#i didnt notice it until it was way too close and then i instantly turned and walked away but every time i turned around it was Closer
pseudophan · 5 months
just got jumpscared to shit by a moose i need to leave this place so bad
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kendallroydefender · 1 year
Shared beds and confessions (Mulder x fem!reader)
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Summary: the young detective Y/n has to go on a work trip with her co-worker to investigate a x-file when they turn to a motel for the night they find out there’s only one bed available.
Wordcount: 2.5k
You opened the door to the passenger seat of Mulders car. "Where’s Scully?“ you asked noticing that the agent wasn’t in the vehicle "She needs to finish some work here she’s flying in tomorrow.“ Mulder told you as you fastened your seatbelt. "Didnt knew flying was an option here, why am I driving with you again?“ you quipped at him with a smile "Going on a roadtrip with your favorite co-worker what do you want more?“ He shrugged "Presumptious of you to assume you’re my favorite.“ you told him while getting something out of your back before dropping it in his hand. Mulder looked at the bag and recognized it instantly, a bag of sunflower seeds - his favorite brand. A smile ghosting his lips "Why thank you.“ he said a little surprised, ignoring the flutter near his heart he hadn’t felt in a long time.
The drive was actually fun. You and the male agent always got along and considered each other close friends. You started working alongside Scully and Mulder about six months ago and were close to both of them. But you had started to grow some feelings for Mulder. Working late into the night on some cases in the office that lead to chinese take-out dinners afterwards and long talks getting to know each other more. Unknown to you the male agent had also developed some feelings.
Mulder would drive the first three hours and then you would switch. The first hours went by smoothly and at noon he pulled into the parking lot of a diner. Mulder bought the food and looked at you with raised brows when you wanted to pay. "This is on me y/n.“ he said "But you paid the take out last time too.“ you answered, he shrugged before handing the money to a bored looking teenager. "And you paid the time before that., that’s how our deal here works so well“ he told you before saying thanks to the teen that handed him the food.
"No way that movie is totally unrealistic! Everyone knows aliens wouldn’t behave like that!“ Mulder exclaimed with his mouth full of food "Yeah well not everyone can be an alien expert.“ you answered him taking a bite of the burger you had just bought at some fast food restaurant at the highway. "An alien expert? y/l/n are you flirting with me?“ Mulder said and you rolled your eyes at the man "You wish.“ wich earned you a grin from him "Maybe.“ he shot back with a shrug.
When you returned to the car Mulder closed his eyes while you drove, humming along softly to the radio. A smile on his lips as he listened to your voice. He opened his eyes for a moment to look at you. The sun was setting and left you in golden light. Mulder thought about how fitting it was - golden like some kind of jewelry, something to admire, something beautiful.
The drive went on until you noticed how it got slowly harder to see anything on the road through the thick fog that had appeared. A few minutes later you luckily saw a sign indicating a hotel a few minutes away.
"Why are we stopping?“ The brunette man asked a little sleepy while rubbing his eyes. "It’s almost two and I can’t drive anymore and you can’t either also it’s really foggy.“ you said as you parked infront of a small hotel. "We will get there Mulder, we can start tomorrow morning but-" you started to reason with him but he shook his head "it’s okay y/l/n. It’s a great idea actually.“ he answered and let out a little yawn after. He looked adorable with his hair a bit tousled and blinking tiredly. Before you could stop yourself you found yourself fixing his hair. When his green eyes met yours you noticed what you were doing and retracted your hand, your face growing warm. You hurried to climb out of the car. Mulder sat looking after you.
Mulder held the door to the small motel open for you. It wasn’t bad at all, a little old and outdated but clean and not creepy. Behind the counter sat an elderly woman "Hello there! You two are so lucky!“ she said as she noticed the new arrivals "We only have one room left.“ she announced and you and Mulder exchanged a look, he pulled his eyebrows up and you gave a small nod. You didn’t wanted to drive anymore tonight and the prospect of a hot shower and a bed was like heaven even if you had to share with Mulder. But you would be a liar if you said there weren’t some butterflies erupting in your stomach right now. Because yes you had a crush on your colleague for some time now. "This must be our lucky day then.“ Mulder answered with a smirk. "Oh I’m glad that such a great couple is staying with us!“ she smiled at you. You and the agent glanced at each other for a second before Mulder smiled at her.
You gave the lady your information and she handed you the keys. "Have a good night you two!“ she wished. You walked towards the stairs and felt Mulders hand ghost over the small of your back. The room had a small table, two chairs and a bed. The bed was a double, big enough to hold two people but there wasn’t enough space to not be touching the other.
Mulder groaned as he laid down on top of the bed with his coat still on. "Okay I need to take a shower, is it okay or do you want first?“ you asked and he opened one eye "No, no go.“
The hot water had relaxed your tense muscles you had after driving for hours, you changed into an old oversized shirt you brought with you to sleep in. You opened the door to the small room wich was dimly lit and Mulder was still laying on the bed but he had taken off his coat and hung it over the back of one of the chairs. "How sleazy would it be of me to ask you if you would share the bed with me?“ Mulder asked and you pulled your eyebrows up "Did you really thought I would let you sleep on the floor?“ He shrugged "Come on Fox.“
He came back to the main room after he had also taken a shower and brushed his teeth. You already laid in bed and shuffled a bit to the left to make more room. Mulder laid down next to you and turned off the lamp beside his bed. You laid stiffly next to him for about five minutes before you heard him say your name you hummed as a sign for him to continue "Relax.“ he told you before his arm carefully wrapped over your waist "it’s just me.“ you let out a breath you didn’t knew you were holding and sunk a bit more into the bed. Closing your eyes and breathing evenly you laid your hand atop of his, that were resting on you. Mulder smiled to himself when he felt your hand on his bigger one. "Goodnight Fox.“ you whispered and he noticed the usage of his first name "Goodnight y/n.“ he said back his thumb gently moving over your hand.
You woke up a few hours later. You must have turned in your sleep because you were now laying on your other side, Mulder also turned and was on his back, with his arm around your shoulder and your head resting on his chest and leg resting over his. You could hear his heartbeat and feel his chest rise and fall under your head. You noticed how safe you felt like that but you were also aware how inappropriate it was to cuddle your co worker like this even if you were friends. So you carefully and slowly tried to free yourself from his arms. This didn’t worked because soon he stirred and mumbled "Just stay.“ with a voice laced with sleep. "You weren’t supposed to wake up Fox. This is already embarrassing enough.“ he opened his eyes and looked at you "Being close to me is embarrassing?“ he asked with raised eyebrows "No- no I mean embarrassing because I’m basically
"S‘alright.“ he said pulling you closer you huffed but laid your head back down on his chest. His scent and warmth enveloping you making your eyes tracing the features of his face being only illuminated by the moon and you couldn’t help but imagine how it would be if this was your life - falling asleep and waking up next to Fox every night. And that was all it took for you to feel overwhelmed. You pulled away from him "I’m sorry Fox I- I can’t.“ you sat up in the bed. "What do you mean?“ he asked you and you turned your head to look at him "This!“ you gestured between the two of you. "Hey im sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable.“ he tried to apologize to you. "No- no, you haven’t and that’s part of the problem.“ you said and looked at your knees. "I can’t follow.“ Mulder offered back. "Let’s not talk about that right now okay? Just go back to sleep.“ He lifted his hand but before it could make contact with your back he halted, unsure if it would make you more uncomfortable. "Talk to me, please.“ he offered instead. You took a deep breath before saying "It’s just that I can’t keep my feelings down when we do stuff like this.“ you went silent after your confession. It was silent in the room for a few moments wich made your brain jump to the worst conclusions. That was it you ruined everything, Mulder wouldn’t want to be friends with you anymore.
Rustling of sheets could be heard as Mulder sat up, he cleared his throat before he spoke up "What if I don’t want you to burry these feelings?“ and it felt like your heart would simultaneously stop and explode. "You don’t mean that.“ you shook your head as you felt him look at you but you’ve stared at your lap. "Hey look at me please.“ Mulder said in a low tone, when you didn’t he softly moved a strand of hair behind your ear. His hand lingered on your cheek for a second "Do you remember the time we met with the man that worked for this lab and said that I was delusional and should be fired for believing in the things I do?“ you nodded while still avoiding his eyes wondering where he was going with this story. "You told him to shut his mouth. To say politely… That’s when I knew- well I guess I knew before but that’s when I was sure that I had at least somebody on my side, someone who believed me.“ he told you and went quiet for a moment before continuing "Somebody that was there for me in many ways. Somebody I want to keep around. Somebody that I could spend forever with.“ and your eyes finally landed on his. "What?“ he nodded "In other words I have some feelings for you too.“ he said and you shook your head in disbelief. "Scully told me i was being obvious, said I was gazing at you.“ he admitted sheepishly you smiled "I had no idea. But she said the same thing to me.“ he smiled too. "Really? Come on you’re the only person I let call me Fox.“ he chuckled. He was right - no one else could call him by his first name except you. Your eyes met his and he looked between yours for a moment. His hand came up to softly Rest against your cheek before tucking you a little forwards. He stopped again waiting for you to do something. You swallowed before nodding a little.
His lips met yours in a kiss. It was careful at first just just testing the waters but after reality set in it became more firm. The kiss turned more passionate, held back emotions finally being set free. You laid your hand in his neck weaving your fingers through the hair at the back of his neck as his hand rested on your waist pulling you closer. When you had to break the kiss to breathe you stayed close to each other. Faces only inches apart, your hand still playing with his hair while his thumb caressed your cheek and the other stayed on your hip. You opened your eyes to find him smiling at you and you couldn’t help but mirror his expression.
"Come on let’s go back to sleep.“ Mulder said softly after you parted. Laying back down, in the same position as before you cuddled up to each other. Your fingers traced patterns on his chest lazily and he pressed a kiss against your head.
The car came to a stop in front of the airport "How long do we have?“ Mulder asked, you looked at the clock "Her airplane lands in 5 minutes.“ you answered and looked at the man behind the steering wheel. A smile grew on his face "Good then I can do this.“ before he cupped your cheek and kissed you. The kiss was soft like the first one but this one was more playful, you could feel him smile into it. Before you could get too lost in it, in him, you gently pushed his chest. Eyes bright and shining looking at each other with so much affection. He leaned in to steal a quick kiss once again "Fox come on, as much as I’d like this to continue…“ he let out a long breath leaning his forehead onto your shoulder for a moment "I know, I know but as soon as I can I’m stealing you away.“ he promised wich made you giddy hoping for the evening to come as fast as possible. "I’m taking you up on that.“ you smiled back at the agent, pecking his lips once again before you got out of the car to wait for Scully. "God i feel like I’m 16 again.“ you muttered to yourself
"Hey Scully.“ you smiled and quickly hugged the woman. "Hey Y/l/n How are You?“. You climbed into the backseat and Mulder started driving to the crime scene. After a few minutes Scully kept looking at Mulder. He had a grin on his lips while he kept driving.
"Okay what’s up with you?“ Scully asked Mulder with a suspicious look "Nothing.“ he shrugged she narrowed her eyes "Then what’s up with this smile?“ he shrugged again but his green eyes flickered to the mirror for a moment and found yours. You couldn’t help but smile back at the man what made his smile grow even more so he covered his mouth with his hand. Scully, having seen the way he looked, turned around to find a similar expression on your face.
"Oh i think I just solved this mystery.“ she smiled at you.
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cherryredstars · 6 months
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Transmasc!reader
Warnings: Mentions to Top Surgery Scars, Fluff
Summary: Miguel is basically mesmerized by you. 
A/N: I can’t tell you how excited I was when I got this request!
Word Count: 725 (Not Edited)
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You’re so comfortable in your body.
It’s to the point that you forget that your body wasn’t always yours. That you had to give it those few moderations to make it the one you’ve grown so comfortable and proud of. It feels like the body you’re meant to have. That you deserve to have. And you love your body and your journey and how far you’ve come so much. It makes it hard to remember that some people won’t. That some horrible, miserable people think it’s disgusting and sinful and something you’ll wake up regretting some day. 
But you don’t think about that. You know in your heart of hearts that you love your body and this is who you’re supposed to be. This is who you want to be. So you don’t really think when you pull your shirt off. You’ve reached that point in your life where you aren’t anxious about it anymore. 
Or, you thought you were. You’re throwing your shirt to the side when you hear Miguel’s muffled noise of panic. You turn quickly to him in alarm, asking him if something’s wrong. You fuss over him, questions spilling out of you as you scan his body for injuries. But his eyes are zeroed in on you. More specifically, on your chest. 
You follow his line of sight, staring down your body. Your eyes catch sight of the slightly raised and discolored skin and you cringe. You don’t remember the last time you did that. You let go of Miguel, stepping back a few paces. It’s weird-- to feel self conscious after so long of thriving in your body. Your hand itches at your side, and you instinctively bring your arm across to hide the scars. You instantly drop your arm though. I don’t need to be ashamed, you think to yourself. It is not my problem if my body makes him uncomfortable. 
“Are… do they hurt? Are you hurt?” Miguel asks, the panic is still in his voice, but it has died down. It’s more confused, unsure of himself. 
Your brows furrow until it clicks. He’s not judging you, he’s concerned. He… cares. “Wha- no. They’re healed. They’re from, uh… surgery?”
Miguel’s brows furrow too, eyes squinting as he looks more closely at them. They do look more precise, purposeful. They’re not jagged like knife wounds. They’re clean and simple. He can tell from the scar pattern where stitches used to hold the skin together. Surgery… top surgery. His eyebrows raise in understanding, nodding subtly to himself. He looks back to your face, feeling guilty for the guarded look you have.
“They… they look like lightning. El rayo.” He whispers, “Rayo hermoso.”
His words make you flush, whispering out a small thank you. He nods, not really listening. His eyes shine as he stares at you. Like he’s amazed by your presence. That your very being is something special. But, maybe your eyes are tricking you.
“Do they…” you start but you rethink your words. “If they make you uncomfortable, we can leave and go our separate ways.”
Miguel is quick to shake his head, stiff expression covering his face. He looks you in the eyes, something genuine and pure on his face. “No, they’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
You’re bashful when you smile at him, shaking your head as it faces the ground, “Good. That’s… good.”
A silence comes over the two of you as you process the moment. It’s broken when a beach ball falls near the two of you. You reach down and grab it, serving it back to the group of teens who wave their arms to gain your attention. Miguel is at your side when you stand up, his arm hesitantly slinking around your waist. You smile up at him, taking his sunglasses from the top of his head and putting them over his eyes. He smiles back at you, his grip getting stronger. 
“Come on, it’s hot. Let’s go into the water.” You tell him, grabbing onto his hand as you try to lead the way into the ocean. 
Miguel pulls you back, making you hit his chest lightly in the process. You stare up at him, leaning into his touch when his hand cups your cheek. He leans down, kissing the corner of your mouth lightly.
 “Eres el hombre más guapo que he visto, mi rayo.”
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escapism-writer · 1 year
Can you write a fic where Y/N and Gavi have been best friends since they were children and Y/N has been in love with Gavi for years so she finally confesses but he doesn’t reciprocate it initially but eventually regrets it and they live happily ever after 🤭 can include fluff/smut it’s up to u!
As long as it takes - Gavi X Reader
A/n: I love this request so much!! Send more innn!! Also this took so long because every time I sat down to write someone interrupted me 😭
Summary: Your feelings were clear and simple; You love Gavi. Meanwhile Gavi’s feelings were blurred and complicated; Could you ever be more than friends?
Warnings: A little hurt/comfort, fluff ending, Spanish (with translations), not yet proof read.
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You and Gavi had been friends since childhood, the two of you managed to maintain your close relationship despite his fame and your travelling. As the years went by, you felt yourself getting nervous around him more often. Never thinking much of it, you tried to push the feelings away, hoping that they’d disintegrate in the back of your mind.
“I’ve got another trip to England coming up, I leave on Sunday.” You fiddled with the sleeves of your hoodie, you had delayed telling Gavi as he normally made a huge deal out of it.
“Sunday? ¿Por qué me lo dijiste? Eso es mañana!” <why didnt you tell me? That’s literally tomorrow!>
Gavi’s eyes widened, he always surprised you with leaving gifts and a reminder to somehow watch his matches, but now he didn’t have time to plan anything. You laughed at his slight panic, until he interrupted it with an idea.
“Well, why dont we watch a movie together tonight? Think of that as a leaving gift.” Gavi’s worried eyes softened at the imagine of his own idea, as he threw his arm around your shoulders. Putting on a carefree face you nodded.
“If I can pick the movie, I guess it’ll work” You gently pushed him off, hoping that the light red glow converting your cheeks would remain unnoticed. Unknowingly to you, you failed to hide it, every time. Gavi noticed each blush and glance, but chose to ignore and brush them off.
You finished laying out snacks on your table, as a knock at you door stopped you. You called out for the guest to come inside, knowing it would be Gavi.
“Hola!” The golden boy welcomed himself inside, kicking off his shoes as he walked to the lounge. After finishing your food set up, you sat down next to Gavi and started the movie.
You glanced towards your best friend dat next to you, watching the stress wash away from the day. His face softened as his eyes scanned the screen I front. You held your glance longer, admiring each feature. His messy hair was ignored to perfection, his eyebrows relaxed, his doe-eyes matched the feeling. You felt mesmerised, the more you looked the more you feel for him - if that was even possible.
“Gavi” He replied by simply humming. You felt your eyes wonder away from him, taking the place of looking at the tv screen once again.
“I love you.” Gavi brushed it off as nothing more than a friendship love. Which deep down he knew wasnt true.
“I love you too” He hums, trying his hardest to not look at you. Your face turns red at his reply, until you realise it wasnt in the way you meant it.
“Gavi, I love you. Como en Te quiero más que a un amigo.” <As in, I love you, more than a friend.>
You watched the boys reaction, his face slightly dropped. You leaned back, regretting what you just said. Little did you know, he had no idea how he felt. Did he love you? Or was it just the pure friendship he loved? His feelings were more than complicated. The two of you were left in silence to deal with your thoughts alone. As the film ended, Gavi excused himself from the sofa.
“Well, have a nice time in England.” The door slammed shut in your face. You were left, alone, is this was rejection felt like. You turned off the TV as you collapsed onto your bed, falling asleep instantly.
A light shine though the curtains woke you up from your dream. As you woke up, you felt your face stiff from the tears of the night before. It took you a moment to remember you had only a few hours to get to the airport. You checked the time on your phone, also wishing a message from Gavi would pop up at any given moment. When you realised it wasnt going to happen you threw your phone back down onto your bed, while you pulled yourself out.
As you finished packing the last few things you sighed. Refreshing your phone every moment you could, mentally begging him to message you. When you accepted that no message would appear, you left your house for the airport. The whole drive filled by nerves, you never felt so uneasy about going abroad. You didn’t want to leave the country while on confusing terms with your best friend. You really hoped that he would’ve confessed at the same time, how naive? that only happens in books and movies. As you took your seat, waiting for your plane, you opened your phone once again. Nothing. There’s no point waiting for something that wouldn’t happen. At least you thought it wouldn’t happen.
“No sabía nada que decir!” <I didn’t know what to say!> Gavi’s head collided with his palms, he loved you without a question, so why did he hesitate so much. Pedri slightly patted his back, hoping it would create a feeling of comfort.
“No es demasiado tarde para decir algo.” <It’s not too late to decide on something> Pedri sighed, not even wanting to imagine how you must’ve been feeling. Gavi’s head rose from his hands slightly. He quickly pulled his phone out; checking the time. As he quickly dialled a number, he started walking off.
“¿Adónde vas?” <Where are you going?>
“Como dijiste ‘No es demasiado tarde para decir algo’ ” <As you said ‘It’s not too late to say something’> Gavi turned his back while picking up his pace.
As he stepped outside of the building he saw the taxi he had just spoken too. The whole journey consisted of him watching the time, begging to make it before you left. Meanwhile you were getting ready to leave, lining up in the queue.
You turned around to discover who the owner of the voice shouting your name was. Your eyes met with his brown ones. So full of nerves yet willing to risk anything. You started at the boy in shock, he stood in his sweat covered jersey admiring you as he caught his breath.
“Lo siento.” <I’m sorry> Gavi pulled you into a hug, the scent of his cologne filled your senses. Comforting you, washing away all the sadness from before. You heard light sobs coming from the boy, you pulled out of the hug.
“What’s wrong Gavi?” You cupped the boys left cheek, showing him a slight smile.
“I’m sorry about how I left you.” You stood in shock, not expecting him to bring up the night before. He controlled his breathing to prevent full tears from falling.
“I love you too.” You mouth was left ajar, your eyes trying to read his expression. Only to notice the smile, and light creases by his eyes.
“Please can you keep moving?” The women scanning the tickets said frustratedly. You looked over to Gavi, before taking a step back.
“Wait for me, Pablo.” You lightly laughed, before walking onboard the plane. Gavi stood, starring as you left.
“I’ll wait for as long as it takes.” The boy turns back towards the exit, a huge sense of relief fell upon his boy as he left.
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plasmasimagination · 2 years
Genshin boys and unexpected confession
Summary-they confess unintentionally
Characters-xaio, diluc, scaramouche
-confession would be only in a situtation where he had to act before thinking
You and xiao were friends, actually pretty close friends. You usually visited him or went on walks with him, he tho knew that he liked you more than other mortals he was unsure of how to approach it so he kept it in himself for a long time. Well until one time, you came to xiao to tell him about ur day as usually, he was listening to you while looking over liyue. Suddenly you got interrupted by a guy approaching you. The guy was really shy and red in the face. He stuttered something about taking you out for dinner. You quiet didnt hear him and when u were about to ask what he was saying xiao jumped in and snapped at the guy "theyre not interested you can leave". Xiao is very feared amongst the people of liyue so the guy dissapeard faster than my dad. You (still confused) turned to xiao and confusedly asked why he made that guy leave so quickly. He instantly just blurred out "bc i dont want anyone else to love you" or smth like that you were to shocked and flustered to hear anything anyways. After realizing what hes said he just dissapears u can tell him u love him too after he decides to show up again
-would do it witbout even noticing at first
After the tavern closed, diluc usually lets you stay around because u always insist on helping him clean up. Today was no different, you guys were busy cleaning the whole time so u didnt talk a lot. After some time you were so tired, you litteraly sat on the first wooden chair u found and juzt wanted to fall asleep. Diluc walks by u and taps you on the shoulder, "you should go to sleep". You quickly stand up and shake ur head in disagreement, "noo dont worry about me ill help u finish it". Diluc takes the brrom next to the chair and starts sweeping "how can i not worry about you?" he asks sighing. You quickly say "why do u even care so much if im tired" in a teasing/cheerfull tone. He says "i care bc i like you and dont want you to overwork urself", he instantly looks at you trying to see if you heard him say that, he really didnt want to confess his feelings like this... But for his unluck( or luck?) you heard him loud and clear ;)
-would be in a life ir death situation
Scaramouche never thought about confessing, like he didnt want to show his vulnerable side did he. So he denied his crush on u for damn ages, until one day you were on a mission with him, shneznaya is a cold place so you were partly freezing partly dying from the enemies. Scaramouche hates going on missions with you, like yes he loves spending tine with you and it helps him get closer to you but he hates the pressure of having to be a show off the whole entire time when ur around. Like bro is tryna prove that hes usefull in all possible ways he will litteraly randomyl start picking fights with people that look at you guys wrong just to show off hoa strong he is🙄. But this time the enemies were a lot more trained than the other basic hillichurs these were some well trained bandits. You guys were almost done with them, when in the corner of ur eye you see one bandit half bleeding swinging at scaramouche. You dont think any second and jump in to take a hit for him, then everything is dark. The only thing you can here next the 6th of the fstui harbingers holding u and yelling at you "YOU IDIOT,... hey hey dont you dare die dont die on me i love you alright?". That dumbass thought u were unconscious, hah.
Feedback, likes, reposts and comments are very appreciated <33
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thegeminisage · 11 months
ok, i got about an hour and a half to play some zelda!!! i'm in rito village cuz i got my frog armor. my map says there's a chasm here so i'm gonna get some korok seeds and see if i can find it
god i miss kass.
i havent ben back here since i did the wind temple, so there's a lot of sidequests lol
ok, i NEVER would have found that chasm without help. the opening into the cave is SO tiny
off to a fantastic start. landed by a yiga hideout AND a lightroot!!
oh! it's isolated! i guess that makes sense cuz in the overworld it's surrounded by water. i was gearing up to do some Depths Exploring though, i kinda miss it??
i notice mineru didn't meet me. so she really is only in one little section until i do the dungeon. blegh
oh, it's not a proper yiga hideout, there's just a diary. something about a weapon with blue stone. PLEEEEASE be a timeshift stone please please please (guy who knows it wont actually be a timeshift stone)
aw and a schema stone
siren call of the depths: i kinda wanna explore more. i was gonna go back up to rito village and knock out some of those sidequests but fuck it
as with the overworld i have a lot of the eastern section knocked out and have barely touched the western half. so i guess i'll go clean up in the east. unfortunately i have not been marking ANY of my boss encounters bc i didnt want to look at this map too closely so i'll probably wind up doing them all again lol
i don't know, am i taking some of the joy of exploration out of the depths by looking at this map early? i guess so, but i don't want to forge on without it, and the internet has spoiled me for the whole thing anyway. besides, they're not detailed enough that you can really tell what it'll look like once you get there. i think some surprises will still remain
i am going to turn on hands i think lol. that's one surprise i DON'T want, not down here
i guess if things get too hairy or tedious i always have my bike...it's been so long since i learned about them, yet since then i've barely set foot down here at all. i was doing koroks. so it's been a REALLY long time since i've properly explored down here.
tiny dark spot by hateno so im starting there. warped to a nearby root and found the two new ones i need pretty much instantly without even using the spoiler map - they were just hidden behind a wall
i read somewehre that the weapons the ghost soldiers hold for you, the unrotted ones, will only be weapons you've already broken above. which is stupid cool but then WHYYY do i never get royal broadswords...they're my favorites...
another mine...i guess that's to be expected. why do they all have the names of the cities above though? like, hateno didn't exist throughout the ages, it wasnt in oot or whatever. you can't tell me every city in hyrule is 10,000 years old. i guess lin's sheikah slate is naming the mines and using the names of the villages it knows? but IT'S 10,000 years old too. i love totk but the way it breaks the lore is so fucking frustrating, especially since i was finally excited about the lore actually being COHESIVE for the first time after skyward sword.
ooh, this diary mentions a hidden yiga academy behind a waterfall in gerudo...i've been spoiled a bit for that questline too but i feel better that i found the tip organically
oh. i found a "researcher" lol
LMAOOOO she's asking me to pick my own demise. incred
good GOD what is that...i shouldn't have answered...i picked burny bc i actually hate freezy more but what in the name of god
i mean i killed her basically instantly but that was a little alarming! i wish i got a schema stone for one of THOSE
MORE refinery shopping. i already have enough for one battery upgrade and i'm close to getting a second
oop yeah there's upgrade #2
and another schema stone!
ok, doubling back to check and old map mark i missed...
oh it's cap of the sky! i actually already have one of those lol but i can sell this one
ok, let's see...there's a tiny dark spot under gut check rock, so i'll get that next...
i have like. 630 arrows lol and it's a good thing too bc i got spotted by a monster camp and just took them out from a tree
zonaite really isnt hard to collect...like, at first having to get 4000+ to max your battery seemed impossible. but the hard part is that the refineries don't sell a lot at once so you either have to warp around or wait to turn it all in lol
i like how weather attack makes food useful again? like i stopped making food to help me with heat or cold bc i had armor...BUT i can't have armor to defend me from the elements AND the attack up from the elements at the same time. if i want both, i need food for one or the other! it's very clever. now i need to be more mindful when cooking instead of just doing the same health and stamina refills over and over
i really hate how hard the lava air effect makes it to fucking SEE down here. jesus
killed a flux construct. sick nice etc
found a proper yiga hideout >:)
minecart tracks??? i want a cart too... :(
sadly lacking in cart to cart combat. 0/10 stars
ok, working my way down towards the spring of power. i want those bargainer statues lol
i like exploring the depth a lot better when shit is lit up. i didn't realize until now but it's exhausting not to be able to see ANYTHING. i think that's why i got so tired of it so quickly before, even though i was also having fun poking around. finding one light point after another is fun and that requires darkness but it's also really difficult to navigate the terrain when you can't see AND there's gloom
found my mf statue. i cant believe i walked right past these before...you wouldn't know they're there unless you're looking :/
YESSSSS HOOD OF THE DEPTHS...finally.................
i had almost 700 poes so i had plenty to buy with lol
ANOTHER yiga hideout!! have i done this one?? it looks familiar...
oh yep lmao i sure have. bummer. at least i can mark it off my map :/
ok, thats all i have time for!!!
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reveks · 11 months
sorry, had to do somethin and didnt notice the response anti-hero, scugs, void infection, and iterators, i just used a random generator cause i couldnt pick the order myself -funky slugcat
God, I felt that. Anyways this is a long one so here we go
Antihero AU
(Only one of these where Grevek is important to the au)
Basically, the full-stop, no holds barred, off the wall angst au where Revek's batshit insane. He doesn't start that way; in the beginning, he's apart of the Troupe, working as a blacksmith/metalworker. After a while, he falls for Grimm and Grimm has mutual feelings. The two start dating, keeping it under wraps but dating nonetheless.
Eventually, word gets out of their relationship. Revek starts getting jumped by bugs trying to kidnap him for ransom. Grimm's there to save and protect him every time, but the repeating helplessness starts to take a toll at Revek's thoughts, giving him massive self-hatred issues. One day, it all becomes too much, and he makes a deal with the Nightmare Heart. What the deal is isn't known to anyone but Revek; the important thing is, it ended with him gaining minor abilities (much like Grimm's own: scarlet fire, nightmares, etc).
Unfortunately for Revek, side effects exist. It slowly drained his sanity the more he reveled in it. Man eventually went insane entirely, caring about nothing but Grimm, and proving his worth to Grimm. He put his knowledge of weaponry to good use and crafted a blade infused with Nightmare Flame, dubbed Hubris. This blade, when striking opponents, would inject some of its infused flame into their bodies, basically burning them from the inside out. It only had 5 uses before it had to be infused again, but Revek made a device that would allow him to refill the blade's flame instantly.
He also found out that fear would create the flame needed to infuse his weapon, so what did he do? Well... the short answer is, he scared the shit out of everyone they came across. Everyone.
Grimm does eventually manage to slap the sense into Revek but that's the basic au
RW AUs (also called "Hiraeth")
I'm lumping these together cause they're sorta the AU. Revek, Kever, and Zee are turned into both Scugs and Iterators.
Revek is called "The Spirit" as a scug and "Essence Upon Feathers (or Esse)" as an iterator. They are a slim white scug with a brown underbelly and black mitten paws. He's also got wings
Kever is "The Water Dancer" as a scug and "Dozen Rainy Days (or Rain)" as an iterator. They're the thinnest of the scugs and are built like Rivulet is, with gills and a frilly tail
Zee is "The Shapeshifter" as a scug and "Catching Dreams at Dusk (present)/Dreams of Bird Calls (past)" as an iterator. His appearance changes, but always has a thin, spindly tail and bird wings
Even though they're basically the same character, their iterator forms exist separately from their scug versions. In fact, their iterators make up the Pulsar Local Group. The senior of this group is Dew That Lingers
Speaking of Dew, she's a big part of this AU. She's responsible for modifying all three scugs
Also for reference, the main family consists of Revek, Kever, Zee, Seer, & Markoth. Markoth barely shows up though
It starts out as the game does; the five are just surviving and the rains end up separating Kever from their family. However, they end up right outside Dew's can instead. They explored until they found her puppet chamber. Dew is a fully functioning iterator, and knew about their presence. She initially was going to have them leave, but the first thing Kever did upon reaching her chamber was collapse from exhaustion. Dew ended up helping them recover, giving them a modified Mark of Communication that allowed them to respond.
Some time later, Moon started to collapse. Dew was close to Pebbles, and friendly to Moon given their senior status. Determined to help, she modified Kever, giving them several enhancements with the intention of them being a messenger. The most important of these modifications were antennae, much like other iterators', meant to sense movement in the water. They're made to avoid predators, but are equipped with a harness that can briefly allow them to move the currents. She gave Kever one of her Rarefaction Cells to give to Moon and sent them away
Revek and Zee both do leave to look for their sibling, meeting Pebbles and Moon along the way, but this AU is still a WIP so nothing else is concrete
Void Revek
Basically the title! Revek gets void poisoning, and in an attempt to hide it from his family, allows it to get worse and worse, eventually fully becoming void. I do not care if this is contradicting your void hcs, it's my au /lh
This is also a WIP, since the original concept was more of a "what if" art and only recently became an au. I'm very open to questions about it!
Thank you for the ask!
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cynettic · 3 years
Hey! Can I request the "You wear their shirt that's too big for you the morning after a steamy night "but with childe, kaeya ,albedo and zhongli! Thank you
Reader x Genshin NSFW
Summary - You wear their oversized shirt after a steamy night.
Pairings - Fem!Reader x Childe / Zhongli / Kaeya
Warnings - NSFW so no minors plsss
A/N - Someone else asked for Albedo, so I’ll do that one soon! Hope you liked these ones though :) They’re a bit more descriptive than the last ones I did tho- so be careful if you’re not into that.
Often busy, the one instance where he has a bit of time before work passes by, and you walk out in his large shirt after a steamy night.
At this time in the morning, he’s sipping his morning coffee, eyeing the newspaper or whatever’s on the table.
That all changes when you walk in.
Of course he notices, and resting his elbow on the couch arm, he simply stares. Doesn’t attempt to hide his flirtatious smile and just waits till you notice his very persisting gaze.
When you turn to him, his eyes give you the sensation you might as well be bare naked.
“When did I ever say you could wear my shirt?”
He says this teasingly ofc, you wearing his shirt is the hottest thing he could’ve seen all day. Makes him very happy.
But you deciding to tease him right back, you pout, tugging at the hem of it. “You dont want me to wear it?” He tries to protest and say it was a joke and not to take it personal, but before he can even start, you pull the shirt off.
You have nothing under the shirt.
Flinging the shirt back into his lap, you turn back to the bedroom. “There you go, I’ll find something else to wear.” You make sure to strut, hips swaying from side to side as you touch the doorframe.
You don’t make it to the bedroom.
Childe’s hand glides down your pelvis, wrapping around your waist as the other pulls your hair back so he can give you a kiss on the neck. You’ve captured his full attention, and even though he has work soon, your antics stirred him up.
God… now all he wants to see is you ‘begging’ for him.
Childe has the awful tendency to turn almost everything into a competition, and you struck a nerve. He will waste no time in letting you know who is in control of who.
He pins your arms above your head, holding your wrists in one hand with ease. But holding you so tightly up, your back is arched, posture straight and breasts perked outwards with the awkward position.
“That was awfully bold of you Y/n~”
His other hand cups your breast, molding it in his hand. Index finger pressing down on your nipple while the rest of his hand rubs your tits in a down and up motion. You sink into the feeling, a content sigh leaving your lips as you lean into his touch.
Still sore from yesterday, Childe certainly wasnt gentle or merciful, and this contact is softly blissful compared to yesterday.
Till he pinches your little nipple in his hand, twisting it slowly and hearing you whine in annoyance.
Instead of moving onto the next breast, his hand moves down, gloves brushing against your stomach and your hips. Until its rested on your inner thighs, and he’s just caressing and stroking the skin of your thigh.
His black gloves are everything.
You unconsciously press your legs together, mewling at the sensation so close to your heat. You try to lean further into his hand so he can rub against your throbbing core, but his hand capturing your wrists keeps you firm, not letting you move an inch.
Childe moves teasingly slow.
His gloved finger rubs against your clit ever so softly, pressing deeper against it and then pulling away completely.
“Hmm? Speak up Y/n.”
He adds a second finger, but continues only to rub your pussy. A torturous sensation that makes you buck your hips in desperation to feel his fingers sliding in.
“Childe… please.”
You speak louder this time, and he rubs harder.
“Please what? You’ve got to be more specific Y/n.”
He loves the way he has complete and utter control over you, your reactions, the noises and expressions you make. That even if you’d had the audacity to expose yourself and strut away, he still had control. That in this battle, he’d won.
“Stick your fingers into me,” you groaned out, louder than the previous sentence. “Please- please…”
His gloved finger poked at the tip of your needy hole, rubbing around the edge just until your eyes watered with frustration, and you tried to grind against the sensation. Again unable to with his hold on your wrists.
It was only when you were begging that he shoved his finger in ruthlessly, pushing in and out. Your legs rubbed together, thighs pressing tightly around his hand as he added a second finger, and you were left gasping and moaning out his name.
When he added a third finger, your knees were trembling and it was only his grip on your wrists and the hand buried in your pussy that kept you standing. He leaned into your neck, his breath fanning your ear when he asked you who you belonged to.
“Y-you…” you breathlessly answered, coming close to your climax with every thrust of his gloved fingers. Pumping up into that G spot so hard that it left you crying out.
And then he pulled out his fingers, loosening the grip on your wrists.
Trembling and writhing just for him, he’d leave you bare and needy. Not letting you climax with him until he came back home from work.
Punishment for trying to tempt him earlier.
He licked your juices from his gloves, sucking on them and lapping them with his tongue. Just for you of course, laying on the ground whining and wet, so close to your climax yet stopped at the heat of the moment.
With a big wide grin, he waves his hand in a goodbye, grabbing his bag from the corner of the room before heading to the door. Fulfilled, watching you beg for him and shamelessly admit that you were his was the perfect start to his morning, and of course your revenge for teasing him earlier.
“See you after work Y/n~!” And with a wink he’s off.
For some reason, after a steamy night with Zhongli, the morning left you sensitive.
Not only physically, but especially mentally. To a point where getting up with the aching throb of your thighs was just enough to send you over the edge and sobbing.
You head to the kitchen, Zhongli’s shirt draped over your figure. He’s of course sitting in his rocking chair, reading glasses on as he scans something that he’s reading. Probably one of Liyue’s historical books.
You heat up some pancakes, planning on making the two of you a nice breakfast to start the day off. But grabbing the maple syrup, after opening the lid and stepping forward to spread it on the pancakes, your foot slid on something slippery on the floor, and you’re sent tumbling back.
Zhongli is leaning over you in seconds.
But the fall isnt the issue, and with the maple syrup in your hand, the bottle had tipped into the inside of Zhongli’s shirt, the one you were wearing, dripping into his shirt and onto your body. You’d managed to set it straight, but not after maple syrup was sent streaming down your chest and down your stomach.
“Im sorry…”
Tears gather at your eyes, and you try to wipe them away before Zhongli can see. Nothing was going right today, and you just wanted a distraction, something to keep your mind off of your emotional state.
“Itrs alright dear… would you like me to prepare a bath for you?” Zhongli is so soft and kind as he offers his help, thumb stroking your cheek as he stares into your eyes.
You dont want a bath.
Even with maple syrup everywhere on your body, sticky, you don’t want to leave the floor. A sob breaks past your lips, and you shake your head. “No… I just want it to go away…” your hands are shaking, and you slowly remove Zhongli’s shirt from your body, the maple syrup clinging to your form.
His eyes trail over the gooey mess you seem to be in, and he takes his shirt back, unsure of what to do. As the geo archon, theres not much he can do about the maple syrup, and his insides twist when hearing you sob.
He presses a kiss to your forehead and slowly trails it to your lips, satisfied when it seems to calm you down. You push him closer, until his head is on the same level of your chest, and the maple syrup dripping down your breasts.
Without thinking, he goes to lick it, the sweet taste of maple syrup in his mouth.
He backs away instantly, afraid that the action only saddened you further. But it was the opposite, and you stared at him wide eyed, tears threatening to spill. With a sniff, you wiped the tears away again, “That… didnt feel bad.” Was all you said.
Zhongli wasnt sure what to make of it, and leaning closer, he only licked the sticky liquid off your cleavage again, listening to the intake of breathing. When he glanced up, you were staring straight at him.
“It felt… nice.”
You were no longer crying, which meant that to Zhongli, he’d done something right. He didnt stop licking there, and dedicating his tongue to wiping every spot of maple syrup on your body, the two of you stayed draped there for a while.
His mouth completely engulfed your breast, tongue swirling around the lengh of it as he sucked in the sticky liquid. Your breathing grew erratic, but every time he’d look up to ask you if you were alright, you’d simply say that it was fine.
Zhongli began to realize that you were really turned on by the time he reached your core, and the maple syrup wasnt the only liquid drenched there. He didnt waste any time in pressing his head into your thighs, knowing from experience that you liked it. And that instead of pain, his tongue gave you pleasure.
So thats what he did, sucking, nipping, and licking every part of your cunt until you were shaking, and your inner thighs were tight against his head.
He would’ve pulled back, but no matter how much he licked your pussy, the sweet taste still coated his tongue everytime, meaning that there was still some maple syrup. It was until his tongue dug into your needy hole that he realized where the sweet taste was coming from.
It only motivated him to get rid of it.
He’d seen your tears, seen how shamed and embarrassed you were to have the sticky liquid all over you. He knew he couldnt get rid of it with his tongue, but if it made you feel better enough to take a bath after, it was worth it.
His hands grabbed the balls of your ass, slowly massaging them against his fingers before using them to thrust his tongue deeper into your wet cunt. Pushing your ass and hips with his large hands and thrusting them towards his head in rhythm with the lapping of his tongue sent you on overdrive.
Your legs were shaking, and instead of gasps, little mewls of pleasure sputtered out of your mouth. Hands tangled in his hair, you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head.
It felt like orgasm after orgasm, Zhongli still pressing his face against your pussy and licking every sweet spot. But there was always more, and you were going numb by the time he pulled away, your body sore and writhing after the intense feeling of pleasure.
“Theres too much,” Zhongli said softly, wiping the sides of his mouth as he stared at your fatigued face. “I could keep going if you’d like-? “
Your mood instantly boosted up, and with a chuckle at the poor archons innocent stare, you shrugged. “A-alright, a little bit more I guess…” Even as your core felt numb and your thighs still shook at how tightly you’d been clenching them around Zhongli’s head, the sensation was too good.
With a small smirk, Zhongli dug back down, hands groping your ass again as he sunk into the sensation of your pussy.
You woke up horny.
By the time you walked out of the bedroom with Kaeya’s shirt on, your intentions were very clear. Your boyfriend was sitting on the couch, reading over something that looked like a report for work. You didnt give him the time to think as you plopped down on his lap.
Directly facing him, he seemed surprised as you wore his shirt, sliding in closer to him inch by inch until you could feel the firmness of his dick against you. It was then that he chuckled, realizing what you were getting at.
“Oh? My my Y/n, so daring~”
He only leaned back, setting the report down and putting his hands against the couch to sit back and watch you.
“Now now, dont feel deterred, I want to see you take charge for a change.”
And so you tried.
Grinding your core against his throbbing member, he winced, the ever so calm smirk never leaving his face. So he simply watched, watched as you slowly took his shirt off your body, revealing the form he loved so much. It took all his control not to take you by the arm and carry you to the bed, a second round after last night.
But watching you struggle was oh so much better.
You fumbled with his jean buttons, hands trembling as you slowly slid them down his legs to reveal his giant member. You always had trouble fitting him in, but he always took control and made sure you were ready for him before he thrust into you.
Sliding down his boxers, you gulped, thighs trembling as you positioned his dick above your pussy.
Kaeya only chuckled as you slowly sank down into him, only taking in the tip of him before you whimpered. Your hands came to clench around the buttons of his vest, breaths coming ragged as you tried your best to lower deeper into him.
“Having trouble?”
You wanted to wipe that arrogant look off his face, fill him with pleasure and send him into the same ecstasy youd felt last night. So that he couldnt tease you about it, so that he could look at you evenly and admit that you were just as good as it as he was.
But god he was too big…
You could barely lower yourself any deeper, only reaching quarter way before the your legs shook and your inner thighs squeezed with need. But he was too much, and every little movement sent you into a fit of squeaks and whimpers.
Kaeya’s hands groped your ass, and with a sigh he slowly began to tug you further down. Slow, achingly painfully slow. You grabbed at his wrists, begging him to stop.
“Kaeya… it hurts…” you nearly sobbed, tears threatening to spilled onto your cheeks.
“Alright, I’ll leave it up to you then.”
He removed his hands, but you were now halfway through and pulling out would be just as excruciating as fully embracing him. You were stuck, thighs shaking so badly you had no option but to sink lower, legs threatening to give out on you from the sheer effort.
You mewed and whined when you couldnt stop the slow motion of your cunt taking in Kaeya’s dick. And no matter how you tried to resist and keep your thighs from taking any more of him, they always collapsed and you were back to slowly leaning deeper into him.
Finally, when you’d sank to the bottom and had fully engulfed his dick, your face was tear stained, sniffles escaping your lips. But Kaeya didnt move, staying still and refusing to help you. It took everything you had to slide up his length and collapse back on him.
Up and down, up and down, the process was torturous but you could feel the pleasure building up in your chest everytime you took him in. Even Kaeya started to enjoy it as your pace quickened, your breasts bouncing up everytime you fell down back into him.
“Kaeya…” you whimpered through lidded lashes as your hands gripped his chest. “K-Kaeya…”
He came at the same time you did, and you were left sitting on his cock more tired than before. Inner thighs trembling, your walls clenched around him. Holding back a moan, you tried to lift yourself off of him, finding yourself unable to do so.
With a chuckle, he finally leaned forward. His hands gripped the soft flesh of your hips, and rubbing the swollen bruises of your inner thighs, he lifted you up, only to send you back down into him.
“My turn Y/n~”
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dr4cking · 3 years
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | fluff |
husband!draco & dad!draco. switched 😏
y/n just got home from her girl's night out with her friends, she opened the door of her house. her eyes automatically searching for her husband and their child.
she goes upstairs when she didnt found any of their signs downstairs.
then she heard it, laughter coming from her son’s bedroom. she barged in and smiling when she saw her husband and kid playing on the bed.
she approaches them, pulling the two of them into a tight embrace.
draco smiles when she kissed his cheek before placing another kiss on scorpius’s forehead.
“how is your day?” she asked ruffling her little boy’s hair.
“it’s really fun mommy! daddy and I have been playing for a whole day!” scorpius clapped his hands cheerfully.
“yeah? tell me what is it that you played together?”
“we’ve been practicing magic and i grew some flowers in the garden mommy i’m sure you’d love it!” scorp replies making draco chuckles at his boy’s bubbly side.
“that’s great baby, i’ll see it tomorrow theyre must be really pretty” y/n said tickling her son making him squirming and laughed.
“and how about you, love? did you have fun today?” draco asked making both of them stopped and she smiles at him.
“we had so much fun bubs, do you know that pansy just found out that she is pregnant?”
“what? really? wow that’s good news to hear, can’t believe blaise is going to be a dad!” he replies with the same energy. he grins at the thought of blaise finally having his dad moments for the first time.
“draco you’re a dad too..” three of them laughed at her comments.
y/n stood straightly and stretched her back before leaning into draco whispering something into his ear.
“you better put scorpius to sleep soon. i cant wait to call you daddy tonight.” she smirks seeing him gulped and his face heated.
his eyes instantly dropped to scorpius who was still sitting on the bed innocently.
she walked out of scorpius’s room going to their bathroom wanting to take a shower.
few minutes passed, she came out from the shower, she smirked when an idea come to her mind. she put on a red lingerie that she knew draco loved so much.
a little gift for him might make his day better.
she stares at her reflection in the mirror, twirling around to admire the lingerie that hugged her body perfectly.
she has been craving for some touches since last week, but they have been busy with taking care of scorpius. so now would be a perfect time.
she sits in the middle of the bed, crossing her legs waiting for draco to come to their room.
her head snapped to the direction when she heard the door clicking and her huband stepped in, his eyes turned dark as he saw her.
“is he asleep?” draco nodded at her question, he walked slowly to her, his eyes scanning her body making her smirk get wider.
“now enjoy my little show mr. malfoy” she continues, standing up and turned him around, pushing him onto the bed.
she grabbed her wand from the nightstand and quickly casted a silencing spell.
she looks at flustered draco keeping their eye contact, playing with her wand twirling it around her hair and shot him a wink making him shifted uncomfortably.
she put the wand back. her hand slowly tracing down to her body and draco’s eyes follow every movements she made.
y/n chuckles before letting her hand goes to her back and unclasping her bra, showing her tits full out in display for him.
she throws her bra at him and it landed on his crotch, he quickly grabbed it and sniffing it humming at the scent.
draco was still propped on his elbows enjoying the show his wife give to him, his eyes never leaving her body.
y/n played with the string of her panties in her fingers before taking it off slowly, showing him her bare cunt. and her panties dropped to her feet, she pretended to gasped and look him straightly in the eyes.
draco’s breath got caught in his throat, he wanted nothing more than to touch her but he also wanted to enjoy the show.
“fuck baby you’re a goddess..” he moaned softly, his eyes looking up at her face before going down again.
“thank you daddy” he choked out on air when she said that making her chuckle.
she hopped on his lap and straddling him, catching his lips on her, kissing him eagerly, her hands quickly making her way to the bottom of his shirt taking it off.
“daddy you’re so hot..” her kisses trailed down to his neck, leaving a few marks on it.
their bodies pressed together leaving no gap, she grinded on him making him groaned. he pulls her back for a hungry kiss his hands roaming around her body and he moans softly into the kiss when he feels her nipples rubbing his.
“fuck.. ride me mommy” she moaned at the nickname, her hands pulling down his sweatpants he helped her by kicking it off throwing it somewhere making her giggle.
she pushed his hard cock up straightly to his lower stomach and she grinding her cunt on it, petting him.
“mommy.. please..” he moans out loud at the friction, his hands squeezing her ass.
she lifts up her body lining his tip up on her entrance to lubricating both of them before sinking down on his cock, he stretched her out deliciously as her walls instantly accomodating him.
they were moaning each other at the feeling of finally being connected.
“god y/n.. you wrapped my cock so tight baby” he let her fully have the control as she bouncing up and down on his cock, her hands gripping tightly on his shoulder to steady herself.
“you feel so good inside me daddy” she bouncing faster on his cock, each time his cock somehow gets deeper inside her showing a bulge in her stomach.
“damn baby look at how deep daddy in you”
she moans when she looked at her stomach. his hand touching the bulge in her stomach pressing it softly turning both of them into a moaning mess.
“i’m close daddy..” he guided her hips to bounce faster while meeting her thrusts upwards, one of his hand rubbing her clit circling his thumb on it making her going crazy.
“cum for daddy” she collapsed on his body legs spasming as her high hit her body, her juices soaking his cock. draco followed behind at the feeling of her walls squeezing him tight.
and when y/n thought they were done, draco flipped their body so he was on top now without pulling out of her. he thrusting into her right away making her gripped the sheets.
“you dont think i’m done with you, right?” he snapped his hips harder making her body bouncing in front of him. the headboard hitting the walls over and over again.
y/n shakes her head ‘no’ to answer him. he pulls her for a kiss, his fingers twirling her hard nipple.
“good. because i’m not stopping until you filled up with my cum, i’m gonna give you so much cum until you give me another baby”
“yes! yes daddy please fuck me until i’m full with your cum..”
he wrapped one of her legs on his shoulder making him going deeper on her, his balls slapping up against her ass making loud clapping sounds filling the room.
“god.. babygirl i will never get tired of pounding into your tight pussy, it feels so good i dont wanna pull out”
y/n screamed his name louder when he hit her spot again, her eyes rolled back in pleasure as the knot in her stomach tightened and her vision went blurry.
draco noticed and pulls her by her throat reconnecting their lips. he broke the kiss pressing their foreheads.
“look at daddy when you’re gonna fall apart on his cock, babygirl” she moans louder keeping their eye contact like he said, her lips quievered as he circled her clit.
“i’m gonna cum daddy! oh fuck.. yes draco!” she let her second orgasm washed over her body, it feels so good that it sending her to the cloud nine.
“oh god.. you squirted on daddy’s cock, babygirl”
he groans louder at the feeling of her walls pulsing and clenching him so tight, his thrusts getting sloppier as his high approaching him.
“fuck fuck.. take all of me y/n!”
he gives her one final thrust before letting himself exploding all of his cum inside her, filling her womb full like he promised. his moan get louder when he feels he’s still shooting his cum into her non stop.
his body shaking so hard that he collapsed on top of his wife hugging her, burying his face onto the crook of her neck.
y/n moaned feeling so full, he lazily ride out their highs making no move to pull out.
she stroked his blonde hair softly, sweats running onto both of their body. they were still catching their breaths.
“oh my god y/n.. that was so amazing” draco said between his breaths as he rolled to the side, wrapping her in his arms.
“yes dray.. that was the best” she kissed him one more time before he gets up walking shakily to the bathroom.
he comes back wrapping y/n in bridal style carrying her to the bathroom and placing her in the warm tub before joining behind her.
“thank you for letting me went out earlier and taking care of scorpius, dray..” she looks over her shoulder, her hands playing with the bubbles.
draco captured her lips on his, his hands messaging her shoulder softly. he pulls away to answer her.
“no need to thank me, love. it was my duty too as your husband and a father.”
she chuckles splashing the water onto his face making he joined her laughter.
“i love you dray.”
“i love you more y/n.”
a/n : i once again dedicated this to @angelic-bitxh because of a deal we made for ghost pics 💀
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @silverdelirium @littlemissnoname13 @youreso-golden @dracmalf0y-dm @f4iryluvy @starstruckgranger @rylynn-m @lieswithoutfairytales @dlmmdl @yiamalfoy @black-repunzel99 @yvonnearce22 @arzfia @seriouslyinlove @alexthealexthealex
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violetnotez · 3 years
HC: Seeing Them Shirtless for the First Time | JJK
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Should I be getting ready for work? Yes, yes I should be 💀
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Music Genre: Rock | JJK
Characters: Gojo, Itadori, Megumi 
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
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Shop Owner Note: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS ONE-Gojos in particularrrrrr
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The first time you saw Gojo shirtless was during your first time being intimate with him.
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Gojo was just-perfect. You honestly couldn’t describe him any other way...yeah, he could sometimes be a pain in your ass with his boyish antics, but that somehow adds to that special charm he possesses. Even now, with his hands pinning yours above your head, lips molding into yours in a lustful heat, he was smiling as if he was having the time of his life. Gojo moved down from your lips, finally allowing you a second to breathe, instantly finding a spot on your neck, sucking and licking the skin as if his life depended on it. The sensation was overriding your system, your throat desperately trying to release a groan from the overwhelming sensation, intense heat traveling through your core. You felt him find the spot you were most sensitive in, that held back groan finally being stolen from your swollen lips. Embarrassment burst into your stomach, your knuckles tightening as you shifted to to the side, desperately trying to hide your face from making such a lewd reaction.
You felt Gojo chuckle against your skin, the vibration sending a shock wave throughout your spine and limbs. “Ah, Cmon doll, don’t be so shy,” he cooed, a devilish smirk encasing his features, “I like it when you make those little sounds for me.........and only me, right?” It was a taunt, a trap, and he knew it-if Gojo Satoru was anything, he was always confident in his abilities. And his ability to completely be able to control you, to keep you by his side, was no exception. Any other day, when you were thinking clearly you would Probabaly retort back with a back handed quip that would make him chuckle. But right now, with your head buzzing with adrenaline and only the thought of the way his skin felt against yours, his kisses burning into your flesh and the pulsating heat in your core...you just wanted him.
“Only you,” you whispered, voice wavering with nerves and adrenaline as your digits found the edge of his shirt, craving for more of his skin against yours. Gojo chuckled again, the sound warm and rich like molasses. Yet, his hand since again were on top of yours, now halting you in your pursuit of undressing him. “You really wanna do this doll? I’m not against it, not at all, but you dont have to-“
“I want to,” you interjected, face flushed with desperation, eyes wide with lust, “I want to so badly Gojo...I want you.” Gojo’s chest tightened at the words, a feral need exploding in his chest-god, the times he dreamed of this day and it’s finally happening...you were just too adorable, your hair tosseled from the heated make out sessions, lips puffy and skin so warm, your eyes practically begging him to devour you. How could he deny you that luxury, especially since you wanted it so much? He leaned in to your lips, digits tracing your skin in designs only he could imagine. He pulled away, mere centimeters from your skin. “You sure little one?” He asked again, using the nickname he gave you that always made you roll your eyes with a smile. It did just the trick, making you giggle at the name as you looked to the side-“I’ve always been ready, ya know.”
“Oh really?” He teased, that delicious smirk gracing his features. He leaned away from you, sitting up in the bed. “Well, I’m not too sure about that....” His digits wrapped around the hem of his shirt near his neck, pulling the fabric over his head and tossing it to the corner of his room. Gojo shook his hair out slightly, making the tendrils look even more chaotic than before. You felt your chest tighten by the sight of Gojo shirtless....you had imagined many times before, but seeing the real thing was way different, and way better. Gojo was built as perfectly as his personality, each muscle taught and visible in his abdomen and arms, the veins in his hand even more noticeable in the lighting. You gulped, staring at the way his sweatpants accentuated the dips of his hips, following down to the waist band of his boxers peaking out from his sweats.
Gojo noticed every gesture you made, loving how you drank in his form as he hovered over you. “Why don’t you take a picture-itll last longer,” he said as he leaned into your ear, earning a playful eye roll form you. He chuckled at your reaction, leaning back into your body, hands trailing the side of your waist. “Well if you’re not gonna take a picture....I don’t think it’s very fair that I’m the only one shirtless here....” your felt his digits find the hem of your shirt, teasingly tracing your skin under from underneath..
“So how about we change that, hm?”
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The first time you saw Itadori shirtless it was by pure chance- He just cant seem to remember to bring a spare tshirt into the bathroom when he showers.
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Yuuji cant seem to understand why your so flustered- he is so adorable and innocently oblivious its almost painful. Especially when he comes out of the bathroom from a shower, cotton candy pink hair still dripping with water droplets, slick adomen in full view, the “V” of his hip bones partially exposed from the band of his sweatpants. You just wanted to have a chill movie night with your boyfriend-but how can you think about choosing between a horror or a comedy when you have that in front of you? You gulp down a ball of saliva as Itadori casually talked about the different options of films, rummaging through his drawers for a clean shirt as if this was all a normal event-which it was not. Your eyes were glued onto him, drinking in every deifned dip and curve and trying to hold yourself back from thinking about...other ways this cozy date could end up....
But Yuuji knows you like the back of his hand....he knows when something is wrong with you, and you most deinfitely are not your self right now. He instantly begins to ask you questions, voice softly laced with worry. You reassure him your fine, really, but Itadori knows you way too well. He gently raises your chin with his pointer and middle finger, forcing you to look into his eyes. Your breathe gets hitched in your throat, brain suddenly and unbelievebaly clouded from being so so close to him, now knowing that the boyfriend you love so dearly looks like a damn god under his clothing making your heart ram against your chest. His voice was comforting and warm, eyes scanning your face for any sign of sadness or even maybe sickness. 
“Whats on your mind?” he asks gently, trying to coax a response out of you so he can put his worries at ease....until he hears the words “your abs”, blurt out of your mouth at warp speed, your tone dazed and then immediately embarrassed, horror on your face for saying soemthing so honest. He blinks a few times, clearly not expecting that to come from you....but he would be lying if he didnt say he enjoyed it once it set in. A warm chuckle tumbles out of Itadori, that bright boyish grin plastered on his face. He really didnt mean to make you so flustered,..but he’s not complaining
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The first time you saw Megumi shirtless was by force-he just hates being taken care of when he’s hurt.
Crimson red clumped against Megumi’s face, sticky and smeared glimpses of his pale skin glowing under the moonlight. His hair was matted down to his face from the slashes oozing out of his head, suit was slashed to bits, his ribs were killing him, and he had a limp on his left leg...but he was fine-honestly. Or that’s what he was trying to tell you...but you wouldn’t listen to a single second of the bull crap he was trying feed you. He was conflicted with emotions-on one hand, it almost annoyed him how utterly selfless you could be for him. It was 1am, the moon on its highest peak in the sky, and you were willing to play nurse for him....but on the other, it warmed him up inside that you did care so much. If he would allow himself to dwell on that emotion, he would admit-that it was .... nice....to have someone take care of him for once. He was used to bandaging each wound on his own, cleaning and disinfecting the soon to be battle scars, hissing to the walls at the pain it caused him. But with you there, you were soft, so gentle with him. Your touch was like a second adrenaline rush for him-you had yourself cradled in his lap, the skin of your thighs barely crazing his tattered uniform. Hands gently positioning his hair, pushing the wispy jet black strands away from the wounds.
“I can do this on my own,” he retorted quietly, his voice a few octaves lower from fatigue. “I bet you could..” you completely ignored him, continuing to busy yourself with closing a scrape on his skin with butterfly bandages. “-but why would I let you?” Megumi felt his breath hitch, taking a sharp breath in....any type of annoyance he felt with you being so god damn persistent instantly left his body, the only thing he can focus on was how much he loved your selfless nature-even if it could be annoying at times. But the instant he took in that deep breath, he felt a deep, guttural pain in his side, making him groan before he could stop it from spilling out of his mouth. That soft gaze you had turned to worry, your hands wrapping around his face, thumbs running smooth circles on his pale skin. “Your hurt....we’re going to need to-“
“N-no, I-“Megumi stuttered out, obviously flustered by the prospect of you seeing him so bare. “I-I’m fine. I can do this on my-“ his voice was stern and cold, yet the wavering tone made any attempt of sounding firm go invalid. You gave him a small smile, your fingers still running circles against his skin, making him look at you with nervous eyes. “Megumi, you are not fine,” you stated calmly, with eyes that simply said the opposite-you were genuinely worried for him. “please...you could have broken a rib, or done soemthing to cause a lot of damage...please, Megumi, I don’t want you to be in pain anymore.” You were asking him, pleading with him, and it broke Megumi in his core-he just couldn’t stand to see you look that scared for him of all people. Megumi sighed, eyes drifting down to the floor in hopes you couldn’t see his embarrassment as he gave in to you.
You helped Megumi shuffle out of his uniform, opting to cut it with some scissors halfway (as it was tattered to shreds already). Both of you were quite nervous...in your relationship, you had never down anything that would warrant for you to see each other’s body’s. So you being able to see him without a shirt felt like a huge step, even if it wasn’t such a big deal to an outsider. Once the fabric was finally off, you both sat in silence, your minds reeling. You knew Megumi was fit, but seeing exactly how much that work paid off brought heat flooding your body, your eyes focused on the way his breath contracted and relaxed his muscles, the moonlight catching the divots of his lower abdomen deliciously. Pale white Scars littered his skin from training, making his body even more mysterious to look at. Each scar was a story, some sort of battle, a lesson he had to learn...you wanted to learn about each and every one. Your hand felt drawn to them, digits slowly checking for signs of bruising, purposefully tracing those scars in order to burn them to memory. Fushigori was practically panicking, desperately trying to keep his heartrate lowered, the cool night air biting at his heated skin as your digits traced against his sides. You were only trying to detect the spots that could be damaged on his abdomen...but damn was it firing something inside him. He was feeling more comfortable like this, just relishing the feeling of your skin on his.
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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fluffymcu · 3 years
Hi this is quite quite unhelpful but I'm dying for some Tony x teen reader. Maybe with the reader being a mentee or something. I can't think of a exact scenario but the people in this community have started to severely neglect poor Tony 🥺🤣
It’s not unhelpful at all! I love Tony! And I completely agree there’s not enough Tony content anymore 😔😔😢
I’m a bit rusty but let’s give this a go!
Tony was like a dad to you. After spending 2 years helping him at the compound after school and meeting all the avengers on the way, they became like your second family.
Your situation at home wasn’t exactly ideal. You never really went deep into that but let’s just say you enjoyed spending your time out of the house. So naturally you always looked forward to heading over to the compound to help Tony.
As the months went by, your relationship with Tony grew into a father-daughterly bond. And if course, Peter was like a brother to you, since you’d known each other since 4th grade.
You were currently on your break right now. Tony was in a meeting with the team so you had a couple of hours to yourself. You were scrolling on your phone while the tv played in the background. You had made yourself comfortable on the couch, bundled up in blankets.
You were the type of person to get pretty bored easily. Peter was out doing his evening swing around the city so it wasn’t long before you fell asleep, bathing in the warmth of your fuzzy blanket.
You don’t know how long you had slept but apparently you slept until the meeting had ended because you woke up to light chatter and a whiny Bucky.
“Ughh, Tonyy, get your kid off the couch, she’s been here ages. I wanna sit down.” He whined, softly kicking the foot of the couch to wake you up. You stirred softly and turned your body to snuggle the backrest. “Hey. Get up. Come on.” He said with an unimpressed face.
You groaned in annoyance and shrugged a shoulder at him. “Bug off. I’m sleeping.” Bucky rolled his eyes.
“I’ll sit on you.”
You turned and opened an eye to peek at him. “Don’t. You’re like 300 pounds.”
“Well, get up! There’s no space for anyone else. And for your information, I’m 225.” He deadpanned, beginning to poke at your belly until you’d move.
“Hehey!” You flinched harshly, letting out strangled squeaks since you realized you were pretty tucked in your blanket.
“Aww, you made yourself a little burrito and not you can’t get out; how fun.” Bucky teased with an un(apologetic smile, continuing to poke your belly.
“Aaah! Stop! Ihihit tihihickles!“ You laughed, wriggling in the blanket like a worm. “Gaaah! Buckyhyhy!”
“Tony come onnn, your kid’s being stubborn. She won’t get off the couch.” Bucky yelled, smirking at your giggles and poking at your sides, alternating spots to keep you guessing. You were still half asleep, making you laugh harder than you should be at the tickles, snorting and squealing every time bucky would poke you.
A moment later, Tony strolled in and took in the scene. “Kid, come on, Bucky likes his couch time. And plus, your break is over; back to work. Let’s go.” He said, waiting for you at the end of the couch.
Bucky still wasn’t letting up, but neither were you.
“Noho! You had a 3 hour long meeting and ended it right when I took a nap. Now you gotta wait on me until I finish.” You giggled, turning on your belly, hoping that would stop Bucky’s attack.
Tony raised an eyebrow at your smart reply and looked at Bucky. “Did you hear what I just did?” He asked.
“If I say yes, will you help get her of the couch?” Bucky asked. Tony sniffed and wordlessly walked over to your “sleeping” form and looked at you for a moment.
“Well, kid, if you wanna play it that way, I guess I can indulge in this little challenge you’ve gotten yourself into..” he shrugged, sitting and straddling your back, making you stiff up.
“H-hey, what are you doing?” You asked, wiggling a bit to try to get out. You should have tried to get out of the burrito when you had the chance!
“What do you mean?” He asked, digging his fingers on each of your sides, scratching at your ribs making you scream and flop around as much as you could. “I’m getting you off the couch.”
“Nohoho!! Tohohony plehehease!” You cried, pulling at your arms to get free but the more you tried, the more energy was zapped out of you. You couldn’t even kick your feet out since they were tucked in too!
“Gonna have to get rid of this…” Tony started, ripping the blanket off and technically freeing you, but quickly targeting under your arms. “Theeere we go, now we’re talkin.” He smirked.
You were screaming and kicking, finally able to turn around under him to fight him off. However you were already too weak to fight him with your whole strength, so he was easily able to keep the upper hand. “Well that was a mistake.” He shrugged, clawing his fingers and vibrating them into the middle of your belly. You arched your back with a scream and grabbed onto his hand in hopes of tearing it away.
“STOHOHOP TOHOHONY!!” You laughed, letting out tired giggles. “BUHUCKY HEHEHELP ME!!“
Bucky laughed loudly. “Are you kidding me? After you so politely told me to bug off and continue to hog the couch? Haha- you’re funny.” He chuckled, shaking his head. Tony chuckled along with him and lifted up your shirt. “Oh, what do we have here, Ms. Y/n?” He hummed, digging a finger into your belly button, making you arch your back with a high pitched squeal. “I see… an adorable little belly that’s hungry for raspberries.” He teased, scratching at your belly button relentlessly.
“PLEHEHEhehease dohohohont.” You laughed, throwing your head back in defeat. “I’ll get uhuhup! I prohohomise!”
“A bit too late for promises, hun.” He quipped, leaning his head down to blow a long raspberry on your belly, shaking his head into it to make it that much worse.
The scream you let out was surely heard throughout the compound and you pushed at his head with all the strength you had left. “DAHAHAHAD!” You instantly gasped as you realized what you slipped out and felt your face heat up hotter than and oven. “WAHAHAIT!”
Bucky gasped a bit and Tony was surprised by the word but didn’t relent in his attack. Bucky was grinning widely and Tony poured his lips to tease you. “Awww that’s too cute. You called me dad.” He teased, digging his fingers back into your ribs, giving them a few shakes to make you squeal.
“NOHOHO I DIDNT, STOHOHOP!” You we’re so embarrassed and upset with yourself. How could you let that slip out?
“Aww, I’m pretty sure you did. I heard it. Did you, Buck?” Tony teased, looking up at Bucky.
“Definitely heard it.”
“Yup! 2 against 1, y/n/n. You definitely said it.” He smirked, blowing a raspberry in the crook of your neck while squeezing at your sides. Your saliva caught in your throat with a squeal and you began coughing. Tony quickly let up and helped you sit upright. “Wooah, you okay? Don’t wanna kill you now. You alright?” He asked, rubbing and patting your back as you coughed a few more times.
You nodded shyly with a frown on your face. Tony noticed and his smile dropped a little. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Bucky took this as a cue to give you both some time, so he walked out the living room with a smirk on his face. He’d get his time on the couch later.
You sighed and shook your head. “I didn’t mean to call you dad. I just- I don’t really know why I did. I’m sorry. If you want me to stop coming to help for a while I understand.” You shrugged lightly. Tony furrowed his eyebrows and and placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Woah woah woah, what are you talking about? Why would I want you to stop coming over? You’re family, y/n!” He exclaimed, taken aback by your reaction. “I mean that. I know your situation at home isn’t good. And I also know what we mean to you. But now its time for you to know what you mean to us. And I’m sorry it wasn’t made clear before. But you’re literal family to us, y/n/n. We love you. You know how many times Peter has called me dad before? Now, are we related by blood? No. But he is literally the son I never had. He’s my kid. And so are you! Not one person on this team is related to anyone else here by blood… but we’re as close to a family as anyone can be. And don’t ever think for a second that you’re not part of it. You don’t have to be embarrassed that you called me dad. I actually found it quite endearing! And I’m glad that you see me in that way, cause I see you as my daughter too.” He smiled, kissing your forehead gently with much love.
You had tears in your eyes threatening to fall. Your own parents had never said something so heart-touching like this to you. You felt your heart burst with love and you instantly threw yourself into Tony’s arms in a tight hug. He quickly returned the gesture and held you tight. “Thanks, Dad.” You grinned, hugging his impossibly tighter.
Tony smiled and ran his hand up and down your back, his heart warming at your new name for him. “Of course, honey.”
Blood don’t mean a thing.
Ooof I’m really rustyyyy but hopefully y’all enjoyed 😂💙
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
Love is Complicated
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gifs by hqtchner & ncis-season-
Pairing: Hotch x reader, Gibbs x reader
Warnings!: angst, pining, kissing, fluff
Request: "well i was thinking about a criminal minds x ncis crossover, where the reader has a big crush on gibbs but then she meets hotch and she is really confused 😿" @wolviesbabes
Your hand scribbled yet another word on the endless stack of paperwork that littered your desk. It really did never end. You set your pen down. You needed a break. You looked up and your eyes instantly found him. He was hunched over his desk, probably doing the same thing you were doing.
But God, did he look good doing it. Although in your opinion he looked good doing just about everything.
You noticed that about him over the past couple months on the NCIS team. You had been transfered from another similar unit in New Orleans on the recommendation of Dwayne Pride himself. Gibbs was quick to accept you to the unit, but he remained cold to you for the first couple of weeks. It wasn't until you saved him from a, for lack of better words, crazy gunman did he warm up to you.
After that, you two had gotten extremely close. So close that you developed a small crush on the man. Although, you hid it rather well. No one, atleast not to your knowledge, knew about your crush. And you intended on keeping it that way, but it was so hard when he was just sitting right in front of you, looking all handsome and just... him.
You wanted to tell him. You really did. But he was way out of your league, and you weren't even his type. But a girl could dream.
Vance suddenly came out of his office and called Gibbs up. He stood slowly and walked away. You prayed this wasn't a case. You really did not feel like dealing with a case right now.
He came back out a few moments later, a scowl on his face.
"What is it Gibbs?" You asked, he jerked his head towards Vance's office.
"He wants the team to attend an interagency gala on Saturday night." You scoffed. Of course he did. "FBI, CIA, and NCIS teams are all expected to attend. Including us." His scowled deepened at the thought of having to deal with other agencies.
"Great, just great." And you were so looking forward to a quiet weekened.
* * *
The night of the gala had arrived much quicker than expected. And of course Abby had insisted on going shopping for dresses. She herself had gotten a long black dress, with a slit. She said she would add a few things to make it more like her, and you couldn't wait to see it. You had gone with a more subtle dress. A long emerald green dress, with spaghetti straps and an open back. The front dipped slightly.
You had brought it with you to the office so you could get ready with Abby and as you were heading to the elevator to go to her floor, you heard Gibbs on the phone. Now you weren't one to eavesdrop, but you really couldn't stop yourself.
"I know, I know, it won't take long. I promise. Bye." Was he with someone else? You stood there frozen as he emerged from the room he was in.
"Hey y/n. Whatchtya doin?" He asked suspiciously.
"Oh, um nothing Gibbs, thought I heard you and wanted to say bye before we left, I didnt think you would actually go to the gala tonight, so I thought I could just stop in and-" he cut you off.
"Slow down, you're rambling. You okay?" You needed to get out of there.
"Yup, just been a long day. Alright well bye." You rushed off to Abby office. Once you got there, she instantly asked what was wrong. You explained everything. Your feelings, the conversation you heard, just everything.
"Awe, y/n/n. I'm so sorry. He's stupid if he doesn't see whats right in front of him." That made you smile.
"We should get ready." You stated standing up to grab your dress.
2 hours later, you and Abby walked up stairs looking amazing if you did say so yourself. Wolf whistles were heard coming from Tony as you two walked towards the group. You rolled your eyes, catching Gibbs smirk.
His eyes dragged up and down your body, which had confused you greatly. He had never showed any interest in you before, why now? Maybe he had and was just better at hiding it.
"Well, we should get going." You nodded, you all walked out to the SUVs ready for the night ahead of you.
* * *
The gala was interesting to say the least. Each agency decided to stay away from eachother, like elementary students. Each group taking up their own circle around the room.
You had spotted a rather handsome man who you had recognized as Aaron Hotchner sitting at the FBI tables and couldn't seem to take your eyes off of him. You new you had feelings for Gibbs,, but something about this man just drew you in. You had previously met him on a conjoined case with your old team, and you had developed the smallest of crushes on the man. You never expected anything to happen, and he was only in New Orleans for about a week.
Suddenly Gibbs popped back into your head, and you huffed slightly, turning to search for him. Finding him at a table nearby, talking with a woman. You scoffed and he looked over at you.
In a moment of impulse, you tunred away and walked across the empty dance floor straight to Agent Hotchner. He looked up from his conversation as you neared his table.
"Hi, NCIS Agent Y/l/n. We worked together on the Williams case about a year back." He nodded in recognition.
"Of course. Its great to see you again agent y/l/n." He paused looking you up and down in a way you welcomed. "Can I help you with something." He asked, not unkindly at all, but rather friendly.
"I was wondering if you would like to dance." He raised an eyebrow at you. "Someone's got to break the chill in this room." He nodded and stood up slowly, his team staring on in awe. You figured he didn't do this very often.
"I would love to." He took your hand bringing you to the dance floor as another song began. You two danced for about 10 minutes before more couples began to join you. You smiled in triumph and Hotchner laughed at your face.
"What? It worked didn't it?" He smiled shaking his head.
"I suppose it did." You two began talking and laughing and just getting to know each other. You soon found yourself at a table as you continued with your conversation.
"Okay but, im just saying if Strauss is anything like Vance, they would be perfect together." He laughed at this rather loudly, catching the eyes of a few people near by.
"That would never happen. If Vance is anything like Strauss they would drive each other crazy." You giggled softly. Soon it was time to leave, and Agent Hotchner, or Aaron as he had asked you to call him, offered to walk you to your SUV where the rest of your team was waiting. They all eyed you as this strange man walked you over, handing you a card and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. You had blushed profusely and walked over, getting in the car.
"So y/n, whos the hottie?" Abby began interrogating you as soon as you shut your door.
"Thats Agent Hotchner. He's the Unit Chief of the FBI's BAU." You smiled to yourself.
"Must be an ass if he's from the FBI." Gibbs remarked, another scowl gracing his face.
"He was actually quite the gentlman." Was your only response before turning to look out the window. Gibbs was the one being an ass. You had just spent the night with a wonderful man and Gibbs just had to ruin it by spouting some snarky comment that only confused you more. The rest of the ride was spent in silence.
* * *
Once back at the office, Gibbs had called you to the elevator, not giving you a chance to respond. You had of course listened, and as soon as the doors shut, he had pulled the emergency button.
"What is it Gibbs?" You asked softly. He just walked closer to you, cupping your face. "What are you doing?" He leaned in slowly bringing his lips to yours.
And you had expected it to be perfect and explosive and passionate. But... it wasn't. He pulled away after only a moment.
"Hang on, let me try that again." And he leaned in once more, pressing his lips to yours. But once again, there was nothing. He pulled away.
"That was ... strange?" He asked, more to himslef than anything.
"I uh, that-that was-"
"Not what I was expecting." He finished for you.
"You know Gibbs, I've been pining over you for months, and I'm guessing you felt the same. But I think we both met someone else tonight that changed our minds." You recalled him spending the whole night side by side with the woman you had seen earlier. You smiled shyly at him. "Call that woman you were with tonight. Tell her you want to go out on a date." He smiled looking into your eyes.
"Only if you call Agent Hochie, or whatever his name was, and tell him the same." You laughed at not only his comment, but the absurdity of the situation. For the past 5 months you had been yearning for a man who ended up not being what you wanted at all. It made you think that maybe what you really wanted, what you both really wanted, was someone to love. So you latched on to the person who had become closest to you.
"I love ya y/n." He whispered as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"I love you too Gibbs. Now go get her." He stepped out of the elevator, pulling out his phone. You did the same, pulling out Aaron's card. It rang once. Twice.
"Hotchner." You giggled at his formal greeting. Taking a deep breath before going for it.
"Hey Aaron, I was just wondering if you were up for dinner?" He smiled.
"Of course. You know, I'm really glad you called."
"Me too." And you walked out of your office that night, a date with a man you had never expected, and a smile on your face.
Not sure how I feel about this one, but I loved the request. Let me know what you guys think!! Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Superman's Dishcloth
A small cute headcannon thats been sitting on my tablet?
Summary: some people use pick up lines to get a womans number, henry uses a crochet lesson.
Warnings: Fluff?
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Your fingers twisted the yarn around the hook automatically looping and pulling untill you made another double crochet stitch that the pattern required.
To be honest you wasnt paying that much attention as you worked your project, which was stupid really because you were making a new pattern, a bobble popcorn style head band.
You couldnt concentrate for two reasons
One. You were on a goddamned plane soaring across the Atlantic ocean. And if things went tits up you cant swim.
And two? You were seated next to none oher then mr henry cavill himself.
Not that you made a thing about it or even dared to look at him.
He he was watching you, eyes frowning as your fingers twisted the yarn into an intricate looking yet fairly simple pattern.
Youhad to stifle a laugh as his fingers twitched tryig to follow the moves and figure out what you were doing.
You growled missing count again. One, two, three three, skip three. A crochet, half double crochet, two double crochet in one stitch then skip three stitches and repeat untill the end.
Normally youd have no problems but your audience was putting you off.
You dropped the project in your lap as you miscounted again and realised you had to undo the last twelve stitches otherwise you'd be a set out on the end.
You closed your eyes grunting before slipping the hook out and began to tug the working yarn slowly before pinching it and slipping the hook into the loop catching it before it all unraveled.
"Why'd you undo it?" You jumped a little as the huge man beside you spoke up after watching you quietly since take off.
"Huh?... oh i misscounted i skipped four instead of three so it'd be out of line on the end and curl round..."
"How'd you know?" He frowned now leaning over even more curious then before.
You chewed your lip trying not to freak out as he peered over your little project.
"Err well i just counted the stiches i had left on the row, see i was up to here and there was five left not six, so i pulled it taught to spot the odd one out" you explained pulling more yarn through so you could point out the stitches to him with the hook.
"It looks complicated, you twist it so many times?" He said as your fingers began moving once more creating the repetitive pattern.
"Yeah... its not too difficult, Im doing a few different stitches is all, once you know a single crochet stitch and a chain stitch your good to go" You muttered with a smile.
"I doubt its that simple" he replied trying to keep up with watching your fingers guiding the hook jthought the piece making the fabric grow.
"It really is, here you see the little v on top?" You said slowing deciding to show him just how simple it was.
"Yeah?" He hummed quietly watching keenly.
"Thats the row before, so you slip your hook under both strands like this and loop your yarn over then pull through under that v so you have one loop on your hook" you said moving slowly and loosened the stitch with a light wiggle so he could see properly.
"Then loop the yarn over again so you have two loops, and pull the second one through the first... and thats a single crochet stitch" You explained showing him slowly.
"So you make lots of tiny loops and pull them through one another and it some how becomes fabric?" He asked fascinated by it, watching as you began to work on the next stitch.
"Yeah pretty much"
"But that one you pulled the wool over before you did anything at all?" You paused impressed he had noticed the slight difference... he had been watchkn that closely?
"So that was a half double, when you do a half double or double you yarn over first, then you just keep yarning over and pulling through until your left with one loop on the hook" you tried explaining as simply as you could.
"... it still sounds hard" he uttered still focusing on your hands that had been creating stitches.
"Honestly its not, i taught myself in about an hour and a half? Here try it? I've got extra yarn in my carry on if you want to give it a go?" You offered and instantly flushed you did not just offer to teach superman how to crochet like a fucking granny!
Before you could take it back and apologise he beamed.
"Really? That would be fun, i've never tried anything like this before" he said eagerly.
"Err yeah sure lemme just get you started, i'll give you a 5 hook... here" you said surprized digging about pulling the small ergonomic crochet hook out and some mustard yellow yarn.
"So you start with a slipknot... and then a few chain stitches" you began guiding him through it slowly teaching him the steps.
"So do you always crochet on long flights?" He asked pokeing his tongue out as he tried concentrating on the stitches he was doing.
"Yeah, im not good with confined spaces... especially confide spaces that are a good few miles in the air over the open ocean" you chuckled nervously chaining a stitch then turning begining your next row.
"Honestly im not either, usually i have kal- my dog but... not this time... this is good though, its helping take my mind off it thank you" he said sincerly.
"Dont mention it"
"Oh... i think ive done it wrong?" He said andnheld it out to you, you prodded it and to be honest you were impressed, it was neat, not a dropped stitch in sight... just a few loose stitches here and there, but he was finding a good tension.
"No, thats not wrong... just your tension thats all it comes with practice" you said handing it back to him.
"Tension?" He said making you pause. Oh yeah, he wouldnt knpw what that is yet.
"Yeah, how tight you hold the yarn and hook determies how tight your stitches are... mines pretty bad, i have to always use a size bigger hook" you expalined simply
"Yep, i do it too tight- even snapped a metal hook in my hand before" you chuckled remebering the way the hook had just... snapped mid project.
"Wow that sounds painfull?" He huffed eeingnyour hand curiously as if expecting you to snap a hook then and there.
"Yeah, i will admit i was frustrated with the project so it probably didnt help" you chuckled sheepishly.
"Frustrated? Was it complicated like that one?" He asked nodding to your growing head band.
"No, i kept loosing count on a pattern of 78 stitches" you said trying to wave it off but in actual fact that project had been murder.
"So what are you making?" He finally asked eyeingnyour work that had grown wider.
"A little headband, and hopefully i will widen it at the ears to keep em warm" you giggled wrapping it around pinchingnthe ends together proudly presenting it to him.
He grinned and looked down at his little square fiddling with it.
"And im making a... mess?" He laughed holding up the uneven square cheeks tinted pink when you giggled again.
"... Dishcloth?" You offered prodding it gently.
"Perfect, im making a dishcloth!" He bellowed nodding proud of his new diy dish cloth.
"I'm henry by the way. But from the way you were shaking in your seat im guessing you knew?" He finally introduced himself holding out a hand.
You smiled shyly and took it shakingnhands trying not to fawn over how huge hot and soft the palm was.
"Yeah... sorry i was nervous and you probably dont want to be bugged. Im y/n" you tried explaining nervously but he chuckled.
"I wouldnt mind being bugged by such a cutie~" he uttered quietly smirking at you tipping his head down a little too make sure you heard him despite his voice being quiet.
"Oh stop it" you flushed quickly looking down at your headband noticing your stitches werent as even as they could have been, but it couldnt be helped you had handsome distraction.
A very distracting handsome distraction.
"Its true. Besides i think it was me bugging you... and i have managed to plunder through your wool" he grinned sheepishly holding up his little dishcloth.
"Its fine, it not expensive, this is left over yarn from other projects" you waved him off. It was true ou had lots of odd ends and half skeins of woll from other projects.
"Well still i appreciate it, i hate flying" he said sincerly.
"Well now you have something to practice. Youll leave the plane with a new skill to stick on your cv" you added with a grin nudging him playfully.
"Indeed... And perhaps i can leave the p,ane with err...maybe your number to? You know to replace the wool and erm swap err instructions?" He said nervously jumbling his words.
You paused and looked at him shocked blinking. Did he just?
You blinked again watching as his face grew red and he chuckled nerously plucking at the woll on his dishcloth.
"Well i suppose every student needs to be able to contact theor teacher~ and these instructions are called patterns" you smiled to him nodding slowly.
"Right right i knew that of course they're patterns" he chuckled grinning ear to ear relived you hadnt turned him down.
"Well we have a good few hours, perhaps a few more lessons for my little student?" You teased picking up the pattern to show him some of the abbreviations. Mostly to try and concentrate on somthing other then the fact superman had just asked for your number... and was taking crochet lessons.
"Of course" he said excited eyes glittering with glee whilst looking at the small page.
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loousir · 3 years
[Orc] Saviour
Orc Male x Male Reader
Warnings: Slight Orc to Human racisim, no violence other than what you see before the cut (3rd paragraph), injured reader, reader is written to be muscular
You were currently leaning against a tree trying to catch your breath as you were holding your wounded side tightly. Three heavy and thundering sets of footsteps got closer and closer until they stopped. You did your best to hold your breath steady and quiet but it failed you.
"Ah, there ya are, ya littl' pest." A large grey-ish green hand stole you away from your hiding spot. "Why cant you just leave me the fuck alone?" You croaked out as he gripped your shirt tighter. "Cause littl' runts like you, dont belong in an Orc settl'm'nt. All we're doin' is disposin' of the rat in the kitch'n." He snarled out, his nose crinkling up as he spoke. His buddies cut your legs more then they already had been to make sure you didnt run off but in such a way so that you didnt bleed out too quickly.
Your groaning voice of pain was ignored as the main Orc tossed you onto the wet mossy dirt right up against an old tree stump. You looked up to the Orc with a harsh glare before speaking for the final time that night. "You have absolutely no dignity and no right to call yourself an Orc." Your vision went blurry and your eyes closed, breathing heavily as everything faded out.
You sat up with a start as the sun had heat up your wounded cheek, causing it to hurt. Your breath was unsteady, uneven, and incredibly heavy. A strong pounding sensation coarsed through your head as you hunched over and grabbed your chest, trying to calm your breathing. "Shit..."
After a fre minutes, you finally calmed down enough to take in your surroundings. The room was only lit by the light that shone through the large window next to the large plush bed you were currently sitting on. There was minimal decoration in the room but it was garnishing a large war hammer resting on the mantle of the fireplace. You carefully turned your legs out from under the covers to have them hang off the side of the bed.
Only your boxers/briefs were on and you took note how most of your body was bandaged, including the whole of your left cheek. You carefully shuffled off the bed, still using it heavily for support as your feet touched the bear skin rug. You realized it was an Onikuma.
I know who's house this is...
The house belonged to your closest friend, Borhul. He's one of the clan chiefs off-spring and next in line to be chief. His father, Orogakh, had taken a particular shine to you after he had rescued you from a group of "bandits" that had you bound and ready to sell off to some vampire as a blood slave.
Orogakh had been watching them before he noticed your child frame. He said his original intent was to just see if they were going to harm the settlement but just had an urge to rescue you. Once he did, he would return you to a human village but when you said you had no family he decided to take you in.
His teachings formed you into the tall, muscular man that you are today. You decided to stop reminiscing for a moment to continue your shaky trek out to the livingroom.
"He's not here..."
You looked around his lightly decorated cabin before hobbling over to the large couch and sitting down. Your eyes closed momentarily before opening again when the heavy front door creaked open. His lime green eyes instantly locked with yours and he rushed over to you. "You're awake." He seemed shaken, as if he didnt think you'd wake up.
"Uh, yeah." You looked to his eyes again to see them watering as he pulled you gently into a hug. "Gods I was so worried." You hugged back and gently reassured him by rubbing your rather soft hand against his exposed spine. Most Orc's in the settlement walked around wearing only bottoms so him being shirtless was a common sight.
He pulled away and looked to your eyes. "Do you think... I could get the rundown of what happened? I passed out and I really only know up until that point." Borhul pulled away and looked at you, your eyes looking down to his silver rings that fit perfectly over his long, slim tusks.
"After I change your dressings and get you a bath I will." You nodded and mumbled out an 'ok' before he suddenly picked you up bridal style. He was about a foot and a half taller than you, standing at 7'7" but he was still so extremely gentle with you, as if he were to accidentally squeeze too hard he would break a bone.
"I know I'm wounded but I'm not a porcelain doll." You said quietly as he sat you down on his bathrooms toilet. He grunts and kneels down in front of you. "Please no snarky remarks right now." He started to gently unwrap your left calf, slowly traveling up to your thigh. You watched carefully as he revealed still healing, yet well cared for wounds.
"Have you been the one looking after me?" You asked looking to his face. He had started on unwrapping your right leg but paused to look up to you and nod. Your eyes softened as you looked to his again. Without thinking, your hand reached out to his face, gently cupping his cheek. His eyes closed and he leaned slightly into your touch. "Sorry for making you worry so much Bora."
He shook his head before continuing to unwrap your wounds. "No, it's not your fault. I just wished I had realized something was up sooner." You smiled as he moved up to your arms, beginning to unwrap those as well. "Its good to know at least one other person cares about me." He looked to your eyes for the third time and gently held your hand in his.
"My family cares about you (Y/n). And so does the settlement. They know how important you are to me and they respect that. I mean we grew up together for gods sake." You gently squeezed his hand but didnt say anything. "I dont think I could lose you that easily." He spoke softly before continuing to unwrap you.
Neither of you spoke as he finished unwrapping you and turning on the water, waiting for it to be warm. Not hot but warm. He looked back over to you and reached up to your face, carefully peeling away the bandage. His calloused thumb softly traced around the cut that would more than likely form into a scar. Your eyes closed and you leaned softly into his hand before he pulled it away.
"Father will be happy to know that you're ok." He spoke as he helped you up. Without thinking, you started to gently shimmy out of your underwear, trying your best to not scrape any wounds with the fabric. Borhul held a blush on his cheeks as he helped you into the tub.
"Here," He hands you a bottle of medicinal soap that he's been using to clean your wounds. "Use this then once done dont stay in too long after. It's not good if they get too much water." You nodded and looked up to him to see he was looking away. "Borhul." He glances over to you and keeps his eyes locked with yours.
"Thank you."
He nods and turned his head away again. "I'm going to let father know that you're awake." You mumbled another small 'ok' as he left you to your own. A moment or two had passed when the bathroom door creaked open and Borhuls hand set something down on the counter before closing again.
Some minutes had passed as you cleaned yourself and the pretty well healed wounds. While you bathed, many questions ran through your head.
How long has it been?
What happened after you passed out?
How were you found, saved even?
You were lost in thought but the sound of the door opening make you look up. "You should hop out and dry off. Father would like to see you." He said quickly before closing the door again. You simply did as told and dried off, slipping on the pair of boxers he had brought you.
"Bora?" You called for him as you carefully hobbled out of the bathroom. Two heads turned to look at your wounded form and the called for orc made his way over to you. "Hold on, lemme..." He gently picks you up again and sets you on his kitchen counter before going to get what you assumed was bandages.
You looked over to see Orogakh staring at you. "Hey pops." He stood up and walked over to you, examining how your wounds have healed. He didnt say anything and simply pulled you into a hug. You hugged him back and looked over his shoulder to see Borhul holding bandages and some clothes that looked like his from when he was younger.
Orogakh stepped away and let his son help you. Neither of you spoke buy just looking at his face you knew exactly what he was thinking, making you smile sweetly at him. Borhul carefully bandaged some wounds that still needed to heal a bit more and slipped a pair of loose pants and a button up shirt. The shirt was a ivory white and the pants were brown. "I mostly covered the deepest wounds but the others are fine to breathe. Just try not to get them dirty." You smiled up to him and nodded. "I dont plan on making them any worse."
You said, looking up to him, still holding that smile on your face. He gently smiled as well before leaning in and hugging you again. "I'm glad you're ok..." He pulled away and turned to his father. "Should we..?" Orogakh nodded and Borhul gently took you off the counter. "Will you be ok with me giving you a ride?" He bent his knees slightly and motioned for you to hop on his back.
"I suppose. You probably wouldn't let me walk anyway." You said with a small laugh before carefully climbing onto his bare back. He adjusted so the both of you were comfortable before following his father out of the house. The instant that the three of you had left, all eyes had looked to not only you, but to Borhul carrying you.
The looks were mixed amongst the Orc camp as the camps' leader was walking along side his son carrying another, who wasn't even an Orc. Even though few looked on with an odd feeling, they were glad that you were ok. Borhul carried you all the way to town square where your three assailants were locked in pillorys. There was a small group of youngn's throwing stones at them and laughing.
"We waited till you woke up so that you could choose their punishment." Borhul gently set you on the pavement and Orogakh shooed the kids away. The three of you stood in front of the three of them, looking down on their pitiful states. The breeze blew gently, ruffling your hair. "I don't want anything bad to happen to them." Borhul scoffed and looked down to you. "Are you serious? They almost killed you (Y/n)."
You sighed and looked up to them. "All I wish is they're branded with both the murders and banishment marks and removed far away from here." He turned you to look at him. "(Y/n) they almost killed you. That's all you want to do?" You nodded. "If I wish death upon them like they did me, then I'm no better than they are. Just because I have all the power doesn't mean I will abuse it." You mumbled the last part as Borhul takes a moment to think before removing his hands from your shoulders and looking to his father.
He nodded and said, "I'll take care of them. Take (Y/n) back and relax." Borhul nodded and gently grabbed your hand. You looked up to him surprised. "What?" You shook your head. "You're just... Holding my hand." He grunts. "So what about it?" You shook your head again and the two of you slowly walked along the cobbled road back to his home.
Once the two of you arrived he pulled you close and sat the both of you on the couch. You ended up sitting super close, like thighs touching close. "Could you tell me what happened?" You asked, looking up to his eyes again. He sighs, some relief evident. "Not much had happened. I'm pretty sure we got there just as you passed out." You nod and rest your head on his shoulder, making his face light up with a blush. "You were out for three days though. The doctor said you should have woken the day after the attack so I was afraid."
There was a moment of comfortable silence before he spoke again. "So um... I... I know this is probably a bad time but... I..." Borhul hesitates heavily on what he's about to say. You look up to his eyes again and he was intensely staring at your face. "It's ok. Take your-mmhp!" He cut you off by smashing his lips into yours. You responded after your short shock had passed. A moment passed before the both of you pulled away for air.
"I think I love you." He mumbled out before going in for another kiss which you reciprocated. By the time the two of you pulled away, you found yourself straddling Borhuls thighs and his hands rested on your hips. "Hi." You said with a smile. "Hey." He said with a exceptionally pleased smile. "I just might feel the same way Bora." He smiles and kisses you again. Your hand rested on his chest as you leaned into him.
"Bora?" You said after you both pulled away. He looks up to you with a cute smile on his face. With a smile of your own, you run your fingers through his hair, combing it slightly in the process. He closes his eyes and let's out a small content hum. "Your hair is so wavy. But I guess that's what happens when it's braided all the time." You said as you played with it more. He rests his face on the spot between your neck and your shoulder and slightly pulls you closer.
"I wish we could stay like this forever."
----- 2465 (not proof read) Considering a part 2
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
→ man in my dreams (PT 2) bucky b x f!reader
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inspired by @demonsandmischief 's story something special
↪link to their story: something special part one link to part one of this story: man in my dreams PT1
↪ when you go to sleep at night, you have dreams of a man. A man that you have sworn to have seen once before in your life, every morning you try to write down everything you remembered about him from the dream but the only thing you could remember was blue eyes. You didn't know what the dreams meant but you knew that it had to be something to do with him, until one dream changed everything.
"you're that man in my dreams..."
warnings / other notes
↪delusions, its also confusing but to me I understood it.
↪you might need to keep an eye out for the POV change cause its one of those one, and i dont know if there is alot because i didnt reread this or edit it.
↪ the grey lines are a sign of scenery or pov change if you don't like this pov idc im bored
This dream, it was different. It was normal, sort of. It actually was hydra so I suppose it wasnt normal. who was that girl? TELL ME the old man from before yelled, he was in a computer room full of men.
They had my photo she's an ex shield agent, age 24 a man said, no no no. This cannot be good. what's her name he asked and everyone in the room shrugged it only gives us her skills sir, but it is very vague a man poked his head out FIND HER NOW the man yelled she could potentially ruin the whole scheme.
I wanted to wake up, leave this mess but then an arm grabbed me. I turn around jump to see "Bucky?" I ask surprised "What are you doing here?" I ask grabbing his arms to see if he wasn't a figment of my imagination "Maybe I should have read your file" he mumbled.
"Told you" I say walking around "Can they see us?" he asks and i shake my head "we are ghosts, our conscience and our bodies are seperated i think" I say "where are we" he asks following quickly behind me.
"Hydra, this is what I'm talking about" I mumble pointing to the projector screen in another room running towards it "I tried finding hints, clues maybe last time but when I hung up on you I was fully immersed in where ever they were, body and everything so they know me" I say Bucky runs up to me.
"you're telling me your like a super freak?" he asked "there are nicer ways to put it but I think I am" I say looking at the projector project winter soldier "THERE" I yell as if it wasn't bold enough.
"winter soldier" I mumble "they can't be doing this again" Bucky said "don't worry, I've done the whole mind control thing to, its easy to break out of in the next 24 hours but any longer than that back to wakanda you go" I say.
I turn to Bucky "these things don't last long so go find anything and memorise it" I say and he nods running off, I wondered the projector room noticing that the projector had been left on with nobody in the room.
The projector then changed to a security footage picture of me INTERFERENCE: KILL "great" I laugh "as if I wasn't on their shit list five years ago" I mumble.
I go to walk through a wall when suddenly, I walk straight in to the wall causing a loud thud "what the fuck" I say rubbing my nose looking down to see that my whole body was there "shit shit shit" I say.
Closing my eyes hoping to go back "y/n?" Bucky's voice he sounded so close yet so far "oh god now I know how creepy this is" I look around "this is the second time" I mumble looking at my hands.
I grab the tablet connected to the projector closing it and fitting it in to my pocket, surprisingly.
A guy walks in "oh god it's too early for this" I mumble, the guy pulls out a gun and knife shooting his gun instantly without aim before slashing my arm. I squat missing the bullet by a few inches running up to the guy grabbing his head and smashing it into my knee hearing a crack when they collided "why does this always happen to me" I groan running to hide under the table.
"how did you just kill him from doing that?" Bucky asks, god he had a lot of questions "I don't know, I've got the strength of my mother and the skills of my father and thats a great combo" I say as men come rushing into the room.
"please please please please" I say closing my eyes, finding my center before standing up and phasing through the table I was under, turning to see Bucky I hug him, relieved to not be dead.
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Sitting up from my bed I rub my head, my arm was aching as if the wound from the stab had actually rubbed off on my body. Checking my left arm I notice my shirt covered in blood, but it didn't hurt.
Making my way to the kitchen to grab some medical supplies I remembered Bucky was sleeping on the couch. "are you awake?" I asked and he sat up "no, i'm not" he said with a smile and I smile back as he lays back down.
Reaching for the top cabinet I grab my first aid kit taking it over to my dining room table, taking my shirt off revealing my bra "i'm partially naked so dont look" I said "what happened that makes you take your top off in the kitchen, you know the couch basically looks into the dining room" I say slightyl turning my head to see his eyes closed.
"I forgot" I mumbled wiping the wound "it turns out, i was actually sort of stabbed" I said and he opened his eyes "what" he says "HEY EYES" I yell as we both chuckle "I don't care if your eyes are open, its human anatomy and your old so you've seen plenty of half naked women" I say and he smiles gently looking at me (gif)
He gets up walking over to the dining table sitting opposite of me as I show him my arm. He grabs it gently "i can't really see it so if I patch it up weirdly, i'll live" I say "i'll do it" he says getting up to sit next to me, he gently grabs my arm again wiping the area once more as it continued to bleed, I look at his dog tags as they hung from his neck.
He gets a rag and tells me to hold it over whilst he looks through the first aid kit pulling out ointment, he grabs the rag off me applying the ointment softly as I wince at the pain, pulling out the gauze and wrapping it around my arm.
"too tight?" he asked gently looking up and I shake my head smiling, I don't know what it was about Bucky but he made me feel safe for the first time since my parents were alive.
"thanks" I say and he nods "so that was crazy" I continue and he chuckles "I would say its the weirdest thing thats happened to me in the past few months" he says packing up the first aid box "i doubt that" I say.
"seriously it is, i'm a ghost like how?" he chuckles "can I read my file?" I asked and he nods "yeah its over here" he says getting up walking over to a bag and pulling out a thick file "that can't be mine" I say staring at it and he shrugs nodding "it is" he chuckles.
Sitting down next to me he hands it to me "why is it thicker than me that's unfair" I say jokingly and Bucky laughs quietly, opening the file I see a picture of me with my name crossed out and changed to an alias.
"wow this is what they call a superpower" I mumble skimming through the pages. Buck stared at me with a smile, although I acted like I didn't notice I certainly did.
"mind alteration, what part of this is mind alteration" I say. The file read mind alteration as a power.
"This is why you should've read it Buck" I say flipping the file to show him the document of my fighting history "seven pages long?" he says and I nod "you were a shield agent" he asked and I nod "before it was infested with rats of course, I was 17 when I got my first mission" I said as he grabbed the file reading it "so young" he whispered.
"flip a couple of pages, continue reading it but out loud" i say getting up putting the first aid kit back.
"(y/n's alias) is able to see a threat to herself or another specifically in her sleep. Although she forgets by the next day, when a threat is detected she is able to remember again. When she notices that the threat is coming she is able to interact and touch objects before going back into a ghost like state, she is able to take another with her intentionally or not" he said.
"Wait so I took you with me? How is that even possible?" I ask "it doesn't say" he says as I use my espresso machine to make two coffees, Sam and Zemo were still asleep since it was only 6am.
"(y/n's alias) has a special connection with Hydra, that has been unknown to SHIELD for her whole life." he continued "SHIELD thinks that she is not in control of such powers yet she has proven us wrong more than multiple times at the age of 19" he says smirking.
"Kill Count of person listed above, 1,297" he says "not proud of it but i had to survive" I say "so you are like an assassin" he asked "I don't know, SHIELD wouldn't let me kill when I was 17 but I insisted I found it thrilling to be honest" I say handing him a cup of coffee and he smiles "thanks"
"Near Deaths of person listed above 23" he said slowly "yeah because men didn't have manners to let the woman go first" I mumble "but now they are 6 feet under" I sip my coffee.
We continue to read through my file, Bucky reading it and me commenting on each statement.
Sam and Zemo eventually come out hours later greeting us when they do "what are you guys doing up so early" Sam asks groggily "I just woke up and he was up so I got him to read my file" I say with a smile "about time, I had been trying to get him to read it on the trip here" Sam said and Bucky shoots him a look "y/n don't you feel threatened with that look?" Zemo asks.
"look man, Bucky isn't scare let alone his face which is probably one of his many handsome features no thanks to any of you may i add" I stand up grabbing both cups putting them in the dishwasher.
"snarky" Zemo said sitting at the table "time to explain I guess, sit" I say to Sam pointing at the chair.
I walk over to the end of the table "alright so I have been seeing your every moves, visiting Sarah, breaking freak show over here out, going to Madripoor, then Greece, all the fighting" I say and they all nod.
"then I saw hydra, once again planning to kidnap Bucky and turn him back into the winter soldier but they still think that you're in Greece. Last night they had this" I say pulling out the tablet from my pocket.
"what is it" Sam asks and I look over to Bucky "their project plan" he says "how do you know?" Sam asks again "Because somehow I took Bucky with me to hydra land and although he remained in a ghost like state, I didn't and almost died because I didn't stretch" I say handing Sam the tablet.
"great they have a photo of you and some random ass name" Same says and I nod "SHIELD protects my identity as service from my parents death, they kinda owe me it" I shrug "they put their plan in a tablet" Zemo said and I nod.
"they had a whole room of plans but that one was on a projector so I took it" I say going into the kitchen "shoot i forgot to go grocery shopping" I whisper to myself before turning around with a smile "so we have another passenger coming along" Zemo says "more friends more fun" he says.
"We aren't your friends, you have information, we need it" Bucky says giving a menacing look towards Zemo who sighs. Sam continues to look through the tablet "I need a shower" I mumble and wave goodbye before walking to my room and then the shower.
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Bucky's POV She left the room to go for a shower and I continue to read through her file "do you think she's telling the truth" Zemo said and I look up "She's been more useful and truthful in the past 10 hours than you have in the past 10 months" I mumbled looking back down.
"ah I see" Zemo said, irritated I look back up "you've taken a liking towards this girl" he points at me "cut it out or I'll put you both in time out" Sam says and I roll my eyes.
Her file was messy, the information all muddled up and all over the place. Her birth year altered to make her 32, her name changed to an alias.
For a 24 year old she sure had alot to know about her, but, unlike me she seemed content with herself. Not uneasy about who she was or what her past was, I wish I could've been like that.
"Wow she sure is good" Sam says "Bucky is right Zemo, she has proven more useful and she's only a poor innocent girl" Sam continued then I smirk looking up before looking back down to the file flipping the page.
Her powers, they were new to this world, to be frank they weren't of this world if they connected her to something she has no interest in. I flip the page again.
Then I read it, about her parents. The death of her parents on a SHIELD mission, eliminated by the winter soldier. I clear my throat adjusting my seating position, my heart sunk to the bottom of my chest.
The girl that I started to care for, her parents died and it was all my fault. "you didn't think to tell me that i killed her parents" I say looking up "it's not your fault" she says walking in drying her hair with a towel throwing the gauze in the bin before pulling the first aid kit down again, it was due for a change so I guess it was perfect time for her to shower.
"i still did it" I mumble uncomfortably "no that wasn't you, it's hydras thats why I want them all dead maybe if they weren't so obsessed with ridding the world of good people they would still be alive but it happens to the best of us" she smiled sweetly to me.
She walked into the living room sitting on the sofa pulling out her phone trying to reapply the ointment, I get up and walk over sitting next to her "you're getting it everywhere" I mumble, she smiled handing me the ointment "it's not your fault Bucky, its theirs and I'm sure my mum and dad would agree with me" she continued and I nod.
I reapplied the ointment pulling out a new roll of gauze cutting it and then rewrapping her arm. "Thank you" she smiled and I nod getting up to sit back at the table and I see Zemo and Sam staring at me with a smile "shall we go back to Greece now, we do have business there" Zemo said.
"fine pack your things jailbird" Sam said as we all get up "y/n are you coming?" Sam asked her and she shook her head "i'd love to but I love making money and I'm about three hours late I think" she cleared her throat and I look at her, her eyes shift from Sam to me.
"on second thought" she said as I smirk "ill be packing" she says point at the hallway running down to her room. "wow one look at you and she's in, did you finally get it out of your sy-" "what no, sam lets not we are on a mission" I clear my throat looking at him before putting the file back in my bag, Sam and Zemo had left to go wait in the car.
Twenty minutes pass and I walk down the hallway knocking on her door "hm yup" she yells "you ok? there's a lot of rattling going on" I ask "oh yeah im just finding clothes to get ruined in combat because it seems i've dragged myself into this" she says chuckling after her comment "come in Bucky" she says and I slowly open the door to see her floor covered in clothes with her in the middle of the floor sitting down.
"wow" I say surprised leaning against the door. "yeah i know alot of clothes" she mumbles pushing her hair back since it was in her face "is it cold in Greece" she asked and I shake my head "it's summer" I say "oh god Buck you don't understand how much I love Greece" she says excitedly.
She started packing shorts and tights in her bag along with a bunch of black tshirts "you have a lot of black tshirts" I say and
she nods "yeah i literally only wear black" she chuckles.
We continue to talk whilst she packs her clothes and eventually she finished clapping her hands with a big beautiful smile.
"alright lets go" she says grabbing he bag struggling in the process "how is it heavy?" I laugh "I packed a few... other things?" she shrugged "like?" I ask and she sighs.
"A few guns, maybe like a knife or seven and then a few asthma inhalers" she pauses humming "a maybe like a metal bat" she says laughing "right" I chuckled grabbing the bag off her "lock up" I say as we exit her apartment.
"did i pack my phone charger?" I nod and she smiles "alright im out this bitch" she says locking the door and we walk to the elevator "why am i like so interested in you?" she asked bluntly immediately covering her mouth.
"did I just say that out loud" she says and I nod laughing, this was probably the most I had laughed in a while and I must say it was more than refreshing "uh yeah" I said "that's never happened to me before, i was only thinking it" she says awkwardly.
"you were thinking it?" I ask as the elevator door opens "yeah I was maybe" she clears her throat "FINALLY" Sam yells and I roll my eyes. Carrying both my bag and hers I put it in the boot of the car opening the door for her as she smiles.
"Zemo sit in the front" Sam says "What why?" Zemo says and I roll my eyes once more "because you're just creepy and they like you more than me" y/n says and Sam nods agreeing with her.
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After a whole day we finally made it to Greece, we were in a car then in Zemo's jet then in another car and now we are in the beautiful house that Bucky and Sam were in just yesterday.
"This place is far more beautiful than the way I saw it before" I say walking inside, the house was like a mansion. I suppose it was "I can give you a tour" Sam suggested and I nod "sure" I smile following Sam.
We walk upstairs and he shows the bedrooms "there are five bedrooms so you can pick one of those two" he says and I nod we walk out to a balcony "there's the pool and I assume you've seen the main room" he says and I nod "yeah" I say.
We walk back down to the living room, Bucky was watching TV, Zemo was reading my file... again. I start to feel dizzy, my head spinning "not again" I mumble clearing my throat and Bucky turns his head looking back at me jumping up to catch me as I fall.
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Great, I'm back here.
Nevermind. Where am I?
This place was new, full of computers and servers. A teenage girl, touching a stone a yellow stone.
Is that Me?
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poguestvff · 3 years
in which, JJ and Y/n finally reconcile whilst sat on the bathroom floor
taglist | masterlist | 1.8k words
warning(s): very small descriptions of wounds, angst if you squint, fluff, for the most part, and nothing else i dont think. she/her pronouns part one !!!
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The ringing of the phone beside her hadn't made y/n budge instantly. She wasn't expecting a call, her parents knew where she was and who she was with, her friends knew where she was and who she was with. she didn't exactly think there was a reason for a phone call so she let it ring. When a soft ding followed it, the boy beside her let out a sigh.
She raised from the bed, sitting up as she stretched her arms above her head. Y/n picked up her phone from the small table as she noticed the photo she had tried posting finally went through, the tagging of Topper's account making his phone go off as well. She swiped down to the notification center, finding a voicemail from JJ. Her heart seemed to sink within her chest momentarily. She hadn't seen that name in a couple of days, hadn't come in contact with him in a couple of weeks.
It wasn't something she wanted, it was something she needed. Something they needed; Space from one another. She should've seen it coming, hurdling at her at a rapid pace since the time they'd began dating, but she ignored just about every sign until it was right in front of her. She never blamed him, she never would blame him. Y/n understood he had a troubled time showing affection, he was her best friend after all, she knew him in and out, there was no reason to not hold a candle to his name.
Seeing his name made a mountain of things run through her head. Questions upon questions on whether she should listen but a gut feeling made her decision final as she lifted the device to her ear. "Uh, hey. Hey, Y/n/n." She could hear the shakiness, the sound of hesitance that wavered within his voice. "I don't know why I called... Yes, I do. I just really need someone right now and—and everyone's gone. I didn't know who to call except you. Just... just if you get a minute call me back." Then the line went silent.
She looked over to Topper, the boy sleeping sound beside her on his stomach previously though now he lay, staring right back at her. "Was that maybank?" He asked in a groggy tone, a yawn following as he rubbed at his eyes. She hummed, pushing her legs over the side of the bed. "Why did he call?"
"I uh... he didn't say." she said in a low, confused tone, holding the phone in her lap. She couldve called him back, she probably should've. But she didn't know how she'd react if she heard his voice and have to listened to his pained tone again. She typed out several different messages, all in preparation to send but she couldn't decide on which one immediately.
"It's too early, just go back to sleep." Topper said, pulling lightly at the back of her shirt. She looked over her shoulder to him, seeing a tired smile on his face that she didn't reciprocate. "What?"
"I really have to go, Top." She told him as he let out a sigh, turning over on to his back to stare at the ceiling. "He needs me—"
"Just like how Pope needed you to come to dinner the other day or like how Kiara needed your help to chose an outfit."
She clicked her teeth, shaking her head as she stood, setting the phone on the bed. "Don't be an ass." She muttered, grabbing her hoodie from the floor as she threw it over her head. "This is different."
"Tell me how it's different."
"It's JJ! That's how it's different." She exclaimed, hands tossing up before settling at her hips. "If he needs someone and I'm the person he calls, it's not for a dinner date and it's not fashion advice. it's because he genuinely needs someone."
She wasn't quite sure why Topper was so upset over this. they weren't dating, they were just close friends. Friends who spent the night together, watching comedy movies until they cried of laughter. Nothing more, she didn't doubt that for a second. Especially when she knew even when she did these things with JJ, there was always the happy, bubbly feeling within her that didn't feel the same with Topper.
And so the boy rolled his head over to her, fingers thumping against his chest. She couldn't tell what was going on in his head. He hadn't looked angry and there wasn't a frown on his face. It almost looked like he was expecting this, expecting her to defend JJ, tooth and nail. "Then go, y/n."
He looked like he had more to say, like he was biting his tongue, but if he had, he kept those thoughts to himself. "I will." She said, grabbing her phone and her keys, placing them in her back pocket to leave the thornton house.
She sat in the drivers side, pulling her phone from her pocket as the second she'd opened it, JJ's contact was still there. She still hadn't decided on what to send and so she finalized her messaging that she was on the way, sending that she was on her way and a heart. Which, ironically, was the same heart, once again, that they had sent weeks ago before for the last time in their last and final text conversation.
Driving the direct route that she'd known to the chateau had made her stomach feel unnerved. She’d recognized every turn, every stop sign, and the dirt road leading up to the plot. Finding that the front door was not properly closed, clearly slammed as she remembered that the screen was missing a screw causing it to need to be closed slow. The creaky door made someone in the house move as Y/n entered. "JJ?" She asked, making her way further into the home. "Jay, it's just me."
Another noise came from the bathroom as she moved around the corner, seeing JJ sat on the floor. The back of his head was against the wall and his eyes were closed though soft tear streaks shined across his cheeks from the way the light hit them. He opened his eyes finally, only side eyeing Y/n as she stood at the doorway. "i'm sorry."
"Don’t even think about apologizing." She said, pushing his feet back lightly to open the bottom cabinet, finding the medicinal items she needed. She sat in front of him, her knees digging into the hard wood floor below them. She could feel his eyes on her every move while she poured the alcohol onto a small hand towel. "This is gonna sting."
"I know." He replied, a sad smile coming on her face as she began to clean up the small cuts on his cheeks and the split lip. Her opposite hand held his chin lightly, dragging the towel lightly over his skin. She avoided all eye contact, he knew that for a fact as his eyes darted around her face.
She sat back on her ankles as she pointed at his shirt. He nodded, arms raising though wincing in the process as she rushed to his aid, helping him pull the dirty tee from over his head. The bruises that had become more prominent in the time of him waiting on the floor had caused for a heavy feeling to settle in her chest but she didn't say a thing, continuing to work in silence to help ease his pain just enough, leaving at one point to grab a cold beer from the fridge to place against his abdomen since there wasn't a single thing in the freezer other than the quarter filled ice tray.
"So...you and Topper." He said as she tilted his head to the side to clean the blood from the side of his jaw. She gave him a rather chagrined glare. "Sorry, just looking out."
"You don't have to look out anymore." She mumbled as he frowned. "And no... Topper and i— never." she cut herself off.
He went silent for a second, feeling the way her short nails scratched at the side of his cheek lightly. "You’re wrong." he said, suddenly, in Y/n's opinion as she gave him a confused look. "i always have to look out for you. like... like how you're doing right now."
"That’s different." She said for the second time that day.
"You wanna tell me how?"
She sighed, placing her hands in her lap as she sat back. "It just is, JJ. I’m sitting here cleaning your stupid... wounds like old times. This is nothing new."
"And because you and topper's friendship is new, it's different?" he asked. She placed her hands over her face, letting out a low groan against them. "It it's different because we're exes? Because you and Topper dating shouldn't be any of my concern now? News flash, you and Topper even remotely being friends was one of my concerns when we were friends."
She moved her hands from her face, staring at him. "No. what? No, what are you talking about? I didn't even come here to argue about topper, I don't get why it's even a topic right now." she said, her voice faltering near the end before she began leaning forward again to place a bandaid over his cheek.
"Because you know..." he trailed as she didn't even bother stopping. "You’re not... his."
"So what? I’m yours, is that what you're insinuating?" she asked, collecting the trash into her hand.
He didn't answer immediately, fiddling with his fingers in his lap instead. "Yeah." He mumbled. it was clear to him that she had not expected that answer. She stopped, pulling back again, so they could look directly at one another. "I didnt just call you because I could, I called you cause I needed you. I couldve called anyone but I called you because you know me best and i know you best. I know you well enough that you'd drop whatever you were doing for me. That's selfish, yes, but I needed you. Not want, need. A want would be that i want you back."
He was right because that's exactly what she did. And she knew him well enough to see the way he suck his shoulders just slightly in fear of what she'd say next. What she did next. Y/n's hands moved to rest on both of his cheeks, leaning forward to press a light kiss to his forehead before hugging him to her chest. "It didn't work out the first time." She told him in a lower tone.
"That was a trial run, i know what not to do." It was a joke, she knew. He had terrible timing. She heard the emphasis on the ‘I’, implying that he was the only one who made mistakes with the relationship. She let out a very minimal laugh at this, shaking her head at his antics.
She pulled back, running her thumb over the bandaid on his cheek. "We know what not to do." She correct him, placing a gentle kiss to his lips that he returned.
And within that moment, They both knew they were neither a want or need for one another. They were both.
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