#i dont care if he felt like he couldn't tell me
yrluvjane · 13 hours
Hello hello hello
may I request a Sirius x fem reader
Maybe they have a small argument on something small but it gets sort of heated and they just give each-other the cold shoulder refusing to relent even tho they’re sick of acting as if they dont care and maybe reader starts thinking she messed everything up and that he doesn’t want her anymore and he’s like??? Hell no?? And just hurt/comfort and healthy communication? <3
The argument had started over something trivial—whether to attend James's party or stay in for a quiet night. It was the kind of disagreement that usually resolved itself quickly, but tonight, both of you were unusually overly stubborn.
"It's just one night, Y/N. We always stay in," Sirius said, frustration evident in his voice.
"And we always go out," you countered, crossing your arms defensively. "Can't we just have one night to ourselves?"
"Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" he snapped, his eyes narrowing.
"Why are you?" you shot back, your own irritation flaring.
"Because, it's not just about this one night," Sirius retorted, his voice rising. "It's about you always wanting to stay in and isolate ourselves. We need to see our friends too!"
"And what about us, Sirius?" you exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air. "When do we get time for just us? Or does that not matter to you anymore?"
"Don't twist my words!" he yelled, his frustration boiling over. "Of course, you matter to me, but you're acting like I'm asking for the moon here!"
"Well, it feels like it," you replied, your voice shaking with anger and hurt. "Every time we go out, you end up ignoring me! You’re always surrounded by people—by James, by Remus, by Peter, by Marlene, by some chick I don't know but you sure as hell do, and I’m left all alone standing in a corner with a bunch of drunks who assume I'm some bathroom tour-guide!"
Sirius looked taken aback, his expression softening slightly. "Y/N, that’s not true. I just… I thought you were having a good time."
"Clearly, you thought wrong," you said coldly, turning away from him. "Maybe I wouldn’t feel this way if you paid more attention to me."
Sirius's face fell, guilt washing over him. "Y/N, I didn't realize you felt that way. Why didn't you tell me?"
"I shouldn't have to," you snapped, your eyes welling up with tears. "You should just know."
The room fell silent, the tension hanging thick in the air. Neither of you wanted to back down—with how stubborn you two were it was no surprise—, and so the argument ended with both of you turning away, refusing to look at each other.
The cold shoulder treatment continued into the next day. You avoided Sirius, Sirius avoided you, both of you throwing yourselves into work and other distractions. But as the hours passed, the silence grew heavier, and doubt began to creep into your mind.
What if this fight had ruined everything?
What if Sirius didn't want you anymore?
Oh, God.
That evening, you sat alone in the living room, staring at your phone. The urge to talk to Sirius was overwhelming, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You didn't want to seem desperate or weak, but the thought of losing him was unbearable.
Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Sirius was pacing back and forth, running his hands through his hair in frustration. He hated the silence, hated the distance between you.
He wanted to fix things, but he didn't know how, he wasn't good with apologies.
Finally, unable to take it any longer and at the edge of ripping his hair out, Sirius made his way to the living room. He paused in the doorway, watching you for a moment. Curled up in the sofa, you looked so small, so lost, and it broke his heart.
"Y/N," he said softly, stepping into the room.
You looked up, surprised to see him standing there. "Sirius," you replied, your voice trembling.
He crossed the room and sat down beside you, reaching out to take your hand. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice sincere. "I never meant for things to get so out of hand."
"I'm sorry too. I hate fighting with you."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you squeezed his hand. He pulled you into his arms, holding you close. "Me too," he murmured into your hair. "I love you, Y/N. And I never want you to doubt that."
"I just…—I was scared," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I thought maybe you didn't want me anymore."
Sirius pulled back slightly, cupping your face in his hands. "Don't ever think that," he said firmly. "I love you more than anything. This fight, it doesn't change that."
You looked into his eyes, seeing the depth of his feelings for you. "I love you too, Sirius. I just don't want to lose you."
"You won't," he promised, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "We're in this together."
The two of you sat there for a long time, holding each other, and as you lay there, listening to the steady rhythm of Sirius's heartbeat, the evening wore on. And you found yourselves talking, really talking, about everything that had been bothering you. It was cathartic.
"I didn't realize how much you felt ignored when we go out with friends," Sirius started, breaking the silence.
"It's not just that, Sirius," you said softly. "I feel like we don't get enough us time. It's always parties or gatherings, but we rarely have quiet moments together."
"You're right," Sirius admitted after a moment of silence, a sigh escaping his lips. "I get so caught up in wanting to see everyone that i forget that we need our time too. We'll plan a date night."
You smiled sheepishly, "You don't have to do that, I—"
"No I do! I want to clear everything between us. So tell me all that's been troubling you, every tiny knack that you have stored." He assured determinedly.
You gave him an unsure look and he must've registered it as that, because he lifted your chin so that you met his eyes perfectly.
"I want to make sure we're on the same page about our future," he said hesitantly but sincerity was clear in his eyes. "Sometimes...I stay up late, worried we might end-up wanting different things."
"No, give me a second." His eyes bored into you as he emphasized each letter in his next words, "I want to build a future with you, and I need to know what you envision too."
"We all have baggage," Sirius said added gently. "I want us to work through it together. I want you to feel secure and loved, always. So please, talk to me."
You heart grew triple it's size at his words and you subconsciously leaned closer to him, "I need you to be more attentive to how I'm feeling, I shouldn't have to always be the one to bring it up."
If you were going to get this out, it will be all or nothing. "Sometimes I worry that I'm not enough for you, that you'll get tired of me," you confessed, your voice trembling slightly.
When Sirius aimed to speak, you asked him to wait.
You took a deep breath, gathering the courage to voice your next concern. "And I think I still have some insecurities from past relationships that I haven't dealt with, and I'm always afraid I may have or will project those onto us."
"And I need some space to breathe and be myself sometimes," you added. "I feel smothered by all the social obligations."
"That's never going to happen," Sirius said firmly, his grip on your hand tightening. "I love you more than anything, you're more than enough for me."
"I know—"
"No, you don't."
Sirius cupped your face in his hands, his eyes burning with an intensity that made your heart ache. "I want you listen to me," he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion.
"You are my everything, my world, my home. I could lose every material thing I own, and it would mean nothing as long as I still have you. Every laugh, every tear, every quiet moment we share is etched into my soul. I will never-ever get tired of you, never find you lacking, because you are the most extraordinary person I've ever known. I love you with a depth and fierceness that scares me sometimes, but it’s the only thing in my life that feels completely right. You are enough, more than enough, and I promise to spend every day for the rest of our lives showing you that, if you allow me too. I promise you, I will never have you doubt my love for you, not even for a single second."
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zemnarihah · 10 months
btw i think i may be attempting to enter into a long distance relationship w erik.
#ik nobody cares i think its annoying to constantly talk abt ur dating life on here#but like. this is my diary. so.#basically the deal is.i may very well be setting myself up for failure and heartbreak. but also i will regret it for the rest of my life#if i dont try#he feels important. like this feels different than it rlly ever has before. he felt important before i ever had any romantic feelings.#and like. idk if it was just bc i was so emotionally exhausted from all like the processing feelings and talking abt them and stuff but#he slept over. and i can NEVER sleep if someone is in my bed. but i slept really well. like literally in his arms i have NEVER been able to#sleep while im touching someone not once in my life.#this is so embarrassing lolll bc literally since i met him ive been talking abt him on here like 'oh my new friend i think hes into me but#im trying to just be friends' well. mission failed.#also my mom and my sister bc of COURSE any time i speak to a man its like well do you like him are you dating him. and i was like NO we are#just FRIENDS god can i just have a FRIEND#and so when i tell them. god it is going to be sooo humiliating. also he has multiple satanic tattoos so if he meets my mom....#long sleeves on that day methinks!#um anyway im getting ahead of myself. basically we had a talk yesterday abt all my doubts abt getting into a relationship when hes abt to#leave and we kind of talked through what we would do to make it work. I told him I still couldn't give him a sure answer bc when im with hi#it feels like it can work but when he was gone the other day after our first talk abt it i felt so sure it wouldnt work so i need to#sleep on it and think abt it without him there but idk i think i know my answer like at this point i feel like its worse to wonder.#i have to try yk?
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bwere · 16 days
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fwb with choso, nanami, gojo, geto, sukuna, toji who swear theyre not falling inlove
ꫂㅤ۪ᰍ 2.6k wc + not proofread, hair pulling, degrādation, pssy eating, raw-dogging, humiliation, toxic, controlling, just smut
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Fwb!Choso who’s not entirely sure why he agreed to be friends with benefits with you. You told him you felt the same way about his intense desire for you, and all he knows is how to quench it. Fwb!Choso who doesn't want to lose this, but he's too shy to ask you to be his girlfriend. If being your fwb is the only way to keep it going, then so be it. Fwb!Choso who’s in a daze from your insides, pounding into your pussy and whimpering spews on how much he loves you.
He loves when you're on top of him, he likes it when you control him and use him. He loves to see you bouncing up and down on his cock, he thinks it should be dubbed as one of the 7 wonders of this world—thinks it's enticingly beautiful watching you moan and whine while taking him.
With each passing day he finds himself only being able to cum to you. He's so desperate for you, so embarrassingly addicted to you, but you don’t even see.
He’s mesmerised after fucking you, thinking about it for hours - days or even more. He can't believe he gets the chance to have you all over him. You gave him the allowance to be deep inside your folds, to feel your walls clench around his girth, telling him how good he is, fuck—he loves you.
His favorite song is when you say his name. He never thought he could make a pretty girl like you call out his name like a chant, bouncing against his skin as he fucks into you, drilling his way through your guts like theres no tomorrow.
“You’re so tight–mgh! Baby, please juus’ like t-that, ’gonna make me cum…” strong grips on your sides as he fucks you, he’s truly a mess, babbling about how good your pussy is.
He never wants to imagine a world where you’re not in it, he has dreams about you. Sometimes, sweet—others are bittersweet, some even fully sour. But he wakes up happy all the same, knowing you’re gonna tell him to come over, and he’s gonna waste no time fulfilling your every request, because he wants you in more ways than just sex.
Friends with benefits Choso who calls you his aphrodite, his muse and the impediment of perfection. As hard as it may be Choso doesn’t regret agreeing to be friends with benefits, with you.
You’re so good for him and he’s so good for you, and he’ll wait however long it may take to make you his—beyond sex.
Fwb!Nanami who uses it as an excuse to resolve some stress at first, you mutually agreed no feelings, no falling in love. Fwb!Nanami, who he treats you as if you were his girlfriend, cleans you up after he rearranged your guts, giving you kisses down your spine telling you how good you did while he wipes you fresh. You have such a strong hold on him that he eventually finds himself needing you at all times of the day and night.
You were standing in your kitchen, your heart pounding with excitement as you listened to Nanami's heavy breathing over the phone. "I'm on my way," he said, his voice low and husky. You could practically feel his arousal through the phone line, and it got you excited.
Friends with benefits Nanami who had agreed, no feelings, no falling in love. But as you hung up the phone and he made his way to you, he couldn't help but wonder if that was still possible. Nanami had always been good to you, taking care of you in ways that went beyond just being friends. He had a way of making you feel loved and cherished, even when you knew it was just physical.
When he finally arrived, you could see the desire in his eyes as he took in your appearance. He pulled you into a deep kiss, his hands roaming over your body as he explored every inch of you. "You look amazing," he’d murmured, his lips brushing against your ear. "I can't wait to fuck you."
Friends with benefits Nanami who watches you undress with a hungry gaze, his eyes devouring every inch of your naked flesh. "I need you," he growled, his breath hot against your skin. "I need to be inside you."
You moaned as he entered you, his cock filling you up in a way that made your toes curl. He thrust into you hard and deep, each stroke sending waves of pleasure crashing through your body. Wrapping your legs around him, pulling him closer as you rode out the intense sensations.
"Fuck, you feel so good," Nanami groaned, his hands gripping your hips as he drove into you. "I could stay inside you forever."
You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, your body tensing as you prepared to explode. But just as you were about to cum, Nanami pulled out, leaving you feeling empty and wanting.
"Not yet," he said, his voice low and commanding. "I want to make this last."
Fwb!Satoru who never thought he’d become smitten over some girl's pussy, until that some girl ended up being you. Oh boy, you took him so well, and you were cute doing it. You knew how to drive him crazy and he fucking loved it. Fwb!Satoru who jokes about his ‘hoes’ even though no one knows he got rid of them all—right after he finally got a taste of you.
You're not his, and he knows this. Yet he finds himself threatening every man that tries to come near you. And when his friends ask why he’s so obsessed with you, he just tells them he can’t lose a good pussy like yours.
But when you’re in private behind closed doors he's eating you out, telling you how good you taste between muffled licks.
“Feels so good toru’...ngh–” you moan.
He has your legs locked around his neck while he’s drowning in your cunt. Licking and digesting everything in sight. He eats so sloppy, like a king eats his feast. Greedily devouring everything down to the last bit.
“Ughmnm, tathes even b-betther mmhm…baby,”
You have no idea what he said. You're too lost in his mouth and the pleasure that he's giving. His tongue is so wet, it slides along your lips and folds with ease. His lips are targeting your puffy clit - sucking in circles. Making you moan louder, arching into his face as he sucks his way to find your orgasm. Your hands deep in his white strands, tugging and pulling anything you feel.
He feels your cunt clench on his tongue. His dick throbs as he tastes your orgasm. His head was further ensnared between your legs. Unable to hold a steady breath, as he pulls back from your heat, raising himself to get a better look at the scene he caused.
Your juices are all over his mouth and chin. And his hair—messy and tangled from where your fingers laid. But he couldn’t care less. His eyes are hooded as he looks up at you, breathing heavily. "One s’not enough, m’ gonna need another one from you sweetheart,"
Your friend with benefits Satoru Gojo, who wants to own you in every sense of the word, but settles for just your body.
You don’t belong to him. But that doesn't mean he can't enjoy it while it lasts.
Fwb!Geto who tempts you in public like a perv, who messes with you relentlessly. You’re rarely ever not seen by his side. Fwb!Geto who’ll full on fuck you anywhere, at anytime and any moment of the day. Fwb!Geto who has fucked you almost every where—and he knows you won’t stop him, because you never do. You love it just as much as he does. He loves making you feel good, making you need to rely on him.
He knows you too well, making it his sole objective in life to tease you. Once he has you worked up, he takes you home, providing you no help to finish the problem he started. And next time he sees you? Oh, he has the audacity to act like a good friend, like nothing happened. Like he didn’t take you home with your panties soaking and your body aching. As if he didn’t tell you to send him a video of you cumming on your own fingers, right after.
He loves to see your cheeks burning in public, knowing exactly how he got you there. Friends with benefits Geto who’s just so full of himself, you can't do anything, can't even retaliate because nobody is going to believe that Geto, charming and good looking, reputable and talented—is truly is such a devil.
You don't have any proof to back up what you're saying. Not a single hickey or a scratch on your skin, because he never puts them anywhere noticeable, always making sure you look the same way as you came.
Friends with benefits Geto, the one who holds your hand whenever you need comfort, and hugs you when you're feeling down, the one you go to when you have a bad day and all you want is a good fuck, because you know he won't say no, and if you're in the mood, he'll drop whatever he's doing just for you, because he's just so whipped for you
Truly, Geto doesn't care if you're having a bad day or a good one, you're gonna get fucked regardless, and the moment he walks into the room, you're already wet, and when he finally comes close, his tongue is already out, licking away at your cunt as if you're his favorite meal, and when he finally puts his dick in you, he doesn't let up until you've orgasmed at least 3 times.
The way he looks at you when he's inside you, the way he calls your name. And his hands, his beautiful hands that wrap around your neck just so perfectly, you're a sucker for them.
You’re so used to it, and he knows it, and he uses it against you, because he can do it anywhere, in the car, the park, at his house and you’ll let him.
Fwb!Sukuna who's the one who says no feelings in the first place, but it’s the way you treat him—that’s got him in a rabbit hole. Enjoying while you work his cock like no one else possesses, he's pretty damn sure he's infatuated with you. Fwb!Sukuna who likes to ask what you're wearing to your friends' get-together, only to come over and fuck you, leaving your friends to wonder where you were.
It's all about the thrill of it, sneaking around. Sukuna gets off on knowing no man can live up to him, no man will get the chance.
Sukuna loves to edge you when it comes to anything, specifically—sex. He'll even push you to the verge of cumming before stopping and making you ride him off; “you’re that desperate to cum”. Other times, he will tie you up, and leave you there on the bed all hot and bothered, only to come back an hour later and fuck you like he never left.
Friends with benefits Sukuna who is just so possessive. Who relishes in marking you all over, to make it absolutely certain everyone knows that you're his slut. He doesn't need to think twice to flaunt whatever marks accumulated on his body. He tells you you’re just his toy, just there for his pleasure, but his words hold no weight because he knows he wants there to be more.
Sukuna who is usually not the type of guy to have sex and care about the other person finishing, but with you he never lets you leave the bed without an orgasm. It boosts his ego, lets him know he's the only one who can make you feel good.
Friends with benefits Sukuna who calls you over any time he wants, who’ll come over any time he wants. He’ll call you at the ass crack of dawn just because he missed his favorite girl.
He likes to embarrass you in front of anyone who tries to talk to you, or any guy in the vicinity of you two. He slaps your ass in the middle of a conversation and pulls on your shirt when you try to walk away. He’s childish and stubborn—he feens, to make you mad so he can show you what mad really is.
You’re just a toy but he defends your name in any instance. You’re just there for pleasure but he buys you whatever you want. He knocks on your door at random to take you out, even though you're just friends with benefits.
You’re just a ‘toy’ but he won't admit he’s in love.
Fwb!Toji who thinks your pussy belongs to him, thinks that he didn't spend all this time stretching you out on the daily, for nothing. So when he sees that one co-worker he hates, trying to talk to you, Fwb!Toji loves to remind you who you belong to.
Friends with benefits Toji whose mouth is just so nasty, he's a man who knows how he wants his dick sucked, and your pussy ate. He’s a man with experience especially, your body. He knows what you can handle and he knows what you can't.
He hates sharing you with anyone, hates your exes, hates his friends around you, hates your friends stealing his time with you, and absolutely despises the thought of anyone seeing you naked besides him.
Friends with benefits Toji who you’ve been fucking on and off for the past few months, and made it clear that your cunt was made to take his cock.
He’ll take you out to the club, bar, restaurants and show you off. He has you wrapped around his finger, cause he knows when you throw your little fits about his blatant flirting - all he has to do is put it inside and you’ll be crying about how good you feel instead.
Friends with benefits Toji who can’t stand your co-worker. More often than not you’d run into him and he’d spark up a conversation. Toji couldn’t understand why this weirdo was so close to you. Sure, you were just work mates, but you belonged to him. He didn’t spend all this time making sure you were nice and loose for him - just for another man to try and take his place.
He acts like a stone cold asshole in public for the rest of the night—until he gets you home. When he knows you have nowhere to run, and even if you could you wouldn’t. Not that he’d let you even if you tried.
Friends with benefits Toji whose mean on these types of nights, only chasing after one thing and that’s to break you down and remind you it should be him you focus on.
His sentences sting, it’s the jealousy talking. He’s gonna bruise you, choke you and make your body sore after tonight. And after it’s all over he’ll run a bath for you both, to ‘get clean’, just to fuck you in it.
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morbiderotica · 7 months
Hii! Can i pls request a Light x reader nsfw? You know the scenes where L planted a camera in his room right? Well maybe to make L less suspicious of him Light fucks the reader in his room? I thought that it was a hot idea♡ you dont have to do it if you dont want to😊
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★ DECEPTION ─ fem!reader
#NOTES ─ i love you for requesting this i cannot tell you how many times i've day dreamed about this (sorry it took so long)
#WARNINGS ─ smut, cnc peeping toms (L), p in v,
#SUMMARY ─ "there was an elaborate plan set in place. but as soon as light's hands snaked around your waist you seemed to forget everything you were supposed to do and say." innocent until proven guilty
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there was an elaborate plan set in place. but as soon as light's hands snaked around your waist you seemed to forget everything you were supposed to do and say. his moderately chapped lips kissing your cheek lovingly. much unlike how light usually behaved around you.
"light." his name left your lips, trying to warn him he'd made your mind go blank. but he knew.
"i know." he whispered back, displeasure laced in his voice. luckily, light was more than capable of carrying out the plan for the both of you.
"just let me do all the work." he muttered, his voice not loud enough to be picked up on by the mics on the camera but still he was careful with what he said.
he hoped you would be too. you nodded. looking up at light with a lustful look in your eye that he couldn't deny was making him a little aroused. light kissed your jaw, roughly. as if light was capable of doing anything without roughness.
"last chance to back out." it's not a soft tone, but it does let you know that he won't be mad at you if you do decide you don't want some random creep watching you have sex with your friend.
you shake your head, you weren't going to let him down now. and to be totally honest, the thought of someone watching you in such a vulnerable position was intriguing to say the least. light began to undress you once you'd given him your final consent.
meanwhile, L watched his screen with wider eyes than normal. his eyes grazing every pixel of the screen as he watched light take off your shirt. neglecting the other screens that were broadcasting equally, if not more, important information. L racked his brain trying to figure out if this was just a trick of if he was really witnessing this dirty scene play out.
all your clothes were off in what seemed like a blink of an eye. pressed into the mattress with light's knee inches away from your heated core. you dumbly pull at his tie, fucked out expression but light hadn't even gotten started with you yet.
"you got any thoughts in there at all?" he smirks. silently gloating now that he knew he had every single person he knew wrapped around his godly finger. there was not a thought behind your blown out pupils. it prided light to know he had such an effect on you.
"i haven't even done anything yet." he furthers. and L was hearing all of it.
you paw at the waist band of his bland khaki pants. light chuckled feeling your shaky hands trying to get more of him. his rubs his hand over your chest, caressing your nipple with his pointer and thumb.
"patient girls get rewarded." he tsks. he's met with a whine to which he chuckles again. he knows L will over analyze and find something wrong with the scenario if he doesn't hurry up.
"you wanna get rewarded?" he unbuttons his pants with one hand. you're eager, desperate. you need hm in a way you didn't even know it was possible to want one of your friend.
he reaches over you, grabbing a condom from the book shelf. it was wedged between two books. clearly he was trying to keep it hidden from his maid of a mom and his nosy sister.
he opens the condom with his teeth and you might as well just have hearts in your eyes as you watch him. the wrapper falls somewhere unimportant on the bed. he rolls the condom on. you knew it was only a matter of time before you finally felt full with his cock.
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extemts · 24 days
im BEGGING for some joost hurt to comfort!! something like hes having a bad day and when the reader tries to help him hes js so overwhelmed he snaps at the reader but like in the end they make up and stuff
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Valentine, my decline is so much better with you.
I love love love hurt to comfort!! This goes hand in hand with another request I had! That being said, go give your loved ones a hug and tell them you love them. requested? yes! reader? gender neutral! genre? hurt to comfort, arguing, eventual fluff
The cursing coming from the other end of your apartment today couldn't be counted on both hands anymore. Joost was two days away from releasing a single he wasn't even happy with as of now.
A few months ago you decided to finally move in together and since both of you had rather stable jobs, looking for an extra room to get your boyfriend a studio at home made sense. It gave him the chance to really focus on his music at a a place he felt comfortable at, and on top he could always ask for your opinion on something, if you weren't currently at work, where you wish you would be at right now. You decided to only take a short shift today, wanting to get home and relax, but your boyfriend had been tense the whole day, which you really didn't blame him for, but you knew he was a perfectionist when it came to his music. He had a bad habit of being rather unresponsive whenever he was really focusing on his work, meaning a tab on the shoulder while he had loud music blaring through his headphones, with his computer screen being a mess of snippets and recordings for a song, it would totally send him over the edge of sensory overload. Today was one of those days where it seemed really bad for him. He fed himself into a hole of hating a perfectly good, soon to be released, single and now he was stuck in a loophole of fixing things that didn't need to be fixed, being satisfied with them, and then when listening to it again, suddenly hating the entire thing. You have tried to offer him your help or comfort several times today, but he always declined it, yet seemed grateful for your care. It got so bad that you had to pull his chair out of the room for him to come eat dinner with you, and only if you could eat while laying on the couch so he could cuddle with you, which he desperately needed today.
You were in no way upset with him or this situation, at least not for the reasons one might be, but instead the fact that he had promised both himself and you to stop listening to upcoming releases three days prior to the date they were supposed to come out, because that was the time where his brain decided to convince him half of what he just created over months was absolute shit. There was nothing you could really do to help him, except make sure he at least remembered his basic needs like eating and sleeping.
You tried to calm yourself down and try not to worry too much about him, taking a deep breath before you heard anything curse word coming from his studio, followed by a loud shatter, and rather quiet whimpers which convinced you to go check on him one more time. When you opened the door you managed to figure out what happend- he knocked over a glass and it seemed to have cut his finger just a little. "Hun, are you okay? Let me help you." you quickly grab a few tissues to place on his finger as you tried to calm him down but he seemed to have been pushed over the edge completely with this. "I don't need your help! I told you, I dont want help, I don't need it, I am perfectly fine! Please just stop interrupting me for fucks sake." the first thing he said to you in hours and its you getting yelled at for trying to help the poor overworked man? You throw the rest of the tissues at Joost for him to care for his own issues now. "Deal with it yourself." you ended up leaving him right where we was, trying to hold back tears as you let yourself fall onto your bed, wanting to scream into the nearest pillow. This wasn't a side you knew from him, because he really never got mad at you. As much as you wanted not to have to blame him, this was beyond unnecessary.
The tears start flowing, your hands clutched against the pillow as you curl up on your side of the bed. You weren't necessarily crying about being yelled at, you were a tough one afterall, but more so the fact that he worries you so much and what you get for offering help ends up being disrespect.
You were barely even awake a few hours later, having spent the evening by scrolling through various social media apps just to distract yourself. Right when you decided to stop waiting for your boyfriend and head to sleep, you felt the dip in the mattress next to you, meaning Joost had decided to finish for today. He turns arond to face you, or more so your back, to carefully brush some hairs out of your face, allowing you to feel the new bandaid on his finger. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you." he eventually huffed, his voice quiet enough not to disturb you, even though you clearly weren't asleep. His voice was raspy, barely even audible- maybe from crying, maybe from recording vocals all day. Slowly, you turn back around to face him, your hands holding onto the blanket. "I got lost in the single and broke our promise. You just wanted to help but I was so overwhelmed and then it just all tipped over- I'm really sorry." Joost rubs his eyes as he finishes his sentence, the tear stains quite obvious on his face. You only wrap your arms around him to pull yourself close to him, feeling the need for being close. "It was unnecessary but it happens to everyone some times... Thank you for apologising."
With that, you fell victim to being covered in kisses.
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anyways i hope this was good xoxo
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i-yap · 8 days
Batboys x quiet! reader(who is not quiet in private)
( some of the reasons for the quietness is a bit traumatic so uhh warning)
Dick grayson -
opposites attract is possibly my favorite trope ever. And that is exactly what you guys are . Not exactly golden retriever x black cat though people who didn't know you guys well assumed such .
Dick would get exhausted spending forever being charming and charismatic for even the most extroverted of people get tired when they had to manage multiple superhero teams, a detective squad and the whole batfamily.
You were silence, peace serenity almost..until you weren't. Grayson was worried about this relationship in the start, after all you guys were really different. He was afraid you were going to be annoyed by his sunshine self, and that when he isn't feeling like talking, the conversations would go silent.
But you really are so different when comfortable with someone, and its tough not to trust and drop your shield with grayson.
It took him by surprise slowly seeing you open up and show your weird side. It somehow made him cherish it more and even want to show sides of him that only you got to see.
When he asked you why you weren't like this with everyone you said " My parents had a habit of talking over me, sometimes outrightly not hearing me speak at all. No matter how loud I spoke..i wondered if they couldn't hear me...if anyone even wanted to you" "why me then?" asked dick , "you're nothing like my parents, I know you care" and he does..he really does. He won't ever let you feel like that every again. He will make sure everything you want said is heard, and if not he will burn it into the skyline
Jason todd
he appreciated it, a quiet person in public. He hated being in public, he hated the buzz the noise the push the touch of humans around him. He felt strange
till he feels you hold his knowing you felt just as strange as him. Leave the gala and walk around the library , one earphone in each ear listening to whatever you wished to play.
Pulling you close in crowded areas- was it for you or for him? Glaring at anyone who dared tease you about your quietness. A single glare usually does the job but don't worry ...other ways exist too.
He loves that when you two are alone, you are a completely different person. It makes him feel special, like he is the only one who understands you. Because you're the only one who understands him.
When he asks " well I guess I never felt like people liked what came out of my mouth.. my humour too dark, my words too dumb and I didn't make sense. So I stopped trying" don't worry about being cringe..he understands you completely
Tim drake
he is intruiged. How do you pull such a perfect facade. How does one look so poised and collected with those rich assholes and so wild and untamed with him?
He could never really perfect the act the way you did. He's seen you grow up, but somehow its like you were born with two people living in your brain.
If you're this mysterious to your childhood lover, how does anyone in the world even think that they could know you, both versions of you.
Dont get me wrong, he loved it, A mystery he never could solve, not even with your help.
" Teach me your ways master" "I remember you wanting me to call you that last night..oh no wait it was si-" "shut upp" "fine ill tell you timmy boy, I just believe those rich stick up their ass puppets don't deserve to see all ..this.." "what about school kids, friends , teemates-" "I don't need anyone to get me as long as you do"
He will never get it, even if someone engraved it into his skin he wont understand everything about you , you'll always be the case he couldn't solve.
AND WE ARE BACK BICHES , send in requests and stuff, inbox open again blah blah I'm feeling much better now but I might push angst stuff more
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adams-angels · 4 months
I want to see my man in pain, Adam break down after reader said they want to break up (fluff in the end pls) 😞
I reaaaally enjoyed writing this
I love pain 🥹
💖 Please send me requests! Send me your own headcanons! I will draw! I'm obsessed rn!💖
Adam POV
It was a normal night. Out talking to some babes. Tellin' them how great I am. Because, well, I AM! HA! I'm the first fucking man! These bitches swarm me. Who am I to deny them. I check my phone a see y/n has text me. "Ugh, what do you want now you needy fuckin'" I can't believe what I'm reading.
"we're done."
My heart sinks. Why is it sinking. I don't care. I'm fucking ADAM!! Adam stands, pushing away the crowd of angels surrounding him and tries calling you. "Come on.. come on, pick up, you dumb bitch." No answer. NO FUCKING ANSWER. His head spins. Panic sets in as. This isn't happening. Not again.
You think you're better than me?! You're nothing! I'm Adam!! I can get ANYONE I FUCKING WANT YOU THINK I NEED YOU?!
He tries calling you again. No answer. "FUCK!" He expands his wings and shoots up, smashing through the skylight. He continues to text and call as he makes his away to your apartment. "FUCKING ANSWER ME!" He screams into his phone. By the time he arrives at your apartment he calms himself down, "I can get them back." He thinks to himself as he lands on your balcony. "They didn't mean it. They couldn't of."
As he reaches for the handle of the sliding door his hand shakes. "No, no, no, no." He grips onto his wrist stepping back from the door, being stopped my the railing. He slides down to the floor. "No, no, no...." His voice cracks, fear, sadness, anger. He never let himself get close. At least that's what he told himself. After the second wife also betrayed him he swore he'd never care so he would never hurt. But somewhere along the way, he fell for you. Although he denied himself.
He rushed to remove his mask, feeling like he can't breathe. Once he got it off he threw it aside. Clutching at his chest as tears escaped from his eyes. "No, no, no.." he whimpered. He sat on the floor for an hour. Thinking about you. What he did wrong. If he did something terrible. Why you're ending it. There wasn't even anything to end and yet his world felt like it was crashing around him.
Once he calmed down he leaned forward and sighed. Wiping his cheeks as he stood up and put his mask back on. He reached for the handle, hesitating before opening the sliding door. He sees you in your bed, asleep. He closed the door quietly and just watched you. For about half an hour before he realised how much a creep he's being. He walked into your livingroom. He's been here plenty times before. He memorized the layout.
He walks over to one of your succulents. You loved them. Once he came over and accidentally knocked one on the floor. You were so upset. He didn't see the big deal but he still went out of his way to buy you a new pot for it and a new succulent altogether. Just something to say he was sorry without actually saying sorry. He smiled as he remembered your joy. He sat on the couch and waited.
A couple hours later he heard rustling in your room. He shot up from the couch and heading to your bedroom, freezing at the doorway as he sees you wake. You scream in surprise, falling off your bed. He noticed your phone falling off the nightstand with you. His chest tightens. Your phone. Those horrible texts. "Adam?! What the hell are you doing in my apartment?!" You yell at him, snapping him out of his thoughts.
He stands there, feeling awkward. "You want to leave me?" He asked, trying hard to not break his voice. You tut, he watches at you stand, wanting to help but to afraid to move. "You say that like you cared." You snap, picking your phone up from the floor. "Don't look at that." He took a step towards you, reaching out but you recoiled. "Why? You next me nasty shit? Telling me I'm worthless? That I was lucky to -" he interrupted, "y/n, I'm sorry. I just want to know what I did wrong."
Adam braces himself. For you to yell. For you to scream. For you to tell him you love someone else. "I just... I can't... I don't want to be a place holder for you." His shoulders slump down he hesitantly steps closer to you "What are you talking about?" He carefully slides his hand under yours "I don't want to be someone you just use until you find someone better." His fingers interlace with your as his other hand brushes your hair from you face. His breath catches seeing your red, watery eyes "I just want to be... I don't know, Adam."
His hand cups your face. He looks into your eyes and for the first time in eons he chose to be vulnerable. "Be mine?" He watches you shrug. Rightfully assuming you've misunderstood his request he clarifies "no, I'm asking. Be mine." The way you look at him makes his chest tighten in fear. "What?" He recoiled. "I mean, maybe we could start again? Like.. properly?"
"You mean like.. date? What happened to "I don't date. I'm the first man. I have the first penis ever bla bla!"" He glares at you. Of course you'd remember that. "I don't sound like that." "You do." Adam brow furrows in in frustration. "Whatever, y/n, please. I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you. Please don't leave me." He felt pathetic. He was pathetic. "I'll have to think about it." His chest tightened. His heart beating a million miles a minute. You'd see how pale he would be if he wasn't wearing the mask. "H-how long will that take?" He asked, desperation leaking out of him.
"I don't know, Adam." You shrug. The air was thick. He was struggling to breath and needed to get out of there. "I really care about you, y/n. You have to believe me, babe." He kisses your hand before releasing it. "Just.. uh... Delete those texts. I didn't mean any of it." He heads to the sliding door he entered from, opening it and expanding his wings as he jumps off. He looks behind to see if you watched leave like you've done so maybe times before. But you're not there.
It's been a month. A whole month. It should feel like nothing to him considering how long he's been in existence yet it feels like a years. He sees you about. With your friends. Getting groceries. Whenever his eyes catch on to you he freezes. No matter what he's doing.
He can't keep this up. He didn't want to pressure you. Make you feel like you had to choose him. But fuck he needed you to choose him. He was in his office. But he couldn't focus. He was so tired, not being able to sleep well without you. Even if he didn't sleep the whole night it was always nice knowing you were there no matter what. At least that's what he used to think.
He checked his phone to see nothing from you. It was too much. He was alone. You were never coming back. No one ever comes back. Lilith left him. Eve left him. Now you. "Fuck. FUCK!" He picks up his coffee and punts it at the wall. He can't stay here. He needs to find you. He needs you back.
He swung the door open and there you were. He couldn't believe it. He thought you'd at least text him. Not show up at his office! His feathers were literally ruffled, his office looks like a bombs hit it. "Y/n?" He said softly, it was like time stopped for a minute. He wish it did. Then he could scoop you in his arms and never let you leave. He snapped back into reality changing his expression quickly, not want anyone to see a softer side to him. "Come in." He stands aside letting you in to his office. He hates that you didn't text. He would of cleaned up there were documents everywhere, a smashed mug on the floor and coffee stains on the wall. He hated it was such a mess for you. "Bad day?" You commented he grumbled in response. "There are no bad days in heaven." He mumbled as he slumps down on his office chair.
Resting his chin on the back of his hand as he watches you walk over to his office window, opening it. The musky smell almost dissipating immediately "So... I thought about it." He perks up, sitting straight, watching you like a hawk. "And?"
"and I'm willing to start again. Properly." He immediately bolts from his chair, wrapping his arms around you. "Fuck, thank fucking Christ. Don't do that to me again. Please." His voice breaks, wings surrounded the both of you. "Please, I'm sorry. I'll treat you so much better." "Promise?" "Yes, promise."
~⁠♡✧⁠。 I really hope you enjoyed! I'm not a writer by any means but I appreciate any support I receive so thank you for reading! 。✧⁠♡~⁠
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cosmicck · 11 months
dude sorry lol💀 I didn’t notice the 1000 event. Although, now that I see it, could I request prompt 29? With Miguel O’hara if possible… bottom reader preferably, don’t care if sub or dom
thanks for reading this and I’m sorry for wasting your time
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★miguel o'hara x male reader(nsfw)
★genre: smut
★warning(s): subtop miguel, dombottom reader, drinking miguels booby milk(might be a little gross the way i write things), dick riding(miguel gotta be a good 10 inches), miguel whimpers(real), kind of cringe titty talk, short fic i think, oh shit yeah and size kink, and reader doesn't need a web shooter
★a/n: i always add some extra shit bro also never say sorry for wasting my time(actually dont please) also im listening to tell me by fifty fifty😘
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you liked..no loved miguels tits. now it was kind of embarrassing to say it out loud to yourself but god, just look at them they were so big looking and fit him just right in a way you could very clearly explain if someone would just let you.
you were dating sure, but the urge to just squeeze them right where he stood no matter who was around it was just the damn urge to do so.
but no one said you couldn't do that in private now could they? all you were gonna ask for is one gentle squeeze and then you'd be finished. but one gentle squeeze turned into a few rough ones, that turned into you on top of him your ass slamming down onto his dick. his hands tight secure on your waist his nails retracted simply for your saftey.
"god..if only you could see yourself." if only he could, that look on his face was everything you needed in life he was so adorable looking, the way he kept trying to speak but whimpers and loud moans kept replacing them instead.
his face dripping with swear the strands of his hair sticking to his forehead his nipples perked which started to get you to wonder something. just a little curiosity, it wouldn't kill him.
you leaned down sticking out your tongue flicking the bud using your teeth to slightly pull at it before wrapping your mouth around it fully and sucking harshly.
his hands tried to pry you off but that was annoying, your fingers pressed against the edge of your palm, webs shooting out to make both of his hands stick to the head board.
"(m/n)— what the hell are you- fuck.." his hustle ended quick enough as your other hand fiddled with his other pec you fingers twirling his nipple around and pinching it getting such ear melting sounds and reactions out of him.
what a genius you are to think of something like this. having such a big guy under you whimpering with just the few touches of your finger? i mean sure minus the fact your still sitting on his dick rocking your hips occasionally it was such a sight to see him come un-done simply because of you.
looking up you saw his face was getting more twisted with pleasure almost as if something was coming, well you were right and wrong in your own mind. as you continued to suck you felt something fill your mouth there wasn't that much of it but you still felt it and his reaction was priceless.
every bit of it you swallowed, you could describe it tasting like sweet milk even something way different than semen. sitting up and licking your lips taking a deep breath and looking over to his other breast.
he was already out of breath and it seemed like he was trying to use his nail to unbind himself but you weren't done just yet. might as well stop moving your hips for him and just cockwarm him with your mouth all around his other nipple.
"miguel i hope you know we aren't finished." you gave him a small peck on his forehead then whispering something in his ear.
"this one looks a little neglected don't you think?"
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i fucking hate the ending bro also update im listening to the vampire😍😍 @gaybitchfx @esthxio @secretivemessenger @vyloy @bloodyfennec @kitsune-yuhhh @reallyromealone i feel like im missin someone
oh well
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 months
Hope you dont mind an angsty request but
Can i request Kieran, Carmine, and Drayton see (or heard for Drayton’s part) the reader in a comatose state after taking the blow that was meant for Kieran when Terapagos went out of control. Like they, in the moment, sacrifice themself for Kieran and was somehow still standing after taking the hit but after they caught Terapagos, they immediatley fainted and havent woken up ever since.
(Btw i enjoy your posts!)
Ough this hurts, it's an absolutely devastating concept <//3
(and thank you!!!)
Instead of summoning your 'raidon, you shoved him aside and took the full brunt of the tera energy-infused blast, not caring what happened to you.
As long as he was safe.
He couldn't understand why you'd do this for him.
Even after going on that angry tirade about you, even after he caught Terapagos with a master ball solely to "get even" with you....you chose to save his life when you could've just saved yourself, Carmine, and Briar.
How could you be so kind and selfless to someone like him? Who's done nothing but talk about how much he envied you?
And somehow you're still standing, convincing him to fight by your side so you could both quell the legendary's fury.
Seeing the light return to his eyes made you smile as your pokemons' combined strength defeated it, with Kieran deciding to let you properly catch it.
What nobody expected, though, was for you to pass out shortly after you picked up the pokeball you used..
Your 'raidon got everybody safely out of Area Zero, but you still haven't woken up and were rushed to the hospital.
The attack left you in a comatose-like state, according to doctors, and there's no telling when you'll awaken...if ever.
There was overwhelming tera energy coming from your body, which caused any Pokémon within the room to start terastalizing themselves. So you had to be isolated, having only human visitors.
Of course, Kieran was the most devastated.
Now he might never get the chance to apologize to you..and it's all because he got obsessed with defeating you and was willing to use a dangerous legendary to do just that.
This was all his fault.
If you were to die thinking he still hated you...he'd never forgive himself.
He definitely doesn't wanna think about you reincarnating into a Phantump and haunting him for the rest of his life.
He visits as often as he can, holding your hand while he talks to you.
While he's not sure if you could even hear what he was saying, but somehow he believes you're listening.
"I went too far, [y/n]..I only ever wanted to be like you. But instead I....I-I did this to you. I did this to someone who still believed in me. Someone who still saw me as....a-as a friend..." His voice breaks, never having felt such remorse in his entire life. "I'm so, so sorry...please wake up soon."
Although he had let go of his bitterness towards you entirely, his bad sleeping/eating habits are still there, and there's not much that anybody can do to help him cope.
With every visit, he grows more desperate for a positive update on your condition, chatting with you and always ending with a plea for you to wake up.
Hell, he's even willing to become friends with Drayton again if that's what it took to see your eyes open.
When you do finally awaken after the tera energy readings have dropped to practically zero, you see Kieran asleep in the chair beside you, his hair messy and reminiscent of what it looked like a year ago.
You muster up enough strength to lightly ruffle it, and that's what makes him jerk awake, shocked.
At first he thinks he's still dreaming when he sees you're now conscious...but when the doctors confirm you're gonna make a full recovery, he just collapses into your waiting arms and sobs into your shoulder, having held back all of his tears until now.
You simply comfort him, reassuring that you didn't blame him at all.
It was you who chose to sacrifice yourself.
And you'd do it all over again.
Seeing you take that devastating hit for her brother shocked her to her very core...and even moreso when you were still standing despite the powerful blast.
But when you pass out shortly after capturing Terapagos, she's quick to snap Briar for pushing Kieran to terastalize it, blaming her for the reason this all happened.
She doesn't care if she gets in trouble for backtalking a teacher.
Her obsession with this "hidden treasure" ended up hurting a student, someone she was supposed to protect...and now you may never wake up.
At the hospital, Carmine sometimes visits you alongside her brother, and other times the two go in separately, leaving their pokemon outside.
When it's just her, she mostly talks about how Kieran has been doing, mentioning how you literally brought the light back into his eyes and how he wasn't some battle-crazed stranger anymore.
You saved him in more ways than one, and she cries a little just thinking about that, wishing you'd wake up and see that he was willing to let go of the past.
Whether it takes days or weeks, she never stops visiting you.
What you did for her brother was noble...and something she wishes she could've been brave enough to do.
The day you finally wake up and start to remember everything, Carmine quickly tries to cover up the fact she was crying.
But when you start talking, she's quick to breakdown as she (lightly) berated you for doing something so reckless, making you swear to NEVER do that again.
Soon Kieran rushes in the moment he hears you're awake..and he starts crying, too.
You just comfort the two siblings in your groggy half-asleep state, wondering how you'll tell them that this wasn't your first near-death experience...
All he hears is that you were involved in an accident down in Area Zero...and it feels like a punch to the gut when he learns it put you into a coma.
Now he wishes he went with you. Maybe he could've kept an eye on Kieran just in case he did anything stupid for the sake of defeating you in-battle.
But he didn't, and that's exactly what ends up happening.
Despite not knowing all the details, he 100% believes Kieran is at fault for your condition.
Even though Drayton only knew you for a short time, he cared enough to frequently visit your room, trying to stay his chill and relaxed self while he talks to you about whatever came to mind (in case you were listening, he didn't want you to worry over him).
But it gets harder with every passing day and no clear confirmation on when (and if) you'll wake up.
Carmine was afraid he was going to strangle Kieran if he saw him...
Yet whenever they so-happen to visit you at the exact same time, words are seldom exchanged between the two.
Although Drayton will often glare at him, thinking to himself "only now he's sorry?"
Even so, he doesn't verbalize it.
There's no bitter reminders of what Kieran did. No petty insults to get the other ex-champion riled up.
They just sit in silence, although seeing the tears in the younger boy's eyes and the way he holds your hand made Drayton's gaze less icy the more he saw it.
Whenever you wake up, he's one of the first to know and brought you a Dragonite plushie as a gift, relieved to see you talking, his eyes slightly stinging and a huge smile on his face.
Once you recover more, he'll ask you what you remembered of Area Zero....and becomes shocked after you explained everything that happened down there.
All this time, he thought Kieran used Terapagos to attack you directly, but to learn it actually got out of control and turned its back on him??? And you chose to push him out of the way???
Drayton isn't sure if you're brave or dumb, but he's glad you're okay now.
When Kieran comes in, he leaves you both be to update the Elite Four, although he'll be back to help you on the long road to recovery.
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moralesluvr · 1 year
high maintenance gf x earth 42 miles and how he would literally spoil her sm!! and everytime she gets her hair, nails, etc done he always wants to see them #SoCute🤭
take care of my woman ft. miles morales
♡ pairings & aus: earth42!miles morales x black!fem!reader ♡ summary: your boyfriend loves keeping his girl spoiled and happy, and he especially loves to see what he does for you ♡ warnings: one swear! just sum' good ole fluff ♡ a/n: thanks for your request!! we love the softie side of mr morales ♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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MILES MORALES DEFINITELY SPOILS YOU. Every chance he can get, he's finding reasons to provide for his girl or finding ways and outlets to get you what you want. On this particular day, you were sitting in a hairstylist's chair after Miles caught you scrolling through different hairstyles on your Pinterest feed.
"You want that one, hermosa?" He had asked you earlier when he saw you save a picture of some goddess braids to your hair inspiration board. You didn't even bother to lie and say no, because you knew he could tell if you were lying, so you just nodded and watched as he sent you three hundred dollars to go and get your hair done. As you stood up and got ready to go, he came up to you and pulled his car keys out his pocket, "Take my whip. I'll see you later, okay? Love you."
Grinning at him, you had kissed him and left his house to go to your favorite hairstylist, Monica, who has never done you dirty in the years she's been doing your hair. You were sitting comfortably in her chair, catching up on the latest neighborhood gossip as your phone charged next to her hair station. She heard it buzz and she tapped your shoulder, "Girl, your man is texting you."
"Hand me the phone, please." You requested, the device getting placed into your palm as you felt Monica start on your next braid. You swiped your phone open and clicked on your boyfriend's text.
from [mi novio <3]: hey amor from [mi novio <3]: what yo hair lookin like? lemme see
You giggled at his message, "Yo, Monica, can you take a picture of the back of my head and send it to Miles?"
Monica snorts, "You do know this big 'ole ponytail ain't finish yet, right? I'm jus' starting the third row."
"Just take it." You urged with a laugh. You heard your stylist snap the picture and click send, and within seconds, your boyfriend was texting you back.
from [mi novio <3]: yikes bae from [mi novio <3]: thats the end product? from [mi novio <3]: u need some more $$ ??
to [mi novio <3]: no u idiot, she ain done yet to [mi novio <3]: i think imma get blonde ends whatchu think?
from [mi novio <3]: get 'em, youll look cute in that
to [mi novio <3]: wait crap i dont have enough money
from [mi novio <3]: here u go ma from [mi novio <3]: txt me when u done from [mi novio <3]: i love u
You grinned at your phone and set it down, slumping back in the chair as you waited for Monica to finish your hair up. You couldn't wait to get home to your boyfriend and show him.
After what seemed like an eternity, your braids were finally finished, dipped, and your scalp had been moussed. You swiped your (more like Miles') card and smiled at Monica, who wished you a good day and slipped a free hair oil in your bag. You made your way outside and quickly drove back to your boyfriend's place, excited to show him your new hairstyles.
You unlocked the door to his crib once you arrived. You saw him sitting on the couch, manspreading with his hands behind his head, watching something on TV that you would probably have little to no interest in. You grinned and squealed when you saw him, plopping down next to him, "Look at my hairrrrr!"
He smiled at you, kissing your cheek, "Lookin' so fine, déjame hacer una foto."
You watch as your boyfriend takes out his phone and takes a picture of your hair, saving it to some folder. You peek over with a smile as you see the name,
my woman and the shit i pay for.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ☻ thank you for reading!
𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓🕷️: @queenesther996 //@sukunas-slutty-bitch // @c3f21 // @wydney // @rinnyisnothere // @brieryann // @moisttowllet // @Dee-m-cee // @liliummz // @starhrtz
𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ✎: @Dee-m-cee // @euphorichappiness10
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sturnsreader · 6 months
TW: self harm
!! requested by @sturns-posts !!
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚
“y/n?” you heard your boyfriend, matt, call from upstairs. you sighed and made your way up stairs to find matt on his laptop. you walked around the corner and smiled walking up to him.
“yes matty?” you asked cheerfully.
“are you okay?” he asked sounding concerned.
“yeah, why?” you asked confused at by the sudden worry.
“well, im just worried about you.” he sighed. you noticed that he kept looking back down to his computer screen to making glances at your arms.
“you would tell me if you weren't, right?” he asked.
you gulped wondering what he knew.
“yes, baby, please dont worry about it.” you nodded quickly before turning back to go downstairs.
he grabbed your waist and pulled you back into his arms playing with your hair.
“are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again repeating himself. you nodded into his chest before he pulled you back leading you into his room. he didn’t say a word, just sat you on his bed and opened up the screen. on the left hand side of the screen was a recent picture of you in mcdonalds that a camera man had taken, on the right hand side was the same photo just zoomed into your wrist. your scars visible for the world to see. you read the headline over and over in your head sighing.
“what is this? you told me you stopped a while ago and if you felt like that you were going to tell me. did i do something wrong?” he asked pointing to your wrist on the screen with teary eyes. you couldn't speak, your whole throat had closed up.
he noticed and pulled you onto his lap staring into your stinging eyes.
“i love you so much and i want nothing but for you to be the happiest girl ever. i let anyone hurt you. whether they're old or new, i don't care because i'm here for you now and i always will be." he smiled before kissing your forehead softly. a tear escaped your eye making you smile.
“we don't have to talk about this now, whenever you're ready.” he smiled resting your head onto his chest as he wiped the tears off.
| 2 hours later |
“hey, i know you wanted to go to the cabin back in massachusetts, so were going with nick and chris tomorrow morning!” he said with a smile while tucking your hair behind your ear.
“baby, you didn’t have to”
“shh, i wanted to.” he said as he hugged you around the waist.
you waited at least 10 seconds before letting go. matt’s hugs were the most comforting thing ever. “can you help me pack, please.”
matt shook his head up and down with a big smirk while grabbing your hand and walking downstairs to the bedroom.
“oh, how long are we staying.”
“since were with nick and chris we are staying for a week and a half, but soon we can go alone.”
he was digging through the closet trying to find a bag big enough before you made him stop.
“i love you so much.”
“i love you more, my love” you could tell he meant it. “we are going down to nick and chris’s house tomorrow morning at 4 am. i know its early but i want to get there earlier, if its okay with you.” he said right after he found a perfect suitcase to fit all your stuff.
| two days later |
“hey babe i was scrolling through things to do here and there is a tattoo parlor like five minutes away from us can we PLEASE get tattoos together!” nick said excitedly.
“shut up you have been rambling about tattoos the whole time we-“ chris said as you cut him off.
“nick i would LOVE to get a tattoo with you and i know exactly what i want. follow me!” you said as you go to find matt in the store.
“im getting a tattoo with nick and i just want you to draw stars around my scars.” you say while going through your purse to find a pen.
matt looks at you in awe as he takes the marker and draws the cutest stars ever. you start to tear up. you look up at him as he concentrates on drawing them all.
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not my best work but i tried 🥲🥲
i hope you enjoyed and if you have anything you need to talk about message me! i love you guys sm🩷.
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brummiereader · 9 months
Hopelessly Devoted (PART THREE)
Summary: After the previous day's events relentlessly play out in your head you come to the realisation it's time to move on from any hopes you had of rekindling your relationship with Tommy. But just as you decided to turn the page, Tommy's thoughts begin to be plagued by the past. His attempts at confessing how he really feels short lived when he discovers he has been betrayed on the day his plan to take out Billy Kimber falls apart.
Warnings: Language, angst, mutual pining
Authors note: The song Y/N sings is "Where have all the flowers gone" covered by Olivia Newton-John.
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" Shit..." you said as you looked in your bathroom mirror dabbing the cut on your throat with a cotton ball doused in alcohol as you glanced down at your trembling hand, quickly grabbing it with the other to stop the shaking as your frustration with the constant nerves engulfing your every waking breath refused to relent. Walking over to your bed you sat down as tears began to form in the corner of your eyes. How was there even any left? You thought to yourself as you rested your head in your hand, exhausted from another night of almost no sleep. Biting the corner of your mouth you gave up letting the tears fall down your arm as the previous day's events played out in your head, tormenting you over and over again at the bitter pill you had finally forced yourself to swallow. This was it. I'ts over, there was no point in trying to kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Tommy may not have said the words to you himself but Kimber's men had made it clear to you of his feelings when they had a knife pushed up against your neck threatening your life. He was protecting the new barmaid he had known for five minutes by giving your name so freely, putting you in harm's way, the woman he had known his whole life the same woman he once wanted to marry at all cost. You thought to yourself as you glanced at his pocket watch sitting on your bedside table, glaring at it as if he had returned his love back to you, discarding anything he once felt for you like he had with your own feelings for him. Standing up you wiped your tears away as you straightened your body out trying to regain some sort of control over your emotions. Would he even care if you told him what happened when you left the Garrison? What did it even matter, you quickly determined. You had no intentions of telling him, you would not let him think you needed his protection, have him pity you, have him believe you couldn't fend for yourself. You was on your own now that much was clear, his feelings towards you finally understood when he replaced the one thing you never thought he would with such disregard and heartlessness. If Tommy was moving on it was time you did the same. No more tears no more day dreaming of what could have been. From this day forward you promised yourself not to let the heartbreak he had caused you drag you down any further. New me, new start. You mentally hummed to yourself like a mantra as you looked in the mirror hanging on the wall, holding up the burgundy dress you had picked out against your body. "Fuck him" you said as you nodded at your reflection, reassuring yourself on the hardest decision you had ever made. Grace can have him, good luck to her.
" Where is she?" Tommy huffed as he loomed over the large table in the room adjacent to the betting shop as his family looked on shrugging their shoulders. " I dont have fucking time to wait around for her shit" Tommy said as he pulled out his new pocket watch, the weight of it not feeling the same, the shape of it not sitting in his hand how he liked how he had become accustomed to.
" Yes your relentless brooding over her is not obvious at all" Polly uttered quietly under her breath as she licked her finger, turning the page of the newspaper in front of her as Arthur and John sniggered at eachother.
" What's that, hm?" Tommy said as he leaned forward his eyes darting between the three of them as Arthur put his hands up in defence unable to hold back the laugh he had been trying to keep in. You were getting under his skin, and Arthur found it the most comical thing he witnessed all week.
" Sorry brother" Arthur said as he sniffed back his laughs clearing his throat. "But she always has had you by your balls. Not that you'll ever admit it" Arthur snickered as the whole room let out a burst of small laughs whilst Tommy's face twisted in anger. There was nothing more loving than teasing a family member in the Shelby house.
" Right you all done? " he said pointing at everyone as he pulled his pocket watch out to check the time again " Five minutes" he mumbled as he clenched his jaw. " I'll fire every single one of you" Tommy muttered as he sat down in his chair with a huff.
" Alright now that you've had your little temper tantrum can we get to business. And she's ten minutes late not five" Polly said taking a sip of tea, a smile on her lips as she watched the realisation on Tommy's face. His watch for the first time in ten years was on time. Fuck. He had become so used to it being five minutes late he would plan all his meetings around the little habit you had started ten years ago, never bothering to or wanting to turn it to the right time. Except this time you was ten minutes late. Just as Tommy was about to get into another rant about your tardiness the sound of your heels echoing loudly though the betting shop had everyone but Tommy turn their head.
"Fabulous" Polly mouthed to you when you walked into the room, motioning up and down with her hand at your outfit as Tommy's head nearly flew of his neck when he turned to face John and the wolf whistle he had just sent your way.
"There she is" Arthur said, sending you a wink of approval as you strutted through the room with a new air of confidence passing by Tommy as he finally turned his head to you. Looking you up and down Tommy cleared his throat as he shifted in his seat hitching his trousers further up, his eyes widening as he looked you over. Was this for his benefit or everyone else's he wondered as he looked at the way your dress hugged every curve of your body, every curve he could never keep his hands off.
" You're late" he said as his eyes pierced into you, piercing through that fucking dress you had decided to wear to make him jealous, to torment him. He thought to himself as he tried to stay composed, tried to stop himself from saying something he would regret.
" Oh am I?" you replied nonchalantly as you pulled a chair out from the side, scrapping it along the floor to the opposite end of the end of table. " Only five minutes though" you said sitting down, having not once looked at him since you entered the room.
" Ten" Tommy replied as he leaned his elbow on the arm of his chair, his fingers resting in front of his lips as he watched you brush your hair behind your shoulder. Something was different. And since when did you start wearing dresses like that? Tommy thought to himself when he suddenly determined you had a new man. His only evidence being that dress he couldn't keep his eyes off and the small remark you made the other day about your relationship being over, a remark that had been playing on his mind ever since. His eyes still boring into you, Tommy quickly decided he'd find the bastard you was dating and rip his throat out for daring to go near you. Had everyone forgotten the warning he had given?
" Replaced that too I see" you said finally looking up as your eyes locked onto each others, a smirk on you lips as you enjoyed your new founded confidence. Last night's events had finally given you the push you needed, the wake up call you had been longing for.
"Shall we start" Polly said as everyone else who had been watching your interactions finally shifted their eyes away from the palpable tension between you. Nodding his head Tommy lit a cigarette shaking the flame from the match as he continued to watch you in the corner of his eye.
All throughout the meeting you could feel the heat of his glare burning into your cheeks with every minute that passed whilst you constantly fidgeted in your chair, desperately wanting to free yourself from his incessant stare. Your confidence was back but not enough to face his piercing blue eyes that he enjoyed watching you squirm under and the foul mood he had forced you and everyone else to endure. As for Tommy he had no interest in what his family had to stay. Instead he was more concerned as to what had you looking so pleased with yourself so poised, a far cry from how you had been in recent years. His concerns only heightened when John went over dates for an event Tommy had planned for everyone in celebration. A celebration for what, nobody new yet.
"Talked with Aunt Pol, only date free is February the fifteenth, in a month's time for your...whatever it is" John said chewing on the end of his pencil as he squinted at his handwriting on the piece of paper in front of him. " No the sixteenth" he said looking up as Polly rolled her eyes.
" The nineteenth" she said as she shook her head at her nephew whilst John shrugged his shoulders replacing the pencil in his mouth with a toothpick.
" Right yeh, fine" Tommy said as he mentally went through the dates in his head, hoping his plans in a week's time would go the way he wanted to actually have something to celebrate about. "Y/N you gonna write that down?" he said looking to you as he tapped his fingers on the table trying to gain your attention.
" I can't come" you said as you finished writing in your notebook finally looking up to see the irritation growing in Tommy's face.
" It's a company gathering. You don't have a choice. Moving on..." Tommy said as he flicked his ash into the glass dish beside him as he lent back into his chair.
" I'm not obligated. It wasn't in my contract" you said as you crossed your arms.
" You don't have a contract" Tommy scoffed as he rubbed his brow in frustration.
" Well I want one, that way I know exactly where I stand"
"Think you're making it pretty clear were you stand sweetheart" Tommy said as you glared at him. " So what is it that has you so busy you can't come, care to share it with us?"
" I have plans with someone" you lied. In truth, you didn't have any reason to not got to Tommy's event. You just didn't want to, knowing you wouldn't be able to endure another evening watching him with her again.
"You have plans with someone in a month's time? Who?" Tommy asked stubbing out his cigarette getting annoyed with your short response" With who Y/N?"
" What's it got to do with you?"
" Another man, is that it hm? You fuckin..."
" Right think we're done ay" Arthur said standing up as he clapped his hands together cutting Tommy off in attempt to break the tension before a slagging match ensued between you both. Staring eachother down you was the first to get up, briskly walking away with a scowl on your face as Tommy brushed his hand down his face.
" See that fucking attitude I have to deal with?" Tommy said as he stood up turning to Arthur. It wasn't the first spat you had ever had in front of everyone but it had been the first time in a long time that you finally bit back at his words, catching him of guard.
" Wonder where she learnt that?" Arthur said as he placed his hand on Tommy's shoulder before walking off with a smirk on his face.
" I won't stand for this kind of attitude in a work place! Hey, you all listening to me?" Tommy shouted as he turned to everyone in the betting office and their weak attempts to hide the amusement on their faces.
" We hear you baby brother!" Arthur called out as he grabbed his hat walking out the door. Clearly everyone was mad at him, mad at the way he had treated you the previous evening in the Garrison . But Tommy was just as mad at himself for letting the events play out. He felt blindsided by Grace's gift. He needed you to know that, he needed you to know the last thing he wanted was to be parted from it.
It had been a few hours since the meeting when the tension between you and Tommy had almost turned into a full blown argument one that potentially had the chance of you launching anything you could find at him. Thankfully Arthur had intervened, stopping you from embarrassing yourselves in front of the whole betting shop. For the remainder of the day you had stayed out of each others way letting your anger towards one another simmer down. But an hour before closing time Tommy had called you into his office. His plan was to apologise for the previous evening, albeit in a cold uniquely Tommy way. But nonetheless he felt guilty for what had happened last night. Little did he know, he was only going to make things worse. As you entered his office Tommy looked up from the various papers on his desk to the scowl still spread across your face. You was clearly still mad at him, did he really think he could just apologise and his cruel actions would be forgotten?
" Hand me my diary" he asked as he rubbed his forefinger above his top lip watching you as you crossed your arms in frustration. Did he seriously ask you in here to fetch his diary for him ? You thought to yourself as you stormed over to the shelves behind him as he cleared his throat reaching for the pack of cigarettes on his desk. Slamming it on the table in front of him you started to walk off when he grabbed your arm stopping you.
" I need you to write down the dates John gave at the meeting" he said as he looked up at you and the storm of anger building in your face.
" You couldn't have done that yourself?"
" Forgot them" he said as he picked up a pencil handing it to you.
" You never forget anything Thomas Shelby" you snapped back grabbing the pencil from his hand as you started turning the pages, a little huff leaving your throat that Tommy couldn't help but smile at. " What's this?" you asked pointing at a black star one week from today.
" The day I finish my dealings with Kimber. The dates" he said nodding at the book, lighting a cigarette as your hand wavered over the paper at the confirmation from Tommy himself that what Kimber's men had said yesterday when they had you pushed up against the brick wall behind your home was Indeed true. Turning the page a sudden surge of discomfort started to build within you, a discomfort you hadn't felt since he left for France. He was putting his life at risk once again, and the only reaction you had was worry, worry that he wouldn't come back from it. " There" you said quietly, pushing the book towards him as you turned to leave.
" Y/N' wait" Tommy said as he stood up walking over to you." The other day at the Garrison...the pocket watch i didn't want to.."
" Just stop Tommy" you said as put your hand up cutting him off " We've both moved on, why hold onto the past right? " you added as Tommy let out a deep sigh whilst you turned your head away from him avoiding as much eye contact as you possibly could.
" That's the thing, I never mov... What's that?" He said as he moved your hair away from your neck, you body flinching as his thumb rubbed along the small knife mark on your skin. " Y/N who did that to you?" Tommy said, his voice getting lower as a surge of anger started to course through him.
" It's nothing Tommy"
" Nothing? You're lying" he replied with a scoff as he moved your hair away again, ducking his head down to to get a better look when you swatted his hand away. " Looks like someone had a knife to your throat" he said as he let his hand drop to his side, fury rising within him at the mere thought of someone hurting you.
" Don't be ridiculous. I was cutting my hair and nipped my skin. Why do you care anyway?"
"You never was very good at lying Y/N" Tommy said huffing as he watched you bite the corner of you bottom lip whilst you fidgeted in place. " And you really think I stopped caring about you?"
" Yes" you said as the words caught in your throat, tears welling in your eyes as you spun around to the door not wanting him to see you like this. His pity was the last thing you needed to add to you ever growing list of reasons to feel insecure.
" Y/N wait, I need to know what happened " he said as he tried to turn you around but stopped as you shrugged him off you, opening the door then slamming it shut behind you.
" Fuck sake" Tommy muttered under his breath as he watched you return to your desk through the window of his office. There was no way he would let this slide. You was clearly lying to him and he was determined to find out why.
As closing time approached you picked up your belongings when your movements had Tommy who was deep in thought abruptly stand up grabbing his coat and hat. If he was coming out here to bombard you with questions as to what happened he could forget it. You thought to yourself as you hurried to the door hearing him call your name. "Fucking door" you mumbled, pulling at the handle trying to open it as you looked over your shoulder to see Tommy heading your way, luck finally falling upon you when John stopped him putting the book of takings in front of him. Open, open, open! You thought as you rattled the handle pulling it back and forth when the door suddenly opened with ease and Grace walked in.
" Y/N" she said as she looked you over, taking in your reddened face from your efforts, a small chuckle leaving her lips. " Came to surprise Tommy after work" she said as she continued to stand in your way.
" How lovely" you said sarcastically as you tried to push past her when she put her hand on your arm.
" I know about that old pocket watch you gave Tommy all those years ago" she said looking at you. " Best you let go off the past, after all Tommy said it was only a silly little teen fling" she said with a small smile.
" Fling?" You repeated taken aback by what she had just said, what Tommy had said to her.
" Childhood sweethearts never last Y/N, don't be naive" She said in a mocking tone, belittling you without an ounce of shame at her hurtful choice of words. What were you saying, what had she said? Tommy panicked as John continued to bother him with the takings of the day. As your head turned to face him, Tommy swallowed harshly at the sight of a tear falling down your cheek.
" Let her go Tommy" Grace said placing both her hands on his chest as he walked over to where you had been standing, watching you storm out onto the streets of Watery Lane as the door closed behind you.
A fling, a fucking fling. He once asked you to marry him, promised to spend the rest of his life with you, her words couldn't have cut deeper if they tried. Let them have eachother. You thought to yourself as you clutched your coat around you heading for home, back to the four walls where you knew you would ultimately fall apart once again, your new founded confidence short-lived your own promises discarded, dwindling down into a pile of self-doubt and surrender after Graces cruel remarks. Could things get any worse?
One week later..
Today was black star day, the day Tommy planned to take out Billy Kimber and all of his dealings. Sitting in the corner of the Garrison nursing the drink you had ordered over an hour ago you glanced over to see Tommy and Grace standing behind the bar pouring drinks for his men, undoubtedly to numb any nerves that threatened to appear risking the plan Tommy had been preparing meticulously for weeks. Lifting his head from the glass of stout he was pouring Tommy caught your eye. It was the first time in almost a week you had looked each others way, anything you had to say to one another was passed on to anyone in the betting shop that was willing and had the patience to deal with both of your stubbornness. But today was different and Tommy couldn't help but notice the way you was looking at him, the same way you looked at him as you both waited on the platform for the train to arrive and take him and all of the other men saying goodbye to their loved ones off to war. The only difference between them and you was you had barely uttered a word to eachother, his final goodbye before he boarded a quick peck to your cheek.
And as if you had been transported back five years, tears started to form in your eyes as you abruptly stood up leaving the Garrison like you did when Tommy stepped on the train not once looking back, leaving you alone and heartbroken. What you didn't know was, Tommy did look back. He pushed his way past all the other men in the carriage in search of a free window shouting your name as he desperately tried to get a glimpse of you one last time before he left for war.
"Y/N!" Tommy shouted as he grabbed his coat and hat racing out of the Garrison. He wouldn't let what happened on that platform five years ago play out again.
" Tommy wait! What are you doing?" Grace called out after him as she watched the Garrison doors close behind him. " Why does he always go after her? He doesn't even love her anymore" she seethed as she looked to Arthur who raised his brow downing the rest of his drink.
" Doesn't love her? He's a stubborn bastard but he never stopped Grace" Arthur said as he walked away leaving her fuming at Tommy's unrelenting devotion to you.
"Where have all the young men gone,
long time ago?
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone to soldiers, every one..."
You sang, tears streaming your cheeks as you sat by your little brother Georgie's gravestone, his life taken like so many others during an air raid. Wiping your tears you continued to sing as if time had stood still and you was back in 1916 sitting on the grass in the only place you felt peace and calm, waiting for the men you loved so much to return from war.
" Do you still sing that song for me?" Tommy said as he slowly approached you, afraid you'd stop.
" Leave me alone Tommy" you sniffed as you stood up brushing the remaining tears away from your cheeks, looking out at Small Heath in the distance.
" We live in the same town, work in the same place. I can't...I don't want to" He said as he stepped closer wanting to reach out to you, wanting to hold you in his arms like he should have done all those years ago.
" Yes, Tommy Shelby doesn't care what anybody else wants, what anybody else asks does he? you replied misunderstanding the meaning behind his words. " Why did you follow me?" you sighed picking up the dead flowers by Georgie's grave as you turned around making you way down the hill not wanting to even wait for his response when Tommy put his arm out, stopping you from walking any further.
" You were crying" he replied feeling like a teen boy again stuck on what he really wanted to say. " Y/N I.." Tommy sighed as he brought his thumb up, brushing it down your cheek. " I knew you would come up here" he said, his hand dropping from your face as he abandoned the small speech he had prepared as he made his way to the cemetery to find you.
" Crying, I've been crying for five years, only now you notice?!" you scoffed pushing past him.
" Oh I noticed, its not like you try and hide it, do you? " Always pushing it in my face, have you forgotten who's fault this all is, eh?" Tommy said as his stance stiffened, his coldness towards you making a swift return when you didn't respond to his veiled attempts to be tender with you.
" Here I almost forgot. Throw it in the cut like you did everything else when you came back from France, like you did my heart. After all it was just a fling " you said storming back to him as you pulled his pocket watch out of your coat, shoving it into his hands.
" A fling? Y/N!" Tommy called out furrowing his brow as he watched you run down the hill. "You broke my heart first, you fucking broke mine first!" Tommy shouted back taking his cap off as he brushed his hands through his hair. " Fuck!" He yelled throwing his hat onto the grass as Jeremiah and Arthur came running up the hill.
" Tommy!" Arthur shouted as his brother turned around to face them, brushing his eyes with the back of his hand.
" What? What is it?" Tommy sniffed as his eyes darted between them both. "Well?"
"Tell him what you just told me" Arthur said breathlessly as he turned to Jeremiah stood beside him.
" Just heard there's to van's driving up the Stratford Road. An old Corporal of mine said he recognised some of the men..he said it's the Kimber boys"
"Ada wake up! You and the baby get into the ball ring where there's lots of people" Tommy said as he stormed through their house on Watery Lane as Arthur, Jeremiah and his son Isaiah followed behind him.
" What's going on?" Polly said as she took in Tommy's panicked state.
"We've been fucking betrayed" he replied rubbing his forehead. " Someone let slip. Kimber's men are on their way here" Tommy said as he paced the room back and forth.
" Yeh but you can handle them Tommy" Polly said having confidence that her nephew had another plan if something like this was to to happen.
"It's just us. All the Lee's are on their way to Worcester, we're outnumbered" Tommy said as the realisation his plan had fallen apart started to sink in. "Fuck!" he shouted as he slammed his hands down onto the top of a cabinet, the pictures and ornaments rattling from the force of his outburst.
"Who else knew today was the day you was moving on Kimber? You said you kept it a secret who else did you tell? " Polly questioned as Tommy leaned his weight on the mahogany wood, clenching his jaw at what Isaiah had told him before they had all entered the house.
" Isaiah" Tommy said as he turned his head to the young Blinder. " Tell them what you just told me"
" Tom, I don't think she was..." he said as he stepped forward when his boss cut him off.
" Tell them!" Tommy shouted turning around, his patience wearing so thin he was close to loosing any self-control he had left.
" The other day I saw Y/N with Kimber's men in the alley way behind her place. I thought she'd come to you and tell you herself. Tom they look like they roughed her up " he said as Tommy scoffed at his remark.
" Nah I don't believe it. Y/N would never..." Arthur said when Tommy interrupted.
" Betray me? She fucking hates me, you've all seen it " he replied raising his brow as he stepped closer to his older brother. " You've always stuck up for her, but she did this, she threw us under the bus. All of us, even you Arthur" he said pointing his finger in his older brothers face.
" I'd back away if I was you Tommy, because this time I won't let you win baby brother" Arthur said pushing him in the chest away from him. " We've known her since we were bloody kids. Y/N would never betray this family, she's one of us" Arthur concluded as he walked away grabbing the bottle of whisky on the table, pouring himself a full glass before he too lost control of his temper.
" Tommy that girls been devoted to you the moment she met you, you're blinded by your bitterness towards her. Did you not tell anyone else? Polly asked as Tommy shook his head forgetting or ignoring the fact he had, the very same person who had written it in his diary. No, Tommy's sights were set on you, only you could have done this only you could have betrayed him.
Tag list: @cosniffee @jonsncws @powellssaturn @jessimay89 @bruher @riseandreigns4u @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @chimchimjiminie16 @gaslysainz @calicoootalks (unable to tag) @weaponizedvirtue @vlryexsworld (unable to tag) @shittyprofilebutfuckit @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @peakyswritings @kammsinn @mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @cherryslyce @esquivelbianca @taliawz (unable to tag) @answer-the-sirens @dielgonacoffee @cicilysgrace @nadloves @fanatics30 @httyd-marauders @beeposstuff @yeppaweshallsee (unable to tag) @ja-4-leyvam (unable to tag) @xmariakx @slighltyaboveaverageiq (unable to tag) @fairypitou @youngbananamilkshake
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neosexuals · 5 months
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˙ 𖥦  ⪧ ◟together ˒ ˶ taehyun
> synopsis: you and taehyun have been in a business marriage for 4 years,you’ve never had anything between you two. Most of the time taehyun would go around fucking other rich women, everyone knows it’s just business. Exept you
A/n : I literally loved writing this like AHHHH I hope you guys like it <3
Tag list^^: @heiiolifeee @f4iryfever @iweirdthingsblog @yuriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii @cinnikoi
“Always been mine…”
“Honey im home” he sang out as he entered the home you had together. You were pissed to say the least, you let out a heavy sigh “don’t call me honey, taehyun you’ve gotten into another scandal” you huff again “how do you plan on covering this up”.
He stares at you, his gaze confused and amused at the same time. He ruffled his hair "why do you care?" He grunted as he sat down beside you on the couch "you know that means I'm the wife who let's their man whore of a husband fuck around right? Which leads to them thinking I'm cheating too..?" You argue scooting away from him, before getting up to go away "whatever it's not like you aren't, your just better at hiding it" his attitude scorching through you, grabbing your hand "now sit down I'll go get coffee and tell you everything"
He walks away , once again. You never said you need or want an explanation, but deep down you do.your heart burns as you stare at your phone, the article everywhere.
"Kang taehyun , cheater"
The silence becomes louder in your head, you try to surpress tears. No matter how hard you try he always replays in your mind, he hurt you. He doesn't even know after 3 years of your undivided attention towards him. He doesn't realise you love him. Before you know it your lost in your thoughts once again....
"y/n? Y/N?" He waved his hand infront of your lost figure, you jumped back when he smacked your head "y/n oh my god" his voice clearer now. You won't even acknowledge that he hit you, you don't care.
To be honest taehyun felt bad for you too, he loved you just as much, he wanted to hold you, to feel you to be close to you. But he knows he couldn't, he knows you dont like him, so he acts like he hates you, he hooks up with girls left and right 'knowing' you don't care.
The problem is, you do care.
"anyway, I met her at a club, I felt sexually pent up so, I decided to... You know" he explained himself he was rambling on and on after this before you stopped him "taehyun stop rambling I really don't care" you did.
"I'm gonna go to bed" you walked upstairs the stairs tiring you out before you plop onto your bed,you had a joint bedroom only a wall and a door dividing you twos room.
He regrets his decision every time he fucks around, he acts like it doesn't matter but when he walked into his room he feels an absence. You were that absence.
"Kang y/n finally gets revenge"
"icon y/n"
Your name surrounded the web , you finally decided to fuck around after 3 years. It felt odd ofcourse but you didn't carw., You just wanted to get over taehyun. But you got caught, you thought he wouldn't care since he's always on the news.
You sat on the couch once again, it was a habit for you by now to wait for him at the couch. As soon as the door handle turned,so did your stomach why did you feel so bad all of a sudden.
"how was it?" He dropped his bag, not even making eye contact with you. "How was what?" You asked hesitant of his reply, you were slightly trembling "the sex" his tone grew more aggressive by the word. "I asked how was the sex y/n"
His tone had a hint of sadness to it, you didn't notice it though. His gaze hit you atlas the flames in his eyes grew."it wasn't great" you responded, you wanted to lie but you couldn't. It wasn't great it was sad, miserable actually.
"then why'd you do it" his voice odly calmer than before, he was less jelous. Yet you stayed quiet
You wanted to talk back, you couldn't however. He walked towards you, step by step making you tremble. His next move wasn't clear at all, he sat beside you grabbing your jaw "look at me darling, why'd you do it" you were now facing him, the tention grew between you.
"I..." You fucked up, how or why you don't know but it felt like you fucked up "you??" His leg shaking, you couldn't tell why tho.
"taehyun." You paused his eyes widen as you use his name anticipation coarsing through him.
"taehyun...I used to like you." You blurted it out, the gaze and pressure let it out of you. But you still liked him.
"like I know it's not meant to be that way, I know it's business and I know I'm just being delusional but-" your ramble cut off by his touch. He wraps his hand around your nape, pushing your face closer to his. Your lips almost meeting.
He stares at your lips, your eyes roaming the situation, trying to avoid contact. Your mind travels wanting to kiss him so bad, but you don't want to act suddenly. Waiting for him to make the move, was he playing with you?
"I like you too" he mumbles onto your lips before smashing them together. The kiss soft yet laced with desire. He was holding back for you, the kiss sent shivers down your spine. You stay frozen in place before he pulls away , "you didn't pull away?" He cuts your words off again with a kiss, this time you reciprocate the kiss sending shivers down your spine. Your arms wrapping around his neck pulling him closer, he smiles during the kiss as you do this.
Breaking off once more his smile widens he stands you up "wait." You pause the situation. His eyes widen once again. "Shit whatever" you dismiss your negative thoughts smashing your lips together once more, your hands still wrapped around his neck as his hands roam around your body landing on your waist.
Picking you up lightly. You wrap your legs around his torso as he indicated with a tap on your thighs, the kiss sloppy as he climbed up the stairs carrying you. He opens his door with force as his hands still roaming your body.
"you've always been mine baby" he mumbles onto your lips , dropping you on the bed as he climbs over you leaning for another kiss. This time hungrier more rough. You start to crave his attention, you needed him more than ever now.
"fuck babe" the nickname forming something in you. As the kiss continued, Taehyun's hands moved up to play with your hair, his tongue exploring deeper into your mouth. He could feel himself growing hard against your leg and he knew he wanted more than just a kiss from you.
Feeling the heat between them, Taehyun broke the kiss, panting softly. His eyes met yours, filled with lust and anticipation.his breath hot against your skin. “Taehyun….” You huff out. Wanting more out of him . With a smirk, Taehyun slowly removed his shirt, revealing his well-toned body. His hands slipped back down to your pants, tugging them gently over your hips and down your legs. You were even more beautiful than he had imagined. He kissed his way down your stomach, taking in the taste of your skin. His hands continued their exploration, tracing patterns on your thighs and teasingly brushing against your underwear.
Eager to work with you, he knew his girth couldn’t fit into your pussy. “Want you so bad…” his eyes practically eating you out. His hands find its way inside your soaked panties, his fingers running through your folds. Playing with your puffy clit he starts slowly inserts a digit into you, your folds tightly squeezing his fingers “so tight….” He whispers into your ear “are you sure you’ll take my cock like this?” He glides his free arm across your face, his eyes loving yet sarcastic pity covers his face.
His finger working on you painfully slow as he leaves marks on your neckline. His length gets painfully harder as he fingers you, starting to grind on your thigh. He slowly inserts another finger his breathing ragged as he continues to finger you slowly, his other hand moving up to massage your breast. your breath heavy trying to speak while he mercilessly fingers your cunt. Scissoring inside stretching you out.
You moan out his name softly. “You feel so good around my fingers, baby. My little whore” His words are heavy with lust as he presses a soft kiss to your jaw before returning his attention to your neck and shoulders, nipping and licking softly. He can feel your pussy tightening around his fingers adding a third one chasing your high.
Your moans seem to get louder as his actions get faster, your hips bucking grinding against his fingers. You let out his name before releasing over his fingers as he curled them inside, the orgasm shaking you. You try to catch your breath laying there a bead of sweat trickling down the side of your face.
He gives you time to breath tasting you on his fingers, licking them dry. His body gets more tense as it seems his boxers now have a wet spot from his pre cum, he couldn’t wait any longer kneeling onto the bed and pulling your legs onto his tights “sorry baby, you look so Pretty I can’t take it anymore” he leans in, now in a missionary position and kisses you, the kiss hungry deep and sultry. You could tell how desperate he was
“You ready?” He lines himself between your legs, lubricating his tip with the remaining orgasm you had let out. You nodded eager for his cock to fill you up. As he slowly enters you realise how big his member actually is.
Stretching you out deliciously he groans feeling your tight walls around him “such a slutty little pussy hm?” His breath getting heavily, he would’ve cum right then and there “can their cocks stretch you this well” the pleasure distracts you from his malicious words. He goes on whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he finally fills you up balls deep.
He gives you a pause to get used to his length “says the man-whore” you finally catch your breath replying to his former words. He fumes with anger and starts to move relentlessly.
“Man-whore?” He huffs fucking into you his girth so mouth wateringingly wrapped inside your soaping pussy. He whispers sweet nothings once again, nicknames spewing out of his mouth sweetly.
“y/n if you, fuck- if you keep squeezing me like that I’ll cum inside” he groans and curses under his breath. He was addictive to you, you felt painfully pleasant his, face admiring your features. His girth creating a small outline in your stomach, his cock twitching at the sight.
Your eyes close shut as you get closer and closer to your orgasm, evident by your pussy tightening around him. He takes this as a sign to press on the outline around your stomach , causing you to whimper, the stimulation making you sensitive.
“Baby I’m gonna” his words get cut off by his groan
“Just- do it Baby” you nod your head allowing him to release inside you as you chase your high along side him. He gets cockier and starts to play with your clit, your words driving him. His movements get faster, slowing down at lass to release alongside you.
His juices mixing with yours as he falls on-top of you he slowly pulls out. Shifting beside you, cuddling you to relax.
“Why did you fuck around if you like me?” You start to question his actions. Looking forward to his response
“Cause I thought you hated me , I tried to get over you…” he paused “and also,I don’t just like you y/n love you” his words shook you, a smile forming after you pause “I love you too” you finally respond.
You turn to see he had passed out already, you could only let out a chuckle before kissing his cheek and snuggling against his arm.
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privitivium · 4 months
motherly!yan getting made enough that they give the reader a spanking!!
real. so real.
jealous mommy,,, hes more of a dom in this so... sub m reader.
he refers to himself as mama. just because i need a mother figure who isnt a woman and whatnot ahemhrm. so, cw for him referring to himself as mama specifically, spanking, toxic mother... sry for any mistakes,,, i reread it but there might be a few that slipped passed my eye B)
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some sort of coffee date... out and about running errands with boyfriend and you ask politely if you could get a drink.. of course, anything you want! happily guiding you to a smaller known coffee-shop.. mother noting how attentive the barista was to you as you tell them your interesting order, they were only doing their job, sure, but can't they notice he was the one paying? their attention should be on him, not you. and what were they doing, giving you free confections-? all that sugar! he bristledㅡare they blushing? it was the afternoon, and he still can't get the interaction out of his head as he was putting the groceries away - irritated. something that you couldn't notice..
you sit at the island of the huge, modern yet rustic kitchen, unpacking the dry food and breaking the comfortable silence; "man, that guy really was nice." you eye your cup of ice, drained of coffee, thinking about how nice that fellow was... it felt really good to be treated such a way by a stranger. "today was nice, huh?"
"why are you mentioning that barista again? it's already so late." the corners of his lips tiwtch downward into a frown, fidgeting. fingers tapping at the counter, eyes following you as you leave - settling down in the open living room..
"i dont see what the big deal is. it's just that they were nice, i can't help but think about it!" you complain, fiddling on your phone as you lay relaxed; sprawled out on the huge couch, totally unaware...,,,
"f/n,,,," he murmurs, a hint of warning - his voice ever so soft that you couldn't exactly tell that he was upset.. "that's exactly the point.. they were too nice. how can you not see that? or maybe you do. maybe this whole thing is just to get me to get upset. to get a reaction out of me. well, you have one, f/n. are you proud? are you?" holy shit it was the most he ever spoke in one sitting. b-but he wasn't "sitting" anymore, he was walking towards you - menacingly. obviously, you catch his driftㅡeyes widening in worry, immediately jumping to your feet and shuffling away to evade an angry motherly boyfriend who was ever so slowly stepping towards you, as though he didn't really care about the whole ordeal when really he was positively seethingㅡ
"wha-hey! they just gave me a free cookie, man!" you shriek frightfully - though with a hint of humor. thinking that he was just.. joking around.
"man? f/n." mother hisses lowly, nimble hand snatching your wrist and yanking youㅡ"yes?!" you squeak - (ㅡyes you shouldve known better than to call him "man" in such a casual wayㅡ) he captures you in his iron-fucking-grip - hauling you to the couch after circling around the living room.. cornering you. you struggle - "lay still." he hisses, jesus fuck in a tone so cruel it surprises you completely motionless; laying limp with tears stinging the corners of your eyes,,, huffing as you lay your head on one of the many pillows strung about - biting your lip to muffle your soft sounds as he shucks your pants down - underwear catching, whimpering softly as you squirm; unable to actually lay still - too scared. mother is a bit lenient, palm tracing over the round, plump flesh of your rear. mother breathing in deeply, molding it in his palm, treating you so gently before he begins his reign - counting aloud himself rather than having you do it.. not stopping until you ere a crying, writhing mess on his lap with a stinging, ruddy ass from his cruelty,,, obviously, he liked doing so. the telltale feeling of a bulge pressing into your side as you laid along his thighs,,, he marks it at fifty. 
"m-mom, pleaseㅡ" you mewl, burying your face into the cushions, and ever so slightly fidgeting your ass upwards - as though a cat stretching into his hand,,,, "no! do not cry for me." his hand lands hard on your cheek - fucking whimpering, nuzzling into the couch,, and biting on the pillows to muffle your cries,,, it wasn't long before he caves - feeling sorry,,,
"a-ah... i'm sorry, sweet boy." he nuzzles into your neck, pulling back and cupping your flushed, tearful face - sitting up, straddling him; unable to sit on your ass, "yes, mama's sorry... he's sorry he had to do that to you, but you must understand.." he kisses your cheeks, hands trailing downward to rub your stinging rear.. you grunt in reply, huffing. annoyed at your dick flushed and aching... motherfucker. 
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viiiiiiiiiin · 3 months
Hellooo! If you're comfortable with this, could you write a chubby!reader x Luffy where they're already in a relationship, and reader is usually pretty okay and confident in her body, but... the strawhats come across Amazon Lily, and seeing the Most Beautiful Woman fawn over her body while looking at reader like she's a disgusting bug, makes reader wonder if she deserves to be with Luffy after all. (Happy ending please)
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Beauty in the Eye of The Beholder: Luffy x Chubby!Reader
Includes: Luffy , Strawhats , Fem Reader , Amazon Lily Women
A / N: AWWW I LOVE THIS REQUEST !!! I'm kinda chubby and insecure myself , so this hits a bit close to home. Thank you for this ! Hope you enjoy ! IM SORRY ITS SHORT. IM EXHAUSYED BUT I JOPE YOU ENJOY.
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Confidence. No matter what happened , you always had confidence in yourself and others. You didn't care how you looked , how you fought , how you talked , or what others thought of you. You were a strong willed woman , which is the entire reason Luffy was so drawn to you.
Your relationship with the childish captain was no secret. Luffy was open about showing you affection in front of others ! Kisses , massive hugs , hand holding , etc. He wasn't shy when it came to PDA and neither were you.
You did wonder every now and then how he truly felt about you. I mean , there's people like Robin and Nami on the crew. Those feelings quickly washed away whenever Sanji or your boyfriend was around.
Even if you felt down , both of them cheered you up. Sanji didn't treat you any differently just because of your size and Luffy loved ALL of you. He made sure to tell you every time he gets the chance. In his eyes , chub is just more of you to love. More for him to love , in his eyes.
You knew of Luffy's interactions with Boa Hancock , the woman deemed as the most beautiful. Speaking of , your crew was heading to Amazon Lily to hide for a bit and discuss plans.
You understood that Luffy didn't see Hancock like that , but you couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. You never expressed that , however. You just went on and ignored the feeling bubbling up in your chest.
"We are approaching Amazon Lily !" The voice of the Navigator broke you out of your trance. You turned your head to the left and saw the beautiful looking island.
"Damn. You 3 are excited , aren't ya ?" You stated as you noticed Franky , Sanji , and Brook already st the railing. "Hell yeah , sista !" Franky replied , his smirk as wide as ever.
"I'd like to see their panties , even though dont have eyes , yohoho." Brook stated nonchalantly with a blunt sounding laugh , earning a smack on the head from Nami and a laugh from Luffy.
"Turn the ship sharply at 6 o'clock !" The ginger shouted to your Helmsman. "Roger." Jinbe replied , doing exactly as she instructed him to do. You and Usopp walked over to drop the anchors as you noticed a few women come up to the ship.
"Luffy ! You're back ! And you brought your crew !" You turned your head to see a giant lady with the sweetest looking features. Your boyfriend ran up to the edge.
"Aphelandra !" He shouted , a wide smile on his face. He laughed and waved to her. "Where's the other 2 ?" He asked as he looked around for them.
"Oh ! They're behind me ! We are supposed to welcome you in !" As if on cue , 2 other ladies ran up behind the orange - brown haired lady. A blonde lady and another brown haired lady.
"Sweet Pea ! Marguerite !" The 2 girls in question smiled widely and ran to the ship. "Luffy !" The giant lady ran behind them. "Wait up !" She shouted like a child running after their mother in a Walmart.
As the 3 conversed with your boyfriend , your heart couldn't help but hurt slightly. They were beautiful ! You couldn't even imagine what Boa Hancock looked like. Though , you didn't have to wait until the woman of the hour showed up and jumped onto the ship.
The 3 perverts immediately turned to stone and Usopp gaped at her. Your eyes widened as you observed her. She was GORGEOUS. Her title was definitely well deserved.
"We'll have to stay over here for a while , Luffy. I hope you don't mind." Marguerite said kindly , jumping onto the ship as well. "Ahh !! Staying over with Luffy !! How delightful !!" The snake empress turned red , as if she was the female version of Sanji when it came to the strawhat boy. You didn't appreciate it. At all.
Soon , night fell. Sanji managed to awaken from whatever happened to him and made all of you some food. Your eyes trailed over to Luffy and Hancock , a twinge of jealousy hidden behind your gaze.
It was obvious she was love with him. She was literally all over him ! But . . You couldn't help but think back to yourself. In your eyes , you were nothing compared to her. She was skinny , powerful , and had beautiful blue eyes. Her hair was long and beautiful , the black complimenting her eyes. Her form was also absolutely perfect. She had curves in all the right places and her outfit hugged them just right.
You handed your food back yo the blonde haired cook , who raised an eyebrow at you. "Sorry , Sanji. I'm not hungry. You can give it to Luffy , if you want." Before he could respond , you walked away.
You didn't know where you were going until you noticed that you ended up in your room. You sighed and gently closed the door behind you , falling onto it. Your eyes pricked with tears as you began to cry , cry about how you were nothing but a bug in your eyes.
You hated it. Why were you feeling like this now ? You never had any problems with your body , so why were you acting like this ? You stood up and threw a pillow from the ground onto the wall , anger boiling in your body. You weren't mad at Hancock or Luffy , but at yourself.
You walked over to your bed and flopped onto it , scrunching the blankets up underneath you. You moved to cover yourself up and just . . Cried. You didn't know what to do. Your eyes stung from how hard you were crying and your body trembled like you were experiencing frostbite.
A knock on the door caught your attention. It was loud and harsh. You knew who it was just from the sound alone. Luffy. You sat up and wiped your eyes with the tissues by your bedside. "Come in." Your hoarse voice called out , a reminder of what you were once upset about.
The man walked in and frowed. "Why aren't you out there with us , Reader ?" He asked as he walked over to your bed. He sat in front of you and observed how you looked. Your hair was a mess , your eyes were red and puffy , and your cheeks were stained with fresh tears.
He sighed and put his arms around you. He knew. He may seem stupid , but he was very observant. Especially with you. You said nothing and just cried onto his shoulder.
"Look , Reader. I don't see her like that ! I promised you that I would make you the queen of the Pirates so you could be by my side. I'm not gonna let her take your place." Though his words seemed strange , they warmed your heart up immensely.
"Thank you , Luffy." You kissed his cheek and wiped your eyes. "Cmon ! I want some more meat !" He held his hand out for you to take. You laughed and placed your hand in his. He laughed and dragged you out of your room , away from your moping.
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aliaology · 7 months
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summary: after a big fight with your boyfriend, you take your truck and take a long drive. he keeps calling, trying to tell you that he cares, not the highway. too bad your phone is dead.
pairings: luke hughes x fem!reader
warnings: hints at a car crash, speeding, sleeping while driving (please stay safe when you guys drive!)
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you put your hair up before hopping inside of your truck. you ignored the crying pleas from your boyfriend to stay home. that it wasn't safe, but you didn't listen. no, you were pissed and tired. you just wanted space.
you drove off as soon as you could, windows rolled down. the loose strands of hairs blew with the wind as you unconsciously sped up. the normal five over, turned to ten, which turned to fifteen. soon enough, you were going twenty over the speed limit as you got onto the highway.
the fight with luke would seem small to the outside, but it was the biggest one you've had in the three years you had been together. it seemed simple, you were gonna move to new jersey with him next year, giving you time to finish your time in umich and time with your family down in tennessee.
he didn't like that. you two wouldn't see each other for almost a year if that's what you decided to do. he would be going to new jersey this year with jack, for the devils, as soon as summer was over. you would be miles and miles apart, luke couldn't do it.
so he suggested online schooling or even transferring to another school in new jersey, that way he could be with you before you went down to tennessee for next summer. the entire thing was blown out of proportion and it happened right before you two were to go to bed.
so here you were, speeding on the highway, eyes feeling heavy. luke tried calling you, multiple times. "im sorry y/n ma- luke stop! can't come to the phone right now. please leave a message after the beep." rang through his ears each time. the worry flooding his body every time your voice cut through to speak your name.
your phone was dead, lying on the passenger seat. your speed continuously increased as your eyes grew heavier and heavier. you slowly felt yourself falling asleep at the wheel.
"baby, come back home please. i don't know what you are doing but the highway doesn't care about this shit, y/n. just come home, i care. we'll figure this out, okay? if you stay in michigan can you at least reserve breaks for me, baby? come back please, i want to fix this." luke spoke into the phone. he wanted you to answer so bad.
luke immediately perked up when his phone rang. he didn't bother to look at it as he answered. "hello? y/n?" he spoke.
i cant live without ya, i cant live without ya, baby
"hi, is this luke hughes?" a woman spoke.
luke knew. "uhm, yeah, yeah this is him."
"well, mr. hughes, you were put down as y/n matthew's emergency contact. currently ms. matthews is in henry ford hospital-"
"is she, is she okay?" luke breathed out.
"only time will tell, mr. hughes." luke scoffed and hung up.
the brunette boy grabbed his jacket and immediately rushed to his car. he was now the one doing twenty over the speed limit, rushing to get to the hospital. the only difference? he was wide awake, adrenaline coursing through his body as he prayed you were okay.
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erm angst
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