#i dunno what theme i wanna go for
keeps-ache · 2 years
i have done that waking-up thing, i hear it's aaaall the rage!
i'm also still tired, so sleeping means nothing! :)
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afniel · 4 months
I am cursed with the absolute inability to even reference a thing that I don't know enough about, because someone could see me being wrong and I don't want to disappoint them, which is why I am watching the original Godzilla (1954, subtitled) on one screen and doing some pixel art on the other and doing some writing under that (days when my ADHD meds work are very strange to me. Who is this Motherfucker Unlimited who can multitask like this and how is he possibly me), and I am like, ridiculously pleased with how much I do not need the subtitles for any of this.
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theres some hilarity in the fact that In a Manor of Speaking happened because i decided to not worry about whats good and just be self indulgent as fuck with every single plot point, and i have continued to do this for the entire year and a half ive been developing the story. and its really really funny that its turned out to be a banger of a story that i genuinely think is well written and interesting. because of fucking course it would. i literally have a special interest in storytelling. being self indulgent with stories literally requires me to make stories that are written in ways i can analyze and obsess over. because the fuckign autism
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theloveinc · 6 months
hey caitie! i messaged you but i wanted to make sure you saw that a few days ago, i wrote a short fic based off of one of your drabbles (i made sure to tag you and the post of course) but with the whole plagiarism discourse i wanted to make sure i wasnt falling into that terrible notion that i was actively taking someones idea and making it my own. i really can take it down if it makes you uncomfortable and im sorry if i overstepped
omg!!! I totally got your message but it completely slipped my mind to respond, I’m so sorry!
You’re absolutely fine my love, I really only would be irked if you hadn’t provided credit… but since you did, I don’t mind at all🤎🤎 honestly I’m not too involved with the plagiarism stuff aside from simply… being aware of it, and I honestly don’t feel like it applies to a situation/idea like this one. I hope you didn’t take it as such bc it wasn’t meant to be a vague at all.
but I really, really appreciate your concern!🫶🏻
(link to kennie's post here!)
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honeipie · 2 months
katsuki x fem!reader
synopsis: your child is learning how to brush their teeth for the first time, but need a little extra motivation
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“torami, baby, at least hold it for me-“
“no!” your little girl went running out of the bathroom making you throw your head back with a groan.
“it’s not gonna hurt you! it’s just a toothbrush okay?” you walked out of the bathroom to chase your little girl. torami was about three and a half, so you were trying to teach her how to be a bit more independent. she wasn’t up for it though. at every turn she’s given you some sort of problem.
you stopped in the living room where katsuki sat reading his book. there was a lump of blankets on the couch next to him moving more than regular blankets should. the annoyance you once felt dispersed from your body as you walked closer. carefully you plucked the book out of his hand and placed it upside down on the table so he wouldn’t lose his spot.
“i was reading that” but even through his feigned irritation he placed his hands securely on your waist.
“hm were you? didn’t notice” you placed your head down on his shoulder eyes going over to the restless lump of blankets “i dunno what to do with her kats. no matter what i do she just doesn’t wanna brush her teeth”
he let out a scoff moving his one hand up and down your side “you gotta be firm that’s why. can’t let her wiggle away”
speaking of wiggling away, torami had enough time hiding under the blanket and decided to crawl out slowly, but she wasn’t fast enough. katsuki grabbed her one ankle and pulled her right back to the both of you. giggles erupted from her tiny body as he flung her over his shoulder “watch and learn”
the two of you got up from your spot on the couch and headed back into the bathroom. katsuki placed your daughter on the counter her face still flushed from laughter.
“listen brat, you have to brush your teeth-“
"hey! you can't just tell me no! i'm your fa-"
katsuki looked back at you in absolute disbelief and all you could do was give him a smirk "c'mon kats, put your foot down. be firm."
katsuki didn't give you any type of look. instead he took the classier route, flipping you off. you didn't have time to be shocked, your daughter did that for you.
"daddy that's not nice! say sorry!"
his eyes widened as he sputtered to get his next words out "what? but she- that's not-" with an annoyed huff he placed two fingers on the bridge of his nose "fine.. i'm very sorry y/n-"
"it's not y/n. it's mommy!"
"i'mverysorrymommy. are we happy now?" he asked looking between both of you.
"yeah, that's fine" you shrugged deciding that was enough teasing for today. with a relived sigh, katsuki went to reach under the sink. the three of you had went toothbrush shopping hoping that it would make her more excited, you were both wrong.
"alright pick one of these you wanna use" his eyes scanned the selection of toothbrushes just as hers did. he scoffed seeing the one at the end. he lifted it up giving you a confused look "how the hell did this get in there?" in his hands was a deku themed toothbrush.
"i mean we were just letting her pick up any toothbrush she wanted. maybe that got into the mix"
wanting to be in the conversation, she leaned her tiny body over to see which one you were talking about. her eyes got big at the sight of the green colored toothbrush in his hand.
"i want that one! the green one!" leaning over just a bit more she was successful grabbing the toothbrush from his hands "uncle deku!" she squealed showing it off to you "mommy it's uncle deku!"
"that's right amibaby! i'm glad you found something you like, and so is daddy" you placed both hands on his shoulders feeling them tense up at the toothbrush "let it go blondie. just be happy that she's excited to brush her teeth" He nodded straightening up his back.
"nice toothbrush you got there kid. now we put some toothpaste on" katsuki grabbed the kiddie toothpaste from its cup on the sink. he placed a pea sized amount on the tiny toothbrush before placing the cap back on “and now brush”
torami looked down at the toothbrush and then at him. her chubby little hands switching the toothbrush from one hand to the other until she reached it out to them “you do too”
if there was one thing you could both agree on, it was that your daughter had this power over both of you. the way she tilted her head so slightly, and made her eyes look just a bit bigger. it always seemed to work.
“let’s do it” you said scooping her up from the counter. the three of you made your way into yours and katsuki’s shared bathroom. gently, you placed her down on this counter and got your own toothbrush ready. katsuki reached for his, which looked like it had been used for a good while even if he had just replaced it.
“now remember we have to brush for how many minutes?” you asked setting up your phone. one of the ideas you saw that worked with other kids was playing a fun little video with music and a countdown.
“two mommy!” torami said an excited look on her face.
“alright! three.. two.. one.. go!” at the same time you all started to brush your teeth as the music started. which was quickly drowned out by the sound of aggressive brushing from your husband. turning your head, you watched as he aggressively scrubbed his teeth, making sure to reach every single one.
torami looked at him rather concerned and shook her head “daddy not like dat” the toothbrush still being in her mouth affected her words slightly. torami went to stand up right in front of him. reaching both of her hands out she placed them over his. he stopped watching as she moved his hands gently back and forth “be nice..” she mumbled.
katsuki almost melted on the damn spot. he focused on her face, the face that he helped make. the one that was a perfect mix of both you and him. she had the same messy, blonde hair pulled back into two ponytails. but the eyes were all your doing. every time he looked into them he thought of you. the day you told him that you wanted kids, the day you told him you were pregnant. damn, he remembers them like it was yesterday.
he snapped out of it when you bumped your hip into his. all you did was give him a look, and he knew exactly what it meant.
‘you good?’
He sent back a nod your way along with moving his arm to rest lazily around your waist.
‘i’m good’
this became a special moment in the day for each one of you, though katsuki would never admit it. you could tell by his actions. how he would pick torami up, and turn her upside down mumbling something about ‘time to brush’. or how he would usually take night shifts, but now somehow ‘his schedule didn’t benefit him anymore’.
you never brought it up though. katsuki loved in his own way, and you loved it.
a/n: a little extra to brighten your day :)
torami sat in her college dorm room on her newly decorated bed that she'd be sleeping in for the next year. it was a hard concept to grasp, being this far from home even though she begged you both to go here. there was an unfamiliar twisting in her stomach that she couldn't quite place.
her eyes glanced to the open window that had been decorated with white curtains. the sun had already set, even though she felt like she had been sitting here for only a couple of minutes. you and katsuki had left early that afternoon. he insisted that you all woke up early to get a head start before the rest of those "extras". the one trait that he most definitely didn't pass onto your daughter was being an early bird. so even though she complained through half of the process, she was happy to know that she wouldn't have to stress setting up with a sea of people wandering through the halls.
deciding that it was time to stop wallowing on her butt, torami got to her feet to get herself ready for bed.
right before she could go into her bathroom, she heard soft vibrations from her phone. leaning over, she noticed your face flash across the screen. torami answered it as she headed into the bathroom.
“hi mom. i’m alright if that’s what you called for”
you shuffled on the other end of the line before showing your full face “hi baby! don’t rush me off the phone so quick! i just wanted to see you settling in and say goodnight. you’re not out partying are you? is that a boy?”
“better not fuckin’ be!” katsuki yelled across the room and quickly made his way over into the camera “where the hell is he?”
“mom was messing with you”
you had bent over in laughter, but the other two bakugou’s didn’t think it was that funny “oh boo! y’all are no fun!” you and katsuki bickered all the way into your shared bathroom, but all was forgiven when he sent a slap to your ass and whispered something in your ear.
torami groaned loudly on the other line “guysss! if you’re going do be nasty at least don’t do it while i’m on the phone please”
you set the phone down on the counter, propped up against the wall “no! we’re sorry, tora” your eyes glanced over to the cup on the side, yours and katsuki’s toothbrushes sitting next to each other. with a smile you grabbed it putting it in the camera “wanna brush our teeth?”
torami gave you a look through the phone, but quickly caught herself “i’m a little old for that don’t you think?”
you shrugged grabbing katsuki’s brush and handing it to him “not to us, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to”
torami thought for a moment before smiling “let me get my toothbrush”
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘭 | steve harrington & eddie munson x reader
summary | steve and eddie are hunting through the forest at night looking for you... but don't worry, they promise they're not gonna hurt you. (based on an anonymous request I got for predator/prey and size kink with dark!steddie that was supposed to just be a drabble... oops.)
word count | 3.7k
warnings | dark (cnc aka noncon!!), smut (oral m and f receiving, creampie, pearl necklace, rough sex, outdoor sex, threesome, spitroast), hunting and predator/prey kink, size kink (meaning the reader is implied to be petite once or twice), degradation, humiliation, forced orgasms, aftercare, roleplay
18+ only, dark themes, read the warnings!
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"Come out, bunny," Steve cooed as he shined his flashlight through the trees.  "What are you hiding for?"
"She's just a little scared," Eddie explained, calling out into the woods as he continued, "aren't you, babydoll?  It's okay, we don't bite."
"Speak for yourself," Steve laughed, and Eddie shoved him on the shoulder. 
You shifted against the ground you were sitting on, trying to keep your leg from falling asleep, but froze when you heard a twig snap under you.  "Ohh, d'you hear that?" Eddie purred. 
"Yeah," Steve breathed, "is that you, bunny?  We just wanna talk, okay?"
You covered your mouth when you felt the tree behind you shake.  "This isn't gonna take too long, is it?" Eddie groaned to Steve.  He was casually leaning on the tree you were hiding behind; of course he was.  You shut your eyes and tried not to breathe.
"Just keep looking, okay?" Steve replied.  "It's gonna be worth it."
"Well, I knew that," Eddie purred, "been waiting too long to get a taste of that little pussy... what are you gonna do to her, when we find her?"
"I want her mouth first," Steve answered confidently, "you know the ones that act like they don't want it get so wet when they get a taste of some cock."
Eddie chuckled in agreement.
"How about you?"
"Oh god, I dunno— where to start, right?" Eddie laughed.  "All I know is where to finish: those tits."
"Now, don't get me wrong," Steve countered, "I like the way you think but... man, I've been waiting to come inside her for weeks.  She's gonna try to get me to pull out, though, so you've gotta help me keep her still."
"Didn't think you needed help holding down a little girl, Harrington," Eddie mocked.
"Trust me," Steve warned him, "she's tiny, but she's tough.  Not that she'll give us much trouble— just as long as we work together."
"Right," Eddie decided.  "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot..."
There was a moment of silence, and you wrinkled your eyebrows together as you hoped to listen in closer.  Why would they have just stopped talking so suddenly?
You leaned a little closer to the other side of the tree— maybe they were whispering or something— but all you heard was the slightest rustling of leaves.  You dared a glance over your shoulder: your heart stopped when you saw Eddie's face right there, smiling wide at you as he crouched on the ground.
You jumped up as fast as you could, breaking into a sprint; they didn't start after you right away, they were letting you get ahead on purpose, you knew that-- because if he wanted to, Eddie could've just grabbed your ankle right as you got up and you would've been done for.
That was the worst part of it: they were so sure they would get you in the end that they were letting you tire yourself out just for fun.  You should just be thankful for the sliver of a chance... but instead, you were terrified of how much worse they were going to make it for you, as punishment for not just surrendering in the beginning.
You ran like you’d never run before, the adrenaline coursing through you keeping the soreness in your legs from bothering you too much; you dodged trees and branches, hoping to be light enough on your feet to dodge the twisted roots coming out from the dirt.  Your sneakers were struggling to keep traction on the damp ground— it had just rained this afternoon, even now it was still a little foggy from the moisture in the air— but you managed to stay upright even when you almost slipped a few times.
You knew they were gaining on you because you could hear them laughing.  One more reminder that this was just a game for them— but it was all but life or death for you.
Steve caught up with you first, but he didn’t grab you; instead, he shoved you down, knocking you into the dirt, where you crawled pathetically until he grabbed you by the ankles.
“No!” you yelped.
“Shh, not gonna be so bad,” Steve promised as he turned you over— Eddie was standing just over his shoulder, and he bent over to rest his hands on his knees as he panted from the run.  “We just wanna talk, right?”
“Right,” Eddie agreed.
“Get up,” Steve snarled at you as he grabbed your hand and yanked you onto your feet; you yelped, struggling to find your balance, and he held your arms behind your back as Eddie stalked around you in a half-circle, like he wanted to see you from every angle.
"Oh no, little babydoll got dirty, huh?" Eddie laughed, noticing how the dirt and mud clung to your dress.  “Let's get you out of these filthy clothes, sweetheart…”
Steve kept you from struggling too much as Eddie roughly tore your clothes off, his tongue poking out from between his lips as he forced the fabric to rip.  You mumbled, “No, please… don’t…” as he ripped your bra away, but he ignored you— and he snapped through your panties in a second.
“There we go,” he purred as you hung your head low, his eyes and hands exploring your naked body hungrily.  “So sick of you hiding from us, babydoll— hiding in this dark forest, hiding those cute tits— and your pussy, it’s wet, isn’t it?”
Steve kicked your legs apart, and Eddie reached between them.  You tried to wiggle away, but Eddie smacked you across the face.
“Stop moving,” he warned harshly, ringed fingers groping around your pussy until he felt your soaked folds.  He looked at Steve, who looked back at him, and smiled.  “Oh, Harrington, she’s soaked…”
“Knew it,” Steve laughed.
“You caught her— you go first,” Eddie offered.
“Aww, thanks man!” Steve declared, before turning you around and shoving you down onto your knees.  “You know how to do this, don’t you?” he asked gruffly as he started to unbuckle his belt right in front of your face.  “I feel any teeth, I’ll fuckin’ knock them out, okay?  So be good.”
You winced as Steve pulled his erection out of his boxers, trying to turn away— but a hand on your head stopped you.  You only knew it was Eddie’s because you could feel his rings against your scalp.
“Open your mouth,” Steve ordered.  You did nothing; Eddie put his other hand on your chin, pulling your mouth open as you groaned in pain.  Steve slipped his cock inside, running it over your tongue with a groan before he plunged a little deeper.  “Fuck, c’mon, suck on it,” Steve encouraged.
Reluctant, but low on options, you closed your lips and hollowed your cheeks.
“Hah, figured you knew how to do this,” Steve breathed, tilting his head back.  “You act so innocent, but you love this, don’t you?  Slut.”
Steve’s hand smacked your cheek, and you whined around him.  “Think she can take it a little deeper?” Eddie asked him from behind you, and you saw him nod.  Eddie bent down slightly to speak closer to your ear.  “What do you say, babydoll, wanna choke on Stevie’s dick?”
You shook your head, but as soon as you did, Eddie pushed your head down to force Steve’s cock right into your throat.  You struggled and fought for air, pushing on Steve’s thighs desperately, but it was no use.
“Fuck,” Steve groaned, “fuck, don’t let her up yet.”
“Not yet,” Eddie agreed, “just a few more seconds…”
It felt like ages, but he did let you go; you pulled back with a gasp and a sputter, coughing vigorously as Steve and Eddie laughed at you.  You yelped as Eddie pulled you up onto your feet suddenly, his hand on the back of your head again to force you to bend at the hips.
“You can keep going,” he told you, like it was an offer and not an order.  “I’m just gonna fuck you while you suck on Stevie’s cock, babydoll.”
You opened your mouth to try to convince him not to, but Steve filled it again before anything could come out; you mumbled uselessly around him, his hands gripping either side of your head to hold you steady as he groaned.  “Such a sweet little mouth,” Steve sighed, “just like I imagined it.  How’s her pussy feel, Munson?”
“About to find out,” Eddie replied, rubbing his fat head between your other lips.  “Wanna bet she’s tight?”
“Oh, I know she is,” Steve insisted; and with a rough push, Eddie filled your hole.  It made you moan around Steve’s cock, which made him moan, too.
“Fuck, we were right,” Eddie breathed, “so fuckin’ tight.  Nice and warm, too— just been waitin’ for this dick, haven’t you, babydoll?”
You couldn’t say much, feeling horribly full and a little dizzy and totally used up.  They both fucked you relentlessly, neither offering much patience or mercy, or even sympathy for the fact that you were already being fucked so hard by someone else.
“Oh my god, she keeps getting more wet,” Eddie laughed, reaching around your hips to slide his fingers over the drips of arousal running down your thighs.  Steve pulled your head off of his cock, and you panted with an open mouth as he pushed you down lower.
“Lick my balls,” he demanded, and you grimaced a little but stuck your tongue out further.  He moved your head how he wanted it, rocking his hips against your face a bit; his cock, slick from your spit, rubbed against your face and got you all slimy.  “Fuck, that’s good…”
“Dirty bitch,” Eddie laughed, smacking you on the ass— a whine jumped out of your wide-open mouth.
“What?” Steve wondered.
“She clenched on me,” Eddie noticed.  “You like licking Harrington’s balls, babydoll?”
“Fuck, that is nasty,” Steve chuckled, looking down at you.  “You’re really a filthy fucking slut, huh?  Why don’t you just admit it?”
He tugged on your hair, keeping your face still so he could give it a few more smacks.  “Just say it, baby,” Eddie encouraged as well.
“I-I’m a…” you swallowed thickly, shutting your eyes so you could force the words out, “I’m a f-filthy fucking slut.”
Steve held his cock, smacking you lightly on the face with it— when he pressed his balls up to your chin, the tip reached your forehead.  “Look how big it is compared to her,” Steve told Eddie with a wide grin.
“Fuck, she’s so little,” Eddie cooed.
“Or I’m so big!” Steve defended.
“I mean, both,” Eddie offered.
“Thanks,” Steve rolled his eyes.
“Tell him his cock is big, sweetheart,” Eddie instructed you— and his hand slid up your thigh to pinch your clit.  You whined loudly, trying to press your thighs together, and he laughed.  “Tell him, baby, and look at him while you say it.”
You looked up at Steve, who had his eyebrows raised expectantly when he met your gaze.  “You, um… you have a big cock, Steve.”
“See?  Told you,” Eddie sing-songed.
“And how does Eddie’s cock feel, huh, bunny?” Steve asked you in return.
“I-it hurts,” you whined.
“Y’know, I was trying to get her to say it felt good,” Steve told Eddie, “but that might be more of a compliment.”
“Yeah, she can bitch about it all she wants,” Eddie chuckled, “I know she likes getting this pussy stretched out.  Don’t ya, little girl?”
Another hard pinch on your clit made you gasp: “F-fuck, fuck yes,” you sighed, “I like it…”
Eddie moaned lowly as he fucked you faster.  “You like it enough to come?”
You whined, but he started to rub your clit hard and fast; it made your legs shake, and you heard Steve laugh a bit.  “Is she close?” he asked Eddie.
“Yeah,” Eddie panted, “wanna cream for me, babydoll?  Go ahead and do it.”
“Think she’ll come faster if she’s sucking me again?” Steve wondered.
Eddie laughed; “Definitely.”
Steve pushed his cock back into your mouth, making you choke and gag again as the pressure on your clit nearly became too much to bear.  You hated that that actually worked, but it did— maybe the benefit was your orgasmic moans weren’t quite as embarrassingly loud, but Steve got a nice view of your eyes rolling back in your head.
“Fuck,” Eddie groaned, “good job, babydoll— coming nice and hard on my cock, feels so good…”
You were drooling all over both of them, in two different ways, and your hearing was a little fuzzy but you caught them both mocking you a bit for it.
“Gonna pull out and coat those tits soon,” he warned, “just like I said I would.  Did you get wet when you heard me say that, baby?”
You did, but obviously you didn’t say anything; you were too weak to hide your own moans now, and the hands in your hair and on your hips were the only thing holding you up now.
“Fuck, fuck, turn her around, Steve,” Eddie ordered; they both pulled out quickly and Steve grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to kneel and look up at Eddie.  He stepped up to you, one hand a silvery blur over his cock as he stroked himself, the other pushing your hair back and holding your head.  “Good girl, want this come all over your tits?”
Again, you didn’t need to answer, it was irrelevant anyways; a second later, he was groaning loudly as come shot out and landed in haphazard stripes across your chest.  Your nipples were getting harder, for no good reason, and Steve watched it all with a proud look on his face.  Eddie’s lip curled as he looked down at you, jerking his cock until every drop was on your tits; he sighed, and smiled.
Just as you were appreciating the brief moment of peace, Steve roughly yanked you up onto your feet and pressed himself up behind you.  “My turn,” he grunted as he suddenly and roughly filled you with his cock.
You whined and dropped your head limply, feeling Eddie’s spend starting to cool on your chest.  He had already put his cock back in his jeans, and was watching the scene before him with a grin.  “Be good for Stevie,” he cooed at you, holding your jaw in his hand and forcing you to look up at him.  “He wants to come inside you, nice and deep… last I heard.”
“Yep, still do,” Steve interjected, “wanna— ah, fuck— wanna fill this cunt.”
“No, please, please,” you whimpered.
“Take it all, sweetheart,” Eddie ordered you with a grin, “take all that fuckin’ come— and be grateful that Steve wants to give it all to you.  You should be fucking grateful.”
You whined through your teeth.
“You should thank me for coming on your tits,” he snarled.  “Say it, bitch.”
He smacked you across the face, and the words spit out of your mouth.  “Thank you!”
“Mm,” he hummed proudly, “such a good girl… obedient little slut.”
“I’m close,” Steve blurted out suddenly.
“She’s tight, right?” Eddie grinned up at him.  “Makes it hard to last.”
“F-fuck, yeah, it does,” Steve agreed breathlessly. 
“You don’t need to,” Eddie explained, “she’s just a fuckin’ toy.  Don’t need to make her come.”
“But I— I sorta wanted to feel it,” Steve admitted.
“Oh, yeah, it feels so good havin’ that pussy squeeze you,” Eddie agreed, “even better knowing she can’t help it.  Can you, little babydoll?” he giggled at you as he pinched one of your cheeks.  “Here… I’ll help you get her there, Harrington.”
Eddie reached between you legs again, pinching your sore bud just below where Steve was ruthlessly fucking into you.  You sobbed and shuddered, fighting the overwhelming sensation.  
“She’s already so close,” Eddie noticed with a purr, “damn Harrington, you’re good at this.”
“Th-thanks,” Steve grunted, “god, I can’t hold on much longer…”
“Come on Stevie’s cock,” Eddie ordered you, “mhm, just like that— give him a nice big squeeze, you dumb fucking whore.”
You came with a choked sob, insides tightening on Steve— who followed suit a split second later, groaning loudly and digging his fingers into the sensitive skin of your hips as he came.  “Fuck, fuck!” Steve moaned.
And that was when he dropped you, right into the dirt again, laying limp and helpless at Eddie’s feet.  They both stepped closer to you, crouching down beside where you were blinking up blankly at the starry night sky.  Eddie sat on the ground, lifting you up to rest your head on his lap; Steve pet your hair as you fluttered your eyes shut.
“Gimme a nod if you’re okay, princess, please?” Steve asked right away.  Your head was heavy from exhaustion, but you managed to nod, and he smiled down at you.  “Had me worried for a second there…”
“She’s tough, Harrington, give her some credit,” Eddie chuckled.  “You know she can handle a lot. And it was all her idea in the first place.”
“Yeah, true,” Steve nodded, brushing his hand over your face lightly.  “You did so good, babe, we’re both so proud of you!”
You smiled dreamily, squeezing Eddie’s hand.
“Wanna go home now, sweetheart?” Eddie asked quietly, and you nodded again.  “Okay, let’s get you all cleaned up…”
They cleaned you up alright… your back on Eddie’s chest in the bath, Steve in front of you, both of them helping wash you off— inside and out.
You whined a little as Eddie’s fingers slid over your sore cunt.  “Shh, just getting all’a Stevie’s come out,” he explained, “don’t get fussy.”
It hurt a little, but you could take it— and they had to get you clean.  You were a bit out of it still, but mostly coming back to reality, which is why you noticed Steve’s focused efforts lathering soap on your skin.  “S’it just me, or are my tits gonna be super clean after this?” you smirked.
“She’s onto you, Harrington,” Eddie laughed.
It was working, though— your nipples were hard and sensitive from the attention, and Eddie must have noticed how much you liked it since he could feel your hole clenching while he was trying to clean it up.
“You know I can hold my breath for three minutes, right?” Steve reminded you, and you laughed as you nodded.  “How long do you need?”
“Depends how good you are,” you challenged.
“Oh, don’t taunt his ego, princess,” Eddie cooed, “now he has to do it.”
“Yup,” Steve agreed, taking a big breath before dropping down under the water’s surface.
Eddie pulled his hands out of the water, resting them on the sides of the porcelain tub; you felt Steve’s mouth latch onto you a second later, and you gripped Eddie’s wrists tightly.  “Feels good?” Eddie assumed.
“Y-yeah,” you breathed.  Steve’s tongue danced up and down across your folds, and the texture felt different with the water than it normally did; not better, not worse, but definitely very different.
“Mm,” Eddie hummed as he moved his hands away from the edge of the tub, rubbing your shoulders gently instead.  “You like how Stevie eats your pussy, princess?”
“Fuck, fuck yeah,” you groaned, “he’s— fuck, he’s got his tongue inside me now.”
“Keep telling me about it,” Eddie requested, kissing down your neck.  Your back arched, and you felt Eddie’s cock rub up against your lower back.
“He’s… god, Eddie, he’s licking my clit,” you whimpered, “feels so good…”
“Yeah?  I know how sensitive your little bud is,” he cooed.  “You can tug his hair if you want him to go harder.”
“Shit, dunno if I can take it,” you admitted.
“Then I’ll do it,” Eddie grinned, reaching underwater and grabbing a tight hold of Steve’s floating locks.  It worked; you yelped as Steve wrapped his lips around your clit and suckled hard, your hips starting to shake.
“Oh, fuck!” you shouted, shutting your eyes tight.
“Not too much for you, is it?” Eddie grunted.  “You can take it, princess, I know how strong you are— I know you can let Stevie eat that needy little pussy as long as he wants…”
You tried to arch your back deeper, but Eddie used his other hand to hold your hips and keep them pressed forward by Steve’s face.  Another jerk on Steve’s hair made him put his tongue inside you again, deeper this time, licking over your g-spot as you whined.  “Steve!” you shouted out.
“Do you think he can hear you under there?” Eddie wondered.  “Let’s get you a little louder, just to make sure.”
Eddie sucked on your neck, the hand on your hips moving and groping your tits instead before pinching and toying with your nipples; you jerked wildly, Steve only managing to stay latched onto you when Eddie let go of his hair.  Steve’s hands held your thighs tight, not enough to keep you still but at least keep you mostly in one place.  “Steve!” you sobbed.  “St-stevie, fuck, m’gonna come!”
Eddie’s moan was muffled on your skin.
You came with a cry— you were burning up, you didn’t even notice that the water was getting cold.  You whined and sobbed and blabbered about how hard you were coming, about how good it felt, until the waves subsided and all your energy was gone.
You went limp against Eddie, and Steve reappeared with a grin as he pushed his wet hair back.  “Well, I think we finally wore her out,” Eddie noticed as he looked at you— half unconscious with your head draped on his shoulder.
“Wanna take her to bed?” Steve suggested.
“Always,” Eddie grinned.
“I mean to sleep,” Steve chuckled.
“Oh— yeah, I think it’s babydoll’s bedtime, hm?” Eddie teased lightly, holding your sides.
After they helped you dry off and get in your jammies, they pulled you into the covers, and even though you were almost completely out of your mind, you instinctively latched onto Steve and cuddled up close to him; he smiled and pet your head, just as Eddie slipped in behind you and wrapped you both up tight in his arms.
“Good job today, princess,” Eddie whispered as he kissed the top of your head.  “So good for us.”
“Sleep tight, okay?” Steve requested.  “‘Cause we’ve got so much more to do tomorrow.”
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🧸teachin' some lessons ft. yuuji itadori!
set-up: your best friend's pink-haired, younger brother seems to have some trouble with his girlfriends. maybe you can help him out, one lesson at a time? warning: inexperienced!yuuji x experienced!reader; nsfw themes include oral (both male and female receiving), slight voyeurism, sukuna ffs. mdni!! wc: 4.6k (oof my longest fic, and its about one of my fav men of all time ugh) ⁎ porn with plot ⁎
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"hey yuujiii~" you called out sweetly, walking in through the main door. the familiar scent of the itadori household sneaked up on you as sukuna closed the door behind you. the keys jingled softly as the older itadori brother followed after you, his pace slow and languid.
the messy living room met your gaze with yuuji sitting on the couch, headphones on. in his hand was a controller, and he seemed to mutter angrily under his breath as he played the game. "fuck— come on, come on. hit harder. fuuck-"
the pink-haired was clearly unaware of your presence till you plopped down next to him on the couch. the furniture dipped under your weight and his eyes widened. the young quarterback moved quick – the game paused under his thumb, his deft fingers yanked out the headphones hastily – and he sat up straighter, taking in your sudden presence, "yn?"
"hey!" you beamed at him.
"hey?" he smiled back, confusion etched onto every crevice of his face. And you could see the puffy eyebags and residuals of sleep on his facehe briefly looked up at sukuna, who was standing behind you on the couch, “what’s going on?”
but sukuna was a man of few words. so, instead, the older delinquent wasted no time in walking to the tv and unplugging it, hence, turning off whatever game was playing on the screen, “time for a little heart to heart, brat.”
"you fucking asshole–" yuuji glared at his brother, cussing him in a single breath, "i was still fucking playing."
"tch, play later. she wanted to talk to you."
when yuuji cocked up an eyebrow and glared harder at sukuna, unfazed, you laughed. and that brought the jock's attention back to you, "well i– anyways. what's up?"
"well–” you dragged out the syllable to soften the awkward blow, “'kuna said something about your break-up and that you were being all sulky sulky–"
"ughh why?" yuuji cut you off with a pained groan. a silent blush crept up to his face in embarrassment and he looked away.
seeing his reaction, you put a hand your hands up in mock surrender, "your brother is an ass, i know i know. but we are here for you, you know that right? you can talk to us."
"i-" yuuji's voice faltered and he looked away from you to glare at his brother again, "do– fuck you, by the way– do you have brain damage, sukuna?"
"nuh uh."
"fuck you mean nuh uh."
"don't make me wanna smack you." sukuna answered back just as smoothly, "now talk."
yuuji managed one last groan past his pretty lips before succumbing to the situation. he chose to look at you, avoiding his older brother's scorching gaze, "yeah, i did– get broken up with I mean. uhm, yuko... she broke up with me."
"yuu, really?" you asked dumbfounded, "I thought everything was going well? did she, like, give you a reason why?"
"no. I mean, I dunno really? there's never a fucking reason. everything always seems to go so well. then, all of a sudden they're breaking up with me." his voice quitened down, "maybe it's my fault? I don’t really know at this point."
"yuu, no. don't think shit like this." you gave sukuna a quick glance, your mouth running dry as you looked back at yuuji, "im sorry if im overstepping my boundaries but like... how's your sex life?"
yuuji almost choked on air, "wh-what?! i'm not talking about that with him around!"
"i'll leave if you'd like to actually have a heart to heart, brat." sukuna argued back, "not like i wanna hear about your tiny dick issues."
and with that the tatted, older boy disappeared down the hallway and into his own room.
"hey…" you offered once the silence had grown thick between the two of you, "if you want, i can help you out? give you a few tips maybe? like, you know you can discuss your relationship troubles with me?"
but the quarterback went blank.
and when he didn't react, you quickly continued, panicked – because this is yuuji, your best friend’s younger brother. "i mean you can come over my apartment tomorrow night? we can discuss whatever's been bothering you. it'll be easier without 'kuna sulking around."
"right." he finally breathed out. then offering you a small smile, he nodded his head, "sure, tomorrow night."
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
your house was eerily quiet.
your housemates were out doing god knows what on a friday night. and technically, you should be out with them, drinking and leaving smudged lipstick against some drunk man's neck. but here you were, sitting next to the boy a year younger than you, sipping on your third can of beer (because god knows you needed liquid courage to make this conversation work.)
"well, i don't want to make this more awkward than it already is for you, yuuji." you took a sip out of your can, "so, let's just get into it, right?"
you tried to steel your nerves. this was yuuji. this was the boy that had asked you to marry him at the age of seven, who asked you with a pipsqueak voice if you could be his first kiss when he was thirteen cause “everyone’s teasin me for not having a kiss yet, please?”. this was the boy who had sobbed on your shoulder when he went through his first heartbreak.
and, now this was the boy man sitting on your couch, sipping on his own can of beer with a uncertain, unnamed resolve in his eyes. he nodded, hiding his gaze under the pretense of examining the brand of the beer he was drinking.
"so, you said you were doing everything right, right? what are you even doing with them?"
he froze, "i mean, the- the usual? dates, cuddles, movie nights and all?"
"awh well that's sweet, isn’t it?" you smiled, reminiscing about the time when a guy put that effort into any of your relationships.
he nodded awkwardly and you continued, finding courage as the alcohol poured into your bloodstream, "then maybe it's something else? "
"my sex life's okay…?" his mouth seemed to have gone dry and he swallowed wantonly, "i mean i think? i haven't really gone beyond second base with a girl yet."
"what?" you mindlessly scooted closer to him, putting your hand on his bicep and staring him down. "but didn't you date the girl before this one for a good five months? what was her name– uh, kugisaki's friend, right?"
"i mean yeah—"
"—yuuji?! have you just been ignoring your girlfriends? five months is a long time."
"what?!" his face went hot, the blood rushing to his ear-tips and nose, "it is not! I- I mean I just dont wanna look like a pervert by coming onto them, you know?"
"by making them wait five months? you're insane."
before yuuji could defend himself, you were getting ready to cut him off again. you leaned in till you could count the acne scars on his left cheek, and that tiny cut under his eyes where sukuna accidentally hit him. and now, you were suddenly hyper-aware of his gaze on your lips and his breath on your cheek. you pulled back slowly with a shuddering sigh.
this was yuuji.
the alcohol was raging in your system. clearly.
you sighed, choosing to look away from his face. pulling yourself back fully, you ran your hands through a wayward strand of hair, "look you're clearly a good looking dude, yuuji.” you didn’t ignore the way his jaw grew tense under your compliment, eyes boring into yours, “I mean, you are well-built and you're nice. you’re the goddamn quarterback. half the girls probably wanna get with you cause they wanna get fucked by the quarterback."
"really?” his gaze faltered and for a second, he was the thirteen year old asking for his first kiss, “but i- i don't know how to do… that."
"do what?"
he chewed on the inside of his cheek, "fuck someone i guess?"
he took another sip and you didn't ignore the way his tongue peaked out to lap off a drop that lingered on his bottom lip. dragging your eyes upwards to meet his, you found him staring at you, the resolve in his eyes hardening. silently, he put down his can of beer on the coffee table.
you tensed, sensing something wrong in the anticipatory silence, "what?"
but before you could press further questions, he was scooting closer towards you. his deft fingers plucked the can out of your grip and kept it on the coffee table next to his own. meeting your heated gaze, he softly, uncertainly brushed the pad of his thumb against your bottom lip. he paused, “you want this?”
your eyes dropped down to his slightly chapped lips as you leaned into his touches, “maybe...?”
he let out a trembling sigh, the heat on your face erupting goosebumps across your body. but he pulled back quick, changing his mind, "you're drunk."
your fingers found purchase on his chest, and you pushed him backwards till his back was flush against your couch. daringly, you straddled him and the plush fat of your thighs felt wildfire warm against his clothes. your eyes pleaded against his, trying to find an excuse to do the wrong thing. you found yourself whispering, "not that drunk."
you shift above him. letting your hips rock gently against his thighs, you whispered again, "what are you scared of, yuuji?”
his pupils dilated, hair tousled and tongue got stuck to the rooftop of his mouth as you hovered over him. when he spoke, it felt like he was holding back a groan, “we shouldn’t – sukuna, he’d kill me if he found out.”
“we aren’t doing anything wrong. I think i can teach you a thing or two, yuuji." flashing him a quick smile, leaning downwards to tease him, "a few lessons, you know? you want it?"
he paused, growing sure of his words, “when do we start?”
🧸 lesson 01: please the lady
you were sprawled out on your sofa, hair a tangled mess. your fingers tugged his hair, moving him up and down like a personal fucktoy till you could no longer hold in breathless moans.
yuuji itadori met your eyes as his tongue flicked against your clit, too good for it to be a first time. then parting from your dripped core, he pressed a wet kiss to your inner thigh. eyes never leaving yours. his pupils were blown out, face flushed and hair sweaty. when he spoke, his voice seemed too thick for his body, "am i doing okay?"
you nodded, running your fingers through his scalp as he resumed the cruel pace of his wicked tongue against you, “you– you sure this is your first ah fuck- first time?”
“that good?” he just smiled against your heat, the throbbing of your clit in wicked sync with his ragged breath, as if he was gonna cum just from eating you out.
"yuuji~" his name came easy to you. it was a name you had moaned on some nights where your depraved fantasies caught up with you under those silken sheets.
you didn't dream of fucking your best friend's brother! that's gross! no, ofcourse not... it's just that one day the growth spurt hit and suddenly, yuuji was no longer a tiny blimp with a huge smile next to you. no longer the boy with a sweet, innocent crush on you. now, he towered over you, hair falling across his forehead and sweat dripping down his jaw as he saw you after practice back at his home sometimes.
but you didn't wanna fuck him. obviously not.
your voice betrayed you. the syllables strung in moans and gasps left your lips as you keened hungrily into his face, "fuck, you're so good at this already, god- ah fuc-"
he hummed against you, basking in the praise, and the soft vibrations ran up your spine.
you knew this was wrong.
he was sukuna's younger brother and 'kuna will eat you alive if he ever found out that you had offered his brother to play with your cunt as if it was a toy.
but it felt so right.
the way his sturdy fingers dug into the plush of your thighs, the way his tongue felt against your clit. slowly, as he went lower, you could feel his nose bump against the bundle of nerves and his tongue push into your drenching core. you squirmed as you forced his face closer to yourself, grinding your hips against his face to allow him to fuck you faster, “fast- nghh faster, please please- aaugh oh my god yuuUji-”
and yuuji obliged, letting you use him and his pretty mouth to get off.
it felt – no – it was right.
"mmph ohmygod–" your thighs tried to close around his pretty face as your back arched, trapping him against your pussy. the knot in your stomach tightening until the waves crashed violently in front of your eyes and came on his face.
yuuji moaned, a starving man and you were both his heaven and hell from the way you kept him trapped against your gushing cunt.
🧸lesson 02: returning favours
you pushed the jock on the same couch against which you were ravaged. finding yourself straddling his broad figure with ease as you took your top off.
yuuji’s eyes flicked from you pretty face to your heaving chest to your inner thighs – still wet from his administrations. dripping down slowly, almost ruining his pants. your thumb swiped across his wet bottom lip before your lips crashed against his.
he tasted of beer and you and sin.
“ah fuck–“ he hiccupped as you found your teeth against his pulse, your teeth violent and lips soothing. his hip jut upwards, the hard-on begging some attention, some friction, anything.
a laugh escaped you, you mumbled into his bruised jaw and neck, “easy now, yuuji.” your experienced fingers softly dragging over his erection – and feeling the wet fabric underneath – and he bucked into your touches desperately. flashing him a pretty smile, “let me take care of you, yeah?”
your predatory eyes set him ablaze as you backtracked and got down on your knees. your manicured fingers undid the button of his jeans, his hips eagerly jumping upwards to let you tug his jeans downwards and freeing him from his misery.
with a final tug, his cock sprung free. his tanned, slightly curved length nestled comfortably against his stomach. his tip was weeping, drenching his abs in a translucent white. you batted your eyes up at the boy, taking in his flustered expression, “don’t forget to breath.”
“you– you don’t have to do this.” but his eyes betrayed him, showing such utter devotion and desperation towards the woman in front of him.
“i wanna, yuu.”
his body tensed up at the use of the nickname in such a lewd situation. how dare you let the same childhood nickname fall from those pretty lips and then use those same lips to kiss his dick? honestly, how dare you.
yuuji closed his eyes, his jaw slacking and pelvis jumping up at the innocent featherlike kisses that you placed on him. his mouth grew dry and without much cognitive thought, he pushed your head down on his cock.
you made a depraved noise as he pushed the tip past your lips, forcing his length into your mouth with unabashed bravery. he opened his eyes but his breath picked up at the sight of you. eyes welling up from the sudden intrusion, spit down his length and on your pretty face. spurred on by the sight, he pushed your face downwards, relishing in your strangled moans.
“yuu-“ you moaned around his cock. and there it was again, that fucking nickname.
he groaned, throwing his head back, “fuck, don’t call me that or I’ll cum in a second, pl-please.”
his grip loosened, letting you move your head up and down at your pace. you pulled yourself upwards, sucking on his tip as your hand roamed his entire length.
“fucc-“ his words and hips stuttered in a wicked symphony, “shi– shit yeah, please keep going.”
your phone rung.
you expected the jock to beg you to ignore it, but once he heard the ringtone, he picked up your phone in his shaky hands. turning the screen to show you the name of the caller, he whispered, "sh-should i, like... pick it up?"
still sucking on yuuji’s dick, you saw ‘kuna💀’ flash up on the screen. shit. you let go of the tip with a pop, looking at yuuji with wide eyes. but before you could ask him to cut the call, the jock accepted it.
he put the grumbling man on the other side on speaker as your hands still worked on the younger brother.
"took you long enough to answer." sukuna huffed, "open the door, i'm outside."
your voice pitched up, eyes widened, but hands still moved up and down with ease, "whaT? you are? why??"
"i thought you'd wanna hang out since your roommates are gone?" he paused, "you sound like you’re busy. you’re busy?"
almost as if on cue, yuuji let out a broken gasp; his teeth caught his bottom lip, head thrown back as he tried to contain in the sinful noises.
"what was that?" sukuna asked, and yuuji pressed his broad fingers to his mouth, trying to hold off any and all sounds.
"mhm, nothing." you nodded no frantically as if sukuna could see you. all the meanwhile, his younger brother's brought his hands to your tits, softly tugging on your nipple. yuuji, that fucking brat. you restrained the choked moans and continued, "i'm no-t well, that's all, 'kuna."
"really? you were okay last night."
"yeah yeah, you... you should go back home, really." you squirmed at the jock’s expressions. he was now biting down on his fist, trying to hold in the wayward groans and moans. the sight spurred you on to move your hands faster, pressing chaste, wet kisses every once in a while.
testing both of your and yuuji’s limits over this phone-call.
"if you're sick, then you should let me in. i'll make you soup or something." sukuna sighed, "don't worry, i am not going all sappy on you, brat. i don't have anything else to do right now, anyways. you wouldn't believe, you know satoru?? that oldie, he went back to his ex su–"
"hm? really?" you answered half-lidded as yuuji’s abs tensed, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy and he bit down on his fist harder. a second later, thick white spurted all over your hands. the liquid drenched your hands and his abs, glistening under the overhead lighting.
“–do you want takeout right now?"
you broke out of your daze, suddenly realizing that your best friend was at the door as his younger brother lay spent in front of you. finally, you mumbled, "okay i'll open the door in a second, kuna. wait."
"yeah, i'm waiting."
"yuu?" you cut the call and looked up at the man. from the dazed look on his face, you were sure he hadn't paid any attention to your conversation with the man on the phone.
he looked down at you in mock anticipation and you raised an eyebrow, "did you tell sukuna where you were going?"
"fushiguro's. to play video games." he mumbled before tugging you upwards to kiss you.
you put a hand on his chest to halt his motion, and he whined. you brought a soft hand to his cheek, "great, so, uhm. your brother's outside and you're not supposed to be in here."
yuuji looked like he just heard his own death sentence.
he finally mumbled, "i'm sorry what!?"
"you were too busy getting a hand-job to listen—"
"—its okay, its okay, yuu." you stood up, and yuuji followed your actions, standing alongside you. you placed a quick kiss on his cheek before giving him a pleading look, "just go hide in the bathroom yeah? i'll ask kuna to go in a few minutes."
"what??" he looked genuinely surprised but obliged nonetheless. nodding mindlessly, yuuji pulled his jeans upwards and slipped into the bathroom at the end of the hall.
cleaning your hand, and putting your clothes on at lightning speed, you tried to smooth your hair out as you walked over to the door. opening the door, you found the tatted man peering down at his phone and scrolling away.
he looked up at you with confusion, "you look like you got railed."
🧸lesson 03: playin' it unfair
without commenting any further on the state of your hair or clothes, the older itadori had moved past you and sat down on the couch. the very couch where his younger brother had laid you down and gone to town in.
locking the door incase your roommates walked in early from their night out, you had turned around to look at your best friend. trying to hide the slight slur in your voice, you had nagged him, "you saw my face, now leave."
ignoring you, he continued scrolling his phone. then once he had done whatever inspection he had to, he had asked you without even glancing up, "so should i order chinese or what? in the mood to go to an in n' out?"
"didn't i just tell you that i was sick?"
"you are so bad at lying, dude."
"im not lying!"
and the ever-observant sukuna had nodded towards the two opened cans of beer on the coffee table. one of them had your lipgloss smothered over it while the other had been on his younger brother's lips. well, fuck. how did you forget to hide that?
you probably weren't aware of your kiss-bitten lips, of the trailing purple bruises that were laid bare against your jaw and neck, and the ones that trailed even under your loose shirt. you probably didn't know just how damp your hair looked and how your eyes darted from him to the rest of the apartment in a guilty dance.
"who was here?" he had finally asked. his voice was barely curious, just a normal question, "did he do something stupid?"
sukuna never bothered to lecture you about who you decided to bring back home or not, neither did you question the women he slept with. but if he found out who was here this time, it might end badly for all of you.
he wouldn't know yuuji was here, would he?
you had gulped wantonly, "what? no." you continued with a light laugh, "nobody was here, 'kuna. trust me. just some guy, total idiot." you had paused, trying to improv your way out of the situation, "he left a while before you called."
but for someone who was so scared of sukuna finding out, how did you end up back in the bathroom? letting yuuji fuck you on his finger as his brother waited in the living room outside?
"yuu, don't." you whispered as you sunk deeper into door behind you, your back flush against the hard door as yuuji caged you in.
"you said he'd be gone in five minutes, it's been atleast fifteen." he nipped along your jaw, slowly licking over the blossoming bruises he had left. he picked his head up, eyes pointing at you with ungodly desperation, "send him back, please."
his words were accompanied with slow circles on your clothed pussy, teasing you as he whined against your soft skin. his head dipped upwards, carefully brushing against your neck and cheek. hot breath tickling you as his hand carefully guided you to his hard-on.
a teasing laugh escaped you, "didn't i just make you cum?"
he smiled, but his voice was breathless, "should i apologize? i don't think so—" his voice died in his throat, hands going faster to get you just as riled up as he was.
"yuu, come on. kuna's outside." you muttered, but your fingers betrayed your words, palming him leisurely through his pants. running your hand up and down, you restrained any moans within when his teeth sunk down on your exposed neck. he kissed the bruise, "but you can't cut the lessons short."
"—fu-fuck, jus' like that." yuuji ignored you, bucking his hips to get more friction out of your skimming touches. his pace fastened against you to match your relentless teasing. the quarterback leaned into your touches, teasing you faster and faster and faster and messier, so so messily, through the now-wet pair of shorts. as if his brother wasn't sitting outside, waiting for you to come back.
but the idea of getting caught only turned you both on further, the adrenaline acting like a cheap aphrodisiac as you both tried to grab any and every part of each other.
using his right hand, he grabbed ahold of your face and drew it closer to his. then, he kissed you. he kissed you as if you were the high his body was so desperately chasing. his hand slipped inside your shorts and started toying with your cunt, smiling against your lips when you closed your eyes and let him have his way.
"yuu—" you gasped, still sensitive, "don-don't do that"
he kissed you again, swallowing any objections and that wretched nickname down his throat with ease.
the door rattled as sukuna banged on it, "oi!"
both you and the jock you were tangled against stopped. breath caught in your throats, wide-eyed and looking at each other in horror. stabilizing your breath, you gathered courage and yelled back, "what is it, kuna?"
"you've been in there for way too long, everything okay?" he continued, "the food's here. and it's getting colder."
you casted a quick glance at yuuji, who seemed to have pursed his lips together so as to not even breathe.
"yeah, yeah everything's okay. i just, uh thought i got my period. but false alarm!" you chirped, sounding uncharacteristically enthusiastic about your monthly disaster, "just coming back."
"you're sure it's nothing else?" sukuna asked, and you could picture the suspicion on his tatted face.
"yeah yeah. aah—" you bit down your lip when yuuji decided it was a great time to thumb your clit. probably being a needy brat. you pursed your lips, before choking out a hasty, "—jus' go wait outside! give me some privacy, asshole."
"damn, okay. watch me eat all the food by the time you're out, brat."
"kunnaa" you groaned when yuuji went faster against you, "jus' go sit, i'll be out in a minute, okay?"
"fine." he grumbled before walking off.
you were about to whisper-shout at yuuji but he kissed you again, keeping the pressure of his fingers against your oversensitive clit constant. your knees wobbled, deciding to give out as the waves of orgasm threatened to wash over you. your thighs shook, head lolling back to rest on the wooden door.
"just a little more," yuuji egged you on, "come on, just a little bit more. gimme it, gimme please."
"fu- ngh no—" you bit on his lip to keep yourself quiet as the tides of orgasm washed over you and your knees gave out.
if he was in pain from your attack, he didn't show it. instead choosing to support your spent figure.
you both slumped against the door, sliding down as the pink-haired enveloped you into a hug. you breathed hard, resting your forehead against his chest. when you finally looked up at him, he gave you a smile, "too much?"
"you're an asshole." you whispered back. your fingers swiftly traced over his bottom lips, finding a little swollen bump where you had bit him.
"doesn't hurt." he reassured you, "barely felt like a pinch."
"i'm gonna go take sukuna into my room." you cleared, brushing the wet strands from his forehead, "you use the time to sneak out, okay?"
the quarterback pouted. what a child. "the lesson's over so quick?"
your fingers rested on his jawline, pulling his pouty face forward to lay down a chaste kiss. you give him a teasing smile, "i think i'll fry your brain if i taught you everything in one go, yuu."
"that so?"
the jock gave you a devious smile, "you're gonna make me wait?"
"teach you some patience while i'm at it, you know? patience is sooo import—"
"—I ATE YOUR FOOD, FYI. ITS GONE, DON'T COME CRYING TO ME LATER, BRAT." sukuna's voice boomed from the living room.
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a/n: guess which motherfucker is posting while still being on a "writing hiatus" (this is a scheduled post lmao). haha, hello, hi. should i post a second part because a few lessons are yet to be learnt? ofc. ofc i should. will i? thats between me and god. (jk, i'll write it if someone wants to read it lol) let me know incase you wanna be tagged in part 02!! divider: by @plutism tagging: @kingofthe-egirls because you love yuuji just as much as i do <3
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“Which scent do you like?” You offered Eddie your left wrist, first, and then your right, to sniff.
“I dunno, they’re both nice?” Eddie laughed, shrugged. “You always smell good.”
“But which do you like better?” You insisted.
Eddie put on his very serious game master face. He took your right wrist, inhaled deeply with his eyes closed, and kissed it. “This one. Now, what are you going to wear for me on our anniversary date?” He raised his eyebrows and smirked. “That little black dress that’s criminally short? Or that red one that’s slinky??”
“Neither.” You promised.
“Okay - you know I like surprises.” Eddie toweled off his hair. “I’ll come pick you up at your work at 5:30 and we’ll go wherever you want for dinner. I’ll make the reservation.”
“I wanna come back home.”
“Really??” Eddie’s shoulders dropped, he looked so disappointed. “Babe, like... the sky’s the limit, though. Now that I’m a local celebrity I can get us in Anywhere. I was thinking I could take you to Enzo’s maybe, or we could go to that new Nautical themed supper club off Lover’s Lake??”
“I’m not going to go into Enzo’s wearing only this,” you held up your right wrist.
Eddie’s eyes went all wide and his grin opened up till you could see the tip of his tongue run over his canine teeth. He chuckled and leapt over the couch to get to you, slung you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried you to the bedroom.
You called in ‘sick’ to work. It was the sensible choice.
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thelunarsystemwrites · 3 months
Inviting other artists!
So I've just made a superhero AU for utmv. Right? Well, I really only wanted to design one guy, Lust. Sooo I'm opening the AU (WHICH LITERALLY HAS NO LORE YET SO NO WORRIES) for others to partake in!
Here's like, the basic lay out.
Choose one Sans AU to turn into superhero/villain. Please refrain from using a Sans someone else claimed.
Make them into a superhero/villain themed after something specific. (Example: A plant themed superhero, or even a cactus one!)
Keep powers balanced with weaknesses, please make them relate to their theme!
Give them a civilian identity! You don't have to draw this one, but make sure to mention their civil job and name!
Give them a Superhero/Villain name as well!
Wait, supervillain?
OH YES! You can choose the mortal alignment of your claimed Sans! Super hero, villain, neutral, vigilante? Just pick whatever you want!
Of course headcanons are welcome, it's Canon to YOUR design! Make them trans, gay, autistic, whatever! (Human designs are allowed too!)
Wait.. what do I (the artist reading this) Even get out of doing this?
Well I'll tell you! For one, its a fun artist challenge where you personalize and create a whole new hero/Villain to your preferences!
You also get to imagine their lore, and incorporate their personality into the story! They'd all be canon part of the AU. (Note: if someone claimed a sans first and you did it anyways, yours wouldn't be Canon unless issues occurred with the OG/they gave you permission.)
I dunno, I just wanna make an AU with a ton of people, ya know? I think it's be fun for us to work together on this.
Lust: Hero. Complete. By @thelunarsystemwrites.
Reaper: Vigilante. Completed by @solusminds.
Outer: Vigilante. Complete by @dzasterdumpterfire
Ink: Retired Hero. Complete by @lix88888
Error: Supervillain. Complete by @its-paperd
Dust: Claimed by @billygoat26
Farmer: Claimed by @absurdumsid
Cross: Claimed by @weirdest-worlds
Geno: Claimed by @eldritchcats
Shattered: Claimed by @genderfluidyellowocto
Nightmare: Supervillain. Completed by @analexthatexists
Killer: Claimed by @a-menacetosociety
Dream (and core frisk): Claimed by @thenocturnenarrator
Blue: Superhero, complete by @createbellatheartist
Fell: Supervillain, complete @underrrtaleee-freakk
Quantum: Superhero. Completed by @nashdoesstuff (Also made an OC for the AU, Dreamshade! Superhero.)
Horror: Neutral Evil. Completed by @it-came-from-mount-ebott
Ccino: Claimed by @some-aroace-chaos
Fresh: Claimed by @nightmareishomophobic
Die sans: Claimed by @dustsansm1
Bill: Supervillain. Completed by @endless-emptyness (OC Nanno made by sane person!)
Epic: Claimed by @dtdrawz
Fatal error: Claimed by @spookyboris2
Swan: Claimed by @glitching-moon
Sci: Claimed by @joonebugg
Dance: Claimed by @dv-reblogs
Swad: Claimed by @shinanigans-art
Littletale: Claimed by @somehhuuuhh
Possession: Claimed by @b0nerific-individual
Alter: Claimed by @annabel184
Paperjam: Vigilante. Completed by @papple
Decadent society: Supervillain. Complete by @supper122
Green Sans: Claimed by @xxcross-is-a-helicopterxx
Roulette: Claimed by @ant1quarian
On the claimed list, if you claim a Sans (By commenting or reblogging saying "Dibs Blank!" Or "Can I do blank?" Etc! I'll add it on the List saying: "Sans: Claimed by User"
Once it's made, please tag me so I can see! Then I'll update it to "Sans: Moral alignment. By User." And link it on this post! [Please only claim one, we want enough to go around! However you can claim variations! So one person could make dream, another could make shattered!]
[Note I do not claim any ownership over your designs for the AU, nor will I use your design w/o permission.]
With all that said! Anyone interested? [And hey, if you're not interested? It's okay to just not join. Or ignore this!]
Asks! (Questions regarding the AU!)
Can we make our own lore woth other characters?
Secondary claims?
Only two grabs?
Can we have OCs?
Can we use our own AUs?
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Day twenty-nine of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
Kon disassembles his sand castle back into the original pattern without looking, Tim experiences multiple internal crisises, and someone passes by with a tray of hors d'oeuvres. Tim, in self-defense, grabs a couple of the little crostini things on said tray and offers one to Kon, who looks pleased about it. 
“I dunno, does this count as a party?” Kon asks, glancing around with a little grin before popping his hors d'oeuvre into his mouth. Tim does the same, then remembers this means that now he knows what Kon’s mouth tastes like again. Dammit. 
Kon’s mouth currently tastes like ricotta and roasted grape, which isn’t even necessarily a taste that especially appeals to Tim, aside from the part where it’s how Kon’s mouth currently tastes. Why do people even roast grapes? Why is that even a thing? 
Why does Kon look so attractive in slightly smudged eyeliner he put on for him and clothes he bought him? Like–Kon always looks attractive, it’s an incredibly unfortunate curse on the world, reflexively checking out his ass in spandex literally did get Tim thrown off a roof once, but this attractive? This is several new layers of “attractive” and Kon is wearing all of them like a second skin. A very tight and fitted and well-tailored second skin, to be specific. One with cutouts and short-shorts involved. 
This metaphor may be getting away from him. 
“Technically I think so, though maybe not the usual kind,” Tim says. “I mean, it’s sort of a party, it’s just mostly an event. Maybe they want donations or something, I don’t know. Museums usually do.” 
He assumes that’s what the ticket money went to, or at least a fair chunk of it. They were pretty expensive tickets, considering, but since it’s an adults-only special event that isn't obviously themed in either a rogue-baiting or rogue-planned way he hadn't really questioned it. Getting overcharged by a probably-underfunded art museum isn't exactly enough to trot out his inner Bat or inner future supervillain for. 
Well, as long as nobody on staff annoys or insults Kon, anyway. Because in that case he will be financially destroying this place. Like, obviously. It's a little early to be planning his supervillain calling cards, but “you know what you did” is an increasingly tempting option. 
Anyway, that's just a contingency plan. Totally unnecessary as long as Kon has a good time. 
“What’s over there?” Kon asks, peering towards another station. Tim wonders why he’s asking, since he assumes he can feel it, though in retrospect “feeling” whatever it is doesn’t necessarily explain the purpose or point of whatever it is. 
“No idea,” Tim says. “Why, does it feel interesting?” 
“Um.” Kon . . . hesitates, then glances back to him, looking oddly–embarrassed, almost? Weird, Tim thinks, repressing a frown. “It’s, uh . . . kinda, I guess. I dunno. Wanna check it out?” 
“Sure,” Tim says, peering towards it. It looks like a series of boxes with holes in them all stacked on top of each other, though he can’t see what’s actually inside them–there’s curtains or something built into them. He’s not really sure what the whole setup’s supposed to be, honestly, but if Kon’s interested . . . 
They head over, and it turns out the whole setup is basically the same theory as those haunted houses where they make you stick your hand in a box full of peeled grapes and cooked spaghetti and tell you they’re eyeballs and brains, although Tim is hoping peeled grapes and cooked spaghetti won’t actually be involved. 
“So there’s literally zero surprises here for you, I’m guessing,” Tim says wryly. Kon looks sheepish. 
“We can go do something else,” he says. 
“I mean, I’ll be surprised,” Tim points out. “So up to you if you’re interested or not.” 
“Okay, point, I guess,” Kon says, laughing a little and rubbing his arm self-consciously. “I dunno.” 
“Tell me which one to try?” Tim suggests, smiling at him. Kon laughs again, ducking his head to hide a grin. That continues to not be as effective as he probably wants it to be, given their height difference, but Tim has no intention of pointing that out. He doesn’t want to make Kon more self-conscious, and also it’s fucking adorable. 
“You sure about that?” Kon says, his grin turning sly as he glances back towards him. “You don’t know what’s in there, babe.” 
“I’m willing to live a little dangerously,” Tim replies with an easy shrug. Kon laughs again. 
“Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he teases.
Tim quickly regrets letting Kon pick which boxes he should stick his hands in via trying said boxes, but also Kon just looks so fucking cute laughing at the different faces he makes for every one, so it’s hard to actually get annoyed about it. Also, Kon admittedly did warn him. 
Although he might’ve rather put up with the peeled grapes and cooked spaghetti, honestly.
Seriously. Those are some textures, ugh.
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froggywritesstuff · 7 months
hero | mm!yandere!leonardo
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ship/pairing: Mutant Mayhem!Yandere!Leo x g/n!reader
fandom: TMNT: Mutant Mayhem
warnings: yandere themes, swearing, Leo being delusional, manipulative behaviour, guilt tripping, being tied up, gags, kidnapping
word count: 1007
A/N: i only saw mutant mayhem in cinemas once like a month ago so this might be ooc. 18+ people DNI. i do not in any way support yandere behaviour, please know that this writing is purely fictional, and should not ever be reenacted in real life
Leo exhaled heavily, staring at his reflection in the mirror. He whispered to himself 'you got this,' over and over like a mantra. He was so nervous, nothing could calm him down. You were in the sewers with him, he couldn't even imagine being calm. He gave up on calming his nerves, deciding to greet you as he was, jittery and giddy. He entered the secluded part of the sewers he cleared out just for you, not being able to contain his smile as he met your eyes - your mouth being covered with the gag he gave you. You didn't look as excited as he was...  You were probably just confused, that was all. Once Leo explained everything, you'd be smiling in no time. He neared closer to you, frowning at the way you shuffled back toward the wall, but he rationalised that you were just too excited to meet him, and was just as giddy as he was.
"HEy." Leo internally cringed at the crack in his voice, but kept a calm face in front of you, "Sorry for keeping you tied up so long, I had to finish up some stuff with my brothers." he paused, before realisation dawned on him, "Oh and sorry for keeping that gag on you for so long," he walked your way, stopping in front of you to untie the gag, "I knew you'd be confused and I didn't want you to hurt your throat by-"
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Leo jumped back when you yelled, not prepared for your hostility. 
"Hey," he looked behind him, double checking no one else was near, "Y/N, you need to keep it down, or I'm gonna have to put the gag back on, and I really don't wanna do that." he said, almost pleading with you.
"You have thirty seconds to explain to me what you think you're doing." you spat, glaring at Leo to hide the fear in your eyes. You did stay quiet, so Leo did appreciate that.
He nodded, exhaling quickly, "Ok, so we go to the same school, I dunno if you've ever noticed me, you probably haven't-"
"Yeah, I never noticed four turtle mutants at my school." 
Leo instantly perked up, "So you have noticed me?" you said nothing, staring at him with a frustrated look, "Right, never mind. I- You just looked so lonely at school, I figured you needed a friend."
You scoffed, and Leo didn't miss the feeling of pure fear in your voice that you tried to cover up, "So your first thought is to kidnap me?"
Leo cringed, "Can you maybe not use that word?"
Your eyebrows raised, “Kidnap?” he nodded, "No, because it's the exact word to describe what you're doing."
”Well you’re making me out to be some kind of monster. I just…” he sighed, “I really like you and I thought I could be your friend, or something…”
”Well you could’ve been if not for the kidnapping.”
He brought his hands to his face, laughing awkwardly, “Can you stop? I’m trying to help you, it’s not my fault you’re not taking this well.” he saw your unconvinced expression and stood up, beginning to pace around the room “I’m a hero, you know I’m a hero. My brothers and I saved the city. I'm trying to do a good thing for you, and I really want you to be happy down here, with me. So can you just stop being so negative?"
You just stared at him speechless. You realised pretty quickly that you wouldn't be able to convince him that what he was doing was wrong. It seemed his mind was made up. But you also noticed that he seemed pretty determined to keep you happy, and was convinced that you weren't happy without him.
"Leo listen to me," you began, seeing the corners of his lips turn up slightly at the fact that you knew his name, "I know you think you're helping me or whatever, but you're really not. I'm fine, I really am. You-you can let me go, and I won't tell anyone about this, I swear." you couldn't stop the tears forming in your eyes. You didn't want him to know, but you were truly terrified.
He narrowed his eyes at you, "What do you mean? I-I'm helping. I don't understand why you wouldn't think that..." you opened your mouth to speak but he quickly cut you off, "I-is this because I'm a mutant?"
You furrowed your eyebrows, "What?"
"You just think I'm some kind of monster, don't you?" he asked, a hurt look in his eyes as he stared at you.
"Leo, you're not listening to me-" you attempted to say, but Leo cut you off again.
"Well I'm sorry I'm not a human, but last I checked, no human cares enough about you to give you this kind of help." he scoffed, turning around and beginning to walk away.
"Leo, what are you doing?" you asked fearfully, pulling on the ropes around your hands.
He turned back to meet your eyes, "If you hate me so much, I'll just leave you alone then."
You suppress a groan of frustration, "Can you just-"
Leo turned around sharply, a sharp glare sent your way, but you could still see the hope in his eyes, "Just what? If you're gonna yell at me again, I don't wanna hear it."
"I don't want to be here. You're really scaring me, and I want to go home. This isn't what heroes do, Leo." you insisted, staring deep into Leo's eyes, hoping you would reach him.
In the blink of an eye, you saw his face fall, his once tense and frustrated expression replaced with drooped eyelids, frowning lips and slumped shoulders. He stared at you for what felt like an eternity, before his lips turned upwards slightly, a calm expression forced upon his face, "It's ok, Y/N. You’re confused, you’re not used to this yet. You don't understand now, but you will soon. I promise."
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dreamerwitches · 2 months
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Right! Off we go off we go! Andreana and Kako. Yeah I'm still torn on this. I just think the original doppel worked really well and this one just... ruined it..? I don't think they needed to change the doppel aspects and in doing so it made it look worse. The dual blades looks too busy and kinda dumb and why is her hand up there?? I get she's reckless so she might have cut it off but still... I'm unsure about the legs either. Her whole body is a mishmash of colours and her legs are suddenly all one colour? Dunno... I'd give her a bigger book skirt, highlight the bookmarks more (yes I know the legs are probably bookmarks but moreso as a skirt) and probably give her legs more like her arms.
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Oh dear Maura... why did they choose the curtain one..? Maura and Nanaka. It's... it's boring, anyone with eyes can see it's boring. I just feel like the witch takes away from everything interesting about the original. My favourite part is how dark Nanaka's inclusion is and of course, that's absent here. And even the upside down curtain was at least a little interesting but now it's just curtains hanging the regular ol' way. I feel like this witch would be way way better animated instead of just sitting there curtain-ly. They should've chosen someone else with a better doppel...
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Meiyui and Delanna. Now I know why she's in a crib, she's just straight up babyish and sleep themed. I think she's fine, nothing special. The crib is fun and creepy. I kinda wish the mouths were more creepy but I guess that's just her style :T
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Heidesommer and Konomi... ehhhhh this is super boring... the doppel is more fun... witch is just a mound, it looks like a pile of junk. I don't have much to say about it... doppel is better
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Cendrillon and Rena. Now. I think the full witch is beautiful. The colours are so pretty, the faces are horrifying and the bird detailing is lovely. But... is it the doppel..? N-Not for me... Like, I just feel the bird theming comes out of NOWHERE. Her theme is Cinderella, where did this come from?! (actually do birds peck out the eyes of the ugly stepsisters or something in the original? Maybe, that would be a bit better) And the three legs don't do it for me. I felt the one leg to highlight the missing glass slipper works well. And the hair pieces being on the side of her body doesn't sit right with me. Neither does the tail(?) piece, looks stuck on like they were like 'oh, fuck, we forgot the fan part!' BUT. It is a beautiful witch. Do I see this doppel coming from it if it was the other way around? No Also here I included Cendrillon's brief anime appearance and it lines up pretty well! I think in the anime one the body looks more lumpy, the beak isn't as big and its missing the wings.
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Zola and Kaede. Meh, disappointed. Why is she less detailed than the doppel??? But I suppose we already kinda saw what she was gonna look like anyway, I should have prepared myself... From the anime, my favourite part was her body and it just feels kinda hard to see here, like, show me those RIBS! I wanna see them! And those big ol' arms! But they're so hidden by the background and her body mehh. Plus I think the face of the doppel is weird and creepy and that's just not there in the final... Also don't like how the horns(?) just completely differ from the doppels style. They kinda look like veins but I dunno if I like them.
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Also special guest... my own full witch interpretation from (i think) last years witchtober. I prefer mine thank youuu. But if I redid the witch I'd give her the doppel face, I believe I was basing mine off the anime image at the time
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Let's finish on a good one! Momoko and Elfriede! Another that's super pretty, I have few complaints. The head is horrifying and I love it and the dress is still super pretty. Only gripe is I prefer the black lace to the gold gems. My biggest gripe is the fat, bloated hand at the bottom. Why..? What was wrong with the doppel's ones? I think such a slim and elegant needed something better than a hand that looks like a balloon dog. If the fingers were longer I think it would have worked better. And the floating fingies look a little dumb but thats minor
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glassbxttless · 1 year
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L&D Baby
Nurse!Steve Harrington x f!Reader
Summary: Steve and his wife are having their first baby— and it happens to be at the hospital he works at.
Word Count: 2.3k+
Warnings: 18+ (editing to add: no sexual themes, but I am literally an adult and do not want minors interacting with my content whatsoever), marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, mentions of a stillbirth, dad!steve, labor and delivery nurse!steve, blood/blood loss, swearing— as always let me know if there’s any tags i missed!
Notes: This is posted over on my ST blog ( @hellfirestxnes ). Once all of my content is moved over here— that blog will be inactive as my main objective is to have one space for myself!
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Steve is tired. His bones are aching and his eyes are sore, but it’s just another Friday really. He has about half of his shift left and he’s off again, thankfully, until Monday. Leaning on the counter at the nurses station, listening to the other nurses gossip and share stories about their kids. And he’s thinking about you at home, sitting pretty and waiting for him to come home— belly swollen with his child. Any other day, he might tuck himself away and use the phone to call and check in, but today… he couldn’t face it. The first delivery he was on that morning, he watched a new mother wish with every fiber of her being that what the doctor was telling her wasn’t true. He cleaned up that baby, took their weight and height, made out the card for the parents that would never get to hear a cry. He bundled up gray, cold skin and hoped that the couple would be able to find peace. Somewhere deep down, he wishes he wouldn’t have heard them ask how did this happen? Everything was just fine this morning. But, now here he sits. Thinking about that delivery, thinking about his wife at home. His very pregnant wife. Your pregnancy has gone by so quickly, been such a breeze. He’s been to as many appointments as he could, especially the ones you were so worried about. But there’s always a reassuring answer of your baby being strong and healthy. A perfect little Harrington. And now, Steve’s never found himself more terrified. If everything can be fine and perfect one second and terribly tragic the next, he doesn’t know where to find his peace. He hangs his head against his hands for a few moments— taking a deep breath. He’s gotta get himself straight, take a few moments. But there’s hellos being exchanged a few feet away and after what seems like a millisecond, a hand is settling on his lower back. He snaps around, prepared to give the whole I’m married spiel he’s done a thousand times, he’s met with the beautiful eyes of his adoring wife. And that softens his features, he’s visibly relaxing.
You smile at him, as he tugs you into his grip. The hug lasts longer than usual and Steve loves hugging you. You rub his back and kiss his shoulder, “you forgot your lunch.” You whisper to him quietly, the bag in your left hand adorning a beautiful band that Steve had so carefully picked out himself. At your words, Steve’s grip just tightens a bit and he kisses your head, sighing out. “Do you wanna eat together?”
“Yeah, angel. Just about to take my break. come on.” he says quietly, leading you down to the cafeteria. He pulls out your chair and you can tell something is distracting him as he sits. He’s busying himself by passing out the food, but he’s quiet and normally— he isn’t. He asks about your day, tells you about his, has told you he loves you a dozen times by now. And he knows you’ve noticed, by the way his eyes flick up to yours and back down again. “I’m okay.” he says after catching the look on your face.
“You’re not.” you reply, matter-of-factly. “What’s going on, Steve? Can talk to me.” you reach over for his hand, thumb brushing over his own gold wedding band. “You’re not acting like yourself.”
Steve sighs heavily, flipping his hand over to take yours gently. “The first birth I was on this morning was a stillbirth and I dunno… just had me thinking a lot.” He explains, his eyes dropping down to your belly across the table. You nod slightly, the hand that wasn’t entwined in his moves to your belly. You’re almost due and neither you nor Steve have ever had to worry about this. Never had it been a thought in your head.
“Just want you guys safe, is all.” Steve says softly and gives your hand a squeeze before he’s pulling it away to eat his lunch with you. And when it’s time for him to get back to work, you stand. There’s a dull ache that starts in your back and wraps around to your tummy, it lasts about 30 seconds as you clean up from lunch. You ignore it as he hugs you tightly, pressing a kiss against your forehead. “I’ll see you at home, okay? Take it easy, rest.” He reminds you, rubbing up and down your arms.
“Yeah, okay.” You acknowledge him with a nod, before you feel another aching pain. But this time it’s accompanied by a slow trickle of fluid down your thighs. And when Steve notices where your eyes are falling, all of the hair on the back of his neck stands up.
“Oh.” Is all he can manage. He’s done this a thousand and ten times over the past few years. He’s consoled laboring mothers, he’s held their hands and cleaned them up, he’s been their support system. It’s his job. But here he is, with his own wife, frozen in his tracks. Your water broke and he can tell with the uncomfortable face you’re making the contractions have started as well. “Okay, angel… let’s… let’s get you checked in.” he says softly and suddenly, you’re more than thankful for the pre-registry packet Steve made you fill out last week. He holds your hand the entire time they check you in and get you into a room. He can hear his pager going off and he’d check it, every now and again, hoping one of the other nurses could pick up his patients, since he still technically was on his shift. But when he can’t put it off any longer, he kisses your head. “Listen, I’ll be right back okay? I’m not leaving you alone for this. I’ll be really quick.” he says softly.
You just nod, munching on the ice chips he had brought you not too long ago. You still feel like you have time. The contractions aren’t that close together yet. But Steve would throw a fit if they even tried to send you home and you know it. Steve smiles nervously when he wheels a cart into another expectant parent’s room. He introduces himself and shakes her husband’s hand when he extends it to him introducing themselves as, “Caleb and Connie Bear.” He's trying to keep the small talk up and keep himself calm— and not to think of his wife four rooms down. “Is this your first?” he asks softly, administering her medication.
“Oh no.” Connie laughs softly and shakes her head, “It’s baby number seven.” She pats her belly gently. Steve nods, a little lost in his own head. A mix of thoughts of the young couple a floor up with no baby to show, his wife laboring without him, and these friendly people working on their seventh baby. “It’s not as bad as you think.” she laughs, catching Steve’s face.
Steve laughs nervously and shakes his head, “oh no. it’s not that.” He smiles softly, “my wife and I wanted around six.” He shrugs, giving her a glass of water.
“You’ve got kids?” She smiles at him and gives his forearm a gentle squeeze as he adjusts her monitors. “You’re so young.”
“Uh… not yet.” He laughs softly and pulls her blanket back up over her. “My wife’s in labor now, actually. Not very far along yet and It’s our first, might have a while to go.” He rambled off nervously.
She smiles at him, a warm and comforting smile, and so does her husband. They remember those days. And Steve does find comfort in that smile. “These things take time.” She says softly, nodding at Steve. “but she’ll know what to do and I know you’ve seen a lot of babies being born but the minute you see yours, everything’s gonna change.” And Steve knows she’s right.
“Thank you.” he says softly. “I’ll be back in to check on you in a little while.” he dims her lights a bit, sighing softly as he steps out of the room and walks over to his station to chart his notes quickly. When he looks up and sees his mother-in-law, that’s when his panic starts to set in. He’s hurrying around the counter, biting the inside of his cheek. “What are you doing here?”
“Y/N called asking me to come, Steve.” She laughs, a sound that reminds him of you. “She knows you’re busy.” She gives his arm a pat and smiles at him. “She’s getting close, from what they’ve told her.”
“And she didn’t say anything to me?” Steve frowns, leading her over to your room. His face is knotted up in confusion when he looks over you. Your feet are planted on the floor, leaning over your bed. He sighs softly, knowing he should have been in here. He walks over, standing behind you to rub circles into your lower back.
“This is how we got into this situation.” You joke, face pressed against your sheets.
The response makes Steve chuckle, rolling his eyes, “oh hush. your mother is here.” He mumbles softly, rubbing your hips gently. “Where did they say you’re at, angel?” he asks softly.
“Eight.” You mumble back, letting yourself melt into Steve’s hands. They slide around to your belly, lifting gently and trying to keep the pressure off of your back in between contractions. “What do you think it’s gonna be?” You ask him, turning your head to catch a glimpse of him. You can see the worry etched into his features. But once he sees the way your hair is sticking to your forehead and how flushed and clammy your skin is— he softens.
“A girl.” He says softly. “Gonna be just as pretty as you.” He whispers softly, helping you switch positions and lie back on the bed quietly. Steve’s head perks up as he sees one of his co-workers take a quick peek in. “What’s up?” he mouths over to her. He watches her point down to her belt, signaling to the pager Steve has forgotten.
He sighs and kisses your head once more, rubbing soothing circles onto your arm. “I’ll be right back again, okay sweetheart? Your mama’s here. gonna take care of you while I’m gone.” He says softly and squeezes your hand before he’s ducking out and heading down to the Bear’s room, pushing the cot along quietly.
Connie smiles tiredly, having opted for an epidural at the last stage of her labor. Steve’s ready at her thighs, ready to pop the baby up onto her chest. His own head is occupied with the thought of missing the birth of his own child while he welcomes another into the world. His shift would be over soon and then he’ll be sitting at your bedside, holding your hand and keeping you healthy and happy. Supporting you throughout the entire transition of your labor. Caleb rubs soothing circles on Connie’s arm as she pushes, and Steve takes note of the love in the room. How much the two of them lean on one another.
And Steve’s breath hitches in his throat when he’s reaching over her thighs, with their newborn boy laying on her stomach. He’s helping rub the baby dry, eyes flicking up to the delivering doctor when no one hears any cries for just a few more moments. And Steve whispers, panicked, but full of hope, “oh come on, kid.” No one hears him, but Connie— and her eyes are on him as Steve tries his fucking best to coax a cry out of the baby. Even after suctioning his nose and mouth. He remembers the heartbroken looks on that young couple this morning and he couldn’t take it again.
And finally there’s a sigh of relief when the little one lets out their first big wail. Steve smiles watching as Connie holds their baby to her chest, tears welling up in her eyes. She gives Steve’s hand a squeeze, her face silently thanking him. And then as he’s walking away to fill out a stats card for their baby, Steve hears his name followed by someone shouting time to push. And he’s running. He’ll check back in later, but he’s not missing his baby’s birth. You’ve got the rails of the bed in your hands, gripping tightly as you push— and he’s finding your side and brushing back your hair. “I'm here, angel.” He’s whispering through your tears. “I’m here. Look at you. You’re doing so good, mama.”
And it’s a whole new feeling when Steve hears a cry before he even sees the baby. He can see the blood on your thighs as they lift the baby up to place against your chest. The tears in your eyes are falling as you look up at Steve. And he just presses a kiss against your forehead, sniffling back his own years. “You did it, angel.” he mumbles softly.
“Congratulations.” You hear through your OB’s big smile. “It’s a boy.” And then Steve laughs, his smile pressed against your hair.
“It's a boy.” you repeat, fingers brushing against the back of your baby's fresh soft skin. The quiet grunts coming from him fill the room as he roots around trying to latch onto your breast quietly. “Joseph.” You whisper and turn to look up at Steve, remembering the perfect name the two of you had spent the last eight months curating. “Joseph Steven Harrington.” You announce to your mother quietly. And Steve feels himself tear up a bit.
Nothing has ever felt like this before in his life. And once you’re squared away, he makes sure to thank his coworkers quietly. Appreciating every second of them covering his ass tonight. They all congratulate him for the beautiful baby, passing out hugs and offering advice. And Steve soaks it in, every single word of it. Soaks it in like his life depends on it.
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tags ;; @peachyproserpina @eeopxlt
505 notes · View notes
tangledinink · 10 months
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Chapter Twenty-Five of I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? is now up! There's a certain theme in this chapter you'll never guess what it is. Read it on ao3 or below the cut.
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“Alright. So,”
Mikey stared up at his older brother curiously, leaning against Leo slightly, the two of them settled down on the couch. Donnie was perched on the arm of the opposite side, slumped slightly and tapping away at his phone-- but also clearly listening to their eldest brother, stood up before them in the Lair as if he was about to give a presentation.
“About the whole… turtle thing,”
Donnie immediately sighed, making a face, and Raph threw up his hands in protest.
“I ain’t even said anything yet!” He cried, exasperated, and Donnie shot him a dry look.
“Yes, and I already dislike it.”
“Aw, come on, Dee, give him a chance!” Mikey protested, picking his head up so he could offer Raph an encouraging little grin. He knew this wasn’t exactly, like, a favored topic of discussion in the household, but it wasn’t like they could just ignore it, either! At least not all the time.
“Okay, so, I’ve been thinkin’ about it a lot lately, and don’t y’all kind of think that it might sort of be… safer?”
“No,” Donnie said.
“He has a point!” Mikey protested, crossing his arms over his chest. “I mean, we have shells when we’re all turtley. If Raph had been a turtle on our last ninja mission, his ribs wouldn’t have gotten all messed up!”
“Exactly!” Raph said, pointing, seeming very pleased that at least one of his brothers was offering some support. “Look, I know you guys don’t like it, and that’s… fine! I mean, I’m not askin’ ya to like it! I just think, maybe, it’s somethin’ we should consider for at least, like… ninja mission stuff?”
Leo wrinkled his nose, seeming unconvinced to say the least.
“I dunno,” he said. “I mean. Yeah, sure, I guess, arguably, they’re a bit more sturdy, but… we’re not really used to even walking in those bodies yet. Let alone fighting! I know adrenaline is a kickass drug and all, but doesn’t it kind of seem like more risk than it’s worth?”
“You still can’t walk?” Mikey questioned, giving Leo a curious look, his brows furrowed.
Leo paused, slowly turning his head to give Mikey a long stare, his expression strained.
“... Excuse me?”
Mikey frowned, tilting his head to the side. “I can help if you want! It’s not that hard once you get the hang of--”
“I’m sorry,” Donnie interrupted, his head snapping around. “Are you implying that you have been spending your free time willingly futzing around in a mutant turtle body just for the fun of it?”
Now it was Mikey’s turn to stare, his head bobbing around from brother to brother, trying to see if either of them were joking-- waiting for someone to say psyche.
Wait, were they for real?
“... None of you have checked yourself out in turtle form at all?” He gawked.
“No! Why would we?!” Leo cried, throwing up his hands.
“‘Cause! That’s, like, us!” Mikey argued, throwing his hands up in turn, imitating his brother. “You’re seriously telling me you’re not even a little bit curious!? You guys are all just ignoring it!? We find out that we have magick mutant animal forms, like, freakin’ animorphs, and you don’t even wanna bother seeing if we have any cool powers or turtle abilities or anything?!”
“Have you actually read the Animorph books? Because if you did I’m pretty sure--”
“That’s not the point!” Mikey interrupted Donnie with a whine. “When I’m a turtle, I can, like, go inside my shell! If some bad guy was trying to, like, stab me or something, I’d be totally screwed,” he argued, crossing his arms firmly over his chest with a pout. “But if I was a turtle, I could just pop into my shell and I’d be totally okay!”
“I cannot believe what I’m hearing right now,” Leo muttered. “We find out that we’re secretly freakish mutant reptiles, and you think it’s a fun hobby--”
“I’m not saying that, Leo!” Mikey protested. “But what’s the point in just ignoring it? If you don’t check it out, you’re never gonna get used to it. Besides, Raph is right!”
“Thank you, Mikey,” Raph sighed. “You guys don’t have to do it all the time or anything! I just think… It might be a worthwhile option to explore. I don’t want anyone getting hurt,” he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, his eyes kind of sweeping over them all, as if he were making sure they were all still here and uninjured and accounted for.
“Plus, it’s kind of cool once you get over the whole, like, world-shattering parts of it!” Mikey chirped, moving to grab at his bracelet. “Here, watch, lookit what I can do--”
Both twins immediately slapped hands over their eyes, loudly protesting in tandem.
“Don’t you dare--!”
“I am not looking and you cannot make me--”
“Hamato Michelangelo if you take off that fucking bracelet right now I will murder you--”
“I am OPTING OUT, thank you VERY MUCH, we are so not doing this today!!!” Mikey blinked in surprise, and then absolutely scowled, releasing his hold on the bracelet. Oh, so Donnie could go have a breakdown in the Hidden City in his turtle form, but he wasn’t allowed to show them his shell thing!? So unfair… 
“You guys are being babies!”
“Nope! Nope, not today! I’m out! Fuck this!” Leo responded, hopping up to his feet and making a hasty retreat towards the Lair stairs. “You play turtle all you want, I am not involved!”
“Agreed,” Donnie huffed, and he was right behind his twin.
And then there were two of them left in the Lair.
Mikey sulked, sinking back down onto the couch and pursing his lips. “Aw, come on…”
Raph watched the other two go, laughing kind of nervously before he hesitantly moved to join the other, sitting down beside him. “Sorry, big man,” he said, ruffling his hair gently. “You can still show Raph if you want?”
Mikey sighed. “Maybe later,” he said, wrinkling up his nose. “I thought they’d at least be kind of okay with it by now! I mean, it’s been how long?”
“I think it’s just… a little harder for them than it is for you,” Raph said with a weak shrug, hesitating a bit, and Mikey frowned, turning his head slightly so he could catch Raph’s eyes.
“What about you?”
Raph laughed sort of nervously, looking to the side.
“Well. I mean. I don’t… like it. I mean. I ain’t you. But it’s… it’s… alright. I mean. I meant what I said! It might be good for us. Keep us safe ‘n all.”
Mikey raised a brow. “And…?”
Raph hesitated for a bit, and sighed. “I mean. Look, Mikey, it’s a little… scary. I’m a lot bigger than you guys! And… sharper!”
“Yeah, but you’re always bigger than us!” Mikey protested, leaning against his brother, burrowing up against him. 
“Yeah, I know,” Raph said. “And that was scary once, too. But it’s… It’s fine. I dealt with it,” he said, shrugging a little, frowning to himself. “So now I just gotta…” He broke off briefly, setting his expression for a moment. “Now I just gotta learn it again. That’s all.”
He sighed very softly. And Mikey frowned a little.
“I’m used to being big and scary. I’m used to people being afraid of me sometimes,” he said. “So. It’s nothin’ I can’t handle.” 
“Yeah, but…” Mikey began slowly, kind of shrugging a bit. “I mean. We’ve never been scared of you or anything. You know that, right? We don’t care if you’re bigger than us,” he pointed out. “We never have! And we don’t care if you’re spiky, either, I mean… all our turtle forms are weird.” 
Raph forced a small laugh.
“Yeah. Yeah, I know,” he said, sort of waving off his concerns. “That’s not… I mean. I dunno, Mikey, it’s just sorta complicated. I mean. There’s just kinda… there’s less things you can be when you’re big, you know?” He said slowly, resting his chin in his hand. “It’s… you know. It’s hard, sometimes. Being strong and careful at the same time. Even when people aren’t careful with you. And making sure you don’t hurt anyone and… all that.” His eyes looked a tiny bit far off for a moment, like he was remembering something. “And… you guys can kinda do whatever you want! You can be all… little or bouncy or feminine or cute or delicate or whatever the hell else, and you just… can’t really do that stuff when you’re big. Once you get big enough, you just kinda gotta… There’s just stuff you can’t do anymore.”
Mikey paused a moment.
This was… the first he was ever hearing of this.
Was this… really how Raph thought?
“Yeah, you can!” He protested, his brows twitching a bit, furrowing as he stared up at his brother. “Raph, of course you can be all that stuff! Why couldn’t you!?”
Raph scoffed, shooting the other this little half-hearted half-smile. ��Well, I mean, I guess I technically can? It’s just not as simple as it is for you guys,” he said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I mean, you guys can do half of that stuff without even trying! And no one would even bat an eye. But it’s just… It’s not really the same for me? It’s like…” he scoffed softly, seeming almost amused. “Raph can pick up the rest of ya, but none of you could pick up Raph! It’s a little different!”
Mikey pursed his lips, giving Raph a pointed scowl.
“Well, you’ve never let any of us try,” he argued. And Raph laughed.
“Yeah, ‘cause you’d hurt yourself!” He teased, and Mikey socked him in the arm without too much heat to it.
“You don’t know that! We’re way stronger than we look!” He insisted. “And all that other stuff! I mean-- you could totally do that stuff, Raph! Just because you’re bigger doesn’t mean you can’t be cute!!! What kind of--!? I mean!!! Raph!!!”
He jumped forward, grabbing onto his brother’s face so he could stretch and squish his cheeks angrily.
“You’re already cute all the time, idiot!!! You don’t have to be small to be cute!!! That’s stupid!!!”
Raphael scoffed, laughing loudly, trying to bat Mikey away, though Mikey was suddenly aware, in a way that he usually wasn’t, that he was taking care to temper his strength. He wasn’t just batting at Mikey the way Mikey would bat at him. Every movement he made was careful and deliberate and planned. He thought about every jab or swipe that he made at his siblings.
Mikey was almost ashamed that he had never thought about his before.
He was never gentle with Raph when he jumped on him or grabbed at him or climbed on his shoulders because it never felt like he had to be. Raph was over a foot taller than him. He probably had at least a hundred pounds on him. Mikey had always been the smallest, and while he certainly wasn’t weak by any means, Raph was a goddamn wall of muscle. An unstoppable force! He had never met anything that Raph couldn’t push and bend and sway if he tried hard enough. So every time they met an obstacle, they all just… looked at him and waited for him to take care of it.
He… Yeah.
He was big.
Mikey supposed he had always looked at his brother and came to that conclusion, and then never thought any further on the subject. He had always expected Raph to be big and strong and sturdy. He had never wondered if he wanted to be anything else. 
Why did he do that?...
Mikey let go of Raph, and he climbed back down off of him, sitting next to him on the couch instead of half on top of him. And he sighed deeply. 
“You’re not scary,” Mikey said after a second, blinking slowly as he slowly settled back down on the couch. “And you can do all that other stuff, if you want to. We would let you,” he pressed. And he frowned, and he kept quiet for a moment.
“... I’m sorry it feels harder,” he finally said, tilting his head to the side slightly. “And… we’re not always careful with you.”
Raph stared at him for just half a second, hesitating for only the slightest moment before laughing again and waving him off. “What are you talkin’ about? You don’t gotta apologize, none of ya’ did anything wrong! This is Raph’s thing. It ain’t your problem,” he insisted, but Mikey wasn’t so sure that that was exactly the case.
He would work on it. 
Because Mikey was suddenly so, so sure that this was something he wanted to fix. And something that he could do. 
This was still the something that he could give to them.
“Still,” Mikey finally said, shrugging a bit and taking a long breath before getting up to his feet. “Do you still wanna see me do the shell thing? It’s really cool!” He offered, wiggling his brows at his older brother, and he chuckled in reply, nodding.
“Yeah. Yeah, sure, big man, show me your thing,” he invited, and Mikey grinned.
“Raph!” Mikey chirped excitedly, spinning around on his heels so that his back was facing the older brother. “Here! Les’ play piggyback!”
“Okay!” Raph agreed easily, absolutely beaming at the invitation, wasting no time in scampering over to Mikey. Their trip to the zoo, which had so far been absolutely abound with all sorts of excitement, to Mikey’s absolute delight, had taken a short departure from the previous energy while their dad tried to calm a squabble between his other two brothers. This was a bit less to Mikey’s delight. He wasn’t really sure what they were carrying on about, ‘cause he hadn’t really be paying attention. Those two were always fighting about something. He thought maybe it was about hair? Whatever. The point was, just sitting here and listening to them whine was boring.
But playing piggybacks?! That was fun! They could make a game out of it or something--
“Jump on--”
Their dad paused from his current task in peacemaking, however, just long enough to grab Raph by the shoulder right as he was about to make good on his baby brother’s invitation and jump on top of Mikey’s back. Before it even began, the game came to a grinding halt.
“You’re too big for that, Red, you’ll hurt him,” Dad bit out quickly, sparing them the most momentary of glances. “Play a different game.”
And just like that, he was back to his previous duty, trying to talk the twins through their latest drama in between their protests and tears.
Mikey paused, blinking in surprise as he processed this. 
They couldn’t play piggyback? But…
“No fair…” He whimpered, his lower lip wobbling a little. He wanted to pretend he was a Jupiter Jim spaceship or something! And Raph could’ve been Jupiter Jim!
Raph hesitated visibly, glancing between their dad and Mikey, his brows furrowed. And after a minute, he sort of forced a smile, leaning over to grab Mikey and shake his arm a bit.
“That’s okay, Mikey! I don’t have to piggyback you,” he assured quickly. “You can just piggyback me, instead! Raph doesn’t mind. That way we can still play! Alright?”
And Mikey grinned.
Okay. Alright. You can do this. It’s not a big deal. You have this totally under control--
Donnie’s hand lingered over the bracelet on his wrist.
And then at the last second, he flinched away like he had just been bitten, a short, high-pitched whine escaping him as a full-body shiver ran up and down his body. Nope, nope, nope!!! He did not have it!!! It was a big deal, actually, ugh, no, no, no, just thinking about it felt gross. How the hell was he supposed to consider this when just the idea made his stomach flip!?
Donnie growled softly in annoyance, laying his head down on his desk with a solid thunk, glaring down at the polished surface as if it were personally responsible. 
God. It just felt so fucking alien.
Had they really spent the first five years of their lives like that? 
No matter how much evidence was piled up in front of him, Donnie still struggled to wrap his mind around such an idea. I mean, that was practically a third of his life! And he just forgot about it?! He had a near-photographic memory! How did something like that happen!?
Part of him wanted to not believe it at all. It would certainly be easier to be in denial.
But, much to his annoyance, far too many things just… made sense.
He had too many memories, some recently resurfaced and some long-ago explained away, to simply dismiss the idea. He felt pretty stupid thinking about it now, quite frankly. Yeah, of course normal kids don’t have memories of ‘playing pretend’ in sci-fi movie-magic high-def like that!!! Obviously!!! None of his other memories were like that, were they!? When they would pretend to be Jupiter Jim or Lou Jitsu or whatever when they were older, it was exactly that, wasn’t it? Just them-- just kids playing make-believe games.
And yet he had just accepted the easiest thing. The most logical, most reasonable thing was just to believe that memories were weird and leave it at that, and that their early childhood was probably kind of fucked up, but human the entire time, and go from there.
Because… of course it was. Obviously, it was. Anything else would have been insane!
It was still insane. Even if it was, apparently, the truth of the matter.
It had been so much easier to blame all the freaky things they did as kids on something else. He and Raph bit people like feral pomeranians as kids simply because they hadn’t had the chance to socialize with other children before, of course. Not because they were carnivorous reptiles, prone to bouts of hunting instincts taking over. And he and his siblings got so sleepy in the cold and adored their heated blankets simply because poor circulation ran in the family. Not because they were literally made of cold-blooded creatures! That would be crazy. And Leo and he’s penchant for communicating entirely in animalistic clicks and chirps throughout early childhood-- a habit that still lingered even now? It was a twin thing, obviously, and nothing else. Because that would be crazy!
Not them literally talking to each other in fucking turtle or anything!
‘Cause how the hell would that work?
How the hell else would Leo fucking squeaking at you make sense, dum-dum? He thought bitterly to himself. It had been years and years now since they had properly employed their ‘twin language,’ but Donnie was pretty sure that it had never been a proper language at all. It wasn’t like they had any words in it, or they ever discussed what certain noises meant beforehand, at least not that he could recall…
But they could still always understand what the other was saying regardless, couldn’t they?
Donnie groaned softly, lifting his head back up just so that he could rub at his temples. Christ, thinking about all of this was just giving him a migraine. He quietly asked the universe what he had ever done to it for them to make his life a fucking joke. What was this, a parody of some Marvel comic or something!?
He hated thinking about it.
He reached for his wrist again.
He touched the little crystal, his fingertips just barely brushing the surface.
He quite nearly gagged, another horrid shudder running up his spine as he spiraled back into a retreat. Ugh, god, he couldn’t just not think about it, either! Every hair on his body was standing on end, and he grit his teeth, forcing himself to start reciting pi in his head instead. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. 
He ran his fingers across the seams of the compression sleeves on his arms, reminding himself that they were there before he quickly turned back to his computer, snapping open several files and syncing up his headphones with the bluetooth.
He smacked the play button, and whatever random EDM playlist he had queued up on Spotify immediately began blaring through his ears, drowning out everything else. 
Much better.
He sighed deeply, narrowing his eyes slightly as his gaze roamed over the screen. It was fine. He was fine! All he needed was a distraction for a little bit.
He had already made a decent amount of headway in trying to recreate Baron Draxum’s research, translating and decoding everything he could remember from the notes he had reviewed and documented in his lab. It was patchworked at best, but it was the only solid information he really had on the mutation project…
That, and himself.
Donnie set his jaw, scrolling his way through the data sheets he had compiled.
He had made some decent headway. But he could always make some more.
Quite frankly, Leo had felt, like… great recently? Which was pretty insane, given the general state of things, and also how fucking awful he had felt not the long ago. And, like, sure, things were still kind of rough and he wasn’t exactly tickled about the whole situation, but somehow, at the same time, everything was just…
So good.
He had really only been on T for a few weeks, so he was pretty much sure that nothing had actually changed yet and it was in his head, but he had literally never felt so fucking good about himself before. His brothers had taken the time to inform him of how fucking insufferable he and his ego had become, and Leo didn’t even care, because damn right he looked good and obviously everyone should know about it, too! He had started taking about eight million selfies every day because he wanted to document the process, Dee, it’s science, I’m coming for your brand, shouldn’t you be supportive of this kinda thing? 
But it was just, like… even if nothing had changed yet, at least not noticeably, it was… It was going to. It was an active work in progress and he was just so goddamn thrilled about it. And like, yes, okay, things were weird and kind of scary right now and he was spending a lot of time doing ninja training and trying to stop the actual literal end of the world, or whatever, and that was sort of a lot of pressure? But here was the thing-- and he would never admit it out loud--
But he sort of didn’t mind any of it.
Because yeah, all the ‘ninja training’ stuff was difficult and boring sometimes, but he got to do it with his family. 
And, like, yeah, some of the stakes here? Were a lot, and it was terrifying if he thought about it too hard.
But him and his siblings and his dad? They were all doing it together. 
If word that he was enjoying hanging out with his family ever got out, obviously his rep would be ruined, so he had to take it to his grave. But he was. He was, like… happy. Happier than he had been in a while, in between everything else, in between the worry about his dad and the concern for his siblings, sure, but he was also, like… 
Weirdly happy.
Was that bad?
Oddly enough, he was really, stupidly happy right now, and maybe he just didn’t…
Didn’t want to give that up…?
Leo frowned a bit, biting the insides of his cheeks as he spun his bracelet idly around on his wrist, his nose wrinkled up a bit. 
It was silly, really. It wasn’t as simple as “if you take it off, you’ll be miserable again.” Things were obviously different than they had been before, when they first got home, in a lot of ways! There was no formula, no clear cut-and-dry cause-and-effect, he didn’t know that that would happen, it was just… 
Well, what if he was?
What if he tried to do ‘turtle stuff,’ or whatever the fuck Raph had said exactly, and then everything was horrible again? What if everything just went back to the way it was? 
Right now, Leo was pretty sure that he, like, liked himself. Like, actually for real! Almost all of him, even! He could look at himself in the mirror again, he could shower without crying, he could post selfies on his instagram and stand to be filmed and looked at and wear make-up and nail polish without having a crisis-- all things that he loved to do! All things that he had missed so, so deeply when he had hated himself too much to enjoy any of it.
He hadn’t liked hating himself. And he didn’t wanna do it again.
But what if he took it off, and then he did?
What if he took it off, and then there was no solution this time? He couldn’t start T a second time. So what if he just got… stuck…? 
Leo groaned loudly, tilting his head back and burying his face in his hands, scrubbing at his eyes.
This is so stupid! Raph is right and you know it! And none of this shit even makes any sense! Why would you go back!? It wasn’t the turtle thing, it was-- it was everything, it’s not that simple, and even if it was, you still need to get over it…!
“Did something happen?”
Leo jerked in surprise at the sound of his father’s voice-- he hadn’t even heard him passing through the hallway, and yet now here he was leaning against the doorframe. Ahhh, stupid ninja father…!
Rapidly righting himself, Leo straightened his back and cleared his throat, attempting to wave his father off. “Oh, they just kicked Dean off of the Bachelorette, which is obviously messed up because he’s clearly the hottest one there? I mean, I know it’s all, like, the producers, or whatever, but come on--”
“Mmm-hmmm,” Dad said, nodding thoughtfully as he slowly made his way into the other’s room, leaving him the time to chase him away if he wanted to. (But Leo himself was surprised to find that he didn’t.) “And…?”
Dammit, usually Dad always fell for Bachelorette based lies. Leo hesitated a second, staring up at the ceiling and tugging at one of his own curls-- straightening it out and then letting it go, feeling it bounce up against his cheekbones.
(He loved his hair. He loved loving his hair. He had come so close to cutting it off, and if he had, he would have been fucking devastated now. What if he ended up hating it again? What if he did cut it off…? He didn’t want to cut off his hair!... He loved his hair…!)
“Do you think we’d be, like… better fighters as… turtles, or whatever?”
His dad hummed thoughtfully, sitting down at the edge of his bed and seeming to consider this for a moment. “Well. I don’t know about that. But I suppose there could be advantages,” he finally said. “Though there could be drawbacks, as well. Why do you ask?”
He sighed deeply.
“Well. Raph thinks-- I mean. Raph said that he thought maybe it’d be, like… safer, or whatever. And we’d get beat up less if we had, you know, shells and body armor and stuff? And…! I mean, he’s right, we probably would be, but I don’t… we’re not used to it, and, and it’s different, and it’s, you know, it’s not stealth, obviously, so I’m not--” 
He frowned deeply, wrinkling up his nose.
“I still don’t… like it. I guess is the problem, actually,” he admitted. 
Dad sighed thoughtfully.
“Well,” he finally said. “That is certainly understandable. I don’t like what I look like without the bracelet, either,” he admitted, looking slightly to the side, his eyes dancing away for just a moment before he managed to herd them back. “I do admit that being safer and less prone to injury does sound very nice to me…! But that is just me being selfish. And your father,” he laughed. “... I do not want any of you to get hurt. And I… I would like you to be safe. But no one will force you to be in any body that makes you unhappy, Blue. That’s not safe, either, and I suppose I can’t…” He sighed a bit, sounding almost frustrated. “It wouldn’t be fair for me to prioritize one over the other.”
Leo frowned a little, wrapping his arms around himself. 
“But you do think we’d be safer, don’t you?” He pressed.
Dad kind of floundered for a second. “I don’t want to tell you what--”
“Yeah, yeah, our bodies, our choice, you love us, other quotes from parenting books, blah blah blah. I get it, Dad,” Leo scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Like, thanks, or whatever. But I want your actual, honest opinion, okay? Do you think we’d be safer if we were turtles when we fought and went on missions and stuff?”
It took his dad a little bit to respond, and Leo did his absolute best to his patient, only fidgeting a tiny bit.
“It is… not simple. I think there are situations where you’d be better served as humans, but I… I do think there are situations where you might be better off as turtles, too,” he finally admitted, and then gave a short, somewhat strained laugh. “Thank goodness you were all turtles when you were little. I think you may have all ended up with brain damage otherwise with how often you threw each other around…! I was always shocked by how resilient you were, even when you were tiny, but I was certainly grateful for it, as well!...”
Leo kind of screwed up his face for a moment, tilting his head to the side.
“Well, then how come you don’t fight without your bracelet? We don’t want you to get hurt either, you know.”
Dad seemed almost surprised for a moment, staring at Leo for a second, and then, to his quiet surprise, he laughed.
Leo scowled, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest, waiting for his Dad to stop snickering.
“Okay, let me in on the joke already, Pops--”
“Blue,” he finally said, shaking his head a tiny bit. “I am not a turtle. You know that, don’t you…?”
Now it was Leo’s turn to stare at the other for a moment.
“You’re not!?”
“No!” Dad laughed. “I-- I’m sorry. I should not…! I suppose you would have no way of knowing, it just…!”
“Why the fuck aren’t you a turtle if we’re turtles!?” Leo cried. “Why wouldn’t I think you’re a turtle!? The rest of us are turtles!!! Obviously, you should also be a turtle!!! If you’re gonna do a bit, then commit to it!!!”
Dad just laughed, wiping a few tears from his face.
“If you’re not a turtle, then what the hell are you?!” Leo cried. And it took a second, but Dad’s laughter died back down.
And then the two of them were just sitting in silence. Leo looked at his dad. And his dad looking at his own feet.
Leo winced, immediately backpedaling.
“Sorry. Forget I said that. You don’t have to--”
“I’m a rat,” Dad said, before he could even finish his sentence. “I was mutated with a rat.”
Leo stayed quiet for a second, slowly processing this.
He hadn’t actually expected his dad to… answer him.
A rat. Their dad was… part-rat.
For a second, he just sat with this new information, turning it around in his mind a few times and considering it. And to his quiet surprise, all of a sudden, when he reached back through his memories, he could feel soft fur on his skin. And he could recall whiskers tickling his face; a sensation long forgotten, but suddenly paired quite definitively with the feeling of being wrapped up in his dad’s arms, back when he was still tiny, or having a good-night kiss pressed onto his forehead at bedtime as a toddler.
A rat. 
That… made sense, actually, now that he knew it.
That felt right.
But still, the next thing he said was, “Why the fuck are we turtles and you’re a rat?”  
Dad chuckled, shaking his head. “I could not tell you, my son.”
“Who the fuck was in charge of this!? Turtles and a rat? Seriously?! Wait, is this why you have eight million snacks hoarded away in your room!? And can always tell if we snuck snacks or didn’t brush our teeth and stuff!?”
“Well, I don’t think the rat thing was really planned--”
“Good! Because, uh, lowkey, I’m just saying? Kind of fucking racist!” Leo exclaimed, throwing up his arms, and Dad nearly choked this time on the absolute snort of laughter that erupted from him, bowing his head to cover his face with his hands, his shoulders absolutely trembling with barely contained hysterics.
“You know what, Blue?” He finally got himself together enough that he could bite out a reply through wheezy breaths. “You are absolutely right.”
Yoshi sighed softly at the sound of the quivering, sobbing cry of his youngest son, reluctantly pausing in his current task of attempting to clean up the kitchen area and turning to instead meet the child, running to him on toddling little legs and wiping the tears from his face.
“What’s the matter, my son?” He questioned, kneeling down to meet him. Mikey came crashing into him at full force, throwing himself into his chest, and Yoshi grunted softly at the impact, just barely managing to not lose his balance and remain upright.
“It’s n-not f-faiiirrrrrr…” Mikey wept miserably, grabbing fistfuls of his fur and curling up in his arms, hiccuping pitifully as he looked up at him with wide eyes. 
“What’s not fair? What happened?” He questioned, his brows furrowed slightly with concern at the absolute distress his child was in.
“I--” He broke off for a second to sob, snuffling loudly and huffing to try to catch his breath, needing a moment before he was able to continue. “I w-want a tail, too…!”
Yoshi blinked slowly.
“Orange, you have a tail.”
“No, I don’t!” Mikey shrieked in distress. 
“Yes, you do! You have a little tail right on your butt under your shell right here! I can see it!”
“That doesn’t count!” Mikey wailed, and Yoshi sighed softly.
“What do you mean it doesn’t count? It’s a tail!”
“But it’s little!” Mikey sobbed. “I w-want a long tail, like Donnie and Raph and you! It’s no fair!!! I can’t even see mine!”
Oh, for god’s sake…
“Orange, I cannot give you a different tail.”
“But it’s no fair!” Mikey shrieked. “I want a tail like your tail!!! It’s no fair!!! How’s come you get’ta have a long tail!?”
“Michalangelo, I have a rat tail because I am a rat.” He couldn’t believe he was explaining this. “And you have a turtle tail because you’re a turtle.”
“B-but Donnie and Raph are turtles and they have long tails!”
“Well, they are different types of turtles,” Yoshi said with a shrug. Mikey sobbed.
“B-but-- But I want one too!”
Yoshi resisted another sigh. 
“I know. I am very sorry, Mikey. I would give you my tail if I could,” he tried to soothe, and goodness, would he. He knew that his children took great joy in grabbing onto it and hanging on while he dragged them around, (one of Yoshi’s least favorite games, quite frankly,) but he despised the thing. It was annoying to lug around, always pulling at his lower back, and just a constant reminder of every way that he was wrong now. He didn’t think he would ever be able to quite adapt to having an additional limb.
There were many things he had grown used to by now, though he still didn’t like them. He had learned to tolerate the absolute power that scent ruled over his life now. He had reluctantly grown to accept the blurriness of his vision. He had adapted to the odd teeth in his mouth and how they grew, doing his best not to allow them to get out of hand and became painful (though he was not always the best at this,) and had grown to accept the whiskers on his face and how they twinged when they brushed something, the fur covering his body, the claws on his hands and feet and how his legs bent in a different way now.
But the tail? The tail he still couldn’t quite accept. It was just too different. Maybe with some more time, he would, but… He wasn’t exactly convinced.
Mikey continued to sob, and Yoshi huffed a bit, slowly easing himself back to his feet, keeping the toddler tucked up against his chest while he cried. He got the impression that it might take a bit before he was ready to accept this fact of his life and calm down again…
So he supposed he would just have to figure out how to finish cleaning the kitchen and carry a sobbing toddler at the same time. 
Raph was the biggest brother. The brother who was the biggest. It was his job to keep an eye on all his little siblings and make sure everyone was okay and following the rules, and he was pretty good at it, too, he thought. In addition to this, he was captain of the school’s football team-- he had been shocked when the votes were tallied up in his favor, because he was only a junior, after all, not a senior like the captain usually was, and were they sure!? But evidently, they were, and the honor had gone to him-- and Raph thought that he actually did a pretty okay job at that, too. It had been a really good season last year. They went to states and everything!
Not only was he captain of the football team, but he currently held the title of captain of the swim team, as well, and the basketball team, and the wrestling team. And quite frankly, he wasn’t sure why in the world he kept ending up in the captain’s chair? He had never really thought of himself as a leader before, and even now, he was hesitant to wear such a title…
But if he had learned one thing about leading people so far, it was that you had to lead by example.
And it wasn’t fair for him to ask Donnie or Leo to tolerate being in weird, alien mutant forms if he wasn’t willing to stomach it too.
Which he could do! He knew he could. He just…
Needed some practice. That was all.
He had been down here for about twenty minutes now, just lazing about in the Lair and trying to get used to being like this. He had spent quite a bit of time pacing and wandering around before he had finally ended up here, plopped down in the middle of the room on his stomach, his arms curled up under his head as he took quiet note of his tail and how it felt sliding back and forth behind him-- just trying to memorize the weight and the movement of it, listening to the soft noise of scales on concrete.
Shhhh shhhh.
He had just been starting to think, yeah, okay, this isn’t actually so bad when he heard telltale footsteps coming from the stairs.
And when Donnie looked over from the stairwell and saw him, he froze. And Raph froze, too. He certainly hadn’t expected Donnie to tear himself away from his projects to come down here. He had opted to take advantage of the open space in the Lair rather than the privacy of his own bedroom, fearing that he might knock stuff over or ruin them in his turtle form, but now he was suddenly kind of questioning that decision.
And for a long, pregnant moment, it was just quiet between them. And he stared at Donnie. And Donnie stared at him. And before Raph could figure out what the hell he was supposed to say, Donnie began moving again, finishing his descent down the stairs into the basement.
“I need a break from the Lab,” he muttered, sort of absently, almost nonchalant, kind of gesturing to the laptop that he had under his arm. “Is it cool if I hang out in here for a while?”
It took Raph a second to actually process what Donnie was saying and formulate a response. But then eventually, he nodded. 
“Yeah. Of course.”
“Okay, cool,” Donnie said, and after a moment of kind of looking around, seeming to consider things, he went over to the couch. Grabbing one of the many spare blankets that lived there, he carefully spread it out over top of Raph-- arranging it just enough so that he could kind of climb half on top of his brother, both of them curled up beneath the soft fabric, any sharp edges or points from Raphael’s shell covered well enough that Donnie could snuggle up against him. 
It was rare that Donnie was interested in anything even vaguely resembling cuddles. He hardly even liked people touching him. Certainly, he wouldn’t allow strangers to touch him. Or anyone that he didn’t completely trust. A majority of the time, it was just his family that could expect the possibility of any kind of physical closeness-- and only when he felt safe enough to allow for such things.
A comfortable, warm weight pressed up against Raphael’s back, soothing and pleasant. He could feel the familiar sensation even through his shell. Raph kept still for his little brother as he felt him get comfortable against him, snuggled up close and settling in to relax. 
“Is this okay?” Donnie asked after a moment.
“Yeah,” Raph immediately responded. “This is okay.”
“Cool,” Donnie said.
Raph’s tail kept on waving from side to side behind him, though at a slightly quicker tempo now as he settled, allowing his eyes to slide shut.
Donnie stayed like that for about two hours, with Raph dozing in and out for much of it, before he finally took his leave. He had accomplished just about all he could from his laptop out here, and though he had, in fact, needed a break from the Lab, he didn’t wanna spend that much time away from it. 
His research called. 
He was pretty sure Raph was still asleep, so it was easy enough to very slowly, very quietly creep his way off of him, rearranging the blanket to ensure he was still covered up properly before making his way back up the Lair stairs. And while he knew that Leo had gotten home, (he had popped down at some point to grab something, and given him and their oldest brother a very odd look that Donnie couldn’t quite interpret,) he was somewhat surprised to find him camped out in the kitchen, bent over the island and reading something on his phone. His head popped up as soon as Donnie emerged from the basement-- and if he had been waiting for them.
“Finally finished with your cuddle sesh?” He teased in an almost sing-song tone, tilting his head to the side. Donnie huffed, rolling his eyes.
“Die,” he muttered in response, carefully closing the basement door behind him and beginning to make his way to the stairs. Leo was chasing him, however, much to his chagrin.
“Oh, come on! You barely ever want anyone to breathe in your direction. It’s an event whenever you’re in the mood to actually, like, cozy up to someone,” he pressed, pocketing his phone as he trailed after Donnie, hopping up the stairs right after him.
“Why would I want anyone to breathe in my direction?” Donnie scoffed, shooting the other a glare. “That sounds disgusting. And I’m allowed to have the occasional special exception and be in the mood, thank you very much,” he growled, hunching his shoulders slightly. “Besides, it was…”
He pursed his lips slightly.
“Mutually beneficial.” 
“Uh-huh…” Leo said slowly, quirking a brow slightly, looking Donnie up and down for a moment like he was trying to figure that out, and then seemingly deciding that it wasn’t the priority right now. “But so, like… it is a special occasion, then?”
Donnie frowned a bit, giving the other a quizzical look. “What do you mean?”
“I mean. Like,” Leo shrugged a bit, sort of crossing his arms over his chest. “Like. Yeah. You’re allowed to not wanna be touched and then have special exceptions when you do wanna be touched and, like, you’re down with cuddles, and all that, so, I mean…” He sort of trailed off for a second, his eyes wandering away, before they snapped back over once again. “But like. This is one of those times? When you, like… are down?”
Donnie blinked slowly.
“Leo, what the hell are you--”
“Can I hug you?” Leo bit out, cutting him off before he could get too far, and Donnie sighed deeply. Ah. That’s what this was, then. Jesus, why couldn’t he just open with that?
“Yeah, Leo, you can hug--”
He didn’t even get through the words before his brother was crashing into him all at once, nearly costing him his footing with how he jumped for him, wrapping his arms around him and squeezing him so tightly that Donnie was pretty sure his compression sleeves were jealous. They had to kind of grab the wall to catch their balance again, stumbling slightly. 
“Jesus, Nardo, could you--!?”
“You scared me so fucking bad,” Leo hissed out, his voice pinched tight and muffled for how he had buried his face in Donnie’s shoulder, absolutely clinging to him. 
Donnie blinked in surprise, taking a moment to process this, wondering if he had misheard the other. “What…?”
“Never, ever disappear like that ever again,” Leo continued, tightening his grip on him slightly, which Donnie hadn’t even thought was possible. “I was so fucking scared, you bitch. I thought something really bad might’ve-- and it was my fault, too. I’m sorry. I’m-- I’m really sorry I was such a dick then. I didn’t mean it. I was just upset and I know that we already did this but I couldn’t fucking touch you then and-- I didn’t--”
So that’s what this was about.
“Leo, it’s okay--”
“Shut up,” Leo mumbled, his voice trembling a bit, and Donnie didn’t really have a good refute for that. So he looped his arms around Leo instead and hung onto him back. He didn’t usually do that. Hugs from his family members were overall acceptable, but he didn’t always enjoy hugging back, at least not for long, but… 
You know. Special exceptions and all that. In that same vein, he kind of wrinkled up his nose at the wetness against his neck, but he could tolerate it.
It was fine. He could tolerate it for this.
Even though they were still halfway up the stairs, the two of them eventually, slowly sank down until they were both sort of awkwardly bundled up together on the stairs, half on top of each other, half flopped down the slope. Donnie kind of had to stick out a leg so he could brace his foot against the wall and keep them from sliding, but that was okay. He didn’t really wanna try to move the two of them anywhere, even if this would be easier if they were literally anywhere else in the house.
“I’m really glad we’re twins again,” Leo sobbed, and Donnie nodded a tiny bit.
“Yeah. Me too.”
“I-- I really w-want us to stay twins.”
“We’re going to, Nardo. Calm down.”
“I don’t want you to leave.”
“I’m not leaving, Leo,” Donnie said, and actually? It kind of felt really good to get to say this next part out loud. 
“I’m not going anywhere. Are you?” 
Leo sobbed weakly in response, shaking his head a tiny bit. 
“Okay. Good. Then we’re gonna be okay,” Donnie mumbled, squeezing him slightly. Wait, was he actually tearing up a tiny bit…? God dammit. Leo knew he hated crying, this asshole…
“I’m sorry I was a bitch before.”
“Yeah. You were kind of a bitch,” Donnie agreed, laying his head down, allowing himself to rest his cheek against his twin brother’s curls. “But there were, admittedly… Extenuating circumstances. And I… suppose I am also sorry. For running away. And scaring you,” he muttered, sighing a little. “... I just didn’t know what else to do.”
“Don’t do it again.”
“Not currently planning on it,” Donnie mumbled, pressing himself closer to the other. 
“I love you.”
“Yeah, okay. I love you too.”
“... I like it when we’re twins,” Leo hummed. “‘Cause then we’re not fucking basic bitches. We’re twins.”
“Yes, we are, of course, obviously a cut above the average citizen,” Donnie agreed easily, trying to discreetly wipe at his eyes.
“Yeah,” Leo sniffled, hiccuping a bit, and then finally, slowly, his iron grip began to loosen a bit. And after a bit longer, the two untangled themselves slightly. Leo kind of scrubbed at his face with the sleeves of his hoodie, flushed bright red and still slightly teary-eyed.
“Hey,” Donnie finally said, after watching him for a moment, sort of raising a brow. “Are you… like… good…? Or…?”
Leo snorted softly, a watery little chuckle escaping him.
“I-- I’m actually, like… really good, lately? So… Yeah?” He laughed weakly, brushing some of his hair from his face. “I actually think I’m, like… Really good right now, which is, like, stupid, and weird, and probably doesn’t make sense? But… yeah.”
Donnie gave the other a look.
“This is good for you?”
“... Yeah?” Leo laughed. “I just. Fuck,” he sighed deeply, swiping away a few more tears. “I just. I just really wanted to hug you and shit. Like. Before? Uhm. But I knew you didn’t want to, and touching and shit has been weird for you lately, so… You know,” he kind of shrugged weakly. “... I just… waited.”
Donnie blinked slowly. And Leo scowled, rolling his eyes.
“Do not tell me I need a therapist right now, or I swear to god, I will unplug everything in your room while you sleep--”
Donnie raised his hands to sign.
‘You should really--’
The cool mist that accompanied his ancestors anytime they manifested themselves into the physical world tickled at the curves of Michelangelo’s cheeks, soothing the sting of the hot tears sliding down his face. He hiccuped softly, watching as the Hamato Spirits twisted into the world before him; one by one curling from the open scroll like smoke until he was surrounded by them.
“Good afternoon, young Hamato,” Ghost-Sensei spoke, and somehow, his voice seemed gentler than it usually was. Mikey choked on another sob at this alone, drawing his knees up his chest and bowing his head down. “What troubles you?”
Mikey sniffled softly, wiping at his face a few times and drawing in a deep, shaking breath.
“I-- I think I fucked up really bad,” he croaked, and he hated how his voice shook. He took several more long, purposeful breaths, but it did little to soothe the tremble in him. He hated how little say he had over his own body. Over his own thoughts and feelings.
He was trying so hard. Why wasn’t this working?
“Our purpose is to listen and offer guidance, Michelangelo,” Ghost-Sensei reminded.
“I--” Mikey hesitated for just a moment, staring down at his own feet, tightening his grip on himself slightly. “I. I was-- I thought I-- I was g-getting better, but I--”
He hiccuped miserably.
“I got too excited and I-- I burned Sarah,” he whispered. “We were-- we were w-working on a project together, at school, earlier, and I, I was holding onto one of the papers we were sk-sketching on, and I-- I didn’t mean to! It just-- it just happened! I wasn’t trying to--”
“Does she know that the fire started because of you?”
Mikey sobbed, shaking his head a tiny bit. “N-no, I don’t th-think so--”
“Then it will be okay,” they said.
Mikey swallowed hard, his brows furrowing as he glanced up to them. 
“But I-- I hurt her--”
“It was a mistake,” Ghost-Sensei said. “Sometimes, mistakes may happen, and people may get hurt. It is very unfortunate. But it happens in life. And if you train,” they added, their voice pressing ever-so-slightly. “Then we can ensure that it does not happen again.”
Mikey swallowed hard.
He kept quiet for a second.
And then he nodded.
“This is why we train,” Ghost-Sensei explained gently. “There is great power in the Hamato bloodline. But that is not something that can be taken lightly. There is a reason for each and every one of the Hamato Clan traditions, Michelangelo. Even the ones that we may not always enjoy,” they sighed. “There is a good reason. The mystical energy you wield is very special. But if you cannot learn to control it,” they warned. “Then you are a danger. Not just to yourself. But to the people around you as well. Do you understand?”
Mikey took a few more long, shaking breaths. And he nodded again.
“Good,” Sensei said. “... It will be alright. We are your family, Michelangelo. We can help you. And none of this is your fault. You should have been taught all of this a long time ago. You have a great destiny,” they said, their tone almost fond. “... It’s a shame you have not been set up for success. But we can still change those things. And we can teach you everything you need to know.”
Wiping away the tears from his eyes, Mikey sniffled softly. 
“Okay,” he whispered. 
“But this needs to be your focus, Michelangelo,” Sensei continued. “Not anything else. This is not something that can share your mind with other things. There are many people depending on you now. You are the last descendant of the Hamato bloodline.”
Mikey faltered, frowning as his shoulders hunched slightly.
“No, but-- my brothers are--”
“They are not like you,” Sensei pressed. “They don’t understand the weight of this power like you do yet. And they don’t feel the world’s energy like you can, do they? You are the one who wears the mark of our clan in your spirit. And you are the one who must protect the world. The potential you have…! You can already do so many things that they would struggle to bear,” The spirit drew back slightly, his eyes sweeping over him a few times.
“But it’s different for you.”
Mikey stiffened as he felt a shiver curling up his spine under their eyes.
“The Hamato Clan will always be here to guide and support you. And you will always have your family to lean on,” they said. “But you have been given a great gift, Michelangelo.”
They dipped their head slightly, lowering themselves just enough so that they could catch Michelangelo’s eyes with their own. It seemed to cut right through him. There was ice in it. But the cold didn’t hurt to touch, somehow.
“To be a Hamato is a great sacrifice,” they whispered. “It is a difficult destiny to bear. We were not put on this earth for ourselves, or to live an easy life.”
Mikey took a breath in.
“But you have the chance to spare them from so much, Hamato Michelangelo. This is a beautiful gift you can give to them.”
And again, they said,
“Do you understand?”
And Mikey let the breath back out.
And he nodded.
[ next ]
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Aqua teen Hunger Force (fluff)
I never wrote a fic before. It was 2am last night and I was feeling sappy, so I decided to write this. Hopefully that comes across.
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Blinking at the ceiling as he tries to make out what the two are talking about, half asleep and struggling to stay awake after another day long of whatever the hell goes on in their lives..
“No- you go in there cuz he’s gonna be cranky- and I’m not gonna be the one to deal with it.”
“Nuh uh. no way. Not doin’ it. You do it- cuz- cause you woke me up cuz-”
“I DID NOT. We- You had a nightmare. And well..we’ll do it together than. Big baby.”
The door creaked open, with Frylock glancing at the pair who still bickered over who apparently had the nightmare. He sighed, sitting up to squint at them through the darkness. Without having his contacts in made it even harder to see the pair, leaving him without the energy or the vision to be mad at the intruders, again..
He opted to speak up, sounding more irritated than he meant to initially.
“What two do you want right now, it’s..well I don’t know what time it is but it’s not the time okay?”
The room was quiet for a while before Shake and Meatwad whispered to each other again, this time quietly. Frylock couldn’t see their faces, but their tones were nervous sounding. Meatwad was the first to speak up, rolling to get closer to the bed while Shake suspiciously stayed near the door. Looking as if he’s clutching onto it. Frylock eyed him before giving the younger his full attention.
“We.. uh- we’re havin’ a hard time sleepin tonight. Or uh- or maybe just me I dunno. Something about nightmares or..well I didn’t have a night mare I just heard about it. So, yeah, uh.”
Frylock looks at Meatwad with a confused expression from his spot on the bed. Listening to Master Shake angrily whisper at the meatball as he grips the door harder. Making Meatwad remember what he was supposed to ask for, to which he does cutely.
“But- um. Frylock We wanna sleep in the big bed with youuu.”
Frylock glances back up at Shake, not being able to make out the cup’s entire face. He isn’t sure if this is a trick or not. FryLock raises an eyebrow, not buying into Shake’s part of the deal.
“Well, alright then. …Shake?”
Meatwad crawls up into the rocket ship themed bed, making himself comfortable next to Frylock. The grease from his body seeping into the sheets, but Frylock elects to ignore that for now. Choosing instead to look at Shake, the cup groaning as he’s been noticed. Walking slowly to the bed in an ashamed way, finally in visible sight for Frylock. Master Shake looks tired, eyes a bit baggy and pink for whatever reason the cup adamantly refuses to state. He rolls his eyes.
“I know you have something to say. What is it. What.”
Frylock softens his look, still squinting and letting a small sigh out at the disheveled sight of Shake.
“You had the nightmare, didn’t you Shake?”
“What. No? I don’t even dream. Everything I want.. simply comes to me, at my beck and call Fryl-“
The other man cuts him off, making Shake wince, strangely enough. Frylock points at Meatwad, who’s fast asleep and cuddled against his side. Shake frowns.
“Okay fine. Whatever. Maybe…Meatwad and I-“
“No. Don’t.”
“I hate you. So damn much.”
“No you don’t.”
“Do you..wanna talk about it or something? Your nightmare, I mean.”
“Scoot over. Not now.”
Frylock looks at Shake, the cup looking delicate for the first time in a long while. Eyes pricking with tears that won’t fall- the man lays down next to him in the one bed they have. Frylock exhales. Feeling a bit comforted knowing they’re, all here and in one piece. He wraps a fry around the both of them before closing his own eyes for the night, hearing Shake’s snoring as a good sign that he’s fallen asleep. Hopefully feeling better..It’ll be alright
45 notes · View notes
ishomieokay · 5 months
Idolatry (Chapter 1)
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18+ 7.k homelander x hispanic oc, age difference, strenght kink, loss of virginity, religion kink, slow dancing, light dom/sub, rough sex, nebulously takes place post s03e03. part 1/?. AO3 link, part 2.
Homelander's fooling around with a perky Latina almost twenty years his junior. She's looking for a daddy. He just wants a good fuck, and maybe to mess with Maeve's head. It's not going to end well.
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Aura María realized that the party had reached a point of no return when the Junior Manager of Crime Analytics climbed onto a table and started singing a Luis Miguel song at the top of his lungs. His name was Ethan, and he neither knew the lyrics nor spoke a word of Spanish. 
She observed the dance floor from her seat at the bar, cringing at the increasingly deteriorating dancing skills of the guests. Ashley Barret, the Head of Superhero Affairs at Vought, clearly had too much to drink. Like an octopus, she had possessively wrapped her limbs around Cameron Coleman, a news anchor she was rumored to be dating. If their roaming hands and slow, inebriated motions were anything to go by, they had long forgotten that they were at a corporate party and not in a dimly lit club downtown.
Earlier, a well-known Paramount producer had approached Aura María about her latest documentary. She attempted to do some networking, but it didn’t take long for her to deem it a failed enterprise. “I heard The Invisible Boy was a great success at Cannes this year. Congratulations! Your take on Translucent’s untimely demise was so moving,” he said, and although initially, she was flattered, soon it became apparent that it was not her he was seeking to engage in conversation with, but rather her companion for the evening.
Goddam leeches, she thought bitterly, even the ones on top gather around if the smell of blood’s tempting enough. 
Aura María shook herself, unwilling to let the nuisances of the industry dampen her good mood. “What ya say, champ? Wanna head to the dance floor?” she asked, poking fun at her date’s intermittent Southern accent. The Homelander blinked at her as if perplexed by the invitation. After a beat, he smiled widely, revealing a row of bright and unusually sharp teeth. 
“Oh, no. I don’t dance,” he replied, in a tone that broke no argument. “Like, at all. Especially not… this.”
Aura María didn’t miss the contempt in the slight arch of Homelander’s eyebrow or the dismissive wave of his hand. She pursed her lips, trying not to feel affronted. 
To a certain extent, she knew where she stood with him. Although neither Homelander nor Vought had an open political agenda, Aura María had a vague idea of the type of man he was and the beliefs he held. His anti-immigration stance was not a secret to the public. Still, a part of her had hoped it was only a matter of appealing to his fanbase. These days, the Seven’s golden boy was more popular with the older generations, and primarily with people of white descent. 
Surely he wouldn’t have asked her out if he actually had an issue with Hispanics, though? Were that the case, she couldn’t fathom why he would invite her to a Latino-themed party for a first date, especially if he found the mere notion of dancing to a Caribbean beat so distasteful. 
“Do you even know what this is?” Aura María asked, crossing her arms. 
“I dunno. Some traditional Cuban dance? It kinda looks like that scene from Dirty Dancing just… dirtier.” Homelander wrinkled his nose but thankfully refrained from commenting further. 
Aura María wanted to be annoyed, but she also knew better than to take his old-fashioned prudishness upfront. As frighteningly good as he was at maintaining his squeaky clean Boy Scout image, she had been working in the entertainment industry long enough to recognize it for what it was. She wondered if he would allow her to see the real thing if she stuck around long enough.
“It’s called Bachata and it’s actually Dominican.” Aura María tilted her head to the side, a teasing smile spreading across her face. “You get points for not assuming it’s Mexican, though. I think we’re making progress.”
Homelander frowned. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nuthin’,” she replied, standing up. “Come on, don’t be such a spoilsport. If you wanted to spend the entire gala sitting around watching other people dance, you shouldn’t have brought me as your date.”
“Right, my bad,” Homelander deadpanned. “It won’t happen again.”
“Uh, uh,” Aura María tutted, shaking her head. “You ain’t getting out of this one so easily, mister.” 
She extended her hand towards him, wriggling her fingers. Homelander stared at her for a long moment, as if weighing his options. For a moment, Aura María thought that she would be refused again, but then he sighed and relented, taking her hand. “Fine, let’s get it over with,” he said, allowing her to lead him to the dance floor.
They were right on time. A Romeo Santos song had just started playing. If she was going to give America’s Dad some dancing lessons, she better start off with the good stuff. Homelander stood awkwardly before her, seeming unsure of what to do. Taking pity on him, Aura María grasped his hands. “You don’t have to look so worried,” she said with a smile, “I’ll lead you.”
Homelander’s mouth curled downwards. “I thought the man’s supposed to lead?” 
“We’ll get there. I just gotta show you the steps first,” Aura María replied, amused despite herself. She then proceeded to make a quick demonstration. “See? It’s real easy. Just one, two, three, four, again and again.”
“O-okey-dokey.” Although Homelander smiled, there was something decidedly strained about the gesture.
It was a rare sight - a man built like a wall and almost twice her size, gracelessly fumbling around and searching her face for guidance. Aura María felt a bit bad. Homelander went through the motions, and although it looked stiff and awkward, it wasn't the worst she'd witnessed as far as first tries went. 
“Okay, you’re getting it. You’re just too still. Try to shift your weight while you move.”
She put a hand over his waist, trying to guide him through it, but Homelander refused to move an inch. She arched an eyebrow at him, and he huffed out a breath. Then he rolled his hips in a strange, floundering motion, shifting his weight from one side to the other. He looked like a fish on land, desperately squirming around in an attempt to jump back into the water. Aura María tried and failed to stifle her laugh. 
“My god, you’re such a fucking white boy.”
Homelander glared down at her. “Don’t know how to tell you this, missy, but María or not, you too are white as bread.”
“Never said I wasn’t,” Aura María replied. “But I’m also Venezuelan, so I’m still the better dancer. You’re at a genetic disadvantage.”
“Uh." Homelander arched an eyebrow. "Can’t say anyone’s ever told me that before.”
He put a hand on her waist then, pressing her against his chest. Aura María was somewhat startled by his demeanor, not at all like the carefree, downright corny persona she knew from TV interviews and brief workplace interactions. Although he’d been known to venture into politics here and there, Homelander’s brand content had always remained vanilla and family-friendly. His character was designed to be wholesome, goofy, and almost comically artificial, at least to the discerning eye. 
The man currently flashing bedroom eyes at her was someone else. Someone real. It was like a breath of fresh hair. Aura María knew what a rarity it was to witness even a touch of authenticity from anyone so far up the ladder, especially when it came to a man whose entire life seemed to be a convoluted PR stunt. She felt like leaning forward and kissing him. There were eyes on them, though, and that was enough to make her hold back, at least for the time being.
Aura María turned her attention to the side of the room and took notice of Queen Maeve staring in their direction. At that distance, she found it hard to make out her expression. Maeve didn’t seem happy, though, and it made her stomach twist with unease. Homelander and her had ended things amicably, as far as the public was aware, but Aura Maria wasn’t naive enough to take that at face value. 
She wasn’t into gossip as a general rule and preferred to avoid drama whenever it was possible. No matter how rich or devilishly handsome he was, she wasn’t thrilled by the idea of fighting with anyone over a man, especially with a supe who could easily crush her like a bug. Aura María shook herself, looking away. They were broken up and had been for some time. She wasn’t doing anything wrong. 
“You know, for a white boy who’s never danced before, you’re doing really good,” she said, allowing the gentle sway of the music to carry her through the crowded room. She kept a tight grip on Homelander’s hip and forearm, taking him along for the ride. He visibly struggled not to preen. How strange. The strongest man in the whole wide world, and a few words of acknowledgment were enough to make him flush. Or was he just playing coy?
“No need to appease my ego, María. I know I suck,” Homelander said, but she could tell that it was a pretense. Just another line out of his well-rehearsed repertoire. Aura María felt her lips tilting downwards. It was disappointing to see the mask slipping back on, and after catching only a few fleeting glimpses.
“Not at all,” she replied, just to be nice. “I’m having fun, either way.”
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When they left the gala, there was a crowd full of reporters and paparazzi waiting outside. Homelander effortlessly dodged their questions. His hand stayed on the small of her back as he guided Aura María forward, almost hunching over her, as if sheltering her from the camera flashes.
It seemed news anchors were in for a field day. Aura María was always amazed by how easily Vought’s flimsy attempts at playing the inclusivity card worked in their favor. Putting some salsa on and serving piña colada at a party during Latino Heritage Month was really all it took these days. 
Aura María wished she could play along with her date - smile and wave at the ravenous beast of the American press, the way she’d seen public figures and talent do countless times over the years. It didn’t come naturally to her, though. She had always felt more comfortable standing in the corner. 
Homelander opened the door of the cab, leading her inside, but Aura María was too irritated to appreciate the gesture. She tried not to think too hard about what the tabloids were going to say about them tomorrow morning. Homelander spotted leaving party with mystery woman was a real possibility. On the other hand, it could be something along the lines of Rising Director María Dávila reportedly dating Homelander, 17 years her senior. Both were offensive and off-putting in their own way. 
She gave Homelander a glance over. He appeared unbothered, leaning against the back of the seat with his eyes closed. She allowed herself to stare while his guard was down. He was a beautiful man. It was the reason she agreed to go out with him despite their age difference, which wasn’t small. So much so that Homelander had already been quite a celebrity when she was still in elementary school. 
He looked remarkably well for his age, although he had some wrinkles across his forehead, as well as prominent laughter lines. Aura María had always assumed that he was a natural blonde, but the darker, brown roots of his hair were now noticeable to her, even in the dim light. She found it odd to realize that a man who was often advertised as the pinnacle of masculinity actually wore makeup and dyed his hair. 
“Do you ever get tired of it?” Aura María asked. Homelander turned to look at her and blinked as if he’d forgotten he had company.
“What’s that?”
“The cameras? The crowds following you around? Seems exhausting.”
“Nah, I’m used to it. Sides, what’s wrong with giving the people what they want?” Homelander said with a self-satisfied smile. 
Aura María arched an eyebrow, bemused. “Man, you’re insufferable.”
“And still you agreed to go out with me, so what does that say about you?” Homelander’s expression didn’t change, but a trace of laughter shone in his clear blue eyes. He was teasing her. 
Aura Maria felt a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, and she turned towards the window to hide it. “Nothing good, I can tell you that.”
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“Here we are. Home sweet home,” Homelander said, and although his voice was full of warmth, something about it sounded artificial to her ears. It was the same tone she used when giving an interview at NBC, or congratulating the crew after a long day at set. Something to pick at later.
“I can’t believe you actually live here,” Aura María said, stepping out of the cab to look up at Vought Tower.
“Nice, isn't it?��� 
“Nice isn’t the word I’d use.” Aura María wrinkled her nose. “Looks like something out of a bad 90s movie set in the distant future of 2001.”
Homelander laughed, taken aback. “Well, that’s one way to describe it.”
He took her by the waist, guiding her through the main entrance and into the lobby. It was around three in the morning, and there was no one about but some security guards and the unlucky receptionist who got the Friday night shift. Although she looked tired, she still smiled brightly at them when they approached her desk. She had Aura María sign a visitor form before letting her through, which wasn’t terribly inconvenient as far as safety protocols went. 
“Thanks, doll. Always great seeing you!” Homelander said, playfully pointing at the receptionist. She blushed, struggling and failing to hide a toothy grin. Aura María noticed that he didn’t address her by name, though. She wondered if he was always so recklessly extroverted, or if he was putting up a facade for her benefit. 
“So, waiting for the elevator is a drag,” she said after fifteen minutes had passed, “I should have figured.”
“I usually just fly in.” Homelander was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. He looked just mildly irritated by the inconvenience. “Didn’t think you would appreciate that, though.”
Aura María blinked. 
“You flying me into your bedroom in the middle of the night? The one that’s like, on the 99th floor?” She tried to picture it and actually felt a shiver run down her spine. “You’re right, I wouldn’t. I’d probably have a panic attack halfway there.”
“Come on, I’ve never let anyone fall.” Homelander grinned, but then seemed to reconsider his words. “Not accidentally, anyway.”
Aura María stared, unsure if he was joking. “Right.”
Finally, they stepped into the elevator. They waited for the doors to close, and it was only then that Homelander leaned forward to kiss her. Aura María got on her heels, putting her hands over his shoulders to keep herself upright. She was suddenly very aware of their stark difference in height. He put his hands around her waist, pushing her against the wall, and it was enough for her to feel how strong he truly was. It was a bit dizzying. 
Not too long ago, if someone had asked Aura María if she was into the big, muscly type she would have replied with a quick no and a side-eye. Usually, she wasn’t even into white men, especially not blondes. She’d only ever gone out with other Latinos, and more often than not they’d been of a darker complexion. Dating outside of her culture was an issue for her, and she even found no sabo kids were a bit of a turn-off.
There was something different about Homelander, though. Something she couldn’t quite express in words. Aura María put a hand around his jaw, angling his face slightly upwards to bite into his bottom lip. Although he could have fought off her grip more than easily, he allowed her to and it made heat build in her lower belly. Homelander’s hands were trailing down her sides. Although a part of her wanted to feel his bare hands over her skin, she couldn’t deny that the feel of the soft leather of his gloves was also thrilling.
Suddenly, the elevator was grinding to a stop, but a quick glance at the button panel confirmed that they hadn’t reached their floor yet. Auria María struggled not to let the annoyance show on her face. Reluctantly, they pulled apart. The doors slid open revealing a petite blonde girl standing in the hall. She was dressed in pajamas and by the startled look on her face, it was clear she hadn’t expected to bump into anyone at such late hours. 
“Homelander,” she said, slightly bowing her head. 
“Starlight,” he replied, smiling down at her. Something about the expression looked weird and much too tight. Aura María recognized the name and immediately understood why.
Great, she thought, another ex-girlfriend. 
Although she'd heard a lot about her, Aura María had never worked with the infamous Annie January on set. Largely because of how unwilling Vought’s new rising star had been to participate in Super in America or any other documentary regarding her personal life. By the time she finally relented, Aura María had moved on to new projects. Her days of waiting at someone’s beck and call were over, even if they were a member of the Seven. 
After a few minutes of awkward silence, the elevator stopped and the three of them stepped out. As she walked away, following Homelander down the hall, Aura María got the distinctive feeling that she was being watched. Looking back, she noticed Starlight staring after them, a deep frown on her face. If she hadn’t known any better, Aura María would have thought that she looked worried.
“You don’t really get along with any of your exes, do you?” She asked once they made it to the end of the corridor. 
Homelander stopped before the door of his penthouse, then offered her a smile a bit too wide. “Come on, now. Why would you say that?”
Aura María stared at him, unimpressed.
“That girl looked like she was walking into the elevator at gunpoint.”
“Oh, well, Starlight is…” Homelander trailed off, making a face. “She’s a sweetheart, don’t get me wrong. She just didn’t take the breakup very well.”
Aura María hummed, seeming skeptical.
“That’s a major red flag, you know? When all your relationships end badly.”
Homelander huffed a breath through his nose, and she realized, perhaps a bit too late, that she should back off. He was starting to look genuinely irritated. When flirting with overly confident men, Aura María often came across as a smartass. A lot of them were weirdly into it, and it was always fun to take them down a notch. She wasn’t looking to overstep and ruin the night with her antics, though.
“You get along with all of your exes, then?” Homelander asked, narrowing his eyes at her. Aura María made a face and he noticed. “What?”
“Nuthin.” She swayed back and forth on her heels, flashing him a teasing little smile. “Are you gonna invite me in?”
“Do you want me to?” Homelander was staring intently at her. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards, just barely.
“I don’t know,” Aura María replied, shrugging. “Maybe I came all the way up here just for a goodnight kiss.”
Homelander laughed, shaking his head. Aura María got on her heels, leaned forward, and just like that they were kissing again. He made a pleased sound at the back of his throat, and something inside her unraveled. This was a point of no return. Aura María was mildly surprised by her lack of fear. Shivering, she put her arms around Homelander’s neck, deepening the kiss. This wasn’t like her at all, and she’d been certain that she would end up backing down at the very last second.
That was certainly out of the question now. 
“I don’t think you did,” Homelander said in a rough voice, pinning her down with those sharp blue eyes of his. Aura María laughed, a little breathless.
He opened the door of his penthouse and bowed, gesturing for her to go first. It was such a goofy, chivalrous thing to do that she found herself stepping inside, biting back all the teasing remarks at the tip of her tongue. Homelander hummed, looking terribly pleased with himself, and followed her inside.
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“You know, this place looks exactly how I pictured it,” Aura María said, tilting her head to the side as she stared into the cold marble eyes of a George Washington bust. She took a sip of her drink - Bourbon with coke and a dash of lemon. Turns out the Homelander was good at making cocktails. Quite the feat for someone who didn’t drink himself. 
She could feel her host standing behind her, eyes burning at the back of her head. Although she was itching to do just that, she refused to turn around. 
“Really?” Homelander said, breath ghosting by the shell of her ear. She wondered if he was getting tired of it. This quiet game of cat and mouse.
“Yeah, the only thing that’s missing is a confederate flag and a closet full of shotguns,” Aura María deadpanned. 
“That’s not fair,” Homelander replied, but she could hear the amusement lining his words. “You make it sound like I’m some kinda redneck.”
“Nah, you’re worse than that. Rednecks actually believe the garbage they spew.” She turned around, arching her eyebrows in a way that she’d been told many times was infuriating. “You’re just in it for the money.” 
“Not just the money, chica,” Homelander said, winking at her. He then gestured at the room, at the American flag hanging from the wall, at the statues and paintings of the founding fathers. “It’s the glory, the power, the fame - all the pillars of this great nation. Anyone tells you they made it this far up looking for anythin’ else, you can bet your ass they’re lying.”
Aura María blinked rapidly, caught off guard. With a start, she realized that this was probably the most transparent he’d been with her all night, yet the meaning of his every word was diluted by banter and unfashionable flirting. She wasn’t sure how to feel about it. In lieu of a better response, she laughed.
“Man, you’re such a goddamn cynic, it almost makes you sound deep,” she said, shaking her head in disbelief. If Homelander was offended by her reaction, he didn’t let it show. He raised a gloved hand, then caressed the line of her jaw with his index finger. There was a twinkle in his eye. 
“Flattery will get you nowhere with me, missy,” he said, and they were standing so close now, their noses were practically touching. 
“No? I rather think it will,” Aura María replied. 
“Mmn, you’ve got me all figured out, don’t ya?”
“Not my fault you’re so damn predictable.” Homelander’s hands trailed up her sides, then stopped just below her breasts, caressing her with fingers clad in red leather. Aura María shivered, biting into her lower lip. “Do you keep a bible on your nightstand, too?”
“Maybe I do,” Homelander said, and something in his voice, in the forced levelness of it, made her look up. The waiting game was over. She could see it in the arch of his eyebrow, the unusual intent of his gaze. “Wanna check?”
Aura María hesitated, then. There was no turning back, once she followed him into the bedroom. Although her stomach was fluttering with excitement, there was also a hint of fear. Homelander was stronger than her. There was not a single living creature on earth who could stand up to him, as a matter of fact, and she’d never been anything of a fighter. If she wanted to stop or slow down, she would be at his mercy. The thought made her unexpectedly anxious. 
Backing away wasn’t yet out of the question. She could make up some excuse, hail a cab, and call it a night. He probably wouldn’t stop her. Instead, Aura María put her hands on Homelander’s chest, offering him a knowing little smile. Her throat felt very dry. “Let’s see it, then,” she said.
Aura María approached the nightstand and indeed found a bible resting on top of it, small, black, and wrapped in leather. She opened it to the bookmarked page and read the first verses out loud: “The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.” 
Aura María saw Homelander and the other members of the Seven in her mind’s eye, walking into the set wearing their garish, custom-made suits. Easygoing, chirpy, and deceitfully polite when the cameras were rolling, but just as quick to make snide comments and lash out at the crew when the smallest thing didn’t go their way. Superpowers or not, they were still talent. Pretty faces with fragile egos and low emotional intelligence, usually from troubled backgrounds, charismatic yet easy to manipulate. Add Compound V and it makes for a dangerous combination. 
For a whole second, Aura María considered asking Homelander if he had similar thoughts whenever he read those verses. They probably meant something to him, if he cared to bookmark the page. Then she realized what a terrible idea that was, and whistled appreciatively instead. “That sure makes for a nice bedtime reading,” she said, very aware of Homelander’s breath at the shell of her ear. 
“It does, actually,” he replied, pressing soft lips to her neck. “Keep going.”
Aura María shivered, hanging tightly onto the book’s leather cover. Homelander bit her earlobe playfully, sinking sharp canines into the soft flesh. There was a stark contrast between the man standing behind her, caressing her sides and leaving a trail of hickeys down her neck, and the supe who always walked into her set wearing a disarming smile, telling corny dad jokes and waving at the crew. This felt real. Without giving it a thought, she kept on reading.
“The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.” Aura María could see Homelander through the mirror hanging from the wall. He’d hidden his face on the curve of her shoulder, pressing wet kisses to the exposed skin there. Slowly but skillfully, he undid the buttons of her shirt. Once it was open all the way, he pulled down Aura María’s bra, exposing her breasts.
The cold of the room hit her, and she trembled. A part of her felt like she ought to complain or cover herself again. No man had ever seen her as she was now. She stared at Homelander’s reflection as he fondled her breasts with gloved hands, pinching her nipples experimentally. A long sigh escaped her. Aura María had been waiting for a long time to experience something like this, and now that it was happening it almost didn’t seem real. It felt so right, for him to be the first.
“One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast,” she read, breath hitching in her throat as she felt Homelander pulling her skirt down. 
Her underwear followed quickly after, and just like that he completely exposed her, without going through the trouble of actually undressing her. She felt hot all over. Homelander took off his gloves then, placing them on the nightstand. He trailed his hands down her chest and then her stomach, stopping just inches away from her pussy. Aura María spread her legs slightly wider. 
“People worshipped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshipped the beast and asked ‘who is like the beast?’, ‘who can wage war against it?’” She said, licking her dry lips as she passed the page. Homelander tapped her clit a few times with his middle finger, then slowly rubbed a circle around it. Aura María made a pleased sound in the low of her throat, tilting her head back. Then he was going deeper, slowly rubbing his fingers back and forth between the folds of her pussy. 
“The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty four months.” Finally, Homelander pushed a finger inside and then another. Aura María could feel herself clamping around them. She moaned, pushing her lower body against him. “Mmn, that’s real nice.”
“None of that.” Homelander spanked her then, just once. It stung. Aura María thought that she ought to be offended, but for some reason, she wasn’t. She pushed her hips backward, looking for friction, but Homelander’s hand pressing against her back was enough to halt her attempts. “Be a good girl, keep reading for me.”
“It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.” Aura María trembled, forcing herself to stand straight again. 
She heard Homelander undoing his belt, and then lowering the multiple zippers of his suit. Anticipation was building in her lower stomach. He reached for the first drawer of the nightstand and pulled a condom out of a little plastic box. For a few moments nothing happened. Then Aura María felt the head of Homelander’s cock brushing against her opening.
“All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast - all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world,” Aura María said, words stumbling out of her mouth in husky breaths. Homelander was pushing inside slowly, and he felt big and almost unbearably warm. She was trembling all over. Panicking, she reached backward and put a hand on his hip, stilling him. Without her explaining, he understood and waited.
It took her a few moments to fully relax. Once she did, Aura María pressed her back to Homelander’s chest, guiding him forward. She felt full in a way she never had before. When he started thrusting, she made a pleased sound, pushing back against him. “Whoever has ears, let them hear,” she said, much too conscious of the soft sounds of their bodies coming together, her quiet moans, and Homelander breathing raggedly against her ear. 
“If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If any, ugh-” Aura María gulped her words as she felt a hand wrapping around her throat. It squeezed just hard enough to make a statement, but not to cut off her breathing. Her hands were shaking and still she held onto the Bible, barely managing not to sink her nails into the leather. She wasn’t even religious. Not anymore. Still, she felt compelled to play along - to indulge in this little game the Homelander seemed to enjoy so much. 
Aura María could feel her breasts jiggling with the force of his thrusts. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see the reflection of their bodies moving together, just shadows and lights swaying on the surface of the mirror. She closed her eyes tightly, too unused to the idea of sharing her body with someone else - too embarrassed to witness herself surrendering, so freely, to his touch. Tears threatened to spill, but Aura María quickly blinked them away. She had really been waiting for a long time. 
“If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed,” she whispered, then let go of the book, too shaky to keep holding it up. It landed on the carpet, barely making a sound. 
Homelander lifted her from the ground, slamming her onto his cock in a few quick successions before coming. The pressure around Aura María’s neck increased to an almost alarming degree. It slacked off after a few seconds, and only then could she feel her climax washing over her. It was a strange, overwhelming feeling. Nothing like the orgasms she had coaxed out of herself in the past. 
For a while they stood in silence, catching their breaths. Then Homelander pulled out and backed away. Suddenly, the chill of the room hit her and Aura María felt very self-conscious about the state she was in. Although she didn’t really mind her nakedness, she felt a bit silly - being essentially dressed but showing all her intimate parts. In a daze, she started buttoning her shirt back up. Just as she was about to pull up her underwear, though, she was stopped by a hand circling her wrist.
“Aw, shucks,” Homelander said. “I messed up, didn’t I?”
Unsure what he meant, Aura María turned around. She gave herself a moment to take in his features - the strong jawline and hooded blue eyes, the slicked-back blonde hair that didn’t match his brown eyebrows, the long eyelashes and thin lips. He truly was beautiful. Aura María put her hands on Homelander’s chest, caressing him with the pads of her fingers. Unlike hard, compact muscle, what she touched was leathery and unusually soft. She wondered if it was padding. 
“Not at all, I had fun,” she said, smiling. “I mean, I wasn’t expecting the Homelander to have a blasphemy kink, to be honest, but maybe I should have.”
He looked skeptical, for some reason. “So, you’re not in pain?”
“No.” Aura María frowned. “Why?”
“You’re bleeding.”
Aura María followed Homelander’s gaze and was startled to see a bit of blood running down her thighs. She’d gotten so into it, the pain hadn’t even registered. Heat rose to her cheeks. “Oh, don’t worry. It’s normal, ya know? The first time?” Aura María said, leaning down and pulling the rest of her clothes back up.
Homelander frowned, blinking at the choice of words. She could clearly see the moment understanding dawned on him. He shifted where he stood, hands firmly clasped in front of him as if he wasn’t sure what to do with them. He opened his mouth, closed it, then cleared his throat. “You, ah… you didn’t say anything.”
“Yeah, but ya know. It’s whatever.” Aura María shrugged, feigning a nonchalance she didn’t actually feel. “Virginity’s a construct.”
Homelander laughed, taken aback. “Oh, wow. Right.”
“Nothin’, it’s just - young people these days,” Homelander said, putting his hands on his hips and shaking his head. “I swear I can’t keep up!”
He smiled broadly at her, showing a perfect row of white, pointy teeth. Aura María felt a pang in her chest and did everything she could to shake off the feeling of betrayal. There it was again - the persona, and not the man underneath. Homelander headed to the bathroom with the condom in hand, presumably to dispose of it. Aura María felt her legs starting to shake, so she laid down on the bed to get some rest. She could hear water running, and then the sound of a blow-dryer. 
After a few minutes, Homelander came back. It was clear from his refreshed appearance that he’d taken a quick shower. He was wearing a new suit and had the old one hanging from his forearm, neatly folded. Aura Maria made a very conscious effort not to comment on how weird that was. His hair looked softer and fluffier, free of whatever products he used to slick it back. She should have suspected that America’s Number One Hero used a blow-dryer. His undercut always looked much too perfect. She wondered if he had a skincare routine too.
“You don’t mind if I lay down for a bit, do you? I’m beat,” she said, unsure of what to expect. If he would let her stay the night, or at least pay for a cab to come pick her up. There was a knot at the pit of her stomach. 
Homelander was staring at her strangely, as if there was something he wanted to say, but couldn’t bring himself to. Instead, he went to the mini fridge and pulled out two water bottles. Handing her one, he settled on the bed beside her. Aura Maria gulped down more than half of her bottle, only then realizing how thirsty she’d become. For a while, they lay there in silence. 
“You really should have said something.” 
Although she'd been expecting them, Aura Maria still felt her hackles rising at the words. “Why?” 
“I wouldn’t have…,” Homelander trailed off, and she found it so strange to see him hesitate. He cleared his throat and tried again. “If I’d known, I would have gone about it… differently.” 
Aura Maria’s lips twisted downwards. She kept her eyes fixated on the ceiling. “I told you, man. You didn’t hurt me.”
“It isn’t about that.”
“What is it, then?” Aura Maria replied, growing frustrated. She shouldn’t have said anything. “You had a good time, so did I. That’s what we both wanted. What difference does it make if I’d never done it before?”
Homelander blinked at her. “Because… women remember their first.”
“Oh? Only women?” A contentious smile unfolded across Aura Maria’s face. She couldn't help it. At times like these, it felt like the only way she knew how to communicate with others was through confrontation. “So you don’t remember yours, then?”
“We are not talking about me,” Homelander replied, slowly and without a hint of inflection. 
“Yeah, sure.”
Despite her biting words, there was a deep coldness spreading through Aura Maria’s body. It felt like she may start shaking any second now. She wasn’t going to let him see how much his questioning was affecting her, though, or how much it mirrored her own inner voice. 
“Come on, spit it out. What’s actually bothering you?” She snapped. “Is it how kinky the whole thing was? Because I was into it. What, you think it would have been better if we had done the missionary by candle lights, covered the bed with some goddam rose petals?”
“Yes, I do,” Homelander replied without missing a beat. She would have thought that he was joking, if it weren’t for the serious look on his face. It gave her pause. For once, Aura Maria couldn't tell whether he was being authentic or if this was yet another performance. She reached out, caressing the line of Homelander’s jaw with the tip of her fingers. 
“Come on, look at it from my perspective. I got wined and dined, danced at a nice party, and now I’m in a lavish penthouse, laying in bed with the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” she said, and that was enough for Homelander to blush again. Talent was never immune to flattery. “I mean, most of the first-time stories I’ve heard are cringey as hell, either way. Even if shit doesn't work out, at least I got a nice memory out of it, ya know?”
Homelander stared at her for a long moment, seeming to consider her words. “Okay,” he said eventually, “you do make a good case for yourself.”
“I sure do,” Aura Maria replied, relaxing. She wasn’t sure who exactly she had been trying to appease - him or herself. 
“How old are you, again?” Homelander asked, frowning.
“Twenty-six,” she replied, reluctantly.
“So… you waited.” Homelander looked uncomfortable now. “A bit longer than most. Why now?” 
Aura María hesitated. She herself wasn’t sure why she had chosen to have her first time one random Friday night, in what was essentially a casual hook-up with a co-worker. Even now it made little sense to her, especially after waiting so long. 
“Maybe I just like you that much,” she said with a smile, but the words tasted like ashes in her mouth. 
She knew that’s what he wanted to hear - that he was man enough to charm it out of her, to make her give up what she hadn't allowed anyone else to take. All night she had been scrutinizing his every word and action, salivating at the sight of even the smallest hint of humanity in him, but now she was the one hiding behind a mask. 
“We barely know each other,” Homelander replied, unmoved, as if he could see right through it. In an impulse, Aura Maria leaned forward to kiss him, treading her fingers through his soft blonde hair. There was a troubled look in his eyes when they parted. 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head,” Aura Maria said with a soft smile. “I’m not asking you to marry me or anything. I’ve been waiting for the right guy and the right time for a while now, and it just… never happened. I got fed up with it. Then you asked me out and I couldn't think of a reason not to.”
“So, you're saying if you had come as, I dunno, the Deep’s plus one, the outcome would have been the same? Good to know.”
“Now, you're just twisting my words.”
“Right,” Homelander said, puffed out, but there was a teasing edge to his voice. “I hope I didn't disappoint, though?”
“So far you haven't.”
Once Aura Maria had worn her capacity for restraint like a badge of honor, probably an aftereffect of being raised in a radical Christian home. Although she considered herself an atheist now, she was very aware of the consequences her upbringing had on her love life. She was tired of feeling like a nun willing her life away at a convent, though. When Homelander unbuttoned her shirt again, circling her nipple with the tip of a curious tongue, she didn’t stop him. 
It was as good a time as any to break the habit.
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