#i don't regret joining this fandom late but also i regret joining this fandom late
gradelstuff · 1 year
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firesnap · 4 months
When I was in law school I was struggling with the worst depression and anxiety combo of my life. I hated going to school, I hated studying, I hated how trapped I felt because I'd paid all that money and hated everything about what I was doing.
I started putting on vods of people playing Minecraft while I was studying to distract me from how frustrated I was. I put on Wilbur Soot, admittedly, because he was a cute looking guy with a British accent and then I fell in love with his content.
I remember the late night streams with a guitar and relating to how, hey, yeah, that's me too. I get it. The things that keep you up at night and that parasocial relationship with a screen that can't answer you back was a strong pull.
I followed his content casually when I was finishing school. And then Covid happened. I got more invested. DSMP happened. I finally gave in and started watching streams live. I gave in and joined fandom.
I made friends. So many friends. I've traveled so much. I've met people and listened to so much music and gotten into arguments with strangers and slept on people's couches and sat in the fucking dessert in August. I don't regret a moment of it. I loved it.
But I can't support someone who is a dangerous person. I won't speculate, or make this about him, other than to please use common sense. The same reason we all critiqued another's creators fans for sticking by him applies here.
I've run an update account about this guy for a while now. Through the nature of looking up articles, finding clips to share, and asks and submissions we receive, I end up with a lot of info I never wanted. But I can't ignore what that information tells me about the person I've been supporting.
I feel like this is an active grieving process. I skipped denial pretty quick, but bargaining has happened. Parasocial or whatever, but so have tears. Anger. So much anger and disappointment. Fear about the relationships I've built and a growing emptiness of feeling like a hobby and community I've loved is now just gone and that it's For A Good Reason. Guilt because someone was hurt, truly hurt, and supporting them has to come first but I am also just. Sad.
Quiet, aching sadness over the loss of not some dude whose content I watched, but every other little thing I'll miss about being around and always having something to look forward to and people to laugh with me about it.
Please be patient. Be kind. Pay attention to red flags and support those trying to work through their own abuse and neglect. I'm sad now, but they need support more than any fan of a band ever would.
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go-learn-esperanto · 4 months
Considering the recent situation relating to Shelby's abuse story I will take some actions that sadden me but are, unfortunately, necessary for my peace of mind.
I will shut down my @socket-duo blog. If you want to reblog something from there for archival purposes please do so until tomorrow.
Same for @sootings-fuck-you. Even though I don't think there's much to get from there as it was a joke blog.
I will discuss how to proceed with the Crimeboys Ao3 Feed (@ao3feed-crimeboys) with the other mod.
I might not have the time to take a lot of things related to Wilbur from my pinned for some time, so be aware that's not because I'm taking his side on this. I will also probably not remove all posts related to Wilbur from my blog as there are most likely thousands of them.
I may also not remove posts related to Wilbur from the cursed and iconic masterposts however, as those posts were intended to be an archive of the fandom. I'm still considering what to do about this. They'll stay for now.
I will change my blog theme when I have the time. I will keep talking about Hermitcraft as I've done in the past few months however I may start posting about something that isn't MCYT too. If any you likes to talk about Honkai Star Rail you are encouraged to ramble about it on my asks ^^
To end, the MCYT fandom, even the late Dream SMP fandom, here on Tumblr was amazing. You were the biggest community I was a part of and so many of you I love and have been friends with. I don't regret joining it all as I got to see such cool art, stories, theories and more from everyone. You all are amazing, and having been a fan of someone who turned out to be shitty doesn't mean you're shitty.
Support Shelby if you can as all of this must be taking quite a lot from her. This has such a big impact and she's a queer woman revealing something personal about herself when her (very plausible alleged) abuser has so many fans. And while I'd like to believe most of us that were his fans can think for ourselves and recognise when we should say "fuck you" to someone who we enjoyed I know that's almost certainly not the case for everyone.
... I also please ask you all to stop fighting eachother. This is all quite recent and there's probably people who aren't really aware of the whole situation or aware of it at all. Please have some patience before starting call out posts. If someone is being stupid just block them.
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pillowspace · 11 days
hi! hope ur doing well! out of curiosity, do you have an ISAT playlist? and if so, would you be cool with sharing it? I’ve been trying to find some good songs related to the game and i’m familiar with a lot of the artists you listen to so i figured i’d ask :)
I only just recently joined the In Stars and Time fandom, so I don't have many songs yet, but yeah!
I also started typing out notes under the readmore for (most of) the songs because I thought I'd only have a few, but then I... kept thinking of more songs, so the notes section got bigger? So uh...!! Feel free to read that or not. Up to you, shrug
I actually had not heard this song until my Spotify started randomly playing recommended songs while I was in the middle of drawing Siffrin, and the second I started processing the lyrics about familiarity and time travel, I did a startled glance over like "wh... what's playing??" This song plagues my ISAT visions
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Genuinely been wanting to make an animatic out of the first minute but I don't know if I have it in me. Just saying, the "smi-i-i-ile" has enough in it to fit every different photo from the mirror
One specific thing I have to note with this song is that I like to envision Siffrin waking up in the meadow on the line "the day I wake up naked in the dirt."
"The million what if Is between your ears. The feelings of regret, and now I'm running to forget. But know, the consequence of imagination's fear" thinks about Siffrin and Bonnie, thinks about Siffrin and Bonnie, thinks ab-- oh yeah, and the bit about ruby eyes reminds me of 2hats
A song about feeling hurt and giving all that you've gone for an acting performance?? Back to the stage, Siffrin
There's some lines that aren't too too fitting for ISAT, but I'm fond of this song, so I can spin a meaning onto them with enough thinking power. Nonetheless, there still are plenty of fitting parts. Post-canon Siffrin coping after the loops :)
Interestingly, I've actually had this song associated with going mad from time loops since ages before I played In Stars and Time. "Maddening. It's a regular bad thing" and "nothing's really happening." Plus "I'm afraid to lose you" ties into ISAT pretty well
Specifically Loop tends to cross my mind whenever this comes on lately
I like to imagine this being about Siffrin as a child on their island being a little wanderer before that meant something else, then it slowly leading into Siffrin's adulthood (bend gravity and space being about the loops)
I'll never hear the sound of someone calling me home... I was the beast all alone in my hell........
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deusvervewrites · 2 months
If I had to guess on the "Aizawa Good, All Might Bad" fics, it be the fact that MHA is a massive fandom and the greater the size a fandom is, the increased likelihood of someone joining in via the fandom instead of by source material, which will influence how that person interprets the source material. This would also be influenced by the genre, media and niche the series is in. As MHA is a superhero Shonen long series that happens to occur at a high school and that it was made during the MCU craze, it has a much greater reach than usual. There's also the situation where there's a portion of fans who are exclusively shippers or have migrated from other fandoms and imported certain tropes, specifically the Generic Fic without the IP's specific elements.
Looking by AO3 tags, for every tagged fic that calls out Aizawa, there are at least 10 fics that calls out All Might so exponential growth and the telephone game is a thing. And then there's the fact there is an increased likelihood of said fics not having anything originated from the source material and having OOC characters. Though surprisingly, despite the earliest All Might bashing fic originated in late 2018 and checking the last 5 All Might Bashing tagged pages, it didn't seem to pick up steam until 2020 and when COVID-19 started and caused a lot of issues during that year and the next.
Note, I don't think Eri is the reason why parental Aizawa only with All Might Bashing exist. She first appears in February 2017(Manga) and October 2019(anime). If anything, she likely increased the Dadzawa content, which is independent from All Might Bashing, related but not the origin of the growth.
My best guess on how the cycle started was that there's a decent chance that it blow up during the COVID era. There were numerous projects across all the different media that were delayed so whatever existed at the time would be the ones that people flock to. Given that humans are social creatures and kinda go crazy in isolation, there's a chance that when they joined the MHA fandom, either via the manga, anime or other sources, they took a look at a picture of the cast and based their judgments from there and from where they joined in. Aizawa ended up benefitting more from the mere exposure effect than All Might(both forms) as the former looks like a conveniently attractive person where as All Might kinda looks weird. There's some weird human psychology and since Aizawa does look like all the other attractive popular men of similar build and All Might doesn't, people will make assumptions via their appearances over their actual backstories.
I regret to inform you that the Pro-Dadzawa, Anti-All Might crowd was well established as early as 2019, and I've found fics dating back to 2018 tagged with both "All Might Bashing" and "Dadzawa," much less the untagged ones.
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illmetkismet · 5 months
Hihihi!!!!! I Hope You don’t mind yet another ask from me!!!!!!! I’ve already said this before but I absolutely adore the way you answer questions and analyse stuff, it’s such a breath of fresh air to see!!!! This is totally self-indulgent so I hope you don’t mind me asking, but do you have any personal headcannons/analysis thoughts on Luis perhaps??? It feels strange to admit but he’s a very big special interest of mine so I just wanted an excuse to hear somebody else’s thoughts on him!! I hope You’re having a good day regardless!!!!
Always happy to see an ask from you, and don't even start with the strangeness or self-indulgence of being really into or asking about Luis; just yesterday I was wondering whether I should wait for spring to get a splish splash fish ankle tattoo or just do it now and deal with an itchy ankle in my winter boots lol...
So yeah, Luis is my love my turtledove the light of my life and I would LOVE the chance to talk about him!!! He was one half of why I got into resi in the first place (serennedy had me like 'hmmmm maybe horror games are not too scary for me if they have cuties in them....'), and every time I think about him my brain does that thing where you put your head in your hands and sigh while cartoon hearts float up above you...
He's just..... So good.... And despite that, he's made SUCH shitty choices. I love how painful that is for him, but that he's got enough self awareness to understand when he fucks up. He doesn't try to blame anyone else - he faces his mistakes and his own shortcomings (pride, willful ignorance, cowardice) head on, and tries so desperately to make up for them, even as he keeps making them.
I love that he's not some perfect angel, that he hangs on to the amber and intends on handing it over to Ada at first, in exchange for getting out of Valdelobos, despite knowing full well that no good will come of that. The part in Separate Ways where he tells her he doesn't care who she works for, could be the devil himself, so long as she gets him out of there was so shocking for me to hear at first, but then I realized that's the core of his tragedy - that he's a good man trapped in a horrible situation, and he's scared, he wants out, he wants to live so badly! Unlike Leon, he's got a healthy dose of self-preservation, and honestly, if I were in his shoes I would probably make the same choices.
But still - he runs into the burning lab, he risks his life to get the suppressant to Leon, he tells Ada he won't leave her, he picks up his 'lance' and says alright, let's go rescue the princess! He's so full of regret and fear and he keeps making shitty choices, but he also keeps doing the right thing.
The way he's written and acted is so rich and nuanced. Watching him, I understand exactly where he's coming from and every single one of his choices. Out of all the characters in re4r he feels the most real to me, the most human. Every second he's on screen is a joy, even the horrible painful seconds at the end.
I wanted him to live so badly, and not just because I like him, but because he wanted to live so badly... All the re6 AU's I've seen floating around where he meets up with Leon again are among my favourite things to come out of this fandom!! I know Capcom is never gonna do that, but in my head it's canon: when Ada told the helicopter pilot to change course she actually went back for Luis, gave him a little first aid spray, and then they joined forces and lalalala everything is fine!!
Ok I'm gonna wrap it up cause if I keep talking about him I'm gonna be late for work, but thank you so much for the chance to gush!! I love Luis so much and I think about him all the time.... My sweet bisexual disaster man..... Going to his death with a smile:
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missmiseryguts · 5 months
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝑅𝑂𝐷𝑈𝐶𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 𝑃𝑂𝑆𝑇 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Hello! A bit late to this, but hi! Greetings and salutations! Call me Eve, or really anything you'd like. I go by many names, what's a few more?
I am a young artist, I don't post my art often due to never finishing it, but I also sort of post about my thoughts! Interests, anything of the sort. We're all mad here, so stop by and join the fun!
*♡∞。 𝐹𝐴𝑁𝐷𝑂𝑀𝑆 。∞♡*
• Battle For Dream Island (And other object shows alike)
• Undertale (Including aus!)
• Vocaloid
• Riddle School
• Hazbin Hotel
• Starkid Musicals
Lightning round!!! Project sekai, FNAF, all game theory channels, horror games, analogue horror, draw a stick man epic 2 (love that game so much if you don't know it pls get it it's free and so good), fear garden (idfb fic.. Its my life rn)
This will include my hobbies too so... I roleplay, I sing, I make essays (or try to) on the most random subjects, and I read!
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝐺𝐸𝑇 𝑇𝑂 𝐾𝑁𝑂𝑊 𝑀𝐸! ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
I do drama, media and art in my school! My main subjects, and in my schools drama club.
I'm a professional tea drinker 🇬🇧 ☕
I like to write stories, too! These are mostly fanfictions of my fandoms, and typically wacky goofy silly crossovers! :3
My favorite music artists are: Lydia the Bard, RIProducer, JT Music, Jann, and Maretu! There's a lot more of course, but I can't remember them. Had to strain my 2 brain cells for those 5 alone 💀
I often make commitments and then never finish them. For example, my massive fan fiction I spent 5 months planning is rotting in my notebook pleading for release. Keep crying little bitches I have 56 other ideas to get to HA (save me)
I love angst, any story or roleplay I do has to have some kind of angst. If I ever write a happy wholesome story, I have been replaced by an alternate.
Any other match fans please be my friend there's like 4 of us from what I've seen /j
**✿❀ 𝑀𝑌 𝑂𝑇𝐻𝐸𝑅 𝐵𝐿𝑂𝐺𝑆 ❀✿**
Running out of decorations for the text. Anyways! I only have one other blog I upload to regularly </3
@askfreesmart ! Fan of BFDI? Fan of Freesmart? Ask the girls some questions! Or give them things, interact (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) and ignore how my upload schedule is absolutely abhorrent!
@thematchstickever ! This is a blog made for fun about my favorite bfdi character, Match!! Also a way for me to just randomly play as her lmao, it's fun xx
I guess for other socials my discord is .istoledreamisland! let's see how long that lasts before I regret saying it
That's all! I don't really do introduction posts often, so this is just a silly get to know me post for fun because it's almost 11pm please god spare me
Send me silly asks!! Pls!!! I love them!! Also if you wanna!! Be my friend!!!! Add my discord!!!!!
Have fun! :D
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sharklemonss · 1 year
Hello lmk fandom, i bring you food! A fanfic i spent the entirety of a month writing for your enjoyment (my collection of tears) at your disposal :3
It's spicynoodles and it's got mutual pining, angst, fluff, everything you could want in a oneshot!
The link:
And here's a little peek at the story itself!
The night starts with a phone call through blurry tears.
Needless to say, Mk was in pretty rough shape after the past year or so of horrible, near world-ending events, and that followed him in his sleep. They started out few and far between, just a change in tone of a normal dream, and he'd wake up and fall right back asleep after. Slowly but surely, though, the nightmares got worse, and sometimes he needed some support before getting back to sleep again.
Mei was his go to. She was always up at absurd hours of the night, and sometimes she'd even drag him into a phone call to soothe his nerves by distracting him. She was an awesome friend- a much better one than he was, at least. She always had his back, no matter what, even when things looked too difficult or when Mk made an odd choice that would probably lead to their failure. She trusted him with everything. So, in turn, Mk extended that unconditional trust to her as well, and when Mk says "no matter what", he means it.
And then Red Son joined their group and made things a little more complicated.
It was nice to have their duo turn into a trio- Mk was actually very happy to drag him along to their hangouts, especially after they'd gotten closer due to the whole Lady Bone Demon mess. Red Son was hesitant at first, but over time, the trio was basically inseparable, much to the dismay of the demon parents that kind of wanted Mk dead. After saving their respective lives multiple times, though, they let Mk and Mei slide and be friends with their son.
Thankfully. Mk really didn't want to fight the two of them anymore.
One night, however, on one of his and Mei's late night distraction calls, Mk says something he'll probably regret. The thing in question isn't the problem, no, Mei is just horrible at keeping secrets. Also for the fact that saying it out loud makes it real, and he's been trying to keep this thing in particular at the back of his mind with the rest of his troublesome emotions. He should really learn to hold his tongue, but Mei gives him these puppy eyes as she begs him to tell her, and he just can't say no.
"I think I like Red Son," Mk says, like it's his biggest secret in the world, but Mei doesn't really seem to get it.
Her head tilts to the side. She's got her camera on, and she's been carefully painting her nails (and repainting them, because she cannot decide on a colour for the life of her) for the past hour or so. "I mean, I would hope you like him? He is our friend," she says casually, and Mk does a mental facepalm.
"No, like," he groans, hating that he has to explain all these gross feelings and not just say it normally, "like him in a non -friend way."
Mei is silent for a moment. There are a few seconds where Mk thinks she understands, and then she goes, "I'm not following, Mk, you're gonna have to say it to me straight." Before he's even opened his mouth, Mei speaks again. " Don't make a gay joke, you know what I mean!" 
He laughs for a bit, and he knows she'd do the exact same thing if their positions were switched at all. "Okay, okay, fine," he takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the reaction he was bound to get, "like him in… a crush kind of way?" Silence follows his words, just as expected, but Mei's voice breaks it in a very level tone. 
"If my parents weren't asleep right now I would be screaming into my speaker," Mei responds in the calmest voice he has ever heard from her during talks like these. "Dude, when did this happen ? Like was there a certain moment, or, like, did you just go poof ! Feelings for the fire demon that insults me everyday! You gotta explain everything -"
She rants like this for at least thirty minutes before Mk is able to get another word in.
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shoyostar · 3 months
hi everyone!!
sorry this is gonna be a VERY long post so if you’re not interested just scroll dw i’ll put everything under read more lol but i got this anon ask today and i wanted to address some of the points the anon was making in it.
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this anon brought some things up i'd like to address bcs this does actually matter to me the things they’ve said and i want to try and clear any misconceptions up.
i know i don't really interact w much of my mutuals (again, that's on me) but i really don't mean to make myself seem self centered or like in a clique of some sorts (i feel like that's smth that's been going around lately?) and i really only talk to a few people online, which is who i interact with the most! if you see me interacting with the same few people on here, it’s most likely bcs i am close to them and talk to them outside of tumblr, i find it hard to talk to others bcs i’m just generally shy and when i first joined tumblr in the summer it seemed everyone already had an established friendgroup so i didn't feel like i fit in anywhere. for checking up on people, i do try but i'm not the best at comforting people, but i do see your point in that and i will try to reach out more to people when i see them struggling. i don't mean to just watch my mutuals go through hardships without saying anything but i worry that what i say will not sound genuine. this isn’t an excuse for me, ofc this is just my explanation
the constant attractions of jjk writers is really just a joke 😭😭 like i swear, i have never actually been serious or angry abt how many jjk mutuals i have LOL i just think its a funny pattern considering i don't really write for the fandom ykwim (i do see your point, but it's all just jokes) though i have some strifes w the jjk fandom which might be how this joke kind of got misconstrued? jjk fandom is just unfavourable imo but i don't actually hate any of my jjk mutuals!!
i'm a very impulsive and emotionally driven person so i do ++ i say things without thought bcs i'm just so in the moment i can't think 😭 and it leads me to wanting to deactivate like atleast every other week Imao. it's smth i've tried to hold back by just shutting up before i say smth i'll regret but also bcs i know that i'll probably be fine the next day and that i'm just being dramatic but yeah i have seen that i am guilty of it! i do acknowledge that of me and want to change.
if you're talking about the "not acknowledging others in conversation" specifically about servers since you mentioned we've been in a few, i also do see your point! normally i'm very shy in servers so i tend to just stick to writing channels where i dump all my wips, and i apologize that i haven't acknowledged the people who were in the channel before me! it's usually just one dump and then i exit out of discord, and also in just normal conversations like in general chat or etc sometimes i forget to reply to some people i’m talking to or i'm just more confortable talking to certain people in a server and i do apologize if i've ever done this to you. i don't mean to purposely ignore or make you think of me as self centered bcs of this.
think that was mostly everything i wanted to address, i really don't interact w my followers on here as much as i should / want to just bcs i'm usually on discord, inactive bcs of uni or i'm just so so late replying to asks 😭 i'm sorry to not only this anon but also any of my mutuals or followers if i've ever made you have a bad experience with me, i do apologize and it's not my intent to come across as self centered or unapproachable!
since you said this is a quality that some people are noticing, it does worry me that this behaviour of mine is to the point of where multiple people see me in this light and i do want to change that which is kind of why i’ve calmed down on this account and just queued up posts
this anon ask came from a different blog of mine (a blog i haven't announced yet cuz i was just semi-quietly posting there, it’s not a huge secret that it was me but i didn’t want yall to think i was moving or deactivating again 😭) but i wanted to post it here as well just to clear anything up!
i probably won't be on this acc for some time (no i'm not deactivating lol i just priv my works for now while i'm frolicking elsewhere while uni kicks my ass) and i won't delete this post or anything, bcs i don't want to hide from this. i do see your points anon and realize my own faults and i'm glad this was brought up, and i am in no way a victim so please don't treat me like one just bcs this anon brought these up LOL
anyways sorry for all of that! that was super long but i wanted to touch on all the points they had and if you have anymore questions i'll try and answer as best as i can but i’m also not gonna be on this account too much atm again so if i’m late to replying (like usual) i’m sorry </3 i do try to log in here once a day tho to check notifs so anything sent in i’ll probably see when i have time!
sorry for any typos in this too i’m writing this all at like 1 am😭😭😭
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Introducing Yours Truly
Hello! So I have not introduced myself properly and now I am going to make up for it.
I am Monique, I am in my late twenties and decidedly Filipino with an interest in history. I have been doing some writing for quite some time but it is only recently that I found the courage to join the Writeblr community after years of oscillating between hiding and stepping out of the shadows.
I am currently working on an original fiction, a historical romance set in the 1920s Philippines, set in both the real-life city of Manila and (mostly) a fictional town in a province at southern Luzon, inspired by my visits (twice, I regret to inform you) at a coastal town in the Quezon Province. Aside from exploring the dynamics of the then-American colony in between tradition and modernity, I also want to explore the intangible yet long-lasting legacy of love and happiness among the characters that would last beyond material destruction. I also write characters dealing with situations in their own ways, as well as going through the motions of life despite going through painful life situations and unresolved issues.
I am also working on a few fan fictions focused on an obscure fandom, namely the Jo Gar stories created by Raoul Whitfield, most under the pseudonym Ramon Decolta, acknowledging its then-popularity as well as elements that don't age well in this day and age. (And maybe place the canonical characters in situations they didn't know how to react).
I am looking forward for getting my stories out for your enjoyment. Hope to be able to share it to the world.
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orionsangel86 · 11 months
Interesting but yet again Hob was a slave owner and that is the most popular ship. Also I think what they could do with Thessaly is either
Showing that her views were informed by others and her time and while she herself accepts trans people, she thought the Moon wouldn't and so the magic wouldn't work because that's what she was taught and then when she was proven wrong she happily accepted it.
Or she is a transphobic person after having dated Morpheus aka he dated her more than a hundred years ago, at that time she didn't have any views on trans people and now she has and Morpheus thoroughly disagrees and would not date her now that she is transphobic.
Yeah so I actually did consider both these things when I responded but I wanted to answer fairly quickly and the Hob stuff becomes a whole mess of fandom critical analysis that I didn't particularly feel like touching on...
Yes Hob was a slave owner. Yes Thessaly is a TERF. Yes the fandom does to an extent excuse Hob of his past, whereas the fandom is particularly harsh on Thessaly. There are all manner of reasons why this is, from misogyny, racism, mlm preferences among most fandoms to het ships, but also I think the show downplays Hob's involvement with the slave trade quite a lot compared to the comic. Full Disclosure: I don't ship comic!Hob and comic!Dream because comic!Hob is an asshole - he's just not likeable. Ever. Even in modern times. Where the show implies that he was only just getting involved with the slave trade in the late 1700s from a fairly distant and business oriented perspective, the comic makes it clear that Hob was proud and bragging about having been heavily involved in the start of the slave trade and had a far more direct involvement in it. Comic!Hob may carry more obvious guilt around, and his dating Gwen at the end I believe was an attempt to say "look! He's not a racist NOW" but I always found it kinda skeevy that he was dating a black woman without telling her the full extent of his past and therefore not giving her a chance to fully understand who she was involving herself with.
To at least attempt to give Hob the benefit of the doubt, the show and the comic both do attempt to make it clear that he has changed and regrets his past actions. He was a slaver, but he is not a slaver now. He did terrible things in the past but not the present. This is not excusing him for his past, but in comparison with Thessaly, Thessaly has not once at all ever shown remorse or guilt or regret for any of her actions, and is just as much of a murderous transphobic bitch in her last scene as she was in her first scene.
I also wondered about changing it up so Thessaly is unsure of the magic, and rather than outright believing in it, she could be concerned for Wanda's safety. If the moon road can only be walked by women, then Thessaly could be unsure if Wanda could join them safely, without being hurt, because the magic itself is archaic and restrictive (the same type of magic that bound Calliope to Erasmus Fry) rather than her actually believing that Wanda isn't a woman, she is unsure if the magic will accept her as a woman, and as you say, is then proved wrong to her own relief.
There are certainly plenty of ways they could explore Thessaly's role. I am very curious to see what they come up with. I just really don't want Morpheus to date an obviously transphobic Thessaly in the story. If it was a past failed relationship instead then sure, that'll work, making room for Johanna to be the one who breaks his heart triggering the Brief Lives arc (because I am still all about my Morphanna ship in canon lol) but whatever they do, they must tread carefully and make appropriate changes, because I stand by my belief that a straight adaptation of this particular character and her involvement with Morpheus in the comic would be a bad decision.
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taegularities · 7 months
You know what? I will feel so empty without them. Discovered them in March 2022 (yes one of my biggest regret in my life). Since then i never once stop talking about them to my friend, i was harrassing her lmao giving her daily updates even if she doesn’t care. I once said that i only breath rnb but i can also say today that i breath bangtan.
Bangtan help me filled a missing piece in my love life? In some way, they were helping me to escape reality. Before knowing them i never once dated someone (still don’t) and to think that i have to face back reality, by confronting the mores of our society and by hoping to find someone who is gonna help me filled that gap, well, yes it hits hard. I am affraid of a lot of things regarding love and relationships in general. I don’t think i have issues nor that i am insecure. With years i started accepting to love myself but i still know that it isn’t enough. Because a part of me says otherwise. An ex friend of mine, once said to me that i was waiting for a partner to accept myself because what i needed was insurance. I feel that it is true. At the same time I might think that « the one » will never appeared to me if i don’t love myself enough. How can i love someone else if i am not even able to love myself? Men that i allowed in my life, played me or didn’t fit my standards. Am i wrong with that? Am i wrong for not giving them a chance to know me or to like me? The more i grow up the more i feel lonely in that society. I felt the lack of affection a lot before bangtan and now that they are gone, i am back to square one. I know that at some point of my life i will have to settle with someone and detached myself from them. For now i don’t have that someone and don’t have them until they are back. But more serioulsy this society pressure me a lot, makes it hard to be fully happy… Not me being so dramatic, i am so sorry. Wanted to vent a bit… tough day. Hope yours wasn’t too harsh tho <3
hi bby. i wanted to be in a headspace where i can answer this properly, but even now, i am at such a loss for words bc i so know what you mean. don't worry about joining 'late' – one idea this fandom has always agreed upon is that you find bangtan just when you're in need of them. i'm not sure how they do that or what the magic behind it is, but they always come into our lives when we need them the most.
and yeah, that's why all of this hurts so much, too! i remember crying my eyes out when last year's festa came out and they announced their hiatus. right now, i feel like it's not quite sinking in that in a few days, they'll all be leaving and be gone at the same time, and it's a harsh reality to cope with. but you know… i find comfort in the thought that they love us just as much (more even, lbr). time is going to pass for them as it will for us, and i promise you they'll be thinking of us every dang moment, so the love, at least, never fades. we'll try our best to be healthy and live our best lives and then come together when they do!! in the meantime, we have each other, so i hope everyone sticks around and holds each other's hand!!
i understand how scary love can be. discovering that people can be kind and so generous raised my standards, too – the boys really did. it's gotten so hard to find someone who fits those expectations, but yk… at some point, we will definitely need to detach ourselves from the idea that every man will be like them. we shouldn't settle for anything less, but we shouldn't reject everyone either who isn't just like them. that's what i've been going with.. the thought to never be able to settle is so freaking scary, but i promise you will!! one day, you'll find someone who fits you just perfectly, and you'll be happy, babe, i can tell you as much. and be as dramatic as you want to be, bc gawd, we're allowed to hurt! i just hope your days get better and that you feel okay as soon as possible. sending you all my love and the tightest hugs, axelle 🥺🤍
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panchambro · 1 year
10 years ago, an unknown but dedicated person established his presence on the internet.
Right from the very beginning, people sensed that he had something special to offer.
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As the years passed...
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...more and more people came to know of him.
Until today...
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There's little doubt as to why PanchamBro is the person that he is today...without the help of his friends.
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It's a good feeling to know.
Based off a 1980s WJZ-TV promo for the late Jerry Turner.
Read more about my thoughts here:
10 years of internet presence…what a ridiculous milestone. A lot has happened over these last 10 years, highs and lows, that makes this story truly special.
It all begins with a backstory. For most of my life I have been looking through the internet on the outside, ever since I first got in touch with the internet in 2008. While I did a couple of edits on Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki on Fandom, they were mostly anonymous and while I had a couple of account in my early years, I've mostly forgotten them and many either limped or faded from history.
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One day however, my brother had created me an email to use for something, and it motivated me to explore my favorite sites. At exactly 2:56 PM, my internet presence began on the Super Mario Wiki, under the alias MarioProject23.
MarioProject23 was certainly a weird name to chose to begin this journey, but over the years I would inherit certain names of notority: The Zombie Bros., Pinkie Pie, Creeperfan, The Koopa Bros. (or TKB/Koops), Sans, SansUT__, Scorbunny, and finally PanchamBro (or Pancham). These names are a part of the history that I grew over the last 10 years, and while some of these names were embarrassing to use (like Pinkie Pie), I don't regret identifying under these alias.
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Throughout my time on the internet, I had experienced the ups and downs of internet life. I celebrated my one year anniversary on Super Mario Wiki…only 2 days later I was permanently banned from the site. I constantly found myself in trouble with users online that left me blocked or banned, even sometimes ridiculed. A serious political event in 2016 caused me to be disillusioned within one particular fan community. I witnessed or participated in drama from a multitude of communities, each with their own problems. I even encountered people from the dark side of the internet. And yet despite all of these problems, I persisted.
From the communities that I joined and have embraced with open arms, to the friends I made along the way. LeftyGreenMario, thehomsguy, Kadziet, juggalombre, TheROFL98, Textop, Panwaffle36, PizzaWolf20, UltraMario, gwmthing, Rocket-Bot, SuperHamster, TreeckoBro, Minuy600, @blizzblu, @bro3256, and more. They have guided me through the worst parts of the internet, and though I have left some communities and some friends have come and go, I have stayed with the communities I want to be a part of, and my friends have stuck around me. And I couldn't be more grateful than that.
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It's also reflective in the kinda of art I produce. From a rusty artist with little to no art knowledge, to a fairly decent artist. I'm still far away from reaching professional grade, but I think with how much I've come by, It's nice to know that my art has finally shed its wings and taken to the skies.
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And though there were setbacks, I couldn't stop my love for wiki editing. From Logopedia to the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Wiki, to SmashWiki to XTale Wiki, and finally to Nookipedia, my most edited wiki of them all. Though I have been promoted as staff, my interest is to curate the best wiki for Animal Crossing. And I'm grateful for the work I put into Nookipedia as the other contributors of the site, Soleil (HylianAngel), Chubby Bub, AlexBot2004, SuperHamster, and more. If art is my passion, wiki editing is my spirit.
I could go on, but I think it's fair to stop, knowing how much history I have made on the internet.
To these ten years that I've overcome, I thank you for all the experiences of a lifetime. And I cannot wait for the next ten.
Credit to the following OCs featured in this post (in order):
LeftyGreenMario (as themselves)
Textop (as themselves)
Blackberry (from MPC07)
Sona (from Minuy600 on Mastodon)
Roo (from @bro3256)
Skweeb (from @summmeister)
Aeron (from @blizzblu)
@tikara (as themselves)
SuperHamster (from Kevin Payravi)
TreeckoBro (as themselves)
@juggalombre-art (as themselves)
@akfamilyhome (as themselves)
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theirloveisgross · 11 months
For my part it all started here on tumblr. I had one where I used to reblog sporadically about my favorite tv shows, pictures of cats and nature and such. And then one day, around the beginning of 2021, a picture of Harry in that beautiful blue dress from the vogue photoshoot came up on my dash and I was like 'damn he's so fucking pretty, who is he??". Imagine my surprise when I realised he was harry from 1D, aka the boyband my little sister was a fan of when she was 13 (it was around 2012). We're 6 years apart and didn't get on that well at the time so she stayed away from my interests and me from hers. Imagine my surprise when discovering that the pretty boy in the blue dress was the same as the little curly boy I remember from my sister's bedroom posters. Anyway from here, I watched a lot of youtube videos starting from 1d mvs and then compils of 1D funny moments which made me fall in love with the boys and finishing with fimq's videos which made intensified my curiosity and growing love for louis and harry's bond. I still rewatch her larry crackvids sometimes, never fails to make me smile. At the same time after following a bunch of people and only lurking, reading masterposts on all blogs ect. for a few days, I finally started a new blog to join the fandom. Needless to say from then on I wasn't just "sporadically" on tumblr anymore lol Half my free time is split between tumblr and ao3 because of these two and I regret nothing. 😌 The sad thing is my sister was thrilled when she learned I'd 'finally' (to quote her) become a fan of 1d and even more of louis and harry but I quickly discovered that I couldn't rejoice that much myself? Like she loves the boys but she's a much more casual fan than I am. She doesn't do her own researsh so she easily believe stunts stuff if she comes across it on twitter (she's on twitter user and tumblr feels like an obscure concept to her while I'm the total opposite). She's like "louis and harry were/are really cute together" but that's all, they must be finished since they don't ever interact and we never see them together. Freddie is louis' son for her and 'look they are so cute'. I don't have the energy to argue with that and it's not my job to convince her otherwise anyway. Anyway it was a bit frustrating at first as I had hoped to be able to share my fandom experience with someone irl through her but I've made peace with it. On the positive side, I'll have company to see louis in october! She was the one to offer me tickets to see him for my 30th birthday~ And that's was for my origin story! Keep them coming people, I'm enjoying reading them!!
Oh my, this is so soft! The fact that you found Harry in a dress first. 😭 Reminds me a bit of me watching the music video for Lights Up back in late 2019, because a friend showed it to me, and I knew Harry was in 1D, and I simply saw his queerness and gave him props and that was it. IF ONLY I had looked further then... *sigh*
The relationship with your sister sounds a lot like mine. Sadly, she was a fan of the Jonas Brothers and not 1D, so I barely knew about them. We get along better now and we're both queer af so that also helps, hahaha.
FIMQ's videos are forever! They're gold! I need to rewatch soon... it's been a few months.
I love that you found them on tumblr, so to say, and stayed here as well. It is my favorite community, for sure!
I'm so glad you're here! And yeah, I wish I had people that get it irl, and I went through the phase of wanting to tell everyone close to me, but it just gets tiring, the side eyes, the polite smiles, which is FINE, but I need you to get. it. Hahjasha. Because if you don't care, you won't get it. Like, you have to care so much to do that amount of research and stick with them. It's fine, there's always people here that get it, and when you finally meet some of them irl it's like... it's euphoric! I hope you get that soon!
Also, have the best time at Louis show! I'm so excited for you! This tour is INCREDIBLE! Like I always say, nothing will beat what LTWT means to me... but FITFWT is bigger, better and he's so much more relaxed, and happy and just... it's such a joy seeing him grow like this. Hoping to get a job soon and maybe I can be crazy and also see him in October.
Anyone who sees this and has joined the fandom in the last year or so, send me a message if you want. I’m so curious what was your starting point, what made you go “Larry?” and then “OMG LARRY!”, hajdhahs.
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thisfandomsucks · 11 months
AMM Server (Appearance Menu Mod)
Hello everyone. I’m not cyberpunkfandomtruth before people start to speculate it even tho I know about the existence of this page. This is my alt page where I will do nothing but express my thoughts about Cyberpunk 2077 fandom. I’ll try my best not to don’t use names when I say something negative but I believe that when I do that people who will read anything that I’ll post will immediately know who is about. 
Why are you starting to talk about AMM Server? I choose to talk about AMM because I’m in this fandom since the beginning and I’ve joined this server after two months of its creation. I believe most of the people in this fandom already joined this server and can relate that in the beginning AMM was a very chill and friendly place, where people interacted and posted pictures and actually could be friends, and conflicts had resolutions in a fair way. I will not say it was drama free because that’s basically impossible but yet they were handled in a very different way than in the current days. 
With AMM Server aging we could notice how this place started to rot at its roots. The moderation didn’t have more patience to deal with any type of situation, the run for popularity started, and if you were a modder or could add some type of title/contrast to this server the rules didn’t apply to you. Mods started to bring their personal life to the workplace and you could see some days they took it out on people who had nothing to do with their personal problems. The title of a neutral server started to crack and they couldn’t handle it so most of the mods started to jump off of the ship and new ones joined. 
In my opinion, that was one of the biggest mistakes AMM could’ve done. They by fair didn’t choose neutral people to help the server, those mods that are still in moderation act on their own purpose and about what’s convenient for them. And AMM became the reflection of what most of the people in this fandom are: Users. 
I’ve seen people getting banned for absolutely zero reasons before and after a while I discovered they were banned because one of the mods didn’t like this specific person. Where is the neutrality? Why a personal problem of one of the mods are being placed on top of the server rules? I’ve seen people being banned because they were sending cat images or some harmless memes, I’ve seen people being banned for actually having a good time on the server.  And everytime they asked one of the mods why they were banned the mods never answer or even block them to don't answer because they don't have a valid reason and they never will have. They just don't have the balls to be honest and say they banned you because they wanted to.
AMM is drowned in dramas and stays there with unsuccessful attempts of getting back on the tracks. I recently saw some conversations (print screens) of a conversation of one mod from AMM saying they thought about closing the server a lot of times and in my honest opinion I think you guys should do that. And start over. Remove all the mods you guys think are doing well for this community or actually ask your community what they genuinely think about the server. I guess you guys will never do that because is way easier to live in denial than face that the problem is in your own hands. Your choices were poor. Your credibility is lost. 
I’m not a person who goes after gossip so I’m kinda late about this specific moment that happened in AMM where an ex-mod was banned from the server recently (I assume it was about 1 or 2 months ago?) I found it very odd at first because this person already was a mod but they never credited her work there as they did with ex-mods that were terrible for their own community. My friend show me print screens of what this person was saying in the general chat which also made me notice that another very active member was banned from the server, a person that I never saw getting into any trouble in the AMM Server as well.
I regret asking my friend to tell me what made this ex-community champion banned because I got so disgusted when I found out. I never thought AMM could reach the rock bottom of the rock bottom but I have no doubts now. Banning someone for reporting another person who had questionable/criminal intentions is a massive bad character for everyone in that moderation. And while I’m typing it I just noticed this bad element still in the server while the victim was banned. 
It’s so disturbing to see what this server has become. It’s sad. And it’s even more pathetic when you see moderation think what they do it’s funny and right. I’m not talking about a bunch of teenagers or kids, AMM moderation is legit composed of grown-ass people with more than 28 years old.  While I was writing it I decided to leave AMM because I don’t want to support a server that defends questionable/harmful/toxic behavior. I also understand that if you stay there and you know everything I’m talking about is because you support it too or you basically don’t care about other people being impaired. And if you're a friend of someone who was banned from AMM unfairly and you stay there I have no words for you too.
I wrote AMM should start over but now I don’t think AMM should. I think everyone in AMM moderation should seek mental help and actually close this server for good. You guys support and you guys do harmful things to people. And you guys ban those people who can see that or can stain the reputation you think this server still has but let me tell you the truth: AMM is already seen as a toxic, partial, and frivolous community in this fandom. And you guys made that. And you guys keep doing it.
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scottxlogan · 1 year
I think that moving from live journal to tumblr was very damaging for fandom as a community. Tumblr is a very easy place to share images, meta, etc. but it’s not a good place to have discussions or try to form connections. Forum sites like Reddit can be better for certain fandoms, but you have to curate your experience. I’m sorry you’re seeing a lot of negativity. The best thing I can advise is to not be afraid to block people liberally. If someone is constantly posting negative discourse or going after people for different interpretations I don’t see it because I block them. As for leaving feedback on fics, there’s always going to be a percentage of any fandom that’s not going to for whatever reason. I try to be good about it if I like the story, but again it’s not like livejournal where the author is someone I know from discussion posts or participation in another fandom, etc. Their fics on ao3 are separate from their other fandom presence and that can be both good and bad. I really do miss fandom communities, tags on tumblr are just not the same thing.
I'll answer this under the cut for those who might not want to have to scroll through my response.
Thanks for the insight anon. I think you make some very valid points. I joined fandom after the end of live journal but was fortunate enough to find it along the way and meet some of the fandom community over there. It felt like there was a sense of connect and community over there and I regret that most of the height of that was before my time. Tumblr has been good in some ways and I see that Discord is attempting to bring back the notion of community being able to have real time conversations, but still it feels a lot of discord communities are a bit cliquish especially with new people coming on into an established community where as when LJ was still dying and barely hanging on and I was the too late outsider I met some really awesome people from fandom that to this day are my friends even though we've all kind of veered in different directions. Thanks for the blocking advice. I do block those who reach out to me on Tumblr here in being nasty. If something doesn't make me comfortable I will take the time to ensure I don't have to deal with that. With VPNs it proves to be difficult, but most of the trolling comes over on AO3 where I've also taken to moderating comments on specific fics that draw in trolling. It's just sad to see that people are so set on spreading negativity or not engaging at all. I know that it's always a small percent of the fandom that do engage and I'm appreciative of those who do. It's just sometimes when you see something you've worked on gets a few hundred views and there's not a like and/or comment on it you question things like did the readers just decide to nope out on it because they didn't like it? Was it a waste of time all around or is it something that people aren't really interested in delving deeper into. Being an artist whether traditional, digital or writing always breeds a sense of uncertainty and with that I guess we have that little insecure voice at times (at least I do) that asks those types of questions. I can understand your feeling of disconnect between here and AO3 and various places and not really knowing the author like you would've in the LJ community. I try to keep the same name everywhere if I can to keep a connect between my stuff, but I know most people don't and it's hard to get caught up in things where you know someone based on their posts, but you don't really know them. I've had people tell me we've been mutuals on Tumblr for a while and I don't think we reach out often or at all in some cases like people would've on LJ. The world is changing for sure and it's kind of sad. I have no doubts that you're great in engaging those you know since you took the time to reach out to me here, which I truly do thank you for. It's nice to hear other's opinions on the subject every now and then. Thank you for being so kind and insightful and I hope that the fandom experience is treating you right where you are! Thanks again!
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