#i don't know i'm in a weird spot writing wise and i feel like i'm very much in an in between period of time in my life
tboy-boone · 8 months
i don't know if i'll post this fic but ouguuguhuhuh i'm tired of working on it. but i don't work on it, i'll have to do other things i really don't want to do
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runningupthatvecna · 1 year
the law of seat partners
alrighty so ya gurl had a dream about eddie last night and here i am trying to use that to base the following something off of.
part 2
cw/tw: eddie munson being a slightly touchy precious bean. a slight bit of angst. feeling left out/mentions of feeling unwanted if you squint. otherwise, none that i could think of, just my silly brain fluff. if you find something else, please let me know yaaa. no mentions of y/n.
summary: you're going on a high school field trip with your friends. and thankfully, a long haired metalhead is also there to keep you company and ease the pain of being around obnoxious children.
side note: this is literally the first fic thing i've written in literal YEARS (also in English) and first ever time writing for Eddie, so bare with me here, i've gotten quite rusty i guess so i truly apologise if it's rather bad. don't mind me and please reblog/leave me comments if you did enjoy this pure fluff something!
It was the sunniest May morning the town of Hawkins had ever seen. The bluest sky above the forests and fields, downtown, the infamous trailer park and the parking lot of Hawkins High.
You sighed as you placed your car in parking mode before opening the door and sliding out, just so you could grab your belongings - a rather big bag filled with all sorts of items that you were certain you were going to need for surviving the next week - out from the backseat.
A field trip with students with an age range from bloody twelve to the wise years of nineteen, well, twenty to be specific, was on your agenda in the almost last month of your last year of high school, and thankfully you were not gonna be stuck in some forest next to Lake Superior alone by yourself.
Being forced to exist around screaming twelve year olds who were about to enter puberty was your least favourite part of the whole expedition, which made the presence of your group of best friends so much more valuable.
There was one person whose attendance you'd specifically been hoping for. And yes, of course you and your friends had been talking about the trip months ago so it would be clear who would join in the fun, but with Eddie's tendency to be flaky when it came to decisions like this, one could never be fully sure.
I mean yeah, certainly you were looking forward to spending this week by the lakeside with Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and the younger kids in freshmen year, but nothing could make the thought of being stuck with a group of middle schoolers and teachers more bearable than being stuck there with the one guy who you - to put it frankly - had a thing for.
You couldn't really say that you were as close with him as you were with Steve or Robin, you never really spent time with him outside of the group hangouts. But that didn't mean that there was any weird distance between the two of you when the lucky occasion of hanging out did come around.
Eddie Munson was a metalhead. Through and through. Tough exterior, soft baby cow personality but could turn stone cold when necessary. When people tried to shame him for being different, for example.
You were also very certain that his love language was touch, based on the times he would throw his arm around you when casually walking you to your next class or the way he would playfully wrestle Dustin or Lucas in the cafeteria during lunch break to show he didn't hate them.
"Oh my god, I'm so glad you're here!"
Max had spotted you in line and apparently didn't feel too much guilt for cutting it just so she could hop on the bus together with you.
You mumbled the same thing back to her, wondering if you were the first or last ones of your party to go through Miss Kelley's check-in.
She greeted the both of you with a toothy smile before she turned her focus onto the sheet with students' names. Your eyes wandered over the rows of seat pairs, and since you had arrived at the parking lot, let's say not late but also not early either, most of them were already filled with loudly chatting kids.
"Hopefully the others saved us a seat", you heard Max say from in front of you. Unlike you, she already had a pre-determined seat buddy. "Oh please, it's obvious that Sinclair kept one for you", you quipped back, silently hoping you could potentially be sitting next to Steve or at least Robin.
And even if Eddie was going to join you, he'd probably be sitting with Chrissy. Or Gareth.
"That might be true, but I'm sure you'll be just fine with where you'll end up."
Max stepped further into the bus after she gave you a wink and a slight grin.
Did she know more than you?
Good boy Steve was rather easy for you to spot. With that amount of hair peeking out above the sea of headrests? No wonder. In fact, most of your friends were already seated further in the back of the one-story bus.
A slight hint of disappointment clouded your brain at the sight of Steve and Robin sharing a seat pair, with Nancy and Jonathan right behind them. Your fear of being the one left out and behind was creeping out from the back of your mind, acting up.
People had always been kind enough to endure you, but no one ever really chose you. Or at least made you feel like you belonged.
Lucas indeed had the seat next to him reserved for Max, to where she continued her strut down the aisle to plop down, while Dustin and Will had agreed to share theirs.
Surprising they made it out of bed this early.
You took a few more steps towards the back of the bus. A wide grinned Erica was seated amongst her friends in the center of the very back row, your eyes scanning the seats until they landed on the wild dark mane of a certain metalhead, who was occupying the pair of seats right behind the stairs down to the back door.
He was practically lying in the window seat. Head resting against the glass, staring out to observe the students who hadn't set foot onto the bus yet. Parents who were lecturing their kids one last time before letting them go.
Was he daydreaming? What could possibly be going on in that pretty head of his?
Your heart jumped and your stomach fluttered when he shifted his gaze to the aisle where you were standing. The widest smile spread over his face at the sight of you, and you hated to admit to yourself that it did not leave you unaffected.
The seat next to him was empty.
It took Eddie a few seconds to remember what his initial plan was. As if something in his brain clicked, as if a bolt of lightning had hit him, he straightened himself and got up.
"Uh hi there. I, uh, kept you a seat if, uh, in case you'd like to sit with me."
Eddie the freak Munson. Had thought of and would be willing to sharing seats for a 10 hour bus ride. With you, of all people?
In the light of the sunlight flooded bus, you could see his cheeks adjusting to the colour of your own. Flushed pink.
And you just couldn't help the wide grin that was pulling at the corners of your mouth.
Now both of you were standing in the aisle facing each other.
"I would love to, Munson."
Quickly you took out the essentials for the journey from your bag: headphones and your walkman, your tape collection that you wouldn't leave the house without, a novel, some water and a tote bag with your carefully selected snacks.
Eddie waited patiently for you to get comfortable, standing there in the aisle in his signature leather jacket and denim dio vest, while leaning against the backrest of his own seat, watching your every move.
Once you swung yourself around into your seat, Eddie plopped down next to you with an equally wide grin plastered across his face while pointing his ringed index finger at the snack bag.
"You know, you're gonna have to share those with me."
You turned your head around to face him, eyebrow raised.
His chocolate brown doe eyes were so so softly looking at you. If you didn't know better they'd melt you on the spot.
"Oh really, do I?"
"Yeah, it's the unspoken yet official law of seat partners, sweetheart."
You chuckled at his silliness and the pet name, the nervousness which you had gotten from the thought of him very obviously thinking of you when it came to the decision of who to sit next to, all gone.
He wanted to be physically close to you.
He wanted to spend that time on the bus around you.
He chose you.
After Steve, Robin and all the others from your group had acknowledged your presence as well with genuine smiles, and the last few kids had found their seats, it was time to leave Hawkins.
The bus hit the highway towards Chicago pretty soon after departure.
Eddie let you sit in the window seat, which eventually led to him conveniently using your shoulder as a pillow. And no, you didn't mind the weight. It was Eddie.
Hell, you were having a hard time keeping yourself from wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer.
"Does this also fall under the law of seat partners?", you asked curiously, placing a hand on Eddie's head and slightly scratching his scalp.
The only thing you got in return was a satisfied, sleepy "mhm" and a squeeze and rub of his warm hand over your thigh, but it was enough for your mind to drift off, wondering which other of Eddie's love languages and further details of his ridiculous seat partner law you'd come to discover on this trip.
tagged: my beloved ellen @josephfakingquinn <3
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annymation · 6 months
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Could you write an agnst scene inspired by this sketch please 👉👈?(no pressure of course)
I’ve taught you well >:3
And yes I will GLADLY write something extra angsty for this! Hope I can make the illustration justice!
TW: Blood, character death.
It was cold.
The atmosphere was chilling in the deep dark woods of Rosas, but it wasn't the common weather of the night, there was something different. It was quiet, ominous, even the animals could feel something was coming, and perhaps that's because of the wishing star currently hiding from the evil sorcerer king.
So far, all Aster's attempts of stealing the magic staff failed miserably, at this point, the star boy is getting quite frustrated, and so was the king.
"I don't know about you, but I'm getting quite fed up by this game of tag, little one" Magnifico sensed Aster's presence nearby, he didn't even raise his voice, knowing the star could hear him. The king chuckled darkly as he walked through the woods "So how about you just come out and fight me like a man?"
Aster was hanging on a tree, far away from the king's line of sight. They smiled, for that comment just gave the star an idea on how to get under the king's nerves some more.
"I'm not a man though" Aster chimed in from the tree tops, his voice echoing all around.
The king didn't know where the voice was coming from as it seemed to come from all sides, but he could tell by the overconfidence in the star's tone that they were trying to throw him off his focus
"Well, yeah I know Bu-"
"I'm a star" Aster interrupted with a child like playfulness in his voice
"... Sure- But that's not my po-"
"This whole gender thing humans have going on is so weird honestly"
Magnifico could practically hear Aster's smirk, which peeved the evil king even more
"Listen here boy-"
"Not a boy heh eheheh" Aster giggled
"SHUT UP! UGH YOU ROTTEN BRAT!" The king was on his last nerve, much to Aster's delight
(Fun fact, this is a deleted scene I wanted to include in KOW to emphasize Aster is nonbinary (He/They). But the scene didn't fit, so I'm glad I can recycle it here)
Aster smiles victorious, but the king's next statement caught him off guard "You think you can beat me by vexing?! HA! This is not a battle of wits, lad! It’s a battle of strength, something you clearly lack!”
Lack strength? Why? Because he can’t hurt others? That’s not a weakness, Aster knows that, to inflict pain on others doesn’t make you strong, it just makes you cruel. Aster knows very well that strength comes from many places, and he’d NEVER be “strong” the way Magnifico is.
“I’ve got plenty of strength, actually” Aster claimed wisely “I’m strong in the ways that matter. Strong to care, to keep trying, and to trust my friends even if all odds are against us…” a smile grows as Aster thinks of yet another remark to throw at the king “Also, you’re one to talk hehheh without that magic staff you’d be as strong as any average nobody”
Oh, Magnifico was officially pissed off. He wanted to wipe that smile off the star’s face in any way possible… And Aster’s comment about “friends” just gave him an idea
“Oh yeees, your friends, of course… All 7 of them huh?” The king had an wicked smile as he casually brought up the 7 teens
“Yup! All sev-“ Aster stops himself onde realization hit him like a truck… “W-wait… How did yo-“
“If I were you, I’d be more careful with who I place my trust” Magnifico’s eyes scanned the trees above, trying to spot any glimpse of yellow light that could be Aster hiding. His wicked smile only grew as he noted the star’s silence, that was exactly the reaction he wanted “For example, trusting that the son of my most loyal knight wouldn’t spill your plans? Tsk tsk tsk not very strategic~”
“… Simon?” Aster muttered in a shaky whisper
The king and queen knew their plan?… So that means-
Aster quickly jumped from the tree branch he was hiding, revealing his location to the king. But Magnifico had no time to capture the star, no, in the blink of an eye Aster was already flying towards the castle, leaving the sorcerer all alone in the dark woods
“……….. *sigh* Cursed be my monologuing mouth” Magnifico sighs in frustration as he began flying with his magic, back to the castle he calls home.
Aster flew faster than the wind itself, the usual optimistic star had his head filled with worst case scenarios of what Asha and the others could be going through. What if Magnifico set up a trap? Or what if the guards caught them?? Or even worse, what if the QUEEN caught them???
No no no. Aster can't think like that, Asha has a magic pencil and her sketchbook after all, she can handle herself without him just fine... Right?
Aster reached the top of the tower, and upon entering though the window, he was met with a shocking sight
Asha and Queen Amable were dueling with swords, Asha using a hand drawn one, while Amaya used one made of metal, that was strikingly sharp.
Aster instinctively called out to her
Aster doesn't know why they just did that.
Neither of the two women had noticed his presence before that scream.
Aster could've disarmed Amaya.
Aster could've just moved Asha out of the way.
There were so many things the star could've done...
But he chose to scream.
Making Asha lose her focus.
She took her eyes out of Amaya for one second, turning to the source of her lover's voice.
One second was all Amaya needed.
Asha didn't even have time to speak a word...
The piercing blade cut right through her heart.
The star did not move.
It was like time itself had stopped for him, and deep down, Aster wished it'd stay frozen. They didn't want this nightmare to keep going.
But it kept going, once the queen swiftly pulled the sword out of the girl, her wide smile was reminiscent of a crescent moon.
Once the sword left her body, Asha fell to the ground like a puppet whose strings have been cut.
Aster finally felt movement return to their limbs, as he caught her in his arms just before she hit the floor. His protective embrace was so firm it was like he was trying to keep her from falling apart... She didn't hug him back.
"A-... As-ter" She croaked in agony, barely able to breathe and let alone speak, as she felt her body grow weaker and her mind become hazy.
"I'M HERE! I-IT'S OKAY! Yo-you're okay!" The star's panicked screams made Asha flinch, with everything sounding even louder in her head. Aster realized that, and with an wavering voice they try to comfort her "I'm sorry... I- I'm here with you now, just keep breathing-"
Aster's soothing words were muffled by the queen's sickening cackle, followed by an heartless rebuttal of the star's whispers
"Oh something tells me she won't "keep breathing" for much longer, dearie" there was no sign of pity or remorse behind those eyes, just sadistic mirth as she watched the girl's violet dress slowly turn crimson.
If only looks could kill. Aster tear filled eyes glared at Amaya like he wanted her to catch on fire, much like the burning flames that was set ablaze on his forever moving hair.
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But even with all that rage, the star tried to ignore the older woman. Asha needed him now. They turned to look at her face and-
Her eyes no longer had that spark Aster fell in love with...
There was no glimmer of light...
No sign of life at all...
She was gone.
Aster just kept staring at Asha's vacant expression, his eyes wide and pupils shrunken. The star held onto her lifeless body carefully, shaky hands still caressing her hair as if she could still feel it.
Amaya just walked away from the two of them, a victorious smile plastered on her face, as she admired her own reflection on the now blood stained blade in her hands. She sat on a comfortable velvety chair in the study, to wait for her king's return.
She was not at all afraid of the literal star in the room, after all, her husband assured her they were harmless, a being literally incapable of hurting or killing anyone. So she was eager to just sit and cruelly watch and make fun of the boy's misery.
Aster was oh so aware that he couldn't hurt her... But he wanted to.
The young star could already hear the stars above, calling for him. They were watching through the open window, urging him to just leave, go back to the sky, accept he failed to save Asha but he can at least save Rosas by not letting the king capture him... But Aster didn't want to run.
He recalled an old song he heard once, a song that old stars sang when they were on their last dying breaths. The other stars always said he should never repeat that song in his young age, otherwise he'd be a danger to those around... But that's exactly what Aster wanted to be right now.
And so... Aster began to sing it.
(........... In case you don't know what this song is about, hi, welcome to the madness that is my rewrite, and HERE is a blog about some AUs I made. Go read it and skip straight to the "Aster turns himself into a blackhole" part to learn what this is all about, cause' I'll actually skip the whole Aster morphing into a blackhole bit, sorry, but basically same thing that happened in that AU blog happens here: He sings, slowly goes crazy and creepy, Amaya has her soul sucked out of her yaaaay let's move on)
Magnifico was pretty much sprinting on air as he used his magic to make himself levitate to the castle, it was a shame that his magic limited him to only fly as fast as he could run.
"*huff* *puff* Ough I'm too old for this" The king was panting as he reached the tower's window, his head lowered as he attempted to catch his breath, but he still chimed in to cheerfully call his wife "Darling I'm home~ heheh I trust you've given our little star a warm wel-"
The king shuts up with a gasp stuck on his throat. For once, he was speechless.
Asha's body was laying on the ground, that was to be expected, it's by far the least shocking thing in the room for him.
What truly made his world shatter was witnessing his queen laying lifeless on the floor, it was clear she was not breathing. The pain in his blue sky eyes ran so deep one could even feel sorry for him, but there was no one in the room to care about his tears...
For the only living thing in the room had no mercy left to give.
"So, your highness" the former star uttered the tittle with sarcasm, as he walked around Amaya's corpse, his pitch-black eyes stared at her almost as if they were admiring their own work. And he kept not making eye contact with the king as he asked "Is this strong enough for ya?"
It was cold.
Very proud of how this one turned out, thank you @uva124 for the inspiration!
@gracebeth3604 @emillyverse @signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @rascalentertainments
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cleo-writes · 23 days
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Leo Valdez x apollo!reader pt3
Pt1 pt2
A/n: it felt like it took so long to write this, even if it was only like two days 😭
Warnings: minor cussing and kisses kisses kisses. (Edit: not proof read)
A day passed since you and Leo 'talked'. The scene of you both kissing was played through your mind every day while you were cooped up in the infirmary over the weekend, the injured from capture the flag on Friday healing slowly.
It played in Leo's head, too.
It was all he could think about while working on a new project in Bunker 9. Whenever he lost the motivation to work, he thought about you and just how amazing you are. And how you probably didn't like him back. He always finished his projects in no time after that.
But soon, after feeling the sting of that dumb scar he got on his torso that you patched up, he ran out of things to keep him occupied. He had to talk to you. He had to find you in the infirmary.
While Leo was walking to the infirmary full of determination to find you and talk about where you stood in your relationship, he stopped dead in his tracks. He heard something coming from the arena. Something told him to check there. He didn't know why. He just knew he had to check there before going to the infirmary.
And that's where he found you, ripping a training dummy to shreads with your dagger.
It was weird. Apollo kids were usually good with bows, not daggers. It set you apart from some of your siblings. You hated it. But it never changed anything.
Leo walked up to you while you were still madly tearing at the training dummy.
"Hey–" Leo was cut off by you flinching at the sudden spund of his voice, whiping around just a little too fast and accidentally nipping his cheek with your dagger.
"OH shit. ... sorry." You whispered, setting your dagger down and turning Leo's cheek to one side so you could see the scar.
Leo felt his face get hot at the small touch, but quickly tried to shake it off and be serious (for once).
"I'm fine, I'm fine. We, uh, ...we should talk." He said.
His words sent a wave of anxiety through you. Talk? About your relationship, probably. But what if he didn't like you the same way you liked him? What if he wants to forget this ever happened? Because you sure as hell weren't going to forget.
"O-ok... we could talk in the infirmary? So I can fix you up." You suggested. Not only so you could patch up Leo's cheek, but because you always felt safer in the infirmary. Maybe all of the medical equipment everywhere would bring you just a little comfort and familiarity he rejects you.
Leo nodded and gestured for you to lead the way.
As the two of you were walking there, Leo's mind was racing. He was so, so, so stupid. He should've thought about what to say to you instead of him having to make it up on the spot!
Gods, what was he going to say?
Your mind was racing with anxiety as well, though it was more of possible outcomes than what to say. It was nerveracking, anxiety-inducing, and stressful all in one short walk to the infirmary.
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"Sit." You mumble to Leo, gesturing loosely to the infirmary bed while you shut the door.
"You know it really isn't that ba-" You cut him off with a loud 'shhhhh'
Leo chuckled softly and raised his hands in surrender as blood from the nip dripped down off his chin.
You were rummaging through a drawer, trying to find band-aids before Leo cleared his throat and spoke up.
"Uhm, well..." His voice was shaky and uncertain at first, but eventually, after a few throat clearings, he blurted out:
"I, uh, don't know where we stand... relationship wise after that...that kiss and-and ..." You stood up, more anxiety flushing through you as he paused, and you leaned against the little counter.
"I really like you, y/n." Leo eventually blurted out, and you felt a wave of relief roll off your chest.you were going to say something along the lines of 'I like you too, Leo Valdez.' But he continued on.
"And you probably don't like me back and-and that's fine, really it's alright to me. I just...I just had to get this off—" Leo was cut off by you stepping over with a smile he couldn't take his eyes off of and kissing him.
Leo froze for a split second before kissing passionately back. One of your hands made their way into his fluffy curls of hair while your other hand cupped his pretty face. His hands slowly made their way to your waist, as they couldn't reach your face while you were standing and he was sitting. (Haha, short boi)
You two stayed like that, kissing back at each other and practically making out before Leo had to come up for air.
As he pulled away, you chuckled.
"Going down already, huh? I thought you could last longer, Valdez." You teased him while stepping back and rummaging through drawers and cabinets again for band-aids.
Leo ignored your teasing and instead asked a more serious question in between breathy pants.
"What...what does this mean...for us?"
You stayed quiet for a while. Before speaking up again.
"Well, I could get you an 'I heart (♡) my partner' shirt. Or, we could stay friends." You said, giving him options even if it seemed like a tease.
Leo chuckled breathily.
"I'll take the shirt, whether you pay for it or not." He whispered with a soft, caring tone in his voice.
You knew this was the start of something amazing. You knew then he would drop everything to take care of you, even if you were the one who usually did all the caring in the infirmary.
You smiled, rummaging around a little more before pulling out the pack of band-aids you finally found.
"Alright, Mr. Valdez, which band-aid?" You questioned.
Leo chuckled. You could've sworn he said: 'someday you'll have that last name.' Under his breath, but you weren't sure if you were dreaming it up or not.
"I'll take the Spider-Man one, please." He hummed, not taking his eyes off of your face.
You chuckled. Yeah, that sounded like something Leo would say.
"Okay then, one Spider-Man band-aid for you, sir." You mumble, your chuckle still carrying on through your voice.
You unwrapped the band-aid and carefully placed it on the scratch on Leo's cheek. Your faces were inches apart. You could feel each others breath mingling together and tickling both of your faces.
Your excusefor being so close to him was trying to make the band-aid line up right, but in honesty, you wanted to be as close to Leo as possible.
Once you finished placing down the band-aid, you cupped Leo's face in your hands.
"All better." You said, pressing a kiss to his nose.
"Yeah, all better." He hummed back, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
Leo was a better home then anything you ever knew. The infirmary, the apollo Cabin, arts and crafts, camp-halfblood, even your house outside of camp-halfblood.
Nothing could beat this peaceful moment.
Neither of you knew it yet, but there would be a lot more peaceful moments to come.
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I finally finished it yippee
Also @renico-best-bff-duo asked to be tagged sooo here u go. :)
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badkitty3000 · 2 months
Supposedly Five had to be the family matchmaker foe xyz reason (supposedly he has to like broadly write some things about their life trajectory as work at the commission so that they can work it out with the timeline and the world doesn't end bla bla), what kind of person would he choose for each?
That's a funny visual...Five hunched over his typewriter at the Commission, furiously typing away, and muttering to himself about what a waste of time all of this is and why does he always have to be the one to save these idiots?
This also very much sounds like a fanfic in progress 🤔
It's hard for me to think about what Five would want as a partner for each of his siblings. I think because, at the end of the day, as long as they are happy and aren't being totally screwed over, he's ok with whoever they end up with. He hated Lila, and initially wanted her far away from Diego, but after seeing that his brother actually did love her, he gave in (sort of). So here's my takes on who Five would pick for his siblings:
Luther: Sloane is a pretty good match, and I think Five would agree. She's smart and pretty and kind of girl-next-door to go with his big, blond, handsome brother. They kind of are the perfect pair, so I think he'd pick either her specifically or someone very similar.
Diego: It's interesting because we have seen two of Diego's love interests in the show and they are about as opposite as you can get, personality wise, so I'm not sure what's going on there. He's all over the place! (side note: shout out to Eudora who seems to always get swept under the rug in fanon). Five doesn't think Diego is particularly smart but he does know that he is very protective of the ones he loves, and obviously very impulse driven. Five would want someone to maybe balance that. He would match Diego up with someone who would be very calm and try to defuse any crazy impulses he may have and want to act on. Also someone with a brain that could counteract Diego's lack of one sometimes. So, someone like Eudora, I realize now.
Allison: We don't know much about Patrick and what his personality was like or why Allison was attracted to him in the first place. And I don't think Five ever even met or interacted with Ray. So, he probably doesn't even know what his sister's tastes are in men. From his point of view, Five would probably think she would need someone that would take care of her and pamper her and tend to her needs. Allison, despite her flaws, is very maternal, and I expect that Five knows that. He would want her to be with someone that also understood that and gave her the support that she needed.
Klaus: Oh, Klaus. Poor, poor Klaus. He has had a very tumultuous love live it seems. Five never met Dave, obviously, but I'm sure he's heard of or even seen some of the people that Klaus has hitched himself to in the past. And Five would not approve. He would not want to see his brother being used or Klaus using other people, either. He would want him to be truly loved by someone very special. Someone that would treat Klaus with respect and understand all of his past trauma and weirdness. He knows Klaus is tough on the outside, but fragile on the inside, and he would want whoever he ended up with to understand that, as well. I believe Five has a soft spot for Klaus and if he saw him with someone that was not treating him right, he would have to break into Big Brother Mode and correct the situation.
Ben: If we're talking OG Umbrella Ben, then I think Five would choose someone kind and gentle for his too-soon-deceased brother. Ben seems pretty quiet, so maybe he would want someone just a little more outspoken for Ben, in order to balance things out. Someone that would stand up for him if needed and would speak their mind. He needs to have a little spark and energy in his life.
Viktor: Five would want Viktor to be with someone who truly understood the real him. Who is ok with his transition and treats him with respect. Someone he would feel very safe with. I think Five would like to see Viktor with someone who could make him laugh, because Viktor has had a lifetime of sadness and heartbreak, so it would be very important to him that his brother has someone that brings out his happiness and laughter.
I know these answers are a bit vague, but that's because it's hard to imagine, at least for me, who Five would match his siblings up with. As long as they are treated well and meld into the family dynamics and aren't scared off by all the weird Hargreeves drama, then Five is probably going to be ok with them. Bonus if they are not a complete and utter moron :)
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doraambrose · 7 months
I normally don't really feel comfortable discussing NSFW topics, but I've seen an increase in a very specific type of jason todd content, mostly from one user in particular, that, to me personally, is kind of weird and inaccurate.
Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to kink shame anyone or attack anyone. As long as it's consensual, legal, and not hurting anyone, do what makes you happy. This particular subject is just not for me and this post is going to be more about my headcannons that I've based on canon events as well as my own opinion of jason todd.
🚨Warning: NSFW topics such as:
choking, rough play, foreplay, controlling and dominant behaviors during sex, crying during sex, talking during sex, talking down to someone during sex, making fun of someone during sex, vaginal sex, oral sex (female and male), daddy and mommy kinks kinks. Submissive behaviors during sex.
I've never done a trigger warning so please let me know if I did this right.
So, I've seen an increase in a particular kind of jason content, mostly fueled by like 1 or 2 specific users, portraying jason as this real rough, dominant dude who likes to degrade and choke during sex. I don't really like blocking people, but I might have to block these users. Don't get me wrong, they're not doing anything wrong, it just makes me uncomfortable, personally, as someone who's not into choking or stuff like that. and they don't put the read more line so you kind of have to see it when you're scrolling. I also find it completely inaccurate. Like the people requesting these and writing these looked at one or two images of jason but don't really know anything about the character themselves. So, I'm gonna put some of my own headcannons as someone who has studied this dude for a few years now:
First, Judd Winnick has confirmed over Twitter that jason cries during sex. Now obviously, judd winnick doesn't own Jason and many writers have their own interpretation, but winnick is basically the father and creator of post resurrection Jason and kind of set the blueprint for his behaviors, beliefs, etc. So for that reason, when he posts his own headcannons about jason, I feel more obligated (if that's the right word) to kind of accept it as canon, even when it's really not.
It also just makes sense. It's not as widely talked about, but it's very normal and natural to cry after an orgasm. Sex for a lot of people is considered a very intimate act and an orgasm is like an explosion of pleasure. It can be a little much for people, especially those who haven't experienced it alot, and some people (like myself) don't always know how to handle that much stimulus and feeling all at once and crying is a normal reaction to that. And jason is someone who's not the most intimate person.
Second, I feel like Jason is inexperienced. A lot of these blurbs have him knowing exactly what to do, what spots to hit, totally experienced and "professional". We're talking about a guy who spent 12 years in poverty, 3 years as robin while also being in school, dead, and then training with the league while battling mental illness, ptsd, brain damage, etc. And then in under the red hood, he's very focused on his plan. Even after that in general, he's with the outlaws, on a case, you name it. Dude is always busy with something work wise. I don't see him having a lot of time and energy to be fucking enough to not be awkward.
Speaking of awkward, I've always headcannoned that dude has ZERO rizz. All the reasons I mentioned above, he's probably super socially awkward. That dude is definitely terrible at dirty talk like the stuff I see in those blurbs. I mean, even Isabel has canonically said jason is not a very good kisser.
Third, I DOUBT he's into choking or being rough. All the abuse and shit he's been through, i headcannon that he is more like the opposite. It's intimate, relaxed, soft, etc. He can get a little intense, but not rough or anything.
He's probably actually what some would consider "boring". Pretty standard missionary stuff, maybe sometimes he's getting ridden , probably has oral and stuff, but he does not strike me as a kinky guy
Dude also probably has a normal average dick. I've seen some "8 inches" type shit. Really? 8 inches? I don't remember exactly what the average is in the us, but I'm pretty sure it's like 5 or 6inches.
I can't explain this one, but it's a pretty common headcannon for no real reason, but the vibes, jason is an ass and thighs man. Enough said.
As much as I'd love to think he's the kind of guy who loves spooning and all that, I feel like he's actually the opposite. Bare minimum aftercare kind of stuff and then he's back in his own head again.
I apologize for the explicit subject matter. There's probably more that I'm not thinking of off the top of my head, but those are the big ones for me. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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sphireath-wisp · 1 year
Hi! Idk if this is weird to ask but can you do the monster trio + Usopp, law and shanks with a Mexican!Reader that starts to yell at them in Spanish? I think yk what i mean but other wise it’s fine <3 ty!
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Sypnosis -> The ask above! I will be removing Shanks though because I have a limit of 5 people per request!!
Author's notes -> AAA MY FIRST ASK??? AND WHEN I WAS BUSY??? I'M SO HAPPY!! First off, I would like to apologize for getting to this ask super late since I was really busy for the past week and had no time to write. Thank you for your patience!! (You didn't say this was x reader, so I won't write it as such)
Warnings -> Probably inaccurate Google translations, not proofread, following EddieVR's way of speaking (I'm trying to follow an actual Spanish speaker's way and tone so that I can be as accurate as possible), vulgar language because the reader is yelling (so I assume they're upset/angry), Reader could be perceived as rude
Featuring -> Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ussop, Law
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You can't believe the disaster of a crew you've joined so spontaneously. With a captain that gives that poor cook a workout to feed him 3 meals a day (maybe even more than that), you feel grateful that he's the one cooking because of the delicacy and care he puts into his meals.
Though, not even the best cooks can perform magic. Without ingredients, a chef is left with nothing but utensils to serve. It gave you a shock when you realized how fast Sanji had already ran out of ingredients.
"¡Nunca duraremos en el mar contigo, idiota sin cerebro! La comida está prácticamente terminada. (We'll never last at sea with you, you brainless idiot! The food is practically finished.)" You sigh.
Luffy is... dumbfounded. He just stares at you, scratches the top of his head, then tilts his head with an innocent gleam in his eyes - oblivious to what you're sputtering. If anything, he finds it sort of amusing to see you this upset.
He's heard from the crew about the depth of your culture and home country before - boy, he misses the mouthwatering food there just thinking about it.
You shake your head, aware that your chidings aren't getting through to him. Plus, you got so upset you started scolding him in a whole different language. "Sanji! Would you limit Luffy's meals-"
And suddenly Luffy listening to you (despite the incessant complaining in between).
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"Ouchouchouch, what the hell?" Zoro grits his teeth at you after you pinched his ear, dragging him behind the crates and preventing him from attacking the marines in front of you.
"Don't just go up there! What are you thinking?" You suddenly spot flashlights illuminating the dark corner the both of you were jammed into and immediately rush over to another hiding place. Letting go of Zoro's ear, you could only pray that he had enough sense in him to follow you instead of trusting any predatory instinct he had in him.
Nami trusted you with this mission! You had to sneak in quietly and-
"It's Roronoa Zoro! Call for backup!"
Great! Another problem. Snaking your hands around him, you grab onto his shirt, smiling gently for just a moment. There weren't many options and it was only the two of you in a base full of marines - it would be waste of time to defeat them all and the injuries afterward would be nothing but troublesome.
"You know what this means, ¡corre por tu maldita vida! (run for your damn life!)" Not looking back for a single moment, you bang into almost everything blocking your way with Zoro being dragged along behind you. Luckily for you, he works as a great meatshield - fending off all the enemies that get too close for comfort!
Zoro had no idea what language you were speaking, but he could tell just how furious you were just by how much you continued to ramble while sprinting into enemy territory. Just by how you sound, he could tell that you probably weren't saying the nicest things about him...
(He'll learn from you so that he can use them against Sanji)
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Just like how he hears the tears of heartbroken women falling to the ground, he can listen to the exhausted sighs of the women on board. Every time Nami and Robin are having a hard time, Sanji makes it his first priority to help them.
Of course, his enthusiasm to assist these "poor, helpless" women are appreciated - but his tendency to go all out and beyond makes his efforts... overbearing.
"Special drinks for the two lovely Mademoiselles," Sanji's voice deepens, coaxing his words with a dash of honey in hopes of wooing Robin and Nami. The gentle clack of a cup being placed next to your hand suddenly alerts you, "And one for (Name),"
You thank him along with Nami and Robin, sipping the sweet cider-like concoction in your glass as your eyes drift back to the book in your hand.
"Is there anything else I could help you with?" You couldn't see what Sanji was doing, but you could already picture that infatuated grin on his face.
Despite the three of you already insisting that there's no need, Sanji still lingers around you. Like a moth to a fiery flame, Sanji buzzes around the two women - leaving them with no moment of peace.
"¿Puedes callarte y aprender a cerrar la boca? (Can you shut up and learn how to zip your mouth?)" You yell, slamming the book shut. You continue to scream - even Chopper and the others begin to hold you back from reaching Sanji.
"Do you get the feeling that they're mad at Sanji?" Luffy sits on a railing and ponders. "No shit, Sherlock." Zoro retorts.
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At first, when you didn't know Ussop well enough, you were unaware of his tendency to lie his way out of sticky situations. From his title as "God Ussop" alone, you would assume he's quite powerful, no?
You once overheard his boasting to those oblivious to his actual abilities. You don't think of Ussop as weak, far from it. His talent as a sniper is unlike no other and deserved to be praised. However, exaggerations would only bring in more and more trouble. Not to mention the misconceptions!
You weren't really sure whether his exceptional ability to lie was a blessing or a curse.
"I've carried a 100-ton hammer before as well!" Ussop folds his arms, holding his head up high in pride. The wows and impressed gazes from the kids only made him exaggerate more.
You sigh, leaning against the wall and wondering why pirates like you and Ussop are suddenly babysitting kids now. You ran into daycare to avoid getting spotted by marines, but the children there ended up assuming that the both of you are new caretakers,
You did nudge him a few times, reminding him about how the crew is probably waiting for the both of you the get back on the Sunny. Though, your words probably fell on deaf ears.
"Ussop! Ussop! If you and (Name) were to fight, who would win?" The question piqued your curiosity and the ends of your lips curve upwards, "Well, that would be-"
"Me, of course!" Ussop interrupts your sentence before it was finished. The kids gasp in awe as you snap your head to Ussop, glaring at him.
"(Name) must not be that good of a fighter..." You hear a soft murmur through the whispers in the crowd.
"Oye, imbécil, ¿de quién crees que estás hablando? (Hey dumbass, who do you think you're talking about?)" Grabbing a hold of the collar of Ussop's shirt, you drag him out without any explanation as he tries to talk you out of this.
"Do you think they're going to eat?" One kid asks, "Yeah, maybe they got hungry." Another replies.
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"You're not going to try the capirotada (Mexican bread pudding)? The rest of the crew seems to have taken a liking to it." You hum to yourself before being interrupted by a loud sigh.
"You know I don't like bread, (Name)-ya," You didn't bother to turn around and see the frown on his face, but it's fine - you were completely okay with his opinion.
"You're really not open to trying new things, huh?" You sarcastically jest, "The crew might ask me to make this again, you know. The smell of bread is going to haunt you in your sleep."
"(Name)! Seconds please!" Bepo barges in with a giant plate in his hand, "The others want more too!" Bepo rushes to your side, placing the plate on the counter for you. "Captain, you're really not going to try this... what is called again?"
"Capirotada, learn how to pronounce and drill it into your brain, then I'll make this for the crew again." Your back was still turned to the both of them, but you could still hear the soft groans from your captain.
"Capirotada! It's really good," Bepo insisted - which did bring a smile to your face. He grabbed a plate of the bread pudding, shoving it right into Law's face as Law pinched his nose.
Law took a step back, but eventually sighed and picked up a fork. "No more bread for another month after this, alright?" Law poked his fork into the pudding, sliding it around the plate as if he was reluctant to even pick it up.
Finally, he ate it.
"So? Isn't it great?" Bepo asked. Law slowly chewed the pudding, his features contorting into surprise, a bit of satisfaction, then disgust. "Yeah, I'll take that as a no." You chuckled at his expression.
"(Name), I don't think it's the bread... I think it's your cooking." Law covered his mouth, implying that he was going to vomit, hiding his laughter.
"diez, nueve, ocho... (ten, nine, eight...)" You slowly turned around. Unluckily for Law, you had happened to just buy a new set of knives recently known for their effective and quick chopping! "W-we should really go now, captain! It was really super duper nice seeing you, (Name)!"
"tres, dos, uno. Captain, ¡Espero que hayas dicho tus oraciones! (three, two, one. Captain, I hope you said your prayers!)"
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captmickey · 5 months
Shoppy talky, feel free to do all or none: where do you get your cute ideas, how long does it take to make something on average, what program and pens are you using when you go digital, do you color drop or eyeball it, what makes you happy and what's kinda flustering about the hobby in general, who do you love drawing most and from which angle~.
I could (and did) read this in Graham's voice haaaaaa~
1 - where do you get your cute ideas It depends? Comedy-wise, it almost always stems from either a- A conversation that was between me and someone else laugh or b- it made ME laugh. I ah... I have a weird rule where if it doesn't make me laugh, I don't make it. However, the cute ideas? It's usually inspired by seeing prompts or thinking of situations that has me kicking my feet, something that makes chest feel all warm like a big ol' hug and a comfort I desperately want to give the character. (Sorry if I'm vague... even I'm trying to think where I get it from.) 2 - how long does it take to make something on average Haaaaaa that one is tricky if only because it depends on the work? Like, okay... drabbles and quick prompts is no more than a few days (rarely, but sometimes, its on the spot), but a comic page, colored doodle or a longer fic takes easily a week at the shortest and a few at the longest. Sea of Adventurers and 3adv as a whole can easily take a few months if only because I'm a perfectionist and tend to revise. A lot... act 8 has been in the works since like, September? And as I write this have only finished chapter 2 of Sea of Adventurers. Out of three.
3 - what program and pens are you using when you go digital So for my basic drawings, I use Clip Studio Paint and honestly I use the generic g-pen or texture pen (depending on I guess the theme? Like the anniversary page was g-pen, but my recent KQ comic was texture pen). However! When I do a comic page, I use both CSP and Medibang.... I prefer the comic font/texture Medibang has but I looooooooove the cleanliness of CSP so I do all my roughs/lineart on CSP (sometimes even color on it) but I transfer it to Medibang for that grayscale coloring/texture.
4 - do you color drop or eyeball it Both! Like, for characters that pre-exist I've color in the past (e.g. Guybrush, Graham or Neese), then I'll pull up either their original source material and color drop. However, if it's one that never existed (e.g. 3adv!Zelda or Mako) then I eyeball the colors until it's appealing to me. However, once it's set and I'm repeating them several times.... color drop~
5 - what makes you happy and what's kinda flustering about the hobby in general What makes me happy is really having the ability TO create? I know it'll sound vain but honestly, there's nothing that delights me more than knowing if there's something I want to see, and I'm not seeing it, I can pull up a computer or sketchbook and get to making what I want (that was literally what stemmed 3adv haaa). I also love seeing how people react to my artwork as a whole... sometimes I'll get comments about it that makes me really sit and go "wow, people like my stuff" and it makes me happy. But on the other side of the coin, the flustering part about it... there is a few things, but it boils down ti having the time and energy and motivation to create. Like, sometimes I want somebody else to come up with the idea and the drawing and so on and so forth. Sometimes my bouts with depression gets the better of me and I can't bring myself to create. Sometimes I find myself with an idea that looks so cool in my head but when I try drawing/writing it, it's just... garbage. And it's frustrating. (And then I boot up Final Fantasy when I grumble how I should be working on making it work). And sometimes it clicks for me at 2 in the freaking morning and I forget to write it down and poof! Gone it goes. Like my sleep.
6 - who do you love drawing most and from which angle~ Hmm... while I do love drawing Link (especially in action shots) and Graham without his hat, I have to say it's my two favorite captains: Guybrush and Number One. Especially from like... the 3/4 angles because of how their hair is floop.
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Also Guybrush lowkey became ten times more tolerable to draw once I fixed his hair for 3adv and I really really really really love drawing No1's stache.
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quietbluejay · 1 month
Wolfsbane 1
TLDR on the prologue: horus experiences eldest child syndrome and the emperor psychically love bombs him to get along with his new brother, russ has a good time
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also horus suggests genocide because he's jealous
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i am gathering various primarch initial opinions on the great crusade and now things get awkward
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russ brings up that his people are already worshipping the emperor as a god huh you'd think Emps would have done something about that but he seems to have a big soft spot for russ note from future bluejay: buddy, you have no clue horus: there is no life after death anyways i'm sure we're going to be besties russ: hey which one of us would win in a fight? horus: i would russ: one day we'll see, maybe! prologue ends on that
we're back in the present day of the Heresy, and you all remember the trip to Molech right? name of the book is escaping me rn anyways Loken and a small group went to try and assassinate Horus, they failed, obviously so Russ has been meeting with all the members of the group who survived…except Loken he's the last one so loken sits around mostly being bored until he gets summoned once again I will discuss Haley's prose this is the most scifi of anything he's ever written he's using words like "ecliptic" and "albedo", even! time to meet someone
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but it's someone he knows the name is vaguely familiar but i can't recall if i've met the dude yet or just heard the name somewhere Bror bror: btw don't call us space wolves while you're on the ship bror: no one will take you seriously
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honestly, space wolf architecture consistently stays winning, as the youths say (i think that's what they say)
also it's lit by torches okay that seems stupid there is such a thing as too much dedication to an aesthetic but then it kind of makes sense for a bunch of essentially teenage boys descended from extreme larpers IA IA THE MONORAIL sorry i just think it's cool that they have a monorail on the ship i wouldn't call this Haley's best prose but it's not shabby
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loken: wow so many wolf motifs
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hm let's put a pin in this
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legitimately touching this guy has a personality
"the Lord of Winter and War" is a great title
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qruze has entered the chat oh wait he died nvm objection withdrawn severian didn't die though okay russ primarch aura description time!
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russ: surprisingly spooky
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this is very interesting to me re: russ fancy magic spear sitting behind him russ gets loken some alcohol
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somewhere out there, khayon is coughing
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loken: i'm sure someone out there will find russ handsome VENGEFUL SPIRIT that was the name of the book! Russ wants to hear about the trip and about Horus
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you know it's kind of interesting that Malcador doesn't think Horus was possessed given he's probably one of the only people in the Imperium who knows that it's possible, and why/how loken tries to read russ and fails
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unless that primarch is declared an enemy, lol
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Haley trying to write his way out of the hole others left for real though i'm consistently surprised they didn't go with Horus being possessed or altered by Chaos, like even when I was very much a 40k casual, I knew that Chaos' Thing was mental contamination given the entire circumstances of how Davin played out (cough), it just feels weird to me that they didn't go for the opportunity to amp up the tragedy and go for this given how Horus was written as having completely flipped personality wise if anyone should have had a short story about being possessed and banishing the daemon from his body and taking direct control, all aboard the chaos train now, I think it should have been him I haven't read the Fulgrim book or that short story but it seems kind of a silly train of events there
anyway Russ wonders aloud if he can kill Horus Russ: the only two I think I couldn't beat are Sanguinius because He's Just That Good and Curze because crazy beats skill Russ: before all this it would have been 50/50 me vs Horus Russ: what about now Loken: n o p e Russ: thanks but i have to beat him, rip Loken is not coming with Russ and we end the chapter with some foreshadowing because as everyone knows he's not gonna win
everyone is leaving Russ' room except his Einherjar, Bror, and Bjorn
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the runes don't lieeee the funnier version though is russ: this is my emotional support future dreadnought
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russ' relationship with, hm, how to put it not just religion should i go with metaphysics?
i find it interesting that he's basically got this deep enough faith that his conception of reality is right and he just tolerates whatever the emperor says when taking into account Perturabo's programmed anti-theism and also the fact that Russ is so dedicated to the Emperor
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oh it literally decided to address this right after i noted it haha so he's actually more of a mess than i thought lol russ, i believe we call that "cognitive dissonance"
it's also interesting that the people of Fenris, including the SW, are still polytheists up into 40k
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this is because he gathered EVERYONE up to go attack Prospero
also it feels really weird that they went with the SPACE WOLVES being the political officers being sent to make sure everyone was staying loyal it doesn't exactly fit them lol I don't feel like it fits what I've seen of Russ' characterization but also I haven't seen a huge amount so I might be misreading him
this is unrelated but fun fact Malcador tried to disband the Blood Angels while Sanguinius was on the other side of the Ruinstorm
literally astropath message in the NICK of time saying Sanguinius is alive stops it and stops the remaining blood angels from going rogue instead of disbanding
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okay okay i wanted to object to the alpha wolf thing but as i hate to remind myself fenris was founded by larpers isn't it canon that they made the wolves do the alpha thing also, russ doesn't like the spear
Russ has Opinions on spears that are quite frankly bizarre if you know anything about the history of warfare
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(this isn't why russ doesn't like the spear though) as is not unusual in these books i genuinely don't know if this is just russ being weird or the author not knowing enough about the history of warfare
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russ: i never said anything about my spear tho
anyways kva (rune priest): yeah anyone with any psychic sense knows horus is wacky so Russ wants to go back to Fenris to consult with the wise old dudes on how to beat Horus one of Russ' men asks why they can't do it here and have the Emperor shield them since he's the "greatest warlock" narrator note: there was nothing traitorous in saying this, because it was honest
also kva says because fenris is their native planet they can do things there that would be too dangerous otherwise and also they won't have to wait on "the Emperor's indulgence" which, you know, fair
time to argue about how specifically to attack Horus so back in Vengeful Spirit Loken and the others marked up the ship with "secret" Fenrisian runes I say that in quotation marks because apparently space wolves teach anyone they team up with this was a funny moment in Vengeful Spirit because the Space Wolf team member was marking it up and then two separate team members were like "yeah we know this stuff too" and they'd both learned from two completely different Space Wolves when they'd been doing joint campaigns
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russ' strategic brilliance astounds me im in awe of his superhuman plans skarensson: so how exactly are we going to kill him russ: i'll let you know when i figure it out
and the chapter ends on the order to go back to Fenris russ: once i figure out a plan we'll immediately go after horus! wipes tear from my eye beautiful well i'm two chapters in and if Haley manages to throw in something emotionally compelling for me, I think I could get invested in Russ that + enough material to chew on note from future bluejay: lol. lmao.
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drawnecromancy · 11 months
You know what, I'm in a weird spot with that FNAF movie.
I don't think it was very good ! As a horror movie, it made me laugh because especially towards the end the mystery and atmosphere vanished to get Fazbear Franchise Points. Like. Not laugh in the way horror can make you startle-laugh, or laugh so self-soothe. In a way that is "oh god, I see what they wanted to do, and they failed, and this is so endearing, and also so funny".
I enjoyed myself immensely. It had some really cool ideas, and i love love love the visuals. I'd recommend watching it, even.
I like despite how the writing feels flimsy, cardboardy at times, Mike felt real and is very consistent throughout the movie.
I like despite how that movie is trying to tell 4 different stories, not all of them horror, just weirdly breaking up narratively in ways that don't really make sense, it's trying to tell all of them with love and care for the characters.
I love how it's not a soulless cash grab adaptation, and how I can overlook the writing flaws and the one cameo and enjoy it because damn ! It's a whole movie about the giant murder robots ! Those giant murder robots I loved as a kid !
I, genuinely, think that writing wise, you could break it up in 2, maybe even 3 different movies that would all have enough substance to go for an hour and a half. Really, most of this movie's problem isn't the stories it's trying to tell. It's - pick your battles, that's too many battles, put some back.
But it was genuinely fun.
I wouldn't call it a "good movie", by my own standards, but I had 0 expectations and again I enjoyed myself immensely.
Go watch them giant robots. It's so cool. It's so cool.
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DLC TALK HERE!! No spoilers till under the cut tho.
While I said that the new chapter of the fic is FINALLY coming this week(or veery early next week) after having to write it, scrapping parts and doing a bit of a rework and a rewrite as well...
What I really wanna say is. I had the fortune of being able to play the DLC myself right on release instead of watching a letsplay as my first impression, which would be a first when it comes to FNAF! YAY!!
I just finished playing through it finally(still missing the tird ending tho), and my mind is a scramble trying to make sense and assemble puzzle pieces on a sleepy brain. Without going into detail, I feel like it neither confirmed NOR denied any of my personal fears on it and it just leaves me in a picky spot of observations, assessments, ideas, hypothetical possibilities of explanations that could go either here or there...
In other words, I enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun despite all my reservations, but story-wise(and as a person not the fondest of book lore or a couple fan theories) I'm in not even sure how to sort my feelings appropriately xD
In any case thankfully it didn't make me change my opinion on lil Gregs to be quite frank, tho he does have me thinking him over more now.
Now a lil more detail under the cut, with SPOILERS this time!!! Still not too much tho.
First, Eclipse had me FREAKING jfnjngrde I did NOT expect to see him there, that caught me SO off-guard.
Second, the V.A.N.N.I. thing still has me curious, but damn i loved that visually tho. Happy to see a Helpy in some shape way or form. With an "i" instead of "y" lol
Then there's Roxy. Though she's not my fave, I still love her to bits, so I was SO VERY HAPPY to see the way she was treated in the DLC. The bond with Cassie was just so qwq
Then oh god, the headless Freddy thing... At first I was abt to get sad abt it. Then I was like, what he doin in Fazer Blast if this is the Burntrap ending. And then I read the word "prototype" on his foot and was like, ooooh. Okay xD
I do wonder how our good old Fred is doing tho, hope he's fine, since we didn't actually see a hint of him in the game. And on the same note as that is Vanessa of course.
Okay next is the whole thing with the comic panels. Not rly a fan of basically saying all the other endings except one are less of an alternative timeline type of thing and more of, well, fiction, kinda as a much smaller extension of my pet peeve of "it was all a dream/fiction/whatever" but oh well. Don't think it's gonna stop anyone tho, least of all me.
Curious about the one that had two Gregory's in it(I know it's one of the ending panels but like, interesting choice of a panel there xD) but I suppose it could be a bit of a thing hinting to the fact that there ARE kinda two, "Gregory" guiding us being a sham
The whole thing with Gregory supposedly being stuck or trapped reeked of suspicious way before any of the Mimic stuff became known to me, since way back when I first saw the poster. Him guiding Cassie to Roxy Raceway in the game I was guarded on it the whole game, even just the littlest things like a weird and unnatural-sounding tone on a word or two and the everything... Doesn't take a genius is what am sayin. So my bestie who had to tolerate watching me play and ramble on about what i think may be happening being my witness, the reveal was an "i knew it" moment
Then post reveal when he says he's not even in the Plex anymore, there's a small part of me that is like "but what if it's also a fluke" still but under the assumption he IS the real one... He said "we" and "us" and there was someone with him, wonder if it's Fred or nah... Honestly never sure abt anything with this franchise and I'm not a big lore person or a theorist either.
And the whole betrayal thing... Not saying what he did is right, but considering the threat of the Mimic I can't really entirely blame him either. If it's genuinely him and him in his right mind (we don't talk abt ggy here thanks), and even if it's not the case, I can already smell people hating on a child cuz of a decision like they like to do
Is prolly not all and not best formed by am not home, my laptop is on 9%, my phone is not logged into tumblr and I didn't take my passwords here, soooo.... Thank you for coming to my ramblings if anyone actually read this lmao! Just needed to get these raw thoughts outta my system before going to bed.
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piningpercussionist · 8 months
a shadowy figure walks into the corner of your vision. "Apologies for the late response. but.... you are correct, mortal, I am suggesting his stupidity may be of... unearthly origin. Of course, I could be wrong. he may just be particularly pathetic. I know many things. but on the grand scale of things. I'm quite lowly. now... 'Zetans'. as your particular language terms them. are a race of grey skinned extra-terrestrials. advanced far beyond yourselves. they began visiting Earth only relatively recently. (A wise choice, for any writhing thing or wraithful god that could bother them was either sleeping, imprisoned, dead, isolated, incapable of exerting influence, or simply nowhere near Earth by the period in your history which the Zetans began visitation.). as for that Blind Idiot... I refuse to speak anything close to his true Name, for Names have power. all you need to know is that he's asleep. and it is *fortunate* that he is. for if he woke up, all things would no longer be." Doc... shudders?
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*Kim startles, quite harshly in fact, at the sudden appearance, whipping around with a hand clutched to her chest. She looks frightened, and confused- but just for a moment, until she's blinking out spots again and turning her eyes back to the ground. She rubs at them, irritated with herself, and still looking a little concerned about something.*
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*Whatever it was, she does not voice it, shaking her head before briefly scowling at the floor. (What was that? Get a grip, Kim...) She focuses on his words as she calms herself, though she finds herself lagging a little behind- (Just what the hell is up with me today?) She's still managed to retain what he's said, at least.*
... You're alright, du-Doc... I mean, he is just really pathetic. But... I guess I won't write it off. Weirder shit has happened.
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(How loaded are his parents again? I feel like if it's a legitimate "old money" kind of situation, it definitely stays on the list of possibilities... Rich people are always tied up in weird shit.)
*Reaching behind her, Kim picks her mug up off the counter, taking a long sip. When she's done, she holds it in her hands, staring down into it; she warms a hand with it before bringing it to one of her temples to rub soothing, warm circles..*
And wow, that's not super ominous or anything. That's nothing I'd have to worry about ever, right? I don't really think I need a new end of the world scenario to be concerned about right now; especially if it happens just because some dude happens to wake up.
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(ooc: going to include it in the text of the post: this ask is again being answered as though an event yet to happen has happened, so there is a deliberate vagueness being used in parts of this response. I can elaborate on what happened here when the event has occurred, if desired!)
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blorbologist · 1 year
Hello! I don't know if this is strange to ask but I feel safe asking you, (if this is invasive don't worry about answering at all)
How did you get into biology? was it always your dream? was the courses and school worth it? did you do very well biology and math wise in highschool? how often do you use math in your field?
- Someone considering the biologist field
Hi there anon!
I'm so sorry this is so late - I've had a busy month both due to my personal life, fandom and academics. I'll try my best to answer, and I'm really flattered you asked me ;;
Now, full disclaimer: I'm working on my Master's thesis. I currently intend on pursuing a PhD and remaining in academia, but who knows what will happen. Maybe I get the offer of a lifetime and work as the behaviorist for a zoo! Or maybe I find happiness in a workplace only tangentially associated with biology. So there are a lot of unknowns I can't answer. But I can answer what you've got so far!
Getting into biology was not too different, at least initially, from most STEM: it meant a lot of chemistry, and physics, and high-level math. Come CEGEP and then Uni (French-Canadian education system, eh?), I continued to be funneled down the STEM pipeline, at least initially, which meant competition was very intense with pre-med, neuroscience and the likes. By my second year of uni (third for most), though, I was able to start taking the really BIO-oriented classes, and from there started scouting out profs whose class and research focuses I enjoyed for a potential research project. Doing a research project in your last year (or sooner! I was just set back by COVID) is an incredible foot in the door; it showed me what science is like in the day-to-day, introduced me to many seminars to Zoom in on and which publications to watch, and of course was a massive networking boon by getting to be in touch with the head of my lab + grad students directly. It's also a good test run as to if this is for you. From there, it's reaching out to potential labs (before grant deadlines! Start looking NOW if you're graduating this academic year!). Look at the PI's recent publications, their lab's website, what direction they are taking their research into, where you're willing to go / how far you're willing to deviate from your goal research. Have a project or two in mind. In my case I talked to two labs - one initially did not have space and referred me to others in their field I might like, and one of their suggestions I talked to had too many students to take me on. Lo and behold, my OG first pick ended up having a spot - an interview later, plus some meetings with the current grads so I could ask what the lab was like, and I'm writing this instead of making sure my data is tidy before sending it to my PI :P
TBH, it was a lifelong interest with the critters around me. I grew up in rural Quebec and so had a lot of opportunities to go outside and Find Things. My brother and I would trudge out to the pond to catch frogs and minnows and - if we were super lucky! - garter snakes or snapping turtles. But it was also the weird emerald green bugs that'd bite us, or watching wasps build a nest, and seeing how waterstriders dance. Our parents fostered a lot of that interest; my dad always encouraged us to always put animals back where we found them, to not hurt plants, to be mindful of the living space. And I do appreciate my mom swallowing her disgust at the nth Animal Planet documentary with animals dying graphically pft. Steve Irwin was an idol to kid me, though now I'd quibble with how he would interact with wild animals and stress them out, I cannot understate how many people my age he got to really get fascinated by so many creatures. I'd credit my interest in dinosaurs for a lot of this too, because wow, the world has selected for some mighty cool animals over time! How did they interact? What could select for traits that extreme? Or, inversely, what makes them stick around?
Sidebar, but a moment that sticks out to me is when my brother and I stumbled on a host of the local garter snakes leaving a brumation hide (and probably a mating ball). We caught twelve of them, including regulars we recognized. It's what got me thinking about snake behavior, about their social lives, about if they remember who they spent a good third of the year with in a tiny cramped crevice by the stream.
See, the courses initially sucked: either because I was taking chem and physics prerequisites instead of getting to do dissections and look under a microscope, or because I was in a high-stress environment decided to try and weed out potential doctors and neuroscientists and pharmacists while I just wanted to study animal behavior (and neurobiology). So those first years were really hard - but finding joy to appreciate what I was learning here and there definitely helped a lot, and I appreciate the work ethic I developed as well. Once I got into the more specialized courses things really relaxed - still a lot of learning and refining my skills, but there was less of a selection pressure on students and the professors had smaller, more interested classes, so it all went far better. I remember those ones fondly <3
I did very well in math - I didn't get any biology classes in secondary school (again, STEM prerequisites), but I can tell you that chemistry kicked my ass and physics would sometimes throw me curveballs. And the only class I've ever failed was Calculus 2 in CEGEP :p
I work specifically with animal behavior research - so it's less about math and more understanding the biology and behavior of my animals and making sure I remain consistent with experiments, accounting for as many potential factors as possible. However, math does come up. Sometimes you're TAing for a course and need to dose rats with caffeine; sometimes you're making snake oil at a specific concentration; sometimes you're preparing solutions for a perfusion. However, at least in my area, it's mostly low-level math - and in the lab I did my undergrad research in, I can confirm it took myself and two grad students to figure out some pretty simple equations together, but we got through it XD Outside of the lab context, you will be using a lot of stats to back up your findings - so brush up on those, and be ready to ask for help if needed. OFC more technically finite research than 'put snake in arena see what it do' will require more math than me, but being a bit weaker at it isn't a career-ender. Just be ready to ask labmates for help and be ready to learn.
HOWEVER, I will note that one thing that really helped me get my foot in the door was coding. Take a coding class or two - the field is leaning heavily towards automating what it can and/or using automated learning algorithms to back up findings ('look, even a machine can detect these differences and classify X Y Z based on them with high accuracy!'). At least a basic grasp of a couple coding languages is essential going forward, and from what I can tell most labs are really expecting this from their grad students.
Hopefully you see this, and hopefully it's of some help in deciding what path you want to take! Or maybe it'll help someone else - regardless, wishing you the best! <3
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Ah. Today's list. The Bane of my existence-
(Imma take a break from listing for like, an hour, and then I'll get back to it, so centross/sherb lists from streams from the last few days should be up tomorrow!!)
- Music is not usual music (On starting screen)
- Eyes are now Purple and Yellow, but not in a C!Sherbert way (Switched), Purple eye was the blue one
- Other eye, was brown, now yellow, is also beginning to bleed
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is there again
- Charles in background is now Yellow Among us
- Red and Green Among us
- Crab rave not Crab rave
- Chuck is not Chuck. He is Ralph. (Who is a Turtle. Not a Crab)
- Quixis writing on note on desk, Translates to "I THINK I GOT TO YOU" (⍉ ⍔⦚⌭Ψ⍉ ⍉ ⭗⌭⍾ ⌭⭗ ⭗⍩⍬ - G LIRFG G MRE RM MSW - I NKTHI I OTG TO OUY - I THINK I GOT TO YOU)
- Blanket on chair is Light Yellow and Light Blue (Not Normal Yellow and Purple)
- Open Minecaft, Light changes to light purple (Not usual purple)
- "I feel weird." "I feel like I'm wrong."
- "I don't feel like I'm supposed to be here."
- IRL touches purple bleeding eye, gives a weird look
- "Something's wrong. Somethings wrong today."
- "He doesn't belong here, then again-"
- They stretch for a moment, Light momentarily changes yellow.
- Song time, Lights change back to yellow
- "Guess this is where I can die, just one and done."
- They go back to playing Minecaft, Light changes back to purple
- Ears are switched around (White and Black in front, Yellow and purple in back.)
- "'Just like normal?' Yeah just like normal."
- "I have... I don't know what I've been doing."
- Wack Music probably not #1
- "I was sleeping. Maybe. When's the last time I slept?" Quieter, "It doesn't matter."
- "Ahh, My brain feel fuzzy."
- Wack Music #2 (Probably.)
- "'Well what happened before you woke up might contribute to how you feel, What is the last thing you remember before you wake up?' Um. What was- I was finishing the- I went to the- And then I- I- was like.. crying.." (Context wise, No idea, but. In Sherb's most recent C!Sherbert tiktok, They were crying. I assume this is in reference to that.)
- "Yo, I wanna see, I think it is neat when you are.. me.." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person)
- Wack Song #3 (Probably.)
- "This is my Music." Light changes to yellow as they say that, changes back to purple just as quickly
- "I'm doing okay. Ish. Maybe."
- "That's Ominous." They pause, light changes to yellow, once again changes right back
- They spot the DER, "..Rae.." (technically a HC!sherbert thing. Putting it here for ease. Also because sad.)
- Wack Music #4 (Probably.)
- "I see you guys cosplaying me. Is cool." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- "I wanna learn a couple languages, Cause it's hard to figure out what things are saying sometimes."
- "'What languages do you wanna learn?' Well there's a lot of them I don't understand."
- Wack Music #5 (Probably)
- "'Is everything okay Sherbert? I DONT KNOW!"
- They then do a small rant about how they feel weird and not right.
- "Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.."
- "My outfit for stream tomorrow." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person, refering to C!Sherbert's outfit as their own.)
- "Every once and while we get some of my music" (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- "It's doesn't feel like hardcore."
- "Is that I no longer have a Fire Res potion on my belt." (C!Sherbert has a potion belt. I don't believe HC!Sherbert does.)
- Another Music time, Light changes to Yellow
- They go back to Minecaft, Light goes back to Purple
- Wack Music #6 (Probably)
- "I should try them in a potion, that's one of the few things i haven't done."
- "They've only caused damage in the past." (Refering to the Blue Mushrooms)
- "And also what happened with the. With the. The. With the potion."
- Wack Music #7 (Probably)
- During singing to said wack music, light changed to yellow. They change back to purple after.
- Wack Music #8 (Probably)
- While dancing along to said wack music, light changes to yellow, it stays like that even after the music changes
- "'Opinions on frogs?' I had so many- I had so many... I haven't even been to a swamp." Lights change back to purple
- Wack Music #9 (Probably)
- "'We need a doctor, Oh!' but we don't have one!"
- "'I just might drive me crazy~'"
- "I think it makes sense to put the potions underneath."
- They touch both eyes, specifically the blood, pulling their hands away to give them a look. They don't acknowledge it.
- "I'm okay. I'm okay, really." Pause, before the light goes yellow. It quickly changes back.
- "I am not supposed to be here." Light changes yellow. "But I am. But I'm not supposed to be here." Light does not change back.
- Wack Music #10 (Probably)
- "I'm gonna go to sleep. I'll see you. I'll see you." Pause, after yhey close minecaft, "I'll see you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. I think."
- "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." They do a little salute before spinning in their chair. They stare at their desk, presumably the note there, for a moment before turning back and ending stream.
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happy wincest wednesday darling! for today’s ask, i offer: the most popular tropes for wincest are very fitting (codependency, first time, reunion sex, winchester typical weirdness) but are there any fic/headcanon tropes you think fit the pairing that you don’t think you see that often? i tend to be pretty simple with what i enjoy fic wise, a nice slow burn first time case fic hits the spot for me, but i love learning about new things to add to my wincest web weaving sessions
hello! happy ww!! you are talking to a huge slow burn first time case fic fan, I don't think I write anything else, so-- I'm struggling with this! there is such an insane breadth of wincest fic that exists that I can't think of a single trope I'd like to see that I don't often see with them. they fit so much so well. across fandoms, I love, like... magic, and misunderstandings, and tension, and all of that is very wincest. I'm super typical. I require very little and thus I'm well-fed.
the one thing I will say that I have a gripe with or would like to see more of (and this is so popular a gripe that it hardly counts) is... you gotta give Sam some teeth. I've read fic where, regardless of age, he's this kind of simpering nice guy, and that's just not the blood freak I know and love. even if he catches feelings before Dean (theoretically plausible), you gotta give him some edge. angry, guilty, violent, howling, repressed.. whatever works
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haldenlith · 9 months
M, N, S?
You managed to pick all the long form options for me, so this is going to be a little bit of a long answer-post. lol
M: Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Despite having my now three fandom sons that I adore (Zevran, Crow, and now Astarion), this is actually tough, since each of those three men have their own respective problems that I'm not sure I'd put up with in real life if I knew men like them. Such is the catch of liking morally grey characters (well, minus Crow I guess).
I suppose I could choose from outside of that pool, but oh there's so many options to sift through... I'm tempted to say Isabela from Dragon Age 2, but I feel like, unless we're good friends, she'd sell me out for a goddamn klondike bar. Though, the inverse is that she'd sell everyone else out for me, because she seemed very much a "ride or die" friend once she's actually on your side.
I guess I'll just say Crow. He's the safest option, since I feel like his issues are much easier to deal with when he's plucked out of the D2 universe. He's still hella reckless trouble, but at least I would know he'd always have my back, and I wouldn't have to worry about getting a "hey I murdered someone... maybe a lot of someones" phone call. (*stares at Astarion, Zevran, and Isabela...*)
N: Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
I'm going to go for "in general" rather than specifics since, thinking about it, these could apply to all the things I've dipped my toes into.
Heteroplatonic relationships. Men and women can co-exist in a friendly manner. There doesn't always have to be a romance. This is honestly aimed at writers of media and not at the fandoms (because in fandom, you can do whatever the fuck you want, you're writing for yourself). For example, I was watching Across the Spiderverse with a friend and, even though we both knew why they're a thing, we just kinda went "you know, Miles and Gwen could just be friends... do we really have to have a romantic subplot here?" (This said, it is a little exhausting in fandom to constantly see that two characters can't exist in a space without being IN WUUUUUV. *stares wearily at the Heartsteel fandom* ... Yeah, as someone that imagines the boys as all just being found-family-friends, I'm not going over there. There is nothing for me there.)
Now this one IS a fandom one: BE FUCKING NORMAL. It is so tiring seeing people harassing other people over absolutely stupid and trivial shit. It is even worse when the fandom turns that brand of crazy on the people behind the media (*motions to people being weird to Neil Newbon, for example*). I know this is a tall ask that will never come to be, but... it's why I live in the walls and don't really interact with much.
Of course, when I'm put on the spot, I can't think of things. Um, scraping my brain for a third item... I guess I'd like to see LESS reducing characters to being "uwu softboy"? (I don't know if women characters get this very often, since I mostly only interact with men character fandoms and when I do read stuff with chicks, I generally don't see this.) It is a bit... tiring. Like, again, you can write whatever you want, but I feel like... if you need to sand the edges off of a character and change them to like them, did you really ever actually like that character? Or did you just like the idea of the character? I feel like, at that point, just make an OC based on them. You've basically done most of the steps to get there.
That's all I can think of at the moment.
S: Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Hmm, I have so many. I'll stick with D2, since you're more of a D2 moot.
A short one: I headcanon, gear wise, that Crow uses the Celestial Nighthawk helm with the Hrafnagud ornament (because it is mentioned that he does sometimes wear a helmet), and uses the Ashen Wings ornament on Hawkmoon. A trivial little headcanon, but there it is. A long(er) one: I guess this isn't entirely a headcanon, since I feel like it's been mostly confirmed in lore, given the frequency of characters going out beyond The Walls and ending up in towns, but I like to think there are many settlements beyond The Walls of The Last City, and I like to think that given enough time and being left alone long enough, the lingering spectre of The Concordat could capitalize on those wayward towns, left to defend themselves largely by themselves (with the exception of getting some help from a passing Hunter or two). It's just too unlike humanity to all agree to hang out in one spot. We aren't like that. We are all too prone to saying, "Fuck you, I'll take my chances forging my own path". Going along with that headcanon, in a tangential sort of commentary note: I do think, if it weren't for all the fuckery going on (the Traveler peacing out off of Earth and going into orbit, for example), keeping people's minds preoccupied, we'd genuinely have a situation of The Vanguard vs Everyone Else, because it seems to me like a lot of humanity isn't too keen on the Guardians anymore. Again, with the idea of the settlements, I imagine they especially aren't keen on them, since they could be made up of people exiled from The Last City, and people who feel left behind. Hell, we saw the sentiment in Season of the Splicer. Lakshmi wouldn't have been able to drum up that much support if it weren't for people feeling that way just a little bit. Actually, going back even further, we see that sentiment with Suraya prior to her joining up.
I guess, thinking about it, you could say my headcanon is that the real situation in the D2 Universe is that while The Vanguard and the Guardians are fighting for humanity, a pretty decent chunk of humanity has zero interest in fighting for them. Does this count as a headcanon? I don't know.
On a rambly OC sidenote: that was the entire idea behind the AU of Ardwynn being all "king of thieves bandit" living outside of The Last City, because he's such a hero "I want to help people" kind of guy. He'd look at everyone living outside and at The Last City, and at what Guardians are, and aren't, doing, and would decide to find a way to help people. Honestly, if it wasn't for Shaxx hanging out in The Tower, helping the Vanguard, Ardwynn probably would throw his lot in with The Concordat.
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