#i don't want to go yo school and be terrified to ask to go to the bathroom because someone is going to laugh or giggle or whisper at the way
bugbxyjunk · 1 year
words cant explain how much i don't want to go to school
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megaderping · 3 months
A while ago, I made a post going into parts of the missable Sae Palace arc text messages, such as these:
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However, that post neglected to include a full transcript. I have since transcribed all of these texts, which occur on 10/30, 11/3, 11/7, and 11/11. You must not infiltrate Sae's Palace until after these dates in order to get these.
Transcripts below the cut! Crossposted to the P5 sub.
The first of these texts takes place on 10/30. You will miss this text if you infiltrate the Palace on the first available day.
Ryuji: Yo, Akechi.
Akechi: What is it?
Ryuji: You got any idea who the true culprit might be?
Futaba: Oh yeah! You said you saw a masked guy, right?
Haru: I wanted to ask about that too.
Futaba: Did you really see him? The masked guy's gotta be the true culprit, right?
Akechi: If this so-called true culprit is acting alone, then there can be no mistake about it.
Futaba: I see.
Yusuke: The next question is, who is that masked man?
Akechi: Unfortunately, I do not know that much.
Futaba: Ugh, you're useless.
Akechi: That is quite harsh.
Futaba: Aw, you're making me blush!
Ann: That wasn't a compliment...
Akechi: At this point, I have yet to even grasp any clues. But once this is dealt with, I will surely capture him. I promise you that.
We'll be counting on you.
Akechi: Perfect. Leave it to me. It may sound somewhat odd for me to say this, but I am an exceptional detective. I assure you, I will catch this culprit. Look forward to it.
Can you do it?
Akechi: Hm? Do you not trust me?
[The rest plays out the same as the other option.]
What's funny about this exchange is how the Thieves know Akechi's deal and are just playing along. It makes some of the reactions (especially from Haru and Futaba) read as comically passive aggressive. However, the more interesting texts start coming on 11/03, 11/07, and 11/11.
Starting with 11/03.
Ryuji: Goddamit. People're acting like we were the ones who killed 'em.
Yusuke: I have even heard them say we are assassins hired to deal with psychotic breakdown victims.
Ann: Ugh, that's obviously not what we're trying to do.
Akechi: This must be part of the plan to shift blame onto the Phantom Thieves. After all, the true culprit is the one killing the people on that ranking list.
This is unforgivable
Akechi: Indeed. I have no intentions of letting this slide.
This is total BS
Akechi: But that is the truth for the general public at the moment.
[Both lead to...]
Futaba: Man, this culprit guy really won't let up. I don't remember ever doing anything that'd make someone hate us THIS much.
Haru: He used my father as well...
Akechi: I cannot fathom what his motive may be... We will just have to capture and interrogate him.
Makoto: But before that, we need to change my sister's heart. That's our first step toward stopping him.
Akechi: I must agree. The true culprit will be caught, but before that we must deal with Sae-san. If ranking is being taken into consideration, perhaps I will be targeted too... Just kidding.
This tells us that Shido is deliberately having Akechi target high ranking targets on the PhanSite in order to terrify the public with abhorrent acts of violence, much like he did in April. It's a way to make people feel scared and more reliant on Shido to be the change that Japan needs. But if you secure the treasure as quickly as possible, you will miss this added information that really deepens how cruel he truly is by ordering hits just to paint a convenient narrative.
And this is definitely Shido's idea, because on 11/7 we get this gem...
Haru: Do you think the culprit could be someone at our school?
Yusuke: That seems somewhat sudden.
Haru: I mean, didn't they find a calling card in Principal Kobayakawa's office? I thought you had suggested that idea yourself, Yusuke.
Yusuke: That was just a generalization.
Haru: But if Mako-chan noticed what was going on with you guys, somebody else might have too.
Ann: So you think that "somebody else" is trying to frame us? What's gotten into you so suddenly?
Haru: Nothing has gotten into me. I just think there's a chance the culprit is related to Shujin...
You might be right. / There's no way.
[Both get the same response:]
Yusuke: What is all of this about? It's too soon to be jumping to conclusions like this.
Haru: Well, I was hoping to hear a professional opinion on the matter... What are your thoughts, Akechi-kun?
Akechi: The possibility is not zero, but it does seem a bit unlikely.
Haru: Why do you ask?
Akechi: A normal person would never do such a thing. They would have no reason to callously murder your principal.
Haru: And what if they weren't normal?
Akechi: Are you implying they kill for the sheer pleasure of it?
Haru: No, not like that. What I mean is, you need certain special abilities to navigate through that world, yes?
Akechi: Ah, so you're saying the culprit is a Persona-user.
Haru: Yes.
Akehci: I see... How perceptive. Truthfully, I was considering that possibility myself. But it is difficult to think they have ties to Shujin Academy.
Haru: Why?
Akechi: There would be no motive for them to carry out such a cruel plot. Clearly our culprit is acting behind the scenes to accomplish some grand objective. He likely has accomplices. It is even possible that he is being controlled by someone.
Makoto: Controlled? By whom?
Akechi: If I knew that, I do not think we would be in this much trouble.
Haru: I see... So even someone like you doesn't know, Akechi-kun.
Futaba: Looks like our genius detective's not so much of a genius after all.
Akechi: Haha, harsh as always. If there is one thing I know, it is that the culprit behind all of this is extremely shrewd. But don't worry. I will catch him, no matter what it takes.
I'm looking forward to that. / I wonder if you can do it.
Akechi: More importantly, we need to focus on changing Sae-san's heart for the time being. If we cannot do that, everything we have done will be for naught. We absolutely must succeed here.
There is so much to unpack here. By far, it's my favorite of these texts because of the light it sheds on Akechi's motivations and intentions. First, we have Haru pressing the subject. She clearly wants to squeeze answers out of Akechi. She's subtly putting him on the spot because she knows...
But Akechi lets slip that no, actually, he doesn't do this for pleasure. That actually, he is being controlled and that the true mastermind is someone shrewd that he intends to take down. Amidst all of Akechi's lies and platitudes during this part of the story, we see a crack in his perfectly prepared mask. In a way, this is the most honest we've seen Akechi outside of his Royal confidant and on 8/28 and 9/3. In a way, he's sharing little slivers of himself with the rest of the team (either begrudgingly or for reasons he doesn't fully understand) the way he already has with Joker.
And it actually explains a few things that happen later. Namely, the way he downplays the need to kill the other Phantom Thieves until after the election (keep in mind, he does intend to knock Shido down from his pedestal) as well as treating Morgana as "just a cat." Obviously, this doesn't absolve Akechi of his guilt, but it does make it clear that he isn't as remorseless as a lot of people believe, even if no amount of sunk cost fallacy is gonna undo the damage he's done.
Hell, when combined with his lamentation that he didn't meet Joker years ago in the engine room and his reaction to Morgana explaining changes of heart, these texts further solidify that his feelings toward both Joker and the Thieves are extremely complex and absurdly messy.
Plus we get Haru and Futaba both taking shots at him, which is fun and also extremely deserved. :p
Moving on, there's one final missable November text on 11/11. It goes as follows:
Akechi: So, about the investigation... It seems they have no evidence that can truly be called as such.
Ryuji: Well duh.
Akechi: However, it seems they have no intentions of changing their plans.
Ann: They're going to investigate at both Shujin Academy and Leblanc, right?
Akechi: Indeed.
Makoto: Hm. I can understand Shujin... But why Leblanc?
Akechi: The key is Wakaba Isshiki.
Futaba: Is it cause of my mom's research?
Akechi: Correct. Her study of cognitive psience is closely connected to this case. Of that, there can be no doubt.
Futaba: Then this guy's really the mastermind behind all of this?
Akechi: That would be the case. There can be no mistake... The one who erased cognitive psience from this world is surely the culprit behind everything.
Makoto: And getting rid of the research was the only way they could use its powers?
Akechi: How perceptive of you. Yes, that is the only logical conclusion. Both Sae-san and I were searching for clues about that research. But just as we were about to deepen our investigation, this commotion began. And to make things even more troublesome... There was only one person with strong connections to both Shujin Academy and Leblanc. And that person turned out to be the leader of the Phantom Thieves.
Yusuke: So the culprit had calculated all of this in advance?
Akechi: Heavens no. That would be impossible. This was a miracle created by the coinciding of multiple chance situations.
Ryuji: Dude, you hear that? He says you got miraculously bad luck. Don't that make you feel good?
I'm so lucky.
Ryuji: Y'know, shitty luck is still luck.
That's not funny.
Ryuji: C'mon, you gotta be able to laugh it off at this point.
Haru: Yes, your luck really is impressive.
Akechi: At any rate, that's the current state of things. And that's why we must obstruct the investigation at all costs.
Makoto: Yes, that's our intention.
Once again, we have Akechi laying it on thick that Shido is the one behind everything, as he was the one who ordered the hit on Wakaba, stole her research, and had his own research team develop it further. And keep in mind, Shido's own words, first on 11/21...
"Those who get in the way must be eliminated at times—that's the correct way to use the Metaverse."
And later, his Shadow states, "Moreover, it was thanks to me that Akechi was able to properly use his power to begin with."
So we know that even the idea of inducing mental shutdowns came from him, even if Akechi offered his Metaverse abilities as part of his stupid revenge plan.
What this shows is Akechi wants to hint that there is this bigger puppet master, even if he's going to betray the Thieves, and this is actually really consistent with his Royal confidant. In Rank 7, he uses a billiard games as a metaphor for the upcoming betrayal kill and gives Joker an out, even if he's much happier if you assert your rivalry instead. This makes his warnings about the connections to Wakaba carry a very similar feeling, and since these texts were in Vanilla, it's likely that the Royal confidant built on this foundation.
But then there's the fact that the Thieves are fully in the know that Akechi is going to betray them, so it recontextualizes all these texts where they are genuinely trying to squeeze as much info out of him as they can and likely having to restrain themselves hard (especially Futaba and Haru).
And all of this you will never see unless you delay the infiltration until 11/12. So, the next time you play Persona 5 Royal, it might be worthwhile to delay Sae's Palace to see these in-game! They're really cool and it's a shame they aren't scripted events.
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final girl | coriolanus snow
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pairing: ghostface!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
summary: you've become a target, the final girl of a killer's movie.
warnings: dark content, possessive!coryo, dark!coryo, obsession/obsessive behavior, suggestive themes(if you squint), stalking, murder, blood and gore, coryo being delusional, threats of violence, violence, sort of modern!au, no use of y/n, naive!reader, r is too kind.
It was october, not only that but there was a killer on the loose. You were by yourself, much to your parent’s annoyance. You told them,”I’m 18 Mom. I technically could be on my own. Please, let me be on my own. I’ll be fine. I’ve got friends who can help me. And 911 on the phone.”
Your mother sighed. "The capitol’s safe enough. Fine. But if anything happens-” “Protocol, I know, I know all the rules, You replied. You did. Normally, your parents weren't like this. But there was a killer. A fucking killer. Of course they'd be worried for their only child.
You were also the heir to wealthy parents and known in the capitol. Your parents were. If there would be a target, you might be on that list. Either way, you were going to be as safe as you could be.
. You place yourself on the couch. The staff, which included the maids, were on their day-offs today, which was unfortunate for you. Tonight, would be different, though, you had no idea.
Clemensia, your best friend, texted you.
Home alone?
You replied almost right away.
Yeah. It took convincing, though. My parents are kind of protective.
You knew she was sighing and rolling her eyes at your comment. Clemensia was logical, so were you. The both of you were, but sometimes you could be reckless. Her, too, but not tonight apparently.
For good reason. I mean, there's a killer out there.
You wanted to just watch a movie, something that was a form of entertainment in the Capitol, obviously. You decide a horror movie was too gruesome for a time like this, and were planning to watch a rom-com. A surprise, considering you loved horror movies.
Yeah. I feel too... scared to watch a scary movie. That's how bad this is getting.
That was the truth, you were utterly terrified. Terrified to even watch scary movies, as if it'd become true. You check your phone. Updates in the group chat continue.
Your friend, Coriolanus, was discussing the killer. But also said that everyone should be careful. It was a known fact he liked you, but you were oblivious.
You were always so naïve.
They say he calls his victims before he kills them. I hope that's not true. I mean, what if he gets one of us?
The latest kills were students at the school, Gaius Breen and Androcles Anderson. This was tragic, and they didn't deserve it. They really didn't. And it made you wonder, why?
Clemensia was texting you and then calls. “Hey Clemmie, You say. “Hey! She replied. She sounded a little better but still, she was probably terrified just like you. "You okay, Clemmie, why did you call? You ask her, naturally. "Clemmie" was a nickname given in your childhood. You had a friend group that all had your own nicknames, including you. "I don't know, I don't think I'd like to be by myself, She admitted.
"That's fair, You agreed."I don't think... Hold on. I'm getting another call. Can I be right back on that?" "Mhm, it's not your fault, Clemensia said.
You end that call, and while the number was not one you'd recognize, sometimes you don't put in numbers on accident, or change the name. It happens. "Hello? You say, kindly. No matter who called, you tried to be as polite as you could be. 
Already, you know this is a stranger. For one thing, the voice isn't one yo recognize, secondly, the number wasn't in your contacts. So it wasn't one you accidentally kept the number on. Unless this was a prank. 
"Sorry I have to ask, who is this?"
"Who is this?"
"I already asked that. What number are you trying to reach?"
"I don't know, what number is this?"
You chuckle. "You called me, shouldn't you know?"
"I guess not."
In your mind, you conclude that this must be a wrong number. It wasn't his fault, so you weren't going to be annoyed by it. They seemed to be confused. "Wrong number, it's not your fault, it happens." You hang it up, and it was eerily similar to the beginning of Scream. You brushed it off, and planned to call Clemensia back, when the number called again.
"I'm sorry. I guess I dialed the wrong number."  
"Oh, then why did you call again?"
"To apologize."
"Well, I forgive you, so-"
"Wait, can we talk?"
You sigh. "I'd love to. But i've got a phone call to do, bye, buddy." You hang up again. You innocently think of this as some joke. So, entertaining the prankster wouldn't be too bad for you. 
However, you needed to call Clemensia back, ASAP. As you were about to tap her name to call, the prankster called again. However, you weren't going to be mad or annoyed, you were that good of a person.
Maybe naïve for your own good, but kind nonetheless. 
"Why don't you want to talk to me?" 
"Oh, hi, um... I just don't know you at all. Sorry."
"You seem very sweet and understanding."
"I try to be. You never know. What's your name?"
"You tell me your name, and I'll tell you mine."
You place a piece of popcorn in my mouth, my soda beside me by the movie." As much as it'd be nice to make another friend, you'd have to earn that." A while ago, you texted your boyfriend to come over. Where was he? Your parents were gone. This was your chance to finally get intimate tonight. Still, no response. You texted him a couple of times. You frown. Is he cheating on me? You thought.
"What are you eating?"
"Popcorn, You immediately reply. "I'm watching a movie."
"What movie?"
"A rom-com, I can't bring myself to watch a horror movie."
"Rom-coms are cheesy, I think horror movies are incredible."
"Ah, a horror nerd, You joke. "Well, I normally think so, too. But, it's just... whatever."
"What's your favorite scary movie?"
You smile. "I guess I'd say, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's interesting."
"A good choice. It's brutal."
You check your phone a couple of times, still on the call, your boyfriend messaged once. He was on his way, and apologized for not being there. You accepted it, he was a good boyfriend, and was normally on time or responded, he was perfect. So, you forgave him immediately. 
"So, you've got a boyfriend?"
His voice was flirty, and suggestive, even. But you weren't flattered or anything. You loved your boyfriend. "Mhm, You say."So, I'm not interested. We're happy together."
"Ah, lovebirds. How cute."
His voice was sarcastic. However, you still tried to remain kind. You didn't say anything as a response though. 
"You never said your name."
"Why do you want my name?"
"Because I want to know who I'm looking at."
You freeze. "What did you say?"
"I want to know who I'm talking to.""
You shake your head."No. That's not what I heard." Panicked, you text your boyfriend and Clemensia. Someone was watching you."I'm hanging up."
"Why would you do that, Doll?"
"I... I just have to go."
"Don't hang up."
You text your boyfriend once more, hoping he'd come quick. Instead, however, you got a disturbing response.
Don't hang up on me. It won't end well for you.
You lock every door in your house, this creep wouldn't come in your house. But you also weren't ignoring his calls anymore certainly. He calls again, and you pick up. "What do you want?"
"Just to talk, doll."
"No, clearly not. Otherwise-"
"You've caught me. I want to play a game. Like I played with your boyfriend."
"What did you do with him?"
"Go check for yourself."
You whimper, stepping towards the back of your large home. You had a feeling it'd be in your backyard, the answer you were looking for. When you turn on the lights, You scream. Your phone drops, but thankfully doesn't break. Your boyfriend, was hung and gutted in your tree, bloody and all. You began to sob, shakily picking your phone up. "Please, why did you kill him?"
"You belong to me, doll. You're mine. I won't let anyone take you from me."
In that moment, a figure with a ghostly mask bursts in, grabbing you from behind, hands on your waist as you begin to fight, what was he going to do? Take you? You kick, your elbow kicking his rips, and a groan came out from him. You run. You held your phone, call ended. You take this chance and call 911. 
Ghostface gets up, and mid call, is fast and you dropped your phone. You yelp, trying everything in your power.You’re thrown onto the floor and now he’s on top of you, knife in hand was clean but probably washed off the blood after murdering your boyfriend.
what was he going to do with you?
He must be contemplating what he was planning to do. Your legs were stuck, so you couldn’t kick him. He tilts his head. His knife trails down your body, suggestively but also mocking you, it's between your breasts, and then you grab his wrist, trying to pry him off of you. But he's stronger. He says,"Be a good girl and I won't hurt you." He must mean death, so you nod, still crying. The police would come. 
You must've hit the floor hard, because your vision was foggy, and you were close to passing out. If this was death, you were ready. But you had no injuries. You clearly were just going unconscious. You use your free arm to take his mask off.
Your eyes widen."Coryo?" You barely see the grin on his face before you black out.
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theemporium · 1 year
I was thinking about remus lupin with secret relationship? Not potter reader but I wanna know how and why he'd go about that.
P.s did you happen to get my last ask? I'm not sure it was recieved
i don't think i did, sorry, i know its been a while since you've sent this too😭thank you for requesting!🖤
It was actually your decision to keep the relationship a secret. 
You weren’t ashamed of him nor were you embarrassed to be seen with him. You loved Remus Lupin in a way you didn’t think was possible to love somebody. You hid your relationship because of your family. 
You were from a pureblood family with a very cold and strict upbringing. You were taught how to walk, talk and act like a lady. You were taught to achieve your education with the highest marks. You were taught that by the time you left school, the arrangement for your marriage would be sorted and that would be your life. You were taught how to run a household, how to plan dinner parties and be the perfect, docile, pureblood wife. 
Nothing could have prepared you for the charming werewolf who swept you off your feet. 
You fought your feelings for a very long time, determined that they were a simple phase or distraction that would pass in all due time. But Remus Lupin had stolen your heart and you didn’t ever want it back. 
However, not even a few days after you had come to realise your feelings for the Gryffindor, you had watched an older student—a fellow Slytherin you remembered from dinner parties with other families—be ostracised and shunned from her family over the love she shared with a Ravenclaw boy. 
It terrified you. 
You knew, deep down, that the traditions and beliefs of your family were no longer the norm, and maybe not totally right either. But they were all you knew, they were all you have and the idea of losing them scared you. But you loved Remus—you really did and you weren’t ready to let him go. 
Remus respected it. He knew you needed time and he knew how you felt about him. He didn’t mind sneaking around and late night rendezvous if it meant he was with you.
“What’s wrong?” 
He had noticed all day that you had been acting off and it killed him inside knowing that he couldn’t approach you, that he couldn’t give you the comfort you needed as soon as he picked up on your mood. He had been itching to see you but he knew he had to wait until after curfew. 
Now, here you were, sitting on the couch of the small room that had formed (thanks to the Room of Requirements for you both) with glossy eyes and a letter in your hand. 
“My parents wrote to me,” was all you had to say and Remus was by your side, pulling your body against his until you curled into his side. Your hands gripped his sweater in tight fists, scared that he would disappear and you’d be left alone. 
“Shhh, honey, I’ve got you,” he whispered against the top of your head when he felt you fighting back your sobs. He pressed a kiss to the crown of your head and you broke as you shoved the letter in his hands, nuzzling your gaze against his chest as your body racked with sobs. 
Remus’ eyes glazed over the letter but it was more than enough. And one word stood out the most.
Your parents had settled the arrangement of your marriage. They had found you a husband and hadn’t even bothered consulting you on it. Your wedding was set to be after you graduated from Hogwarts this June. 
There were a million different thoughts racing through his head but one was louder than the others: he was going to lose you, he was going to lose the love of his life. 
“Remus, I—” you let out a shaky breath, staring up at him with tears streaming down your face. “I can’t…I can’t—”
He was so used to seeing you so composed and proper. He was so used to seeing you clamp down any feelings until you knew you were in a safe place to show them, usually when you were alone and able to sort through them. He had never once seen you so distressed or distraught. 
“You’re not going to,” Remus whispered to you. 
But you shook your head. “There’s nothing we can do—”
“There’s always something, darling,” he told you as his warm palm engulfed your cheek, guiding your head up so you were looking at him. His thumb gently swiped away your tears, his lips twitching as you leaned into his touch. “You’re not gonna marry him, I promise.” 
“What are we gonna do?” you whispered, sounding so small and broken. It sounded nothing like you and he hated it. He hated that they made you feel like this.
“I don’t know yet,” he murmured honestly, but the determination was evident in his voice. “But I’ll marry you the day before myself if it means they can’t force you into marrying some snobby bastard. I’m not gonna let them take you away from me, love.” 
Your eyes softened as you turned your head to press a soft kiss against his palm. “I’d marry you in a heartbeat, Remus Lupin.”
His chest tightened. “Don’t go making me propose, darling. I’m a man with little self-control.” 
But you just smiled at him, resting your head back down on his chest and tightening your arms around his torso. “Fine by me, Lupin.”
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spacebaby1 · 4 months
Hi babe 🥹 I love your vlog!
Can I request a Gojo oneshot where the reader is a foreigner and new to Jujutsu High? Like she was just entering high school and then Satoru falls in love with her as soon as he looks at her?
I also have another idea but I don't know if you like it. I was also thinking about Satoru's lifelong friend reader. Where he has feelings of love for her but she doesn't seem to realize it. And then Suguru's defection happens, and the reader wants to leave with him 😫
I really don't know if you're going to read this, I love you very much and I love your vlog, I'm always watching it!  Greetings from Venezuela 🇻🇪
Omg hello! Thank you for supporting! I really love the second idea and I would love to write it soon🫡💙enjoy, hope you like it!
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Standing in front of the huge school building, you read the paper in your hand over and over; Jujutsu High. Yes, it was the building, your new school, but looking around, it seemed haunted and way too quiet since no one was around. You have just transferred to this new school, in the new country far away from your home and didn't know what to do. With a sigh, you walked inside the building, hoping to find someone and ask them for help, and that's exactly what you did.
Walking down the empty hallway was terrifying; your just joined being a sorcerer back in your home country for less than two months and they already decided to send you away since the higher ups needed more sorcerer in japan. Most of the classes were empty as you walked and that's when you heard a sound of talking and laughter and you followed it happy that the building isn't completely empty. Entering the class you saw two boys who immediately turned their head towards the door when you opend it. The one sitting on the chair has his hair in a messy bun while the other was wearing dark sunglasses and had white hair. "Uh, I just transferred here. Sorry to bother you but can you show me where to find the principles office?"
The open with white hair had his jaw slightly open while the one with black hair got with a small smile, "Welcome, I'm Geto suguru and this is Gojo Satoru. Sure we can show you the office." You smiled and followed Geto as he lead the way and Gojo joined him whispering something to Geto to which he elbowed Gojo and murmured a slight "shit up, don't start."
They walked few corridor down till they reached an office, "thank you for helping me. That's very kind of you." Geto simply smiled with a wave and grabbed Gojo by the collar as they walked away. Goja smiled and waved at you as Geto pulled him.
The meeting was brief with the principal and you were happy to get some sleep after the long flight. Falling on the bed you let out a long sigh and without another minute you feel asleep. Only to wake up earlier than everyone or as you thought. After getting dressed in your workout clothes you decided to go for a morning run even though you weren't familiar with the area you thought that you'll stay close; wrong idea as you got lost while running. You sighed when you realised that you had left your phone in your room. So you decided to walk back and hopefully you'll find your back, another back idea. You accidentally walked further into the woods, a sound of footsteps made you turn and that's when you saw it a curse running towards you; your body went numb as you couldn't move. The only reaction you gave was trying to cover your face with your hand but the loud bang made the curse disappear. Your heavy breathing was all you could hear before you looked up to find Gojo standing in distance from you with a concerned look on his face, "you okay?" You pouted before running to hug him for saving you as you cried. His cheeks were burning red but he played it cool by hugging you back and chuckled, "ah, of course you are okay, I saved you." You looked at him with teary eyes and he swears that something screamed in his heart at how cute you looked to which he gripped his arms tightly around you, "thank you." You whispered making his blush and giggle.
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rosekeu · 1 year
soft like a bunny : r. sukuna
this is part 3!
a/n: highschool au, fem!reader, reader has braces, shy+nerdy+sensitive reader! [if you don't like that then leave ig lol] soft spot for reader ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
sypnosis: after the encounter with your bullies, your savior takes a certain interest with you.
【 playlist 】
[ part 1 ] [part 2] [ part 4 ] [ part 5 coming soon! ]
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'i'm such a stupid! "how could i have been so stupid?" y/n sobbed in the restroom stall, sitting so no one could see her feet. her friends had definitely heard about the event and were anxious to find out if she was okay.
 "we know you're in there! please open the door." while her twin, mai, furiously knocked on the stall, maki said.
 "we already heard what happened, and when i see those boys, i will-" mai said fiercely, her hands clenched into fists from the rage in her body.
"nothing stupid, please." y/n replied in a broken voice, 
 "i completely agree!" remarked the elder zen'in twin, 
"open the fucking door already!" she said, ignoring her sister's remark. y/n stepped up from her toilet seat, and her trembling hands unlocked the stall's lock. when the girl emerged, her face was smeared with tears and her breathing was erratic. mai pulled her in for a hug right away. 
"are you all right?" maki murmured, concerned about her friend; she wasn't the best at consoling, but that was generally mai's duty. y/n clutched her taller friend tighter, her previously calmed tears returning to plague her cheeks. 
 “i’m so weak– so pathetic!” she sobbed, a knot growing in her throat as she remembered the terrifying events from earlier. 
 "you aren't! you're strong, but you need to learn to stand up for yourself." maki patted the girl's back in an attempt to calm her down. 
 “we heard someone helped you? that itadori kid?” mai inquired, tugging y/n off to meet her gaze. she looked around the bathroom, recalling the first-year who hit her bullies until his knuckles bled. "did he look cute?" 
 maki slapped her twins' arms.
 “what? "i'm just curious..."
 "uhm, he was kind of cute... "i noticed he had two facial tattoos," she remarked, breaking free from her friend's embrace and heading over to the bathroom sink, recalling the two marks beneath sukuna's eyes. y/n gazed in the mirror. as she smiled, she had a pale face and bloodshot eyes. 
 she was disgusted.
"isn't that like the first-year who was suspended a lot?" mai commented, appreciating her purple-painted nails. "i think so," maki replied.
 y/n bathed her face with cold water, and it felt wonderful. refreshing. it was good to wash those filthy boys' germs away. "third years are the worst." 
 maki and mai both agreed. 
 “c’mon free period is gonna end soon. let's chill." maki remarked, seizing y/ n's hand and bringing her out of the bathroom, mai trailing after them.
 * * *
 [changed pov - 2nd person]
 following the free period, your next class was chemistry. you approached your locker and fiddled with the little numbers on the lock. 241. then as you heard the quiet click, you grabbed your large chemistry textbook and slammed the small door shut. 
"hello." a sly voice from beside you said.
you shrieked back and looked beside you. “rika, what’s up?” you locked the small cupboard once more and began going towards your class. rika walked alongside you, hands behind her back and a weird smirk on her lips. this is not surprising behavior.
"i just wanted to say hi..."i missed hearing your voice." wrapping her arms around your neck, rika said. because you were her first friend, she was naturally clingy. you didn't mind because she was your friend.
 "i also heard about what happened... "would you like me to hex them?" rika had been engrossed in witchcraft since middle school, she asked innocently. she would not hesitate to use any of her 'magic' to cause harm to others in order to protect you. 
you grasped her shoulders and looked at her sharply. "no, i'm perfectly alright." one of them is already bruised enough."
"mhmmm... okay." as you both approached the chemical lab door and rika said her goodbyes, another body collided with you. sukuna, you peered behind you.
 he was attempting to enter the room at the same moment as you, causing your bodies to become wedged. you had no idea he was taking second-year chemistry.
 'he was most likely transferred recently... he must be good because he is only a first-year student.'
 "get out of my way, nerd," he growled, shoving past you rudely. you gazed at him, perplexed and dazed by everything that had happened today. you took a deep breath and proceeded to your seat. 
 you didn't have a lab partner before, for one thing because you were intelligent enough to do things on your own, and for another, no one wanted to be paired up with you. but there was sukuna seated next you.
 you sat down beside him, your hefty textbook on the tall table and your cute pink keychain dangling from your bag. you averted his piercing stare, feeling sukuna's eyes sear holes in your side. "do you have a pencil?" he muttered something under his breath.
“uhh.” you rummaged through your suitcase and chose the least feminine-looking item... but, it was blue with little cinnamonoroll patterns scattered throughout. he raised an eyebrow in response. "don't you have a more manly one?"
 "no..." you chuckled faintly in response to his request. you weren't scared of him like the others, you looked to be at ease around him. maybe because he save you from those bullies one time?
  he glanced at it again, yet he still used it. 
throughout the lesson, it seemed like sukuna couldn't keep his hands off you, poking and pinching your arms and lightly pulling on your hair. you tried to ignore his antics, but it was evident that sukuna was enjoying teasing you. as the lesson continued, you couldn't help but be annoyed and amused by his annoying behavior. 
 you had a blank expression on your face at one point. "how come you can't sit still?"
"you're just fun to tease." he said as he tried to sneakily try to pinch one of your arms again and you slapped it lightly. "stop." you held a serious face and he only laughed at you.  
 despite your serious expression and request for him to stop, sukuna continued to find amusement in teasing you. his laughter only fueled his desire to provoke a reaction from you. it was clear that he found great joy in getting under your skin, and it seemed unlikely that his antics would cease anytime soon. 
 when the teacher finished, you began packing your things you noticed sukana glancing at you several times. this lesson's project was assigned to you, and your partner was sukuna. 
 "the project is due next friday... do you want to start planning-" 
 sukuna walked away, completely ignoring you. you stood there, confused by sukuna's abrupt change in behavior, as he walked away without saying anything. you decided to give him some space and focus on the project on your own for the time being, since you were curious as to what had caused his abrupt dismissal.  
* * *
before you knew it it was the end of the day, you went to the main floor of the school building and changed your shoes to your outdoor ones. 
 you focused on the fact that you had left your umbrella at home. it was a gorgeous sunny day when the day began, so you never considered bringing it. you packed your belongings and walked towards the exit, but your feet were firmly planted in front of it. you didn't want to walk home in the rain. realizing that it would be difficult to go home in such heavy rain, you considered finding a cozy spot in the school to wait it out.  
 you wore a frustrated expression as you waited for the rain to stop. you stared as raindrops splashed across the window, regretting not being more prepared. despite your displeasure, you couldn't help but love the rain's rhythmic beat and the way it converted the world outside into a pretty oasis. 
 “oi! "what are you standing there for, nerd?" remarked a familiar voice. sukuna, once more. 
 "i forgot to bring my umbrella. and because i walk home-" before you could finish, the boy quickly raised his black umbrella. 
"here, take mine," sukuna said with a smirk. "i don't mind getting wet." you couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and surprise at his unexpected act of kindness.  
 "weren't you ignoring me just a few hours ago?" you puzzledly wondered. sukuna shrugged casually. "yeah, well, i changed my mind," he replied casually. it was a minor gesture, but it made you wonder if sukuna was more than meets the eye. "don't make me regret it, brat."
“guess im not gonna see you in two days.” you remarked. as you both walked under the pouring rain. you guiding him to your home. sukuna glanced at you, a small smile playing on his lips. 
 “what? are you obsessed with me already?” 
 “w-what? oh, i'm not—oh, ugh." as red began to pool in your cheeks, you muttered, flustered. sukuna chuckled, clearly enjoying your embarrassment. "relax, i was just teasing. but who knows, maybe yuu will be obsessed with me soon enough."  
 "i-no-i-," you stammered. he, on the other hand, found it amusing. as you continued to stumble over your words, sukuna's laughter boomed through the rain-soaked streets. despite your shame, you couldn't help but get fond of his intriguing personality.
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if you want to be tagged let me know!
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cursed-elements-blog · 2 months
If you love Chunt so much give us all available chanter facts.
okie dokie!!! if i get any wrong, I'll delete my account (lying). im also not going to just do a full plot recap!! i will have to reference some plot points though so spoilers for Echo VN.
Chunty wunty was born in 1993 between Spring (probably March/April, i don't remember when his spring break was) and November 1st. He is a north american river otter! he was born and raised within Echo.
when he was a child, he was kind of an asshole! using carl's fear of ghosts to get access to carl's game consoles when he wanted to stay the night and frequently telling lies to get what he wants. Chase tells himself via his inner monologue that his dick is huge. on november 1st 2008, chase got caught jacking off to gay porn (fox and horse specifically) by his parents and then spent the rest of the day avoiding them. he got together with leo the day after that. Chase has arachnophobia. chase is bisexual but tells people he's gay cause he says that it is much easier to do that than to explain what bisexual is. at college he had one single edible and had a terrible intense trip lmao man CANNOT handle weed.
Chunt and Jenna thought it would be funny to pull a prank on Leo, this ended up with Chase breaking up with Leo. he suffers from sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and dissociation because sam-entity is possessing him. he has a somewhat artificial interest in journalism and photography and only really chose that field because Jenna suggested it to him when she told him to try to leave Echo. speaking of Jenna, Chaunter drove her out of Echo and to Payton to escape her abusive family.
after chase broke up with Leo and went off to college, he would still send Leo a bunch of sexually charged messages telling him how he missed Leo when drunk. he's such a messy bitch (affectionate). Chase and Carl used to be roommates in college before Carl dropped out. then Chase roomed with a rabbit and then Vincent. he was a very average student. chase used to have an anchor bracelet that he and Leo wore to symbolize their relationship* *yo i fucking cried when writing this sentence. that got me so emotional holy shit.
this is long so here is a break. more under the cut :3
he stopped wearing the bracelet during college. Chase drowned Sydney because he felt as if Sydney would eventually kill TJ. he then subconsciously suppressed this memory. he used to see a psychiatrist and take meds because he saw a body hanging in the woods shortly after Sydney's death.
Chase has a noticeable but not apparent gay accent. like that valley girl twang. stereotypical gay voice. he has said "haaii" he has said "hey, bee-otch" and he has said "hiiiiiiii~". when he and Leo first got together, they ended up sort of neglecting their other friends. Chase only was available to drive Jenna to Payton because he and Leo were fighting and thus not speaking to each other.
once TJ asked Chase how he knew he was into men, and Chase told him to go to a porn website. Chase loves to swim! he also stinks. Chase's musk actually apparently turns people off, especially on dating sites. speaking of, Chase is on Predatr, a dating app (parody of grindr)
Chase's mom calls his arachnophobia "his little spider problem". chase used to think he was strictly gay but realized that wasn't quite right sometime during his late teens/early 20s. CHase doesn't finish his school project in time in a vast majority of the routes. Chase, Jenna, and Leo used to play platformers together before Leo could really understand english, "double jump that sucker" became a in-joke between the three. the two of them helped Leo learn english.
in Flynn's route, Chase has exactly one good and successful publication before his journalism career goes downhill. he is 26 when he meets Devon and Cameron in Echo. in leo's route Chase is 22/23 when he visits with his boyfriend Kudzu. Chase's whereabouts after TJ's route is unknown! terrifying given how that route ended!
Chase has a body count of 2, killing Sydney and Flynn (only in TJ's route). In Carl's route, Chase once again rooms with Carl in college. Chase is a fucking kinkshamer. Chase tends to assume all christians are homophobic and subtly had behaved rudely to TJ and his family because of this despite their love of him.
when he was 15 he put a fucking gay dating ad seeking a "friend/mentor" while pretending his was 18 by taking a photo of him on a roller coaster and blurring out the face. this plan did not work and he was banned from the sight. probably has a small bladder cause he needs to piss a lot!
Chase went through an emo phase where he frosted his hair tips. god i wish we saw that. Chase thought his little goatee would grow into a full beard. it did not. Chase Hunter is my babygirl!! Chase and Leo went to TJ's christian party thing and spent the entire party making out in Leo's car. Chase bottomed for most of his relationship with Leo. Chase is 5'7. Chase once had Leo put his dick in a hotdog bun and was "shocked" at the result according to Leo. Chase is attending Pueblo University, can't believe i hadn't put that one down yet
Chase's legs are described as "stubby" and he isn't a great runner because of it. Chase doesn't like the idea of getting more help for his issues after having poor experiences with them as a kid. Chase used to get bullied sort of by Clint and Jeremy. Leo's family loved Chase when they were dating. Chase has a high amount of leg specific injuries across the entire vn.
Chase's original last name was going to be Cooper according to Howly. Chase is the first ECHO PROJECT PROTAGONIST!!!! BABYGIRL MADE HISTORY!!!!
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im ending it there cause i have work in the morning :/
part 2 maybe ;3
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insuke69 · 1 year
My god, uh- part three but this is before y'all get together
DIFFERENT POVS AHSHDJ Warnings; Miles doin a little prowler stuff, Just description of someone who was beaten.
(So, there's gonna be if he asks you out/crushes on you first, we both know damn well you wouldn't do shit if you liked him and he were real.)
implied female reader :[
When Miles was crushing..:
-He'd draw you, like- during lunch if you're done eating and just laughing with friends he draws you sitting and with your smile
If you don't hang out with anyone during lunch then he'd draw you as you sat by yourself with a calm neutral expression while you did your own thing.
-Bold mf yet shy. He'd ask what you're doing and act all smug and confident but as soon as y'all stop interacting he'd over think his every line
did she actually like that joke? she looked upset, wait- was she? why didn't I ask what was wrong?
-He was always himself around you, yet toned it down when he didn't know exactly how you'd react to him.
-when y'all had your first date, this man is a gentlemen and picked you up in his motorcycle, (yes I declare he has a motorcycle.) He called you gorgeous in every way possible along with more flirty or bold lines
"Damn, If I knew you were this fine than I would've dressed up more myself."
"jealous of your belt, my hands would feel better on your hips."
he was always hella smooth with it too.
-he first asked for your number and he texted so politely for a good first impression. "Hey, so I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out to dinner with me sometime?"
"Alright, perfect. see you then 😗"
but a lil after y'all actually date he just ..is.
"When did yo say the daye was"
he's a fast typer.
-Hated seeing you talk to other guys when he was just crushing on you, mostly pissed at himself for not growing a pair and asking you out though.
okay this is just a scenario I cannot stop thinking about once I said that:
you were freshly broken up with your cheating boyfriend- well, you were never labeled but he made you seriously think it was exclusive and that'd piss you off beyond belief, Miles was the perfect shoulder to cry on. Never once did he make a move on you during that time. "That prick said he didn't care for labels but got a public girlfriend after 4 months of being with me!" You mumble out with small tears of frustration pooling in your eyes, your vision was blurred a bit so you couldn't see Miles reaction. He was seething.
how could a guy just use and fuck with you like that? He doesn't deserve to even be treated as a man, much less a person.. But Miles simply comforted you in that moment and reminded you how it was to be cared for platonically, or at least that's how he showed it. The next day? your 'ex' was nowhere to be found, the day after that: he went to school battered and bruised, broken nose, black eye, limping and bandaged everywhere. He told everyone that he was just chilling out in an alleyway by his house and some rando with a purple dark mask and metal gauntlet kind-of-thing just attacked him. weird. Vague coincidence that Miles' knuckles are bruised and he visibly bites back a grin as he hears your ex talk about it. what helped most was that when you told his girlfriend about what your ex did to you, she dumped him and told everyone exactly why, which made him lose any pity he could have gotten.
-Was terrified to tell you he was prowler, never knew how you'd actually react. THATS IT OMFG IDK- DO I MAKE A P4?!
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Nine: Wilderness Survival Camp (Again?)
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Nine years ago
Duncan's dad called his son down to the living room. The boy walked down carefully, his head was bowed, and his body was tense. Duncan noticed his mother, makeup covering the bruises on her face, her posture painfully straight sitting on the couch beside his father. "Pack your bags, your going to a wilderness survival school in Canada. I expect you back as a man, not a boy." The stern man ordered his son.
Duncan felt his body tense. What about Y/N, he wanted to ask. She hated being away from home, because Duncan already knew that she would be coming along too. Duncan's father and your father were best friends. So anything he had to do, you did as well.
"May I be excused... sir?" Duncan said albeit reluctantly.
Duncan's father nodded and Duncan strolled out the door turning into a running pace the second the door shut. You were right across the street and so when he knocked on your door, he was surprised to see you standing there ready to open it.
"I don't want to go." She whispered her body shaking with anxiety from her spot in the treehouse.. "My dad can't handle being alone for that long." She explained staring at her hands. Her mother had died when she was young and so her father was constantly in a depressive state. Y/N had to take care of him.
"He'll be fine." Duncan assured her, scooching closer to his friend.
Two years later
Duncan's father and Y/N's father were picking the two of you up. What they saw was not at all what they were expecting. Duncan wore a pair of black shorts, and a tank top that had the camps logo on it. His hair was partially dyed green, and his eyes were dark and cloudy as if he had been through a war, he had the posture of a soldier, and his body was still.
But when Y/N's father turned to see the girl next to the boy he was horrified. That was not his little girl. This girl had hair that had been partially dyed green at the very tips of her hair, she wore a sweatshirt that looked as if it was Duncan's, and her eyes were emotionless, the eight-year-old who loved to laugh was now a ten-year-old who showed nothing. Duncan had his hand entwined with yours, as if you were the only thing keeping him steady.
What had he done...?
The next month was terrifying for Y/N's father. His daughter woke up screaming in the middle of the night but the second he came to take care of you, he saw a green haired boy laying next to you in your bed whispering stories.
One day, Duncan's mother had invited you both to visit the beach with her and Duncan. She was worried about her son too, but couldn't voice her opinion to her husband in fear of harm to her or her son.
Duncan wore a sweater until he had arrived at the beach and his mother chatsied him, saying he was not going to get the sweater dirty. Duncan raised the shirt above his head and his back and front were littered with scars and bruises. It was horrifying.
Miles stared at his daughter from in the car. They had just arrived at the beach and she still hadn't tooken off the sweater. Once he pulled into the parking space, she had dissapeared going off to find Duncan.
Miles followed her, but stayed a respectful distance. Duncan's mother, Lilly gave the young girl a look which clearly meant take off the sweater.
Miles couldn't tear his eyes off of Duncan, it was terrible, the boy was beaten and bruised. But it wasn't from his father, not this time. It was from the camp. Duncan was way too skinny for his age... then Y/N took off her sweater.
Large jagged scars ran down your back, he could see your ribs through your swimsuit, bruises danced on your collarbone as if they were painting some horrible piece of art.
What had he done?
Chris had you all gathered in the pavilion. "Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills. I'm not going to lie to you, some of you might not make it back alive." You snorted from your spot on the bench by Courtney. Duncan playfully hit your shoulder in a sign of 'Shut up.'
"Just kidding. All you need to do is spend one night in the forest. Everything you guys need is at your campsite in the forest." Chris explained. "You just need to find it." Chris said laughing as he threw some objects to certain people. You let Duncan catch it because you were horrible at directions.
"Oh and watch out for bears, we lost a few interns in preproduction." Chis warned. Man, these poor interns.
"First team back by breakfast earns invincibility." Chris ordered as Courtney snatched the compass out of Duncan's hands shooting him a glare. Chris blew the god awful airhorn signaling it was time to get moving.
Your team began treking through the woods, Courtney leading. "You know this reminds me of our- I wanna say fourth week- at WSC, when that one teacher lady had us climb that huge tree because there was water bottles at the top and if no one climbed it we wouldn't get water, but in the end I ended up rigging an engine to your knife and we cut it down with everyone on it still." Duncan laughed and you burst into giggles. "Oh she was so pissed remember. But we still got to drink." You choked out between giggles.
"You know the fact she had you do that just for water ain't okay right?" DJ said looked at you both concerned.
"It's how we were raised." Duncan shrugged.
It was around nightime and Bridgette and Geoff had just set up the tent, there was a fire going, and DJ had just returned with a rabbit in his hands. "You know I've never had rabbit stew before." You commented trying to think of what you were going to use to clean your knife after killing the bunny. "I'm game." Duncan commented.
"You are both horrible. This is my new pet, I'm naming him bunny." DJ gasped. DJ had only grabbed the bunny because he didn't want to kill ANY animal, even to eat. You patted the big mans shoulder. "How does it feel being a fucking puss-" You about said before Duncan put a hand around your mouth. You glared at him only to make him laugh.
"You couldn't find any food?" Courtney whined. "Guess we'll be eating grubs and berries for dinner." She sighed. "Has anyone seen tweedle-dum and tweedle-idiot?" Duncan said suddenly. You looked around the camp trying to find Sadie and Katie but to no avail.
You all shrugged your shoulders. "They'll be fine." Courtney laughed and you all sat down around the fire.
An owl hoo'ed causing Bridgette to cringe with anxiety. "Be cool it's just an owl." DJ smiled kindly as he pet his new bunny. "I'm going to shoot it." Duncan smiled as he aimed his gun at the sky trying to find where the sound came from. "You realize you suck at shooting in the dark right. We've established this four years ago." You groaned. He rolled his eyes before sitting back down.
"Sorry, I just get really freaked out in the forest." Bridgette hugged her legs to her chest. "This reminds me of this really scary story I heard once." Duncan said calmly. "Awesome man, tell it." Geoff encouraged.
"Are you sure? The story I'm thinking of is pretty hard core." Duncan warned. "Ooh we're so scared." Courtney said sarcastically. "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." Duncan smirked and you had to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing.
"One night, a lot like this one." and so the story began. But this wasn't the story you rememebered. This was the story that had freaked you out when you were around nine and had began bawling at camp.
"So suddenly, they heard this tap, tap, tapping on the side of the car." The night progressed and you felt anxiety clawing at the pit of your stomach. "The girls started to freak out and by this time even the guy was getting a bit scared." Duncan had everyone waiting at the edge of their seats.
"So he turned the car on and stepped on it. When they got back to the girls house, she opened the door and screamed, because there, hanging from the door handle... was the blood hook!" Your heart was beating at a mile per minute now. "They say that this killer is still alive, wandering these very woods. He could be just around anywhere really... maybe even right here!" Duncan held up his 'hook hand' and you felt your heart stop.
Your fellow cabin mates screamed and so did you. Duncan was laughing his ass off. "I love making you scared, scorpion." He smirked grabbing your wrist to pull you closer towards him as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Courtney began to berate Duncan. "You are so vile! That was so not funny." She yelled putting her hands on her hips. "Oh yes it was. I just wish it was all on camera. Oh wait-" Duncan smiled pointing at the camera-man who waved cheerfully.
"No wonder your father hates you." You laughed putting a hand on your hip. "No wonder your mom died." Duncan retorted sticking his tongue out. Suddenly there was a howl from a nearby back and you stiffened.
Seven years ago
Duncan had just came back from searching for food. The camp you had been sent to had this new game. Once a month they would have you all pair up, and they'd send you into the woods without any supplies in the middle of nowhere. Whoever survived the longest would get food for a week.
Naturally, you and Duncan paired up always. You switched jobs each months, this time it was your turn to set up shelter, and he'd hunt.
You had started a fire with your earrings which Duncan had made for you, one was made of flint, the other steel. You both were nervous that night because wolves had been spotted by other teams and they had warned you.
That night as the fire roared the wolves circled your mini-shelter. They stole your food, and spilled your water source. Duncan had tried to shoot them but they had clawed him up as a way of protecting themselves. You finally had gotten the wolves away when Duncan set a stick on fire and threw it at one of the wolves. You followed and began to do the same.
When the wolves left. Duncan looked at you. Your arms were burned badly, there was claw marks on your neck that were actively bleeding. You looked at Duncan his hands were burned, his clothes were a dark red, and his face was scratched up. He then promptly passed out from blood loss.
It was terrifying. Duncan's heartbeat stopped twice that night and you had to bring him back to life.
You were nine.
You instinctively huddled close to Duncan, and his arms wrapped around you quickly. "Sorry darling." He muttered but you were more focused on searching the woods surrounding you with your eyes. "Scare me again, Tarun and I'll break you nose." You threatened and if it had been anyone else Duncan might've believed you. But you promised him you'd never hurt him. Geoff gave him a thumbs up.
You all had settled in, in your tent. Duncan and you were fast asleep which surprised your fellow teamates. Duncan had his arm around you pulling you closer towards him, you had your face nuzzled in his side. Courtney took a picture of you both as blackmail to use against Duncan.
Then Bridgette set the tent on fire.
You know, the usual.
When you and Duncan woke up the tent was gone. "I think maybe we're bad luck." You muttered tiredly. "Oh for sure." Duncan laughed quietly as he rubbed his eyes. He groaned because he heard Miss Smartass yelling at the surfer chick. But you had sat up before he could come to the blondes rescue. "Will you relax, Drama Queen? It's cool." You mumbled rubbing your eyes.
"It's cool? It's cool?! Things could not possibly get worse." Courtney shrieked at you and you had to resist the urge to giggle.
Fucking rich kids.
Then it started to rain and Duncan burst out laughing as Courtney screamed in indignation.
You had all fallen asleep in the rain. But when you woke up it was sunny again... and you had fallen asleep on your best friend...
You see all the other times when people saw you guys sleeping, you were asleep with each other. So people thought it was normal for you. But it wasn't. Actually quite the opposite. You guys just migrated near each other in your sleep.
"Hey sunshine." Duncan's morning voice croaked out too you and you groaned. "We gotta stop meeting like this." You laughed tiredly. "You were cuddling me." He teased. "I was calming sleeping and just because your like a radiator my body moved closer to you." You muttered. "You were snuggling up to me." Duncan teased again causing you to blush. "You are such an ogre." You hissed hitting your head against his chest.
It was whatever for you guys at this point, you had been caught in loads of compromising situations.
"I've been called worse." Duncan shrugged putting his head back down on the grass and putting a hand on your waist. You both basically had chosen to accept that you were touchy together sometimes.
It didn't bother you or him. Because it didn't mean anything.
You stared at the camera in the outhouse with a mild glare. "No I am not in love with my best friend stop fucking asking me, Lucas." You told the camera man who chuckled nervously.
Your team was the first ones back to see Chris. But apparently since you didn't have dumb and dumber you guys didn't win. "Those idiots." Duncan said aloud before he turned his head to see you holding a knife staring at it. "Imma take that away." He warned grabbing the object from your hand causing you to grumble.
"Oh, you mean Katie and Sadie? I'm pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night." Courtney lied smoothly with a nonchalant expression. "Darn shame." Duncan said shaking his head in mock-regret. "We'll miss them." You continued with a sad smile.
Suddenly the two girls came running back.
"FUCKING STAY AWAY IF YOUR GONNA LEAVE. WE WERE GOING GET AWAY WITH THIS-" Duncan had to stop you from jumping on the two girls.
Luckily, Courtney started screaming at them for you.
"See you at the campfire." Chris said cheefully as he told the gophers what they won.
That night at the campfire Chris began his speech. "You've all cast your votes. The camper that does not recieve a mashmallow must immediately hit the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers and get the heck of out here and you can't come back... ever..." Chris warned.
"Now, I can see you're all tired, so tonight, I'll throw your mashmallows to you." and so it began. Chris started throwing the marshmallows and he got yours into your mouth first try which caused him to whoop.
"She's my new favorite." He yelled as he tried to throw another one into your mouth...
making it.
"Can she just win the competition now?" Chris asked the camera man who shook his head 'no'. Chris cursed. Finally he got down to Sadie and Katie, telling them that only one of them would stay.
"Sadie." He said.
The twins began to sob, and wail, and scream, and pout, and holy shit you did not want children.
The girls had their tearful goodbye on the dock which took twenty god damn minutes.
-In your imagination-
"Imagine going home." Duncan laughed at you as he gave you a hug. "Bye asshat." You flipped him off as you got onto the boat.
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rogertaylorshbb · 1 year
'toxic' Roger Taylor x reader
summary- you and roger get into an argument but you guys make up like 20 minutes later🤭🙄💅
swearing, light smut, mentions of alcohol. [ I have no idea why I'm adding these, just makes the fanfic look more ✨professional✨]
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"okay see you tomorrow!! love you!!" you yelled out to your bestfriend Chelsie as you stepped in the door of you and rogers apartment. "finally" your heard a groan, it was roger "I've been waiting for you all night". you turned on the light to see him slouched on the couch with a bottle of vodka in his hand. "your drunk" you sighed.
"maybe" he chuckled "where were you?". "I was out at that new nightclub that opened" you smiled thinking back on it. "with who?" he questioned his words becoming more intrigued. "just Chelsie and a few other friends" you said.
"Chelsie? and what other friends" he said turning his head to you. "just...people, I'm not sure, just Chelsie's friends that she kept from high school".
"what? like guys?" he questioned "guys..?" you questioned back. "where there any guys?" he stated. "Jesus rog.." you sighed. he stood up from the couch placing the vodka bottle on the table. "what? don't 'Jesus rog' me" he said mimicking your voice. "your drunk, and I don't wanna argue, go to bed".
"are you cheating on me?" he asked. "what?!, god no!" you frustratingly told him. "don't fucking lie to me y/n, I know your cheating on me!" "no!" you yelled "I know your fucking other guys y/n" roger shouted. "how-? what- why? why would I do that huh?" you shouted back. "because your a fucking slut-" roger slurred pointing a finger at you. your heart went cold, how could he? how could he call you that?.
you tried to keep calm, "your drunk roger". "So? being drunk doesn't make me a liar" he groaned. you tried to keep in your tears. "I cant hang out with my friends for one night without being a slut?? I'm cluttered with work, all I want to do is go have fun for one night, but no, I cant have fun" you stated.
"your such an idiot" he muttered. "your the idiot!" you yelled, you took a deep breath "you know what? arguing with you is childish, I'm going to out to get bread because I forgot and then I'm going to bed, sober up or not before I get back....actually I don't care, do what you want"
roger stood there while you walked off out the door. he started to really think about what he had carelessly blurted out, and the guilt in his chest started to hurt. "fuck...I am an idiot".
you walked to the convivence store 7 minutes away, getting bread from the shelf, and walking as slow as possible back to your apartment, trying to escape the awkwardness that would be there when you walked back in.
you walked back in to see roger in the bathroom brushing his teeth. you plopped the bread on the counter stumbling into the bedroom. you took off your party dress and heels and picked out a pair of pajamas. as you were looking around in the messy clothes draws roger walked in. "get out, I'm getting dress" you huffed. "what? I'm not allowed to see you naked now?" he scoffed. "whatever" you muttered throwing on an oversized t-shirt.
"I'm not so drunk anymore" roger told you. "good" you sighed. not one of you making eye contact as you both slid into bed. the tension was killing roger. "I'm sorry" he whispered "I don't think your a slut, I was just jealous". you turned to look at him. "the truth is....im scared of losing you, just the thought of you finding someone better then me terrifies me, I don't think I can live without you"
you looked into his eyes. you were speechless, you had never heard roger say anything like that. since you had no words you just kissed him, running your fingers through his hair. roger grabbed your waist, practically dragging your body over his. his hands travelled your body, reaching over to take your t-shirt off, before he suddenly stopped "oh wait...im not allowed to see you naked anymore, guess were gonna-" he chuckled, you cut him off "oh shut up" you laughed.
you dragged the t-shirt off you continuing to kiss roger. roger cupped your breasts, massaging them, making you moan into his mouth. "where are the condoms?" you smirked. "here" roger said reaching into his drawer.
he hurriedly put it on, you started to slowly sit further on further down on his cock, not trying to muffle your moans at all when you did. "fuck I love it when you moan like that" roger smiled.
-just gonna end it there-
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
Hey, I hope it's okay if i ask for some advice !!
I've been experiencing an intense autistic burnout and haven't gone to school for 1 ½ months. It would take too long to explain, but I HAVE to go to school next week..I haven't been outside until today (with two friends for two hours to prepare myself mentally for school) and even little social interactions exhaust me terribly. Moreover, I am terrified to go to school and I am afraid that it will cause yet another burnout (which is inevitable while I am at school, but I don't want it to happen as soon). School exhausts me because of social interactions, masking, sensory issues etc..Do you have any tips/strategies on how to make my start into school less terrifying for me? My teachers don't know about my autism (except one) who's class I will attend on monday (I told them via chat a day ago, but we haven't talked about it personally yet). I am supposed to give my teachers the diagnosis in the next 1-2 weeks.
Thank you so much !!
Hi there,
I’ve found some articles that are possibly helpful:
I really hope one of these articles have some useful tips. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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fizzing-imagines · 1 year
Carrie Part 2 | Gareth Emerson x Girly! Cheerleader! Reader
Notes: Did I loosely make reader like Elle Woods? Yes.
Warnings: Pregnancy
Words: 877
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Gareth and you have been together for nine years now and married for five. The two of you remained high school sweethearts, you even convinced him to go to prom with him, and ended up moving to Indianapolis first where the two of you did your bachelors. While you got your bachelor in law, Gareth did his bachelor in teaching. He aspired to be a elementary school teacher, something even you were surprised by when he told you. But you supported him regardless, just how he supported you in becoming a lawyer. When the two of you finished, you moved up to Massachusetts to go to university. Gareth went to Lesley University for teaching, while you actually got accepted into Harvard law. You could believe how you got into Harvard, but Gareth reassured you that he knew. How could they not? Before moving to Massachusetts, the two of you eloped in a courthouse on your way. He didn't want a big, fancy wedding - just you and him.
You finished after three years and started your career as a lawyer, while Gareth had another year to go. But now that you earned money, at least neither of you didn't have to work nightshifts at a shitty diner anymore. A year later, Gareth graduated as well and the two of you moved to Columbus, Ohio to settle down.
And that's where the two of you were. Gareth just got back from work at his elementary school while you had a day off and were relaxing on the couch. To be fair, you had some big news to tell your husband and were still thinking of how to tell him. Today, you found out that you were four months pregnant - and no, you didn't suspect it. You didn't suspect a thing, actually. Of course, you knew how it happened, but you still got your period, had cramps, all the good stuff. It was a sheer accident that you found out during your routine checkup at your gynecologists. Gareth and you have talked about kids in the past, both of you wanted them, but haven't planned anything yet. And that's what terrified you. "Hey baby, how was work?", you said to him while looking up from the TV. He walked over to you, gave you a quick kiss and then sat down next to you. You lifted up your legs so he could scoot closer and you could put your legs on his lap. That's just what he did, and he started caressing your leg up-and-down. "Nothing spectacular, really. Although one of the kids said he'd like to meet my wife." You giggled at that and smiled at him. His face showed a big grin, it always did when he addressed you as his wife. Up until now, even after five years, he grinned like a lovestruck teenager. "Maybe I can pick you up some day, yeah?", you suggested with a smile. Happily, he nodded. "Oh, and another student asked why I don't have a child of my own yet.", he added. Now that struck a nerve with you; you didn't know which one though. "Did they have a theory about that?", you asked. Sometimes, the kids in his class came up with the funniest things. "Nope, just asked straight up. Honestly, I didn't know what to say." Nothing that he just told you made it any easier. Maybe you could just tell him tomorrow? No, you can't do that. "Well, maybe we could change that.", you mumbled, so quickly that Gareth almost didn't hear. "Are you serious?", he asked. All this made you so nervous that you couldn't even look him in the eyes. "We can get started right now, hm?" His hands travelled up your legs, but stopped abruptly at your following words: "We don't have to, it's already done...like, 4 months ago." Your husband looked at you in disbelief. "(Y/N), don't joke about this.", he said, trying to grasp what you just said. "I'm not joking, Gareth.", you replied. He was fumbling for his words before getting out a "How?". It made you laugh. "You know, when a Gareth and a (Y/N) get really frustrated about work, they let it out by-" He interrupted you. "No, I mean...shit, (Y/N), why didn't you tell me?" You started chewing on your bottom lip. "I found out today. Look, I understand if you don't want it, or want a divorce-" Once again, you were interrupted by him. "A divorce? Are you mental?" He pulled you up by your shoulders and placed you on his lap. "This is the best fucking day of my life, (Y/N). I'm just surprised. But I'm gonna be a fucking dad! How awesome is that?" You giggled before kissing him on the lips, a deep, passionate kiss. Once your lips separated, he was grinning at you like an idiot. "Shit, (Y/N), I'm gonna be a dad.", he said again. His eyes got watery, clearly close to crying. "Do we know what's it gonna be?" You shook your head No. "We can find out next month.", you said with a smile. "Great, I already got an idea for a girls name." You raised an eyebrow at him in disbelieve. "Already? Which one?"
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goodluckclove · 5 months
Hey so, in regards to my last post on electroshock, I'm processing more with my dear friend @ivaspinoza and have concluded that I am upset and need to rant a little about using this as a troupe. It's probably not going to be pretty or encouraging at the end like my usual thoughts on writing, so if you don't want to see me genuinely upset, I'd skip this.
Trigger warning for electroshock, medical trauma, family trauma, unreality. Be safe, friends.
So I read a whump prompt post that threw in "shock treatment" as a possible tactic that would leave a Whumpee "shaking and terrified". No further details on how or why, it was just a single reference as to a thing you can do to a character in your writing. I was surprised to read it, it was the first time I've seen it referenced in the prompt ideas that pop up on my For You page, and over the course of the next hour I proceeded to get more and more upset.
I wasn't planning on doing anything about it. It's frankly a new experience for me to be triggered like this over something I see online. I had no direct interaction with the post because I told myself that the writer just had a severely limited understanding. Maybe they're young. When I was in early high school I would've thought shock treatment was an edgy thing to happen to a person in a piece of media.
And it's that thought that ultimately motivated me to sit you all down and say something you might not realize. Writers, artists, you guys all know that Electroshock Therapy...still happens, right?
It happens a lot. 100K people a year, more or less, according to a singular Google search. It's not common, and it's only used for severe cases, but it is used. And oftentimes it's a pretty big deal. In fact, I'd dare say that it can be permanently and absolutely devastating for a family.
It was for mine.
My mom got ECT for severe depression when I was around 19 years old. From what I know, that's one of the only cases in which doctors will offer it - depression, mania, and schizophrenia that aren't successfully managed by any other means. For a few months my dad would drive her once, sometimes twice a week for treatments. She would have to wear diapers to the clinic they took her to, because since ECT is just the process of inducing multiple small seizures she would often piss herself.
She would not come home shaking. She would come home tired. I don't even think they gave her drugs. I've had a small seizure before, you aren't left twitchy and anxious - you're tired. You want to lie down. She would sit in the backyard in a daze. I would have to tell her to raise her arms so I could cut off her hospital bracelets. She wasn't catatonic, either. She could still hold a conversation and make jokes. In many ways she seemed normal. Just tired, tired, tired. A little absent in a sense.
The mood changes were stark and frightening. She would throw things. Dad told me she shattered a glass elephant I bought her as a present. She would storm into my room and scream at me for no reason. I bought a mini-fridge so I wouldn't have to go into the kitchen when I'd get hungry. If she was terrified, it didn't look like how you'd expect.
I stopped staying at home as often. I would leave the house before she woke up, sleep all day on the couch in the upstairs of a coffee shop that I considered a second home, and only come back once my Dad was back from work. While Mom was undergoing ECT, I was afraid to be alone with her. One night I had nothing else to kill time with, and to avoid going home immediately I skipped taking the lightrail back from downtown and instead biked eight miles on a freeway bike path, alone, at night.
My dad had me stay at my grandmas for a month because I couldn't take it anymore. This probably blew up in his face, as by then Mom forgot why I left. She thought he kicked me out. She kept asking me to come back and telling me she loved me. She did not remember almost kicking me out herself the night before I left.
ECT fucks your short term and long term memory. If you met my Mom she would tell you her depression is cured, and that's because she no longer has any memory of any of her childhood and most of her adulthood. That means, by proxy, she no longer remembers raising me or any of her other children.
I asked my mother if she remembered anything from my life growing up and she said no. For a birthday present that year I wrote all my favorite memories with her because now I'm the only person that knows they actually happened.
And you know what's crazy? Doctors use ECT as a last resort because they don't really know what it does long-term. I'm learning first hand, though. Mom went in for round two of treatment a little over a year later (Did you know ECT has a relapse rate of a little over 50%?) and the results were about the same. But as time goes on her memory is getting worse. When I saw her for the last time, about a month before going no-contact, she was forgetting things I said earlier in a conversation. If she develops early onset dementia I will not be surprised.
Was it worth it? I don't know.
Is it ever worth it? I don't know. I just don't know.
What I do know is that Electroshock is the most impactful thing that has ever altered my life and the lives of my family. More so than Mom's suicide attempt. It is a massive, tragic, terrifying thing. I'm not saying that you can't talk about it in media. Next to Normal does a pretty good job depicting it, and that's because they had the sense to research and ask people with experiences.
People use SA as a trope and understand it's a big deal. People use suicide as a trope and understand it's a big deal. If you're going to mention ECT as a plot point in your story, go ahead, just take the time to actually know what you're saying and doing.
Please. Have some respect.
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musubiki · 1 year
Do the guild members ever see The Merchant™ during the time skip? Be funny if Coco was studying in the library and his cryptid-ness was like “yo this book is way more accurate then some dinky text book…. 7gp?” Or Lime seeing The Merchant™ while on a m34th mission and walking up casually asking if they’ve seen the beast or whatever he’s on the hunt for while the other m34ths are too terrified to move. OR Lime trying to give The Merchant™ notes to give to Mochi if he ever crosses paths with her.
yep they absolutely do!!!!! and thats so fucking on brand for the merchant to just appear in the school library what the fuck is up with that guy... "I'll see you this exclusive cheatsheet for your exam for a mere 3000 qoms!!!"
honestly he is the main incentive for the guild to keep doing commissions after mochi leaves because commissions=qoms(the magic currency) and qoms=cool unique shit you cant get anywhere else
BUT LIME HAS ABSOLUTELY TRIED TO GET THE MERCHANT TO TELL HIM WHERE MOCHI IS!!!!! during the timeskip as hes looking through the merchants little pop-up table, being like
Lime: "...I don't suppose you've run into Mochi, have you?"
Merchant: (in his sing-song voice) "Hmmm? I don't deal in information. You can go to ol' horn-brains (sulluvan) if you want to buy that kind of thing~"
Lime: "Okay, well...if you see her, can you deliver this?"
Merchant: "I'm not a mailman."
Lime: "............can I..........sell it to you? And she can buy it if you see her?"
Merchant: "First, that thing isn't worth a single qom. Second, you sure you want to sell me something that ~anyone~ can buy and read all your little secrets~?"
Lime: "Nevermind. Be an asshole then."
(side note: the merchant does see mochi semi-regularly when they cross paths and she tries the exact same bullshit LMFAO)
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discojams · 1 year
If you could go back and give your 20 yo self some advice, what would you say?
what a nice Q!
i think i was in my sophomore year of college when i was 20. i was going through a lot of big life changes. i was so depressed and terrified at my first school that i transferred to a small university across the country.
i would tell myself that not everyone hates you, you just had bad luck growing up. the people here are different. they get it. you're not invisible anymore and no one wants to bully you.
i'd probably tell myself that going on dates isn't as scary as it seems. i'd encourage myself to put myself out there, to not be afraid of looking "uncool" or saying the wrong thing. i'd remind myself that moving across the USA was maybe the bravest thing i've ever done, so why not try doing more brave things. why not tell that girl you really love and miss her? why not just ask that guy out, instead of hoping he approaches you first? why not take classes that intimidate you? why not skinny dip in the lake? why not submit your work to that campus zine? there are so many new things to experience. you have time, and you will be OK. but don't forget that scariest part of trying something new is taking the first step.
i would also tell myself to enjoy this time in a walkable environment surrounded by my closest friends. don't take that for granted. and go to new york one more time.
and i'd also tell myself that i did, eventually, become a stoner, like i was afraid of, and i'm not sure if holding off until after college was a good or bad thing. that might freak 20 yo me out, though. :)
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orcaofmyheart99 · 1 year
Rick Astley? I don't know a Rick Astley...
Hamilton walked into Washington’s office, confused as to why he was there. 
“Am I in trouble?” Hamilton asked?
“Take a guess” Washington responded, looking up from his desk.
“No?” Hamilton ventured
“Take another guess…”
“Fine, I am in trouble, can I leave now?”
“No. Hamilton have a seat. Do you know what you are in trouble for?”
“No sir, I do not. I never get into trouble. Whatever you think I did I didn’t do. Aaron always spreads lies about me."
“So” said Washington as he walked over to Hamilton and leaned on his desk.
“You did not print out pictures of Mr. Rick Astley and hang them around school?”
“No, and I don’t know who you are talking about. I have never heard that name before.”
“You didn’t share your screen while in Zoom class and instead of doing your presentation on law and society you played Never Gonna Give You Up?”
“No. I am a very dedicated student. I always pay attention during Zoom class.”
“So you never locked Jefferson in a closet and force him to listen to Never Gonna Give You Up for over an hour? He is a changed man now and for the worse.”
“No. Jefferson is a good friend of mine.” 
“So you never gave out flyers encouraging people to join the Church of Rick Astley the Lord and Savior of Humanity?
“Of course not. That would be ridiculous.”
“So you and Laurens never played Never Gonna Give You Up so loud in your dorm room that Jefferson had to tell you to turn it down and when he did you tackled him and yelled that it was what Rick Astley wanted?”
“This is the most disturbing thing I have ever heard. Did you and Laurens dress up as Rick Astley, go to school and then make out? And when you were caught you ran away while screaming in terrifying voices that Rick Astley would come and seek revenge?”
“Well, Hamilton I know yo did do all of those things. I thing what you did was called Rickrolling. Just no more of this ok? And make sure you pay attention in your law class. Law and society is very important, especially learning about the outside and inside view of law. I also heard instead of writing down notes on the lectures you were doing creative writing about characters from books/movies. You want to do well in college so no more of this writing during your classes.”
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