#i do this often but I want to emphasize again I actually adore him but I will not hold back from criticizing him
it’s so funny to watch as I collect new followers from my IWTV posts only to lose 1 or 2 after a couple of days
i know which posts are making them leave and i will absolutely not stop posting them <3
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candycandy00 · 8 months
The Doll House - A Sukuna x Reader Fanfic Part 1
Covered in scars and left totally numb by your abusive previous owner, you’re considered an “unsellable doll”. That is, until the Doll House takes you in and Sukuna becomes your trainer.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Read Geto’s Part Here!
Read Toji’s Part Here!
Read Nanami’s Part Here!
Read Gojo’s Part Here!
Read Choso’s Part Here!
Note: Please remember that these stories don’t take place at the same time, or even one after the other! Consider each one its own timeline. So if you see Geto and Toji with other dolls, don’t be alarmed lol. I had to do it this way because if I don’t, by the time I get to the last trainer, there won’t be any other trainers left to interact with!
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On the outskirts of town, there stands a particular shop called the “Doll House”. Inside its walls you can find a “doll” to match any taste you might have. All your desires will be fulfilled, no matter how depraved. Satisfaction is guaranteed! The dolls are exceptionally high quality, thanks to the skillful trainers who work with them twenty-four hours a day, molding them into perfect toys for your enjoyment.
Each trainer has a specialty that they focus on, and they all take great pride in their work. Their methods differ greatly, their approaches vary, but they all follow one rule: never get attached to a doll. After the training is complete, they hand the dolls over to their new owners, and never see them again. However, just once over the course of their careers, trainers are allowed to pick a doll they’ve personally trained and keep her as their own.
AU! Each trainer will get their own story! This is Sukuna’s. If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged! Any feedback whatsoever is adored! I’m not keeping the same tag list as before, since this part deals with darker themes. I will resume the tag list after Sukuna’s part is finished! So if you want to be tagged in this one, please specify!
Note: Consider these parts AU’s within an AU. So you might see Geto with a different doll from the reader in his part, but just consider this an alternate timeline lol.
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. BDSM. Erotic Torture. Needles. Reader is covered in scars. Everything that happens between Sukuna and Reader is consensual but there is mention of abuse by a previous owner. Divider by @benkeibear!
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“That’s all you’ll give me for her?”
“I think this is a generous offer, all things considered.”
You’re sitting in a plush leather chair in the office of the owner of the Doll House while your father argues with her about pricing. It’s been going on for thirty minutes now, your father growing more agitated while the owner remains calm and firm. 
“Sir,” the owner begins, leaning forward slightly over her desk, “there are two major issues with your daughter. For one, she has a previous owner. Most of our clients consider that a deal breaker.”
“She was just with that guy a little over a year!” your father retorts, his face slightly red. 
“I’m aware of that. But that leads us to the other issue.”  The owner pauses and glances at you. “Your daughter’s scars are quite prominent. They’re very hard to ignore.”
There’s a hint of an apology in her eyes. It’s unnecessary. You know better than anyone that you’re disfigured. Scars of various types and sizes cover over half your body, including a sizable portion of your face. 
Your father is sweating. “I‘ve heard some clients have weird  tastes, that they actually want… people like her.”
The owner leans back in her chair. “It is true that we sometimes get unusual requests. But it doesn’t happen often. She would have to be given highly specialized training, to emphasize that unique aspect.”
Your father’s face lights up. “Then do that!”
The owner looks from him to you, then says, “I need to speak to her privately before finalizing the purchase.”
“What? Why?” your father asks. 
“It’s a routine part of the interview, I assure you,” the owner replies smoothly. 
Your father hesitates, but then stands up from his seat. He gives you a stern look, a warning look, and then he’s out the door. 
The owner’s face seems to soften slightly. “How do you feel about this?” 
You shrug. “I don’t feel anything. I haven’t in a long time.”
The owner looks at a laptop sitting open on her desk. “Let’s go over a few things in your file first. It says here you were sold on the direct market on your eighteenth birthday. Is that correct?”
“You were with your previous owner for sixteen months before being removed, during which time he breached the contract by doing permanent harm. Hence the scars.”
“Yes,” you answer again. 
“And I see that your father sued your previous owner, collecting quite the hefty sum for your suffering.”
You nod. 
The owner closes the laptop and looks at you again. “And I’m guessing your father already blew through that money, despite only two years passing. So he’s selling you again. How many other doll shops has he taken you to so far?”
“Any offers?”
“None,” you say, eyes lowering toward the floor. 
The owner sighs. “If I don’t take you, he’s going to sell you on the direct market again, isn’t he?”
“He already tried,” you tell her, “but he said the offers were too low. If no shop will take me, he’ll probably go back and take a low offer.”
The owner grimaces. “He’s a real sick fuck, your father.”
“I know.”
“Do you want me to take you on?”
You think for a moment, then say, “It doesn’t matter. I can’t feel anything anyway.”
“When you say that,” the owner says, “do you mean physically or emotionally?”
“Both. I’ve been numb for nearly three years now.”
The owner picks up a silk fan from her desk and lightly taps her chin with it as she regards you. After a few moments, she says, “Alright. I’ll take you. I’ll make a slightly higher offer to your father, one he would be foolish to refuse. And in light of your unique circumstances, I’m going to add two extra clauses to your contract. The first is that you will have the option to change trainers if the one I assign to you is too much for you.”
You nod. “And the second?”
“All dolls sold through the Doll House are allowed to come back within one week of being purchased by a client, if they provide sufficient reasoning. In your case, I’m extending that to two weeks, and you don’t have to provide a reason. I’ll take you back, no questions asked, if you feel like your owner isn’t right for you. However, I would advise you not to abuse this privilege.”
“I understand.”
“Alright then. Let’s get your father back in here and finalize the sale.”
Sukuna grins when he sees the message on his phone: “I have a new doll for you to train.”
He’s at home, in his swanky, upscale apartment in the city. Though he enjoys his alone time, he very much enjoys his work at the Doll House as well. Unlike the other trainers, Sukuna doesn’t keep a near constant flow of new dolls. He understands why of course. His training produces a very specific sort of doll that only a specific sort of client wants. But he trains enough dolls to keep himself well paid, and the work is incredibly satisfying. 
The standard training time is six weeks, which is exactly the right amount of time for Sukuna to thoroughly enjoy each doll without getting too bored with them before they’re handed over to their owners. He can’t imagine why anyone would want to keep the same doll for ten whole years. He knows he’s not alone in this thought, which is why doll rental services have been growing in popularity lately. 
He packs a few things into a small duffel bag. He keeps plenty of clothes and personal items in his room at the Doll House, so he only has to pack lightly for the six week stay. He’s in a good mood as he turns off the lights and locks the door. 
When  he arrives at the Doll House, he finds a rather interesting young woman sitting in the welcome room. Interesting because half her pretty face is covered in scars, as well as what’s visible of her left arm. Just how far do they extend? He’s looking forward to finding out. 
She glances up at him, but gives no reaction. Strange. Most new dolls look terrified, or at least nervous, when they see him for the first time. It’s probably the tattoos that frighten them. Sukuna is well aware that they make him look like a Yakuza member, or some criminal from a past era. But he so enjoys the way people instinctively shrink back away from them. 
The owner meets him in the welcome room and ushers him into her office. All trainers are briefed on their new dolls, except in unusual circumstances. But the owner looks troubled today, meaning this doll has a story. But he supposes the scars made that obvious already. 
Sitting in a chair across the desk from the owner, Sukuna places one elbow on the cushioned arm and props his face up with his hand. “So? What’s the deal with little Miss gloomy out there?”
The owner is tapping keys on her laptop, then he hears his phone chime from his pocket. “I’ve sent you her file. You really need to read over it. She has a complicated history.”
“Give me the short version,” he says, making a mental note to at least skim the file later. 
“Previous owner who abused and tortured her, shitty father who’s sold her twice now, and… she can’t feel anything.”
That last part captures Sukuna’s attention. “What does that mean?”
“She’s completely numb, both physically and emotionally. I’ve read over her medical reports, and they’ve concluded that there’s no significant nerve damage. The scar tissue dulls her senses in those areas somewhat, but they don’t leave her totally numb like this. And she can’t feel anything in the unscarred areas either.”
“Meaning it’s psychological,” Sukuna says. 
The owner nods. “It’s clearly a defense mechanism. Her body and mind simply shut off all sensation in order to cope. And that’s going to be her biggest issue as a doll. There are plenty of buyers who would find the scars exotic, but a doll who doesn’t react to anything? No one wants that. And if we don’t eventually find a buyer for her, she’s going to get passed around from one scumbag to another on the direct market for the rest of her life.”
Sukuna had little interest in the doll’s sob story, but he was intrigued by the fact that she couldn’t feel anything. “So you want me to fix her? Make her feel again?”
“Yes. I figured if anyone could, it would be you. But be careful. She’s already been shattered. I don’t need you grinding up the pieces.”
Sukuna stands up and heads for the door. “Don’t worry. I’ll reforge her,” he says with a smile, “in a way that pleases me.”
The man covered in strange black tattoos introduces himself as your trainer. He’s handsome, well-built, and dressed like a man far too rich to be working here. A few years ago, you might have been attracted to him. Your heart might have fluttered at the thought of him touching you. But now? Now you feel nothing as he tells you to follow him to his room. 
He opens the door and walks in first, turning on the lights as he goes. You follow behind him and look around. The room looks like someone converted a fancy hotel room into a dungeon. 
The deep red carpets and expensive looking furniture contrast with the various… devices around the room. There’s an X shaped table, harnesses and chains hanging from the ceiling, and a wall of leashes, whips, rods, and other such items along the left side of the room. 
Ah, so he’s this type. 
You’re not surprised. Actually, it makes sense. Give the girl who can’t feel pain to the trainer who tortures his dolls. 
The man, who said his name is Sukuna, is watching your face, looking for a reaction. He won’t find one. But instead of seeming disappointed, he’s grinning. 
“My specialty is probably obvious,” he says, to which you nod. Then he goes over to the wall of tools and toys, taking something small and shiny from it. When he returns, there’s a silver, claw-like item on his right index finger. Without a word of warning, he approaches you and quickly swipes the claw over your exposed right forearm. 
You look down, curious, to see a thin red line appear on your skin, small drops of blood beading along it before sliding down. You watch the blood with no expression for a moment before looking back up at Sukuna. 
His grin is wider than before. “You really didn’t feel that,” he says, not a question but a statement. He’s standing in front of you, staring at you, when he says, “Let me ask you something, and think hard about your answer. It’s going to determine how the training proceeds.”
You nod. 
“Do you prefer being this way to how you were before?”
You blink as the question settles into your mind. You’ve never really thought about it before, but do you prefer being numb? It’s helped you block out the hurt you felt upon being sold off by your father, being abused by your owner, but it also blocks out any joy. 
“I… I don’t know.”
He’s looming over you, looking down with an expression you can’t quite place. Is it desire? Pity? Disgust? Or have you lost the ability to distinguish them? 
“Do you want to feel again?” he asks, something about his deep tone telling you to answer honestly. The sheer intensity of his presence is overwhelming you. 
You can still remember when you felt things. You can remember a poor but happy childhood when your mother was still alive. Even after, when things got worse, there were still moments of happiness. Watching movies with a friend, eating cheap snacks from the convenience store down the street. A kiss from the boy you had a crush on in high school. You miss these feelings. And once you realize that, your answer is clear. 
“Yes, I want to feel again.”
“Even if what you feel is pain?” he asks. 
An emotion you haven’t felt in years bubbles to the surface, startling you so much that your voice cracks slightly as you reply, “Yes! I’d love to feel pain again. I’d love to feel anything!”
A smile spreads across his features, and his hands move to your shirt. “I’ll make you feel again,” he says as he pulls your shirt over your head and tosses it aside. “But it will only work if you want it.”
“I… I want it,” you say, realizing with some measure of shock that you’re already feeling emotions you thought long dead. 
He removes the rest of your clothes, leaving them strewn about the floor. Then he stands back to look at you. Completely bare before him, you don’t feel embarrassed. Shame is yet another emotion you can’t seem to feel anymore. But there is a strange prickling sensation on your skin as his eyes rake over you, taking in the scars that form a map of your suffering. 
“It’s like a work of art,” he says, his gaze lingering on the left side of your torso. The words make you feel something else, but you’re not sure what that is. Your own emotions have become unfamiliar to you. 
He leads you over to the X shaped table and lifts you onto it, then spreads you out on it like a meal. He slowly attaches the leather cuffs on each end to your ankles and wrists, still watching your face for any sign of fear. 
There is none. You’re starting to feel things for the first time in three years, but fear isn’t one of them. If he can bring back the girl you once were, one who could laugh and smile and feel, then you’ll accept anything he wants to do to you. 
Once you’re secured to the table, he stands back and unbuttons his shirt. When he slips it off his shoulders, you get a full view of the intricate tattoos on his body. They’re beautiful, the way they move and twist with his body’s motion. 
He steps back to the table and runs one large hand over your arm, trailing it down toward your chest, where he squeezes your scarred breast. You can’t feel it, so you don’t know if he’s squeezing hard or not, but when his fingers lightly slide over your nipple, a tingling sensation blossoms there. What was that? 
Did he notice that you felt something? You don’t think you visibly reacted in any way, but he’s smiling as if he knows. His fingers suddenly pinch your nipple, and you feel pressure, but little else. He maintains eye contact as he leans down and runs his tongue over that same nipple, then wraps his lips around it. You feel it again, that pleasant tingling. It reminds you of something, but you can’t remember what. 
His hand moves to your other breast, where his fingers grope and pinch. You feel this a little more, and your breathing quickens slightly. That’s when he stops abruptly and goes over to the wall again. This time he returns with a rolled up velvet pouch, which he unrolls to reveal a group of very long, very thin, shiny silver needles. 
He pulls one out and holds it up for you to see. “Let’s see how numb you really are,” he says. Then he grips your scarred nipple between his finger and thumb with one hand while using the other to bring the needle closer. He looks up at your face, perhaps still searching for a trace of fear. Finding none, he pushes the needle in, sliding it sideways through your flesh. 
Your breath hitches as a new sensation hits you. This… this is pain! You haven’t felt it in so long, you’d almost forgotten it. When he grips the other nipple, the one with no scar tissue to dull your senses, you almost flinch. He grins up at you, as if he’s reading your mind. He leans down and licks the nipple slowly, awakening it to sensation, before plunging the needle in. 
This time you gasp, your arms reflexively tugging on the restraints. You felt that! Not as keenly as a normal woman would, but far more than you’ve felt anything else in years. It hurt. It still hurts as his hand squeezes your breast, his tongue running over the needle imbedded in your skin. But you welcome the pain. It’s far more preferable to no feeling whatsoever. 
Then he steps back again, and walks around the table to the bottom, where he moves in between your widely spread legs. His hand moves to your pussy, kneading it gently for a moment before his fingers slip inside your folds, finding you clit. 
You draw in a sharp breath as he strokes it, feeling the pleasure so strongly that it’s almost as if you were never numb. Your previous owner had ignored your clit, having no interest in giving you pleasure, so these sensations were entirely new to you. 
When Sukuna uses his fingers to spread you open and leans forward to lick your quivering clit, your body nearly jerks off the table. He rises up and looks at you. “Not so numb down here, are you?”
You can only gasp out shallow breaths.  
His thumb begins stroking you again as he speaks. “I don’t care who your previous owner was.” He reaches over and pulls one more needle from the pouch, his tongue running over you again, making your nerves come alive. “I don’t care if you’ve had a thousand different owners before me.” His thumb and finger pinch your clit, holding it in position. Your heart races as you wait, now holding your breath. “Because now,” he says, gliding his tongue across the glimmering needle in his hand, “you belong to me.”
He pushes the needle into your clit from the bottom and out the top, so slowly that you feel every single bit of it. Your body bucks from the table, your arms and legs jerk against the cuffs, and a loud scream erupts from your mouth as you feel excruciating pain for the first time in three years. 
It’s wonderful. 
Tears spring to your eyes, and you cum on the spot, weeping and shuddering. You were certain you would never experience an orgasm again for the rest of your life, but here you were, riding out the insane pleasure while Sukuna’s tongue prodded your clit, licking over the needle stuck there. 
Sukuna watches his doll as she sleeps peacefully in his bed. She passed out not long after the “training session” was over, just as he was unfastening the cuffs on her wrists. He carried her to his bed and laid her there, and now he’s looking over her scarred form once more before covering her. 
He’s surprised by the progress they’d already made, but he can’t get too comfortable. 
Because he noticed it. When he pulled the needles out of her, which should have hurt, she didn’t even flinch. He’d squeezed one nipple afterwards, before beginning to uncuff her, just to test it. This should have made her scream, given how sore she should be, but she had no reaction at all. 
Meaning she’s numb again. The awakening of her senses was only temporary, and wore off after she came down from the high of her orgasm. 
Sukuna smiles. He certainly enjoys a challenge, and it’s clear to him that his job is far from over. 
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ichorai · 6 months
ties that bind ; nanami kento ; november 28th.
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pairing ; nanami kento x reader drabble synopsis ; nanami worries over becoming a dad despite already being a brilliant father figure to the students. themes ; fluff, slice of life, established relationship (married), pregnant au warnings / includes ; pregnancy, nanami stressing </3
series masterlist.
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28th november, 2018.
There was that crease between his brows again—the one that made him look ten years older than he actually was. Nanami had his elbows rested delicately over his knees, palms flat against one another, the tips of his fingers grazing his chin. He’d sat in that position quite often these days, with how far along your pregnancy you’d gotten. Thinking, worrying, toiling over every possible scenario in which things could go wrong, and how he could fix it. And it tore him apart knowing that he couldn’t always fix it—he couldn’t always protect you.
You knew that look on his expression far too well. 
“Kento,” you called, voice soft as you padded down the hall from the bedroom. It was early in the morning—a far cry earlier than when he usually got up. When you felt the mattress creak, dip, and rise again as he shifted out of bed, you couldn’t help but follow after him in concern. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry for waking you,” he said, immediately getting back up onto his feet. He drew closer, one of his hands resting on your lower back to urge you down the hallway once more. “You should go back to sleep.”
“Yes, we should,” you told him, words heavily emphasized. “But I want to know what’s wrong. You look so worried.”
The two of you made your way into the bedroom, and Kento helped you sit back down on your side of the bed. He eased into the spot next to you, a sigh catching in his throat. Shame burned across his expression, partially obscured by his soft blonde hair, loose and down for the night. 
“I’m worried for our daughter.” One of his hands reached out to splay over the baby bump, warm to the touch. You were always so pleasantly warm. “And I’m worried about being a good father. Balance is essential to a well-lived life. Being a jujutsu sorcerer… is erratic and unpredictable. I won’t be reliable for you and our baby.”
You shuffled closer to him so that you could lean your cheek on his shoulder. His concerns were all completely valid, and you didn’t want to dismiss his feelings on such an important matter. “I hear you, Kento. I know it’s really scary raising a child, especially since you can see so many terrible things in the world. But… all we can do is try our best for her together, right? It’s our first time doing this, so it’s okay if we make mistakes. We’re only human.”
A contemplative silence shrouded over the two of you. You shut your eyes, growing sleepy again. 
“You’re right,” he said, rasping an affectionate nickname of yours into the crown of your head. “You always know what to say, don’t you?”
You hummed and smiled into his shoulder. “Of course. Besides—you’re so great with the kids at school. Yuji adores you, you know.”
“Yuji adores everyone,” Nanami pointed out. You didn’t have to look at him to know that his lips were slightly tilted upwards at the thought of the pink-haired boy he was so fond of.
You made an amused noise into the fabric of his sleep shirt. “Yes, well, the point is, you’ve had plenty of practice being a dad already. You’ll be such a good father, honey. I know it.”
It was Kento’s turn to hum. More comfortable silence buzzed over you, lulling you into another bout of sleepiness. When you began to lean your weight more heavily against him, Nanami knew you’d fallen back into slumber. He shifted so that he could ease you down against the mattress and plush pillows. The movements made you stir again, blearily cracking open one eye.
“Go to sleep,” he whispered, kissing the patch of skin beside your nose.
“I love you,” you mumbled, tiredly grinning up at him.
Nanami smiled down at you in return. “Go to sleep,” he repeated, and you didn’t have to be told another time, eyes slipping back shut. His voice was saturated with utter infatuation when he added, “I love you, too.”
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m1ssunderstanding · 1 month
If Paul can't be who he is, or talk to people, keeping it in him who's to blame for this. If he has problems he doesn"t talk about or we older fans see him the way we do, whom is he hiding from? Is it really fare to blame his fans for thinking like he's happy and got it together. Do the younger generation see things differently? I care and adore Paul and don't want to think he isn't. Is that it? Or do we need to feel he's lying and all pr I know pretty much everything public about Paul. I dont mean to be rude or disagree with you. I enjoy seeing new fans and sees him from your pov but I wanna know what you think what he feels he can't share.
Hi! Okay, let's break this down.
Question one: Who is to blame for Paul not being more open about his private life?
Jim McCartney. Next question. No, it's a lot more complicated than that. Besides it being just a natural part of his personality, the foundation of this trait was formed through the whole context of his upbringing which laid the groundwork for how Paul would react to fame, as opposed to the other three. Then, because he was already set up to do so, fame and its side-affects and consequences made Paul double down on closing up. Then during the breakup, John's diarrhea of the mouth syndrome and Linda's encouraging Paul to lean into his home life and let his public life be, put Paul further into a pattern of craving privacy.
Question two: Is it fair to blame older fans for taking Paul's public self as his private self?
Firstly, I don't see the point in talking about blame in the first place. A) being a private person, putting on a face in public, is neither bad nor uncommon. (Maybe nobody really does it to the degree Paul does it. Maybe it does have some negative outcomes and does point to a lack of self-assurance and a strong tendency to emotional avoidance) but to some degree, Paul's cagey and fake public self is normal and healthy. B) blame is the least interesting mystery here.
Secondly, no one is trying to blame older fans for Paul's behavior. What I personally am frustrated with is what such a large group of people taking the surface as the entire ocean does to Paul's character as a historical figure and to the Beatles narrative as a whole. However, this large group is certainly not limited to older fans, nor does it contain all the older fans. Additionally, people can do, think, and say what they want. It's not some pressing humanitarian concern if people misunderstand Paul McCartney and the Beatles. It does seem to indicate and contribute to a large-scale cultural deficiency which may negatively impact more important social issues, but it is certainly far from a life and death situation.
Question three: Does the younger generation see things differently?
I'd actually never thought of these views in terms of generations, but yes, I guess many younger fans do look beyond the surface more than many older fans do.
Question four: Do we need to assume Paul is lying and all PR?
Again. Nobody needs to do anything. Do what you want. But. If you are looking to gain a more serious understanding of one of the most influential people of the twentieth century, then I suggest you don't take every word from his mouth as one-hundred-percent truthful as you should with anyone. This is absolutely not to say Paul is a liar and only cares about looking good to the public for business reasons. In fact, I believe if he was completely open about a lot of the things he guards against fully sharing, he would come off a lot better.
My personal rules of thumb with the Beatles are these: 1. John (and to a lesser extent George) often speaks from a place of strong emotion and uses talking about his experiences and feelings to regulate and soothe. Therefore, his statements are often extreme and often emphasize the negative. Paul (and to a lesser extent Ringo) cannot express strong emotion and fears talking about his experiences and feelings without disguising them or softening them. Therefore, his statements are often evasive and often emphasize the positive. If John says "I was going through murder," he means, "my mental health struggles were particularly difficult at that time even with all the good things I had going for me." If Paul says, "but it wasn't all, you know, great," he means, "Despite what I've made it seem like, that period of my life was not even safe, let alone perfect." 2. Take into account the culture these men were raised in and the attitude that culture would've pushed on them about certain topics. None of them are going to be particularly open about anything they would've been in any way punished for during the bulk of their life experience.
Question five: What do you think Paul feels he can't share?
If you were internationally famous, would you share absolutely everything about your personal life, innermost thoughts, politics, desires, regrets, hurts, and loves? I don't think so. Now, imagine you had most of your ability to be emotionally vulnerable beaten out of you as a child, you and your three best friends experienced death threats and permanent career damage due to one seemingly innocuous comment, and the person you trusted most in the world turned on a dime and exploited all your insecurities and the entire world followed suit for decades. I imagine there would be galaxies filled with all the things you feel you can't share and that you would use whatever protective measures necessary to keep yourself sane.
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zoeykallus · 4 months
The Bad Batch/ Mayday/Rex x Reader Prompts – Confessions
Part 4/7 - Echo
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Warnings: Hurt/Angst/Comfort/Fluff/Love Confessions
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
This is a continuation of this request :
The Bad Batch/ Mayday/Rex x Reader Prompts – Confessions
You are alone with Echo. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, but it's not too warm. Pleasant conditions for working on the outer hull of the Marauder. It's nice to be alone with Echo, you can talk to him, his attention is only on you and the work you're doing together. It's not often that you're alone together, and every time you do, you promise yourself to talk to him about how you feel about him. But every time you back out and don't tell him. He is always attentive to you, polite, a gentleman, he is anything but dismissive, and yet you are very nervous every time. Today, however, you are determined to confess your feelings to Echo, you just don't really know how. You decide to try dipping your toes in the water first. It seems like a good idea to test what he thinks. A tentative, “Hey Echo,” escapes your lips. He smiles.
“Yeah?” You think for a moment about how you should phrase the sentence before you speak. You want to say the right thing and get an answer from him that you can do something with. “Have you ever thought about looking for a partner? You know, now that we live on Pabuu and all.” Echo raises his eyebrows in surprise and pauses in his work. His eyes wander back and forth thoughtfully for a moment, then his brows draw together critically, and you watch him carefully, feeling the nervousness creeping up inside you again. “No, I haven't really thought about it, not seriously anyway. I spend most of my time working with Rex, with the rebellion. I haven't really retired like the rest of the squad. There's still far too much to do out there.” A quiet, thoughtful, “Hmm,” comes over your lips. That's not exactly what you wanted to hear. Suddenly he adds, “Apart from that, I'm not exactly a great catch, finding a partner might be difficult”
To emphasize his words, he taps his scomp-link arm against one of his artificial legs. You really didn't expect that, and you didn't want to hear it from him. You actually want to talk back and tell him how adorable he is and that anyone would be lucky to have him by their side, but you don't really dare, not yet. You blink, a little nervously. The feeling of heaviness settles in the pit of your stomach. Somehow you had imagined the course of this conversation to be different and, slowly but surely, your courage is failing you. But you don't want to give up just yet. “You've really never thought about it? There is no one who could have awakened this thought in you in any way? Someone who could arouse your interest?” You see his jaw muscles flex, he grinds his teeth, seeming to weigh the words he wants to say. Echo sighs softly and finally says, “No, not really” Your heart sinks for a moment, but then something unexpected happens. Crosshair, who is walking by in the background, grumbles softly, “Liar”
Echo turns around, startled. Irritated, he grumbles, “Where did you come from?” Crosshair continues walking, without turning around he shrugs his shoulders and says dryly, “From the depths of space” You both watch as Crosshair disappears around a corner of a house, then your eyes meet. A nervous smile twitches at the corners of your mouth, while Echo suddenly seems to have a little more color in his face. You ask, curious as well as nervous, “Does Crosshair know something I don't?” The thought that Echo might already have a secret love affair comes to you, and the heaviness in your stomach turns into a full-blown mountain. But of course you don't want to let it show, but you still want certainty. Echo scratches the back of his neck nervously with the scomp link. “Why are you so interested in this?” he asks back, "Any particular reason?"
You shrug your shoulders uncertainly, avoid his gaze and say quietly, almost in a whisper, “Maybe I was hoping you liked me as much as I like you” You hear his footsteps coming closer and finally look at him again. “That's why you asked? Because you like me, um, romantically?” You say meekly, “Maybe” Echo smirks. “ Won't you just admit it?” You bite your lower lip as you feel the smirk infect you. You ask bolder than you feel, “What do I get in return?” Echo looks at you mischievously and takes one of your hands in his. “How about the first of many kisses?”
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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antimatterz · 1 year
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how they take selfies with you
dan heng, jing yuan, seele, gepard, march, sampo, kafka, blade, tingyun (separately) x gn!reader
honkai version. i posted the same thing on my genshin writing blog so if it seems familiar, that's why. might do this again if more characters are released. there's a bit of possessiveness in blade's but that's about all.
content under the cut | masterlist
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dan heng
he's surpringly easy when it comes to convincing him to take selfies with you. as someone who's often found in the archive room, he also likes to keep his own little "archive" of all that you experienced together, no matter how big or small the moment might've been. however, to get him to actually lose his stoic demeanor in said pictures is a little harder. he often looks super serious in pictures but you manage to make him smile sometimes. and oh, when he smiles in pictures you just spontanously combust because his smile is <333
jing yuan
jing yuan is known to have a very soft spot for you and it shows in the pictures the two of you take together. gentle smile, an arm over your shoulder as you lean against him. as a general of the cloud knights, he is often busy. to make up for the times you're unable to see each other, a lot of selfies exist (and he looks at them whenever he misses you or has a rough day on the job). he likes to show you off a little, and he is more than happy to talk about you when someone asks him about the person he poses with on his phone wallpaper. told ya, he has a massive soft spot for you.
this girl appears super tough, but i can totally see her loosening up around you! still a girlboss ofcourse but with a massive soft spot for you that brings out her fun side. though a lot of pictures are very dark due to her living in belobog's underworld, that doesn't stop the joy from radiating off them. she isn't a big fan of taking selfies but makes an exception when you join in. honestly i can see her trying to appear all cool with a peace sign but in reality she just looks super cute with your arm around her waist. oh, and just wait until she discovers the existence of filters. she will beg you to try them all out together!
gepard landau
especially in the beginning, selfies together are kind of a rarity because he's simply too awkward lol. you might have to use your puppy eyes often if you want to snap a picture with him. but don't worry, later on he'll let loose a little and maybe even take the initiative to take pictures together. at first he looks in the camera with a blush, rather stiffly. but after a while he gets more comfy with the whole ordeal. it all begins with a simple hand on your shoulder, but at some point he will find his favorite pose; gepard likes holding you against his chest as you take pictures together, which is the cutest thing ever.
march 7th
this girl absolutely loves taking selfies with you. the time you two spend together is basically a vlog, as she records all the things you do. "y/n, smile!" she exclaims somewhere around five times per minute, as you are faced with her phone and a smiling march who leans her head onto your shoulder and snaps a photo. she finds it adorable how you sometimes look a little confused as she surprises you with another selfie. she always looks super cheerful in your pictures together as she adores spending time with you, and it's contagious! your photos radiate joy.
sampo koski
he's probably a little hesitant about taking pictures together (he's scared he might end up finding them on those wanted posters, you know) but at some point he gives in and oh, it will result in the most extra selfies to exist. he isn't afraid of funny poses and silly faces and goofy filters and you two just have a lot of fun as you take picture together. however, as he is still sampo koski, they will eventually leak and end up on a poster so yeah, there's that. as you find a picture of the two of you together plastered on a building (with a statement that emphasizes that it regards the blue-haired male) you can't help but laugh, tearing it from the wall as a keepsake.
pictures might leak, which may expose her whereabouts, but this woman couldn't care less. she knows she looks stunning in pictures and when you join her to take a selfie? that's the prettiest picture to ever exist in her eyes (and i agree). they appear very casual but she's totally showing you off! she wears a coy smile, fingers curling over your shoulder as she holds you close, to let everyone know you're taken. her goal is probably to take a selfie with you with a stellaron in the background, basically her favorite things together in one picture.
this guy likes to show you off, believe me. he wants everyone to know that you're his, and he always holds you close when you take pictures together. he barely looks into the camera, having his eyes on you most of the time. only when he places a kiss on your cheek he gazes into the camera slyly, as if to say "they're mine, back off." he knows very well how good the two of you look together and not only that, he secretly just loves to have many pictures of you. fun fact, he carries a polaroid of you together with him and gets blushy when the other stellaron hunters tease him with it.
she adores you, and it shows! every picture you take together is so so cute and pretty and it's just goals. she always wears the sweetest smile on your photos and you're lying if you say that her smile doesn't make your heart flutter! your pictures together just look very comfy and loving, with the most adorable poses (cheeks against each other, finishing each other's heart, and so on). her ears perk up every time you open your camera and ask her to join. sometimes, she gets a little shy when you wrap your arms around her before snapping a picture, and her ears would droop a little which is also very cuuute. but the cutest thing? the joy in her pretty eyes hehe.
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Takashi x short! reader (sfw and nsfw)
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Just another set of headcanons for Takashi. Since I did a tall reader one, I wanna do a short reader as well (even though everybody and their mama has already done it). If/when I do anymore, I have some ideas for a shy reader and some more general stuff.
gender neutral reader. no mentions of “she”, just “you” and “they”
Since this contains nsfw stuff, I’d really appreciate if minors didn’t interact. I know I can’t really stop you, but the idea of a child reading this makes me uncomfortable, so please don’t. I have a couple other sfw posts if you’re interested, or hell, you could even read until it gets to the nsfw part (it’ll say nsfw, trust, you won’t have to search for it), but anyway, everyone else, enjoy.
- Takashi doesn’t care much about his partner’s appearance or anything, so will he truly care how tall or short his partner is? Nah, but he can still enjoy different aspects of their stature.
- He loves his short s/o, and would no matter their size, but he likes how, for lack of a better word, fragile they seem.
- Your stature makes him a little overprotective. It may even feel a little smothering/suffocating at times, but he’s trying his best to curb it enough for your taste.
- He’ll help you whenever your height gets in the way of something that needs to be done, i.e. reaching a high shelf. You don’t even have to ask most of the time, but he’d never feel put out by it, so you would never have to be afraid to ask if needed.
- It actually fuels that desire of his to feel helpful and needed, so definitely let him help you with whatever you need or want.
- If, for whatever reason, someone was to dog on you for your height, specifically if it upset you or you didn’t find it humorous, he would definitely be a little upset with them, but he wouldn’t attack them or even threaten them (and oml whenever i see someone hc that he would do some shit like that, I know automatically they can’t be older than twelve, cuz that is some CHILDISH shit), but if it was a recurring problem, he’d probably talk to them to let them know it bothered you. If they were intending to upset you, he would think less of them, but again, wouldn’t resort to violence or anything. He’d focus more attention on reassuring you that your height is not at all a problem and you have no reason to be upset over what some troglodyte thinks of you.
- He’s not big on PDA, but he is pretty physically affectionate, especially in private. He loves to spoon you, and it feels like his body just engulfs your own every time.
- He also loves the feeling of your small hands in his, and he likes to have an arm around you/a hand on you as often as possible when you’re together.
- He thinks it’s adorable how small you feel in his arms, and not that he’d be very obvious about it, but he gets flustered just by hugging/holding you. Contact like that is just very intimate, and he reserves it for those closest to him.
—— NSFW below ——
(minors, this is where i ask again for you to stop reading)
- Takashi loves any position that emphasizes the contrast in your heights.
- He is a naturally dominant guy, and that carries over into the bedroom, so no real surprise that he likes to be on top most of the time.
- Not to say that’s all he enjoys, since he actually really likes when you ride him, especially when he can hold your hips/guide you. He likes the power dynamic, and he’s very focused on your feelings above his own, so he wants to do whatever he can to make you feel good. Whatever you like, he loves.
- Bringing this back around to more of his favorite positions, though, he loves to have you on your hands and knees and drape himself over you, since that closeness really gets him going, plus, to reiterate, he loves how he just dwarfs your frame.
- He’s a strong guy, so he likes to hold you against a wall, since that shit’s a cakewalk for him, and you seem to enjoy it (go with it, cuz i said so)
- The only problem with his strength is the fact that he worries about hurting you a lot, even, or especially, in the bedroom. The fact that you’re so much smaller than him adds to this fear, so you may have to remind him sometimes that you don’t have paper skin and glass bones.
- If you do want him to be rougher with you during sex, he can, but it’s not his default, so you’d probably have to voice that desire to him.
- He’s naturally caring and considerate, even nurturing, so he is normally very sweet in the bedroom. He would be all praise, no degradation (again, unless you want him to), and he’ll make you feel like the most important thing in the world.
Alright, well, any other head canons I have are more vague, so I don’t feel they fit in the “short reader” category. I’ll probably be doing some more of these, since I would rather do this than anything important (like homework, which is exactly what I was avoiding by writing this for thirty minutes instead of responding to some fuck ass discussion posts. college is an endless cycle of torture, please, i can’t do two more years of this, someone put me out of my misery)
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pinazee · 4 months
The Old and the Restless
The first episode to include another Spencer! Now, granted we don’t get much here other than henry doesn’t seem to get along with his dad and maybe doesn’t like the idea of his son being around him. Plus, I don’t think he’s ever mentioned again. I was hoping the introduction to grandpa spencer would give us some kind of reason for why henry is so controlling. We could possibly infer, strictly based on his personality, that grandpa spencer wasnt the most responsible and that henry, as elder brother, took on the brunt of taking care of the family. I mean, you could possibly even go as far as to say grandpa spencer had some run in’s with the law and thats how henry got interested in it- out of spite of his own father and thus leading to the idea that spencer sons resenting their fathers is like a family curse (i think thats actually a thing? I have a vague memory of someone saying it at least). But again, this is all speculation because we never see him again. Grandpas also act differently with their grandkids than their own kids too so who’s to say what it was like for henry growing up. Either way, this flashback really emphasizes how strict henry was, and the more flashbacks i see, the more saddened i get by how downtrodden little shawn is every time he shows up. Liam visibly shrinks when he sits next to him, its heartbreaking. But im glad his grandpa stuck up for him (which is probably why he never saw him again).
The way they pop up here makes me snicker
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I love the fast one they played on henry! Shawn knew there was no way he would help unless he thought he could use it as an opportunity to show him up (because his dads a grade A asshole).
I also have no respect for men who call other men girls as an insult, especially when one of those men is his own fucking son. So you gotta imagine shawns heard that kind of bullshit his whole life, so i kind of give him a pass when he makes fun of gus for not being manly enough, though thankfully that seems to dissipate in later seasons so we can call it character growth (though i think it was just the writers, or maybe james, who decided it wasn’t very funny and just hurt the character). Henry has a lot of ground to cover before he can get redeemed in my book. He’s just the worst. im having a much harder time with henry during this rewatch.
Gus is being absolutely adorable here. This episode really made it seem like Gus was henrys kid too, not only because he’s completely comfortable sleeping on his shoulder (I’ve never felt that close to my friends parents at least) but also because he’s giving shit to henry as much as shawn is and i love it! It makes sense too considering how often gus was at his house, henry practically raised him as well.
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This is a semi good shawn vs. henry episode. I wish they would have highlighted better how shawn and henry gather their information in different ways but it was more like Henry got some pieces and shawn got pieces but neither had the complete picture so they ended up just working together instead of against. I think i’d have preferred if henry was seeing all the same stuff but shawn actually came to the right conclusion, or that shawn showed kindness to the right person and got the key piece of info that way because ultimately its how he connects with people that separates him from henry (simply because henry is pretty good at seeing the same stuff shawn does a lot of the times is all).
“Just this time im going to teach you a lesson” just this time??? Thats literally all you do henry! Thats like your whole thing!
The way Henry says this makes it seem like he was struggling to call Gus his life partner haha
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Shawn and gus both knew of african gambian pouch rats, so i can only assume they watched a nature documentary together haha Sidenote: i randomly looked up african gambian pouch rat to see what they looked like and they’re being used to sniff out tuberculosis apparently?!? Crazy stuff man.
Lassie just wanted to straight up incarcerate a child. Thank god karen became chief over him- could you imagine??? Shawn would definitely have been locked up in the pilot. Gus wouldve been killed next to mira or something, juliet would still be in miami. Buzz wouldve been fired or killed by that serial killer. So many crimes would’ve been unsolved and so many people would’ve been locked up and innocent. So again, thank god for chief vick.
The indian blood bit gets a pass simply because of the line “they were here first” and gus’ response “im not hating on indians im hating on you” I dont think its terribly offensive but it is a dumb stereotypical joke. It just kind of makes me sigh and shake my head.
Why is gus always trying to get shawn to taste blood?? Does that show up later? Is this a consistent thing? Its just kind of weird considering gus is really squeamish around it? I think its Gus’ way of trying to prank him but he’s like really bad at it haha Also i didn’t like gus’ face there. It made it seem vaguely… nevermind. Its just weird lol
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I dont like the B story with juliet and lassie. I think i did at one point because juliet put the fear of god in him and inadvertently that same fear in the others which was fun, but this kids a fucking creep so i don’t think theres any combination of words that would cause this character to suddenly become respectful and it might be the most unrealistic thing to happen on psych, which is truly saying something. Its just one of those scenes you can’t overanalyze so I won’t! Its fun! (But like, thats what im doing here so jk). I did enjoy the “scared straight” subversion moment. Prisons great kids. Its like summer camp. Also his friends name is “white slavery” and idk what to do with that information except point at it with my mouth open in amusement.
I just like how lassie does his “strike two” and im doing that from now on.
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Overall its not one of my fave episodes but heres some gifs of some of my fave moments
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xiaosonlybeloved · 2 years
~When you ask them for a hug~
featuring- Scaramouche, Childe, Xiao, Kazuha, Alhaitham, gn!reader warnings-impied romantic relationship between character and reader a/n- omfg thanks so much for the support yall!
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-First, he'd sassily ask why, muttering something about people being weird these days -But when he realises you're being serious, he immediately hugs you, and doesn't let go until he's absolutely sure you're better. - He hides his face in your neck so you don't have to see the slight red on his face at his insistence to make you feel better
"Hey Scara, thank you so much. That hug from you really lifted my spirits." "What are you talking about? That never happened, alright?"
-You can see the concern on his face tho, and it warms your heart -He likes hugging you, but being the shy lil emo he is, he obviously denies it, claiming he hugs you because you're weak and need his support -You know better though, so you just laugh
-He'd give you a short, quick and kinda awkward hug since you asked for it -He'd be pretty flustered after one, especially because you give really tight and warm hugs -He'd quickly detach from you, struggling to keep a straight face and his composure -The tips of his ears would go red because he isn't used to physical contact -He'd then disappear, claiming that he had to go kill demons -He secretly liked it tho
"Can you pleaseee hug me more often?" "What the- for what reason?" "Firstly, because I really wanna hug you, secondly, you actually give pretty comforting and good hugs, thirdly because I really wanna hug you." "I- Goodbye, I sense a large gathering of monsters in the vicinity. I need to go purge them."
-Clingy lil kid -he literally just needs an excuse to hug you -he doesn't want to ever let go of you -he buries his face in the crook of your neck and cutely pleads to stay like this for some time -of course, you can't say no with the adorable puppy eyes face he's giving you, he's called 'Childe' for a reason -the childish happiness visible on his face after you agree is just precious and instantly makes you feel better
"You're such a child, Ajax. But I have absolutely no problem in staying like this, this feels so.. warm." "Aww, this is why I love you so much! Hmph, Scara could never."
-his hugs would be so warm and comforting that whatever worries and stress you had would quickly disappear -he's so perceptive that you usually don't even need to ask him for a hug, he'll give you one himself -gives you as many hugs as you want -sometimes he also gives you headpats while hugging and you love it -after you detach yourself from him, he affectionately ruffles your hair and emphasizes that you should take better care of yourself -he'd just be so incredibly sincere, warm and kind with everything he does (10/10 bf material fr)
"I do hope you're feeling better now, [name]. I have some things in my mind that could prove to improve your mood even more." "How could I not feel better now? C'mon then, let's get to all of your amazing ideas. I don't know what I'd do without you honestly."
-rarely ever initiates hugs -when he does, they're short and kinda stiff because again, he isn't used to hugging, but they also somehow always manage to provide you a weird sense of comfort -after he detaches himself from you, he sternly asks what happened that you needed a hug and who hurt you -he won't take 'No, its nothing' for an answer, and since you are one of the very few people he actually cares for, he, uh, hunts them down -when you ask what he's done with your info, he just smiles reassuringly and says that you don't need to worry about them because they've been dealt with -this doesn't reassure you at all but you let it go because you know that this is haitham's way of showing that he cares for you -in the end he pulls you in for another quick hug
"Haitham... May I know what exactly did you do?" "That, dear, shouldn't be your concern. Don't worry though, they've been dealt with adequately." "Somehow I don't trust that at all but I'll take your word for it, I guess."
[first time writing for Haitham and Kazu, hope they were okay, also haitham GIMME YOUR HEADPHONES I NEED THEM
have another set of hcs written but they aren't really my best works, but oh well]
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idreaminmugiwara · 10 months
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Part 1 of 2! Alright, Dressrosa, let's talk about it. This will be SPOILER HEAVY so if you have not gotten this far in One Piece turn back, ye lousy land lubber!!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!
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Alright, so where to start with this arc? I feel like right off the bat, Moustachio'd Zoro got me feelin' some kinda way. I am also very here for pigtailed Franky, but I'm here for Franky no matter what season of blue hair he sports.
This is by far the longest arc I've watched since I began my One Piece journey about a month and a half ago and this was the first time since Alabasta that I really felt this show just DRAGGED. Too many flashbacks, too many episodes where about 5 minutes of actual story happened. I understand that anime often has to pad their episodes because they need to time it correctly with the release of the manga but this, as I mentioned in an earlier post, was truly a labor of love.
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Now I NEED to talk about Sanji because this arc almost made me fall in love with him again. I don't know what Oda was thinking from Thriller Bark up until this point making Sanji an actual, legitimate creep rather than just an obnoxious yet endearing simp. I loved Sanji before he evolved into his more predatory self. But in Dressrosa, when he actually thinks he's found someone to love and take care of, the creep factor all but disappears again and he becomes like....actually loving and caring and kind of someone that feels deserving of a healthy relationship. This is the closest to a romance any of the Mugiwaras have had in about 700 episodes and I actually wanted this to work out for him and Viola.
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Speaking of "romance," the fact that Franky brought the show's first Straw Hat kiss to the screen was EVERYTHING. The whole Franky vs the Factory arc was delightful and one of the highlights of the entire arc for me.
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Like girl, same.
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Now....someone tried to tell me that I would fall for this motherfucker and I have to say unequivocally that fall for him I did not. I'm all for sexy villains, but Doflamingo is a bonafide psychopath who enjoys torturing and hurting innocent people and I GUESS I just don't find that swoonworthy. The voice actor for the dub did a phenomenal job here. Every time that laugh crept its way onto the screen, my skin would crawl. Aside from Arlong, this is the only OP villain I've felt a sense of authentic dread around. 10/10 threat, favorite villain of the series so far.
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I have so much more to talk about but I'll do that in a part two, but I'll finish by emphasizing how much I fucking adore Bartolomeo. I love this show's ability to initially make you despise a character only to find out they are a complete and total chad. I want him to become a Straw Hat so badly :) More in a future post!
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cyberrat · 13 days
87th Batch Of Fics: 7th Fill
Hanzo/Cassidy – Off Limits AU – hurt/comfort; feelings – You can watch Hanzo become absolutely gay for this Alpha in real time. It's adorable.
“What do you like more… to get fucked or to do the fucking?”
Hanzo has moved around a little to properly kneel between Cole’s thighs. He is pressing his cock up against his belly and has his hand stretched out alongside it as if trying to figure out just how long the fat erection is.
He’s also very obviously not looking Cole in the face as he asks his innocent little questions.
Cole watches him through hooded eyes. He can’t say that he is surprised that Hanzo asks the question. He might be some… twenty years old or something but from what he’s experienced of the young Alpha has left him with the impression that he is very sheltered in some regards. Figures that he would be curious.
He stretches himself out again and with a sigh in his voice replies: “Hmnn… good question. Let me think about that.”
He doesn’t need to think about it, but he likes how puppy eager Hanzo is getting, hooking his thumb over Cole’s cock just beneath his glans and squeezing until a clear drop of pre-cum appears at the tip of the crown.
Cole slowly moves his hips, rolling them up and into the touch. Surprisingly enough, Hanzo lets him get away with it; even curls his fingers around his cock to give him a nice, tight sleeve to fuck into. That’s… damn nice.
“Fuck,” Cole groans softly, eyes falling closed. “Y’ know, I can’t really say. Been so goddamn long since I fucked a pussy. A real one. Got one or two toys squirreled away, but you know- Don’t get to use my dick all that often.”
He can feel the slight spasming of the fingers around his shaft but Hanzo doesn’t quite stop stroking him, so he continues after a moment of just bathing in the feeling of getting jerked off: “Think the last one I had… before I got busted stealin’ food. Fuck, that’s decades ago now. A fuckin’ lifetime.”
Cole can hear Hanzo’s breath hitching. He cracks his eyes open to look at him. Hanzo’s eyes look glassy, his mouth soft and open as he pants. His voice sounds brittle; like it is close to cracking as he asks: “You haven’t… you haven’t had anybody for that long? No Omega? No… A-Alpha?”
Cole cocks his head to the side, watching Hanzo thoughtfully. “Nah. I told you… they didn’t let me go anywhere. If I went out, I went out with the other guys because they wanted me to fuck someone for money. There hasn’t been an Omega in the Gorge since they started usin’ me. There hasn’t been any time for me to fuck anybody.”
He rolls his hips up with more emphasize to get Hanzo to focus back on the action at hand. Hanzo looks down and tightens his grip again. Slowly, he leans down and opens his mouth, dragging his tongue across Cole’s glans – and nothing more. It’s a wicked feeling that rushes along his nerve endings like a wild fire in the best way possible.
“Does that get you off?” he asks with a rough voice.
“No,” Hanzo answers immediately; too quickly to be taken seriously which is evidenced by him amending just a second later: “Maybe. Yes. I was just thinking…” he trails off. His breath has been puffing across Cole’s wet, throbbing glans. He finds himself actually wishing the young Alpha would try to force it back down his throat. It really has been a mind blowing experience.
Hanzo mutters something but it’s too low for him to actually hear.
The pup’s tongue snakes back out again, dragging across Cole’s glans and says a bit louder but with a slur as if he’s speaking through a fever: “It seems a shame that such a big cock would not get properly used.”
Cole opens his mouth, realizes he has no idea what to say to that, and closes it again as he just stares at Hanzo who, in turn, stares at his cock, slowly giving it lick after lick like a dog that knows it can not have a treat but that still wants to at least taste it.
There’s a lot of noise going on in his head at that moment.
What exactly does Hanzo mean by that? Is he just fucking with him? Is he for real? He kind of sounds interested, but that seems absolutely ridiculous for a guy that has been so in denial about wanting to fuck an Alpha in the first place.
Then again, he has been getting more and more adventurous, wanting to suck Cole off and play with his hole beyond just sticking his dick in it and rabbit fucking a nice, fast orgasm out.
Hell, it’s been months now since Hanzo has actually fucked him instead of playing with his body and getting off like that. The last time had been during his last visit in Deadlock, after all…
“Fuck.” Cole says it in a low voice; almost matter of fact as he angles his hips up yet again, all but offering up the knot that’s starting to swell at the base of his cock with a vengeance. The orgasm has taken him completely by surprise and he does not even  entertain the notion that it is not brought on purely by the thought of maybe, possibly, under some circumstances… being actually allowed to fuck this beautiful Alpha in front of him.
Hanzo doesn’t notice. Or maybe he just ignores it. He’s not saying another word, but he’s also very obviously avoiding even looking at Cole again as he shuffles to lie down on the bed and starts to lick his cock like a lollipop.
He does not attempt to pop it into his wet, suckling mouth, but he’s doing everything else that he can do; like suckling at Cole’s rapidly swelling knot or trying to wriggle his tongue underneath his foreskin. There’s a whole mess of spit and pre-cum and it’s just… good. Damn, damn good.
Cole closes his eyes. He’s breathing heavy through his mouth, a low growling groan rattling in his chest. His brain feels like it’s about to ooze out of his ears as it tries to figure out whether Hanzo’s insides would feel like that. This hot and wet and slippery…
He’d be so tight. Of course he would. He’s never let anybody have at that tight little hole of his. The thought of carefully nudging his way inside is what drives him over the edge.
Hanzo’s mouth is right there, tongue pressed like a luxurious red carpet against the underside of his glans; like a landing strip for his cum as it pumps out in fat, sticky streaks and lands against the roof of his mouth and the back of his tongue.
Cole forces himself to open his eyes and as he looks down his heaving, hairy belly, he is pinned by Hanzo’s own stare, looking up at him. They both seem shocked for a second at the sudden eye contact, unable to break it.
He’s just a curious young man. He’ll never let that happen.
~He’s an old, used up bastard of a whore. I won’t let that happen. I need to stop these little flights of fancy. Don’t even get his hopes up.
…but I can’t stop thinking about it.~
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chris-continues · 1 year
omg hi Chris okay so nai gets a vertical labret and it doesn't hurt unless he puts pressure on it or accidentally bumps it which isn't bad, he doesn't mind it actually, it's tolerable. the only problem he has with is that he can't kiss you because it's an irritation. not to him. of course, but to the metal in his lip and he can't do anything about it but wait several weeks before smooching time again. also he has hella chapped lips and he's mad LMAO
I can’t kiss you >:(
A very frustrated Nai and a very teasing you. Just wait a couple weeks and he’ll get you back.
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Nai almost bites his lip in thought- huffing at the irritation on his lower lip. His eyes practically pierce the paper he’s writing- not due for another… 5 days, but if he finishes this early that means less stress- and to his credit, he’d rather get this over with.
The door unlocking invades his ears as he moves one headphone away from his ear, conspiracy podcast on hold.
“Hey.” It was narrowed down to two people- either you, or Vash, and judging by your footsteps it was most definitely you. He fully turns to face you, “You put it back in!” You exclaim, admiring how his vertical labaret emphasized his bottom lip rather charmingly.
“..I had it out for too long. It closed up, so I had to get it redone.” He sighs, leaning in to kiss you until-
“Mmmpfgh!-“ he groans, wincing a bit. Your worried face soon moves all discomfort to the recesses of his mind, taking a backseat- “No, no- I uh.. I cannot kiss you for 2-3 weeks.” He winces as if that brought twice the amount of pain. “No excess irritation.”
You pull away, and it takes a load of willpower not to follow your lips once more as you settle down beside him. His frost blue eyes look down to his schoolwork. God, if only he’d worn his previous piercing more often- he had an upcoming internship and couldn’t wear face jewelry there, unfortunately.
“That’s gonna suck.” You frown, before a grin overtakes your face. You’re plotting something.
“But I can kiss you as much as I want.. just not on your lips.” It’s such a direct thing to say, and you’re a bit flustered despite you being the one teasing him- it’s far too adorable, as is every other part of you.
“Kiss me where?” If you were going to tease, he may as well see what you’d do. His voice rumbles dangerously, teasingly, aggravated.. a warning. Not that it held any serious fire besides desperately wanting to kiss you breathless, until you were fisting his shirt and pulling him closer despite the need for air.
And god, did you do something.
Your gentle lips moved to peck the side of his jaw, feeling his pulse just a bit below, thrumming with excitement. Then his cheek.
You have to clumsily get onto your knees while on the couch to kiss the outer edge of his eyebrow, then his hairline.
“Alright, that’s enough.” He huffs, gently holding your hips to guide you to sit back down. “You came to get work done, no?”
You nod, most definitely not making eye contact as his tongue darts out against his chapped lips in a show of annoyance. “Get work done my dear.” He emphasizes once again, a slight raise of his eyebrow showcasing his obvious amusement.
His eyebrows furrow in frustration as he thinks back on how your lips must feel now.
He’ll be counting down the days until he can feel your lips on his once more, thinking up comments he’d say to get you as worked up as he is.
Knives is a force to be reckoned with, a major fucking tease when he’s frustrated. And you’re about to see that once more.
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ruvviks · 1 year
BONESSSSSS i absolutely adored the graphic (and playlist!!) you made for urban dynamite so ofc i have to ask, who are the members that make up urban dynamite?? specificall,y i'd love to hear abt the drummer or main vocalist <3
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH AAAAA <3333 i shall put this under a read more because idk how long this will end up being ASGHJFDHG but yeas all info safely stored under the cut >:^) for anyone wondering, this is the graphic i made and this is the playlist!
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rowdy mccain (she/they, 26 yrs old) is the lead vocalist of the band. she can also play the guitar and can often be seen with one on stage. she has heavy neck cyberware installed which came with a voice module; it emphasizes the raw edge of their voice and causes it to sound lightly mechanical, which is what makes their voice stand out from other musicians. she mostly sings in english but also occasionally writes in her first language, spanish
rowdy is a bit messy and while they enjoy being in the spotlight, they're also shameless and honest and blunt which makes them controversial in the bigger picture of things in night city; many politicians and corporations- usually rowdy's first targets in the songs she writes- do NOT like her ass at all. but rowdy does mercenary work on the side so even if it would come down to having to fight for their life, this isn't a problem at all for them <3
she comes from the acting industry, having done several small gigs in and around night city and she made a decent living off it but she wanted More out of life. the band started as a garage band kind of deal with billie (their childhood bestie) and nikita (who they met at a tv-show they both starred in) and lalo joined later after getting back in touch with them, and casey joined after that through lalo
rowdy brings amazing energy on stage, hyping the crowd up and taking her time to set the mood for the rest of the night. she often places her mic stand near billie for homoerotic purposes
billie bernhart (she/her, 27 yrs old) is the lead guitarist of the band, but she also plays the cello and violin which they sometimes use as background instruments. she's less of a spotlight person than rowdy but with her bright pink afro hairstyle and best outfits of the entire band (in my honest opinion) it's kinda hard to miss her in a crowd and she gets a LOT more attention than she was initially expecting to get
billie is basically the only one of the whole band who's always been into music. after high school she started doing small gigs as background guitarist for. well. whoever wanted her really LMAO and she made a living like that for a very long time. when rowdy reached out to her again to ask if she wanted to help set up the band obviously she couldn't refuse <3 she's very well-spoken and with that the social backbone of the band because she's the only one who can talk to the public normally without accidentally starting some shit with some random politician
lalo gutierrez (he/him, 24 yrs old) is the bass guitarist and backing vocalist of the band. he can also play the piano and occasionally swaps roles with rowdy as lead vocalist. he's the most reserved and quietest member of the band, yet simultaneously the one with the wildest backstory since he basically got hunted for sports for about 1.5 year because of how vocal he was about evil megacorporations, raising awareness about homelessness, and how the streets of night city were too dangerous for innocent people
like rowdy, lalo comes from the acting industry and actually played in the same tv-show with her and nikita! after that is when life went downhill for him because he tried to use his platform for good, and he lost contact with all his friends because he didn't want to get them in danger. this is when he met casey, a netrunner who helped him hide, and he even was under brief protection of vitali dobrynin after lalo reached out to a fixer for help. he's no longer being hunted nowadays and tries to stay out of mercenary business to keep it that way
nikita maślany (he/him, 24 yrs old) is the drummer of the band. he also has experience with mixing so whenever they make a song that leans more into edm territory he can help casey out with that. he's essentially a musical miracle as he can come up with stuff on the spot and has great intuition, which allows him to perfectly understand what the other band members are going for and he can adjust accordingly to that
niki moved to the nusa around the age of 18 and when he and lalo met, they bonded over both being all alone in a foreign country in a big city that moved way too fast for them. the tv-show they played in together had their characters end up in a romantic relationship; all of that, plus the fact lalo had to move in with niki at some point because he had ended up homeless, caused niki to get a crush on his friend, but they never ended up in a relationship
much like rowdy, nikita is very blunt and not scared of what people think of him. he rarely sings, but when he does, he makes no effort to try and cover up his polish accent which is very sexy of him if you ask me
casey parker (they/any, 26 yrs old) is the latest addition to the band and basically plays all the other instruments. she also takes care of mixing and/or dj-ing for the band's edm songs. they come from the mercenary life and then specifically techie stuff and netrunning gigs; this is also how they met lalo and he decided to try and keep the guy safe, and they stayed friends after that period of time in lalo's life was over
casey is a bit less involved in the band's things and mostly just joins to do her thing and then bounces to focus on her own shit again; though they do consider the others their best friends and whenever rowdy and niki need assistance in a merc gig, casey is more than ready to support them through the net >:^)
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aeryssickfics · 5 months
2 FICS IN ONE WEEKEND we’re so spoiled omg I!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM BOTH
Sick Diluc with Kaeya being on better terms with him as caregiver is so ;;-;; Kaeya immediately taking control of the situation!!! The way they know each other so well broke me a little and I’m so weak for characters getting sick, stopping, and then having to be sick again… multiple times… like my gosh he must have been so absolutely exhausted 😭
And!! The sick Xiao fic was absolutely precious!! I can’t emphasize enough how beautifully written it is, too, from a more technical standpoint, like. The pacing and everything is impeccable. And just!!! I adore their relationship. I have a personal head canon of Xiao being ace/aro, and having a QPR with Lumine (absolutely fine ofc if you or anyone else view it differently lol I know I’m in a minority here) which I mention just because. Reading your fic through that lens was so extremely comforting to me on a personal level. I can't even explain it but I just!!! Really really love the way you write them!!
All this to say - thank you for all your hard works and incredible fics you’re amazing!!! 💕💕💕
— Cas
(see you say that but I feel like *I* am spoiled bc y'all are amazing and no matter how unsure of a fic I walk out of it the screaming tells me what I need to know lol)
I wasn't Originally sure how I wanted their relationship to come across but I decided upon "better terms" partway through, and like it still worked even with a little bit of snark from Kaeya because siblings snipe at each other and Kaeya's got ammo to hold over Diluc for the rest of their Lives:tm:
And yes Diluc was SO exhausted. I really like playing with how well they know each other - have to know each other - and also how well Kaeya knows his way around the winery and such because like. Dude Kaeya's hangout only underscored how much Kaeya may not do this often but he knows Exactly what to do and what is going on. and its just. I love it so much...
Diluc needs a nap (and a break)
aslk;djflask;jdf okay actually I love your take on the Xiao and I'm glad it reads comfortably like that??? because?? I wasn't actually aiming for shippy and I think even if they were... kinda shippy I agree with Xiao as ace. Something in the QPP range suits well for what I was hoping for and im glad it works because I wasn't sure if I nailed the range I wanted right. Bc. I am also ace and and my partner is aro and tbh outside of our relationship (which works beautifully for us) I barely know how they Should work and obviously ours is weird bc we started out dating like, normally and learned a lot about ourselves and each other and- anyway. The trouble with dating someone aro for more than 10 years and being Super Ace is that I just. -shrug- what does this look like to anyone else I dont know and ive stopped knowing how to Tell, if I ever knew how.
Anyway! I'm glad They came out well. Even half out of his gourd xiao ended up way wordier than I anticipated but I kinda loved the way it all came out. I'll def have to write more of them. At some point. -glances at the list of things I have to write more-
This has been TMI responses from Aery!
(seriously tho thank you so much for your kind words you're amazing too <3)
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
I mean, Dick was also in a few other books. He was a guest star in Roy's Action Comics series, and even showed up in Blue Beetle. An aside: I actually kinda want Danny on the Outlaws?
Yeah, true, but the point remains that he wasn't exactly starring in a solo space where it would be easy to just bring Jason in as a guest star in stories that existed primarily just TO develop their character dynamic and bond, similar to Dick and Tim team-ups in their respective titles in the 90s. Pretty much any place Dick did feature in at the time, he was either part of an ensemble or a guest star himself, and as far as narrative priorities go, exploring Dick's dynamic with his little brother was never going to make a ton of sense as something for any of those books to focus on.
So, like, you're not WRONG by any means, I just don't think the distinction changes the larger point in any substantial way, y'know? But still worth noting. I do tend to forget about a lot of those satellite titles from the 80s, but there were some good stories in them too.
And I do remember the Blue Beetle and Blue Devil stories where Jason showed up briefly! Pretty much the entire basis of his canon friendships with Danny and Eddie, and he was super adorable in them. I'm ngl though, I tend to not......focus too much on those particular friendships myself though? Its not that I actively dislike either Eddie or Danny on their own merits, or WANT to invalidate their history with Jason, its more like.....there really was very little to it, compared to how much importance fandom has given it and retroactively turning Eddie and Danny into Jason's BFFs despite the complete lack of follow-up on those friendships post his UTRH return.
Of course, this is where I have to cop to being a petty bitch, because Petty is 90% of what this is. Like I am aware that 'oh fandom turned two pages of Jason interacting with Danny and Eddie into the greatest friendship never shown' sounds kinda hypocritical when I frequently wax on about how much more you could make out of Jason and Dick's sparse canon interactions - like, its not like fans fleshing out those friendships and prioritizing them more than DC did is inherently any different from what I do with Dick and Jason's pre-ADITF relationship, admittedly.
But then, that's kinda the point? LOL like, I'm not proud of it by any means, but a part of my hesitancy with Jason's friendships with Eddie and Danny, and why I tend to just pick characters he has ZERO history with to explore as friends for him instead (like Grant Emerson, Courtney Mason, etc) - its entirely reactive and just resentment-born, lol.
Like, aside from ONE specific AU by @spellboundtothestars - literally every other time I've EVER seen fics/metas/headcanons emphasizing Jason's relationships with Danny and Eddie...without fail they're ones that trash Dick and his dynamic with Jason at the same time. For whatever reason, in my personal experience there's been a huge degree of overlap in terms of fans who love those friendships for Robin Jason but hate Dick for alleged crimes against Jason, and so its just.....an association thing. I've never ended up enjoying explorations of those dynamics because the stories and meta that do so are so antithetical to what I like in terms of Dick and Jason's bond, y'know?
So I'm just kinda.....meh about them, because I side-eye how people were able to blow up a literal two pages from a Blue Devil comic into this hugely impactful, deep and profound friendship Jason apparently had with Eddie - which again, would be FINE, if it wasn't so often paired with bullshit about how oh we simply have no CHOICE but to portray Dick and Jason's dynamic the way we do, its not like they ever interacted post-Crisis, outside of just one issue and a couple of Titans stories shoehorned from pre-Crisis into post-Crisis continuity....so obviously there's just no way they could have LIKED each other and must have been mortal enemies....but meanwhile, back to how Jason and Danny and Eddie had such meaningful history and what a disservice DC did by never following up on that....
Its the juxtaposition, tbh. I DISLIKE being the kind of reactive fan whose feelings towards certain characters or relationships is just kneejerk grudges based on how others engage with characters I do like, but eh, it is what it is. And I think newer fans who entered fandom in just the last couple years - when there's been a LOT more balance to how fans view Dick and Jason's history compared to the five or so years before that where there was a HUGE slant towards just the one dominant take that Dick was a douche and Jason his eternal victim - like, maybe don't realize just how everpresent that take was for years and just....was everywhere Dick Grayson fans looked. There was no getting away from it.
So like. It annoyed. And things associated with it in my mind ended up annoying by extension, lol.
(My use of the word ‘annoyed’ is key, lol. I don’t like magnifying things to be like, oh Dick Grayson fans were VICTIMIZED by fandom takes and Big Name Fans or whatever, it was just.....like I said. Annoying. Often made fandom a grating place to be, leading to feelings of What If You Didn’t Do This Though, and general crankiness. Okay and maybe some gratuitous all caps on my part. Fine, a lot of all caps and T-Rex roaring on my part. Its whatever. Its fine. Lets move on).
And in addition to the disparity in fans massively magnifying the importance of Jason's history with Danny and Eddie while minimizing all positive history between Jason and Dick, there's also the fact that how Dick reacted to Danny in the immediate aftermath of finding out Jason died....this also for years was a hugely central talking point a lot of Jason and Bruce stans in particular like, would constantly raise as the reason they hated Dick.....which tbh, would be fairly valid, like, it was not a pleasant scene by any stretch of the imagination....but again, this particular talking point was almost UNIVERSALLY raised by fans who at the exact same time flat out REFUSED to acknowledge Bruce hitting Dick post-ADITF as canon or in character.....when the Dick and Danny scene and the Dick and Bruce scene happened in the literal exact same issue!
Again, its the double standard that bugged the crap out of me, more than the scene raised by Dick's detractors as their justification for why he's the worst. Like, that scene was what it was. I'm not in the habit of trying to excuse away a fave's treatment of a less powerful/more vulnerable character just because they're emotionally distressed - my take tends to be, mmmm, wish that just hadn't happened period, rather than spinning it to be more palatable or justifiable to me. Its like nah, I get why people hate that scene, *I* hate that scene, and I'm not gonna go banging on anyone's door insisting they change their mind about Dick Grayson if that scene's genuinely the reason they dislike the character and had no interest in looking past it.
But like with the disparity in how fans stress the significance of Jason's history with Danny and Eddie as opposed to his history with Dick.....the part I don't fuck with is how the same people who would jump at ANY opportunity to talk about what a terrible person Dick is for that scene....would then turn around and actively derail any attempt to talk about Bruce's behavior towards Dick later in that same issue. I've always been like....nah, you don't get to have it both ways. If the one scene is valid and the definitive source of your antagonism towards Dick's character, you can't be jumping on Bruce-critical posts by fans who are like 'and this later scene is a key reason why I dislike Bruce' and trying to act like they're reading the story wrong, and interpreting the media in some wildly off-base fashion.
So again, its that thing where its like.....any of these things in moderation, I can make my peace with. But when there were years and years of hypocritical takes and constant derailing of pro-DG or anti-Bruce posts while shoving that Danny scene in everyone's faces, using it to actively try and erode positive conversations people were having about Dick and being like 'this your king? hmm doesn't look so great here' and that sort of BS, its like.....that sort of crap, if it goes on long enough and there's enough of it, like, it creates a legacy of reactive resentment from other fans and well. That sorta thing can linger.
And all of this is just to say.....these days I'm like, honestly, yeah, there's just as much basis for exploring deeper friendships with Eddie and Danny than we ever saw in Jason's canon stories as there is in exploring a closer relationship between Jason and Dick than what we actually got on the page. Similarly, I totally get WHY people might want to see more Jason-Eddie-Danny interactions after his return, no matter how you have to tweak things in order to like, have Danny around TO have those reunions, for instance. Danny on the Outlaws honestly makes as much sense as DC randomly shoving Jason together with Roy and Kory to make the team in the first place, lol, so its like.....yeah, absolutely, why NOT make that a thing?
*Shrugs* Its just a thing that doesn't really...engage me, personally, because like, I might be perfectly AWARE that my attitude towards the Danny-Eddie friendships or even Danny himself is largely just a reactive 'nuh-uh YOUR faves suck' kinda grudge, but my associations with those things at this point kinda just are what they are and I don't have any particular inclination TO try and reframe how I see them. As is, I'm already perfectly happy to just imagine Jason's Robin years as being populated by the various other teen heroes I like to headcanon as his friends and teammates in different AU scenarios....hence my posts about Jason and Tom Bronson, Anima, Damage, Ray Terrill, Obsidian.
Honestly, I think I'm just a bigger fan of AUs and non-canon dynamics than most people in general?
Its just a thing I've noticed about myself. I'd much rather comb through characters in Jason's age range and pick others for him to interact with, date, be friends or rivals with, etc, based solely on their respective histories, personalities or potential dynamics, even if they've never appeared in an actual issue with him...rather than use sparse canon interactions as the sole or primary foundation for whatever relationships I cultivate with him in fic or headcanons.
Apparently the dealbreaker for me when it comes to canon is like, I care a LOT when people insist that canon was something other than what it was or try and erase key parts of canon or misrepresent them in sizable ways.....but beyond that, I don't actually NEED canon to align with my interests and I'm totally happy to just go off-roading in any random direction so long as I'm not actually pretending or claiming that canon supports the direction I'm taking.
Idk. Just randomly musing at this point, but like, that's the angle I come at most of this from. Not that most of this had anything to do with your ask, it all just kinda...sprawled out of the thoughts your ask sparked, so, here, have some word vomit! Tada!
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coconutdays · 2 years
Strawberries and Burgers
College AU! Eren Yeager x Reader.
Part 1. Part 2.
Warnings: just fluff I think for now T^T and some suggestive themes!
What the fuck is wrong with me
It's all Eren can think when he sees you doing your homework at the campus cafe and he just can't muster the courage to go up to you. God, you guys had just scheduled your date with each other two days ago, it can't be that hard to approach you right now.
it is that hard.
You were typing away on your laptop, your headphones placed snugly on either side of your head, clueless to the world around you. You looked good doing it too.
You looked so fucking good doing it.
You were bare faced, something he wasn't surprised about considering he stalked your instagram that one time three nights ago after Jean's party and found a few photos of you just as make up free. You had really nice collarbones, the tank top and oversized hoodie combo adorning you emphasized it perfectly for him.
How did he score a date with you?
He wasn't in your line of sight since he was in the campus goodies shop across from the cafe, so he didn't need to hide when you took off your headphones and picked up your phone.
That sickeningly sweet smile of yours he couldn't get out of his head spread across your lips just as fast as he felt his phone vibrate. You had already warned him you were going to study and be offline for a bit, but he sure hated your restraint from him.
You had finally responded to him after an hour.
His last text to you had been a confession of how much he liked the way you smelled when he first met you followed by a series of texts on how he tried to defend how creepy it sounded in the most heartfelt way possible (which did not work, but you found the effort adorable.)
y/n: perv!!!!
y/n: not letting this sniffer anywhere near me whatsoever on our date.
He looked up at you for a second and saw you giggling to yourself.
So fucking cute.
Eren: :<
Eren: That's okay, as long as I get to look at you I'll be happy.
Why was he so cute?
The mere words he sent to you now displayed on the screen of your phone made you cover your eyes in pure embarassment. How he managed to make you feel like a lovesick middle schooler again was a mystery to you.
Hopefully he'd stay after your first date together.
Straining against the heat on your cheeks, you responded to his text.
y/n: Okayyyyy maybe one sniff
y/n: just cause that sounded sweet
Eren: sounded sweet huh
Eren: *img*
Eren: I should run out of gum more often. Had the best view when I was choosing between spearmint and watermelon.
He had sent a photo of you just moments ago, silently squealing into your hand.
Your mouth went agape as you chose to respond to him, trying to scour your surroundings to find out what angle he took that picture from.
y/n: wowwwww. really waiting to see me until our date huh.
Eren: I would if it didn't look like you were actually studying.
Eren: I'll gladly buy you a frapuccino if you want me to come up to you.
y/n: A frap isn't necessary but I wouldddd like your presence.
He left on you on read the second you responded. If he was just as near as the photo made it look then he would-
This wasn't fair at all.
Eren Yeager is hot. You gathered that when you met him and couldn't ever stop believing it. He was tall, pretty, toned, and had an alluring personality.
Eren Yeager is hot and at this moment in time, such words didn't seem to suffice to explain how good he looked right now.
He was wearing those slutty guy shorts.
The ones that showed how sculpted his thighs were.
You instinctively smiled, "Hey."
He pulled a chair to sit close to you, but not enough to invade your personal space.
He raised a finger up before you could speak again, "By the way this is not our first date. When I'm helping you choose between risotto and gnocci this weekend, your computer is not gonna be third wheeling."
"I know." You took a sip of your frapuccino, " This is just us friends hanging out."
Eren laughed before leaning on the table, " You know I don't wanna be your friend."
You feigned sadness, "You don't wanna be my friend?"
Smirking, he leaned a bit closer to you, "Do you let your friends kiss you?"
"Then I don't wanna be your friend."
"What's that got to do hm?" You crossed your arms over each other.
"I wanna kiss you."
Chills ran down your spine and you had to distract yourself from making a fool of yourself in front of him.
"I wouldn't recommend it right now, my mouth tastes like pure coffee and caramel syrup."
He let out an airy laugh, flicking your forehead softly, "That's fine by me. Just tell me when you want me to."
You bit down the smile coming to your lips and shook your head.
What a fucking flirt.
"The restaurant we're going to has strawberry gelato. If you order it you could smell and taste like strawberries."
"Wouldn't you like that hm." You shook your head
"I'd go crazy for it, but that's just a suggestion." He tried to non chalantly lean away while raising his hands up.
"You're such a loser." You giggled
Eren's cheeks flared up, something you didn't know could happen to him.
If he knew his face was bright red, he didn't care because he started to smile and leaned close to you again.
"I like your giggle."
His face was mere inches away from yours and you couldn't stop yourself from quickly turning yours away to avoid the heat creeping up your neck.
However, just as quickly, he softly grasped your cheek and turned you to look at him.
"Don't pussy out loser."
You forced yourself to keep the eye contact with him, "From what hm."
"From me."
Fuck, he made you smile so much your cheeks hurt.
"You make me nervous. I can pussy out a little bit."
His forest lined irises were on you, just staring back at you.
"Trust me. You make me even more nervous." He confessed, softly swiping his thumb on your cheek
"Then why aren't you showing it?"
He changed the momento of the situation by letting go of you and shrugging his shoulders very cockily, "Gotta impress the girl I like."
"Oh! That reminds me. What's the dress code for our date?" You took your phone out while he scooted closer to you.
Eren thought for a second, "Well I was thinking of wearing a black dress shirt and black dress pant combo."
You opened your phone to your photo gallery, showing him three dresses, "Which one do you think is best suited to the restaurant. I ordered them last week and they're all supposed to get here tomorrow morning."
He leaned close to you over your shoulder to get a good look as you swiped between them and couldn't stop himself from pushing your finger away to stop from scrolling.
"That one."
That one was a red dress. It wasn't too fancy considering the color it was, but it wasn't any dress. To be fair, it reminded of you of the dress Ana wore when Christian proposed to her in the Fifty Shades movie and you got it for that sole reason, you wanted to recreate her look from that scene.
You nodded your head before turning off your phone and setting it back on the table, "Okay I was thinking that one too."
When you looked back up at Eren, his face was completely flushed.
He was beet red, even the tips of his ears.
In sheer shock, you raised a hand up to his forehead, "Are you okay?!"
Eren softly pushed your hand away, "I'm fine. You're just gonna look really pretty in that dress."
He shook his head a little in an effort to stop being flustered.
"That's why you're red????"
"Yeah y/n. I told you. You make me really nervous."
You gave him a motherly smile before getting up, "So cute."
He got up with you, rubbing the back of his neck in embarassment as he pushed his chair back in.
"Well Eren, I have to go drop off my stuff in my dorm before I go out to eat with my friends. "
"Where are you guys eating?"
"At a Mexican restaurant. I've been craving tacos!" You jumped a little in excitement.
"Send me pictures of them then. I like food porn." He gazed down at you, a warm grin adorning his face.
"Okay." You giggled, leaning in to hug him quickly before leaving
"Byeeee Eren."
Later as you were closing the door to your dorm to leave, you received a text.
Eren: Hug me for a little longer next time. You're warm.
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