#i did not have me writing a possible long fic on my bingo card for this decade or year but!!!!!!
thedeadthree · 8 months
the brainrot is brainrotting !!!!!!!! 🥀🥴🤧
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settertwins · 3 months
Sooo, I FINALLY started my AO3 presence with an OsaHina. Hope you guys enjoy it.
Here's the link (please not that it is only available for registered users): https://archiveofourown.org/works/56559868
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Sooo, I'll keep gushing about the writing process under the cut (warning: it'll be long). So, if you don't want to read further you can stop already. Thanks for the appreciation!
Some points about my writing process that I would like to tackle:
•Word count.
•OsaHina: how it started.
•Osahina: in the fic.
•Atsumu, AtsuHina, and the potential MiyaHina that could have been.
•Writing Humour: absurdism.
•Writing the smooching.
•A thank you and some (really brief) upcoming ideas.
•Word count:
I'm actually surprised I came this far. To be honest, I was expecting barely hitting 2k or 2.5k, which was kind of a letdown, but now seeing me almost reach 6k feels weird and sometimes a little bit too much even though my reader ass can eat up an 10k fic with all the pleasure in the world.
See, I like the fact that I could do that. Being totally honest, a small part of me was scared about the initial word count being too low to gain as much traction as a fic this length could get. But it is not a big part that bothers me. If anything, I write for myself first and any potential reader later, so I don't rock my brains with the idea of statistics too much. I rather get a well-written, crafted with love 2k fic rather than a messy and awkwardly cluttered 6k fic. So anything you will read (or you have already read) is made with love and fun.
This is something I should apply to my reading, too. 2k is actually a good length and being too spoon-fed with long (and good! By any means I'm implying that longer fics are less good) fics can make me forget sometimes about the amazing possibility of short yet powerful reading.
•OsaHina: how it started.
My first Haikyuu fanfic ever finished and published being an OsaHina wasn't on my 2024 bingo card, but I don't regret it.
Seems like a rewatch of the Inarizaki match before the Battle of the Garbage Dump movie did wonders to me. Man, I love the Miya Twins, and I was utterly surprised (mostly because I forgot) at how Osamu was also kinda fixated on Hinata, too. I loved how he compared the love for volleyball Hinata had with his love for food, and it fueled a lot of the inspo to write about them.
•OsaHina: in the fic.
Picking back the part where I said Osamu's commentary about food fueled this fic, I didn't knew it would become sort of a motto that he had during the fic. I didn't aim the fic as a character study or a more fleshed out version of the characters, so it can give the impression that my Osamu's whole personality is food. It's not like that in reality, I just decided to enhance (and maybe exaggerate) this trait. If I ever aim for a character study (I love them!) I fully know that food, while an important part of Osamu's life, isn't everything, and he has much more interesting sides to it.
In this case, food was an excuse to create a recurring thing that can make for Osamu's POV to feel his. In fact, this OsaHina was conceived as Osamu confusing the food-hunger with the lusty/attraction hunger since he calls both by the same name, but at the end I just decided to make them coexist. I also got advantage of the sense of absurdity the humour tried to build to make Osamu have a big crush in a ridiculously short amount of time, which would result in the eventual hookup.
In Hinata's case... he's constructed in a really bland way, at least for my taste. I didn't give him much thought, especially because we only follow Osamu. When everything was already planned for the hookup, I tried making him act timid to kind of give some ground, like showing that he's crushing too. Maybe timid Shouyou can be weird, but I think the last interactions made up for the weirdness a bit. I think he felt more like him.
•Atsumu, AtsuHina, and the potential MiyaHina that could have been.
It's my first published Haikyuu fic ever and an OsaHina one, so it would be hard to guess, but do you remember when I said I was surprised that this ship would be my first published one?
Well, the reason is that Atsumu is my favorite Haikyuu character. And AtsuHina is my dang OTP.
As a trivia, I'll say that before thinking about OsaHina, the idea was about making an AtsuHina fic with the premise of Atsumu jerking off to Hinata because of the hunger he exudes until I briefly did remember Osamu's food comparison. A rough plot idea was written in a side note, and when I tried to write it I couldn't stop. Nowadays, my AtsuHina idea is buried in the ground. RIP.
Moving on, the reason why I include this pairing in this writing process dissertation is because I was briefly considering making a MiyaHina (with no Miyacest). The reason of all the blame: Atsumu, and probably the setting of the fic.
Listen: the fic addresses a bunch of Osamu's thoughts about Hinata during and after the Inarizaki match, and that's the problem. Maybe with another setting I wouldn't have hesitated. Because the Inarizaki match addresses another thing that is relevant in the anime, and that is Atsumu's fixation on Hinata, culminating in The Promise.
So, in conclusion, Atsumu's existence is the problem here. In the anime and manga, he had to have all those moments of admiration, all the "I'm moved, Shouyou-kun" enhanced with Miyano's voice acting. So, for me, a big AtsuHina shipper that tries to write OsaHina, Atsumu was SO HARD to ignore. And that's a big reason why he's featured in this fic a lot. So much that I was starting to get worried that the OsaHina would feel weird, but I think it didn't end up being too bad.
So yeah, I briefly aimed for a MiyaHina, so much that the AO3 draft was originally built as such. At the end, I decided to back up since I wasn't sure how to portray all the smooching between three people instead of two (and mayyybe I'll try doing it one day).
•Writing Humour: absurdism.
Being honest, the humour was the reason why this fic was finished. And I'm not joking, I don't think I would ever be able to finish it if the fic was written with seriousness.
It's hard to explain, but adding humour, and especially absurdity, was a really good way to keep myself engaged with the fic. I think the easiness + fun it provided was a huge motivator to keep going, aiming for funnier things to add and eventually get to the moment of the hookup.
Absurdism, as I said earlier, was also a good way to approach this vision. Making Osamu (and by extension Atsumu) fall for Shouyou like I did wouldn't work in a more serious ambience, at least for my taste. The whimsical ambience fits better.
Also, the jealousy, kind of possessiveness and denial. I liked it, especially the absolutely nots. So fun to write, but also kinda uncomfy, but mainly because of the possibility of giving the impression of liking possessive people in real life (which doesn't happen in the slightest). Dumb, I know, but it doesn't affect me anymore. I look back with a "silly you!" attitude, but it bothered me a bit earlier haha.
•Writing the Smooching.
Sooo, this is the part I was really wanting to reach. After all, it was all clear in my head when I initially thought of the premise: they will smooch at the end. All the work leading to that point was fun and super enjoyable, don't get me wrong.
The thing is: it was my first time writing about making out.
I've had my fair share of unpublished smutty one-shots in the past, even though they weren't the best. Another bad thing is that it's been a LONG while since I wrote a spicy thing, even if not full-blown sex. So, it was getting a bit hard, and maybe it is easy to see that I wasn't the best at doing it. Hopefully, I'll try improving next time.
Going back to the point, two main points were important for me: establishing some sexual tension and the smooching itself.
In all honesty, I was feeling like my reading references were lacking, especially when it comes to making out. I didn't have many smooch-only references of my taste, and it was getting hard for me. I tried searching for some tips, and I my writing was kind of based on more general, smutty things I got from blogs, Reddit and fics I read. I did put some emphasis on what they were feeling, and I tried not to jump too fast in action. Not sure if I was able to produce the desired effect, but I think it did work with me. Normally, I associate good smut/tension with its ability to absorb and trap me in the situation.
I also tried to prolong the time of kissing (and only kissing. I was kind of tempted to add at least some frottage, but I preferred to stick with the initial plan). Normally, in the smut scenes I read kissing is a small part, but I sort of figured that for the smooching to be worth it, the moment had to be longer. So I did put myself to work and rocked my brains to make that as enjoyable as possible.
If anything, maybe the way the moment was cut and the way the fic ended might be abrupt and weird, but at least it did work for me. Not sure about y'all haha.
•A thank you and some (really brief) upcoming ideas.
So, if you read all this chunk (or the desired points) and you are here, thanks for staying. I hope to come back soon with more rambling, meaning more fics. Some AtsuHina, a couple SakuAtsu good ideas and a couple of character studies (one of them as a what if) are in my way as of right now.
Thanks for reading!
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lady-harrowhark · 9 months
It took me a second to recognize the acronym lmao. Can't even recognize my own fic because I gave it such a stupidly long title 💀
It turns out that I’m not answering any of these with “sections” lololol. But! One of the things I had so much fun with while writing this was finding places to work in references - both to the actual books as well as to other media and memes! Some of them are pretty minor to the point that I’m not sure they really count as a “reference” exactly, but I certainly put them in there while thinking of a specific source! 
With regard to the books themselves, I often used particular wording with the intention of it being from the books, even if it wasn’t at all in the context of how they were originally used. Off the top of my head, in the first chapter there’s things like “...trying to take advantage of the opportunity while I had your full attention” (“I died knowing you’d hate me for dying; but Nonagesimus, you hating me always meant more than anyone else in this hot and stupid universe loving me. At least I’d had your full attention.”) and “...absolutely unprepared to have this conversation and fundamentally unequipped to manage the implications it conveyed” (“She absolutely and fundamentally could not do this.”) etc.
I did try to keep a running log of references to other things as I was writing… I think I got all of them? Again, some of these are very minor (and some of them are direct shoutouts), but if anyone ever wants to play Reference Bingo, here’s your card:
And then everyone clapped
Headspace to receive information that could possibly hurt you
10 Things I Hate About You
And therefore no one can criticize me
Tamsyn’s GtN summary
Parks and Rec
Pride and Prejudice
The Addams Family
None pizza
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pacific Rim
The Good Place
Why would you ask us, a Narnia blog, this
Stranger Things
The Princess Bride
Taylor Swift (LWYMMD, YBWM, Speak Now, Folklore, Out of the Woods, Anti-Hero)
As a treat
Mae Martin
Happy for you, or sorry that happened
Talladega Nights
The Gay & Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo
The Mixed Tape, Jack’s Mannequin
(from this ask game)
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cypanache · 10 months
Cy's 2023 Fic Replay - Track #10
Intro: My entire 2023 Music Replay is populated by tracks from my various fic playlists, and it's made me a little nostalgic and a little reflective so I'm going to be extremely self indulgent and talk about why these are the top songs and the fics they go to. So without further ado ...
track 10: Breathe Me - Sia
This song has been a go to on fic playlists since my Dexter/Lumen days. I love how it feels intimate, and sensual but not explicitly romantic. That simple begging lyric of 'Be my friend' encompasses such an expanse of possibilities that it is often on my playlists for those more complicated relationships which spring from less than healthy places. Like I said it was my banner song for Dexter/Lumen, it featured heavily in my April/Ben playlist when I was writing 'Escape Hatch' so long ago that this link still takes you to live journal, and now suddenly it's back in heavy rotation ... and I still love it.
fic rambling, lyrics and excerpts below the cut
fic: Prodigal
[obianidala | in-universe | post rots ]
I cannot emphasize enough how much I didn't see this fic coming. I have a really complicated relationship with post-RotS obianidala fics because I'm not that interested in any sort of redemptive arc for Anakin once Order 66 occurs. So needless to say, actually writing a post RotS oad fic? Not on my bingo card.
But I really love this fic. It's bittersweet and sharp edged and not at all a redemption story.
But it is a forgiveness story. It's a story about loving someone you know to be capable of monstrous things. About what that does to you and figuring out how to live with that part of yourself.
Which is to say that, although I am writing three love stories, because its me this is first and foremost Obi-Wan and Padme's story. And this song is their song. Specifically this bit:
Help, I have done it again I have been here many times before Hurt myself again today And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame Be my friend Hold me, wrap me up Unfold me
This encapsulates everything both of them are going through. The blame they put on themselves for what happened and how much they need each other ... It's not an explicitly romantic dynamic, but its so deep and complicated and powerful, its the glue of the story and it's truly one of my favorite flavors of them I've written ...
So to give you a flavor of what I'm talking about, here have this excerpt from Chapter 2 where Padme asks Obi-Wan to share his memories of massacre at the temple:
“Maybe–” she licks her lips, sucking a little on the blood that begun to decorate the surface. “Maybe it will help? You’ve been carrying around all by yourself. Maybe if you share it, it won’t feel so heavy?” “And maybe we’ll just both wind up with nightmares.” “At least you won’t be alone anymore.” It’s a more appealing prospect than he’d like to admit. Still– As if sensing his hesitation, how close he teeters to the edge, she presses. “Don’t you think I deserve to know?” He stiffens at that, some instinctive, possessive part of him rejecting the idea that this woman is entitled to anything when it comes to his Padawan, even this, but then she continues. “He did it for me after all. That’s what he says, right? How he explains it? That he did it to keep me safe. Don’t you think I should have to pay the price?” Oh. Oh my dear. Unable to help himself, he reaches up and brushes a lock of hair out of her face. All his blame— All the secret resentment and unspoken condemnation he’s been carrying around for her in his pockets evaporating in an instant. “No.” Padme closes her eyes at the touch. “Because you think it's yours?” “Possibly.” Definitely. “Well stop it.” She says trying valiantly to lighten the mood. “Selfishness like that. It’s unbecoming a Jedi.” And it’s not that he doesn’t appreciate the attempt but— “The Jedi are dead.” “I know,” she whispers, “I’m sorry.” “Me too.” They lay there for a long time, watching each other, her hand on his cheek, his fingers in her hair. Enjoying the sensation of touching someone, of being touched. And for a moment, just a moment, he forgets, what’s happened, who he’s with, why even this is too much solace, too much grace.
So there you go track 10. Hope this was enjoyable for some of you.
PS Does anyone know how to make the Spotify stuff smaller with requiring me to learn how to do a custom theme on my Tumblr? Because whoa ... that's really big and annoying
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sagemoderocklee · 2 years
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...and that's another year of writing done!
Happy New Year's, everyone! Can't believe we've gone through yet another year of a pandemic (despite what government's around the world tell us about it being over).
This year was a strange one. The later half of the year feels like such a haze for me, days bleeding together, much like they did in 2020. Why? Because, after two years of being as safe as possible, I caught Covid. And not only did I catch Covid in early May, I was one of the lucky ones to get Long Haul Covid, and with that I have spent the last half of 2022 on a medical leave.
It's been a difficult year for me. There are very few things about 2022 that went according to plan--between catching Covid and simply not having the money, my plans to move to Ireland at the end of this summer didn't happen, and while the plan is to postpone my move, to when is still to be decided. I have also let my sewing and portfolio building fall to the wayside, largely--again--because of my health.
However, there are some things to be happy about and this post is my chance to look back and celebrate my writing victories.
sagemoderocklee's 2022 Fic Wrap
Absolution: Part IV (WiP)
While the goal had been to end the year with another update, tragically it was not in the cards. My health being what it is and my focus being on completing other projects, and Absolution being the huge piece it is, I felt it made more sense not to try pushing out Part V. However, I am very happy I was able to start the year with an Absolution update as this fic is very much one of my faves. The fourth part of this fic was a bit of a challenge to write, especially in the middle, but I finally hit on the beats I really needed. A big complication with Absolution was that the remaining 6 chapters, which I had fully planned and plotted, needed tweaking... which is to say Absolution needed to be longer. So I had to move all the plotting I had from Part IV on and rebuild and entirely rewrite each chapter/scene-by-scene breakdown. I'm pretty solid at the moment with Parts V through VIII in terms of plotting, and now I think I can safely say this fic will be a total of 13 chapters (the last one being an epilogue), but that could change since I still have to finish all the restructuring. I know all the key beats and the end goal, but sorting out the getting from one point to the next is really the big issue. However, all that being said, I do want to start the new year with Absolution, so that will be my top priority for January!
Pomegranate Sun: Ch1 (WiP) Co-authoring with @ghoste-catte
The first chapter of this fic I started writing a couple years ago, sometime after I got the prologue from @ghoste-catte. And then, of course, I stopped and didn't touch it again for... ages. But with the Naruto-Run last December and @ghoste-catte wanting to have a special fic for the big milestone of 100 GaaLee fics, it was time to work on this baby again. It is absolutely no surprise that when I get to worldbuild I'm in my comfort zone, so even though it took a while, once I got into working on this (while sick with covid, no less) I was happy. And this is going to be such a fresh piece of worldbuilding since we're bringing in OCs from the far west of Wind Country!
So, I signed up for a bingo challenge and ended up writing a slightly spicy one-shot. Certainly not the spiciest thing in the world, but I very much enjoy writing flirty!Gaara. I have a LOT of feelings about the way fandom and even the canon blank period treats him surrounding sex/sexuality, and it's really informed a lot of how I view and approach Gaara as a gay male character. This wasn't like a huge piece (though I have an even sexier sequel planned), but it was so much fun.
It Eats Your Heart: Ch2 (WiP)
Chapter 2 of IEYH took me about a year to write. I was struggling. It gave me writer's block. It made me wanna throw my computer. My roommate helped me workshop it a bit. And it still took me forever to finish it. Then finally--FINALLY--I hit on what was missing. This chapter was a fucking bitch, but gotdamn was it worth it. I'm so happy with how this turned out and I'm so looking forward to finishing this fic in the new year.
Pearl-Filled Lungs: II, III, IV, Epilogue (COMPLETE)
My beloved enemy. This fic sat for three years, untouched and miserable. I'd started chapter two... last year? The year before? I don't remember, and it languished. I think it was just the first scene--maybe just part of the first scene. But god it was a struggle. I signed up for the WiP BB last year, but dropped. Signed up again this year and... committed. Largely because of the artist who, though unable to complete art for this fic, was such a huge inspiration. The WIPs they sent me... I wish I could share them because they were stunning. When they were unable to continue, I really thought I'd give up, but once again @ghoste-catte inspired me to continue, thanks to their generous offer to make banners for my fic--and the banners are truly such a work of art! And someone... I got through this fic. I think my original vision comes through, despite how much I bitched and moaned during the process. I wanted to write a fairy tale, and I did. And honestly, I am happy with P-FL. It's not my most popular fic, by any means, but it will always hold a special place in my heart.
My Home is Your Home: Ch1 (WiP)
And here we have a fic that was meant to be a one-shot. I was gonna try and get this done in under 10.5k for an event challenge, but then I talked with my roommate and... they looked at me like 'bitch who the fuck do you think you are' and you know what, they were right. I was foolin myself. This fic wasn't a one-shot. I'd come up with an idea for something much bigger than a one-shot, and I'm glad I listened to them. So instead of an event challenge, I reworked everything and turned this into a fic for the @puregaalee Horror Fest, and I am sooooo excited that I did. Paranormal Romance isn't a genre I've dabbled in, and I'm stoked to try weaving the horror genre with RomCom elements. This fic not only ended up being a much bigger piece than I'd intended, but it also has a planned sequel! Because I wouldn't be me if I didn't add more WiPs to my docket than I subtract.
Blood on the Branches: Ch1 (WiP)
Talk about a fic that was pulled out of my ass at THEE last minute. For Horror Fest, I was struggling to come up with an idea. I knew what prompts I was vibin with, but damn I couldn't think of a single thing. And then one night, laying in bed I came up with an idea.... An entirely different idea from this because with only days left to finish, I scrapped everything I had (and by scrapped, I mean moved to a different document) and came up with something completely new! And so instead of straight horror, I leaned into what I'm good at and now I have a horror/adventure story! While the original concept for this fic is good, I am way more excited about this! Once again, taking my worldbuilding to new heights as we leave Suna and head to the south of Wind! I don't know exactly when I'll be able to get the next chapter out, and I really need to sit down and plot this in full, but I am so excited to write this story!
The Corn Maze House (COMPLETE)
Well, it was a bit of a slog towards the mid-point, but I got through it. I honestly worried I wouldn't, but in the end I'm really glad I didn't give up or give in to feeling negatively about the writing process for this piece. I'm not fully happy with it, but I am happy it's done. The premise for this fic, in my entirely unbiased opinion, is very good, even if I'm still not sure of the execution. I may end up going back over this fic in the future, but regardless I'm happy to have a completed horror fic under my belt, and also to not be adding another WiP to my roster. Definitely very light on the GaaLee, despite being an established relationship, but that was kind of how it had to be, so I'm sure this won't be like a crazy popular fic, necessarily. But I still think this was good practice with the horror genre.
Return to Sender: Ch1-11 (COMPLETE)
Talk about a fic I never expected. RtS was meant to be a simple, cute lil RomCom. A dash of miscommunication, a whole lot of comedy of errors, and just a smidge of drama... The ask prompt that started this definitely did not make any indication that I needed to write a 90k+ drama about homophobia in the shinobi world or about the mistakes you make when you're terrified of losing someone important to you. But I simply am the person I am, and I am the writer I am. This was the direction that felt right, and honestly, I'm so glad because I am so happy with how this story turned out and the reception this fic has received is truly astronomical. I dove into it following completing chapter 1 of PomSun and in between working on P-FL because P-FL was the struggle it was. RtS gave me a much needed break and the first three and a half chapters were such a breath of fresh air. When I say those first three chapters were a breeze to write, I mean I think it took me less than a week to write them. This was (sort of) the first time in over a decade I've had a fully completed multi-chapter fic that I can post on a schedule, and GOD it felt so good to just post chapters weekly. RtS Sundays were the highlight of my week, and even though towards the end there were a lot of complications, it was truly such a joy and has made me want to work harder to get fics done before posting. Also! Not only did I have a ball writing this fic, but I also had a lot of fun making the images that I included in it and the soundtrack to go with it. While some of the images are... less exciting than others, this fic just felt like the perfect opportunity to do some mixed media stuff, and I do really enjoy making soundtracks for fics. I have to say, though I love so many of my fics, RtS will now have a very special place in my heart. The reception, surpassing 1million with it, and just the way it all fell into place... I am truly so filled with joy by how this fic went.
Total WiPs at the start of 2022: 16 Total completed works: 4 Total new works: 5 Total updates: 21 Total new words: 186,296 Total words (Ao3): 1,011,369 (-2,521 PomSun = 1,008,848) Total WiPs at the end of 2022: 17
2022 Resolutions
The difference between this year's writing and last year's is kinda wild ngl. All that time on medical leave and not sewing really gave me a lot of time to write, (though I do wish I'd been healthy enough to sew more). Looking back at my writing resolutions from the start of the year to now, I can definitely say I'm proud of what I've accomplished, even if it seems like I didn't reach that many resolutions. The two biggest resolutions (1million words and finishing P-FL) were reached, and honestly hitting those two goals was the greatest accomplishment of the year.
So, while most of what I'd had planned for this year was updating fics from last year's Naruto-Run to 1K which didn't happen, I still think this year was a success!
Reach 1million words--168,358 words to go!✅So, the math I did at the end of last year for how many words I needed was actually wrong. I needed closer to 178k, but despite this minor math mishap, I not only reached 1 million words, I surpassed it! I have been trying to hit this overall word count for the past three or so years, and I am utterly shocked, amazed, and proud of myself for making it happen this year! Admittedly, I think this goal was reached because I ended up getting long covid and have spent June through the end of the year out of work and home. Still, this is by no means a small feat, especially given the number of words I needed to reach this year while also being disabled by covid. Long haul is no joke and the brain fog--ohhhh lemme tell you! that shit got me so fucked up, so managing to power through and find joy in writing in spite of that struggle was really important. Writing was one of the few real joys I had in my days these past months, and I could not be more thrilled to finally say I've surpassed 1 million words. Truly, I owe most of that to RtS, the most unexpected fic of 2022.
Write the sequel to Flyweight Love❌Not Reached. Part of me was sure I'd get this done at the end of the year, following Horror Fest, but RtS became priority #1 instead, so HB3 will be on the docket for next year!
Finish IEYH❌Not Reached. While I didn't reach this goal, I did manage to update this fic, finally. Chapter two was a difficult journey and actually caused a lot of writer's block for me between the end of last year-early this year, so while I didn't finish this fic I did still make progress and for that I am very happy. My hope is to accomplish this goal in the new year now!
Finish Pearl-Filled Lungs✅REACHED! This is a pretty big one because it's been hanging over me for... long time. Three years, in fact. But I signed up for the WiP Big Bang and managed to actually get all four chapters written, edited, and published! It always feels like such a relief to be able to cross something completely off my list, but especially something that's been weighing on me the way P-FL was. In many ways, I wasn't happy with the journey, but I am happy with the end of it. I think P-FL is a lot better than I give it credit for, so I am really proud of it and proud that I got this finished.
Finish The Passing of Things❌Not Reached. I was actually really hoping to get this done, so I'm going to make this a goal for next year!
Update Absolution (Ch 4-6)✅❌❌Partially fulfilled. While I did not get three updates in for Absolution, I still got one so that's a partial win for me!
Update TAoL (Ch12)❌Not Reached. Sadly, this update was not in the cards for me this year, which is truly a tragedy for me because it's been two years since the last time I updated. But unfortunately, this next chapter has a lot of issues that need fixing, so getting through has not been easy. However, it is a top priority in the new year!
Update TBotDatP aka the Ballad❌Not Reached. Another fic I was hoping to update, but alas, not this year. But the first chapter is very much underway, so with any luck, I'll be getting a Ballad update out in short order!
Update WNNBYT aka the Hanahaki fic❌Not Reached. While this is a fic I'm excited to work on, it has lost priority in favor of other fics. Maybe next year, but I don't want to make it a resolution since I have fics I'd rather focus on over this.
Update Pomegranate Sun (Ch1)✅ Reached! Amazingly, I was able to get chapter one of this fic out, though it did take a while. However, I'm very proud of how that first chapter turned out and excited to continue this fic with @ghoste-catte in the new year!
Update 13S❌Not Reached. I did get a good chunk of the next update for this worked on, but tragically the amount of worldbuilding needed for this chapter put a wrench in my plans to move forward. However, the worldbuilding has been done in large part, so I am looking forward to getting this fic updated next year!
Edit Alliance❌Not reached. In general, Allied Nations has not been on my mind or at the top of my list. I think, more than likely it won't be until I get TAoL finished, as that's a similarly huge project, even as a stand alone story.
Update Honor Bound❌Not reached. Similar to the above. And while I do have the first three chapters written, I don't want to dive into posting any more chapters of this fic until I've edited Alliance and made the changes to it I know are needed.
Resolutions Reached✅: 3.5 Resolutions Not Reached❌: 9.5
2023 Resolutions
With 2022 at an end and a lot more writing done than I expected, I'm hoping to carry that energy into 2023, regardless of other things. I do hope to move to Ireland and get back into sewing regularly, but as my health has changed much of my life, I'm also anticipating more time at home as I shift into working from home. So with that, I hope I also find more time and energy to focus on writing.
This is a lot, and I do not expect to get all of this done, but the goal is to get as much of it done as I can. I have a lot of motivation, so here's to a successful writing year in 2023!
Complete IEYH
Complete Absolution
Complete MHiYH
Complete TPoT
Update 13S (3-6)
Update TAoL (12-15)
Update PomSun (Ch3)
Update TBotDatP aka The Ballad (Ch-4)
Update TEA (Ch1)
Update TCoS (Ch1)
Update BotB (Ch2)
Publish the sequel to Flyweight Love, HB3
Publish The Beautiful Beast of Cāngdì (Ch1)
Publish A Cat's Guide to Finding Love
Complete at least three more MFBingo squares
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scribeoffate · 2 years
not tagged, shamelessly stealing this game
post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular)
your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing (or art) over the past year
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
Top Five Works:
1 Daily Scott Rec Blog
This a rec blog where I rec one Scott fic per day. I have read things I might never have, encouraged writers and artists and commenters. It's just a nice place. And I kid you not, I legit cried when I was queuing Dec. 31st's post. For a person who has been so good at... not finishing things, I am so proud of this.
2 Scottuary Set (ratings vary from G-E)
My first set of scottuary fics. 13 fics all with a significant amount of effort by myself and @spikeface combining the prompts to fill out an entire card. I was so thrilled when I got that blackout. And I am really proud of every single one of those stories.
3 Deucalion's Progeny (e, dark fic, noncon)
This is the fic that probably really got me back into writing. I did it for nano 2021 and spent a lot of 2022 finishing it. It's incredibly self-indulgent and I really just let myself indulge of my dark little urges for it. It's also truedemon. I'm so close to finishing it, tbh. But I am still proud of it even if it isn't done.
4 Amplification (e, darkfic, noncon)
This was the first wip I have posted before completion in decades. I was Very Concern that it would join many from the past as "never completed forever". But I did finish it. And I really liked how it turned out.
5 Scott/Multishipping Edit
I think this shows a lot of what I have learned re: editing this year. I also love how many different pairings I managed to get. I have plans to make another with just as many *different* pairings. Scott should be the fandom bike and I am so happy to show everyone why.
Honorable mention: Scott/Nemeton edit
Listen. I spent so much time on this crack edit you don't even know. And it makes me laugh every single time.
Top 3 Improvements in your writing:
1- Confidence. I know have a lot more confidence in my abilities and ideas than I did before the beginning of last year.
2- Learning to work with a beta reader and really use constructive feedback to make something good Extra good
3-Writing a fic about someone who isn't the POV character and finding that balance. I would point to my Noshiko and Scott, Boyd and Scott and Satomi and Kira fics as fics where I felt like I really learned a lot about find that. It's challenging but so rewarding.
Top 2 resolutions
1 - quit measuring the success of my writing by kudos, especially as compared to others. it's not super reasonable in general, and so much worse in this fandom
2- work with helping other writers, possibly by beta reading. understanding i can offer valuable insight even if I'm not the best at spelling and grammar help
Top Five WIPs:
Truedemon long fic, 50k+ of Scott goes with the alpha pack
Explicit Scottuary Bingos: scaleo, scott/nemeton ft: polypack agenda, sciles holidays, scallison and scott/ethan, lydia/jackson, lydia/scott, jackson/scott
Rafael and Scott casefic basically
Maybe Satomi fic if I can get myself motivated
Edit! I forgot to answer: and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
Which, to be fair, is a completely impossible question to answer. I love a lot of the lines I wrote this year. But I haven't had the opportunity to brag about the summary for my scira fic:
for your pleasure (e, consensual) : Or: Kira sells her husband to his former enemies for his (and her) pleasure. (And charity.)
Fortunately or unfortunately for you guys, I think I'm hilarious. This summary never fails to make me smile. And the fic is p hot porn, too. Very loving. <3 (For real, actually.)
I tag with no pressure: @spikeface, @momentofmemory, @scintalla, @letthestorieslive, @azraeldoesnotdispute, @rhyslahey, @domesticated-feral, @nacreousgore, @slumop, @slice-of-magenta
and anyone else who wants to do it. steal it like did! it's fun
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higuchimon · 5 months
I was going over my Tumblr prompts & something caught my attention. Back in July of 2019, I received a request from an anon to write a fic featuring Yubel x Juudai x Johan in Arc-V 'verse. I'm not yet near to writing that, but if the requester sees this, did you want one or more of those three involved in the war or did you want something set in my personal head canon that they're all living a peaceful normal life in one of the other dimensions we saw existed in GX. Or would you prefer some other sort of AU? Please let me know as soon as possible.
On a further note: everyone who has requested a fic from me, I will write them all in due time. They will be one-shots, though some will be very long one-shots. It depends on the prompt. This holds true for my Bingoes as well. One-shot, one fic, one post, then I move on. I have too many chapters & series to rewrite before I try writing new chapters & series.
All requested & Bingo fics will be done before the Great Rewriting Project officially takes off, because the Tumblr prompts & Bad Things Happen Bingo have all been sitting around gathering dust.
I currently have 4 Bingos I'm going to be working on: Bad Things Happen Bingo, Any Fandom Dark Bingo, Any Fandom Fluff Bingo, & (once I get my card for it) Sweet & Spicy Bingo. So, that's slightly over 100 fics, mostly with the intent of getting my brain back into writing mode. I would *like* to get them all done by the end of December. But we'll see how that goes.
Last, but not least, I'm also going to be working on To Connect To Spirits & Falling From Grace, with their completion goal being set for September.
So, there will be progress!
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polizwrites · 1 year
WIP Update - 5 Jul 2023
A slightly higher-than-average writing week with almost half my word count on one fic!  I touched 6  fics (1 WIPs & 5 new works)  for a total of   2934 words.
On Ao3, I posted:
Blowing Off Steam  - WinterHawk FWB PWP  with light D/s
Chapter 2 of A Sugar-Coated Pill  - sugar daddy!Alpha!Bucky and sugar baby!omega!Tony fake (at least for now) relationship hijinks.
WinterIron Bingo - July 2023 Round Robin  - Bucky & Natasha fake dating vs Bucky’s crush on Tony =  hijinks. 
On Tumblr I posted:
There Would Be No Courage Were It Not For Hope -  Bucky & Tony --> Bucky/Tony plus pride parade floats!
I have  17 semi-active WIPs  😬 with my  current  deadlines being the July Break Bingo (ends 31 Jul),  WinterIron Pride Prompt Party (extended thru 15 Jul) and Hot Bucky Summer, which ends 31 Aug.
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Seek & Destroy Collab
After reading @psychiccatpanda‘s amazing   Morguna and the Green Queen, I  got the itch to explore the Soldier’s POV and talked  Faustie into   collab’ing with me!  We’re working on a new part of the series, and I’ve  contributed about 900 words towards the  2500-ish we have so far.   Going to see if I can squeeze any of my BBB squares into this fic.  
Bucky Barnes Connect Four Alt-Juniverse Event (BBE_C4)[ends 30 Jun 2023]
Managed to complete two cards with seven fanfics (combined two squares for one fic)   MASTERPOST 
* C4 - Friends with Benefits –   Posted Blowing Off Steam - WinterHawk post-mission PWP. It crossed over with my BBB  Present Tense square and  BBE_HBS  Week Four: Choking prompt and came in at 1249 words.
WinterIron Pride Prompt Party  [WI_PPP]  (Ends 30 Jun)
While this daily prompt event hosted by the WinterIron Discord server  technically ended on 30 Jun - they’ve extended the event to mid month, so I may try to get another couple of fills in  as well as existing ones copied to Ao3 and added to the collection 
I’ve completed twelve prompts with Tumblr ficlets  so far:  Day 1: First Meetings = Potential for Retribution;  Day 2: Yearning =  Dressing for the Occasion ; Day 3: Gender Euphoria = Where Will He Be Tomorrow?   Day 4: Dragons are Gay = A Shift in Their Relationship;  Day 5: Fluidity =  Tony Stark’s Pride 101;  Day 6: Internalized Homophobia = Two Lists Day 7: Questioning = Solving for X and  Day 9: Older Gays = All the King’s Horses.   Day 12 - Audacity =  Make Way for a Fabulous Tomorrow  Day 19: Armored Heart = Music to His Ears  Day 20: Both Are Good = Both. Both is Good  Day 30: Hope = There Would Be No Courage Were It Not For Hope
July Break Bingo  [JBB_23] (Ends 31 Jul)
Signed up for a 3x3 card for this all fandoms, no minimums bingo  (signups open til 15 Jul) because of course I need more prompts!   😁😬
* B3 - Pining/Longing/Being Needy - this might fit in nicely with A Sugar Coated Pill or Technicalities. 
* C3 - Mutual Pining -- See above for possible WIP usage or maybe use this as an excuse to get my  Centerfold  Stucky fic finally started.. 
Hot Bucky Summer [BBE_HBS]  (Ends Aug 30)
Another @buckybarnesevents​  event, this time with weekly smexy prompts.  I’d like to complete at least two fics/chapters per month for this challenge.  
Week Four: C Prompts:  Choking –  See BBE_C4 - Friends with Benefits above
Week Five:  “When I First Met You..” + Fireworks -  filled this with Chapter 2 of A Sugar-Coated Pill - combining with WIB  Dancing and  BBB Pet Names prompts.  After attending a few events together, Bucky and Tony start to get  more comfortable around each other.  It came in at 1087 words and posted on 6/30.
Week Eight - “How did you meet?” + High Stakes Op - Chapter 3 of  A Sugar-Coated Pill will fill these prompts  - and I’ll throw in my WIB AU: A/B/O square for this as well. Bucky is hosting a donor party at his own home with quite a bit of help from Tony, who in turn asks a favor.  This chapter is drafted as well and sitting at 1229 words - it may get tweaked a bit before posting on 7/21. 
Week Nine: “Where do you want me?” + in my lap  – cheating a bit and going back to the Week Three prompts.  This will be where A Sugar-Coated Pill finally gets steamy…    probable crossover with WIB  Eye Contact During Sex prompt and possibly Old Ghosts from my TSB card if I want to go a bit angsty  (that or something spicy from adoptables at next weekend’s TSB Discord party!)  It’s currently sitting at 190 words and will post on 7/28.  
All Caps Bingo [ACB_R1]  (Ends 30 Sep)
I’ve got thirteen completed fics, two WIPs and  will be pursuing the One Fill, One Bingo  Challenge for Row 5.  
* I1 - Mutual Pining - may combine with something on my BBB card - see if the Centerfold fic idea fits in here.
* G1 - Isaiah Bradley -  Planning to add more to The Fist, Defeated.   (possibly present day)
* G3 - Established Relationship - planning to fill this with Chapter 2 of   Half of the Flesh and Blood That Makes Me Whole   - a Bucky POV remix of at least the first part of Take What Was Wrong (And Make it Right),  which is current sitting at  52 words.  I’m expecting at least one more chapter, possibly two, depending on how far I want to take the remix.  
* O3 - Pararescue Sam Wilson - may try to squish this into an expansion of   A Rising Star -  a previous Flash Fiction Friday fill.  
Sam Wilson Bingo [SWB_R3]  (Ends 15 Oct 2023)
I have four fills and one WIP -  I need to work on cross fills between this and the All Caps and Bucky Barnes bingo!
* B3 - Rivals Turned Allies - posted How Far We’ve Come to Ao3  (previously on Tumblr).  A Sam POV self-reflective double-drabble.
* G3 - Joaquin Torres - see ACB Pararescue Sam Wilson above.
WinterIron Bingo  - [WIB_R1]   (Ends 16 Dec 2023)
I have eleven fills completed and two WIPs for this brand-new bingo event that I’m helping mod!  Along with crossfilling against my other bingos,  I’m going to try to combine my B column squares for the Iron Soldier badge (complete a bingo with a single work). – Alpha Tony Stark, “That was not my intention.”, James Rhodes,Alpine loves Tony and Blind date.
* I2 - AU:A/B/O - will pull this into Chapter 3 of  A Sugar-Coated Pill
* N1 - Bucharest –  I think I can fold this into a future chapter of My Love is Vengeance -  where a young!Tony and a recovering!Bucky have been kidnapped by Hydra, who still thinks Bucky is the Soldier. 
* G1 - Playing the Piano - used this for  last weekend’s  WinterIron Bingo - July 2023 Round Robin -  Bucky & Natasha fake dating vs Bucky’s crush on Tony = hijinks
* G2 - Eye contact during sex -  see Week Three of BBE_HBS above
* G4 - AU: College Students – looking to expand Beaten to the Punch with some backstory on Bucky and Tony as science camp counselors to fit with this square - will also cross over with my WFB  Volunteering Together square.  
* O5 - Gentle – use this poem  as inspiration?
* JUNE ADOPTABLE - Dancing - see Week Five of  BBE_HBS above.
Stucky’Verse Bingo Round 1 - [SVB_R1]   (Ends 22 Dec)
Two fills, two WIPs and a couple of ideas  -  I need to review my card for potential crossfills and other idea sparks.
* A4 - Fairy Tale Curse  - this seems custom-made for a continuation of Beyond the Beast  😁  Nothing written yet, other than some Vague Ideas.  
* B1 - Beta/Omega Relationship - Chapter 1 of Finding Something Fresh is written -  Beta!Bucky and omega!Steve meet cute at the farmer’s market.  It was supposed to be a one-shot, but the idea grabbed a hold of some brain cells so....?  It’s coming in at 404 words and will probably post next Wednesday.
* B3 - Tied to a Bed --  this will probably be Chapter 3 of Finding Something Fresh  just so you know.... 😁
* D4 - Edging - will probably use this for the next chapter of   Technicalities
* D5 - Trust Issues  - may get used for Chapter 2 of  Finding Something Fresh  as Bucky & Steve work out the next steps in their relationship.
* Adoptable  - Things Have Changed --  this might fit nicely with my Centerfold idea...  :: ponders::
Bucky Barnes Bingo  - [BBB_R5]   (Ends 10 Jan 2024)
I’ve got  seven fills,  five WIPs (!!)  and a couple more Vague ideas.
* B4 - Shapeshifters -  wrote . A Shift in Their Relationship as a crossover with the WI_PPP prompt Dragons are Gay.  This came in at 404 words and will be posted to Ao3 before this event is over.  
* U2 - Clint Barton/Hawkeye -  Dredged up my year-old Winter Soldier/ young Clint WIP   You Can’t Stop It With a Gun.  Chapter 3 was already in progress and is drafted at 928 words and will post on Friday.      
* U4 - Present Tense - see  BB_C4 Friends with Benefits above
* C1 - Pet Names -  see Week Five of  BBE_HBS above
* C2 - Yelena Belova –   The plan is to use this prompt in the next chapter of Peresmešnik,  (aka Three Avengers and a Baby) , which is currently sitting at 1100 words (400-ish of which are mine).  
* C5 - Marriage of Convenience/Pretend Couple -  next chapter of   Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion.    Not quite sure where to take this next at the moment.  😕
* K3 - Magic -  Aro!Bucky sickfic idea?  * Y2 - [image: IW Bucky with the good hair] A Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF198 What Comes Next]   was a perfect match for an idea I’d already been playing around with to fill this square.   I banged out Getting Prepared -(updated title = Preparations)   an A:IW missing scene set between the time that T’Challa and Okoye come for Bucky and the moment he sees Steve again.  I will post it to Ao3 sometime in the next month or so.
* Y3 - Alpine  - see WIB Iron Soldier combo.
* Y4 - Forgotten Things -   using this for Chapter 4 of  You Can't Stop It With a Gun  - it’s sitting at  116 words at the moment.       
Tony Stark Bingo Round 7  - [TSB_R7]   (ends 15 Feb)
One fill and two WIPs already, with a couple of ideas in play. 
* S1 - Galaxy - possibly use in final chapter of  Never More to Go Astray ?     
* R4 - Playing Games - filled this with last weekend’s  TSB Discord Party Round Robin -- my part came in at 327 words and it should get posted by the end of the week. 
* R5 - Doppelganger/Evil Twins -  this will probably cross over with my Stony AUniverse AU: Crack square as I have a semi-silly idea for it, inspired by seeing a T shirt of mine in a mirror.
* K3 - Pairing: Tony/Pepper  -   Expanding a bit on Starting Something New , so I can crossfill with my  Tony Stark Bingo square   Pairing: Tony/Pepper  The ficlet is now sitting at 396 words and will post sometime soon.
Stony AUniverse Bingo  [SAUB_R1] (ends 15 Feb)
Another brand-new bingo I’m helping co-mod!  Got my card and square swaps sorted, and have several  crossover WIPs  and ideas already!
* S2 - AU: Crack - see TSB  Doppelganger/Evil Twins
* S3 - AU: Wings - see ACB Established Relationship
* S5 - Accidental Baby Acquisition - see BBB Yelena Belova
* T1 - AU: Fantasy -  CoffeeOwl shared a really cool dragon!Steve/indebted!Tony prompt in the ACB Discord server that I may be playing with for this. 
* N1 - AU: Spy -  I want to expand on/add backstory to  Keeping All My Secrets Safe Tonight from the Stony Drabbles challenge earlier.
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  - [WFB]   (no end date)
I got my card from  @warmandfluffybingocards back in February but really hadn’t done much with it  - however, I’m picking it back up for some crossover possibilities!
* N4 - Affectionate Teasing –  see TSB Pairing: Tony/Pepper above  
* O5 - Volunteering Together – see WIB AU: College Students
On  other creative fronts:  I have an   Original Character  Stuffed With Character figure in progress - one of several commissions from last week’s con.  I will be making an announcement about commissions sometime in July so if  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 100!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
0 notes
whumptober · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - Updated
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Welcome to Whumptober 2020! We’re doing things a little differently this year so please make sure to read the Event Info carefully. We are also excited to announce the addition of an AO3 Collection, which can be found here.
We hope you’re as excited as us to watch the Whump Community come together once again for a month of bone-crunching creativity and collaboration!
(All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information, and FAQs are posted below the cut!)
No 1. LET'S HANG OUT SOMETIME Waking Up Restrained | Shackled | Hanging
No 2. IN THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY  "Pick Who Dies" | Collars | Kidnapped
No 3. MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY Manhandled | Forced to their Knees | Held at Gunpoint
No 4. RUNNING OUT OF TIME Caged | Buried Alive | Collapsed Building
No 5. WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING? On the Run | Failed Escape | Rescue
No 6. PLEASE.... "Get it Out" | No More | "Stop, please"
No 7. I'VE GOT YOU Support | Carrying | Enemy to Caretaker
No 8. WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO? "Don't Say Goodbye" | Abandoned | Isolation
No 9. FOR THE GREATER GOOD "Take Me Instead" | "Run!” | Ritual Sacrifice
No 10. THEY LOOK SO PRETTY WHEN THEY BLEED Blood Loss | Internal Bleeding | Trail of Blood
No 11. PSYCH 101 Defiance | Struggling | Crying
No 12. I THINK I'VE BROKEN SOMETHING Broken Down | Broken Bones | Broken Trust
No 13. BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT Delayed Drowning | Chemical Pneumonia | Oxygen Mask
No 14. IS SOMETHING BURNING? Branding | Heat Exhaustion | Fire
No 15. INTO THE UNKNOWN Possession | Magical Healing | Science Gone Wrong
No 16. A TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY Forced to Beg | Hallucinations | Shoot the Hostage
No 17. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING Blackmail | Dirty Secret | Wrongfully Accused
No 18. PANIC! AT THE DISCO Panic Attacks | Phobias | Paranoia
No 19. BROKEN HEARTS Grief | Mourning Loved One | Survivor's Guilt
No 20. TOTO, I HAVE A FEELING WE'RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE Lost | Field Medicine | Medieval
No 21. I DON'T FEEL SO WELL Chronic Pain | Hypothermia | Infection
No 22. DO THESE TACOS TASTE FUNNY TO YOU? Poisoned | Drugged | Withdrawal
No 23. WHAT’S A WHUMPEE GOTTA DO TO GET SOME SLEEP AROUND HERE? Exhaustion | Narcolepsy | Sleep Deprivation
No 24. YOU’RE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE Forced Mutism | Blindfolded | Sensory Deprivation
No 25. I THINK I’LL JUST COLLAPSE RIGHT HERE, THANKS Disorientation | Blurred Vision | Ringing Ears
No 26. IF YOU THOUGHT THE HEAD TRAUMA WAS BAD... Migraine | Concussion | Blindness
No 27. OK, WHO HAD NATURAL DISASTERS ON THEIR 2020 BINGO CARD? Earthquake | Extreme Weather | Power Outage
No 28. SUCH WOW. MANY NORMAL. VERY OOPS. Accidents | Hunting Season | Mugged
No 29. I THINK I NEED A DOCTOR Intubation | Emergency Room | Reluctant Bedrest
No 30. NOW WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? Wound Reveal | Ignoring an Injury | Internal Organ Injury
No 31. TODAY’S SPECIAL: TORTURE Experiment | Whipped | Left for Dead
Alternate Prompt List
Alt 1. Punctured
Alt 2. Falling
Alt 3. Comfort
Alt 4. Stitches
Alt 5. Stoic Whumpees
Alt 6. Altered States
Alt 7. Found Family
Alt 8. Adverse Reactions
Alt 9. Memory Loss
Alt 10. Nightmares
Alt 11. Presumed Dead
Alt. 12. Water
Alt. 13 Accidents
Alt. 14 Shot
Alt. 15 Carry/Support
Event Info
WHUMPTOBER is a month-long, prompt-based creation challenge (think: Inktober, but whumpier). There are 31 Official themes this year - one for each day of the month - which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. They are meant to serve as inspiration without being taken literally (e.g. you don't have to include the exact wording into your work). Additionally, there are 3 prompts for each theme.  These are optional suggestions and can be used in conjunction with the theme, or as options/alternatives.  We want to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible, as well as increase event accessibility for folks with triggers and squicks.
Creators can PRODUCE work in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, visual artwork, and photo/video/audio edits. Creators can PARTICIPATE as much or as little as they want (i.e. you don’t have to do ALL the prompts if you don’t want to) and prompts can be used in any order. They are also free to use even after the event ends.
When uploading Whumptober content to your blog, be sure to tag the with:
#whumptober2020 …..(the event tag)
#no.1, #no.2, #no.3, …..(theme number)
#bruised, #stabbed,  …..(the theme or specific prompt you chose)
#fandom or #OC
#medium …..(gifs, fic, podcast, art, etc.)
#teeth, #etc …..(trigger warnings & any additional tags. Keep in mind not to add “tw” in front but only use the word/trigger itself, because tumblr sucks)
#nsfw, #nsfwhump …..(only for nsfw content)
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING. Only properly tagged posts are considered for archiving on the official @whumptober2020​ blog. They must be tagged in the order above.
Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of participants in recent years, we cannot guarantee your work will be archived. A random selection of properly tagged posts from all genres will be reblogged each day.
Whumpers who produce content for 31 total theme days are considered event completionists and will be tagged in a masterpost at the end of the month.
Questions not addressed below can be directed to this blog as well.
Thanks for reading, and happy whumping!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What kind of content can I make? Can it be NSFW?
This is a MIXED MEDIA event! You can write fic, post meta, doodle or paint, create a gif set or photo edit, link a song, or get crafty with video - anything goes. As for NSFW, make what you like, we just hope that you’ll tag your work accordingly so that others participating in the event can stay safe :)
Q. Do I have to do all 31 Days? Can I post early/late?
Participate as much or little as you like, and post whenever! Just be sure to tag your posts properly (ex. #no.11, #psych101). Combining prompts into one piece of work is okay, and posting late is as well so as long as it’s in October.
Q. What if I don’t understand a theme?
Send us an ask! We’re happy to help clarify. That said, the themes are entirely up for interpretation :)
Q. Can I combine Whumptober with other creation challenges?
Absolutely! That’s like shooting two whumpees with one bullet :)
Q. Can I upload/repost my whumptober content to other social media platforms?
Of course! We’ve created an AO3 Collection to archive any fics posted there. The archive can be accessed here. The blog is the official archive, so please respect the boundaries of any closeted whumpers in your social circle :)
Q. Can I use prompts to write a new chapter for an existing fic?
Q. An existing fic I am currently writing contains many of the Whumptober prompts, can I use it?
If you are actively writing this fic at the moment with the whumptober prompts in mind, yes. If it just conveniently checks the boxes, then please don’t. You can, however, add new chapters answering one or more of the prompts.
Q. What kind of characters can I write for?
Fandom characters, OC characters, human, furry, alien, cyborg, whoever you like.
Q. Can I use a prompt multiple times?
Yes,  but it only counts once
Q. If I’m not comfortable with one day's prompts can I use a prompt of a different day as a substitute and still be a completionist?
Yes, but please do not use a specific prompt twice. We have also created an alternate prompts list that you can draw from [here].
Q. Where can I post my work?
Post where and how you want. You don’t even have to (cross)post it to Tumblr. Just keep in mind if it’s not on Tumblr we will not be able to add it to the blog archive.
Q. Can I start posting early?
You can, but this is an October event and wouldn’t it be more fun with everyone doing it at the same time? That being said, you can post early, but we won’t be reblogging any work predating October 1st.
Q. Do I have to finish a fic I started/can I post WIP’s.?
Yes you can post WIPs. And you’re not obligated to finish it in October for it to count towards being a completionist.  
Q. Is co-writing allowed?
Yes, absolutely, and it would count towards being a completionist for both/all of you :)
Q. Do I have to create 31 standalone pieces to be considered a completionist or can I write one continuous story?
One continuous story is fine.  The challenge is to write something for 31 prompts. If that’s spread over 31 fics or just one, you are still considered a completionist. (The same goes for every other media you choose.)
Q. Is there a min/max limit on word count?
There is no limit
Q. Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many?
No limit and combine as many as you’d like.
Q. Is a hc/angst focus ok?
Of course!
Q. What’s considered nsfw?
See this post
Q. What's whump?
See this post
Q. My interpretation of the prompt isn't whumpy at all, does that count?
No, sorry, but keep in mind that whump [see definition] is something very nuanced and different for everyone and emotional whump/angst is just as much part of it, as is physical whump and torture. So before you dismiss your idea, think about this.
Q. Can I start working on the prompts before October?
Absolutely! That’s why we posted the prompts a month in advance. We recognise how difficult it can be creating for 31 days in “real time”.
Q. How do I tag triggers?
tw at the end of the word, ex. emeto tw
Q. Do I have to use your tags?
Yes, if you want your work archived on the blog. If not, feel free to use whatever tags you want.  
Q. Does combining prompts count towards completion?
Q. Can we @ you?
Yes but we mostly rely on the whumptober2020 tag
Q. Is there anything we are absolutely not allowed to write?
There are no rules, just be sure to properly tag your trigger warnings. And keep in mind Tumblr’s policies if you are posting it here (or the policies of whatever site you use).
Q. Where can I go for brainstorming help?
Here on Discord
Q. My characters are minors, is that ok?
Yes, but as with everything else, tags are your best friend.
Q. Can I cross post on other blogs?
Yes, multiple platforms and blogs are perfectly acceptable. You can also post different works to different accounts under different names, without posting them everywhere at once.
Note: This is a creation challenge, please don’t repost your old work under our tags (unless it’s been changed or edited for the event).
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rafaelblackbird15 · 3 years
Teen Wolf Fic Recs Part 4: Sterek
These are Sterek, Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale fanfictions.
I really love these. They are some of my favourite Sterek stories, and ALL of these are absolutely beautiful. Without a doubt. Send the authors some love, because that's what they've given me and us right here. :)
If there is a problem with any of the links, let me know and I will fix them.
For appropriate reading check the hashtags on the actual fics.
I hope you enjoy these as much as I did.
And check out my other Steter fic recs [Part 1] and [Part 2] and Sterek fic recs [Part 3]
God Brings The Wounded by CallieB on Archive of Our Own
Words: 4938
Chapters: 1/1
“Jesus,” Stiles says, when he sees Derek for the first time, and feels his face do that thing where it tries to smile. Derek, or the weirdly fresh-faced teenage version of Derek that he is now, doesn’t flinch at Stiles’ exclamation.
He’s too busy flinching at everything else.
Requested by the lovely nohomohomie, who asked for something angsty post-nogitsune.
Has got to be one of my favourite canon teenage/de-aged Derek fics, with beautiful, angsty Sterek, of course.
You're Not You by CallieB on Archive of Our Own
Words: 5266
Chapters: 1/1
Part 9 of the Sterek Bingo 2017 series
Stiles lifts his head slowly, meeting Derek’s gaze. His eyes… they’re always clever, bright, perceptive, but today there’s something in them that Derek doesn’t recognise. He’s pale, but not defeated. He looks stronger than Derek expected. And unexpectedly, he feels it flash through him in a bolt of absolute, though surprised, certainty.
That's not Stiles.
Written for the Dark!Stiles square on my Sterek Bingo card.
This story is possibly one of the best EVER Void!Stiles stories I have ever read. The idea is complex and fascinating and unique. After I read this for the first time I was left stunned and I kept coming back to it in my mind as well as to read because I couldn't get over the idea. It's beautiful.
Yeah, Pass The Salt, Stiles by CallieB on Archive of Our Own
Words: 3609
Chapters: 1/1
Yeah, pass the salt, Stiles.
They're not particularly inspiring words. Not like the long stream of goo spilling over Scotty's arm. But somewhere, Stiles' soulmate is out there, waiting to say them to him.
If only he could stop thinking about the mysterious hot stranger he met in the woods...
Author: CallieB
This author has 15 Teen Wolf works, most if not all are Sterek. Some of them in particular really hit somewhere special.
Behind Locked Doors by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) on Archive of Our Own
Words: 11128
Chapters: 1/1
Derek often showed up in his room—at least he used the fucking door now that he knew where the spare key was hidden—and he couldn’t escape people in general in the Jeep since they could see him through the window. His dad was home, and when he wasn’t, there was always the risk of other people showing up.
His bathroom, on the other hand? No, his bathroom was a small room with no window in the middle of the house with a lockable door and no judgement. He could sit in the bathroom for hours, and no one would question it. Was he watching porn on his phone and jerking off? Was he taking a massive dump? Did he have constipation? Was he stitching up the millionth injury of the month in private? Who knew? No one but Stiles!
The locked door at his back felt like a safety net for him sometimes. In the bathroom, he didn’t have to pretend. He didn’t have to smile and wave people’s words off, insist he was fine, laugh and act like everything was okay. In the bathroom, he was allowed to sit on the floor, his expression tight, and his body falling apart on him.
Author: isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
Should Have Looked on Craigslist by Akiruchan on Archive of Our Own
Words: 27217
Chapters: 1/1
Derek is rash and self-sacrificing, everything that will one day get him killed. Stiles doesn't want that. He's become too accustomed to a life with Derek Hale in it. To live without, well, it just doesn't seem to be an option.
The five times Stiles' expectations fall short, and the one time he's glad they do.
This is an incredible, slow burn, build of the winding relationship between Stiles and Derek and the world they now live in, side by side. It's wonderful and blessedly long.
Bless You by Ankiruchan on Archive of Our Own
Words: 3070
Chapters: 1/1
It all started with a sneeze...
Lend Me Your Eyes, Give Me Your Heart by Ankiruchan on Archive of Our Own
Words: 3057
Chapters: 1/1
Stiles’ life sucks. He’s honest enough with himself to admit to at least that. More often than not he spends his free time running for his life, saving people from creatures who want to rip his face off, and all around having a distinct lack of self-preservation. It sort of comes with the territory. Not something he can avoid when his circle of friends happen to be werewolves.
Nobody's Fault But Mine by Akiruchan on Archive of Our Own
Words: 26552
Chapters: 4/?
Stiles has always been good at ignoring his problems. Preferring to wait them out until they are nothing but a distant memory. But when a midnight stroll leads to a nasty scratch to Stiles side, courtesy of Derek, Stiles finds that some things just can't be ignored, not that he doesn't try. Better hearing and improved eyesight, that is something he can ignore for now. The sudden urge to touch and smell Derek all the time? Not so much.
This is werewolf!Stiles, and it's one the of the laid back, kind, intense versions that I enjoy very much. Unfortunately, I think it's been discontinued, but I believe even so, these 4 chapters are worth the little heartbreak that comes with the knowledge it may not be finished.
Author: Akiruchan
This author is responsible for some of the best slow build Sterek stories I've read.
Lock All The Doors Behind You by entanglednow on Archive of Our Own
Words: 25960
Chapters: 1/1
He has no idea what you're supposed to say when you find one of your...werewolf acquaintances, completely out of their mind, growling like they're about to see what your insides taste like. There's no handbook for this. Stiles is thinking that if he survives he might write one.
I've come back to this so many times. The relationship is so vulnerable, down to earth and open and kind, extremely kind, which is something Derek really lacks in his life, someone to be kind to him. There's a feeling, somehow, that this is quite natural for them.
In Case Of Emergency by entanglednow on Archive of Our Own
Words: 1826
Chapters: 1/1
Derek falls through Stiles's bedroom window at ten past midnight.
By Any Other Name by entanglednow on Archive of Our Own
Words: 33090
Chapters: 1/1
He doesn't know his name, he doesn't know who he is, and neither does the werewolf he's on the run with. But he's pretty sure they hunt monsters, because they seem to be really good at it.
I Could Find My Way Back by entanglednow on Archive of Our Own
Words: 6250
Chapters: 1/1
What's the worst that could happen?
Author: entanglednow
This author is responsible for so many amazing fics out there. They have 55 Teen Wolf fics, all with really interesting ideas and takes on the characters and supernatural world.
You want forgiveness (I'll give that to you) by dearericbittle (dutchmoxie) on Archive of Our Own
Words: 2806
Chapters: 1/1
Derek is running from the Alpha, suffering from wolfsbane poisoning and he’s clearly losing it. Why else would he be seeing his mother - and everyone else he might as well have killed himself. But Stiles can’t just let him get what he deserves. Stiles never leaves him behind, even when he should.
(Fuck you they said) As they threw their threads from their wedding bed by dearericbittle (dutchmoxie) on Archive of Our Own
Words: 96199
Chapters: 9/9
First Son Stiles Stilinski just accidentally caused an international incident. And apparently the only way to save human-werewolf relations is to marry him off to Prince Derek of Triskele. Stiles is going to need all of his acting skills to make the marriage look real, because the Prince is kind of a fucking asshole.
Author: dearericbittle (dutchmoxie)
fake empire by Poe on Archive of Our Own
Words: 3685
Chapters: 1/1
Stiles hadn’t meant for any of this to happen. He was going to tell Derek. The whole truth of it. He was halfway through when the phone rang. A half-finished sentence, left hanging in the air as his life crumbled around him.
(or: Stiles gets so, so lost. But he finds himself again.)
you all over me by Poe on Archive of Our Own
Words: 3705
Chapters: 1/1
The thing about Stiles is, Derek thinks, is that he has no idea how enthralling he truly is. He’s easy to overlook, right up until the point he isn’t, and at some stage, Derek started looking, and now, it’s all he can do.
(or: the one where the pack is happy, healthy and alive, and Stiles and Derek are sort of inevitable)
Author: Poe
For If Dreams Die by veritas_st on Archive of Our Own
Words: 24169
Chapters: 8/8
“I had a dream about a boy last night,” Mischief says through a mouthful of pancakes. His dad points the spatula at him and he swallows before he says anything else. “His name was Derek. He called me Stiles. I want to be called that from now on.”
Author: veritas_st
About Today by rufflefeather on Archive of Our Own
Words: 8901
Chapters: 1/1
Part 1 of the inside these arms series
Stiles is having the worst day of his life and it keeps happening.
Until Tomorrow by rufflefeather on Archive of Our Own
Words: 9016
Chapters: 1/1
Part 2 of the inside these arms series
Derek's worst nightmares didn't prepare him for this.
Let it be me by rufflefeather on Archive of Our Own
Words: 1495
Chapters: 1/1
After everything that happened, Stiles goes to see Derek.
Even the stars they burn by rufflefeather on Archive of Our Own
Words: 5770
Chapters: 1/1
Derek finds out quite by accident what makes Stiles shut up. If he reveals along the way that he didn't always carry this darkness around, then that's entirely Stiles' fault.
Solstice. by rufflefeather on Archive of Our Own
Words: 4119
Chapters: 1/1
It's the first total lunar eclipse during winter solstice in three hundred and fifty years and Derek has no idea what's going to happen.
Author: rufflefeather
This author has some intense, sometimes heartbreakingly endearing, and wonderful Teen Wolf fics.
Hear The Wheels As They Roll by crossroadswrite on Archive of Our Own
Words: 44919
Chapters: 2/2
“You can’t be here. This is private property,” someone calls out and for some reason that voice sounds painfully familiar.
When it hits him why, Stiles almost chokes with the realization, “Derek Hale,” he says, unbelievably happy because he remembers Derek when they were young.
Derek looks grumpier, sadder, angrier. Stiles can’t really fault him for that. He also looks surprised that Stiles knows who he is. He squint/glares suspiciously at him, his nostrils flare for a second before he widens his eyes almost dramatically.
“Stiles,” he says quietly, like he can’t really believe it.
Stiles beams, “Yeah, you remember me!”
Author: crossroadswrite
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ryctone · 3 years
Tumblr media
So there's this time again where I write a fic but then get stuck WEEEE-
But anyways, this one's about Almond and my oc, Comté. Not sure when I'm gonna continue it specially with certain recent stuff going on, but I didn't wanted what I did wrote to go to waste so, here!;
Cheese Cake manor was notorious for its almost daily luxurious parties, always taking the opportunity of insignificant days to celebrate something with a big party. This time the theme was a favorite of Cheesecake Cookie herself; a masquerade party.
Everyone around was having the time of their life, dancing the night away on the spacious ball room or even drinking at the bar table. And overall every single cookie there seemed to be having fun.
All of them except one certain veteran detective, Almond Cookie.
His iconic over sized jacket was missing; instead he wore a very simple light brown suit and pants that blended to white at the bottom with a really standard mask that covered half his face to match the look, though the detective at least took some effort in stylizing his hair a bit. Almond just didn’t want to stand out from everyone else, especially since he was supposed to be in an undercover mission tonight.
He swears Phantom Bleu will be the dead of him one of these days with all the heist they pull out.
After his daughter, the unofficial junior detective Walnut, managed to find a calling card from the extravagant thief indicating how their next heist would be at next week’s Cheesecake Manor’s masquerade party; Almond got immediately contacted by his superiors in order for him to investigate this matter. Despite the countless insistences from his little daughter, he made the decision that she should stay at home since Walnut had school the day after, much to the little detective’s dismay.
Almond was trying to act as casual as possible, but he was on edge, everyone is a suspect and the phantom thief could make their move at any moment-
Then, from across the big room, he spotted a peculiar looking cookie.
They’ve finished speaking with a long red-haired man and was facing their back to Almond. From what the detective manage to gather from this angle, this cookie wore a stuffy bright teal suit with a fake peacock tail attached at one side of their waist and had large white boots with golden assets that went all the way to their thigh, making their pants look puffy. But the thing that stand out the most was their long, braided blue striped blond hair.
‘Bingo’ he thought to himself.
Almond saw as the teal suited cookie made their way to a secluded empty hallway of the mansion as he make chase, passing through the crowd of party goers to catch up to them.
Once he saw he was in close proximity to them with no one else in sight, Almond sneakily made the quick notion of grabbing the fancy blond cookie by the wrists and pushing them into the yellow wall. The other cookie yelped in shock but Almond pay them no mind and was already searching into his pockets to snatch his handcuffs.
During that adrenaline rush, the veteran detective didn’t notice the other’s jeweled mask fall off.
“Phantom Bleu, you are under arrest-”
“God dammit Almond, It’s me!”
The other’s voice was rough, raspy and DEFINITELY not Phantom Bleu’s usually smooth flirtatious tone… It took Almond by surprise. The other cookie turned their head to face Almond, and the detective got the chance to take a second glance at them- him.
He certainly had that characteristic blond hair with blue-ish stripes, but he’s were duller than the infamous thief, his tired eyes were an equally paler green; which was certainly different than the Phantom’s bright blue ones. But, most important of all… Almond was completely and utterly sure that Phantom ‘physically capable of jumping from building to building’ Bleu isn’t around their mid-40s.
The detective actually knew who this was.
“Comté!” Almond stammered while releasing his grip from the other man. “I- um, I’m so sorry, I thought yo-”
“That I was the Phantom Bleu thief? Please, Almond, I thought you were more observant than that.” The blond chuckled while fixing his puffy sleeves, though his statement was more lighthearted than anything else and not intended to make fun of the detective.
Almond chuckled back awkwardly, “Yeah, I guess I’m losing my touch…” He had to admit, he haven’t been getting much sleep since the recent calling card was found; always getting calls every single hour to see if the detective found something to get ahead of the thief and finally get them behind bars.
Comté seemed to realize, and frowned at this. “Almond, I know this is your job but you need to take care of yourself more, you’re pushing yourself too hard and that’s not good at your age, you know that right?” He said in a concerned tone thru the accent that Almond could never help but get captivated by, but decided to ignore it for now.
“Says the guy who is just as much of a workaholic as I am.” He stated, trying to change the subject when he realizes something “By the way, what are you doing here? You never struck me as a party animal, Comté.”
“Well,” Comté smirked smugly while grabbing his fallen blue mask and putting it on once again; he looked like a completely different person with the mask on. “You could say a certain little girl told everyone at the police station that a certain little blue bird would show up at this very party and you know me, wouldn’t miss that for the world.” Almond didn’t need to be told more, since he knew exactly who this ‘blue bird’ was.
“I thought lawyers weren’t supposed to get involved in police investigations.” said the brunette with amusement, raising an eyebrow.
“That won’t stop me for getting in on the action.” The blond just shrugs, smiling almost arrogantly.
That. God. Dammed. Smile.
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Duke Thomas/The Signal Fic Recs
This is for @capttain-emo who saw me reblog this wonderful rec list by @stories-from-the-batcave , and asked if I knew any more. (I highly recommend those, btw, I love all the fics on that list! Yes, that includes the one I wrote in there) Duke Thomas is my favorite Batfam member, so I have a bunch! Unfortunately, there isn’t as much Duke content out there as I’d hope - people just don’t seem to like him as much for some reason? It’s sad. So, there are gonna be a couple here written by me. Rest assured, I have way more Duke content on the way - including a WIP coming out this week! (Ao3 linked out at the top of my blog)
I love recommending Fics, so hit me up in my inbox if there’s a trope or character or relationship (platonic or not) that you’d really love to read! I also write fan fiction, and my requests are always open!
1. Siblings: The Truth of the Matter by Me!
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & his siblings
Duke had a strange family. Two of his siblings had been raised from birth to be assassins. One was born in a circus. One had been a crime lord for a time. Yet another was the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company by the age of seventeen. All of them dressed up in spandex every night to punch bad guys.
So when he was woken up by icy water being splashed in his face, tied to a chair in nothing but his boxers, he wasn't surprised. Now, that's not to say he wasn't worried. Duke was definitely worried. Especially since it was these two.
AKA Duke gets tied up and questioned by his siblings, all while drugged with Truth Serum!
2. Bliss by Me!
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Damian
Duke walks in on a sleeping assassin child in need of comfort, and takes a chance. Brotherly bonding ensues!
3. An ever growing family of birds and bats by alicecrow6
Rating: General Audiences/Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Damian
a series of Batkids Age Reversal fics where Damian comes first, then Harper, then Duke and so on.
4. look at me, all the things I can do by Aelig  
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Cass, Duke & Bruce
"Duke took a bite of his toast, gaze still on Bruce. His foster father was sipping at his coffee, eyebrows frowning. To an outsider, you would think he was reading the morning news on his tablet, like always; Duke knew better. Bruce's look was a little away from the screen, his lips downward.
It was almost funny, to watch Bruce internally panic."
OR: It's the morning, and Duke is going back to school for the first time since his injury.
5. The Batchair(s) Issue by NightFlier
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen w/ background ships Relationships: Duke & Cass, Duke & Steph, Steph/Cass Trio & Batfam
Duke Thomas feels like an outsider, and not just because he's part of the new Outsiders team roster. He's the newest member of the legendary Batclan and hasn't yet formed the close bonds that the others share. Not to mention, he's the only active Meta on the team. As if it wasn't hard enough to relate with people with such colorful, unique backgrounds.
But it's okay! Duke has a plan and it'll probably work for a while before crashing & burning. BatShenanigans ahead.
6. All That Glitters is Gold (Unfortunately) by IndefiniteIceCube
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Tim, Duke & Steph
The world is gold and Duke can't breathe.
He can't breathe.
He was sitting in AP World History just a minute ago.
Was it a minute ago? It seemed like a minute ago but it could have been hours because all he can focus on is that he can’t breathe. His lungs won’t fill and- and he’s trying he swears but he just. can’t. breathe.
And the gold—
Duke's powers emerge.
It doesn't go well.
7. Be the Light that Helps Others See by Ace_Corvid @ace-corvid
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam
Duke didn't really know what to expect from movie nights with the Bats.
He could only assume they approached this with the same determined intensity as they approached everything else. They were all so extra it was like their gauge for normal was completely broke. He wasn't really prepared for this.
And yet here he was. Surrounded.
(Alternatively; Batkid's have a movie night.)
8. I've Made a Million Mistakes by Sohotthateveryonedied
“Y’all need Jethuth.”
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam
“Don’t worry,” Dick says, throwing his arm around Duke’s shoulders. “Everyone in this room has had their teeth knocked out at one point or another. It’s a rite of passage around here.”
“I don’t know how to tell you thith, but that doethn’t happen to normal people. We acthually prefer to keep our teeth, believe it or not.”
“Wait until you get your first major battle scar. Trust me, they’re cool.”
“Y’all need Jethuth.”
9. Children (All of Them) by TheFalconWarrior
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam
In which Tim is not stupid but Jason might just be, Damian is furious, Dick kind of feels like he should be doing…something, Steph is ecstatic, and Duke wonders how long he can survive.
10. In the Dark of the Night by Aelig
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Jason, Batfam
"Duke was woken up by someone sliding into his bed. Someone big judging by how the mattress shifted.
Because Duke was a well-trained vigilante, his first reflex was obviously to kick whoever was being creepy right now and push them out of his bed.
It was only when the someone landed on the floor with a yelp that Duke realized that he was at Wayne Manor, which was incredibly secure – normally. He could recognize the voice, too."
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: none
OR: The Batfam and their way to deal with nightmares.
11. Welcome to the Family by angstyelephant
In which Duke Thomas goes back to the beginning.
12. Family-- by incorrectbatfam
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & batfam
“Your assignment over the weekend is to write a poem about your family.”
13. I'm Still Climbing(Even When the Rest Have Fallen) by anidear
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Dick, Duke & Damian
After his first exposure to the Fear Toxin, Dick checks in on Duke.
14. The cat and the newcomer by Fleur_de_Violette
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Alfred the Cat
Duke always found people talking to their pets about their problems silly. And yet here he was.
15. Duke-napped by NightOwl1600
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Bruce, Duke & batfam
The others don’t really bother Duke with his business. They all care about him, he knows, but outside of the vigilante business, they don’t really care to ask aside from the typical “How was school?” or “Can you buy me some chilidogs after you’re done with whatever you’re doing?” So he’s a bit concerned if they’ll even notice when he’s been kidnapped as Duke Thomas, Bruce Wayne’s newest ward. But he’s not about to panic; as the others seem to be so determined that traumatizing new experiences are part of Bat-initiation.
Meanwhile, the rest of the family freaks out because “Did anyone go over the do’s and don’ts of getting kidnapped with Duke?!”
16. Nightmare/Hallucination by FearfulKitten @fearfulkittenwrites
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Jason
Duke found himself staring at the ceiling again. His heart was no longer racing, but he wouldn’t exactly say that he was calm either. This is the moment after the end of a race you lost, when all of the adrenaline is starting to wear off and the hopelessness sets in. That’s it. You’re out of the competition, buddy.
Except that this isn’t a race, and Duke hasn’t just lost his spot for the finals. He had simply lost sleep.
17. Jason Todd, Big Brother Part 8792 by Gemini_00
Rating: General Audiences Category: Other Relationships: Duke & Jason, Duke & Damian
Robin and the Signal sneak along the Outlaws mission in order to steal a bazooka and hang out with Kori. Jason has to deal with two little brothers and feeding a team of outlaws. He's putting this on Bruce's credit
18. "What's wrong? What's happening?" By FearfulKitten @fearfulkittenwrites
Rating: General Audiences Category: Other Relationships: Duke & Tim
Duke runs into trouble during his daytime patrol, and ends up needing some back up. The resident over-productive insomniac bat picks up the call.
(A little bit of and Duke interaction for a nice tumblr Anon :) I hope you like it!)
19. Nightmares by FearfulKitten @fearfulkittenwrites
Rating: Teen Category: Other Relationships: Duke & Dick
Filling the nightmare square on my bingo card with the help of an anon on tumblr who asked for a fic where Duke has a nightmare and asks for the help of one of the older batboys!
"Duke checked the time again. Two minutes had passed.
Time was ticking too slowly. He was tired, but sitting alone in the dark was definitely not a good idea right now.
He’d have to ask for help."
20. Brothers in Arms by TheFalconWarrior
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam
...possibly against each other. Batkid prank wars are the worst.
Duke is learning. Tim is evil. So is Damian. Dick is embarrassing. Jason is dramatic. Steph is brave. Babs is all-knowing. Cass wants in. Alfred is a little amused, and Bruce is so. Tired.
21. First rule of Robin, right? By ALzzza
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Damian,Duke & Dick
"Nothing’s going to hurt you—you got that, nothing.”
Duke doesn’t have anything better to do but it’s not like that matters. Hell, he’d drop everything and run—always in time to catch this little bird.
Or, Damian’s Been Having Nightmares, Duke To The Rescue—Dick Always With The Reassurance
22. Duke's Diary by fiery_day
 Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam,Duke & Dick
This is a couple of journal entries by Duke as he learns to become Signal. He relates his thoughts on the batfamily and aspects of the vigilante life he now leads.
23. Significance of a Gala by nxttime
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam,Duke & Jason, Duke & Tim
This year’s Wayne Gala would be Duke’s first, and he had no clue how to feel about it.
 25. The cloud that looks after each other by Batmango
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Bruce, Duke & Goliath
Duke wakes up the Bat cave after a fight with the Joker.
For MashpotatoeQueen5 as a thanks for using so many of my prompt in the excellent January Jot-Downs.
Prompt: a hurt comfort after an injury/illness? Or just cuddles. I love me some cuddles.
26. The One You’ll Know By by Redrikki
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Bruce, Bruce & Alfred
After losing his memory, Bruce asked Alfred not to tell him about his vigilante life, but he's beginning to think his butler left a few other things out. Like, say, his kids.
27. Duke Thomas Hates Bullies by Gemini_00
Rating: Unrated Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Steph, Duke & Tim, Duke & Bruce, Duke & Damian
Everyone loves that Duke Thomas isn't like all those other crazy Waynes. Everyone loves that the Signal isn't trying to get himself killed. Duke may not see Bruce as his dad, but he is definitely part of the bat family. and nobody is going to bully his family. Or, Duke Thomas Kicks Ass.
28. batman is dancing to fortnight and this might as well happen because vigilante life is already so *Goddamn* weird (Duke Thomas: A Memoir) by MashpotatoeQueen5
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Bruce, Duke & Batfam
You may not have time to unpack all that, but Duke Thomas does.
(He doesn't get it either.)
(He loves his new crazy family nonetheless.)
29. In a World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind by RedHoodie1723
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Bruce, Duke & Batfam
Day Six of Batfam Week 2020: Take Your Child To Work Day
It was Duke's first time visiting Wayne Enterprises, and he couldn't help but be intrigued by the Martha Wayne Foundation.
30. You’re My Brother by blackpercy
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Dick
Duke's missing his parents a lot and Dick comes in to help his little brother.
And that’s it for the list! I hope you enjoy these thirty works! Once again, send me an ask if you have requests for fics, recs, or if you have general questions!
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jawritter · 4 years
Twelve Days Of Christmas
Chapter 6,
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Summary: Dean never realized that Y/N missed Christmas until he turned off an annoying Christmas song on the radio on the way home from a hunt, now he will make it his personal mission to give her the Christmas he misses so much, and if he plays his cards right, maybe he will give her what he has wanted to give her for so many years, himself.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Written For: @spnchristmasbingo​​​​​
Square Field: Christmas Tree
Word Count: 2024
Warnings: Fluff, brief mention of past trauma, light angst.
A/N: This is to help me catch up on my SPN Christmas Bingo card lol Chapter 7 will post tomorrow! I knew chapter will post every day until Christmas! I know I’m insane lol. This is a real time fic collection and all mistakes will be my own! Please do not copy my work! Hope you all enjoy these!!
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Snow, you had seriously never seen this much snow in your life. You were starting to think it was never going to stop snowing. It snowed all night long, finally slowing to light dusting somewhere around daybreak, and by the time you and Dean had pulled yourselves out of bed, it was evident no one was going anywhere until the snowplows came through to clear the roads, which could take a few days. 
You were totally fine with the idea of hanging around the cabin today. It had been a busy week already. Dean had gone above and beyond what anyone had ever done for you already, and if today was just a day where you hugged out and did nothing, that was okay. Not every day had to be some grand adventure for you. 
Dean, on the other hand, had been eyeing the cluster of small Canaan Firs on the back corner of the property all day. They were just big and full enough to make a small Christmas tree for the two of you. So, without much explanation other than, “get your coat and boots,” you followed Dean towards the little cluster of trees. The small ax he’d found in Baby’s trunk was swung over his shoulder as he trudged ahead of you through the almost kneed deep snow, making a path for you to easier walk in as he paved the way forward to his destination. 
From a few paces back you could see the white flurries land on his broad shoulders as well as the back of his jacket and sock hat as he went, his large silhouette standing out in stark contrast to the snow as he pushed on forward through the unforgiving cold. 
You could hear him humming along to a tune that you didn’t recognize as he turned over his shoulder giving you a little smirk while he watched you struggle to keep up with him through the deep snow. Being short wasn’t exactly working in your favor at the moment, and he paused, turning to fully face you with the ax still slung lazily over his shoulder much like he did his vampire machetes after a hunt. 
“Need me to carry you Y/N/N,” he called sarcastically, and you childishly stuck your tongue out at him before answering. 
“I’m doing just fine on my own Winchester!” 
“Okay, Sweetheart, I was just offering since the snow is almost as tall as you are. I was afraid you’d fall into a drift and I wouldn’t be able to find you until the snow melted,” he teased, and you rolled your eyes dramatically. 
“You just worry about getting us a tree cut down and stop worrying about me,” you tell him, earning a deep chuckle from him as he turned and started to make his way toward the tree line again. 
The sun was starting to go down, it was late but you and Dean both had been pretty lazy today. Doing nothing but watching Christmas movies, you pick this time, and eat as much artery-clogging food as you could manage since you didn’t have Sam the health nut breathing down your throat. The darkening sky overhead cast an almost postcard type feel to the scenery around you, but your gaze was on the back of Dean’s head as he hummed along his way.
He looked particularly smug with himself as he kept making his way towards his goal, still chuckling as your footsteps crunch along behind him. Your inner child was screaming at you to not let him get away with that. So reaching down as you went, you grabbed a handful of snow in your gloved hands and started to pound it into a ball. 
Just as Dean turned to make another comment about you talking all day to catch up to him, you launched the snowball, hitting him squarely in his broad chest, laughing as he looked grumpily from you to the show that still clung to the outer layer of jacket that was on his body before a smile carved by the devil himself appeared on those pink, wind kissed lips of his. 
“Oh Baby, it’s on now.”
Reaching down on the ground in front of him, Dean grabbed a handful of his own snow.
You turn to try and run back towards the house for safety, but it was no use, he was taller and faster than you were. Before you could even take three steps you were nailed in the back with a larger snowball, and Dean’s laugh echoed through the cold air around you as you staggered a little. 
You quickly try to gather up another snowball, but Dean was faster, quickly launching another and barely missing you as you ducked lower to the ground. 
Deciding to change your tactics a little, you charge at him, hurling two more snowballs in his directions. He rolled across the ground to escape them, laughing as you cursed and scrambled to gather up more snow.
“Oh, now you want to play dirty? Well, you shouldn’t write checks you can’t cash baby girl,” he growled playfully, looking up from his sprawled out position with his eyes almost glowing with a childlike excitement you had never seen in Dean before.
Without warning he jumped off the ground, running towards you at an impressive speed. The sudden change totally threw you, and all you could was stand there like an idiot for a moment before turning on your heels and bolting back in the opposite direction. 
Unfortunately, your pause was going to be your demise. Dean’s long legs carried him to you faster than you would have guessed possible, one long arm wrapping around your torso as the other grabbed a handful of fresh powder, dumping it down the back of your shirt and jacket. 
You twist and try to get away from the cold, screaming and laughing until your lungs hurt. If anyone was watching they were surely going to think he was killing you. Both of you were laughing so hard at this point that Dean lost his footing, falling down on his backside and pulling you down with him, both of you lying there in the snow as you tried to catch your breath from your little snowball fight. 
“Okay, truce?” Dean asked breathlessly, still smiling widely. The dim light of the winter evening casting the most gorgeous glow over the exposed skin of his face that you suddenly realized was very, very close to yours, and that you were still sitting on top of him. 
For just a moment you contemplated revenge, but decided better of it, knowing Dean could turn the tables on you in an instant and suddenly have the upper hand again. 
“Truce,” you agreed, slowly climbing off of him and helping him stand to his feet. 
Dean kept up with your pace this time as you made your way towards the tree line, looking at the trees there. While all of them were full and beautiful, they were all a little too big up close to bring into the cabin. 
“You know, there’s a box out in the woodshop labeled Christmas Stuff, bet there’s an artificial tree out there too,” Dean said, looking towards the shed that felt like it was a thousand miles away from you in the dimming light that stretched across the snow-covered lawn. 
“You know, I bet you’re right, cause even if we get one of these bad boys cut we’d have to drag it all the way back up there,” you point out in a huff of white fog, and Dean nodded in agreement. 
“Come on, hop up on my back and I’ll carry you there,” he offered as you gave him a shocked look. “Come on don't be stubborn.”
“Okay,” you agreed reluctantly as Dean knelt down in front of you in the snow for you to wrap your arms around his neck while his gloved hands came to your thighs, hoisting you up as if you weighed nothing at all.
It didn’t take him nearly as long as it would have taken the both of you walking to reach the woodshop, and as you slipped down from his back and turned on the light, you noticed the welding torch Dean had been using when he planned on taking the “big splash” still laying on the workbench and froze. 
Dean noticed your hesitation and followed your gaze with his own before pulling a heavy and on his shoulder. 
“Come on baby girl, let’s not dwell on the past okay? That’s not why we’re here.” 
You knew he was right, but the thought of him out in the middle of the ocean, buried in a metal coffin, trapped with Michael terrified you to this day. In fact, you still had nightmares about it even if you would never tell him that.
You let Dean guide you to the back of the shed, quickly finding boxes of decorations and Christmas lights of all sorts, and finally a tree. 
“Got it!” Dean yelled excited, producing a box marked “Christmas Tree,” and adding it to the growing pile of decorations on the ground. 
“Great, let’s get it to the cabin, I’m freezing,” you tell him. You weren’t really all that cold, but wanting to get away from this room where he’d almost literally created his sealed fate. Dean picked up on your hurry, and nodded, grabbing the boxes he could along with the Christmas tree and following you back into the warmth that awaited in the cabin. You didn’t really take a breath until you were back in its warm enclosure. 
Dean dropped his boxes on the ground, coming up and taking yours from you before slipping his arms around your waist and hugging you tight into him. 
“You okay Y/N,” he asked after you finally returned his hug, holding on to him like he might disappear in front of you if you let him go. 
“I’m fine,” you lie, but Dean saw through it, he knew you all too well, he knew that seeing that had bothered you even though you were trying to hide it. 
“Hey,” letting go of you he pulled a glove free of his hand with his teeth and placed it to the side of your face, making you look up into his astonishing green eyes. “I’m still here, and I don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon.” 
You nod and lean your head into his chest as his fingers glide their way through your hair and calm your racing heart a little. 
“Tell you what, that’s enough adventure for tonight. We can decorate tomorrow, right now I’m going to make you some Winchester Surprise for dinner and we can get drunk and prank call everyone that’s stone age enough to still have a number in the local phone book there.”
You hadn’t expected that, but the thought of Dean calling someone and asking them if their refrigerator was running had you cracking up in spite of yourself. Just like that, all the bad melted away as his lips pressed lightly to your forehead, and removed your jacket for you. Just like that, he chased away the bad memories again, leaving only a peace you had never felt until this moment in its wake. 
Sure the two of you had both been through your share of hell, in Dean’s case literally, but you had never seen it until right then how much you needed him and how you weren’t willing to live without him. He was your person, and you just wished you could be his. 
Even though the past tried to drag itself back up to haunt you, standing in the kitchen with Dean and helping him cook his favorite meal for the two of you felt so natural that you wouldn't have ended day 8 any other way. No matter what happened after Christmas was over, this memory would be your favorite of them all. Just you and Dean, being together in a rare slice of normal, what more could a hunter ask for?
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s babes
Dean’s Babes
Series Tag list: 
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pars-ley · 4 years
Sugar and Spice
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Pairing: Yoongi x Taehyung
Summary: The aftermath of a chaotic house party may be the worst and best thing Yoongi could come home to, with a meddling Jimin to thank.
Genre: mxm / friends to lovers / roommates to lovers / drabble / fluff / angst / house party
Rating: 15 (SFW)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: One little bit of explicit language / Angsty and insecure thoughts from Yoongi / Mentions of alcohol and effects of alcohol / mention of strangulation but not seriously.
A/N: Happy birthday Dean! This is for the top secret birthday project for @eternalseokjin​ birthday. I used all the squares on my bingo card too, which were ; Taegi, chaos, pumpkin pie, vodka, cats, Jimin, roommates, angst and fluff. This is my first mxm fic, sorry if it's terrible. I actually enjoyed writing this more than I thought I would. As always thank you to @wheresmymoniat for coaching me on this and helping me approach this new challenge.
Yoongi steps into his apartment, the smell of food, sweat and perfume greeting him, as well as something else, something more unpleasant but he pushes it aside as the music thumping low in the background distracts him. 
His eyes rake over the bodies strewn across the furniture and floor. He drops his bag out of his grip, a thud as it hits nearly the only part of flooring that's visible. 
As he steps over limp limbs and unconscious heads he scans the mess of the kitchen. Various liquids spilt on the counters make his blood boil. 
Goddammit Jimin! He thinks.
He meets eyes with someone who lifts their face out of-what looks to be a half eaten pumpkin pie-long enough to nod in his direction before slamming themselves back into it, attacking it like a ravenous dog. 
He walks quickly past them and into the living area, spotting Jimin a mile off. Head slouched against the back of the couch, mouth gaped open, snoring like a wild animal.
Yoongi heads towards him, stepping in something wet, he looks down and sees a big, black patch on the grey carpet, the smell of vodka hitting and burning his nose instantly. 
Yoongi storms over to Jimin, kicking his foot with controlled anger and enough force to send him jolting awake.
"Huh, what?" He looks around, hazy eyed before finally resting on Yoongi. An audible gulp fills the room. He scours the room, processing the devastation.
"You weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow." Jimin squeaks out. 
"Oh I'm sorry, how inconvenient of me." Yoongi snarls through gritted teeth.
Jimin throws up his hands, palms up in surrender, stands and starts climbing backwards over the sofa, creating some distance between the two of them. Trying to avoid having his neck squeezed by the hands of the angry man, no doubt.
A small black object jumping near Yoongi diverts his attention for a moment, his head snapping in its direction, only for his eyes to bulge at the sight of the danity cat, climbing over people in his direction.
"What the fuck is that?" Yoongi asks, voice low and dangerous.
"Huh, it's a-a cat Yoongi."
His eyes narrow at him. "I can see that. What is it doing in my HOUSE?" He bellows out, awakening the senseless bodies around him with a start.
Jimin jumps, still backing up. "Um, you know I-I'm not t-too sure about that." Yoongi stalks towards him, the urge to smack some sense into his thick head almost overpowering his self control. "Get these people out of my house...now!"
A sea of hurried footsteps parade out of the front door, Jimin frantically waking the others that did not stir and ushering them out.
Yoongi's eyes search for him. Their other roommate. Where one is, the other is usually not far behind. So it surprises him when he doesn't see Taehyung somewhere in Jimin's vicinity. 
He heads to his bedroom, not bothering to knock and barges in, veins full of incensed flames, more than ready to unleash on him too. He's stopped in his tracks, flames extinguished and freezing to icicles, spearing him from the inside.
Taehyung's arm wrapped around some guy's waist, after a night of doing god knows what, as they lay together, spooned in comfort. 
An unwarranted, jealous rage lights the fire in Yoongi's heart instead, consuming him with emblazoned rage and singeing the edges of any hope he had of Taehyung seeing him in the same possible light he saw him. 
He scoffs at himself. The perfection that he is seeing Yoongi as anything other than ordinary, angry, miserable, would be a miracle. 
He lights up a room just by entering it, has eyes on him instantly; eyes full of desire, adoration and it's understandable. Why would someone as beautiful as him want anything to do with someone like Yoongi?
As if hearing his thundering heart roaring into the heavy silence of his occupied bedroom, Taehyung's head lifts in his direction.
"Yoongi, you're back early." He beams at him and it isn't fair, that perfect boxy grin making his heart flutter amidst the envious agony bleeding from every part of him.
Hearing muted voices behind Yoongi, his smile falters. "Oh. Sorry about Jimin, I tried to reign him in but you know how he gets."
Yoongi can't blame him for this mess, not at all, just hearing how his voice drips with sincerity makes him weaker for Taehyung.
He turns away slamming Taehyung's door without saying another word. Regret fills Yoongi instantly, making his stomach churn and ache with guilt. 
Taehyung doesn't deserve that, but he can't trust himself to speak right now.
"Tae didn't have anything to do with this Yoongi, please, don't be mad at him." Jimin pleads.
Yoongi heads straight for the front door, following the row of strangers exiting his domain. The place he couldn't bear to be with Taehyung and his new fling under the same roof. 
"I know." he bites back. "Clean this shit up before I'm back."
The echoing slam of his door vibrates behind him, as he pushes past the zombie-like crowd to get out of the building as fast as he can. 
A drink will calm him down, the burn making him forget the pain and hoping for the numbness to overtake his mind and dull the constant strum of insecure thoughts circling his brain like hungry sharks.
He downs the drain of his second drink, staring at the bottom of the glass like it holds all the answers, his own personal crystal ball.
Ignoring the chatter surrounding him, he slides the empty glass in front of him and taps it when the bartender comes over. 
The sound of the liquid filling it brings him some kind of comfort. 
He notices someone occupy the seat next to him, but his eyes stay fixed on his glass as he pulls it back to himself, cradling it like his most precious possession. Like the 'one ring', enough to rule over him in his darkness and bind him to it permanently. 
"I'll have the same as him." The voice next to him sounds and he recognizes it instantly. Heat rushes to his cheeks and he angles his face away from him to protect what dignity he has left.
"Yoongi, can we talk?" Taehyung's deep, silky drawl is enough to put his heart into overdrive. Taehyung manages to turn him into a shy, lovesick school boy.
"A-about what?" he stutters out, speaking fast as if words leaving his mouth quicker would make him less affected by Taehyung.
"About me...and you." 
Yoongi frowns and finally meets his eyes, a question burning behind his with a ferocity that could take down an entire forest.
"What do you mean?" He asks, struggling to focus over the pounding in his ears making it hard to think. The possibility in his words, although unlikely, still had him balancing on a knife's edge.
"I think you know, Yoongi. When are you going to stop pretending with me?" He turns to him, knees millimetres away from each others , Yoongi could feel the heat from Taehyung's skin through his jeans.
"When are you going to stop lying to yourself and open your eyes? Because if you did, you might find someone here waiting for you to make a decision on what you want."
Yoongi blinks across at him. Taehyung's words frantically roll about in his head as he desperately searches his eyes for meaning. Could Taehyung mean what he thinks he does?
No, how could he? Why would he ever look twice? Yoongi is completely his opposite in most ways. Taehyung's breathtaking and confident, fashionable and playful. Yoongi's just ordinary and introverted, simple and serious. He is not made for him. He deserves more.
"Yoongi, are you hearing me?" He snaps him out of his despairing thoughts.
"I'm...not sure what you mean."
Taehyung sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Jimin told me. Just now. He told me how you feel about me,  how you've felt for a while."
Embarrassment sets fire to Yoongi's face and to accompany it a fresh wave of rage at Jimin. "I'll kill him." He says with gritted teeth, sliding his stool from the bar and standing.
Taehyung's hands are on him instantly. "Sit down Yoongi." He pushes the shorter man back down and he folds underneath Taehyung's touch. If he was honest with himself, he could bend Yoongi to his will, whatever it was and he would obey.
"I'm glad he told me because let's face it, you wouldn't have any time soon."
Yoongi looks back at his drink, angry hands clasping it once again. "Why would I tell you?" He grumbles, "it's my dignity on the line, not yours."
"What makes you say that?"
Yoongi scoffs and downs the dark liquid in one shot, chucking it to the back of his throat,  relishing the way it burns and gives him confidence. "Why would you ever want me?" He laughs, the thought sounding crazier out loud than it does in his mind.
The silence stretches on until he can't help but glance up at Taehyung, to see his eyes wide underneath a furrowed brow. "Yoongi, are you so blind that you can't see?"
"See what?"
Taehyung places a hand on his, the action sending Yoongi's heart into overdrive. "I have yearned for this moment for so long but never did I think this would be what would leave your mouth." 
He frowns across at Taehyung, his response bewildering him completely. How could it not be obvious what Yoongi means?
"Why, I'm just being honest?" 
He shakes his head in dismay. "No you are not. It should be me saying that, not you. You know, I have felt for you for so long but I never spoke up because how could you be interested in me?"
Yoongi's mind stops. A laugh echoes in his head and turns manic. What is this guy on? Is this some kind of joke him and Jimin have orchestrated?
"Yoongi, you're so driven and hardworking and mature. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, while eating cereal out the box and drinking milk from the carton, which I know you hate." Taehyung smiles apologetically, the sight melts his insides into a puddle of liquid love. Who needs organs anyway when he's looking at him that way?
"I feel like I'm such a mess compared to you. You're so put together and I'm just drifting along."
The sadness in his eyes haunts Yoongi and hurts his heart. How dare he think this about himself?
"Hey, hey," he tugs Taehyung's hand towards him until he meets his eyes again. "Don't talk about yourself like that. You're smart and have a long list of talents, once you know what you want to do, they'll be no stopping you. You can achieve great things, I know it."
"You always see the good in me Yoongi, thank you."
"That's because there's so much to see." Yoongi replies.
"Not just in me." Taehyung raises an eyebrow at him and he scoffs again. "Don't do that." He scolds.
Yoongi can't help the laugh that escapes him and Taehyung joins in.
"So, you kinda like me huh?" He teases.
Yoongi tries to fight the smile that pulls at his mouth but fails. "Kinda." 
Taehyung beams at him, grabbing him by the collar and pulling Yoongi against him. 
Their lips crash together in a moment Yoongi has only dreamt about numerous times. It's everything he thought it would be, Taehyung's soft velvety lips moulding against Yoongi's as if they fit perfectly, as if they should have been there all along. 
The smaller man winds his arms around the taller man's neck and pulls him further to him.
Their mouths dance passionately until they're both gasping for breath and have to break away for air.
"Wow, I should have taken charge ages ago." Taehyung says, eyes sparkling with mischief as his blown out pupils pierce into Yoongi's.
"Let's get something straight, Tae, that conversation is the only time you'll be taking charge." His hand squeezes Taehyung's leg as he watches his teeth rake over his bottom lip, the sight both mesmerising and torturing.
Taehyung leans forward and whispers in his ear, "make me yours, Yoongi."
He needs no other words as he stands and leaves the bar, pulling Taehyung along with him. Ready to live out his fantasy and his life with the man he's desired for so long.
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myevilmouse · 4 years
2020 Fic Year In Review
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This disaster year was my second of writing fanfic for the Star Wars fandom, focused as always on my handsome Jedi and charismatic Grand Admiral.  Here’s the same thing I did last year:  basically share the idea of the fic I wanted to write and the result of what came out of that idea.
Because I don’t outline or plan, it is often as much a surprise to me as to my readers as to where the story winds up.  But I enjoy the magic that is surrendering to the muse / autonomous typing hands, so I doubt that will change anytime soon.
Context:  2020 began with the fic whining circle’s discussion of the sad dearth of blowjobs for Luke Skywalker in fandom.  We resolved to remedy this with the creation of the Luke Deserves All The Blowjobs Challenge, our 12-month mission to provide our man with 12 blowjobs, detailed lovingly for your (and his) pleasure.  We all agreed to contribute and so my first offering was:
1.    Anomaly
Idea:  In 2019, I participated in the Star Wars Rare Pairs Fic Exchange.  Shanlyrical had requested the pairing of Guri/Luke, which I’d never considered.  I didn’t get assigned that one (I got assigned Thrawn/Original Art Forger), but the idea stayed with me.  The blowjob challenge was the perfect opportunity.
Result:  A one-shot I am quite proud of, written from droid POV attempting to seduce our Jedi (who is quite difficult to seduce damn his perfect ass), full of technical and cyborgian terminology.  Since shanlyrical had put the ship in my brain, it was gifted to her.
2.  Comfortable
Idea:  Write an “old married Skywalkers” smutfic for a Valentine’s Day gift to my Luke/Mara cohorts.
Result:  A rather florid one-shot that is overstuffed with choice adjectives and bursting at the seams with love for my Jedi’s happy ever after.
3.  The Problem With Prophecy
Idea:  Write a Thrawn/Pryce fic for the Thryce Discord’s Valentine’s Day.  The prompts shifted, from “blind date” to “soulmates” or maybe vice versa as a theme.  I had already started it when the prompt changed so made them both work.
Result:  Another “how they got together fic” (of which I seem to write many for Thryce) that was a lot of fun to write, with a little contemplation about free will vs destiny in there.
4.  Proxy
Idea:  The Luke Deserves All The Blowjobs Challenge needed more fic, and no one wrote that Asajj Ventress/Luke pairing I had requested for SW rarepairs 2019… *cracks knuckles*  If you want something done, gotta do it yourself!
Result:  This was an interesting challenge.  Whilst I typically attempt to create scenarios for Luke to bang all the ladies that are SOMEWHAT realistic, I decided the only way to make this happen was to assume whatever plot was required to set this up had already occurred, so it starts *cough* right before the action, so to speak.  I also sort of low-key ship Ventress/Kenobi (what is that called?  Ventrobi?) so operated throughout with the idea that since she couldn’t have Obi-Wan, she was settling for another Jedi as a plaything.  Since I used only pronouns for Ventress in the fic, I suppose the reader could imagine any wicked woman or Nightsister or whomever on the other end of Luke’s cock, but in my brain it’s Asajj and she is a lucky woman (and Luke is a lucky man).  Anyway, it was probably one of my least popular fics this year but I still like it!
5.  Thranto 400 Works Celebration Ficlet (Ch 3:  Everything To Lose)
Idea:  @jessko-fic​  asked me to contribute to this collection to commemorate the Thrawn/Vanto ship hitting 400 works on AO3.  Me:  Slash?!?!
Result:  I don’t write slash in general because I just…don’t really enjoy it, doesn’t float my boat or melt my butter, although so often I wish that weren’t the case.  I have read a lot of Thranto thanks to Jess’s evil influence though, and thought I could tackle this ship.  I wanted to write something exactly 400 words for the 400 works thing, and the result was a little “missing scene” that I hope was true to the spirit of the collection while also slotting into Thrawn and Eli’s storyline.
6.  Creativity
Idea:  For The May The Fourth fic exchange, try to hit my giftee’s likes and stuff as many MacGyver-inspired easter eggs as possible into the story.
Result:  14 “original series” MacGyver-isms crammed into this thing, including winks and nods to names and dates, and  plenty of Luke and Mara banter to accompany the mission. One of my most researched fics this year and one of the most fun to write!  And my giftee loved it, which is the best result possible.
7.  Physical Graffiti
Idea:  Agreed to a one-on-one fic exchange with @jessko-fic​, since we never get matched in “regular” exchanges.  She requested Luke x Sabine, which tied in perfectly to my never-ending goal of Luke x All The Ladies.
Result:  A (hopefully) sexy multi-chapter that required a lot of research on timelines to get them together for this “missing scene” and Mandalorian stuff.  My septuagenarian mom has proclaimed it’s her favorite of any of my stories, so I call it a success.  O_O  Yes, she reads my fic.
8.  Strangers When We Meet
Idea:  Write a reader-insert fic for @enmudecer​.  I love setting challenges for myself, and writing a smutty reader insert was something entirely new to tackle.
Result:  I think reader inserts sometimes get a bad name but they can be a lot of fun.  I avoided the (y/n) convention because I find it pulls me out of the story, tried hard to keep it gender neutral, and hopefully everyone who reads it can feel like they just banged Luke Skywalker 😉 Also I have a long-standing goal of writing songfic, and while I didn’t do it here, at least the title is from a Bowie song that seemed appropriate.  So not just my first reader-insert, my first song-titled-fic!
9.  Infectious
Idea:  The Thryce Discord, and in particular @handsofthrawn​, had been asking/lobbying me for ages about writing a quarantine fic since the world was in lockdown.
Result:  Well, this is what I achieved this year, when I look back at what I accomplished.  My longest fic ever, and a particularly ambitious premise of getting from an awkward, miserable (and hopefully realistic) fuck-or-die scenario to a happy ever after for my evil OTP.  I unashamedly love this story and I’m so happy and grateful to the readers who loved it with me—their comments and kudos gave me life when the stress of reality made me want to curl into a defensive little ball and hide for the rest of the year.
10.  Evilmousetober 2020
Idea:  I couldn’t choose what X-tober prompts to use for my October drabbles this year, so I used whatever felt right that day.
Result:  A compilation of my tumblr drabbles from various October prompts.
11. Dis Manibus
Idea:  I am not going to write this fic.  I am not going to write this fic.  Crack and ridonc and no way is there any conceivable way it would work.  And then I wrote it.  The basic concept as my muse nagged me was to write the “nightmare comfort” trope with Luke and Pryce.  WHY?! I HAVE NO IDEA I DON’T CONTROL THIS BITCH.  Anyway, the idea wouldn’t go away.
Result:  This fic is the perfect exhibit of how I never know what the heck is going to happen when I start writing.  Everything was a surprise to me, including the Thryce element to what was SUPPOSED to be a Luke/Pryce fic.  Also I didn’t get the smut I wanted.  *curses*  But I like it anyway and it worked, timing-wise, for Halloween-y themes.
12.  Alone Time
Idea:  After swearing not to write fic for the rest of the year, @contentment-of-cats​ put out her Merry Chissmas bingo card and my ambitious ass decided to try to knock every single prompt out with a one-shot.
Result:  Thrawn jerking off in the shower and thinking verrrrrry naughty things.  I apologize for nothing.
So in 2019 I wrote 26 fics and this year only got to about 12…but fanfic is for fun, and we all needed fun this year.  I enjoyed writing for you and I hope you enjoyed reading my output.  I look forward to providing more smexy silly and strange fic for you in 2021.  <3
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polizwrites · 2 years
WIP Update - 25 May 2022
A pretty good writing week as I try to finish up two bingos!  I touched 5 fics (3 WIPs & 2 new works - plus 4 mini Tumblr ficlets) for a total of  2304 words.  @psychiccatpanda   and I posted the second chapter of our WinterIronHawk ‘accidental demon summoning’ collab fic and I’ve been adding the Flash Fiction Friday/Winterhawk ficlets that have been posted here to Tumblr in a new Ao3 collection
I’m sitting at 11 active WIPs  (with a couple of maybe TBCs)  with my current   deadlines being the WinterHawk Bingo  and Stucky Bingo which wrap up the end of May.   I did sign up for the @steverogersbingo, which will send out cards starting 1 June, as well as the  @starkbucksbingo - which is open for signups thru 22 June. (Yes - I like collecting bingo cards!)
On the crafting side, I have one Stuffed With Character commission slot open for June and 4 for July at the moment - am pretty busy with requests & prepping for a show!
See below cut for the WIPs  (arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc) I am working on  -   feel free to send me prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding any of these projects   (or any other WIPs I’ve got out there) – they really help feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
The Devil Is in the Details (Sign on the Dotted Line)
This is the  WinterIronHawk ‘accidental demon summoning’ fic  @psychiccatpanda and I have been having So Much Fun with!  We ended up with seven chapters of Tony  and Clint and Bucky shenanigans - kicking off with Ty as an Awful Boyfriend  before bringing in a couple more members of the gang! Chapter 2  posted last Friday and filled my BBB  K5 - Tony Stark | Iron Man square and we’re planning on posting the rest on Fridays - so stay tuned!
WinterHawk Bingo - Round 3 [WHB_R3] (Runs thru 31 May 2022)
Sixteen fills posted  and unless I get last minute inspiration, I think I’m done. I got my Row 1 and Column I bingos and am satisfied with that.
* I3 - Happy Bucky Barnes  - filled this with the moodboard for  Something to Prove  which has a crossover ficlet that filled  my BBB   Happily Ever After  square - this may be a moodboard/ficlet Wedding Day combo  
* N3 - FREE -  I was inspired by MerMay to combine both this square and the Stucky Bingo FREE square with my BBB  Merpeople square  and add a second chapter to  Something’s Starting Right Now  that throws Steve into the WinterHawk mix.  It was a bit of a struggle and I’m still not sure I’m happy with the results, but I went ahead and posted the  1203 word chapter this morning.
Stucky Bingo - Round 3 [SB R3] (Runs thru 31 May 2022)
I’m getting a technical blackout  with 25 fills (23 original squares and two adopted squares). Again, unless I get last minute inspiration (and time) - I think this is it.
* N3 - FREE - see WHB FREE above
* O2 - AU: A/B/O   - Chapter 3 of   Flawed Hypothesis is back in play, thanks to @psychiccatpanda !    This chapter is Steve POV and currently sitting at 1045 words with a plan for final polishing and posting during the Discord party. 
A Warm Light Zine - Due 1 July
I got accepted as a writer for  A Warm Light Zine - dedicated to 2012 Avenger era Stony and coming hopefully sometime this autumn!  I was assigned the 2012 canon-compliant category for a 2-5k fic.  While I can’t share much about it here, I do want to at least keep track of my word count: up to 467  
Steve | Tony | Bucky Bingo Round 2 [STBB R2]  (Runs thru 30 Jun 2022)
Ten fills, and two WIPs.  Taking advantage of the One Fill, One Bingo opportunity, and might get a Column G  bingo as well.  Will have to lean hard into this once May is over!  
* B4 - Working Out -  this came from a Bucky Barnes Bingo server party:   Binging Avengers Exercises -   the team posts their workouts online and modern!Bucky spends entirely too much time watching the channel - especially Captain America and Iron Man.
*  N2 - AU: Western  - possible crossover with MWAPB  Next Door Neighbors  – I have a decent idea for this one  (semi-inspired by a recent re-read of  Laura Ingalls Wilder A Long Winter)   and jotted down about 225 words’ worth of notes/VERY rough draft. Holding on to this to see if I can crossflll with an upcoming TSB square.  
* G4 - ID Porn -  see  Stucky Bingo - KINK: Sugar Daddy above
* O4 - Lazy Sunday Morning  -  have a smutty WinterIron idea for this one; need to get it jotted   down - will most likely cross over with my BBB  KINK: Edging square.
Started something to combining the following squares for the One Fill, One Bingo badge:    B5 - “Aliens, again?”, I5 - Lifeguard,  N5 - Barbeque,  G5 - River Rafting, O5 - Wakanda.    Avengers + Guardians in a partying mood = a huge headache for T’Challa.   It’s currently sitting at 339 words. Current Last Line:   I’m Sam, Sam Wilson – another friend of Steve’s.
Avengers Bingo [AvB] (Runs thru 24 Dec)
Two  fills posted and 0 WIPs - I decided to further challenge myself by pairing up each square with a unique combo of 2 original MCU Avengers! With the help of the STB Enthusiasts Discord folks - I’ve got all 16 squares   planned out, at least in terms of who to write about, and half of them have some sort of idea or crossover square to go along with them. Feel free to toss other plot  bunnies my way…  
* A2 - On the Run  - Natasha & Steve - crossover with  MWAPB - Farmer’s Market?   post CA:CW Wakanda ?
*  A4 - Mutual Pining  - Steve/Thor - crossover with  MWAPB - Thor.
* A3 - Reunited  -   Clint & Natasha  -  Endgame Ronin scene?
* B1 - Death - possible crossover with  MWAP Crying square – post Snap Bruce & Steve  mourning?
*  B3 - Road Trip  -  Bruce & Thor  - Post Grandmaster, pre-Thanos  space shenanigans
*  C1 - Opposites Attract - Clint/Thor  - there was a fun Tumblr  headcanon going around about a Bumbling Foreigner whose ignorance of  local customs  results in him flirting with/proposing to the prince -  this seems like a perfect matchup!  
* C3 - Reincarnation AU  -  Natasha & Tony  - post-Endgame
* C4 - Bodyguard AU  -  Thor/Tony  -  young!Tony - crush on Cap plays into attraction  (obvious title - Thunderstruck)  - holding on this til next round of TSB.  
* D1 - Friends w/ Benefits  - Clint/Steve - crossover with MWAPB Hawkeye/Clint Barton.
D2 - Romeo & Juliet AU  -  basic idea:  Steve (jock) & Tony  (geek) trying out for title roles in R&J - despite their respective  friend groups thinking it’s a terrible idea.  Both cliques end up  becoming friends.  
*  D3 - Bed Sharing  -  Bruce/Natasha - AoU compliant.
Man With a Plan (Steve Rogers) Bingo [MWAPB] (Runs thru 31 Dec)
Four fills, 1 WIPs and several Vague Ideas/potential cross fills with other bingos.  Prompts cheerfully accepted!  
* B2 - Next Door Neighbors  - see  STBB   AU: Western  above
* B3 - Farmer’s Market  - see  AvB On the Run above
* B4 - Powerless AU  - if Sunqueen and I decide to continue   Wrong Number, Right Call ,  this would be a good fit.  
* B5 - “I don’t really want to wake up just yet.”  - this would probably be a good fit with Chapter 5 of   Takin’ What They’re Givin’ (‘Cause I’m Workin’ for a Livin’)
* I1 - Steve is here for TFAtWS  - this might go well with my BBB  “Oh, hell no"  square - Steve trolling  Bucky & Sam by sending the old man in with his shield?  (moodboard & ficlet?)
* I2 - Found Family  - see STBB One Fill, One Bingo above.
* I3 - Thor  - see AvB Mutual Pining above
* I5 - Dogsitting - possible crossover with  BBB “Run”  square - Steve & Bucky dogsitting for Lucky?  (moodboard + ficlet)
* N1 - School AU/Teacher AU  - if I decide to continue on with Technicalities (see Stucky Bingo  College AU above)  - I could fill this square  :: ponders::
* N3 - Online shopping - this might be fun as a crossover with BBB Thighs …?  (even tho lingerie is a “nah” for me) Steve and Tony buying a new wardrobe for Bucky  that show off his ass-ets?
* G4 - Canon Divergence post CA:TWS - possible  crossover with BBB  Kill List Bucky wreaking havoc on Hydra bases and  Steve & Sam catch up with him
* O1 - Crying - see AvB Death square above
*  O2 - Sex Pollen  -  Teenage Groot pollen =  aphrodisiac  hi-jinks. Quill & Gamora  warn the  couple (stucky)/throuple (Stuckony)  ahead of time, so no  dub-con.
* O3 - Hawkeye/Clint Barton  -  see AvB - Friends w/ Benefits  above.
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round 4 [BBB_R4] (Runs thru 7 Jan 2023)
Seven fills and  three WIPs -  looks like I’m already in good shape to start with  a Row 4 and/or Column K bingo!
* B3 - Sam Wilson|Falcon - this would be a good candidate for a continuation of After One Or Two False Starts
* U2 - AU: Roommate  - see WHB Huddling for Warmth above
* U3 - Steve Rogers - slating for  Chapter 5 of  Never More to Go Astray (Stuckony Star Wars AU) Looks like this will be at least 6 chapters to get through two rounds of POVs.  Huge thanks to RudeArrow, who  is doing an AMAZING job of brainstorming and beta’ing with me!!  Chapter 5 (Bucky POV)  is currently sitting at 400 words. Current Last Line:   “How come I’m the errand boy?”  
* U4 - AU: Arranged Marriage - will probably pick Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion  back up for this one.  
* U5 - Kill List -  see MWAP  - G4 - Canon Divergence.  Post CA:TWS above
* C1 - Merpeople  - see  WinterHawk Bingo  FREE square
* C2 - “Oh, hell no” - possible crossover with MWAP I1 - Steve is here for TFaWS
* C4 - KINK: Aftercare -  probably holding onto this until the TSB bingo 😁
* C5 - “This might as well happen”  -  possible crossover with WHB Huddling for Warmth?
* K1 - Thighs - possible crossover with MWAP: N3 - Online Shopping.  
* K2 - Comics - sew the  Stuffed Marvel Classic Comics Bucky Barnes I drew up last month.  
* K3 - KINK: Edging  - see STB Lazy Sunday Morning above.
* K5 - Tony Stark | Iron Man -  see The Devil is in the Details above
* Y1 - “Do you trust me?” -  Using this for Chapter 5 of Takin’ What They’re Givin’ (‘Cause I’m Workin’ for a Livin’) - Mission Four: Pour Some Sugar: Part 2.   Chapter 5 picks up mid-sexytimes with Steve and Bucky and is currently sitting at 705 words. Current Last Line:  “Breathe for me, sweetheart.”      
* Y2 - Never the fall that kills you -  this might be the title for the remix I want to do of   Seeds of Love  (by the super-talented @hddnone) Holding off on this til I get my TSB card, as I wanted to carry over my Secret Admirer  square for this as well.  
* Y3 - “Run”  -  see MWAP I5 - Dogsitting above.
* Y5 - Happily Ever After - see WHB  Happy Bucky Barnes above
* ADOPTED1 - Peggy Carter - possible crossover with with MWAP - G3 - USO Tour (Peggy regaling Bucky with stories of Steve’s exploits while touring the US) or  N4 - Soulmates  (WW3some shenanigans!)
On other creative fronts:  I have a Gritty in progress with Argoman and Spoony and Woodstock in the works.  I currently have 1 June slot available and 3 for July.  
if  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts (for a friend or something for yourself!)  you can plan ahead for  the next holiday season and check   out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 80!).   They’re  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star   Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design  requests  for any fandom!
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