#i do love holst
reccord-raccoon · 1 year
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fire emblem siblings week 2023 day 1: challenge/clothes
here's to the Goneril siblings and their honorary brother Balthus who couldn't keep up with them if he tried
drabble under the cut!
"SAVE ME!" Hilda screamed as she ran across the glade. But the screams cascaded into giggles as her brother caught up to her.
"That's what you get for stealing my shirt!" Holst said, trying not to laugh as he grabbed her.
No matter how hard she tried Hilda could not wiggle out of his grasp. The years of age and actual training he had on her meant Hilda was officially doomed. So she did what any real Goneril warrior would do.
She pretended to faint.
It was far from the first time she'd done so.
"Hilda," Holst groaned, drawing out the word in exasperation.
"I'll save you, princess! I challenge you to a duel, villain!" Huffing and puffing behind them, Balthus leveled a stick at Holst.
One of Hilda's eyes peaked open. "Took you long enough, slow poke!"
"Hey it's not my fault you guys are so fast!"
"Well, I- whoa!" Holst dipped down, Hilda supported on one arm, and grabbed a stick from the grass.
"Your stinkin' sword is no match for my Fr- Fre-"
"Freikugel," whispered Hilda.
"For my Freikugel! Mwa ha ha!"
Balthus rushed them and Holst defended his limp, giggling sister to the best of his ability. But his best was not enough.
Crouching Balthus called, "Hilda!" and she sprung to life.
Running from Holst, she lept onto her rescuer's back. Who, to his credit, only stumbled for a moment before sprinting off.
"Hey!" Holst called after them, "give me my sister back!"
Hilda twisted and blew a raspberry back at him.
As was inevitable, Holst quickly caught up with them. The servant sent to bring them in for luncheon found them in a giggling pile, the boys clutching their sticks and Hilda grinning between them.
@fireemblemsiblingsweek ;)
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ashes-of-ailell · 1 year
hi everyone I've been playing hopes non-stop this past week. I have completed every route and am now playing lions again for funsies
with all of that said
god I love shez
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pegasusknightsonly · 1 year
i don't think we'll ever get another fódlan game and maybe that's for the best (they could never replace Billy Kametz, RIP) but i am so grateful that we got hopes because scarlet blaze Edelgard is so good and fixes everything that made me so uncomfortable about crimson flower (Byleth) but also she's there in her fun little miniskirt hanging out with notable alive girl Monica von Ochs and Hubert is committing romantic patricide to impress a boy with the help of his platonic best friend Shez and Petra gets to do something about Brigid's political situation and Bernadetta is so fucking good after how one note she was in houses and Caspar doesn't know how to pronounce the word "chapter" and of course Linhardt and Dorothea and Ferdinand are there too and throughout it all Edelgard is writing "Mr Claude von Hresvelg" in her diary with little hearts doodled around it and i love them. i love the bleagles. they're thriving
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Bad Feeling
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 3,570 Summary: The reader has a bad feeling about a hunt, the boys ignore it and she gets hurt. Trigger warning: swearing, mentions of blood and injury.
Masterlist A/N: Requests are open, please let me know what you think of this!
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I am awoken by a knock at my door, I open my eyes, squinting at the harsh light flowing through the window in my room. It takes me a second to understand where I am, the unfamiliar room catching me off guard, before I recognize it as the motel room I had crashed in late last night. 
“Who is it?” I call out, sleep hanging heavy in my voice. I sit up in the bed, throwing the sheets and blanket to the side. 
“Your favorite hunter.” The voice on the other side of the door calls back, I roll my eyes and cross the room to open the door to reveal a grinning Dean Winchester. 
“Oh, you’re not Bobby.” I say, a mischievous smile on my lips. Dean looks taken aback, his grin faltering slightly.
“Ouch, sweetheart, that was mean.” He says, developing a pouty expression. I step back and allow him to walk into the room, closing the door behind him.
“What do you need Dean?” I ask, a yawn forcing its way to fruition, I stretch, raising my arms up over my head and a slight groan escapes my lips. I shake my head, trying to shake off the fog that is left behind from the remnants of sleep.
“Wanted to see if you wanted to grab breakfast before we head off towards the next hunt. But now that I am here, it might be better if I bring you breakfast.” He says, his eyes crinkling from the smile forming on his face as he surveys the sleepy mess that I am currently. My hair is thrown up in the messiest of buns, strands hanging down around my face and shoulders, having come loose in my sleep. A large oversized shirt adorns my body, sleep shorts too short to be seen underneath. I roll my eyes and push him gently, he dramatically takes a few steps back, rubbing his arm where I had shoved him, acting as if I had severely hurt him.
“Yeah, we can go get breakfast, I just need a few to shower and get dressed. Where’s Sam?” I ask, walking to my duffle bag and pulling out a change of clothes.
“He’s out already, went to the local library to dig for some death records.” Dean says, sighing loudly at the prospect of what he calls boring research.
“Oh he should have woken me up, I would’ve gone with him.” I say, walking into the bathroom but leaving the door propped open so I could still hear him. I pull off my shirt and shorts, turning the shower water on.
“I told him not to, wanted to let you get some sleep. I know you haven’t been sleeping well recently.” Dean says, and I can hear him shuffling around in my room. I wait for him to stop moving around and I stick my head out into my room, hiding my body behind the bathroom door.
“Hey, fucker. Stay out of my snacks!” I yell, glaring at him. He had seen the corner of a bag of chips sticking out of my bag and had helped himself. He turns around, caught red handed. But instead of looking apologetic or sheepish, he smirks. His eyes boring a hole through the door, even though all he can see is my collarbones and up. “Why don’t you come here and make me.” He grins, winking at me in the most painfully exaggerated way possible.
“You wish.” I roll my eyes, and slam the bathroom door. I can hear him laughing for quite a few minutes after I had shut the door. I smile to myself, shaking my head at his childish behavior. I love it though, I wouldn’t trade my friendship with him for anything in this world.
I quickly shower and dry off, throwing on the clothes that I had already picked out and brought into the bathroom with me. When I open the door, Dean is sitting on the end of my bed, flipping through a magazine that he must’ve brought with him. I don’t dare ask what magazine, because I honestly don’t want to know. I walk over to my bag and pull out my gun, checking to ensure it was fully loaded and I holster it. Before tucking the holster into the front of my waistband, pulling my sweatshirt down over it, successfully concealing it. I look up at him, and he is watching my every move. I look down, checking my appearance once more. Black skinny jeans, and a black hoodie, my staples, comfy but not frumpy, the only fashion sense I live by.
“What?” I ask him, after I ensure that there isn’t anything wrong with what I am wearing. He shakes his head, jumping up from the end of the bed. Weird, normally he didn’t have any issue expressing what he was thinking, flirtatious comments common, coming from him.
“Lets go get breakfast! Sam is going to meet us there.” He says instead, leading the way to the impala. I shake my head and follow after him, pulling a jacket over my hoodie and bracing for the cold air as we leave. I climb in the passenger seat, shivering slightly and Dean notices. He turns the heat up in the car, shooting me an apologetic glance. “I should’ve come out and started the car, sorry sweetheart.” He says, backing out of the spot and heading to a local diner. The short drive passes quickly, the car barely getting warm by the time we arrive.
We walk inside quickly, Dean holding the door open for me to walk ahead of him. I look around and see Sam sitting in a booth, and walk in his direction, Dean following right behind me. I slide into the booth, sitting opposite from Sam and Dean sits next to me.
“What’ve we got Sammy?” Dean asks, his expression serious a stark contrast to his behavior in the motel room. As Sam explains about the spirit that has been killing people in town and who he thinks it might be, a feeling of unease settles over me. I cannot put my finger on what he said that triggered this response, or why. My thoughts must have been written across my face in permanent marker, because Dean snaps me out of my thoughts by placing a hand on my thigh, squeezing gently.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” He asks, but he is interrupted by the server coming over and taking our order. We all order different combinations of the same thing, food and coffee.
Once she leaves, Dean once again turns his attention to me, repeating his earlier questions. I shrug, tucking my hair behind my ear, debating on if I want to be honest or just brush off the feeling that is still settled heavily in my gut. I choose the former.
“I just have a bad feeling about this hunt, I can’t really put my finger on why. But as soon as Sammy started talking about what he found, this just bad feeling settled over me.” I explain, realizing just how crazy it must sound. Sam nods, his gaze meeting my own. Dean laughs it off, stating that I must just be hungry. I inwardly agree with him, and spend all of breakfast trying to shake off this feeling. After we are done eating, we head out to the impala. Approaching the old abandoned farm house, where the dead bodies have been found over the last couple of weeks. All of them dying under mysterious and unexplainable circumstances. Dean had met with the local sheriffs office yesterday and they were all stumped, convinced that a serial killer had taken up residence in the area. However, the lore that Sam had uncovered showed that every thirty years, in January this kind of thing happened. People left their houses in the middle of the night, walked to this farm house and were found dead the next day. Sam thinks it is an angry spirit, however there were multiple people that it could be. They hoped to narrow it down by visiting the house and looking around. We split up upon entry to the house, much to my dismay. However, this was the way we normally handled cases like this. Cover as much ground as possible, in as little time as we could. We stayed within shouting distance, that way if something went wrong or if there was a discovery, the others could hear you.
This is how I wound up, in the kitchen alone. I hadn’t found anything worth mentioning, but continued to look around anyways. “Guys, in here!” I hear Dean yell, and I quickly turn to locate where he was. Sam and I met him in the dilapidated room that probably used to be a study. He’s holding a well worn leather book, his eyes scanning the page.
“Looks like we’re dealing with an angry ghost of this Marla Johnson.” He says, pointing to the section of the page. “I found her daughters diary, and she says that her mother died suddenly and everyone in town suspected her father of being the murderer. Now to find out where she was buried.” A rush of cool air draws my attention and my eyes focus on the woman suddenly standing behind Dean, my eyes widening and I yell to warn them of her appearance. Dean jumps into action, pulling me behind him and readying the shotgun loaded with rock salt rounds. Just as quickly as she appeared, she’s gone. The temperature in the room returning to what it was before.
“Alright, Y/N, I am gonna go look around outside for a grave sight and see what I can find. You and Sam stay here and try to hold her off.” Dean says, handing me his shotgun. Sam and I exchange glances, before heading off to different rooms in the house. It is in that moment, that the bad feeling returns. A pit forming in my stomach, heavy and foreboding. I try to push it to the back of my mind, creeping back towards the kitchen where I had been before. My eyes sweep the room, before freezing in place when I look into the window over the kitchen sink and see her in the reflection, standing directly behind me. I steel my nerves and whip around, holding the shotgun up and aiming it at her. I’m not fast enough, she sends a knife flying through the air and it lands firmly in my thigh. I yell out, quickly pulling the trigger and watching her dissolve into mist. Not gone, but displaced for the time being. I hear Sam yell my name, but I don’t have the nerve to respond. Concerned that any sound will draw her back to me. I cycle the shotgun, reloading another shell, bracing for her reappearance. I brace myself in the corner of the kitchen, my back to the wall, leaning heavily against it in order to keep as much weight off my injured leg as I can. This position also giving me the visual advantage, I am able to see both doorways into the kitchen. I hear footsteps coming and I keep the shotgun braced against my shoulder, but lowered, so I won’t be pointing it directly at Sam or Dean when they enter the room. Sam rounds the corner, his eyes wide, the light coming in through the cobweb covered windows, highlight the concern on his face.
“Are you alright? I heard you scream.” He says, lowering his own weapon and walking closer to where I am standing. I wipe the sweat off my forehead with the sleeve of my hoodie, and gesture towards my thigh.
“Ive been better.” I mutter, gritting my teeth as I shift my weight slightly, all of the nerves and muscles in my leg screaming at me as I move. Sam’s face falls, he slings the shotgun over his shoulder and walks over to me. He quickly takes his belt off and secures it around my upper thigh, as high as he can and as tight as he can. He throws my arm over his shoulder and I wrap my own around his back, accepting his help fully.
“Lets get you out of here.” He says and we begin the awkward shuffle towards the front door, every step causing another swear to slip through my lips. He mumbles apologies as we go, supporting most of my body weight as I hop next to him. As we cross the threshold of the house, Dean comes around the corner, a grin on his lips.
“Marla, the bloodthirsty ghost has been salted and burned. We’re good to go, who’s-“ He stops suddenly, seeing the way that Sam is half carrying half dragging me out of the house. He breaks into a run, crossing the distance as quickly as he can.
“What happened?” He asks, handing my shotgun to Sam and picking me up, an arm under my knees the other behind my back, I bite my tongue to avoid calling him quite a few choice words as he jostles the blade in my thigh. I grumble, something about being able to walk and he silences me with a look.
“Ghosty bitch there, decided to impale me as her last act of vengeance. I told you I had a bad feeling about this hunt.” I say, reluctantly allowing my head to rest against his shoulder, the adrenaline wearing off and exhaustion setting in.
He carries me over to the impala, where Sam has already opened the back door for him. He sets me down, and pulls his knife from his back pocket, cutting the fabric to my jeans before I can even protest, he pulls the length of fabric away from my skin and begins to inspect the damage.
“These were my favorite jeans.” I mumble sadly, glancing down at the blood stained tattered mess that they had become.
“I will buy you more jeans, Y/N. I am more worried about you bleeding out on me here.” He says, concern written plainly across his face. Once he decides that I am not going to bleed out and it can wait until were back at the hotel to stitch up. He tosses the keys to Sam and climbs into the back of the impala with me. He pulls me against his chest, making sure I keep my leg propped up on the seat, his flannel torn to shreds and wrapped around the knife meticulously. I’ll give him this, he’s pretty good at improvised medicine. On the drive back he pesters me with questions about what happened after he went outside.
“Dean, I am not telling you this story for the third goddamn time.” I grit out between clenched teeth, “I just want to take a nap.” I whine, trying to close my eyes and snuggle into him further.
“And that’s what you’re not going to do, you gotta stay awake. We’re almost back at the motel sweetheart.” He says, shaking me slightly, not enough to aggravate my wound but enough to keep me awake. I curse him out, using the most colorful combination I can think of. He shakes his head, a light laugh escaping him. Sam parks the impala out front of the motel room, Dean leans me against the seat so he can climb out, and I scoot myself over to the door, preparing to climb out on my own.
“Hey! Stay put.” He orders, his tone taking me by surprise. He walks around to the other side of the car, gently pulling me to my feet, before once again picking me up and carrying me inside. I don’t complain this time, honestly too tired to care. Instead of going to my motel room, he walks into the one that he shared with Sam the night before, setting me down gently on the bed, propping me up with a couple of pillows. I try to ignore the throbbing in my thigh and focus on the wound itself. I lean forward, pulling the strips of his flannel away and looking at it closer. Thankfully, the knife she had thrown was relatively short, only about three inches long, the blade about 1 inch wide at the handle. It still hurt like an absolute bitch. Dean pulls a chair up to the side of the bed, and sits down in it. His hand coming to brush my own away and he hands me a bottle of whiskey.
“Drink, you’ll need it.” He says, the look he gives me full of sympathy. Apologizing in advance for what he was about to do. I take a couple of sips of the dark liquid, trying to ignore the burning sensation as it goes down.
“This is gonna hurt sweetheart, I’m sorry.” He says, gripping the knife firmly in one hand, the other bracing against my thigh. He counts down from five, and I try to relax my body as much as I can, resting my head back on the pillows he had propped me up on and taking a few deep breaths. He doesn’t wait until one however, and pulls the blade straight out on 3.
“Mother fucker.” I hiss, my hands reaching up and grabbing fistfuls of my own hair. He pours alcohol over my thigh, causing another strand of colorful language. Thankfully the blade had missed any major arteries and stitches should be enough to stop the bleeding. He sets to work, trying to be as gentle as he can be.
“Next time I have a bad feeling, I’m doing the salt and burn. You can get stabbed in the leg.” I mutter, looking down at Dean as he works on my leg, he should only have a couple of stitches to go now. He laughs softly, tying another knot with the filament he’s been using.
“You’re right sweetheart. I’ll listen next time.” He finished the stitches, covering my leg in a bandage and offering me the bottle of whiskey again. I take another sip, hoping to take the edge off of my pain. Sam had offered to stay in my room that night, so I could stay in here with Dean. He had brought all of my stuff in here, ignoring my every protest. I didn’t really mind, having an evening alone with the older Winchester sounded like a good way to end this shitty day. I love Sam, don’t get me wrong, but Dean and I are closer, we have more in common.
Dean had finished washing his hands in the bathroom and had come back out and sat down next to me.
“Dean, I hate to be a pain, but could you help me change clothes? I smell like moth balls, salt and blood.” I ask, throwing him my best puppy dog eyes and pout. He agrees and grabs a pair of sweatpants from my bag. He looks for a shirt, but quickly gives up when he can’t find one of mine. He grabs one of his own from his bag and crosses to the side of the bed. I slide my hips to the edge of the bed, pulling my jeans down as far as I can without standing. He helps me stand, pulls them off the rest of the way and helps me gently side on the clean sweatpants. He helps me sit back down, and hands me his shirt to wear. I happily shed my dirty one and slip on his. Secretly relishing in the idea of wearing his clothes.
“I’m going to take a quick shower, you’ll stay put in that bed, or so help me.” He says, closing the door to the bathroom. I roll my eyes, but happily oblige. I lay back on his bed, taking in his scent and the warmth that his shirt provides. I’m quickly lulled into a light sleep, the kind where you can still hear everything around you, but it’s restful all the same. I hear him come out of the bathroom, sometime later humming along to whatever song was playing in his mind. He stops when he realizes I’m sleeping and pulls a blanket off the other bed, laying it gently on top of me. He kisses me on my forehead and the next thing he does catches me completely off guard.
“I love you, Y/N, hopefully one day I can say it to you when you’re awake. I’m so sorry you got hurt today.” His words whispered and quiet, he presses another kiss to my forehead and I hear him start to walk away.
“Dean?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper myself, sleep holding me tight in its grasp.
“Yeah, Y/N?” He asks, his tone slightly anxious.
“Nap with me?” Those three words, would change everything. I just didn’t know it yet.
He hums in agreement, coming to lay next to me opening his arms for me to come closer. I snuggle in against him, resting my head on his chest and carefully positioning my leg so I’m comfortable. We lay in silence for awhile, sleep on the horizon but still at bay. Right before I doze off, I press a kiss to his chest and repeat the words he had said to me just a little while earlier.
“I love you, Dean.”
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radiant-cowgirl · 3 months
i saw a bunch of other people doing this so
random redacted headcanons!
- vincent can’t handle spicy food very well, even post-turning
- ivan hates fishing
- david loves egg salad sandwiches with hot sauce (it’s his favorite comfort food)
- caelum has never had cotton candy and freelancer is pretty sure if he ever did, he would implode
- gavin doesn’t like snow
- lasko on the other hand LOVES spicy food and testing his tolerance to certain things
- damien doesn’t drink coffee or tea or energy drinks, this man is just out here raw-dogging life
- kody still tries to look at all the damn crew’s socials, even though they all have him blocked
- huxley (opposite of damien) gets his caffeine anyway he can but his favorite are the caffeine pouches (similar to zyns (these are also my favorite))
- asher loves watching mma fights and tries (gently) to recreate the moves on babe (“i could have dropped you just then! you gotta keep your guard up!”)
- james “i’m exploding you with my mind” redacted
- marcus begged his mom for a mohawk in middle school but he didn’t have the right texture hair for it and she refused to buy him all the hair gel necessary to make it a real mohawk so they just had to shave his head (kids thought he had lice)
- anton loves sending and receiving physical mail. he knows it’s impractical in comparison to texting or calling, but he loves it
- ollie has a favorite blanket, pillow, and set of sheets. he’s very particular about his bedtime routine
- elliot however could drop anywhere at anytime. and that’s nothing to do with him being a dreamwalker. he’s just a fantastic sleeper
- brachium has never had candy, but he’s curious about it
- avior really really likes classical music and it’s brought him to tears multiple times (especially jupiter comp. by gustav holst iykyk)
- milo holds the door open for everyone whenever he can. sweetheart once thought he was following them for like fifteen minutes but he was still stuck at the door
- cam loves fresh produce and is a frequenter of any local farmers market
- blake had a phase in middle school and early high school where he was super patriotic and right-wing leaning and he hates when people bring it up
- aaron actually knows most of the shaw pack boys. he tried to hire them for an event before realizing they were an empowered company. david thought he knew
- sam showed pigs and sheep when he was younger. he kinda misses it but he doesn’t have the room for livestock anymore
- vega in all his years of existing both in aria and on earth has never been truly hugged
- before falling, regulus lived on earth with his charge. they had two cats
- xavier used to travel ridiculous amounts of miles to go to food festivals around the country. he took the team with him once or twice
- geordi never deleted any pictures of him and cutie. he’s still hopeful that things will work out and he doesn’t want to get rid of older memories with them
- guy was friends with a lot of the unempowered boys in school, but lost touch with them in college
- morgan is very into hair-care. his shower looks like an apothecary shop full of mystery vials and oils. he knows what everything is and how to use it though.
- porter loves classic literature and translating latin to english. it’s one of the few hobbies he allows himself to have
- hush once traipsed into doc’s apartment, mud up to his knees and all over his face and hands, holding a bull frog. he only came to ask what it was.
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everyone shut up this is ACTUALLY what fans of different composers are like
Shostakovich fans are like Mahler fans except they actually understand what sarcasm is. We also all really like the Muppets for some reason. Most of us own cats and likely have at least one mental illness.
Liszt fans are either tweenagers who love anime or salty old pianists who know a disturbing amount about music theory. These two factions are constantly at war.
Copland fans are either very, very far right or very, very far left. Either way, neither side actually listens to all of Copland's repertoire.
Tchaikovsky fans are either Russian grandmas or LGBT orchestra kids on Tiktok. Either those or the one noob who heard there were cannons once.
Wagner fans. Yes, there are the cringey neo-Nazi Wagnerians, but anti-Nazi Wagnerians are a whole new level of chaotic good. They spend their time dreaming up the most disastrous, chaotic Ring productions possible, with the sole purpose of making Richard Wagner's entire family simultaneously spin in their graves. They take "death of the author" to a whole new level and constantly run on nothing but 100% pure spite. You want a Wagnerian who would beat up Wagner in a Denny's parking lot on your side.
Prokofiev fans will unironically say "ackshually...". That's it.
Dvorak fans are homeschool kids. They're either soul-crushingly innocent or devastatingly horny.
Sousa fans are just high school band directors who try to convince themselves they like Sousa to get through the semester.
Joplin fans constantly argue over whether Joplin's music should be played twice as quickly or twice as slowly than it's actually written. Also sick of hearing about Janis.
Chopin fans are exactly like Liszt fans, except there are 20% more "uwu softboi flowercrown" edits of Chopin than Liszt floating around on Instagram and Tumblr.
Holst fans will drag you into an alleyway and beat you up with their bare hands if you so much as mention The Planets.
Bernstein fans are either horny theatre kids or communists, but it's more likely they're both at once. They are very opinionated about recordings, and express their approval of the ones they like by gyrating excessively to them. If you put a Bernstein fan, a Mahler fan, and a Shostakovich fan in one room, they will either topple a national government or have a threesome.
Ravel fans are inherently Wes Anderson fans. You can be friends with one for years without knowing a single thing about their personality.
Schoenberg fans are like Mahlerians but with worse memes.
Brahms fans are... I have never met a Brahms fan. I'm sure they exist, but I'm pretty sure my own taste in music scares them off.
Paganini fans are almost always TwoSet kids, particularly the ones who try to convince people that "classical music isn't boring because it's basically metal." If you tell them Paganini played viola, they will spontaneously combust.
Rachmaninov fans are ultimately really chill, but are often socially awkward. If you ask a Rachmaninov fan "how are you?", they will most likely respond with "you too."
Schumann fans are Mahlerians on medication.
Stravinsky fans think they're chaotic and unhinged and listen to the most obscure underground shit, but in all actuality they just decided to enter their edgy phase after a lifetime of being sheltered and forced to listen to nothing but Handel by their parents. Possibly homeschooled.
Ysaye fans are like Paganini fans, except they're depressed graduate music students with permanent calluses on their fingers.
Debussy fans go to art school, decide they don't like art school, but have been doing art school too long to turn back, so they can't get out of art school. They may be high on weed at any given moment.
Satie fans are just possessed vessels of Erik Satie. Death cannot hinder Erik Satie. Erik Satie will return to this mortal plane. Search your feelings. You are already Erik Satie.
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horrorknife · 4 months
its pride month and i love having a million lgbt headcanons. Let's go bitch. enter my beautiful home and listen to the wonderful words i have to say to you. or don't i don't really give a fuck this post is chiefly for me. i have deeper explanations for most of these also.
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adam stanheight
bisexual transmasc genderfluid
any prns (pref. for he/it), she/her use is permission based
pre-top (he lives in a shithole and has no health insurance), inconsistent T. probably does DIY hrt. rarely binds.
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lawrence gordon
gay transfem bigender
eventually goes on E but she is REPRESSED AS HELL
convinced he's cishet during the events of saw (2004). i firmly believe he carries a purse.
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amanda young
pansexual transmasc agender
top surgery, no desire for T
i think she would get a cool coverup tattoo over its top scars <3
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mark hoffman
gay trans man, gray aro
top surgery, T. STEALTH. (kerry + rigg know)
full name marcus. angie helped choose it.
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lindsey perez
pansexual transmasc genderfluid
any prns
microdosing T, binds on occasion
prefers dressing masc
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peter strahm
bisexual transneu nonbinary
HEAVILY repressed and closeted. knows his gender is wrong but the idea of being anything other than cis is scary as hell to him. insists he's cis.
regularly wears tights under his slacks for the Feeling. wears panties. got a vasectomy in college and thought that was normal (it was dysphoria). is usually wearing mascara.
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allison kerry
lesbian trans woman
top surgery, E
stealth (hoffman, rigg, and matthews know)
she and hoffman went to the same surgeon. ("where's kerry?" "who do you think took your boobs?")
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daniel rigg
bisexual transneu nonbinary
past one night stand w/ hoffman. they don't talk about it
he and tracy are in a sapphic relationship. to me.
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jill tuck
gay transneu nonbinary
no i don't think she's cishet. jill tuck is our shegay queen and you need to put some fucking respect on her name. she's like if a DILF was a MILF.
important to add that she and lawrence are good friends + she helped crack his egg.
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john kramer
bisexual (CANON!) transneu nonbinary, ace + gray aro
they/them. dead serious. will accept he/him if you must but this is the stone cold truth.
you can't get on the "saw traps as a trans allegory" train if youre not willing to look at john kramer as trans too.
he's got the same vibe as antlers holst from nope. one pierced ear and long skirts for comfort type beat.
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brad and ryan
they're a set don't separate them.
both of them are gay.
ryan: transmasc genderfluid, he/she/they. pre top, T for 5 years
brad: transneu nonbinary, he/they
happy pride. this is what goes on in my head. i only included my favorite characters here, these are the ones that take up most of my brainmeat. so. anyway this was really fun :-)
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nethhiri · 3 months
Marooned: Chapter 47
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: mention of sexual situations, lite trauma
Confessions of a (Grown Ass Man) Drama Queen
For the entire next day, you slept. Kid and Killer had taken you back to the ship and cleaned you up after waking up in a sticky mess with you, Wire, and Heat. The following day, you woke up while it was still dark. You were in the captain's quarters, but Kid wasn't around, neither was Killer. Still feeling a bit... crusty, you decided to shower off. When you were done, you tried rousing Mini to no avail. She would not be woken easily, so you let her sleep and went to the infirmary.
You weren't really trying to sneak around. You were trying not to wake anyone up who still might be sleeping, including Kid if he was in his workshop. Hushed voices caught your attention and you couldn't help but eavesdrop. 
"Kil, what do I do?"
"What do you mean? It sounds like you already spilled the beans."
"What if she doesn't remember? What if she DOES remember?"
"Is this why you've had trouble sleeping?" Killer sighed. "Well, did you mean it? Or was it just the heat of the moment?
"Both?" Kid paused. "Yer feelin the same ain't ya?"
Killer took a while to respond and your ears strained to hear his answer. "More or less... I'm not ready to go there yet."
Your ears got hot and your palms got sweaty. The memory of the other night came back to you. Wasn't this what you wanted? You were overwhelmed at the thought. You had never experienced this feeling with one person, let alone two. Truly, you thought Killer would say it before Kid, not to mention, you never expected that either would say it in that context, or maybe even at all. Kid hated you in the beginning. Though they do say that love and hate are two sides of the same coin, and when Kid had feelings, they were usually impulsive and strong.
Suddenly, you felt very guilty about what you were doing. You went back to the entry, opening and shutting the door loud enough for them to hear. "Good morning, gentlemen." You walked into view, leaning against the doorframe to the adjoining room. They looked mildly startled, but were nonchalant. You tried your best to appear cool, like you hadn't heard anything.
"Well if it isn't our sleepy little cumpling."
You blinked. Cumpling? "I hate that." 
"What! Cum dumpling? I thought it was kinda cute," Killer pouted. 
"She prefers cum dump," Kid snickered.
"I do not." You added, "I'm rescinding my greeting and would like to replace it with 'Good morning, assholes'."
"Aw don't be like that. We had such a good time two days ago."
"You mean yesterday?"
"Nah you slept a long time, doll."
"Oh. Well, fuck." You glanced outside to see that it was still dark out. "And you guys aren't still sleeping because?"
Kid's face turned pink. 
"I've gotta start breakfast." Killer left, but not before pointedly elbowing his friend.
"I was uh... working on something for ya." Kid rifled around his workbench looking for whatever it was. 
He presented you with a metal bracer. It was fairly plain and a bit thicker than you would expect for something like that. It was very high quality metal, however, which you only knew because Kid taught you how to recognize it. You looked at it and back to Kid, questioningly. 
"It's, um, nice." 
"I said I would make ya something useful, didn't I?"
"I believe your exact words were something along the lines of: I'll make ya something that will blow your tits off." You looked down. "They're still attached." You grinned at him.
Kid huffed, bringing the item to you and using his power to put it around your forearm. "I would have made it more decorative but the whole point is that ya can mold it into whatever ya want. I thought for a while about what would suit ya, but I've seen ya pick up just about anything and yer able to fight with it, so why would I restrict ya to one thing. Ya use your fruit or yer weapon, but with this ya can use both at once." Kid added. "A snake has two fangs, aye?" He pointed to your holstered gunblade and your new addition.
You were impressed that Kid put that much thought into it. It was smart. This way you wouldn't have to look for raw materials to convert. It glowed a soft yellow as you played around with it. First, you made it into a sword, metal crawling down the back of your hand into a long, flat blade. It was still attached to the bracer, leaving your hand free. Simple enough. Next, you changed it again into claws coming from your fingertips, into brass knuckles, into a gauntlet. Then, the metal coated your arm, mimicking Kid's. 
"I'm you." You showed it off. "Wait." You used your fruit to make your hair red and spiky, and matched your facial scars to his. "Now, I'm you."
"Pf. My tits are bigger."
You quirked an eyebrow. You hadn't tried body modification in that way before. You laughed, at the same time making your boobs bigger. "This is so stupid." You made the best impression of Kid's scowl that you could and impersonated him. "Yer a pain in the ass, Rotten."
"Is it wrong that this is turnin me on a wee bit?" Kid took a step toward you, hands outstretched and making grabbing motions. 
"Fucking narcissist." You changed yourself back to normal, minus one thing, well, two things. When Kid's hands touched your chest, it was flat. 
Kid made a pouting face, hands full of nothing. "HAH?!"
"Would you look at that? You did blow them off," you said, cackling. 
"Put them back!" Kid sounded slightly concerned, "You can put them back, right?" 
"What? Am I only a walking pair of tits to you?" This time, you actually returned to your normal appearance.
"No!" He couldn't help himself, reaching out to grab one anyway. 
You knocked his hand away and backed up. "Say three things you like about me, then."
"Mouth, pussy, ass." Kid smirked. "Not necessarily in that order."
You blocked a few more of his attempts, backing away from him, before it escalated into him chasing you around the workshop. It helped that you were smaller and faster than him, and that he wasn't using his devil fruit to grab you. Every time he got closer to catching you, you giggled. He was close to catching you. It probably would piss him off, but you jumped and slid over his workbench, scattering tools and papers to the ground. You righted yourself and rounded on him, forming a sword with your bracer again. It clanged against his metal arm as he parried. Neither of you moved, pressing against each other with equal strength. He didn't look pissed though. He was laughing, too. Both of you were catching your breath.
"Tsk. I don't think you're telling the truth, Captain." You felt his force waver ever so slightly. Internally, you smirked. 
"Get over yourself." Kid forced you back. "Looks like a draw."
"I heard what you said the other night." Your eye bored into his and you waited for the inevitable hesitation in his push, using it to force him back against the bench.
Kid stumbled backwards, falling onto the flat surface. "H-Hold on." Kid pushed himself upon his elbows.
You walked until you were flush with his knees, pushing them apart to settle between his thighs hanging off the table's edge. Your power returned your sword to the bracer and also lowered the height of the table, so that you could bend over him. You licked your lips, grabbing his meaty thighs. 
Kid bit his lip. Were you referring to that? What if you weren't and he outed himself accidentally. Whatever the case, his mouth was running dry with you staring down at him like you were. His face was going cherry red as you picked up one of his thighs and rested it on your shoulder. "Remind me what I said." This way there would be no confusion. And even if you didn't return the feeling, at least he might get to hear it from your lips just once. He could pretend. 
You snickered, hand running up and down his thigh. It was hot, seeing him flustered like this. Maybe he would be open to trying something like this in the future. A thought popped into your head: Could I.... give myself a dick?. This wasn't the time to think about possibilities. No. You had to focus on embarrassing Kid as much as possible. 
You kissed the inside of his knee and leaned down until your lips nearly brushed his ear. Shockingly, he was flexible enough for you to keep his thigh on your shoulder as you did so. "I love ya." When you pulled back slightly to see his face, you were taken by the softness in it. You meant to tease him and gloat about it. This face though, it changed your mind. You cleared your throat. "That's what you said." You looked from his eyes to his lips and back. "I didn't say it."
Kid's eyes flicked the same way yours did, from your lips back to your eyes. "Ya just did."
Before you had a chance to protest or argue that you were just repeating what he said and most certainly did not say it of your own volition, Kid had pulled you down into a kiss. It was soft, not like the hungry, rough ones you were used to with him. Your lips moved slowly against his, alternating between kissing his top and bottom lip. You had released his thigh to instead grab his face, a hand on each side. You hadn't consciously done it. He sucked on your bottom lip, though didn't use teeth or slip his tongue in your mouth. This wasn't a sexual kiss, it was a sensual one, a romantic one. You pulled away and found that you both had a hard time looking each other straight in the face. You let go of the fact that you were simply repeating what he had said, unwillingly to take it back now. 
"We should go-" You started.
"Go get breakfast, yeah." Kid finished.
Somehow, this clarification of feelings, left you both more confused than ever. Neither of you could look at each other. Neither of you knew how to act. This was uncharted territory for you, and somewhat for him as well. You silently cleaned Kid's lipstick smears from each other before leaving, hesitating by the door, awkwardly staring at each other's hand, wondering if you should hold it or not. Was that something you were supposed to do now? What were you supposed to do now?
Breakfast was weird. You sat with the girls for the first time in a while. Quincy teased you, asking if you and Kid had been fighting again. Killer asked a similar question to Kid. You both replied the same thing: "Worse." Quincy and Killer were equally baffled by what that could mean. Especially since neither of you were angry or in a bad mood. In fact, you both seemed to be in anxiously happy. 
This would be the last night on the island. Naturally, everyone was making plans to go out. The daytime was for unfinished errands. The nighttime was for unfinished debauchery. You didn't have any particular errands to do, so you focused on plans for that night. The obvious thing would be to go out with Kid and Killer. Obviously you were avoiding that because of this morning's events. Killer was fine. Kid would be with him though. You asked Heat, but Heat was going to see Jade again, as he had the prior night. Apparently they had taken a liking to each other. You even asked Wire. He wasn't going out. He had routes to plot. The girls were going back to the brothel you had no interest in. So it looked like you would be stuck with Kid and Killer, or you could go by yourself. 
The night started slow. You were at a low-key bar, people-watching and drinking a beer. Unlike the other night, you weren't in the mood to fight, so you were toned down, wearing your regular clothes. Minerva kept you company, lying on the floor next to you. She scared away anyone that you didn't. When that got old, you walked around the streets. The hairs on the back of your neck abruptly stood up with the feeling that you were being watched. Despite that, you scanned the crowd and saw nothing. It was probably nothing. Your observation haki was shit anyway. 
You ran into a few crewmates in the street and in the bars. You were walking amongst the people when you felt it again. You looked at Minerva. She didn't seem concerned with anything, her ears flicking around and her snout twitching to scent the air. You had Mini wait at one of the buildings and walked down an alleyway. If you were being tailed, they would take the opportunity to have you out of sight and alone. Sure enough, someone came in shortly after. Minerva blocked the opening of the alley, leaving no escape route. With one fluid motion, you had the person up against the wall with your blade at their neck. You let your eye adjust.
"Emma, what the fuck?" You let her go.
"I didn't want to shout over the crowd."
Yeah that checks out. "That was stupid. What if I killed you?"
"Then I'd be dead." 
You deadpanned each other. "What do you want?"
"Everyone else is hanging downtown. Come join."
One of the more lively bars in town was packed with Kid Pirates, you even saw Heat with Jade. You weren't actually sure if it was lively normally or if it was like this because of the Kid Pirates. Before you were able to check out the rest of your surroundings, Quincy grabbed your hand and dragged you onto the dance floor, placing a drink into your other hand. You took a sip and curled your lip, pouring the rest into Mini's mouth when Quincy wasn't looking and discarding the glass. You spotted Pomp with a better looking drink and snagged it from his table as you passed. Letting Quincy lead you in a dance that had no relation to the music at all, you nursed your drink until you spotted Killer sitting by himself. You pulled away from Quincy, much to her dismay and headed in his direction. You were just about at the booth when Kid slid into a seat. Turning on your foot, you went to the bar instead, tossing the rest of your drink back.
"So what the fuck is up with you two?" Killer sipped his beer through a straw. He saw you avoid them. 
"Nothing." Kid mumbled, staring into his drink.
"She remembered?"
"Ok and?" Killer prompted for more information. 
Kid remained tight-lipped. 
"Fuck's sake. I've never seen you stop talking for this long." 
"Shut up, Killer!" Kid growled. Adding more softly, "She said it back... sort of."
"That's good, isn't it?" Killer was puzzled by your behavior. "Why are you avoiding each other now?"
"What do we do now?" Kid had never gotten this far in the way of feelings and neither had you. 
"What do you mean? I would think you'd both be in the bathroom fucking each other silly." Killer stared at his friend. "So you can be in a flat-out orgy together just fine, but you're too chickenshit to dance together? Is that it?" Killer watched as Heat and Jade came out of the bathroom, speaking of. Heat's pants were on backwards. 
"It changes things." 
"It really doesn't."
Kid huffed, leaning back and chugging the rest of his beer. He snapped at one of the waiters for another. 
You returned to the floor after a few shots at the bar. That was all the liquid courage you needed to start dancing. You started with Quincy and Emma then the shifting crowd deposited you near Heat and Jade. You and Jade put Heat in a sandwich, grinding on him from the front and the back. That fucking dog reeked of pussy, and his pants were backwards. Your lips curled into a smirk. Good for them. Your eye caught Killer's and you beckoned him over. He shook his head. You made a fake pout. He shook his head again. You gave him a thumbs down and stuck your tongue out. You danced by yourself for a while, very nearly drunk. You backed into someone, someone large. You didn't bother to see who it was. You didn't care what his face looked like in this state, as long as he was big. And you were planning on finding that out quickly with the way your body moved against his. He cleared his throat. You turned slightly, recognizing your captain. 
You jumped off him and spun around to be face to face instead of ass to dick. "Oh fuck."  You both stared at each other silently.
Kid was several beers and one shot in, enough to work up some courage. "Dance with me." He said it like a command, but the inflection was that of a question. 
You stepped toward him, grabbing onto his shirt. You were too short to put your hands around his neck without it looking stupid. It took him a minute to realize you responded affirmatively. He placed his hands on your hips lightly, as if he thought he was going to get burned by touching you. Both of you were stiff, not really dancing so much as walking in weird patterns and spinning around, like those spinning cup rides at an amusement park. You stumbled over your own feet and Kid snickered. You swatted his chest. That seemed to loosen you both up and soon you were dancing like two normal people, maybe even with the rhythm. Kid's soft amber eyes were on you affectionately, making your heart pound. You were sure you had a blush, too. Kid bent down and you met him on tiptoes to kiss. Just a simple kiss. 
Killer joined you both, "Finally." 
You both flicked him off, but let him in to dance. He made it easier to relax. You were between them, alternating between grinding on one and kissing the other. It escalated from somewhat tame to obscene in a relatively short time. Kid pushed some poor guy and his date out of the way and pulled you and Killer into the bathroom behind him. The tile on the floor was digging into your knees as you gave Killer head, using your hand to jerk Kid off at the same time. Every so often you would switch. There were plenty of angry knocks at the door from people who actually had to use the bathroom for its intended purpose. Kid was quick to tell them to fuck off. Honestly they should be grateful you guys weren't just doing this in the open. 
You emerged from the bathroom wiping the corners of your mouth followed by Kid and Killer. You winked at the first person in line. At this point the bar was dying down, so the Kid Pirates made the decision to head back to the ship. You grabbed another shot to act as a chaser for your bathroom activities and walked outside while the other two hung back to round everyone up. Minerva followed you out and the two of you walked toward the ship. 
There were still a fair amount of people out. There was a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Maybe I overdid it. A chill went down your spine and the hairs on your arms and neck went up. It was that feeling again. But you knew Emma was still inside. Something was definitely off. Your heart was beating a a fast pace and all you could hear was blood rushing in your ears. Bile started to rise in your throat. You scanned the crowd, still slowly walking. Your body was having a visceral reaction to this presence. Abruptly you felt it, you turned and your breath caught in your throat. Piercing yellow eyes were staring at you. It was him. You saw his face. You saw his white hair. It was unmistakably him. You bent over and retched, but when you looked back he was gone.
You were shaking. You wanted to run but you couldn't. Your hand was buried in Minerva's fur to steady yourself. She was uneasy because you were uneasy, but of course she wouldn't recognize his scent, since she wasn't with you at that time. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
"Hey. Whoa. Are you alright?" It was Killer. "Did you have too much to drink?" You looked pale, like you were about to pass out. 
"K-K-Kil. I saw him. He's here." 
Tag list: @bbnbhm @nocturnalrorobin
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Hunter x Hunter: phantom troupe brainrot
thinking about how the troupe trained to get as strong as they are.
like its no question machi was the one who taught them, or at least taught them the basics- chrollo probably figured it out fairly early on or was on the tail of figuring it out. and shal of course had access after his exam but i suspect that shal went into the exam knowing nen already. even if he didn't, i love him dearly and i pat him on the head.
but specifically with troupe members that joined after the main 9. we know nothing about 4 and 8 so what about 10 and 12.
bono probably learned in his village. they speak of spirits being summoned through song and either he manifested it literally after he left the tribe or bro was literally seeing spirits that were being conjured or emitted in his village.
i think he learned nen before joining the troupe, at least the basics from his tribe and then as he travelled and learned more about things like astronomy. i feel like he manifested shapeshifting and the basic prologue as par for the course as a shaman of his people. prologue as the basic right of a warrior and metamorphosen as his chosen spirit that disguises himself as people he's seen before.
but it turns out he's got a lot more aura where that comes from and so he decides to add another piece of music to his repertoire. The Planetes. yes i will never let this go. go listen to holst's suite i BEG.
kortopi i feel was trained with the troupe. he was sourced either by chrollo tracking his ability down or he was brought up to be their counterfeiter.
whatever the case, i think he started out with crazy amounts of aura quantity making him similar to gon or killua in the realm of starting strong. except he just kept growing. with the troupe his training never stopped. if he was going to earn a place among them he needed more than just a hatsu that was vaguely useful.
and it turns out he was born with a crazy amount of aura to the point that he could safely withstand a punch from phinks without so much as flinching. just with Ken alone.
yes i just want an excuse to have kortopi fight. leave me alone i think he'd do absolutely great.
also feitan absolutely was the one to test bono and bono put up a hell of a fight without either of them using hatsu. like will i say bono can body feitan? MAYBE. I MIGHT THO. TEE HEE.
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noonaishere · 2 months
Music of the Heart [J.YH] - sixty-eight | can’t sleep
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You needed to sleep. 
You needed to sleep but you couldn’t.
You stared at the ceiling for a few moments before trying again. You closed your eyes, pulled the covers up to your chin, and tried to will yourself to sleep. If you could just think sleepy thoughts hard enough, maybe you could do it…
You couldn’t. You were abundantly aware of the passage of time and no sleep came to you. The only thing that did was the rising feeling of bile as that moment replayed over and over in your mind without you wanting it to. 
“Now that she’s gone...”
She had been waiting for you to leave. She wanted to get him alone, so she could ask.
“I’m trying to ask if you want to go out with me.”
She was so direct. No euphemism. No clownish attempt to ask while couching it in something that seemed like not asking just in case the person being asked said no. She saw what she wanted and she went for it.
And she wanted him.
“Oh. I-- I wasn’t expecting that…”
He stuttered. Did she make him nervous? He only ever did that around you, and only lately since seeing you again. Did you make him nervous? And why were you suddenly finding it so attractive? Maybe it was because he had always been so strong and confident when you were kids?
Yunho didn’t respond. Or at least, he didn’t at first. Why not? What was he thinking in that moment? Was he really that nervous?
Satbyeol paused and waited. She probably raised one or both eyebrows to implore him to answer before she asked: 
And then that ill-fated click of the door finally closing.
If only you stopped the door with your foot so you could hear his answer, then it wouldn’t be chewing at your insides right now when you should be sleeping for work tomorrow. No, you shouldn’t have left the room. She waited until you left, right? You should have stayed so she couldn't even ask the question. You should have set up a tent and lived in there overnight. Maddox once said that Hongjoong had a tendency to sleep over in the studio, you could have started too: today.
But then… she just could have asked him out in the elevator as they left.
You whined and kicked your feet under the blanket.
As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t even hate Satbyeol. She realized the moment was right and she went for it. She shot her shot, how could you hate her for that? It’s not like Yunho was yours.
You sighed. If you thought about it any longer, you were going to start crying. You sat up and grabbed your MP3 player off the nightstand. You had bought it with your new paycheck and it was so much nicer than the one you had as a kid; it played FLAC files, could be used with high-end stereo systems, and could hold two micro SDs. You only had one in it currently, a 512 gigabyte one, and it was already half full with all the music you owned. If you added another, you could be walking around with a whole terabyte of music in your pocket. A veritable library. The idea made you salivate.
After you were done obsessing over it like Gollum lovingly looking at his Precious, you put your headphones on and scrolled, deciding what to listen to. 
You weren’t in ‘the mood’ for anything, per se, you just needed something loud to drown out all the stupid thoughts that were plaguing you and were very close to making you have to get up to puke. You hummed as you thought, nothing really jumping out at you as something that could help, until you scrolled to one of your favorite composers. You selected the album, selected the song file, and put it on repeat. 
It was Gustav Holst’s The Planets, specifically Mars, the Bringer of War.
It started off quietly, and quickly built up into its main theme. You loved the way the notes clashed with each other, the sense of the chaos of a battlefield coupled with the heavy weight of why someone fighting might go to war. The deeper notes spoke to the lurch of troop movement, like a many-legged many-bodied centipede as they moved in formation around the battlefield, and the higher notes brought to mind individual skirmishes as soldiers broke away and fought each other, swords against shields, sharp edges cutting into skin as men cried out from the sudden terror of their own mortality. The crescendo started to build again in the last third of the piece, ostinato repeating fervently, ferociously, dogging the listener with its gallop-like rhythm towards cacophony and dissonance in quadruple-forte. 
‘Allegro, allegro’, you could practically hear the conductor in your head as it started over again.
By the third time you listened to it, your brain had thankfully gone blank, thoughts dissipating like smoke as rain fell through it: they were still there, but they were forced away, dampened for now and could be ignored. 
You were finally able to drift off to sleep.
But not before a tiny spark of an idea ignited in the back of your mind. The place where all your music ideas started.
And it was such a good idea that your brain immediately filed it away so you wouldn't forget it come morning.
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fireemblems24 · 9 months
Azure Gleam Ch 14
I feel sad knowing this route is almost over :(
As much as Claude is annoying me right now, it's cool to see Faerghus, the Alliance, and the church all team up.
So it looks like we're fighting Caspar and Bergliez again. It's so much easier on me to kill the Empire characters lol.
It's so funny that all the Empire characters know something is weird with Edelgard, but are like "I'm still fighting anyways."
Is there any explanation of what happened to her? Or is this just a cope out so the war keeps going without making her into a flat-out evil.
Bergliez tells Caspar to run away. He's not though. And honestly, I don't want him. Not Hopes!Caspar at least. Brgliez keeps trying though, which guess he gets some dad points? Maybe? I like him more than Holst.
He compares what they're doing to captains that go down with their ship. So needless death. Ship captains have no choice, but they do and they keep fighting. Poor taste.
They're heading for the monastery. Shocking. I know. /s
I love how in the other routes, I protect Aegir. In this one, I'm sure I'll get to kill him. Feels good.
They talk strategy.
I honestly appreciate that this games goes a bit more into strategy. It's not super detailed, but more than Fire Emblem usually does lol.
Arval is like, ok, it's my turn. The suggestion is to just strike everyone all at once.
She's like, we've got the stronger army, let's act like it. I like that kind of thinking.
Felix calls Shez a boar lol. Says we have too boars in this army.
Shez tried to sympathize with Linhardt about possibly fighting Caspar and he's like "it doesn't really bother me" lol.
Felix admires Berlgeiz however the fuck you spell his name because he finds the sense of duty to the Empire despite it being a giant fuck up right now admirable. Coming from Felix, that's hysterical. I wish Shez had the option to tease Felix about it lol.
A scholar just said Dimitri appreciates their input (calculating how much food and raw materials is needed etc) unlike many other leaders. Happy to see more Dimitri praise in this game.
Petra once knocked Duke Aegir on his ass for insulting her father. I wonder if you get to learn this amazing piece of Petra lore in other routes or if this is an AG exclusive badassery.
Ok, so some random church NPC talked about how killing Edelgard would end the Emperor bloodline because there's rumors all her siblings are dead. Her backstory is really so weird. How would people not know about a bunch of dead princes and princesses?
Yuri is religious? He says he has a habit of praying before a big event, something he does because his mother did. I like it when characters add something unexpected to them that the usual stereotype of that character doesn't usually have.
If Hubert came up with "those who slither in the dark" as a nickname, how come everyone uses it? Even people who wouldn't know Hubert at all like Flayn?
Lorenz was just talking up how smart Claude is and all I can think is that GW!Claude isn't smart enough to find his way out of a wet paper bag.
I just got all of Shez's Blue Lions supports unlocked. Now I need to still get Flayn, Seteth, Catherine, Jeralt, and Byleth. I'm not sure I have enough time. But I'm going to try.
Duke Aegir is Thales' puppet. So TWSITD is ruling the Empire.
Edelgard just mindlessly listens to Aegir and Thales.
This lady turned on the Empire big time. Dimitri says he's still throwing her into a cell, lol.
Dimitri believes what she said though. He brings up the evidence he discovered while investigating in White Clouds. And also uses the Tomas situation as more evidence.
Dimitri now knows that his father, the knights, and the citizens of Duscur would all be alive without those mages.
He says they have the right to seek justice in the way they see fit. I love it. Not apologizing for defending themselves, but owning taking the initiative against TWSITD.
And there's a lot of people in the Blue Lions who has a personal beef with TWSITD.
I can finally give Dimitri the merc whistle! He also had a second set of dialogue on the map this chapter. It was about some Empire general we captured.
This one starts on a battlefield instead of training. Still very Felix.
And they're complimenting each other. Felix is complimenting someone. But it's their swordfighting so . . .
Shez is beginning to understanding Felix, saying he assigns a role to himself and carries it out. Which, she's not wrong.
Felix credits Rodrigue for his skill, lol. He also just complimented Rodrigue. Good for Felix.
His style is passed down in Fraldarius for generations. Because they're so tight. Man, the Dimitri/Felix yaoi writes itself.
Shez calls him indispensable to Dimitri and everyone. Felix is the lance and shield. Shez is the projectile like an arrow or stone.
She tells him to be more direct with compliments, Felix gets annoyed, but then says Shez is important to the army too.
Felix says Shez can't stay focused in battle - like she has someone talking to her in her head. More proof on how perceptive Felix is.
Also kudos to Byleth for Felix never noticing the same, which, imo, is perfectly in character for Byleth and Shez.
Shez is actually happy to know that Felix knows her so well that she spotted it. Since she gets sappy, Felix goes tsundere is like "I'm never complimenting you again!" Congrats, Shez, it means you're one of his people now if he's that emotionally fickle with you lamo.
This support was mostly just Shez and Felix gushing over how good the other is at fighting and how important they are to the group as a whole. I loved it. AG!Shez must be so much happier and more grounded than poor SB!Shez.
Dimitri is on break, but also depressed. Shez is concerned. Of course, it's because Dimitri can't relax. Other people are working, so he feels bad that he's not.
Shez asks why Dimitri is so insistent on it. Dimitri says it's the only way he knows how to be. That his life has never belonged to him because of his birthright.
Aaaaand of course the tragedy comes up, saying that makes him feel responsible too. So it's rooted partly in trauma :(
I can disagree or sympathize with him. Not sure which. I think I'm going to disagree, that it's not all his responsibility.
Ohh, Shez says he needs to trust people who wants to help.
Dimitri wants to ease the pain of the dead and living. That he'll have to make sacrifices to reach that goal, but doesn't want anyone else to suffer because of his goals. So he must carry the burden alone.
Shez is like, what about you're suffering and pain. That he can't care for others if he doesn't care for himself first.
Dimitri's like, I don't know how to respond to that - but like earnestly doesn't know. He doesn't know how to take care of his own pain nor what happiness would look like for him.
(God, this support is just making me love AM even more in retrospect, knowing that Dimitri gets to learn all of this, an my God wouldn't it be awesome if there was some kind of AG/AM blend that included this support somewhere in the middle)
Shez is like, how can you not know that? Asks what makes him smile? Like defeating a rival or a banquet.
Dimitri doesn't think he has the right to such happiness.
Good, God, Dimitri. He says he can only think of his death and leaving happy citizens and a peaceful kingdom behind.
Lord, nobody knows how much I love this. Like, not for Dimitri, boy needs therapy asap, and I want him to just be happy.
But, as a avid anime/manga and fantasy fan, do you know how many snot-nosed spoiled chosen ones and royalty and nobles I've come across who bitch and moan endlessly about their privileges lives because it comes with responsibilities and how they want to be a commoner with NO FUCKING IDEA what it's like to work day in and day out for someone who doesn't really care about you and will just replace you if convenient but your entire livelihood is dependent on spending most of your able-bodies life slaving away for them? Not to mention - back then - it would likely be some backbreaking work with shitty working conditions and no modern medicine or workers rights? It's so infuriating. Sometime they have a point, like pressure or whatever, but the older I get, the less I sympathize with their whining.
But Dimitri is like the exact opposite. He can't even be an individual away from his role at a leader because he's thrown too much of himself into it with no complaining at all. It's just so refreshing to see something the exact opposite of how this usually plays out, and is so much more interesting to explore than the same old for the xnth time.
Shez is like, you're dismal sometimes, she's not wrong. And is like why is death what makes me happy. Dimitri sounds like he doesn't even get that it sounded dismal while saying it.
She's like, what about partying with friends! Dimitri's like, wasted on me. But he says seeing his friends smile does make him happy.
Shez is annoyed with him lol. And is like, k, I'll just have to work twice as hard.
"You're going to take a break. And by the goddess, you're going to like it." I actually laughed. God, I love Shez.
She's like, you need to leave the office, bud. Dimitri says no words can express his gratitude.
I love their friendship so much. Like, I honestly don't think I ship it? I think they're just really tight friends, which Dimitri is such a shipping magnet, it's nice to see something as just pure friendship.
This is by far my favorite lord/Shez dynamic. Though, I think I ship Shez most with Byleth and I haven't even seen their supports yet.
Raphael is eating a lot. Shocking.
Raphael opened an inn??? And he's the cook. But he never gets compliments on his cooking, which makes him think his food tastes bad. He confesses that he doesn't know how to cook.
Ashe volunteers to teach Raphael how to cook.
Ashe thinks one of the best feelings in the world is when someone likes the food you cook.
Ashe test tries Raphael's food, which is just a pile of meat lol. Raphael doesn't understand why people would want anything else.
He describes Raphael's food like bacon wrapped around a salt lick lamo.
Unlike the Empire which won't eat their veggies like a bunch of spoiled brats, Ashe is promoting healthy veggie eating and understands food is best when you match complimentary flavors, including veggies, those Empire heathens.
Poor Raphael gets confused. Ashe talks about seasoning, and Raphael thinks like spring, summer, etc . . . and not like garlic.
Ashe is determined to help though.
Fairly wholesome support.
They only got 1 support :(
Ingrid's troubled. Ashe notices. But she denies it.
Ashe encourages Ingrid to talk to him.
Ingrid's amazed by how fertile the lands are. And it's Faerghus lands. It's because of lack of snow and lots of fields.
Both Ashe and Ingrid notice things like the wheat fields.
Ingrid basically lives on rocks. So, hard to grow food.
Ashe thinks the effort will pay off later, even if Ingrid doesn't live long enough to see the results.
Ashe was quoting King Loog. Ingrid notices, lol. They start geeking out a bit. I love Ashe and Ingrid geeking out.
Dagda apparently also has soil issues. They have a crop they can grow despite that, but can't remember the name, but thinks Shamir might know. So Ingrid has hope she can learn it.
Ashe says he's just helping her as a friend, not a knight.
He can relate to being hungry because he grew up poor.
Annette is trying to convince herself to grab something and run. Ingrid accidentally scares her. It's dark outside, so Annette's likely afraid of ghosts or something lol.
Of course, Annette wants a book she left in the mess hall. A woman after my own heart, braving fear because of love of a book.
Ingrid was heading there too. Annette's like this is destiny.
It's so dark even Ingrid gets spooked, but not as much as Annette. Who runs into a pile of crates lol.
Ingrid asks Annette if she's afraid of the dark. And poor Annette is, but really wishes she wasn't.
Ingrid, though, isn't afraid of the dark or ghosts. Annette is fascinated how Ingrid isn't afraid of ghosts.
Ingrid's brothers used to tell her those stories, but Ingrid thinks it's proof ghosts isn't real because you'd run into them more.
Ingrid actually wishes ghosts were real, because then she'd be able to talk to the dead still. But accepts that the dead are dead.
Annette circles that back to living while you're still alive.
Annette decides to walk back by herself to conquer her fears.
Ingrid is impressed with Annette's attitude.
This is a support I'm very curious about. It's their only one, but it's A. Plus, this game has handled Ingrid and Duscur much better.
Dedue has "brought substance" - it's just a cream puff lol.
Ingrid is happy with the timing. She's writing reports on their last fight in the Duscur region. And thinks it'll be a while until things stabilize.
Both Ingrid and Dedue agree that the Kingdom and Duscur have good and bad people. Ingrid gets upset over the innocent people getting lumped into the bad ones.
Dedue says he used to hate Faerghus, but meeting the nice people like Dimitri and others has made him expand his views.
People used to throw stones at Dedue - and Dimitri too :(
Ingrid says she would've remained gnorant about Duscur if she'd never meant Dedue.
Dedue says he finds Ingrid's willingness to change admirable. Ingrid admits she has a long way to go still.
She invites Dedue to go get a snack together and suggests an inn that Dimitri suggested with good food, owned by someone from Duscur. Pretty sure that was mentioned in her support with him.
Dedue is just pissed that Dimitri went wandering around town with only just Ingrid, seeing it as reckless, lamo.
I love all the Blue Lions, man.
Yuri fell for a trap. Because it was his "second worst" brush with death, Seteth is curious about the first. It was the plague that wrecked Faerghus (and killed Dimitri's mother). Yuri survived without a doctor's help.
An old man saved him. They found some old man on the road, took him in, and then later he saved Yuri. But is dead by now.
Seteth seems to know who it is.
There's a legend that one of the Ten Elites got sick and got healthy after getting a crest from a Saint.
So Seteth thinks Yuri got his rare crest from the actual saint? Or close descendant of.
So that explains why Yuri's hinted at living longer than average, and has a super rare crest.
Seteth is happy to learn one of his old friends may have found peace in his final moments because he got to save a child's life.
I don't know if his House's supports tells you about this lore, but it's cool to learn it here.
It's also nice to see Yuri talk to someone without picking a fight. He was so chill, almost friendly to Seteth rather than sounding a bit like a fanfic edgelord initially (like, I like Yuri, but some of him reeks of baby's first fanfic OC).
Flayn's upset with Seteth, who told her no about something.
Man, Seteth and Flayn's relationship would be creepy as fuck if they were really siblings. Like, Seteth is extremely controlling of Flayn, and often it looks like the typical icky "my woman must remain pure!!!" Like, not only do they treat the women in their family like possessions, not people, but seem especially interested in owning their genitals and sexuality. It's so extremely weird and gross, and why I pretty much can't stand Holst anymore (he seemed alright at first, but some supports are so ick).
But learning that their father-daughter helps (it's still gross, but less weird because at least he's a legit authority figure in her life and not her . . . brother), but knowing it's actually because TWSITD want to torture Flayn to death, that his people got genocided and turned into super weapons, and that she healed so many people she nearly died too (which would leave him with no family) makes it not offputting. It's actually a pretty smart way of using tropes that seems set up to make us dislike him (over controlling father) and then a big "ohhhhh" once you learn the WHY isn't the typical creepy "my girl is not a whore!" obsession wayyyyy too many men have.
OK, back to the support now.
Seteth is trying to block Flayn from going out entirely. Poor Flayn. But with TWSITD on the move, it does make sense.
Shez is very concerned with Flayn. I love how empathetic Shez is while still being realistically distant enough to be a merc and pretty straight forward. I actually REALLY like Shez. Esp F!Shez.
Flayn is going to listen to Seteth because she doesn't want to make it hard on him.
After the war, they plan on going out together again.
Flayn is grateful it's F!Shez and not M!Shez bc a woman is less sus to Seteth than a man. I wonder how the M!Shez one goes.
Haha, Shez can offer to help Flayn sneak out, or talk her out of it. I totally offered to help her sneak out lol.
Do we ever learn what happened to Edelgard? Or did she get yeeted from the plot?
She's missing this battle. Aegir lost her. What an idiot. He looks so funny in that armor. I'm glad in this route at least, I get to kick his ass, not save his ass (unlike the other 2 routes).
I do not understand the hype around Caspar's dad. He folds like a twig when I fight him.
Killed Aegis. Such a tragedy. /s
OMG. I beat that chapter in like 4 minutes. Dimitri is so overleveled and stupidly strong. He just kills so fast. It's hilarious and fun. But I also miss S rank because I didn't kill enough. He kills too fast.
They still can't find Edelgard.
It'll be weird if we don't get a monastery chapter.
Byleth insists on looking for Edelgard more because he feels she's nearby.
Byleth and Shez look for Edelgard together. Which makes me hope we get dialogue between them.
Unless this is the start of the special chapter? Ok switching to the next post now.
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estoned-png · 2 months
Hi Estoned! 🪴(pretend that's a weed emoji haha)
I saw your headcanon with Estonia and Prussia both enjoying classical music. Do you think they'd ever play (with instruments) classical music together? 🎻 How do you think they found out each other enjoyed classical music? And do you think Austria joins them with talking about classical music? Anyways, hope you're having a good day!🪽
estoned🪴here🔥 YIPPEE MY FIRST QUESTION!! so excited wowie this is gonna be very long (so sorry for the yap sesh, these hcs have been brewing since 2020)
First of all, 100% they have played classical music together, whether it be together in a larger ensemble, duet/solo + accompaniment (more on this later)
I don't know how it would work in the canon universe but I like to think that they've played in an orchestra together at some point while living under russia's rule (and this sorta goes into another idea of mine: i don't think ivan himself was completely evil or abusive all time, but rather more "abused becomes the abuser" and misunderstood because of his upbringing as a child. i think he meant well and wanted them to be like a "family", so he'd bend some rules to allow them to pursue some hobbies or "careers"* for a while but a lot of the hardships they faced were because of the time, living conditions, and government. so put a bunch of people who can semi coexist with each other into a bad living situation, there was bound to be conflict between them.) i did some research and there were professional orchestras in the ussr, so maybe that?
*a little more abt this, i think nations usually take on extra hobbies and "careers" but have to have a fake name and "retire" early.
ex.) (in austria's case) people would be a little suspicious if the same conductor with the same name worked with the same orchestra for decades without aging at all.
the soviet mansion (what else do ppl call that group nowadays? is referring to them as "soviets" offensive?? i don't wanna offend anyone😞) used to have a grand piano for estonia (something russia requested because estonia had already lived under his rule once so he knew he enjoyed playing piano) and prussia was allowed to buy a flute (instruments are crazy expensive so probably something cheap), so in their spare time when they weren't working or doing chores (or fighting), estonia and prussia would play together. until eventually, they had to sell the piano for some extra cash but not without estonia's one condition: that he be allowed to buy another instrument for cheap with some of the money from the piano (grand pianos are pretty expensive so.) eventually though, their shared hobby was pushed aside as they eventually had to sell their own instruments a few years later.
as for austria, he comes in after the dissolution of the ussr when prussia was once again living with his brother, germany. he mentioned to austria how estonia and him would pass the time during their stay at russia's and austria reached out, excited to have a musician aquientance who was more tolerable than prussia.
nowadays, they get together to discuss classical music in general as well as personal stories of working with ensembles and different pieces they have played/want to play. this might be a little specific, but their main topic at the moment is debating which movement of Gustav Holst's "The Planets" is the best and why. (i might sound like a total nerd but the planets suite is so good??? a staple in any musicians playlist of classical music)
THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTION!!! i love answering these types of things and finally being able to post abt my headcanons that have been brewing since 2020 IS SO FUN!! i hope you have the bestest day ever i love you
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grntaire · 8 months
Yoooo I really love the choral music you’ve recently shared. I’m not really that familiar with it as a genre of music and don’t normally seek it out? but occasionally a piece will find its way to me (like at a funeral or now your blog), and I find it arrestingly beautiful. maybe partly because it’s a strange and unfamiliar medium to me. Do you have any favorites you would recommend for further exploration? 🩷
hi this is maybe the most hyped i've been for an ask ever bc i go fucking crazy for choral music so YES i do have recs for you. i will try to limit my little thoughts however i am very annoying so it will not go well
gibbons' hosanna to the son of david goes insanely hard. so jovial and fun and i had a blast singing this in undergrad! i love renaissance polyphony and this is a prime example of it!
poulenc's o magnum mysterium is truthfully wacky in the best most french way ever. and imo poulenc's queerness is so clear and present in his music so anything by him i love. my beautiful fruity catholic with a disorder <3
chesnokov's spaseniye sodelal is russian orthodox perfection fr. when my choir in undergrad read thru this i was stood between two low basses and at THAT part (1:32) i felt like i was being punched from the inside out. also the text means "salvation is created in the midst of the earth" and i think that's like. so fucking sick
stacey gibbs' arrangement of ezekiel is THE american spiritual arrangement to me. i once sang this in an italian church under a mexican conductor and then later we all sang it drunkenly for the owner at the hotel we were all staying at it was wild and so so so fun. such a beautiful and massive example of a joyful american spiritual also it's straight up a banger honestly. could talk ad nauseum abt how badass black choral scholars are and how grateful i am for all of the work that they've done and for inviting ppl to learn abt and experience it <3
holst's i love my love is one of my favs of all time. unfortunately england fucking devours when it comes to their choral tradition and this piece does one of my fav things where the way the composer sets the text changes its meaning! it's abt a woman named nancy who is in bedlam bc her love died at sea and it effectively broke her. while there, he comes to her, alive, breaks her out and they get married. while the poem itself shows a happy ending, the way holst plays w tempo and texture makes me go hmmm. 90% sure he did not show up and she's experiencing a delusion of sorts to cope w her grief (the i love my love's in the sopranos & altos at 1:24 kind of emulate a rocking motif, almost as if she's rocking herself back and forth in a soothing gesture, or the rocking of the ship he died on) and that tenor entrance in the melody after almost emulates her love coming to rescue her. god this whole piece makes me feel like my skin is on fire and i think it's a devastating portrayal of mental illness and you can rip it from my cold dead hands
stanford's beati quorum via is literally just gorgeous front to back. again unfortunately the english stay slaying
jake runestad's a silence haunts me literally does fucking haunt me and it changed the way i think about choral music. it's a setting of an unsent letter of beethoven's where he talks about losing his hearing and how afraid he is of losing it. this one you def have to watch bc there's a visual element to it! no spoilers but holy shit it shuts my brain down it's brutal and beautiful. i saw its premiere in 2019 and the entire hall was sobbing. like i have the words "be well" tattooed on me bc of it. the way the piano quotes moonlight sonata and his 9th symphony and the tensions emulating his tinnitus. OUGH
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supercantaloupe · 1 month
happy sleepover saturday! any thoughts about Beetlejuice the musical (positive/negative/etc)? I've really liked what I've seen/heard but I'd be interested to know what you think. additionally, as a guy who rarely listens to any kind of classical music because he is bad at remembering the titles 😫 what are some bangers i should put on tonight while i assemble a gerbil cage? (preferably the smaller... songs? numbers? please no longer than 10 minutes per. concerto???? idk what they're called im so sorry. last thing these are my three beautiful boys im adopting tomorrow!
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OHH THREE BEAUTIFUL BABY BOYS. i like that that two of them appear to have airbender arrows on their heads
i! don't have very strong opinions on beetlejuice the musical, to be honest. i haven't seen it and it's been a few years since listening to the soundtrack. i remember it being decent, a few clever lines and composition moments here and there, there was clearly some creativity and heart put into it. it didn't seem to have like the kind of lazy cashgrab project vibes that other movie-to-stage musical adaptations sometimes, like sure the original movie here was a cult classic already but the team turning it into a musical seemed really interested in making into its own thing that adds to the creative idea. it's not really my cup of tea these days but it seems like a fun time, and you can absolutely do worse
HMM...well i am very much at heart a symphony girlie and symphonies tend to be quite a bit longer than ten minutes, But i shall try to come up with some shorter selections...
the overture to die meistersinger is genuinely a work of genius. i regret having to recommend a wagner piece because philosophically (and also at times musically) i disagree with the man intensely, and he was a massive piece of shit. but damn could he write an overture. he should have been a symphonist. and left it at that.
in that vein actually opera overtures are gonna offer a lot of great options for exciting classical music pieces that don't go on for too long. rossini has a ton of classics to choose from, many of which are very famous and also might be recognizable, like the barber of seville, la gazza ladra (the thieving magpie), l'italiana in algeri (the italian girl in algeria), la scala di seta (the silken ladder) and william tell.
some of my other personal favorite overtures are mozart's le nozze di figaro (the marriage of figaro) and the magic flute, weber's der freischütz, donizetti's la fille du régiment (the daughter of the regiment), and bernstein's candide.
also! the dance of the hours is a classic, it comes from the ballet la gioconda and also was featured in the original fantasia so it might be familiar!
finally i'll recommend some concert band music which i think is often overlooked in the classical music world. and no one does concert band better than brits and americans. holst first suite in Eb and second suite in F are both great, same for vaughan williams' english folk song suite. and william walton's crown imperial coronation march.
OH and arturo márquez's danzón no 2. okay love you bye
[ask meme]
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lunar-arrows · 5 months
is it really that time again where I try desperately to find a rp partner and either miss someone good by a single message or not find anyone at all? sure is.
I just wanna find something that can occupy my mind and we can chat about plot and dumb little things while we write, so slap this post with a like or wander into my messages to tell me what you like from this list
I'm 25+ so I'd very much like for partners to be at least over 21, and I tend to write in and around discord message limit or a bit shorter depending on the mood
fe3h: I really enjoy writing Felix as he's very my type of character that I tend to gravitate towards. Though I am willing to write for Dimitri, Yuri, Ingrid (as a side character mostly), and a whole host of others as needed.
dimilix, sylvix, glenn/holst
trigun: simple as that I'd like to write as Vash, but I could write as Wolfwood, Meryl, Milly as side characters if we do pairs other than vashwood
vashwood (top priority)
jujutsu kaisen: idk man just a lot of satosugu, would honestly be willing to play either of them, they give me so many feelings god help me. and maybe even itafushi because Megumi, once again, is a type of character I would adore writing as. also either one in inuokko.
there are also a lot of other fandoms I love but haven't gotten the chance to rp in that I'd be very willing to try at least once, if you see anything on my page you'd like to try then go on ahead and ask me about it (mxtx novels, nier, ffxiv, ffvii, league of legends music-verse with heartsteel or kda?, possibly some genshin ships?, haikyuu?)
my roleplays tend to be very angst based, very plot heavy so if you're down for that then come at me with your most character hurting ideas you can think of. I don't have many triggers at all, but I'll happily avoid yours if you just let me know!
anyways, thanks for reading, I hope to shoot a message your way or get some in my inbox at some point!
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