#i don't think i've ever watched this scene without getting choked up
queer-boo-radley · 9 months
When Love Is Gone from The Muppet Christmas Carol hits so hard.
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luna0713hunter · 1 year
hii young!luffy x young!reader fluff inspired by the kiss scene in my girl? honestly u don't don't have to know the film you can just search up the scene! also it doesn't even have to be fully accurate all I'm really asking for is their first kiss
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Author's note : hello there!so abt this request;i havent watched my girl ,but I've searched abt it and gosh they're so adorable?!?!maybe I'll watch it this week!
My Girl
Monkey d. Luffy x reader
Warnings : lots of fluff,young!Luffy x young!reader, you're both 10 btw
Your mother always used to tell you that you'll find your true love when you grew up.
But you found love a little bit too early.
It was a sunny summer day. Those days where the weather is both too hot to go outside but staying inside is not an option either. So with small hands interlocked,you and your long time best friend,Luffy,go to your usual hanging spot : Shanks' ship.
The crew were all outside, perhaps that was the reason why the two of you had entered without anyone telling you that you're too young for being on a pirate ship. But when you sit down on the wooden surface and spread your small picnic basket that Makino had packed,you give Luffy a blinding smile and offer him a small sandwich.
And true to his fashion ,Luffy swallows whole the entire piece in one go.
You huff and smack his hand away from your share,and glare at him, "dont eat so fast or you'll get an stomachache!"
"nuh uh!i can eat the whole basket and still be hungry!"
"well too bad!!Makino packed this lunch for both of us!so you have to share!"
Luffy pouts but complies, choosing to grab an apple instead and munch on it slower this time.
There's a moment of silence before Luffy opens his mouth and the world stops.
"have you ever kissed anyone?"
You loudly choke on your food.
Luffy jumps up and gives you a bottle of water,and with concerned eyes,rubs your back.
"you alright?!"
You cough and try to wipe your eyes from the tears that had formed.
"w-why would you ask that?"
Luffy sits across you crossed leg and shrugs.
"i saw some couple kissing in the bar last night,and it got me thinking," he then looks at you and grins, "so?have you?"
You shake your head furiously as you feel your cheeks heating up with each passing second, "of course not! I'm only ten!"
"but Makino says love has no age."
Your eyes widen and your mouth hangs open, "L-love?" You swallow and your voice suddenly drops;like you're scared somebody will hear you, "who do you love,Luffy?"
And he answers without missing a bit that it gives you whiplash.
"you of course!who else!?"
His answer makes you shut your mouth so fast,that you cringe upon the sound of your teeth clattering. You cant speak;what can you say to his confession? But when you see him staring at you expectedly,you swallow and gather your courage to speak again.
"Luffy," you wet your lips before continuing, "i think loving someone romantically is different than... loving your parents or..Shanks and Makino."
Luffy tilts his head,and you smile upon seeing his adorable puppy like eyes.
"but y/n,i know i love you. Why would i mistake it?"
"how do you know it's different?"
Luffy folds his arms against his chest and takes a moment to consider your question.
"its like," he wonders aloud, "when i see you its different from when i see Shanks or Makino. My heart gets all..mushy mushy,"
"mushy mushy?!"
"Yeah!" He grins and nods rapidly, " it beats really hard,and i want to share my foods with you!!i never want to do that with Shanks or others!!"
And to Luffy, sharing food is a big deal.
You shyly glance away and start fidgeting with your fingers, "so... you've been thinking about kissing..." You swallow, "me?"
Luffy nods again and skootched toward your until your knees are pressing together.
"do you...want to try it?"
You give him a shy smile and with a final nod,Luffy leans forward with his eyes squeezed shut,and presses his lips clumsily against yours.
The kiss is sweet and short;the taste of the apple that he had earlier lingering on your lips even when he pulls away.
You wish you could taste it once again.
"so," Luffy nervously bounces his knee, "how was it?"
You giggle and leave a small peck on his nose,making him scrunch it up.
"it was...sweet."
"yeah. I liked it."
The words seemed to make Luffy beam,as his grin becomes impossibly wider.
"I'm glad!!!"
Before either of you can say another word, there's the sound of another pair of footsteps and soon, Shanks' playful voice calls out for the two of you.
"you kids better not be here again!!"
And when Luffy takes your hand and with giggles ,runaway from the ship,you cant help but to feel your heart beating loud,and being warm just like the summer sun.
"hey," a snap of finger in front of your face brings you back from your daydreaming, "whatcha thinking about?"
You smile at the boy in front of you;his taller form and muscular arms and shake your head.
"just remembering some good memories."
"oh?am i in any of them?"
You glance at him and when you see his warm chocolate brown eyes,you close your own and sigh contently.
"yeah. You're the main character in all of my dreams and memories."
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starlightsuffered · 3 months
No Boxers
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Info - needy reader, Timmy wearing no boxers, fucking outside and semi in public, neither are fully naked, needing to be quiet, praising reader, unprotected sex, big load, vocal reader, mentioning cumming in pants
I was watching him perform. He was so sexy styled as Lee. The fake tattoo, piercings, freckles not hidden, showing off his immaculate body, I was so attracted to my boyfriend it nearly hurt. That's when he did it, moving forward slightly towards Taylor and his jeans slipped down to his hipbones. There was no fabric in sight. Was he not wearing underwear? Fuck! Was it, could it be, for easy access to me?
We'd never had sex outside, but I was in no way opposed to the idea. I was starting to get squirmy as I watched him act. The thought of his cock being free in his jeans was so sexy I was panting.
Finally, the scene came to an end and I raced over to him. He was beaming at me, he was always happy when I was on set with him.
"Are you not wearing boxers?" I hissed at him. His bright smile turned into a smirk.
"No, I'm not," he said plainly.
"Is it, is it because of me? Ease of access?" I asked desperately, feeling the burn of need for him in my pussy.
"It's a stylistic choice, I don't think Lee would see a need for boxers," he shrugged.
"Liar," I accused.
"Well, okay, I did also think about taking you behind a tree and doing naughty things to you," he admitted.
"Do that," I begged. He looked around and yanked me along. We went a couple yard and he yanked me behind a tree. He pulled his jeans just below his balls, already hard.
"Your cock is so gorgeous," | moaned.
"Well your pussy is a work of art," he chuckled as he made quick work of my skirt and thong. He pushed into me and I gasped as I clutched his shoulders.
"Oh Timmy," I whined.
"You've gotta be quiet if we do this," he instructed, setting a rapid pace, knowing we'd need to be quick.
"You know that's not my, fuck, my strong suit," I whimpered.
"Come on good girl, for me," he said gently as he slammed into me. How could he be going so hard and speak so calmly. Pleasure was overwhelming me. I let out needy whines for him.
"Pretty girl, quieter," he groaned and finally I could see I was affecting him. My pussy was clenching over and over. He let out a choked moan.
"You feel unlike anything I've ever felt. It's better than it's ever been with you," he whispered in my ear, his large hand coming up to cover my mouth.
"Mmmmmm!" | moaned.
"You make me harder than l've ever been, I didn't know my cock could get this hard," he murmured and I was washed over with lust.
"Timothée," I warned. "I really don't think I can stay quiet, I wanna scream for you."
"As much as I love that darling, we really can't," he said sorrowfully.
"You don't want them knowing what you do to me?" I asked. A fire lit in his eyes. He was kissing me wildly, his hands all over my breasts.
"Mmmm mmm," | moaned loudly into his mouth. Then I snapped my world shattered as he hit the perfect spot inside me. My eyes rolled back into my head as my walls spasmed around his thick cock.
He let out a strangled sound of need and his hips stuttered to a stop as he unleashed his huge load inside me.
He'd filled me to bursting without even moving.
"Timmy, that was so much, it's definitely going to soak through my thong," | whined.
"Well then the choice of me not wearing boxers was a very poor one if I catch sight of it running down your thigh," he said needily.
"You mean you'd lose it in your pants?" I asked desperately.
"Very easily," he nodded.
"Fuck Timothée, I'm horny all over again," I sighed.
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tragicclownwrites · 2 months
Why the ending of "Sponge-Cano!" was great SquidBob fodder
Hello! I'm back with an analysis post as I came across something recently and wanted to share some thoughts.
I'm likely late to the game here, but I saw an old post in which the author (a fellow SquidBobber) was upset by the ending of "Sponge-Cano!" and I just have to say... huh!?
Were we watching the same episode? 🤨
Needless to say, I was thoroughly perplexed by this reaction because I personally read into it much differently. Then again, I am a clown.
Therefore - in the spirit of friendly fandom discourse - I wanted to provide another perspective on this episode. Absolutely no shade to the OP either - people are allowed to have differing opinions, after all.
If you're with me, let's clown around below the cut!
The lie that started it all
Before we dive in any further, let's take a look at the scene that started this whole conversation.
Essentially, after Squidward's heartfelt confession to SpongeBob, while he's hanging on for dear life over a boiling volcano...
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Squidward: "Please SpongeBob, I didn't mean any of that! I do appreciate your friendship. I am grateful. I'm… I'm… I'm grateful for the life I'm living! Who knows how long I'll have it? I learned that from you, remember?"
He says this after being rescued by his true love SpongeBob:
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Squidward: "You know SpongeBob, in light of everything that just happened... I lied to you. I am not grateful for anything! I mean look at me. I don't even have a roof to sleep under, anymore!"
Now, this is the moment that had the OP so heated about this episode. After everything he said, after SpongeBob saved his life, he just... lied?
Weeeell, not exactly.
The truth always reveals itself
Now, for my hot take... I don't think Squidward was lying at all when he said he was grateful for SpongeBob.
Before you immediately decide that I've completely out-clowned myself this time, just hear me out!
There are a few reasons Squidward may have reacted the way he did in the aftermath of the volcano debacle.
He's Squidward
Our man's just lost his whole fucking house for the billionth time
The reality of what he just said is slowly catching up with him
He's Squidward
Unlike his more chipper counterpart, the guy doesn't exactly wear his heart on his sleeve and has been shown to struggle with vulnerability and admitting failure. I mean, he can barely manage to apologize for his less savory actions without choking and sputtering like a fool!
However, when his life was on the line in this scene, he was vulnerable in more ways than one. Physically, he was quite literally dangling over an active volcano - you can't get more vulnerable than that! Emotionally, he bore his soul to SpongeBob because he thought he was going to die and wouldn't have another chance to say any of that again. Keep in mind, he truly believed he wouldn't live to see SpongeBob ever again.
I've mentioned this in my Reigisa x SquidBob masterpost, but there have been several other instances where - particularly, in a dire situation - Squidward will openly admit that he has always liked/cared for SpongeBob. And similarly, he's also tried to take it back or act like he didn't mean it when everything turns out okay or if other people aside from SpongeBob hear his confession.
So, as much as he "hates" SpongeBob and can't stand him, when it really counts, the truth always reveals itself.
Is it possible that he was just trying to play at SpongeBob's heartstrings to save his own ass? Perhaps.
But then, he accepts his fate. He loses his grip, giving everyone a tearful farewell. That is, until his little yellow angel comes to his rescue.
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SpongeBob: "Squidward, I always knew you felt that way. Aw, buddy. Thanks for finally opening up to us."
⬆️Just look at the pure love in his eyes! (*Patrick voice*: LOOK AT IT!) The sappy sponge was even prepared to sacrifice himself for him. 🥺
While there was absolutely no way SpongeBob would actually let Squidward perish - promises be damned - it wasn't until Squidward poured his heart out, putting his true feelings towards SpongeBob out in the open, that he was saved from certain death.
You know how they say, "the truth will set you free"? No kidding!
As for why SpongeBob was completely fine with Squidward's lie after the fact (another point of contention for OP), well... he loves him. Period. And I think, despite his emotional constipation and frequent annoyance with the sponge in question, it's pretty clear Squidward loves him, too.
Therefore, SpongeBob wasn't upset by Squidward's outburst here because, as naïve as he may be, I don't think that fact is lost on him either.
In conclusion...
I think it's safe to say that "Sponge-Cano!" was a pretty great episode to add to the ever-growing SquidBob pile.
And if you thought the scene I talked about above was the last of it, ohohoho~ 🤭😏
You. Just. Wait.
At the very end of the episode, after Squidward loses his home and complains that he no longer has "a roof to sleep under anymore," SpongeBob does what SpongeBob does best: he offers to help him out.
Even after Squidward's selfish actions in "Can You Spare a Dime?" (which had some great fodder as well, such as *ahem* Squidward making SpongeBob wear a sexy maid outfit), SpongeBob still lets him stay at his house for an indefinite amount of time. Continuity? I don't know her.
To which, this gets even better.
Squidward doesn't refuse and find somewhere else to crash. After all, wasn't SpongeBob the reason he was miserable enough to be sacrificed in the first place? Why would he subject himself to even more SpongeBob, if that were the case?
At SpongeBob's house, he doesn't sleep on the couch or in a spare room. He doesn't even take SpongeBob's bed for himself while SpongeBob sleeps elsewhere - just like he did in "Can You Spare a Dime?"
The two of them share SpongeBob's bed. As in, they sleep in the same bed together.
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Are these two fucking serious!?
They totally cuddled. Maybe even kissed.
All that to say, as much as Squidward whines and gripes about how much SpongeBob makes him miserable, it's clear to see that - even in the face of life-threatening adversity - SpongeBob's presence in his life is the key to his happiness. In this case, the key to his survival as well.
Now, if only our favorite grumpy octopus would take that spongey key, embracing him fully, to unlock that door... 🌈
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retrobr · 5 months
Lazytown Shenanigans Pt. 7
I was too lazy and tired to make a post yesterday, so this time I have to talk about three episodes in a row: "Time to Learn," "Let's Go to the Moon," and "Robbie's Dream Team." And, therefore, this rambling is going to be the longest one in this series so far. I mean, THE LO-O-ONGEST one (you have been warned guys) 💀
Also I didn't take any screenshots from the "Time to Learn" episode and there are very few of the other two, so please accept my apologies in advance!!
It's very doubtful that someone will read it till the very end, but let's begin, I guess 😭
"Time to Learn."
I can't say that this episode was very interesting, at least compared to other ones that will be mentioned in this post very soon, but there were some amusing and cute moments. Maybe that's because I was tired once again while I was watching it, but whatever
The episode started with Robbie rambling about Sportacus, as usual 🤭. But anyway, this is not the most important part of that scene; I have some other things to say about it
First of all. In some previous posts I declared that Robbie is a fucking genius, which is true in my opinion, but omg. Bro is kinda stupid in terms of school subjects, such as math, for example. Not blaming him in any way, I sucked at math as well when I studied in school, but this somehow doesn't fit in with the fact that he can build such complex and knowledge-intensive mechanisms... Bro is stupid, but not completely I guess 😭
Second of all, it was kinda amusing to me that Stephanie didn't notice all those silly scribbles of Sportacus at all. She just looked at the blackboard and was like, "OMG ROBBIE YOU'RE DOIN' MATH THAT'S SO COOL." Girl look at those drawings, why don't you pay any attention to it 🙄
And third of all, I can't help but say that it was so freaking adorable that Stephanie took her time to help Robbie with math, and he was actually listening to her. Family bonding 🥹
But enough of that silly scene. I was somewhat surprised that Robbie didn't end up at least in the top five of the best antagonists; I mean, have you even seen what he's able to create using only improvised materials? Have you even known that he makes all that shit on his own and has no assistants at all? Even though his plans don't work out all the time, he's definitely not the worst, but not the best antagonist either. And I don't even want to hear anything about graduation from school (because of the lack of that, he was identified as the worst antagonist). He's pretty good at his occupation even without it
I've gotten too defensive, so let us continue. Being a pretty big fan of the NatM movie franchise as well, I was SO HAPPY to hear Amelia Earhart's name in this episode (she was in the second NatM movie). When Bessie asked kids about the first woman who flew across the Atlantic Ocean, I was like "OH SHIT I KNOW I KNOW WHO THAT WAS-"
Also I think that I remember the song from that episode. I have a vague memory of hearing that song in Russian dubbing when I was a kid, so that was a very nice experience 🥺
Some words about the funny thing. It cracked me up when Robbie loosened the fastenings at the door and MEANSWELL ACCIDENTALLY BLEW THE FUCK OFF THAT MISERABLE DOOR AND LANDED HIS HEAD IN AN IRON BUCKET. I LITERALLY CHOKED ON THE AIR WHEN I SAW IT 😭😭
Since I mentioned Robbie, let's talk about him once again (I'll never get tired of talking about my favorite dorks)
I will not leave unvoiced the fact that Robbie ALMOST ate at least one Sportscandy — a banana, in this case. HE ALMOST DID IT. GOOD FOR HIM!! And one little detail from that scene: it was Ziggy who shared that banana with him. This once again confirms that Ziggy is the best kid ever; he's not sorry to share something with other people at all, whether it's his favorite sweets or Sportscandy 🥺
And now for my favorite part... ;]
This was kind of one of those episodes in which Robbie didn't act that mean towards Sportacus (let's forget about the very beginning of the episode because it's not that significant). He was even too excited to ask him some questions when Sportacus visited them to save Meanswell, and as far as I understood he had quite a lot of questions (and who's the main Sport's fan here now? /j), but the opportunity to ask him anything was given to Ziggy. Robbie was somewhat frustrated :(
Plus Robbie genuinely thanked him when he was saved, and it seemed to me that there was no falsehood at all; he wasn't annoyed or anything like that, at least, and for once he was pretty happy to be saved 🥺
The last thing that I'll mention about this episode is that I felt pretty bad for Stephanie when she didn't pass the final exam because of Robbie, while all of her friends succeeded in that. That was quite cruel on his part, stealing her answers from her and changing them to his own; like dude, she literally helped you that morning.. I hate to see when nice characters are crying, poor girl :(
Ok, now let's move on to the next episode,
"Let's Go to the Moon."
That episode was something. I mean it in the sense that this episode probably has one of the most beautiful views and landscapes; I should also point out that I'm a complete sucker for all those space-related things (my love for "Guardians of the Galaxy" can prove it very well), so that episode was a real eye-candy for me
I mean, just look at this:
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This episode is very well done, and when I say "very well done" I really mean it
But enough of my drooling over the episodes' appearance, let's touch on the topics of the plot and some moments from there!!
I was fucking shocked when I saw that there was a WHOLE UNDERGROUND GARAGE WITH A ROCKET in the yard of Pixel's house. How... How is this kid still not part of some super-fancy university for prodigies? I doubt that someone helped him build all that shit, so apparently he did it all by himself. Wow 💀
And the scene in which Bessie and Milford thought that kids are just playing and it's not real killed me fr; like, no, my darlings, they are actually going to the fucking moon 😭
I was somewhat amused by the fact that Robbie was so fed up with the kids' games and fuss that he literally decided to leave the earth and rest on the moon. Gosh, just let the dude rest properly for once; he's an old man, after all, and he really needs some quiet at times... /hj
And even then the kids didn't let him rest. They literally went to the moon right after him (just for funsies), started to dance and play, and then met Robbie and thought that he was an alien. Ziggy was the very first one to stumble upon him:
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And Ziggy was pretty startled to see a supposed alien, which quite confused me. Wasn't he the one who wanted to make friends with an alien in the "Ziggy's Alien" episode and wasn't scared of Robbie disguised as an alien at all?.. The boy changed his mind apparently 🙄
And since we're talking about fears and all this shit, it was a somewhat sad sight to see a scared Robbie. The man was afraid that he would be left completely alone on the moon without any chance to come back home because his spaceship was somehow broken. I understand his fear, but I think there was no great reason to be that afraid; Sportacus' gadgets would've sooner or later given a signal that someone was in trouble, and therefore he could've counted on salvation :]
Also. A small detail that made me smile like a dork. Robbie laid down to sleep in the crater with Sportacus' apple laying in it (in the very beginning of the episode he threw an apple there with a baseball bat). My brain goes fuzzy and my chest goes warm 🥹💜
In the final part of the rambling about this episode, I would like to point out that I didn't quite understand the behavior of the kids at the end of the episode; they were indignant because of Robbie's appearance, but WHY?? He literally didn't do anything wrong in this episode, he just wanted to rest and, a little later, wanted to go home. Why are they so mean to him without any significant reason; don't judge him for nothing, or just leave him be, at least 😭
In general, this episode looked very beautiful, and I can say that this is probably one of my favorite episodes so far. Not because of the characters' interactions, not because of my beloved dorks, but just because this episode looks absolutely amazing :]
Now for the most delicious part of this post,
"Robbie's Dream Team."
But let's calm down for a minute and talk about everything in order...
I won't keep quiet about that scene in which Sportacus balanced on two basketballs while standing on one hand... How. How does he even do that. I was literally sitting there with my mouth wide open; I don't know, maybe there was some trick with those basketballs, and they were kinda attached to the floor, because I don't quite believe that he was able to do it without those basketballs rolling away. That man literally consists of a bunch of talents; seriously, he's amazing 😭
Not far from the topic of my favorite dorks: this was another episode in which Robbie once again spends all his time and efforts on catching Sportacus. This one was almost entirely dedicated to his futile attempts to catch him, but the funny part is that bro didn't even know why exactly he needed to catch Sportacus in the first place; initially his main goal was just catching and kidnapping him. For no reason. Robbie came up with the plan of getting rid of him only when he finally caught him 🤭
And his frustrated "How does he always do that??! :(" when Sportacus didn't end up in his trap once again was so fucking amusing; I dunno buddy, maybe that's because that trap was too small? 😭
By the way, in this episode he attempted to catch Sportacus three times (at least I was able to count this number of attempts): the first one in the beginning with a trap in the ground, the second one with a cage that was attached to the tree, and the third, successful one. He was really dedicated in that episode, as I see 😏
Maybe that's a little off topic, but it was also the fourth episode in the whole season (I've watched five episodes from this season so far, just for reference) in which he tries, or at least intends, to feed Sportacus a sugar apple. Apparently bro realized that this was the most effective and fail-safe remedy against him
Also, just take a look at this pathetic creature. And this is your so-called "master of disguise" 😭 /j
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Ok but whatever. Let's move on and talk about the second attempt at catching Sportacus; there were some amusing moments as well 😈
This time the kids, Stephanie and Stingy, were spying on him, and they saw the final stage of setting up the trap. You know guys, in some of my previous posts I joked that Robbie's behavior towards Sportacus is kinda suspicious, AND, WELL, I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT STINGY WILL LITERALLY VOICE MY THOUGHTS ABOUT THAT BECAUSE HE LITERALLY SAID, "Hmm there's suspicious behavior" 😭😭
(I know I misinterpreted that phrase but let me be. I just thought that was too funny and I actually laughed like crazy when i heard that 💀)
And I should admit that it was kinda nice to see that kids wanted to help him, because, well, they didn't know Robbie's true intentions since he lied to them. They know that he's a villain, and they probably shouldn't take part in catching someone for him, but they still suggested some help 🥺
Speaking of the kids, it was one of the few episodes in which Stingy was pretty tolerable in my opinion. He didn't do anything selfish or bad, which quite surprised me, and I didn't feel any annoyance because of him. Enemies to lovers trop? /jj
Finally. Now we're going to talk about the most important part of this episode — something that made this episode iconic throughout the show and in meme culture: THE ROBBIE'S GANG. 
OH MY FUCKING GOD, HOW MUCH I LIKED THOSE DORKS. Unfortunately I didn't remember each of them by name (I have a very bad memory), but I remember that in general their names were Bobby, Tobby, and Flobby. I really liked them and the way they look, and I mean it genuinely. And now I really want to read some fics that include them because they are so precious 🥺
One of them kinda reminded me of an Oompa-Loompa from Tim Burton's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," but we won't talk about it 😭
AND THE SONG. THE SONG. "WE ARE NUMBER ONE" WAS A BIG PART OF MY CHILDHOOD BECAUSE IT WAS A VERY POPULAR MEME BACK THEN. THE FEELING OF NOSTALGIA THAT SONG GAVE ME WAS INDESCRIBABLE AND I FUCKING LIVE FOR IT. But seriously, the melody and the instrumental accompaniment were very catchy; it's a top-tier song in the whole show imo and I won't shut up about how much I love it
Speaking of nostalgia, this episode in general was pretty nostalgic to me, because I have a weird vague feeling that I've seen this episode on some sunny spring morning when I was like, nine or ten years old?? What I'm trying to say is that while I was watching this episode, I had a small feeling like I watched it once before going to school, but I don't remember it; I just feel it. If it makes any sense 😭
But fine, let's move on. It seemed pretty cute to me that after Stephanie and Stingy helped Sportacus get over his sugar meltdown, he BECAME FRIENDS WITH ROBBIE'S GANG. They were all so happy to play together in the lair and on the sports field, since, well, they literally said that they didn't want to become villains. I'm literally smiling right now while writing it because IT'S SO CUTE OMG 🥺
The last thing that I'll mention, or, to be more precise, show, is this scene
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Yeah like. I get you dude; it's always nice to watch pretty men sleeping 🤭 (i mean Sportacus wasn't sleeping but was feeling pretty shitty because of his sugar meltdown but let's put all the details aside 💀)
In conclusion, this episode is definitely and undoubtedly one of my favorites. Some of the reasons for that are the nostalgia factor and the presence of some new characters. Oh and the badass song, of course
OK SO THAT IS THE END OF THIS POST, FINALLY. I know for sure that most people won't read it till the end, but I have completed my own mission: to put all my thoughts in order. But if someone actually took their time to read it all, then, guys, I can't say anything less than you are the best. /gen 
I spent 4 hours writing all this shit, so it means so very much to me that someone read it till the end!! Thank you genuinely and have a good day, your attention is very-very-very appreciated :) 💜
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girlbossblackbeard · 1 year
s2 brain thoughts: the squeakuel (ep 2)
as a reminder, if u see me posting any of these points as their own posts mind ur business:
-i'm sending my hospital bills to david jenkins for weaponizing thef cuking "you wear fine things well" scene WITHOUT ANY KIND OF WARNING i literally almost choked to death from shock
-hey so what the whole actual fuck is up with transitioning directly from the very painful "you wear fine things well" scene which, as we've already established, has REAL HUMAN CASUALTIES DUE TO THIS USE-CASE, into the "run from me darling" lyric overlayed on top of the god damn shot of ed pAINTING THE BRIDE CAKE TOPPER TO LOOK LIKE HIM AND BASICALLY PLAYING OUT HIS FANTASY OF MARRYING STEDE. david jenkins you have committed crimes
-also!!!!!!!!!! that cake topper has kohl smudged all over it so you KNOW our boy ed has been caressing it against his cheek and sighing longingly
-i know we've all talked about how insane the "ed plays with the wedding cake toppers pretending they're him and stede" scene is but i don't think we've really comprehended how GENUINELY INSANE it is like??? edward teach, blackbeard, the kraken, the scourge of the seven seas, the most fearsome pirate the caribbean has ever known that has recently been on a non-stop slaughtering spree, painted a bride wedding cake topper to look like himself which he then scoots next to a wedding cake topper that looks like stede so he can imagine that he's marrying him. this man carefully rubbed kohl on a cake topper to give it darker skin and darker hair and a BEARD. to make it look more like himself. so he could then. put it next to a cake topper that looked like stede. and pretend. they were getting married. i've written that 3 times now and my brain STILL refuses to fully process those sentences.
-i said it in my first brain thoughts post for ep 1 and i'll say it again: every time im reminded that ed has been crying NON-STOP. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. for MONTHS. over stede. my wall gains another hole
-the way ed is so delirious in his sadness as he pushes the cake toppers out the window. i don't even have any thoughts on that i feel like all i can do is just note it and let y'all deal with the rest
>>actually I lied, he literally watches them sink into the sea after he pushes them out the window that's so fucked up whomever made that decision to make him do that is so fucked up
-would looooooooooooooove to know what went through stede's head as soon as roach mentioned "some place called China??" like did he immediately think of the kiss or getting sent to the naval academy or the kiss or ed's excitement at the prospect of running away together or the kiss or getting kidnapped by chauncey or the kiss or watching chauncey shoot himself in the dome or the kiss or his flop behavior of running back to his family that doesn't even want him or the kiss or
-the crew of the red flag being so immediately kind and welcoming to stede and his crew <3
-i genuinely cannot wait to watch buttons fully immerse himself in the red flag traditions like he was made to be on that crew
-"how should I put this, your energy is..." can't believe they got hatecrimed like that
-fun fact: i recorded my live reaction to episodes 1 - 3 and posted the clip of my friends and i reacting to lucius coming back because we were quite literally jumping for joy and crying over the reunion and THE illustrious Nathan Foad himself told me it was literally the cutest thing he's ever seen (his words, not mine!!) so we're basically best friends forever now and the rest of my life will be spent chasing the high of the happiness i felt during that interaction
-i am also crying once again over his reappearance and i think that's just gonna happen every time i watch this scene :')
-roach's shocked face when lucius appears is something that can actually be so personal
-the way they all dogpile on top of him because they're so happy to see him bitch what the FCUK
-"i love it" *BIG SMOOCH* "i love all of it" *BIGGER SMOOCH* oh so they're trying to kill me by smothering me in the syrupy sweetness of their love. okay
-okay sorry but lucius's absolutely microscopic furrowing of his brow right before black pete kisses him again. for a split second he had a slight look of sadness which lines up with the very real trauma he's endured and how even in extremely happy moments they can be tinged with sadness - maybe a sadness for the past and the way things could've been if he hadn't been pushed off the boat - and all i can say is nathan foad. ur big powerful acting mind
-we gotta talk about lucius choosing not to reveal that ed had pushed him off the ship in front of the whole crew. i'm still trying to figure out if that was him trying to spare stede's feelings (unlikely considering he lets it all out later), spare black pete's feelings (possible, since he knows black pete idolizes blackbeard), prevent himself from having to relive that trauma in front of his friends when he's not prepared to confront those memories, or a combination of all of the above
-"i fell. off the ship." "that doesn't sound like you. you have impeccable balance, babe" i literally love black pete so much i may legally have to change my name to lucius spriggs
-"toouwelss? what is this? are these jobs?" stede i love you so very much to the moon and back but for the love of god you gotta shut it my guy
-ed just. washing the door handle. i dont have any other thoughts
-the way frenchie looks genuinely happy for ed when he says he thinks he got all the poison out of his system and it's a new day :((
-idk much about piracy but i really don't think there's a rule about the new first mate traditionally having to kill the old first mate, i think ed just made that up so someone else would have to kill izzy instead of him. despite everything, despite how low he's sunken into the very dark parts of his mind due to the heartbreak, ed still can't bring himself to deal the killing blow
-"i expect great things from you" might be one of the more chilling lines in that interaction because for THE blackbeard to have not just any expectations from you, but GREAT expectations? that's not a compliment, that's a threat. measure up to what blackbeard thinks you should be or else
-can't comment on the amputation scene too yucky sorry
-stede trying to triangulate ed's coordinates based off of his string of crimes on a map HE drew is me trying to triangulate where tf this season is going based off of buckwild theories i've made up and used as the foundation for even more buckwild theories
-yeah idk what the mushy ass lyrics stede wrote on that map mean but i know they're frighteningly homosexual
-"FUCK YOU. that's how i am" I am SO glad lucius gets to be openly bitchy towards stede it feels like a cathartic release for me personally
-ed's fuckin "heyyyy" to frenchie in the kitchen is both hilarious and unbelievably unsettling
-absolutely obsessed with the writers for once again showing just how scarily observant and intelligent ed is when he calls frenchie out for using his right hand to mime killing izzy even though he's actually left handed
-i really admire how david chose to use a low camera angle that looks up at ed as he reveals to frenchie that he's well aware he hasn't killed izzy yet because taika's performance was already unsettling enough but that specific angle adds so much to his overall menacing presence in that scene
-joel fry's performance in the kitchen scene with ed literally makes me want to bite something he's so good at acting quietly terrified
-this is almost certainly an unpopular opinion but i really would've loved to see more buildup to jim and archie kissing. i just feel like we know NOTHING about her let alone her relationship with jim prior to the two days we've seen them interacting and i feel like that kiss would've felt like a much more satisfying payoff if we had seen more interactions between them before they got to that point. i would've taken delaying that kiss by a few episodes if it meant feeling fully invested in it once it did happen, but i also know the show already has so much material to get through (which is why we should've gotten 10 eps but i digress)
-"hey no one told me this room existed" is giving "i didn't even realize there was piracy happening"
-"take the fuckin leg" is such a perfect line delivery
-love the foreshadowing of olu explaining how the little ships on the war table were all over the place and "some of them were over land"
-roach waxing poetic about the noodles is so relatable
-"jesus christ stede keep your pants on" hands down one of the funniest fucking lucius moments of all time
-sorry but we gotta give a shout out to lucius modifying the chinese fleet uniform so it's sleeveless. the edges are cleanly done so either he was put on tailoring duty at some point and picked it up there or someone on the ship wanted to enable the slayage
-there's something to be said about the fact that the only other man who has lasted being on board the red flag ship is another member of the revenge who was picked up and welcomed into the fold well before stede and the rest of the crew wound up there. something about how stede attracts and retains other people who he can tell are gentle at heart, even if they're putting up a tough front. something about how lucius had bounced from ship to ship until he finally wound up on Zheng Yi Sao's ship where he was allowed to be himself
-"ya don't know............if ya picked up....smokin....." nathaniel buttons my beloved
-OOOOF stede's guilty face after lucius talks about how he must've picked up smoking somewhere. after the crushing guilt he already feels about the ed situation this definitely would've weighed extremely heavy on him
-"what the hell is going on in towels" wee john my beloved
-look i know izzy is on the brink of death but he genuinely looks kinda beautiful before ed wakes him up from his shock induced coma and i won't apologize for that
-"my leg" izzy is so fred rechid coded
-"it's up in leg heaven now" i need to know if ed said that as a way of metaphorically digging the knife into izzy and getting back at him for trying to force ed to send stede to doggy heaven in season 1
-i dont have the emotional capacity to dive into the ed and izzy shooting scene rn but just know it destroyed me on a metaphysical level
-"too scared to do it yourself" no because unfortunately now im thinking about ed thinking through taking his own life but coming to the realization that he can't do it. whether it's because of childhood christianity trauma and thinking he'll be sent to hell for doing so or because he knows he can't follow through with it himself if there's still a tiny shred of hope that he'll reunite with stede and everything will be okay again, he always has to outsource the big job
-also, very interesting choice to have almost jovial classical music playing in the background of the ed/izzy scene. it definitely undercut a lot of the tension compared to how supremely uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing the scene would've been if it were dead silent behind the dialogue
-"i loved you...best i could"
-"i've got an ex-wife, two messed up kids probably" LMAO stede acknowledging he would have no way of knowing how fucked up his kids are because of him
-"sounds like you're quite the fuck-up pal" "yeah, i am! and im alone! talk to pete. don't be like me" ohhhhh my god stede is in just as much agony as ed is over this breakup he's just been using his polite society social skills of saving face and never showing how truly devastated you are to others to cover up how supremely messed up he is over all of it. he is BEGGING lucius to talk to pete and NOT make the same mistakes he did because maybe if he can prevent lucius from bottling it up and actually deal with this in a healthy way he can make up for a fraction of all the hurt he's caused not only ed but lucius as well. maybe if he can get lucius to talk to pete he can absolve himself of some of the soul-crushing guilt he feels over how his actions have irreparably damaged the people he cares about the most. maybe if lucius and pete are able to work through this trauma and still come out the other side loving each other just as much or even more than they did before, he can believe that there's still hope for him and ed.
-ed choosing to put on the cravat for what he believes is going to be his last action on earth before dying because he's resigned himself to his fate but is still scared shitless by it and wants that modicum of comfort that stede will always be able to provide him no matter how badly he hurt ed is giving me the urge to find the nearest cast iron skillet and loony toons my skull
-"some people are just broken no matter what you do" noooo why do i feel like lucius was talking about himself when he said that to stede about ed ://
-oof i know they were an unnamed character but fang tried to save someone who went overboard during the storm and wasn't able to :(
-GGGOOOODDDDDDD izzy looks so fucking hot and badass all soaking wet and leaning up against the rigging after shooting ed jesus christ
-"finally" ed was so relieved to have his pain finally end. even after his journey of self discovery in the next episode im really curious how he's going to deal with having to confront the pain he thought he escaped in addition to the pain he inflicted on others while failing to cope with that pain and stopping at nothing, including nearly killing the rest of the crew, to end it
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lady-phasma · 2 years
I think when Rhaenyra used these words "I need you, uncle", she hooked him. He always wanted to be valued by his family, to protect them and be near. She offered him everything he needed: a status of her consort, an opportunity to take part in raising new generation of Targaryens, a link to his cultural roots (Dragonstone). I think they were both the happiest living there with children.
That's a very good point, anon. I agree with almost all of it. I don't know that it was everything that he needed but it did check most of the boxes.
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my gif
First, the only part I disagree with is the "everything he needed" - I write him as satisfied with with being Prince Consort in Zaldrītsos but I don't think that's exactly true to the series character. I think he accepted it as consolation to not being heir. Daemon has a good bit of toxic masculinity affecting his choices. I don't think we like to acknowledge that in characters we enjoy. Daemon is torn by this though. I think that's part of his complexity. He can't help it, he wears this masculinity like armor. Rhaenyra has broken through it a time or two perhaps but it will ultimately be his choice to discard it. This concept of masculinity is also tied up in the Targaryen line which he so craves to continue. Their time at Dragonstone, after the scene you mentioned, is certainly the happiest we will ever see them. Below I discuss this shift but it does seem like that allows him to enjoy moments they surely had at Dragonstone.
Speaking from an in-universe perspective (not the actors' performance so I will use the pronoun she for Rhaenyra), the way Rhaenyra and Daemon respond to each other is interesting in this scene. If you watch Daemon in the gif (as viewers we tend to look at the speaker but in film studies you learn to look everywhere else too) his body language implies something weighing heavily on him. He isn't looking at her; I might question how well he is listening in this moment. If I were to do a scene analysis for her incredible speech, I might say he hears her but doesn't listen. We all tend to do this when we hear something that is difficult to process. The way his head tilts back and the way she looks back up to him, searching for what the viewer should be searching for, implies that she has to make this decision without him. Yet again he is distant and self-centered. This is not a romantic scene, it is not a confession of his love for her. He does love her but here he is making a choice. The scene doesn't allow us to know what that choice is. We find out later through the results of his actions but the exchange you mentioned is a lonely one. Rhaenyra isn't getting the same need in return. So I do agree that he needed most of what you listed but I don't think that scene is evidence that he was satisfied. You didn't cite it as your evidence exactly but I felt compelled to point it out because I'm a film studies nerd. Though, as I've said, we don't know what the choice is I would hazard a guess that in that moment he is battling his desire to cling to a concept of masculinity that hasn't worked for him up to this point.
I have had a draft of an opinion piece about the choking scene saved for a while and I haven't felt that it was necessary so I have let it languish. If I ever post it I may link this ask because that is a crucial moment to understanding the toxic masculinity so many fans want to erase.
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s13e14 good intentions (w. meredith glynn)
well that was a little bit of the old spn spark for a second there, with the hallucination/vision/whatever hot!zachariah was giving jack. very sweet and sad. something about the sound design and the dialogue.. of the offscreen voices of sam and dean, it had sort of a... theater feel to it? (watching with headphones and maybe a little bit high so, grain of salt) plus just the very... childlike wish fulfillment of kiddo with absent parents.
DEAN You know what? We made it, though. You, me and the kid. Finally under one roof. SAM And you know what, honestly, it doesn’t matter where he’s been. I’m just glad Jack’s back. DEAN Right, home safe. Where he belongs.
like 💔 i didn't realize they really went with this nuclear family thing straight out
also when the fake fire is happening sam and dean sound about as distressed (maybe more?) as you'll ever hear them in this show and that was distressing even knowing it couldn't be real
ZACHARIAH Yes. And not just a single one-way ticket like the prophet’s spell. This boy, he can open a rift big enough to march an army through. He has so much power. We just… have to make him use it. MICHAEL Then make him.
ok but like. why doesn't michael make his own army of nephilim? he's an archangel still right? what am i missing
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i'm sorry donatello but all i can think is
the zachariah!cas sending the images of destroying the environment and wars etc to jack for proof of why humans are bad, reminds me of the fifth element?? i think? leeloo discovering all the bad parts of humanity? and then i think only will save the world? by the power of human love from bruce willis??? lol i've seen that movie a ton but it's been a long ass time
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captions staying on for this screenshot 😂
this random fight scene with these random figures from the bible. and donatello being twitchy and obvious as fuck that he's clearly up to something. demon tablet not to be ingested while soulless and under asmodeus's influence?
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donatello choking out dean from a distance and laughing like a loon, all righty
so now mary gets the catharsis of hearing from an unbiased source that her demon deal is what ultimately saved the world
bro. there's some bizarro music going on during this fight over donatello being soulless what is HAPPENING. jay gruska, is that you? (of course it is). ugh, if only i wasn't committed to keeping that earlier video clip 😞 (fine it's so goofy i'm adding an mp3 of it) it's tonally a mismatch to the vibe onscreen and is just super random. the horns that come in... lol. anyway.
but we're escalating up to cas whatever, trying to torture it out of him?
SAM Our plan, Dean. The spell, get mom back. Donatello’s soul is gone. That’s not just something you come back from. DEAN You did. SAM Yeah, because you convinced Death to get my soul back from the cage, but Amara ate Donatello’s soul. There’s nothing to get back. It’s gone. CASTIEL And Donatello’s already corrupted. I… perhaps the kindest thing to do would be to end his suffering. SAM What? CASTIEL I don’t like it either. But if Donatello’s life ends, then another prophet comes into being and they can finish the translation. DEAN So what, you just wanna kill him? SAM No! No killing! We just need the spell.
interesting how frantic padalecki is going with this. terrified the Plan is being wrecked yet again
CASTIEL I am going to do something that I promised I would never do to a human being without their permission. I’m gonna strip the spell from your mind. DONATELLO You—you—you—you can’t. I—I’ve absorbed too much power. Y-y-you’ll fry us both! CASTIEL I might. DONATELLO Ardeat intus— CASTIEL I’m sorry, but I’m not going to let you or anyone hurt the people I love. Not again.
well then. cas saving them from the moral quandary again. like killing billie for them
i don't even know what to say about this apocalypse world business with bobby, mary and jack. jack's just. poppin angels, ready to throw down with michael
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SAM Well… guess you could say Donatello is alive. CASTIEL You told me not to kill him. DEAN Yeah, but, Cas, you turned him into… he’s brain dead. Machines keeping him breathing. What’s wrong with you? CASTIEL Nothing. SAM Cas— CASTIEL His soul was gone. He was corrupted. He was a danger to himself and to you and to all of humanity. Did you know that he was working with Asmodeus? SAM What? No. CASTIEL Not by choice, but he was. Some people just can’t be saved. DEAN Yeah, but who gets to make that choice? You? What exactly gives you the right? CASTIEL Nothing. I took it. And if I hadn’t acted, we would still be sitting around and talking about what to do next. We would be wasting time. And it’s time we don’t have, Dean. I told you, war is coming. War. And I did what soldiers do. Now we needed the spell to open the rift, and I got it. We need four major ingredients: the grace of an archangel… a fruit from the Tree of Life… the Seal of Solomon… and the blood of “a most holy man.” We find those things, we can bring everybody home. And together, we can beat Lucifer and Michael. This is the only way we win, and this is the only way we survive. It’s like you said, Dean. Whatever it takes.
i mean, surely sam and dean have made these kinds of decisions time and time again. especially when the "whatever it takes" is saving each other. but now cas can take the responsibility/blame for doing the ends justify the means thing
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llycaons · 11 months
ep45 (1/2): the wen family reunion, at long last
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and getting RIGHT into it here's jc offering jin ling zidian in one of the most straightforward handling of symbolism on the show. but jin ling says NO to the cycle of violence and runs into the fray, chasing after lan sizhui. his friend!
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of course jc is distressed by this because he thinks this is a one-way ticket to being dead but good old jin ling doesn't listen
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ohh wwx cutting himself (ouch!) on the sword and then staring at it knowing what he has to do and the lans all witnessing. lqr witnessing. I have to believe that means something
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he looks SO cool. watching him and lwj seamlessly work together while fighting is so cool. oh yeah and he's wearing white underthings (scandalous!)
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aw look, there's jc trying to keep them from leaving without wwx (and lwj)
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omg this part
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lwj: no thoughts head empty except for FUCK
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lsz: ??????? how does he know my name????
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I really like jc in this episode. he shows major signs of Cracking, and I've always liked his uncontrollable sobbing the best. right now he looks like he has indigestion but I think that's just from hearing so many people talk about wwx
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I complain a lot about lsz being boring but you will never hear that complaint for this scene. lsz being polite and sweet and open and friendly to wen ning had me choking up. for one, nobody talks to wen ning so kindly. for another...THAT'S HIS FAMILY!
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and wen ning looks so excited during this scene! I think yb did a really good job of keeping his reactions subdued and awkward, which is exactly how wen ning emotes
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meanwhile jl is edging ever closer to a breakdown himself on account of being a very stressed out little boy laboring under the influence of a heavily patriarchal and revenge-happy society who just learned his new favorite person apparently murdered both his parents using the guy standing right in front of him
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oh my GOD he nails this. I'm crying. look at how touched, how moved, how emotional this is making him. this is a piece of himself that he's never understood!!! his family!!! his past!!
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jl making his move, attempting revenge but also on the edge of a breakdown
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lsz's friends are so good and supportive and kind 🥺 I love you oyzz I love you ljy
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this scene was so funny in the book iirc wwx pretended to be passed out "as a joke" (so lwj would cradle him in his strong arms) and then when lwj did just that he got all embarassed
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the panicked and desperate attacks of a child about to burst into tears, grasping at whatever defense or position he can
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oh god oh fuck it's coming
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I WAS SOBBING WATCHING THIS!!!! the very first time I watched, this was the scene that got me.
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AND NOBODY DOES SHIT 😭 like I can understand wwx and wen ning feeling awkward, and lwj being like "I don't actually know this kid and I'm not good with comforting people" but lsz and the others? guys. guys. don't just stand there
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the flashback was a little heavy-handed but whatEVER I was a MESS
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I'm aware this is a pretty low bar but for jc it's almost sweet. calling him a-ling and then asking who bullied him with the implication that he;ll take care of them? aw, jc. you're being so protective and kind this episode
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Again, genuine reactions with some jokes thrown in there and nowadays some "meta-like" thoughts. There's pictures, but I try not to put too many.
The reactions are under the cut!
"What are the heroes fighting?" Air, they're fighting air... okay, villains...
Aaaaw, All Might is babysitting Eri. That is cute!
The worry in that man's face though. Same.
INKO!!! THEY SHOWED INKO!!! Oh, and Mitsuki looking at Katsuki's pictures!
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*AFO smirks* Have I told you that you have a face worth punching?
Recap from last episode. Meaning... yep, they showed those faces again! 😆
Did Shigaraki just say "hey, hey"? Sir, that is a Katsuki thing! (If you seen season 2 then you know the scene!)
This man really out here mocking Endeavor. This man really is standing on Endeavor with Ryukyu right there! Can she at least be released?! WHAT HAS SHE DONE?!
That is funny though.
There is nothing left of that cape, Tomura, just let it go now, dude.
Look, I know the Doctor gotta explain things but, choke him. Mic, choke him out.
Eraser Head thinking of his kids. Thinking about watching them graduate... 😭😭😭
"If Shigaraki can't use his quirk, we can fight him, too!" He is not wrong!
Bakugou and Midoriya coming in to protect Aizawa! 😭😭😭
"Sorry, I'm not interested in you." Well, he's not a video game... I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Okay, but during that scene, everything slows down except for this one person just zooming across in the background and THAT'S HILARIOUS! 🤣
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Super Villain Pose, I suppose??
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"... little brother" Their reactions to it... ah, damn...
"This is my power and my body." Yesss, Shigaraki! Don't let him control you! Yes, REBEL!!! REBEL!!!!
"But, I don't want to be like you..." Thinks back to how I wrote that post about Shigaraki not having his own identity... 😶
No one wants to be AFO, I assure you.
"So please, shut up." THANK YOU! THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!!
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Did... did Gran Torino just flex his muscles???!! HE CAN DO THAT?!
He's so pretty in this shot! 💚💚💚 Look at him! That's his "I'm kicking your ass" face. So cute!
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Wait... *cries in manga reader*
Oh, hey, Machia.
Hey, Spinner!!!
Oh, shit, I know what's coming and I DO NOT LIKE!! HE IS ON THE MOVE!!
Mr. Compress' screaming seeing Toga without clothes! 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for having spares for her! PUT ON SOME DAMN CLOTHES, TOGA!
"I've been pretty fond of you ever since we first met." Ha ha... yeah, doubt. It's his tech skills you need, isn't it? I know why. Manga readers know why.
Unless you want hair care tips from Skeptic, then proceed. Ask him. Please do. I gotta know his routine.
"Shush." Dabi is funny without trying.
Kamui Woods calling Mt. Lady by her name... 😭😭😭
NOT MISS MIDNIGHT!!! NOT HER!!! *cries harder in manga reader*
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Okay, I'm hyped for next episode since it mean MORE 1A & 1B WORKING TOGETHER! Look, I adore both classes very much, okay? I love it when they get to have their moments.
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Away from home -chapter 5
Y/N is an actress, filming for her first lead role in the film adaptation of her favourite childhood book, produced by maximum effort.
She bonds with Ryan Reynolds over their share Love of the Korean pop band Stray Kids, and he has a surprise for her.
When she starts missing home and the darkness creeps upon her, her hotel neighbour comes to her rescue.
Trigger warnings- mentions of depression, self harm and anxiety
Stray kids fan fic
Mainly staring 3ratcha
But the other boys do make appearances it's just easy to keep to minimum of characters lol
Chan x oc
This is my first ever fan fiction so if it's shit soz.
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It's been 5 days since the 3racha boys came to set. And everyday so far has been so joyous. Their fun and passion is contagious. Today's also the last day on these scenes, a days filming is only like 3 minutes of footage, which is why we spend weeks on single scenes.
Call time is a bit earlier today, so unlike the the past 3 days I head to the location base by myself. Keith seems to feel Chris's absence moaning that he misses hearing his Australian accent in the morning.
"He'll be back tonight!"  I say, which seems to cheer him up a bit. Like always I nod off and wake up driving through security. It's 7 am by the time we arrive. I head straight to my trailer when my costume for today has been laid out next to my call sheet.
I get dressed and head straight to make up. It's only a natural look today, but with Tabby's iconic red lippy! My hair doesn't seem to behaving the way they want it too, so after almost choking on 2 cans of hairspray I'm ready. I look in the mirror. I don't recognise myself most days, but when I'm in character I really don't. Which is good. I think?
I head down to the breakfast table and grab a bacon and egg sandwich. My dad's favourite. And some grapes and then wander down to set. I'm 15 minutes early, but like my old teacher told me, on time is late! When Jenna and Tash arrive they join me on the bleachers all gossiping and eating. Tash tells us of some drama she got in on twitter. Well that her fans got into. Something to do with her ex girlfriends new album. That's something I find quite funny about being apart of the Hollywood world, I now get the inside scoop on twitter feuds.
I look at the clock in the hall and realise he'll be here in 20 minutes. I'm suddenly acutely aware that this is the first time he's seen me in makeup. I've been barefaced and dressed in comfy clothes this whole week and I feel heat rising in my cheeks, burning with self consciousness. Jenna puts her hand on my knee, as if she can read my mind. I try to ground myself looking for things to see and hear.
The filming goes without a hitch, but I haven't seen the boys. Seems like I was nervous for nothing.
And there they are entering the hall with our main runner alice and our lunch orders. There's someone else with the too! Hannah! The reason I even know who these guys are. Chan makes a b-line for me, with my lunch order, buttered chicken.
They decide to eat with us on the bleachers. Chris asks to have a quick chat just the two of us.
"I was wondering if you'd like to come out for a few drinks with me the guys and Hannah tonight? It's okay if not, I just think you two would get along and the guys wanna hang out with you, cause I apparently keep going on about you...."
"It's a date" I reply. Both of us blushing at my response. "Sorry I had to"
"I'll pick you up at 10?" Chris questions with an upturned brow.
"Don't be late, i know it's quite far away."
"A whole 4 steps!" He jokes as we walk back to everyone else.
Today we're supposed to finish at 6pm, it's currently 6:20pm and we have another angle to shoot still. Like most days we're running behind. I told Keith to take Chris back to the Milton but I guess he decided he doesn't want to go yet as I can see him peeking behind Olivia as she's watching the monitors. She checks her watch and sighs.
"Alright everyone, we are running behind, but since it's a Friday I'm gonna let us off now. Get some rest this weekend and we'll finish the scene on Monday."
I head to ovet Keith with Chris, I almost trip over some wires I'm that engaged in our conversation.
"You two seem chirpy" remarks Keith as we enter his car
"It's that Friday feeling" Chris replies, I audibly cringe which makes both men laugh.
Back in my room, I tidy up after making myself a snack of instant noodles. There do lack something being done in a microwave. I decide to get a shower to freshen up before getting ready to go out tonight. But as soon as I get naked and turn the tap on, the showers head falls off and I'm covered it what's an equivalent of a bucket of freezing cold water. Unfortunately my room doesn't have a bath. I could ask to use Chris's shower right? I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
I put my dressing gown on and walk over to his door. I'm about to turn away out of embarrassment when he Unlocks the door. "I'm guessing that shriek I heard had something to do with this" He gestures to my current state.
"Youd be correct" He grins at my response. "Can I use your shower? mine has busted and the hotel can't fix it till tomorrow."
"Sure" he says waving me in. His room is tidy and smells of him. A mix of vanilla and musk. I head to his bathroom, the plan is the same as my room, except this one has him. "Feel free to use any of my products," He probably noticed my lack of any.
"Oh Shit, no, I'll go get mine."
"No Please, use mine"
"My knight in shining armour!" He looks down in a really cute way. I think making him blush may be my new favourite thing.
" enjoy your shower Y/N"
"I will Christopher" I smile, and head into the shower.
I smell like him, I realise as I get changed. I decided to keep it casual with some black, wide legged trousers and an oversized t shirt. Something I'm not afraid to get dirty, but nice enough to be seen in. I apply just a small amount of makeup, for no other reason than o don't particularly like the feeling of it on my face. Don't get me wrong, I love getting dolled up,especially for events, but if I'm honest, I can't be arsed right now.
There's a knock at my door. It's Chan. Obviously. I grab my back pack and open the door.
"You ready?" He asks
"Yeah lets go. Im excited I've not been out out in ages."
"Out out?" He questions
"Yeah like out is like the pub but out out is like a bar or something. Do you guys not say that in Australia?"
"Not that I know" we reach the lift. "I'll have to ask Hannah, maybe she knows!"
The cab we order is right on time and we get to the bar at 9:15pm. There waiting for us is the rest of 3racha and Chans sister.
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its0046rightnow · 7 months
no. 1
I have not been on tumblr in years, but returning here to write what will essentially be diary entries feels appropriately melodramatic.
Almost a year ago I got with somebody for the first time. Not just a first time "getting with" - I had never so much as kissed anyone before that (I can't remember if he knows that). At first I was so naively happy. I thought he was cool. As much as it pains me to admit it, I genuinely did like him. And I thought he liked me.
As such, we fooled around a few more times before officially going all the way. It was at that point that everything went downhill, though it should have been much sooner. The sex was bad. Even though I convinced myself in the moment that it was worth going through with (and doing once more...), it was just so bad. Objectively. I was definitely not any good for him, but honestly it was horrific for me. I have a high pain tolerance and do not cry, but I cried just a little then. I don't think he noticed, or if he did, he pretended not to. It hurt in a way that I later learned is not normal. In retrospect I've come to believe those women on tiktok that proclaim that your body tries to reject a partner that isn't good for you; mine certainly did then.
The physical pain was one thing, but you can just lay there and take that. Without exaggeration I can say that that night was the start of the lowest I have ever felt mentally (if not the lowest, certainly the lowest I have been made to feel by another person). He had been so polite in asking if every little thing was alright, and then out of nowhere (that's how it felt) there was a hand gripping my neck and then slapping me. I was in shock. I didn't say anything or try to move because it was such a shock to my system (you could say... a slap in the face... :P). When it was over he told me to go to the bathroom and I had to stay in there for ages, both to collect myself and because I thought I was bleeding out. It looked like a crime scene. I came back, he fell asleep turned away from me, and I have never felt more lonely. Tried to go at it again the next morning and had to stop because my body couldn't take it. He would never fully walk me out of his place and that always pissed me off. Went home on the bus and felt numb. Felt numb for the rest of the day until he messaged with an unfunny joke about how there were bloodstains. The numbness was gone and I wanted to throw up. A month of painfully dry messages sent once a day (and then once every 2 days, then every few), and I did it again. God knows why. I think I believed that it would be better, having gotten the first time out of the way. It wasn't.
I saw him less than 48 hours later at an event, and the first thing he said to me was that he forgot I was coming. I would shoot myself in the foot before saying that to another person. "I do not listen to what you say because you are insignificant to me, and I am going to announce that so you know you are insignificant to me." The hell.
I guess in a way he got what he wanted: he has a fetish and I checked the right boxes, apparently. I was able to figure out that he did on my own, but recently I've been told that his fetish is apparently infamous. Since my hypothesis was proved there, I feel that I can also say he watches too much (any) porn: the out-of-the-blue choking and slapping and general disregard for my wellbeing make me think that at a very essential level he sees women only as objects, and ones for his pleasure at that. I really picked a winner.
In conclusion, this experience is the biggest shame and embarrassment of my life (according to google they are two different things but both apply). I am so horrified that that man can say he's been with me. I hate that it took me a few whole months to be able to decisively say that I never want to touch that man again. I hate that I still think about it to this day. I hate that all the dates I have since went on have gone so poorly that I cannot say from personal experience that not all men are like that. And I know logically that they're not. But the experience has sort of made me asexual.
Will maybe post again on another night where I am overthinking this (lots of nights). Part of me doesn't want anyone to ever read this. Part of me is somehow hoping that he'll read this (I don't think he has tumblr) and realize why I can't respect him (I don't think he has the maturity to self-reflect like that). I have moved on obviously but would still like for it to become a very distant memory. <3
0 notes
katswritingdump · 8 months
It Takes Time
***Ok so heads up this piece is based off of a real event that happened to me but obviously some of it is exaggerated to fit the theme. It is a piece based off of that "You were a wonderful experience" "You were everything" scene.***
"This is so hard for me to say but it needs to be said. I think we were kind of always just friends under a different label. It's probably for the best that we go our separate ways. I think we work great as friends, however, and would love to continue that!" She said with guilt dampening her beautiful face.
You were a wonderful experience.
"Yeah I agree! We are becoming different people so we should just start to move on." I replied with a poorly schooled expression. Choking down thoughts not only to keep her from feeling worse but to convince myself I also want this.
Several days go by and that could be further from the truth. I don't want this. But it's too late, I think to myself as I watch her live her life like nothing ever happened.
Weeks pass and I still can't get her out of my head. Her smile, her laugh, her everything. It's like a song you want to hate so badly but you can't help but sing it whenever it comes on.
I speak to my friends about this and it's crystal clear she has moved on. They try to help me by saying she probably started before we split.
It just makes me feel awful. Like I did something wrong.
Then again, how could I not have? How can someone throw away years of their life like an old candy wrapper unless something along the way made them change their mind?
I tried to be good for her, for us but it clearly wasn't enough. I wasn't what she needed and I need to finally accept that. Despite how I feel when I hear her name. Despite it being months since we parted ways. Despite every part of my heart that I've given to her I need to wipe myself clean and just forget. Move on. Be done with the endless torment of continuing a friendship with someone I can't help but still be in love with.
You were everything.
Many months have passed and while my heart still aches whenever I see her face, I am getting better. I think a part of my heart will always belong to her but I am finally moving on. Finally feeling like me again. Now it is time to get to know this version without the attachment.
0 notes
The Cliff (Natasha Romanoff x reader)
Description: a tragic account of what really happened that fateful night when you watched your wife die after you fought to take her place
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A/N: this was written by me as a companion for the heart wrenching fic I'll Never Forget You that I posted a few weeks ago. In case that wasn't tragic enough, this is the scene mentioned in the fic where Natasha actually dies, so safe to say it's not going to be a happy one. Break out the tissues everybody, you're going to need them
Warnings: major character death, heavy angst (no happy ending here)
Glancing over at Natasha, you knew what you needed to do. You had to sacrifice yourself, in order to get everyone back and keep her safe.
"Well, I think we both know what we need to do," you said.
"Yeah, I think we do," she agreed, nodding her head. The expression on her face and the tone in her voice gave you reason for pause.
"I think-" you turned to face her fully, "-we're talking about different people here."
"Are we?" She looked at the ground, her face filled with sorrow. "Because I know who needs to die in order to get everyone back. It's got to be me."
"Nat, no. It's me who's got to be the one to do it," you insisted.
"Don't be ridiculous. You deserve to have a life to live, even if it's without me."
"But don't you get it? I don't want to live without you." You gently but forcefully grabbed her by the arm as you pleaded with her. "Nat, just let me do this, okay?"
"No. You've done nothing wrong, ever, while I've made plenty of mistakes that I finally have the chance to make up for."
"That was the past, Natasha. I'm talking about the future. Our future, together. We- we can find another way-"
"There isn't another way and you know it." Her voice was filled with regret. She couldn't bear to look you in the eye, for she knew if she did she'd break down.
She looked up, tears in her eyes.
"I can't let you do this."
"I wasn't asking for permission." She grabbed you by the arm, and the next thing you knew she had flipped you over her shoulder. Your back hurt, but you got up anyway, just in time to see her sprinting towards the edge of the cliff.
You ran after her, hoping to catch her in time. You lunged yourself at her, grabbing ahold of one of her legs. She tried to kick you back, but you held on. Finally, she got loose, scrambling to make her way to the edge before you caught up with her again.
You made it there just in time to see her leap off the side, but not before you reached out and caught her hand as she fell. She dangled off the side of the cliff, with you close to the edge. You tried your best to pull her up, but you weren't strong enough.
"Natasha! Don't worry, just hang on- I'll think of something-"
"Let me go." She was calm when she said, almost as if she had already accepted her fate.
"You have to let me go."
"Wha- but- no-"
"It'll be okay, my love. We'll see each other again some day, I'm sure of it." Her eyes were glossy with tears as she gave you a sad smile.
"Natasha, no- I- I can't lose you-" you choked out, tears streaming down your cheeks as you used all your strength to hold onto her hand. "Don't you dare let go of me, okay? Don't you dare."
"I love you, darling. Goodbye," she whispered softly before letting go, her body falling down into the black abyss.
That was the last thing you remembered before waking up in a shallow pool near the base of the cliff. You didn't know how much time had past, whether it had been a couple minutes or a couple hours, but when you opened your hand to find the soul stone within it, you did know one thing; Natasha was dead.
Taglist: @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube @nevilleismywhore @xxromanoffxx @your-next-daydream
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digitalfairyyy · 3 years
Never Letting You Out Of My Sight
Summary: Fighting for the butcher army has its pros and its cons
Warnings: angst with some fluff sprinkled in, mentions of blood, hinted past abuse, choking, flinching
Pronouns: genderneutral
Note: I might write another part to this but who knows
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Art by Jessica Oyhenart
The stars twinkled in the sky while you stood at your chest, organizing your supplies, pictures of ham and bacon hanging on the walls reminding you of the task at hand; to kill Technoblade. To get revenge for what happened to L'Manberg. You were no more than a nurse for the butcher army, and sometimes a guard, that's currently what you were doing. You had been given the task to watch Phil while the others go find Techno.
Glancing over at where Phil was sitting on house arrest, you picked up a shiny red apple from the chest and made your way to Phil's house. With a quiet knock, Phil was at the door staring at you. You held out the apple to him while he stared at you as if you were insane.
"Take this as my apology to what the Butcher army did to your home, I know an apple isn't a great payment for all the damages but you seemed hungry so," Phil's wings folded back behind him as he reached for the apple in your palm. He thanked you for the apple as he took a bite out of it, "I've never seen Quackity like this, I knew he wanted Techno to pay but not like this."
Philza's eyes narrowed looking at you, "so why are you helping him? Quackity doesn't deserve anything, he's a psychopath. You can find a better friend than that, mate."
You stiffled a laugh with your sleeve making Philza cock his eyebrow at you, "oh sorry, just reminds me of something that an old... friend of mine used to say."
"You stopped yourself before you said friend, what's up with that mate?" Phil questioned, finishing the apple and tossing it behind him into the garbage.
"Just hurts to remember that's all," you didn't want to admit the truth, besides it had been so long, he probably forgot all about you at this point, "it's been so long, you think he even remembers me? It's been such a long time."
"Hey cheer up mate," Philza wrapped one of his wings around you, "here I'll make a deal with you. Help me out of here and save Techno and I'll help reunite you and this friend of yours."
Your eyes widened, nervousness hiding behind your eyes as you felt compelled to agree. Phil smiled at you looking around his chest before pulling out a creeper and a skeleton head, tossing you the skeleton head.
"How are you supposed to leave with those?" Philza looked down at his feet where you were pointing. The iron boots keeping him on house arrest keeping him in place.
"Thinking still about that," Philza looked back at the you, his eyes showing concentration but also worry, "at least Techno knows, I got one of my crows to send him a letter. It's gonna take them a while to get all the way to him, he has time to prepare himself." Phil smiled to himself staring at the creeper head, "we're gonna fucking tail them. I know where Techno lives, with or without a compass, I know."
"But the boots."
Phil let out a breath looking at you, "not like there's a tracker in them, they just can't know I left the house. We can hide in plain sight."
It was about a few hours long of a journey making your way through the snow, the skeleton head proving to be quite the annoyance as you and Phil hid in the bushes staring at Techno's house where the group had formed. They seemed to be arguing with a ghost who kept switching from going inside and outside.
Than you saw him, Techno standing on his porch staring down at the butcher army and the ghost. He looked the same as he always did, a few new scars but nothing too noticeable. He still wore the robe you had made him, it brought a smile to your face seeing how regal he still looked wearing it.
The ghost seemed to notice you and Phil, waving over at you two while Phil tried to silently signal him to stop. Phil tapping on your shoulder to move to a less visible spot while you two easedropped on the conversation. The ghost continued to float over to you two, waving at Phil and giving him a piece of stake while Phil stayed silent.
Techno started to sprint in your direction as Quackity caught him explaining that he had to come with them.
"Techno isn't allowed in L'Manberg?" the ghost said with a quiet cry, apart of you felt bad for him, he seemed so confused and not able to understand the severity of the scene right now.
It was silent.
"I choose blood!" Techno yelled as he smashed potions onto the ground, making it difficult for you and Phil to see the action. All you could hear was Tubbo, Fundy, and Ranboo's screams while Quackity was trying to get a hold of the situation.
"Big Q do something! Big Q!!" Tubbo yelled, blocking Techno's axe with his shield being an inch from his face, "Big Q!"
"Stop!" Quackity yelled, he was riding what seemed to be a horse. You remembered that horse, it was the same horse that Techno used to go riding with you on. Carl you remembered his name was, the most important thing in the world to Techno was that horse.
Techno looked away from where he had Tubbo trapped, his eyes widening seeing Quackity holding Carl, "get away from that horse Quackity!"
"Drop everything, or I will kill this horse right in front of you," Quackity's eyes narrowed. Techno seemed conflicted before he dropped his axe, his armor, his robe, and his crown, allowing Fundy and Tubbo to restrain him.
Phil grabbed your arm pulling you with him, "come on, we have to get there before they do."
Sitting in the seats like you were told to do when they returned, you waited for Technoblade's execution. The cage open for Techno's place and the anvil waiting to be dropped. Carl was tied to the fence by the dock while you watched Techno be shoved into the cage.
"When I hit that lever over there it is gonna drop and that anvil up there will kill you," Quackity explained while Techno looked up at the anvil hanging above him.
Tubbo made his way over to his stand where he would read Techno's rights before the execution. Tubbo fixed the mic to his height before speaking, "Technoblade has robbed our country of everything that made it special, everything that defined what it was. He stepped in when he shouldn't have. He created chaos, he ruined the government-"
Suddenly an enderpearl was thrown and Punz had appeared smashing potions on the ground before attacking. He dropped tnt on the ground that was quickly picked up before he started to attack the butcher army. You ran out of your spot towards Phil's house which had been boarded up once more.
"Technoblade," the ghost smiled looking up at the piglin hybrid, a blue sheep following him, "I've named him Friend."
"Hello Ghostbur," Techno said in his usual monotone voice, grabbing onto the bars of the cage, "that's fantastic Ghostbur, I'm about to die Ghostbur."
"Fuck it fuck it I'm pulling this lever," Quackity ran over to where the lever was, Techno understandable being confused as he tried to escape the cage. Phil pulling out his bow to try to stop them before Quackity pulled the lever.
It was like slow motion, your back was pressed against Phil's boarded up door as you watched the anvil fall. Techno staring up at the anvil that was coming closer and closer to crushing him. Ghostbur looking confused of the situation, not able to understand. Phil looking away not able to bare staring at his friend die.
But than he didn't...
Instead he jumped ontop of the anvil and out of the cage. Running over to Carl and jumping onto the horse's back riding away.
You weren't sure what you were supposed to say. You were sitting in front of Quackity stitching up his face while he sat in silence, occasionally tensing up in pain from the needle piercing his skin. You sort of blamed yourself for what happened to Quackity even though it was Techno's pickaxe that did this.
It was a deep cut too, you knew his right eye would never work again from how it had glossed over into a pure white and Quackity had mentioned his vision going blurry in that eye. Once you were done stitching it up, Quackity looked up at you, "so when did you plan to tell me?"
"Tell you what?" you questioned standing up and putting your stuff away, sorting your potions. You really hoped Quackity wasn't hinting at what you think he was.
"About you and Technoblade..." Quackity's eyes narrowed at you when you froze, your fingers tapping on your table, "how you two used to be old buddy buddies? How you helped Philza escape? How you're only helping me because you think I'm gonna hurt Tubbo or Ranboo? Maybe how you fucking love Techno?!" By this point, Quackity had stood up and was right in front of you, you gulping seeing the anger showing in Quackity's eye. It reminded you how Schlatt used to treat you when you worked for him.
"Quackity I--"
"I bet you're so fucking happy to see me like this huh?" Quackity's hand flew its way to your throat, crushing your throat under his hand, "in fucking pain, only having one good eye left, huh? Was this all some kind of joke to you? Did I ever truly mean anything to you because I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe my friendship meant nothing? Bet your fucking terrified now."
You gasped for air, trying to push on Quackity's chest to get him to let go feeling yourself lose consiousness.
"I wish Schlatt fucking killed you in the van," Quackity let go of you pushing you down onto the ground, "get out of L'Manberg, I don't want to see your face in this town again or I will not hesitate to execute you and I won't fail this time at it either."
"But my stuff," you said once you regained air in your lungs.
"Not your stuff anymore, you're on your fucking own now," Quackity opened the door, "you have 10 minutes, I better not see your face again."
With nowhere else to go, you decided to say hello to an old friend. You were absolutely freezing out here with absolutely nothing to defend yourself. You could only hope that he would want to see you or even remember you and all the times you two shared in the past. You felt like you were gonna turn into ice if you were outside for any longer as you knocked on the door.
But the door never opened and eventually you fell asleep, curled up on the porch by the door. You were slipping in and out of consiousness, you'd end up asleep for a few minutes than out again, falling asleep seemed to be the only thing that kept you warm.
Waking back up, you felt your vision be blurry and your head starting to spin. You couldn't even feel your limbs trying to hold onto your shaking cold body as you slowly felt yourself lose consiousness again.
In your frozen state, you felt a pair of arms pick you up, "it's okay I got you, come on come on, you're gonna be okay." You felt something heavy be wrapped around you and heard the door be opened, "come on, we need a fire. Y/N will freeze to death."
"We need to get them warm," you heard the ghost you had seen before say with the sound of a sheep being heard in response.
You felt yourself be dropped gently onto the ground in front of a fireplace, feeling the soft feel of wool curling up behind you along with the heavy robe.
"Will they be okay Techno?" Ghostbur asked the piglin hybrid who was staring down at you. Why had you come all the way out here? Especially at night and during a storm? That was practically a death sentence. He had no clue what would have happened and what he would have done if he was just a few minutes late, "Techno?"
"Go to bed Ghostbur," Techno said kneeling down onto the floor where you were in front of the fireplace curled up in Friend's wool.
"But ghosts don't sleep."
"Just give me some time alone, go play with Steve," Techno was trying to make up any kind of excuse he could to get a few minutes alone to himself to think. Ghostbur understood that he was not wanted right now and sadly nodded moving to outside where Steve was to give the bear company.
Techno looked down at you, his hand hesitantly going to your hair brushing the few strands you had in front of your face out of the way. He had missed you but knew that the separation was for your own safety but now he wasn't so sure being separated was the safest choice now.
Techno's eyes narrowed in curiosity looking at your neck, it'd almost seemed to be bruised as his eyebrows furrowed. He didn't want to assume anything so he decided to ask when you would wake as he smiles to himself, "I am not gonna lose you again."
You woke up warm and feeling safe, a feeling you hadn't felt for a very long time. Your eyes fluttered open to seeing a blue sheep curled up against you and a polar bear on your other side, his head resting in your lap. The fire place in front of you was still burning brightly as you heard the sound of humming coming from the other room. You pulled yourself off the ground waking up the blue sheep who let out a baa following you.
You entered the other room where the humming was coming from and you were tackled in a hug by the ghost you had met. He smiled clinging to you.
"You're alive! You're alive! I don't even know you but you're alive!" Ghostbur laughed clinging onto you. You laughed hugging the ghost back. You looked over at the corner of the room over Ghostbur's shoulder noticing Techno sitting at a table, a book in his hands and glasses on the bridge of his nose, his tusks peaking out of his lips like usual.
"Morning," Techno said with his usual monotone voice marking the page in his book and take his glasses off. Ghostbur let go of you as you made your way over to the table sitting down, Techno's robe still over your shoulders, "you look very nice in my robe I must say."
"Thank you for saving my life," Techno nodded sliding a plate of potatoes over to you as you stiffled a laugh, "you still obsessed with potatoes huh?"
"Eh," Techno shrugged as Ghostbur skipped outside with Friend following him. Techno watched the door close, finally knowing Ghostbur was out of earshot he looked at you in all seriousness, "who put their hands on you."
You were caught off guard by Techno's question, looking at him, his eyes scanning your entire face trying to read your emotions, "no one, I just had a run in with some mobs, that's all."
"Oh so you're trying to tell me that a creeper grabbed you by the throat as such a rough grip to bruise? Come on Y/N, I've known you for how long and you think I'll fall for something like that?" it was obvious you couldn't just lie to Techno but at the same time, lying would cause less blood shed, "besides you wouldn't just run out of L'Manberg like that and almost have yourself killed if everything was fine, just spit it out."
"Why do you want to know so badly?"
"Because the person that I love just comes to my house out of nowhere after completely disappearing for a long time and almost dies at my door step and then I find bruises on their neck like someone had strangled them?!" Techno yelled catching you off guard. You had never seen Techno so mad at you before, sure you two had arguments in the past but this was different, he never raised his voice at you before.
Techno raised his hand to run his hand through his hair to calm himself down, however when you flinched seeing his hand go up, he froze. His hands dropping to his sides as he got up from the table and grabbed his axe before walking out the door.
You looked down at your hands, you didn't mean to flinch, it just happened, you didn't mean to scare him like that. You sighed dropping your face into your hands as you silently cried into your hands feeling Steve lay his head on your lap looking up at you.
"I gotta go boy," you scratched behind Steve's ear as you got off the chair, Steve following behind you as you went to the door, "no you have to stay here boy." Opening the door, you closed it before Steve could come out as you watched the bear jump up and look through the window of the door as you walked out.
The snow crunched under your feet as you started to walk away. You were meant to be alone. You thought coming back to Techno would make things better but all you did was make him think that you were scared of him.
You kept walking till you noticed less and less snow and noticed you were in a flower field. Your tears started to drop more as you looked at the flowers, it reminded you of the times you and Techno would spend in the flower fields together. You would sit in the grass picking flowers for different decor and dyes while Techno would tell stories of Greek mythology or his war stories. It didn't matter how many times you heard the same story, you loved to hear them everytime.
"Thought you might have wandered off to here," you vision snapped turning around to see Techno. He was just wearing his white button up, the first three button undone, his hair in a new braid. You remembered that you were the one that always braided his hair until you taught him to.
"Tech, I'm sorry-"
"Hush," Techno held up his hand moving over to you, his body towering over yours, "just tell me, please."
You looked down at the ground as Techno sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulled you into his chest. You clung to his body as you felt the tears starting to well in your eyes, "it was Quackity. He found out about us and then he attacked me after I helped him treat that scar you gave him."
You felt Techno tense, "I wish I could kill that duck. I can't believe he'd put his hands on you like that."
"It's not the first time," you sighed out, hiding your face in Techno's chest. Techno asked you what you meant as you bit your lip, "during the L'Manberg war for independence, Dream had grabbed me when the van exploded and held me hostage for a few weeks until I got saved after L'Manberg became independant. Than I ended up working for Schlatt for a while when Wilbur and Tommy were exiled, I guess they never told you. Schlatt treated both me, Niki, and Quackity awfully, he taxed Niki till she was bankrupt, he would yell and shame Quackity, and then he'd grab me. It was worse when he found out I had opened the gates for Wilbur to get in Manberg, he almost killed me in a drunk rage inside the van. Than well, you know Quackity."
Techno sighed, "Y/N look at me."
You shook your head hiding your face in Techno's chest until he grabbed your chin making you look up at him.
"I'm never letting you out of my sight again."
"I love you," you held onto Techno's hand as he smiled pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"I love you too."
Thank you for reading. Please show your support since it really helps me out :)
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 (𝐂𝐄𝐎!/𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨) 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐂𝐞𝐨/𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲! 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)× 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟑𝐊 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲/𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭, 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 (𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭), 𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐞.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐡𝐞'𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫.
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @multidreams-and-desires @galaxteez @yunhoiseyecandy @atiny-ahgase
After arranging and rearranging the boxes and bags layed out on the king sized bed, Yunho calmly took a step back to make sure everything looked ok. He let out a frustrated groan as he began second guessing himself.
"What if she doesn't like them?"
He had no time to ponder more on that question as the doorbell rang, letting him know the very person he was talking about was already there. He scurried out the bedroom, as he passed the living room, he stopped and ran back inside it to pick up the bouquet of roses that he nearly forgot about. Making sure to straighten out his posture, he nervously reached for the handle before turning it to open the door, hiding the bouquet behind his back.
"Hi." The person standing there waved at him, her eyes lighting up when she saw him.
"Hey you....." He had an equally flustered smile plastered on his face as he gazed down at the pretty face in front of him.
The girl shifted awkwardly in place, looking side to side as she waited for him to say something.
"So.....did you have fun on your trip?" She finally asked.
He let out a chuckle.
"Hardly. It was literally all work the entire time and I was just frustrated and stress and- Oh! I'm sorry Y/N. Please come inside."
He stepped aside to let her enter into his penthouse apartment, which she hadn't been in for the 4 months he was away on a business trip. Closing the door behind him, he faced her and produced the flowers he was hiding up to the point.
"Here. I brought them for you." He held them out towards her.
"Oh my gosh they're beautiful! Thank you!" She thanked him as she admired the gift he'd given her.
"And that's not all! I got you a few other things while I was away!"
Taking her hand in one of his large ones, he excitedly led her into the room that had been specifically decorated, prepared and set aside just for her whenever she'd come over and stayed with him for long periods of time. Standing behind her, he led her inside, his hands now covering her eyes as he whispered tiny instructions on how many steps to take and where to turn.
"Ta da!" He cheered enthusiastically.
Opening her eyes, she was bewildered by the dozens upon dozens of designer and luxury named bags and boxes that no doubt contained clothes, jewelry, shoes and probably a few articles of lingerie. She smiled softly at his kind gesture
"It's wonderful.....thank you." She turned to him.
"Do you want to look through them now?" He was already reaching for one of the bags.
"Oh....perhaps later..." She suggested.
Sensing something like disappointment, Yunho sighed.
"Don't you like them? Were they not what you wanted? Was there something specific you would have rather liked?" He was ready to give her the world, all she needed to say was the word and he'd bend earth and sky for her.
"No! I love them, I do! It's just...." She looked down, somewhat afraid of saying out loud what it was she really wanted.
Wanting to soften her up, his fingers cupped her chin, lifting it up so he could look at her eyes.
"Tell me babygirl. Just ask and it shall be yours." He assured her.
She bit her lip, that action alone making him lick his own and wish it was his own teeth that were fulfilling that action instead on her.
"I really just wanted to spend time with you.....maybe watch a movie together and.....cuddle?"
Without realizing it, her hands began pinching at the soft material of his black turtleneck, bottom lip pouting upwards like a child awaiting to be refused. The tall male let out a soft and low chuckle.
"That's it? Is that really all my darling wants?" He kissed her forehead in disbelief.
She whined in a rather cute yet frustrated way.
"It's just you've been gone for so long and I missed you. Is that a crime?" She defended herself.
He shook his head then swiftly scooped her up in his arms and began carrying her out into the living room.
"Nope and honestly I'm happy you suggested it. I missed my babygirl as well."
She blushed slightly when he pressed a rather hard and long kiss to her cheek before sitting her down on his lap and turning on the huge television in front of them. They both agreed to watch a new movie that had just recently came out, all of their friends having been raving about it making them curious and wanting to see what it was about. From the looks of it, it seemed to be another typical romantic movie, which neither of them minded. Neither were hardly paying attention to the movie, one more occupied in poking either side of her ribcage or pinching her thighs, while she playfully slapped his giant hands away, often whining which resulted in him wrapping his arms more tightly around her, face pressing against her shoulder as he bounced her on his lap.
When they finally decided to just stop and watch the movie, it had suddenly taken another turn that was not very PG at all. A rather erotic and explicit R rated scene came up, leaving them both gulping and making them both sweat nervously. They both thought it'd be over soon, like any other cliche Hollywood sex scene that would only last a minute or two, but they were surprised that almost 10 minutes later, it was only getting more and more kinky which had both of them awkwardly sitting there.
Y/N could feel the way Yunho's fingers began to slowly rub circles along her hip bones, sometimes digging harshly into her skin. She began to think of all the other places she'd rather have his fingers in, like her mouth, around her neck or slipping inside her womanhood which was getting more wet the more sensual his touches became. The fake moans coming from the actors on screen made her think of all the times Yunho had gone rough on her, teasing her relentlessly and making her have one orgasm after another because he always wanted more, never satisfied with having her cum just once. Those thoughts were so wrapped up in her mind, she didn't realize she had began grinding herself against Yunho's lap until his hands suddenly held her in place, stilling her movements.
Inhaling a raspy breath, her eyes fluttered close when he began pressing open mouth kisses to the side of her neck and shoulder.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you.."
One of his hands moved to slip inside her shorts, pushing past her cotton panties to start stroking gently at her little nub, eliciting soft moans and breaths to protrude from her lips.
"So let me show you princess just how much daddy missed you."
She let out a pleasured hum at having him call her that nickname that he reserved especially for these moments. With his hand buried in between her legs, he moved his fingers down further, slipping one of his long fingers into her entrance, probing around her walls as his kisses to her neck became more sloppy and hungry.
"You're already super wet. Did you miss me that much? Hmm? Did my little princess miss her daddy?"
She couldn't help but nod.
"Y-yes, I missed you so much daddy." She gasped when a second finger entered her, speedily thrusting in and out of her. She couldn't help but grind down onto his hand.
Yunho let out a groan.
"Do you like my fingers that much princess?" He cooed in her ear.
"Yes! Oh my God! I love your fingers so much!" She cried out.
Snorting softly, he used his free hand to trail up her neck before running his thumb across her bottom lip. Knowing exactly what he was hinting at, she obediently opened her mouth.
"That's it princess. Such a good girl. Suck on my fingers....fuck- yes, just like that."
She didn't protest as he slipped 3 of his fingers in her mouth, she just enveloped them inside her wet cavern and sucked on them as though they were one of the delicious candies he often brought her from some foreign country. She moaned around his fingers, as his other hand worked her closer to her incoming orgasm. Although she wanted to hold out a little longer, it had been far too long since she'd had something that wasn't her own fingers, or one of the many toys she'd been spoiled with, inside her pussy. And Yunho's touch was so addicting, always knowing exactly how to push her over the edge in such little time. He could feel it too, he knew she was ready to burst at any second.
"Cum...cum for me princess. You deserve it."
His fingers pushed deeper in her mouth, making her release a series of choked out moans as her hips shook, liquids pouring out of her and covering Yunho's hand in a sticky mess. Although his fingers stopped moving inside her, his thumb continued to rub at her clit, helping to ride her out of her orgasm, only stopping when she finally stopped moving her hips.
Pulling his fingers out of her soaked hole, he brought them up to his lips and shamelessly sucked off the secretions left on it.
"Still tasting as delicious as ever." He purred in her ear.
His immense hands suddenly turned her over, placing her on top of his thigh.
"Ride it baby. Put on a little show for me."
Although she was always shy about riding his thick thighs, she never refused him, knowing he was always gentle and helped her throughout it since she was still pretty new to it. Her hands grasped at his shoulders to help stabilize her as her hips began rutting against his clothed thighs. Her ruined underwear was now painfully clinging to her soaked pussy, only attaching itself more to her skin the more she grinded herself against her lover's body.
Yunho watched with hooded eyes as her head fell back, exposing more of her beautiful neck, eyes shut tight as she fucked herself on his thigh. His hands went over to grab at her ass cheeks, kneading her soft flesh in between his fingers, massaging them gently and guiding them to help her find the best pleasure possible.
"There you go baby, keep doing that. You're doing such a good job my darling. Look at you looking so pretty."
She couldn't control herself as she began riding his thigh with more intensity, loving all the praises being spilled out of his mouth just for her. Yunho knew it too, knew how much she loved to be dotted on in such a way by him.
"Yeah you like being called that? Like being daddy's good little girl? Cause that's what you are right?" He flexed his thigh, slightly rubbing more against her, a wet patch becoming visible on his trousers as she began soaking through her clothes.
"Yes! I'm your good girl daddy! Wanna be good just for you." She cried out as she began to frantically hump his thigh, another orgasm fast approaching her.
"You're such a good girl princess..just for me right? Be my good princess and cum again, can you do that again for me? Yes you can, go ahead."
His hands flew to grasp at her waist, holding her in place as her arms fell back onto the leather couch beneath her and held her body up as she came on top of him, her hips unable to ride her through her orgasm so Yunho continued rubbing his thigh in between her legs so her orgasm wouldn't be ruined. He loved watching her eyes shut tight, the corners spilling out a few droplets of tears as an overwhelming pleasure took her over countenance, leaving her breathless for a few seconds.
Once she recovered from that high, she opened her eyes to find Yunho staring at her with such ardent passion burning in his eyes. His lips flew up to kiss hers fervently, his body pushing her down onto the couch. His hands entangled themselves on hers and held them up above her head. She shivered when she felt his bulge rub against her inner thigh, making her excited at the thought of having it inside her once again.
"Such a pretty and beautiful baby. I know I say it a lot but I truly mean it."
Tilting her head to the side so it'd be easier for him to leave marks along the side of her neck, her smiled at the loving compliments he kept showering her with.
"You're such a sight to behold." He was practically growling as his mouth ravished at the tender skin of her neck, marking as he pleased, after all.....
She was all his and belonged to him and him only.
"My beautiful little princess."
Sitting up, he began ridding her of her shorts, her panties dragged along with them, tossed onto the floor. Yunho groaned at the sight of her glistening folds, looking plump and pink hued from the previous administrations he had placed on it.
"Fuck....I really need to be inside you.. ....
Right. Now."
She let out a squeal as he turned her to her side, laying down beside her in a spooning position. She giggled as she heard the sound of his belt being undone, followed by his trousers being pulled down to his thighs so he could take his cock out. Pumping himself a few times, he lined himself up against her entrance before pushing in, barely fitting the enormous head in.
"God princess! You're tighter than usual."
She bit down at her shirt sleeve in an effort to quiet down her whimpers as he slowly pushed more of his length in her.
"You ok? Want me to stop?" He rubbed her cheek in a soothing motion.
Shaking her head, she urged him to keep going.
"P-please...w-want daddy's monster cock inside my tiny pussy." She begged, her ass pressing back onto him to fit more of him in her.
Yunho hissed as he moved forward, finally fitting his entire length inside her warm and inviting walls.
"Fuck, you're practically squeezing the life out of me. I'm not sure you'll be able to take me."
Of course he was just taunting her at this moment, wanting to get her begging for him to fuck her as he wanted to.
"Yes I can!" She refuted his statement.
"Oh? But I don't think you can princess. I can barely move inside you. You're such a small and tiny doll compared to me.....I'm afraid I might break you." He teased her.
She whined, enjoying how he used his size against her.
"I'm small but I can take daddy's big cock. Please, break me, I can take it." She wiggled her ass to get her point across.
Getting the ok, Yunho began to slip in and out of her slowly, her walls stretching out to accommodate his length better. They both released a series of sinful sounds, both overjoyed at being connected once again after being separated for too long. Y/N's stinging in her core was replaced by ecstasy as Yunho began to speed up his thrusts, her body once again familiarizing itself with his size.
Yunho's hand that was resting on her hip moved to cup her lower abdomen, muttering curses as he felt the bulge protruding in her.
"Feel that my little doll? You're so small I can feel all of me move in and out of you."
She had tears trickling down her cheeks from the immense feeling his cock and words were giving her.
"Fuck! You're so tight little one! One might believe I don't fuck you enough." He giggled as he began nibbling at her earlobe.
Her breaths became more ragged and shaky as she approached her third orgasm of the day, walls clenching around Yunho. His hand that was on her abdomen, grabbed her own and placed it where his previously rested.
"Feel that princess? Feel me in you? Can you believe that it's really you taking me so well?"
She was releasing whimpered yelps at this point, hips snapping against her at a rough and deep pace, his gigantic length fucking her out of her mind.
"Daddy! I'm-I'm-"
His hands reached inside her shirt, groping at her soft breasts, fingers pinching at her nipples as he fucked her into another orgasm that had her eyes rolling to the back of her head. Feeling her spill in him made him desperate to chase his own release.
"Princess, gonna cum- wanna cum in you. Please tell me you've been going to the gynecologist like you're supposed to." He desperately pleaded at her, his thrusts getting more erratic, hair sticking to his forehead.
Y/N nodded furiously, affirming she had been getting her contraceptive injection specifically for this reason.
"Oh fuck! Fuck!"
Yunho grunted harshly as he spilled his cum all over her walls, making sure to fuck all of it in her. He panted softly as he tried to catch his breath, his partner next to him already worn out from that intense love session. Carefully he pulled out of her, smiling in an accomplished manner as he saw her hole be filled up with his sticky white substance.
"Beautiful." He whispered mostly to himself than anything.
Turning her over to lay on her back, he smiled down at her tired and sleepy figure. Leaning down, he began placing tiny kisses all over her face.
"I love you so much my little princess."
Too tired to even mutter out a sentence, she merely let out a tiny grumble which he giggled at.
"How cute. Come here princess. Daddy will take care of you."
Wrapping her arms around his neck, his hands lifted her up, legs wrapped around his waist as he began carrying her towards his bathroom to indulge her in a warm bubble bath to soothe her tired and sore body.
"You're so good to me Yunho..." She mumbled in his ear, her nose nuzzling against his neck, sending him into a flutter of soft panic.
"Well...you are daddy's princess after all."
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