#i dont give a shit about them in relation to me but the way theyve hurt my dad and my brother and my mother infuriates me beyond reason
tricksterbxtch · 1 year
the way I want to completely ruin the lives of my half siblings for being the horrible people they are
if I have to hear about one more fucking incident of them causing our father anguish, there will be no force on any plane of existence that can protect them from me
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drpeppertummy · 8 days
So, thanks to one anon, you're doing only male bellies. Could you give me the details?
i was gonna say the details arent really relevant, but i guess they could serve as a warning since this person has been getting around (idk if they still are or if theyve realized itd be smart to stop making a spectacle of themself)
theres been an anon going around requesting/talking about bellies about to blow/erupt/similar wording, and theres been an anon going around asking about female ocs. i suspect theyre the same person because ive seen messages where the two topics overlap. they tend to send a handful of requests in a short span of time, usually with a lot of enthusiasm and compliments, usually fixating on particular female ocs
now, this wouldnt normally be much of an issue. i was alright with it because i liked their requests. but due to some suspicious message activity i have reason to believe theyre lying about their age and using multiple (basically blank) accounts to make themself look legit. blocking them doesnt seem to work (they probably have multiple devices theyre using) and because of their nonsense and persistence i started feeling suspicious of anybody requesting certain lady characters, so i decided the best course of action for me personally would be to just stop drawing what they want for a while
& i may be totally out of my mind and reading way too much into things. i dont expect other people to take this as Solid Facts, im just ham-fistedly piecing together a bunch of shit i experienced in a short period of time that appeared to be related. it could be totally coincidental and i could be totally wrong. but thats what im doing rn for my own peace of mind
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davekat-sucks · 23 days
i want that anon to think about it this way: can you actually name five good non-forced canon heterosexual romances off the top of your head?
because i cant, and thats the problem, its forced *writing*. how can you expect people to write something theyve never lived through (assuming the writer is like hussie for example) when nobody seems to know how to write a story first and opts for masturbatory self insertion instead?
look at samurai jack, genndy is very creative and has great ideas, but that got ruined the moment he decided jack just NEEDED to have a love interest based on his real life dream girl. the results? a rehash of ttgl ending, but shittier.
or my life as a teenage robot, did you know jenny was supposed to end up with sheldon? her stalker who feitshized she was a robot? because the creator related way too much to him?
hell, not only western shows, remember how sasuke ended up with sakura despite never giving a shit about her the entire show and abusing her? or naruto with hinata? kishimoto said he was like naruto and his wife was like sakura multiple times, how do you think she felt when he tried to justify these endgame pairings saying hinata was his ideal woman?
its shit like that. as for me, this is my personal opinion, but why i would i want someone feel forced to give me "representation" when theyve never met someone like me and all i end up with is an offensive caricature? look at hsbc for forced cynical representation, was rosemary worth it when they are reduced to ntr fuel and character assassination? or davekat for the very same? what about johnroxy, dont you think that was forced as well? trans roxy so that now roxy can end up with dirk? isnt that forced?
i dont watch a story for representation or validation, i watch a story for entertainment, and i dont want writers to feel pressured or restricted to just tell their story at the detriment of their original ideas and setting. if i want to see something hyper specific to something i saw, then i do it myself, i dont need anybodys crumbs or disingenuous hand me dows because they see me as a checklist to get money. i want sincerity and effort. writers arent gods that need to acknowledge i exist, they are voices that tell a story, dont depend on them or put them on a pedestal, you or anybody else can become that too. tell your story because are passionate about it, and that way itll never be forced. thats just the way i see it.
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True and wise words, Anon.
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 3 months
hello, its me! the anon who asked for your opinion abt shipping Alastor with other characters :)
firstly, thank you for answering! i totally agree that, if you build on a character's canon aro/ace orientation, then shipping them would be okay. ive just heard other people say doing that was aroace erasure, and i didnt feel like i had much say, because (as previously stated) im aceflux and nebularomantic.
my sexuality fluctuates, and i cant really tell the difference between romantic and platonic attraction, which is why i didnt feel qualified to put out my opinion on such matters
i also feel like i should apologize, bc i kinda feel like my ask may have snowballed into some sort discourse? idk, just from what i saw when looking at the blog every now and then, it looked like some shit was going down, revolving around Alastor 😭
now, onto why im here: why should someone do if a person they looked up to, who outwardly supported the aroace community, turns out to be a horrible person? (im sure that some people reading this can already guess who im talking about)
i feel so icky about the situation, bc ive supported and loved this person for years. all of the songs theyve ever written have been so aro-coded (as said by aromantics), and a vast majority of their fanbase is aromantic/on the aro/ace spectrum, myself included. they even spoke about their love for the aromantic community openly, and now, with them being exposed as a horrible person, i dont really know how to feel. is there any advice you could give me and others who are in the same boat? /nf
—sincerely, 🦢🦌
No it’s all good! The discourse was started by me ducking up and some people taking it slightly to far.
Unfortunately I do know who you’re talking about. I was in that fandom back in 20-22 ish, and I couldn’t be happier that I left. Honestly. I don’t know ANYthing about the situation other then someone being revealed to be a piece of shit for some reason and I would like to keep it that way:
I don’t need to know the details about what this person did.
Small side note before I begin:
I think the problem is a lot of people have put people like that on a pedestal while not knowing anything about them. 
The big difference between e- celebrities and true (actors, singers, rich assholes ect) celebrities is the accountability of the public. True celebrities have been held accountable much sooner and to much more effect then e-celebrities due to the fact that the media cares what they do. The paparazzi ect
People talking about not listening to said persons music anymore: reminder that it’s not only them who produces and plays that music. Don’t listen to their solo shit, burn CDs rip it off YouTube, piracy is on the rise.
The rest of the people involved with the band are NOT at fault here and their career and income should not have to suffer for an asshole.
“Cancel” the person not the team.
You can still relate to something without relating to the asshole
You can still relate to something without being the asshole
Be respectful
Listen to victims
And a word for my aspecs ->
The amount of straight people who are just as bad doesn’t matter here, no matter what happens next, all people will see is “he supported aroace spec people” and will try and use it.
Ignore that block them and report harassment
Stay safe anon
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spacedlexi · 2 years
If you could make one change to TWD s4 what would it be?
a 5th episode. the whole season felt pretty rushed especially the final episode with it being an hour shorter than the 3 other eps. it wouldve been nice for it to get the breathing room it deserved. i understand its highly likely due to the fact that telltale was in the middle of going under and likely didnt have the budget to do it similar to the length of s1, and i know a lot was cut, which is really unfortunate
when it was still airing and we didnt know how it was going to end, i was expecting there to be about a full episodes length of time dedicated to the delta, but we really only get the raid at the end of ep3 which is about 30? ish minutes? out of a 2 and a half hour episode... i really wanted more delta. i wanted to know more about the actual base (not the boat) and the war they were fighting and with who. it felt like they set it up to be something bigger but it just never payed off? the kids just blow up the boat and go home lol and the delta group is no more quite easily (someones gotta be wondering what happened to an entire crew of people + a small ferry that took multiple horses with it plus weapons and ammunition, that left to find recruits for a war they were losing??). while i really enjoy the end of ep3 (its very intense), i Really wanted for the delta to be harder to fight/escape. the delta works Fine as an antagonistic force for s4 the way it is currently, but it couldve been fleshed out more. having lilly as the head of it (or at least the head of the expedition?) helps to give it more of an emotional impact but it still left me wanting...
in the beginning of ep 3 abel talks to clem about doing whatever it takes to protect his home/family (and how clem can relate to that, and how they are on opposite ends of the battle still fighting for the same thing). i wouldve liked to actually SEE more of this home and whats so worth kidnapping children and turning them into soldiers to fight for it. like they talk about how it actually seems like a pretty strong community with running water/food/heat/beds/walls/etc, like they try to make it a little bit of a grey area, but also they are making child soldiers which is...not very grey.... like we know theyve kidnapped kids in the past, and from the conversation with lilly it sounds like they take people of all ages with some sort of frequency. how does a group like that function? its definitely through fear and not loyalty. how many people are there willingly? how big is this community? is lilly the one in charge of the delta or does she also hold fear to someone higher up than her? is the only thing worth saving about this community the fact that it has created a "safe" place with bountiful resources? but is that worth saving/is it really safe if everyone there lives in fear? and how strong can a community actually be if ran only through fear?
these are not questions that are ever really asked let alone answered, and moreso are just given the middle finger to while the kids just focus on getting their friends back (which in fairness i guess still makes sense for a bunch of kids who dont care and are making their own community built around supporting/helping each other since they were all abandoned by the people who were supposed to take care of them (first their families then the school faculty). they dont give a shit they just want their friends back and fuck you die). it just feels like there was an Attempt to set something up, but they didnt have the time for a real payoff, and therefore just made them Evil... like we couldve put a little bit more of a focus on how both the delta and ericsons are fighting for the safety of their homes, but the delta is built around fear and force while ericsons is built around community and support and love
minnie is the most interesting part of the delta and its because of how conflicting she is as a character/how shes an example of this stark difference between ericsons and the delta, since she goes from being a supposedly sweet/non violent person at ericsons to being completely brain broken by the delta to the point that she kills her sister who dissented against the group. sophie wanted to go home to ericsons, minnie was brainwashed into fighting for this new community to the point she saw it as her new home, and wants the rest of the kids to be there with her, since she thinks its safer for them at the delta than ericsons as long as you "do what youre told", and she wants to kill clem because she sees her as getting in the way of this goal even tho the other kids dont want it either. AGAIN there are bits of set up here and there but the contrast between the communities feels more like a good/bad dichotomy instead of asking interesting questions
LIKE all of these aspects ARE THERE i just wanted them doubled down on a bit. with how vaguely bad the delta is they just feel like generic villain instead of something more interesting that had been alluded to with abel and how hes also just fighting to keep the home he cares about safe. again we only get about?? an hour? hour and a half? in total throughout the season dealing directly with the delta. they couldve used more fleshing out
and to completely change the topic if we got a little more time in s4 then the party scene in ep 3 wouldnt have been cut down lol. i think kent confirmed that there was supposed to be a chance to walk around and talk to everyone, but you can just tell since the camera pulls back like it usually does when you enter gameplay after a cutscene, but then it just cuts to another cutscene 😔 every time i play it makes me sad knowing what could have been. i feel like with the atmosphere of having "one last party" before everyone could possibly get taken/die in like 6 hours wouldve led to some interesting conversations
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actualbird · 2 years
Finally caught up and read the entire polycule piece! Loved it 😁 Especially...
- Vyn seeing how many ways he could make Giann squirm in the span of one conversation
- Giann pretty much having 'Dinkelberg' moments for Luke ever since they had their talk
- Artem being the one who finally starts to crack Giann's 'This is Fine' (TM) shell
- Ria definitely being the leader of the polycule
- Von Hagen Brother Supremacy (TM)
- Neil's turn for fun discussions 😈
Wondering though...in the polyverse the other important NPCs in relation to the NXX members (i.e. Celestine, Kiki, Baldr lawyers, Zangr), do they know? If they do, how and when did they find out? And if not, do they at least have a feeling?
waaaahh, hullo hullo!! thank u for reading "standard operating procedure (x4 speedrun)" and im glad you enjoyed it :DDD
writing vyn from a non-vyn POV is so fun because yea, i think it'd among his Most Common Attacks in a conversation, esp he actually considers the other person a friend.
giann to artem: congratulations, btw artem: huh. for what giann: //offers him a shittily made paper badge that said "Got Giann To Ponder Emotional Vulnerability. Maybe. Still, That's Impressive" artem: did...you make this? giann: no, marius did, and hes making me give it to you >:/
mc is the best!!! shes gets the ball rolling, shes the glue tht keeps the team together, and shes also the PRETTIEST. sorry boys, but these r just facts
when neil finds out, he's half convinced hes still in a coma and is having a fever dream ajhsvkkjVKJHSVDK
as for ur q: first off, zaNGR??????? ok wait lemme circle back to him later
the close friends deffo know!!! celestine for artem, kiki for mc, aaron for luke, uhhhhh vyn's plants for vyn LMAO. vincent is also considered a close friend to marius, so he knows too. hell, vincent was told about the polycule sitch before any marius' immediate family
giann: wAIT WHAT
marius: what?
giann: you havent told dad????
marius: i dont waaNNAAAAAA, hes gonna be so embarassing, embarassing raised to the power of Four to take everybody into account
giann: ive got a feeling thats gonna blow up in your face eventually
marius: thats a problem for future!me
as for ppl not really close to the team, they arent told explicitly. like, it's none of ingrid rosworth's business, why she saw artem "stick up his ass, saving eye contact for marriage" wing being Very physically affectionate with like, several different people at several different instances. it's none of her business and none of anybody's businesses, but people are curious and make all sorts of theories
none of these theories circulate though. and neither of them ask. because have you met this grp of ppl?? theyve all got the capability to be incredibly scary and/or make ur life hell.
the citizens of stellis do not have a death wish KJAHVSKJFHAS
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davestriderascend · 5 months
the homestuck reread, pt 5
ive apparently finished what the map is deeming "part 3", and there are starting to be. a lot of subacts. and i am having a hard time remembering them all. and the map doesnt mark the subacts. so im just going to recap up to the end of part 3 now, before the act 6 act 6 nonsense sets in in full.
heres the previous recap if you missed it (meenahbound), and heres the first one if youre new.
Act 6 Act 4
this is the subact where the alpha kids enter their session! we are introduced to their planets, given a little glimpse of what theyve been up to, and their imprisoned jack noir gives us a wonderful little tally showing us exactly how much time has passed between their entry and when their adventure next picks up (153 days, with their adventure starting 11/11, and ending 4/13, so like five months). its super short and like nothing happens. moving on
Act 6 Intermission 4
breaking slightly from the previous pattern of a6 intermissions checking up on literally everything non-alpha kid related happening, this entire intermission is devoted to caliborns brand new session as he argues with hussie, shoots gamzee a lot, and is generally a tool.
The Characters
its in this act that hussie talks to caliborn about the consequences of him killing callie. basically, in killing her, hes stunted his own growth so that he will never reach his full potential as an adult, bc he didnt dominate in the traditional way. this is probably why lord english isnt shown with wings, the way other adult cherubs are. they also talk a lot about how this has impacted caliborns session and made it unique, (and they continue to talk about this in all of caliborns intermissions,) but im not gonna get into that here. caliborn is kind of implied in this act to have some kind of learning disability? which is. hm. its not framed great im gonna be real.
hes still a tool, hes still creepy, he shoots gamzee a lot and theres a whole elevatorstuck bit in this act that made me laugh really hard, but otherwise theres nothing else to say here.
Act 6 Act 5 Act 1
this is where we start getting into the sub sub acts. this is also where 99% of the alpha kids session stuff happens. everything with the alpha kid sprites is here, the jake, dirk, and jane mess, The hal and dirk conversation, and roxy briefly getting jailed by condy and discovering the void ring. this is also where calliope is first revealed hiding in the furthest ring. a6a5a1 is actually split into two separate parts, so im just talking about the first part here (yeah, i know).
The Plot
the jake, dirk, and jane mess is infamous. its hard to believe that all of that drama literally just happens in this one fucking act. even more so, its all contained more or less in three fucking pesterlogs. fr. people have so many opinions on this shit, i am just literally going to copypaste the relevant logs, even! youre welcome!
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this is the majority of the really potent stuff. the way it reads to me, jake and dirk started dating when they entered the medium, and have been dating for the past five months, until jake suddenly stopped talking to dirk and dipped. jane mentions that jake has complained about dirk to her more and more over the past few months, and asked her less and less about how she was doing, so shes basically stopped contacting him altogether. dirks role in this act is virtually nonexistent, so we dont get any idea of how hes feeling about this until his conversation with hal, wherein he blames hal for scaring jake off w hals machinations in getting them into the medium, and hal says that blaming him is just a way of dirk trying to cope with the fact that he blames himself.
the reality is the alpha kids session gets very little screentime. we have no idea what really happened during those five months, and we never get to know. but it is worth noting that these kids are extremely isolated, and this is also dirk and jakes very first relationship ever. its going to be very new, very confusing, and there is also a lot at stake if they break up and dont stay friends, especially if it ripples out to the larger friendgroup. im sure all of that has a huge impact on the way they handle things and the way it explodes at the end.
personally, i find the parallel between jake and jane to be the most interesting thing here. while jake repeatedly checks in with jane to make sure hes not driving her nuts, and dirk checks in with jake to ask if he needs space, both jake and jane, instead of communicating their problems, refuse to say anythign about them. they avoid the issue and let it fester, pulling back from the relationships until they both have a lot of resentment for the other party. in both cases, that resentment explodes- with jake going no contact with dirk, and jane blowing up at jake. theyre really bad communicators, honestly.
The Characters
when i talked about roxy in a6a2, i was pretty harsh, and i said all of that keeping in mind that iw ould be revisiting her here. in a6a5a1, roxy gets sober. and when she is sober, she is so kind, and thoughtful, and strong, with a great love for her friends and a deep fear that she isnt worthy of them. she has a close relationship with fefeta, and its through her talking about fefeta that we actually learn about fefeta, given that feferi, nepeta, and fefeta never speak from the moment of fefetas introduction. she admires her mom, and is so excited and nervous to meet her in person, and her mom is actually the reason she decides to give up alcohol! she wanted to be a person her mom could be proud of. i just. i love roxy so much she really is the best shes so kind to all of her friends and sweet w callie and shes also so fucking funny and i just. love her.
dirk continues his pattern of not being there much, mostly. his big moment in this act is his conversation with hal. apparently, he has literally not prototyped his sprite this entire fucking time bc he promised hal hed prototype him but doesnt want to and theyve been arguing about it nonstop for five months. insane shit. he had to bribe gamzee to keep gamzee from dumping random shit in, and he prototypes hal on the day that stops working. anyway, the conversation that takes place between him and hal in this act is one of my favorite moments in all of homestuck, its just so cool and theres really nothing else to say about it. if you havent seen this animation of their conversation you should bc its iconic
jake is... kind of a terrible friend, in this act. just objectively. the reality is, jake REALLY struggles with social cues and shit. hes just fucking terrible with people. he has no idea when jane is uncomfortable, no matter how obvious jane makes it, he has no balls when it comes to communicating with dirk, he makes all of his conversations with jane and erisol about himself (and kind of roxy, too??), and just. jesus christ. everything about his relationship with erisol actually is really really bad. its like what some people THINK john and davesprites relationship is like. idk thats like 99% of my takeaway from this act and i genuinely love him but this isnt a strong act for him
there are things to be said about jane, but i think ill hold off for a bit.
fefetasprite, as ive already mentioned, we pretty much exclusively hear about through roxys reencounters of who she is. she likes to gossip, and shes given roxy a ton of advice. apparently, in one on one conversations, shes a hell of a chatter box, btu seems to clam up in public for some reason. hussies always had kind of a running joke in the formsprings and whatnot about "a million worthless dead nepetas" and how, in the grand scheme of things, most of the characters introduced in hivebent arent important and will never be important, and it just kind of feels like fefeta not talking is an extension of that.
arquius is arrogant, and leans even harder into brodude type language than dirk and hal. hes casual, but full of himself and commanding, fully enthused to the max about both equius and hals interests (which have a decent amount of overlap anyway). he defers to dirk, commands dirk, and commands dirk to command him in equal and contradicting measure. hes really pumped about having a physical form, and even more pumped that that form is so RIIIIIIPPED, and believes that he is a sort of ultimate lifeform as a combination of machine and man. they experience a level of cohesion we dont see from the other doublesprites like tavris and erisol, and the only real instance where they seem to disagree is due to hals horror over equius's classism and behavior towards nepeta. arquius's name, interestingly, seems to imply that the name "hal" was in fact a joke all along, and that hal- or ar, i should say- does really consider ar to be his name. anyway, the bottom line is that arquius is fucking hilarious.
erisolsprite, like tavris, is made of two trolls that dont get along. however, eridan loves to bitch and moan, and sollux is ridiculously apathetic all the time, so hes continued to exist regardless. he hates everything, he complains almost constantly, he seems to enjoy complaining constantly, hes apathetic about jake and whatever the alpha kids are up to, but enjoys being a btich about it just enough to give jake a daily double bird. jake is a huge asshole to him and doesnt take him seriously at all, and despite that he still deigns to give jake advice sometimes?? erisol is hilarious tho and hes such a fun quirky chara and i love him a lot
Act 6 Act 5 Act 2
the trickster act. all things trickster happen right here. alllll of the things. dirk breaks up with jake, both arquius and erisol try to apologize to fefeta, and fefeta spritesplodes. they all get hella drunk and eventually crash sometime later on their sacrificial slabs.
The Plot
trickstermode is a fucking nightmare and i kind of hate it and i really hate everything its spawned in the fandom. did you know the tricksters dont have any kind of candy theme at all? i didnt. i fucking forgot. bc fandom. fucking anything seems to turn ppl trickster, also, and not just nonconsensual makeouts. jane kicks jake in the crotch. roxy gets a pumpkin smashed over her head. how did fanon fall so far
Act 6 Act 5 Act 1 Pt 2
after they crash, we return right back to act 1, swearing that well never speak of a6a5a2 again. there are a lot of big important conversations that happen here between the alpha kids. their sessions jack becomes jack english and hic becomes more aggressive in her takeover, and the insuing chaos causes the kids to go godtier, with the act ending with jane going crockertier and jade going grimbark.
The Characters
roxy talks a lot about her fears and insecurities in this act. its one of the strongest acts for her, honestly, and a lot of what makes me really love her so much.
like me, dirk also spends a lot of time in this act talking about how fucking much he loves roxy. roxy is TERRIFIED shes let him down, but all he can talk about is how much he adores and admires her, and how she means the whole world to him. he admits that he doesnt think he could ever kill her, for any reason, and looking back at previous acts we see a lot of examples of dirk risking everything to keep her safe over and over again. their relationship is so fucking important to me you dont even understand
i said id talk about jane later, and later is now. this act feels like a really good resolution for her re: jake. she and dirk FINALLY cut the shit and talk through their problems, and honestly, theyre REALLY good friends and their relationship is really sweet. unlike jake, who doesnt seem to have the balls to speak to anybody but roxy (hes dealing with a lot of self realizations rn, tbf to him), jane reaches out to roxy and dirk to talk through her problems and theirs, solidifying her friendships with both of them in a way thats really touching. jane, at her worst, can be stubborn and avoidant, choosing to let resentment fester over causing conflict or distance her friends to avoid harsh truths. but at her best, shes bold and clever, and a hard worker, willing to put in the effort to make things right.
Act 6 Intermission 5
this is where i started losing track of sub shit. intermission 5 follows the usual pattern of intermissions, with a check in on where the meteor and ship players are at as their journey comes to an end. it also follows the dreambubble players and their adventure, and what spades is up to. its during this intermission that the album cherubim is released, and act 6 officially passes act 5 in length.
however, the thing about this intermission is that its frequently interrupted by intermission intermissions featuring caliborns session, updating us on where hes at. so in keeping with that, ill summarize this intermission while also randomly interjecting with caliborns intermissions.
The Plot
the act opens on the meteor, with karkat planning an intervention for terezi with dave. while karkat is getting steadily more worried about terezi, as her mental health obviously begins to decline in tandem with her relationship with gamzee, dave is growing steadily more worried about rose, who spends a lot of her time drunk these days, which is negatively impacting her relationship with kanaya.
Act 6 Intermission 5 Intermission 1
caliborn has begun his session properly and is working on conquering planets. each planet is knocked into a black hole in order, billiards style, and after completing each other he gets a new leprechaun.
the battleship has landed on jakes planet. davesprite tries unsuccessfully to wake a sleeping john, and then monologues for a while about his experience on the battleship and how much he hates himself, before just fucking off and leaving
Act 6 Intermission 5 Intermission 2
caliborn has unlocked more planets. he thinks the leprechauns are annoying and their powers are lame.
at this part of a6i5, john meets up with vriska, meenah, and aranea, who have teamed up and put all of their plans together. right now, theyre searching for vriskas treasure, and vriskas put a little pirate crew together, which eventually includes feferi and nepeta post fefetasplosion. aranea tells a long story about calliope and caliborns parents.
meenah has to pee, and the pirate crew plays elevatorstuck
aranea continues her story and talks a lot about cherub biology. we see that gamzee had a role in raising the cherubs. aranea goes on to talk about caliborns dead session, and how he got to the point of conquering planets like we saw earlier, and the deal he made with his denizen. aranea talks a lot about leprechauns and charms.
meanwhile back at the ranch, dave and karkat are now talking to terezi about her relationship to gamzee, her guilt over vriska, her insecurity, and her newfound sight and regret over it. dave wins karkat tantrum bingo.
Act 6 Intermission 5 Intermission 3
caliborn and hussie discuss crowbars usefulness and caliborns eighth planet. clover hits on caliborn.
the pirate crew is almost to the treasure. john questions vriskas sanity and morality, while aranea tells a story about the rings of void and life. most of the pirate crew decide theyre sick of vriska being an asshole and dip, and vriska gives a long speech justifying her actions that has lived in my brain rent free ever since i read it for the very first time in 2015. i love her so much.
on the meteor, rose and kanaya get in a fight about roses alcoholism and the way shes continuously let the people around her down as a result.
Act 6 Intermission 5 Intermission 4
the leprechauns are all flirting with each other a lot.
meenah has a bit of a breakdown about how much she loves her friends and her life in the bubbles and how she doesnt actually really want to follow in the footsteps of hic. they find the treasure, before the story cuts suddenly to the adventures of viceroy bubbles von salamancer, which is 10/10 adorable and hilarious. the treasure is revealed to be the house symbol, and john sticks his arm in it, getting his teleporty canon fuckery powers.
Act 6 intermission 5 Intermission 5
caliborn complains about the leprechauns and hussie complains about vriska.
spades takes over the felt as their new leader, stuffs them all in an oven, and winds up in the furthest ring with a growing cast of characters (dirk, jack english, and eventually bec noir and pm). john keeps jumping around the canon and seems to love con air again
Act 6 Intermission 5 Intermission 6
caliborn is on his last planet and has come up w a plan to use his sessions jack to destroy the queen, planning to dispose of jack afterward. hussie isnt responding to his messages anymore, which pisses him off.
john flashes to caliborns location and gets punched into the present, on lomax by the landed battleship. while the kids on the meteor debate how to get off the meteor safely, grimbark jade appears and teleports them all onto lomax where john is. and thats the end!!!
The Characters
i really dont have anything to say here. ill probably talk about vriska and meenahs character development whenever they start dating. its heavily implied in this act that aranea has taught vriska the value of storytelling, while vriskas manipulative behavior has rubbed off on aranea, but ill also probably talk about that later.
The Album
cherubim is a themed album that centers around calliope and caliborn (obviously), and reminds me a little of prospit & derse in that the songs are presented in pairs, with opposing takes on the same general theme. red sucker is probably my favorite on the album, it goes hard as hell. i wasnt expecting to enjoy the album as much as i did! its great
Final Thoughts
with this so finishes "part three" whatever the fuck that even is within the vast context of homestuck. act 6 act 6, i remember well, is its own kind of monster with a gazillion subacts and shit, so i think it just makes sense to hold off on talking about that until another post. maybe my next one will be after the retcon? stuffs really picking up, and characters are getting a lot more fleshed out, so its a lot of fun to read rn. if like, so long.
EDIT: I COMPLETELY FORGOT but at SOME POINT during all of this the tumblr stoppedupdating. i dont fucking know when. anything i had to say about it i already said in the last post tho tbh. its fine. its nice. infinitely better than the formspring
edit: a6a6-the end of hs proper
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
deltarune but wof
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haha i drew deltarune but wings of fire
tbh this is just me wanting to ramble about my dumb mini aus that i come up with but never actually do anything with so uhhh heres some ideas for this/explanations
i made them a rainwing!!! theres a few reasons but lemme just keep it brief -rainwings are very “othered” and kris being a human really fits that -theyre also very isolated so ofc nobody really would know how to actually raise a rainwing, for example the stuff like how they actually change color by using the sun and shit -they LITERALLY CHANGE COLOR WHEN THEY GO INTO THE DARK WORLD I MEAN COME ON
anyways some hcsss!!!
kris totally would change their scales to blend in with their family and seem more “sandwing” (yep i made the dreemurrs sandwings), specifically to have the same colors as asriel. in the og kris drawing i realized that this wasnt really showing my idea of how they normally would look so i added in a doodle of the whole family!!
i inverted the colors mostly so you could tell the difference plus gave them some pops of green n yellow to help them stand out, but in reality most of the time they just look like a smaller asriel
theyve probably picked up the habit of trying to raise their tail threateningly but that doesnt really work because. its a sandwing thing they dont have venom. OR AT LEAST THE NORMAL KIND- no we are not getting into the whole rainwing venom thing
actually we are
kris probably doesnt know about rainwing venom, since even in deltarune the people there are super uneducated about humans, and in wof everyone is even LESS educated about rainwings (at least if this is set post darkstalker), so nobody really knows. 
they probably camoflauge to prank people. like you just feel someone watching you at 4am and you turn around and boom its kris
theyve probably gotten good at stopping their scales from changing since theyre constantly trying to blend in with their family, so they mostly stay light pink like asriel. after hanging out with susie a bit tho they probably get more confident and try out blue and pink and it looks great i love them. and also extreme emotions can make them change, but its not voluntary and they dont usually notice until someone points it out. 
theyre also probably very dull in color before they really embrace their identity. they like to stick with their family and blend in as much as possible, but rainwings sort of need to sleep outside and take naps often to have bright colors. as soon as kris realizes that others dont take those naps or feel tired a lot they try to stop and so their colors kinda suffer. to other rainwings they might even look a bit sickly.
hanging out with susie probably gives them the confidence boost they need to actually be ‘healthy’ and their colors get a lot brighter and they stop sleeping in class so much because THEYRE ACTUALLY GETTING THE REST THEY NEED WOOO GOOD FOR YOU KRIS GOOD FOR YOU
kris is also probably very uncomfortable with other rainwings because they cant really relate to them at all and it makes them feel somehow both less rainwing AND less sandwing than anything and so they avoid them at all costs.
ive probably thought the most about this so yeahhhhhh dont expect this much for the others
susie was probably the easiest tribe to decide on besides kris, so heres why -to be honest theres not much reason shes buff -and big -and thats very mudwing of her -also the only way she could be purple outside of fudging the mudwing rules is by making her a rainwing which kris has covered, silkwing which ralsei has, or a really fucking weird skywing which didnt really fit her vibe
hc time!!!
theres actually not much ive thought about with her, but she probably gets a lot of weird looks as the only mudwing in town, which probably also fuels people being scared of her. she looks kinda funky and thats because i dont care about the rules but it also probably doesnt help like mudwings are very brown im just fudging the rules all over the place here she probably likes mud and kris is the only one who also likes it so they just fuckin roll in it sometimes idk wherre this thought came from but its here now i considered giving her no tail/ a very stubby tail because i think its funny but fuck it shes just got a normal tail sorry besties no short tail susie for u
hey guys look its the baby. hes a silkwing -it made it really easy to justify his frankly kinda weird color palette without making him a rainwing. -now that i think about it i proably couldve made him a leafwing -but that seems kinda stupid and i like him being small bug man -silkwings are sort of slightly enslaved in canon which kinda fits his weird “we must serve the lighteners” bullshit
not much to say here. his design is my third favorite, not to be confused with my first favorite design (kris) or my second favorite design (noelle) or my favorite design idea (berdly).  
with noelle i kick canon to the curb because fuck that shit i can make her a hybrid that sounds fun. she’s ice/sand, theres no deep reason here i just wanted to be able to make her brown while also having the ice stuff
her mom is an icewing and her dad is a sandwing or ice/sand hybrid like her, since she doesnt have much thats actually very sandwing about her other than her coloring. if she was blue and you got rid of the back frills she’d be just a normal icewing.
icewings are very status-orientated so her mom puts a lot of pressure on her to be a good role model even this far away from icewing rankings. carol probably only moved out of the ice kingdom because she wanted rudy to be happy and the ice is super uncomfy for sandwings, so she’s a bit miserable in the town with it being so warm. she probably sleeps in a seperate room, not for like weird marriage reasons but because she wanted to freeze it. she’s probably got some lingering racism, and also, hybrids are VERY looked down on by icewings traditionally, so she puts a ton of pressure on noelle to be the best representation of what they can be.
noelle believes she has to be as “icewing” as possible, and since the only full icewing she knows is carol, she’s the icon of what noelle is supposed to be. so she’s picked up a lot of her moms bad habits. for example, she’s really bad at talking about her own feelings or being emotionally in general, since carol always hides how she feels. she can also tend to make rude comments about other tribes, but she apologizes immediately whenever she catches herself.
dess was very much NOT icewing and her mom sort of hated it. she was brash and loud, probably not very orderly and didnt care too much about rules or status, and picked up firebreath from her dads side (if hes a hybrid too, then it skipped a generation). very not icewing of her. noelle loves the break in order, and so she’s sort of split half and half between who she thinks she has to be and what she thinks she wants to be, and isnt quite sure what she ACTUALLY wants or has to be between all the outside forces
also she blushes purple. red sandwing blood + blue icewing blood = fuck you shes purple now. i think its cute. purple bloosh for a purple girl *insert susie*
actually, the most sandwing thing about noelle is probably that she doesnt mind heat. she actually might just love it as much as the cold. she just hates the middle bits. either freeze her alive or burn her in hell no INBETWEEN DAMNIT
berdly berdly berdly. in the end, i kinda like the idea of him better than the final design. hes a nightwing with probably a bit of skywing blood but no (alive) relatives around to confirm that with so he will definetly not admit it -he was going to be a skywing because hes a bird. it seemed fitting -but then i realized that i couldnt make him blue like that -so hes a nightwing with skywing descent -okk the hcs explain the rest of my reasoning better so ill stop now
berdly probably brags about being able to read minds/see the future a lot because people in hometown dont know enough about nightwings to counter. in reality, berdly isnt a 3 moons dragon. or a 2 moons. or a 1 moon. hes just a normal dragon.
one of his grandparents was a skywing that “brought shame to their family” or something idk. the point is they dont talk about him no no no they dont- ill stop now
berdly is super ashamed of this because his family had to leave because of how that skywing descent ruined his familys reputation in the night kingdom. nightwings are very,,, how do you say it,,,, racist most of the time. like somehow worse than icewings. they kind of hate everyone tbh. 
berdly’s ego probably comes from a lot of the “nightwings are perfect” bullshit he hears. i dont think his parents are very present for him, they just wanted to get out of the night kingdom because of the shame and brought him with them. 
he doesnt really want to lie about having powers, but hes in too deep now. the only ones who know are noelle (he confided in), kris (who saw it while they were lurking because they do that), and susie (who figured it out by threatening him with no actual intent and saw him being scared, and putting 2 and 2 together herself). and his parents but they dont count.
catti is also probably close to figuring it out because she knows a lot more about nightwing powers because of her research into these sorts of things, and the fact that he doesnt have a teardrop scale.
berdly can fly faster than a lot of dragons in the town because of his skywing descent, but he doesnt fly a lot because he wants to hide it as might as possible.
ok thanks for listening to me ramble about funny dragon books but deltarune
i might draw other stuff for this au who knows its fun
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pherre · 1 year
Regina spektor anon again (hi!!!) Getting through mash at an unbelievable pace cus ive been putting it on while i ink a 20-something page comic. Im at the end of s7. Margaret being part of hawkeye and bjs little crew is amazing. Her lightening up a bit and also getting more, like, consciously written as sad and hardened by her experiences is soo good. Also i think by s7 theyve finally (correctly) landed on the idea that she does not need to be paired off with hawk or charles or any main cast male in order to justify her presence. Thank god for that cus her Platonic Chemistry with ppl, esp hawkeye, is off the charts. Shes my favorite character i think (her and hawkeye anyhow)- shes just so compelling. Shes also getting a little more masculine sometimes. You see her in fatigues and shit like that which yknow👀. Sapphic hotlips agenda (i know what was up when that old childhood friend came to visit). Btw I love Charles. Hes awful and elitist and a chauvinist but hes definitely a far better foil than frank cus he's capable of holding his own against bj and hawk and he's not a warguy rlly. (I say this with great affection for larry linville and for frank as a character, cus he was great too!! Its just that i like charles more) and watching charles warm up very slowly is great. I tend to not be on charles's side but its very satisfying to watch hawkeye get put in his place sometimes and it also makes it a lot more satisfying to see ppl get one over on charles because its actually a challenge. Speaking of which, i loved in love and war and inga Very Much. What stellar episodes. I demand More slamming hawk into the ground about his misconceptions and fuckups (affectionate) especially regarding women. Also the show made me cry again- when hawkeye tells radar off and makes him cry, margaret's little dog monologue, and especially especially when mulcahy punches that wounded man during the xmas ep??? :,>( the shame he felt was so relatable and touching. again thanks for introducing me to this series, its such a joyful experience to get to know this piece of art and experience it. Ooh oh also, i wanted to weigh in on the Where To Start Debate. While im not a purist and i think any way a person comes to a piece of art is valid, imo the best way to do MASH is to start from the start. The sexism and racism was genuinely very disheartening, and the cornier, sitcom-ier writing does make it feel a little less essential than subsequent episodes and seasons but honestly if you're in for the longhaul it ultimately deepens the experience cus so much of subsequent MASH is invested in interrogating its past, generally thru giving margaret more of a voice and by complicating Hawkeye's role as the guy we the audience are meant to agree with and identify with. The satisfaction that comes with deepening Margarets characterization and taking her problems more seriously is partially predicated on, for example, the early shows casually dismissive attitude regarding instances wherein she was sexually assaulted or harrassed or demeaned. I hope they continue doing that. I know that that isnt an experience everyone wants, but it feels rlly cool to watch the show learn empathy and grow from its crueler, fratbro-ish perspective to something more holistically empathetic. Sorry thats soooo many words dont feel obligated to respond if its too much. I just have thoughts. Thanks.
aaaaaaa hi anon!!!!!! i love reading your thoughts dw <3
margaret's character arc is definitely one of the best things in mash. everyone say thank you to loretta swit for fighting for her character
and yes wlw margaret is so real!!! some ppl hc her as a lesbian, i personally prefer to think of her as bisexual bc her relationships with men on the show are too important to her character to consider them comphet. 2 me. all headcanons are beautiful though love is love
i'm so happy you like charles! he's definitely a more fitting antagonist for the kind of show mash became by season 6. the way his character is explored does add a lot more depth to the show (and at some point i feel you'll find yourself rooting for charles too lol. maybe! maybe not) and dont worry there will be more slamming hawkeye into the ground. maybe too much even
and i think you're right about starting mash from the pilot! part of my enjoyment of mash is about seeing how it changes, evolves and confronts its own shortcomings. for some people that might not be the case though, so i generally think if someone's not vibing with season 1's pacing or jokes but still wants to check out the show, s2 is a solid place to start. it has a soft pilot AND it's one of the best seasons of television ever like literally win win
youre always welcome in my inbox!!! i'm v jealous of you experiencing mash for the first time tbh so i'm living vicariously through you lol
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motelpearl · 3 days
fuck j///kr she can choke
but yall I've been watching (pirating forever ofc I dont even have any means of acquiring them legally) the h*rry p*tter movies (not reading the books bc theyve long since been donated & if I may be so frank were honestly boring & full of irrelevant bullshit especially order of the phoenix onwards she definitely was surrounded by yesmen. did she fire her editor?) anyway I've been watching them for reasons I will not be disclosing at present but I can assure you those reasons are most noble/embarrassing/on brand &
the amount of anti irish racism(? if you can call it that idk europeans are ass backwards on everything) is staggering like we talk about her transphobia & antisemitism & fatphobia & racism towards poc at length but the anti Irish shit is in literally every movie like the fact that the irish kid is not only named seamus o'finnegan but his first appearance is him trying to turn water into rum & then it blows up & blowing things up is his whole gag throughout the series & then when the death eaters commit a whole fucking terrorist attack at the quidditch world cup (side note the focus on quidditch was one of the things that bored me so much about the books like your audience is nerds & you write at length about the intricacies of wizard hockey who caaaaares) one of the weasleys says "oh the irish must be celebrating" LIKE WHATTTT IM SCANDALIZED HOW DID THAT GET THROUGH SO MANY PEOPLE ONLY LIKE 10 YEARS AFTER THE TROUBLES ENDED
also people used to compare me to luna lovegood all the time when I was a kid which I took as a compliment then (bc I was a fucking nerd & would tell people I spoke parseltongue [& klingon] & would pretend to open automatic doors with alohomora & went to school dressed as a dementor) but now I'm like first of all that was NOT accurate I was way quieter & creepier & bitchier & more rednecky & weirder in a less palatable way than her but also SHE'S SOOOO GODDAMN ANNOYING LIKE I GET IT THAT WAS CUTE & QUIRKY AT THE TIME BUT NOW IM JUST LIKE UGH I KNOW PEOPLE LIKE HER & THEYRE ALL PAINFULLY INSUFFERABLE TAKE THOSE GLASSES OFF SIT DOWN
also I dont expect much from romances that take place in high school but godddd all the romances in this are so bland like harry & ginny might as well be a brick wall trying to seduce a wood plank (also I just hate seeing child actors pretending to be in love it gives me secondhand embarrassment like dont yall have blocks to play with or something? get back in the playpen) also I hate to say it but ginny as a character is so nothing like what traits does she have other than "nice"? shes defined by nothing except her relation to men like shes ron's sister & harry's girlfriend & that's about it (also i know literally nothing about acting so maybe I'm just yapping but I dont think she was particularly well-acted either though maybe that's just because the actress had so little to work with) (yes I know she was more outspoken in the books but she still annoyed me then SORRY!)
also I've seen all these movies but I was wondering "why do I remember so much of the first 4 but so little of the last 4 even though I literally saw order of the phoenix in the theatre" & now I realize its because after goblet of fire they become very depressing & admittedly still gripping but not necessarily fun to watch (& the things that are supposed to be lighthearted are so nonsensical like did we really need to see aragogs funeral & ron hoeing around? I feel like so much of half blood prince could've been cut out or replaced with more productive stuff ie. deeper explanation of horcruxes & showing how tom riddle became voldemort) like hedwig getting straight up murdered just feels egregious
I can never tell if helena bonham carter is a good actress or not like is bellatrix supposed to be like That
seeing the marvel reddit millenial cringe erm that just happened humor kicking in right in 2010 is crazy
ok maybe this makes no sense but the comparison between voldemort & hitler is old news at this point but was mcgonagall putting all the slytherins in the dungeon for the actions of a few of them an analogy for japanese internment or am I literally insane....does that make snape italy (also speaking of snape the way his outfit in the movies has sleeves so long they give him constant sweaterpaws makes me laugh. assigned uwu at costume department)
harry falling in love with a girl who looks just like his mom....not even wizardry can stop freud (also people have probably pointed this out idk idc i dont interact with the greater culture around this & didn't even when I was a big fan bc the fandom has long since made me want to commit atrocities but it pisses me off how everyone says harry has his mother's eyes to the point where its snapes last words before the biggest reveal in the series when hers are brown & his are blue & they're green in the book like ONE JOB ONE FUCKING JOB)
also the implication that voldemort cursed the defense against dark arts job bc he wanted to keep the younger generation unable to defend themselves shouldve led to harry becoming the teacher of that subject when he grew up instead of becoming a glorified cop like that wouldve closed off that arc (or harry couldve stayed an auror I GUESS & the teaching job couldve gone to neville bc he was the other half of the prophecy idk I shouldnt be investing so much thought into something so trivial & yet)
given what Shes on about these days it's weird how many plot points revolve around school bathrooms (including boys being in the girls bathroom actually saving a girls life) it's literally like one per book
am I stupid. has he been a christ figure all along.
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im-tired-today-again · 5 months
the thieves class in homestuck is interesting
I'm unsure as whether thieves are passive or active, and i honestly dont care about that type of stuff, but they're really interesting to me. There's a certain thing about them
The way I see things (which can very much be wrong)
Thieves don't have personalities.
I would take examples from Homestuick, but i only have very loose memory from when i read it years ago, and i dont honestly feel like going back and re-reading shit
The way thieves work is that they steal their aspect of course, but it's always from other people. Thieves take, take, and take, they take everything from others, which can very easily lead themselves to never have anything original in them, not a single thought came from them but only the ideas theyve stolen.
It could be that they are grasping at straws for some semblence of identity, stealing and taking what they can to cover up what they aren't through some percieved lack of true meaning. Or, it could be that's simply what they were doing since childhood, gripping at every single thing they come across and taking and taking and taking and it becoming their "own", an unconcious need to steal, not even knowing if you have it or not, perhaps to a point where you dont know what you're doing, apparently stealing for some sense that you didn't know that you needed or even wanted. Conciously, and unconciously
I guess you could seperate this into the Rogue and Thief classes, rogues unconciously steal and thiefs conciously, which makes a lot of fuckin sense tbh
Maybe, thieves conciously steal, and cover themselves up with the aspect they steal. (i think i got it chat) They steal their aspect and make it their whole "personality", to hide their primal, internal fear. It's kind of about fear. I've read that thieves steal their aspect and use it as a whole identity, but only do it due to a perceived lack of that aspect. Though, it feels as though they steal their aspect in fear of it. Like (hear me out. God i am SHIT at explaining myself through words) It's like, they cover themself with their aspect, not just because of any percieved lack of it, but fear of the inverse. A Thief of Life afraid of Doom, running away from it and making sure the end is never truly the end, never stopping to stay still and empathize. A Thief of Light always ensuring they're in the spotlight, no matter if it hurts them or others, deeply afraid of being forgotten, left in the Void, left alone in mystery. You get where I'm getting these. But, if they were to be afraid of the inverse, i feel like they'd be the inverse if it was so deeply and primordially Them. They steal so much of their aspect, they only leave behind the inverse in their wake. But that's kind of it. It's their inverse, it's their other half of the coin. The Thief of Light takes all the knowledge and spotlight it can get, leaving Void, mystery, forgottenness in its wake. A Thief of Life stealing all the growth and mortality for themself, always leaving ruin and death. It's kind of just a core part of them, it's their destinies in a way. Give and take
I like Thieves, being a Page (Thief is a Page's inverse) it's kind of a thing that . Y'know. I get. It's my other side of the coin, it's something I can completely understand and relate to, whilst having no clue what it's about and what it could possibly be like. I Get It. But I never will truly be able to understand
Like, I have a friend who's a Knight of Heart, adn he has his heartbound character. I can get the character from an extent being a trans guy along with him, but I will never be able to truly encompass the other feeling as a heartbound, because it's such a Thing. I get it, but i will never understand. It's a weird feeling, a dissapointing one, and a great one. That's how I feel towards thieves. They're so inherently interesting, at least to me
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hexcryingwolf · 1 year
im not spending my days in a depressive suicidal fog like i did for the first couple of years after the 2018 fallout. im not constantly thinking about and remembering and questioning and doubting everything that happened anymore. i have healed a lot. i am so much better than i was
but finding out that [information i hope to god comes to light sooner rather than later] lit this fire in me. im not scared anymore, im fucking angry. angry about the lies. angry about how they treat people. angry that nothing ever got any fucking better. angry that im a joke to them because i had the audacity to Not Handle the Trauma of Finding Out Someone I Trusted and Considered a Friend was a Dogfucker with perfect poise and tact.
we never talked about that. i dont remember ever talking about that in the server. i talked about it with glip privately but not in a way to process my pain, i was trying to support them and pushed my trauma aside for them. i know when i first saw those videos i talked about it in the server but i dont think, once the truth about marl came out, that i ever really took the time to talk about it in relation to that. i was too concerned with supporting glip
and its not their fault i did that obviously, that was my own actions and i own that much. im not blaming them for anything here. i just want it to be understood that i had this trauma and never took the time to process it and maybe thats why i lashed out so much. maybe thats why everything hurt me so deeply. maybe thats why i was so fucking scared all the time.
thats understandable, right? like. we never talked about the animal abuse but i should have. i should have brought it up in therapy way sooner than i did, and even when i did it wasnt a focus, it was just a footnote to the rest of it. i dont remember anyone else being as bothered by it as i was. so we didnt talk about it. i used self harm to train myself out of thinking about it instead of talking about it. one time in the box i tried to talk about it but glip shut us down because “(they) hadnt taken the time to process it yet”. i know we couldve gone to dms, i know that logically. can it be understood that logic sometimes gets overwritten by emotion? or is that just a personal defect, i should have known better. in the face of this horrid, monstrous thing, i should have known how to handle it logically
i remember glip being, kinda. like it was this eureka moment for them when they understood that the reason the zoo shit upset me so much was because i saw it as animal abuse. i hate to phrase it like that - “i saw it as” - because it fucking *is* abuse. knowing some of the shit i know now it makes sense they reacted that way, i guess? but it sucks cuz there were dozens of active people in that server, a lot of whom were my *friends*, but i just had to stew in this pain and never let it LEAK. we talked so much about how my bad feelings leaked out onto others. and that was bad. it was bad that i couldnt hide my pain? im not sure. i wish i understood. i wish i could see the logs. id fucking settle for talking to someone with access to the logs who i could trust was being honest with me, even without directly giving me any logs at all. but no one like that exists, i dont think
i know glip didnt think my pain was real. january 2019, i was feeling so hurt and mistreated by them but i REFUSED to believe they were just being a bitch to me. so i make up this motivation where theyve been hurting me because they want me to retaliate somehow. i ask axi about it and they dont try to stop me, they tell me to write my callout. so i did, and then i was the villain. i was a joke. how dare i “put on a brave face” during the scene with them, after how badly i had hurt them with a wimpy callout i never shared and they never read. im sure it *DID* hurt you glip. but what about the pain i was feeling in the first place? i did that because i was being hurt by you, but i wanted to believe youd only ever do that to me for some good reason. maybe to teach me something? to teach the rest of the server something? can you understand that that didnt come from a place of anger or wanting to hurt you, it came from the pain *i* was feeling but was trying to deny, because i didnt want to believe youd hurt me.
its ok that you didnt/dont like me glip. im over it. but i cared so much about you i refused to believe you might just not like me. when i thought, maybe they want me to retaliate? maybe this is some plot? it fucked me up so badly. so i went to axi and they didnt try, just said “well youd just take my trying as part of the scheme” and maybe i would have but we’ll never know because *they didnt even try*. so it was easier to believe that you were hurting me for some greater purpose than it was to believe we just werent compatible as people
i dont know. this turned into more of a vent than i meant it to. theres so much i cant process properly because i cant read minds and i dont have the logs and ill just carry this pain forever. at least its smaller than it was
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scorpio-marz-tingz · 2 years
18+ Observations 😛
This is legit for the freaks ight😈
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Pisces 🐻Moon/Venus🐻 are so connnected to the arts and creativity this isnt a suprise at all but they can be sexually attracted to characters and other stuff related to the realm of fantasy like moody musicians, they can get off by creating images and scenarios in their minds eye that generate feelings/sensations similar to the real act and its a gurantee these mfs either have their eyes closed while fucking or they're making some very intense eye contact🤭
Aries 🐻Moon/Venus🐻 are some of the most erotic, passionate women ive ever had experience with (😩omg😩) its truly amazing how powerful her sexuality is when on full display with her deep.. deep pleasured moans and expressive dominance, this is the woman you will hear in the bedroom as she isnt scared to release her screams into the atmosphere, your only reaction to hearing the pure pleasure in her screams will be to give her more of what she needs and for this reason this woman is on the conquer or be conquered list
This woman doesnt fake and if she does then her planet is afflicted/harmed, she knows truth is more important than feelings, she will help you get better in my own experience I had a Aries Sun gf and she could get so fucking wet it was outrageous, id pull my hands from her pants and theyd be soaked it was such a pleasure to eat her Grade A p***y, our first time hooking up i road to her house and she kicked out the screen to her window to come out and i always thought that shit was so badass/aries of her
Leo Women (👑) particularly if its her moon or mars, will have dominatrix tendencies and will do yo ass like cat woman🤭 literally getting pleasure from crowning herself queen over the peasant that has wandered into her chambers, she will play with you like a mouse.. leo moon women are like sexy man eaters, she wont tolerate a weak man and after shes had her way with you she'll kick you out like trash and forget you ever existed, only the remenants of your spirit will be left in the form of newfound confidence🤣 (😩sexy asf😩 my cap moon says "mommy")
My capricorn moon mad turned on by this behavior ngl
Virgo Men (Mars/Venus) oh gosh you poor overly talented human beings i really do feel for you, everything is perfect for yall and just the way you want (main character vibes) and that includes the way you pleasure your partner, blessing your partner with hours of pleasure and multiple orgasms is literally an easy task for you, so attentive and detailed, you know womens body like you know your own, so be wary of the women who thinks its your job to fulfill them sexually because they wont return the gesture and they will drain your divinity one unreciprocated orgasm at a time🖕
I had this Sag Sun, Venus Scorpio and Mars Aquarius gf and i swear she was a literal zombie in bed she didnt even like giving head lmfao how the fuck? she got more orgasms from me then all her lame ass exes combined bahha, she didnt even manage to make me come 75% of the time i legit had to finish myself she just wasnt sex material no matter how much i talked to her about my experience or lack thereof(mars square venus) but she was super thicc and that @$$ was on a million.. turn me on 😛🤣
Capricorn placements like to give and take it rough, @ scorpios😛😛 and might be the best fit for scorpio in the inner planets, they can take your intensity like its nothing because theyve been through hell just like you, pluto-saturn dynamic is sexy, your dark energy is apex to capricorn and your pent up PURE sexual energy is heaven to scorpio, they can satisfy you like no other partner can, test it i promise you. So intense these orgasms will start to create ripples in reality around yall, im telling you the truth bruh dont take this for a grain of salt, its the whole barrel🤣
Saggittarius placements have superior drunk sex although im not too sure whats happening since were drunk🤣 it just feels right
Lets Spice it Up😛
*the persona of a dominant man*
*he doesnt move like other men, he has a dark aura, almost as if space and time crack around him as he directs, all women stare no exceptions*
"you wish to please me by getting on my good side, how foolish to make a slave of yourself"
- Capricorn Inner Planets
Taurus 5th house typically have larger more full goodies (male and female) and they're pretty thick, they are the real performers (not lazy at all) and even their head game is super STRONG Leo in 8th makes them secretly arrogant in their sexual ability but rightfully so since these are the sex gods/goddesses here to bless us all and evolve sexual conciousness as a whole (Neptune Mars Jupiter Sun and even SATURN in taurus/leo increase effects)
Adding Taurus/Scorpio energy to Leo creates magical sex ability, Ruler of 5th in Aries Aquarius and Capricorn Scorpio people are hung too🤔 but ruler of 5th in 8th makes you the BEST sexual partner and 8th in 5th creates a mutant🤭 go grab dem charts ladies
Mars Opposite Jupiter creates unlimited supply of sexual energy and might last longer than mars-saturn aspects simply because the energgy is renewing as its being used whereas saturn only endures, no renewal is happening there, they will be able to go all night and physically fucking exhaust their partner, these people will make you tap out no if or ands only ass🤭 they wont hold it against you tho as they probably planned out exactly how they would fuck you/punish you for what you did last week (which you undoubtedly forgot abt.. better think long and hard *pun intended* abt this shit next time you act up) they couldnt wait to get that ass bent over the bed, table, counter, balcony, or just abt anywhere else they can rail you, legs shake uncontrollably and your puddles' visible to them through the sweat thats blocking their vision, sometimes theyll have to finish by themselves as their partner cannot take it anymore.. *this aspect make you lowkey always horny and ready/down for a quickie* if your exploring sexuality they are the catalyst to some of your most important discoveries
Dom Energy
*Mars in 1st, 5th, 8th, 10th (7th and 11th makes u dominant amongst partners and friends alike)
*Mars/Moon in Aries/Capricorn (Leo/Scorpio must be in 8th/10th house to negate switch tendencies)
-Mars in a fixed sign makes you dominant by nature and aggressively so in 8th and 10th whilst in mutuable it makes u a bottom (sag and gemini are switch but their houses are not, it creates a pattern too tho but i wont explain only some will pick up on it, aries cap, libra cancer)
Eros in 8th/Scorpio - wants to be taken by force and love when you roughly spread her legs, she wants to be dominated completely but with sincere care, she has a thing for deep penetration she prefers length over width and she can probably take a full foot of dick
Mars-Uranus - such a fiery combination think of fire tornadoes with this one, real freak of nature and their sex will probably make you completely obsessed no joke.. these people get hit with the "im pregnant" more than any other even tho they're more than likely strappin up😐 probably because their partner senses that flightiness, that flightiness is just their sexual desires being fulfilled by multiple people not just one, they have different sexual partners that they specifically pick based off a specific sexual need, you were indeed chosen because these poeple know what you have to offer them in terms of sex and will exploit this, best fwb because if you give them freedom they will fuck you better than anyone else, they see bringing their partners together for a night of wild, unforgivable sex as the ultimate sexual victory
Mars-Saturn dominate or be dominated
*Taurus mars give best head*
mars trine/sextile venus are fucking eaters
*Neptune in 2nd are packing heat or maybe they are sexually talented*
Juno-Lilith people have the wildest sex with their parnter and if its conjuct then these people can tame a lilith woman and end up marrying her/making a genuinely good wife/mother out of her especially if its in scorpio, cancer, 4th/8th house, these people will indulge your sex fantasies no matter how dark or unacceptable and they legitimately will not judge you for them because they see lilith whos usually shunned, as the ideal partner, her flaws and sins are ideal to this guy *Flaws and Sins by Juice Wrld* "your scars are really gorgeous, aint that a weird way of giving compliments i see your light in all the darkness"
Taurus (Moon/Venus) loves foreplay and you can probably force them to come before you even sex each other.. hehe talk abt a tease 🤤🤭
So in my own experience but for sure, the venus taurus girl loves to get ate out, completely devoured, within a fraction of all her bodily fluids.. and if your skilled enough you can see the blood rush to her face as she is truly amazed and astonished by the sensation she cant quite grab onto or truly fathom... all she knows is shes in heaven and she doesnt want to ever leave, ive never seen so much cum flowing nonstop, it truly pleasured me to pleasure her for she also had the most beautiful pussy i cant make it up i tell ya i can have my mouth on that girl for hours or til my tongue gets way too sore🤫 i lowkey hope she see this im tryna smash again bahahaa
Last but not least i want to expose virgo for being so fucking nasty and even more kinky (i literally wanna use so much profanity when i talk abt virgos🤣) i have such a thing for virgo-pisces axis ill take such good care of all your wildest dreams... at the same time tho youd never truly know what im talking about unless a virgo exposes themselves to you, its truly fucking shocking, alot of the females have natural promiscuous vibes and dont think its fake because shes really fucking like that🤣🤣🤣 so fucking breedable im down for yall
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bimbosupreme · 3 years
mephistopheles love post
the equivalent of a mental breakdown tangent is all going under a read more
yes believe it or not that freaky ass literally not even human clown in fgo gets love, and love from who? me and like 3 other people
first off
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ok and with that out of the way,
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i’m not even familiar with their lore. Reason why i stopped caring about the lore behind faust and mephistopheles is that an interlude happens that shows that mephistopheles is just some homunculi made by some mage nobody named faust. and even then the interlude doesn’t talk about the lore behind the novel, its just you helping mephy kill faust
that being said though i would hope the developers expand on their origins more and potentially even release a “true” mephistopheles (a girl can dream)
So, they’re not even the real deal demon known as Mephistopheles in the first place, and i can hear u going “well that’s lame” and like, no, we just need to redirect our feelings from appreciating a demon to appreciating a homunculi who has a weird characterization in the fate universe
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Design tangent:
Fgo was actually my first gacha, and so when I came across this servant I kinda instantly fell in love with their design, I love the colors used in their final ascension and overall appearance. The hat that has horns but they're not quite horns, theyre these weird colorful pointy twisty things, the large garish butterfly ornament on their chest (which isnt ugly at all and somehow works so well with their everything on them) is cool, the tights are so cool to look at, i mean look -- a checkered pattern with golden lining on the shorts portion, the tits out look like yes we get it youre insane, the gloves??? purple and also cool, plus theyve got this gradient thing going on? and the fingers have this line going through them, thats so cool. actually the only other servant that comes close to this in terms of “out there” colorful designs is probably final ascension kama and qsh ( i love them both). Also, mephy has this scissor weapon?? thats so cool lol i dont see any other servant wielding giant scissors (for the love of god give mephy an animation update i need to see them use the scissors while doing flips) and they also have this bomb obsession going on? cant relate, but the bombs designs are so so cool i mean its a fucking centipede -- no idea if centipedes are a thing in the original faust but thats something Ill have to look up at some point. ALSO mephy is wearing heels oh my god anytime people wear heels is an automatic win. No clue whats going on with the hair but its kinda cute (dont question me on that) and it has curls and the hair colors are cool i mean its like a lavender thing with darker purple highlights? i love colorful things and i love people with wacky personalities so. Oh my god their tail how could i forget that its so cute and dumb i almost forgot it was there, like what is that even a whip? i dont.. but its got these little purple tips to them that are kinda cute/cool but more cool because tails are fucking up there alongside heels in terms of cool stuff on characters. and of course their fluffly cape -- again no idea what the designers were going for i mean look its a mess of a design i have no fucking idea what any of it means and i hope they explain it someday because that hair and the butterfly and the tail and the hat and the fluffy garb and a bomb obsession?? and this got the go ahead - yeah lets add that to the game like what
appreciate these with me for a second
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oh and the blue lipstick and face paint god thats a cool design ugh
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they can be normal too or at least as normal as possible i mean they even trimmed their eyebrow here lol but you can see the not so well hidden insanity/goofiness peaking through with the inside of the suit at the bottom being highlighter purple and a green shirt with gold accents underneath the black coat at the front <3, fuckin hate that hairstyle tho bro we gotta get that middle part hairstyle outta hereeeee--
anyways this is me going off all about why i like their design! but we haven’t even touched the nitty gritty of it all. their personality! what personality you may ask? havent they always been some weirdo laughing a lot and saying dumb shit all the time? well yes and no
True to their dumb little clown design mephy also acts like one.
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Some servants bond 1 lines are like “fuck off” and some actually talk to you, nah this bastard mephistopheles’ just laughing. and for the second bond line it seems to imply theyre fuckin with you more (showing up and dissapearing and saying ‘afterimage’) so thats nice that theyre actually making some effort to mess with you in a way? some servants take a long time to actually interact with you so this shows theyre not afraid of interacting with you and thats just at bond 2. and of course the third bond line implies they were probably trying to betray you, its stated in more than 1 place that mephistopheles (actually isnt this a caster class thing?) will betray you or attempt to do so. So the third bond line seems to imply that their attempts have been stopped by you and that’s what they say after some failed attempts. So after stopping this freak from doing some shit their next bond line is actually doing a confession! a jester being honest who couldve seen that one coming but theyre 100% not lying, they really arent a demon but a homunculi made by faust
speaking of faust we’re going to backtrack a little into their interlude that i brought up at the start of this post, its one of those dream interludes and it starts with mephy asking you to help him plant bombs for their eventual reuinion/showdown with faust -- in the meantime faust keeps sending golems in an attempt to kill both you and mephy
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When you track faust down, it’s shown that faust was your typical mage, inhumane and uncaring. It’s also pointed out that this faust killed innocents, but this typical mage behavior is boring to mephy, and they say that boring typical behavior is why they wanted to kill them
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 so i really cant blame mephistopheles for being the way they are, being raised by this type of guy, even if mephy was always messed up and wacky from the beginning its no reason for faust to attempt to kill him.
Mephistopheles also shows up in salem, cu alter’s interlude, and of course the knk crossover event, and some other things im most likely forgetting but those 3 are ones that i find notable
anytime they show up theyre actually helpful, in salem mephy points out that the nature of the being responsible for the salem epic of remnant is something alien rather than a typical foreign god, mephy also tells you that time is also being sped up and in their weird way they try to cheer you up by spouting some nonsense at the beginning (guda needed some kind of distraction from the grim events that had just transpired at that point in the story), i cant quite remember what mephy did in the knk event but they were a part of your group and were helpful the whole time, actually @/zeravmeta does an amazing analysis of their role in the knk event as well as some extra character analysis here
mephistopheles is kinda cryptic in a weird way though,
like overall i mean theyre a jester homunculi in appearance so yeah its to be expected but come on i love morally gray characters, despite their supposed betrayal hints scattered around here and there
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they have this one line that always gets to me
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and this line is said with a completely serious face too
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the rare serious mephistopheles face! its kinda grim to see that line, no laughs, no nothing, their voice is kinda serious and monotone too. of course this could be just to get you to lower your guard but its still kinda out there that they have this rarely used portrait and that line, so i like to take it as being said to you when youre by yourself and with sincerity
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and at least sei (with her wacky outfit and all lol) seems to get along with mephy and thinks theyre nice woohoo
so at the end of the day you have this guy that laughs a lot and gives mixed signals
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and they fuck with you
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and will most likely try to kill you more than once but hey thats just another tuesday at chaldea
Before I finish last thing I want to point out is this snippet from the fgo source material book which provides more information on servants, and this specific translated bit under mephistopheles
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at the core of it all this homunculi....can be your friend! you just need to not go into despair i guess
of course this entire post is an overanalysis into an underwritten character, quarantine + all online college classes have done this to me, i have a douman icon what did you expect
i cant believe they drew mephy
twice !
and for those of you on twitter check out @cuz_pb and @L0VEYAMA003
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You said not to ask so please ignore this if you don't want to explain, but could you elaborate on your March 19th / May 1st theory? thanks!
ahfkafhksfh yeah no problem. its not a theory its just ... brain worms that have taken a specific shape but thats not new this is just the latest form. under a cut because i hate like. getting peoples hopes up over something ive entirely made up
greentext format but make it wordy
> i think frank has been like. suspicious lately. i dont know how to explain it beyond that. he’s done a LOT of press-but-not-press in the last month or so. sure, he’s definitely bored and stuck in his house like the rest of us, and he had a new EP come out, and the EP is technically the reason for the press. but it also ... isnt. like the bulk of it has been AFTER the EP came out, and none of it has been wholly focused on the EP. and to me, at least, it feels like, i dont know, easing the band back into public consciousness thru a press circuit without the band ACTUALLY doing a press circuit because MCR been pretty hard and fast about the ‘we dont need or want ur press’ when it comes to the reunion. 
> continuing off the last one, in the ... jim ward interview he did, i think? one of the more recent ones, at least - he got asked about his writing process and mentioned working with gerard in present tense. very very likely it meant nothing at all, but also like ... i dont trust him LOL part of me thinks it was on purpose. Im just suspicious of him after the broken clock thing. 
> not only did frank mention working with gerard in the present tense, for Months now, but especially during his recent mini press tour, frank has been really vague but consistent in talking about working with people on music remotely. id have to go looking for it and i dont feel like it, but it’s been something along the lines of ‘working with new people And people you know’. suspitcheous. 
> ONTO GERARD. Gerard like never uses social media. but then a couple days ago he pops up to mention franks EP (which is sweet) and makes sure to sign it so its like, obviously not something his social media manager wrote up for him. and in that post he mentions being down in the lab. and LORD KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK THAT MEANS besides the fact that he’s working on something. but hey, its gerard, when isnt he. 
> But Gerard’s also doing that charity stream on the 2nd. and we havent seen gerard in MONTHS. since august, maybe? and he’s not just speaking, hes PERFORMING. besides the shrine show, the last time he performed was for the muppet charity thing with ray in 2016, and before that, it was the last hes alien leg in 2015. None of us even expected him to perform when it got announced - it had to be confirmed by the event organizers. and that just ... pings something in my brain, same as franks little press tour. It’s gerard emerging from his cave, Being A Musician, you know? 
> SPEAKING of the last time we saw gerard, he teased us back in the summer by mentioning that he has something he’s been working on thats not comic book related that he cant talk about. maybe its a fucking line of hot sauces or a tripp collaboration. 
> Or maybe its music. 
> this is where we depart from reality a little bit more: 
> this has been trotted out again and again on here as a talking point, and i dither between agreeing with it or not, but: MCR spent two years planning their return. they had a plan, for whatever the fuck was supposed to happen - even if all that was supposed to happen was the tour. 
> and their plan got pissed on, doused in gasoline, set on fire, extinguished, and thrown into the mouth of a lion. But They Had A Plan. And theyve been fucking radio silent except the hipdot collab, and before that, rescheduling shows. I ASSUME their almost-year of silence has been them, in part, reformulating their plan. Changing whatever it was going to be to fit the new timeline, or making a back up plan in case things get worse. 
> But the original plan had them all free - as far as we know - after november of 2020. so they wouldnt have had active MCR stuff happening for the national anthem comic book release, the electric century album + comic release, the you look like death tua comic release. But those things still happened, because they didnt require having to be in the real world where the plague is. 
> so, what the worms hinge on, is that whatever the New Plan Is, Whatever They Are Doing Now, it involves waiting until all their obligations and projects that SHOULDNT have interfered with MCR stuff - but had to the potential to because of covid - ended. 
> and thats now. thats the next couple weeks. you look like death just finished up, mikeys album and comic are out, and national anthem finishes up in like a week in a half. 
> and then theres nothing (that we know of) until the rescheduled shows happen, or *knocks thrice on wood* they have to reschedule again. 
> and this is where we really enter crazy town:
> so i was thinking about all of these things, and the imagery / themeing for the return (what little we got of it) and how a year ago everybody was pulling out the wheel of the year trying to figure out what they would do next, and when. 
> and March 20th (i know i said march 19th originally, i’ll get into that) is Ostara. 
> if youre not vaguely witchy, its basically a festival for the spring equinox. light and dark are in balance, yadda yadda yadda. and i could go into full on insane depth about the black and white aspects of the return, the witchiness of an offering + a summoning but i wont. it boils down to: its the closest festival to when all of MCR’s calendars are clear as far as we know, and its almost a year to date of when they had to reschedule the shows. 
> and March 19th is a Friday. which is new music release day. Ostara / the equinox are technically on saturday, but its at 5am on saturday morning so ... technicalities. 
> so the worms in my brain say new single on march 19th. or Something on march 19th. or 20th. one of those days. 
> and the worms in my brain also say MCR are a bunch of cruel little shits, and theyre gonna make us wait before they give us anything substantial. 
> so we move to May 1st. 
> May 1st is also known as May Day, also known as Beltane. (We’re back to the wheel of the year for this one) Its the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. And its a Saturday. which is NOT new music release day - but hey, its close enough. 
> may day is also like, similar to halloween / samhain in that the veil is supposed to be thinner on those days, and i think theres a connection the imagery and over-all plan wise between coming back on halloween, and possibly doing something on mayday. i dont think they just came back on halloween as a birthday present to frank. 
> so second single on may day, or album? or announcement that theres gonna BE an album? maybe they wont give us a single on ostara but just tease us with something. i dont know. but i think theres something here. 
> im aware this was a lot of words and i basically gave you nothing, but i can only give you what the worms give to me. 
> sorry for being the way i am. hope this helped. 
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forgedraptor · 3 years
this is long, negative and ranty so just a headsup
ngl but some people at 404twt, and twitter in general are just so fckn wierd af
i was scrolling through my tl and just some people were p much using what happened as an excuse to badmouth and talk shit about Badboyhalo???
and like?? the fuck???? like i get youre angry and annoyed (tbf as someone who relates to gnf i understand why) but like the fuck are you doing? you arent giving proper critisism (which was resolved btw) youre just using this as an excuse to show your dislike fr Bad
stop doing that shit. or atleast have the decency to private.
Bad and Gnf have been friends fr years, far longer than you have known gnf. like stop shoving your personal opinion and acting like 'George deserves better friends' bullshit ohmyGod
stop getting angry at Gnfs behalf cz fuck, hes a 24 yr old man he can fight his own battles, and it wasnt even a battle, it was a misunderstanding! i get that at times it gets upsetting, bt if you want to vent then go priv on twt or something.
like both Bad and Gnf can simply talk to each other off stream properly, theyre both mature adults that can take care of themsleves, fuck mate, theyre prolly way older than you are so calm the fuck down
this wasnt the first time either. people are acting like they can pick and choose which individuals their ccs can or cannot interact with
like with Fundy, KSI or Schlatt, ive seen so many people badmouth them and i get it, some shit theyve done are p shitty, but you cant force someone, especially ur cc to just cut ties with them. what are you their mother? the fuck? you dont control their life and you are not them so stop acting like you know whats best fr them
some of yall get so over protective of 'your sweet precious cc' that you obsessively get angry over their friends over simple shit that cn be resolved privately on their own
like fuck. they are adults. theyve known and interacted with out a live audience. they know each other better than youll ever do cz, we, as veiwers are simply that. viewers. we will only see the shit they want us to see, we will only ever glimpse a part of their lives or what theyre willing to show us. and that should be okay.
i do t know its just frustrating and annoying
like i get it, ive been there. ive ranted and vented about my anger and people told me off, cz fuck, they were right and i was overreacting. but thats just what it is when you hyperfixate, BUT its not an excuse to keep doing the same mistake over and over
if you want to vent and you know its negative or hurtful for others, then do it in private. or tag it so people who dont want to see it wont see it. or if its annoying you, then stop watching. idk mate just dont be that asshole that shouts their hate just to spur more hate.
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