#i do not trust raphael i’m not making a deal with that bitch
elvhenmage · 1 year
lae’zel: we had the chance to free orpheus within our grasp and you refused raphael’s deal? why??
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 5 months
Heart of the Weave - A Baldurs Gate fanfiction
After our delicious dinner, we put the baby to bed and I decided to head on over to Karlach and Wyll’s house, who luckily only live right down the road from us. No point in summoning Withers in this case, though Gale did beg me to stay home and he goes instead. I told him it won’t take long and I’m bound to come across a devil regardless.
“I won’t be long,” I assure him. “Remember, I still have my powers.”
“Alright, just be careful. Who knows what lurks out in the night? I won’t rest until you make it home. I love you.” I smile as I feel the comfort of his words. He doesn’t underestimate me, and if it weren’t for the fact a devil is watching me, he wouldn’t be as worried.
“I love you too.” I close the door behind me and make my merry way to see my friends, hoping they have some advice – or something – to assist me in the unfortunate circumstance.
The violet night sky in Waterdeep absorbs my attention, the aura of the sunset bringing out various colors that are reflecting within the large pond in the middle of town. There’s also restaurants with tables outside where people are chatting underneath the lights hanging from the roof. Such a lovely and calming sight to see. I am still very skeptical, so I make sure to eyeball every corner to make sure I’m not being spied upon.
After roughly a fifteen minute stroll, I make it to Karlach and Wyll’s mahogany cottage that sits by the docks of the sea. Before I even have the opportunity to knock on the door, Karlach opens it immediately as I approach; it’s as if she knew I’m here.
“Emmy!” Her voice is filled with enthusiasm as her face lights up. “What are you doing here? Please, come inside!” I walk into her cozy home, noticing the fireplace in the livingroom light up the home. It smells of a delicious herbal tea here.
“Hey there, Emmy. I’m sure judging by Karlach’s inability to contain her excitement that we never get visitors,” Wyll chimes in playfully with a smile on his face. “Say, where’s Gale and the little one?”
“He’s at home with the baby, she’s asleep and boy did she need it! I’m really sorry to pop in unexpectedly like this, I hate being that person.”
“Trust me, we’re thrilled that you’re here! Wait, did you and Gale have a fight? What happened?!” Karlach exclaims in a rising panic, which causes me to chuckle. “Pleeeease tell me you’re not divorcing.”
“No, no! Nothing of the sort. We’re stronger than ever before.”
“Then what troubled you, friend?”
“So, you’re both familiar with devil pacts and contracts. Zariel wants me to sell Jenevelle’s soul because it contains such strong strands of the weave and it’s enough to destroy Raphael out of the position as archdevil. In exchange, Jenevelle would be given the gift of immortality. Zariel wouldn’t say what would happen if we didn’t take the deal.” Karlach and Wyll both look frightened, their eyes wide as I spoke the words out loud. They’re trying to process all of the information it seems. Wyll sighs as he stiffens his shoulders.
“I hate to say it, but you need to take the deal. Trust me on this,” he mutters with concern. “Jenevelle would gain an incredible gift. Yes, it sucks she won’t age. It sucks she won’t grow up. However, you would all be free of Raphael and you wouldn’t have to worry about losing her. She’s a baby – so very delicate and fragile.” He has a very valid point. There’s more good than bad when it comes to selling her soul, and although it will be tedious at times, she will be with us and not in the Hells.
“As much as I despise the bitch that’s Zariel, you need to accept the deal. Please, Emmy. Remember when Raphael said that he would make you his ‘Hope’ for eternity? Best to avoid that,” Karlach adds. Her eyes seem to be tearing up, as if she truly believes I won’t take the deal. I realize how correct they both are and sigh heavily, hating the fact Jenevelle has no say in the matter but I’d do anything to make sure she’s not taken from me.
“Thank you both. I’m trying so damn hard to wrap my mind around this. Gale and I…we’ll be selling our souls too, in exchange for immortality.”
“Probably the best choice you could make for Jenevelle’s sake,” Wyll responds. “I am so sorry you got dragged into all of this.” I feel a huge weight taken off my chest as I come to a final decision and seeing the bright side of it all. I smile as I inhale, then exhale the tension that was built up inside me.
“It’s alright. Thank you both. I’ve made the decision. I hope you can both come by soon. Jenevelle misses you I’m sure.”
“Oh, you know damn well I’ll hold that baby any time! Just say the word and I’ll be there.”
I leave their house roughly an hour after the difficult conversation, and as I Head home I try to walk quickly so I can make it home before it’s too dark out. Unfortunately for me, I’m not an elf or any other race that can see in pitch black darkness. Luckily, I’m not far from the tower and I’m sure Gale is worried sick. As I pass the giant, beautiful oaktree that has years of wisdom within it, I notice a raunchy odor – sulphur, maybe?
“What…the hell is that?” I try to ignore it and continue my merry way back home, but then a dark shadow appears in front of me before my very eyes, quickly revealing itself as Zariel. I was hoping she would at least wait until I got home.
“Ah, Mrs. Dekarios. There you are. Time is ticking, my darling. Have you made your choice?” I hesitate and take a deep breath before I give her my answer.
“Yes. I’ll sell her soul for her to gain immortality. Destroy that bastard for good. And one more thing…”
“Oh? A proposition?”
“I request that Gale and I sell our souls for immortality as well.” She smirks but contemplates her next word, and it seems she isn’t against the idea. Besides, more souls for the devils means more power.
“Just so you know, this will completely unbind Gale from Mystra. He will still have his magic of course, but he will no longer be her chosen. His soul will no longer belong to her, just like how yours will no longer belong to your goddess. Would you like to proceed?” I never in a million years thought I would betray my goddess. I didn’t ask for this. I just wish we never got involved with Raphael in the first place, though that would have meant not being able to rescue Orpheus.
“This fucking sucks…but yes.”
“Perfect. Let’s take you home, shall we? Then we can handle the contract.” Before I know it, we appear back at home in the living area where Gale is sitting on the sofa, and he nearly shit his pants when we unexpectedly show up less than two feet away from him.
“Oh Gods! You scared the daylight out of me. Emmy, my love, are you alright?”
“I think so? I don’t know,” I state with mild confusion.
“Let’s get this contract started,” Zariel interrupts, and moves her hands around in an unusual motion, which causes flames to swirl around her wrists and a contract appears right before us.
“Erm…contract?” Gale questions. “Are we doing this?” I stare at the floating contract in front of us, which will change everything once signed. I realize I’ll need to cut the palm of my hand and use my blood to sign it, as will Gale.
“I spoke with Wyll and Karlach. They agreed there’s no other way out unless we wanted our daughter to be a thrall in the Hells. So… Here we are.” Gale sighs and tightly closes his eyes as we give up everything we’ve ever known: our goddess, our graceful aging, and our daughter’s future.
“Okay. Let’s do it.”
I feel the thick crimson blood pour out of my flesh as I carve it open with a silver dagger that was handed to me by Zariel. I fight back the screams as it pierces my skin, pouring out of me like a waterfall. I sign the contract and immediately my wound begins to close shut, healing almost immediately. Gale does the same, and his harsh wound heals just as rapidly. We sign the contract, and Zariel begins to speak a string of infernal words to fully validate the bloody contract.
“You will both become much more powerful than before. Are you prepared to dismiss your goddesses?” Her voice is ominous, haunting my mind as she speaks.
“I don’t crave power like I used to. Not anymore. That’s not the man I am. But… I’m also not Mystra’s plaything. Go ahead.” Gale seems ready to give up mortality and his goddess to my surprise. Part of me feels a certain pain inside as I come to the realization I’m abandoning Sȇlune.
We feel the flames consume us from head to toe, and to the cores of our souls, which travel through each layer of the Hells. A blinding light flashes in my face as my body begins to vibrate with an unfamiliar power. I feel nourished. New. Reborn. I see Gale in front of me, his skin sparkling as the flames around us vanish into dust. His body then fully appears and he appears to be in some state of shock, but in a positive way.
“Welcome to immortality,” Zariel says, a smile on her face that actually seems promising.
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fictionalabyss · 3 years
Saving face with the dicks downstairs.
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Pairings : Sam x Reader, Sam x Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, Dean
Word count : 4,144
Written for : @samwinchesterbingo
Square : Fake dating.
Beta’d by : @iflostreturntosteverogers
Warnings : AU. Reader is Michael, Lucifer, Raphael and Gabriel's baby sister. Quick best friends, Sam's in the closet, Gabriel is out, Raphael is a dick, over protective big brothers Michael and Lucifer, especially Lucifer, Dean is no fool, party, drinking, high school politics, almost smut (none depicted in detail, but some faked), threats, Lucifer threatens people, talk of Lucifer being arrested in the past for beating a minor, talk of a past shitty 'relationship', talk of parent abandonment (Chuck and John are similar in the dad department), Sam gets a boyfriend, hint at a possible new relationship at the end.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
Sam Winchester Bingo Masterlist.
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Sam Winchester. Okay, maybe not the hottest guy in school, but he had his charms. He was sweet, quiet, good looking and tall. Damn, was he tall. You’ve talked to him before, at school, at parties like this. Drinks were flowing, music was blasting through speakers that shook the windows. And you got lucky enough that when you whispered to Sam that it was too loud down there, he nodded and led you up to a bedroom.
As soon as the door was shut behind you and you had locked it, your lips were on his, drinks discarded onto someone’s dresser and forgotten. Sam’s kiss was reluctant, awkward. You figured it was the shock of you making that first move paired with all the drinks he’d been pounding back all night, so you continued to lead. Guys like that anyways, right?
You started pushing him back, keeping him moving and not letting him go, keeping the kiss going until he fell back against the bed, sitting there, looking up at you with something in his eyes you couldn’t quite read.
Your lips met his again, a little sweeter this time as you climbed into his lap, knees digging into the mattress on either side of him. “Wait.” he mumbled as you pressed yourself closer to him, fingers in his hair and holding him close. “Wait, wait-” He pulled back, and you gave him a confused look.
“What’s wrong?” He didn’t answer right away, and you chuckled. “It’s okay, Sam, I’m sober enough to know what I want. You don’t have to-” as you spoke, you were leaning in for another kiss, but he stopped you. “Do you not want me?” Sam looked down, licking his bottom lip as you sat back against his thighs, giving him a bit more space. “Sam-”
“I’m-” He started to speak but he couldn’t seem to finish.
It was like it clicked in your head. “I don’t have what you want..” you breathed out in realization. Suddenly there was fear in his eyes, his nails scratching against your jeans as his fingers tightened on your thighs. “Hey-” You cupped his face, making him look up, but he pulled his head away.
“Fuck off.”
“Sam-” He shook his head, but you grabbed him again, forcing him to look at you. “It’s not a big deal.” you chuckled softly.
“Says you. Lesbians are ‘so hot’.” he mocked.
“I won’t tell anyone.” You chuckled softly, watching him but not getting off his thighs. “You can trust me.”
“Yeah, right.”
“My brother’s gay, Sam.” His eyes came up to meet yours at the confession. “It’s really not a big deal to me. All you had to do was tell me and I wouldn’t have thrown myself at you.” you smiled at him.
“Didn’t exactly want anyone knowing.” Sam mumbled, picking at a loose thread on the edge of your shirt.
“Know what you need?”
Your smile widened. “A fake girlfriend.” Sam cocked an eyebrow. “Look, we’re up here, right? There’s no way that went unnoticed. We’ll just pretend we had a bit of fun. You save face with those dicks downstairs, I get to have a hot date for lunch hour, and I’ll introduce you to my older brother.”
“Just because he’s gay too, doesn’t mean I want to fuck him.”
You laughed and shoved at his shoulders. “To have someone to talk to, you idiot.”
“Why would you do that for me?”
You shrugged. “Because I remember what he went through. We’re friends, Sam. I don’t want to see you as broken as I remember seeing him.” Sam gave you a small nod. “Deal?”
“Deal. So how do we-” he was cut off by you shoving him back on the bed.
You leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Don’t be quiet.” with a grin, you sat back up, still on his thigh, and started bouncing on him. You chuckled at the surprise on his face as the bed under him started to creak and groan with the motion. “That’s it, Sam.” you praised out loud. “Yeah, right there.”
Sam started to laugh, but the look you shot him made him hold it in. His tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, before he blurted out “Your.. pussy feels so good.” You couldn’t help but snort, and you both muffled your laughs. “Sorry.” he whispered behind the hand he had covering his mouth. “Dirty talk is not my strong suit.”
“It’s good.” you shook your head at him, getting yourself back up right. “It was just.. so weird coming out of you like that.”
“Fuck off. Dirty bitch.”
“Oh! That’s the good stuff. Say it again, Sam!”
“Oh, god.” Sam rolled his eyes at you, but smiled all the same. “You’re disgusting.”
“I’m your girlfriend now, handsome. That means you’re disgusting, too.”
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You chewed on your bottom lip as you knocked on the open door. His room was the last in the hall, right next to yours. “Gabe? Can we talk?”
He looked up from his computer, turning his chair completely around as he watched you stand awkwardly in his doorway. “What’d they do, now?”
You smiled at him. “Nothing, I promise.” He motioned for you to come in, so you stepped in before shutting the door behind you. You crossed the room to his bed and sat on the edge before sighing.
“What’s up, kiddo?”
“I uhm.  I sorta of have a boyfriend.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ.” Gabriel muttered with a shake of his head. “Mikey and Luci are gonna lose their shit.”
“I said ‘sort of’ Gabriel.” He waited for you to elaborate. “I want you to meet him.”
“Why? Why me? I don’t usually meet ‘em unless I’m holding Luci back from killing them. What changed?”
“He’s gay.” Gabriel’s eyebrows shot up at that. “He’s scared about people finding out.” Gabe shook his head, and turned his chair back towards his computer. “Please, Gabriel? He’s really nice, especially to me. He always looks out for me at parties.”
Gabriel turned to look at you again. “Pumpkin-”
“He reminds me of you.”  That gave him pause. “Remember when everyone found out? Mike and Luci didn’t care too much, but Raph, he spread it everywhere and treated you like shit. You cried, Gabriel. Every damn night. I remember it because I was there, I held you any time you would let me.” He sighed. “Please. I’m covering for him, I don’t mind that, it was my idea. I just want him to know he isn’t alone, you know? Please? He’s a really sweet kid and I don’t want them to break him.”
“Mikey’s got work tonight. Luci is out doing whatever the fuck he’s out doing. I’ll tell Raph to fuck off. Invite him over for dinner.”
Your grin was wide when you leapt up and threw yourself at him. “I knew I could count on my favorite big brother.”
“Yeah, yeah. You owe me.” he muttered.
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When Sam showed up for dinner, he had smiled nervously at you as he stepped into the house, but once his attention turned to the man who stepped out of the kitchen, he froze, smile falling from his face.
“Sam, this is one of my brothers, Gabriel. Gabe, this is Sam.”
“I’m the favourite brother.” Gabe smirked, hand reaching out for Sam’s.
You smiled, watching Sam as he tried to sneakily wipe his palm along his jeans before taking your brother’s hand for a shake. “S-Sam. I’m Sam.”
“Yeah, I got that.” Gabe chuckled, glancing to you and how you smiled so brightly. “Dinner will be ready in about 10. You want anything to drink?”
“Wa-” Sam’s voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. “Water will be fine, thank you.”
Gabriel laughed. “If you insist, but we’ve got beer, too.” he started for the kitchen.
“Glad I introduced you?” you whispered to Sam with a shit eating grin before skipping off to follow your brother. “Can I have a beer?”
“Hell no. I don’t got a death wish.”
Dinner went well. Gabriel was able to make Sam relax and laugh in no time, but you knew he would, Gabriel had that effect on everyone. Sam was amazed by Gabriel's cooking, raved about it, which just had you wiggling your eyebrows between them and laughing every time Sam blushed bright red.
After dinner, the three of you moved to the living room. Some movie put on that you all half paid attention to. Sam sat between you and Gabriel, letting the two of them talk without them having to talk over you. Sam seemed to be more and more comfortable around Gabe, and that made you happy.
You were all smiling, laughing at some comment Gabriel made when you heard the front door open and everyone got quiet. Your face took on a look of panic when Michael appeared in the hall and glanced in.
He looked from Gabriel, to you, then to the boy between the two of you. “Who’s this?”
This wasn’t good. You were about to answer when Gabriel spoke first. “A friend.”
“A friend?” Michaels eyes shot to you, and he found you biting your bottom lip nervously. “Bullshit.” he spat before heading up the hall.
“Mikey, wait!” you shot up from your seat and hurried after him. When you caught up to him, he was entering the bottom floor master, and he was fuming. “Please, just listen to me-”
“Did you think I wouldn't fucking find out? That I wouldn’t be pissed?” he spun around on you. “I’m fucking livid! You know how we feel about you having a fucking boyfriend, and you bring him here when I’m not home? Are you fucking insane?”
“What if Luci had come home first, huh? You think Gabe alone could stop him from killing the fucking guy?” Tears brimmed in your eyes. You hated disappointing him, he might be your brother, but he’d always been more of a father to you. “You know how he is when it comes to you. Remember when you were fuckin’ 13? Remember what happened?” You nodded sadly. “You want that to happen again?”
“Then tell me why you thought this shit was a good fucking idea?”
“He’s gay, Michael.”
You sighed, and wiped at your eyes before looking up at him again. “He’s gay.”
He stared at you for a minute before scoffing. “Yeah fucking right. His ass better be out of here in 5 minutes or I’m letting Luci-”
“He’s gay.” you reiterated. “No one knows. Remember what happened to Gabe when he was in school and everyone found out? Remember how fucked up he was? I don’t want Sam to go through that, so I told him I’d be his pretend girlfriend and I introduced him to Gabe so he’d have someone to talk to. Please, Mike, I’m telling you the truth.”
He kept his eyes on you as he moved past you, only taking them off of you when he was out in the hall and then he stormed his way back to the living room, you rushing behind him, begging him to believe you. “You fucking gay?” the words exploding out of his mouth the second he stopped in the doorway. Sam was standing with Gabriel, eyes wide with fear before they shot to you. You gave him a small nod, letting him know it was okay to answer. “Are you fucking my sister?” he demanded.
“No.” Sam swallowed. “I’m not fucking her.”
“You could stand to have a little more tact, Mikey.” Gabriel scolded.
“Fuck your tact.” Michael spat at him, still worked up.
“Mikey, please..” you moved around him, stopping in front of him and doing your best to play on his heart strings. “You can tell Luci if he swears to keep it quiet, but Raph can’t know. You remember how much of a dick he was to Gabe, he’s an asshole and I don’t want to risk it. If you and Luci seem okay with it, he won’t do shit about me and Sam.”
Everyone was quiet for a minute, Michael’s eyes burning into Sam and Gabriel, then he looked down at you. Before he could say anything, the door opened and Raphael strolled in. “Am I allowed in my own fucking house now?” he asked as he slammed the door behind him. “What’s going on?” When he looked into the living room and saw Sam, he furrowed his brows. “Who the fuck is this?”
“Please, Mikey.” you begged.
“Oh shit!” Raph’s face all but lit up. “I got kicked out so the little princess could sneak in a boyfriend! Fuck, you’re dead. Luci just pulled in.” He pointed to Sam.
“Who’s dead?” Lucifer walked in, shutting the door behind him. “What the fuck happened now?”
“Someone’s got a boyfriend.” Raph grinned. He always did like to rile either Lucifer or Michael up as much as he could.
“What!?” Lucifer started to storm in, pushing past everyone to get into the room. “You better fucking start running.” he threatened, finger pointed right at Sam who looked terrified.
He wasn’t the only one. At the look of fear in your eyes, Michael grabbed Lucifer and pulled him back. “We need to talk.”
“She knows the fucking rules.”
“Now. Raph, fuck off.”
“No, this is the most interesting thing to happen-”
“Fuck off!” Michael screamed at him. “You two, upstairs.”
“So, what, she’s got a boyfriend and we’re just going to let that happen?” He looked from a fuming Lucifer to you standing between them and Sam. “Since when don’t we let Luci just beat-”
“Fuck, okay. Jesus Christ.” He glared at his two older brothers before storming back towards the door and out. “Fuck this bullshit.” he spat.
“Upstairs while the grown ups talk.” Michael spoke again, just a little calmer as he pinned a fighting Lucifer to the wall.  You grabbed Sam’s hand and rushed for the stairs while Lucifer spat profanity at everyone.
The sound of it followed you up the stairs, only cutting out once your door shut behind Sam. “So.. how many brothers do you have?” he asked nervously.
“Just the 4, thank fuck.” you groaned, dropping onto your bed.
“They’re uh- they’re really over protective..”
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m sorry, I should have warned you about that.. I had hoped I’d have time to talk to Michael before you met anyone other than Gabriel.”
“If they’re that protective, I don’t think I want to meet your dad.” Sam chuckled nervously before sitting next to you on the bed.
“Luci is who you need to worry about. My dad isn’t really around, Michael pretty much raised me. I’m not just the baby of the family, I’m the only girl. I’m the last link to mom. Luci loved mom more than anything and he was her favourite. When mom died..”
“Mom dies, dad goes off the deep end and big brother takes over?” You looked up at him, confused how he knew. “Dean, my older brother, raised me too.”
“Luci doesn’t let anyone near me. Michael raised me, but Lucifer… he was my prince when I was little.” you smiled. “My knight in shining armour, always protecting me. There’s a reason I’m not allowed to date despite being damn well old enough.” you sighed. “When I was 13, I liked this guy. Rob. He liked me.” you smiled softly before ducking your head down. “He was 15. No idea why he was interested in me, but I wasn’t questioning that. I only knew him because he was always at my friends house with her older brother. He took me out on a date, Michael had approved of it, and it went fine.”
“What happened?”
“Rob told his buddies that he’d done more than he did with me. When I heard, it broke my heart. I called Luci crying from school during 5th period. By the final bell, he was waiting outside. We found Rob with his friends, Luci threw him at my feet and made him apologize for lying. Then he punched him. Broken nose, broken jaw.. One of the other kids called the police and Luci was arrested.”
“Jesus Christ..”
“He has anger issues, that’s no secret to anyone who knows us. But he looks at me like I’m his last link to mom because I look just like her. I remind him of her. To him, I need protecting at all cost, especially from men who would just hurt his precious little princess.”
Sam nodded, understanding a little better. “Well, I have no intention of hurting you.” he gave you a smile, hand going to your thigh to reassure you.
“Let’s hope Luci believes that.”
The door burst open so fast it slammed against your wall and the knob left a dent. Sam’s hand jerked away as if burned when he saw it was Lucifer in the doorway. “You hurt my fucking sister and I’ll rip your balls off and feed them to you, am I fucking clear?”
“Crystal.” Sam nodded quickly.
“Did Mikey-”
“Are you going to tell Raph?”
“Thank you, Luci.” You got up from your bed and rushed to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tight. He held you tight, and you were sure he was still glaring at Sam over your head, but the fact that he wasn’t swinging a fist, you’d take it. “I knew my prince would understand.”
“Fuck off.” he pushed you away, but you could tell he was fighting to hide his smile. “I’m serious, fake or not, you better not hurt my fucking sister.”
“I have no intention to.”
“Good. Now fuck off. Go home. It’s getting late and there’s school tomorrow.”
“Can you try to be nice?” You gave him an annoyed look.
“Please.” he ground out. “Happy?”
“Getting there.” you teased, sticking out your tongue.
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“Hey, Sam.” you leaned in from behind him and kissed his cheek. He was sitting at a table, surrounded by his friends as he ate lunch.
“Hey.” he looked up at you and smiled.
“You two!?” Jason, one of Sam’s friends who was also in your English class, looked between the two of you. “That’s who you were with at the party?” Sam shifted so you could sit on the bench next to him while Jason continued to look shocked. “And you’re still fucking alive!?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Sam laughed, arm going around your waist as you shifted closer to him.
“Dude, I gave her a lift home and her brother almost broke my fucking arm!”
“No, you tried to come into my house and my brother almost broke your fucking arm.” you smirked over at him.
“Luci?” Sam asked, and you nodded. “He’s not so bad.” he shrugged as if it was no big deal.
“Not so bad!? Have you even met him? Dude is fucking nuts! No offence.”
“None taken by me, but he might not like the comment.” you teased.
“Oh fuck, don’t tell him.” Jason groaned. “Please don’t fucking tell him.”
“Winchester’s got balls.” someone walking past chimed in, clapping Sam on the back. “Half the fucking school has been too afraid to touch that.”
You leaned in closer to Sam and whispered “I told you. All you needed was me.” He smiled, pulling you closer and kissing your forehead. “So, who’s hosting the next party?” you asked, eyes scanning everyone else at the table as you friends started to come over and join it.
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You had been “dating” Sam for about two months now. You hung out at lunch most days, always went to parties together, and he’d often come over after school, though he had his own reasons for that. He was smitten with Gabriel, not that he would admit it.
You walked out of school, hand in hand with Sam and grinned when you saw Gabriel waiting by a car outside. “Want a ride, cutie?”
“Yes!” You grinned, rushing forward to hug your brother.
“Wasn’t talking to you.” he teased as he hugged you back, laughing when you shoved at him and called him a name.
“Hey Gabriel!” someone called out, and Gabe sent them a wave.
“I’m the cutest damn person here.” you grumbled at him.
“I beg to differ.” he teased, looking to Sam. “Ride? You’re coming over again, aren’t you?”
“Uh-yeah.. Yeah sure.” Sam smiled shyly.
“Then get in.” Sam started for the back door, but Gabriel cut him off by opening the passenger side door and motioning for him to get in. Sam glanced from the door, to Gabriel, then to you only to find you opening the back door and getting in with a smile on your face. “Get in.”
Sam swallowed at the sound of Gabriel’s voice so smooth and so close. He just nodded and hurried around Gabriel and ducked into the seat. Gabe smiled as he shut the door and made his way around to the other side. When he turned to look at you in the seat behind him, he found you pretending to be focused on something else.
“So.” Gabe cut into the silence as he shut the door behind him and started up the engine. “Take out and movies tonight?” He glanced to the rear view at you before side eyeing Sam as he pulled out of the school lot.
“Your room?” you asked.
“If you guys want.”
“I think Sam wants.” you teased under your breath with a shit eating grin.
Sam’s face went beet red as he turned towards the window, shooting you a glare in the side mirror. Gabriel did his best to hide the way his lips curled up at that, pretending he didn’t hear for Sam’s sake. “What was that?”
“Nothing.” you grinned, and when he glanced to the rearview at you again, you could tell by his eyes he had damn well heard you.
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Dean loved you, joked you were too good for his baby brother. You had finally met Dean about three months into the relationship. Sam didn’t know it, but Dean had known about Sam for years. He was grateful for what you were doing, though he wished his brother could just be himself. He understood why Sam was afraid. And when Dean met Gabriel a month after that, a shit eating grin had spread over his lips at the way Sam had said Gabe’s name and when he looked at you, and you nodded, confirming his unvoiced suspicion of his brother’s crush, he happily extended his hand to your brother.
Seven months into the relationship, and high school was over, summer had passed and it was off to College. You and Sam celebrated your 1 year anniversary in the California sun. He was your best friend, the one person you trusted more than anything. He was your world, and however long it took him to be comfortable enough to tell others who he was, you’d wait, letting him have that time. He deserved it.
While Michael and Luci had lost their shit about you thinking of moving across the country to go to school with your ‘boyfriend’ (no thanks to Raphael who egged them on constantly) Gabriel had instead bought a house, handed you a key and said “Now you don’t need to live on campus.” and winked.
He had ulterior motives, of course.
Because 6 months after your 1 year anniversary with Sam, you walked into the house after class to a massive mess of baked goods all over the kitchen, and a trail of filthy discarded clothes making its way to the bathroom. You couldn’t help but smile at the sounds coming from behind the closed door.
Banging on it with the side of your fist, you yelled out “HAPPY ONE YEAR, YOU FILTHY ANIMALS!” only to hear them laugh in response.
About 15 minutes later, they had moved to their shared bedroom, and your phone was going off.
>> Hey, I’m in town. Was thinking of grabbing dinner and stopping in, but Sammy isn’t answering.
You smiled seeing the text was from Dean.
<< Sam can’t come to the phone right now, he’s a little occupied. I’m up for a meal, but might I suggest your place, since I doubt you want to hear the animal-like noises coming from their room that I’m being subjected to. It’s loud and messy, cakes everywhere.
>> Point taken. >> What’s the occasion?
<< 1 year of these too being love sick dorks.
>> Oh shit, that’s today? >> guess you’ll need a place to sleep? I’ll switch my room for a double, you can crash here.
<< Sounds like a plan, handsome.
>> I’m at Motel 6.
<< Sunnyvale?
>> Yeah, need me to pick you up?
<< I’d never say no to a ride, Winchester.
>> Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me. >> I’ll see you soon, kid.
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airenyah · 4 years
DeanCas: It’s Personal (6x20)
Soooo, I’ve been rewatching Spn and the other night I got to 6x20 - The Man Who Would Be King and I couldn’t stop thinking about it all day yesterday and at night I ended up word-vomiting in my notes all about it and I figured… I might as well put it on Tumblr, because why not, right?
(Disclaimer: I’m not a literary expert, nor am I a meta writer, so there’s definitely people out there who could put it into words way better than I could and would it would be more intelligent than my post-midnight ramblings rip)
Anyway, I wanna talk about THE scene. You know the one. Cas in the holy fire. Because when I was watching it the other day, I thought to myself that in this scene it’s just so painfully obvious how differently Dean interacts with Cas compared to Sam and Bobby’s interactions with him.
For reference I’m just gonna copy & paste the entire dialogue here (yes, sorry, it’s long, I know):
Cas: What are you doing?
Dean: (standing up) We gotta talk.
Cas: About what? Let me go!
Dean: About Superman. (shot of Cas staring at Dean) And Kryptonite. (Cas looks away, eyes darting left and right)
Bobby: How’d you know what I said?
Sam: How long you been watching us?
Dean: You know who spies on people, Cas? Spies.
Cas: Okay, just wait. I don’t even know what you mean.
Sam: What about this demon craphole? How is it so, uh… “Next to godliness” clean in here?
Bobby: And how exactly did Crowley trick you with the wrong bones?
Cas: (restlessly, not looking at anyone, head moving around a lot) It’s hard to understand. It’s hard to explain. Just let me go. Let me out and I can-
Dean: You got to look at me, man. (Cas turns to him) You got to level with me and tell me what’s going on. (Cas is looking at him, Dean pleads) Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not working with Crowley.
(Cas looks at Dean who stares back, waiting. Cas looks away. The truth hits Dean and he lifts his head a little, disappointed)
Dean: (looking down, quietly) You son of a bitch.
Cas: Let me explain.
Dean: (upset, kinda looks like he’s tearing up but it could just be the reflection) You’re in it with him? You and Crowley have been going after Purgatory together? (Cas looks away again, turning his head left and right nervously, eyes downwards) You have, huh? This whole time.
Cas: I did it to protect you. I did it to protect all of you.
Sam: Protect us how? By opening a hole into monsterland?
Bobby: He’s right, Cas. One drop got through, and it was Eve. And you want to break down the entire dam?
Cas: To get the souls. I can stop Raphael. Please, you have to trust me.
Sam: Trust you?! How in the hell are we supposed to trust you now?
Cas: I’m still me. I’m still your friend. Sam… I’m the one who raised you from Perdition.
(There is a pause. Dean lifts his head up in surprise. So does Bobby)
Sam: What? (Cas looks at him. Sam nods.) Well, no offense…But you did a pretty piss-poor job of it. (pause) Wait… did you bring me back soulless… on purpose?
Cas: (upset) How could you think that?
Sam: Well, I’m thinking a lot of things right now, Cas.
Cas: Listen. Raphael will kill us all. (Dean is looking at the ground sadly, nodding) He’ll turn the
world into a graveyard. I had no choice. (he looks at Dean)
Dean: (looking up at Cas) No, you had a choice. You just made the wrong one.
Cas: (fiercely) You don’t understand. It’s complicated.
Dean: No, actually, it’s not, and you know that. Why else would you keep this whole thing a secret, huh, (he takes a small step forward) unless you knew that it was wrong? (they both stare at each other, upset) When crap like this comes around, we deal with it… Like we always have. (getting louder as he speaks) What we don’t do is we don’t go out and make another deal with the Devil!
Cas: (not looking at Dean) It sounds so simple when you say it like that. (pauses, then looks at Dean) Where were you when I needed to hear it?
Dean: I was there. Where were you?
(Cas looks at Dean, sadly. Flashback to Cas watching Dean rake leaves, then going off with Crowley)
Dean: (looks away, moving his head a lot, his voice rough) You should’ve come to us for help, Cas. (he looks like he’s about to cry again)
Cas: Maybe.
(There is a loud sound of wind. Everyone starts looking around nervously)
Cas: It’s too late now. 
(A large cloud of demon smoke approaches)
Cas: (stressed) I can’t turn back now. I can’t.
Dean: (decidedly) It’s not too late. (loudly) Damn it, Cas! We can fix this!
Cas: (loudly) Dean, it’s not broken! (the smoke is getting closer) Run. You have to run now!
(shouting) Run!
(Everyone sans Cas runs to the door. Dean gets there first and opens it for Sam and Bobby, letting them run out first. He’s about to follow them when he catches sight of Cas again. He stops and they stare at each other for a moment. Dean runs after Sam and Bobby, leaving Cas alone in a ring of holy fire)
First we have Bobby: 
His connection to Cas is mostly through the Winchesters and he doesn’t really have a close relationship with him. He mainly stays out of the conversation and what he does say is in reference to the things that made him suspicious (how Cas knew what he’d said / what happened with Crowley’s bones). He also questions Cas’s plans once.
Then there’s Sam:
He has more to say then Bobby, which only makes sense as he’s closer to Cas than Bobby is. Sam and Cas are friends and have called each other that on multiple occasions at this point. Like Bobby, Sam sticks to the things that make him suspicious (Cas watching them / how suspiciously clean the demon place is)
When the truth is revealed he’s angry with Cas but doesn’t really engage apart from criticizing him (“Protect us how? Monsterland?” / “How are we supposed to trust you now”).  He only really gets emotional when his soul is brought up and that is also the only time he speaks of himself (in connection to Cas and their personal relationship). 
And then there’s Dean:
Ohhh boy. Most of the conversation in this scene is between Dean and Cas. And Dean is very emotionally involved.He makes the start but then lets Sam and Bobby take over, letting them ask their questions. Dean doesn’t ask any questions himself about things that are suspicious to him (as Sam and Bobby are doing), instead he throws in one passive-aggressive comment (“You know who spies on people, Cas? Spies.”) and then cuts straight to the chase: He demands to know whether Cas is working with Crowley. He doesn’t care to know how Cas knew what Bobby said or why the place is clean or how long Cas has been watching them or what the deal with Crowley’s bones was or any other of these shady details. No. All Dean cares about is whether is betraying him/them or not and he needs his answer immediately. 
And you can tell it’s personal, because Dean doesn’t just go “so, you working with Crowley, yes or no” or even “you’re working with Crowley, aren’t you”. No, he basically pleads Cas to tell him that they’re wrong because Dean still doesn’t want to believe it and still has that tiny bit of hope and faith in Cas. And to be 100% sure whether Cas is telling the truth, he needs Cas to look him straight in the eye for his reply. Except Cas, of course, can’t. Dean is in disbelief and upset.
Just like Sam, Dean is angry with Cas, criticizes him (“No, you had a choice. You just made the wrong one.”) and calls him out (“Why else would you keep this whole thing a secret, huh, unless you knew that it was wrong?”). It’s obvious that this is a two-way relationship, because one of the things Dean is upset about and criticizes is the fact that Cas didn’t come to him/them for help (despite Dean having been there, readily). This is a stark contrast to Sam who just starts insulting Cas (“piss-poor job” / “I’m thinking a lot of things right now”) and thinking the worst of him (“Did you bring me back soulless on purpose?”)
Dean never pushes Cas away like that during the entire conversation. In fact, despite all the disappointment and hurt that Dean has felt over Cas’s betrayal he is still willing to give him another chance and is willing to work things out together (“It’s not too late. Damn it, Cas! We can fix this!”)This whole thing is personal for Dean and it’s reflected in his word choice:
Dean: You got to look at me, man. (Cas turns to him) You got to level with me and tell me what’s going on. (Cas is looking at him, Dean pleads) Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not working with Crowley.
And later:
Cas: (not looking at Dean) It sounds so simple when you say it like that. (pauses, then looks at Dean) Where were you when I needed to hear it?
Dean: I was there. Where were you?
(Cas looks at Dean, sadly. Flashback to Cas watching Dean rake leaves, then going off with Crowley)
It’s all about Dean and Cas. “Tell me”, Dean says, not “tell us”. “I was there”, he says, not “we were there”. The flashback even reinforces this by showing Dean only, not both of the brothers.
The only time where Dean doesn’t make it about the two of them but explicitly about TFW (+ Bobby) is here:
Dean: (looks away, moving his head a lot, his voice rough) You should’ve come to us for help, Cas. (he looks like he’s about to cry again)
There are more times where he uses the plural pronoun “we” but it’s rather ambiguous:
Dean: When crap like this comes around, we deal with it… Like we always have. (getting louder as he speaks) What we don’t do is we don’t go out and make another deal with the Devil!
Dean: (decidedly) It’s not too late. (loudly) Damn it, Cas! We can fix this!
Who is “we”? Dean and Cas? Or TFW (+ Bobby)? For the first one you could actually argue that he’s referring to himself and Cas only because right afterwards is when he goes “I was there” rather than “we were there”. If Sam was included in that first “we” you’d think Sam would still be on his mind and he’d mention that both of them would have been there (yeah, I mean Sam was soulless, and Dean was alone for a year, yada yada yada but like… the Winchesters don’t know when exactly Cas started working with Crowley and at that point, when they confront Cas, the brothers had long reunited again and Sam’s had his soul back for half a season already and definitely would have been there for Cas as well).
The fact that this scene is mainly about DeanCas (especially for Dean) is also reinforced in their argument in their next scene together when Cas shows up to talk to Dean at night:
Cas: I know what I’m doing, Dean.
Dean: I’m not gonna logic you, okay? I’m saying don’t… Just ‘cause. I’m asking you not to. That’s it.
Cas: I don’t understand.
Dean: Look, next to Sam, you and Bobby are the closest things I have to family– (Cas lifts his head in surprise) –that you are like a brother to me. So, if I’m asking you not to do something… (eindringlich) You got to trust me, man.
Cas: Or what?
(Dean looks surprised. He doesn’t say anything for a moment)
Dean: Or I’ll have to do what I have to do to stop you.
Cas: You can’t, Dean. You’re just a man. I’m an angel.
(Cas looks away. Dean stares at him)
Cas: (looking away, still) I’m sorry, Dean.
Dean: (looks down and nods sadly) Well, I’m sorry, too, then.
(Cas disappears. Dean looks up, gives a little exhale then turns around in a circle, looking around the room)
Dean specifically is asking Cas. Not Dean and Sam. Not Dean and Bobby. Not Dean and Sam and Bobby. No. Just Dean (despite Sam and Bobby not approving Cas’s choices, either). And Dean is gonna stop Cas. Not Dean and Sam. Not Dean and Bobby. Not Dean and Sam and Bobby. Because it’s personal.
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maribabyart · 4 years
Do you have any Demon Martha headcanons? How do you think her reunion with Mrs. Mayberry (The teacher who paid for her assassination) in hell would go?
So, I’m gonna start with her before she died so I can fully get into why every part of her is the way she is as a demon.
Martha is light skinned Latina woman with family coming from Venezuela. Her mother has a much darker skin tone than her, but her father is far more light-skinned, where she gets her complexion from. While she was raised in America, her parents were immigrants. She was born at home, and she didn’t get a birth certificate until she was four, the year before she started schooling.
She has three older brothers. They were very rambunctious with Martha as a child, pulling pranks on her/with her, taking her hunting, etc.
She was raised out on a farm in the middle of a forested area in Kentucky. They raised cattle, sheep, chickens, and horses. Martha’s main job on the farm was to groom/ride horses and feed chickens.
She learned her sharp-shooter skills in a more intense version of something like 4H unique to her area. She was fantastic with a bow and arrow, and even better with her firearms.
Cannibalism was normalized in Martha’s life from a young age. She knew that it must be kept secret from the outside world, and that it wasn’t accepted. However, it wasn’t something she found to be horrid.
Her family -- and their close friends -- came from a long lineage of Satanic cultists that practiced cannibalism to purge any bit of, “soul” remaining in the corpses of their sacrifices. Due to this, Martha had evolved to be able to be immune to the ill side effects of cannibalism, along with the ability to not feel repulsed by the idea of eating human meat.
Her favorite part of the body growing up was the brain, and it still is to this day. She loves the frontal lobe slathered in spices and hot sauce.
She began her cultish killings at age fourteen, when she officially joined the cult of her family’s descent -- Compañerismo de la Fruta Prohibida (Fellowship of the Forbidden Fruit, a refrence to their following of Lucifer)
Martha didn’t love Raphael Peterson, or, “Ralphie”. She was married of to him at age sixteen, when she became a, “Woman” in the cult’s eyes. They were both meant to appear as an ideal couple so that people wouldn’t suspect them, as their parents before them have.
Ralph and Martha always saw each other as friends with benefits.
They moved to Dayton, Tennessee to start their family when they turned eighteen.
In Nashville, Martha started singing to music her husband played in Taverns. Think Dolly Parton style music. She sounded a lot like that.
Their first child was born when Martha was eighteen: Their daughter, Jolene Peterson. Two years later, they had their son, Beau Peterson.
Martha was always really involved with her kids’ school activities, and she was always volunteering to work events, and her kids were in every activity they could be.
She used her physical attractiveness to seduce and kill men.
While sex favorable, Martha is on the aspec -- greysexual (sexual pleasure is irrelevant to her, and she only engages in it to appease her partner generally. She only finds sexual attraction in people while in the act.) Because of this fact, Martha only has affairs for the sake of gaining trust to bring the men home so they can be killed and eaten.
When Martha was shot, the community villainized Mrs. Mayberry because the town darling, Martha Jane Nunez Robles-Peterson, would NEVER cheat, right? The situation was misread: Martha was just talking to Jarold Mayberry that night about t-ball-related things, right? He WAS the the little league captain for her 6-year-old-son’s league, wasn’t he?
Martha was gifted millions by the community, and people were insanely supportive of her. They wanted the sweet Martha they, “knew” to get better soon. They loved her so -- such a darling woman!
Her music became more well known, and soon, Martha was all over TV. Her big musical break came from when she auditioned for American Idol and made it. Her sob-story propelled her, and she eventually won.
Martha was a hero to everyone around her -- surviving a traumatic event that was uncalled for, while also being so damn chipper and kind.
Hell, did you guys see the background in one of those scenes?! Martha was canonly proclaimed a SAINT! People loved her that much.
She used the public trust to lure in more victims and never be suspected.
Martha was 28 when she died. Ralphie was 28 as well. Jolene was 10, and Beau was 8.
Ralphie managed to survive the explosion, albeit he was completely paralyzed, and the two children went to heaven. Ralphie repented during his last month alive, and confessed to his crimes. He was sent to heaven as well.
Martha and the children were declared to have died in a bear attack, as Compañerismo de la Fruta Prohibida covered up their true demise with ease.
People were heart broken -- Martha’s music was used in sad collages on Youtube, Tik Toks had Martha’s face in them for memorials.
No one ever realized her crimes.
Now! As a demon....
In hell, Martha picked up the alias Hero -- it’s what she was in life, right? I’ll be calling her Hero from now on.
Hero is both different and similar to how she was when she was alive. She’s still the got her kind-hearted, southern mama vibe going for her: She tends to be able to fit into any demonic crowd well, either by attractiveness or by sheer, overwhelming allure -- she’s a very magnetic personality.
As far as powers go, Hero’s are mostly related to firearms. She’s acquired these powers through deal making and soul dealing, as most demons do. Her charming aura very quickly lure people into thinking she’s naive or really just being honest with them.
Her nails can peel back to allow her to shoot from, “finger guns”. Each finger is a different gun, besides her middle and index fingers. They are both shotguns. Together, they make a double barrel shotgun.
When in full demonic form, Hero’s bandages become sentient. They peel away from her wound, revealing a minigun like weapon in the hole in her head. This can rapid fire while the bandages can grab onto things or hoist Hero up. She can make this last for five minutes -- ten at the longest -- before she gives out to sheer exhaustion and needs to eat demon meat to replenish herself.
Within her first week in hell, she was known to be powerful. Not quite an overlord, but powerful enough to hang around overlords. 
She hit overlord status three months later, during the terf war seen in Hazbin Hotel’s pilot: She took several areas of land, and was seen to have several lesser demons flocking to be on her good side.
Hero used her land to build up a bar and grill that serves strictly demon meat and blood, where demons can play music and dance. It’s like a fucked up country dinner. It’s an insanely popular addition to Cannibal Colony, where she lives.
The place is called La Cocina de la Calle Kuru (The Kuru Street Kitchen)
Hero REALLY wants to get her hands on exterminator tools, but she’s not really a fan of black market deals -- it’s too “trashy” for her.
Hero knows Alastor pretty well, as he’s came in for meat and to watch the music. They’ve had pretty decent conversations while she was on break, seeing as they were both influential  southern, cannibalistic serial killers. It’s a running gag between them where they jokingly talk about who was more iconic -- “I bet I took out more belles in a lifetime than you could in your entire afterlife!” “Well hon, at least I could eat the brains without gettin’ Kuru!”
She talks to Rosie a lot about business, and has met Niffty and Mimzy before. (Al hooked a bitch up with some friends lmao)
She REALLY likes Mimzy. She reminds her of Ralphie, and they became super fast friends. 
Vox and Hero have a confusing sort of friendship, as neither really wants to be seen with the other -- In his case, because she’s much lower on the overlord spectrum than him, and in her case, because she’s no stranger to Alastor and Vox’s hatred for one another. However, she often finds herself consoling Vox on sleepless nights after closing up the bar, trying to convince him that Valentino is NOT worth his time. Beyond that and him occasionally paying her back in tech at random hours of the morning, they don’t talk often.
Hero LOVES dancing! Like, a lot.
She’s seen Charlie’s ad for the Happy Hotel. Her and Mimzy watched it, and they both thought it was the stupidest damn thing they’d ever seen. However, Hero said she was happy Charlie got up there, because she was just, “Cute as a button, that lil’ sweatpea was!”
Hero’s best friends are Mimzy and an unnamed demon who specializes in black market, extermination tool selling (the one seen in in Addict -- Cherri Bomb’s former lover).
These two people, and these two people alone, can call her “Martha”
Hero cooks whenever she’s stressed. She also adores sewing and binging soap operas and reality shows on Voxflix.
Hero’s Instagram would be, “HeroicMelodies” in reference to her music career and name.
Hero gets hit on A LOT, and she despises it. She doesn’t need to seduce people anymore to get away with murder, and she doesn’t want to. She dresses the way she does because she LIKES that clothing. People can fuck off.
The reason Hero is white and pink is to show how innocent she looks. Her pitch-black eyes show her dark soul.
Hero sings in Spanish to herself when cleaning up.
Sometimes, Hero and Rosie spend holidays going around with ground demon meat to throw to the hell crows and other critters. They find it peaceful.
Hero, shockingly, holds no hatred for I.M.P., and commonly jokes about how the I.M.P.’s, “Did her a favor” by sending her somewhere she can actually be her. She has no idea who called for the hit, though. 
Hero finds Blitzo’s Instagram posts being poorly spelled to be, “Damn near precious”.
She thinks he’s a teenager, and probably would think it less adorable if she knew he was a grown man with a grown kid.
Hero doesn’t care about Mrs. Mayberry at all. Like, at all. She honestly assumes the woman is in heaven. She knew Mayberry wasn’t bad -- she probably wouldn’t care if she was in hell, though. Oh well. Sucks to suck, bitch.
Husk frequents La Cocina de la Calle Kuru to drink and engage in the gambling scene. Hero finds him trashy, but can’t say she hates him. She finds him funny as hell, and enjoys the business. Just not someone she’d personally hang out with.
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ralfstrashcan · 4 years
Malec in late 2B
It's been *checks watch* three years and I've finally calmed down enough to try and untangle my feelings about the end of 2B in a coherent way.
1) Alec's decision not to tell Magnus about the Soul Sword. I've worked through my thoughts regarding that in this fic already where I go into Alec's reasoning for it. The tldr of which is that a) Alec consciously made the decision not to tell Magnus instead of running out of time to decide, b) he actually had good reasons for that and made that decision with Magnus's and the Downworld's best interests at heart and c) ultimately his love for Magnus was the very reason he didn't tell him because if he had cared about sparing Magnus's feelings a little less he would have told Magnus about the Soul Sword on condition that Magnus can't tell his people, damn the guilt Magnus will feel when warlocks die because they weren't forewarned.
2) Magnus's reaction to finding out. Magnus flips his shit, basically, lashes out, is deliberately hurtful and doesn't really listen to Alec's reasons for his decision. This is both an understandable and an ic reaction because Magnus is a very emotion-driven character and what he just learned is drastic. Could there have been a more graceful way to handle this revelation? Certainly. But it's nothing I would just expect from any given character. You'd have to be exceptionally level-headed to keep your cool in such a situation and I don't fault Magnus for not being that. His reaction was very human.
Alec gets points deduction for his line “Let's not make this personal” because dude, do you know your boyfriend at all? Have you realized that emotional compartmentalization isn't his strong forte? This line just angers Magnus more. (Alec also gets points deduction, with extreme prejudice, for trying to shush Magnus because what is wrong with you, man. I mean, this might just be a personal hang-up of mine but isn't that gesture patronizing as hell? Anyway.) On the other hand Alec gets some points for not going after Magnus. When I first watched that I thought it was very strange and kinda weird but in hindsight it is obviously the right choice. Magnus needed time and space to deal and Alec realized that trying to go after him and talk it out then was pointless and would have only angered Magnus more.
3) Magnus's reaction to Alec seeking him out because of Max. Admirable. Magnus puts all his (very understandable) anger aside to rush to the Lighwood family's aid. It doesn't matter that he can't help in the end, he is there as emotional support despite the frosty atmosphere between him and Alec. It is the decent thing to do but not everybody would have shown such kindness in his shoes. 10/10.
4) Magnus contemplating if he should take the Seelie Queen's offer aka sappy Malec flashbacks. I'm gonna place half the blame on show writers and half the blame on Magnus himself because, bro, this is not how you make a strategical decision for your people. Not even once is Magnus shown contemplating the repercussions of his decision for the warlocks or Valentine or the future of the Downworld. He only mopes about his boyfriend betraying his trust, basically. And I mean! I understand he's hurting a lot! And I understand people can't just turn off their emotions! But a good leader should be able to put his own emotions aside at least for a short time when an integral decision about his people has to be made, and quickly! And in that regard Magnus, uh, fails, apparently.
Again, I think half the blame lies with the show writers who wanted cute Malec flashbacks and generally fail at portraying inner Downworlder affairs if they don't serve the shadowhunter-centric plot. But I can't just yell “ooc behavior!!” and shrug it off because this isn't exactly ooc behavior for Magnus. Magnus is a very emotion-driven character who fails at separating personal and political matters. That's a theme. I point no further than the whole Camille-thing where he turned a blind eye to her bleeder dens because he felt personally indebted to her, and only stopped her when Raphael's life was at stake. So yeah... 0/10.
Full disclosure, I think there is a different way to read these scenes. Maybe Magnus wasn't just nursing his broken heart and missing the point. Maybe what he was actually contemplating was what he'd been fighting about with Luke before, namely if Alec can even be trusted as a person or if he's too much a shadowhunter to ever deserve their faith and cooperation because he will always treat Downworlders as lesser, because he's as racist as the Clave. In that case it would make sense for him to remember their private 1:1 interactions, to reassess Alec's character as a whole. But it would also mean that the conclusion he reached is that Alec is as corrupt as the rest of the Clave, and that would make them getting back together without ever talking about this... even more messed up than it already is! But I'm getting ahead of myself. Anyway, needless to say that I don't interpret it this way.
5) Magnus breaking up with Alec. To me personally (and to Alec) the breakup makes no sense. Magnus and Alec have different stances on, like, the implications of their relationship (and I'm emotionally wired like Alec is, at least in that regard). What I mean is this: Why does Magnus feel the need to break up with Alec? He's not an idiot, he knows that just because he breaks up with Alec his feelings for Alec will not miraculously evaporate as well. He'll be as emotionally compromised as he was before. And yet he says, “The only thing holding me back from [making difficult decisions to ensure the survival of my people] is you.”
Here's the thing. When Alec decides not to tell Magnus about the Soul Sword he does so in his capacity as the Head of the Institute, taking (almost) no account of his role as Magnus's lover. He is able to do that because he can compartmentalize between these two roles in an extreme way and therefor his relationship status has no influence on his decision. (Sure, not being with Magnus wouldn't have provided extra incentive to tell him, but work with me here. What I mean is that if Alec had rationally decided to tell Magnus about the Soul Sword, he would have made that same decision whether he was with Magnus at that point or not.) What did influence his decision making process were his feelings for Magnus, and these remain unchanged regardless of their relationship status.
Magnus has an entirely different stance. To him being in a relationship implies a certain kind of loyalty that must be maintained at all times. If their roles had been reversed I don't doubt that Magnus would have told Alec about the Soul Sword immediately because of said loyalty, and he would have thought it through for exactly zero seconds beforehand. He expected the same thing from Alec and that's why he feels so betrayed when he realizes that Alec kept it from him. This is why Magnus feels the need to break up with Alec: to disengage from this loyalty that keeps him from making decisions with only the warlocks in mind. Magnus's decision making hinges on their relationship status and the loyalty it demands, not his feelings for Alec.
Alec doesn't understand this. That's why he tells Magnus that he can have both: Alec, and the freedom to make the best choices for the warlocks, to act like the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Alec wouldn't hold it against him if he made the best decisions for his people while they are together because Alec, too, did have Magnus and made decisions as the Head of the Institute. But Magnus works differently. He'd feel like he's betraying Alec if he makes High Warlock of Brooklyn decisions while still being with Alec. And that's why he breaks up with Alec, and that's why it makes sense for Magnus to break up with him.
6) Magnus's behavior afterwards. Oh my god where do I even start.
--- Magnus being a petty bitch? Hell yeah.
--- Magnus hiding behind the Seelie Queen and running after her like he's her lap dog? Hell no. Wtf did I just watch!! Even better, he leaves Raphael behind? And Raphael then tells Izzy that Magnus was his ride and he's effectively trapped at the Institute because the sun is shining brightly outside?? I'm sorry, what. The Downworld just divorced the shadowhunters with a side of “hmm maybe we'll stop caring about the Accords as well in the near future” and Magnus leaves his Raphael behind? This is unacceptable!! I don't even know what to say to that!!
--- This has surely been discussed before but it needs to be said. Magnus implementing an anti-portal ward around New York that incinerates any angel-blooded creature that tries to pass it and not telling Alec about it. They hear about it from Luke instead and since Jace's reaction is immediately telling the shadowhunter extra next to him to stop shadowhunter movement in and out of the city immediately it is heavily implied that some shadowhunters already died thanks to this ward – since there are apparently troop movements in and out of the city that need to be stopped. (Which was to be expected! Sure, they know Valentine won't leave the city before he's got his hands on what he believes to be the mortal mirror locked away at the Institute, but he could surely be regrouping outside the city. Sending patrols into the near vicinity is the sensible thing to do.) Shadowhunter casualties due to the ward are further implied by Jace then leaning heavily on the desk and half-whispering to himself “No more shadowhunters die today.” Which makes sense. The patrols in question would have just vanished with no chance to report back what happened to them so they were probably assumed dead by Valentine's hand.
The point: Wtf Magnus. He must have been aware this could and would happen. The way I see it there are only two possible explanations: Magnus deliberately did not tell the NY Institute shadowhunters a) because he thought word might get around to Valentine or b) out of pettiness. And considering that knowing about the ward doesn't magically un-trap you and only means you will not cross it and therefore remain alive but contained, a) doesn't really make sense. The ward wasn't designed to lure Valentine to his death. It was designed to keep Valentine in the city so the other Downworld factions could hunt him down, and the ward will continue to do so even after Valentine learns of its existence. There s no harm in him knowing about it while there is a lot of harm in the NY shadowhunters not knowing about it because they will just die, for nothing, while trying to find Valentine. Magnus willingly risking that on the off-chance that Valentine walks into the ward at random is not his style at all. This leaves pettiness as motivation and sure, Magnus is petty, but not at the cost of so many casualties. This is so painfully ooc that I just can't!!
7) Their “reconciliation.” As you might have already guessed from those quotation marks: Thanks, I hate it. That adequately sums up my feelings on the matter. Don't get me wrong, the scene itself is lovely, I guess. But, content! They have this huge issue and they just don't talk about it! Magnus never learns of Alec's (legit) reasons for not telling him about the Soul Sword. Alec apologizes for.. what exactly? Doing something he was convinced was the right thing? And they never realize their differences in decision making which is even worse! This whole drama stemmed from the fact that they view the obligations that come with being in a relationship differently where their responsibilities as leaders are concerned. This is bound to become a problem again in the future!! And they just! dont! talk about it! aaaahhhhhhhh!!!! how!!!!!! are you adults or what!!!!!!! *sigh* just... –ꝏ /10
8) Aftermath. Oh right, this will of course not become a problem again in the future because Magnus loses his job. How neat.
Leaving the salt aside though I have to admit that I.. actually think the warlocks weren't entirely in the wrong in sacking Magnus. And before you kill me, hear me out. The first thing to note is that neither Raphael nor Luke get sacked for their decision to side with the Seelie Queen. Why is that? Because vampires and werewolves are fundamentally differently organized than warlocks. Warlocks have an international infrastructure. There's the Council, the Spiral Labyrinth, and stuff. Vampires and werewolves have their local clans and packs, and nothing more. Magnus has superiors. Raphael and Luke do not. After the Seelie Queen makes that deal with Valentine she condemns every Downworlder, except those located in New York, to death. Raziel's wish will kill every Downworlder on earth and only those in the Seelie Realm are safe. And as Magnus says in early 2x19
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If Valentine had succeeded then literally all the other warlocks in the world would have died! Yes, the fact that the Seelie Queen threw them all under the bus isn't Magnus's fault, but
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it was to be expected. Luke and Raphael both warn Magnus not to trust the Seelie Queen, that she has her own agenda and it's to rule over the Downworld, and that's why both Luke and Raphael were hesitant to accept her deal.
So I think it's pretty understandable why the other warlocks kicked Magnus out on his ass. In their eyes he would have been semi-complicit in their collective demise if Valentine had succeeded, having sided with the one who betrayed the Downworld. It doesn't matter that Magnus's choice means the warlocks at least wouldn't have gone entirely extinct if Valentine had won. It doesn't matter that the Seelie Queen would have made that deal with Valentine whether the other Downworlder factions had sided with her or not. (She had Simon in her Realm who could create new vampires, she probably would have kept Maia for new werewolves, and warlocks can be made by uuhh unethical means. What better Downworld than one that's never known anything but the Seelie Queen's uncontested reign? Yes, she absolutely would have let them all die.) None of that matters to the warlocks. They feel like Magnus betrayed them as a community and that's why they sack him.
Okay, so now we know why it made (in-universe) sense for the warlocks to fire Magnus. Make no mistake though – I don't approve of this reasoning. It's short-sighted and not very practical, and also unfair. Better save some of your species than none, right? Fine, Magnus should have informed the Council and stuff about what was going on so they could make their own deals with the Seelie Queen if they want to.. but then, do we even know if he did or didn't inform them? No. Any further discussion on this point is just poking in the dark so let's move on.
I did say that I think the warlocks weren't entirely in the wrong in dismissing Magnus from his job, though. Let me explain.
a) Magnus's decision to side with the Seelie Queen or remain sided with the Institute would have not made a difference regarding the whole Valentine-thing, right? Things would have played out exactly the same: Warlocks create anti-portal ward, Val makes a deal with the Seelie Queen and gets to Alicante anyway. The survival of the Downworld depended on Clary stabbing Valentine to death before he made the wish, and that remains unchanged no matter Magnus's decision. What Magnus's decision would have influenced (if this goddamn show knew what continuity is, lol) is what came after. Where does siding with the trigger-happy Seelie Queen, who made no secret of gunning for war with the Clave, leave the warlocks? On the Clave's bad side, that's for sure. Especially if things had escalated between the seelies and the shadowhunters (which they do in the books!!). In the show.. things just go back to how they were before the Downworld's little fail-rebellion. Either because the Downworld and the Clave mutually decide to just pretend none of it ever happened (since the Consul was exposed as a Circle Member, which, awkward) or, which I believe is more likely, because 3A focuses on The Owl Mystery and not on foreign policy and this show just sucks when it comes to including anything not strictly-plot-relevant. In any case!! Magnus's decision to side with the Seelie Queen should have had severe repercussions for the warlocks and their standing with the Clave aka dramatically worsened it, and for nothing (since nothing came of the “rebellion” and it's honestly doubtful how many warlocks would have wanted a full-on war with the shadowhunters anyway. They seem pretty good at laying low and doing their own thing). So in the long term siding with the Seelie Queen wasn't / wouldn't have been a strategically good decision (if it wasn’t followed up by a war of independence, which it wasn’t) and a legit reason to get fired.
b) More importantly, in 3x09 Lorenzo says to Magnus, “I took this position because you couldn't handle it. You let your heart dictate your actions and that will be your downfall,” which I always took to mean – since Lorenzo was god knows where when all of 2B happened – that the gossip in the warlock community is strong, and has it that Magnus only sided with the Seelie Queen as revenge for Alec not telling him about the Soul Sword / something relating to their breakup. No matter how this opinion formed in the community... *glances at 4)* they're not wrong? And this is definitely a legit reason to get fired.
So where does this leave us? I don't approve of the Council firing Magnus for the reason they did because it was a dumb reason. When I look at Lorenzo – lazy, self-centered, unwilling to actually do anything when push comes to shove – I don't think Magnus should be fired because he's obviously the much better choice as High Warlock. And I don't even think that siding with the Seelie Queen was, per se, a wrong choice. But the way Magnus made that choice left much to be desired and was a clear lapse in leadership, one where a dismissal would have been justified. And this should have been addressed in a constructive way so he can learn from his mistake.
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Ok so Camille’s an asshole on that we can all agree, but I’m really tired of people in the fandom acting like she’s just your typical annoying ex and she makes poor uwu Alec feel insecure cause fuck that. Camille was 100% abusive and manipulative but I also think she was sexually abusive too I mean seeing what she did to Simon and kissing Magnus without his consent even though he was clearly uncomfortable, consent doesn’t really seem to be an issue for her-
I feel like she definitely manipulated his fear of loneliness and not being good enough, to suit her needs. Like Magnus isn’t in the mood for sex or it’s especially triggering on a certain day, either way he’s not up for it but Camille makes him do it anyway. She threatens to leave or go find someone else who can fulfill her needs or take care of her when Magnus won’t, ‘I mean does he even love her when he won’t do this one simple thing for her?’ 
So he just lets her do what she wants, even if he’s having a full blown panic attack Camille doesn’t care or she’ll just leave insulting him saying she can’t deal with this right now and leaving Magnus with no idea when or if she’ll be back. So the next time she asks he hesitates less or initiates it more even when he’s not in the mood so she won’t leave and yeah I have a lot of emotions relating to this. and now I’m thinking about how it’ll affect his future relationships, not even talking about Alec but other people - I have this headcanon where when he got away from Camille and is healing, him ragnor and Catarina live together in ragnors cottage or somewhere away from people for awhile so Magnus can slowly heal and focus on himself and unlearn Camille’s abuse with the help of his family 
But despite what this fandom says Magnus has always been a helper and a selfless person to the point of self destruction. He’s unable to prioritise his own health and he wouldn’t be able to slow down and feel the full force of the abuse he experienced cause he feels like he’ll fall apart if he does and ‘no one wants a pathetic crybaby who breaks down when someone moves their hand too fast in his direction it wasn’t even that bad he’s just exaggerating like he always does this is why Camille doesn’t love him back’ (the ‘’ parts were meant to be strikethrough to signify Magnus’ inner thoughts but that doesn’t work on asks)
And he’s scared to get in another relationship cause he doesn’t think he’d be able to speak up for himself if they turned violent or controlling, he’s scared that if they did he’d just let them so he closes himself off from people puts these walls around him and a bright smile on his face that doesn’t let anyone think there’s anything wrong. And theres so much pain going on in the world ‘they have it much worse than him anyway’ and Magnus tries to help the best he can as he always does and he’s always there for people to lean on without any reciprocation and he’s so emotionally and physically tired and he’s not sure how much longer he can take it, almost considers going back to blackfairs bridge ‘really he’d be doing the world a favour’ but theres too many bad memories and he promised his family he would try so he holds on and then he finds Raphael and that obviously doesn’t fix everything but- I was going to continue this but it’s two am in my country and honesty it’s too long already😅 sorry for the rant it’s just a lot of emotions. Im so tired of the ‘Camille’s an annoying ex who keeps getting in the way of my favourite gay ship😠’ metas and needed to let out some feelings before I explode from my hate for Camille
UGH ANON HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE NOT ONLY A GENIUS BUT ALSO MY NEW BEST FRIEND, AN INTELLECTUAL, AND COMPLETELY RIGHT. YOU ARE SO CORRECT!!! idk if uve read my other post that i posted while i was waiting for you but we no longer have the same hat we are SHARING the hat!! i can't believe i got this ask right after i had just made that long ass rant and was in so much need to talk about this like ugh are you my guardian angel. i love you more than anyone else ive ever met
ok ok ok coherent thoughts ok i can do this. first of all THE SALT how does it feel to have vision and coherency. ppl writing camille as just an annoying ex or a bad ex or even as like "oh they both made mistakes and it ended up terrible" drives me UP THE WALL. camille was explicitly abusive, so much so that magnus CANONICALLY WAS UNABLE TO ALLOW PEOPLE TO GET CLOSE TO HIM FOR ALMOST A CENTURY. and she was shown to be abusive, both in the physical sense as you have reminded us so brilliantly and in the sense that her whole "choose me" speech? like she doesn't have to literally say the words "no one but me would ever love you" for that to be exactly what she's saying. she's obviously playing with his insecurities and putting him down while presenting her as his savior, it's CLASSIC ABUSE. she was written as such a perfect to-the-book abuser that it honestly shocks me like they did that really all they ticked all the boxes. the way she immediately launched to talk about alec's mortality too, the way she was obviously trying to make them fight and draw them apart - it wasn't a jealousy thing, it is just that she's abusive and she wants him isolated so she can toy with him and manipulate him 
EVEN SALTIER WHEN THEY MAKE IT ABOUT ALEC BEING INSECURE LIKE. especially because canonically he literally watched camille kiss magnus and didn't care, which was sexy of him because i was dreading some jealousy drama or something but instead he was just like. obviously she did it to hurt you. i only care in the sense that she's a fucking bitch. we stan! 
as for how she treated him! oof i think the same thing with the same words dioajdsaoij it always circled back to "why can't you do this for me?" in and outside of sex - i mentioned that in a conversation in the comments of my other post but i think that with camille the sexual abuse was really just an extension of the regular abuse, so they bleed together and are not really separable in that sense. at every turn, he had to prove his worth, and she used his fear of loneliness both in the sense that she amplified it and made it seem like the only way to not be lonely was to be with her, and that she gave him just enough for him not to feel desperately lonely so she could string him along. not to mention, they both always go back to how magnus supposedly "owes" her, and yes, it's because of the bridge, of course, but there's also that underlying tone of "because she put up with him and gave him affection when no one else would". even when what she did was nowhere close to real affection. so it's both the bridge and the after. she could have saved him and left, but she stayed. that's why he feels he owes her, and she will absolutely use it
AND UR SO RIGHT ABOUT MAGNUS BEING UNABLE TO PRIORITIZE HIS OWN HEALTH UGH UGH UGH UGH like he has no choice for a while because she left him fucking broken and seeing the way she treats him and the amount of shit he puts up with i can only imagine how far she had to go for him to reach a breaking point and leave her for real. but as soon as he could pretend to have himself together he just threw himself out there. and i believe that he felt guilty for having catarina and ragnor take care of him when he abandoned them because of camille - obviously that's not what happened, she manipulated him into staying away from them, made his life hell whenever he wanted to hang out with them until he no longer had the energy to put up a fight to keep in contact with the people he loves, but it's what he feels that happened, and most likely what camille herself eventually started to tell him happened once they had been pulled away enough. ("you're gonna leave me? and go back to who? your little friends who tried to pit you against me from day one? they're just gonna say 'i told you so', magnus. and why would they take you back when you left them before? when was the last time you even saw them? you chose this, you chose me, and now you're gonna come back to them and expect them to welcome you with open arms? you selfish little prick")
AND RAPHAEL!!! raphael was so important, honestly, we say that magnus didn't let anyone into his heart but obviously raphael was the exception and EXTREMELY important for his healing. it's a complicated relationship because he's sort of a father figure for rapha, and as such, he doesn't allow himself to be completely vulnerable around him, because that's not "his role". but! he was the first person whom magnus let in. and they obviously know each other deeply ("i hate to see you like this" even though magnus looked completely put together to the outside eye) and are plenty affectionate ("sweet boy", the hugs, the way rapha talked about magnus with so much love and awe in his eyes and voice) and trusting (the way raphael went to magnus' loft, not his own damn clan, when he was tortured...). i know this fandom likes to pretend that they pretend to hate each other but NO THEY DON'T they are openly caring and loving with each other fucking fight me on this
anyway, my point is that raphael was the first person he allowed himself to trust, and of course, part of that is simply because raphael was vulnerable and in need and like you said he can't just stay still when he sees someone struggling. but to care for raphael eventually had to mean to open up to him and when he welcomed raphael in, he gained a new member to his family. raphael is his kid. that's no small thing. their bond goes deep and it's extremely important because again, after camille magnus wouldn't allow people to get close to his heart, because he was scared of how they could use that against him. raphael was his first, and the only reason magnus was able to open himself up for romantic love again (which was an extra step, not because romantic love is more important or deeper, but because it's specifically the kind of love that camille used against him, and thus it makes him even more scared) was because he had already been relearning trust and platonic love with rapha
rapha did him good!!! there's a reason he calls him "sweet boy" okay. and rapha cares about him and he NOTICES WHEN HE'S IN A BAD SHAPE EVEN THROUGH ALL OF MAGNUS' WALLS and he specifically didn't want magnus involved with the camille drama even when it had obviously gotten out of hand because he wanted to keep him safe and away from her!!! i want to be shot in the face!!! they love each other so much! fuck!
and also that implies that raphael knows about camille which means he might be the first person who met magnus post-camille and heard the story, which means that he might be (and probably is) the first person who was never involved that magnus opened up about this to. if that ain't some powerful and important shit i don't know what is. because part of abuse is that you can't talk about it - there's this sense of shame and guilt both from staying and from not staying more, especially because magnus canonically still feels like he owes her... aaaaa
this answer is all over the place im sorry but my point is you are correct, camille is a textbook abuser not just a shitty ex, she fucked up his head and made him unable to open up for a long time, and the first person that helped him break those walls was raphael and they LOVE EACH OTHER VERY MUCH AND DEEPLY thank you for your attention
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heyheydidjaknow · 3 years
Alright, so I'm not actually finished with this, but I'm half asleep and that makes it difficult to write or edit properly. I owe you a chapter, though, so until I can write coherently, here ya go. Not even gonna tag this yet.
Chapter 14
“I trust you won’t be creepy.”
“I’m thankful.” Yoshi runs his thumb along the rim of his cup slowly. “You have little faith in me, as I understand it.”
You try not to be disrespectful. “Well, things in your life could’ve gone better, right?”
He seems to consider this for a moment. “I suppose so.” He takes a slow drink. “Mistakes from my youth have led to many hardships. Still, though the road has been a long and strenuous one, I would not want to change my past.”
Your untouched drink is cradled in your hands. “You don’t regret anything?”
“It is a foolish and maddening thing, longing for a life unobtainable to you.” He closes his eyes, your own scanning the walls for the photograph you know is in some nook or cranny. “Besides, if things hadn’t happened the way they did, I wouldn’t have my sons.”
You can understand, intellectually, he does not mean to be—and likely is not— as arrogant as you perceive him. Still, something about the way he sits, the way he speaks, even how he looks at you now makes you feel painfully inferior, as if you reacting the way you are makes you somehow beneath him in more than a literal sense.
You decide against arguing the point, eyes flickering from the shrine back to the man in front of you. “I guess that’s true.” You know you are not going to drink any of what he has offered until you have to. “And you’ve always thought like that?”
He nods. “It was what I was taught.”
Nodding, you look back down at your cup, a deafening stillness settling between you two. ‘He convinces me to come here,’ you grumble silently, ‘and all I get for it is a lecture and an awkward silence.’ You look back up at him, setting the clay vessel on the ground and pulling your knees to your chest. ‘I could be doing something else, like fixing my shirt or something.’
“Speaking of them,” he continues, “Donatello tells me you have been experiencing night terrors.”
‘Snitch. Did he tell me he told him?’ “You don’t?”
His eyebrows rise. “Sorry?”
“We have the same trauma,” you explain simply. “Both our families died in fires we caused. Think that counts.”
He does not even flinch. “I’ve never thought of it that way.” He smiles softly. You want to punch him in the face. “I suppose so, yes.”
“You seem pretty calm about it.”
He chuckles at your expression. “I’ve had fifteen years to come to terms with my loss,” he takes another drink. “And,” he jokes, “I was often simply too exhausted to have nightmares back when the wound was fresh; caring for four young boys is tiring, you understand.”
“Right.” You crisscross your legs in front of you. “Yeah, the makes sense.”
“Having said that,” he continues, voice lowering, “I can’t imagine going through what I did at your age.” He sighs. “If something like that happened to one of my boys at this age, I can’t honestly say how they would cope.”
‘Poorly. I’d guess they’d cope poorly.’
“I understand that you and I have differences in ideals and morals.”
“You could say that.” Your mouth stretches into a wry smile. “I honestly only started hangin’ with and helpin’ y’all as a way to make up for my manslaughter. With this exception, I live by the adage, ‘Not my circus, not my monkeys.’”
“As I said,” he covers his mouth to hide his amusement, “we differ in that respect. I take it that’s why, when Donatello explained the situation—” you break eye contact—“he was unable to explain in any sort of detail what they were about.”
“Not his circus not his monkeys. ‘Sides,” you shrug, “he was already being really caring and understanding, and I was already sobbing my eyes out, which I’m sure he already told you, so.”
You stare down at your tea. “Are you going to elaborate?”
“Not if I don’t have to, no.” Your face heats up.
“Do you want my help?”
‘I hate this,’ you squirm. “Honestly, I wouldn’t be here if Donnie hadn’t asked me to.”
“For someone who believes in leaving people to their own devices,” he notes, “you seem to value the requests of my son a great deal.”
Your knees are back up to your chest. “He’s important to me. He’s been there for me. It’s the least I can do.”
He takes a beat to gather his thoughts. You brace yourself for a lecture.
“You care for him, then.”
You nod once, treading carefully.
You still do not look at him directly, staring instead at the gorgeous screen door. “I dunno.” Your fingernails scratch at the surface. “I’m not exactly in my right mind, you understand.”
“I can’t say I do.” A pause as he takes another drink. “Then again, I’ve only felt for one woman all my life.”
“Look at that,” you try to joke. “Another difference between us.”
“Do you mind letting me in, then?”
“A little,” you admit, “but I will since there isn’t really a point to being here if I don’t.”
“That’s the spirit.” You can hear his smile.
You set the cup down again, glancing up at him before fiddling with the laces on your shoe. “People under stress and without anywhere else to turn tend to latch onto the first people they relate to,” you explain, practicing your knot tying with fumbling fingers; there is no harm in practicing your dexterity. “He was the first guy I met after I died, got kidnapped, and almost got killed by a giant vine creature. I like him,” you clarify quickly, “I really do, but it’s hardly fair to pursue that sort of relationship, especially considering everything going on with the Kraang and Shredder.” Your eyes go out of focus. “We get along great,” you mumble. “He’s sweet, kind, generous, and empathetic. He deserves to make sense of his feelings properly without me muddying things up with my possibly trauma-induced attachment.”
“So,” he clarifies, “it is not that you aren’t in love with him, but, instead, you’re worried for his sake?”
Your face goes scarlet as you choke on your saliva. “T-that’s a bit—uh—extreme, isn’t it?” You rub the back of your burning neck. “I’m not even sixteen, Yoshi. You don’t understand love properly at sixteen!”
“I fell for my wife at thirteen,” he smiles. “It’s certainly not impossible.”
“That’s—look,” you protest, “that is entirely besides the point. The point,” you state, “is that is completely irresponsible for me to pursue a relationship with your son. Frankly, I’m surprised you don’t agree.”
“He cares for you. You know that. Who am I to decide who he does and does not pursue, especially when that person makes him happy?” He reaches for a worn kettle sitting between you two on a table, pouring its contents back into his teacup—you remember Leo telling you that it is technically called a yunomi. “I find love typically does no harm so long as it does not consume you. Moderation is key.”
You look up at him. “So, you don’t have any reservations about it?”
He takes another drink. “I wouldn’t say that. He is my son, after all. In truth,” he admits, “I was more concerned that my sons would never experience what I did than anything. Given the circumstances of our existence, I’m sure you can understand my wish to give them a relatively normal, happy life.”
You sigh. “I guess, yeah.” You adjust your blanket again. ‘Seems counterintuitive, teaching them the art of murder, but I guess that’s his normal.’ “That’s just a general good parenting thing though, right? I’d hope you’d want that even if you weren’t a giant rat and they weren’t anthropomorphic turtles.”
A parent. He is talking to you like one might speak to their kid.
“I suppose so,” he nods. “It’s been difficult, but we’ve certainly come a long way over the years.”
The screeching of tires pierces the still air, the chattering of his four sons bouncing off the concrete walls.
You strain to hear what they are saying. “I never noticed that there was an echo in here. It’s less noticeable than in the tunnel.”
“That’s by design,” he explains. “I’ve made something of an effort to dampen it.”
“Oh, that’s cool.” You set the yunomi on the table. You sigh, holding your breath and downing your now gross, cool tea in three quick gulps. “I hate to cut this short,” you lie, wiping your mouth with your sleeve and tottering to your feet, “but I’ve gotta check to make sure everything went smoothly on their mission and adjust my timetable accordingly.”
He nods, deciding not to point your tell out. “I won’t keep you, then. Would you like to borrow my cane?”
This is not the first time he has offered. You, of course, refuse.
“Oh well. I thought I’d offer.” He sets his cup down, staying seated. “It has been pleasant talking with you, Y/N.”
“Likewise, Mr. Hamato.” You nod once in acknowledgment, hopping over to the door and slipping out into the hallway.
Your stomach churns at the stench coming from the lab—you can smell a suffocating amount of oil. You lean against the wall, making a pointed effort not to eavesdrop and rapping your knuckles against the door. Their voices immediately lower to hisses and someone drags the door open.
“Hey,” Mikey beams. “We were just talking about you. Need somethin’?”
“Just is an over-exaggeration.” There is a considerable amount of protest as Donnie pulls him away from the door with an uncomfortable edge to his voice. “P-please, come in.”
A beaten DIY van sits pathetically on the subway track, not looking dissimilar to a burnt, crushed soda can from where you are standing. The once hot pink graffiti has most certainly seen better days, and you squirm at the thought of the sound it must have made if you understd the situation properly. Raphael, who you glance at out of the corner of your eye, looks similarly beat up. Of course, you are not going to say anything because you value your life.
You whistle, smiling incredulously. “So,” you try not to laugh, “I take it you took on the cucaracha.”
“Made it my bitch is what I did,” boasts Raphael. “Shot it with a laser.”
“Cool, cool.” You chuckle at his excitement. “You take care of the egg?”
Is there a better sight than watching the light in someone’s soul die? You would hesitantly say no. “The what?”
“Right outside the building,” you elaborate. “On the side of the road. Looks like a horrifying imitation of an orbee?’
He takes a slow, deep breath, holds it, exhales. “I’ll be right back,” he says calmly, and sprints out of the lair.
Michelangelo laughs. “Were you being serious or are you messing with him?”
“Serious.” You readjust the blanket, trying to subtly figure out how to breathe without being assaulted by the mechanical smell. “I won’t joke about that sort of thing. It’s cruel.”
He hesitates. “… speaking of, are you alright? I didn’t get to ask before.”
The other two are quietly watching the interaction with an odd amount of intensity.
You shrug. “I guess. Probably.”
“Alright,” he nods. “Just lemme know if you need to talk, alright? Donnie’s no—ow!”
“Don’t talk bad about people in front of them,” Leonardo criticizes. “It’s rude.”
“You called him special, like, four hours ago!”
“The word of the day is hypocrisy.” Donatello puts his hand down.
“Hypocrisy’s right” You rub Mikey’s shell reassuringly. “To be fair, though, Leo could honestly probably just dodge it anyway.”
He leans into it. “I guess,” he grumbles, shooting a look at Donatello. “Favoritism.”
“It’s strategic favoritism,” the tallest brother corrects. “It’s to encourage parti pris.”
“Cronyism,” you tease, grinning. “You mean cronyism.”
“Hey, I’m plenty qualified!”.
You stifle a giggle as his face reddens, looking back over at the battered vehicle, raising an eyebrow.
“That was a team effort.”
“Yeah, okay, Hamato.” You blow a strand out of your face. “How long do you think it’ll take to fix?”
“A week? Maybe a bit less.” He looks back at it ruefully. “The spy roach completely jacked it.”
“Clearly.” You remove your hand, Mikey seemingly thoroughly comforted. “Then mind if I borrow a needle and thread so I can fix my jacket? I have school tomorrow.”
“Do you have the dexterity for that?” Leo crosses his arms across his chest absentmindedly.
“If I can hold a pencil,” you reason, “I can do basic stitching. ‘Sides, it’s only gotta hold until I get home.”
“I didn’t know you sewed.”
“I don’t. That’s why I’m asking now.”
Donatello pipes up again. “I really don’t mind—”
“Dude,” you reason, “you have to fix a whole ass van. I’ll manage.”
He pulls his phone from his pocket. “It’s a quarter to twelve. You won’t finish before midnight.”
“Then sucks to be me.” You shrug. “I’ll fix it here and walk home.”
He looks at you with a surprising amount of incredulousness. “It’s New York City.”
“You go out at night all the time,” you protest.
“I can carry you—”
Immediate panic. “Nah, I’m good!” You try to sound confident. “I walk home all the time, remember?”
“Not at midnight.”
“What’s a couple hours difference?” You would rather get attacked or kidnapped than fly over buildings again.
“A hundred-twenty minutes,” he states. “You know that crime is statistically more likely to happen at night, right?”
“That tracks. What’s different?”
“Violent crime peaks at midnight.”
Mikey butts in. “Why can’t she just go in the blanket? It covers enough.”
Donatello rolls his eyes. “Mikey,” he sighs, “she’s a teenage girl walking around with her torso covered by a single conspicuous quilt. Let’s use our heads here.”
It takes him a minute. “So you’re worried about her getting, like, attacked?”
It is at moments like these where you resent his honesty.
“… were you paying attention to any of the conversation? Or the lesson we just learned?”
“Dude,” he protests, “when do I ever?”
“What, you mean the one where y’all learned to face your fears or the one where talking about people in front of said person is rude?”
The bitter edge to your words is not lost on him. “Look,” he reasons with you, “I-I’m not saying you’re incapable of taking care of yourself—”
“You are, but that’s not the point.”
“Shut up, Mikey.” You are surprised he does not punch him, though, admittedly, you can hardly argue the point. “What I mean is that if you put yourself in harm’s way, you’re going to get hurt.” He nods at Leo. “He’s a really experienced fighter and even he gets overwhelmed if he goes out of his way to do something reckless and dangerous like Karai.” He spits out her name like it is poisonous.
“Since when have you had a thing against Karai?”
The eldest brother sighs. “I’m never living that down, am I?”
“Unimportant, and nope. Point is,” he continues, fingers twitching at his sides, “it doesn’t make sense to tempt fate.”
You open your mouth to argue. You close it again. He has an extremely valid point, all things considered, especially considering everything that has been happening, and although you are completely certain about your stance on him carrying you home, you would be lying if you said the idea of stumbling home without your walker or shirt sounds very appealing.
“Then what exactly are you suggesting?”
He looks off. “I’m suggesting she stays the night, Leo.”
Mikey blinks. “What, in your room or on the couch?”
“It would be up to her.”
That works for you. “Your home. You pick. Where do you keep your sewing supplies?” You slip out of the circle the four of you have formed.
“On top of the bookshelf,” he points. “Behind the cardboard box.”
You nod, hopping over.
Mikey offers his two cents. “It makes more sense for you two to share a room. It’s kinda cold in the front room, and you guys’ll probably end up going to bed at around the same time anyways. She also has your blanket.”
You stand on your toes, fingertips brushing against a plastic container.
“That’s a fair point.” You catch it before it cracks open on the ground. “Training starts pretty early, so she should have time to grab her things before school.”
“See? Foolproof plan.”
“Would Master Splinter approve?”
“Leo,” you call over your shoulder, “he’s slept over at my house twice already. I really doubt he cares.”
“But we don’t know.”
“Then you can go ask him.” You turn around. “Where’s the jacket?”
“In the cardboard box.”
You pull it down, taking your shirt and jacket and sitting down, crossing your bad leg under the one you can use, despite the nausea. ‘Exposure therapy.’
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kaesaaurelia · 4 years
deals and contracts and paperwork fiddle-faddle
For @whumptober2020 day 11: Psych 101 (specifically "defiance," although this turned out to be much less “one person defies their captor” than I intended it to be and more “one person inspires another’s defiance.”)
Continues on from day four, wherein Aziraphale met up with a distraught coworker, waited for Crawly at the base of the Tower of Babel, and then it fell on him, day five, wherein Aziraphale did his best to help the citizens of Babylon, and was caught by demons for his trouble, and day eight, wherein Aziraphale found brief and unexpected camaraderie among the prisoners of Hell.
Background Aziraphale/f!Crawly, although this is mostly Aziraphale having a dialogue with an OC who’s trying (slightly) to sell him on a deal with the Devil.
When somebody finally came for Aziraphale, though, it wasn't Crawly.  It was Nisroc, with a gaggle of Legions.  "Hey, buddy, how's it going?" she asked brightly.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.  He'd been planning to have an argument with Crawly about whether she'd betrayed him, and found himself very disappointed she wasn't here, but Nisroc had betrayed Heaven, so Aziraphale was determined to pick a fight with her instead.
"Ugh," she said, rolling her eyes.  "So, turns out Michael is a huge bitch?  Like, I guess God had to sign off on it all but I'm sure She would have been fine with it if She had the real story, Michael probably --"
"What are you doing here in front of my cell?" Aziraphale cut in.  "Can you get me out of here?"
"Hmm, well, yes and no?" said Nisroc.  "Satan's authorized me to give you his proposal, and if you accept it, you can get you out of here."
"But you're not even a demon yet!" said Aziraphale.  "Are you?"  He squinted at her.  She didn't look like a demon, but maybe it was subtle.
"Nope," she said.  "He's too busy fixing everyone's languages to remake me, all he did was give me Hell's new standard common language.  Turns out I'm the only person we know can talk to you already, so..."  She said something incomprehensible to the Legions, one of whom presented her with a clay tablet.  "Okay, so, just so you know the stakes of this?  Good news is, my whole status isn't gonna be affected by whether I can get you to do this, so no pressure there.  Bad news is, I think they might kill you if you don't?  So, probably a lot of pressure overall!  Sorry about that," she said.
Aziraphale sighed.  "What exactly is the deal?  Do they want me to become a demon?"
"Pretty much, yeah," said Nisroc.  "I guess some other demon was talking about what a great asset you'd be?  Slimy or something, I don't know, Satan trusts whoever they are."
His heart sank.  Crawly had betrayed him, hadn't she?  He might as well stop pretending it was at all likely that she hadn't.  "Crawly," he said.
"Yeah, something like that," Nisroc said.  She skimmed the tablet.  "You won't get to keep your name, unfortunately -- but honestly, probably more trouble than it's worth if you're not pregnant?  Like, that was why I did that whole --"  She waved vaguely upwards.  "-- y'know, that thing.  Also, apparently you have no control over what kind of animal stuff you end up with, just generally?  I am so worried.  Like what if Satan turns me into a slug or something?  That would ruin my whole aesthetic."  She looked at Aziraphale.  "Sorry, don't want to make you worry, I'm sure you'll be fine on that count.  You'd make a great slug."
Aziraphale gritted his teeth.  "Is there anything I actually get out of this supposed deal?" he asked.
"You get to live," said Nisroc.  "If you want more you can probably negotiate up?  But also Satan's a huge asshole so I super wouldn't bother if I was you.  I did and it's still a really shitty deal."
"Why did you take it, then?" he asked.
"My options are pretty limited these days," said Nisroc.  "Being powerless but unchanging and immortal, doomed to walk the Earth forever, accepted neither by Heaven nor Hell was not cutting it.  Especially since being pregnant literally forever is worse than Hell.  Or, I think it is?  God, I hope it is," she said, sighing.
"Ah," said Aziraphale.  "So -- you actually are --"
"Yeah, like I said, Michael got really mad," said Nisroc.  "Although actually I think Raphael snitched on me?  Which I would not have expected out of him.  Don't trust that fucker."
"I... didn't think anybody did?" Aziraphale said.  There had been a big scandal a while back, where it had become obvious that Raphael's blueprints for primates and Gabriel's blueprints for humans were awfully similar, enough so that somebody had obviously been copying.  Officially, no conclusion had ever been reached; unofficially, though, Raphael had been pushed out of all the important decision-making and shuffled off to the perpetually understaffed Recorporation Office.
"Well, good for them," said Nisroc.  "So, uh, what do you say?  You gonna take the offer?
"You make it sound so appealing," said Aziraphale, “how could I possibly say no?”
"Yeah, no, I get that it sucks," said Nisroc.  "Listen, do you know anyone else down here you could bribe?"  Aziraphale looked pointedly at the Legions.  "Oh, don't worry about them, they don't understand me," she said.  "Isn't that right?" she asked them.  "You are all very cute, but kinda stupid!  It's great!"  They smiled confusedly at her, and Aziraphale was satisfied that they didn't understand her.
"Why can't you help me, then?" he asked.
"Oh, no, I don't think I should.  Everything's a little..."  She made a gesture representing the shakiness of the situation.  "Like, if it was just me I'd totally help, but I'm kinda scheming for two here?"
"Ah," said Aziraphale.  He was still so terribly uncomfortable with the idea of... of reproducing like that with humans.  Still, he tried to dredge up some of the etiquette he had learned for dealing with new parents.  "Is it a boy or a girl?" he asked.
"Probably," said Nisroc, shrugging.  "I just want it to be okay.  I'm sure God would have understood if I could have explained.  It's creation, that's Her jam."  She began to cry again, and tearfully turned to the Legions, giving them some instruction Aziraphale didn't understand.  They looked very sympathetic, and scurried off.  Nisroc wiped the tears from her eyes quickly.  "Sorry," she said.  "I just -- I really don't wanna be a demon, what if I don't even want my kid after all of this?  What if I'm a totally different person?"
Aziraphale felt terrible for her then.  "Is that what happens?" he asked.  What had Crawly been like, before she had become this?  He couldn't really imagine her as a better person -- not that she was particularly good, and not that badness was fundamental to her personality, but... he didn't really like the idea of a Better Crawly.  Unless maybe it was a Crawly who hadn't got him stuck here.
"I don't know," said Nisroc.  "That's what everyone says happens?  That you stop being able to love, and, and you can't be nice, and stuff like that."
"Oh, I don't think that's all true," said Aziraphale, surprising himself slightly.  He'd thought he was just saying it to be comforting, but he did believe it.  Crawly could be kind, whether she'd betrayed Aziraphale or not.  "I think you'll still be yourself," he said.  "Just... different."
"I really hope so," she said, blinking back more tears.  "But -- but just in case I don't..."  With some difficulty, she dug a little hole in the dirt with her toe.  Then she showed Aziraphale the key she had.  "You're gonna say no, right?"
"Well..."  Aziraphale didn't want to be a demon.  Hell was a miserable place, and Crawly seemed to avoid it as best she could.  It wouldn't suit Aziraphale at all.
"You should say no," she said.  "If you have any way of getting out of here.  I bet you could bribe someone easy enough.  It's a shitty job."  She lifted something over her head and Aziraphale realized she'd been wearing a key on a chain around her neck.  "This goes to the cell.  I don't want them to connect this to me, so I'm not gonna give this to you, I know you'll bolt -- but if you can get someone to give it to you later when I have an alibi?  Go for it," she said.  Then she dropped the key in the hole and scuffed dirt over it.  "God, I'm so tired," she said.
"You probably shouldn't have done that," Aziraphale said, eyeing the patch of dirt.
"I probably shouldn't have, yeah," she said, sadly.  "But what if I stop being a good person when Satan remakes me?  What if I never really did anything good at all and this is my last opportunity?"
"I think if Satan could make you a worse person against your will, he wouldn't bother with all the deals and contracts and paperwork fiddle-faddle," Aziraphale said.
"Well, I hope you're right," said Nisroc.  "Ah.  Looks like my pals are coming back," she said, glancing off to her left, and indeed, the cadre of Legions were stumbling towards her, all of them at once bearing aloft a small scrap of cloth, which they argued over before one of them successfully handed it to her.  She dabbed at her tears with it, and gave them a grateful smile.  "I'll tell him you're thinking about it but you need more time.  A little while longer in here should convince you, right?"
"Perhaps," said Aziraphale, doing his best not to look at the spot where the key was buried.
"Good luck," she said, and she walked off, dabbing her eyes with the cloth and talking to the Legions in nonsense words.
[next part]
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XXI)
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Kisses, Jealousy and Sexual Tension
Hi dear Fandom! Are you swimming too in this big pool of Cockles? They want us dead for sure... 😏💙💚
Ok, this is another volume from season 6, we'll have a lot of fun because I'll analyze Caged Heat
With the Megstiel kiss and the jealous 😏.
I want to give thanks to my friend @agusvedder , she's currently very busy with a lot of projects but she discussed with me, as always, the episodes.
Ok, no more cháchara. Here we go!
Working for Crowley, not saying a word to Cas
Ok, just a little reminder, and the beginning of episode 6x10 "Caged Heat", Dean and Sam deliver a rugarou to demons, and one of them mocks Dean, well... We could say he let Dean without words...
DEAN: Wait, wait. Hold up, hold up. Are we ever gonna see Crowley again or is he just gonna keep sending his demon extras to pick up his laundry?
DEMON: I’m sorry. I know you’re speaking, I see your lips moving, but I can’t understand what you’re saying ’cause I don’t speak Little Bitch.
Demons get in their car and drive off.
DEAN: Remember when we used to gank demons?
Here we have the humiliation for working with demons. The humiliation feels Castiel for doing that.
But we have a data here, Dean and Sam didn't tell Cas they were working for Crowley... Unfortunately, we had a big difference between these two situations, as I marked before. Dean and Sam are under threat, and Cas made the deal voluntarily.
The prelude for the Megstiel Kiss
If you recall first episode from season 5, we had Dean and Sam captives by Meg and her demons. In that moment, Meg teased Dean and kissed him in the lips.
This time was so similar. Because Dean and Sam were captured again by Meg and her demons, she was teasing Dean, but she didn't kiss him.
And because we needed to recall that kiss between Meg and Dean, we had the following situation...
MEG: It’s a deal then. Hugs and puppies all around!
DEAN: You gonna untie us?
MEG: Please. Don’t pretend you don’t enjoy it.
She turns to leave. One of her companions walks up to Dean, staring intently at him.
DEAN: You gonna kiss me?
MEG [calling back over her shoulder to the demon]:Come on!
There was this male demon approaching Dean, eye fucking him, and Dean went for that comment about the kissing. Just to remind us, people... Dean was kissed by Meg the first time...and as if this was an indirect kiss, Castiel will be kissed by her too.
Still mad at Cas
First of all, if you recall my Sam and Cas meta, they weren't in the best point of their relationship by the firsts seasons, they barely knew each other and they didn't trust in each other... Adding soulless!Sam condiment to the soup, you have this interaction...
CASTIEL: I’m mid-battle, Sam.
SAM: I could give a rat’s ass about your little pissing match with Raphael.
CASTIEL: Listen to me, Sam –
SAM: No, you listen! I don’t care what you’re dealing with up in Heaven. You owe me.
(For all the times Castiel didn't answer to his prayers...)
CASTIEL: You may not care, but believe me –
SAM: I’m sorry, do you think we’re here to talk this out?
CASTIEL: Sam, I can’t just –
SAM: If you don’t help us, I will hunt you down and kill you.
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Gif credit @demondetoxmanual
SAM: I don't know yet. But I will look until I find out, and I don't sleep.
Cas knows Sam's situation and by the end of the "conversation" he shows concern about the younger hunter. "YOU NEED HELP,SAM."
But when they find Dean, we see Dean is still mad at Cas...
DEAN: You actually showed. Wow, Sam, I owe you a chicken dinner. What happened?
SAM: No big. This is what friends do for each other.
Ok... Dean wasn't trying to call Cas for sure, because he knew Cas wasn't attending his calls... And he remained mad at him, but Sam called him with a lie. And then... The sarcastic comment.
There's something symbolic about what Castiel says while watching porn
Ok, I know this was a funny scene, but... Pay attention to the description Castiel does about the pizza man and the babysitter.
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Gif set credit @attackofthekillermexisaurusrex
And he ended... "Perhaps she’s done something wrong."
You would say... What this got to do with Destiel, well... If the pizza man truly loves the baby sitter (if Dean truly loves Cas...) why does he keep slapping her rear? (Why he keeps treating him badly?) Perhaps Cas has done something wrong... 😏 This is dirty minded but... A good point.
Now, let's jump to the juicy here, Jealous!Dean.
Introducing Jealous!Dean
Ok my friends..., We will see this season the born of Jealous!Jensen with Megstiel. And this will continue in the following seasons (7 and 8)
Let's check out this... When Meg saw Castiel with them, she was very flirty.
MEG [to Castiel]: Remember me? I sure remember you, Clarence.
CASTIEL: Why are we working with these abominations?
MEG: Keep talking dirty. Makes my meatsuit all dewy.
DEAN: Alright, simmer down. We know where Crowley is.
This scene is witnessed by Dean, and his face is priceless, he sees some kind of sexual tension between the angel and Meg... And that bothers him... And the last flirty quote from Meg, made him cut her out.
Here you have Dean's facial reactions to that dialogue...
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After this... We had Meg doing a big check out of CAS...
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Gif set credit @angel-e-v-a
And meanwhile Dean like...
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What is going on? Are you flirting with MY angel, really bitch?
Now... The kiss... First Meg, it was a convenient excuse to kiss Castiel, she liked him, she wanted to steal his sword... But Cas surprised everyone with this...
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And Dean was like...
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Gif set credit @frozen-delight
Unexpected aaaand... His eyes at the end are like... Ugh... Maybe CAS likes her...
Another juicy thing coming up..
More sexual tension...
And this is one of my fav Destiel stares... Ok, the discussion was hard, they were talking about Sam, he had recover his soul back, but he was unconscious... In episode 6x12 "Like a Virgen"...
CASTIEL: I'm sorry, Dean, but I warned you not to put that thing back inside him.
DEAN:What was I supposed to do? Let T-1000 walk around, hope he doesn't open fire?
CASTIEL: Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it. Like it had been skinned alive, Dean. If you wanted to kill your brother, you should have done it outright.
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Gif credit @some-people-call-it-tragic
Look at this... The dominant energy coming from Castiel, with his fierce words, recalling Dean the first encounters with this beautiful creature. Castiel approaching him and looking at him that way... Dean is speechless... Look at his face, his eyes all over Castiel's eyes and lips. That's, my friends, purely Destiel sexual tension. And we are here for this.
To conclude
Meg came back to reminds us the kiss with Dean in the same episode she kisses Castiel (indirect Destiel kiss).
With Megstiel we had the introduction of Jealous!Dean, so delightful.
We had a curious symbolism in Castiel's description about that porn movie... Hilarious but interesting...
And the sexual tension between Dean and Cas always alive...
I hope you like this volume, c-u in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @bre95611 @thewolfatmydoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel
If you want to be tagged, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous s6 volumes, here you have the links...
Buenos Aires July 24th 2019 10:23 PM
103 notes · View notes
Fix You 10
A/N: Rewrite. This series doesn’t follow the show. Sorry, its been forever since this has been updated!!!! 
Link to Chapter 9
Words: 2,797
Pairings: Gabriel  x Reader
Lucifer sat in a small cafe with a bottle of whiskey in front of him. He was enjoying watching the drunken humans make total fools of themselves.
“Having fun?”
He looked up to see none other then Anael looking down at him. Lucifer gave him his best pouty smile.
“Awe, did you miss me?”
Anael rolled her eyes before sitting down.
“Hardly, I am only here because I have news that could be of some use to you.”
Lucifer put a hand on his heart acting like he was having a heart attack.
“Oh, you are so hurtful! You are breaking my poor little heart! Now that I have gotten that out of my system, what do you have to tell me?”
Anael rolled her eyes. As much as she hated dealing with Lucifer at the moment it was good news to share. Lucifer's voice interrupted her thoughts,
“Did you find my kid? Please tell me that you did because I am getting a little impatient and you know how me and impatience don't go well together.”
Anael focused her cat-like gaze on the prince of darkness before speaking.
“No, regrettably, I was unable to locate your child as you asked. I do, however, know that you have other family that you could use.”
Lucifer scowled before slouching down in his chair.
“I doubt whatever you have to say isn't going to make me happy. You’re a party pooper.”
Anael rolled her eyes.
“You have a niece and I think she would be of some interest to you. The angels are really concerned about her.”
Lucifer's eyes widened.
“A niece, huh? Well, look at that some other angel has been bad too! Why should I care about some other Nephilim when I have my own kid to worry about?”
Anael smiled.
“Because she is half Nephilim and half archangel.”
Lucifer sat up straighter, looking clearly confused.
“Half Archangel? What is Michael and Raphael up to?”
Anael smirked.
“It wasn't either of them.”
Lucifer's scowl became more defined.
“It's not possible! Gabriel is dead! I killed him!”
Anael rolled her eyes.
“Not quite. He's alive and kicking. Your niece is five years old and smart! The smartest I have ever seen. She has a lot of potential”
Lucifer looked completely baffled! Gabriel had literally placed him like a fiddle! Lucifer taught Gabriel all of his tricks and now they had been used against him.
“That little son of a bitch played me! He made me feel, feelings! I want you to go get that kid! I want her too!”
Anael snorted.
“Sorry, I am not going after her! I am not foolish enough to go up against Gabriel. He'll kill me when it comes to that child. Not to mention I am kind of concerned about what that child can actually do. If you want her, go get her yourself. I should probably also mention that the child is also being protected by Amara.”
Lucifer stood. He was done listening to this bullshit!
“I'll go find them myself. I swear if you want something done right you have to do it yourself! This time that brother of mine is dying!”
Meanwhile, back with Team Free Will....
“Prove to me that you actually love me and that I can trust you....that's my word.”
Gabriel had to look away from you. There was that disappointed expression that he was given so often. Maybe Loki was right? Maybe he was a failure? He had it all with you before; someone who loved him and relationship should!
You meanwhile, kept your attention focused on Gabriel. His face looked almost hopeless! Even after everything that he had put you through; you still felt pain when you saw that look in his eyes.
“What happened to your face?”
You asked softly. Gabriel’s head snapped up as he thought about the ass beating that Loki had given him.
“Had my ass kicked.”
He said with an embarrassed expression. Your worries expression intensified.
“It’s alright, sugar. It wasn’t the worst thing that has happened to me.”
You didn’t look convinced enough. You walked to Gabriel putting a hand on his cheek healing the bruise.
“Is your grace weak again?”
Gabriel gave you a nervous chuckle.
“Yea, peach. Everything about me is weak apparently.”
Gabriel immediately reached out taking your hands in his.
“It isn’t your fault so please don’t even think of it. Y/n, I’ll sing like a canary if it fixes things between us. I’ll let you know everything you want to know. You want my life story I’ll tell you every grimy detail.”
You were clearly surprised! This was a whole new side to Gabriel. You expected Gabriel to put up a fight or do one of his cunning little jokes. Sitting down on the bed, you patted the place beside you.
“Whatever you want to tell me.”
You said softly. Curiosity was definitely getting the better of you! Gabriel nodded as he joined you on the bed.
30 minutes later, you sat beside Gabriel with your mouth hanging open. Your head was spinning with everything that Gabriel had just told you! For a few moments, you had no idea what to say to him! From hearing about his wreck of a “childhood” to his decision to leave heaven, up to getting his ass kicked by Loki...all of it was hard to hear!
“Gabriel, I...”
He shook his head.
“You don't have to say anything. Hopefully, you can see why I didn't want to go and spill my guts to you. What kind of girl in the right mind would want to be with a guy like me?”
You answered without thinking.
“One that loves you! Why can't you see that? After everything that you have put me through I still love you more than anyone on this earth! I don't trust you right now! I am not about to jump in bed and fuck you. Like I said, you have a lot to make up for. Gabriel, you are not a failure. I don't even want that in your mind.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. How could you say that he wasn't a failure? In his mind, he literally failed at everything he has ever done! He failed at being an archangel and he most definitely failed as a soulmate and father.
“Kinda hard for it not to be.”
You stood up fighting the urge to cuddle him. He looked so hurt and vulnerable! You reached out letting your hand cup his face. Gabriel's golden eyes rolled up to your face.
“Y/n, you don't have to do this.”
You shook your head.
“I'm not doing anything. We are going to get you back to your standard archangel power strength and go from there. That is what WE are going to do. Now I am going to go get our daughter so I can get her back to sleep before she talks Jack's ear off.”
Gabriel smirked.
“Jack wouldn't complain. He's missed her.”
You turned and walked into JoyAnna's room where she sat snoozing on Jack's lap. He looked up with a smile.
“I think she is tired.”
Jack stood up and placed the little girl in your arms. You were pleased to see that he hadn't lost his kind demeanor.
“I'm glad to see you, Jack.”
Jack looked overjoyed.
“Me too. We'll talk later in the morning when Joy wakes up.”
You gave his forearm a pat before turning and going back into your bedroom. Gabriel sat on the bed. He quickly looked up as you put Joy in the middle of the bed.
“She will be out for a few hours.���
You said before laying down as Gabriel turned on his side. He looked down at his daughter's little round face and that guilty feeling came right back! Gabriel had missed her birth and the majority of her first few years.
Looking back up at your face, Gabriel reached out intertwining your hands. To his surprise, you didn't pull away.
“It's going to be okay.”
You whispered softly. Gabriel half smiled. Both of you were unsure whether that statement to be true or not. The most that the two of you could do was hope for the best!
Later in the morning when Joy woke up. She between Gabriel and yourself with a small smile before throwing a leg over Gabriel's side to get out of bed. Joy stopped moving when her father's eyes snapped open.
“Where are you going?”
Gabriel questioned softly. JoyAnna pointed to the door.
“Going to find Jack. Mommy is still sleeping?”
Gabriel nodded.
“Yeah, peach.”
Gabriel carefully turned on his back so JoyAnna could slide out of bed a little easier.
“Don't go getting into anything.”
Gabriel whispered. JoyAnna gave him a knowing smirk. She giggled.
“You're good!”
Gabriel chuckled as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“You have no idea, princess. Now go be a good girl.”
A few hours later, Joy sat on the couch with a quantum mechanics book in front of her as she read to Sam. He was totally surprised that the child could sit there and read word for word each sentence and was able to tell him exactly how the subject worked.
“Wow, Joy.”
Sam managed to get out as he looked over at Dean who was half asleep.
“Maybe you should go teach Dean all about it.”
Joy grinned before she slid off of Sam's lap and went over to Dean. Slinging the book against the eldest Winchester's chest, Joy climbed up to join him. Dean jumped awake and looked down as she started to read.
“What are you doing?”
He asked. Joy pointed to the book and gave him the exact expression Gabriel would when dealing with a stupid person.
“I am teaching you something.”
Dean looked down at the book and right away he felt tired again.
“Kid, I will never use this a day in my life.”
Joy smirked.
“Did you watch Cops like I asked you?”
Dean nodded.
“I was doing character building all night.”
The sound of fluttering wings made Dean look around to see none other than Balthazar. Joy immediately jumped off of Dean's lap and went to the angel holding her hands up. Balthazar reached down picking the child up before noticing Sam and Dean. He automatically frowned before giving them a nod and looking back to his granddaughter. Balthazar knew that he could get whatever he wanted from the child.
“Hello there, sweet pea. What's new around here?”
JoyAnna looked like she was about to pop with all of the excitement that had happened in the last day!
“You have missed a lot grandpa! Daddy came back and so did everyone else! Aunty Amara has stepped out for a bit. She said she was going to visit grandpa Chuck. He's a nervous little guy, huh?”
Balthazar's rage began to build at the mere mention of Gabriel being anywhere near his daughter and granddaughter.
“Love, where are your mum and dad?”
As if cued to do so, you walked into the room with Gabriel behind you. You stopped the moment that you saw your father. Turning to Gabriel, you sighed seeing that frown on his face reappear.
Balthazar, meanwhile, put Joy down.
“Sweetheart, why don't you...”
Joy sighed,
“I know, go play! Sheesh, I am missing everything.”
Once JoyAnna was safely out of earshot Balthazar focused his attention on Gabriel.
“What the bloody hell are you doing here? You left and should have stayed gone, Gabriel. You're made a giant mess out of things as it is.”
Gabriel smiled.
“I am here for my family. I don't know what else it looks like.”
Balthazar frowned.
“You are just going to destroy things.”
Your eyes widened as you tried to get between Gabriel and your father.
“Both of you stop! Dad, Gabriel and I have a lot of things to work on and I am not jumping into anything quickly. Gabriel has every right to see his child. I am not stopping that. Besides Joy loves him. I was wrong to keep him from her this long.”
Balthazar was clearly not seeing his daughter's point of view.
“He's just going to hurt the two of you again. It seems that is his talent.”
Dean stepped in clearly having enough! He was tired of being privy to angel relations.
“I'm putting my two cents in. Balthazar, I get where you are coming from because I am concerned too but it is their decision. If you try to keep Y/n and Gabriel apart it's going to backfire on you.”
Dean turned to face Gabriel and yourself.
“You two are going to have to get your shit together and grow up that's all there is to it. You both run when the rough gets going and that has to stop! It isn't fair to Joy or anyone else that has to deal with you both. That is the lesson that Chuck and Amara are trying to drill into your head, Gabriel. Y/n, you know I care about you. You're a great friend and I can't believe that I am saying this but Gabriel has been miserable without you. I am not telling you to go fuck his brains out but listen to him. Asmodeus the asshat may be gone but there are other things that we are going to have to deal with. We can't go up against things like Lucifer and whatever else and expect to live the way that we are going.”
Dean was pleased to see that he had clearly struck a nerve with both of you. You had edged closer to Gabriel and was wrapping your hand around his.
“He's right. Things have to change.”
Meanwhile with Lucifer,
Lucifer stood in front of none other than Michael. His older brother sat behind a large oak desk with his hands crossed.
“Lucifer, whatever can I do for you? I must say that I am shocked that you have come to locate me.”
Lucifer rolled his eyes as he looked at his older brother. The guy left “bizarro world” and his kick-ass vessel to come to this world and be in fucking young John Winchester's vessel.
“Sheesh Michael, you got rid of the cool vessel for a Winchester?”
Michael smirked. The coldness in his eyes sparkled as he gave his younger brother a disapproving scowl.
“My choosing of vessels in my own business. Now like I asked what can I do for you?”
Lucifer shook his head.
“Actually I have a team work propitiation for you.”
Lucifer wanted to choke on his words. The last thing that he wanted to do was team up with Michael but he would need help getting his hands on their little niece. Michael looked intrigued as he sat up straighter.
“And that is? Why would I want to work with you?”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
“Aw, I don't know. I mean it's just a slight issue known as a half Nephilim/half archangel that has come into existence that could totally help us.”
Michael held up a hand.
“Pardon? Half Nephilim/half archangel? What?”
Lucifer nodded feeling a little more excited. The expression on Michael's face was enough to make Lucifer be more amused.
“Gabriel and a Nephilim shacked up and made a baby. I would go after them but poor little ole me is low on grace because of you. I know that you wouldn't want to get your hands dirty...”
Michael slammed his hands down the table.
“Gabriel knows better! You did too when you made a Nephilim and look what happened to you!”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
“Uh yeah, but I really would like to get our niece.”
Michael shook his head.
“The child has to die and so does her filthy half breed mother. Do not harm either of them. I have plans.”
Lucifer was quietly muttering that he should have just started looking himself as Michael again stood.
“What plans?”
Lucifer questioned. Maybe he was going to have to play double agent to finally get Michael killed off and get his hands on his niece.
“I am going to kill them in front of Gabriel and make him watch the light leave their eyes.”
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
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Staring out of the blacked out car window, I was supposed to have gone back to Atlanta but I am staying for a few days. But I may stay for Christmas, I told Sofia to tell the girls to come back and leave the home, it will be fine “you a bad man” Ethan said, squinting my eyes watching Samuel “you know, he will be in my family life. I don’t want it, I am dead against it. He is playing teams, I don’t do that. If he does it then let’s see, I have heard he is ruthless. I asked him how much he wants his daughter, we shall see” rubbing my chin, I am watching Samuel and his little Latino gang leader he fucks with, I asked him a simple question, how much you want to see her. He does me this, then so be it. I want to take their spot, I want the Latino’s under me, I want them gone. He takes out the boss then I’ll be nice “what if he dies?” Ethan asked “then we drive off, move on. That ain’t on me” I shrugged “man, you starting shit Cassius. Latino’s are going to come for us” I shrugged “and you show them who they boss is, they will calm down. Samuel is the only one to get close and, it’s conflicting. I can’t have this man near me, I can’t having him in my circle when he fucks with these people, I can’t trust. He is Sofia’ dad but not mine” I can’t fuck with that, he has to do this “what if he tells Sofia what he did” Ethan is speaking too much “then I will beat his ass, he better shut his fucking mouth. This works off better for me though, think about it. We taking their money, their clients” it’s funny how they trust Samuel, I guess he is an old timer so that is why “that will be us” opening the car door, cocking my gun back as I got out of the car and at that very moment I hear two gunshots go off. Two of my people walked ahead of me as I walked behind them and Ethan.
Looking around me as I took my time going around the corner “get on your knees my man, come on!” seeing Samuel getting down on his knees “I am with you guys!?” he said in disbelief “nah you ain’t, keep speaking” seeing the guy on the floor dead, he is the same guy that wanted me to go in business with him “you come on your own?” kicking the gun away a little “you knew that?” Samuel said “I did, I said it too. Ok so, I need you to get this body, you leave it outside his home and then you tell them it was you” Samuel’ face dropped “what? But, then they will kill me? I said I would do it, and I did!?” he shouted “I asked you how much you wanted to see your daughter Samuel, I didn’t ask for your bullshit” he swallowed hard “so you going to do it? I mean I can just kill you and be done with it” Samuel closed his eyes swallowing hard “ok” he put his head down “pick him up, Ethan pick the gun up” walking a little, they dragged Samuel up on his feet “Samuel, you fuck on me. You ever make Sofia cry, I will kill you. I was just testing you, you done it. I will deal with the rest, now go. I will be in contact” he looks so relieved “I don’t do this anymore, this is not me” this nigga really crying “just go!” I spat walking towards the dead body.
Watching the boys take his body “make sure you do it when nobody is looking, dump it ok. Don’t say shit because they will know” I said turning to Ethan “they going to know, especially with you being here” Ethan was not for this but I was “trust me, I make moves. I didn’t become what I was for being a bitch, playing it safe is not me. If that means taking the boss out then so be it but we all know who did it, you get that camera footage. He fucks with me, I always have it. I am going back home, do what you need to do and Ethan” looking around me “you doubt my motives and moves again, you can be next” Ethan nodded his head “I didn’t, I was just thinking shit is peaceful. Trust me, I know for a fact you would do everything for a reason. This is just us taking over Cassius, I think I am just in shock with how much you own this city” walking off “take me home” I know this will cause trouble, while I am here I may as well do this and then it is out of the way.
Closing the front door “I hear you’re in the city, Cassius. Come and see me” Raphael said “I thought you would be in France? Do you ever go back?” I did think he was gone “oh no, I am here. I just want to meet the man that will make me a billionaire, I want to speak to you about business Cassius. Some real business, also we need to supply more. I am opening a Clover Club in Miami” opening the living room door “you are? That is a lot” he is asking for a lot “think about the money and business” my sister has taken my spot next to Sofia “I do and I am but I have that in Atlanta, things are being slightly slow. This arrest put me back, also what ever happened tonight” Raphael chuckled “yes, he said. I was shocked to hear he was doing it” I sniggered “the things you do for the people you love, he is under me now” Raphael went silent “he’s getting old in his old age, but if that is what you want you can. But meet me, meet me now” I scoffed “it’s late enough, tomorrow night” disconnecting the call, I can actually feel Sofia’ eyes on me “business?” my mom asked “as always” I sat back on the couch, I don’t know what it is about Brooklyn but it makes me hungry to do things because I know I can. Grabbing the weed packet from my pocket “I am watching this” my dad said, side eyeing him “well I’m not, I am going out” getting up from the couch, I don’t know why I came home “Cassius” Sofia soon spoke up, looking behind me “just for a blunt” I finished off, I knew she wouldn’t allow it.
The sky looks nice at night, the stars out and this weed is hitting me actually. I couldn’t endorse Samuel’ bullshit and his partnership with the Latino’s, I love Sofia but I can’t sit back and relax. I still don’t feel right, I wish she didn’t want to see him but what can I do but I will be watching him. I know this will be trouble but what can I say, it happens when you kill their boss and then I will be their boss. Turning around and walking back to my house, taking the last drag of the blunt as I did. Throwing it on the floor and walking back in the house, closing the door behind me and blowing the smoke out “you could have done that out there” my mom said, smiling at her “perhaps” locking the door, I feel so high “maybe I can” I laughed to myself “you need to not be out so late, you have a pregnant wife here and she wants you home. She has been awake for you” waving my mom off “who told her to do that?” I chuckled “look, I know. I am going bed” shaking my head, my mother telling me for “Cassius, leave that life outside” nodding my head. My mom worried for, she thinks too much. Pushing the living room door open, staring at Sofia. She stared back at me, I don’t know why I am staring at her like this “I am going bed” I announced “then go!” Jasmine spat “come” I said, Sofia slowly got up “you’re annoying” Jasmine said, Sofia doesn’t look happy but she better be happy, I am doing this for her.
I have no idea why I am naked, it’s cold. Why did I do this, getting up from the bed and Sofia opened the bedroom door “knock!” I spat, I am butt ass naked “why should I? Cassius you been really off with me, I don’t like it. I want to go back to Atlanta, I don’t want this” I sniggered shaking my head “right, Sofia. Nothing is wrong, I am just a little high, a little horny, a little giddy. I am a little agitated but we good” laughing to myself “you have been out all day and night, you have been up to no good Cassius and I know it. Why are you lying to me!? I wanted you home, you have been off with me. Why?” finally finding my boxers “lying to you, Sofia I barely go out. I don’t do anything, why are you barking for? I fucking have shit to do, I am protecting my fucking self here! I am fighting for my life here! And all you can do is bark, I said what I said, I am good now go to bed! You bring shit to my life! All I do is try and make yours better and yet still! You get in my face, just let me breathe!” Sofia stared at me in sadness, I sighed out “I’m sorry” Sofia walked off.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
Review: 03x13 Beati Bellicosi
So @kimmycup and I finished the episode!
Let’s start with the wolves and vampires - and my favorite line of this episode:
Wolves don’t just attack without a cause. Not in New York.
Bitch, that is the opposite of the New York pack. They literally do that. They do that. Bat Velasquez is one of the living breathing proofs for that because he got attacked and turned without a cause and consent by members of the New York pack. They went and attacked Simon while he was peacefully living on their territory, without any cause just because they were bothered by his presence. Maia tried to fucking murder Jace the first time she met him just because he didn’t have time to help her in that instance and, without actual hard proof, she assumed he murdered Gretel so let’s attack him without legitimate cause. Maia, again, also tried to straight-up murder Clary so she wouldn’t be able to activate the Soul Sword in season 2. Attacking without a cause is the New York pack’s MO, literally.
How do multiple praetors fail to catch one newbie vampire? She is not very trained, she is all alone, how did those trained praetors, not even just normal wolves, not manage to capture that bitch yet? How is that a thing? What even are praetors because they sure as shit seem rather useless. I thought they were a specially trained force. But they, in a group, can’t even take down one vampire, huh.
And then Griffin thinks it’s legitimate to slaughter the pack... because the praetors accused them of hiding Heidi, which honestly while wrong in that moment was right in the next when Heidi was welcomed back in and was also right in the scene before Jordan arrived when Heidi was in the Hotel and talking to Griffin already. Not to mention the whole fact that Raphael turned her without telling anyone and kept her hidden in the basement so like... not believing the New York clan about anything involving Heidi is really not much of a “You don’t trust us because we are vampires!” issue, you do not get to play the racist card there because you, your clan, literally did all of that not even a month ago. And it by no means justifies slaughtering nearly the entire damn pack.
I mean, yes, it was in fact not “good authority” that brought Jordan to the hotel. Like, boy needs to fact check shit, but it still stands that Heidi had been there prior to it and after and that the New York clan hiding Heidi in the basement is literally how this whole shit-show started so Griffin’s gotta get off his high horse.
Now let’s talk about family.
One aspect of the addiction plotline that I hated was how Alec so irrationally got angry with Magnus for not immediately telling him Isabelle was addicted... but no one even thought about telling Jace, who supposedly is also her brother, until the whole thing was already over. And we’re going to do this again, huh? We’re going to do this Alec and Izzy style again and not tell Jace until it’s over.
Same for the whole Downworlders getting tortured part - I mean, I still stand by how Izzy’s reaction to this is fucking ridiculous because this is not news. Like, yes Downworlders getting tortured is bad and shouldn’t happen, but they already know this happens. This isn’t news? So why you acting all high and mighty and morally superior? And like “this isn’t how [Maryse] raised us” - bitch, it is. It is exactly how she raised you because it is how y’all have been doing business from the get-go. You, dearest Alec, literally had an outfall with Izzy over Meliorn being taken in to be tortured in season 1. That was kind of a big deal, so don’t act like this was never the case.
Look, you can have character development and growth. You can have Alec and Isabelle growing as characters and now being against torture. But you don’t get to sell them as completely oblivious idiots who didn’t know this has been going on the whole time, that’s bullshit.
Now, the Lightwood family is not the only one I take issue with.
How do we not get any Luke and Clary bonding at all? This show so desperately tries to sell Luke as Clary’s father figure, but let’s take a step back from how much we want that and look at the actual canon facts. Luke didn’t take Clary in after her mom died; she lived with strangers at the Institute. Luke wasn’t there to mourn Jocelyn with Clary, he went on a run to mourn alone. We never got any shared mourning between Clary and Jocelyn. And now? Now that she is back from the dead? He doesn’t even spend one single day just... being with his daughter? To, I don’t know, be there for her, catch up with each other? Instead he goes and investigates with... Maryse. This could have been a good bonding moment for Luke and Clary. They could have investigated the Morning Star sword together, as father and daughter.
But the show oh-so desperately had to sell its ships. So let’s talk about ships.
It’s not even been two months since Jocelyn died. Not even two months. The woman Luke has loved for two decades. Dead for approximately like six weeks. But... he’s kissing Maryse, a woman he supposedly had bad blood and history with through the Circle and the treatment after the Circle ended. But sure, the exactly three (3) interactions they had since Maryse was deruned totally qualify for Luke moving on from the woman he loved for two decades to... her, of all people. I’m not saying you gotta be a mourning widower for the rest of your life, but two months are a pathetic mourning period if you loved someone for this long and it is majorly cringeworthy that they are forcing romance to happen there, instead of spending Luke’s screentime on the above mentioned potential bonding with his daughter. This is a ridiculous decision, writing-wise.
Maia and Simon acting like they had some epic, all rules defying romance is ridiculous. They were dating for literally three weeks. Literally three weeks. That’s... most people wouldn’t even define that as a relationship. Look. I liked them, I actually did like Maia and Simon together so this isn’t meant as “I hate this ship, it ain’t epic!!!”, but as “You really can not define a two weeks relationship as epic”. Because, quite frankly, you didn’t manage to defy the stereotype that a wolf and a vampire can’t date - because in the end, the wolf chose her pack over her vampire boyfriend so like... What you said made no sense, is my point. And it’s also so insanely forced. I mean, this breakup has been coming for the past two episodes now and them now going “Maia needs to put the pack first so she breaks up with Simon so we can finally make S*zzy happen1!!” is... once again, a ridiculous decision.
I genuinely don’t even wanna talk about Jace and Clary. It’s been less than two weeks that they’re together. Jace has expressed how he wants to take it slow. But sure. Let’s have sex right now, once again without anything emotional tying them together. They will never bother with writing this as an actual relationship, will they? Like? There is no interest in their emotional state of mind, no concern “So, Jace, now that I just returned, how are you doing post possession?”, nope it’s immediately “Can we fuck now?” and they do. How is beyond me though. Like, how can Clary legit be horny enough that “So I’m emotionally linked to my brother. Let’s fuck and give him a good orgasm then, huh” isn’t enough to put her off?? This is just... insanity.
Other random observations:
I feel like what best summarizes this season, if not the entire show, is the fact that Simon literally just met a Biblical figure who is very much alive, and it is just legitimately used as a throwaway line. Like. That’s the pacing and cramming of this series. We have so much going on that we can’t even take five minutes to have this Jewish character sit down and digest that he met the Cain and to like deal with that and his faith. No, it’s just one throwaway line that that’s a thing that happened and then we gotta move on.
So Silent Brothers illustrate novels now, huh. That’s a thing Silent Brothers do now, yeah. I mean, if this were... like... an actual copy of a Bible or something. But Paradise Lost is just... it’s a story. Sure, sure, sure, we treat it as A Real Thing, apparently, but it’s still just a book. And the Silent Brothers just... illustrate those now. With enough accuracy that you can make out the super rare rune that binds Lucy and Mike, yeah? That’s a thing. Of course. Because they were “special seer Silent Brothers”, so we’re... implying they actually witnessed this fight between Lucy and Mike and got a good enough look at their bare shoulders to illustrate the rune, yeah? That’s what we’re going with, huh?
Also, hot damn. They are doubling down hard on the “metaphor” - I don’t think you can, in good faith, call it a metaphor anymore because those always do need a little translating. They literally called Jonathan Morgenstern and made him the demon-blooded one. While Clary is the super pure mega special angelic angel girl. And now they share the runes of Lucifer, aka the actual Morgenstern/Morning Star, and Michael, the super mega special angel. That ain’t even a metaphor anymore.
Do Shadowhunter doctors even exist? When Jace nearly died, well one of those times anyway, he got healed by Clary, aka the most untrained Shadowhunter at the time. When Izzy was badly injured and wanted to go to the Iron Sisters, she did not go to any actual doctor in the Institute, she got her special vamp-drugs directly from the head of the Instistute and did not ask any doctors for second opinion either. Clary, in her infinitey stupidity, decides to just go with it and try to derune that magic special rune that the mother of all demons put on her, and it’s not done by a specialist with training, it’s just done by Jace. Do they have anyone with special medical training anywhere in that Institute, is what I’m asking.
I don’t know. I’m just so tired at this point.
This show is 100% driven by ships. Characters make decisions only based on what ship the show really needs to sell, be that Luke suddenly asking Maryse for help instead of bonding with his daughter, or Clary and Jace just randomly having sex despite all the trauma Jace has been through since the last time he said he isn’t ready yet and wants to take things slow, or how Maia breaks up with Simon so the show can make S*zzy happen. It’s insane. Please stop being horny, show-writers, I beg you
Wolves are dumb. There is no other way to phrase that
Vampires though? Also not the brightest. How do you let Heidi manipulate you like that, Griffin? Raphael needs to come back
Stop pretending like the Lightwood sibling bond is a special thing applied to Alec-Isabelle-Jace if you keep excluding Jace
Silent Brothers like illustrating novels in their free time, who’d have thought
If they try to hit us over the head any harder with the Jonathan MORGENSTERN = Lucifer and Clary = oh so pure good angel metaphor, I’ma get a concussion from it
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Sympathy for the Devil: Part One
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,195
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: first episode of season 5! let me know what you think!
I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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This is it. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. It didn’t matter who started what or what they did, what’s done is done. Now, it was up to you to try and fix it.
“Come on!” Dean yells.
He takes yours and Sam’s hands and pulls you away from the shining sigil. You turn away from the center of the room to escape this inevitable trap. However, as soon as you reach the door, it slams shut and locks. Both brothers reach for the door, but you gently push them out of the way to do it yourself.
“Let me!” you exclaim and get in front of them.
Your hands start to glow bright blue, and you place them on the door so that your magic can work through the kinks to get it unlocked. The rooms starts to get brighter, and you try to work harder to get out. If not, then the light will become too bright to focus on anything. Lucifer is coming whether you like it or not, and you’d rather be out of the room before he makes his appearance.
As the light gets brighter, a high-pitched noise starts ringing. It starts off barely audible before kicking up a few notches. The noise reminds you of when angels talk since it’s getting to be unbearable to listen to. You want to continue to open the door, but it’s too loud and bright to focus on it. You take your hands away from the door and place them over your ears. You close your eyes tightly as if that’ll block out the bright light.
Suddenly, things happen so fast, you don’t know what’s going on. One minute it’s bright and loud, the next it’s dark and quiet. You open your eyes only to see you’re on a plane. It’s full of people who don’t seem to notice that there are three extra people on board with them. You don’t know how you got here or what happened, but you’re thanking whoever for doing so. You’re sitting by the window with Sam next to you and Dean on the aisle seat.
“What the fuck just happened?” you ask in confusion.
“I don’t know,” Sam shrugs.
“Folks,” the pilot says over the intercom, “quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then to Ellicott City where we’ll make our initial descent into Baltimore—”
“Ilchester? Weren't we just there?” the older brother spoke over him.
“—so, if you’d like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time to—holy shit!”
The plane is knocked off course as a column of light shot into the sky. You look out the window to see the church you three were just in. The light shines brightly from it, and you have a feeling it’s all because Lucifer is finally free from his cage. The stewardess walking down the aisle is knocked to her feet, and that’s when people start to panic. The plane jerks to the right, and the oxygen masks shoot down from the ceiling.
You don’t even have to think about this next part because you’re the only one who can save everyone on board. Your hands shoot out on both sides of you, and your eyes turn bright blue. A forcefield ejects from your palms and circles around the plane. It’s enough to protect it and everyone inside just in case the plane crashes. You may not have been able to take care of Lucifer, but you can save everyone on board.
You’re really not in the mood to have people dying on you.
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Before the plane even touched the ground, the pilot was able to get it back on track. You let him take care of the rest of the flight, and because you didn’t have any mode of transportation, you took care of finding something that will take you back to the last place you were at before the big fight.
Finding a car was easy, hotwiring it was even easier, but now that you got some silence, it wasn’t easy to process what the hell just happened. Sam trusted a demon, he let her manipulate him, he killed Lilith, and Lucifer escaped his cage. You don’t know how your dad, Castiel, or even Chuck are doing, so the only thing you can do is pray for the best.
“Governor O'Malley urges it's very unlikely an abandoned convent would be a target for terrorists, either foreign or homegrown,” a radio personality says.
“Change the station, please,” you whisper quietly from the back.
Sam happily reaches to the radio to switch the station. However, every station that he stops on, they all are talking about the same thing. The church is all that everyone can talk about. He finally turns the radio off completely, which leaves the underlying question of what started this all.
“Guys look—”
“Don’t say anything,” the older brother interrupts the younger one. “It's okay. We just got to keep our heads down and hash this out, alright?”
“Yeah, okay,” Sam sighs.
“First things first, how did we end up on that plane?” you ask.
“Angels, maybe? I mean, you know, beaming us out of harm's way?” Sam theorizes.
“It doesn’t matter because t's the least of our worries. We need to find Cas,” Dean sighs.
“I hope they’re alright,” you whisper to yourself as your mind fills with concerned thoughts of the angel and the prophet.
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The last place you three were at is Chuck’s house, so it’s the logical reason that you would look there first. Even before getting to the house, you knew that what you would find wouldn’t be good. As soon as Dean pulls up to his house, your fears are confirmed. The outside looks fine, but one of the windows has its curtains drawn. The place just looks like a wasteland from what you can see.
You don’t wait for Dean to stop the car before you’re exiting it. You run up the steps and yank open the front door. All the furniture is turned over or broken, there are multiple holes in the wall, the TV is burnt to a crisp, and papers are scattered across the floor. The brothers manage to catch up to you, and they slow down when they realize the state the house is in.
There is no sign of Castiel or Chuck.
You take a few steps towards the kitchen when you hear a quiet noise. It’s the noise one would make if they’re trying not to be caught. If anyone was in this house, you want to be the one who has the upper hand. You have to be quiet if you’re going to scare them away. The next step you take hits a creaky board, and that sounds like it’s coming from a loudspeaker. Whoever is in this house took it as a sign to start attacking.
The person jumps out from their spot and swings something at your head. Instincts took over, and you use your magic to deflect the attack. The item goes flying through the air, only to stick on the wall. Who would use a toilet plunger as a weapon? You look at the intruder, and instead of feeling scared or panicked, you’re relieved to see such a familiar face.
“Y/N, Sam, Dean?” Chuck asks in shock. “So, you’re okay?”
“Why wouldn’t we be okay?” you chuckle nervously.
“My last vision made me think that,” he directs his next sentence to the tallest man, “you went, like full-on Vader. Your body temperature was one-fifty, and your heart rate was two hundred. Your eyes were black.”
“Your eyes were black?” Dean asks Sam accusingly.
“I didn’t know,” Sam sighs after a moment of silence.
“Where’s Castiel?”
“He's dead or gone. The archangel smote the shit out of him. I'm sorry,” Chuck informs.
The thought of Castiel dying to protect you and the brothers is enough to bring down your spirits. He shouldn’t have suffered for someone like you.
“You're sure? I mean maybe he just vanished into the light or something,” you try to have hope.
“Oh, no. He, like, exploded. Like a water balloon of chunky soup,” the prophet shudders.
“You got a—”
Sam points to his own left ear to indicate that Chuck had something in the same exact spot. He reaches up to feel around for the foreign object until his fingers brushed over it. He pulls the item away from his head to see what it is. When he realizes what it is, his face goes a little green.
“Oh. Oh, god. Is that a molar? Do I have a molar in my hair? This has been a really stressful day.”
“Cas, you stupid bastard,” Dean mutters.
“Stupid? He was trying to help us,” you say.
“Yeah, exactly,” he scoffs.
“So, what now?” Sam asks.
If angels put you on the plane, that means they know where you are. They know Sam killed Lilith and raised Lucifer, they know all about Castiel and Raphael protecting Chuck, so they must know about you and Dean. You made a deal that you’d play your parts, so now that Lucifer’s free, they will be coming after you. If you’re going to survive an army of them, then having the sigil that casts away angels might come in handy.
You rush into the kitchen to retrieve a knife since the sigil has to be made with human blood. Without giving an explanation, you start to carve your hand to use your blood. Your magic will help make the pain go away and make this whole process much easier.
“What the hell are you doing?” Dean asks.
“I have a feeling we’ll be seeing some angels. I think it’s best if we have one of those banishing sigils, don’t you think?” you explain.
You use the blood from your hand to create the sigil on the sliding door that separated the living room and the kitchen. You had to make a few more cuts to get more blood, but you were done with the sigil soon enough. After discarding the knife, you slid the door out of sight so that the angels won’t know it’s there upon first arriving.
“Oh shit,” Chuck flinches.
“What is it?”
“I can feel them.”
“Thought we'd find you three here,” Zachariah says from behind you. You turn to see him and two other angels with him. “Playtime's over, Dean and Y/N. Time to come with us.”
“You just keep your distance, asshole,” you growl.
“You’re upset.”
“Yeah, a little. You sons of bitches jump-started judgment day!” Dean yells.
“Maybe we let it happen. But we didn't start anything,” he points to Sam with a wink, “right, Sammy? You had a chance to stop your brother, and you couldn't. So, let's not quibble over who started what. Let's just say it was all our faults and move on. Because like it or not, it's the Apocalypse, and we're back on the same team again.”
“Is that so?” you inquire and cross your arms.
“You three want to kill the devil. We want you three to kill the devil. It's... synergy.”
“And we’re supposed to just trust you? Hell to the fucking no.”
“This isn't a game, Y/N. Lucifer is powerful in ways that defy description. We need to strike now, hard and fast before he finds his vessel.”
“His vessel? Lucifer needs a meat suit?” Sam asks.
“He is an angel. Them's the rules, and when he touches down, we're talking Four Horsemen, red oceans, and fiery skies—all of the greatest hits. You three can stop him, but you need our help.”
“You listen to me, you two-faced douche,” Dean glares. He takes a few steps to the angels, but you stop him by putting your arm out in front of his chest. That wouldn’t be a smart move. “After what you did, I don't want jack shit from you!”
“You listen to me, boy! You think you can rebel against us? As Lucifer did?” Zachariah yells. His eyes flit around the room before landing on your bleeding hand. You could have healed yourself easily, but you want him to know just what you’re up to. It’ll make for a more dramatic exit. “You’re bleeding.”
“Oh, yeah. It’s a little insurance policy in case you pricks showed up,” you grin.
You pull on the sliding door, and the sigil is revealed to the angels.
“No!” Zachariah yells and lurches for you.
Before he can come within breathing distance from you, you slap your hand in the middle of the sigil. The angels vanish in a bright light, and you know you’re free for right now. If you’re going to figure out a way to fight the devil, you’ll need something to hide yourself away from the angels.
“I learned that from my friend Castiel, you son of a bitch,” you yell to the sky.
“This sucks ass,” Chuck groans.
Now that you have some room to breathe, it’s time to come up with a game plan—or a plan that involves you not getting killed.
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writingarchangels · 6 years
Trick-or-Treat aka ‘Getting Free Candy’ (Michifer) HALLOWEEN SPECIAL
Pairing: Michael X Lucifer
Word count: 2.3K
Where Gabriel 'convinces' - read; forces - to get Michael & Lucifer to go Trick-or-Treating with him. They have to dress up as well to 'play the part' and 'for the whole experience.'
"You want me to do what?!" Lucifer nearly shrieked, openly gawking at Gabriel who had yet another ridiculous idea. Lucifer did not feel like dealing with Gabriel and his Gabrielness today.
"I want you and Michael to take me and Jack trick-or-treating," Gabriel repeater himself with a casual shrug.
"Because it's Halloween and we want candy."
"Gabriel, I'm not sure if you've realized it or not, but Michael is still locked up in The Cage," Lucifer said slowly, wondering if his younger brother had officially lost it.
The younger Archangel gave him an almost sheepish look. "I broke him out actually," he said, awkwardly readjusting his wings. "Raphael once found a way to break open The Cage without the use of the key and I managed to find it as well."
"Michael is free?!" Lucifer screeched yet again, his voice sounding shrill even to his own ears.
"Getting ready in the next room actually," Gabriel replied, pointing towards a door somewhere at their left. "But that's not the point. You have to go with us as well or it won't be complete."
"Why don't you ask Sam or someone to go with you?" Lucifer asked with a face palm.
Even with his covered face, he was aware of Gabriel's pout. "Because I want you to take me," he said. Uncovering his face, he was startled to discover that Gabriel had gotten closer to him; looking at him with his hand bought together underneath his chin, eyes large and teary, and a huge pout with trembling lips. "Please, Luci? Please, please, pretty please?!" Gabriel asked him.
Eyes widening himself, the Devil took a small step backward as he held his hands up. "Okay, I'll go with you. Just please stop looking like that!"
A face-splitting grin formed on Gabriel's face. "Michael found a costume for you so go put it on," Gabriel grinned up at him.
Lucifer grew doubtful with the look he was receiving, but before he could question him about said 'costume,' Gabriel had already skipped away. A deep sigh slipping past his lips, Lucifer went over towards the door Michael was behind - according to Gabriel, if Gabriel could be trusted - and he pushed it open in one go, knowing that if he lingered, he wouldn't be able to do so.
He wasn't prepared for what he saw.
An inhuman screech tore out of his throat. He staggered back, tripped over his feet, and landed on his bum as the lights above his head combusted and windows shattered from his true voice. He could do nothing but stare at Michael in utter horror, not sure where he was supposed to look but finding himself unable to look away from the other Archangel.
Michael wore sparkling white pants. Very tight pants that nicely fit around his hips, directing Lucifer's attention to his nicely formed ass. He gulped loudly and forced his eyes to look up, scanning over a white shirt to Michael's amused expression. And then Lucifer noticed what he was holding, what his costume was supposed to be.
Unable to help himself, he screamed again.
Down the hall, he could hear Gabriel laughing at his reaction. The ass probably knew this all along, he thought.
"Will you please stop screeching like that?" Michael asked, pulling a face. "The first time we see each other after many years and you start screeching at my face in such a way that would put a banshee to shame."
"I'm not going to wear that!" Lucifer yelled, pointing an accusing finger at the 'thing' he was supposed to be wearing. "No way!"
Michael shrugged, holding the thing up so they could both get a better look. "I don't think it's that bad honestly," he commented with a tilt of his head, "it suits you."
"How?!" Was all Lucifer said as he stared at the devil horns and tail the other was holding. That, and what appeared to be a tight-fitting, sparkling dark red suit with matching pants.
"It's sparkling," Michael replied dreamily, already off in Michael-land. "We can match." And that was when Lucifer noticed the fake halo dangling above Michael's head.
He already started shaking his head, holding up his hands. "Please don't make me do this."
Michael looked up and pouted. Damn it, what's with everyone and pouting today? He wondered.
"Come on, Lu. We never celebrated Halloween before. Gabriel's right, this could be fun." Michael said and again, Lucifer got pulled in.
"Why do I have to be the demon?" Lucifer complained loudly when Michael was busy readjusting the fake devil horns on top of his head.
"Because you created them," Michael simply spoke.
He huffed and glared down at his ass, more specifically, the fake pointed tail attached to his belt, which got a complaint from Michael and the other gripping his chin, so Lucifer would look at him again. "Don't look away when I'm working on your horns," Michael huffed as Lucifer moved his glare towards the other's fake halo, annoyed by how it bounced around without a care in the world.
"Are you done?" He asked.
"As a matter of fact, Mister Impatient," Michael spoke as he stepped back, an amused grin forming on his lips, "I am."
"Great, let's get Gabriel and Jack and go."
"Gabriel!" Lucifer called out, scowling when the younger Archangel didn't immediately answer him.
"Don't get your feathers in such a twist. This will be fun," Michael commented from next to him.
Lucifer couldn't help but roll his eyes, feeling as if their roles had been switched. "Since when do you even care about 'fun?'" He asked, remembering how serious Michael used to be. He couldn't help but give him a curious sidelong glance.
Michael refuses to meet his eyes. "I had a lot of time to think in the Cage after you left."
Not knowing how to reply to that, Lucifer choose for the safe option and kept his mouth shut, not wanting to say something he would regret, and which would end up ruining whatever was between them.
The sound of patting feet came from the distance and Lucifer looked up... and saw nothing. Something ran against him and clutched on his leg, making him stubble slightly and look down to see a small child who couldn't be much older than four. The boy hung tightly to his leg much like a baby koala would. And was completely wrapped up in toilet paper, covering his clothes and even going around his head and soft light brown hair.
Lucifer stared at Michael. "Do you also see a kid or am I definitely losing it now?" He couldn't help but ask.
Michael was already staring down at the small boy with a blank expression. "Adorable," he muttered almost in awe. Lucifer decided to take that as a 'yes', Michael saw the kid too.
Rolling his eyes, Lucifer snapped his fingers in front of Michael's face to snap him out of wherever he was in Michael-land right now. The latter blinked and shook his head.
Tilting his head, he stared down at the child who was muttering something that suspiciously sounded like 'nougat' and 'dadda'. At that, Lucifer's eyes widened drastically. And he screeched, yet again, utterly horrified by what he found out. "Jack?!"
The child looked up and Lucifer was met with a single clear-blue eye. The other was covered with a black eye-patch. It was definitely Jack. "Wello!" Jack said in a small-child voice.
With his mouth agape, Lucifer reached down and picked up his son, holding him above his head, still gawking in disbelief. Jack waved his arms around as he giggled. A dying noise came from deep within Lucifer's throat. "Son, who did this to you?!" But before he had even finished his sentence, he already knew. There's only one who would dare turn his precious son into a toddler. He spoke the name as if he was speaking the world's greatest curse. "Gabriel."
Jack giggled again and clapped his hands. "Gabey!" He blabbered out, confirming Lucifer's suspicions.
Still holding Jack, he turned towards Michael, who had nearly wrung his wings together in one big sparkling blue knot. Lucifer didn't even know it was possible to do that to angel wings. Michael was cooing loudly, appearing to be dying on the spot. "Michael!"
Michael's head snapped up, but he cooed again when Lucifer pressed Jack against his chest and cradled his head. "Michael, shut up and help me find that flamboyant bitch of a Gabriel."
"Here I am!" A new voice piped up.
Lucifer spun around. And looked down again to see a younger version of Gabriel's vessel - about six years old - standing before them, giving them a toothy grin and wearing a dog suit. "It that... a corgi suit?" Lucifer wondered aloud, recognizing the tail-less breed.
Michael cooed again when he noticed a tiny version of Gabriel.
"Michael! Snap out of it!" Lucifer nearly whined. Jack wrapped his tiny hands around his neck and Lucifer's eyes widened as he cooed himself at the affection his child was showing. When he realized what he was doing, he put the scowl back on his face.
In the corner of his eye, Michael had flung himself at toddler-Gabriel and appeared to be hugging him closely while cooing all over the now-fledgling. Gabriel's eyes had widened in horror and slowly Lucifer could see him regret his decision of turning himself and Jack into kids. "Halp!" He called out, making grabby hands towards Lucifer. "I'm going to die!"
Michael took one of his own wings and rubbed it over Gabriel's head, something he always used to do with the fledglings to calm them down if Lucifer remembered correctly. Lucifer thought it was a fitting punishment, being fussed over by Michael, so he left Gabriel to him.
"Sorry, bro," he shrugged, nodding towards Jack, "my hands are full."
Gabriel decided to turn towards Michael. "Come on, Mikey. Let me go. I cannot collect candy when you're holding me like this!"
Then Lucifer realized something. "Why are the two of you even kids?"
It was Jack who answered. "More candy!" He babbled in his kid voice. Lucifer figures that was a valid enough reason, and he would never dare say it aloud, but they looked adorable like this.
"There's also something I've been wondering about," he said to Jack, leaving Gabriel to Michael, "I get that Gabriel is a dog... but what are you supposed to be?"
Jack gave him a large grin. "A piwate mummy!"
"Of course, I should have known. A pirate mummy."
"Help!" Gabriel called out again in yet another distress call.
Deciding that he had enough punishment, Lucifer stepped closer and said, "Michael, it's enough. Let's go."
Michael gave him a wide-eyed look and held a struggling Gabriel closer, still rubbing Gabriel's head with his wing. "My fledgling," he muttered.
Gabriel made some high-pitched disagreeing noises. "Oh, shut up, Gabe. You have nothing to say," Lucifer told him, "you should have known that you would turn on Michael's mother instincts looking like this."
Seeing that Michael had no intention of letting Gabriel go, Lucifer readjusted Jack in his hold and slammed Michael's butt. A shriek left Michael's lips and he let go of Gabriel, who went behind Lucifer with a flutter of his wings.
Giving Michael an innocent look, he sidestepped him, opened the door and stepped outside at least. Gabriel didn't waste a second in sprinting past his legs and running circles on the street in front of the house they were in.
"Who's house is it even?" Michael asked from next to him, recovered from having his butt slapped.
"No idea," Lucifer truthfully replied, giving him a smirk, "does it matter?"
Michael shrugged. "Not really. Let's just go."
"Why aren't you letting Jack walk on his own?"
Lucifer gave Michael an almost offended look. "Have you seen how small he is?!" He shrieked, getting a few looks from other families and groups of kids that were out trick or treating. "He might fall over and hurt himself!"
"Nwougat," Jack said from his hold, face nuzzled somewhere against his neck.
Patting his back, Lucifer said, "Yes, you will get your nougat. You even already have some bars, remember?" As it to prove his point, Lucifer held up a paper bag that was almost halfway filled with candy, including nougat bars. Noting that Michael was looking at them, he added, "What is it?"
"You're adorable with him."
Nearly choking on his own spit, Lucifer tried to formulate a decently smart reply, but his tongue caught in his throat as his voice completely failed him. If angels could blush, he figured he would be bright red by now.
"You actually love trick or treating, don't you?" Gabriel asked from in front of them, walking backward so he could look at them, a large grin on his face. "Especially since you also got some candy yourself."
Ruffling up his sparkling pink feathers, Lucifer managed to find his voice again. "Shut up, you ass," the Devil spoke. "Who doesn't loves getting free candy?" He decides to ignore Michael cooing at him, thinking that he needed to get it together - especially since the noises Michael made did things to him.  
Gabriel's grin widened. "Luci is a sweet tooth," he sang.
Somehow, he managed not to roll his eyes. "Who was it again who always gave you candy whenever you got upset as a little fledgling?"
"That was you."
"Exactly my point. Everyone is a sweet tooth."
Tags: @luciferstempest @kittyhazelnutwashere @gabrielsbackbitches
(This is my new blog I will use for writing (main is tricksterarchangelgabriel), if you wish to be tagged, just ask!)
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hiddlesgirl · 5 years
SH 317: Heavenly Fire
This was another absolutely fantastic episode! Apart from a couple of episodes 3B has been incredible. Some very emotional moments, a few action scenes with a new team up and we finally find out what is happening at the Clave. We meet Helen Blackthorn in this episode and also witness her meeting Aline; I’m excited to see their future interactions. Alec is nervously excited about his proposal, Clary discovers a truth about her childhood and Izzy takes down an old foe.
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From the first moment we see Alec in this episode it is abundantly clear his is very nervous about proposing to Magnus, he is buttoning and unbuttoning his shirt because he wants to look perfect. Magnus is looking for apartments but he is sat on what has been established as Alec’s side of the bed, I love this because it implies (again) that they sleep cuddled together and that after Alec gets up Magnus moves into Alec’s space for warmth. I absolutely love seeing domestic moments like this.
Magnus notices how distracted Alec is, but Alec deflects and instead talks about being happy that Magnus is back to his old self or at least healthy. Alec is just so happy that Magnus’ life is no longer in danger that he has put the emotional side of Magnus’ suffering to the back of his mind for now, which is understandable given his mind being on proposing. He is not dismissing that there will be lasting effects of what Magnus has been through or thinking that he is fixed now, I think that he is just concentrating on Magnus’ physical health and he is excited about proposing.
Magnus is definitely not of the same mind set because he tells Alec to not get carried away and subtly raises his eyes brows doubtfully. Magnus knows that he isn’t feeling like himself and that this way of life is going to take a lot of getting used to, if ever. For Magnus nothing has really changed, he still feels depressed and he doesn’t know how to deal with everything that has happened; but he can see how happy Alec is right now after his near death experience so is putting up a brave face for him.
I love how Alec stalls when Magnus asks what the occasion for a special dinner is, and their exchange of how lucky they are to have each other. Magnus loves Alec and he appreciates Alec’s support, he views himself as lucky to have Alec love him. Alec is so in love with Magnus, he never thought he would have this and to have a man as wonderful as Magnus, he knows that he couldn’t be luckier.
Alec is looking at the family ring in the next scene, you can see how much sentimentality this ring has and how important it is to the Lightwood family; I think that Magnus would not only love the ring but would wholly appreciate the meaning behind it. I did tear up a bit when I realised that the two runes on the ring are strength and trust; not only to symbolise the people in the relationship but also the relationship itself.
Jonathan will only talk to Clary but even then he is being very evasive about his intentions with the Morningstar sword and instead is using this opportunity to try to invoke emotions in Clary in order to strengthen their bond and endear her to him.
In a flash back we find out that Jonathan didn’t know of Clary’s existence until 205 when she banished the demon from Iris’ house; it explains how obsessed with her he is because he has only known about her for a couple of months. So he is consumed with wanting to know her and he is desperate for love so he’s clinging to her with everything he has, the fact that it’s so fresh just strengthens that.
We also see just how emotionally manipulative Lilith was towards him, constantly reminding him that his father abandoned him and that his sibling would do the same. Lilith and Jonathan are very similar in this regard; they both want the person they love to love them the most, to have them to themselves.
Alec arrives in the weapons room saying that he is very busy and I want to squeal because we know that he is planning his proposal dinner, to see just how much effort he is putting into it is wonderful.
I am always in awe of Simon, he is so self sacrificing and is willing to put himself in unknown danger for the people he loves. I also love seeing Izzy and Simon teaming up, I really enjoy their friendship and I am excited to see it develop into a romantic relationship.
When Simon realises that Raphael is in the cell with him you can see his concern raise because now it’s not just himself but there is Raphael to worry about. Although Raphael has done some horrible things he is still important to both Magnus and Izzy, plus he was the one who returned Simon to Clary after Camille killed him and even though he was a pain about Simon dealing with Camille he did help Simon adjust to his new life.
Despite everything that has happened they both still care what happens to each other, Simon is clearly worried to see Raphael there and Raphael pulls Simon away from the door because he knows what is happening, trying to protect him.
I smiled so much when we hear Alec on the phone ordering roses for his dinner with Magnus, every time we see him you can see how much thought he is putting into the proposal and that it is pretty much all he can think about. Compared to him proposing to Lidia out of duty it is so heart warming to see him planning a proposal to someone he is in love with.
I like the little moment between Alec and Jace, I think that Alec needed to hear those reassurances to help settle his nerves a little and to know that his Parabatai is supporting him in this too. Plus Jace isn’t questioning his decision he just accepts it and is happy for him, he knows how much Alec loves Magnus and trusts Alec to know what is right for their relationship. Jace is just so happy that Alec has found this happiness and will support him completely.
In another flashback we see an even younger Jonathan being afraid of Lilith and begging her not to burn him, you can see how terrifying his time in Edom must have been; especially as a child. When she tells him about the sword you can see how desperate he is for someone to save him, although we know about what he did as a child (killing a werewolf and another child, Valentine wrote it in his journals) he is still a child who has been abandoned.
Again we see Lilith emotionally and physically abusing him, reinforcing that she is the only person who loves him while inflicting pain; this is probably to make him remember her words even more by associating it with physical pain.  It is horrifying to see the reality of what he lived through, for what 10 years? Anyone would have lasting trauma and issues.
I think that we all collectively thought ‘not this bitch again’ when we found out that it was Aldertree who transferred Raphael; we presume this is because of Raphael’s relationship with Izzy and Aldertree being spiteful.
My heart hurts a little when Simon is trying to protect Raphael from being taken but Raphael easily accepts his fate, you can see how much he has turned back to his faith to find redemption for what he has done. He is ready to accept any and all consequences for his actions.
Izzy looking absolutely gorgeous turns up for dinner with Aldertree, she is using his affection for her in order to gain any information she can and we learn that since leaving their Institute Aldertree has only gained more power within the Clave.
He says he regrets enabling her addiction and I really want to hurl something at the screen in an attempt to hurt the piece of trash. He didn’t just enable her, he was the one who introduced her to Yin Fen in the first place, he is the reason she developed an addiction and he knows that perfectly well. He is seriously so despicable; he definitely comes a very close second to Lorenzo in ‘character I hate the most’.
I am in awe of Izzy for holding her composure and not calling him out, she holds off her anger because she needs to keep him distracted; I would not have blamed her at all for punching him right there in the middle of the dining hall.
My heart is breaking when we learn that Clary used to have nightmares about a Prince in a burning tower, she has multiple drawings of this nightmare in various skill levels so it is clear that she was having this dreams from a young age and for a long time. To find out that these were visions of her brother, that they were happening and that she was seeing his reality is devastating.
She feels guilty for not being able to save him, she feels that she was supposed to have saved him and that it is her fault that he lived there for so long. She believes that if she had saved him he might be a different person, he could have been her brother and he might not have done all these terrible things. You can see the internal conflict she is having with her hate of what he has done and her reluctant care for her brother; also realising that the suffering boy she dreamt about is the man she helped imprison.
You can really see the beginning of her becoming more compassionate towards Jonathan, she has always been conflicted because they are siblings but to be faced with the reality of what he lived through she can see why he has become so twisted. She wants to believe that there is more in him than darkness.
Jace says that she couldn’t have changed him because it was too late but I don’t know if that is true. We know that he has had very skewed morals form the beginning, partly Valentine, partly his mixed blood and later partly because of Lilith; we cannot blame how he is on the demon blood because there is a whole community of people with demon blood and the majority of them are good. So to say that it would have been impossible to help and change him seems too black and white; if Jonathan had spent less time with Lilith and had experienced healthy love from Clary (and possibly Jocelyn) he may not have become so violent and they could have helped him be better.
I’m not saying that he could have become perfect if he hadn’t of lived with Lilith, but I think it is narrow sighted to believe that he is completely evil and that some love and understanding couldn’t have changed him for the better.
We can see three examples of the difference that nurture has; Clary who is a Morgenstern but was raise by Jocelyn and Luke, she has a good moral compass and is well adjusted; Jace who was raised partially by Valentine and the Lightwoods, he is a good person but you can see the pieces of darkness in the ideals of Valentine’s that he hung onto (answering yes and no when asked if he believed in Valentine’s quest to destroy the Downworld); and Jonathan who was raised by Valentine and then Lilith, he has a skewed moral compass and no comprehension of the line between platonic and romantic love.
To say that Jonathan is who he is purely because of how he was born is completely ignorant to the environments that he grew up in; if Clary or Jace had experienced what Jonathan had then they would be different people too.
Also, Jace holds nothing but contempt for Jonathan and although I completely understand why I think that it is a mistake for him to not try to understand Clary’s feelings and see where she is coming from. You can see that she is starting to question how she sees Jonathan and how she feels about him, and having Jace constantly adamant about how evil he is, is only going to drive her towards him faster. Clary is more likely to go to Jonathan’s side more quickly if she believes that no one is even trying to understand her view, at the end of the day he is her brother and it is completely understandable that she is conflicted about her feelings towards him.
I love Magnus’ outfit; that gorgeous red shirt and the collar pin are beautiful, plus he’s wearing that awesome belt again (from 2x18 and 3x14). It breaks my heart when he finds the grey hair because it’s physical proof that he can and is ageing now, it is a physical manifestation of his mortality. You can see the full realisation wash over him and you know that it is going to cause him to spiral which is completely understandable; he hasn’t been able to process losing his magic yet so to be faced with proof of his mortality is a huge blow.
I am so happy for Raphael because he seems absolutely ecstatic that he is human again, however Iris feels very differently saying they stole her ‘very soul’. I like that we got both ends of the spectrum here; for some, most likely vampires and warlocks who are infected, becoming human again could be a gift and something they want; but for others, most likely warlocks and seelies who were born with demon blood, it is taking away a huge part of who they are and their identity.
We learn that Aldertree plans to release the serum into the New York water supply to ‘cure’ all Downworlders without their consent; this is absolutely shocking because while I am glad that my theory about them turning Downworlders into mundanes was true I did not imagine that they would be willing to use it on civilians against their will.
Iris remarks that she would rather have a quick death then live 50 years without magic, I like this because we are getting perspective from another warlock of just how important magic is and how big a part of them it is; they feel completely lost without. It helps us understand Magnus a bit more and shows that it isn’t just his reaction to the situation but magic really is that pivotal to all warlocks.
I also like that Raphael understands her view point, even though he is happy and it is a good thing for him he understands that for her it is a gross violation. I like this because if Raphael and Magnus interact while Magnus is still mundane then it shows that Raphael is going to be compassionate and is not going to try to convince Magnus that it is a good thing. I really hope we get some Magnus and Raphael scenes soon because they are family and it is a little ridiculous that with all they have been through that we haven’t seen them support each other.
Helen has learned about Aldertree’s plans from Izzy and is completely distraught that she has been helping him; she thought she was doing a good thing by rehabilitating prisoners but now she knows she was furthering an agenda that would have wiped out one side of her heritage. She asks them to help her stop him, she cannot allow him to turn Downworlders against their will; and I love the team up that happens. I love Helen, Simon and Raphael being complete badasses taking down the guards.
I absolutely love Raphael’s line ‘I may have lost my strength but I’ll never lose my will to fight’; I think that it is quite empowering because I know that a lot of people, including myself sometimes, don’t feel like they have the strength to deal with things but that doesn’t mean they lose the will to fight.
Helen gives Simon the vials of the serum that are in the lab, the only vials left after the explosion, she wants him to use them to really help someone; she doesn’t want what she has done to all be for bad. She wants something positive to come out of the horror Aldertree created.
It is clear that Aldertree is completely blinded by his own personal experiences; he believes that not only would Shadowhunters thank him for eradicating the Downworld but that the Downworlders would thank him too. He is so immersed in his opinion that demon blood is a poison that he doesn’t see how wrong it is to change someone without their consent; he doesn’t see that what he is planning to do is the same as deruning a Shadowhunter.
I was cheering when Izzy punched and took him down; I think I can say that we have all been waiting for someone to take him down pretty much since we met him and I am glad that it was Izzy.
I really liked Helen and Aline’s first meeting, it was tentative curiosity and maybe a bit of mutual attraction. You can see that they both admire the other and I am very excited to see how they will continue to interact and begin to develop a relationship.
Simon took 6 vials of serum back to the Institute; now, Izzy has to use at least one to test it, then one or two to break the twinning rune, that leaves at least three other vials. I think that Luke may willingly take the serum to become mundane. We saw in one of the trailers that his eyes and veins were glowing like those who have had the serum; maybe he takes it so to escape from the Praetor because he is part of their organisation out of necessity not choice.
Maybe Simon uses one? Although he is a Daylighter now he never wanted to be a vampire and this is his chance to reverse that (plus I know that in the books he does become a Shadowhunter right?). I’m not sure but there are three more vials up for grabs.
Izzy says that Aldertree will be prosecuted and I hope that we get confirmation of that and how severe it was. Plus, Raphael and the other new mundanes may have their sentences changed as compensation for what was done to them; so hopefully we will be seeing Raphael sooner rather than later (crossing my fingers for a Magnus and Raphael scene, maybe Magnus will be the one to greet him coming back from the Gard?).
Alec leaves to prepare for his dinner with Magnus and I love the little knowing look he shares with Jace who is sending him silent support and encouragement. I really like Izzy’s confused look because she knows that something is going on and doesn’t like being left out of the loop (I wonder if she will find out what Alec was planning to do considering it actually didn’t happen).
I love that Jace pats Simon on the shoulder as he and Clary leave to see Jonathan; with the antagonistic relationship they have it is great to see Jace actually give some positive gesture to Simon in appreciation for what he did. I really wanted to see a friendship grow between them but the bickering is fun too.
I really like the Sizzy scene because you can see that they are starting to see each other in a different light; the most important thing to both of them is the welfare of those they care about. To see Simon risk everything has really opened Izzy’s eyes, not that she didn’t appreciate him before but this has started to change how she views him. I think that they would have a great romantic relationship because they have a wonderful friendship as a foundation, they have very similar values and they have a strong bond of trust. I am excited.
Jonathan is devastated to learn that they may have found a way to break the twinning rune; he holds so much reverence for it because it connects him to Clary in such a deep way that he cannot fathom losing that. You can see Clary struggling with his show of emotion and her own conflict too.
Jace talks about everything Jonathan has done which hardens Clary’s resolve to disconnect them, it’s almost like Jonathan exists as two people inside her head; the one who killed many Shadowhunters, hurt Max and kidnapped her; and the one who she saw burning in her dreams and yearns for her love. She keeps swinging between the two and is finding it difficult to gel those views into one person.
Luke’s acting in this scene is amazing, to see Jonathan completely lose hope and break down; my heart hurt at his words of Lilith being right and begging Clary not to leave him. In that moment you could really see the boy who was abandoned by his parents and was reaching out for the love of his sister.
Oh my god. Okay. The end scene. It absolutely destroyed me.
I started tearing up seeing how much effort Alec has put into this dinner; the fairy lights, the roses, he dressed up and my heart swells to see that he has the ring sat on a plate full of rose petals. It is amazing to see how much thought he has put into this for someone he loves with his entire heart compared to Season 1 when he proposed out of duty.
Not only is Magnus late but he is drunk too, I knew this wasn’t going to go well but my heart starts hurting immediately. I hurt for Magnus who is clearly not coping with losing his magic and for Alec who has put all this effort into a perfect proposal.
Magnus once again expresses how useless he feels without his magic, all his life he has been able to help people but now he is struggling to find a purpose and feels unable to be helpful because he cannot do all the things he used to be able to, especially when it comes to those he cares about. When he talks about Alec’s position it isn’t because he is jealous, he is lashing out because he is drunk and upset; plus he is pointing out why Alec cannot understand what he feels right now because of the differences in their positions of power.
My heart breaks when Magnus says ‘I’m mundane now like you always wanted’, he knows that Alec would never force him to become mortal just because he wants them to grow  old together but he is hurting and when you’re hurting you tend to hurt those you love so that they can understand a fraction of what you are feeling. I’m not saying it is right but it is understandable.
Alec is definitely taken aback by Magnus’ behaviour, he has never seen Magnus like this before; drunk, angry and lashing out. It is a shock to him to see Magnus this way and to be on the receiving end of it. Also he has gone a complete turnaround emotionally which isn’t helping, he went from happy, nervous and excited to concerned and upset.
It also shocks him to hear Magnus say that he isn’t happy; he knew that magic was important but to so blatantly hear that Magnus isn’t happy is a blow because Alec himself was feeling so happy. As I said earlier, Alec’s relief over Magnus’ physically health and excitement about proposing kinda eclipsed everything else including thinking about Magnus’ mental state. I am not trying to criticise him, I completely understand why he got so swept up in his elation; it was a failing in both of them, Alec for not asking about how Magnus’ is coping, and Magnus for not telling Alec that he is struggling. But neither of them are to blame or are in the wrong here.
Magnus continues to break my heart when he pleads with Alec, he knows that how he feels could last a lifetime and he cannot bear to be made to feel like it will pass; he cannot bear to have it dismissed as a phase. He needs Alec to understand and acknowledge the severity and possible longevity of his depression. I think this was an incredibly important moment as a viewer because it really shows how people who suffer with depression feel, they don’t know how long this feeling will last and people telling them it’s a phase makes them feel worse.
I cannot express how much the last moments hurt, Magnus doesn’t want to break down in front of Alec because even now he struggles being vulnerable in front of him, especially now when he feels so completely estranged from himself and so low. He doesn’t want Alec to see the worst of him.
Alec begs Magnus to let him be there for him, he wants to help him but he knows that he can’t and failing that he wants Magnus to be able to be vulnerable with him, to be able to break down and show him all these emotions that he is feeling. He doesn’t want Magnus to hide how much he is suffering and is determined to show Magnus that he is there for him no matter what and there is no part of him that Alec doesn’t love.
The way Magnus’ voice breaks absolutely shatters my heart, I am sobbing as he clings to Alec and starts crying. You can see how much he needs to let these feelings out and he needs Alec’s support he just didn’t want to ask for it because he is so used to being independent and being the one to help others, he still finds it incredibly difficult to ask for help even from Alec.
I think this is the moment that Alec truly understands the severity and magnitude of Magnus’ suffering, to have such a strong person completely break down is a shock and you see him reeling from it. This is going to be a turning point for Alec because he now knows how deep  Magnus’ depression is and he’s going to do anything he can to help him.
Are you ok after that? Nope, me neither. *sobs*
Okay, so, this was an amazing episode; I know that I didn’t talk about some scenes but sometimes they are so self explanatory that there really is nothing for me to say, that doesn’t mean that I didn’t like and enjoy them (as you know I am not afraid of saying when I don’t like something).
I really liked seeing a deeper insight into Jonathan’s past; I loved the Helen, Simon and Raphael team up; I am excited to see more of Helen; Sizzy is beginning; Clary is really starting to show conflict about Jonathan; and Malec absolutely shattered my heart, again.
Next episode Asmodeus is up to something, Halloween is afoot and Clary looks to be joining her brother.
Now, as for what we saw in the promo for 318 I am very scared about the Asmodeus and Alec interaction because there are so many ways it could go and the Edom angst could come about;
1.       Alec accepts the deal and breaks up with Magnus.
2.       He asks for a different deal, and who knows what he would offer or Asmodeus would ask for because we know that Alec would sacrifice anything for Magnus.
3.       He could refuse and walk away.
Plus there’s Lilith to think about, she said she was returning to Edom with Cain but we don’t know for sure that, that is what she did. I think that she may be on Earth somewhere because why would she willingly return to Edom where Asmodeus has her under his thumb and Jonathan can easily find her? I think that she may be involved in the Edom angst because of her situation with Asmodeus and she knows it was caused by him taking Magnus’ powers.
1.       She could take Magnus to use as a bargaining chip.
2.       She could offer Magnus a deal, help her and he gets his magic back.
3.       She could offer Alec a deal.
I just have a gut feeling that Lilith will be involved. The whole situation is made more terrifying because there are multiple possible ways it could happen.  
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