#i do feel like people hear him say he Wants to love rue and take that to mean that's not his actual feelings and like. that's not how that
rinmemesuoka · 1 year
help i went into a tag and saw takes
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blackbleedingrose · 7 months
Okay, so I have this Hazbin Hotel Lucifer x reader request idea, but have no idea how to actually write it out and would love to see someone else's take on it. It's a little long and may require several parts, but I'm hoping some people may be interested in writing it. I'm putting this here to see if someone is interested in writing such a long, and possibly detailed, request. I'm totally open to any changes and add ins they might want to add in, but I do have a very specific quote and idea I want in it. This is what it is:
The reader is a sinner who suffers from severe depression, but is really good at masking it. When she was alive she lived with her family who treated her horribly but she did everything to be useful to them and make them love her. Since the pilot of Hazbin had superheroes/villains I'm going to say her family was a renowned hero family, but she was often hidden from the public as to not embarrass them. She had a guy friend that was a hero in training who idolized her father and she fell in love with him, which he knew and used to his advantage to get close to her dad. He knew of the horrible things her family did, such as lock her away as punishment if she did something they didn't approve of - like secretly helping on missions. Then one day a mission went wrong and her being there distracted her father causing him to get killed. Her family turned their backs on her and so did her friend who told her if should have been her. They lock her away with no way of her getting out. In her loneliness, guilt, and confinement, she spirals and eventually kills herself believing she deserves it. Since suicide is a sin, she's sent to Hell where she's eventually found by Charlie who offers her a room at the hotel. During her time there, she masks her depression well not wanting to talk about her past much afraid of the judgement and rejection. When she meets Lucifer for the first time, when he first comes to the hotel in ep 5, he immediately recognizes what she's doing being familiar with it himself. They don't talk much at first, but Lucifer is interested in what's she's hiding and secretly wanting to talk to someone who understands what it's like to have depression. During her time at the hotel she slowly becomes accustomed to everyone, not used to being treated nicely but appreciating it. Then during the final battle with Adam, she fights alongside everyone using her past training to her advantage. But when Sir Pentious dies, she becomes angry seeing her friend die and fiercely protective so much that she protects Charlie from Adam, though gets injured in the process. She's saved from Adam by Lucifer who thanks her for protecting Charlie and angry at her injuries. After the battle, and once the hotel is fixed, she starts to open up more to everyone slowly healing herself and becoming friends with Lucifer. However, what she doesn't know is that her father and friend (who died in someway during another battle) are in Heaven as Heaven saw them as heros and good for Heavens influence and reputation. When they hear that she's down in Hell, they become worried that Heaven might find out what happened when they were all alive and ruin their reputation. So the friend sneaks down into Hell one day, when the hotel is having an open house to attract sinners and finds her alone in her room outside her balcony getting from fresh air from the party. He tries to convince her to leave this place and come up with him to Heaven, lying that they miss her and even going far as to say he loves her. This, of course, messes with her healing mind as she knows he's lying and is shock to see him. I see this scene as the clip from Euphoria when Jules says she loves Rue. The same quote and actions from Rue but as the reader. Lucifer, who was looking for her, overhears their conversation feeling his heart break hearing her words and realizing how similar the two are with her friend and Lilith. When the friends leaves after the readers says to stay out of her life, she breaks down crying to which Lucifer enters her room and starts to comfort her telling her about Lilith and that be understands and knows what it's like.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Hihi I just read the request I made and I loved it 💕 I was wondering if I could request another one with Elliot but with Prompts 13, 16 and 17? I need full angst with happy ending pls :)) I’m so happy since I rarely see any new Elliot fics ☺️ thanks for having a whole euphoria theme night
I've got you honey, sorry this is a day late, I just got really tired last night❤️ I hope you enjoy!! Send me Elliot requests anytime you'd like!
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There have only been a few times where I really wondered if Elliot and I would actually be together and if our relationship was the best for either of us. I wondered, with his past with addiction, and with the people he's surrounding himself with, if our relationship would flourish in the environment he's brought me into.
The first time I wondered if Jules and Rue would be a problem was on my birthday, last year, right after Elliot and I started seeing each other.
"No guys, I promise- she's super chill and totally dope." I can hear Elliot in the other room, talking to the two girls as they grill him about me, his 'mysterious new girlfriend'. I know that they've been friends for a while now, creating a sort of three musketeers group dynamic. But I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous to meet the other women in his life. But if he keeps talking about me like that, maybe it'll ease the tension a bit and calm a bit of my anxiety.
"I saw a picture of her on instagram- did a little digging." Jules sighs and I can hear the sassy grin in her voice. "She's got nice tits but she kind of looks like an airhead."
I curse to myself, looking down the flight of stairs and contemplating just leaving as I lower my hand from Elliot's door, all of a sudden feeling completely and utterly embarrassed and self conscious.
I ended up yelling at him later, asking him how he could let them say that about me and not stand up for me but his argument was that he was too shocked to hear her say something like that and he laughed out of pure awkwardness.
We had come to the agreement that she was definitely jealous and harboring some sort of weird crush towards Elliot, even though she was in a 'committed' relationship with Rue.
Poor girl.
The second time I knew that Jules would be a problem, not so much Rue, was when I walked in on the two of them smoking, laying beside each other on his bed with dopey smiles after he had told me that he was going to be busy all day.
"I thought you said you were busy?" I ask, stopping in the threshold of the door as Elliot looks down at me with wide, nervous eyes, but Jules just looks proud, a sly smirk spreading across her lips as she takes another hit off the joint.
"Yeah, he is." She giggles, reaching out to whack the back of Elliot's head but he just looks like he's seen a ghost, lips parted in quiet shock.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to hang out and chill and not go anywhere." I scoff at his sorry excuse, my shoulders dropping in disappointment and a pained laugh leaves me.
"You're just an asshole, Elliot." I whimper, brushing away my tears before they can fall to far. "You've always pushed people away. I just never thought you'd do it to me." He stands, his eyes riddled with a fearful expression as he ignores Jules' giggles and reaches desperately out to me. "How many times am I supposed to forgive you?"
He promised me that he just felt overwhelmed and that he wasn't ready for the relationship that we were developing so we decided to take a step back and take a break.
And it helped, it did. It helped him realize how much he wants to be with and I'm just happy that something made him realize how much he needs me.
Along with his realization that he's madly in love with me, he also realized that Jules and Rue were maybe not the best of friends and, the time that he was spending with them, he could be spending with me instead.
From there, our relationship improved.
Aka, the problem was definitely him. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1 @manyfandomsfanvergent
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piquedpequod · 2 years
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"All the Secrets and No One to Tell." A soundtrack-mix for Jim Prideaux of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
Listen (YT)
“They were at Oxford together before the war.” “And stablemates in the Circus during and after. The famous Haydon-Prideaux partnership.” 1. Charade - Matt Monro Oh what a hit we made We came on next to closing Best on the bill, lovers until Love left the masquerade
Fate seemed to pull the strings I turned and you were gone While from the darkened wings That music box played on
“'Drop out,’ he said. ‘You’re a lucky man, Jim,’ he kept saying. ‘You’ve been ordered to become a lotus-eater.’ I could forget it. Right? Forget it. Just behave as if it had never happened.” He was shouting. “And that’s what I’ve been doing: obeying orders and forgetting!” 2. Eminence Front – The Who That big wheel spins, the hair thins People forget Forget they're hiding The news slows People forget Their shares crash, hopes are dashed People forget Forget they're hiding
Sometimes he thought of the wound as a memory he couldn’t keep down. He tried his damnedest to patch it over and forget but even his damnedest wasn’t always enough. 3. The Story of a Hero – Dmitri Kabalevsky
He also imagined that, like himself, Jim had had a great attachment that had failed him, and which he longed to replace. But here Bill Roach’s speculation met a dead end: he had no idea how adults loved each other. 4. Loneliness – Sergei Rachmaninov
And hearing Tom Tower strike the evening six he found himself thinking of Bill Haydon and Jim Prideaux, who must have arrived here the year that Smiley went down and were gathered up by the war; and he wondered idly how they must have looked together then, Bill the painter, polemicist, and socialite; Jim the athlete, hanging on his words. In their heyday together in the Circus, he reflected, that distinction had all but evened out… Only at the end, the old polarity asserted itself… 5. High Hopes – Pink Floyd Encumbered forever by desire and ambition There's a hunger still unsatisfied Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon Though down this road we've been so many times
The grass was greener The light was brighter The taste was sweeter The nights of wonder With friends surrounded
“And did you take to it, Jim, to Control’s theory? How did the idea strike you, overall?” “Damn silly. Poppycock.” “Why?” “Just damn silly,” he repeated in a tone of military stubbornness. “Think of any one of you – mole – mad!”
6. Love Is Blindness – Morten Schantz Trio
Not for the first time, Smiley had the distinct sense of stumbling not on Jim’s ignorance but on the relic of a willed determination not to remember. In the dark, Jim Prideaux’s breathing became suddenly deep and greedy. He had lifted his hands to the top of the wheel and was resting his chin on them, peering blankly at the frosted windscreen.
7. Found Song For P. – Max Richter
When finally the big session started – the one he remembered as the marathon – he had the disadvantage of feeling half defeated when he went in. “Matter of health, much as anything,” he explained, very tense now. “We could take a break if you want,” said Smiley, but where Jim was there were no breaks, and what he wanted was irrelevant.
8. Novelette – Dmitri Kabalevsky
“And no word from Bill?” he went on. “Not even a postcard.” “Bill was abroad,” said Jim shortly.
9. Why – Pyotr Tchaikovsky Why is the sun cold and dull in the sky, as if it were winter? Why – tell me quickly – did you forget me?
Only once, when Guillam forgot Smiley and out of instinct turned upon his own tracks, did he have a suspicion of a third figure walking with them: a fanged shadow thrown against the broadloom brickwork of an empty street, but when he started forward it was gone.
10. Circles from the Rue Simon-Crubellier – Max Richter
Then for a moment, one part of Smiley broke into open revolt against the other. The wave of angry doubt that had swept over him in Lacon’s garden, and that ever since had pulled against his progress like a worrying tide, drove him now onto the rocks of despair, and then to mutiny: I refuse.
11. Brain Damage / Eclipse – Pink Floyd And all that you love, and all that you hate All you distrust, all you save And all that you give and all that you deal And all that you buy, beg, borrow, or steal And all you create, and all you destroy
And all that is now, and all that is gone And all that's to come And everything under the sun is in tune But the sun is eclipsed by the moon
“Well, damn it, I got him back,” Haydon snapped. “Yes, that was good of you. Tell me, did Jim come to see you before he left on that Testify mission?” “Yes, he did, as a matter of fact.” …He came to warn you, Smiley thought; because he loved you… Jim was watching your back for you right till the end.
12. Comrades – Clint Mansell
Smiley shrugged it all aside, distrustful as ever of the standard shapes of human motive, and settled instead for a picture of one of those wooden Russian dolls that open up, revealing one person inside the other, and another inside him. Of all men living, only Karla had seen the last little doll inside Bill Haydon.
13. Exile - Killing Joke Outside the boundaries where all the streets are empty In such a lonely moment we reach the same conclusion Chants of cathedral choirs, stations of iron cogs grind Primeval screams we heard, release cannot be found
We that have tasted such beauties of corruption Triumphal arches raised designed to fall again My kingdom and place of exile
…in the open night under a clear sky, lit by several hand torches and stared at by several white-faced inmates of the Nursery, sat Bill Haydon on a garden bench facing the moonlit cricket field. He was wearing striped pyjamas under his overcoat; they looked more like prison clothes. His eyes were open and his head was propped unnaturally to one side, like the head of a bird when its neck has been expertly broken.
14. Like Two Strangers – Trentemøller
For the rest of that term, Jim Prideaux behaved in the eyes of Bill Roach much as his mother had behaved when his father went away… Worst of all was his staring, empty look when Roach caught him unawares, and the way he forgot things in class, even the red marks for merit: Roach had to remind him to hand them in each week.
15. Love Is Blindness – U2 Love is clockworks, and cold steel Fingers too numb to feel Squeeze the handle, blow out the candle Love is blindness, I don’t want to see Won’t you wrap the night around me?
Love is drowning in a deep well All the secrets and no one to tell
With time, Jim seemed to respond to treatment, however. His eye grew clearer and he became alert again, as the shadow of his mother’s death withdrew. By the end of the play, he was more light-hearted than Roach had ever known him.
16. Time – Hans Zimmer
“But Jim acts from instinct… he is functional… He’s my other half; between us we’d make one marvellous man, except that neither of us can sing.”
17. You Always Hurt the One You Love – Connie Francis You always hurt the one you love The one you shouldn't hurt at all You always take the sweetest rose And crush it till the petals fall
You always break the kindest heart With a hasty word you can't recall So if I broke your heart last night It's because I love you most of all
started and fin. 2012.
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cityandking · 1 year
💤💐 and im morally obligated for one of these three of your choosing 🙈🙊🙉 for minah, daichi, and anticlea!
oh I love the monkeys ty // oc emoji asks
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
MINAH — sleeps like shit to be honest. lots of worries before she falls asleep (more than normal, these days 😬) and lots of nightmares after. honestly the darkspawn dreams are probably a nice change from the usual fare. she tends to white-knuckle it—the last thing she wants is to become dependent on some crutch just for a good night's sleep. in general, though, she sleeps better when she knows there's someone watching her back
DAICHI — he's disciplined about going to bed and getting up at a reasonable hour and resting, even if he can't fully sleep. he doesn't have any specific rituals, but having zaref nearby turned out to be a big improvement to his sleep quality (cute). if he really couldn't settle down for some reason, he'd write to his dad
ANTICLEA — sleeps pretty easily. she's got her rituals (quiet time, tea, something to read, no screens) but it's nothing special. just a nice way to wind down from the day and get ready for bed.
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouquet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
MINAH — lilies (purity), peonies (shame & anger, but also prosperity & honor), lilac (old love), heather (solitude, protection). all while and pale purple, almost like a wedding bouquet. I don't know if any of those are her favorite—I don't think she's put much thought into her favorite flower in at least a decade
DAICHI — his bouquet would be pretty rustic. daisies (innocence), dandelions (faithfulness), goldenrod (encouragement according to wikipedia). generally yellow tones, bright and warm—something you'd pick for your mom on a day trip, y'know? he doesn't have a favorite flower, but he'd come to love a loved one's favorite flower because it reminded him of them
ANTICLEA — sage (health, wisdom, respect), snowdrop (hope), white tulips (sincerity), rosemary (remembrance), rue (regret). hers would be a leafier/greener bouquet than traditional. very understated. she likes the herbs most of all
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
MINAH — check out how many masks this pc can wear! it's less a side of herself that she doesn't want to show people and more the depths of herself—she's well versed in misdirection and telling people what (she thinks) they want to hear, all in the interest of keep people Out Of Her Business. if I had to pick a specific facet she doesn't like to show others, it's her fear. and she's got a lot of fear.
DAICHI — he tries so hard to hide his doubt and his anger and all those ugly, messy things that aren't helpful to working together or achieving a goal—he doesn't like to feel like he's dragging the group down with his unprofessionalism. (he's also really private in general, so he tends to keep his personal relationship stuff close to the chest as well. that went badly.)
ANTICLEA — she's private about her grief. not for shame or anything, just because it's personal and it's heavy, and she doesn't feel the need to put that on other people. she has everything she needs to carry it
(the monkey ones were really fun so I did the rest of them)
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
MINAH — minah is actually pretty loud about most things, she just rarely says anything meaningful. you want bullshit, she can serve you so much bullshit. however, she's quick to get involved if she sees a friend getting dunked on. the troupe always emphasized keeping an eye out for your own (not every town is thrilled about a group of strangers setting up shop and taking their coin), so while she's not one for grand causes or ideologies, when it comes to the small stuff, she has her friends' backs. (also, good luck getting her to shut up about a really good show)
DAICHI — he's got a well-developed sense of right and wrong and he'll let you know about it. in the kindest way possible, of course, but he's a blunt little fucker. I love him.
ANTICLEA — I'm not sure yet. I think she's the sort to reach out if she sees someone hurting, but I'm not sure how insistent (or meddling) that care might be
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worst thing your oc could hear from someone?
MINAH — her full name, I think. or if something happened to her sister
DAICHI — izzy's anger really hurt him, but I think news of his father's death would have broken him. or if another party member died. kinda selfish of him to sacrifice himself before anyone else could tbh :/
ANTICLEA — her son is a really tender subject. I think if anyone declared she was the one to blame for his death she'd take that hard. or if somehow she learned that her son wasn't dead after all, that would fuck her up
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lunar-lair · 1 year
idk exactly how to explain it but. just. 4 UR ENTERTAINMENT by chandler leighton is such a rise leo song. the thing in general is just so...im tired of who ive become. it feels like leo staring at the person hes become after the kraang and sighing softly, so, so tired. it feels like something hed sing at karaoke and reveal the him a couple layers deeper than he usually lets people see. every time i hear it i see him singing it with this wry smile, humming it under his breath in the kitchen, listening to it on loop after he first hears it and thinking too hard about it. its the name of one of my leo playlists that are more like 'leo would so make this', theres one called 'im so sick of my own shit'. here let me grab lyrics just to prove it to you (under the cut bc this got kind of long lmao)
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this is just so. like. ofc insomniac leo but as for the the last two lines in the first verse. like i feel insane every time i hear this song and think of leo bc ive completely changed its meaning but it still feels so right to me?? just leo wishing he could be more boring, that this performance hes putting on could lose its steam. thats how the pre chorus applies, too, this song to me in a leo context is just about leo being tired of the act hes put on. tired of being there for the kicks and giggles, tired of having to pretend he doesnt care so people dont worry about him for being worried about them, this 4D chess game hes playing with his family to be who hes always been. ok moving on though theres more
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this part is just so . ough. i hate the way everyone loves it. i can see leo stepping back with a rue smile as he sings it DO YOU SEE MY VISION. forget my own name can totally be metaphor'd into forgetting who he is too ok. and its like, when did i become this? when i did become someone so me yet not? YOU KNOW
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NOBODY KNOWS HOW BADLY I WANNA GO HOME . GIRL. the lair the trauma after the kraang the person hes become CMON!!! they say that im built different. and now im just an actress, trying to keep up with the habits, trying to keep up with the joking act hes put up. DO YOU UNDERSTAND. DO YOU SEE MY VIISON!!!! this is bad for him he just wants to stop being what hes become hes backed himself into this corner. TRUST ME IT MAKES SENSE. ill have to make another post on my 'leo is leo but hes definitely putting up an act and the person he is has been suffocated' beliefs. or like. multiple that coalesce into the same idea i have so many leo ideas .
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THIS LINE THIS FUCKGIHGLFANLDFJSGLKFJ LINE . god its the core of this. hes so so tired. but he cant change what hes become now because his family will worry. gotta give the people what they want. i cant turn it off, i cant calm down, i cant worry, i cant turn off the jokes and the humor, i have to be the levity. DO YOUS EE-
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this part makes me nearly explode every time i hear this fucking song. take my face off just to put it back on, masks over masks, a brief reprieve before he has to keep acting like him but not-quite-him. no one really knows me, there are parts of leo hes hidden, there are parts of leo he doesnt let his family see, there are parts of him that will worry them that will make them see him as different that theyll tease. no one knows him, he just has to keep this up, find comfort in the box hes backed himself up into. god, if this is the show, then wheres all the applause. i cant even explain why that and the last line fit leo i just. why arent you clapping, god, ive done so much to make this perfect. i know its wrong, the ways ive molded myself, but here i am. YOU KNOW.
anyways this was my psa that 4 ur entertainment is a peak leo song. its been haunting me for over a month and its always been very leo to me plus it honestly slaps pretty hard so im glad to finally share it properly!! with the leo analysis and all, lmao
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bowieelijah · 2 years
Years before the events of The Wounded Tales, Kennedy and Sebastian dated, and I really want to share some memories that they have together. I hope you enjoy this scene.
[This scene starts at the Ross household in Heles, Ebros. Cora and Rhys had not yet joined the Ross Family.]
Sebastian walks out to the back garden, smiling when he sees Kennedy sitting on a blanket, admiring the sun. "Beautiful day isn't it?" She says, turning her head to look at Sebastian, extending her arm out.
"Now as beautiful as you my love," He says sitting down, immediately putting an arm around Kennedy, kissing the top of her head. "How long have you been out here?" Kennedy hums.
"Just a few hours, I was watering the flowers. Then I got distracted." Sebastian chuckles. "How was your day?" Kennedy pulls away to kiss Sebastian's cheek. "Mundance," He says, looking into her eyes. His eyes drop to her neck and he smiles, the necklace he gave her a few days ago for her birthday sitting comfortably on her neck.
"Would you like to do anything now I'm home?" He asks, cupping her face, his lips gently brush hers gently as Kennedy's cheek blushes. "Carlisle mentioned you're running low on paints."
"Sawyer would kill me if I went into town," Kennedy says sadly. "He's worried about Father finding me, especially since my birthday just passed." Sebastian pulls her closer to him. "I'll be there to protect you," He says, breathing in her scent. "Plus, you deserve to live a free life." Kennedy nods into his chest, agreeing to go.
"Then we shall go my love. But, you need to wear some warmer clothes, it's cold out in town." Sebastian helps Kennedy stand, picking up the blanket and leading her inside.
While waiting for Kennedy to change, Sebastian finds Ingrid in the library. He gently knocks on the doorframe, getting the woman's attention. "I'm taking Kennedy into the town centre." He says, Ingrid, smiles at him.
"She's going to love that. Oh," She gets up and hands Sebastian a piece of paper.
"Harriot's court announced a masquerade ball, I think if you were to ask Kennedy she'd be ecstatic to go." Sebastian looks at the ball invitation.
"That's if Sawyer would let her," Sebastian chuckles. "But thank you, I'll definitely consider it." Sebastian hears Kennedy walk down the stairs, he hands the invitation back to Ingrid and says a farewell before going out into the hall.
"You look more beautiful than a flower my love," He says, grabbing a hooded cape for her. "Allow me," He loosely ties it around her shoulders, noticing how the brown colours of her clothes make her green eyes stand out. "Are you ready?" Kennedy takes a breath in before nodding. Sebastian opens the door and walks Kennedy out, starting the walk to the town centre.
Kennedy pulls her hood down further, covering part of her face as the two enter the town centre. Despite most of the town folk not knowing Kennedy is the child of Harriot and Bane Mason, she's still worried someone might recognise her.
"Don't worry," Sebastian leans down and says quietly to Kennedy. "It'll be okay, just keep your hood on," Sebastian reassures Kennedy. 'Your hair isn't visible, the one thing people will use to recognise you.' He thinks, Kennedy nods.
The two walk down the main street, Kennedy taking in the sights and smells, feeling calmer.
"I could never be this calm if I was out with Sawyer," Kennedy jokes. "Thank you for bringing me out." Sebastian squeezes Kennedy's hand as he chuckles.
"Of course my love," He says sweetly, the two stopping in front of Kennedy's favourite art store. Sebastian opens the door and Kennedy walks in.
"Ah, Rue. It's a pleasure to see you again." Kennedy smiles at the shop owner.
"Good evening Edrick." She says softly, Sebastian also saying hello. Kennedy walks over to the paints, examining them.
"The usual?" Edrick asks, walking over to the two, a smile on his face. Kennedy picks up a set of oil paints. "You know, I'd love to see your art someday. With how often you or your family come to buy paints, you must make some very good work." Kennedy smiles.
"I'll try to have some art brought in on our next visit," Kennedy says, walking over to the brushes, and selecting a few. She turns to Edrick. "I think I have all that I need." Edrick nods and leads Kennedy to the counter. Kennedy places the items on the counter and brings out a money pouch, getting out the exact amount for the supplies. "Here," Edrick says, placing the items into a cloth bag before turning around. "I got a shipment of these new paints, they're not oil. But I think you'd find a perfect use for them." He places the package of paints into the bag before pushing it towards Kennedy. "Thank you Edrick," She says softly. "How much for them?" Edrick smiles and shakes his head.
"No cost," He says happily. "A token of my gratitude." Kennedy nod and picks the bag up, tucking it under her arm. "Have a good night Rue, Sebastian." The two nod and say their goodbyes before leaving the store and heading back to the house.
Sebastian closes the door behind Kennedy, the two removing their coats and shoes.
"Thank you, Sebastian." Kennedy turns and kisses Sebastian's cheek. "I really enjoyed it." Sebastian smiles and nods.
"Of course, anything for you, my love." Sebastian walks with Kennedy as the two head to her art room and Sebastian watches lovingly as Kennedy puts everything in their place.
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sankttealeaf · 7 months
Song-Anon here, I’m blushing so hard omg hehehe 👹 I was lil insecure cuz I thought sending a whole lyrics analysis was too much, but if it’s alright I’ll come up with more 😌
I feel my brain rotting away cuz of durgetash and your story mwah 🤌🏻✨ (and I don’t want it to end *sob* let ‘em be happyyy *cries like a baby* he dies in every story 😭😭
(But I get it… angst and canon and all 😖)
I just need someone to be crazy with about them, it’s kinda lonely lol and I cannot for the love of everything hear the “is the, quote, handsome man here with us???” anymore, these idiots online just keep repeating themselves OVER and OVER AGAIN ugh. I expected more deep-thinking abilities from bg3 players 🙂
sry for the rant at the end lol <3
song anon i will eat up ANYTHING u happen to send!!!!<3 it made me so giddy reading through it i still havent stopped thinking abt it all
and i 100% get that. the bg3 fandom as a whole scares me a little so i'm quite happy playing barbies with my silly guys in the far corner and talk to myself about them (also so get that comment about gortash. a part of me dies whenever he gets handsome squidward-ified, please leave him alone 😭) parts of the fandom certainly have... takes... i do not wish to look that way at them i fear they may hunt me for sport because i like the tyrant (i cannot wait to kill him in game tho. i have to do my girl karlach some justice)
i went on a big ramble on twitter today talking about rue + orin and their dynamic + how it ties in with the tadpoling of rue and it truly felt like im yelling into the void (in a good way, i have grown past the need for people to hear me i just have to Talk!!!!!!! brainrot so bad im dreaming about them!!!!!! aaaaaaah!!!!
also thinking about an alternate ending to rue and gortash's story where they can be horrible together (or... dare i say... forced through redemption kicking and screaming). rue's romancing gale in her playthrough (parallels. i need to throw gale and gortash in a room to study them like bugs) but man. the thought of rue still clawing back at her past and going to the one man who knows everything? she'll take a lie if it means she gets to know something about herself
rue my sweet girl... one day you will find peace... not now though you still have things to do
0 notes
ssweeneys · 9 months
what were your thoughts on the episode! i can't wait to hear them
Okay so.... let's unpack this episode.
Euphoria meta under the cut. This is old and I never posted it but, its interesting how deep I dove into these characters.
I will say Rue and Nate have had the best development this season and were the only two who really saw some resolve in this finale. Rue, with her drug addiction and Nate with his dad.
This whole season for Rue was a roller coaster. She finally came to terms with her father's death and is recognizing her toxic traits and behaviors and making an effort to fix them. Not just for her sake but for her family's. I think Rue is finally gearing toward redemption. As a drug addict, she's still got a long way to go but it was nice to see her take a step back at her life and recognize what needs to change in order for her to live a happier, healthier life. She looked much more happy this episode. I loved her scenes with Lexi and their heart to heart. I think she's realizing she needs to grieve in order to get sober and stay sober. In ep 6, Ali said Rue needed to find hope and it was up to her to do it and it seems like she's found it (through watching Lexi's play). She's much closer to it than she was a couple episodes ago. The season ended with her voiceover saying she stayed clean the rest of the school year so I'm guessing season 3 will pick up in the new year and carry on from there.
I really, really, REALLY loved Nate's scene with Cal this episode. Listen, everyone can say what they want about Nate. That he's a horrible person, he should go to hell, etc. He's done some terrible things but what I like and can respect about his character is... at least, he owns them. He doesn't play the victim and accepts that he's a bad person, he has anger issues, etc. He says to his dad what his mom pointed out in 2x06 that he got all of his father's worst traits and what the two of them share in common is that they get off on when they hurt other people. I don't know if that's necessarily true since Nate does show remorse at times for his actions but he is very toxic and he acknowledges that. Tbh I wasn't expecting him to turn Cal in and after talking about him with @tommaden, it makes a lot of sense. Between, the last two seasons and Nate's nightmare last episode, all these factors triggered this climax. It was nice to see Nate acknowledge the tapes and how badly they fucked him up to the point he OPENLY admits he has night terrors about his father fucking him the way he's fucked everyone on those tapes. It really goes to show how discovering those tapes at such a young age has messed with Nate's psyche and his perception/view of sex. But not only that, his relationships. He doesn't know what a healthy relationship looks like considering the whole time he's kept his father's secrets. He explains his motivation for everything he's ever done by stating all he wanted was to protect his dad and his family since he kept it from his mom and Aaron and instead of his father loving him for that, he hated him. But Cal says he does love Nate, he regrets not being the father he should've been. Nate, however feels as though it's too late and in a way, it's easy to feel that way? Because it's like... why apologize now? Why blow up their lives, put Nate through all that trauma and doubt only to leave and admit he's happier now than he's ever been? Idk if I would believe him either after all of that. To Nate, it feels unfair. That they were subjected to Cal's mistakes and left to pick up the pieces while his dad gets to go off and live his life meanwhile they're all damaged. It's why he says he wants revenge. To him, Cal doesn't get to be happy while they're all miserable and so he turns his father in. Obviously, Nate's emotional about it. He too, wishes things could've been different but since they can't... this is his way of finally liberating himself from his father, the dark shadow he cast over Nate's life and everyone else's. This is Nate trying, imo, to break the cycle. Now will he be a bigger person? Idk, probably not. Those toxic traits don't just go away. However like Rue, I think this is Nate's turning point. This is his shot at redemption and we'll just have to see what he does with it.
In terms of Cal's arrest though... Idk what was on the usb. Nate says everything and Jules was the only one (we know of) that was underage so, it's unclear if there was a point to giving Jules the tape when another copy exists. As for the Maddy scene and traumatizing her for the disc back. I think regardless, Nate probably would've done that to prevent Maddy from being the one to out his dad. As nice of a moment as it would've been for Maddy to give the tape to Jules, for Nate's development... it had to work out that way. The symmetry of finding the tapes and Nate being the one to finally put this contest between him and his dad to rest is really interesting. I liked it. It is unfortunate though, how it had to happen.
Sadly, we didn't get much Maddy, Kat, Jules, Ethan, or Elliot this episode so I don't have much to say about them. (Maddy a little bit when I get to Cassie's part)
Lexi also experienced some growth this season and this episode. Not just with the play and taking control of the narrative through her eyes but her convo with Rue shed more light onto how Lexi copes with her father leaving. How, she feels like she has to step up and be the responsible one because that's just who she is despite being the youngest and the one that should be protected by her mom and her older sister. It's nice to see Lexi come into herself and find a voice and an outlet for her feelings since too often being quiet means she's overlooked and her feelings aren't as valid when they are.
She didn't have to do Cassie like that tho lol. Not with the carousel scene. Like there's a lot of elements in the play that weren't necessary and did seem like digs towards Cassie. Especially when Cassie is already going through it and suicidal. One thing I didn't like about that whole ordeal is that no one took her seriously. Cassie was really about to stab herself with a corkscrew and people just shrugged it off and laughed about it. It's kinda gross imo. That's not something that should be treated lightly or glossed over. If someone you love is expressing those kind of erratic behaviors and stuff, get them help! My god.
That aside.... in terms of Cassie, I kind of wished after the blowout with Maddy we would've gotten a bit more from her. I was hoping for Cassie to show some remorse. She seemed more concerned with Nate breaking up with her than her long standing friendship with Maddy ending as they're both cut up and bleeding. It was very anti-climatic imo. I started doing a deeper dive into Cassie's psyche and she went through being sad/lonely/pathetic in s1 to full fledged villain/antagonist in s2. That transition sort of needed to happen for storytelling purposes. Cassie needs to spiral in order to find her redemption and resolution. I think what bothers people so much about her this season is... they think Cassie uses her daddy issues as an excuse for her behavior. When that's not the case. The fans might but, Cassie has never said "I did this because my dad left" she hasn't even acknowledged her trauma outright. She did a little bit when she squared off with Lexi saying that Lexi judges everyone but she hasn't lived. Cassie has put herself out there. She's been used, abused, manipulated, taken advantage of, been hurt, etc. And all of that and all of her insecurities were being mocked. Its very exposing. Sydney says that Cassie's super insecure. But people look at her and see a body or label her the "hot sister" and don't let her become anything but that. I think deep down Lexi and Cassie admire and wish they had qualities of the other. Lexi wishes she was "hot" while still having all of her other qualities and Cassie wishes she was respected and loved and accepted the way Lexi is now after the play. I think this is common between siblings and teenage girls in general. You always tend to compare yourself to others and want what qualities you seem to lack.
Cassie was wrong for hooking up with Nate the way that she did. Saying they weren't together isn't an excuse for her behavior either. I feel like more people would respect Cassie if she admitted she was wrong. She did betray Maddy by sneaking around with Nate behind her back. I feel like Maddy still would've been pissed but she seems more mad about the fact that Cassie did what she did and lied to her about it. Maddy gave Cassie a chance to come clean when Rue let it slip, and again after Cassie locked herself in the bathroom. Maddy never intended to get violent with Cassie. She only did after Cassie called her a cunt and kept on with that "they weren't together" excuse. Cassie's wrong, point blank. We can still root for her and love her and acknowledge that. Sam makes a very good point at the end of the season saying that his only hope for viewers watching is for them to love and root for these characters despite their flaws and mistakes. Rue says it many times throughout the season, that people shouldn't be reduced to a mistake they'd made because it's not the mistake that makes or breaks a person, it's how they grow and learn from it and we have to give them the benefit of the doubt. We can like them and still not agree with the decisions they make.
I think thats a strong point for everyone this season. So many of the characters have done terrible things this season. But they aren't defined by that. And a lot of them are growing. While others were set back this season and have a longer way to go.
I'm sad about Ashtray and Fez. But, I get why Ashtray did what he did. I think he knew no matter what he wasn't getting out of this life alive. Fez, on the otherhand has hope for that. I knew it was going to happen and I'm still fucking upset about it.
0 notes
deadlyaffairs · 10 months
Bi reader! Can you please write about fezcos best friend (you) falling for someone but they already like someone. So you get kinda sad and he has like a talk with you.
You tried not to stare at Rue as she passed Fez’s shop on a bike with the new girl Jules. They were laughing and it made your chest tighten. You let out a shakey breath and stared at your shoes. But that only made you clench your jaw as your eyes caught the art Rue mindlessly drew on your shoes when you two were hanging out before Jules showed up.
You felt and sounded like a petty friend, someone who was wounded. You were hurt more than you were jealous, to be replaced as a friend so thoughtlessly with no real hesitation. And there was mild shame in the fact that it also stung not being chosen. You have loved Rue for a while now, you think back to her first overdose.
You two were getting high, Fezco having given Rue some new drug that did get you high. However, unlike Rue you didn’t crave that kind of high.
“Hey you good?” Fezco’s warm, flatline voice rung out breaking you from the tiny prison your mind was creating.
“Yeah, yeah just feeling like I need a blunt” you say trying to cover the sadness with one of your famous smiles as you look up at with doe eyes. You never hid your emotions well even when you really wish you could.
It was your way of getting him to smoke you out without actually having to go through the trouble of paying. Even though both Fezco and you knew you’d eventually pay him back with some of your own flower. You were notorious for growing your own and but you didn’t sell. “You matching?”
“You know I got you Fez.” you two giggle, Fez looks down at his fingers. He wants to say something to you, but he also knows that there’s some shit that you can’t hear or don’t want to hear. But Fez also can see that you only hurt yourself in this relationship.
You look up at Fezco when he sighs, you can feel his brain tugging. “You can say whatever you’re trying to say. I can take it Fez.”
You know he can see how afraid you are, how much the words might actually break you. He looks away from you, choosing his next words carefully. “Jewel ain’t no competition, your head is making you smaller than you are. You are worth it.”
You let the words sink in, and for as much as stupid as Fezco was, he sure as hell was more emotionally intelligent than most people you knew. You smile at your friend. “Thanks Fezco. I love you man.” You two chuckle. He tsk’d “Man, fuck. You know I got you. Don’t get in your head too much.”
Author’s Note:
Hello! This was requested so, so, so, so, long ago. And I had only not posted this because I wasn’t sure I was finished. Rest in Power Angus.
I also do not know if I will continue to post more writings of my own. I hadn’t felt like writing full on stories in awhile, however, my soul is in pain and my heart is crying for the Palestinian people. I have felt so many emotions, especially guilt and shame. But seeing these resilient people, these faithful people still praying and giving thanks I can not allow myself to cave in on myself. They deserve so, so, so much more. The world is failing them. Do not come on here taking about, since I want Palestine liberation and BASIC NECESSITIES for these people, that I hate Jewish people or want the end of them. You sound fucking ridiculous. What I do hate is motherfuckers putting words in my mouth. End the illegal occupation, call for a ceasefire! #freePalestine
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eufezco · 2 years
Most of the time it was you talking about your day, gossiping with him about something you've heard in high school, or you talking about some random thought you needed to share with Fezco, and he just listened to you. Because you were the only person besides his brother he didn't mind being around. The tight hug you always give him when he opens the door, the enthusiasm in your voice when you are about to tell him something and how your eyes sparkle when you know you are being listened.
Sometimes he only hummed or added monosyllables to your ted talk letting you know that although he wasn't saying anything else, he was listening to you. He'd let you talk for hours, about any topic you wanted, everything you had to say was interesting enough for him to pay attention and look at you in awe, admiring your passion when you talked about something you really liked. But he also loved debating with you, getting on your nerves and taking you to the contrary because he knew how much you loved being right. Nevertheless, when Fezco took seriously your debates, you loved listening to his opinion. He was a bright boy and had so much to offer. Your conversations touched all the topics that would make people start wars such as religion, politics, economics, guns, drugs... But with Fezco you felt like your opinion on this issues mattered.
"That's exactly what I'm saying." You felt relived when someone shared your point of view. Glad that person was Fez. "Wait, have I told you about Maddy and Cassie?" Fezco shook his head. He was sitting in a chair next to his grandma's bed as he washed her body up using a sponge and a bucket with water. You noticed how careful and delicate his movements were and you offered your help a couple of times, you really didn't mind helping, but Fezco reassured you that it was okay. It wasn't an uncomfortable situation for him nor you, he was more than aware he could do this thing in front of you and you wouldn't run away in panic. You told him everything you knew about what has been going on with Cassie and Nate, how you and Rue caught Cassie getting into Nate's car. "I don't think Maddy suspects anything but I feel like I should tell her." Fezco told you what you needed to hear. He gave you the best advice and you nodded keeping all of them in your mind. You giggled when he called Nate everything but his name, Fez did really hate him. The doorbell rang. "Dinner's here." You announced and approached Fez before going to open the door. You kissed his cheek. "Make sure it's dinner before you open." Fez wasn't expecting anything business-related today but anyways. You nodded and went to the door.
Fez finished washing his grandma up before joining you and Ash in the living room. "Shit grandma... you would've loved her."
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rueanaddict · 3 years
He knows he fucked up (part 2)
premise: reader gets into an argue with elliot. it turns out that he has betrayed the reader with jules
pairing: elliot x f!reader /one shot/
warnings: swearing
word count: 1432
Part 1
English it’s not my first language so if there are any mistakes here I’m so sorry.
hope you’ll enjoy it :)  
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You cried as you walked on. You were broken. Why did he do this to you? He didn't love you anymore? You weren't enough for him? Did you do something wrong? Why would he choose Jules and not you? At all costs you wanted to know what the reasons for his actions were, but on the other hand you were afraid of what you might hear. Even if you were pissed off at Elliot, you still loved him. Even though he hurt you in the worst way he could, you still wanted to be with him. You were addicted to this man. But now Rue was the most important thing. You had to overcome the fact that your head was a walking mess and focus on finding your friend.
3 hours later
You felt like you were everywhere. You went to strategic places where Rue would go in case of trouble but you didn’t find her. You were terribly tired of all this. You decided to go to your favorite creperie to get some rest. When you entered there, you felt safe and comfortable. You loved the atmosphere there. Peace of mind is all you needed right now. You started walking along the tables to your favorite spot but it was busy. You immediately recognized the person who was there.
-’’Look who the cat dragged in.’’- your friend Ali said with that sly smile on his face.
-’’Yeah, yeah I get it old man.’’
-’’Ay no exaggeration kid.’’
You sat down in front of Ali avoiding eye contact and it was a mistake because he noticed immediately that something was wrong.
-’’Okay c'mon kid tell me what hapennd.’’
-’’Nothing happened. What do you mean?’’- you looked up and answered.
-’’You know you won't lie to me."- he replied.
-’’Fuck off dude. I don’t need a lecture from you right now.”
-’’Fuck off? Excuse me?’’
-’’Shit sorry man.”
-’’{your name} I know you. You need to talk. So let's talk.’’
-’’Alright, so it's about Elliot.’’
-’’Damn, are you still with him?’’
-’’Yeah I think so...’’- you said sadly.
-’’But do you still want to be with him?’’- there was silence. You had no idea what to say. You loved Elliot and wanted to be with him, but you couldn't stand the thought of him hurting you again.
-’’Umm kinda.’’- you said questioningly.
-’’So you love him?”
-’’Are you fucking with me right now?’’- you laughed lightly at those words.
-’’No... I just feel bad, cause the person I care about and who is everything to me fucking betrayed me, you know.’’- tears started to run down your cheeks.
-’’Did you talk to him about this?’’
-’’not really’’
-’’You mean?’’
-’’I just yelled at him and he started to say how much he loves me and stuff...the fact that I feel like I could forgive him scares me the most, because I'm afraid he'll do it to me again.’’
-’’So you don't trust him?’’
-’’You can say that...’’- you weren't sure of your words. You weren't sure of anything. You didn't know what to think or what to do.
-‘’Ali, what would you do in my place?’’
-’’I sincerely believe that relationships are built on trust. If he cheated on you, I wouldn't get into this shit again.’’
-’’What if you can't live without someone?’’
-’’Ohh c'mon that's bullshit.’’
-’’People tell themselves that their life depends on the other person because they want to feel important and loved.’’
-’’Ain't that the point?’’
-’’You can't make your life depend on someone. People are shit and they can leave at any time. They promise you will be together forever, you plan a future together and when you need them the most, they leave you.’’- you just cried listening to Ali. His words hurt but unfortunately they were true.
-’’Nothing lasts forever. You have to understand that.’’
You looked sadly at the window. It was already dark outside. You talked for a while longer with your friend. It didn't take long for him to notice you were tired.
-’’Let me give you a ride home.’’
-’’There is no need.’’- you got up from your seat.- ‘’I can handle it.’’
-’’Don’t lie to me.’’
The way home was silent. "Will you drop me off at Elliot's house?"- you asked  hesitantly.
-’’Are you sure?’’
-’’Yeah, i think so...’’
After a few minutes you were in front of the curly boy's house. You got out of the car.
-’’What you want to do?’’
-’’I don’t know yet.”- Ali just nodded at your reply.
-’’later”- you said.
You were walking towards the entrance, but you stopped for a second. You were still worried about Rue but at this moment there was no chance of finding her. You looked up.- "Please God don't let her die today."
You walked to the door and knocked. 
nobody answered...
You knocked again.
still silence...
You pulled the handle. The door was open which was weird because Elliot always locked the door. You ignored it and started walking towards his room. You don't hide that you were fucking stressed out. You didn't even know exactly what you wanted to do and then you saw Elliot. He was... sleeping? You walked over to the bed and lay down gently next to him. You began to watch closely and remember his features. He looked so innocent while he was sleeping. You could watch him for hours. How could such an adorable and sweet creature do something so terrible to you? You admired at the innocent Elliot for a moment longer. You didn't want to wake him up, but you couldn't resist cuddle gently against his chest. His smell, touch and warmth are all you needed now. Elliot opened his eyes and didn't know what was happening. When he saw you in his arms, his heart started to beat faster.
-’’{your name}’’- he said very softly.
-’’shhh”- now you just wanted to fall asleep and forget about everything.
-’’You have to know that I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry. I don’t deserve you. You're the only person in the world I care about. I promise I’ll change...”
-’’Elly just shut the fuck up I wanna sleep.’’- you said quietly.
-’’No {your name}. I acted terrible to you. Let me fix it now. I love you and want to be with you. I can't do without you. I know I'm a piece of shit but please try to forgive me.”
-’’No, you’re not.”
-’’What? What are you talking about?’’
-’’I admit you made a huge mistake. You hurt me. It'll probably take a long time to sort things out, and it's your fault. And yes, I suffer. But I realized that the greater suffering for me would be my life without you.’’- you looked him in the eyes. You saw a few tears on his cheeks.
-’’You're too good for me.”
-’’I know.’’- you smiled.
-’’Can I hug you?’’- his voice was breaking.
-’’You don't have to ask.’’
Elliot moved closer and put his arms around you. You nestled your head against his neck. After a while you got closer to his shoulder and bit him.
-’’Au!’’- he said through a laugh.
-’’You deserved it’’- you said, looking into his eyes.
-’’And you deserve it’’- he said still keeping eye contact. He hovered over your body and began to give quick kisses all over your face, your shoulders and your entire body. You just laughed a little at him. When he was done he moved closer to your face and kissed you gently on the lips. You kissed him back. You stepped away from each other to catch your breath.
-’’You are everything to me. I love you.’’
-’’I love you too, but...”
-’’but?’’- he asked anxiously.
-’’But please... promise me you'll never hurt me like this again.’’
-’’I promise.’’- he said and kissed you passionately.
You were still mad at him but you knew it wouldn't be for long. That was Elliot's charm. Whatever he did, you would forgive him. You didn't know what was going to happen with Rue and Jules now, but you hope everything will be fine.
Right now, you didn't want anything more than to fall asleep in the arms of the person you love.
-"Goodnight my love.’’- he whispered.
A/N: thank you so much for your activity in the last post   🖤 
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amistytown · 3 years
The Brothers Comfort a Bullied MC
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I started writing this thinking it would be something short and sweet I could finish in a day, and then it turned into this. MC remains gender neutral, and I currently don’t write for the dateables, but when I do I could always write a part II if people are interested. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it, anon, and thank you for the request! As always, I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors that may have gone unnoticed. Trigger warning for mentions of blood, violence, and physical and emotional bullying. Thank you to those who take the time to read my work; it’s greatly appreciated!
Immediately notices you’re quieter than usual, face sullen and void of the beautiful smile Lucifer has grown accustomed to. He’s determined to figure out what’s troubling you, undeniably concerned for your wellbeing; you’re the exchange student, though, more importantly, you’re his human, and your happiness is his own. That night he calls you to his study, always willing to make time in his busy schedule to accommodate you, especially when his human is in need. Your eyes are dark and swollen, and your head is bowed as you enter; you look exceptionally fragile, his heart aching at the sight. Behind closed doors he doesn’t hesitate to pull you into his embrace, pressing a light kiss to your forehead while he runs his fingers through your hair; he can feel you relax against him, hands twisting in his shirt as you bury your face in his chest.
Bursting into tears, you cry in his arms, and he holds you close, gaze soft as he consoles you, gently rubbing your back and whispering words of comfort. You’re his priority, his pride and joy, and he won’t rest until he knows you’re okay, wanting to soothe your aching heart. Flames dance in the fireplace, casting the room in their golden glow and emanating a heat that dries your tears and warms you both body and soul. Lucifer cradles you to him in one of the chairs situated before the hearth, watching over you as you curl up in his lap. Patiently he waits for you to speak what’s on your mind, unburdening yourself of your worries, his anger quiet and cold once he learns of the demons tormenting you. They are foolish to bully the one he loves, and to do so on school grounds; they will certainly be punished for their crimes—he will see to it personally.
Lucifer reassures you will no longer endure such harassment, encouraging you to confide in him; there’s little you can do or say to bother the Avatar of Pride, and he wants to help when able, providing his undying support. Your mood lifts significantly, and his heart swells as you cup his cheeks to draw him into a kiss, your lips smiling against his and sweetening the moment. He won’t allow you to leave his side the remainder of the night, and you’re eager to remain in his company, lounging in his study while you wait for him to finish his work. Though his focus is elsewhere, and he decides to turn in early, carrying you to his room where he tucks you in, hugging you to him beneath the blankets. The next morning, he excuses you from your duties, ordering a day of rest and relaxation; you deserve it, after all.
The Avatar of Greed is attending class when he overhears a low-level demon taunting you, throwing insult after insult while you try to focus on your studies; though the longer you ignore them, the more they push back, your face falling as their words leave their mark on your heart. Mammon’s blood is boiling, and he’s out of his seat, towering over the demon in an instant, a hand wrapped around their throat. Lucifer intervenes, putting an end to the chaos, but Mammon is unapologetic, his elder brother’s lecturing doing little to quell the fire still raging beneath the surface. He’s your protector, and he won’t hesitate to defend you—the consequences be damned.
To say he’s worried about you is an understatement, he refuses to leave your side, determined to protect you at all costs. A lowly demon is harassing you? The Great Mammon will deal with them personally, and once he’s finished, they won’t think twice about hurting his human. He loves you, although it’s difficult for him to admit at times, but you’re his world, and he hates to see you upset. Words do hurt, he knows all too well, so he’ll show you how loved you are by holding your hand and pulling you into his warm embrace, allowing you to cry on his shoulder—anything for you. Your tears wet his jacket, body shaking as you sob, finally breaking down from days of bullying. He wishes he noticed sooner, but he’s here now and will take care of you.
As soon as school is over for the day, he’ll make certain you’re comfortable and help you unwind in the peace and quiet of your room; tell him what you want and it’s yours, no questions asked. He’ll order your favorite food, which you enjoy while watching a movie, finding solace in one another’s presence. When you smile for the first time that day he’s elated, appreciating how beautiful you are—heart, body, and soul—if anyone deserves happiness, it’s you. His arms encircle your waist, drawing you close, and you kiss his cheek in thanks before resting your head on his chest. The soft touch of your lips renders him speechless, his heart pounding as he breathes in your scent, sweet and heavenly. Once he composes himself, he returns the kiss with fervor, promising to always protect you.
The downside to attending class online is he can’t see you throughout the day. After school he makes sure the two of you have plans, whether it’s playing videos games, watching anime, or simply enjoying each other’s company. He’s devastated when you cancel on him, but more concerned you’re feeling unwell; humans are fragile creatures, and he needs to take care of his Henry. Of course, those self-deprecating thoughts linger at the back of his mind, telling him you cancelled on purpose—who wants to waste their time on a gross otaku like him? However, he collects himself, dismissing them for your sake, and knocks on your bedroom door with trembling hands.
Light cascades from your room into the hall, his eyes widening when they meet yours, your gaze glassy and cheeks stained by your tears. For a moment he wonders if he is to blame, trying to recall everything he said and did since breakfast, to find an answer, only to confuse himself further. Yet you smile at him, anchoring him to reality, and he hates how it fails to reach your eyes. He can’t help enveloping you in his arms, forgetting how to breathe now that you’re so close, and he’s certain his heart is about to break as you begin to sob into his chest, clinging to him in desperation. Your cries hurt him dearly, and he wants to cry himself seeing you upset, but refrains, staying by your side to offer what support he can give.
In the privacy of his room, he’s extra attentive, hesitant but soft touches and worried glances in your direction while he wraps you up in his blankets, even allowing you to hold his Ruri-chan pillow for comfort. The tub is snug with the both of you inside, his face red and burning, though he’s glad you look much happier, safe and warm in his embrace. He puts on a lighthearted anime hoping it’ll lift your spirits further, the laugh that escapes you music to his ears. The episode ends, and you finally tell him the cause of your pain, opening your heart to him, his hold tightening when tears gather in your eyes once again. His insecurities are now forgotten, replaced by a wave of anger that consumes him, and he fights to keep his demonic aura at bay. A lowly demon dares to hurt you? He’ll make them rue the day they decided to torment his player 2. Until then he’ll let you know exactly how special you are, indulging you the rest of the night.
Satan is browsing the books in the RAD library when the comfortable silence is unceremoniously shattered, dissolving into chaos in a matter of seconds. Angry shouts reverberate off the walls, forcing their way beneath his skin—warm, uncomfortable, yet addicting—setting him alight. He can feel the intensity of every word, his heart pounding, pulsing in his ears with each syllable, the Avatar of Wrath unable to deny he appreciates the beauty of the heated exchange unfolding before him. Although he considers himself a demon of knowledge, making a name for himself in the Devildom for his intellect and held to high standards, he’s not impervious to his sin. He’s irritated, his concentration lost, but a part of him enjoys the pandemonium, wanting to tempt them further into madness. A scream interrupts his thoughts, a pitiful sound, and his blood runs cold. He knows you, your voice, and to hear you cry out is enough to break his resolve.
A hand firmly closes around your throat, blood welling beneath clawed fingers, as you’re forced into a corner. The panic in your eyes fills him with an uncontrollable rage, and he yearns to rip the heart from the demon who threatens you, the very person he holds dear to his own. Wrath overpowers all rationale, and he doesn’t mind, your life greater than the image he’s meticulously cultivated over centuries. He lunges at the demon without warning, grip bruising as he wrenches them away and drives them into the nearest bookshelf, watching it topple over in a cloud of dust and debris. An eerie hush falls over the library, curious gazes on the fourth born, but he’s indifferent, dragging the wretched creature from the wreckage; a grin spreading across his face at their desperate pleas—they only fuel the fire raging within. However, their life is spared due to Lucifer’s interference; Satan’s sure he’s instilled enough fear in the demon’s mind to last an eternity.
The resulting lecture from Lucifer leaves Satan with a headache. He’s unrepentant, his wrath reduced to an ember, but it still smolders, hot and heavy in his chest. When he enters the House of Lamentation, he finds you waiting to throw your arms around him, and despite his anger, he melts against you, calmed by your presence—so sweet and inviting he could lose himself in your very embrace. You’re his saving grace, and he’ll protect you as fiercely as he loves you, hating to see you scared and vulnerable, especially at the mercy of another. Even now he can see the remnants of fear and taste the salt of your tears as he kisses your cheek, fingers ghosting over the dark bruises on your neck. There’s a twinge of anger, but also dread knowing another hurt you and how quickly they could have taken you from him. The familiar smell of books is soothing, the large stacks scattered about his room bathed in moonlight. You’re curled up in his bed, listening to him read aloud with your head on his shoulder, his free hand stroking idly through your hair. At that moment, you look content, smiling at him, and he can’t help leaning over to capture your lips in a kiss, glad he can bring you comfort during the darkest of nights.
After school, Asmodeus sees the exhaustion in your eyes and the lack of color in your face, your natural glow seeming to fade throughout the day. Avoiding his gaze, you wilt in his arms when he pulls you into his embrace, his heart aching with desire when you are resistant to his charms. You don’t look at him in adoration or hug him back as tightly, basking in his beauty and praising him while he kisses your loving smile from your lips. Instead, you stare at the ground, body tensing when he cups your cheek, and although you lean into his touch, tears spring forth, hot beneath his fingertips. He can hardly stomach seeing you so distraught, his darling human, helplessly watching you fall to pieces in front of him.
The halls are silent aside from your sobs as you cry into his shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck while he carries you up the stairs to his room, whispering words of love and comfort in the hope they’ll soothe the pain that bleeds to the very depths of your soul. He’s grateful you allow him to hold and console you, trusting him to care for you in a moment of vulnerability, clinging to him without fear and seeking out all he’s able to offer. Your tears stain his blouse, and his makeup is mussed, yet he pays no mind, rocking and hushing you until you’re unable to shed another, chest heaving with each strangled breath that escapes you. Placing a tender kiss on your forehead, he hums sweetly, angelic voice lulling you to sleep. He watches over you after tucking you into his bed, affectionately stroking your face. For now, you rest your weary head, and once you awake, he’ll figure out what’s troubling his poor human, hoping he can put your mind at ease.
Dinner is your responsibility tonight, but Asmodeus doesn’t dare wake you, stepping in on your behalf. His brothers are well fed, and he makes sure to prepare an extravagant meal for his love, happy to serve you in the comfort of his bed. In fact, he feeds you himself, and you laugh as he cheerily extends a spoonful in your direction, blessing him with your beautiful smile for the first time that day. Beneath the silken sheets, he lays beside you, and you curl around him, glancing at him shyly before thanking him with a light but sweet kiss he savors long after you’ve parted. Yet you still look pained, and he encourages you to confide in him, cradling your head to his chest. Your voice is strained, barely above a whisper, but he hears every word, blinking tears from his own eyes. How long did you endure such harassment at the hands of those demons—on RAD grounds no less—suffering all on your lonesome. He’s appalled, wishing he could have protected you and sad he could not, however, he’ll make it up to you; anyone who hurts you is better off dead anyway. From here on out, he’ll take greater care of his human, keeping you safe in his arms.
Finally, lunchtime! Beelzebub is weighing his options as he makes a beeline for the cafeteria, the rumble of his stomach echoing loudly in the halls. Though all thoughts of food vanish when he turns the corner to find you on the ground, a group of low-level demons looming over your trembling form. They flee the second they notice the Avatar of Gluttony, reeking of fear. He considers following them, goaded by his anger, which rages within, hot and intense, pulling a feral growl from his throat. However, the sound of your cries reaches his ears, a somber melody that brings him to his knees. He kneels beside you, brows knit in concern, and gently wipes your tears away before catching you as you throw yourself into his embrace. The rest of the world no longer matters, only his human while he holds you in the now empty corridor, heart unbearably heavy.
Carefully, he lifts you off the floor into his arms, mindful of his strength as his holds you, your body feeling soft and warm and awfully fragile under his touch. Yet you lean against him, sighing into his shoulder and seeking comfort from him—a large, scary demon, one of the most powerful in the Devildom. He’s glad he’s able to protect you, but there are times he worries you’ll look at him differently, your eyes wide with worry like the demons’ who ran at the mere sight of him. Your gaze is loving, and you snuggle closer, thanking him; he feels a little lighter knowing you’re safe, and that you trust him to take care of you. The palms of your hands are scraped, blood drying to your skin—a reminder of what those demons did to you—and he presses a kiss to your fingers, vowing to teach them a lesson they surely won’t forget.
The emptiness of his stomach is agonizing, a pain that runs deep, but he desperately wants to stay with you, comforting his sweet human who needs him now more than ever. He’ll gladly miss lunch for you, putting you above his sin despite the influence it holds over him, and tending to your injuries. The school day passes by slowly, however, he keeps a watchful eye on you, your smile filling him with a happiness that helps him through the last of his classes. Afterwards, he offers to bring you to your favorite bakery; food always manages to cheer him up, and he thinks you deserve a treat. On the way home with bags of decadent desserts and pastries, he hums, reaching for your hand, which fits so perfectly in his own. Again, you smile at him, and he’s glad he’s found a place by your side, brightening your day and you his.
The Avatar of Sloth awakes from a dreamless sleep, hating how cold and empty his bed feels without you beside him. In a daze, he wanders into the hall—pillow in hand—the thought of holding you tightly against him, soaking up your warmth, tempting him down the stairs. Most nights he finds himself sneaking into your room and slipping into your bed, your body seeking his out in the darkness and welcoming him into your embrace. He’s thankful you’ve allowed him into your heart, Belphegor cherishing the intimacy between you, a love he once considered a mere fantasy. Though he pauses outside your door with bated breath, listening to the melancholy rise and fall of the cries echoing in the corridor—your cries. 
Throwing the door open, he peers into the darkness to find you huddled beneath your blankets, eyes wet with tears as you glance up at him, clearly startled. Adrenaline rushes through his veins, hands shaking, and he swallows against the panic, slightly reassured you’re safe in bed, but the miserable look on your face is more than he can bear. You whisper his name, voice rough and shaky, your pain tangible. The mattress dips beneath him, and he pulls you into his lap, cradling you to him. His gentle gaze sweeps over you—his human who deserves all the love in the three realms—and he kisses your tears away, wishing to free you of your burdens. Sleep can wait. You’re far too precious to him, and he’ll do anything to see you smile again, helping you piece your heart back together even if it takes the rest of the night.
Time is endless with you in his arms, your cries fading into quiet sobs as you lean into his touch, relaxing under the loving caress of his hand on your cheek. You regard him hesitantly, unspoken words on the tip of your tongue, and he’s nothing but encouraging as he kisses your forehead down to the tip of your nose, earning him a small yet beautiful smile that vanishes all too soon. Belphegor is eerily quiet while he listens to you, sad you felt the need to keep this a secret—alone with your worries—angry at himself for not noticing sooner, and livid at the demons who foolishly hurt you, instilling you with such fear you dreaded school each morning; they’ll regret laying a finger on his human, and he knows he’ll enjoy their agonized screams when he gets his hands on them. Until then, he promises to love and protect you, watching over you as you fall into a peaceful sleep at his side.
Tag list: @luminari-mc​ @yukihaie​
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sunasrintarhoe · 2 years
For All the Nights I Lost to You p.t. 7
pairing: elliot x reader
warnings: talks about sex, infidelity, slut shaming
a/n: this is more of a filler chapter considering how short it is, but i wanted to get something out before school starts up again. i appreciate the support and love that you guys give this story, but please be mindful when you ask about updates. i am in my last year of college so i’m extra busy right now. i don’t mind kind questions about updates, but it makes me not want to update when people are rude. anyways i hope you enjoy this chapter!
word count: 1773 :((
Part 6 | Part 7
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I don’t own this gif
“-and that is why he is one of the most prolific writers in history.” Everyone clapped for your classmate as she sat back down. Not you though.
You couldn’t stop thinking of Friday night.
The feeling of Elliot’s hands, rough and calloused from playing his guitar, gliding down your body. Goosebumps left in their wake. The taste of his lips against yours. The sound of his moans as he thrusted his hard, throbbing c-
“Y/N!” You flinched and focused your vision to see your teacher looking at you concerned. “Are you okay? I've been calling on you for the past three minutes.” You smiled sheepishly.
“I’m sorry… I’m just tired, I haven’t been sleeping well.” You weren’t lying. You hadn’t been sleeping well at home, but she didn’t need to know that your parents had been arguing in the kitchen every night for the past few days. The constant yelling and harsh words kept you up way past midnight.
Usually the arguments were about money. How your dad was spending too much money on you, how you needed a job because the amount of money you required was getting to be too much, how the grocery bill was too high because you ate too much. Then they’d move on to house work. How your dad never made you do chores, how your room was always dirty, how you refused to clean up after yourself. Then, if you were lucky, your mom would leave, slamming the door behind her as she paced off to her car.
But if not, they’d move onto the next topic… You.
She’d scream about how you were taking up too much space, but she’d also be upset about you never being home or talking to her. “She lives here for free and she’s ungrateful!” or “She’s probably fucking that boy or that girl or that dumb fucking-“ She’d call Jules a slur.
More than once you wanted to go down there and make her apologize. Especially when your dad would trudge back upstairs into his bedroom, only to sob as soon as the door closed. It hurt you to hear him cry. To know that this was only happening because you existed.
The bell rang, signaling the end of period. You got up with a soft sigh and made your way out of class. You could feel people staring as you walked to your locker. It made you uncomfortable because you had no idea why.
When you would ask Elliot, he would just shrug and say something flirty that would convince you to let him eat you out in the girls‘ bathroom.
You knew something was up, no one had ever paid attention to you, but now it was like you’re the center of attention.
Right before you made it to your locker and spotted Rue talking to Lexi. You needed answers and if Elliot wasn’t gonna tell you, she was going to. You grabbed her arm and pulled her towards an empty classroom. “Wha- Wait! Where are we going?”
“We need to talk.”
She didn’t question you further and let herself be pulled in to the room.
“What is going on?” You asked firmly. Rue tried to play stupid. “I don’t know what your talking about…” She said sheepishly, she knew you would believe her. You groaned, “Everyone is fucking staring at me for no reason and my own boyfriend won’t tell me why and I know he knows something.”
Rue sputtered, “Wait. Boyfriend? When did that happen?” You looked at her confused.
“I thought- hmm.” You frowned. He hadn’t asked you out or said anything about your relationship. “I thought it was implied when we had sex…” You said quietly. The more you thought about it, the worse it got.
“Y/N… Sex is sex. You even said so yourself, sex doesn’t equal love…” You froze, you did say that.
But you thought Elliot viewed you the same way you viewed him. You thought it meant something to him. “I… I did say that… Fuck… I’m so stupid…” You wanted to cry, but you just face palmed.
“You know what, that’s not what I wanted to talk about… Why is everyone staring at me? I know you know something.” You put your hand down. Rue froze this time.
“I… I can’t tell you…” She said slowly. “Elliot said that it would be better if we let it blow over before we tell you…”
“What?… Are you fucking serious?” You were confused. “People are staring at me like I’m some freak show and you don’t want to tell me why.”
Rue just sighed, “No one’s staring at you like that. It’s just drama. You wouldn’t even want to know about it.”
You groaned and turned around, “If you’re not gonna tell me, don’t talk to me at all.” You told her while walking to the door, you stopped right before touching the handle. “And tell Elliot that he can suck a fucking chode. I’m not letting him use me to get his rocks off anymore.”
You walked out the door, leaving Rue alone. “Fuck.”
“What?!” Elliot was- shocked? Angry? He didn’t really know. You thought he was using you? What the fuck?
“Yeah… She said, and I quote ‘tell Eliot that he can suck a fucking chode, I’m not letting him use me anymore.’ Which is honestly fucking ridiculous because wasn’t she doing the same thing to you?” Rue scoffed.
“Rue Rue, I’ve been initiating everything, She’s not using me…” Elliot face palmed and Rue looked at him wide eyed, mouth gaping. “Are you two are together? Like together together?”
Elliot furrowed his eyebrows, ”Yes…No… I don’t know. I honestly shouldn’t be all over her like I have been…” Rue wanted to scream. “Did you like ask her out?”
Elliot shook his head, “I thought it was implied… I didn’t think it was necessary. She never said anything, but now that I’m thinking about it she never said we were together either.” Rue groaned loudly, “It wasn’t! It’s never implied!”
Elliot groaned this time. “I guess… We’re not together. It was just sex…” He paused.
“I gotta talk to her.” “No, stop. She’s not ignoring you because of that… She wants to know why everyone is staring at her…” Rue grabbed his arm.
He sighed, “I can’t tell her yet. I have to fix it first.”
“You know Maddy will never believe you… She just sees you as that junkie that broke me and Jules up… You need to tell Y/N.”
“So this has to do with Maddy.”
Both Rue and Elliot jumped and turned around slowly. “How long have you been standing there?” Rue asked nervously and you gave her a fake smile. “Long enough. I was coming to apologize because I overreacted, but I heard you talking about me.”
“Fuck…” Elliot swore under his breath. “It’s nothing. Someone told Maddy that you and Nate were all over each other and theremayormaynotbeavideoofyouandNatealmostmakingoutgoingaroundtheschool…” Elliot blurted, he wasn’t intending to tell you, but looking at your upset face made him crack.
You gawked at him. You could feel tears well up in your eyes. “Is that why everyone keeps pointing at me and whispering? Because they think I was fucking Nate Jacobs?”
You hated the thought, Nate was a dick and quite frankly was sort of lacking in the department. Maybe you deserved it though. You were acting like a slut.
“This is just… great… I’m going to class…” You moved to walk away and Elliot reached out for you and you stopped. “Let’s walk together, I’m going that way anyways.”
You gave him a small smile. “Nah, I think it’s better if we stop walking together, don’t want people to get the wrong idea…” Elliot frowned, “What are you talking about?” You shrugged.
“We don’t want people to think we’re together right? I mean it was just sex.”
You didn’t wait for a response and walked away, leaving Elliot to watch you walk away.
“She heard me, didn’t she?” Rue stepped up beside him, ”She definitely heard you…”
“Fuck me.”
You were crying.
You didn’t know why you were crying. You said so yourself that sex can be meaningless, so why did it hurt so bad to hear him say that?
No matter how hard you tried, the tears wouldn’t stop. Your head was hurting, but your chest was hurting even worse.
You walked past your class and into the restroom to lock yourself in a stall.
Did it really not mean anything to him? Did he not want to be with you like you wanted to be with him?
You picked up your phone to call your dad.
The phone rang once before he picked up. “Hey sweetie, I’m just now headed into a meeting, what’s up?” Your dad answered cheerfully, but quickly switched his tone when he heard your shaky breaths and sniffling. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“I-I need you to come pick me up, dad, please…” You tried your best to keep yourself from crying. He sighed, “I can’t, I’m literally walking into a meeting, I’m so sorry, baby… Call your mom, I’m sure she’d be happy to do it.” This made you sob.
She hated you with a passion. She wouldn’t do it. “Dad, please, you know she hates me, she won’t do it.”
Your dad sighed again. “All you can do is try… If she doesn’t do it, I’ll go right after my meeting to pick you up, okay?” You shakily agreed and said your goodbyes before looking for your mom’s contact.
You felt almost scared to call her. What if she didn’t pick up? You had to try.
Pressing the call button and holding the phone to your ear felt like running a marathon.
The phone rang a couple of times before the call connected. You could hear heaving breathing on the other side. What the fuck?
You stayed quiet for a bit before hearing a loud moan and skin slapping. Holy shit, was she cheating on your dad?
You moved your phone from your ear and began screen recording the call. The noises were loud enough that you could still hear them even without the phone on speaker.
You felt like throwing up. In a way, your dad deserved it, he did the same to her… Your thoughts were cut off by another loud moan.
“Oh my god! You’re so big! Fuck, Nate!”
Your eyes widened. Nate? Nate Jacobs?
“Fuck, You’re so fucking tight.” He groaned. Yup that was definitely Nate Jacobs.
You hung up the phone and ended the recording. What the fuck were you gonna do?
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oddsunnywoo · 3 years
Party Meeting- Fezco x fem!reader
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So, this is my fist time writing, I'm so sorry about my english, its not my first language
Italic>>> Rue narration
Y/n is a normal girl, she doesn't have a bad relationship with her mother, she likes to go to parties and also, stay at home, she has some friends,she is not 100% happy, but she isn't sad at the point to try to kill herself, never had problems with the guys or girls she ever dated, well, not until Nate Jacobs.
They are not like, dating or something, they are just having sex sometimes, but nothing serious.
- I don't understand how you can kiss him, he is so gross- Lexi was looking at me with a confusing look before turn her look to the street - Like, he is not in a relationship with Maddy?
-They are not like, dating, they are just hang out, I think.
-Well, I don't care what they are, but, you know that they will be there, like a couple, right?
-Yeah, but, actually I not sure what I feel about Nate, so this night, i don't care about he or Maddy- I say while a saw McKay's house getting closer.
Lexi stopped the car next to a group of boys that was in the football time with Nate.
-Look y/n, I just want you to be with someone that really loves you, you know a care about you- She says with a smile that I know is truly.
-I know Lexi and I love you for that- I give her a smile.
When we enter the house all that I could see was a lot of familiar faces, a lot of couples almost getting naked in front of everyone and A LOT of drugs, so, that was a normal party here.
-Look, I will try to find Rue, so, I see you- Lexi said while was waving for me and leaving me alone.
I was in the way to the kitchen just to look for something to drink when I could see Nate running to the pool, look like he was going to fight with someone there, he was with a really mad face, I've seen a lot of that face.
I start to drink a lot until the moment that I needed to sit or I will faded in front of all that people. I see an old sofa and that was my safe place at the moment, i sit there felling that my head would explode any moment.
-Hey, are you one of Rue's friends right?- I hear a slow voice talking to me, I look to my left and see a guy with a red beard and green sweater look at me.
-Do I know you?
-I'm Fezco- he raised his hand to me, a look at his face before take the hand to greet him back.
-You are the boy that works in the grocery store right? In the gas station?- I looked at him with a confusion face.
-Yeah, that's me, I still don't know your name
-I'm y/n
-Y/n? That's a really good name, I like it- he said with a dumb smile, looks like he's high.
-Are you high?-I said with a pity voice.
-Are you drunk?- He ask me.
-A little bit, I just drunk enough to forget about somethings and be happy- While I was talking, I could hear a lot of screams coming for the pool are- what the fuck is that?
-Probably the playboy, Nate, this guy is so full of himself- I can se he rolling his eyes.
-Don't say that about him, his not that bad- I could feel a smile in my face, but not a good one.
-You are his friend?-Fezco asked me.
-I'm like, more than a friend, but I don't know for real- you could see the sadness in my face.
-It's like, complicated right? Cause his dating Maddy.
-Yeah, but I don't think a like him that much, is like, I like to be with him but- I hesitate, but I can see that Fezco really wants to know- not the way he treat me.
-If you don't like that, why you have a thing with him?- he looks really confuse.
-Because we like each other and sometimes we are in really good terms and happy- I smiled a little remembering this moments- and what if this the universe testing me? And see if I'm really there for our "relationship", I know this sound crazy- I looked back at him and can see that he is looking to a kid who makes a signal to him.
-Look- he came closer to me and pass his arms around me- I need to go now, but if that guy don't treat you like a princess, he is not the one, don't listen the universe, I know you for like what? 10 minutes? And I already can see how special you are- He gets up to leave- I really want you to see yourself, like, how I'm seeing you right now, bye Y/n, see you around.
While I was looking him leaving, I felt other smile growing in my face, but this time, a good one.
-Oh- He's turn his back to look at me, bending down e putting a arm in my side- Can I have your number?
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
who do you love [lexi howard]
lexi howard x reader
requested: Hiii! I just discovered your page while looking for Euphoria fics. I saw that you don’t have any Lexi Howard fics. Could I request a fic where Reader is partnered up with Cassie for a project or something and they meet Lexi and develops a crush on her, but Lexi is clueless and thinks reader has a thing for Cassie? Fluff please. Also your works are absolutely amazing!
a/n: italicized are rue's voiceover
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*not my gif*
Lexi has always lived in the shadows of her sister. Every guy or girl she liked just never fell for her. They always fell for her sister. Cassie was the one in the spotlight and Lexi was just the background character.
You sat there with your earbuds in as your teacher went on and on about some project you guys had to do. But again, you weren't exactly listening.
Until he came over and ripped your earbuds out of your ear. You looked up at him with innocent eyes, "Ms. Y/L/N, you're partnered with Ms. Howard. Hopefully, she'll be able to fill you in since you weren't paying attention,"
You sent him a small smile before trudging your way over to Cassie. You heard a lot of things about her, but you didn't really care what everyone thought around here. Most of them were assholes anyway.
"So were you paying attention to anything he was saying?" you asked as you plopped down into the seat next to her.
"Not a word, but my friend Kat heard all of it. If you want you can come over tonight, we can start working on it, getting it over with," she offered and you nodded. 
“Sounds great,”
You see this was the start of a beautiful friendship for Y/N and Cassie. They became as thick as thieves. Everyone thought that Y/N and Cassie would eventually get together, but the entire time Cassie was just trying to get her newly found best friend to admit feelings for her sister. 
And those feelings started, cheesy to say, but at first sight.
You knocked on the Howard’s door, bouncing on the balls of your feet. You didn’t really know how to feel, Cassie was popular and well you? Not so much.
The door swung open and you swore your jaw dropped all the way to the floor. You were met with the younger Howard sister. She was beautiful. Her beautiful brown hair fit perfectly with her fair skin.
“You must be Y/N?” she says, snapping you out of your daze.
“Yeah, that’s me. Hi, Lexi, right?” you asked, stepping into the house as she held the door open.
“Yeah. Cassie went out with Maddy, but she texted me and said she’s on her way back. You can come in, you don’t have to wait outside like a dog,” she joked and you laughed together softly.
The two of you sat together on the couch. Your eyes gazed to the TV to see her watching Crazy Rich Asians. One of your favorite movies of all time. The screen was showing the montage of Rachel trying on all the different dresses for the wedding.
“This movie is a masterpiece,” you tell her.
She nods, “This is my first time watching it and I’m completely sold,” 
“Oh, you haven’t even gotten to the best part yet. The wedding scene is-” you put your fingers to your lips and kiss them, “Chef’s kiss!” 
“Hmm, I’ll have to take your word for it,” she said.
You continued watching as the wedding scene started. Lexi’s eyes were glued to the TV, but yours kept drifting towards Lexi. The way she watched intently as Kina Grannis started singing “Can’t Help Falling In Love”.
The scene ends and she looks at you, tears boarded at her eyes, “Why am I going to cry?” she laughed.
“Because it’s one of the most beautiful scenes in history,” you told her. 
The two of you just stared at each other. Her doe brown eyes were captivating and you couldn’t help your eyes from drifting down to her lips. There was a moment where you thought she did the same thing. 
The door bust open filled with laughter and Cassie and Maddy’s eyes landed on the two of you, “Hey Y/N, sorry I’m late. I see my sister was able to keep you company,”
“Oh yeah, Lexi was great. It was nice meeting you, I’ll see you around,” you told her. 
You see, my best friend Lexi developed a crush on Y/N right after that. But despite me and Jules telling her constantly that she felt the same way, Lexi still thought that you fell for her blonde sister and not her. 
“Cassie! I am not telling your sister that I like her. She does not feel the same way that I do. I am not going to risk my friendship that I’ve built with her and you,” you told her as the two of you laid on the bed in her bedroom.
She looked at you with her blue eyes like you were on drugs, “Are you kidding me right now? You sound like you just bought something from Fez. I’ve never seen my sister look at anyone the way she looks at you. You need to stop being a fucking coward and just tell her how you feel,”
“Okay, what if she does want to be my girlfriend? What if something bad happens? I lose the both of you and I can’t do that. I don’t want you to choose between me and your own sister,” you whispered.
Your heads were slightly tilted towards each other as you just stared at her, “I think you need to take advice from your favorite movie: you’re not playing to win, you’re playing to not lose. So play to win. Don’t think about the what if’s and even if things go south with my sister, I found a sister in you. You’re not gonna lose me either,” she said, “You’re one of my favorite people in the entire world, possibly my favorite, don’t tell Maddy that though. I love you so much Y/N,”
Little did the two of you know that Lexi was at the door way. She didn’t hear anything besides that you’re Cassie’s favorite person and that she loves you. 
“Awww someone loves me,” you nudge her shoulder, “But I’m for sure going to tell Maddy that I’m your favorite person. She’ll have a field day with that one,”
She pushed your face away from her, “You will not! I’ll just tell Lexi myself then,” 
You gasped, “You wouldn’t dare!” 
“Then you do it!” she exclaimed. 
Lexi avoided Y/N after that day. She also avoided Cassie. The two girls didn’t know why the brunette Howard was avoiding them. All they knew was that she avoided them every chance that she got.
It broke Y/N’s heart. She was finally ready to tell Lexi how she felt. And now, she wants nothing to do with her. No more movie nights. No more random ice cream days. But rather, Y/N going over to visit Cassie and being disappointed when their mom would answer the door and not Lexi.
You finally caught up to her as she was trying to sprint past you in the hallway. You grabbed her wrist and she looked back at you. The first time actually seeing those beautiful eyes of hers in weeks.
“What did I do? I understand if you don’t want to talk to me. I understand if you don’t want to be my friend, but please just tell me what I did. That’s the least I deserve,” you whispered, your voice breaking at the thought of losing one of your best friends. 
She shook her head, “Nothing, you didn’t do anything,” 
“I obviously did something, you’re not talking to me!” you exclaimed. 
Lexi broke free of your grasp, “You don’t need me Y/N. You have my sister. Cassie always wins. She’s always been in the spotlight. She always gets the guys and girls. Everyone I’ve ever liked, she went for them. And she always wins. I just thought for once that I mattered. That for once, the person I fell in love with chose me, but I guess I was wrong,” 
She stormed away and you were left with your mouth agape. Everything she said twirling in your brain. You immediately told Cassie all of it and your brain worked together to try and figure out a way to win her back. Until it all finally clicked.
You stood outside in the backyard of the Howard’s house. A slip n slide was in the path leading to you, switch on candles. You sat on the opposite side with a guitar in your hand. Luckily, you can play. 
Singing on the other hand, well let’s just hope it goes well.
“Cassie, I already said I don’t want to talk to you! You can’t bribe me with Bob Ross tutorials!” Lexi’s voice echoed as she closed the backyard door. 
She spotted you sitting there and she was immediately about to go inside when you yelled out to her, “Lexi please! Just let me explain, it’ll take maybe three or four minutes of your time,” 
Lexi walked down the slip n slide, but not before falling on her butt and sliding towards you. You let out a roar of a laugh as she finally reached down to you. She tried hard to fight off a laugh and a smile, but you could see it faintly. 
When you finally came down from your high she looked at you with raised eyebrows, “Well, I’m waiting,” 
You started playing the guitar. The melody you learned just hours before playing from the guitar. You took in a deep breath as you started singing the infamous song that got you to fall in love with her in the first place. 
“So, take my hand, take my whole life too. For, I can’t help falling in love with you. For, I can’t help falling in love with you,” you finish the song.
The two of you look at each other as you place your guitar down next to you, “You do matter to me, Lexi. More than you know. I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you, but ever since the first night I met you I’ve always been in love with you,” 
“Cassie actually told me that I need to play to win. And if I had to slip on my ass a thousands times trying to set up this low budget recreation of the wedding scene in Crazy Rich Asians, I would. I did it because I need to win your heart, because Lexi, you already have mine,” 
A small smile breaks out onto her face as she closes the distance between the two of you. She kissed you ever so softly as you tasted the sweet taste of her lips. 
“And you have mine,” 
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