#i dont care if they kill a human right after that
kitten-with-socks · 8 months
things i dont understand about cats
1- why do their butts do that wiggly-thing before jumping to literally nowhere
2- how do they stab you when they just sit on you...like, bro? you arent even THAT heavy but it still feels like you just goy impaled by a sword
4- why is that little "mprrr?" sound so adorable
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sonknuxadow · 28 days
stuck in an endless cycle of being annoyed about some of the stuff that was in the trailer and then i see how excited other people are and start thinking "well maybe some of the stuff that upset me could go in a different direction than im expecting. and there was still some cool stuff in there. maybe im overreacting or jumping to conclusions" and then i remember what exactly i was annoyed about and start thinking maybe i was right the first time and then i just kind of feel sad thinking about how excited i was over the first two movies compared to how ive been feeling about the more recent movieverse content and then i get frustrated with how it feels like im not allowed to express these feelings and opinions with how defensive some movie fans get and dismiss all criticism as needless hate regardless of who its coming from or what theyre saying and then i go Okay im normal now . until im reminded of the movie again
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wittyworm · 3 months
Leviticus chapter 20 shook me to my core i have to pause this shit and go to bed.
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kideternity · 7 months
On the last two episodes of Tamers. I think I've come to the conclusion that I think Yggdrasil from Savers is a much more interesting and compelling final villain then the D-Reaper from Tamers is
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Sorry, I meant to send an ask yesterday, but I got carried away 😅
So what about ut, us, uf and ht (you can ignore the last one if you want to don't worry) and how they would be with a reader that hides the fact that they're physically hurt.
Maybe they went hiking with the skellie, and they tripped and pretended that it was only a little scratch when days later they see quite a big wound that's infected.
It's a bit gross, so it's okay if you don't do it, don't worry :)
Have a good day/night and be safe
UnderTale, UnderSwap, UnderFell, and HorrorTale skellies react to a reader hiding that they're injured
you had gotten in a little tussle with a fallen branch walking home. you were completely oblivious, and tripped right over it. it hurt to walk on, and you soon noticed it swelling. it wasn't... sprained, right? nah, of course not! you brushed it off, thinking that it would be just fine in a day or two.
but until then, you might want to put some ice on that.
and so you did. for three days, with no sign of improvement. you tried keeping it a secret, but then your s/o came home while you were putting ice on it, right on the couch beside the door, and...
-he walks into the house, immediately heading for the couch.
-"hey, y/n, i'm ho- you alright? what happened to you?"
-"oh! sans, hi, i didn't expect you home so early!" you wave frantically to draw his eyes away from your ankle.
-"yeah... work was slow, so i came home. whats going on? you're acting weird."
-"pshh, don't be silly, nothing's wrong! absolutely nothing!"
-he sighs.
-"my whole shtick back in the underground was that i can see peoples stats. your HPs lowered, you're acting really awkward about your leg, and you're trying to hide an ice pack from me. i know, i saw it when i walked in. so, im gonna ask you again. whats going on?"
-you sighed. he caught you, he always did.
-"i dont know what's up. I tripped a few days ago and my ankle just started swelling. I'm gonna give it a few more days before I see a doctor, just to see if it heals on its own."
-"alright then," really? that's it? not going to insist you see someone? well, that's great for you! "I'm going to grillby's. wanna come?"
-you nodded your head.
-"cmon, let's take a shortcut."
-he took you to the fucking ER.
-you look up after hearing the door open and you heard a crash.
-he had gone grocery shopping, apparently, because his bags were sprawled on either side of him on the floor.
-his jaw was only half hinged, that's how bad you scared him.
-as in it dropped. almost fully.
-he suddenly runs to your side (re-hinging his jaw on the way) and kneels by your side.
-"HUMAN, what ever is the matter? is it serious? does it hurt? will it need stitches? should i take you to-"
-"Paps! i'm okay. i think it's just sprained, i'll be alright," you tries to reassure him.
-"SPRAINED? oh, HEAVENS no, i must take you to the doctor right away!"
-you sigh. "Papyrus, it isn't that big of a deal. i'm sure it'll be alright in a few days."
-"absolutely not! what if it's worse than you think? it could kill you!"
-he really thought a sprained ankle could kill you? he may be clueless about human injuries, but at least he cares!
-you don't have too much time to reply before he picks you up, puts you in the car, buckles you up (because heaven forbid something ELSE happen to you, ESPECIALLY under his watch) and brings you to the ER.
-he literally did not notice.
-he grumbles a quiet, "hey," before trotting upstairs into his room.
-it isn't until several days later when the pain has worsened and you cannot walk on it that he asks what the fuck is going on.
-you explained that you had tripped a few days ago, and it got swollen, and you thought that it would just go away, but it's been getting worse and worse since it happened.
-"fuckin' idiot," he groaned. "i'm dating a goddamn moron! alright, get in the car. i'm takin' you to a hospital."
-he's groaning the entire way.
-as soon as he lays eyes on you, he sighs.
-"what did you do this time?"
-what the hell did he mean, 'this time'? he CANNOT be holding you accountable for that one time you got a concussion! that was HIS fault!
-"hey! you BETTER not be talking about-"
-"about the concussion," he cut you off. "yes, yes, i'm aware, you believe that incident to be my doing. however, i can GUARANTEE that this is not! now, tell me what happened. i expect a full explanation."
-you rolled you eyes and told him, feeling a little pissed off about his crossed arms and tapping foot, although you couldn't fully blame him. the whole situation WAS a little silly, now that you have to say it out loud.
-he scoffed when you finished talking. such a silly thing! why the HELL didn't you immediately see a doctor? swelling is NEVER normal!
-how did he, a skeleton monster who had gone most of his life without so much as seeing a human, know more about human anatomy than a fully grown human adult?
-and how did he, an esteemed member of the royal guard, end up in a relationship with such a fool?
-"get yourself looking decent. we are visiting the hospital to get you proper treatment."
-'looking decent', you looked fi-! no, you didn't, nevermind.
-"hey, y/n, Alphys let out training early, so i'm back! what are you doing?"
-you scrambled to hide the ice pack and hike your pants back over your ankle. "oh, uh. . . nothing," you said sheepishly in reply, a fake grin appearing on your face.
-"oohhhh, no no no. i know that look. you're hiding something. best be honest now."
-damn him! how DARE he know you so well!
-"i think i did something to my ankle," you muttered.
-"hmm. . . let me see."
-he walked over and inspected your ankle for a few moments.
-"it looks sprained. when did this start?"
-"a few days ago. i tripped and it started swelling."
-he gave your ankle ankther quick look.
-"and why didn't you tell me?"
-"well, i thought it would go away at first. i was going to tell you, if it didn't. i was just going to wait a few days."
-"well, there's no need! i'm taking you to a doctor."
-he helped you stand and let you use him as something like a crutch, so you wouldn't have to put too much weight on your injured foot.
-you look up to see him standing, eyebrows furrowed (you know what i mean sans does it in the main game) looking at you.
-"anything you want to tell me?"
-"ah, nothing. . . i'm just gonna go to a doctor if this doesn't start getting better."
-you knew the look he was giving you. he wanted to know what happened.
-"i tripped a few days ago and my ankle started swelling. nothing major. it's just a little sore."
-"mmm. i'm sure. you have five minutes, then i'm taking you to a doctor," he said as he laid on the couch beside you.
-"no, Paps, there's really no need-" you were interupted by snoring. but you knew that didn't mean you were off the hook. he would be awake in five minutes EXACTLY, whether you were ready to go or not.
-he kinda just stands there for a few moments after he sees you with the ice pack.
-ice pack means something's wrong, because he doesn't see food around, but his skull injury makes figuring anything else out difficult.
-ice pack. . . on your ankle. . .
-it doesn't matter what's wrong. he just knows something is. so, he comforts you! in the only way he knows how!
-which is a BONE-CRUSHING hug.
-and because you're sitting, and he's standing over you, leaning down to hug you, it's a very awkward angle. leading to a lot of bones jabbing into uncomfortable places.
-you know you can't really do anything to get him off of you, so you just wait it out.
-"i'm alright, Sans. it isn't anything major. i'm about to go to a doctor!"
-he was going to tell you to anyway. you just got that part out of the way.
-his time in the underground under Undyne's rule made him very paranoid about the health of those he loves, so no matter how big the injury, you MUST see a doctor.
-it's not up for debate.
-he drives you because he doesn't want you to have to put any more strain on your ankle.
-(should he even have a drivers license? questionable...)
-he has a puzzled look on his face.
-that. . . he suspected that wasn't a good sign.
-"y/n. . . i don't suppose you want to tell me what is going on?"
-"oh," you nervously laughed. "no biggie. just tripped a few days ago, it kinds hurts. if it doesn't feel better tomorrow i'm seeing a doctor."
-"hmm. i shall hold you to that."
-you laughed. you bet he would.
-spoiler alert, he did.
(a/n: sorry if this is totally inaccurate to having a sprained ankle, it just seemed like a good scenario, and i was too in the writing groove ((once i actually started)) to do much research)
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the-friendly-entity · 5 months
[ ~"Meeting the Heroes"~ ] - Cookie Run
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You are a Human who found the Earthbread! Meeting cookies all around! how do the cookies react to seeing a human in their kingdom?
Part 1
What contains? Very long post, slightly mention of blood, Spoilers of Cookie Run Kingdom Story
Can be visualized as? None, Cookies meeting you!
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Sinse you join to the cookie kingdom from Custard Cookie III, things as slowly to grow to the better! you help cookies with more complex thing thanks of you big size, you friendship with the cookies of that kingdom as been grow more and more, and that not all! thanks of your big size, the creatures of outside feel terrified to even try to attack the kingdom!
Thanks as slowly you earn a good reputation, this caught the interested of GingerBrave Cookie and Custard Cookie III, i mean, you are good human after all! that are a amazing news! GingerBrave thiks you deserve to know more about Earthbread! and Custard Cookie III is interested you meet the Cookie Herores!
Is Kill two bird at once, even if Wizard Cookie still dont trust you, he feel more calm knowing the Cookie Heroes will meet you, knowing how powerful they are and what they will be they opinions about you, with all decide it, no time for waste, soon you and the cookies start a adventure showing you they world!
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[ Pure Vanilla Kingdom ]
Their first stop was the pure Vanilla Kingdom, it was way easier to arrive at the floating kingdom with just you! Being them in your hands and putting them in the kingdom, was easy for you as well as seeing the kingdom as it just floating, admiring and wondering how that was even possible! as the kingdom was slowly being fixed, it was not much time the cookie who live there noticed you
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Strawberry Crepe
-Surprisingly Strawberry Crepe is not intimidated by your size, due is unculture about Cookie Story, does not know about what are humans, so they think you are a Cookie but a weird and huge one
-Will be asked a lot of questions, "Who are you" "Why are you so big?" "it some sorta magic that makes you that way?" "Why do you look so weird?" at least is not from the common cookies afraid of you, so is a good change
-Explaining Strawberry Crepe what you are is...hard, they dont believe in humans even though they have one from them right now, and think is just a make-up story or legend
-Eather way, Strawbery Crepe welcomes you to the Pure Vanilla Kingdom, or well, the rest of it, telling you to be careful because it costs them so much to fix things! worried your size can cause at lot of problems of you try to touch something
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Black Raisin Cookie
-This is what you expected, Black Raisin Cookie is extremely shocked, confused, and having a hard time processing is there a human in the kingdom, as GingerBrave Cookie and his friends greetings Black Raisin Cookie, fastly she asks for an explanation about all this (and I can tell you, if you was not with GingerBrave and the rest, she could already send her birds to attack you/distract you)
-After the explanation she still has a hard to processing this, she dont believe you are that 'good human' as GingreBrave and the rest think (Wizard Cookie agreed) and you just play the long game until you get what you want and show you truly are
-While Black Raisin Cookie and the group discut, you want to pet the little Raisin Crows, is just...so cute! even the animals in this world are made out of food!, you try multiple times to pet them, gently approach your finger to one of them, trying to not scare them and show you are someone to trust, but sadly each time you are so close they just fly away getting distant from you :(
-Eventually, GingerBrave and his friends convince...a little Black Raisin Cookie about you, she makes sure to make you know she have her eyes on you if you dare to hurt GingeBrave- heck any cookie, you just take it, after all, you understand cookies will not be friendly with you, and you can see Black Raisin Cookie have a hard time so you dont want to overwhelmed her
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Pure Vanilla Cookie
-The one himself is here, he was for a visit to check how going with everyone or in need of assistance, happy to hear GingerBrave and his friends come to visit too! what a coincident, sadly one he saw you, he just was absolutely terrified, was so off guard he dint have time to mentally prepare
-It takes sometime to calm him down, you just decide to try to look 'smaller' and not say a word, knowing how badly you affect him...you feel awful :(, finally explaining to Pure Vanilla Cookie you are a good human he take a good look at you, of course his mind was full of different thoughts about you, and still trying to process what is happening right now
-While Pure Vanilla Cookie talks with GingerBrave and his friends about you, you soon notice about the staff Pue Vanilla Cookie is holding...it was..creepy, a flower with an eye, and it was moving, and staring at you, changing 'expression', angry, judging, untrust, was hard to try to ignore, and the horrible feeling at having an eye on you
-Finally, after Pure Vanilla Cookie hears all the good things you did and the reason of the meeting, Pure Vanilla Cookie take a moment to think and get another look at you, finally talks to you: "I not gonna refuse this, is surprising to see a human in the Earthworld...nonetheless as show nothing but kindness, I shall allowed you to be here, but careful...you will be punished if you break our trust and no longer being welcome here", you take it and nod, thank him for this and apologies for scared him, something he accept
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[ Hollyberry Kingdom ]
Was already hard for you to walk around to the Earthbread world, I mean you are just so big and everything so small....you try as possible to not destroy anything and avoid the amount of damage as possible, but this forest/jungle was so hard for you, thankfully GingerBrave and his friends was helping you to move around so you fall or hurt something
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As you contiue to walk to the forest/jongle, the sounds you made and the shaking make the animals run away, this caught the attention of both cookies, Pitaya Dragon Cookie and Tiger lily Cookie, one of them was interested in you, was little cultured about humans, interested in what you are capable of but remained hid to observe why are you here, While Tiger Lily Cookie is scared once figure out who caused all the shaking and the animals run away, was going to do something but as see you with Gingerbrave and the rest was confused, at last, she remained hided observing, if anything happens, she has 2 or even more plans to use if you ever show being "Evil"
As Soon you finally arrive to the Hollyberry kingdom, no longer have to worry about you steps....yet, you take a deep breath, and admire the Hollyberry, this! this was a kingdom! so elegant, so many pretty flowers and so full of alive!, and for the first time your size help you at lot to have the full view of the kingdom, but sadly that will remind not much as caught you off guard the screams
Finally brings you back to reality as see the cookies from the Hollyberry Kingdom being so terrified of your arrival, running away and causing a lot of chaos to try to protect themself from you, hearing them saying "What is that thing!?" "We are doom! we gonna die!" "I dont wanna die!" this hurt you so much...you cant take anymore seeing so many cookies afreid of you, you tell GingerBrave this was a bad idea and should leave...
GingerBrave can notice this is affecting you a lot, and trying to cheer you up, they gonna fix this! Just dont give up yet! Strawberry Cookie and Custard Cookie III trying to comfort you, Wizard Cookie just observes you, he thinks you just acting, but seeing you expression....so real, just takes a few seconds to tears appear in your eyes, Wizad Cookie's vision of you is conflicted, you really good? or you are that good at acting?...
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Princess Cookie
-but dont you worry! A cookie will approach to see what is going on! and that will be Princess Cookie! She will be not scared but rather surprised! already so interested about you, she approaches you and starts to talk to you "Woah! Hello! who are you?"
-Sadly you was so scared to respond back, afraid that just talking to her would scare her off, Princess Cookie noticed this and asked GingerBrave and his friends what was happening and why everyone was running away and scared
-After the explanation GingerBrave Cookie and his friends tell at Princess Cookie, she understands and soon she calms her people from her kingdom, telling them there is nothing to be scared about and no one is in danger! She could calm some of them but still, the scared expression remained, but at least the chaos was over -She gets close to you again, gently putting her hand on your leg, telling you is ok and it's not your fault cookies are afraid of you, you just special as no one has seen something like you before! and well Cookies can't process see something new, this calms you a little, and Princess Cookie tells you if you ever feel alone, dont you worry! As your friend she will be the cookie to fill that loneliness, she fastly makes you as her friend
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Knight Cookie
-He was the second cookie to approach, to find Princess Cookie! as finally found her, he was absolutely scared of you! he already told Princess Cookie to stay away from you! but she fastly shushed him!
-Confused, he can't believe Princess Cookie was so chill with you, sometimes he thinks they parents forgot to add a sense of fear when she was bake, nonetheless, he asks for an explanation and mostly who are you and why you are here
-After GingerBrave, his friends and Princess Cookie explain to Knight Cookie, he take a moment to think about it, to process it and to look at you, he start to ask you some question as he have a judging look, "soo..you are a good human huh?" "why you even here to the first place?", you wish you can respond him, but still affected after the chaos, you blocked to talk, Knight Cookie can noticed this even this is something he find suspicious he can noticed you not in a good mood
-Princess Cookie tell him to be nice to you! even if he wants to obey Princess Cookie's orders/wishes, is part to be her Knight to be worried about her, and keep her safe, after all, even you earn some cookies trust, he will not keep his guard down...
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Wildberry Cookie
-As bodyguard of Hollyberry Cookie, he was in the castle with her until he heard the chaos outside, going first to check what was happening, noticing who everyone was running away and so confused, wondering was going on and going to check
-when sees the people start to calm down, he still continues to walk to know the reason why everyone was scared in the first place, soon discovering you, and the Princess Cookie and Knigth Cookie calming the people while they are walking, you were walking the surroundings of the kingdom after all, you can walk in due how big you are....
-He soon asks for explanations about you, and as soon he gets it, he definitely not trust you, why do you want to see Hollyberry? what are your intencions?, he at first denied you going to visit Hollyberry, but as GingerBrave told him you got Pure Vanille Cookie approval, he thinks for a moment
-Finally, he decide to let you see Hollyberry but he will have his eye on you if you dare to try something, he will not hesitate to attack if that happens, soon guide you and the rest of the cookies to see Hollyberry
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Hollyberry Cookie
-As much she wanted to check when the chaos is hear, she stay in the castle to calm down the queen and king and wait for Willberry Cookie to inform you the situation, luckily the chaos was stoped something that was a relief and soon Willberry Cookie come back
-As Willberry Cookie informed her the situacion was a false alarm and there someone wanted to see her, as a warning was told it was a human, Hollyberry Cookie could not believe much it was a human, when she went to the balcony to meet this 'human' want to see her, as soon she see you, she surprised, a little scare bu surprised nontheless
-It takes her a moment to process this, after all, not every day you meet a human, having nervous laughs because of this, GingerBrave and friends greetings her and with Princess Cookie and Knight Cookie explain her the situation
-She hears all the explanations, surprised at what you have done so far, and knowing you have Pure Vanilla Cookie approval, she give you a smile and say: "Well look at that! you can be the first human in cookie history to make a big change! I give you my approval as well! I belive you are as good as these cookies tell!" she even give you some juice! well uh..sadly is small as you can imagine, but still you very grateful take it and sip it, it was delicious! Hollyberry promise you next time will give you a big cup of you size!
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[ Dark Cacao Kingdom ]
It was pretty cold here, and sadly your big size not help you, at least there was not much trouble on where you walked, the cookies remained hided on your clothes to keep themself warm, anteriorly sometimes they was on your shoulders, as it was easier to them as you can keep them without any problem and having the perfect view of everything! something you dont mind, as slowly you get close as you see the kingdom in the distance, soon as was ready to see the kingdom in a closer view, you start to be attacked
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Caramel Arrow Cookie
-She is the one who did the order to attack, she dint recognize you due the fog but your figure/shadow from it was big egnoft to alarm anyone, thanks of Dark Cacao approval that why when you was egnoft close the attack start, to protect the Dark Cacao Kingdom!
-Soon as she hear GingerBrave Cookie and his friend yelling to stop the attack she was confused, she dint stop and ask for a explanation! as the cookies go down from you and rush to the Dark Cacao Kingdom doors, fastly explain the situation, she cant belive what she hearing, the thing she attacking is a human!?, due the insistence and worried of GingerBrave and his friends she order to stop the attack -luckily due was not magic, it dint hurt you so much but still hurts, the most familiar thing you can describe the feeling, is like a needle in fast speed stab you, but now there are multiple of it, and is not a good feeling at all :(, as Caramel Arrow Cookie observe you from the distance but near egnoft to finally see you from the fog, processing you are a human, the cookies help you remove the arrows from you body, for luck much dint arrive to injure a important part of your body and your clothes keep you safe from it, still you bleed a little when was removed
-Caramel Arrow Cookie, now she has heard the explanation now the situation is calm, she has hard time believing you or you being trustworthy, but seeing you just sit on the snow, no longer motivated to get close to the kingdom, she decide to give you a chance, she will see if Dark Cacao Cookie can come to see you
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Crunchy Chip Cookie
-While Camarel Arrow Cookie go to talk to Dark Cacao Cookie, Crunchy Chip Cookie as Dark Cacao Cookie bodyguard goes out to keep an eye on you, he just can't belive it, a human is here, in our kingdom, he even have the cream wolfs around you, ready if you made something suspicious (tho he worried about his cream wolfs too)
-As you want and hope the pain from the arrows slowly fades away, you notice the cream wolf, even if they try to give you the best of their scary looks, you cant you just..try to pet them! is just like an adorable small puppy, luckily due they dint see this to happen you caught them off guard, and some of them like the pets! and even want more pets from you! (Crunchy Chip Cookie does not like that but at least is a relief nothing bad happened to his cream wolves)
-He sometimes give you some questions, trying to see your intentions, almost like intergation but without being see as one, you sometimes answer his questions, sometimes GingerBrave and the rest help you answer it!
-Thanks of you petting and interacting with the cream wolfs you feel less overwhelmed and much better <:3, almost making you forgot why you was so scared and sad in the first place, Crunchy Chip Cookie noticed already you was tense, and seeing more relaxed thanks of his cream wolfs he get some ideas from you
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Dark Cacao Cookie
-Finally, the big boss is here, when he gets updated about the big shadow from the fog approaching the kingdom, he can't believe he was hearing, a human? after he hears all Caramel Arrow Cookie's Explanation he goes to see you, eyes never leaving yours and his expression already showing untrust and authority, taking a moment to look at you, after all, even though he looks strong outside, is still hard to process he facing a human
-Finally, as see GingerBrave Cookie and his friends approach to him, already told them Caramel Arrow Cookie explains everything, he asks some questions to GingerBrave Cookie and his friends, to make sure about you, after all, you just have like a month with them, are you really that trustworthy?
-As GingerBrave Cookie and friends explain all the good things you did and how nice you are!, you sometimes pets the cream wolfs to try to calm you feeling, even if Dark Cacao Cookie it just a Cookie, he know for sure how to make himself look scary...and you really dont wanna make a bad impression
-After he hears GingerBrave Cookie and his friends, he takes a moment to think and gives you a last look at you, finally he sighs and talks: "It makes me hard to believe you are really that good, maybe you got Pure Vanilla Cookie and HollyBerry Cookie approval to be here, but that not change you could be dangerous or just straight up lying...you will have my approval as well, but take as a warning what happen here, as a show what happen if you ever dare to try to do something funny, understood?", you nod, Dark Cacao Cookie just give you one last look and finally he go back to his kingdom
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[ Golden Cheese Kingdom ]
It was hot as you expected when you heard where you were going to go next, a desert made of cheese...tasty but also so hot, and your size did not help much in that factor, yet it also helps for keep the cookies safe from the monsters and it was more hard to you get stuck from somewhere
Yet, surprised you a lot when the monsters of the dessert, no matter the huge size difference, still tried to attack you, very different from other experiences of monsters and animals running away from you as soon as they saw you, you tried as much possible to make them go away and not climb at you or hurt you, even if you can just step on them the idea of that is wrong even if these monster try to hurt you, you dont want hurt them or kill them, the cookies help you to keep away the monster from you
Luckily finally you and the cookies arrive at the Golden Cheese Kingdom!....sadly one thing that the cookies didn't think about was..how can you get into the kingdom? your size in this case plays you a bad take, there is no way you can be in the kingdom because all was inside the pyramid
The cookies start to think, maybe they get in and get Golden Cheese Cookie out to talk to you? yet even so they will take time to go to Golden Cheese Cookie due to how big is inside and you being waiting outside will be dangerous
After long thinking, finally, GingerBrave has an idea, "You can't use your magic to make Y/N smaller like us?" Gingerbrave asks Wizard Cookie, "I can use magic to make things smaller, but I dont know if works with that big..." Wizard Cookie says with a concerned look, even if was a good idea, Wizard Cookie does not know if his magic is enough to make something this big smaller like them, it could not work or affect other factors, "Well, what options do we have, we have to try to see if can work!" Says GingerBrave back, he hopes Wizard Cookie Magic actually works for you
You were worried, you see magic in action but, used at you? you prefer just give up and not make trouble by your presence, yet the Cookies are very Determined and they want really the best for you, so you decide to give in, with Wizard Cookie magic and a lot of effort, closing your eyes, feeling strange at the feeling the magic on you, once you open....you were almost the same size as a Cookie! it works! but is unknown how much longer you can keep this smaller, so everyone has to hurry before the effects go away!
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Burnt Cheese Cookie
It feels nice to be smaller once, no longer worried about your size or you accidentally broke something, always worried about your surroundings, The cookies guide you inside, they know the way and avoid any trap, arriving at the door where Burnt Cheese Cookie is protecting
-He already sniffs you, and already knows you are not a cookie, your smell is different, way different, and never smelled before, as GingerBrave and the group explain that you are a human, he is soon surprised about it, he does not show it, but he thought humans are just legends
-GingerBrave and the rest do not need to do the test because they showed they word it to pass, but you need to do it, you are not a fighter, but you dont know how to fight, and your size was the closest thing to help you in "fight" aspects but now was not the case, GingerBrave try to change the test for you, telling about what you have been doing!, even if GingerBrave and the rest say what amazing things as been doing, you have to answer the simple question of the test, you are greedy?
-You think about it and answer in the way, maybe you have been interested in stuff in the past but no longer, you do not seek items or material stuff, but rather people's attention, appreciation, and in resume being with people rather the greedy need of stuff, social interactions as something you see more interested, and as you have been shown of how you help the cookies expecting nothing as an exchange
-You can feel Burnt Cheese Cookie's eyes on you, even are not visible you can feel it, thinking about your answer, it is tense for everyone, eventually, Burn Cheese Cookie lets you pass, as been shown nothing but kindness and pure soul, even showed being disinterested in yourself and rather more interested in help others, you put others over yourself, even show as a kindness way, Burnt Cheese Cookie warns you to have to think about yourself too
Once inside of the kingdom you were amazed! when the cookies say is something you will not expect, they really mean it! it was like a city but almost futuristic and all made of gold! this is even real?? is almost too much to take it of how golden it is, it was overwhelming but you can hold it! the cookies in there are even....weird and sadly familiar, they just act like you do not exist, which is good, cookies will not freak out because "Oh look a human is here" but at the same time, their behavior reminds you of your old home...I guess cookies are not that different from humans only if they get too advanced
Your Cookies friends try to offer you if you like to buy something, something you refuse kindness, even all these things are so amazing and cool, you do not find interest others to just look a it, in the end, you enjoy more the time being with your Cookie friends and the relief and rest of Cookies not be afraid of you, tho you were worried, unknown how much longer Wizard Cookie magic could keep you this smaller, so was a little on a rush, but try to remain your composture as possible to not annoying or freak out the Cookies
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As you in your way to meet the Queen, two cookies look at you, Smoked Cheese Cookie can't believe what he sees in his eyes.... do these cookies lose their mind? bring a human to such an important place? as for Mozzarella Cookie, she does not mind, rather she is curious about you! She wish she could talk to you, but is better when she wakes up to do so
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Golden Cheese Cookie
As you meet Golden Cheese Cookie, you don't expect she was big, you are not fouled now you are small, just the other Ancient cookies was a little bigger from any normal cookie, but she was a giant different of other cookies!
-Golden Cheese Laugh at you surprised at her magnificent, it was a good sign to see her laugh at you, at least you do not give the wrong picture as you did with the others Acient Cookies
-As usual, your cookie friends tell her about you, but Golden Cheese Cookie is a step ahead and says she already knows, she has seen you all the way in the kingdom, the entrance, the city, you were nothing but a well-behaved human!
-You are surprised, dont know what to say about her words, you expected as the other to be confused and even cold at you for who you are but you just speechless of Golden Cheese Kindness
-As she smiles looking at you, she says: "oh please honey, it's like a cat eat you tongue! there nothing to be afreid of, you show you are work it to my approval, as the rest of the Acient expect big stuff from you, now, its time to wake up!"
Soon a very shiny light blind all your vision, and once you finally could see again you was...outside? and big again, almost like you just literally woke of a dream
the explanation is simple! you never actully go inside, it was all a virtual world! and was part of the Cookie's plans, they really wanted to surprise you! you almost can't believe what they saying, it is so vivid it almost dint feel like was an illusion, you were speechless and confused, trying to process it
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the REAL Golden Cheese Cookie
-She enjoying see your reaction! the reason she made all this simulation was to keep herself protected and observe you, after all, like the rest of cookies, is not like you just approach a human so casually
-Her approval or what she says there in the virtual world is still and will remain as something true, so no worry about it! she is glad you enjoyed the simulation and her kingdom, or what was before
-You ask what happened to the real kingdom, you were saddened to hear about the war and what happened to the kingdom, you promise you could help her to build her kingdom back, after all, you helped Custard Cookie III Kingdom, so you dont mind help other cookies and kingdoms!
-Golden Cheese Cookie is flattered by your kindness, and she will take it in mind in the future, but for now, she has to do duties first before rebuilding the kingdom back
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[ Silver Kingdom ]
Arriving on the island was the hardest task, after all was an island, and you had to move to the water, so you had to use a boat to arrive there, the cookies enjoy the way to the island! after all they had never seen a boat as human size so was just amazed for them!
Walk into the island feels the same as when you go to the Cheese Desert, apart of the a lot of nature you need to avoid to carefully not make much damage, The same as happened the monsters of the island dint care about your huge size and tried to attack you anyway
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Caramelon Cookie
-HUGE NOPE, he already lived on a very hostile island, now he needs to face THAT!? he thinks Gingerbrave and the rest are crazy and out of they minds
-He will just observe in the distance, if ever Gingerbrave and the group try to get his attention to get close to you he will leave, he is scared to face you and be crushed!
-he will grow more curiosity as continues to observe you and see how you are, possibly eventually as more time passes will be more confident to approach you, but not today sadly
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Silverbell Cookie
-Scared at firts but trying to act stronger due after all is part of the kingdom army, at least he relief seeing you are with Gingerbrave and the rest, so that a good sign
-Gingerbrave and the rest explain the situation to Silverbell Cookie, something still has to process to see a human in the Silver Kingdom, but at least hearing you have the approval of the 4 ancients it changes slowly Silverbell Cookie's mind about you
-Will let you see White Lily Cookie, but can't let you enter the kingdom for obvious reasons, you ok with that after all you dont want to scare the cookies or accidentally break something
-With all settled, Silverbell Cookie with Gingerbrave they go into the kingdom to look for White Lily Cookie!
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Mercurial knight
-He already knew something was happening once he saw Silverbell Cookie and Gingerbrave Cookie going in direction to White Lily Cookie, so he put in the way to know what they doing
-After a small conversation with both cookies, he goes to check and defenely, dint expect to find humans after his cookie lives, so decides to keep guard until White Lily Cookie arrives
-He mostly....dont talk, but you know he watching you, observing every move of you, was...uncomfortable, and you understand why so you try to look as friendly as possible and not scare him
-What in his mind? a lot of things, wondering why you here, why after so long the witches were hidden one of the shows their faces, and a lot of more, but his thoughts stop when White Lily Cookie arrives
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White Lily Cookie
-Before you two meet, Gingerbrave explains as he can about the situation before you two meet, he tries to tell White Lily Cookie not to freak out knowing the topic about humans will affect her a lot
-Sadly, still preparing her and such, dint work out, as soon she saw you, she was totally terrified, you saw many scared cookie faces before, but White Lily Cookie was the most you know you affected her a lot, and that hurt you
-She will try to "stop" you, using her power to make appear vines to try to make you unable to move, you try to remain as calm as possible even if you are scared inside, the Cookies act fast to calm down White lily before this go out of control
-Calm her was....very hard, is like she was out of herself just because you was there, you absolutely hurt you affected her so much...yet the Cookies could able to calm her down, even if they explained to her about you and the good thing you did and you approval of the other ancients....this was her answer
-"No, I will not give you approval, no matter how far you did to do such things, I can't just let you have approval, there is a lot we dont know about you and your kind, I can't trust you...I'm sorry"
The Cookies was sad about White Lily Cookie's answer, you too but you understand and accept it, after that last adventure you arrive to the Custard Cookie III Kingdom once more, it was nice to meet a lot of cookies, a lot of cultures and different experience, you was surprised this world was bigger and a lot of amazing thing
Even part of these adventures was meeting the Acients Cookies and getting along with them, you also appreciate these adventures you have, you feel not anyone else could experience something like this in real life, and you are very thankful for the cookies for the effort to this to you
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katsukiiizbf · 8 months
𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐨𝐫 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝..?
with xiao & wanderer...
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somebody give this man a hug istg
hes traumatised. like??? having your friends killed is enough -- BUT THERES MORE?! like someone give him a break pls MY GOD
Anyway, itll take him a long time to open up, especially if your human (vision having or not) because of his karmic dept.
Once youve gained his trust through almond tofu, the barriers will slowly break down. It’ll probably start with him randomly appearing to gift you something once in awhile, or watching you from afar when your traveling.
then he’d develop feelings, acting with you how he does the traveler, more open, friendly. he’d appear out of nowhere just to talk to you.
but after endless days of his pining, he’ll kiss the back of your hand goodbye, a faint blush on his cheeks as he faces away from you, vanishing into the night -- left with the cool breeze against your fuming cheeks and butterflies in your stomach.
so yes, he is your baby girl, but with too much baggage for just him to carry.
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oh? another dark haired anime boy with trauma? add that one to the list-- so yeah, hes traumatized, i mean no shit sherlock?? i lowkey felt bad for him during the sumeru archon quest :((
he’d obviously be distant at first, actively pushing you away (unlike xiao) in an attempt to avoid being abandoned again. But the stubborn side of you dosent give up.
you begin to follow him around like a lost puppy, no matter how much he complains. Wanderers delusions of ’i dont enjoy their company!’ quickly fade away when after months of traveling with you, you get a fever.
Despite his icy nature and sharp tongue, he finds that he genuinely cares for you, replacing the wet towel on your forehead, holding your hand when you seem to be in pain -- flushing when you wake up momentarily to feel his touch.
Hell gaze into your eyes while you stare into teyvats star-littered sky, admiring your beauty -- love?! No! No way! He could never fall for you and your stupid hair!
At this point hes beyond in denial -- delusional.
even nahida has caught on, the god who wishes to feel like a human does.
but once you prove you wont leave him, wont abandon him like he has been oh so many times before, his walls come crashing down -- atleast for you. His recognition of his feelings begins his downward spiral of finding the right time to confess.
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a/n: requests are open!! and can someone give scara a hug :(((
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alwaysrainysoul · 1 year
𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻'𝘁 𝗵𝗶𝗱𝗲
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yan! satoru gojo x reader
warnings; power dynamic, dark themes, being chased down, teasing, mention of dead friends
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"where?!" you thought frantically as you scanned the room for a place to hide, knowing that the strongest sorcerer was hunting for you.
you were the prey and he was the predator.
suddenly you noticed a decently sized closet and quickly hid. you knew he was coming, but that didn't stop you from trying.
out of nowhere you started hearing footsteps right outside the room you hid in. suddenly the door fell to the floor with a loud crash! dust kept flying around and tickling your nose, making you want to sneeze.
"(name)~." you heard satoru calling out mockingly.
"there's no use in hiding, after all you can't hide from me." satoru said smiling widely.
his eyes darted around the room looking for you, until he noticed the closet. his eyes fully fixed onto the closet as he kept walking closer.
"really (name)? could you hide in a more obvious place? i guess this is why the prey are so stupid and the predators are well... predators for a reason." satoru jokingly said while his hands were gripping the closet handle.
"boo!" he said as he laughed while opening the closet door looking at your frightened face. you stared at him with open eyes and a heaving chest.
"how is he able to make a joke right now?" you thought to yourself while being shit scared
"oh my god you should have seen your face." satoru said while wiping away a tear that escaped his eye. finished laughing he stared at you for a few seconds, the silence deafening.
after what felt like an eternity, he grabbed you harshly out of the closet while pulling you close to him. you were pressed up against his chest, making him look down at you.
"you really thought you had a chance at escaping huh?" he said whispering down at you.
"let me go! i don't want to be with you, satoru! you've turned into a madman! i dont even know what happened to you! you were a normal healthy person, my best friend, and then one day.." you stopped halfway, "i couldn't recognize who you were anymore." you replied while trying to escape his hold which was impossible.
"really? you want to know why i turned out like this (name)? it's because of you. ever since that day, the day i realized that i was madly in love with you.
everything i do is for you. i breathe for you, live for you, kill for you! i keep you safe from curses, other sorcerers and humans. you are so special to me, (name). cant you see that?" satoru asked while his hand slid around your waist pulling you even closer.
"well that's one way to show it!" you said jokingly with a frustrated tone.
"you're insane at this point satoru!"
"you better be careful with what you say, (name). i wouldn't want you to end up like your friends." he said with a cold voice and a piercing cold gaze looking right at you. his presence instantly turning dark.
you couldn't even look at him so you kept looking down. satoru noticed and he grabbed your chin harshly and made you forcefully look at him. you felt as if your jaw was going to snap in two, your whole face went nearly numb at how hard he was holding.
"𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙢𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩? 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚, 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙢𝙚. 𝙣𝙤 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙧𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙞𝙙𝙚, 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙙? 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙖 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙬, 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩?"
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art creds : here
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satansindexfinger · 2 years
Giving the Brothers the Cold Shoulder After an Arguement
Warnings: self-deprecation and allusions to depression (Levi)
Summary: After getting into a heated arguement with your demon partner, you decide ignoring them is the best way to handle it. When do forced to interact you remain cordial but it's obvious to anyone you aren't letting up.
Lucifer; Mammon; Levi; Satan; Asmo
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Two can play that game. If you think Lucifer, the representation of pride himself, is going to break and come crawling back to you? You've got another thing coming.
He's more than willing to reflect your withdrawn attitude, and he does it exceptionally well. If nobody knew about your relationship prior they would think you're just mere acquaintances.
Of course, he will keep up the appearance of formality by engaging in minimal conversation like, "MC, would you pass the salt?", "Diavolo mentioned he wanted you to attend today's council meeting.", "Don't you think it's too late for you to be roaming the halls?"
But nobody can miss the ruby glare, that he convinces himself is subtle, he sends your way every time.
Unfortunately it will take awhile for Lucifer to get over his ego enough to properly address the situation. The more stubborn you are at ignoring him, the more irritated he gets, and the more determined he is to keep the apathetic facade up.
It's the accumulation of small things that eventually get him to reconsider. How empty his bed feels when you're not in it. How listening to music isn't nearly as relaxing without his human leaning their head on his shoulder. How the coffee tastes bitter when not prepared by you. How your avoidant gaze makes his heart sink.
His brothers, and even Diavolo, can feel the anger seeping through his skin as they would get the brunt of it.
After a surprisingly long amount of time, Lucifer will break. He'd make up some valid excuse that involves you visiting his study, and once you go in he will make sure you are not getting out. Not until you hear him out.
"How much longer are you planning on handling this like a child?! Is this how you deal with confrontation? By avoiding it?"
The demon catches himself and his stern glare almost instantly turns into a regretful pout. He recognizes it's his pride and ego that got you both to this point with a shake of his head. He stares at the floor for a few beats before lifting his head up with furrowed brows.
"I... I'm sorry. It's not your fault. I never thought I would be affected by some human ignoring me but this only made me realize you're not just some human to me. I should've insisted we talk about this properly before resorting to this. So, would you allow me to make things right? Let's talk... I can't bare to be apart from you like this."
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He's quick to pout and exaggerate how much he's ignoring you back. Verbally.
"Pfff, as if I'd care if MC doesn't wanna talk ta me. Can someone tell them how much I'm ignoring them and how I dont wanna see their stupid face ever again? 'Cause I don't!"
It only lasts for a day. It takes Mammon going up to your door, about to break in and excitedly drag you out somewhere, as usual, until it hits him that oh shit. You're still meant to be mad at each other. His hand hovers over the door knob for a bit until he sulkingly leaves.
Getting ignored by you is honestly killing him. As much as he tries to act like he doesn't care, it's beyond obvious how much he's trying to get your attention back. The lingering looks and his overall childlike whining is more than enough to indicate he is missing you. His brothers are beyond tired of his complaning, too.
He can't restrain himself from busting your door down and demanding you stop giving him the cold shoulder. It's been three days! Surely you aren't mad at him anymore and you can go back to cuddling, right?!
"C'mooooon, MC! I'm sorry I made ya mad, I'll make up fer it! Anythin'! So just stop ignorin' me already.. I miss you."
He's aware of how desperate he's being and it makes him red from embarrassment, but he'd rather be honest than go through this torture. He'll keep one in mind to be more considerate in the future so it wouldn't resort to him being avoided by you ever again.
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Levi's the one who would take it the hardest out of everyone. Boy's self-esteem is fragile enough as it is and getting ignored by you would just shatter whatever remainder he had of it. Don't expect to see him out of his room for awhile.
Henry's getting a front row seat to Levi's self-deprecation galore. Of course he made you so mad you don't want to talk to him! He's surprised you even spent time around him in the first place! Why did he ever think you'd stick around his gross, annoying, socially inept otaku self? He did this to himself, right, Henry?!
At this point Levi's forgotten what you two even argued about; he's too busy holing himself up in his room and trying to distract racing thoughts with games and anime. It doesn't feel the same without his player two though. He's just going through the motions without paying full attention to what he's playing/watching.
It goes on for a week or so until one of the brothers has to step in and convince you to go check up on him. As mad as you are at him still, everyone knows you're the only one Levi will answer the door to. He's been falling behind on his assignments, not even coming out for meals (thanks to his snack stash).
You're surprised to find his door unlocked. You spot him in his bed/bathtub, clutching at a pillow, looking absolutely miserable. He lifts his head up to chew you out for bargning in until he realizes it's you. He gets up so suddenly he almost falls over.
"M-MC?? What are y-you doing here?! Did my brothers send you here...? Because I know you'd rather die than see me; I screwed up so you're finally tired of me. You don't have to try to make me feel better. Just go tell them I'm fine."
Just looking at him makes you feel bad, no matter how pissed you were. It takes a lot of convincing that you do not wish he was dead and that you just want to talk. Levi will be apologizing every few words, possibly cry, but after a thorough conversation he will calm enough to reevaluate what started this.
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Satan will be furious enough during your heated exchange as it is; so much so he would force you out of whichever room you're in so you don't have to witness him tearing it to shreds. He's already feeling guilty for losing his composure around you but after you start ignoring him completely??
Man's going to need a two hour session of letting out pent up rage in his room every day this goes on for. Of course, he will not let any of it show in public. Especially around you.
Much like the eldest, he will remain cordial with you. Not so much to save face as to prove that he is a-okay without you, and that this doesn't bother him at all. Even though he is absolutely not okay and it bothers him to an absurd degree.
Unlike Lucifer, however, it takes him much less time to swallow his pride and talk to you. He recognizes you're both dealing with a silly arguement in your own childish way and have to deal with it by having a civilized conversation.
Definitely not because he looked up heaps of books and resources on couple disagreements and how to fix them.
"Listen. This has gone on for far too long, so don't you think it's about time we settle this? I'm sorry I lost my temper. It wasn't right of me. I don't like this distance we have right now.. let's fix it. I will hear you out properly this time. As long as you can do the same for me."
Surpsingly very mature and understanding about not just the cause of the arguement, but why you chose to avoid him. He promises to do better and give you both time to cool down if you were to ever have an arguement again so it doesn't end in you taking these drastic measures.
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This is just a phase, right? You were just being overdramatic in the moment and you'll be back to showering him with attention soon! Right? How could you stay mad at his beautiful face for long?
Asmo will delude himself into believing the above so strongly. He will continue to act as he normally does around you, all cuddly and affectionate, thinking your attitude is you just playing hard-to-get.
"Awwww, cmon, MC! You can stop acting upset now! Although your pouty attitude is really cute~"
When you keep making it clear you want nothing to do with him for the time being, the avatar of lust is internally shattering. He thrives off of your attention. Having it taken away is worse than withdrawal. Not that he will make it obvious the first few days.
Seeing that clinginess isn't helping him, he will attempt to make you jealous by alluding to his fanbase and how lucky any one of them would be to have him. Ironically this backfires as it turns you even colder to him. He is at a loss and at his breaking point. What else can he possibly do?!
It all boils down to Asmo getting tipsy at a party one night and seeking you out. Crying, clinging to your clothes, blubbering about how lonely he is without you, and what he would do to get your grace back.
"Darling, please!! I miss you so much, I don't think I can take it! I love you so so much, just please look at me in the eyes again! You still love me more than anything, right? Whatever I did to make you mad I'll show you I didn't mean it! Just let me. I want to feel your love again... can't be myself without it."
It's a shame he has to be under the influence to spill what he's really thinking, but it manages to soften your resolve enough. Expect to get pampered and spoiled to hell for weeks as that's his way of making things right.
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noellefan101 · 4 months
How do the different yanderes "love" you? (plus some tropes(??) i feel like would fit them)
this was honeslty just practice, and it ended up turning into smt kinda decent, i dont love what ive written but i just needed to get our smt
i blame @fatuismooches for being lovely and having such good harbinger thoughts that they've taken over my mind (fuck you[said with affection])
Yandere! Childe, Scaramouche, Dottore(separate) x gn reader
Childe ("soft and sweet" x unloving and hates touch)
He just spoils you left and right, he feels a little bad when he sees the uncomfortable look in your eyes when he kisses you all over, or when he touches you too much. so he has chosen to spoil you rotten until you finally fall for him, or at least see the way he can take care of you and finally kiss him back.
[He loves you, and that should be known by now, so why do you force his hands to do this, "why cant you just love him like he is", those were the last words you heard before he brought something to your lips and made you drink something unknown]
You are incredibly lucky that the 11th Harbinger is this patient with you, but dont push it too much, he can go to more bloody measures of getting you to fall for him if he sees it's needed. dont worry he wont hurt you too much, he loves you too much to do that, but love is complicated and you cant always control whom you fall in love with, so just love him will you, darling?
after all he knows the aphrodisiac he gave you wont last forever, so it would be better to just fall for him manually, right?
Scaramouche (manipulative, powerful x easily manipulated, weak[...i didnt know what to do here lol])
He might seem like he doesn't love at all, but when you aren't being dragged around to missions and meetings, and all alone with him in your shared chambers, he loves to just hug you, maybe litter kisses on your neck and collarbone. you hated it at first, and you still kind of do, but you've long since gotten used to it all.
He show his love for you when he has his hands all over your body as you dress into the clothes he picked out for you. he cant keep himself off of your lovely body, but would kill if anyone even touch a strand of your hair.
But oh how could you try 'nd leave when this weak little puppet is crying in your arms every night, when he has nightmares about you leaving him, dying when he can't be there to protect you... oh how foolish you are, how stupid you must be to fall for such things, as he has long since abandoned the idea of ever letting go of you.
And he'll make sure you dont let go of him either, because you need him. after all he was the one to save you from danger when you were stupid enough to walk too far into a hilichurl camp. you need protection, and he's rgith here willing to give it for "free".
Dottore (crazy scientist and his crazy lover[aka yandere x yandere but worse])
You lvoe each other in ways normal human minds wouldn't dream of ever understanding. he smiled when you gave him a dead body for experimenting, and the worst part? you had the biggest grin on your face, and a massive amount of blood on your hands and clothes, much to the dismay of many onlookers.
And then there's the fact that neither of you even spare a glance at the amount of blood on the others' clothes, or at least it looks like you don't. but when you are in the privacy of your shared bedroom (though filled with dead onlookers in the closet) you reward each other for getting rid of anyone who dares to interrupt, or archons forbid break, the love you two have.
It has been made a daily occurrence for you both to randomly disappear from the building with a fatui agent, who had taken too much attention from the other, and then come back alone with bloodied hands, and being greeted by a two-minute-long kiss when opening the lap doors again.
just two crazy maniacs in love, awwww (if they arent wanted in at least 6 nations they need to be)
thx for reading whatever this is, luv ya -Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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strangebiology · 21 days
I think a lot of the people in my life who have expressed disgust or disapproval of my interest in/collection of animal remains have come at it first from the perspective of "but diseases!" like regular uncleanliness stigma. the second most common reaction is that interest in/collection of/comfort with animal remains (to be clear, i collect bones and sometimes preserved tails or pelts and these are the objects in question) is... creepy? and, the people who are most disgusted/creeped out are usually people who by and large dont interact with wild animals or livestock. my friends who are vet techs or who hunt or who practice animal husbandry are more or less unfazed.
(Re: What are actual common attitudes towards animal remains?)
Interesting, thank you!
Now, I'm wondering if people mistake personal discomfort for immorality.
I've mentioned my one video that did get some negative comments, showing the slaughter of a reindeer (you can see it here but I have warnings on it for a reason! Blood and death!) And, I think 90% or so (I suppose I could go count them) are more reasonable.
First, people are mad at the assumption that I killed a reindeer (I did NOT kill it, I just filmed it.) Then, the issue is it's being killed for no reason (it was NOT no reason, it's for food.) Then the method is criticized (this is one of the ONLY legal ways to kill them and it's quicker than it looks because of post-mortem spasms.) Then, when those concerns are disproven, the only issue left is "filming and posting it is sadistic." So...killing was no problem, but showing anyone that their meat came from a death was a problem. (Again, I respect if you don't want to see it! So please heed the warnings unless your desire to know how reindeer are killed outweighs your discomfort with watching a death!)
I wonder if sometimes people are overly focused on prioritizing their own 5-second comfort over things that matter a lot more, but are external to them, and they don't really care about others who they are not currently looking in the face of at all.
This isn't a 100% relevant example, but consider the people who don't want to donate their organs after death. A common reason to forgo something that could save and improve lots of lives is "it sounds gross!" Ickiness really should not be a factor in whether or not to save lives--the donor will never see or feel it, but since it's not their own life being saved, the 5-second icky feeling when checking the "donor" box is suddenly more important than the saved and improved human lives.
I know I shouldn't think too hard about one random experience, but I will always remember this one. I was once at a consumer survey thing for a turkey meat brand, where participants tried the meat and said what we thought about the name, taste, packaging, branding etc. We were instructed to circle what we liked on the branding and cross out what we didn't like.
One participant crossed out the part where it said "humanely raised." I asked if she had made a mistake, or...does she feel like the label is disingenuous or something...? Surely she's pro-humane treatment of animals, right??
"No," she said. "I don't want them to do that. I don't want to think about their lives when I'm eating them, and they don't need to be humane to animals that are going to die anyway." Most of the group agreed. I couldn't help but point and say "YOU'RE gonna die anyway!"
That may have been the first time I encountered a group of people shamelessly agreeing that they would rather animals suffer unnecessarily than think for one second that the animal whose body they are using/eating was ever even alive. Because not feeling guilty about something was infinitely more important to them than any amount of suffering that someone else might experience.
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myrunawaysweets · 5 months
I loved your recent post abt human Alastor x reader in the 1920s. Of course this is only a suggestion, what if you continued on with this? Maybe like having them move in with each other, start a family? Perhaps have a tragic ending that resulted both to go to Hell, or maybe reader be a fallen angel! Just all suggestions! Have a great day/night/evening<3
I dont know how long this was in here, I was scrolling through settings to mess around and found this, so I hope you didn't wait too long!
But this is one of my specialties and I'm honestly really flattered that you made a request!
The next day, the cops found a bloodied body in the alley beside the club. The corpse was too disfigured to recognize, knees bashed in backwards, jaw hanging loosely, ribs tearing out of the chest and a smile etched into the poor bloodied face as it hung on the wall.
Surely this was the work of the smiling killer in New Orleans, who else could it be?
No one had ever laid eyes on the killer and lived to tell the tale... except you.
You had been held by the psychopath in a loving embrace, wrapped up in a blanket on his couch.
For some reason, when you looked into this man's eyes, his gorgeous brown eyes as he softly smiled at you... you felt no fear, no urge to run or hide.
Yes you knew he had killed people, that he was no better than a monster... yet you couldn't help but think what made him this way. Everyone knows not to trust a bad apple, but not everyone suspects the tree that bears bad fruit... so you couldn't blame him, after all, why would you blame the apple for the trees wrongdoing.
Instead, you held onto him and stuck close.
Now you peacefully kneaded dough as your loving boyfriend drank his bitter coffee in your bakery as a customer walked in. Marjorie, a nice old lady who came by every second day for a box of beignettes.
"(Y/n)! Have you heard the news?"
You looked up from your dough, flour had stuck to your apron as you wiped your hands "What news, ma'am?"
"Theres been another murder!" As the words left her lips you could see alastor tense up as you studied him.
The poor lady was shaking as she opened her purse "it was a young fellow around your age! He had such a long life ahead of him too..."
You could see alastors hands shakily lift his cup to his lips.
"What a terrible thing! Here, have these on the house, as a thank you for your patronage" you smiled, handing her the box and pushing her change back towards her gently.
The lady smiled with a thank you before turning to leave.
"Say hello to Mr Broussard for me will you?" You waved at her as she closed the door.
As soon as the door closed you slammed the oven shut with the bread inside.
The coffee spewed from his lips as he stood up to face you "honey listen-"
"Don't you 'honey' me! You promised you'd stop this!" You placed your apron on the counter as you circled around to meet him at the cashier "You said you were out to go hunting!" You poked his chest as you cornered him.
"(Y/n) it wasn't a lie! I was hunting! For the scum of the earth!" Alastor held his hands up in defense from your accusations, trying to reason with you and get back onto your good side.
"You know damn well what I think of your little hunting!" You grabbed your purse and started for the door before he blocked your path.
"(Y/n), dearest, where are you going?" His smile could not hide the panic in his eyes.
"Away from you, I'll be at mimzys until you can decide which one you'd prefer to give up "you pushed him aside and opened the door "me? Or your little 'huntin'?" You slammed the door as you walked to mimzys club.
Just because you didn't care that he did the murders before, didn't mean you were okay with him continuing them. Part of you thought you could eventually get him to see the good in the world again and leave behind this cold blooded killing, he loved you enough to do that at least right? Then maybe when you two grow old and wrinkly, God could open the golden gates for both of you... if your foolish boyfriend could ever stop hurting innocent people...
You sat on the stool with mimzy, drinking a glass of wine.
"I just don't get it! How can he keep choosing to go 'hunting' almost every night, mimz?! Doesn't he see the danger?" You sighed.
The short blonde looked at you "what can I say dollface? Boys will be boys! They've gotta have some sort of hobby, an most of the time, it's a gruesome one! Why can't they just take up knittin or even painting? Always hunting or boxing I say" mimzy took a swig "and every night? That's harsh! Doesn't he see how pretty you are?"
The two of you giggled.
Nights like these were always nice, just you and mimzy sitting in the empty bar, drinking and talking the night away.
"At this point mimzy, I think its better for me to just stay alone though, it doesn't seem like he's changing anytime soon and I don't know how long I can take this" you looked down at the glass, running your finger along the brim...
"Its okay girly" mimzy rested her hand on your shoulder "I'm sure he'll come around eventually, either way, I'm here for ya"
She really was one of your best friends.
Your conversation was interrupted when you heard a slight creak in the floorboards behind you two, making you turn around.
"This place is really getting old, I'm gonna need to find a way to get a new place" mimzy sighed.
The night went by fast as you two talked, and before you know it, you were right back in front of your bakery, sign lights were off as you opened the door, silently clicking the lock before making your way to the upstairs where your humble abode resided.
Alastor most likely went to blow off some steam, he tended to do that after your arguments/fallout.
You had left in such a hurry that you forgot to take out the bread from the oven, but luckily, alastor had seen you bake many times and finished the loaf before placing it on the cooling rack.
By the time you finished downstairs, it was midnight as you started walking upstairs, exhausted from the days work and alastor fiasco.
When you opened your door, you were met with a nervous Alastor standing straight and tense in front of you.
"I have something to say-" you both said in unison.
Alastor seemed to tremble as the words left your lips, still unable to make eye contact.
"I know it's not very gentlemanly of me, but may I go first?" His words almost came out as a mumble as his smile was strained.
You nodded, indicating he may continue.
"Thank you" Alastor took a shaky breath before looking you in the eyes "darling, I know I haven't made it easy for you with my... hunting... but I promise-"
Anger boiling in your blood, you interrupted him "do you know how many times you've told me that lie, Alastor?" Your nose scrunched up in anger as you tried to hold back tears "how many more times am I going to keep hearing this?"
Alastors wide eyes showed the fear he had of losing you, making your heart ache even more than it already was.
"I promise... my dear, this is the truth" Alastor took a gentle step forward, eyes trained on the ground.
placing your hands in his "I've put a lot of thought into it... and although I don't like the idea of being unable to kill those filthy vermin... I realized i can't live in a world without you in my arms"
Alastor ran his fingers gently over your knuckles, a gentle smile placed on his lips, almost dropping to a frown.
"I can change... and I know you want me to, I'll put in the effort to become the man you want, the man you need..." Alastor lifted your hand to his lips, closing his eyes as he placed a soft kiss.
The anger you felt died down, but still hesitant, you asked "how can I be sure you mean it?"
Finally looking back into your eyes again, he knelt down on one knee, still holding your hands "I, Alastor Hartfelt, would like to ask you, (y/n) (l/n), for your hand in marriage, I swear on my mother's grave that I will never take your words lightly, love you with undying devotion, and never kill again" he then rested his forehead onto your knuckles gently before he desperately whispered "please"
This proposal was not exactly practical, considering your argument not even 6 hours ago. There was no ring, no classy dinner, it wasn't how anyone would imagine a marriage proposal, yet here you were, heart beating rapidly as you felt tears fill your eyes.
Your words felt stuck in your throat as you looked into your lovers eyes "do you mean it?"
For what felt like the first time, Alastors smile dropped as his face held a serious expression "with all my heart, ma' cherie"
Your knees buckled as you fell into his arms, tears streaming down your face as you held your lover tightly, whispering out a shaky "Yes" into his chest.
Months went by, the wedding went off without a hitch.
Mimzy was your maid of honor. No one else was really there for your wedding, considering your family had cut ties with you years ago, and all Alastors' relatives were either deceased or overseas.
Nonetheless it was a happy and joyful union.
Alastor had kept true to his word and never killed another human, kissing your shiny ring every night like a reminding prayer.
Your bakery gained popularity since you were now Mrs Hartfelt. But popularity has its downsides... it wasn't long until women started talking about you, jealous of your position as Alastors wife.
The words themself didn't hurt you much, but the constant harassment and inability to leave the house without being called a harlot, that was slowly getting to you.
Alastor had assured you many nights before bed that things would get better, and if need be, he would give up his career as a radio host. The poor man would do anything for your happiness, anything to assure that you'd stay his forever...Even kill if you'd permit him to.
But there was only so much Alastor could do... it wasn't until one evening when you failed to show up to your shared home that he began to lose it.
Alastor was on edge, thinking of all the possibilities, you could've been held back at the bakery by a man who held ill intentions, you could be checking in with mimzy or got taken by a jealous fan. So many thoughts raced through his head as he slowly made his way to the door to look for you, eventually deciding against it, sitting back down as he patiently waited for your return...
Except you didn't.
It wasn't until a whole sleepless night had passed when he decided to go search for you. But of course, he came home empty handed. Were you unhappy in this marriage? Did you elope with a man he didn't know about? Did you realize you didn't love him and run away?
The second option was to call the police, something he's never done before.
The police launched an investigation, it was only until a month later, you were found in an alleyway, someone had called the cops about a crazy woman attacking a man, the situation escalated to the man killing her in self-defense.
They found traces of drugs in your blood, filing you as a drug abuser.
your body was frail and malnourished, pale like it had been weeks since you last seen the sun.
Alastor was called to the scene to see if this lady was indeed his wife.
When he arrived, he felt like the world was about to open up and swallow him whole.
As his eyes fell onto your pale lifeless body, something snapped inside of him.
You were never one to use drugs, never one to attack someone for no reason... something was wrong.
He knelt down and held your hand with tears in his eyes. Although he had seen many dead bodies in his life, this was the one body he never wanted to see like this.
He hated how your body was treated the same as the trash that walked the earth, like a lowly peasant when instead, the world should weep for the loss of you.
'This is all wrong' he thought, as he cradled your body in his lap as your blood stained his white shirt, but he couldn't care less as the last ray of light left his dark world.
It was long after your funeral, he hasn't been able to sleep since then. Every night he'd wait until daybreak for your arrival, like this was all some twisted joke.
It wasn't until one day he realized you needed revenge.
Yes, he promised to never kill anyone, but that was when you were alive, when you were beside him, when he was able to fall asleep with you by his side every night, Before you were selfishly taken from him.
He hasn't slept in days, maybe weeks? He couldn't remember... all he knew was that the man needed to pay for what he did to you...
It took a while but he eventually found the lying heathen.
There he was, sitting at mimzys bar, the same bar he met you, sitting on the same stool that YOU would sit on... it made Alastor sick watching this man live like he didn't take you away from him.
Alastor walked in, and sat beside the wretched man.
"You seem familiar" Al questioned, sipping on his whiskey.
The smug bastard grinned before turning to him "I'm the hero that took down that crazy bitch not long ago"
It took all of Alastors' willpower to seem calm and oblivious.
"My, you must be quite the hero then, let me buy you a drink and you can tell me ALL about it" Alastor motioned for a drink to be served, and the unknowing bastard fell right into Alastors wicked game.
It didn't take long to say the least. This prick was an easy target, and now here he was, being buried in a forest in the middle of nowhere.
You surely would not be happy with your dear husband actions... but who could stop him now?
For months, the spilling killer of New orleans went on a rampage, almost no one was safe, not even dear old Marjorie...
Eventually, alastor had killed all the men and women involved in your kidnapping and drugging... and here he was, burying the last one...
What would he do now? You weren't there for him to return to... all his plans revolved around your future with him
I guess all he could do now
Was Die
As if on cue, a bullet pierced Alastors skull straight through his forehead... as everything went black...
Hello! I've been working on this for a while now, at least a week, and I think I'm just going to make another part for this, keep an eye open for it cause it will hold the afterlife of these two lovers!
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calypsocolada · 6 months
VIGILANTE | denji <3
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synopsis: you're just the vigilante denji has been searching for... request: "yo! was watching birds of prey and got a thought. sfw, preferably, harley quinn! fem! reader x denji. like denji's out on patrol or something idrk and she's out there causing trouble and fighting and basically like the scene where harley was getting chased by the cop and then throws garbage and a truck driver gets shot and she jumps onto a ladder and stuff. lol ik that's a lot sorry. i dont rlly know where to continue on what else sorry 😭😭" authors note: HI! thanks for the request... this may not be exactly what you requested but I still was inspired by your request to write this. this one goes out to you!! <3 i might write a part two, this one was fun :) cw: nsfw but no smut, potential assault/drink spiking, slightly unhinged reader, blood, gore, severing of body parts, characters aged up to 20's, angst, fluff, touch starved denji, lonely denji, not proofread, (let me know if I missed any!) wc: 4.6k
click here for my masterlist
You’d been looking to cause trouble. A lot of things led you to this very moment and to say you were ashamed was just plain wrong. You liked the trouble. You liked making people nervous, you liked that power you could hold over someone's head. After going so long without any power of your own it was nice to finally make someone else feel weak once in a while. No it wasn’t healthy and no you didn’t care. Because it felt good. It felt good to terrorize people. To hear their pleads of mercy. 
You never went after actually innocent people. You hunted devils. And you killed a lot of devils that disguised themselves as humans. The news called you the Night killer, they called you a serial murderer. It wasn’t fair… they didn’t know the true personality of the people you ended. Night was the easiest for you to move around in without being detected. You had things to do in the daylight, boring day to day things. But when the night set it was time to let loose a bit.
You had to be a bit more careful recently though. Some celebrity hero had been patrolling the streets recently. Doing good and all. You knew he was looking for you. And you weren’t sure how well you’d fare against chainsaws. 
It was your birthday weekend so your friends decided to take you out. It was some popular club downtown that you all ended up at after dinner. Sweaty bodies and strobing lights you knew only terrible things could come out of unattended drinks and loud music so you kept an eye on all your friends. That’s when you saw him, some guy with a predatory look in his eyes as he stared down your friend. You could tell his intentions right away. You had a knack for it. You could also tell he’d been just the one you were hunting for. The devil that had killed a woman just last week. You’d watch him for a bit and sure enough, after touching and getting slapped away by multiple women, he walked and chatted up your friend for a bit before slipping away to buy her a drink. You watched him non stealthily slip something into it, a grin spreading across his lips, an even bigger one spreading across yours. He really thought he could get away from destiny? You didn’t think this night could get any better but here was a perfect excuse to spill blood on your birthday. You downed your drink and slinked your way through the crowd and when he turned to make his way back to your friend you purposefully bumped into him, spilling the drink all over the front of his tacky white and gold shirt. 
“Oh… shit, I’m so sorry!” You faked an apologetic look and scrambled for some napkins and pressed it to his wet chest.
“Come on-- watch where you're-” The moment he saw you it was like lights filled his eyes. His eyes widened as he looked from your eyes to your cleavage than back up. “No… excuse me, pretty lady.” You giggled, biting your lip as you looked up at him.
“Can I buy you another drink?” You asked innocently, keeping your hands against his chest.
“Don’t you worry about that, dear.” He crooned and it took everything in you not to cringe. Instead you pushed closer to him, talking into his ear so he could hear you over the loud music. “You sure, baby?” You ask, a rasp sliding into your voice. The man nodded his head, his hand sliding against your waist. 
“Wanna dance?” He asks, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. You shiver in disgust but he doesn’t see it that way. 
“Lead the way.” You say and he sure does, his hand sliding just above your ass as he pulls you on the dance floor, turning you around so he can press himself against your behind. The dance was fueling the fire. You couldn’t wait to lure him outside. You wondered how many girls he’d drugged, wondered how many girls he’d touched without permission. The way he touched you now was telling you everything you needed to know, this man took what he wanted. 
And so would you.
After all you could handle of this man, you pushed him back a bit. 
“Wanna get some air?” You asked and he agreed almost instantly. He slid his arms around your waist and hips as you led the way out of the club. There were a few people loitering outside so you led him to the side alleyway. The moment you two were alone he grabbed you rather forcefully and pushed you against the wall, he leaned in to kiss you but your hand shot up and you grabbed him tightly by the chin. He froze, a look forming in his eyes. He was enjoying this.
“Eager one, aren’t you?” You rasped, he nodded his head, trying to lean forwards but unable to, his eyes growing slightly wide.
“You’re strong for a woman.” He says and a devilish smirk grows on your pink lips as you slowly nod your head. You slowly tighten your hold on his chin and watch as his lips part in surprise. “I want to fuck you so bad.” He whispers, obviously liking your rough treatment.
“How would you do that?’ You asked, your free hand sliding to the knife concealed on your thigh. A trusty weapon you acquired after some idiot tried to mug you on your way home from work. It was a trophy you liked to use on your victims.
“I’d yank that little skirt up, rip those tights open and take you right here.” He growled, disgusted chills ran down your spine but your face was as cool as ever. It wasn’t the worst thing you’d ever heard but it was up there.
“Mhm…” You hummed. “Let me see what you’d take me with.” You whispered and the excitement that man felt was on full display as his hands flew to unzip his pants. You waited patiently and the moment you spotted it the smile that fitted to your lips was downright evil. “Small.” You remarked seconds before that trophy knife of yours sliced his member clean off. There was a split second where it didn’t register with him. He inhaled and then his eyes went wide as pain finally made its way to his brain. When he opened his mouth to scream you clamped over his lips hard with your hand and spun him to press him forcefully against the wall. You wiped the blood from your knife on his shirt and pressed it against his neck.
“Mhm wha tha fu,” He grumbled beneath your fingers. 
“What? It’s okay for you to take what you want? To spike women's drinks and touch them without consent? To kill them? I thought you’d probably like being treated the way you treat others.” You growl. He tried to squirm away from you but you were too strong. You held him against that wall like he weighed nothing and the fear that formed in his eyes at the revelation was delicious. 
“Plea-- please.” He pleaded and the sound was like music to your ears. 
“No sense in pleading.” You growled.
“That’s enough.” The voice to your right halted your thoughts. You turned just slightly to see the celebrity himself. Chainsaw Man. 
“Let ‘em go.” He directed. Your mouth dried, your knife sweaty in your hands. But you didn’t move back.
“You caught me.” You rasped, it was dark so you knew, unless Chainsaw Man had night vision, that he couldn’t see you very well. He paused at the sound of your voice, slightly tilting his head to try and get a good look at you but they didn’t call you Night Killer for no reason, the night was being very friendly to you right now. 
“You sound… hot.” Chainsaw Man said. Everything halted for a moment. You stared at him quizzically. He’d caught you off guard with that. Even the scumbag beneath your blade seemed surprised before he started squirming again and you had to press your blade harder. “I’ve been tailing your kills for months now… Are you-- blonde? It’s hard to tell.”
“You’ll be tailing another kill if you don’t keep it in your pants,” You growled. “Aren’t you supposed to be a hero?”
“I am a hero. But I’m also a man who has great taste. Now let that man go and step into the light.” Chainsaw Man directed. Something about him made you laugh. This terrifying looking devil had layers. Chainsaw Man cocked his head at your laughter. 
“And what would you do if I slit this piece of shit devil's throat?” You ask and the man you pinned squirmed and whimpered pathetically. Chainsaw Man stepped closer, trying hard to get a look at you. One track mind it seemed. 
“What’d he do?” He asks. It gives you pause.
“You care?”
“Did he try to hurt you? I’ve noticed most of your victims all had charges placed against them for hurting women. Is he just like the others?” Chainsaw Man asked. You wondered if he actually cared or if he was biding time for the police. 
“Uh huh.” You answered, trailing your attention back to the dirt bag. You trailed your knife up his neck to the side of his face. “He touches who he wants and slips things into drinks. Naughty…” You tease, the anger inside you coming out as though it meant nothing. You heard Chainsaw Man walk closer and you shot him a warning look. “Any closer and I’ll spill his blood.”
“Do it.” You hear the hero say. “Kill him. He deserves it.” You stare at him, lips parted. He’d surprised you.
“What?” You asked before you were able to mask that surprise.
“Kill him.” Chainsaw Man shrugs. “I could do it if you want.”
“What kind of hero are you?”
“A hero to those who deserve saving. If this man did as you say then I’ll look the other way.” Chainsaw Man says. You were so shocked that your grip on the man loosened. The dirt bag, sensing your attention elsewhere, shoved hard against you. The hard shove sends your hand with the knife back towards you. He gives another shove and the blade plunged into you just above your chest below your shoulder blade. You land hard, dazed a bit. The dirt bag dives towards the knife, straddling you on the ground.
“You dumb slut!” He growls. “I’m gonna kill-” You heard the revving of chainsaws before you felt the warm splash of blood against your face. You watched in object horror as the man’s head slowly fell off his shoulders and tumbled to the pavement. The body above you slackened and fell to the side in a bloody heap. You wiped at the blood, trying to push away from the body but your shoulder screamed in pain. You’d forgotten the damn knife that had lodged itself in you. You hissed in pain as the Chainsaw’s slowly came to a stop and silence was restored. The commotion had gained the attention of bystanders outside the club as people started poking their heads at the other end of the alleyway.
“Can you walk?” Chainsaw Man asked but when you looked up you saw a regular man, blood on his white button up shirt. When you both saw each other in the dim light of the alleyway you both blushed. You furrowed your brow, momentarily forgetting the throbbing pain in your shoulder. 
“Chainsaw Man?” You said, stunned. The man before you nodded his head, glancing down the alley towards the people. “Come on, we need to get you somewhere safe before they get a good look at us.” You let him wrap his arms around you and pull you to your feet, you’d hurt your leg when you fell so you relied on him heavily to take you somewhere safe.
“Is this okay?” He asked and for the first time in years you didn’t feel disgusted by a man’s touch. It was strange. You nodded your head.
“This way,” You directed once you go to a street you recognized. You led Chainsaw Man towards your house, his hand gently holding you against him. Once there you handed him your keys and he unlocked the door and helped you inside. You grunted in pain as he got you to a chair by the kitchen table. “There’s uh-- supplies in the top drawer… grab everything. And grab the jack from the fridge.” You direct. Chainsaw Man works quickly as you lean your head back, cursing yourself for letting your attention wander. You’d never gotten hurt this bad, just some scrapes and bruises. He was back rather quickly, falling to his knees beside you. 
“How can I help?” He asks as you tilt up, reaching for the jack. You take a big swig of it taking a deep breath. 
“Fuck me.” You sighed at the impending pain. You watched his face go through five different emotions before his cheeks blushed.
“What? Now?” He asks as you furrow your brow before realizing he thought you were giving him an order with those two little words you sighed. You laughed surprisingly, shaking your head.
“No, not what I meant.” 
“Oh… yeah of course.” He blushes, turning away slightly.
“What’s your name?” You ask. He turns back to you, looking up at you from his knees.
“Denji,” You say and watch his cheeks go even redder. “I need you to pull this knife out of my shoulder.” You say. His lips part in surprise as he blinks. 
“No medicine to dull the pain?”
“I drank jack, no come on before I chicken out.” You say and Denji nods his head. You both lean towards each other and he reaches for the handle. Pain jolts through you at just a small bit of contact. Luckily for you it wasn’t super deep but it would still hurt like a bitch to remove. Denji looks up in your eyes.
“You sure?” He asks as you nod your head, taking another swig. He nods his head and a second later the blade is yanked from your shoulder. You cry out in pain as the blad clangs against the tilt flooring. Denji reaches for your shoulder, pressing his hand against the blood to stop it as he grabs a towel with his other. “It’s okay,” He says soothingly. “It’s out.” He presses the towel against the wound as you catch your breath. 
“Thank you,” You breathe out, tears pricking the corner of your eyes. You share a moment before you know that the wound needs to be stitched. You walk Denji through the steps and he listens well and takes gentle care of stitching you up and wrapping the wound. Once it’s nice and secure you feel your breath slowly coming back to you. You offer Denji a drink as he’s washing his hands. He grabs two cups and sits beside you at the table. You pour two drinks and slide one over to him. 
“I’ve been hunting you for a few months,” He starts, taking a sip before making a face as though he didn’t like it but then takes another sip. “You put yourself in danger a lot.” 
“Someone has to.” You say, leaning back in your chair. 
“You’re skilled, killing those devils can’t have been easy.” He says as you shrug. 
“They don’t put up much of a fight if you trick them early on.” You say. Denji looks at you over his cup. 
“What’s your name? I think you're a little too pretty for Night Killer.” You can’t help but smile at that.
“Am I now?” You ask, cocking your head slightly as Denji nods his head.
“You’re probably one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen.” He says truthfully. You find yourself blushing at his honesty. 
“It’s Y/n.” 
“Y/n…” He echoes, looking at you dreamily. “That’s better, a pretty name for a pretty girl.”
“Alright, Chainsaw Man, relax.” You jest, taking a sip of your drink. Denji grins at that.
“Can I take you out? Maybe after you’re feeling better?”
“What? Don’t like girls with scars?” You tease as Denji immediately shakes his head.
“I love scars. If you have any more I’d like to see them.” He implored, gaining another laugh from you. 
“Such a flirt.” You wave off.
“I don’t want you to overexert yourself, that’s all.” He says as you nod your head.
“Why? Do you have something really physical planned?” You tease and watch his cheeks and ears go red. 
“What? N-no!”
“I’m teasing you, Chainsaw Man.” You say.
“Denji,” He says.
“I-- I’d like it better if you called me Denji.” He says, barely able to look you in the eye. You’d never seen a man blush this much in your presence. It was adorable.
“Denji…” You say, leaning on your hand. His eyes widen just slightly and you can tell he really likes hearing his name from your lips. 
“So… Can I take you out?”
“Why? You just met me?” You ask amused.
“So? I’d be a fool not to ask a pretty girl like you out.” He says and you laugh.
“I might be pretty but I kill devils for fun, aren’t you part devil?” You ask teasingly.
“I am… but I’m not like the ones you kill.”
“You’re not?”
“No. Those scumbags deserved what you gave them.”
“So why were you tracking me down?” You ask curiously.
“Well… If I’m being honest I… saw you on CCTV. Saw how you protected those women a few months ago. I also saw you were finding bigger devils and got worried that you might get hurt.”
“You were worried for me and you didn’t even know me?” 
“I lost sleep. I was lucky to find you tonight.”
“You’re the reason I got stabbed, you know. That devil was weak.” You say, leaning back as Denji’s eyes widen.
“What? I-- I’m sorry, Y/n.” He implores as you laugh, shaking your head.
“It’s fine, Denji, I’m partly kidding.” 
“But it was my fault… I distracted you.”
“It’s fine.” You smile warmly. He sees that smile and the drink in his hand slips from his grasp, spilling all over the table. He jumps up. 
“Shit! Shit… sorry.” He runs to grab a rag and wipe it up. You watch him curiously. He’s nothing like what you expected Chainsaw Man to be like. He was sort of uncool but… not in a bad way. He was like a dork. It was endearing. It had you smiling in a way you forgot how to do. There was a reason you killed dirty devils for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves. There was a time where you weren’t strong enough to defend yourself. That was the same day you had forgotten what it was like to let someone in. Yet here was Denji, who you’d met mere hours ago, worming his way into your iron shackled heart. Each lock he seemingly had the key too. It was slightly alarming but for some reason it wasn’t scaring you away. 
“I’ll go out with you.” You say when Denji had just finished cleaning up only for the shock of your statement causing him to knock over the rest of his drink. You dissolve in a fit of giggles as Denji profusely apologizes, cleaning it all back up.
“You’re serious? You’ll go out with me?” 
“Are you gonna spill anything if I say yes?” You tease as Denji sits the things in his hands down. You smile. “Then yes. I’d like to go out with you.” He can’t fight the smile that graces his lips. It’s like looking at the sun. “Come here,” You say. Denji is quick to be at your side as you grab a pen, clicking it. You gently grab his arm and write your number on his palm. “My number, I should be healed up within a few weeks.” 
“Can I call you before… just to talk?” He asks and you blush at his innocence. He didn’t seem to want just the one thing most guys wanted.
“I’m a late sleeper and I get off work around five, you can call anytime after that.” You say and watch Denji’s face light up. 
“Can you… promise me something?” Denji asked after a moment. You look up at him.
“Please let yourself heal. Don’t go devil hunting alone… in fact if you ever find someone you want to hurt please call me and I’ll be there.”
“You want to be my accomplice?” You joke but Denji’s face is dead serious. How could someone care this much in such little time? It almost seems too good to be true.
“I’ll kill for you. Anyone you want dead.” The absolute honesty and pure sincereness made your heart race. This man wore his heart on his sleeve.
“You mean it?”
“I am deadly serious.” He affirms. For a moment you just look at him, your eyes drinking in his soft features. He was quite handsome, a sort of boyish roundness of the face with mature eyes and lips you could tell might not have smiled a lot. But something about him was sad, like the profound loneliness in you had found that same loneliness in him. Like a reflection on yourself. You reached for him but your hand paused before you could touch him.
“Can I touch you?” You asked.
“Please.” He whispered almost inaudibly. You gently ran your fingers across his cheek, settling just below his jaw. His eyes drifted closed at your touch as he moved into your touch like he was starved of it and wanted as much as you’d give him. “Please,” he pleaded again, slowly falling to his knees in front of you.
“Please what?” You whispered, blushing from his reaction to your touch. 
“Will you kiss me? Just once?” He whimpered softly. You swallowed, biting your lip to keep it from trembling. You’d do just that. Honestly if he asked you anything on his knees you might just give it to him. You slide your other hand against his cheek and gently tilt his face up by his chin. His eyes opened into yours and the intensity building between you two was thick in the air. You answered his question with the gentle press of your lips against his. He must’ve been extremely touch starved because the noises he made from just a simple kiss were downright filthy. He surged up slightly, wanting to be as close as possible. “May I-- touch you?” He whimpered against your lips. 
“Yes.” You answered as his hands flew up to either side of your face, one hand slotting just below your jaw and the other sliding into your hair. The tension builds, the nervous excitement and eager kisses. The slow rise of heat within yours and his body. The quick, shallow breaths Denji was making. The way your and his hearts beat even faster now. Finally, the hesitation is gone, the urge to go through with it so great that it seems like a natural force acting upon Denji’s body itself. HIs hand slides around your hip as he pulls you off the chair and sits back, placing you on his lap like you weighed nothing. Your chests meeting, heartbeats sounding in unison. Your mouths finding each other, and lips coming together in a long, fulfilling kiss. The shyness is all completely and utterly gone. The heat within their bodies rises even further, breaths becoming more erratic. Lips separating for just a moment, just long enough to take a breath. Then they come back together, meeting just as passionately and lovingly. You’d never been kissed like this, never felt the weight of lips against yours that made your heart flutter like this. You felt like a teenager all over again. You couldn’t recall the last time you’d felt this way. It was dangerous and so so alluring. You’d forgotten about your stab wound up until you raised your other arm to tangle your hand in his hair and the pain was strong enough to pull you back to your senses. You inhaled sharply, a gasp of pain that had Denji pulling back, eyes full of concern.
“Y/n?” He mumbled as a question, lips kissed pink. “Are you okay?”
“My arm,” You said through searing pain. That seemed to bring him back to the present.
“Fuck, sorry!” He mumbled, hand flying up to check the bandage and make sure you hadn’t torn your stitches. 
“It’s fine.” You breathe out. Denji reaches to tuck your hair away from your face.
“We should call it a night,” He says but you can tell it’s something he doesn’t really want but wants for you to heal. “I’ll call you tomorrow?” He asks. You’re still sitting in his lap, still wanting much more that he could give you but your arm was aching. You silently cursed that devil for stabbing you and sighed, nodding your head. Denji stands, taking you with him gently. You two are still so close and you almost just want to grab him and ask him not to go. You felt cold when you thought of Denji leaving but you knew you two would need space otherwise your arm would never heal. 
“I’ll be waiting.” You smile up at him and he returns that smile.
“I-- I almost don’t want to leave.”
“I almost want you to stay.” You return. The gaping loneliness seemed to be reaching out between you both. But you had to be smart, you had to think rationally. You’d just met him hours ago… you barely knew him. In fact you didn’t know him at all. But… that really didn’t seem to matter because your hands had barely gripped Denji’s shirt, your body making a conscious decision before your mind could think better of it. “What if you stayed the night? Would that be so crazy?” You’d had one night stands before… it wasn’t crazy…
“I’ll stay with you.” He says. You don’t let your mind talk you out of it, you just gently pull him towards your bedroom. You have no thoughts of furthering your prior make out sesh… you’d rather just sleep with him beside you. You gave Denji some clothes to change into and he helped you change into something comfortable. Once you got into bed, Denji following you inched close to him under the covers. Craving the warmth he provided. You’d never known how cold you were until this very moment. Denji turned to face you and in the dark you saw him flush red. “Can I hold you?” He asked and you didn’t even bother speaking because you were moving closer the moment he ended his sentence as his arms slotted around your hips, your face pressing against his chest. In his arms you felt more safe and secure than you’d ever felt. You closed your eyes against the thoughts that swam around in your mind. You were thinking too heavily. You just needed to shut it off. Denji’s steady heartbeat gave you something to focus on, that and his soft snoring that sounded moments later. Sleep hadn’t evaded you tonight where it had so many other nights. Denji’s arms gently tensed around you as he drew you slightly closer in his sleep. After a few moments your mind had shut off and you were slowly and finally lulled to a peaceful sleep. One of many with Denji in the years to come.                               
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sakiblack · 5 months
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soft yandere tsutey
Tsutey x reader
I would imagine you came to Pandora with Jake. Being his sister or just someone who has trained for Pandora does not matter.As long as you somehow got there.
Tsutey is a cold man and he would not show you that in his heart you have a spacial place.He would see you for the first time with Neytiri and Jake while she was trying to get you two to the home tree.Does he stare at you like he could kill you? yes. But in his eyes you are spacial.From the start he wanted you with him. All the time.
You are a human you dont know their ways. And he will teach you.
And teach you he did. Maybe he yells and scolds you a lot but trust me he would kill for you.The first thing he would teach you is how to ride the (horse thing).He would go out of his ways to get you the most calm horse they had. He cant have you falling off now could he?
Talking with him would be strange. At first you probably didnt even know he speaks english. It was the second day with the clan, he was teaching you how to ride. Some of his students were talking while you got on the horse.He walked up to you paced his hand on your thigh to make your grip tighter.Looking at the navi that were whispering something Tsutey said something out of nowhere.
"They are not making fun of you"
He said in a deep voice. It has been some time since he said anything in english so he hoped he did it right.
"You can speak english?"
Oh how happy he was to hear your voice.
A simple response that started your "friendship".
He usualy didnt start the talks with you. It usualy had to be you. He wanted you to need him even tho he was probably the one needing you the most.
Jake is not a problem for him as long as he does not touch you.The first time he showed just how much he cared was when Jake was teasing you about being short even in the avatar. Now that would not be bad at all if Jake didnt touch your shoulder for a little too long.
He would hiss something in navi and push him away from you. Not you or Jake would understand it but Neytiri did and it made her smile.
Neytiri was long forgotten after you came in his life. He already did not love her that much but when you came she was just a clan member.So there was nothing for you to be jealous of. But as time went on and he spented more time with you, you two became a lot more then friend. Touching you was a normal thing and giving you gifts was as well. At the start he gived you meat but when he saw your scared face he went for another tactic. Flowers,food,bracelets everything that a normal human would give you.Sometimes he even flirted tho it did end up in him messing up.
Time would fly by fast and before you knew it you would be staning on top of the flying mountains. As Neytiri was explaining everything to Jake Tsutey was only looking at you. He didnt want you to do this. You could get hurt or worse.But if you wanted to become one of the people this was something you had to do.
"Be calm,when you will see him you will know"
He said softly as he petted your shoulder.
"How will i know he wants me"
"He will want to kill you"
Did he say it like it was nothing? yes. But at least he would be there to save you.
If he thought seeing you ride the horse was beautiful , seeing you on the ikran was out of the world.You two would wly till the end of the night.
Now unlike Neytiri Tsutey did not wait for you to become one of the people before making you his. It would be the night you got your ikran or the night after. You two would be sitting somewhere probably talking before he would move his face into your neck like he was taking in your scent.And that was all it took for him to lose it.He already had to control himself for so long he could not do it anymore.
Would he be gentle at least at the start he would.
Biting marks are a thing. Marking you is something he cant live without. He never explained mating to you. He wanted to tell you about it while he was showing you just how much he loved you.
While he would make you feel good he would say things like
"Now you are all mine", "We are banded together", "Only i will make you fill this way"
Nicknames were not a thing untill now. He woul call you things like love,yawne or even just mine or my girl/boy.
As i said him being jealous was not something that happened a lot. But after your "fun night" tigether noone could even look at you the wrong way. he was by your side all the time. Even while your avatar body was sleeping he was looking over you.
It would even come to the point he would come to the flying mountains while they were prepering for the big fight to make sure you were okay. Seeing your human body would just make fall for you again so when you were laying under the spirit tree he was saying bye to the body you were ment to live in.If it was on him he would keep you in the human body but there was no way you could survive.
But even if that was the life you were supposed to have being with him was the life that you cant run away from.
sorry for any words spelled wrong i was in a hurry
hope you liked it tho
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writingpuddle · 1 year
i wanna talk about this scene because its one of my favourite character moments for both aaron and neil. theyve just gotten to the cabin, only a handful of days after nathans death, and aaron gets neil alone and says this:
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now listen. maybe what aaron is doing here is exactly what it looks like. maybe he is concerned that neil is exploiting andrew, and this is him being a protective brother. and i do think theres a part of him that is. he could also be reacting badly due to homophobia, and maybe a part of him is too. but mostly -
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he's testing neil.
see, aarons not totally heartless. in that moment in baltimore, when neil was bloody and beaten to shit - aaron was horrified with the rest of them. he might not like neil particularly much, but when you see someone you moderately dislike tortured past the point of human endurance, youre going to put aside your dislike for a second. youre going to take their side, and aaron does. when the foxes claim neil, aaron is right up there with them.
but unlike neil and andrew, who spend the next few days in the emotional wringer with the feds, aaron had several days to process. to really process what allison pointed out to them.
and he realized he could use it.
maybe thats callous of him, but mostly its inevitable; this is how the twins have learned to communicate, to leverage each other with bribes and threats. he watched andrew nearly kill kevin, pick a fight with the feds, grip neils hoodie like he might disappear if he didnt hold on tight enough, and he understood that there was nothing andrew wouldnt do for neil.
meanwhile, neil is still coming off of weeks of telling himself, gritted teeth, its fine so long as andrew doesnt care about me, its fine so long as andrew doesnt care about me, its fine so long as andrew doesnt care about me...
hes barely begun to acknowledge the much less dangerous fact that he has feelings for andrew. less dangerous because if andrew doesnt care about him, then neils death wont hurt him, and neils feelings cant be hurt if hes the one that dies. but if andrew has feelings for him, then this whole time hes been risking that his death would break andrew - break the very person he most wants to protect.
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so neil denies it. hes made the first wobbly step towards freedom, but he hasnt yet dealt with the moriyamas. he could still die at any moment. wrapping his head around his fathers death hasnt given him enough time to break those weeks of conditioning himself in the dark. andrew doesnt care about me. andrew cant care about me. neil will go to war for andrew but the idea that the converse is true is too dangerous to look at directly. to protect andrew, to protect himself, he denies it.
but when aaron asks neil if andrew will fight for him, he's not really asking. we can see it in the casual way he shrugs off neils denial. he doesnt care what neil says. he wants to see what neil does. he already knows - or has a pretty strong bet - what andrew will do. what he needs to know is if neil is serious.
listen, i am personally of the belief that if andrew released aaron from his deal for neils sake and then things went sour with neil, andrew would respect the broken deal anyway. but i dont think aaron sees that - he hasnt yet fully internalized that andrew does things out of his own brand of fairness, and not out of malice. so he needs to know; andrew will fight for this. will neil?
so he lobs a grenade at neil, a loaded accusation, and neil comes back swinging. and theres aarons answer. neil isnt exploiting andrew, hes not just playing around. hes as viciously protective of andrew as andrew is of him and those two repressed assholes might not be saying it with words, but aarons not stupid. andrew gave himself away when neil went missing and now neils showed his hand too.
neils right. he has been had, and hes just lucky that what aaron wants is exactly what neil wanted anyway.
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okay i'm asking this because you're the friendliest ever, but I wanted to ask: what do you think the scene was like between Leon and Luis when Leon got off the elevator (after almost collapsing/passing out/whatever the hell was going on with him and Las Plagas) and from the point in which Leon was sitting there at the start of the next chapter squeezing is hand and saying he felt better???? Because it must have been a little while (both because of the seemingly time cut between chapters, but also later when Leon gives Ashley the suppressant and he clearly settles down to wait which implies it took Leon a while to respond and he is anticipating the same thing with Ashley) and surely they talked? Luis I'm-not-that-kind-of-doctor-but-wow-you-look-bad Serra and Leon I'll-rest-when-I'm-dead Kennedy must have talked, right???? I just wanna talk about themmmmmmmmm
Okokok I left this ask unanswered for SO LONG cuz the SECOND I started reading it I just KNEW I was gonna be lead down a rabbit hole that I wanted to do justice because like,,,, what WOULD they have talked about?!?!
Edit: this got a L O T longer than I intended I’m so sorry HDNEHENDJ so everything’s gonna be under the cut!!!! Give me the opportunity and I’ll talk about Luis for hours (also obligatory This Is All My Personal Opinion/Reading You Don’t Have To Agree If You Dont Wanna please don’t kill me HCHDNEDJ)
Like you said there seems to be a fair bit of time inbetween chapter breaks we just don’t see for the sake of pacing that REALLY fascinates me, ESPECIALLY because we’re at a pretty interesting point in Leon (and subsequently the player) and Luis’ relationship. It’s right after Luis has fluked us twice on call, and it’s right before the massive mine section you fight together in- it’s a pretty pivotal point in their relationship where Luis needs to up his game and prove to Leon that he CAN trust him. Yet he’s still gotta maintain some sort of mysterious and/or suave persona that I think throws a lot of people off when talking about how his and Leon’s relationship develop
Now of course this is all just MYYYYYY personal opinion/reading of his character cuz I am very very very invested in it BCNENEJD and you’re free to disagree!!! But I think that scene is a pretty perfect example of just how DESPERATE Luis is for companionship and trust. I think a lot of people are of the assumption that Luis only started ‘changing for the better’ AFTER he met Ashley and Leon- which personally I don’t think is the case!! We meet Luis after he’s clearly hit a moral rock-bottom. He’s been trapped under Los Illuminados’ reign for however long for whatever reason and has been COMPLETELY isolated from any human contact aside from his own coworkers for at the VERY LEAST five years. And in those five years, he’s watched the people who were most likely once individuals he grew up with become infected and loose all sense of humanity. RIGHT AFTER he escaped Umbrella too, most likely cuz he found out that all the hard work he poured into that company was being used for malicious reasons. One horrible thing on top of the other.
His life is a cycle of trying and failing over and over again- he watches his Grandfather pass away from something entirely out of his control as a young boy, and takes that trauma and grief and pours it into his research with Umbrella possibly in the hopes of preventing something like that to ever happen again- only for that to backfire. Whether it’s because he had no idea or because he purposefully let that anger consume him and let apathy fester and grow to the point where he just didn’t care, either way, he’s lost everything he loved once again. And when he returns to the only place he knows he can find solace in companionship, his childhood home, it all comes crumbling down on him too. Every attempt he’s made at righting his last wrongs, proving himself to the people he loves- it fails every single time. Obviously we don’t know WHY exactly Luis joined Los Illuminados, but if you were asking ME PERSONALLY based off of the beginning of Seperate Ways I think he didn’t have a choice but I DIGRESS!!!! Luis is at a point where he’s hit a rock-bottom he’s unsure he can come back from. Every attempt at doing good has been squashed, and no matter how hard he tries, the cycle just keeps on repeating. He’s desperate not just to escape Valdelobos, but to prove to SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, that he CAN do good. That he CAN right his wrongs. And I think the first place we physically SEE that need and desperation is in his relationship with Ada during Seperate Ways
(But I’m gonna save that for another post cuz this one’s already getting too long and rambly BCNEJSNJX but the tl;dr is that Ada and Luis are two sides of the same coin. Ada is in a similar situation as Luis where her hands are tied and she has no other option BUT to do what she’s told, despite not wanting to, and I think Luis can tell that. He trusts her and puts so much faith in her cuz he KNOWS that when the time comes, she’ll do the right thing)
But getting back on track- at the point where we first meet Luis he’s hit a rock-bottom. All attempts to help people, to prove that he can do good things- ie joining Umbrella under the guise of medical research, creating the Plagas removal machine etc- have been squashed. Every. Single. Time. He’s living a cycle of trying to do good, trying to live up to the people he’s lost and is desperate to prove that to ANYONE. The guilt of his actions is consuming and in my humble opinion it’s genuinely so admirable that he STILL KEPT GOING despite it all!!!! but anyways!!!!!!! When Leon and Ashley roll into his life, two people who are completely innocent in everything happening around him, it’s the perfect chance for Luis to genuinely help somebody and prove that he can do good. They don’t know about his past! They don’t know about all the blood on his hands!!! He can FINALLY prove to somebody that he’s a good person!!!! They’re probably some of the first people he’s been able to have a proper conversation with aside from Ada in YEARS- he’s been beaten to the ground so many times that he’s willing to do ANYTHING to gain not just their trust, but their friendship and appreciation too.
I think a pretty subtly overlooked fact about Luis is that deep down, no matter how much bad he does, no matter how much he throws himself into his work, he craves companionship and human company. He keeps the photo of the Umbrella Dream Team and his lighter with him, the first place he runs to when things turn south is his childhood home- no matter how badly he tries to resist it, he craves human contact and a sense of familiarity over anything. He wants friends, people who see him as more than just his mistakes, as more than all the wrong he’s caused- he wants people to see him for who he is in the now, in the moment. Even when he feels as though he doesn’t deserve forgiveness or friendship. And yet Leon and Ashley and Ada give that to him before they even know his full story, before they even know what his motives are and why he cares so much. The last time Ashley met him, she put her faith in his work- the last time Ada saw him before his death, she equally put her faith into his work, too. And he gives that faith back tenfold, which I think is what makes his friendship with them all so compelling among other things.
But then there’s Leon. Leon, who by all means from Luis’ point of view, is the complete opposite of him. No matter how much life throws his way, no matter how much danger he’s in- Leon is seemingly incapable of doing the wrong thing. He’s EFFORTLESSLY a hero, his actions never backfire on him… something Luis craves so, so badly. He’s everything Luis wishes he could be, even when he has to uphold that uncaring suave persona, which going back to the original point of this ask (this got extremely rambly very quickly im so sorry GDNEHENCUDN) I think that cutscene where Luis gives Leon the medicine is where we can see that trust between characters fully cementing. Leon already KNOWS Luis worked with Umbrella, and I think at that point he’s already hazarded a guess at his involvement with Los Illuminados- by all means, he’s got zero reason to trust Luis. Yet he still does. He’s the person Luis has been craving for so long; somebody who can see straight past all his flaws and his past self and see Luis for LUIS (And once again, that blind trust is S O COMPELLING in my humble opinion) But obviously, Luis doesn’t know this at this point. He’s still trying to hesitantly form a friendship with Leon and prove to him that he’s a decent person whose deserving of love, even when he doesn’t feel that way about himself, and I think that’s probably what their conversation inbetween cutscenes would’ve been about.
Like you said, I think Luis probably would’ve been pretty concerned to say the least about the state Leon’s in HXNSHENDI we can see that he prioritises the safety of his friends (ie refusing to leave when Ada was showing symptoms, dropping his persona to comfort Ashley when she started coughing etc etc) so there definitely would’ve been some level of, ‘oh my god you dunce how tf did you get so bad here lemme did you up’, but also,,, I think Luis probably would’ve tried to make conversation with Leon. About literally anything- his love for Don Quixote, what he was getting up to while sexily waiting for Leon to get off the elevator etc etc- anything to strengthen that fragile yet ever growing bond between them. Again, just looking for companionship and somebody to see past the skeletons in his closet. And I’m SURE Leon probably would’ve done the most Leon thing ever and just respond with a bunch of ‘yeah’s or ‘ok’s WHENDHDNJXJX but whatever it was they talked about, if they talked at all, it clearly strengthened their bond. Or at the very least, if they didn’t say anything to each other, the pretty intimate act of administering medicine to another person probably would’ve been enough to more or less solidify Leon’s growing trust. I think also it would’ve given Luis an insight into how Leon works- ESPECIALLY with the way Leon’s insistent on prioritising Ashley immediately after. Then of course right after that cutscene is the first time we see Luis’ love for Don Quixote be said OUT LOUD but again I’ll save that for another post BCNSHENDJXNXN
Again I really really really really hope you don’t mind how LONG this turned out to be!!!!!!! I just LOVE talking about Luis’ character and his effect on the story and motivations etc and I love to ramble BCNEHENDJDJ there’s SO MANY OTHER fade to black cutscenes with Luis I’d love to dig my teeth into (cough cough THE HAND HOLD) so!!!!!!! Maybe someday soon idk!!!!!!!!!
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