#i drew my signature wrong oh well
yellowlillymarmar · 1 year
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I needed more cuddles. This time it's happy cuddles. :) Also, this is the first time I've ever drawn plaid so no judgments, please. It was both much harder and much harder than I expected simultaneously.
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cargopantsprentiss · 2 years
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A little companion piece to this drawing.
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alastor-simp · 6 months
Sickly Deer - Sick Alastor X Female Reader
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❥Summary - Alastor is a very proud man, and he will almost never admit that something is wrong. However, you noticed he seemed a bit off today and wanted to know what was wrong?
❥Tags: Sick alastor, sick day, alastor becomes sick, female reader, reader takes care of a sick alastor, stubborn alastor, fluff , adorable fluff, taking care of someone sick
❥Notes: Always wanted to do a sick character story and I finally get to do one with Alastor.
Was a quiet day in the hotel today. Usually there was the occasional chaos, but surprisingly it was peaceful. Charlie and Vaggie were out shopping for groceries for the hotel. Angel was lounging in his room, relaxing with Fat Nuggets. Niffty was reading a book, most likely manga in the lounge room, with Husk taking a cat nap on the couch next to her. Sir Pentious was in his ship, crafting some devices with his egg bois.
You were lounging in the hotel library, enjoying some quiet time to yourself while reading. Well it was quiet for a second until you heard the sound of static-like cough coming from next to you. Alastor happened to be in the library as well, reading his weekly newspaper. He's usually very quiet when he reads, except with the occasional sound of humming or static. But this was new, as you almost never heard him cough or let alone sneeze for that matter. The coughing started slow, but then it kept getting rougher as he kept doing it, causing you to worry. "Hey Al?" Your eyes were gazing at him with concern. Alastor turned his head towards you, wearing his signature smile: “Yes? What is it my dear?” “Well, are you alright? I noticed you have been coughing a lot. Once you said that, Alastor let out a boisterous laugh. “Oh-ho! It is nothing my dear. Just a small tickle. Nothing to concern yourself with!” He waved his hand in the air, after he finished talking. You still felt unsure, but if he said it wasn’t a big deal, you wouldn’t question him.
How wrong you were, the more and more you saw Al throughout the day, the worse his cough got. Not only that, his face was slightly paler and a bit drenched with sweat. He still was acting like everything was alright, but you knew he was lying. Enough was enough. You caught up with Alastor, as he was walking down the hallway. “Alastor! Stop!” You yelled his name out. He stopped in front of you, and slowly turned around, head tilted in confusion. “You’re sick, aren’t you” Alastors face stayed neutral when you said that, but you knew you got him. “I told you already, my dear. It’s nothing to concern yourself with.” Alastor just smiled wider and turned away from you to continue walking. He was stopped again when he felt a hand grab one of his coat sleeves. His body grew tense and he turned back eerily, not appreciating you touching him. You gave him a strong look: “Well, I AM concerned. And you should be resting cause you’re only going to make it worse.” His garnet colored eyes locked on to yours, static in the air getting louder. “I am the radio demon, my dear. I do not get sick, so please remove your hand, n̸͚͇̏̉o̸̼̓ẇ̷̹̓.” His eyes flashed into radio dials for a split second, causing you to remove your hand from his sleeve quickly. “Thank you. Now then, I shall take my leave.” He turned back around and began to walk away from you. As you were watching him walk away, you noticed he drew to a stop again. His body was still up, but then he began to fall forward. “AL!”
**Alastor POV**
“Ugh….huh?” Alastors eyes opened slowly. He recognized he was in his hotel room as the ceiling was covered in grassy moss and leaves, as he was the one to change it due to his magic. He soon realized he was laying on his bed, wearing his pajamas as he slowly got up from lying down. He doesn’t recall heading back to his room, as his head was still a bit fuzzy. His head was throbbing and his throat was feeling sore. Alastor knew he was feeling sickly, but he refused to believe it. He hates to be perceived as weak, so he preferred to play it off that he was fine.
The sound of the door opening alerted him, causing him to look up. He sees you walking into his room, carrying a tray along with a plastic bag hanging from your arms. “Oh your awake? How are you feeling?” You bear a smile at him, as you walk closer to his bed, setting the tray down on the night stand. “How did I end up here?” Alastor questioned you, still confused at what happened. “You don’t remember?” Your eyes gazed at him back with concern. Alastor shook his head. “You fainted Al. I stopped you in the hallway cause I knew you were sick, but you said you were fine and as you walked away, you stopped and fell forward.” Al’s eyes widen at your statement, as he kept listening to you talk. “I carried you back to your room after that.” You gave him a small smile.
“I see. I’m sorry for the trouble you had to go through my dear, but I’m quite alright now.” Pulling the covers off, Al swung his feet to place them in the floor. He was stopped by a hand on his chest. “Oh no you don’t mister. You are staying in bed and getting better. Understand?” Your eyes were filled with determination. “My dear, I am qui-” “Understand?” His words were cut off by you. He continued to look at your face, seeing that you were refusing to budge. Heaving a sigh, he nodded his head. He positioned himself back to how he was on the bed. “Does anyone else know about my ailment?" He said, as you turned his head to look at you. You were removing some stuff out of the plastic bag and set them on the night stand before turning back to him. "The only ones who know are me and Niffty. No one else, I promise you. I had to tell her you were under the weather, and she told me to head to the store to get you some medicine while she made you some venison stew." Alastor continued to listen until he asked you another question: "Did you change me into my pajamas as well?" Your face flushed at that, and you shook your head no. "Your shadow happened to appear when I brought you to the bed. I told it to change you." Alastor just nodded his head at that, smiling at bit wider at your adorable reaction.
Grabbing one of the chairs from Al's desk, you brought it over to where his bed was and took a seat. Reaching for the bowl, you placed it on your lap. He observed you blow a bit on the spoon and hold it out to him, causing him to raise an eyebrow at you. "Come on Al. There's nothing wrong with me feeding you." Alastor sighed, and opened his mouth, allowing you to give him some of the stew that Niffty prepared. He was able to finish it all off, which pleased you. Placing the bowl back, you grabbed the medicine and a glass of water and handed it to him. Alastor grabbed it and quickly popped them in his mouth, chugging the water to get them down. Sighing, he laid back on the bed, placing his head on the pillow, turning it away from you. "I despise this feeling." He whispered that to himself, but you were able to pick up on it since you were still seated next to him. "What feeling?" you said back to him, tiling your head. "Alastor continued to look away. "The feeling of being sick. Makes me appear weak." Alastor grumbled out the response.
Alastor remained quiet after that. A hand was placed against his cheek, allowing his head to turn back towards you. His eyes widen at you, as he saw you wearing a kind smile. "You're not weak Alastor. Everyone gets sick from time to time, nothing wrong with it. Also, you should know the others would never think about that, they would rather you get some rest and get better." Your thumb stroked his cheek. Alastor listened to what you said and gave a sigh, closing his eyes. "I know, my dear. Just.....feels strange." Moving his hand, he placed it against the one on his cheek. "Thank you, my dear. If there comes a time where you are ailing, I will return the favor." His lips curved into a soft smile. He heard you chuckle, as your hand moved away from his cheek. "Get some rest, Al. I'll come back to check on you." Smiling, you got up from the chair, and grabbed the tray, heading over to the door. Alastor just watched you walk away, leaving his room, and closing the door. His eyes began to grow heavy, as his body started to relax, drifting into a deep sleep.
Tag List:
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi , @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @pawstrey , @futureittomainn , @christinaatyourservice92 , @littledolly2345 , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it , @angelinevalentine89 , @yunimimii , @staryosh1 , @mihawksdemoness , @crystalreads , @blahblahbruhmeow , @madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel , @ainsliemac , @sweet06tart , @nobuharashinyao , @aria-tempest , @fluffismystaplefood , @darischerry , @nightmarenaya , @mooniee123 , @yakultt-art , @ktssstuff , @blakedbeanss , @sweet06tart , @ihyperfixatedagain , @alastorssimp , @sadnessiscoldtea , @artemisandhunters , @crystalreads , @thereeallink
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I think we lost her part 2
I'll be good
Theo reaken x reader
never meant to start a fire I never meant to make you bleed I'll be a better man today
I'll be good, I'll be good And I'll love the world, like I should Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good For all of the times that I never could
My past has tasted bitter for years now So I wield an iron fist Grace is just weakness Or so I've been told I've been cold, I've been merciless
But the blood on my hands scares me to death Maybe I'm waking up today
Yn slammed the door of the truck and started walking toward the MCcall household yawning. She walked toward the door and furrowed her eyebrows when she heard some yelling from the inside and someone angrily walking toward the door.
Malia appeared with her face into a decuided frown and stalked past her berely giving yn a hello.
"Well hello to you too bestie" yn muttured and walked into the house closing the door shut behind her. Scott inmidiatly appeared and his eyes widened in shock when he saw her.
"Yn.. uh what are you doing here?!"
"I told her to come" liam answered scott before yn had the chance to. Scott looked as if he would kill is own beta and liam lifted his hands up in defense "Idont think is fair that we lied to her and shes one of my best friends! She was literally going to kill herself!"
Yn raised an eyebrow at the alpha and the beta wondering what had gotten into them"you guys" they both turned around to face her "I am very confundida, and why does this even have to do with me?"
Scott started to say something to probably send her home when Yn heard a voice she though she'd never hear in her lifetime, a voice she could only hear in dreams.
She rushed between liam and scott and into the kitchen and saw theo pushing himself to stand, blood falling from his nose.
His eyes widened when they met hers and yn drew in a sharp breath looking around, but scott liam and hayden were all looking between the both of them.
"Your'e here?"she whispered
"Hey baby" he answered giving her a small smile eyes full of tears.
Yn gave a breathy laugh and ran toward him wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso.
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Theo held her tightly against him chuckling "oh god youre here, youre here, youre not dead"yn repeated aginst his neck as she held tightly onto him.
"Im here princess. And i dont plan on living any time soon" theo murmured aginst her hair and then kissed her cheek. Yn let go and theo set her down on the floor putting a hand aginst her cheek. Both their eyes were full of tears as they both chuckled happily. Then theo bent down and kissed her, putting both his hands against her face, lips fitting perfectly together moving in slow motion.
Yn pulled away after a moment and looked up to him smiling "I thought you were dead"
"Well not exactly "
"But scott said-" yns words hitched and she whipped around to face Scott. "You lied to me?" She demanded.
Scott blinked and nodded"yes, because i knew-"
"Where on earth has he been this past 3 months?"
"On hell with his sister" scott answered
Yn pursed her lips in a tight line and shook her head "how could you?! Scott ive trusted you with my life and you just couldnt keep the only person ive ever loved safe?"
"Yn hes KILLED people, he killed his own sister, he killed ME, he hurt your dad-"
I though you were the true alpha"yn snapped"i though you were the one with the heart of gold, the one who belived in second chances! The one who actually cared!" Yn swallowed down the tears that were threatening to fall" I gess i was wrong"
"I did what I had to do to protect the pack" scott said defended himself.
"Dont you think I know!" Yn screamed her eyes flashing their signature violet " I would do anything for the pack, to keep everyone safe, Im the one who tries to keeps everybody safe. But when it comes down to it YOU couldent keep the Only person I've ever loved safe, ive never asked for anything scott. Not once. Why on earth did you lie to me?"
Scott couldent find the right words he knew yn was angry, and he also knew she would do anything to protect the people she loved "I knew you'd raise hell if necessary to bring him back" he answered
"Yes I would!scott i tried to kill myself because i felt a gaping whole on my chest. I had constant nightmares and you saw me go through all that because you tried to keep the pack safe?because yo knew ill bring him back?!" Yn squintedher eyes dangerously "i genuinely despise you scott MCcall"
"Yn listen im sorry-" scott said trying to apologize
"You could have said that around 3 months ago dont you think?"
Yn turned reached for theo's hand who had been staying silent through all the conversation as well as the others. He took her hand and let himself be gided toward the door.
"Were are you going?" asked scott blocking their way
"Im living and theo is coming with me, try to stop me and I WILL raise hell" yn threatened
Scott moved out of the way and tried to look at his betas for help but hayden only shrugged "shes right" and liam went to follown them, katana in hand.
"Yn!" Liam called before they could exit the house
Yn turned around to face him and liam extended the katana for her to take"you would problay want this" he tould her
Yn gave him a small smile as she reached for the katana" thanks liam"
Liam nodded and looked at theo who gave him a silent thanks by giving him a nod wich he returned.
When they exited the house and theo saw his truck he gave her a small smile " you kept it"
Yn shrigged and gave him a tighed liped smile"its yours, it just felt like the only thing i had left from you." She reached the keys out to him " you drive"
"Nah give me a few days to adjust on being back"
Yn gave him a small nod "ok" she walaked toward the deivers side as theo got into the passangers.
Yn turned on the ignition, and once theo was in started driving home.
"Why did liam let you out?"
"He thought i still had Josh's power" he kept his gaze on the road " but I didnt"
"You dont have it anymore?"
"No, Joshs or tracy's im back to good old me" he answered giving her a sad little smile
"Thats great, I like old you" she spared a glance at him with a smile" its actually my favorite you"
Theo laughed and took her hand giving it a smalla squeez. Then as if he caughed a smell of something he opened small compartment between the seats.
"Uh dodnt open that" yn said trying to stop him but he just gave her a puzzled loom and pulled out a bottle of vodka half empty
"Or do..." yn said pursing her lips on a tight line and kepping her eyes fixed on the road.
Theo looked from the bottle to her eyebrows raised "didnt know you drinked"
" I didnt."
"Does this have to maybe do with the fact that you said earlier you almost killed youself" he asked her quietly. Knowing he was walking on thin ice." Uh.. yeah" she answered her eyes till fixed in the road
"What happened?" His voice full of concern
Yn took a minute to answer "You were gone. You were Dead. And i just wanted to forget everything. Everybody was sympathetic but i knew they didnt even mean it. Everybody hated you" yn looked at theo who nodded at her to continue "so i took the bottke my dad kept hidden and downed it. I felt awful the next day. And thats an understatement, but just for a minute you know. I felt fine. I didnt feel anything anymore. So I took your truck and started driving every night to the look at point and sometimes malia found me there. Completely wasted. And thats how it went for 2 months. I went to school, locke myself in my room and do homework. Hit the shit out of my punch bag. And then drive to the look out point. Till one day i got in a fight with stiles and i decided that i didnt want to live anymore. So i downed a bottle of sleeping pills with vodka"
Theo drew in a sharp breath as he heard how much he actually meant to yn. How much she loved him, and it startled him. Be ause he thought he wasent meant to be loved.
"Dad found me in my room half an hour later and rushed me to the hospital were i spent 1 week in a bed"yn continued "it was awful. Dad made me promise him id never do it again. I actualky felt bad for everyone. They were all so worried. Stiles didnt live me out of hes sight till. Well you know.. got taken."
Once she parked the car in the driveway she spared a glace at theo.
He had tears in his eyes as he looked at her. Her hand securedly in his.
" Im so sorry" he whispered
"No oh god no theo" yns hand quickly went to his face " baby its not your fault, i shoulent have told you now"
"No, im glad you told me" he said swallowing down his tears " do you really love me that much?"
"To the point were i would kill myself to be with you, YeS" yn aswered lokking into his eyes " yes theo I love you, and i would do anything for you. dont. You. Ever. Doubt That.:
"I love you too yn. I love you so much" theo said gently squeezing the hand he held in his." Don't doubt that'
"Trust me. I don't " yn answered with a breathy laugh.
Theo rolled his eyes at her and then gave her a peck in the lips." So what do you plan on doing with this" he asked taking the bottle and lifting it
"Just live it in the car,dad would kill me if he knew I had that"
"Right" then he bent down and slided the bottle under his seat"there you go"
Yn chuckled and opened the door climing out of the car "so dads at work wich means we wont have to undergo akward questioning" she informed theo as they walked toward the doorway. Yn opened it and stepped in theo behind her. "Are you hungry? There's pasta. I can heat it up real quick"
"Uh no thanks, liam bought take out" theo answered smiling down at her.
"Kay" yn grinned back at him and took his hand leading him toward her room.
"Take a bath. You kind of smell" she said as they walked in, scruching her face into a smile
"Geez so hard" answered theo in mock pain. Yn just laughed and walked toward her drawer. Bent down and opened the botton one and pulled out one of theos shirt and pants.
"Here you go" she said straightening up and handing the clothes to him.
"I dont want to know?"
"There are clean towels in the bathroom "yn said ignoring him.
"Thanks mom" he jocked and kissed her cheek as he walked past her.
Yn stood there for a moment till she heard the water running with a big smile on her face.
He was back. Theo was finally back and alive. And soon they would get everyone the ghostriders took and everything would be alright.
Then she took off the taktop she had and her bra and pulled on an oversized shirt. And since she already had her pajama pant on climed to bed. Resting her back against the pillows.
She bent forward and retrieved a book next to her bedside. She was resting back comfortably when a notification rang on her phone. She 5ook it from the night table and ooened it to see it was Liam.
"Hey baby, liam asks where do we need 5o meet to get to the power thing"yn called
"Oh you mean the generator? Tell him its in the reserve" he answere from the bathroom.
"Okay...... uh, he asks 10 or 11 am, 11 right?
"Yeah" theo opened the door pulling on his shirt
Ok then
Wear protection ;)
Liam. NO
Yn turned off the phone chuckling at tye antics of the teenage werewolf
Theo sat down in the bed next ro her his back against the headboard.
"You look cute with your hair all wet" yn commented smiling up at him.
"Hmm"hummed theo nodding giving her a small smile"what are you reading?"
"The hunger games" yn answered lifting the book up.
"I saw the movie but never read the book"
"Youre welcome to read them anytime. This is actually the second book but the firt one has to be somewhere in my bookshelf."
"Ill take you up that offer" he muttered.
Then he gently slapped his tights gesturing her to come over" come here" he told her, more like a question that something else.
Yn smiled and sat on his lap. Her legs to one side and her head below the crook of his neck. She took one of his hands in hers and started playing with his fingers, while he ran his fingers through her hair with his other one. He pressed a kiss on the top of her head breathing her in, finally feeling as if he was finally home whit her in his arms.
"I never meant for you to get hurt" he whispered closing his eyes
" what do you mean?"yn softly asked him running her thumb softly on the top of his hand.
"I never meant it to be like this love, i never meant for you to get hurt. Ill be better yn. Ill be good" he muttered resting his chin on top of her head. yn could hear him sniffle as a tear rolled down his cheek "ill be good. I will try to be better. I will try to make things right. I shouldent have done what I did. I shouldent have hurt them. I shouldn't have been what ive been all this years. Ive been so cold. So heartless. So mercyless" he choked out tears falling. Yn held his hand betwee both of hers tightly. Letting him pour his feelings out." but yn. It scares me. All the blood in my hands terrifies me. And maybe. Maybe im waking up. Today. Ill be good. Ill be good" he sobbed. yn lifted her head ane put her arms around his neck letting him cry into her neck " I'll love the world like I should. I promise ill be good, for everyone I've ever hurt. For everything good ive ever doubted. For all the pain ive brought to you. For everything ive done all this years. For all those hipes and dreams ive killed. And for ever doubting you" he sobbed. Yn held him close as a few of her tears fell into his shirt. "Ill be good, I"ll be good" he repeated again
"I know you will theo" yn whispered " and promise ill be here. I promise I will always be here"
Theo snuggled his face into the crook of her neck and rounded his arms around her waist holding her close.
They sat there, holding each other. Till in the end yns eyelids closed without her consent, and she dozed off.
Theo felt her breath deepened and knew she had fallen asleep. He cautiously, trying not to wake her, rearranged the pillows. He leaned over and turned off the lights, and layed her in the mattress, tyen he laid down his front pressed to her back and rounded one of his arms around her waist.
"Mhh?" Yn hummed sleeply"sorry i just didnt sleep last night" she apologized sleeply
"Hey, its all right" theo cooed and yn turned around rounding one arm around his torso, snuggling closer and buring her face into his chest.
And there. They finally felt happy, like some part off them had finally returned. They felt like home
Ill edit this when I can but here it is!!
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freesia-writes · 1 year
Howzer + Aurelia Ch. 25 - Medical Practice
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Beginning with his shiny days, this story follows Howzer's character arc through some heartwarming romance, action, adventure, yearning, angst, and growth.
Content/Trigger Warnings for Entire Work (individual chapters not labeled): wartime peril, injury, and death; sexual assault up to kissing; relationship passion up to making out and heavy petting; sexual relationship alluded to (smut is posted separately); pregnancy, birthing trauma, and stillbirth (chapters 30-39, can be skipped and still keep up with the story).
Master List of Chapters
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Word Count: 1.9k
25. Medical Practice
The next week had painstakingly crawled by as Howzer had been off-world with Cham, visiting allies in a nearby system. He had left Aurelia with a cryptic message that had been consuming her thoughts, including at the most inopportune times as she was being provided with increasingly difficult opportunities to practice her medical skills. It was all under strict supervision and guidance, of course, but it's less than ideal to have one's mind wander when re-setting a bone. 
"I want to take you somewhere special, and I have a question to ask you," he had said, refusing her attempts to wheedle any additional information out of him. 
"You can't tell me you have a question that you aren't going to ask for a week!" she'd protested.
"Just think about your life, what you want and don't want... A little time of mid-life reflection, you know," he had teased, to which she had immediately spluttered her resentment at the phrase "mid-life". His face had grown thoughtful, though, and he smothered her with a kiss that left her breathless. His growing confidence and willingness to engage physically was a continual source of rumination and distraction for her as well.
She could hardly wait for his return, and as the day drew to a close, her heart leapt when she caught sight of him standing in the foyer of the medical center. Trying to check her enthusiasm, she gave him a polite nod in greeting, beaming uncontrollably. He held out an arm for her, his signature gentlemanly move that she had so fallen in love with, and they walked toward her place. 
Immediately, she noticed he was walking rather stiffly, with a distinct limp. She stopped, turning to face him and look him up and down. 
"What's wrong? What happened?" she asked, giving him a stern eyebrow to make it clear that evasive action was not to be attempted. 
"Ah, just another day on the job," he responded, grimacing when she jabbed him in the armpit space between his armor plates. "Okay, we got in a little scuffle a few days ago. The negotiations became more physical than verbal once Gobi got involved. But it's nothing. I had my checkup, ma'am." 
Laughing at his mockingly contrite tone, Aurelia took his arm and continued walking, "Some lucky doctor..." she muttered.
"The droid was clearly enamored," Howzer bantered, grinning at her shameless jealousy. 
"Okay, so what's the plan?" she asked, trying to play it cool. 
"What plan?"
"How dare you."
"What?" his face assumed an expression of such undeniably adorable innocence that she wanted to kiss him right then and there. "Oh! Yeah, we talked about going somewhere, didn't we..."
"I nearly fused someone's femur to their hip socket because I've been thinking about it all week," she admitted, in the hopes of him giving up the facade.
"Oh boy," he chuckled, "Well, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that it has to wait for the full moon. The good news is that the moon will be full in two days."
"Interesting," she said, stifling her slight disappointment. "But also probably good, since it looks like you could use a break." She nodded at his unwieldy gate. 
"I'm fine," he insisted, as they stopped off at his barracks for him to pick up some fresh clothes. 
* * * 
A warm meal and a long, hot shower later, Howzer reclined on Aurelia's couch, gazing out the transparisteel panels. She wiped the last dish from their dinner, feeling markedly domestic and wondering at the reality of her life, then had an idea. She rummaged in the cupboard, finding a lightly-scented cooking oil, and headed for the living room. 
"So... you know how the Twi'leks and humans approach medicine differently?" she began, remaining standing in front of him, relishing his relaxed approachability in just his blacks. 
"I guess? We report to the Imperial facility, but I've heard the locals are more... eh... what's the word..."
"Holistic," Aurelia offered with a wink, "And I've been learning quite a bit in both realms... And I think I could help you feel a little better...But perhaps you're right and you're totally fine..." She showed him the oil in her hands, trying hard to come across as confident and foxy. He got a small grin on his face, unfolding his hands from behind his head and leaning sideways on the arm of the couch. 
"I mean, I've been pretty sore... but it's nothing, really... it's just hard sometimes..." he said, arching an eyebrow and laughing at himself as he wavered between stubborn refusal to admit anything and the desire to play into her little game. "I mean, it can't hurt to try..."
"Sit on the floor and take your shirt off," Aurelia said, straight to the point, with an edge of playful suggestion. 
Howzer tilted his head at her, smile growing larger, and instead stood up, his head reaching a few inches above her own, and stepped close, sending a tingle down her spine. 
"I think I need some convincing."
Five minutes of passionate making out later, they pulled apart, breathless and flushed. Somehow Aurelia had managed to keep the oil in her hand, though they both had considerably different hairstyles. It was much harder to keep herself upright, but she had a vision in her mind and wanted it to come to fruition. She slowly set the oil on the nearby table, then, leaning in more slowly, she parted her lips and brushed them against his, feeling them open slightly under her own. But she didn't plant her mouth over his this time, but rather traced her lips back and forth. He took a steadying breath, bringing both hands to her cheeks, cupping her face and pulling back to gaze at her with a dizzying mix of desire and affection. 
"I love you," he said suddenly, a slightly rough tone to his voice. 
"What?" Aurelia blurted out, in shock and delight. 
"I mean..." he faltered, lowering his hands to take her own, "I don't know if it's different since I came from a test tube, but... as much as I understand of it... I love you."
"Oh," she said breathlessly, completely taken aback and feeling the need to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. But the words were ready, as she gave his hands a little squeeze, "I love you, Howzer."
He closed his eyes for a moment, smiling as if basking in the moment, and when he opened them, she was lost in the abyss of honey brown admiration. Her heart thrilled in her chest, and she leaned up to kiss him fully again, pressing her mouth to his with the hopes that it would convey even more than words could. He let out a small sigh that somehow invigorated her, and she released his hands to grasp his upper arms, pulling him closer against her and deepening their kiss. Fueled by the intoxicating scent and taste and touch of him, she lowered one hand to the waistband of his blacks, slipping her fingers underneath his shirt to graze against the side of his abdomen. Now it was a sharp intake of air from him, as well as a slight stiffening of his back, that made his desire clear. She traced along muscles, skirting along the bottom of his stomach until he was nearly writhing, and he pulled his mouth from hers to gaze at her darkly. 
"Arms up, trooper," she purred, startled momentarily by the gravelly sound of her own voice, slightly lower than usual. The corner of his mouth curved minutely, and he obediently raised both arms above his head, allowing her to pull the tight-fitting base layer up and over his head. He pulled one arm out, used it to pull the shirt off the other arm, and dropped it nearby on the floor. She bit her lip at the sight of him, reaching up to trace her fingers along his collarbone, down his arm, then back to his waist and up his abs. 
"I feel better already," he murmured, leaning into her ear and snaking his arms around her waist. She laughed, tilting her head toward his face as his breath tickled her neck. 
"This isn't what I had planned," she giggled, letting out a small gasp as he placed a gentle kiss, then a more suggestive bite into the curve of her neck. "Howzer!" she exclaimed, causing him to pull back in surprise. 
"Sorry, too much?" he asked, but she shook her head, smiling.
"I'm not going to be able to do anything if you keep that up!"
"Well technically that's doing something," he pointed out, and she gave his arm a playful smack. 
"On the floor, mister," she said, directing him toward it with a commanding arm. She longed to let that tiger out of its cage, but not now, not yet. Once again assuming a posture of submissive obedience, he followed her orders and sat on the floor in front of the couch, facing the window. She beckoned for him to move forward a bit, then slipped between him and the couch, propping her back up against it and splaying her legs on either side of him. He started to lean back against her, but she pushed him back up. 
"Cross your legs, if it's easier to sit up that way, and relax," she instructed, grabbing the oil bottle and warming some between her hands. She started on the tops of his shoulders, slowly spreading the oil from his neck down to his arms, then back up, using long, firm strokes. He exhaled, head lowering forward a little bit, and she allowed her eyes to roam across his bare back, noting a number of scars of all shapes as well as a few fresh-looking bruises. Taking care to avoid them, she slowly kneaded and stroked his shoulders, the tops of his arms, and his neck, reaching up onto the back of his head, where the short stubble of his hair massaged her fingers in return. 
"Thank you," he said, sleepily, as though it were all he could manage to say. She smiled, warming up a fresh handful of oil and gently spreading it down his spine, then across his hip bones. He breathed slowly and deeply, reveling in the incredibly tingle-inducing and rejuvenating sensation of her touch. She pressed her palms into the muscles on either side of his spine, gently stretching them, and eventually worked her way back up to his neck, tilting it to one side and cupping his head in one hand while slowly pressing along the muscle from the base of his skull down to his shoulder. 
She repeated the process as long as she could, slowing to a halt only when her arms were burning with fatigue, and she reached around him to pull him back against her. He happily reclined, warm and relaxed, head in her soft little nook where shoulder meets chest. She wrapped her hands together across his chest, leaning her head against his own, watching the moonlit city before them and marveling at it all. 
Next Chapter
Is this getting gratuitous? I can't tell. ;) I feel like I need some good solid action plot (and some will be coming) but it's getting more and more domestic and just various excuses for cheesy fluff and passion. I mean, I'm not complaining, but I hope you aren't either! hahah <3
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blackiraven · 1 year
Can you please write about how sale!scriddler draw each other?
As you wish!~✍
Once upon a time I drew. It was my only hobby and the only way to separate myself from the real world. My ridiculous dreams could exist on yellowed paper, fantasies splashed out on the pages and overshadowed the uninteresting text with their colors. The few people I liked could only be with me in the form of beautiful portraits. I could imagine and portray their joyful, loving faces, when in fact they looked at me with disgust and hatred every day.
Once upon a time I gave up drawing for many years. My talent was torn apart and trampled by those who admired my drawings. They only had to find out the artist's name... But now I want to remember and bring my youthful hobby back to life. For all the torments endured, fate as a reward sent me a muse and the only connoisseur of my "paintings" in one person.
Oh, my little frog, I like to draw you so much. It calms me down, I want to really smile. And finally, it's not my imagination that emerges on paper, but reality. Juggling shades of green every time fascinates me for hours. And it saves several lives from my hellish anger...
This time I decided to draw Edward sitting in his comfortable and soft chair, in which he likes to spend time reading. Nigma's hands were complicated on his knees, he himself leaned forward a little, as if greeting someone who would look at this drawing. He was smiling. This sweet, warm and kind smile that fills my heart with life every day. This gentle and caring look, for which I want to wake up and continue to breathe. I always devote the most time to these important details. The rest is easy. A slightly bulky suit with question marks that Riddler always embroiders by hand, a lush bow under the collar of his shirt and a funny bowler hat on his head. The colors were applied with light shading.
"Hmm... something is missing..." I was biting a colored pencil and looking at the drawing from different angles. Background? No. Frogs! The hand grabbed another pencil and began to quickly draw small amphibians. They were sitting on the back and armrests of the chair and on Edward himself. Their eyes were big and just as cute. The last, finishing detail of the picture - on the head of each frog was the same, but a tiny bowler hat. That's great! That's exactly what I wanted! In the lower right corner of the sheet I left a small signature "My prince of riddles and frogs".
"Yes, Jonathan?"
"This is for you."
"Oy, it's as beautiful as all your other drawings. Thank you!"
"Of course, my dear. What gives away a good artist? His doubt in his works."
"Edward, you... Can you draw me?"
"But, Jonathan, you know what... I don't know how to draw."
"It doesn't matter to me. I will value even a blots from you."
"Well... I do not know..."
"...please, Edward..."
When Scarecrow that frightens many Gotham residents whispers and barely says "please," my refusal will be the biggest sin in life. Jonathan wanted to watch me draw, but I was able to kick him out of my office and close the door. This is too exciting a process for me! A stack of paper plopped down on the table, a tall plastic cup filled with pencils and felt-tip pens. An empty white sheet made me sigh loudly and tragically. I drew only as a child, but it turned out badly, like all children, but my parents didn't like it. I haven't painted since...
"Where does each picture begin? The answer is an idea." fingers were tapping on the table, then they took a black pencil and unwound it in every way. In what setting should I draw him? At home, where he is calm and feels good? Or in the maelstrom of Gotham crime, where he has a share of power? The first sheets with the wrong lines were crumpled up and thrown into the trash. Each time I stubbornly sharpened the pencil, as if it made a significant difference. I could draw Jonathan without a mask, but in my performance it will definitely turn out terrible.
Sometimes I looked at Crane's new drawing. It's so beautiful, naturalistic, I appreciate and keep each of them. I'll never be able to draw the same way. After agonizing minutes, the crooked strokes began to take shape. The night sky, consisting of primitive clouds and stars. A large circle in which dense layers of white and yellow were superimposed on each other. Moon. I hope he understands. The whole sheet was painted over, I randomly drew pencils on the white surface, as children usually do. But to some extent it was fascinating. In the very center of the gray-black space loomed a Scarecrow. Angular and sometimes disproportionate. Is he soaring through the clouds? Or just enjoying a quiet night? I don't know... His long hat wrapped around and held the moon, and his mantle rushed down and covered the supposed city. Behind Scarecrow of large and five-pointed orange stars, my author's constellation of heron was lined up. Graceful, majestic and dangerous. To have the trust of this bird is a great honor and achievement. What happened was already a pity to throw away. He should like it, Jonathan never reproached me for mistakes, as absolutely everyone used to do, even when I did a perfect job. My drawing was also completed by a small signature: "My heron, bringer of night and terrible dreams."
"Please, Edward, show me this."
"Okay... um... here."
"Amazing. I'm loving it. Very."
"Are you serious, dear?"
"Yes. Can I watch you draw next time?"
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pharawee · 2 years
Okay so after 4 gifsets it’s time for my review of Big Dragon ep 4. Just for me. As a treat.
And we’re already halfway through this series. How did this happen? I feel like I spent the whole year just waiting and now it’s all going by so fast. I’m lowkey hoping for StarHunter to continue promoting MosBank together, if only so they’ll do more travel vlogs.
Also, if possible (yep, still biased) this show has become even better. I’m mostly just someone who gets pulled in by the mood of a show, but this time I really tried paying attention to the motifs the director and actors have mentioned before - like the colour coding, cinematography and Mangkorn’s and (especially) Yai’s comfort levels. 
And it’s really paying off:
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Look how subdued Mangkorn’s signature colour is here. He’s literally fading into the background, with his and Hong’s father taking control over his (and Hong’s) life. I’m glad that it’s immediately established that both mum’s are super uncomfortable with this whole situation. They’re not even indulging their husbands. Mangkorn’s mum even makes it clear later that arranged marriages are a thing of the past (and I’m super glad they put that in) and that if Mangkorn were to speak to his dad he’d back off.
But more on that later.
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I’ve read the novel but still, I’m glad Mangkorn and Hong get along so well. I mean, they’re essentially in the same boat (negl their dads get along so well, they should just marry each other ugh). Plus, I’m super tired of the “female rival” trope in BL. It’s distracting and unfair to everyone involved.
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And, yeah, maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about, but Mangkorn’s colour makes a bit of a return in this scene - even though he’s wearing the same shirt.
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Yai’s family crisis, meanwhile, lies in the past and I’m really glad his sister tells him so outright. I mean, it’s immediately clear that the death of his mother is something that’s deeply troubling to Yai and has shaped him as a person - to the point were he refuses to move on. To him the house is empty and I totally get why he doesn’t want to stay for long. His sister, in contrast, finds it peaceful and relaxing out in the garden, even at night (and with about 300 mosquitos around 🥴).
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Only then, of course, Yai makes the “female rival” a thing. You do it to yourself, Yai (I mean, with good reason - seeing as they’re both known womanizers). I’m glad that the show subverts this whole trope early on and makes it all about Yai’s insecurities. There’s only 8 episodes, nobody’s got time for that. In the novel it wasn’t as clear because Hong turned up much later when Mangkorn had already explained the whole thing. Yai only had breadcrumbs and suspicions to go on and of course he drew the wrong conclusions.
And because Mangkorn has lost access to his LINE ID (possibly because *someone* decided to destroy his phone) he decides to wait for Yai in front of his faculty building. For hours. That’s some dedication.
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And, honestly, pouting back at someone who’s pouting might be the most valid strategy I’ve ever seen. Put that UNO reverse card away or so help me!! 😤
I really, really love Mangkorn’s shirt. And I love how their individual colours get more similar when they’re not fighting/testing their boundaries and just being themselves. It’s like they’re on neutral ground here.
And, holy shit, every second of that scene was so adorable, from their playful banter to their not-so hidden smiles.
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Oh, how the turntables. This time it’s Mangkorn’s turn to ask if Yai has been to supervise the pub’s renovations today (he hasn’t because it’s boring without Mangkorn).
Which brings us to my favourite scene of this week.
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Just look how soft these two are 🥺
And they’re in neutral colours again, on neutral territory, with Mangkorn dispensing a piece of wisdom that rings rather hollow considering that this “sacrifice” he mentions is impossible to achieve in his own case (unless at this point in the story he actually considers marrying Hong out of filial piety).
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We also catch a glimpse of Yai’s family ring. Surprise - there’s a tiger on it.
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Kissing Yai (and it was such a sweet kiss - I just wish it hadn’t been in slow motion) doesn’t really bring the closure Mangkorn probably hoped for - if he planned for any of this at all. Because as dominant (with a small d - I’m talking personality traits because I’ve no idea about any of the rest) as he might seem, I feel like he’s just as much out of his depth as Yai is. He’s just much better at keeping his cool (and the upper hand).
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This is one of the pics Yai stares at as he masturbates and negl, that’s kind of touching (full pun intended 🤡)
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But apart from the fact that he’s still wearing his ring while he goes to town (ouch??) it struck me how lonely and unsatisfying this whole scene felt. He’s in this big bed and occupying only one side of it. It just feels like something’s missing.
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Oh ffs, show 😂
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Finally. 🫠
No but seriously if at any point in the future you don’t find me stanning Big Thanakorn then please assume I’ve been replaced by an impostor and call the police.
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I’m totally with Yai on this one.
Bank has said that when Yai is with Nine he’s in his comfort zone and it really shows. I don’t think Nine is any serious competition, though, even if Mangkorn weren’t in the picture. It’s like Yai is on this fixed trajectory now and that has everything to do with Mangkorn.
Oh well, looks like Big’s character will end up alone again. Why must you hurt me so, StarHunter? 🥲
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Aand we’re back to Mangkorn wearing a red shirt (with red back-lighting uh-oh) and... how do you even explain this, Mangkorn? The girl slipped? She wanted to see your tattoo up close? You actually caught a glimpse of Yai talking to Nine and this is your revenge? 
“How could you do that?”, indeed.
Feels like they’re both blaming and deflecting here (ah, yes, how could you do this to poor Hong??) and I’m pretty sure we’ll see Mangkorn’s side of the story next week because they wouldn’t just leave it like that...
But Mangkorn’s “Are you mad because you like me?” really felt like a gamechanger because it seems like up until this point Yai didn’t even realise. He doesn’t even look defensive or angry, he’s just shocked and hurt (with a side of confusion).
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Also, I love how Yai’s background is all cold blues, and Mangkorn’s side is earthy browns/reds. Something’s about to go down next week ( and it’s exactly what it sounds like 🤡)
Meanwhile, the bodyguards have monkey-pawed their relationship into existence and now I want some Tao Kae Noi 😭
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unpleasantsimms · 2 years
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Nightshade Academy
Welcome to Nightshade Academy, a boarding school for spellcasters and supernatural types to learn and engage with their burgeoning powers in a safe and controlled environment. This year’s class is a little unusual, but it has some of the most promising minds this academy has ever seen. For today’s lesson, love is in the air, and the bright minds of Nightshade Academy must navigate their strong emotions while also having access to strange and untamed magics. They will question who is beauty, and who is the beast, and what perfection truly means.
Rating: T for Teen Word Count: 9760
A long form fanfic of my magic high series, in which several characters across the Sims canon attend school together. It is mostly silliness, and the wonky nature of the Sims timeline means things can be a little weird, but just go with it. As a Halloween treat, I’m putting up the first episode in what will hopefully become a series, if I get off my behind and write it. Sit back, relax, and enjoy
I. Eye of the Beholder
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Bella brushed her hair in the full length mirror in her room, admiring herself from multiple angles. She’d tucked the shirt of her uniform into her skirt, accentuating her curves, and she extended her neck this way and that to give herself the most length. Satisfied, she picked up a tub of her signature lipstick, a dark and luscious red, and she applied it to her curved lips. There. Perfection achieved.
“You really had to move that thing in here?” Lilith said from her bed, where she was pulling on tennis shoes.
Bella flipped her hair so she couldn’t see her roommate. “I didn’t think it’d bother you that much. You know how the bathrooms are in the morning.”
“I don’t,” she drawled and grabbed her books from the nightstand.
“Well it’s important.” Bella picked at the green pendant she wore around her neck and tucked it beneath her collar. “Today’s the day. I need to look perfect.”
“Oh,” Lilith said with a roll of her red eyes. “So that’s happening.”
Lilith stood from the bed, and as she passed behind Bella, no reflection appeared in the mirror. Bella suppressed a shiver. Rooming with a vampire hadn’t been her first choice, but she was new to this whole magic thing. She wasn’t going to be the first to blink. If Bella were unkind, she might compare her roommate to a stick bug, long limbed and almost blended in enough with normal people to avoid sticking out, if it weren’t for her glowing eyes and the sharp teeth that protruded from her gums. But the worst thing about Lilith, the actual worst thing, was how all knowing she seemed to be. She had the answer to every test, she dressed people down with just a glance, and all the gossip made its way back to her. If she were stupid, Bella might have liked her. No one wants to spend time with a smart predator.
“You know.” Lilith paused as she placed her hand on the doorknob. Even though she didn’t reflect in the mirror, Bella could feel her eyes on her. “I thought you were really clever when I first met you.”
Bella glanced back over her shoulder. A compliment from Lilith was rare. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” she sighed. “But seeing you gussy yourself up to bag the likes of Mortimer Goth makes me realize you’re just another vapid girl.”
“And here I was thinking you had some human left in you,” Bella snapped back. “Guess we’re both wrong.”
Lilith stared at her, red eyes wide. Her mouth drew open, extending her long fangs, and then she shook her head.
“If you can bear to stop looking at yourself for one second,” she said, “you might actually be on time to class.”
Bella’s lip curled. “You don’t have to wait for me.”
“I won’t,” she said and threw open the door, before letting it slam behind her. Bella breathed out.
Well, she’d already faced down a vampire today. How much scarier could asking out a boy be?
The morning halls of the school were busy as people ran through the dorm hallways to the communal bath, or hurriedly worked on last minute homework in the rounded commons. Bella glided through the usual panic and stood in front of the door down the hall from hers. Adjusting her hair one more time, she stood a little straighter, and gave a gentle knock. She smiled as the door pulled back, and let it drop when she realized who’d answered it.
“He’s not here,” Michael said. “You’re gonna have to try your luck some other time.”
Bella stuck out her tongue at him. “I was just saying good morning. Can’t a sister ensure her brother is making it to class on time?”
He huffed out a laugh and walked back to his own mirror. He’d been applying pomade to his hair, and he worked to slick it back. Bella leaned against the threshold and let out a long breath.
“You’re not really subtle, Bebe,” Michael said.
“Good, I’m not trying to be.” She glanced around the room. Her brother’s spot was on the far side, piled with magazines and cologne bottles, but the bed by the door was completely unmade, with papers and pens left out in a last minute attempt to finish their weekend assignments. A crocheted Grim plush stuck out from under the bed, kicked aside by loafers. A bottle of hair gel had tipped over on the dresser and was currently making a mess in the to drawer, unable to close thanks to the haphazardly folded shirts that were forced in. The whole room stank of boy.
“Today’s the day, Michael,” Bella announced as he gathered his books. “Today Mortimer is mine.”
“You say that like it’s such a struggle,” he said. “I’ve never seen another girl even look at him. He’ll be thankful if you ask him out.”
“The how is important,” she said. “I can’t just throw myself at him wantonly. I wanted him to want me, and not just because I’m a pretty girl.”
“Okay, well.” He shut the door behind him, and they started towards the main foyer of the school. “He’s a dumb boy without a girlfriend. It’s not really going to matter if you prove your worth to him or not.”
The pair headed down the hallways, past the student room, full of chess tables and tall bookshelves, and into the main hall. Teachers directed students up the stairs and reminded them of when class was starting.
“I don’t want a boy to go out with me just because I’m a nice pair of legs,” Bella muttered.
Michael laughed and pointed to her stockings. “Then why are you wearing those?”
“Not every boy is like you, Caramellino!” she laughed. “You’re speedrunning the entire female population of the school.”
“Aren’t we supposed to be making connections?” he asked with a grin.
“Connections, dummy.” She jumped past him on the stairs and so she could knock his forehead.  “Not ex-girlfriends.”
“Can’t I do both?”
The clock struck the top of the hours, eight rings resounding through the stone halls. Students rushed to their classrooms, and Bella hurried to the top of the stairs. Sage Dyers waited there, her long green locks falling behind her like silken snakes. Scales touched the white skin of her eyes, leaving an odd sheen of green. She smirked as she saw the Bachelor siblings trailing behind.
“No, now,” she said in a low voice that made Bella’s spine shiver. “We wouldn’t want to be late for our potions lesson.”
“I was just corralling my brother,” Bella promised.
“Good,” she said. “Sage Hughes won’t tolerate tardiness.”
Bella grabbed her brother’s arm and dragged him down the halls of the school. For all its majesty, the school was a cozy place, with classrooms nestled into their own corners. They passed the open doorway of the debate classroom, and saw the final students hurry into the herbalism class, which boasted a wide metal cauldron and a room overflowing with plants, and from the staircase up to the music room, an unsteady melody of piano notes clunked down. Bella took a hard left, pulling her brother into the potions classroom with her, and she hurried to her seat.
It was another day at Nightshade Academy.
The Realm of Magic had never truly been separate from simkind. For generations, magical families have lived with one foot in the world, finding passages and pathways to lead them to a place of pure fantasy. Magic was not just relegated to bloodlines either. Any sim wanting to gain that knowledge could do so. It was in recent years that the thought of formal education and recruitment of occult types brought about the prestigious institution of the Nightshade Academy. The sages took a direct approach to the thought, choosing to take a direct hand in the tutelage of future generations. Their guidance ensured every graduating class experienced prestige and good fortune. This year was no different. This year’s class was so full of promise. The magical and unmagical world might be changed forever.
L had read the brochure. She’d been given the spiel. She’d nodded along as Sage Dyer explained to her all these things. But L was from the old ways, the very old ways, and she’d never set foot outside the Magic Realm before. She’d never wanted to. What was out there for her?
It was in talking with her sisters that L had considered the man variables and decided there was something she wanted. Knowledge? That could be found anywhere. Prowess? Could be learned from her family, from the other spellcasters. But power? Getting close to the sages, being taught alongside prestigious names, earning her place, that was everything.
It was supposed to be an adventure. The young girl steps through the portal to a new realm. She just wished it wasn’t so boring. Glimmerbrook, nestled in the mountains and secluded among the trees, was a crossroads of all kinds, attracting magical and non-magical sims alike. It should be a nexus of weird! L expected to wake up every day face to face with occult types of new breeds, and instead she sat in the same boring classroom, with the same boring students, learning the same boring lessons, taught by the same boring adults who were only teaching them to be more boring. L’s fingers itched to do more.
The potions classroom, at least, was without desks. Chairs arranged around a large cauldron fired by magical crystals. The students sat as they usually did. Lilith Vatore and Bella Bachelor sat directly up front, spines straights, hands in their laps, as they watched their professor work with rapt attention. L usually liked to sit near them for the show, and today she took the row behind them, draped lazily on her chair as her boot tapped against the floor. Simeon Silversweater took up residence beside her. He hunched forward, notebook on his knee, as he carefully took dictation of everything the teacher said. Michael Bachelor and Mortimer Goth were the other constant residents of the back row, watching with bored expressions. L’s eyes slid to Morgyn Ember, her roomie and possibly the most interesting person at school. They were smart, scary smart, but not the teacher’s pet the ladies were. They fiddled with the edge of their skirt, but their shining eyes were focused on the cauldron ahead. They didn’t miss anything. The only other person in Class 3 was Caleb Vatore, who sat beside his sister. He shared the disinterest of the other lads, but wasn’t quite as laissez-faire about it. He reminded L too often of a frightened bird, or maybe a small shaking dog tucked behind the rottweiler that was his sister.
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Keisha Hughes stood in front of them, hands outstretched as the ladle turned the cauldron’s waters. She was entirely in white, from her hair to her face to her pointy boots. Like the other professors, she wore something of a uniform as well, a long robe cinched with a crescent moon. Her eyes sparkled as the water heated, reflecting the colors of the crystals below.
“Potion making is really quite simple,” she said. “It’s the right ingredients, at the right temperature, in the right formation. But what it really needs is a dash of magic.”
She flicked her fingers, and sparkles rained down in the water. The bubbling cauldron shifted to a bright green.
“Who can tell me the most important aspect of potion making?” she asked.
Both Lilith and Bella’s hands shot straight up. L would’ve laughed if it wasn’t so terribly predictable.
“Miss Bachelor,” Sage Hughes said. “Enlighten us.”
Bella lifted up her chin. “They require the correct components.”
Sage Hughes tsked. “I’m afraid not. Miss Vatore?”
“You’ve already said it’s the magic itself,” Lilith said. “It takes an apple from a mere snack to something that fills you up entirely.”
“Wrong again,” she said. “The most important part of potion making, of all magic, is experimentation. Magic is a living thing. We’ve managed to harvest it, to wield it, but we only have so much control. It reacts, understands, and changes things. Even we sages don’t know everything about magic. It’s possible we never will. But what separates good spellcasters from great ones is the drive to see something new.”
L sat up. Finally, someone was speaking her language. Anyone could read a book, go through the motions, memorize the words and the ingredients. What she wanted to know was what happened next.
“Now,” Sage Hughes continued. “I’ll need a volunteer.”
Two hands went up again, and L sighed. Without a word, she stood from her seat and marched to the front of the class. Sage Hughes smiled and stretched out a hand to her side.
“Welcome to the front, Miss Faba,” the sage said. “Are you familiar with potion making?”
L nodded. “I’ve made a few before.”
“Good, good.” She snapped her fingers again. From the bookshelves behind her, a tome lifted up and drifted into her hand. “There are easy basics to understand. Miss Vatore already mentioned the Potion of Plentiful Needs, everyone’s favorite. The potion of Nimble Mind is very useful to me. Do you have a favorite?”
“I use a nausea potion on my sisters all the time,” L boasted. “It’s easy enough to slip into a drink.”
Sage Hughes threw her head back and laughed. “A girl after my own heart! I’m sure your sisters loved that.”
“It solved a few arguments,” L said.
She shook her herald and held out the tome. The leather cover was burned with symbols, and engraved with the words “Good Fortune”. The edges of the pages shone with gold.
“I believe you all have a quiz today in Ethren’s class,” she said. “Do you feel prepared for it?”
Honestly, L hadn’t bothered to study. Sage Reyes was exacting, and his classes were dull and focused on the practicalities of magic. She fell asleep reading about it.
“Well,” Sage Hughes said. “Maybe this will help. Mister Goth, what are the two ingredients of a Potion of Good Fortune?”
Mortimer sat straighter in his seat, and he rubbed his right eye. His uniform had a slovenly appearance that shrugged down his shoulders, and the mess of hair he stuck straight up probably hadn’t been washed in days. Dark circles hung under his eyes permanently. He carried the distinguished features of his family in a way that made his young face look like a jigsaw, but one day he might grow into them.
“Uh,” he said, and nothing more.
L watched Bella pass a look over her shoulder. Realizing he didn’t have the answer, she whipped her head around and said, “It’s valerian root and turquoise.”
“Good, Miss Bachelor,” Sage Hughes said. “But you’re not the person I asked. What aspect of valerian do you think help in Good Fortune?”
It was Silversweater who raised his hand this time. Sage Hughes gestured to him.
“Valerian’s used in herbal remedies to help with sleep,” he said in a low, lazy voice. It was accented softly. L hadn’t quite gotten a read on him yet, not since he kept his head down and focused on his work. But he certainly knew a lot. “It’s a sedative.”
“Very good,” Sage Hughes said. “Combined with turquoise, which is used in protection, this brew will calm your anxiety, and allow you to get through the day unscathed. Now, Miss Faba, why not make a batch for the class?”
In the end, it wasn’t just L making the thing. Sage Hughes got everyone involved, even the sleeping Mortimer, handing her ingredients, reading pages from the tome, and offering feedback. L mixed it herself, watching the staff roll through the golden waves of the boiling pot. L focused all her mind and magic on the staff, infusing it as it rolled through. It should be easy, she told herself. It’s a simple spell. And then they can get through Sage Reyes’ dull class, onto the next dull class, tracking moon patterns and learning the taxonomy of plants, and this was all so boring! This should be magic! It should be thrilling, and exciting, and it should burn from her fingertips and fill her chest with light, and if you don’t have the exact right ingredients under the exact phase of the moon, then who cares? That was the joy! This would be another by-the-book potion with nothing exciting about it, and it would–
L jumped back as the cauldron began to shake, and the bubbling overflowed. The liquid turned into a dull gray-green. It threatened to boil over, smoke rising in black plums. L dropped the staff, and it clattered to the floor. All at once, it erupted. Like a pan of hot oil it spat out, causing everyone to duck for cover. The classroom was filled with smoke. No one waited around. The door flew open, and they staggered into the hall, coughing and covering their faces. Sage Hughes clenched her hand, and the fire beneath the cauldron went out. L jumped when she placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Another important lesson,” the sage said. “You can do everything right, and it’ll still go wrong. That’s not a bad thing.”
“It seems pretty bad!” Lilith snapped.
Sage Hughes shook her head with a smile. “Perfect is the enemy of good. Remember that. Now, that gives you all fifteen extra minutes to study for Ethren’s class. Why don’t you head downstairs while I sort out this mess.”
Begrudgingly, the students stumbled away from the class. L remained a moment longer as Sage Hughes waved a hand. The windows in the room shuddered open, and the new breeze sucked the smoke outside.
“You’ve got to keep a handle on your own mind,” the Sage said. “You’ll influence your own powers, and not in the best of ways.”
L puffed up her chest. “I wanted to see something new.”
“Not a bad instinct.” Sage Hughes glanced at her over her shoulder. “You’ll let me know what you find, will you?”
L blinked, and then she nodded her head. Without another word, she snatched up the tome from where it’d fallen to the ground and hurried to the staircase. All the while she grinned.
Finally, it was time to get into some mischief.
Bella adjusted her hair for the fourth time. She’d taken up the upstairs bathroom while the rest of the school had gone to lunch. Lipstick reapplied, uniform adjusted, she looked as fresh as she had that morning. Good. The majority of students would be in the dining hall or spread out by the fountain outside. Mortimer usually spent his lunch hour in the commons room. She intended to descend the stairs like one of her romance novels, and then she’d ask him to walk with her, where she’d admit to the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach every time she looked at him. It’d mostly be true, too.
Michael had been partially right. Mortimer Goth didn’t spire the sort of swooning poetic pining of some of the other boys in school. Even Caleb, who like his sister was stick thin and gawky, at least had the benefit of being a vampire and therefore mysterious. In society, the Goth name went far, but in Glimmerbrook they were barely among the top magical families. She’d spent her time in the library going down the family trees and bloodlines. The Goths were an uneven stretch of odd branches and disconnected family members, of which one thing was sure. They were sitting on a pile of riches and enough clout to open nearly any door. It was the exact kind of family Bella dreamed of marrying into since she was a young girl reading Jane Eyre. Curled up in her family’s trailer, listening to the rain patter against the metal roof, and imagining instead that she was in some gothic castle reading by candlelight as a storm crashed around her, possibly haunted by some dark spirit or mad woman.
When Bella and Michael’s parents had enrolled them in Nightshade Academy, there’d been a lot of talk of opportunity. They would meet new people, powerful people. They would learn how to make dreams come true. Any chance they had to better their family and their name, they should take it. Bella’s mom had extolled to her the virtues of her beauty since she was eight years old. It was a constant reminder in the back of her mind, especially when she was talking to Mortimer. Eventually, the other girls would realize how rich Mortimer was. Better to stake her claim now, before anyone else could take this opportunity away.
Bella pushed open the door to the bathroom and started towards the stairs, until she heard what sounded like glass breaking in one of the classrooms. She paused. There was definitely someone in the potions room. Maybe one of the professors, but they were usually downstairs keeping an eye on the students. Bella crept forward and peeked through the door before shoving it open.
“What’re you doing?” she shouted.
L dropped the bottle she’d been holding, and it smashed against the floor. The cauldron in the center of the room billowed with smoke and bubbled with the aroma of a bright and earthy tea. A tome was floating in front of her, and she snatched the ladle out of the air, pointing threateningly at Bella.
“Why aren’t you at lunch?” she asked.
“Why aren’t you?” Bella entered the room, and the door swung shut behind her. “You’re going to be in so much trouble. We’re not supposed to be in the classrooms alone.”
“Mind your own business,” L snapped.
“What are you even working on?” Bella walked towards the cauldron. “Is it the good luck potion again?”
“Maybe.” L huffed out a breath and rolled her eyes. “Okay, well, I was thinking about how you could probably tailor the potion to work for specific things. Like our test today, if we could focus it on academic success, or money making, or–”
“Or love.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, I guess.”
“What ingredients would you need for that?” Bella wondered aloud. “If you wanted to make it more specific.”
“My eldest sister used to make love potions.” L let the ladle go and walked to the display case. “They share some ingredients with the good luck potion. Maybe it’d be the simplest one to work out. Let’s see, amethyst, dragon fruit, salmon eyes–oh, here we go! Frog hearts!”
Bella grimaced at the jar overstuffed with small purple mounds of muscle. “That’s what goes into a love potion?”
“A thing of beauty, isn’t it?” L opened the jar. “What do you need luck in love for anyway? You look like that.”
Bella brushed back her hair. “Boys who think you’re just something pretty aren’t the same boys that love you. I don’t want Mortimer to just think I’m pretty.”
“Oh, Mortimer.” She glanced back over the tome. “He isn’t the brightest bloom in the garden.”
“He doesn’t have to be,” Bella said. “But you know how he writes poetry? He never lets anyone read it. And sometimes when he’s staring off into space, I just want to go with him, you know?”
L shrugged. “I guess, if you’re into that. Come over here.”
Bella cautiously stepped forward. “Why?”
“Two witches are better than one.” Holding the jar above her in one hand, she held onto Bella with the other. “Sage Hughes seems to think magic has everything to do with intent. Think about the positive outcome. Imagine what’ll happen if this works.”
Bella glanced at her sideways, and then she took a breath and closed her eyes. She and Mortimer would take a walk through the forest along the river, and next to the sparkling waters she would tell him what she meant to say all along. He’d like her, he had to like her. Mortimer couldn’t be the kind of person that just cared about looks. He wanted something deeper than that. Bella wanted something deeper than that.
She opened her eyes just in time to see L dump the entire jar of frog hearts into the brew. Bella shouted, and she yanked her arm away, spilling half of them onto the floor. Oh, watcher, oh no, it was so gross!
“What did you do that for?” she and L shouted at the same time.
“You can’t just dump the whole jar!” Bella snapped.
“We want it to work!” L shouted back. “And look!”
Both of their eyes drew to the cauldron, which had turned a fluorescent shade of magenta. It bubbled brighter and taller. Bella staggered back from the boiling brew. Steam poured off it, filling the classroom, and L fumbled towards the windows to try to yank them open, but the room was so full of fog that the sunlight was barely making its way through the glass panes. Bella’s heels staggered on a frog heart, and she slipped backwards. In a desperate attempt to stay upright, she grappled wildly and grabbed onto the edge of the cauldron as she rolled back. The contents rolled forward, and she braced herself for the pain of boiling hot liquid, but she was washed in something else. Like steam from a hot pot, it poured over her, breathing into her nose, into her mouth, into her skin. Her whole body felt tight and stiff, and she couldn’t see as she felt L’s hand against her back. They staggered towards the door and burst through it. L didn’t stop outside the hallway. She dragged Bella back into the bathroom and dropped her on the tiled floor. Bella coughed and wheezed and hugged her knees as the spell passed. She was finally able to open her eyes, tears streaming down her cheek. L was staring at her, a hand covering her mouth.
“What?” Bella croaked out. “What happened?”
L didn’t say anything at all, and Bella gripped the edge of the sink to lift herself to her feet. She brushed her hands through her hair and stopped. Black stringy tendrils sat limply over her fingers. Raising her hands up, she stared at the gnarled, pockmarked skin and ugly unkempt nails. Her eyes went to the mirror, and an ugly green hag stared back with crooked teeth and unnatural cheeks. Bella opened her mouth, hands rising to her face, and in the mirror the hag did the same. It was her. The creature was her.
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Bella screamed.
Instantly L slapped a hand over her mouth. Bella bit down on her palm, causing her to shout, and she whirled on her, green finger pointing in accusation.
“You did this!” she shouted. “You did this to me!”
“No I didn’t!” Le shouted defensively. “At least I didn’t mean to! I was trying to make the potion work!”
“You thought it’d be funny!” Bella turned back to the mirror, gripping her dark hair in her hands. “You thought it’d be so cute and mean if you turned me into some kind of monster! You and Lilith could laugh about it all day!”
“Why would Lilith and I laugh about anything together?” L sucked in a breath and tried to put on a calming smile. “You did say you didn’t want Mortimer to like you just for your looks.”
“I didn’t mean I wanted this!” Bella howled. “I can’t see him now! I can’t see anybody! He’ll never like me if all he thinks about is this.”
L raised a hand to pat her, and then thought better of it. “Well, Bella, that may not be the worst thing.”
Her head shot up, sending a death glare her way. L took a step back.
“Get Sage Hughes,” she said. “Get the school nurse. Get me a veil so I can escape into the woods!”
“No, no, no!” L said. “I’ve already made one mess today, Bella, and now this? Look, physical spells never last long. They’re not made to. This should be so simple to reverse!”
“Bella!” She squeezed her hands together. “At least let me try! If I can fix you up before the end of the lunch period–”
“And what am I supposed to do?” Bella shouted.
“Just stay here,” L said. “Just for a little while. I’m going to take care of this.”
Bella breathed heavy through her nose, hands pressed against the side of her face. Okay. Okay. “Okay. Do that. And if you can’t, find Sage Hughes, but I’m not leaving this bathroom, okay? I can’t be seen like this. I can’t let Mortimer see me. Okay?”
“Okay,” L said. “Stay put. I’m going to fix this, Bella.”
Her eyes narrowed, heat building under her skin. “You better.”
L pressed a finger to her lips and poked her head out of the bathroom. The coast was clear, and she slipped away. Bella stood in the center of the tiled floor, hugging her arms to her chest. She glanced at the mirror again and quickly turned away. It was too horrible to look at. Mortimer was probably still in the commons, so close and so far. If he saw her, that was the end of it. No boy could love her like this.
And all she could do was wait.
L hurried down the front hall stairs and stopped outside the commons to quickly adjust her uniform. Sage Reyes was in the doorway, keeping an eye on the students. A tall, well dressed man, and swooned over by half the population of the school, he was the most intimidating of their professors. Perfection and precision were required by him. L wasn’t doing well in his classes.
“Not getting into trouble, Miss Faba,” he said in his low tone.
She grinned up at him. “I was just looking for a book.”
He waved her past, and she hurried to the bookshelves that lined the walls. At lunch, students splayed out in chairs, and the chess table was occupied by Simeon and Morgyn. She brushed past them to scan the shelves and groaned when they came up empty.
“What’s got you in a fuss?” Morgyn said as they moved their queen.
“Go stuff your mushrooms,” L said. “I need a book.”
Simeon blocked their move with a bishop. “Is it that Materials for Spells and Their Uses book?”
L glanced at him. “Yes. How did you know?”
“You were reading it last time you were in here.” His pawn struck, taking out Morgyn’s knight. “I thought it was clever, breaking things down into their components. It’s any wonder you get top marks in our potions class.”
“I don’t have time to be flattered,” she said. “Do you know where it’s at?”
Morgyn leaned back in their chair. “I saw the handsome Master Reyes taking some materials. They’re probably in his office.”
“Fiddlesticks,” she murmured, glancing behind her. Quickly she turned back around, like the sage could sense her guilt.
“Oh, L,” Morgyn said with a pout. “What trouble have you gotten into today?”
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She shot them a scowl. Since their first day rooming together, L and Morgyn had gotten along fantastically. They’d been destined to become best friends. Morgyn spent their days pushing the limits of magic just as L fantasized about doing, and they both had discarded the pants of their uniforms and opted for the skirt. Morgyn wanted to transcend, they’d explained in quiet tones. They were the first person to speak in a way L wanted to hear. It was an instant connection, a bond unlike any other, which made them really very annoying.
“It’s no trouble,” L said quickly. “I just wanted to take a second shot at that potion.”
“And you failed,” Simeone said.
She pressed a hand to her chest. “Wow, no. Thank you for the confidence boost. I would say it worked a little too well.”
“It’s not raining gold or test grades.” Morgyn put their chin in their hand. “What have you done?”
She looked back again to where Sage Reyes stood and dropped her voice. “I wanted to help out Miss Bachelor with her boy troubles. Really, I was being nice.”
Morgyn narrowed their eyes. “What did you do?”
“See,” she said, “Bella insisted that she didn’t want to be known for her beauty. Now, I doubt she will.”
They both stared at her. L tried not to look guilty.
“You made her ugly,” Simeon said.
“No,” she said and pressed her hands to her face. “I made her hideous! And I told her I’d fix it but I don’t know how! I thought the book would give me a clue as to how I broke it in the first place.”
Morgyn put a hand over their mouth to cover up their laughter, not that it was doing much good. They bent forward, shoulders shaking.
“You turned,” they gasped, “the beauty queen into a beast! Oh, this is delicious. I need to see.”
“She’ll die,” L said. “Or kill me, or worse, one of the professors will find out. We’re not supposed to be mixing potions in our off hours.”
“It will cause some trouble for you,” Simeon said.
“We should see the patient,” Morgyn insisted. “To help her. How else can we reverse the effect?”
“We?” She shook her head. “I don’t need co-conspirators.”
“But you do need help.” Simeon shrugged his shoulders. “We may as well try.”
L chewed on her bottom lip. It was true. Simeon had a head for potions knowledge, and Morgyn was twice as crazy as she was. If anyone could figure out how to undo this without getting a teacher involved, she may as well start there.
“We’d have to sneak into the potions room to do anything,” she said, “and I’ve already blown up the class twice today.”
“We’re spellcasters,” Morgyn said. “There’s cauldrons tucked away everywhere. I bet Reyes has one in his office, along with that book.”
“Okay,” L said. “Easy.”
Simeon picked up his knight and let it swing between his fingers. “Easy to break into the office of the Sage of Practical Magic?”
“It’s a reference book,” Morgyn drawled. “It’s not as if he’s locked it away in some vault. We go right now, he won’t even know.”
“See.” L held out a hand. “Easy. Let’s go, right now.”
They stood from their seat. “Thank goodness. I thought things were going to stay boring around here.”
“I don’t mind boring,” Simeon sighed as he followed behind. “Though I am curious to see what components you used.”
“I’m sure Miss Bachelor doesn’t mind being a guinea pig.” L put a finger to her lips as they walked to the archway. “And not a word to anyone.”
“I swear.” Morgan crossed their finger over their chest. “No one is going to know.”
“You know us,” Simeon said. “The epitome of subtlety.”
“Easy,” L repeated. “This whole thing is going to be easy.”
Bella sat on the seat of the toilet, rocking back and forth. Oh, this was no good. L wasn’t back yet! And all she could do was hide in the upstairs toilets and pray she’d come back for her. She ran her fingers through her hair and grimaced as she saw the gnarled bony green limbs. Ugh, ugh, ugh! How was she too dry and too moist at the same time? Her skin felt slick, like it didn’t fit her right, and then in some places it was too tight to the bone. Her hair came down in stringy clumps. Well, she wanted to be a witch. All she needed now was a cape and a black cat and she’d be adorning everyone’s porches come Halloween.
The door to the bathroom swung open, and Bella sat straight up until she heard the second pair of shoes. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Her stall was closed, but people didn’t need to know she was in here at all. Too many questions. She picked up her feet and hugged her knees to her chest. Great. Come to school to rub elbows with the most powerful witches in the land, end up in the toilet. Michael was going to have a laugh at her.
“I really don’t want to spend any more time in the dining hall,” the sharp clear voice of Lilith Vatore rang out against the porcelain. “It’s so disgusting.”
“It’s really not that bad.” The second voice was softer, clearly that of her brother Caleb. “I think you just don’t like people.”
“What gave it away?” Lilith droned.
Bella sucked in a breath. Fantastic. The only thing worse than Mortimer seeing her like this was Lilith of all people. She’d never live it down.
“It’d be alright if they weren’t so stupid,” Lilith continued. “I told you about Bella this morning.”
“Yeah.” She could hear Caleb roll his eyes. “You told me.”
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Bella pressed her face to the stall and tried to peer through the crack. Lilith brushed her straight shiny hair back as Caleb stood against the sink, arms crossed. His own soft brown hair was messily styled without real indication he knew what he was doing. If either Vatore siblings had any style to speak of, Bella had never seen it firsthand.
“I just don’t get it,” Lilith said. “Aren’t we in a new generation of women? Why do they waste their life on men?”
“Maybe some men are worth it.” Caleb examined his nails, painted pink, purple, and blue.
“You would say that,” she cooed. “I just didn’t expect Bella to get so dizzy for a lad. If she wants to marry rich that badly, she won’t have a problem.”
Bella sucked in a breath and swallowed it down. Not that it was any surprise what Lilith thought of her. Her best and worst quality was her bluntness. But honestly! Like Bella was some gold digger with nothing to offer the world.
“You’re so cynical of love, Lilith,” Caleb sighed.
“You could stand to be that way.”
Lilith finished adjusting her hair and turned. Bella swore her dark eyes flashed through the crack in the stall, and she slapped a hand over her mouth, sitting back. Ugh, her skin smelled disgusting! She swallowed down the urge to gag.
“If you’re going to spy,” Lilith said loudly, “you could at least be quiet about it.”
Her sneakers approached the stall, and Bella bust out, “Don’t come in here!”
Lilith paused. One foot turned back towards her brother, and then three gentle knocks sounded on the stall door.
“Bella?” she called sweetly. “Is that you?”
“Yes!” she snapped. “And it’s very rude to talk to me right now!”
“Your feet aren’t on the ground.” Lilith pulled on the stall, which thankfully didn’t open. “Is Mortimer really that intimidating for you?”
“Lilith, leave her alone,” Caleb said.
“Oh, no.” Her voice filled with glee. “Did he reject you? You must be devastated. Are you crying?”
“He didn’t reject me,” Bella said. “I want some privacy in the bathroom please!”
“Lilith.” Her brother’s footsteps got closer. “Now you’re just being cruel.”
“As a good roommate, I need to check on you.” Lilith’s fingers reached over top the stall. “I just want to see if you’re crying–ah!”
Lilith pulled herself up, and as soon as her eyes met Bella’s, she let out a shout and dropped to the floor. Bella covered her face in embarrassment. Caleb tried to help his sister, who crawled away from the door.
“What happened to you!” Lilith shouted.
Bella squeezed her eyes shut. “I told you! I want to be alone!”
“You look like a monster!”
“I know!”
“What did you do?!”
Anger overtook Bella, and she pushed open the stall door, standing in front of both Vatore siblings. Lilith was prone back on the ground with Caleb kneeling over her, and they both stared up at her with wide eyes.
“I didn’t do anything!” Bella shouted. “Everything would be going perfect if it weren’t for people like you and L! All I wanted to do was talk to a boy, but noooo. I have to be punished for showing an interest in Mortimer. Go ahead and laugh, Lilith! I’m sorry I dared to have a crush on someone!”
Bella caught sight of herself in the mirror, shoulders raised, chin low, looking like an old rotted witch. She screamed and dropped to the floor, shielding her face with her arms. This was not how today was supposed to go.
A hand pressed against her shoulder, and she peeked up to see Caleb standing over her. The soft look on his face was almost enough to send her over the edge. Now she was getting pity. What else could go wrong?”
“Did you say L did this to you?” he asked.
“It was an accident,” she sighed. “I think. She’s supposed to be finding a cure hopefully before–”
A dull chime rang out through the school. First bell. Ten minutes to get to next classes.
“Lunch is over,” Bella said, defeated. “At this point, I should just go face the firing squad.”
“Looking like that?” Lilith said. “You’ll just drip your way to class then.”
“It’s not like I have a choice! Everyone’s going to see how hideous I am.”
Lilith sat up and smoothed out her skirt. “You’re not hideous, Bella.”
Bella glared up at her. “Really.”
“I mean you are, currently.” She waved a hand in her direction. “And teenage boys are notoriously stupid, so I wouldn’t go swinging your bat in Mortimer’s direction right now–”
Caleb rolled his eyes. “Point, Lilith.”
“Right, right.” She held up her hands. “All I’m saying is, at most, this will be a funny anecdote in a few weeks. People might remember the time you looked like this as a lark, but when they think of you, they’re going to think of how smart and funny you are first.”
Bella held her breath, and when nothing else came, she said, “Usually your compliments come with a scathing critique at the end.”
Lilith shrugged. “I’m done.’
“Wow,” she said. “That was surprisingly sincere.”
“She’ll get there, given the chance.” Caleb patted her shoulder. “You know, one of us could go get one of the professors without you having to do a shame walk.”
Bella hung her head. “I didn’t want anyone to see me like this.”
“Too late for that now,” Lilith said. “I saw Sage Hughes out in the hall.”
“Yeah,” she said. “That’s probably smart.”
Lilith stood. “Let me go. You’ll be back to your usual beautiful self in a tick.”
“Thank you,” Bella said.
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t get too–”
They all froze as the door started to open. Lilith moved first. In a blink, she slammed herself against the door and slapped the lock, shouting out, “Occupied!”
“It’s a stalled bathroom,” a voice shouted from the other side, and Bella froze. That was her brother. And if Michael was around…
“Come on, Lilith,” a second voice said. “Open it up.”
“Oh,” Caleb said quietly next to Bella. “Isn’t that…?”
“Yeah,” Bella breathed out. “That’s Mortimer.”
“You know,” Morgyn said as they waltzed around the dark wood office, “I thought breaking into Sage Reyes quarters would be a little more interesting.”
L flipped through the large reference book titled Materials for Spells and Their Uses. Large illustrations took up one side of the page as scrawled text filled the other. Simeon looked over the personal collection of materials that were stacked in the sage’s office. Like everything about the school, it was grandiose. Lots of dark wood decorated with warm gold accents, and piles and piles of books stacked together. A radio was set up over the mantle of a fireplace, and the windows looked out into the mountains behind them. Sage Reyes did indeed have his own cauldron, which currently bubbled as L retraced her steps.
“You mixed it with a love potion?” Simeon said, leaning over the pot. “No wonder you got such nasty results.”
“It made sense at the time,” she muttered. “How long does it need to cook for?”
“Oh now we’re following instructions.” Morgyn dropped into Sage Reyes’ seat and spun around. “You think it’s a cushy job, being a sage?”
“No,” L and Simeon said together. L turned, holding the tome out in front of her. “Maybe I did it backwards.”
“Love spells are notoriously finicky,” Simeon said. “And you’re not going to fix her with one.”
“I know that.” She waved a hand at Morgyn. “Can you grab me the valerian root?”
They huffed and stood up from the chair. “Valerian root, valerian root. What does that look like again?”
“Here.” Simeone handed them a corked bottle with what looked like pink budded wildflowers. “The spell’s going to be confused, L. It needs to be detangled.”
“And it will be.” She moved the ladle as Morgyn dropped the root into the cauldron. A plume of pink smoke burst up with a sigh. “The way I figure it, we can displace the spell with another spell.”
Morgyn dropped the bottle on the desk. “Nope. Not at all. This isn’t a fairy tale, L. True love’s first kiss isn’t going to save the day.”
“It could help it along a little.” She yanked three empty bottles off the shelf and quickly magicked the contents of the cauldron into them. “Look, I can’t help Bella, we all know that by now. But if we guide the spell towards its completion, it’ll pass on its own.”
“Or it’ll make things much worse,” Simeon said.
“I guess we won’t know until we try,” she said.
L held up one of the vials to catch the ephemeral light that hung from the ceiling. Pink liquid reflected like stain glass against her skin. Then, she heard from outside: voices.
“I wish Keisha would keep a better hold on the students,” Sage Reyes deep voice carried as the doorknob rattled. All three of them stood perfectly still. “That’s the second time today the potions classroom had to be cleared.”
“You know how kids are,” came the voice of Sage Dyer. “They can be–hey!”
The trio stared at their professors, who stared right back. L felt her heartbeat in her chest. She did the only thing she could think to do, which was launch the first vial across the room. It landed at the feet of their professors and immediately a large plume of pink smoke erupted up. They both stumbled back, and L shouted, “Run for it!”
She didn’t wait to see if her conspirators followed her order. Bolting forward, she slid past the two sages and burst into the hallway. Morgyn was just behind her, one hand clutched to their skirt to keep it from flying up. Simeon moved slowest, but thanks to the confusion of the smoke, he was able to barrel past the two sages. Students stared at them as they raced past the herbalism room, and the potions class where Sage Hughes had her hands on her hips. She shouted something at L, but she didn’t stop until she saw the doors of the bathroom. Her boots slid across the tiled floor. Out of breath, hair flying every which way, she gave a wild eyed gaze to the two students standing in front of the door. Michael and Mortimer. Just the two idiots she wanted to see.
“You!” she shouted and pointed a finger at Mortimer, who jumped in surprise. “I have a job for you.”
Morgyn crashed straight into her, followed by Simeon, who managed to grab them both by the sleeve to keep them from completely falling over. Wobbling upright, L produced a second potion and held it out to Mortimer.
“Oh hell no,” Michael said.
“Shut it, pretty boy,” L snapped. “Consider me, for this brief moment, a fairy godmother. Mortimer, you’re our hero. Are you ready to rescue the lady fair?”
Mortimer’s mouth opened and closed. After a few stuttering sounds, he said, “What?”
“I’m vetoing this,” Simeon said.
“Seconded,” Morgyn gasped. They clutched a hand to their chest as they tried to catch their breath. “L, this is a bad idea. You’re only going to make things worse.”
“L!” came the sharp, sudden voice of Sage Hughes. She marched forward, and the three delinquents jumped back. “You and I are having a talk!”
“Nope,” L said and tossed the second vial. This landed a few feet from her, but it was enough to draw back the crowd of nosy students and give the sage second thoughts. Now with a clock ticking down, L turned, final potion in hand, holding it out desperately to Mortimer.
“We’re on Beauty and the Beast rules, Mort,” she said. “And this time you get to play the beauty.”
“Do not take anything she gives you,” Michael said.
L grabbed onto Mortimer’s hands, holding the vial in his palms, and she stared into his eyes. He lurched back, thudding against the bathroom door.
“Don’t think, Morty,” she said. “You’re at the tallest tower, you’ve defeated the dragon, you’ve raced to the top of the stairs, and she’s waiting for you to throw open that door, and save the day with a kiss. You can do it. Throw caution to the wind, embrace destiny.”
A muffled conversation was happening behind the door. L dragged the potion flask up and yanked the cork free.
“Your princess waits,” she said.
The potion bottle was nearly to his lips when the door pulled back, and Mortimer fell like a log. Everyone shouted as the vial fell from his hands and crashed to the floor, sending up a rising tower of pink smoke. Michael and L staggered back, but it hit face first against Lilith, who coughed and wheezed as she accidentally breathed in the concoction. L's eyes went wide.
“What is–” Lilith waved a hand in front of her face, eyes squeezed shut. “L, what are you doing?”
“I was trying to help,” she said.
“Yeah,” Caleb said, standing over the prone Mortimer. “It’s really obvious.”
“Do you feel anything?” L asked.
Lilith turned away from the crowd. “What did you just poison me with?”
“It’s, well–”
“Class 3!” boomed Sage Reyes. He and the other sages marched forward. “I need to see all of you in my office!”
“Seems we have the entire class right here,” Sage Dyers said. She rubbed her eyes, streaming pink tears from them. “Except one.”
“No,” called a small voice. “I’m here.”
The door to the stall opened, and there was Bella, face still slimy and green and wart covered, her normally shiny black hair in dark clumps around her face. The way her eyes drooped and her mouth bubbled, she was almost unrecognizable. Michael and Mortimer stared in open shock. Lilith opened her eyes and looked straight at Bella. L sucked in a breath.
“If your fairy tale plan was stupid before,” Morgyn muttered, “it’s definitely screwed now.”
“Shut it.” L raised a hand in their face. “Maybe this is exactly what they need.”
Caleb helped Mortimer to his feet, and Lilith stood between them. She stretched out a hand to Bella, who hesitantly took it. Their fingers interlocked, and Lilith stared down at the green hand she held, turning it over like an archeologist finding a pot shard. She blinked some more, her red eyes starting to water pink.
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“Bella,” she said and looked up into her eyes. “I take back everything I said. You really are hideous.”
L breathed out. Welp. That was that.
“Alright, alright,” Sage Hughes said, ushering the other students away. “Let’s get to class. Marks off for tardiness.”
“Come here, darling,” Sage Dyers said, stretching out her long, black tipped fingers to Bella. “We’ll get you fixed up.”
“We didn’t even do anything,” Michael complained.
Sage Hughes put a hand on L’s shoulder. “You and I are going to have a little talk after all this. You can tell me why you attacked your teachers with the weakest love potion I’ve ever seen.”
“Ever?” L said. “That seems like a low bar.”
“And you’ve limboed right under it, kid.” She snapped her fingers at the rest of them. “Let’s get moving. There’s going to be a lot of detention notes going around.”
The whole class groaned. L felt a need to defend herself.
“I was only trying to help,” she said.
Bella shot her a withering glare beneath her brows. “L, maybe in the future, you should stop trying.”
“Wait, okay,” Mortimer said. “So that’s Bella.”
“I’m sure Miss Faba can enlighten us all about what happened,” Sage Reyes said. “In detention. My office, now.”
L looked up at him and let out all her breath. Sometimes, you just can’t fight fate.
Bella sat outside in the courtyard, relaxing on the large fountain. Yesterday’s adventure had come and gone, and while the class would be scrubbing potion stained tiles for the next three weeks, at least she was herself again. Lilith had rolled her eyes as Bella checked herself obsessively in the mirror, ensuring every flaw was gone. Bella had let her. Whatever brief camaraderie they’d shared, it was gone now. Things were truly back to normal.
She should be reading her astronomy book, but she’d let her mind wander instead. A cool autumn breeze ran through the trees. The mountains nestled around all of Glimmerbrook, making the whole world feel small and isolated. It was nice right now. After everyone had seen her at her worst, she didn’t mind being alone. 
But around here, no one was alone for very long.
“Hey,” Mortimer said as he approached the fountain. Bella hadn’t even noticed him coming, hadn’t had time to fix her hair, or adjust her top, or ensure her long legs were in focus. He’d caught her in a moment where she was completely off in her own world. She supposed it was fair. He so often was.
“Hey,” she said and folded her book. “Did you come out here to study too?”
He held up his own textbook. “It’s one of the only classes I like around here. How are you doing today?”
“Do you mean am I a grotesque monstrosity unfit for human society?” She closed her eyes to the breeze as it ruffled her hair. “I’m feeling normal.”
“That’s cool.”
He shrugged his shoulders, and Bella peeked an eye open to look at him. No, Mortimer wasn’t anyone’s teenage heartthrob. He looked like he’d never done laundry a day in his life, and his greasy hair was stuck straight up in an attempt at some fashionably punk. But there was a softness to the eyes, and in the curve of his lip. There was something gentle about him. Bella hadn’t known much gentleness in her short time. Something about him was comforting, and she could easily imagine sinking into his arms as he explained the universe to her.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
He blinked. “What for?”
“It’s L’s fault, really,” she said, “but I did sort of help her make a mess, and now we all have detention for weeks. I should’ve dealt with it. I just didn’t want anyone to see me like that.”
Mortimer climbed onto the fountain, sitting up on top of the edge and letting his feet dangle down into the seat. “Why not?” he asked.
Bella huffed out a laugh. “Why not? I was disgusting. I looked disgusting.”
“You certainly weren’t as appealing as you are now,” he said. His gaze was up, staring at the tower of the school with a distant expression. “People are so quick to judge based on appearances though. I think it makes a monster so interesting. Having some creature drag itself up from the depths, and everyone throws spears and rocks, but in the end most monsters just want to be home. They’re antagonized. They want to feel safe, just like anybody else. Laughing at someone just because they don’t look ‘normal’ is so messed up. Who gets to decide what’s normal anyway?”
Bella gazed up at him. A small smile pulled at her lips. “I guess that makes sense.”
“Have you read Frankenstein?” he asked. Bella shook her head. “Most people only know the movie version, and it’s pretty good, but the book is incredible. The creature is giant, with oily skin and hair, and everyone fears him just because of his appearance, but he’s well read, and learned, and everything he does to get his father’s attention just ends in more cruelty. He’s one of my favorite literary characters.”
“I always liked Bride of Frankenstein,” Bella said.
“I guess that’d be more your kind of monster,” he said, sliding down to sit beside her. “She’s beautiful, but it hides the creature underneath.”
“You think I’m a creature?” Bella asked.
He smiled. “No. I think everyone feels like a creature sometimes. We all feel the slings and arrows of the world. Sometimes it feels good to see something they call hideous fight back. I always thought you’d be the type to fight back.”
Bella sat a little straighter. “You thought that, huh?”
He nodded. The two sat in silence for a moment, neither quite sure what to say next. The breeze rustled the treetops again, and then the upstairs window hinged open, and L leaned out the side.
“You’re supposed to be helping us in the potions room!” she shouted down.
Bella looked up, hoping her sharp gaze could cut L from this distance. She saw Michael appear in the window and sweep her away with his broom. L threw up her hands and marched off. Bella almost laughed when her brother tossed a thumbs up her way and quickly latched the window closed. She shook her head and turned back to Mortimer.
“I guess we should go,” he said.
“Oh, they can wait,” she said. “Besides, we’re studying, aren’t we? Have you read Jane Eyre?”
“Once,” he said. “I’m more of a Turn of the Screw fan.”
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The wind whistled up, climbing high into the mountains. The orange autumn trees rustled and swayed. Students occupied the dorms while in an upstairs room, class three scrubbed away, the sages watching on. Eventually, Bella and Mortimer would be roused from their spot and forced to join the others. The excitement of the day before had finally died down, and maybe they could survive the next few weeks of detention. For now, it was another day at Nightshade Academy.
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bearclubbooks · 2 years
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Doldrums by xylodemon
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my longest binding to date! extremely happy with how this one eventually turned out - even though almost everything that possibly could have went wrong. it was a rough few weeks! but astonishingly even though i made some major mistakes, both copies i made ended up really solid.
in the first copy, i sewed up two signatures wrong, and only noticed after the spine was glued. i ended up cutting out the middles of the bad signatures, sewing them up correctly and tipping them back in. i am Astounded that it's not even noticeable.
i did some masking tape gymnastics to prevent the second copy from getting glued to the press (something i've been having issues with) but the '''delicate''' washi tape i used to protect the book ended up ripping the front and back flyleaves to shreds. when i tell you i raged.... but i was able to cut off the ripped pages and tipped new flyleaves back on... and you can't even tell!
anyway, big learning experience, but they both turned out so well after all of that, i'm only complaining a little, haha! otherwise everything went super well! the cover is a black bookcloth that i drew on with a silver paint pen. the endpapers are a mayan paper that's really thick and textured. it also has a really interesting smell! i didn't realize before i bought it, but it smells a little like campfire smoke or leather. it's kind of a nice vibe for the story.
i debuted a new signature-sewing technique with these - obviously there's no way to know, but i've been using a really basic kettle stitch up until now and it literally was the most horrible and boring part of binding. on this project, i was like if i have to kettle stitch all these signatures i'm going to die. so i made up a little combo technique that's only Two horrible boring kettle stitches, plus three french link stitches which are easy and fun to do. very proud of that!! i didn't get any pictures so you'll have to take my word for it, but it made me feel like a real-deal bookbinder with ideas of my own.
oh ALSO i did my first foray into cover waxing - the black bookcloth picked up dust like crazy, so i did a little research and ended up with a 50/50 mix of beeswax and gamsol, which i painted onto the cover, buffed off and then ironed under a piece of parchment paper. with paper covers, i stop after the buffing step, but ironing the bookcloth made the remaining wax seep into the cloth and disappear! a great success!
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pat-the-togorian · 1 year
Pat's Angstpril Day 11: Self-Sabotage
CW: Torture, Blood
Rema’s Force Signature had never seemed so conflicted. Almost like something was tainting it…
Rema?! I messaged frantically, trying to boost her with my Light. Rema’s presence lightened a little, but it didn’t get rid of the Dark. 
“So, let me tell you about this friend of mine who looked exactly like you…” the tormenter started in again as she shuffled through her box. “We always played together! Of course, he didn’t talk either… he was a cat, after all…” 
I shed a tear thinking of the innocent animal. 
“Do you usually scream in pain? She’s no fun…” she pointed to Rema, who appeared unconscious and bloodied.  
“Wh-why would you do a thing like that? What do you want?” I blurted. 
Her head rose in a flash. “Ooh, so you do talk!” She got right up in my face. “You’re much more interesting, indeed…”
“What do you want?” I cried. “I’ll—”
I thought better of saying “I’ll do anything.” 
“You really are so cute,” she fawned. “But to answer your question, it’s nothing bad! Rema would agree, but she’s… out of it right now. I just want to play, though. There’s nothing wrong with playing, is there?” 
Rema, are you alright? I messaged her, but her consciousness was fading. “I don’t think we like the same games,” I choked out. 
“Oh, she’ll be fine,” she intercepted my worried gaze at Rema. “It’s just a sleeping serum! And for now… it’s just the two of us. Cats like to play, don’t they?” 
“Not when it’s with you,” I ground out, new determination sweeping me. 
Her mood reversed in a flash. “What do you mean? You wouldn’t mean… you don’t want to play… Wouldn’t you?”
“I’d prefer if you got help!” I fired back. I hope you’re proud of me, Rema… 
“Help? Damn, you’re so adorable… but I have all the help I need—” Her finger brushed the center of my forehead, “---right here!”
“Wh-what can I do for you?” I faltered. Rema, please wake up! I knew I needed to delay the inevitable as long as possible. 
“You really are so sweet! So I’m gonna tell you a story, and you’ve gotta listen, okay?” 
She drew a small knife from her box and grazed my neck, sending out a trickle of blood. 
Why is it always my neck? I thrashed and gulped. 
“I’ll take that as a yes!” She giggled. She swiped her hand across my neck to clean the blood, and I snapped at her. She licked the blood off her hand. “Such a sweet taste…just like you are…” her face grew stormy. “But you shouldn’t have done that.”
She picked up another knife and slashed my lip. I snapped at this, too. 
“You’ll regret that!” She drove another small dagger through my paw and I couldn’t hold back a scream of pain. Despite the agony, I felt Rema’s Force presence strengthen again. I’ll hold her off for you, Rema… 
“Let her go!” Rema barked as she struggled with her binders. Wait… “her?” 
 “Awake already?” my tormenter turned back to Rema. “Such a shame… we were just getting to know each other.” 
“Rema! Thank the Force,” I called to her. Something was still wrong with her Force presence, but I was grateful all the same. 
“Don’t worry, FE-212, I’ll get us out of here—” she panted, "--e-even if-if it takes my life!” 
“Well, you can certainly try!” Our captor laughed. “Now… about that story…”
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fireflowe18 · 1 month
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Oh! I'll translate my Stray kids PCs on my lunch break. This will be a good warm up.
20 minutes later
Bangchan. . . I was more mad when I started but now that I'm writing this, I get it. Galaxy brain play my dude.
I.N: I can't even. I know the first word Is Nacific. Word 2 came out Anti virus and word 3 I can't even guess because I got 꿀피 and is that supposed to be a ㅂ? Korean doesn't have a u letter. Well, it does but it looks like this 요 translator got close to honey a couple times.
After several more hours of study I returned to my research. And then decided word 3 wasn't worth more of my time. I decided to follow the rest of the translation and take care. Maybe
Hyunjin: The first part looks like Gurl I'm keeping that. There's too many circles and I think the I.N U came back at the end. I think i figured it out. Can't spell for shit, but then again neither can I in Korean. My best guess is Nacific hihi straykids. It's a good thing you're cute.
CHANGBIN! This makes no sense. It's probably a pun. I'm not mad... oh I spelled it wrong THATS NOT FUNNY! Despite me sending it to people that know more Korean than I do. I was hoping I was wrong about I want to die.
Seungmin, save me from this: oh I didn't even have to type this one out. Yay my brain is retaining something. Nacific together (run away run aw-whoops wrong group)
Lee Know: Are you starting a cult? A nice skin cult? Sign me up. All together now Nacific clean skin. Oh and he drew a facemask. 10/10 accidentally creepy.
Felix, you gotta be perfect about everything? Illegal. Legible, got to line 2 before I needed help. Oh I didn't know how to say be happy in Korean. That says more about me than it does you.
I thought this was your signature at first. Your letters are / or a secret code? Half a year?
Glad I can now spot Nacific fairly quickly.
This 10 minute warm up took longer than expected by like 2 hours.
I'm glad to see progress from my 4 years of studying Korean.
I stan a bunch of maniacs
The facemasks are really nice. This is my second pack of them I've bought.
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pan-gya · 4 years
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song princess
Please Reblog
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sunniebabe99 · 2 years
Reincarnation - 2
I saw someone asked for a part two so here you go!
Warnings- none
Summary- Y/n explores her new cell. Vader discusses Y/n's fate with his master Emperor Sidious.
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Y/n had cried in the cold bedroom for what felt like hours to her instead of twenty minutes. She then got her bearings when she felt a dull headache consume her from dehydration. She sighed and wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her shirt. She looked around and stood up. 
“Might as well take a look” She mumbled softly as she walked around the chair to the other half of the bedroom. It was simple and did not have any personal items at all. What drew Y/n’s curiosity was the large closed chamber in the corner of the room. Wondered what it could possibly be for as she touched a cold metal button. There was a hiss and the chamber started opening, it revealed a chair in the center and the walls on the inside were stark white compared to the dark room she stood in. she looked around curiously for a moment and noticed a claw at the top of the chamber. This must be a medical chamber for Vader then. 
Y/n wondered what he looked like underneath that helmet. She reached over and pressed the same button and the Chamber latch lowered down as she backed away. It sealed closed and she then looked away from anything else that could be explored. There wasn't much but a simple bathroom. So she moved to the bed and sat down on it. It looked hardly used and neatly folded. She carefully laid down but not before taking her shoes off. She let out a soft sigh at the feeling of her body sinking into the mattress comfortably. She was thankful for the bed but hated how she ended up here. Her mind wondered as she lay on her back, looking up at the ceiling. 
Her heart told her softly it was going to be ok, that there is hope, but then her mind screamed that they were either never leaving this room or going to die sooner or later. It confused her as to why Lord Vader even did this. She was technically a prisoner…a ‘rebel sympathizer'. 
All her life she had blindly followed the Empire, not really questioning it much when she would hear rumors of Lord Vader and the inquisitors or watching as Storm troopers drag away men and women on the streets. 
Her father told her it was just the Empire keeping the galaxy in order and in peace. Oh how wrong he was. Y/n hasn't even seen all the hurt and death the Empire has caused. She knew of the hunt for force-sensitive people, one had been taken before her very eyes when she was only four years old. It was strange but at the time she felt their fear. It shook her to her core as the twelve-year-old kid was stripped away from his family. All Y/n could remember was the screaming, begging, and crying. 
Y/n sighed and buried her head into the dark pillow, trying to clear her mind of those horrible memories. She got comfortable and tried to at least get some rest before Darth Vader came back for her. 
Vader walked down the endless halls of the imperial ship. His head clouded with dark memories, all painful even though most of them were sweet moments. How could she be here? He had tried years ago to resurrect her but that did not work at all. So how was he looking at an exact reflection of Padme Amidala? He resisted the urge to smash the nearest man into the wall near him as he moved to another room. It was quiet in there and had a small Comm link set up. He stepped onto the platform and it lit up. A hologram of his master appeared in front of him. Looking down on him with his dark hood up and obscuring his face. 
“I was told you had abandoned your post on the Executor….my apprentice. Do tell me what was the urgent reason that stopped you from attending to your duties…” He said in his gravelly voice that set Vader’s teeth on edge. 
“I had heard a signature calling out to me my master…I could not help myself. I was weak and followed it here” He explained as he remained kneeling. 
“I see…and who’s signature was it that could have possibly distracted the great Darth Vader?” Darth Sidious asked the masked man. 
Vader was hesitant to say, but regardless he did, “Padme Amidala’s Master…” He said to him. 
The mand was quiet as the name flooded his mind. 
“Impossible, she is dead…you killed her all those years ago on Mustafar, your oxygen intake must be low. I will notify the medical-” He said to his apprentice. Vader tightened one of his fists at the mention of him killing the one woman he swore to protect. 
“I felt it..and I was not mistaken, she is here, in my quarters. She is her but, then again she is not…she goes by the name Y/n L/n…and she has no memory of me or her life,” Darth Vader interrupted him. He looked up to his master and he could feel his annoyance. 
“This girl…If what you say is true, might cloud your vision of the objective at hand…I fear she will be your undoing if not handled” He said to him. Vader did not want to kill this girl. For once he wanted to not listen to his master. He wanted to protect this woman, it felt like a second chance for him. Sidious looked over Vader’s form, it was tense as he kneeled there. 
“Alas…you do not wish to do it…” The Emperor concluded. 
“I would like to learn how her appearance is possible, with your permission my Master…Let her live for a while longer” Darth Vader asked. His heavy breathing was the only sound in the room until Sidious replied. 
“Very well…I will give you time with her…until then, you will take her with you back to the Executor and continue your duties” Palpatine said to him. 
“Yes my Master” Vader bowed his head in respect and heard the comm link click, and the hologram of the dark sith lord vanished. Vader got up slowly and felt his muscles ache from his prosthetic legs. Even though he felt his muscles ache he stood there in thought. 
This could be a sign from the Force…it couldn't be a coincidence. 
He then turned with a swish from his cape and exited the room, he was on his way back to his quarters to retrieve the woman.
Part 3
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sometimes sharing is not caring
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☆☆AN✮✮ Yes hello I'm late for Christmas I know. That's the story of my life. Late AF. Also I've been writing Himbo All Might for so long that writing flirty AM makes me tingly. I like it. I should write more of this.
✮✮Warnings★★ All Might x Male Reader. SFW.
Oh no. This was bad.
He gnawed on his nails as the retweets kept increasing. As an artist, notoriety was welcomed by him. But not this way. Thankfully his pseudonym had come in handy, and no one knew it was him. Sorry, cornflower45000.
See, what had happened was one of his friends had requested an NSFW drawing after her present got lost in the mail. So feeling guilty, Y/N obliged and sent it off with a “Merry Christmas” and “Please don’t share it online.”
Only for her to share it online.
It’s not that Y/N wasn’t proud of his work. It was one of those rare moments where he couldn't nitpick at the flaws in his art. But he really didn’t want a nude drawing of All Might wrapped in Christmas lights and a Santa hat to go viral!
And the worst part was All Might was his boss! There was no way he could face the pro hero without uncontrollable sweating and blushing. Y/N worked so hard to remain calm and collected in his presence. To maintain professionalism when all he wanted was All Might to sign his underwear.
Well, that might be going a bit too far. Maybe just an autograph that Y/N could later get tattooed on his chest.
But now, if All Might found out it was him, there would be no doubt he was going to get fired. That's why he, Y/N, would confess to his crimes before he was.
Growing up, he was the type of kid who hated to lie and would immediately confess to his parents whenever he did something wrong. There was no way Y/N could sit in suspense and tolerate the guilt. It was going to eat him up alive otherwise.
“Y/N-san?” someone called.
His head snapped up, and he saw All Might’s receptionist looking at him expectantly.
“You may go in now.”
“Thanks.” Y/N did a quick bow of his head and walked into All Might’s office.
The muscular hero was sitting at his desk in a signature yellow suit and had a worried look on his face as he did his paperwork.
Y/N excused himself, “Sorry to disturb you. I have something I want to talk about.”
All Might looked up, and a broad smile stretched across his face.
“Y/N! You can come talk to me anytime, and now I have an excuse not to do this paperwork.”
He then took his paperwork and shoved it into his drawer haphazardly.
“How can I help?”
“Before I say anything,” Y/N began. “I want you to know that I respect you, and I never wanted things to go this far. I hope you can forgive me.”
All Might frowned, “Are you ok? Did something happen?”
“It’s all my fault! I should never have done it. I didn't think she would post it on the internet!”
Y/N’s words confused All Might, who looked at him contemplatively. Y/N, on the other hand, didn't notice, continued his tirade.
“I acted unprofessionally, and I drew an image in your likeness. It became viral.”
He finished quietly, “It’s also a mature image.”
The hero leaned in and said, “What was that? I couldn't hear.”
“I drew a sexy picture of you with Christmas lights and a Santa hat!”
All Might blinked several times and just sat there in his chair. “Oh.”
“Was it nice at least?”
“All Might!” Y/N yelped. “You can’t ask that! You need to discipline me. As your employee, I violated some part of my contract. In fact, you should suspend me.”
“Y/N, I think that’s going a bit too far-”
“Without pay!” Y/N then slammed his hands on All Might’s desk and leaned in intensely. “I absolutely deserve it.”
The pro hero nodded and patted Y/N’s hands.
“I understand. You’re right. Y/N, you’re suspended for a week.”
“Without pay,” Y/N interrupted.
“WIthout pay,” All Might amended. “However, while you’re gone. You have an assignment. I want to commission you.”
“Me?” Y/N asked, pointing to himself. “What did you have in mind?”
“Think of it as a New Year’s gift. Fireworks going off in the background.”
Y/N wondered if he should be writing this down if All Might was serious about his request. But he never got to as he was tugged across the table by his shirt. He was leaning forward, balancing on his toes after being manhandled by the older hero.
A surprised moan erupted from Y/N when All Might pulled him into a kiss. His mind went blank, and he was helpless. Just as Y/N was about to respond to the pro hero’s probing tongue, his clothes were let go, and they separated. He felt lingering regret as he met All Might’s equally flustered and needy eyes.
Thankfully he walked around his desk to kiss Y/N again. He could feel All Might’s hands gently caressing his cheeks which was a sharp contrast to how he kissed. He had never been so dominated in his life as he was trapped between the desk and the pro hero’s hard body. Though Y/N’s harsh breathing filled the space, it was All Might’s voice that drowned it out. All Might panted and moaned his name desperately but dove right back to kiss Y/N again.
“Fireworks in the background and us kissing,” All Might gasped when he let go of him.
“My commission,” he reminded Y/N. “I want that when you come back.”
Oh right. He was suspended. Why did that happen again? Y/N’s mind was spinning and he couldn't get a handle on his thoughts at all.
“And by the way, I lied. I saw that art that you drew of me,” All Might said. Y/N’s eyes grew wide at his admission. “I liked it; however, there was one thing that threw me off.”
Y/N stiffened when he felt the pro hero’s hands pluck his belt.
“The size was all wrong.”
His cheeks blushed crimson, and All Might grinned mischievously.
“You can leave now. I’ll see you in a week, Y/N.”
He awkwardly bowed and made his way out stiffly, partly because he was embarrassed and partly because his cock was straining against his pants. Just as he was about to open the door, he stopped when he heard All Might’s voice.
“Let me know the next time you draw a nude of me. I’ll give you a reference, so it’s more accurate.”
Y/N, flustered, slammed the door hurriedly and walked away to the sound of All Might’s laughter.
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myherowritings · 4 years
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SUMMARY. Todoroki Shouto was a wealthy, young CEO who inherited his father’s enterprise. You were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. One day, Shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. To your surprise and complete pleasure: It was not.
PAIRING. ceo!todoroki shouto x barista!reader
GENRE. ceo/barista au, fluff, eventual smut
WARNINGS. none in this chapter
A/N. happy new year y’all! :3 i hope you have a good 2021 and here is some flirty ceo!shouto for u to enjoy as we enter the new year hehe ;) thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy! xx sof
© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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“I heard you dropped by this weekend,” you said as a greeting, a playful smile on your lips. “Looking for me?”
If the tips of his ears didn’t tinge pink, you would have guessed Shouto was completely unaffected by your words. 
“Mn.” He drew his attention away from your gaze and pointedly adjusted his cufflinks. “Good morning to you too.” 
You laughed, accepting you wouldn’t get anything out of your attempt at teasing. “Morning, Shouto. How was your weekend?” 
The cafe was quite busy this hour, but Miyazaki took over the other register to alleviate the stress (though, what she really said was so you and pretty boy—who happened to be rich rich—could talk). Whatever the reason, you were glad for a small break whenever you could get it.
“You could say it was busy,” he replied, sounding a bit tired. For the first time since you met him, you actually noticed how exhausted he looked. You wanted to put cucumbers on his eyes and lay his head down on your lap to coax him to sleep. Nonetheless, he smiled softly at you. “And yours? I hope you were able to have time to rest and relax.”
You nodded. “I just slept a lot and caught up on the shows I missed throughout the week.”
“The real way a weekend should be spent.” 
His voice was teasing but he didn’t sound mocking. Just...somewhat playful. There was something about his tone that made you want to hear it again.
“Something tells me you need a weekend away where you could just relax and do nothing,” you commented, tapping the back of your pen to your chin. “Do you not have any days off at work?” 
He considered this. “Depends what you mean by day off.” 
“If you have to ask that, that probably means you don’t have a day off, huh?” you said with a frown, holding your hand over your chest as you sighed dramatically. “You poor thing. Overworked and tired. Maybe I should steal you away one weekend and get you to just relax.” 
You were only half-serious.
“Maybe you should,” agreed Shouto, sounding full-serious.
“Maybe I will,” you blurted before you could stop yourself. Maybe you could if you actually had his number… Then, feeling shameful you said, “But, ah, anyway, what can I get for you today? We actually have cheese danishes again!”
His face brightened. “You do? I’ll take five dozen.”
With a laugh you took down his order. You really weren’t sure where all these pastries were going when he bought it, but judging from his expression, you figured it must be somewhere good. 
“And for your drink?”
“This time I’ll have a large green tea with almond milk, please.” 
You nodded but tilted your head to the side in question. “No coffee with extra shots of espresso today?” 
“I add too much sugar and creamer to my coffee,” he admitted sheepishly. “And with all the baked goods I’ve been eating I realized I may have had an excess amount of sweets lately.” 
With an understanding laugh you patted his hand that was resting on the counter woefully. “I can definitely relate to that. If too many sweets are bad for you they shouldn’t have made it taste so good.”
Shouto glanced down at where your hands touched, an expression you couldn’t quite discern on his face. Averting your gaze, you quickly pulled your hand back. Was that inappropriate of you? Did he find it too pushy?
“Oh— Sorry about that,” you said, rubbing your elbow with your opposite hand. “Got a bit ahead of myself there.”
“No, it’s fine.” He blinked once. “I didn’t mind.”
Unsure if he meant anything by that and unsure if you were reading too much into things, you simply brushed the topic off and moved on to getting his order in telling him the price. 
“Paying by card again, I’m assuming?” you asked before hitting the appropriate button on the screen.
By now the sight of the sleek and pretty credit card was one you grew rather fond of as he scanned over the payment terminal and signed his name. Was it weird you wanted to examine his signature more closely? Shouto seemed like the type of person who would have a fancy signature that somehow looked like art. 
As per routine, you told him his order would be ready for pick up at his right and, before he left the register, he thanked you and gave you another $100. 
Did it feel any less strange than the first time he tipped you? Not really, no. But you still weren’t going to complain about a generous tip from a willing customer.
Before he left with his cheese danishes and cup of tea in hand, he stopped by next to you with a small smile. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.”
You grinned back. “Can’t wait, Shouto!” 
— ✩ —
This went on for a whole other week. By this point, he had given you over $1,000 in tip and you were starting to feel like you should give him something in return despite him assuring you he didn’t expect anything. 
When you told your friends about the nice guy you met while you were working and they asked for the details, the first thing they said in response to your situation was, “Sugar daddy?” 
Before they planted that thought into your head, you just took it as a rich businessman who hated the rich and believed in redistribution of wealth—you couldn’t complain about that. That made him even more appealing, if you must say. But once Kaminari and Ashido whispered those two words, you couldn’t help but see the comparisons. 
You had no issues with sugar daddies or sugar babies; as long as they were two consenting adults, what did it matter to you? It just wasn’t something you were looking for at the time and you didn’t want Shouto to get the wrong impression or involve yourself in something you weren’t ready to. 
As you commuted to work for your next morning shift, you told yourself today was the day you’d thank him one final time for the tips, but tell him you couldn’t accept anymore. You were sure he’d be understanding but you also hoped it wouldn’t deter him from coming to see you. That was the last thing you’d want. 
“Mrs. Miyazaki,” you said between customers. “When Shouto comes in, do you think I can step away from the register to talk to him for a little? I promise it’ll be brief!”
She waved her hand dismissively. “That’s not a problem. Are you finally going to ask him out or something?”
You scratched the back of your neck. “Or something, yeah.” 
Thankfully, by the time Shouto arrived today, it was later than he normally came, meaning rush hour was almost dying down. 
“Good morning! Someone’s a little late today,” you teased. “Overslept?” 
“I wish,” he sighed wistfully. “I had a meeting early this morning and it just ended. Didn’t have a chance to pick up some coffee or pastries beforehand.” 
You frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that. I hope whoever was hosting the meeting at least provided you guys drinks and snacks!” 
He paused. “He did, but… I just thought yours were better.” 
Smiling at the compliment, you preened. “Well, I can’t say I’m not surprised. And I’m glad you were able to drop by still. Would’ve missed you too much otherwise.”
Again, you were only half-serious.
“Hm. I would’ve missed you too.”
And again, he seemed full-serious. Not that you minded. 
After taking his order and watching him pay, you pulled him to the side, looking over at your boss so she knew what was going on. She gave you a brief nod as you turned your attention to Shouto. 
A lapse of silence went by and he spoke up, “Did you have something you wanted to say?” 
“Yeah, actually.” You wrung your fingers nervously, hoping you wouldn’t say anything to offend him since you knew his actions were coming from a kind place. “I just wanted to say… I’m not really looking for a sugar daddy right now.”
He blinked once. Then twice. “Pardon?” 
You stared at him, unsure what to say. 
“I— Sorry. I wasn’t… It’s not my intention to be a...sugar daddy either.” Shouto’s face flushed a bright pink that made your own cheeks warm up in response. 
“But the—the money? I just… I guess I thought…” You winced.
So he wasn’t trying to pick up a sugar baby… Well, this was awkward. But regardless, you think you’ve gotten close enough to him to the point where it would feel weird accepting money from him. 
“I’m sorry if I was unclear. It really is just a tip to show appreciation for your service here.” 
You shook your head. “No! Sorry, that makes sense! My friends just said… And then I…” you trailed off, feeling a million times more flustered than when you started. “Sorry about that. The sugar daddy mishap aside, I still wanted to say that I really appreciate the tips you gave, but I don’t think I can accept them anymore.” 
Slowly, he nodded, adjusting the collar of his dress shirt. “I understand. Did something happen?”
“No, nothing happened!” you were quick to assure. “I really am thankful, but… I think we’ve gotten too close for me to be comfortable accepting that much money, you know?”
Shouto tilted his head to the side, listening intently. 
“Like,” you tried to explain, fiddling with your apron, “over the past few weeks I just think we’ve gotten to know each other more and I think of you as a friend of sorts now.” You peered at him through your lashes, hoping your words were making sense. “I think as a relationship develops—for me, at least—adding money into the mix can cause weird power imbalances if not communicated properly. And I just don’t want that for us.” 
He thought through your words for a while before agreeing. “I get what you mean. I wouldn’t want to unintentionally make you feel like you owe me anything, so if you’re not comfortable with it, I can stop.” 
“Thanks, Shouto,” you said with a beam, glad he was so receptive. Really though, what else did you expect? From your interactions with him you took him to be kindhearted and open. Of course he wouldn’t be upset over this. “But just to be clear, this doesn’t mean you should stop coming! Right? I don’t want to stop being your friend or anything!” 
With a small laugh, he nodded. “Sure. I wouldn’t want to part with my favorite cafe. And I’d like to keep being friends as well.”
Those words warmed your heart. You really were nervous about this confrontation earlier; you didn’t want voicing your opinion to mean ending your friendship. (Although, if you sharing what you were comfortable with was enough to end a relationship, then you supposed it was bound to be a toxic and stifling one in the long run and it was good to know in the beginning to end it before it could grow.) Turns out, however, that you didn’t even need to worry about that. He was understanding and sweet and you were glad to have gotten this out of the way.
“Well, as new friends,” you said, gently nudging his side, “maybe we should get to know each other more? Exchange numbers… Hang out outside of this cafe…” You ran through some suggestions, almost bouncing on your feet in excitement. “I mean, I know you’re always so busy and might not have much free time to hang out. But— If you’re ever free one weekend…” 
“I’d enjoy that,” he cut in, saving you from blabbering your mouth off and accidentally embarrassing yourself. “Didn’t you say you’d steal me away from work to relax? I’m still holding you to that.” 
The beginnings of a smirk formed on his face as he looked at your flustered expression. Was he teasing you?
You huffed, pretending to be insulted by his playful mocking. “Guess I’ll really have to do it then.” 
“Guess so.”
“Maybe you should give me your number first so we could plan it.” 
He handed you his phone and you handed him yours, both of your adding your numbers to the contact list. Smiling, you held the phone in front of the two of you to take a contact picture of yourself for Shouto’s phone. To your complete surprise, he laughed before promptly following suit and taking a selfie for his contact image. 
“Cute,” you said when he handed you back your phone. 
“You too.” 
Placing your device back in your pocket, you looked at him, hand on hip. “Since when did you become such a smooth-talker? Am I going to have to guard my heart now?” 
His only response was a shrug, but you could see hints of a smile playing on his face. The two of you seemed to be smiling a lot lately, you couldn’t help but notice. 
“I should probably let you go to work now—and I should go back to mine.” You gestured to the growing line at the front of the store. Your manager looked like she had things under control, but you didn’t want to take advantage of her kindness. “You should text me later though. If you want.”
“I’ll do that,” Shouto promised, picking up his drink and pastry boxes from the side counter. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N. And… I’ll message you soon.” 
As you watched him leave the store, you were certain you had a silly look on your face as you stared in a trance. 
“I’ll turn my phone off silent just for you!” you said to his back, hoping he understood what a momentous occasion this was. Your phone was always on silent (unless you were playing a game, of course). But for Shouto, you could handle hearing the obnoxious ringtone and text tone. 
With an amused expression he nodded before waving goodbye.
Later on that day, at the end of your shift, you noticed a new message from a certain someone that made your stomach flutter.
Shouto: Hi there. It’s Shouto :)
You never knew those four simple words would be enough to keep the grin plastered on your face up until the moment your head hit your pillow to fall asleep. But, damn— Were you glad that happened to be the case. 
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a/n: whY WAS SHOUTO AND Y/N EXCHANGING NUMBERS SO CUTE idk that scene got me all blushy and :DDD HFJDKSF like taking a selfie with shouto and getting his number? only goal in life BFHFGF,, also y/n said no more tips how we feeling? ;o 
what to expect in the next part:
an unwanted visitor ಥ_ಥ
shouto has a...proposition for y/n 
y/n struggles with their fEeLiNGs~
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obi-nob-kenobi · 2 years
Say Goodnight on Our Separate Sides || Part 2
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Anakin thinks he feels something through the Force, like a ripple, a misplacement. When he investigates, he finds Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, doe eyed and confused, asking for Master Jinn.Not wanting him to feel alone, Anakin offers to watch over him. 
For the sake of time anomalies, and not because he was in love with every form of his Master. And if his Obi-Wan Kenobi is off on Mandalore, why not indulge in the attention the Padawan showers him with?Surely his Obi-Wan will understand, right?
Part 1 on tumblr
Part 2: Obi-Wan comes home
Rating: E
For @travellingcircus​
Read on ao3 or down below.
“Oh, Master Kenobi! You’re back early!”
Usually Ahsoka’s presence was a lovely sight for sore eyes, but the way her voice shot up an octave indicated something else. She didn’t expect him back, and well neither did Obi-Wan.
“Yes, the threat on Mandalore was eliminated early.” Obi-Wan said, “So I thought to come home.”
“Of course, right. I mean who wouldn’t?” She laughed awkwardly, eyes shifting back to the hallways where their apartments lay. “But–you know what, we should go get lunch! I was heading to Dex’s. Let’s go.”
She attempted to pull his tunic, but Obi-Wan shook his head. “Thank you, but I am quite tired and would rather head to a real bed first. How about we reschedule for dinner, my treat?”
He already turned, set for his bed in his shared apartment. One where all his material possessions resided, even if minimal. He desperately missed his pillows and strangely enough, the smell of oil that lingered around the apartment because of Anakin’s fixer uppers.
Anakin… he heard of his accident on Delta Five, and he could only imagine how bored his former Padawan was now that he was on forced medical leave. He wondered how badly he turned their kitchen upside down, trying to fix the caffe machine that did not need fixing.
“Okay, but Master there’s something you need to know first–”
“I’m sure Anakin didn’t damage our apartment that badly.” He mused, until Ahsoka’s face dropped. “What did Anakin do?”
“Well, it’s not what he did–”
As tired as he was, Obi-Wan picked up the pace, passing through the halls and up the lift to the apartment level of the temple. Ahsoka just barely made it into the lift with him.
“He didn’t hurt himself, did he?”
“There was a small accident–small!” She insisted with a pointed finger. “He’s fine! Kix said he was fine.”
“Kix? Why didn’t Master Che see him?”
“Ah, we were with the 501st–”
Oh, of course Anakin would go train with his men since he would have been barred from the temple grounds due to his injury. He doubted anyone there would have stopped him either.
“But he’s good! He bacta-healed! That isn’t it–Master wait!”
He loved Ahsoka, he really did, but her loyalty to her Master always came first. This was not the first time she covered for one of his antics, just as Anakin always covered up for her. Too bad both were bad at hiding their mishaps.
As he drew closer to his apartment, he sensed another familiar being in their room. Anakin was in the refresher with someone else. But their force signature was like his own, almost a copy if somewhat muted.
He opened the door and beelined for the refresher, tuning out Ahsoka’s cries as he slid it open with full force–
And was greeted with Anakin, naked in a tub, kissing a young blonde boy.
Though his first emotion should have been anger, Obi-Wan was too distracted by the familiar Force signature surrounding the boy. When the boy looked at him back, it was as if the wind was blown out of his lungs.
He was staring into some trick mirror, one that reflected his seventeen year-old self. Back before he cut his hair to the short buzz cut, back before he earned his first set of battle scars on a mission gone wrong. Back when he was sure Qui-Gon was going to abandon him.
Obi-Wan had long accepted his early feelings of inadequacy. When he had thought of himself as a burden to Qui-Gon, who instead was just as unsure as how to raise a Padawan since he was also an unconventional Jedi. They grew closer with time and missions, and Obi-Wan has often sought out Qui-Gon’s words and teachings during times of peril.
He wondered now if his Master would answer his call, or laugh in his face.
“I’m sorry Skyguy, he wouldn’t–eep!” Ahsoka covered her eyes, turning her back from them. “Why is he in the bath with you?!”
“Who’s this?” His younger self asked, and no matter what it would always be weird to hear himself speak with a higher voice. Puberty did not hit Obi-Wan until he was twenty, unfortunately.
“Would you all get out!” Anakin cried, gesturing out the door.
That was all they could do while Anakin was indisposed. Huffing, Obi-Wan turned on his heels. “I’ll be waiting in our living room.”
“You too, Obi-Wan.” He heard Anakin refer to the teenager, and the kid walked out of the refresher with a pout.
The two were face to face, the younger one with his arms crossed over his chest, standing to make himself look taller. Obi-Wan took to putting his hands on his hips.
This just could not be real. He was dreaming, or this was an odd prank. Hell, if clones of an infamous bounty hunter exist why wouldn’t clones of a Jedi? Were they cloning Jedi now? Surely he would have been made aware of that regardless of his status on Mandalore.
“I’m…gonna go.” Ahsoka spoke up, already sneaking out through the front door.
“Sorry, I said I was doing a lunch run! Uh the usual Master Kenobi? Two? You two got it!”
That was not her most graceful exit, but he couldn’t blame her. Obi-Wan wanted to retreat as well, to finally flop onto his own bed and pass out for the next forty-eight hours but the Force had other plans.
Anakin finally emerged from the refresher, only in a bathrobe and a towel around his neck. He winced at them, at first, but his voice was surprisingly chipper as his face lit up. “Huh, so the Universe didn’t explode. Guess rule number 3 didn’t apply to us”!
By the end of it, Obi-Wan felt as if Anakin made up some holodrama instead of explaining the full story, but what other explanation was there when his teenage self was sitting across from him?
Calling Tech, the genius member of Clone Force 99, barely put it into better perspective. He seemed disappointed that all theories of time travel and some sort of paradox were proven false, but he couldn’t help but agree on one thing: Obi-Wan would have definitely remembered time traveling and meeting his older self.
Which begged the question how did he end up here, instead of Lenahra? Obi-Wan remembered the mission vividly. The first time he defied The Order, stealing a ship to investigate some ancient writings carved in the temple library walls, leading him to a strange planet of Force sensitive teenagers like himself.
His younger counterpart’s story aligned up until the asteroid field. Obi-Wan and the pilot droid managed to dodge a collision before landing on the planet. In the younger’s case, he landed back on Coruscant, twenty one years into the future.
He remembered Lenahra having a strange Force signature around it, filled with mystery that the Jedi at the time could not comprehend. If Obi-Wan had to guess, his teenage self dropping in was probably the planet’s doing.
For what reason in this particular timeline, he had no idea why.  
“So…that’s it.” Anakin concluded. “He’s here now…and you’re back–wait why are you back? I thought you weren’t coming home for another week?”
Home , the way Anakin described their small living quarters. Assigned by the Jedi, acting more as dormitories than a personalized space, but it was theirs. What he was looking forward to when returning.
“Disappointed to see me so soon?” He teased.
“Not at all! But a warning would have helped, in case the universe imploded.”
“I believe Tech may have been exaggerating his theories since we are clearly alive. Now the question is what to do with…” he paused, staring at himself.
The younger one rolled his eyes. “Well, Master Skywalker and I were enjoying ourselves–”
Anakin coughed into his hand. “He was helping me.”
“And I suppose since you’re back, I’m either taking the couch again or spend my nights in the brig.”
“No, that’s not happening.” Anakin said, voice stern. “Master, I told him he could stay here where he would be comfortable. He was using your room for a while but he can take mine instead.”
His younger self beamed at the idea, until Anakin continued with, “I’ll take the couch until…well until we figure something out. With this new information I’m sure we can get Tech and Cordova could guide us on what to do next.”
“What? Master, that isn’t good for your leg.” And wow, was it even stranger to hear himself call Anakin Master .
It always had a good ring to him. He was a natural teacher who deserved the title. But for Obi-Wan to call him that felt…no, strange wasn’t correct. It almost felt right.
“It’s practically healed. Another bacta session and some PT and I’ll be back on the field in no time.”
“You deserve to rest,” Obi-Wan said. “That was a hard mission for you and your men.”
Anakin gave him a pointed look. “You, telling me to rest? After you take on back to back missions? Plus, I haven’t really had time to rest, not when you,” he turned to the teenager with a fond smile, “Are a very curious Padawan.”
Anakin had him there. Obi-Wan had always been restless, which was why he found meditation so hard. He couldn’t sit around and concentrate for hours, not when he found better use of his time.
“Well, I’m sure we can find something to keep you two occupied.” Obi-Wan said and immediately regretted his choice of words with the way the younger brightened. “Separately.”
“I’m not letting him take the couch.” Anakin said.
“And I’m not letting you either, Master.”
“Jeeze, why not let both Kenobis share a room?”
Obi-Wan didn’t even hear the door open. Ahsoka leaned on the frame, holding a giant bag of take out from Dex’s. “Your bed is big enough, Master Kenobi.”
Something about her tone found this entirely amusing. It was no wonder she was Anakin’s Padawan, because only they would come up with such a disastrous idea.
“That’ll work.” Anakin said. “Who better to watch over yourself than…yourself!”
“I’m a Padawan, not a child.” the younger said.
I beg to differ, Obi-Wan thought. “It would have to do for now.”
Anything to keep them apart.
The rest of dinner was thankfully uneventful. Ahsoka occupied much of their time with her retelling adventures with Plo Koon and the other Padawans. Though, Obi-Wan was sure he noticed how his younger self scooted closer to Anakin, and by the end of the story they were practically sharing the same chair.
Ahsoka said her goodbyes, heading down to her own room when Obi-Wan realized that his teenage self could have been in her room this entire time. She was sharing with another Padawan, whom if Obi-Wan recalled correctly was off planet with her own Master.
But before he could ask that, she was long gone.
“Well, another day of sleeping in. I’ll see you two in the morning.” Anakin said as he finished drying the last dish. He gave them both a warm smile, and leaned down to touch foreheads with the Padawan before limping his way back to his side of the apartment.
Obi-Wan was met with a glare from himself. He should probably get used to that.
He let the younger one use the refresher first to give himself time to unpack. When they switched, Obi-Wan took an extra long time to enjoy the hot water. He was just relieved to be back with his toiletries, even his own towels that were plush and softer than the ones he traveled with.
He returned to his bedroom where the Padawan was occupying himself with Obi-Wan's datapad. “Hey,” Obi-Wan snatched it back. “That is confidential. How did you get in it?”
The kid held up his thumb. Damn biometrics not accounting for your past clone. “She’s pretty.”
“The Duchess.”
“I suppose she is.” Obi-Wan set up an extra lock, a passcode only he would know.
“But not as pretty as Master Skywalker.”
So he really was not imagining things–but how could he when the first thing he saw upon returning home was them kissing?
“You will meet many pretty people.” Obi-Wan said truthfully. Lenahra was the first time he realized he was attracted to all genders, and later down the line he’d find flirting a great tactic in distraction.
He laid down in the bed, ample space between the two of them. If he wasn’t already using the pillow as for himself, he’d have it between them.
“I don’t think I’d find anyone as pretty as him, though.”
And that was more of the truth. Of all the people Obi-Wan’s been with, his mind and heart always drifted back to Anakin. Even if he couldn’t have him the way his heart so desired.
“Why aren’t you two together?”
In the darkness, Obi-Wan glared. His younger self seemed unphased by his anger. “You know the answer to that, Padawan.”
“I thought I did. But then he said he loved us.”
Obi-Wan shot up from his bed, only to be returned with a smirk. One he desperately wanted to wipe off his own face.
“Master Skywalker loves us. It’s against the code but he didn’t deny it.”
No, no that couldn't be true. Because Anakin was with Padme. He failed at his own discretion when entering an illicit relationship with the Senator, and while he was unsure of their status now he knew that he still loved her. Loved her enough he’d leave the Order when the war ends, to finally have the family he desired.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Obi-Wan said, unable to reveal Anakin’s relationship. That was for him to do on his own.
“I do. I could finally feel him through the Force. Maybe that’s why I was brought here.” His younger self pulled the covers over his body. “It’s been muted for so long…but he helped me open back up. I think the Force wanted me here, to be with him.”
Obi-Wan’s jaw clenched. “The Force simply guides us, it does not have a want. But I do. Right now I want to sleep.”
"Fine.” the teenager shrugged, turning his back to him. “But I know I’m right.”
Obi-Wan could not remember being this cocky as a teenager, but unsure what else to say he turned his back to him too, wishing into the Force that this was all a strange dream, and he would wake up alone.
In his sleep, however, he thought he heard Qui-Gon laugh.
He now understood why Qui-Gon had a hard time with him when they were first assigned to each other.
Teenager Obi-Wan was insufferable.
Was he always this clingy? He wanted nothing more than to be a good Padawan but he was taking it too far with a Master that wasn’t his own.
The younger Obi-Wan, whom he mentally called Obi since it was a childhood nickname, was by Anakin’s side of the apartment the second he woke up, asking to help make breakfast and brew some caffe. Except Obi-Wan never learned to make caffe until he was thirty because he and Qui-Gon always drank tea.
And then when Obi messed up, he’d turned to Anakin with tears in his eyes and mouth wobbling as if he was about to cry which–okay– Obi-Wan never did even when he felt like he disappointed Qui-Gon. He never let his sadness show so easily, and instead let it go through the Force.
Obi acted as if he didn’t have the Force at all. He did everything he could to get Anakin’s attention and it worked. Anakin would ruffle his hair and tell him it was okay he burnt the caffe, and show him how to make it properly. They stood side by side making eggs, the simplest thing to cook–shut up Waxer he burnt them one time–and even insisted they hand wash their dishes together despite the machine installed in the apartment.
Because Anakin was fidgety even on medical leave, he insisted he go out to the market again. He needed some droid parts and a circuit board for a project and Obi immediately grabbed the keys to Anakin’s speeder.
“You know, Ahsoka would probably like to come along.” Obi-Wan said since Anakin did have his own Padawan.
“She said she was going to hang out with Rex this morning.” Anakin shrugged, “I’ll be meeting her for her lessons later.”
He didn’t miss the smug look on his younger self’s face as they left the door, and Obi-Wan was going to pretend it didn’t hurt that they didn’t ask him to join them.
“Really? Kix said he was sweet.” Cody said that afternoon when Obi-Wan grew bored by himself and made his way to the clone barracks just to talk to someone. Though he was probably going to leave if the clones thought the kid was ‘sweet’.
Their men had the privilege to never deal with a teenager like himself. Ahsoka Tano was caring, Barris Offee was tactical, and Cal Kestis, young as he is, treated everyone like an older sibling. Obi-Wan Kenobi was whatever siths hell spawned.
“Do I…hover?” It was the only word he could come up with besides cling. Clinging was for a child.
“Not much more than other generals.” Cody answered honestly, but then his eyes twinkled. “But if you mean do you somehow always gravitate to General Skywalker even when you two are away on long missions…”
Obi-Wan groaned, hiding his face in his hands. Had he been that obvious, even now as an adult?
Cody laughed patting his shoulder. “Finally, you get with the program.”
“You knew ?! I’ve told no one!”
“Sir, I’ve served with you for the past three years. It was obvious during the first few months. However, you’ve cost me quite a bit of credits.”
“Credits? You’ve been betting ?!”
“Got a combined pool with the 501st, and I have to say I honestly believed you two would have been together ages ago. So my time has passed.”
Obi-Wan frowned. “Who's winning so far?”
“I believe Echo, Hardcase, Boiler, and Rex have estimated another few years,” Cody took a sip of his drink. “Though, I wonder if it counts if General Skywalker and your younger self get together.”
It was the wrong moment for Obi-Wan to try talk as instead he inhaled so sharply he began coughing up the dust lodged in his throat. “They are not– .”
But then Cody has the audacity to pull up his com. A holo of Anakin and the teenager walking through the market, hand in hand. Like a couple.
Oh Force, the teenager was absolutely smitten with Anakin. He looked at Anakin like he hung the stars.
Sometimes, Obi-Wan believed Anakin did.
“Waxer was by the markets and saw them earlier.” Cody explained. “So, are you going to be the best man? Give your younger self away.”
“Quiet,” Obi-Wan said, rubbing his temples. “We’re trying to get rid of him.”
“Well that’s a poor way of talking about yourself. Even the clones are nicer to each other than you are to yourself.”
“You ever dealt with a teenage Cody?”
“Good point. Though I was told by the Kaminos I was pleasant to have in class.”
“Of course you were.”
Clone Force 99 seemed to be getting closer to a solution, though Tech admitted it would take a few more cycles before he had anything conclusive. That appeased Mace and Yoda, and maybe it was due to his new roommate kicking him in his sleep, but tired and irritated, Obi-Wan groaned at the answer as Tech hung up their call.
“I’ll admit, I thought it would be much worse.” Mace said as he walked with Obi-Wan down the temple halls. “But Skywalker is keeping him in place. Haven’t heard much from them.”
“So you didn’t hear of his accident in the Clone training facility?”
“No? Was anyone injured?”
Obi-Wan sighed. “Nothing serious.”
“Surprising, for Skywalker.” Mace said dryly. “Though I believe your Padawan self is also keeping him in check. He’s always calmer with you around.”
“Calmer? He still bites at the Council even when I’m in the room.”
Mace shrugged. “It’s worse when you aren’t around. I thought he and the younger you would be off galavanting the universe, but he’s kept his word to keep him safe in the temple.”
The idea of his teenager self and Anakin, stealing a ship and running away in the middle of the night on a romantic journey…just as Anakin did with Padme when he was Padawan. Just as Obi-Wan tried with Satine all those years ago…it made him seethe. “Right…”
“You’re unhappy.”
Obi-wan stopped in his tracks. “Unhappy isn’t the word I would use.” He’s ignoring the feeling in his chest that was jealousy. “It is strange, is all. If the theory were true, I would have remembered time traveling to the future, but I did not. This is just…”
His friend gave him a comforting smile. “I cannot imagine your feelings, but I’m sure he’s frustrated too.”
“How so?”
“You were always buzzing around, paired with a Master who could meditate for so long, you’d think he died because he wasn’t breathing. Now Skywalker is also restless but he’s not giving him so much to do without compromising his safety. How much longer could he keep him entertained until you steal another ship?”
“It was one time!” Mace raised an eyebrow, and Obi-Wan groaned. “Fine, you’re right. I will consider his feelings more. Was entertaining a teenager always this hard? Anakin was a handful but he wasn’t like this.”
Because Obi-Wan wasn’t in competition with his Padawan. Not that he was in competition with himself either.
But Mace could only laugh. “Depa was a delight. I would not know about this struggle.”
Obi-Wan considered his younger’s feelings all for twenty minutes, which was the amount of time it took for him to return from the council room to his apartment. When he entered, he sensed Anakin and Obi in Anakin’s room. With the door closed.
He stomped his way over and pulled the sliding door open, letting it rattle against the wall.
Under the dark covers was Anakin, eyes still sleepy and hair tousled from being buried in pillows. But next to him, thankfully above the comforter, was the teenager, laying on his side and staring at him with nothing but love in his eyes.
The way Obi-Wan used to look at Satine around that age.
The way Obi-Wan wished he could look at Anakin now.
The teenager glared at Obi-Wan, putting his index finger to his lips. “He’s trying to sleep.” He whispered.
It was barely the afternoon, Anakin would never sleep this early unless he was gravely sick or on the brink of unconsciousness.
“Is he–?”
Anakin forced himself to sit up, about to explain when Obi cooed him back to bed, touching his cheek with his hand. “I’ll talk to him. Stay in bed, Master.”
Anakin shrugged, sinking back into the comforts of his bed as Obi kissed his forehead. If the door cracked because Obi-Wan was gripping it too tightly, well he just hoped Anakin wouldn’t notice later.
His Padawan self joined him in their own bedroom, door also closed in hopes Anakin could not hear them.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Taking care of him.” Obi said like it was obvious.
“He’s a grown man, he doesn’t need someone hovering over him.”
“But he likes it.” His voice was too high, too innocent as if he can’t see how highly inappropriate it looked. When Anakin was a child he allowed him to sleep with him during his nightmares, but that habit was quickly broken in just a few months. Never had Obi-Wan crossed that boundary when Anakin was a teenager, nor has Anakin done the same to Ahsoka. “He said he doesn’t like going to bed alone.”
“We all go to bed alone. Don’t think just because he’s watching over you that you can invade his space that way.”
“Doctor’s orders. He wanted to make sure he didn’t react negatively to the medicine.”
“What medicine?”
Oh, the kid had the audacity to roll his eyes. “Well, if you were around you’d know he was at physical therapy today and he hurt himself, badly. He offered himself to try a new medication, an injection that’s supposed to work faster than bacta but it makes him tired.”
This would all sound made up if not for the fact Anakin hated the bacta tank, preferring to quickly cover his wounds with the gel or an injection over submerging himself entirely. And leave it to Anakin to use himself as a test subject, as the clones were often subjected to experimentation that he highly disapproved of.
And of course, Anakin would be injured, again, because he was trying to rush his physical therapy. At this rate it would be another few weeks before he was cleared for active duty.
“Then he can call us if he needs help. But right now, it would be appropriate for you to watch him from a chair, not in his bed.”
Obi blew a strand of hair that was covering his eyes. That was why Obi-Wan eventually cut his hair.
“Why do you keep butting in?” The teenager asked.
“Excuse me?”
“I can sense it, you know. You don’t like me.”
“I am you, why would I dislike myself?” An existential question he often went through as a teenager, no need to bring it back up as an adult.
“You glare at me every time I get close to Master Skywalker. You insist I have to keep a distance despite the fact he doesn’t initiate anything first. It’s very possessive of you, Master.”
Obi-Wan already knew this about himself. He knew his affection towards Anakin went beyond Master and Padawan. If he could end the war now to protect him, damn the Sith and the Jedi, he would.
He wanted Anakin safe from the battles, the deaths. He wanted him home in their apartment, waking up late and enjoying their homemade meals on the couch together, reading the news of peace talks and gossip about politicians instead of reading mission reports.
“As his Master I am making sure he is on the right path, and having a child in his bed is far from that.”
The kid scoffed. “I am seventeen, eighteen in just a few days. Yet here you are turning forty-five.”
Obi-wan choked on his own tongue. “I am thirty-seven!”  
“The grays in your hair say otherwise.”
Force how he wished Qui-Gon was here now to help him. How did his old master deal with him? How was it that Anakin sneaking out for illegal pod races or Ahsoka losing her lightsaber was less of a problem than his own self?  
“Besides, I’m closer to his age than you are. Wouldn’t you want someone more suited, that Duchess perhaps?”
Well that was still a problem. He wanted to keep Satine out as long as possible, seeing as he did not meet her for a few more years. “What does she have to do with this?”
“Everything, actually.” He watched Obi cross his arms, mirroring Obi-Wan. “You have her, and I have yet to meet her, so I have Master Skywalker. We all win.”
Who was winning what? What competition was he missing out on? “I am not with the Duchess.”
“You’re not?” He asked, clearly skeptical. “You didn’t just spend an entire month on Mandalore, from which I heard has a huge civil war problem and had rejected the Jedi several times, to be with your ex girlfriend?”
“It was a personal favor. And–-no,” Obi-Wan raised his hand. “I do not have to explain this to you. You will cease this behavior or else I will go to Mace and Yoda.”
That finally seemed to do the trick. Threatened to separate him from Anakin, and Obi-Wan refused to feel bad when he watched his own face fall. He knew that look, the one where he would do everything in his power to hide back the tears he so desperately wanted to cry out.
“Fine. But you don’t get to be jealous. You already chose the Duchess, so let him be happy.”
“I’m not–”
“I’ll prepare dinner then,” Obi said, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. Let the anger flow through the Force. Let it go. “Are you eating with us?”
It was better than nothing. “Yes. Please make extra for Ahsoka too.”
There was an odd twitch in the younger’s mouth at the mention of her name. “Sure.” He said before finally leaving the room.
Once he heard the pots and pans clank Obi-Wan let himself fall into his bed, a headache settling in.
He reached out into the Force again, desperate to get something from Qui-Gon. He’s instead met with silence.
“Did it seem like I was courting the Duchess?”
“Sir, if not for your obvious infatuation with Skywalker I would say yes. Which by the way some of the men changed their bets once we got to Mandalore.”
“Is there anything your men don’t bet on?”
“Podracing. That’s actually illegal.”
The younger Obi-Wan headed his warnings, keeping all forms of PDA to a bare minimum. While he still preferred to sit by Anakin during meals and accompany him when out, they do nothing more than stand side by side. At night Anakin went to bed, alone, while he pouted loudly in their room.
Tech and Cordova swore on the Force they were close to a final answer. They were taking a detour to the star system near Lenahra to find some sort of anomaly before reporting back to Coruscant, meaning his younger self would still be stuck with them for the time being.
After all this time living together, the three of them were civil at best, and maybe it was Anakin’s naivety but he did not seem to notice the tension between the two of them. Nor had he found a way to differentiate the two, always referring to them by their first name, and smiling so brightly when they would both reply.
That smile was always reserved for him, and now he had to share it with himself.
Anakin was finally taking time with his PT. He could walk around the apartment without obviously limping, and asked to be accompanied when taking a stroll through the temple gardens. Both Obi-Wans offered. So it was an afternoon of Anakin mindlessly talking as Obi-Wan glared at his younger self, and the younger returning.
“New betting pool Rex ,” He overheard Fives, when the three of them left the Clone barracks one night, “Which Kenobi will kill the other first ?”
What was Obi-Wan’s life?
He finally got a break from himself when he Obi was dragged out by Ahsoka and Barriss for their birthday. He was protesting lightly, but Ahsoka insisted, saying they all needed to celebrate first as Padawans, and that they’d have him back later so he could celebrate with the Masters.
He truly had forgotten about his birthday, too preoccupied with not murdering the terror that was himself.
Usually, he and Anakin would celebrate their days with dinner, either at a nice restaurant downtown with dessert to-go and enjoy themselves in their room, but last year they were separated, deployed on two different missions. Anakin still called him, in the middle of a battle with lasers flying and telling him that he better live to celebrate next year. It was sweet, it was dangerous. Maybe that was when Obi-Wan realized he loved Anakin more than a Padawan, more than a brother.
But with his younger self gone, he had a few moments to just himself and Anakin. Maybe he could steal Anakin away for the whole afternoon, just the two of them like old times.
All thoughts left his head when Anakin walked out of the refresher in just a towel that hung very low around his waist. He couldn't miss the trail of trimmed hair that disappeared under the towel, nor how perk his nipples were from the cool air of the room. “Happy Birthday, Master” Anakin said with a wink.
Happy birthday indeed.
“Hey, did you want to try that new dumpling place? I hear they have a special.”
Obi-Wan choked on his own spit as he watched a droplet of water slide down Anakin’s toned abs and disappear under the towel.
“Yes, yeah that sounds…” Delicious as he thought of licking the water off him.
“Cool, I’ll reserve for tonight so little Wan can join.”
Now his fantasy was broken. “Little-Wan?”
“Yeah, I mean he is the little version of you.” Anakin said as he sauntered to his room. He didn’t close his door and kept talking, louder so Obi-Wan could hear him. “Obi’s a cute nickname but I can’t help but say ‘Wan’ and then it’s confusing again. Well, I guess I could keep calling you Master.”
“I don’t think nicknames are necessary.” Obi-Wan said, following Anakin to his room. He watched as his former Padawan shuffled through his closet, debating between a dark tunic and a darker tunic. “He will not be here for long for that to be necessary anymore.”
“…about that.” Anakin was holding a robe, playing with the fabric between his fingers. “What if we can’t bring him back?”
“Whatever do you mean? We have several people working on that.”
“I know, but we barely understand how he got here in the first place, and I haven’t felt that weird shift in the Force since his arrival. What if he’s stuck here?”
Obi-Wan frowned, crossing his arms over his chest to keep his hands in place. “I doubt he will be here any longer than his unwelcomed stay, but I am sure we can arrange something with Master Yoda as to what to do with him.”
He was surprised when Anakin turned to him with a harsh glare, one he only saw directed at Separatists. “Why do you hate him?”
“Excuse me?”
Anakin waved a mech-finger at him. “I thought you were just weirded out–which I understand–but you want him gone . Don’t think I’ve noticed how you two are constantly glaring at each other during meals, or when he offers to take me to PT.”
Damn the Force, he was so sure Anakin was just ignorantly bliss as he never said anything.
“I do not hate myself, Anakin.”
“Could have fooled me. He’s you, Obi-Wan. You must remember what it was like to be him at that age.” He did, clearly, But he also knew at that point of his life he was a little busy surviving on a planet that literally ate its inhabitants alive. “Look, he’s scared. He doesn’t say it out loud but I can sense it. He doesn’t know what happened either, but he’s just as afraid to return.”
Obi-Wan knew that too. That was his mindset when he set off for Lenahra on a stolen ship, knowing he would surely be kicked out of the Order for running away. He knew it would be proof, he was not meant to be a Jedi.
“We are all unsure of what to do, but coddling him will not help.”
Anakin snorted, tossing his clothes aside to sit on his bed. Obi-Wan had to look away, as Anakin had his legs open shamelessly. “I am not coddling him. I don’t even coddle Ahsoka.”
“No, you don’t. But you’re not treating him like you treat Ahsoka. You two cuddle while watching holos! He tries to sleep in your bed! If you wouldn’t allow Ahsoka to do that, why him?”
“Because he reciprocates!”
“Reciprocates what?!”
Anakin stared at him like Obi-Wan grew a third head, eyes widened and mouth agape. “Did puberty make you oblivious, Master?”
He wasn’t going to allow his heart to open. For Anakin to reciprocate his hidden feelings–-it was impossible.
Anakin scoffed, running his hand through his wet hair. He turned his gaze away and quieted his voice. “I…Obi-Wan I’ve always loved you. More than I’m allowed, but you would never love me that way. And then a younger you drops in my life, not afflicted with the war or the Jedi code or the Duchess so…how could I not?”
Unable to hold himself up, Obi-Wan clumsily took a seat by Anakin’s desk as he took in his former Padawan’s words. And once again, Satine’s name was brought up, filled with dismay when no one truly knew her. They may no longer be together, he may no longer love her like he did as a Padawan, but he could not fathom why Anakin and his younger self said her name with negativity.
“Satine and I are not together.” Obi-Wan said. “And to take a version of me so naive, untouched by the war, unscarred…Am I imperfect to you now?”
Maybe that was why Anakin could never love him. He knew Obi-Wan had killed, how many times he chose the lives of many over a few. The nightmares he tried to keep at bay, unbeknownst how every death lived in his head.
“Imperfect?! Far from that Master!” Anakin’s chest was rising and falling as his voice grew louder. “I love you no matter what–but you do not feel that way. He does!”
“I do love you!” Obi-Wan confessed, matching Anakin’s tone. “So why have you chosen him over me?!”
A beat of silence. Anakin's eyes widened with shock, mind completely muted from the Force.
“You love me?” It was as if the wind was knocked out of Anakin. “You truly love me?”
It was all out in the open now, and Obi-Wan felt no qualms to take it back. He wanted Anakin to know he was here, now, and he would not lose to himself. “Anakin, I’ve loved you for so long, I just thought..,”
Thought that Anakin was still in love with Padme, despite their break up. Thought Anakin could never love a man broken like him. Why would he love a man sixteen years his senior when he had people his own age by his side?
Why would he fall in love with a man who was never a good Jedi?
Anakin stood up abruptly, startling Obi-Wan. But then by the Force, Obi-Wan was put on his feet. “Anakin–”
And their lips crashed.
Anakin held his face like he was a precious gem, gentle yet firm so he couldn’t run. Obi-Wan didn’t want to run and instead tangled his hands in Anakin’s long hair, pressing their bodies closer.
Suddenly, Obi-Wan was aware he was wearing too many layers just as Anakin’s towel fell to the floor. He didn’t want to let go of Anakin, though, and his body protested to be naked with him, or rut like an animal against his skin.
As if Anakin could read his mind, he began undoing Obi-Wan’s robes, pushing them over his shoulders to join with the ever growing pile of clothes on the floor. And when he was finally naked too, Obi-Wan pushed him onto the bed with a laugh.
Anakin laughed with him, but Obi-Wan didn’t miss the way he was wincing. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just the leg.” Anakin kissed the top of Obi-Wan’s forehead. “I’m good, don’t leave me.”
“Never.” Obi-Wan promised. “I won’t, now that I have you.”
Anakin’s smile was brighter than any sun. He reached for Obi-Wan’s hand and brought his knuckles to his lips. “You’re mine. I’m yours.”
“Yes.” Obi-Wan's breath hitched with every kiss. “Anakin, my dear I want you.”
“Yeah, yeah I want you, too. Fuck can you reach over?” Anakin tilted his head to his nightstand drawer, and Obi-Wan, straddling his hips, reached over to find a bottle of lube, half full. He turned to Anakin, eyebrow raised.
“Hey, I was bored during my first week in the cast.”
“Hope you thought of me.”
Squeezing a generous amount of lube on his fingers, Obi-Wan leaned down to kiss Anakin once again, and then reached behind himself and pressed a finger in.
Anakin’s hands rubbed his back, soothing Obi-Wan as he adjusted to his own intrusion. It had been ages since he’s last taken care of himself this way, too cramped in his ship bunk or too loud in the camp he’d set up in, but with Anakin present he relaxed, wanting nothing more than to finally have his best friend, the man he longed for, inside him.
“You’re kriffing gorgeous, Obi-Wan.” Anakin was now rubbing his hips, sliding down to his splayed thighs. “You should be naked more often.”
“I don’t–” He bit his lips when he inserted a third finger, “--think the council would approve.”
“Kriff them, stay here, just for me.”
And how much Obi-Wan truly wanted that. To always be in Anakin’s bed, in Anakin’s arms, skin on skin and their tongues tasting each other for the rest of their lives.
He felt Anakin’s cock twitch against his thigh, hard and wet just for him. Anakin couldn’t take his eyes off Obi-Wan’s either, making him feel somewhat self conscious of his body. Unlike Anakin, who was completely fit with a nice set of abs and toned muscles, Obi-Wan was softer around his stomach, muscles aching rather than hard.
“Hey, don’t think like that.” Anakin was definitely reading his thoughts. Or was Obi-Wan’s sudden shyness flowing through the Force? “I love every part of you.”
“When I can get on my knees, let me worship you.” Anakin promised, kissing Obi-Wan’s wrist, and Obi-Wan so desperately wanted that. He selfishly wanted all of Anakin’s love and passion, just for him.
He leaned down, capturing his lips once again just as he adjusted his hips. He couldn’t wait any longer as he blindly reached for Anakin’s cock, aligning it with his wet hole. But just as he sank down on the tip, a new presence in the Force caught his attention, and evidently so did Anakin.
They turn to the now open door, met with the flustered face of his younger self.
Obi tugged at his braid, feet shuffling as he tried to regain balance. His eyes were on them, but they’re also on the verge of tears. “S-sorry! I’m–”
“Shit, Obi-Wan!” Anakin yelled as the younger sprinted out of the room.
Cursing, Obi-Wan leapt off the bed, grabbing a piece of clothing from the floor to cover himself as he chased after his younger version, just catching him before he was out of the apartment.
“I’m sorry!” He cried out, trying to hide his face. He couldn't hold it in anymore, face wet and cheeks puffed “Something felt weird, so I just came back and–”
Oh no, he wondered if he felt what they were doing. What cursed Force connection did he have?
“I’ll go. Please just let me–”
But Obi-Wan could feel his distress, more so than embarrassment. No matter how much Obi-Wan tried to control his emotions as a teen, eventually he would burst like a dam for holding it in too long.
Consider his feelings, Mace had said. Maybe it was time to truly do that. To watch the man he loved with another-–he could only imagine how much it hurt, especially at his age.  
“Obi-Wan, please don’t go.”
Joining them was Anakin, who had the right mind to find a pair of boxers to cover himself. He approached with caution, metal hand on Obi-Wan’s lower back, the other extended out for the younger one.
But Obi shook his head. “No, you two have each other. It’s not–” fair , he knew he wanted to say. “Right.”
“Why not?” Anakin asked. “I told you. Both of you. I love you.”
Anakin’s determination, all his love and devotion surged through the Force, engulfing them with warmth.
“And I’m selfish.” Anakin said with a small laugh. “I will always love you, I’m not choosing between the two of you when I want it all.”
It was strange, knowing Anakin was talking to both of them yet his words were for one person. Because in the end this Padawan was still Obi-Wan. They shared similar memories, their fears and their hopes. Obi-Wan was just being reminded of who he used to be, while the younger one could see the man he became.
To seal it all, Anakin leaned down and kissed the younger Obi-Wan, and then turned to kiss him. “Now, I want to go lie down. You two are welcome to join me, but if you run out, either of you, I will chase you down,  twist my foot, and I’ll be stuck in PT until the end of time.”
An odd threat from him, but unnecessary as the Padawan finally took Anakin’s hand, and he led the two back to his bedroom.
Anakin was the first to fall on his back, arms spread out for the other two to join him. Obi-Wan went in first, snuggling close to Anakin’s right side. The younger stayed at the edge of the bed, still tugging at his braid. “S-should I take off my clothes?”
Ah, yes they were both practically naked. “Whatever you want, Obi.” Anakin said.
He watched his younger self debate internally before he undid his robe, and then his under tunic. He kept his pants on, however, before joining them on the bed to Anakin’s left.
“Hm, this wasn’t necessarily a fantasy of mine.” Anakin’s voice was filled with amusement as he squeezed them both. “But I’m not questioning the Force.”
“Oh? And what are these fantasies?” Obi-Wan asked as he pressed a kiss to Anakin’s neck.
“Easy, having you ride me while sitting on your Council chair.” Obi choked on air, squirming closer to Anakin as to hide his face. “Can you imagine it? You’d definitely give the Council a show.”
Obi kept his face hidden. “No, don’t want them to see me.”
Obi-Wan felt the same. He only wanted to be at his most vulnerable for Anakin, and Anakin only.
Luckily Anakin also understood, pressing a kiss to the younger’s forehead. “Don’t worry, it’s just a fantasy. You’re all just for me.” Then he turned, kissing Obi-Wan too, “Now, wanna lay here for a bit or celebrate your birthday?”
“How about we celebrate here?” Obi-Wan asked. “Just us?”
Because that’s all he really wanted. His day with Anakin.
“Hm, okay.” Anakin agreed with a yawn. “Just let me know what you wanna do.”
“Hey, no yawning. It’s our birthdays and you’re getting  tired?” Obi asked with a pout.
Anakin shrugged. “I have the men I love in my arms, in my bed, I can either fuck you two or nap with you. Either way I’m happy.”
Such simplicity with Anakin, but Obi-Wan didn’t miss how the word fuck affected his teenage self. Hell, Obi-Wan still wanted to fuck too.
“I’ve been waiting for years for you to kark me,” Obi-Wan admitted, watching with delight as Anakin flushed at his words. “Are you going to do it?”
The way Anakin’s cock strained in his boxers, leaving a very impressional outline made Obi-Wan drool, as if he wasn’t holding it just a few minutes earlier. Evidently, Obi noticed too, his face turning impossibly redder.
“I haven’t…”
“It’s okay, Obi.” Anakin carded his fingers through his long hair. “You don’t have to–”
“No! I want to! But I’m not…experienced. Like you two.”
Ah, right. Obi-Wan definitely did not start experimenting until after Lenahra. But it was no harm to start early, if he was still considering the teenager’s feelings. And because he was him, he knew he wanted to do more.
Never say Obi-Wan Kenobi was not an eager learner.
“Then we can start by watching.” Obi-Wan said. “What kind of masters would we be if we just made you jump in?”
Obi-Wan shimmed down the bed, tugging at Anakin’s boxers along the way and helped him out of it. Having Anakin’s cock right by his face was a delight when he only ever caught a glimpse when he left the refresher. Taking a whiff of his smell, Obi-Wan glided his tongue over the slit where pre-cum leaked. He smiled as Anakin twitched in his mouth, but kept all touches light as to tease him.
Anakin gripped the sheets with one hand, the other tangled on Obi’s long hair. He was trying his best not to thrust his hips so suddenly, and Obi-Wan smiled around his cock, wanting to see Anakin lose control but also do everything in his power to stay where he was.
Anakin growled lowly as the bed shifted. Obi-Wan opened his eyes to see his younger reflection staring intently, so Obi-Wan popped off with a trail of saliva still connected to his cock.
“Want to give him a try?”
Obi nodded furiously, clear with intent and determination. Pushing his hair over his ear, Obi leaned in and tried to copy the older’s moves, first licking tentatively at the slit and pulling back when the saltiness danced on his tongue. “Taste weird?”
“Hey,” Anakin whined.
“Didn’t…expect it.” Obi said but went back anyway.
He was like a kitten, testing the waters with his pink tongue and just licking to get used to the taste. Obi-Wan reached out and rubbed his back, encouraging him to take the cock further into his mouth. Obi did so too fast, trying to take as much as he could and gagging as Anakin suddenly thrust his hips.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Anakin sat up on his elbows, clearly concerned for him.
Obi coughed but shook his head. “It’s okay, I can do it.”
“Take it slowly, Padawan.” Obi-Wan said to him. “Lick around here.” He placed his hand on the base of Anakin’s cock, and with the lightest touch trailed his finger up his shaft. “I’ll take care of the head.”
Anakin immediately fell back with a low groan as the two Obi-Wans got to work. The younger one followed his instructions.
He was sure the sensation was too much for Anakin as his former Padawan held off as long as he could. But two mouths, two tongues dancing with each other would drive any man wild.
“Obi-Wan, I’m going–”
“In my mouth, or on our faces?” Obi-Wan asked right before taking the cock back in.
“Kark , I don’t–anything.” Anakin withered, “Fuck, fuck Obi-Wan!”
And that was the only warning Obi-Wan had when his mouth was suddenly filled with Anakin’s cum, thick and salty yet his . He pulled back to see his younger’s eyes with pure fascination and lust. Licking his lips, Obi-Wan gently tipped Obi’s chin to meet his gaze and went in for a kiss, allowing the Padawan to taste too.
Obi moaned under his touch, opening his mouth and swallowing what Obi-Wan offered.
“Oh Force that’s fucking hot.” Anakin said, breaking all tension. “Happy karking birthday to me.”
Obi-Wan pulled away with a raised brow. He peered down, seeing his cock already twitching for more. “Must you ruin the moment?”
“Must you be such a slut?” Anakin snipped back.
He felt Obi shudder at the word.
“Get up here, both of you.” Anakin demanded, and they scrambled back into his arms as Anakin first gave Obi a deep kiss, tongue and all. Once he left him breathless he turned to Obi-Wan and kissed him with the same intensity, tasting himself on his lips.
Obi-Wan reached down to stroke Anakin’s cock back to full hardness. As fun as it was to have him come in his mouth he wanted more. He wanted Anakin in his ass forever, and whenever they could.
“I’m riding you, dear one.” Obi-Wan declared. He found the lube that was still miraculously on the bed, squeezing a generous amount onto his hand. “And when your leg is better you can fuck me standing up.”
“Yes, yes to all of that. Kark, why couldn’t I heal faster?”
“Because you are irresponsible.” Obi-Wan said fondly. Anakin’s cock was twitching under his touch, and once he was fully slick Obi-Wan repositioned himself as he was before.
Beside Anakin, Obi fully removed his pants and boxers, revealing his cock that was red and leaking. “Can I go next?”
Obi-Wan and Anakin shared a concerned look, and either through their bond, or because they just knew each other that well, they had to decline him. “No, you aren’t ready yet.”
“How am I not?”
“Have you done this before?” Obi-Wan asked, knowing the answer. “Ever try to finger yourself, even?”
Obi huffed, hiding his face in Anakin’s shoulder. “No…”
“This would be too much for you,” Anakin said. “But…”
The way his younger self perked was honestly adorable. How could Obi-Wan find him so annoying just hours earlier?
[He knew why. Turns out the best way to get along with yourself is to share the Chosen One]
“You could sit on my face.”
Oh how innocent he still was, clearly confused. “Won’t you…is that comfortable for you?”
“Very much.” Anakin smiled. “Come on up, face Obi-Wan, thighs by the side of my head.”
He felt Anakin’s cock press between his ass, but he waited until his younger self got into position. Obi still looked skeptical as he leaned forward in order to balance himself with the weight of his arms on the bed. Obi-Wan reached out, stroking his hair until Anakin finally went in for the kill.
He watched his younger self shudder, eyes widened with the sudden intrusion of a tongue in his arse. “M-Master!”
His cock twitched beautifully, already dripping as Anakin gripped his thighs tightly, unashamed of the noises he made as he ate him out.
“Say his name, young one.” Obi-Wan encouraged.
“A-Anakin! You��”
Somehow, Obi-Wan knew Anakin was smirking as he had this tongue in his ass. For all the talking he did, he sure knew when to use his mouth correctly, and Obi-Wan thrived knowing that one day that would be him
Until then, though, Obi-Wan finally sank down on Anakin’s cock, inch by inch until he was sitting on him fully. It had been so long since he felt this full but it felt so right. It was like Anakin was made for him, just as he was made for Anakin.
Something surged through the Force, nothing but pure bliss and pleasure as the two Kenobis took it all. Obi-Wan slowly began riding him, gyrating his hips just for a bit of teasing, just as Anakin was doing to his younger self.
It was arousing, watching the kid’s face fall back with pure bliss, mouth agape with saliva, eyes close and head thrown back. Anakin was doing such a good job with him, and Obi-Wan couldn’t wait to eventually have all that attention just for himself.
When Obi began stroking himself, Obi-Wan decided to pick up the pace. He found the perfect rhythm, the perfect angle that electrified his body. He couldn’t stop now as he gripped his cock, thrusting into his hand at the same pace he bounced on Anakin’s cock.
“Anakin! Master–” Obi looked directly at him as he pleaded . "I wanna come, please!”
“So polite.” Obi-Wan cooed. “Come, Padawan. You deserve it.”
He cried out, shooting onto Anakin’s stomach and painting him. Obi-Wan was not far behind, clenching down and finally coming too. Inside his ass, Anakin emptied himself while still trying to thrust in, keeping all his seed in him.
Obi-Wan hummed at the sensation as he came down from his high, helping his younger stay upright as he removed himself from Anakin’s face.
Obi-Wan peppered him with kisses and praises, saying he did so well and they were proud of him. Obi preened at his words, nuzzling into Obi-Wan’s touch.
Hand out, Obi-Wan pulled a towel with the Force and began wiping them down. Preferably, he wanted to lick their spend off of Anakin’s abs, but he couldn’t overwhelm them in one afternoon.
“Ah, improper use of the Force.” Anakin laughed.
Obi-Wan clicked his tongue, tossing the dirty towel onto the floor of their clothes before snuggling back into bed, both Obi-Wans on either side of Anakin. Obi-Wan took to kissing him first, needing to feel his lips on him again when Obi made a noise.
“But, your mouth was just…”
“And you two shared my cum.” Anakin said, making the younger blush furiously. “We can be a little gross here.”
“Please do not refer to my arse as gross.” Obi-Wan said, lightly pinching Anakin’s side as punishment.
“Never, Master.” Anakin turned to Obi with a smile. “Never, Obi-Wan.”
Celebrating was far from over, but Anakin quickly fell asleep with a dopey smile on his face. He had his arms wrapped around them, head turned towards Obi. Obi-Wan watched his chest rise and fall, memorizing his own scars he’s gained over the years of war. He thought the younger one was asleep too, until he spoke up.
“Do I really have to go back?”
His voice was so quiet, scared. A feeling Obi-Wan never liked to experience. “It is for the best. I cannot imagine the distress Qui-Gon is going through now that you are missing.”
“But…he doesn’t… We're a burden to him.”
Obi-Wan held his tongue from correcting him They were never a burden to Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon was simply inexperienced, just barely knighted and left by his own Master and suddenly given a Padawan learner. It was what Obi-Wan went through when he begged to train Anakin. Neither of them at their ranks were ready for the responsibility.
Yet, Obi-Wan still remembered the hurt. The feeling of being unwanted. He was not chosen by Master Jinn, simply assigned. He wanted to prove himself so badly he was worthy of being a Jedi when every step he took said otherwise.
But he learned, and he grew with his Master. No matter how unconventional Qui-Gon was, Obi-Wan couldn’t have asked for another Master.
“We are not.” Obi-Wan said, reaching out to his Padawan braid. “Qui-Gon is an odd man, but we were never a burden to him.”
“Does it get better?”
He ignored the pain of his Master dying in his arms. The beginning of what would soon be the rise of the sith. He ignored the questions if it was truly better when your Master was dead.
“It will." He said instead. Because even with his death, it was always good between them. "But you will just have to be patient.”
Obi rolled his eyes, knowing full well Obi-Wan was just repeating what Jinn probably told him a million times. “Ugh, I guess we are Qui-Gon’s Padawan.”
Obi-Wan laughed. “We really are.”
Needless to say it was the best name day Obi-Wan’s ever celebrated. When they were awake and refreshed from a shower, the three headed out for dinner, surprised by their troops and Ahsoka too for warm festivities. With drinks and songs, and being with the people he loved, Obi-Wan couldn’t ask for a better day.
The morning after, Clone Force 99 landed with a solution.
“The gravitational pull around Lenahra is surrounded by  temporal wormholes,” Tech began to explain. “Your ship said it had odd readings, correct?”
“Yes, there was an asteroid system I could see, but the droid and the computer could not.”
“That is just one example. You must have entered a wormhole that returned you here, and after comparing the readings from the ship’s droid, we were able to pinpoint your timeline. You’d return as if no time had passed.”
It was great news, and definitely one of scientific discoveries to later explore.
But it was still bittersweet to suddenly have him leave.
It was for the best, they all knew. There was already one Obi-Wan Kenobi here, and the other’s universe needed their’s back.
They said their goodbyes in the hanger, Tech already inputting the coordinates where Obi-Wan needed to fly to. Still, he watched his younger self hesitate as he looked at his ship.
“I’ll miss you.” His younger self said to Anakin, just out of ear shot from everyone else. “What if…what if I don’t have you in my time?”
But Anakin, graceful as ever, snorted at the idea, pulling Obi into a tight hug. “Where there is a Kenobi, a Skywalker is not far behind.” He kissed the top of his head. “You’ll find me.”
There wasn’t much more for Obi-Wan to add. Through all this, he hoped his younger self just knew if this was what he wanted, he’d go through it. No matter the challenges, no matter how many times he’d fall, he’d get back up and try again.
With one last goodbye, he watched his Padawan self enter the stolen ship, and fly out into the universe.
Anakin joined him by his side, wrapping his arm around his shoulder and kissing Obi-Wan’s temple. “He’ll be okay.”
“I know he will.” Obi-Wan said. “But when he finds you–”
“He’ll call me an insignificant lifeform?”
“I already apologized for that, dear one.”
Anakin laughed, this time pulling Obi-Wan closer to him, uncaring who may be watching in the hanger. “And his Anakin will forgive him.”
No matter how long it had taken for Obi-Wan and Anakin to finally be together, it was worth every hardship, every time his heart broke, every battle they fought to protect the galaxy. Obi-Wan was ready for the present, with his Anakin.
And he knew, the young Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi would find his path into the arms of the man he loved.
18 years later:
Obi-Wan stirred awake as the bed creaked. He smiled, though, when the body behind him rutted against his bare arse, completely unaware of what he was actually doing.
Oh to be young and full of vigor. Obi-Wan wished he still had that stamina, but his lover more than made up for it.
“Anakin,” he whispered, lightly squeezing the arm around his waist to wake him up. The movements stopped, and behind him he felt the other man lift his head.
“You were rutting on me like an animal in heat.”
“Sorry Master…I was having a good dream.”
So shameless about his feelings, Obi-Wan turned in his arms to face him.
This really was his Anakin. The boy he would come to meet on an outer rim planet, away from the war but familiar with violence. The Chosen One, Qui-Gon had said, and for Obi-Wan he was chosen to be his , just as the other Anakin promised him.
He thought it was wrong at first to be his Master. Obi-Wan grew fondly to the idea of being Skywalker’s Padawan, still holding that bit of jealousy on the Togruta girl who did not deserve his selfish behavior, but now that he was in the role, he wouldn’t ask it another way. He reached out for Anakin’s braid, twirling it in his fingers.
Anakin smiled, leaning in for a quick kiss. “Hm, Master, I have lessons today.”
“I know you do.” Obi-Wan said, kissing him again. “But not for another hour. We can go back to sleep or–”
He laughed when he felt Anakin’s cock twitch against his. “Sorry Master, but it is morning.”
“Never apologize for that, dear one.”
Anakin preened at the nickname, somehow pushing their bodies closer than ever. “Then…may I have you again?”
Yes, always yes, was what Obi-Wan thought. For as long as Anakin would have him.
Present day:
“Cody, who won the betting pool?”
“The special force?”
“No, the old clone 99”
“He was in on the bet? How?”
“Good hearing, or so he says.”
“Hey Obi-Wan, Cody! I hear 99 is retiring. We should throw him a party!”
“Did you ever tell General Skywalker about the betting pool?”
“No, and if you speak of it I will have you demoted.”
“Sir yes sir.”
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