#i could talk for hours about it
felixcosm · 2 months
130: Compound Storage Will Protect Us has some of the best voice acting performance ever.
The switch between comedic and witty, to terrifying and gut wrenching is something Dylan does so well in his writing, but then he and David took that script to a whole nother level in their acting
It's hands down one of the best woe.begone episodes out there
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james-p-sullivan · 3 months
so in the directors cut of the butterfly effect, the protagonist, evan, kills himself with his umbilical cord while in his mother’s womb after coming the bitter realization that this was the only way everyone could lead a ‘normal’ life (not existing is the only way). what we need to remember that his mom had a history of previous still births which implies that each of those unborn children also inherited their fathers ‘gift’ and came to the same conclusion evan did and also killed themselves in the womb. in this essay i will-
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sharkneto · 1 year
My favorite thing that you've written has to be Nice Things Can't Last Forever (They Still End Too Soon). I've reread it so many times at this point, the raw emotion in it is so good. The scene I think about is when Five answers all the questions Klaus asked in the beginning and Klaus wishing that he asked more. It makes me cry every time I read it and it's honestly just so good.
Man, there are scenes that I've written that have also just Stuck With Me and that is one of them. NTCLF(TSETS) is a fic that is near and dear to my heart, it's very special to me, it has a lot of very personal emotion that needed an outlet. I'm very proud of it. And that bit, Five answering these questions Klaus had for him hours after being asked hits me Just Right. He didn't forget, he recognized that, while Klaus was just giving example questions for things they don't know, they were still genuine. Klaus wanted to know him that little bit more, and they don't have more time, but Five can still give him that little bit. His favorite color is chartreuse. He loved seeing India. He likes dogs. Sprinkled donuts are still the best donut. It's not enough - it will never be enough - but it's the best he can do. He actually gets to say a goodbye, this time, and he's trying to wrap up as many loose ends as he can. It hurts, but in the best way.
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scarlethoodi · 2 months
What I really love about the Daydream Hour art is that it really shows that the characters in Dungeon Meshi aren’t just characters in a story, but they’re Ryoko Kui’s ocs. And sure maybe this is a perk that’s granted to mangakas that release on a monthly schedule opposed to weekly IDK but there’s just some about getting to see different interpretations of the characters and peeks into what she draws in her free time outside the story.
Like look Marcille likes to dance
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And here’s the characters in Halloween costumes
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Taking Covid precautions
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And like I just love how casually she draws and depicts the characters in her personal work. There’s something for quite literally all the characters and like I said maybe other mangakas don’t have or can’t find the time to do so or choose to not release their personal work like she does but I think these pieces just make the characters feel more alive. Like she’s an oc artist through and through lol
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aroceu · 5 months
crazy how i first watched lost nearly 10 years ago and it's still giving me brainworms to this day
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toxxtt · 3 months
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playing around with some historical french fashions on furina (+ neuvi).. I think she should always get big silly hats
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18th+19th century mens fashion is one of my fav fav fav things is ever so this was fun 🫡 love being fashion history neurodivergent
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the-great-kraken · 1 month
you don't understand how insane i am about gorgug in the nightmare forest. he's claustrophobic. he's spent his whole life in a house too small for him. the tunnel is full of bugs. everything and everyone is small and fragile and breakable. he's felt like an idiot his whole life. the only way to beat the puzzle is to give up and admit he isn't smart enough. he loves his friends so much he could send them hope from miles away. sickening.
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fawnforevergone · 5 months
crazy how hozier compared the fact he couldn't tell his relationship was failing because he was too blinded by love to the idea that icarus could not tell he was dying because he was too enamoured by the sun and we were supposed to just carry on living like everything's normal.
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lumsel · 2 months
The thing i love about dungeon meshi is it's about eating. And not in some bullshit metaphor way like eating as an analogy for love or power, no, it is unapologetically, literally about eating. How we relate to eating socially and culturally, how the dynamics of eating shape the natural world, how important eating is to our bodies and our wellbeing, everything comes back to eating. It is a story with total thematic focus on something most people would write off as too benign to be able to carry a whole story. But eating is important! We all do it, three times a day! Why shouldn't it get a story all to itself?
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patolemus · 2 months
Obsessed with the idea that Derek loves hearing Stiles talk, that he could listen to him talk for hours, that he uses the sound of his voice to ground himself and be at peace, that it's his favorite sound in the world. That when someone tells Stiles to shut up he'll growl right in their face and tell them to apologize or get lost (even the pack, they don't get a pass when it comes to Stiles).
I especially can't stop thinking about how, at some point, they'll be alone spending time together, and Stiles will be talking and Derek will be listening, until Stiles shuts himself up because he's so used to people getting annoyed when he talks, and he doesn't want to annoy Derek, but Derek just opens his eyes from where he'd been resting his head on Stiles' lap and asks him why he stopped, he obviously was very excited about the new Iron Man movie, come on, keep going.
And anyways yeah I think they're perfect for each other.
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bodywarmth · 1 month
keep thinking about how tashi and patrick both love art and in their own ways want what's best for him. tashi manipulating the match so that he builds his confidence against strong players and patrick using dirty games to force art into becoming a better tennis player on his own accord. meanwhile art is aware and still lets them do anything they want to him because ultimately he feels safe being in the control of other people, specifically those two
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One of my favorite metaphors of Glass Onion is the Mona Lisa vs the Glass Onion.
Miles is constantly comparing himself, whether directly or indirectly, to the Mona Lisa. He wants to be “forever remembered in the same breath” as her. He plays up the mystery and the complexity of the painting, the artistry, the skill and the knowledge that went into it; All traits that he wants others to see in him.
But when Miles is describing the painting, who gets the closeup shot? Not Miles, but Helen. Helen is the one who gets multiple shots throughout the movie mirroring the Mona Lisa- same pose, same unreadable expression.
Because Miles isn’t the Mona Lisa, however much he wishes he was. Miles is the Glass Onion. Something trying to look complex and layered on the outside, when in reality, the center is in plain sight. Miles isn’t some enigmatic genius, he is exactly what he appears to be at first glance: an idiotic, rich, egotistical, shithead.
He didn’t make his own puzzles, he didn’t write his own murder, he didn’t create his own art, he didn’t even come up with the idea for his company. His island is filled with things made by other people. He isn’t even the person who did the thing that will forever connect him to the Mona Lisa. The thing that will forever tie him to Helen Brand.
Helen is the one with complexity. Helen is the one surrounded by mystery. Helen is the one who’s more than meets the eye. Helen is the Mona Lisa, and the Mona Lisa destroyed herself to take down Miles Bron.
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theclaygolem · 9 months
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I saw the face of God and He was smiling real big!!!
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stere0typical · 9 months
the 9th doctor is so real actually because he got one (1) good leather jacket and never took it off ever.
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fleshdyke · 2 years
i wish so fucking bad that schools would teach even the most basic nature and wildlife literacy. bc what they teach now is how we get these godawful lawns and monocultures and an endlessly growing list of extinct animal species. like i can’t even count how many times i’ve been trying to explain to people why mosquitoes/moths/bats/flies/wasps/etc are so important and people have gone “but that’s what bees are for (pollination)” or “birds can just eat other things” or “things decompose on their own”. it has to be in the dozens. nothing makes me as upset as when people simply cannot wrap their heads around the fact (fact, fact, fact) that every single organism has its purpose in nature and there is *nothing* that is “pointless”. ignorance like this is what leads to barren monoculture lawns and deforestation and “pest control” and devastating invasive species and expanding extinction/endangerment lists. i just wish schools would teach that every animal and plant has its place, and *nothing* needs to be exterminated as a whole, *especially* native wildlife. but of course capitalism can’t thrive on proper environmentalism so i guess we’ll just have to deal with this.
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sophfandoms53 · 1 month
Anyway shout out to Dewey who constantly looked like he was having the worst time of his fucking life in the pitches
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Just an 11 year old pissed off at the world it seems😭
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