#i don't want to feel like i'm insignificant i was doing so good why does it hurt why is it hurting now
epiphainie · 24 hours
I completely agree with you in that there are many bad faith interpretations of tommy and buck and tommy’s relationship. I don’t know if this one I’m about to share would necessarily be a bad faith interpretation but I’d like your take on it. In the scene where buck comes out to eddie, eddie says to buck “this changes nothing between us” and buck responds with something along the lines of “uh good, that’s a relief”. I’ve seen a lot of people interpret buck’s facial expressions as not showing just relief but relief mixed disappointment because a part of buck wanted things to change between them, in the romantic sense, he just doesn’t realize it. I do agree that buck’s expression as he says the words is interesting but I don’t personally think it has anything to do with him harbouring romantic feelings for eddie. for me it felt like one of those moments where you dread the reaction for so long, that when you finally face the thing and open up, even if the other person’s reaction is positive, it takes a minute for you to really internalise it and let yourself believe it.
Another moment that people often talk about from this scene is reaction to buck saying he can’t stop thinking about tommy. People often say eddie’s facial expression shows some sort of disappointment but again, I don’t know if that’s it? again, it is an interesting expression so I get why people would pause and focus for a minute but to me, it reads as eddie searching for a moment to give his honest advice to buck in the scenario.
Anyway, I’d love your thoughts on those particular moments and how you see them. Again, I’m not saying that the interpretations people are making of that scene in relation to buddie are necessarily in bad faith. I know it’s fun to analyze and interpret scenes in ways that you enjoy and I’d never want people to stop doing that. I just feel like Oliver and Tim have been very clear in that they do not want to tell a story where a guy comes out and is in love with his best friend and if buck was truly disappointed in hearing eddie say nothing’s going to change between them post buck’s coming out, that would be a quite bold contradiction.
Hi anon!
I'm not sure if you actually meant to send this to me because I'm kind of the exact opposite of a person who engages in the practice of reverse-engineering actors' faces to find deep secret meanings that doesn't actually exist in the script. I think it's a slippery slop of a fan practice where if you go "haha he looks jealous here" and want to make it gay in your fantasy world and are capable of compartmentalizing that from the actual text, it's great! If you look at it like it's subtext that is meant to one day come to surface, as some sort of proof that this is not the actual story, you're either too deep in your world that you treat these characters like they have agencies and thoughts and feelings and are not, yknow, fictional - or that actors are making the conscious choice to layer their performances with breadcrumbs for a plot that doesn't exist at the time.
I've seen all these arguments with almost every scene this season. Eddie's face when Tommy enters the bachelor party. Buck's face when Bobby says Tommy is good for him. Bobby's face when he says Tommy is good for Buck. Eddie's smile when they enter the hospital room. Most of these are insignificant and the others have in-text explanation (Yeah, Bobby smiles weirdly in that scene. Guess what, he's kind of planning to kill himself). And like I said, if people want to read these in a pro-Buddie sense and go do fandom stuff with it, that's great. But we all know this fandom is taken over by the question of "will Buck and Eddie happen?" so everyone who's not even doing this in bad faith (I don't think all do) are looking at it in "does this support canon romantic Buddie?" lenses. So much of shipping Buddie is about speculating for the next episode, next season, next whatever that I think it's so easy to find yourself on that slippery slop where you fit every shot, face, editing choice to your interpretation. There's also the sunk cost fallacy at play here - once you do it for so long, it's hard to give up on the belief that it'll happen.
I think both Oliver and Ryan great actors - and that scene is one of my favorites in the season - but no, I don't think there's more to their faces than what they're given to play. Which is as all of them mentioned a billion times, a scene of a guy nervously coming out as queer to his best friend and receiving support. If I'm wrong and the rest of this fandom is right and the production/writers/showrunners are actually fully married to the idea of canon romantic Buddie but The Powers That Be are keeping gay Eddie in the closet as if he's a real person and they're the evil step-mother, and come S10 Buck realizes he's been in love with his bff all along, then yeah in-text, that would recontextualize all their performances. It still wouldn't change what the writers' intention has been with the text as it exists today or be proof that Oliver and Ryan are making acting choices for a hypothetical future SL.
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maxphilippa · 26 days
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uh. vent art. or something. losing yourself and losing everyone who you cared about as a result
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entername322 · 3 months
It takes two
Chaewon (ex Izone, Le Sserafim) x Male Reader x Minju (ex Izone)
Length: 10383 words
Previous part
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What is the difference between love and obsession? For Chaewon the two are basically the same. How can you love someone without being overly obsessed with them? Whatever feeling she had for her ex is, insignificant. You have shown her what love is, what it truly means to be mutually in love. “Chae, can you let me go?” At least that's what she thinks, “No pup, I'm spending the whole night like this, whether you like it or not”, Chae continues hugging you. It's been a few hours since the two of you had sex, now that your mind is clear the first thing that comes into your mind is to contact Minju. Unfortunately Chaewon has wrapped her limbs around you like you are some kind of body pillow and has refused to let go. 
“Chae I need to go”, That's not a very appealing argument, “You don't NEED to go anywhere. You belong here, it's been a long day isn't it? Just rest up baby, I've ordered our food already”, Chae peck your lips, giving you a sense of urgency. It feels like, for every second you're here with her, you're just gonna fall deeper and deeper into the abyss. “No, I need to talk with mom. I have dinner with her”, It's very odd, even though you've gained considerable muscle mass, your body would just get easily overpowered by her. “Baby, do you love your mom more than your own wife?” Say yes pussy, bet you won't, “No, it's just that….. she's my mom. She misses me as much as you do”, Called it. 
“So what? You're a grown up now babe, you should stop being a mommy's boy. Unless you're into that type of stuff, then I'll be glad to be your mommy”, You struggle so hard to not get an erection from her words. Hard, get it? “Come on Chae, you know she's important to me. Besides you owe her for saving you did you not?” Chae frowns realising you're right. Also your mom is scary, so as a good daughter-in-law Chae will try her best to please her. “Hmpffff, I already ordered some food. But fine, go get dinner with your mom, after that you'll come back right to me. I want you to cuddle with me and feed me okay?” Chae let go of her hug just so she can hold you by the neck. “I….. I'll see later, okay Chae? Mom and I have a long conversation to make”, Chae's eyes darted around trying to dissect your expression to see if anything is off.
“You. Will. Come. Back. To. Me. Tonight.” Every word spoken with venom, and it might be your imagination, but you can feel her hands constrict around your neck. “Okay, I'll try”, Not good enough, “If you don't come back tonight, I will lock you up in here myself”, That is a good sign for you to never come back here. “Okay, I promise”, A smile forms on her face, “Good, then why don't I help you wash up before you meet your mom? I'll help you pick your clothes'', Chae pulls you up from the bed. “I…… I can shower by-”, Chae wouldn't let you finish your sentence and just kiss you. It's effective, you're half starstruck by her kiss and half guilty for all this. “I think you're just being shy. Come on baby you already saw my naked body”, Chae sees your silence and feels victorious, “Okay, but don't do anything funny Chae. I'm drained”, She frowns a little but she understands, for now.
Chae did not in fact do anything funny in the showers, she simply enjoys your body by caressing it a little but she never does anything more than that. “Okay, I want you to call me once you're there, and call me once you finish dinner okay? If you forgot to call me I'm gonna have to punish you after you come home”, Chae gives you an ultimatum, “Okay Chae, I'll see you later”, A quick kiss for good luck and she sends you off. Now where do you go from here? “Mom, I'm gonna be spending the night at Minju's place okay?” Would Minju be able to protect you better than your mom? “Haaaaaa, you spend 20 something years being confined in home and now you have a girlfriend and you don't even bother to greet your mom?” She doesn't sound that mad, “Sorry mom, I just forgot time while hanging out with Chae and I need to talk to Minju”, Hopefully it won't be the last time you ever talk to Minju. “Fine, but I want you to come back home tomorrow and tell me everything about her. Don't make your mom meet your girlfriend when I don't know a single thing about her”, You should do that, if Minju decides to let go.
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“You know, you have some nerve ignoring me for almost the whole day”, Minju frowned at you the moment you got to her apartment, “Oh sorry, I just got carried away”, It's hard, it's really hard to face her right now. “Well come in, don't be a stranger. I hope you like the place, I haven't had time to clean it up”, Minju grabs your hand and pulls you in. The whole place is nice, but you don't really get to enjoy it as your heart is being eaten alive by guilt. “I'm too lazy to go outside babe, let's order some take out. I hope my favourite ramen place hasn't closed yet while we're gone”, Minju pushes you to the couch before laying on top of you.
“Minju……. I have something to tell you”, Minju raises her head while looking at you curiously, “It's about Chaewon. Something happened today”, Your whole body is shaking while your heart might just burst any moment. This confrontation isn't something you've thought through. “Babe? What happened today?” You suddenly feel her hand touching your face, unlike the usual warm and inviting sensation you only feel chill running down your spine. It's rare, but there are times when Minju would outright terrify you with her gaze, this is one of those times. “I don't know what happened to her but-”, Minju grabs your mouth shutting you up, her mouth is smiling but her eyes are, well they're just blank. 
“I don't care about what happened to her. I want to know what she did to you. Did she hurt you again baby?” Minju turns her body around, now laying on top of you face to face. “I…..” Just from your demeanour alone she can tell what happened, which angers her. Without waiting for your answer her hand ripped open your shirt to expose your chest that has been filled with new hickeys. “Baby, were you cheating on me?” Her hand lowers to your throat, much like how Chae did today, “I didn't mean to. But she just keep pushing herself on me and I-” Lied, you lied because truthfully you got lost in the moment and accepted her advances. “Oh? That whore raped you?” You flinch hearing Minju's accusations, “I mean, I'm not sure if it could be considered as one”, You're torn apart from trying to tell her that you cheated on her, while also trying to shift the blame from yourself. Honestly, this might end worse if you don't come clean, fully clean.
“No, no, no, no, no, no baby. If you don't want that to happen then it's rape, but if you do then it's cheating. So did she rape you or did you cheat on me?” For the second time in your life you are being strangled. Weird how both happen on the same day and by the two girls you hold dear to your heart. “It’s complicated, okay babe? She's confused and-”, Now this is an interesting strategy, trying to shift the blame from yourself and Chae by acting like she is insane. “I don't fucking care about what she is, all I'm asking is did she or did she not rape you?” Minju takes away your right to breathe. “Baby please”, You gurgled out, “No, say it. Did she rape you?” Fuck maybe Minju is just as insane as Chae is. Hey at least she has a good reason to, you're her boyfriend after all.
“Minju please, I have known her for so long and I know she's not right in the head right now. Please I'm really sorry for what happened today but I don't want her to-”, The answer is still inadequate for her, so she choke you again. “Baby….”, You tried to free yourself from her hand but it's really pointless, just like with Chae, your body just refuses to go against Minju. “It's been a long day baby. Let's rest up”, Minju whispers in your ears as everything fades to black.
The next day, you woke up with a headache, as you tried to get up you felt Minju resting on top of you. “Where are you going?” She is also woken up due to your sudden movement. “What? Where am I?” You try your best to recall what happened last night. “Hmmm? You're in our bed baby, just lay down and rest okay? It's still midnight”, It's not the next day, and it's not a good time to rest up. “Minju, I….”, Go on, protest about what just happened earlier last night, “What? Is your throat hurting baby? I'm sorry I guess I just got ‘carried away’, you know how it is”, Minju stares at you with some disdain in her eyes.
“I know I fucked up, I'm sorry. I understand if you want to-”, Your words interrupted by a sudden pain in your chest, “You think you can just cheat on me and leave me? You're gonna have to make it up to me babe”, Well, you're not really ready to break up with her from your mistake. However the way she says that makes you think that it's better to break up with her. “Baby….. I cheated on you”, All it takes is just a near death experience for you to say that, “I know, and I'm not over that, in fact I don't think that I will be over that anytime soon. But let's not forget, she raped you”, Talking about Chae, she must be furious with the fact that you went off grid.
“No Minju, i-”, Minju shut you up with a kiss, it's really, unsettling. The kiss feels like how Chae-, okay what is up with you? Why do you keep comparing her to Chae? Do you actually have feelings for Chaewon? “She's still in your mind isn't she?” Minju also notices it, “I’m sorry”, You can almost hear a snapping sound, as if a rope just got ripped from a heavy tension. “Baby”, She touches your cheek again making you pull back out of fear, “Sssshhhh, I'm not mad”, You didn't pick up on it, but she's telling the truth. Minju is not mad at all.
“Minju I just don't think I'm really over Chae. I'm sorry okay? I never want to hurt you, I guess I treated you like a rebound girl and I only realised it now. Today, when I saw Chae again I felt like I just got hit by a truck of memories. Maybe I am just pathetic like that, but I don't want to drag you down with me. Yeah I know Chae probably finds me to be a rebound guy as well, but i just can't let go of her. So I'm sorry, but I think I'm just a hopeless romantic who keep chasing someone I can never get”
Minju stays quiet for a while, it's the type of silence you've never seen from her before. She has always been cheerful and chatty, so seeing her in this state made you realised you really fucked up. You fucked up a promising relationship that could've and should've been a better option than whatever the hell is going on between you and Chae. “Oh baby, I do think you're pathetic”, That's harsh, but you deserve it. “Which is why I can't be mad at you. How can I be mad at a dog who is loyal to it's master”, What the fuck? Since when has Minju become so mean? “Minju, I'm sorry. I deserve that”, Is she mean though? Or is she just speaking facts?
“It's okay baby, I see what's happening now. I fell in love with a slave who has grown to love the collar that's hanging around his neck”, A kiss to your cheek, filled with so many sinister thoughts. You being you, only think it as her anger, completely missing the darkness within it. “Of course as a nurse I can't just sit still when someone needs my help”, You acknowledge that you need help, but it feels like she's talking about a different kind of help. “Minju, what are you talking about?” She leans in and kisses you again, her hands grab both of yours and push it against the bed. It feels wrong, but you can't pull away.
“Listen baby, whatever she's done to you, it's much worse than I expected. I was thinking that she must've hurt you a lot after all those years of leading you on. Now, I realised she has left a permanent mark in my man's heart. So I'll help you get away from her. After all if I want all of you I will need you to be in one piece, with no part of you being clutched by her”
You stare at her with confusion, what the hell is she talking about? “Haaaaa, what I mean is I'll help you get over her okay? Like an adult would, by having a….. civil conversation”, In your confused state you completely miss the ambiguous tone she uses on the last two words. “No Minju, I don't want to make things even harder for you okay?” You plead, “Ssshhh, I know you're too kind for your own good. That Chae girl really means a lot to you right? So let's have a talk with her tomorrow. I'll be there and make sure nothing bad happens. Relax baby, I'm not blaming you, for now. Your kindness is why I love you after all”, This isn't how you expect things to turn out. 
“Baby I don't know what to say”, Do you want to get over Chae? Or is she way too deeply rooted in your heart? “Let's do that okay baby? I'll accompany you to her place at lunch, then we can go to dinner with your mom. Perfect right?” Absolutely foolproof plan one might add. “You don't have to do that”, Whatever feeling you have in your heart you just label it as guilt. Despite it actually being a plea for salvation. Nothing good can come out of the lunch. Chae's domineering attitude alongside Minju’s sudden change of heart would just clash too much. But if you don't know then you don't know, hopefully you're ready for tomorrow.
“I, need to have breakfast with my mom first if you want to have dinner with her later”, Minju smiles and shrug, “I'll drop you off at her place then, and I'll pick you up after”, You look around to search for your phone, let's see how Chae will react to this. “Looking for your phone?” Minju pulls it out of the locked bedside cabinet, why does she put it there? “Yes maybe I should tell Chae first”, Minju gives it to you, but only after she pulls you into her embrace so that she can watch over your phone.
The first thing you notice is the 40 missed calls alongside 100+ texts from Chae. “It seems like she must've been as hopeless as you are'', Minju kisses your cheek while you open the wall of texts Chae has sent you. “I, feel worried about her”, Chae is not in the right state of mind, you get that, but you didn't expect her to turn so drastically out of nowhere. As you open your chat messages, Chae can see you have read them, so she instantly called you. “Answer it babe, put it on speaker”, Don't do it, “Okay”, You fucking idiot.
“WHERE ARE YOU PUP? I TOLD YOU TO COME HOME AFTER DINNER AND IT'S ALREADY WELL PAST MIDNIGHT. COME. HOME. NOW!!!!” Chae's voice blares through the speaker, echoing the walls of Minju’s bedroom. “You must be Chaewon right?” Minju answered in a…… friendly manner. Chae stays quiet for a while, “Who is this?” You can almost feel Chae hiss into your ear. “I'm Minju, my boyfriend told me a lot about you”, Chae didn't answer immediately but you could hear a loud crash from the other side. “Chae? What happened?” Of course you being you can't help but feel worried for her. “Babe? What are you doing with that bitch?” You glanced back at Minju, scared of how she would react. Surprisingly there's a meaningful smile hanging in her face, as if she finds this to be enjoyable.
“Oh he's just resting for the night. It's been a long day after all, both of us just got off the plane this morning and we're completely messed up by the jetlag”
“If he want to rest he can rest in his apartment, WITH ME”
“Oh? But it's not his apartment, his home is right here with me”
“Fuck you, where are you pup? I'm picking you up”
“I don't think so. My lovely boyfriend is going to rest for the night so please don't bother us”
“Listen up whore. HE'S NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND. Now fuck off and bring him back to me”
“Oh I'm sorry, but I don't think you two are in a relationship”
“We are bitch. So stop taking him away from me”
“Uggghhhh, so crude. You sure this is the same girl you've always talked to me about babe? She's a bad influence for you”
“Now, now, why don't you stop screaming and let me talk for once”
“The cops? Where are you gonna send them to? You don't know where I live. Where WE live”
“Fucking bitch”
“Listen up Chae, can I call you Chae?”
“So Chae, my boyfriend here told me about what you did earlier today”
“So you know he belongs to ME. So stop being a fucking whore and return him to me”
“I must say I feel sad for him. Imagine going home after a year long job and meeting back with your old friend. Then instead of having a wholesome-”
“Catch-up conversation you just got raped instead. I don't know you Chae, but I feel disappointed at you”
“What rape? It's love, stop lying to yourself. You know he loves me more than you”
“He does? Oh sweetie, are you aware of Stockholm Syndrome? Of course you are, after all you experienced it with your ex don't you?”
“Fuck off, don't put words into his mouth. Our love is pure and strong. It's you who's corrupting him so fuck off”
“I never put words into his mouth, I just make an educated guess”
“Stop this already, tell me where you are before I really lose my patience”
“So feisty. Anyway WE are calling because we want to set up a lunch with you tomorrow. You can do that right?”
“What fucking lunch? He's mine so stop taking him away from me. I swear to god I will tear you apart the moment I see you”
“That's good to hear sweetie, we'll come by tomorrow at lunch, see you tomorrow”
Oh right you're also here. Well most of the time you just cower in fear as the two girls brawl it out. You didn't even do anything when Minju hung up the call and took your phone away from your hand. “That went well right? Let's go back to sleep baby, you have to wake up early to meet your mom tomorrow after all”, Minju turns off your phone and locks it back in her bedside cabinet. Clueless as you are, you at least realise this lunch would end in your death. But what can you do? You can't confront Chae, she will just do whatever she wants with you. You also can't deal with Minju, your stomach would just twist and turn out of guilt for cheating on her. “Y-y-y-yeah, let's”, Your fate is sealed, you will die by tomorrow noon.
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“Why are you holding her hand?” From the get go things are already going bad. Chaewon immediately tries to rip you away from Minju’s hand, however Minju wouldn't let go so a vicious tug if war started between the girl with you being the rope. “Enough, can't you see my boyfriend is hurting here?” Minju pulls your face into her embrace. The gesture really terrifies you because, “He's MY boyfriend”, Chaewon would just rip you out of Minju's hand. “Girls please, can we just stop this first?” You're gonna have to do better than that bucko. “Baby I'm trying to protect you from this fucking bitch okay? So just help me then I will stop”, Chae do another pull, “Look at her babe, first she hurt and torture you mentally for years, now she just starts to hurt you physically as well. Guess it's true what they said about the victim turning into the aggressor”, Minju shakes her head while pulling you back into her arms.
“You fucking what?” Chae's face turns sour, “What? Is it not true?” Minju kisses your cheek. “Hey, fuck off”, Chae sends a punch to Minju's face, and for the first time ever your body actually moves to stop her. “Chae”, You raise your voice making her frown even deeper, “See babe? She's insane and violent. You're lucky I'm here to save you”, Minju sighs, “Don't you dare speak another word bitch or I'll rip your face apart”, Chae then turns to you and kisses your other cheek, as an ultimatum of course. “Enough, I promise my boyfriend that I will be here to have a civil conversation with you, so let's have one shall we?” Minju smiles at Chae with confidence, “Fucking fake bitch”, Chae muttered under her breath.
Thankfully Chae does accept the invitation by pulling you, and by proxy Minju as well, to the couch. You sat down being sandwiched by the two of them. Chae's fiery and aggressive aura clashes against Minju's cold and elegant aura. This looks familiar. 
“So, Chae”
“Don't you fucking call me that”
“Chae, as you can see. Me and my boyfriend here is having a perfectly beautiful relationship”
“Oh I'm sorry, I think you're having a misunderstanding here. He's my boyfriend and you're getting in between us”
“I'm not a psychiatrist so I'm afraid I can't help you with your delusion. Of course I can refer you to some people who have the ability to help you”
“Delusion? That's rich coming from you. Don't you realise you're just a rebound girl for him?”
“I am? But you see it can't really be classified as a rebound if he's never been in a relationship with you in the first place don't you think?”
“What do you know about us? We have a strong relationship long before you even know him. It's pure and driven by nothing but love”
“I know enough. You two were just friends okay? Your love is being held by your ex boyfriend, how was he by the way? You two made up yet?”
“He’s not important and I do not love him. Don't put words in my mouth”
“Oh? So you were tormenting my poor baby here just for fun?”
“I never tormented him, we were young and clueless. I've already said sorry and he accepted it. Now we are more mature and has open up about our own feelings for each other”
“He doesn't have any feelings for you. Not anymore, after all I'm holding his heart, isn't that right babe?”
“Oh? You just called me an abuser earlier and now you are showing off your true colour. Don't trust this slut babe, she's playing with your heart okay?”
“Did I ever use the word abuser? How could you start putting words in my mouth when you just literally turn furious because you think I put words in your mouth? Are you perhaps a hypocrite?”
“Is that what you're having a problem with right now? Haaaaaa, it's always nice when the person you're arguing against starts talking about semantics. It's a sign that I'm winning”
“Talking about semantics I should make clear that this is not an argument. There's nothing to argue about”
“For the first time I agree with you, there's nothing to argue about. Right babe?” Chae leans forward and kisses your cheek.
“See, we're in agreement already. Did you like her farewell kiss babe? Now this is settled we should go back to our place and prepare for the dinner with your mom”
“Oh I see, you're projecting”
“About what?”
“About my delusion. Because you must be having something wrong with your head if you think I'll let my boyfriend leave with some whore”
“I see now, this is worse than I expected. We should get you to a mental asylum soon. A loss grasp of reality is a sign of schizophrenia”
“You see what she's doing here babe? She's trying to gaslight you. I think she's trying to put on a hero façade to try and hide the fact that she's the abuser here”
“Awww, don't be like that, aren't you weak with a hero complex? That's why you fall for MY boyfriend after all”
“That's true, but that doesn't change the fact that you're a whore and an abuser”
“This feels like a funny joke isn't it babe? You become a hero to save little Chae here from her abusive boyfriend. Now I'm gonna be the hero to save you from her. I think that's karma, or something like that”
“MY boyfriend doesn't need saving from me. Besides if it's karma then it's my turn to save him from you”
You're pathetic, you know that? While these two are fighting it out with words you just sat there like a meek puppy and didn't try to intervene at all. What's that? You're trying to sort out your feelings to pick which one to side with? Well you better hurry up soon or they would probably split you into two just so the other can't have you.
Luna seems to sniff your fear and jumps to sit on your lap. Giving you a cute meow to try and calm you down.
“Oh look, Luna acknowledge her master, and her master's wife”
“Wife? My, my, aren't you moving too quick? Does his mother even know about this relationship? You know my darling here loves his mother more than anything in the world don't you?”
“Of course she does, my mother-in-law would love to have us put on the ring”
“Is that so? Babe isn't your mom a police officer with decades of experience? Maybe I wasn't needed here, after all she would pick up all the red flags your friend here is showing”
“You’re right about one thing. You're not needed here, so why don't you take your pretty fake smile out of here”
The two have a little staring contest for a few seconds before the two of them leap in and hug you. “I think she's hopeless babe, let's just leave before she gets aggressive”, Minju tries her best to pull you away, “She's a manipulative bitch who's trying to steal you away from me babe. You see it right? Her fake smile?” Chae wouldn't let you move. “Stop confusing my boyfriend please”, Minju pulled your head into her embrace, “Your boyfriend?” Chae pulls your head back, almost snapping your neck while she's at it.
This time Chae pulls you into a kiss, trying to show Minju how strong your ‘love’ is for her. Minju wouldn't let Chae have her way and push her away before kissing you. “He’s mine, bitch”, For some reason Chae grabs onto your shirt and rips the button apart. “Are you sexually harassing my boyfriend right in front of me?” Minju scoffed, “See this? It's my mark, he's mine”, Chae pointed at the countless hickeys she left you yesterday. “Sorry to disappoint you sweetie, but I already covered them with my own”, Minju smiled proudly. Whatever is brewing between the two isn't good for you. First, you can feel their frustration against each other start to boil and spill over to their sexual craving. Second, they stop caring about your opinion entirely and just do anything they can to show their ownership over you.
“What are you doing?” Minju finally raises her voice as she sees Chaewon is nibbling on your chest. “He likes it when I bite him. Look at his face”, You are showing a pained expression but the two think you're enjoying it. “I know how to pleasure him better”, The fuck is happening? Like seriously what are they doing? “Can you say any truthful words just once?” Chae rolls her eyes at Minju before making out with you. 
Minju pulls down your pants and boxer, exposing your flaccid cock, “Haaaa, he's not even turned on by your advances”, Chae frowns seeing what Minju is doing. “Probably because your ugly ass is here bitch”, Chae tries to grab your cock but Minju slaps her hand away before kissing your cock. “Unlike you, I've been spending a year with him, exploring our body and kinks. I know what he's weak too”, The balls, that's what you're weak too. Minju leans forward and starts kissing your balls making your cock get semi erect involuntarily. “See?” Minju sends Chae a victorious smile, “Move bitch”, Chae pushes Minju away and starts to suck your cock, making you let out a moan, involuntarily as well.
Chae sends a meaningful glare at Minju before she swallows your cock all the way into her throat. How does she manages to do it when she can barely take you in her mouth yesterday? It's the pure power of spite she has towards Minju that pushes her over the max. “Fucking bitch he's mine”, Minju grab Chaewon by the hair and pull her away from your cock. The moment your dick got exposed to the cold air Minju leaps in and effortlessly swallow it down. Minju bobs her head up and down for a few second before Chaewon pull her back and take control of the blowjob.
Minju leans down and starts sucking on your balls, having your weak point attacked makes you let out another moan. “See? I know his weakness”, Minju smiles at Chaewon who just glares at her. “Yeah? My baby loves my body more”, Chae takes off her top and climbs up to you, pushing her tits to your mouth while her hand jerks you off. You try to stop her but the moment you open your mouth she just pushes her tits to your mouth. “Go on baby, I know you like to stare at them for years already”, Just as you thought this whole thing couldn't be more embarrassing. 
“Move your hand”, Minju bites Chaewon's hand and starts sucking your cock as Chae lets go. Seeing Chaewon is about to snap, your mouth starts to move and bite on her nipples. It manages to calm her down, but this also means you're encouraging them to continue. “See? He likes me”, Chae starts to caress your hair, Minju takes your cock off her mouth and her hand continues jerking you off. “So you just want to use him to pleasure yourself? Can't say that I'm surprised”, Minju uses both of her hands to jerk you off but her face is scowling. “Just say that you're jealous bitch, we are meant to be”, Chae reached down and tried to take over your cock.
Surprisingly Minju let it go, she crawls on your side and just jerks you off with one hand like Chae. “Come here babe”, With her other hand, Minju pulled you for a kiss. A moan slips out of your mouth feeling their hand start to move together in unison. “I don't think you understand, he's only moaning because he loves my slender little finger”, Chae scoffed before busying herself with your neck. “Deny, deny, deny, is that all you can do?” Minju took a break from kissing you just to bite back before jumping in to kiss you again. This whole thing is too much to you really. Your mind is very conflicted while your body is definitely turned on getting pleasured by the two women you love the most.
“You're cumming baby? Go ahead cum for me”, Chae bites your ear, “I know you've been horny since last night babe. Go on, cum for me”, Minju breaks off the kiss and starts biting your neck. Your body starts to shake as your cum shoots out. Chae has an inhuman reflex and puts her hand over your tip, effectively catching your sperm. After a while your ejaculation passed. Your cum drips down Chae’s hand into your shaft and Minju’s hand that's gripping your cock tight. As you are taking a breather the two girls get possessed by a sudden hunger and start licking your cum off of their hands. When that's not enough they jump down and have a scuffle trying to lick as many as they can from your cock.
“I did that” 
“Ha, you wish, it was my kiss that sent him over the edge. He's a softie after all”
“I think you're just projecting a lot, because it seems like you are the delusional one over here”
“If it's not for you he would cum under 5 second by me”
“Tchhh, all barks and no bites”
“I'll prove it to you right now, move bitch”
This couldn't end well for you.
Pain, that's all you can feel right now. Your whole body is drained out of energy. The two of them take turns riding you while trying to prove something to the other one. After the 5th ejaculation you just pass out on the couch. Maybe it's a blessing because the two went to a loud argument blaming the other for masking you like this for an hour or so.
“Fuck”, You grunted as your conscious starts to come back to you. A heavy weight was out on top of both of your hands, looking around you realised the two are sleeping with you, each holding your arm. You're still in Chaewon's apartment, the room that you've lived in for years has turned to the worst. This is the second time you woke up here being held against your will after a mind-blowing sex that was forced upon you. 
What is happening? Why am I falling into this? I never asked for this, at all.
This whole thing is too much, you already have your guilt eating you alive after the cheating sex you had with Chaewon yesterday. Then you confront Minju about it and change her into this, you're not really sure what she turns into. Lastly, this whole lunch went way off the rail. You didn't even get lunch, the two of them do by drinking your cum while you just flop around like a fish. 
Fuck why is this happening to me?
You don't like this?
No way, I didn't ask for this.
Did you ever ask for this not to happen?
You never asked for this but it's not like you take a stand and pick one of them.
It's all happening in one day. I don't have time to sort out my feelings.
That's true, but this whole thing could've been avoided if you just took a stand. Stop Chaewon before she pulls you to the bed yesterday. Break up with Minnie or even ghost him like an asshole. Or just simply stop their argument earlier before they start fucking you. It's really simple, pick one and they will protect you from the other. 
Fuck, is it my fault?
Not fully, let's be real this two are fucked in the head.
Fuck it's all my fault.
Uhhhhh, are you also going insane?
Fuck why did I let this happen?
Minju and Chaewon are deep in their sleep, they are also tired after all. Chae can't sleep the whole night as she's worried about you. Minju was restless and angry about your cheating, making her sleep less than ideal. So they don't get woken up when you get off the bed and put on your clothes. Standing there in your room, you watch the two girls sleep peacefully. You look at their face with a twisting pain in your heart, they look so peaceful that you feel guilty for bringing this storm to their life. 
I need to fix this.
That's true you should take a sta-
I need to leave them.
Wait what?
I did this to them. If I'm not around, they won't be tormented by me.
Oh come on stop this drama queen act.
I'm sorry, Chae. I'm sorry, Min. This is all my fault.
Are you seriously crying?
Please be safe.
Dude, you just ran away for a year because you got heartbroken. Are you seriously trying to run away again because of this? Even if you can literally fix this by being a FUCKING GROWN UP and just pick one.
Dear god, you're hopeless. Once again, you run away from your home, trying to get away from all these conflicting emotions that you have. You ran all the way to your mom's home again. It's so fucking stupid, you've been in this position before and this is how you react? After a year of some self finding journey you return back at home without changing at all. You didn't lose your feelings for Chae. You didn't mature and find the courage to stand up for yourself. You didn't do jackshit. 
Anyway, enough ranting. You return home, your mom is still out there at work so it's empty. You ran back to your bedroom, dropping yourself to your bed trying to calm yourself. Maybe you did something while you're out there, you managed to fix your terrible physical health and run all the way here without completely exhausting your body. That being said, you are mentally drained, so the moment your body touches the bed you just drift off to sleep. Like usual, you refuse to confront your feelings and run away from your responsibility.
This time, the consequences will be dire.
“Look what you did, you made him run away again. Goddamnit slut I just got him back and now he's ruining off again”, Chaewon screams at Minju. “ME? You were the one who caused him to run away last time, what makes you think that it's not your fault this happens again?” Minju screamed back. “If I could kill you right now I will”, Chae stares at Minju with a gaze that could kill, it would definitely kill you if she uses it on you. “Fuck off, I've had it with you and your antics. I tried to keep up a nice attitude-”, Chae wouldn't let Minju finish her words, “I fucking knew it, fucking fake bitch”, Chae screams. 
“Shut up you”, For the first time, a physical scuffle breaks out. Well calling it a scuffle would be a reach, Minju simply slaps Chae to shut her up. “Oh try that again, please I'm begging you”, Chae isn't mad over the slap, her fury is already over the top. She does feel excited as she can try to beat Minju up and call it self defence if Minju tries to touch her again. “Can’t you fucking see what you're doing right now? Do you really think he only finds me to be his rebound girl?” Minju restrains herself from sending another slap. 
“What am I doing? Bitch open your eyes”
“Stop for a second and think will you? Why do you think he ran away?”
“Because you're confusing him”
“Wrong, it's you who's confusing him. The details aren't important right now. What's important is that you make him feels conflicted”
“Like I said, he won't feel conflicted if you're not here”
“Do you actually think that would solve the problem?”
“Yes, fuck off and leave us alone”
“Oh you absolute buffoon. If your ‘love’ or so you call it is so strong, then why hasn't he stood up for you?”
“Tcch, you manipulated him until he can't think straight anymore”
“You really can't see what I'm trying to say, do you?”
“What? Stop being so fucking cryptic you fake bitch. Just spill it already”
“He can't choose between us”
“That's stupid”
“He's stupid”
“He's my boyfriend!”
“So you think he's smart?”
“........fuck off”
“Unlike you I actually care about him”
“What makes you think I don't huh?”
“Because you're more focused on making him yours rather than making him happy”
“Wrong!!!! I know how to make him happy, it's to grant him his wish that he has been holding on for years”
“Does he know that? Because as far as I remember you had a ‘date’ with him yesterday and yet he's busy texting me the whole time isn't he?”
Chaewon finally understands what Minju is going at, and she hates it.
“Are you actually saying that you managed to steal a piece of his heart already?”
Minju sighs seeing Chaewon finally getting her.
“I hate it, I hate the fact that I fall for someone who's still being chained up by you”
“You think I'm happy seeing him run off for a year and get taken by you?”
“I love him, more than anything in the world”
“I would die for him, and I would kill you if he ever asked me to”
“So do you understand what I'm saying now?”
Minju and Chaewon look at each other with animosity. It was as if they're trying to manifest the hatred they have in their heart to hurt the other person. Yet there's this hint of understanding between them. Sometimes, one must compromise in order to achieve their desire. Even if they absolutely loathe what they have to give up for it.
“I fucking hate you”
“The feeling is mutual”
“But if this is what it takes to keep him happy”
“Then I'll…… tolerate you”
“Yeah, tolerate”
“Peace, for now”
The two reluctantly reach out their hand with a look of disdain in their face. Then the two shake hands, creating a temporary alliance. An alliance that could prove to be detrimental to your mortality.
“He ran off to his mom. He always do”
“I need to fix that momma's boy attitude of his”
“That's my job”
“Where is his mom's place? We have a dinner with her later”
“Fuck if his mom notice anything wrong he's gonna take him away from me”
“From us”
“I'm coming to the dinner”
“Can you even put on a smile when I'm around”
“I can manage if you're not in my field of view”
“Fine, but if things goes wrong-”
“It won't, not let's move. His mom should be home in an hour. It's best that we get to him before her”
“Let's move then”
“Oy!” A loud scream woke you up from your sleep, it was followed by a painful slap to your back. “Agggghhhh, mom?” You grunted as you tried to wake up. “Why are you sleeping here?” You had such a nice and peaceful sleep, shame that you have to be woken up by reality. “Oh, well, it's a long story”, You grimaced remembering what happened earlier today. “God how on earth did I raise you for you to become like this?” Should you run away from your mom as well? “Sorry mom, there's a change of plan for the dinner today”, Your hand starts to get fidgety. “I know”, Your hand stopped, you look at her confused.
Did Minju contact mom? Oh god did Chaewon contact mom?
“W-w-w-what?” You managed to say, “Minju and Chaewon are already downstairs. Now go wash yourself and join us at the dinner table”, You can feel your heart just stop beating for a moment there. You look at your mom completely surprised and scared, too distracted with what she just said to register her slap to your head and her words to hurry up as she leaves your bedroom.
Chae and Min are here? What are they doing here? Oh god why are they here? Mom's gonna kill me if she hears what I did yesterday and today.
You sat on your bed for what felt like hours, despite only 5 minutes passed. Reluctantly you get off your bed and wash your face. Good, face your fears. Face your emotions and the consequences of your actions. Stop being a fucking pussy that run away from everything and everyone. It took you 10 minutes to gather your courage. Finally you take a deep breath and make your way to the battlefield.
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““Hey oppa””
That is not the sound of a battlefield. They also don't look like they're preparing for war. Perhaps, this isn't a war, but maybe it would be much worse. “Stop standing there and sit down will you?” Your mom sighs seeing your stunned face. As you love to the dinner table the two girls pull you to sit down between them. Silence persists for some time before your mom starts to distribute the food. “We really want to try and cook something for dinner ma'am, but we kinda forgot time. I hope you'll like the food we bought”, Chae says, “It's fine, it sounds like my son just decided to sleep instead of preparing dinner for us after all”, Your mom glares at you.
“I-i-i-i-”, Don't know what to say. For a second you're considering the possibility that this is just a dream. “Oh, babe is just tired after last night. It was my fault, I'm sorry”, Minju squeezed your hand to make sure you know it's not a dream, “Yeah, I think I also drained him yesterday”, Chae followed suit by pinching your cheek. “It's fine, I know this restaurant, they have pretty nice ramen”, Your leg starts to fidget around making Minju and Chaewon reach down and squeeze it.
“So, Minju right? I've heard a few thing about you”
“Really ma'am? What did babe say about me?”
“Just call me mom or something. You too Chaewon, how many times have I told you to stop calling me ma'am”
“Ooppps, sorry ma'am. Can I call you mom as well then?”
“I guess he does leave you to be babysitted by me”
Chae shows a prideful smile for a second to Minju before turning to her food.
“So it seems like the two of you have spent more time with him since his return than me. Why don't you start to talk sweetie? First tell me why you never brought up that these two are sisters?”
They are?
Both Chae and Minju kicked your leg lightly hearing your panicked voice. They exchanged a glance before nodding.
“We also don't know that. Babe never talks much about Chaewon. I mean he told me about her but I never made the connection”
“Yeah, and Minju never send me a letter for a full year”
“Oh please you never want to hear from me for years already”
“Well that's true, but can't you at least contact me before you run away like that again?” 
A new theory has come inside your head. Perhaps you got transported into a different universe.
“Sweetie, you never think about telling me this?”
Your mom forces you to stop imagining things and snap back to reality.
“W-w-w-w-well, I didn't had the time”
That's a pretty long sigh, something you know means your mom is absolutely way too tired to deal with anything.
“I'm sorry……. mom. I got too excited yesterday since he got home after a year of no contact. I just drag him across town to have a makeover”
“See? You prefer spending time with him over your own sister”
Why the fuck would they actually lied and acted like they're sister?
“Well, maybe you should contact me first? You just text me today asking if you can move in with me”
Oh, that's why.
“Move in with you?”
“Oh right, uhhhhh my apartment lease is already up. I was thinking about staying with Chae here for a while until I find another one. Of course, the world is small and we found out that she's staying at babe’s previous apartment”
“Yeah, the apartment is pretty big, so we can definitely share it for now”
“Of course, just a temporary arrangement as we-” Minju grabs your hand “-adjust to our normal lifestyle and find a new one”
Your mom was about to say something until she heard some tapping from below the table.
“What is that?”
She tries to look below the table but Chae stops her.
“Oh pup is just being nervous as usual”
“Hehehe, he's kinda scared about the living arrangements. But I'm sure we'll be fine, right babe?”
Chaewon reaches out to pat your head while Minju is gently caressing your hand. Beneath the table their leg went on top of yours to stop it from moving.
“Uh yeah…… this feels….. awkward”
The word you're looking for is worrisome or terrifying, but you realise the two would absolutely shred you if you keep acting weird.
“I imagine so. Well Minju, seeing my son is absolutely trapped in his own anxiety, why don't you tell me more about yourself. I want to know how my son can get his hand on someone who's way out of his own league”
“Hahahaha, you're too kind, mom. Well it starts when we meet on the plane…..”
In a way, it's kinda good that Minju takes the attention away from you. However this means Chae gets to do some bold stuff to you. Chae caress your thighs and occasionally get higher and grab your junk, right at the dinner table. Many times you tried to stop her, yet it just made her attack even more relentless. 
“Babe, can you show me where the bathroom is?” Minju has been noticing Chae's shenanigans and decides she needs to stop it. “Right, follow me”, The two girls send a glare at each other for a second before you guide Minju away. “So, why did you never tell me that you have a sister?” Your mom isn't stupid, she smells something fishy going on. “Well she's not exactly around for that long…….”
While Chae is making up some bullshit at the dinner table, you are being pinned down to the bathroom’s wall by Minju. “Min, what's happening right now?” The sight of your panicked face really makes Minju believe this is a right decision. “Listen baby, it's a long story. For now just know that me and Chaewon aren't in a hostile relationship. I'll tell you more about it later but for now be a good boy for me and stop acting so scared in front of your own mom”, Minju gently caresses your cheek, enjoying the power she has over you. “What does that supposed to mean? Mina I…… I left you and you two were-” Minju shut you up by holding your lips with her fingers. “I'm not over that babe. I don't like it that you just ran away from us”, She gave your cheek a little slap which made you wince. 
“For now just be a good boy and follow our lead okay? If Chae starts groping you again I'm gonna cover for you this time”, Do you really want to return to the dinner table? Looking at Minju, defying her words might be the worst option, so you reluctantly follow her back. “Sorry about that, so where were we?” Minju returns and takes control of the conversation again. Chae still tries to tease you but Minju keeps getting in her way starting a little scuffle at the dinner table. Fortunately your mom was too tired to notice anything. “You must be tired mom. You should go get rest, we….. also need some rest”, As per usual you just keep speaking out loud your concerns.
“Yeah, that might be for the best”, Your mom said, making the two girls nod happily. “Please have a nice rest mom”, Chae says while her face is beaming with a smile, “Thank you for the dinner invitation, I hope we'll meet again soon mom”, Minju also has a smile on her face. “Yeah, be careful on the way home”, The two then practically drag you out of there before you get to say anything else to your mom. 
“Did you tell him?” Chae put one hand on your cheek while looking at Minju, “I think we should tell him in our apartment”, Minju follows suit, trapping you between them. “There is no we, and you're not part of the apartment”, Chae scoffed, “Just stop doing that will you?” Minju and Chae exchange a heated glare before they continue walking, dragging you along with them. It feels like this apartment is just a coffin for you. In just two days years of memories are washed away and replaced by depressing experiences. The two sat you down at your bed, or perhaps from now on it's also their bed.
“Alright, who goes first?” Chae said to Minju, “Oh? Thank you for asking, why don't you go first?” You can't really tell if the two of them are being polite or just trying to piss the other off. “Well, babe, we have come to a conclusion. I think our fights are hurting you, and we don't like that. We never meant to hurt you pup”, Their touch, it's no longer warm and inviting like it used to, now everytime they touch you your body just starts to wince and shiver in fear. “We mean it, we love you babe more than anything”, The two hold your face together, making sure you can't look away from their crazed eyes. “We love you, and we know that forcing you to choose one of us would be too much for you”, Their other hand starts to caress your body, hoping they can arouse you for another round.
“So we decided that a truce is needed. We'll tolerate each other, as long as you're happy, we're happy”, Say no, say this isn't the happy ending you wanted. Say something goddamnit. “That's right pup, I know you can never say no. Even if I manage to get you to choose me you're just gonna get all broody and stuff for hurting this girl”, There's still some animosity between them, “If I manage to get you then you're also gonna get all depressed for hurting this close friend of yours. So I propose to her a simple truce, and we'll see how it goes from here”, Don't make any mistake. If you do this thing, it's gonna blow up right on your face.
“But, why?” You cautiously ask, “Because you are too scared to make a choice”, Did you near that? Did you fucking hear that? “I-i-i-i-i-” You just stutter like an idiot. “I think it's a bad trait of yours, however I decided to love you, because the universe makes me fall for you babe. So I'll love you regardless of your imperfections” Is this lucky or unlucky? “But, why me? Why are you two going this far for me?” You struggle to understand their point of view. “Haaaa, you're so stupid sometimes pup” Chae grabs your cheek, her eyes filled with playfulness, “Don't insult our boyfriend, but she's right babe, sometimes you're just so clueless” Minju's finger gently draw around your chest.
“Minju please” You know what she wants, you can see it in her eyes, “Come on babe, I know you can squeeze out one more round” It was less of a request and more of a demand. “No please, I'm still dying here” Once again you curse yourself for not having the spine to stand up to them. You pathetically try to flail around as Chaewon and Minju start to undress you. “See? Just one round babe, to seal the deal with this new arrangement” Minju smiles as she pulls down your pants and sees your half erect cock. “Hey, if we drain him he won't run away again” Chae smiles and unbutton your shirt, “Girls please” You try to plead, “Ssshhhh, just let it happen” Chae whispers in your ear.
Minju gently kisses around your balls trying to get you hard while Chaewon shoves her tits into your face, but you were too tired. “It's not working, ugghhh, seems like you need a little more stimulation babe” Chae and Minju exchange a glance before they start working. “What-” You tell as you feel Chae plays around your nipple, “It's my turn to now pup” She smiles. Minju on the other hand starts rimming you, sending her tongue to slither into your hole and hungrily make out with it. It works, the stimulation immediately sends your cock into its prime form. 
“I always knew you'll like this babe” Minju smiles before she goes back to rimming you, her hand starts stroking your cock while her eyes are staring at you. Chae moves to sit behind you, pulling your face down to be smothered by her tits while her hands are just teasing your nipples.
This feels, wrong. You're not one to kinkshame but this whole situation makes you feel like you're just being used. Like you're just some kind of a toy for them to play with. “Stop it please”, You whimpered but the two of them just smiled because in their eyes you're just too cute when you are like this. “Are you gonna switch or what?” Chae says, Minju sends her a disapproving look before pulling away and nods. Chae lets you go and crawl beneath you, taking Minju's place. Minju decides that she needs to take this further. Pulling your head down to rest between her thighs before she squeezes you with them. 
“I know you're such a sub, do my thighs feel good babe? I see that you have a certain type with girls” She smiles at you before eyeing Chaewon, Chae nods agreeing but then she just focuses back on making out with your hole. Her slender hands grab your legs and spread them apart, trying to push her face deeper into you. “Jeez Chae really like that huh? Let me pick up her slacks then” Minju stop squeezing your face because she needs her leg to love around as she gave you a footjob. 
“Fuck, please stop this” Maybe in a different time this would feels heavenly for you. However right now every single stimulation and touch feels like hell. Your body is burning up and your cock is dying already. “Awwww, we can't let you get blue balls babe, you're so close to finishing after all. Here let me help make this quick” Minju crawl on top of you before she takes your cock into her mouth. Chaewon also stops rimming you and just teases your balls, lightly biting on it and sucking it around.
It took roughly 30 seconds before you feel your ejaculation is due, Chaewon and Minju also feel it. They work together to kiss and lick around your cock as the last drop of your sperm spurt out. “Awwww, I guess he really is too tired huh” You can hear Chae whines, “Well if you don't want to I'll gladly take them” Minju said. 
The two exchange a look before they start cleaning out the cum from your cock. While you were laying there on your bed, completely out of it the two had a heated exchange. You completely miss the beautiful view of them licking each other's face trying to clean every last drop of your cum. “You're enjoying this aren't you?” Minju smiles seeing Chaewon’s face, “Hey I'm only doing this because pup tastes nice” Chaewon frowns. “He does, shame that we're gonna have to let him rest for now” Minju sighs and gives your cock one last kiss, “This is so addicting, but I'll try to calm down for now. Hopefully as time goes on pup gonna build up his stamina” Chae also kisses your cock before the two move to snuggle with you.
“Sorry pup, we just want a little celebration for our new arrangement” Chae smiles seeing your exhausted face, “That's right, we promise we'll play nice from now on’ Minju laughs as well. “I…….” Goddamn you're actually dying aren't you? “Also before we go and meet your mom today we pick up something” Chae took something out of the box on the bedside table. It was a handcuff, rather two handcuffs, “We don't like it when you run away like that babe” Minju pinch your ear, “And you did it to me twice already. So I'm not taking any chances” Chae put one on her hand and yours before handing the other one to Minju, “This might be a little uncomfortable babe, but we're sure we can get used to it soon” Minju also did the same with your other hand.
There is absolutely no more doubt, you are their prisoner from now on. Kinda funny that you ran away from Chae to break free from your chain to her. Now you come back and turn your you never did break free, and you got another chain on you. “Good night pup, I'm sure everything will turn for the better from now on” Chae kisses your cheek before snuggling to you, “I think so too, we'll take care of you babe, good night” Minju does the same thing. As the two slowly drift off to sleep a single tear falls down your eyes.
I'm so fucking pathetic.
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grimesthinker · 3 months
Hey, I LOVE your writings 😍
I was wondering if we could get another stepdad, Rick?
the reader's mom married Rick ( I'm picturing it in Alexandria)
Rick and The reader have had little moments like him brushing past her so he could touch her
and one day she gets a boyfriend and Rick does everything to make them break up and it doesn't work so one day he has enough and he just fucks her!
you like him, you really do. well, you tell yourself you do. because you should. he's perfect, right? he's safe and he's cute and he's actually your age. problem is, the guy can't fuck for shit. your sweet boyfriend, who can't please a woman to save his life. you tried, a couple times, but he fumbles with your bra strap and struggles to find the right pace to rub your clit. thing is, you don't even care as much as you should. every time you're around him, your mind floods with thoughts and daydreams of your step father, rick, who fell in love with your mother months ago. it's fucking antagonizing, walking past him every day, feeling his calloused hands on your waist for a split second just so he could move past you.
unbeknownst to you, rick can't stand your little boyfriend. he watches him with a deep scowl as he stands on your porch, waiting for you to come outside in your skimpy skirt and tank top. that boy is so entitled, rick thinks. walking around with his head held high because he has the hottest piece of ass in alexandria. it's not right, goddamnit. you belong to him, not that asshole. he purposely touches you any chance he gets, imagining what it'd be like if he moved his hands just a little lower, just enough to play with that sweet cunt.
one hot july day, your mother thinks it'll be a great idea to host a barbecue. you oblige, of course. the community was doing well and you were grateful for it. you invite your boyfriend, only subconsciously wishing it might make your taut stepfather jealous. brat. you coat your lips in sparkly strawberry lip gloss and put on a sweet dress that leaves little to the imagination. people begin to arrive and your mother welcomes them with a smile. you make sure to be the first one to greet your boyfriend, and you also make sure that rick is watching when you kiss him with way more heat than usual.
the barbecue is going good, everyone's happy. everyone's content. except you and rick, of course. you sip your lemonade and he sips his beer, eyeing you from across the backyard. no one else cares to notice the excruciating tension between you two. eventually, you excuse yourself from some insignificant conversation and head into the house, up to the bathroom. you shut the door behind you, not bothering to lock it. you're washing your hands when rick barges in, glaring at you with darkened blue eyes. "what the hell was that?"
you turn the water off. "rick-"
"-bet you didn't know he was down there, braggin' to his buddies about how good he fucks you. about how fuckin' tight you are?" he shuts the door behind him, locks it. god, he's close now.
feeling brave, you cross your arms and taunt him some more. "yeah? what's it matter to you? jealous or somethin?" yeah. you're feeling brave, alright. deep down, you're pissed that your dumb 'boyfriend' is lying to his friends about how good he gives it to you. but with the way rick is looking at you right now, like he wants to rip that tiny dress off and bend you over the sink, you didn't even care.
in a swift motion, you're pinned to the marble counter, rick's fingers digging into your waist. he chuckles lowly, making you immediately drop the big and bad act. your heart pounds, cunt aching for something, anything. he pries your legs apart, gripping your thighs.
"he gives it to you good, huh? then why are you acting like a bitch in heat?"
you shudder at his words, making a soft whimpering sound, fighting the urge to roll your hips and beg him for anything he'll give to you. he peels your panties down your thighs, swiping a thumb over your clit. "ah- look at that." he coos.
minutes later, his cock is buried deep in your pussy, making you feel better than you ever could have imagined. he's anything but gentle, as if he's reading your mind. "fuckin' slut." he grunts. "feels so good, huh, baby? yeah, i know. take it, honey."
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Already Broken
Summary: Soldier Boy fools around with someone that's supposed to be insignificant. But he finds himself more drawn than he could ever be.
Genre: romance, angst
Characters: Soldier Boy x female reader
WARNING: cursing, violence, smoking, mentions of weed, depictions of sex, mentions of abuse, character death, minors dni -- It's Soldier Boy, he is the warning.
a/n: this man.. I can't.
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It didn't matter who he was.
You didn't care, as long as he showed up with the money or weed he promised.
"So, what time you get off today, darlin'?"
Ben sat in the booth, having his lunch where he always does -- the diner you worked at. It was small, grimy, but a local favorite.
"Soon, in about half an hour." You replied. "What do you want?"
He smirked. "You know what I want. Keep the change, I'll see you later tonight."
You first met Ben when he was saving your boss, the diner owner, from being robbed. That's mostly why he always eats at the diner, his payment for saving your boss was a free meal each day (though he leaves tips anyway).
After having you serve him, Ben didn't want anybody else. He would only ask for you, and that sparked your deal with him. In reality, it was just an opportunity for blackmail.
He caught you smoking in the back alley one time, and after threatening to spill the beans to your boss, he decided to keep your little secret. In exchange of your services -- after hours.
He'd come, fuck you over, and leave money. You took offense at first, but at this point you didn't care. It was money that you needed, and he fucked you good.
By the time you reached your apartment, Ben was already inside waiting for you.
"There's my sweet." He sighed in relief before spreading his legs and smirking, "Strip."
Rolling your eyes, you took off your clothes, showing him your naked body underneath the waitress uniform you had to wear.
"Mm, no underwear under that short skirt? Baby, you should've told me earlier." Ben stood up, circling around you, his breath right next to your ear. "Would've taken you right then and there."
You gulped, feeling his cold uniform touching your bare skin.
You know the rest.
Sometimes you wonder if what you're doing with Soldier Boy is worth it. Yes, he's charming, he has that je ne sais quoi factor, and God was he handsome. The only problem was that he's ruthless, and calling him a 'bad guy' was an understatement.
"You're scared of me." He stated the obvious while lying naked on your bed. "Why?"
"Are you really asking why?" You snorted as you put on some clothes. "You could literally snap my head off at any moment you like. That fact isn't exactly comforting."
He smiled, "Aw, but I won't do that. I like you, you're fun to keep around."
"Very reassuring."
He had stuck the money on the fridge with a magnet, like he always does. It still makes you feel bad, makes you feel like a whore, but you needed the money -- at this point, you are a whore.
"What's on your mind?"
He frowned, a smile of disbelief on his face. "Usually you'd already be smoking by now."
"I can't." You said, "My brother's coming to visit and he's staying. I need to look like I have my shit together."
"Brother? I didn't know you had a brother."
You raised a brow. "Cause I don't need to tell you. Anyway, you can't come over for the next week."
It was his turn to raise a brow. "What do you mean I can't?"
"I can't have my brother look at me like this -- with obvious sex bruises."
"Sounds like you're even more scared of your brother than me." He joked, but when he saw the look in your eyes he started to wonder.
"Oh, you are scared of him."
"He's my brother." You swallowed thickly, grabbing yourself a glass of water. "He's just strict."
Ben looked at you for a minute before deciding to let the topic go. "Well, whoever he is, I'm still coming over. He can't stop me from getting my daily dose of addiction."
He left a kiss on your neck before leaving your apartment. "I'll see you soon, baby doll."
Yes, you're scared of your brother.
It sounds silly, but when you were kids he used to hit you -- playfully at first, but then it got more serious. He called you names that he would disguise as playful and harmless, and you believed all he said.
That's why as you're picking him up, you're nervous as hell.
"Took you long enough."
"Hi to you too." You sighed, "Come on, my apartment's just down the block."
He handed you his bag and walked ahead. "Keep up, dumbass."
"Why are you here, anyway?"
"What, I can't visit my little sister?" He said in a 'loving' tone. "My friends are gonna hang. I'll just be here for a few days."
Thank God. You thought to yourself.
Your brother, Kyle, immediately went to your fridge to find some food.
"Help yourself..." you muttered.
"What did you say?" He frowned.
"Nothing," You sighed, dropping his bag on the couch while you cleaned up some dishes.
Kyle leaned against the counter. "Damn straight. You're starting to disrespect me. I should check in on you more often."
"I'm an adult, Kyle." You protested, "You don't need to protect me."
Big air quotes on protect.
"You're still my little sister." He sighed, "I don't want anything to happen to you."
For a moment there you felt like Kyle's changed. Maybe he's different now. Maybe he's no longer the ass-
"What the fuck?" Kyle squinted at the bruise he could see under your shirt. "Is that a fucking hickey?"
You pulled your shirt. "No, um, it's-"
"It is!" He scoffed, "God, I'm out there working my ass off and you're here just whoring around town? Jesus Christ."
"I'm not-"
"Get a real job, Y/N. Oh wait, sorry, you already have one -- being the community slut."
It was rage that you were feeling. Your hands were sweating, your heart was beating too fast for its own good, and your hand was holding a glass.
You did what you always do, breathe in and out. Count to ten. Don't let him get to you--
"Who the fuck would want you now? Worthless. Since the moment you were born."
Until that last comment somehow triggered your arm to swing and hit his head. The glass in your hand shattered into pieces when it hit his head, and Kyle was now lying on the ground, unconscious.
You weren't sure what happened -- no, you know exactly what happened.
Your hands were shaking while you tried to balance yourself.
What did you do?
How- why- shit-
You heard a familiar voice at the entrance of your apartment.
"Ben.. I-"
"Don't move." He said, warning you about the glass that was everywhere. Ben moved closer to Kyle, checking his pulse, though he knew the chances were slim. There was a big piece of glass that went through his skull.
"Is.. Is he?"
Ben stood up and covered you away from Kyle. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
"Ben, is he- is my brother.. I didn't mean to, I.. I couldn't.." You struggled with your words, chest heaving in panic because you realize what you'd just done.
Ben checked your hands for any cuts, but luckily they were small. "Don't look at him. Look at me. You're okay, alright? You don't need to explain to me what happened."
"But I-"
"Shh, it's okay." Ben pulled you into a hug, making sure you face away from Kyle's body.
It wasn't like Ben to act like this, to put someone else before him. He had no intentions to protect you, but the moment he saw the fear in your eyes, it was like instinct.
"Listen to me, here's what's gonna happen."
Things moved fast. One moment you were picking up your brother, and now his body is being carried away to the morgue. Ben did all the talking to the police.
His story?
You're his secret girlfriend who has an abusive brother. When he arrived at your apartment he saw your brother hitting you in ways unimaginable. He did the only thing he knew how to.
The story wasn't a lie, except for the last part.
Ben wanted to protect you, but you knew damn well you killed your own brother. The guilt, the shame -- it was eating you up. And Ben could see it.
Ben managed to convince the authorities that you're too much in shock to speak, and he brought you back with him to his place.
"Hey," He called out softly, rubbing your back. "How are you holding up?"
He couldn't believe he's actually being nice, for once.
You sat on his bed and looked at him. "You're being nice to me."
He chuckled. "You just went through something traumatic. It's gonna take a while for you to get through it."
You mouth went dry.
"I.. I killed my brother."
"You were defending yourself."
"Against what? His words?" You scoffed, "He was yelling at me.. he was being fucking condescending and I just.. I lost it."
Ben reached for a blunt he casually had nearby and passed it to you.
"He was abusing you. Maybe not physically, but it doesn't matter. He's been doing that to you your entire life." He said. "If you ask me, it's about time he learnt his lesson."
"He's dead, Ben. He didn't learn anything."
The blunt was gone fast.
Ben stayed with you for the entire day, even though sometimes you didn't know what to say. Ben didn't know what to say either, he just knew he couldn't leave you alone.
At one point, Ben carried you to his bathroom. He ran a bath, made sure it was warm, and sat behind you, washing your hair.
"Why are you being nice?"
"You just went through something, sweetheart. I'm trying to take care of you."
You looked down. "I know, but you didn't have to. You could've just left me, watch me get arrested.. but instead you lied for me. You took the blame. Wait, what's gonna happen to you? Aren't you going to get in trouble?"
He chuckled, "Sweetheart, I'm Soldier Boy. I can do anything I want."
You turned to face him. It was the first time you saw his expression so gentle, so kind.
Ben let you rest your head on his chest while he rubs your fingers, knowing well that you could still feel the glass breaking in your hands. He couldn't handle you looking at him like that, it made him feel things.
"You know, I was alone when I got here." He started. "Everything was dark, I couldn't find my way. And then I met you, and.. I don't know, things just started falling into place."
"I didn't do anything though."
"That's the crazy part." He smiled, "You were just there. Whether I needed you or not, you're always there. Even if you only did it for the money, or the drugs, I don't care."
Ben didn't want to add any more to your plate. You've had quite the day. So he just held you and massaged your sore shoulders.
"Just stay and let me be here, alright? We'll figure out everything else tomorrow."
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starry-nights-garden · 4 months
K ✧ Too Tall
✧ &Team K x gn!reader ✧ words: ~900 ✧ genre: fluff, humor (reader is a bit shy, reader is significantly shorter than him) ✧ warnings: none
Desc.: You're mad at your boyfriend for being too tall to give him surprise kisses.
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"You're too tall."
"Huh?" Your boyfriend, caught completely off guard by your comment, turns around to give you a highly confused look. And then as soon as he sees your offended expression, a soft laugh escapes him. With a jerk of his eyebrow he walks over to you from the other side of the living room, fists placed on his sides, and as he puffs out his chest he asks, "Why? Cause you can't reach me?"
"Yeah..." you grumble a response, slightly annoyed with his demeanor, but when he shows you a boyish grin next second, you just don't find it in you to stay upset.
"That's too bad..." Yudai says, now capturing his own chin between his thumb and index finger of one hand, as if he was seriously pondering on the matter. You know he's not. You know he's messing with you like he so often does, and you know it's no more than playful banter. Still, as you glance up at his face that's just out of reach, you feel frustrated again.
"Forget it..." you mutter eventually, turning on your heels in order to walk away. "This is stupid anyway."
"What is?" Your boyfriend is quick to respond, and when you've taken a few steps in the opposite direction you bite your lip, deciding to gather the courage to say it anyway.
"Just... you're tall so it's... complicated..."
"What?" you hear Yudai snort behind you, not quite following you.
"Your height!" 
"I got that, yeah."
"Like..." You turn back around, the flustered expression on your face making him raise his eyebrows. It's clear he can't accurately estimate the seriousness of the situation, and as he tenses up slightly, straightening his back you remind yourself to relax. "Like... you know... when you just steal a kiss from me or stuff like that..."
"Yeah?" Another short laugh escapes him, and he raises the corners of his mouth into a lopsided grin.
"I can't do that to you whenever I want... and that's..."
"Too bad?" he finishes your sentence.
"Annoying," you correct him. 
"...that's it?" he then asks. "That's what you got so worked up over?"
"Yeah..." you quietly respond, avoiding to look him in the eye because you find that you are highly embarrassed over being upset because of such an insignificant thing after all. However, Yudai walks over to you, and when he's standing right in front of you he leans down so he's now on eye level with you. Hands in the pockets of his jeans, he starts talking again.
"Then we're just gonna have to make up some sort of signal for when you need me to lean in real quick so you can kiss me." Your face heating up at his ridiculous suggestion, you stutter an answer,
"Th-that's stupid!" And while keeping your voice down, you add, somewhat shyly, "Also it's not gonna be a surprise like that..."
"I'll act surprised?" he retorts.
"That's not the same!"
"Try it! I can make it seem very realistic - I'm a good actor!" Yudai insists.
"Are you trying to tell me you're questioning my acting skills?"
"It's not satisfying if you're acting! Forget it..."
"Y/N..." he calls out your name as he's standing up straight again. "I think you're failing to consider one option here..."
"Wh-what?" you stammer, your embarrassment about to take you out right then and there. "Can we just end this already? I know it's stupid..."
"It's not stupid... come here." You watch as your boyfriends pulls over one of the chairs by the dinner table, patting it once to signal to you what he wants. Slightly confused, you take a step towards him, and with him holding your hand for support, he assists you in stepping up onto the chair. Once you're in position, now significantly taller than your boyfriend, he places his other hand onto your waist so as to steady you.
"So...?" you ask, still not being able to connect the dots and figure out what the point of all this is. And then, catching you completely off guard, Yudai lets go of your hand, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt instead and pulling you down towards him, his lips smashing against yours somewhat ungently. Your heart skips a beat at his action, and you grab onto his wrist instinctively as he kisses you. Quite in contrast to the initial impact, his lips are moving against yours at a slow pace. There's the faint taste of vanilla from the chapstick he uses these days, mixed in with the sweetness of his warm kiss, and when he finally releases you, you both have to catch your breath for a few moments.
"This," he says, barely an inch apart from you. "You can always do that when you wanna surprise me with a kiss."
"Right..." You words are merely coming out as a whisper. "I didn't... think of that..."
"And besides..." your boyfriend adds, "that's gonna make my heart race like crazy." You nod, telling yourself to remember that piece of information properly, but when he closes the distance between you two again your train of thought is cut off instantly. His lips melting against yours leaves you unable to think, and so you simply wrap your arms around his shoulders, fingers of one hand combing through the short hair at the back of his neck as he continues kissing you.
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mogai-headcanons · 1 month
May i ask, why do you support endo-systems? (Coming from someone with did themself)
i've talked about this before (can't remember which blog it was on) but can't find it so i'll just run down my reasons again:
above all else, i do not have the right to tell anyone what is actually going on in their own brain. the only time that might be acceptable would be if i was a doctor treating them for a psychological issue, and even then, it's not often a good idea to outright tell someone that their brain is Wrong. this applies both to fakeclaiming endogenic systems and to telling them that they're actually traumagenic but have repressed their trauma; neither is good form.
secondly above all else, we NEED to have solidarity among plural folks. this is coming from a psychology major and a system — there is a large number of psychology practitioners and researchers who straight up do not believe plurality exists in any form. there is also a large number of them who believe systems are far rarer than current diagnoses show, and therefore most diagnosed and suspected systems are not real. i have had to write an essay on why did is fake for a grade before. there are extremely prominent psychologists (ex: allen frances, the literal chair of the team who developed the dsm-iv) who believe did is a fad (allen frances has stated that he wanted to outright remove it from the dsm-iv). if we are fakeclaiming each other in our community, this only makes us more susceptible to the people who want plurality to be seen as entirely fabricated.
on that point, we also need to have solidarity against non-psychologist singlets who fakeclaim systems. things like the r/fakedisordercringe subreddit can be legitimately damaging to the people who are posted, scrutinized, and ridiculed, and we should be protecting each other from that, not shoving endogenic systems into the line of fire.
there is scientific evidence of non-traumagenic and non-disordered plurality (there are some interesting studies linked on this page), especially in spiritual communities.
though not all endogenic systems are disordered, they Can be; having experienced trauma is not a diagnostic criteria for did or osdd-1 in the dsm-5 tr or the icd-11. though it's obviously highly common for did/osdd systems to have experienced trauma, a non-insignificant portion of diagnosed disordered systems (something like 4% iirc) are not traumatized.
to go with the above point, many endogenic systems don't claim to have a dissociative disorder or that their system is disordered. if you're worried about people 'appropriating' or 'faking' your disorder, they largely are not, since plurality can and does exist outside of disorders.
as a traumagenic system, i feel unwelcome and threatened by anti-endogenic folks. i've been fakeclaimed by anti-endos before, either because they mistook me for an endogenic system since i support them or because they decided the behaviors i perform on the internet are evidence i'm faking. i'm not the only traumagenic system this has happened to.
i think that's the main points, i may have more idk
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eff-plays · 8 months
every time i remember that astarion has 4 extra hours of dialogue compared to wyll, i get so sad... before i got to the end of the game, i was like "ah. wyll must not be in any fandom posts i saw because of predictable reasons, but surely he still has cool scenes and an equivalent level of care in the canon writing!" RIP. he does not. it's like a self-sustaining vortex of the fandom and the writing team both being way more excited about the pale elf than any other character.
it's a shame because astarion is otherwise a well written and acted character, but it makes me dislike him on principle if i feel he's the authors' Favourite Little Boy, hah.
God YEAH. It's so fucking frustrating!
Like he's my favorite little boy! He fully is! But I would give up HOURS of his content if it meant the effort was equal across the board! Because that's good game design, that's good writing! That's what they should have done!
And it's so so fucking frustrating to see how Larian are basically leaving the other companions in the shitter just to cater to a small and annoying minority of rabid fangirs who shit themselves silly at the mere mention of him.
Y'all know that pretty post with all the companions' eyes? Well someone added some shit about how Astarion's eyes have micromovements that are faster than anyone else's because he's always looking for threats.
And I'm just sitting here like. This is the Dragon Age fandom again. Y'all are here overanalyzing insignificant shit just because it pertains to your favorite crusty white man. It's giving "let's pretend that BioWare's shitty canned animations are worth of deep frame-by-frame analysis". I think in general it's fine to analyze animations in the case of BG3, because there's mo-cap and actual acting involved, but c'mon, y'all. Derailing a beautiful gifset of EVERYONE'S eyes with some sappy addon about only Astarion?
I honestly HATE the fact that I like Astarion as much as I do, because it means sharing a fandom with the type of people who think Cullen is a gift to all women. Which, yeah, a lot of parallels there, in that he also got a hugely inflated role because of a minority of extremely horny idiots who saw a pretty white boy (though the pretty part is debatable in Cullen's case) and all other thoughts flew out the window. I literally initially didn't like Astarion because based on what I'd seen from the fandom, he'd be another unrepentant asshole that people woobiefied like they did Cullen, and to some extent, Solas. And I was right! I just ended up liking him in the actual canon enough to make my own judgment in the end.
It's also why I am filled with glee whenever another Astarion-centric blog blocks me, because the more of those guys I keep away from me, the less I want to shoot Astarion point-blank just by association.
So yeah. He's my little guy but I also fully 100% understand disliking him because of the hype. It's 100% justified and I fault nobody for doing so. His being so well-written as a result of poor management, crunch, and fandom pressure isn't something to celebrate. The ends do not justify the means here. Either extend dev time to give everyone the same amount of love, or don't fucking bother with extra content at all. It's that fucking simple.
Also the optics of admitting all of that in a Discord server just to satisfy a bunch of dipshits looking for a pat on the head for making the Canon Choices. Just ... bleh.
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bts-trans · 7 months
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231105 RM's Instagram Story
…myself feel like someone else. Especially when people say stuff like "be more mysterious", or "if you want to be respected, don't get too close". I do that kind of stuff because it's just who I am as a person, I have no need to make things look good. I've been through a lot of pain and felt loss and suffered and shed tears. Having experienced all that, the attempts to filter myself, my efforts to become someone else - it all seems so insignificant and unnecessary. My life is too short for me to try and suppress everything. I feel like I should just feel everything I feel and live happily. Relationships with people cause disharmony? distrust? discomfort? Well those are also feelings I feel and are all a part of my life. If I have something to say, I just end up saying it. I'm bragging? Maybe, so what? Let's do that too, let's just go ahead, if nobody in the world bragged, why would that word exist, why would it mean what it does? I'm no Hong Gil-dong* - pride, envy, greed, anger are all part of life, of being a person. If it has a name, it's not something to be treated as evil, but something we should just face head on and accept. Whether it's about me or someone else, all of it makes my life richer. Just like there are no stories without conflict. When I think about things that way, it feels like I've lived my whole life until now touching things with mittens on. I'm happier now that I've taken them off. Books are great, but you're not a book, you're not someone else, and you're definitely not David, made of stone. I hope you can just become you.
(T/N: *The protagonist of the very famous story 'Hong Gildong jeon', written during the Joseon dysnasty. Hong Gil-dong is a Robin Hood-like character who stands against social hierarchies and steals from the rich to give to the poor. Overcoming his low birth status to become a hero and a king, he is seen as invincible, righteous figure.
2. The picture is a screenshot of a comment on this YouTube video. The video is an audiobook of the Korean translation of 'Oraculo Manual y Arte De Prudencia', or 'The Art of Worldly Wisdom' by Baltasar Gracián. 🔗https://youtu.be/Qkt4phMoCP4?si=txGX1C00ND9nHgda)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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sanhwaism · 7 months
i just read MEET UP FOR A COFFEE AND A SMILE and AAAA ITS SO GOOD !!! can i 🤭 mayhaps request san x gn!reader who feels rlly bad about their body or just has confidence/low self esteem issues and san does his best to listen whilst also reassuring his partner that they’re a beautiful person?
thank you so much 💌 i love your writing !!
한슴 (BREATHE) | C.S
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pairing ⟡ bf .ᐟ choi san x gn .ᐟ reader
synopsis ⟡ feeling down because of so many insecurities, all you want is to be swallowed by a black hole and never perceived again. slowly, but surely you understand that you don't have to deal with these worries alone, but instead let your lover prove to you how worthy of love you are.
genre ⟡ established relationship, hurt/comfort, romance, a sprinkle of angst??? at the beginning, fluff!
warnings ⟡ reader is emotionally struggling; a bit of self hatred and some venting; mentions of a lost appetite and san touching body parts (arms, stomach, legs, etc); pet names; tears inducing! (idk about you but i! sobbed! writing this!)
wc ⟡ 2.8k
author's note ⟡ my first ever request :,) and it's so comforting :,) thank you so much for motivating me to write this one shot @megumisthv sobs ㅠㅠ it means the world to me knowing you love my writing <3 anyone reading this, a gentle reminder that you are not alone and are so beautiful inside and out. i love you.
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"jagiyaaaaaa, i'm home!" you barely hear the familiar, comforting voice of your boyfriend coming from the hallway. in a panicked state, you try to wipe away the tears as quickly as you can and get yourself up off the floor. your legs are slightly trembling and your hearing feels muffled. you can't recall for how long you have been crying all by yourself, engulfed by the darkness and coldness of the bedroom. bedroom that you and san share, and which feels warm only when he is around, when he paints the four walls with his delightful laughter, his heavenly voice or just his pure presence, when you're safe and sound in his embrace. there are no worries, no bad thoughts or terrible, terrible inner voices that mess up with your mind.
but it can get suffocating when you're alone, it's so much more difficult to tell yourself all the heartening words he can say to you when things get rough, when you start forgetting your worth. when overthinking makes it harder for you to breathe or look at yourself.
there are moments like this evening, when you can't stop asking yourself what does he see? what could san possibly have found in you that made him fall in love and what can san still see in you that doesn't make him want to leave? you can't wrap your head around it. all you see when you look in the mirror is someone with so many imperfections that it's hard to believe you are even lovable in the first place. worthy of his love. you wish you could radiate confidence next to him, but how is that possible when you feel like your thoughts swallow you whole? making you feel so insignificant?
it breaks your heart. and it evokes such sadness and disappointment inside you. because you understand that there isn't much you can change. that you may, unrightfully so, bring san's mood down and make him feel guilty. you love him so dearly — that's why you're so afraid of losing him.
there are moments like this evening, when all you do is cry your heart out because he's not around, all curled up in a ball while tightly hugging your knees, your flushed face hidden between them. but no matter what, you don't feel better. not even after the hours that had passed by.
"waaaah, baby, baby, i saw a new shop on my way home and it has soooooo many cute things," he squeals. ''i couldn't get inside because i was rushing to see you but i spotted a plushie that looked just like byeol! ah, really, we should go there together!" you hear his excited chattering while he takes off his coat and sneakers. in the bedroom, you try your best to look like you're in a deep sleep, your tears clothed eyelashes softly touching the skin of your under eyes.
and there are moments like this evening, when you can suddenly feel yourself being pulled away from your corrupted, self destructive bubble by a gentle touch that saved you so many times before, in the past.
"y/n? aegiya? hey, hey, hey, what's the matter? honey, what's wrong? why are you crying?"
at first, san innocently thought you just fell asleep while waiting for him and he was ready to close the bedroom's door, but he missed you too much and wanted to take a look at his lover before leaving. to delicately trace the line of your cheekbone with his fingertips, to stare at the way you look so peaceful and beautiful while sleeping with hearts in his eyes. it's what he does every time, but this time something was off. you couldn't fool him, not when it comes to your truthful feelings.
in a desperate way of needing to protect you, san swiftly changes his position, from crouching besides the bed to sitting at the edge of it, leaning towards you. he is panicking internally, but he wants to help and showing you this side of him right now won't do. for how long have you been crying? for how long has his precious lover been hurting themselves?
his heart feels crushed by the way you sob his name out and hide your face in the soft pillow. "sannie... i am sorry. i am so sorry."
"shh, it's alright. i am here, baby, i've got you. whatever it is, i am here," he reassures you in a hushed tone. "don't hide from me, beautiful, look at me. please, y/n."
san's voice sounds wretched and a bit shaky, as if it's hard for him to control his emotions. a big weight is taken off his shoulders the moment you decide to turn around and gaze up at him, all teary eyed, looking so exhausted. mentally and physically exhausted. even if there is so much unspoken worry in his eyes, his unforeseen smile takes you by surprise, but warms your heart and makes you forget about everything for a split second. it's a genuine, soft and loving smile, the familiar curl of his lips whenever he's encouraging you about something.
"can i hug you, my love?"
the whispered question makes you choke up. until this exact moment, you had no idea how badly you yearned for san to wrap his hands around you, to push away all those bad thoughts for you because you can't bear doing it all by yourself anymore. so you nod your head and reach out to him, his fingers gently interlocking with yours to pull you in a tender embrace. he lets out a long sigh, one of his arms wrapping tightly around your waist whilst his other arm hugs your shoulders, offering them a small squeeze as if he's trying to comfort you. in this vulnerable position, you feel him beginning to slowly rock both of your bodies from side to side because he knows it calms you down. after a long minute, his sweet voice lights up the room.
"what happened, jagi? do you want to tell me?"
you sniffle as silently as you can, rubbing your cheek against his broad shoulder while you try to find the right words to speak up. you hear a soft ''take your time'' coming from san's lips that soothes your hazy mind, his hand finding the perfect spot to caress the top of your head.
"do you love me, sannie? like, really love me? for who i am?" you shyly ask him. it's such a stupid question, you think while wiping away with your thumb a hot tear that just rolled down your cheek.
san is taken aback by your questions, but he immediately pushes that aside, knowing it's human for everyone to have their doubtful and insecure days. he promptly answers you. "i love you for who you are to the moon and back, y/n. i love you 3000, i loved you yesterday, i love you today and will surely, definitely, more than one hundred percent love you tomorrow. aaaand the day after tomorrow, beautiful."
he lowers his head so he can leave a light kiss behind your ear and continues to whisper to you. "and so on. for the rest of my life. i love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest."
not only your body, but your dark thoughts as well seem to melt away the more san comforts you, the more he envelops you in his adoration.
you slowly rise your head and meet a pair of cat-like eyes fondly looking back at you. san softly hums as he leans in and kisses your forehead, the intimate gesture compelling you to close your eyes in content.
"i just... gosh, i hate the way i look, the way i act, i think, i speak, i hate it all," you let out what has been eating you inside. you sigh as you feel his lips turn into a pout against the skin of your forehead. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't sadden you even mo–"
"ah, how dare you apologize for such thing, aegiya?" he gently scolds you, but his frowning quickly fades away once he understands the gravity of the situation. "when i say that i love you, i mean it especially in moments like these. even if my heart hurts to see you this sad and all i want to do is keep you in there, protected from everything, i do want to witness every part of you. no matter how awful you think it is. i am not leaving, y/n. i am willing to love you through all of your ups and downs."
the wicked voice in the back of your head tells you to deny his confession, but san feels your uncertainty and slowly raises his hands, cupping your face as you feel the warmth of his palms against your cheeks. you inhale deeply, — an attempt to stop another wave of tears.
"hey. can you do something for me baby?" he quietly asks you, with hope written all over his face. the second you agree with him, your boyfriend breaks into his well known dimpled smile. "thank you. here, hold my hand as tight as you want, okay?"
you listen to him and grab his hand, san bringing yours close to his mouth and kissing the back of it affectionately. he helps you get up.
"follow me."
"where are we going?" you ask, a bit anxious and san can sense it from the way you've tightened your grip on his hand.
"don't worry, we aren't leaving the bedroom. come on, come on!" he cutely giggles, gently shaking your hand.
without any more questions, you walk behind him until both of you are facing the long mirror on the wall. you can't help but frown, visibly confused as san makes you stay in front of him, your back facing his front.
"give me a few more minutes of your time, my love. i promise it will be worth it."
you can't help but softly smile at him. "san, you know i would give you my every second for the rest of my life if needed."
he dramatically clutches his heart, shutting his eyes tight while his head falls back. "aing! wah! ouch, baby, my heart!"
his playful reaction sparked an amused chuckle out of you. your lover smiles, clearly very proud of himself for making you laugh a bit. and very proud of you for allowing yourself to feel better.
"do you have the slightest idea how brightly you radiate when you smile? when you look at me with those pretty, sparkly eyes of yours? do you have any idea how lucky i am, mm?"
you instinctively bite your lower lip, looking away from him. you yelp when you feel his fingertips all of the sudden tickling your waist. laughing, you want to protest, but his face expression softens your heart.
"don't look awaaaaay, my plan won't work if you do thaaat!" he admits, all sulky and with begging eyes.
"okay, okay," you mutter, fighting another giggle.
smiling again, san stops his tickling. instead, he comfortably lets his hands rest on your hips. "this time, can you try looking at yourself in the mirror rather than looking back at me?"
you close your eyes for a brief moment, gaining some inner strength to look at yourself without breaking down. when you open your eyes, you notice san patiently glancing at you.
"mm. ah! no, no, eyes on yourse– that's it," he lets out a breathy giggle, patting your hips. "good job."
his praising gives you more courage, even if you still find it hard to keep your eyes fixated on your face and body. "um... where do i look?"
"just listen to me and your eyes will follow naturally, okay?"
you hum, leaning onto him slightly. he notices and with a cheerful sound escaping his curled lips, hugs you from behind.
"i love your eyes. their color, their shape... those gorgeous eyes have seen so much. witnessed so many memorable moments, but also unpleasant ones that helped you grow as a person. i also love your nose. really, ah, i really love your nose, did you know that, jagi?"
san raises one hand and softly traces the line of your nose. when his finger reaches the tip of it, he gently taps it as he lets out an adorable "boop!". you close your eyes and laugh at how endearing he is.
"i also love when your nose wrinkles like that when you laugh. you're so cute," he whines. "why can't i just make you pocket sized and keep you in there? because i wouldn't be able to kiss you and cuddle with you then!" him answering his own question is a very amusing sight for you.
"ah, and your cute cheeks that i always kiss and–"
"and sometimes munch on them." you teasingly finish his sentence. he pouts again, as if he got caught.
"but they look munchable! it's not my fault!"
while you're giggling at him, san's fingers move a bit lower, to the corner of your lips. you feel your face starting to heat up.
"i love your lips. the shape of them. so mesmerizing, baby," he whispers and your eyes follow his, staring at the way his fingertip barely touches your cupid's bow. you don't move, barely breathing while he traces the shape of your mouth. "your thoughts always come out through those lips. and you always bless me with the way you talk, the way your voice sounds. and the way you pucker your lips when you lean in to share a kiss with me. how soft they feel against mine. i strongly believe they were made for me."
you become aware of how hot your cheeks have become. san notices that as well and smiles, muttering a "cute" under his breath before moving lower with his hands, making sure to lovingly caress every inch of your skin.
"your shoulders. you carried and still carry so much weight on them. and i admire you so much for that. you are such a strong person," he speaks softly and his words touch the deepest corner of your heart, making it flutter against your rib cage. to know he appreciates you for the battles you went through the same way you admire him for fighting his own struggles is very comforting.
"but my shoulders are broader, baby, so i don't mind if you throw some of that weight on them, if not all of it. your strong boyfriend can handle it!"
his fingers slowly move down your arms. "i love your arms too. the way you always wrap them around me. you make me feel so loved," san whispers, softly kissing your right shoulder. "so loved. i love when we snuggle up to each other and i get to be the little spoon."
"mhm, i know. you're always so excited about that." both of you laugh at your words. san kisses your hands one more time before going lower on your body. once they reach your stomach, he interlocks his own fingers against it, smiling to himself.
"i love your stomach, baby. so much. it always makes me so happy when you fill it with yummy food. when i bring you to the best restaurants and we sit there, enjoying each other's presence and the delicious meals we chose to eat. i know it's hard to have a good appetite sometimes, but i want you to know how proud i feel when i look at you enjoying your favorite food. the way you go nom nom nom nom nom nom," he cutely mimics. you giggle, shaking your head. "really! it warms my heart."
he takes you by surprise when he crouches down behind you and hugs your legs, clinging to them with the sweetest look on his face.
"sannie, love, wha–"
"i can't forget your legs, jagiyaaaa! those legs that i love so much. they bring you to so many places. they brought you to me," he sighs in content, hugging them a bit tighter. "the way they move whenever i make you dance with me in the living room or kitchen. ah, i'm so thankful for them."
this whole time, your eyes have been following san's hands without even realizing. with his help and gentle care, you managed to draw imaginary, precious flowers all over your body. from the corner of your eyes, to all the way down where you ground yourself. everything feels like a breath of fresh air, thanks to him. and you will probably never know how to thank him enough for everything he does for you. but as you turned around to press your lips against his in an intimate kiss, you secretly made a promise to him. that no matter how difficult the real life gets, he has the key to your heart, a heart which will always beat for him. that you will forever allow him to ease up your mind and help you breathe.
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡ taglist: my loveliest @yuyusuyu
{💌ྀི} masterlist
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cummin-n-cryin · 1 year
Hello! I hope you're doing well~ Thank you for your hard work! I had an idea in mind but I struggle to imagine it so I thought I would send an ask ^^ ! I wonder how would Idia and Azul would act/react to their crush (gn neutral or female reader, as you prefer) being in the same club as them? Board game club sound fun hehe! It can be yandere (for the spices >:)) For Idia, I can see his crush being all sweet with him, scared for him since he's oh so anxious and trying to get close to him. Maybe it can be in the same situation and so Azul would be jealous of the special attention for Idia. And their crush would be so invested into the club activity, bringing sweets and so on to make the meetings nicer and they would try to be nice with everyone to tie strong links between the club members.
Sorry if it's bad or if it's too vague or too specific I dont know ^^' If you don't like it, feel free to ignore it. Have a nice day and stay hydrated! Take care~
~Thank you for your request!
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Club Activities
Idia + Azul x gn!reader (not separate)
Tw: yandere, obsession, drugging maybe??, a little suggestive at the end, If I've missed something lemme know!
Wordcount: 851
Side Note: Thank you for sending this to me! I'm gonna go with the idea that the reader is being crushed on by both Idia and Azul and their both actively trying to get reader with them. First part is not much yandere second part is a lot more yandere. I hope this was okay!
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You're so sweet, bringing in snacks for your fellow club members and trying to get along with everyone. With someone so kind in the club, how could you not catch the eyes of Idia and Azul?
Idia absolutely adores you. You're different from those other normies, unlike them, you actually understand him. You're also not loud like some of those extroverts. You bring him snacks and try to hang out with him as much as you can so he doesn't have to be all sad and alone. You always worry about how he's doing and it warms his heart.
Of course, Azul watching you act so sweet to Idia would make him jealous! Azul joined the Board Game Club to help improve his business skills but now it seems he's playing more in an attempt to impress you.
Everytime you compliment Azul, he always side eyes Idia and gives him a cocky grin which never fails to make Idia scoff in annoyance.
However, as much as they both want to be with you, they're both very insecure about themselves.
Idia doubts that he would be a good boyfriend for you. I mean, he spends so much time just withering away in his bedroom playing video games and if he's not doing that he's watching anime or working on his newest project. He's also just so gloomy all the time. Why would anyone want to date him?
Azul is more insecure about his appearance. He knows that if he put in the effort he could be a good romantic partner for you but the words of the children who bullied him in his childhood still haunt him. If you knew what he really was would you still accept him?
Though funnily enough, no matter how insecure Azul and Idia may be, they both believe that they would be a better boyfriend than the other. This causes them to frequently compete with each other. Whenever they play a game together they always try to one up the other, especially when you're around.
They're both quite different when it comes to trying to gain your attention.
Azul is classy and suave, it's all about timing for him. Every accidental fall, bumping of shoulders or brushing of hands is well planned in advance. Every little thing he does, no matter how insignificant to the normal eye, is planned to make you fall in love with him. He plans this like a game of chess, always trying his best to be at least five steps ahead.
Idia however, is not as well planned or smooth. Idia is much more awkward and clumsy. He stutters over his words as he compliments you. His hands shake terribly as he tries handing you a gift he made, almost dropping it in the process. His hair tints the slightest pink whenever you talk to him. Poor Idia's just trying his best.
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If they're both yandere, bruh the tension is insane.
Azul frequently tries to rope you into contracts and deals with him. His words serenade your ears as he whispers promises. Promises of things that he swears only he could ever give to you. His body slowly leaning closer to yours with each word that leaves his delicate lips. His cool hand gliding over yours in an attempt to make you trust him.
Idia watches from a distance, gritting his teeth as his blood burns with jealousy.
Idia always realizes whenever Azul is trying to get you indebted to him. He will always warn you against Azul's words, pulling you closer to him as he tries to shoo the sneaky octopus away.
Though, while Idia might look better as he awkwardly invites you to play video games with him, believing Idia's any better than Azul would be a mistake. He mostly tries to make you trust him by gifting you things and while the items he gives to you may seem completely normal at first, they definitely have a camera hidden inside them. Don't get mad at Idia though! With that octopus trying to steal you away from him, it's only right that he makes sure you're safe!
After a while of going back and forth, one of them will eventually try to use underhanded tricks to gain your favor.
Azul will more than likely be the one to try to give you things like love potions to make you choose him over Idia. Though, once Idia realizes why you've been spending more time with Azul, he won't be against joining in too.
Now you have both Idia and Azul giving you drinks and candy bars laced with their own love potions. All in an attempt to make you finally choose one of them.
But, they're both just so attractive and you love both of them so much! How could you possibly choose?
When they see you acting so desperate for both of them they finally come to a compromise and agree to share you. Not too soon after, you may quickly find yourself pinned between the both of them. I'm sure we can all imagine what happens next. ;)
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eskawrites · 10 months
not to get all up in my feelings about art and creativity but today (at work, not even as a fandom thing lmao) one of my friends went out of her way to tell me how much she liked a piece of my writing. and the thing is, i wasn't even that attached to this piece. it's small and written for a work thing and a lil clunky and a lil too personal and i almost didn't share it, but i decided to anyway because whatever
but after she told me that, the first thing i did was go back and re-read it, because i wanted to see what she saw in it. not in a self-deprecating, 'why do you even like this?' way, but just because it meant enough to her to say something about it, and i wanted to read it again through her eyes and wonder which phrases made her stop and think, or how the themes hit home, or what part made her like it enough to tell me about it
and i do that with my fanfic sometimes, too. when someone points out a certain detail or predicts what will happen next or even just says they read this at 2:30 in the morning with their cat on their lap. i read those comments, and i go back and look at this story i made, and i remember that i'm real and they're real and the things i create have changed the world in some tiny, ultimately insignificant way--but it was enough to affect what someone was doing or thinking in that moment
and something i've thought a lot about since covid happened and the vast majority of my social interactions started taking place online (it's a problem, i'm working on it, but it's true nonetheless) is that art really, truly is a love language. and not just when you gift it to people, or when you use it to show appreciation, or however else it can coincide with the traditional love languages. but because it's a way to share a little piece of yourself. and it might be silly and it might be sad and it might be fun and it might be meaningful but no matter what, it comes from you. a lot of the time, it comes from a part of us that we can't really effectively express otherwise. i mean, i can say 'i love x ship' in a thousand different ways but that's never going to compare to pouring my heart into stories or arts or edits exploring all my favorite things about those characters and their dynamic. that's why 'bad' art from writers or artists who don't really know what they're doing is still good--because if it comes from you, if it has meaning to you, it's special
but the thing about love languages is that there has to be a recipient. sometimes my writing is an act of love for myself, and that's good and lovely. but other times, when i share writing with friends or fandom or just strangers on the internet who have a thing or two in common with me, when you become the recipient, it really does transform the work. all these things that are so meaningful to me that i turned them into art are suddenly meaningful to you, too. it's like confessing a secret and having someone say yeah, me too. it's vulnerability and acceptance and kinship and community. it makes me see the things i create in a whole new light. it makes me see myself in a whole new light.
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kunekojo · 1 year
Hii, I'm not sure if you write for these characters so I'm a little nervous, I read the list of ideas and I was wondering if you could write what it would be like to give a massage to zangetsu (including the hollow) and also to Ichigo, nsfw pls ^^♡
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Heyyaaa, please don't be nervous! To be frank, I hardly started writing seriously a week ago and most stuff I felt like writing was Shunsui and Kisuke. So please, there's no need to be nervous about a few characters I did not yet write for! Honestly, I'm so sorry for taking this long but I wanted to make sure this comes out good
There's always room for more ^-^ I sincerely hope this is to your liking and that I did them justice.
NSFW Massage with Zangetsu (featuring Hollow Ichigo) and Ichigo x Fem!Reader
Warning: NSFW
“You seem terribly stiff.” you point from behind as you carefully study the hint of restraint in his muscles.
“Do I?” Zangetsu turns his head and asks bluntly, a little taken aback by your remark.
“Yes, quite a lot.”
He can’t quite understand your capability to notice such tiny insignificant details, but it’s not unexpected of you given your observational skills. A little preoccupied with something else, he brushes this thought away. There’s no harm in restraint, so why should he be bothered by it? 
“It’ll go away.” his short response makes you slightly furious. You are aware that the situation is not severe, but it doesn't mean he shouldn't take care of himself just this one time.
You've just seen him at work the past two days, so a little extra attention shouldn't hurt. It just will only last for a short period of time, not more. You reach out and seize his hand as you watch him turning to leave, which causes him to look at you bewilderedly as you clutch him tightly.
“I know but, can’t you let me take care of it? I promise it’ll be so much better afterward.” your pleading places him in utter confusion, what can you possibly do to ease up such a minor inconvenience? 
Truthfully, it does cause him plenty of discomforts but not enough to halt him from tending to his work. Still, he can’t deny his curiosity, rather because he can hardly imagine what cure you might possibly hold. 
“Take care of it? How?” he mouths softly, erasing some of the gaps between you two with tiny steps.
Zangetsu watches you silently with stern eyes holding a hint of intrigue, urging you to go ahead and speak. 
“Would you let me give you a massage?” you offer timidly but the excitement in your eyes tells him this isn’t only about his back pain. But that won’t make him not take up your offer, especially since you give him your usual look of anticipation.
It doesn’t take him much to nod in agreement. He may not hold an interest in massages but if it’s something you wish to perform on him, he won’t reject it. However, his quick confirmation places you under so much cheerfulness that you immediately lead him to the bed. You signal him to take off his upper cloth and he quickly does it, placing it as neatly as possible on the nearest table. 
“You’re going to enjoy it, trust me,” you reassure him to which he gives you a content hum and a slight smile beams on his face.
“Alright, I trust you.”
Once he stays still, you place your hands on his back, gently propping him closer to the softness of the matter. It feels so intimate to have him so close that you don't want to remove your hands from him. You even grease your fingers to make the experience better for him, but when you press against the sensitive portion of his skin, you can hear him groan. Even so, you don't feel any discomfort in his voice; rather, you hear maybe a hint of... Pleasure? It truly surprises you, making you want to look for additional places to hear him again.
Again, you stroke the appropriate area, but this time his grumbling is a bit louder, and Oh god, you almost seem to be enjoying it a little too much. Your cheeks are already burning red, but you try to contain it for a little longer to explore more of his body.
“Move your hand a little lower.” his low-toned voice stuns you but you comply with his request.
Fingers creeping lower against his skin, you press gently enough for him to let out a pleased hum. Then, you slowly make your way around his waist and swirl gentle long-pressed motions. Although you don't really know anything about massages, he seems to be enjoying himself as he guides you around just with the noises he’s making.
The feel of his muscles’ tenderness makes you want to wander around his front but this isn’t about you following your desires, it’s about giving him a good time. However, you can’t help but think about the image of you trailing along his chiseled pecs, deepening your touch with each grunt he gives. The way you’d caress his stiff shoulder, pressing yourself into him to grasp him from behind. You feel a fine tingle in your lower as your daydream’s features grow a little descriptive with the possibility of taking care of him in ways he likes. 
The huff of his voice snatches your attention and you’re back to reality. You hear slightly ragged breaths coming from him and you wonder what’s going on. But as you pay a little attention around, you notice you’ve accidentally bent over his back with your hands tightly wrapped around his abs. 
How did it get like this? You question yourself, a little embarrassed with your stunt. Feeling bad, you toss your body back but he’s quick to seize one of your arms, not letting go of you. His firm grip makes you gasp and right when you’re readying yourself to mumble an apology, he cuts you off.
“No, keep going.” he demands with a faint groan, bringing your hand back to where it was and you comply, drawing soft-pressed traces. Did you just make him horny? You must find out.
You lean forward and rest your head on his shoulders out of curiosity, letting your gaze drift down to his groin where you are surprised to see the prominence of his pulsing member. Its slight twitching makes your walls clench, urging you to gradually lower your hand. Zangetsu hums in satisfaction as you gently make your way to his downward and right when you’re close in range to it, he pushes his hand into yours and settles it on his crotch. 
The sensation of his twitches makes you wonder how much he’s waited for you to touch him like that, but now it doesn't matter because you'll take proper care of his trouble. As another grunt squeaks out of his mouth, you teasingly wrap your fingers around his cock and stroke along the created line there. 
You can feel the impatience in his motions, but once you draw your lips closer to his ears, you whisper. “Shhh, don’t worry, I’ve got you.” you can’t see the expression on his face but the relaxation of his tensed build helps you picture it.
You can’t bear to play with him, so you swiftly reach for his pants and unbuckle them open. When you slide your hand underneath his underwear and softly pull his throbbing cock out, Zangetsu breathes heavily, making you wonder how much it’ll take for him to burst. 
You glide your hand across his shaft, jerking it at a slow pace but the sudden tightening of his hand around yours makes you jolt. You open your eyes and stare confusedly only to notice the coming of an unfamiliar chuckle. 
“Grip it tighter.” the hollow urged you, steadying your own pace and you tried to keep with him. 
His appearance takes you by surprise but not as much as previously and just by the shift of the atmosphere you can tell how much this situation will escalate. This thought makes you smile and you can barely wait to see just what’ll happen next. 
Once he deems your jerks quick enough, his hand moves away, finding comfort close to your thigh. He bents his back to place it between your thighs as his fingers blindly reach for your cunt to shove soft presses. You gasp at how much he’s deepening his thrusts, slightly messing with your pace but you’re quick to compose yourself. 
You both touch yourself rhythmically, panting with each heavy stroke either of you performs. But you can tell he’s much closer to his arrival than you, given he was the last to handle you. It compels you that you’ve got the upper hand so you must make sure he cums first at all costs. 
You quickly move your palm up and down while letting out a small gasp as bubbles of cum begin to form on his tip. As you tighten your hold, he tosses his head back, giving you the opportunity to go faster.
You jerk him a couple more times and loudly pant in his ear, causing him to hunch his hips and slither as liquid rapidly drops down his cock and dribbles onto his jeans. He exhales quickly and appears to be about to fall over, but just as he turns to face you, you pull away from him, grinning in anticipation. 
You can foresee his words just by the way he’s glancing at you intently as if he’s readying to do so much more.
“Now’s my turn.” He smiles mischievously and borders you in his arms.
“Ouch.” you hear him right next to you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, it’s nothing. I think I pressured my muscles too much.” Ichigo replies, rubbing his chest but the noise of another pained gasp makes you clutch his pecs.
You massage the area with gentle pressings but despite feeling his soreness worsen, your touch gradually eases him up.
You swing your hand around as he's carefully observing your motions and he can’t help but wonder where you learned to do that.
“There, is this better?” You ask, parting your lips whilst you watch him closely for any more signals.
Your voice makes him lower his head to look at you, but when sees you staring at him with wide-open eyes and not halting your hands, a wave of warmth surges through him. The way you rub him feels so good that he can’t put into words how great it is but hum contently instead.
“Yeah, it is.” He approves, drawing his face close to your lips to place a smooth kiss. “Thank you.”
But right when he’s about to pull away, you tightly grasp his shirt.
“Hold up, where do you think you’re going?”
“Huh? What do you mean? It doesn’t hurt anymore.” He insists with furrowed brows, confused with the way you’re not letting him go. What was more to do?
“I know but it doesn’t mean there’s no need to prevent it.” You protest, a little unsure if massages work that way but it’s worth a shot.
You follow him with intent eyes, hinting that he has no choice but play along. You really won’t give up until he gets that massage, won’t you? Ichigo sighs in slight amusement at how precautious you are, giving into your wish. After all, it’s a pretty good feeling so why not have it for a little longer.
“Fine.” He agrees as a soft smile builds on his face as your trailing softens his body, filling him with a craving to feel you linger across his skin for much longer.
“Good, but I need you to remove your shirt.” Your implication takes him aback, stunning him momentarily.
“What? Can’t you just do it like this?” The timidness in his voice makes you chuckle, how can you tend to him properly with material slipping between your fingers? “It can't be any different with my shirt off.”
“No, silly. There has to be no obstacle for this to be effective.” Your explanation sounds a little far off but he doesn’t really want you to stop at this point. But the way you indicate it'll feel better makes him burn with a little intrigue. “Or I can just leave you be and-“
“No.” The shifting in his voice makes you blink at him curiously. It takes you by surprise just how quick he replied and you can’t help yourself but wonder what made him change his mind?
You lean toward him to observe him better but the look of pleasure in his eyes tells your traces are simply that good. However, the way he watches you so tensely gives you a vibe of uncertainty.
“Are you sure? Ichi?” you search for his reassurance which he provides by gently pulling your hand away so he can take out his shirt.
“Yes, Y/N. Don't worry, go ahead.” he smoothly presses your fingers against his chest and you gaze back at him, returning to your pace.
Feeling his muscles so plainly helps you rub him better than before, thing you're able to tell by the way his body relaxes. You focus all your concentration on the area but Ichigo can't seem to look anywhere else but at you, as you do your little performance. His eyes dart to your face and stay to observe your firm expression with great interest. But when you part your lips as you lose yourself in touching him, he can't take his glance away from their tenderness.
Have your lips always been this fleshy? He wonders, desiring to run his finger across them to test it out, but he won't interrupt you when you're this focused. Still, his mind does the trick for him, picturing how you would probably lift your head to look into his eyes. It's the image of your expression that brings more warmth in him, so much that your fingers running down his chest worsen it.
But he can't compose himself at this point, not even after he sways his stare toward your firm hand.
The sudden sensation of his hand lifting your head causes you to stop with a gasp, but as he presses his lips against yours, you do nothing but indulge yourself in his taste. With your hand unmoved, you clutch his muscles as his other hand wraps around your waist, gradually pulling you closer.
The drive in him to do this makes you question whether this was a consequence of your massage but the deepening of his kiss causes a jolt of arousal to run through your veins.
Ichigo makes sure he leaves no corners of your mouth untouched whilst you grant him the pleasure to explore inside. The heat of the moment makes you both pant into each other’s mouths, lingering for more.
Holding you, he slowly leans you down to lie on the mattress and moves his hands along your curves.
“Ichigo.” you let out a faint moan as he halts the kiss by lifting himself to observe you from above.
The red hue flushing your cheeks makes his stiffening member throb. Watching you beautifully laid down fills him with a desire to make more noises escape from you. But how should he do it? He ponders but soon sees your thighs rubbing against each other in search of a stimulus.
“Y/N, please spread your legs.” he pleads, unable to take his focus away and upon hearing him, you hum and comply.
Hands reaching for your lower, he hastily takes your clothes off, and once he’s left with the sight of your wet folds, his mouth rushes to your love box. His hands go under your legs to settle them to rest on his shoulders while his mouth begins brushing your sex.
The feeling of his firm tingles makes you squirm below him, providing him with what he wanted. You feel the tip of his tongue caress your clit with pressed strokes and moan with each circling he performs.
“Oh, Ichigo,” you whine, placing your hand on his head to push him deeper. He wants to hear more of that.
But right as he savors your sweetness, he finds the right pace once you let a sharp cry out. Ichigo quickens his motions, occasionally sucking your clit. His grip around your legs tightens with each tremble you make, giving more music to his ears. He can't get enough of your juices, greedily eating you out to get more.
His tongue moves so well around your slick folds and makes you toss your head back as shivers run down your spine. But he's doing such a great job that you can't restrain your hips more not to buckle into his mouth, begging him to make you cum. God, the way he will make you cum.
Your toes curl while the incoming climax makes you seize his hair harshly, and once you shout his name fiercely, he helps you ride through your orgasm.
Your body quivers profoundly in his touch, but the placements of smooth kisses over your cherry make you gasp with how sensitive you are.
“So good.” Ichigo mumbles, lifting himself to look over how good he made you feel.
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bedrockbones · 10 months
bedrock bros space AU with protective!techno where tommy desperately wants somebody to protect him but can’t accept it at the same time
bc he’s gotten so used to protecting himself that accepting it from anybody else feels like weakness
or maybe the last time somebody tried protecting him it didn’t end well for them/tommy
could be a previous situation similar to exile but in space or an experiment type thing, up to you!
but techno basically sitting tommy down and going “I want to protect you, you want to be protected, why is that not happening”
and tommy breaking down and admitting everything
I wish you would write a fic where... ///not accepting everytime i start one of these i have no idea what to write and then i black out and theres a whole ass fic here. bedrock bros possesses me i guess enjoy the hurt/comfort. techno has four arms btw
The view from the port window always managed to calm Tommy down. There's something about the yawning expanse of space decorated with glittering lights of stars that made all of the problems on the shift seem insignificant. Easy to fix.
It's not working as well this time, because the problem has followed Tommy back to his suite.
"Are you seriously giving me the silent treatment?" The piglin grunts. Tommy can hear the clop of his hooves as he paces. He doesn't need to look to know his lower arms are perched on his hips and his upper pair are crossed over his chest. It's a common stance for Technoblade to take when he's angry.
As if the fucker has any right to be angry. As if he's somehow the victim in this scenario.
"Would you just look at me? What is your problem?" Evidently fed up with Tommy's silence, Technoblade marches up to Tommy and grabs him by the shoulder, intending to turn him around. Tommy goes with the movement but wrenches himself free from Technoblade's touch.
"Don't fucking touch me," He snarls, ignoring the hurt broadcasted in Technoblade's drooping ears. There's something in Tommy's chest that feels too much like pain. Or maybe grief.
He pretends that it's anger. "What is my problem? Fine! You want to know what my fucking problem is?! It's you! It's you, treating me like I'm some fucking child! Like I'm your child!" Tommy steps forward, jabbing a finger into Technoblade's chest.
"What the fuck are we doing here, Techno?! What do you want from me?! We're not anything to each other! I met you three months ago!" His jabbing evolves to a full shove. Not that it does anything to the brick wall of an alien. Technoblade doesn't budge. Just takes Tommy's attack like it's nothing.
I'm not-" his voice breaks, to Tommy's own horror, but he forces through. "I'm no good, man. I'm- Look at me! Look at what I-"
His shaking fingers curl into Technoblade's shirt as Tommy's head tilts downwards, hiding from the piglin's gaze.
"Why?" Tommy croaks. "Why do you keep trying to protect me? I'm just- I'm just..."
'-just a parasite! You're a fucking parasite, Tommy! You take and take and fucking take. You should be grateful I even give you the time of day-!'
Warm hands cupping his own draw him out of his memories. Another pair reach for his face, tilting his chin up and wiping at his cheeks. Like the coward he is, Tommy keeps his eyes closed. He can't bear to see whatever expression Technoblade must be wearing right now.
But the piglin surprises him when he responds.
"I never finished the story of Theseus, did I?"
The confusion is enough for Tommy to finally meet Technoblade's eyes. The sadness on his face makes him try to shy away, but Technoblade doesn't release him.
"He wasn't rewarded for his bravery. He was cast out. Exiled. And he died alone and unwanted."
Tommy flinches, like Technoblade has just struck him. He might as well have. This is the hero Technoblade has named him after?
"Why would you...?" He can't bring himself to ask, but Technoblade understands regardless.
"Because I can see that's what you're doing to yourself." You're sixteen- and I know enough about humans to know that's under maturity- and on a traveling ship by yourself. You won't let anyone near you. You're living in an exile of your own doing, Theseus."
It's awful to hear, because it's true, but he still finds himself shaking his head.
"I- you don't get it. I have to-"
"To what? Be miserable? Be alone? No, you don't."
Tommy is still shaking his head. Technoblade doesn't understand. He just doesn't fucking get it. Tommy spent so long leaching off of Dream- he can't let himself do that again. He can't be a parasite.
He's done so well so far. Tommy hasn't let anyone close since he got away from Dream. Hasn't been a leech or a parasite or anything else. He's been independent. He's-He's-
He's been alone, he realizes. He's been...in exile.
The tears come after than Technoblade can wipe away, but the piglin still tries. It just makes Tommy sob harder.
"I'm-sorry-" He hiccups. He doesn't even really know what he's apologizing for, he just is. Like always, Technoblade sees through it. He sees what Tommy needs even before Tommy does.
"It's alright, Theseus. You're alright." The piglin's arms wrap around Tommy. Both pairs. "We're going to work through this. Together."
It feels like a promise. Together.
No more exile. He isn't alone.
Tommy closes his eyes and finally allows himself to relax.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 2 months
tig characters/couples as ts songs - rebecca and tolerate it
not only is this my favorite taylor song ever, but it's also a song rebecca would relate to. i've been wanting to make this post ever since i first read this series because i immediately thought of this song when i first met rebecca in the books. its been a while since i first read the books, but i'm currently rereading them so...
too lazy to proof read (as always)
"i notice everything you do or don't do you"
rebecca spent her entire life looking after emily from the sidelines, watching her, trying to be like her etc. she knows everything there is to know about emily, but emily doesn't know her the way she does her. not only did she never even make an effort to, but she also convinced her that, out of the two of them, she was more worth knowing. rebecca's parents grew up dotting on emily while rebecca was forced to watch them pretend her away. emily is who rebecca wishes she was.
"you're so much older and wiser and i use my best colors for your potraits... and watch you tolerate it"
emily tended to convince rebecca that she knew best, and that her needs were more important that hers. rebecca couldn't date thea because she wanted to please her sister, but what about her? although the older part doesn't apply, the way emily acted around rebecca (based on the interactions rebecca told avery about and stuff) makes me think of the way an older sister/brother might make their younger siblings feel lesser than or like their opinions don't matter. emily wasn't older, but she acted like she was, and made rebecca seem childlike (at least to me) (i can imagine her telling rebecca things like 'are you stupid, listen to me, i know what's best for you, people won't like you if you do this). emily's a master manipulator and it honestly wouldn't surprise me. rebecca clearly felt the need to prove herself to her sister. she made rebecca feel so insignificant and unworthy that not even her hair was hers. rebecca referred to it as 'out hair' when talking to avery because she can't ever have something for herself.
rebecca tended to ignore all the red flags because emily is her sister. thus, using her best colors for her portrait. emily would give her all of this advice and tell her she knew best, making rebecca sort of look up to her in a twisted, sick way. emily was so above rebecca in bec's head. not even emily's manipulations and hurtful comments and actions could change that.
rebecca felt the need to impress emily because of all of this, but emily didn't care. she was number 1, and rebecca always came second to her, no matter what. nothing rebecca did or said ever impressed her.
"i take your indiscretions all in good fun"
like i said, rebecca would ignore all of her bullshit and wrong doings because emily convinced her she was lesser than her. when you love someone so much, you tend to ignore the red flags because you don't want to admit to yourself that this person is actually no good, and you should leave them behind (like how people in abusive relationships sometimes have a hard time leaving their partner). rebecca couldn't imagine a life without emily in it.
everyone around her thought so highly of her, so why shouldn't she? if everyone else could forgive her so easily, why shouldn't she? emily's her sister, and admitting that she doesn't really see you as one and just sees you as an extension of herself is hard to admit to yourself. admitting that means accepting that you never meant anything to your own sister.
"while you were out there building other worlds where was i"
this is sort of the turning point for her. after emily's death, it became easier for her to accept that emily was a horrible person and hurt everyone around her (this is due to her seeing the destruction she caused in gray and jamie). emily got to live whilst she had to stand on the sidelines watching because "emily has a heart disease, she deserves it" or because "emily probably doesn't have long to live, but you do, so this is her time to shine". emily's death and her parents' reaction to it was sort of like a catalyst. her love for emily sort of turned into hatred, making her feel guilty because no one should hate their sister. she realized that she also deserved to live and that not everything emily says, goes. emily ruined her childhood, and her death is what made her realize this.
"i made you my temple, my mural, my sky, now i'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life"
i mentioned this before but rebecca grew up looking up to emily. she thought she was amazing and accomplished and everything someone should thrive to be. emily didn't think of rebecca the same way. she was conceited, stuck up and had this superiority complex. whilst emily meant everything to rebecca, rebecca meant next to nothing to emily.
"always taking up too much space or time"
this could be seen two ways. taking up too much space in her parents' lives or emily's. her parents were always dotting on emily, and completely ignored rebecca. she couldn't ask for anything without feeling like she didn't deserve the attention. this also applies to emily in the sense that emily had all of these things going on in her life, and she didn't really want to spend time with rebecca. she just liked to get her to do everything she wanted her to (she liked knowing she could manipulate the people around her to do what she wanted them to) rebecca needed her sister in her life, but emily didn't need hers.
"what would you do if i.... took this dagger in me and removed it"
rebecca finally starts to realize that emily is just a sick manipulator who doesn't deserve a second thought. she wants to get her out of her thoughts. she wants to forget about her and rip the dagger (that is emily) out of her mind. even now, after her death, emily is still managing to control her. the thing about being stabbed is that, by removing that dagger, you are basically harming yourself by letting yourself bleed out. that is why doctors recommend you to not remove the dagger when you get stabbed in order for you to not die of blood loss. the same applies to emily. by removing emily from her thoughts, she's removing her from her life. that isn't something you'd want to do to your sister even after her death and destruction. by forcing herself to let go of her sister, she's causing herself more pain because letting her go, even after all of the pain she caused her, is unfathomable to her. she can't live without her no matter how sick that is. rebecca has never really been her own person (she's always been an extension of emily), so, without emily, who is she? removing the dagger (emily) is removing a crucial part of herself. rebecca has always been emily 2.0 and not rebecca. the current rebecca is a creation of emily's.
this one was honestly super fun to make. i loved putting myself in her shoes and writing this. it's also made me hate emily even more.. hope you guys liked this (i'm really proud of this one).
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guardian5tiger3 · 11 months
Because I notice so many love readings and everyone seems to want that ... Forget that loll
A reading on your enemy (ies)
+channeled messages.
1. 2. 3.
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* y'all gotta say something if this resonates😂
Group 1
Ok so to compare to SpongeBob I guess, you guys defend something , and this person often does or just has or will walk away or leave in order to continue to plot or just look back and dwell on something and or the past/what just happened.
Seems like this person does want something and I'm guessing it's either yours or someone you know/care about. They think it will bring them success of some sort. This person has once or many times or I suppose maybe in the future will, try to do something , they think their slick, and they're creating bullshit and sort of wreaking havok more or less. In some way this person operates they're actually trying to compensate for something. Physically, mentally, whatever. Something they don't have at least no enough of. They lack. Ok. LOL . So this person views you as someone who has something of value but you aren't good or skilled enough to have it and you only have it so that someone who is "capable " can come and take it and use it to it's highest potential. You guys don't get offended this person is delusional. It's yours and it matches you not them. People like this have huge egos and they need to lie to themselves other wise WHAT would they do? Seriously what would they do with themselves. They wouldnt have an excuse to fuck shit up anymore. They need to be delusional about it so that they can do it. God knows why . They see something you have that is yours and they want to believe that it belongs to them because you being you make them feel bad about themselves. Lowkey they might be broke or something like that some type of poverty it could be spiritual, mental, creative, money, whatever. It kinda seems like this person is around to keep you grateful, to highlight you having a sort of kind soul and good heart and things. And also to both show to you and or other people how in control spirit is. Especially when it comes to what happens involving you and your life. Maybe to show that you're guided and intuitive possibly. There are definitely some things you do not know and are not supposed to.
Group 2
Getting some mad lazy town vibes not gonna lie. But I guess it is the theme in a way cause of the picture. Well this person or people seem to come up with a lot of "bright" ideas and or they do magic. Seems like they send stuff your way. Could be tricks and traps and things that are disguised or hidden. I have to say it. This reading is silly. This person is goofy. A lot of this stuff seems to go right over your head and you left unaffected because it's so far off from your energy. Either or both, you don't see eachother in person or you seem to avoid confronting eachother. More likely this person is scared to confront you without a mask on , face to face. You might not know what they do or the full gravity of the situation.or they just seem to get away some how. But in a way some of you do know especially if this is them doing magic. You know but you have no proof right.honestly this person is super insignificant and your life and or you are coming off super vibrant. Ok literally lazy town duh but this person trips over their own traps. Like they'll set a trap and then walk on the same trap ten minutes later. So silly. What. Do not even worry about this goober. You and your things , everything important is protected. Possibly by an entity. Or just a strong person spirit or not maybe you have a fricking camera in your room I don't know. You are protected nonetheless.
Group 3
This person or people , seem to come at you damn near if not just full force mega strong energy I'm guessing for a lot of you that is just raw anger. It could be any energy though. And you are just minding your business. Like some of you. everybody has flaws why would they expect anyone on earth that is alive to be perfect. The hell. And then yeah I see y'all more or less being negatively affected by this bs. Drama. You guys might be younger or less experienced at something but this person almost is like a bully like why are they choosing to come at you like damn.their words seem to kind of cut. Like, y'all are all chill more or less and you guys should just stay in your own energy and try to stay unaffected by this as much as you can. You could also say something about being treated like this if you can and want to. Also you could totally try to kill them with kindness and be sweet/innocent whatever according to what energy they're coming at you with. Don't be scared of an ending because of this situation and or person. For a lot of you I feel like someone around would /will be understanding if you told them what's up , though. Every boss has a boss too. Unless you're dealing with an owner of a company or someone who cannot be controlled somehow. Then I don't know what to tell you.
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