#i don't go here but augh oh my god this is so pretty
felice-jaganshi · 3 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 5
He seemed distant all day, and you didn't know why. “Hey, Lucifer, what's wrong? You don't seem like yourself.” He had been looking out a window at the city, it seemed more on fire than usual.
“Hm? Oh, nothing nothing, everything's fine!” He tried to smile at you, but it felt fake.
“Does it have to do with whatever that ‘extermination’ thing was last week? What even was that? And why couldn't I visit?”
“Wait, you… you don't know about the exterminations?” He was shocked. “The yearly massacre heaven conducts on Hell.”
“The what?!” You look shocked and horrified. “No, no one's ever said anything about that!”
“Oh fuck. So they just keep all the rest of you in the dark when Adam runs his little slaughter brigade every year?”
“Adam runs it?! Oh God, that makes so much sense. That fucking dickbag. I've got to tell everyone! They have to know what he's been doing!”
Lucifer suddenly grabs your shoulders, “whoa, whoa! Slow your roll there. That's not a good idea! You could get actually kicked out of heaven for telling anyone! Then… then you'd be stuck here with me. Forever.” His eyes filled with hurt, “I could never do that to you.”
You take his hands from your shoulders into yours, “What if I wanted to stay here with you?”
A blush spread across his face, “wha- Becca, I'm married, remember?”
“And she's been gone for seven years without a word! Is she really coming back? Besides, you need a friend you can rely on. Someone who's got your back no matter what.” You held his hands a little tighter. He sighed and squeezed back.
“I should push you away for your own good… while I still can. But… honestly I'm tired of being alone. So if you really want to stay as a friend , you can. I'll take responsibility for you and you can stay here in my palace.”
“Thank you. I'll just have to go back once more and get all my stuff. Next week, I'll move in, and our weekly hangouts can be daily.” You smile and he can't help but smile back, 
“yeah, that sounds… that sounds nice.” 
Suddenly, his phone rang and he pulled away, “augh, that ringtone.. sorry this one's important. Work stuff.” He looked at his phone contact and grimaced at it. “Hooo, okay… you can do this, just the biggest idiot you've ever met, and your eternal beloath-ed.” He took a deep breath and answered the call. “Adam. What? You literally just finished. What could you possibly- a fucking meeting? You can't just say what your ugly- HE HUNG UP ON ME?!! THAT BITCH!!” Suddenly Lucifer grew horns and a tail, a little fire lighting above his head. You squeak and jump back a bit. His devil form was out and… you know… the more you looked at it, the less scary and the more… attractive it actually was.
After he was done cursing the phone, he turned and looked at you, confused by your staring till he realized his horns were out. “Ah… uh, sorry. This happens when I get too angry.” He returned to his normal form. “I didn't scare you, did I? I promise, I'd never hurt you, I'm not that kinda guy.” He held his hands out in front of himself, pleading with you.
You shook off the shock and stepped closer, taking one of his hands. “No, no, I'm fine. I just… that form looks really nice.” You're blushing, you can feel it. And he sees it too.
“Oh! Oh. A heh… Well, thank you for thinking I look nice! That's a nice ego boost coming from someone as pretty as you.” He then realized he said that out loud! “I mean I um, hey excuse me a minute while i call my daughter!” He then ran off to hide from you in the palace.
You roll your eyes, well, at least he thinks you're pretty. That's a good first step. Probably the most important step will be getting him to accept Lilith's not coming back… but that would be a hard one. Ten thousand years they were together for… just taking 7 years apart for a break was a drop in the bucket for that long of a marriage. 
Regardless, the next step was to move in and act naturally. Get him comfortable around you, enough to introduce you to his daughter. That was something you only do when fully committed to keeping someone in your life. Plus, maybe Charlie will help with the “get over lilith” campaign you were going to eventually need to run.
You decide to wander the palace and see if you could find where Lucifer had disappeared to.
It took an hour before you found him curled up in his bed.
“Lucifer? What's wrong?”
“I- I'm a bad father…” He was trying not to sob, tears in his eyes as his head peeked out from a burrito of blankets.
“Hey now, what makes you say that?” You walk over and sit on the edge of his bed.
“I called her and asked her to talk to Adam for me! I can't even take care of my own shit!” You sigh and lay next to him, pulling him into a tight hug. “Oh you silly burrito… there, there.” You pull the blankets back enough to free his hair and play with it. Eventually the waterworks stop and he starts to calm down, looking sleepy. You can't help but giggle a little, “Uh oh, is it nap time for hell's king? Come on, let's get you back up on the pillows at least.” You adjust him back up with ease and get him comfy before draping one of your own wings over him. He actually starts purring as his eyes close.
“Hm… you'd make a great mother.” He said sleepily, and your eyes tear up. You can't help it, and you keep playing with his hair. 
“Thank you… I tried very hard in life.” His eyes open back up, and he looks at you in a moment of wonder and curiosity, but decides not to bring up something that might cause you more pain. You two just enjoy a peaceful moment in each others company till you both fall asleep. 
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candyredmusings · 3 months
Bioshock Splicer Starters
Assortment of dialogue taken from the a from two types of Splicers in the first Bioshock game; Baby Jane and the Breadwinner
Other Bioshock Splicer starters: TBA [Dr. Grossman & Lady Smith] [Pigskin & Rosebud] [Toasty & Waders]
Baby Jane
Get away from my face! Not on my face!"
"Oh! Oh, God damn it!"
"Look at yourself! And you would do it too!"
"Talentless?! BORING?!"
"You don't deserve this!"
"I'm a star, not you!"
"You're jealous, jealous!"
"Why did you cut me?! Why?!"
"You did this to me! You!"
"I deserve it, you fuck!"
"Give me the part, you bastard!"
"Off. My. Stage! GET OFF!"
"Stop ogling me!"
"You're making me lose my place! STOP IT!"
"No, it's not perfect, AGAIN!"
"He's standing in the wrong place!"
"Just say something, goddammit!"
"What's that? Is it him?!"
"I smell something nasty."
"Is that someone naughty?"
"Honey? Is that you…?"
"I heard that!"
"It hurts, it hurts…"
"Why did you…?"
"I'm sorry… We can do it together!"
"I don't- I don't wanna- I don't wanna hear this… I- [Whimpering] I don't want to hear this…"
"Pretend you're not interested. They like that."
"Have it your way, you sleaze!"
"Well, that was good drama."
"Get a girl all bothered… for NOTHIN'!"
"That gets a girl's blood flowing."
"I'll be better next time! Please?! Don't go!"
"When we do meet, it's gonna be so nasty!"
"He's gone! They always leave…"
"When I murder you I'm gonna put your body in a dress!"
"My god, there's so much blood!"
"Aw, Jesus, what did you do to me?!"
"No… No No No. Wha- What's- What's that? Oh, no no, no…"
"In the theater, a woman gets used to attention."
"She was up for the part as well, but then they found her in a salt pond."
"I was gonna be famous… now look at this dump!"
"Who needs to make it on Broadway? When you can make it here."
"What's the matter with me…? I'm pretty enough!"
"Hey fella'! Don't 'cha wanna take a walk with me?"
"Come on, baby! You told me you was gonna take care of me! Were you lying…?"
"I used to be beautiful. What happened to me?!"
"Why are you making this so hard for me?!"
"C'mere and say that to my face, you slimey bastard!"
"You wanna play with me?"
"Hello? Did you come to talk to me?"
"I can be nice if I want to…"
"Next time, work on your timing."
"Oh, and we were just getting to the best bit!"
"Tell me you love me! Go on, say it!"
"Just pretend, you imbecile!"
"You ruined me!"
"No one touches me! No one!"
"You won't touch me again!"
"Someone shou- should do this for me, someone should be doing this for me!"
"Get out of my territory!"
"Amateur! Fuckin' amateur!"
"I'm top dog, you shit!"
"You come to my town?! To MY TOWN?!"
"You're a nobody! Nobody!"
"Who the hell is that?"
"Yeah? Well, you're fired! Ya got that?"
"I was right, I tell ya. I was right, god damn it."
"Come on. Gimme a break!"
"Come on. Just let me explain, will ya?"
 "I'm too busy for this shit."
"Waste of my goddamn time."
"This isn't makin' me time OR money!"
"Goddammit, I'm bleeding!"
"Ahh. Ahh yeah, finally some service! Woo!"
"What happened to this thing?"
"Ha, it's my lucky day!"
"She should not have come here."
"Ah, a man can start a business down here, yeah. Now now, it's- it's not too late. I'll get to it."
"It's just a bad quarter. Naw, that's all. Yeah, market'll come back, huh? Yeah! Everything'll be fine. Yeah, it'll all be fine… Augh."
"I just gotta wait out the down cycle. I'm a success… I'm a fuckin' success!"
"I ain't afraid of failure… cause I ain'ts gonna fail!"
"These assholes don't get it. I'm a winner!"
"Came here to get rich… ain't gonna leave 'till I do!"
"Came down here with a dream… That dream's gonna happen."
"Aw, come on… they're gonna kill me if I lose you!"
"That's it? We're done?"
"You think that I'm dumb? Sure, sure, why not? You keep on thinkin' that."
"You think I wouldn't notice if you just waltzed in here? Huh?"
"I'll tell you what: I'll pay you to stay alive next time. How's that for a deal, you shit head."
"I earned this! Me!"
"You give it to me, you hear?"
"Just open your mouth."
"Ah, whose fault is this?"
"Look at this dump! Nothing left but nothing!"
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chi-icha · 1 year
TW! dub-con, choking
zhongli and you had been roommates for a while. like the idiot he is, he forgot to save himself some luxuries before retiring. how do people find that man smart again? you still remembered when he was morax, a brute who loved fighting anyone he saw.
you both may live together but there was still traces of pettiness from when you both were younger. though he may seem gentler to others now, zhongli was still a brat to you. you remember him trying to fight you when he thought you were flirting with guizhong. he got absolutely demolished that day. that incident is probably why he 'hates' you so much. you doubt that he actually does. who would choose to stay with somebody they despise? he always blames it on your shared contract which you find even more stupid because he was the one to propose it in the first place. the contract stated:
he does the chores, you pay for everything.
zhongli is a pretty good cook, except when he tries to poison you. he tries at least once a week. is he offered money to kill you or is he jealous you have a better reputation? you don't have any idea. it seemed like today he opted to put aphrodisiacs in your tea.
that little brat! he knows you enjoy spending your teatime peacefully and he dares do that. well at least that's the reason why he finds himself pinned against a wall of his bedroom and your hand around his neck at the present moment.
what are you going to do now? find a girl and convince her to sleep with you? go to a brothel? or maybe you'll sleep with one of those many girls who throw themselves at you? your reputation is going to be torn either way," he laughed at you.
"who said anything about me having to go out to find someone?" you smirked, your hand tightening around his neck.
"what are you-" "I happen to have one of liyue's most wanted bachelor in front of me. that person also happens to be the one who drugged me. it's only fair he shoulder the responsibility, isn't it?" you chuckled darkly and threw him on the bed.
he tried to get back up but you tied him to the bed using your magic. you looked at him while pulling your tie.
"don't even dare think you'll be able to walk out of here when I'm done with you. that being said, I should probably tell hu tao you won't be coming to work for some days," you said eying his body with a lustful gaze.
OH MY GOD AAAA THIS IS SO ESJFCWFC the-the-the way -ur -so dominant is so- augh i can imagine the way you'll undress him with your eyes.. the dangerous glint in your eyes as your magic ties him to the bed frame. "don't think you'll get away with that, zhongli." you run your hands on his inner thigh and take pleasure in the way he softly moans. he tries to glare at you despite being tied down, completely at your mercy. "y-you.. " he tries to get his words out, but all that comes out is a whimper as you palm him. you quickly remove your hand before he can even rut into your palm. "i what? cat got your tongue?" your eyes are half lidded and dangerous. he shudders at the sight of you looking down at him. "i'll make sure you'll know your place by the end of this night," your hands make their way inside if his shirt and pinches his nipple. he trembles and tries to wiggle out of your grasp, all the while whimpering your name out. "because you'll be mine to play with."
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
With timkon who do you think fell first? And who fell harder?
GOD ive been turning this over in my head all day and it's so hard to answer in those terms i feel like!!! theyre SUCH a friends to lovers in my mind that they just melt into each other so hard. augh lets see though okay okay lemme try
i DO think they both had crushes on each other in their yj98 days. (i mean... "i know i'm gonna die i just wish i could talk to kon one last time" ???? "hey robin anyone tell you your voice drops like an octave when you get all commander-like" I KNOW WHAT YALL ARE.) but i DON'T think either of them realized it. they were both just kids still way too deep in the closet for that.
tim DEFINITELY started going off the deep end wrt kon's death. i think he was still figuring out the whole "bisexuality" thing while getting whammied left and right by shock/trauma/grief all steamrolling him flat in the world's worst conga line, so i don't think he fully registered that the feelings he was having were explicitly romantic, but he was definitely feeling ways. i mean, like. he absolutely kissed cassie as a substitute for kissing kon. when he actually put it together that thats what he was doing, though... i don't think it all really came together for him until after he was done brucequesting and actually got to breathe and let himself process. he was already head over heels at this point. he just didn't know.
for kon, i think it's this really slow, gradual thing, where feelings of friendship melted into a very deep and intimate bond without words somewhere between "best friends" and "romantic partners", again without him really having the self-awareness to put that sort of label on it. post-resurrection kon is just so introspective, i think it just sorta comes to him one day that, like, oh. he'd like to be close to tim forever. he knows he's into guys at this point but bc of his sexual trauma + dating history i do think it takes him a HOT second to clock that this feeling of intimacy and comfort is, in fact, romantic attraction.
so "who fell first" and "who fell harder" is just so confounded by both of them not even fucking realizing they fell for each other for so long kjsdfjksd like arguably they both fell pretty early, and tim fell REALLY hard while kon was dead, but i also don't think they REGISTERED that at all!!! theyre a lil stupid!!!
that said. when they have both figured out they're into each other, kon is def the one who's pretty calm about it like oh :) i love tim and i just want to be near him all the time. whereas tim is out there like oh my god he's holding my shoulder. he does that all the time i will not overthink this but oh my god what if he would hold me more WAIT IM NOT GOING TO OVERTHINK THIS and im NOT going to daydream about OHHHHH MY GOD he put his jacket on me oh fuck oh fuck im going to be normal im NORMAL is that his favorite cologne i can still smell on the collar. oh GOD did he just notice me sniffing the collar of his jacket like a creep ah fuck okay im a creep im a weirdo what the hell am i doing here WHY is this not actually distracting me from the way i can definitely still smell his cologne shit shit fuck-----
(and then they kiss. eventually. <3)
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nin-deer · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about Sarina and Gorou pre-reincarnation. Like we can see Gorou isn't really paying attention to Ai while Sarina is ranting to him but he sees that this is something truly something she loves. And then we see post-Sarina death that he became obsessed with Ai and it's probably because it's the only thing of Sarina he has left (whether she was his first patient or he was looking after Sarina for so long he grew very attached to her) and so his only outlet was to obsess with the thing she was obsessed with: Ai
And we can see post-reincarnation that they both don't really handle grief well (i.e. jumping to revenge even though they're literally babies for Aqua and the manipulating everyone around her for Ruby [i know they have older minds but still pretty violent revenge came first instead of living well or taking up her mantle and doing everything in honor of her]) and like what if Aqua sees Sarina in Ai and that's why he got so obsessed? The two both have that happy-go-lucky/positive vibes and Sarina was really obsessed with her, so whenever Gorou thinks of Ai he (consciously or not) thinks of Sarina. and then take that and not good at handling grief and well... He just saw "sarina" die again and he just snaps
also the fact that he really did care about sarina so her death must have really hit hard. like he doesn't have to stay and listen to her rant and rave about her favorite idol but he did (i mean he was 30 something he probably could care less) and the whole romantic feelings sarina had for him. he considered her feelings first even though he knew it was impossible (and personally i think he saw her more as a little sister than anything but up to interpretation i guess) maybe it's just a doctor thing? idk im not in the medical industry so i couldn't say
thus circling back to the "oh fuck i let her (ambiguous; sarina or ai?) die again" but this time he can do something since its not a disease and so he decides to get revenge for Ai. OH MY GOD also ai did also become his patient and maybe he treated her like he treated sarina and AUGH
i just a;sdlfhasdlf;hasl; so many thoughts sorry if this is absolutely all over the place im just word barfing here
just a note that this is completely my opinion and maybe he really did like Ai as an idol just because of admiration or something. idk. i just found the timing odd since he didn't really seem to care too much about her when Sarina was alive, yet we see when Ai visits the hospital he is literally worshipping the ground hse stands on. anyways thanks for reading my silly thoughts if you got all the way here
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cult-of-the-eye · 6 months
MAG 86 here we goooo
Ok so I actually listened to this like a few days ago but I never got round to looking at the transcript but HERE I AM
God this is the blanket never did anything one
He says tucked in so fucking menacingly like Jesus Christ man
I can't get that one post out of my head that says how Tim was the furthest from being taken by the Eye cause he keeps tripping up on pronunciations and stuff in statements that other archival staff wouldnt honestly it's such a genius take
Oh shit this is getting really long I'll add in a read more
God I love how he's rebelling in every sense, he's doing the bare minimum, he's literally warning people away from it
It's kind of interesting the way he always thought the statement stuff was stupid but in the whole of season one and a lot of season two he managed to hide his distaste pretty well, like even when he lashed out at Jon about the Prentiss incident, he still didn't say that the statements were stupid, but he's saying it behind his back - maybe some part of him knew that Jon needed the statements to work and some part of him still felt for him enough to not point that out
He's kinda dramatic with it as well but I feel like in more of a self aware way than jon
You can feel his distaste honestly the statement just sounds wrong coming from him, which is interesting cause I didn't think that about when Martin did it
So he's mad at the fact that he put effort into a job that he wasn't even that comfortable with in the first place and now he's trapped in? Not about the monsters??
Jesus Christ Tim being a bit of a dick to melanie
HE BLAMES MARTIN????? Damn bro you weren't there how could you tell he didn't do it properly??
I think he's mad at himself for not being there and deflecting it on to martin
She likes that it's quiet!!! That's cute
Martin's not big on change AH neurodivergent vibes
All the archival staff are literally queer and neurodivergent you can't change my mind
Also the fact that he thinks that's the biggest reason why martin doesn't want Melanie around, not the Horrors and the same reason as Tim
I think Tim is refusing to think that Martin might see the situation in the same way as him because if he does then it means Tim's way of dealing might not be the best way and that's an unacceptable thought to him
Suspicious and resentful - my man is self aware I think he knows the way his path is going (hurtling towards destruction) but is too stuck shaking his fist at god to try and get out or he's sort of known his whole life that this is where he was supposed to end up, a terrible fate created by his own two hands that dug their own way down to rock bottom and he's just so tired of trying to do anything about it that he's just accepted it
Wow seeing firsthand the effects of the stranger, the way neither Tim nor Melanie can remember the real Sasha, but Tim has to live with the fact that he didn't notice and Melanie has to live with the fact that she did, but can't prove it
Oh I wonder why he left the tape running? I'd think he would've forgotten to turn it off but if so I feel like he'd have that shocked moment of remembering which he didn't
Maybe he wanted proof of the conversation? Maybe it was a warning to anyone listening to the tapes? See firsthand how terrible it is at the Magnus Institute so you don't work here? I dunno
Ha I had to ask my lovely mutual @melandrops to explain what a marker was
Oh god honestly this statement fucked me up I completely understand why people hate it I hate it
I was so scared of the dark as a kid and the idea of being reduced to that state of lack of awareness and vulnerability is actually terrifying
Also the dude dying in the blanket???? Ew ew ew
Love the fact that tma doesn't just go with a oh shit I forgot a torch so it was pitch black kinda horror but the I brought a torch, I even brought spare batteries but it still did nothing which in my opinion is even scarier
Oh god her whispering the blanket never did anything that was horrifying
Melanie was actually so good at giving the statement girl really got into it
I was also talking to @melandrops about archivist!Melanie cause I think that would be really interesting... she'd definitely bring a more proactive vibe to the role...
It's interesting to think that Melanie and Jon hated each other at first sort of because they're so alike? It's like the we are made of the same stuff (derogatory)
Love how she just checks out the dead guy
The way she's denying it even though she's literally had paranormal experiences before that's so Jon core she would be a great archivist
Oh shit I just realised he's labelled as Archivist...when did that happen??
That's so funny he's like bitch maybe I do have reason to kill you
Hmm nice touch of Melanie being like do you guys not want me cause I'm a girl?? Is this misogyny??? Good guess but unfortunately it's worse
It's quite nice that Jon's trying to save her even though the meetings about helping him and her quitting would mean he'd lose the one informant he might have in the institute
Shot in the leg by a ghost in India????
Ha Tim hates you and Martin's probably being watched
Love how Tim's hatred for Jon is so visceral and known that they don't even bother watching him
I bet Elias would delight in knowing about Martin's little crush on Jon and how Jon actually hated him in season one and then how their relationship progresses he'd thrive on the drama and the angst the little bastard
Ok ok it's good that he's on the right track, he guesses it was elias
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see-arcane · 6 months
Ok here goes
The Red Book 📕
Unknown and Terrible 🌑⚰️
Long Night Drive 🚙 (if I ever travel again to the USA I am doing so again why are night roadtrips so eerie there what happened)
The Harker Records 🖤 🖋️
Death's Dogs 🐕☠️
The M.A.D Gods 😤
Bloody Anniversary 💒
Lady Luna Blue 🔵
The Red Book 📕: A collection of some more explicitly saucy supernatural works. I tend to kind of tiptoe around any direct sexual/erotic aspects in things I write, so this would be more like a writing exercise than anything else, just to see how I can rework (disdainful literati voice) ~smut~ into something meatier ha ha than just a one-and-done indulgence shot. I don't see this one being put together anytime soon, as, again, I'm still prone to side-stepping outright raunchiness versus innuendo. But we'll see what happens.
Unknown and Terrible 🌑⚰️: Short version? Jonathan Harker winds up as the new Dracula following a very bloody climax in Transylvania. He uses Scholomance magic to pull Francis' reincarnation bullshit out through his nose, brings Mina back as a new soul, and tries to get her back. It is very much about me being a petty prick and proving Jonathan and Mina = The Better Romance and the Better Tragic Vampire Lovers. Choke on it, Francis.
Long Night Drive 🚙: This one fittingly only seems to haunt me when I'm driving after dark on empty roads. The premise being a sort of liminal What If? What if someone started a long drive at night and neither the road or the night ever ended? What if the last wrong turn turned them off of Earth's road map and onto Someplace Else's? Ideally this would only hit the driver on a night of Importance. One of those 'things are crossing over' nights--and they crossed over in the wrong direction. Uh oh.
The Harker Records 🖤 🖋️: Oh, but this one gives me brain itches. It's hazy at the edges, but it'd be a sort of fusion between anthology and purposeful/linked Big Narrative. Basically, the Harkers and their friends start becoming unofficial monster hunters/recorders/aides. I always love when paranormal stories have it work out so that if you're stamped once by the uncanny, the uncanny continues to gravitate toward you. I'd like to see them interact with myriad eerie happenings across public domain horrors together. Peak couple's activity <3
Death's Dogs 🐕☠️: An examination of how Death has an abundance of dogs with various tasks bred into them. And how Dracula maybe crossed the paths of more than one spectral hound during his English holiday.
The M.A.D Gods 😤: Augh, it's gathered so much dust, BUT I STILL LOVE IT AND MY WEIRD NUCLEAR NEON YELLOW PANTHEON SO MUCH. The gist is that 1) The Universe was made by one entity basically ejecting the bulk of Its body mass away so Matter could happen and flourish 2) That shit's tiring 3) The Atomic God (named because It is responsible for every atom in the universe) closes Earth around it like shell/blanket for an eons-long nap 4) It creates two guard-gods, Maker and Breaker, to keep any cosmic horror jerks out of the neighborhood--It ditched them to make the known universe so It could have some peace, finally. 5) Hijinks ensue as Maker and Breaker dutifully chokeslam any Lovecraftian interlopers out of the galaxy and spend their free time watching humanity fuck shit up
Bloody Anniversary 💒: An unexpected meetup of various couples in various states of actually being in love, each celebrating their anniversary. One of these couples is older than they seem. And maybe not celebrating the anniversary anyone would expect.
Lady Luna Blue 🔵: Started out as alternative what-if for who the Pretty Girl in Piccadilly might be. She could still go that route, but I think my imagination has long since run off with her into more original territory. Lady Luna Blue is her professional name; at least as Victorian era mediums and mystics go. In-between card readings and seances, she catches the attention of something with much more supernatural weight than she's prepared for. And it happily takes advantage when she invites any 'wandering spirits' in.
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Hi hi hi, I would love to hear more of your Dan thoughts! I'm intrigued!!!
>:]!!!!!!!!!! >:D!!!!!!
Ok ok so I've never really tried to put my thoughts into words before so this might be a bit of a mess usually I'm just rotating him in my mind but yes yes yes I have Dan thoughts I want to share my Dan thoughts
I only focus on agit at the end so this is pretty spoiler free for that I think maybe. Thumbs up emoji
Dan is a fun character because despite only having one episode we can still tell alot about his personality and such, as he's rather bold with it and is a fusion of two characters we do see alot, and it really shows! I flip between saying Dan or more Danny than Vlad and saying that they're basically equal in the fusion, but I think a good way to describe it is that he takes different aspects from them, for his appearance and memories he very much takes after Danny, but his personality and how he acts n talks oozes Vlad. Yknow??? If I'm saying the right words here. Dan works so well as a fusion because he also manages to feel like his own character as well
Dan is made from the two's ghost halves, so I'm a fan of the theory/thought I do believe I've seen before that he's based on the ghost halves. Like. Vlad used his ghost form and powers for scheming, attacking, gaining power, and so on, I'd easily imagine he doesn't use it nearly as much as Danny. Danny had to use his ghost form mostly for fighting other ghosts, very frequently, and also used his powers for his own benefit as well, though not nearly as extreme as Vlad. As Danny was in his ghost form more, and as it was more connected to his ghost form (phantom just being an inverted Danny VS Vlad's completely different from himself ghost form, even down to body type) it makes sense why Dan would be more Danny focused, especially in terms of his relationship with others and memories. Vlad's things don't matter to him nearly as much. I mean, he seemingly couldn't find Vlad's new hideout that was under a Welcome to Wisconsin sign, and its ghost zone entrance behind a football
"The only remaining portal, the one my idiot cheesehead archenemy has? As soon as I find it that's going too."
He doesn't respect Vlad in the slightest or seem to care about him. Danny found Vlad's portal almost immediately. So either Dan simply couldn't remember things Vlad liked well enough to guess, and/or, he truly couldn't care less and didn't bother too hard with the search. Both makes sense, and since Vlad is fully human that very likely adds to the contempt and not seeing him as threat enough to find the portal quickly.
Something interesting, is the fact Dan knows Vlad had a portal at all, Dan partially destroyed Vlad's castle after being formed and its clearly in a different location now, unless that cave Vlad is in streaches all the way to his castle's basement Dan hasn't bothered checking? Which is. Unlikely. Which means Vlad had to make a new one. And Dan knew he did. Much to think about there I believe.
I do also think Dan actually doesn't remember his past terribly well. I know I know I just said he's focused on Danny's memories and life, and he is! But also. Its a bit separated from him, the episode itself actually points out him forgetting things about his family several times, it really does feel like they're trying to stress to you, really hammer it in that he's forgotten them some way. It's mentioned offhand like 2 or 3 times.
When Jazz confronts him and admits she knew about his ghost powers he says "You knew?" So??? Softly???? Like PLEASE listen to that line especially after hearing how he usually talks oh my GOSH??!?!!?!?!?! AUGH. slamming my hands on the floor I could make a whole separate thing just thinking of that interaction alone. God. He never knew she knew, it took him by genuine surprise for a moment. And just????? Augh??!???!?!!?!?! He had one family member always in his corner and secretly looking out for him, she believed in him and knew he was trying to do good and she had been waiting for him to reveal it to her in his own time but that time never came because she'd died and haiabsjahasguaaaai u ghjjfhdhfjshauhghhhhh
When Danny enters the future Valerie immediately thinks he Dan, she doesn't question it in the slightest, or question him saying "I have really bad feeling im the one responsible". Before attacking she says "You can't fool me this time Phantom". I take this as either meaning Dan has disguised himself as a young Phantom before, or Valerie is so used to his tricks and and finding new powers that him suddenly looking younger doesn't phase her in the slightest. I do like the idea him disguising as a young Phantom before more. It seems very probable considering he can be Danny Fenton. But this interaction also makes me wonder if Valerie knows, or ever learned that Fenton is Phantom, the trick from before easily could've been Fenton. "The explosion at the Nasty Burger, you, Tucker, Danny's family- and it was all your fault!" She's points her blaster at Phantom while saying that last bit. It makes me wonder if her saying "Danny's family" is showing how she doesn't know he's Danny. There's still other options like her knowing but not admitting he's Fenton, or her knowing he was Danny once but isn't anymore, hence saying "Danny's family" instead of something like "his family". Honestly, her knowing or not are both equally likely. As I said in my tags before, Dan seems to like to get a rise out of people, to get a reaction, he very easily could've told her in an attempt to anger or devastate her, and at the same time he simply could've not bothered at all. I think I prefer the option of her not knowing personally
I don't think I could describe Dan more concisely than I did before, he likes to get a rise out of people, revel in reactions. He twists the past to credit himself for the Nasty Burger explosion after he more than likely blamed himself for it as Danny. He likes to seem in control. He's dramatic. He hates being insulted. Hates losing. He's very casual about alot of things he does.
He caused destruction in both the human and ghost world, the first thing he did upon entering Amity was completely destroy the ghost portal, with plans to destroy Vlad's. I'm not sure what his plan in the end was, but after destroying both portals, I must point out that Dan has the power to summon his own ghost portal with ease, a power I believe is quite rare, I think other than Dan only Wulf has it, though do feel free to correct me on that. So he would've been one of the only people who could go in or out
He was actively trying to/did ruin the lives of the ghosts he knew
Powers. Ohhh boy powers. When I started my DP rewatch my initial plan was to actually take note of every power Danny uses to know what he can do, and by extension Dan. I didn't. Oopsies. So most I can focus on here are what Dan shows in the episode, other than the obvious
I do like thinking on ice powers, and what that means with Dan, obviously he's never shown to know them as they're not introduced until season 3, the writers themselves didn't know it'd happen lol. But in universe, that's something to chew on, Dan never met Frostbite, so if he ever unlocked this power he would've had to figure out the problem and train it on his own, and then there's the potential that Dan never learned, and the ability for ice powers eluded him due to fusion. The ghost sense is a result of his ice powers after all, and Dan's ghost sense isn't a breath of cold blue air, so that could be a sign of this power being one he doesn't have
But moving onto more straightforward powers
Dan destroyed Amity Park in a very short amount of time, all on his own, as while the Fright Knight had been there after the shield went down, he's simply never seen again after that, makes me think Dan just ordered Fright Knight to chase Valerie to Fentonworks and leave after
Related to Amity Park, while there are other destroyed buildings around, the land surrounding the ghost portal is a completely barren wasteland, no doubt from Dan's attempts at destroying the forcefield over the years, and simply scaring residents.
One could argue Dan was the reason lighting was striking around the forcefield, weather manipulation I wouldn't doubt is in his wheelhouse, especially since he's shown to have electrocution powers, at least it looks that way to me
Dan has fire powers, at least immunity to fire. Fire rises after he enters the lab through the cracks he put in the floor, and when he's thrown into truck it bursts into flame. Both instances of the fire happening I suppose you call coincidence, but his immunity to fire at least is undeniable
Dan can force Danny to detransform, and shorted out Danny's powers while holding onto him. This is also the moment where it seems like mild electrocution
Dan can suspend people in ectoplasm, Sam and Tucker also seem frozen completely for a scene, and in a later scene move their heads n such around
He can use a time medallion to enter the exact time and place he needs/where Sam and Tucker went
He specifically used the word fused to describe putting the amulet in Danny, which I find interesting. Entering something while intangible seems to be what causes fusion. Though more to it than that since ghosts can possess other ghosts (or was that a special case since the only example I know is Poindexter possessing a still half ghost Danny🤔)
Dan can form ropes of ectoplasm that can wrap around and trap people, as well as using ecto energy to cover people's mouths to stop talking
Dan is very resilient, I mean, he literally flys through a light pole non-intagabily and doesn't even react. He, while injured from it, did pretty much tank 1 ghostly wail, and still got up after the second, but was weak enough after to be sucked into the thermos
Dan seems to have minor technology powers, nothing major, but like, he does make himself appear on Valerie's watch so he can tell her about the ghostly wail
The ghostly wail of course, which is naturally much stronger than Danny's version. Can destroy nearly all glass in future Amity Park, destroys all the ghost shield towers one by one in a line, makes the Fentonworks building fall down when directly hit. Flips tanks and makes helicopters lose control. Destroyed Ember's vocal cords somehow
He can duplicate himself very easily, and become one again with the same ease. He turns into to a gas form to dodge Valerie's grenades
I don't have the time to focus on his behavior in AGiT rn, but it lines up with my thoughts. I do like the confirmation that Dan wanted Danny to suffer as he had/didn't think it fair for Danny to get a second chance to save his family. And it deeply trapped by his own emotions and just unwilling to admit it. I can still skim the book to think about powers. I put AGiT powers in this own little section to be skipped if you don't want spoilers
-He 100% has fire powers no doubt about it now
-I should've described his ability to suspend people in ectoplasm as telekinesis
-Can make shields, usually briefly and by swiping his arm
-When Dan emerges from the rubble, he briefly turns it into lava, and then water, I cannot be sure if this is because of having Clockwork's powers, or just his own at work
-His powers seem to turn blue rather than green, but its hard to tell for certain. But we do know his fire is blue so it's not completely out
In conclusion I'm very normal about him and have watched TUE a reasonable amount of times thank you amd goodnight <3 (lying voice)
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cupioriot · 3 months
any octavian/octkahale song recs? i've been listening to 'we will commit wolf murder' (of montreal) a lot recently and i feel like it kind of fits octkahale but honestly it might just be my brain projecting them onto it.
oh my gods yes hi hello i have been working on a playlist for octkahale for a bit and ive had an octavian playlist for a while that i have not shared thank you sooo much for this ask. i am SO SORRY it took me this long to answer this i kept forgetting about it
but yeah this post isnt much analysis sort of just observations and me connecting themes from songs to octavian (and mike)
warning. pretty long post under cut
as for the songs i associate with octkahale;
I will never shut up about them and Vampire Empire by Big Theif. I think about them everytime i listen to it, honestly. So, this, as I see it, if from Mike's perspective, talking about Octavian, more specifically Blood of Olympus era.
"[...] I'm not quiet, you've been quiet just recieving what you said Reeling, feeding, feeling filled by everything you fed I see you as you see yourself in all the books you read Overwhelmed with guilt and realizing the disease."
"You give me chills, I've had it with the drills I am nothing, you are nothing, we are nothing with the pills I am empty till she fills, alive until she kills[..]"
"I wanted to be your woman, I wanted to be your man I wanted to be the one that you could understand"
"Well I walked into your dagger for the last time in a row * It's like trying to start a fire with matches in the snow Where you can't seem to hold me, cant seem to let me go So I can't find surrender, cant keep control"
(*the end of this lyric was removed in the now released version of the song, making the actual lyric "well I walked into your dagger for the last time" however I though the demo version fit better for them here)
alsoooo. P.U.N.K Girl by Heavenly. This to me sounds like Mike trying to defend Octavian in some way. Much more domestic than the other one lmao
"People say she's bad But they don't see The way she is with me"
"P is for the painful way she makes me feel some days U is for utopia, the other times with her N is for the new wave dreams she had back in her teens K is for the kid in her [...]"
"She is honest in kind but in a way that people see As telling lies and being mean She has thousands of dreams but what they are I'll never know I hope I figure in them though"
"I don't care if they don't see Just how great that girl can be But I wish she'd find a way To act well for just one day I don't mind if they can't see Just how much she means to me[...]"
"She is hardened to hurt her softness hidden from the world But almost ready to unfurl She tries so hard to change but something always happens to Persuade her, it's too hard to do"
I put like. almost the whole song their. It just works very well imo :')
Allies or Enemies by The Crane Wives. This to me also reminds me of Blood of Olympus. augh. Mainly just Octavian and Michaels tenseness. This one I'd say is from Octavian's perspective. I have been meaning to do a oneshot about this for so long and I prolly will once I figure out how to do Octavian's narrative voice (i have been working at it too long. anyways)
"The words I speak Are wildfires and weed They spread like some awful damn disease And I swear, I didn't mean what I said I swear, I didn't mean it."
"Now listen close You owe me ears for dropping eaves Forget it all, you caught me in a moment weak Sometimes I just can't help myself[..]"
"Remember when I could tell you not to smile when you were mad? And you would always crack And we'd both be laughing in the end Now you're not so quick to forget"*
(*this verse specifically I think fits in Mike's perspective. only this one specifically tho)
"Are we allies or enemies? This will be the death of me This will be the death of me All is fair in love and war, but I can't fight with you anymore This will be the death of me"
"What happens now? Do we have another go? Do we bow out and take our separate roads? I'll admit I've had my doubts But I want to be let in, not out[..]"
Nothing's New by Rio Romeo. Ohhh my gods yeah. I like angst with them very often sorry guys. Octavian's perspective, rocky times w them. Not much more to elaborate on methinks.
"I want to be touched, be loved I wanna heal, be hugged It's just the two of us Or that's what we swore And if I lost my charm Apologies due, no harm Cause you got ahold of my heart And I know it's worn"
"I want to be close to you But I don't know what to do 'Cause if we are near to through It may make it worse And if I start to grieve 'Cause it feels like you're 'bout to leave Forgive me, I'm not naive I've been here before"
Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives. Oh my gods. No thoughts just Octavian warning Mike that he's flawed and despite the fact that Mike is fine with that and wants to help him, he [Octavian] just knows it wont end well.
"I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel It's all I can give to you, my dear"
"And I know you mean so well But I am not a vessel for your good intent"
"Desperation will erase the fact I'm keeping all Of the answers in my cigarette box Yeah the answer's in the second before the other shoe drops[...]"
Octavian specifically!(a lot of these r like him and his relationships with other charavters);
Brutus - The Buttress. OCTAVIAN TALKING ABOUT JASON AND ABOUT THE GIANT WAR/HIS DEATH HELLO YOU ALL SEE MY VISION YES. I almost cited the entire thng but. just listen to it the ENTIRE THING WORKS!! i have literally no intelligent way to explain said thoughts i just. take these mid observations
"Or am I just wishing I could be like you? That the people would see me too as a poet, And not just the muse. Oh, it's not true, I don't wish harm upon you From birth we've been like brothers from different mothers Within the spirit of the same womb May the Gods strike me down if I forsake you, Frater meus, you're beautifully made And to you I'm forever grateful[...]"
"I know the love you showed me came from a pure and noble heart I love you, and if you want, I'll call you king But why do I lie awake each night thinking 'instead of you, it should be me?' "
^^ugh on the topic of how he feels about jason's status. i think he would feel a weird sort of jealousy, and a lot of that would be distressing because he likes jason. its not jasons fault that he has the acomplishments octavian wants. but he's human and that comes with loathing.
"Something wicked this way comes And as I set to face it, I'm unsure Should I embrace it, should I run? What motivates me? Hatred? Is it love? What's more wrong; that I too wish to be great Or my mother wished she'd had a son? And even if I can't be the one Maybe I could at least help make way for him Until the day that he comes Maybe my name could also be known That I helped return good to the people And restored greatness to Rome."
^^all just about the giant war. oh my gods this boys desire to save his city. ALSO THE 'wished she'd had a son' LINE. cheering and clapping as a trans octavian truther (literally either way. it works either way transfem and transmasc octavian truthers unite)
"So with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my enemy My whole life, you were a teacher and friend to me Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy I, too, have a destiny This death will be art The people will speak of this day from near and afar This event will be history, and I'll be great too I don't want what you have, I want to be you"
'goodbye, traitor Jason Grace!' ahh lyrics. oh hell he makes me ill.
"I always knew I could be the one Though I feel the endless pain of being And I am scorched by the Sun Of humble origins and born of the cursed sex My name is Brutus, but the people will call me Rex"
mmmm. something something prophet of apollo. something something transgender my brain is radio static.
now. heres a few where i really dont know how to draw any specific connections between him and the lyrics just. sort of themes which i apply to octavian. all of the songs are good listens though imo (especially wannabe which is SO UNDERATED AND SO GOOD)
Wannabe, Pt. 2 - North Bloom
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
Flight of The Crows - Jhariah
A Mask of My Own Face - Lemon Demon
I Am Not a Robot - MARINA
Teen Idle - MARINA
Under My Skin - Jukebox The Ghost
Migraine - Twenty One Pilots
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thana-topsy · 10 months
1,6,8,11,17 for the ask thing!
Answered #6 in this post, and #8 in this post!
A fanon characterisation that you love
Oh, this took some thought. I went scrolling through my AO3 bookmarks for this one. But at the end of the day I have to go with my good friend @nientedenada's interpretations of Elenwen and Ondolemar in her Q&A style fic: "The Dominion is Here and They're Answering Your Questions" - her take deeply influenced the way I wrote both of these characters in "Hollow Men" as well as just helped to shape the Thalmor into people in my mind, as opposed to stick man villains.
11. Recommend a fic with an unusual/original headcanon or characterisation that you loved
Accidental Double Thalmor Post, but I'm going to have to recommend "Evil is Made of Us" by LeviathansEyes on AO3 for their masterful interpretation of the Thalmor. It's a purely OC-driven fic that's technically a sequel to a much longer fic, but I think it can be enjoyed on it's own easily enough. I had already finished up my own Thalmor-centric fic (Hollow Men) by the time I was reading their work, but I was still SHOOKETH by the end of that story. It was an unflinching look at how "evil" manifests itself, but also how, at the end of the day, people are just people. "Evil" is a concept within the framework of an institution.
17. Something you love that you don’t often share because you’re worried what others will think
Hmm... well, for the most part I'm pretty shameless with most of the stuff I share. I put myself out there in good faith, and generally expect that my work will be taked in good faith in return.
I think, maybe, if I want to be vulnerable for a minute, I'll admit that I tend to meme on Neloth publicly a lot to cover up just how deeply I've been impacted by writing his character. More below the cut, because this turned into a bit of a ramble...
I write Neloth as a low-empathy individual who arguably has a personality disorder (I won't throw around specific labels, as I don't think there is a specific one that I had in mind when going into his stories). My love for Neloth runs incredibly deep because I've been working with this fatally flawed, deeply damaged character who has built his own defences up so impossibly high over hundreds of years that even he is unsure of where his own walls end and the core of himself begins.
And then, to pair him with Teldryn, (which I think most people who only see the ship art or the memes think I just picked two characters and smashed them together for fun or because Hee Hoo Gay, which... isn't a lie, but it isn't the whole truth either). I write Teldryn as an endlessly compassionate person beneath the armor he's been forced to wear (literally and figuratively) over the years. The Nerevarine Prophecy left him questioning his own place in the world with a terrible case of impostor syndrome, and then the Red Year absolutely ripped out his heart (no pun intended??) and left him feeling that everything he did amounted to nothing. So he's cynical and jaded, he's hiring himself out as a merc, he has every reason to hate the gods and the life that's been thrust upon him. And then, for whatever reason, when I put him and Neloth in a room together for long enough, they somehow managed to crack through each others' shells. And it wasn't pretty at first, and, hell, it wasn't even romantic. But it happened. And sometimes, writing can be magic like that.
So here's Teldryn, a literal hero, giving this (by all accounts) terrible person a chance to show that he's capable of both receiving and giving love, actually. And that love can look a little different in everyone. And augH GOD, I HAVE A FUCKING CHARACTER TYPE, OK???
Anyways, tl;dr -- Neloth is actually more than just my special little meow meow babygirl blorbo, he is my shadow self, my darkest reflection, the opposite of everything I strive to be and everything I fear becoming. And I think, by writing him as still being worthy of love and companionship and joy, I'm writing to let myself know that I am also worthy of such things.
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azurecrystalz · 1 year
[Translation] Spider / IT/If You're Caught, It's Over
Niki: Alright. That's just about it~. We did a pretty good job, don't you think?
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Kohaku: Niki-han, you were able to help me get the right shape, thanks a bunch.
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Kohaku: Ah, Niki-han. I was too caught up in cooking that I didn't even realize it was getting late. Shouldn't we be heading over to the ES building soon? Today's our costume fitting isn't it?
Niki: Aah, that's right. Shall we get going?
Kohaku: Yeah. I go leave these cookies in my room real quick. I'll be back in a sec.
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Rinne: Hee~eeeyy. Seeing Niki and Kohaku-chan together is so rare!
Niki: We got here together since we met up in the dorms together.
Kohaku: Hm? Is Anzu-han not here yet?
HiMERU: She was here just a bit ago, but went to go pick up the costumes. She'll surely return soon.
Kohaku: Fuu~n, I got it. Then, I guess I'll just have to wait it out and see.
HiMERU: Nn? Ah, it appears that Anzu-san has returned.
Rinne: Whaddya think, Anzu-chan? Did our costumes turn out nice? Mm, that's good to hear. "ES Halloween" this year is said to be really spooky. Of course, that would include costumes too wouldn't it? Right, riiiiight? I'm getting more and more excited for it~
Kohaku: (Augh....it's finally time. I'm gonna have to face these costumes now....It looks like they really gave it a lot of effort. I wonder how detailed they're gonna be. There's no telling if it's some sly spirit of mountains or rivers, or some kind of vengeful spirit. Or it could even be some zombie with it's skin rotting till it peels. I really, really hope it's not like that.....)
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Kohaku: (God, Buddha. I'm begging......!)
Rinne: Oh? Is that for me? Thannnnks!
Niki: Thank you, Anzu-nee-san*! --Nn? Hmm?
HiMERU: This is HiMERU's part? Thank you very much. Oya? ....This is...
Kohaku: (It'll be okay. Up until now I've done everything I could to prepare for Halloween. I've heard 100 horror stories, watched horror movies, and went to haunted areas at the ES building. Surely I've become immune after all of this training. There's no way it can be as bad as that!)
Kohaku: ! So this is my costume huh....thanks. --I wonder what kind of detailed evil spirit of rivers and mountains it's gonna be.
Kohaku: ....Wha?!
Kohaku: ....This. Could this be a spider motif? Ummmm...Anzu-han? I just wanna make sure, this spider theme is "Crazy:B"s costume? So the costumes aren't supposed to replicate sly spirits of mountains or rivers, any kind of vengeful spirit, or zombies from horror movies.....?
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Kohaku: Eh? What's so funny? Idol's costumes aren't supposed to be like that? Ahh, I guess so. It makes sense when you think about it. Doesn't matter how realistic and spooky Halloween is, there is still going to be lives held, so why would they put on makeup that would make it tough to tell if they're even idols at all? Oh jeez. I suddenly feel lightheaded....I was thinking it was gonna be some kind of scary ghost. I really had no clue what kind of costume I was gonna wear.
Rinne: What a relief, Kohaku-chan! Now you can focus on "ES Halloween" without any worries!
Kohaku: ....Nn? Wait just a minute. Anzu-han, what did you say just now? Could you say it again? Hmmm? The "units" participating in "ES Halloween" were told what motifs they were going to have beforehand, you say? ....That so. I was never told anything about that.
Rinne: U--uh oh...
Niki: Ah. Rinne-kun must've been...
HiMERU: --Making fun of Oukawa since the beginning, hasn't he?
Rinne: Wh-what are you saying? I dunno what you're talking about.
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Kohaku: .....Rinne-han (smacks his fists**)
Kohaku: I'll at least thank you beforehand for helping me get over my weakness.
Rinne: ....Uhhh, Kohaku-chan? Why are you smacking your fists together like that?
Kohaku: Prepare yourself!
Rinne: Shiiiit! Kohaku-chan looks serious about this! Run for it!
Kohaku: Get back here, bastard! I won't let you get away with this!
HiMERU: Ah! Amagi, Oukawa! We haven't finished the costume fitting here yet! Come back!
Niki: Annnnd they're gone~. Anzu-nee-san, sorry about that. Could me and HiMERU-kun get our costumes fitted first? Rinne-kun and Kohaku-chan will come back once they get bored or at least when Rinne-kun gets caught.
HiMERU: --Him getting caught is never going to happen. Maybe we should go after them?
Niki: They'll be back~. Aren't we as "Crazy:B" always like that?
HiMERU: .....Well, that's true. Let's leave them be until they get bored. Anzu-san, apologies for the inconvenience, but you can start with HiMERU and Shiina first.
(*): For ppl who didn't know: this is how Niki usually refers to Anzu. It's usually "Nee-san"/"Anzu-nee-san", meant to be referring to her as like a sister.
(**): Look at the gif below Kohaku is doing that movement (sorry that I chose Mario of all things but it was the best visual i could find)
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As a note, I think the "IT" in the chapter title is referring to a game of tag, and how the person who's doing the chasing is "it"! So in this chapter, Kohaku running after Rinne is "it" and if Rinne gets caught...well the rest of the chapter title explains that perfectly ^^
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yayforocs · 1 month
still in february 2015 :VVV
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i made a gif!!! of myself!!! look at that why did i never post this anywhere!!!! hello!!!!
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i'm like 99% sure that i drew this bc of the production of aida that my brother was in, but it was like way back in 2009 or something so maybe we dug up the dvd and watched it?????? dunno but i'm pretty certain that's supposed to be amneris
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and i did post the tiny here but i never posted the full pic!! which. i can see why sdfkljs but also i do like the interaction itself so i'm posting it now anyway
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...a coresilence douglas that i never posted???? huh.
march 2015 V:
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this used to be my mobile banner for ages just bc i wanted something to slap on there dklsgs
wasn't sure i'd ever get ahold of the original pic again but yO!! here we are!!
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this one is just titled 'why bother' :( unfortunately i went through A Lot mentally around this time period, and there are quite a few doodles i think i made around this time and the next couple years that i never posted anywhere bc they were Too Edgy or Venty or just plain depressing to me. i honestly don't quite remember why i drew this, i think it had something to do with feeling like i was losing friends? maybe? i'm not quite certain honestly.
april 2015 :0
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core and i did a little doodle rp character funsies exchange between robin and douglas and this was a response i drew but ended up never using :V
may 2015!
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a couple different banners apparently! probably for my rp blog. i don't remember using either of these, but i'm assuming i probably did, atl for a little bit
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ahaha oh wow i genuinely have no memory of this huh. absolutely no idea on why there's a jarring disconnect between the first eight and the last two but shrugs!
-oh this has made me realize i now have Much More to post on robin's toyhouse huh
i've also got a lot from july 2015, but uhhhh i say it's a lot bc it's for a lyric video i wanted to make to jason walker's echo :VV there's quite a lot done and HONESTLy i thought i'd lost all of it bUT the firealpaca file!!!! i've got the firealpaca file!!!!!!! aaaa!!!!!!!! so it's all here!!!!!!!!!
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there's also this kdlsfjds
and then we skip all the way to march 2016, which is the last folder i have :(
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literally my first attempt at a nuzlocke and i'm dying i can't believe i never posted this dlkjfskjl God what a run
hey does this technically mean i've made a complete nuzlocke comic? --shot
anyway that's not actually from 2016! that's just when i scanned it, i made that wayyy back in 2011, possibly even 2010 :V but there's no way i'm not including it in these posts sdklghs
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ok so i did actually post this a while back, but then when i started working on locke'd in i went through and deleted all my nuzlocke art posts even slightly relating to it bc of 'spoilers' or w/e, these are some of my mons from a different run that... i dunno, i guess i just restarted or something? not actually sure why i didn't finish this one. i think i was going to cameo these girls in the comic or smth so i poofed the original post
atl i think, i could be thinking of any of the other like. five different teams i was planning on cameo'ing.
but GOD i kinda want to :waugh: one day..... one day i will post EverythingTM
dude i didn't even start looking on this flash drive for art i was looking for old writing sdklfjdskjl
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the-mighty-mittens · 2 months
Omori spoilers once again bc I'm playing a different ending//
I'm at the part where we visit Basil
I'm playing the neutral ending
Basil I'm so sorry (I'll play the good ending again after so hopefully I won't feel so bad after)
I'm currently stalling by finding the stray cat and going to the housewarming party and stuff XD
Sunny standing back as everyone talks to Mari HURTS
"do you want to have a picnic with Mari" DO YOU WANT ME TO CRY
Oh yeah.. you'll get to see Basil alright
I'm not even exaggerating I'm not even at the "do you want to save basil" part and my hands are already shaking
Watching Basil having a ✨mental breakdown✨
Time for a lightbulb-breaking intermission
"Sunny takes 143 damage" I hate this game
Time for you to face the truth, Sunny
OH that's what that spotlight is it's pointing fingers
Ok people talk about how it's not possible for two twelve year old boys to lift someone into a tree but Basil would have to be pretty strong, right? Bags of dirt and full watering cans aren't light (I'm several years older than he was and can barely lift a watering can), and weeds hold on for dear life, so he'd have to have a decent amount of strength. Idk about Sunny though, unless I'm missing something, but adrenaline is insane so I don't doubt he'd be able to lift more than his usual limit because of it. Also he dragged her all the way up the stairs and the photo album mentions she was lighter than he expected.
I know these are Basil's memories but I think it's kind of funny to imagine Basil just peeking around the corner and snapping a pic of Mari on the floor (is there something wrong with me? probably)
"why does this keep happening to us" THIS GAME AFDGNMSGBSHDFGKF
The shadow of Basil's something
Hey I completed a playthrough of Omori in less than 20 hours :D
Alright I'll boot up my first save again and play the bad ending, then the good one again and never touch this game again (/hj I'll probably play it again after some time but I NEED A BREAK)
Ooh this Something ascii art is cool
Augh watching Sunny give up is really sad
Ayo let me go inside
Sunny get off the roof Sunny NOOO
I have no choice dangit
Sunny rotating to the beat is. an interesting detail.
The title screen is empty jeez
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brineffxiv · 1 year
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So the white auracite will not do it alone, we shall have to find a method by which mind and soul both may be transferred.
Well, best report our progress to Tataru and Krile...
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Estinien! The last time I saw you you were about to be murdered by Zenos, how'd you get out of that?
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Ah, I'm going to find out I suppose?
...as is Krile? I wonder does one person's use of the Echo trigger it in other people close by? Since we can't use it by choice, yet it seems we're both having the vision at the same time.
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And then an awesome battle happened that just looks like so much nonsense in all my screencaps. Boo.
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Except this one. This one looks pretty cool. Wow, Zenos is huge... I am looking disrespectfully...
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...So are you dead or not? Are you, soul and body reunited, alive again? Or are you some kind of neo-Ascian that just happens to be inhabiting his own original body? I get it makes no difference to you, but I need to know these things, okay?
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Oh! Oh, and then he pulled the Ascian escape trick and vanished into a portal of darkness! I wasn't fast enough to catch it though...
And of course the Garleans are going to assume that Estinien and Gaius killed Varis, because who would believe the truth here? Though no one seemed to be shocked by Zenos disappearing so maybe not.
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Oh no. One of these again. Mercy, I beg you.
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Of course they made a new Ultima Weapon.
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Augh! There's a person melded into the back of it. I shouldn't be shocked by the things Garlemald will do to its own at this point, and yet I am.
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You know I don't do it on purpose, Estinien!
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All the powers of an Ascian without the uniting motive or code underlying it all. What indeed will Zenos do from here? Probably something that will result in us fighting, if I had to guess.
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Makes me wonder what happened to Zenos in the alternate timeline that prevented this same sequence of events from happening there? Maybe it was time... if Estinien and Gaius weren't working together to eliminate Black Rose, then Varis might have had the supply of it he needed at a time before Zenos reached the imperial palace. And Estinien was only working with Gaius because Tataru and Krile had hired him to eliminate Black Rose, which was necessary because the Scions were indisposed...
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Nerva... is that Varis' Uncle or Cousin? He was also Varis' rival for the throne back in Heavensward, if I recall correctly, so he should be the obvious choice for a new leader, I'd think.
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These guys don't say who they're championing. I wonder who the other contenders are?
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Oh? Who is this...
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You can see souls too?
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I don't trust guys in robes. Who was your old master, mysterious new character?
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...two things.
1) How do you know about Zodiark? Only the Ascians talk about Zodiark, and you're not dressed like an Ascian. I mean, you've got a spooky robe, but it's not the right robe, yeah?
2) I figured Zenos would be going after Hydaelyn, because if I understood everything Emet told me, Zodiark is currently fractured into 14ths strewn across the remaining Reflections and the Source. If Zenos wants to fuse himself with a God like he did with Shinryu, isn't he going after the weaker target?
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Aaand we're in Eulmore, in the Derelicts, and there's a mysterious figure here too...
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What the-?
...okay clearly you're not the real Ardbert because Ardbert is part of me now, but... I don't know what's going on yet.
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twiggyart6 · 3 months
collecting short funny things to write under fanart of characters you really love
please feel free to add more thank you :3
(this is long as shit be prepared)
looking at them
my friend :)
I can't believe this
brain blasted
what a little freak
do you even care
be so fucking for real
your kidding
what a weirdo
a wonderous creature
consider this
from my personal collection
what the
I'm so normal
I'm not normal
why are they like that
evil swag
I'm gonna frow up
yeah this is pretty cool
pretty fucked up dog
have you seen this?
my beautiful princess
I'm ill
oh good heavens!
my son. he has every disease
this shit aint nothin to me man
I laurve them
just a little bit. as a treat
tell them to stop
me when I GET you
the psychic worm (wohwohwohwohw)
good lord
cuteness aggression towards them
what the fuck ever
im feeling something
me when the
im fucking serious
love it when they appear
its becoming unhealthy
go white boy go!
your never gonna believe this
worst guy ive ever seen
their just so ... drawable
sorry guys
i saw it in a dream
she is very gorgeous to me!
i see them when i close my eyes
my little scrungle
be so fucking for real
i can do whatever i want
my baby girl
my little kitty meow meow
they've done something to me
i gotta get outa here
my favorite white man
full of joy a whimsy
going cray cray!
heyy gurl wasup
she is beuty she is grace
aaaaanything could happen
just like me fr
its time
divine retribution
so was foretold in the prophecy
their so ... woah
god. fucking. damn.
they understand me
you are not immune to propaganda
Explodes character with mind
Forgive me
I would tell them my most depraved thoughts
for the win!
my treasure my beloved
oh yeah woo yeah
thats it thats the post
this above all else
had to get it out of my system
you absolute baby buffoon
but make it epic
dont question it
gay baby jail
mwah <3
i want to make them into bread
no guys you don't get it
i got nervous
every fuckin time man
[puts face in hands and groans loudly]
no way
take a deep breath
stupid little bow wow
cringeposting once again
abandon society, embrace insanity
god has let me draw another day
had to do it
changed my brain chemistry
so the thing is-
im going to make you so girlfail
pathetic wet cat
their neat idk
or something like that
i have the disease and its terminal
shrimply amazing!
hits you with the beam
smile :)
send help
oh hi didn't see you there
no i will not elaborate
the creature is demonic in nature
i think there's something wrong with them
i think there's something wrong with me
its fine
woah woah woah
do you even realize what you've done
very cool
do you see my vision
whatever the fuck this is called
the strugler
oh i got you dont worry
nobody move
character on the brain always and forever
#1 hater
funny you should say that
nature is healing
imagine a guy. now imagine them again
ooo mama
get drawn idiot
get obsessed over idiot
if only they were real
post this character instantly
your honor i need them
ive got some notes
A juicy morsel
I want to push them down the stairs
They wouldn’t dare
(Eyes wide and mouth frothing) yeah!
my beautiful wife <3
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Oh my god dude, you can't just say "Jade is the fighter and Kit is the paladin" without going into some more intense detail about that!!!!
(my personal HC has been Jade is an Oath of Devotion Paladin who switches what her devotion is, and Kit is a Champion Fighter who takes levels in Paladin later...)
augh ok so. i'm gonna start with a base of thinking that for most characters, a mutli-class build probably makes the most sense for a lot of them (for instance boorman's generally seen as a rogue-type because of things he's mentioned about his past, but he doesn't really take part in certain classic rogue activities (being sneaky, has a huge sword) so it could also be argued that he's more of a melee fighter type with some rogue or bard charisma skills, or vice versa) but for the sake of argument we're gonna stick with one class with the presumption that they're all fairly low level (with the exceptions of willow and boorman, but we're not really talking about them here so they aren't really relevant).
some of this is also going to rely on outer knowledge and conjecture on things like what the fuck the blood of the six is.
i don't know if you watch critical role at all, but liam o'brien's current character orym is kind of a perfect example of what a fighter devoted to a) a cause and b) their party can look like. brian murphy's gerard of greenleigh over on d20's neverafter is also a great example of what a fighter can look like when they're concerned about protecting/helping their party members in battle instead of tanking. i feel like this fits in pretty well with jade's character and how she conducts herself in a lot of battles, whereas towards the end of the season....kit very much does not. but we'll get to her in a second.
on jade's part, i think a lot of it has to do with how her training has progressed. the comparison of fighter to knight can be a bit reductive towards both sides of it, but for ballantine specifically i think it works pretty well - the knight is dedicated to serving their cause and doing it well, but they aren't necessarily looking to...."make that anyone else's problem," let's say (in terms of looking at a paladin's oath as a kind of "light side" to a warlock's pact). jade is a talented sword wielder, and she is very devoted to serving her cause (which, at the start of the series, is very much the crown/throne, with a dash of "gay for the princess" thrown in), but she DOES want to leave to train to be a proper knight. not knowing much about the world, i would say that with her express interest being in going to join the legion to come back to be a knight in tir asleen (presumably), this doesn't really count as that "something more/someone else's problem," and this is fairly standard practice for a lot of knights. i also think a lot of her strive for something else can be given to straight characterization - going by the character creation formula, this could be attributed to her "background" as an orphan, ward, etc., where she's trying to prove herself in a way that she can recognize in others (ballantine, the whole story of sorsha and madmartigan, etc). plus, with the way we see her allegiance shift over the series from the crown/sorsha/tir asleen to kit specifically...if jade is a paladin, she certainly wouldn't have an oath yet. overall, the specific ways in which she devotes herself to things reads to me more as a fighter with something to prove than as a "core" aspect of her personality, though this could certainly change. i'm not totally sure what subclass i would give her, but i wouldn't put battlemaster out of the question.
to me, a paladin oath is something that a character has a near wholistic devotion to, something that directly complements their existing skills and personality. from a general standpoint, switching oaths doesn't make much sense to me - i feel like it'd be more likely for a paladin that wants to switch focus or expand to go for a multiclass than an oath change. this is definitely situational - oathbreaker is a choice for a reason, and i could totally see something happening to a devotion paladin that makes them go redemption or vengeance. but in any case, aside from the oath itself complementing skills already available, there is something about being a paladin that speaks to me as being intrinsic to a character's being - it requires looking at something, whether an idea or an entity, and fully devoting yourself to it. and that can absolutely be worked on or grown into down the line, anyone is capable of developing that, and i know the way i described it doesn't sound that dissimilar from marriage, but at the point we are in the story now...the only one i personally see fitting this is kit.
which is weird! because one of the first things we know about kit is that she wants to leave! she wants to run away, and she doesn't necessarily have a plan or something she's running towards but she's thought about and talked about it enough that jade knows about it.
immediately after, airk gets taken. and she is immediately devoted to the sole purpose of getting him back. despite my tags on your post, i do think there were a couple of moments where kit could have stood to slowing down for a second (the wildwood comes to mind - specifically in wanting to move so fast that she kinda just tells everyone who she is and behaves rashly, which backfires, instead of taking a second to think things through). but even beyond kit not being wrong about her focus, i believe she would have been like that regardless of the perceived time constraint. i think she would have been like that if jade got taken from the castle by bone reaver forces. i do not think she would have been like that if graydon had been taken lmao.
as it stands now/at the start of the show, the thing kit is devoted to is the people she cares about. like with jade, i don't think she would have an oath before leaving on the quest, but i DO think she already had the baseline "looking for something greater" in terms of proving herself (mostly to sorsha at this point) to start getting into the first levels of a paladin class.
this is where the meta shit starts coming in. this is so many fucking words i'm so sorry.
so. bavmorda. fey. blood of the six. they KNOW we d&d bitches love our fucked up bloodlines this feels like a targeted attack.
here is the entirety of info i could find on the blood of the six: "the blood of the six is a bloodline of strong, but corrupt, sorcery... six fays betrayed the mothers to serve the dark power." the line continued, bavmorda found out she was of the bloodline, therefore sorsha kit and airk are also. quote taken from wiki. obviously this gives me a lot of headcanon power.
i think airk being taken was circumstance. i think if kit had been a little faster about saying bye to jade, or if she had decided to not do so at all, she could have been the one taken (if anything in the show contradicts that or says they were looking specifically for airk, lmk, my memory of ep 1 is a bit fuzzy lol). from what i can tell they wanted someone with a link to the wyrm (bavmorda was part of its order or whatever the fuck), and the blood of the six likely had something to do with it.
this gives kit a direct line to magic, something that paladins utilize but tend to gain at a slower rate than primary spellcasters. obviously a direct connection to magic isn't required, since a paladin is going to be swearing to a deity or a fey or whatever that would then grant them further powers, but it certainly doesn't hurt. of course, neither jade or kit use magic, so this argument can get pretty wibbly, but honestly if you were an orphan knight/a gay princess interested in swordfighting her "best friend" would you think you had magic? probably not. no i am not thinking abt the homoeroticness of lay on hands, go away.
while kit doesn't start out with an oath, i think she ends the season with one. the cuirass in particular feels like a paladin artifact to me (for every theory i've seen of why it works - using it for a good cause and not greed? mjolnir-style worthiness? the wearer's belief in themself? the belief of the person that puts the lux in? wow. and then it has built-in features that allow the wearer to protect the wearer's party? come on). but in terms of moments.....
i've discussed the paladin's oath being a reaching out to something greater and an intrinsic part of the paladin's character, and paladin-ness in general being a wholistic devotion to a cause. an oath doesn't have to be planned, it can be a spontaneous moment of utter certainty and connection. and kit absolutely has a moment like that.
it's when she's standing at the edge of the world, kneeling with her forehead pressed to elora's, with jade standing in the background.
(sorry i just went and rewatched the scene and bitch. oh my god. "my fear doesn't get to decide, it doesn't get to define me. i'm not giving it the power, i'm giving it to you. i have never believed in anything my whole life...i believe in you" HELLO. first off that's a paladin oath if i've ever heard one second why do you two look like you're about to kiss? why is jade framed in the background like that? she's in focus and then kit and elora stand up and she's not anymore what am i supposed to do with this what the fuck. literally staring into each other's eyes at the end of the world oh my god. i'm a tanthamore girlie but jesus christ. JADE KNOWS WHAT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN THIS IS THE GAYEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. KILORADE FOR THE WIN 20WHENEVER THE FUCK)
i don't think that the thing kit swore to was elora, but in this moment, she is elora's sworn protector. and what elora needs to do is go over the edge, and what kit needs to do is help her. kit literally turns them so that elora's back is to the edge and she goes over first. elora goes, kit follows what is at the very least a representation of her oath, and jade follows her. knight follows her paladin follows her sorcerer. somehow this is about to turn into kilorade propaganda so i'm gonna cut myself here.
i have a couple of oaths for kit in mind based on some uh...other theories i've talked about and how those theories might work in a fake season 2 that i've made up in my head, so i might talk about those separately if anyone's interested cause this got far too long lmao.
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