#i dont know what to tag this.... we're friends
kindlespark · 2 months
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bard class with my, @emiuli, and @cloudmancy's fantasy high sonas!
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toastsnaffler · 18 days
dating an art student was so crazy I'm just thinking abt that one birthday I had where my ex got me stickers from the etsy of the person they were cheating on me with....
#they made them address the thank you note to me and everything ajskfjfkfb. i didnt know they were cheating at the time but wow...#every time i break out my sticker collection and see them im reminded of it. but i cant throw out the stickers theyre deltarune ones 😭#like they were a rly cool artist.... just unfortunate that happened 💀#the drama was insane. my ex only wanted to sleep with them but they (other person) wanted them to break up with me so they could date#but my ex dumped them rly harshly for suggesting that i guess 'romantic' cheating was a step too far even for them lmaooo#i heard abt their breakup secondhand and god could they be cruel sometimes. they made fun of the sex theyd had w them#to all their mutual friends n everything i actually felt so bad for the other person when i found out. at least our breakup wasnt that bad#i only finally got that cruel side of them directed towards me like a year after when they wanted us to stop being friends#but yeah. its also funny in a way bc my ex only suggested i had adhd bc the other person did too + struggled a lot with rsd#which i guess they found out when they broke up with them. and then looked at that and thought huh my gf is kind of similar...#and this was like. 2 years before i even considered i had adhd myself and sought diagnosis ahdkfidjcjdjfjfjfkdbfnf#this made me go look the other persons art page up on instagram + then i recognised some of their friends/flatmates art pages and i found#their (my exs that is) grad year film which is still being shown at animation festivals... good for them good for them#i dont think they have an art page themselves tho cuz they were always v shy and weird abt sharing art on social media#like everyone else except them is tagged on things... shame i wouldve liked to see what they were making now. even if we're not friends#also one of their old roommates made some REALLY similar squid game fanart to mine like a month after i posted it huh..#not mad abt it or anything i think its cool i just didnt realise they showed my art to their friends. thats cute#ah this was years ago anyway. getting my head out of the rabbit hole#im gonna go play some elden ring and then maybe do smth fun in my sketchbook we shall seeee#.diaries
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swordbreakerz · 2 months
Being aromantic and finding that out in ur 20s is soooooooo funny bc I met the 3 people I consider my soulmates (one of whom is now my qpp) in october of 2016, and both before and after this i dated a few people but as i grew closer and closer w this group and also came into my gender and sexuality over the yrs, id sometimes wonder why i didnt crave romantic fulfillment anymore, and not fantasize about having a long term bf or anything. It didn't really worry me? Like, I wasn't concerned about it, but I would go like huh wonder what's up w that. Oh well not my problem!, every now and then
And then thru making friends w a bunch of arospec folks I was finally like oohhhhhhhh it's because my emotional fulfillment needs are already met and these people and our friendship is an intrinsic part of my being and i love them more than i can ever hope to describe. Got it!
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milf-harrington · 11 months
pray for my cousin JJ, she thought there was a whole other month between august and september 🙏🙏
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kaeyapilled · 10 months
can i be honest. the way you guys reacted to traveler being mad at lyney and lynette for not telling them they were fatui is kinda silly
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moshieee · 5 months
Is mosh-mosh going ti stay around on the blog?
Oh yea definitely
I've been having a lot of fun drawing mosh-mosh in no small part because what they represent for me
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It's a bit uhhh, personal and is mostly relevant to my mutuals and other friends I made...
so I'll put it in the tags Incase you don't want to read
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cinnabeat · 2 months
the idea that teachers would make new transfer students stand up and like introduce themselves or whatever is soo fake bc i had a friend who transfered mid semester into my school and specifically one of my classes and not only did the teacher not force her to introduce herself but i didnt even know she transferred at all for like a good couple months of our friendship
#i also didnt know her name bc she kind of just appeared#but i wasnt the most observant in high school mostly bc i didnt care#and i was kind of dragged into a well established friend group so i was just like yeah ok i guess we're friends#i was too embarrassed to ask what her name was#tbh at this point i couldnt tell you if anyone actually told me her name like explicitly#her name was mentioned many times in front of me of course but like. i need to consciously be aware to remember something#and a name drop in the middle of a group convo is not a time my for my brain to get out of autopilot mode#i mean i also dont remmebe much of high school either#hilariously enough the most i remember abt highschool is incidents ive had with teachers#shout out to my one teacher that gave me a zero in a lab report bc i 'plagiarized' it#cuz no eleventh grader can write that advanced#and i was like ive literally written like that all my life you can literally check my essays for english class#why would i plagiarize this#and then when she was like fine ill believe you for now (bitch??) and gave me a B on it anyways#i hated her#ohhh and my chem teacher#she was so rancid i hated her so much#ooh who else did i hate......MY SPANISH TEACHER#i will never forgive her for giving me a D in spanish. bitch im a native speaker#and then had the audacity to ask me why i wasnt aware of homework and i was like cuz you never post it online AND im not the only one who fo#forgets why arent you bitching at everyone else#i swear i hated someone else who was it........#i had a geudge against the new peincipal and his horrendous graduation plans but it ended up not mattering anyways cuz of covid#drivethru graduation lmao ✌️#michi tag#not to talk abt highschool again LMAO
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pubby-paws · 1 day
It's just constant. I reblog things I see sometimes that talk about trans women being banned, and every single post is talking about someone new. They're the only ones who get banned at this consistently of a rate. I have seen full cock and balls on this website that doesn't even get flagged(much less deleted), but anything that talks about being trans (ESPECIALLY about transfemmes) in a positive or even "wholesome" way gets flagged. Everything they do is scrutinized under the harshest possible lens for what MIGHT be "fetish content"(read: enjoying being trans), and they just ban them. Afterwards, they say "she was a filthy pervert, we swear, for real! Why would you need proof, just trust us! Not on OUR good Christian website!"
Honestly, even when they pull a reason out, I think they're making up something to justify the reality: they think that the existence of transfemmes is inherently a fetish, and therefore if transfemmes talk about being happy about any aspect of being trans, they are posting sexual content and deserve to be banned. More than anyone else on this website.
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daydadahlias · 8 months
sorry i’ve just stumbled across your blog after reading one of your lashton fics, but is it just me or is this fandom very y/n fic focused… (people say rpf is bad when y/n is RIGHT THERE) anyways from an outside view (i don’t want to be rude!) this fandom i think struggles with the fic fests and things because there are no “main” ships, if that makes sense. idk sorry you’re an amazing artist and it makes me sad you aren’t able to participate in all the fests you want!
so!! thank u for popping by!! im now going to disagree with pretty much everything you've just said!!
so, first and foremost, yes, I do think we have a large x reader population here (as is the nature of any rpf-based fandom) but I dont think that relates at all to fic fests, especially considering that none of the fic fests I've even seen done in this fandom have allowed x readers to participate.
And also, please don't come into my inbox talking shit about other writers ever, it's not cool <3 x reader is no less valid than slash fic <3 and it is quite simply just a matter of personal preference. No matter what, people are writing what makes them happy, and it's pretty shitty to talk down to it.
second - as I have said a plethora of times now - this fandom struggles with fic fests currently because of the lack of writers/readers and engagement. No other reason.
The fact that we don't have a main ship is actually what has, in the past, made fic fests so accessible and fun for everyone!! because we all get to write what we want!! and having no main ship actually inspires MORE community, not less.
third, I appreciate the concern for me but also I'm totally fine not doing fic fests! i don't really like putting deadlines on my writing, in truth, especially when im so busy in other areas of my life rn. Ive just been getting a lot of asks about it lately from other people expressing interest (which has really thrown me for a loop tbh lol) and I've been explaining why there aren't any being hosted right now.
HOWEVER, if someone wanted to host a fic event, i see no reason why they couldn't. No one's actively stopping them. It's just a matter of... would anyone want to join if they did host it? and, based on the interest form one of our previous fic hosts made earlier this year, the answer is no!! no one really has the time or motivation these days!! and that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes.
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snow-and-saltea · 8 months
i dont know how to word this well but hopefully my point gets across. as ive gone through lots of manga/hwa/huas for the past few years, there's been a lot less hate for fat female characters, and when the author portrays negative traits in them, the comments are always up in arms to defend said character or point out that it was unnecessary and was adding onto a distasteful image of associating fat people = evil in media. that's good!
but i've realised that there's not as much defense or uproar when it's a fat male character? you know the one. they'll be drawn comically fat with tiny features to show that even the author thinks this character is a waste of time to put effort into giving them a design full of character details and an actual Story. they might even be bald in some cases to drive home the "lecherous old man preying on the helpless" image. they'll be bumbling, incompetent, the most inarticulate bastard in the story, and the author wants you to KNOW it. look at this guy. he's obviously meant to be hated. look how pathetic he is and how he pales in comparison with our hero, who is charming, pure snow-white in morality, Has Never Done Anything Wrong Ever.
the trouble is, unlike female fat characters that are often used as a sort of cynical, pessimistic evil whose entire identity is to prove that "sometimes you're ugly both inside and out", that isn't the case for fat male characters. in a way, fat female characters have a "way out", so to speak, because there IS a probable cause that's snowballed the problem until its become a mountain; particularly, the cord that binds how they're expected to perform in society (gender roles, sexism, internalised misogyny) and how they feel they aren't able to escape scrutiny anyways for being ugly, even if they're good. so why not go all the way? what's the use in being halfheartedly acknowledged for who you try to be, when you could be the worst version of yourself, and at least THEN they'll finally look at you proper? so a lot of fat female characters who turn evil are often in this line of thought, i think. despite how much they're trying to break free from the preconceived notions of what people want them to be, it still clashes with their innate desire to be seen, accepted, and loved by other people. so the answer to "redeem" them? simple. accept them. that's enough to write a satisfactory redemption arc to turn them "good" again.
but fat male characters... i've noticed that they're written with crimes much heavier and much more serious than their female counterparts. their appearance is never purely for the sake of psychological friction (stirring the pot, instigating distrust) in the story. we see them drawn with disgusting lustful expressions to show that they haven't moved past primitive desires (they're worse than children—they're children with an adult's ability to get what they want), touching people inappropriately, their minds always turning to the worst possible scenario, their dialogue always written with an undercurrent of narcissism, like the river of his own life was completely empty save for his own self-admiration. is that really all there is to them? how did they manage to get this far in life without ever experiencing or being convinced — or tried to be convinced — to change? has he, in all his years of living, never experienced a shred of empathy for others? has he never felt touched by the connection of another human being?
and then at the end of the story i know it was useless to ask these questions — he only existed as a plot device, as an antagonist for the final climax and resolution, the dragon to be slayed.
but he's not a dragon. he's a human, and despite his current problematic views on life or people, i'd like to try and imagine what it's like to "redeem" him.
but almost always, there IS no way. the author has cut off every possible escape route for him. he was always evil. he can't be helped. he can't change. he was always going to do this, so there's no point in imagining a world where he didn't.
but like. why? why do fat female characters get to be redeemed with the power of Love and Friendship but not him? why is it not enough for him to be bad, he must also be dangerous beyond recourse?
i don't really know the answer to this question, since i'm AFAB and i don't have insight on the matter beyond my own speculations. but the only thing i know is that it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth when i see him being toppled over as the final Evil, and everyone cheering in the comments with "i've always found him sus" "finally you disgusting pig" "i hope he never shows up ever again"
i have to say, i don't like the idea, especially in fiction, that people are irredeemable and unworthy of compassion. of course this isn't a plea to forgive them or to get them out of fictional jail or whatever, but i'd at least like to entertain the thought that i want to know the entirety of a person's character before writing them off, and you can do that in stories. i can't do that in real life. i would kill myself trying. sometimes people just hurt you and you have to accept that they hurt you to give yourself express permission to protect yourself.
but in fiction... are you really telling me that a world with dragons can exist but not the possibility of change for a character whose fate was set in stone the moment their shape was carved into existence?
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infizero · 1 year
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kills you kills you kills you kills you kills yo
#listening to the audio on the page again gawdddd i feel ill im gonna throw up#kris' frenzied discordant playing. you usually play the piano a bit more beautifully. they didnt have a piano at their house#they loved to play the piano and there was no piano in the house there was no keyboard in the house nothing#and now their hands' movements are not their own their fingers uselessly mash against the keys in the clumsy frustrated way#they cant even do the one thing they were good at anymore. you usually play the piano and bit more beautifully#and then noelle listening in from the other room. there were times when i wasnt even sure if we were friends. maybe they werent thinking#about me at all. we're friends. we're something else. we havent hung out in so long but i know how you like your eggs. what your favorite#color has been throughout the years. the first movie you cried to. i know you better than anyone. i dont know you at all#your voice isnt your own. what happened to your voice? what happened to the beautiful music you made? what happened to you?#why are you telling me to do these unspeakable things? why am i going along with it? (we're getting stronger) why do i let the blood drip#down my finger from the ring you slipped onto it? (we're something else)  what happened to us?#we used to play tag in your backyard. there's blood on my hands because of you. i dont know whats happened to you and i cant stop it#maybe they weren't thinking about me at all#you usually play the piano a bit more beautifully#but when i closed my eyes it felt like a concert just for me#i need a drink#serena.txt
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phantastragoria · 1 year
Not sure if it's okay to send you this ask but I actually feel the same way you do about the end of vol 3 and I've been feeling pretty alone about it. I haven't said much because I don't want to seem like I'm being mean about the movie. I think my issue is the team hasn't spent years and years together. Most of them were snapped for 5 years. When they came back Gamora was dead and then Peter was clearly left suffering and dealing with the trauma for a while. I can live with the idea of "we've all grown to need time apart and want to do our own things" but I don't think the build up and execution was there. Not just for those on the team but also 2014 Gamora who was literally just coming back to the story and finally getting to see who these people were and what her life was once about. Then it's over and it doesn't feel like enough of a resolution. I also don't love how Gamora was treated which is a whole other topic but I disliked how it seems like there hasn't been any issue with her death for anyone but Peter. There doesn't even seem to be any memories of her lingering with the team. I have so many thoughts around this that I'll be thinking about it for a while but man, she was murdered by her abuser and most of her family are victims of abuse and I dont think the aftermath has been handled very well at all. Mostly I think there needed to be another movie In between Endgame and vol 3 to hash out what happened in Infinity War/Endgame and to progress some of the characters more and build up to the more Rocket focused ending where they all part ways. Or vol 3 needed to not be quite as focused on Rocket. Not saying he shouldn't have the most focus, just scale it back a little because other things desperately needed attention.
Oh it's absolutely fine to send an ask about this!!! I'm always up for a discussion, and honestly, it makes me feel better that I'm not the only person not completely happy with the ending, solidarity my friend.
I want to preface this all with I DON'T hate the film, and I thought it was way better on a 2nd viewing, but I really don't think it's a crime to criticize it because nothing is perfect (Vol. 1 + 2 aren't either) But Vol. 3 really has some deeply ingrained issues that should've been dealt with, or at the very least acknowledged, because as it is they really stand out, especially on a second viewing or if you've marathoned all the films together, and they literally drag the film down.
Gunn said on Twitter in response to something that he wanted Vol. 3 to be able to stand on its own without the viewer needing to have seen the other films (and by extension IW+EG) but that is so unhinged when it's literally titled as the third in the series at this point lol. Like it's extremely weird to have let IW+EG affect the Guardians as much as they did and then not even try and deal with the aftermath of it all in the last film featuring (almost) everyone together... ???
He's made it clear Rocket is his favorite and that he only came back to do Vol. 3 because he wanted to finish his story, I don't doubt that's true even if I think having a single character be more important than the others is the wrong choice and leaves the whole story as a trilogy a bit lopsided. But even so, if that's the case then it's crazy to not even have Rocket's thoughts on all of these things that've happened in the last decade as if it wouldn't be traumatic to lose your loved ones for years, and how hard it would be to readjust to life after it all. I kind of can't see him letting everyone leave so easily at the very end, especially after he almost died, so I'm just left feeling confused at the choice at best and vaguely unsatisfied at worst.
Maybe Gunn didn't have as much control over their appearances in IW+EG as he says he did. Maybe they really did completely derail the road to Vol. 3 and he just won't admit it, but the film as it is doesn't help in any way by pretending nothing there happened at all. I don't see any logical reason for the audience to just go along with "For some reason Gamora left, she might've died but also maybe not, who knows. Peter is sad and the rest of the team want to move onto something else. " and then the only hint at that last part is... Mantis telling Peter to go see his grandpa, so that leads to everyone else having a change in goals too, huh. I know it's not meant to be forever, and we're to assume everyone keeps in contact with each other, but the ending really makes it feel like no, we'll never all be together again, so bah.
And concerning Gamora, I agree with what you've said. I could write an entire book with my issues of her overall treatment in the narrative and the implications of her character from the comics getting adapted like this, but I'll spare you the speech and just say the TLDR is everything starting from IW onwards concerning her (the specific framing around her murder and then time travel bringing in 2014-Gamora, and the complete lack of acknowledgement about either version of her from the rest of the team) never should've happened. It's all such a mind-boggling choice, I can't get over how much of an afterthought Gunn made her at the very last minute.
It's funny you mention the need for another film to deal with the emotional fallout of everything post-Vol. 2, because absolutely, but they kind of had the chance??? I realize the Holiday Special isn't film length and is meant to be the calm before the storm of everything that's to come, but in a post-Vol. 3 world I can't stop thinking about how it was SUCH a missed opportunity to not have that be the sobering moment for the characters to talk about everything that happened in the years everyone was snapped. It could've even been the perfect time to plant the metaphorical plot seeds of everyone wanting to go and do their own things after what happened because they just can't make life feel the exact same as it was before, and understanding things can never be the same after something like that.
Even the last lines of the song used in the Holiday Special feels more appropriate for the Guardians as a family struggling to keep it all together (and trying to deal with the sudden loss of Gamora) than it relates to Peter and Yondu, in my opinion.
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I would have preferred a more out-there story in general, something to give everyone equal stakes in the plot, but I do think Vol. 3 could have stayed overall the same if any of this was addressed or even mentioned in one or two lines of dialogue somewhere. Because as it is, it really feels like we missed something important between it all, but we didn't from what we we've been shown. I don't think it would have killed Gunn to include a quick moment where someone just says to Peter "I miss her too and I get everything's been way harder lately, but you can't let it grind your life to a complete halt like this." or something!! ANYTHING!!!
And if we absolutely had to stick with the time displaced Gamora plot... When she was snooping around on the Bowie by herself i dont get why she didn't get to see some old photos or something of the team during happier times (including 2018-Gamora specifically) and realizing that they really are going so far to save Rocket because they genuinely love him, and once upon a time they loved her too. 2014-Gamora getting to see the life she very nearly COULD have had within mere hours in her own timeline (without the threat of Thanos ever taking that away, mind you) but having to come to terms with the life she's made with the Ravagers in the present day. That would've been a more appropriate arc for her, I think, then her presence in the story wouldn't have had to only center around what Peter lost and nothing else and we'd at least get the idea that the others still had her on their minds even if they outwardly "moved on."
But also? Another missed opportunity to not have a moment when 2014-Gamora is in a battle with the other Ravager leaders mirroring the hallway scene with the Guardians that could have been when Peter (and the audience) "get" who she's currently more comfortable with in a basic sense, but... you know... it is what it is or whatever.
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biblicalhorror · 9 months
You ever had a friendship where like you kind of faded out of each other's lives for a period of time and then re-bonded without ever really addressing the distance so now every time one of you mentions something you never told the other one during The Dark Time you both just have to be like "yeah, this massive thing that happened to me that we didn't talk about at the time but I totally wanted to tell you about but it felt like I couldn't talk to you but I'm also not gonna say it was your fault because I don't want to drive you away again but I know and you know exactly what it is we're not talking about"
#like. i dont blame her for what happened#she was going through a lot of bullshit and i was getting into my current relationship with our mutual friend#and the mutual friend in question it turns out had rejected her like a month and a half before asking me out#so like. things were weird and i dont blame her for not wanting to make a whole thing out of it#and i also get how it would be hard to see me like that with someone you had interest in#but also from my perspective at the time i started dating a boy i liked and my best friend just decided she couldnt be around me anymore#and even though i now have the full context and it doesnt hurt as badly theres still a part of me carrying resentment over it#ive stopped pretending this is relatable content and now im just using the tags on this post as my diary#like on the one hand i know this friendship is worth it because we're stronger than ever now#and shes gotten so much better about vulnerability and admitting i matter to her and communicating in general#but on the other hand it just keeps feeling like theres this elephant in the room that neither one of us has any idea how to address#and like i dont even know if it would be better if we did address it#like 'hey btw i know you had a crush on my now bf and tried to kiss him one time and then didnt tell me when he shrugged you off'#'i also know how much you tried to pretend it didnt hurt you but you distanced yourself from half your friends to avoid having to face it'#'and at the time it was rly frustrating because you acted like me being happy in a healthy relationship was a personal inconvenience to u'#'but i understand now and i forgive you and im glad you came back around eventually because i love you and i missed you'#or can all of those things just remain unsaid and understood
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catgirlcrisis · 2 years
hi everyone,
as you may know i have a twitter account where im more active recently. one of my mutuals and a good friend of mine, pumpkin, is a teen currently facing financial hardship. their birthday is very soon & they have commissions open for $20; they draw touhou + homestuck + other stuff!!! and also sell stickers and such on their ko-fi!!!!! their twt is here w art examples. their kofi is here . they have a very difficult living situation and i am doing everything i can to try and help, so i would appreciate any rbs/signal boosts.
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devondespresso · 1 year
the challenge figuring out a canon-compliant and in-character explanation for The Cheating Thing between stancy and jancy because otherwise both Nancy and Jonathan are so out of character in the Murray scene its extremely jarring. a difficult task but i think I've got something
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What do you think Jo is ugly and it pissed off people?
no my friend nono you got it all wrong. no its the opposite.
#snap chats#WE ONLY SAY RESPECTFUL THINGS IN THIS HOUSE I WOULD NEVER SAY THAT BOUT ANY CHARA#esp not one mo-capped off an actual guy 😭 a very lovely and funny and phenomenal actor of a guy 😭#get out of my tags everyone im explaining myself#IMA JUST LEAVE WITH those who remember my baddie baddies tier list know. they know the answer#😔#stop im telling the story about my friend playing y7 for the first time again since this is related#i JUST told the story X days ago but its relevant to this topic#because its still funny as hell we got to chapter two and during the car ride to me getting us lunch we were like#Seriously talking about the game and she was theorizing what would happen next and just talking about how she loved ichiban#after all that like. we just sat in silence for like a minute or two#i cant remember if she brought him up first but im 99% sure i was like 'so whatd you think of jo' or something#and she was just Snap. 👀#and then we spent the rest of the ride talking about him fjLKJELKAJ FUNNIEST THING EVER#no cause when i was doing my first playthrough of y7 and /i/ saw jo the first time i Also was just 👁️👁️#idk what it was bro was just doin accountant shit aAEJLKA😭☠️☠️☠️#and still i was like 😔hii 🥰😔 the rarest instance of me. in a sense. falling for a chara frame one ☠️☠️ very embarrassing ☠️#and then the rest of the game unfolded and now we're here SO NO anon i DIDNT find him unattractive#it was terminal literal frame one and the sniper outside is to make sure i dont say anything INSANE and lose the respect of everyone#whatever respect exists. there's like. a drop of it left and i will cling onto it for my life
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