#i don't see em laughing at my money though
zarla-s · 5 months
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corvidcrossbow · 1 month
~•♡•~ Double The Fangs, Double The Fun
➳ Summary: Daryl and Scud are regulars at the bar you work at, but they're only really there for you. One night while chatting, you injure yourself, so they help you home to heal up (Vamp!Daryl & Vamp!Scud x Fem!Reader)
➳ Setting: idfk sometime, somewhere, no apocalypse (this is a crossover fic for smut lets be real)
➳ Word count: 5.5k (3k of it is smut)
➳ C/W: VAMPIRES ‼️‼️, minor wound, blood (duh), biting/vampire feeding, double penetration, hints of Scud's mommy kink
➳ A/N: I wrote doc title for this as “DTFx2” cuz of the lettering, not even realizing the “down-to-fuck” till later, plus it being 2 partners – I cooked on this title. BUT ANYWAY I AM FUELING THE VAMP!DARYL FIRE AND VAMP!SCUD TOO BECAUSE THIS IS A PLAGUE AND I AM ILL AND I WILL SPREAD IT
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You stretched your arms up over your head, leaning forward against the counter in front of you. It was another slow weeknight, no customers present, hindered by the fact the bar was tucked away in some deader part of the city. It was pretty boring, but you got paid for kinda just diddleling around a lot of the time. You rhythmically tapped your fingertips against the surface, but straightened up when the door jingled open.
“Fuck, I was about to start praying you two would show up. ‘Ts borin' as shit in here,” You laughed as two familiar faces walked in from the night; Daryl and Scud. They were your regulars, stopping by most any time you were on shift. And you heard from coworkers sometimes they'd show up, see that you weren't there, and just leave.
You never found it creepy though, it wasn't like that. They were always very respectful towards you, kind of chivalrous, but not obnoxiously. They'd always buy a drink and tip heavy, or just straight up give you money – and would scare off the actually creepy drinkers: the one's that'd prey on a woman as if she was frail. You didn't require them, having pepper spray and a gun beneath the counter, but they gave you extra security. And we're good company.
Scud, who you knews real name was Josh – the more ‘loverboy’ one of the two – popped by most nights after work. He was really sweet, having grown a soft spot for him and letting him bend the rules; like allowing him to smoke a joint, or three, inside, so long as he shared them with you. He claimed he was a sort of engineer, which you found a little surprising given you'd never seen him without the skunky smell of weed wafting around his figure, but it's not like it mattered to you.
Daryl, on the other hand, was much more reserved, and you'd be lying if you said that didn't intrigue you. He appeared older, and more of a rarity, seeming to drift in and out of town: which made sense given that scratchy, deep southern accent he carried.
“Ain't gon’ pass up seein’ ya, moonshine,” Daryl grinned as he sauntered up to take a seat, Scud following right behind and taking the one opposite him. ‘Moonshine’ is what he always called you, given you were a bartender, and it was ironic because you never saw either of them till after sundown. “Shift slow?”
“Painfully,” You groaned and rolled your eyes. “Ion even know how we get enough profit to keep this place open. Not sure anyone in our staff remembers the last time we saw the owner in person. I swear this is some money laundering scheme.”
“‘Least your gettin’ paid, yeah? My boss don't even got me onna regular schedule,” Scud tisked, reaching into the pocket of his large, layered jacket and pulling out the container he kept his joints in. “Ya wanna J?”: To which you nodded and he passed you one. Daryl's observant gaze watched your every movement, as he typically did.
“Ya get yer nails done, darlin’?” He asked, squinting his pale blue eyes and setting his hand out as you lit the joint.
“Hm?” Your eyes flicked to him, understanding, and you set your palm in his hand so he could see. Pressed to your nail beds were coffin acrylics, painted a rich red, the gloss making them almost bloody. “Jus’ got ‘em done this morning. Figured if ‘m gonna be sittin’ here twiddling my thumbs half the time they might as well look good.”
“Looks perfect on ya.” Your gazes locked together for a moment, hypnotic in a way as his irises seemed to pulse, then suddenly shift down. He loomed closer and ran his thumb over your fingers, appreciating the gleaming texture that reflected in the dim light.
“Real pretty momma's,” Scud added as he took a long drag of his smoke, holding it for a moment before skillfully exhaling in a long plume that dissipated and began to fill the small space with a haze.
“Mm, thank you boys,” You turned a little, offering a bashful smile at their endless complimenting – they showered you with affectionate comments every time they came in. “Either of you want somethin’? It can be on the house, think the workers drink more than customers.”
“‘Ll take'ah whiskey – ‘nd m’payin’ ya anyway, angel,” Daryl replied, fishing for his wallet and passing you bills that more than doubled the price of a shot. Frankly you felt bad sometimes, like you were taking his money, but gave up a long time ago with trying to decline. He insisted.
As you went to grab the iconic bottle of Jack Daniel's off the shelf behind you, your elbow stuck out a bit too far and knocked over a large glass you'd been using for water, sending it to the floor where it shattered. “Ugh, never complain that you're bored at work. Fate'll always make ya clean.”
You quickly poured the auburn grog into a shot and slid it across the wood countertop to Daryl, dropping to your knees to pick up the larger shards.
“Fuck!” You seethed, accidentally slicing open the palm of your hand by sweeping it over the edge of a fragment in the other, your joint nearly falling from where you'd pinched it between your lips. Both men bounded from their stools to look over, simultaneously uttering ‘Ya alrigh's?''s. You half-clutched your fist and rose to be level again, hitching your breath with a small whine as striking pain electrified your nerves.
Blood quickly began to spill from the gash, running down your wrist and upper forearm before dripping to the floor a couple times as Daryl snapped to grab a clean rag from behind the bar so you could hold pressure, moving so fast he registered as just a whoosh. As your eyes were shut in pain, theirs were blown open, locked onto the crimson that tinted your skin. They could see the microscopic way it gushed a bit more from every beat of your heart.
Tendrils of that sweet, mind warping scent curled through the air and around the pair's bodies. God it smelled so damn good – you smelled so good. They didn't wish you harm, but they'd just been agonizingly waiting to someday, by some chance, get to smell the life-giving fluid that pumped through your veins without the blockage your skin created, keeping the complete experience inside of you. And they could only dream of getting to taste it…
You spun back to face them, and swore for a second, the color of both their blue eyes had altered to match the plasma soaking into the grey washcloth in your grip – their faces flat like they hadn't eaten in years and you just baited the idea of a gourmet feast. But once you blinked, they were back to azure, concern etched across eyebrows and frowns. Maybe it was just the shitty brilliance of the bar.
“‘M fine, jus’ being mindless I guess. Scud, how the hell are ya smokin’ and working with wires ‘n soldering shit,” You shook your head, blaming your incident on the brain fog from weed, although it was a poor excuse given it should not have taken effect that fast. Perhaps you were just embarrassingly locked on auto-pilot.
“Ya look like yer bleedin’ bad, princess. Lemme see.” Daryl beckoned you over and took your hand. His body tensed, that dangerous feeling of his canines extending creeping up. It took all he had to not press his mouth to you. He knew better, he had control. You let him remove the rag, examining the cut and finding it to be quite deep, him stating it might have to be closed
“We don't got any medical stuff here ‘sides maybe a few bandaids. I'd be surprised if anybody else came in ‘ere tonight so I'll just close up ‘n deal with it home. Sorry to cut our chat time short guys…” You gave a half frown, taking an unsteady inhale and trying to mask the aching in your extremity. You smothered the joint, enjoyment ruined.
“Don't gotta apologize mama's. Wantcha to be okay,” Scud commented, mirroring your expression. Looking between him and Daryl, you felt there was some synergy connecting them, like they were communicating despite both staring at you.
“Why don't we take ya home, mebbe have me patch tha fer ya, hm?” Daryl suggested, readjusting his leather jacket as he tilted his head slightly.
“Oh, no. I don't wanna bother either of ya with that…”
“‘Ts no bother, sugar. We wanna make sure you're safe. ‘Ts late, dark, ‘nd you're bleedin’. Don't want anythin’ bad happening to ya,” Scud explained, his every word ending on a sort of mewl as he plucked his joint from his mouth to speak clearly.
“Alright – just cause I know you two will follow me to check anyway.” You grabbed your things, Daryl and Scud helping to close up the bar so you didn't further injure yourself, then leaving with you. It was reasonable for them to come with, and this wouldn't be the first time. And this wasn't the safest part of town, so it wouldn't hurt to have them.
When you returned to your apartment, both of them praised your designing of the interior, having not been inside before. To you it wasn't much of anything special, but again, it was just in their nature to say kind things to you.
You nodded Daryl in the direction of your bathroom so he could grab some ointment and gauze, going to sit on the couch as Scud plopped beside you. You easily could've nursed it yourself, but if there was anything you really knew about Daryl, it was his tendency to always be doing favors – and not letting you decline.
“Y'know… I know a way tah make that heal faster than any dressings could,” Scud broke the silence, dragging his gaze over your frame, and landing on your hand where you still held the soiled rag. He couldn't fucking take it anymore. He didn't have the control that Daryl did.
“What do you mean?” You now faced him, confused at the way his breathing seemed to grow a bit heavier, chest puffing further out despite his lazy posture. But he straightened some, scooting closer to you and reaching for your hand.
“Just trust me on this…” He was salivating, bottom lip practically trembling with anticipation. He was so close, access to your fresh blood right there. God how he ached for it every time he saw your beautiful face, just so damn entranced by you. He tried not to completely lose his mind as he neared your palm.
“Um… yer gonna get it infected doin’ that.”
“Won't.” And his mouth hovered right above it.
“Seriously, Scud, what are you doing?” Now you were concerned, tempted to call Daryl back. Was this some weird sex thing? His way of trying to seduce you? Taking ‘kiss my boo-boo to make it feel better’ a bit too far. But you sensed this… energy, radiating off of him, drawing out your naïve trait of curiosity. Something felt different about him, although you guess it always did – but only now could you really perceive it, having him so close. “What are you? ”
Scud's eyes flicked up to yours, blue flipped across the scale of hues to match the color you'd caught a glimpse of at the bar – the color of your blood, and those flawless new nails. “Whadda ya think I am, sweetheart?”
As his lips peeled back with a grin, you could see the lengthy, pin-sharp fangs that descended from the roof of his mouth, glistening with his famine. Your mouth fell open, pupils dilating as realization worked through your brain. Oh shit. Oh, shit..? You didn't speak, but didn't know what to say anyway.
He chuckled at your reaction. “Jus’ relax, mama's.” Finally. His tongue darted out, dragging a long lick over the front of your wound, causing you to wince and jerk a little. It didn't particularly hurt, but was so odd at the start. Scud held back a moan, but couldn't help his remarks: “Mmm, you taste so good… bettah than I ever imagined…”
You swallowed thickly, watching him work saliva over your tender flesh, and lapping away any remnants of the blood that ran down your arm. He stared intensely into your eyes as he drew a long, excessively slow lick up your limb and back to the wound. You felt it begin to radiate, an unfamiliar warmth centralizing over the cut but spreading out into your entire palm.
He brushed his lips against your fingers with a featherlite kiss, and reluctantly pulled away, letting you watch branches of skin connect together from both sides, color quickly shifting back to your normal tone, and your hand completely unscathed. You flexed your tendons, feeling it for yourself. It was completely healed, a two-week time lapsing into under a minute.
“Why'd ya show ‘er.” Daryl's voice was stern, silently standing behind the couch and startling you as you whipped around. You should've figured – it wouldn't take that long to find simple first aid in your bathroom.
“Known ‘er for long enough, D. Why let'er suffer with some gash if we can just heal it for her?” Scud replied and shrugged innocently. But his wording was key; ‘we’.
“You're both vampires,” You nodded dryly as Daryl grumbled something under his breath and came around the couch to sit on the other side of you. Now the ‘moonshine’ was really ironic. “Okay… I assume if you were gonna drain me ya woulda done it by now.”
“Don't tempt me, baby,” Scud smirked, and Daryl shot him a harsh glare. “What? Sure she appreciates the healin’ at least!”
“Yeah, I do… but it's weirdly intimate, no? Just, wetly runnin’ yer tongue all over someone, gathering saliva on their skin, tastin’ the irony remnants of their blood-”
“Quit talkin’ like that,” Daryl hissed, your sight passing back to him, watching his adam's-apple bob and his jaw tense. His eyes reddened as well, and it dawned on you how teasing your choice of dialogue must've been for them.
“Or keep goin’. Like hearin’ your gorgeous voice say such pretty words,” Scud wet his lips, volume just above a whisper. You felt trapped between two sides of a spectrum, both equally covet… and you were way more into it than you would ever want to admit. Your jaw laxed with a weary breath, mind wandering further ahead than you liked it to. “But you're right, can be real intimate.” His voice dropped lower as he neared you, keeping sights intertwined.
“You're torturing me momma's… pleas’... would give anythin’ to feel ya,” He almost whimpered, puppy dog eyes peering up at you. “He would too, he's jus’ a lil’ more shy.”
It'd be the fattest lie of your life to say you didn't find him attractive, both of them. Closing the door behind you some nights after they'd walked you home, tempted to just bring them inside. How many times you muttered dirty words as your legs tangled in your bedsheets and you touched yourself, imagining how they'd sound in Scud's whiny hitches, or Daryl's gravelly grunts…
You reached up, taking Scud's chin in the light hold of your acrylics and bringing his mouth to yours. He directly melted, turning to puddy from that alone and cravingly dabbing your lips with his tongue. When you pulled back, he tried to follow, pining for more. But you wanted to be fair, and switched to the other man.
Daryl looked like he didn't know what to do, that effort of displaying confidence broken the second the gate he'd been waiting outside of for so long actually opened. But a quick ‘C'mere’, and the curling of your pointer finger brought him to you expeditiously, rough lips chafing over your moisted ones. He shoved away his groan, not quite ready for that yet.
“This ain't gonna stop at kissin’, right?” You checked on an exhale, both their eyes boring into you from either plane, the patterns of their breathing reworking themselves. Dropping it here would be teasing you now.
“S’ain't gon’ stop less ya want it to, moonshine,” He rasped, irises captivating and luring you back to him, clawed hand coming to his cheek – that made the groan slip. He inhaled sharply, ardently guiding his tongue into your mouth, which definitely made Scud jealous.
The engineer brought his hands to your waist, toying with the seams of your shirt as Daryl harshly tugged you closer to him, gaining momentum, growing hungrier. He explored the entire cavity of your mouth, feeling the heat of your gums, the smoothness of your teeth in comparison to his canines, and drew a moan from your throat, hints of a smile crinkling.
“Yer not good at hidin’ whatcha want, honeysuckle,” The southerner purred, trailing down to your jawline as Scud's lips pressed to the nape of your neck. You weren’t sure if he could tell by your body language, or was able to read your mind or something; all the near whorish thoughts running through your psyche.
“Then you should know how long I've thought about this.”
Daryl immediately hooked his strong arms under your thighs, shoving Scud back to stand up off the couch, your legs instinctively latching around his torso as he started to leave a hickey on your neck and find his way to your bedroom.
Scud awkwardly stood behind for a second, shyly glancing to the floor, feeling literally and figuratively pushed aside by the other's dominance. “C'mon Scuddy,” You mouthed, and he looked like he came in pants right there – hurdling to track after you.
Daryl roughly threw you onto the edge of your bed, simultaneously ripping your shirt up over your head. He reached down for the button of your jeans, quickly popping it out and tearing them off, leaving you in just your lacey, red bra and panties.
“Jeez, you ‘nd fuckin’ red, woman.” He bordered on a growl, sliding off his jacket and tossing it to the floor. You sat upright on the rim the mattress, aiding Scud in dropping his many layers, but he teetered like he just wanted to fuck himself senseless with all it still on.
Both them now shirtless, you raked your nails down their chest, taking extra notice to follow the lightning-like scars carved into Scud's abdomen to your left. You let out a breathy curse at their defined v-lines and mouthwateringly sexy happy trails, discarding Daryl's belt, and gently cupping his pulsing erection through his jeans – the same through Scud's cargos.
One twitched, then the other, and you chuckled. “You two really want me that bad, huh?” You questioned, beaming up through your lashes with a flirty smirk: but that mischievous temping simmered seeing the pure lust on their features. They looked like they were gonna eat you alive, and honestly… you wouldn't mind it.
You undid their pants to drop them down, and with some sort of unspoken permission translating between the three of you, they pounced forward, resistance snapping like twigs. Scud hauled your body up the bed and instantaneously found your lips, already gasping into your mouth. His hands each found one of your breasts, fondling and pawing impatiently through your bra.
Daryl grabbed your hips, tugging you back down a little and drawing a wet lick from the hem of your panties up your navel, holding you to him as your spine arched. He kissed and sucked at the delicate skin on your pelvis and inner thighs, leaving behind litters of those gentle bruises on the surface, spotting across the curves of your body. His fangs grazed you as he worked, a persistent reminder of what a feral vampire could just take from you – but he was a humble man, and prefered to give.
You directed Scud to strip your bra, given he'd basically lost all ability to function the second your clothes were off, and even worse once he was on you. Now with your chest fully out, he was gone. He greedily sucked one nipple into his mouth, kneading the other like a cat, while Daryl curled a finger around the hem of your panties, deliberately running from side to side before he suddenly ripped them away – literally ripped. “Promise ‘ll buy ya new ones, babydoll.”
Whatever deeply guttural noise that erupted from you when Daryl's tongue made contact with your cunt was everything but holy. Your hips bucked up into his face so rapidly it almost caught him off guard, his palms splayed out on your thighs and his mouth latched onto your clit. He sucked in rapid pumps, before trawling down then back up and spreading your folds. He lapped up every bit of your pooled wetness, taking a deep inhale and the hidden claws in his fingertips nearing shooting out as his toes curled.
“Fuck! Yer pussy smell's'so fuckin’ good.” His words came out as near snarls, reverberating against your core. Should the view of him not have been obscured by Scud, you're sure you would've came at the sight of him so deeply intoxicated by just the scent of you. “‘Nd tastes so goddamn lovely.”
“‘Ts not fair, man, ah wanna taste ‘er-”
“Nah. Ya got ‘er hand, pussy's mine.” Now he was snarling, possessive crimson eyes stabbing into the other man as he'd turned to look back at him, burying himself deeper into your cunt and earning another wild moan. Scud frowned a little, but you brought your hands to his hips and readjusted him to be sitting on your chest, legs on either side of your body.
“Don't worry, baby.” And you rolled down his boxers so his dick was free: fully hard, tip swollen up and flushed with color, absolutely weeping for you, and it bobbed with a twitch. You wrapped your hand around the base, giving a few pressurized strokes as he bowed forward over your head and straight up whimpered in your ear, aching and pulsing and starved of touch and attention.
“Oh-.. God, momma's… t’so good…” He wove his fingers through your hair to tug lightly at the roots and anchor himself. But the second you put your tongue on him, he jerked forward and shoved into your mouth, cumming abruptly. He couldn't help it, you were; “Jus’ so warm…”
Still you swallowed it down, swiveling the tip of your tongue along the underside of his head, prolonging his high. You weren't surprised; with how frenzied he was, acting like he'd been edged for far too long – which you supposed he had, based on how he talked earlier – you pegged him for the kind to cum fast. He probably wanted you to actually peg him too.
Daryl tipped a domino by chuckling at the early orgasm, the sound waves making you moan around Scud's cock, which in return made him slide a bit deeper again. Daryl started to hum, and removed one hand from your thigh to slip two girthy fingers into you, curling them up and pressing into that sensitive spot in your walls. He focused his mouth on your clit, drawing it in with suction while he rapidly wagged his tongue, soon pumping his fingers in and out of you, and your moans picked up.
The shallow edge of Scud's claws inched further out and held your skull, careful to not scrape into your skin, but exigent nonetheless. His breathing descended into ragged heaving against the side of your head as you worked his cock like you knew every little thing that got him going.
“Getch'yer dick outta her mouth so Ah can hear ‘er cum,” Daryl barked, breaking contact from you for just a moment. Scud groaned, wanting so badly for you to deepthroat him, but he shifted over to the side, knowing Daryl would forcibly do it anyway. Now he moved impossibly faster, fingers stretching you open and filling the bedroom with wet noises from how he had you dripping.
Getting to hear you clearly now sent him into overdrive, grunting against your clit while Scud just laboriously returned to toying with your boobs. “C'mon girl, jus’ cum. Cum fer me. Wanna see yer gorgeous face.”
“Jesus, Daryl-” Your sentence split, and you cried out, trembling legs coming together and forcing him flush against you. You rode his face, a hand flying down to tug at his shaggy locks and assisting you in rolling your hips. He clutched you bruisingly hard, nearing ripping into you.
When your limbs relaxed again, he lavished long licks over your cunt, swirling the tangy, sticky nectar of your release over his entire mouth. “Mos’ perfect fuckin’ thing.”
“Pleas’ mommas, can I fuck ya?” Scud pleaded, cupping your face to catch his distress. Sharing was hard when one party was so much more controlling. Poor thing needed you.
But seeing Daryl yank down and discard his boxers, hard cock visibly throbbing and tip shaded red, he needed you too. And you could tell a blowjob just wouldn't settle it for either of them. “Fuck, just-.. both of you fuck me.”
“Can ya handle two, sweetheart?” Daryl exhorted, swiping a strayed bit of hair from your forehead and deftly tucking it back, slightly softened eyes checking for sincerity in your expression. With your nod, they acclimated to desire once again.
He flipped onto his back, and manhandled your body overtop of him, your back flattened on his chest, and Scud hurriedly positioning above. Daryl kept your legs spread apart with his, reaching around and palming at your breast while going down to slick himself between your soaked folds, slapping himself against you a couple times. “Ya tell us if s'too much, alrigh’?”
“Yea, yeah- please, just fuck me already,” You wailed as he angled you down and slipped deep into you, Scud giving you a second to adjust before coating spit over his shaft, and gently guiding into you as well.
Your back arched as Daryl held you firm, whining in delectable pain as they strained you further open than you ever had been, your acrylics digging into his waist beneath you. Scud layered himself onto you, sucking another hickey into your chest then rocking his hips a couple of times.
When you handled it well, Daryl took it as a cue to join him, plodding more in his thrusts to still give you the opportunity to bail if this wasn't to your liking. Your eyelids fluttered closed, head lulling back to rest on Daryl's shoulder as your heavy breaths fell in line with the pace. When Scud pushed in, Daryl would pull out, and vice versa: always keeping you full while maintaining the motion that granted so much ecstasy to you three. Every one of their filthy noises sounded incomprehensibly better than you'd ever pictured.
Scud mewled against you, head buried into your breasts and giving quick pecks or licks any time he wasn't being uncontrollably vocal. Daryl did the same, groaning into your shoulder and hair.
“Takin’ us so good, arentcha darlin’? So wet, pussy so tight,” Daryl hushed into your ear, hooking up faster and faster following each of his thrusts like the speed was on a multiplier.
You twisted fingers in the back of Scud's head, triggering a loud whine when you tugged on the roots of this hair and that metal choker he always wore. He started to waver, weakly humping you like his brain was fried and just focusing on staying as deep inside you as he could. “Mmm… mommy, I… ‘m so hungry. Please…” The hinges of his jaw started extending on their own, humid exhales dampening an area by your neck. Tasting hints of your blood earlier spawned a black hole that decimated the sinkhole he'd previously had caving in over time. In the near year he'd known you, that urge to just feed from your tender flesh was all he ever thought about. And now, warm walls of your cunt wrapped around him, urging him to another orgasm… He couldn't wait much longer, he was starving.
Daryl planted his feet to make up for Scud's faltering rhythm, the strengthful build of his hips and thighs making it easy to lift you. He was trying so hard to focus on just fucking you, but as the other vampire's imploring got the best of him, he started to follow suit. “Ya know yer'a damn tease, righ’ moonshine? Lookin’ so sexy all tha time, tha seductive scent ah yers… Fuck, I kno’ ya taste like heaven…” He craned his neck up, applying pressure to your carotid artery with his tongue, feeling everything he wanted pump through you at a rapid rate.
You took in a shaky breath, vivacity emanating from the both of them and encircling you. Their dicks throbbed inside of you, the drifter pistoning while the engineer hunched, but that just wasn't enough, and it made the craving so much more pressing. Their pairs of fangs rested on the edges of your skin, tracing over it, each on one side.
“Shit… just do it-.. Jus’ fuckin’ do,” You panted, and it happened so fast you barely even realized it. Scud's bite was eager, being more frantic and on your left: Daryl's more longing, savoring the feeling of piercing into your silky flesh on the right. They drew long siphons into their throats, sultry crimson flooding their systems as their eyes blazed a mutual color.
A strangled moan ripped from your being, your consciousness floating in a haze. Daryl fucked you faster, empowered by your smooth blood, grunting savagely as his razor-edged talons dug into your breasts, Scud's on your waist: but they were so careful to not rip you up.
“Mmmnngh… oh, gods momma, m’gonna cum…” Scud lost any last sense of his composure, curving his spine and slicking out of you to cum over your pelvis. He whimpered like an injured dog, anchoring himself with the teeth lodged in you, grinding against you a few times to ride out the bliss as he messied your body with lengthy ropes of white. Waves of body-wracking pleasure made him writhe around on your chest, lost in some other realm.
“Fuck… cum fer me again, dollface. Know yer good fer me,” Daryl mumbled against you, driving into your cunt with every newfound bit of liveliness he garnered from feeding on you. Your brain stopped working at this point – those red acrylic nails scratching at Daryl's thigh with your left, and Scud's back with your right.
You felt lightheaded, loss of ichor incapacitating you even as they'd ceased thirsting, just keeping fangs planted in your muscles. The crest of euphoria floated your soul to nirvana, Daryl's tip brushing past one specific golden point in your walls and shoving you off the cliff of your climax, tightening his hold on you as you bowed and bucked, vision stripped from your senses.
Your pussy spasmed and massaged around the southerner's cock, and with a final few abusing thrusts, he withdrew and spilled his own load over your folds, resistant moans rumbling from his vocal cords. All three of your chests heaved intensely, fighting to steal any oxygen from the lust-filled atmosphere of your bedroom.
Daryl's hands drifted to your midsection to push up and roll Scud off of you to the left, knowing he was too much of a fucked out mess to do it himself. He gently laid you between the two of them, smoothing a caring hand over your chest and pressing a kiss to your upper arm. “Ya feelin’ okay, moonshine? Didn't take too much, righ’?”
“Yea, ‘m good.., jus’ need a minute,” You wheezed, eyes shut and soma trying to recuperate. Daryl peeled himself from the bed, going to wet a rag, and fetch some water and food. Returning, he compassionately cleaned away the cum smeared across your curves, supporting you as he helped you drink and all – then gathered extra layers of healing saliva over your puncture wounds just to make sure they'd seal over.
He soothed you by tracing patterns with his calloused palm, the three of you resting for a long while and wrapping thoughts around what just happened.
Scud snaked his arm around yours and cuddled right up against your side, keeping lips pressed against you with his whiny hums. “Wanna feel more'ah ya mommas…” To only say he was needy was an understatement, he was full on reliant – vampiric endurance adapting the role of an exponent for such.
“Let ‘er rest.”
You brought your nails to Scud's scalp, gently scratching his head and he practically began to purr. Even if Daryl shoved him off, you appreciated how benevolent he was to you, and could tell he felt less-than right now, lacking your focus. “That spit of yours work on swellin’ too?”
He nodded with a mumbly ‘Mhm…’
“Then how bout'cha lick my pussy till it feels better, ‘nd we'll keep goin’ till botha ya are ran dry, hm?” You suggested, planting a kiss on the top of his head and sensing the energy shift.
And they were both on you all over again in an instant.
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©corvidcrossbow 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified or adapted to other platforms. My work may be translated only if asked and with proof of given consent.
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angels-fantasy · 3 months
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Grass Talks (Literally)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: Soft, lowkey ooc Bakugou but thats bc I imagine him to be a lot more mellow as an adult. Little bit of a serious talk, but nothing crazy. Readers quirk is also mentioned
Word Count: 1k
previous chapter
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The date had been going well so far, and the sun was even beginning to set since now it was almost 7:00 pm.
You two were currently lying on your backs together, looking up at the sky filled with clouds, stomachs full of yummy food.
"That one looks like a giraffe, or something else with a long neck." You said point up at a cloud.
Bakugou hummed, "Nah, I think it's a flower or something. Don't you see the stem? And there's even petals around it."
Tilting your head at a different angle, you tried to see what he saw.
"I don't see it! I thought I would, since I'm used to seeing flowers all the time..." You said while still looking up in wonder.
Bakugou sat up and rested his elbows on his knees, "That's right. You're a florist ain't you? What made you wanna do that?"
You stayed lying down and answered him, "Yeah, I've been a florist for a few years now. I chose it because of my quirk."
"What is your quirk anyways? Is it something with plants and all that crap?"
"Yep. I can talk to plants, so taking care of them is much easier and I love being able to help others that are struggling with their own plants."
Bakugou rubbed his hand along the grass, "So me doing this... is it hurting the grass?"
You closed your eyes and listened, hearing the grass ask what it was that was rubbing all over them.
"It's not hurting them, but they can feel it."
He pulled his hand away. "What about walking on the grass. Does that hurt 'em?"
"Sometimes it can. If you're walking normally, then no. But if you're stomping all over them, then yes it does hurt them." You said, finally sitting up and facing him.
You leaned over and ran your hand along the top of the grass very lightly, hearing the voice of the grass sigh at the feeling. You learned early on after developing your quirk that most plants actually enjoy being pet, if you can call it that.
"They like it when you do this to them. Just make sure you do it really gently." You said while showing him how to pet the grass.
He followed your directions with a grunt and did the same motion as you.
You laughed lightly, "Petting grass is kind of silly now that I think about it. I guess it's different since I know that the grass likes it."
He shook his head and pulled his hand away, "It's not. I think it's interesting. I have some plants at home, now I'm wonderin' if they're happy with me."
You giggled at that, "I'm sure they are. But thank you. I always felt like my quirk wasn't super useful since I couldn't be a hero, y'know?"
"You don't gotta be a hero to have a useful quirk. Everyone can find a way to use their quirk, trust me."
You smiled softly, "You know what, you're really sweet. You don't portray yourself like that on the media at all."
"I ain't sweet." He said looking away shyly.
"If you say soooo." You cooed.
He smirked lightly and looked at you, "Thanks for uh, being genuine by the way."
You furrowed your eyebrows, "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I be genuine?"
"I mean like, almost everyone I've met just wants to be with me because I'm a hero. It just makes dating a lot harder, I guess."
You frowned at his words. You knew there were people who were out for money, but to play with someone's feelings like that? That was just heartless. You knew Bakugou was a grown man and fully capable of handling himself, but you couldn't help but feel bad.
You place on of your hands on top of his and said, "I understand what you mean, and I want to let you know that I don't have any bad intentions at all."
"I won't lie and say I'm not a fan of you as a hero," You continued, "but right now I'm getting to know you as Bakugou. So I hope you'll continue to allow me to."
Bakugou genuinely smiled. No smirk, or sly remark following it. Just a smile.
"Thanks. That means more than you know. But on that same topic, I also wanted to talk to you about a boundary I have if we're going to continue seeing each other." He said seriously.
You nodded your head and listened attentively.
"Because of my line of work, I just ask that you be honest with me about things. I fuckin' hate liars in general, but I really need you to understand that I can't have someone around if they're gonna be keepin' secrets and shit." He said frowning, almost as if he was thinking of a particular person when speaking about liars.
You nodded and smiled. "I promise, I'll be completely honest with you. I really wanna keep seeing you and if that's all it takes then I'm willing to do it."
He grunted. "Good. Let's clean up now, I'll take you home."
Just as you were about to start cleaning up, your phone went off. You picked it up quickly and saw that it was an email, a notification from the site you write fan fiction on.
You bit your lip and thought about what Bakugou just said. Deciding to ignore the notification, you just continued to clean up.
After Bakugou had dropped you off back at home, you quickly changed into your pajamas and got comfortable.
You said goodnight to Cheerios and your plants, who said goodnight back.
When you got in bed, you looked through your emails and at the notifications from HeroFiction.com that you had received earlier.
You began to think about Bakugou's words again.
"I fuckin' hate liars."
You shook your head and tried to rid away any negative thoughts you had. This secret wasn't that big of a deal, and it was probably for the better that he didn't know.
Keeping one secret wouldn't hurt, right?
next chapter
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authors note
i had fun writing this chapter :) i hope you liked it! i also hope you liked softer bakugou here, hehe.
taglist: @doumadono @54fangirl @andysdrafts @dagger-dragger @lovra974 @l4rsun1vrrse @emmab3mma @littlkittenfan @tatiquichi @cloudxluv @seonne @shonen-brainrot @the2ndl @gold24fish @cxp1d @rv19
(those in pink are not able to be tagged unfortunately)
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thisapplepielife · 6 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
Taking Over the Neighborhood
Prompt Day 21: Snow | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | Tags: Fluff, Neighbor Meet-Cute, Snow, Platonic Stobin, Cat People, Eddie POV
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Eddie hates winter. 
It's cold. It's miserable. 
And the snow. 
The goddamn, motherfucking snow. 
He looks out the window, and he's not sure he's even gonna be able to get home by closing time. That's the shitty thing about working nights in the winter. Sometimes, when you're really unlucky, you get stuck at work.
They get a few more inches of snow, but he's determined to make it home, come hell or frozen water. His van can just suck it up.
He has to drive about ten miles per hour, but he does make it home. Then he gets to wade through his snow-covered sidewalk. Fantastic. 
His jeans are wet from the knees down, and he's freezing, so he jumps in the warm shower. Even if he'd really rather just crash.
The next day, he wakes up just after lunch, and while he's drinking his first cup of coffee, he notices that his walk has been shoveled. That's weird. He definitely doesn't know any of his neighbors that well. He hasn't lived here long, and his schedule isn't exactly ideal for meeting neighbors. Maybe it's some of the kids in the neighborhood, and he owes them money now. Which, he wouldn't mind paying, he definitely appreciates it.
Maybe he'll see 'em out working.
So, Eddie sits by the window and waits. Soon enough, a guy is walking across the street with a snow shovel. Eddie's never seen him before in his life. Doesn't know if he has a wife, a boyfriend, six kids or a dozen cats. No clue. Maybe all of the above, for all Eddie knows.
But, Eddie pours another mug of coffee, slides on his boots, zips up his coat and goes out to thank him.
The guy's just walking up the driveway when Eddie opens the door, and he freezes in his tracks.
"Hey, thank you, your handiwork is greatly appreciated!" Eddie hollers, offering him a big smile. "I'm Eddie."
"I'm Steve," Steve says, and Eddie smiles at him. "I kinda figured that either you worked nights, or were a vampire," Steve teases, "But look at you! Out in the daytime."
Eddie laughs, "Not a vampire. Bar owner, though, so lots of late nights," Eddie says.
"I hope you don't mind, I was doing mine, and just thought I'd help."
"I really appreciate that help, Steve," Eddie says, handing him the cup of coffee. Steve accepts it with thanks, and Eddie takes the shovel from his hands, and shovels up the small amount of new snow that fell overnight.
"So, a bar, huh? Which one?" Steve asks, and Eddie pauses for a second.
"Hellfire Club," Eddie finally says.
"Oh, that's cool! Small world. My best friend and I have been there a few times. It's great. We liked it a lot. There's not a lot of queer-friendly bars in the area, and a new one is always appreciated," Steve says, and Eddie relaxes.
"I'm glad you guys liked it," Eddie says, smiling, "it's taking up all my time. Hence, the rumors of me being a vampire, apparently."
Steve laughs, and Eddie leans on the shovel, just looking at him. He's very pretty, and maybe, some flavor of queer.
It's Eddie's lucky day.
"You hungry? I can make breakfast? As a thank you for all your manual labor," Eddie offers, and Steve actually nods, which sends a thrill through Eddie. He hadn't expected that, not really.
But he ushers Steve into his house, and they both take off their snow boots at the front door, and then Eddie leads him into his kitchen. "There's more coffee in the pot," Eddie says, and he watches as Steve refills his mug. "Milk or cream in the fridge if you want some, and sugar in the container right there," Eddie adds, pointing.
And Steve doctors up his coffee.
"I should have asked earlier, I forget not everyone drinks it black," Eddie says.
"Oh, I like it both ways," Steve says, stirring his coffee with a spoon he got out of the dish drainer. 
Eddie would be so lucky, if Steve likes it both ways.
Steve scoots onto the bar stool, and drinks his coffee while Eddie makes breakfast. 
"How do you like your eggs?" Eddie asks.
"The runnier the better," Steve says, and Eddie pulls his hands to his heart, dramatically. 
Steve laughs.
"A guy after my heart," Eddie declares, and starts frying some bacon, and puts bread in the toaster.
"How long have you lived across the street?" Eddie asks, glancing over his shoulder at Steve.
"Four, no, five years. My best friend, Robin and I, moved from a small town in Indiana," Steve says.
"I didn't know who lived over there. Single person? Family with six kids? A dozen cats? It could have been any combination," Eddie teases.
"Well, it's one bisexual, one lesbian, no kids, and 2 cats."
Eddie smiles, teasing, "We're taking over the neighborhood."
"The gays?" Steve asks, grinning.
"No, the cat people," Eddie teases, clicking his tongue and a big, black cat comes racing into the kitchen.
"That's Midnight."
Steve reaches down and scratches him behind the ears, and it makes Eddie smile.
Once the food is ready, they sit side-by-side and eat at the counter. Midnight eating his lunch in the corner, on the floor. They talk, and Eddie is happy he's making a friend in town. 
Then there's knocking on the front door, and Eddie gets up to go answer it. That's weird. Gareth would just walk in, so he doesn't know who it'd be.
He opens the door to a woman with a bob haircut, "Did you kidnap my best friend?"
"Yes, and I'm force feeding him breakfast," Eddie answers. "You must be Robin."
Steve laughs from the kitchen, then hollers, "How did you even know I was over here?"
"I followed your footprints. And I saw your shovel, dingus," she says, and pushes her way inside. 
Eddie steps aside to let her enter.
Maybe he'll make two new friends today.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun!
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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that-sarcastic-writer · 10 months
Twisted Love
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Billy Russo X Latina!Mercenary!Reader
Summary: based on this moodboard murder date with Billy made by the love of my life @fluffyprettykitty thank you for the inspo
Warnings: explicit sexual content, minors yall better dnfi, unprotected sex, p in v, creampie, fingering, blood kink, choking, hair pulling, degradation, he calls her a whore and she likes it, allusion to gunplay & knife play, Billy and reader get turned on by questionable acts, def dark themes, dark!Billy, dead bodies, actual murder, many acts of violence, and Billy canonically likes it rough and painful, they're both just unhinged
Reader is referred to as she/her, speaks Spanish here and there and is described to have long hair. If this is not you, that is okay. This is solely based on the moodboard. I use no further specifications so you can enjoy it regardless :)
WC: 4k
A/N: I'm sorry in advance for the person that I am, I blame selene for encouraging this. You have been warned, you read under your own responsibility. I missed Billy and his murderous questionable kinks, so here we are. (If you actually enjoy this you I guarantee we will see each other in hell)
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"Billy." You groaned quietly, the voice in your earpiece shutting up at the sharpness of your voice. 
"Yes darlin'?" 
"I can't focus on shooting your target if you keep saying how you're going to fuck me stupid tonight. Or how you've been really wanting to fuck me with your gun." You said the last part through your teeth as you did your best to remain professional and stay focused. You were a mercenary, sure, but you were a professional one. 
"If you keep talkin' back, I will do so much more than that. You like knives, don't you?" You could hear the smug smirk he probably had on his face through his voice, even through your earpiece.
You couldn't help but groan, your skin growing burning hot under all of your gear, and it was getting hard to control your breathing the longer he kept spitting filthy words at you. 
"This is your op, Billy. So we can either have phone sex or I can shoot your target. Can't do both." You rolled your eyes, adjusting your grip on your handgun as you tried to ignore the heat between your legs. You heard him chuckle. 
"You're gettin' paid either way darlin'," he reminded you. "But if you get a headshot, I'll give you your bonus." 
You actually laughed at this, a smirk of your own falling on your lips, "You know I never miss. Don't gotta double tap if I shoot 'em in the head." 
This was like a little game of yours. Any time Billy called you— for anything other than a good fuck— it was for a target mission off the books. Legally, he was just a private contractor. Private security was his main gig. But off the books, he was still getting paid to take out targets for his old military superiors. When someone pushed at his buttons too much, he called you. Because you were like a ghost, in and out, no one even knew you were ever there. And he thought your post-op adrenaline made for killer sex. You getting paid was just a courtesy on his end. You had honestly stopped caring about the money a long time ago. But he paid you your part anyway. So it was a win-win situation for everyone involved. 
"Mhmm,  I love it when you talk dirty." He sighed a long breath and you smiled to yourself, holding your gun close to your chest as you quietly walked through the dark, otherwise empty house. You could hear movement and indistinct voices on the other side of the wall
"I hear voices in the next room. Two targets so far. Standby for confirmation." Billy laughed at how official you sounded. You truly never did get rid of that military part of you. 
You peeked your head through the crack on the door of a large study. You chewed on your bottom lip as you tried to identify the targets. One was the man Billy had hired you to kill, a Marine Colonel that had gotten too greedy and was making threats. That didn't exactly sit well with Billy or anyone else involved. The other man, though, you weren't sure, but he also seemed to be military. 
"I'm looking at your target. But I'm not sure who the other one is. Looks military, though. What do you want me to do?" You whispered the question to Billy. He stayed silent for a few seconds. You chewed on the inside of your cheek, growing inpatient at his silence. But he spoke before you could yell at him. 
He groaned first, clearly something hadn't gone according to plan. "Just take both of them out. I don't need witnesses." 
"Whatever you say, pretty boy." You took in a deep breath, your heart starting to race as the adrenaline started to pump in your blood. 
"Remember, I want you in and out, don't worry about nobody else. That's what I'm here for, baby." 
"You're such a romantic, mi cielo." You bit your lip, you heard him chuckle in response. 
You waited another second, long enough for them to be close enough for you to take them out both at the same time before the other could draw their gun. Stealth was your specialty anyway. You were thankful the large doors didn't creak when you opened them further. Both men were facing away from you. Good. You took a step inside the study, and with a grin, you pulled the trigger. 
Both men dropped to the ground with a thud. You sighed out the breath you had been holding and you slowly approached the two bodies. And you smiled at your work. 
"I'm done here. Getting out now." You said to Billy. You heard him give you a quick hum of confirmation. 
You nodded to yourself, picking up your shell casings before you hurried out of the study. You went around through long halls for what seemed to be an eternity, until you came to the hall that led to the foyer of the house. 
Almost there. 
"Don't you fucking move." A voice rasped beside you. You saw out of the corner of your eye the barrel of a handgun. Well so much for Billy taking care of everything. 
You closed your eyes, slowly raising your hands to show your handgun. You turned your head enough to look at the man. More military. Great. This was going to be shit show. 
"Who the fuck are you? Why are you here?" The man screamed at you, his gun still on your face. You said nothing, you simply stared at him. He couldn't really see your face, not through your balaclava. Only your eyes were visible. "Give me that fucking gun and get on the ground. Now!" 
You stared at him, not moving a muscle. The only man you would ever get on your knees for was Billy. This one could shoot you for all you cared. 
"I said get on your knees or I'll shoot!' 
"Shoot me then." You said dryly, hands still in the air. 
Just get a bit closer, you thought. 
The man seethed at your response and stepped closer. Your lips irked up. You turned your body, your free hand gripping his gun and diverting it away from your head. The man squeezed the trigger. You grunted loudly, your ears ringing, but you didn't care. You wrestled with the man, landing a punch on his face that made his nose gush with blood. He stumbled backward but didn't fall. If anything, that made him more angry, and he lunged at you. He reached for the braid that stuck from under your balaclava and he pulled, really fucking hard. You grunted out in pain when he tugged your hair to drag you close enough for him to grab you. You fought against him, but you could only do so much against a man twice your size. His fist hit your jaw with enough force to make you dizzy for a second. And he took that opportunity to grab your vest and threw you over a nearby coffee table. Your body slammed so hard against it you ended up on the floor, with it in pieces. 
You weren't a religious person, but goddamn, you were seeing God right about now. You groaned in pain as you tried to push through. You tried to sit up as fast as you could, but the man was already towering over you, and a large boot forced you down by your chest. You forced down the cry of pain you wanted to let out, only breathing out sharply instead. You couldn't find your gun, and you had one, pointed right at your face now. 
"Fucking bitch." The man spat, leaning down to tear your balaclava from your face. You grunted, your face twisted into a scowl as he pulled it off. He scoffed. He was about to say something into his walkie when a voice you were all too familiar with caught his attention. 
"Hey." Billy stood a few feet away, having heard the gunshot and ran in. He didn't even flinch when he pulled the trigger. The man dropped dead a second later. 
You blew out a breath of relief, and you laughed, running a hand over your face. Well shit. You were hoping you wouldn't get any blood on yourself tonight. 
Billy was beside you in a split second, a large hand pulling you up to your feet. His eyes were big with a mixture of panic and anger, and he scanned your body for injuries. His hand landed on your lip, split and bleeding. His jaw ticked but you shook your head at him. 
"You okay?" He asked with a heavy breath. You nodded at him, your own hands touching his face. Blood stained his neck and part of his face. But you had a feeling it wasn't his. "Si?" 
You nodded again, "Si." 
Billy plastered a hard kiss on your lips, his hand holding the back of your head. You hummed against his lips, gripping his own vest. He pulled back after a few seconds, and his eyes landed on the dead man lying next to him. His neck twitched, and his jaw tightened as he pulled the trigger two more times. The man was already dead, Billy had shot him in the head the first time. But he needed to get that out of his system. 
"That was by far the hottest thing you've ever done for me." You breathed out, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You kissed him this time. Much harder. He groaned into your mouth, the side of his handgun brushing your hip as he gripped them with both hands. 
"Did you do what I asked?" He muttered against your lips. 
"Headshots. As always." You smirked against his lips, your skin growing hot just as the ache between your legs grew. 
"Mhmm, that's a good girl." He pressed another kiss to your lips. "Come. Gotta get outta here." 
You nodded, looking on the ground for a second for your handgun. Your eyes skimmed around for a bit before you smiled and you happily picked it up from the ground. When you looked up, Billy was looking at you with an irked eyebrow. 
"Que? It's my favorite gun. I wasn't gonna leave it here. It's got my fingerprints all over it." You shrugged, casually walking past Billy towards the kitchen. You came through that backdoor. It'd probably be easier to leave that way as well. 
Billy watched you with a raised eyebrow. It did always turn him on to see you in your tactical gear. He laughed to himself and followed you. He stayed close behind you, within hand reach at all times. He was so close that he actually bumped into your back when you stopped abruptly. You turned around, and one of your hands came to grip his vest while the other held up your handgun. He frowned, about to question you when you forcefully moved him to the side an inch or two. 
"Agh shit!" He grunted out, a bullet still catching the plate on his back with enough force to make him stumble. 
You kept your grip on his vest as you pulled the trigger twice and he heard a loud thud a second later. When he turned his head he saw a guard on his back, writhing in pain as blood gushed from his chest. Shit, he must have missed the guy when he was clearing the outside of the house. 
He draped a hand over his shoulder where the bullet hit, eyes never leaving you as you quietly walked over to the guard, gun held up. The man began to stammer, coughing up blood as he tried to crawl away. You blinked, head tilted and jaw tight as you pulled the trigger two more times. The man stopped moving with that second bullet. Your face twisted with disdain when you felt blood splatter on your face. Again. 
"Agh, puta sangre de mierda." This fucking blood. 
You harshly wiped your hand over your face, probably making a bigger mess than there already was. You flinched, your gun held up and stopped at Billy's chest. He had a wide smirk on his face, his hands raised, but he was just mocking you. 
"You wanna point that gun somewhere else, pretty girl?" He taunted with a smirk. You gritted your teeth and clenched your jaw. 
"Estás fucking sordo?" Are you fucking deaf? Billy couldn't speak Spanish. But he had learned to pick up on your angry Spanish over time. His smirk only grew wider when you holstered your gun and slammed your flat hands against his chest, attempting to shove him, but he didn't move much. "Did you not hear the motherfucker coming? Are you okay? Did the bullet go through the plate?" 
He found your angry concern amusing, endearing even. But the mocking smirk on his face only made your blood boil more. 
"Aw, my pretty mercenary is worried about me?" He taunted you more, and the fire in your eyes made him completely forget about the throbbing on his shoulder blade. Though he felt a different kind of throb when he felt your flat palm collide with his cheek. 
His eyes widened for a second as he processed the heat spreading through his cheek. He breathed a laugh, but it wasn't a humorous one. Not in the slightest. He ran his tongue over his lips, he could taste the smallest bit of blood. He counted in his head. Six guards altogether, three Marines inside. There were five dead bodies outside. Four inside. Good. 
He didn't say a word as he reached out to you, he grabbed the back of your braid and crashed his lips against yours with so much force it gave you whiplash. You didn't protest though, you welcomed it, actually. You gripped his vest tightly as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth. He hummed with satisfaction as you clung to his vest. He gripped your hair tightly as he made you back into the kitchen island behind you. 
You gasped into his mouth when you felt him hoist you up on the counter. 
"The fuck are you doing?" You pulled back enough to speak, not that you were arguing with him, you had been wanting him ever since you got here. He flashed you a sadistic grin as he gripped your vest and pulled you to the edge so that he was standing between your open legs. 
"Gonna fuck you stupid. That's what." He replied in a heartbeat as his fingers unbuckled the clasps of your vest. He tossed it aside and his eyes instantly landed on the blood splatters staining your jaw and neck. 
"Right here?" You gave him a wide eyed look, lips slightly parted as he ridded himself of his own vest, leaving him a plain black long-sleeve compression shirt. 
"Right here. You did everythin' I asked, and more. And you know I'm a man of my word." Your long-sleeve black shirt was gone next and his lips immediately attached to your jaw. "You don't gotta play innocent with me darlin'. Bet if I touch you you’ll be soaking wet." 
Fuck, you wished he didn’t know you so well. You were real fucking good at pretending with the whole world. But you couldn't pretend with him. And you couldn't deny that you had been wanting him to fuck you senseless the second you saw his face that day. And that tactical uniform of his, fuck it didn't help your cause in the slightest. 
"You know I always want you, doesn't matter when or where." You answered through a ragged breath, your eyelashes fluttered as he ran his tongue over the skin of your neck, and at the same time, he shoved his hand into your cargo pants, right past your panties.
"Yeah, you want me? You want me right now? Covered in blood and everythin'?" He pulled back enough to watch your face as his finger brushed over your cunt. And he was pleased by how right he was. You were so wet. Your mouth fell open as he slipped a finger into you with ease. "You are such a fuckin' whore. You've been this wet this whole time, haven't you? You just killed three men for me, and you're wet?"
God, you should feel disgusted with yourself, with him, but you felt nothing of the sort. If anything, it aroused you more. You ground your hips against his hand, desperate for more as your shaky hands fumbled with the belt of your cargo pants. You tugged until you ultimately got them off one leg once you managed to kick off one of your combat boots. Billy only watched with amusement as you struggled. But he otherwise didn't help you. He liked watching you struggle.  
"Goddamn you're so needy. Such a needy whore." He mocked you with a laugh, but he rewarded you with another finger nonetheless. 
"Yes, yes I'm a whore." You whined, holding yourself upright by gripping his shirt. "I'm your whore. Fuck— Please, I did good." 
Billy nodded at this, the pathetic pleads coming from your mouth making his cock strain against his cargos even more. How such a fierce and vicious mercenary like yourself could give in so easily to him he had no idea, but he sure wasn't complaining. Not in the slightest. 
"Yeah. Yeah, you did. I'm gonna give you exactly what you deserve, don't worry." He spoke through a groan, he rutted his palm against your clit, brushing against it as he curled his fingers against that one spot that made your thighs shudder. 
You bunched his shirt around your fist as your mouth fell open in a silent moan, your hips involuntarily grinding against his hand. Billy watched with amusement as you desperately rocked yourself back and forth on the counter while he undid his pants with his free hand. 
His fingers left you abruptly, leaving your chasing and jaw slacked. You whined, your mouth opening to curse at him but he was gripping your braid with one hand as he brushed his cock through your folds, coating himself in your slick. 
"Yell at me again and I will fuck you with my gun until you cry." He spat, his jaw twitching as he forcefully slammed into you with a snap of his hips. 
You actually cried out this time, your toes curling and your nails dug into his chest. He pulled you to the edge of the counter until your legs hung loosely over his hips. He wound up his hand around your hair, pulling your head back as he rutted himself against you. He held your neck on full display as he dipped his head and ran his tongue over where blood stained your skin. 
"Fuck baby— you always feel so good. But goddamn, you fuckin' taste like heaven." He breathed against your skin, dragging his tongue from your pulse point to your jaw. 
Your fingers slipped into his hair, tangling around the chocolate locks to the root. And you pulled, and you pulled so hard he actually grunted in pain. 
"Dios Billy." You moaned, your lips against his ear, and he slammed into you so hard then he made you slide back on the counter. 
"Not God, baby. But I can be." He breathed out a laugh, his face pressed against your cheek as he wrapped his long fingers around your throat. "Trust me, darlin', when I'm done with you, not even God is gonna make you get outta bed tomorrow." 
You choked out a cry as he brought you closer against him— if that was even possible— and threw one of your legs over his shoulder. His cock hit so deep it actually made you roll your eyes back this time. 
"O-oh shit— shit Billy. I'm gonna come. Please, I wanna come." You spoke in between pants, what you could manage to say with his hand on your throat. You were holding on to him for dear fucking life, both arms thrown over his shoulder as if he was the only thing keeping you from slipping off the countertop. 
"You wanna come? My pretty mercenary wants to come? You earned it, didn't you?" He pulled back enough to watch your face, and he released the grip on your throat so you could respond. 
"Yes! Coño I earned it, please." You sounded so desperate but you didn't care, if there was one man in this world you could let yourself be vulnerable for it was Billy. 
"Mhmm, of course you did." He slipped his hand between your bodies and his thumb rubbed harsh circles on your clit and he drilled into you, pretty much holding you in one place with a tight grip on your ass. "Yeah, like that? Yeah just like that, come for me. You're good at following orders, so come." 
You were seeing white the second his thumb was on your clit and your fingers tugged at the roots of his hair as you came with a silent cry. You eyes were screwed shut and your mouth was hanging wide open as you gripped him tight enough to make his cock twitch. He breathed out a sigh of satisfaction and his lips curled up as he felt your wetness coat his cock. He looked down, and the sight of his cock slick with your come almost made him lose it. 
With a grunt he held you to his chest with a tight grip on the back of your neck and his fingers dug into your ass, holding you still for him as he fucked you. 
"Yeah, you take it just like that. Fuck— fuck that's a good girl." He moaned out the words, his head falling back ever so slightly. Enough for you to press your lips to his neck. But what made him completely lose it was your tongue, on his neck, similarly licking up the dry blood on his skin. "Ooh fuck me." 
His fingers dug deep into your scalp, enough for you to feel a slight burn, but you didn't fucking care. You dragged your lips up to his jaw as he fell still and you breathed out a laugh of satisfaction when you felt him spill himself inside you. He dragged his hips lazily, once, twice more before he just stood still. His fingers were deep rooted in your hair and his eyes were closed. You closed your own eyes as you pressed your forehead against his chest with a lazy smile on your face. 
Billy was silent, his fingers loosening on your hair until only his fingers were lazily dragging his fingers through the now loose strands. You kept your face on his chest, simply listening to his rapid heartbeat that matched your own. It slowly went steady, back to its normal rhythm. Only then Billy pulled back enough to look at your face. His dark eyes watched your face with something much softer and his fingers brushed over your bruised lip. 
"'M fine Billy. You've done worse." You sighed softly at him, your hand coming up to hold his wrist. He furrowed his eyebrows at you. 
"That's me, though. I've never hit you— without your permission anyway. But I've never bruised your face. It ain't the same." He frowned, and you couldn't help but grin at his protectiveness. 
"I said I'm fine, mi cielo." You squeezed his wrist and shot up your eyebrows at him with a suggestive smile on your face. "Does this place have a master bathroom?" 
Billy thought for a second, he had been here once at least before. He figured a house this big probably did have a large bathroom. 
"Probably, why?" 
"Wanna wash this blood off me?" 
Billy's scowl was quickly replaced by a wide smirk of his own and he could feel his cock twitch the slightest bit as your suggestive tone. 
"For this pussy? Baby, I'd kiss the fuckin' ground you walk on." 
Billy was a fucked up man that had met his fucked up match. And he'd be damned if he ever denied you anything.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Father Figures, pt. 2
I swear it was a one-shot. But then my hand slipped and "oh oops there's Wayne". You can access part 1 here. This is rated m btw. The full version will be available on ao3 (my first time posting on there...) which is linked here. Anyway, enjoy :)
The first time Wayne Allen Munson meets Steve Harrington is in a hospital room. Sure, he has seen and heard about the kid in passing. It was hard not to in a town like Hawkins. With the kind of money his old man has and the pretty face his mother parades around, the Harringtons become a sort of household name. Especially in Wayne's household.
See, Wayne may not be much of a talker, but his nephew sure is. Especially when he gets angry about something. And boy did Steve Harrington make his Eddie mad. During Eddie's first time around with Senior Year, Steve's name comes out of that boy's mouth so often that if not for that tone of his, he would have thought the kid had a crush on him.
Actually, Wayne regretfully asks at one point if he does have a crush. Wayne finds out pretty quickly that Eddie doesn't, which isn't the problem nor why he regrets asking. The problem is apparently at that very moment in time, Eddie hasn't exactly come out to Wayne. The boy shakes so much that Wayne is afraid that Eddie might cause an earthquake. Wayne has to calm Eddie down and explain very carefully he doesn't care, he's his kid no matter what. Eddie cries, and asks "Dad, what made you think to just casually bring that up?"
Wayne shrugs and simply says "Didn't think it was a secret."
Eddie lets out a wet laugh. Wayne doesn't mention how it's the first time since Eddie showed up on his doorstep that he calls him Dad.
His heart swells.
So, with absolutely no crush in sight god Wayne he's an asshole, Steve's name is brought up quite often.
"Steve Harrington just parades himself around like he's a king."
"Steve Harrington just stands there while Tommy continues to be a piece of shit. Worse, he acts like he's bored."
"Girls just hang off of Harrington, he's even got Nancy Wheeler on his arm now. What a prick, thought she was smarter than that."
"Looks like Harrington got the shit kicked out of him by Byer's. You gotta love Karma sometimes."
Wayne watches Eddie frown at the last one before saying, "Kinda gotta back Steve up on the pictures though. That was creepy."
Eddie shakes his head then continues to rant "But smashing his camera? Dick move. Doesn't understand what it's like to be poor."
Wayne is still not completely convinced it's not a crush.
Wayne Allen Munson seems to know all about Steve Harrington before he actually has the chance to meet him. None of which he has learned makes Steve seem all that good.
Imagine Wayne's surprise when he finds the Harrington boy next to his son's hospital bed.
"What're you doin' here?" Wayne asks, startling Steve from his chair. Wayne watches as he hops up from the ground, straightening himself out.
"Sorry sir, I was just uh, keeping him company. The kid's families won't let them out of their sight and Dustin wanted him to have a familiar face with him if, sorry when he wakes up. Because we weren't sure we were allowed to grab you yet. So I volunteered to stay with him, seeing as I don't have a job anymore, and well I sort of feel responsible for Eddie now. And, god I am hanging out with Robin too much because I am rambling. Sorry, Sir. "
Wayne raises an eyebrow at him. He has seen Steve around town before, hard not to in a small place like Hawkins. Eddie points him out once, scoffing at his perfect hair and holier-than-thou attitude. Wayne originally is prepared to yell at him. The sight of a boy who looks very much like the very ones who hunted his Eddie down just a few days ago ignites something protective within him. Hearing this boy ramble though, flustered and making himself hopelessly small in front of Wayne, makes him hesitate.
"Boy, I don't know half-em names you're sayin' right now. I do recognize that kid Dustin though, ya know him?"
Steve nods his head up and down, "He's like my brother sir. Our brother." He looks down towards Eddie's bed.
Wayne avoids looking at his boy and chooses to look directly at Steve. "Well, he's a good kid. Came to me when Ed was missing, at the school. Told me he was a hero, and that he'll be missed. Guess now it was probably cause he wasn't sure if he was gonna make it and didn't want to get my hopes up. Don't know what made him change his mind either when he found me again today, told me they had him here."
Steve's face softens as Wayne talks about Dustin. Wayne pushes on, "If that kid trusts you, I don't got a reason not to trust you either. Well, until Eds here wakes up at least. He can tell me otherwise."
"Okay, Sir." Steve makes his way to move around Wayne and leave. Wayne grabs him by the wrist to stop him, and Steve flinches. Wayne decides to file that away for later and lets him go.
"No need to leave kid. And stop calling me sir. I'm not your old man. "
Steve's lips lift a little bit like Wayne just brought up an inside joke he isn't a part of. "Okay, sir—I mean Wayne. Okay, Wayne."
Steve and Wayne sit side by side next to Eddie. It's then Wayne finally looks down at his kid. He can't help but the rush of tears that come up at the sight of him. He is paler than usual, curls flat and dirty, tubes coming out of every part of him.
"My boy." He chokes.
Steve thankfully stays silent as Wayne weeps. They sit for a while in silence before Wayne asks, "You gonna tell me what happened?"
Steve, who Wayne doesn't point out has bloodshot eyes, says "You going to believe me?"
Wayne simply returns "I'm willing to try."
So Steve tells him. Tells him everything that has happened over the last week. Tells him of monsters and other worlds. How it isn't the first time, how it is hopefully the last. How scary it is for them. How Eddie is stupid but incredibly brave. How Eddie barely makes it. How Steve will be the first to yell at him when he wakes up.
Wayne listens carefully through the whole thing and can't help but think of how fond Steve sounds when Eddie's name comes up. This isn't the boy Eddie once spoke of. Albeit, it has been a long time since Eddie's spoken his name. Wayne isn't used to tigers changing their stripes though. It's a pleasant surprise he doesn't comment on.
Wayne rubs his thumb across Eddie's hand. "How did he get out? If he was practically dead?"
"Oh, I carried him Sir."
Wayne's head snaps to Steve. "What?"
Steve shrinks a bit, "Sorry I mean Wayne. Sorry I didn't mean to disrepe—"
Wayne cuts him off, "Dammit kid, I'm not mad at that. I'm not mad at all. It's just—you saved him. You carried him out of what I can only understand is what I think hell is, and you didn't think to mention that when I first saw you?" Wayne looks at Steve for a moment. Really looks at him. He's in clean jeans and a polo, but that's where his old persona ends. When Wayne looks at him closely, he can see the dark bags under his eyes, the purple bruising all over his body, and the angry red scar around his neck. Steve looks exhausted, physically and emotionally. Steve looks like a boy, desperately trying to be a man. He looks like a soldier after war.
"It's not a big deal. I did what anyone else would do."
Wayne shakes his head. "Steve. That's just the thing, I'm pretty sure no one else woulda done that. And even if they would, it doesn't make what you did any less important. So, thank you."
Steve's eyes mist a bit when Wayne says "it doesn't make what you did any less important." He looks away from Wayne and just nods.
"Okay, Sir. Okay, Wayne."
When Eddie wakes a few days later, after a night of breathing on his own without the tubes, he interrupts Steve and Wayne's conversation on the Chicago Cubs, and says "Dad?"
Wayne is up in an instant, crowding his boy's face. "Oh, Eds. I am so glad yer alright. You scared me."
"Mmm sorry," Eddie mumbles nuzzling Wayne's chest. He then looks up towards Steve, who is watching the interaction between the two men. "Harrington?"
Steve leans forward on his elbows, and chokes out "I told you not to be cute."
Eddie giggles, his tears reflecting Steve's "Sorry big boy, can't help what you're born with."
Steve looks up at the ceiling with a wet laugh. It eventually turns into a deep sob. The only other time Wayne witnesses Steve break like this over the past few days is when he's reunited with Hopper. "You shithead, you're not allowed to be funny right now. Don't. Don't do that again. Okay? You really scared us." Wayne can hear Steve's unspoken you really scared me.
Eddie's tears are rushing down his face now. "I'm sorry Steve. I'm so sorry."
"You didn't do anything wrong. Just—next time, don't let there be a next time. Okay?" Steve's not making much sense to Wayne as he leans his head on Eddie's bed face down.
Eddie seems to get it though. He hesitantly strokes Steve's head with his fingers. "Okay, Stevie. I promise. Now, get some sleep. It's your turn, I've had enough."
Steve's shoulders sag as he gives in. Wayne shares a look with Eddie, and Wayne knows right there they have the same thought.
They've collected another stray.
When Eddie is home, Steve becomes a regular occurrence in their newly acquired government-funded house. He helps a lot the first month especially. Takes Eddie and the Mayfield girl to and from physical therapy. Cooks dinner on the nights Wayne works (which is most nights) and makes sure to have leftovers specifically labeled for Wayne. Keeps both Wayne and Eddie company when one of their stress becomes too much for the other. Steve's even there on the nights the nightmares get bad. Spends his time on the couch until Eddie wakes up screaming, and calms him back to sleep so Wayne doesn't worry about him at work. Or so Wayne can get a full night when he's off.
Steve's there so often enough, that when one night he isn't, Wayne's concerned.
"You're going to pace a hole into the floor boy." Wayne looks at Eddie in their living room from the couch. Wayne doesn't tell Eddie he's concerned too. Doesn't think it would help much.
"I'm sure he's just held up, or got plans Eds. Not like he was plannin' on coming here tonight."
Eddie stops and faces Wayne, biting his thumbnail instead. "Sure we didn't have plans. But Steve's been here every day for the past month Wayne. And when he hasn't he's called. I haven't heard from him in like 22 hours—" Wayne doesn't point out that Eddie did the actual math "—and that's weird. He doesn't do that. We don't do that."
Eddie's anxiety starts to seep into Wayne's. He can't help but think of the worst-case scenario. Car accident. A run-in with that Andy kid. His mind even jumps to when Eddie was in the hospital, and his stomach sinks. Wayne can't help it, he has grown attached to Steve.
"Why don't we call some of yer friends, yeah? Maybe they've seen your boy."
Eddie is so incredibly distressed and doesn't even rebuke Wayne calling Steve his like he usually does. "Yeah okay, good idea."
As Eddie reaches for the phone though, there is a light knock on the door. Eddie rushes to answer it.
"Steve thank god I was wondering—Oh my god sweetheart what happened?" Eddie drags Steve in and places him on the couch. It's then that Wayne sees him.
There on Steve's jaw, is a bruise the size of Indiana. Steve's eye is swollen, and he is breathing heavily while clutching his ribs. Wayne remains frozen and Eddie frets over Steve.
"Stevie, who did this? Where does it hurt? What can I do?"
"Eds I'm fine."
Eddie looks like he's about to yell but restrains himself. "You are most certainly not fine. Do not give me that look Harrington—"
"Oh I'm Harrington now."
"—Yes you are Harrington right now because only a Harrington would be this stubborn and ridiculous. Now tell me what happened and tell me what hurts."
Steve's resolve loosens slightly, and his head falls onto Eddie's shoulder. He lets out a painful whine, "My stomach. It—fuck—it hurts so bad Eds."
Eddie brushes his fingers through his hair and whispers to him gently. "It's okay baby, I got you."
Wayne realizes three things at once.
One, Wayne isn't sure Eddie has called Steve that before. He calls him names across the board. But baby isn't one of them. Wayne knows for a fact the two aren't together yet. They have been dancing along the line for a few weeks now. Wayne thinks about pushing the timeline along, but the boys don't seem to be there quite yet. This seems like a step in the right direction.
Two, in the past month and a half Wayne has gotten to know Steve, he realizes that the boy doesn't do well around older men. He flinches at every sudden movement Wayne makes, and won't even let him give him a pat on the back let alone a hug. Also in that time, Steve has barely gone home. Knows his parents didn't visit him at the hospital, but did come home two weeks later to make sure nothing is damaged from the earthquake. Assholes.
And three, Steve avoids the question as to what happened. Eddie seems to let it slide. Wayne doesn't give the same courtesy.
"Who did this?" Wayne says abruptly, startling Steve who seems to realize Wayne's presence only now.
"Wh-what?" Steve shakes.
"I'm not mad boy. But I'm not stupid. I know this ain't a what but a who. And I think we can both conclude who. But I'm going to ask you anyway. Who. Did. This?"
The last of Steve's resolve crumbles as Wayne puts a gentle hand on his shoulder. It is as if he hadn't known a gentle touch from a father before. Maybe he hasn't.
"My dad. He uh, we got into a fight last night. Found out how much time I was spending here, with Eddie, with the kids. He started saying how I was spending time with the wrong people. I tried to just nod and go upstairs because it was just easier to ignore him than fight him sometimes. Like what's he going to do right? He's only here a couple of days a year. But then he mentioned Robin and he called her a slur, and that said her kind was an abomination. And oh god I don't even know how he found that out Robs is going to be pissed she's been so careful—"
"Babe." Eddie squeezes Steve's hand.
"Right sorry, he just was going off about Robin. And it just set me off, I just lost it on him. How dare he talk about her that way? And I just told him that if he's got a problem with her, then he's got a problem with me too. And God Wayne, the silence that came after. It was like all the words had been sucked out of the room. Next thing I know he's grabbing me by the jaw and throwing me on the floor. And he just starts kicking me, screaming about how I am no son of his. I didn't know what to do. My mom just watched it all. I just laid there... I should have fought back—I—" Steve trails off trying to collect himself.
"When he was done he sent me to my room and told me to think about what I'm doing to this family. I just laid there all night and all day, just waiting for them to leave. I had to wait til they left for dinner tonight to get out. I can't—I can't go back there. Me and Robs were planning on moving in together next week, we made a deposit on this two-bedroom downtown, but I don't think I can spend another week there, and oh god, all my stuff is there. What have I done." Steve puts his head in his hands.
Eddie is crying with Steve by the end of it. Neither he nor Wayne comments on how Steve just came out to the both of them. It doesn't seem important at that moment. Wayne crouches down to eye level with Steve.
"You did nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with you. You did what you had to do to survive, and even if you didn't it still wouldn't be your fault."
Wayne stands back to his full height. "Now, you can stay here until you and the bird girl have your place. Do not fight me on it. Anyway Steve, I know it's difficult right now. But I'm going to need you to let me know what you need from your house."
"What, why?"
Wayne just sighs, "I know you ain't stupid. Just tell me."
Steve seems hesitant but tells Wayne anyway.
He nods at both his boys when he speaks next. "You two stay put. I'll be back soon."
Steve and Eddie both look like they want to fight Wayne on it. Steve wants to stop him from leaving at all, and Eddie probably wants to stop him from going without him. They both smartly stay silent.
"Okay, Uncle Wayne."
"Okay, Wayne."
Later, Wayne comes back with three duffle bags and bruised knuckles.
Steve hugs him without a second thought.
A few days pass and the three of them are in the kitchen when Eddie asks. "Did ya tell hop?"
Steve snorts in his coffee. "Hell no."
Wayne can't help his curiosity as he watches the both of them across the table.
"Steve, you have to tell Hop. He's going to find out anyway." Eddie pushes as he puts an ungodly amount of sugar in his coffee.
"No I don't. He'll just flip out, there is no good reason to tell him."
Eddie puts his hands on his hips. It reminds Wayne of Steve the past couple of times he's seen him around the kids. "I can think of one good reason. He's practically your dad. And I'm pretty sure your Dad would want to know what your old man did to ya."
Wayne can't help but hum in agreement. He knows if Eddie's old man comes around, he wants to be the first to find out.
Steve looks at Wayne briefly before saying, "No he's not. He's just like that with everyone."
"No, he's not. With El? Yea, that's his daughter. Maybe even Will. But not with anyone else. Except you. Why do you think I'm afraid of him?"
Steve gives him a look, "Cause he's an ex-cop Eds."
"Please that doesn't scare me. Didn't scare me when he was an actual cop either."
Wayne isn't sure that's entirely true. He remembers a very specific incident of Eddie tripping over his laces to get away from Jim.
Eddie carries on, "No, he scares me 'cause he's your dad, and I know he'll hang me by my toenails if I so much as make you cry. So yea, I think you should let him know. Besides, we both know he's going to be way more pissed when he finds out from literally anyone else. And we both know he will because you told Robin, who definitely told Nancy, who probably told Joyce, and you can see where I am heading with this."
Steve throws his head back and groans. "He's going to full government name me when he finds out."
Eddie lets out a manic giggle, "Ooo, you never told me what your full name is. Now you gotta tell me, Stevie."
Steve gives Eddie an exasperated look, "It's Steven James Harrington."
It's now Eddie's turn to groan. "Of course, you have his name. Well, I guess it's better than Richard. Hop must love that. Was kinda hoping you had my name or something."
Wayne makes a mental note to talk to Jim himself. Knows Steve will avoid it. But Wayne's got to make sure someone is looking after Steve when he can't. Wayne's been meaning to thank the man anyway. For all his done for Eddie. And now, for all he's done for Steve.
"Want me to make you feel better Eds?" Steve says with a smirk.
"Please. I'm not sure if I can go on any further with the torture of knowledge that contains your middle name."
"Hopper's middle name is Edward."
The scream of joy Eddie lets out nearly punctures what's left of Wayne's hearing.
By midsummer, the boys are an item. They haven't said anything to Wayne but he can tell. One day, the boys come back from their friend's weekly dinner holding hands. So they didn't have to tell Wayne. Not really.
It is just that, Wayne has gotten to know Steve Harrington over the past few months. He has gotten to know him as "Friend Steve" and "Brother Steve", and even after one intense game night, "King Steve". Wayne has a feeling though that "Boyfriend Steve" is different. As much as he likes the boy, his kid comes first. Wayne feels he needs to give Steve a talk.
The problem is he can't really give him a talk if neither of them has really told him. He has made that mistake once with Eddie, assuming, he won't be making it again.
So Wayne waits. And waits. And waits. And just as he is thinking he might never get the verbal confirmation from the two, he gets the image clear as day of what the two are on a Tuesday when he gets to go home early from work.
It's just not in the way he expects or wants.
Wayne can't really blame the boys. They didn't know Wayne would be coming home early, it was a surprise to Wayne himself. So they probably didn't think that anyone would be coming around the Munson household on Tuesday at midnight.
That doesn't make the situation any less scarring.
See, Wayne Allen Munson wasn't a god-fearing man. He can't be with what his Eddie had been through. But he can't help but think this is some sort of cosmic punishment when he gets home and hears moaning.
Wayne stands there in the foyer as a loud, "Yes baby just like that" and "Oh god, harder" and even the unfortunate "You're so tight, it's like you were made for me."
Wayne thinks god might be laughing at him. Wayne can't really go upstairs and stop them. They are both adults and he feels that having an image of what they are doing would be substantially worse than the noises.
Wayne decides to put some earplugs in (which thankfully cut off the noise, since his age made him half deaf anyway), sat in his armchair, and waits it out.
About an hour later (jesus an hour later) Steve comes downstairs to the kitchen in only his boxers. He doesn't seem to notice Wayne. His head is in the freezer when Wayne decides to clear his throat loudly.
Steve slams his head in fright and whips around with an icepack in his hand. "Oh shit."
"Oh shit is right."
All the color drains from Steve's face. "How much did you hear?"
Wayne appreciates that Steve cuts right to the chase. "Enough." He knows he can explain to the boy that he didn't really hear that much, and the earplugs are firmly in his hands as evidence, but he decides to torture Steve.
Just a little bit, can't have him too comfortable.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Munson, I—"
Wayne cuts him off. "No need to apologize, just as long as you boys are being safe that's all I care about. No that ain't what I want to talk to you about."
Steve visibly swallows as he sits across the counter from Wayne. "What about then?"
"Look, I'm awfully happy for the two of you. It's about time you boys got your shit together—"
Steve lets out a small laugh at the comment. Wayne continues. "—but I need to make things clear with you Steve. You hurt my kid, I hurt you. Eds has been through a lot. Not just with the whole spring break situation. I mean his whole life. He bounced around from place to place until he landed on my doorstep. He's used to giving his all, and not getting much in return. Eddie loves with his whole chest, and he doesn't know how to do it any other way. You better make sure you're worthy of it because I am not sure anyone is...including me. You're pretty damn close though, I know it. I can see it. You're a good person. But that boy is my whole world. I know where to hide a body if need be."
Wayne expects Steve to cower in fear, but instead, he smiles softly at him. "Don't worry. I'll dig the grave myself. I'll try my best not to hurt him, sir. I can't promise much, but I can promise I'll love him every day without fail."
"You tell him that yet kid?"
Steve shakes his head, "No. I think soon though sir."
Wayne nods feeling satisfied. "Good, and enough of this sir crap I thought we've been over this."
"Okay, Wayne."
"Better. Now, who's the ice pack for? You or him, because I don't want to have to grab the shovel outta the shed tonight."
Steve's blush spreads from his cheeks all the way down to his chest. "Uuuh, for me sir. I mean Wayne."
"Good. Go grab my son for me now will ya?"
Steve stutters, "Wh-what? Why?"
"Just go grab 'em."
Steve runs upstairs and brings down a smug-looking Eddie. Wayne's sure Steve gave him the rundown of what he heard, and Eddie doesn't appear to be ashamed like Steve had the smarts to do.
Little shit.
"Sorry Wayne didn't know you were home. Was that what you wanted to talk about?"
Wayne looks from Steve to Eddie, before narrowing his eyes at the latter. "Nope. It's your turn."
"My turn?" Eddie's confident face turns confused while Steve's flashes surprise.
"Yea kid your turn." Wayne contemplates for a second what to say, but knows in the end that Eddie will get the message loud and clear from one sentence alone.
"You hurt him—" Wayne turns to point at Steve, before facing Eddie again "—I hurt you. Got it?"
All the color drains from Eddie's face. That's the reaction he is looking for.
"Got it." Eddie grabs Steve's hand to make his way back upstairs. Before they are completely out of sight, Steve catches Wayne's eye. The boy looks softer than he did before. He looks like he wants to say something but settles on,
"Goodnight Wayne."
"Goodnight Steve."
Steve doesn't ask Wayne about that night until months later in October. Wayne is on the couch with a beer when Steve walks in (he has the key Eddie gave him in September). "Eddie's not here right now. Think he's running late with band practice."
"Oh I'm sorry. I can come back later." Steve stands awkwardly in the doorway.
"Don't be silly come sit. I'm just watching the game. It's no cubs considering they didn't make it far, but it's still a good game."
Steve nods and makes himself comfortable on the couch. Since spring break, Wayne and Steve have built a friendship of sorts. Steve still shows signs of apprehension in the first few seconds, but the conversation becomes an easy flow after a while. They usually talk about sports, cars, or cooking. All stuff Wayne enjoys but Eds won't show the slightest interest in. It's nice, to have someone to share this stuff with.
Today they mostly talk about the game on tv and Eddie's habit of running late. It's after a particularly funny joke about Eddie being late to his own birth that Steve asks, "Hey Wayne, can I ask you something?"
"Ya just did kid."
"God, you sound like Eddie."
Wayne chuckles, "Sure Steve. Shoot."
"Why did you talk to Eddie too? About the whole, hurting each other stuff? I mean Eddie's your kid, and I'm just the guy who gets to spend time with him." Steve waves his hands around, it reminds Wayne of Ed.
"Well, I love ya both," Wayne says easily while he takes a sip of his beer, like it isn't hard to say. And it isn't really. It was quite simple to Wayne. Just like Eddie, Steve might not be his kid by blood but he is close as he can come.
"Oh." Steve takes a deep breath, as if he is holding back tears, and says "Thanks, Wayne. I love you too."
Wayne almost mistakes the pain as Steve's voice as reluctance. The happiness that shines in his eyes says something else. Says he doesn't hear that from fathers very often. Says he hopes Wayne means it.
He does mean it.
Eddie walks in the doorway to find the two men silently staring at each other, and Steve close to tears. "Well hello there my lovely family how are—Wayne what did you do to Steve? Did you yell at him? I promise the bruise on my face was from dropping a wrench while trying to fix the van. Nothing else." Eddie pulls Steve up and squishes his face between his hands. "What did he say to you, baby?"
Steve shakes his head and laughs lightly at Eddie's antics. "Nothing bad. Promise. Happy tears."
"Happy tears?"
"Happy tears."
Eddie stares at him for long moment before deciding he believes him. "Okay. Okay. I relent." He grabs Steve's hand and throws a wave at Wayne. "Let's go upstairs though, I have to tell you about practice and how Gareth brought a boy with him! And you'll never believe what boy it was! It was our little baby Byers himself..."
Wayne hears Steve's gasp and Eddie's giggle as he continues on up the stairs. Wayne can't help the warmth that settles in his chest.
Because Wayne Allen Munson is lucky to have two wonderful boys. And he is even luckier that his two boys love each other. Because they deserve that and so much more.
Okay, it’s a lot I know. I just couldn’t resist. I wanted to write Steve and Wayne too. I think this one is less sad and more funny but I think that kind of speaks for the kind of relationship the two of them would have. Also it contains much more steddie than the last one. I’m thinking about maybe writing a part 3 with Steve’s relationship with the kids and how he’s their father figure? But for now it ends here. Also this took me like two days to write? I’m sorry for any mistakes or rushed parts. I am one woman show. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)
Also I have finally posted on ao3!!! Can’t believe it, I’ve been so nervous about it especially because I am still without a beta. But this felt long enough to put there and I wanted to be able to share with more people.
access part. 1 here and ao3 here
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thrashyraccoon · 6 months
Patch (Eddie Munson x metalhead!reader)
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Summary: You buy a Christmas present for Eddie.
Warnings: none.
The holidays were approaching and you were wondering what to buy your boyfriend as a gift. You didn't have much time because it was a week until Christmas. Your thoughts landed on Eddie's combat jacket as you remembered how many times he had praised your jacket and the number of patches on it. You're not surprised at all, his jacket was quite "naked" compared to yours, if I could put it that way, because it was decorated only with a few patches on the front and a few pins. There was absolutely nothing on the back. Focusing on this thought, you decided to go to a music store selling vinyl and cassettes in Hawkins. Due to the fact that it was the only music store, there were quite a lot of musical genres, from Michael Jackson to Black Sabbath. At first glance, it didn't look like they sold metal band patches there, but you've bought patches here a few times before. You saw the salesperson hiding them behind the counter because of the various customers milling around the store. You approached the salesperson and asked the classic question about patches. Despite the newer assortment, the selection wasn't too huge, but you finally decided on one large Dio patch from the album "The last of the line". You were lucky because of the larger ones there were only two patches. This one from Dio and the other from Metallica's album "Kill em all". You really liked the other one, but you only had money for a patch for Eddie. When you saw her, you knew this would be it. Eddie loves Dio very much, including this particular album, which the boy calls the best of the band's entire discography (even though it was 1984 and his discography was not large yet). You were already heading towards the entrance when you saw Eddie enter the same store. You packed this patch into your bag so quickly, not even knowing it was possible. When he saw you, he was as surprised and slightly stressed as you were at that moment.
“Hi, baby,” he gives you an awkward smile, “What are you doing here on this oh-so-cold day?”
"Well… I decided to go for a walk, see the… new assortment, but there's nothing interesting, you know," you answer him with a similarly awkward smile as his. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at band practice today?"
"I should, but we finished early today… but I had to… come get a present… for Wayne… you know… I wanted to buy… a vinyl record" you admit that you rarely see someone so awkward, but at this point you wanted to leave as soon as possible.
"Oh yeah? Well then I hope you find something."
"Me too…me too," he replies, looking away.
"You know, I'd like to talk to you more, but I still have to look for gifts for my parents, so you know…"
"I see, it was nice meeting you."
“I love you too,” you smile before giving Eddie a quick kiss on the cheek and walking towards the door. Jeez, you really were terrible at improvising.
A week passed and you were already at Eddie's. You decided to meet Eddie one day after Christmas at his place. Even though you suggested that the boy spend Christmas Eve together, Eddie insisted that he would rather spend the entire Christmas Eve with Wayne. You're not surprised because, after all, it's his closest plus, even though your parents accepted Eddie and already considered him their new son, your extended family, not necessarily. You were currently sitting on your boyfriend's bed with your eyes closed, waiting for him to let you know when you could open them.
"Okay, you can open it." you hear Eddie coming towards you. You open your eyes and see him holding a medium-sized red gift bag. "Happy Christmas".
You smile as you accept the gift. You bend down to give him a gift. "Merry Christmas, darling"
"So," he begins to say, "who unwraps first?"
"Maybe you?"
"No, I'd rather it be you." You start laughing and then say after a while
"Okay, why don't we unpack them together?"
"Actually, that's a good idea." You both start unwrapping your gifts from each other. You take a gift out of the bag and you see a patch, that patch you saw in the store a week ago, which makes you laugh, as does the metalworker sitting next to you.
"I can't believe we thought the same thing."
"I'm impressed too, honey," he says before giving you a kiss, "When I saw this patch, I thought it would be perfect for you. I know how much you love Metallica."
"I also made my choice based on how much you love Dio," you say, and then it dawns on you, "Wait… did you buy it the same day we met at the music store?"
"I guess so," he laughs, "We had good timing, it turns out."
"And you told me you were buying a present for Wayne, didn't you?" you say, feigning outrage, and you inhale dramatically. "Did you lie to me?"
"And you were just there to see the new range?" Eddie clearly gets your game and continues.
"Oh no, you can't avoid the answer, Munson," you laugh, climbing onto the boy's lap, stealing a passionate kiss from him.
"Well, turns out we're both liars, honey." he says, wrapping his arms around your waist, "what do we do with this fact?"
“Well…” you get off his lap, heading towards a nearby chair in his room where his combat jacket is, to which Eddie is slightly confused. "We can sew our new patches onto our jackets right away." You smile, tossing him the jacket.
"You know what?" he says, slightly resigned, but also amused, "Okay, you're in charge here, sweetheard."
I don't know if I'm satisfied with what I created, but this idea was in my head and since I wrote that I would write it, that's what I did. I know the holidays are over, but I can at least wish you a happy new year. As usual, I'm waiting for your opinions on this fanfic.
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zombiewhor3 · 12 days
female reader x season 2 twd group
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WARNINGS: shane, mentions of walker bite, gorey descriptions, gorey and violent scenes, mature language.
A/N: this is one of the worst things i've ever written but i really wanted to use this idea before i forgot about it so oh well!
dropping some more wood into the fire she could feel the eyes lingering on her she had been with them for a few months and yet they still watched her like a hawk.
they stalked her every move, it was like every breath she took was being analyzed by the group. she placed a seat on a stump in front of the fire using it to heat her hands and with a soft sigh she looked at the infamous sheriff who was buttoning up his shirt.
his eyes focused on her hoping that she wouldn't plot a move on them, she had been off. Something about the way she never spoke, the only word they had gotten out of her was a simple whisper to alert them of a walker, after that was pure silence.
he noticed the way she hadn't feared the walkers, not even a glimmer of fear in her eye struck when they ran into a giant hoarde.
"y/n, gather your stuff before we head to the well" rick spoke gently, she could see him gesture her out of the corner of her eye.
standing up and gathering a pair of pants and shirt from her tent she followed the group to the well, lifting the bucket and using a washboard that Maggie gifted them to scrub her clothes.
she stayed farther away from the group, right on the small hill where Daryl was perched using his knife to cut up an apple. "i don't i've ever seen ya take that jacket off" he muttered before popping a piece of the fresh fruit in his mouth.
continuing to scrub her clothes and looking down at the dirt that came off of them she spoke, "it was a gift" he chuckled a little before cutting off another piece of the apple and passing her the last piece.
placing it into her mouth she chewed as she hung up her clothes to dry against the tree, resting the washboard against its trunk before sitting back down.
"one thing about this group is we don't trust easy, don't take it personal kiddo" flipping the blade away and tossing the core he could feel her eyes digging into him.
"yeah well i don't trust some of em either" her tone was bitter,
"and ya think i do?" he replied taking the crossbow off of his shoulder and resting it down on the ground.
"they watch my every move, they trust Maggie more than me and i've known them longer" she stood up and brushed off her pants,
he could see that there were holes all throughout the back, the denim torn in certain places all covered in dirt and practically begging for it to be cleaned.
"why don't ya wash the jacket? we still have water left"
she shook her head no at him before grabbing the washboard and heading back to the main camp area. Why did it matter so much that she didn't want to take her damn jacket off?
dinner was always filled with laughter, pots being passed around, stories were told around the camp fire. she usually sat in her tent to eat alone or she sat away from the groups eyes.
now sitting on a stump beside Daryl with a plate in her hand she hadn't felt as isolated, she hadn't felt as alone. Even if she didn't trust a few of the men sitting across from her.
she took a beer that rick offered her, twisting off the cap she took a sip as she rolled up her sleeves to try and escape some of the heat the fire was giving off.
she listened to the stories they told, all about their jobs, families and their lives before the apocalypse, clearing her throat she spoke up,
"before this whole dead virus thing came about i used to be majoring in chemical science so i guess that went out the window" she could hear the group around her laugh and Glenn began to pipe up his own story.
"i was a pizza driver and i was majoring in economics, and now since there's no money involved with whats left of the world id say it was not handy" she gave off a soft smile,
everyone seemed to loosen up now, except for Shane. Though he hadn't trusted anybody, he didn't even trust Daryl even after he saved his life on multiple occasions.
his dark eyes were burning into her skin, burning into the rolled up sleeve but to busy drinking her beer and continuing her conversation she hadn't even noticed he stood up from his seat.
pulling her up from her seat he stripped her off the denim jacket while holding her forearm into the air causing a mutter of confusion amongst the group.
a scar was imprinted into her skin, a part of her flesh was missing where skin had grown back over it already leaving it a shade of pink and red going against her natural skin tone. "shane get the hell off me" she bittered trying to swing away from his grasp.
everyone else had gotten up to look at her arm, she swallowed harshly feeling his grip tighten while she felt like everyone was poking and prodding at her with their beady eyes.
"it's a dog bite, it happened when i was a teenager now will you let the hell go of me" she rattled against his hand but still with his tight grasp it was almost no use to push against him.
"these are human teeth, not even a human bite scar would be this color, you've been bit" she could hear people gasp as he came to his shitty but true conclusion, she had been bit but she wasn't like the others, she didn't turn.
looking over to Daryl she let out a plea, "it's not what it looks like i promise you i can explain all of this" Daryl could feel his hand on Shane's shoulder now as he practically pried his grasp from her.
sitting on the opposite side away from everybody shane's gun remained pointed at her chest, ready to pull the trigger whenever she turned into the monster that bit her.
"this mark is two years old, i got it at the beginning i was just a dumb teenager and i made a stupid decision" she sighed while finally slipping off her denim jacket and resting it beside her.
"no way you would've turned by now" someone muttered from the group watching her eyes flick up at them, "don't you get it, i can't turn something about this virus doesn't affect me".
looking at the straggling walker before them she repeated back Shane's words with an utter disgust,
"i'm sorry you want me to let another walker bite me to prove i'm really immune? you're god damn crazy you know that"
pulling out her knife she braced her self for the pain of something that was going to tear through more flesh on her arm, reaching her arm out she let out a piercing scream as it bit down on her flesh,
its teeth sinking into her enough to pull a little chunk of her arm out, as tears flooded her eyes she used her other arm to take the walker out as she ripped away from the grasp of its teeth.
he tossed a piece of cloth at her before making his way up to camp, with a subtle sob in the depth of the night she wrapped her wound and trailed just far enough behind him.
blood soaked through the cloth, dying over the cotton white to turn it into a shade of near death, finally stumbling back into camp she sat around the fire keeping her best to stay silent.
he stared at her through the flames of the fire just as strong as her loathe for him right now,
"does this prove your point now asshole?" she retorted back before wincing at the feeling her hand putting pressure down on her arm.
looking at the crowd in front of her she stood holding up her arm,
"day seven with this bite and i haven't turned i won't turn because i'm immune to whatever the hell this is, and i would like to go back to not being harrassed" she muttered.
everyone else in the group had left her be now, she was one less thing they had to worry about. and it made her life so much easier no more poking and prodding, she was actually able to have a conversation without Shane stalking her.
"you think they trust me now?"
she whispered over to Daryl who had a smile on his face, "sure they do, ya got bit by a walker to prove yer point who wouldn't trust ya" he replied feeling her head lean against his shoulder.
"until the next walker bite i suppose"
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losingmymindrn · 3 months
You pull me in like the moon does the tide | coralbaird 1930s au
Her back ached. Terribly. Her work was endless, and she always came home smelling like fish and seaweed. She was pushed into a pile of fish today, actually. Dead fish. A rancid smell, if too overwhelming. Coral just wanted to get home. Tugging at her collar, Coral stepped off the docks, the wet wood creaking under her weight. Now, women weren't technically supposed to be doing work at the docks, that was a man's job, after all. But she had earned her place. By force. She was paid less then her colleagues, but it was enough for a...
The bright lights on the sign nearly blinded her. The covey? What was that? Curious, Coral stepped closer, hands shoved in her pockets. "Ay, you wanna see 'em?" A voice called from behind her. She jumped and faced it. In front of her, stood a young man, a bit older than her, with light blonde hair and electric blue eyes, much brighter than her pale ones.
"Ah... perhaps. Who are they?" She asked the man. He smiled and pointed at the sign, where a woman covered in a red dress and colorful feathers stood with a guitar, singing into the mic. "The covey's are musicians, that one's name is Lucy gray. She has the smoothest voice I've ever heard. She's the lead singer." He said. Coral only nodded in response. "Seems... lovely." She said after a moment. "Now, I would love to go, but I don't got much to my name right now." She said with a disappointed sigh. If she had the money, she might've taken her little brother to go see 'the Covey.'
The man smiled at her. "I'm friends with Lucy gray, I can get you in." He offered. Coral turned to him, bewildered. "Really? Ya don't even know me!" She exclaimed. The man only laughed. "So? Everyone should be blessed with hearing her voice." Huh. Well, it would be rude to turn down such an offer... "Well. Alright." She agreed. He smiled at her. "Great, meet me at the Hob tonight, 6:50. And my name is Coriolanus, by the way." And with that, he was gone. Coral turned back to the sign. Well. Here's to a fun night tonight.
Like promised, Coral met Coriolanus outside the Hob. Her little brother, Mizzen, had wanted to go, but apparently he wore himself out at school today, making him damn near collapse on the floor. Coriolanus greeted her, a man right by his side. "Coral, glad you can make it. This is Sejanus, my friend." By the way Sejanus was looking at Coriolanus, it didn't seem like they were 'just friends.' Coral nodded at him politely. "Let's head in, we want good seating." The blonde ushered them in, paying for entrance, and practically dragging her into the hob.
They did find good seat, right up front. "It starts at 7, so do you want anything while we wait?" Sejanus asked from his spot next to Coriolanus. "Nah, I'm good." She declined, focusing on the stage. Coriolanus had ordered drinks for them, because even though she declined wanting anything, she couldn't help but get a good ol' Blood and Sand. Soon enough, the spot lights were on, focusing on the stage, and out came the covey. She watched as they came forward, each holding their instruments close. But she was encapsulated by the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.
Lucy gray.
She had red feathers stuck in her curly dark hair. Carnelian eyeshadow brought out her brown eyes, one too many layers of ruby lipstick on her full lips. And a matching red dress clung to her body, making it impossible to look away. Cheers and hoots and hollers rose up from the crowd, but she was to slacken jaw to join. "Hm, red theme tonight." Coriolanus mused.
"Why, hiya y'all!" Lucy Gray grinned at the crowd, a brighter than the sun grin. She got cheers back from the crowd. "Oh I know, I know! It's been a little since I've been up here, huh?" Cheers again. Lucy gray giggles, and Coral could swear it was the most beautiful sound, more so than the calming waves. "Well don't cha worry, I've got many songs to make up for it!" More cheers.
Lucy Gray starts her song, and gods Coriolanus was right. She has the smoothest, loveliest voice known to man. She was memorized. But that's when Lucy Gray looks her in the eyes. Time stops.
The waves crashing outside the hob, gone. The cheers and screams inside, none existent. It was just them. Those brown doe eyes make her legs feel like jelly, and she was grateful for sitting down. She was in a trance. And it seemed as if Lucy gray was in one too. She skipped a line, letting the crowd finish it. But much too soon, Lucy Gray pulled her gaze away from her, back to the crowd. And oh...
Coral thinks she just fell in love.
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poisonousquinzel · 2 years
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Batman: Urban Legends (2021 - ) #1
Hi, am thinking about Harley and Ivy gardening and setting up Ivy's greenhouse together because they should be allowed to embrace each other's passions and build each other up and help with the other's plans 💖💖 instead of it being an unnecessary sexist and ooc hurdle
(cough @ P*ul D*ni & Br*ce T*mm cough hahahahhahahhahah)
Cause really, Harley would love doing anything with Ivy and would 1000% count gardening with her as dates. It's daily dates! 💞🥺
She loves everything about her enchanting, plant obsessed lady. Ivy sees cool moss and is like !! Moss!! ❤️❤️ And Harley matches her enthusiasm not cause she loves moss but because she loves Ivy. And Ivy being happy and excited about something inherently is gonna make Harley happy because she loves it when her partners are thriving.
If she can help in that, she jumps at the chance. She may mess up and get distracted, but she loves and listens and notes what little things makes them tick because they're special to her.
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Harley Quinn: Make 'em Laugh (2020-) #2 "Housewarming"
Like this!!! More of this!! She knew that the Bonsai tree was something Ivy would want to save if she went there and she knew it was something that would be in better hands in the care of Ivy anyway. And then in the end, even though she wasn't able to obtain the tree because of the guard robot, her snake swallowed a couple of rare seeds and hacked them up on Ivy's floor. A bit gross, sure, but Ivy's delighted!
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"These--These are gargantua seeds! Some of the rarest in the world! Stolen from their rightful homes centuries ago, and all but extinct! Genuine man-eating trees! This is better than anything I could have dreamed of! Thank you!"
Lots of exclamation points when you write out the dialogue but skdjsksks like they're just so 💖💞💖💞💖 special to me
Omg and the "My Harls" 💞💞💞
And the loveliest "Garden" trope of them all for Harlivy, the Paradise/Eden/Utopia 💖🤌 my Fucking Beloved,,,, I've posted the bits here 💖 but like these ones ?!?
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Batman (2016) #97
"She built this paradise for me in a cave system under the park, after a rough time with Mr. J... I wasn't ready to let go of him then, but he'd poisoned me....
This was kinda sorta my rehab clinic. That's why I wanted to bring you here."
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"Ivy's usual rules are No Clothes In Eden, but I don't think you and I have that kind of relationship.
And if any of these plants have her residual personality, they'd probably try harder to eat you.
This is where I used to go with her to get my brain in order. To a point, anyways..."
Like the months they probably spent together throughout the years in Eden, their own secret safe haven, a place that Ivy would take her when she needed to get away from it all. And the way she says "if any of these plants have her residual personality, they'd probably try harder to eat you."
the plants probably reacted to Ivy's emotions whenever they were there before, there together. Just the two of them, nude, vulnerable and completely and utterly alone besides the other, far far beneath the world above.
Just the idea of casual vines, grass and ferns brushing lovingly against Harley's legs and arms as they walk together, a perfectly bloomed flower and it's stem wrapping around her bicep.
The two of them spending each night together in the bud of a rose Ivy grew, entrained and intertwined for warmth and comfort. The two of them gently washing each other's backs in the river, skinny-dipping in the dark and getting lost in the feeling of each other's skin against their own.
Ivy creating this perfect escape for them where they didn't have to worry about anything, money, food, cruel and vindictive ex's.
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"Trying to cut my throat open was one thing, but then you come to burn down the only place I still like in this stupid city?" Batman (2016) #98 And if Harley ever did get too cold, if they happened to venture down in the colder months, the No Clothes Rules could always be fudged to mean no Human World clothes. She could craft her clothes just like she makes her own outfits.
But, really, they both enjoy the freedom and intimacy that comes from being fully exposed and naked around each other, the inherent vulnerability and trust.
And Harley always feels okay and loved in her presence, never feels like she needs to cover up her body, because Ivy has and would never make jokes about her body (she's not him.)
And Ivy's affection and sometimes shy nature when it comes to that direct deceleration is always evened out by the connected plants easy nature to show exactly how she's feeling. Like,, If she feels nervous about holding Harley's hand, well she better get on it because those pretty ferns that look purple and blue in the right light will not stop wrapping around her and tickling Harley's palms.
Even in the night, they'll wake up curled together, most of the time in the spooning position, but Harley always has a little visitor or two attempting to warm her alongside Ivy. It makes Ivy flush every time as she wills them away, but Harley loves it and she treasures the fact that Ivy trusts her so much, and loves her so deeply that her connection to the plant life around them is tuned in to the sheer overwhelming emotion she feels towards and about Harley every time she lays eyes on her silly little clown.
Harley wouldn't mention it, but she'd know. She is trained to notice those things 💞
Like, y'all, I am totally a-okay sobs hysterically
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#harley quinn#harleen quinzel#poison ivy#pamela isley#harlivy#dc comics#they make me FERAL#EMOTIONAL#DISTRAUGHT AT THE PURE AND UNHINGED ROMANCE OF IT ALL#the way that comic harlivy could easily be one of the best love stories ever told if someone would just get the rights#and write out their story from beginning to end so people wouldn't get so damned confused about it cause really#its fucking 💞💕💖💕💖💕💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💕💖💕💖💕💞💕💖💕💖 perfection#the growth and overcoming trauma?!? the reluctant friends to Best Friends for Years to Lovers#the ups and downs but in the end always coming back and growing stronger and healthier because of their bond#and their want and desire to be with one another#👌💖👌👌💖👌💖👌👌💖👌💖👌👌💖👌💖#that's some good shit right there#mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah#like its actually such a great love story about a couple of traumatized sapphic women overcoming and growing and healing and i just#i love them so much and i feel like they get reduced so easily to just such a simple and tbf boring arc#that just doesn't capture the lengths and bounds that they've gone through together.#and i think a lot of people that're only getting into them / finding out about them through the Animated HQ show#are really only getting the like last 20% of their pre established arc and then get into the comics and are confused or put off#because they're more than just a quick friends to lovers arc.#the friends arc lasted so long for them and it had so much development and growth in it#like in BTAS alone it was at least 7 years for Harley. and that's just them being friends.#there's a lot of trauma on both sides and the healing process isn't just a nice simple one#that gets patched up because Harley's ex is now running for Mayor. (no i haven't fucking forgiven them 🔪🔪🔪🔪)#tw abuse mention#♢ meta & analysis ♢
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axailslink · 2 years
You don't look happy how can I fix that?
Riri Williams x FEM reader
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Summary: Your girlfriend won't let you shake ass at a party so you drop her and have fun with Riri Williams instead who ends up becoming far more than just her name to you as the night goes on.
You love yourself a good party so of course what were you doing on a Friday night instead of studying for the exam that you know you have on Monday? You're at a party trying to live your best life but your girlfriend isn't too into that she keeps trying to grab you by your waist trying to keep you from the dance circle she honestly is pissing you off. "Why can't I dance? I'm just trying to have a good time and you are really killing the vibe right now" you say you arms crossing your chest she groans "because I don't need no other chick or dude looking at you or tryna get behind you..." Oh you could slap her right now "I'm going to dance if someone was going to look at me they would have done it so suck it up" she grabs your wrist and you're quick to push her into the wall "you must have forgot who I am if you don't get your mother fucking hands off of me before I shoot you" she lets go because she's aware that you aren't joking matter of fact your gun was never too far.
You walk to the floor dress rising around your thighs that's when you see Riri who's been watching the whole thing you knew of her but you didn't know her. She's cute though she's sipping on her drink before she approaches you "you good?" You nod "of course I am just uhm wanted to get the fuck away from her before I showed her where I was from" she laughs and glances you up and down it was subtle and quick but you still noticed. "I thought that was your girl..." You nod "I'm looking for something new she's now off the menu" she nods before grabbing your hand gently. "So you just dropping em like that?" You shrug "no I liked her but I can't deal with the insecurities I'mma dance imma wear what I want to and ain't nobody gone stop that" you realize you've probably talked her head off so you come to a pause and drink your drink. "You said you want to dance yet you're still here" you nod groaning to yourself "she ruined my mood to be honest I just want to go home."
"Don't let her fuck up your night just cause she insecure c'mon dance with me" you look at her confused "I'm so serious" she says seeing your reaction "I'm not insecure I can handle it shake some ass be happy fuck her!" You shush her but she only laughs and yells louder "fuck you!" You grab her hand and drag her to the floor so her voice is drowned out by the sounds of music and the hyping of others you can really only hear each other clearly. "get wild I'm sure you ain't wear this dress just to look this pretty" you smile when she calls you pretty and nod "you right you sure right."
Girl the way you're movin', got me in a trance
DJ turn me up, ladies, this yo' jam (come on)
I'ma sip Moscato and you 'gon lose them pants
Then I'ma throw this money while you do it with no hands (leggo)
Girl, drop it to the floor
The music and the constant smiling of Riri is too much for you to handle at this moment but it is a moment of a lifetime and you are going to live it just like the moment it truly is. She grabs your hand and you turn around immediately throwing it all as if your girlfriend was behind you watching you. You love to make a bitch jealous but to make a pussy bitch jealous that just had some extra kick to it. Riri holds her dress with one hand and places her other hand on your waist guiding you onto her crotch.
love the way yo' booty go
All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move
And I'll proceed to throw this cash (Flocka, Waka Flocka, Waka Flocka)
"Aye aye get it damn damn!" Soon most of the attention is on you and her she was known for getting wild at these types of parties you on the other hand not so much you enjoy the newfound attention and you enjoy the jealousy in your ex-lovers eyes as she watches you both.
The music continues to change throughout the night and each song you and Riri are cutting it up you eventually kick your heels off so she's holding them in the air and matching your movements at the same time.
Slow down, grab the wall
Wiggle like you tryna make yo ass fall off
Hella thick I wanna smash 'em all, now
Speed up, gas pedal, now
Speed up, gas pedal
By the time Gas Pedal comes on you've forgotten all about who you came with and you were more worried about who you're going home with. Maybe Riri was just being friendly but the way she was looking you up and down between songs had you in a chokehold. Your body was on hers the whole night and you didn't mind you were sweaty and tired but you were having fun and that's what matters. It didn't matter if you acted like a fool or sweat out your hair all that mattered was how much fun you were having and with her you were having a lot.
When you two finally decide to call it a night you're leaning on her shoulder outside as she is still holding your shoes "I had fun" she smiles at you and nods "I saw same here uhm..." she smiles at you and then shakes her head "you don't even like girls do you? You're too pretty to really like girls" You don't know what the hell that meant but you answer anyways "I like whatever likes me" she nods "okay so if I was to kiss you you wouldn't scream or anything would you?" You laugh and shake your head "no not at all but only if you give me a ride home too" she nods and licks her lips "okay I can give you that ride" you grab her hand and pull her to you "then I can give you that kiss."
She hums and lets her arms wrap around your waist pulling you close as she closes the gap between you two. You wish you could say the kiss is polite and sweet but it is a whole violation you feel like you should have waited until you were in the car or something because anyone within eye range was getting a show. Riri wasn't shy in anything you knew this she was confident in her walk, her skill and now you know the same thing goes for when she likes someone.
You pull away and stare at her smiling like a fool in the corner of your eye notice a guy staring at you both he pats his friends shoulder and whispers very terribly might you add "oh she is getting some tonight" you and Riri laugh at the obviously drunk guys "you are so not getting any just because he said all that" she gasps "you know what I don't fuck on the first date anyways" you laugh and smile at her causing her to smile back. "you mentioned while we were dancing your feet hurt are you good enough to walk?" You shake your head "not at all never dancing in heels that long again" she turns around "get on my back" you smile "I will knock your tiny ass over" "no you won't and call me tiny again you'll be limping to the car by yourself" you laugh as you hike your dress up over your thighs and you get on her back she holds your legs in place and walks you to the car.
You can't even lie she makes you feel like a modern day Cinderella doing everything your girlfriend wouldn't do...you keep thinking girlfriend but she's in the past. She's doing everything your ex-girlfriend wouldn't do. You liked that.
When she pulls up to your off campus apartment you smile at her before shaking your head "I lied earlier" she raises her perfect damn eyebrows as if to question what you were speaking of "you might get some tonight" she looks at you and smiles widely "oh so you feeling generous?" You laugh and shake your head "no I just think you deserve it don't you?" She turns off the car engine "then please lead the way" you get out of the car and run over to her side opening the door for her she smiles and looks at your messy state "you're so fucking pretty" you're stopped in your little excited tracks by the comment "you really think so?" You had heard this compliment thousands of times especially from your ex but from her lips it meant nothing because she only said it to make you feel good however Riri means it.
"Oh please tell me you do know how beautiful you are? Because if not we have to work on that" you shake your head "oh no I know I'm gorgeous but it's been a while since someone said it like that you're tryna get me to do some things for real huh?" She laughs and gets out the car closing and locking the door. Now she's turned her full attention to you "no I'm just telling the truth when I saw you tonight my first thought wasn't 'damn I want to see what she's like in bed' my first thought was 'she don't look happy how can I fix that?' All of this happening right now I wasn't expecting it but I'm not mad at the way this night is ending. If you were to just walk in there by yourself and I were to go home I wouldn't care because I'd know I made you happy even if just for tonight."
You roll your eyes and turn around for a moment "oh lord forgive me for the things I'm about to do to her...c'mon" you say grabbing her hand and turning on your heel she laughs and follows behind you all giggly.
A/n: Every ship has a song and you and Riri's song is Girl by The Internet and KayTranada (give it a listen you'll see why.) Not going to lie I'm kind of in love with this fic but scared it's not going to get the attention it deserves because it's a Riri Williams x reader and people like to act like she ain't just as fine as Shuri.
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fuck-customers · 10 months
Anon who works at the mall with No Security System reminds me of my own place of work that ALSO has no security system but complains abt constant losses. Its a chain grocery store, I work in the bakery and we see some of the worst offenders there: people will walk right out with $80 full sheet cakes and most of the time nothing happens to them. Again we've got no electronic system or alarms that sound when they leave, we have ONE "loss prevention" guy who I swear is stoned out of his gourd half the time, all he does is follow people IF, IF he sees em taking stuff (its a huge store and hes one half-paying attention guy) he just follows them to their car takes their licence plate number and sends it to the police. Who ofc being the police just laugh in our face and tell us to Fuck Off they got "Bigger Problems" (even though we know They Don't.) Of course there are cameras everywhere but nobody's actively watching them, thatd cost money to pay someone to do that and if this place is too cheap for a security system u know damn well they aint gonna pay for that either lol. So that only really gets looked at if you're dumb enough to get caught and they need evidence.
And worst is you think at least in bakery we'd be allowed to ban them from ordering cakes in the future if they do steal? Nope, not allowed to blacklist anybodys name or number, its a "discriminatory policy". Like Okay glad to know we're just actively encouraging ppl to steal from here lol. This place is also a huge joke....
Posted by admin Rodney.
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willowser · 1 year
My dummy thicc brain considering adult nerd bakugou fr bc we keep our interests into adulthood u know? We dont toss em out as we age (generally) he's got a typical office job that pays decently well, has his routine and friends both old and new and coworkers who he hates (relatable). But his apartment has y'know playstation and xbox consoles, maybe even one of those custom lit entertainment centers. All the games in alphabetical order. LE posters or art framed with a bookshelf with video game and TTRPG art books and manuals plus collectors edition statues and figures. He has 30 year old settled down man money he can swing it.
But unless you ask he just does not bring up shit about himself like that shhh in Denki's streams he really is just A Guy (honestly reminds me of WRTVS where most of the friends are streamers but half never show their face and they all use aliases and shit) so the moment he sends a Discord friend request you're like "wtf how tho???" And one day maybe you're playing a scary game just for the hell of it set up a stream bc maybe it wont be as spooky with a chat but u got like one viewer 😂😭 and u know discord integrates with twitch so mr. Explodo sees you're in game and surprise your discord is the same as your twitch so catch yourself trying not to sound amazed through the mic when he pops into your chat like "scared yet?" 💀 ~ Trashy
YES OMG EXACTLY !! we keep our interests in adulthood !! and we get that adult nerd money !! 😭✨️ this is exactly how i picture him 🥺 and his house and his setup 🥺 his house is so modern and clean and taken care of, but it's all just a bunch of video game and fantasy/sci-fi movie stuff 😭 i love that for him !! 😭 adult nerd bakugou i want to hold you closely !! and can you imagine the shit his coworkers probably give him 💀 like bro you're 30 and living like that and don't have a partner STOP HE'S SHFHWJDBAJA 🥺
this is so cute tho like. besides the fact that it would be scary as hell to have his deep ass voice coming through the mic out of nowhere 💀 it's just you two 🥺 and he's just watching and not really saying a whole lot bc it's probably a little weird but you maybe haven't played this game before so he's telling you like, "no, you have to find the missing piece before you can fix it. 'm not telling you where 'cause you should'a paid attention," LOL what a bully. and when you get scared, it makes him laugh — not like a lot, but just a little, though it's your reaction to him that has him smiling, really. all "it's not funny 🥺 i almost had a heart attack 🥺" and he's like, "calm down you're fine 😒😏" ajdhshaja !!
and before you know it, it's been a few hours and way past his bedtime and you're both trying to find a way to say goodbye, but 🥺 you don't really want to 🥺
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
they won't see us, darling.
NOTES: semi-public sex, cussing, riding, uh.. an office setting, fem!reader
@kelin-is-writing this is for you bb
You walked into the office at 6:28am, a record saying you normally came in later than that. Today was going to be a better-than-usual-day for you. The plan was to get your hair done, something you had been slacking on for the past few months.
You floated to your office, waving to everyone with a bright smile as you passed.
"Good morning, y/n." shigaraki says as you passed, offering the slightest smile as you opened your office door.
"Morning! Have any idea where dabi is?" you ask, kicking open the door with a sigh as it creaks open.
"I think in the lounge right now talking with someone.." shigaraki responds, swirling the liquid in his cup with a frown.
"Oh, what about, any idea?" you say, setting your things down as he invites himself in.
"Nope. Said it was important though so I left him to it." he says with a smile as he adjusts his wrist brace with a pained look.
"When do you get that thing off?" you say, hoping to continue the conversation as he looked up with furrowed eyebrows.
"Doc said it was worse than he thought, you know, with the whole fight and all." he says, wiggling his hand around awkwardly.
"So... a while." you say with a laugh as he gives a sour smile.
"Guess so. Hey, there is a file for you to pick up in the office, a new form came in from your rivals." shigaraki says on his way out, tapping the doorframe as dabi swapped his place with a grin.
"morning darl'." he says as a lets out a groan as his shoulder pops.
"morning. You already had business and it's not even 7 yet?" you ask, clicking your computer on as dabi shuts the door.
"Yeah. those retards wanted to pick a bone with our company so I had to deal with 'em." he says, glancing around the all too familiar office as if he was searching for something new.
your eyes went wide as you read the email you had received, cursing yourself as you excused yourself and ran out of the office, rushing to the office as a man stood there tapping his foot impatiently.
"Morning, y/n." the man says, turning towards you. His purple hair was still as shaggy as normal, his eyebags still horrible as he adjusted his tie. His father stood behind him, the same eyebags matching his son's as he stared off into space. He was much less formal, but his sweatpants and wife's beater shirt still toned him and made him just as formal looking.
"Good morning, shinsou." you say sourly as the man's face hardened.
"Oh come on, you still mad at me?" he says, brows furrowing as he gripped the side of his shirt.
"Yes, I am. You hurt me that day, how could I not be mad still?" you reply, gazing out the window as you watched the rain fall down.
"Whatever, I'm not here to argue. Where is the money? You still owe me, you know." he says.
With the air tense, you tensed up. "..I don't have it. Not today."
"You don't what?" he yells, "You've had fucking months y/n! Where the hell is it? I can only wait so long before the cops jump my ass!" he exclaims, starting you as you step back.
"Just one more-"
"Fuckin' no! You've had long enough now." he says, stepping forward as his father turns your way as well.
"I can't just spit up a thousand dollars today-"
"No, but I can." dabi says as he throws a wad of cash to shinsou, taking you behind his back as he steps forwards.
"Welcome back to LOV, shinsou. Would you like to join again?" dabi says with a grin as shinsou tensed up, aizawa's eyes going wide as he focused on his son.
"Oh wait.. does your father not know?"
"You were in LOV?" aizawa asks as shinsou turns around with beads of sweat coating his forehead. "well... no, but-"
Dabi chuckles as he grabs your hand, dragging you away from the gradually louder lobby as he takes you to his office.
"You didn't have to do that, you know." you say stubbornly as dabi grins against your neck.
"Just let me have this, will you?" he says as he continues to press soft kisses against your neck, rubbing circles on the plush of your ass below your skirt as you lean your head back.
"But.. the blinds.." you blab as you point towards the window cracked open, full view into the hallway fully visible.
"They won't see us, darling, stop with the worrying."
He nips at your neck, distracting you as he unbuckled his belt and pushed your panties to the side. As soon as you felt the cool air tickle your skin, it was immediately filled with warmth as he stuffed himself all the way in. You choked out a moan as he sat back, leaning his head back with a groan and throwing his hands on the backboard of the couch as you fell into his chest.
"You do all the work- damn-" he groans out, your shallow movements impacting his as you squeeze him perfectly.
You took a while, but you did begin moving, And he would be lying if he said that he almost didn't come there, but he held back just to see who would do it first.
"bastard..I can feel you twitching." you mutter under your breath with a grin as you look up at him with a challenging glint.
"Maybe, let's see if we get to come or get seen first though." he says with an equal grin as footsteps approach your door.
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Winner Takes All, Part 1 [Yandere Regrator x thief darling x Yandere Yelan]
Disclaimer I have no idea how long this will be, but I had a crazy idea involving Pantalone and Yelan and a little thief for a darling.
(I am so sorry my readers have so much lore lmao)
@ddarker-dreams, @yandere-romanticaa, I hope you don't mind my tagging you two
The night’s smoke still burned your lungs as you were thrown to the floor of a new room. Wooden, nice quality by the feel of it, even as it collided violently with the side of your face. The edge of a carpet pressed into your cheek. Your arms and legs had been bound and you were blindfolded, though you were sure that you wouldn’t recognize your surroundings if you’d been able to see. As such, your oh so gracious guards had dragged you to whoever’s office and thrown you to the floor with as much grace as could have been expected.
“You’re not nearly as fun to watch when you’re tied up like that,” a voice mused, smooth and even. “Leave me with them.”
“Milord,” one of your guards tried.
“You think someone like that would let you throw them around like that?” he the voice purred. “I have faith in your ability to do something as simple as restrain a thief to the point where I can safely interact with them. Unless I shouldn’t?”
“No, no Milord,” the other guard stuttered. “The thief has been restrained as you requested.”
“Good. Now, you two must be curious as to why I wanted to speak to our dear guest, yes?”
“W-well-,” the first guard began, breaking off with a yelp.
“It’s not our place to ask,” his partner broke in, “but even I must admit to curiosity.”
“You two studied under our dearly departed Rosalyne, didn’t you? It shows.” The boss gave a low chuckle. “Well, I’ll tell you anyhow. They put on quite the show last night, didn’t they? Such a graceful sword style on a lowly thief, surely there must be something more there. I can hardly bear to think such a lovely art has fallen to the petty criminals.”
The guards didn’t respond, and you could only imagine the mute nodding and nervous glances they must have been exchanging.
“Leave us now,” the voice told them. “I wish to speak with our dear guest alone.”
The guards hesitated, but left with a reluctant “Yes sir.”
Without waiting for permission, you sat up, tucking your legs beneath you to sit seiza. “Shall I take off that blindfold?” he mused, coming standing up with a sigh of shifting fabric. “I must admit I was struck by the way your eyes glow.”
“What does it matter?” you ask, debating whether or not you could spit on his shoes blind.
“I suppose it doesn’t, does it? Now, what does matter is how you managed to find that particular shipment.”
At this, your mouth twists into a sneer. “We thieves have our ways. You know that.”
“I haven’t the faintest clue what you’re alluding to, dear, now please be cooperative lest I lose my patience.”
And all you could do was laugh. “To answer your question, the local Treasure Hoarders were getting agitated, so something good must have been on the way. I will tell you, I had a really shady contact. Never worked with the buyer before. Sold the lot of ‘em to her for half again market price. But the Fatui ought to know better than to smuggle precious stones and metals in Liyue.”
“Seems careless to me, that you wouldn’t at least confirm your contact’s reliability.”
You laughed again. “You assume I’m some normal criminal, stealing for the money. I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie. The money’s nice, and I got paid handsomely, but mostly I just like causing trouble.” Just thinking about it, you could feel your blood heating up. Had he been any less important than he seemed to be, you might have attacked him just to see what he’d do. “So, I don’t particularly care. The threat of getting caught is part of the fun.”
“You’re a foolish creature,” he mused, mulling over your words. “A foolish, lovely thing. I should like to keep you.” He snapped his fingers, an idea striking him. “I know. We’ll have you make another bargain with that buyer of yours.”
You shook your head a little. “She’s not the kind of person someone in our line of work deals with twice unless we want to get caught.”
“Do you not?”
“You think I want to rot in a cell? You’re not very good at this, are you?”
“It’s been a long time since I was your run-of-the-mill pickpocket, yes. I’ve moved on to grander things.” Suddenly he was in your face, you could feel how close he was. You wrinkled your nose at the cologne he was wearing. He took your face in one hand, fingers digging mercilessly into your cheeks. With his other hand, he removed your blindfold. “What?” he asked as his teeth came into focus. “Don’t like it?”
He was pretty, as men sometimes are, and you immediately hated it. Clean well-dressed, and yet he didn’t even deny coming from the same place as you, beginning an illustrious career as a pickpocket. Well, not exactly the same place.
But he didn’t know he wasn’t like you. “Hate it,” you replied easily. “I didn’t grow up caring about being rich.”
“Interesting. So you didn’t grow up a street wench, I assume?”
“Probably not,” you allowed, only growing angrier when his mouth pulled up into a pretty, smug little smirk, grip easing enough to no longer be painful.
“You amuse me, really. It’d be a shame to let you go or kill you.”
You leaned back a little, hoping to put some space between you. “I’d almost rather you killed me,” you muttered, not particularly caring if he heard you.
He probably picked up on this, and leaned forward into your personal space, at the same time, pulling your face closer. You barely suppressed a flinch that he undoubtedly noticed as he placed his forefinger and thumb over your left eye socket, admiring it like a fresh-cut jewel. “You do have such pretty eyes,” he purred, pressing his fingers into the soft flesh, a silent threat. “Maybe I’ll keep one in a jar if I don’t get to keep all of you.”
“Just the person I was hoping to see.”
You scowled. You knew that girl was trouble the moment you laid eyes on her. The fur coat, the jade bracelet that missed its pair, she was openly far too wealthy to be some girl, and yet no one knew her name. “What do you need?” you asked, putting on your work face.
“Now, now, let’s be friendly here. I know who you are, and I’m looking to make a deal with you.”
You click your tongue, turning to face her, leaning back on the bar. This had Tianshu fingerprints all over it. “What kind of deal?” you asked.
The woman sat down beside you, unconcerned, and ordered drinks for the two of you. “What will it be for you tonight?” she asked. “On me, as a gesture of goodwill.”
“A classic mijiu will do,” you replied, unsurprised and unimpressed when she called a top-shelf brand.
“I work with the Ministry of Civil Affairs,” she said, daintily swirling her cocktail, feigning indifference.
“I figured as much,” you told her. “What does the Ministry want with me?” You were sure they were trying to arrest you but you weren’t going to bring it up until they did.
“Because you’re talented,” she said with a knowing little half-smile.
“I’m not the only stray in Liyue that knows how to use a sword,” you reply. “Surely there’s better qualified people than-,” you wave your hand in a gesture to yourself, “this.”
“That’s precisely why I wanted to speak with you. After your father was convicted, we know your siblings moved to Sumeru, where your family’s savings continue to support them, but you disappeared besides a few chance sightings.”
You frowned into your tea. “I’m sure you can imagine why I out of all my siblings want to stay out of the public eye.”
“Naturally,” she agreed, all sympathy. “Though I suspect this is the best offer you're going to get, considering how you've chosen to make your living.”
You clicked your tongue, irritated. “I’ll be the judge of that. Let’s hear this offer before we make assertions.”
At this, she laughed. “I like you. Well here it is. We’ll sponge your record if you become our eyes and ears in the underworld.”
You frowned at her. “I hope you don’t expect me to start a gang.”
She laughed again. “Of course not. We just want someone that can move freely with the less-than-savories, you understand?”
“Hmph.” You couldn’t exactly refuse. She knew who you were, and what you do. Probably had a tail on you if you tried to slip out. “Fine,” you said with a sigh. “What’s the catch?”
She swirled her drink in her glass. “There isn’t one, really. You just report to the Tianshu.”
“I knew it,” you muttered. “Let me guess, you’re the next Tianshu?”
At this, she seemed to be caught off-guard. “Now what makes you think that?”
You shrugged, sipping lightly off your drink. “The public doesn’t know a lot about the Tianshu. I was born into an old martial clan. You work for the Ministry, and yet no one recognizes you. It’s not difficult to put together.”
The woman had gathered herself by now, and was smiling again. “I knew I made the right call. Your decision?”
You scowled. “It’s hardly a decision if I don’t really have a choice. Bring me a written contract.”
She smiled. “That’s what I like to hear. My name is Yelan, the next Tianshu of the Liyue Qixing.”
You waved at her, almost dismissive. “Just tell me where to meet you.”
“How does Xinyue Kiosk sound?” she asked, immediately relaxing into a friendly sort of chat.
You gaped at her. “Even before my father was arrested, do you think I have something to wear to Xinyue?” you asked, incredulous.
“Fair enough, I didn’t really think of that,” she said in a way that seemed to you that she certainly had. “How about Third-Round Knockout? Or Wanmin?”
“Third-Round Knockout is fine,” you sighed, feeling rather like you were getting into much more trouble than a clean record was worth.
“I’m sorry to give you such a risky assignment on your first day, but I heard a little rumor that there was a large shipment of precious stones and metals getting smuggled by the Fatui.”
You nearly choked on your drink. “It’s bad enough you want to make a career criminal of me,” you coughed, scowling at Yelan. “I’m not getting involved with the Fatui.”
“I only need you to confirm it. Feel free to cause them some trouble if you’d like. The Ministry will pay you half again market price if you can retrieve the goods, but prioritize your safety.”
You liked to think you weren’t a money grubber, but half again market price for a shipment of valuables… Well, you were Liyuen. Gold ran in your veins as much as it did anyone else’s. “We’ll see,” you allowed. “When and where?”
Yelan laughed. “So direct. I like that about you.”
You glared at her again. “What do I have to defend?”
She waved off the question. “Lingju Pass. In a fortnight, according to my intel.”
So, she was testing you. Fine.
“Not like I really have a choice,” you muttered.
She beamed at you. “That’s what I like to hear.”
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I have another matt x reader request: matt and y/n struggling with infertility, and then y/n has a miscarriage after finally getting pregnant :'( (ffs think i just need a good cry lol)
but this may be triggering so you don't have to! x
omg! hiii queen!!! love this request. It definitely was tricky to write because I swear, i wrote it like twenty-eight times before figuring it out lol. This ones not my favorite (writing wise) but lmk;)
Warnings!: Miscarriage, infertility, pain.
Currently, taking requests: slide em over babes.
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Stormy weather fit Hells kitchen the same way the sun belonged in Miami. 
You hated it sometimes, especially when Matt was out at night. droplets fell on the roof of Matt apartment which sometimes kept you up.— truly it was a pain. The walls nearly shook as the thunder crashed down on new york.
Though, when the storm was over, it was sunny. not really sunny, just— it was warm. Warm enough to feel cozy. Like a campfire, or if a chimney was lit. The Warm days reminded of you when you found out you were pregnant. You felt warm, cozy, and exhilarated just likelike a fire being lit. 
Though, your body treated you like a match that had trouble lighting. Often you would get that hope, that 'spark', but then it would blow away and go out. You hated it. You cursed yourself and your body when that test would come out negative.
Matt wanted a child, and so did you. He agreed only to have a child if you truly wanted one, and you did. Growing up you werent really the one to dreammmmm about having kids. But then you met matt and everything changed.
Suddenly you wanted kids. You really did. 
He brought it up, while you thought about it. He heard you heartbeat race when you two would pass by baby stores, and you would see the excitement come around his face when someone would ask you if you two were expecting. Then the day came when you actually could respond yes. 
you were pregnant. 
How? well of course you knew how much physically, you didn't know how it happened. You stuggled with this. Like really struggled.
Nights after nights, ivf treatments, freaking prayers from all the nuns at St.Agnes’s-- hell, you two tried everything but your body wouldn’t. you cried, christ did you cry. 
Nights after nights of feeling awful, gently feeling like a sack of puss covered by skin—  then after trying so hard, paying so much money to then see “negative” on the stick. Nothing worked, 
 Until something did. 
a kid. 
You hyperfixated on everything, down to names you decided Matilda Murdock, that would be her name is she was a girl. if it was a boy you wanted Mark, or Matthew. Something biblical always seemed like a good fit when it came to boy names.
You had a plan. You and Matt would save up and buy a town home in Hells kitchen. When you would have to school, the baby would stay with Maggie at the church, or Marci & Karen. if they couldn't take care of the baby, you’d maybe just maybe let foggy take care of it. but that was the last choice. Foggy was probably you and matts number one fan when it came to having a child. it sort of, also triggered the thought once. 
Of course the re was the whole thing about matt mentioning it, but foggy was the one who brought it up when matt came to the office complaining about hoe sore he’d felt. Foggy joked that the city needed a baby devil 
you laughed it off, so did Matt but that got the thought swarming in your head. 
but now, you’re pregnant. 
you're pregnant, you have the perfect boyfriend, you live the life of your dreams. You’ve got a job, you've got the whole law school thing going for you too. The job even payed well-- you can buy matt a new tie once and a while and manage to get your hair retouched wihtout not eating dinner. Y
our life is surrounded by calls from your family members but the baby, your life is surrounded by baby shower announcements and picking out different strollers. 
Now your pregnant and you wake up every couple hours to make sure the baby is kicking, well the baby isn’t old enough to kick but you get the picture. you just want to make sure everything is fine. 
As you slept through the rain, a weird ice came around you throat, though you thought noting of it. you coughed it off, and continued to place your head down not he pillows. then, it came again. 
phlegm escaped your mouth then blood leaked out of your lips. 
Immediately your brain went to inflammation! thats it. 
inflammation inflammation… what the heck do you do to cure inflammation? uh, green tea and fish oil. 
you tossed your legs over the bed and settled you feet not he cold wooden floor. 
You went over to the kitchen, and opened matts medicine cabinet and took out what you believed to be fish oil… or vitamin D. 
hell matt had everything in braille and in separate jars so telling what everything was, was mostly a hassle. 
as you took the vitamin out, a sharp pain was pinned on the lower part of your stomach. 
hell, this wasnt inflammation. 
coughing blood and shark pain? 
your knees came weak by the second, so did you head. 
the walls began to fog up as you slowly mad you way to the couch, but as you did you fell. 
matt heard the thump come down on the apartment floor, and he was near the apartment so he decided to check in to make sure everything was okay. 
as he opened the roof door, he cauh=ght the weight that weighed on the floorboard. he heard your heart race and sweat trickle down you temples. 
he ran down the stairs and dropped his knees by your side. urgently, ehr grabbed your shoulders, and listened again for your heartbeat. then he realized he only heard one. 
only one heartbeat. 
“No no no” said Matt with a choke as he grabbed your shoulders and pressed his body against yours, his voice shut as his tears fell down his cheeks. matt slowly took his bandanna off as yo began to wake up. 
you saw his eyes, they were red, bloodshot, “honey?” you asked as your frail hands went over is jaw, “is everything okay?” 
tears contiuned to stream down his face as yo hand went along his jaw. 
“Matt?” you asked. 
his tear fell down on your chest, then you realized why he had heard. 
“…no” you said as your hand went over your mouth, “matt no, please tell me no” 
he took his head.
he guided hs hands on your back, lifting you to his chest. 
“lord, please no” you yearned as your head c=pressed against his chest, “lord—“ you said as your heart beat raced. 
“its okay” said matt as his chin pressed against your head, “Sweetheart its,” his throat croaked as he said, “Sweetheart, its okay, everything going to be okay” 
tears soaked his shirt as you yearned in not only physical pain but mental pain. 
“Sweetheart” said Matt as you wailed, “Sweetheart, please” 
“they’re gone!!” you said as you tightened your grip along his torso, “my baby’s gone.” 
your throat practically closed, your heart beat escalated and you felt the blood slowly fall on your panties as you said, “My poor baby gone” 
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