#i did the dots just to be safe btw
cherrylight · 1 year
i will throw my nervousness to the side to talk about this now because i really want to and i hate how i am always so nervous over everything ever 
so. long post. probably. knowing me lmao
hello hi. id share what she looks like, but maybe another time. anyway, others may know or feel familiar upon hearing the name ally :] for the longest time, i talked about her and was very nervous talking about her but i believe its because i reworked her into something i didnt like so it was difficult to talk about and she was a hs s/i so yay i guess...
HOWEVER!! ive been so fixated on cr.eepyp.asta again that talking and thinking about her is so much more easier! mostly because her origin was from crp :] so its very special to me! anyway! i think ill make her back to her original roots as a crp s/i! so yay! go me! :]
anyway, her rework follows this: she basically doesnt hold a lot of fear of the creepy things, or most horror! she finds a lot of comfort in it (and that i find a lot of comfort in it anyway), so to her its like a little safety net she can go to as a way to comfort herself :] so, meeting the rest of crp doesnt really phase her and she isnt afraid of them because well... to me, theyve been this second family for majority of my life so thats how i view them to me
regardless, she likes the creepy side of things and shes pretty mischievous when she can be! ive realised this s/i and my other one usually have something that is regarding mischief and its funny theyre basically practically my personas so i guess i like mischievous characters lol
anyway! ive decided that she isnt human but she doesnt fully know shes not human :] shes a ghost-angel... knowing me i love ghosts and her aesthetic usually has something to do with angels and thought of her being some sort of anomaly being that is both! HOWEVER! she has no idea that she is this corrupted anomaly! so its kind of... fascinating as some sort of plot hole i guess??
there is a lot of lore that i want to play around and theres different things that i have in mind and unsure what would be officially canon and what isnt
i guess i can mention this now: her rework lets her have back originally her blue eyes, but this time theyre pastel and she still has her heart pupils and i think that works really well on her being an angel because of the odd pupils :]
oh lol!!! to add: i ship her w b.en dr.owned :] also because i love that guy so much he is the loml and i just hdkfghdflkghdfklh im love him im very attached to him so !! yay !! :] the silly guy is back <3
ok i think thats all i can talk about 
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idkwhatever580 · 4 months
Always remember the things she said
Based on the song “as good a reason” by Paris Paloma (the girl who wrote “labor”)
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader | Wanda maximoff x reader!platonic\older sister vibes | Wanda maximoff x Natasha romanoff!platonic\older sister vibes again
Prompt: two occasions happen where Natasha and y/n give their sisterly advice to Wanda, and she’s the first one to connect the dots.
Warnings: swearing, songfic
A/N: guys I love a good songfic. this is giving me life right now btw. I’m living for this song.
Here’s the song if you want to listen. It’s not important that you hear it but it’s soooo good
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Wanda and Pietro just joined the team.
Of course Pietro was busy recovering from almost bleeding out, and Wanda was getting tested for her abilities.
After most of the screenings were done she was pretty tired. And you were there to help her settle in.
You went with her to the party that night since Tony used their presence as a good reason to celebrate.
Wanda had sat next to you the whole night almost as you were elegant and beautiful in your own right. And you knew it. Suddenly she speaks up after not having said much more than a peep all night.
“You really know what you’re doing.”
“I mean. You look like you love yourself so much and it’s attractive to everyone. It draws eyes towards you. The way you carry yourself”
You smile and thank her and nod your head.
“I didn’t always know how to own the room.”
She turns her head and says
“When did you change? Or become like this?”
You smile and say
“Can I tell you a story?”
She nods interested now.
You sit back as you recall that fateful night.
“One night. I was at a party not unlike this one.”
Wanda nods along and you start
“I met a woman with lips so red. A face so lined like spider webs. I’ll always remember the things she said. They were so wise, she opened my eyes and they’ll never close again.”
Wanda asked
“What’d she say? What did she do?”
You smile at her innocence and intrigue
“Oh how she sighed when she stubbed her cigarette. I felt compelled to enquirer of her success. ‘How do you do, how can you be so in love with yourself? Tell me please cause I need help’”
I smile at my youthful innocence and say
“I was just like you in that moment I guess. Which is why I’m telling you this story.”
Wanda is already on the edge of her seat.
“She said… ‘Every time you are succeeding there’s an old man somewhere seething, and spite’s as good a reason to take his power. When you hate the body you are in, oh love, you’re acting just for him as he counts his gold and green in his ivory tower.’”
I take a sip of my drink and say
“I was being manipulated by one of my exes. And she helped me realize I didn’t even like him and I freed myself from his grasp with her help. ‘Our fear it lines his pockets love, so take that rage and bottle up and put a drop into his cup of wine. You don’t need him you don’t need me. With that poisoned bottle you’ll be free, but be damn sure you don’t mix it up with mine.’”
I smile at Wanda’s face. She’s incredibly sweet.
“What happened to the woman?”
I chuckle and say
“Well, I did exactly what she said not to do”
Wanda furrows her eyebrows and says
“What? But you’re doing what she said to do right now yes?”
I smile and say
“Partially. See. The first part I listened to yes. But the second part. I didn’t listen so good.”
Wanda tilts her head slightly and says
“What did you do?”
“I mixed my poison with hers. But not in the way you might think. I simply fell in love with her”
Her eyes widen and she’s on the edge of her seat
“What happened to her though?”
I smile and say
“We got married.”
Wanda looks shocked and she says
“You’re married?!”
I hush her and say
“Yes but not many people know. It’s to keep her safe in a way. Being an avenger is risky. I wouldn’t want the love of my life to get hurt now would I?”
Wanda shakes her head and we continue on with the night without another question.
Wanda has been with the avengers for a few months now and she’s been adjusting perfectly.
She is like family to them and she is at a gala sitting next to Natasha. You were drug off by Tony to talk to people. And to pass the time Wanda says
“Tell me a story.”
Natasha raises a brow and says
“A story?”
Wanda nods her head and says
“Like. Something that has happened to you that you’ve never told someone. That has a meaning behind it I guess. I guess what I’m asking is tell me a story and give me advice as well”
Natasha smiles when she pictures the perfect memory in her head.
“I’ve got a story. A few years ago I was at a party.”
Wanda nods along
“I met a young girl with eyes so bright. She was already getting sick of life. She had this boy who was controlling her basically. Her arms were laden with his merchandise. She asked me why I no longer try and waste my time and I said ‘spite’”
With a smirk Natasha continues
“I said… ‘Cause every time you are succeeding. There’s an old man somewhere seething, and spite’s as good a reason to take his power. When you hate the body you are in, oh love, you’re acting just for him as he counts his gold and green in his ivory tower.”
Wanda furrows her eyebrows as she recognizes those words.
“‘Our fear it lines his pockets love so take that rage and bottle up and put a drop into his cup. You don’t need him you don’t need me, with that poisoned bottle you’ll be free, but be damn sure you don’t mix it up with mine.”
Wanda mumbles the last words trying to recall where she had heard it before
“Be damn sure you don’t mix it up with mine”
When she makes the connection she says
“And then you ended up marrying her!”
Natasha furrows her eyebrows in shock and she says in a hushed tone
“How did you know that?”
Wanda responds
“She told me”
“Y/n told you that we’re married? We agreed to not tell anyone without each others consent.”
Wanda shakes her head.
“She told me her point of view of that exact moment and said ‘I met a woman with lips so red. Always remember the things she said’ and I remembered that she said that she married the woman but she didn’t tell me anything else. And I put two and two together and boom baby!”
Natasha smiles and says
“You’re the first person to figure it out. It’s funny because I told her not to mix our poisons and we did”
Wanda smiles and says
“I think you work well together. Like your poisons complement each others.”
Natasha smiles and says
“Thank you. And good job at remembering the woman’s words”
She smirks and Wanda giggles.
You finally break free from the people talking to you and you immediately make your way over to Natasha and Wanda and say
“Up to no good?”
Nat turns around and says
“Actually. Wanda has something she’d like to tell you”
You look at her waiting for her to say it and she gets all shy
“Um. I know who the woman with lips so red is”
Your eyebrows raise in surprise and you say
“Nat? Did you tell her?”
Nat shakes her head and she says
“She figured it out all by herself. She’s a smart one”
You nod your head and say
“I always knew she was smarter than she let on. Congrats on being the first to find out.”
Wanda nods her head and she says
“You shouldn’t hide it. I think you would be New Yorks top power couple”
You sigh and say
“It’s for our own protection. If we were to let that out someone might use us against the other”
Wanda nods and says
“But you have each other. You know you’ll come for each other. You know every avenger would drop everything to help you”
I nod and say
“You’re right. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to soft launch”
Nat smiles and says
“Let’s do it”
I grab my ring from my necklace that keeps it there and I put it on my finger. As does Natasha and Wanda smiles and claps excitedly
“I feel like a proud sister!”
I smile and say
“Good. You are our sister.”
She smiles and says
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish @justarandomreaderxoxo
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hellsburners · 11 months
time's wasting, tick-tocking, lip locking
summary: spider-man meets an unlikely friend(or foe) to help him retrieve an important package. pairing: tasm!peter parker x male reader word count: 1.8k warnings: fluff, suggestive stuff, black cat reader, light smut, they're not friends sorta enemies if you think about it. a/n: a request from an anon! btw you could end it to a certain part if you just want the banter and the fluff but yall this is a hellsburners production we're serving smut here
masterlist | more peter parker
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The air was quite chilly atop this building, the spandex not warming his body. Spider-man rubbed his gloved hands together for some heat, his legs bent over the ledge of the building, his eyes scanning the dock below. Twenty-four men loading wooden crates into shipping containers with the words Roxxon Energy Corp.
He swung down behind a shipping crate, crawling to the top unbeknownst to the men. His webs thwip across the snowy dock, disarming three men. Their bodies bonded together, and their mouths shut. He swings again, landing next to four other men, their rifles pointing at him.
Peter webs for two opposite poles and slingshots himself to the men, kicking one over while disarming the others; more men come rushing with baseball bats and crowbars. They try to hit Peter, his senses blazing from each attack; he ducks and avoids each blow, pulling on a few webs to tie them up.
Five more men come from inside the shipping container, loaded with pistols and rifles, but before they can come out, a small silver ball rolls from the top of the container, falling down and releasing white smoke.
Peter could hear the men choke and cough as a figure came down and took them individually. He did the same, taking the moment when the men were disarmed to land a few kicks and punches, leaving them unconscious.
He runs to the shipping container as the smoke wears off. The crates were ripped open with bear-like claw marks, the contents of the boxes now gone. He hears footsteps from his far left, the shadowy figure creeping against the moonlight. Peter webs his way to run after it. The cold slowed him down, his feet much heavier and his hands numb.
He shoots a web that lands on the figure's back. He turns to a man wearing a black coat with white fur on the hood and its sleeves. He sees your face, black-masked, dark hair with streaks of silver, a black satchel wrapped around your shoulder. The Black Cat.
You gave him a wink before falling back on the ledge of the building. Peter jumps, finding you at the bottom, waiting for him. He webs down slowly, landing on his feet. Your back against a wall, your clawed fingers wrapped around the clear vial with silvery-purple liquid.
"Need this?" you said, vapor appearing from your lips. "Nice to see you again, Spider."
"I would say the same, but I don't share the sentiment," he said, walking towards you. "Can we skip the small talk and give me that vial?"
"Ooh, you know it's not that easy," you said, putting the vial back in your bag. "Besides, don't you miss me?" you pout.
"I—no!" Peter said, his voice erratic. "Shame," you smirked, dropping another smoke bomb before disappearing from his sight.
"Hey!" he screamed. You were ahead a few blocks. He swung across a few other buildings and tried to chase you down. You grappled down a busy street, your coat blending in with civilians in their winter clothes. "Fuck," he sighed. "Lucky me, I've been trying to test these out," he said, taking his phone out to see the red dot on the city map, a tracker placed on your back when he ran after you.
He traced you down, riding a black car heading out of the city. Peter reloaded his web-shooters and braced for the trip. He swung from building to building until he landed on a truck heading in the same direction. His joints started to stiffen, his nape cold and aching.
You entered a safe house on the city's outskirts, a brutalist bare building with a white car parked outside. Peter found you dealing with—Richard Fisk, the Kingpin's son, calls himself The Rose. You hand him the bag of vials. You await payment before his men point their guns at you. Peter knows you. This isn't something you could run away from easily. Fisk turns away and leaves in his white car, leaving you with six men with loaded guns.
Peter jumps down to your aid, unarming two men before landing a solid blow on the others. You take this moment to kick the other man right across his face. He saw you move with grace and agility, your gymnast background aiding your fight.
The men all ended up unconscious on the pavement. Blood drips down your lips, and no one gets away with scamming you. "So, was it worth it?" Spider-man said.
"Don't piss me off," you said, rubbing the back of your hand against your bloodied lip. "This never happens."
"Well, it just did," he said. "That vial could've helped me to take them down, but now they have it!"
"I'm not a hero, Spider," you snickered. "I don't do this for good. I do this so I can live," you walked towards the door, the metal ice cold. You try to slide the entrance to the side, but the gate does not budge. You snarled, trying to pull it back. "Shit, I think it's stuck."
"What?" Peter said. "Let me see," he tried to do the same, but the door still didn't budge despite his strength. "Fuck, they must've closed us off—the snow isn't helping either." Peter punched the door in anger, leaving a giant dent.
"There must be another exit—or a window," you said. The room slowly turned colder. You tried to wrap your fur coat around your body, your breath leaving hot vapor. Loud bangs from Peter's fists filled the room, but the door never moved.
"I checked before coming in. There isn't one," Peter took off his mark, panting while vapor left his lips. You looked at him. He was older since you last met, the circles under his eyes darker, his face riddled with stubble, his hair longer and messier. The cold fogged your goggles up, so you took them off and left them on a table nearby.
The two of you rummaged all over the safe house, looking for materials to use or food and other things. Peter found an old lab coat to wrap himself with, and you found a box of canned tuna, some old crackers—and one sleeping bag.
Peter tried his cell, but there was no signal. "We're going to be here for a while," you said. "Shouldn't we bundle up and stay warm, like old times."
"Not happening," Peter said, shivering under his breath.
"Your loss," you ripped a claw on the box of biscuits and took a bite. "Ugh, it's stale."
Hours passed with Peter running around the safe house, looking for an exit. On the other hand, you lay on the sleeping bag with your hands behind your head. You took a file from your pocket and filed your claws into peak sharpness. Peter sighed under his breath every time he passed by you. "You're a pain in the ass, Cat."
"From what I remember, you gave me a pain in the ass, Spider," you chuckled. "Kidding, it wasn't all pain."
"I'm fucking freezing," Peter said, rubbing his body to make some heat.
"I told you we should bundle up," you said. "Plus, it's getting late, and I'm sleepy."
Peter rolled his eyes and joined you in the sleeping bag. The two of you were wrapped like a burrito, his face too close to yours. His brown eyes stared intently, his long lashes batting at you. You wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer. His eyes widened, and a soft moan left his lips. "Wrap your arms around me, too," you said. His large arms snaked around you, creating heat.
"Wood sage and Sea salt?" you whispered, smelling his neck. He chuckled and nodded. "I missed you, Spider. Honestly,"
"I missed you too," he said, his voice stern. "Where did you go, Cat?"
"Tried to live a normal life, it didn't end well for me," your gaze trailed away from his eyes, your hand finding his soft brown hair. "I guess this is me forever, running and stealing."
"It doesn't have to be like that. You could work with me, and we could be good," Peter said, his palms rubbing your lower back. "Live with me."
"I'll think about it," you said, your hands falling to his cheeks. It was warm against his cold skin. You inched closer, pressing your lips to his. You closed your eyes and delved deeper into the kiss. His hand snaked underneath your clothes, cold fingertips against your bare skin. You wrapped your thigh around his, his knee hitting your center. The two of you moaned from the kiss, hands searching each other's bodies.
You straddled Peter's waist rubbing your ass on his growing erection. His hands wrapped around your ass, pulling you closer. He whimpers on your lips, shaking from the pleasure and the cold. "Cat—" he moaned. You pepper his neck with kisses, licking and sucking, leaving red marks.
He pulls you back to the kiss, his arms hugging you tighter as his sex rubs on your ass. He rubs against you, moaning and whimpering while you moan from his tight embrace. He grips your waist, fingers digging into your skin. "Fuck—Spider, you good?" you gasped.
"I missed you, and I need you," he said. "Please be with me. I'll take care of you, protect you," his eyes stared at yours. "You won't run ever again."
"I'll think about it," you said again, an ache forming in your chest. Knowing it will never be normal with him.
"Fuck–I'm close," he moaned.
You pulled him in for a last kiss for a long while. Peter finishes under his suit, his face red and his hair drenched in sweat. You later passed out on the sleeping bag, your arms draped around each other, Peter's lips pressing on your forehead as you succumbed to the night.
Peter woke up to a banging on the door. "We know you're in there, Cat! Give us the real vial, or we'll kill you!" a bunch of men surrounded the lot, hands on their guns. He saw that you were gone, a hole formed on the ceiling, sunlight peering in, a black satchel on the spot where you slept. Inside were the vials and a note.
Sorry, I couldn't stay for breakfast. I had to go real quick. I left the vials for you. Do whatever is right. You always do the right thing. And you'll probably not see me again but don't miss me too much. I know I will.
Xoxo, Cat.
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justwritedreams · 11 months
Surviving The Game | Mark Lee
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Idol Mark x Investigator Reader
Word count: 11.368 Genre: Drama, angst, action. Author: maari Warnings: Mentions of stalking, guns and very sensitive topics with a happy ending bc you know me Note: I think I need to make it clear that this has nothing to do with yandere and personally I don't agree with stalker attitudes or anything like that. If you are going through this in real life, don't be silent, this is not normal. Btw this it’s just a fiction so don't come after me. Summary: An sasaeng turns Mark's life a nightmare and the only solution it's bring the police into this case. And it's your job to make him feel safe again.
⪢ NCT Masterlist
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“To be more than a conqueror You have to learn to enjoy the pain If you want to survive the game” “Y/N, come with me, please.”
“Of course, boss.” Y/N stood up from her chair, ready to grab her vest.
“Without the vest.” the boss warned and she looked at him confused but left her protection behind.
She walked beside him anxiously, waiting for him to say something but it didn't happen until they were in the car. No vests, no flashy vehicles. Like normal people.
"Where are we going?" she asked as soon as the boss started the car.
“Visiting a victim." Y/N frowned, she had never done this type of work. Noticing her confusion, the boss decided to explain. “It's a delicate and completely confidential case, it involves a large company that wants a silent investigation.”
She knew how to keep a secret but the anxiety of knowing what it was all about was eating her alive.
"Understood." she replied and silence returned to them both until they reached their destination.
Y/N wanted to know more about the details but she knew that the boss wouldn't talk about the case on the street or while they were going up the elevator, after identifying themselves to the doorman. She was attentive to everything and when they arrived on the floor, they didn't have to wait long after the boss rang the bell.
A man probably the boss's age, if not younger, answered the door and bowed as he faced the boss.
"Detective." the man greeted him and the boss bowed in the same way, entering shortly afterwards.
Y/N did the same and noticed that the man was worried, she walked in behind the boss and felt several pairs of eyes staring at her.
She didn't usually get nervous, she liked to investigate and was one of the reasons why she joined the police but she confessed that now it was different. She didn't expect four  extremely handsome young men to be in the room, staring intently at her and the boss.
She was used to police officers of all ages, so she was struck by the beauty of mere civilians. She had never seen so many handsome men since University.
The four of them got up from the couch and bowed, they seemed more anxious and nervous than Y/N, and she tried not to show how affected she was by the looks.
“Detective, this is Taeyong, Yuta, Johnny and Mark.” the oldest introduced, indicating who was who and Y/N took a good look at the boys.
But the last one caught her attention.
He appeared to be the youngest and was visibly shaken, huge black dots under his eyes that were shaking constantly, but beneath his pale, worried face, he carried an innocent, almost childlike look. Although he wasn't that much younger than Y/N.
“Detective Kim, this is my partner Y/N.” the boss announced and all eyes stopped on her.
Y/N smiled slightly, holding her gaze for longer with Mark, who quickly lowered his gaze.
“Very well, tell us from the beginning what happened.” the boss asked and the oldest signaled for everyone to sit down.
Y/N and the boss sat across from the four young boys who looked at Mark before starting.
“We were returning from a recording that lasted all day, when we got out of the car a woman approached us, she wanted to talk to Mark.” Y/N's eyes met Mark's and he looked embarrassed, the boss pointed for her to write down what Taeyong was saying and she took her phone out of her pocket. “At first we thought she was a random fan who had just passed by on the street and saw us getting down, but after we entered, the doorman announced that the woman had not left the sidewalk.”
Y/N cocked her head to the side when she heard the word fan. Were they famous? Why hadn't the boss warned her about this?
“She stood still for a long time, looking at the building trying to find our floor.” Yuta continued.
“That’s when she started screaming.” Mark spoke quietly and Y/N stopped taking notes to look at him, his small voice made her feel sorry for him.
It was clear that this had affected him in a bad way, it was actually sad.
“We spoke to our manager.” Johnny pointed to the older man who was standing next to them with his arms crossed. “And we didn’t do anything but record it for proof.”
“What was she shouting?” Y/N asked and they looked at Mark, who shook his head and looked down.
"Nonsenses. That Mark couldn’t go without talking to his girlfriend, that it wasn’t right to leave her outside in the cold.” Tayeong spoke and it was at that moment that everyone had the same expression, anger.
Y/N tried to contain her grimace and went back to taking notes.
Reminder: the girl was crazy.
“But the next day she was in the same place we were and the next day too, and now she’s going to where we are.” Yuta showed the discomfort he felt and it seemed like he wasn't the only one.
“It even seems like she knows our schedule better than our own manager.” Johnny commented.
“How long has this been going on?” the boss asked.
"3 weeks?" Taeyong asked Mark and he just nodded, while stared into nothing.
Now Y/N could understand the case.
It made perfect sense for the police to go to their house in disguise, if the idols went to the police station or if they knew that a detective had gone there, it would attract a lot of attention.
From the media, from the fans, from who knows how many stalkers they had. It would be detrimental to the case.
“And when did the messages start?” the boss asked and Y/N looked at him.
“A few days before she showed up.” Mark responded and put his hands together, stirring constantly.
“Can you show us?” the boss asked and Mark agreed, taking his phone out of his pocket and moving it around until he found what he was looking for, he handed it to the boss and as Y/N was closer, she held the phone.
The boss approached to read it and Y/N's eyes widened at the amount.
The number was already blocked, but on the same day Mark had received 52 messages.
‘I know where you are’
‘Why don’t you come out and talk?’
‘I see your face in the window’
‘Are you looking for me?’
'You are so cute'
There were some of them, Y/N noticed that the girl was really watching Mark closely and every second as she told him exactly what he was doing.
Psychopath, she thought.
Y/N looked at Mark once again. He was sad, dejected and tired, she could see that. It was clear as water.
Cases about stalkers were not rare, but she had never been at the forefront of the investigations. But now, knowing the story, she could only feel anger and disgust.
How could someone who claimed to be a fan do that?
“Have you ever thought about carrying armed security guards?” she asked and that caught everyone by surprise.
The boys looked at each other, looking for an answer while the manager scratched his head.
“It wouldn’t be fair to the fans.” Mark replied and for the first time held Y/N’s gaze.
She didn't want to notice how welcoming yet sad his brown eyes were, but she did.
“And is it fair to you?” she returned the question.
Okay, she understood the fame part but she couldn't understand why their safety didn't come first, especially since that girl was a perfect sasaeng.
They were obsessed and would stop at nothing. Someone needed to set limits.
“The company thinks it is more prudent for the police to investigate first and then we will see what can be done.” the manager said and Y/N wanted to snort.
She knew what to do, locking the crazy woman in a mental hospital was the solution.
“That’s what we’re here for.” the boss assured, resting his hand on Y/N's shoulder who was still looking at Mark. “We will do whatever is necessary.”
Y/N and the boss talked a little more with the boys so they could have something to start, as well as writing down the numbers the stalker was using to send messages to Mark.
Yes, numbers.
She was pushy, in Y/N's words she was annoying.
As soon as they left, after a long conversation that Mark apparently didn't want to have, they returned to the car with a plan in mind.
Well, Y/N had a rather radical plan.
“You know we’re going to have to check his phone, right?” Y/N asked her boss as soon as they left the street of the building. “The girl probably hacked it, based on her history.”
“I didn’t want to say that at first and scare him.”
She laughed, humorless.
“Boss, the guy is already scared!”
"I know. What did you find of her?” he asked and Y/N slid the file onto her phone.
After looking up her history in every database the police had access to, she found some interesting things.
“She was adopted when she was 6 years old. Her academic record is not the best, she went through several schools in a very short period, she must not have had time to create a bond with someone, her teachers made some notes over the years about her being quiet, introverted and extremely inattentive because she was too busy kissing posters of actors and singers.” Y/N saw the boss staring at her with a disbelieving look. "What? It’s written here!”
The boss laughed, nodding his head.
“I know what you think about stalkers.”
“That they are unbalanced people who deserve to spend the rest of their lives in a psychiatric clinic, am I wrong?”
“No, but it’s not right either.” the boss pondered, searching for the best words. “Cases like this involve a lot more than it seems, Y/N.”
"What does that mean?"
“I mean, you need to see beyond your outrage about this issue. Or do you think I didn’t realize you got mad when they started talking about the messages?” Y/N was silent. “You will be a good detective in the future and that is why I have an obligation to train you until then, I want you to be the best, but for that you will need to act more with reason than with emotion.”
Although the detective was in charge of the case, it was Y/N who was solving everything, especially because the boss was busier than usual. So he confided in her everything he said about this specific case.
That was why Y/N had gone to the group's dorm again, now she knew about Mark's professional life and how the group was famous, it made sense why stalkers showed up thinking they knew the boys closely.
However, a face that Y/N hadn't seen yet answered the door in confusion, so she held up her badge.
"Goodnight. Investigator Y/N, is Mark here?” she asked subtly and he nodded, giving her space to enter.
“Milk!” he shouted and even though she didn't know anything about him, she could tell that he must be one of the group's vocalists, by his powerful voice.
It was time for him to close the door and turn to face her, Mark appeared running and visibly tired, it was no wonder after all at that time of night they should have been sleeping due to their busy schedule.
“Officer, good night!” he greeted her and looked at her expectantly.
“How are you, Mark?”
"Good." she didn't believe the answer, not after the sad eyes gave it away. Y/N would have continued to hold his gaze if the boy who opened the door hadn't interrupted the brief moment. “This is Haechan, I guess you guys didn’t meet last week, did you?” he introduced and the boy smiled at Y/N.
"Equally!" he replied happily and the room fell into an awkward silence.
"Well, I'm sorry to come unannounced but I came to update you on the investigation." Y/N spoke and Mark moved in front of Haechan, pointing to the sofa.
"Please sit down."
She did so, taking off the backpack she was carrying on her back and placing it on her lap.
"First of all, your phone, where is it?"
Mark looked confused at Haechan who was on the same page, he pointed to one of the rooms.
"Charging, why?" He asked, curious.
"I'm going to need a favor. Two in fact." she saw Mark nod and then continued. "Bring your phone over here and cover all the cameras, you two will have to be silent at all time."
Mark looked complicit at Haechan who felt the investigator's eyes switch between him and Mark. The two agreed.
"Why?" Mark asked and saw her become reluctant.
"I need to make sure that what I suspect is happening." She explained without giving many details and received a shy ok from Mark, who got up and went to get his phone.
A few minutes later, while Haechan was silent and looked like he was going to explode, Mark returned. Y/N noticed that he had turned the phone's cover over and the rear cameras were covered, while the front was covered by a Band aid.
Creative, she thought.
Mark handed the phone to Y/N who quickly took the notebook out of her backpack and turned it on, Haechan approached Mark and the two remained standing next to the investigator while she worked tirelessly on the keyboard, concentrated enough to get Mark's attention .
He shouldn't have noticed her face so much, the way her lips held a firm line as she pressed them together, but he did.
In an absurd and boring silence, as Haechan thought, minutes passed until her expression changed.
From concentration to anger.
Y/N quickly turned off Mark's phone and got up from the couch almost at the same time.
"Officer…?" Mark caught her attention, and she looked at him seriously.
"What I thought was right." Mark looked at her expectantly, ready to understand what she meant but it wasn't that easy. She didn't want to be insensitive, so she took a deep breath before speaking. "She hacked your phone, she had access to any and all of your personal information."
Y/N saw Mark react in a common way, complete astonishment and despair. But even though it was normal, she hated seeing the vulnerability in him.
"How? When?" he asked, astonished.
"It is possible?" Haechan questioned, worried about his friend. Mark was whiter than usual, he looked like he was going to faint.
Y/N nodded and placed her hands on her hips.
"Unfortunately, yes. Did you leave your phone somewhere or access any unusual links?"
Mark reached deep into his memory.
"No, I don't access links that easily and I don't take my eyes off my phone. Well, only on the plane when I'm sleeping."
Y/N felt like a click appeared in her head.
So that was it.
"But she would never have access to my flight." He laughed in disbelief and saw Y/N look at him not so confidently. "Right?"
She sighed.
“Are you sure you never saw her before that night?” Y/N crossed her arms.
She had to have left some clue, everyone always did.
"Never!" Mark responded promptly and looked at his friend who was holding his hand to his face and staring into space, thoughtfully.
“Thinking back, I recognized her from somewhere. I remember seeing that face behind the scenes of our recordings.” Haechan replied, leaving Y/N on alert.
“You didn't tell me that before.” Mark accused and Haechan shrugged.
“I wasn't sure, but now that the police officer said it, it makes sense to me. She kept looking in our direction.”
Y/N took a deep breath, feeling her blood boil. With the case, she had analyzed other reports of sasaengs and the rumors she had heard about agencies allowing them to infiltrate artists' agendas because they had money was disturbing and revolting.
However, this theory seemed to make more sense than before.
"What do I do?" Mark asked, visibly desperate and Y/N raised her hand to rest on his shoulder but stopped in her tracks.
It would be too inappropriate.
That's why she put her hair behind her ear instead of physically comforting the boy.
"I suggest you buy another phone and don't answer any suspicious calls from an unknown number, always keep your phone in your front pocket."
Mark sighed, he looked so tired that Y/N sympathized with his suffering, it was the final reason she needed to speak with determination.
"She'll pay for this, I promise you."
Y/N closed the soaked umbrella while banging her fist against the door, that routine was becoming normal and she felt a mix of sensations run through her body waiting for the door to be opened.
She smiled slightly when she saw Mark's clean, confused face and his messy hair, but when she looked down at his bare torso, shock took over her body, she blinked a few times and her jaw dropped as she tried to find some words to say but there was nothing.
Y/N didn't want to notice the way that, even though he was so thin, Mark had a defined body. Well defined. It wasn't surprising, after all he was also a dancer, but she couldn't control her body to contain her stuttered speech.
“Ah shit, sorry!” she heard Mark speak after looking at his own body, finding himself only in his sweatpants while the guitar was in his other hand, Y/N looked at his face and saw that his cheeks took on a pink tone.
“It is…” Y/N cleared her throat as her voice came out weak. "It’s ok."
It was more than fine, she thought.
"Please come in." Mark gave her space and Y/N did so, moving next to Mark's hot body who looked anywhere but at her face. She left her shoes at the door, along with her umbrella. “I'm just going to…” he pointed to his body and she nodded frantically, still not knowing what to say, and followed him to the living room.
Mark practically ran with the guitar in his hand and Y/N put her lips together in a thin line as she watched Mark's back but when her eyes went to the waistband of his pants, she turned her head and with her eyes widened in surprise by the thoughts not at all pure that invaded her head, she lightly slapped her own cheek as if she managed to expel the thoughts.
Put yourself together, she thought.
“Sorry, I have this habit of playing the guitar like that.” she took a deep breath before turning to face Mark again, she was disappointed to see him without his guitar and in his gray hooded sweatshirt but she tried not to show it, the boy was embarrassed enough.
She didn't want to make the situation more uncomfortable than it already was.
“Don’t apologize, please. It’s me who should apologize for coming unannounced, again.”
Mark shook his head and smiled, crossing his arms.
“Apparently you have some more news about the case.” Mark tried to sound subtle but Y/N could find the anxiety in his voice, that was why she took a deep breath feeling her stomach churn with anxiety so she decided to be direct.
"We have the mandate ready." Mark smiled hopefully and was ready to say something when she interrupted him. "But the prosecution knew about your case in advance."
"And?" Mark asked, confused, his frown made him look cute.
"And they want to use this as an example to pressure Congress to pass stronger laws against stalkers."
Mark looked down, the gears in his brain seeming to grind slowly.
"Use as an example?" He questioned and she nodded. "A public trial. Is that it?"
Y/N bit her lip when she saw Mark's very serious expression.
"Yes. The prosecutor believes that with public opinion, especially international opinion, congress will have great motivation for stalkers to be treated as-"
"Wait, officer." Mark interrupted her, raising his hand. "I'm a layman on the subject but this means I'll have to testify in front of the jury. In person."
Y/N scratched the back of her head, feeling her heart sink when she saw Mark's pained expression.
"Yes, Mark. Your testimony at the trial is the main key, just testifying to the police is not enough to convict, it also needs to be in court."
Mark laughed in disbelief and ran his hand over his face, and then through his hair where he ruffled it hard.
He was visibly upset, Y/N understood the reasons but it was the only way to end it.
"Is not fair." he spoke and kept his gaze fixed on Y/N, who felt her shoulders sag.
It was true but he had no choice.
The investigations were practically over, she had nothing else to do.
Now it was with the prosecutor's office.
Mark shook his head and walked past Y/N who just followed him with her gaze, watching him go to the front door angrily, looking for some sneakers.
"Where are you going?" Y/N asked when she saw him put on the pair but had no answer, as Mark opened the door in the next second and walked out of the dorm in long strides.
Y/N ran to put on her shoes and follow Mark, finding him at the end of the hallway.
"Mark!" She called out to him but all she got was silence, which made her run after him again.
He walked out of the dorm and didn't even care about the rain outside as he took long steps down the street, Y/N didn't think about anything other than following him.
"Mark, wait!" She spoke loudly because the heavy rain had already soaked Mark's body and hers, her heavy hair fell in front of her face. "Hey!" she hurried and grabbed his arm, putting all the strength she had into making him stop.
Mark did it, suddenly, and Y/N almost ran into his body for it but she wished she hadn't because now she was staring into Mark's red eyes.
He looked broken inside and out, even in the heavy rain you could see the tears. Y/N felt an uncontrollable urge to protect him.
"What?" he shouted, making her fall silent.
She didn't know what to say, she just wanted to hug him tight enough to ease that suffering.
"I just…" he reluctantly and Y/N kept her eyes fixed on his, encouraging him to continue. "I just wanted, once, just once, to have a normal life like everyone else."
"And what would you do if you were a normal person?" she questioned and saw Mark look intensely into her eyes until he moved down to her mouth.
Y/N didn't have time for any more questions, she just saw Mark approach her in a blur, grab both sides of her face tightly and pull her towards him, their mouths colliding in an almost desperate way.
She widened her eyes when Mark's cold, wet lips took hers, letting a sound of surprise be muffled by the kiss, but Mark's palms covering her skin and his face so close to hers was enough for Y/N to give in to the brief desire at that moment.
She closed her eyes and her hands found Mark's shoulder, feeling her whole body light up with the way his lips moved between hers, tilting her head the kiss became deeper and was the perfect excuse for Mark's tongue seeks hers, bringing his chest closer to hers, their bodies emanating a heat that not even the cold rain was able to stifle.
Y/N sighed when her tongue began to dance in the same fast rhythm as Mark's and she felt his hand hold the back of her neck firmly, sending shivers throughout her body.
The rain, although it made the kiss much wetter and with more saliva than normal, seemed to wash away any kind of insecurity or fear on both sides.
Y/N didn't restrict herself from feeling everything she wanted. She had been attracted to Mark since the first day, and even though her rational side screamed that it was dangerous, she couldn't control the way her heart warmed much more than her body that was touched by him. She felt a peace, a strong connection that she had never felt before.
And Mark, he finally managed to put all his problems aside, it was like he was in another world. One in which Y/N wasn't the police officer who was just there to investigate the case, it went much further. He felt safe and normal.
When they separated, breathing heavy and missing from their lungs, they faced each other once more. Without saying anything, Mark just caressed Y/N's cheek that he was holding and watched her, her lips swollen and red, parted and beautiful.
Y/N kept her hands on Mark's shoulder and lost herself in the current of his eyes, as if it were a black hole that was pulling her. That day, she had promised that she would protect him from everything.
Even if she had to with her own life.
Y/N sneezed once again as she entered the police station, receiving a greeting from one of her colleagues in which she responded with just one hand.
The headache, the runny nose, the lack of sleep, and being woken up late had everything to do with last night, but none of that mattered to the boss when he saw her.
"You come with me." he pointed at her and continued walking outside the district, she just took a deep breath and turned around, following the detective to the parking lot.
When they got into the car, she dropped her suitcase at her feet and sneezed again.
"Shit." she complained, closing her eyes for a while.
“Did you catch the rain yesterday?” the boss asked and she opened her eyes instantly.
She didn't want to be so suspicious, she hadn't even been able to digest what had happened last night, so she just nodded as she put on the seat belt.
“I told you to use your umbrella.”
She laughed, rolling her eyes theatrically.
"Thank you, dad." the detective laughed at the sarcastic tone, before throwing the tablet that Y/N only noticed he was holding at that moment onto her lap and starting the car.
If it were any other police officer, would never talk with the detective like that. But Y/N was intimate enough for that, and sometimes he acted like he was her father.
"What is that?" she asked, holding up the tablet.
“Unlock the screen and you’ll know where we’re going.” he warned, without taking his attention off the streets and Y/N did as he said.
When she read the title of the article, she felt her blood run cold.
“Lee Mark accused of drugging and abusing minor”
Y/N swallowed hard and wrinkled her nose as she read the article quickly, closing the fists of her other hand so hard that her nails dug into her skin but she didn't care about the pain.
That article was even worse.
And the worst part, it was all a lie. False.
The alleged victim’s “statement” on a social network was too clear for her, in addition to not making any sense, it had only one objective.
“It was the stalker.” she spoke through gritted teeth, trying to control her breathing.
She had no doubts. There was no one other than her who could lie about something so serious.
“I asked intelligence to track the account, of course, she already deleted everything.”
Y/N laughed humorlessly.
“Obviously, her goal was to just throw shit at the media.” she replied angrily.
“And she did, the phone was the same one you identified as the one that had access to Mark’s.”
Great, more evidence against her.
“Can we arrest her now?” Y/N looked at the boss who had a serious expression.
“No, this morning the phone was found.” he glanced at Y/N and took a deep breath before continuing. “On the Han River. I sent a car to her house and the doorman said she hadn’t been there for two days.”
Y/N glared angrily at her boss. It wasn't with him but with the stalker, she wasn't enjoying that Tom and Jerry game.
They should have arrested her last night.
“She knows we’re after her.” she concluded.
“If your theory that she infiltrates the group’s staff is right, then yes.”
“Boss, a lie cannot be proven.” she said, indignantly.
“No, but a true can. That’s what we have to do.” he reminded her and Y/N took a deep breath, looking back at the street.
Anxiety took over her body when she realized that they were close to the company building, very different from the path to Mark's dorm that she was used to, but all she could think about was the boy.
He must have been desperate, much more than yesterday.
Although she should be thinking about her work, it was difficult to control the shiver as she remembered last night and the kiss.
That line was dangerous but it felt so right, Y/N didn't regret kissing Mark because it had only incited the fire of justice within her even more. She needed to help him more than ever, protect him in any way.
“Will SM let the police in through the front door?” Y/N asked as soon as they got out of the car and the boss nodded.
“You can’t even imagine how desperate they are to solve this case.”
Ah, she could actually imagine it.
They entered the building, just showing their badge and entry was authorized, they went to the elevator towards the meeting room where one of the employees had informed them that they would be waiting for them both.
The boss knocked on the door and someone spoke loudly for them to come in, Y/N felt her hands sweat as she entered the room and her eyes searched Mark's, finding him sitting in one of the chairs.
He seemed surprised to see her there but held her gaze, making her heart skip a beat in her chest and memories of last night flooded her head. She could still feel the texture of Mark's lips and the taste of him.
However, she blinked several times when the company's CEO suggested that they sit down, she followed the boss and ended up sitting facing Mark who couldn't take his eyes off her.
She then discovered that in addition to the CEO, SM's lawyer and Mark's lawyer were there, as well as the head of the public relations department.
The meeting had a single objective, to find a way out of that maze.
And Y/N observed everything quietly, listening to the discussions about how they would deal with that without tarnishing the company's image, something that made her raise her eyebrow.
Mark's image should be a priority, or rather, his safety.
She looked back at Mark, he looked not only bothered but irritated too, he kept rubbing his hands while fixing his eyes on a random spot on the table.
“If Mark is sued, we won’t be able to continue with the contract-”
Y/N rolled her eyes surreptitiously. But there was no way she could be listening to that.
"Excuse me." she interrupted, raising her hand and got everyone's attention. “I have an idea, we can set a trap for the girl.”
Y/N's boss looked at her curiously.
"What did you think?"
“It's clear that she is doing everything she can to ruin Mark's life, and I think everyone is aware of that. But you can hush up the case of the false report made on social media.”
"As?" Mark's lawyer asked.
“Release an official note, say Mark has an alibi.” she looked glancing at Mark who had his eyes narrowed at her, trying to follow her reasoning.
“This won’t help without proof.” the head of the public relations department said and she shook her head.
“It will if you say he was with his girlfriend.” she replied with conviction and saw everyone's eyes widen.
“But that’s a lie.” Mark spoke a little louder and Y/N looked at him. "I don't have a girlfriend."
She suppressed her smile, she didn't know why but she was happy to hear that from him.
The situation between them would have been much more dangerous if they had kissed while he had a girlfriend...
“Do you want us to defend ourselves from an exposure like this, exposing ourselves even more?” The CEO asked and she nodded.
“Listen to me, if you confirm that Mark is in a relationship and that you hid it to protect his image, in addition to you coming out of this situation as sensible, this will attract the stalker.”
“She’s right.” Y/N's boss agreed, drawing everyone's attention to himself. “The girl has been missing for two days, no one knows where she is. If she believes Mark has a girlfriend, she will come running back to find out who the girl is.”
Everyone was silent, pondering.
“And then, we took action. We take her to jail and the prosecution does its part.”
Y/N looked at everyone's faces, trying to make her confidence convince everyone that the plan was ideal.
They needed to attract the stalker somehow and she couldn't imagine a better scenario than if she believed that Mark already had someone, the girl would change the focus of the threats to the supposed girlfriend.
She faced Mark last, he didn't seem so comfortable with her suggestion but she managed to see something in his eyes that she hadn't seen before.
Y/N wanted to hit herself, she stared at the wall with focus thinking about how she could hit her head without passing out.
Watching Mark after the dating scandal came out to ensure his integrity and watching the stalker appear was perfect.
She had the perfect idea.
Mainly because Mark had been removed from his activities for a few days, the official statement said it was for personal reasons, but Y/N knew that it was all part of the plan to catch the stalker in the act and increase her sentence.
A great idea that the boss had approved.
As long as Y/N kept Mark safe, that she escorted him, and she watched him all night.
Spending all her time outside his apartment doing what exactly? Thinking about the kiss they shared!
Even on duty, with the gun on her waist and her hand nearby in case of any eventuality, she couldn't stop thinking about his lips, no matter how hard she tried.
She didn't know if it was because she had a personal connection to the case and had just felt the need to protect Mark but that kiss moved her in a way that no other had.
It was more than affection.
Mark's sad eyes and the way he looked so small and defenseless in that situation made her feel the need to not only protect him, but also help him in some way.
And as wrong as it was, since she couldn't get involved with the victims, she wanted to do something for him besides work.
To make him feel better, even to vent to someone because she more than anyone knew what an extremely stressful situation it was.
Y/N turned her head and all her attention when she heard the door to his house open slowly, making the noise echo through the silent hallway, her palms were already sweaty before she even saw Mark's shy face.
His dark hair fell into his eyes that were looking for anywhere to look but her eyes.
"It's… um… good evening, officer." His voice came out so shy that she would have smiled if she didn't feel so embarrassed.
The air was tense between them, it was palpable.
"Good evening, Mark." she returned it with a wry smile. "Do you need something?"
"No." He shook his head incessantly, he seemed to search for the right words while holding the door. "Listen, are you going to be out there for too long?"
Y/N sighed, of course he was feeling uncomfortable.
"Until the patrol finds some movement around the perimeter." she explained.
That was the deal.
Mark took a deep breath and raised his eyes to look at her.
"You are not hungry?" The question caught Y/N off guard and she frowned, not understanding. "It's just that I made a lot of food…" he pointed inside his own apartment. "I forgot the members wouldn't be here." He smiled shyly, scratching the back of his head and she watched him carefully.
The police had been very specific, keeping Mark in the dorm was a necessity but they weren't going to put the other boys in danger.
So they all went to a hotel that night.
"I don’t want to bother." She was being sincere, although her stomach rejoiced at the invitation.
"No, no. It won't be uncomfortable." Mark replied promptly, shrugging his shoulders. "It's not against what was stipulated, you'll still watch me... just from inside."
Y/N pondered, a huge part of her saying to accept it soon but until she remembered that she was on duty, working to keep him safe.
Except, well, Mark wasn't wrong. He had a point.
"I don't know…"
"Please." Mark's eyes shone with guilt and she surrendered right then and there. "I feel responsible for you being out there alone when you could be somewhere you really wanted."
She felt offended but didn't take it personally, Mark didn't really know her so he didn't know that she was there of her own free will, it was her duty.
"Don't say that, I don't want you to feel that way." She took a step forward, her fingers itching to touch his shoulder, but stopped where she was. "It's not your fault, Mark, it never was!"
She spoke with conviction and he remained silent, only to nod his head shortly afterwards.
"I'll feel a lot better if you at least come in for a drink of water."
She suppressed a smile and Mark gave her space to enter, without hesitation she did so.
The house was much warmer than the hallway she was in before, she took off her boots at the door and walked in, hearing Mark close the door behind her and feeling him watching her.
"Do you want to eat? Seriously, I made a lot of food." He walked ahead and pointed to where Y/N imagined the kitchen to be, a clear invitation for her to go.
In silence she entered and saw that Mark had actually made a lot of food, enough for the whole night. Even though she was about to deny it, her stomach betrayed her and growled loudly the instant she saw the food.
It looked very delicious.
Although there was one thing missing.
"I know, the egg needs to be fried, right." He laughed softly and Y/N looked at him.
Had she been watching the food for so long?
"I’ll just eat it as is." She replied and Mark approached the stove.
"No, it's okay. I'll do it in a second." He offered and she smiled gratefully.
However, Y/N's smile faded when she saw that Mark looked more like he was about to plant a bomb than fry an egg.
Mark took what he needed a little confused, he muttered quietly to himself and she couldn't understand but she imagined it was the steps of the process.
When one hand was free, he scratched the back of his head and looked at the items on the kitchen counter, as if he wanted to ensure he had gotten everything needed.
This was taking a lot longer than a second.
"Mark." she called after him, stifling a laugh.
He looked at her, even more confused and a little shy.
"Do you know how to fry eggs?" she crossed her arms and saw him frown.
"Yeah!" he responded promptly, scratching the back of his head again. "You just can't guarantee that it's edible."
Y/N put her hand over her mouth to stifle her laugh, he also laughed a little more shyly.
"Alright, I'll do it."
Y/N approached the stove as Mark opened and closed his mouth to retort, but she just raised her eyebrow and reached out to hold the spatula he was holding.
He ended up giving in willingly and their fingers ended up touching briefly, making them both look at each other at the same moment.
Mark walked away, shyly while Y/N cleared her throat trying not to show how much Mark's eyes affected her.
"Do you want a tip?" she asked, to dispel the disturbing silence and he nodded. "You need to get the oil hot before you add the egg."
Mark paid attention as she announced what she was going to do in a step-by-step that seemed much simpler than what he did.
She took the opportunity and made him an egg too, Mark helped put together the dish and they were quickly sitting on the stools ready to eat.
"Seeing you cook, it seemed easy to do." Mark pointed to the egg, laughing and she mirrored the same reaction.
Catching her attention a little on his wide and genuine smile.
"Because it's easy." She noticed and started to eat.
"For me it's much more complicated than it really is, officer." he replied, watching her expression as she ate.
"But you cook well." She spoke after chewing everything. "This is a feast compared to the hot dogs I eat on the street."
Mark frowned.
"Don't you eat real food when you work, officer?"
She looked at him. She didn't like it when Mark called her an officer often, it seemed like every time he said that word a rift grew between them.
"Define real food."
Mark laughed, he didn't need the answer because she had already said it.
They ate some more in silence, although she noticed Mark's uneasiness.
"Can I ask you a question, officer?" He spoke quietly.
Mark looked at her confused.
"Y/N. That's my name." He raised his eyebrows and she smiled slightly. "Instead of just officer."
Mark smirked.
She had to control the huge smile she wanted to give, she had enjoyed hearing him say her name.
"Of course you can." She moved away from the plate, turning all her attention to him. "Go ahead"
Mark took a deep breath and looked at her deeply.
"Why did you become a police officer?"
She swallowed hard, she didn't imagine he would ask her that right away.
She tried to hide how much that question had weighed on her shoulders and frowned.
"And why did you become an idol?"
He shook his head, his eyes shining with stubbornness.
"I asked first." He remembered and she nodded, looking down at her hands that were in her lap.
"I know how you feel." She shifted on the stool and looked somewhere in the kitchen, avoiding Mark's eyes. "With this stalker thing. You're not the only one who has someone chasing you everywhere."
Y/N suddenly fell silent, her mind flooding with the memories she had forced herself to forget.
"Ex boyfriend?" Mark asked reluctantly.
Y/N looked at him again, smiling sadly.
"I wish it were." She shook her head and he looked even more confused. "I had a childhood friend, we were inseparable in kindergarten but I ended up having to change cities shortly after and lost contact. In elementary school, on a random day, she showed up at the same school, she had enrolled there. At first I thought it was great because I didn't know what had happened to her so I would be able to have that friendship again." She took a deep breath before continuing. "But I had grown up, met other people, had new friends... and she didn't seem to like it very much. She was jealous of all my friends, she said she liked the same guys as me. I started to think it was strange, but it was only in middle school that I started to feel weird around her. She did everything she could to be near me, all the time, as if… as if…"
"You had an intimacy that no one has ever had." Mark concluded and she nodded.
She laughed, sadly.
"Yeah, but it wasn't like that. She wasn't my best friend, the memory I had of her was very different, and her jealousy bothered me a lot so I tried to stay away."
"But it did not work." He guessed.
"Yes, it seemed that the more I moved away, the more she tried to be close to me. She even followed me home several times, sending me messages in the early hours of the morning wanting to question me because I had posted photos with my friends." she sighed. “She said I was the reason she self-harmed.”
Mark's jaw dropped and he watched her helpfully.
"She sent me sensitive photos of slit wrists every time and I always felt guilty. But the messages started to be more frequent and she started threatening me, threatening my family, saying that I had told her to kill herself , although it wasn't like that, I had just warned her and tried to help that if she continued doing that she would end up killing herself. I was so angry because I didn't think there was a reason for that. Until I had enough."
"How?" He crossed his arms and she then realized that Mark was really interested in the story, so she continued.
"I joined the police academy, I was always afraid that she would do something against my family so I thought I could protect them if I was a police officer. Then I decided to change cities, I wanted her focus to change, so she wouldn't need to focus on what to do against my family. I left all social media, I never showed up in the city again."
"And then?"
Y/N scratched her head, this was part she had never told anyone, not even her family. She then got up from the stool and crossed her arms, turning her back to Mark and heading into the living room.
He followed her, he was curious and also worried, but he felt relieved somehow. He had identified with her story.
"And then I ended up here." She opened her arms, turning to look at him. "I was feeling safe enough, until…"
Y/N looked down at the floor, running her hand over her forehead while Mark didn't take his eyes off her, a little reluctant.
"Until?" He urged her to continue but seeing that she was still silent, he took a step towards her.
"Until I was assigned to handle your case." She raised her gaze again to Mark's, seeing him change his expression to one of surprise. "I said I know how you feel because it's the truth. I understand the fear you're feeling."
Y/N saw Mark's eyes falter so she took a step forward, getting closer to him.
"I know it's desperate and that you will do everything to protect the ones you love because that's exactly what I'm doing." Mark looked away and, unable to contain himself, she brought her hand to his face, making him regain eye contact. "If the trial appears on TV, if it's public, she'll find me."
"So you think I shouldn't testify?" he asked quietly, his shoulders so shrugged that it gave him a very fragile image, one that Y/N didn't like.
She shook her head and moved closer to him, cupping the other side of Mark's face with her free hand.
"Quite the opposite. You need to testify." she spoke firmly and he stared at her lips. "You have to end this or else you'll spend the rest of your life hiding."
“But what about you, Y/N?” he asked, worried. "What will happen to you?"
She sighed. Even though she knew that maybe her life would become a nightmare, that wasn't what she was worried about.
It was Mark's life that was at risk, he might never do what he loved again because of a false accusation and if she had the power to stop that from happening, she would strive to help him.
"I'm finally going to put an end to this story. I'm going to stop being the scared, terrified victim." she replied with certainty, a conviction that took Mark's words away.
He just stood there staring at her determined face, he saw a strength in Y/N's eyes that infected him.
He had to do that not only for him or the people he loved but also for everyone else who was going through the same situation.
If he had a chance to start a change, he couldn't let fear stop him.
And as strange as it was, she gave him a security he had never felt before.
Then his eyes dropped to Y/N's lips, not wanting to hold back anymore, Mark moved closer to touch them softly with his own lips.
She slowly closed her eyes at the light contact and had to force herself not to let out a sigh.
However, when Mark hugged her waist and brought her closer while his lips moved skillfully against hers, she simply gave in.
She forgot everything. Her past, her history, what she was doing there, what her mission was.
Mark took her out of orbit and it was intoxicating, all she wanted was to stay there with his warm lips moving slowly against hers, appreciating every inch and tasting her without rushing.
From Mark's face, her hands went to the back of his head and hair, moving his head to the side so that the kiss intensified.
Mark didn't stop the kiss until Y//N hit her back against a hard surface, it was only with surprise that they separated to realize that they were glued to the glass door of the balcony.
She laughed softly, followed by Mark's laugh as he raised his hand to her cheek. Y/N just watched him, with wobbly legs and dropped her hands to his shoulders while Mark caressed her face.
They didn't need words, the only thing that was exchanged there was complicity.
Mark's sideways smile indicated before he tilted his head that he intended to continue what they had started.
If it weren't for the ringing on his phone, notifying him of a new message. He took a deep breath before walking away.
"Y/N. Over."
Still a little dizzy from the lack of air, she reached for the communicator on her waist, watching Mark walk to get the phone from the sofa.
"I am here." She responded, forcing her voice to come out steady.
She saw Mark using his phone with his back to her.
"We saw some strange movement around the back of the building."
Y/N's entire body became alert, her rigid posture appearing again.
Y/N didn't take her eyes off Mark, he was motionless.
"It was near some trash cans so we walked around the street to be sure what it was."
She took a deep breath, not liking it.
Mark turned to her, his eyes wide and an expression of pure shock that made Y/N look at him suspiciously.
He turned the phone screen and she returned her attention to Mark's shaking hand until she realized that a video was playing.
She felt her blood boil as she recognized the place and people in the video.
"We didn't find anything."
In front of her, on Mark's phone, a video of the kiss they had just exchanged played with a zoom clearly enough to identify both of them.
Y/N swallowed hard, not knowing what to do for the first time ever.
They kissed with so much passion that even though she didn't feel guilty, she felt embarrassed that it was recorded.
She looked at Mark, who even confused, had understood everything.
"Stop the car and go up to the building. Now." She ordered before turning off the communicator.
Y/N ran a hand over her face while Mark scratched the back of his head, staring at his phone screen again.
"She is here." He spoke quietly, with his eyes lost on a specific point on the phone. "She is here!"
Y/N took a deep breath and approached Mark.
"Hey." She rested her hands on his shoulders. "Mark, look at me."
He obeyed, scared.
"How did she do it?!"
"Don’t do that. That's what she wants, to make you scared!" she reminded him, making him nod.
"She sent the video with a message." He handed the phone to Y/N, who quickly took it, breaking the contact established with Mark.
She clenched her jaw and closed her eyes angrily after reading 'If you don't come and find me, your girlfriend will become famous'.
"I'm tired, Y/N!"
She opened her eyes, looking at Mark, he shook his head nonstop, completely disbelieved.
"I can't take all this mess anymore."
"You can, Mark, you're strong!"
He wet his own lips with his tongue and pressed them together in a thin line.
"You are right." He looked at her, making her raise her eyebrow in silent question. "I need to testify. I'm going to testify."
Y/N was hurriedly walking down the corridor of the police station, it was early in the morning and even though her body was tired from not having gone to sleep yet, the anger and hatred that coursed hotly through her veins left her more awake than ever.
She entered her boss's office without knocking and when she saw him standing next to the table, she found that he was already waiting for her.
He took a deep breath, his hands in his pants pockets.
"What about Mark?" he asked, worried.
"I left the patrollers there." she replied after closing the door with a thud, heading towards the chair in front of the table.
Y/N threw herself into the chair, being watched by her boss.
"Great, so we can talk." She nodded, the boss then handed his phone and she looked at it with a frown. "About this."
Y/N turned her attention to the phone and felt her blood suddenly run cold as she reviewed the video of the kiss between her and Mark.
A lump formed in her throat and she had nothing to say for a few seconds.
"How… who sent you that?" she raised the phone, after closing the video, irritated.
"She sent it to another deputy from another police station." he explained, returning to his chair and sitting down, to face Y/N. "Lucky for you two, he is a good friend of mine and realized it was a case of blackmail. This hasn't been leaked to the press yet."
She swallowed hard. She had nothing to explain to her boss because the video was enough.
"Y/N, I warned you about your emotions in this case."
"Boss, I didn't plan any of this-"
"I know that." He raised his hand to stop her. "But it doesn't make any difference anyway, because that kind of involvement is too dangerous."
She narrowed her eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"Getting emotionally involved with a victim in cases like this rarely ends well." he leaned back in the chair. "Know that I'm not removing you from the investigations just because everything is ready."
She swallowed the answer she wanted to give. It wouldn't be fair to her.
"It would be very difficult to explain why to the supervisor and both you and Mark need to protect yourself from this type of gossip."
She nodded.
"The girl said that if Mark didn't find her, this video would be exposed, but apparently she can't keep her word." She huffed, irritated.
"I thought you better than anyone understood that these kinds of people can't be trusted."
"I'm always surprised." she replied in disbelief.
"I'm going to talk to Mark's lawyer by the end of the day." she frowned, that information was new to her. "We need to get him out of the country as soon as possible, we can't delay it any longer."
Y/N felt her shoulders sag. They were fighting against this possibility at all costs but apparently there was no other way out.
"With the warrant issued, she won't be able to leave the country and so we caught her."
"Let me tell him." she begged, being closely watched by her boss. "Please."
"You overstepped, didn't you?" he crossed his arms after a while of silence.
Y/N swallowed hard and looked at the boss in complete surprise.
"You fell in love with the boy."
Y/N felt her entire body shiver and her jaw dropped slightly as words failed her, she wanted to deny it with all her strength but her body didn't obey.
Didn't obey because she agreed with the boss.
Didn't obey because it was true.
At first it was pure need to protect him, she identified with his case in a very personal way. But after the first kiss, she felt her heart leap out of her mouth every time she thought about him, which ended up being very constant because her entire attention was focused solely on Mark, either because she was working on the case or because she was thinking about what had happened between them.
She rubbed her cold hands, still trying to find an answer, which wasn't coming.
“You don’t need to explain yourself to me.” his voice sounded much calmer than she imagined. “You can’t imagine how common this is.” she smiled, embarrassed. “But you know what happens now, don’t you?”
She frowned, confused.
“You became the main target.”
“I’m not afraid of her.”
Y/N felt the blood bubbling hotly through her veins every time she thought about that stalker, it was the fuel she needed to do what was right. She wanted justice, that's all.
And she would, one way or another.
Y/N drove down the streets that would lead to Mark's house, her only purpose in talking to her boss was to ensure Mark's safety. First they would take him out of the apartment and take him to a safe place before boarding him on a flight back to Canada, it would be for a short time but enough to arrest the stalker and begin the trial.
He would come back, that was obvious, but that didn't mean that Y/N's didn’t heart sank and anguished when she remembered that she wouldn't see him for a few weeks.
She wanted to make sure he was okay.
“Attention vehicles, report of suspected robbery at a grocery store.”
Y/N turned up the volume on the radio to hear better and frowned when the location was mentioned, a street next to the one where Mark lived. When the center repeated it, Y/N's mind worked quickly and was soon fitting all the pieces of the puzzle together.
That was why she accelerated the car even more, turning on the siren so she could pass between the cars more quickly. She felt her heart racing faster than the car she was driving and she shook her head, wishing that what she was thinking wasn't happening. However, all her fears became clearer when she didn't see the patrol car on the street outside Mark's house. Y/N got out of the car before she could even turn it off, pulling the gun from her waistband as soon as she set foot on the street.
Her hands were shaking and she had to hold the gun tighter than necessary, she didn't enter the building through the front door, she went through the back and was very attentive to every inch, she went up through the service elevator. She would have taken the stairs if she hadn't known that it had been on purpose, she knew where to go and wouldn't need to analyze the floors of the building as protocol said.
The climb to Mark's floor felt like slow torture and when the metal doors opened, she took a deep breath before leaving. She swallowed hard when she saw the apartment door slightly opened and there was no longer any doubt for her, she felt her heart beating in her ears and her jaw clenched as she approached the door without making a sound.
She raised the gun forward with one hand and with the other she opened the door suddenly, she didn't see anyone in the entrance hall so without thinking twice, she entered the house.
She didn't hear any noise and that made her alert, but when she went to the living room she felt her shoulders give in slightly, the strength seemed to be lacking in her legs but at the same time her instinct reacted by raising the gun towards the stalker who had a knife pointed at Mark's neck.
Y/N swallowed the growl that almost escaped her mouth and aimed for the girl's head, she was ready for that with her finger on the trigger, the stalker didn't even make the effort to hide behind Mark.
She just didn't shoot because Mark's terrified face and tears weighed heavily on her heart. The rational part of her brain knew that if she fired there and now, with the blade's proximity to Mark's skin, she would risk his life.
And that was everything she wouldn't do.
“It took you long enough.”
Y/N took a deep breath, controlling the urge to tell her to fuck off.
That crazy woman was still cynical.
"What do you want?" she asked through gritted teeth, gripping the gun tighter.
“I already have what I want.” She smiled widely, bringing her face closer to Mark's to plant a kiss on his cheek, who tried to pull away with a disgusted grimace. “It’s right here, isn’t it my love?”
“And why all this theater to get me here?” Y/N questioned, glaring at her. “You were the one who made the anonymous report of the theft.” it wasn't a question.
Because the stalker's insolent smile said exactly the answer she already knew.
"Of course." she replied with a tone of obviousness. “How did you expect those two idiots guarding the door to let me in without me being seen?”
“They weren’t going!”
"Exactly." she shrugged. “That’s why I needed to get them out of my way. You should thank me, police officer, I spared their lives.”
Y/N laughed in disbelief.
“You won’t kill a fly.”
The stalker smiled devilishly and pressed the knife further into Mark's neck, making him raise his head to try to get away from the blade, Y/N held her breath.
“Don’t provoke me, officer, you don’t know me.” she threatened.
"Okay!" Y/N agreed. “Get away from Mark and I’ll give you what you want.”
“Do you think I’m stupid? I walk away and you shoot me. You're smart." she grabbed Mark by the shoulder with her other hand.
Y/N was becoming distressed by the exaggerated proximity so she raised her hands, removing her aim from her head.
"Is it better this way?" she asked angrily, raising her eyebrow.
“I don’t know how Mark got interested in a coward like you.” she teased and Y/N locked her jaw. Okay, she wasn't going to fall for that conversation, it was purposeful and she knew it. “But you know it can be funny.” the stalker slightly raised the hand that was holding the knife and Y/N paid attention to the movement. “Almost like a joke.”
Now it had become too personal.
"You're right." she smiled ironically at her, who looked at her in surprise. “I’m really smart.”
Before a blink of an eye, Y/N aimed the gun at the stalker and fired. The shot echoed through the apartment and Mark flinched to the side in fright, Y/N kept her stance firm and the gun still extended as she saw the stalker fidget on the floor, reaching for her injured shoulder.
Y/N approached in long strides, placing herself in front of Mark protectively, the girl struggled to try and hold the knife that had fallen a little away.
Y/N shook her head and kicked the knife away, far enough away that the stalker couldn't reach it.
"You are under arrest!" she announced before turning to face Mark.
Y/N felt her heart sink when she saw Mark devastated, he seemed like he couldn't breathe and that made her place a hand on his shoulder.
“Mark.” she called softly, seeing him run his eyes around the room, scared. “Hey, it’s over.”
He nodded before looking into her eyes, the exchange of glances was quick but for them it lasted an eternity, until Y/N shifted her attention to Mark's neck.
It was marked and red, but no injuries. It was enough to breathe a sigh of relief, she felt her whole body tingle with the adrenaline that was beginning to subside.
She put the gun in her waistband and took her phone from her pants pocket, calling for backup.
After the call, she lifted the stalker and handcuffed her, leaving her sitting on the floor near the sofa. Then, being very careful not to scare Mark, she led him out of the apartment. Only then would they have privacy to talk.
"Are you okay?" she asked, calmly analyzing his face.
He swallowed, drying his sweaty hands on his pants.
“I guess… I guess so.” he took a deep breath.
“I know, after all the adrenaline wears off your body feels sore.” Y/N's fingers itched to touch Mark's face and this time she didn't hold back.
She made him look her in the eyes. He had a mix of emotions there and it was enough to hug him.
Y/N buried her face in the back of Mark's head and he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, shaking so much that she had to pat his back to try to calm him down.
She wanted to envelop him with the certainty that everything was okay in the same way that the heat of his body enveloped her.
"You saved my life." he said, his voice being muffled by the hug. “I will never be able to thank you enough.”
Y/N smiled lightly and moved away, seeing Mark's grateful smile up close.
"You don't need to. Just live your life like you have been doing and that’s enough for me.” Y/N's eyes dropped to his lips.
She fought the urge to kiss him one last time and so she bit her lower lip.
“So it’s like this?” Y/N narrowed her eyes at Mark's question, not understanding. “Is this how we’re going to say goodbye?”
Y/N opened her mouth to respond but no sound came out as she didn't know what to say, she shrugged sheepishly.
“If you want to-” she started but was interrupted by Mark, who got close enough so that their noses were touching slightly.
Y/N got lost in his eyes, which begged her to stay.
"Don’ go away." he asked and she smiled slightly. “It's going to be hard being away from you, officer. I survived the game thanks to you.”
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krislikofan · 7 months
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Hii!! I'm here for tell you about my pokemon horizons AU!! (Liko×Dot yeah)
Dot, wanting to progress, agreed to Ametio’s offer to join the explorers, this act greatly affected Liko, she held a very strong grudge against Dot, and had difficulty making contact with others. Roy tried to support her and the others, but for everyone, Dot’s act was such a strong blow that Roy often simply cried so that no one would see. (btw, in this AU Dot and Liko were in love with each other, so you need to remember that too)
After half a year, when everyone accepted Dot's departure, everyone began to get back on their feet and try to move on with their lives. Yes, Liko often cried, because Dot was almost her closest person.
But, when everything seemed to be getting better, the explorers began to threaten Liko that if she did not join them on her own, they would harm her loved ones and do everything to make their life extremely uneasy, and they could do this without problems, because without Dot - they were very vulnerable. Therefore, Liko made an independent decision to join the explorers so that her loved ones would be safe, and this also dealt an extremely strong blow to everyone.
Once there, she noticed Dot, who was completely different, but Dot was too embarrassed in front of Liko, so she didn't even look into her eyes once Liko got there. Four years have passed since these events, and all this time Liko endured a disgusting attitude towards herself, all the information about the terapagos was drawn from her, she constantly trained to protect herself in case of anything, and every year her psyche collapsed more and more. She and Dot became full members of the explorers, Liko and Dot had a bad relationship, Dot was often rude to Liko, and Liko only realized more how much she missed the past, how she and Dot were very close to each other.
But did Dot hate Liko? Not at all, she just pretended to hate. All this time she was disgustingly ashamed, she didn’t want to look pathetic in Liko’s eyes, she didn’t want to show her that she had made a mistake, Dot treated Liko this way only because she wanted her not to become attached to her the same way as before , because if she does something like this. mistake - then she will again see how she falls in Liko’s eyes. Dot loved her just the same, and she was ashamed of her feelings, she saw how Liko was suffering, and could not do anything about it.
Liiko didn’t hate Dot, she most likely felt more sorry for her, but, didn’t she choose this path for herself then? From that moment on, Liko felt a very strong resentment towards Dot, because she had sworn allegiance to the researchers, but over time,it became more and more clear to her that Dot was just a naive child, like Liko herself. Previously, there was a very close connection between them, all the moments they spent together, everything that happened between them, Dot was too close a person for Liko, and her action destroyed their connection. Deep in her soul - Liko also saw in Dot today - the Dot who was with her, the one who was happy.
Over time, Liko and Dot got closer and closer to each other (I will make a separate post about this), they understood each other’s problems, and began to treat each other more softly, after all this they entered into a relationship that no one knew about. The main thing in this Au is that their love has passed through hatred and time. There is no ending yet, you can think and think about it, but it will come in time.
Thanks for reading!! (If you have questions, I will be glad to answer!!)
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youremyheaven · 2 months
with that Venusian man 👨 hmm 👀👀 spill the tea girl
Not the 33yr old, this is the friend from a few nights ago 😜 whose arms I liked 🤭😩
They're both Bharani Moon tho 😌 which is my favourite among the Venus naks 😌😌😌 so I do feel like God's favourite rn lmao 🤪
Idk why I never felt this way about him before but looking at his pictures and talking to him, didn't make me feel much , like he's objectively good looking, a veryyyy handsome man, 6'2 😩😩 (the 33yr old is 5'7 max 😔) BROAD ASF SHOULDERS, BIG ARMS, but I was never attracted to him. He has a very sweetie personality too, he has Mercury in Purvabhadrapada atmakaraka and lots of Jupiter in his navamsa chart and he feels veryyy Jupiterean, which according to Claire's video is the nice guy you friendzone etc which is what I did too 😜🤭🤭but OH MY GODDDDDD THE MAN IS DEMONICCCC IN BED 😩😩😩😩😩
He has a veryyyy masculine presence and I love love love love LOVE his body 😩😩😩 he's so bulky and so big, I just get butterflies looking at him 😍😍
So we agreed to book a hotel room that you can rent for a couple of hours??? BEST DECISION IVE EVER MADE 😩😩😩
and from the minute he picked me up, I just had to have him inside me one way or another like 😭😭😭 he's SOOO manly, that I just WANT to get on my knees for him 😭😭😭 I can't believe I'm saying this out loud 😭😭
He's so affectionate and SOOOO gentlemanly, like DAMN he was raised right ✨ he prioritizes foreplay and spends a lot of time on my body, just kissing me all over, I remember when we were friends, he'd casually point to the moles on my arms and say shit like "would be nice playing connect the dots with these 😏" but I just saw him as a friend and I flirt with all my friends male and female and vice versa so i didn't think too much of it but tonight 😩😩😭 as he took my pants off, he saw the mole on my upper thigh and he was like "here's one I haven't seen before 😈" (and all of today, his voice has been deeper and more 🥵🥵 usually he sounds all 😃😊😃☀️🌸 but today he sounded so 😈🥵😈 even tho he was just talking about normal shit) and then he kissed it and licked it 🥵🥵down until he reached yk where 🙈 and BOYS' GOT THAT TONGUE TECHNOLOGY 😩😩😩I was shook 😳😳😳too stunned to speak 🙊😳😳😳😳I was physically glitching 😭 i literally had to beg him to just put it in because I cannot take it anymore 😭😭 and the wayyyy he grabbed my legs closer to him 😩😩😩we fcked thrice 🙈🙈🙈🙈 he only had one condom 💀💀💀 and y'all should always use protection when you have sex but when he pulled out and jizzed on my stomach, I lost my mind, idk it was so hot 🙈🥵
And just the way he holds me, touches me etc it makes me feel 😩😩😩
I'm sorry to share such filth detail with y'all but I don't have friends I can share any of this with (so instead I'm telling thousands of strangers lmao 😭) idk why I'm giving such a blow by blow account of this but honestly it was suchhh a good experience 🙈🙈🙈
We were just lying down talking between rounds and we have such a good bond y'all it's so funny 😭😭 like we're talking about random shit, he was asking me about stuff and I was telling him and he was smiling kissing my body as he's listening and then he holds my face and says "you know this is pillow talk right" and idk we're both blushing 🙈 and he's like "I love listening to this, don't stop, keep talking" 😩😩 (fastest way to my heart lol)
Anyways, we leave the hotel (super cute place btw) and when we're by the reception the staff (just two dudes) look at us like 😏but tryna remain professional and I feel so accomplished like ??? I just had sex with this tall handsome man ??? 😩😩And everytime others looked at us, I was just like 😌😌hehe this hottie was inside me 😌hehe 🤪😜🤭 and ngl we look reallyyy good together 🥵🤭🙈but anyways although he pulled out in time, he did cum outside my yk what and I told him I'm taking the pill just to be safe and he parked a little bit away from the pharmacy and went and bought it for me???? Like that's well raised right there 🥹🥹 (he didn't want them to see me bc this is India and women are judged heavily for having sex and he bought it bc he came inside me so that's the least he could do 💀but just the fact that all of it was so unspoken and he just did all of it intuitively was sooo hot to me, like I said I'm turned on by gentlemanliness) you should have seen the way he looked when he walked back to me 🥹🥹🥹🥹 just the finest man alive 😍🥵😩 idk how someone can go from being some guy to THE guy in a couple of days but it's happened 😭😭😭
he texted me asking if I reached home and then asked me a little later if I took the pill 😭😭 I never ever EVER thought that him and I would be at a point where we fuck raw and he reminds me to take the pill 😭life works in mysterious ways 😭
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draxua · 9 months
Modern AU Mitsuri is a spiritual witchy girl who is into shit like zodiacs and crystals, btw.
Spiritual girl Mitsuri the type of girl who will ask you your zodiac sign the first time you guys meet and get all giddy and flushed if you're a sign she's compatible with.
Once you both get close enough and trust is there, she'll ask for your full birth info to read your whole chart just to absolutely adore how the signs are placed in your houses, getting all excited when she connects the dots of your personality and behaviours in the chart.
Spiritual girl Mitsuri the type of girl to give you crystals depending on situations. Always feeling anxious in public spaces? Here's an amethyst.
Low in self-esteem and a bad self-concept? Take a heart-shaped rose quartz to keep on you.
What's this? You're worried about your exams because you can't focus and didn't study all that well? Take her clear quartz, baby.
Spiritual girl Mitsuri the type of girl who would make you a portable protection spell jar to keep in your car whilst you're driving to make sure you stay safe on the road. She makes you a fresh batch bi monthly to be sure.
Every full moon you help Mitsuri out with her full moon house cleansing, it's a refreshing activity to do together. If you live together, rest assured by the end the night, your shared room will be smelling like burnt sage for protection, cinnamon from the cinnamon product she blowed at the front of your door for abundance and lavender for peace.
Spiritual girl Mitsuri the type of girl who would get you both naked to do some body confidence meditation and affirmations infront of the mirror. At first it's really embarrassing, her face gets all flushed at the view of your body she can't help but think you look so cute and pretty with the way your plush thighs squeeze against each other, the look of you trying to cover up your breast as you shy away is so adorable!
She'd do this as you're in your most natural state, your natural afro out fresh out of braids with no makeup or flashy jewellery, so God's the way the sun lights shines into the mirror and reflects onto your brown skin making you shine makes her feel like she's in the presence of a Goddess.
She'd hold yours hands, both of you sitting down on your knees infront of the mirror getting you to do breathwork and say self affirming affirmations together.
"I am beautiful and confident" "I am perfect inside and out" "I deserve to be kind to myself" "I am worthy of respect and love" "I deserve to love myself"
8 times out of 10 it will end up in mirror sex, she says its good for manifesting so just go along with it.
Spiritual girl Mitsuri the type of girl who would come forward to you all confident with some sex positions she says help with manifesting and energy flow aswell as connection with eachother until she gets all shy and blabbery when you go ahead with her suggestion.
You once got shocked at how connected and free you felt when you did this one weird position with certain breath exercises she recommended. You felt like you were ascending to another dimension after that orgasm.
Spiritual girl Mitsuri the type of girl to comfort you when someone's been picking on you and giving you a hard time, she'll make you a transmutation ward that transforms negative energy from these assholes to luck and prosperity for you. The more they shit talk you the happier and richer you get <3
Spiritual girl Mitsuri, the type of girl to invite you to some of her covens game nights and full moon rituals. You would help her buy some herbs and candles prior to the gathering.
Spiritual girl, the type of girl who manifests having a dream about you because she misses you so much. She wants to be with you both day and night.
50/50 chane if it being a sex dream, she's happy with anything.
Spiritual girl Mitsuri the type of girl who feels weird about someone in your life and asks you to steer clear of them, when you ask her of her evidence she says her intuition and her tarot cards told her so.
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connect-dots7 · 2 years
S5 Prediction: Will & MIKE'S 7 Confession (letter) + Garage Light Kiss Theory (Alternate/Revised Theory!)
OH. MY. GOD. GUYS! I think I just figured it out for real this time. I connected the two dots before...but i missed the third and final dot. BUCKLE UP B*TCHES.
We all know about my "full-circle garage light flicker theory" where Mike and Will can affect s1 ep1 through the upside-down in s5, and when they kiss the garage light flickers in season 1. Well, in my old theory I said "Will parallels his younger self and says the truth", but NOW I THINK IT'S ACTUALLY GOING TO BE MIKE.
This comes down to the letter. I used to think Mike's letter would just be a case of dramatic irony, to inform the audience of Mike's true feelings. I thought maybe the letter was about Mike rebuilding castle Byers after s3 (which i still think he did btw). But I just read this post from doriandrifting (READ IT), and now I think he wrote the letter about the D&D campaign. Like an IDIOT, I forgot about the date in the tweet! And then I really thought about it and...this changes EVERYTHING. Prepare yourselves. (it's 4:00 AM rn but I DON'T CARE) i'm gonna copy and paste the beginning of my old theory, sorry. you can skip ahead to “it’s parallel time” :)
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To start off, I think that Mike and Will are going to end up in the upside-down together in S5. The upside down and Will are connected narratively, seeing as it’s literally frozen on the night he went missing.
Obviously there is going to be a reason for that. To bring his story full-circle, it’s pretty much inevitable that in the final season, Will is going to end up back in the upside-down. Just like it’s inevitable that this time Mike will be there with him. Which is why at the end of season 4, they both sit on an upside down couch together.
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The next part of this theory has to do with Will having powers. It’s why Will is paralleled to Vecna, Eleven, and Bastian from NeverEnding Story, and could open a portal in s1. It also fits with his overall character arc (becoming a hero after being a victim). I won’t make this post a mile long by going through all the evidence (links to some proof here, here , here and here and in the long version of my theory.) But for now, trust me when I say it’s probably going to be revealed that Will can manipulate electricity/time/the upside-down in S5. 
Remember, El was originally supposed to die after season one, which makes the notion of Will having powers extremely likely.
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Okay? Okay. So here’s the theory:
Mike and Will are in the upside-down, which is stuck on the day Will went missing in 1983. While in the upside-down, Mike and Will end up at the Wheeler House.
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Time is frozen on Nov 6, which is the first episode of season 1. I think that somehow, Mike and Will are going to be able to affect the other side in season 1 (specifically Nov 6), through the upside-down in season 5.
How though? We know that (as of now) time still flows normally on the other side, unlike the upside-down. However, that could change. Like, what if time were to start moving again in the upside-down? This could happen because of Will's subconscious mind. It’s also safe to say that s5 will include some wacky time shenanigans, which could explain how this is possible. (s5 time-travel proof here, here, here, and here) But even just on the surface level, why the hell else would the show’s villain thematically be obsessed with the progression of time, be accompanied by the sound of a clock chime, and create visions of grandfather clock? Why else would Hopper’s s3 letter talk about “turning back the clock”? Why else would there be so many Back to The Future references? Why else would the Duffers talk so much about "going back to season one", or the story coming "full-circle" in season five?
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There are multiple electricity shortages in s1. What if some of these moments, like when Ted fiddles with the TV in the background of season 1, were actually caused by Will (or El) in season 5? The screen looks suspiciously like how the TV screen looked when Eleven mind jumped in s2 and s3. Now for the good part:
In the upside-down, Mike and Will are going to stand in the same spot at the same time as their younger selves on the other side.
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The concept of Lies is a HUGE recurring theme and motif in Stranger Things. One of the very first bits of characterization we learn about Will, is that he doesn’t lie to Mike. Even though it was just a white lie and Even though he could have got away with it. Even though it meant he lost, “Friends don’t LIE.” Will waited until the other boys left before telling Mike the Truth.
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I think that Mike is going to mirror Will, and confess the truth to him. From the very start, we are shown that Mike and Will have an honest and different bond than rest of the party. Which is why in season five, MIKE is going to remember this, and be able to lie.
(I, I can remember (I remember) Standing, by the wall (by the wall)- Bowie
Season 5 MIKE is going to parallel season 1 WILL, and THEY ARE BOTH going to admit the TRUTH to each-other at the same exact time (across time)! (7+7=14) winning roll!
Season 5, UPSIDE-DOWN:
for example:
Mike: “you lied about the painting being from El”
(the TRUTH about why Will made THE PAINTING for Mike is addressed--LOVE!)
Will: "You’re being stupid! It's not my fault you couldn't say you love her!"
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Mike: "It is" (TRUTH)
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Mike gives Will his letter (The TRUTH about why Mike made the 10 hour D&D CAMPAIGN is addressed--LOVE!)
(TRUTH=7) An UPSIDE-DOWN 7 is a capital L. The song which plays when Mike and Eleven kiss at the end of s3 (when Mike realizes he's gay) is "The First I love You". The "L" is NOT capitalized, because it’s not the TRUTH. In his letter, the "L" IS capitalized!
so at the same time (across time)...
MIKE: TRUTH=7, WILL: TRUTH=7 (7+7=14, the winning roll in D&D!)
THE THIRD AND FINAL GARAGE SCENE: (writing comes in 3's)
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Between them, metaphorical electricity  FLARES (and potentially Will’s literal powers), as his brain short-circuits. As they kiss, “Heroes” by David Bowie plays, and the lyrics “the guns, shot above our heads, (over our heads)” narrates as electricity shoots above their heads. (Either bc of the kiss or confession) The camera pans up to the garage light over their heads, which flickers.
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the audience can feel the electricity between Mike and Will. Just like how Dustin could feel the electricity between Lucas and Max.
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"i could feel it." "What?" "The electricity." (are “friends” electric?)
at the same time...
Season 1, OTHER SIDE:
Will: "It was a 7, the demogorgan, it got me.” (TRUTH=7)
Will sounded disappointed about losing, but Mike DOESN'T SAY ANYTHING. He doesn't say how he "really feels". He just stands there and watches Will leave. Mike notices the garage light flicker above him. This is a metaphor for the electricity which just passed between them. Love=Electricity, and Mike just noticed it, which is why the scene directly following this one is him going inside to write a letter of what he wanted to say, which he signs "-Love, Mike."
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This would act as dramatic irony because at the same exact time in the upside-down, Mike JUST SAID what he really wanted to say in this moment BY GIVING WILL HIS LETTER and/or confessing. Unbeknownst to him, his future self just confessed, and the flicker is actually when they kiss in the upside down.
This reveal would be meaningful, because Mike wrote the ten hour DnD campaign but doesn't give Will the letter saying why (Love), and Will makes the painting but he lies about why (Love). In the upside-down, the TRUTH about both of these gestures is revealed.
In this moment, Mike's future self says what HE was too ashamed too in season one. Mike never got the chance to give Will his letter before the "demogorgan" got him.
"Anyway, I think you’ll still beat the campaign. Sorry I couldn’t get it done before my mom made everyone leave, but you mean so much to me, and it’s been so much fun to make it for you. Hope this is enough motivation to last until we can finish it next weekend. -Love, Mike"
As they kiss, “Heroes” by David Bowie continues...
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in season one, Mike is still ashamed of his love for Will. Which is why the scene cuts off with the line “shame”.
This time when the song plays, it will be different though. This time, the full verse will play as they kiss.
“and we kiss as though nothing could fall and the shame… was on the OTHER SIDE.”
Mike and Will are in the upside-down, and at the same time their ashamed younger selves were literally on the other side. When they finally kiss as if nothing could fall, they leave their shame on the other side (in the the past).
Or alternatively
Mike and Will are alone together in the upside-down, and the rest of society is on the other side. Because of this, they are able to finally kiss as if nothing could fall, and forget about how they would be shamed for it on the other side.
(based on the rest of the lyrics, they probably think they are going to die when this happens btw)
Click Here: for new video of my flicker kiss theory! (now including Mike's Letter)
Click Here: for the original video of my theory!
Click Here: The long version of my original post. (It goes off on more tangents, includes more proof, and goes over some mini theories that could (possibly) tie into this one!
Shameless self promo: Follow my account for more! In the future, I plan on making more predictions about the role of memories in season 5, Birthday-gate, Will's subconscious mind shaping the upside-down, and water symbolism. I also have a tik-tok and twitter account under the same name, so go follow me over there!
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decoloraa · 11 months
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Meet Helen: A state alchemist that was stationed at Briggs.
Helen (no, she doesn‘t have a surname yet, I‘m procrastinating) was a lively woman with a lot of energy, a lot of humor and a big heart. She got her state alchemy license because of her basic alchemy skills, but she does research on a very new alchemy field, which doesn‘t really get recognized by the military tho. Because of that, she was sent to Briggs.
Being a major, she naturally started working with Jung a lot, and they easily got along. Helen was quickly drawn by Matthias‘ determination and charisma. Meanwhile, Matthias was fascinated by Helen's skills and wit. Very quickly and without any of them planning to, they got closer and fell in love.
For a year or two they had a secret relationship without anyone at the Fort knowing. They even shared vows, but of course their marriage isn‘t official and rather just a promise to each others. All of this took place when Jung was in his mid twenties and thus happened years before Casther and Val came to Briggs. In the end, they will never meet her.
Helen's and Matthias relationship came to a quick end when a mission they both attended went wrong. The details aren't clear for myself yet, but Helen gets captured by Drachmans and will never be seen at Briggs after that. It's safe to say that what happened fueled Jung's abhorrence for Briggs‘ general, but it was also Jung's greed was a reason for what happened.
It's no secret that Jung is quite problematic in the story and acts as an antagonist. So what happened? Has he been like this all the time?
Yes and no. Matthias never was manipulative with Helen as he is with Val years later. I doubt characteristics like this just appear out of nowhere, so I'm sure he already had some tendencies back then.
So, is this a "He lost the love of his life and went mad" kind of thing? Definitely no. I like Jung way too much to give him such a cheap excuse. Losing Helen didn't turn a switch in his head that made him toxic. This would be an excuse for the things he does later, and that's not something I want. Jung does questionable choices, and he needs to be held accountable for it.
However inserting pointless trauma that doesn't do anything in the story also isn't my interest. Losing Helen was horrible for Jung and paired with the circumstances of how it happened, it did leave a mark on Jung. He most definitely became more unruly due to this, and I doubt he would've reached his level if Helen had stayed around. Would she have been able to "save" him? Very unlikely.
I had the fight of my life with myself on whether I would make this (and another things related to it) happen. I was unsure if this would fit Jung, and the trope of 'lost love' can be cheap if handed poorly. But keeping its impact in mind, I decided to make this 'canon'. This info doesn't change anything on Jung in the story I told yet, it's just an addition. It's not an excuse and not even a proper explanation.
Also, I really like the parallel between these two and CasVal. Both of them chose to be together despite the laws and dangers this job holds. However, in the end, things ended tragically for Matthias and Helen. They're almost a mirror for what could've happened to CasVal. Not only because of that ;)
There's a lot to unravel with these two and I did include some important hints in these drawings. I'm unsure what I'll share just like that, but I'm open to talk about things if anyone manages to figure out the hints. So feel free to speculate in case you manage to connect some dots :D
This goes for my lore in general, btw. I never know what to really share and what to keep a secret, but if you have speculations, feel free to DM me or send an ask. Then I'll definetely talk about it!
If you reached this point: Thanks for reading everything and for being interested in my lore!
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theindescribable1 · 8 months
Who do you think is gonna win the blog battles?
honestly... @i-have-dots-in-my-brain. Normally I won almost every blog battle but thats when it was just a friend thing. Every Nov. 5th me and my friends ((Carol, Goblin, LA, and B.V)) would just have a little battle between us, but now its local.
I feel like Dots will win because of how fast she just killed Misty- It.. IT WASN'T EVEN 1 DAY OF FIGHTING... She just did it- Misty was dead before they even had the chance to prepare!
Dots has a huge chance of winning-
If Dots kills me, she cannot go after another blog! So you can't go after multiple people at once! Once Dots has killed someone, she is now Safe! Dots can't kill and Dots can't be killed until the final round.
Remember!!! This is a last man standing game!
The winner of the previous battle will go against the winner of another previous battle! Lets say GGT kills Val and Dots kills me, then eventually GGT and Dots will fight each other.
((The next round happens when everyone who has chosen to battle finishes round 1, we're waiting on Val and GGT at the moment, then round 2 will start up! I'll tell y'all when))
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mqrylou · 2 years
( Impossible ?) Love… pt 2
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Autor’s note: hey, it’s my first time so please be indulgent ;( + English isn’t my first language so sorry if I made some mistakes . I am sorry if I took such a long time to write this part , I didn’t thought it would take this long :( . Honestly there is not much in this part I just wanted to post it as quickly as I could ,sorry . This is part 2 the 1 one is right here 👇👇👇👇👇
Context : so ur parents worked at the RDA, they had quite an important post and where good friends with Miles Quaritch. U used to spend a lot of time at their work place and sometimes even with Miles when you where younger. Because of that, when you were old enough you decided to work there, mostly to satisfy ur parents. You joined the military squad with the help of Miles Quaritch since you had spent a lot of time there and where quit good .But your deepest secret was that you kinda always had a crush on Miles Quaritch, but you always pushed back this felling since he was way to old for you.But everything changed when the two of you became an avatar and had the exact same age (20y) .(Btw you never really supported the actions of the RDA but you wanted to please ur parents so bad that you never really cared ).
Pairing : Na’vi recom Miles Quaritch X Na’vi recom female
Ok so you arrive at the meeting, everyone was already there, sitting around a big table. they all looked at you since they had been waiting for you.The General Admore spook up and said :
« Well , now that everyone is here let’s start . »
You took a seat next to Zdog and inclined ur self at everyone to excuse ur lateness . But everyone looked at you weirdly. You hopped it wasn’t for what you thought it was…
« I’ll be nice today, no mission, I’ll let you some more time to adapt to your body’s,but be ready for tomorrow because I have a mission for you guys in the forest…bla-bla-bla »
The meeting ends and Zdog comes to talk to you «hey girl did something happen with the colonel ಠ_ಠ ? Because we can smell you from miles away hahaha »
«Whatttttt ?!!! No ?!»
«Don’t lie to me we all know you have a thing for our colonel »
« SOO IT IS TRUE ! Don’t worry your secret is NOT safe with me ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎»
«STOPP !!!! I HATE YOU ! You are sooo mean Zdog !!!»and you tried punching her but
Miles comes and try to calm the situation by pushing you away from each other
«HEY hey easy there tiger ,what the matter ?»
You don’t even look Quaritch in the eyes, your own eyes watering and tears starting to form as you look Zdog straight in the eyes
« Or what ? Huh ?»she said with her chin lifting it self.
You just turned around and left walking rapidly in the corridor with tears falling down your face .
Miles asked Zdog what was the problem with you and she just said
« Idk colonel may be you are "the problem" »
« what do you mean by that ?»
« can’t you smell this horny bitch ?»
« so what ? She is probably in heat , scientists said it could happen »
« for fuck sake ! Connect the dots colonel »
«huh ?OHHH FUCKKKK…..»
« you really didn’t notice?? She probably likes you for ages .»
« Yeahh… Well I am going to check on her.»
He made his way to your bedroom and you heard loud foot steps coming towards you. You were quite sure it was him coming to see you , so you hid in the bathroom and looked your self in it . Too ashamed of ur self.
The door to your bedroom slid open
« Hey sweetheart I just wanna talk. Will you come out please? »
You did come out eventually, but your eyes didn’t dare to look at him, you just looked the floor , making small steps walking towards him until your head was centimetres away from his chest. He pulled his two hands that were resting on his belt and grabbed your face, lifting it up , your red eyes meeting his. You just felt his enormous warm hands on your cheeks. You could smell him , his natural masculine sent enveloping your nostrils.
« You should had told me that you liked me honey »he said with a smirk on his face
Your red eyes began to water again and you started to sob , letting your head fall in his chest, his hands that we’re on ur cheeks fell and circled your waist and push you closer to him to take you into a big comforting hug . His other hand lifted up and rested on ur head , and he started petting you and said :
« it’s ok baby girl, don’t worry » then he gently pulled your head back and said while staring deep into your watery eyes «I love you » and kissed your forehead.
At this moment you wanted him , you wanted all of him , his muscular arms and veiny hands all just for you. Even tho you wanted to kiss him back you didn’t want to do to much so you just contended ur self to give him a tight hug as you cried of relief.
After a moment he said « so , why are you horny ? Are you in heat or is it me ? Huh ? »
You started to laugh in his shoulder. « Actually , maybe both » you said as you gently tapped his cock with your leg while looking straight into his eyes like a puppy
« eager aren’t we ? » he said with little chuckle. Then he put both of his hands on your ass and lifted you up , one leg on each side of his waist, both of your sex rubbing each other as he walked . He gently threw you on the mattress of your bed
« what a lucky girl . Turn out I’m felling horny as fuck »
« ouhhh and who made this man horny ? May I ask ?»
« this crying puppy face sweetheart »
he grabbed your face and started kissing you gently , and slowly made his tongue it’s way to your mouth, then after a moment he pulled out and said
« You taste fucking good hun »
His breath became heavier and so did yours . Your slick started to overflow and his dick pointed straight to the sky. He took of your military pants and then he’s own . You could see his enormous cock through his boxer , you didn’t expect less , your eyes still opened widely . You wanted it soo bad , and he knew it just by looking down at you .
« You want that huh ? Didn’t know you were such a slut »
He pushed your back onto the mattress, and took of your panties
« gorgeous »
He sat himself on your bed , took one of your leg and lifted it up over his shoulder, he brought his head closer to your pussy , sniffed hardly before taking it all into his mouth, you moaned at the surprise and your back arched at the pleasure he made you feel. But what made you feel even more pleasure was when he slid his tongue up and down, in between your lips ,… at this point you couldn’t handle your self anymore you moaned as loud as you could while he licked your clit . But before you could reach your climax he stopped and pulled out . Slick dripping from his mouth. You looked at him angrily and in deception.
« Heh , look at that face, you thought I would let you finish this quickly and easily »he took of his boxer and asked you if you were ready , you nodded but said to go slowly since you were a virgin. He flipped you around , on your belly and lifted your ass up with your tail, now on your knees . He was on his knees as well , and the rest of his body was lifted . He gently guided his tip into your virgin pussy , just at the beginning you whimpered. He then slowly pushed more into you, it was so big and it hurted. He knew it, so he gently rubbed your back to try and ease the pain. It did help a bit though
« you okay sweetheart ? can I push more ? Just tell me if you can’t handle me»
« No no , p-push more , I’m your little soldier, I can handle it »
He pushed more , almost entirely in . He slowly started to pound into you , you almost didn’t felt any pain just pleasure, you moaned again
« Uhggh, more , faster c-colonel ! PLEEAARgh-SE»
He did go faster , without a word ,you just heard his loud breathing and small whimper as he trusted into your hole .
« FUCK your so tight ! »he placed his both hands around your waist for support and began to trust even faster
Floppy sounds and moans filling the room
He went faster, faster then he already was . You felt your climax will soon reach his high point, and so did he .
Then he stopped, cock fully into you , you could fell a liquid filling you, overwhelming you , it felt to much, you collapsed on your messy bed, at this point you didn’t care to be pregnant afterwards . He pulled out of you and left a moan escape his mouth.
« fuck that was good hun, love your tight ass »
You didn’t even listen , your were too tired. He putted on back his boxer and laid on the bed next to you, pulled you into his chest and caress your head gently until you fell asleep. But before you actually fell asleep you said « I love you Miles. »
« love You to y/n » and kissed your cheeks
Then afterwards you fell asleep peacefully without any worries of what was going to happen after .
(Ps: he seems a bit too nice , but he actually is just nice with you )
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ambersgiantpanda · 24 days
Unpopular opinion: I actually loved Patricia/Jason Winkler dynamics. And not just as friends or whatever relationship they had in the show. I saw couple potential there.
And I usually don't like teacher/student romance trope (because I can't imagine it in real life, it's weird for me), but something about Pason is just out there...
(detailed explanation of this is under the cut, and it's a long post, grab your judgement and popcorn)
Let me explain, if Jason hadn't been lured into Victor's Society and kept helping Patricia no matter what, just imagine how close they could've gotten. Like, she was feeling so alone and no one believed her and she thought she was going crazy, but then she got Jason as an alliance and had the support she really needed at the time. And she wouldn't have called Rufus and would've saved herself some trauma if Jason stayed by her side because Rufus was her last option and she wouldn't go there unless Jason betrayed her (which he did and she ended up in the warehouse, thank you very much for that)
So, let's imagine that didn't happen and Jason's still unaware of the elixir and the immortality and the cult and everything, he's just as confused about Joy as Patricia is and he wants to know the truth. They start working together, maybe Jason even joins Sibuna (I have the same vibe about it as about the headcanon that if Mrs. Andrews stayed for season 3 she would've helped Sibunas and they would've had an adult by their side who believed them, knowing how crazy Victor can get). Next thing I see is Patricia grows to like Jason, he was the first one who believed, he was reliable, and he was there for her when she needed it most. And so, she starts to develop some sort of feelings, she starts feeling more than she should.
And Jason is not stupid or blind, she sees the change in her behavior and connects the dots, realizing that maybe, just maybe, there's something warm appears in his chest too when they interact.
I know Jason probably wouldn't go far with this relationship at first, because of the professional ethics and stuff it would feel wrong, but (and we do remember that he had a life-threatening disease, right?) maybe someday he'd just wake up and think, "fuck it, I'm gonna die soon anyways", and finally accept his feelings for Patricia. (it might be out of character for him, but he's still a human; he's young and he's dying, he definitely wants to experience life, and it would be wrong not to, considering that his clock is ticking very quickly).
And it would be such a good first relationship for her as well, cause she'd have someone as mature as her (almost all of Anubis kids are very mature btw), I can so easily imagine Patricia in a relationship with someone older than her. With Eddie, she is the mature one while he often acts like a child (especially when he first appears in the show; he grows up only later when he has all these responsibilities as an Osirian), and with Jason, she could've just let herself be and enjoy his company without being alarmed that he could do something unpredictable and stupid any minute. And he would definitely treat her like a queen and a treasure because that's what she deserves, it would be a very stable relationship, and it would be so relieving for season 1 Patricia. Especially in season 1 she just wants comfort, she wants to feel calm and safe and not like a nervous wreck, freaking out all the time with no one by her side.
Don't get me wrong, I still love Peddie very much, it's my endgame and nothing will ever change that, but rewatching season 1 again made me think about Jason/Patricia in the new light, and I really like the headcanons I'm starting to see and develop more and more.
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celestie0 · 3 months
Girl look this is gonna sound like a love confession bc maybe it is idk I’m obsessed with ur braincells in another life your definitely one of my best pookies 😔🫶
Like the way I FELL in love with kickoff was so uncalled for bc what business do I have being this invested in an athlete frat college au when I’m generally all for the domestic angsty husband wifey shit anyway now idk how to cope when it’s finished so pls take my hand in marriage and we can have pillow talk abt them 💍❤️ thank you.
genuinely ur writing is chefs kiss though 👌 (let me kiss ur hands 😗) and I love love love that u actually seem to have real knowledge on what u write about like the soccer games and the all the camera stuff it gives the story sm more substance
anyway penny for my thoughts 🤧 ?
This fanart on TikTok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYaQwJQo
ok so basically when I first started reading the fic and I was talking to my friend abt all the frat shenanigans (WHICH I LOVE BTW IM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS FRAT BOY TROPE NOW) we both related it to this one fanart: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYaCy7aX/
which then made a lot of sense bc it’s literally meant to be satosugu as frats (AAAAHHH 😫)
anyway so then I went on the account and discovered that first link right bc getos seggsy ass was the focus in the other one
and I just thought it was so fitting like the face is a bit off bc I think the darling artist is clearly a fellow geto girlie butttt the fit and stuff like yk how the insufferable man child was wearing fucking HO-HO glasses in the first chapter yeahh anyway hope u see it too and Imma do the good deed of passing word your fic onto the TikTok artist
forgot I was meant to be dot pointing
does anyone actually insert their name ? Idk I never have lol
love her
she usually ends up being my favourite character bc duh she’s girliepop
I struggle sm to read books bc like character names and stuff can throw me off so I prefer to dabble in GOOD fanfics every now and then (aka your masterpiece) or just indulge in smut when I’m ovulating 🙂‍↕️
ignore that
ummm so yeah I find books hard to get into since they start on a blank canvas and since I’m already obsessed with our marvellous blue eyed baby daddy fanfics are ideal cause they just build over that
anyway back to y/n I don’t actually remember what I was gonna say shes just bae
The slow burn holy shit especially the bed chapter like I kept going back and forth who’s gonna make a move only to fall asleep all bricked up at 2 AM 🥲
so well done
one random fav scene of mine is when he takes out the digimon credit card idk ur ideas and the way u write movement in scenes it just clicks for me
I like my shit my way. It’s all in my brain right these angst chronicles and I kinda just wanna see it written out bc I’m a lazy bitch and I cannot commit so I usually opt for like one shots or what not idk like “when he makes you cry” or “ when you use the safe word with them ft gojo, geto, toji” you know the gist of it
I have certain ideas in my head that I don’t like to compromise especially regarding y/n ig because I am her allegedly
but bro 😓
the way I folded for you omg 🙏
this deserves a list if it’s own lol but btw putting this out there I dont even except u to read through this shit I’m just in a yapping state of mind and I’ve come this far so ._. :
My first major red flag was the jeans
not my style okay I’d live my life in pretty little empire waistline lingerie night gowns if I could
First thought was “what in the white girl” butttt then my brain went “it’s giving Lana del Rey like when she was younger and was always seen by paparazzi just in a white tee and blue jeans + that one concert she did wearing jorts and a cute white top with hoop earring, chewing gum and smoking while singing summer time sadness like the absolute icon she is”
and bam I can fw it now 🤝
her hight is one thing I differ on tho cause I’m short so I blur my vision whenever u mention any kind of height or size related comparison with gojo bc ik it’s not accurate to me especially with that tree of a man and I want my moments too 😔
I just don’t see her like that okay she’s so above gojos lanky ass in canon verse
but thennn as always u came through with the descriptionsss 🔥
the denim skirt
the sorority glitter cheeksss
okay I’m starting to sound 𝓁𝑒𝓈𝒷��𝒶𝓃 my apologies
The age differences
honestly this wasn’t that much if a discrepancy I just found it a bit funny like todo as his homeboy lol
but yuji was so cute and I’m all for dad gojo but you’ve opened my mind to big brother gojo and I don’t see what’s not to like about it
As for the rest of the characters
Loved yuji as the bouncer (I didn’t know what that even was, again love how u actually know what u write about)
and also just that tiny crumb of megs when readers taking pictures, I can totally picture him as a soccer player
nanami was so odd to imagine but I settled on teen nanami with the emo hair and such
I just love chosos existence in this fic thanks for that 😌
OKAYYYYY this length of yap sesh should land me in a psych ward I spent a good hour and a half on this I’d say
but yes it’s due time I professed my ever growing admiration for you (💍 🔪)
I will check out if you’ve given fic recs but again I’m into the marriage pregnancy type shi and I do love me a good college au now more than ever so if u may 🤲
cannot wait for the next chapter (can he please dick us down hard already your edge game is something else 🫠)
xoxo 💋
OH WOW FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS ASK?? i appreciate the love for kickoff sm :”) even though it’s not something you usually read!! and yes 💯 to that fanart
haha i actually know close to nothing about soccer. i just ask chatgpt a bunch of questions about it when i write 🤣 but i know a tiny bit ab film photography cuz one of my close friends studied film in college :) i’m so happy those aspects stick out to you!!
HAHA pls the whole bed scene in ch8 was a lot of fun to write. i just love domestic lil convos between two people, and the lil digimon scene made me emotional to write bc it reminded me of how nerdy canon gojo is LOL (i miss him sm)
i’m glad you like yn too!! tbh she’s the center focus of the story in my eyes haha gojo is just a side character 💀 and wymmm my girlie is SHORT too 🤣 well idk how short you’re talking haha but in my head she’s 5’4 cuz that’s how tall i am lol
thank you sm for interacting so deeply with my silly lil story 😭💕 sorry if i didnt respond to all aspects of your ask but i read it all and was cheesing so hard plskdjdhd. so glad you’re looking forward to more!! also haha i saw your follow up ask too and YES gojo as a cat dad wasn’t something on my kickoff bingo card but alas here we are 🤣 much love from me 💕
alsooo i do have another series called “in holy matriphony” that is a fake marriage au gojo x reader :0 just mentioning that since you said you’re in the domestic marriage sorts of stuff. it’s kind of a silly n crack fic vibes tho LOL maybe not the serious angsty stuff but it’ll have angst for sure too :”) just if you’re interested bb!! <3
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I'd have to disagree with your complaints about that episode.
For one, I'm pretty sure it was said that the kids snuck out when Dot and Alex were asleep.
Second: Bots were in hiding mostly because of G.H.O.S.T and since it's HQ is in Witwicky, they'd be relatively safe from them in Phily.
Plus since Robby and Mo have giant robot siblings to protect them they wouldn't feel worried about being around strangers at night.
Ofc they were proven to be wrong about being safe but they were logical in thinking that they were.
Sorry for bad english btw.
Dot and Alex being asleep when this goes down makes it worse for me.
These kids should know better at this point.
At the very least Robby and Mo should know better. I didn’t fucking sneak out after my parents had gone to sleep to go hang out in the CBD when I was 8-12 years old.
And fuck, that still doesn’t explain why NO ONE on the streets seems to care for the unattended children (again, is this just an American thing???).
And having “giant robot siblings to protect you” didn’t mean jackshit all when one of them got KIDNAPPED, did it?!
I should reiterate, this isn’t just fear for Robby and Mo either, this is fear for the terrans as well. Giant robots they may be, but they are basically still children. The show has been VERY obvious at hammering that point home.
They are learning about the world, and people will take advantage of them and we SEE that happen.
Look, again, I think I’m just looking at this from an adult perspective. I’m going to assume the episodes end with the kids getting back and no one being the wiser.
But what if it didn’t? Say you’re a parent, you wake up and your young child is gone. Let’s say if Jawbreaker doesn’t make it home safe before Alex and Dot are wake up or anyone comes to save him. What do you think will happen to him? What do you think Alex and Dots chances of finding him are at all, let alone alive, are?
It’s terrifying to think of young children, regardless of species, being unattended and alone and in a situation that just hits a lot of real adult fear for me.
The much better way that writing in this episode could’ve gone would’ve been if the terrans, the objectively youngest of them all, had snuck out themselves and Robby and Mo had gone after them in a desperate attempt to keep them safe.
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restlesssleepers · 3 months
more syscourse cause im mad feel free to skip
im not gonna tag this or mention anyone specifically because i dont want to be fucking attacked but our largely inflated sense of justice is going GRGRGRGGR so i need to make my point a bit here so im sure weve all seen the pluralpunk system punk argument currently going on, at this point i was about to go yay !! new tag so people will stop bitching and leave each other alone !!! but noooooo someone went and made a flag going grgr i hate anti endos heres a flag with a dead animal in the mouth of its predator. which, weird in the first place to make that, why are you so pressed its a tag on tumblr pls go touch grass, but depicting a prey animal DEAD on a flag 'reclaiming a term from the evil stupid antis' is?? did you not connect the dots??? that people would interpret it this way???? like if its reallyyy about the field of psychiatry as a whole sure whatever, but don't get mad at people for missing your symbolism when the thing youre symbolising had nothing to do with the conversation.
and THEN theres the people attacking the person who pointed this out are?? are they ok??? like, idk abotu yall but they probably just opened the syspunk tag, saw that bullshit, blocked, then went 'hey guys thats really weird' on their own account, they most likely !!! did not go snooping on that persons account first to see if that person has a cdd or not before blocking because !!! thats kinda weird !!! same thread for the people who are going 'I HAVE A FUCKKING CDD BITCH YOU FCUCKING BITCH WE HATE YOU ANTI ENDOS ARE EVIL YOURE VICTIMISING YOURSELF BECAUSE ME AND THIS OTHER RANDOM GUY AND THE CREATOR OF THE FLAG HAVE CDDS' compared to the people i have personally seen saying 'chains + predator + its dead prey + creator aggressively hating a group of people = people in that group thinking it was targeted' girl.... nobody cares if you have a cdd or not you're just mean, youre just yelling at abused kids, idc if you were also or are also an abused kid, having a shit life does not make you unable to make someone elses life shittier also even the creators response if awful,, like 'idc if you feel unsafe by the possible insinuation that people are going to hurt you' ??? weird which brings me to YET ANOTHER POINT because no im not done i could talk about how stupid some people are forever the extremely negative generalisations (which are on both side, but i'm specifically referencing the response from the flag maker, specifically specifically "tbh If it made anti endos feel unsafe..I kinda don’t care lol anti endos never made anyone feel safe" do you now see how cynical that is?? why do i feel like i have to beg people to treat each other with like a smidge of humanity, like are you reading this?? you dont care if you make other human beings feel unsafe like thats not even really my point but i have to keep coming back to that bit there but like actually my point is, stop talking to each other, i'm being so fr, youre like evil siblings that need their own corner but get jealous then ruin it then argue then need their own corner and the cycle just repeats, use the tag filters, use tags properly, if you dont like a post, block the user, i thought this was basic internet knowledge and btw !! this is coming from someone who is technically anti endo, but you know what !! i interact with endos and other system types on discord servers and stuff because it is (and let me say it real loud for the people who have their head in the ground) A PUBLIC SPACE. if you dont want to interact with an individual so bad, it is your job to facilitate that, but guess what !! theres always going to be overlap because not everyone can control everything, so everyones best bet is to just shut your mouth, please i am begging shut your mouth, if you happen to come across one another accidentally and it comes up, just say smth like "i know we wont agree on this topic, so lets not talk about it" because lets be so fr, there are bigger issues, which i know sounds very hypercritical of someone who has spent the last however long typing this out but whatever, because its the internet nobody will care by tomorrow, just treat each other like people
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biolizardboils · 2 years
I did it I worded out what Gets Me about The End!! I connected the dots!!
So like, while I was fighting It and hearing Its monologue over and over, I felt like It represented something but wasn’t sure what. I focused on the words It used the most (all and nothing btw), but they only felt like part of the answer.
Way later, I realized which word was the key. It only uses it once, but it explains so much about It to me, especially in conjunction with another word used throughout the series’ history.
The key word is order.
“All the teeming chaos of creation... brought to order. To neutrality. To nothing.”
Chaos vs. Order is by no means a unique theme in fiction, of course. It’s a classic device... maybe even too classic. I’ve seen it used too often with little nuance underneath, like a stock Conflict-For-The-Audience-To-Care-About when the writers can’t think of anything else. I’ve been bored of it since my teens.
But now I realize, I’m not bored of the concept itself; I’m bored of how it’s usually used. And it’s usually a black-and-white, Good vs. Evil deal, with Order as Good and Chaos as Evil. Order being Good because it’s stable, predictable; Chaos being Evil because it’s unstable, unpredictable. Some stories go as far as to posit Order as essential for Life, and Chaos as resulting in Death.
The End's monologue is one of the few times I’ve seen this done differently. It refers to killing things as bringing them to order. It describes itself as a void, an abyss, a persistent nothing. And according to the game’s director, it appears to people as their perception of death.
So The End represents Order, and here, Order is Death. Stable, predictable, as all living things can be expected to die. But The End seems bent on bringing it early (and is also the Final Boss), so it’s safe to call It Evil.
But that’s not what Gets Me about all this. What Gets Me is what that makes Chaos.
If Order is Evil, then Chaos is Good. If Order is Death, then Chaos is Life. If Order is destruction leading to Nothing, Chaos is creation leading to Everything.
And suddenly, it makes sense that Frontiers focuses on the Chaos Emeralds’ origins. It makes sense that The End bothered to follow the Ancients to their new home. It makes sense that It saw Sonic’s mind and didn’t understand why he does what he does. It makes sense that the game builds It up as the greatest foe Sonic’s ever faced; because It is Order and Death, and Chaos is Life, and Sonic has both believed in living life to the fullest and been using the Emeralds since the very first game.
And I just think that’s fascinating.
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