#i don’t want to be a narcissus. not really. i was— and then i was plucked and drowned and i learned my lesson
afieldinengland · 2 years
#the trouble of course with me is it’s not as simple as a younger man yearning for an elder. i myself am about eighty five on the inside#and i’ve been wounded by love and i’m old and i’m tired. dorian and basil are raging inside me#was talking to my flatmate last night and i told him my first time happened when my ex and i were both fourteen. and for some reason he was#lightly remonstrative. i didn’t get into the particulars i.e. whether i said yes because there were also times after that#but i’m old now. i smashed my knee up yesterday and it’s the most awful bruise#i don’t want to be a narcissus. not really. i was— and then i was plucked and drowned and i learned my lesson#that’s not exactly true. the thought does enchant me i just don’t think i’m worth it anymore#hardly a boy-god. but to come back to my original point— and you really must bear with me—#it’s not a youth yearning for an old man in that old vaguely seedy kind of way. not exactly#it’s a very tired soul in a very new body wanting to talk to another soul who gets it. that’s all#it’s not that i yearn for lord summerisle it’s that i am lord summerisle and i am half half sick of shadows#maybe it’s more like alan strang and dysart. be jealous of my gods but match me in my madness. please. please. we can eat each other’s faces#off we could run away to greece just you and me. and then we kiss#maybe i just want to be equals. it’s all so inane when you think about it#boyfriend application: 1) do you promise you won’t mistreat me 2) really#it’s all a lie i want you to know that
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hephaestiions · 2 months
It stands to reason that Harry’s holding groceries when he runs into Draco Malfoy for the first time in twenty years.
Well— doesn’t run into, exactly. No, more like peers through a shop window like a right barmy bastard, bits of overspilling lettuce brushing his arm and passers-by on Diagon shooting him strange looks.
Of course Malfoy has to look up from the till— because, yes, Draco Malfoy is a shopkeeper on Diagon Alley apparently— and see him goggling. So, of course, Harry has to step inside, as though he meant to make a stop at— right, yeah, Narcissus Needlework Studio— all along, holding brown paper packages of vegetables.
Malfoy’s frowning when Harry makes his way over to the till.
“I don’t want any trouble,” he says. “I’ve registered the shop, everything’s perfectly within regulation—“
“Trouble?” Harry blinks. “Oh, no. I’m not an Auror. Anymore.”
“I know that,” Malfoy says unhappily. “The whole Wizarding World all over Europe knows that. Only you’ve never left well enough alone, have you, Potter?”
Harry’s forty next month. He’s lived twenty years seeing hide nor hair of Draco Malfoy, and he’s never gone looking. Well, except for that one time when he was twenty one and went to the Manor as a trainee Auror for a— well, it was a routine check, really. And that other time when he was twenty five and thought he saw a man at a club who looked just like Malfoy from the back and was convinced for four months Malfoy was back in London and must be up to something if no one knew about it. And that time when he was thirty two— and, oh, alright, Harry hasn’t ever left well enough alone, not when it comes to Malfoy, at least.
This time, though, Harry really didn’t go looking. And it’s definitely Malfoy.
“I just wanted some— thread,” Harry says. A needlework studio should have some of that, shouldn’t it?
“Thread,” says Malfoy. He looks down, deliberately, at Harry’s lettuce.
“For Molly,” Harry says. “As a, um, birthday present. New shop on Diagon, thought I’d pop by. Seemed the place, you know. Didn’t know it was yours.”
Molly’s birthday, Malfoy doesn’t need to know, is in December. It’s June.
Malfoy continues to stare at him, until Harry’s unsure whether to get indignant about it all or turn tail and flee.
“Well,” says Malfoy before he can make a choice. “Embroidery yarn for you, then, Potter. Come along.”
“I’ll see you again, I assume,” Malfoy says at the end of what transpires to be a surprisingly smooth purchase.
Harry nods.
He only realises after he leaves that there’s no reason for him to come back. He’s seen it for himself— what Draco Malfoy’s up to these days. Nothing nefarious or suspicious, just yarn and needles and tapestries on Diagon.
Except, well, he’s committed now, hasn’t he? And Harry Potter’s a man of his word. He said yes, when Malfoy asked— Malfoy asked!— so he’ll be back.
And really, if he has to invent Hermione’s sudden new and passionate interest in needlework— well. That’s between Harry and his lettuce.
written for @drarrymicrofic’s prompt “sewing”. i just personally think harry james potter could be seventy five and still rapidly become obsessed with draco malfoy at any given moment.
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Hi Vodika 🥰
I'm back with a second ask for your follower celebration!
Could I get a Wolffe x Fem!Reader with a narcissus and pansy bouquet? Where the reader ends up in the hospital and Wolffe confesses his love for her when he visits and realizes how much she means to him?
Please and thank you 💚😘💚
Accidents Happen
Summary: You've been crushing on Wolffe for, what seems like, forever. But you're convinced that he'll never feel the same. However, when you're injured at work, things change.
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x F!Reader
Word Count: 2020
Prompts: Narcissus - unrequited love, Pansy - you occupy my thoughts
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: You did say that Wolffe was on your brain! So I hope this story makes you happy! And here's your personal divider that I made for you. As a note This is Wolffe's message, and This is the reader's messaging.
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Early mornings are the worst, you think as your alarm goes off at 5 am.
You lay in bed for a moment, listening to your alarm scream at you from across the room, before you sigh and swing your legs out of the bed and push to your feet. 
Early mornings where you actually have to do work the whole day are even worse. You blearily cross the room and hit the button on top of your clock, before you flip the lightswitch, making it impossible for you to go back to sleep.
And then you cross back to your bed, and grab your comm from its charger.
Several messages from your friends from the night before. Several more from your boss from last night and early this morning. A handful of emails that need to be deleted or responded to in kind.
You sigh heavily, and open the app for your work. You quickly log in for the day, before you go back to your emails. You absently answer several work emails as you pad through the apartment into your kitchen.
You set your comm down on the counter, still scanning your emails, and you grab your electric kettle to fill it with water. You set it back on it’s stand and flick the power switch, before you grab your comm again and turn to leave the room.
You start to reply to an email when the dark blue bubble of your instant messenger pops up on the screen.
You up?
Your heart speeds up and your face heats when you see the simple words sent to you by Wolffe. Your crush on him is, frankly, embarrassing. 
Tragically. Morning Wolffe. What’s up?
Comet has been harassing me to remind you about the book. The one with the birds.
You stare at the screen blankly for a moment, You mean The Raven Emperor series?
How should I know? Probably.
You giggle, Wolffe, there aren’t any actual birds in that book.
I really don’t care, sarad.
Well, someone’s grumpy this morning.
You’d be grumpy too if your twin brother stole all of your caf.
What, the GAR doesn’t give you a caf supply.
The GAR wouldn’t give us armor if we didn’t need it to win the war.
You can hear him rolling his eyes across the text message, and it’s kind of impressive. 
Me and the boys are going to 79s this evening
I wish.
I have a building that I need to appraise, and it’s something like 200 apartment buildings. 
I’m going to be busy until midnight
Well, next time then.
You wait a moment for Wolffe to say something else, but he went offline soon after.
I want to go on a date with you. Your finger hovers over the send button, before you sigh and shake your head, deleting the message. 
Wolffe would never be interested in you. Not like that.
You just have to be happy with his friendship.
And here you thought ‘love unrequited’ was just something in the trashy romance novels you read in secret.
You allow yourself to wallow for a whole 30 seconds, and then you remember that you still have to shower and eat breakfast, and you toss your comm on your bed as you hurry into the fresher.
The chat with Wolffe means that you don’t have time for a proper breakfast, especially if you give yourself time enough to shower properly, but you think it was worth it. He’s Wolffe, after all.
Fifteen minutes later, you’re scrambling out of your fresher, pulling your wet hair into a messy knot at the back of your head, and you hurry back into the kitchen. 
In your rush you accidentally pour some hot water over your thumb as you fill your travel mug with the water, and you release a pained hiss. “I don’t have time for this,” You say to the empty apartment. You eye the blister critically, and decide that it’s not worth the hassle of treating it
Quickly, but carefully, you finish putting your breakfast together, and you hurry out the front door.
Your boss wants you at the complex by 6 am.
And luckily, you make it. By the skin of your teeth, maybe, but you’re still on time.
“You’re almost late,” the stern looking older man scolds.
“The keyword there being almost,” You counter, as you look up at the building, “This is the Meridian Complex?”
“You spent how much on this?”
“2.5 Million Credits,” He sounds proud about it.
“This is a death trap.” You point out, cringing as a fake shutter falls off a window three stories up.
“It just needs a little work.” Your boss says, and then he pauses, “You are up to date on your vaccines, right?”
“Ha. You’re hilarious.” You pull your datapad out of your car, and glance at the information on the screen, “You have the keys?”
“Yup, all of the door codes are set to 00000.”
“Noted.” You make a note on the datapad, “After you.”
Half an hour later, you realize that your conservative estimation of this taking until midnight was far, far too generous. This is going to take days.
You look around at the rotting floorboards, and at the graffiti and holes on the walls, and you sigh. At least the paycheck is going to be really nice.
“Hey! I think I found a half decent apartment!” Your boss calls from down the stairs, “Second floor, 209. We can use this as a staging room.”
“Coming!” You shake your head at the sheer mess, and half wonder if you could message Wolffe and ask for the Wolfpack to help. You laugh softly at the idea, the boys would be more than happy to help, you’re sure, but it’s not realistic.
You start up the stairs.
But, if he was willing to help, you could spend more time with Wolffe, which would be a win.
A weird noise makes you slow to a stop, and you pause, tilting your head to listen better.
“What are you doing?” Your boss asks from the top of the stairs.
“...I heard something-” You trail off as there’s a cracking noise under your feet.
Your boss’ face goes gray. “Hurry!”
You go to take one more step, when the cracking noise returns. And when you put your foot down on the stair…it keeps going.
You don’t even have time to scream as the staircase collapses under you.
The last thing you see as you topple backwards is your boss’ horrified face, and you hear a shout of your name.
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Wolffe is not having a super day.
On top of the fact that Fox stole all of the Caf and the fact that he’s been confined in his office doing paperwork all morning, the fact that the Wolfpack’s pretty sarad won’t be joining them at 79s tonight just shoved him into an awful mood.
Nights out are always better when she’s with them.
He glowers at the various documents that need his signatures. He should be grateful. He’s not Marshal Commander. He’s seen the amount of work that Cody, Fox, and Bly have on a daily basis.
He’s lucky that he is only a commander and he only has this much work to do.
…yeah, nope. That didn’t help.
He rests his head on his hand as he taps his stylus against the table. “When Alpha said that a command position was worth it, he was a filthy liar.” Wolffe announces to the room at large.
He should make Comet do this paperwork in exchange for the free time he’ll need to read that book series he’s going to borrow-
Wolffe’s thought process is cut off when his office door slides open and Comet bursts in, “Commander!”
“What is it?”
“Sarad is in the hospital.”
Wolffe’s heart drops into his stomach. He drops all of his work and grabs his helmet, “Which hospital?”
“Coruscant General. Sir, where-?”
“I’m going to go check on her, of course.” He pushes past Comet, “You’re in charge until I get back.”
“Yes, sir.” Comet pauses, “Let us know how she is?”
“I will,”
The trip to Coruscant General doesn’t take long, Wolffe is able to walk the distance. And, as luck has it, no one stops him when he enters the hospital properly.
“Can I help you sir?” The nurse at reception asks.
“I hope so,” Wolffe replies, before he offers her name, “I was told that she’s here.”
The woman nods, “Are you the husband?”
Wolffe pauses for half a second, “Yes, that's right.” He lies.
She nods again, “On the fifth floor, room 517.”
“Thank you.” He marches over to the lift, and presses the button for the fifth floor. Wolffe’s mind is whirling. How was she hurt? How badly? Does he need to set up a guard rotation for her?
Did someone attack her? Does he need to get the guard involved?
The lift comes to a stop and he steps out, and heads to the nurses station. He offers her name once more, and again, lies about being her husband, and he’s pointed in the right direction.
The door is shut, and Wolffe lightly knocks on the door. He doesn’t get a response, but he pushes the door open anyway.
“Sarad?” The lights are dimmed, but not so much that he’s not able to see her.
She looks…bad.
Covered in bruises and bandages. Various machines attached to her, monitoring her heart rate and blood pressure and giving her IV medication.
“Oh, cyare.” Wolffe walks over to her, and looks her over. Every inch of her is covered in angry looking bruises or cuts. “What happened?” Gently, very gently, he brushes a strand of hair out of her face.
A lot of the tension he hadn’t realized that he was carrying drains from his body now that he’s sure that she’s not dying or dead.
It’s kind of funny, in a way.
Sure, he’s always known that his sarad was important to him. He’s not been blind to the fact that she’s always on his mind and that he never isn’t thinking about her. But he didn’t know just how important until this very moment.
Wolffe’s fingers linger on her cheek, and he’s startled when he hears a soft moan from her. “Sarad?”
Hazy eyes peer up at him, confused, “‘lffe?”
“Yeah,” He smiles at her, “It’s me. How are you feeling?”
“You’re at Coruscant General, you were hurt, do you remember?”
Her fingers flex, and Wolffe takes her hand in his free hand, “Stairs,” She mumbles, some of the haze leaving her voice, “The stairs collapsed-”
“Unlucky,” Wolffe says quietly, as he sets his helmet on the side table and then sits in a seat, “How are you feeling?”
She’s quiet as she considers his question, “...fuzzy.” She finally says.
He chuckles, “I’m not surprised, by the look of it, you’re on some good pain medicine.”
“Why are you in the hospital? Are you hurt?” She asks, her brow furrowed as she tries to puzzle it out.
“Come on, Sarad. You know the hospital doesn’t treat clones.” Wolffe brushes his fingers across her lips, “I’m here for you, of course.” He pauses, “I also let everyone believe that I’m your husband. Sorry.”
She hums, “I don’t mind.”
“That I lied?”
“Being your wife.” She clarifies, “Sounds like fun. Let’s do that.”
Wolffe laughs, “I think we’re skipping a couple of steps, Sarad.”
She hums again, her eyes fluttering closed, “Don’ care. Love Wolffe.” She mumbles.
His breath catches in his throat for a moment. And then a wide grin crosses his face. “Are you still awake, cyare?”
“I love you.” He whispers into her ear, and then he presses a light kiss to her temple, “You’re not going to remember this when you sober up, and that’s okay. I’ll just tell you again and again, as many times as you need.”
She smiles at him, the drugs hitting her hard again, “Stay?”
“For as long as you want me, sarad. Promise.”
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yourpsicodelicbitch · 5 months
little thoughts on asteroid aspects ☄️
hii next time I’ll post the 3rd part of “juno signs and their specific love languages”!!
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take what resonates, leave what don’t 🎀 you don’t have to necessarily identify with it.
Circe (34) - Saturn aspects: you are sarcastic, like dark humor or people can think the way you entertain others could be quiet harsh or how I like to call it, “reality”. the ones that get it, the ones that don’t, don’t 😝
Bella (695) conjunction Pluto: your intensity and mysterious aura or acting attracts people. your controller and direct attitude drawns people bc of the security you hold in your words and how you carry yourself.
Bella (695) aspects also could tell what catches most people’s attention of you. for example, I have aspects with sun and pluto, others are intrigued by the bubbly and strong persona, even aggressive sometimes?
Peitho (118) square Chiron: you could have been manipulated, influenced by your family/people around you, you considered your loved ones or you trusted them. You also could have manipulated or started to being persuasive with them and others. in this lifetime you’re learning and understanding you have to be cautious of people’s persuasion bc in the past it affected you strongly. Most important, you could be a healer, later, when you have learned about your experience, you could use it as a way of helping others. You have a way with words in order to make them believe something, in themselves.
*persuasion and manipulation are not the same, but I do believe there’s a thin line you can pass in order to do the other. I also believe, specifically in this aspect, that in some point the persuasion of peitho could have passed to manipulation.
If you have a lot of Narcissus (37117) aspects on your natal chart, sure you are full of yourself BUT depends on other prominent planets/asteroids. For example: I have a lot of Narcissus aspects but I’m conscious about my possibilities and reality because of the impact Saturn -chart ruler- has on me. it’s like saying that I have a why and that certainly would not be called “full of yourself” but knowing my worth? perhaps they could be cocky at times and etc.
What aspect I saw influence in a “full of yourself” attitude? Narcissus (37117) aspecting Chiron. They’re insecure about themselves, if someone affirms they’re attractive they’ll think about it, again and again and the only conclusion they’ll have would be “they’re drooling for me”. One of the placements that aliments that vain attitude is mars dominant -mentioning to make more sense-.
Sassi (7500)- Uranus aspects: you could get away really easily out of trouble. I’ll compare you to a little devil -not really- but it reminds me of a little girl who has a “I did nothing” face and everyone believes her, she in fact did many things. asteroid sassi —> sassy.
Zerlina (531) - Venus aspects: shows you want to be in charge in your relationships -not only romantics-. reminds me of Uranus energy towards authorities: you don’t want to be told what to do, you want to be and that’s it. Depends on the aspect on how you manage that need/attitude.
If it’s square you have a conflict bc sometimes you want to be in charge and sometimes you wish others would take charge.
Diomedes (1437) - Mars aspects: if something bothers you there’s no doubt you’ll stand up by yourself, no matter who they’re, you don’t give a shit, you want them to pay. Others could affirm you turn into another person when you’re mad, you could use the power you hold. this also could be interpreted that you like to be dominant or the one who control things in bed. you could get turned on by people who has power or bothers you.
Kaali (4227) aspecting Ascendant: you hold a lot of power, to destruct and change. You have a lot of presence and when that presence is gone is obvious, people change because of you; something you left there bothers them and encourages them to grow. You’re unforgettable. You could feel the need to defend the weaker. You’re in constant rebirth.
Talent (33154) 6H can tell you have a natural talent of taking care of others, SADLY if it’s aspecting Chiron, it shows you, as a kid, learned to do it.
Ghoshal (17927) aspecting Mercury could mean you often feel others are not paying attention when you’re talking, your ideas, how and what you think. it’s really rare to encounter someone you feel it’s really interested in your mindset and share the same thoughts.
Canup (17836) - Neptune aspects can tell you need to be less delulu, separate what you think from reality -facts-, being more practical in order to become better in life, “reach your highest potential”.
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♡ Based on personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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smileysuh · 2 years
lovely puppy
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🌙 staring. Model!Jeno x afab!Photographer!Reader
🔮 preview. You’re reminded of the Greek Narcissus, who had fallen in love with himself in a still pond reflection- But Jeno does tear his gaze away from the photo - unlike the Grecian beauty who’d turned into a flower for want of looking at himself - and Jeno turns to you with eyes full of that same puppylike innocence that had bewitched you during the shoot.
cw/ tw.  simp!jeno, praise, dirty talk, oral (f receiving), sexy polaroids, size kink, fingering, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, pussy/breast worship, etc...I pet names. puppy (7)
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 5.8k
🍭 aus. model/photographer, non idol, strangers to lovers, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. this is a work of fiction intended to spark joy, if Jeno's recent controversies have affected you, please protect yourself and refrain from interacting with this post, and allow others to make the same decision for themselves. 
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As a photographer, you’ve worked with your fair share of models. You’re familiar with their general ways of being, the highs and lows, the primadonas- the narcissism that lays the foundation for your profession-
And yet- you still find yourself being surprised by the new talent that fights tooth and nail to be on the receiving end of your attention. There are models who have studied your work, and enter your studio with wide eyes and breathy comments of grandeur. Then there are the models who see you as a cheque, a faceless, nameless camera that is there only to capture their beauty… they have little respect for the great task that befalls you as photographer.
Today, one of the models you’re working with fits neither category, and it’s hard for you to ignore.
Lee Jeno is an up-and-coming male model from Korea; he’s young, and there’s a glint of innocence in his eye that you notice the first time you snap a shot- but there’s also something else- something dangerous. Something that says, try me-
You’re not sure what to make of him, or the way he so easily flips between a man with a confident, smouldering stare, and an off-camera puppy who’s eager to please. But you do know that you enjoy the way he takes direction.
“Lift your chin up slightly,” you instruct, eyes fixed on your camera screen, watching the way a simple shift of his head can allow the perfect amount of light to caress his skin, “Just like that-” the shutter clicks; “Beautiful.”
The corner of his mouth twitches, a small movement, one that most people wouldn’t notice- but it’s your job to notice the smallest of details, and you don’t miss any of the subtle cues Jeno subconsciously throws your way.
Even when you direct him with two of the other female models visiting your studio, Jeno’s body language so often mirrors your own that it almost feels uncanny- things like the simple shift of his feet pointing toward you- something you keep adjusting him on- it’s becoming harder and harder to talk yourself out of the fact that Lee Jeno is interested in you as more than his photographer.
“Look her in the eyes,” you tell him, standing a mere foot or two away for a close-up between Jeno and another model. This is the first thing he’s having trouble with, as his gaze keeps shifting to you, anxiously looking for more and more direction as the shoot goes on- “take a breath, and when you’re ready, look into her eyes-”
He’s beautiful. Breathtaking really, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he tries for the shot again, looking at the girl in his arms with a certain kind of shyness that’s becoming rare in your profession-
“Chin up a little more again-” you urge- gnawing on your tongue, poised to take the photo-
Jeno follows through with the movement, and the angle is just so- allowing sunshine to cascade across his skin again, illuminating the deep, chocolatey brown of his irises-
The shutter snaps; a perfect moment captured in time.
You release the breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding.
As you look over the photo, stepping to the side and allowing some other members of the crew to rush around and deal with the models, you realize that there’s a very real chance of you falling in love with the beautiful model who’s captured so much of your attention today.
You’ll have to be careful.
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It’s late evening and you’re two glasses of wine deep into looking over the photos of the day when someone buzzes your front door. Despite everything in your head telling you that the person who’s arrived unannounced isn’t Jeno- something in your heart knows it is.
You take your time, laughing slightly to yourself, swirling your drink as you head down the small flight of stairs to your entryway. Just to be safe, you check through the peephole, and your heart nearly stops from the brief glimpse of the model who’d had your full attention not twelve hours ago.
Swallowing thickly, you open your front door, leaning in the archway with a cocked brow.
You give him a once over, examining the leather jacket, white shirt, black jeans outfit that should be more basic than sexy, except- he pulls it off so well-
You don’t bother with a hello, you jump straight to the point; “Did you forget something, mister Lee?”
“Jeno,” he corrects, and you watch his adam’s apple bob in amusement, “and uh- no, I didn’t forget anything.”
“Yet, here you are,” you tilt your head to the side, flashing a smile that captures his gaze. The man couldn’t be more obvious about his attraction to you if he tried- “Would you like to come in?”
He nods, as eager a motion as ever, licking his lips and following you past the threshold when you push the door wider for him.
“I had a good time during the shoot today,” he tells you, keeping up the same cordial manners he’d shown while on the job. He even flashes you a genuine smile, his eyes dazzling in their sincerity while he takes off his loafers in your awning.
As a photographer based in New York, you’re more than used to people leaving their shoes on when they enter your space- there’s something sweet about the careful, respectful way Jeno interacts with your home-
“I had a good time during the shoot today too,” you echo when you realize you’ve taken a moment too long looking at the model without saying anything, and you clear your throat before continuing; “You’re lovely to work with.”
“I’m lovely.” Now it’s his turn to repeat your words, smiling to himself- and you think he must enjoy the way the English tastes- you enjoy the way it sounds coming from him, the little accented tones- “Thank you.”
He’s so polite- you could really, really get used to this.
“Can I get you a drink?” you ask, as you head up the stairs to the main level of your home, the model following closely on your tail.
“I’ll have what you’re having,” he answers while you enter the kitchen.
Wine it is.
You don’t mind the quiet, don’t mind the way he watches you while you grab the bottle- it feels kind of nice to be the watched instead of the watcher, and within minutes you’re handing Jeno a wine glass and making your way towards the main studio area of your apartment, where you can relax in the safety of a familiar set.
“Take a seat,” you tell him, the instruction coming as naturally as the wave of your hand towards your sage green, sectional sofa.
Despite other sitting options, you choose to also get comfortable on the modular vintage piece you’d purchased last month, it’s one of your favorites, and it allows you to tuck your knees up, leaning an arm on the backrest while you angle towards the model.
Even with his loafers off, Jeno is dressed in a way that makes him stand out- at least, in comparison to you, who are in a mauve, silk sleeping set.
Your night plans hadn’t involved leaving your place of residence- Jeno’s obviously had.
“What time is it?” you ask, taking a sip of your wine while you watch Jeno get as comfortable as possible while in jeans on your sofa-
He pulls his phone out of his front pocket, which makes adjusting substantially easier, and tells you “almost midnight.”
“It’s still early for models, no?”
He lets out a small chuckle, pocketing his phone before taking off his leather jacket to throw over the back of the couch.
“Still early,” he confirms.
“So why aren’t you out at the clubs?” you cock your head to the side, sizing Jeno up again now that his jacket is off. “What brought you here?”
He swallows, shifting to face you, denim stretching across thick thighs when he lifts a knee to rest it on the couch. “I wanted to see you.”
“You saw me this afternoon,” you play coy, trying not to grin too hard at the way the model is inflating your ego.
Jeno licks his lips, hand smoothing against the fabric of your couch. “Wanted to see you alone.”
The word ‘alone’ almost feels like it echoes in the quiet night of your large studio room.
It’s just you and Jeno, nestled on your couch, amongst the various plants and items that make up the space.
There’s no one to witness this, no one except the moon, who shines brightly through your wall of windows, illuminating the model in the same loving manner that the sun had during the shoot.
“Do you do this often?” you ask, taking a sip of your wine and assessing the man over the rim of your glass.
“Do what?”
At first, you think Jeno might honestly not know what you’re implying, but then you see the shadow of a smirk work its way onto his lips, a glint of mischief sparking in his eye-
He’d seen the way you’d played coy just moments ago, when you’d told him he’d seen you in the afternoon, and he’d just shown you two can play that game.
After clearing your throat, you rephrase the question. “Do you often show up at a photographer’s house looking for a little… one on one attention?”
He smiles, meeting your gaze, and gives a small shake to his head - no -  taking a sip of his wine.
You wait on his next words.
“I liked the way you directed me during the shoot today.”
It’s a statement that surprises you- as is his next; “Can you show me some of the photos? I interrupted you while you were editing?”
He motions to the laptop that’s closed on the coffee table a few feet away - you’d abandoned it when your front bell had been rung - along with your tea, and phone, which is already on silent, as you should have been in bed a while ago-
You knew there’d been something urging you to stay awake and edit-
You’d thought it had been the images of Jeno’s back, exposed by wonderful styling-
But it had been the model himself, delivered to your door-
“I can show you the photos,” you tell him, reaching to set your glass of wine down next to the tea. Neither liquid is needed right now, your thirst is being quenched in a much more wonderful way-
“Did you-” Jeno’s words are quiet at first, but he clears his throat and repeats with more confidence, “Did you enjoy telling me what to do?”
You cast him a sideways glance while typing in your passcode, laptop opening to a closeup of Jeno’s face that you’d been inspecting.
“You’re very good at what you do,” you say delicately, still toeing the line-
If you tell him, point blank, that he’s a good boy- that he’s wonderful at taking direction - that you’ve been thinking about what he’d be like in bed- taking more directions-
Well, if you were to do any of those things- then this harmless flirtation would escalate to the next level- and as much as you enjoy Jeno, as much as he draws you in- you’re not really sure you’re willing to risk it- to risk your career, your reputation-
Jeno shifts closer to you, shoulder brushing up against your own while he bends down to look at the open laptop on the coffee table.
“The lighting-” he breathes, lips parting-
You watch Jeno inspect himself- inspect the version of himself that you’d captured hours ago; a beautiful, young stallion of a man- who could have the whole world in the palm of his hand if he wanted to.
You’re reminded of the Greek Narcissus, who had fallen in love with himself in a still pond reflection-
But Jeno does tear his gaze away from the photo - unlike the Grecian beauty who’d turned into a flower for want of looking at himself - and Jeno turns to you with eyes full of that same puppylike innocence that had bewitched you during the shoot.
“No one’s ever taken pictures of me like this before,” Jeno tells you, a line that makes you scoff.
“You’ve worked with photographers way better than me,” you insist, a self-depreciation that you follow through with a list of a few of your peers who’ve also had Jeno in their set-
“But the way you take photos,” the model cuts you off with a statement of his own, his hand coming down on your thigh-
You look down at his hand for a moment, and then back up. Your eyes meet and Jeno’s words die in his throat, his tongue darting out to wet his lips-
“Jeno,” when you say his name, you notice the way his gaze flickers between your eyes and mouth- “from now on, when I ask you things, I want you to answer honestly- can you do that for me?”
He nods, a hurried “yes” tumbling from him a moment later to pair with the motion.
“You’ve come to my studio, at midnight, to get me alone- you want to see the pictures-” he gives a small nod with each statement, “so why don’t you tell me, in detail, what you really want.”
“Hm?” he blinks.
“I said,” you rest your hand on top of his, the one that’s still on your thigh, “why don’t you tell me, in detail, what you want. I can’t direct you and have you be my good boy if you don’t make it clear what you need.”
“I need-” you watch his Adam's apple bob as he swallows thickly, breaking your gaze to look at your laptop again- then his eyes meet yours and he states, as clearly as possible, “I need you.”
“I assumed that much-” you say with a laugh, “I said I wanted details.”
He’s tensed now, broad shoulders all stiff, pupils blown- eyes darting everywhere. His lips part to say something, but in the end, he just sighs, musing, “I want what my director wants.”
“You like making me happy, is that it?”
You cock your head to the side, reaching out to gently drag your nails across Jeno’s cheek and down to his jaw- he leans into your hand, eyes closing, a soft sound of pleasure escaping him-
“You’re so eager to please, huh?”
“Yes,” he breathes, lids fluttering open again when you retract your hand- “Want to make you feel good.”
“Then you’re going to do a few things for me, okay?”
You reach for your wine, closing the laptop before relaxing back into the corner of your sectional, eyes turning to Jeno. “How about you start by moving my coffee table off the carpet.”
His face shows his confusion, but Jeno stands all the same- reaching down for the furniture-
“Ah ah ah,” you tut, making the model freeze. “Don’t want you lifting it and having everything on top fall off- be good and go slow, take off all the items, move the table, then put them back.”
You watch him swallow, and he follows through, movements looking less frenzied and rushed.
He starts by taking your laptop and the two decorative photography books and setting them to the side.
He’s clearly aware of your gaze, watching him while he completes the task, and you can see the flush of his neck, betraying Jeno’s inner anxieties before he voices them, asking gently, “Can you tell me why I’m doing this?”
You stand up, and Jeno stops, turning his body to look at you- eyes widening-
Whatever he expects, it’s not for you to turn your back on him, crossing the studio toward the shelf of photography tools and memorabilia.
“You’re moving the coffee table,” you say, plucking up a polaroid camera, “so that when you get on your knees to eat me out, you don’t knock anything over.”
He gapes at you for a moment or two before hurrying back to his task.
You leave your wine glass on the shelf after one last sip, and then return to the sofa.
After you take your seat, you simply watch Jeno. He’s down to the final details, his hands mad scrambling for your laptop and design books.
When he’s done with your coffee table, it looks the same as it had before - decorative pieces and all - just a meter to the side, off the carpet.
And then Jeno is a foot away from you, dropping his knees to the braided jute rug-
“Eager puppy,” you coo, enjoying the way the model still holds that air of innocence, even while on his knees for you.
His hands are gentle when they reach for your form, warm palms cupping against the back of your knees- and then he’s tugging you forward, dragging your silk-set-covered core closer-
“Want you,” he states, with as much confidence as you’ve seen from him.
His eyes stare into your own, and you can’t help but set your camera down and lean forward, cupping his face so you can press your lips to his for the first time.
It’s a chaste kiss- but when you pull away, Jeno follows, hands finding leverage on your knees while he captures your bottom lip between his own, tongue gliding against its surface-
You stifle a groan, adjusting one hand on Jeno’s cheek while the other anchors onto his shoulder, fingers digging into the hard muscle you find there.
He gives a small tug to your pants, and it has you breaking the kiss in favor of lifting your hips-
Jeno may have told you he wanted direction, but he knows exactly what to do with you, no prompting needed: he tears your silk bottoms off.
His eyes immediately go to your core- and he lets out an animalistic sound when he finds you still in panties. His fingers hook past your waistband next, and in an instant, Jeno has you naked from the naval down.
His own shirt is quick to follow your clothing to the floor, exposing his broad shoulders, and muscular torso-
This time, when he adjusts your legs over his shoulders, he gets a full glimpse of your pussy, and you can see Jeno’s pupils blown with lust, even in the limited light of your studio.
The same way the model needed little direction with tearing your clothes off, he needs no direction when it comes to what to do next; he simply tugs you forward, burying his face between your thighs.
It’s the most you can do not to let out a desperate whine at the way he just goes for it- his tongue pressing into your hole, his nose brushing by your clit-
And his hands- they reach behind you, grabbing at your ass, forcing you harder onto his mouth-
Your fingers lace through his hair, anchoring you while your back arches, you’re propped up by the backrest while Jeno has you on the edge of your seat, his shoulders taking more of your weight as he burrows deeper and deeper into your pussy.
“Just like that-” you tell him, voice breathy in the silence of your studio-
Jeno growls against you, vibrations jittering through your body like magic-
His lips suction around your clit and your legs twitch around his head- you can feel a rush of wet between your thighs, can feel your orgasm building faster and faster in the pit of your stomach-
Then Jeno is pushing a digit into you, one long finger thrusting into your sopping heat while he flicks at your clit with a tongue intent on making you cum.
You can’t help but grind down against him now, tightening your grip in his hair so you can wiggle your hips-
A second finger enters you, both of them crooking up to brush by your sweet spot, earning a whimper of ecstasy that fills the room.
“You’re gonna make me cum-” you whine, closing your eyes and throwing your head back so you can focus on the feeling of him worshiping your pussy-
Your admission makes him go down on you even harder, lips suctioning around your clit again, making lewd wet noises while his fingers pump in and out of your hole, continuously brushing by the spot that makes you tingle-
“Jeno-” you gasp his name, a warning of what’s to come-
But you can’t say much else, your thighs locking around his head while he tips you over the edge, core fluttering around digits that pump you through your orgasm, tongue flicking at your clit-
A flurry of praises tumble out of you while you grind against the model’s face, using him for your own release- prolonging it-
Jeno works you through your orgasm, works out every last drop- his tongue as eager as ever to collect everything you have to offer him.
When you finally let go of his hair, body going slack, he knows you’re done, and he pulls his mouth from your core.
His fingers continue inside of you, slow, rhythmic pumps that quickly make you whine-
Opening your eyes, you find Jeno watching you.
His lips are a little swollen, they’re parted, allowing him to take steady breaths-
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think Jeno had just cum- he’s giving major bedroom eyes, the dreamy kind of dazed expression a prince would bestow upon a princess-
You reach for your camera, lifting it and taking a quick polaroid-
The flash makes Jeno flinch, and you find yourself reaching out to cup his jaw, sweet assured nothings tumbling out of you in an effort to apologize for the camera flash-
The model leans into your touch, but he also plucks the polaroid as soon as it’s done, assessing it with eyes that flicker over the photo- before handing it to you.
“You got my best angle,” he remarks, as you take in the image for the first time.
He’s right- there’s something so… (for lack of a better word) endearing about Jeno-
This je ne sais quoi-
Especially when he’s between your legs, eyes lusty, lips puffy-
You’d taken a perfect photo, including only a little of your thighs on either side, capturing the main subject - Jeno - in a type of voyeuristic, sin skin framed vignette-
You lean back against your sofa to get a better look at the image, and Jeno moves slightly to follow, which prompts you to adjust your foot, pressing the ball against his shoulder to stop him-
“Did I say you could move?” you challenge.
Jeno’s lips part, and then he swallows thickly, shaking his head and sinking back to his knees patiently.
You allow your foot to slip over his shoulder again, leg once more relaxing on the large expanse of Jeno’s back.
“You’re good with your tongue,” you conclude finally, gaze shifting between him and the polaroid.
“Thank you.”
“And your hands too.”
“Thank you.”
He turns his head to the side kissing at the part of your leg that’s reachable-
He’s being so good for you- allowing you to control the tempo, the pace-
“How are you feeling, puppy?”
The pet name feels natural- you’ve said it once before, and Jeno had practically mewled in response.
The use of the name now makes Jeno shuffle on his knees, breaking your gaze-
“Want more,” he says quietly, bowing his head-
“Do you want more here? In my studio? Or would puppy prefer a bed?” You enjoy teasing him, enjoy the way ‘puppy’ feels on your tongue.
“Like, your room?” There’s interest in his eyes now, and it has your own core tingling at the prospect of allowing the model into your most sacred space-
“Yes, Jeno, my bedroom.”
You figure, he’s already made you cum once, the least you can do is give him a proper bed to fuck you in-
Besides, in the studio, it still feels like there’s a barrier between you. You still feel like photographer, and he still feels like the model- it will be nice to go to your bedroom with Jeno- with the man who’s made you question all your preconceived notions and prejudices around models.
None of the men in his profession whom you’ve entertained for a date have ever reached your bedroom.
You’re excited for Jeno to be the first.
He’s also excited, so excited that he jumps the gun a little, standing and grabbing you, tugging you to his chest in a bridal-style hold that has you giggling, juggling the photos and camera in your hands-
“Which way is your room?” he asks, already taking long strides towards the entrance you’d entered the studio through.
“Straight through the door, down the hall, last room on the right,” you tell him, allowing yourself to melt into his embrace.
It feels good to be carried- feels good to be made to feel small and light-
Jeno is five foot eleven inches of solid muscle, and you have no doubt his regular workouts involve a good amount of weight training; he definitely makes it seem like he’s used to lifting someone of your size.
While he carries you, you take the opportunity to admire his bare torso, the muscled pectorals- his bread basket abdomen-
Before you know it, he’s entering your room, and the two of you are collapsing onto your bed.
He gets you under him, slotting between your thighs while you abandon your camera to the side in favor of reaching for him, grasping at his strong, bare shoulders while his lips press to your own-
It’s an eager tangle of limbs, but as soon as Jeno gets solidified, you find yourself pinned; completely at the mercy of the large, all-muscled model, who ruts his hips against your own, dragging his denim-clad cock by your core-
“Jeno-” you whimper his name between a flurry of kisses, reaching one hand between your bodies to cup the front of his jeans-
He lets out a groan of pleasure, hips rutting, pressing himself into your hand-
“Take these off, and fuck me,” you tell him, remembering that - even though you’re in your bedroom now - you can still give commands.
He’s quick to follow through- and his follow-through involves rolling off of you and onto his own back, so he can fumble with his belt, lifting his hips to push the denim down-
You find yourself all but jumping on him the moment his cock springs free, your knees pressing into the bed on either side of his waist, your hand reaching between your bodies-
Jeno releases a moan when your fingers wrap around him, your thumb brushing past the head, swiping beads of precum across his skin-
His hands grasp your hips, adjusting you on top of him, and he looks up at you with lusty desperation-
You can’t help it- you reach for the camera discarded by his head, and you lift it to snap another polaroid while Jeno stiffens below you, muscles jumping to tensed glory-
“Such a pretty puppy,” you tell him, releasing a breath of pleasure from the mear sight of Jeno, while your free hand tightens more around his cock-
“Fuck-” he grunts, hips pressing up- length pushing through the grip of your hand- “Tell me what to do.”
“I already told you, take off your pants, which you’ve done- so, good boy-” you let out a laugh at the way Jeno reacts to the term of endearment, “and now,” you fan the polaroid, helping it develop faster- “fuck me.”
“Protection?” he asks, swallowing thickly- releasing your waist in favor of rubbing his thumb against your clit, prompting you to shift your hips just so-
“I’m clean and on the pill, you?”
“Clean-” he responds, left hand applying pressure for you to lift yourself up- “not on the pill.”
You release a laugh- and it’s stifled when Jeno adjusts his cock and helps you sink down onto it, his girth stretching you out deliciously.
You’re wetter than belief - from one orgasm and just from Jeno in general - so sliding down, inch by electrifying inch, is almost too easy.
Your camera is forgotten, as is the polaroid, and you discard them to the side in favor of your palms falling flat onto Jeno’s shoulders. His own hands are tight on your waist, aiding you in your first movements- lifting up and sinking back down-
Moans of pleasure fill your bedroom, the feeling of Jeno’s cock dragging against your walls is too much to bear silently- and your nails dig down against his skin, helping you grip him as tightly as your pussy is gripping his length.
Then he’s tugging at your shirt, the word “off?” prompting you to get yourself fully naked in seconds, nipples peaking to the coldness of the room-
But they’re not cold for long, as Jeno is quick to sit up, capturing one in his hot mouth while the other is pinched between two shockingly gentle fingers-
“Jeno-” you whimper his name, pussy clenching around him at the feeling of his attention being focused on your chest-
With him sitting up, it’s easier than ever to use his shoulders as leverage for your movements, and his free hand finds your hip, urging you to bounce faster on his lap.
“You feel so good-” you tell him, throwing your head back while you ride closer and closer to an orgasm-
The man beneath you releases your nipple, hungry mouth moving up your neck- he grabs your jaw, forcing your lips to his own.
His other hand goes flat to the bed, allowing him some leverage to thrust up and meet your motions-
He eats up your noises and returns them with pleasured sounds of his own, his cock burying deep inside your pussy with each bounce on his lap-
You break your kiss, latching onto his shoulders while you gasp in his ear- “I’m cumming baby, don’t stop-”
And suddenly you’re rolling.
Suddenly you’re on your back, and Jeno is above you, adjusting your legs around his hips-
“Touch your clit?” he asks - his first real request - and your hand flies between your thighs.
Being on top had made Jeno feel as deep as ever- but with him hovering over you, his own powerful hips rutting against yours to dictate everything- you realize Jeno is simply big.
Both positions feel equally wonderful- your pussy filled deliciously with every thrust-
And your fingers glide easily over your clit, making your whole body tingle with ecstasy that gets closer and closer to fruition until you’re over the edge again.
You throw your head back against the pillows, eyes closing so you can focus on the waves of pleasure that threaten to overtake you while Jeno continues to fuck you as if his life depends on it-
He’s making the prettiest sounds- and you grab at him, smoothing your fingers through his hair while you bring his lips to your own.
You’re intent on breathing him in- on hearing every noise- and he’s more than eager to kiss you, with the same ferocity as his hips-
“Gonna cum for me?” you ask, still tingling with wonderful pleasure that’s definitely bordering on overwhelming now-
You want him to cum so badly, want your young stallion model boy to fall over the edge with you-
He releases a grunt of affirmation, but it’s not good enough for you.
You continue to thread your fingers through his hair, forcing your eyes open to look at him-
“Jeno-” you coo, stealing a chaste kiss- “please cum, you’ve done so well- cum for me-”
He lets out his loudest moan yet, burying his face in your neck, mouth playing feverish kisses against your throat while he continues to fuck you wildly-
“Come on-” you breathe, trailing one hand down his gorgeous back- reveling in the muscles you can trace there-
You still have one hand playing with your clit, and the bucking of Jeno’s hips is quickly building you to yet another orgasm, that you definitely hadn’t been expecting-
“Fuck, Jeno-”
He kisses you desperately, thrusts faltering when your pussy squeezes his length. You can feel him cumming too- coating your walls while he continues to pump into you, pinning you to the mattress with his large body-
You grasp for his shoulders, dragging your hands across muscle while you eat up his moans, your lips and tongues colliding.
His pace gradually starts to slow down and soon he’s still on top of you.
You’re kissing lazily now- and you’re the one to break it, pulling back just enough to prompt Jeno to give you space.
He looks at you with hazy, bedroom eyes, while he catches his breath, and his lips are downright enticing-
“That was really good,” you tell him, brushing your fingers up and down his back.
Jeno buries his face in the crook of your neck, pressing hot kisses there to show his enjoyment of your praise- and then his lips find your ear.
“Was I your good puppy?” he asks, gently nipping at your lobe-
His hips rut forward- he’d never truly slipped out of you after cumming, and now… you can feel him starting to stiffen again-
“Of course,” you coo, threading your fingers through his hair, gently running your nails across his scalp, “you’re my best puppy-”
“Yeah?” He kisses your pulse point.
“Uh huh-” you relax against your pillows, letting out the most contented breath of your life. “And what pretty photos I took too-”
He groans, gently rocking his hips against yours again-
“You’ll be good and spend the night, won’t you puppy?” you ask, tone turning mischievous when you add; “It feels like you still have some energy I could enjoy.”
Jeno lets out a sound of affirmation, kissing at your jaw-
He’s your good model, always taking directions.
And now, he’s your good puppy too- wrapped around your finger and eager to agree to whatever you ask.
You know there’s no hope of a conventional relationship- afterall, he’s an international model and you’re New York based-
You don’t have any romantic notions about traveling together, or pinning the angel down- no, you’re realistic about it. Realistic about the way your bodies respond to each other, and the purpose you both serve in inflating the other’s ego-
He’ll be your secret-  your lovely puppy.
He’ll be whatever he ends up being.
But for now, you simply enjoy the feeling of having his complete and undivided attention while he thanks the gods that he has yours.
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! i don't often do dom leaning y/n's, so this was new for me, but i really enjoyed the way it turned out :)
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview. As much as you call Jeno puppy- as much as he gets on his knees for you- the man knows exactly what he’s doing in regard to making you cum. He could have all the power if he wanted, and the thought of that has been scaring you a little as of late-
cw/ tw. oral (f receiving), fingering, pussy whipped Jeno, unprotected sex, praise, mentions of male masturbation, multiple orgasms, etc...
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 1.5k I teaser wc. 380
🌙 staring. jeno x afab!Reader  
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bonus teaser
You’re sitting in your kitchen, sipping your drink and looking over the photos you’d taken last night.
Your collection of polaroids gets bigger and bigger every time your model and part-time loverboy comes to town, and you’ve begun to enjoy the process of adding them to a special photobook complete with a lock and key.
To have Jeno trust you with the pictures- it fills your heart with something unexplainable, a warmth that licks at you every time you open the book to wistfully recount your past experiences with the angelic man who’d been delivered to your doorstep months ago after a shoot.
The first few photos hold special weight for you, the innocence you’d captured in his eyes has remained, but it’s less so now, replaced - in part - by a confidence that one gains when they spend a great deal of time with another.
There’s a similar confidence in the warm hands that smooth across your shoulders, announcing the arrival of the man in question, who molds his bare torso against your back, leaning over your chair so he can see what you’re up to.
“Hi,” he says, his lips brushing past your cheek.
“Morning sleepy,” you smile, turning your head to the side so you can capture his lips in a chaste kiss. “How are you feeling?”
“Good.” Jeno straightens, heading around the island counter to grab himself some coffee. “I always get the best sleep here.”
His statement makes you happier than you can say, so you don’t say anything, opting to simply watch the lovely, very shirtless, man, as he slowly starts his morning.
“What time are you heading to the fashion show today?” you question after a few beats of silence.
Jeno looks up at you from where he’s stirring his coffee, and then he lets out a small knowing chuckle. “Not for a few hours.”
“Don’t give me that look, puppy,” you release a laugh of your own. “You know I try to let you retain your energy for days when you work… but after…”
“Don’t want after,” Jeno insists, abandoning his coffee in favor of approaching you again, forcing you to turn in your chair so he can slot between your knees while he captures your hands, lacing your fingers- “Want now.”
☀️to read the full bonus, subscribe to my Patreon - then - click here 👹 or check out what else is on my patreon here 🔮if nothing strikes your fancy, check out my m.list
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forestmossling · 1 month
okay, time for some serious caleo bashing (i’ve been gearing up for it for a while).
so we have leo valdez - admittedly the loneliest and saddest character in pjo (fuck people who think it’s nico because it’s not, and i can elaborate on that in another post if anybody wants me to). his entire character arc is formed by his loneliness - he loses his mother at a very young age, so he’s left without any real, loving family or any kind of safe, stable home for the majority of his adolescence, because foster care throws him around (or he himself is forced to run away) he doesn’t get an opportunity to form any real connections. and then, finally, he gets piper and jason. except he doesn’t, really, because they mostly ignore him in favor of dealing with their rocky relationship. he seemingly gets a family - the hephaestus cabin - but he quickly becomes a social pariah there too because of his abilities and general demeanor (which is, in fact, a coping mechanism). and yes, later on we see him getting on better with his siblings, but that doesn’t happen for a good long while.
his loneliness becomes even more glaringly obvious on argo II. i don’t think i have to remind you of the whole narcissus and echo ordeal. and the way absolutely everyone is paired off, except for him. so he’s basically abandoned by everyone throughout all of hoo - by his family (godly and otherwise) and by his friends and those he tries to befriend.
so how to fix that? how to rid leo of this staggering loneliness he carries around like a suffocating cloak three sizes too big? well, i would say, let’s improve platonic relationships on argo II and let these kids be friends with each other instead of just getting tangled up in all possible variations of romantic affairs. let leo visibly (ON SCREEN (or well, on page)) get closer to his godly siblings and find a family he longed for since he lost his mother. let him find out from reliable people who love him, that his powers and what happened to his mother don’t make him a monster. let him thrive in a safe environment where he isn’t pressured to play an entertainer just to be kept around, for once.
but what did rick decide? LET’S GIVE HIM A GIRLFRIEND!! let’s throw a cute girl at leo, blatantly ignoring the fact that most of his issues stem from lacking a loving family and genuine platonic companionship, none of which will be solved by a romantic relationship. and not just throw a girl at him - let’s dump him on a cursed island which magically forces the girl in question to automatically fall in love with anybody who lands on it. let’s leave caleo no other choice but to fall in love with each other, because calypso has no other way of getting off the ogygia and leo feels guilty about leaving her there alone and also she’s his only chance of survival. sure, why the fuck not.
and i understand why caleo would be attracted to each other. when they first met and when i first saw them slowly warming up to each other, i genuinely could see them becoming a badass power couple and had pretty high hopes for them.
but then they get off the island. and well. everything goes to shit. calypso resents leo for losing her immortality, and leo somehow? feels guilty about it??? (if memory serves me right. if it doesn’t, well, i have a lot more points i’m completely confident in). every time we see them talk to each other, it’s calypso throwing jabs at leo which aren’t returned in kind. and, i hate to break it to you guys, but if it’s one person just talking shit at another without another doing the same (very likely because leo’s afraid she will dump him just like everyone else did the moment he steps a foot out of line, which, again - is a VERY BAD FUCKING SIGN), that’s not flirty banter, that’s just straight-up bullying. and let’s not forget the great hits by calypso such as “oh my gods, he doesn’t experience empathy in all the same situations and the same way i do, he’s a heartless fucking monster. hey, leo, you’re a heartless fucking monster for not empathizing with people exactly the same way i do!”, when leo was explicitly shown to struggle with empathy and social interactions in general in canon, because it’s easier to deal with machines. again, largely because he had little to none healthy socialization growing up and he does feel empathy, but just expresses it differently. and i would hope that his actual girlfriend would know that about him and, instead of judging him for it, would learn how to work around it or at least understand that people can be different and that’s not a bad thing, especially when it comes to a person you (are supposed to) love. and even if it was an actual faux pas on leo’s side, i can let it slide because he’s a teenage boy with adhd. calypso, however, is not, and i really feel like a shit ton years old immortal sorceress should know better (and yes, the huge fucking age gap in a relationship with a minor, which is another can of worms entirely, but i will skim over it for now, because there are actually ways for it to be handled better, it just wasn’t).
and, however it looks like, i genuinely don’t have any particularly strong feelings about calypso outside of the way she treats leo. she was admittedly dealt an incredibly shit hand and all the continuously-getting-her-heart-broken-because-of-the-fucking-gods deal is a lot to get over. but that doesn’t excuse how she treats leo. it’s not even a question of “does she really love him?” for me, because i find myself wondering if she even likes him in general, just as a person. and that’s another giant fucking red flag.
their whole relationship just feels like rick incredibly carelessly tied his loose ends, like “oh! there are two characters i don’t know what to do with. well, let’s just smush them together. that will surely solve everything and let me get on with the rest of the story!” (and maybe not even carelessly but, dare i say, uncaringly)
but, okay, let’s say they’re both severely traumatized and just get off to a rocky start. alright. well, how will rick work on improving their relationship and finally resolving the issue of leo’s deep-seated loneliness? oh. he won’t. he will make them leave camp half-blood indefinitely. the place where leo found his first real family, where all of his friends are. where he was, for the first time in the series, shown some actual recognition, respect and care by the other campers (which they did by… hitting him. but considering all the demigods are weird with affection, i will let that one slide), just as he finally got close with his siblings. rick will make them stay at waystation and get a “normal teenage experience” by… going to high school. and i don’t think i’m wrong in assuming leo’s average high school experience prior to this was getting bullied and isolated. which will probably not change just because he goes to a new school in a city he doesn’t know with his girlfriend who hates him.
i’m sorry, but - WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???
and i understand that letting himself believe that leo dating calypso and changing scenery would magically solve all of his problems was a lot easier for rick than laying huge groundwork for leo finally finding his place in chb and building a bunch of close interpersonal relationships with other campers that would let him feel at home somewhere at last and also breaking his problematic tendency of just pairing teenagers off with each other instead of letting them bond platonically. and i’m also not saying there aren’t A LOT of great platonic relationships written by rick (percy’s family and his friendship with grover, basically all of nico’s immediate circle, all of will’s immediate circle, i really was mostly talking about the argo II debacle there). but this feels a little bit too much like carelessly tying loose ends again for my comfort.
and it’s not like rick just doesn’t realize leo’s motivations and biggest struggles. he doesn’t just make leo a flat comic relief character: he encourages us to empathize with his loneliness and pain all throughout the journey on argo II, he forces us to notice how hard he takes being the seventh, always forgotten wheel. he just… doesn’t really do anything about it.
i am a firm believer in the fact that leo just didn’t need a romantic relationship at all throughout the series. it wouldn’t solve any of his issues (and romantic relationships shouldn’t be founded on the goal of solving anybody’s issues, that’s just a disaster waiting to happen), it would most likely distract him from building a wide and stable support system he actually needs and throw him headfirst into something he, in his current state, would not be equipped to properly deal with. but even if he did enter a romantic relationship at some point, it definitely shouldn’t have been the main point and the grand finale of his story, and it definitely shouldn’t have been with calypso. i can see him with frank (i genuinely remember reading their interactions in books and thinking that they would make a very interesting and fun couple with their dynamic, and the conflict of a guy whose literal survival depends on staying as far away from the fire/a guy who spontaneously ignites all the time would be really tasty and fun to explore, you could throw a good ol’ icarus and sun metaphor in there, but maybe that’s just me), hell, make it leo/frank/hazel (even though dating a guy you only seem to be attracted to because he’s a many-times-grandson of a boy you loved in the past doesn’t seem like a very good basis for a relationship, but at least she wouldn’t treat him the way calypso did). hell, i started really warming up to the idea of valgrace, because, even though their relationship wouldn’t have the time and space it needed to properly develop in canon (rip jason, i love you), they would have a really fucking cool and sweet dynamic. who if not jason grace can understand feeling lonely in a room full of people? who if not jason grace can appreciate leo for all the great things that he is while making him feel genuinely loved, instead of belittled? who if not leo can get jason to loosen up, make him realize he doesn’t have to carry the world of the whole world on his shoulders alone, become the ride-or-die jason never really got to have? but well, that’s me veering a little bit too much towards speculations, and i tried to work mostly with what canon had given us.
anyway. (i promise i’m almost done.) all of this doesn’t mean that i hate rick riordan - i admire his work on pjo, i really want to read the other series in riordanverse, and the sole fact that i had so much material to go through speaks for the immense work he does on giving depth to his characters. and i know he can write good romance: percabeth is one of the very few straight pairings i can not only stomach, but actually love immensely, solangelo is genuinely one of the best things to ever happen to this god-forsaken planet, in my humble opinion, and apollo’s entire history of past relationships has me obsessed (especially the commodus part. i cannot stress enough just how much feelings i have about their story). this is caleo bashing, not rick riordan bashing. but i just feel like he didn’t care enough to give the same carefully thought-out beautiful relationship to leo, and that, regretfully just happens sometimes, especially if there are as many important characters as in pjo, and we can’t really do anything about it. but as an unhinged leo valdez enjoyer and appreciator i’m very sad to see his story go that way, because he really deserves better.
and that’s about it!
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
Flowers for a Devil
Because Asmo didn't get an official birthday event story this year, which we think is pretty unfair as the last in the brothers' cycle, we made our own birthday story and art 😤
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Asmodeus has always loved surrounding himself with flowers, but this year, he's gotten really into flower language. So as a surprise for his birthday, everyone decides to throw a flower-themed party, and they all get him different flowers that they thought would suit him!
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(story and flower explanations below the cut)
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As Asmo insists on ringing in his birthday, Solomon finds himself dragged out clubbing the night before
But seeing as they would be out together, he figures it would be a perfect opportunity to give his pact-mate his gift right at midnight
He offers Asmo a narcissus, which earns him a little bit of an eye-roll, though he laughs it off
"Well, yes, it does mean egotism of course. But it also means 'stay sweet as you are.' Happy birthday, Asmodeus. Never change."
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Mammon was dragged out the night before as well, though a bit more willingly, as part of Team Party People
Not quite having thought it through as much but not wanting to be outdone, he gives Asmo his flower as soon as they get home at the end of the night
His is a lovely little yellow flower, called a coreopsis
"It means 'always cheerful.' Because ya always try so hard to make everyone happy. We notice, ya know. Happy birthday, Asmo!"
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Initially, Beel had planned to wait to give his flower along with everyone else at the party, but by morning, the sweet scent of it has him worried
Not wanting to accidentally eat it during the day, he gives it to Asmo first thing at breakfast
The Avatar of Lust squeals with delight at the amethyst tones of the forget-me-not
"Happy birthday, Asmo. You're a great big brother to me and Belphie. So this is to show that I really admire you."
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The young prince is so excited to give his gift that he actually gets to the party early
Once he arrives, he seeks out Asmo right away, grinning widely
He proudly hands the stalk of white delphinium blossoms to the lustful demon, and gets a smile almost just as big in return
"These are for you, Asmodeus. According to human realm traditions, these represent a happy nature. I hope you'll continue to share yours with the entire Devildom! Happy birthday!"
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The prince's butler, of course, comes not far behind his liege
He smiles politely at the birthday demon and hands forth the blossom he brought as well
Upon seeing the daylily in his hands, Asmo immediately takes the "coquetry" flower as license to flirt shamelessly with his fellow pact-holder
"Ah, please don't misunderstand, I'm afraid this doesn't mean I share your particular inclinations. But the meaning of it certainly reminded me of you. Happy birthday, Asmodeus."
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Though she's not especially close with Asmodeus, she still decided to drop by the party
Not one to show up empty-handed, she makes sure to have a flower for him too
To be on the safe side, she chose an orchid, which he's certainly happy enough to receive
"Love and beauty is basically, like, your thing, right? So this is for you! Happy birthday!"
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At Diavolo's enthusiastic invitation, Mephisto deigns to join the party and its theme
However, since he's not very fond of the brothers, he settles on gifting a sprig of candytuft to indicate his indifference
Asmodeus, however, is only familiar with its more positive meanings -- sweetness, joy, and beauty -- so he's perfectly pleased by the selection, to Mephisto's confusion
"Don't tell me you're happy about a gift like this? You lot truly are bizarre. Anyway, I'm told it's your birthday, so happy birthday."
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Simeon is next to approach the Avatar of Lust, with both other angels following along behind
He presents the flower simply, but Asmo is immediately fascinated by the odd pink petals at its base
Having known him for a long time, Simeon thinks the lady's slipper and its meaning of capricious beauty sounded just right for his friend
"We actually wanted to get some Celestial Realm flowers for you, but we didn't get a chance to go back. Still, I thought this one would suit you well. Happy birthday!"
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Raphael, having also known Asmodeus a long time but on slightly less friendly terms, is a bit more awkward about his gift as he approaches
Nonetheless, he smiles as he gives his flower, reiterating Simeon's apology for not being able to get one from the Celestial Realm
He doesn't mention the meaning of the anemone, letting his bittersweet feelings towards the former angel go unspoken -- a forsaken affection, new beginnings, and protection from evil
"Here, this is for you. I hope you like it. Happy birthday, Asmodeus."
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Luke is quivering a bit behind Simeon, though more out of shyness now than the fear he used to have towards the demon
He thrusts the stalk of little flowers forward, and yelps audibly when Asmo starts petting his head in thanks
Shouting once again that he is not a dog, he mentally reaffirms the lesser-known secondary meaning he found for the gifted white hyacinth -- "I'll pray for you"
"Um, I heard they used to call you the Jewel of the Heavens...so I got you this flower that represents loveliness. Happy birthday, Asmo!"
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Belphie is less inclined towards the outright partying, so he waits until Asmo pauses to get a drink to give his gift
He has his brattiest grin as he hands the flower over, and although Asmo rolls his eyes and tells him to stop it, he very clearly actually thinks it's cute of his youngest brother
Despite that, Belphegor had chosen the white hydrangea for him means togetherness and sincere feelings, perfect for family -- though, fittingly, it also represents vanity
"Here, a flower for the most narcissistic member of our family. Just kidding. Happy birthday, Asmo."
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Sensing his chance, Levi also takes the opportunity to present his flower to Asmo
He tries not to be too jealous of the beautiful bouquet that his brother has gathered, though the Avatar of Envy can't help but think he could never be popular enough to receive all that
But after all, his envy is equally driven by admiration, and the variegated tulip precisely represented things he admires about his brother -- his beautiful, charming eyes and his popularity and fame
"Happy birthday, Asmo! I heard about this flower from the anime I was watching last week, I Accidentally Ate A Poisonous Flower and Now I've Been Reincarnated As A Demonic Princess?!, and thought it sounded just like you. I hope you like it!"
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It's at this point that Satan realizes that almost everyone else has given their flower, and he's determined to at least beat Lucifer to it
He had studied books on flower meanings for a solid month trying to select the perfect one, and is confident he's chosen the perfect one to describe Asmo
Though the citron flower he gives means "ill-natured" beauty, he hands it over with begrudging affection, which his brother immediately teases him for
"Argh, this kind of thing is exactly why I chose this! But it does mean beauty as well, just like you. Happy birthday, Asmo."
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As the party winds down, Asmo has a pretty sizeable bouquet in hand, and he's excited to show it off to his eldest brother before they head home
As he does so, he looks expectantly at Lucifer, who just smirks, because of course he has a flower ready too
He gives Asmo an alyssum, which the younger brother is familiar with but looks at with some confusion -- worth beyond beauty?
"It means exactly what you think it does, yes. Remember that in this next year. Happy birthday, Asmo."
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖛𝖊 𝕸𝖊 +18. dom! Kuchiki Byakuya x F!reader
✦ requested by anon for the free requests ➜ Sashi! Hi! I was thinking you might write some nsfw dom Byakuya with female she/her reader. thank you 💞💟 ➜ Well of course I can! And here it is, so please enjoy ♡ ✦ tw: dom! byakuya. reader seems to be a servant of the Kuchiki clan... but is she really?. spanking. kinda degrading words. fingering. vag sex. unprotected. ✦ wc: 1.9k
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On your knees, his palm lovingly caresses your cheek. It’s so soft, so gentle… Your naked body kissed by the soft breeze of a flowery spring. Scent of camellias, lips so red...
“What do you want, my servant?” he asks, his pristine gloves reminds you of an angel, and yet he is far away from being one… or maybe, perhaps, he is just like the most beautiful of them all, Lucifer… And, it is exactly him, a pure light overcoming night with its white shine.  
“You, Kuchiki-sama. I want…you, Byakuya-sama” you moan, resting your head over his thigh. Your arms hugging his leg, he is so delicate. Your eyes fix on his dark blue sky ones, like a renaissance picture, like a mortal praising a God. “Make me yours, Byakuya-sama. Make me only yours”
The man whose orbs scan you up and down, scoff so sensually. He never smiles, he never laughs.. but that smirk is just for you, only for you. He looks at you with superiority and arrogance; and it makes you tremble, it makes your heartbeat go fast, your lungs to crave for a single molecule of oxygen.
His thumb plays with your lower lip, it slowly gets inside your mouth. Little strings of saliva form as he slowly grazes his fingerprint with your teeth. Byakuya pushes your tongue down, so delicate and deliciously.
Over sensitive, the taste of his skin… your unexpected gagging sound.  
He changes his thumb for his index and middle finger, going deep inside your mouth with violence; with brutal intrusion, violating, and so dominantly. He presses down, lips spreading, making space. Your eyes tearing up, but it’s ok, even in front of your blurry vision he looks like Narcissus.
“How far are you willing to go for me, (Name)?” the captain asks, with a sharp look over your miserable drooling you.
You try to speak as your nails carve on his black hakama. You pull from them, down, down. It makes his hipbones show, protrude. What a beautiful pale skin, what a perfect work of art this soul is.
When he finally lets you breathe, and your mandible hurts from being stretched wide open, you try to speak. “I- I am willing to do anything my Sir Byakuya orders me to”
Ah, what a beautiful melody… your pleading voice, begging for him, subduing totally before his superior him. He lives for domination and rules, because he needs to control others and never be weak. If not… he might lose the battle against his own heart.
Byakuya blesses you with a kiss he never gives, it’s always like the first time you feel his lips against your lips. And they are soft, so heavenly. You wanna bite them, you wanna pull from them, you want them to turn from pale to red, filled with the pumping blood of his cold heart.
“Should I make you my personal servant, (Name)? Would you like me to have you whenever I come back here?” the noble asks, carving his slightly long nails on your cheeks.
“Yes, my Sir. I want to serve you, I want to be here whenever you come back so you can use me as much as you wish” you humiliate yourself to the point you have never. You don’t mind being just a hole for the new head of the noble clan you have served since you were a child.
A bigger, more sadistic smirk plasters in the commissure of his mouth. You have chosen the right words, and Byakuya is definitely willing to use you as much as he wants for as long as he wants and requires.
“Such a good servant. Your family has been serving this family since forever, and be proud, you have become the best in your duties” he says, lifting you up from your neck. He doesn’t need to make the slight effort to do so… Captain Kuchiki is strong, even if it doesn’t show.
He puts you on your feet. Your total naked body is like a midnight snack for him, taking a look at it as he walks around you softly humming. He inspects every corner of your anatomy; the noble boy is appreciating his new acquisition. He could have bought you, but you didn’t cost him any money… you came like a gift, like an offering, applying for the most wanted job in the Kuchiki manor… serve Sir Byakuya.
The captain of the sixth squad pins your hands back, he presses them against the small of your back. “Walk, beautiful servant” he orders, pushing you softly towards his room. The doors, that are rarely open, are now split part to part.
His beautiful dormitory, worthy of such a rich man, receives you with dimmed lights. You can barely see every detail, and yet it isn’t necessary. You are absolutely focused on his presence behind you, the reiatsu imprinting on your shoulders that could make you kneel again in a matter of seconds.
Your shins hit his soft bed. Huge, white sheets, a four-poster bed with fine silk curtains for more privacy. “Bend over here” he commands, slowly pressing your back down. Your belly hits the mattress, and his finger follow a path from your nape to the end of your spine.
“You have such a soft skin…” he whispers, while tracing circles over your glutes. He goes slow, so slow. It’s like a sweet treatment, almost tinted in love.
Such sweet words, however, have to be appreciated and thanked. “Thank you! Thank you Byakuya-sama! I don’t deserve such words from yourself” you instantly plead, trying to look at him, lifting your head up from the bed.
“Heh…” he scoffs. Byakuya, perhaps, didn’t like you spoke without permission and you feel the first scalding sensation over your ass. A spank, and then another one. It makes you squeak, loudly whining at it’s both painful and pleasant.
His hand, now heavy, pushes your face against the bed. Clearly, you need to shut up while he has fun with you.
“Let’s make this red and hot, shall we” he grunts, going for a third slap. Your toes curl, you clench the to the bedsheets. Your mouth drools on the cover, it’s hard to breathe as he keeps squeezing you against it.
You feel your core pooling wet. You are sure you must be dripping on the floor, you can feel your inner thighs get more and more moist… you just hope he is enjoying, indeed, such spectacle of horniness and arousal.
And oh, hell yes he is.
You can hear him grunt with each hit, the sound of your skin against his palm mixes in the lustful melody of his bodily reactions.
When he is absolutely satisfied, and probably his hand itches as much as your glutes, he pulls back your head taking a fistful of your hair. “You have make such a mess underneath you, your core can’t wait until I use you, right?” he asks, coming closer to your face, with his sharp mandible and the tickling kisses of his black hair on your back.
“I… I please, use me however you want, Byaku- Byakuya-sama” you struggle to answer him, as his fingers are already intruders of your insides.
“Yeah? Are you… sure?” he asks, fingering you faster and harder. Beckoning, hitting the right spot, speaking with his lips pressed against your cheekbone. Even though you are there to be used for his pleasure, it’s him who is making you reach climax. What can you say, this man is still a gentleman, even in bed, even ordering you around.
You can’t help but endlessly repeat how much you are enjoying his fingers inside you. And frankly, Byakuya seems to be in heaven because of it. Probably, the more you praise his skills, the more he will want you.
And indeed, he does. He takes out his fingers off you. You are about climax, he knows that perfectly well; the clenching walls as he tried to stretched them with just his fingers tells him so.
Byakuya lets go of your hair, and as you rest the stiffness of your head and back, you can sense his pants falling down. You swallow, you are dying to get at least a glimpse at his whole nudity; the image you’ve been dreaming of since the moment you step into this place.
“You seem to like being fingered this way, huh” he smirks, using your overflowing fluids to lubricate the tip of his sex and turning you around in a swift motion. He lifts you by your waist, helping you get all your body in bed. His sex hangs so deliciously hard, almost hitting his stomach from how erected it is.
You take a time to enjoy the image that transcends perfection top you. His eyelids fall, allowing his eyes to barely peak. His shoulders get the rained effect of soft, so silky black hair. His collarbones, perfectly framing his chest, with a little gap in which you would drink the pouring elixir of eternal love.
Your hand tries to touch, to even graze his godly anatomy, but he grabs your wrist stopping you. “You wanna touch? Do you believe you have your hands clean to touch my body?” he asks, reminding you where you come from.
You instantly widen your eyes. Denying with your head, pleading for forgiveness. But, Byakuya is only having fun. He is not that much of a bastard, and instead, he takes your hand to his lips. He sucks and licks each one of your fingers, making you gasp, making you indulge in the last drops of air that your body could reach because you are sure you have forgotten how to breathe.
“There, clean… you can touch me now” he smirks, taking your hand to his chest. You can feel the warmth of such sacred flesh upon your fingerprints. You are touching Byakuya-sama, his sex rests in between his and your belly, your legs are spread enough to have him in between them.
And nothing feels more like heaven than this perfect moment, in which your will rejoice from now on and every single night. And then, his hands end the same paradise that they started, he pins your wrists above your head, so passionately. Because Byakuya knows exactly what to do to be perfect, to act like the man every woman would like to be fucked by.
And when he is ready, his sex finds yours by itself. It fits so perfectly snug, sliding with no effort inside you. You whine, and curl your back as he goes deep with no mercy, with all he’s got.
Your hips search for his, your pelvis now collide one with the other. He pants with his lips separated, his chest and his chin is all you can see, but you can feel his whole entirety, his body and spirit, the soul within and what surrounds it, that’s the embodiment of such heart.
And while he gives you endless trusts, and while he makes you cum… he laughs so sexily and lovingly, kissing your lips so ready for his climax…
“You are such a good actress… “servant”, I loved it” “I’m actually scared at your skills. You- You aced the despot noble, you little shit” “Hey, don’t talk to your husband that way or I’ll order you to cle-“ “Shut up, Byakuya… I love you. We need to sleep, tomorrow we have work” “I love you too… But I wanted a second round…”
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msweebyness · 2 months
MiracOlympus- An Unpleasant Encounter
This is a short that takes place back in the young gods’ teenaged years, based on a moment from the second episode of the Gods School web series. But with a much more insidious context… @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Just as a reminder:
Marc- Persephone
Mylene- Demeter
Lucien- Zelus
Down in the fields around Olympus, a duo of divine siblings were picking various different crops for the feast that would take place later that night.
Marc laughed at the silly joke Mylene had just told, before he spotted some lovely Narcissus flowers growing in a grove nearby. Thinking they would be wonderful to decorate the tables, he turned to his sister.
“Hey, Sunflower, I’m gonna go pick some of those flowers in that grove to put in the centerpiece vases!”, he told her, picking up his basket and standing to leave.
“Okay, Poppy, just stay close!”, the goddess of the harvest answered with a smile, before turning back to her work.
With that, Marc made his way toward the shady grove, and began picking flowers. Gathering narcissus, wild roses, and daisies for the centerpieces, he was unaware of a pair of sharp eyes watching him…
But when he had moved fairly deep into the grove, sufficiently out of his sister’s sight, he heard a familiar voice that made his blood go cold speak to him.
“Hello, little flower.”, and Marc went rigid, turning toward the voice in a defensive stance.
“You’re not supposed to be anywhere near Olympus, Lucien. Leave now.”, he said sharply, though he couldn’t keep the tremble out of his voice, much to his dismay.
“Oh, why the cold reception, my lovely little blossom. I came all this way just to see you, after all.”, Lucien said coolly, moving out of the shadows with a serpentine grin.
“No one wants you here, least of all me! Get out of here, and for the hundredth time, leave me alone!”, Marc demanded, his hand moving toward his pocket, ready to grab the dog whistle that Nathaniel had given him, which would summon Baark to his side in an instant.
But Lucien didn’t back down, only moving closer to Marc. He reached out and cupped his cheek, making the raven-haired god shudder with revulsion.
“Come now, you don’t want me to leave.”, he purred as he leaned in so his face was only an inch or so from Marc’s, “You can’t deny what’s between us, little flower…”
Marc stiffened and quickly shoved him away, fixing him with a dagger-sharp glare.
“There is nothing between us!”, he snapped, “I love Nathaniel, and only him! And I want NOTHING to do with you!”
Lucien scowled at the mention of the redhead, and grabbed Marc’s wrist in a tight grip, pulling him in close.
“Don’t mention that name. That twerp has no place ruling over an entire domain.”, the vile god snarled, “And you shouldn’t be wasting your time on him.”
“Don’t you dare insult him! Let me go!”, Marc hissed, trying to pull himself free from Lucien’s grip. He quickly thrust his other hand into his pocket, fingers closing around the dog whistle.
However, before Lucien could make any other moves, Marc sent a prayer of thanks to the Fates as he heard his sister’s footsteps approaching, as Mylene called out for him.
“Marc? Poppy? Where are you?”
Quickly, Lucien shapeshifted into a hawk and hid in a tree, just as Mylene pushed through the cover of leaves and emerged in the grove.
“Oh, there you are! Let’s go, I think I have everything I need!”, she said, holding up her basket of grains and the like, before she noticed her brother’s disheveled state, “Poppy…are you okay?”
Straightening up, he managed to give her a smile, “Y-yeah, Sunflower, I’m fine. The, uh, the pollen is just…really thick back here.”, he quickly said, adding a sneeze for good measure.
“Well, come on, let’s get you back to Olympus for some fresh air.”, Mylene said, as Marc retrieved his basket of flowers. And with that, the two siblings flew back toward the mountain peaks, with Marc sending a cold glare back to the hawk still in the grove.
A few moments later, the hawk transformed back into a young god, glaring up at the peaks of Olympus, where he was no longer welcome…not noticing the ground giving an angry rumble below him.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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batsforbadones · 2 years
creepypasta headcanons (from a slasher blog? more likely than you think)
I know you all didn’t follow me for Creepypasta content but I didn’t want to make a new account, and I need to get some head canons across. also I picked the tumblerest aesthetic image i could find for each one to really channel that energy.
trying to get a feel for them, be easy plz. I haven’t written for them in years.
Based on the fandom perceptions of the creepypastas rather than real lore.
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-Mega Mall Goth ass beat. Listens compulsively to Marilyn Manson. Had a third wave sexuality experience when KILL4ME was released. -Addicted to Heroin because he thinks it makes him sexier. Has extreme delusions of grandeur. Believes he’s a new age god that is meant to be worshipped- Essentially believes he’s some form of reincarnated Aphrodite. In actuality its more like the modern day Narcissus, or Dorian Gray, suffering constantly with a news cast image of himself that he just sees getting uglier and uglier -”They never get my fucking smile right. I swear they’re editing it- They’re like, fucking editing it-” -Severe Body Dysmorphia. He can’t perceive his body. He can barely perceive his face when he’s in the process of healing. It’s all lacquer to him- Iridescent. He doesn't view this as a bad thing, but on the rare occasion he can perceive his body, he’s disgusted, and mutilates it in an attempt to repurpose what he views as simply “an unfavorable medium” -Very into body mods. He views his smile this way- further perfecting a craft. He has piercings and the ink and the works- Most shops don't blind twice about his appearance, often applauding the look. -Contrary to his living legend, Jeff was neve able to fully burn off his lids. He tried, and just ended up nuking his lashes. He does find that lack of hair to be appealing, though, and often keeps the rest of his body, save for his head, in a similar shape. A lot of it struggles to grow hair because of the scar tissue anyways. -Never got the chance to grow out of his edgy, 14, and deep phase. Curses compulsively. With every breathe the word Fuck, Bastard, Cunt, Bitch, or some other new fun word will come spilling out. -Chronically straight. like, obsessively straight. Very into the most typical looking women because ‘metal is a mans topic’ (he literally only knows 4 Metallica songs) and if he very much has that ‘they’re too easy to manipulate’ -He’s always chronically chasing women he can’t have.
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-Daddy Kink Haver. Proper dominant, educated man. -I think he’d be older. Not Hannibal. This isn't about Hannibal. Jack is more breakable, pliable. He’s demanding and domineering, and he sneers and snaps his teeth like a dog. He bites in bed. He pulls hair. He’s borderline animalistic when he consumes, and yet surgical and steel when he slices. -He doesn’t prepare meals. He eats it raw. He’d find the flavor- the specialty of the meat to be tainted by spices and herbs. He just needs the meat.  -Complex form of OCD. He doesn't need to be clean. He’s not really put together. He’s got a five o’clock shadow, a hoodie that smells like copper, and a bizarre itch in his own kidneys. If he doesn’t remove someone's, he’ll be forced to remove his own- And he only has the left one left.  -Tall. Not wide. Lean. He’s got a cock that drags across the ground. Uncircumcised. And he walks with the tilt to prove it. -And he sweats, and groans, and there’s this sense about him that he’s only living off adrenaline and coke.  -A severe sadist. The kidney eating has little to nothing to do with this. Those are urges in his organs. The choice to get a medical PHD has everything to do with this, though. Watching people writhing on gurneys when they come in for emergency? Gorgeous. Erection driving.  -Also, has a PHD. It’s DOCTOR Eyeless Jack to you. -Goes by Eyeless Jack purely due to a newspaper misprint and a well placed note. He committed an act of enucleation, and instead of the multiple missing kidneys from previous LIVING victims, he’s only known for this? Humans are so weirddddd.
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-A lot quieter than he’s made out to be, only really mumbling out things here and there- however, notably, when he’s loud hes l o u d. -The better descriptor of how he behaves would be self harmingly neurotic. Sometimes other harmingly neurotic. Charmingly, neurotic. His neurosis has very little to do with his tourettes. It has everything to do with his mania. He’s always on an upper, and the way he moves proves it. He’s borderline animalistic with his motions. He doesnt walk anywhere, he either bolts or stomps. He finds urges to burn things a little too frequently- -If you both to get close enough without his mask on, you’ll see that he’s actually mumbling--- all the time. It’s almost like a consistent chitter of his teeth. Like a weird, fucked up rattle.  -One of his main tics is pulling his jaw scar. It’s a hook motion, and he yanks down and it leaves the area constantly raw. He would prefer to not speak, but then again, he isn’t really given the option. -He tweets like a bird. “WooHoo~” -A consistent problem with his schizo-affective ass is that he’s subjective to equally grandiose delusions when having episodes. Like Jeff, he often finds himself gagging on the kitchen floor, struggling to cope with the fact that he’s disgustingly mortal. Like, Jeff is- bad- Toby’s consciously bad. It’s like the second he became aware of Slenderman being-- real- any form of humanity drained from him. It’s not like he had a disorder to blame it on anymore. A real dude was just-- making him act like this. It wasn’t in his head, what was he to do against an eldritch horror? -lays... incredible pipe. Insane levels of pipe. He’s hypersexual with the audacity to have a thing for anal. He’s awful. awful. He can go for hours- -But its not like he feels anything. He struggles to feel anything emotionally to begin with- and physically, literally.  -The act of sex is bizarrely calming to him. Rhythmic. It’s like a hypnotic form of self care for him. He can zone out for hours- It’s not like he becomes aware when he’s rubbed his dick raw- or your internal organs.
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afieldinengland · 1 year
#thinking about back when i passed for a dorian myself. do you think i still do?#ah. too old in the eyes and the liver now maybe. my own fault— something’s harder in my middle. i suppose it’s adulthood#which is of course different to maturity. i already had that. i’d like to think at least#either way. i don’t know if i pass for a prince anymore. something else something else#would i want to? has there been a change that was total?#more like a wounded knight really. well it’s the pretty word games i miss— seducing with taboo. i’m telling stories again#only once or twice have i had the opportunity. dorian did it every day#ganymede narcissus…. hyacinth. warm dead boys#harri can you lighten up a little? you’re nineteen. twenty in july. youth.#there is absolutely nothing in this world but youth. nothing lonelier#i’m becoming my father. mad and soft and cynical#i doubt dorian could drink like i do. no weak london stock you’re wiltshire blood#shoulders to carry buckets. a stare to melt a canvas. i don’t know. i worry#talking talking talking. forgive me it’s been a while since i’ve loosened my tongue like this#i don’t know if i could be coveted. i know i have been. these things coexist#but i’m old now and i’m tired and i want to taste blood when i bite as well as tar-paper#conjuring up bloody idols to make a friend’s insides less haunting. shouldn’t even say that#just…. thinking. thinking thinking about prettier words that make men blush. i think i’m just lonely#dorian got sick of it too. emerging from the attic. now only dogs will follow me
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mk-writes-stuff · 1 month
Character Voice Tag
Rules: rewrite the quote in the voices of your OCs, then come up with a new line for the next person
Hopping on the open tag from @illarian-rambling because this one suited Seven Stations too much to pass up. My line is: “I like my women how I like my coffee: [insert joke here].” Could I have changed this to talk about men for the people who are into men? Yeah but I’m not going to. You’re all talking about women now, regardless of sexual attraction to them (solely because I have like one good joke that relies on it)
Belladonna: “I like women how I like my coffee. I don’t drink coffee.” *pause* “The fact that I like coffee but don’t drink it in order to look better means nothing.”
Cassie: “I like my women how I like my coffee: a fresh one every morning.”
Nellie: “I like my women how I like my coffee: sweet!” *shy smile* “I just want some friends.”
Narcissus: “Women are a lot like coffees. None of them are good enough for me, but I have to settle for one because I need something out of the bargain. Yes, I know, it’s a tragedy.”
Ricinus: “I like my women how I like my coffee: delivered to me on a silver platter whenever I wish.”
Goldenrod: “I like women much how I like drinking my coffee: far away from my husband!”
Cassiopeia: “This is a ridiculous joke, but I suppose I do like it when both women and coffee do what I want them to do and don’t get in my way.”
Stellaris: “‘I like my women how I like my coffee?’ Oh, this is one of those figure of speech things! Let me see. I mean, I do like coffee, but only one particular order that never changes… and I do like women, but only my fiancée Ambition, of course. So I guess it is true! I do like my women how I like my coffee!” *delighted stimming*
Rhys: “I’m not allowed to drink coffee. I’d get in trouble. But I’d also get in trouble for being with a woman, so I guess that counts?”
Sel: “I like my women how I like my coffee: um… sorry, I don’t know what to say for that one. They’re both good, does that count?”
I had way too much fun with this one, thank you!
@touloserlautrec @willtheweaver @autism-purgatory want to play? Your line is, “I really needed to leave an hour ago.”
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
I love your follower celebration idea. It's so sweet. I would love to put in a request.
Narcissus and yellow orchid, I'll let you choose any clone, bevause they all deserve love. And it can be that after months of unrequited love, f!reader is trying to move on, and he finds out about it.
I don't know. Something like that.
Please Watch Me
Summary: You've had a crush on Jesse for ages, but he doesn't really know you exist, so you're planning on moving on. Only, when he finds out, he takes issue with it.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Jesse x F!Reader
Word Count: 2592
Prompts: Narcissus - unrequited love, Yellow Orchid - New Beginnings
Warning: Jesse is kind of an idiot in this, but it's not malicious
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So this was going to be a Fox fic, because I love him so much, but then I made myself sad about Jesse, and this was born instead. I hope this is close to what you want! ❤️
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You learned, a long time ago, that life isn’t fair.
And you’ve, mostly, accepted it.
It’s why you agreed to join the GAR at your parents' loud encouragement. It was never your dream. But you’ve come to accept that most people don’t get to live their dreams.
You like your job well enough.
Or, well…you like the view, if nothing else.
Your gaze drifts from your datapad, which is running a diagnostic on a malfunctioning alarm, over to the group of men on the other side of the room. Your eyes linger on one man specifically. 
ARC Trooper Jesse of the 501st.
Kind and handsome and charming…and so far out of your reach that he might as well be on Kamino still.
You glance down at your datapad, and sigh softly. As per usual, the diagnostic is moving at the pace of a teenager who has school that day. Nothing for it but to wait until it’s done, you suppose.
You slump against the wall, and allow your gaze to drift back over to the clones on the other side of the room.
It looks like they’re doing hand to hand combat this morning. Which has two perks for one. One, watching them spar is always interesting, though you never have the time to actually watch them. And two, they tend to spar shirtless and you’re something of a simple woman and enjoy the sight of very attractive shirtless men.
All of them. Not just Jesse.
You glance at your datapad again.
30%. You’re going to be here awhile. You should have brought a book.
You slide to the ground and balance your datapad on your knees, splitting your attention between the slowly rinsing number, and Jesse on the other side of the room.
You’ve been completely enamored with him for months now. Ever since the first time he came into your “office”, which is really just a small corner of the hanger sectioned off with crates to give you the illusion of privacy, and asked you for help updating his onboard computer since he was having a hard time with it.
You ended up having to replace the whole system, but he sat with you until you were done, cracking jokes and sharing easy conversation, until you managed to replace the whole system and run the update that he needed.
The crush started out small, just a little thing that you thought could be ignored. 
But it wouldn’t. The more you watched him interact with the world around him, the stronger the feelings grew. Until you were laying in your cot late one night, staring at the ceiling, realizing that you loved him.
And Jesse.
Well, he didn’t know you existed.
Or, if he did, it was in the vague way that all of the men in the 501st knew you existed. As Tech Support.
It. Sucks.
And sure, life isn’t fair, and you’ve come to accept the fact that you’re probably going to get stuck watching the love of your life fall in love with another person, and you’ve promised yourself that you’re going to be happy for him.
Still, it would be nice if life was a little more fair.
Just a little bit?
You glance at your datapad again. 35%.
At least it’s not running backwards, that happened in the med-bay the other day and you just about ripped your hair out…and then verbally tore the entire Medical team a new one for downloading a virus on a military computer.
Rex promised that it would never happen again, when he came to save the medical team from your ire, but you have doubts.
After all, it always happens again.
You fold your legs and absently open a game of solitaire over the diagnostic screen.
Now that you’re thinking about it, maybe it’s time for you to make a change. Not with your career, you signed a contract and you’re stuck for at least 6 years, but with your personal life. 
You can’t keep pining over Jesse, it’s not healthy. And you’re young and reasonably attractive, surely you can snag a date with someone?
The only problem, of course, being that whenever you consider someone to date, the only face that pops in your mind is Jesse. Which is wholly unhelpful. And you refuse, refuse, to try and get over Jesse by using one of his brothers.
That’s not fair to anyone.
You suppose you can always go to a club when you return to Coruscant. You are paid decently well, so you can afford a proper clubbing outfit, and a hookup might, maybe, help you get over Jesse?
Or, it’ll make everything so much worse.
You consider the idea for a moment as you absently move cards across the screen. It’s not a terrible idea, all things considered. You still have some friends from college who keep in touch, and they have been nagging you to go out with them.
And you have been neglecting your social life, what with the war and being assigned to the Resolute.
And your friends will be thrilled to go dancing with you.
Yes, this is an excellent idea. Maybe.
Eh. Maybe not. But it can’t hurt.
Anything is better than pining over someone who isn’t interested, after all.
“How’s the security system looking?” General Skywalker asks as he looms over you, a look of amusement on his face as he sees the card game.
You switch tabs, “Can’t tell you. The diagnostic is still only at 43%.”
“Slow system,”
“GAR standard,” You reply dryly, “It’ll get sorted, it’s just going to take time.”
Anakin sighs, “Of course. Well, we’re heading back to Coruscant anyway, Snips has some lessons she needs to actually sit for.”
“Do not miss those days.” You quip.
“Amen to that,” He glances at you, “Are you alright? You looked sad.”
“Ah, just…thinking.” You reply. You’re quiet for a moment, “I haven’t been on a date since my ex cheated on me in college, and I’m thinking of maybe putting myself back out there.”
There’s a noise from the other side of the room, and both you and General Skywalker look up to see Jesse laying on his back with Tup standing over him, both of them looking surprised. 
“Well, good luck with that. I have to go…manage.” General Skywalker says with a sigh.
“Sounds like you have the harder job.” You murmur as he walks away. You look at your diagnostic one more time, and then sigh, and go back to your game.
At this rate, you’re going to be working until midnight.
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Jesse is having something of a week.
Not a good one, either.
He rubs the back of his neck as he paces in Kix’s office. He is deeply, deeply agitated and he knows why. After all, he was fine until he heard her say those words.
“-I’m thinking of putting myself back out there.”
It had been startling enough that Tup managed to get one up on him and ended up beating him in the spar. And if he’s going to be honest, he’s still a little shell-shocked.
She can’t go out on a date. She just…she can’t.
It’s not allowed. Or it shouldn’t be allowed. She needs to stay near the barracks. Where she’ll be safe. Where he can keep her safe from the creeps on Coruscant.
Or, if she doesn’t stay near the barracks, she should at least go to places that are safe, like 79s where he can threaten his brothers if they bother her-
He jumps when Kix’s shout jerks him out of his increasingly spiraling thoughts. “What?”
“You’re going to pace a hole in my floor.” Kix says, irritably. “Sit. Down.”
Jesse obediently drops into a chair.
Kix glares at him a moment longer, and then he nods, “Good. Now. What is your problem?”
“You have a shit bedside manner, Kix.”
“It’s you. Get over it.” Kix rolls his eyes, “Why are you so anxious?”
Jesse eyes his brother, and then his shoulders slump, and he quietly says her name.
“What, did she yell at you for downloading a virus, because she’s not going to stay angry for long.” Kix says.
“No. She wants to start dating.”
“And? What’s the problem with-” He stops and looks up from his datapad to stare at his brother. “Oh. Oh. Vod, I’m sorry.”
Jesse grimaces, “I was dumb.” He admits.
“Well, at least you know. How were you dumb, though?”
“I got comfortable. She watched me when she thought no one was looking. And I thought…well, I thought she would wait for me.”
“Why the hell would she do that? Have you ever actually spoken to her before?”
“About something not work related?”
“I…Not really, no.”
“Then why should she put her life on hold for you?” Kix asks reasonably.
“Stop being logical and tell me how to keep her from dating people who aren’t me!”
“Talk to her, you utter idiot.”
“What if she says no?”
“Well then, you’re SOL aren’t you?” Kix says, “Because if you think for a moment that I’m going to let you ruin her life because of jealousy-”
“What! No! I would never!”
“Good.” Kix turns back to his work, “Anyway, you should go talk to her.”
He turns his glare onto his brother, “You’re not really going to make me do this, are you?”
“...do what?” Jesse asks warily.
“You are. You’re lucky you’re my favorite brother.”
Kix gets to his feet and drags Jesse to his feet, before he propels him out of the room. He pushes Jesse down the hall, into the lift, down another hall, into the hanger, and then into the small room where she works.
“Wait, Kix-” Jesse hisses.
She turns her wide, confused gaze over the pair of men, “Is something wrong?” She asks cautiously.
“No.” Jesse says quickly.
“Yes.” Kix says at the same time. He pushes Jesse into the only chair in the room, and then claps his brother on the shoulder, “This is for your own good, vod.”
“What are you-?” Jesse doesn’t finish his sentence as Kix cuffs him to the chair, and then leaves the room.
She stares at Jesse wide eyed, her hand pressed over her mouth, “Um…hold on, I’m sure I have a set of lock picks in here-”
“You…why would you have lockpicks?” Jesse asks, so startled at her comment that he can’t even be upset at the situation.
She ducks her head, and Jesse just about melts when he sees the adorably shy look on her face. “I, well…I was bored, and I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to learn how to pick locks.”
She ducks her head a little more, and Jesse wonders what person told her that she should be ashamed of herself, and he wonders if he can meet them and introduce them to his fist.
“It’s weird, I know-”
“It’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard in my life.” Jesse says determinedly. 
Her head snaps up and she stares at him in surprise, “You…adorable?” She asks with a cute scrunch of her nose.
“Yes. Adorable. In fact, everything about you is adorable. How do you do that?”
“I…I don’t-I mean, I’m not doing anything special-?” She says shyly, “Oh, lockpicks…” She turns and digs through a drawer.
“You don’t have to do anything special. You just are.” Jesse says as he watches her dig through her things. He hesitates a moment, “Any guy would be lucky to have you.” He adds, sounding deeply pained.
“Found it!” She holds up a ring of lockpicks, and then offers him a slight smile, “And…not any guy.”
“Name one.”
“General Skywalker?”
“He doesn’t count seeing as he’s married, try again.”
“Like, all of your brothers who look right through me like I’m invisible?” She offers as she kneels next to him and starts working on the cuff.
“They have bad taste, all of them. Have you seen some of their tattoos?” Jesse asks.
“Says the man with the Republic cog tattooed on his face?”
“I have amazing taste,” Jesse says with a grin, “Have you seen my other tattoos?”
“I…have, yes.”
His grin widens, “Like I said, they all have bad taste, try again.”
She sighs and straightens once he’s free, “Okay. You.”
Jesse rubs his wrist, but keeps his gaze locked on her face, “That’s not true at all.”
She blinks at him once, and then again, “I beg your pardon?”
“Alright, so…I have a confession.” Jesse starts as he leans back in the chair, not wanting to crowd her, “I knew about your crush on me.”
Her face flames, and she presses her hands over her face, “I-”
“Can I finish before you say anything, please?” Jesse asks, his voice gentle, and he waits until she nods before he continues. “I knew about your crush, and I knew about you watching me, and I loved it.”
She lowers her hands to watch him.
“I suppose I got…spoiled. I assumed that you would always be there, and that’s on me, not on you. So…so hearing that you want to start dating again-” He trails off and shakes his head with a wry quirk of his lips. “It was something of a punch to the gut.”
“Hey, no. No, you don’t have to apologize. It was a well needed punch to the gut.” Jesse says, “I never spoke with you, and part of that is because we’re both so busy, but part of it is…well, I’m something of a jerk sometimes.”
She tilts her head, her arms folding in front of her stomach, “Jesse…what are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying,” Jesse pauses, “Begging, pleading…don’t take your eyes off me. Please?”
“I want to…to take you dancing and to the movies and out to dinner and…and buy you flowers. And I know that you have every right to tell me to kriff off but I’m really hoping that you won’t.”
She hesitates, “This isn’t just some joke that you’re playing on me, is it?”
“No, never. I wouldn’t do that to anyone, but least of all you.” Jesse says.
There’s quiet for a moment, and then Jesse speaks again, looking both eager and hesitant at the same time, “So…so what do you think? Can you give this idiot one more chance?”
She sighs, gentle and quiet, “Jesse, I didn’t actually have any hope of finding someone else.” She admits, “I’ve been in love with you since the first time you came in here.”
“I know.” Jesse smiles slightly, “I don’t know if I love you. I’ve never been in love before. But I know the idea of you with someone else makes me unbearably sad.”
She ducks her head with a small smile, “I don’t mind waiting until you know for sure.”
“Does that mean you’re willing to be my girlfriend?” Jesse asks.
She glances at him and nods her head slowly, “But…you’re not allowed to ignore me anymore.”
“Never again. This is a new beginning for you and me. A better start.” Jesse stands when he sees the small smile on her face and he reaches out to lightly brush his fingers against her cheek.
And then he leans in and presses his lips against her forehead.
She doesn’t react for a moment, and then, slowly, she wraps her arms around his waist. “Do…do you want to stay and watch a holo with me?” She asks, her voice soft and hesitant.
“Cyare, nothing would make me happier.”
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So I just finished my Tubi watch through of Class of the Titans and… Wow, I wasn’t expecting that ending. But, with all of that done with, I need to talk about my favorite character.
And, like, a lot…
(WARNING: This post has MAJOR spoilers for the show Class of the Titans, I basically go over the whole show, although they mostly pertain to a certain character from the show. This show is currently FREE on Tubi and other streaming platforms. Hell, I looked it up on YouTube, it’s also there too! Please go watch it! It’ll grow on you! Of course, you’re fine to read on if you don’t really care about that, but I wouldn’t want to be the one ruining any possible enjoyment of the show for you. Anyways, infodumping!)
While at the beginning of my watch through of the Canadian cartoon Class of the Titans, I posted about it, and I said Hermes seemed to be my favorite character so far. Now, I still like him pretty strongly, I will admit that he didn’t get enough screen time for me to fully consider my favorite character in this show period.
Now, Cronus on the other hand, he got a LOT of screen time. (Being the main villain will do that to you.) He’s relentlessly evil and campy as hell, not to mention that with his lines, he is the epitome of a villainous Tumblr sexyman. In addition, not only is he the God of Time AND Space, he’s also Zeus’ dad. As a main villain, I absolutely adore him! But, admittedly, something is missing to me. See, he’s the main villain, the foil to the protagonists. If he succeeds, well, the show is done pal. Thus, he’s not really allowed to grow because of that. He always gets beaten and/or forced to flee by the main seven heroes. Because of that, while his writing in terms of pure lines is fantastic, the overall writing is admittedly static. Now, the show does admittedly occasionally venture outside the box and make Cronus something besides the main villain to our heroes, but that’s also understandably limited.
So, someone with screen time and is allowed to develop, who could belong to that group… Why, of course, who else but the main group of heroes! Well, in a way, they are a bit samey. They’re all the destined heroes who want to focus on heroing. Well, of course, there is a bit of an exception…
Neil’s character is written brilliantly.
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That’s right, Neil, I’m talking about you.
As the seventh and last hero introduced in the series, the team depends on him to fulfill the prophecy that seven heroes will defeat Cronus! Except, he’s not much of a hero. The word that Neil wants after super is model, not hero. And, this is by design.
First off, all of the heroes are descended from Greek figures. Archie is related to Achilles, Atlanta is related to Athena, and on and on and on. And then, there’s Neil, who is descended from Narcissus. Now, a beautiful guy who fell in love with his own reflection in some water and stared at it until he died doesn’t sound so heroic, does it? Of course, Neil reflects this narcissism, his vanity being his signature trait.
This signature trait shows that, compared to the other characters, his personality is essentially fundamentally flawed from the start. In fact, in the intro, it gives everyone a descriptor for their role in the team. Jay is the leader, Herry is the brawn, and so forth. Neil’s descriptor? He is simply dubbed the good looking one. (For reasons we’ll discuss later, this vastly undersells Neil.)
Now, while this makes him sound like the least likable hero in the show… Well, he 100% is, but that’s the point. I don’t know if I could truly be friends with him, but goodness, he’s probably the objectively best hero in terms of character. He’s egocentric, self-centered, and honestly not too empathetic. However, because he displays these flaws so much, it kinda becomes accepted that this is just Neil.
When other heroes have their flaws become evident, like Odie’s carelessness in taking Zeus’ Time Piece because everyone keeps taking up his time, it’s addressed rather quickly. More often than not, with a lesson learned, it kind of gets swept under the rug. But Neil? Oh boy, try unraveling all of that, much less try fixing all of that!
But, in turn, this has a bit of an inverse effect. Cool, Herry did the hero thing, he’s supposed to, because he’s good guy Herry. But, Neil? I am screaming “GO, WHITE BOY, GO!” at the top of my lungs whenever he seems to be actually helping. It’s a bit dependent of the principles of quality over quantity and how can I miss it when I see it so much. Neil, if he ever looks away from his mirror, can have more meaningful rescues and moments where he helps out simply because he doesn’t do it as much. (Admittedly, he is a hero and should be helping more, but we take the small victories with Neil here.)
Now, how does Neil help, exactly? Well, again, all of the heroes have their roles. Theresa is psychic, Athena is super fast, Herry is super strong, Odie is super smart, Jay is a leader with excellent battle intuition, and Archie is… Immune to disease and has a crappy ankle? (How helpful is that? It does come into play, but it’s not like he���s a healer or anything. Archie is probably my least favorite hero though, so…) Anyways, they all have their powers, and Neil has his. You know what it is? Plot armor.
No, I’m not kidding, it is essentially plot armor. Of course, the show calls it luck, and he is pretty damn lucky. He always wins coin flips and gets good grades on tests without studying, he miraculously avoids getting hurt many times, and can often accidentally or unintentionally inspire ideas in others on the team. This is the reason he is on the team, he can be a pain to put up with and often doesn’t have a weapon, but this luck is literally the answer to anything you need on the show. Admittedly, his luck can only help him so much. (Gods, please help this boy try to perform social interactions…) But, it is very important to not only the show’s story, but also to the character of Neil as a whole.
A guy easily chucking cars around? Superhero to the max. A girl running faster than humanly possible? Yeah, that’s a superhero. A really lucky guy? That might just be how the stars line up. If Neil has always had these powers, (And I am assuming here, because we get like… Not much sense of these heroes’ home life at all really.), of course Neil ended up as the brat he is! If things often tend to go his way, he wouldn’t often have to face the reality of things NOT going his way. He’s obviously gonna get bigheaded because of this, which might inspire others to be jealous/not like him, which only further perpetuates his ego. Also, this luck and subsequent ego allows him to be really dumb. Like, he has enough sense to know he can use his mirror as a way to see things without actually looking, but otherwise, he is as dumb as a bag of bricks. Perhaps because he really only tries to act smart (enough) whenever it seems to benefit him or he already knows about it. (Odie talks to him about tectonic plates and Neil seemingly has no clue what a tectonic plate is. It doesn’t immediately benefit him to know what a tectonic plate is either, and he just knows the team has to stop an earthquake thingy.) This power is so significant, yet it doesn’t really actually empower or instill any sense of heroism in Neil because it’s not obviously a power, which still allowed for Neil to end up as a coward. (At first. Also, damn, he has a high pitched scream!)
Yet, amongst all of the vanity inspired by both his ancestry and his power, there are some interesting layers. Sometimes, he’ll end up coming across as really genuine, even if comes off as SO awkward. He’ll drop down the mask of being cool in a more vain sense, exchanging it in for a more authentic self, which can often still be seen as cool. (For example, he talks about how he would be a really cool DJ while talking to the group in the cafeteria, before he starts using two plates as discs, and it actually pops the team and they laugh about it.) He has one liners throughout the series, but over the course of the series, they come off as more genuine and oddly heroic in a strange way. Of course, Neil will be Neil, but Neil can actually stop focusing on himself for a second. (Probably on something shiny. He loves shiny things.)
However, his vain and genuine parts combine together to create probably his most important part: His lack of a filter. Now, this obviously can create some funny moments, such as his incessant complaining and whining and wailing. Then again, Neil can get kinda wild at times. While talking about Dionysus, the god of partying who consumes an excessive amount of wine, Neil asks, “Is he still a…?” before continuing by making a bottle sipping gesture. Like… Oh my gods. Did he really just ask that on a kid’s show? That is probably the most direct way to ask that in a way that is also allowed on a kid’s show. (Even Hera is a bit taken aback by this, Neil’s question means she has to quickly explain Dionysus now focuses on science.)
However, in a way, his lack of a filter is also a good thing. See, in some strange way, this makes him actually pretty genuine. Now, this man is basically blind to his own flaws for a majority of the series, but that doesn’t prevent him from calling out others. He’s done this multiple times, such as when Archie opened up Pandora’s Box. (He basically called Archie a failure for that, so, again, Neil can get wild!) Hera is explaining to them all (and also the audience) the story of Pandora’s Box, and how she was gifted a box by the gods, but was told not to open it, and her opening up the box released some pretty bad stuff. Neil of course has to add his commentary to it, as he basically says, “You gods suck! You give people presents they can’t open and apples they can’t eat!”. He says this directly in the presence of the gods! Also, he tossed in a potshot at Christianity! He doesn’t care, and I love him for it! (Then again, Neil probably just worships himself, so…)
I fell in love with Neil because of his pure lines written for him, he’s very much like a smarmy pro wrestling heel, which is great, considering I’m a pro wrestling fan. However, after investing into Neil, I most appreciate him for his change over the course of the series. Now, it’s subtle and probably overshadowed by his constant unwillingness to change, but his arc over the course of the entire series is the perfect slow burn for me. Now, let’s start at the beginning.
(Get ready for the length because I took so many notes on Neil!)
He actually isn’t brought in until the third part of the introductory Chaos arc, as he is the last of the prophesied seven heroes, and the others have to go look for him. He’s… Just so not what they thought they were looking for in a hero. Hell, he’s even aligned with Cronus at first! (Then again, Cronus finds Neil when he’s at a photo shoot and convinces Neil that he is a talent agent, so I can’t really blame Neil there.) To make him live up to his Narcissus ancestry, Cronus gets Neil to oodle over his own reflection in a pool of water, before the heroes realize Neil’s power is luck and the heroes chuck Cronus over the top of the building. However, in response, Neil yells about how the heroes just killed his agent. Cronus was okay on the side of the building and climbing up with his scythes though, but the heroes manage to take Neil away, bringing him to the school. He’s so dismissive of whatever the others say until they bring him into the school, and whether or not he likes it (He doesn’t.), he is a superhero now! Funnily enough, Neil ends up unintentionally inspiring Odie to create the thing to stop Cronus’ plans, and the intro arc ends, and we’re strapped in and ready for the rest of the series.
Neil does his thing in the meanwhile, slinging insults and staring at himself in his mirror, all the while not having any weapons and not really fighting all that well, if he even chooses to fight. He gets his first real focus as a member of the team in a particular episode, The Trojan Horse, where Odie gets seriously hurt and gets mad and leaves. After saying Jay’s recent track record as leader stinks, Hera makes an executive decision to replace Jay with Neil, and everyone starts arguing while Odie joins up with Cronus and Jay leaves while feeling disillusioned and Neil gives himself a captain’s hat. After Jay returns with Odie being all evil and strong and stuff now, Neil appoints him as the leader again on the condition that he gets to keep his captain’s hat, and the episode ends with Odie revealing he was a fake defector and helped take out Cronus.
After annoying an already set off Archie (who is afraid of water) by imitating submarine pings, as well as somehow doing magic right on his first try by saying bibbidi bobbidi boo, Neil’s at the zoo taking a photo shoot with monkeys in the Sibling Rivalry episode. Medusa tries to attack him, but thanks to Neil’s good luck, Medusa takes herself out. Well, that’s not how Neil’s telling the story, he’s saying that he laid haymakers into her. Then, when the Gorgon sisters kidnap him, he’s scared and can’t even look at his captors. Of course, Neil gets saved by the others, as the Gorgon sisters get crushed thanks to the cave they are in collapsing on them. And how does Neil tell the story? Well, he goes on about how he took out all 3 Gorgon sisters.
During his first arc, which I call his Getting Acclimated arc, Neil adjusts to everything between his introduction and the Pandora’s Box episode for the first half of Season 1. Everyone gets used to Neil, how he is always late and focused on his beauty, along with his general dumbassery and lack of a filter. Then again, Neil also has to get used to everything, and he leans on certain tendencies to keep himself a bit distant while he grows accustomed to everything.
His next arc, which starts around the Make-Up Exam episode where Neil offers a brainwashed Atlanta his stereo in order to escape Arachne’s web, is his Growing Responsibility arc. He feels he now has to try and prove himself as a hero, and while he doesn’t always help, he is trying to be helpful and fill his role more than being self-serving.
In the Odie-ssey episode, Neil is fine with being stranded on an island with Odie and Jay because he gets to be on the beach and relax, but he ends up doing a lot of climbing and even has to face Cronus by the end of the episode even thought he hates it. In the episode Get Kraken, where a confused Neil infamously says that there is a cracker on the loose, Neil is clearly trying to help by pointing out the Kraken first. However, after Jay saved Neil from being slapshotted like a hockey puck, Neil gets fussy with Jay because Jay interrupted Neil’s thought process and he forgot a very important idea. In the Eye for an Eye episode where Odie is attacked by a one-eyed monster, Neil is convinced the one-eyed part means that the attacker is a pirate, not to mention that he points out where the cyclops is going while he is actively standing in a cyclops footprint. (Neil also faces instant karma this episode, as he makes fun of Atlanta for getting electrocuted by not jumping over the electric wire, before Neil then gets electrocuted by an electric mine.) Again, trying to help, but he’s going about it in a Neil way.
Neil is becoming less static as a character as his boundaries are slowly being opened, but this means that sudden shifts may occur, such as in Bows and Eros. This Valentine’s Day episode, which is the first holiday episode of the series, features a corrupted Eros (Do not call him Cupid!) shooting hate-spiked arrows at everyone thanks to Cronus. As a result, not only do the heroes hate each other, all of New Olympia hates each other! Except, for Neil, it makes possible the one thing thought impossible: It makes Neil hate himself since he looked into a mirror. (Of course, Eros has to shoot him with a second arrow, as the first one missed thanks to Neil’s luck.) He immediately cries about his hair, saying how ugly he looks as he puts a bag over his head, before running out of the bathroom. Next time we see him, Jay finds Neil bald while strapped into a chair with duct tape over his mouth, as Odie explains to Jay that he wanted to do something about Neil complaining about his hair. However, after being comforted by Aphrodite and donning a fake wig which he totally rocks, he actually powers on and helps the other heroes take down Cronus. In typical Neil fashion though, once Eros and Psyche are reunited and start kissing, Neil and some others in the group tell the two to get a room. The ultimate takeaway though is that, instead of backing down and crumbling, which Neil might have done before, Neil actually powers on. (Also, thank the gods Neil being bald exists only during this episode, because I never want to see his egg head again.)
After he gets turned into a statue in the Underworld in Road to Hades, Neil’s importance is raised a bit in the show, and what he manages to accomplish in the next few episodes is astonishing. After agreeing to give up his plans of any Spring Break parties in Many Happy Returns, Neil actually gets the gang out of a tight spot when they get caught breaking into a museum by a security guard, as Neil uses his Speech 100 to convince the security guard that they are night researchers who study things like owls and comets in order to bring back Hephaestus’ robot ladies. This… Somehow works. In fact, later on in that same episode, Neil proudly lives up to his role as a decoy standing at the peak of a volcano while a bronze giant in Talos is actively trying to destroy the heroes. The next episode titled Labour Day shows a wrestling match between Herry and Neil, and even if Herry is super mega distracted by some bodacious babes he saw yesterday, along with Neil shockingly throwing out the worst insults ever, all of that doesn’t matter when Neil actually beats Herry! (Then, when the gang has to search for a missing Herry, Neil tries to stay in the car to listen to some sweet jams.) Neil is putting in the effort and actually being rewarded.
Now, with this episode called They Might Be G.I.Ants, Neil’s shenanigans get taken to some of the weirdest I have ever seen. So… Cronus raids a military base and turns all of their soldiers into giant ants. How does Neil get involved? Well, when the heroes end up clashing with these ants, Neil manages to get the collar off of one. Not only does this help later, as Odie needs one of the collars to try to take over the ant brains back from Cronus, a particular ant becomes super connected to Neil. Why? Well, the ant stung Neil in the ass. This sends Neil into a state of delirium, where he befriends the ant, and even lowkey flirts with it. Neil somehow is the key to helping mitigate the giant ant problem. I could not believe this at all when I first saw this episode. Interestingly enough, there’s a part of this episode where Neil and Odie form their own team in a tactical exercise because they got picked last and are upset that they are perceived as not as valuable, and they actually end up as the winners of the exercise by the end of the episode.
Neil gets kidnapped (again) by a Stymphalian Bird in Cronus’ Flying Circus, but uses his mirror to avoid becoming bird food, although he sadly broke a nail in the process. He ends up being the most knowledgeable in the episode Sybaris’ Fountain episode when it comes to fighting Sybaris and her ghost vampires, considering he has watched so many vampire movies before, as he brought garlic and stakes and holy water soakers in his vampire hunter drip, and these tools end up stalling their undead foes for long enough for Sybaris to be defeated.
But, amongst all of the things he has had to do, The Last Word may host Neil’s biggest show of commitment to the team so far despite how annoying things personally get for him here. While performing a beautiful rendition of Michael J. Frog’s Hello My Baby in the shower, Neil gets paranoid about a voice talking to him, but no one else cares because they cannot hear it. Surprise, Neil is kidnapped for a third time in Season 1! Echo is enamored with Neil’s ancestor Narcissus (which means she is also enamored with Neil by extension) and is a chatterbox who always has to have the last word, but she ends up spilling about how she is working with Cronus to keep Neil busy while the others are trapped, but Neil convinces her that Cronus would mess things up with no more talking and no more Neil. Thus, his logic makes Echo work with him, and his friends end up freed with Cronus defeated. At the end of the episode though, Echo gently dumps Neil because he is way too obsessed with himself, and Neil is mad she dumped him before he could dump her.
In the season 1 finale, Time After Time, the gang essentially has to time travel in order to stop Cronus’ attempts to change history through time traveling in order to change the prophecy of the seven heroes who can defeat him. Neil… Doesn’t really do much. However, he does have to tell Zeus and Hades from the past that he is not an action figure for the gods. This is basically the end of Neil’s second arc. So… What now?
The first half of Season 2 houses Neil’s Deep End arc, because Neil is finding himself able to swim in the deep end and do things Neil used to be unable to conceive, but the problem is making sure he can stay above the water in the deep end. How does he start this arc? By knocking Cronus out cold! In the opening scenes of Cronus Vanquished, Neil complains about not having a weapon, with Jay realizing Neil should probably have a weapon in the middle of combat. Jay gives Neil his reflective laser shield thing before Neil complains thag is too tight on his wrist, which causes Cronus to easily spot Neil and goes to shoot him as Jay tells Neil how to turn it on, and Neil essentially pulls off a perfect parry and sends Cronus’ evil fire back at him to send him into trees before knocking him out into a big rock.
Here, everyone assumes Cronus is defeated, with Hades personally dealing with Cronus in the Underworld. Neil’s response to the seeming end of their battle with Cronus is that he can’t wait to get out of the “dump” they’ve stayed at, as he’s had enough with doing good, he just wants to get back to looking good again. But, surprise, Cronus did Cronus things and trapped Hades and Persephone in hourglasses and is currently in control of the Underworld right now! In response to this news, Neil in particular seems to be upset, as he complains about how he’ll have to unpack. However, once again, Neil puts on his brave face and serves his role once again. He does complain about how his role is as bait with Odie for the literal God of Death Thanatos, but his absolutely fantastic acting attracts Thanatos into the trap, Odie breaking a rope that causes a big tree to snap into Thanatos and send the God of Death into a pile of rocks. Neil says something of interest after their success though, as he blurts out, “Yeah, we bad!” Hm… Has… Has Neil actually developed a bond with Odie? A friendship, if you will? He might just be reacting to their success… I might be overlooking into things, or perhaps crazy, but I’ll put a bookmark on this one for now.
We get into Neil’s mind a bit in Graes Anatomy, where Odie finds the Eye, a magical thing that can show where anyone desired is. While the group is using the Eye, they are baffled about how they are right by Cronus, and it takes Neil wanting to nap on a log that he accidentally finds Cronus by leaning back into a part of rock that wasn’t actually rock. However, the group using the Eye pissed off the Graes, who the Eye belonged to until Perceus stole it and put it in some lake where the gang originally found it. As punishment, the Graes trap them in their own head, leaving them to fight their fears. Get ready everyone, because Neil’s fears are… Being bald, fat, and having acne. That… That just seems obvious. Anyways…
in Star Quality, a girl named Cassie is supposed to interview Neil due to his rising stardom. (Where does Cassie first recall seeing Neil from? A diaper commercial. In addition, Neil is currently in a fast food employee outfit during their initial conversation, as he is doing a fast food shoot when Cassie interrupts it.) This is Neil’s dream, he has always wanted this, it’s what will truly make him the star he always envisioned himself as! And yet, the entire time, Neil’s words and actions basically show everyone that he’d rather focus on this interview instead of help with the team’s SECRET mission. The way he goes about it to becomes a bit of an active hinderance to the team, as they have to spend time tracking down Cassie and destroying any possible tapes she has, this is happening while they also have to track down and fight Orion. (Orion? Like the constellation from the stars? Yeah, him.) By the end of the episode, Cassie gets her mind erased of recent events, and Neil gets super annoyed because Cassie has no clue who Neil is and won’t give him his interview. (This is also the episode where Neil says he is allergic to clothing without designer labels.)
Neil basically gets punished for his lack of care for the mission in the next episode, Forget Me Not, where the heroes attempt to traverse through the Underworld to get to Elysian Fields to meet their ancestors. Neil tries to drink from the River Lethe because he is thirsty, but Odie ingrains it in Neil’s head that the River Lethe causes forgetfulness with said forgetfulness becoming permanent if they step into the Elysian Fields, and the only cure are some flowers that cause bring back memories before one steps into the Elysian Fields. (Of course, to add on, these flowers can cause drowsiness.) As cruel fate would have it, Neil has to remember this, because he is the only one who can remember it, since the heroes AND Cronus get splashed with water from the River Lethe. The now forgetful group doesn’t take Neil’s help, because they don’t remember him, not to mention that he’s on the other side of the river. This means that he has to go through Charon, the boat guy, but he didn’t bring any money with him. However, he still has payment Charon deems suitable, so Charon will work with him. This leads to the scene of Neil begging for his friends to listen to him and take his flowers before they step into the Elysian Fields while arguing with Cronus, which is accentuated by his lack of his typical vintage shoes and silk shirt, because Charon took those as payment. After all of this, do you know what his reward is after convincing his friends to defeat Cronus? He meets Narcissus, who Neil was thoughtful enough to bring hair product for as a present, with Narcissus giving him clothes he describes as unique and asks if they are made of toe hair. This seems fair enough after last episode.
The focus on Neil basically drops before being built up to later, as he doesn’t really do anything too notable in the next episode, although he drops a wild comment in the next episode called Pandemonium about Chiron needing to watch his diet while ALL OF THE GODS ARE LITERALLY DYING. Neil drops a cool line in the next episode titled Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself by telling Theresa he wants her to take a picture of him IN Greece, not him AND Greece, and he busts it down sexual style on the dance floor with some pretty sick moves. (This scene made me laugh so hard, because not only is Neil doing the coolest dance moves in such a Neil way, but because it’s cutting between Neil dancing and a fear-stricken Archie shaking and pissing himself because he’s so scared in an alley somewhere.) He does get to show off his monster movie knowledge again though, as Neil mentions that silver can take out a werewolf, and Archie ends up using a silver medallion he bought while in Greece to slay the werewolf chasing after him and Atlanta.
Speaking of Atlanta, her and Neil have to work together in this next episode titled Cold Day In Hades, and we see probably one of the strongest examples of Neil’s good luck power. Persephone sits down in the Chair of Forgetfulness placed by Cronus while on her way back to Earth, and her capture makes her Goddess of Harvest mother Demeter so sad that she causes an intense winter on both Earth and in the Underworld. (Neil still tries to work on his tan despite it being a “little chilly” because he is a hero after all.) Once all are informed of Persephone’s disappearance, most of the group goes to find her and bring her back, while Neil and Atlanta are tasked with finding Demeter and calming her down so the snow in spring stops. Atlanta is driving the two to Demeter’s farm on a snowmobile, but she is going so fast which is making Neil scream and complain, which basically forces Atlanta to let him drive. Neil then proceeds to go really slow despite the mission at hand, until he hits the nitrous boost button, which makes the snow mobile go so fast that it crashes into a tree. However, his luck makes it so him and Atlanta are somehow completely unharmed at the cost of the snowmobile, with even Neil shocked at this turn of events. Then, once Neil and Atlanta finally find Demeter, Neil tries to work his magic. However, he was (for some reason) tasked to talk Demeter for his social skills, and he is doing nothing but making the winter more intense. Instead, Neil ends up going fast anyways because Atlanta convinces Demeter to let them borrow her flying horse chariot, and Neil literally kisses the ground beneath him once he got off of the ride. In one of his biggest tasks so far, Neil came off as an active hinderance to the mission.
For the rest of the Deep End arc, he doesn’t quite have this level of focus again, although he still has moments. In Tantalize This, Neil complains about Herry trying to save a cat because Herry got in the way of his light, later bemoaning about how cats are so self-centered without a hint of irony. In Mother Knows Best, Herry’s Granny tells Herry to be a good host and get his friends whatever they want as they are guests, with Neil using this as an excuse to make Herry get him lemonade refills while the others look at him pissed.
Neil does a good bit of varying helpfulness in the episode Applet of Discord, where the God of Discord (@everyone) Eris makes people argue with each other, Atlanta and Archie being affected by this. They come home and bother everyone, including Neil while he is reading a magazine that has him on the cover and causes him to say, “I hate when mom and dad fight, I’m out of here!” He then goes to respond to his fan mail before getting a message from Eris, which unleashes a sound that makes everyone argue with each other, but he also gets a picture of Eris to help the team plan on what to do. (The group does this while ignoring Theresa who has a vision and knows what is going on.) After finding Eris at the bell tower and working with his teammates despite Eris’ attempts to sow discord into the group, Neil drops Eris’ phone down to the bell tower floor to stop the discord, with Harmony causing everyone to be happy with Neil striking the final death blow of a hug to Eris making the Goddess of Discord go away. After not doing much notable in Bad Blood, Neil in Dreamweaver is hesitant about Cronus taking the talisman in their plan to try and trap Cronus because Cronus isn’t “street” enough to go for that bling, and he leads Archie and Atlanta in a marching jody that pokes at Jay being cranky since he is so focused about the mission and is essentially overworking everyone.
For the rest of the series, we get the Realization of Neil arc, as Neil seems to get what he is. Overall, it seems like Neil has comfortable, but perhaps too comfortable. This can lead to carelessness, and even a bit of hostility on the part of Neil, such as in the episode titled Breathtaking Beauty. Odie is texting some girl named Wendy he met up with online while at the movies, until he sees her actually in the film he is watching, with Neil laughing and revealing that he was Wendy along. Odie gets pissed, not to mention that Herry and even random moviegoers get pissed at Neil, with Odie driving off on his little moped scooter thing. Neil tries calling Odie to apologize, but Odie’s not having it, and it seems that karma would agree because Neil and Herry end up getting in a GAS STATION FIRE AFTER A GAS PUMP BLOWS UP. Once all of that is resolved, Neil finds Odie being challenged by a Sphinx (who was disguised as a hot babe) to answer a riddle, and Neil also ends up taking the challenge because he wants to show he is sorry. (Neil can’t come up with sorry himself, Odie has to say it, but Neil says that’s why Odie is the smart one.) Neil comes up with an incorrect and vain answer of good looks to the riddle, which Odie berates him for and says he’s some friend, before realizing Neil led him to the correct answer of friendship with the two making up after the Sphinx is truly defeated. Now, this! This episode is actual confirmation as to Odie and Neil being friends! Neil is probably the closest to Odie out of any of the other heroes, and with this episode, it is firmly cemented. (Go white boy, you truly made a friend!)
Of course, in typical Neil fashion, he ends up helping out Odie again in the Recipe for Disaster episode. All of the gods are behaving like old people, and this is traced to the ambrosia they are eating, which is later traced specifically to the plants involved in the honey making process being tainted evil plants by a tainted evil botanist who used to be Hercules’ friend. In the meantime, Odie has to make ambrosia, which sucks considering the main ambrosia maker Athena can’t remember the recipe. In addition, Odie overthinks things, and he ends up convincing himself that he absolutely cannot use honey not from the magical garden of the gods. However, Neil runs to the corner store and grabs some organic honey despite Odie’s repeated resistance, but it turns out that Neil’s corner store organic honey creates ambrosia that is loved by the gods and makes them all act not like old people again.
Neil steps back in terms of focus in the episode named Polyphemus Returns, acting more like the old Neil since he is quite concerned about how the heat of the volcano he is in will do to his pores, and Neil’s insists on not leaving behind his moisturizer even if he nearly gets struck by lightning by a giant. (This actually turns out to be a smart move, as he causes a giant to slip in it.) He is slightly more notable in Cronus 2.0 though, as he teams up with his best friend Odie in combat class, hitting him with a down low too slow before following Odie’s plan and set up to absolutely clown on Herry to cause him to fall out of the ring by poking him in the butt. Despite their gelling in combat class though, when Odie builds a cyborg called Cronus 2.0, he is not immune to Neil’s lack of a filter. After a close incident with Theresa, Odie assures the group that Cronus 2.0’ safeguards are fine although he needs to install some new ones, with Neil asking if the old safeguards can really be fine if new ones are needed.
You wouldn’t think an episode titled The Game Plan would be a Christmas special, but it is, and let me tell you, it is a doozy! Amongst all of the craziness though, Neil plays a pretty significant part. Neil is shopping with Jay when Jay mentions how Neil could probably get some presents for people besides himself, but Neil says he cannot help resist buying gifts for himself as he see things he “desperately” needs, basically implying that he feels more comfortable buying presents for himself since he knows himself way more than others. He then meets up with a talking goat named Almatheia who claims to have raised Zeus, dismissing the idea before admitting that he’s been through weirder things, with him coming to the realization that him causing Zeus and Almatheia to meet up again would be the perfect present. Well, it would be, but Cronus was actually the goat in disguise and ends up capturing Zeus and goading him into a game of chess where the lives of the seven heroes are on the line if they are taken out. (Guess what piece Neil is? The queen.) Neil and Jay have to find the Goddess of Good Fortune and Luck Fortuna to get Almatheia’s Cornucopia, which is obtained by playing the Wheel of Fortuna, a wacky and zany game of luck where a wheel spin can cause anything to happen! Neil spins first and he… Oh my gods. He turns into a baby and it is the cutest thing I have ever seen. (He is literally absorbed into his shirt, I can’t-) Anyways, baby Neil ends up spinning the wheel while Jay fights for his life, with Neil winning and being able to use his wish on anything he wants. Neil really stretches out his wish to bring Zeus back and end the chess game which thwarts Cronus’ evil plan, as well as getting everyone the perfect presents for everyone, although he forgets to wish for some pants after turning back from a baby and he ends up in his underwear. (For some reason, the show loves stripping down Neil of some layers…) Anyways, Fortuna is also there and awaits her present, but Neil lays into her and doesn’t have a present for her because things could have been done a lot sooner if Fortuna wasn’t so fickle about things. (And honestly, he’s right, screw you Fortuna!)
In the next episode called Like A Rolling Stone, Neil arrived late to mini golf late and apologizes, which catches people off guard because he usually never apologizes for that. I’m gonna be honest, the way they laugh this off kinda makes me feel a bit sad for Neil because of circumstances, these circumstances being revealed once Herry pours some mustard on Neil and Neil doesn’t immediately freak out. This is because this is not actually Neil, this is Sisyphus granted the power of metamorphosis by Cronus, and Neil doesn’t actually show up until later since he was conditioning his hair in the time he was supposedly eating pizza. (Neil is confirmed at the real Neil deal because Jay tries to touch Neil’s shirt, and it doesn’t even take Jay touching it for Neil to get fussy, trying to get Neil to mind the crease.) While his friends know him well enough in order to figure out the real Neil, their earlier laughing off of Impostor Neil’s apology hurts because if that was actually Neil, the poor boy’s heart would sting after that.
Following this Sisyphus metamorphosis debacle, Neil in the Cronus’ Keystroke episode looks real cool after Theresa sets him up for a spike shot in beach volleyball that makes Odie and Herry crash into each other while Neil is wearing some cool shades, but there is a minute he actually scares the rest of the group closer to the end of the episode where Neil comes out of the portal while unintentionally making people think he was Cronus coming out of the portal. Neil’s whole thing in Daedalus or Alive is that he goes to the island Odie and Herry and Jay find because he wants to stay at the beach, ultimately being distraught at the end of the episode when he cannot stay. He also makes a comment about Theresa kicking the head off of a sentient stone statue imposter of Jay because he called her Atlanta, with Neil saying a wild comment that Theresa REALLY broke up with hey boyfriend, which makes Theresa quickly fling back a comment about how Jay is NOT her boyfriend. (Heh.)
Now, this episode titled Face Off probably has the most notes on it, and for good reason. Out of all of the episodes in this show, this is probably where Neil gets the most aggressive. Then again, his territory gets encroached on this episode, so it’s understandable. Now, how exactly does Neil’s territory get encroached on in this episode? Well, after saying that his beauty is both a gift and a curse, Neil opens up a box and unknowingly releases Adonis. The appearance of the God of Beauty causes Neil to become extremely jealous as literally every girl (Including Atlanta and Theresa) starts oodling over Adonis, and his pleas for Adonis to get back in the box are ignored, not to mention that he gets ignored while trying to make a dramatic exit. (During this bit of the episode, Adonis says that he usually hunts wild boars, but Neil takes that a different way as he says that it is wrong to hunt boring people. Neil, never change. Or, wait, do change, because that’s literally what I’m writing about…) In addition, Neil becomes extra angry with Adonis this episode because he doesn’t refer to him as Neil, with Adonis calling him Ned instead. Neil also has trouble properly expressing his frustrations to others either, as Herry and his best friend Odie don’t care because they’re playing video games, and Neil bringing up Persephone just makes here start throwing herself at Adonis as well. (By the way, Persephone is married to Hades, yet this wench cannot resist Adonis.) So, using 100% of his brain power, he comes up with the idea to challenge Adonis! Adonis interprets this as a fight to the death, Neil having to quickly back up and explain that he doesn’t want a physical contest, but a beauty contest. Neil throws out all of the stops, as not only does he look good in his first strut out on the catwalk, but he tells Adonis to bring it on as he employs the use of spotlight tricks and even brings out his signature black jacket and shades on the second go around. And… He fails miserably. Everyone cringes, his score is nowhere close to that of Adonis who really only had to walk out once, and his own mentor Aphrodite shoves him off the stage to kiss Adonis and announce The God of Beauty as the winner. As Aphrodite and Persephone start fighting over Adonis, Neil is watching this by peeking behind the curtain, with his takeaway basically being that people should be fighting over him instead. In the overall course of this series, I feel so bad for Neil, as this is the second lowest point Neil gets to in this series. (We’ll get to the first lowest point later.)
Neil’s comment in Tantalize This about how cats are self-centered carries more weight than I thought, because it just seems like a joke comment, but it actually helps reveal the psychology of Neil. The hilarity of the comment comes from the irony of how cats and Neil are both self-centered, which means that Neil is kind of like a cat. (I… Kind of want to see that fanart now.) Extending this metaphor further, much like cats, Neil can often be so greedy for attention. When he doesn’t receive this attention, he can become aggressive towards those not giving him attention or stealing the attention, but he can also become distraught. How does his life continue without the attention?
The rest of this episode focuses on Envy’s appearance, as the amount of envy generated by this situation attracts her, and she ends up trying to shoot Neil with her envy beam. Key word: trying. Instead of Neil getting shot, Adonis pulls a “GET DOWN, MISTER PRESIDENT!” and takes the beam instead. One problem: This makes Adonis hellbent on killing Neil. Neil starts scurrying as the chase begins, and Neil can initially outsmart Adonis with some cool reversals, but Adonis ends up catching Neil in the library. Neil ends up pinned on a statue by Adonis as he starts to admit that Adonis is the fairest one of them all, but after seeing himself in a mirror, Neil stops himself because that simply cannot be true. After the other heroes trap Envy back in Pandora’s Box, the episode ends with Adonis apologizing to Ned for nearly shooting him with his bow and arrow, and Neil finally begrudgingly overlooks the incorrect name and accepts the apology.
We don’t have much of the series left, which unfortunately means not much Neil left, so let’s get a move on! In the episode titled The Deep End- Hey, what the hell! I’m already using that name for Neil’s third arc, get a new name! What? That can’t be changed? Well, alright, I’ll ignore it… In The Deep End episode, mostly everyone (Except poor little Archie who is afraid of water) is enjoying their day out on the water, and they all start playing water polo a bit out of nowhere. This catches Neil off guard because he doesn’t know what the teams are, and his best friend Odie informs him he is the goalie of the team with Odie and Jay, before the team of Atlanta and Herry and Theresa subsequently score on them. Neil’s totally healthy response to Odie not informing him of this soon enough is to deke Odie in the back of the head with the water polo ball. (This isn’t addressed again in the episode, Neil gets away with this major friendly fire.) He also later teases Archie for accepting Atlanta’s swimming lessons and says that Archie’s fear of water is not as big as his crush on Atlanta, and despite being too busy tanning to go diving with the rest of the group, Neil gets fussy about there being no pictures of him on the dive camera.
Considering we’re now on the episode before the finale, along with how Neil centric Face Off was not too long ago, I didn’t think we’d get much Neil focus again. But… Oh boy. Would I be wrong. So TERRIBLY wrong! In fact, honestly, Golden Boy is probably the best Neil episode. However, this is only really worth it with all of the buildup we have had so far. At the beginning of the episode, the group notices Neil trying to pick up a girl by asking her to go be beautiful together, laughing amongst themselves about how that girl has no clue how vain Neil truly is. Shockingly though, with his unspoken rizz, Neil actually convinces the girl to go on a date with him. However, the girl quickly ends up leaving the date upset, because Neil is constantly talking about herself and dismissing her in the process. Neil gives himself a not so helpful affirmation that, if he really did talk to himself, he’d look stupid. Neil is then shown taking a depressed walk, and while realizing he does talk to himself and driving himself mad over it, he is giving off lowkey incel vibes by asking why no girl ever really wants. (I do hate the lowkey incel vibes this scene gives off, but it makes sense with the context of this scene, and it is admittedly a bit funny and pointed that such a self-centered character is the best incel representation.) Nemesis then shows up and tells him to shut up, before then cursing him with The Midas Touch, as he is such a golden boy. In typical Neil fashion, he of course sees this as a benefit at first, before then telling Nemesis he can’t exactly use a phone made out of gold. But then, it sinks in for Neil that everything he touches turns into gold, and he then freaks out and calls out for Nemesis and asks what he did wrong while having no self-awareness.
Neil’s not heard the end of it however, because his date and later interaction with the God of Justice has made Neil do the one thing he has always done, and that is be late. This extra sucks considering the group has a super important mission, a mission where the group could actually defeat and take out Cronus for good, and Atlanta is sent to pick Neil up with her super speed. All the way from the place where Atlanta picks Neil up to the docks where the mission is going down, Neil is trying to explain his situation, but Atlanta is just chewing him out the entire time because he’s always late and self-centered. This causes Neil to acquire depression, and in the process, he messes up with his task on a really big mission once again. He turns a boat to gold, which is causing mayhem with the other boats, alerting Cronus of the heroes’ presence and ruining the element of surprise. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: He also ends up turning Atlanta, Herry, and his best friend Odie into gold. Everyone is pissed at him, Cronus dismisses him off as a golden boy, and Neil runs away.
Neil ends up at the park, complaining about how it’s not fair that narcissism is literally in his veins due to his ancestry, before sarcastically remarking that he is like a mutant superhero named Golden Boy that people need to be saved from. He then spots a fountain and turns it to gold, before then hopping into the fountain, then turning the fountain water into bars to make himself a makeshift cell. This, right here, is Neil’s lowest point. His friends hate him, Cronus could very likely take power because of his mistakes, and he can’t even deflect by being narcissistic. In his moment of self-conviction, things are made even worse when the rest of the group decides it’s more important to find Cronus instead of Neil, making Neil truly feel all alone. (This… Wow, this entire scene just makes me feel so sad.) However, without his knowledge, Nemesis is watching this go down on a park bench. Then, he gets a smart idea to ask for Zeus to reverse The Midas Touch, before breaking out of the cell he made for himself. (Even Neil is surprised on how the gold is shocking soft.) Zeus then tells Neil he cannot reverse another god’s will, but instead, he should use the Midas Touch to his advantage.
Jay. Archie, and Theresa are trying to fight Cronus on their own. However, they don’t have the power to defeat him just on their own, and it looks like Cronus is gonna take them out. However, like “Stone Cold” Steve Austin running in to help Mankind win the WWF World Championship, Neil makes his entrance to save the day. He unironically calls himself Golden Boy and fully owns up to the nickname he has been tormented by this episode, and while his friends are just so shocked and honestly cringing a little bit, Cronus explains to Neil that he was mocking himself with that nickname because he assumes Neil is being just idiotic. Cronus doesn’t know what he’s getting into though, as Neil ends up turning Cronus to gold like a boss, and ends up calling Cronus pretty arrogant. Nemesis has seen enough, as she reverses the curse which turns everything and everyone Neil turned into gold back to normal, Nemesis believing that there is still hope for Neil. (Cronus really tries to claim he reversed the effects of The Midas Touch before Nemesis has to tell Cronus that she reversed the curse.) At the end of the episode, thanks to Neil’s actions, Cronus is defeated for now. This is the payoff I’ve been waiting for, and despite constantly blowing it and having a massive curse placed on him, Neil proves that he has truly changed enough and that he is truly a hero.
It’s now time for the series finale, and since it’s all hands on deck, Neil gets some good moments before we have to say goodbye to him. Neil gets woken up by a purple ghost thing, when he realizes that the purple ghost thing broke his mirror in his bedroom, which causes him to wail about it. (Side note, Neil immediately crying about a mirror of his getting broken is my favorite running gag.) While Odie and Hephaestus wonder how they are going to defeat the purple ghost thing, Neil does his Neil thing and his best friend Odie uses some big words to essentially describe a ghostbusting gun, with Neil not even realizing how he inspired the ghostbusting gun. Neil is hesitant about the ghostbusting gun, but his best friend Odie offers to let him use it, and Neil is immediately on board considering he gets to deliver cheesy one liners while using it. Jay asks if Theresa can sense Cronus, and Theresa says she can practically smell him, with Neil responding with “That’s just gross.” Later on during the big bad boss fight, literally everyone is getting in the way of Neil’s shot, with Neil understandably complaining about it. When he finally lines up a shot, Neil nearly blows the mission again, but Jay tells Neil to shoot the purple ghost thingy and not Theresa.
However, the cherry on top is my final note on Neil, and it wraps everything so nicely to me. So, at the end of the big fight, Theresa dies. Theresa is dead. She’s gone. Everyone is sad. Especially Jay. Jay never got to tell her the words he wanted to say. He loves her. He goes up to her. He holds her. He starts to cry. Tears fall down his face. They fall onto Theresa. Theresa… Wakes up. She’s alive again. Everyone is unsadified. Everything seems right again. And, before another situation pops up and it is too late to tell each other what the wanted to say, Theresa and Jay exchange a kiss. And… You know what Neil does? HE TELLS BOTH OF THEM TO GET A ROOM AFTER ALL OF THE SHIT THAT HAS JUST GONE DOWN! Gods, I love Neil. He has obviously changed significantly from his original appearance, but he’s still Neil at the end of the day, which I appreciate.
Obviously, I prefer Season 2 Neil over Season 1 Neil, he got more of a chance to improve and evolve and I got more invested into him because of that. Admittedly, while I am overall sad that the show didn’t get another season due to low viewership in the United States, I am also sad because we don’t get more of Neil. In a third season, I imagine he has storylines along the lines of one where he actually makes a friend that isn’t one of the heroes with that friend then turning out to be bad and/or a monster working for Cronus, or maybe one where him and Odie’s friendship is explored more. I am still very happy with the rollercoaster I got on by watching this show too, and after reading this and finally making it to the end of this extremely long post, I hope you did too.
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yourpsicodelicbitch · 7 months
short asteroid observations
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*whole sign + tropical
Cupido (763) 9H says you are attracted to someone you can learn a lot from, someone foreign, not necessarily in an obvious way but when’s about different perspective/mindset. also you could not fall easily? They have to look/think “different”. you could like dorks. you want to be understood, to debate.
Aphrodite (1388) 8H have this desire of being taken care of, to everyone be obsessed with them and they are but people it’s too scared and intimidated by their strong and mysterious aura, so they’re likely to be the goddess who seems unapproachable/too good to be true. they could feel lonely bc of these and they LOVE the power and influence they have on others.
Luda (1158) at 12° (pisces degree)/trine neptune are recognized by being artsy, in their own world, kind of hippie or full of creativity/imagination and with other world perspectives. I have these placement + aspect and EVERY TIME, people from every age recognize/identify me as the characteristics I mentioned. They have asked me if my family it’s full of artists bc I have that “vibe”. Asteroid “Luda” means “love of the people”, and being love by people could be interpreted as recognized -my interpretation-.
Narcissus (37117) conjunct Mercury could mean being too self absorbed about your mindset and opinions, “thinking your way of thinking is too good to be true”. I don’t really think narcissus have this effect permanently-duh😝-, it shows how at some point you are like this. you could have difficulties listening to others perspectives that can help you. you could have serious problems of trying to understand others, in this life you’ll have to learn no one thinks like you, even though your you from a moment ago, I don’t think they’ll think the same or etc., so don’t explode your mind trying so hard to have an answer on why others aren’t/think like you bc they won’t. also, your mindset it’s not correct or perfect so don’t frustrate about stuff you can’t control.
Bellona (28) trine ascendant, again, can tell people thought you were a total bitch -when they didn’t know you-, if they get in your way you’ll fuck them up without a doubt. I’m proud to say it’s not only appearance or supposition, once they know you they’ll still say you’ll fuck them up equally. Bellona is about someone who isn’t afraid of standing up for what they believe.
I was wondering why lately I’ve been so obsessed with this guy, then I checked my composite chart with him and saw Lovelock (51663) 12H. So practically it could signify this is a past life situation and I can’t fucking let go. I’m so tired 😭 idgaf if he’s obsessed with me, I want action and he’s not giving it and I’m afraid to be the one starting it -it’s different with guys and bc of him? idk 😒-. I feel stuck. HELP. also is conjunct Chiron so I have to learn about it? DONT. Chiron give me a break, no, I’m joking, I’m saying nothing. 12H means it’s gonna hit in a subconscious level…and it’s gonna be a secret?😭 -I don’t want to believe this-, so neither of us is gonna do something? FUCK
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ૮₍˶ •. • ⑅₎ა ♡ (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡
♡ Based on personal experience and I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
in honor of Dracos birthday, do you have birthday centered recs :)?
Hi there! I definitely have some favorites, I just don’t remember if they’re more Harry-centric or Draco-centric 🤣 I hope you enjoy!
5th June by @shealwaysreads (M, 800 words)
Sometimes, a slice of cake is a declaration.
Hesperides by @lettersbyelise (E, 1.3k)
Draco Malfoy is not the kind of man to lavish gorgeous Greek holidays on his flings. So Harry doesn’t really know what to make of his invitation.
Birthday Boy by RurouniHime (M, 3k)
Thirty years old, and where was he?
Narcissus by cryptonym (E, 4k)
Harry wants to give Draco something really special for his birthday. What could more special than Draco, himself?!
Cake by astolat (M, 4k)
Harry tried not to care when after the war, everyone he knew seemed to have made an agreement to stop paying attention to birthdays.
Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too by @peachpety (E, 4k)
Harry Potter loves his birthday… until he doesn’t. All it takes is a miserable slice of jealousy, sprinkled with an unfortunate slip of the tongue, and doused with a heavy dollop of pining to turn Harry sour. Fortunately for him, Draco Malfoy is there to sweeten the day.
The Best Laid Plans by playout (M, 6k)
Since when has anything in Harry's life gone according to plan? His birthday is no exception.
Divination For Dickheads (orphaned, G, 7k)
It doesn't actually turn out to be the worst birthday present he's ever been given.
(Un)Calculated Risk by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (E, 7k)
He thought about the way Harry looked at him, smiled at him; about the way Draco’s head was nearly always full of him, all day every day, and about the way Draco sometimes deliberately went to bed still smelling of him, refusing to acknowledge what it meant – because he already fucking knew what it meant. What all of it meant. And then Draco decided, fuck it, he was going to risk it. They were going to risk it together, Harry and Draco.
Kill, Fuck, Marry by @lettersbyelise (E, 12k)
Harry and Draco unexpectedly meet again on Draco’s birthday, years after their last encounter.
Poppiholla by @moonflower-rose (M, 13k)
Harry had accepted that he would pine silently for Malfoy forever, but one, humid summer might change that.
A Holiday in Provence by dracoismytrashson (E, 32k)
Harry Potter is turning 50 years old and feeling lonelier than ever. Divorced, retired, and learning he’s not quite as straight as he thought he was, Harry reluctantly accepts a birthday gift from his friends for a week’s stay at an idyllic French vineyard. Too bad Hermione and Ron neglected to mention that the owner of the winery happens to be a certain quick-witted blond Slytherin…
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