do it too. Better than all the little tramps that caught your eye. It would be easy too. Everyone always complimented him on his physical appearance anyways - always trying to offer him their couch while things with you were getting figured out when the only place he wanted to be was your bed.
He got to work as soon as he returned your phone - creating various accounts on sites you frequented and buying everything he needed to get started. He even obtained a gym membership to work on his flexibility and thighs which he later switched to home training as his popularity grew; giving you the middle finger whenever you inquired where he was going and made the indepth observation his ass had gotten bigger than you remembered this past few weeks.
It didn't take long for him to gain traction.
A lot of the things you enjoyed could apply to the masses and he put more effort into his research than anything he had prior - even just confessing his love. He wore the outfits you loved, spoke in the breathy tones you liked, and on those specially lonely nights - he spanned your messages with invites for his pages so frequently you probably wouldn't checked him out sooner if you hadn't thought they were bots. None of the fame, fans or money really mattered - until he saw that familiar name in his inbox.
"Hey gorgeous, loved your vids~ hope you would do me the pleasure of texting me back sometime."
And he did - everyday. You're such an utter mess when it comes to acting like a functional being it's no wonder you were blocked by a few streamers before he thinned the list out - but it was the cutest thing. He was jealous of his own self now for having your full attention, but the anonymity allowed him to do things for he normally wouldn't in a million years- like spreading his legs open on his desk and showing you what exactly your sweet, fucked up words do to him.
To combat the threat of you finding his identity he wears cute masks and wigs - eventually earning enough to rent a small apartment to keep you fully in the dark. You might point out a mole on his backside in the same place as your new favorite streamer, but a quick dick pic from said individual draws whatever conversation you started to a close. Always searches for your recommendations out of thousands when asking for input on his next fit/scene and calls all of his followers his subjects - while wearing a choker that says master on it. It's still a little irritating to hear you ramble about some bitch you found online - but being that bitch makes it all worth it.
"You should see dude's hips... I mean - the handles on this guy.... don't even get me started on the things he does with his tongue.
Your roommate scoffs and rolls his eyes - nursing a sucker between his lips as he hits order on the swim suit you suggested to him and sends you the confirmation email along with a good morning
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Hi love ❤️ I was wondering if you could do Dabi, Shigaraki, chrono and Kai with a S/O who who just grabs them and shoves their face in to her chest when they monologue. Like the S/O is just tired of their endless ranting so she does that to shut them up
*cracks fingers* I would love to-
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Listen, you and Dabi rarely fights, so usually a argument is more like the kind of "Oh I like cheese" while the other is staring at you in disgust with a "You are mentally ill."
Really. That's it.
Is actually pretty funny, but now? You were almost throwing a chair at the mktherfucker since he was mocking you about not winning a bet you both made over a movie.
"Another loss doll, what a shame." He muttered, resting his smug face on his hands as he leaned on the kitchen counter as you deadpanned at him.
"Yeah yeah you won, now leave me alone." You hissed.
"Nah. I just need to see your expression at losing again. I can't even remember the count now, do you? I think I won on our lil discussions about of... 100 times already?" He made a false thinking expression as you threw a towel at him...
He obviously dodged with a cackle.
"I'm just speaking the truth here." He spat with a snort.
You had enough and just went to where he was. Thankfully he was sitting down so it would be more easy.
"Oh. Someone wants a round 2?" He smirked devilish before his eyes went wide open when your hands just grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his face right into your tatas.
Well... that was unexpected but surely not unwelcome.
"You're done?" You grumbled with a smile on your face as you nuzzle on his tainted hair before you felt a pair of rough hands squeezing your waist and surely felt a warmth emitting from his face.
"Yeah. I'm shutting up now." The vibrations of his rough voice made you ticklish.
He wouldn't. If you do this every time he will never shut his mouth.
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Probably was complaining about heroes or a game he didn't won or smth.
And you were just like "hey chill os not the end of world."
Okay, not LITERALLY because if you say that it will surely cause trouble between you two.
But you got it.
I will go with the second option since I kinda feel bad for him considering the recents events (both manga and anime)
"Tomu is okay."
"No its not." He growled, fingers already at work on scratching his neck "Didn't you see it? That guy obviously cheated. Probably is a momma or daddy boy and got those cheats on games paying billions for it."
"Huh?" You let out. Sometimes in the middle of his angry ramblings you couldn't understand or just the dots didn't connected.
But something you didn't want was for this man to mess up his skin more than it was. His neck was a victim of abuse from his nails already.
You got up in the kindle of his rambling and gently started to caress the oily hair he had before sucefully hushing him and bringing him to a hug with his face other between your chest.
The rambling immediately stopped as his hands started to tremble and for a moment you were afraid you did something to piss him off even more when he just straight up pushed himself away abruptly.
But the sign his face was now a deep shade of red that matched his ruby eyes immediately melted your worry away as you muffled your giggle with your hand.
"Sorry, that got you out of guard tomu?"
He glared up at you before standing up from his chair before just burning his face on your neck, not touching you with his hands still.
He can't even remember why he was so mad about.
Look how effective your love was!
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Sorry, this man drives me crazy
Surely was bitching about heroes and diseases and how they shouldn't exist/need a cure after bumling with one of them on his walk.
And normally you would sit and listen with pleasure since you were basically the only one Chisaki was open with absolutely everything.
But today was not your day.
You were just staring at him pacing around the room while you were sat on the bed just wanting to go to sleep.
It was a bold and dangerous move considering that normally you warn Chisaki or he just sees so he can prepare himself.
But nope. You just got up and pulled him abruptly to a hug with his face right on your minimum covered chest.
"Please Kai just go to bed... " You sighed while trying to carres the back of his skull.
Only later realizing the fair uncomfortable position he might been.
Chisaki was a bit taller than you... and the angle he was now made him arch his back rather... awkwardly.
You were about to pull away until his gloved hands grabbed the back of your night shirt as he exhaled shakily on you.
Guess you guys found a coping mechanism for when he gets nervous.
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He doesn't complain. He is an angel.
But he does go a rambling sometimes.
We saw that before he got attacked by a majority he was on ramble about to just kill aizawa.
Okay, maybe not a angel-
I totally can see Kurono as one of those dorky guys that goes mumbling without a care about something he enjoys it a lot.
And got shut out many times when he was a kid due to this habit (many times was Chisaki that ass-)
So he just tends to try to control it
Keyword try.
Because he is so comfortable around you that he can't just out of no where stop.
You're just watching him with a dreamy sigh as he explained in each detail about his favorite gun until he noticed your lack of response.
"Ha.. sorry about that." He scratched his cheek lightly
You weren't having that.
This man was so FLUSTERED when you scorched over and pulled him to nuzzle on your chest on the bed.
Face was 50 shades of red.
"Don't apologize for that. You like those things and I love hearing you talk. Please keep going."
I swear this man had heart eyes when staring up at you from his chest before he resumed his explanations but far more at ease at the position
Might have popped a boner
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nightfallgame · 6 months
(NSFW) SHORT — Hiroyuki Yamada (02)
Originally Written: 08-11-21
Prompt: Hiroyuki + a childhood friend and a marriage proposal that he never expected them to take seriously.
Hiroyuki wakes up to someone beside him. He’s in his shitty apartment. That’s the first thing he takes in. And... that’s a good sign. Probably. Even as drunk as he’s sure he was last night, at least he didn’t make the mistake of following the wrong person home and getting stuck. 
But there’s still a warm body right next to his, and when Hiroyuki dares to roll over... it’s to a face that he remembers all too well. 
The memories come crashing down hard. An old friend came to visit last night. He tried to drink a little to drown out his anxieties, to try to make himself a little less of an awkward, painfully stressed-out mess. And. Well. 
It clearly didn’t end so well for him. 
An instant later, when he curls up a little more into himself, Hiroyuki catches sight of his hand... and the ring around a very particular finger. His heart almost stops. What did he do to you? There’s no way that thing would be there because of something you chose. No, he had to have spiraled once he was drunk— and while Hiroyuki’s known himself to make stupid decisions when alcohol clouds his system, forcing some kind of engagement is new. 
Panic settles in his chest and takes root in his lungs. He did this to a friend, probably the only person he knows who was truly willing to visit him and give him a chance. Hiroyuki whines. He needs to be quiet. You’ll hear him. If you wake up, he’ll have to face the mistakes he’s made, and then, he’ll have to see someone who might have cared look at him with disgust. 
And then, you roll over and pull him into your arms. 
Hiroyuki almost shrieks. His whole body stiffens up like a coiled spring at the sudden contact, and it’s only through sheer willpower that he avoids letting out some kind of pathetic sound. You hum and squeeze him tighter. 
“Mmm... it’s nice to wake up to you,” you giggle. “I’m so happy you said yes! I was really worried there that you might not accept.”
“Wh-What!?” It’s undignified to the max, but still all he can say. 
“Marrying me. That’s why I came last night, remember? I’m here because we promised... and yeah, you had to get drunk to calm down enough to properly talk to me, but that’s okay. You said yes.”
Your adoring tone is coming close to giving him a heart attack. There’s no way someone could be talking about his sorry self in such a way. But just the same, when he fights to think through the mild hangover clouding his head, Hiroyuki stumbles upon the memory of you saying something very similar years ago, back when the two of you were in high school. 
“Y-You tracked me down for that—!?” he sputters incredulously. 
“Yeah. I was serious. I needed to wait until I was sure I could take care of you, but I meant what I said back then. And you’re okay with it, right? It’s like... I really do want to make you happy with this.”
“There’s n-no way you’re serious,” he squeaks. “Y-You can’t—, this is m-me we’re talking about. I’m a drunk! I w-work a shit job and, a-and there’s no way I can afford to be a husband, fuck—” He’s rambling now, panicking even more, and Hiroyuki can’t get a grip on himself for long enough to shut up the parts of himself that are insistent he feels guilt. 
“Don’t worry about money. I’m really sorry I took so long to get back to you. I needed to make sure I could do things properly, so... I can take care of things. You’re so sweet.” You reach forward and cup his cheek in your palm. “The same precious friend I knew way back then. I’ve missed you. So if you want to and you’re really okay with it, marry me. I won’t make you. You can take that ring off right now if you’d rather.”
The way you’re looking at him is terrifying. There’s so much genuine adoration in your eyes that Hiroyuki is pretty sure he could cry. Or that he might be about to. He remembers you vaguely— most of his past has sunk into a haze from stress and too much to drink, but you’re still there. 
His own family doesn’t want to see him. Even growing up, no one expected him to ever bring home a spouse. If you marry him, you won’t have any in-laws. He doesn’t have any money or assets to share. All Hiroyuki has is his cramped, dark apartment and the few possessions scattered throughout it. You claim that you’re capable of handling everything, but why would you want to? What has he done to earn something like that? You don’t get anything out of it. 
But the thought of someone actually wanting to have him for a husband is making Hiroyuki’s throat go tight and his chest heat up. He used to dream about that kind of thing, back before he realized it’d never happen. 
Even if it’s an obvious trick, can he really make himself say no? 
“I...” He hesitates, but desperation soon gets the better of him. “I-I’ll marry you. Please, um, p-please take care of me.”
It’s all he can do to whisper that plea and look away. Meeting your eyes while he still feels close to combusting is just too much. What if you take it back now and laugh in his face? Or what if he sees disgust in your eyes that someone as pitiful as him dared to assume you were serious? 
“Aaah, thank you! Thank you so much!” Instead of any of that, you shriek with happiness and pull his tense body even closer to yours. You bury your face against his neck and laugh with delight. “I promise, I’ll make you so happy. I’ll do everything to take care of you. You’ll never have to be alone again.” Your grip is tight and there’s conviction in your voice. Hiroyuki is so stunned that all he can do is lie there and fight back the insistent tears. 
. . . 
And it does indeed turn out to be true. You marry him.
The wedding isn’t as terrifying as Hiroyuki is expecting. You keep it small, in part because of his nerves and in part because it’s not like he has any family who’d even show up. In no time at all, he’s a married man. 
Maybe a couple of nights after, though, Hiroyuki’s nerves are eating him alive. Even though you went through with it, there are parts of his head that are utterly convinced this can’t be real. It’s legal. There’s a ring on his finger and you signed the papers and everything, but he still can’t stop feeling like he’ll wake up to you laughing in his face for falling for it. 
So when the two of you are going to bed (you share a bed now, in your apartment), Hiroyuki brings himself to ask the question. 
“A-Are you sure you want this...?” 
Without alcohol in his system, it’s hard to speak. You’ve slowly been getting him to drink less, and while that does mean he feels less like shit all the time, it also means that he’s in a constant state of nervousness with nothing to dull the strain. Asking something like that is way too hard. 
“What do you mean? This as in... being with you?” you ask. Hiroyuki nods and your nose wrinkles up. “Seriously? I married you, you goof. How would I not want to be with you? I love you. You know that by now.”
As you talk, you get closer and closer to him, scooting over until you’re in his space. Hiroyuki’s breath grows tight. Your bed is bigger and warmer than his futon ever was, and sharing it with someone feels entirely different than sleeping alone. You’re always holding him, getting closer and closer until he’s lost in your touch and not feeling quite so scared. This time, like many others, you lean in and kiss him. Your mouth is soft against his, and in no time you’re pawing at his shirt with reckless desire and need. 
He doesn’t resist. When you’re like this, it’s better to just enjoy it... and try to block out the negative things still hovering in his head. Focusing on the feeling of your lips trailing down his jaw is better than paying attention to the persistent thought that he’ll never, never be good enough. 
You suck a mark into the space just below his jaw. If he was still working at Oracle, Hiroyuki would have had to squeak at you not to do it where he couldn’t keep such a thing hidden. Now, when you’re helping him search for a new job that won’t tear him apart and leave him in pieces, Hiroyuki has no excuse. It feels good. He’s hard in no time. 
Legs rubbing together to try to get any kind of friction, Hiroyuki arches up into yet another bite. You’re down to his collarbone, his shirt is gone, and he feels like he’s starting to burn up under your persistent touch. 
“H-Hey, why are y-you being so... affectionate...?” Hiroyuki mumbles. His dick is twitching embarrassingly in his underwear, and if you keep this up, there’s a good chance he’ll come before you even manage to touch him. 
“To prove that I love you and want you to be my husband forever,” you say bluntly, as if blurting it out doesn’t faze you for a second. 
“Th-That’s—!” Hiroyuki starts, but promptly gets cut off when your mouth finds one of his nipples. The sudden shock of heat makes him twist and squeak, his cock pulsing out a shamefully large drop of pre-come from that much stimulation alone. His hips buck uselessly into thin air.
It doesn’t stop. You cover his chest in marks and bites and slick trails of your saliva left behind from kisses and the drag of your tongue. You suck and bite at his nipples until they’re pink and flushed, pebble-hard, and so sensitive that Hiroyuki swears he’s minutes away from spilling in his pants like a teenager. He wants you to touch him, but begging is just too much, and anyway, how is it his place to ask for more than this?
One of your hands finds his thigh. You rub long, slow lines over his skin, up to the juncture of his thigh and pelvis, where the aching bulge of his cock is just inches away. There’s no way you can’t see the (slowly growing) wet spot where his tip rests. Where he’s leaked so much it’s visible. Hiroyuki’s face burns at the thought... but his dick twitches once again. 
“Do you want my hands or my mouth?” you ask, smiling so fondly it hurts. “Either one is fine. I want to make you feel good.”
Hiroyuki opens his mouth to say that you can do whatever you’d like to him, but he closes it slowly when his thoughts stall. He... He’s allowed to ask. You’ll do what he requests, and you won’t be angry with him for it. 
“Your hand, p-please...?” he whispers, squeezing his eyes shut. This is beyond embarrassing. And— while he’s come to adore the feeling of your throat around him, there’s something special about your gentle fingers stroking him off like he deserves all of the kindness you can possibly offer. 
“Of course.”
His underwear is down a second later, and your fingers curl loosely around his shaft. You don’t tease. Instead, you stroke him at the perfect pace, only breaking the rhythm to kiss him stupid as he whines. 
This is bliss. He’s in someone else’s bed where he’ll fall asleep by their side. He’ll wake up to your face in the morning, and every morning after that. There’s someone who will touch him whenever he wants it and make sure he doesn’t break down in tears after he comes and what would have been loneliness sinks in. You care enough to keep him from drinking himself to death, and you give him all of the world you can offer. 
“I-I love you,” he moans. “So much. Thank you f-for wanting me—, I’m so grateful, I-I really am. I’m happy to be your husband.”
Hiroyuki buries his face against your shoulder after that. He comes in your hand within a minute to the sound of you saying you love him in return.
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justme-1723 · 1 year
Ep. 5 Ramblings (After watching it a second time)
- Protective Sand is so sexy. (This is important information and vital to the plot 🫣)
- The way Ray & Sand compliment each other is just *chefs kiss* (Sand is a natural caregiver and Ray wants/needs to be taken care of) Their sarcasm. The way they can banter back and forth. Sand knows when to tease him and Ray knows when to pout/give puppy eyes. Sand stands his ground and Ray gives in. Ugh, I could go on and on.
- Nick interrupting SandRay, but also leaving as quickly as possible because he ships it was king behavior.
- Ray eating his breakfast after Sand asks him to (even after he said he didn’t want it at first) was so 😩
- I’m not sure if anyone else noticed this… The face Ray made after Sand told him that he didn’t trust him with his life broke my fucking heart.
- Ray smiling after Sand helped him with his helmet (while Sand was facing away from him no less). You aren’t slick babe. We see those heart eyes 😻!
- The entire clothing store scene! Everything about it was perfect. That second outfit he chose for Ray was horrible and I wanted to rescue our sad meow meow.
- Mew is so fucking adorable. That’s it. That’s all I have to say.
- But seriously… Top seemed genuinely concerned for him and was also ready to destroy the person who almost ran Mew down. One point for Top.
- Nick & Boston were entirely too sweet the majority of the episode. I didn’t believe it, but I also couldn’t help loving it because Mark is just fucking precious.
- Nick changing his entire identity just to keep Boston interested was super depressing. It was also very realistic and relatable… I felt called out honestly.
- Summer. Sweet Summer. I just love that she backed off and didn’t make things awkward. I also found it interesting that Ray chose to tell Sand that he wasn’t flirting, just simply keeping her company. He then completely shifted his attention away from Summer once Sand returned and didn’t even notice that she left.
- I’ve said this before, but Ray looks so damn happy anytime he’s with Sand. He’s relaxed. He’s lighter. He smiles so big and bright. He just seems comfortable and free.
- The TopMew date was very interesting. Loads to unpack and I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about it. Something about them is just… off. I think it’s supposed to be this way. Like… Top says I love you first and I was so shocked. I literally couldn’t process it lol. I honestly have no idea if he was sincere or not.
- Boston wasn’t a dick to Mew when he called for advice about sleeping with Top. Good for you babe.
- Nick is helping with their graduation project? Like… it’s nice of him, but what the fuck?
- I know most people will disagree, but Top didn’t look happy at all when he saw Nick & Ton together. At first glance, I thought he was jealous, but also disgusted? But after watching the episode again I’m conflicted.
- The entire scene with Sand’s mom was amazing. She’s sort of a mess and I feel like there is a lot more to this part of the story, but I loved her so much. I do think Sand has had to take care of her for a big portion of his life. He said himself they are more like friends which is good and they clearly talk about everything, but it makes sense that he’s someone who needs to be in control because his childhood was probably chaotic.
- Ray sang a love song to Sand for his birthday. Okay bestie.
- They opened up to each other about their parents 😭😭😭😭😭!!! This scene was my favorite of the episode. They really took a huge step forward here in terms of trust & communication. (this brings me back to them wearing the exact same shoes in episode one. They might be from different financial backgrounds, but they are more alike than they know. They’ve walked similar paths. Blah blah you know what I’m trying to say!)
- Nick, sweetheart, love of my life. You just had to drag Boston up the steps and into your apartment?! You couldn’t let him suffer alone just this once?
- Sand & Ray being total boyfriends in front of Nick & Boston was just everything I ever wanted. I truly thought Ray was going to freak out when he realized Ton saw them, but he didn’t give a flying fuck and continued to be his clingy self with Sand right in front of their salad.
- I hate you, Boston. I also want to hug you because I think you hate yourself.
- The bed scene with Sand & Ray was devastating. Ray tried so hard to reach out, but Sand couldn’t take his hand. He has so much baggage surrounding whatever happened with his ex and Top, that I’m sure he felt so fucking stupid for letting it happen again. Like great I love someone else who doesn’t love me back. I just wanted to wrap him up and protect him from the world. My heart broke for Ray too. He started the process of moving forward only to have his past thrown back in his face. You could tell how bad he felt for Sand and how desperately he wanted to fix things.
- That final Happy Birthday was so unnecessary and I expect an apology from Khaotung and Jojo because watching First (yes I said First not Sand) shed that single tear was too much from me to handle.
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thotsforvillainrights · 6 months
I just gotta say I absolutely love what you did with the blog change, the new banner thingies you do for each character looks really nice!! :D
And might I request just some general smut headcanons for my man's Goto, chrono and chisaki?
(Thank you! Now if only I could stay consistent with updating the masterlist or writing in general. THEN it would be 100% the best haha! Until then, I can only dream. Ramblings aside, I feel like I've done something for Chisaki and Chrono at least once in the past before but I'm too lazy to search the masterlist. So just in case, let's do it again!)
~Muscular/Chisaki/Hari Smut Headcanons~
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-This has probably been mentioned in the past but should be brought up again...you have to have a certain type of thick skin to put up with this man. This is regarding the relationship in general. At least as far as LOV asshole status goes, you might have a better chance trying to reason with Shigaraki or Dabi. With Muscular, you absolutely cannot take things to heart. He's gruff...he's a gruff man and that's the best way to describe it with him. Now leading into the smut:
-Being hardheaded and stubborn means he has a certain way he wants to go about things. That means if you ever had any hopes of topping him then you're just shit out of luck. 99.9% of the time during sex he's calling the shots. That other small percentage was the one singular time he let you take over on your anniversary. Even THEN he still ended up leading near the end of things. He just can't help being in control most of the time/all the time. Hopefully that doesn't get to you too much because otherwise it may lead to an unwinnable argument.
-He's a little rougher with the things he does. That bein said, he's not a monster! You don't have to worry about him doing anything despicable like taking things too far when you're not for it, or hurting you during it (on purpose at least). He obviously cares enough to be in a relationship with you so no worries there. Also, he's fine implementing some form of a safeword if you feel you really need it. He's grimey but again, he's not a monster.
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-Bravo for getting him to be in a relationship with you in the first place. Bravo for even getting him to notice you long enough to hold a conversation without looking at you in disgust. He's surprised by his own actions and so are you (no more so than Pops. The old man is the most shocked by everything). Anyhow, he cares for you but can tend to be selfish with things. Give him a break as he's still learning how to love and how to go about things in a relationship both sexual and nonsexual.
-Beforehand he's going to obviously request you get cleaned up. Don't try to get him with the "but Kai, we're both just going to get dirty again" speech because it's not going to work unfortunately. It's like a chore but you'll come to find that the headache is worth the reward. Once between the sheets you realize he's learned so much since the last few times. He's sickened by the thought (and embarrassed too) but he's spent some time researching just for you. He applies what he's learned and then proceeds to perfect it bit by bit. He won't let anything he does to you be taken terribly whatsoever. He wants to be able to KNOW he's done a good job pleasing you.
-His pace can tend to be a bit slower sometimes, along the line of making love rather than straight up fucking. However, his tune changes easily based on how the night is going and how badly he wants to finish. Speaking of finishing, don't ask him to finish anywhere but in you or in a condom. Splashing bodily fluids all over the place creates unnecessary mess so unfortunately (if you're into facials) you won't be getting one unless you wear into him for a long while until he breaks. Oh, and expect the cleanup to come afterwards too. A mandatory shower before aftercare cuddles is the main thing to expect. As mentioned beforehand, the headache is worth the reward.
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-Talk about fun sex, this is the man to fulfill that. It's rare he can be anything but teasing both in and out of the bedroom. Dating him is like dating a best friend. He's pretty much the best partner of the 3. He's attentive and listens to your needs. Don't get me wrong, he's still a little bit of an ass but a teasing one at that. It may get to be annoying how many times he tires to get into your pants once the two of you start dating but if you let him know the jokes annoy you then he'll try to cool off on them for you. He understands not to push his limits too much when it comes to you.
-A lot of times he'll try to draw a little laughter out of you during sex. That way once you're laughing he can swiftly turn it into moans for him. It's like a challenge for this man almost. The sex blindsides you too. One minute you'll be outside in the backyard chatting and laughing on the picnic blanket and then the next thing you know you're giving him a handy in the shed. Other times you're chilling on the couch playing games or watching a movie before you find yourself on the carpet while he puts his tongue to work. Sometimes you might find yourself walking into it thinking you'll just have a quick shower together before suddenly your back is against the wall while he's plowing into you beneath the warm water flowing from the showerhead. Roll the dice on it.
-Despite this, he's really a great person to date outside of sex. If for whatever reason you were seeking a friends with benefits type of relationship, I can see him falling in love rather quickly. Maybe it happens more quickly than you think.
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greeksorceress · 2 years
drabble: seeking after that sweet golden clime 
prompt: flowers
“if aunt helaena was a flower, she would be a daisy” lucerys decides one warm morning, crouching down to play with the soft petals around him.
aemond, who was three chapters ahead of his assigned reading, snorts at what he thinks is one of lucerys’ strangest revelations. it’s not like he’s not used to that kind of incoherent wording, he spends enough time with helaena.
it was easy with helaena, though. she would ramble in riddles and he would listen to them attentively, and then helaena would move on to another thing. however, lucerys isn’t anything like that. lucerys never rests when he gets an idea, when he has one of his weirds epiphanies. it sometimes drives him mad, it sometimes drives the rest of them mad.
so aemond knows he shouldn’t engage. he came to the clearing with the sole purpose of being left alone with his book; with no drunk aegon pestering the service and no parent figure -and isn’t that a joke- to tell him what to do. and most importantly, he didn’t come here to listen to this senseless talk coming from the mouth of a little, strong pup.
but there is this pull, as it always seems to appear when it comes to lucerys, like he’s a marionette and his strings are moved by the younger boy’s fingers.
it’s disgusting, because he wants to ignore him and make him go away. 
“and why is that?”
aemond clicks his tongue, annoyed. still, he repeats himself. “why would helaena be a daisy?” 
“oh! because daisies are pale and bright and lively, and they are the only type of flowers that can smile” 
lucerys grins, proud of himself. aemond isn’t that impressed, though. 
“daisies cannot smile, idiot. flowers are not people, they are inanimate” 
lucerys isn’t sure about what inanimate means, but he knows aemond is making fun of him, and he gets really defensive about his own theories. “well! if flowers could smile, it would definitely be daisies! if you look closely at their center, they are smiling. you just don’t understand about flowers!”
aemond looks at him, unfazed. “sure,” he drawls, because there’s nothing to do when lucerys gets like this, “if you say so.”
everyone tends to acuse aemond of having a quick temper, but lucerys’ tantrums are just as magnificent. as if on clue, lucerys stands up and stomps angrily. he must think he looks brave and strong like this. to aemond, he looks like a toddler. or an angry kitten. that makes aemond smirk. 
“you’re just jealous! if you were a flower, you would be the sourest of them all!”
“oh, you think so? like what?”
“like a- like a rose! but with no petals! you would just be the spines!” 
aemond just chuckles at that. it’s not the reaction that lucerys was going for, and the confusion in his face only fuels aemond’s amusement. 
“that was cheeky. does your head hurt from thinking so much about a comeback, pup?” 
“shut up!” lucerys’s is positively whining, “i take back what i said. if you were a flower, you would be a poisonous one, like poison ivy!”
“that isn’t a flower, that’s a plant”
lucerys is gaping at him. aemond tastes the victory. it’s sweet like honey. it does sour a bit when lucerys’ lips quiver.
aemond sighs, “anyways, if i were to be a flower, i would be a sunflower”
that seems to quell lucerys’ tears even before they start to pour. aemond bites back a smile. lucerys is so easy to anger, and so much easier to please. 
lucerys sits down, this time right by aemond’s side, and looks up at him with genuine interest. he prefers this taste to honey. 
“why? why a sunflower?”
“just because”
“oh...” there’s a pause. lucerys is frowning, quite discontent with aemond’s answer. “and me? what flower would i be?”
aemond looks at him and takes him wholly. lucerys’ hair is a soft mess of curls and strands, and his face is flushed, probably from the heat. he has cuts in his fingers, the same ones that are holding the daisies that he picked for helaena, and there are scratches all over his arms because he likes to try and hold cats that are not used to being held. his eyes are shining, and he’s smiling, expecting something nice from aemond. 
aemond closes his book and stands up abruptly, “you would be no flower.”
he is already marching towards the castle when he hears lucerys broken whisper. he’s not following aemond, but has stood up. 
“would i not be enough to be a flower?” 
aemond stills and turns to look at him once before leaving.
“you would be the sun.”
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navnae · 2 years
The Charm (18+)
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Steve Harrington m/m Smut
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: age gap, handjobs, blowjobs, sexual favors, edging, mean!steve, flirtatious!steve
Summary: AU where Steve is the one that goes with Nancy to the asylum and we learn the deeper meaning of what Steve meant when he said he can use his charm.
a/n: this idea was floating in my head so I just wrote it, it’s probably bad but hey.
The moment Steve heard that he was going to be stuck with the kids again he immediately protested against it but Nancy wasn’t listening to him at all. She was busy pulling out clothes from her closet and deciding what outfit looked the most convincing. He didn’t care if his complaining was going in one ear and out the other he just wanted to be heard. Nancy rolled her eyes as he continued to ramble on about how there had to be something he could do to be helpful.
“Nance I’m telling you maybe bringing me along wouldn’t be such a bad thing. While you’re talking about all the important stuff I can just stand to the side and use my charm to make him buy what we’re selling.” Steve shrugged. He believed that if he came along they would be able to get what they needed a lot faster without putting up much of a battle, he knew how tough some people were in these types of places. Nancy laughed at the thought of Steve using his looks to convince the warden to see Creel. She’s heard a lot of ridiculous things but that was truly one of the best ones.
“Your charm? Steve do you realize how important this is and how much trouble we could get in if anything goes wrong. I’m not willing to get caught up in your foolishness because your flirting with a middle aged man didn’t go right.” Nancy shook her head as she found an outfit and put it up against herself. Okay Steve would admit his plan sounded a little far fetched but if she gave his vision a chance they would be in there in no time.
“Fine I get the point. All I’m saying is with a little bit of sweet talk it would be impossible to push us away.” Steve justified his tactics and technically he wasn’t lying. Whenever he used his looks majority of the time he gets what he wants, now he could finally do it for a great cause. Nancy rolled her eyes and waved him off.
“Maybe another time, Steve. This time me and Robin are going to be the ones to go.” Nancy said excitedly after pulling out two dresses for both of them to wear. Robin looked up from Nancy’s music collection and eyed the dresses she was holding. The look of disgust on her face wasn’t something she could hide very well.
“Oh absolutely not, I’m not wearing that. Sorry Nancy you can count me out for this one.” Robin looked apologetic and sincere. Nancy frowned slightly as she lowered the dresses down. She glanced at Steve who had a wide smile on his face.
“No! I rather go by myself then.” Nancy gathered her everything she needed and she was determined to do whatever she needed to do to get the information even if she had to do it alone. Steve felt like Nancy would never give in no matter what he did. Of course he had his moments of being goofy and not someone to take serious but at a time like this he wasn’t going to screw anything up.
“Nance, come on. I promise that nothing will go wrong and if it does I’ll clean up the mess. You have to trust me on this okay?” Steve said softly. Nancy kept her eyes on her dress that she laid out on her bed letting Steve’s words repeat in her head. It took a few seconds for her to look at Steve and see that his features were softer, he really meant what he said. She took a deep breath before responding.
“Alright we can go together but if anything goes wrong I’m never talking to you again.” Nancy threatened with her finger pointing at Steve.
“Understood.” Steve nodded his head feeling excited. Now he could finally do something that didn’t involve him watching the kids. Steve loved them dearly it just got annoying that he never got to do anything besides that and hopefully joining Nancy would prove to them he was more than the babysitter.
They stopped by Steve’s house so he could make a quick change into something that fit the occasion. Steve ran to his closet and quickly searched for any old suit that would do the job. He tried on a few until he finally found one that actually looked good and it showed of his body extreme well. Steve hurried into the bathroom to check himself, Steve wasn’t the kind of person to brag or anything but if he’d played his cards right there was a good chance that anyone that crossed paths with him would want to fuck him and that was his goal. Steve ran his hands through his hair making it messy then he puckered up his lips to add flavored chapstick on to them also adding a red tint to them. After he finished touching himself up he went outside and made his way towards the car as Nancy waited in side. When Steve sat down Nancy had to do a double take at his appearance. Steve noticed that she was staring at him and he started to get nervous under her gaze.
“What?” Steve blurted out. Nancy gave him a death glare. She didn’t like his outfit in the slightest there was no way they were going to be taken seriously if Steve looked like that.
“This isn’t a runway at a fashion show at a fashion show, Steve. This is an asylum that has a patient that we need to see and he could possibly help us prevent the world from coming to an end.” Nancy said with frustration being evident in her voice.
“Nance I’ve already told you that I know what I’m doing and I promised you that if anything goes wrong I’ll clean it up.” Steve already had in mind how things were going to go which were the complete opposite of what Nancy was thinking. They’ve made it this far that it would be ludicrous to turn around now, Nancy hoped that she wouldn’t end up regretting her decision.
The drive was shorter than what both of them had expected. They pulled into the parking lot of the hospital both of them feeling the pressure weighing heavy on them. After getting themselves together and headed towards the building. Once they entered a woman standing behind the front desk caught their eyes. Nancy led the way with Steve following behind her and she put on a sweet smile when the woman saw her. Steve smiled as well to play off of Nancy’s body language.
“Hello, what can I help you with today?” The woman’s voice is sweet and innocent. Hearing how nice she sound made Steve and Nancy let their guards down a little bit.
“Hi we’re academic students who are doing a research paper on one of your patients Victor Creel. We were kind of hoping that we could interview him for our paper?” Nancy asked. The woman’s face changed and she started to become hesitant when talking to Nancy. She looked down at some papers that were laying on the desk in front of her before looking up at Steve and Nancy.
“With a request like that you kids are playing a very dangerous game. I can’t personally give you the green light to see Mr. Creel but I can take you to see Mr. Hatch and maybe all of you can come to an agreement on something, how does that sound?” The woman suggested. Nancy nodded her head quickly smiling widely.
“That would be perfect. Thank you.” Nancy said before her and Steve followed the woman down the hallway. She brought them to a room that had a name beside it. ‘Anthony Hatch’ was what Steve could see and he kept note of it just in case it would be useful to him.
The woman opened the door and behind it revealed an office setup that clearly belonged to the man sitting in the chair shuffling through stacks of papers. His attention turned to all of them walking into the room and he didn’t seemed pleased about it in the slightest. Steve observed the man in front of him to see what he was working with, he’s had a few experiences with the stone cold type of men who kept up the facade that they were big and bad. This didn’t seem like anything different all Steve needed was a minute with this guy and they’ll be seeing Creel real soon.
“Can I help you with something?” Hatch asked with no emotion on his face.
“These kids wanted to do a research paper on Victor Creel. I figured that you would want a say in that.” The woman and Hatch shared a look that only they knew what it meant.
“Ah I see. Well thank you for bringing them in you may return back to work.” Hatch told the woman, for a second he smiled then it went away once she left the room. Nancy and Steve stood there like statues not knowing what to do next. Hatch sighed as he looked at both of them, “you can take a seat.”
Nancy and Steve quickly took a seat in the two chairs that were in front of his desk. They say there in silence waiting for Hatch to make a comment or ask them to get into details about why they were there but none of that happened. Nancy took it upon herself to speak up and start a conversation.
“I would like to say it’s a true pleasure to talk to you today Mr. Hatch and you’ve heard the reason why we’re here. It would mean so much-“
“I’m sorry, who are you exactly?” Hatch interrupted. Nancy and Steve looked at each other nervously. They never talked about what their names were going to be if anyone asked.
“I’m… Ruth and this is-“
“Scott.” Steve wanted to die right on the spot. Hatch raised a brow as he glanced over at Steve. He noticed that Hatch kept his eyes on him for an insanely long time and looked away when Steve caught on. Steve haven’t even started flirting yet but Hatch already seemed like he had a little bit of an issue.
“If you don’t mind me asking what school do you go to?” Hatch kept pushing on with the questions. Steve and Nancy had an idea that he probably knew that both of them were lying and he was just wondering how far would they go.
“Um… Clinton university.” Nancy lied. She closed her eyes and mentally scolded herself. Steve tried to help by smiling at Hatch, the man just wasn’t having it.
“I fear that there is no such thing as a Clinton university around here ma’am or a Ruth and Scott that goes there. Now if you tell me why you want to see one of my patients there will be no police involved but if you don’t I’ll let the police deal with it.” Hatch said firmly. Steve had a feeling that this was going to happen and right now was the time he needed to do something. Nancy’s mind was filled with thoughts that prevented her from focusing on what Hatch had said. Steve stepped up to the plate and prepared himself for what was going to happen next.
“Ruth, can you step out for a second. Me and Mr. Hatch need to have a chat.” Steve didn’t have to look at Nancy to know that she was looking at him as if he’s lost his mind.
“Trust me just this once.” Steve said softly. Nancy contemplated if she wanted to let Steve handle this situation or was getting arrested worth its. She didn’t have enough time to dwell on it for long so she gave Steve a little nod before standing up from her chair and exiting the room leaving the two men alone. Now that Steve had to do things by himself there was no going back now. Steve leaned up in his seat and adjusted his suit with his hands, Hatch watched Steve intently his eyes lingering on him just like before but this time there was no subtly in it. “Mr. Hatch, since it’s just us at the moment I think you should really reconsider letting both of us do our research paper on Victor Creel. All of it is harmful and it wouldn’t ruin your reputation or anything if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Listen. I may not have any idea what exactly the both of you are doing but it ends right here or else.” Hatch couldn’t match the firm tone from earlier. Steve caught on to the shakiness in his voice and he smirked at how Hatch started cracking underneath Steve’s gaze. He stood up from his seat slowly making sure that every movement that he made came off as sexy.
“You see Mr. Hatch or Anthony if you will. Both of us know that you don’t want that.” Steve said lowering his voice. Steve took a few steps towards Hatch’s desk and placed his hands on top of it, bending over slightly while cocking his head to the side as he batted his eyelashes. Hatch leaned back in his seat visibly gulping when Steve reached his hand into a small bowl of candy that was in front of him then putting it up to his lips and sticking out his tongue to lick the piece of candy. He swirled it over the candy for a second before putting it into his mouth. Hatch let out a shaky breath while watch Steve, unable to say anything without making an embarrassing noise. The bulge that formed in his pants proved that Steve’s plan was working better than he thought it would. He laughed lightly as he watched Hatch try to cover it up once Steve noticed up. “Instead of hiding it why don’t I help you with it.”
Hatch’s eyes widened when Steve started making his way around the desk and he made himself comfortable on Hatch’s knee. Steve could feel Hatch’s erection against his knee and he moved it at a quick pace to create some friction. Hatch put his hand on Steve’s waist then looked up at him with his mouth open low moans coming from him. Steve slid his hand towards Hatch’s crotch and gripped it tightly making him back his hips up in Steve’s hand.
“Already hard from just looking at me, that’s truly pathetic.” Steve spat as he tightened his grip on Hatch’s clothed erection. His cock twitched underneath the layers of clothing and he held Steve close, small whimpers managing to come out of his mouth.
“I know it is… you’re so pretty I don’t deserve to be this close to you. God, i’d do anything to touch you. Can I touch you please.” Hatch begged. His hands ran over Steve’s stomach and he tried to get his fingers underneath the button up shirt he was wearing but Steve stopped his hand from going any further. He smiled at Hatch before leaning in close to his ear.
“Don’t be so eager, Anthony. Let’s focus on what we have here.” Steve whispered. Smoothly he slid his hand over Hatch’s belt and undoing it with ease. Steve kissed the his neck as he was was able to get access to Hatch’s cock that throbbed in Steve hand when he pulled it out. Hatch looked wrecked already with his head thrown back and kept begging Steve to do whatever he wanted. His chest rising rapidly as Steve wrapped his hand around the base of his cock then stroking it slowly. The tip was decorated with precum that got on Steve’s thumb when he pushed down on it to tease Hatch. He squirmed under Steve’s touch and his sounds were only getting louder, Steve wondered if Nancy could hear any of it or did she even have a clue of what they were doing.
“Oh lord.” Hatch breathed. He thrusted upwards in Steve’s hand trying to get himself off quickly. Steve played along with what Hatch tried to accomplish so he took his hand and started to stroke Hatch’s cock faster. Building up that tension in his body with every question close movement that Steve did. Hatch moaned as Steve connected their lips together and he could feel himself getting closer to coming. “Fuck, you taste good”
“I know.” Steve said against Hatch’s lips. The older man couldn’t take it anymore everything in his body started getting tighter and his moans became choppier as he was losing his breath. Steve quickened the pace of his hand letting Hatch almost reach his climax then removing his hand making everything stop all together. Hatch cried out from not being able to cum and he looked at Steve with pleading eyes.
“Why’d you stop?” Hatch whined. Steve should’ve made it clear that he wasn’t going to make this easy for Hatch or that he wasn’t leaving without making his point clear. He was there for one reason only.
“You only get to cum if you allow me and my friend to talk to Creel, do I make myself clear?” Steve took his hand and wrapped it around the base but not moving it which made Hatch annoyed.
“Fine I will… just don’t stop.” Hatch let out a low moan when Steve started moving his hand again. This time Steve went through with making Hatch cum. The man’s entire body shook from Steve roughly stroking his cock until streams of hot white substance landed on Hatch’s suit and some of it getting onto Steve’s hand. Hatch went limp after coming so hard, he closed his eyes trying to steady his breathing. Once he came down from his high he looked at Steve and smiled lazily. “That’s the hardest I’ve ever came”
“You’re not the first person to tell me that.” Steve joked. When he tried to stand up Hatch pulled him back down onto his knee keeping his hand on Steve’s waist.
“Leaving so soon? I thought we could have a little more fun.” Hatch took Steve’s hand and licked his own cum off of his fingers then putting one of them into his mouth, sucking it softly. Steve couldn’t deny the feeling of his pants getting tighter. As much as he wanted to take things a step further he knew his time was limited.
“We’re kind of on a time crunch but if we make it quick no one will suspect anything.” Steve didn’t get a chance to process what was happening before he was being lifted up and put on the desk. Hatch pulled Steve in for a hasty kiss then he started kissing Steve’s neck. Steve moaned loudly while Hatch undid his belt and pulled his pants down halfway. Steve’s cock hit against his shirt, Hatch wrapped his hand around it before getting on his knees. Steve felt butterflies in his stomach when Hatch kissed the base softly. He moaned breathily from the contact.
“Pretty.” Hatch smirked against Steve’s cock then he licked the side of it. He gave his base a few strokes before taking all of Steve into his mouth and he got to work. Steve let out a gasp when Hatch shoved his cock to the back of his throat and he kept up his rhythm while bobbing his head. To say he was a man in power Steve felt amazing knowing that he was able to get him on his knees. Hatch sped up his movements and Steve’s leg stared to shake around Hatch’s head as he pushed them upward. With loud moans escaping his lips when Steve grabbed the back of Hatch’s head and pushed him down. Steve came into his mouth, not one drop of it spilled out. Hatch pulled away and he looked Steve directly in the eyes as he swallowed his cum.
“Holy shit that’s hot.” Steve didn’t know what else to say but the smug look on Hatch’s face showed didn’t need to say much. Hatch stood up and kissed Steve gently which shocked Steve due to the previous events. After a few seconds Hatch pulled away and smiled.
“This might be a little forward to ask but would you want to-“
“Anthony, you’re getting a little bit ahead of yourself. Let’s focus on what you promised okay?” Steve had to let Hatch know that there wasn’t enough time for sweet talk.
“Right. I’ll get right on that then.” Hatch continued to smile from ear to ear and gave Steve a quick kiss on the cheek. Both of them started fixing their clothes to what they believed looked good.
They exited the room and Nancy looked at both of them with wide eyes. She noticed that Steve was extremely sweaty, his face was flushed and slightly red. Hatch lead them down the hallway to take take then to where Victor Creel was supposed to be staying. None of this made since to her the idea of Steve pulling this off was making her world spin out of control.
“What happened? How did you convince him to let us see Victor?” Nancy whispered. Steve had flashback of what just happened a few minutes ago and all he could do is laugh.
“I used my charm.” Steve joked as he winked at Nancy. She furrowed her brows in confusion but she didn’t push the conversation any further, all that matters is that they were going to get the important information they needed.
This took me way too long to write but I was so passionate about this idea! I’m starting to like writing on here and maybe y’all could give some requests? Hope y’all enjoyed 🥰
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widxwed · 1 year
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Kyle " Gaz " Garrick Headcanons
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❛ Bloody right you do! ❜
- A / N : a request for a friend!
- CW : skulls + mentions of alcohol + mental illnesses
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💣 ⁾ he is touch starved but at the same time doesn't want touch. he's very picky on who can touch him. even hugs or pats on the back are a no. he wont explain why but everyone on the team respects it and makes everyone else respect it. gazis a very cuddly person when he trusts the person enough though. especially with soap and price
💣 ⁾ he also hates the silence. though, he is a very quite person. he likes to sit with his headphones on just so he doesn't have to be in silence. he'll also hum or tap his fingers on things when its too quite and he doesn't have his headphones or phone on him. he just can't stand what may be lurking under the veil of silence. plus it's just creepy
💣 ⁾ he has autism, it's not very obvious but you can tell if you pay attention enough. he manages to hide it along with his hyper - activity and adhd. he's just a mental mess but he handles it very well and hides it from others
💣 ⁾ when he gets excited about a topic he will ramble about it. its one of the few times anyone is able to hear his voice for a long period of time. he especially does it with rudy because rudy just loves the golden retriever like boy. he just wants him to be happy
💣 ⁾ he loves reading. probably more than he loves himself or anyone else. he could sit with his headphones in reading for hours. funny thing is he hates audio books with his whole soul. he wants audio books to burn ( quite litterly what hes probably said despite the irony )
💣 ⁾ he also owns a journal that he draws and writes in. animals and guns are his main subjects. he also draws and lables flowers for fun. he loves to lable flowers. he's given all of his teammates paintings of flowers that are labled. every flower has their meaning and why the flower reminds gaz of them on it. he also likes to draw animal and human skulls. he doesn't even know why. especially with flowers
💣 ⁾ despite just being 24 he's pretty knowledgeable on alcohol. he personally likes whiskey and beer, especially darker beers. he isn't very picky but hes probably tried everything under the sun. he just likes to try new things, no matter how disgusting they may genuinely sound
💣 ⁾ when he does training he is pretty violent. he doesn't mean to be really! he just lets his anger out. his past wasn't the best so he was so used to just being violent. he normally trains with ghost and soap so that he can be as rough as he wants and they'll be okay
💣 ⁾ he is very much a junkrat at heart. i'm so sorry non - overwatch fans. he's a pyromaniac little shite. he loves his explosives. he also loves making them. he doesn't know how he got so good at it. he was a good fit for his job and ghost was happy that he loved doing his job. gaz seems to scare everyone with the fact that he was so good at throwing and making explosives
💣 ⁾ he has a good memory. he always remembers what everyone likes. especially food. he knows everyones favorite snacks or movies. one of the things that makes everyone off put is the fact that he remembers everyones fighting styles and guns. he's just that good at his job apparently. that's what he brushes it off as. he also remembers what everyone likes that he can draw. he'll draw them all the time and will give everyone the drawings
💣 ⁾ his love language is baking people food and gift giving
💣 ⁾ he's an amazing cook. he says its because he had to feed himself as a kid. everyone hated that answer but it was right. gaz always had to cook for himself. he loved cooking for others. it just made him feel so happy when other people are full and enjoy his food
💣 ⁾ he's just a happy lil man! my favorite happy lil man
This was not proof read! I apologize for spelling / grammer mistakes
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stargazing15 · 2 years
Hello again
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Bob x Fem!reader
Summary: Will you give Bob another chance?
Warnings: angst and fluff I guess
Previous: Oh how I was wrong - Next: What a timing
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It was now becoming a regular thing, Bob talking to your door and you listening on the other side.
He talked about the others, mostly Phoenix, Rooster's new flame, rambling about a couple of his failed cooking sessions and of course how sorry he was about his actions. You were still contemplating if you could see him or not, but for now this was okay. You were actually surprised by yourself by giving him a chance and by calming down with his voice. It was still extremely busy at work and listening to Bob made you forget about it all. And for Bob talking to you, or at least he hoped you were listening, worked therapeutic for him.
The first time you said something back, you could hear Bob's voice break, he finally got the confirmation you were always listening. And the fact that you did made his heart flutter for a moment. Could this mean that there still might be chance for him?
"Beautiful angel, hi." You heard through the door after the doorbell rang.
"Hi Bob."
"Have you had dinner?" There was a hint of something hopeful in his voice.
"Actually not yet, why?"
"I, uh, I might have brought Chinese takeout. And I was hoping we could share, if you want to. You don't have to see me if we eat, I wanted to try something different. I uh-"
"It's okay Bob, it's actually a nice idea and it helps me not breaking my head over what to eat. What a sec."
You quickly went to take a cutlery because you know how clumsy Bob could be with chopsticks, and a blanket. When you opened the door, you were met with a nervous looking Bob. Looking at you with the same big eyes as when you met him. Those beautiful eyes that had your immediate attention and made you melt within seconds.
"Oh, you look, you look beautiful, angel." A small tear started to form in his eyes, by seeing you again in person and it made him realize how much he really missed you. He wanted to hold you so badly, but had to control himself not to mess it up by overwhelming you.
"Here," you said with a small smile while giving him the blanket and fork, "for your butt and to prevent a mess."
"You didn't forget about that?" He smiled softly back.
"How could I? It was funny." Your growling stomach interrupted the small conversation.
"Oh, yeah here, this is for you."
"Thank you. Would you mind if I..." You pointed at the door, getting a little nervous. You liked the change, but you also liked it the way it was. The thought was still lingering in your head if you could ever trust him again. Bob nodded and closed the door.
"Thank you for understanding. Why did you do that that night?" Before he answered you heard a small sob coming from the other side of the door.
"I still don't know and I know I'm not making it any easier by saying that, but I genuinely don't know why I did what I did."
"Do you love her?"
"I hate her, she disgusts me, I hate that she had that kind of power over me to let me make such a foolish decision. I hate everything she said and did. I feel sick for what I've done and that I ruined what we had. Even Phoenix hates me and I can't even blame her." Bob was half in tears, half fuming thinking about her and you were shocked with his sudden outburst. You had never heard him so mad. "That bitch made me ruin everything good I ever had in my life, the best thing that ever happened to me." You choked on your food when you hear Bob said the b-word.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just never heard you talk like that before. Does that mean that-"
"Hell yeah, I dumped her, for good. Done with that, blocked and everything." You were already trying to imagine how Bob looked like telling you all that. The thought of him probably blushing, making big eyes and tilting his head sideways made you smile.
"Did I hear a smile behind the door?"
"Maybe, I, uh, maybe I'm a little bit happy because she didn't fit with you. When did you break it off?"
"That's actually a compliment. Uh, the first day I stood here. I was still so filled with adrenaline and guilt, I needed to apologize. It sound a bit unbelievable, but it's thanks to Hangman, I started to think about what I was doing. He, uh, smacked my head, hard. But I deserved it. And the Phoenix told me about your past, I needed you know that it was all me at fault. It had nothing to do with you. "
You interrupted Bob with a small laugh "Do I need to thank Jake? Never expected that one."
"Yeah. Thank you for listening, it must have been painful."
"I think I needed to hear what you said that day to stop sulking and hiding at home."
"Y/N, beautiful angel?"
"I am so sorry for everything. I miss us. Do you think we can ever be friends again?"
"Aren't you my door-buddy already? I think we can be friends again, but I think I need some more time. It really hurt Bob and I'm scared "
"Thank you. Thank you for giving me a possible second chance."
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Your doorbell rang fanatically, there were even some bonks on your door.
"Coming! Don't smash my door!" You were greeted with a gigantic hug and as you tried to wrap your arms around the person, you felt another body, more muscular and at the other arm another back. You took a step back to process what just happened.
"Nat? Oh, hi guys, come in I guess. I just texted you half an hour ago." You texted Nat if she would like to come over but apparently her coming alone over didn't really succeed as she was joined with some ecstatic looking pilots.
"I couldn't wait to see you and Rooster here saw the message too and yeah, now we're here. Hangman and Coyote were still doing pushups and Payback had to get his kids from school. We will fill them in later. Girl, you look good. Come here, let me take a good look." Phoenix took your hand and let you twirl.
"I have to agree with Nat. You look a lot better with some color and without those sunglasses. Hangman and Coyote are to regret having to do push ups and miss your radiant smile. Do you still have those sunglasses, for me, your smile is very bright."
"Are you seriously flirting with her, Rooster? It's good seeing you." Mickey nudged your shoulder.
"She looks good and I'm feeling like giving compliments."
"Thank you Mickey, and Bradley I didn't mind it." You winked at him.
"By the way, I know you have this thingy going on with a cute nurse, so I know you're not flirting."
"Okay, hold on, how do you know this?" Phoenix questioned you.
"Is there someone we need to know off?" Mickey eyed you suspiciously.
"Don't get mad okay, Bob came by a while ago, I think it's been more then a month already and-"
"HE DID WHAT?? I'm going to kick his butt! Or even worse, if I have to eject him, just say the word." Phoenix looked like she meant it.
"Wait a minute, something over a month? I know you're still mad at him Nat, but haven't you noticed he's been happier and smiling more lately?" Mickey noticed. The three of them started to talk and mumble all at the same time.
"Stop being mad at him okay! I'm the only one allowed to be mad at him, can you listen first, please." You stopped the chatter in your living room.
"Sorry Y/N" the three of them were looking at you like kicked puppies.
"I recently learned he dumped her, for good. I haven't forgiven him or forgotten about what happened. I'm trying to get over over it and listening to Bob is really helping."
"Knowing you and Bob it actually does make sense." Mickey encouraged you, he laid one hand one your shoulder. At first it felt weird physical contact, the group hug already forgotten, it had been a while ever since you withdrew yourself inside your place. But since it was was Mickey's hand, you felt at ease, even happy.
"You're a strong one Y/N, I'm amazed by how you're doing now. We were actually all, and with all I really mean everyone, scared when you left. With you inviting Nat over, does that mean our sis is back?"
"I think so, yes." Bob had started to melt the heart he froze after hurting you and your friends here are warming it up even more. This time you were not letting go of this wonderful feeling.
It was afternoon when your friends arrived and after midnight when they left. There was a lot of catching up to do, Bob might have told you everything, but hearing them say it in person made it even more enjoyable. Eventually they called Hangman, Coyote and Payback to surprise them by letting them hear your voice.
Two weeks had flown by after you had seen your friends, after some long days at work you and Bob still had managed to find time to talk. Today was friday, normally Bob would come around, but since it was pouring outside, you weren't expecting him anymore. If you were being honest with yourself, you were really looking forward to hearing and seeing him for a second, disappointment started to sink in as you were cooking dinner. You were making your famous spaghetti and of course you were making a lot, so you could freeze some in for busy days.
And then your doorbell rang. Without thinking further you you went for the door with your apron on covered in some tomato stains, hair in the messiest bun in history and your bunny-slippers. You were dumbfounded when you saw a drenched Bob standing on your porch.
"You came?" You were able to whisper, surprising yourself by being able to say something. A couple raindrops flew on your face and that made you realize how drenched Bob was. "Oh my god, come in." You took his arm and pulled him inside.
"Angel, you don't have to-"
"Stop it, your soaked, wait here and get out of these wet clothes, I'll grab some dry-"
"No, no, you don't have anything-"
"Did you forget my lounge wardrobe already?" You smirked at him.
After letting Bob dry himself and change in one of your oversized joggers and shirt, you found yourself staring at him. He still locked cute in your clothes. They fit in length, but the shirt made him look smaller as it was a very large. Something in you wanted to take a picture, but that might be a little creepy right?
"Are you okay with me being here, beautiful angel? If it's too much please say so. I don't want to overstep."
"It's okay, I pulled you in. And I think I am ready for the next step, to see you."
Bob's stare landed on you, those big eyes, they were already doing all the talking. They were filled with adoration, but there was a slight hint in them of him being scared. His hand was resting on his neck. You could see a thousand thoughts racing through his mind.
"C-can we start over again? I wish I could erase all the bad. I want to start over, with a clean slate."
You reached your hand out, agreeing, "Hi, I am Y/N Y/L/N."
Bob follows your lead by shaking your hand. "Hi, my name is Robert Floyd, but my friends call me Bob."
"Hi Bob, can I say you look dashing? And right now my famous spaghetti is ready, would you like to join?" You still couldn't help yourself to giggle at Bob's cute outfit.
"I would like that very much. And thank you for liking my style." A blush crept on Bob's cheeks, he was the happiest man on earth that you were letting him in your life again.
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Taglist: @mrsjaderogers @bradleybeachbabe @mavrellover91 @iamdannyday @rhirhikingston @luckyladycreator2 @cycbaby
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kills-you-cutely · 1 month
after the breakdown. (kinda part 2)
tw: self-deprecating talk, mentions of smoking, komahina <3
Hajime woke up to the sound of his annoying alarm- which was a game soundtrack he had learned from Chiaki- and chose to ignore it for a couple of minutes until he remembered that he was in Nagito’s room- or rather dorm- and Nagito would wake up if the cursed tune kept going, so he quickly hit the close on his phone and checked the time: 06.12. It was a little earlier than he usually woke up but he wanted to have the time to at least make a toast or boil an egg for Nagito- he hadn’t seen the boy have breakfast since the start of the school year. The worry was eating him alive, to say the least. He spared a glance next to him, expecting to see a fluffy ball of white hair-
Nagito was already awake. Of course. And if the realization wasn’t enough to confirm, the sounds coming from the small kitchen next room was definitely all he needed to get up and make the bed- he didn’t want Nagito to live in a bigger mess then he already lived in: clothes, mostly gray and green, laying all over the room, bottled of canned soda and other fizzy drinks piled up on the desk that was once white but now gray with dust on it, white covers thrown randomly art the corner next to the overfilled trash bin (which was mostly cigarettes, he saw in disgust, he didn’t like the idea of Nagito smoking).
When he finally tidied the room to an extent, it was 06.25 and Nagito was still in the kitchen, probably being the source of the clacking sound of metal. Hajime looked through the others wardrobe and found a brown sweater, black jeans and a pair of green socks. He put them on and looked at the mirror on the wall. Decent enough, he thought, and ruffled his hair a bit so it looked less horrible than it was. It was 06.30 when he made it to the kitchen.
“Morning, Hajime!” Nagito chirped, and Hajime looked at the table in surprise- two cups of coffe (three spoons of sugar for Nagito) and a few slices of bagel for each of them with cheese. A smile formed on his lips. Nagito, being as he is, didn’t see that and started his rambling.
“I know you like to have breakfast but i didn’t really have much in the fridge- in fact, all i have left is a bagel now- and im terribly sorry if this excuse of a meal isn’t to your liking-“ Hajime sighed at that and sat down to have a bite of the toasted bagel on his plate. That seemed to shut Nagito up. After he’d swallowed his bite, he tried to speak.
“I- you didn’t-“ Hajime looked at Nagito in a search for the right words to make him feel appreciated. Nagito looked at him like he was going to break at anything he could say- his emerald eyes now cold and red, his pale face looking like every ounce of blood has been drawn out entirely, his eyebags showing him the slightest image of how he was last night. Hajime took a second to process all that, and decided on one thing: today, he was going to make sure it was going to be better. He cared so much for Nagito, so deeply that he couldn’t-
“I’m really sorry, you should just leave.” what now?
“I-I love it! Thank you a lot for preparing this.” Hajime responded as quick as he could, looking bewildered at how low Nagito seemed to feel at the moment. He definitely needed to fix that somehow.
“And don’t say stuff like that! We went over that, you as valuable as everyone.” He reached his hand to put it on Nagito’s, feeling how cold it was (and how it flinched when he did so). Hajime slightly frowned.
“Is there something bothering you? I mean clearly there is, but what’s going on?” Nagito’s gaze trailed between his hand and Hajime’s eyes which looked full of worry, then stopped at his own coffe, left untouched. He smiled.
“Hope is something that shines the brightest when in despair, don’t you know?” He re-adjusted his hand so their fingers interlocked, his smile growing deeper. Hajime blushed at his action but continued frowning, tilting his head in disapproval.
“I’m not falling for this little attempt to distract me from the question.”
“A-haha, you’re really smart, Hajime!” Nagito let his hand go and finally took a sip of his coffe. Hajime was about to do the same until his eyes met with the watch on his wrist and saw the truth: he was about to be late. He got up, sighing as he did so- Nagito didn’t even look as he took another sip of his coffe. Hajime could not understand how he could drink the damned thing, that much sugar was bound to taste disgusting.
“I think the hardworking student here wouldn’t want to miss the first of the ridiculous amount of lectures he has today, that’s just the opinion of the trash here though.” Hajime stopped at the door, now having his backpack. He turned back.
“Don’t miss your psychology exam, it determines if you’ll pass this year. It’s at ten, I’ll pass by to remind you.” Hajime turned back and opened the door, fresh air hitting his face and reminding him of something.
“Hey. Why don’t you come with me? I’ll buy you soda and lunch would be on me.” He turned back once again with a little smile on his lips and an impatient expression on his face. Nagito stared at him for a second and got up, put his mug on the counter and walked slowly next to him.
“If you’d like me to come, of course.”
so i continued with the idea lol. basically this is a uni au where all characters are in and focuses on little stories happening in their daily life (mostly komahina). i plan on posting some character designs along with info about their life in uni, please feel free to ask any questions abt the au tho, i loveee to ramble!!
thank u for reading so far, hope u enjoyed <3
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secondsonaym · 2 years
Hi! i just wanted to say i absolutely love the story and designs you’ve made for all your oc’s! there designs are just so amazing and i can’t wait to see what happens next (but i also fear the emotional attachment i’ve gained from them and how badly my heart strings may be ripped apart)! keep up the amazing work!
out of curiosity though, how do you get ideas for the designs of the characters?
Thank you-thank you! Character design is such a big hobby of mine, I'm glad people have been enjoying what I make!
As for my process, that's a bit complex as to how to explain. I have a sort of 'go with the flow' kind of style, just doing what feels right without any real conscious considerations for thought to it until I get to the coloring, but let's see if I can try to explain my process for one...
This may be a little lengthy, so I'll put it below the cut!
I think I'll use the work for the archbishops as an example as to what my more 'focused' design concepting goes, so let's dive in!
Now, to start from the very beginning, originally, I had only intended to have Michael. I knew I wanted to make a sort of 'mentor' figure for Narinder, the previous Red Crown bearer, and I wanted them to have a sort of stark appearance--albino, red/black robes, and all that.
However, I hadn't decided on the species. I won't elaborate on why I asked this specific question, but I asked twitter what bird they would most strongly associate with a phoenix, or think of as an interesting kind of phoenix--the options, if I recall, were Flamingo, Secretary Bird, and Peacock. There might have been a fourth one but idk.
Anyway, as I let the poll run to decide where I would start, I began to get more solid ideas on the character that this design would end up being, thus, in the end I decided to override the poll and go with flamingo.
Then began the visual concepting.
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First I did a more 'realistic' pass at a flamingo, to try and figure out what the key details for the species were that I would want to adapt into my style. Then I moved onto the more 'my' style, messing with how they would look as a bishop--It's here I decided the more snake-like details for the neck, noting how it looked in the reference picture I grabbed.
Now, usually I don't type or write out my concept thoughts, but I was sharing these on twitter as I was working with them, so I jotted some stuff down so people could see my thoughts.
The name was probably the hardest to settle on. I know I wanted to go with an angel name, but there were a few good options.
But it was when I was looking up names that I found some other interesting angels, and that's when the idea for the other archbishops came, and then this whole section of story.
So, concepting for the others began.
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I hadn't originally planned to make all the archbishops birds, but when looking at the species I had from the poll as well as some other thoughts I had, eventually I applied species that I thought would best fit the themes of the crowns--Secretary Birds, for instance, are quite vicious with their kicks when handling snakes, so that would be the Purple Crown's bird.
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Verchiel was actually the first one I had 100% decided on the name for, after seeing what the angel Verchiel was representative of. As you can see, I found the basic sketch pose for Verchiel's concepts strong, so I pretty much directly lifted them for his ref.
The only major difference from the sketch is the shape of his tail--When I started the linework, the feathers actually ended up looking quite like a pair of upturned palms. It was a coincidence, but I liked it a lot, so I went with it.
As for why I thought a peacock would fit the Blue Crown--That largely ties into my rambling about the sin crowns from a while ago and how the I handle the domains of the Major Crowns based on these--With Pestilence, it's the vibe of haughtiness when it comes sickness. Avoiding the ill and seeing them as 'disgusting,' while also not doing anything to help them. Thus, a peacock was the perfect fit.
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Phanuel's species was also influenced by this, due to pelicans having those large pouches, being able to swallow up a lot of stuff at once. I had also considered a shoebill, but in the end decided on pelican... Namely because of a certain meme.
He didn't have much in-detail concepting, a mix of my hand wearing down by that point and not really knowing what to do in terms of sketches, so I was content to save more work for when I moved on to the actual ref.
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As for Zuriel... Yep, originally I had planned for her to be a hummingbird! It was largely because of the fact a lot of species are brilliant shades of green, and also the 'small, but turns into Many for eldritch form' idea I had.
However, as I was prepping to do refs, I wasn't sure how much I vibed with that, so I decided to do a last-minute change to a lyrebird.
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This is pretty much all I have in terms of 'concept' for Zuriel's final appearance, and what pushed me over the edge to deciding that, yes, this is what I wanted, was the fact lyrebirds are wonderful mimics for sounds. I realized, if I was going to do the flashback stuff I was prepping for, that could open so many possibilities, and this she became a lyrebird.
Now, in terms of colors, I think I will switch gears to focus on a different set of birds.
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The owl siblings!
I had the help of a couple of friends to design the basic concepts (namely for Eligos, Zagan, and Decarabia), but I made the final tweaks to their colors and stuff, because that was the main design aspect I had in mind for them.
Each of the owl siblings is supposed to be faintly reminiscent of the crowns, and this is reflected primarily in their plumage--they have desaturated tones of the respective main hue of the crown they resemble.
Recall, in Stolas' original design, he was much more brown:
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But when I decided on this aspect--with the intention of Stolas being the one representative of the Red Crown, I took the updated ref as an opportunity to also adjust his colors to be a bit more red.
When working with colors, I work best with analogous palettes--I can definitely do complimentary ones, but I tend to save complimentary colors for accents rather than the main portion of a design.
And as far as how I decide on colors, it's really just a matter of me fiddling with things until I think they look right.
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Polly is an example of a character's palette that took me a bit, because it's more varied than what I usually do. But as I sketched her, she reminded me of Hatsune Miku, so I knew I wanted a kind of teal palette with pink accents, so... Well!
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Members of Verchiel's order are also giving me a bit of an exercise with this, because compared to others, they're supposed to be a bit more colorful/extravagant due to the views in said order--Hell, Verchiel xemself has the most varied palette of the entire archbishops, because of that whole vanity thread that's such a strong aspect of xer character.
Color palettes can also help get the aspects of the character across on the first glance, so that's another bit that Verchiel's more gaudy appearance ties into.
I've been making OCs and the like for YEARS, so a LOT of this stuff is second nature to me at this point, so sorry if it doesn't really get to what you want or even makes much sense... But I hope it's eye-opening in any case!
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uranium-city · 1 year
@june-doe-event’s June Doe is finally here & with that I made my first entry to the with the pride prompt!! Here are a bunch of ramblings about my headcanons for the choir!! Maybe I’ll do little icons or something in the future but for now I just wanted to write my thoughts in the incoherent mess that is these few paragraphs 😭
Ocean is an asexual lesbian! As someone who only likes women she just radiates those vibes, it takes one to know one, y’know? Anyways with Ocean’s strong need to conform to societal standards I can very much see her as someone who suppresses their sexuality to feel more desirable by society. Girlypop’s got a lot of internalized homophobia she’s working through & is the last member of the choir to come out. The rest of the choir lowkey realizes she’s queer before she does 😭. She’s very “[Woman] is so pretty… but I’m NOT gay guys I’m NOT GAY!!” 
The ace part is pretty self explanatory. Throughout the whole musical Ocean is repeatedly disgusted by anything & everything sexual. While it could be argued she does this to keep up her goody-two-shoes, moral persona, the fact that her acting like this only serves to antagonize her from the rest of the choir leads me to believe it’s less of a “Look at how moral I am!! You should vote for me!!” thing & instead a bit more personal. Her putting down Noel, Constance, & Ricky for expressing sexuality most certainly will not get them to vote for her I feel like she’s saying these thing just because that's genuinely how she feels about sex. 
I posted this the other day but I’ll add it again here since I wanna make this point “I always found it odd how in Every Story’s Got a Lesson straight A student, miss smarty pants Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg interprets the lesson behind Romeo & Juliet to be “teen sex kills” & not that baseless hatred leads to unnecessary bloodshed. I’m sure it’s just a throwaway joke & doesn’t matter at all.. HOWEVER I will be using this to spread my ace Ocean agenda. No one that smart misinterprets such a simple message like that unless they already view sexual relationships in an inherently negative light.” Big sex-repulsed ace vibes to me.
Noel is canonically a gay man so there’s that. In my mind he’s a cis man but enjoys presenting himself in a fem-leaning lense. Like he definitely would’ve gotten into drag if he had lived & doesn’t mind she/her pronouns despite identifying as a dude. He’d probably get all giddy if you referred to him as Monique. Overall just very comfortable in his identity.
Mischa is THE bicon of all time. I feel like it took him a while to realize that as well but not because of internalized homophobia like Ocean but instead because he just?? never really thought of it as an option?? Mischa’s not homophobic in the slightest but grew up in a country where queerness is typically regarded in a negative light & because of that the thought of him being queer never really crossed his mind. It wasn’t until he met Noel that he was like “Wait… man can actually like man?? Like romantically?? …like actually??! Woah... that’s awesome..”. I also like the idea of Mischa being polyam because he has two hands Goddammit & one’s for Talia & the other is for Noel. 
I feel like the entire RtC community collectively agreed on Ricky being trans which is really funny to me /pos. In my mind he’s gender-fluid & uses any pronouns & is usually referred to with he/him due to being masc presenting. I don’t really have any strong opinions on whether he’s transfem or transmasc I just know that he hasn’t got a cis bone in his body lmao. I feel like I tend to gravitate towards transfem since that seems to be the most common headcanon in the fandom but transmasc Ricky has really been starting to grow on me. I like the idea that despite the language barrier he faced & more traditional urban-ness of Uranium City he was able to express himself through transitioning & presenting more masculine. He’s not a trans man but he’s typically more comfortable settling with a masculine identity so it’s the best way he can express himself to a town that’s not understanding of his identity as a genderqueer person. + he was actually played by a transmasc actor once & that’s really cool!! Either way, trans Ricky is so real & I love how creative the fandom is when applying that headcanon to aspects of the musical like with the many interpretations of what Savannah meant to Ricky. Sexuality wise?? He definitely likes women & is either flat out only attracted to women or bi with a heavy female lean. 
Jane Doe doesn’t even know her own name let alone her sexuality. But that can’t stop me from giving Penny Lamb headcanons >:]
Despite the fact that I think about Penny the most out of the choir I never really could settle into a set lgbt headcanon for her?? I would love to say that Penny’s a lesbian but Legoland is very complicated with how it portrays her sexuality. Like it comes across that Penny does like men with her remarks on Johnny Moon & is only bullied for being a “lesbian” since this is the 2000s & being homophobic to the weird kids was the norm back then. But also?? Penny is pretty much implied to not even know what a lesbian is?? With her sheltered upbringing in Elysium it’s possible she didn’t even know what the concept of being queer was until she started being bullied at St. Cassian. Like if she didn’t even know being queer was a thing until she was like 15 then I highly doubt she has any sort of grasp on her identity. Like this isn’t your everyday normal comphet, this is… ADVANCED comphet.. + with all the Ride the Cyclone productions that have so many different futures for Penny (or whoever Jane is brought back as) including ones where she takes a husband, outside Legoland sources saying Penny’s not gay, but also the knowledge that Legoland is admittedly dated & if it were to be revised in modern day it would likely make Penny queer or at least leave it ambiguous since it’s more appropriate, I am so endlessly confused. I like lesbian Penny a lot !! I would like for it to be semi-canon but I definitely wouldn’t die on the hill that it is because of the way Legoland is written. Anyways those are my thoughts.
On a more brief note I feel like Penny’s agender but in a really apathetic way. By that I mean she just does not care at all. She doesn’t mind being referred to as a girl, she just doesn’t feel very connected to it. She doesn’t feel really connected to any other identity either, like in regards to gender she feels like she could just take it or leave it lol. She was born female & has such been referred to with feminine terms her whole life so that’s she’s become used to it, but if one day everyone around her inexplicably started referring to her with masculine terms she’d just continue her day like “oh okay that works too I guess.” 
Additionally Ezra shares the same feelings surround gender except that he’s accustomed to masculine terms instead. The main difference is that if you asked Penny her pronouns she’d probably be like “Oh I don’t really have a strong preference, thank you!” while Ezra would be like “Gender is a socially constructed scam created by the U.S. government to sell more toys at the McDonald’s. I am above that meandering capitalist propaganda. Do not refer to me.”
& finally Constance I go back & forth from her being the STRONGEST straight ally known to man & her being pansexual. (She does claim to see the gold, the pink, & the blue… coincidence?? I think not… /j.) Either way she definitely threw everyone little parties when they came out with cupcakes decorated as pride flags. She very supportive regardless of if she herself is queer or not. & while I hadn’t thought about this before, my one ace friend brought up that the way she regards sex as just something she needs to get out of the way comes across as ace reminiscent & I’ve been thinking about that a lot. I can def see her as being on the ace spectrum!! To me she doesn’t experience a complete lack of sexual attraction & definitely isn’t sex repulsed like Ocean but falls in the middle of ace & allo. Gray asexual Constance is very real to me. 
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Donald Trump Swiftly Changes His Stance on Ron DeSantis
We're working out with maiu and she is in trouble here we're going to make an agreement can you be on work release she'll be on work release and we have an arrangement we're going to set up much better this people don't like him before it says it's okay and to try and focus on what you're doing cuz they're very mean people and she gets that we do thank you for it
Jet li
That's great I'm hoping you guys could join the rescue rangers it's an international group I'm trying to start up to find my papa you might need stuff he has you know something like that
Zues Hera
I do understand you're just saying it fast but it is reality we're living in right now and I don't need her help in the future and I wasn't directly involved in this until now I see it too they're being messed with and he thanks me that's great
Jet li
Yeah I see him turning already I'm disgusting person I have to revoke it in public and say stuff like I can't afford it. Money and water don't mix I already got it this morning he wants to make joint accounts I said what for and he said that's what we talked about didn't we I said no heu got mad. They did hang up on me I'm going to call back and said you're not mad are you I said no you're the one who had the misconception if I'm listening to him ramble and they said I don't like the word if I said misunderstanding well he said just don't tell anybody I said okay I felt good cuz I thought he understood it so I said we're we're understanding that now and so he started to blither and I said you've been on the phone for 45 minutes why don't you get it off your chest he said we're at war we need something that ties together. Madison for joint account doesn't make sense that your campaign and I wouldn't be using the money for anything. And the rate you're misappropriating campaign funds it doesn't sound like a good idea for me. No he keeps running in from next door and I'm ignoring it but the a****** starts blithering it. I'm finally he says this I don't like either one of you but I have to pick I'll choose him because he has some worth I heard what you said and I said to him you better get off the line leave me alone I don't want to have this stupid conversation with you again it was too late they started blithering and I said you're asking me to do something illegal and we're under too much scrutiny for nothing already and you said you said you're tying up the phone now to get off the line I said youcall me and you won't stop calling me back. Sorry pause says so what I'm pretty much cooked here. I was really surprised no I said to him it's the opposing group we can't afford your technique about drag you down with me to support me to be there because you're just doing that you got really mad I said you don't have a right to get mad and I said no to the idea that's all just about to hang up the phone they start threatening me and the same stuff I said your nuts does the governor's line when they're threatening me and he said I was president when he'll listen to me because I don't want to be on your account is it going to try and commit fraud and have me cover it up probably to bother me or hurt me or lately you been like ridiculous like that a chuckle then said that's true and says cuz you're out there trying to hurt me this is no I'm not and you're committing a felon felony by calling me and saying this stuff so he says it's all implied I said not really I need you to get off the line and don't call me back. So the guy says okay and it says before you go I want you to know I've got guns there it says what the hell does that mean since I have agents there too with guns I said I'm calling the authorities and having you arrested and I hung up and it happened I'm upset at this person Trump he's a liar and a cheat and tries to threaten everybody out loud and we haven't had a president like this ever this guy is a bum and he does it every few seconds and we're in a lot of trouble
We noticed everybody's at us and we pushed it way past it with this idiots and this Trump guy won't shut up and he's irresponsible and he's a child and his demented and evil we're going to have to take care of it and stop him
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Date (Christen Press x Reader)
It is 1:30am and this is absolutely not edited at all so mind any mistakes. I hope you enjoy :)
Warning- Some mentions of anxiety and panic attacks. 
Words: 2.5K
I was a highly anxious person. I know it's a bit weird considering I'm a professional soccer player who plays for the national team. The only time I'm ever really relaxed is on the field. Most of the time, seeing fans after the game doesn't make me that nervous either. Lot's of people, too much noise, media days, plus much more is what made me most anxious. So much so I'll have non-verbal episodes where I get overly anxious, I stop talking as a way to cope with it. My therapist and I had been working on ways to cope better which was helping slowly. It was still a big issue.
At my first camp I had quite a few non-verbal episodes which led the team to think I didn't really like them. After I got to know them a bit better, I had written a letter to explain, since no matter how much I tried I could never get out the words. They were all really supportive, still included me even when I stopped talking and started to be able to understand my way of communicating when I couldn't talk. I was more comfortable around them now which mean It was going non-verbal less. Except when it came to Christen. I had a huge crush on her, my anxiety spiked whenever she was around and I got incredibly nervous. She had never commented on it so I hoped she didn't notice. It also never changed the way she interacted with me. Despite how nervous she made me, I still found myself drifting to her in crowds as a form of comfort.
Kelley knew all about my crush on Christen. I'm not sure how she found out, but she did. Since then she has been trying to get me to ask her out. Kelley was pretty sure that Christen felt the same, I had never gotten the courage to do it though. Now, I had no choice. I was so sure I would beat her that I had made a bet, if I lost I had to ask Christen out. Of course I had lost. It took a lot of pacing and encouragement from Kelley to finally be able to even approach Christen. Then it took another few minutes before I could look at her let alone ask her.
"Are you okay Y/n?" Christen asked snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Go on a date with me?" I blurted before I could shut down again.
Her response had me panicking. I couldn't tell if she was just surprised or if she was disgusted by the idea, so before I could think about it, I responded, "I had to at least ask you, I lost a bet with Kelley."
"Well, you asked so that's that."
I realised that I messed up by saying that so quickly added, "Wait, I actually do want to go on a date with you, this bet with Kelley was just to push me to actually ask."
"Sure it was."
"I know that came out wrong, but I seriously do want to go on a date with you Chris. I've wanted to ask you for a while now, but you know words are not my strong suit at all and I was scared and nervous an-"
A hand on my arm made me freeze, "You're rambling."
"Yes, I would love to go on a date with you Y/n."
"Really?" She only nodded in response, a small smile on her lips, "Awesome, um great, can't wait."
Christen giggled, "You're cute when you're nervous, do we wait until we're back in LA?"
"We can if you want, but uh I have an idea if you're free tomorrow night?"
"Well we don't have anything team related tomorrow night so yes I'm free."
"Cool, I'll pick you up at 5:30?"
"I can't wait." We just kind of stood there for a few seconds, until Christen spoke up again easing the slight awkwardness between us, "Help me pack these away?"
I hadn't slept well last night. All I could think about was my date with Christen which made me anxious because I wanted to impress her. I was also worried I would get so nervous around her that I would go non-verbal again. That was the last thing I wanted. Overthinking it would probably increase the chances of it happening, but I couldn't stop the thoughts no matter what I tried. I was even thinking about cancelling the date all together. All the thoughts, mixed with lack of sleep sent me into a panic attack before that could happen. Kelley had helped me through it before laying with me until I eventually fell asleep. When I had woken up again, I was alone, but a lot calmer. I was able to focus on setting up the date.
I had another mini panic attack in the shower when getting ready, but still managed to make it to Christens room on time. Christen was wearing a simple, sleeveless black lace skater style dress that stopped just above her knees, with low heels. I scanned her body quickly before forcing myself meet her eyes. She was stunning. I played with the ring on my finger to keep my nerves in check, "Y-you look um amazing."
She blushed slightly, "So do you Y/n." I was wearing black skinny jeans, with a burgundy button up and flat ankle boots. I naturally ran hot and it was a warm night so I wasn't wearing a jacket. If I'm being honest, the only reason I even had a jacket on me was incase Christen got cold.
"Shall we?" Christen slipped on her jacket then we made our way out of the hotel. The place we were going was only a five minute walk from the hotel. It took a lot to resist the urge to hold her hand as we walked. I know she agreed to go on a date with me, but I didn't want to do anything she might not want me to. My anxiety was already telling me that maybe she only said yes because she didn't want to hurt my feelings.
When we arrived at an apartment complex, Christen looked confused, but followed me up anyway. One of my friends was away for a couple of nights and had let me borrow her apartment. She had a balcony that had an amazing view of the city especially at night. I had set the table on the balcony to look similar to a restaurant and had strung up fairy lights around the balcony. The thought of lots of people, the possibility of people recognizing us and going on a date with Christen meant my anxiety was through the roof. I couldn't calm my nerves enough to take her to a proper restaurant so I was trying my best to make it romantic.
Christen looked slightly shocked when we walked in and she saw the balcony. I found myself nervous that she wouldn't like it or would have preferred a proper restaurant.
"So, I know this was probably not what you were thinking, but as you know I get nervous around lots of people and since I already get so nervous around you, I didn't want that to get in the way of having a good night. I hope this is okay."
"This is perfect Y/n. Did you do this? Who's apartment is this?"
"I did. I wanted it to be nice for you. It's a friend of mine, she's out of town for a couple of days. Can I get you a glass of wine?"
"It's beautiful. I would love one, thank you."
After getting the wine for Christen and beer for myself, we sat down at the table while I waited for dinner to cook. I had spent the last few hours setting up and preparing dinner. Cooking and baking was something I loved to do and I wanted to spoil Christen so I had made lasagna with homemade pasta and pasta sauce, homemade garlic bread sticks and salad. I also made dark chocolate and raspberry truffles. We had an off day tomorrow, so a cheat night wouldn't hurt.
We made small talk for a while, well Christen did most of the talking until I felt myself start to relax a little bit and could actually talk without being a stuttering mess. During dinner we mostly ate in silence, but it was comfortable.
"That was amazing, thank you," Christen said after we finished dessert and took our plates to the sink.
"You're welcome Chris. I'm glad you enjoyed it."
After a few minutes of enjoying the view, Christen spoke up, "So, you get nervous around me?"
"Incredibly nervous, that's part of the reason I get so quiet around you."
She smiled softly, "Why do I make you nervous?"
"Well, you are beautiful, ambitious, smart, considerate, passionate, funny, and you're kind of intimidating."
"N-not in a bad way, I just have a big crush on you." I cleared my throat, before standing up, suddenly feeling nervous and slightly awkward about how much I had revealed to her, "Do you want more wine?"
Christen grabbed my hand before I could get far, "Hey, don't get all quiet and shy on me. I have a big crush on you too so we're even. You kind of make me nervous as well."
Reluctantly, I sat back down across from her, she didn't let go of my hand, "Really? Don't take this the wrong way, but I kind of find that hard to believe. I mean, I'm just me."
"You are you. You are an amazing person Y/n. I admit it was your quietness that made me most nervous. I could never get a read on what you were thinking or feeling, um for me specifically. At first I just thought you didn't like, well any of us, then you opened up more and I got some mixed messages about how you felt about me. Sometimes, you would be really talkative, other times, more so around me you just didn't say anything. Then, I thought you would flirt with me, but I also thought it could be all in my head. I now understand why you're sometimes talkative then not other times. Even understanding why still made me nervous though because I didn't know how you felt."
"I'm sorry, I know I can be confusing sometimes. You're right though, I was always more quiet or had more non-verbal episodes when you were around because of how nervous you made me, but you also sometimes made me feel more comfortable. Having you around in situations where there were lots of people or media days, made me more relaxed. And yes there were times when I would feel confident and flirt with you."
Christen smiled, lacing our fingers together, "Is it bad to say I'm grateful for Kelley and her bets for once?"
"No, because I agree. I honestly don't know if I would have asked you anytime soon if not for the bet."
Our fingers remained laced together as we enjoyed the view and talked about anything we could think of. This had to be the first time I had felt this relaxed around Christen. It was probably because she now knew how I felt and felt the same way. Knowing that had calmed my nerves enough to realise how calming Christen actually was to be around. Yes, she was a comfort in some situations, but I had never been able to relax around her much. I was still a bit nervous if she would want to go on another date with me, but I was trying my best to push it away and just enjoy the moment.
Christen kissed the back of my hand. Goosebumps made their way up my arm at the feeling as I stuttered over what I was saying, Christen tried and failed to hide her giggle while I couldn't help think about what it would be like to kiss her, "Thank you Y/n, I think this is the best date I've ever been on. I don't want it to end."
My heart felt like it skipped a beat. All I wanted to do was give Christen a good night, to make her feel special. It was a relief to hear that she had enjoyed it, "It doesn't have to."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, my friend did say we were free to stay here the night. She definitely meant it in a different way, but she has a comfy couch, big TV, multiple streaming sites and popcorn. We have an off day tomorrow."
"Movie night?"
"Movie night. You pick the movie and I'll get popcorn. There's a box of my clothes in that room over there if you want to change."
An expression, I could have sworn was jealousy passed over Christen, but was quickly covered up, "Why is there a box of your clothes?"
"I stored some of my stuff here when I moved and I've just never taken that box back." I quickly got changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie before putting the popcorn on.
When I got back, Christen had changed, picked some rom-com and was cuddled under the blanket in the middle of the couch.  I chose to sit near the arm of the couch with my legs tucked up, leaving space between us so I didn't cross any lines. About 20 minutes had passed when Christen moved to sit cross-legged, she ended up closer with our knees touching. I still had my legs tucked up so I shifted slightly and put my arm up on the back of the couch as a way of inviting her to cuddle if she wanted to. A few seconds passed before Christen moved so she was cuddled up against my side.
The couch was wide enough that two people could lie down, cuddled up with each other pretty comfortably so I moved us to lying down. I was lying down flat while Christen was lying on her side with her head on my shoulder and an arm over my stomach. There was room for her to move back a bit if she wanted to, but she didn't which made my heart speed up. It was comfortable and safe, like we were made to fit together.
We stayed like that until the movie finished and Christen looked up at me. She was so close that if I moved a few inches I could kiss her. I decided to just push away my nerves and asked to kiss her before I could back out. Christen simply nodded. My hand was shaking slightly as I cupped her cheek and connected our lips in a soft kiss. Her hand covered mine, making me relax fully. The kiss was soft and sweet, it was like nothing I had experienced before. As cliché as it sounds, I felt sparks and goosebumps, but most importantly, I felt peace, comfort and safety. All my anxiety melted away and I never wanted to let her go, never wanted to stop kissing her. After a few seconds, a smile broke out on Christens face, making us pull apart. I couldn't help the grin that grew on mine.
That night I fell asleep on the couch with Christen cuddled up against me and a smile on my face. It was the first night in a long time I had fallen asleep then stayed asleep with no issues.
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