#i dont know where this sword came from. There is not a sword that looks like this in ANY of the games. wgatever
saintaviator · 11 months
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oooo yeowch ouchie owch augh ough ow
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ramons-elevator · 1 year
Fuck it. Appreciation Post for the amazing QSMP admins.
Heres a list of just a small bit of the amazing shit that they did on/for the QSMP and its players:
Made a huge prison/event for Pac e Mike which later turned into a job for Fit for his lore
Helping Foolish out with his Titan by raising it up, lighting it up, and even making sure the brightness of the light blocks where okay for him
Listening to Fit and Phil the day the task was "Make a grappling squawk" and made it interesting with Walter Bob delivering the news
Making Gegg a reality and letting him run for president
Every event is so cool no matter how big or small. The dungeons the The Jaidens did was so fun and interesting. Every new players event is always chaos but very detailed. Even making stuff for French Independence day and the 4th of July so people could experience each other's cultures.
The amazing wedding cake and rings for Cellbit and Roier's wedding
Helping Tazercraft with the Hide and Seek Arena and making the code so they can actually play hide and seek easier
Giving Charlie, Roier, and Max (idk if theres more) key binds so they easily switch their skins and their names in game
The little jokes/ nods to stuff that happens on the server. Like the day after Missa came back and failed a water bucket clutch, they made one of the tasks "Have a water bucket competition".
Them elaborating on stuff that happens on the server. For instance, Bad putting up mini bulletin board at spawn so they keep everyone updated. So the admins started putting the newspaper there so people could see and be updated.
Philza found an insane mob that basically soft locked your game and Phil messaged the admins telling them that information, to which they immediately disabled the mob.
The side NPCs that everyone fall in love with them. From Walter Bob, a random admin who they let the players create a story and love for, to the Capybaras, which are basically the admins having fun but turned into them having their own lore.
The insane enigmas they make for Cellbit and the story it tells. They make the puzzles very detailed and sometimes can hint to other stories.
Fucking making Felps a new member
Making a button so people like Cellbit who frequently switch between Portuguese and English dont have to constant fiddle with the settings and can just switch easily
The fucking insane shit they do with Max and his story is so cool. From what Ive seen, they give him so much room and freedom to make what he wants. Im always so impressed by whatever Max does and the things he does with this server.
They make sure everyone's lore/story is seen/heard and also try to connect the lore together. From what I have seen, nothing is half assed. Cellbit finding books about a powerful weapon? It is used to trap Pac and Etoiles had to go through the nether to get the shield to counter the sword.
Lastly, just listening to the members and hearing their concerns while also letting them having fun. They joke with the members/audience, but also hearing them out when they think something is unjustified.
The admins care so much for this server and put so much work and love for it. I hope they know it never goes unappreciated or looked over.
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horus-unofficial · 8 months
hello hello welcome welcome. welcome 2 the HORUS guide 4 HORUS tech aka horus-unofficial.tumblr3.un gives you extremely comprehensive and very useful insight into its "pattern groups" and "licenses". we are your host harold HORUS here today to talk to you about our beautiful darling cunt of a child, the LICH
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nobody knows how the lich came 2 be. some buddies of ours say they invented it 9989 years from now which is weird bcos anyone normal would wait another decade before sending that shit back in time to hit that sweet 9999 and keep people guessing as to whether these files actually are from that far in the future, or if the lucky terminal receiving this code just stopped bothering to count the years after 15015u. either way, the lich is here now, and back then, and most certainly at some point in the future, and it kinda looks like we probably did invent it so that means we are in the clear to act like we're the ones who made it!
the lich sucks! its terrible! with glass bones and paper skin and a reactor that overheats at room temperature, a gust of wind could leave a dent in this PG's plating, which is made from samples of styrofoam and bubble wrap warped straight from the insides of pre-Fall packages labeled "FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE" (a perfect bumper sticker for your lich, should you find yourself piloting one sometime within the next -50 to 250 years). you can tell no former members of harrison armory's R&D department were involved in the designing of the lich because the only thing those fuckers know how to do is create industrial microwaves, and the lich's reactor is the most slipshod, poorly-coded shit in the known universe. the only code regulating the lich's reactor is "reactor = cool" and not only are neither "reactor" nor "cool" defined anywhere in the system code, but HOR_OS doesn't even use = signs.
you may ask us, "if the lich is so shit, why do people pilot it?" and we are so glad you asked! generally speaking, answers to this question fall into one of two variations: - "it's a funny mech" - "why is everyone saying i pilot a lich??? i pilot a nelson!!! what do you mean that's my lich frame in the mech bay and i've had it for years, i literally don't have a single HORUS license, @horus-unofficial please advise"
the lich's victorian orphan-esque constitution aside, its biggest strength as a frame is likely its ability to send itself to the seaside for a much needed mental health break should it encounter the slightest hint of adversity on the battlefield. its no wonder the lich is so frail, the entirety of our nonexistent R&D budget went into making this thing the most annoying roleplayer on the playground. "you hit me with your sword? nuh-uh, i dodge. oh you run me through on your spear, killing me instantly? well it turns out that that body wasn't actually me, i've been dramatically looking down upon this duel from up there on those cliffs the whole time!" <- words most commonly spoken by future lich pilots at 11 years old
this allows it to be unexpectedly versatile in combat- with a refundable get out of jail free card and a maximum speed comparable to most of SSC's catalogue, it can weave through dangerous zones in combat with unexpected efficiency, allowing it to support allies from virtually any range, and instigate the occasional skirmish if its pilot is so inclined. we dont necessarily advise that you choose violence as a lich pilot, only that its a more viable choice of function than you might initially think
the lich plays with the timestream with the same enthusiasm as a preschooler in a sandbox, both in regards to itself and anything (un)fortunate enough to be within its sensor range. for every timeline where the lich is playing support for its allies and being so kind and niceys, there's another timeline where it gleefully tears into its adversaries until it overextends and dies respawns in another timeline, and it's through this universal law that an unusually principled lich pilot might find themselves taking a hit for its allies before immediately redeeming that get out of jail free card we mentioned earlier. of course, "principled HORUS pilot" is an oxymoron, so if your squad has a lich pilot what actually happens is more along the lines of being teamed with the biggest fucking nuisance on your planet, who pretends to toodle about the battlefield all combat because the truth is they've been stuck in a time loop for 7 years, and are well beyond the point of caring.
bottom line: if you encounter a lich in combat, dont even bother targeting it. it's unkillable except for when it isn't, and its banned from every omninet roleplay forum in the known universe for a reason
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heavenlyraindrops · 7 months
smut writing tips (TW: sexual stuff cause like. Cmon. It’s smut)
I did one for character so now I’m doing one for smut what’s wrong with smut huh so what if I’m writing tips on how to make smut so what SO WHAT HUH
Smut scenes aren’t that different from normal scenes. Probably because they’re normal scenes. Remember that.
Therefore, they should have dialogueeee because boy oh boy the amount of smut I have read where they are just dead silent is insane I could rebuild the wall of china with allat
so… dirty talk
“Do you think they’d watch?” he asks. “Do you think they’d enjoy the sight of your naked flesh on display? Maybe they would get off on seeing your dripping pussy reflected back at them everywhere they look. Or the pretty flush on your chest when you come. I think they’d even enjoy watching your eyes roll to the back of your head when my cock fills you so fully, you can’t fit any more of me inside you.”
That’s from haunting Adeline… and… just.. no. NONONONO ITS DISGUSTING ITS GROSS…. WHO TF SAYS THAT BRO. Why is tHIS BOOK SO POPuLAR
more gross examples: “You want to know what I’d do?” he questions. “I would let them watch. I would let them watch me claim you as mine and own every inch of your body. They would watch my cock fill every one of your holes and then watch you cry because of how hard you came. And then I’d fucking kill them. My cock would still be wet from your cum as I’d slice their throats for even daring to look at what’s mine.”
dont write like that guys… like ew. Just ew
also.. epithets.. ok idk what they’re called because English = not my first language but
”his member” “sword” “love button” “seed” “her peaks/ nubs”
look my dude if you can read a smut scene like “he inserted his sword inside her cavern and spewed his seed inside her while fondling her mounds” then sure pop off I guess but tbh
“his member” I’m sorry is his dick joining a club?
research human body stuff. Like, dicks need to recharge before they get hard again yk
“Recharge” idk bro yk what I mean
cumming more than once for women do be kinda painful unless there’s an amount of time in between the orgasms
like depends on the woman, can range from a couple of hours to at least a whole day
although this doesn’t apply to everyone and some people do just go for it a bunch of times in one session so it’s a very variable thing
so yeah! Make sure to educate urself on biology
spemd more time talking about how they feel physically and emotionally than what they are doing so that the scene actually does have some depth
consistency! I have read shit that goes along the lines of “he grabbed her waist then with his other hand stroked her cheek and then she wrapped her legs around his feet and he pressed his elbow againts her knee flipping her upside down while she nibbled on his ear” how am I supposed to imagine any of that
they keep sprouting a third arm
or do things that completely contradict the position that they are in.. he can’t slap ur ass if ur in the cowgirl position..well, not very comfortably
so. Consistency! :)
that’s all for now ermmmm so yah tell me if this was helpful guys
edit: this post is super old pls ignore its existence
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ariseur · 6 months
This is a stupid request so iUEOE IF U DONT LIKE IT ITS FINE but . A cloud x reader where Cloud, even after months from the start of their relationship, keeps getting a bit flustered, all blushy, whenever he gets kissed? ITS STUPID ITS LILE. IT COULD BE A DRABBLE TBH CAUSE ITS YEAH. BUT YEAH . Sow wy.
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red kisses 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
cloud strife x fem!reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
ughhh this request was so cute!! i made it into a fic instead because i just had some ideas :) hope you guys enjoy 💕!!
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
mentions of kissing, cloud gets flustered, intended lowercase, tifa teasing cloud for having a big fat crush on you, reader is referred to as clouds girlfriend, lmk if i missed anything!!
┊ ˚➶ word count 。˚ 🎼
1186 words, 6519 characters
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
“shit!” you yelled, ducking under the rapid gunfire on the shinra infantryman. your hand reached for your sword before a gloved hand came to stop you. eyebrows furrowed, you looked back at cloud who just shook his head before pulling out his buster sword and stepping out into the gunfire, using his weapon as a shield from the bullets as they ricocheted off the metal.
you watched in awe as he cleared out the group. you knew he was always good at his job but seeing him in action never failed to make your jaw drop.
“hey, you comin’ or not?” he called out for you, his extended leather clad hand beckoned you after the coast was clear while numerous infantrymen laid on the ground unconscious below him. snapping out of your thoughts, you peeked your head out from behind the storage container and jogged your way towards him, beaming.
“my hero.” you extolled, leaning closer to lay a quick chaste kiss on cloud’s cheek before skipping over towards a metal door, eager to continue your mission. he made a noise of surprise, hand ghosting over where your lips had touched his face as a shade of pink tinted his freckled skin. his eyes followed your footsteps as he turned around and caught up with you, quickly following behind just in case you were caught off guard. you couldn’t help but smile as you heard him pitter-patter after you.
you definitely noticed the faint blush on his cheeks when he returned, and thus began your journey to flush cloud whenever given the chance to.
more time had passed, and cloud had actually gotten to know you. even if you never let him forget that one instance on the mission to the mako reactor.
and here cloud sat— in a bar stool at seventh heaven drinking the strongest of whatever tifa’s got while she talked about the newest mission avalanche was planning. she cut herself off mid-sentence, noticing how cloud continued to swirl his drink around while his eyes stayed glued to the ripples created in the glass, mind clearly elsewhere.
she put her arms behind her back as she leaned forward and tried to get his attention. “cloud?” she called, causing his eyes to peer back up at her. he made a small ‘hm’ sound in response.
“what’cha thinkin’ about?” she asked, inquisitive smile still painted on her face as usual. resting her arms on the wooden bar countertop, she watched as cloud contemplated to say what was really on his mind right now. he exhaled through his nostrils as he took another sip of the red liquid in his glass, “nothing.”
tifa’s brows raised as she finally understood. “so,” she began, “thinkin’ about your girlfriend, huh?”
“what makes you say that?”
“every time she’s around you, i never hear any of that ‘hard-ass’ complaining you’re always doing, as wedge would call it.” she grins, now knowing she hit the head right on the nail. “it’s like she placates you.”
“‘m just tired, that’s all.” he huffed, throwing his head back and downing the liquid as a weak attempt to try and hide the growing blush that grew across his face.
tifa simply laughed, standing up straight and greeting marlene as she walked in through the double doors with her dad, squealing about whatever new things she found today. always so excited to explore even in the slums of midgar. he placed a few coins on the bar counter as a payment for the drink, walking out of the bar and praying that tifa didn’t notice the money on the counter in hopes that she wouldn’t try and sneak it in his room like last time.
as for your new “mission” of trying to fluster cloud, it grew harder for him to ignore as everyday you’d press a kiss to his jaw or his hand or even the tip on his nose. he started to take his behavior into consideration after what tifa said. did he really act all that different around you?
your goal started making more progress as time went on and your relationship got more serious. often, your invites to your place ended up just being a torture chamber for him as you had managed to root yourself deep within his brain. he couldn’t get you out, and although he acted like he didn’t care, it haunted him. you were everywhere around him. but maybe, he thought, just maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing to get close to someone.
he’d look at marlene and his mind would think back to you. the way you’d sit with her and talk to her about her weird dreams where she’d become a dolphin or something like that. barret would throw a glare at him and all cloud could think about was how you mentioned how barret scares the absolute shit out of you. you were everywhere, your presence, your perfume, your—
“hellooo—?” earth to cloud?” your hand came into view, once again snapping cloud out of his thoughts. he hummed.
“space out there?” you smiled at him, and ugh, that smile. it made him feel obnoxiously warm. he never got used to those butterflies that would travel along his stomach, even if you guys had been together for a while.
he huffed as he looked away, lolling his against the soft pillows you had on your bed. “yeah, uh.. yeah.” he finally said, eyes trailing off as he narrowed his eyes at shinra’s public service announcement that broadcasted on tv. cloud let out quiet groan at the man’s face and turned it off, the remote dropping from his hand and onto the blanket as he turned back to you.
“you always seem to glow, cloud. did you know that?” you blurt out, finger tracing the taut muscles of his arm.
“well.. maybe it’s just because of the mako—? SOLDIER, remember?”
“no, not like that,” you giggle behind your hand, “i’m just saying i think you’re handsome, cloud.” that makes him let out a small noise of surprise, stiffening as he’s unsure what to say next.
“oh.” he said, ears heating up as he looked away from your intense gaze. he crossed his arms, trying to avoid the way your head craned to try and see his face.
“and you’re so fit,” you lifted a finger up with each compliment you listed, just trying to get a rise out of cloud, “and intelligent, and sweet, and—“
“okay, i think that’s enough.” he must’ve been flushed right now, he though.
“and you’re just so breathtaking.”
“you are such a liar.”
you dramatically feigned offense, putting a hand on your chest as your jaw dropped. “how dare you assume such things about me? i am simply loving my boyfriend, is that such a crime?”
he scoffed as a weak smile made its way to his face, “you’re loving torturing your boyfriend, there’s a difference.” however, his eyes widened as he felt your lips press against his jaw. he gave you a pointed glare, “see what i mean?”
“oh hush, you love it.”
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fuxuannie · 1 year
If requests are open can I request a Romantic Jing Yuan x Reader where he meets them after the Luofu crisis after centuries of thinking they were dead? Like, Reader went into hiding after being attacked and designated marastruck (When they arent) so it took them a while to come back to the Luofu. Any format, hurt/comfort please! If this isn't your alley or your requests aren't open please delete this! Thank you very much and have a nice day!
↳ pairing : jing yuan x gender neutral reader
↳ synopsis : in the generals free time, he decides that it's about time to face the person in his memories that he seems to have forgotten.
↳ authors note : hi!! um, i rlly dont wanna do this whole thing in one post sooo.. part two :D? I promise, I PROMISE i'll be writing it within the day and i'm so sorry requester for the inconvenience! if anyone would like to be tagged in the second part, please let me know! ♡
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When JING YUAN imagines his younger years, he has a very vivid and blurry memory of a figure that he believes was once a friend he held dear in his heart.
A bright sunny day, a calm summer breeze and two potential Generals trained side by side. They tirelessly swing their swords, counting together; "9996, 9997, 9998, 9999, 10,000!"
"A Cloud Knight must never let slip their weapon, nor let slacken their form!"
"Yes, master!"
He can remember someone by his side, answering the same thing at the same time. He turns his head to look at them, seeing the focused expression as they looked at their master and watching it change to one of excitement once their gaze met Jing Yuan's.
"Can you believe it? We're Cloud Knights in training.. not only that, one day, you'll get to be the General!" Their voice, as sweet as a song, would echo in his mind over and over. It was so familiar, yet every time he could almost grasp an idea, it slips through his fingers as he's lost on who exactly this was in his memory.
Why was it all so hard to remember? As if his mind was refusing to recall all the important details, he could clearly remember their form, their voice and their clothes but.. he thinks that if he tried to look in their face, it would be nothing but a blur. A familiar blur, but unrecognizable nonetheless.
He racks his brain to think of another memory, but an all too familiar ache in his heart would appear when he tried. Was it due to his masters presence in most of them? Or was it something about these memories that brought along such a wave of sadness? The General was unsure of he answer, but he forced his mind to recall the events of that day.
"Heed this oath, as clouds that cover the heavens.. will the Knights protect the Xianzhou. Draw!"
"Yes, master!"
As the young man raises his blade, his eyes fall upon the crowd and can see them again. Amidst the people, they stood there with clear joy in their aura, even if their face was impossible to see, he could tell they were smiling from ear to ear at his moment. Jing Yuan's eyes sparkle at the sight, before looking up at his sword with determination in his heart.
"As clouds that cover the heavens, will the Knights protect the Xianzhou!"
There it is again. Another time in his life, one that he holds dear to him, they were there. It seems like everytime he thought of his years as a young Cloud Knight, their blurry face was in each and every memory. A part of him viewed it as something a little haunting, but a majority of his senses felt it was oddly.. bittersweet. Something about all of this, there must be a reason.. right?
And though unconciously, a memory came to mind. One that he believes he buried deep into his conciousness, as he feels a shiver through his body at the thought.
"H-he doesn't recognize us."
He sees them tightly grip their sword, yet a clear hesitation within their stance. Then he realizes the Mara-struck Cloud Knight that stands infront of them, it seems like they have to attack in order to protect themselves, but the way their hands shake makes the action nearly impossible. He sees how they take a few step back, disappearing from his peripheral vision as he was to focus on the danger that poses a threat ahead.
Before it could strike, Jingliu strikes it down with no remorse nor regret evident on her face. Her back is turned to Jing Yuan, who's expression is filled with conflicted emotions. "To become stricken with mara is to be a long-life species. If I too become stricken in times hereafter, you both must not hold back.
There's silence, before Jing Yuan opens his hesitant lips.
"Yes, master."
But his voice being the lone one to answer confuses him, he turns his back and he could feel his heart drop at the realization that they were no longer by his side.
His eyes widen, scanning around the rubble and flames that surround them, yet nothing is there. Nothing but your sword on the ground, and a pool of blood surrounding it. He opens his mouth, but no name escapes his lips to call for. More panic seems to seep into his reality when his Master tells him its too late, that they need to assist the others before people meet a fate similar to theirs, as he tries to call for a name he doesn't know. It's right there, it's right there at the moment he just needs to remember it!-
There it is. The answer he'd been looking for, the name of who he's forgotten for so many years. Your name. Your name that was once deemed unforgettable by his tongue, with how naturally it would be recited at his every waking moment.
Now everything seemed a little clearer, how each and every memory made sense as your face began to appear in place of the blurry expression in each and every one of his thoughts. How he could see your smiles at your best, your tears at your worse and your anger when it would take over all your other emotions. You.. you were the person that meant everything to him. So why, why did he forget you? How could he have forgotten the person who gave him a purpose, who without, he wouldn't be who he is today?
And yet as his mind returns to that day, the day he returns back to the Alliance with nothing but your sword in hand and a heart full of regrets.. he knew the answer. Because it was much easier to forget, rather than to live life with a heart with too many words to say yet the person who was supposed to hear it no longer being around.
He knew that every day he'd blame himself for the loss of your life, that he'd spend his life visiting a gravestone that held no corpse. Because no matter how long he'd search the rubble caused by the attack, there was no corpse. Which only proved further his worse fear, that you had joined the fate of the master you both once trained under. Yet of the three, one remained. One remained to live with the guilt of surviving, and being the reasons both were no longer around.
One soul he failed to protect, the other he killed in order to do so.
How cruel the galaxy was to bring such weight upon one mans shoulder to bear alone. No shoulder to cry on, family to confide in or friends to share a drink with. He was a General, and had priorities to focus on before his own feelings.
Speaking of which, one of the many Cloud Knights had burst into his office with exhaustion in their lungs and an aching pain all over their body. "General." The Knight called out, bowing respectfully as Jing Yuan snaps out of the daze he was in for a long while. "We've caught a suspicious person just outside the main center, many suggest you will decide on the fate of this suspect." He explained, in which Jing Yuan nods his head and stands from his desk. "Well.. alright then. I suppose I could do so."
"By the way.. General, I hope that this isn't prying too much but.. you seemed a little lost for a few moments. Is everything alright?"
A smile forms upon his lips as he interlocks his fingers behind his back.
"Just remembering an old friend, is all."
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more than requited; a relationship
(and why this is important)
“if you dont think rose and pearl had a romantic relationship, steven universe is probably not for you.” — composer surasshu
“if it’s not, then i’ve misunderstood the whole thing!” — storyboarder raven molisee, also responsible for rose’s scabbard, when asked if the relationship between pearl + rose is romantic.
pearl confessed her feelings in now we’re only falling apart. since sugar and burnett confirmed it’s not unrequited, it makes sense that they had a relationship. since they lived together up until the end, you can assume they stayed together. gem relationships ≠ human relationships, but we know that romantic partners tend to physically move away from each other when they separate.
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“determined to be everything that white was not, she is close with everyone, flexible in everything. love and fun are the rule, and there are no rules, and everyone is the most special.” — end of an era, page 76
you know the assumption that pearl’s love for rose was about programming, worship, power imbalances, a pearl looking up to her diamond?based on both their characters, a dynamic like this would not last as long as it did. living together throughout rose’s entire existence says a lot considering this end of an era quote. rose wanted everyone to have a different environment from homeworld. pearl lived in that environment & she was rose’s longest intimate relationship.
pearl hates being underestimated & spoken to like homeworld’s idea of a pearl, as seen in episodes like gem heist & back to the barn. she’s also constantly fighting. it’s something she’s good at, literally and figuratively. she argues. she fights her own mind, the powers of others, & homeworld itself. growth is continuous, but if she could make enough progress to stand her ground & argue with rose during the war, she would fight a dynamic on earth that reflects homeworld.
personal traumas would cause them to struggle in any relationship. a positive aspect of their relationship was that they were aware of each other's pasts, lots of secrets, pain.
pearl saw some of rose's abuse trauma among other things, exacerbating her overprotective behaviour. worrying about her potential dangers, whether she was happy. both fears are shown in sworn to the sword when she says, "you’re too important," then immediately argues, "yes, you are," after hearing, “i am not,” as if she expected that response. then (and only then) she accidentally says rose’s name. while it’s related to rose’s homeworld trauma, it’s unrelated to their their original & forced dynamic.
it’s a lot more complicated than that. it’s funny, their relationship is more complex yet warmer in this case, whereas a diamond-pearl powerful-weak dynamic on earth is less complex yet colder.
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“you just said pearl fights through her issues! wouldn’t she fight through any of their issues, no matter where they came from?”
pearl wouldn’t see this as an issue at all. she would be particularly stubborn about being extra protective, believing she was justified. knowing her secret, the idea that she could poof & come back and everything would be fine but if that happened to rose, it wouldn’t be so simple. she needed time & she had to see the same situation happen from an outside perspective (connie + steven) to understand rose’s perspective.
besides, there are many beautiful aspects of this relationship. as tragic as the ending was, pearl + rose openly loved each other while they lived together. while their relationship was not perfect, they had much more love being in each other's lives than if they were apart.
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luffyvace · 9 months
Zoro x male reader headcanons
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from my list on my profile :)
btw keep in mind there will be no ‘dom’ in this relationship for these headcanons. i have nothing against it as long as it’s still sfw so don’t be afraid to request that :).
zoro wouldn’t stand for a weak s/o
he doesn’t wanna have to worry for you
so if your weak he’ll make you train with him
and if your not ‘great! let’s spar!’
it doesn’t matter if you use swords or a weapons at all
yall gon spar.
y’all prob fight even more than him and sanji at this point
but not actually angry fight—spar fight
he’ll even teach you his no swords style if he has to 😭
also he’s not a huge cuddle bug or anything but he’s always warm
he’ll grunt if you snuggle up to him for warmth but won’t move you or anything
another thing—he always has your back
especially in fights
not really in petty arguments with other people tho
he might join in on it but not on your side
just to tease you
but you know he means no harm
except for with ero cook
then he’ll team up with you
zoros love languages are quality time and acts of service for sure
zoros quality time looks like working out together,
trying to understand whatever hobbies you like
drinking contests
sitting in solidarity silence
and his acts of service is
saving your butt in battle
going shopping together
any little favor you need really
if your carrying something heavy and almost drop it he’s got you
he shows he cares in little ways like that
zoro is the one to tell it like it is in the straw hats
like he did when usopp left
and he won’t be afraid to call you out on your crap if your wrong
hes not trying to alienate your or something
he just wants you to realize what your doing and change to be a better person
youll have to stop him from getting into trouble btw
like the time he almost shanked charlos
and you always makes sure he doesn’t get lost :)
may or may not come of with nick names for you depending on what you look like/do a lot
like with sanji and ero cook
but they’re less insulting
if your a more excitable person he won’t mind same with being a chill person
hes indifferent about a lot of things
hes chill with 90% personalities and 100% of looks
the 10% of personality he doesn’t like is sanji’s
apologies to sanji kinnies :)
you and zoro kinda always end up going wherever the other goes
like y’all are always together but like not on purpose
it’s cute to robin and nami
zoro would open up to you about his past a good amount of months into the relationship
but it won’t be at random
itll probably happen after you open up to him about yours
then he starts thinkin
’should i tell him?’
he decides he’ll take the opportunity when it comes to him
it was a much needed conversation that let him get a lot off his chest
especially about kuina
he never directly told anyone about who she was
he always just says i promised someone
or his childhood friend
but he never went into depth
which is just even more confirmation that he really loves and trusts you
communication with him is actually pretty good
some topics might get skimped though
if he does something you don’t like subconsciously
dont hesitate to come to him about it
it won’t offend him
he’s a tough cookie anyways he’ll be alright
plus he’s all about betterment
so he’s open to criticism as longs as your being genuine and not sarcastic
he’s also most likely to take it if it’s from you
yall trust each other with y’all lives 100% on another note
if you wanna go on dates?
ya mean drinking contests?
nahh jk
but it won’t be anything sappy because he refuses to take any advice from love cook
just chillin somewhere peaceful on an island
hopefully you have navigation skills or at least not his sense of direction so y’all don’t get lost 😭
don’t let him lead btw
he’ll try to and insist he knows where he’s going
no he dont
stop him
you have to be stern or he’s going his way
hes kinda stubborn
you love that part of him too tho
i’m proud with the way these came out!
i hope any guy that reads this enjoys because there is 100% a lack of male content- so here you are! :)
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lilysbookshelf987 · 8 months
New camper: Percy Jackson x reader (daughter of apollo)
A/n: thank you so much for giving this a read! This is my first time writing for the PJO universe so let me know if you like it! Requests are open! No NSFW or Smut! Enjoy
"Good morning" Percy said tiredly, greeting his best friend Grover at the dining pavilion, taking a seat next to him.
"Morning" Grover replied, "hey did you see Annabeth on your way here? She's usually the first one here and I haven't seen her yet"
As if almost on cue she was walking towards the boys, an excited smirk painted across her face.
"Camp Half-Blood has a new camper!"
"What?!" replied Percy
"She showed up late last night, all alone. Chiron told me she had been hurt pretty badly but he took her into the infirmary and gave her some Ambrosia"
"She took it? So, she's definitely a half-blood?" Percy asked
"Yep! We should be meeting her later today" Annabeth was ecstatic, she loved new campers!
--time skip--
As the day went on there was still no sight of the new camper. Word had made its way around camp and people began to take their guesses as to who was her parent.
"I hope she's in our cabin!" A child of Aphrodite had said
"No! I bet she HAS to be in ours! Showing up without a Satyr by her side means she's a warrior"an Ares kid chimed
"As long as she's not in ours I dont care" a tired looking Hermes kid said.
It was almost dinner time when Chiron had found Percy, sparring with someone from the Ares cabin.
"Percy can I speak to you for a moment?"
"Yeah sure" he said, removing his helmet and recapping his sword.
"Im sure you've heard we've had a new camper join us."
"Yeah it's all over camp" he replied
"Ah yes. Well let's say she hasn't been thrilled to learn about her new family. Reminds me a lot of you when you first came here"
Percy thought back to his first few days at camp. He was confused, scared, angry, and very much overwhelmed.
"I was wondering if you could help ease her mind by speaking to her. You understand what she's feeling better than I can."
"And im not half horse" Percy smiled
"Yes there is that" Chiron chuckled
"Alright I want to meet her!" Percy agreed. He really did want to help, but he also knew how jealous Annabeth would be that he met her first. The two walked into the big house and there she was, staring down at her feet.
"Y/N, this is Percy, son of Poseidon. Percy this is Y/N. I'm sure you two will get long swimmingly" Chiron chuckled at his own joke, "I will give you two some privacy" with that, he left the room. Leaving the two teenagers alone.
An awkward silence filled the room, when finally Y/N broke the silence.
"Son of Poseidon, huh?" she asked
"That's me" he smiled, proud of the title he held.
"That's crazy, the gods don't exist!"
"They do exist. I know it all feels a bit insane at first but-"
"A bit?! My whole life i've had these things coming after me and I didn't understand why. I thought I was insane and seeing things, but apparently that's normal?! And my dad? The reason he's neglected me my whole life was because he was a god?! There's just no way"
"Hey, it's gonna be ok. I know how you feel. I felt like that when I first got here. All my life my dad wasn't someone I had thought about much because I had my mom, and thats all I needed. Then I find out that he's now the most important thing in my life? I had so many emotions, but if you just give this place a chance? I promise everything gets a lot less scary"
This seem to get to the girl. She started to tear up.
"Ok, i'll try." she whispered
"I'll show you around and it'll all be ok, I promise."
The two made their way around camp, Y/N was mostly silent. "The sun is so warm here, it's not like that where I'm from"
"Everything is a little bit stronger here."
"I can tell" she smiled
"So, do you have any idea who your dad might be?" Percy asked, careful not to poke at the sensitive subject.
"I think but I'm not sure. My mom used to talk about Apollo, a way she never did about other Gods"
"Ok then...then we have to find a way for him to see you! If he see's you, he'll claim you!"
"Yeah but how?"
"Gods dont claim you because they feel like it, you have to work for it" Annabeth said, inviting herself to the conversation.
"Y/N this is Annabeth, daughter of Athena"
"Hey" Y/n said
"Percy have you taken her to the archery field? Apollo kids thrive there"
"No I didn't"
"Seaweed brain c'mon!" Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Lets go" she led the two there and put a bow and arrow in Y/N's hands. The girl had fired it easily and hit the bullseye.
"Beginners luck?" y/n asked
"Go again" Chiron said, but before she could something came flying down at her, she shot it down easily.
"That could've killed us" Percy said, mouth agape, "and you shot it down with ease!" he said
"Look!" One of the campers said
Y/N was becoming engulfed in a bright light and a sun appeared over her head. She was now an official resident of cabin 7
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puppyjune · 1 year
kill her. kill her. kill her.
she looks so beautiful. the bruises. the tears.
but the blood. the blood is holy. divine; the original temptation. once i see scarlet spread across her skin, i can barely stop. the lust, the drive, the carnal desire for brutality.
eyes starting to glaze over, i finally lessen my grip on her neck. so close, edging myself with her life. can i really hold myself back? what if i dont stop?
theres always next time.
why must i be so angry? its all ive known. walking into existence brings me these feelings. part of me wants to grow, but the comfort of that angry impassionate shell is so tempting. i try to step out, brave the new world of emotion. it backfires. over and over, all i know is negativity. oh, but how satisfying that rage is. grab that bat, lay her down whether she wants it or not.
…that may not be "kind", or "empathetic". but what else do i know? its just so easy to do. shes practically begging for it, im actually being nice by abusing her; right?
no no no, i get told that isnt the right way. but if so, why does it feel so good? is this the forbidden fruit? let me bite into her skin and learn what true sin is, carve it into her so she can be enlightened. oh, to be cut. the beauty of those lines, they make shiver with delight.
ah. empathy. that thing. do i really need it? i do? thats fucked. well, lets try a different approach.
brushing away some hair, i kiss her forehead and pull her close. the weight of her head on my body, the way she smiles, it just warms my heart. maybe i can understand what it means to be kind and empathetic. but why does she look at me that way? i must be imagining it. she couldnt possibly want… that. i blush, thinking of how close i came last time; shes probably thinking im blushing from her beauty right now. but all i can think of is the image of her choking herself for my pleasure. the knife on her skin.
i cant stop myself, i need that. violence, god does it make me feel fulfilled. its my one true passion, my vice, the thing that keeps my heart beating and my lust fueled. and why shouldnt i indulge? shes asking for it. obviously. cmon, that was totally what she was thinking, i dont need to ask. its more fun if i dont ask her.
ah, here again. layed out before me, a canvas to play with. i start sweet, checking in after every hit, watching where i hit and how hard, making sure to kiss her marked body.
hit, hit, hit. i look into her eyes, shes starting to squirm, maybe the pain is a bit much? i start to think about asking her if i should tone it down, or maybe just tone it down without asking, play it safe.
oh fuck, shes starting to squirm. this is what i need, the nectar ive been craving. i cant stop myself, i cant hold back. keeping her pinned down, swing after swing of that whip crashes down. my vision blurs, i feel such immense lust i cant think of anything else. how many hits until she fights back, until i have an excuse to really raise the stakes? oh please little pet, try and fight me. i need you to, then i cant be blamed for what happens next. but i get stopped. some part of me pulls me back, telling me to slow down. she gets to live a little longer.
i cant just stop now, i need to get these feelings out. "turn over. now."
good, now i have a fresh canvas to once again paint with pain. over and over, i whip her. its just, not good enough. i already did this, im over it, the rush is gone. i need to kill.
looking over, i see my bat. or specifically, a kendo sword. those bound strips of wood, that slight bend, just adds such a wonderful sprinkle on top of the pain from the swing. shes still down, dazed from the whip.
hit. hit. hit. kill. break her legs. she cant run. she cant resist. one swift hit to the head, bash her face with the bat, then there will be no resistance.
oh, ive done it again. i nearly couldnt stop myself. here i am, having mounted her, bat pressed against her neck, my entire weight and strength being offered for her demise. i need it, i need her to die. i need to kill. the marks on her legs shine against her pale skin. i made sure each leg had a good enough mark to make it difficult to walk, impossible to run. along with every. other. bruise. god, does she look beautiful. i feel true pleasure fill my heart as i look into her eyes. those divine eyes. tears silently rolling down her reddened face, the look of pain only brought by my abuse, the way you can see just how close she came to death. those dull eyes, barely able to comprehend what they see. if i could only have one wish, it would be to watch the life drain from peoples eyes as i use them for my pleasure.
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music-viber · 6 months
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Summary: Luke and his girlfriend get into the last fight of their relationship.
Warnings: Manipulation,angst,smut,language
Luke had done it again. He found a way to play his his girlfriends feelings
Luke castellan x daughter of hades
She had caught him with another councilor again.
He watched as the stranger flirted with him, pushing up on him,touching his hair, as she batted her long eyelashes her little button nose crinkled at every joke he told her “your so good with your sword Luke” she heard the brunette say “I mean I try, I’m good at other things too if you’d ever wanna see that” he laughed.
She listened in she wasn’t surprised at her boyfriends behavior he was a popular Demi god. She knew how they could be and she knew guys would also kill to be with her and he treated her like a one trick pony. She knew he was tired of just kissing and going on meaningless dates because they just fought the whole time.
But she would never pay any mind to random guys just because she’s mad and because they gave her attention and trust they gave her attention. But she had always reminded them she was with Luke.
They would always be angry at each other but this was the last straw for the the girl.
She watched was the other woman now felt him up while giving him puppy dog eyes and biting her lip. He looked around to make sure nobody would see them as he threw his head back.
He obviously did see me because then he pushed her off of him. “Babe.” He said acting as if I didn’t see what was happening. “I thought you were on kitchen duty?” He asked in her face.
“I was on duty but then I wanted to come find you. See what you were up to love bug!” But it seems like you have lots of love to go around so I’ll be on my way.”
He chased after her “Odessa I swear it’s not what it looked like, she was helping me fix a broken button on my shorts. You know how it is” I just smiled and nodded. “She’s not the first girl I’ve seen fix a button castellan.” She scoffed “your so quick to let girls touch you.” He looked mad “as if you don’t let guys touch you when I’m not around?” She looked mad now “I DONT!” as she said this the grass caught fire.
She stormed away to her dorm. She got over heated her pants caught fire she stood there. I won’t let him do this bullshit again.
(Later that night)
Luke knocks her window, she was the only one in the cabin because the other campers were at the campfire celebrating the week. She looked towards her window and walks to open it. “Need something dick?” She flashed a fake smile. Luke “yeah actually. I wanted to apologize but somewhere away from the noise?” He proposed. Looking at the campers at the campfire.
She didn’t forgive him but wanted to Atleast hear him out. Okay. Let me change? *she closed her window to change into a dark red mini dress, it was hot that night. She hopped out of her window to hear him out. “I still don’t forgive you if you’re wondering Luke castellan.” She states. “I know”
They finally make it far enough in the woods. She looked at her “this is where we had our first ever date.” “It was a picnic right near that tree.” She smiled at her. It was too and she hated his smiles now because she knew there was always something behind it. It was no secret their relationship was rocky
Luke basically flirted in or out of the public eye people even thought we’ve broken up before. Why did I put up with it? Because he was the best swordsman at camp. I needed to get the gods attention somehow. And it worked, Percy Jackson had recently came to camp and got claimed by Poseidon she had already weaseled her way into being his friend because Luke was his counselor
She didn’t need to put up with this man baby for any longer and she was grateful to use the girl from this morning as her excuse.
“So what?” She stared at him blankly“It’s just a spot” she looked at him with unreadable eyes.
He scoffed “you make it so fucking difficult to be sorry for you.”
“Sorry for me? You’re a stupid son of a bitch!” I yell
Luke’s eyes widened “don’t talk about my mother”
I laughed “if I was talking about your mother I would’ve said ya mama.”
“You’re such a man whore.” I say
Luke opened his mouth to yell “I thought you were an equal rights kinda girl considering you make a whole big deal about guys calling girls bitches.”
“Oh which you’re being right now by the way.” He finished
“Did you just call me a bitch castellan?” She puts her hand on her hips after removing her earrings and tossing them.” There was a small spark of flames when she tossed the metal into a pile of leafs.
Luke didn’t wanna upset her too much because she could obviously lit his ass on fire. He couldn’t help but to look at how beautiful his girlfriend was when she was mad. “I just get jealous when guys come and talk to you all the time. I thought it was about time before you left me for one of them.”
She rolled her eyes at his sorry ass excuse
She wanted to break him
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aroacesetitoff · 8 months
OG Infinight Reference Sheet + Headcanons
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Marcy Burns/Elleve the Amender
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-4 feet tall
-its mentioned that she has "rainbow robes" and ive decided to interpret that as sunset colored
-pre mining accident Marcy has longer hair and has already lost her eye to unknown circumstances
-post mining accident Marcy cut her hair and it turned whiter, and she switched to more monochrome clothing-symbolizes her turning away from her faith and also grieving her husband
-still wears her wedding ring, and keeps Fred's on a chain with a locket of his picture
-we know literally nothing abt Fred but I think he was also a halfling and had a sick ass mustache
-the symbol on pre-accident Marcy's eyepatch + staff is supposed to be of the Diarians (followers of Dia). The circle is Faeza, the hands are Dia herself, and the six teardrop shapes are the Diagems. Also meant to resemble a flower as a reference to Gum Gum
-magic goblet-does it have a name? Anyways Paralyte stole it from the Sheerays so I gave it an aquatic wave/seaweed design (water = life)
-idk how to design tattoos, but other clerics of dia would probably have similar ones-i think hers are religious in nature
Ostin Tashe/Slique the Symphonius
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-ya boiiii
-4'6-so just barely taller than Bart. Barely
-had the most satisfying color palette for me- i love green and so does he
-i rewatched the hobbit/lotr trilogies so Ostin is def inspired by that-gave him braided hair and armor
-idk how a tuning sword works. Like a bident maybe? Ive drawn the sword in his right hand (the one with missing fingers) but he might prefer to fight left-handed. Idk ive trained with longswords before but ive never lost any fingers so i cant say
-magic lute-gave it a greener/mossier color palette to show it was from the Elderpines. The strings are vines and the rosette has a tree design
-dont know where Ostin's scars came from either, maybe he really did fight a dragon maybe he didnt-doesnt stop him
-post-Wight Winter i gave Slique a grey streak to match with Spectril
-also gave him a cool colored eye highlight for the same reason
Leonard Lank/Spectril the Surreptitious
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-i put his height around 5'7/5'8
-made the rogue armor sharp and dark-had to recolor it from the origianly palette bc it was too dark tho lmao. Fur collar to foreshadow his time in the Ethereal Plane
-post-Wight Winter i gave him simple, more homey clothes bc at that point he had a family and wasn't focused on fighting. The fur is not bear fur i swear
-already mentioned it before but his hair started turning white + he grew it out/braided it back.
-he's got normal rogue daggers, and then the Ethereal daggers. Not shown but yeah they fade in and out of the Material and Ethereal Plane
-"Walls Have Ears-Doors Have Eyes" by Clan D. Stine-the wiki i think mentioned him having books that let him turn invisible and walk through walls-this one's definitely a Leitner (ifykyk)
-boots-deceptively simple in design from the Elderpines
-piercings include several ear piercings, snake bites, and an eyebrow piercing
-warm colored eye highlight to match with Slique-your honor i have (accidentally) sun/moon coded then because they are gay
Luz Prattle/Paralyte
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-6'0 tall and definitely uses it for intimidation
-i think she dresses kinda emo/alt
-the only infinight with a unique logo-instead of two crossed swords its a snake eating itself
-committing to the snake bit-i gave her scale armor
-the gloves have two talons on the pointer and middle finger, based very specifically off a homebrew item i saw where the hand kind of looks like a biting snake. It contains a venom that paralyzes enemies and came from the Sheerays
-put a snake on her sword. Cause why not. Thats why she teamed up with Brink they are both snake lovers
-not drawn, but she would have a snake tattoo somewhere on her body
-hands are turning dark at the fingertips as a side effect of using the gloves so often. Her veins are visibly green because shes pale as hell and also suffering from long term exposure to Sangrianite
-facial scar-man im sorry i dont know where this one came from either. Kyborg shot her once tho i do remember that
Bo Bender/Grislee the Groundbreaker
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-height is about 6'6, very tall lady
-all i had to go off was red bandana so its like her thing
-her locs are made of rocks and also have veins of gold in them
-the stuff on her shoulders and hammer are lichen-she takes such long naps outside they've started growing on her. And also earth genasi
-when shes raging she has magma veins coming from her eyes and hands, and the inside of her body also glows
-when shes not raging it cools to golden veins-still very hot to the touch sometimes
-didnt have a lot if ideas for her second outfit but i gave her a bearskin bc she is "grizzly"
-hammer is the other item from the Sheerays and is pretty much just a trunk on a stick in terms of design. Combined with the lute tho, they are probably some of the most powerful items in Faeza
Man thats a lot of characters. Should i have made these before I made 3 painting and a comic page? Yeah. But i didnt lol. Enjoy✌️
edit: fixed the magic item origins
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certifiedskywalker · 1 year
How You See Me - Aemond Targaryen
Anonymous asked: hi i love you're writings so much, you have a way with words that makes you're stories so mesmerizing, i dont know if you are accepting requests right now but if you do will you write an angst one with aemond targaryen or daemon somerhing that has to do with betrayal or choosing the other side of war thank you.
You have always seen Aemond, seen past his title, and, for a moment, you thought he was finally seeing himself too...
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He brought the rain in with him. Puddles gathered on the floor of his chambers, channeled in grooves between the packed stone brick. The little rivers rushed toward you from where he stood by the ironwood door, the peaks of his frame cast in the dark of the dim-lit space. If not for the shine of his silver hair and the ghastliness of his pallor in the torchlight, he would have been unrecognizable. Even sure that it was him, you found yourself calling out warily.
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His name fit in your mouth too well. You liked the feel of it, how it felt rolling off your tongue. In a place like King’s Landing where all sensations, sights, and smells, were new, Aemond felt familiar. Perhaps it was simply the shock of seeing another child at court. Let alone seeing a child with an eyepatch. 
“Prince.” At the sound of his stern whisper, you peered up at your father, a decorated Lord, in question. “Prince Aemond. Title comes first, just as we practiced.”
You nodded quickly, nervously, as if you got caught sneaking a sweet past curfew. “Yes, Prince Aemond.”
“And,” your father continued, “the Princess Helaena to the King’s left. It seems that Prince Aegon is absent from court. A strange thing for— Oh! Now, remember.”  
His rushed, last-minute tutelage was cut short as the Lord and Lady in front of you moved from the sword-studded start of the Iron Throne. In their place was a spot for you and your father to greet the members of the Royal Family present. You swallowed hard at the sight before a guiding hand set on your back and pushed you forward. 
The closer you got, the more you saw of King Viserys’ mangled features: his grey face sunken in the cheeks and eye sockets with sores dotting his every stretch of skin. Though, it looked as though his maesters went to some effort to obscure the bloody splotches with salves made to match what you assumed was the pale color of his flesh before sickness claimed it. When the King opened his mouth to greet you and your father, you saw that his teeth were grey too, at least where they weren’t missing.
“By the Gods! How good it is to see you! The last time, I do believe, you were still Daemon’s squire, yes? And— Why, is this your little one?”
“‘Tis indeed, your Majesty.”
King Viserys beamed and you stayed as still as stone, unwilling to show fear despite the state of his smile. “Well,” he continued, “I do hope our children will grow close, strengthening the bond between our great Houses. Hmm?”
“Yes, yes, your Majesty, as do I.” Your father nudged you and your mouth immediately went dry. It took everything you had to wrench your gaze from King Viserys and look to the left. Helaena seemed unresponsive, light eyes dancing about the room, looking everywhere save for you.
“It’s customary to bow.”
Your eyes shot to the right, to Aemond. Prince Aemond. He was scowling at you, his face turned up in seeming disgust; but unlike the visage of his father, Aemond’s face, the jagged scar, still red with relative freshness, did not frighten you in the slightest. Your father, on the other hand, made a mortified rasping sound.
“Already a stickler for pageantry, my Aemond,” Viserys flattered.
“Prince Aemond,” you corrected. “Title comes first.”
The King laughed, though, with his throat full of phlegm, it came out more of a cough. “Why, what a match you two are already.”
At his father’s words, you watched on, pleased, as Prince Aemond’s scowl faded, albeit slowly, away.
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You called out to him again, stepping towards his shadowy figure. Closer now, you saw his eye gleaming in the limited light, how it was fixed on the floor, the racing drips in the tile. He did not raise his head as you grew close enough to touch. The untraceable distance between you was suddenly insurmountable and it made your stomach twist.
“What is it? What happened?”
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Even after eight years of it, you never bored of the dance: sneaking through the Red Keep, tracing alleys down to the training yard. Your spot was always saved by the squires, who, faces ruddy with work, were too worn and watchful to make note of your presence. Hidden enough behind their slim shoulders, you could safely watch the Sers spar. Though, it was not for their cacophony that you made such moves.
It was for the music made by Aemond’s singing blade.
“Can you see back there?”
“Yes,” you hissed, barely looking at the squire in front of you hoping he would hold his craning neck back with the ask, likely assuming you were some other yard hand watching on. You perched yourself on the tips of your toes and caught a glimpse of racing silver. The crowd rose up in turn and you heard the dull, heavy thud of a leather-armored body hitting the packed dirt. Hoots and hollers resounded about the yard, bringing a wide smile to your lips.
“Aemond fell Boric the Beast?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
“Prince Aemond,” the squire corrected, his head turning to look at you, eyes wide in appalled surprise. You noted the scarlet cloths he adorned, the scattered ten pellets that echoed the growing reach of House Cole. “The Prince fell the Beast.”
“Yes, Prince Aemond,” you echoed, suddenly feeling a bit too seen and far too memorable as the squire studied you with disgust. He had marked your face for the ‘offense’ you committed against the royal family, but before he could tag you for it, the ramble of the crowd swallowed him whole. The men bounced and bobbed, eager for the next match, shouldering one another towards the center. You took advantage of the bustle and slipped back into the shadows of the Red Keep.
You set your back against the sun-baked brick and took a trembling breath. Eight years and simply slip of a name could—
“What are you doing here?”
On instinct, your body straightened, ready to greet a man of higher rank, to put on airs of simply being lost somewhere unfit for one of your station. You watched as the shadowy visage approached, all slow and suspecting. Quick to please by the grace of your father’s lessons, you bowed, folding your nerves in your stomach until they were nearly nonexistent.
“My Lord,” you said, dipping your form. “I find myself a touch turned around and-”
“I’m no Lord.”
Prickling fear licked your face until it started to sting. “I-”
“I’m your Prince.”
The figure grew close, allowing the stink of sweat and blood and smoke filled your nose, filling you with a strange sort of relief. “Aemond.”
You immediately melted in him, so fluidly that he had to quickly raise his arms up around you. The leathers of his armor squeaked slightly as Aemond moved, just as the sharpness of nerves eeked out of you with a sigh. At the sound, his hold on you tightened.
“I did not mean to frighten you, only play.”
“No, no,” and as you spoke, you finally met his eyes. With your head craned up against his chest, you were greeted with his jaw and lips first. That was, until, that he tilted his head down, and his bright blue eye drank in the sight of you. For a moment, you forgot you were speaking. “I- Cole’s squire, in the yard…he saw me.”
Aemond raised a brow, lips pursed in question. “And?”
Before you could respond with a biting urgency, he cut you off with a kiss, a ravenous thing that had you backed up against the brick once more with Aemond’s hands guiding your hips. You gasped at the roughness but found yourself leaning into it, letting any worry melt in the warmth of his mouth. Aemond nipped at your lower lip before trailing down the column of your neck.
“I will have him dealt with,” he grumbled, pulling away. “Even if he decides to feed the rumor mill, who will the people believe? A nameless face from a lowly vassal or the Prince?”
He held your gaze as the question floated in the limited space between you both. You thought of the squire, House Cole, your own family. A lowly vassal. The Prince. Yes, who would the people believe?
And it was like you were small again, standing in front of the Iron Throne, looking up at ten-year-old Aemond as he, so high upon the unreachable steps, scowling down at you.
Only, in the present, the wound that took Aemond’s eye was no longer raised and red. It was as pink as his post-kiss flush that roared in his cheeks. You reached out and let your fingertips trace the right peak of his face. Immediately, Aemond tilted into your touch. His lips grazed your palm, his eye closed, and you were back in yourself, all too aware of the tightening in your chest.
“My Prince.”
Aemond opened his eye slowly and a smile made his mouth into a curl. 
“My love,” he corrected.
“My love,” you echoed in a sigh, welcoming the easy breath.
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Your hand reached up to Aemond’s cheek, but he jerked his head from your reach. 
He was already crossing the room away from you, his pace leading toward the small table nearest the window. There, perched on the marble top, were chalices and bottles of wine that glimmered crimson in the torchlight. You saw how his pale hands wrapped around the neck of one of the bottles and pour the Arbor Red into the nearest cup. You saw how his pale hands trembled as he took a drink.
“My love, you are soaked to the bone, let me undress you and-”
“No,” he barked, turning his back fully to you. “I need you to-”
He made a choked sound and shook his head, the damp, silver strands cascading down his shoulders. You watched his arm move, bringing the chalice of wine back to his lips. His hesitation made your stomach twist painfully and your breaths grew shallow.
“What do you need from me?”
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“It’s nearly dawn.”
Aemond moved then, his bare chest pressing against yours as he propped himself up on his hands to loom over you. Pinned between him and his bed, everything felt like silken sheets. “Do you answer to the sun?”
You bit back a laugh when Aemond ducked his head into the crook of your neck, his breath tickling the sensitive skin there before he kissed it. With him in such good humor, your reply was a teasing one: “I answer to no one.”
“Mmm, no one?” Aemond asked, pulling back. His head is cocked to the side, a smirk playing on his lips so deliciously. “I recall you answering to me last evening.”
You grinned and pressed a hand against Aemond’s shoulder, trying to push him off. He doesn’t budge, and his smirk widens with all the mischief of a young man enraptured. “But that is you.”
“The Prince.”
You push again, but Aemond stays still and smiling. Seeing no other recourse, you craned your neck up and kissed him. He hummed again, and you pushed in time, letting his bare back fall against the sheets. There was no sound of surprise, no break in your joined mouths. When you did pull yourself from him, Aemond tried to hold you close, your hips against his.
Any move you made was a move he allowed. “Aemond,” you pressed, warningly.
“My love,” he replied, his tone mimicking yours. You shook your head at his teasing, blamed yourself for letting his play chip away at the moment.
“I love you,” you said, redirecting your mind by focusing on his eye, how the blue shown in the early slivers of sun. “Not the Prince. You, Aemond. You know this.”
“Dōna run,” he breathed, High Valyrian dripping easily from his tongue. “How charming it is that you see the two as separate.”
“They are. You are different at court, in the yard, with your family. With me you are honest and unrehearsed,” you brushed your thumb along his lips, tracing his expression, “true.”
“True.” He chewed on the word before frowning. “Then, I fear I do not recognize myself.”
“Well, I see you.”
You leaned down and cupped his face in your hands. His jaw was hard against your palms and itchy with silver stubble. With your thumbs, you pushed Aemond’s lips into a smile before you let the corners of his mouth fall again. After a second time, the smile stuck without your holding it in place and you laughed.
“There you are.”
Aemond flexed his abdomen beneath you and moved to sit up, capturing your lips with his in a searing kiss. His hands rose up from your bare hips to your sides, before racing up to your neck. Against your thighs, you felt his body roll up towards you and the sensation sent a shock through you. A gasp parted your lips and had Aemond grinning like a fool.
“There you are,” he echoed, before kissing you again. “Now, tell me how you see me.”
His hips ground against yours as his mouth continued on with the teasing the skin of your neck. “Aemond.”
“Listen to your Prince- your love.”
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You watched as he took another gulp of wine before he threw the empty chalice to the cold floor. It clattered and your stomach lurched in fright. Wine droplets dripped off the lip of the cup and melded into the rain storm Aemond left on the stone tile. Rivers of red raced about the room then, echoing gruesome tourney’s past. Or those to come.
“Leave,” Aemond said at last. “Go back to whatever middling plot your father was gifted by my King Father to buy his silence regarding my Rogue Uncle’s doings and leave.”
In a rush of silver, he spun on his heel and faced you. His eye was bright blue, burning from within itself as if dragonfire were his flesh. Through bared teeth and with a pointed finger, he growled, “do not. Do not- Address me as befitting your station or I will have the guards remove you.”
An ache filled you and tightened about your chest. “Ae- My Prince, have I done something to offend you so that you wish for my absence?”
Aemond’s flared nostrils shrank with an unsteady breath, as did the twitching of his eye. He dropped his pointed finger and straightened his stance. How different he seemed from himself moments ago, though, even then, unrecognizable.
“I am to wed a Lady of Storm’s End.”
Tears sprung from your eyes. “Do you not even know her name?”
Aemond answered with silence and the ache grew inside you like a tree. Its thick roots anchored you to the floor and wrapped around your throat. All you had was your mind and it was tangled, trying to find reason when there was none. You could not even find Aemond’s gaze as he kept it fixed to the ground, waiting for it to fall out from under you, you imagined bitterly.
“What,” you choked out, shaking your head, your tears adding to the small flood. “What happened? Please, let me see you.”
After a long beat, Aemond lifted his head then, his eye, no longer ablaze, found yours. “I am ordering you to leave.”
The ache began to change, burning itself into a plague of frustration. You dared to step towards him, and when he did not say a word, you took another. Then, another, until finally you could feel his shallow breaths and smell the storm that clung to him. “Let me see you.”
He took a breath and you saw his shoulders sink slightly as he replied, “war is brewing, and you- I need you to leave.”
“And your marriage secures the Baratheons as your allies,” you realized, taking a step back. “You’re playing Prince again.”
“I am not playing Prince,” he growled, his brows furrowing and anger returning to fill out his deepening voice. “I am the Prince, I was born for this. You simply elected to be blind to it, to my duty. Blind to this,” he gestured between the two of you, “and its predestined end.”
You nodded. “A lowly vassal.”
“When the Cole squire saw me, you asked me who the people would believe: a lowly vassal or the Prince. I believed in you.”
“The me you thought you saw,” he spat, stepping towards you, closing the gap. You could feel the heat of him emanating off of him like the stink of a feral boar.
“I saw you,” you reached out with a shaking hand and pressed your palm against his chest before you brought yourself closer with one last step. “And I fear I always will.”
You leaned up on the tips of your toes and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. When you backed away, you saw red in the whites of Aemond’s eye, a glimmering threat of tears. Tears you knew he would not let fall, even after you had gone. Yet, you still believed in him, that maybe he saw himself, who he could be, and would allow himself the grace to move.
“I wish you good fortune in the days that come,” you murmured and made your way towards the door. As you stepped out into the halls of the Red Keep for the last time, you heard the thud of knees against stone and a bitten-back cry.
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Betrayal | Fujio x reader
a/n: Hi, if you like it there is gonna be second part dont worry :’)
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: usual hnl warnings
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The young girl, unaware of the person watching her, counted the money she received and watched the person she met leave. After making sure that the money was the right amount, she put it in her pocket and sighed.
“Fujio! I know you are there. You can get out!”
The young girl knew from the very beginning that Fujio was watching her from behind the wall. She just thought it would be more fun if she didn't say anything.
Y/n collected information for Sword gangs and schools. She sold this information to the leaders of the schools for money. That's why she was such a popular girl. Her slightly cocky and self-assured demeanor and bold character made her more interesting. She was pretty too, but she usually wore shabby outfits so no one would notice her.
Fujio came out from behind the wall where he was hiding, scratching his neck and smiling, and stepped towards the girl who was grinning at him.
“Y/n-chan! What a nice surprise!”
Y/n rolled her eyes, then shook her head with a smile.
"May I ask why you're spying on me?"
Fujio smiled like a mischievous child. He replied, referring to the person the girl had met.
“I don't like that boy. I had a bad feeling. I wanted to be sure you were safe.”
Hearing the same explanation again, the young girl smiled and shook her head.
Y/n and Fujio had met a long time ago. Even though Y/n did this in anonymity back then, she was quite brave now. They met again after Fujio became Oya's leader. And everyone was sure that Fujio had a crush on y/n.
“You know I can protect myself, if anyone sees you spying on me, people's trust in me will be damaged.” She said smiling. Fujio slowly nodded and gave a small apology.
They were walking to Oya high school together, unaware of those watching them. This time they were truly unaware.
“I heard somethings in other schools these days. I don't have clear information yet, but I suggest you act cautiously."
Fujio stopped his steps, turned to the young girl, and grinned at y/n,
“Are you worried about me y/n-chan?”
Y/n smiled and brought her face closer to Fujio's. Both were smiling at each other. The young girl suddenly hit Fujio's leg hard, and Fujio started jumping in pain in his place.
“What was that for now!?”
“Be serious Fujio, something is not right. You should be more careful.”
Fujio stopped when he saw the seriousness on the young girl's face. Y/n would only be this serious when she felt something wrong. And her feelings were quite strong. However, he decided to think about it later, he didn't want to talk about it right now.
“I guess you're not making good money these days y/n. You're pretty nervous"
Y/n laughed and shook her head at what Fujio said while laughing
“I still have a lot more money than you Fujio”
Fujio shrugged and grinned as the young girl said with a smile.
“Then you are buying the ramens y/n”
Y/n nervously descended the stairs of the place where she was told. She had known for some time that something big was going on, and she was going to find out what was going on today. She had a bad feeling and did not trust Saboten at all.
She was quite surprised when she entered the place. Kamasaka and Ebara were also here. She looked at the black-haired and blond-haired boy sitting across from the Saboten. There was a strange atmosphere. When her gaze met with Reiji Himuro, the young boy offered a sly grin and nodded. Y/n slightly nodded her head and sat down opposite the Saboten, ignoring Ebara's leader Shoji, who was looking at her seriously on the sidelines.
The young girl was not afraid. One wrong move, she knew everyone here was pretty dangerous. But she was not afraid. Because she knew they needed her.
Saboten talked for a while—without giving too much detail- He told her that she could get the money she wanted, he just wanted her to tell him what she knew about Oya, where they were hanging out.
Y/n crossed her legs and leaned back after listening to the boy across from her. She asked with a smile,
“I think it will be a big job.”
Kohei was watching the young girl intently, he smiled at what she said and stood up. He stood in front of the table and looked at the young girl.
“Amagai, Kohei Amagai. I am the leader of Senomon."
Y/n slowly stood up,
“You can call me y/n, but I guess you already know.”
Kohei smiled and nodded,
“You're pretty popular y/n-chan. You are good at your job and I always work with the best.”
Y/n was sure that the young boy was not such a kind and nice person. She didn't know him, but she knew the rumors about him. She was sure he was trying to impress her because she was just a girl now and he needed her.
Y/n smiled and looked confidently into the blonde boy's eyes.
“You want everything from me about Fujio Hanaoka, right?”
Kohei nodded, Ryo and everyone in the room were watching the duo carefully.
“Okay, Amagai-kun. I collect information about schools in this area. I work with informants. I even know secrets that no one knows. And I'm doing it for the money."
Kohei was pretty sure that the young girl would accept his offer.
“But Oya High is different. Fujio is someone I wouldn't betray for money. So I have to turn down your offer.”
Y/n didn't know about Kohei's plan, but she was sure that something bad would happen. Besides, she didn't like this smug bastard. Still, she wanted to leave without any problems when there were disgusting people like Kamasaka leaders in the room.
Kohei smiled and took a step closer. Shoji and Ryo watched them with full attention. Reiji was quite pleased with the daring demeanor of the young girl.
“I guess I didn't explain myself well y/n. It's not a request, if you think you have another chance, you're wrong.”
Y/n wiped the smile off her face and looked seriously at the Senomon leader.
"What will you do? I guess you forget that I have some pretty strong friends.”
Kohei smiled and opened the small knife in his pocket and held it to her throat. Y/n was looking seriously at the blonde leader as everyone looked at him in surprise.
Kohei knew that the young girl was not afraid, although she would never show it. But he had a better plan.
“You have stupid guts don't you y/n-chan? You didn't even startle." Shoji was watching the expression on the young girl's face, unchanging, not even blinking.
“How would your poor mother feel if she found out that you were making money for her meds with your stupid guts?”
The expression on Y/n's face changed for the first time, it was the first time she was looking so different. It wasn't fear, it was more like anxiety.
Everyone in the room held their breath.
“I know you need money. If you give me what I want, I will pay for all of your mother's treatment."
Kohei smiled as Y/n glared at him.
"Come on! Don't hate me so much. I'm giving you a great offer."
She didn't even care about the knife pressed to her throat. But this…
"I don't want it, I don't need your money."
Kohei smiled and pulled the knife from the young girl's throat. He folded it and put it in his pocket. He shook his head slowly and suddenly wrapped his fingers around the young girl's throat.
Ryo nervously stood up but didn't do anything.
“Then let me tell you y/n-chan. If I don't get what I want, I'll make sure no doctor is taking care of your mother. And rest assured, it won't even take me 5 minutes to do it."
Y/n had a scared expression on her face for the first time. For the first time, the expression on her face had changed. And it was certainly not because of her throat squeezing.
There was silence for a while. Y/n thought about her mother for a while. Then Fujio. She knew he would hate her. Fujio liked her. But there was something else that nobody knew, y/n liked him too.
But it was her mother that was in question, even though y/n knew she would lose Fujio forever, she had to do it.
The young girl slowly lowered her head and spoke in a low voice.
“Okay…I will accept…”
Kohei asked with a smile.
"I can not hear you."
Y/n angrily raised her head and looked into the young boy's eyes.
"I said fine, I'll tell you everything I know."
Regret is a very heavy feeling. But regret for betraying someone… Y/n hasn't spoken to anyone since then. As Amagai said, he deposited a large amount of money in her account and she took her mother to the hospital that night. But while she stayed with her mother in the hospital, she continued to get news about everything.
Oya was seriously attacked. Tsukasa had been kidnapped. Most of the students were seriously injured. All of them were caught off-guard, unexpectedly. And what y/n said played a big part in this attack...
Y/n had also seen Housen’s Shidaken when she was leaving that day. She just nodded and quickly walked away. But she didn't know that they were going to put Shidaken in the hospital right after she left, and even though it wasn't her fault, she was now blaming herself for everything.
She didn't know what situation Fujio was in. She hadn't seen him for a week. She hadn't asked anything about him, she just knew that he had won the fight and was in good physical shape.
She was walking home to buy clean laundry for her mother. She hadn't smoked in a long time, but for the past week she had been finishing up almost a pack a day. Seeing that there were no cigarettes left in her pack, she angrily squeezed the pack in her hand, crushed it, and slipped it into her pocket. After she turned the corner, she took a few more steps and she met the person she was afraid to see.
Fujio was also surprised to see her. But the confused expression on his face changed within seconds. There was an expression on his face that she could not understand. Hate ? Disappointment ? Sadness? Y/n didn't know what it was, but she was sure she hated seeing it.
They looked at each other for a few minutes.The distance between them was not too long, neither of them said anything. Y/n was unresponsive, trying hard to hide her facial expressions.
Fujio and Todoroki were walking over to Tsukasa’s home. Todoroki only knew y/n by name, but he doesnt have to be genius to understand from Fujio's reaction that it was her.
Y/n slowly started to pace, walking past Fujio without saying a word. But after a few steps, Fujio called out.
“Aren't you going to say something? Anything ?”
Y/n listened to Fujio without turning around. His voice was quite broken, it hurt her heart.
“Why y/n? I just want to know why. Weren't we friends?"
Y/n stood silently. She just stood there.She couldnt even move.
“Did he threaten you? Shidaken told me he saw you with them that day. Did they do something to you? Look, if that's how…”
Fujio believed that y/n had a reason. He didn't want to admit that she had betrayed him. But the young girl's silence proved that everything was true. This angered Fujio even more. And his tone changed.
“So it was true… you really did.”
Y/n felt nauseous, there was a pain in his chest.
"You did it for the money, didn't you?"
Wasn't it true? Why did that word hurt so much?
“You betrayed me for money. Do you know how many people were injured? What did they do to Tsukasa?"
When Y/n didn't answer, Fujio couldn't take it anymore and shouted.
"Damn it! Say something, now! Come on say ‘I didn't! You're wrong’ Say something y/n! Arent you gonna even defend yourself? ”
Y/n couldn't take it anymore and turned to Fujio with cold stares. Fujio was a little taken aback by the young girl's seriousness.
“What do you expect me to say, Fujio? You want me to say no it wasnt like this?"
Fujio gulped, waiting for her to regret, an apology. He knew that if she apologized, he would forgive her.
“What you heard is true. Yes, I did it for the money. Yes, I told them what I know.” Y/n sighed, her expression was so cold and confident that Fujio was watching her in surprise. Didn't he know her at all? “Why are you surprised Fujio? Haven't I earned my whole life like this? For years I've been selling information for money, selling people. Yes I betrayed you… But… What separates you from them?”
Fujio wanted to cry at the last sentence he heard. He was offended, broken, sad but now he was even more angry. He clenched his fist to stay calm. Todoroki was watching the two of them right behind Fujio. Even though he didn't know the young girl, he was sure that something was wrong. Fujio was only looking at her face, but the young girl was tense all over her body.
Fujio smiled and shook his head. He looked into Y/n's eyes and calmly replied.
“I don't blame you y/n. It was my fault for trusting you."
Fujio turned around and left without saying anything. Todoroki looked at the young girl once more and followed Fujio.
Y/n did not react. She couldn't. She knew she had lost him forever, and it was all her fault…
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @satraninalane @thatpoindexterpixy
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2frosty4you · 1 year
Fem reader accidentally flustering the mercs by something she did or said and not understanding why (merc) is so flushed and stumbling over his words? :3
Flustering the mercs [Drabbles]
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Fem Reader flustering the mercs :3
| Masterlist | ask/request box | Words: 1090 |
i had to stop myself from just continuing some of these 😭😭😭
Also using tumblr on mobile 😭😭😭
You grab his arm and pull him back to cover as a bullet remains where his head was.
“Jesus christ scout at least be careful”
“i - “
He’s speechless, your hand still gripped around his wrist. You look angry with him, but the feeling of your touch on his wrist makes him red, you drop his hand.
“You aight there?”
“Yes! yeah i- i could’ve totally avoided that without ya y’know aha”
He would quickly spit out, messing up words as you raise an eyebrow as he stumbles and runs around the corner. Heart beating fast and his face red.
Im sorry but soldier does NOT get flustered, but you make his heart beat widely when you talk with his racoons in a baby voice,
“Awww aint ya cuties, whats your names huh”
“Sergeant Smith, the one with the medal is lieutenant bites
“what cuties they all are”
He says with speed as you nuzzle the raccoon and baby talk it while laughing, he’s staring for a while before you look up to him.
“You okay solly?”
His heart is widely beating as you treat his pets like your own, giving them food while you think he isn’t looking and always happy to see them when he takes them into base. (even if medic hates them)
They laugh and clap as you flick open a lighter to show them the hello kitty lighter you had bought.
“See! its a pink flame, isn’t that cool!?”
“Anyway this is for you anyway, gotta go see medic; dont burn the place down!”
You toss them the lighter, and wave.
Pyro sits there, holding the lighter in their hands as their face is a bright red under their mask. Laughing as their body buzzed and felt her hands move to flicker the lighter
Happy knowing it came from you.
“Yeah, an she carried your drunk ass to bed; what a sight HA”
Scout teased, demoman’s face flushed red as you walk in. Waving.
“Hey you three, what's up?”
“Tellin ol’ demo here how he ended up back in his bed”
“Yeah! an look at the drunkard”
His face was a dark red, a. hot feeling radiating as he grummbled and burried his head in his arms.
“Hm? oh yeah did you drink the water i left you?”
He mutters, you raise an eyebrow but the other two men laugh to themselves as demo grumbles into his arms.
A bowl of hot soup laid before heavy, you standing with a white apron tied around you with a smile.
“What are you waiting for? taste it”
He takes the spoon, blows on the soup and takes a sip. His eyes widen as he feels the taste of his mothers soup on his tongue.
“Does it taste right? not sure if i got it all correct, russian is hard for me to read”
You smile, he coughs softy. Nodding, face a soft pink as you stand like a sun in the kitchen.
“Da, its like how my mother used to cook”
He stumbles over a few words, yet you look at him with a tiled head and a bowl of your own.
Engi had been tinkering on his sentry all night, large bags under his eyes as you place down a place of cut red apples with a bottle of juice.
“Engi, eat something”
“I- oh thanks darlin”
He would say with a smile, face red as he ate. You standing there with crossed arms.
“Take a break soon, we need you tomorrow”
Your small act of affection causes him to stutter and laugh softly, scratching the back of his neck slowly sipping the juice you gave him. Looking over his blueprints, just waiting there for him to finish and take a break.
It was a hectic battle so far, medic was tired healing the scout and not noticing the enemy demoman behind him he dropped his gun and readied for the impact of sword against his neck, when it didn’t come and the sound of a body dropping make him look up.
You turn back to him with blood dripping from your face and body.
“You okay doc? He didn’t hurt ya did he?”
“i- nien- nien he didnt”
He’s red, standing there staring at you as you look feral with the demoman’s blood soaking into your clothes and skin,
“Doc? ya there?”
He stumbles over his words as he holds his medigun close, waving to you as he speeds away to go heal heavy who was yelling for him. Almost tripping over his feet as he couldn't remove the image of you from his mind.
Sniper grunts, holding the wound on his arm. The blood bleeding through his fingers as you come around the corner, head perking as you walk back.
“Snipes?? what happened jesus,”
“nothin nothin”
He bites back a groan of pain as he went to grab the med back, you kneel before him.
“Snipes move your hand, jesus what even happened”
“its foin, its nothIN-“
He takes a sharp breath in, and with a delicate touch you move it, which feels like electricity through his body you take the hand holding the wound and place it down.
His face was growing a thick red, heat radiating from his cheeks as he looks away from you, treating his wound like glass even if both of you were war criminals.
Making quick work of the bullet wound, you wipe your hands on your pants and look at his red face.
“Aight, should be good. I’ll get medic to heal ya if we come through”
“tha, thanks mate”
“Try not to get hit again”
It takes a lot to fluster the spy, but with you?
You grabbed the spy's arm, pulling him down as a soldier walked past you two. The two of you cramped against each other behind the crate, him in for lap with his two lanky legs just strewn around you two.
His face is red under his mask, breath quicking as he faces away from you.
You look up, and then push him up.
“Be careful, next time i ain't saving you”
“oui, merci,”
His words slip into french as his feet stumble and you catch him before falling.
“What, are you sick? Is that why your head is out of the game?”
“no, non, its nothing ami, merci for hiding me”
He cloaks and quickly leaves as his face was red and his head was clouded with you. As you stood there, a confused look on your face as you kill the other spy.
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