#i did that on purpose dw
das-a-kirby-blog · 16 days
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The Iudex spotted wearing a weird mask! Could this be a new fashion trend coming to light? Tune in next time at the Steambird!!!
(aka: an eldritch god!sagau x possession!sagau mix, all inspired by @thatdeadaquarius!! tap the pic(s) for better quality :DD idk why this took so long.)
[extra stuff utc‼️]
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(with eyes edition down below!!)
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hdra77 · 2 months
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a little wip for some scenery study ft. me and my friend's ocs hoo boy this is going to be a big one to work with ! :D i was this close on leaving them green and leaving that bg sketch as is LMAO ocs featured: (left)delighted jingling (my friend's oc) (right)dystopian arbitrary endless possibilities (mine!)
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reds-skull · 2 months
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This took actually 4 hours, 3 of them just trying to make the easy way work (spoiler alert - it fucking didn't), last hour I just gave up and fixed the textures manually.
Thank you to @hauntedbubbles for the models and plug-in to import them to Blender! You can find that on this post.
You might ask why... I spend 4 hours trying to make this fucker dance. And that's because I wanna see them be silly and Activision is not gonna give it to me, so I'm making it myself.
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stateofdreaming14 · 1 month
Me explaining why the winking lady at the end of The Church On Ruby Road is Susan, Susan Twist is the one who waited, and Ruby is their love child
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astronobeebzzbzz · 3 months
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aw hell theyve trapped the lads in the blue screen of death LET THEM OUT
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 month
i must say. mr simm obviously makes every scene he’s in very fun and delightful. but. idk. this does not feel quite like my cat from end of time. there’s a weird sorta disconnect here. i guess to emphasize how different missy is from him?
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
Graham is the Anti-Tecteun. Graham is the narrative Tecteun foil. If Graham met Tecteun and found out what they’d done Graham would punch them on the nose. Graham is the good example to the cautionary tale. Graham is everything Tecteun is too awful to realise she should aspire to. 
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thefiresofpompeii · 6 months
every other poster on the tube right now is advertising a new musical called ‘the time traveller’s wife’. for a blissful moment i forgot that a ‘wife’ is something that a heterosexual woman can be, and, believing it to be a beautiful lesbian tale akin to tihylttw, decided to google the synopsis to see if it was worth checking out. big mistake. ‘man first encounters his future spouse as a young girl, returns to kiss her at 18 and marry her in the future, remaining the same age as barely any time passes for him meanwhile she spends years alone pining for her distant angel’ blinks. what does that remind me of. oh yeah apparently this came before. i’m already suffering through series 5 at the current moment, so, plenty enough of that for years to come, thank you, and— what a surprise— the novel the musical’s based on was a primary inspiration for you-know-who’s weird fixation on this particular plotline. the worst part about the time traveller’s wife is that there aren’t even any cool steampunk clockwork droids or gorgeous 18th century french dresses to make up for the vomit-inducing implications. i have never been more disappointed. mind wipe, now
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callixton · 1 month
sorry why did i say some of that stuff to him in that letter. i mean i know why i was practicing this thing called vulnerability. but oh my god i really said that out loud (wrote it down)
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I'm not a big fan of Eleven's sprawling speech about changing...Nine and Eleven's little one-liners felt so much more heartfelt.
Also I still don't understand bringing back Amy Pond? Moffat is incapable of writing platonic relationships, fine, but I assume Amy was always...platonic ? Maybe???? But to bring her back when Clara is supposed to be his current Most Special Girl Ever is...cruel.
Okay, Eleven taking off the bow tie absolutely breaks my fifteen year old self's heart; it feels more like a farewell gesture than his entire speech.
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claratwelve · 6 months
if mrs flood is river song i'm going to be MAD mad she met almost every doctor and skipped thirteen because what a missed gay opportunity
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ragnarssons · 2 years
look, i love david tennant and ten as much as the next person. but. a huge part of doctor who, one of the biggest lessons i’ve learnt watching this show, is letting people go, letting the past go, moving on and evolving and getting better. but now this show has become so full of fanservice that it has forgotten its main purpose and messages, creating stupid twists like “oh the timelords were the bad guys after all” and bringing back old doctors just to boost the viewership. and honestly, *sigh*
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garbagequeer · 7 months
im obsessed with your meepposting : )
thanks im the meep's number one fan lawyer and groupie (the meep was framed and even if the meep had done those crimes maybe the meep was just hungry or bored or the beep of all the meeps but they didn't think about that before sending the meep to space jail did they). rn im trying to think of enough images for a meep moodboard so that i can caption it as meepboard
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notthemindprobe · 7 months
people using the new episode as an excuse to have one last dunk on 13/chibnall's era is kinda bumming me out :/
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daz4i · 2 years
i have a hard time reading fics lately but there's still one I'm following whenever it updates. i took a break from reading it bc the recent updates have been very dark, and then in the next update the author notes said "this chapter is the darkest one yet" so i bailed for a bit and then now in the last few days i actually read this chapter and another 2 posted after it. and let me tell you. this author has a very different definition of dark than i do
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