#i enjoy alot of detail in my work no matter what
bountycancelled · 11 months
a pencil, paper and an uncontrollable crush
opla!luffy x reader
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requested: yes (I mixed 2 reqs so idk if that counts but reqs are still open for anyone)
genre: oneshot but in headcanon form? gn! reader, artist! reader
warnings: none, just some fluff!
a/n: I won't be writing as often becusde I'm writing my final rn, also this is short because i have a hard time imagining luffy being romantic so... enjoy!
now, it doesn't matter how obviously and hopelessly in love you are with Luffy, he's just not going to see it.
he doesn't see you make starry eyes at him, because his eyes are just as starry on a regular basis. when he catches you admiring him, he just assumes that you zoned out. (because he does that alot too)
so when he finds an incredibly detailed sketch of himself laying around on the ship, he excitedly goes from crew member to crew member, asking who drew it.
when he gets to you, notebook and pencil in hand drawing yet another portrait of him, you hang your head in mortification as he marvels at your work.
so imagine his suprise when he snatches that notebook our of your hands with a quickness to see what else you've steched in there, only to find himself on every. single. page.
I swear that his excited screaming is enough to alert other ships at sea of your exact location, but he can't help it, every drawing you've done deserves a reaction that fits how well you did it.
after he finds out about your habit, he starts striking poses for you and holding them right until your last pencil stroke on paper (or until he gets bored/hungry lol)
one night, you get a frantic knock on your door followed by Luffy's muffled voice yelling "are you still awake? I wanna show you something." so you open the door and he shoves a crumpled piece of paper right in your face.
you back up just a little bit and adjust your eyes, and you see a drawing of... some sort of animal? oh, wait nevermind, it's of you.
it's not the most artistically or anatomically sound drawing you've laid your eyes on, but it's... surprisingly detailed. he's drawn on pretty much every single visible scar, mole, freckle and mark, even some that you didn't know you had.
when you question how he managed to be so accurate, he tilts his head, pursing his lips and farrowing his brows in thought before answering. "Well, it wasn't on purpose, but I always look at you when you're around me. you catch my attention, kinda like food does!"
did Monkey D. Luffy, the strawhat captain, mister gum gum himself, just compare you to food...? moment of silence, because this is so much bigger than all of us.
after hearing this revelation, you cave and plant a quick kiss on his cheek as a thank you (and as a means to let him know of your more than platonic feelings for him), slamming the door in his face before he even has the chance to react.
p.s. Luffy doesn't have any idea why you kissed his cheek, but he knows that it made him feel good, and he wants to get one from you again.
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ganondoodle · 4 months
( totk rant?)
i have talked alot about my problems with totk in detail, as most of you probably know by now- but there really is a vibe of big ambitions but then not committing to it throughout the game
they want to have that building mechanic in it no matter what in a world that isnt in any way build around it, mister "freedom = good, linear = bad" guy wanting to give you ultimate freedom in the game (which imo leads to it being nothing again) but not committing to it and it creates a really toxic loop of things being more punishing than rewarding
you can build a fuckton of weird vehicles, but big parts, ESPECIALLY the glider, is on limited time so you cant actually go anywhere you want; they know giving you absolut freedom will remove any possible challenge- so they limit it by making the glider part timed, but then they cant do that for every single part bc it would be almost impossible to create anything that works well when every part is on a timer and you dont know how much of its lifespan is left bc you accidentally hit a fan once so now its uneven with the other one AND the more parts you have the more it uses battery, it makes sense, so you cant build soemthign super overpowered right at the start and its just kinda logical, but it leads to you being incentivised to build something with the fewest parts that dont have a timer-
then theres the battery power, which they try to limit by putting its upgrades behind multiple different currency exchanges, which is frustrating and leads to alot of grinding and gets overpowered really fast (it works against itself too that said currencies are all placed in the most undeveleoped and repetetive area of the game and are all never involved in anything interesting, its reused old enemy camps and the same mines everywhere, theres not a single reward in the underground that actually feels rewarding imo)
then you get the autobuild thing, so you can skip the building part of the building mechanic that is the main selling point of tha darn game, bc they know it can get frustrating to rebuild your things over and over so they give you a skip button for that if you are one of those players that doesnt like it BUT THEN they cant jsut let you do it for free so they give it a price, either spend the same currency you need for the exchange for the one you need for battery upgrades or spend parts you collected- both of which are things players generally save up and refuse to use (like the -never use any health potions bc what if i need it more at some point- thing is a problem for a reason)
then theres the added thing of the building stuff despawning incredibly quickly, im gonna guess its otherwise a performance problem (that the game is already struggling hard with) but it makes the entire already bad loop of trying to fix a problem with bandaids over and over even worse, you dont want to go too far away from your vehicles bc it will despawn and waste all that you used to build it, its like a leash to you stopping you from actually using it for more freedom- and potentially adds another annyoance bc you might try to bring it with you as far as you can, a monster truck in the depths you spend all your parts on gets stuck on the first bits of terrain you run into and you desperately try to get it out without destroying it, and if you cant you need to spend a ton of resources to build it again, even with autobuild
which is how you get the hoverbike, stupidly overpowered and boring but doing anything else is just less efficient in every way, it uses the least amount of battery, never breaks, is only 3 parts to rebuild
(i know me in particular doesnt enjoy the building in totk at all, for all those reasons and more ...... shiekah ........ and i know you CAN still choose to doing it more creatively, but you never need to, its entirely based around YOU making it fun for yourself, and i dont think its that controverisal to say a game should be fun and challenging without you having to create all the fun yourself and set yourself limit it all yourself)
similar goes for the dungeons, they heard you want the dungeons of old times back, but their strict adherance to freedom (which they themsleves contradict) leads to them being more breakable and less dungeony than even the titans in botw, they cant make it linear, thats BAD, so you can do any puzzle in any order, it cant build on any of the others bc you need to be able to do it when you want (the only one going slightly against that is the lightning one? maybe?), totks dungeons dont even limit that you cant climb them (even the titans in botw recognized that makign it easy to break so they are made of the same unclimbable material like the shrines and other shiekah tech) and the new abilities make them laughably easy to break ( .. im not even gonna mention the water temple one bc ... you dont even need to do anything there to break it to make it easier)
they wanted to cater to people wanting old dungeons, but didnt commit to it, making them WORSE dungeons than the titans with the only bonus being they got different designs and a longer build up to it (that often feels more like artificial filler than actually part of it ... like the missing lore tablet at the zoras and the missing part is a few steps away from it at best)
(ALL THE WHILE they DO limit you in SHRINES, you cant climb the walls again, for some reason, you can climb any other sonau structure though, why not that? idk, but dont limit it enough either bc you can break it all in really cheap and unsatisfying ways with ultrahand and time reversal alone- and they CANT limit those bc those abilities are the main ways to solve the 'puzzles'- botws abilities were .. well, limited in what they could do making them much more balanced, but moving sth with ultrahand and then stepping on it and time reversing it can be the boring solution to any 'puzzle', the best and only really good shrines are the ones that take all you shit bc it wactually forces you to be creative BC ITS LIMITING YOU)
(funnily enough a big possible reason why they removed the bombs from botw is bc of the glitches with it ...... like the new stuff isnt even worse and you dont even have to try lol)
people speculated on there being underground exploration due to the first trailer? people are worried about reusing the surface? ok they put the entirety of the surface map into the game again, but dont commit to it being a full thing, its horribly underdeveloped and filled with either nothing or reused filler material, while also neglecting changing anything substantial about the surface, and then the sky isalnds they even reduced and really there isnt anything of substance on there either besides the tutorial (hey, seriously, if one of botws most defining feature is its wide and empty sky why the hell would you decide to use that same map to put in your sky islands idea in), not commiting to one idea but doing all of them badly
ganondorf? well, they sure put him in there, but really what does he do? fuck all, the entire actual game hes jsut marinating in his own miasma juice for no reason, he doesnt have any presecne in the game, all he gets its a few scenes in the "story" that are told through memory cutscenes in a stupidly mega distant past i dont give a fuck about and all he does is go through the most stereotypical villain checklist of both actions and speech, they want ganondorf in there but dont commit to him ACTUALLY being there (listen i love ganondorf but really calamtiy ganon was more interesting than totk ganondorf ok im SORRY they did him so dirty)
they want dragon zelda and link 'losing' his arm be a big epic sacrifice but then .. again, dont commit to it, they tell you its oooh so irreversible and whatever and then at the end just fukcing reverse it, with no build up at all, and NONE of your own input, it just happens, and its not JUST zelda but also links arm, reversing it BOTH even and you dont even need to have all shrines (that are supposedly to cleanse your arm of miasma, i guess thats a non problem if you just stab the source of it to death instead)
they want it to be a sequel but also its own game, not committing to either and leaving us with this weird .... more alternative universe thing, vague references to botw but also acting like it never happened, slight changes, like zeldas hair, to make her seem different when shes exactly the same (you cant imply waifu zelda would ever age and not look like a little doll) and ignoring anything about her character from botw (no im serious, ooh shes nerdy for 3 minutes at the start and one time in a written thing from some servant of da royals in the past and thats it, interest in the shiekah? whos shiekah?- if anything her character is reversed, really having even less agency than in botw, that one decision to dragon is like, it really doesnt matter and not really her decision bc she didnt have a choice and it gets reversed anyway without her even remembering)
even retreading all of botws points (but doing it worse imo), but then attempting to differentiate itself from it by removing a big thing that made it what it is (shiekah) without giving it any or any sensible explanation among more, not committing to either sequel or AU and so doing both incredibly badly
(not quite the point but what i have been questioning for a while ... they way raurus abilities work ... so do all sonau have those? was it just a normal thing to have? could all sonau just glue shit together and jump through ceilings? he never uses anything of that when we see him? why is it just in the shrines at the start and its like .. he just gives it to you ...?? huh??is it part of his arm .. jewelry??)
(anyway, tin foil hat moment but it just feels like either there was a huge internal fight about everything or they neglected it in favor for something else, like say, a movie that earns them billions and is faster and cheaper to make than a game... or just dont care anymore i guess, idk which is worse tbh)
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ariesmoontarot · 5 days
The Honest Truth
Hey everyone I hope you’re having a good day! So this reading is going to be different from my usual readings. I’m going to channel what the collective needs to hear without a specific topic being in mind. Take it how it resonates and leave what doesn’t. Enjoy!
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choose a number from 1-3 to pick your pile.
The Piles:
💙Pile One:
I feel like things are happening around you that are changing you as a person. Your whole life could be changing in every aspect and I just feel like there is something you’re questioning. You feel confused and doubting how you feel in this situation. I’m seeing a heavy heart. You feel overwhelmed, exhausted, & burdened by a situation you feel betrayed in. I feel like something happened that made you feel like you were left for the wolves and it’s pushing you to pull yourself together as best as you can. I see you trying to create a feeling of stability and independence but it’s been a hard and long journey to get to where you are right now and you’re doing it! Slowly but surely. All things come around in full circle. What you give is what you get and maybe you gave time, effort, and energy to a situation that didn’t happen the way you wanted, but it’s happening in the right time in the way that it’s supposed to. I feel like you’ve blocked someone or something from being able to reach you. You’re protecting yourself and standing on business. I feel like you aren’t letting anything or anyone affect the ambition and goals you have in mind no matter how much it hurts. You’re learning to have healthier boundaries and I feel like for a lot of you there’s a person you felt connected to emotionally and they could have lied or moved a certain way that inevitably made you feel the way you do. You’re questioning on whether or not this person or connection is really for you. I feel like things didn’t seem to work out for you guys because of the way they approached you. I feel like they let their fears and pride get in the way of things and they self sabotaged. They know going about things the way they do isn’t going to work with you and I feel like you’re upset with them. You’re a little mad to be honest. I feel like you’re giving them the silent treatment and completely closed off now. I see they do have feelings for you and you make them really happy. They feel emotionally invested with you and they want to try and come together to make things work, but it’s taking time and I feel like they’re procrastinating not taking any responsibility or steps to come towards you at all. They’re just sitting on how they feel and not expressing it. I see them trying to approach you with this opportunity to try again for something long term and it took a lot for this person to come towards you. They had to let go of alot of things and I feel like they are trying to feel confident with their approach. Something blew up in this persons face and I feel like it was the fact that you went ghost on them. You simply withdrew yourself and went your own way. I see them looking at the situation with anxiety and fear because they know they’ll be losing a good person if they don’t get their act together. I feel like right now you’re just focused on loving yourself and life. You have this lighthearted energy where you aren’t letting things really get to you. You acknowledge the uncomfortable feelings and keep it moving. I feel like you’re disappointed and hurt but you just keep it moving with this “naive” attitude. It’s not like you’re giving them the benefit of the doubt, but you’re definitely just acting ignorant like you don’t know the gameplay. You know things aren’t fair right now and I feel like you’re aware of everything that’s going on. You’re just observing and paying close attention to all the details. You’re watching them too, maybe on social media or something but however you see them you’re definitely gathering up all the facts and evidence needed to back up how you feel without it actually being said to you. It’s like you’re listening to your own truth and accepting how you feel for what it really is. It’s up to you what you want to do with the information you find, but I see a lot of you are about to or already went hermit. I feel guided to tell you to pick another pile after this one if you feel like you should.
💙Pile Two:
Hi pile 2! I feel like right now you’re a bit disappointed and sad over some spilled milk. You’re feeling some guilt for doing what is best for you. I feel like you have all that you need to change your circumstances within yourself. You just need to be determined, patient, and willing. Good things really do take time. Trials and tribulations will happen and that’s just life. You don’t learn to appreciate the good if there is no bad. I see someone keeping a close eye on you. Paying attention and maybe talking about you. It doesn’t have to be bad talk though. I just feel like they’re seeing you do you and talking about it with people they’re around or close to. I see you feeling inspired by this disappointment though. The hurt is inspiring you to change and take control over what you can and that is yourself. You’re putting an end to this feeling of sadness and guilt and turning it into something positive. I feel like you’re not stopping your life for nobody. You keep it pushing even when it’s hard to. You’ve grown so much as a person and I feel like this situation is only pushing you to do even better than you are! You aren’t waiting for anyone to come and save you or be the person that you need. You’re definitely giving someone the cold shoulder and letting them watch you. You don’t necessarily need anyone, but when a person is getting your time, care, and efforts I feel like you aren’t going to just let them walk all over you and not hold up their end of the line. You have standards, morals, & integrity. I feel like you don’t like the unnecessary drama or chaos and if someone is disrupting your peace you will gladly cut off all communication with them. I see you confidently enjoying yourself and resting assured all things will happen the way they should. You’re letting your actions and effort lead you and having faith that you accepting things and letting them just happen will align what and who is really meant for you. I just keep getting this energy of “wait for me”. I’m not sure who is wanting this but someone definitely is. Someone who loves and cares about you, but can’t give you what you need right now in whatever way that applies to you. They’re trying their best to hold onto you and not let you go. Even if it’s just watching you, not saying too much or anything but putting on this front like as if they’re fine. They’re being lighthearted and cold at the same time. It’s like they’re being really quiet not saying much, but definitely feeling a lot of emotion without letting you see too deeply. They know if they get too close they will fall in love with you. For some of you this could be a friend or someone you have history with. This person is up in their head not trying to say anything because they’re afraid or they feel like they just can’t do much because of where they are right now. They want to take the lead and you follow, but I feel like they need to come up with a plan or take the extra mile in order to even get to you because I don’t see you settling. You feel like the situation itself is too much drama and conflict. It’s a bit triggering for you because I feel like you’ve grown past all that type of energy. You’re completely blocked off to this person and I feel like they feel it. They know you shut them out of your life and it took a lot for you to do that as well.
💙Pile Three:
I feel like you’re working on multiple things in your life right now and one of those things is a connection you have with someone. I feel like you were offering your love and care to this person and they broke your trust. You feel like you lost your energy to even try anymore and the situation has gone draining and more of a setback than it is benefiting you. I feel like you just want things to be balanced and reciprocated, but instead it feels like you’re the only one trying and you’re tired. I feel like you don’t want to fight for this anymore. This person unexpectedly felt something for you and I feel like they didn’t feel prepared at all for that. They feel this calling to just hold onto you and not let you go. They keep trying to put in bits of effort to hold on to the connection but I feel like because of the way they’re showing up it seems like they don’t feel for you at all. They seem distracted or a bit closed off emotionally and it’s because they’re afraid of opening up. For some of you they’re afraid of their feelings for you. You might be wondering why this person keeps in contact with you at all but it’s because they feel like they need to take their time with things and be patient with the way things are going. You don’t want to go with the flow when you don’t know where that river leads to. I’m hearing “this is getting old” and “reaching for the stars”. I feel like you’re tired of the same old story and excuses. It just feels like this will never be good. You can feel that way or this person does. I just feel like the energy is giving pessimistic hopeless romantic. Feeling like there’s no hope of this ever working out and I feel like you’re ready to just move on and keep it pushing. You’re not dealing with inconsistent and immature behavior. This person isn’t on the same level as you emotionally and besides all the surface level and physical stuff, deep down they’re struggling. They don’t know how to handle their feelings and I feel like they may run from them. I’m getting a lot of messages about the ocean and water so emotions are definitely a big factor here. It feels like you were building on an unsteady foundation and it was almost as if you stepped into a building that was inevitably going to fall apart and the minute you stepped in it crumbled. That’s how this person heart feels. It’s like the minute they got too close things just started coming undone. I do see you speaking your mind to this person and being completely honest about how you feel and I feel like you told them what you needed and wanted out and it made them realize they want the same things their mind is just at war with their heart. They aren’t saying much to you and I feel like they could just be ignoring you and not saying anything at all because they know you just want nothing but clear and direct communication. You want everything straight forward and I feel like your standards are high so you aren’t accepting less than. You’re very intelligent and I feel like you see through any situation that seems unclear. You know the minute you’re being gaslighted or manipulated and I feel like whenever you start to second guess yourself and what you feel, you know something is up. You know this person isn’t quite sure on how they feel and I feel like you accepted what they gave you and ran with it. In the sense that you let them do what they want to do and you just observe and move accordingly. Either way you’re gonna do what’s best for you. This person is separated from you by fate. I feel like there is distance between you and it could be a lack of communication, physical or emotional distance, or all of the above. This is happening so they can understand things by themselves. They know deep down how they feel and it’s up to them whether or not they want to accept it. I don’t see you waiting around though. You’re doing what makes you happy and I feel like being stuck and confused is something you’re definitely not about to do and they know this because of what you said and did. You said what you said and you stand on that.
You meant everything you ever said to them and I feel like when you walked away they realized how serious you were. I seen something that said “If a woman likes you enough you don’t even have to lie to her, she will lie to herself.” Some of you could have been lying to yourself giving this person the benefit of the doubt, but then you decided you couldn’t do it anymore and just started being honest with yourself. Of course you don’t have to be a woman but generally speaking. This person could’ve been in another situation before you, that didn’t work out and maybe they seen a good opportunity with you just to have a person like you around. They could’ve attempted to fill the void that they feel with you. However, they underestimated you. But I just hear “I’m not dealing with this” from you and you walked away. Completely cut off contact and went about your life as you should. I just feel like this person feels stuck and that’s something they’re gonna have to figure out.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
☆《A letter away. (Neuvillette x Reader x Ex-husband!Zhonghli)》☆
A/N: Hello everyone! This is me officially coming back through a very special request! I was thinking of a good way to get back into writing and so I asked my best friend, my ride or die, my literal everything to give me something to write about. And since I know she loves Neuvillette alot, this is my official thank you to her for being a phenomenal friend and waif. Also, HSR requests will come in due time, after I get used to writing again. So without further ado, please enjoy and thank you again to my bestie for helping me with my comeback!<33 Summary: Zhongli wanted to embrace his new life as a human to the fullest, which also meant that his dragonic wife couldn't be in it. Heartbroken and hopeless, you feel abandoned as you wonder what you should even do now, after eons of being with him... until one day, you receive a letter from an old friend, that finally showed you the way forward again. Content: Female reader, some angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of divorce (kind of), reader has some physical descriptions that hint to them being a dragon hybird, Zhongli being horrible, some hints of possible emotional abuse (no detailed descriptions), happy ending, somewhat of a healing journey, writing warm up, sfw
Reader has she/her pronouns! (Not really proofread)
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The summer came to an end early this year and not because of the seasons changing, but rather your husband doing so. Despite the scorching heat that left the usually busy streets of Liyue mostly empty, you felt the cold seep through your skin, whenever he came back from work. You'd shiver, nearly imagining the cold puffs of air whenever he passed you by wordlessly. You only barely remember the days of happy greetings and warm welcomes, but perhaps you were only imagining those too. You felt like a simple shadow in your own home, always disappearing from the presence of the light that was Zhongli's intimidating figure.
And today was no different.
He walked in, took off his coat, then his shoes. He paid no mind to you hiding in the doorway to the kitchen, slitted eyes flickering between him and the food he brought with him, despite you telling him that you were going to cook for him earlier that day. You should've known better, than to think that he was listening to you after all. You opened your mouth to greet him, but your voice was missing. You didn't want him to snap at you again for making him awknowledge you. Slowly retreating back into the dim room, you shivered when you felt his dark gaze on you. You made too much noise for someone who was just a ghost in his home now.
It couldn't always have been like this, you concluded, as you stood over the now cold food on the table. No, there was a time where you two were happy, mates for life. He built a home for you in Liyue, kept you protected during the archon wars, practically laid out the world down at your feet... until he didn't. Until he became this. A god who wanted to pretend to be a human for a reason nor you or any other adepti could ever understand. You weren't able to hide most of your dragonic features like he could and therefore you were mostly stuck in the home. Human men usually didn't have dragons as wifes, you figured bitterly. But he was no human, no matter how much he wanted to pretend he was.
He gave up his Gnosis and decided that faking his death would get him closer to living his ideal life amongst his people as nothing more than Zhongli. And you hated that name. That wasn't your husband. Maybe he had died years ago and you simply didn't notice. Whatever it was, you felt empty as the last warm sun rays of the day hit your face and you slumped into the nearest chair with a weak sigh. Deep down, you knew you were a hindrance to him. Something that kept him from becoming fully human. And it hurt, that he was willing to give you up so easily over this.
Weren't dragons supposed to mate for life?
You pressed your face against the cold surface of the table, your eyes catching the sight of a white envelope resting on the kitchen counter. Your tail swished once in recognition, before stilling. You knew who it was from, your heart clenching nervously at the idea of Zhongli seeing it. He wouldn't like who it was from, surely. But then again, he didn't seem to care anymore either. If you left tommorow, what would he say? Would he stop you? Beg for you to come home with him again? You pressed your lips into a thin line. He would have maybe once eons ago... but not anymore.
It was proven to you, when your zoned out gaze on the letter was blocked off by a certain man's torso. You didn't bother raising your head or looking up at him. If he was finally awknowledging you now, then it was only for one reason you were afraid of. Your time with him was up. He began a speech, one you could barely hear through the foggy haze of your mind, until he stilled too. There was no point to sugarcoat it. "... I want you gone by morning." He simply said, knowing that you at least caught those words. He turned, deciding to leave for the house whilst you were still there, when you enacted your final attempt at revenge. It was weak, nothing in comparison to what he had done. But it was enough to enrage him deep down.
"Very well, Morax." You made sure, that his old name rolled off your tongue perfectly, cutting him deep with the knowledge, that you will never see him as a human. He paused in his step and you could imagine the way he clenched his jaw when you closed your eyes with a bitter chuckle. Your keen ears heard the leather straining as he closed his fists tightly. You felt his head turn to look at you, his breath hitching to say something... before he simply left, the door slamming behind himon his way out. It was hard to make him lose his composure, but you knew him all too well. He was too prideful even now.
When you opened your eyes again, it was late into the night. You lit a candle, your eyes flickering to the letter again. You had yet to open it. perhaps you were afraid of it's contents, despite having no need to. You always knew, that you should've chosen him instead anyways. You weakly pushed yourself up onto your feet, your hand reaching for the letter. You turned it, a shadow of a smile on your lips, when you see your old nickname on the back of it. Neuvillette remembered it even all these years later.
'To my dear Water Lily.'
You opened it with shaking hands, your eyes looking over it's contents with a worried gaze, that melted away the more you read. It was an invitation to come visit him all the way in Fountaine. He had hoped you were still wiling to speak to him despite your marriage to Morax- no, Zhongli. You were childhood friend's once, two dragons that kept to themselves in the depth of the oceans, until the wars came along. You should've married him when you had the chance, but Zhongli got to you first. Would you have married him instead, if he hadn't hesistated?
You shook your head, your hands pressing the letter to your chest. To your heart. You might as well go. You had nothing to lose anymore. slipping off the ring on your finger and placing it onto the table, you packed some simple things for the trip, before stepping out of the once warm home. You walked quickly, your head low to not attract any attention. You'll never come back to Liyue, you decided then. But you couldn't help but stop for a moment to look back at your home city with a deep, heartbroken sigh. Mainly because you felt a certain Adepti's gaze on you. You looked up, meeting his eyes with a sad, pained frown. Xiao's face was unreadable, but you knew, that he knew that this might be the last time you saw eachother. And so, all he could do was bow deeply, before disappearing. You nod in understanding.
There was no need for goodbye's, as they hurt more.
You went on to travel for a good month straight, seeing sights you could never have been able to witness at Zhongli's side. You met new people, even friends, as you traversed through the thick forest of Sumeru, no one giving your inhuman features a second look. Sumeru city was a sight to behold, the Archon of wisdom being kind enough to point you towards the direction of your destination. The vast desert was an experience you never thought you'd appreciate either. And by the time you finally stood at the port to Fountaine's entrance, you couldn't help but look back at Sumeru with a fond gaze, lost in thought, until a something pulled at your sleeve.
Looking down, you saw a Melusine tilt her head up at you. "Hello... Do you need help getting somewhere, miss? You've been standing here for about an hour now." She said bluntly, making you blink, before fishing out the letter with a hum. "I... need to meet the Chief of Justice." You mutter, the small creature nodding in understanding, as though this was a normal request for her. "That's easy. You just have to take the Aquabus to the city first." "Oh..." Your eyes looks up at the large wall of waterfalls with a confused gaze. "... Do you know what an Aquabus is?" "I... no." You say after a moment of hesistation, making the Melusine nod again. "Follow me then. I'll get you to your destination, miss." She said.
And as promised, you soon enough nervously sat in this so-called Aquabus, waving the helpful Melusine a thankful goodbye. the ride was long, yet far from boring for your curious eyes. You had become near addicted to the thrill of adventure, to the thrill of seeing things you could never have been able to before. Perhaps you've just been trapped for way too long. An excited smile crossed your face, when you finally arrived in the busy capital city of Fountaine. You felt out of place, but couldn't care for it through the glee you felt. He was so close, you could feel it. And it made you wonder if he felt it too. You entered the large building that he was the leader of, a Chief of Justice, something you never expected him to ever become. But then again, you never expected to end up like this either, although you should've perhaps known better.
You were let through quicker than you anticipated, after you showed them the ticket that came with the letter. A Melusine led you to a grand balcony that oversaw the entire city, before telling you that he'd be there soon. You leaned against the marble railing, eyes sparkling at the breathtaking sight before you. Your heart fluttered with an odd sense of belonging, memories of a childhood spend in vast oceans coming to mind and filling you with painful nostalgia.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" A deep voice hummed, a soft gasp leaving your lips, as you looked up at the familiar tall man beside you. You were so deep in thought, that you hadn't noticed his presence approaching you. You gulped, so many emotions and thoughts running through your head. There was so much you wanted so say. But ultimately, you could only turn to look back at the vast ocean with a small smile, when you felt his pinky finger touch yours. A silent promsie of being here for you. Always.
"Yes... Yes, it is."
A/N: Alrightttt! This was a very nice warm up for me and quite the long one too... I hope you guys liked this one! And a special thank you to my bestie once more for being my favourite person ever and giving me this great idea.
It's great to be back!<33
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gen4grl · 8 months
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timeskip zero crew + written bios below !
with the sv cycle coming to an end, i’d thought i’d share my timeskip zero crew designs! friendship and the impact it can have on an individual has always been a key feature of pokemon - with sv easily executing that theme the best. zero crew has an extremely special place in my heart and think i speak for everyone when i say i'm gonna miss this group a lot ♥︎
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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♡ Originally from a small island in the North Paldean Sea. Homeschooled until her family moved to mainland Paldea where she started her public education at Uva Academy.
♡ Socially awkward, clumsy and struggles with organisation. Not the best with words but a fantasic listener. Booksmart and tends to be a people pleaser to a fault.
♡ Despite her awkwardness, is obliviously confident. Confessed her feelings and asked Arven to be her boyfriend after Area Zero, believing it was just a one way crush. Definitely was not and have been dating since.
♡ Was extremely overwhelmed starting school with no clue what direction she wanted her live to go in. After the events of Area Zero and collecting Herba Mystica, realised she wanted to become a pharmaceutical scientist with the goal of making Herba Mystica more wildly available in a medicinal format for people and their pokémon. Cites Director Clavell and Jacq as her biggest inspirations.
♡ Still considers Carmine, Kieran and the former BB League members some of her closest friends. The groups enjoy traveling together between Paldea, Kitakami and Unova together.
♡ Enjoys beers, fried food, karaoke & visiting the night markets in Porto Marinada.
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♡ Graduated with distinctions in all classes but dreams of making a name for herself outside her wealthy family. Currently works fulltime at Uva Acadmeny as a battle studies teacher with the end goal of becoming Champion.
♡ Lives in a high rise apartment in the center of Mesagoza overlooking the battle court. Absolutely loves the lively and fast paced energy of the city.
♡ Despite being extremely outgoing, struggles with making and maintaining friendships. Holds Juliana extremely close to her heart as she believes she was the first person to ever really 'get her'. First came out to Juliana after the groups adventure to Area Zero. Currently crushing on Carmine.
♡ Often mistaken for being a 'tomboy' but has quite alot of interest in typically 'feminine' things but has trouble connecting and expressing this part of her. Particularly likes plushies, collecting perfume and playing piano in which she is extremely gifted.
♡ Detail oriented and enjoys organisation. Wakes up at 5:30 every morning and runs from Mesagoza to Levincia no matter what she did the previous night.
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♡ Only child of the late Professor Turo. Originally withdrawn and standoffish; after learning of his fathers passing, became extremely family & friend focused. Would love to have his own family in the future. Considers Clavell a second father.
♡ Originally specialised in traditional savoury Paldean dishes but developed a love for baking after making Juliana macarons for their first Valentines Day together.
♡ After graduation, worked as a dish hand in a small bar in Porto Marinada. Worked his way up to line cook while occasionally doing pokémon walking and sitting on the side. Currently the manager of the new Mesagoza Patisserie Soapberry location. Spends his income on renovating the lighthouse where he lives with Juliana, Mabosstiff and Miraidon.
♡ Prized possessions include his fathers old lab coat and journals recovered from the Zero Lab. Gifted an oddly familar version of the presumably lost Violet Book by Juliana after her return from stuyding at Blueberry Academy which he keeps in his nightstand.
♡ Due to his unique upbringing and feelings of isolation; is very protective and easily jealous in both platonic and romantic relationships.
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♡ Originally from Hulbury, Galar. Daughter of former Galar champion, Peony. Currently lives in an old industrial loft with Atticus and Giacamo in downtown Mesagoza. Loves city life but misses the small beachtown vibes of her hometown. While developing a closer relationship with her dad after gradution, has no intentions of moving back home to Galar.
♡ Prefers to keep her circle small but cares deeply for her friends to a point of getting herself in bad situations to help them. Still learning how to put herself first in certain sitations with help and advice from Arven.
♡ Works full time for the Pokémon League doing admin work. Does occasional hairdressing on the side mostly for friends and mutuals. Specialises in bleaching and alternative cuts and colours. Originally a brunette - wouldn’t be caught dead with grown out roots.
♡ Has a terrible diet consisting mostly of cup ramen, sushi and whatever the cheapest energy drink is. Sleeps around 4 hours each night after spending her after work hours gaming online with Kieran; excluding Wednesdays where she plays Magic the Gathering with Team Star.
♡ Homebody who loves reading + collecting manga and crafts; particularly sewing and knitting after being taught by Attitcus.
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kacievvbbbb · 4 days
Okay so I’ve spent the last couple days on Twitter (@kacievvbbbb if you wanna join me 👀) just fucking yapping about my new found obsession with the idea that Mihawk not only reads but is an active and well loved contributor to the pirate smut genre all across the blues. And I just needed to bring this to tumble to get more thoughts on it.
Here are mine;
- he obviously writes under a pseudonym would be funny if it was an anagram of like Worlds Strongest Swordsman or something.
- he writes essentially y/n fanfiction but he is always the reader.
- he is heavily perfectionist about his detailing of things like bodice ripping and that has lead to many a fun night for Shanks as he discreetly tries to rest just how exactly a bodice ripping would look and feel. Or if this sex position is even plausible.
-this one was a combined effort between @Dior and myself but he writes all the lovers as much more of an active participant in sex than the pillow princess himself actually is and this is because he thinks he is putting in exactly the same amount of work into sex as Shanks is which is laughable.
-Benn features heavily in alot of these RHP smut books. Benn
-He mostly writes RHP smut but he will branch out to other pirates like Crocodile maybe Doffy 👀. This gives Shanks heart palpitations when he finds out all this smut has been written by Mihawk.
- Mihawk almost kills both himself and Shanks by drowning the first time he finds out that Shanks knows about his little hobby.
- Shanks regularly requests they try something from the book and Mihawk has to stomp down the urge to throttle him. But again Mihawk’s reader is a much active participant in sex than he is and he is not a fan of all this work he has to put in even though he enjoys the results. Shanks is highly amused.
- Shanks for the first time in his life becaomes an avid reader with a habit and this confuses everyone that doesn’t know what he is reading and suffers Benn greatly who does.
- Shanks is lowkey very into the stories where the “reader” has sex with other men. He starts setting plans in motion.
- Mihawk also collects a lot of pirate smut a lot of it is about himself as well and this is his equivalent to jerking off. His next favorite people to read about are of course Shanks, Cricodile he is ashamed of just how much Doflamingo smut he owns. Lowkey maybe some King smut too.
- a contribution from someone on Twitter tha I live is that he also grades said smut about himslef and then sends the notes to the authors.
- he pseudonym is well known and well lived in the community.
-this is infact where more than half of his riches comes from.
- yes he also does read marine porn. He steers clear of anything that even remotely mentions garp tho. His favorite marine to red about is Sengoku I don’t fucking know 😭. I can just imagine him seating in warlord meetings shipping Sengoku with random fucking marines and pirates as he is trying to talk about very serious business
- he sure write the well known and well loved “the red haired emperor & me” series which is published in Morgan’s magazine or whatever and Shanks always seeks him out no matter where he is and fucks him good and hard everytime a new chapter goes out.
- he continues to do this while at Cross Guild Buggy and Crocodile are non the wiser. His crocodile descriptions start to get more detailed a clown pops up every now and again in his writing Shanks might be on the verge of a heart attack.
- shanks is a little too invested in the situation some (Benn) would say.
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iridescent-solstice · 3 months
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲! 𝐀 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 🌸 | ᴘᴛ. ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ: ɴᴀᴅɪᴀ | ⤷ ʟɪꜰᴇ ʜᴀᴅ ʙᴇᴇɴ ꜱᴏ ʜᴇᴄᴛɪᴄ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ. ᴍᴀᴋɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄʜᴇʀɪꜱʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴍᴀʟʟ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴘᴇɴᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ . . .
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"Sometimes I wonder whether I can truly change this city . . . But then when I think of you . . . it's as if all my doubts have faded away."
This quiet murmur that falls from Nadia's lips is the first thing you hear once you wake up. Still bleary eyed and tired yet you welcome the sight of her vermilion eyes shining down with adoration. Affection gnawing at your heart, urging you to greet her. A smile ghosts your lips as you push yourself up on your elbows to place a gentle kiss on her lips. Nose brushing against one another as your low lidded eyes drinks in her beauty. She seems to be doing the same. "Hmm am I truly that breathtaking?" You joke while brushing a strand of hair away from her face. Not letting anything hide her beauty.
"Enough to distract you from all your fears and doubts?" You muse with a grin and she chuckles. Bumping her forehead against yours, hands slowly pushing you back down, and quiet as a mouse you let her do so. "Of course, my love, do you doubt it?" She chuckles at your silly questions. "You're more important than any of my fears or doubts. When I think of you . . ." A blush begins to dust her cheeks, eyes darting away. "I can't help but feel this deep-rooted sense of peace washing over me. As if everything will be okay once I find you again." A sigh of contentment falling from her lips when you pull her closer. With the date of the masquerade ball drawing closer and closer, you had witnessed firsthand just how stressful planning a big event really is . . . Of course, it's not like you were completely clueless about it before, it's just a different story when all of Versuvia must enjoy it. That's alot of people. So many demands and wishes. So many traditions to uphold, but many that serve as a warning. Overindulgence. Greed. Apathy . . .
Yet admist all of this, you find yourself admiring Nadia even more now. The hussle and bussle of the castle never taking your eyes away from her. Her attention to detail, her dedication to her job as countess and her quick decision making is inspiring to say the least. Isn't she amazing? Her ability to keep a cool and level-headed approach no matter the mess up only grew the admiration you had of her. "You really are magnificent . . ." Is what you'd often say to her. But she'd always wave the compliment off. "Not as radiant as you my dear." You can't say you agree with her, but her gaze leaves little to dispute. However, if there is something everyone can agree on . . . Is just how tenacious she actually is.
You just wish she didn't work herself to the bone. That she'd accept the help offered to her . . . Your help at the very least. But she doesn't, she never does. But what she can never quite fully resist, is a warm cup of tea and some alone time with you. She loves you even more for combining the two for your morning ritual.
And so that is usually how you'd coax her to stay in bed just a little longer. Cuddled in her arms or her snuggling into you is how most mornings are spent together. "Just stay five more minutes until the tea arrives pleaseeee Noddy!" . . . She knows your games but entertains them, nonetheless. Mostly because she can't help it. She can't help adoring you and all your silly little antics. Especially not when you insist of asking for biscuits as well so you can feed them to her and spoil her appetite for breakfast in the process. But she's not complaining. Why would she when your soft warm hands are holding her so close? Why would she when for once there is someone taking care for her? Just her and her alone~
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[ ᴅɪᴠɪᴅᴇʀꜱ ʙʏ: @magicalboything] ⤷ Recoloured so it stands out on the blog and fits the character. If you're not comfy with that PLS do let me know and I'll change it!
{ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: ɪ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀᴅᴅ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴘɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰɪᴄꜱ. ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴜɴʟᴇꜱꜱ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴡɪꜱᴇ. ᴀɢᴇʟᴇꜱꜱ ʙʟᴏɢꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʙʟᴏɢꜱ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ 16 ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴏʀ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍʏ ᴍᴅɴɪ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ʙʟᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ}
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taehyungisminee · 2 years
What would be a turn on for Ateez?
[Also I could try to do a more kinkier version. Please tell me if you'd like that]
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 :- 468 words 2,494 characters
Hongjoong: When he had a long day at work and you give him a massage or something. Basically, if you take extra time to spoil him. Or when you help him relieve his stress by letting him fuck you and make this man jealous and you won't know anything but his name for the entire night...
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Seonghwa: There's certain type of clothing you could wear, like form-fitting dresses, or short skirts. And if you happen to bend over in front of him, prepare for some action later. Thus every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In this case there is definitely gonna be an opposite reaction for your bratty action.
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Yunho: It's so hard imagining him getting turned on but if he does, it's when you straddle him and run your fingers through/tug on his hair. Yunho will get turned on when you wore his shirt. He'll be going crazy watching his clothes look so big on you [This was suggested by @thekhiza] [ Sorry guys I don't think I can write more than this for him. I just am unable to imagine him getting turned on...]
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Yeosang: Probably gets turned on if you wore a shirt of his to go to bed or something like that. Or whenever you show a lot of skin. Also. High heels. Yes. He's probably way too shy so he's gonna try his best to hide the fact that he gets turned on.
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San: My baby boy I don't think I can do this... It's probably when you tease him in public, like when you're having dinner with the other members and you do some secret stuff under the table... I'm not gonna go into details.. You get what I mean right?
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Mingi: When you wear lingerie and give him neck kisses and hickeys he loves those... Also this man is into roleplay no matter if he's the sub or dom. For example like the boss and secretary, a teacher and a student etc...
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Wooyoung: Whenever you wear something revealing or show your cleavage. For example you wearing something like a skirt or when you try to be dominant but end up getting spanked or tied up on his bed while he fucks the hell out of you until you can remember nothing but his name for the entire night. Also this man is a DOM no doubt so i feel he'd be into daddy/babygirl. [This is especially for mah friend @wooyoungmybelovedhusband ]
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Jongho: Whenever you wear something short or something revealing oh he would love that. Now imagine yourself in a cute short pink skirt on his lap grinding on him.... [OKAY OKAY I tried my best to write for him. Alot of people wanted me to add him and thus I tried my best. I'm sorry if I had disappointed some people before.]
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Thankyou! Hope you enjoyed reading.
[Also guys my series of Straykids - Mates.I will be taking a small break from that as I wanna write some other stuff as well.Hope you understand.]
𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 :- @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @babyhailey819
𝑱𝒐𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 ❦
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 1 year
Hello~! I am a new fan of Ace Attorney and I found your blog and absolutely fell in love with ur fankids and au, aaaa!!!! It's all so cute!!! I was wondering if I could ask a few questions about it, if you don't mind?
My first question is regarding Maya and Phoenix! So is Phoenix like a sperm donor for their kids together and it's like an agreed upon thing they talked about alot beforehand and felt okay doing because they're dear friends and close or is it more like a comfortable romantic-leaning relationship they've got going on where they have sex sometimes but they're more like cozy partners?
My 2nd question is about Miles!! I wanted to know how he interacts with the girls! For them, he's more like an uncle right? (Or is he like another father figure for them too?) Does he find it more awkward/harder to interact with them or does he soften up and treat them the same as Gregory??
Anyway, thank you for enlightening me to this au!!! I just got through the 1st game and could definitely see the Phoenix×Miles ship but I hadn't considered how well all 3 of them could click together! I love that you're exploring that happiness for them and now it's one of my favorite au/headcanon's for AA!!! (^^)💕
Hello friend (and Happy Pride Month everyone 𔓘⭒๋࣭ )!! Thank you so much and I'm so glad you enjoy the au, it means a lot! The three of them deserve a happy and loving life together and it brings me joy to see that other people think so, too!
I always love answering questions about the au so I'll be happy to answer!
There's a lot here so I have it all under the cut. :)
(And here's another teaser from my illustration series I'm still working on. I haven't had much time to make new artwork for the au lately ahh ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ )
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Anyway, with your first question, it's funny because neither is exactly right. In the beginning, being a donor was something that both Edgeworth and Maya mentioned explicitly (Phoenix feels that there's maybe a "nicer way to put it") but that's essentially what they believed that they were getting themselves into.
They discussed it for nearly half a year while Maya still explored her options and met with other people in the mean time, and this was already after Maya was actively looking for a husband for more than a year and a half. Luckily, Phoenix already knew a bit about the matriarchy and history of Kurain Village, so Maya didn't need to explain much more about that to him. Regardless, the arrangements had to be discussed at length.
Maya didn't expect nor want Phoenix to drop his whole life to be her house-husband in Kurain, so they knew early on that they would spend their parenthood together on a visiting-basis. They visited each other often anyway, so it wouldn't disrupt their lives too much all things considering.
This obviously wasn't ideal on paper, and there was some lament that it was unreasonable for them to be full time parents together. However, with Maya finding herself feeling overwhelmed "in a bad way", as she puts it, whenever she met with potential spouses combined with Phoenix's anxiety with the history of unhappy marriages in Kurain Village and wanting nothing more than for Maya to be happy, they decided the "less than ideal" situation was the best option for them.
Then there was the matter of conceiving the kids, which I detailed in a previous ask.
Their journey to parenthood did push the boundaries of their friendship, and after exploring what those boundaries were, they often had to stop and ask themselves what they even were to each other anymore. They weren't attracted to each other, weren't super comfortable with being married for a long time (with Maya opting to label themselves as "hus-friend" and "wi-friend" in private). However, they still deeply loved each other, found some forms of intimacy pleasant with each other (eg, they enjoy cuddling and sleeping in the same bed but not making out nor having sex), and, obviously, had children together.
It wasn't until shortly before Mia (the eldest daughter) was born--nearly 4 years after Phoenix and Maya decided to have kids together--that they accepted that their relationship could not be defined and stopped caring. They knew what they were to each other and that's all that mattered. (Although, their relationship can be defined: it is queerplatonic, but they don't call themselves this because they are ignorant to the label.)
As for Edgeworth and the Fey girls, it's also a hard relationship to define. He doesn't see them as often as Phoenix does, because when Phoenix and Gregory visit Maya in Kurain, he opts to go to his house to rest and enjoy some time alone. He sees Pearl's daughters even less, since when Maya visits LA, Pearl rarely joins her since she takes over Maya's duties in Kurain.
While all four of the Fey girls call Edgeworth "Uncle Miles" or just "Miles", he’s considerably closer to Maya's daughters than Pearl's. Even before adopting Gregory, he found himself involved by counseling Phoenix and Maya throughout their journey to parenthood, was present when all three kids were born, and even named the youngest daughter (Melusina).
When the girls got a little older, Edgeworth isn't hesitant to discipline them (well, Mia--Melusina doesn't usually cause issues) if he needs to. He tries to give them equal attention but he can't help but be somewhat distant to them compared to his son. Sometimes he overcompensates and Mia takes full advantage of this--and Edgeworth knows it. All in all, he's somewhere in between a father to them and an uncle. Regardless of labels, he is very much part of their family.
Thank you so much for the question!
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the-ghost-17 · 4 months
ok I think I might be going a little insane with this one
Ok listen this is completely out of left field but it is the middle of the night, I am in ohio, and I'm pretty sure I have brain damage from roller-coasters but I just had a great idea for a zootopia fanfic
ok pretty much nick starts to catch feelings for Judy and he's pretty alarmed, interspecies relationships aren't really common and especially not between prey and predator. He really doesn't know what to do so he goes to his best friend, the one causing him alarm in the first place, Judy. He asks her about her thoughts on the matter and she says that she doesn't really think there's anything wrong with it and that a couple they did a welfare check on is an interspecies couple, nick complains that the two are both predators which causes Judy to dig a little deeper and ask him why he's asking the question. Nick admits to having a small crush on a prey girl but doesn't give her any specific details, Judy looks just the slightest bit disappointed but not enough to be noticeable, she says that if he thinks that she might reciprocate his feelings then he should just go for it, nick isn't really convinced so Judy asks he wants to get a coffee. They go to a Cafe and get a coffee and some sweets and sit down, while they're enjoying their drinks and having a small conversation a cheetah with a purple dyed mane and a denom jacket walks up and asks Judy for an autograph, while Judy is signing the piece of paper a hyena walks up to the cheetah and says they have to go to work and that they'll see her later, they kiss her on the cheek and walk away, the cheetah apologizes for her partners lack of awareness, Judy says it's fine while nick asks her a question, he asks if they get any negativity for being an interspecies couple or whether or not they get judged alot, the cheetah politely explains that they sometimes get a bit of attention and that every so often they catch a few stares but usually people are pretty chill about it, nick says thank you for talking with him.
And that's about what I've got, I'll update yall if I think of more but like I doubt it
This came from deep in the crevices of my mind like oof
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Title: Taste The Rainbow {One Shot} ***
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Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Warning: NSFW, 18+ Mature Content, Cursing, Substance Use, Crude Language, Oral: Male & Female Receiving, PLENTY OF WORDS, Raw Shenanigans
Words: 11.7K
Synopsis: Nope!!
Note: All right guys, as promised and teased. I know it’s mega long, but I really wanted you guys to have a full experience and really make it feel real. I hope you enjoy this, and I didn’t go overboard. 
Caution: there are ALOT of words. LISTEN TO THE WARNINGS!!
As always, thank you for reading.
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!
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“Come on, you have to come!”
 You rolled your eyes as you popped a few kernels of kettle corn into your mouth. The current episode of this k-drama you were watching was the only thing on your mind right now and finishing this series was the only thing on your agenda tonight. You didn’t care how much your best friend Lina pleaded or begged or even bargained. You were determined not to fall for it.
 “Oh hell no. There is no way in hell you’re staying home tonight. Not when tonight is supposed to be the hottest party ever,” Trixie shouted ending her sentence in true Trixie fashion—exaggeratedly.
 You rolled your eyes again, now only half listening because you were fully focused on reading subtitles. Your jaw dropped when it was revealed that the second male lead who had been persistently trying to get the female lead was in fact cheating and seeing the first male lead.
 “No fucking way,” you said more to the space around you than to your friends.
 “Y/N! We will kick down your door and drag you out whether you want to or not!”
 Sighing you pressed pause, “Trixie, I don’t want to go. I’m good here tonight. I have my kettle corn, my strawberry mojitos and nine episodes to keep me company,” you protested.
 “My god, when did you get so boring?”
 “Plus, you say every party is going to be the hottest party ever,” you added mimicking her words, energy, and tone of voice to perfection.
 You could hear Lina laughing.
 “You think you’re real cute huh, Y/N?”
 “Matter of fact I know I am. Cute, fine and better than a glass of fine wine!”
 You smiled then took a sip of your mojito. As soon as the burn of the three different liquors took over your tongue you moaned. You’d wanted it to be strong but gahdamn it was strong, strong. You released a hoot and moaned again.
 “Are you drinking?”
 “Damn right I’m drinking.”
 “Alone? Wow, you’re right Tix, she has gotten boring.”
 “Fuck you thing one and thing two!”
 They giggled as you took another healthy sip while ignoring their bullshit. You were not boring. Yes, it had been a while since you’d partied until the next day’s sun shined hot in the sky, or till you passed out and woke up with no memory of the previous night, or had a wild ass story to tell, but so what! As you went over those details in your head you paused beginning to wonder if they were right. Had you gotten boring?
 “Still there?”
 Sighing, you leaned back in the couch. “Still here.”
 “We have a reason you should come tonight besides that fact you’ve gotten boring,” Lina said.
 “Wha reason,” you questioned with a mouthful of popcorn.
 “You know who is supposed to be there,” Lina replied.
 Before you put another handful of popcorn into your mouth, you took a sip from your glass already feeling the light and dark rum and tequila beginning to work its glorious magic. “Who?”
 “You know who. Come on, he’d about six feet, looks amazing in a jumpsuit, know how to go super-fast, and has more than one talent,” Trixie listed off.
 You rolled your eyes. The minute she said looks amazing in a jumpsuit you knew who she was blabbering on about. Scoffing you shook your head. “Oh. So, you mean super-fast as in sleeps with anything with a nice ass and a great set of tits faster than a racecar can get to one hundred?”
 Their snorting told you that they got your joke.
 “You ain’t have to do our friend like that,” Lina piped up.
 “Friend? Girl please that’s yo’ guys’ friend!”
 “Okay you’re our friend so friends by two degrees of separation,” Lina added.
 “Whatever. I still don’t wanna go.”
 “Come on. He specifically asked if you were gonna be there tonight.”
 With your glass right at your lips, you paused. “W—why?”
 “Guess you’re gonna have to come and find out.”
 You rolled your eyes already knowing this was one of Trixie’s tricks. For the last six years since Lina had gotten signed to be one of the models for a F1 event where she met none other than Sir Lewis Hamilton, they’d maintained contact and become friends. One event let to two, then three and that’s when Lina brought Trixie in on the fun then ultimately you. Lina and Trixie hit it off with him and his friends because they were models and ran in those party circles. You however, you weren’t a model. You were a stylist and aspiring fashion designer. When Trixie let that slip to him seventy-two hours later you were booked as his stylist for his next eight events. It had been one of those Cinderella stories. From then you were booked and busy.
 Where Lina and Trixie always connected with him, you on the other hand couldn’t. You didn’t know why. It wasn’t because his vibe was off, or he proved to be an asshole or not worth the hype. In fact, his energy was incredible, it was always positive, always bubbly and filled with so much calm that you wondered if he knew hoodoo and had leveled up to master practitioner or if it was for real. Whenever you were around him, he proved to be as great as everyone always raved about. He was kind, thoughtful, funny, and so damn endearing. There was also always this intoxicating vibe that he gave off, a vibe that felt like a drug. You’d watched so many fall for it. That made you that much more determined not to be one of them.
 So, you kept your emotional and energy distance from him whenever you were around each other which was a lot. After six years, you were exhausted with trying to keep your walls impenetrable and energies from mingling together. It had become clear around year two how badly your energies wanted to play. However, he’d never made a move on you, never asked Lina or Trixie to put in a word for him, never stepped over the line or disrespected you or your body. Half of you was relieved, the other half was confused as to why he hadn’t. By year five you’d decided that you were imagining things and assuming shit that wasn’t even so.
 Now, year six you tried to not be around him unless it was necessary which meant for work only. Even being around him for work felt off putting. You hated that you felt like you owed him for your come up even though Lina and Trixie had pleaded his case saying that he didn’t put you on because he was friends with them or anything besides your skill as a stylist. No matter how they swore it, you couldn’t help but feel opposite, especially hearing of all the kind things he’d done for others who were close to him. Even now as your new fashion line had just debuted at fashion week, which was the ultimate show that you’d made it, you still remembered how and where you’d gotten your start.
 “Come tonight. It’ll be fun,” Lina gently coaxed one more time.
 You raised your glass again and drank the cold beverage down, ignoring the burn and focusing on the eruption of flavors in your mouth and the decision that was already made for you.
 Three hours later you stepped out of the car with Lina and Trixie beside you and a massive wrought iron gate before you and an equally massive mansion about sixty feet behind it lit up with neon-colored lights.
 “Fuck,” you finished.
 The three of you looked at each other then snorted.
 “Whose party is this?”
 “I think it’s Lew’s,” Lina said.
 “Or maybe someone from his crew.”
 “Whose house is this?”
 They both shrugged then stepped forward. You still stood there for a few moments while Lina and Trixie showed stepped to one of the six muscled men guarding the gate who looked like he was checking invites. One motioned to another behind the gate before it opened. As you approached, they looked at you expectantly. You entered your security code but before you tapped into your messages a voice echoed out.
 “Let her through.”
 The large man that was standing in front of you moved to the side giving you access to the opened gate. Eying them quizzically, you stepped through following Lina and Trixie down the asphalt driveway.
 “What was that about?”
 “VVIP baby.”
 “Only basics have to show invites. VVIP get through strictly on face card and ours never decline,” Trixie boasted.
 You couldn’t help but laugh. This girl was a mess and a half. The three of you continued your walk toward the mansion and the closer you got the louder it got and the louder it got the more madness you saw. People were sprawled across the expansive lawn drinking, dancing, laughing, and dabbing in various substances. You even saw quite a few who looked like they were tripping out as they spoke to the air, or bushes or even trees. Before you stepped inside, the mansion, you saw someone chasing a squirl toward the east side of the lawn screaming “I wanna play.”
 “What the fuck!?”
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Once you, Lina and Trixie stepped inside the precursor on the lawn was nothing compared to the debauchery inside. Immediately, you were hit with the scent of various smokes and met with nothing but fog. Lina and Trixie squealed before looping your arm and walking through the endless fog. There were bodies everywhere and these bodies came for one thing—other bodies. There were kissing groups of two, and four and even dry humping piles of six or more, only most of them were full on naked.
 The further in you got the lewder the scene and you were not turned off at all. Two bikini clad servers approached holding trays of neon-colored drinks in nearly every color.
 “Choose your poison, beware each comes with a different price.”
 Lina took an orange and a green one, Trixie swiped a purple and a white one while you cautiously picked out a pink and a blue one. The three of you hit your six shot glasses together then knocked them back one after the other. Your pink one tasted like cotton candy while the blue one like blueberry.
 You quickly swiped two more from a passing tray and downed them in sequence as well.
 “I think we have our blackout princess back,” Trixie said in a sing song voice before cheering.
 Your alter ego had gotten you into plenty of trouble over the years and they’d both been right by your side egging you on while heightening the amount of chaos you brought. Whenever you came out the other side you came out with no regrets and one question, where was your bra. Tonight, you’d opted out of a bra, so you knew that wasn’t going to be a question on your lips tomorrow afternoon. Blackout princess was back, and she was ravenous for fun.
 Lina’s phone dinged and a few seconds later she smiled.
 “Let’s go say hello to our host.”
 An intriguing sight from across the room caught your eye and attention. Lina and Trixie began walking to the left, but you walked forward disappearing into the fog. The closer you got; you saw a group of people playing twister. Well, it was base Twister. On each color circle was a matching neon colored drink. You watched as each color and body part combo was called out and watched as each new part landed on a color, they were handed that color drink.
 “Double the stakes, twice the mistakes.”
 You looked beside you into the almost glowing eyes of a decent looking guy with semi long hair and a perfectly groomed goatee.
 “Have you played?”
 He nodded.
 “Lost miserably.”
 “How many drinks in did you get?”
 He held up five fingers and you laughed. “Lightweight.”
 He laughed then bounced your shoulder. “Hey, what if that was my last straw?”
 “Then you need tougher skin or at least a higher tolerance.”
 He scoffed, bit his bottom lip, and looked you over.
 “How far do you think you can go?”
 You looked back at the game and assessed the situation. You were in no way or shape a lightweight. You turned your body to his and locked in on his eyes.
 His smile was sexy and spoke of spontaneity. He leaned closer then looked to your lips. “Show me.”
 Smirking, you nodded and approached the game just as a new round was beginning.
 “Admission fee,” a girl with a neon purple bikini said.
 “Which is?”
 “Say ahh.”
 You smiled and did as she said. As soon as your mouth opened, she placed a tablet on your tongue which tasted a lot like strawberries and cream as it quickly dissolved in your mouth.
 “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
 The first combo was called, and you happily took the glowing red shot glass as your right foot took its place. After, came a yellow, then blue drink which resulted in your hands on opposite colors and your ass in the air facing the cute stranger.
 “Left foot green.”
 Thankful for your years of yoga you did the perfect wide legged downward dog then took the neon green drink. Once you gulped it down you looked between your spread legs and found his eyes right on your ass and his mouth wide open. You almost snorted. No one could ever resist this move. As you were about to move to put your left hand on the same red your left foot was on you saw another set of eyes watching you through the fog. It was thick around them and every time it thinned enough for you to make out their face, it only covered them more.
 That was then the double vision set in making your legs feel wobbly. This was the admissions fee. Unable to stop yourself, you laughed out loud and moved your hand to red. This move had you twisted showing your flexibility as well as your dangerous curves. When you looked back, the fog thinned enough for you to make out just who the second set of eyes belonged to. Lewis Hamilton. As soon as you clocked him, he slid on his dark sunglasses and turned away disappearing into the fog.
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With the next combo, two fell. Two combos after another three fell and two more from then you were the last one standing taking the prize with a total of nine drinks in your system. Rather than approaching the stranger again you disappeared into the fog off to explore what else this party had up its sleeve.
 About two hours later, you were holding your liquor and substances surprisingly well as you approached a spirited game of twerk pong. Several people took turns trying to do their best twerk to empty the box of ping pong balls strapped to their tailbones. It was hilarious to watch the attempts at not only attempting the perfect twerk but also accomplish the task. Most failed at both but a few succeeded at one or the other.
 “There you are!”
 Trixie’s voice blared into your ear as she giggled. “Where have you been?”
 “Taking inventory.”
 “Found anyone you like?”
 “The eye candy is nice. Not tempting enough to try flavors though.”
 “Maybe your flavor is at this game,” Lina shouted louder than the cheers and laughter around. Your eyes met Lewis’ across the way. He bobbed his head to you then raised his glass, an action your mimicked.
 “No one has taken the grand prize,” Lina said.
 You looked over and saw a gold medal around Lewis’ neck.
 “It’s made out of gourmet chocolate with a little surprise ingredient and twenty-four carat gold spray,” Lina added ending in her sing song voice.
 She was clearly well on her way of being fucked up on the floor in a few hours.
 “Any other attempts?”
 A hand in the middle of your back sent you right into the middle.
 “Wooooo, let’s hear it for Y/N!”
 You glared at Trixie. She sure was living up to her name. Everyone around you clapped, cheered and chanted your name making it impossible to renege. You stood there as someone strapped a box around your waist then there was silence and all eyes turned to Lewis.
 “Let the beat drop.”
 Cheers rang out again and though you didn’t have any intention of playing along, the beat that dropped was a favorite of yours. Before you could stop yourself, you were already twerking. This was no twerk for the balls to come out, it was the twerking of an ass that needed to move to its favorite track. What followed next was inevitable. The balls dropped one by one from the small slot then two by two.
 The more the song picked up, the more effort your put into it and the more you became determined to get the balls out. In a span of time that didn’t feel long at all you slowly realized that the all the balls were rolling around the floor and you were just twerking for twerk’s sake.
 Sirens blared and everyone lost their damn mind. Lina and Trixie collided into you screaming.
 “You did it!”
 You laughed and shrugged as if it was only inevitable for you to do it. When you turned around you watched Lewis approach you with a smirk. Once he was about two feet from your face he stopped and leaned to your ear.
 “Babygirl twerked so good it’s better than a beat drop!”
His words could have been the command to get wet because that is what instantly happened. You stood there stunned by his effect as he lifted off the medal that dangled against his neon paint splattered, tattooed chest that was on display for all to gawk at and place it around your neck. His scent hit you so hard you nearly stumbled backward. Fuck you thought, he smelled like the best things on earth, things that made your belly rumble but not from hunger--it was desire.
“Are you good at everything or just things you do with your body?”
A moan escaped you before you could stop it and that was when Lewis met your eyes. For a few moments, it felt like the entire place was empty and it was just the two of you surrounded by colored fog and neon lights. You sunk your teeth into your bottom lip then watched him do the same. From your eyes, the action was something completely lewd and hedonistic which raised your temperature several degrees. The fog got thicker and somehow it worked as a sobering tool to bring you back to reality. Suddenly, everything and everyone came back into focus. You scoffed then leaned to his ear.
“My body’s no exception I’m good at everything I do.”
With that you backed away disappearing into the fog as you bit into the chocolate medal hanging around your neck. It would have to suffice as what you really wanted in your mouth would open a box you weren’t sure you could handle.
A while later you were sitting in a room where the walls were covered in paint splatter just staring at the different color patterns people had made. You’d figured out the secret ingredient Lina had alluded to—weed. Your sight had settled, and now you were experiencing a beautiful mellow vibe that had you feeling good. You rose to your feet and approached the buckets of paint and took up one of the feather dusters then swung it to the wall. A fresh streak of bright orange droplets peppered the wall and floor.
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You stood there admiring your work then rode the wave of energy that overtook you. You dipped the duster into bucket after bucket of pain and splattered them willy nilly onto the walls in complete chaotic and erratic fashion. You buzzed around the room as if you’d chugged several energy drinks and now felt like Hermes himself sans the winged sneakers as per Percy Jackson era. Soon you were spinning around in a circle in the room squealing and having the time of your life.
 “Either you’ve paid way too many admission fees and are tripping out or you’re paying all the prices of the poisons.”
You stopped but the room kept spinning. You stumbled a few steps, but strong arms gripped you before the floor came up to meet you.
 “Woah, woah. Y/N, are you okay?”
 You giggled and nodded. “I’m better than okay. If Lina and Trixie could see me now. They wouldn’t dare call me boring.”
 He smiled and stood you up but kept his hands wrapped around your waist.
 “You, boring? I pity the daft pricks who ever believed that.”
 You met his eyes. “You were never one of them?”
 Lewis shook his head. “Never. I’ve always seen just who you are from the moment we met.”
 You could feel the heat from his hands on the bare skin of your back and it was then you became aware of your own hands that were plastered across his bare chest and abs. Dropping your eyes, you took in the beauty that was Lewis Hamilton. He was covered in neon paint with a few glow sticks poking out of his pocket. The light from them illuminated one of your favorite tattoos on him. you raised your hand to it and traced your finger over it.
 “I’ve always wondered—why the compass?”
 “It’s to commemorate me finding my direction in my life, finding my place. The church and faith are important to me, and I believe it is through the church I found my direction and have such strong faith.”
 Your throat tightened stopping the words that were coming. Thankfully because it was going to be an undignified “woah bruh that’s dope.” You must have looked a way because he cleared his throat and stepped back taking his hands with him.
 “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—spoil the fun.”
 You turned away and dipped the duster back into a bucket. “Ehm, you didn’t. No worries.”
 A few seconds later, he approached your side and took one of the dusters and dipped as well. The two of you began splashing paint onto the walls in silence before you turned to him and flashed the duster without thinking. He was now streaked with bright pink neon paint from the side of his face down his chest and abs.
 “Oh—no—you—didn’t,” Lewis enunciated.
 Your mouth was wide open in shock. You hadn’t meant to do it.
 “I’m sorry.”
 Ignoring that, he dipped his duster and lifted it. You watched the neon yellow drip down his hand before you backed away.
 “Wait, Lewis I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.”
 “Oh, you will be.”
 Just like that he swung the duster and covered you in paint. You stood there in shock.
 “Ah, you’re dead!”
 You both lunged to buckets dipping your dusters and flicking paint at each other while trying to dodge the other’s attack. It was pointless because the beauty of the duster was it went everywhere. In no time, both of you were a glowing mess and laughing like children. Wanting the last laugh, you hurried to the bucket once more but slipped due to all the paint on the floor and lunged right into him tackling him to the floor. You both laughed again at the outcome.
 “That’s what you get,” he teased.
 Lewis’ hand came to your forehead and wiped then moved to your cheek and wiped again.
 “You’re covered.”
 “So are you.”
 You wiped at the paint in his beard then moved to his forehead and nose. Slowly you both stopped laughing but your hands continued moving, wiping at the paint on the other’s face. When you felt his thumb swipe your bottom lip an electric zing traveled through you which made you aware of how you were sprawled on top of him.
 “All the colors are your color,” Lewis said.
 A small smile spread across your lips, and you nodded.
 “You too.”
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 Again, your eyes locked and though you knew you should have stood, you didn’t. He felt good underneath you.
 “I’ve always wondered,” Lewis began before his hand dipped to your neck. “Why are you always so cold to me?”
 It felt like someone had gut punched you. While you knew you’d kept your distance from him you never in a million years imaged he saw it as you being cold.
 “I—I’m—I’m not.”
 “You are. At first, I thought it was because I made you uncomfortable then I moved on to thinking you just didn’t like the whole spotlight and fame thing, then I got hung up on maybe you not liking me as a person.”
 “And now?”
 He studied you for a moment then breathed out. “Now I don’t know what to think.”
 You chewed your bottom lip and his eyes dropped to them.
 “It’s none of those. It’s nothing.”
 You pulled yourself up but his hand at the small of your back pulled you right back against him this time bringing your faces inches apart.
 “Then tell me what it is. Put my curiosity out if its misery.”
 “Your energy—my energy--.”
 You sighed then swallowed. “Our energies want to play together. Don’t you feel that?”
 “I’ve always felt it. Of course, I thought I was mad after a year or two.”
 You shook your head. “You’re not mad.”
 Lewis’ hand at the small of your back moved to your hip then slid down to the outside of your thigh. He then moved you, so you were straddling him. Oh fuck, you thought. He’d just made a move.
 “You feel it, I’m not mad. Where does that leave this?”
 That intoxicating thing about him was wreaking havoc on you right now. You were paying all the prices and you were coming up on broke. You had nothing else to give, no more restraints. Another moan escaped you, your second for the night. The nudge underneath you only made it worse. He was hard and from what you felt large. Before you lost all your senses, you pulled back and sprang to your feet.
 “Exactly where it’s always been for six years. I not going to be another name in the memory book—that’s just not who I am.”
 You turned and quickly walked out of the room before you changed your mind. As soon as you walked out Lina was there dragging you away.
 “What’s wrong?”
 “I found the best game. You’re gonna love it!”
 She pulled your through the halls until you came to a large room that glowed. It was then all the pain on you lit up. This party gets better and better, you thought.
 “We need one more couple for the game,” Lina said.
 “Couple? What game?”
 “What do I taste like,” Trixie shouted making everyone in the room cheer.
 Lina pushed you down onto the floor as she took her seat in front of a dark-haired clean-shaven guy with a neon painted skull on his cheek. As you looked around you realized you were the only one without someone across from them.
“I don’t have a partner.”
 “I think you do,” Lina said.
 Following her eyes, you turned and looked up. There stood Lewis.
 “Looks like we’re a destined pair,” he said as he sat in front of you.
 “We’re all here,” Lina shouted before you could protest.
 You glared at her. you couldn’t believe she’d taken a page out of Trixie’s book. She blew you a kiss before giving her attention to the man across from her.
 “The rules are simple. In the box between you there are a variety of flavors of candy. Your goal is to correctly identify them by flavor and brand, but the catch is you can’t do it by sight or touch. You can only rely of your sense of taste and smell. However, catch two, you must figure out the information by kissing the person in front of you after they’ve eaten the candy.”
 Again, the room erupted in cheers and excited applause. You just sat there marinating in how much your friends had fucked you.
 “Admissions fees first please.”
 A server walked around the room placing tablets into everyone’s mouth. You took a breath as the tablet melted away then watched Lewis.
 “Ladies first?”
 You dipped your hand into the box then looked at him waiting for him to use the blindfold sitting beside the box. He smirked then covered his eyes. You unwrapped the yellow pina colada starburst and popped it into your mouth. As you chewed, you tried to formulate a plan on how to get through this without losing control. Slowly, you leaned to him and stared at his lips. It was hard not to think that this had been six years in the making and that finally you’d get it over with.
 “Chickened out?”
 Rolling your eyes, you pressed your lips to his. It was to be quick but the second your lips touched it was like kissing an electric wall that had crazy glue. What was to be quick changed as reality hit you. His lips were impossibly soft, and full—fuller than they appeared. When you felt his hand on your chin you pulled away.
 “Come on,” he breathlessly began. “I can’t taste anything. I need more.”
 “Remember you’re competing not only with each other but time,” a server announced.
 “I don’t know about you, Y/N but I like to win, and I play to win. So, let’s do that.”
 Damn his competitiveness, you thought before you crashed your lips to his again this time feeding him your tongue. His moan vibrated against your lips then you felt him suck on your tongue. Good lord you thought just as he pulled back.
 “Pina colada and I think it’s starburst. I have some.”
 He lowered the corner of his blindfold and locked eyes with you. “Delicious.”
 You swallowed and lowered your eyes.
 “My turn.”
 He handed you the eye mask then dug into the box. Submerged in darkness, you found your anxiety catapulting to the ceiling. The longer he took, the more anxious you became and the more anxious you became the louder you felt your heart thumping.
 “I think you’ll like this one,” he muttered.
 You waited and waited but still nothing happened. Just when you were ready to yank off the mask you felt his tongue trace your bottom lip. An unexpected whimper slipped out, but Lewis didn’t stop, he trailed his tongue over your top lip before he pressed his lips to yours and sucked your top lip. When you felt his hand at the back of your neck, your mouth opened on its own allowing him to kiss you deeper. Somehow this didn’t feel like it was part of the game. It felt different.
 “Any guesses?”
 His breath brushed against your face giving you a vital clue to the flavor. Now only if you could find your voice.
 “S—s—strawberry skit—skittles.”
 Lewis lowered your blindfold bringing his smile into focus. “Good job. Told you that you’d like it. I know strawberries are your favorite.”
 Breaking the eye contact you handed him the mask and dipped into the box as he was covering his eyes. You bit into the bite sized almond joy and moaned. You loved almond joy. When you pressed your lips to his you both moaned. This time it didn’t take long for your tongues to find each other and when they did you unconsciously scooted closer to him and melted just a little.
 “Almond joy,” Lewis whispered against your lips.
 Turn after turn you each ate a candy and kissed the other and kiss after kiss blurred any lines that were between you. Each kiss descended deeper into the realm of attraction and desire and further from staying away from each other. By the time there were only 4 couples left from the previous eliminations you and Lewis were kissing freely, happily and hungrily. It had long stopped being about the game or competitiveness it was now something else—deep yearning maybe.
 You ignored the whispers around you about how you and he made a good team and how good you looked together. It was not something that you could afford to let sink into your head no matter how much you’d began wanting in with each passing round.
 “All right, two couples left. Last one.”
 You dug in and opened the foil wrapped and popped the chocolate into your mouth. Instantly you could tell it was some Nutella concoction. This was going to be easy for him. Wasting no time, you kissed him and in seconds he pulled away.
 “Nutella bomb.”
 Everyone cheered and jumped around at your victory but instead of him doing the same he pulled you to him and kissed you again. Your legs were draped over his thighs with the now empty box between you, the only thing separating your nether regions. Lewis moaned on you pulling yours from your chest. He brought his hand to your jaw and kissed you deeper, swearing his tongue with yours and teasing it. The man could kiss, he more than could kiss, he should be kissed every day. The image of him manning a kissing booth flashed into your head at that moment and it was a good look for him.
 Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back holding nothing back. It felt damn good to let go and just do.
 “Fuck,” he grunted as he pulled you up to straddle him for the second time that night and for the second time you felt his erection. “Y/N—I—I need you.”
 His hand cupped your ass and squeezed as he brought you closer making you feel just how true those words were. A shadow caught your eye and you pulled from him. The room was now empty with only the two of you in it.
 “I need to go.”
 You stood and staggered out of the room. This time you had no intention of stopping until you got outside. However, once you got down the stairs you felt someone lift you and throw you over their shoulders.
 “What the hell! Put me down!”
 You pounded a bare back that you could barely make up thanks to the darkness throughout the house. One detail looked familiar, the cross tattoo.
 “Lewis? Lewis put me down!”
 He walked through the party, around people who all laughed and cheered him on. No one seemed to want to help or seem to think they needed to. A few minutes later, Lewis brought you both into a large room with an even larger bed that he threw you across.
 “What the actual fuck! What are you doing?”
 “Making you finally talk to me. Don’t you think six years is long enough?”
 You didn’t answer, you didn’t dare to. Hell yeah you thought six years was long enough.
 “Fine. I’ll go first. I like you, Y/N. I like you a fucking a lot. I have since we met.”
 You had to fight your jaw from dropping. He liked you?
 “And before you call bullshit let me stop you. It’s not bullshit. I like everything about you. I even like that you didn’t want to become like the other girls. I like that you’re the only one who keeps me at a distance. Everyone else tries their damndest to pull me closer, keep me with them. Not you. I like that you have morals and standards and that you won’t lower them for no one no matter their fame status or anything. I like that you have integrity and that you’ve worked hard for everything you currently have. I love your hustle, your drive. I like that you don’t feel the need to party all the time and can stand yourself at home alone. I like that you can turn into this bombshell who is the life of the party and can make anyone feel comfortable in seconds with only a smile and a hug. You have no idea how truly amazing you are. I even like that you didn’t want to kiss me and have never tried to sleep with me. I like that only you have had me questioning my own appeal and worth to a woman beyond money and fame.”
 He was not standing directly in front of you.
 You dropped onto the bed and sat at the edge.
 “I’m losing my mind keeping all of this from you. I can’t keep it in any longer. I know we’re not friends, not exactly, though I’ve always thought of you as one. I can’t be your friend or whatever we are anymore. I don’t want to be.”
 You sat there speechless as his words hit you one by one as if English was your second or third language. I like you. He liked you. He liked you?
 “You like me?”
 Lewis snorted then smiled and your belly fluttered. “You’re unbelievable. Of course, you didn’t know. I swore you knew and that was one of the reasons you were keeping your distance.”
 He placed his hand on top of his head then shook it. You kept your eyes on him still unable to believe his words.
 “You like me?”
 Lewis turned back to you and came a little closer. “Yes. I like you, Y/N.”
 “How? Wait—why?”
 The look he gave you said that he thought you were nuts. You couldn’t help it though. This was Lewis Hamilton; he could have any and every single woman in the world. He’d been with countless women, models, actresses, and singers. You were so opposite the women he’d naturally gravitate to, and it made you anxious and hesitant to believe him.
 “Why is that so hard to believe?”
 You proceeded to list off the names of the women you’d heard from Lina and Trixie that he’d been with. Every name drop brought the clench of his jaw; with every name he avoided your eyes. By the time you were done the silence in the room stretched. After a minute or two he sighed out.
 “They have plenty of things in common, but I have nothing in common with them.”
 “Thank God. Look I know I have a past—a colorful one. There have been a lot of rumors and a lot of media coverage on what I may or may not have done or who I may or may not have been involved with. I get it but it’s just that, my past.”
 Thinking back, you hadn’t seen much news about him with anyone within the last few years. all thot behavior had been absent from the media. Part of you thought he’d gotten better at protecting his privacy but hearing him now was it possible that he’d been abstaining.
 “I’ve been trying to stay focused on my plan and my goals and for me that meant work and nothing else. When Lina and Trixie introduced you to me, I had to up my discipline in staying focused. You made it hard.”
 The way your heart rattled you could have sworn he heard it but rather than asking what was so loud he continued confessing as if you were a priest. Everything he said was like fluffy cotton candy, sweet and tender but for some reason you struggled to believe it completely. Your anxiety got the better of you then.
 “What are you saying Lewis?”
 He took your hand then slowly laced his fingers with yours. The contrast was beautiful. His larger, much more tatted and evidently used for hard manual work, yours smaller, and dainty looking as if you’d never worked a day in your life compared to his. They looked so good together—so right.
 “I want to stay focused on my goals, I have so much accomplish but every time I see you, you make me want to find a place for you beside me, a place for you not only in my life right now but my future.”
 Your eyes bugged. You shook your head trying to clear any haze in your head that may have made you mishear.
 “What? How? Why? This is so--sudden.”
 “It’s not. It’s been five years in the making. Five years of me debating with myself, five years of me taking steps closer to you only to rescind those steps, five years of me planning, working and making moves to make that place for you, make the changes so this could have a chance in hell of working, so we could work.”
 His eyes were too sincere to be bullshitting you. The energy coming off of him felt too genuine for this to be a ruse or him spitting game for some ass in this fog filled neon colored room. He was being truthful—vulnerable. You had no words though. You couldn’t trust your voice, much less being this close to him. More than ever the energy around him bombarded him.
 Suddenly the door busted open, and a few cheering bodies rushed in.
 “Come on, the powder fight’s started!”
 Yanking your hand back, you sprang to your feet while maintaining eye contact with Lewis. His face was now clouded with mask of indifference that you were kind of impressed with. In the span of five seconds, he’d been able to go from on to off without a trace. Before you could speak you were pulled out of the room and through the house to the expansive backyard that was clouded with a multitude of colored powder wafting in the air. Everyone laughed, screamed and cheered as they threw balloons at each other.
 A balloon collided with your stomach then burst open scattering yellow powder everywhere. When you turned you saw Lina laughing as she came to you with her arms open. As she pulled you into a hug, both of you spun around. You couldn’t help but laugh with her, that was how infectious her mood was.
 She slammed another balloon onto you right into your right boob and pink powder spilled out of it.
 “Get into it!”
 She handed off two balloons to you before she turned and threw the others she held onto. Spinning around, you looked into the air at the colors blending together and blowing in the soft breeze then laughed as you closed your eyes allowing yourself to enjoy the moment. You felt weightless, and free like you had not a worry in the world. The confession from Lewis from before was a distant memory in your head but your heart remembered. You’d fought this for years and the night you decided to let your guard down was the night he decided to change the rules.
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The music around you got louder and louder, tuning out the shouts and screams of everyone around you and as you danced happily and freely, you threw balloons in random directions. You must have been an easy target because you felt balloon after balloon pound against your body. Before long, you were completely covered in powder of all colors, and you were having the time of your life. A strong breeze swept by and cleared some of the powder in the air enough for you to make out Lewis across the way. He too was covered in powder with a wide smile across his lips.
 You stood there frozen as that smile hit you in the gut unfurling everything you’d felt over the years. All the longing, the desire, the yearning and hope surged through you so fast you didn’t have time to push them down. Lewis’ eyes locked onto yours and you watched him lick his lips in the sinfully slow way he always did that drove millions wild. You mirrored the action and a taste of fruit punch hit your tastebuds. It was then you realized the powder was flavored like the powder in those fun stick dips.
 Lewis took slow steps toward you. Even when the breeze stopped, and the powder cloud thickened to the point where you lost sight of him you still felt him stalking closer like a predator. Several moments passed where all you saw was colored powder, then suddenly you saw his face before yours before it disappeared again. Turning your head from side to side you looked for him, then found his eyes to your right. He was circling you.
 Before you could reach out for him, you felt his hand on your hip and his body behind yours. You didn’t dare speak, instead you stood perfectly still nonverbally giving him permission to any and everything he wanted.
 “Dance with me?”
 You slowly nodded your head before you began swaying your body against his. Your movements at first were timid. You didn’t want to cross a line that you knew there was no coming back from, but you also wanted to test his limits, see how close you could get to that line. When your ass brushed against his crotch, Lewis groaned into your ear his lip skimming it. He was hard.
 “Fuck, Y/N. I’m good at control. Every minute of every day I am in control, but Christ do you strip me of it every single time I’m near you.”
 Your entire being filled with glee and the lite feeling of intoxication. Again, you brushed your ass on him and this time he squeezed your hip keeping you pressed on his throbbing cock.
 “You like the way I feel against you? You like knowing you make me harder than I’ve ever been in my life? Hm?”
 Like you were puppet and he the puppeteer you nodded, mind in a haze, body in a frenzy from not only his proximity but the sound of his voice and his breath teasing your ear and neck. Part of you wondered if this is how other women felt when he was near. Did they automatically lose their senses, did their bodies instantly take over and overheat, did everything in them scream to just be touched, bent over, and spanked?
 Lewis moaned again but a second later he was gone and in front of you with one arm around your back and the other on your hip. Using those large skillful hands, he moved your body the way he wanted. The reggae song blasting around you set the perfect tone for all of the unspoken words hanging between you. You placed your hand on his shoulder, using him as your brace, your legs were pointless right now especially with the way he was holding you and where he’d decided to put his leg.
 The heat from his body was scorching and burned your fingers but not with fire or pain, the more you touched his bare skin the more you wanted to feel. Wrapping your arms around his neck, your fingertips teased the back of the gold and diamond chain he wore and everything you’d wanted in the last five years came forefront. Him. Lewis pulled his face back and looked into your eyes keeping you captivated.
 “I’m in love with you.”
 He’d found the right moment to kick the rest of your walls down, the right moment to destroy you. With nothing else to do you crashed your lips to his. A burst of rainbow flavors reached your tastebuds. It tasted like every flavor in your mouth, fruit punch, grape, lemon, orange, pineapple, mango and so many more.
 Lewis pulled you flush against him and truly kissed you for the first time. The kisses you’d exchanged during the candy tasting game didn’t hold a flame to this kiss. His lips were warm and soft and so full. When you slightly parted yours, his tongue slipped inside your mouth and wrapped around yours. The way his hand gripped your back screamed of the amount of power he held in just one hand. As your bodies pressed together heatedly, you melted into him finally allowing yourself to give in to the sensations rushing through you.
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 You could feel every muscle of his broad chest and every single well defined ab muscle. The way his heart thudded against your chest matched the rapid race of currently happening in your own chest. His scent made your knees buckle. It was a scent unique to him, a scent that was purely masculine and completely sultry and a scent that you reacted to in ways you’d never reacted to any other. You moaned again then sank your teeth into his bottom lip, teasing him, tempting him to take more. Lewis responded with his hand slipping to the top of your ass where he hesitated for only a moment before he went lower and squeezed the swell of your ass.
 It was muffled against your lips, but you got his meaning. Bringing your hands to his shoulders, you gripped the collar of his shirt and balled it within your fists. The urge to strip him came suddenly and it was an urge you listened to. You pulled at the fabric and pulled it off of his shoulder then fully off his body. Now with him bare, your hands roamed muscled canvas of his back, pressing to memory every indent, slope and bulge. He was sheer perfection. Lewis nudged you forward as if needing you closer. Abandoning your feet, you used him to hoist yourself onto your tiptoes and he took the hint and lifted you into his arms.
 With your legs wrapped around his waist you could feel the prominent bulge in his pants with more definition. He was large no doubt and your body wanted him so desperately. Lewis tore his lips from yours and latched them onto your neck, licking, sucking and nibbling your flesh. Your moans turned to mewls as you squeezed him tighter and tighter the wetter and wetter you got. You were so lost in the way his lips felt against your skin that you didn’t register anything else but the butterflies in your gut, the goosebumps that remained dotted across your body, the tightness in your chest from the rapid way your heart pounded begging for the words inside to be released.
When you felt your back press against a hard surface you groaned, then the slam of a door then you were discarded into a sea of soft silk that smelled like fresh linen. Opening your eyes for the first time in several minutes, you found Lewis standing just above you. You did a quick survey of your surroundings but only made out a bed, three walls and a large neon mural just behind you on the wall thanks to the darkness. The walls were lit up with the same neon colors you’d seen all night which told you were still on the property, but the muffled sounds of music told you that you were far enough from the happenings of the party.
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“I find it funny how you’ve brought me to yet another bedroom.”
 A sly grin spread across his face.
 “If you wanted to get me into bed all you had to do was ask,” you finished.
 His grin disappeared. “No, I don’t want to get you in bed, Y/N. I swear it. I just--,” he rushed out before you snorted and pulled him on top of you by the waistband of his pants. The weight of him on top of you surged your arousal.
 “Shup up Lewis,” you teasingly muttered before kissing him again.
 As you kissed you rolled over the bed taking turns with who was on top of whom and who kissed whom with more fever, and passion. When you finally rolled onto him you straddled his hips and attacked his neck. His groan was hearty and guttural, but a few seconds later he gripped you by your arms and held you back a few inches from him.
 “Wait, you know that this isn’t what I want from you right?”
 “We don’t have to--.”
 Again, you cut him off with your lips. Biting and teasing them had become your favorite way to enjoy them. sucking it into your mouth made his cock lurch underneath you.
 “Mmm, you like that.”
 “Pretty sure I’m so far gone I’d like anything you do.”
 Smiling you peppered kisses down to his chin then his neck across his Adam’s apple and to that dip under his throat. Once there, Lewis arched slightly as he squeezed your arms that weren’t holding you back any longer. You gripped his hands, laced your fingers with his and pressed them to the soft cushion of the bed then descended down his body with kisses and licks enjoying the rainbow of flavors that had become part of him.
 When you licked then bit his hardened nipple he hissed and flexed his hands. There was something about knowing that he could easily overpower you if he wanted to and was letting you tease him this way that made you even wetter for him. His reactions to your mouth was like fuel for you. After kissing each and every ab muscle, your lips made it to his obliques where you nipped his skin making his cock nudge your chin.
 “Fuck! I’m so hard for you right now.”
 “Still don’t want this from me?”
 Lewis flipped you onto your back in a fluid move then pinned your hands above your head as he stared into your eyes. “No. I still don’t want this from you. I want so much more.”
 Your heart skipped a beat, your lady parts clenched, and your belly fluttered.
 “Like what?”
 He smiled softly then kissed your forehead. “Breakfast with you each and every morning.” He kissed your nose. “Shopping spree lunches that get frisky in the dressing rooms. His lips teased yours as his soft breath tickled the space under your nose. “Romantic dinners every night over candlelight while I hold your hand and tell you how gorgeous you are.”
 When he kissed your lips fully then dipped to your neck you arched your back off the bed.
 “Vacations in every corner of the globe.” He dropped a few kisses in a line to the top of your breast. “You at the pit for every one of my races.” His teeth grazed your skin before he circled his nose around your pert nipple that was begging for his attention. “You at family dinners, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and every holiday and day in between.”
 Warmth blossomed in your chest and your heart threatened to explode from your chest.
 “I want it all, Y/N, but I only want it all with you. Only you will ever do.”
 Silence stretched between you and in this moment, you no longer knew why you’d held back, why you’d stayed away, or why you’d tortured yourself for five years when you both clearly felt the same way about each other. This wasn’t game or a ruse, he had no reason to go this far. This wasn’t about a conquest; he could conquer any other woman. This was real. It had to be. You freed your hands from his grip then slowly felt his face tracing every detail, the small worry lines etched into his forehead, the full arch of his brows, down to his perfectly symmetrical nose and his artfully crafted cupid’s bow. As you felt his lips and bearded chin you decided you’d give him everything he wanted while hoping it led to forever.
 Softly you kissed him, slowly letting your lips press the feel of his to memory so you could revisit it later. His kiss was like sin, and it was a sin you’d gladly rapture again and again with no regrets. Lewis moaned just as you did but he didn’t take control of the kiss, he allowed you to explore him and control what happened next. You knew it was a major feat for him. He rarely ever relinquished control.
 You trailed your hands from his face down to his shoulders then down his chest and abs to his pants then began undoing them. His eyes opened at the same time yours did, but your lips didn’t stop moving. Both of you hesitated for a moment.
 “I’m in love with you too,” you whispered.
 The way he stared at you made your heart feel as if his hand gripped it.
 “Do you mean that?”
 You nodded and the joy you saw on his face made you smile almost as widely as he was smiling. Lewis kissed you again just as you began pushing his pants off his waist. He quickly stood at the foot of the bed and peeled them off. You almost jumped his bones once he stood there in nothing but his boxer-briefs. There were so many rumors about how large he was, but this was the first time you were understanding those rumors to be all fact. Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, you looked over all the glorious skin on display then sat up as if being pulled by an invisible string.
 You pressed your lips to his abs as you raked your nails down his back. Both actions elicited a loud hiss from him.
 “You’re so sexy.”
 You nodded again then licked a trail over the powder on his abs and moaned. Lewis reached down, holding out his hand for you to take. When you did, he stood you on top of the bed making you to a few inches taller than him.  He traced the tips of his fingers up your sides until he dipped them underneath you top. He then lifted off the tube top to your matching cycling shorts then tossed it to the side. You stood before him as he slowly took in your bare breasts. He took his sweet time before he finally touched you, cupping them in his large hands. When he swirled his tongue around the bud you moaned and watched him work.
 He slowly ravished them, licking, sucking, nibbling, and teasing your nipples until you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging his head to them. He lifted you into his arms holding you just below your ass as he devoured you. When he laid you back on the bed, he moved his mouth to your right breast as he massaged the left.
 “Jesus, I’ve wanted to do this for so long.”
 “Everything you imagined?”
 His grin reemerged. “Better!”
 Lewis peppered kisses down the center of your body to your belly button before dipping his tongue inside. Fighting the urge to wiggle from the tickle, you bit your bottom lip and gripped the sheets. Before Lewis made any other moves, he glanced up at you.
 “Are you sure?”
 “So fucking sure.”
 With that he gripped the waistband of your shorts and pulled them down. Once they were fully off, you left your legs in the air wanting to make him work for it.
 “Making me work for my meal?”
 Smirking you arched onto your elbow and watched him. Lewis pried your thighs apart pressing them to the bed. His eyes darted to your thighs, and you knew he was fully taking in your flexibility.
 “Better than a daydream and a wet dream could never.”
 He dropped down and kissed a path along your leg up to your inner thigh then to your pelvis.
 He mirrored the same actions to your right leg and thigh then teased the flesh just underneath your belly button.
 “Such a tease.”
 “Princess, I haven’t even begun to tease you.”
 The butterflies in your belly picked up in anticipation. You had to fight to remain slightly composed. You didn’t want him to know just how open he had you—not yet. When he kissed your pubis, you moaned softly. Then he gave one long lick along your covered slit. The sensation was dulled but it felt amazing, nonetheless.
 “Damn girl.”
 You watched hm slip your panties to the side then suck his bottom lip.
 “You’re so wet.”
 You couldn’t help but smile shyly. The secret of just how badly you wanted him was out. Lewis trailed his pointer along your slit circling your entrance before he lifted his finger to show you the proof, as if you needed it.
 “Do you want me?”
 You instantly nodded but you refused to be embarrassed by it. Lewis sucked his finger clean and moaned before he dropped his lips to your clit, kissing you with an open mouth. When you felt the suction, you arched and reached for his head. Digging your fingers into his twists, you lost yourself in how good his mouth felt on you.
 “Mmm, fuck girl you taste so good.”
 He didn’t wait for you to reply, instead, he buried his head again this time slurping your flesh.
 “Oh fucking---fuck!”
 Lewis moaned as he did it again and again. When you expected a fourth slurp he switched up and flicked his tongue against your clit making your gut knot. You were not going to last long; you knew it now and from the way you held on to his hair and whimpered he must have known it too. You tried to close your thighs, but he wasn’t having it. He kept his hands pressed to your inner thighs stopping any movement he didn’t permit.
 “Fuck, Lewis!”
 The pattern of his tongue sent you to another plane of existence and the way he knew just what to do for how long left you speechless.
 “Look at me.”
 The command in his voice hit with such force your head snapped up and your eyes met his. It was then he slipped two fingers inside of you as he sucked on your clit. Your whining increased as you felt your orgasm drawing nearer. In record time you dropped your head back and screeched out not caring who heard you.
 “Fuuuuuuck! Mmmmm!”
 Lewis didn’t stop. The mischievous glint in his eyes said he knew what he was doing, and he intended to pull another orgasm from you before he stopped.
 “Oh god, yes, yes, yes!”
 Just like that it was over and still he kept your thighs pressed to the bed. When he emerged his cocky smile was what he wore like a medal of honor as he dragged his tongue up your body and over your nipple. Capturing his lips, you moaned then wrapped your legs around his waist rubbing your wetness against his sheathed hardness. Using your feet, you pushed his underwear off his hips and down his thighs. The heaviness of his cock rested against your slick entrance and that was all it took for your hunger to reach max levels.
 “Shit, you test all of my control,” he mumbled on your lips.
 “Lose your control then.”
 “Think you can handle that?”
 For emphasis he rocked against you nudging your clit with his member. You moaned and squeezed your thighs tighter.
 “I hear death by dick isn’t a bad way to go.”
 He snorted then reached between your bodies to swipe his cock along your slit. You peeped down needing to see just how good this death would be. Your jaw dropped almost instantly from what you saw. He was large, thick and so fucking intimidating. Were you intimidated? Not at all. That was probably a mistake, and your ravenous desire was to blame but you didn’t pause to think about it. You watched Lewis swipe himself through your folds again and again getting even more mesmerized by the sight every time he did it. When your eyes locked you knew you were a goner.
 Lewis leaned forward then licked across your lips in the nastiest way. You couldn’t help but tip your tongue out to his and wrap it around before you sucked it. His moan was deep, and the vibration did something otherworldly to you. With your foreheads pressed together you both panted as if you’d run a marathon, relishing the feelings floating between you. When you’d said your energies wanted to play together this was exactly what you meant. There was something indescribable happening between you, something intense, something that burned so hot, so bright and so violently that the threat of complete destruction was ever present.
 The first feel of him pressing into you had your eyes snapping open to lock onto his. He took it slow, making sure you felt everything, not wanting to skim over anything. Your jaw dropped as your body stretched to accommodate him. Neither of you spoke, neither wanting to break whatever spell that had been cast and was driving you both insane. You sank your nails into the flesh at his waist as the feel of him threatened to make you black out. When you thought you couldn’t take another inch, Lewis pulled back then plunged forth again taking you by surprise.
 “Oh fuck! Lewis!”
 His groan was low and the look on his face spoke of complete focus. You could tell he was holding back. Your heart swelled giving you the courage to forge ahead taking the initiative to take more of him. He looked at you in disbelief like he couldn’t believe you were real. Snapping his hips forward, he sheathed himself to the hilt. Your back levitated off of the bed as you rode out your orgasm.
 “Jesus. You’re tight,” he struggled out through gritted teeth.
 You circled your hips so he could feel just how tight.
 “You’re--playing with—fire.”
 “Burn me daddy!”
 That was all it took for him to press your hands to the bed and thrust into you setting the pace that said he was not holding back anymore. Your moans and pants filled the room and created the base for your skin slapping together on the soundtrack of love making. Your name slipped from his lips over and over as he plowed into you. Every time his hips flicked forward you clenched around him and every time you clenched the next thrust crippled you. Within short minutes you’d cum again but he didn’t look like he was anywhere near finishing. Before you could cum again, he managed to flip you onto your stomach. When you felt him smack your ass with his dick you instinctively twerked on him.
 He remained still watching your ass shake and bounce against his cock. Once you got into it, he hoisted your ass in the air then laid an open mouth kiss on your pussy.
 “Shit, yes!”
 His tongue licked across you as he slurped and shook his head making an even bigger mess. You could barely breath by the time your next release brought your eyes to the back of your head. In one swift move, Lewis lowered you to the bed then slammed into you making you cum undone once again.
 The bed shook, your body quivered, and your bodies dripped with sweat but still he didn’t stop, or slow down. You knew he’d lost complete control, but you didn’t care you were right there with him and come what may you were going to take everything he gave.
 “Shit, Y/N, you’re gonna make me cum.”
 “Not yet. Fuck—me!”
 As if that was the command he’d been waiting for, Lewis pulled you up by the back of your neck, hugged you to him with a firm grip of your hips and jackhammered into you, showing not one ounce of mercy. You screamed and melted against him as you lost your shit and sanity. With his other hand, he cupped your breast and pinched your nipple sending you even higher.
 “Y/N,” he whispered on a strangled breath and seconds later you felt his thrusts stagger until he’d snapped forward one final time releasing himself dragging one final shout from both of your lips. You toppled over and Lewis came with you collapsing on top of you.
 You didn’t know how long the two of you remained entangled there like that with nothing but the distance sounds of music and screams of the party still happening mere feet away. You were floating so high and seeing so many stars that you didn’t care about anything else.
 “Mmmm, do you see what you do to me?”
 Your body lifted and by the time your eyes fluttered open you realized your back was pressed to Lewis’ chest as he spooned you from behind keeping his half-hardened length nestled between your folds.
 “Mm-nh, What?”
 Your voice was unrecognizable. It was more like a hoarse croak.
 “You make me lose control.”
 “Good,” you croaked out. This time you couldn’t hold back your snort.
 “What’s so funny?”
 Clearing your throat, the best you could you spoke, “You made me lose my voice.”
 Lewis thrusted forward showing you he was quickly nearing ready for round two.
 “Shit baby girl, I’m gonna make you lose more than that. Your walls and your sanity are on the agenda for the night.”
 You squealed as you laughed. Another thrust forward had you stopping.
 “This dick ain’t nothing to laugh at girl.”
 He rolled onto his back taking you with him, so you were straddling him reverse cowgirl style. Just like that he came alive standing at full attention.
 “Oh god Lewis.”
 “I’ll ask again—think you can handle that?”
 You heard the challenge in his voice and the competitiveness in you sparked. You leaned forward to brace yourself on his ankles you lifted your ass up giving him the perfect view of the art that was your bodies. Lewis groaned then dropped a heavy hand onto your ass.
 “Fuck, this dick looks so good inside of you.”
 He slapped your ass again and again as you slowly slid him back in. You could feel him dripping out of you and would have given anything to see what he saw.
 “Fuck, so beautiful, princess. Make me fill that pussy up again.”
 He thrust his hips up making you clench around him just before you began the show hell bent on giving him the ride of his life.
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Position talk ;p
Okay so I truly feel like only a handful are viable. No karma sutra craziness here lol no pretzeling.
I'm just gonna shoot from the hip and you can add and discus as you'd like <3
Doggy is always a good go to for alot of reasons. I'm a lover of the body and it gives me a wonderful view of ass, back muscles, movements I soak up the little details! Plus being able to put my body weight down and really rutt into someone is other worldly. Not to mention the things they/I can do from the bottom (disclaimer I have yet to have the pleasure of bottoming or really ventured into that space unfortunately). I'm a sucker for matching the rhythm of the thrusts, pushing back onto them ugh!!! Reaching back and feeling them up, making out from behind all of it!
I'm also a big sucker for being ridden like just letting me lay back and be used and enjoyed while I get to absolutely admire and worship your body! Like I said details details details I'm looking at all of them, also hip grabbing no matter the position is the best thing to ever be ever. Reverse isn't something I've had any real experience with outside seeing other people do it but fuck if it wouldn't absolutely melt my brain. I'm a horny mess as it is so you give me anything and I'm absolutely addicted.
Oh oh oh big fan of bigspoon, littlespoon cuddleducking oh gods do I love that!!!! Cuddling on the couch and watching TV and suddenly pulling your bottoms down and slowly fucking them while hands roam bodies gods take me now lol. I truly am a slut and will match your horny energy as best I can!
Anywhere for the most part is game for me I'm not super shy when we get me to that comfort level. Whatever position we need to pull off to make whatever space we are in to work I'm 100000% down. Hell I know alpg of people consider 69ing to be impractical but holy hells do I absolutely love someone putting their weight down on me and letting me enjoy a full meal! Head is something for me that is so interesting to me, I haven't really had it done much at all to me. The partners I have/had just didn't have the want to reciprocate or even the desire to give me that solo pleasure. So I have this sorta obsession with it lol.
Mim a service switch so I'll do what you want me to lol.
Throwing legs over shoulders is always super fun! Like full mating press! (Breeding kink goes burr) I really tiptoe into the few sexual encounters I've had because I can become so ravenous with partners. I love sex so much and if you have that same energy I can't keep my hands off you. I just lose myself in it.
Oh another one that just came to mind but any form of standing/carrying positions!! While difficult at times oh gods does it do something to me. Like I always imagine someone standing behind me or vise versa perking me off and whispering just the dirtiest things.
Speaking of dont let anyone tell you hand stuff isn't worth doing! I use to be on that boat but I was fooling myself. Touch me, kiss me, lick me, suck me, bite me I do not care just as long as you make me yours!! Like if you actively show me that you want me physically I'm over the moon!
Not a position per se but texting, pics, phone sex definitely counts in my book. Super into it! Long distance relationships are something I have no issue with whatsoever, I will make time for you as much as I can :p. Finding ways to keep that flair alive is so so fun! You just get so innovative with ways to please your partner!! Ugh I'll for sure have to do a part 2 to this or if people respond I'll just continue talling there im on Like 2hrs sleep in 48hrs (sleepy sex is my favorite as well lol)
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aesopsbaby · 10 months
Hey Ace! How are you?? Hows your day going?
I just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy birthday (I didn't know if it was today or tomorrow but- I'm already giving it lol), hope you always know that you are someone I admire greatly, your talent in the arts is incredible and I truly fall in love with each one of them fr. Not only talent in the arts but also in being a very nice person, you are truly a friend that even though we “met” (when I say that it is because we became friends and started talking to each other) not long ago, I already consider your friendship one of the most special and important to me! You are someone very dear and a truly great companion and so.. Thank you for everything, I really feel very grateful to have you here! That I love you very much and I hope your day is going good (and even with work and school you can enjoy it the same, trust me, you will get an hour to enjoy your day, dw!), you handsome, buddy :DD <333
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(Also- as I didn't know how to draw you/your “main character”, I drew Ace for you, and Ik, it's not a great gift but I hope you still like it! I did it quickly but with a lot of love :])
Sorry for the big text--- :'DD
Heyo Mel! :DD I'm doing great!! Just tired from...a long day but I'm still really happy with all the love I'm receiving <,33!
AND IM SOBBING WITH HOW SWEET YOUR MESSAGE IS!! My heart is exploding with so much joy and I feel like I'm melting into a puddle of emotions <,3 IM SO AAAAAAAAA IM SO HAPPY AND SO SO GRATEFUL TO HAVE YOU AS MY FRIEND! ♥️♥️ You mean so much to me and your messages always lift up my mood, no matter what!! ♡
So thank you so much for always sticking by me and supporting me!! You're wonderful (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)>♡
ACEEEE!!! HE LOOKS SO ADORABLE AND I JUST WANNA SQUISH HIS CHEEKSS!! THANKYOUUU SO MUCH MEL! This is the perfect gift and ITS AMAZING!! Eh-hum,,,Quickly? This seems so detailed and I can see you put alot of effort and love into it, so I appreciate it!! <3 AND ACE IS SO CUTE IN YOUR ARTSYLEEE HEHEHEH ♡♡
,,,I'm gonna cherish this forever and print it out to paste on my wall >:]]
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natsmagi · 6 months
hello !! yet another different anon, but just wanted to share this while we’re on the topic of self-criticism - hopefully this doesn’t come off as patronizing, it’s just smth i’ve found helps me as an artist and hopefully it’ll help u :D
i think it’s rlly important to view old art more from the perspective of the feelings u had making it rather than the actual content of the art itself. sure, ur artistic skills have improved a lot over the years, and maybe when ur looking back at ur older work u see a lot of flaws in it - weird anatomy, bad lighting, articles of clothing that don’t make sense, etc (not saying ur old art has any of these i’m just listing examples i’ve had in my own lol) - but u had fun making it !! it’s a drawing of something u loved and still love, and it served its purpose as an outlet to express that love. when people go back and like those old drawings, they’re not seeing it for its flaws - they’re seeing it for the love it represents, a love they probably feel themselves. while it’s good to critique ur own work to some extent for the sake of improvement, people liking ur old stuff is far from cringe-worthy! it’s just someone enjoying something u once enjoyed too, like an internet happiness hand-me-down :)
again, this sort of mindset has rlly helped me personally - i don’t feel as nervous about drawing or posting, bc im just having fun !! it’s ok if it’s kind of janky or has weird details, it was made with love and people can see and appreciate that. nobody ever stops improving or seeing flaws in their work, so its best to focus more on the joy it gave u and push urself towards improvement with the promise of even more joy rather than forcing urself to improve under the threat of feeling ashamed of ur creations
hopefully all of this makes sense i kind of have the shakes rn lol. sorry for the super long ask, i just dont rlly know how to explain all of this in a short way-
hope u are having a fantastic day full of pretty girls !!!!
omg no worries at all!! your message read as very sweet so please dont stress urself out over how u came across!!
AND I DEFINITELY AGREE!! tbh its a mindset i tend to have, but i think where ive lacked is definitely in applying the "im just doing it for fun" logic to past me. i tend to be someone who very much lives in the present and have a bit of a disconnect both from the past and the future, and this can cause me to totally disregard everything about my past self and past work LOL. so honestly having all this put into words has kinda been an "OHH RIGHT" moment for me KASJHFJAHSDKJ
theres also the factor of my audience being bigger now........ im not really someone who likes having alot of eyes on me for various reasons, which sometimes causes me to waver a bit AKJSHFKJH THOUGH ITS NOT THAT BAD. i think most of my shyness comes from having artists i really admire now see my art and im like "FUCK IC ANT HAVE IT LOOK BAD WHAT IF THEY SEE" which can cause me to overthink things But also i tend to forget that those people even follow me 80% of the time. tbh all of my "insecurities" in regards to my art are purely circumstantial and only really present themselves if im in a flustered state, but a large portion of the time im just chilling KJAHSFJKHK
i do also wanna say tho that i think the viewing all art as coming from a place of love sentiment is very sweet........ esp bc in the beginning one of the compliments i got the most was along the lines of "your love for the characters really shines through!!" so to think that, in spite of potential quality, that love is still visibly present makes me very happy.......... Perhaps if u have genuine love for what u do itll shine through no matter what
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edie-n-al · 1 year
Okay I'm a sucker for like super small miniscule details that don't matter at all so what is the cutest thing about the other that you enjoy??? give me ALL the goofy facts owo
"Aww, well isn't this a warm welcome!!"
"Hmhm, why thank you! We're doing just fine, thank you for asking..."
"And let's see.. my favorite thing about her.. so many things to choose from-"
"Hmmm, I think one of my favorite things about Al is how much of a sucker for affection he is~"
"I- Edyth-"
"Sometimes, when I'm making breakfast, or something like that, he'll just come up behind me, n' just bear-hug me!~ It's adorable!!~"
"Listen, the world is cold and hard, you're soft and warm-"
"Hmhm, I know, hun, I know-"
[The Jamfoot is flustered heehoo]
"Hmm.. I have alot of things I love about Edyth, truly, but I'll give you one of the cutest!"
"She likes to sing to herself when working! Doesn't matter if she's writing down a recipe, cleaning up, or scrapbooking, more often than not, I can hear her singing along to her favorite records~"
"Ohhh, I don't do it that often-"
"Frankly, I think you should do it more- You have the voice of an angel~"
"Pfft- Oh, you~"
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sojutrait · 2 years
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thank you so much!!! 😭💓💓💓hope u feel better omg fuck the plague
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i just simply started making sims kdjfkdk
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I DO im so happy season 2 has started it reminds me sm of old school sims 4 lets plays with storylines and such UGHHH im so glad that style is making a resurgence
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thank u!! again im so unhelpful when it comes to advice on making sims bc i really jus Go for it 😭 i dont really have a different approach when it comes to making masc frame sims either
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probably not bc its such a small action (like theres only 2 or 3 steps iirc) it just wouldnt be worth the hassle and i dont think that many ppl would find any use out of it😭😭
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well,,,, tis the season 🤔
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i highly doubt it dkfdkkd
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i didnt its from the gallery! i just decked out the inside
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ahhh i play on desktop but theres 3 and 4 columns for different screen sizes u can read more about it on the actual mod page iirc
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my defaults should be good but my mods arent but i cba to update them rn 😭
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( @simarcana ) TYYYYYYY she really is, i just wanna spin her around in cas all day and gawk dkfndk
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my only tip would be dont dress them in clothes only if u would wear it/its your style. more so let it be a reflection of their character and their own fashion sense. theres alot of my sims id never dress like djfdkfkd but i know its something they would like !
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NOW- DIFJDIFJDK me and nia orphyd have written many dissertations about... That aspect of dante's life but i will not confirm nor deny if that was included
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im drawing up blanks too rn 😭😭😭 id suggest if u already know like the ethnicity of ur founder sim to just google last names from that culture and go from there, thats what i usually do dfjkd
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thank u omg but no i would feel bad if anyone gave me their money esp considering my tendency to like.. dip for weeks at a time DFKDJK also love u tumblr but i absolutely do not trust u with my credit card information
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strip naked/bald, facial features, skin details, hair, clothes, repeat any steps if i dont like what i picked initially
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( @thatoneplumbob ) no thank u for enjoying them !!! 💓💓💓😭😭
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thats an easy one i dont JFKDJFK thats all neighborhood stories and mcc, i would simply die if i had to do all that myself 😭😭😭 i just pop in and give them quick makeovers
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( @cutie-with-glasses-blog ) thank u so much !!! u have a great day as well 💓💓💓😌
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i havent, im not a big marvel movie fan 😭😭 BUTTTTT i have seen edits and fancams of shuris actress and i agree i would also sell my kidneys and yours for her, shes so fine
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( @wildsangria ) THE WAY I ALREADY FORGOT THIS DISCOURSE HAPPENEDDHFDJHDJ ugh throwback to when i gatekept the decades old tabletop rpg game dungeons and dragons
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ive been staring at this in my inbox for almost a month and it never fails to make me laugh yet also feel horrified great job you two
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WELL GOOD NEWS I DID and ive only made one hs so far!! buttttt it was before hsy so it doesnt work with the pack 😭😭 ill prob make one for hsy eventually bc as much as i hate building im also drawn to it like a moth to flame
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thank u!! but ahhh no i havent been having any problems with uni
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thank u, i hope ur having a great day too! tbh its not like something i put like... effort into if that makes sense KJDSK like for my gameplay sims no matter how casual i try to make it i inevitably start adding unnecessary depth into them 😭😭 like ill just be cleaning my house and think hmmm this sim hates this food or once had this happen to them, so pretty much the same approach i do to my ocs!
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I ACTUALLY RECORDED A VIDEO i just gotta grow some bawlz and upload it 😭😭 its just a quick cas vid for a sim i wanna do gameplay with on there but im still peeing in nervousness
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TYYYY i am doing well i rlly am 😌😌 im on winterbreak so YIPEEEE hope ur both doing well too!
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