#i decided to do this one physically cuz yes
red-room-studi0 · 2 days
WIR AU Introduction!!!! "ReinC̴̢̺̹̿̐̊͂̉Ȍ̸̬̘̭̬́̈Ḑ̸̯̫͔̝̋̎̓̏Ẽ̸̠̤̤̰͕̆͐͝D̶̹̜͆̒͜ AU"
(oooo spooky title)
Soooo uhhhh this is an Wreck It Ralph AU of mine that is also a self inserbut uh if u don't like that then uhhhhhh. Sorry.
ANYWAY! I'm bad at explaining things so just bear with me here! *Freddy Faz bear noises 🐻*
Oke oke- Sooo basically this AU is about this Girl "Annabelle" (my self insert teehee) who had gotten trapped in the Sugar Rush game somehow just by messing with the game cabinet while the Arcade was closed (spooky black magic shit ik). But later she finds some weird red glitchy blob by Cola mountain, she messes with it for a bit and then HOLY SHIT IT'S TURBO??? WHAT???!!! NO WAY! But Turbo is in his virtual form (like a ghost form of some kind, idk just keep listening to me yap) instead of his physical form (and oh boy is his physical form way more fucked up than his virtual form). Time goes by and Annabelle is Ruling Sugar Rush (yeah ik that doesn't make sense but just wait till I get to the lore part and as to why oke? oke-). So yeah she has been made to rule a literal sugar kingdom while she also has to be a playable character to NOT look sus to other game characters watching. (ofc this did not work cuz erm- what the sigma??? new girl??? where Vanellope???????)
OK! now for the lore and as to WHY??? AND HOW???
Sooo, Annabelle had move into town and then found out there was a cool arcade nearby where she was now living. Ofc that being Litwack's Arcade :3. For a little while she had been a daily visitor to the arcade and ofc Sugar Rush was her #1 favorite arcade game and played it EVERY DAY. She would play other games too ofc (Fix It Felix Jr would be her last resort game when all the other games in the arcade were Occupied).
Now as for Annabelle's personality? She is pretty nice and very fun to be around if you like her at first sight. She has a bit of an ego though, It pretty much started developing when she would win all the time in that Sugar Rush game. She had ALWAYS been the #1 person on that sugar rush leader board (I actually don't know if there even is a leader board in the game but NOW IT DOES >:]). Unfortunately that would change when a couple of assholes would come in and mentally put her down saying shit like uhhh "lol, ur so bad", "I could bet you in a race like that" (they're jealous lol). Ofc this gets on Annabelle's nerves and this makes her think she has competition (and she did) AND her way to cope and talk back at them with bs like this was to STROKE HER EGO (oh honey noooo D,:). Ofc this eventually gets to her when she starts fumbling in the game and is starts losing with every chance she gets (yes getting 2sd place means losing to her, sounds familiarrrrrrr ◉_◉). She has been losing her place on the leaderboard and eventually the Assholes find out and then they quite literally take a mental tole on her (ya wanna know what's really funny??? These assholes are literal teenage kids... Annabelle is literally fucking 20 like- HONEY THEY'RE KIDS STOP WORRYING 😭😭😭).
One night Annabelle hits a breaking point and NEEDS to be back on that #1 spot on the leader board BY. ANY. MEANS. NECISSARY.
Phhhfffttt- Oh nonono- she is NOT losing to a couple of kids that have been bulling her for the past couple of days! Hell NO! So what does she do???? Break into the Arcade overnight!!!! WhAt CoUlD pOsSiBlY gO wRoNg??? *screaminggggg and cryinngggg*
So Annabelle breaks in the Arcade, UNFORTUANTELY She had forgotten her quarters back at home. Sooooo she goes back home and doesn't bother✨ JK SHE DECIDES TO BREAK INTO THE GAME CABNET TO STEAL QUARTERS 💀 (mind u that Annabelle is UNAWARE that these game characters are sentient, so even if she did have her change on her and put them in... they would NOT be there) Annabelle rummages around and is suddenly hit with some powerful shock and blacks out (Nice one girl 😒). Annabelle wakes up and HOLY SHIT- WHAT THE FUCK??? SHE'S IN SUGAR RUSH???? WHAT THE HELLLLL?????? (ofc this whole time she thinks she's dreamingggg but the scary reality finally hits her eventually 😁😁😁) Annabelle Finds out about Game Central Station and oh my god it looks to scary for her- nope, She's staying inside Sugar Rush. And heaven forbid if one of them finds out she's human in the game world, they could probably kill her *🥲*. I almost forgot to mention that her physical appearance slowly starts to change the longer she's in the game world. Her skin starts to look paler and slightly grey; her eyes are tinted yellow and her eyerises are turning a darker shade of blue. And this is due to the exposure to the atmosphere of the game world. So it looks like she's dying but she's not. :,]
Anyway about this Red g̵̋͜l̸̯̾i̶̱̍t̶̩͒c̴̪̀h̸͖́ÿ̶̦ blob she found beside Cola Mountain~
After a while of her walking around and Exploring Sugar Rush (and to find a safe place to stay *sobs*) She sees a red glint in the corner of her eyes by the mountain and ofc goes to check it out (naauuurrrrrrr!!!!), She finds it, picks it up, messes with it for a minute and she's suddenly hit with a painful red shock that literally makes her fall to the ground. And with some spoooky electronic glitchy magic bs going on in front of her this blob takes in the form of... guys... You'll NEVER guess who it is!... It's Turbo! what a goddamn surprise! I bet u never guessed right hehehehehehe >:] jk (I just realized how long this is getting. I'm sorry to all my ADHD people 😭😭😭)
I'll try to explain this part really quick :,)
Turbo meets Annabelle in his Virtual form, Annabelle os freaked out about this shit cuz holy fuck what is that creepy ass glitchy tall shadow creature???? (yes his virtual form made him tall 🤭) So after some back and fourth talking and them introducing themselves and Turbo going on about his pathetic sob story as they why he's like this and all that bs talk, Annabelle asks if he could be able to take her home because of his coding abilities and all that stuff. He says he will BUT, in order to help her get "home" SHE has to do something for him first in order for that to happen. He NEEDS everything back that was all taken away from HIM and he need her help to get it all back just by Reincoding him back to his physical from (unfortunately for Turbo, his powers and abilities are limited when he's in his virtual form.). Annabelle agrees. (spoiler alert: There is actually no way she can get home, she's stuck in the game world forever. 🥲)
Now how this will happen is:
• Get inside the castle and enter the code room, Find Sour Bill and hold him at knife (ik, very dramatic and over the top but somethings gotta work) point. He will help her get into the code room with a rope to tie around her in order to stay safe and not float away in the black abyss of the code room (ofc he tells her the Nintendo code)
• He will be with her when this happens, Annabelle will need to destroy Vanellope's code and keep it away from all the other codes just like he did when he Ruled Sugar Rush. This will ensure that Vanellope will forget EVERYTHING (this means her memories about Ralph and everyone else she has befriended and her memories she has held dear)
• Turbo will teach her how to code a new character sprite for herself and put EVERYTHING in it that will make her Rightful Ruler. Annabelle gives herself the Name "Queen Sweetheart" Omori Reference???? (Turbo designed a dress for her, She found it pretty sus on how low the bust area is but whatever, she has other clothing designs for herself. Whatever works)
• Alright Vanellope is out of the way and now considered a threat once again and no one has NO memory of Vanellope and Annabelle is officially rightful ruler of Sugar Rush
• She will announce that there will be a big Racing event in THREE DAYS (ofc the whole part with the coins from the first movie is brought back to ensure that Vanellope CANNOT enter the race again.
• When that day comes Turbo will virtually go into Annabelle's body (It's painful) and then she will go racing with him virtually inside her.(Please don't get the wrong idea I couldn't think of any other way to say it 😭😭😭) She HAS TO WIN. If she doesn't then he will find her completely useless and not help her get back home. *😐*
When Annabelle wins that race Turbo is finally back to his physical form and 100% fully alive and will take everything back that has been taken from him. (sure Turbo, sure 😒)
Ofc there will be people getting in the way of Their plans cuz people want to know why there's suddenly a new character and "WHAT THE FUCK DID U DO TO VANELLOPE???" -Ralph probably 🤭
With the help of some people Vanellope eventually starts to regain memory. "How will Vanellope get into that Race? she has no medal!" Well Felix was nice enough to give him one of his to use, he was hesitant *raises eyebrow* but he had to do it for the sake of Vanellope.
I was gonna type in more but I think that would be spoiling some stuff so uh yeahhhh. I'll stope here for now! uhhhh Thanks for readingggg. (If u even read this far into my AU Lore and stuff 😇)
I'd love to type more story and lore but like the last bits are like the best parts so like- I'll save those for art hehehehe.
If you like this AU then YIPPEEEE!!!!! ✨✨✨
If not then uhhhh 😐😐😐
thx for reading anyway 🥲
Anyway uh I'll make ref sheet's for Turbo and Annabell/QS soon dw 😁😁😁
If u have questions about the AU, my inbox is open for asks!!! ✨✨✨ I'd love to answer :333
Oke uh Bye 💖
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a-bit-too-short · 1 year
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@sariphantom 's Risetober promt Day Two.
October 2nd, 20XX.
Raph and Mikey started making their masks for their halloween costumes. They wanted to do a duo costume this year. They still have a long way to go, but Raph is really proud of how it looks so far.
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reiding-writing · 2 months
i can totally see Spencer buying tickets for a movie and asking cold!reader to go with him cuz he knows she'd say yes
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spencer takes an opportunity to get closer to you based on nothing more than a passing comment.
spencer reid x cold!reader | fluff | 2.2k | cold!reader masterlist
a/n— this may be a tiny bit of self projection bc i’m trying to pick up my french again (ça ne marche pas)
main masterlist.
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It’s a quiet day in the office. Quieter than usual for a Friday.
Quiet enough in fact, that you actually had time to take the whole hour of lunch that you were technically mandated to have every single day.
Most of it was still spent at your desk, although with a book in your hands instead of a case file. A distraction, maybe, but not a very optimistic one.
It wasn’t long before you had company. Spencer wasn’t really a ‘socialist’ in the physical sense of the word, and once he’d had enough of sitting in the kitchen eye with the group he too had decided to retreat back to the bullpen.
There’s a tinge of curiosity as he spotted you, sat cross-legged in your chair with both elbows leant on your desk and an open book in hand.
“Auschwitz and After?” He had to tilt his head to see the cover, but his ‘question’, his assessment, was confident.
You hum passively, like you’d already known he was coming over despite his quiet footsteps and your eyes trained on the pages. He’s not too surprised, it wasn’t very easy to catch you off guard.
“What drew you to it?” Spencer questioned, his gaze leaving your blank expression as it went back to observing the book in your hands, scanning the words on the pages.
“Practicing my french,”
Simple and to the point, and to your credit it made sense—when Spencer was knee-deep in a book he didn’t want to interrupt that focus either.
“You’ve read it before?” Socialist he may not be, but he wasn’t ready to leave you in your solitude yet.
“In English,” You turn the page with another small hum. “Doesn’t really count,”
Spencer hummed in agreement.
He could go on for hours about why reading a text in its intended language was superior to reading its translation. How much meaning and sub-context is lost in the transition between languages and completely distort the original meaning.
But you didn’t need to hear that. You already knew it.
So he didn’t say anything, instead choosing to focus his gaze on your face for a few more minutes, wondering if he’d be able to read the emotion on your face like he was so used to doing.
There was still nothing though. No facial twitch. No eyebrow raised. Nothing to indicate what you were thinking.
It was almost like your face was carved from marble.
If he thought about it too much he’d probably say your face deserved to be carved into marble, to keep a relic of you perfect and untouched forever.
But that was a bit too much for him to settle with.
Spencer shifted nervously on his feet, trying to think of something else to say to rid of the silence that was leaving him with his own overthinking.
“Hey— uh— There’s this um— If you’re wanting to brush up on your french—”
“Spit it out, Reid,” Your voice isn’t as harsh as it is blunt. You appreciated conciseness, although you’d never cut him out of a tangent unless it was something that was unproductive.
This one definitely was.
“Uh— Right, right,” he stumbled over his words for a moment before finally taking a deep, steadying breath. “There’s this movie coming out in a few weeks— well technically it came out in France back in May but—”
Spencer’s words came out so fast in his rush to just get to the point, that, for a moment, he was worried that you would only understand half of what he was saying.
“Reid,” You hold up your hand towards him as an indication for him to stop, before moving your hand in a single spiral as a non-verbal instruction for him to breathe.
His rambling stopped almost immediately, and if he had the conscience to be embarrassed, he most definitely would be at how readily he follows your order to take a second to calm down.
Especially considering you still hadn’t even turned your eyes up from your reading in the process.
Still, he follows you with no hesitation, and once you signal for him to continue, he starts back up again, slower this time.
“‘L’armée du crime’, uh, ‘The Army of Crime’, it’s only being shown in a few select theatres here in DC, but—”
The words came out slightly more measured this time, although that little hint of the usual rambling was still, very much present.
“It’s in the original French,” he continued after a beat, his previous hesitation slowly disappearing under the knowledge you weren’t put off by him just yet.
“With subtitles, of course— but still, the entire— dialogue is in— is in French.”
He exhales heavily.
“I was thinking of going to see it.”
He paused again, the hesitation creeping back into his voice.
“What’s it about?”
He swears the whole office can hear his sigh of relief.
“Um, it’s a war-movie,” he said after a few, silent moments, pointing lamely towards your book.
“Set during the Second World War, it talks a lot about the French Resistance, and how it’s not only the people who were fighting in the trenches who made it possible for the Allies to win…”
The start of his explanation is seemingly enough to grasp your full attention, echoed by the way you shut your book with no effort to remember your placement and leave it on your desk to look at him instead, eyebrow raised.
That little gesture, the almost unnoticeable quirk of your eyebrow, was all that Spencer needed to know that he didn’t need to summary the entire movie.
You were interested, but you didn’t want to know the entire plot ahead of the time.
He chuckled lightly at that, before biting his lower lip slightly. The next words that came out of him were almost just breaths.
“… Do you want to come with me?”
It’s enough for your eyebrow to raise more noticeably, enough that Spencer wouldn’t have to be standing less than five feet away to notice it.
“Friday night—” It felt like the words were tumbling out of his mouth, like if he didn’t get them out fast enough he’d loose your attention and go back to square one.
But when he actually said the words out loud, he realised how much they sounded like he was asking you out on a date.
He was worried that you would reject him if you thought it was a date.
“…Unless you have other plans?”
There’s a small moment of silence, and Spencer feels like he might vomit from the anticipation.
“Friday’s fine,”
That’s it took for a small, satisfied smile to pull at Spencer’s lips. Those two words, combined with the small nod you throw in his direction, was all the reassurance that he needed to take you at your word.
“Great. That’s uh, that’s— that’s great,” he fumbled over his words, just barely reeling himself in from another ramble of him over-explaining his appreciation for your company.
“Friday’s fine for what?”
He doesn’t really have to worry about that.
Morgan walks over with a mug of coffee in his hand, eyebrow raised in amusement. “A hot date?”
“If you consider watching a french re-enactment of world war two as ‘hot’, then sure,” There isn’t a single ounce of sincerity in your tone, and Morgan glances between the two of you with a barely hidden smile, a chuckle bubbling in his throat.
Spencer, meanwhile, was just staring at Morgan with an indignant expression, silently begging him to not make this into a ‘thing’.
Unfortunately for Spencer though, Morgan was, well, Morgan.
He took one sip of the coffee in his hand, his eyes drifting between the two of you once more.
“French reinactment of the Second World War, huh?” he repeated, his smile turning into a cheeky smirk. “Why am I not surprised?”
There it was, that smirk.
It was the same one he always had on his face when it came to you two.
“It’s- it’s not like that” Spencer mumbled, his tongue quickly flickering out to lick at his suddenly dry lips.
“Sure, it’s not.” Morgan chuckled, enjoying every moment of this as he took another sip of his coffee. “The two of you are just gonna be sitting in a dark room… all alone… together…”
“Watching people get tortured…” You mimic the song-like drawl of Morgan’s voice to throw his ‘joking’ back onto him, rolling your eyes. “So romantic,”
A smirk remained fixed on Morgan’s face as he leaned over your desk until he was looking Spencer directly in the eye.
“I don’t know, you’re both nerds. This sounds like a perfect date to me”, he teased, causing Spencer to scoff in response.
“If that’s your idea of a ‘perfect date’ then I pray for whoever has the unfortunate circumstance of ending up with you,”
“Nah, don’t worry about me, Snowflake,” he chuckled, lifting the mug of coffee to his lips once more. “I’m not the one who’s gonna be sitting in a dark, lonely movie theatre with Doctor Genius here,”
“I don’t need to be ‘prayed for’, Reid is perfectly fine company,” You give Morgan another roll of your eyes, although whether at his comment or his ‘nickname’ Morgan is unsure.
“Sure, sure” he murmured, before pushing himself up off your desk with a smirk. “Enjoy the movie, lovebirds.”
He leaves the bullpen with a blown kiss in your directions, throwing the two of you a wink as he catches up to Garcia walking into the conference room.
You re-open your book once he’s out of sight, letting out a soft groan in lieu of Morgan’s tormenting.
You didn’t really hate it per se , but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t get on your nerves.
Spencer wasn’t unalike in his reaction, a breath of relief leaving his lips once Morgan’s back was turned.
Spencer tried to mentally scoff the thought away, and tried not to blush at the thought either.
He glanced back at you, praying that hopefully you didn’t notice that small, involuntary flush that seemed to be crawling across his cheeks.
He continued to be frozen on the spot, eyes locked on your relaxed expression as you scanned the pages to see if you recognised certain parts of the text.
“Page 212...” His voice came out quiet as he spoke.
“What?” You take a second to divert your attention from the pages, eyebrows furrowed curiously in his direction.
Spencer swallowed, hoping that he at least looked composed despite feeling like the exact opposite.
“You were on page 212,” he explained, a small smile pulling at his lips as he caught your gaze.
“Right,” You don’t question his recollection as you skip to page 212, throwing him a dismissive “Thanks,” once you confirm you’re in the right place.
“You’re welcome,”
Spencer’s voice was quieter once more, not as anxious as before but still quiet. He watched you as you returned your gaze back to the pages of the hardback copy, and he was torn between the urge to just stand there and keep looking at you reading the book, or heading back to his desk to work on one of the many case files that had stacked themselves there.
Deciding that it would probably be a little creepy for him to just stand there watching you read, even if you didn’t seem to particularly mind it, he forced himself to look away.
Just as he turned to head around to his desk, he found himself blurting out something without even realising.
“You look nice today,”
Your eyes flicker back upwards from your book through furrowed eyebrows. “Thanks,”
You hadn’t actually changed anything about your appearance, the outfit you were wearing was practically identical to the one you wore most days, your hair was done the same, you hadn’t even showered that morning.
He quickly realised that he must’ve looked like a complete idiot and, for a moment, was wondering if he could rewind time to not say what he had just said.
“Uh, I mean—” he tried to backpedal, hoping that his awkward rambling could save him from this situation. “Not that you don’t usually look nice! I meant-!”
As he fumbled over his words, he mentally slapped himself. Why couldn’t he just be normal and not blurt out something so stupid at such a random time.
God he hoped this wouldn’t make you change your mind about wanting to spend time with him one on one.
Thankfully, the universe seemed to have a little mercy on him.
“Team, I need you in the conference room.”
So much for a full lunch break.
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neuvistar · 1 year
Ass, tits or thighs for loucha and welt
You can choose other hsr men
Fluff of nsfw you pick
— featuring ┊ luocha, welt, jing yuan, blade, gepard x fem!reader (all separate)
— warnings / content warnings ┊ a lil short i think?? uh not proofread, tiny bit of titplay, mentions of thigh fucking??, slight body worship me thinks, mentions of face sitting, use of nicknames, nothing extreme just suggestive of implied suggestive themes! || 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
— a/n ┊good question, let’s decide this once n for all ! hope u enjoyed this i had fun sm fun writing it tbh ++ i loved writing jing yuan’s part its so cute 2 me
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LUOCHA lowkey seems like a thigh man, blud doesn’t care how big or how small he just wants you to crush him with your thighs. i mean come on i’m sure he probably likes the feeling of his hands trailing down your hips then to your thighs, giving them a nice squeeze while he’s at it. he seems like he’d enjoy times where you would thigh highs, thanking the aeons above for this lovely gift and beautiful sight. ++ when you do wear it jesus fuck his hands r always on your thighs, gently sliding two fingers in your black thigh highs you wore that day, pretty eyes gazing at yours to see your reaction.
maybe if he’s feeling a lil silly he’d slide his fingers inside you too, bonus points for that skull emoji idk man this goof just seems and LOOKS like a thigh man, i’m sure he’s a big fan of face sitting too since he’d love how your thighs cage around his head, holding them firmly as he eats you out like there’s no tomorrow. he just wants to get crushed by your thighs, i’m sure he’s someone that stays true to his word as well, “death by thighs is the way of a warrior” is what he believes. luocha just wants to savour the feeling of your thighs around his head, oh yeah his favourite place to kiss you is probably your thighs, surprise surprise!! that man has a huge thing for your thighs you don’t even know why, always complimenting you how beautiful they look too, you don’t mind though. but anyways, he loves kissing your thighs, such a sweetheart isn’t he?
WELT is expiring bruh one thrust n that fucker is already fading into thin air but itz ok cuz i like em expired (NAHH IM SO SORRY) but anyways he’s an ass man, i’m sure of it. that brunette loves ass more than you think, he’s a sucker for that fatty i know it, look me in the eyes n tell me he isn’t an ass man cuz he is n no one’s gonna convince me he’s not i don’t wanna hear it /j but back to business yeah he seems like an ass man, i think bro’s vv cool with it too like if you asked him “ass tits or thighs” he would give you a full description on why he prefers ass out of everyone of them, whenever you two make love i like to think that he prefers it if you take it from the back. why? well lemme tell you
he likes it whenever you take it from the back cuz he gets full view of your back and most importantly your ass, the way his hips snap against yours, hypnotized by the way your ass looks, giving it a lil squeeze too. oh yeah he’s probably the type to give ur ass little taps, like gentle ones but it isn’t perverted in anyway it’s just to get you moving, and maybe to also get a reaction out of you but yes no more explanation this manz is crazy for ass he would get hard at the sight of you in some tight clothing that makes your ass look nice wink wink. this goof probably snuck a lil glance at your ass when you were bending over one time, grabbing a pencil. let’s jus say, he got hard! cmon he just loves ass, he loves it sm bros probably fascinated over the jiggle physics of your ass or sumn cause gahhh dahum
JING YUAN i think he’d be vv sweet about these sort of things, he wouldn’t rlly separate things into things he liked or didn’t like, he loved everything about you. jing yuan would find you perfect in his eyes, he found you rather beautiful in every aspect, an alluring attraction he could not simply look away from, but he cared not for your body, for your beauty was the least of your features n it was everything else about you that he found the most attractive. beyond compare and without fault. but in all truthfulness, he loves titties stfu i’m not gonna argue with anyone else he’s a tit man and that’s final, it’s true it’s confirmed by me he’s apart of the tittie lover committee. but honestly, like i said he’d find every aspect of you beautiful (he’s a tit man trust he’s just in denial)
he would be so so sweet :( if u ever asked him what he liked abt u (ass tits n thighs yk) he would simply let out a deep sigh and kiss your forehead,
“why do you care so deeply about my opinion on your body?" jing yuan asked softly with a soft shake of his head. "does my opinion mean that much to you? i think you are a rather beautiful woman. that’s all, nothing more, nothing less. i do not look at you like a prize or a toy, my dove, for you mean more to me than your appearance. but since you are so concerned, i will say it. you are extremely beautiful in my eyes, i love everything about you. every part of your body, your facial features, your personality, everything. there’s nothing i can pin point, because i love everything about you, beautiful.” (he still loves ur tits though)
BLADE is indecisive with this sort of thing me thinks.. he’d choose all three but if you ask him why he did, honestly he’d pull up some shit like “because i desire them all and i get what i desire” or sum shit like that, he’s just a lil indecisive guys. but jokes aside, he would prefer your tits. he’s probably a tit man in my eyes! there’s just something about your titties that makes him stop and think about the decisions he made in life. the first time you guys got busy (if you know what i mean) blud would get all red for the first time asking if he could touch your breasts, and that special day.. he fell in love with the feeling of his hands engulfing your tits, the softness of your flesh was intoxicating to him almost.
he probably doesn’t care about size either, he just loves how his large hands engulf your tits as a whole, he loves the little whimpers you let out when he plays with your hardened nipples, twisting it gently as he feels your body jolt against his, pressing himself even closer against you. blade loves you and your body, he just can’t get enough of you because you’re so beautiful to him, he’s one lucky man to have someone like you. he’s probably into titfucking too, the thought of it makes me curl my toes tbh. he probably slides his dick in between the softness of your breasts, a moaning mess as he threw his head back, enjoying the feeling of your boobs around his cock. bonus points if he came on your tits afterwards, he fell more and more in love with you and your titties. he would probably cum on your tits like 99% of the time whenever you guys would have sex, you would scold him sometimes but cmon he can’t help it. he loves how pretty your tits look covered with his cum.
GEPARD last but not least the babygirl ever, most the babygirl of the babygirls, he would probably prefer ass ++ thighs over anything else. he tries to push these kind of thoughts away but he knows he can’t escape them when you’re right there all dolled up and pretty for him. gepard would blush seeing you in a short skirt, bonus points if you wore thigh highs or black tights along with it. i like to think tgat he would feel ashamed of himself for thinking such things about you, taking a quick glance of your thighs whenever you both use the stairs, seeing how your skirt would move a bit. jesus he didn’t even know you had allat back there, but you did. bless your parents. but honestly i don’t think he’d care about the size either, he just loves how soft they feel against his palm, huge fan of you taking it from the back too.
gepard is probably into thigh fucking too, grabbing your thighs and ripping your black tights, positioning himself in between them as he slides himself between the heat of your inner thighs, his dick also rubbing against your pussy too more bonus points for that. he would savour and take in the feeling of your thighs against his cock, loving how warm you felt around him. he’s such a huge sucker for that fattie n huge sucker for them neck crushers, if you sat on his face and broke his neck he would probably blame himself for being too weak to handle you like he should, speaking of that he loves it whenever you sat on his face, like i said no matter the side he’s diving into that pussy like it’s the pacific ocean, he doesn’t give two fucks if you’re too heavy your pussy is the ocean he’s gonna dive in 2nite (he’s practically asking u to break his neck atp skull emoji)
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foodiegoogie · 23 days
what friends are for
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sirius black x fem!reader ✮ 3.95k summary: you’re an overthinker at its finest; sirius is an overdoer when it comes to saving you from you and your thoughts. cw/tags: no use of y/n, highschool!au, biker!sirius (mentioned), too long for its own good,, nothing too heavy <3 also the teachers r still called professors here bcoz yes !
note: DAMN FINALLY ive finished this 😭 tho its still a little too long for my taste .. i am kinda proud of this :> this was a recycled thoma request, but since i kind of serve to the marauders audience now,, i decided to give it to sirius 🥰 happy reading! 🫶🏼
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Having an overly active brain was both a blessing, and a curse. You loved your creativity and intelligence, and they definitely showed in your report cards. What you didn't like was how often you thought about simple, small matters, and then thought about it some more, and then some more after that. You were an overthinker at its finest. Everyone who knew you well enough would agree that you were a non-stop thinking machine, and they all hoped you would cut yourself some slack and give yourself a break.
“That’s easier said than done,” you’d say to them. Oh, what you wouldn't give to stop being a self-sufficient, but also self-pitying brainiac! 
But, as they all say, old habits die hard. That is why here you are, in class, watching your teacher collect your test papers and slowly getting into the routine of asking yourself the questions—the what-ifs, did-Is, and the like. 
You were bouncing your leg up and down restlessly while chewing on your bottom lip, looking very deep in thought, when you felt something hit your head lightly. A crumpled ball of paper landed in your point of view, breaking you out of the trance from overthinking. Picking it up, you opened it and smoothed it out to see what was written inside. 
You look like you just murdered someone and are now burdened by your guilty conscience.
Despite your sour mood, you managed to let out a snort and a soft smile after reading the line. You could recognize the flawlessly cursive handwriting anywhere; it belonged to your good friend, Sirius Black. And knowing him, you knew better than to come up with a snarky reply and retaliate. Getting caught chit chatting with someone like him during class hours could land you in detention, especially now that the teacher inside your classroom was the one and only Physics Terror, Professor McGonagall.
So, you crumple the piece of paper back into its ball shape, and stuff it into your backpack. A few seconds later, you feel something hit your head again. The culprit? Yet another crumpled ball of paper, now sitting on your desk. Letting curiosity get the best of you, you open it up and read what's written.
Ok, rude? Guess you can forget about getting my help cuz I know a good place to bury a body :)
Softly chuckling to yourself, you shook your head and wondered why you were even friends with someone as bizarre as Sirius while you put the crumpled paper in your bag. For a while, you didn’t feel anything light hit your head like you expected. But just as you were about to spiral into another endless stream of self-doubt, you were hit again with a crumpled ball of paper. 
Slowly, you turned around in your seat to glare at Sirius. You meet his eyes doing the same thing, and then gesturing impatiently at you to open the piece of paper he just threw at you. You stuck your tongue out at him out of spite before finally opening the piece of paper.
The sentence was written in bold black letters, underlined a bunch of times, and the punctuation marks at the end were twice the size of the letters. Having read the ridiculous note, you let out what might have been the loudest cackle you have ever let out in your highschool life.
You hear your name called out loudly by Professor McGonagall, in a stern tone that could only mean one thing for you. It felt absolutely mortifying to have your classmates' eyes on you, seeing their pity and amusement appear on their faces. 
"You'll be seeing Mr. Filch for detention after class," She said, zeroing in on you with her piercing glare. If looks could kill, you'd have been dead in your seat by now, and Sirius could use his knowledge of good places to bury dead bodies so he could bury yours. "I hope you'll learn your lesson in your time with him." 
"I will, Professor," You replied, the embarrassment reflecting in your voice.  Great—not only were you unsure about your grade for this class, but now you had one more thing to be worried about, as well as overthink about.
Unable to take on your classmates’ pitying looks on you, you crossed your arms on your desk and laid your head down against them, hiding your face from the prying eyes of your classmates. You could not handle any more humiliations. But you also thought that nothing could possibly be worse than the situation you put yourself in.
Then, you were proven wrong.
All of a sudden, you heard your classmates murmuring around you. Lifting your head up to see what was going on, you saw a paper plane glide smoothly through the air before it landed perfectly on the stack of test papers Professor McGonagall was currently grading. 
To some of your classmates, what happened afterward took less than a minute. But to the rest, including yourself, it seemed like eternity with how carefully Professor McGonagall dropped her pen, and took off her glasses. She picked up the paper plane and opened it up, narrowing her eyes at whatever was written inside. Unfortunately, none of you ever knew what was written inside. But you all knew that it wasn't any good, judging by the twitch in her eye and the frown on her face.
"Who does this belong to?" She asked, her displeasure clearly heard in her voice and seen in the glare she gives everyone in the room. A beat passes, and suddenly everyone is pointing fingers to someone sitting at the back of the classroom. 
Though you had a hunch on who it was they were pointing at, you hoped that you were wrong; that it turned out to be some other classmate of yours who had rotten luck just like you. Then, you were proven wrong… again.
You turned around in your seat just in time to meet the mischievous eyes of your raven-haired friend. He even took the time to throw you a playful wink before clearing his throat dramatically. 
"Good morning, Professor,” Sirius began, his hand closed in a fist like it was holding something near his mouth. “This is your captain speaking. It seems like my aeroplane experienced turbulence and crashed in your area. Terribly sorry, rookie mistake! Rest assured that I'll comply with whatever punishment you subject me to for the matter." 
"In that case, good, because you'll be serving detention alongside your classmate here," Professor McGonagall nods in your direction. "I hope you'll both learn something about rudely disrupting the peace and quiet during class hours with unnecessary distractions." She smiled, although anyone could tell it wasn't to be kind. Then, she returned to her previously interrupted task of grading test papers.
Rolling your eyes, you sighed. Of course, he'd get himself into trouble, you thought. You turned to look at him, catching his attention, and mouthed the words, "What'd you do that for?"
Sirius shrugged in reply, a cheeky smile on his face before mouthing the word, "You."
Genuinely, you have always wondered how you managed to land yourself a place in Sirius’ life as one of his closest friends. It was one of the things you’ve thought about over and over, but have never really gotten to the bottom of. Nevertheless, you will always be grateful for having a friend like him, even if he does give you a headache sometimes.
It turns out that serving detention wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be, having been assigned under Mr. Filch’s orders of tending to the flora and fauna stored in the school greenhouses. In fact, you were actually kind of enjoying it, and Sirius being with you totally wasn’t a part of the reason why. 
“You know, this actually isn’t so bad,” He remarked, spraying the lavenders with some water, a faint smile on his face. “I thought we’d be somewhere organizing Sprout’s herb collection or something.”
You laugh at his statement, “Not gonna lie, I expected something boring, too. But this is pretty nice.” You beamed at him, looking away from where you’d been adjusting potted plants accordingly where the sunlight was hitting. 
“Who knew we’d be so good at gardening?” 
“I know, right?” 
Sirius chuckled in reply, and you joined in with him, taking the time to look at him before returning to your task. He looked especially handsome whenever he laughed; eyes crinkled by the edges with amusement, his pearly whites on perfect display as he smiled. It also certainly didn’t help that on top of the black leather jacket he wore, he was wearing an apron, and a bandana tied around his hair which pushed it back to act as a headband, revealing his forehead which glistened with a thin layer of sweat. 
Sirius Black looked ridiculously handsome, and you didn’t need to think twice about that, because it was a well-known fact.
At that moment, you were so caught up in staring at him that Sirius caught you in action. It was already too late to look away and feign indifference for you as a smirk had started to make its way onto his face.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” He practically purred, his voice taking on a deeper, more flirtatious tone than usual. Your brain loses its ability to function momentarily before you quickly wracked your mind for a snarky retort. 
“How original,” You quipped, trying to hide your momentary lapse in brain function at his unexpected tone. Sirius lets you get away with it, hiding a subtle smile of amusement to himself. 
Turning back to a pot of chrysanthemums you’d neglected briefly, you decide to change the topic. “So I was just wondering,” You began, a curious lilt to your voice. “What’d you write on that paper plane you flew to Professor McGonagall?” You queried as you turned to face him again, placing your hand on your hip.
“Oh, psh, that old thing?” Sirius waved it off dismissively as he wrapped up with his task of watering the flowers. “Just a little piece of an opinion I’ve been meaning to tell her.” 
“And just what was it you were meaning to tell her?” 
Before he answered your question, he took the time to take his bandana off, wiping the sweat off his forehead with it. Then, he fixed his hair - running a hand through it and ruffling it up slightly. Inwardly, you had to admit, you almost forgot what you were talking about as you shamelessly watched him be… hot; and like he knew the effect it had on you—which he most likely did—he smirked at you. Again. 
“I told her that dogs were better than cats,” Sirius smiled wickedly. 
You gasped in horror. “No, you did not.” 
“Oh, yes I did,” He said as-a-matter-of-factly.
“You know how she feels about cats, Sirius!” 
“Precisely the point, darling.”
To some, it would seem like something off of a controversial debate, like if pineapples belong on pizza for example. But to everyone who really knew Professor McGonagall well, saying things like that was just a recipe for disaster—with disaster meaning serving detention, of course.
“No wonder you ended up here,” You shook your head in disbelief at him. 
“Buuut, like I said, it’s not so bad here,” Sirius opposed, untying his apron from the back and behind his neck. “Plus, I’ve got good company.” He winked at you before hanging the apron on one of the hooks attached to the wall of the greenhouse.
You didn’t— no, couldn’t reply to him, seeing how you were caught off guard with what he said. But it wasn’t like Sirius wasn’t good company for you, no. There was never a dull moment with him by your side. In fact, if it were someone else you were stuck with in detention, you wouldn’t have agreed with him earlier that serving it wasn’t so bad. And frankly speaking, if serving detention just meant extra time to hang out with Sirius Black, then you wouldn’t mind disrupting the peace and quiet of class hours every now and then.
Though that would certainly look bad on your report cards, so you mentally chastise yourself for even entertaining the thought. But you couldn’t deny that there was some truth behind it, at least. Or more than some.
“Let me walk you home?” Sirius asked as he regarded you with a certain gentleness in his grey eyes. You felt like melting on the spot, right then and there, as he lingered by the doorway to the greenhouse, waiting for your answer. 
But you managed to pull yourself together, and smiled at him. “Sure.”
On some days, you would have just taken the school bus home, and Sirius would have just gone on his motorbike. Though in the past, he’d asked you countless times if he could give you a ride home, of course, because it was quicker and more cost-efficient than taking the public transport. But with the way your face blanched at his offering, and the way you kept spewing facts upon facts about how motorbike riding was dangerous (Sirius tried to reassure you that it wasn’t for very obvious reasons), he settled for walking you home instead. 
While that had quickly become an almost regular occurrence for the both of you, Sirius always made sure to ask you first, despite the fact that he would have to go back for his motorbike parked at the school after. Knowing this, you tried very hard to kindly refuse him at first. But over time, you found yourself saying yes without a second thought.
At the same time, you refrain yourself from giving it much thought. It was simply a kind gesture from a really good friend of yours, and that was that. 
A devilishly handsome, fiercely loyal, and incredibly caring… friend of yours. 
Walking home with Sirius never fails to make you feel better after a long day at school. The both of you are instantly engaged in meaningful conversation, debriefing the events that occurred during the day. You like to think it’s a mandatory routine by how often you do it, how often it happens, and how natural it feels. It’s definitely one of, or maybe the best way to de-stress and relax after spending a whole day just studying and working. 
If only he could keep the teasing to a minimum, though. 
“I’m just saying, you know,” Sirius said, shrugging nonchalantly as he walked beside you. “You didn’t have to laugh that hard.” 
You scoff in disbelief, the sarcastic reply bubbling up in your throat. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you liked it whenever I laugh at your jokes?” 
“Never said I didn’t, love,” He responded, voice softening at the term of endearment used. “But you could’ve been saved from Minnie’s wrath if you hadn’t done that evil cackle of yours that you call a ‘laugh.’” Sirius chuckled slightly as he spoke, reminding you both of your embarrassment. 
“Okay, first of all, rude,” You shot him a half-hearted glare, a smile threatening to come alive on your lips. “And second of all, it’s your fault that I accidentally laughed out loud during class.”
Sirius scoffed immediately, taking full offense as he turned away from you. “‘Accidentally,’ she says.” 
“What? It’s true!” 
“So I suspect you must have ‘accidentally’ found me funny, too?” He air-quoted. 
You let out a sigh, feeling exasperated and slightly frustrated by his consistently witty replies. It seemed like Sirius never ran out of energy when it came to your banter, filled with incessant teasing (coming from Sirius himself most of the time, of course) and lighthearted jabs at each other. But even with your patience increasingly wearing thin with him, you found yourself looking forward to the banter every time. In spite of his knack for getting on your nerves more often than not, you liked sharing it with him. It was almost as if it was something only you and Sirius shared - intimate and unique to your dynamic.
“Whatever, Sirius,” You settled for a dismissive response eventually, rolling your eyes as you did so. Though you knew that he would take the piss out of you again for your lack of a snarky retort.
But to your surprise, the boy only chuckled in amusement, kicking a few pebbles and leaves out of the way as the two of you continued to walk. You didn’t think much of it, passing it off as a likely thing for people to do when they walk on sidewalks riddled with objects in the way. 
(But little did you know about Sirius’ true intentions, though.)
After a moment of comfortable silence, you decided to speak up again. 
“Hey, so I was wondering—”
Sirius interrupts with a snort of laughter. “When are you not?” “Please shut up and let me finish.” “Alright, alright. I’m sorry,” he said. Though with the ever so present smirk on his face, and the hint of mirth in his eyes, you couldn’t tell if he was truly sorry. “What were you wondering about in that pretty head of yours?” You paused for a moment, thinking of how to phrase your question. Sirius gave you a brief glance, curious about what you were thinking of that had you pondering like this.
“Why’d you do it?” You finally blurted out.
“What do you mean? You’re gonna have to be a bit more specific than that for me, love.”
Sirius earns the sweet sound of your chuckling, and he zeroes in on the slight flush that appeared on your cheeks, betraying your embarrassment.
“I’m talking about earlier, Sirius. During Physics? When you flew that paper plane to McGonagall?”
His lips formed an O shape as he came to the realization of what you were referring to. And as if the reminder was nothing but a lighthearted one, Sirius snickered to himself.
“And? What about that?” 
You sigh, internally wondering how on earth he could find such a thing so amusing. Sure, perhaps Professor McGonagall had developed some sort of fondness or a soft spot for Sirius over the years he’d acted against her in his mischief. But the fact still remained that McGonagall was not to be taken lightly to, especially not during her class. 
“I was just wondering why you would do such a thing. I mean.. it was certainly unprovoked, don’t you think?” 
“‘Unprovoked,’ you say? Is that what you really think?” 
There’s a shift in his tone this time around when he spoke, though there still remained the unmistakable, and ever so present hint of a tease in his voice. You studied his face intently as you thought of a response. 
“Yeah. I mean, whatever did you do that for?” 
Sirius sighed, though you couldn’t tell if it was out of frustration with you or exasperation. “Didn’t I tell you already? I did it for you, you daft woman.” 
You resist the urge to scoff at his remark of you being a supposed daft woman. “I thought you were just messing with me there when you said that.”
“‘Messing with you?’ Why would I—“ He cut himself off with another sigh. 
Oh, so he’s frustrated, you realized. 
“You know, for someone whose mind runs a thousand miles per hour, you can be really clueless sometimes.” 
You let yourself scoff by then, feeling indignant. “What are you on about now?” 
Sirius almost smirked at your words, and you knew that by the twitch at the corner of his lips. You tear your eyes away from them, focusing on his eyes instead. 
“Come on, you’re a smart girl. Surely, you know why I did that, and why I risked detention?”
Deep down, you had an inkling as to what he was telling you. But you refused to acknowledge it aside from the fact that it was downright ridiculous. After all, you firmly believed yourself to be out of Sirius Black’s league. Your dynamic was synonymous to one of those Paramore songs that went, “He was a punk, she did ballet. Can I make it anymore obvious?” 
And as if he could read you, and sense your inner thoughts, Sirius sighed for what seemed like the nth time of that moment. Though now it had sounded almost… sad? 
“Shall I spell it aloud for you, then?” He broke the silence, his voice deeper and tinged with seriousness. 
“Yes.” Please. For my own sake. 
He takes a deep breath first, although the both of you didn’t know for what exactly. But it felt like it was necessary for Sirius, and so—
“I did it for you, ‘cause,” He paused, seemingly trying to push the words out of his mouth. Why he was forcing them out, you didn’t know. “What friends are for, right?” 
Well, admittedly, that kind of stung you inside. For a moment—a fleeting, hopeful moment—you wanted Sirius to say that he did it for you, and that was that. Just for you. For the sake of keeping you company, and letting it be up for interpretation on whether it was done under platonic intentions or… not. 
“Yeah,” You nodded, mentally chastising yourself for ever expecting such a thing. “What friends are for.” 
Sirius is looking at you pensively, noticing a hint of your disappointment in the way your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes, and in the way you looked away from him as you replied. He wondered why.
But, ever the one to cheer his friends up, Sirius clears his throat to catch your attention, his grey eyes glittering with mirth. 
“And besides,” he added. “You would’ve gone mad if you served detention all alone. You’re kind of a danger to yourself here, love.” He ruffled your hair playfully as he said this, eliciting a smile from you. 
“Hey! It doesn’t get that bad, you know,” You defend yourself, fixing your hair with your fingers. Sirius helps you out by tucking the wayward strands of hair, covering your face, behind your ear. 
He snickered. “Trust me, love. I know how bad it can get.” 
In truth, Sirius has always found it endearing—your knack for getting a little lost in your head more often than not. But he was also one of those people who wanted to grab you by the shoulders and shake some sense into you, to tell you to give yourself a damn break. So, he’ll take any chance to distract you from your thoughts. And if that meant angering McGonagall and serving detention, he didn’t mind at all. 
The rest of your walk home goes easily after that, the lighthearted atmosphere returning despite the momentary shift to the slightest, almost imperceptible indication to the feelings you harbored for each other—though unacknowledged on both sides of the party in fear of losing the other.
Although, Sirius suspects that he’ll be brave enough for the both of you one day to bring these feelings into light. 
In the meantime, he’ll let you get away with your acting aloof and coy about it. He’ll gladly wait until you’re ready to hear what he’s always wanted to tell you. 
So, as the two of you bask in the orange hue of the afternoon sun, walking down the path to your home, you don’t realize that it’s only a few steps away until you’ve reached your destination. You were getting carried away (again) with ranting about tomorrow’s quizzes, and Sirius is trying (again) to calm your anxieties, and reassure you. 
At the very same time, he realizes the increasing distance between the two of you and your home. He doesn’t make a move to tell you, and you simply don’t notice.
( ♡ )
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rotthepoet · 1 month
Lorenzo berkshire arranged marriage 😝
Okay okay so like??? How did we end up in this situation??? Because you knew Lorenzo in school but that man was a BITCHHHHHHH okay? Like he was a DICK and not someone you ever wanted to spend time around. I mean, yeah, he was hot, but that personality was simply distasteful, you arent even sure he knew you existed the 7 years you were in school together
So surprise surprise, when you graduated, (and im gonna be real with you this would only happen if youre a pureblood OR MAYBE HARD MAYBE a half-blood with two very powerful and influential magic parents) dearest mummy and daddy decided;
“Hm! More power and influence?? Good idea!”
And with that, you were arranged to marry into the Berkshire family! How clever! How smart! How lucky for you!
Except, when you’re finally alone with Lorenzo for the first time, he doesnt even bother looking at you as he says “You’re married to me only for show. I will not be your doting husband, but if you want to live a good, long life, you’ll be the perfect wife for me.”
And you’re like. Wtf? Because? This is not how marriage works?
Alas, the ceremony goes on. His lips are addictively soft as you kiss at the alter, and after that? Gone from your line of sight. No where to be found. Actually- you do find him in a study with all his friends, drinking fire whiskey around the fire place. They laugh about the situation, one of them speaking up to say “hey, could be worse. At least she’s hot.”
And you’re like. Wow. Really classy. Very funny. (It hurt your feelings quite a bit)
And trust, you do not see Lorenzo for a very long time. Like. You’re in separate bedrooms, on separate sides of his large estate, with purposely different schedules.
You’ll see him in a corridor occasionally and its like seeing a ghost fr
Regardless, youre expected to attend formal things with him, and you’re expected to stand by his side. And this is really the first time you two get along. Cuz y’see? Lorenzo loves to gossip. A real manwhore for it. So whenever he sees a woman sneaking away from her husband to see another man?? Oh boy he needs to tell someone and you are the physically closest person to him.
And Lorenzo is… aghast really to learn how… witty you are. He was ultimately flabbergasted. He found you… pleasant to talk to.
So he begins joining you at dinner, spouting off drama between his co-workers, updating you on his friends, on himself.
It actually is quite a relaxing way to decompress at the end of the day. And, to add to all of that, you start to see your husband around more often. He actually seeks out your company at the end of a long work day, sitting next to you in the library while you read. Just to be around you.
Then the gifts start.
Showering you in gifts- new clothes, jewelry, flowers, this and that, gives you his card and takes you out for an evening of shopping. Bonus if he gets ro help you choose what dress you like more.
Then he gets touchy, absentmindedly grabbing your hand in a crowd, letting your legs drape across his lap while you sit together, an arm around your shoulders if youre close enough.
He kisses you for the first time on your anniversary, and asks you out on a date. A real date. That should have happened long before the wedding.
And life is good after that <3
141 notes · View notes
sh4wty18 · 4 months
tiktok pt. 1
read pt. 2 here
pairing: jake webber x reader
summary: you decide to hard-launch your relationship with jake on tiktok, and get distracted along the way.
cw: fluff, language, hickeys, suggestive ending
word count: 1.7k + edited
You enter the kitchen of your boyfriend Jake's house to find him preparing a sandwich at the counter. You walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder. Even though you’re shorter than him, (the top of your head only reaches his neck), physical touch is one of both of your love languages, and you both love this type of affection. “Babe, do you wanna post a tiktok together?” you ask him.
He swings around to face you and grips your waist with both hands, “Ummmm yes?? Is that even a question??? Of course I wanna make sure all of my hot girlfriend’s followers know she’s taken” he replies, a smile beaming across his pretty face. “But… weren’t you nervous about getting hate?” he asks, looking more concerned than excited now.
“I mean yeah, but it’s been over 4 months since we’ve started dating, and we’ve been completely private. I think I’m ready to let the world know I'm dating one of America’s Favorite Ladies.” you smirk and raise an eyebrow towards him, which elicits a grin. You really are ready to post together, even though you’re nervous. But you figure it’s only going to be more overwhelming the longer you wait. Jake and Tara have been broken up for almost a full year, and Tara even gave you her blessing to start dating him. Plus, you knew Jake had been wanting to post a tiktok with you for a while now, but wasn’t saying anything out of respect for you. 
Jake couldn’t hide his excitement now, but he still asked through his wide smile, “Are you a hundred percent sure? I only wanna do it if you know you’re ready.”
“Yes, Jake. I promise I want to” you hold your pinky up to him and he links his with yours. You’ve made a habit of using pinky promises as a form of asserting comfortability in your relationship. You and Jake can both get really anxious about hurting each other’s feelings or pushing a boundary by accident, so you decided that when verbal communication isn’t enough, a pinky promise will be another way of letting each other know you’re okay.
He is smiling from ear to ear, and you feel your face flush. You could look at that smile forever, and knowing that you are capable of making someone so happy makes you feel an incredible sense of joy. “Yay!!! I’m so excited, oh my God!! What do you wanna do, baby?!” Jake asks you, lightly bobbing up and down with excitement. You reach out and take hold of one of his hands, leading him to the living room where you plop down on the couch, with him sitting next next to you.
“Okay… so I’ve kind of had this idea for a while, but it’s really cringey, I’m not gonna lie” you say, leaning your head on Jake’s shoulder.
He leans his head on top of yours, “Y/N” he starts in his Mama Bear voice, “I don’t give a rat’s ass how cringey it is, alright?! We’re doin’ it!” 
You giggle, “Okay Mama Bear. I was thinking we could use the song “Apocalypse” by Cigarettes After Sex, and during the part where he says, ‘your lips, my lips, apocalypse’ we could alternate saying the lines or something. I know it’s dumb–”
“NO! Stop saying it’s dumb, it’s not dumb. If it makes you happy, then it’s worth it. And everyone’s gonna be jealous when they see it cuz of how hot we are. They’ll have no choice but to want at least one of us!” Jake replies, gripping your shoulders to emphasize his point.
You blush and laugh, Jake always knows what to say to make you feel accepted. “Thanks, Jake” you say shyly, and he leans in to kiss you warmly on the cheek. 
“Anything for my favorite lady,” he says. You definitely feel your face flush as you wrap your hand around his neck and run your fingers through his hair, maintaining eye contact with him. “Haha, I made you bluuushhh” he teases, poking you in the side. 
“Shut up!” You reply, grabbing the nearest pillow and whacking him over the head with it.
“Owwwww… Y/N that hurtttt” he whines in his baby voice, pouting at you with fake sadness.
“Awwww, do you need me to kiss it better?” You ask, teasingly. 
He nods happily, “Yes, yes I do, thank you.” 
You pull his neck towards you and kiss his forehead gently where you had hit him with the pillow. He pulls your face towards his mouth and your lips meet. He grabs your waist and pulls you onto his lap, anchoring your body around his hips. Your hands play with his hair as he leans into the kiss, gripping your back with his hands, practically gluing your bodies together. He frees himself from your mouth to start peppering kisses down your jaw and lingering on your neck. He knows where to suck to make your breath catch, even though you try to hide it. You’ve always been a fan of hickeys, and Jake is fucking good at it. You tilt your face a little more towards his ear and let out a small moan, which only causes him to suck harder, finishing in one section and moving to another, leaving bruises scattered around your neck in all the spots he knows you love. He’s about to continue down to your tits when you pull away from him, “Babe, stop distracting me with make out sessions! We’re supposed to be filming a tiktok!!” You know you’ll both be naked soon if you don’t stop him now, but you really wanted to rip off the bandaid and post the tiktok. Sex can wait– and it was definitely worth it. 
Jake stares up at you, lips swollen and breaths quick, “Grrr you’re no fun,” he jokes in his baby voice again. His fake-pout quickly turns into a smile, “I’m just kiddin’, let’s get filming! But I would put some make-up on there before we start if I were you,” he nods toward your neck. 
You climb off his lap and walk to the bathroom, turning the light on to look into the vanity mirror. “JAKE!” you scream, “What the fuck!! How did you leave this many that quick?!” Your neck has at least six purple bruises scattered across it, ranging in size. 
He bursts out laughing and runs into the bathroom behind you to admire his work, “Damn, I’m just the hickey queen I guess” he says, and places a hand on your lower back. He hops up to sit on the vanity as you begin blending concealer into your neck. He watches you and smiles, “You’re so pretty.” 
“Shut up, you can’t win me over with flattery now!” you try to maintain a stern face but you can’t hide the grin forming on your lips as you make eye contact with your boyfriend. “It was pretty good though.” 
“Oh, I think it was more than just “pretty” good, considering I had you moaning in my ear.” He leans towards you, maintaining eye contact, knowing that you’ll fold if he stares at you long enough. You were never able to keep eye contact with him for too long, it just makes you flustered. 
“Fine it was REALLY good,” you say, smirking, and add a peck on the lips for good measure. 
“That’s what I thought,” Jake replies sassily, hand on hip. 
After you finish applying the concealer (you eventually had to give up because no amount of concealer could fully cover the bruises on your neck), you both return to the kitchen to film the tiktok. Jake leans against the island counter, and you lean against him with your arms around his waist, so that your torsos are pressed together. He angles the phone above both of you since he’s significantly taller, and presses record. The song starts playing, and you’re gazing at each other. You lipsync the first part of the line “your lips, my lips”, and Jake follows up with “apocalypse”. When the line ends you both lean in to break the tension, softly pressing your lips together. After the sound ends, you both rewatch the video to double check that it looks okay. 
“I think I can see one of my pieces of artwork a little, but I doubt anyone else will notice unless they’re LOOKING for hickeys,” Jake says, “But still… you sure you wanna post it?” he double checks.
“Honestly, I don’t give a fuck anymore, I just want the world to know that you’re mine.” you reply, gazing up at him.
“Holy fuck, you’re so hot when you take control.” he says, looking flushed, “Hurry up and post it so I can finish what I started.”
You feel your heart rate increase at the thought of Jake continuing to mark your body, so you quickly type out the caption “hard launch <3”, tag Jake in the video, and post it, putting your phone on Do Not Disturb and leaving it on the counter. Whatever happens, you know Jake will always be there to support you, but that doesn’t mean you’re not nervous as shit to post a video of you guys kissing on the internet. 
He senses your nervousness and intertwines both his hands with yours. “Hey, don’t think about it. They’re gonna say whatever they want but we’re the only two whose opinions actually matter. And what I know is that I love being with you. You’re beautiful and smart and kind and funny and being around you makes me happier than I’ve been in… a long time. So fuck them… and fuck me?” He winks at the end, perfectly ruining a pure moment in classic Jake fashion. But you can’t complain, you know he meant every word of what he said, and you love his sense of humor, no matter how silly it is. 
“You’re such a child!” you giggle, “But thanks, and I could say the exact same to you. You’re a star, Jake. And you make my life brighter in every way. I love being with you.” You hold the sides of his face in your hands and pull him into a not-so-gentle kiss, which he returns hungrily, moving his hands up your back under your shirt, to feel your bare skin. He pulls away for a second to let out a breathy groan against your mouth, “Let’s go upstairs.”
this could be a standalone, but let me know if you want to see pt. 2! it's also already posted on my ao3 :)
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moonswolfie · 1 year
You get caught by the sibling
Originally I was gonna write this for Lev but then I realised that I want to write this scenario for a fair amount of haikyuu boys so here we are (I decided to do characters who's siblings appear in the anime/manga excluding the miya twins and hoshiumi, sorry hoshiumi 😔)
I wanna write more for my boi hirugami, I just KNOW everyone's gonna be simping for him once the movies come out
CW: reader is gender neutral, I use the phrase "nii chan" cuz bro/brother sounds awkward, I use a name insert, some manga spoilers
Characters featured: Lev, Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima and Hirugami
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˚ ༘ ೀLev Haiba
You were staying over at your boyfriend's place for the first time, and his family had been nothing but welcoming of you. They're all really sweet and excitable people, just like Lev himself.
That made you relieved, since you were scared his parents would be super strict or something, although that would be a little strange considering Lev's carefree behaviour.
Right now, you were sitting in his room in awkward silence. His room was surprisingly clean, you noted while looking around. (Alisa later informed you that he spent 3 hours cleaning his room before you arrived.)
"Hey, ummm..." you turned to him. He was looking off into a corner, eyes avoiding you nervously and a cute pink blush on his cheeks. He never usually acts like this. He isn't one to get nervous when asking for physical affection. He just asks you to hug him or hold his hand straight up. Or he just does it without even asking.
So that got you curious. "Yes?"
"Can I kiss you?" he asked, eyes shifting to you. He looked excited, looking at you with wide eyes and a smile, waiting for your answer.
"HUH?!" that was the thing you expected to hear the least.
"Hey, don't be so loud! I don't want anyone to come here right now..." he said, a pretty pout on his face. You just stared at him, wide eyed.
You noticed his body slightly trembling, probably from trying to contain his excitement and nervousness.
"Let's... do it." you said, clenching his blanket in your hand nervously.
At your confirmation, he made a noise of excitement, smiling widely like an innocent boy whose mom let him get candy while grocery shopping.
"Okay. Sit still..!" he instructed, awkwardly grabbing your arms. You closed your eyes, too nervous to look at him lean in. The bed made a noise as he shifted closer, and you soon felt his breath against your face. You were sure he could hear your heart beating out of your chest.
"Levochka~ I came to- Oh my!"
Your eyes opened immediately, and you spun your head around to find a surprised Alisa at the door. You didn't see it, but Lev looked equally shocked.
"THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Lev shouted nervously.
"Ah, I'll come back later~ Have fun!" Alisa smiled cheekily and closed the door. Your head slowly turned back to him, and he looked both embarrased and annoyed.
"Damn it, and I was so close..." he mumbled.
"...You can still do it, you know?" you said, looking down at his blanket. There was an awkward tension in the room.
"Not now that the mood is ruined!" he grabbed his head in frustration, blushing wildly.
"Later, then." you shrugged, blushing wildly yourself.
˚ ༘ ೀHinata Shoyo
You were helping Hinata with his summer break homework, solving it together in his room. He thanked you excessively when you agreed to come over, but you could never refuse an opportunity to come over to his house anyways.
His mom was really nice and even brought you two cookies. Natsu seemed excited to see you, as she always is. She even asked you to play with her, but Hinata's mom explained why you came over and she had the cutest pout on her face after.
After a while, you two were finally done with the homework, and he looked over to you, an idea flashing in his eyes before his cheeks turned pink. He was avoiding your gaze nervously. You tilted your head slightly, curious about his behaviour.
"So, ummm... since you've come over and, uhhh, helped me and everything... I-I wanted to thank you." Hinata was bright red at this point and seemed really nervous.
You hummed in question, waiting patiently for him to continue.
"W-With a kiss..." he mumbled quietly, probably too embarrased to say it louder, but you still heard him. You giggled a little at how cute he was.
"That's the best form of thank you I can possibly get." you couldn't contain your smile. You saw him tremble a little in excitement, and he scooted closer to you.
"O-Okay... I'll do it n-now..." he whispered, and you closed your eyes, knowing that he would get nervous if you kept looking at him.
You felt his lips press gently against yours, and you felt his hair brush against your forehead. You didn't kiss Hinata often yet, so every time it did happen it felt special, exciting.
"Nii-chan, let's go play with your...EW!" Natsu slid open the door to Hinata's room without warning, scrunching her little face up in disgust when she noticed what you two were doing.
"Nacchan! I-" Hinata scrambled away from you, stumbling over his words and not finishing the sentence.
"I'M TELLING MOM!" Natsu yelled, running away without closing the door. Hinata was too shocked to move, but soon swiftly got up, face scarlet red. "No, Nacchan, wait!" he ran after her.
You could hear Natsu tattling "MOM! NII-CHAN IS KISSING [NAME]!" downstairs with Hinata nervously denying it, attempting to do damage control. You could hear Hinata's mom chuckling at the scene, too.
To be fair, you were laughing right now as well. Whether it was from embarrasment or amusement, you're not sure.
˚ ༘ ೀKageyama Tobio
Kageyama randomly invited you over today, saying he was home alone. You knew his parents are often busy, but his sister was usually home with him, so this was quite the opportunity.
Knowing Kageyama, you were sure he didn't invite you over to do anything weird and simply wanted to spend time with you alone since things tend to get awkward when his family is around.
That being said, all you were doing was sitting in his room in silence. It didn't really feel uncomfortable, though. You have a feeling Kageyama simply enjoys being in your presence and doesn't feel the need to talk around you. Either that or he's just awkward.
Suddenly, you felt your hand being grabbed roughly, and you looked to your left to see Kageyama looking at you with strange determination. You haven't ever seen him make this kind of face, not even during a volleyball match.
"...Tobio?" you questioned, confused by his behaviour.
"Kiss me." he choked out, furrowing his brows.
"Uhhh, what?" you raised your eyebrows in disbelief. There's no way he just said what you think he said. Where is this even coming from?!
"I said, kiss me." Kageyama grit his teeth, face completely red now. You have a feeling he just doesn't know how to ask for a kiss properly, holding back your giggles as you let him do what he wants.
He grabbed your upper arms, and you let your eyes shut. You felt his breath on your face, lips so close to touching, when you suddenly heard a gasp.
"Tobio-chan, you little charmer~" Miwa leaned on the doorframe, smirking mischeviously. You covered your mouth with both of your hands, eyes wide as you moved away from Tobio.
"Why are you home?!" Kageyama yelled, mortified. He immediately let go of your arms.
"Work ended early. And there's no way we aren't talking about this later." Miwa seemed awfully amused. Kageyama huffed in annoyance at getting his opportunity to kiss you ruined.
"Oh, and by the way, you were doing it wrong. I'll teach you how to kiss the right way later." she said, closing the door behind her. There was complete silence in his room for a long time after that.
You turned to Kageyama, who was still red all over, gently taking his hand. "Tobio, I-"
"Don't. D-Don't say anything." he said quietly, his hand wriggling out of your gentle grip. Oh well, gazing at a flustered Kageyama is also a great activity.
But you can't help but worry about what Kageyama will do with Miwa's advice.
After his parents found out he has a partner, they incessantly kept asking him to meet you. In their own words, they wanted to "know what kind of person would fall in love with a kid like Kei". And you couldn't really blame them, knowing Tsukishima.
˚ ༘ ೀTsukishima Kei
They were pleasant to you, treating you well and even letting you stay over for dinner. You were a little surprised at how different they are from Tsukishima.
He took you to his room as soon as possible, wanting to avoid his mom questioning how you two ended up together, what he's like around you and such.
His room looked about the same as you expected, and he let you sit down on his bed, joining you.
"Your family is so nice! I wonder how they managed to get a grumpy boy like you mixed in there." you commented, smiling at him. He rolled his eyes, that being the only answer you got.
You didn't really know what else to say, so you just sat next to him in awkward silence. Then, you suddenly got an idea. A very very fun idea.
"Kei." you said, leaning forwards. He looked at you from the corner of his eye, waiting for you to continue. "Let's kiss." you said in an excited tone, and his lips pursed, face remaining blank.
"And why?" he asked, turning his head to you.
"Don't couples do that all the time?" you tilted your head, acting innocent. He sighed.
"...Fine." he acted like this was a pain to do, but you didn't miss the tiny sliver of a smile on his face. He was definitely excited right now. You leaned close and accidentally bumped your nose against his glasses.
"Be careful, those are- mmph..." you pressed your lips to his before he could finish his sentence, trying not to smile too hard into the kiss. This feels awesome!
His arm slowly wrapped around you, deepening the affection.
"Kei, mom says that- Ah!" you quickly broke the kiss to find Tsukishima's brother, Akiteru, standing at the door, frozen in shock.
"Well.... This is unexpected. I'm glad you two are happy together?" he said, awkward smile on his face. He slowly moved to close the door, not wanting to disrupt you further but just before he did it, Tsukishima stopped him.
"If you ever tell anyone about this, I will murder you." he said, furrowing his brows. The door opened again slightly, Akiteru wearing a worried smile on his face in the crack of the door.
"I won't, calm down. Just what do you think of me?" he assured him before shutting the door. As you sat there, processing what just happened, Tsukishima slowly brought his hands to his face, pushing his glasses up to his forehead. He groaned loudly into his hands.
"Are you okay?" you asked cautiously, blushing yourself.
"Do I look okay to you? Of course not." he pinched the bridge of his nose, face red.
You came over to your boyfriend's house for another study session this week. Exam season has been wild this year and you're eternally grateful for his help in your studies.
˚ ༘ ೀHirugami Sachiro
His family welcomed you upon your arrival as usual, the dog being especially happy to see you. The two of you are taking a break from studying just now, talking about various things in his room.
You suddenly felt the need to be close to him out of nowhere, wordlessly settling on his lap and hugging him. "Oh? Why are you hugging me?" he asked calmly.
"Do I need a reason?" you mumbled against him. "I guess not." he responded, gently placing an arm around you.
You looked up at him, not even trying to disguise the fact that you were staring at his lips. He raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly.
"Can I...?" you asked gently, not removing your gaze from his lips. He chuckled, asking "Can you what?"
He definitely knew what you were asking for, but just wanted to tease you a bit. You pouted, grumbling "I know you know what I mean." His smile became wider. "You're right, as always."
Before you could ask again, he gently pressed his lips against yours, and you hummed happily, squeezing him in your hold. His other hand gently moved to your face, holding it.
"Now what's this I see?" you were interrupted by Hirugami's older sister, standing at the door with an amused smile on her face. "You hate when my boyfriend is lovey dovey with me, but it's fine when you do it?"
Hirugami let out an annoyed sigh. "I hate your boyfriend because he's getting lovey dovey with you in front of me. I atleast do it in private."
"Jeez, okay then, you prude." his sister narrowed her eyes.
"I'm not a prude, I just prefer to not make others uncomfortable by making out with my partner in the living room." Hirugami still had a calm smile on his face, which made his sister even more annoyed.
"Whatever." his sister huffed, closing the door and walking off. When her footsteps could no longer be heard, he looked back at you with a slight frown on his face.
"Sorry about that. Where were we again?" he asked casually. It surprised you how calm he is about the whole thing, while you were turning red from the embarrasment of being caught.
"I... believe you were kissing me..." you mumbled.
"That's right." he said, cupping the side of your face.
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sharkorok · 1 year
yeonjun w/ an inexperienced s.o
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a/n: yooo the legendary yeonjun pic :P, anyways i decided to just follow the oldest member pattern I hope that’s ok anonnie :>
requested: yes!! thank uuu
tw/genre: cursing, fluff, campus au ig(?), fboi yeonjun kinda not really, insecurities so like minimal angst I suppose, tell me if I missed anything :]
-ok so yeonjun. practically everyone has had a crush on him at least two times in their life
-you’ve heard of his charms and smooth-talking and thanked god every day he’s never talked to you because PHEW you had no idea how to respond to that holy moly
-ok once again we are at a party and yeonjun sees you and thinks ur super duper pretty and he’s like “omg isn’t that the person who made someone cry because they responded to ‘i love you’ w thanks?”
-and that only happened because you didn’t know to respond with “i love you too” or “aww thanks” so whateves but you’re pretty notorious for being clumsy with relationships and avoiding getting into them
-so he walks up to you and is like “hey” w rizz and he finds your awkwardness both endearing and refreshing
-the crowd he hangs around with are familiar with sucking up to people or being charming, being automatically magnetic, and in the nicest way possible you weren’t really like that
-but you two become friends and date congrats
-he thinks you’re the cutest ever like genuinely
-maybe it’s the virgo in him but he likes teaching you things or at least helping you through them
-like your first proper kiss or make out or whatever, he walks you through it without making it awkward or patronizing and you appreciate that
-he’s very open about your relationship, he wants you to know he doesn’t care if anyone has nasty opinions on the two of you, he’s proud to show you off
-lowk tho i do feel like he gets insecure if you don’t express your love or affection for him but he also understands so he’s super conflicted and aghhh
-but then ur friend is like “what about gift giving or expressing love in your own way?” and ur like “omg ur so right?”
-and so everyday you write sticky notes or little letters reminding him of all the reasons why you love him, or you do tiny acts and you explain “until I get more comfortable I want to show you I love you in my own way” and he cries
-like he actually cries it was kinda awkward but sweet at the same time, he really appreciates you making an effort for him
-so after that he really cherishes ur little expressions of love :) and then gets pissed if anyone says u don’t treat him right
-because nuh uh yes u do, in ur own way
-likes to fluster you on purpose though, thinks you look cutest when you’re flustered and confused
-he won’t make fun of you but he’ll tease you for sure (if ur ok with it), but he always somehow compliments you too??
-“how can someone as gorgeous as you be so inexperienced with relationships?” and ur not sure whether you feel called out or flattered
-takes you on lots and lots of dates so you can experience what it’s like having a nice boyfriend who’s good to you! he’ll make sure this relationship will be the standard and more for any future partners u have.
-(not like you’ll have anyone else you’re too in love w him)
-never misses a beat with you, because he’s so good at conversation and being a flirt it doesn’t matter if you can’t reciprocate cuz he’ll just carry the convo lol
-“uhhh thanks for the flowers yeonjun :]” i love u too.” “yo whaaaat” and he just winks and kisses ur cheek
-what a weird couple, anyways
-he likes to push you a little bit, not really for your relationship but because it’s amusing
-like if you want physical affection but feel too shy to ask for it he’ll play dumb until you get all pouty and sulky
-“please give me a kiss oh my god jun” “shshsh I’m sorry I was joking!!”
-one time at a party this girl was hardcore flirting with yeonjun and talking about how she LOVESSS pda and how she’s SOOO EXPERIENCED and how she knows how to treat a man and she’s doing this all in front of you, rlly testing your patience
-yeonjun just rolls his eyes and squeezes your hand that’s loosely being held in his, but before he knows it you dragged him by the collar to give him a kiss
-if love isn’t ur fuel for confidence, jealousy and spite sure is
-“good thing I have a partner who treats me perfectly,” yeonjun says after you do your little smooch n she’s so pissed ur giggling
-yeonjun always is like “You don’t have to,” or “take your time,” and “only if you want to, ok?”
-so you don’t have to worry about meeting his expectations, the only way to disappoint is if you don’t feel comfortable enough setting boundaries and then he’s disappointed in the both of you
-makes u feel like the safest ever but also so flustered and giddy
-ok bye I’m devastated why r u so cute in these
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ragzonacamrencruise · 4 months
Betrayal (An ATLA analysis)
It's really important to me, how, in the Avatar universe, the person who's at the right side of the throne (essentially the right hand), always betrays the one sitting on the said throne.
Exhibit A:
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Long Feng, kept the King oblivious to the Hundered Year War and handled all matters that are not partying or charity events, making him the de facto ruler of Ba Sing Se without even the King's knowledge, essentially paving a way for his betrayal.
Exhibit B:
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Zuko, said it himself, that he was literally at his father's right hand. Even Azula got only the second best seat. And the next thing Zuko does? He betrays his father. I know what you're all thinking. But didn't Zuko already betray him before? Well, he did when he released Aang from Zhao as the Blue Spirit. But, the important point is, his explicit orders were to capture the Avatar to restore his honour. It didn't matter which methods he used to do it. He only ever openly betrayed his father during the eclipse and that was after he was placed at the right hand in the war meeting.
Exhibit C:
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Mai, a betrayal that was a turning point in Azula's declining mental health. But hey, Ty Lee betrayed Azula too, right? Yes. But that doesn't change the fact that Mai did it first and she was sat at Azula's right hand. Mai never really feared Azula. She only followed her around out of her own will. Ty Lee on the other hand, when Azula recruits her at the circus, is found showing fear. She only had the guts to betray Azula after Mai did.
It really puts into perspective how Ty Lee couldn't betray Azula until provoked because she feared her, and Mai betrayed Azula because she didn't fear her enough. It further solidifies Azula's stellar line, "You should've feared me more!", insisting that if Mai had feared her more, she wouldn't have betrayed her. This especially holds true because it's later explained by Azula herself that, "Fear is the only reliable way." Fear kept Ty Lee in line but liberalised Mai cuz she didn't fear Azula more.
But all that goes out the window because Ty Lee betrayed Azula too. This is also one of the main reasons why Azula banishes most of the people around her. Because, "None of them can be trusted", and she trusted Mai as she knew Mai never feared her. It hurts her deeper because she trusted Mai and let her mantra of "Fear is the only reliable way" go, and guess what happens? She betrays her.
This solidifies three things in her brain: 1. Trust doesn't work, and, 2. Fear doesn't work either. 3. Nothing works, really.
Therefore, her action of banishing everybody with, "Sooner or later they all would've betrayed me."
This works for Exhibits A and B too. Long Feng never feared King Kuei and King Kuei completely trusted him until he learned of his betrayal. Trust didn't work, and fear didn't work either.
Zuko had never trusted his father. He only feared him. He has a physical scar on his body to prove it. But once that fear starts to deteriorate, he openly confronts his father and betrays him, letting go of his fear with, "It was cruel, and it was wrong!". Trust didn't work, and fear didn't work either.
So, what does work?
Well, the answer is pretty simple.
Love works. Any number and different kinds of love, be it platonic, or sibling, or romantic, it doesn't matter. It is foolproof!
Genuine care and affection for a person, doesn't let you betray them that easily. It's what made Sokka decide they should help Aang in Book 1. It's what made Yue turn into the moon. It's what made Toph come back to the Gaang again after she stormed off in Book 2. It's what made Aang come back for Bumi in Omashu in Book 2. It's what made Zuko find his path to Iroh again in Book 3.
The lack of love (from her own parents) is what made Azula's mental health deteriorate, as she thought nothing worked; it's depressing because she doesn't know that love actually works, cuz she's never known or experienced love her entire life, so she doesn't even consider it as an option.
The lack of love is what made the Dai Li betray Long Feng. The lack of it drove Zuko's betrayal to Ozai, Mai and Ty Lee's betrayal to Azula and even Jet's betrayal to Katara.
This could go on and on, but the end point here is that Azula's words on betrayal are true, but only when love is taken out of the equation. Love is the 'X' factor. Without it, there really is no equation, as all leads to zero.
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
"Your hands are freezing." from the prompt list :]
Ma hasn't been sleeping too well lately, since Kal went missing. Now that he's back home, safe and sound in Metropolis, Kon has finally managed to succeed in turning Ma's own gentle-but-firm bullying techniques on her so that she'll actually get some rest, and you bet he's gonna be riding that high for a while.
It's a pretty warm spring day, so Kon decided he'll take the outside chores while Pa handles the inside ones. And he's breezing through 'em pretty fast! He's milked the cows, fed the chickens, collected the eggs, and weeded the kitchen garden, and...
And the entire time, Kal's been in the sky, way up out of sight, staring at him.
At this point, it's getting kinda ridiculous. Kon dumps the last of the kitchen scraps into the compost, washes his hands off at the hose, and leaps into the sky.
The sun buoys him up, full of energy and warmth as the air grows cooler around him. The farmhouse grows tiny under his feet, all the lush fields and farmland sprawling out towards the horizon. His TTK keeps the wind from mussing his hair as he zooms higher (up, up and away, right?), until he zips through a wisp of cloud and slows.
Kal, caught red-handed, gives him an awkward smile, clearly trying not to look too guilty. "Ah," he says. "So you noticed me."
"Uh, yeah, dude." Kon squints at him. His cape flaps behind him in the breeze; he's fiddling with the edge of it with one hand, almost like he's nervous. Since when does Kal get nervous? "You've been watching me for, like, an hour. It's getting freaky, man. What's going on?"
Kal rubs the back of his neck, sheepish. Isn't that wild? Superman, sheepish? What's gotten into him?
"Sorry," he says. "I, just, hm... How do I put this..."
He drifts closer, his eyes never leaving Kon's face. Kon tilts his head to one side, studying him. He looks... tired. Not, like, physically tired—that would be alarming, 'cuz they're in direct sun—but like, tired. Kon heard vaguely about the stuff that happened with Kandor, with Preus, but looking at Kal sets off some alarm bells. He knows what happened, but what happened?
Kal reaches out, and his palm brushes Kon's cheek.
Kon scrunches up his face in mild protest. "Dude, your hands are freezing! How long—"
Kal jerks away as if burned. Horror flashes through his eyes before he wrests it back behind the curtain. "I'm sorry!"
Kon blinks. "Uh... you didn't hurt me or anything." What is going on with Kal? "Your hands're just cold. You've been up here since way before I noticed you, haven't you?"
On impulse, he reaches out and grabs Kal's hands. They're cold, but he knows to expect that now; it only takes him a second to focus the energy behind his eyes, to warm them back up. Kal's the one who taught him that trick, just a few months ago, when his heat vision started to come in.
"I've... been here for a while, yes." Kal's voice is oddly soft, almost... fragile. He's staring at their joined hands like they contain all the secrets of the universe, and, uh, wow, Kon is definitely missing something here. "I'm sorry for freaking you out."
Kon's pretty sure Kal's the one who's actually freaked out, but if he says that, he knows Kal will deny it and shoot off back towards Metropolis. "No big," he says instead, and grins wryly. "You may as well come down 'n' come in, though. Pa's making cobbler."
Something eases in Kal's expression, and Kon knows he said something right. Warmth settles into his chest.
"Pa's making cobbler?" Kal raises an eyebrow, glancing down towards the itty-bitty farmhouse far below. "Ma let him?"
"He promised he wouldn't make a mess with the flour this time." Kon grins. "But maybe you better check on him, just to be sure."
A little of the ever-present weight on Kal's shoulders seems to fall away as he smiles. "You do make a compelling argument, Kon-El. Maybe I should."
"I make great points all the time, Kal-El." Kon squeezes his hands, bursting with pride. Kal's approval always makes him feel like he's basking in sunlight all over again. "C'mon, then. Krypto'll be excited to see you, too. And you can bring back treats for Lois!"
"Yes, yes, you've already persuaded me," Kal laughs. He lets go of Kon's hands to ruffle his hair, and Kon squawks in protest, ducking his head. "Let's go."
"Last one home's a rotten egg!" Kon crows, and zooms downward.
He can still hear Kal laughing behind him.
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luffyvace · 3 months
yandere hero & villain hxh au pt2
to explain this again for those who haven’t seen pt1, Basically the main 4 & the Hunter association are the heroes and the villains are the phantom troupe!!
Request via dms by: @animerules898
Btw this is separate for each character, and bc they’re yandere they feel like the opposite side (hero in this case) want to take you away from them so they’re protective 💃👍
This is the villain one! Pt1 has the heroes! Also! These exclude hisoka & kalluto! + have Illumi! :)
Light Yandere! Themes, mentions of death/killing—Phantom Troupe stuff yk, nothing too crazy ofc!! (Here’s pt1)
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Ngl unless you’re scared of this man (he’s always gentle and never hurts you physically) you’re pretty much good! 👍
like I said…..physically. 😬 depending on whether or not you try to escape (he inevitably kidnaps you bc there’s no way you’ve seen the news on how dangerous he is and will decide to date him anyway- or maybe you will! What do I know..) your mental may take a hit
he’ll give you anything you want really, and I don’t hc him to punish you by taking away luxuries, he’ll just ignore your behavior, patiently waiting for you to stop acting out (if you do, like I said)
he is heavily protective over you though! Thankfully for him, he basically has a whole gang ready to help him jump any heroes who may try and “save” you! :)
pshh! Just who do those heroes think they’re saving anyway?! He gives you more than enough love and most of them are just as bad as him anyway! 🙄
anywho! These gotta be short bc the villain version has more characters 😊
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Nobunaga definitely doesn’t like the heroes but oddly enough would be open to any of them “opening they’re eyes” and switching sides if they’re strong!
not to say he immediately trusts them tho! Especially around you! His beloved! He hardly lets anyone near you! Those darned heroes aren’t even gonna be able to touch you with a 10 feet poll before they’re sliced into shreds 😤✋
there’ll be no “saving” you on his watch! 😒 he heavily watches over you, if he can’t he’ll have his buddy Uvo do it! (And boy you don’t dare try to escape when he’s around) otherwise, he’ll probably pay Shalnark to do it, this is VERY rare tho
he doesn’t really trust him like that knowing he’s a sadist…..but he’ll do it if it comes down to it. he has faith in the troupe so there’s no one else he’d rather go to
overall you have a pretty decent life! You always have essential needs met like food, clothes and shelter. And! Nobunaga actually does really well controlling his temper around you, so you’re pretty good! He keeps security tight so your chances of getting away are slim. You won’t be going anywhere, but ask for something and he’ll deliver!
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oh gosh….I LOVE this man but I feel for you when I say your in for it…😃
no. I don’t hc him to abuse/torture you cuz no. I just never liked those hcs tbh 😅 but I don’t exactly think he’ll be all kissy over you LOL
yeah he’s like 100% guaranteed no escape 👍 your not leaving and the heroes ain’t savin you so your best just negotiating with him
he has set rules you CANT trespass, you don’t dare to find out the punishment behind them….yes I think he would threaten you but it’d be the types you don’t know if they’re empty or not. Like the ‘you set foot past this red line and I’ll make sure you never think twice about it again’ type yk?
except that’s TERRIFYING coming from him so you never wanna test it 😭
he’s not sweet or anything but he knows what you like (he knows literally everything about you. You have no secrets) so he makes sure wherever you live has plenty stock of all your fav foods, equipment, merch, clothes whatever!
uhh good luck! You won’t need it too much if you don’t say or do the wrong things…….
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Machi gotta be one of the most skeptical ones ngl. She won’t let you within a 30 meter radius of a single hero no matter how weak they are. She just can’t risk it. If you see them you might try to ask for help, and if they see you and figure something’s “wrong” they, once again, might try to help or “save” you.
she’s always watching though, so even if that situation does come into play, they’ll get they’re neck slit by a thread that leads back a couple blocks down (to her ofc).
she’s very motherly so as long as your not a slob and you don’t try to escape you shouldn’t have much trouble. 😃👍 life with her can pretty much be almost domestic if it wasn’t for her yandere tendencies…😁
The most she would trust to look after you is probably pakunoda. She knows she can take care of someone (like with the cat she saw, she isn’t always hostile like uvogin or smth) so she’s always her go to. Chrollo would be on that list but she doesn’t wanna bombard her boss with her personal affairs n such.
Machi also keeps an eye out for other villains as well, like I said she’s a skeptic so she puts nothing past her. Looking at hisoka here ngl….😑 if he was still interested in pursuing her she’d flat out state she isn’t into him and to drop it. If he doesn’t leave it at that, she’ll ultimately decide to ask the troupe about the matter since members aren’t allowed to fight. It’ll have to be a new rule not to get into each others personal affairs or smth bc hisoka is a MENACE. 😭🗿 At the end of the day, shes still gonna tighten security on your house 😊👍
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Phinks is another very possessive one. He’d get so angry if any dumb hero tried to save you and you’ve probably seen him kill before considering how angry he gets. He bashes their head into the ground and……yeah it’s a whole mess.
he likes to take you out a lot despite all the heroes that attempt to save you, oddly enough. He just wants you to get out and have some fun, get some fresh air! You know?? And those stupid heroes always try to ruin it!! Catching themselves tryna be a savior and what not….😤 it just makes him so angry!! Like?? you’re happy aren’t you?!
you get asked that a lot and you’d better give the right answer when he’s in that type of mood. If you don’t he won’t necessarily punish you but he’ll walk off and ignore you for a while. He’s trying to cool off, really, but now you can’t ask him for anything. Like when your mom is angry but you want something so you just go “nvm” 😭😂😂
anyway! It’s become very causal for multiple heroes trying to save you to get pummeled while you’re out on dates, so I hope you can handle some blood…😅 This probably deters you from trying to run away, even though you two go out often. Also the fact that you’re never not practically glued to his hip too.
ultimately you’ll be pretty comfortable in your life with him if you don’t run away and agree with him on his “heroes suck” rants. LOL 😂 he’s a pretty decent cook/at cleaning. He’s still practicing on cooking tho ….but hey! It’s not too bad!
I also forgot to mention he may send some heroes to his buddy Fei, just because he knows he can handle them better in the sense of punishing them 😗 And he’ll call up his buddy Shalnark to track you down if you ever do manage to get away (after that he places a tracker on you—yes it’s connected to his phone)
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Shalnark is like your ultimate op if you’re trying to get away 😭😭 no matter who your yandere is! Because they all go to him to track you down 🙏
so if your his s/o? Yeahhhh no you’re not leaving buddy. First of all he has a crap ton of technology, there’s no way the house isn’t practically bullet proof and you aren’t buffed with trackers- LOL 😭 it’s true tho and I feel for you 😔🙏
as we know he’s pretty sadistic and I don’t really know where I stand as to whether he’s like that towards you or not…..I’d say he’d do it more so mentally than physically, like Chrollo. Let’s face it he probably does view you as a toy, but thankfully one he doesn’t wanna break, so he takes extra special care of you.
for the record I don’t think he’d wanna break you mentally either, then you’d be no fun since he couldn’t even get a reaction out of you! On another note I think he’d realize Uvogin is a bit too rough to watch over you in the case he somehow can’t….(IDK HOW 😭🗿) but Phinks might do the trick! He makes sure you’re safe and demands authority! Plus he won’t hurt you physically! That perfect!
as far as the heroes go, your (missing persons—bc he erased all evidence of him kidnapping you) case will probably close for two reasons 1) he also erased you from the internet, scrubbing every nook and cranny of info on you and 2) he closes it LOL! Ez enough to just hack in the system and change it 🤷‍♀️
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Franklin seemed pretty scary at first because he had to assert dominance, making sure you know where you stand and that your his, then he becomes a a sweetheart <3 your relationship is probably something like his and Shizuku’s 💗
Franklin isn’t worried about any heroes “saving” you, he knows he can fend off any that try, and he always keeps a close eye on you no matter what. Plus he made sure to drill ‘no escaping’ in your brain before he started being kinder to you. Don’t mistake that for him letting his guard down though, that’ll be your first mistake.
he wasn’t mean when he was training you not to leave, just strict. But now I think your life with him is second most domestic to Machi tbh! He’s a decent cook and knows how to clean, so as long as you don’t act up- life’s good! 🤗
as far as who he trusts to watch over you while he’s gone, I’d say it’d have to be one of the girls, like any of them really. Machi is caring but a good amount of strict, like him. Pakunoda is just someone simply everyone trusts and Shizuku and him spend a lot of time together, so he knows she won’t forget you’re not allowed to escape lol.
if you ever managed to leave he’d for sure find you, by any means necessary. Whether he had to threaten a random stranger or Shalnark for the info or not🗿 JOKING (abt Shalnark anyway..) The most important part tho!- (😭) is that when you get back home, 1) if a hero helped you consider them dead. And 2) he’s not gonna be in a good mood for quite some time……seems last time wasn’t enough 😬
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Shizuku will forget if you don’t like gore/blood, and kill any hero who tries to “save” you right in front of you, every single time. Blinky ruthlessly sucks them whole as they scream and shoot into the vacuum. Or! They might just get hit in the head with the vacuum instead. Either way it’s sure to leave you traumatized if your not used to that sorta thing..
Shizuku remembers everything about you, so it’s weird to you that she forgets if you can tolerate gore or not…..you’re starting to think she’s not actually forgetting. (She’s asserting dominance). Your chances of escaping her is 50/50. Not really but let me explain. Escaping goes one of two ways: 1) you escape, find a hero and right when you ask for help they start screaming and then get sucked into her vacuum or! 2) you actually succeed in getting away! Except she tracks you down each and every time..🙂
you don’t know how she does it, and neither do I. I assume Shalnark is one way but I feel like she has other methods…..let’s not talks about them yeah? 😊
Shizuku would trust a few members to take care of you while she’s away, like Paku, Machi or Franklin! These 4 basically stick to each other since they have similar morals when it comes to their s/o
might I mention Shizuku doesn’t necessarily hate the heroes or anything. She only cares if they attempt to “free” you. Then she kills them..otherwise your life ain’t half bad! Enjoy 🍽️
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Pakunoda is like- the best, most kind yandere in the troupe. 😭💗 she lets you do whatever as long as it’s not escaping or harming yourself. You can go outside (only with her). She buys you whatever you like and indulges in your hobbies. Okay, she may be on Machi level domesticity….maybe more 🤭
Pakunoda trusts Machi most with taking care of you, Chrollo would also be an option for her if he wasn’t her boss. But she knows Machi will get the job done 👍
You can pretty much be genuinely happy with her! You won’t see any killing and the only (mental) damage you’ll like take is being kidnapped 😭 But I do gotta mention the fact that she won’t hesitate to put a bullet in the brain of any hero who dares to “save” you
she dislikes, not hate, heroes only because the try to take you away, acting like they could treat you better than her 🙄✋ She won’t kill them in front of you, thankfully! But she’ll be sure to borrow a favor from another member of the troupe! 😁 Or she might do it herself! If Machi is watching you and she’s out and about, might as well look for that idiot who calls himself a hero! 🤷‍♀️🤗
your not escaping bro 🗿 give it up. Ngl you probably can’t genuinely escape any member bc they have Shalnark + connections, etc. Anyway she has some security but will probably tighten it if you ever manage to get out. She’s not very strict though, so she’ll see it as you just wanting to be able to go out more 😭😅
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Bonolenov is another that doesn’t kill in front of you because his way of doing so is long ranged and dangerous. Soooo he just remembers their face and name! 😀 bro got a hit list 🗿 On that note he’s another who doesn’t have much of an opinion on heroes. He just dislikes how biased they are.
he will ask if you wanna live in a traditional Gyudondond house and eat they’re food. He won’t be offended if you say no, so don’t say yes thinking he’ll get mad, and end up regretting it later if you don’t like living like that 😭
it’d probably be easier to have security on a traditional house anyway. His security isn’t super tight or anything though, he just keeps an eye on you like Franklin or Shizuku. He loves spending time with you so that’s no problem really.
he loves to teach you his traditions and talk about them with you. He’d be a bit offended if you expressed disinterest in it (😭) but he’ll get sad over being angry, lucky you.
If you ever escape he won’t be mad or anything, he’ll just take you back home and keep a closer eye on you. He doesn’t necessarily blame himself for not watching you, but he doesn’t get upset at you for trying to leave either. He’s pretty patient, so at least that 😅🤷‍♀️
your life’s pretty decent I’m ngl 👍 I hope you like Gyudondond food tho…..
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Uvogin is physically the scariest 😬 because 1) look at the dude- if I got up in HIS house the next day I’d be shivering my timbers 😭😭😭😭 and 2) even if he’s not trying to hurt you, he might one day….and you don’t know how soon
he will absolutely pummel heroes trying to save you. He despises them for trying to take away his precious, but he also has fun (😭⁉️) beating them up
he can’t cook or clean….and likely makes a mess out of your house all the time, on accident ofc. So you will probably end up being the one doing all the domestic stuff 🤷‍♀️🗿
your escape chances with this man is 0 and probably your attempts too 😭😭 THANKFULLY you’ve never made him mad and your not trying to see him mad either 🙏
definitely has his buddy Shalnark keep an eye on you for him. So Uvogin + Shalnark = you’re never going home bro 🙏🗿 On the bright side he does like to take you out to places sometimes! Mostly to boast about how wonderful you are while killing the heroes who have been trying to save you for m o n t h s 😭😭😃
um your life is very spontaneous and honestly..? I HOPE your gonna be good 😭👍
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Illumi is another one you’re not gonna be able to even manage ONE escape ATTEMPT with 😀 Especially since Killua ran anyway? Nah your not gettin outta this one 😔
VERY strict and overprotective. I can’t decide if he or Feitan is worse? I think they’re matched…😭
Even leaving your ROOM is an adventure at this point 😬 Food is served to you on a golden platter and you have anything you could ever want (that he deems safe) buuut you might have to go through some pretty intense training bro….YEAH you heard me 😭🙏 No weak Zoldycks bro..that include YOU!
it’s not the type the Zoldycks get since birth but it’s still pretty scary considering you either train with Illumi whenever he’s home or one of the butlers. If you’re already strong, lucky you! In fact it’s highly likely! I can’t see Illumi falling in love with someone weak….
anyway heroes probably don’t even TRY to touch the Zoldycks so being saved is not an option. Unless Killua or Gon find out abt you, or you were apart of the main trio to begin with, nobody else is coming to save you……..Telling someone you ran away after getting kidnapped by a Zoldycks is just gonna scare them away anyway 😭😭😭
100% puts his nen needle in your head so you don’t run away. ☹️😬 He’s not that bad of a boyfriend…(ok yes he is)
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Kortopi doesn’t seem too bad! He clones your “dead body” when he kidnapped you so if you ever manage to escape it’ll be a shock to the heroes and your family 😭
if you don’t escape you’ll be presumed dead, so no one’s gonna come save you 😬 all according to his plan ofc! That makes things way easier for him, he wants a peaceful life with you, and he doesn’t exactly have combat compatible nen, so if the world thinks you’re dead, that’s perfect!
he can clean better than he can cook, he’s still learning on that part..but bear with him because he’s ACTUALLY not too bad of a boyfriend
he is a good listener (no. he won’t listen if you plead to be set free) and loves to chat with you! Will indulge in your hobbies and get you things of your interests too! :)
the biggest down slide (besides being kidnapped-) is you can’t go out ever again because the world thinks your dead 😭😭he keeps you updated on the outside world at the least..🗿
has some (a crap ton) security measures he got from Shalnark. He doesn’t wanna risk you leaving because he isn’t the best fighter + then the world would know your alive and try and “save” you
Hope you enjoyed your hcs!! :) 🩷
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poguestarkey · 1 year
not in the same way- t.n.
back after a quick 8 month hiatus my b
decided to write a little blurb about reader not being in love with theo since i feel like it's always the other way around.
yes i am eating up the tiktok ideas of him being italian don't start w me
warnings: just angst on angst, destruction of a friendship, theo being sad (that's a trigger in and of itself tbh), sickly sweet adorable girlhood moment btwn the GryffGirlies, like one potty word, i plucked that one scene right out of TSITP don't come for me, horrifyingly unedited cuz i just dont care
theo nott x gryffindor!reader
That's all that washes over you when you finally meet his eyes. It runs ice-cold through your veins and you can practically hear what he's going to say before it even leaves his mouth. You're sure he can see the way your head shakes slowly as you realize because he reaches for your hand and holds it tightly between his. Not out of comfort, but as a plead.
Please, please don't do what I think you're going to.
Theo... oh, sweet Theo. Theo, with his huge blue eyes and endlessly large heart. Theo, always the first to celebrate the small wins with you. Theo, who in theory, should be the perfect man for you.
But Theo, who no matter how hard you tried, never made your heart sing the way your friends giggled about.
You never thought twice about the way his hands would linger over yours as he explained Arithmancy problems or how he always pulled you close in by the shoulder while chatting with his Slytherin friends, his fingers mindlessly tracing patterns into your sweater. His sweater. You've been friends since third-year, best friends. So many years of being close to him desensitized you to the constant comments of "That's Nott's girl," and "Would you look at the lovebirds!" They never hit home and you always scoffed them off with ease.
With ease, until last weekend in your dorm after an open-mic night at the Three Broomsticks. You and Theo had performed the most atrocious duet rendition of the new Weird Sisters song, "Why Can't You See."
"Y/N, do you even see the way he looks at you?" Parvati asked. Your head shoots up this.
"C'mon, Y/N/N. The man is absolutely smitten with you. It's almost painful to watch, really," Lavender piped in, causing Hermione and Padma to sit up and join the conversation. Eyes widening, you realize who they're talking about.
"Theo? No... No, Theo and I are just-" You're cut off.
"Just friends. We've heard. A million times," Hermione sighs. "I mean Merlin's beard Y/N, you have to have noticed by now. Nott can't keep his hands off of you."
"'Mione, that's not- no, that's different. He just likes physical touch and that's fine-" You're cut off yet again by a slurry of teenage girls throwing evidence at you.
"-ever touch Malfoy-"
"-actually lights up when you enter a room, I've never-"
"-bigger heart eyes for you if they were cartooned on him in the Prophet-"
Your hands grow shaky and your breath becomes heavy in your lungs as the weight of what this means washes over you. Hot tears prick at the corners of your eyes and you fight the burn in the back of your sinuses with everything you have.
"Wait!" Hermione nearly shouts, and the cacophony of squeals and stories comes to a halt. "Y/N? Why are you crying? Are you alright?"
Her words make the first sob break out of your chest, and your hand shoots to your mouth to try and stifle the sound. Padma, ever the lover, is immediately at your side.
"I- I- I can't... I don't lo- if he really feels that way, it will destroy us," you cry, leaning further into her touch. Quickly, and with increasing amount of concern written on their features, the rest of the girls surround you.
"What do you mean, love?" you can't see her, but you know it's Lavender's breathy voice. "Isn't this a good thing?"
"No, no, no, no-" Your breath begins to hitch again, and 'Mione rubs gentle circles on your back. "Lav, him being in love with me is the worst thing that could happen."
"I don't mean to be insensitive, but the rest of us are quite out of the loop here and, er, well- why?" You let out a chuckle at Parvati's bluntness, but still felt the squeeze of the answer in your heart. You've known, deep down. You denied it as hard as you could manage but still, it creeped up on you, terrorizing your thoughts.
"He will never forgive me. I know he'll try so hard, but it'll never be the same, because he will never forgive me for not loving him the same way. Because he's done everything right. He is kind, and patient, and loving, and all of the wonderful things I've always said that I wanted but still, I just don't love him like that. And I want to- fuck, I want to so bad. It kills me that I can't. But he can never know that I know, because he will never, ever forgive me when I can't say it back." The last few words come out nearly inaudible as gasping sobs take over your body. "And I am so afraid to lose my best friend."
A squeeze from Hermione saves you from your thoughts. No one knows what to say, and Padma pulls your pillow and quilt from underneath you before grabbing her own, forming a pile on the floor. The corners of your lips perk up as you realize what she's doing, and soon the room is filled again with the sounds of girlish giggles and gossip and your four closest girlfriends do their best to keep your chin up for you.
The rest of the week, you can hardly look Theo in the eyes. You're not trying to avoid him, but every time you're in the same room you feel so overcome with guilt that it's hard to breathe.
On Sunday, you skip breakfast and hole away in the library under a stack of potions textbooks, shooing him away with a curt "Sorry, Teddy. Too busy."
Monday, you sit at Gryffindor's table for every meal and only speak in DADA to tell him it's his turn to practice defensive spells.
It's Tuesday night when you get the owl.
please talk to me. i need to see you, i'm worried. you're not alright.
i miss you.
You write him back on the same piece of parchment, your shaking hands causing ink to splatter into tiny dots across his script.
I know. I'm sorry. Friday night.
Wednesday and Thursday are a blur of forced smiles to him and the burn of his stare from across the Charms classroom.
Friday comes, and you're damn near ready to pull Mrs. Norris' tail just to get a detention.
You know the exact bench in the courtyard he'll be sat at, and you count your paces as you walk. His eyes catch you and he swings his feet off the ledge, shutting his book.
"Y/N," He breathes, the sweetest smile on his face. "What's going on, cara mia?"
Every strategy you had for keeping him away from the elephant in the room goes flying out of your head faster than a Firebolt.
"It's nothing, really. Please don't worry. I know I've been distant but it's really nothing to be concerned about so-" your voice is getting louder and faster, a tell-tale sign that you're not telling the truth.
He cuts you off with your name.
"Y/N." You're eternally thankful that it's late enough that no one is outside with you. "Tell me what's happened. Please." His eyes grow even larger with pure concern and he moves his hand to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. You pull your lip between your teeth while thinking about how to respond.
"I just... Teddy, I can't tell you. I just can't. I promise it's alright, I just don't want to talk about it." You're lying through your teeth and you're sure he knows it too.
"Alright," he whispers, voice dropping. His hand hasn't moved from the side of your face since he fixed your hair, and his eyes move to scan the slope of your lips. You can feel the pit in your stomach start to form as you fear what's coming next. "You are the most beautiful thing on this planet, you know that?"
His thumb is tracing the plane of your cheek.
"Theodore..." He smiles at his full name, and his eyes start to close.
This is what you feared so much.
That you would lose everything over one moment, just like this.
He can't be more than a breath from your mouth when both of your palms find his firm chest and push him away.
"Wait- wait, Theo. No. I don't- I'm sorry, but I-" His eyes snap open, that beautiful blue full of confusion. "I'm sorry, Theo." You can already feel hot tears threatening to spill over, and your stomach is churning.
"I.... What?" He says it so quietly you aren't even sure he meant to say it aloud. His hands move from your face, now salty and wet, to run through his hair, tugging on the strands.
"That's what I've been off about. I've been scared that you're gonna..." You gesture wildly between the two of you, not sure what to call it.
"Kiss you?"
"Why would you be scared of me kissing you, Y/N?" He looks genuinely, honestly puzzled.
"Because... because I don't... I didn't know, and then this weekend the girls were all on about it and I had no idea what they were talking about, and they told me, and I just panicked, Theo. I had no idea." He's stood up now, and you're seconds behind him, standing still in the chilly air as he paces and presses his hands into his eyes. "If I'd known sooner, Teddy... I would've- I could've done something, I don't know, could've tried-"
He stops, now just in front of you. "If you knew?"
"If I knew that you felt that way-"
"I thought you knew!" The crack of his voice splits your chest in two, unaided by the tears beading in his eyes. You've never seen him cry. "I thought you knew! From the moment I crashed your cabin on the train, I thought you knew."
The two of you just stand there, staring at each other, as cold, biting raindrops start to fall from the sky. You fight to form words but absolutely comes to your brain and you can't do anything but stare at him as he continues.
He hasn't even opened his mouth to start the next sentence when you realize what you're going to hear. You can't tell if it's the rain or the pure dread coursing through your veins that's turning your fingers ice-cold as you shake your head "no" to something he hasn't even said yet.
"I've been in love with you since I was 13, Y/N/N." He's holding onto your hand with both of his like it's his only lifeline while he desperately spills words. "I am so in love with you. You turn my world. You are my absolute everything. It consumes me. I can't hold it anymore, Y/N," He cries. Your eyes are squeezed shut and it's a wonder you haven't broken his hand with how tightly you're holding it between you. "Please, please, please say something."
"I love you," He sucks in a breath and you open your eyes to meet his. "I love you so much, Teddy. More than anything." His hands are now on either side of your face, and your fingers are laced around his wrists. "But I'm not in love with you," You choke out, grip relaxing.
His forehead presses against yours and he does nothing to quiet to sobs racking his body as you pull him against you, wrapping your arms around his warm frame.
You whisper dozens of apologies and "I wish I dids" into his ear before he releases you and sits back on the bench, moving the thoroughly soaked book to the side so you can join him. His head is in his hands and his elbows rest on his knees, and you think that you've never seen him look so defeated.
Finally, you tear your eyes away from him and stare straight ahead at the ivy covered walls, praying that the silence swallows you whole.
It's practically deafening, actually, because the sound of his heart breaking is echoing across the stone.
Eventually, you speak up.
"I think... I think I should probably go, right?"
He picks his head up but doesn't look at you as he replies:
"Yeah, I think that's for the best."
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BINGO: friends to lovers w/tasm!peter parker
Prompt 17: "Do you think they heard us?" "Yes. We did."
reader & peter having a ‘will they won’t they’ kind of thing going on for a while/just so much pinning with stolen stares, hugs that last too long, the other boiling with jealousy but never saying anything because it’s not their place.
then it all just comes to a breaking point where one of them is acting off/distance and they have a fight about it until they confess to the other that they’re in love with the other and it hurts too much to be around them and that leads to smut 🫶🏽
—𓆩[will they, won't they]𓆪—
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - TASM! Peter Parker x Fem! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, angst, smut
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 4.3K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - You and Peter had a more… complicated friendship. Best friends since childhood and ever since then, you both have always danced around your feelings. You finally decide to drop your feelings for your best friend after he starts spending more time with Gwen Stacy, and decided to go out on a date with one of the jocks from school and pull away from Peter, unbeknownst to you him, Gwen, and some more of your best friends are planning a giant date proposal for you.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - I gave y’all some extra friends cuz y’all don’t have enough- || you definitely know about him being Spider-Man, and your friend group || you have glasses now! (During studying) || he accidentally blows you off for Gwen but with good reason! || cursing and foul language || you think Peter likes Gwen so maybe a little bit of angst but it’s resolved quickly || yeah no maybe a bit more than a little bit of angst- || made up OC that’s a jock and you go out with him smut warnings: sex with people in the same house as you, Peter is a fucking munch no one can change my mind, more experienced reader x less experienced Peter, fingering, oral, unprotected sex, creampie 
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“So, we have her favorite flowers booked, we have her favorite food, anything else?” Gwen looks up from her clipboard that was meant to make her look more professional. She and Carter, a guy that pushed his way into your friend group, along with Alia and Jamison, all had a bet on when the hell this was going to happen.
Gwen placed two weeks, and Alia was already out because she said three days, while Carter said one week and Jamison a week and a half. The winner would have your child named after them; it was a good bet.
“Do we have her favorite songs lined up?” Peter was chewing on his thumb, anxiously walking back and forth on the roof of his apartment. “And-”
“Peter, you’re overreacting so much,” Gwen says laughing, holding up her clipboard. “I already have everything ready! You have no need to worry about anything, I got the flowers, the lights, the food, everything! It’s going to be perfect.” She looks down at her watch, nodding. “Now, it’s almost eight-”
Peter quickly looks down at his phone, gasping. “Holy shit, I was supposed to meet Y/N at seven for movie night! I’ll see you later, Gwen, thank you!”
He grabs his bag, jumping off the roof and shooting a web out to catch him.
“Go get her bug boy!” Gwen yells as Alia comes behind her, biting into one of your favorite candy bars.
“You think they’ll fuck?”
“I highly doubt it.”
It didn’t take Peter long to get to the fire escape of your apartment, settling himself onto the railing to watch your scrunched face stare down at a physics worksheet. You mumbled softly, flipping through your notes and pushing up your glasses before slamming your head down onto your desk.
It makes Peter wince as you groan loudly, quickly pushing up your window making you look back with a gasp. “Y/N, I’m so sorry I’m late, I was with Gwen-”
“Peter, what are you doing here?!” You whisper yelled, quickly standing and pushing against his chest. “You need to leave! Now!”
“What? Why?” He looked down at his suit, more specifically where your hands were on his chest before he heard more footsteps. “Is someone here?”
“Peter, leave! Now!” You pushed him out the window, quickly closing and locking it before shutting the curtains.
“I brought us some snacks!” A voice says, Peter peeking into your room in the slight exposition of the curtains. “So, strawberries or cheese? Or both, like in Ratatouille?”
You giggle, walking toward the form, Peter almost growling when he saw Henry’s pretty face and blond hair. “You know, strawberries and cheese aren’t that bad. I’ve tried it before.”
“Oh yeah?” Henry laughs. “How about we watch Ratatouille and reminisce instead of doing physics?”
You laugh. “Oh, I wish. What about we get some work done and then we watch Ratatouille?”
Henry nods, plopping onto your bed in the same space Peter always did making his fists clench. “I’ve never been good at physics.”
You giggle, shaking your head as you spin your chair around. “Me either.”
He hummed, rubbing his chin. “What about your friend? Parker? He’s good at physics, isn’t he?”
Your eyes flicker toward the window, Peter raising a brow as he nods his head in agreement. “His name is Peter,” you stand, quickly shutting the curtain correctly. “And yes, he is sickeningly good at physics.”
“Why don’t we call him up?” Henry opens his binder, humming. “I’m sure he could help.”
Your brow ruffled when the doorbell rings, quickly standing. “Who could that be?”
“Let’s hope it’s Peter,” Henry laughs as he follows behind you, your pretty apartment organized chaos.
When you open your door, your face falls when you see Peter in his clothes, obviously messy like he changed coming down the stairs (which he did, thank you), a smile on his face. “Hey, Y/N.”
“Peter!” Henry says, smiling. “You’re here!”
“I am,” Peter tries not to make his voice sound completely and utterly annoyed. “Got a sense that someone might need my physics powers.”
“Well, your sense was wrong,” you said immediately, Henry laughing.
“No, it was right. It really was.”
“You gonna let me in?” Peter asks as you glared up at him.
“Henry, I think it might be best if we continue this another day. You have to be home by eight thirty anyways, right?” You look back at the blonde boy who looked down at his very expensive watch.
“Oh, where did the time go! Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow night?” He starts walking toward your room, Peter taking that as his chance to sneak in.
“Yes!” You yelled back, shoving Peter who barely budged thanks to his new abilities. “Tomorrow night sounds good!”
Henry comes walking back out, bag over his shoulder. “Perfect,” he smiles at Peter. “Maybe I’ll see you before then, Parker! Hopefully we can get some physics done, my mom is making pot roast that is literally to die for so I need to get back.”
“Ooo, pot roast,” Peter says all posh like Henry does, and you roll your eyes instead of laughing like you normally would. “That sounds so good. You can’t miss that, Henry.”
“Right!” Henry laughs, turning to you. “I’ll see you tomorrow night?”
You nodded. “That sounds great, Henry,” you say as he slowly walks out, slowly closing the door before Henry quickly puts his hand between the door and the frame. “Yes?”
“I uhm… have a good night, Y/N.”
You inhale shakily, smiling. “You… you too, Henry.” Slowly, you close the door and lock it before turning around, jumping when you see Peter. “Peter!”
“What’s going on tomorrow night?”
You scoffed. “Henry’s taking me out on a date.”
Peter froze, quickly fixing his glasses as though his vision would affect his hearing. “What?”
You rolled your eyes. “You heard me. He’s taking me out tomorrow night to a restaurant his father owns.”
Peter shakes his head. “I… we have plans tomorrow night, Y/N.” Tomorrow was the night, you couldn’t not come on the night.
You shake your head back, crossing your arms. “Well, I thought you’d be late to that like you were today.”
Peter scoffs, rubbing his chin. “I was late one time, Y/N! You know I always come!”
You put your finger out, wiggling it toward him. “No! No, it wasn’t one time! It’s been every day for the past three weeks, you’re late to class and you say, ‘Sorry Y/N, I was with Gwen’, or study halls, ‘Sorry Y/N, I got caught up with Gwen’, or something with Gwen fucking Stacy! If want to hang out with her, you hand out with her, but don’t make plans with me whenever you’re going to be late or you don’t fucking show up at all!”
He didn’t stand you up that many times, did he? He goes through all of them, wincing slightly. Maybe he had stood you up a lot.
The room was silent as you inhaled shakily, rubbing your face with your palms. “Just… I need to finish my homework. You wasted my time arguing with me about something I’ve told you about for the past week.”
Peter’s face scrunches. “You haven’t told me about going on a fucking date with Henry fucking Ford.”
“His name is Henry Baltimore!” You yelled at him once again, covering your mouth. You had yelled more at Peter tonight more than you ever had before. “You would know that if you would read your fucking texts. Now, I need you to leave before I say something I can’t take back.”
Peter shakes his head, quickly coming in front of you. “No, Y/N, please. Please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Don’t go, don’t go out with him tomorrow night. I need to tell you something important.”
You shake your head, inhaling shakily as you press your face into your hands to hide your teary eyes from him. What was he going to tell you, that he and Gwen were dating?
“Peter, I don’t want to see you, please leave.”
He shakes his head, holding your shoulders. “No, I’m not leaving, I’m not-”
You shoved him, gasping in air to hold back your tears. “Peter, get the fuck out!” He inhaled deeply as you wipe at your cheeks, sniffling. “Y/N-”
“Peter, I’m not going to tell you again. Get out.”
Slowly, Peter walks toward the door as you stand there, arms cradling your own body as you try to control your breathing. He doesn’t say anything as he opens the door, looking back at you as you breathed shakily. “Y/N,” he says softly, but you shake your head, refusing to look back at him. “I just… I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, grabbing the blanket from the couch. “Lock the door on your way out, and leave the key under the door.”
Your heart aches as he does exactly what you said, but what else could he do? You wanted him to do one thing but told him another, how could he know what you wanted him to do?
Peter kneels down slowly, slipping the key back under your apartment door before that special tingle comes in. “What do you want?”
He slowly stood and turned around, sighing when he saw Henry. “Oh uhm… I-I left my charger.”
Peter nods slightly, holding back a scoff. How the hell do you forget a charger? “Right.”
“Peter?” Henry says as he starts to walk away, pausing. “You… you’re in love with her, aren’t you?”
The one time the stereotypical jock had to be smart, the one fucking time.
“You just… you treat her right and I won’t kill you.”
You were going to kill Peter Parker. Henry called you an hour before your date after you spent hours getting ready, hoping to have the pretty dress you spent good fucking money on ripped off at most three hours into the date and the makeup you spent hours on ruined by the morning.
But no, Peter, Peter fucking Parker bad to ruin it all — all of it.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I really think you should talk to Parker before you go on a date with me. If nothing changes, I’m here.”
Changes? What the fuck was going to change?
You banged on the door, your knuckles burning as you looked down at the pink dress dotted with hand sewed strawberries all over, especially on the pink area of the corset. You did not spend almost two hundred dollars on a dress (with matching lingerie) to not have it ripped off.
When Gwen opened the door, she gasped. “You’re here!” She looked down at her watch. “And early! Why aren’t you on the roof-”
“Where is he?”
Gwen pauses when she hears your voice, slowly letting you inside as you stomped toward his room, unknowingly following the path of red rose petals.
“Hey Y/N- Y/N?!” Carter was shocked to see you before you opened Peter’s door, looking around before groaning and slamming the door.
“Peter! I know you’re in here! What the hell did you do, Henry called and canceled on me!”
You continue to turn around, gasping when you see him kneeling down in front of you. This was not happening.
“What… what are you doing?”
“We-Well uhm,” he quickly stands, fixing his suit. Peter never wore a suit. “That was probably too formal, the kneeling, but uhm-”
“Peter,” you say finally, inhaling. “Hurry up and say what you were going to say.”
He slips his hand into his pocket, slowly taking out a velvet box. “I’m sorry- I’m sorry it took me so long, I am, I just wanted it to be perfect.” He opened it slowly, a thin silver band with a diamond in the center making you gasp. “It’s just… I didn’t know what to do. You said, you said you always wanted a promise ring and-”
“Hurry up, Peter!” You almost screeched, quickly covering your mouth as he smiled, his pretty whiskey eyes looking up at you.
“Well, do you want me to kneel down or-”
You cupped his face, quickly pulling him down to kiss you, humming as his hands quickly found their place at your hips. You could feel the pressure of the small box, slowly stepping back as he follows obediently, groaning against your lips before the back of your knees bump against his mattress. Slowly, he pulls away just enough to press the velvet box into your hand.
His cheeks are red as he brushes his nose against yours, humming. “Is that a yes?”
You nodded, gasping as he slipped the ring onto your finger before setting down the box. He inhaled shakily as he lifted your hand to press against his lips. “I hope this is okay. We’ve been friends for years and-”
“Dammit, just shut up, Peter.”
You pulled him down to kiss you making him rush to put his own ring on push you down against the bed, groaning as his fingers rub against the satin ribbon keeping your dress on your body. “H-How the hell do you undo this-”
“Just pull it, you need to untie it,” you giggled, sitting up just enough for him to tug on the string and press kisses to your skin. “Peter, Peter fuck-”
“I know, honey, I can feel you,” he whispered, body already shaking. He could feel every little thing you did, he could hear every sharp breath you took as his fingers trail over your back and finally untie your dress and the cold hits your skin. “I can feel everything you do.”
Most of all, he could feel how aroused you were. He could smell it, as weird as that sounded, a sweet aroma filling his nose as he kissed into your neck and the small sparks that traveled through his fingers.
He pulls it down to your waist, hissing as you lift your hips into his just enough so he can pull it down your body, but the feeling of your body so close to his makes his eyes roll back. Your hands start to tug on his blazer before he can even finish pulling down your dress, pulling away from his lips to let out a soft whine.
“Peter, please, please-”
“I know honey, I know,” he whispers back, pulling off his blazer before he is able to focus on your body. You didn’t have a bra on, of course you didn’t because your top was a corset, but the amount of exposed skin made him stop. “Holy shit.”
“Peter, you have way too much clothes on.”
He nods frantically, quickly obeying your not so subtle command, unbuttoning his shirt before you pull him down for another kiss, humming against his lips. Your fingers push into his slacks, a whine leaving his mouth as you pull out his shirt to finish taking it off, his hands going behind his back to grab the cuffs and pull it off.
The kisses were hot, your tongue pushed into his mouth as he groaned loudly, his hands cupping your face as your own press along his chest. He pulled away just a bit for breath, letting his eyes trail along your body before your hands pressed against his chest, stroking along all of his scars.
You were the one who healed the wounds before the scars, it was only right you were the one who kissed them afterwards. With that thought, your lips pressed to the waxy skin as his hands started to undo his belt, thankful for the fact he hadn’t been able to put on his shoes.
Oh but yours, the pretty white platform heels that had to have been more than four inches and the Velcro strap around your ankles really made him want to put them around his waist, or over his shoulders — whichever came first.
“Peter?” You whisper, his eyes quickly flashing to yours. You gasped, his pupils wide as he stared at you, his hands shaky. “Are you okay?”
“It’s just…” he whispers, shaking his head as he pulls his pants and boxers off, inhaling deeply. “I’ve been wanting to do this for so long. It’s my first time after… you know, and I swear I can feel everything.”
“Everything?” You swallow, gasping as your cunt clenched around nothing, his eyes rolling back as he slowly begins to pump his cock.
You shiver as he slowly pressed his head against your pretty lace underwear, the pink fabric embellished with strawberries embroidered onto it. He inhaled as he watched the beads of precum spread across the lace, groaning loudly.
This couldn’t have been for Henry, no. This was for him and him only, he was going to make sure of it.
“This was for that preppy mother fucker?” He almost growls, leaning down to slowly slip the panties down your thighs. He certainly would have kept them on if he wasn’t planning on absolutely devouring you.
“Peter, h-he’s not-”
“Important?” Peter suggests, kissing against your plush thighs before groaning against your skin. “Gonna make you forget his fucking name.”
Your eyes rolled back as he slowly slipped his fingers down your slit, smearing your wetness up to your clit as your eyes rolled back, gasping as his fingers firmly rub circles onto your sensitive bud. It makes you whine as he gets faster, watching as it starts to get swollen and puffy.
He groaned, leaning down to press open mouth kisses to your lower lips, sucking and tugging with his teeth as his fingers rubbed faster against your clit. He could feel you squirming under him, hands tugging his hair as you whined loudly. “Peter, Peter please-”
“Please what? Hm?” He teased you, smiling as your hips buckled. “What do you want?”
You whined loudly, the sound making the hairs on his neck stick up as he groaned into your cunt. “I-Inside, please inside-”
He hummed, his fingers slowly teasing around the tight ring of muscle. “You want what inside? What, hm?”
“Y-You, any of you, all of you!” Your voice is loud, eyes rolling back as he slowly pushes in a finger. You moaned loudly, the feeling almost foreign because you haven’t had sex or touched yourself in a long time. “Fuck!”
His finger is long and thick, curling inside of you and he could feel that tough part inside of you. He stroked it, watching as your eyes rolled back and he started to thrust his finger, pulling in and out joint by joint before pushing in until his knuckles pressed against your wet cunt. You screamed out, whining as your hips rode his digits.
“You’re so desperate,” he whispers, lips latching onto your clit and sucking loudly. He could feel your nails digging into his scalp with another whine. “What do you want, hm? Another one?”
He watched you nod, hips bucking. “Yes. Yes, I want another one, please!”
Slowly, he pushed another in, watching as you whined loudly. He could feel your body spark in slight pain and discomfort, so he lets them stay still for a minute as you panted softly. “You okay?”
You nod, humming as you slowly move a hand to his cheek. “I’m perfect, Peter. More than perfect.” He smiled, slowly thrusting his fingers to hear a mewl fall from your lips. “Fuck!”
He laughs at the pretty curse falling from your mouth, something too foul and disgusting dripping from your pretty lips humoring him. “Don’t be rude now,” he says immediately, his other hand firmly rubbing against your puffy clit. “I won’t be so nice if you start getting mouthy on me.”
You shake your head. “I won’t, I’m sorry, please please-”
He starts to thrust his fingers, eyes rolling back as he stares at your scrunched up face covered in makeup. As much as he hated the thought of ruining your pretty mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow with painted strawberries on it, he wanted nothing more than to ruin it.
He pushed your clit between his fingers, sucking hard as you squirmed before he moved his hand just a bit to press against your pelvis. “Behave, bug.”
The nickname made you whine, your hand continuing to tug on his hair as he pressed firm kissed down your slit, thrusting his fingers in and out of you as the other rubbed firm circles into your clit and your walls clamping and clenching around his digits made him moan out and rut his hips into the bed.
“You want another, darling? Hm? I think you’re going to need it for me, honey, truly.”
You nodded, gasping as he slowly pushed another one in and thrusts his fingers slowly, watching your body writhe under him. He inhaled sharply at the feeling, groaning out as he kissed against your leaking cunt. Your hips buck up into his fingers, whines falling from your lips before shaking your head. “Peter, Peter! Peter, I want you- please. Please, need you now-”
He laughs. “What, you don’t want me to finish stretching you out? You just want to feel my cock?”
You nodded, tugging his head back. “Yes. Yes, yes please!”
Slowly, he pulled but his fingers, sucking and kissing against your entrance before pushing his fingers into his mouth. “You just want to be stretched out by me, don’t you?”
You nodded, gasping as he sat up and kneeled over your body. He takes his cock that was leaking precum drip out steadily as he pumped himself and watched it slowly spurt onto your cunt. It makes you whine as he slathers it around with his tip, pushing it down your slit before pushing his head into your cunt.
He watched your eyes roll back, a groan falling from his lips before he ruts his hips deeper into you. You whine, hands quickly rubbing against his back before your nails dig into his skin. He let out a shaky moan, groaning loudly as he pressed a kiss to your head. “Fucking hell, darling, you’re so tight. So, so tight.”
You squirm. “Feels good, feels so good,” you say, gasping as he starts to thrust, whining loudly. “Oh! Holy shit, don’t stop, don’t stop!”
He groaned into your neck, cursing as he held himself up by his hands and rolled his hips. “Fuck, fuck baby, barely been in for a minute and I’m already going to cum. You’re so fucking tight around me, I can barely breathe.”
You nod repeatedly, your head shaking as you pull him lower. “Please, please, inside. Don’t pull out, I don’t want you to pull out.”
His eyes rolled back as he choked, your walls tight as he started to thrust harder and harder, the bed slamming into the wall. Your nails scratch against his back, sobs of pleasure falling from your lips as his cock drags against your walls and hits that spot inside of you that makes your body shake. Your hips almost instinctively rolled into his own, desperate for more before he pulled your legs around him, the cold faux leather and your heavy platforms settling against his lower back.
“Fuck, fuck baby,” he whispers, almost growling as his thrusts get harder and unhinged, your body bouncing withe every test. “Fucking hell!”
You moaned his name over and over, the only thing calling from your mouth Peter, Peter, Peter… like a mantra, whines most likely interrupting every syllable. He could feel every twitch of your fingers, every clench of your cunt, every breath against his neck as he pressed kisses to your shoulder.
He dragged his tongue along your skin, teasing his teeth against you before sucking. He could feel your chest against his, your stuttering breath before you pulled him up for a kiss and your fingers shakily ran through his hair. He almost whimpered, hips moving faster before you clamp down on him with a loud moan and a creamy ring enveloping his cock.
His hips stutter, loud moans falling from your lips before he inhales deeply and thrusts into you as deep as he could, screaming out your name as he comes inside.
His eyes roll back, broken moans leaving his lips as you breathe shakily, hands rubbing against his cheeks. “It took you long enough.”
Peter smiles. “Yeah, it did, didn’t it? You know… I was always with Gwen because she and the rest of them were helping me plan this.”
You gasped, looking back. “You think they heard?”
“Yes! Yes, we did! Everything! The cumshot too!”
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omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡ keep them coming for Bingo!!
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Taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪 𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪 𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪 𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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twost3ps · 5 months
I wanna make some hazbin x scott pilgrim au inspired art where Adam is Ramona and Lucifur is Scott
The scenario is this:
After adam dies and comes back as a sinner, after all that angst, all that trial and error, Lucifur makes moves on Adam and finally, FINALLY, gets him to say yes to a relationship.
Man thought it was over.
Lucifur: Adam, I'm so glad you're finally mine ☺️
Adam: Um.. about that...
Lucifur: what?
Adam: you need to fight my seven exes....
Lucifur: what????
And then Lucifur has to fight Adam's exes as said before and it goes from easy to hard and I giggle in my seat.
My roster is this- easiest to hardest, why im choosing them:
7- Mammon (greedyguitar/firstchristmas)- I think this ship is hilarious and I feel like it :3 it would make Luci be like: WHAT??? HOW??? They met on an extermination day, found eachother funny and had a good fling for a while. They're still good friends actually and when Adam go revived as sinner, he would contact Mammon from time to time without Lucifur knowing
6- ??? -dunno so help me decide :3
5- Eve (edit:edenapple)- this is obvious an a duh the original pookies bro bffr 🙄
4- Azrael (deadlyguitar or deathmetal idk) saw this one. Snatched it. It's mine now I'm gonna love them forever as well. They met when Adam was retrieved from the earth on his death bed. Adam found him kinda hot.
3- Raphael (idk haven't made one yet/maybe greenthumb? Bcz Adam was a farmer and Raphael's color is green)- Idk I just feel like it. Raphael is the angel of healing if I'm not wrong. Healing both physically and spiritually, so Adam went to him for therapy and they kissed cuz I said so.
2- Gabriel (i can't choose between guitaramp or guitarspeaker) - Along with Micheal, he was another oc ship I had in my draft sketches. Couldn't tell you why. Fun dynamic tho for me bcz my Gabriel is a loud mouth gossip. They met in Adam's last years of life and in heaven, Gabriel being Micheal's second in command, met Adam often during his training. They're silly
1- Micheal- it's me... come on... this is my whole account... but i had this boy in my sketches before I revived this account. But yeah, he was Adams friend in Eden, guide and mentor in heaven, and is mad protective of Adam even after the falling out. Also Luci and him need to brawl is for their own good. Love the brother angst ❤️
Lucifur is shocked at how many guys Adam has actually dated/been with, and Adam is just openly bisexual. He just doesn't tell anyone, tho or really show it lol
I need to show you guys my interpretations of the archangels like,,,, soon omg... but for now you're gonna have to guess until I make that art hhhh
Idk who to put in for 6 tho...
And before I anyone says Lute or Lilith, I wanna keep the ratio of the 6 guys 1 girl like how it is and I just don't think either fit, atleast for me.
Lilith... nah... I feel like she's a mix of Kim, Envy and Knives in the sense (scotts exes) of this au and for Lute- I just don't ship Guitarspear. Don't get me wrong, it's a great ship but I saw they're dynamic as more of silly dad and his feral child. I like that dynamic way more for them so yea.
But if you have any ideas for who 6 should be either send it to me in asks, comments, dms or any other way cuz I genuinely have no idea who the last person would be :')
I feel like they should be somone with a long history with Adam so no one from the hotel :/ which is why this is so hard to choose 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I was tempted to do st peter (holynotes) for a giant laugh but I don't think so??? Maybe??? BRUH IDK USBEBEHSBSJEKWWK
Please send help I beg 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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sharpth1ng · 2 months
Not anonymous cuz I'm not a pussy.
OK so is it just me or is it SO fucking annoying when stu macher gets turned into this stereotype alpha mf and billy is like a little subby "I love you.. b-but I hate you!!" It's just so like ughh!!! Gag me with a spoon why don't you?
Honestly this happens to both of them in fanon. I think there's a tendency to turn characters into generic archetypes rather than to consider their actually characterization. Especially when we're talking about archetypes around sexual/romantic dynamics and kink, there's a tendency to see a larger person and decide they're the one doing the penetrating, the one in control, being dominant, ect. And vice versa the smaller one is the one receiving, being less dominant.
When you think about it a lot of these associations are very gendered, even when they're applied to same gendered pairings. Masculine = larger, dominant and active, the one who initiates sexual interaction, the one who does the penetrating, and feminin= smaller, submissive and passive, the one who gets penetrated. I constantly see characters being altered to be portrayed more in-line with these kinds of tropes.
Honestly it's just boring to me lmao, but also it doesn't suit these characters the way I understand them. It's a lot more dynamic, exciting and true to life to mix up these dynamic imo. Like a smaller dominant character? Suddenly dominance isn't defined by physical force, the person submitting could chose to flip the script but they don't because they're choosing to give up power.
Similarly, having a submissive person be the initiator is really interesting. It allows for the fun of resistance/ that "I shouldnt" moment without it feeling predatory. The person trying to start things is asking to be hurt, to be used, they aren't trying to use the other person, and I think that really switches the power dynamic.
And again something similar applies to submissive tops and dominant bottoms.
With Billy and Stu what we see in the movie is that Billy is sort of the boss, Stu follows his orders but also Stu is the one who initiates physical contact with Billy in the kitchen scene. For a lot of the movie Billy is either in jail or pretending to be dead (and yes I think he stayed in that room while stu was chasing people around, it would have been a big problem if Sid had gone back up to that room and he wasnt there), so we also have Stu being an active doer. Stu is also the one who begs to be stabbed.
What this says to me about their dynamic is that Billy is the more dominant one, he's the boss, all of what's happening is essentially happening for him. That said, Stu is the more active partner despite being the more submissive one in general.
Even with Billy being the more dominant partner he's not completely in control, he constantly feels like he's being taken hostage by his own emotions and by his desire for Stu, which I think also creates interesting motivation for his need for control. this dynamic is why Billy allows Stu to have slightly more control sexually when he feels more secure and is allowing himself to have feelings for Stu.
But still the way these characters interact with dominance and submission is different because they are different characters. Billy's submission is bratty, he needs to be wrangled, and he talks back the whole time, whereas Stu also talks back but it's all baiting, begging, asking for more, and for the most part he'll follow orders without question. In contrast Stu's dominance is service oriented, its all about making Billy feel good while Billy's dominance uses more degradation (which makes Stu feel good).
Its also worth noting that the nature of their dynamic shifts back and forth over time ( and you'll see more of that happening in WoM), because the characters needs, insecurities, and levels of comfort shift over time. If the dynamic was always the same it would get old and repetitive fast.
At the end of the day fitting complex characters into archetypes isn't going to feel satisfying for most people, and allowing for characterization that expands outside of and mixes tropes from different archetypes results in a more compelling and realistic dynamic.
Alright thats a lot lmao I wrote another essay 😭
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