#i even learned to play it myself. it's one of my favourite songs to play on guitar.
sergeantjessi · 6 months
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my-darling-boy · 4 months
Have you had any ✨Ghost Experiences✨ in Scotland yet? Meet any new ghosts???
Ohhhh plenty, but far too many to list without going off on a ramble haha
We’ve done many overnights in castles and old buildings up and down the UK with a team of investigators which has led to really neat experiences, some of them absolutely poignant. I think my favourite interaction has been with a sweetheart of a young seaman called William aboard the RRS Discovery docked in Dundee, also the best K2 session I’ve ever had was there. But yeah, various castles, historic buildings, manors, prisons, etc with some really fascinating results.
I do like how it’s also putting the mediumship to the test which is something I still don’t really like bringing up in general to people but I have apparently shocked investigators/employees at these places with describing events, people, and other things with detail that is not even public or only known privately by people who frequent that location. Nearly all locations I’ve never been to and make a point not to read up on them before I go, which makes these instances more compelling? I often don’t even know the significance of what I’m (sheepishly) describing only to be told I just described a specific thing that happened in a room when there’s no way I could know about said thing. One of the best instances of this was on the RRS Discovery when trailing behind the group in the lower decks, I stopped suddenly. It felt as though something SMACKED very hard and very sudden right where I was standing, someone had lost their life in this very spot. I thought with the boilers around perhaps someone had been hit somehow and died or maybe fallen from the above platform and hit their head on the metal below but was told there were no known records of someone dying in that room and that the platforms didn’t exist at the time. I was perplexed by this as I was 100% sure something had happened there but I just ignored it, maybe I was wrong. We get up to the top deck finally and are told about a boy who, in 1901, tragically fell from the crows nest and died. The investigator and I suddenly realised I had been standing directly below the spot he would have hit on the upper deck when he fell. Another would be a nice young man I’d encountered at a private castle who seemed to be wearing some sort of chainmail and white tunic, followed me around for most of the night, and at one point I picked up on a story about a strange looking gold disc with all these markings on it on the alter in the chapel which he immediately told me not to ask about and refused to elaborate more, I had no idea why he was so adamant about this. I later learned after enquiry the castle historians have documented the place being used by the Templars and it’s a private fact at this location that the Templars have buried artefacts beneath the castle they are working to recover… most notably, beneath the chapel. I’d be talking for ages if I described the other occurrences, but that’s one I’ll always remember!
All and all, I do actually recommend doing it, even if you don’t believe in the stuff, because you get entire historic locations basically all to yourself, at night, which is cooler. I once sat for nearly an hour in a 200 year old jail on the floor, in the dark, at 2 AM, just chilling. On free roam while everyone is usually at base, I’ve been able to explore places by myself, in the dark, opening doors to rooms not even shown to us, panning my torch to old paintings and artefacts in basements to attics and bedrooms and so much more. I’ve sat alone in century old ships and played sea shanties which echoed hauntingly down the passageways. Sprawled out in the pews of medieval chapels in the pitch dark, wandered dark castle corridors alone, sometimes I’ll sing out old songs and just listen to it drift out through the halls and rooms. You feel like some character in a novel, it’s quite a liminal space! Like all these places where so many other people came before you, where people lived and died, sometimes even right where you’re sitting, and you’re able to lay out on the stones in the dark with it all and just feel connected to it yk?
Anyway that still ended up being a ramble HAHA so yeah! I recommend it for both believers and those less inclined because at the end of the day, you’ve basically got several hours of private access to historical locations, at night, no tourists, and sometimes to places the public isn’t allowed at all, and hey maybe something Strange will happen while you’re alone in the darkness.
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samdeancass · 1 year
Ben Tennyson Dating a S/O Who Is Musically Gifted (Ben 10 Headcanon)
Requested by Anonymous
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Ben found out about your talents by accident.
He turned up to your house to surprise you but was stood outside your bedroom door mesmerised by you.
You stopped as soon as you noticed he was there.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“For a while. I never knew you could play violin, or sing for that matter! Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I-I didn’t want to. Truth is, I don’t think I’m very good. I only do it to keep myself occupied. 
He walked over to you and wrapped you in his arms, kissing the top of your head. “You’re amazing, Y/N. Never think otherwise.”
Ever since he found out, he always wants you to sing for him. He loved hearing the sound of your voice. It soothed him when he was having a bad time.
“Sing to me, Y/N. I need to hear that beautiful voice of yours.” 
You lay down together on top of his bed, him laying on your chest as you began to sing one of his favourite songs. One that you knew would calm his nerves. What he didn’t know, however, was that you had been learning the chords of the song on your violin as a surprise. 
Ben looked very confused when you left the bed but when you started to play the chords, his smile soon lit up his face. At the end, he had tears in his eyes.
“Thank you, my darling. That was beautiful. I loved it.” 
Ben always tried his best to keep your confidence up by suggesting new songs for you to learn and would always listen when you were ready to play.
You had even began to write your own songs, thanks to the confidence boosts from him. 
At the beginning you didn’t want anyone to know about your secret talents but thanks to the love and support from Ben, you couldn’t wait to share them with the world.
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seaofreverie · 21 days
Sparkstember Day 3: Kimono My House (Falling In Love With Myself Again)
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Kimono my house, mon amour! Everyone knows how great and one of a kind this album is... So what can I even say about it that hasn't been said already? Well, I'll just plunge right into my own experience with it and go from there.
This was my first Sparks album and it definitely made a huge impression right away. While it wasn't really the album that got me hooked on Sparks, it still managed to pique my interest in this specific era especially, so my choice for the next album to go with was obvious (more on that tomorrow). And it was surely like nothing I heard before at that point... or since, really. Altough I must also admit that it was probably the furthest I went back in time listening to music at the moment, as in, I haven't even ventured much into listening to much music from the 70s on my own until that point, so I didn't even really have anything to compare it with. Still though, that doesn't change as I get into more 70s music - there's still nothing quite like Kimono.
I love how cohesive this album is, without becoming same-ish, it still has so much different stuff to offer. I really don't know how to best put it, but it's really like a huge, wonderful and whimsical journey. Just thinking about the opening and closing tracks and how well they work for their roles... It was mindblowing to hear a year and a half ago, and it still is to this day. I'm honestly suprised by how, even though I really loved KMH from the very start, I can still love it more and more.
And the most (seemingly) unforeseen of things will cause this. Like my "Kimono My House Summer", by which I mean last summer when I went on a trip and all the different songs from this album accompanied me through it and are now an integral part of my memories of that time. And how getting KMH on vinyl just last month caused my love for it to suddenly skyrocket still - it was actually just last month that I rejected one particular opinion I still held with full conviction until now regarding this album, but more on that tomorrow...
Favourite songs (and other highlights):
Okay, this is when this section actually gets kind of hard to deal with properly. Because almost every single song from this album is something I could have considered a favourite at some previous point in time. So this time I'll go about it by listing my longest-standing faves.
This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us: obviously. I remember the first time I heard this song so well because it really made such a huge impression. The day I get to hear this song live might change me forever. I'm sure there's nothing quite like experiencing it live. I also really want to learn to play this one on piano. I hope that's doable with my current skill level!
Amateur Hour: this song stands out in the sense that right away i got the impression that there's just this... sort of classic quality to it... that makes me think, wow this is one of the originals. This is one of the songs that set the standard for pop music of the following decades. Keep in mind that this was when I was only getting into Sparks and all this information I've aquired about them was very fresh in my mind, like how they were such an important influence for so many artists to come. Like, one of the biggest influences and most important figures in history of modern pop PERIOD. So indeed, with this song it truly felt like wow, I hear this, totally. Very satisfying moment (and I'm actually really curious if anyone else got this impression from THIS tracks specifically as well)
Here In Heaven: feels strange to not say anything about this one when I said so much about the previous two, so. I'll just say that I really love the guitar parts during the chorus (like when the title is said?). Also, enjoyable story in the lyrics (but that's no rare thing on this album)
Hasta Manana, Monsieur: when I think about it I start to realize I could consider this my very first Sparks fav OVERALL, I'm pretty sure that hearing this song is what convinced me to give this whole album a go! Or my memory is lying to me about this specific fact and it was actually some other song, but either way, the point still stands I think
Talent Is An Asset: going with the early impression for this one again, and I think it's one of the most important entries on the list of songs that felt like they should be newer than they are. This song did not sound 50 years old to me by any means. Very ahead of its time? That's sort of Sparks' whole thing though, isn't it?
Equator: again, not even a personal fav necessarily, or at least until very recently, but I still want to mention it because I truly think it's one of the songs of all time. It's just, so very good. And these days I can't listen to it without being reminded of the several incredible live performances of it. They're all impressive, to say the least!
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junhanner · 29 days
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ˚⊹
゚。 ꒰ঌ 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋!𝗍𝖺𝖾𝗋𝖺𝖾 𝗑 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 ໒꒱
゚・。・゚﹫junhanner ﹒ ⁺ cw : none 𓍯
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae who would always and always attend your concerts , being the first one to get first row tickets at every one of your events .
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae who whenever he would notice you at a concert, he would give you the silliest wink while singing one of the most cheesy lines ever.
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae who would serenade you every minor or major event. seeing the smile on your face is enough to make his day.
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae who would listen to your songs on repeat when you’re away/on tour, imagining that you were there with him.
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae and you who would have atleast one collab every album, and maybe even a album together.
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae who would somehow have every piece of merch with you that there is on the market. for him price doesn’t matter since its his girlfriend that he is supporting.
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae who would have your initial somewhere on his guitar. as a sticker, carved, drawn on with a marker, it doesn’t matter. it’s there.
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae and you who would have matching jelwery with the other’s initial. taerae would 100% grab it and kiss it after every concert on stage.
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae who would have atleast 10 drafts on his computer with songs about you.
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae who would give you mini concerts at home whenever you feel sad or unmotivated
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae who would cover your songs at concerts once in a while.
୨𓏲̼ singer!taerae who would secretly learn to play your / your favourite instrument to surprise you.
a/n 𓂃 ࣪˖ : PLS IGNORE ANY MISTAKES💔 i promised myself ill finish first the longer fics and then focus on my other thoughts. unfortunately my taerae brainrot got the best of me and said ‘no bitch u wont. sit ur ass down and write a taerae thought because all of the taerae writers are in their graves right now’
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sirenjose · 5 months
So I've been really into your analysis lately and I'm a huge fan now, wanted to ask some questions, feel free to not answer any
1- what was your favourite idv story/event to analyze?
2- your least fav of the latter?
3- are you into anything else besides idv?
4-how do you find the motivation to analyze stuff? I've tried before and it was very draining :')
Thanks for your time, hope you have a lovely day
I'm very happy to hear you're enjoying yourself despite my own low opinion about much of what I put out. I'll do my best to answer!
Hmm I always dislike picking favorites because I'm bad at picking eheh... But the ones I liked most... I honestly enjoy T&I and COA (1-5) even more than the main story. So I think I might pick... Atropos' Ropes for T&I and for COA, thats harder... 3-5 are my faves but I might pick 4 just because of how it felt it had the most story/details given than all the rest. Even the *SONG* had story. I loved it.
Least fave, eh... Orfeo and Zinaida immediately come to mind, though Orfeo I'd say was worse... COA 1 is another primarily because of how DIFFICULT it was for me to figure it out enough to put together an analysis. And I had to rewrite that thing at LEAST 3 times to the point I'm just hoping it's good enough and leaving it alone. Time of Reunion I think is another that comes to mind, mainly because I didn't appreciate how they treated Norton in there, especially in the videos (but at least those aren't canon like the in-game event was). So based on all that, I might say Orfeo if I really had to pick 1. Then rank ToR 2nd and Zinaida/COA1 3rd.
FF14 and Honkai Star Rail especially I'm playing actively these days, but I honestly like a lot of stuff. Like Persona (espeially 4), 999 aka Zero Escape, and Star Ocean Til the End of Time. Least in terms of games.
Hmm... Maybe because the 1st reason I play a game is because of the story, and gameplay is always 2nd to me. If the story and characters are good, that gets me interested. Issue with IDV is we only get bits and pieces. Really need to look deeper to really understand some of the characters. I actually only started analyzing because I challenged myself (partially out of curiosity for the answer) to see if I could prove if Norton wasn't as evil as people thought (based on all the comments I saw when I 1st joined the fandom a long while ago). From there, there was Jose who I wanted to analyze because he honestly had so many plot holes I couldn't (and still can't completely) solve. So I get the most enjoyment analyzing something that doesn't have a clear answer. Which is why I don't always post for every letter. A big part of it is I enjoy history and culture and such, so it's fun for me to learn about different foods, or time periods, or how bad the environment was for miners or sailors back in the day, etc... I dont think I have an easy answer (I can see I'm rambling). Norton I actually only began to like because I was spending so long working on my 1st analysis for him (and my perfectionism made me analyze all of Norton's essences before i could call it finished). Jose was because I love Captain Hook, and then after because of the plot holes that bothered me. Then for others, I think I enjoy making analyses to... try to sometimes change people's opinoions/beliefs. Like with Margaretha or Vera. With Edgar was because I was more interested in his story and him as a character only once I put together all his lore. Sort of goes on from there. I could ramble on but I'm going to get even more guilty. I hope this helps somewhat, but let me know if it doesn't and I'll keep going. Maybe the simple is A) I like history/culture/research, B) I like to convince people that certain characters arent as evil as they think or change beliefs I think aren't quite accurate, C) I like solving puzzles and I love story, D) I already think too hard about literally everything, and combined with my perfectionism, we get analysis
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eisukevint · 7 months
eisuke ichinomiya x desi!reader headcanons !!
im so bored so here are some headcanons bec i love being desi
• he hates it when he has to wait and initially when you started dating you tried your best to be on time whenever he paged you but as your relationship progressed, its game over. whenever u have to go out, you ALWAYS leave at the the desi time and he slowly got so used to it, the one and only time punctual eisuke was late to events.
• eisuke has a massive sweet tooth so when you first made him kheer, he absolutely loved it although his only words were ‘not bad’. He definitely asks you to make it again so you feed him other ‘mithai’ (sweets in urdu/hindi) like gulab jamun, rasgullay, JALEBI etc and he loves it so much.
• you make him desi food from time to time and actually requests it like you him ask ‘eisuke what do you want for dinner today?’ and he just says ‘you made nihari last time, it was good. make it again’ he finds it very flavourful.
• he’s very familiar with other cultures since he’s a businessman and often interacts with foreign businessmen. he knows about the clothes and customs of your country. imagine eisuke in kurta or sherwani EISUKE IN A KURTA A BLACK KURTA AT THAT (i would actually die). Whenever you go to family events, you always wear traditional clothes and once eisuke is invited to them, he initially just wears his suit but after some time he starts to indulge you and actually wears your traditional clothes.
• he finds it very sexy when you talk and swear in your mother language.
• eisuke is multilingual (as its mentioned in the story) so if he doesnt know your mother langauge he would DEFINITELY learn and boy his pronunciation would be so good (thats a perfectionist for you)
• he says he hates bollywood movies because theyre so extra but thats a lie. whenever u play something like ‘kabhi khushi kabhi gham’ or ‘kal ho na ho’ he always watches it with you because he’s intrigued but ALWAYS says ‘this movie is so bad i wonder why you waste time watching this stuff’
• you go around singing bollywood songs or songs in your mother tongue around the penthouse and he just enjoys it so much but he definitely wont say it out loud
• eisuke was FLABBERGASTED when you told him or rather showed him a desi wedding like why is everyone wearing such fancy clothes ??? and he’s even more surprised when he finds out there’s actually three days to a wedding and even more pre wedding events.
• he loves it when you wear mehndi on your hands, he sees mehndi as something that adorns your hand and whenever u apply it, he brings your hand up to his face and smells it because he loves thr scent.
• when you told him about all your family and by that i mean family on your mother’s and father’s side, he has to do a double take because why the fuck do you have SO many cousins? he’s trying to keep up but there’s just so many.
• your parents love him more than you. they literally said it to your face ‘oh my, such a handsome boy, how did you ever end up with our incompetent daughter’ you cannot convince me that this wont happen.
• baba asks you to teach him bhangra and other desi dance steps and you, ota and baba have the time of your life dancing to chammak challo and nach punjaban in the penthouse lounge and eisuke just looks at you like youre comitting a crime
a little something for myself bec im a self indulgent bitch (not exactly a desi headcanon but i wanted to add this)
• every eid you spend with him, he makes sure to spoil you thoroughly. he gives you so much eidi (literally) like he straight up handed you car keys once and went ‘eid mubarak ___, i know you’ve been waiting for your eidi’ and then he just smirks while you think what did you do to deserve so much. he enjoys eid festivities with you and eid ul fitr is his favourite eid.
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ride-thedragon · 7 months
Why Nettles is so Pyramids by Frank Ocean Coded.
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Now that I'm officially back, I've decided to prove myself and my love for this character by using one of my favourite artists, Frank Ocean.
@bohemian-nights is one of my oldest mutuals and seems like the best person to tag for this wild ride. Also, we had an interaction about it once.
Before I begin, I'm gonna put a great video analysis of this song because you all should listen to it.
Now let's get started.
What is Pyramids by Frank Ocean?
It's basically a nine minute story like song that focuses on a 'Cleopatra' like figure in two different time periods. One as the original 'jewel of Africa" being stolen from a Pharaoh by a man promising her the future and one as a sex worker working at "The Pyramids" to live day by day. She remains a mystery throughout the entire song as we are told about her through the experience and expectation of her by different Narrator's, a servant, the Pharaoh, her love interest/ the thief, A pimp that sleeps with Cleopatra and her unemployed boyfriend.
All that aside, go listen to the song. It's one of if not Frank's best and it's an experience the first time for sure.
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Swiftly moving on,
Okay, the breakdown was important because I'm gonna break it down similarly to reflect Nettles.
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Think of this as a reflective part of the story. A summarization of what's to come in the story.
"Set the cheetahs on the loose" is equitable to the death decree on Nettles.
"There's a thief out on the move" reflects both Sheepstealer and Daemon.
"Underneath our legions view" both Rhaenyra and the Mootons who are sworn to her. Daemon is also directly beneath Rhaenyra.
"They have taken Cleopatra" in the song you learn that Cleopatra goes willingly, but from this perspective, she is taken, similar to the accusations against Nettles with both Daemon and Sheepstealer.
"Run, Run, Run, come back for my glory" is Rhaenyra saying that she needs Daemon back at her side but also an allusion to the idea that Nettles might not be a dragonseed, and is a question to the legitimacy of Targaryen Exceptionalism.
"Bring her back to Me" the decree call for Nettles head but also the idea that Daemon would be free after her death.
"Run, Run, Run, the crown of our Pharaoh/ The throne of our queen is empty." Daemon does take the place of a "queen consort" during the dance with the added title of protector of the realm. It's important to note that the dance was a war to see who would sit the iron throne, and with that in mind, Rhaenyra is being challenged, with her crown being challenged, Daemon is also not there, leaving the throne empty.
The repetition of Cleopatra takes different meaning to what's missing.
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The first 2 lines are in reference to Alyn and Addam of Hull as the bastards of Corlys and who are now black in the series. All three of them (even Alyn) are now viewed as precious things in the 'future' as recognised dragonseeds and riders. Later on, their loyalties and position in this new place are also questioned "in a rocky world."
"Our skin like bronze and hair like cashmere" in reference to the new matched appearances of the Driftmark dragonseeds to house Velayron as all are played by black actors (allegedly).
The rest of the verse is dedicated to the "Fall of King's Landing," where Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen ascends the throne notably with the Dragonseeds flying and ensuring no challenge to her reign as soldiers in the war.
Daemon Targaryen famously takes Nettles to Maidenpool "underneath our legions view, they have taken Cleopatra" to put a stop to the burning of the Riverlands. The thief in question is still Nettles as she is accused of enchanting the prince.
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Now, this time, the refrain is a set up to the prompt given to us by Mysaria, "Even now, she shares your husband's bed, and soon enough she'll have his bastard in her belly."
The jewel of Africa, however, refers to the decree where Rhaenyra says Nettles used spells to bind a dragon to her. "What good is a jewel that ain't still precious?" is a constant question throughout fire and blood and with the Targaryens who were very selective with who got a dragon up until the reign of Viserys. The idea that only Targaryens can control dragons leads to their power and without that illusion, it is questioned. Nettles is proposed as an active threat to this in the narrative.
"How could you run off on me? How can you run off on us?" is Rhaenyra in both reference to Nettles, alluding to the betrayal she thinks that has occurred and Daemon, with their marriage and rule over the kingdom. Her decree specifically wished for his return.
"You feel like God inside that gold
I found you laying down with Sampson and his full head of hair."
Daemon gets Nettles gifts and clothes to wear during their time in Maidenpool. He dresses her differently and seemingly spends all his time at her side. There isn't a mundane activity described that he doesn't spend with her.
Mysaria, Rhaenyra, and the Mootons agree to the idea that she was near or in his bed. The only reason the decree isn't followed is because the Mootons fear the wrath of Daemon, similar to Sampson and Delilah, where his weakness seems to be nothing until they learn about his hair, they fear him until that point. Unlike Delilah, Nettles is only accused of harming Daemon and is ultimately protected by Daemon's legacy, "6 men or 60 men, he's still Daemon Targaryen."
The Black Queen is Rhaenyra in this instance with bad dreams being the decree and the potential barm thar is wished on Nettles by her. This part is from the perspective of Daemon.
Part IV (ACT 1)
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At the end of their story, Nettles is sent away for her protection by Daemon, who then decides to fight Aemond Targaryen, alone, an established suicide mission in the narrative. Aegon can also be the referenced "he" who killed Cleopatra
Later on, Rhaenyra is killed by her brother Aegon and his dragon Sunfyre. Theories surrounding alternate timeliness where Daemon went back often end with Rhaenyra surviving the dance at his side.
The serpent in her tomb can be Mysaria, who led Rhaenyra down the path of destruction against the advice of more trusted advisors like Corlys. Cleopatra historically died with a snake bite.
Part 1.
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Perspective change.
Daemon Targaryen spends all his time with Nettles. They eat, bathe, sleep, and fly together each day, returning to Maidenpool, where this behaviour is documented by the Maester.
Their dynamic is consistent with the Mootons where they fly and track Aemond, returning to Maidenpool to defend the Mootons in exchange for hosting them. She is, in fact, working.
The song alludes to Cleopatra in the future being pimped out, seen through the perspective of either a pimp or client alluding to her boyfriend.
This perspective could also be taken by the Maester recording these interactions between the prince and Nettles, watching her, and hearing of their activities through the maids, recording it.
Part II
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This part is only given to Daemon Targaryen.
The baths they took were described in the narrative as such,
"Soaping her back or washing the dragon stink from her hair, both of them as naked as their namedays."
Now the idea that they were actually sleeping together in light of this information is an easy conclusion to come to which informs the rest of the verse until, "ride, cowgirl".
Her love in the narrative is no longer free because men can pay to sleep with Cleopatra, and a shared love within the relationship is now a job for her but still a way to connect for him.
Within the fire and blood narrative, however, Nettles love is no longer free because of the danger of the mission they embark on every day. If they meet Aemond on the route, she can lose her life in the fight in exchange for being housed in Maidenpool, a transaction to continue this illicit relationship away from the eyes of the court. Her love was also always a danger as she is an unknown mistress of the Prince Consort of the Realm, a risky position at any time but especially during war with the threat of heirs and the grief and wrath Rhaenyra experienced during this time.
ACT II (Part 3)
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In the end, Nettles gets away. The singers say Daemon finds her, and they live out their days in the Mountain of the Moon, in the Vale of Arryn where she is alleged to be the fire Witch the burned men worship. She's working at the pyramids (buildings often constructed as tombs for old rulers to ascend from and live on through).
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surr3al1sm · 5 months
Just Dance Highscores I’m proud of
I don’t really talk about playing Just Dance on here because I play it a lot and don’t want to bother you guys with it every time but I just wanted to highlight some of the scores I’m proud of. All will be below the cut to not clog up your dash.
Disclaimer: Now I know that they probably aren’t the highest scores (or the hardest maps) you’ve ever seen BUT I still get to be proud of them (plus I have a coordination disorder so take that).
With that being said feel free to reblog and flex your scores on me. I wish to know them.
List time! Yippie!
🩷 The mega stars (aka the dances I dance to way too much) 🩷
⚡️Girlfriend - 13078 - The first song I 13k’d and still one of my favourite maps
⚡️Treasure - 12904 - I used to be really bad at Treasure compared to LooH, but they kind of flipped one day lol
While we’re on the topic
⚡️Locked out of Heaven - 12681 - The first map I actually took the time to learn the choreo for. Just need to figure out the tracking ig-
⚡️10.000 Luchtballonnen - 12810 - A dutch (Belgian technically) song. Probably the best K3 song on + and maybe even on unlimited.
⚡️Judas - 12699 - Come on, it’s Judas. Can you blame me for being proud.
⚡️Rasputin - 12699 - This is just what my (lack of) rizz has come to. Also may I refer back to the coordination disorder.
⚡️Levitating - 12566 - Si’Ha Nova my beloved 🫶
⚡️Can’t Tame Her - 12536 - LittleSiha, need I say more
⚡️Beggin’ - 12498 - I started out with consistently 3 starring this song and here we are now. Improvements people.
⚡️Disco Inferno - 12275 - I don’t care that its an easy difficulty: I have played this song exactly once. Let me be proud of my beginners luck.
🩵 The super stars (aka maps I am learning or am just mid at) 🩵
⚡️Therefore I Am - 11832 - This map takes a lot of coordination and balance that I do not have.
⚡️Physical - 11733 - As someone who was not active what so ever at the beginning of the year, being this decent at a map like this one is just pretty rewarding
⚡️Canned Heat - 11728 - It’s a Wanderlust song what can I say, we don’t mix well-
⚡️Dark Horse - 11344 - My friend had JD2015 growing up and the most I could get was 4 stars max when I used to play with her so this just heals my inner child.
⚡️Applause/Stage Version - 11307 - It’s an extreme. I am no where near properly touching extremes (like actually consistently doing them). Let me be proud.
⚡️Wannabe/Extreme Version - 11459 - Scored this while dancing against my Kpop friend. She knows the official choreo by heart.
⭐️ The 5 Stars (Songs I do every now and then and choreo’s I live laugh love without being good at them) ⭐️
⚡️Rock ‘n Roll - 10877 - I don’t know if it’s just me or if the tracking on this is just wierd but it’s the highest score I’ve gotten so far so I’m just gonna roll with it lol
⚡️Buttons - 10672 - This map is just difficult for me- idk why-
⚡️Bad Romance/official Choreo - 10521 - Slowly trying my best to learn this one. It’s hard.
⚡️Gimme More - 10421 - Agend D is probably one of my favourite coaches in the game but ngl this is one of the harder mediums imo.
⚡️Can’t Stop The Feeling/Danceverses Prince - 10051 - That I have beef with the smurfs choreo’s doesnt mean I can’t enjoy them and be proud of my scores. He’s just very fast okay-
Sorry for the long post again. It’s just a post I wanted to make for myself. Could I just have noted them down for myself? I already have. Sometimes you just wanna share stuff with the world okay? Before anyone says it 🤫 I know these aren’t the hardest maps out there. That doesn’t matter.
Again, feel free to reblog and flex your own scores. I love seeing people be proud of themselves for accomplishments!
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nanomooselet · 8 months
Episode Nine: Millions Knives
Knives is firmly among my favourite characters. Adore him, fascinated by him, need to hit him over the head with a baseball bat.
The thing about Knives is that he lies constantly. I think he's so used to lying that he's come to believe himself truthful and sincere. To be fair to him, his emotions are very sincerely felt - I think they rattle his teeth, actually - but I don't think he understands them, even in hindsight. I don't think he understands the emotions or responses of others, either. They make no intuitive sense to him. So he rationalises reactions he doesn't expect as weakness, error or corruption to avoid admitting to himself where the problem might lie, and considers them only on those terms. Which must be terribly, terribly isolating, and it means he also lies to himself.
I suppose it's not a secret that I see a lot of myself in Vash - the guilt, the distance, the way he exaggerates his reactions around others - but there's a little bit of Knives there too. Enough that I feel sympathy. But I also recognise parts of him that aren't in me at all; they were a sickness I didn't realise I had, or the voices of people I wish had known better.
So my feelings about him are complicated, to put it mildly. I remember after watching the finale I had simultaneous urges to wrap him in a blanket and beat him to death with a tire iron, and that hasn't really changed. It's a difficult state of mind.
He's a great character.
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Such a sweet, sad scene from a character we saw being so vicious. The notes begin slow, faltering - loneliness, hesitation. Perhaps even regret? And then Vash enters in his memory and adds his voice, and while it's still a little awkward, the notes themselves seem to smile along with him. Knives has learned over time to play the song himself, but it's still incomplete without Vash. The room is ridiculously huge, which makes Knives in the centre even tinier and lonelier than he'd otherwise be; the distance of the long-shot also conceals that he sits just a little further to the right than he needs to, so the realisation is slow. There's a lot of empty space. It looks like the room is unfurnished besides the piano and bench, with some random debris scattered around. How long has he been staying here? How long has he sat on that bench, trying to fill all that emptiness? Around him, beneath him, humans do human things and he is indifferent. He permits it only because soon none of it will matter.
I have to wonder what it is that Conrad got for Knives that made Knives look so pleased. Can't help but consider it ominous.
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Also, Luida wasn't the only member of the SEEDs crew to pass on a haircut.
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They have very similar clothes, too. That must have been an interesting shopping trip.
I spent literal hours combing through all my references trying to figure out if that was SEEDs Ship Five the city was built in, and I don't think so - Ship Five had human passengers and July was built in a Plant carrier. (So much for "I made sure the Plant ships would survive.") So at least we're spared the twist of the knife (sigh) it would have been to know somewhere in among all these withered Plants might be the twins' birth mother or the one who greeted them with Rem - but Jesus V. Saverem Christ, that doesn't make it better.
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Knives, y'know - I do get why you killed those men. I really do. Humans are not innocent of this horror. Humans are not angels. Humans are survivors. We're also unfortunately greedy, short-sighted and brutally indifferent to those we don't perceive as part of the ingroup, especially when desperate. Even if you're willing to overlook this callous, casual abuse of living beings - and I wouldn't be - this is a recklessly unsustainable approach. Almost like a decision one might make in panic out of misfiring instinctive urge to seek safety? Not that I'm implying anything about your decisions.
And so when he sees Vash Knives immediately blames all of humanity when Knives bears at least a portion of the blame himself. There would always be casualties in such wide-scale destruction, even among those he intended to spare. Nor did he seem to do anything to protect the Plants aboard the crashed ship (likely because it would require relying on more humans), though it's obvious they would be vulnerable. But there's no way he can take responsibility for the deaths of his own kind on top of everything else he's done... though truly we're also our own worst advocates.
I'm sure they were happy to be useful.
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Maybe Knives should have thanked the technician who said that to him before his death, because what he said made Knives so very angry. Anger, for Knives, is strength, and strength is certainty. A frightened little boy is sorry that he killed his mother and drove his brother away. A frightened little boy couldn't do this. Vash is frightened, of course. Clinging to Rem's skirts, a coward still, years later. Totally lacking conviction. But Knives thought of this. He knows how to work with that too.
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Interesting that when Vash felt unworthy of the people of Home, he took off the coat they gave him to give it back. Knives, though, he snatches the gift he gave Vash straight out of his hands. If he's learned to play a duet alone he doesn't need Vash to do this either. He doesn't need Vash. It'd just be nice! You know. Not to have to rely on himself all the time!
His stupid little face and its utter bafflement. Where is this coming from? Vash isn't like this! I don’t remember it being like this! What could possibly have changed?
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Knives intended to keep his calm throughout this confrontation. You can watch him visibly gather himself when he notices Vash enter; take a deep breath, push his hood back - it's why he went from kneeling to standing. It's like he can't be vulnerable, or even ask for comfort, but I swear if he'd just asked Vash for a hug instead of stabbing people the series would have ended there. Instead he tips further and further over the edge, refusing to reach out for help on terms other than the ones in his head, which he refuses to explain. And the moment a variable he can't control enters the situation, his first and only reaction is to violently remove it.
(Poor Luida must have no idea what the hell is going on. Although I bet this reunion explained a lot with hindsight.)
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Why do you point that gun at me? Even though I saved you?
That's really the question Knives needs to consider the answer to himself, and he's not going to. Instead he imposes a time limit (and I'm starting to think when it ran out, that was when the Eye of Michael got into gear, so it's been around for approx. forty-five years) and runs off to cry in his piano room as though Vash is the one who needs a time-out.
He does, at that.
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There's so much hope in what follows. Compared to Knives's vast hollow space, Vash's little room is so full of warmth and acceptance. He has people who love him and even a solution to the ongoing crisis, albeit an imperfect one - but he has something, he's not just flailing around until the day he catches one too many bullets. He has a goal in healing the Plants and helping people, and he has people who support him in it. And sure, he faces scepticism. Not to mention the parameters he's put on himself (I'll never kill, ever again... I'll figure out a way to save everyone. The humans, Plants... and Nai) which are Dark Souls times Atlus superboss impossible. But even Brad, who once called him a monster, thinks he's in with a chance.
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I truly wish I found that more comforting than I did.
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shivunin · 1 year
Hi, I just wondered what your favourite part of the Fenhawke romance was? Like, a scene/moment that really made you fall more in love with him? I love your writing so much!!
Oh, that is very kind of you to say! 💗I'm glad you enjoy the things I've written. I've really been enjoying writing for this ship, especially the past few months c:
As for your question...
Man, that's tough. I have a hard time picking one thing---I mean, *gestures to all the fic* you know? But I can narrow it down to a couple of scenes/elements:
The fact that a romanced Fenris still calls you "my friend" even after the act 2 romance scene. This is just...the bedrock of their relationship to me. Yes, that night went very poorly (understatement, I know), but at the core they are friends and he trusts Hawke in a way he's likely never had the cause or opportunity to trust someone before. I believe he never stopped loving Hawke, and it was a matter of laying those feelings out and understanding them one at a time. Romantic love not replacing platonic love or eclipsing it, but building or twining together is just... *chef's kiss* that's the good stuff.
The moment during the romance conversation in Act 3 when you can see Fenris go from hoping (painfully hoping!) that there is still some way he and Hawke can be together to actually believing it will happen. There is a shift in his body language that I could watch (and...have) over and over.
The element of choice? This is not going to be coherent, but the fact that he is learning for the first time what it means to have options and preferences, and he spends a lot of time exploring and understanding himself...and after all of that, the thing he keeps coming back to is Hawke. I think it's gorgeous. A song with refrains of pain or fear and choruses of decision and hope. He's loyal to a fault, in many ways, but understanding how much of himself exists to share and then still choosing to share it is just...man. I said this wasn't going to be coherent lol, so there you are. "If there is a future to be had..." like he doubts its existence but he's willing to chance it for Hawke. Man.
But, honestly? I've played DA2 a lot of times and never romanced another character, even though I've played through multiple romance storylines in each of the other games. I can't shake the Fenris romance. Every time I open a new playthrough, I tell myself that this is the time I'm going to romance Isabela, and every time Fenris rips that dude's heart out and I just......alright, yeah. Okay. Here we go again.
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The Magnum Opus, Masterpiece Theatre - A Marianas Trench Retrospective
Man... this is a HARD review to write. Masterpiece was my formal introduction to Trench, the album that made me a fan and made me hooked on them for more than half my life. It's always stuck with me and has become of my most listened albums of all time. This guy was on repeat SO MUCH that my original copy sadly has a error occur on Good To You xD But yeah, to get back to the title of this piece, what is a magnum opus? It means a large and important work of art... usually seen as the most important work of an artist or writer. And that certainly fits this album. This is where Josh opted to lean more into the pop side of rock, and wasn't afraid to get experimental. This album consist of a protagonist getting ready to perform after breaking it big, and reflecting on both his past and his present while he does so.
Masterpiece Threate I eases you into this universe, talking about how the actor puts on a performance for the audience, and he worries it might slowly drain him and make him lose who he is. (This will be touched on a lot more during the second portion of the album) We then oddly head into a trio that can only be described as the Honeymoon phase of a relationship, our protag pleading with a girl that he wants to commit to her fully, that he'll do anything for her, and that he misses her when he's on the road performing like crazy. All To Myself is punchy and aggressive, Cross My Heart is catchy as fuck (the CLAPS as percussion is what sells the song for me) & Beside You is a more somber and orchestral ballad that shows the bands love for those elements. We then have our first look into the past of the actor, reminiscing about his childhood home and the memories he made there, but also how it's all gone now... even if he sometimes reminisces about the nostalgia. Acadia is one of those songs where I feel like Josh gets shocked fans love it to much, but it's such a deep, emotional track... everyone gushes about childhood memories like that, even if they were REALLY DUMB in hindsight. Our Intermission Track is all about the fears and worries that come with fame. Not wanting to deal with the media, wishing he could hide himself and also not wanting to hurt his love... scared that they'll hurt her as much as they attempt to hurt him if she's in the limelight. Then we get to my personal favourite song off the record, Sing Sing. I've gushed about this track in a personal piece, but man... every time I play it, I see how it's both a reflection of the media telling him to shut up and sing... but also how singing was his coping mechanism during his stint in rehab. You can see how Still Angr evolved into this... while that was more a track about a bitter breakup and wanting revenge on the girl, this track is just UNFF to my ears. Then... we have a return to the Relationship stuff with Good To You, which feels so OUT OF PLACE here. Don't get me wrong, I love this song (if anything, seek out the demo dueted by Tania Hancheroff, it's a more stripped down version of the tune and it's brilliant), but I wonder if swapping it and Acadia for one another would've been a smart decision. Celebrity Status and Perfect are a great duo of tracks talking all about fame and how it eats at you. Being a perfectionist, Josh wants to make sure his stuff is as good as possible, but also know that if he isn't careful, this industry will chew you up and spit you out. Also, gotta love the callback to Sicker Things... such a good line, repurposed here brilliantly. Now, it's confession time: For the longest time, I didn't get Lover Dearest, but that was because I didn't know about Josh's heroin addiction. When I learned about it... holy cow did this song grow on me so much. Talking about his addiction like a toxic relationship... but knowing it needs to end for the best of the two of them... it's literally made me cry a few times. And lastly, our final crescendo, Masterpiece Theatre III. And what can I say about this song that hasn't been said by so many others before me? Seriously. This... is just magical. People call it a Bohemian Rhaposdy of the modern age, and while it is in many aspects, it's also it's own thing that showcases where the band was headed... leaning more into theatrics, harmonies and showcasing Josh's vocal range. Of course, Josh leaned into that hard.. going into a phase full of magic and whimsy. And what better way to tell that than a fairytale?
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akuma-tenshi · 4 months
posted on youtube because tumblr absolutely destroyed the quality
happy birthday to the world's most beautiful man!! i made this edit earlier this month but decided to schedule it for his birthday instead, since it was happening soon anyway lmao. so here's an edit for my favourite frederick skin in story, characterisation, theme, and design!! phantom sail is genuinely such an incredible skin and i love how this turned out; with each edit i make i only get better >:-D
song is culpability and the panopticon by ghost and pals. 'twas promised in the tags for my emil edit and now i deliver <3
several paragraphs of super sappy shit + frederick appreciation under the cut
so back before frederick was released, my best friend @sunset-of-the-void and i had been talking about him. we didn't know much about him, but we liked what we did know: a beautiful, mentally ill musician with family trauma, auditory hallucinations, and perfectionism issues. void was a lot more fond of him than i was, but the more we talked about him, the more i liked him too. i found myself eager to learn more about this upcoming survivor.
so now here we are. a little over a year after his release, and with his inclusion in ashes of memory, his complete lack of new skins until coa7 and voyage of oceanus, and playing him initially just to fulfill one side of a ship (i'll get talking about emilerick in a sec), he's only grown more on me. i've made jokes that frederick is one of only two men who i as a lesbian am attracted to, but in all seriousness, i genuinely adore him as a character. he is truly very well-written and designed and in one short year, he's become a huge comfort for me. he's one of my favourite idv characters to write about, and i'm pretty sure i'm more than a little annoying about him to my idv friends (terribly sorry about that </3).
and yes, maybe part of that comes from void coming up with the brilliant, beautiful ship that is emilerick. making content for what's quickly turned into one of my biggest comfort ships has given me a chance to look even deeper into his character outside of stressful situations. frederick is a fascinating and complex character, and i have greatly enjoyed writing him interacting with emil, who, in my opinion, is just as fascinating and complex as he is. as long as frederick has existed, we have had emilerick, and i wouldn't have it any other way.
on his own, too, frederick is a wonderful character, and i love him dearly. from surface-level traits such as his posh appearance and the music that disrupts the game itself, to what aom introduced with his relation to mary and his proficiency with firearms, to even the smallest details like his chimerism and the family crest on his a-tier accessory, frederick is incredibly well-thought-out and it's clear that a lot of love has gone into his character. as both a fan of the game and a writer, i adore him.
the consistent themes between his skins certainly help, too. i hope they keep it up while also finding new ways to make him fucked up and evil, it's delightful.
i love you, frederick. never stop being your concerning, weird, obsessive self.
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 2 months
Nine People I Want to Get to Know Better
I was tagged by @thisonelikesaliens @byemambo and @twig-tea 🥰 Thank you so much! 🤍
Last song: J'ai Cru Entendre - Louis Garrel, Gregoire Leprince-ringuet
This song is on repeat right now. I stumbled upon a gif set from this movie and I remembered it had a really good soundtrack and now I am obsessing over it. And I love french! Such a beautiful language, but it was hell for me to learn it in school. I was never really good in learning languages and french was just difficult. But I love listening to it.
Favourite Colour: Petrol
Currently Watching: 😂😂😂😂 Sometimes I think too much, but I got on terms with my self and I just watch things I really want to watch. There was a time I was watching everything that aired, if I liked it or not. That is over! But this is my list:
4 Minutes
Bad Guy
Century of Love
Gyeongseong Creature
Hidamari ga Kikoeru
His Man Season 3
My Love Mix-Up!
Takara no Vidro
The Boyfriend
The Spirealm
The Trainee
World of Honor
Some of them I just watch when I am in the mood for it. And why are most of the series airing wednesdays and thursdays? I have a life and have to go to work and earn money to pay for this hobby!
Last movie: Pitch Perfect 2 - I was on a small summer vacation with friends and as we were listening to the soundtrack we decided not to play our Pen & Paper games, but watch the Pitch Perfect Franchise instead in the evenings. Well, we ditched the last one, because it is not good, but it was fun watching the first two with friends.
Currently Reading: The Bones Beneath My Skin - TJ Klune (I am happy it didn't ask what my last read was, because it was such a bad book, I can't believe I finished it...)
Sweet, Spicy, or Savoury?: Savoury... with a little bit of spice and after that something sweet
Relationship: A very happy, long-term relationship with myself 🤍
Current Obsession: The Boyfriend? This show on Netflix, which is really just so good! And I watch it with my best friend which is something special. And of course the soundtrack from "Les Chansons D'Amour".
Last googled: How to shuffle all of my songs on Spotify... I learned that it is not possible so I used a third party website...
Currently working on: An photobook for a good friend who is getting married next month.
That was fun! I am tagging @troubled-mind @aprilblossomgirl @firstkanaphans @nieves-de-sugui @wen-kexing-apologist @djeterg19 @bengiyo @pose4photoml @respectthepetty (Just as always: no pressure, just ignore me, if you don't want to play or if you already did)
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creatingnikki · 10 months
December 2023
The strawberries are here and the red decor too and now Christmas songs have started to play in cafés.
I want to reflect on this year and "wrap it up" so that when I look back at it, at 2023, at being 26, I have a narrative that feels comprehensive. But a narrative for whom? Myself mostly. But also for those I meet. I'm a storyteller. I like narrating everything. Like I'd probably tell that story about that spontaneous 2:30 am drive out the city in late February or the time I almost booked a flight to Chennai or that April night at the rooftop that felt out of smut booktok would obsess over or that midnight in late July when I felt at peace in the arms of a man for the first time. Would I want to tell them about that September evening at the beach holding a white rose and crying like my heart had floated away never to return? I do not know.
How to look back at these 11 months and counting? I don't feel arrogant enough like when I was younger to make lists that sound poetic and profound about my year and the things I learned when now I know the lessons keep repeating, that this is life of mine is very Sisyphean.
Nor do I feel like I want to be harsh on myself and marinate in feelings of incompentency and regret over wasted time and unmet goals and murdered dreams.
I am excited for 2024 but equally scared. But I'm not there yet. I cannot focus on 2024 until I feel like I've said my farewell to 2023. Time may be an illusion but it is my favourite tool to process life. One year ago this time, three years from now, when I was nineteen, when I turn thirty eight...I like to think in terms of time. It doesn't shackle me, it serves me.
December. What do we do with you this time? I'll eat the strawberries and I'll go to the parties and I'll try to find gratitude and reflect over things. But if I only mostly catch up on sleep and enjoy the cool breeze, will you let me proceed?
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mybrokenveins3000 · 1 year
Fluffy Moments with College!Ross Macdonald
My writer brain is not in the mood to go all in on something longer (even though everything I write is less than 2k words but ANYWAYS), here are a few college!au soft Ross moments (?) ideas (?) prompts (?), enjoy + lmk if u want a longer fic about any of these <3
Late nights at the library // studying and writing essays next to each other. His hand slipping into yours every now and then. Him watching you all tired eyed and concentrated, thinking you're the prettiest thing he's ever laid eyes on.
Watching him practice with the band // it's your turn to watch HIM all concentrated and in the zone, how the music moves him and makes him feel. Helping out with any input on songs. Him teaching you how to play bass when the others go for a smoke break.
He would definitely make you playlists. You would definitely listen to them whilst you make your way around campus. And you'd definitely listen to one of them when you :
Bump into each other on campus // in the early days, walking to your lecture and physically bumping into him. Both of blushing and apologising in embarrassment, hearts about to burst. Wishing you could bail and hang out with each other instead. Looking back at each other as you walk away.
He would definitely send you random messages on your student email, making you smile in the middle of lectures and seminars
OHMYGOD, as a History student, he would definitely send you passages from articles he's reading about love stories of the past and be like "us"
Doing your shopping together!! // so domestic, so therapeutic. Maybe it's late at night, you're not afraid to laugh loud in the aisles. You're sitting in the shopping trolley and he buries you in groceries :,) He pays for everything as well because he's an out-fashioned gentleman like that.
He would definitely go to concerts or club nights with you — you on his shoulders so you can see better, him dancing and singing with you, mirroring your enthusiasm and excitement.
Going home with each other during the holidays!! // meeting each others families, him charming your parents, them loving him!! Walks around your hometowns, telling each other stories "that bench is where I had my first kiss" "this was were me and the boys had our first gig", learning more about each other, reminiscing on past versions of each other.
(I'm going to make myself cry but) GIVING EACH OTHER BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS 💔💔 Imagine his favourite books, all annotated and battered from years of love, on your bedside table. Yours on his :,)
Watching your favourite films together on a laptop, snuggled up together in bed.
First time sleeping round his // maybe this is after Drunk Call. This time you're both tipsy in his room, it's too late and you're too fucked up to go home, so you sleep in his bed with him. Other than kissing, I don't think anything happens. You talk in the dark, laughing loud until you fall asleep in his arms.
You'd definitely have this kinda moment at parties and socials : (quote from film, Frances Ha) "It’s that thing when you’re with someone, and you love them and they know it, and they love you and you know it… but it’s a party… and you’re both talking to other people, and you’re laughing and shining… and you look across the room and catch each other’s eyes… but – but not because you’re possessive, or it’s precisely sexual… but because… that is your person in this life. And it’s funny and sad, but only because this life will end, and it’s this secret world that exists right there in public, unnoticed, that no one else knows about."
Eventually, graduation // him (as well as the rest of the band) cheering the loudest for you. You two being so proud of each other, remembering all the stressed out late nights studying. Mingling with each others' loved ones, their shared pride for the both of you.
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