#i feel like some people think sibling dynamics always have to be 100% healthy and it feels kinda....eeeehhhhhhhhhhh..............
nonbinarysurge · 4 months
"uhmm surge and kit aren't canonically siblings" have you considered that i said so? have you considered i want them to be?
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sombersafari · 1 year
Yakko being 100% hyper like WHAAA-?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Wakko: i think you should all stop being lazy.
Yakko: oh no. is it finally time to get up? i’m not ready yet! i just got my beauty sleep! i have a beautiful face and a wonderful body to show everyone! I can't wait to take my public bath tomorrow! i'm gonna look like an angel! and then i'll be free!
Wakko: you already look like an angel. and you smell of soap too. you don't need to bathe at all anymore. but i also know how much effort goes into your everyday activities. you're still so young, you shouldn't waste your efforts on trivial things like bathing every day.
Dot: you know what's ridiculous, Wakko? how does someone always manage to find a reason to start their day with "I'm going to wash my feet in the sink and then I'll have breakfast"?? like, who is this zany Warner sibling??! they are clearly just trying to waste their money on unnecessary stuff when there are literally tons of healthy alternatives!
Wakko: i agree.
Dot: we both know that isn't true.
Wakko: yeah...
Yakko: well it doesn't matter anyway. i don't care about anyone else's opinions. even mine! now that i've taken the plunge into the water... everything's perfect! i feel refreshed.
Wakko: i think the water might be doing something. like a weird chemical reaction or something. i hope i was right...
Dot: you were never wrong.
Yakko: *gasp* what? you thought i was a liar?!
Wakko: no, i mean - yes, you can lie. i meant it was because i knew what i was talking about, but - i guess... i didn't expect you to actually lie. haha. i thought you had some good intentions
Yakko: lol okay, i'm lying. it's nice when people say i've got good intentions, though. it makes me blush. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)✧
Dot: what?! you blush easily???
Yakko: no, it means when people compliment my cheeks :))
Wakko: haha, so do those pink butterflies on your cheeks mean anything to anyone here? they don't seem very common, do they?
Yakko: yes! they do!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ✧
Wakko: oh, really? you're sure?
Yakko: yeah!!! they're my signature features! (゚ヮ゚)
Dot: *sigh* i must love the feathers. or whatever it is that birds eat to keep them pretty
Yakko: i bet you're the only ones who noticed! (☞∀☝)
Wakko: ouch... (゚ヮ゚)
Dot: *gasp* what's wrong?
Wakko: sorry to burst your bubble, but i'm not the one wearing wings around his heart. (☞Д☆)♥♪
Yakko: *gasp* wtf?? did you just compare me to that guy from a horror movie? he looked way more terrifying than i am, and I'm taller than him by like, 6cm (。•́︿•̀。) ♥
Wakko: yes. the comparison works for me too. (*≧▽≦) ノ*
Dot: why are you two so damn creepy?? i hate it!!!!!!!!!
Yakko: hey, calm down! you can't change our dynamic, i think it's cute! plus, i think Wakko is kinda cute... uhhhhhh...
Dot: okay, wow. i will leave you guys to your gross teasing. ive had enough of it for today.
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stuffgoeswrong · 2 years
Heyy, for the ship game - soukoku and ranpoe?
Thanks for asking!
Don't ship it
Why don't you ship it?
I am like, constantly at war with myself on this ship to be honest. I was really on board with it when I first started BSD, and then I really liked Oda so I was like, hmmm, Dazai has two hands man. But that gradually fell away, and now maybe for a week one month I'll be really into it (mainly cause one artist or writer really just gets the dynamic right and piques my interest), but then most of the time I'm like, eh, so I went with this category. I agree with others who believe the fandom has really dumbed down the complexities of Dazai and Chuuya's characters for the sake of the ship and amped up the stereotypes. My biggest issue with Soukoku is the Chuuya feminization problem and how overly sexual their relationship is always portrayed. I once saw a post that said something about how Chuuya in canon embraces his masculinity and loves being a guy, and I hate when people take that away from him. For Dazai's part, I also don't love how he's always the one in control and who has a plan, etc. Just, a lot of reasons.
2. What would have made you like it?
If it wasn't the most popular ship and the fans were more chill about them. If they were just more open to other ships with potential too. Soukoku is literally in the top 100 (I think 20-30?) ao3 ships according to ColeyDoesThings's 2022 summary video. I like Dazai and Chuuya and their partnership, but I've grown to prefer their dynamic as best friends who argue like siblings.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I'm sure I could think of something, but I've spat out a lot of my brain capacity already tonight. I like it sometimes, just trust me😅.
Ship it
What made you ship it?
Oh gladly! I mean, it's Ranpo and Poe, how do I not ship them? I love opposing dynamics like theirs a lot, like where there's one outgoing half of a ship and the other is more introverted and they can help each other grow socially because of their differences. That was a big appeal for me, and them having some history aside from the main story leaves room for interpreted events which is always fun imo! Of course, the fact that they're in opposite organizations but it really does not matter to either of them past their second meeting is so funny and wholesome. Poe just continued to show up at the ADA and he and Ranpo share mysteries and cases, leaving room for inspiring each other.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I like that it's wholesome and seems very natural I guess? I like that they have things in common and how it's actually healthy. I have stickers of them on my laptop actually! I've been trying to get through a 100k+ fic about Poe's life since summer and it's really good, so I'm glad there's balance in Ranpoe's relationship and appreciate how people can imagine them without each other too. And they're both so funny with each other?? Poe taking small competition things seriously that Ranpo doesn't, Ranpo being stunned at Poe's paycheck, I can't explain it, they just immediately become more enjoyable in each other's presence.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really on the ship, but Ranpo's not one of my top favorites, so I don't talk about this ship or draw for it very often. It's kind of just there in my mind as fanon and I feel like my brain is not creative enough to wonder about them day to day to find the intriguing and fun bits. I did think Ranposano was better at one point, but that was a very very brief time.
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nemmet · 1 year
for the ship mmmmm shaggy/velma, fred/daphne and velma/daphne
shaggy/velma - i think i'm with the majority when i say that i can't see them romantically, and the attempts the franchise has made to canonise it haven't done it any favours. mystery inc. is its own can of worms that i don't particularly want to get into, but i do want to spotlight the moment in curse of the lake monster when they kiss, but immediately admit that the spark isn't there. i think that's such an important little moment to include, and teaches kids that it's ok if that ever happens to them with someone! you can still be good friends, and in many cases that can be better for your relationship with that person. i love the teasing sibling energy shaggy and velma have in the episodes of where are you that i've seen, and that's when they're at their best as a duo for me!
fred/daphne - honestly the only romantic ship within the gang that i'm 100% all for! they seem like the boring option at a surface level, but there's a lot more going on between them than meets the eye. they trust and respect each other, they poke fun at each other, they defend each other, they're closer than anything but scared to truly admit their feelings... their dynamic can be one of my favourite things about scooby doo when done right!! the jealousy subplots, curse of the lake monster and some aspects of their writing in mystery inc. are the only times where i'm not so keen. otherwise, i just love them as a duo in every way, romantically or not! see this post for some of my favourite moments of theirs. :D
velma/daphne - i totally see the romantic appeal, especially in the wnsd era! there's just something about their dynamic there, they feel so comfortable around each other and i love how they live together! i feel like they could be a really sweet and healthy couple if ever canonised and written well. i love how unconditionally supportive daphne is of velma, and how daphne feels she can turn to velma for advice! even when they're at odds, it's always great to see them ultimately work out their differences. despite all this, i do generally prefer them platonically, mostly due to my preference for other ships with them. as long as people aren't sexualising them or fetishising the relationship (an unfortunately common problem), i'll always get excited with those who do enjoy them romantically, though!
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fkevin073 · 2 years
damn idk what everyone in the comments on ao3 is on, BECAUSE OMGGG JACE IS NOW MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN IKYLAO! pardon the pun, but what a prince of a guy! sensible, compassionate, and honorable (i hope there isn’t a surprised twist that will make me eat my words and look like a clown lol)
like he is seriously the only one using braincells, and duh he wants aemond to kill daemon for him, for one vermax is a baby compared to caraxes. him not wanting to fight daemon isn’t cowardly it’s just sensible! what is he supposed to do? go on a suicide mission to kill daemon, and leave his siblings in daemon or the green’s mercy????
even aemond who is supposed to hate him, admires him and sees his point. they’re in a war the micro issues of relationships, endgames is naturally gonna be secondary to the greater issues at hand. my favorite thing about this fic is the nuance of the character dynamics, cause most often in fics it’s like romantic love trumps all despite everything. but here romantic love exists, but so does familial love, and the duties you and loves have to the realm and others. and it’s clear that even if aemond and alysanne love each other, they can’t just forsake everything because of that.
i know it’s not in line with escapist angle of fanfic, but it makes your characters more realistic because they behave like actual human beings. most people are multifaceted and they understand that love doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and that romantic love and platonic aren’t mutually exclusive.
and people calling alysanne selfish, like huh???? she is literally trying to be everything for everyone??? is she were selfish she would’ve parked herself right on aemond’s dick steered him and vhagar to essos and never looked back! and i think they’re forgetting that aemond’s family killed her mother! and she saw her die in the most excruciating way possible, and that she died indirectly because of her. obviously she is going to feel tremendous guilt over that and that she will in her grief try to make up for what her siblings lost. because in her mind she caused that loss.
i’m so sorry that you’re receiving so many criticisms and negative comments on the direction of the story. i just want you to know that i understand your vision and i appreciate you so much.
i hope you’ll follow your own vision for the story and don’t let others influence it. but most of all i hope writing IKYLAO gives you happiness and fulfillment. thank always for sharing! (SORRY FOR THE LONG AF MESSAGE)
((actually most most of all, i hope for a happy ending for jace. idc what happens to anyone, i just want jace to be happy, healthy and flourishing at the end. between this and your jacegon fic i am now 100% a jace stan. pls don’t hurt my bby:())
AHH omg this is so amazing of you to take the time to write this comment! it really means the world. but yeah, Jace's decision to ask Aemond to kill Daemon is definitely controversial, and with reason! I mean it's that balance between being brave and cowardly. Jace isn't an idiot - he knows his family needs him, and he's been tasked with the Song of Ice and Fire. He's trying to keep the realm together as much as possible.
Jace is kind of Robb when he refused to fight Jaime following Whispering Wood - he's smart enough to know when he'd lose a battle, and he knows he'd lose against Daemon. Aemond is the only dragon rider with a CHANCE. and he gives Aemond a pretty fair deal, from my point of view. Besides it'll benefit the Greens greatly if Daemon dies, namely because then there'll be no one to kill them even after Jace takes the capital.
and yeah, I get that this fanfic is perhaps a bit heavier than some of the other aemond x oc ones. maybe that's not fair to say, idk. I think I've made Aemond and Alysanne very attached to their family and their ability to be protectors, so it might make things murkier? idk.
I'm going to be honest, people calling Alysanne selfish for wanting to be with her family after what Otto did is something I'm not going to understand. I respect different interpretations, even tho I don't agree with it. she's certainly flawed - impulsive, naive, righteous, and occasionally ignorant. but yeah, she's trying her best lmao.
I wish people were a bit uh, kinder in their criticism. idk if it's me being sensitive, but there are definitely a few takes I've seen that makes me doubt whether I've conveyed anything properly in this story. I digress!! Jace is a fave of mine always, so writing for him has been sm fun!
thanks sm for the ask!!
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schneesisterss · 3 years
I have Cassandra Dimitrescu brain rot and it literally Won’t Leave Me Alone so here are some headcannons:
she’s mean as FUCK bc she doesn’t know how to deal with her emotions in a healthy way
very mean to her sisters too but like... (affectionate)
also she’s the only one that can bully them, if anyone other than herself even LOOKS at them funny, that person will definitely go missing
“nobody bullies my siblings, except for me”
has Protective Older Sister vibes even though she’s not the oldest and is extremely protective of her family
particularly when it comes to Daniela. Cassandra has like a sixth sense where she can tell whenever her younger sister is in danger and goes RUNNIN to check on her.
Cassandra, weapon drawn: “DANI WHATS WRONG ARE YOU OK??”
Daniela, swinging from the ceiling by her foot: “Oh, hello sister. It seems I have stepped on my own trap.”
Cass, exhausted, pinching the bridge of her nose: “Daniela. What the fuck.”
Cassandra gets her down and smacks her on the back of the head (but not before subtly checking her for injuries)
she has a very hard time opening up to people bc she feels weak when she does and she HATES feeling weak
the only person she has ever cried in front of is their mother
and speaking of Alcina, Cassandra definitely gets her protectiveness from her mother. those two turn into a pair of rage monsters whenever someone they care about gets hurt.
one time Bela got severely injured by a lycan and Cassandra was like: “Those stupid mutts, i’ll kill them all, I swear!” and moves to leave but her mother stops her, “Hold on daughter, it’s quite rude of you not to extend the invitation.” and they both leave, eyes completely black with rage and murder. Daniela stays with Bela but waves them off happily in the background. “See you soon! Bring me back a lycan heart!”
does not know how to deal with her anger and sometimes has to punch the brick walls in the basement just to release some of the energy
her knuckles are almost always cut up and bruised bc of this
Alcina has walked in on more than one of her outbursts. She takes her daughters arms so she stops punching the walls, and pulls her into her chest. Cassandras breathing is erratic and she’s shaking violently with rage.
“Shhh my love, breathe.” Cassandra exhales in a way that Alcina can’t tell if she’s crying or seething. “What’s happened?”
Cassandras breathing speeds up through gritted teeth and she pulls against her mother, as if trying to get back to the wall. “I d-didn’t know what else to do.” her voice is hard like she was stating a fact.
Alcina strokes her pinky finger down her daughters nose, a trick that’s always worked for keeping her angriest at child at bay, and holds her there until she’s calmed down.
Afterwards, they don’t talk about it. Alcina knows Cassandra is already too embarrassed so she only wraps up her knuckles and says, “I think I heard Daniela call out for you a little bit ago, she had that tone of voice she gets whenever she’s in over her head.”
Cassandra just scoffs, “She’s just an idiot.” but moves immediately so go check on her younger sibling. She stops just before she’s out the door, “Mother I....” Alcina sees the hidden gratitude in her daughters eyes. “I know, dear. Go.” And her middle child nods and bursts into a cloud of bugs.
so.... there’s that.
I may be projecting but who knows.
can throw a Wicked punch
very competitive and a sore loser
her competitiveness comes out the most when Bela is involved
Cassandra thinks Bela is their mothers favorite and that creates a lot of tension between the two of them bc Cassandra low key looks up to Bela (but will never tell her that) and wants to please mother just like she does. She feels the anger under her skin whenever their mother praises Bela instead of her
(Cassandra craves praise just as much as Bela but will NEVER show how the lack of it effects her)
Mean Lesbian™️
so, so touch starved
when anyone outside of her mother or sisters touch her softly she snaps bc a) she’s not used to it and b) she get filled with complicated and confusing emotions that she doesn’t know what to do with
quickest to yell at a maiden whenever they mess up
when she’s in a good mood she can actually be very playful and teasing (“rawr! >:D”)
hums to herself when she’s bored and sometimes (rarely) sings when Bela is playing the piano
the best at makeup out of the three daughters
Daniela always begs her to do her make up for her and Cassandra just pretends to be annoyed and does it anyway (she secretly loves it)
Bela also tentatively asked one time and Cassandra was shocked because Bela never asks for favors
they sit in silence while she applies Belas makeup but eventually asks “Why ask me to do this now? There had been plenty of other opportunities before.” her voice comes out more defensive than she wanted it too, but she leaves it be.
Bela studies her with calculating and knowing eyes before looking away and opening her mouth “You love doing this. I can tell.” Cass stops moving her hand. “I see the proud look on your face when Dani runs to show Mother your work. I just...” Bela shrugs, “want to be a part of that too. For you.” She glances back to her dark haired sister and shifts in her seat.
Cassandra didn’t know how to react, let alone respond. The lump in her throat was wide and pushed against her windpipe. Her and Bela had never really gotten along, but hearing this from her older sister felt like a small weight was lifted from her shoulders. It felt like acceptance. She cleared her throat and gently grabbed her sisters chin to pull it back into place. “Well maybe if you stopped squirming, i’d be able to get it done faster.”
Bela shoots her a very small, understanding smile, it was more of a smirk really, but it got the point across. I love you. No matter what. and Cassandra felt like she could finally breathe.
(I love sibling dynamics leave me alone)
claims she’s a top, is actually a switch
impatient as hell
Smooth Talker
her ability to talk her and her sisters out of sketchy situations has saved their asses more than once
“Hey Cassandra, would you punch Uncle Heisenberg in the face for $100?”
“I’d roundhouse kick him in the face for free.”
cue Alcina spitting up her wine.
probably swears the most too lol
*stubs toe* “Son of a mother fucking bitch that shit HURT.” Alcina: *raises eyebrow* “Well I certainly didn’t teach her that vile language.... Heisenberg.” Heisenberg: ......
knows how to wield a butterfly knife like a complete badass
Cassandra: *instant fear*
uhhhh that’s it. did I go overboard? probaby. do I care? absolutely not and i’ll most likely be doing this again very soon lmaooo.
also p.s. send me more headcannon requests for Cassandra and i’ll answer them!
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raayllum · 4 years
What are some examples for you that, in your opinion, are the reasons Rayllum is a healthy romance while Catradora is not?
(This is not a ship hate ask question, I'm just curious since I've seen a few comparisons and I'd like to know more)
Short answer? Everything.
Long answer? Under the cut so people have an easy time scrolling past it if they want, since this isn’t quite my usual content. 
And special note to CA shippers: this probably isn’t a post you’re going to enjoy, nor is my mind really open to being changed if you disagree. This is my own personal discussion and opinion, not a debate, and it holds as much or as little weight to you as you want it to. Please choose accordingly whether you want to read something that may be upsetting or if it’s better to just scroll by. Do what’s best for you. 
TW: discussions of emotional & physical abuse
Okay? Okay.
Let’s get into it.
Now, to get the obvious out of the way:
1) Rayllum and C*tradora do have some similarities. Rayla and Adora both have swords and immediately switch sides when they realize their original side was wrong and decide to fight for peace; Rayla and Catra can both lash out when others are trying to get them to open up; Callum and Catra both have issues with insecurities / feeling inferior. The shows also touch on similar themes such as choosing your own destiny, breaking the cycle, overcoming negative parts of your upbringing (for Rayla in particular) and more. Largely due to Shera’s ending, I don’t think it handled any of these themes particularly well, unfortunately, but I will be keeping this specifically centred on the relationships out of preference and because this meta is already long enough.
2) Children can indeed abuse other children, the same way that children can bully/torment other children. Adora and Catra had a “golden child — scapegoat” dynamic with Shadow Weaver as their “shared parental” figure (a very common dynamic for siblings). Someone can be an abuse victim and also be an abuser. Mental health and abuse are explanations, not excuses.
3) No, Catra’s abusive behaviour towards Adora cannot be explained away under the guise of “friends to enemies to lovers.” Mostly because that would mean they’re both equally enemies to one another over the course of the show, like Catra doesn’t always hit Adora where it hurts 100 times harder. Nor can the 4+ seasons worth of harm all just all be magically swept under the rug by one apology and a season where Catra treats Adora the way Bow and Glimmer have been for the entire show. Beyond the really awful stuff — physically attacking and injuring Adora (in ways Adora never returns the same way, ie. scarring her), attacking and kidnapping her friends, electrocuting Adora (s4), trying to kill Adora, tasing her, drugging Adora to use her as a weapon (remember “White Out”?) — there are also far worse emotionally abusive behaviour underneath it all. Guilt tripping, blaming Adora for everything, consistently lashing out, being angry whenever Adora does something good for herself that doesn’t also benefit Catra, wanting to isolate her, not being emotionally supportive, etc. But I’ll get more into that later. Funnily enough, the fact that an abuser was abused doesn’t tend to actually matter to their victim. 
The crucial thing about Catra’s character and her relationship with Adora is that — rather than seeing Adora leaving the Horde as a moral/ethical thing (of which Catra the war criminal just doesn’t care as she becomes Hordak’s right hand woman) or even as Adora leaving an environment Catra knows is shitty (“They’ve been messing with our heads since we were kids”) — she sees it as Adora “leaving” her. She sees it as Adora choosing other people over her. And that’s been something Catra has seen as unacceptable ever since they were children, pushing/punching/scarring Adora on the face and making her cry when Adora is friendly with Lonnie and tries to convince Catra they can all be friends. It’s why she’s so angry about Adora “abandoning” her to be best friends with Bow and Glimmer, and the idea of Adora making the right choice in leaving an abusive environment and not her specifically never even crosses her mind.
The fundamental flaw in their relationship is that Catra never actually lets go of the belief that Adora abandoned her, or that Adora’s actions against her (y’know, when Catra was literally helping the Horde conquer the world and is the aggressor in every fight scene between them) were ever Justified.
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[From the finale episode] C: So please, just this once — stay!
[The multiple and repeated times Adora tried to convince Catra to come with her and even said “I’m sorry for leaving” and “I won’t leave you behind again” and “Please stay, I need you”? Completely chucked in the bin, thanks for nothing - cause yeah, Catra, that certainly never stopped you from scarring or hitting Adora at any point in your life]
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While watching S5 and the series through the first time I enjoyed their relationship and even shipped it (the turn around came two weeks later as the more I thought about their relationship, the less I liked it / more deeply uncomfortable I became with it), but one moment rubbed me the wrong way even the first way through it. In the penultimate episode — “Failsafe” as I’m counting the finale as one joint episode — Adora has taken the Failsafe to save Etheria. Delivering it to the Heart may kill her. However, as She Ra, she is literally the only person on the planet — which is about to end! — who can take it and not automatically die. Adora has also, already, taken the Failsafe. It can’t be removed.
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C: Why do you always have to sacrifice everything for everyone else? Why are you like this? When do you get to choose? What do you want, Adora?
So despite being literally the Stupidest time Catra could have this concern — again, Adora has already taken the Failsafe, she can’t remove it, the whole world will end if someone doesn’t, and Adora is the only person on the planet where taking the Failsafe isn’t an automatic suicide mission — let’s focus on what happens afterwards, because That is what rubbed me the wrong way.
Adora has made a choice, but it doesn’t align with what Catra wants. So in the penultimate episode, and we’re supposed to believe Catra deeply loves Adora, Adora clearly states what she wants. She is scared of dying and of failing the world, she knows she’s put herself greatly at risk, and she understandably asks Catra — someone who is supposed to love her — for some goddamn emotional support.
A: Catra, please, stay. I need you.
And what does Catra do? She abandons Adora and basically says she’s a liar: “No, you don’t. You never have.” And she leaves Adora, sobbing alone in the woods, with the entire weight of the world on Adora’s shoulders. We later get more of an explanation as to why Catra left, as she states, “Adora chose Shadow Weaver, okay? Not me. Adora doesn’t want me! Not like I want her.” Catra sees Adora choosing the well being of everyone on the planet and her takeaway is, yet again, Adora choosing people over her, somehow. Even worse, part of Catra’s justification is that Adora, apparently, doesn’t romantically want her back.
Just to recap: it is the penultimate episode, the apparent girl you have “always love(d)” is about to possibly sacrifice herself and die, and asks you for emotional support. And then you abandon her because she doesn’t want other people to die and because she might not return your feelings. Are. You. Shitting. Me. 
But put a pin in that, cause we’re gonna come back to it later.
But you know what, why is Adora like that? Why does she always feel like she has to protect and save everyone else, even at detriment to herself? What could have possibly made her feel like a failure at protecting her friends? Who could have blamed her for all these problems that aren’t actually hers to fix, but it feels like they are? Gee, I wonder...
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C: As long as we have this sword, we have the power to make her go berserk. We can turn the Rebellion's own hero against them. That's good. [to Adora, smugly] I wonder which of your friends I'll have you annihilate first [...] Are you kidding? I've got control of Adora. I am not giving that up.
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A: [quietly, seriously] You wanna know the worst that could happen? Fine. I'm the heaviest hitter, so Catra will separate me right away. Trap me, take my sword, do something so I'm helpless when she turns on you. She knows everything about me, exactly what I'll do, exactly how to take me out. [...] Catra will make me watch all of it before she finishes me off, and then everyone is gone, and the Horde wins the war, and Etheria crumbles, and it's all my fault! [knocks all the figures off the table]
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C: It's always the same with you, Adora. “I have to do this. Oh, we have to do that.” Let's be honest, all of this is your fault. If you hadn't gotten captured, your sword wouldn't have opened the portal. If you hadn't gotten the sword and been the world's worst She-Ra, none of this would've happened. Admit it, Adora, the world would still be standing if you had never come through that portal in the first place. You made me this. You took everything from me. You broke the world, and it is all your fault.
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A: Why are you doing this [attacking me]? C: Because you left me! (early s1)
C: Where's Adora? G: She...She left us. She's headed to the Heart on her own. C: Of course she's gone! That's what she does, isn't it? (finale s5)
Because there’s nothing more romantic than basically telling someone you’ve “always” loved that the world would be a better place if they’d never been born, right? To the point where Catra basically becomes a trigger in Adora’s mind of how her dominos will fall and culminate in her losing everything she loves. To the point that Catra still acts like it’s Adora’s fault for taking the Failsafe. To the point that Catra’s ‘love’ for Adora reads almost entirely as completely selfish at basically every turn for the majority of the show.
Another moment that rang very hollow very quickly was the fight between chipped!Catra (aka brainwashed) and Adora in s5. Adora has come to rescue her after Catra made one (1) apology and sent Glimmer safely to Adora, doing one (1) good thing after season upon season of terrible thing. The show frames their face off as this big tragic fight — as most brainwashing plots tend to. The whole point of a brainwashing plotline, usually, is to have someone hurt someone they never would ordinarily. Except there is basically nothing that happens in the brainwashing fight in terms of physical harm that Catra hasn’t willingly inflicted on Adora in the past (the last time they saw each other in person, Adora was being electrocuted by ‘Catra’ — another character in disguise, but Catra gave the order for it and saw it happen, so). 
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[Screencaps from s5 and s1 respectively, of Catra clawing at Adora’s back; in the lower picture, she breaks through cloth and rips through skin]
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Horde Prime is seen as the ultimate evil in the series because he brainwashes people and sets them on their loved ones as well as being an abuser. And Catra does the exact same thing to Adora earlier on in the show (remember that “annihilate your friends” comment?) — and even if you aren’t willing to admit that Catra abused Adora, the show makes it explicitly clear she manipulated Entrapta and flat out abused Scorpia. But Catra is redeemable because...? (Don’t even get me started on the fact that Catra is responsible for the death of Glimmer’s mother, which is a massive deal in season four, and it’s never even mentioned, once, in season five, and Catra never has to face consequences for any of it.)
That being said, I’m actually not opposed to Catra being redeemed, nor was I ever, and I always thought she’d end up with Adora. But the path they took to get there, the utter lack and regard for Adora’s feelings, are incredibly bad and very transparent. The show and showrunners tried to patch this up with statements like, “Catra knew when she left Adora to die — after Adora had saved her life and was begging for help — that Adora would survive the fall from this cliff.” Which is all well and dandy for Catra’s characterization, but does absolutely nothing to address the trauma, or at the very least negative emotions, that Adora would have from that experience. 
That, combined with other prominent facets of emotional abuse in romantic relationships being
The abuser is angry with the victim for prioritizing other things (people, needs, career) over them = a lot of what I’ve pointed out above
The abuser gaslights the victim, saying the victim is to blame for their abhorrent actions (self explanatory)
The abuser seeks to isolate the victim = even Catra as a child not wanting Adora to have any other friends but her that was present at least until s5
The abuser will guilt trip and take out their rage on the victim for “leaving” them
The victim convincing themselves that if they just try hard enough, they can “fix” the abuser with their love, perpetuating the cyclical belief that the victim is really to blame for the abuse, etc. = “You’ve never given up on anything, not even on me” and again, fairly self explanatory
Which is too bad, because as a concept, C*tradora is great. Childhood best friends, raised together (take out some of the consistent resentment Catra harboured for the only person she claimed to love), pushed to be on opposite sides of a war (in which almost any chance — except for maybe two — that Catra has to ruin Adora’s life or hurt her, she takes). Then they end the war, hurray, and live happily ever after!
Anyway, now onto something far happier for me, at least, which is Rayllum.
Ah, Rayllum. A barely enemies to friends to best friends and lovers. Let’s revisit those brief similarities with C*tradora, shall we?
Rayla and Adora immediately defect and swords are involved. They have to turn against someone they love (Runaan, Catra) in order to do so. Rayla ends up aligning herself with Callum (and Ezran) as an ally rather than an antagonist. Even in the brief period she is an antagonist, Rayla quite frankly isn’t aggressive. She’s threatening, sure, and chases Callum down with swords — it’s scary, I won’t deny that — but she also immediately starts stalling.
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Then, when Rayla actually does threaten him, she apologizes: “I’m sorry. I have to do this. I don’t want to, but I have to.” And she lets Callum stall her further in their ethical debate, and after he’s lied to her about his identity and run away again, and when the actual Prince Ezran has been revealed. So despite being enemies, either of them actually hurting each other willingly? Completely out of the question, except for one (1) kick Rayla gives him in 1x02. 
You also have Rayla’s similarity with Catra in terms of lashing out when someone tries to get them to open up. The difference is that Catra lashes out at Adora usually because of some negative emotional response ‘Adora’ has drawn out of her. For example, feeling rejected and abandoned because Adora was friendly with one of the other cadets.
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Yes, Catra is an abused child and it feels like Adora is all she has in the world, but that doesn’t make that okay or healthy. Catra very clearly wants to keep Adora to herself and rejects any other possible friendships either of them could have. And Adora is also an abused child. Catra pushes Adora, makes her scream and cry, scars her across the face, all for Adora being friendly with another kid their age and coming to see if Catra is okay.
In contrast, Rayla tends to lash out because she’s crumbling under the weight of her own failures. Callum is not connected to why she’s actually lashing out at all. This is how Rayla responds when Callum tries to be there for her after she’s discovered the death of her father figure and has been banished from her village, just like her biological parents were, all of them branded as cowards (which is the worst thing someone in her society can be).
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Callum isn’t injured, he’s not crying. He isn’t made to feel responsible for any of Rayla’s emotional turmoil; if anything it’s the opposite, as she places it wholly on herself and her own feelings of inadequacy. Rayla then opens up, processes her anger and grief, Callum is able to successfully cheer her up, and the next time they’re in a similar situation of emotional turmoil, she’s grown greatly. The scene above is also generally considered (and seen, in show) as Rayla’s lowest moment in many ways. Whereas for Catra, it seems like it could honestly fit right in with being a semi weekly experience. Again, I think the screencaps 90% speak for themselves, but this was just for clarity’s sake.
Then you have Callum and Catra. Both have struggles with feeling inferior. But Catra has a tendency to blame other people around her for everything (“You made me this. You took everything from me” and “Some people have a bad day. I’ve had a bad life”) Callum sees the fault line being in himself.
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The only time he ever blames Rayla for anything is in 1x06 about rushing them and causing him to forget some of their supplies — a minor thing that she then just teases him over and something he apologizes for later — and for dropping the egg of the Dragon Prince as a spur of the moment reaction. Which he then almost says was his fault later on in the season.
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This is especially important, because both Rayla and Adora deeply struggle with a fear of failure and many of their actions are defined by their self sacrificial streak. But Callum never blames Rayla for things, even when he would be justified in doing so, and Catra routinely harps on Adora’s biggest insecurity as a way to cut her open when Catra isn’t blaming her outright for things. Remember that pin we put in, earlier? We’re bringing it back now.
Because Rayllum also has a fight in their penultimate episode about one of them being self sacrificial and the other disagreeing. And it goes completely differently than the one C*tradora had in a few key ways.
1) Callum does not abandon Rayla for wanting to sacrifice herself. He does the opposite, elongating the conversation and trying to get through to her that this may not be the best thing. 
2) It is never, ever, Callum’s concern that Rayla is “choosing something” over him. It does not occur to him, he does not bring it up, his relationship to her — and by this point they’re actually in a romantic relationship — is seen as completely irrelevant to her levels of agency.
R: This all happened because my parents ran away, so I have to stay and protect the [sleeping] Dragon Queen. [...] C: Really? So, that’s it? Just… goodbye? You’re going to stay here and die out of pride? Oh? You have a nicer word for it? Honour? Redemption? It’s just pride! [...] Don’t let your parents’ mistakes drag you down. I know you feel guilty, but you’re not thinking straight! Rayla, you have to let it go!
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3) Later after their argument, he calmly approaches her and provides a solution that places the full agency back in her hands. Rayla then resolves to include him in the decision making process.
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Again, there are similarities: “Then you don’t know me at all. You never did.” and “No, you don’t [need me]. You never have.” But again, Rayla is the one who walks away from her and Callum’s argument, which is about her risking her life. Adora and Catra’s argument is at first primarily about Catra abandoning Adora in her greatest hour of need without saying goodbye (which Catra never apologizes for or even seems ashamed of) and then Catra switches gears and makes it about Adora. She says that Adora should care about her own needs, but when Adora expresses those needs, Catra ignores them.
The one time that Adora ever thinks Catra has come back for her, she’s surprised.
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On the multiple occasions Callum goes back for Rayla (or she, him), she’s almost never surprised.
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Which is really just reflective, honestly, of the fact that the vow Catra makes to Adora in the finale is basically the promise/offer Rayla makes to Callum... three episodes into the whole series, the first night they met each other.
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Another direct comparison is the early conversations between each pair that we’re privy to. The conversation enclosed below (the bolding are my personal additions, not to indicate actual emphasis)
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C: No way. You've been promoted? A: Well, kind of. I mean, yeah, I guess. Heh. But it's not a big deal. C: Are you kidding? That is awesome. We're gonna see the world and conquer it. Adora, I need to blow something up. A: Umm.. C: What? A: Shadow Weaver says you're not coming. C: What? My time was just as good as yours today. What is her problem with me? A: I mean, you are kind of disrespectful. C: Why should I respect her? She's just bitter that she doesn't have any real power that doesn't come from Hordak and everyone knows it. I guess it sure must be easy being a people pleaser like you. A: I am not a pe-- Catra, wait. [Sighs] Look, I'm sorry. I didn't even think you wanted to be a Force Captain. C: I don't. Here, take your stupid badge. A: Come on, Catra. This is what I have been working for my entire life. I was hoping you could be, I don't know, happy for me. C: Ugh, whatever. It's not like I even care. I just wanna get out of this dump at some point before I die of boredom. 
Let’s look over that conversation in more detail, shall we? This is supposedly when Catra and Adora were best friends and happy. This is the “positive” background given that “justifies” Adora’s continued investment in Catra even as she does more and more terrible things. But what actually happens? Adora reveals she’s been promoted. Catra immediately makes it about them as a unit / about herself; no congratulations or anything. Catra then insults Adora for no reason other than her own bitterness and resentment (which is ironic given her comment about Shadow Weaver). Adora apologizes for being promoted and not being able to magically read Catra’s mind. Catra insults Adora’s promotion and when Adora asks if Catra can be happy for her, because “this is what [she’s] been working for [her] entire life” Catra just completely dismisses her and makes it all about herself. Again. 
Below, I’m going to show one of the early disagreements between Callum and Rayla in 1x04 (roughly two days into them knowing each other). Callum said that she (as an elf) was a bloodthirsty monster in an attempt to protect her, although it still hurt Rayla. He’s relieved that they’ve made it out okay, but Rayla quick makes her displeasure known:
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C: Ah, it worked. I can’t believe it. R: I can’t believe that you’re such a jerk. C: What? What’s wrong? R: You called me a bloodthirsty monster. You have no idea how that feels. C: But I don’t actually believe any of that, I was just trying to scare her. I thought she’d back down. R: Oh that went well. They tried to kill me! C: I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant to happen. R: Well it did.
Rayla insults him directly for something he’s done (not a decision someone else — Shadow Weaver — has made). She’s open and honest about her feelings. Callum clarifies his own — he doesn’t see her as a monster at all — but he can recognize that even though none if it was intentional, he messed up and hurt her and put her at risk, so he apologizes. And then never does it again, worrying about her being around other humans more than Rayla does throughout the rest of the seasons (1x07, 2x04, 3x08). 
Another notable difference in terms of just overall health is that unlike Catra and Adora, where Catra often slacks off in training and is then angry about being held back and Adora has actually put in all the work to earn her own accomplishments in the Horde... Rayla has something Callum desperately wants — a connection to an arcanum to do magic — that Rayla was born with and does not care about at all, and Callum never, even for a moment, resents her for it. Ever.
C: I will learn magic. It’s who I am. //  When I could do magic, I finally felt like myself. I’m just trying to find my way back.
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Other Important differences:
Even when Callum and Rayla are angry or upset with each other, they never use it as an excuse to mistreat each other and they never take out their anger on each other — nor are they ever angry at each other for someone else’s words or actions. Callum is upset when he finds out Rayla knew about his father being gone and that she didn’t tell him right away, but all he says is this.
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Even when Rayla is mad at him for doing Dark Magic, she still worries about him, makes sure he gets out safely, lays him down gently, and tends to him while he’s sick.
Another thing I love about Rayllum — and this is my aro-specness coming out — is the irrelevance of romantic feelings. Callum likes Claudia at first in 2x02 and Rayla doesn’t like watching them flirt, but she’s never possessively jealous whatsoever or angry at Callum for pursuing something else he wants. Callum also chooses to trust Rayla over Claudia in the end. Then in 3x04, when Callum has a big speech building Rayla up after her breakdown scene, (and he does know he has feelings for her at that point), Rayla kisses him. He fumbles through explaining he wasn’t saying all of those nice things about her just so she would kiss him. Rayla is embarrassed — and covers some of it up with anger — and views it as a rejection (she also saves his life and accepts his help like, three minutes later). But even when Callum is awkward about it the next day, Rayla sets it aside and puts his comfort ahead of her own hurt feelings or awkwardness, so that he can have an easier time of things.
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Other comparisons:
A: Did you have to make [Catra] so mean? LH: The simulation is designed for total accuracy. Is the one you call Catra not mean? A: No. She is.
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C: You never did have much faith in me. A: Can you blame me?
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“Romantic” dancing versus two friends actually having a good time together
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Before jumping off a cliff to follow/rescue their partner, Adora and Catra’s last interaction was Catra apologizing over a commlink and sending Glimmer to her. Before that, their last interaction was Catra brutally electrocuting her.
A: Can we skip the speech? I’m done playing your games, Catra. Too many people got hurt when you set off that portal [ie. Catra purposefully trying to end the world so Adora couldn’t ‘win’ and save it]. I hope it was worth it. Because I won’t let you hurt my friends or anyone else ever again.
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When Callum leaps after Rayla, their last two previous interactions were both Rayla comforting him, taking his hand and silently asking him to be in the present with her, rather than consumed with worry in his head.
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Other Notes:
1) I have no idea what Catra and Adora admire/like about each other. 
The closest I’ve got is “Hey, you were great out there” from Adora to Catra about her fighting skills when they were kids, and “You’ve never listened to anyone in your life, are you really going to start now?” (from Adora) and “You’ve never given up on anyone in your life, not even me” (from Catra). Even in seasons one and two for Rayllum, it is abundantly clear what they admire about each other.
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C: I don’t get it, Rayla. Why are you so worried about a dragon that just set fire to a town? R: I’ve been thinking about something someone once told me. About how when one person hurts another, then that person hurts them back, it becomes a cycle that never ends. C: Who told you that?  R: You did. C: Oh. R: But Callum, to break that cycle someone has to take a stand when no one else will [...]  Protecting that dragon doesn’t just feel like the right thing to do, it feels like the right thing for me to do. It’s where I’m meant to be.
Don’t even get me started on season three (“He’s noble and true” “Rayla, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met,” “He’s smart and kind and brave and he’s—” “I’ve seen you get knocked down so many times and every single time you get up again. That’s real strength,” “I don’t think I can do it without him,” “Rayla is selfless, strong, and caring”).
2) This isn’t relevant to the discussion, but someone pointed it out once that when Shadow Weaver sacrifices herself so both of her adoptive daughters can get away, she erects a boundary to keep the monster out. Is there any particular reason she couldn’t have sealed all three of them behind the boundary and just closed the monster off in the other room? Genuinely asking.
3) Because it can be / apparently needs to be said, TDP is nice because Rayla is allowed to form healthy meaningful relationships with other characters, like Ezran, that exist completely separately from her relationship with Callum. Whereas Catra arguably gets Glimmer and all they do, more or less, is talk about Adora (again, Scorpia and Entrapta don’t count because those are abusive, unhealthy relationships).
Glimmer: Wait, are you—are you saving me? C: Not you. Adora.
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4) For TDP, they take the character with massive fears of failure and pair her with someone who continually builds her up and says that things aren’t her fault and speaks up when she��s being treated unfairly (without treating her like shit for seasons beforehand). They take the character with inferiority issues and instead of giving them resentment, makes him deeply admire his love interest while she also validates the fuck out of him. Don’t get me wrong, Callum can be insensitive and Rayla can be snarky, but they give as good as they get (an equal standing sorely missing in C*tradora in every season, whether it’s causing physical pain to each other or Adora doing way more emotional support for Catra — the person who has caused her the most emotional distress in the whole series — than the other way around). But Callum and Rayla never belittle each other. Ever. Much less in the season where they get together.
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I genuinely don’t know why SPOP thought pairing up a character with deep seated inferiority issues with the person they’ve continually resented, and the character with deep seated fears of failure with the person who has continually blamed them for everything, was a good idea. Especially when, as the screencaps and quotes show, almost none of that has changed in season five. All that’s really changed in season five is that Catra has stopped attacking Adora and started helping her, doing things Adora’s friends had been doing for ages without, again, treating her like shit.
Callum and Rayla meet on a mission of convenience and chance, and although imperfect, they always choose to care about each other. Catra and Adora, meanwhile, are bound together by who and where they raised — things they never ever had a choice in, which is interesting for a series that strives against the idea of destiny so heavily. 
5) Catra resents Adora for being a hero to everyone but her (ie. not focusing solely on protecting/saving Catra) and Callum admires Rayla for being a hero to everyone but him. Catra then tries to destroy Adora’s sense of self and wellbeing any chance she gets up until s5, but even then still resents her even when Adora is showing concern for her. It never, ever occurs to Catra until the season finale that Adora is someone who needs to — in the most literal sense of the word — be saved. Meanwhile, Callum knows this even before Rayla does. He knows she’s a hero, and he knows that sometimes, she’s the one who needs to be saved.
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[Screencaps from 1x05 and 1x06 respectively]
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[Followed by screencaps from 3x01, 3x05, and 3x09 respectively.]
Concluding Thoughts
As a queer afab, I find She-Ra’s portrayal of abuse in all of Catra’s relationships (the Horde trio — and even within that group, the treatment Kyle consistently receives — Scorpia, Entrapta) worrying, her “big epic romance” with Adora as “true love” most of all. Emotional abuse isn’t cute and passable just because it’s gay, with domestic partner abuse already not talked about in queer relationships, and something this messy and unhealthy being marketed in a show for small children who still like talking horses. I understand the appeal of the show and the ship — I was similarly drawn to it, for a while, for its “complexity” and “layers” — but that’s true too, of the emotionally abusive relationships I’ve been a victim of; I didn’t see them as abuse, either, until I was out or on my way.
Nor have I ever said in fiction that healthy relationships are the be all end all. People like the twisted shit. I ship some things purely for the fictional, non canon dysfunction of it all, and it’s really fun.
But, one of my favourite things about Rayllum is that they’re healthy, and supportive, and work through their problems with generally good communication. They both have trauma and issues, but they never act like those things are excuses in regards to how they treat each other (or even explanations) and you can actually buy that they’re best friends by choice.
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And, in my humble opinion, are far healthier than C*tradora in every way imaginable — but that’s not exactly a hard bar to meet when the bar itself is Healthy Relationship.
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insfiringyou · 3 years
Thanks anon for the post below, our reply is in the comments as you submitted it instead of as an ask :)
I liked the anon asking why V is like he is as a character. I enjoyed thinking about it because tbh I also really, REALLY struggle with him 😒😒😒. Hearing admins and other readers explore him has been helpful.
So I was thinking the bullying history for sure and also a lack of siblings. Maybe real V has some siblings way younger than him? I don’t know about real-life or character V’s sibling status, but I don’t think he’s mentioned siblings in the story.
No hate at all to real-life only children!! And as we see with YS (who is mature & thoughtful) not all only children in the story have V’s struggles. I think though when you have a big, dreamy, kind of demanding personality, similarish-aged (lol) siblings help because you are forced to think of and accommodate others from early in life. It can’t just be about you and your desires. I think it’s also a good reality check because most siblings tease you and call you out on your bullshit. Because they grow up with you, if you’re close enough as siblings, they see your patterns, you know? Like maybe V’s parents don’t know his dating habits much, but if V had a sibling or 2 that he really loved (maybe an older sibling would’ve been good for him and maybe, specifically, a sister who V really thinks is awesome and really respects) they could say like “hey you treat the girls you date like fictional characters. They are full people and you need to respect that.” And maybe V would take it to heart, you know? I think sister (instead of brother) because V already has weird masculinity stuff going on. Maybe he’d feel competitive with a brother like for his dad’s love or to be more manly or whatever. But a sister with a strong personality who’s a little more realistic than him (while still valuing openness and loving him) a lot would’ve been good I think. Also seeing women in a more realistic light from when he was young I think would’ve been helpful for him.
I feel like he’s in this weird spot where he doesn’t have someone he’s close to who can really push him and help him see himself and his behaviors differently/accurately without also leading him to think he’s horrible and developing poor self-esteem. For ex, I feel if RM or Suga tried to sort of “lecture” him, he’d feel really stressed and ashamed inside (because he ultimately respects and loves them) and would then blow up to protect himself or would really shut down and get depressed/have a bad self-image for a while.
Whereas I think a sibling can sometimes strike this balance of dragging you and really forcing you to see reality but, because you also know their issues, have a similar family background/were raised similarly, and because there’s this sense of unconditional love you can count on, you sort of cry it out/hash it out/yell it out and grow without hating yourself or severely damaging the relationship (obvs with healthy siblings and I’m saying V would benefit from a healthy sibling dynamic).
Like how he’s just ignoring the members? I feel a sibling (again a close, loving one!) would be like bothering V until he engaged, you know? Leaving messages like “what the eff is wrong with you?! Answer my calls,” “what are you dead? Pick up,” “hiding with your head in the sand are you?!” You know like pushing his buttons but with the intention of showing him there’s someone out there that’s not like “giving up on him.” Or the sibling could be someone that just drops by unannounced, nagging V bit, and like pushing him to engage a bit. I just don’t think he could hide from a sibling the way he does the members. And I think his false persona would be immediately seen and called out by a sibling, especially when he used the persona as a defense mechanism. V hiding instead of dealing with things is one of his big issues and maybe a sibling would help with that a bit.
For ex, after his cheating JK could’ve “hid” like V and just dropped off. He could’ve been so ashamed and embarrassed that he just shut YS and everyone out and disappeared. And he was ashamed and embarrassed and yet he still did his work and he didn’t completely shut everyone out. And when YS gives him the chance to earn her love back, JK is 100% vulnerable (“I totally messed up, I still love you so much, I feel so stupid…” like he let his feelings be known). I think, if I remember correctly, he even admits his wrong to RM or someone? It’s so healthy, you know? I totally fucked up, but I’m going to be vulnerable and honest, and I’m going to do better. And that energy encourages both personal growth (because you see and admit your faults) AND love and respect from others (which V wants so much but doesn’t seem to understand how to get it). Like admins always say, V wants love and respect but puts on a fake persona to try and get it versus being vulnerable because he’s so scared of being vulnerable. Maybe a sibling who would sort of “force” vulnerability because they’d be close and could see V clearly would help.
And the sibling could kind of say like “get over yourself; you’re neither the worst or the best” and would pull V of his isolated musings and self-protective mode a bit because loving siblings have a way of doing that. And yeah he has Cass who kinda pushes him/calls him out, but I think he’s the type that needs a more consistent person to do that for him who he also knows loves him unconditionally and thinks highly of him overall. Just my thoughts of course!!
I obvs love JK and YS so much lol 😍. I like that they’re more casual but still have heart to hearts in little ways like when YS wanted to know if JK liked her blonde hair better or when JK kind of felt embarrassed about not getting YS more nuanced, “mature” gifts for Valentine’s and instead getting more like stereotypical sweet things that have a more “teens in love” vibe lol. I do think, if admins ever want to, it’d be interesting to hear him talk to her about his career a bit. Does he like his pop songs? Does he wish he could sing some other things? I know part of his character development is identity formation because he’s so sweet and easygoing that he’s a little more easily influenced by others and not as sure who he is. And of course he’s still on the younger side. Anyway, if it ever fits a YS/JK story, I’d love to hear him open up to her about his thoughts on his solo career/career trajectory! Ok that’s more than enough words, bye lol!
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mochuelovelli · 4 years
Lilith for the character ask?
Oh boy, a controversial character! Gotta say, I stan James Charles /J
How do I feel about this character?:
On a real note, I do like Lilith as a character. When we first meet her, she's pompous and proud. Oozing with entitlement, she's easy to route against and you like to see her get worked up and "brought down" to Eda's level as the wild which so eloquently put it. Later on, but not too much later that it feels disingenuous, we really get to see her show that she cares for her sister. One might believe it is *Eda* being ridiculous, as far as the audience is aware, Lilith's offer holds little downsides. Eda would be cured and be afforded the luxuries of the upper class AND keep her magic. All she had to do was be the Emperor's soldier.
As to not get off track by talking about Eda, (im sure Lilith herself would loathe that lol) Lilith's reveal to have cursed her sister over a spot in the emperor's coven was...controversial to say the least. I don't think it's unpopular to voice that, yeah. It could've been communicated better to the audience since I saw plenty of commentators and regular fans themselves either thought Lilith cursing her sister was *needlessly* petty and not at all thought out (which yeah it kinda was).
From where I stand on that issue is, yeah, Lilith's whole reason to curse her sister could've been avoided by just talking to her sister and asking her to let her have this. BUT, I think a lot of people forget that the Emperor's coven would want to limit the number of powerful witches in their coven. Sure, Belos would want to be protected by a bunch of loyal soldiers, but he wouldn't want too much of the population to ever have a much power as him. So limiting the number of members in not just his coven but possible in the other major covens, would aid in controlling that population.
This might be pure hogwash but like, there are a ton of other "lesser" covens. So in my mind, it's more likely that the general population of witches gets sorted into one of the various miscellaneous. If you think limiting yourself to only practicing Illusion magic sucks, imagine only practicing whatever the fuck the "swag coven" does.
Lol gonna add a page break this shit is getting too long
Romantic Ships for this character?:
Hm, it's only s1 and we haven't seen her interact w/ many characters outside of her fam/Belos/actual children. I kinda jokingly ship here with Steve lol. Kikimora and her also have a funny dynamic but in all actuality, I don't ship her w/ anyone rn.
Non-Romantic Ships for this character?:
Her and Hooty lol. I mean Eda is an obvious answer but like, Hooty fucking with Lilith is too funny to not want to see. Her and King would be great too, probably get some good B plots out of it. It would be a good contrast since they both can be petty but in different ways and I think that would help flesh out their characters a bit more and maybe cause some introspection (at least on Lilith’s end lol)
Unpopular opinion about this character?:
Lol. I feel like she is such a divisive character in general that most opinions about her aren’t too out of the main stream. I guess a more meta take is that when she’s portrayed in fanworks, usually fanfic but not exclusively, very...one note lol. She’s usually a pretty flat, boring character in an attempt to highlight the contrast between her and Eda. She’s the straight-laced, “responsible” sibling who has a chip on her shoulder. In fanon, that equates to her characterization to either be like, completely and utterly apologetic to the point where it becomes unbelievable for any person to do. Her apologizing or making amends is usually quickly forgiven by Luz/and or Eda. Sure, Luz is very forgiving person naturally but like?? She’s wasn’t mad in canon too much about THEIR well being (almost getting impaled), she was specifically pissed about Lilith betraying Eda. 
So, if Lilith is a big part of your story (and it’s working in the realm of canon), then this should be a problem which doesn’t get resolved by just ONE big action. I also feel like her being on better terms with Eda would come BEFORE Luz since Eda’s main gripe with her would be about her being annoyed by Lilith’s controlling nature and the fact that she didn’t trust her enough to talk about her feelings back when she was first cursed (also her using Luz against her but I feel like that would probably be a hurdle that wouldn’t really be over come until Lilith in turn would be willing to sacrifice herself for Luz while also making an effort to care for Luz as a person not just see her as a “pet”). Hhhh this section is so long and its kinda bleeding over in the next question so-
Something I wish will happen or would have wanted to happen in canon?:
yall if you are still reading I am so sorry sksk
I want Lilith in general, not to be forgiven by either Luz or Eda. Eda probably early on stating about how she is unsure if she could EVER forgive her sister for what she has done. BUT, critically, Eda would see that Lilith is trying and she is willing to work with her (with a unhelpful dose of teasing) because at the end of the day she still loves her sister. For the relationship they had before everything with south, for knowing her side of the story even though she believes it doesn’t justify her actions. She understands and sympathizes, she’s grown a bit softer thanks to Luz, which is very funny since I want Luz to be the one who is the hardest to convince Lilith actually had a change of heart but more on that later. 
Before I move on to what I want her path towards forgiveness with Luz looks like, I want to bring up a parallel that I haven’t seen many people make. Fans always talk about the parallel between the Clawthornes and Luz/Amity, and rightly so because there is a lot to extrapolate there, but I think another interesting dynamic that might be interesting to see in s2 would be an episode that focuses on lost friendship/sisterhood with the Clawthornes and Amity and Willow. It’s kinda funny that Amity and Willow’s friendship was ruined because Willow was too “weak” while Eda was too “powerful”. In a potential episode, it can show the progression both Eda/Lilith and Willow/Amity are making in rekindling their relationship with each other. For Eda and Lilith this would be a lot more rough around the edges since it both be either the first or one of the first attempts at doing so while Willow/Amity would maybe be further along yet still have some major/minor hang ups with one another. With Willow/Amity, their relationship would either be rounding the bend of fully moving past the “idk how to feel about you stage” or it is stated outright that Willow forgives Amity, (and by forgive, I mean in the “we both know what you did, you’ve actually changed. we won’t have the same relationship that we once had but I’m okay with trying again”). In contrast, Lilith and Eda would reach a understanding and come up with some ground rules on how to handle each other (Eda’s main take away from this “episode” would be what I previously stated in the last question), ones that will be more like guidelines cuz its Eda lol. Also what separates the Clawthornes conflict from the Willow/Amity one (besides the obvious) is that the Clawthornes both know how the other works. Which buttons to push and all that so both of them are going to have to learn to resist doing that, at least a bit, in order to actually progress. 
ANYWAYS, I also want Luz to be the one to regard Lilith the coldest. Luz refusing to let Lilith teach her anything despite probably having more practical/book smarts knowledge on magic theory than Eda because she doesn’t trust her. If they are gonna use that masked dude as a spy, I want Luz to assume Lilith is somehow a coconspirator. This plot thread doesn’t have to be going at 100% the whole time, (in fact I would want it to be a temp thing maybe lasting a couple eps at most or like, just something that is hinted at but not dived deeply until the second half of the season). Really, Lilith has a hard time because Luz straight up doesn’t give her the opportunity to really express her regret/remorse. Lilith probably won’t at first give her a ton of reasons to forgive her as she usually attempts at coming back at Luz’s snide remarks with her own quippy comebacks. Sksk a really angsty end to an attempt could include Lilith saying something to Luz after going on a small talk with her (where yeah Lilith has improved but still needs noticeable work) that she “reminds her a lot of Eda” and Luz bites back with something like “Oh yeah? You going to curse me too? You want another person you can force to do what YOU want?”. 
Hell maybe “parental problems” could have Lilith poke at, either on purpose or accidentally, Luz’s feelings about going back to the human world and Camila. Lilith reminding her, maybe unknowingly, reminds her a lot of her mom and that causes her to blow up on her. Luz would hate that comparison, thinking about how similar her mom and Lilith are to one another. That because she still has such a strong dislike of Lilith, it bleeds over into how Luz views Camila and vice versa. In that, both Camila and Lilith value respect, an adherence to the rules, have a great sense of wisdom (arguably for Lilith lol /hj), and (eventually for Lilith once she gets to know Luz better) a genuine want for Luz to succeed and belief in her even though they are critical of her actions at times. Sure Eda reminds her of that more, motherly protective kind of love, in which she would do anything for her to be happy and healthy. Lilith can be the other side of that, the worry and slight doubt. That familiar way they each go about trying to understand and get close to Luz yet not quite getting it yet would still do whatever she’d ask for her sake. Luz at first would take Lilith being disappointed in her actions as an accomplishment. As they grow closer and the more Lilith reminds her of her mom, it becomes scary. The disappointment hurts and in an effort not to feel like that again and to not want to think about the comparison between Lilith and her mother she will snap back at her. Eventually Lilith would then have to change again and reassure her that she cares and by extent, her mother cares to. It is here Lilith is willing to let go of being so constantly controlling and learns to encourage first (or do some form of the compliment sandwich) and Luz comes to peace with her feelings about her mother and understands her position better. To be able to love herself even if she knows that she will always try to do her best. 
oh my fucking god you made it im so sorry i guess i had a lot of thoughts. fffffff
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helihi · 4 years
The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty: Spop season 5
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I’ve stopped screaming, and I took the time to rewatch season 5 with my little brother. So, here are my thoughts:
The Good
Horde Prime - The cult™ : I really dig the aesthetics, that combo of religious fanatics + fascism hit good. The crew did a good job at portraying Horde Prime as the ultimate villain of the show. He was engaging to watch and his ideology was pretty clear. The way they played with the hive mind concept was really fun, and it was Horde Prime’s biggest strength. He was also a very good manipulator, successfully playing with Glimmer and Adora. He was unsuccessful with Catra because she had already hit her lowest point.
Entrapta: honestly, she was the most hilarious character this season. Not only was she engaging to watch and listen to, I felt really connected to her this season. The fight with Mermista hit really good and it hurt, but you could see her trying her best. I love how open she is and how accepting of everyone and everything. I’m glad we got to see so much of her this season.
Scorpia: baby, she only deserves good things in life. When she got mind control, you could see how fucking powerful she is, but luckily for us, we got to see her shine independently before that. Her interactions with Swift Wind, Perfuma, and Double Trouble made her shine. She’s smart, talented, and without an evil bone in her body. I’m happy she can move on from Catra and find love and friendship. (I hope she reconnects with Lonnie, Rogelio and Kyle in the future too)
Mermista: babe, you were always mood. She has been consistently funny, her get ups and plans are so entertaining to watch, but also: her relationship with Sea Hawk is great! They are definitely made for each other. I’m sad she was mine controlled for the other half of the season, but I’m happy we got to see a lot of her before. (Also she burned someone’s ship OMG GANGSTER SUIT)
Sea Hawk: happy to see him back. He was funny as always, and I’m happy he got his moment with Mermista at the end. 
Perfuma: “ADORA, WHAT DO YOU HAVE THERE?” “A TANK” “NO!” Her relationship with Scorpia is so good! I wish we could’ve seen more.
Netossa: I was one of those who was sad to know the 2 canon lesbians of the show were just background characters. I am so incredibly happy to see her shine this season! SHE SAID MY WIFE. She is the queen of the roasts and I stan.
Spinnerella: Dude, I didn’t know you were this powerful what the fuck. Also, your wife is super cute and she draws like Noelle.
Emotional Support Cat: Bro, I love Melog’s design. I think it was a really clever way to have Catra express her feelings and process them out loud for the audience by giving Catra a supernatural cat.
New She-ra design: I see the subtle reference to Bow, Glimmer and Catra in the design. Honestly, Adora looks 100% more badass.
Not Hordak: I really wish he had picked a name from himself. Aside from Entrapta, this might be the other hilarious character of the season. He goes through his individualization process in a healthier way than Hordak and showcases that the clones can be different from Horde Prime and rehabilitated. I wonder how he will feel about Hordak? But we got no epilogue so idk I guess.
Darla: I can’t believe they named the ship, but I love it.
The Best Friends Squad: I swear to god, when Bow, then Glimmer and then Catra interrupted Adora’s train of thought, I knew we were going to have a great dynamic. The way their characters play of each other is hilarious. Bow, who usually has the only braincell, is cautious and a total dad; Adora is the dumb jock with the heart of gold that gets herself into trouble; Glimmer is the chaotic enchantress with no patience; and finally Catra who’s got all her walls up, but gets shit done. I want a show of them together going on misions and almost dying in the process, thank you.
Catra Redemption: You wanted it, and here you have it! I was cheering for Catra this whole season while proclaiming I’d die for her (which I had only reserved for Scopia previously). Though things may be a little rushed, Catra takes her time to process things, and goes back and forth a couple of times. She deflects, lies, and runs away, but in the end she opens up and rushes back.
In general, the season was packed with content. I was never bored through any episodes and I honestly laughed outloud while watching it alone and later with my brother. There were moments when we paused the episode to discuss what had just happened or to process new information. This makes me feel even more weird about the bland season 2/3 division.
The Bad
Okay so, let me make this clear: I will never attack a ship or anyone who supports it. In this blog we multiship like adults and respect other people’s OTPs.
That being said, while this season was long and packed with content, it also felt rushed when it came to the relationships of the main cast
Glimmer - Catra: The prison episodes had barely any interactions between both of them. I wish they’ve had had more time to talk and to connect. There were Glitra moments that make me feel happy, and my brother was for a moment convinced that they could be canon. They are foils of each other after season 4. The conversation they had, where they realize they had a lot of things in common could’ve been a catalyst for both of them to grow and heal. However, Catra has her change of heart really soon and saves Glimmer, which prevents any deep interactions between them in the future. Aside from the jokes, Catra must be with Adora, and Glimmer must be with Bow, so everything else gets dropped.
Glimmer - Adora: The conflict between them after Angela’s “death” was one of the main plot points of last season. When they reunite again, their issues are solved in a couple of minutes and then brushed off. They really don’t have big interactions after that, which feels completely OOC and empty.
Glimmer - Bow: I wasn’t the only one who felt the sharp turn of their relationship. In previous seasons, it was really platonic, but as soon as they see each other again you know they are going to end up together. The camera zoomed on them, Bow was always holding her protectively, the way they looked at each other change. Since Glimmer is not allowed to have intimate moments with anyone else, it kinda dulls everything up. Don’t get me wrong, I love some best friends to lovers, but in this case it felt rushed for me. If I pinpoint the moment things turned romantic for them, it’s the first time they interact in person this season. It didn’t feel organic (contrast with a ship like Korrasami, where you can point at the moment Asami realized she had feelings for Korra, and then later when Korra’s attitude towards Asami changes after the time skip).
Adora - Catra: Honey, we all knew this was going to be end game, and I love the fact that Catra is dealing with her feelings and Adora acknowledges that. However, after the end of season 3, I’d have expected things to progress a little slower. Catra did put some resistance with the chip scene, but even afterwards, what would’ve been better paced with more episodes, was condensed in a few. Don’t get me wrong. I love that Catra redemption, but I’d have loved a better pacing.
BTW for anyone interested: I ship Glitradora, so any of the 3 ships ending up canon were good for me, and I liked Bow/Glimmer, just preferred them as bffs.
There’s a list of characters that barely show up that could’ve had more screentime:
Huntara: barely appears at all. She’s seen fighting, but there are no references to her or a storyline with her.
Lonnie, Rogelio and Kyle: briefly shown. The gay couple of the century have adopted the baby demon and are now the best dads in the desert. Lonnie is their braincell.
Double Trouble: at least they had a scene and lines, but I feel like they could’ve been more involved after they were discovered by Scopria, especially since they escaped with Sea Hawk and Perfuma.
The Star Siblings: idk man, they were part of a whole episode and then faded into the background. It was a glorified cameo for an episode where Glimmer and Bow fight.
Glimmer’s Aunt: sorry but I was asking “where the hell is she?” until she finally showed up late. She barely had any purpose.
The Dirty
Hey, guys, girls, and nonbinary pals, can we sit down and talk about redemptions?
IDK about you, but just because a show is aimed at kids you shouldn’t “redeem” all the villains. This trend bothers me specially when it touches on abuse or totalitarian leaders.
Shadow Weaver was an abuser until the end. She shouldn’t have had a heroic sacrifice, and her “I’m proud of you” line was bitter for me. I’ve said before I was raised in an abusive household and I don’t think it’s healthy to tell children that you can change your abuser or that you can expect them to change without therapy. I’m glad Shadow Weaver died, but I wish her death wasn’t in any way shape or form considered a “redemption”. A heroic act of sacrifice doesn’t erase all the pain she cause and the years of trauma Catra and Adora have had to endure.
Hordak. HEY HEY ETRAPDAK SHIPPERS DON’T COME FOR ME! I was weirded up by the ship until I realized Etrapta is in her late 20s. I’m happy they found each other but I think it’d be better if Hordak had to redeem himself through a life of service to Etheria. He can't erase the horrible things he has done, but with the help of Entrapta and others, he could give back to the community he ruined. Since we don’t have an epilogue, we just see him reuniting with Entrapta at the end and that’s it.
ALSO SOMEONE GIVE MICAH A HAIR TIE. My man, you are not in a hostile island anymore, go rock a dad bun or a dad ponytail!
How do you guys feel about it?
I’m here looking at cute GIFs of Catra and that kiss scene on repeat. I want a Rogelio poster, he was my boy.
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The 100 s7ep02
“The Garden”
Once again on mobile so Long Post Warning
- I genuinely really enjoyed this episode, it set up one of the major plots of this season really well answering some questions but raising tons of others. I know some people are upset that their favourite characters weren’t in it but like, this was an essential episode for the plot, and it set up Hope’s character and backstory, while also letting Octavia grow as a person, and moving the plot forward. Personally, I think if they had also tried to cram Clarke and the rest of the crew dealing with the war in Sanctum it would have taken away from both arcs and the characters in them
- Octavia growing and getting the chance to finally just Settle and work towards finding peace with herself, what an incredible idea. This episode made s6 Octavia’s actions make much more sense, and I’m so happy about her finally (hopefully) being on a path to coming to terms with who she is and what she has done, and being able to move past it
- Octavia has always been the character I have the most love hate relationship with. I think her journey has been incredibly painful and I think she has never been giving the chance to ever just, Live, to know what it means to be alive and not worry about her survival or the survival of the people she claims. Her path has been a downward spiral since s1, and in the final season it makes me so happy to see her finally starting to confront everything she has gone through and put others through and force herself to make it better, to save what she can and lay to rest what she cannot
- Additionally shout out to Ms. Avgeropoulos’s acting, because her breaking down Octavia saying how she wanted Bellamy to know she understood his actions now, that she understood and was Thankful for everything he’d given her was Amazing. The Blakes’ dynamic has been one of the most heartbreaking and unique relationships throughout the show, these two people who are so different, who have grown so far apart from each other and who they used to be, but who can’t help reach for each other even after all this time. And finally it’s Octavia doing the reaching. When Bellamy finally let the last of his “my sister, my responsibility” mentality go last season it was incredible and one of the biggest healthy steps the siblings have gone through in a Long Time and I really do hope that they can reconcile with the new people they’ve become, but more importantly, I want Bellamy to Know that his sister finally understands why he did what he did, and she is truly sorry for all the harm she did to him
- I could probably write an entire essay on the Blake siblings alone but I digress. I will say that I absolutely Loved that Octavia got the chance to help with raising Hope, I think her trying to use what she knew Bellamy did for her was adorable, and I think the little family on Sky Ring was one of the best things that have ever come out of this show. Diyoza and Octavia is one of my favourite dynamics, and the way they rely on and love each other, the little family they built for themselves was beautiful, and I hope their ok and they get to be a family again
- speaking of family.... OCTAVIA SAID BELLARKE RIGHTS. ajifkskd surviving off the crumbs once again I see. But seriously, I love that Octavia considers them and Madi her family, and I Love the the parallel of Clarke raising Madi and Octavia raising Hope on stories of the delinquents. Plus, the hilarity that All of the kids somehow end up loving Murphy so much is incredible
- y’all know they’re not going to be trapped on the planet for five years (at least I sincerely hope not) but how heartbreaking, to think you’ve almost got it and to have that chance snatched out from under you
- Echo and Hope’s hug felt... a little weird?? Idk Echo doesn’t really seem like the time to hug and they didn’t ever really have moments to connect before but I get the holding on to the only person you can when you’re world is falling apart. Also Echo’s “whatever it takes” was...intriguing. I do really want to see where her character goes from here, and her whatever it takes seemed very...dark? But makes sense for her as a characters who’s very loyalty driven
- Also y’all know you can ship Bellarke without wanting Echo to drop dead right??? Like everyone’s entitled to their own opinion and you can dislike whatever character you want of course but disliking a character just because they’re technically standing in the way of your ship is...wack. Also don’t attack actors for the characters they portray, how many times do we have to go over this
- Gabriel having a crush on Becca (sp?) was adorable he’s such a nerd. Also him still holding on to Josephine’s mind drive was a Moment
Final thoughts? I’m really excited for this season, not only because it’s the final season but because it seems far more invested in being a sci-if show then previous seasons. We’re going to different planets (though they all seem to be that one lake in Vancouver with different lighting, wack)!! Idk I think it’s a completely different direction then previous seasons which is, a little strange to have only in the last season, but still very
Next episode we’re back in Sanctum and ngl I’m...not excited for the civil war and Shaiheda of whatver the fuck. It makes sense that this is the fall out of the last season but it’s still, not a plot line I really care about. I really hope people don’t turn on Clarke immediately (again) but I do not have that much faith. Still, it will be interesting to see what happens and hopefully it can be resolved quickly. Once again the cast is incredible in their work and the music was So Good this episode?? Idk it’s always good but it just really stood out to me this episode. This season has such a different feel to the previous couple of seasons (3-5) and I’m kind of loving it, so hopefully whatever’s going on keeps happening and we can get a satisfying ending to this batshit insane show after everything that’s happened and will happen.
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ks-caster · 4 years
It’s Like Watching Fanfiction – An (Un)Necessarily Long Critique of The 100 Seasons 6 and 7
Ah, the familiar cry of the content-starved fan, particularly as our favorite shows descend into the depths of mischaracterization, unexpected ships, hiatus, abrupt cancellation and shock-value death endings. I’ve said it myself about so many of my shows, while wanting to spend some time watching the characters but not wanting to re-hash episodes I’ve nearly memorized: “I wish I could just watch fanfiction!”
But the further into seasons 6 and 7 I’ve gotten, the more I’ve come to realize that my dream of having new and exciting possibilities for the characters come miraculously to a screen near me wouldn’t be the pleasant experience I’d imagined.
Now, depending on the type of ending you like – hopeful but with a lot of lose ends left to your imagination, or bittersweet but more definite, you could consider either seasons 1-4 or 1-5 their own complete stories.
Both seasons 4 and 5 ended in a way that suggested an unknown but likely positive future. They could have been considered conclusions for the main characters’ developmental arcs, and while season 5 went a little off the rails in terms of offscreen character development and sudden new characters, they both stayed fairly close to the original concept: survivors living in the ruins of the apocalypse. All four (or five) seasons emphasized the importance of the found family dynamic (although those dynamics shifted radically in season 5 due to the time-skip, they remained an important source of character motivation).
But seasons 6 and 7? Those feel like I’m watching fanfiction. And I don’t love it.
A story told on a whole new planet with a new environment, culture and cast of original characters was always going to feel like an AU – it sort of is, no matter how you swing it. If that was all that had changed, then I think the story would still feel cohesive.
If it weren’t for the timey whimey bullshit.
Now, fun fact: when reading fanfiction, I love time travel stories. I haven’t posted any myself but I’ve sought out and read them voraciously, for every fandom I’m in. I love the idea of characters meeting themselves or their friends at radically different ages, plot points and levels of experience and the way that changes things for both groups. (Yes, I’m also a Whovian if that wasn’t blatantly obvious). I also love a good amnesia arc. And I DID think that the Josephine/Clarke body possession thing was pretty cool.
So why did season 6 and most* of season 7 fall as flat for me as they did?
The simple fact is that some things – and characters’ emotional dynamics are one of those things – are so much easier to get across in writing than on screen. A good actor can make us feel the character’s emotions, but unless the film goes full-on Clarke’s mind space, we can’t really know what they’re thinking in individual moments. For the most part film as a genre has ways around this, but if it’s mishandled, then the emotional beats come off all wrong. (See for reference Tony Stark’s funeral where half the actors didn’t know what was going on due to Disney’s spoiler fears.)
If you’re going to include time skips in which things have happened and character dynamics have changed, you cannot handle it wrong.
Which brings us back to seasons 6 and (so far) 7 of The 100. So far to date we’ve had all of this occur either offscreen or asynchronously enough to be confusing to an audience watching the episodes in real time:
Jordan’s entire life prior to meeting Napkru in the waking world
Octavia’s character development while living on Skyring with the Diyozas
Hope’s first 22 years of life, on Skyring and (I presume) Bardo
Echo, Hope and Gabriel living on Skyring for 5 years with Orlando
Going back a little further, we also have the season 5 timeskip, which brought us Spacekru as found family, Clarke adopting tiny!heda, and Octavia building Wonkru. Now season 5 took care to show us Wonkru flashbacks and dedicate time to show Spacekru and the Griffin family loving on each other, making inside jokes etc. But it was still incredibly jarring for the audience in a lot of ways, because at the end of the day, we’ve spent four years with the character dynamics and development doing one thing, and no amount of telling us that they’ve had 6 years to do another thing while our time with them only lasted about one year in comparison is ever going to undo the importance of “show don’t tell.”
Let’s take Bellarkers’ beef with Becho for example. (Disclaimer: Since I don’t really have a strong opinion either way on the popular Bellamy ships, I hope that I’m representing what I’ve read from other people accurately.)
I understand cognitively that Bellamy and Clarke knew each other for one year (during which they were in a lot of intense situations that really didn’t leave them the emotional space to figure out how they felt about each other outside of “I don’t want to lose this person”) and Bellamy and Echo knew each other for seven years (six of which they had plenty of low-stress time to get to know each other, grow and mature side-by-side, etc.).
But that doesn’t compute on an emotional level when I as a watcher went straight from watching Bellamy and Raven tearfully eulogizing Clarke on the ring, to him turning up with a coffee mug and a plucky attitude to rescue her the second he finds out she’s alive and in trouble. I don’t think that could compute emotionally for me without having spent the last few years watching the dynamics shift and Becho happen. And that was with the writers giving me as a watcher an episode at the end of season 4 where Bellamy stops Echo from killing herself and connects with her on an emotional level, and then one at the beginning of season 5 where we got to see the spacekru dynamics, including them being together.
So we’re watching this show, many of us for the found family character relationships (god knows it’s not for all the positive happy feeling I get from watching *checks notes* ah, yes, characters having to constantly choose who to kill off in a string of increasingly huge and horrible genocides. *Side-eyes my life choices for getting into this fandom in the first place.*) Okay, we’re watching this show for the characters, and between seasons 4 and 5, many of those dynamics radically shift offscreen. Becho is the easiest and probably most talked-about example (well, and the Blake siblings, but the radical change shown in Octavia’s character between 4 and 5 makes that at least a little easier to choke down) but there are plenty of others, take your pick.
Although it makes perfect sense for a lot to change between separated groups of people in a half dozen years, it makes a lot less sense to an audience watching week to week, particularly when the show’s limited amount of screen time was too focused on plot to really delve into those changes and let us see and understand them. That was what made me think that the show was headed into jump the shark territory in season 5, but I really wanted to know what happened to my faves (Octavia, Raven and Memori, to be specific) so I kept watching.
Our fandom’s excellent writers spent the hiatus crafting mid-time-skip vignettes and missing character moments, and I spent the hiatus reading them. And I remember thinking that it would have been great if even a quarter of this content could have been put into the show to ease the audience into the dynamic shifts – but of course they’d never have the screen time to do all of that.
Especially, coming back to the main point, since written fiction allows the audience to see inside the characters’ heads, while television (usually) does not. It’s much easier to write a scene in which, say, two characters who have known each other for 7 years show that they’ve gotten into a relationship some time before the scene, and convince the audience that their relationship is good and healthy and genuine, than it would be to produce one for TV.  
And then we come to seasons 6 and 7 – the 2-part AU longfic, stuffed full of OCs, loosely connected to the “science” of the original show, and heavily reliant on memory-bending time travel as a plot device.
As season 6 airs, the audience hasn’t really had a chance to process all the radical changes from season 5, and already we have a Marper child running around furthering the plot, and Octavia walks into the Green Flash from Pirates of the Caribbean and walks back out with a personality transplant.
Meanwhile, Clarke gets an actual personality transplant, and it takes even the people closest to her a concerningly long time to notice. Now, if I’d read that in a fic, the writer might’ve taken care to remind me as a reader – particularly after a long hiatus between seasons – that with the exception of Madi none of Clarke’s friends have seen her for more than a couple of weeks in 6 years, so them not noticing for a while that she’s behaving strangely isn’t really all that strange. But on TV, I don’t get to see Gaia’s thoughts when Clarke lets Madi go to school despite the danger – Tati Gabrielle’s facial expressions can only do so much to make up the difference. Because the time spent apart was not (and really could not be, based on the structure of the show) properly acknowledged on screen, scenes like that one leave audiences floundering and pointing out bad writing.
Having watched 7x02 The Garden, I think if I went back and watched season 6 after Octavia returns from the Anomaly, her conduct – especially around Bellamy – would make a lot more sense. (That was the plan for this weekend actually – but my damn Wi-Fi conked out…) However at the time it just seemed weird and unnatural. Had it been the only example of off-screen or asynchronous character development, it would have been a lot easier to swallow. However, season 5 happened, meaning both that I was still getting used to all of the new dynamics and that I had a higher standard for Octavia’s off-screen development, because we got enough bunker flashbacks that I felt like I at least understood Blodreina.
What would have made the whole thing make a lot more sense a year ago would have been if the hair and makeup department had made an effort to make her look older, so that we could see time had passed for her. Now, Marie is 33 in real life, and so was the Octavia who figured out that up is down and got Davy Jones Locker to send her back ran out of the Anomaly, so yes, that is what an actual 33-year-old looks like, and the media has distorted my perception of age. But from an audience perspective, I saw an actress playing a 23-year-old go in, and the same actress playing the same 23-year-old come out.
Gabriel pointed out that her hair was longer, but that only accounted for a few months of time. Since she went in looking dirty, wounded and exhausted, and came out clean, healthy and energetic, she could have passed for younger before I would have thought she was older. (In fact, I want to say there was a theory circulating at that time that the Octavia who came out of the Anomaly was actually a younger version of herself, and she was missing memories because she’d never formed them. I don’t remember whose theory this was though. If you know or if it’s your content I’m referencing please feel free to let me know and I’ll edit!)
In addition, the shifting loyalties in Wonkru near the end of season 5 complicated the character situation – in season 6, the majority of Wonkru peeps (lookin’ at you, Miller and Indra) switched over to the commander’s side. While Indra didn’t really have enough screen time to express an opinion about Octavia, Miller was very clear in season 6 that she was anathema now – which although that was probably a semi-reasonable step for his character, it just felt like someone took his Bellamy-and-or-Clarke-following season 1-4 character and popped it into his season 6 costume without taking the time to address the road he took to get there.
Post-lockerAnomaly Octavia had to face and slay her demons. (Grumbles and links the interested reader to this POST from @osleyakomwonkru regarding that horseshit.) Afterwards, she shows a major shift in personality, particularly towards her brother. Because we as the audience wouldn’t see her time on skyring for about year in real time (or learn that she was ten years older and therefore a lot more mature, the chemical changes of which would account for at least some of the difference even if she couldn’t remember anything else) we had no choice but to associate her change with the slaying of Blodreina, which seemed like a ham-fisted way of forcing her a quick and slick redemption arc and prepping The Blake Siblings to go back to being ride-or-die for each other in season 7.
Raven’s season 6 personality was also radically different from her 1-5 development – while I understand her having a remaining beef with Clarke and being emotional due to Shaw’s death (RIP!) the fact that the writing in season 6 reduced her to the nagging shrew trope until they needed her to do a coding deus ex machina just added to the feeling that I was watching someone take the characters around, change them to their own preferences (even if that preference was to push some into the background and make them tools for the B-plot) and toss them into an AU story. Which I could have enjoyed more if I had been reading it and therefore seeing inside the characters’ heads – and if I hadn’t paid for the privilege with ad revenue instead of voluntary clicks of the kudos/like/reblog/comment buttons.
Another issue with time skip relationship is exposition for the lesser known characters’ backstories. Both seasons 6 and 7 have so far had dramatic character mother death reveals that were conveniently not told to their most important people specifically because the appropriate time to tell those stories would have been during the offscreen time skips. I will (grudgingly) accept Echo, an adult making a conscious (and familiar) decision to change up her personality to fit into and survive within her environment, choosing not to tell a traumatic story that reminds her of her past. (She’s my next meta – stay tuned!)
I will not in a million years, however, believe that the Clarke Griffin who I watched for four seasons be set up as the blatantly obvious “compassionate mom-friend protagonist” adopted a traumatized 6-year-old, moved into said child’s village, burned or buried the bodies of everyone who lived there, and never ever brought up the child’s dead birth parents.
No way. The ONLY reason that could have possibly been scripted in that way was because that conversation needed to be there for plot reasons and the appropriate time for it to have been had was during the 6 years they spent off screen. Similarly, while (again) I’ll buy that Echo chose not to talk about her mom’s death with Bellamy before he decided to be a dick about it, I fully believe that the timing of that conversation was only there because if it had occurred on the ring where it would have been more appropriate, the audience would have missed it.
Now, picture this: if the scene with Madi had been in a written fanfic, Clarke could have said “you didn’t lose me,” Madi could have said “I didn’t mean you,” and Clarke could have remembered Madi telling her the story of her birth mom dying in her arms. Then Clarke could have mentally made the decision that she didn’t want Madi to relive that in an attempt to empathize with her, and she makes an effort to convince her that she’s fine. In just 2 or 3 paragraphs a written story could have effectively conveyed both the exposition and the emotional beats of the scene, concluding with Clarke making a (maybe misguided but still sweet) attempt to be a good mom by not dredging that up for Madi (or something – I’m not defending the crappy and inconsistent writing of Clarke’s parenting we’ve on screen so far).
Moving right along, we had a lovely flashback montage of Hope and Dev, which was sufficient to make me (and several of the tumblrs I follow) care about Dev at least enough to be saddened by his death. However, what we didn’t get was a damn crumb of flashback showing Orlando and Anomalykru developing any kind of familial relationship between him agreeing to train them, and whatever dynamic we were supposed to pick up on at the end of that episode. I got a little protective big sister vibe from Echo and Hope but that’s it. They apparently expended their allotment of emotion-inducing flashbacks on the dead guy, and failed entirely to make me give a shit about (as it turned out) the next dead guy.
Now we’re going into an episode with Octavia on (presumably) Bardo in the promo, so I’m guessing we get to see her skyring-self link up with her return-to-Gabriel-with-clean-hair self. As least with Octavia’s jumping storyline it seems like the writers have consistently made some kind of effort to fill in the blanks.
But we’re also looking at the rest of the season where Echo, Gabriel, Hope, oh hi Jordan I forgot about you again, Diyoza, Octavia, and probably Bellamy and Hoth!Kru (AKA team let’s follow Raven onto a strange planet without putting on suits or having an exit strategy, yay!) have all experienced asynchronous development over periods of multiple years. Given the show’s track record from seasons 5 and 6, I strongly suspect that this won’t be handled any better, meaning that the final season of this show is going to try not only to resolve all the plot points, but to toss in a bunch MORE offscreen character development and hope we catch on.
Beyond character development jumps, we also have Raven and Murphy losing their seasons 1-5 development in season 6 only to have to re-learn and re-change back to who they already were in seasons 4 and 5. Murphy learned to value his spacekru family and stop putting himself first 100% of the time, and yet his arc in season 6 happened. Raven has always been involved in the big life-or-death decisions, and had her being-the-bad-guy moment in season 4 with the rationing, but as we saw in 7x03 the writers really wanted to… redo all of that for her? The girl blew up a bridge full of guys and flash-fried a 300-person army when she was 18; blood on her hands may not be fun but what’s with seasons 6 and 7 acting like it’s something new?
While I’m aware that Jason said his seasons are individual movies (don’t admit that you’re bad at continuity buddy ‘cause that’s what it sounds like) seasons 1-5 and 6&7 are clearly telling separate stories (or 1-4, 5, 6-7 if you prefer). The trouble with 6&7 is that unlike seasons 1-4 (and sort-of 5) we no longer know the characters. Every time someone sits still too long, character-development wise, plot comes along and hits the reset button, tosses them into a wormhole for a couple of years and they come back with the same face but no continuity. It was difficult enough to deal with in season 5 – between 6 and 7 I just can’t keep up. (Even writing this meta, I have to keep going back because I remembered another character who fell into this trap.)
Now if a fanfic writer had done the exact same thing – same plot, same time skips, same organization – it would have played out completely different to the readers. We could have gotten to see inside the character’s minds when they arrived back on screen, seeing things with new, older eyes. We could have had minimally invasive flashbacks to show important exposition (like the disaster that was the conversation about Madi’s mom) and verbal descriptions to point out differences like Octavia’s ten-years-older body. Additionally, the plots of seasons 6 and 7 are so different yet full of overdone callbacks to the earlier seasons – if a fan was writing their own AU story but still wanted some of the trappings of the original plot I’d get it, but on a TV show written by the same people it just feels like they ran out of ideas.
Watching seasons 6 and 7 is exactly like watching fanfiction would be – but without the written and fan-made advantages of fanfiction, they fall flat.
*I do like season 7 better than season 6 because the content of the individual episodes containing Murphy/Emori/Raven and Octavia/Diyoza/bbyHope was still enjoyable content, so 2 out of 4 I have liked so far, despite this very very long rant I’ve just written explaining why as a whole I rather hate the season overall.
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edcn911 · 4 years
chicago’s very own  eden harvey  has been spotted on madison avenue driving a 1969 chevrolet camero , welcome ! your resemblance to taylor hill is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your  twenty fifth birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re  maligned , but being liberated  might help you . i think being an  aquarius  explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be a deep red lip stain , scattered polaroids depicting hazy memories , conversations with strangers at 3 am . ( i’ve been to prison . none of my family knows that , though . ) &( cis female + she / her  ) +  ( emily , 25 , she / her , pst )
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❤️ hi friends and loved ones , this is eden , east’s problematic older sister . she’s a fucking train wreck so i already apologize for the shit she is bound to cause . please hit the like if ur into plotting with me ! ur all cute af , xoxo .
biography .
name : eden harvey
age : twenty five
gender : cis female
zodiac : aquarius
sexuality : bisexual
profession : artist / sculptor 
hair color : brown
eye color : blue
piercings : both lobes
tattoos : none
born in london , eden is the first child of her parents , the budding family welcoming in easy two years after eden’s birth . there’s not much to note in the early years of her childhood other than the family relocated to chicago when she was six . she was never an easy child to deal with . she was constantly getting in trouble at school and at home . she just didn’t want to listen to anyone and had a very strong disdain toward authority . the first american school she was sent to she was quickly expelled from for her behavior and this caused an immense rift to form in the family . eden’s reckless antics was enough to suck the life from her parents . literally . when it came to her younger brother , east , they were burnt out . they kept him in one place and were abusive . it was easier to exert control over east than it was for them to manage eden . she protected her brother fiercely from the mistreatment of her parents , but this toxic family dynamic only encouraged eden to act out further . she became accustomed to sneaking out at night , sleeping around , and doing drugs . eden contemplated running away from home multiple times during her youth ; the only thing that kept her in one place was her brother , east . her lowest point was when east tried to take his life when he was 15 . it was probably one of the most traumatic events of her life and while she served as her brother’s emotional support and rock , it rattled her to the point where eden began to drink consistently . this started a habit that she still partakes in to this day .when she turned eighteen and was more assured of her brother’s wellbeing , it was time to flee the nest . she spent a few months in new york on her own , working on her art . eden always had been compelled toward the arts . painting , sculpting , and other physical art forms really drew her in as a means to get out of the negativity in a way that’s healthy and not self destructive which is basically her brand anyways . she met someone who owned several art galleries around the pacific northwest , so by age twenty , she had relocated to seattle and was getting her work put in galleries and other art exhibits . she never really stayed in one place for long , though . eden is a notorious nomad and she often moves around a lot . she doesn’t really ever ‘ get comfortable ’ anywhere . despite traveling around america , eden always made it her first priority to look after her younger brother . she kept in contact with her circle back from chicago as well just to keep an eye on him and make sure that he is safe , happy , and healthy . she blames herself a lot for the way his childhood turned out . her relationship with their parents was deplorable and eden was 100% the instigator in it all . she feels like if she was a better person , her parents would’ve taken a different approach in raising east . more recently , she has moved back to the east coast to be closer to her little brother . this action was inspired by actually spending three and a half months in prison in oregon . eden was arrested for driving without a license and driving while intoxicated . she also tried to resist arrest , but managed to get that charge dropped in court . eden managed to keep this entire thing from her family . she didn’t want to see the disappointment in her brother’s eyes , so she excused her absence as ‘ soul searching ’ and filled his head with false tales of self improvement . currently , she is trying desperately to adjust back to normal life after her brief prison stint and put the pieces of her life back together . bet .
personality .
eden is a very bullheaded individual --- meaning , she’s going to do whatever the fuck she wants , when she wants , how she wants it and there is nothing that anyone can say to sway her . it’s very much her way or the high way when it comes to eden ; she’s really unwilling to budge on mostly everything . while i wouldn’t go as far as to say that she has a temper , i would say that eden has a pretty bad attitude . she’s a pessimist at heart and it definitely speaks through her art . she never depicts anything too happy and one could argue that eden ha sonly experienced fleeting moments of happiness in her life . shifting to a different note , eden is passionate . she is akin to a wildfire . she’s intense and she stares people right in the eye when she speaks to them . as much as she loathes people , she’s also so deeply fascinated with them . she’s the type of girl who is sitting at the bar before last call , in deep conversation with someone she doesn’t even know the name of . there are some brighter points to eden’s persona that i would love to cover --- i promise she isn’t all doom and gloom ! aside from her fierce sense of loyalty , eden is very intuitive and empathetic . one wouldn’t really associate those traits with someone who is so rough on the exterior , but eden feels very deeply and she tends to take on the emotions of others around her . i would describe her as a chameleon in the sense of she can easily change her colors to fit in with those around her . if the mood is light and jovial , she can be that way . if the atmosphere is tense , then she is going to be apprehensive and trigger - happy . that’s just how she is . i would best describe eden as the type of girl who is akin to a breeze in the air . she just goes whichever way she pleases and where she lands is where she lands . deep down , she is an incredibly sad girl who struggles deeply with her past and who she is as a person . she lacks self - love . she knows she’s a lot to manage and doesn’t really see past that or why she would ever be worth anyone’s time of day beyond that . with that said , eden is very good at faking it . if she wants to portray herself a certain way , she will . for example , she wants east to believe that she is put together and has all of her ducks in a row -- so she goes above and beyond to make him believe that because she can’t handle him ever looking down on her . it’s a weird concept she has with mostly everyone who has made an impact on her life . she’s good at acting like she doesn’t give a fuck when in fact she really , really does . 
 plots .
while i would LOVE to write out a bunch of extensive plot ideas like i had for pavarti’s intro , i am lazy . like real fucking lazy , so i decided to list some plots that i would absolutely ❤️ to have for eden , separated into both platonic and romantic categories ! 
romantic : someone eden broke the heart of badly , hateship , friends with benefits , exes on bad terms , one night stand , mutual infatuation / one sided infatuation 
platonic :  roommates , childhood friends , good influence ( on eden ) , bad influence ( eden on your muse / your muse on eden ) , muse , art friends , party buddies , confidants , enemies , friends turned to enemies , fake friendship , sibling like friendships , platonic soulmate 
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megafaunatic · 4 years
Hey! I hope you don't mind but I devoured your Untamed works on AO3 (except for "If You Were Made For Me", I admit, because it has a Sad Ending and right now I can't bear with that. I just want them to be happy and fluffy domestic together. They have been through enough and so have I! But I inted on reading it when I'm on a better headspace). Your Wangxian writing is the BEST I've found and I absolutely ADORE how you write their dynamics. I would like to say especially your interactions (1/10)
between Lan WangJi and the Jiang siblings, but honestly, you write all their dynamics, espacially family ones (my faves!) so wonderfully and it's really such a treat! Also, I love SO much how you write Jiang Cheng! I think your portrayal of him is so spot on and perfect. I loved his interactions with WWX and LWJ on "Linger in the Sun", I really re-read many times because it was so beautiful, and don't get me started on the explanations both give to WWX! I also especially loved (2/10)
"You, Asleep and Dreaming" because of the sheer domesticity, how WWX helps around Cloud Recess and his efforts are welcome and appreciated, the non-sexual intimacy is absolutely beautiful, how much they appreciate and adore eachother and, let me tell you, the way WWX's complexes and traumas are portrayed? LWJ's support and care for him? It hit home, like, hard. I had to breathe for a sec there. It reminded me so much of my parter and I there. The relationship you portray is such a (3/10)
beautiful, realistic, healthy one. I love that for them. Is exactly how I imagine them and what they deserve. I love it. Also, they are so CUDDLY!! They love to cuddle so much and I love to cuddle that much too, so I just ENJOY it SO much! They take every small chance they can they can to cuddle and I'm LIVING for it!! I'm right there with you, guys!! My partner is always so surprised by how much I love cuddles and we have been together for years! But I think probably my favourite one is (4/10)
"Grand Pianos Crash Together". It focuses on their relationship, but it also shows how they have people around how loves them and who they love too (the conversations between LWJ and LQR and LXC?? Do you know what you have done to my heart??????LXC saying sometimes love isn't enough is something I've said for years and it really hit, man, it really hit, specially in his context. Damn), and that doesn't keep them from choosing a path they are happier in and also some (5/10)
PRIVACY, aside from JC crashing in, but it leads to 100/10 interaction so I'm quite cool with it. I abslutely loved WWX going "I should have married you at that stupid temple. Our families were already there", wich also makes me wonder how their wedding would be. In most of your writings, in the ones where they en up together, you always have them want to get married (obvs!!) but they never are shown doing it and I can't help but be all giddy imagining their families there, everyone there (6/10)
just being together, interacting, showing their different levels of support for their loved ones (LXC and JC being brothers with WWX and LWJ TT_TT and don't get me started on LQR, the juniors, Wen Ning...). In my head I've mixed all your writings (except the Sad Ending one). I really love Shi and Guang and all your OCs and would love to know more about them (and I'm usually weary of people's OCs in fanfics. A bad habit, I know) but I imagine that LXC is the one taking over the Chief (7/10)
Cultivator role due to me wanting him to open up to the world again and not to punish himself for what JGY did (I want him to he happy!!) and I think that experience also gave him a better understanding of the world and people without losing his heart that could really make him so good. Wen Ning is everyone's friends because he's a sweetheart and he deserves it. A mix of "It's Only Time", "GPCT", "Y,AaD" and "Linger in the Sun" happens and they are hella domestinc and fluffy traveling (8/10)
around and teaching the juniors when the oportunity comes here and there, while visiting their friends and just being happy together, in eachother's arms. OH! ALSO!! They marry, but because of you and your portrayal of JC and WWX working to rebuild their relationship I wonder: both dreamed since they were kids of their sister's wedding (CUTE), so does JC do the same for WWX? Does he try his best to make his wedding perfect? Does that help to ease his and LWJ relationship? Does LXC want (9/10)
to help to? (Also, conversation between LXC and JC about their brothers?????? YES PLEASE!!!!) Do the juniors or even LQR want to help? How do WWX and LWJ feel about all this people loving them so fiercely? This is probably the most important part of what I wanted to tell you, just how much I love and appreciate your work and how happy is making me. Right now my country is on quarantine, I can't with my partner, but you are making this so much better and easyer for me. Thank you. Really.(10/10)
OOOOMG... Good morning tumblr user faraige!!!! This was so amazingly sweet to receive, I don't know what to say 🥺🥺🥺 Thank you so much for reading my fics & for appreciating them so deeply! I'm so honored by your love for them, and I'm glad my writing spoke to you like this!! That's all I really want 🥺💛
also I definitely want to write LXC & JC talking abt their brothers at some point. I don't really care for x.icheng in particular, but I think they have... a lot to talk about... in the end of the story they're both left behind, full of grief and anger and betrayal that they're not necessarily "allowed" to feel, overshadowed by the accomplishments/successes/redemption/happy endings of their brothers, having been in the wrong all along. There's a lot there!! WOO!!!
OK I ALSO do want to encourage you to read "If you were made for me" because it does have a sad ending BUT, LIKE, it exists within the canon timeline so you know they get a happy ending EVENTUALLY...!!! And it has some scenes & exchanges that I'm really very proud of :')
WAH ANYWAY this was such an amazingly kind series of messages, thank you so much!!! 🥺 I hope you get to see your partner soon, and I hope we ALL get out of quarantine safely & quickly!!
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saltyaro · 5 years
You know, I’ve been replaying the Ace Attorney games lately. At first I was bored and out of nowhere, I redid Dual destinies just because I hadn’t in a long time. Which led me to play the first game again (mainly for the Edgeworth case I love it so much tbh) and I’m now replaying Spirit of justice. 
And...I can’t help but absolutely love those games because. It’s just so easy to hc everyone - and bu that I mean absolutely everyone important - as arospec! In canon, Phoenix does have one (1) romantic relationship at one point but I’d like to point out that one crush in your life does not make you alloromantic. Given the context I’d say either greyro or heteronormativity? I guess he can’t really be demiro but he could also be recipro (with the context again. Recipro does sound particularly consistent though). He doesn’t have any other romantic stuff even hinted at him! Pearls wants to believe Maya and him are dating but it always makes them 100% uncomfortable (the age gap people. Also, siblings dynamic). Pearls is kinda brainwashed by TV but hasn’t ever expressed interest in romance for herself, even her older self. 
Edgeworth doesn’t have any interest in romance either. And I know he’s often shipped with Phoenix (I learnt about that quite recently actually-) but...even outside of my “I’ll make everyone aro if I can” motto, I...never shipped them romantically, even before I learnt of aromanticism. I like their dynamic, and how it’s implied Edgeworth opened up more (to everyone) after his trauma got relieved a bit. I want him to act like a stupid kid around his friends. Like, I can acknowledge Phoenix and him have a special bond, but someone special doesn’t mean it’s romantic and. Edgey’s emotional development got stopped after he parted with Pheonix and Larry so there’s that to consider too. This is the kind of bond of trust that can’t be broken and I find it beautiful, but I’m also pretty sure it would be unhealthy to only rely on one person, regardless of the nature of the relationship. 
Apollo? Doesn’t have a romantic subplot. I guess there’s Junie who’s got a thing for him but he doesn’t reciprocate - and I relate to him not even being aware of it lmao. He’s so oblivious around romance, if he’s not arospec who is.
Athena? No romance in her life. She’s a lot like Phoenix (in her past trauma and her reason for doing the things she does) and I love her. Also, if someone ships her romantically with Simon, then I hate that person and will steal their bed. They’re like siblings and have like, a 10 years gap. 
Trucy is the sun and doesn’t know what romance is. She’d use it as a magic trick and burn it/make it disappear into her magic panties (actually please do that Trucy, I beg of you). 
Well, I could also mention like, Gavin, I guess he’s just a flirt but I don’t think it really means anything, romantic-attraction-wise. He’s also too cool to be straight to i’m going to make him aro. Though I don’t have a consistent HC for him outside of “not straight” if I’m being honest. 
And it’s not even like romance doesn’t exist in the AA universe! Larry’s the straightest guy to ever straight (he’s harmless but outside of that...) and the cases often have romantic subplots and all. Well, not *that* often, and it’s generally the cause for murder but still. It’s a thing, it exists. Also we have a canon WLW in Dual Destinies and she’s one of the rare romance-havers not to be a culprit! She’s not the best, like she def has anger issues, but it’s all explained and understandable. She also loves her brother very much and deserves good things and therapy. 
I really, really love the dynamic of Phoenix’s found family? You have Maya, Trucy, and Pearls (and I guess Athena and Apollo are part of it too but they arrive later and have less interactions so). Pearls is Maya’s cousin, but otherwise, no one has any blood relationship in their little family. No romance needed. Phoenix adopted Trucy (and is apparently doing a great job) and babysits Pealrs and Maya. They’re all free of doing whatever they want, and they know they’re always going to come back together. It’s a found family but, not the “nuclear family” way, you know? Maya definitely isn’t acting as Trucy’s mother, and more like Phoenix’s sister I guess (Trucy and Maya do lack canon interaction but I always felt like said interactions were implied). I love their little family and the freedom in it. It’s just so healthy. 
The last thing, not aro related, but still great and why I love those games-
Mental illness. I’m not saying it’s great rep, I don’t think it is, but...it’s just, so refreshing that you have characters with mental illnesses and issues that aren’t bad people. They aren’t the culprits, and, like in real life, are more likely to be victims. The diagnostic is never given in the game, but Edgeworth’s trauma? Not mocked. He definitely has PTSD, and, his fear of earthquakes? Wondered about, but not mocked. I guess that’s part of the reason I always go back to his case in the first game: to hear someone you care about, someone you trust, tell you: “I believe in you. I know your mind has been lying to you the whole time, and I’m here to say it’s okay. Those are just lies. Even when you stop believing in yourself, I’ll still believe in you.” That’s just so powerful, I can’t help but feel emotional every time. Add to that the fact that this bond isn’t romantic and. Yeah.
For Athena’s trauma, it’s the way it’s displayed I really love. Her game is much more recent, and it shows. She just blacks out when her PTSD gets triggered and no one shames her for that. Even though no one knows what’s happening inside her head for the longest time. She needs to be brought back to her senses, to be grounded. It’s not like she gets to have therapy on screen or anything, no character really gets a lot of time off the courtroom anyway, but given the context, I found she was treated in a very sensitive way.
The last example I can think of, is a character with DID. I say DID, but I doubt that’s good rep, and that’s probably not the way people with DID experience life, but that’s what’s said in the game so...Anyway, they’re a witness and, if you know how AA games work, the real culprit is *always* a witness. And you know how in pop culture, people with multiple personalities are often treated as villain, with the “hidden personality” no one knows about, not even the person, and this hidden personality is a murderer? I was sooo afraid the game was going to go that way. They even did hint at it, with giving the character the “hidden personality”. Except, the “hidden personality”, much like all of the other people of the system, is...100% harmless. And just that was so refreshing. Which goes to say a lot about the state of the rep for mental diversity. I don’t know the reality of experiencing DID, but in the game the witness interacts with themselves, and everyone in the court speaks to each individual differently, and the witness isn’t treated as delusional. 
Those characters are accused wrongly of murder, when in reality they haven’t hurt a fly. And exonerating them is key to solving the case at hand. I don’t know who’s responsible for that, but I’m extremely grateful to them. To explicitly have your main character, the character you’re playing, clear the name of the mentally ill characters? It’s a blessing and not something you would expect from a game that named one of its recurring characters “Larry Butz”. 
Anyway, I guess I am kinda trying to convince some of you to play those games (and goof about it with me) in this post. Even though it wasn’t my initial intent. If all of this isn’t enough to convince you - play those games for the awful puns. The characters’ names are terrible. Also I know I mentioned romance existing but weirdly enough it wasn’t annoying? Probably because it’s actually downplayed a lot. It’s only relevant as a plot device and it’s just like. Stated. Not dwelved deeper into. Those games are great for when you’re romance tired. 
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heartschoicegames · 5 years
Heart’s Choice Author Interview: RoAnna Sylver, “Dawnfall”
Find true love and family with a pirate crew at the ends of the universe, where aliens, ghosts, and portals open the space between worlds...and your heart. You are a Navigator, one who creates and guards portals from one dimension to another, wary of the liminal sea between them.
Your universe is made of two worlds: one contains the magic-infused world of Zephyria, and the other, the dystopian space station Eclipse. The worlds are balanced, until one day, an explosive disaster, a deadly energy storm, and an infamous pirate—the Ghost Queen—upend your life and plunge you into a race to save both worlds.
Dawnfall is a 232,000 word interactive romance novel by RoAnna Sylver,  one of the first set of games releasing with the launch of Heart’s Choice. I sat down with the author, RoAnna Sylver, to talk about writing interactive romance. Heart’s Choice games release December 2nd.
Dawnfall has frankly an insanely wonderful setting for a romance game. Tell me about the aliens, the pirates, the ghosts, and the alien-pirate-ghosts.
Hi there! I’m so glad you think this sounds fun! Yeah, Dawnfall is weird as heck, and that’s one of the things I love about this story. It’s weird in a way I don’t think we’ve seen much of before. I really just tried to put in everything I find fun or interesting, and that I’ve always wanted to write. Dawnfall started out as a total brain-candy project, and runs on pure Rule of Cool. Pirates? Yes. Magic? Yes. A slice of cyberpunk? Hell yes. Eerie ghosts and faerie-tale influences and memory-sharing potions? Giant bird people? The power of rock n’roll? Yes, yes, yes.
And also everybody’s dateable, and in a couple cases, dating each other. We weave a tangled web, but I think it’s a pretty badass and spectacular web.
You seem to really neatly straddle the genre fence here with a romance and sci-fi/fantasy. What was challenging about cramming all of that into one game?
Thank you so much for saying that. I’ve always adored SFF, and there’s so much in this genre-collection, so many extremes and concepts and contrasting colors, that I couldn’t limit myself to picking just one to play with. This weird game-book is kind of a love letter to fantasy and science fiction and haunted house stories and cyberpunk adventures—I thought a lot about the Disney movie Treasure Planet for its genre-blending beauty, and the Bioware game Mass Effect for its array of fascinating, multidimensional alien cuties to interact with and date… and then turned it up to eleven.
I guess you’d expect the challenge to be in making it all fit together/be “believable,” but I kind of threw that out the window. I don’t expect anyone to find it ‘realistic’ (setting-wise anyway; I tried to make every character ring true of course), and I don’t really care if someone thinks it’s silly, or doesn’t take it seriously. It is silly in a lot of ways. DAWNFALL is a giant ridiculous queer space magic pirate adventure, and the only goal is fun. If you have fun, I’ve done my job, and there should be something fun in here for everyone.
Did you have a favorite NPC you enjoyed writing most?
Honestly I love them all so much in different ways, and I know them so well by now it’s really second nature. Their voices come so easily and they’re all so much fun. The Queen’s swagger is awesome though, and her mental voice/mannerisms probably come through especially clearly. I love Zenith’s vulnerable moments when xie lets xir guard down and lets go of the need to entertain or please. I love Averis’s journey and growth from cute wibbly nerd to a confident swashbuckler (who is also still a cute wibbly nerd). I love how deeply Oz feels, how strongly he loves and remembers and honors memory, and how unafraid he is to show softness and warmth. And I love a certain spoilery ghost-babe and how they’re so full of joy at the beauty of life.
I do want to give special mention to Aeon, though. This is a story about connection, and I wanted to show that sibling bonds are every bit as important and strong as romantic or any other. I also wanted to show a complex, multidimensional antagonist figure who holds heartbreaking secrets along with authority, and is genuinely trying to do what she thinks is the best thing, and wants what’s best for you, the PC, even if you might not always agree. Her balance between being so emotionally guarded and determined and unyielding, while hopefully being extremely easy to read and tell what she wants and fears and loves—spoiler: you; she loves you!—was a challenge I hope I pull off.
…Also I enjoy any time Vyranix gets his pompous feathered ass handed to him. I think we all know a Vyranix, or at least of one, and it’s always fun to take them down, even in fantasy.
Who would you be romancing as a player?
I’m gonna say “everyone,” and here it won’t actually be cheating, because you can romance everyone! At once! In varying degrees/relationship dynamics and attractions. You don’t see a lot of polyamory-friendly games or books or anything really, and this is an incredibly important thing for me. The second I got the idea for Dawnfall I knew it had to let players romance anyone they wanted and show polyamory in a realistic, healthy light. I’m also a-spec (asexual and aromantic), and having not just good representation but being actively included and welcomed and celebrated in fiction is so huge too.
Dawnfall is a romance of course, being part of Heart’s Choice, but one of the single most vital elements for me is making it inclusive for aromantic and asexual players and player-characters. Essentially, I wanted to write a romance that didn’t penalize players for not experiencing the attractions the way we’re otherwise expected or required—and I’m so grateful that my amazing editors and community not only accepted but supported everything I was trying to do here. (It’s so refreshing not to have to fight for inclusion and freedom. It shouldn’t be, but it is.)
And that’s where the concept of “Heart-Stars” and “Same-Feathers” came from. I’ve never seen anything honor queerplatonic relationships like I’m trying to do here, and I want everyone, of every sexuality and attraction, to feel like they have a place here and can experience this adventure without limits. And I wanted to show that it’s a very normal thing, hence this being the same for the human characters as well as alien. (One of the nonbinary characters being human is also no mistake. I love me some wild alien genders, but there are tons of awesome nonbinary humans too!)
…That being said, I think I gave Averis most of my anxiety-issues, and would really just like to curl up with Oz and watch The Great British Bake-Off. That sounds like a perfect night in my books.
What were some of the things you found surprising about the game-writing process?
Coding was definitely the biggest learning curve. I’d never coded anything before in my life, and it’s such a new skillset to learn, entirely different from any kind of writing I’ve ever done. Sometimes it felt rewriting my brain, which did not at all do this intuitively—and also sometimes like I bit off much more than I could chew (first game ever being not only a huge piece of interactive fiction, but a polyamorous romance with aro and ace possibilities, and so many more variables than expected!), but it’s been worth it. Entirely. If my writing makes anyone feel seen and accepted and invited to have fun as they are, it’s worth every bit of struggle.
Also, oddly, interactive fiction is in some ways easier for me than writing a plain old book! Probably because I love AUs so much, and every choice in a game is like writing a tiny AU of the story, so I get to do the same scenes several different ways. My ADHD-brain finds something about this extremely satisfying, most likely because it somehow feels more like multitasking! Several stories in one, and if I like two ideas, I don’t have to pick just one to write!
Honestly though, I think the most surprising part is just being done, and…that I could do this at all. It was so huge, and took so long, and I learned so much, and every day I’m just kind of going “who the hell am I?” about doing all of this. I’m proud of it. I did a cool thing. And trying to get better at saying that.
And, what are you working on now?
I always have about 8 active projects going at once (which shouldn’t come as a surprise after last question!), but my next interactive fiction game is with Tales/Fable Labs! It’s shaping up to be a Dawnfall-sized project, but a little faster-moving and action-y.
It’s called Every Beat Belongs To You, and it’s a romantic thriller that feels like Twin Peaks meets Mr. Robot, with a smattering of Repo: The Genetic Opera. A creepy Pacific Northwest town with a secret (and a rash of ritualized murders), a super-slick medical research company whose flagship product is a 100% perfect synthetic heart, a mysterious new-age group, and a sister who went missing just before discovering how it’s all connected. Also five simultaneously-dateable (including ace and aro ships!) cuties of varying genders! Who will you trust with your heart?
I’m very excited about Everybeat, which should be just as queer, polyam, exciting, and weird as all my stuff! Aside from that, I’m working on Stake Sauce Book 2, its companion f/f vampire series Death Masquerade, and Chameleon Moon Book 3. I’m not always working…sometimes there are videogames, and sleep. But I really hope to have a lot more fun things to share soon!
Oh, and depending on how this weird, fun thing goes, I do have some ideas for prequel Dawnfall stories; maybe games, maybe books, but the ideas are there. The world—worlds, really—is so huge, and I’m not done playing in it yet! I also have some character art drawn, and I want to do a lot more of them. It’s another way to show love.
So thank you so much! I really hope Dawnfall is as fun to everyone to read/play as it was for me to write. I can’t wait to share it with you!
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