#i feel like im posting a miss connections add
biowho · 1 year
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Since this happened before I moved accounts, I don't think I have this person blocked anymore. So if you see this, can you please send me a DM real fast because I wanna talk to you. Like this exchange happened months ago and it's still bothering me and I lowkey want to pick your brain for a little bit
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paper-mario-wiki · 6 months
do u still fw clowns question mark
yeas. it's not my "thing" anymore, but i still enjoy them and will talk about em sometimes. this blog has really become a like. Capital B "Blog" again. I've been posting so much more frequently in my own voice about things that interest me and at my own whims, regardless of engagement. feels good.
i'd make the leap to neocities for full creative control of the entire experience, but i like direct engagement a lot. it adds a collaborative nature to the affair. but i guess like. i could solve that with a comment section and public email for questions. that could be fun.
though beyond the follower interaction, i'd also miss direct interactions with other members of the community that may not be directlt connected to me in any way. as passé (idk about the accent im just guessing) as it is to say, i do enjoy the PvP (BvB?) nature of tumblr.
much to consider.
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cafelattaes · 5 months
death by a thousand cuts | njm
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summary : in which you find yourself watching as jaemin gradually becomes out of reach; forcing you to confront the painful reality that your story is heading towards an inevitable end, even if you’re not ready to admit it.
pairing : jaemin x fem! reader
genre : college au, angst
word count : 2.5k
playlist : the last time, you’re losing me, sad beautiful tragic
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in your dimly lit room, the blue light from your phone screen cast a cold hue as you stared at the last message you received from jaemin. you had been seeing the same words for what felt like an eternity, as if they were mocking you, each repetition intensifying the sense of heartache and resignation you felt.
'i’ll be right back'
you let out a heavy sigh, carrying the burden of disappointment and frustration. a week had passed in the blink of an eye, and his silence felt louder than ever. you were stuck in a cycle of waiting, hoping things would change with each passing moment.
jaemin’s words had become an echo of broken promises. it wasn't the first time, but the disappointment still hurt. you glanced at the screen, feeling a mix of emotions. the exhaustion of always being the only one begging for effort and acknowledgement bore down on you. with a heavy heart, you set your phone down, facing the reality that you needed to let go of the relationship that no longer served you.
paper cuts had turned into gashes. the resentment over small things, continuously dismissed thinking they weren't significant enough, had boiled over, sending you to your gradual demise.
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'hey jaem, are you doing something right now? i miss you :('
‘i’m sorry, baby. i'm not done with my cases and research yet. also we’re studying for upcoming exams’
‘oh, okay. no worries! make sure to get enough rest when you’re home.’
‘you too, love’
a twinge of sadness and disappointment crept into your heart. while you understood the gravity of jaemin's aspirations and the difficult nature of dating a medical student, the challenges of your on-and-off relationship lingered. this was the longest you had gone through with jaemin without breaking up. resisting the urge to let past grievances resurface, you chose to keep most of your emotions to yourself, knowing that voicing them out was not going to make anything better and would only add to his stress. you didn't want to burden jaemin with your feelings or ignite conflicts during a time where his focus needed to be on his studies.
you busied yourself by scrolling through your phone and randomly navigating your friends' instagram stories. jeno's post grabbed your attention, featuring a group picture that included your boyfriend. however, your focus shifted when you noticed eunbin among the faces. her connection with jaemin as his childhood friend, as well as her evident feelings for him even before you entered the picture, weighed on your mind. you felt a bit uneasy thinking about the situation. you wondered if her being around might bring back unresolved feelings or make things even more complicated for you and jaemin.
you tossed your phone on the bed, redirecting your attention to something else to shake off the sudden drop in mood. even though you didn't want to feel jealous of eunbin, it was hard not to. she liked your boyfriend and confessed to him before you got together. despite his reassurances and the clear boundaries he set, a pang of jealousy still remained. you had to accept eunbin's role as one of his closest friends, a constant presence in his life. there was not much you could do to change it.
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after a long day of busying yourself to focus more on your academic life, you felt your phone buzz with a text message from jaemin.
‘hey! are you free today? let’s go on a date :) i miss you a lot.’
‘sorry, im too tired to go out these days. i just want to rest after spending so much time studying’
‘oh no baby :( it’s fine. do you want anything? we can just stay and laze around all day in your place instead. but only if you want to’
an hour later, you heard a buzz at your door, and there was jaemin, wearing a smile and holding some of your favorite snacks. you took them from him as he settled into your place. while you prepared the food, jaemin came up from behind, giving you a hug and planting a gentle kiss on the back of your head. he then rested his chin on your shoulder.
"we don't see each other a lot these days. i missed you so much," your heart tightened, a sudden rush of longing and sadness enveloping you. you missed him a lot too. since you got back together, you've been suppressing a lot of your thoughts to avoid another breakup. however, the past few months have been challenging, and you felt like even the smallest thing might cause you to break down emotionally.
“i missed you too,” you whispered in reply.
jaemin was not clueless. you've been together for more than two years and he could easily sense if there was something off about you. he noticed that you began to distance yourself from him. your responses to his messages were brief and dry, picking up on the growing disconnection. he, too, was afraid to bring it up, opting to ignore the underlying problems that had been bothering both of you for a while. he would rather pretend as if everything was fine than risk a conversation and face the possibility of losing you again.
he feared that if you two were to break up once more, it might truly be the end. a sharp stab of pain coursed through his chest with that thought.
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you were starting to fall asleep when your peace was suddenly interrupted by your phone ringing. noticing it was a call from mark, you answered.
‘hey, y/n, sorry to bother you. can you pick jaemin up?’
‘huh? where?’
‘we’re at a bar right now, i’ll text you the address. i can’t bring all of us home and i also drank a little. hope you don’t mind.’
‘yeah, it’s fine. i’ll be on my way.’
‘thanks y/n.’
you left your place once you received the address from mark. you arrived at the bar a little later, scanning the place for the familiar group of guys. you spotted mark, struggling to separate himself from haechan's grasp.
“oh, y/n, you’re here.” jeno waved at you. “jaemin, your girlfriend’s here.” jeno shook him violently, prompting him to get up.
“y/n, did you know? jaemin said that you’ve been-“ haechan groaned in pain as mark slapped his back to stop him from talking.
“you guys should go. jaemin is dead drunk, he almost fell asleep on the bathroom.”
“alright, we’re off. you guys take care on your way home.” you bid farewell to them as you held jaemin for support.
the night air was cool as you stepped outside, hailing for a cab. after some effort, you managed to get him inside, settling into the backseat. jaemin was mostly asleep on the ride home. despite some difficulty getting him out and bringing him to your place, you eventually managed to settle him on the couch. you took off his shoes before getting a damped towel and offering him a glass of water.
“jaemin, do you need anything?” you asked him quietly while wiping his face with the towel. he was silent for a while as you helped him into a more comfortable position.
“you’ve been spending a lot of time with eric,” he murmured. you raised your eyebrows in confusion. you’ve only seen the guy twice this week for some club related-activities.
“stop seeing him, or he might get the wrong idea.”
jaemin had mentioned before that he didn't like eric, claiming that whenever you two took a break, the latter guy saw it as an opportunity to make a move on you. however, jaemin misinterpreted eric's intention, being one of your friends who comforted you during your breakups. while he hinted at liking you at some point, he respected your boundaries and never attempted to cross the line. all your friends knew that jaemin was the center of your world, even at times when you were supposed to forget about him.
“we’ll talk about that tomorrow when you’re sobered up. you need to get some rest now.” you said, standing up to get him a pillow and a blanket. however, he held your wrist, pulling you back to sit on the couch.
“you’ve changed…” he uttered out of the blue, and a sigh escaped your lips. jaemin had a tendency to ramble when he was drunk. it seemed best to let him express whatever was on his mind.
"you used to make time for me, no matter how busy you got. you always found a way for us to spend time together, even when i was swamped with tasks. but now... you're not as affectionate as before and it feels like you love me a little less. you don't get mad, and you don't seem to care even when i try to ignore you on purpose to get your attention. are you getting sick of me?"
your breath shuddered at his sudden confession. it seemed like the first time jaemin was the first to address your situation while being completely honest about his feelings. it never even crossed your mind that he was ignoring you intentionally. up until now, you had always been the one initiating the difficult conversations. every time you bared your soul, hoping jaemin would make things right, it often ended up having the opposite effect. despite his attempts to take your feelings into consideration and provide solace and affirmations, the impact seemed to fade after a few days, leaving you feeling unheard. eventually, you started to question yourself if you were maybe asking for too much. so you stopped trying, which was the turning point that led to your last breakup.
when jaemin asked to get back together, you couldn't bring yourself to refuse, just like all those times you had taken him back before. despite of the emotional turmoil in your relationship, your love for jaemin remained unwavering. being with him, even with the fights and his occasional neglect, felt a thousand times better than not being with him at all. but now, you weren't sure if you could still bear the pain that came with loving him. a sense of uncertainty settled heavily in your heart, feeling a lump formed in your throat.
“you can’t blame me for getting tired when it feels like i’m the only one trying,” your tears began to flow freely, feeling overwhelmed as all your frustrations and hurt hit you all at once. “you keep saying you love me, but your actions say otherwise. i’ve grown sick of showing my love while not seeing you put in the same effort as i do. sometimes, i want to ask if you still love me the way you once did. because if there’s anyone who changed, jaemin, it’s you. you stopped trying the moment our relationship became too comfortable.” you wiped your tears, the sound of muffled sobs echoing in the silence.
“you have no idea how much i’ve been bottling up my feelings. the pain that has built over these years of being with you is suffocating. i want to let out my frustrations, scream at you, and demand your attention, especially when you seem to have time for everyone else but me. even though i know how busy you can get, i can't help but find it unfair, because for you, i would drop everything. i’ve been keeping count of all the times you claimed to be too occupied to be there for me when i needed you the most, only for me to find out that you were hanging out with your friends. your world doesn’t have to revolve around me, but i just want to feel that i still hold a place in your life.”
jaemin's glassy eyes remained fixed on you. even in his intoxicated state, he became acutely aware of all the things he had done wrong in the relationship and the impact it had on you. he had always played it safe, choosing to overlook the signs and letting you suffer on your own. he didn't realize the gravity of the damage he had inflicted on the person he claimed to love. it broke his heart taking in how far he had allowed things to go. with tears streaming down his face, his hand reached out for you.
“i’m so sorry i made you feel that way… i’m sorry for everything,” he whispered in remorse, drawing you into his arms. closing his eyes, he kissed your forehead tenderly as a silent plea for forgiveness. his chest felt heavy with the weight of regret as the painful reality sank in. he wished he could shelter you from every mistake he had ever made.
“i don’t want your apology. i just want us to go back to the way things were before.” your words carried the weight of longing for the happiness that once defined your relationship.
but the air was thick with unspoken truth. you both knew, that no matter what happens now, the two of you can no longer return to how things used to be.
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three weeks had passed since the last time you and jaemin spoke. despite sharing tears together that night he got drunk, not much had changed. jaemin became cautious, and you were left wondering whether he would do something to alter the state of your relationship, considering you already said your piece. yet, it appeared that both of you had silently acknowledged the reality that there was little you could do, having allowed things to reach a point beyond saving.
you found yourselves in a tug-of-war, each waiting for the other to end the relationship. however, you hoped he would be the one to pull the trigger this time, because he never made an attempt to ask you to stay. if you were the one to do it, you feared weakness might overcome you if he were to return again. so, you wished for him to take the decisive step to allow you to truly feel that everything was over for both of you. yet, deep down, a small part of you remained hopeful that he would defy your expectations and fight for what was left.
but even when it came down to it, jaemin couldn't muster the courage to call it quits. in your mind, you were begging him not to leave you like this. after everything you had been through together, he couldn't possibly walk away without saying anything.
but as the hours turned to days, days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, the truth of the matter set in; you must move on to the next phase of your life without reaching a conclusion to the final chapter of your story. until the very end, jaemin couldn't find the words to cut the ties that bound you. instead, he chose the easy way out, one that was hard only for you, leaving behind a heartbreak that time alone couldn't mend and abandoning you to tend to the pieces of your shattered self.
you were left with no choice but to miss him for the rest of your life, each passing moment a reminder of the void he left behind.
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wolfisblank · 1 month
Hey, question after your very helpful capybara image id post. Why does color matter? And i mean this very genuinely and this IS coming from a place of ignorance - i was under the impression that image ids were for people who couldn't see images and were using a screen reader, i.e. blind and otherwise visually impaired folks. does the color matter to blind people? Very confused about this and have been for years im so sorry if this is a stupid question
It's not a stupid question! I understand why you might not know this, as unfortunately, a lot of nuances of disability aren't common knowledge. Generally speaking, I'd rather people ask questions, even if they're "stupid questions", if it helps them gain a better understanding of disability and accessibility! There are multiple reasons why:
Many blind people still have a bit of vision. It's a common misconception that all blind people cannot see at all. But in reality, in order to be legally blind, you have to fall under a certain threshold of vision (20/200).
Many blind people who do have total vision loss were not born blind, and thus know what red would look like and can imagine the image more accurately with the help of an ID.
Image IDs are not just for blind people, but also people with visual processing issues and other visual disabilities. These people may still be able to see, but find a text description or screen reader helpful
Image IDs can be helpful for able-bodied people too. If your internet connection is poor or your Tumblr just isn't loading images for some reason, you can oftentimes still see image IDs. And sometimes you may benefit from a text description because you have trouble telling what's going on in an image, or just because you might like to read a description of an image.
If any blind or otherwise disabled people who benefit from IDs see this post, feel free to add on! My own visual disability doesn't cause me to need IDs, so I might have missed something.
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valentiinexo · 2 months
ive been doubting elriel lately, like what if im wrong and they aren't endgame? 😭
hey there! 💖
first of all, and most importantly, it’s totally okay if you have doubts, absolutely no judgement here love!
there are a lot of factors about elriel that make me confident in their endgame status, but namely the following:
we know that each book will follow only one couple. there are multiple instances between acosf and the feysand bonus chapter that absolutely scream to me that elain will be the next leading lady. like seriously, elain saying “find me when you wish to begin” and feyre saying “let’s focus on one sister at a time” could not be more in your face obvious about the direction the series is going. additionally, we learned a lot about elains goings on! very importantly, we learn that she’s friends with nuala and cerridwen and appears to have been learning stealth/spy things from them. why is this so important? there is literally no reason to have elain be friends with (and to hint at training with) the twins, if not to connect her to azriel. it would have been just as easy for sarah to write that elain made friends with other fae down at the local gardening center or make up whole new unrelated characters, but she didn’t! she’s specifically made her closest to azriels spies, so to then not have her paired with azriel doesn’t really make sense textually. it’s no different than feyre befriending mor and amren during acomaf. there are other things that i could say, but i’ll end this bit by saying, per her own words, acosf showcased that elain is ready and willing to be a working member of the night court in their efforts against koeschi.
so, we know elain is ready to be our next fmc, which only leads us to figuring out the second pov. in all honestly, there’s not much to say here. azriel has now gotten his own bonus chapter as well as a majorly prominent role in hofas, which had important setup for the next acotar novel. prior to acosf, cassian also had his own bonus chapter, as well as chapters in acofas. we’re following the exact same pattern. additionally, azriel is now way too tied into the entire asteri/daglan/cauldron corruption/etc plot to not have a pov in the next novel. there is literally nobody else that could do it.
i won’t get into the reasons that i’m confident lucien won’t be the second pov, all i’ll say on it is that he has no setup for it in acosf (or even hofas), when that setup could’ve easily been written in if that was the direction sarah was going, and i’m not only talking romantically.
thank you for sticking it through to the end of my ramble! there are many many many other elriel blogs that do a much better job at articulating these things than i do, but i still hope it made you feel a little better anyway 💖 (p.s. if anyone else would like to add any additional information that you find important/ think i missed, please feel free to hijack this post!)
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fire-but-ashes-too · 10 months
(Writerblr) intro post!
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Hi! welcome to my blog! this is my (very late) writerblr/general/artblr intro, or just somewhere with all my general informations :)
please, go on and read *bows*
☆ Ash is my name on here and i go by she/her
★ Im a teen writer and artist, but i dream of acting
☆ im from italy
★ pan ace and quoiromantic (or wtfromantic its the same) (im still kinda questioning tho??? probs demiromantic??? idk?? feelings r weird atm)
☆ entp and introvert
★ im always up for tag games or stuff like that :)
☆ recently added tags! #ash writes- my writing ofc #ash and her rants- just me talking abt random stuff could be anything serious or not #ash on fire- probs me fangirling over something lol i may get overexcited beware
★ i relate to a spiritual and psychological level to black cats and all theur other forms (aka regulus black, tori spring, aristotle mendoza etc etc etc)
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i mostly write fantasy or fanfiction, but sometimes i engage in various genres as mystery, dystopian or surrealism :)
★ So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
genre: fanfiction
audience: general/ teen and up
tropes: rivals to lovers, college AU, slow burn, a lot of fencing, paris✨
cw/tw: past rape/non con, ptsd, homophobia, wounds/blood
progress: i try to update every week but nothing's promised 🥲
snippet here:
Years ago he’d learned to mask his handwriting, so now he could easily forge any handwriting he wanted, if he was given a good example of it being used. There was something extremely interesting in how each person connected two letters to each other. How they wrote an “ar” was different from how they would write an “or”, how much the words were apart from each other and how much pressure they put in the paper told a lot about someone, to him it was like zodiac signs. He didn’t always have to copy other handwritings, not unless he wanted to throw the blame on that person. He just had to invent a brand new writing style, and be careful to not slip his between the cracks. And that’s exctly what he did in the letter. Before Jesper could finish his monologue about how much he had missed out in the past few months holed up in his office, a blackmail threat was ready to be closed inside the paper envelope, just the signature was missing, but he didn’t bother to add it. A proper threat always had to be anonymous, it was always better to give as little information you could. Everything could be used against you. The maroon wax sealed the opening with a satisfying fizzling and a single wisp of smoke. The clock chimed on the wall, it was already 6 pm, he had to go finish some assignments.
(previously titled: questionable decisions)
☆ The Rogue
genre: fantasy, dystopian
audience: teen and up
setting: a fantasy world im currently busy (trying) building
progress: just vibes really, two mainc characters, a couple sides and an outline plus one of the first chapters, not much really but im working on it
anne: the rogue from where i took the title.
shes a 17 y/o girl who lives in a bunker in a forest, on the run from the government as she's a "high traitor and liar who must be destroyed".
she has the ability to modify her face and appereance for a while and she has a prosthetic arm connected to her virtual friend Indigo.
thanks to it she's able to teleport and keep track of various things.
alexander: the son of the dictator, he's lived his life in a bubble until 2 years ago, when he finally managed to get more social contacts with people and (slightly) catch up on what he's missed, behind his father's back of course.
he meets anne when she's captured and figures she's his best shot at escaping his father domain.
This time, she materialised in the shadows behind a bulding, which gave her enough cove for her to shift her facial features. Her nose a little bigger, her hair some shades brighter, her eyes more elongated and greener than the grass growing outside her doorstep and a splash of freckles to top it all off. It was way harder to do it without a mirror, and way more dangerous. For all she knew, she could’ve been looking like a girl with a fish head, and she didn’t know if that would be better or worse than looking like herself. Anne took out a hat and a silk scarf, she wrapped it around her neck and jumped in a group of tourists gazing at the city. In no time she was in the square, vendor’s stands circling her, colourful flags waving in the wind. She could’ve stayed like that for ever, stuck in the memories of her old life, but she knew it couldn’t last forever.
★ Flowers and Homicide
genre: mystery
audience: general
cw/tw: blood, dead bodies, autopsies
main character: Giada
she's a forensics student who one day stumbles (metaphorically) over a dead body in her neighbour's lawn and starts investigating.
progress: actually finished but in italian sadly so in the translation process
☆ Confessions of a timeless man
genre: short story, surrealistic
audience: teen and up
content warning: suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, depression
plot summary: a man is stuck living the same day over and over, after almost 10 years there, he tries to escape his curse by killing himself
progress: completed XD
(here's my ao3 btw)
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you want to know more about me! why than you, here you go!
★ my favourite artists are Taylor Swift, Conan Gray, Arctic Monkeys, Chase Atlantic, Marina, Lana del Rey, Sabrina Carpenter, Mother Mother and Billie Eilish (theres more but i cant remember whoops)
☆ i have a veryyyy slight synesthesia
★ other than writing, art-ing and reading i love baking/cooking and crocheting
☆ theatre kid over here, always up for screaming my lungs out
★ uhhh im a vegetarian
☆ i know a scary amount about death and murder (especially poisons)
★ i dont have a specific vibe, it usually changes every few months or so
☆ i probably have anxiety but ive never been to therapy so idk 💀
★ always up for fangirling :3 (im in too many fandoms *cries* buuut im most active on pjo, marauders, grishaverse and osemanverse, musicals and some books that i have boards for on my pinterest :D)
☆ i am terribly scared of insects, needles and dogs
★ my (quite unusual) sport is aerial dance, a circus speciality that looks really cool but is acctually really painful
☆ my pinterest, spotify and goodreads if by some reason you're really interested in the chaotic human being that i am :)
thank you for reading this farrr🥹🥹
have a great day/night/life/existence/other :D
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silverlininghills · 15 days
so ive had this project ive been working on for over a year now, where ive been doing a textual analysis of everything the band has put out (songs, music videos, live shows, interviews, social media) in order to find connections and otherwise just like. Understand the narrative they've been telling for the past X years
and originally i wanted to try to get it out in some form before clancy came out, so that i cld like. idk ~predict~ what wld happen in it? for cool points or smth? idk man
but anyway i obviously didnt achieve that goal and now that a) clancy's out and b) we know it's not the end, i still wanna release this analysis, but i just feel like i shld wait, yknow? like wait until the narrative is complete and then go back over everything. its like i dont wanna complete a puzzle until i know i have all the pieces. and we're still, very obviously, missing pieces.
so anyway i guess i just wanted to ask like. is that smth ppl wld be interested in? like it wld be long as fuck, spread across many posts (and maybe even videos??? idk some of this wld be easier to show/explain in video form). i always get the like, imposter syndrome feeling like i have nothing new to add bc im such a new clikkie, like everything interesting or worthwhile has been said already. and i know intellectually that that's not true, but i cant help but feel that way emotionally.
basically what im asking is, is it worth it for me to construct this whole big Thing to explain my interpretation/analysis of the text, from NPI to clancy (and beyond)? wld ppl wanna read it? pls convince my emotional brain that what i have to say is interesting to literally anyone else skdjlkdsjf
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peachjagiya · 2 months
honestly my tkk roman empire is the matching sweethearts tshirts. like that shit rlly solidified it for me and idk why ppl don’t seem to think it’s THAT big of a deal. like to me thats one of the few occurrences where it’s essentially undeniable. for someone to say that it’s a coincidence is absolutely ridiculous bc conveniently the exact same shirt on the same day AND it’s not just any shirt it’s literally a “sweethearts” shirt worn while they’re apart but at the same time. AND jk wore it w his celine lock necklace. like rlly ??? every time i doubt tkk and have one of my many “but what if they’re not” moments i think about those blatantly matching sweethearts tshirts and im like nahhhh that’s not a coincidence and friends DONT do that shit
I went to try find my timezone theory but Tumblr isn't showing me my post.
So Jungkook's call time on his call sheet was 6:30am on 18th June for make up, hair and dressing.
Filming didn't begin until 8am.
With a 16 hour time difference, that makes it 10:30pm to about midnight in Seoul, long after Tae had left the house in his kappa tee. So this definitely isn't JK just showing him what the stylist picked out for him, and Tae making a funny decision to wear the same, because there was no time for that.
Potential explanation: JK was in LA a few days prior to filming that scene. Could have been fittings that he sent pictures of, and Tae was like oh that's weird, I have that t-shirt! Wouldn't it be funny... But that's still planned intent.
My thinking is that they either spoke earlier in Tae's Sunday (on the Saturday in LA) and hatched the plan. Or even before JK flew. It's not unusual for the talent to bring pieces they want to include in their outfits. Even the Celine padlock adds an extra layer of interest for me. Sweetheart, locks are a symbol of love, JK was due to go to the concert with Tae... It's all quite interesting.
But the timezone thing rules out a spur of the moment silly idea. It all feels planned and intentional. They both have ten years Army experience - they know we don't miss a thing. They must have known the connection would be made.
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thefourchimes · 23 days
encanto undertale au thoughts part 1 rahhhh
so, encanto undertale au, i've mentioned it already in this post before but it was very vague
so lets do our best to expand a bit more
though fair warning that it's been a while since i've touched undertale in its full, and even then, i was never fully aware of every single lore detail in undertale, so i may miss or be wrong about something, feel free to tell me though woooo
wait, help, i'm realizing that the two have opposite problems: undertale has so much lore that it takes a while to take in, even if some are up to interpretation because at least there's already a basis, while encanto has so little information to work with since the only concrete source we have is the movie, posts from the creator, some comics and books (the latter three not even being 100% sure either)
but anyway, i actually still dont have full thoughts besides the general vibes but onto the thoughts (warning, it's a long post):
i mentioned before that the grandkids will be falling down into the underground for this au
just to be clear though, i am really not sure how to deal with the huge gap between time periods (1950s for encanto and 211Xs for undertale) and i dont think im in the right mindset for that atm so i'll leave it vague, thank you AUSIFHASUF
not unless this will be encanto but modern, but that's still up in the air, and i'm hesitant on it too since i want both encanto and undertale to be as canon accurate as possible oof
though there is a possible way by focusing on how disconnected the encanto is to the outside world, but not really sure either
i am also not gonna be diving much into the setting and place of undertale, and just generally all the parts about both encanto and undertale that can be left up to interpretation unless it's completely necessary (i'll try another day, but just not now IUAFHUAHSF)
anyway, let's make things on both sides clear first before fusing them together
so for encanto, we'll have it set around the months of rebuilding casita, so that means no gifts, the movie besides the very end of all of you already happened, the family's issues are already brought into light but are not fully mended yet (since that takes a long time—plus more fuel to add into the fire for this au mwahahaha), and they can get out of the encanto
on undertale's side, we'll have it all be and set generally the same, keeping the general timeline of it for the sake of continuity, so the kids will fall the same sort of way and "time" frisk does in canon game
i was kinda imagining that the mountains the miracle created would be sort of connected to mt. ebott somehow? it's a thought but i'm unsure on the execution of it, just spit balling a bit here
then again, we don't know the magic's full origins so maybe that can be played around with, but still up in the air, really
even though im not sure of it yet, following the previous thought, it's been a couple of months since they started rebuilding casita, and the kids were taking a break from it to take their time to bond with one another (everyone in the family has been bonding with each other as much as they could when they weren't helping in the rebuild, and this was likely established after the fall since they're all trying to do better with each other)
they had decided to take a walk near the mountains, but rather than on the side of the encanto, they're on the outside, so they went through the crack the fall had made (they did this for the new scenery and exploration, plus they wanted to see the river, so yeah)
after a while of walking and conversation, they find a cave (you know the one)
from here, i'm not sure on how they'll be falling into the underground yet (other than that it will be chaotic but also likely angsty), but they will be falling in
so that will be the start of the journey and full crossover between the two
while the kids will be going through their journey in the underground, the adults and townspeople will be dealing with the kids' disappearance, but i'm not sure how long it will be
i know undertale canonically only took place in a day, but that was with frisk, and i'm not sure if that will be the same case with the madrigal grandkids
i still find it wild though that the entire game of undertale took place in only a day, it has the same vibes as "it only took days for casita to be rebuilt again" except the 1 day for undertale is canon, but i digress
the entire journey is still vibes, but i do imagine some thoughts, plot, and interactions that can and will probably happen in the au:
the kids not being surprised that there's magic (cause duh), but that there's more magic in the underground through the monsters
they're all gonna be in awe of all the magic they see too, considering the variety of it
though they will be missing their gifts more because of seeing all the magic around them
mirabel's definitely not gonna have her insecurities rearing its head again, oh definitely not— (welp, sorry mirabel)
them wondering about the colors of their souls, and how it doesn't fit their signature color help—
the kids thinking flowey was isabela's doing somehow lmao
they're all definitely getting whiplash on the violence that will happen with flowey, and eventually the rest of the underground
the older three, especially luisa, will immediately be taking up the protecting role though
isabela having a crisis because of flowey the psychotic flower, considering her gift (as non-existent as it is at this point in time)
they will not be understanding any game references here, nor the existence of the phone, not unless it's modern au, but again, still up in the air
antonio is gonna be having fun with all the animal-like monsters, and they can talk too, so it's like he still has his gift but his siblings and cousins can hear them too
luisa would be the one to push the rocks (including the talking rock) in the ruins since that's one of the things she had done when she had her gift
them being scared of napstablook at first because ghost but it will all be fine in the end
dolores and napstablook will likely bond through music later on too
toriel reminding them of julieta and her warmth and her cooking and baking
but when toriel is trying to stop them from leaving the ruins and is disappointed, she would probably remind them of abuela, which is fun lmao
each new terrain will leave them surprised and intrigued, especially for the ones they don't know about (like hotlands for example, i doubt they'd have encountered lava at any point in their 5-21 years alive, stuck inside the encanto—again, unless this is modern au)
huh, im kinda realizing that both the encanto and the underground are similar in the sense that both places are trapped and isolated (encanto with the mountains and undertale with the underground), leading the inhabitants to miss a lot of different things (undertale with the sky and stars, then encanto with the different terrains, and both with other people/humans)
sans and camilo are gonna get another prankster/jokester to work with here lol
i also feel like sans' laidback attitude will remind them of felix's own laidback attitude, along with how they both try to make everyone smile with jokes
papyrus trying to prove himself by joining the royal guard, along with his loneliness and want for friends, would definitely resonate with the kids, especially mirabel
also papyrus and agustin are similar in the sense that they're seen as innocent and clumsy respectively, but are actually really smart in their own ways, plus the feeling of wanting to belong is definitely shared by the two of them
not sure about the dating side quest with papyrus, but it will definitely be chaotic if it happens the way it happens
does the encanto have waterfalls anywhere? if not, then first time seeing a waterfall in...well, waterfall
isabela would probably wonder if she could make echo flowers, if she still had her gift (she wonders if she could have made so many of the plants they'll find in the underground)
meeting gaster would be fun, whether it be all of them or just one of them, though if it was the latter, i'm not sure who'd it be, though i'm imagining it to be dolores as of now
antonio cheering the snail on in naptsablook's snail game real
undyne would definitely terrify the kids at first
she's like a weather of chaos, whether it be through a rain of spears or rays of flames from a burning house, similar to pepa in that case
both are outgoing and outspoken, which definitely has the kids reminded of pepa
not fully sure yet but i feel like it will be one of the warm siblings who'll splash undyne with water when they reach hotlands
undyne (once she's not killing them lol) and the kids will be bonding through the cooking lessons, except we know how that ends
i imagine luisa and isa being the ones to take on undyne in both fight and bonding chaos sense ASHFUIAHSF
oh boy, alphys, this one's hard considering how modern things are at this point, even with her nerdiness and anime
but i do think the fact that alphys is hiding something will be noticed by the kids, considering how they were all hiding something for years before
also they'd be reminded of bruno considering alphys' similar vibes in a sense
especially with how they both ran away and hid from their problems (bruno to the walls and alphys to the true lab)
mettaton is fun, they'd probably appreciate him more as a performer if it wasn't for the fact that he was trying to kill them AIUSHFUIAS
ngl though, by hotlands going forward, it's gonna be hard imagining things since the kids will not know a lot of the modern stuff and tech here, but i guess we'll have to see how it goes
plus we can always play off the fact that the encanto is so disconnected from the outside world that they aren't aware of a lot of things, so yeah
but anyway, the core just being a maze will be fun, but whatever was going on with alphys here will be ringing alarm bells immediately
but mirabel will definitely be feeling for her here, considering she knows how it feels
mettaton's whole fight is just gonna have them be confused considering they never knew what tvs are and stuff (unless bruno shared more about the telenovelas he saw through his visions before they fell into the underground)
sans being serious in the judgement hall will give them whiplash lol
though in this sense, this probably emphasizes the similarity with felix in a way
asgore is very kind but is bound by his duty to his people, similar to alma in that case
and mirabel will likely be the one to realize that, as she knows and understands abuela's reasons in the fullest sense (i imagine the whole family got to talk about it already, but mirabel is the one with the emotional intelligence and empathy to notice how asgore is feeling, and also to make the sort of connection between abuela and asgore)
before i continue, all throughout, i realized how the madrigal adults and the ut characters are really similar in some ways to each other (whether personality, struggle, vibe, or others):
julieta = toriel
felix = sans
agustin = papyrus
pepa = undyne
bruno = alphys
alma = asgore
it's obviously not one to one, but the similarities are definitely going to be fun to notice, i think
i think asgore will be less "we'll take care of you and become a family" since they already have a family up top, and more "we'll help you figure something out so we can get out of here and you can go back to your family"
but of course flowey comes and ruins that
omega flowey is...a thing i don't even want to imagine, ngl, that's gonna be so brutal...
they'll beat him of course (with a ship's load worth of trauma as a gift) and they'll be out of the underground
but we know that's not gonna be the end, not yet
continuation in another post because i just hit word limit aaaa
part 2
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yi3248 · 28 days
huhu its sem break time drew something on my tablet and im thinking on what i wanna improve since i have some time
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face. whether its proportions or expressions. ive been scraping through it, but i feel like im being limited by this (you can see it from the above drawing). want to at least get better (a tall order, but one step at a time)
colors. better at picking color, harmonies, mood and lighting. more expressive and bolder colors, pop! or on the other end, muted and dull colors, with a splash of vivid color. oh the urge to add a drop of bright color to something muted
connected with 2, painting/rendering. really really miss taking my time to slowly paint out the shapes and forms, but looking at the wip makes me wonder if it will turn out alright in the end. just trust the process i guess, so i'll just need to do more drawings in this style to get used to this uncomfortable feeling
continuing on, painting skin, clothing, textures. again, i've just been bulldozing through it, but its time for me to really practice it
perspective, environments. the only reason this is here is because i have 2 separate drawing ideas. 1 is devastating (blank spots), while the other is incredibly domestic (getting better at color harmony is incredibly important here). im already rotating these two ideas in my head and im gnawing on my hands
details. i get incredibly impatient with drawing the tiny details, like tactical gear and flowers. i dont do lineart at all, it's just so tedious to me. i usually turn to painting to block in that object so i won't have to line it. i dont necessarily need to get better at lineart, but knowing i can do it would be comforting
thats about it for the main ones?? ill tackle others as i go. ill probably post some of my practices if it turns into cod related lol
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liauditore · 9 months
Thought I might say hello and make some small talk, seeing that I'm camping on your trafficshipping tag and all.
Well hi! Lovely place you've got here. Fantastic art, GREAT vibes, very nice. I'm specially enjoying your character rambling; your takes on them are super interesting and they tickle my brain 👀
May I send Divorce Fource/Quartet and Majorwood for the shipping bingo? Divorce Fource were a right mess (affectionate <3) and a perfect one at that, but I can't help but wonder how the recipe would have turned out if the soul ties were Cleo-Pearl, Martyn-Scott.
Also there is so much potential in Limlife Majorwood for eroguro if you're nasty. Which I am. Time cannibalism, respawning mechanics, birthday time... blender go brrrr 👀
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y'all are really enabling my habit of long ass posts huh 😭😭
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OK SO first off thankyou so much?? thats so sweet?????? 😭😭 i really don't think my character ramblings are anything special, but i like reading other ppls insane takes so i thought i'd provide others with the same 👍
not to get too into it but i feel like a series like life smp is best enjoyed with your own crazy delulu takes (similar to touhou if anyone heres familiar w/ that fandom). and it makes me kinda sad to see ppl arguing abt whats 'canon' or 'correct' cus that's no fun lol
ANYWAY yeah uh im glad u like the vibes!! :J
this one first cus chronology. I honestly don't know if there's anything I can say here that hasn't been said before? But yeah they're. tasty. something about martyn waiting the entirety of third life to betray ren and never getting the chance and now longing to have him back. lots of regret but regret. for what. yknow. and ren always looking out for martyn even from a distance. and then martyn losing that connection in limlife.
yeah i can see why people ship lmao
uhh i don't really know what else to write here so have some of my insane ramblings copy+pasted from my shipping doc 👍
Martyn fancies himself a schemer, someone who's not afraid to play the game the way it's intended. If that means earning a powerful ally's trust only to shatter it then he was going to do it. Only, Martyn's bark is worse than his bite, and every night he spends in lying awake in those soft, warm sheets that Ren had laid out just for him (freshly washed too, he might add. Smelled like sunshine) he wonders if he can do it. He can, of course. (he can't. he won't. he's too soft. soft and useless.) He'd cut his head off already. (he wants to vomit) (this is why no one needs you. wants you. loves you) Who cares about other people anyway? He is the only one who really matters. (the thought of being alone makes him want to cry) Ren, on the other hand, is a capable leader. The definition of loyal and dependable, if not a bit dramatic. He struggles with self-worth, being good enough, useful enough, powerful enough. But to others, he's the opposite, caring and protective of any who would ask for his aid. After all, every citizen deserves to live in safety and comfort, and providing that is what a good King would do. ~ Martyn's not as sneaky as he thinks he is. Ren knows. Ren sees the signs. It's a death game for a reason. But he doesn't let Martyn know. He doesn't even hold it against him. He doesn't see the bloodthirst anymore, only the broken pieces lying underneath. ~ or the King's Hand, it was the thrill of feeling Useful, Powerful, Feared (loved). He was going to miss it after he betrayed him, the high of bloodlust, the smell in the air as he charged into battle. (the way his hands held him so gently) For the King himself, deep down he knew it was never to be. He had met a monster, but he hoped his efforts calmed the storm ever so slightly. On some days, he pretends to forget about the death game entirely and imagines the speech he'd give to retire his Hand. "You don't have to fight anymore," he'd say, "I'll take care of you from now on, I promise. So put the sword down, okay?" But in the end, it was all a fantasy, wasn't it?
^ yes this is so cheesy but so are they.
Cry with me again Smile with me again Scream with me again Sing with me again Dance with me again Talk to me again…
"Lower One's Eyes" (Oktavia translyrics)
I think.. I talk too much abt scott seeing as that's who everyone points out when it comes to my headcanons 😭😭 but uh i swear everyone else is just as messed up. and martyn is like. just as bad if not worse (if that wasn't made clear from my ramblings before)
anyway uh say it with me rebound 👏 relationship 👏
i think they're both.. very numb to it all once limlife rolls around. they're just tired and have this mutual understanding and both think they're horrible people. martyn just wants to play the game. scott doesn't even know what he wants anymore.
but ofc, they're both still human and want love and comfort, so they try to seek that from one another. even if it's fake. even if it doesn't matter in the end.
Baby, though I've closed my eyes I know who you pretend I am I know who you pretend I am
Washing Machine Heart (Mitski)
We’re the Delusioned Victim Cash-in Union Praise to the “love” that will bring salvation!  Two fools singing to a shallow melody Restart, reflation, teleportation Time and again we’re stuck in rotation Circles inside a love without any ending
MKDR (SirHamnet Lyrics)
Scott uses Martyn as a replacement for Jimmy and Martyn uses Scott as a replacement for Ren. they know they dislike eachother (see: all of double life) and that only one of them will make it out alive. but they can't get that love and comfort from anyone else now.
also uhhh eroguro my beloved...... im assuming this is getting brought up cus of my mentions of loving eroguro in the past. and yes to all of that very much i agree. but i do have kind of.. a limit to what i do w/ these characters specifically because of the fandom/ccs (at least publicly). if i ever do decide to share the nastier stuff in my head or go into detail on gore and whatnot i'd probs make a sideblog and tuck it away and maybe block scott and martyn for always somehow showing up on my posts lmao
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precious-plushies · 3 months
Hello all!! Im new to this space, and am looking for guidance in exploring the objectum/plushum community as i am questioning currently.
for certain, i am posic-Platonic. That i already know.
I have had sexual interactions with plush, and have made out with one in particular while making love, and certainly felt mutual sexual attraction, but do not feel a special connection to any but one yet, and our relationship is platonic, like a married couple without sex; i think she may be asexual?? I don't know. What i do know is she is my most prized plush though, hands down. I buy her clothes, and take her on long trips with me when i take them. We, however, have never kissed or made love. She feels more than a friend, though??
Anyway,, i still feel like i am missing THE ONE. My special plush (plush wife??) Is okay with me seeking another to add to our romantic situation; one that i can love like her, but also make love to. ((She is gentle, a lot older than me, and wise.)) That journey is the one im on now, and one i made this blog to help others with. I hope to help others find their partners, too!!
[Now for the disclaimers:]
°no matter how tame some of my posts may be, this is an 18+, NS4W, blog. Minors are NOT to interact.
°I see the plush i post as full grown adults, my age (23) or older ((usually the latter)) and do not in any way see them as young or innocent. Pedophiles, who may, are NOT welcome here. Die. Additionally, i see them as individuals with human ways of thinking, not animal. Zoos who see them as feral creatures can also go die. I dont condone EITHER paraphilias here.
I am hoping to make friends here who can show me the ropes. Please, do reach out!! I'd love to chat with the community (:
[About me, the Admin:]
[Name:] Kay
[Gender:] Nonbinary
[Age:] 23
[Hobbies:] plush creation (sewing), drawing, reading, gardening
[Plush Partner:] Caramel (i made her myself!!)
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[Fun Facts about me:]
°420 friendly
°kink positive
°I prefer vintage plushies (they're older, like a MILF or DILF, and i am attracted to that)
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Part 4 Critique: Everything I'd Change
I love DIU..however, I consider it one of the post flawed of the JJBA Parts. Honestly, I feel like Araki didn't fully know where he was going with it til halfway, which is why the plot can be so janky. No matter what, let's dive into it. First, characters.
(also quick disclaimer: this is all my opinion and i am biased for MANY things.)
if u diagree w me dont tell me i think it would crush me
Characters [Josuke, Jotaro, Okuyasu, Kira]
Josuke Higashikata
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I LOVE Josuke. I think he's a lovely character concept and his design is really cool. My main problem with him is literally his LACK of screen time!! He is the Jojo of this part, yet his spotlight is constantly stolen by other side characters like Koichi, Rohan, and even Jotaro. This also happened a lot in Part 3, with it basically being the Polnareff show (idk why Araki did this sm in pts3-5...either let the mc have screen time or don't have them be the mc!!)
I think Josuke had some of the most missed opportunities in DIU. Especially with his relationships with other characters. I think this part could've been way more interesting if it chose a solid theme, and one that I think would've made sense is commentating on death & tragedy and how that can impact personal relationships. The reason I believe this is because there's already easy set ups for this in the story. Ryohei's death, The Nijimura Brother's family, Reimi, Shigechi, and Jotaro all have that theme in place, but not enough connecting points or real arcs related to this. What was the point of killing off Ryohei (who was the only father figure Josuke had growing up) if you're not going to show how this impacted Josuke, Tomoko, and how he acts with others besides one single page? Sure, it taught him that his powers have limits and that he can't save everyone, but that was a stupid thing to teach him because Okuyasu doesn't fucking die when he should've!! Like why did we make an arc saying 'hey stands aren't magic they can't bring ppl back to life' just for EXACTLY THAT to happen??
Moving on, I also have problems with his stand. I LOVE Crazy Diamond, I think it has a super cool design and power concept, but personally I wish it's powers were more grounded and had clear limits. I feel like a lot of stands suffer from this treatment of vague power limits (ex: Golden Wind..) but my problem with CD is that there were MANY opportunities to add one! For example: we know Josuke couldn't bring back Ryohei even after using his stand on him. So that bears the question: what can CD not fix? What is the real reason it can't bring a dead person back to life? Jotaro says "No stand has the power to bring back the dead" WHY?? am i missing something? Have I forgotten when it was officially established that stands cant do that? I mean, literally in part 3 there was a stand that could reanimate corpses. So does it have to do with the soul? No matter what, I would've used this moment to establish that CD can't bring back ANY living thing. I actually wrote a short fic abt this and included the fact that he also couldn't "fix" a dead leaf. I feel like overall his stand needed more grounding.
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Also, I have beef with Josuke's backstory, but I'll get into that later.
Jotaro Kujo
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Ok firstly, I have MAJOR beef with his design in part 4. Mainly the fact that he's drawn extremely pale in the anime. Like..obviously he COULD be pale as he is wasian (im not trying to say all wasian ppl look the same), but he is TAN in part 3. Why did they take that away?? Pisses me off to the extreme. At least they fixed it in p5+6. Anyways..
Character wise, I really enjoy Jotaro's personality in p4. I like how he's mellowed out in comparison to p3. However, I feel like he needed a more clear role in the story. He showed up to figure out grandpappy's shit, and then took the leader role when facing Kira. Why don't I like this? Because most of the time Jotaro was just..there. I think Araki wanted him and Josuke to have a mentor/student relationship (ex: rat episode) but just didn't focus enough on them or Josuke training with his stand for this to work.
Also, the fact that it took Jotaro so fucking long to figure out who Kira is WITH the help of all those other stand users is so goofy. Like him and the gang back in '89 found Dio's ass from a goddamn microscopic fly in a photo but couldn't find Kira's identity?? Like ugh he almost redeemed himself with the button thing but then he got blown up like gosh what happened king
When it comes to stands, I forever find it stupid that Jotaro didn't work with his stand to become more powerful. Araki just had to nerf him (which is something he does with most reoccurring characters, ex: Joseph). I don't like it and it pisses me off.
With the death of Ryohei, I feel like it would've made more sense for Jotaro to somewhat open up to Josuke and be a bit more sympathetic towards him about it (or maybe he stays closed off until Josuke explodes, causing Jotaro to reveal the truth about his past.) Either way, I think the two of them could've bonded over shared grief.
Okuyasu Nijimura
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I absolutely ADORE Okuyasu. I think his dynamic with Josuke is really fun to watch and his personality is just overall super enjoyable.
Stand wise I do think Araki slightly nerfed him by making him dumb as fucking rocks, but I let this slide a little more just bc he's a side character..
I honestly think Okuyasu has the best character arc out of the whole part 4 cast. I think he definitely deserved more screen time, but what we got was really solid in my opinion. His relationship with his brother was well developed and it was really interesting to see how it still affected him even after his brother's death. The way he felt a need to get revenge for his brother and still felt like he wasn't enough really hit me in the gut. I love him.
When it comes to Okuyasu's "death" I have very mixed opinions. On the one hand, ofc the goat of part 4 survived. On the other hand, I feel like him surviving goes directly against the idea we've been given since the beginning. You can't save everyone. And on the one hand, I enjoy the subverting of expectations. On the other hand, I don't like how it's still just never fully explained. I guess in JJBA as long as your soul doesn't feel like dying yet, you won't. I wish we saw Okuyasu actually speaking to his brother when he "died" however. I find him and Keicho's relationship really gut-punching and that would've been a fire scene imo.
I have more to say on him, his dad, Keicho, and the arrow, but I'll save that for when I'm talking about the plot.
Yoshikage Kira
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I find Kira to be a really interesting villain. I really enjoyed every moment we got going deeper into his psychology and it's something I really wish we got to see more of. I enjoy his sleek design and he's fine asf tbh.
Im not gonna give commentary on his stand rn bc honestly i dont fully remember how that shit worked by the time he was using the arrow
Character wise I just really wish he was established as the main villain sooner. The build up and hints dropped about him were so addictive, so it's disappointing that they're only there a little before his full introduction.
The psychology of Kira is something I really liked. The way he truly believes he's never really done anything wrong and only wanting to live a peaceful life is something I wish was even more looked into. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but from my memory, in the manga Kira's whole thing with his nails growing quicker when stressed/when his need to kill is getting too strong was only psychological. At least, I don't remember them growing the same way it's shown in the anime. I think this would've been something really interesting to deep dive into. The fact that he believes his nails grow when his need to kill is really high is really intriguing and the overall connection between hands and his killings are something I wanted to be fully developed more. I know it was kind of just a weird ass fetish but like..that's interesting!! this is interesting!!
I'll probably make an individual post to talk more abt him.
Where do I even begin. The plot of part 4 is all over the place. I loved many episodes, and I enjoyed when it leaned more into the slice of life style, but why the fuck where there like 3 seperate plots? Honestly, cut out Anjuro. His whole plot shit was annoying as hell. Didn't care for him.
Akira's entire plot pissed me off. I only like this arc because of Okuyasu. Overall I found there to be a lot of plot holes and just annoying parts. Everything til Kira was like this for me. Like get to the REAL plot please.
The arrow annoyed me. I've never wanted to rip my hair out more than when Kira's dad got a hold of it. He was SO GODDAMN ANNOYING. I like the concept of Kira using the arrow to get allies or ways to cover up his plot, but most of the stand users that came out of this were annoying and Kira's dad was insufferable in the worst way possible.
I think something I wish was more covered by the plot is the aftermath of Part 3 and Dio in general. This is something that CDDH (best jojo spinoff) covers really nicely, however. Go read it.
I also just in general think more should've been done w Okuyasu's dad, as he is a direct aftermath of Dio.
I feel like a lot of the women in Part 4 were set up to have strong, actually plot-influencing roles, but then were totally side-lined. I'm going to make a full post abt this tho.
Reimi being connected to Rohan never made sense to me. Just narratively speaking, why did you connect the main motivation for catching Kira to a side antagonist instead of the main character? This is slightly fueled by my hate for Rohan but like, c'mon! I think it would've made more sense to 1. just not include Rohan so fucking much and 2. connect Reimi to Josuke's past.
Speaking of Josuke's past, I feel like it just..needed more. Or at least, I think something needed to be done with the boy who saved him. I can appreciate the idea of it connecting to a theme of the general kindness of strangers, but you don't see that theme pop up as much in the rest of the plot. Also, I again would've connected Reimi to Josuke because WHY ISN’T SHE CONNECTED TO THE MAIN CHARACTER OH MY GOD
Overall tho I like the vibes of part 4, i really enjoyed different arcs and characters, and I just wish Araki got more time to flesh everything out and refocus on certain themes and characters.
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mxmoonjelly17 · 2 days
oops all insanity - sponsored by me :]
I believe that Frilled Jellyfish Cookie and White Pearl Cookie is unrequited feelings yuri. The one with the unrequited feelings being Frilled Jelly. It feels like out of all the gem mermaids, Frilled Jellyfish cares about White Pearl the most. If she had her memories, i’m sure she would have insisted on finding a way to talk to Black Pearl despite the dangers. Not only that, but her extra dialogue (for when you unlock her as a playable character and she’s able to wander around your kingdom/you’re able to view her stats, etc.) White Pearl Cookie often. (I think crimson only mentions her specifically like ONCE lmaoo) Ik using this as evidence for lore might be not the best but it must hold some weight considering devsis will drop information like Butter Roll Cookie being a student of the darkness school place thing in the form of an interaction with Espresso Cookie. Which they wouldn’t add for no reason. Anyways examples of Frilled Jellyfish Cookie mentioning White Pearl that are relevant here are; (important stuff is in italics, with notes sprinkled in)
“My job is to keep White Pearl Cookie beautiful as always.” (She thinks shes pretty 😭)
“I’ll never forget the day I met White Pearl Cookie!” (She says this like it was the best day of her life and yk what good for her honestly she needs a win)
“Almighty Sea is behind all fateful encounters!” 
“The Sea guided me to my lady. T’was Fate!” (this and the two previous lines of dialogue mentioned HAVE to be connected in some way im sorry yall)
“Doesn’t the rippling moonlight remind you of a shiny pearl?” (I feel like this could be connected to Seamoon in a way. With Frilled Jellyfish taking the role of Moonlight Cookie, someone White Pearl yearns for even though she’s ‘gone’ [gone as in dead but not really] and can’t reach her iff that makes sense)
“Dear jellyfish, do you got any stories for White Pearl Cookie?” (Goes out of her way to make White Pearl Cookie happy)
“White Pearl Cookie is who I serve!” (the way this line is delivered makes her sound so proud of this fact)
“White Pearl Cookie is the most lovely gem mermaid there is!” (GUYS COME ON???? THERES NO WAY SHE ISNTINLOVEAUFIGUSHGS IUOH)
Anyways, as shown, Frilled Jellyfish cookie talks about White Pearl a lot. Moreso than Sea Fairy Cookie references Moonlight Cookie which is saying something considering what she does in A Mermaid’s Tale LMAO. Another example of Frilled Jellyfish Cookie showing how much she cares about White Pearl is being on her deathbed and deciding to tell White Pearl how happy she made her (I liked the life of following the currents aimlessly, but only having met you down here made me truly happy.”) and comforts her as she nearly dies. Also there’s “Soon i’ll get back up as if nothing happened. To be with you.” like???? Cmon ya’ll. Then, post near-death, even after losing her memories, forgetting her name. There’s still a small part of her that somewhat remembers White Pearl, or at the very least recalls that there’s someone important she’s missing. 
So yeah, Frilled Jellyfish Cookie is in love with White Pearl Cookie. No cap.
As for White Pearl? I think she doesn’t have any feelings for Frilled Jellyfish Cookie beyond platonic at the moment. But if she were to hypothetically, get a redemption arc then maybe, just maybe. She’d begin to fall for the jelly. If Black Pearl and Frilled Jellyfish cookie reunited then it’d be an arc of Black Pearl learning to be vulnerable, accept love, and push past her probable trust issues and love again. Also get over yk, losing her pearl. With Frilled Jellyfish cookie, having accidentally stumbled upon her (still without her memories, though she may have recovered some because of the gem mermaids.), and slowly recovering her full memory while falling in love with the Lady of the Black Sea all over again. They both fall for eachother basically and it’s great and omfg i need to write a FIC.
As a bonus, here’s some headcanons.
WP and FJ would swim through the sea currents together for fun. Very relaxing.
FJ is older than WP by like a year I think. To me they both seem to be in a similar age range but FJ seems slightly more mature. Though not on the same level as Crimson Coral who’s probably in her 30-40’s(?) she seems old.
If my redemption arc idea happens it’d be FJ who’d find Black Pearls’ pearl somehow and then try to return it to her <3 it’s like a proposal.
I think WP would have taken FJ to the surface once or twice, though FJ was too hesitant to stay for too long. Even if she loves her lady.
The two will go out together and WP will listen to FJ tell her stories, the two have a secret designated spot for it that nobody knows about.
I have more but like. This post is long enough. 
This is my ramble!!! Sorry for this CRK Tumblr i couldn’t resist. Oh yeah their shipname is Pearljelly and I love them. 
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saltyr3mix · 10 months
OK SO IVE HAD THIS IDEA FOR A WHILE! i think it was inspired by a tumblr post but here is an outline for a Oliver gets possessed by litho timeline idea!
Child. was watching tv with his parents when they started to be....not great parents. ummmm he fights back and now has two dead adults on his hands but is like Sara in the sense he doesn't quite realize what hes done. or at least is one hell of an actor to the cops.
his siblings are still around but once parents died he was to young to hold custody so he hasn't seen them since that night. they moved away.
founders trio happens the same. but instead of phone calls Oliver grows distant watching some sort of news channel. still has the same effect and follows Sara's footsteps except with tv instead of phones.
Winnie shows up. we love to see it. Lewis dies the same. only Oliver is a lot less....i don't know...mischievous with it. hes more cold, calculated vibes than Sara's quick jabs and menacing one liners. i also think hes just a tad more sympathetic to Litho/Winnie than Sara because missing siblings/kids. he knows how that feels.
other deaths go the same minus the twins. because! we replace them with uhhhh idk yet. either Celio or Norman. someone close to Sara.
Sara! then gets Damien involved. for detective reasons and also because she knows hes been Olivers crush for years and can try to talk some sense into him
it didn't work. Oliver sends Sara to the basement and she get a radio instead of Tv which i think is fun!
i think Damien ends up making the virus in this au. in fact the way i see it the radio trap was meant for him but Sara ended up falling for it so hes in here looking for her but also trying to help Oliver.
Drama romance bloodshed, the series goes on as usual. other fun facts when Litho takes over Oliver's soul gets shoved into the WTD website, this is really my theory on what happend to cannon Sara. but making it cannon in this au because its cool.
Big end confrontation with the collector and stuff. we get a moment of softness from Litho seeing his brother again, and then star reveals he knows where the twins are. this is where major cannon divergence starts to happen. because that breaks Oliver out of Lithos control. even for a second. his eyes flash black to blue before Litho reeks havoc and memory stuff happens.
Wiatt ends up escaping along with Damien with their new found goal of finding Oliver's younger siblings while trying to restore everyone's memories.
Twins are either circus performers or just like genuinely living in the middle of no where with some random guy who i would connect to a character, like a sibling of one of the main cast.
Is this twin centric when it probably shouldn't be?.....yes. big reason ill never write this is because i always feel like im either dragging it to far from cannon or two close to cannon to make an au thats interesting.
Anyway feel free to ask be about it if you want. this is pretty much all i have for it but im more than happy to add more.
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mkhyemi · 7 months
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hello hello hello! i'm kalo (21, she/her, est) and this is hyemi! she does NOT want to be here, but surely her time at lumera will shape her into a perfectly suitable magickai... right??? until then, she just has to be the disney channel movie character who somehow missed the chance to say "no mom... this isn't my dream, it's yours..." and follow her real passion. tbh, that hasn't even crossed her mind at all! so she's simply accommodating herself to what's expected of her and will continue to do so until she either learns to like it or she dissipates into the ocean or something... three cheers for repression! a more detailed delve-into hyemi can be found below the cut! it's been give or take 2 and a half years since i last did this whole rp thing, so please bear with me while i shake the rust off! (and while i finish up with my semester... lol) i'm very excited to write and have a fun time with you all! feel free to give this post a like and i'll pop into your ims as quick as possible for some plotting!
profile | bio | plots (empty links will be filled when finished ;;;)
hyemi is the youngest daughter of her family, her mother is an untrained magi (her companion died fairly early after her powers awoke), her father is a human, and her older sister is also a human.
her mother is essentially living vicariously through hyemi's becoming a magickai, to the point where she moved with hyemi from ulsan to seoul so she could enroll in the memoria of seoul. very pageant-mom vibes. hyemi loves her mom though and is very much reliant on her approval, which is what led her to her compliance re: enrolling at lumera and pursuing life as a magickai.
in reality, hyemi isn't too thrilled with the premise of being a magical soldier, no matter what fancy kind of name it's given. she's very envious of the more normal kind of life her older sister is living back home
her companion is a hedgehog named needles, who is a big pain in her ass and only adds to the pressure to get serious about her training. hearing feedback from someone who knows that all of her studying and training is essentially a front hurts a little more than she'd like to admit, especially considering it's coming from an animal that can fit in the palm of her hand. suffice to say, they don't get along very well.
regarding her powers, her control over them is very finicky, and is very easily swayed by her emotions. please anticipate finding her half-submurged into the ground or various walls. to counteract this somewhat, she tends to wear wetsuits or other swim-shirt adjacent items to help keep her in one piece, to middling results. at least it stops her clothes from getting wet? #styleicon. her minor power lets her turn whatever part of her that's water into ice, but she mainly just uses this to punch things a bit harder. she's admittedly no strategist.
her fighting style is very upfront. her powers aren't conducive towards offense on an especially grand scale, and fit more towards the role of a facetank, as her water form absorbs most forms of pain.
on that note, has been taking boxing and self-defense lessons since the awakening of her powers (she uses it as stress relief, but it has synergized with her up-close fighting style and the fact that her weapon is a pair of gauntlets)
maintains a very packed schedule both to distract herself from her general sense of dissatisfaction but also to exert some form of control over what she's doing at lumera (ie: her classes, her extracurricular lessons, hiking club, working at soap and suds, etc.) she's very particular about her schedule and about punctuality in general!
on a social level, hyemi is very much a people-pleaser, and thus takes great pains to not show off her frustrations with her current lifestyle. however, this leads her to be evasive and pretty resistant to forming substantial connections with people... whoops! she tends to shape her behavior to fit with other people and is definitely more of a follower-type than a leader-type. however, her temper is a bit of a ticking time bomb at this point (though, the fuse is pretty long!) so it probably will all blow up in her face eventually. hopefully it won't all land on the wrong target?
some quickfire connection/plot ideas!:
anyone who also attended the memoria of seoul! study buddies/academic rivals/etc.
you think her power (or rather, her lack of control over her power) is hilarious, and try to devise increasingly outlandish pranks/ways of catching her by surprise to watch her collapse into a puddle. (whether this is friendly or antagonistic is up to interpretation!)
someone to help her work through her newly-developed fear of large bodies of water
bad(?) influence: or otherwise someone who wants to break her from her rigid routine-based way of living
she's a caffeine fiend, so if your muse either works at or also habitually visits the coffee shop, they could hang out there?
sparring partners / work out buddies
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