#i dont explain my poetry often
grendelsmilf · 1 year
to be honest i dont know of any female serial killers but i bet the ones who have existed all owned hamsters
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discountdyke · 1 year
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actualbird · 2 years
top 3 characters im currently simping for
got tagged for this tag game by @theres-a-bea, hehe thank u!! this looks fun also, trixie, ur character lineup is 💯💯💯. started a new post jus cuz i get so anxious adding onto other ppl's posts jHVKAJHSF, any hoo, heres who im simping for
1. Luke Pearce: lol, is anyone surprised hes first on this list? he is so horribly my type in fictional characters in so many ways i felt as if hyv had somehow gotten access to my horrid little mind and put all my favorite things into this adorable puppy of a guy, pathetic wet dog of a dude, i adore him, i cannot stand him, i project onto him, i find him hot as hell, i cant look at him for too long, hes the background of my laptop and phone, i NEVER shut up about him, i'd makeout with him in the backseat of a toyota vios, i hope this clears things up
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2. Yor Forger: sorry to repeat a character from trixie but my god, nobody needs to explain why yor is simp-able, just watch an ep of spyfam or read the manga and everybody understands, everybody is on the same page, last week my gf and i watched the new episode and That Animation Sequence after she pushed loid to the couch, my gf and i DIED and then the fuckin op theme came in and then they played that animation AGAIN, they wanted to KILL US WITH THIS I SWEAR TO GOD
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3. this new character wolf furry in the upcoming hyv game Zenless Zone Zero: im sorry to remind everybody that im a furry but if you hadnt already gleamed that from the fact my url is 'actualbird' then idk what to say yo. anyway, i literally just saw this dude today and i felt physically unwell. why did they make him so hot. why did they put him in a SUIT. i will not be playing this game cuz it looks like u need to kno what ur doing to play but great googly, hyv, can i romance this one? i dont even know his NAME, i guess i'll just have to call him sir for now
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i am shy to tag anybody hehe....and also unwilling to ping my friends on this post, Of All Things, With The Things I Say In It. so anybody is free to take a crack at this ajhvksjfhas happy simping!!
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
Sorry ur gay and have a homophobic brother Kaoru. Maybe a little yaoi will radicalize him
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fslurusami · 1 year
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ogata moodboard
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elle-eedee · 2 years
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huge fan of this transgender little freak
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tacagen · 5 months
erik alfred leslie satie you were the real one
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bugmistake · 2 years
can you imagine being around when beethoven was releasing new music.. can you imagigne.. new symphony just dropped time to get my face melted off
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witchblade · 2 years
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rubarb69 · 2 months
The way the summer air is begining to blow in seems to make everything worse; hot sticky air and too bright sunlight reflecting into my glasses doesnt make me feel the way it should, the joy is gone and replaced with a melancholy hole
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desire-mona · 26 days
forgive me for leftist-posting abt the gay movie, but the dead poets society is soooo leftist-adjacent in my mind. "mona wtf does that mean" im not entirely sure! something about rebelling against a school with such strict rules and reliance on tradition just to read poetry in the woods seems very.. path to leftism to me. i feel like i can explain better with the original dead poets so ill do that.
warning: this isnt even speculation at this point, its me making shit up about the og poets for the sake of projection + i think it would be interesting + og poets being taught ww2 propaganda is smthn im always thinking abt. if u dont agree, thats more than fine, u have literally no obligation to esp considering this barely makes sense. also this isnt meant to be informative at all so if i get shit wrong then lmk, im neither a historian nor an expert in leftism.
to specify off the bat, ive always hced keating as an avid and involved leftist, although probably not publicly. is there any merit to this? absolutely not, it's entirely just me projecting, so take this with a heaping spoonful of salt.
so, around the time the original dead poets society was formed, we were in the sorta beginning of WW2 (if we assume the dps was founded in 1941, definitely couldve been later. u should read @pencileraser1's post about keating.), and if ur familiar with US history, propaganda surrounding the war was RAMPANT, most commonly in the form of "we want u to join the military!!!!1!!!!" ive mentioned this in a previous post from however long ago that pro-military propaganda was so rampant that they often taught it in schools, no doubt especially so in private schools. now this could ultimately mean nothing in relation to the og poets, they so easily could have eaten it up and thought nothing of it, they did essentially just do homework in the woods. but in my joe biden's america ass brain thats not how it goes, just cuz. to me its sort of a pipeline of start to rebel by forming the dps > slowly realise after talking that the things theyre teaching u in terms of "rahhhh military!!!" is kinda fucked up > growing distrust of us military in general > something something US wasting money on weapons and war and shit > something something anti capitalism.
is this a stretch? absolutely, but it makes sense to me so thats what matters. also the leftist-ness?? exists on different spectrums in my mind, ranging from being against US military propaganda being taught in class to straight-up socialism (keating socialist...) so definitely dont take this as the dps being some sort of mini socialist party, in my mind its just a group of boys who happen to agree abt some aspects of society (hah). i also dont think this translated to any permanent ideals for a majority of the og boys, especially since anti-capitalism didn't exactly mix well with the cold war, the red scare, and all variants of etc after WW2 ended. except for keating, keating stays a socialist, CPUSA and eventual SDS keating (if he chose to stay in the US) are real to me.
now, would this translate to the reprisal of the dead poets (the movie ones)? i doooont think so? originally i was gonna say this only applies in my mind when the US is at war, but the US is kinda always at war, sooooooo. lets just say it applies when the US being at war is sort of a main concern to the general population (ex both world wars, vietnam, war on terror if welton was still around, etc). as to why this sorta hc only applies concerning militarism? i have absolutely no idea, probably something to do with my views on the military sorta long term leading me to my political opinions. but also! the effects that the red scare and mccarthyism definitely were still prevalent in 1959 despite soooooorta dying down around 1957. no doubt the US population's fear of anti-capitalism = ur a russian spy was still there. was that sorta thing taught in schools at that point? not sure, this is also a fictional school so it doesn't really matter and im going on a tangent. i suppose if the dps reprise continued for more than ~3 months then they could've gone down a similar path under the right circumstances? but i doubt it. although leftist neil is quite special to me. neil for SAG! neil for unionisation!
i like applying this logic to other periods, like the 60s for example (i knowwww keating was gone by then, lets just pretend, make it an au i guess) i can definitely see the poets (or some at least) delving into the hippie movement on the down-low, although its easy to call into question whether hippies were an actual group of activists or just a sort of cultural movement. again - i dont know much about the history of hippies so i dont have much to add, lets go with a general "anti vietnam war" ideology to keep things simple. sorta similar to the og poets in terms of war bad > socialism pipelines, and the SDS was formed roughly around this time? peak was in 1968-69, but thats kinda all i got. if anyone enjoys this idea and knows a lot abt that point in leftist history then definitely feel free to add anything on if u want.
in conclusion: mona hates war and the military and projects it onto the poets because they wanted to and also they had a conversation with tristan about propaganda in relation to dps. this is a bunch of random sorta points just strewn together so my apologies for how messy this is.
bonus: FANTASTIC point by @lookingglasswolf
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begginmonty · 2 years
being alison's younger sister and seeing the ghosts:
(this is a fem!reader but lmk if you want gender neutral stuff too, also this is rlly long sorry i got so carried away)
(what event that led you to die for a bit and come back alive is up to you - car crash, falling over etc)
seeing ghosts is something that you’ve always dealt with ever since the accident but you've never told anyone, in a fear of being seen as unfit or crazy, y’know? so you’ve always kept it to yourself 
and that is until you move into alison and mike’s big home after some money troubles (which you’re ever so thankful for) and as soon as you get out the car you see a group of people from different ages behind alison in the doorway
you’re trying ever so hard to ignore them when seeing alison again and her welcoming you in, but it kinda slips when you look towards thomas who has made some sort of romantic comment towards you and both alison and you look to him but alison catches you and is like ?!??!?!
“y-you can see them too?” alison asks and you really don't know what to say, there’s a silence before you just nod and you’re like “yeah. yeah i-i can, yeah” and then you explain everything to her and she tells you her story
when mike finds out you can see the ghosts too, man poor guy feels so left out and is like this is so unfair :((
a week or so pasts and now everyone knows each other and you’re all friends :D
alison is now happy and more comfortable as thomas no longer directs his comments to alison but now you, which you really don't mind at all and sometimes you’re honestly quite flattered
the captain quickly becomes one your best friends and he likes to be around you a lot as you listen to him and all his war stories and never shut him out, you enjoy his company and he really loves your company (he will never admit it though) but he feels comfortable around you
you like to go on walks around the grounds with him and just listen to him speak about whatever and such, just enjoying his company. you know he’s got a lot of feelings all bundled up inside and you catch onto his secret quickly, you let him know you’re always there for him if he needs
you always join in on the ghosts meetings or the talks they have set up for everyone - kitty always makes sure you sit next to her
kitty loves you a lot - often when doing your makeup or painting your nails you ask kitty what colour goes best and sometimes you even pretend to paint her nails or do her makeup telling her how beautiful she looks
people dont include humphrey a lot but whenever you do find his head you talk to him for a while and ask if you can do anything for him. sometimes you wish you could pick him up and carry him around, and keep him company more but you can't :( but he always appreciates when you sit with him for a bit
one night you find him on the roof and so you sit with him for a bit, looking at the stars and just telling him about your day and such
there’s one night where you are just having a horrible day feeling horrible about yourself and the way you look, and you’re sat staring into yourself in your vanity mirror. you’re a bit teary and just pulling yourself apart and thomas is suddenly in the doorway, and he’s like “if i may, have i told you how beautiful you are today, my dear y/n?”
and instead of jokingly telling him to go away, you smile at him, speaking softly “thanks thomas” he smiles back at you before walking off again.
but you quickly get out of the seat and rush to the corridor, “thomas” and he stops walking, his hands behind his back and looks at you before you walk closer to him, “i’d…i’d like to hear more from your poetry i-if you don't mind” 
you two spend the next hour or so walking, just listening to thomas speak and the other ghosts just kinda look on at you two and are like aweeee:(( (my heart)
falling in love with ghosts is really a not a good idea
that time where alison and mike host a party and you are all completely drunk out of your mind, and even the ghosts are dancing with everyone, well just beware because julian will be dancing with you - mostly behind you but perhaps you don't hate that.. : )
whenever you come home from work, everyone is always excited to see you and they each wanna tell you about their day etc
alison and mike go on holiday just for a week, as an anniversary gift from you, so you’re basically left to babysit everyone for the week
its an interesting week, robin nearly burns the house down, you all lose humphrey (both his head and body) for a few days and cant find him, pat hosts a song competition,,, and well one ghosts proclaims their love for you and somehow tries to kiss you well yeah we can all guess probably who
fanny often complains about your outfits and how short some your skirts or whatever are and she just follows you around the house and is like, “THAT IS NOT APPROPRIATE! NO ONE SHOULD SEE A LADIES ANKLES!”
and your simply just trying to make a cup of tea, and alison gives you a sympathetic look as fanny is following your every move
the only ghost who doesn't mind you swearing is julian. sometimes his tory-ass will annoy you and you just give him the finger and tell him to f off, and he either laughs at you or is like “what did i do?” 
the ghosts all support you in whatever hobby you have and always end up distracting you and asking you questions about it
and basically these guys are your best friends :))
if u want a part two let me know! or any request ideas for any ghosts i am down!! <3 
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fandxmslxt69 · 1 year
Holidays With Them <3
Steven Grant x f!muslim!reader, Jake Lockley x f!muslim!reader, Marc Spector x f!muslim!reader
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Warnings: Absolutely tooth rooting fluff, ohmy god it is so so sweet you'll get a cavity. Lots of religion talk, food talk too. This is written with an Arab hijabi reader in mind so yes, it is a female reader!
A/N: AHHHH YOU DONT GET THE GIGGLES I GOT WHILE WRITING THIS!!! There is such a big lack of muslim!reader fics out there so it's my new mission to PUT THEM out there for the sake of me, and all of you pretty baes who asked for a tag or reached out about how touching the little blurb was, THANK YOU.
Synopsis: Disgustingly sweet Ramadan and Eid activities with your favourite boys
Word count: 2215 (sigh. I told you guys.)
Steven Grant: 
Steven’s a very curious soul, and he’s the kind of person who adores learning about new places, people and cultures. So you can imagine when you first started dating, he was already knee deep in studies of Arabian cultures and traditions (he’s a nerd but he’s cute). 
He’s regularly a very comforting person but you swear you’ve never met anyone who you feel so free and open to talk about your heritage and religion with. Naturally, when Ramadan and Eid came around, Steven was actually beyond excited. While he may have done a lot (and I mean a lot.) of research, he also loved listening to you talk for hours about traditions and Islamic history, so he absolutely made sure to sit down and ask at least a million questions, half of which you know he knew the answer to, he just wanted to hear it from you. 
By the time the first week had passed, he’d taken time off from work and decided he was just going to stay home with you for the rest of it even after you protested multiple times. 
He loves spending the mornings with you! On the early mornings when you decide to stay up after Fajr (which is often) he takes over from Marc to stay up with you. You’re sitting on the couch reading through your daily pages of the Qur’an, while he’s sitting at his cluttered desk, bent over a new book with highlighters and pens scribbling in the book margins. 
It’s peaceful and calming and you can’t help the way your heart squeezes every time you look up and glance at him. You felt incredibly blessed to be able to spend such an important holiday with such kind-hearted souls. It made it feel like the world was smiling down on you. When you got tired and started feeling your eyes drooping shut, you heard Steven shuffle over, gently tucking your copy of the Qur’an out of your hands and onto the table, carefully scooping you up and carrying you to bed. It became a routine. You’d wake up for Suhoor and have a quick meal- and like clockwork as soon as you finish Fajr prayer, Steven comes shuffling out of the room, tugging on a fluffy sweater with a little yawn. He grabbed a cup of water, gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, before settling at his desk. There was barely any talking, it was just a comfortable silence. He’d interrupt with the occasional question, or maybe a little fun fact- “Did you know ancient Egyptians didn’t use the wheel until the Old Kingdom?” You hummed, looking up from your reading. “Really? Makes sense. Stones were too heavy for wood anyway,” 
He’d nod, smile, then turn back to reading. Other than that, there were no interruptions. He liked it, especially when you felt good enough to do your Quran reading out loud. It made him happy, listening to you read in your mother tongue- and while he was never a religious person, it filled him with a weird feeling. He didn’t understand a word of it, but it reminded him of poetry- not something he could entirely understand or relate to, but still beautiful. Especially beautiful when you have enough courage to explain what you understand from different parts. It was a form of intimacy to share such sacred and important things with one another- it was a level of trust you both valued beyond anything else. 
He decided this was his favourite time of the day then, and he thrived in the gentle atmosphere of the month- how could he not like spending lazy mornings with you for so long? If he could, he’d never work again, he’d simply stay home and spend forever with you. While that isn’t possible in this reality, he’s more than happy to have this month as a forever. 
Marc Spector: 
Marc was very different from Steven. He was not the kind to research every small aspect, or to encourage you to give him a long lecture about your culture. He was more of a silent lover who showed his lover through small, quiet gestures. He wakes you up every night for Suhoor, leaving a small meal for you in the fridge because he knows Steven would forget. You realised after the first few days, your prayer mat and abaya had gone missing and you had asked him about it, he said he had moved them somewhere quieter. When you had found them, you felt your heart ache so deeply you thought you were dying. He had moved it all to a small corner of the living room, clutter moved out and thoroughly cleaned, with little lanterns and a small plant there. The prayer mat was laid out, along with your Quran and it smells faintly of musk. You thought you might die right then and there as you processed the fact that he had put together a small prayer corner for you. When you’d try to ask him about it, he’d simply shrug, muttering about how “it’s not that big of a deal honey, just glad you liked it.” He doesn’t get that it is a big deal. 
It took a little longer for you to realise that Marc had stopped going out for his…nightly activities. At first, you thought that maybe there just weren’t any new missions, but after a while you knew that something was up because now, he’s staying at home every night. Right after you had Iftar and cleaned up with Jake, Marc would take over, arguing to set up a movie and spend the night cuddling on the couch. When you brought it up, he acted like it was a normal thing. “You said this was a month to get rid of bad things like sex right? Well, sex has been removed from the equation, but violence is still a bad thing,” He shrugged. “Didn’t wanna ruin your time with all the blood on my hands,” You turned to face him properly, frowning. “You’re not ruining anything! Habibi, it’s your duty, isn’t it? Wouldn’t Khonshu get mad?” Marc hummed, tightening his arm around your waist. “Don’t care about him.” “Marc-” “Shhhh, enjoy the movie, baby. I’ve got it figured out, yeah? Besides, I like spending my nights with you, makes me happy that you want to spend this special time with me,” “Well obviously I do,” You leaned into him. “This means you’ll walk with me to Friday prayers now?” He chuckled. “Of course,”
You notice after that talk that he starts opening up a lot more. You noticed he’d ask about kosher food when you went out for Iftar on those off days. And you felt beyond proud and overjoyed when you saw him pulling out his kippah one day. He didn’t wear it, but you knew it was just the next step. Him considering it flooded you with joy- that maybe he’s healing a little every day and that it’s getting better slowly. 
Marc was also very good at another important thing: Period comfort. Your period came as it always did, full speed ahead and a pain in the ass, but Marc is always always there at the ready, this time even more. He makes sure you’re super hydrated, there’s always a water bottle beside you at all times- he makes sure you take the painkillers the first day since it’s always the worst, and he gives the best massages. He’s even gone the extra mile to pull up hours long Quran videos on youtube so you can listen to them as you try to fall asleep.
He was a quiet, gentle lover who swept through like a soft breeze that caressed your cheek and left rain kisses on your face. 
Jake Lockley: 
Jake was a romantic, as much as he hated to admit it (and he really hated it). While he’s definitely not as planted in education as Steven is, he’s still incredibly touched when you ask him to help you make Iftar for the first time. In all honesty, he’s never really learnt much about religions and cultures, so it’s definitely new to him but he feels like he won a lottery every time you share a glimpse of your childhood with him, or your favourite traditions or religious stories. With everything he’s been through in life, he’s never really had much time to learn about other people but he’s definitely very happy to learn now, especially from you. One of his new, all time favourite pastimes is making meals in the kitchen with you. While you’re just two people for the evening, he constantly insists on making many different dishes each night. He’s always the one to go out grocery shopping, whether after a taxi shift or just randomly on an afternoon, he just whips out a list and goes on a whim. He adores spending afternoons with you trying out all sorts of different foods. While he’s not a master chef, he definitely has good talent, but it’s honestly not even the food that makes it fun, it’s just the domestic task being done with you. He can’t help but feel all sappy and emotional over it. It’s just really hard for him to believe that he’s spent so long hurting and alone but now he’s got all this love and care all coming from you- for him. He feels so overwhelmed in moments like these when he forgets that hurt, and he just feels so understood and loved. 
As the days roll around, he starts spreading out more. He’s researching a dozen new recipes every day, a million Youtube tutorials and a notebook full of scribbles for different ideas to try with you. It becomes your thing then, like movie nights with Marc and early morning studying with Steven- cooking with Jake just fit in so easily. He’s cheesy, so much that he’d start dancing with you right there- while you may not be playing music in those days, he’s still humming along to your wedding song as he spins you around a few times, before picking you up and placing you on the counter, insisting that “my princesa shouldn’t have to cook after fasting all day. I’ve got hands, I can do it,” He makes use of every single moment you can get together but he also makes sure to give you your space and time to fulfil your tasks for the month. 
One of the harder things for Jake was definitely putting a pause on the mercenary stuff. He’s not the kind to say no to Khonshu, and he takes a sort of…pride in his missions. It keeps him occupied on those nights and makes him feel useful, so when Marc said he wasn’t doing the missions for the month, Jake was definitely hesitant. He understood why, of course, and got why it’s important but he wasn’t sure how to just drop the job for so long. In the end though, he doesn’t regret it one small bit. 
Best part about Jake though? Eid shopping. While Steven is definitely the one with a bit more appreciation for clothing, Jake is all in for style and spoiling his favourite girl. It’s the last few days of the month, and you’re just dragging one another from one store to the next. You try on at least a million different outfits before guys settle on something cute, simple and elegant. He’s also always always determined on buying you new hijabs EVERY TIME you go out, despite you already having many at home, he insists on getting new ones so you have “extras in case anything happens” (let’s be honest, he just likes spending money on you.) He will absolutely NOT let you pay for your Eid clothes, it’s happened more than once where you’ll just be struggling against each other only for him to be the one to reach out and tap his card and pay. He gets all smug and happy about it while you just grumble but in the end he makes up for it, always, with ice cream. 
He’s very damn insistent on goody bags too. While you guys don’t have kids, Jake absolutely goes insane every time he sees the little kids at mosques. He’s very sure to buy at a loooot of chocolate and candy boxes and spends those last few nights with you after Iftar on the living room floor, bags sprawled out everywhere and a bad sitcom in the background as you fill up a hefty amount of bags to hand out. The kids adore him, because he’s funny and sweet and let’s them mess around with him, and the kids have just taken to following you outside after Eid prayers because they know Jake’s going to be outside, leaning against his car and waiting for you to come. 
You always come back to him of course, whether exhausted after work or thrilled after a beautiful morning at the mosque, you always come back, as he always comes back to you too. 
Nothing’s keeping him away from his girl, and the wide smile on your face throughout the day as you go out to celebrate? He can’t help but feel like he’s the luckiest man alive. 
Thanks for reading <3 Please reblog if you've made it this far and enjoyed! Tags for you cuties: @whatthefishh @winterbiipp @looneytooz @twwcs @ahookedheroespureheart
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the alcott (could it be easy?)
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ellie williams x writer!reader
modern au !!!
cw: use of y/n, cursing, DRAMATIC ass lesbians, this is actually fucking terrible don't read it oh my god !!! first time writing so pls pls pls be nice.
you hummed gently to yourself as you continued to write in you journal. writing poetry had always seemed cringy until you realized how happy it made you. and how it made it so easy to express your emotions through little poems and writing drabbles. maybe that's why you were writing about the girl that always seemed to be on your mind.
ellie williams, your best friend, who you hadn't spoken to for...what was it? three weeks by now. she hadn't been talking to you. ignoring your calls, your texts, everything. but this wasn't exactly...unusual for ellie. every so often she would do this and then just randomly message you and act like nothing had ever happened. of course, you had just assumed the same thing was happening.
but that's where this time was different. she didn't message you and pretend nothing happened. she had actually sent a rather weird message.
meet me at our coffee shop on 8th avenue
tomorrow at 12:30
of course, you had said sure. but in reality you were really confused. this had never happened before. 
so this morning you woke up, got ready, and headed to the cafe. you sat in the back corner, where you always sat. and waited. at exactly 12:30, you heard the door open, and you knew who it was without even looking up. you continued writing in your notebook, until the auburn haired girl slid into the booth across from you. 
she sat their silently for a second. and you looked up at the freckled face you'd come to know so well. you smiled up at her. 
"hi." you stated plainly. tilting your head at the girl.
"hey," she breathed out nervously. rubbing her arm. "look, y/n, i'm really sorry it's just-"
you cut her off gently. "ellie, did i do something wrong? the last thing i want is for us to not talk, els. you know that. so if i did something just tell me." 
her eyes widened in surprised, "no, that's not it," she insisted. "it's my fault, you didn't...you didn't do anything." she breathed out, closing her eyes to gather her thoughts
you fiddled with the pen in your hand nervously. 
"i just...you know you're my best friend right? i tell you everything." she said, meeting your confused gaze. 
you thought ellie told you everything, but something tugged at you. she didn't. she usually told you all of her problems, but in the weeks before she had ghosted you, she hadn't been telling you everything. you couldn't explain how, but you just knew it. 
you didn't exactly tell her everything either so, who were you to judge? 
"you're my best friend too, els." you said, quietly.
ellie was your best friend. but that didn't explain why it hurt so bad when she stopped talking to you. you tried to convince yourself it was completely platonic but, that wasn't the complete truth. you were a little bit in love with the girl in front of you, you had to admit. 
ellie let out a sigh, you couldn't tell if it was of relief or sadness. you weren't sure if you wanted to know. her eyes roamed the room in front of her, looking at everything except you. 
"ellie, what's this about?" you finally asked. the green eyes you were so fond of locked on you. 
"i don't think we can do this anymore, y/n." she stated, bluntly. 
"what?" you said quickly, looking up at her confused. "what do you mean?" you furrowed your brows.
"we can't be friends y/n. we just can't. i can't." she said, upset. she tapped her foot against the ground like she always did when she was frustrated. 
"ellie, why-" you started before you were cut off. 
"because y/n!" she said, exasperated. "because i can't do this anymore. i can't pretend anymore." 
pretend. you thought. you thought of every time you'd talked to ellie. trying to think of what could've made her want to do this, to break off your friendship. you practically let the girl walk all over you, as long as she was happy. as long as she stayed.
what could've gone wrong? you asked yourself. 
"pretend what?"
"pretend that i'm not in love with you." 
oh. oh. 
you didn't completely process the words before ellie was standing up. she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, as if that wasn't something she had wanted to say. she stepped back.
"i'm sorry, y/n-" she turned and walked away. to the front door. you watched her open the door and step onto the street. 
before you knew what you were doing you were practically running to catch up with the girl. 
"ellie- wait-" you panted, trying to catch your breath. 
she turned towards you. "y/n-"
before she could finish the sentence, your lips met hers in a kiss. and she instinctively cupped your face in her hands. 
her lips were soft, not like you had imagined how they'd feel or anything, and tasted like the vanilla chapstick you knew she wore. 
you pulled back from the kiss and stared into her eyes. "i love you, els." you said.
she smiled at you, before gently leaning in and kissing you again.
authors note: this is actually terrible please don't hate me for this. this is my first time posting my writing EVER so pls be nice to me. i'm actually so scared.
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fslurusami · 10 months
the main gist of edosami is that its a puppy4puppy situation. the general vibe of edosami is that its 2 puppygirls who are nonbinary gay men lezzing out in a fag way. transsexually. this is the appeal to me
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youremyheaven · 6 days
"(Mercurials are unfairly critical of others, have you noticed?) and she frequently took digs at me and was one of those people who make jokes at the expense of others."
on at least 5 separate occasions throughout the years i, with the help of another friend, have had to sit down and explain to my mercurial friend that she has to think before she speaks and how you can't just constantly insult people 💀 she's genuinely one of the most critical people i know, some examples include her walking around every inch of my island in animal crossing and tearing apart everything she saw for like an HOUR. yes it was in a video game, and yes im still salty!! she also would ask to read my creative writing or essays and then annotate it with her criticisms WITHOUT ME ASKING HER TO 😭😭 i remember the first time she graded my short story i wrote for fun an F and i was just staring in utter disbelief
she also would constantly make fun of peoples looks in a joking way (myself included) and when i told her to stop she'd play innocent like it was just a harmless joke, begrudgingly apologize, and do it again like a week later. i've observed this sort of underhanded behaviour in two mercury women so i think they might have a habit of it? i get complimented a lot and yes i'm tooting my own horn here but i am very good looking however she had an OBSESSION with getting unflattering photos of me and then sending them to our friends "as a joke" and then would play the victim when i got mad. like sorry i don't want our whole social circle thinking i look like albino shrek omg
the biggest reason why i cant stand Mercurial women is how theyre sooo deeply insecure that they'll tear apart others just to feel better about themselves
yearsss ago I got a really cute bag for really cheap and i was talking about it with my Mercurial friend and she said "it looks ugly thats why it was cheap" and she was carrying around a tattered, worn out, faded ass bag lmaooo
another mercurial girl who was average looking criticized practically everybody we knew for being ugly. she wore the shittiest clothes and criticized other people's sense of style
an Ashlesha Moon girl i knew never said one nice thing about me but often praised our other friends for no reason and made them sound like the second coming of Cleopatra,, i called her out on it and she told me "i thought you heard enough from others, i didnt know you were desperate for validation from me as well" 💀💀
THE BACKHANDED COMMENTS u mentioned??? bestieee we're all victims here 😭😭
so between 8th and 10th grade, i was in an extremely abusive homoerotic friendship with an Ashlesha Moon,,, she was always putting me down for no reason. i kinda sing,, i am not a brilliant singer but i have won prizes in school for singing so i know i dont suck as a singer. one time she asked me to sing for her on call and then she was silent and said "its not exactly brilliant but its not horrible i guess" 10 yrs later, i wish i couldve reached out through the phone to smack her face,,, i was in my poet era back then and tbh my poetry was pretty good if i say so myself and this girl??? always accused me of plagiarism,, i took it in my stride bc i was like "ok if u think im THAT good then what do i do" lol.
i could go on but ill stop here ,,, i hope i never meet another mercurial again amen
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